#i used to be sort of a hater but im glad to say that im well past that
5-pp-man · 5 months
do u usually watch anime dubbed or subbed if u have the option
hiyaa, I always go for subs the first time around! Sometimes I watch dubs w my dad (I love the grepre dub sm that i actually prefer Laurent's eng dub voice, a tough hurdle to clear with Junichi Suwabe as his jpn va) Sometimes I watch parts of eng dubs just to check out what they sound like, I like comparing voices :)
I'm actually thinking of watching eng dubs more often, I have a few in mind that i wanna check out (sk8, yoi, sasamiya, all dubs I've heard good/funny things abt). The reason I always go for subs at first is because i still wanna learn japanese, and since I'm so passionate about translation I want to appreciate the work in its original form so I can really appreciate the work that went into dubbing it too I do, however, almost always choose dubs when it comes to video games... idk why. Though, there are some exceptions (when I dont like the dub, in smtv's case, or with worlds end club where we had dutch text so the eng voices became too distracting).
Also, a thing I always make exceptions for is dutch dubs. If there is one I drop everything and watch that one (but it rarely happens w anime unfortunately, just with kids shows like pokemon, inazuma, etc)
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
Sooo Tokyo debunker posted on their Twitter about ep 4
Maybe it’ll have something to do with either
1. Wanting to be human/normal again?
2. Maybe something about what he gave up for his wish/pact
3. His debt with Romeo? (Even though Luca paid for most of it)
Any predictions or hopes for this ep?
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Kaito? My silly boy? I suppose I should have expected him to appear given that he is debt to Romeo and while I am glad to see him again... if anything happens to him we will have to blow the whole school up. agreed? agreed.
I think it probably has to do with his debt more than anything, his homescreen lines imply that he's always hard up for cash and not very good at managing his impulse buys, though a lot of it just seems to be from a want to do normal things with friends. He seems genuinely quite lonely. I won't rule out that it has something to do with wanting to be human again, but I think we'll find that a lot of general admission students have been going missing too and they're already human. So the likely answer is just money.
We get involved to save Peekaboo because Taiga kidnapped him, probably as collateral for a debt Haru has. If anything happens to him we should be allowed to help Towa destroy their dorm.
Taiga doesn't remember shooting us in the prologue and probably doesn't care too much about it. I'm not too sure what to make of him but his intro line asking if we think he could have done anything different makes me think he could be a bit sweet on MC. Maybe. Sort of. Like eventually. I just hope he's a different flavor of hater than Leo and if I could be truly selfish I would want to see them fight. He gives big "kidnapped by the mafia" energy and as someone who never has touched or wrote any of those fics, I am prepared to enter my watpad era for you guys. I'll just probably start with Floyd because I have been having thoughts.
Tohma will continue being a sneaky slut. Does he have any connections in Sinostra? Does he want them? He mentions a spy in Book 2 and I feel in my spine that he might be suspicious of Haku. I certainly am, his intentions towards the school seem like they could be less than pure, even if he does seem to like MC.
Luca will be acting a fool if Kaito goes missing because protecting his people is important to him, but Jin won't let him do anything.
Leo will continue to cause problems on purpose and it will further strain his relationship with Sho. It will have something to do with Subaru and Hotarubi, possibly as a set up for the fifth book which will probably be about their dorm.
There seems to be a trend of MC's friends from the previous book having some stuff to say and this might be pure fucking crack but does anyone else get the sense that Taiga and Haru could be related? They've got different last names but are both bad with money and the same genre of ginger. Also don't think I've forgotten that Haru was a transfer to Jabberwock, I've got a slight suspicion that transfer was from Sinostra.
While I am doing lines, Obscuary, the dorm that's missing it's other characters right, I think the janitor we and Haru interact with is their dorm leader because he kind of looks like the guy facing away from the camera in the loading screen. Why he's working as a janitor and not wearing his uniform? No clue but Rui does have a line about taking out trash in on of his random campus encounters but again. This is pure speculation on my part. I do think he'll show up again in this book though. Maybe he's another one of Tohma's boy toys idk
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blackgumball · 3 months
okay weird pull but you know how people say that taylor swift is so popular because her work is so bland. she’s uninterested in making any sort of statement or breaking any sort of mould, so her work is so palatable and widely relatable that it becomes so popular among so many people? (real quick psa im a tswift hater so i dont listen to her music, this is a recycled opinion from a more educated hater than me)
i am beginning to feel a similar way about bridgerton. its premise relies on the idea of a diverse regency england, but it becomes clearer and clearer to me every day that the show is meant for white people. all the bridgertons are white, so every love story will either be swirl or just a white relationship (shoutout to polin ig). not saying that poc dont enjoy the show (we obviously do) but there’s this vocal white audience that keeps harassing actors of colour whenever a decision is made that they dont like. or that strays from the books (which is soooo insane literally the moment they cast rege jean page your dumb cracker asses shouldve realised that the show wasnt gonna care about being book accurate ESPECIALLY since julia quinn basically said out loud that every character in her books would be racist.)
and the show Clearly isn’t interested in pushing any boundaries. look at fucking cressida cowper. given, i have no idea whether her character is going to return to the show, but the way they handled her was so muddled and fucked up that i wondered why they even bothered? they bring her in, humanise her, and then cart her off with this terrible fate. why? if anything, it made eloise and colin far less likeable (eloise, because it seemed like she didnt care about the fate of the only person who treated her with respect after she was “ruined”, and colin, because it made him seem shortsighted, naïve, self centred, and pitifully stupid). i complain because i think eloise is right. the women in this period were stifled. they were not able to study as extensively as their brothers, not able to travel by themselves, kept from sex education into their adulthood, and married off to random men (sometimes against their will, as it was for danbury, charlotte, almost cressida, and arguably daphne). you set such a sexual show in a deeply unsexy time. there’s romance in cressida escaping, being cunning and able to run. it also would’ve made the show more DRAMATIC. it straight up doesnt make sense for cressida to learn whistledown’s identity and not go immediately to the queen. why not have her escape, and let the bridgertons deal with the consequences? i don’t know. they seemed to take the stupid way out.
and then there’s the lower classes, who we rarely see outside of the women bridgerton men fuck with no/low commitment, paperboys, and printers. i’ve said before how i think it’s hideous that the lives of these women aren’t explored outside of their role as sex objects. season one at least explored the tension between anthony and sienna, who he loved but couldn’t commit to (im very glad she got out of there. im glad she respected herself enough to cut ties w him). also in season one, we see how the servants of the bridgerton house played a role in saving daphne from marrying that gross dude, but it feels like that role has vanished from subsequent seasons. maybe they know that seeing how none of the lords and ladies and other rich pricks of mayfair can’t fend for themselves is a turn off for the modern person (remember when anthony and daphne couldn’t use a stove in s1? i got the ick bad). but by ignoring this massive demographic, the show proves its disinterest in exploring the pitfalls and prejudices of the society it is set in.
its a show where women who want to escape their circumstances are villainised for their attempts and where the lives of the poor are either ignored or used to threaten the privileged. you occasionally have a sienna or a theo, but through knowing them, we are never left with the sense that society should change. they may try that next season. i know benedict is supposed to fall in love with A Poor.
i want the show to be good. i want the show to be interesting. i want all the fans who think that it can’t be good unless it’s explicitly relatable to straight white women to get over themselves (or at least go back to tswift and tsitp). i want to watch the show and not feel as though all the female characters are trapped. i want to LIKE ELOISE. some things i dislike about the show are impossible to change, but i guess i just have to hope it can be better. actually start pushing against the constraints of the genre, why not? you’re already one of the most popular shows on TV, you can risk making good television.
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I really liked your post about the Forever situation , im also part of his chat, and your post kinda helped
I got a very big anxiety crisis because of this situation, it was terrible, but im better now!!:D
The only thing that scares me is the fandom invalidate the people who were victims of pedo just because they decide to still watch Forever y'know?
I’m glad I could help somehow!! if you’re anxious about the whole thing, don’t be afraid to take a step back!! I felt this looming sense of dread over it this morning, as I’m sure many of us did, so I’m happy I was able to put some people’s minds at ease. we don’t know everything about the situation yet, so let’s all just take a deep breath and remember that we are not personally involved in this situation and we can make our judgements if and when more information comes to light.
and YES god the thing about invalidating victims sucks, and the thing is it seems to happen from both sides of the argument. ofc most people from both sides aren’t invalidating victims’ experiences, but there are loud minorities from both who are. Some of those who dislike him are ignoring the victim’s wishes to not be involved (bc the information came from a third party) and pestering her to talk about it anyway as if somehow hearing from her will magically make it all make sense, even if it means her reopening her trauma and causing her harm, and some of those who still support him are saying there’s no way this is a valid allegation and the alleged victim should be ashamed, and he is right to get pissed since it’s OH SO CLEARLY false and EVERYONE gets these allegations nowadays (sarcasm). We have no way of knowing 100% if it’s true, the alleged victim has claimed that she does not want to be involved as far as I’m aware, the information came from a third party who apparently has a history of digging up dirt about the Brazilian ccs—there are SO many factors here that we can’t confirm or deny anything.
half the fandom is reacting the same way Dream’s fanbase did when his allegations (whether they ended up being true or not; idk i don’t care enough about him to watch his fucking video essay) came out. People are saying that the person bringing up the allegations is clearly just a hater and that’s the only reason they have for this. And maybe that’s true!! Idk!!! I’ve heard through the grapevine that the alleged victim does not want to be involved!!! It’s like when Cellbit’s past abusive relationship was being talked about a few months ago; the victim wanted no part in calling him out because the situation was done and over with and they didn’t want to think about it, let alone fight for some kind of justice they didn’t even want. It’s a complicated situation, but people need to stop putting this off as just hate from antis. These are allegations, and they should be taken seriously, while also leaving the victim alone and not pestering her for details. If she comes out and says she doesn’t want justice for this, let her have her peace. If Forever shows that he has changed—which it seems like he has, at least from my perspective—let him sort this out. If all of it is true and as bad as it seems?? Sure, drag him to hell and back. But take in as much information as you can before you decide what you want to do.
but anyway RANT ASIDE, no matter what, do not be afraid to take a step back and do something else. Your mental health is more important than the dubiously moral actions of some content creator.
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floralkittygambler · 1 year
Coming and Going - Some More Vivzie Shit
Before you start, this is an extremely LONG read covering this account, my views of Viv, my content and my relationships within this Godforsaken fandom. This is my most up to date thoughts in 2023 on everything. This is something I feel necessary for me to do.
Contents (in no particular order):
Current Situation
Relationships in the fandom
Why I started this Blog
Thoughts on Viv/co and how they've changed since m previous posts
the fans
future thoughts and moving on
If any of this interests you, read ahead. Titles will be provided for easier following.
Why I started this blog
Originally this was a blog like any other; art, reblogs n shit. As I grew more into a Viv fan, I started posting fanart and follow blogs on her work. The more I learned the more I hated, and thus I began to become a critic. I was pissed off at viv wasting her potential, and eventually I became just as toxic and shitty as both her hardcore haters and majority of her fans. Some takes were good, some bad, either way I got too involved, too absorbed and let it consume me. Stupidly getting into conflicts, stuff like that. And I became a hardcore hater. I vocalised it. My initial aims long lost. Then I disappeared.
Vivzie, co, all that
I went from adoration to disgust of this lot. Now though, whilst I deeply dislike Viv and her crew, deeply dislike majority of the fans, I just feel... Gross. Hollow. Exhausted. I have a lot to say on Viv and my previous takes but truthfully I am too lazy and too tired and ultimately have better shit to do than go through every little thing right *now*. But I do want to at least cover a few here to do some justice, I guess.
So to skim through a few. Lets go.
Viv tracing. Honestly, tracing is a useful skill but it's bad when you trace another's work, don't credit and claim it as your own. This includes modified tracing (starting with a trace then stylising over it to make it more your style). Having nazi, nonce, etc characters I think people take extreme. These sorts make excellent "love to hate them" villains. Owning such characters isn't a crime. It's how theyre portrayed and the purpose. The nuance - something to constantly keep in mind. Her romanticism sausage party art is yikes. With her age, maturity, humour, I believe she saw this as some kind of fucked up humour, having enough awareness to understand the taboo to hide this stuff yet I do feel this was a stupid kid doing stupid edgy shit. Does that make it right? No. But I definitely dont think Viv is some nonce or nazi supporter. Later finding out how this profile was discovered makes me equally question morality on all sides. Vivs beastiality nonce artwork with the snake tub, Ive seen private dms to solidify that viv admitted to both owning this piece and that it was supposed to be a joke. Once again, I genuinely dont think shes a nonce BUT she needs to realise that if that character was below 18, she has drawn child prawn (censorship whooo) as well as distributed it via sharing online. That's still something really serious and gross. I get her humour is immature and dark, but theres lines you dont cross. And I dont find that art funny in any ways, it genuinely looks like a perverts wank bank rather than funny. Idk if the lad was one of them shapeshifting animals either but being in a human form in this instance does make the portrayal a beastiality one, due to human presenting. That's not cool. As much as I loathe those who would abuse kids or animals, I dont think this is Viv necessarily. Though I believe in this sense, Viv needs to understand and work with her cats more. She's done a lot of wrong shit but false accusations derail from solid proven issues that need addressing. At the least, Im glad the animal pervs and nonce stuff is gone. Heartbreaking that shit is so often heard of. This is the sort of thing Id laugh at as a kid but now Im grown and look after little ones, it fills me with nothing but sickening horror. Whilst vile vile vile, I havent seen anything concrete to prove or imply Viv supporting/participating in such depravity. And I fucking pray it stays that way.
You have apologised in the past. But the way you did so, the way you spoke about it afterwards and the way you are now proves it was insincere. Something to shut 'haters' up.
Viv, with all your shit, neurodiversity and late maturity, you're still yet to change for the better. The people you hang with are some of the most vile, toxic, narcissistic and shitty people. Yes men. You hire fans who'll do anything to please you, which can open the path to abuse (note: CAN, not a definitive, though in this case...). You equally are still a shitty person still. You're coming apart at the seams. Critique and hate aren't the same, and unfortunately you'll need adaptability and tough skin in this world as people can be very cruel. You lie. You twist like a constrictor. Charm the more susceptible. A very well known kissarse of yours on twitter who was quite the bully was followed by yourself, liked tweets then hired. They arent the only one either. Whilst you cannot be responsible for every single fans every single action, their are responsibilities you hold. Dont like tweets that encourage hate, dont reward negative behaviours, check your own public actions and how they may influence (act like a prick and those who admire you will mimic). Behind the scenes, treat people right. Dont play favourites. Always have integrity. Learn to incorporate critiques as well as filter out legitimate hate. I know it's not easy, but it's necessary to survive.
Viv, I can wholeheartedly empathise with receiving harsh hate early on in life and online. I know how that can taint and stunt the mind. But the thing is, you have to eventually break from that. BE responsible. Grow. Ive been toxic before. That's partially why I fixate on some of this. Equally Im angry. You ARE a VERY talented artist with potential. A shitty writer, do work on that (as well as diverse stories to tell - gain those experiences or listen to those who've been there - esp as you're doing this as a living) but when you're passionate about a piece, you're talented. And when you're not, you do what we all do and dole shite out (btw people thought I was bullying Viv when I said her P5 Alastor piece was bad in comparison to her other works. The proportions were awful, you could tell she just wanted it out the way. A startling lack of soul.) From what I've seen, you crave approval and admiration to compensate from the past cruelty. I can empathise. But that shit isnt healthy. And you block yourself from growth. You cultivate a tainted crop. You poison yourself. You sacrifice integrity and the gruelling work of improvement for the instant gratification of worship from fans by bending to their desires and your own at the cost of quality. What couldve been groundbreaking storytelling and visuals is nothing more than a glorified low-level fanfic. Wasted potential. Something I cant stand. I have been harsh as that same method helped me. In doing so, I disregarded your own humanity. I wish I conducted myself better and though I never encouraged abuse, I'm sorry that my words may have contributed to this shit cycle.
Your staff and many of your fans have... Concerning attributes, such as the fetishing of toxic relationships, blurred boundaries, disregard of boundaries, etc. The stark numbers of such unpleasant people flocking you is extremely worrying.
I do deeply dislike you. I do feel you have ultimately caused your own shit - been there - but I do pity you as well. I wish you'd go the effort to be you. To be less try hard. To allow growth and change, diversity, stop petting hatred. Get a better crowd, esp one willing to actually help you to be better by pointing shit out. To stop mass abusing others. I do dislike you greatly. I wish you would do better but all you've been doing is doubling down on shit. I feel Icarus needs to fly closer to the Sun for change to happen. It feels like the only way you may actually ground yourself and smell the roses. I just wish folk could be better as a whole. Sick of shit like this. Whilst no one is perfect, there's still standards to uphold. Growth to be had. Breach stereotypes and fetishes that dehumanise, work on yourself and your relationships with others. Careful on your humour and learn how to execute humour properly. Glad you're not doing beastiality art though. You cant please everyone and shouldnt have to in order to be admired and popular. Just be better. Also hating kids isnt a personality. I get not everyone cares about them but dont take shit too far. They can be gross and annoying but in the end they're just... Children. Theyre learning and growing. You can only hope they bloom into decent people. Admittedly a kid tripping is pretty funny but there's a limit. If you want to portray a creep, don't do anything that endorses their behaviours. Theyre vile, remember. No kid deserves that. Work on financing too. Medicating via shopping is a dangerous road. Dont bend to social pressures (such as getting wasted because friends do if you dont want to). Vet your staff. Better ethics.
And the fans are just... A minority are lovely. I had a HuskerDust fan be respectful of our differences and hope the best for them. But the majority I've encountered or witnessed have been off their fucking heads. Often encouraged by Viv or staff. The staff and fans are now claiming that critics are homophobic racists falsely (which implies certain races, sexualities, identities, etc are absolved of criticism - which is both favouritism and it's own form of bigotry. Hell, it's spitting on the real victims of such crimes over mediocre cartoons and digital lunacy). These same people then insult people for... being cis and straight. Firstly, that's also bigotry and a dick move on identity and invalidation, it's also false in some cases (proving folks just spew shit), it demands special treatment for identities when we're all equal and deserve to be treated with equity, it's also just... Weak. Bigots can fuck off BUT many critiques have been about inconsistency in plots, writing and design issues, etc. Nothing pertaining identity.
Fans have been hypocritical like their idol. We're all hypocritical to an extent. But the madness... Ok, Blitzo uses retard (note: neurodivergant and have right to say that word, even then it also means delay "fire retardant" as well as where I live it's not nearly as bad as another term used yet is still fine in the US.) I think this isn't an issue as it can show things or speech patterns of the character. Then fans have falsely accused critics of ableism who either havent used the word, quoting this or even have right to say it yet coddle this fictional character. This was referenced in a recent episode with Blitzo about to call another character (rumours are this nurse is autistic but I do NOT have full confirmation. Pinch of salt!) retard before retracting it as it being unacceptable to say. Blitzo really wouldnt give a shit. Likewise I feel this is one of those permanant grey areas in fiction; is it? Isnt it? in terms of using terms. Of Mice and Men used slurs against black folk, that was to reflect that time and the character's mentalities. Not an author's mirror. Likewise, it wasn't used as humour either. Coming from ONE ND, I couldn't care. I feel this is hyperfocused on over more glaring issues, as well as a benefit of the doubt (being character mindset and possibly not author projection). Feel free to have your own opinions, and I only speak for myself there. I can empathise with those who may feel more sensitive to the word (which is why Im more careful in it's use) but as someone who is also technically affected, I just... Personally dont feel too bothered. Likewise, I'm learning to hold more human compassion and flexibility to error and human flaws rather than perfect standards (again, this wont justify or absolve. And more serious things like an assault doesnt apply. It's daft this needs clarifying, it should be the bare minimal). Not everyone will agree on everything, but there's just some lines that should be a standard. I think the staff and fans overall conduct themselves immaturely, cruelly, and cause harm.
I regret in engaging in some arguments. Not worth it. I think I shouldve been more compassionate to difference yet equally not been so volatile with harassment. HunterGirl's HD discord hate on me is... Something I shouldn't have fed. Hate me, that's fine. But the fact someone so close to Viv allowed the harassment is disappointing and shitty. Bitch behind the scenes but dont go out at people. Likewise behind the scenes talk, dont threaten folk either *Viv* (at one of your ex-staff). Call someone the biggest wanker you know but there are limits you dont cross. As with Viv and co, I once hoped for improvement but I just lack faith in that now and I'd just rather stay away from it all. Too much toxicity I've allowed myself to bathe in and hatred and venom only burns. Only burns more of the same product. It's not worth it. Don't even have the skills or assets to do any good from this either. If I can't help, itd be best to support those who can help whilst staying away from the vitriol. Stick to the facts and my own integrity. It's tiring to be involved in all... this. Again, I can only speak on myself hence why I'm only saying me shit. Any vents can be done to friends but otherwise none of this has resulted in any good. And I contributed to cruelty as well. It aint right.
Bit more personal and past. Ive made many nice friends. Friends Im still friends with now, and I thank them. With certain issues arising, theyve been the anchors to ground and account me. Real friends. Friends that deserve to be shown more how appreciated they really are. Thank you. They have guided me into better awareness and accountability. We have our own little group now for art, gaming and hopefully any other group activities. Friend stuff. We'll rant, we'll vent, but we're actually doing friend shit now. Ive hyperfixated enough on negatives. Dragged others into an abyss with me. Its not fair for them.
There is a friend here, I think they dont see my stuff anymore idk. I was warned about them. Through all Ive seen and my experiences, I wish you to get help. Get off tumblr. Get off twitter. Both can be extremely toxic as well as cultivate toxicity. Be accountable. Get help. And focus on you. I still worry for you, though I am disgusted on some of your actions. Treat the living with respect. Learn that people will try to bait you. Let go of paranoia (not easy), confront your past and grow. And please... Dont lie. Dont lie about events that occur as you're creating your own misery. Learn to step back and not be so forceful and preachy. Been there, it's not a good place. Experience a diverse crowd on a human level. And please spend some time away from the internet. People really can be pricks sometimes. Even ourselves. You're also pretty hair trigger and tempered. A bit like me sometimes LOL. Learn to balance that. Trust me.
To mates on here who Ive only spoken to here, if you'd still like to be mates, I can link you our group if you're up for group art and gaming or activities, or to another social media account to chat.
To unanswered asks, I'll try but not promise to address them. Those which ended up deleted, I can only remember the one question sorry. And the answer is Sitri. Sitri would be a good HB replacement for Stolas, he's quite the love/lust expert and a focus on men. Fun chap! I had more for this answer but again, cant be arsed with this shit anymore. Sorry.
I joined a spindle critique group. What I learned is the union from bitterness isnt solid grounds for friendship. I wont go into details as it's a private and resolved matter. I shared the full log to current friends to have a neutral and raw take. These are friends I can trust will yank my chain if Im in the wrong. And they did. They spoke of the wrongs on both sides. These are folks who are guiding me to better. Folks I have trusted with the full log, full transparency. I appreciate you both and take your words into stride daily. To old friends, I would rather friends make their own choices. I never hated you, but was hurt on this other side of you. Likewise Im sorry to make you feel that way. Im sorry to have trauma dumped (recently discovered this term, and using it to manage myself better.) There was only one individual that I was given uneasy vibes on and made that clear from the start. I tried with them. For awhile, I even started to see them as a genuine friend. In the end, we were too clashing. We didn't mesh well. My initial feeling on the situation ultimately felt true. But when I open up about home issues and emotions, I dont want them weaponised. Especially as Ive been doing some irl work to find many holes in my perspective as well as others hard work in being involved with me. Things are different now. Never felt it needed in convo, I was too fixed on my own hurt. Home was self preservation at those times. I regret opening up over some personal issues. None of this absolves me of poorly handling situations and anger issues. Near the end, I felt more wary to be more open on certain things. But I shouldve been a better friend. I never liked how catty things got. Trolled. We all just became knobs in one way or another.
My ask to remove my triggers was me hoping to do good for you. Remove a trigger that would inevitably end up being a large part of the group sooner or later, maybe this summer. Especially as I 'lacked empathy'. I thought I was doing good. I never lied about it, and feel bitter that was twisted. If I explained something, I was wrong. Kept it brief, I was bitchy. I was willing to endure a trigger if it made things easier in the group, and the situation was more than a stupid ship. Ive had triggers Ive adapted to handle better now. And public, you are not entitled to my medical history however we're in an age where youre both valid and entitled to privacy yet must breach privacy to have a voice. I have an ED. A certain word wasn't even allowed in my presence without panic and flashbacks. I was a little girl then. And I managed to slowly ease the trigger word via gradual exposure - a replacement word, spelling the word, and eventually hearing the word. It - and what it has done to me - will always scar me. But I learned to handle it better in my own time. I dont need lecturing on how triggers work. Especially when each case is unique, each 'cure' is personalised. If you want to believe Im full of shit then... Do that. Im sorry for being a shitty friend at times and Im working on that, but outside opinions (note: these are done in private spaces so all parties are anon) have noted flaw on your end too. We all fucked up. The two things below the belt were the trigger claims (hence my example of my own experiences with another trigger) and my private issues shared in confidant are the two things I remain disgusted by. That doesnt justify my frustrations, dumping or behaviour. And my example is not a pity ploy either. We're separate now, and it's best that way.
Overall, being here, in this community and fandom, has done nothing but shit. Fuelled the worst in me and others (from what ive seen in public fandom spaces). I may do art and other creative endevours on spindle, but otherwise good riddance. Even if the purge is painful.
Another friend. Im in their group too. One to improve some creative skills. Appreciate being let in there, though I'll probably mainly lurk for tips. Thank you for allowing me to do so. Wording is honestly growing harder for me each day. It's helping me start the path of better expression.
Current and future
I word shit less. Not here, as this is long overdue. But trying to sum up more efficiently. Spending more time irl to improve myself and my life. Welcoming friends who we both can hold each other accountable and support. Focusing more on stuff to improve as well as enjoy. The world is so dismal. So I spend time doing other stuff. Im already mopey enough. Sorting things to refine and focus on enjoyments. Gaining skills to help others. Experienced some personal griefs/losses. And Im learning that people arent entitled to everything. Not quite there yet but Im learning. Im often in deep pain, so cant always do what I want to get done in a day.
Most likely, I will discontinue this. Besides others have been doing a brilliant job. Dont absorb yourself. You can control much of what you get exposed to, so what you can control, make it good! Have integrity, work on yourselves. Try not to be a dickhead but acknowledge where you are a dickhead and work on that. Balance is key to a healthy mind, take the good with the not so good. Take the time to simply sit outside and observe. Appreciate life. Similarities and differences. Nothing is perfect. No one is perfect. But have your standards. Learn. Grow.
Im in a lot of pain and have shit to do. Take care. I feel Viv, co, fans will only learn with drastics, haters need to learn empathy (haters as in stalker level folk), old friends Im sorry to hurt and equally feel hurt by. Best we've gone separate ways and moving on. Current friends I appreciate. That one person, please... PLEASE get help. Youre young, man- This shit is going to poison your very core. Make you into something shitty and cruel. And please treat animals with care. Me, still a twat but trying. Embrace truth, compassion and fairness with a firm angle. Or just avoid nasty shit.
Well, cya. Stay well. We're not going to be here forever.
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middleschoolfursona · 10 months
literal tears are running down my face as i scroll thru your blog. on it it it feels like im back home.
i just wanna go back man. i just wanna be a kid running around on feralheart and drawing my ocs again and watching silly movies with my friends. it feels like im living a lie every single day of my life since then.
it hurts and fills me with so much shame to say that i feel like a kid, like i stopped mentally aging in like 2012, 2014 at the latest. the dysphoria is strangling. i dont want to describe it but yeah it sucks so bad.
i cant tell anyone in my life this in detail. cus i can feel the callouts. the sneers. the performative disgust. the gleeful hatred. everyone turning on me and making me into a joke. but this experience is so viscerally terrible and real and i cant just get over it and i cant choose to get better. i hate it.
youre the first person ive ever seen who seemed like theyd actually understand and its just overwhelming bcus it felt like i was completely alone. so i just wanted to say thanks for the catharsis of showing me im not beyond understanding. but im sorry if this is all selfish or upsetting. the last thing i wanna do is hurt or upset anyone, so feel free to ignore and delete.
thank you for ur blog and i hope you have a great day/week/month/year/life/forever <3
anon, im so so sorry i didnt answer this one sooner. i kept thinking, "when i get on desktop" but i never ended up back on desktop until i got this new monitor (win!)
i totally feel you, im glad i can bring you (though maybe bittersweet) comfort.
dysphoria and even feelings of 'transness' in places of identity other than gender and sex absolutely exist and are valid, and its really too bad its so stigmatized. you have my <3 and you have my thoughts. its tough, and theres more of us than youd think, hopefully, its an amount that comforts you... and i hope, you can find people who relate to you and you can share trust with and happy memories.
"performative disgust' is a topic i bring up a lot in this kinda discoursing. if i may, its pretty western too.. the need to be combative causes a strange sort of lash-out-culture, where people arent even neccisarily uninformed, its a lack of desire to be informed at all, and instead perform hatred for the acknowledgement of their peers. id know. it was me once. terrible and toxic situation, but its eaten the internet in many spaces....
its tough feeling trapped, unable to move forwards and feeling like youre "wrong". being disabled and growing up disabled makes those kinds of remarks and implications said by some people extra painful to me. and i know lots of us who feel dysphoria surrounding our facets of the self, both gender or non-gender, are neurodivergant as well, and as someone who was in special education, and then my school dropped me by force because i just "wouldnt" do my math, i know how painful it can feel both inside, but then to come forward and have people act like "just move forward" "just understand" "well you can never go back so just be here instead"... its painful.
i hope that between the time you sent this and now, youvbe found someone to be open to... if not, you can send me your discord off anon (wont pub) and we can chat there if you need it... youre certainly not alone anon, just the haters want you to feel that way. dont give in. do your best!
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mcl38 · 6 months
going off his post from when he announced his extension as ceo, most people who dislike him seem to claim it's either because he's american and shouldn't be involved in european motorsport (which is already wild considering f1 is an international competition and not a european one), like this is an exact word-for-word critism that i saw more than one person use. or they're australian and feel that zak/the team unfairly favor lando at the expense of aussie drivers. just look at any mclaren affiliated social media after the australian gp. i personally think both are pretty irrational excuses and like don't get me wrong, i am all for people hating for the purpose of being a hater but if you're going to try to justify your hatred with reasons at least find one based in some sort of logic. or even reality.
anon a person after my own heart i too love hating for the purpose of being a hater but this isnt that, its a more widespread and vitriolic fandom phenomenon that clearly different from, say, me hating on clement novalak bc his eyebrows freak me out, ykwim?
i do think his obnoxious americanism is kind of hard to swallow and thats fair if u find him annoying but it rly doesnt explain to me y ppl immediately label him a villain? maybe bc he has that rich man in a black and white hollywood movie vibe abt him or smth but like surely its smth more serious than that. idk i think its just the american salesman core of it all... he's slimy and slippery and persuasive and he does it VERY well
also like i do think the idea that he mistreats oscar is frankly silly - mostly bc oscar keeps yapping on and on abt how much he likes having a team where hes finally wanted and appreciated, but also bc its clear zak loves the guy. i think ur right in that i do think some ppl think that: i keep seeing ppl on twitter saying that the fact that lando has done a couple factory debriefs that oscar wasnt there for means they clearly favour lando. but like.... if i were renowned introvert oscar piastri i would WAY prefer not having to fly 12h to speak in front of a crowd and instead be allowed to spend another couple days w my family in melbourne. like bffr please
also also can i just say re: team orders bc i think thats the other reason ppl think oscar is mistreated - do ppl not realise that last week oscar literally got the priority strategy? they helped cover him against russell instead of helping lando cover against leclerc, which is how lando ended up losing second place - he wouldve kept it if he'd pit on lap 9 with charles or even maybe lap 10 just after him (if the oscar pitstop was unplanned). and also, in general, lando and oscar often end up on diff strategies where lando shows up behind oscar with fresher tyres (and hence has to b let by w team orders) because lando is better at managing tyre wear. thats y he often gets the stay long - overcut strat (germany situation beloved), whereas oscar is often on the undercut - defend strat, and they'll often meet in the middle. the fact that we get these kinds of strategy team orders is GOOD. it means the team has enough faith in both drivers' skills to give them diff strategies and trust them both to execute them well. it also means the drivers r next to each other on track - id take lando team-order-passing oscar any day over lando blue-flag-passing daniel.... oof.
sorry a defense of zak brown turned into a defense of randy singh but like im just saying that the idea that the entirety of mclaren hates and mistreats oscar is rly quite laughable if ur actually engaged in the strategy game or like if u have eyes idk. im very very glad that oscar has become kind of a people's princess character and ppl rly do seem to universally love him but i find it so infuriating that they have to do so at the expense of mclaren. if u wanna find an enemy to hate on behalf of oscar carlos sainz is literally right there
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bmpmp3 · 8 months
I FINALLY watched that barbie movie that came out, i watched it last night! it was cute and pretty solid i thought. and then immediately after finishing that i watched the 1989 found footage tv movie ufo abduction/the mcpherson tape?
barbie was mostly very funny (that smallpox joke is inexcusable tho) it seems aimed for maybe a tween-teen kind of audience? i havent heard of many big huge movies aimed at that demographic recently so thats really nice
you know i was worried id be insufferable to both barbie movie fans and barbie movie haters because i have 1) a doll hobby 2) too much interest in doll history and 3) a complete lack of trust and respect for mattel as a company in the past decade and i figured you wouldnt be able to talk to me about it without me um-actually-ing every two seconds BUT it wasnt as egregious as i expected in regards to doll history myths
im especially glad they didnt call stuff like happy family midge and earring magic ken like "recalled" or "banned" or whatever 'cause thats just one of those myths LOL BUT discontinued is a weird term... yeah they were discontinued but like. all dolls are some day. from what i can tell both those dolls werent even like prematurely (heh) discontinued or anything most reports seem that happy family midge sold okay (although there seems to have been controversies at least with the wedding ring and cardboard cutout husband situations) and earring magic ken probably didnt sell well. because hes ken. the earring magic barbies in the line probably sold better LOL i guess a better term could have been like. controversial barbies? infamous barbies? sugar's daddy ken is true and hilarious tho, although if i remember correctly it was like a collectors doll meant for adults that just never got released in the first place
I DID love tanner's inclusion. i love that stupid shitting dog so much i wanted it so bad as a kid but i didnt care about the barbie so it would have been a waste of a playset
speaking of not caring about the barbie so like. i didnt really like barbies as a kid. i didnt really like dolls. i was a furry i only liked animal shaped toys LOL i did have one barbie i picked out myself, fairytopia kindlee who i loved and adored and lost and i dream about her forever. but yeah nothing less interesting to me both as a child and as an adult than a default face sculpt blue eyed blonde barbie toy, which is, as most adults interesting in the modern day toy industry can attest, the reason for our disdain for mattel HFJDKHFDJS actually its more than that - weirdly inflated prices for cheaply made clothes and low quality printing, strangely dated fashion, the weird all or nothing either bare minimum 5 points of articulation or full out double jointed mtm bodies (where is single jointed elbows...i miss her....), THE DECADE LONG REIGN OF TERROR OF THE GLUE HEAD (although we're finally past that), why are those collectors dolls so expensive they look the same quality, why did they make that collectors mermaid ken white from the brown guy in the concept art, in canada the pricing and availability is wacky so i imagine its even worse everywhere else outside the US, this is a personal thing but why does every mattel doll ive ever owned like combust at its joints randomly. am i cursed? do i have a mattel curse? ive been thinking about this for years why does the plastic just disintigrate the second it enters my home what god did i anger. what plastic god did i anger. help me my bloodline has been cursed by some sort of polyvinyl based deity beyond my comprehension
anyway as i was saying it was a little sobering watching a movie with a good fashion and prop and set budget do a take on the memories of what barbie dolls used to be and then thinking about that absolutely dire state we're in rn. bro i kept looking at outfits like modern mattel would never. theyre too busy making half printed t shirt dresses with a random ruffle attached on the side <3 but vintage mattel would also not be as diverse. although neither mattel has an actually fat doll so. um. thats the saddest um-actually im gonna do :(
ive been joking to myself for years that barbie is the name of the species, ken might be some kind of subspecies, so it is funny to see the brand in both real life stores and also this movie lean into that. barbie really is a species. they do move in herds. wait im getting distracted anyway years ago barbie had a big refresh where they leaned into the idea that anyone can be barbie - everyone is barbie: they brought out new body types (standard, tall, short, and slightly curvy) which was a big step, a bigger range of skintones and all kinds of new face molds and screenings, also theres like bald barbies and barbies with prosthetics and wheelchair barbies are made way more often. and all this is fantastic. but unfortunately the blonde blue eyed millie sculpts still haunt most non-fashionista releases.... stereotypical barbie u dont know what u are.... its a shame they didnt reference the millie sculpt in the movie i woulda died LOL
but i always thought it was pretty wack that they made all these cool dolls and then relegated them to wear t shirt dresses for eternity. i like that the budget line is so diverse and i dont even mind the lack of articulation that much (although i do miss basic 9 point articulation where are my elbows and knees) but GOD those outfits. can be ROUGH. and WHY do they never put like half of the diverse dolls in other playsets WHY cant basketball barbie be bald WHEN will i get that prosthetic leg barbie as a fairy like youve put all this effort into all this diversity and then ur doing NOTHING with it mattel im begging u. im begging u. make a fantasy wheelchair barbie i know you can do it. i know you can do it
im not even talking about the movie anymore sorry im just complaining about barbie dolls even tho im not a huge barbie collector JFKDHJRKF i was just picky about toys as a child and i want kids nowadays to get cool dolls too. i think a kid deserves a nice thing to play with that looks like them or like their family or other people around them that also allows to imaginative play you know
okay. okay in the context of the movie its fine and makes sense but lemme tell u. being so deep in the current state of mattel hearing america ferrera's character suggest "ordinary barbie" made me fucking jump out of my seat and point at my laptop screen i almost said outloud "YOUUU" jgekfjfd it was her.... she did this.... jk jk its a sweet message in the movie but just so u know in mattel's mind "ordinary barbie" translates to overpriced cheaply made sack dress barbie. orz
wait back on topic back on topic its a nice movie, im glad it resonates with a lot of people. the plot was a little strange but i dont mind, the sets and outfits and everything was so good anyway, i loved that big huge chunky necklace as a touch, its some fashion brand symbol i dont remember sowwy but i like how huge it is LOL also the music was pretty great, i liked the needle drops and the music composed for the movie was fun too, what was i made for is fantastic but i knew that already its been a hit for a while now and i heard a vocal synth cover of it that sounded nice so i was already on board HJKDHJKFDS sometimes the. racial aspect of the movie was. jarring? they really only mention race like thrice (one of those times being the aforementioned awful smallpox joke) which. you know sometimes i get a little annoyed with a lot of contemporary movies and shows bringing up race just for little quips and jokes here and there while completely ignoring anything substantial about the topic, i know this is a tween movie with a two hour run time and they wanted to focus but i dunno man. it always feels like they're making a joke about elephants while the ignoring the elephant in the room staring u down. but whatever. i'll just lock someone into an unskippable cutscene conversation about history in regards to race and dolls irl later LOL cute movie tho. i like when movies have cool sets and outfits
NOW to the second half of that very odd double feature i gave myself last night UFO ABDUCTION its basically considered the first found footage horror movie, as a tv movie from 1989, and lemme tell u IT IS hard to watch LOL not because its like scary but like. because its a little bit bad <3 but its okay i dont mind, the main character behind the camera got pretty insufferable near the end (would not shut up and made it hard to hear the other actors orz) but it was only an hour and had like no budget - plus i love seeing where so much of the genre came from. im glad to know people screaming at the main character to shut that damn camera off has been here since the very beginning. i also loved the stupid alien costumes its such a shame theyre only in there for like 3 scenes they were the best part: genuinely kind of creepy at the first sight at the ufo landing because theyre so far away and low quality, and also really silly and goofy when they walk right up to the camera <3 <3 <3
i truly madly deeply genuinely without a shred of irony adore found footage so im always happy to see more! even when its bad :) i like it when cameras shake and people scream OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT
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aclosetfan · 2 years
Omg I’m so glad you acknowledge how Buttercup, despite being all “eww kisses and other mushy stuff” still actually does that herself, like kissing that one dirty boy along with her sisters (this episode is lowkey kinda gross) and she gave that old guy in Make Zen to Me episode a small peck on the cheek, simple and super innocent things. It’s sweet.
Yes I agree with everything you said there, its a pity that she’s treated so one note most of the time, the way I see it she’s either too hyper masculine or she ended up being way too feminine (usually when she’s in a hetero ship) there needs to be a nice balance. I think a lot of people are too afraid to make her soft in doing so will make her less tomboy or something, it felt like so many are knee deep in that archetype for her in fear of making her remotely girlie. The other Girls too but its sort of the opposite for them.
Also been thinking a lot about how Craig’ll handle them, I’m also curious if he’s responsible for their season 5+6 interpretations, I like to believe he was, cause they manage to be their own characters despite having very minimum appearances. I think they’re very outdated outdated characters, if Craig is interested in bringing them back I can imagine them definitely getting less or not so chauvinistic and misogynistic, but idk, how do you feel about that btw? or should they stay misogynistic cause they’re just little boys, I agree with them staying as villains, I’d like to have all the villains stay villains as well, maybe an open ending like PPGRules would be nice. Idk i’m so anxious now lol I trust whatever Craig is cooking up, his recent show Kid Cosmic was pretty good.
Craig was on and off involved with seasons 5&6 but for the most part was working on Fosters! I don’t think he was really too involved when the boys made a reappearance unfortunately but they’re still his characters and he’s a good storyteller so if he brought them back, I can only imagine he does them justice!
In regard to the rrb’s misogyny, I think it’s only fair to tell you I actually don’t like any of the boys’ episodes a whole lot. My only favorite is Custody Battle, where the girls are hardly present.
In truth, im not the biggest fan of gender wars, and that’s how the creators used the boys’ characters. Even when I was a child watching the show, my mom told me how much I didn’t like the rrb 😂😂 something about “stupid boys”
Which idk maybe I’m being to critical here, especially given the content, but that reaction from a child isn’t great, especially for a show that’s all about love and acceptance. I think it’s over done, cliché, and so very much the opposite of what feminism (equity and respect among genders) should teach people.
I understand why the boys were made the way they were, but I definitely think as time has continued on, the way people view sex and gender has greatly evolved, so I would hope that if they bring the boys back they leave behind the weird “haha boy drool girls rule, our femininity has saved the day.” I’m big on “girl power” but I don’t like it at the expense of putting down the other genders. That’s not feminism to me. I don’t fuck with that terf bullshit
In the Boys are Back in Town, I feel the creators deviated from “femininity saves the day” because kisses no longer destroyed the boys (which weird how in all the episodes with cooties, the day is always saved by three little girls kissing something, but…….moving on) . However, the day was saved by demasculinizing them and sort of making fun of them for crying, and not to say they weren’t shitty kids in that episode, but I’m also like, maybe that shouldn’t have been how the lesson of that episode was taught???? We shouldn’t make little boys feel bad for being rough, and depict little girls pulling one over them to properly chastise the behavior. Children shouldn’t have to regulate other children.
HOWEVER I think that the boys could still be coded as “women haters” in the new show, and I’d be fine with that because there some boys are like that irl and we shouldn’t shy away from that discussion. I just don’t want the problem solved by the creators going “and the day was saved because boys fucking suck.”
Like make that make sense. It’s a very late 90s early 2000s cliché so it fits the time period of the show, but I like to believe we’ve grown as a society.
Overall, I think it really really depends on their purposes in the new show, if they’re even in it. If they’re suppose to be shitty people/bad guys, I’d want them to be shitty people/bad guys, and that could include them being misogynistic. If they’re going to be redeemed, I want the shittiness of their characters to ease up. In any case, I what I DONT want is simple solutions to complex discussions, but it’s a kids show so I’m not expecting much haha 🤷‍♀️
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calamitydaze · 2 years
i think why people are defensive about the word neutral is because especially on twitter people are saying they are neutral but also actively spreading misinformation/victim blaming rhetoric on top of it, and so there's this notion and active history of neutrality being used to sweep this under the rug entirely and hate on the victims which is not what youre doing at all but that's sort of the way i see the defensiveness come in.
But i also will say that from my perspective regardless of what happened which we dont know for sure dream did admit the dms were real and in those dms were inappropriate messages to people who were minors and also admission that the priv snapchat was given to said minors (amanda). I think yes its okay to stay open minded and wait for more information but i do believe theres at least enough solid ground that the behavior was inappropriate. Even dream called his behavior "cringe flirting" which i took as admission he recognized his messages were flirtatious and those people were minors, so that i find to be inappropriate.
This is not negative towards you just thought id offer some perspective and such i dont think youre a victim blaming hater im sorry people are misinterpreting what youre saying but i hope this perspective helps.
it does, thank you for sending it in! i worry about this blog coming across as an echo chamber when it’s not meant to be that at all, so i really appreciate hearing from people who don’t like, 100% agree with me
you definitely have a point with “neutrality” being used to hide a lot of stuff that definitely Isn’t Neutral (i know i’ve seen it on both reddit and twitter, and i’m sure i could find it on tumblr too). i think for the most part, people don’t do it on purpose? i think because the reaction on one end of the spectrum has been so extreme, people think they’re being neutral by virtue of not being That and don’t notice when they’re slipping back around to victim-blamey rhetoric. not that it’s excused, people should be critically examining their own reactions as well as those of others, but yeah. i hope i made sense. and i’m really glad you don’t think i’m guilty of that! but if i do start spouting weird shit pls definitely call me out because i do actually want to be neutral i’m not just trying to cover my ass, and while i’m doing my best to keep it in check when i analyze the situation i won’t pretend i’m not internally biased
per your second paragraph though, i think you’re mixing up the facts of the case (understandably so, there’s a lot to keep track of)! the cringe flirting messages were from anastasia’s thread the day before, and dream explicitly said those Cannot have been him because he uses a google voice number that doesn’t have imessage. one could disbelieve him of course, but across both threads he has not confirmed anything except friendly and outwardly innocent conversations, and by extension the giving of a snapchat to amanda, but nothing that happened on it. to say he admitted to flirting with minors is active misinformation. (i could be pedantic and say amanda’s weren’t even fully confirmed, just that he “believes them to be true”, but eh that’s kind of irrelevant here). ymmv on the existence of the snapchat and that’s fine! personally, i think i’ve settled on the opinion that there was nothing wrong with the ig dms but moving to snapchat does cross a line that should be in place, regardless of what may or may not have happened there. inappropriate? for sure, and something that should be corrected (although according to his twitlonger, it already was). predatory? not inherently, and there’s nothing we know for certain that inclines me to apply that term
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mixedstyles · 2 years
Instagram Blurb
harry x yn engagement, wedding, honeymoon
Face Claim: Vivianne Audi
Pronouns: she/her, use of y/n
Masterlist | ask box!
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DailyHSNews Y/N seen at a bookstore this weekend!! Fans spotted a ring on her left hand, she’s been dating Harry Styles publicly for the past 3 years, has he finally popped the question??
View all 137 comments
hisgoldengirl Gosh I hope so. I’ve been rooting for them ever since they went public
harryyyyys She’s had so many haters but she’s always shown that she’s above them. Queen energy.
liveloveharry Okay but what book is that in her hand?
↳ jediharry It’s a Sally Rooney book! Based on the color it looks like ‘Normal People’
↳ liveloveharry Thank you!!! 🫡 @.jediharry
rbf451 Harry really got lucky with her 😩
adoreuclub she’s out of his league 🫣
↳ rb1984 That’s what I’m saying 😭😭@.rbf451
↳ hsfan20 You guys are such liars. If anything he’s out of her league. I swear this whole thing isn’t even real.
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Liked by harrystyles, paulithepsm and 676,960 others
lifeofyn I only said yes for the ability to tell people I’m engaged to Harry Styles.
[tagged harrystyles]
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lookitsnyoh Love you guys. So excited for what comes next xxx ❤️
↳ dumwitch a baby??
↳ harrystyles NO @.dumwitch
↳ lifeofyn NO WAY @.dumwitch
fanofharry of fucking course she used him for his name
paulithepsm YN will you allow Harry and I to do the best friend dance at the wedding?
↳ lifeofyn I will expect nothing less
harrystyles Goddamn. I knew it. 5 years only for you to use me for my name 😔
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Liked by lifeofyn, harrystyles and 175,318 others
helenepambrun.photography The bride and groom before the ceremony.
[tagged lifeofyn and harrystyles]
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_basselin what a beautiful ceremony ❤️
year3000 they got Hélène to do the photography?? I’m sobbing 🥹
harrystyles Love you lots xx
ibfagent Harry’s hair. Please. Killing me.
lifeofyn So glad you were able to be our photographer. You truly made it special 🤍
fandomcentral Her dress is so simple yet so pretty 😭
harrietharry A fully silk wedding dress???? BRILLIANT
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harrystyles I don’t need to be on tour for this love. May, 17th.
[tagged helenepambrun.photography]
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user007 This is making my cold heart happy.
harris_reed 💕
lifeofyn That’s so cheesy 😭 and yet, I love you. 🤍
↳ harrystyles xx
allthatmatters They’re so cute omfg
hsfan24 Harry’s caption is killing me 😭🥹
harryyyyys Ugh, who do I want to be? Her or him??? **bi-panic**
hrrysgrl Her dress is so pretty 🥹
rowlandfan01 These photos make me feel like I was actually there
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annetwist My son Harry and my new daughter-in-law YN on their wedding day. It feels wonderful to finally say those words publicly. They had a beautiful private ceremony.
[tagged lifeofyn and harrystyles]
liveloveharry This photo and caption is giving Facebook mom vibes
↳ harrystyles She posted the same thing there too, don’t worry 🙃
↳ lvrharry HARRY be nice to your mother @.harrystyles
lifeofyn I feel so honored to call you my mother-in-law
↳ annetwist Oh darling, it’s me who’s honored. I’m not sure what Harry did to snatch you but I’m glad he did @.lifeofyn
hisgoldengirl Anne and YN’s interactions get me each time 😭
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harrystyles Let the honeymoon celebrations begin.
[tagged lifeofyn]
View all 4,561 comments
jobros15 Alexa, play “Up All Night” by One Direction
↳ lifeofyn Don’t let his caption fool you 😭 we were in bed by 9 and asleep by 10
1989hs She’s so pretty I cry
taylors_version More. Honeymoon. Photos.
hrryxtaylor These posts are calling me single in every possible language
yn_stan she’s literally glowing
↳ harrystyles I swear she’s some sort of goddess
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lifeofyn This random dude came over to me with a camera. He was kinda cute though. Wish I got his number 😔
[tagged harrystyles]
View all 6,887 comments
harrystyles I bet he thought you were pretty cute too. You should have asked him for his number :/
_basselin is it bad to say I miss you
↳ harrystyles we miss you too
↳ _basselin I wasn’t talking about you, I was talking about YN @.harrystyles
↳ aquariusharry AGAYEHFBJV ELIN
↳ lifeofyn I didn’t see this comment until now. The only reason I did see it is because Harry was angrily stomping over to me holding out his phone 😭 I MISS YOU TOO ELIN (I know we’re technically on our honeymoon, but I’ll FaceTime you tonight)
hrryfan_00 Let me just go cry into my instant ramen cup
hrrysgoldrush y/n is such an icon for her photo descriptions
softharrypics these photos are killing me
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nagipops · 3 years
hii I love your blogs sooo much you're really talented (I just needed to say it sorry) so straight to the point, I already made 2 requests to you and I really enjoyed your writing so I would like to make another again. As I'm clueless about what to request I'll just ask for random hcs for konoha 11, idk if it's too much but if so then you can do with Neji (I love him so much), Kakashi and Naruto. Thank you in advance and sorry anything ^^
FEATURING: naruto, sakura, shikamaru, ino, choji, neji, rock lee, tenten, kiba, hinata, and shino
WARNINGS: mentions alcohol, drugs, food, bugs, and the tiniest nsfw mention if you get the joke. hehe
A/N: AHHHH ANONN this seriously made my day, im so so glad you enjoy my work!! 💖
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you know how we all have “the chair”, where we throw all of our dirty clothes onto?
yeah, imagine that, but from the seat to the fricking ceiling
its just a GINORMOUS MOUND of clothes, you wonder how he even goes through that many clothes so quickly???
definitely shoves it under his bed whenever guests come over (somehow)
holds chopsticks really weirdly. but it works.
asked tenten to put his hair into space buns to mimic his sexy jutsu and went around flirting with the village
jiraiya was so proud of him T-T
comes up with the WORST pickup lines
they’re so bad, its almost charming. almost
has gone AWOL multiple times, disappearing from everywhere, just everywhere
it scared you a little, so you searched the entire village for him
you finally found him sitting on the ledge of a cliff, gazing out at the vast sea
concerned and panicked, you cried out to ask him what was wrong
he turned to you with a crestfallen, devastated look on his face and said,
“i bought shrimp ramen instead of chicken ramen.”
you’ve never searched for him after his disappearance ever again.
100% makes origami shurikens and chucks them at you
they are deathly precise and deathly sharp. seriously, how are these not illegal weapons yet???
writes threatening motivational notes to herself on the mirror
“u got this!” “make sure to smack naruto today!” “ino sucks!”
her backpack would always be way too high up on her back. idk why but. it would
does her hair all nice and pretty before she goes out but once she arrives to her destination SHE KEEP. TAKING. IT OUT. and redoing it over and over and over again
like it’s impossible to make eye contact with her because she’s holding a bobby pin between her teeth while braiding her hair
her guilty pleasure would be hostess treats
ding dongs are her favorite. don’t ask me how i know, i just know.
eats the yellow starbursts just to spite naruto and all her haters
loves small lap dogs, she think’s they’re so cute and cuddly
but she especially loves chihuahuas
they’re so feisty and naruto HATES them, so of course she had to go and get one for herself
dresses the poor dog up in little bonnets and jackets and ties its tiny fuzzy hairs into pigtails
she and the chihuahua are not that much unlike <3
this man is a god at shogi but he absolutely SUCKSSSS at cup pong.
is this an ick? idk. but he is absolute trash at this game.
it gets even worse when he’s got a couple drinks in him
tries to calculate the velocity and acceleration and angle and shit but his shot is always a good two feet off BYE 😭
just mutters an “aw, shit” before awaiting his turn again
hates checkers, loves chess
“checkers is for WUSSIES” - shikamaru nara
i said this in another post, but he is Very Good at whistling
like that’s his hidden talent
can copy any tune with the perfect pitch and rhythm
speaking of, he can do really cool tricks with his tongue
like making a four leaf clover, touching the bridge of his nose with it, flipping it upside down, you name it
he has slanted, scrawled handwriting, to the point where it’s almost illegible
wbk he cheats in school SO OFTEN. but he never gets caught. he’s not stupid, he just couldn’t care less about his classes.
thinks weed and e-cigs are stupid, cigarettes are where it’s at
you just can’t replicate the feeling of taking a drag from a cig after a long, tiring day
plus he looks hella cool while doing it B)
teaches the boyz™️ how to braid their hair
like they all gather in a circle around this feisty fashionista and fail attempt to braid their hair
sakura was just fuming in the sidelines
yeah, ino 🙄
the only one that can actually do it is neji because a) this man is talented af and b) he’s got the long hairrr
ino probably envies his thick, sleek hair because hE’S a bOy
also asks everyone for their blood type and zodiac signs and tells them if they’re compatible with her or not
and definitely judges you for your sign 😣
“oh, you’re a gemini? hmm, what a shame...”
makes bouquets for her favorite people and kin assigns everyone a flower
only assigns the pretty nice ones to the people she likes (sorry sakura, you’re out of luck)
one of her favorite hobbies is crafting! she’s really good with details and small things so she loves making those miniature dollhouses and stuff
also really good at watercoloring. especially painting flowers and landscapes
also i feel like she would be really good at playing any instrument because of her skilled hands
can play a badass flute solo. period.
would honestly rather die than get anywhere NEAR an asparagus
he just thinks they’re so gross and bitter and NOT SALTY
he always eats his yakiniku a little bit undercooked because he’s way too impatient to wait for it to cook fully. who do you think he is??
whenever he cloud gazes with shikamaru, when asked what he thinks a cloud looks like, he just says some sort of food
“oi, choji, what does that one look like to you?”
“a... yakiniku grill... with... pineapple rings on it! ooh, and a wagyu steak right there!”
he thinks pringles are an abomination to society. where’s the crisp? where’s the grease? where’s the saltiness?!!!
asks ino to teach him how to do his hair all fancy and the two of them devote an entire day learning different hairstyles
it’s his new favorite thing to do now :D
he really likes crayons!!!!
like he’ll write with them, draw with them, color with them, do everything with them
he’s even tried to eat them. he said they tasted good.
definitely had the 128 crayon pack WITH THE BUILT-IN SHARPENER, and everyone thought he was the coolest kid in town
he ate it UP, he even scored some bbq dates with the ladies
i also feel like he loves basketball, and he has a MEAN slam dunk
like his vertical isn’t that high, but the man can REACH
he loves when people laugh at him when he challenges them to a 1v1 and then proceeds to absolutely destroy them <3
he seems like a cucumber kind of guy.
just cucumber
like i feel like he puts it in everything; soba, salads, sandwiches, his face, yeah
it’s mellow and cool, just like him!
speaking of, i feel like he lives for spa days and facials
it just lets him be alone in his little cucumber scented world for an hour or two and he gets damn clear skin from it as well
seriously he has PERFECT skin. flawless. not a single blemish. his cheeks feel like baby butts they’re so smooth.
i feel like he’d be a god at solving rubik’s cubes, don’t ask me why
like if anyone scrambled theirs on accident they would just take it to neji and he’d solve it in the blink of an eye
CAT PERSON!!! loves the little meow meows
who are we kidding, neji basically is a cat; agile, aloof, does silly things without trying to, very cute
he just feels akin to the little fuzzballs and he thinks petting cats are extremely therapeutic. good for the soul
he is a golf man. he would take his juniors golfing and everyone thinks he’s uncool. cmon neji let them go to the skate park at least T-T
also very good at karaoke, definitely surprised everyone once he got a few drinks in him since he started serenading you
LIGHTWEIGHT!!! do not get more than one shot of alcohol in him. he will go berserk.
i also feel like he’d really love photography; not taking pictures of people, but of nature
he loves taking a quiet stroll through a pretty forest and snapping pictures of all the unique flora and fauna
it’s so serene ︶ ‿ ︶
100% milly rocks everywhere
gai got in on it too once he asked what lee was doing
“is that what all the youthful cool kids do these days!”
they also dab together. a lot
DO NOT BE SEEN WITH THESE TWO!!! you are not associated with them.
definitely is the one breakdancing in the middle of the dance circle at a high school party
he’s mad skilled at it too
headspins and windmills galore
challenged naruto to a dance-off and completely OBLITERATED him
lee then asked if naruto wanted a rematch, this time with one hand tied behind lee’s back
naruto obliged, and he STILL lost
RIP naruto and his fangirls, they all scrambled to lee afterwards T-T
i feel like his favorite subject is science
not the boring physics equations and laws and theories but the fun EXPERIMENTS
definitely has singed all of his hair off one time and he went to gai blubbering to help him grow back his precious hair
but he loves experimenting with different combinations and chemicals to get different reactions each time
created a potent love potion and carried it around with him all day one day
and it was actually working
girls were flocking to him left and right, staring at his lips and his face
he was so abashed at the sudden attention
heck, it even worked on sakura
“oi, lee-san!”
“hehe, yes, sakura-san?”
her eyes shifted downwards to his lips and his heart thumped harder
“hey... lee-san?”
“what is it?”
“you have something on your lip. we’ve been trying to tell you all day but you just winked and blew kisses at us.”
legend has it lee has still not recovered to this day.
has THE prettiest handwriting. and she can write SUPER fast
it’s like a superpower
like she transcribed five pages of a report in less than two minutes with perfect handwriting
naruto is so jealous.
she is also super good at origami! those diligent, accurate hands aren’t just for throwing things
taught sakura how to make shurikens but does NOT endorse any violent uses of them
she can replicate all of her weapons with paper and they can actually function, it’s so cool
made paper kunai knives one day and the wholeee village wanted to get their hands on them
i feel like she’d listen to mitski. idk i just get those vibes
LOVES BIG DOGS!! especially fluffy wuffy samoyeds
like man’s best friend?? no, GIRL’S BEST FRIEND!!
hugs and cuddles and squishes all the big dogs
she thinks small dogs are spawns of satan
sakura and her have definitely quarreled over this
but at the end of the day, all dogs are adorable fur babies, so she lets it slide :,)
kiba always looks SO GOOD in photos you take of him, candid or not
like you could just whip out a camera and snap a photo of him at any given moment and he would look perfect
you framed a picture of him yelling at akamaru for peeing inside the house
it’s pure artwork
i feel like he tries to swagger around with his hands shoved in his pockets but it fails MISERABLY and the girls are wondering if he broke his leg or something 😭
kiba just walk normally. for the love of god please just walk normally.
he tries to slump back in his chair really low but one time he slouched way too low so he slipped off of his chair and onto the ground LMFAOOOO
he just wallowed there... in shame...
also.. he LOVES when the girls put makeup on him!!
he tries to act like he hates it. but it secretly gives him so much confidence
not to mention the girls hyping him up are a huge ego boost
okay the inside of his jacket hood is the warmest. thing. EVER!!!
seriously, no wonder this dude is so happy-go-lucky all the time, he’s living in literal heaven 24/7
it’s like you’re sleeping on a cloud inside a warm, cozy bed during a cold winter morning
10/10 would recommend letting him give you his sweatshirt when you’re chillin with a hair tie ❤️
always smells like lavender soap. always
also has the cutest pencil pouches with little puppy faces and kawaii things
oH and she has those mini yoobi highlighters, she thinks they’re so cute (and functional!)
everyone flocks to her to try them out and marvel at the cute tiny highlighters
and they try to steal them from her but she doesn’t even stop them because she’s too timid to 😭
naruto goes BALLISTIC over them
she lets him have all of them <3
tennis girl!!! tennis girl.
all of her opponents always underestimate her because she’s so timid and shy and quiet
but she has a KILLER serve
and then she takes her opponents to the slaughterhouse with a complete shutout ;)
she’s really athletic believe it or not, she can beat most of the boys in a mile run and she has incredible endurance
i feel like she really loves velvet scrunchies
she just thinks they’re so pretty and they keep her hair soft so they’re cute and functional
also takes the PRETTIEST notes!!
color codes, dividers, headers, you name it, it’s all super readable too its insane
everyone asks her for her notes, not to study but just to appreciate the pure artwork that it is ^w^
shino is SO easy to prank
“how do you catch an eyemaster?” *cue naruto and kiba snickering*
“eyemaster bait. that is because—”
even when everyone’s laughing their asses off, he still continues to explain his answer since he does NOT GET THE JOKE
tried his hand at writing haikus
here’s his best one so far:
“Bugs are amazing. That is because they are bugs. Bugs are very nice.” - Shino Aburame
VERY proud of it, since it took him weeks to perfect
praise it, pls
had one of those ant farms and bug-catching kits as a kid
he loves the little chitters of the different bugs
he had jars of different bugs all lined up on a wall shelf in his room
collects silkworms off of trees and sticks them into his pockets (no i definitely did not do this as a kid...)
HELP I FEEL LIKE he would record a timelapse of his ant farm growing and upload it to youtube with a movie maker title screen that says
“my ants”
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Your Lalwen answer was great! I loved it! Would you be up for talking maybe about Curufinrod? (Platonic or romantic, depends on how you see them) If not, please ignore and I’ll send another ask! (I have a lot of things I’d like to ask, if that’s OK)
- Captain Anon
Hi Captain anon!! You bet I would! (fyi im going platonically) and of course it’s ok for you to ask more stuff, seriously youre just enabling me to skip past the internal debates/hole digging that normally come with sharing my thoughts.
If I ever decide to skip an ask, I’ll let u know. That being said exams are coming up for me which means if im actually successful at studying (I wont be) I might not get back to you as quickly :)
Finrod probably sees Curufin like one of those bastard cats who you love very much. Then they swipe a vase off the shelf for the fifth time in a week and like, Finrod knows the noldor are cursed to suffer in life, but is this necessary?? He *just* finished sweeping!! But then when he’s sick his cat wont leave his side, y’all know what I mean, cats give off affectionate Vibes. At the end of the day, even if Curufin pulls a lot of shit, Finrod knows (or thinks he knows) he’s got his back.
Curufin thinks about Finrod the same way I think about the hobbit movies. Does he agree with him? No. Does he love them anyways? Hell yeah, that is HIS dumb ass cousin, line the haters up, Curufin’s got some beheading to do.
(other stuff under cut)
The relationship over time:
Now then, I feel like Curufin first met Finrod through Celegorm. They both are out door adventure types, though Celegorm and Aredhel’s style of out door adventure might have been a little more….muddy… than Finrod would have preferred. So when he meets Curufin, who takes after Celegorm in his love of the outdoors, but would rather a more orderly exploration.
They’re like the two sort-of-friends who end up together because they hate roller coasters and everyone’s at an amusement park.
And I say sort of friends because I imagine that in Valinor, Curufin is rather suspicious of the cousins. He spends most of his time around Feanor, who very much dislikes the *half* family. Not that Feanor blocks his kids from interacting with them, but I think Curufin would absorb at least some of that negativity towards the cousins.
They do end up being pretty close in the end though, I think Fingon rescuing Maedhros made him kinda realize “oh hey they have good attributes too, dont they” but that’s an awkward position, because maybe they’re good people but it’s not like he’s going to tell Them that. He does tell Tyelpe though: the cousins are nice people, people who they should protect, people who’d protect them.
At some point, he and Finrod end up in a “kids who dont like roller coasters but love the park” trip again and I dont see Curufin as the type to say “im sorry” but more of an incredibly awkward “hey im really glad ur here with us. It means a lot to us that you came.” and nice gestures. Finrod gets what he’s trying to do, and even if he wont tell Curufin he forgives him (Finrod wants a formal apology first) he’s wayyy too nice of a person not to be kind right back.
Curufin: I think when they were in Valinor and first in Beleriand, Curufin was a pretty decent person, ya know? Sure, he inherited his fathers ambition and pride, but I think he would have been fine if it weren’t for the oath.
—Hi we’re talking about loyalty now. Feel free to skip this. Listen, the best way I can think to describe this is it’s like the love Feanor had for his father and silmarils. Selective, possessive, it wants them to be happy and safe but only with them, only in their way. It’s the same way they wrote the oath, rather twisted and wrong.
I dont think Curufin, or any of the brothers, started out like that. But I think by the late parts of the book, the oath had integrated itself into their thoughts, especially Curufin’s. A lot of them would hate the oath, but I dont think he could bring himself to hate it too. His father wrote it, his father had them swear it, and like I said: loyal. 
So I think the oath destroyed him fastest, and his friendship with Finrod got twisted to be that way too.
I really like the version of things where Curufin knows there’s something really wrong with him, but refuses to believe its the oath. And I Especially like the version where he’s relieved when Celebrimbor wont follow them anymore, because he wont be dragged down with them.—
*inhales* ok after that long and off topic tangent. I think Finrod doesn’t really notice the change the oath has affected in Curufin until Beren and Luthien because 1. a bunch of his people just died, 2.he’s always been a little prickly anyways, and 3.Finrod’s probably preoccupied too with Angrod and Aegnor being dead.
Finrod: I think y’all know my take on Finrod but essentially it boils down to: he is a good, competent leader but also a personal disaster. He has my full love and support. Gets emotionally attached to everything. Has probably held a funeral for his potted plant. RIP Mr. Green Leaf (plant not person) you were a good plant.
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grandparomeaskblog · 4 years
When you get this, please say 5 nice things about yourself publicly, then send it to 10 of your favorite followers
// wow thanks man. I was just hitting a new low so I guess thinking about some positive things about me would be a good thing to start with today
1) I have clear and original ideas
2) I'm strong
3) I can research, put things in perspective and make easy to follow instructions/essays/readings that draw people in.
4) I have eye for detail
5) I'm really good at making cute babies.
It's just nice that I had an all natural childbirth and that it really was not a big deal? If I could deliver a baby every month instead of having a period I'd do that! Less pain, less hassle, free from work and highly rewarding.
Im frustrated people tend to use horror stories a lot to totally freak out not only pregnant women, but also teens as some sort of shock-birthcontrol. So I'm glad to have stood up and proved all the haters wrong. Yes a painfree natural delivery within 8 hours with a firstborn is possible.
And if the medical world would make people at ease more things would go SO more smoothly with less complications (but yeah capitalism doesnt work that way)
For someone who has been scared for most her life it's good that I could say to myself. Fuck you guys my body is designed to do this thing don't you try to make me believe otherwise.
Also 4 years and still breastfeeding by request?! POWER!
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shoutogepi · 4 years
hello! so im new to mha i started watching last month and i got hooked. ive finished seasons 1 - 4, the movies, the OVA’s, ONA’s and ive just recently caught up with the manga as well. do u have any advice to newbies like me? like i swear im not only new to mha but to anime as well. march, i started watching demon slayer and (bcs i was impatient, i finished the manga too) and now im also in bunguo stray dogs. im really enjoying the culture here on tumblr and on twt (altho i dont have anitwt i just kind of lurk there for contents) ok sorry im rambling, my point is, do u have any advice to newbies like me? my weeb irls lowkey tells me im a bandwagon, esp when i told them it was todobaku who got me into mha anyway and i just want to prove to them that im not but im also having doubts bcs what if im truly a bandwagon? i just feel bad but mha really helped me in these tying times and i thoroughly enjoy it.
also heart of the storm is the first ever anime fic ive read in my whole life, (i was lurking on ao3 one fine afternoon 😅) i found anime fics weird before but now im so deep into it, using your writing as a standard when im looking for fics to read.
hii!! welcome to the fandom nonnie 💘☺️
to be very honest, sometimes it’s trash toxicity here in the mha tumblr community... it can be very turbulent lol. my advice to you as a newcomer is to stay away from blogs that linger on drama, and constantly throw shade at each other as well. personally, i like to come to tumblr to relax and use it as a little getaway of sorts from real life... so i try to safeguard myself from negativity when it’s present on here. i haven’t been here for suuuuper long either actually (i joined in february), but since then i’ve come to know and love a lot of fellow authors and readers in the community!
i actually was a weeb-hater until i started watching KNY, and then of course came MHA... lol. i’d say don’t worry about “jumping on the bandwagon”— the more the merrier imo! if you enjoy the show and the manga then you should just allow yourself to enjoy it, and don’t worry about what others say. you don’t have to prove yourself to anybody!
i’m glad you liked my fic tho hehe!! if you can’t tell already, todoroki is my absolute fav so i do have a handful of fics for him that you may enjoy! i also have a tag called “ficrec”, linked in my bio, where you’ll be able to find other authors’ fics that i love and totally recommend, if you’re looking for more content!
also, i’m honored to be take your weeb fanfic virginity 😎😂😁
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thedarkdandyofdixie · 4 years
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Throwback to May 2017. This was my second year globe trekking solo. I still do it. Honestly, I think there's nothing wrong with it. People would always shame me in all types of ways for traveling solo. The shaming and hate was REAL.....It still is. It was more subtle more than anything else but I still recieved it nonetheless. Looking back, especially on that particular trip back in 2017, plus a few others before this one, I discovered a lot about myself and the things I was capable of doing alone despite all of the shamming and criticism. I always thought I was some sort of weirdo or selfish prude for traveling alone or not having another person roll along with me. Nah, Im glad I dont think like that anymore. . . . However, I do want to say to those in a similar situation that it's absolutely cool to roll alone out here. Not solely in traveling but in Life in general. They gonna call you a ' loner' , and use other sorts of shaming rhetoric and tactics to downplay traveling or doing things by yourself .... but remember .... thats just THEIR fears, insecurities , and envy they have of you. People like that tend to be very comfortable with the way certain things are --- so doing something independently or outside their realm of comfort is threatening and they will use all types of tactics to belittle, trivialize, ostracize, isolate, de-popularize, or discredit you and the things you are accomplishing and achieving independently without their approval ------ this DEFINITELY includes thinking, speaking, and doing things freely and with liberty. I think solo travel .... or just doing things by yourself in general is one of the most independent, revolutionary, and self-fulfilling acts you can do out here. . . . . Once all of this global plan-ic plan-demic, plan-domonium stuff subsides, Im gonna continue to keep these solo missions going ----- whether through travel, or other aspects of humanity. Hope to see some of y'all on the other side. 🌎🚶🏾‍♂️#solotraveler #wanderyoungmanwander #travelthoughts #journaling #blogger #deepthoughts #haters #travelshaming #independence #travelgram #wanderlust #redpill #roamtheearth #qualitypost (at Tegalalang Rice Field - Ubud) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAlGSVWDNK-/?igshid=b9xqql76vpzj
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