#i used to have this all mapped out you dont understand. sobs
moderntimeadventure · 4 months
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Forest fire anyone?
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fictionfixations · 5 months
book 7 part 4
thats the wrong lilia D:<
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(from beanfest)
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dying inside because oh my god how is this gonna be added to the wiki
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what?? the rest are empty.. (they loaded in eventually but wtf)
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HOW IM SO WEAK IM SOFHJDUFJ FUCk. FUCKING FUCK???? how am i supposed to do this when each battle leaves me with very little Hp. so then i have to heal. but then im not at full hp so then im fucked with the next battle?? HELLO??
I WISH it wasnt stuck to just 3 extra characters besides silver and sebek
I didnt even HAVE a single sebek card until tsumderland 2 because you needed sebek as your study partner so i got his school uniform 😭
if i could choose any character then it wouldnt matter because i could go back to using the cards id already strengthened up for tartarus but like. i CANT. so im feusidfh SOBBING i think i understand how it works now but oh my god this. is. so painful i thought tartarus was bad but i had no idea
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im WEAK im SORRY (lilia's fight before this where you have to beat him to continue is so HARD i couldnt. i succumbed to using a retry ticket. I WAS USING THE STRONGEST TEAM I HAD and my strongest support buddy guy person i dont remember waht its called but i was still fucked oh my god)
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im sorry lilia
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oh thank fuck
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...yeah.... BECAUSE HP SAVES. and im so weAK
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OH MY GOD IT SAVES. (spoiler alert: I DIED. so thats why it says in progress. i healed them up and it fucked me over anyway because it doesnt heal all the way)
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(you can go back so i just. used my remaining cards which are weaker. but were strong enough to oneshot it after i took down a huge majority of their health..)
so then is it better to use the weaker cards. let them die but take the enemy down slowly. and then you can get your strongest cards to kill them in one shot after that?? but then you'll eventually run out. but also it doesnt seem like the maps are too big. ..yet. but still...
(i wanna do them all and get the 10 gems so i can pull for general lilia. i just need 19 more pulls sob.)
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oh my god silver
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oh its canon
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is this why lilias cooking is so bad? because they just had to make do with whatever they had (and learned on the go. and figured that shitty food was normal for them, and the really good food was normal for the rich people??)
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*flashbacks to sebek's stomach growling during lilia's farewell party*
(i. really dont like his grandfather. OKAY??? he disapproves of candy, he disapproves of SEBEK JUST BEING IN THE KITCHEN? LIKE HELLO??? WHAT?? this is from i think his birthday bloom(?) vignette, the candy thing i mean, i THINK. one of the birthday ones with trey as his interviewer.. and its mentioned in his apparentice chef vignette that baur doesnt like sebek in the kitchen. he gets this look on his face. )
i KNOW that baur doesnt know sebek is related to him. but. i just. dont like him. at all. AND IM BIASED BECAUSE I LIKE SEBEK and i dont want him hurt :(((
and okay. i get. it. that. baur doesnt like humans. and its reasonable because humans were assholes and like drained the resources dry (bro we do the same irl..) so then the direbeasts without their habitat anymore ran into the villages and caused havoc.
so theres a valid reason for them (although i feel like theres a HUGE misunderstanding. because fae see the ironclads as ruffians. but the silver owls see the fae as ruffians. or robbers or something wtf??)
and i get it. youd hate the enemy too if you saw what damage they caused. like how lilia isnt the biggest fan of humans either during his time as a general.
and i get that he's probably haunted by memories and its not that easy to get over it. but sometimes i feel like it needs to be known when its no longer healthy for someone to be around another. like, they can both equally love each other. can both care for each so much that they only want the best. but sometimes being around someone can only prove to be more unproductive and unhelpful.
and i know baur did a lot for sebek. but its also like. sebek shouldnt have to be so against humans, so against part of himself just because baur is, y'know? and i feel like if baur really wants to be there for his grandson, that he should at least try to accept it or something so as to not hurt sebek more. that like 'yeah, he's human (not that theres anything wrong with that ofc), but he's also family'.
i dont think im explaining it that well. im just very sad.
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comannder (typo)
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oh my god i dont understand anything i dont know geography
😭 they're just explaining where everything is and im just like 'wait what???? wait where????' im so lost… also is it briar valley or briarland??? what/ I dont get it at all
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OH. wait is that why malleus seems tame in comparison…. ah….
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wait a second
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MAJOR JP SPOILERS (this is from one lilia render i saw. scroll past this if you dont want to see)
we know malleus watches over dreams. how will he appear? we know he can take the form of himself. and id imagine he'd keep doing that but.... or will he change forms? or. like. baby malleus. would he be baby malleus? and then we have to be like 'LILIA ITS A DREAM MALLEUS OVERBLOTTED' and lilias just holding bby malleus protectively like no??? (ive seen an image of his like character render holding a baby dragon... and i assume that might be malleus... thats JP spoilers btw)
oh... wait. but we know malleus' parents are both dead right? (and only his grandma's alive)
OOOH. briar land was when fae territory was bigger (but then humans are encroaching n stuff) briar valley is much more smaller.
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maybe the drowsy spells are because his body is trying to get silver to sleep so he can dream travel? but whats the point of doing that?? nothing really.. happens. i mean he can sort of interfere but???
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WHAT?? i. two teams? HUH?? oh my god… im going to play this as safe as possible and get as many buffs as i can before going into fights. and then im going to try to go as close as i can to the end goal. because nothings stopping me from going back later. ..but i also want to continue the story… but i also wanna see it all……… i mean if i die (as in all my cards die) i can just. restart. i guess.?? but still…. im so happy. i actually have healers on my team now 😭 and buffs make fights easier
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ooh the tiles are actually related to where you are in the story
like theres this river. i did this battle to scare some ironclads away from the river. and then theres this blank tile near it which is also about the river. oooh. i see. ayway im out of mystium
i suddenly feel a lot more assured in my ability to fight them with buffs and other characters
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The Last Dragon
Below the read more I've posted 7 very small sections of a fic that is based on this beautiful and tragic fanvid. I got literal chills watching it. If you wanna sob over our queen and her son wanting to avenge his mother, give it a watch.
I don't think I'll ever go any further, as my writing had an unfortunate run in with a brick wall, which then toppled over it and crushed any urge to write the next bit.
It's not too terrible--though it could actually be total shit, I'm not known for my writing 😂--and it was just gonna gather dust on my laptop, so figured I might as well post it. This was one of my ways of dealing with that fucked up last season within the framework of the show. I dont believe this is Dany's end, and I loathe with every fiber of my being what happened to her and her found family. And after seeing that video, the idea of Drogon doing everything he could to avenge the mother he loved more than anything appealed to that anger inside me. So I'll understand if this isnt for everyone ❤
Chapter 1
He flies, great black wings carrying them away.
Sharp, massive claws curl in gently. Protectively.
Mother is gone.
The cold creeps, burning against his scales the way fire never has.
Mother don’t leave.
A whisper on the wind calls to him.
Mother it hurts.
East, it sighs. It smells of smoke, and fire. Hope.
He follows, wings beating faster.
They took you.
The rage flares, searing away the cold.
They killed you.
The heat of it bursts within him, scaled skin shaking with the strength of it.
Fire and blood.
Jaws stretch wide, and the air burns red with grief.
Chapter 2
The sky bleeds red from the dying sun when Drogon reaches Volantis. The whisper that drew him there stops as he lands on an open balcony.
A woman stands before him, black hair and red robes flying up in the gust of wind from his wings. His claw gently opens, Mother’s cold body slowly sliding onto the hard stone.
Crimson, mournful eyes watch the red woman kneel by Mother, pale fingers hovering over her, not touching, for a long moment.
“I cannot bring her back, Drogon,” she murmurs, regretful.
He throws his head back, bellows fury and sadness into the sky. No, Mother, come back. I am alone.
A faint brush at the back of his mind--where Mother used to be, his brothers, the thoughts they shared together--grasps his attention. Makes him look back down at the red woman.
“I cannot give you back Daenerys Targaryen, but I can give you something else.”
His nostrils flair, and his head moves closer.
“I can give you the revenge you desire. As it stands, you may be able to raze the whole of the Seven Kingdoms, turn it all to ash, but that would not be what your mother wanted.”
Drogon growls, lips pulled up in a snarl. Sheep. All are sheep. Betrayed Mother. Killed Mother. No mercy.
She nods her head. Comprehends what he is unable to say out loud.
“Yes, they all betrayed Daenerys, took from her and killed her when her visions grew too great for their small minds. They could not grasp that the Mother of Dragons was above all a breaker of chains. She would have freed us all.”
She pauses, then continues, her voice hard. “They need to be punished. And they will be. But Daenerys’ dreams must be realized. Dragon’s Bay must remain free. The Dothraki cannot return to what they were, raping and pillaging. And the petty lords of Westeros must be laid low. Those who destroyed Daenerys must see their reigns come to an end not only by dragon fire, but by the unification of the people they have ground into the dust, unified against them.”
“A dragon has the power to do great things, but to lead men, to lead armies, that is the one thing you cannot do, Drogon. Not as you are. You must be more. And by the Lord of Light’s grace, you can become exactly what the people need.”
Drogon rumbles in frustration, steam billowing from between his sharp, clenched teeth. He doesn’t understand.
“Human, Drogon. You must become human.”
Chapter 3
They take Mother, to clean her, he is told. Remove the dagger, her clothes. Wash the blood away.
The red woman directs him to fly from the balcony, down into an open courtyard below. A large fire pit rages with a towering flame. It warms him, feels like Mother’s hand caressing his scales.
Dragons cannot cry. A mournful moan makes his great neck tremble. Human. Perhaps he can cry when he is human.
People in red robes enter the courtyard, one after another, until they circle around Drogon. His tail twitches. Their closeness agitates him.
The red woman appears, crossing the circle to stand in front of the fire. Hatred fills him when he sees what is in her hands. The dagger stained with Mother’s blood. Coward. The coward’s dagger.
“I am sorry Drogon. It is a necessary piece of the ritual. Soon,” she soothes, “you will have all you need to begin your campaign against the traitors.”
Another voice brushes against that same place in his mind. That lonely place where Mother, Rhaegal, and Viserion once lived. Soon, it too promises.
The red woman turns her head, scans the other acolytes before catching Drogon’s eyes.
“Let us begin.”
Voices hum together in chant, and the sky is filled with an agonized roar.
Chapter 4
He groans.
Drogon, my love.
Everything hurts.
You cannot sleep forever, my beautiful boy.
He moves his head slightly. Cringes at the sharp pain.
Wake up, Drogon.
Mother? Why does everything hurt so much?
It’s time.
The voice begins to fade. He reaches out a hand, slowly, to make it stay, and freezes. He has a hand. A human hand.
Fingers curl into his palm, and the nails scratch against his skin, bite into it. His legs scrape against the stone as he slowly stretches out one, then the other.
He can still feel the fire to the side of him; it feels heavier, pressing on his skin but it does not hurt his flesh.
What burns more painfully is the missing weight of his wings. No flight for him now.
Cold fingers brush his shoulder, curve sharply to hold him when he recoils.
He doesn’t like to be held, or touched, no one but Mother, and his brothers, but they are gone. Gone, gone, gone…
“Drogon! It is only me, Kinvara!” The voice finally penetrates, and he stops pulling away.
Allowing for her help, he rolls carefully onto his back. Sharp pebbles dig into his skin. No scales to protect him anymore.
He feels her fingers move to his face, tracing the human features. “Open your eyes Drogon. See what the Lord of Light has gifted to you.”
Gift? No gift. Just more pain. Weakness. But he opens his eyes. The fire from the pit is soothing, warm. Warmer than...before. Would it burn him? His hand flinches towards it but he’s not close enough to touch.
He turns his eyes toward Kinvara. She is smiling, eyes reflecting the fire’s light.
She waves a hand towards an acolyte. “Bring me a robe. We must cover our dragon prince.”
Red cloth is laid over him, and two other acolytes help Drogon to sit. They hold him up as the other wraps the robe around him more securely.
Drogon grits his teeth, blood rushing angry and hot.
He tries to talk, mouth struggling to form the human words. “W-We—” He growls, tries again. “W-Weak.”
“For now,” she says. “But you will grow stronger, I promise you.”
Drogon struggles to stay awake, but bone deep exhaustion pulls at him, and his frustration wanes as he slips into slumber.
Chapter 5
Four moons pass before Drogon is ready to set sail for Meereen. He was like a hatchling again, unsteady, vulnerable, and he hated it. Kinvara and her priests taught him the ways of his new body, how to eat and walk, to read their words.
Coarse fabric to wear instead of steely scales.
But now it is time. Time to search out Grey Worm. Daario. The Unsullied and Dothraki. Train with them and become stronger. Much stronger.
He knew how to fight as a dragon. Armies and castles were nothing against the heat of his fire. He must learn how to wage war as humans do.
Wrapped in a red cloak, hood hanging low over his face, Drogon is ready to begin.
Chapter 6
They are waiting for him at the dock after the sun has set, Grey Worm and Mother’s sellsword, two silent figures who do not move, do not speak until Drogon stands before them.
Daario breaks the silence first. “Drogon?”
He pulls back his hood, unnaturally crimson eyes in a human face flashing in the near dark.
Daario sucks in a breath, then huffs out a laugh. “If the red priests had not sent word ahead, I may not have believed it. But by the gods, here you stand.” He reaches out an arm for Drogon to clasp.
He does so, hesitantly, but with a firm grip. Human greetings still puzzle him.
Grey Worm steps closer then kneels, bows his head bowed, fist pressed against his chest. “Ñuha dārilaros. Bisy qringaomatan īlva dāria. Īlon emagon ossēntan se nāpāstre skoriot pōnta iōrtan (My prince. This one failed our Queen. We should have killed the traitors where they stood.).”
Drogon does not know if he is asking for forgiveness or absolution.
Dragons have no real concept of forgiveness. He should be angry the traitors were allowed to live. But Grey Worm is kin, as the little scribe had been. Mother’s old bear too, and the white-haired knight. Everyone who had been under Mother’s protection, had been under her children’s protection as well. And would continue to be.
“Rise, Grey Worm.” His voice is rough and sharp edged, and it seems to startle the two men to hear him speak. “Those that hurt Mother, that used her and took her life will be punished as they deserve. But I need your help. So rise. Let us repay them with fire and blood. For Mother. For Missandei. For them all.”
He holds out a hand, waits.
Grey Worm looks up, eyes bright with unshed tears. His lips tremble, then firm. He takes Drogon’s hand.
Chapter 7
They convene in Mother’s chambers, the map room he would never have been able to fit in before almost cavernous to him now.
Spread out around the table, the three men pull together a plan as they look down at the map.
First, they will weed out the opposition in Essos, solidify their hold in the east. Astapor, Yunkai, they will all come to heel, every slave freed. They would be as clever as Mother had been, keep the number of innocents lost as low as they could. Drogon would prefer to burn through the Good Masters, snap them up and tear them apart, but for Mother, he would be patient, and take the slower path. All the slavers would still die, and their victims would live, and live free.
But for what Drogon had planned, he needed steel in place of claws, armor instead of dragonhide. He needed Grey Worm and Daario to make him as fearsome as a human as he’d been as a dragon. And that would take time.
He ground his blunted teeth together; he hated waiting. Hated it. But let the traitors think they were safe for a while longer. It would be all the sweeter when he ripped that feeling of safety away, just as they ripped Mother away from him. His brothers. His home.
They would feel his pain. And then they would feel nothing at all.
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remmysbounty · 3 years
chapter 4
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I’m really excited to see what y’all think of this chapter, it’s the longest one so far… also I apologize in advance, but also sort of not sorry hehe
The plane flight back to Louisiana felt even longer than the one you’d taken a day prior. The frigidness that you’d felt since setting your eyes on Joaquin had followed you onto the plane, aching you to the core even as you watched Joaquin sleep peacefully out of the corner of your eye.
You were already a shell of yourself. Drained empty from all the emotions you’d felt while looking for Joaquin, now you were void of anything. You were cold, inside and out.
Sam seated himself next to you, “Why don’t you get some sleep on the cot? We still have a while to go.”
You shook your head once, not even bothering to look in his direction.
He sighed, his sadness and sympathy for your situation obvious to all. But after another second passed, he moved away, giving you exactly what you wanted.
Somehow you’d fallen asleep in that position. Waking up to find Bucky cautiously shaking you awake. Joaquin was up to, his voice now filled with some of its warmth as him and Sam spoke. You felt his eyes on you, but it felt off. It felt wrong.
The sun was strong and steady as you stepped off the plane, but as your body came into contact with the golden light, no warmth greeted you.
Sam rested his hand on your shoulder, shocking you to attention, “We’re gonna go to Sarah’s. Why don’t you join us for a bit?”
You didn’t even bother to hide the way your eyes automatically looked at Joaquin. You knew why, you wanted him to ask you to join them, but why would he-
Once again you felt the pain in your body from Joaquin’s words and automatically stepped away from Sam, even if it was meant for Joaquin, “No.”
Your hand curled around your duffel bag as you walked away, using the last of your strength to get yourself to the car that would take you away from all of this.
You closed the door with a slam, “Airport.”
Joaquin’s dreams scared him. They weren’t of the last week, or the torture, but of someone. He didn’t recognize them, couldn’t remember a single thing, but yet as he dreamed, he seemed to be searching, searching for a piece of himself that was missing. And yet when he opened his eyes to the simultaneous tranquility and chaos of the base in Louisiana, he continued to feel that pull. His mind was trying to remember something, and as he watched you watch him with an emptiness, he couldn’t help but wonder if it was you.
His brain clearly remembered everything else about the world around him. He recognized Sam and Bucky, recognized that he’d be staying with Sarah and her kids while he healed.
But you, you only brought blanks.
Sam’s voice brought him back to his surroundings, “Buck and I are both gonna be staying at first, but once we figure it out then it’ll just be you and me.”
He met Joaquin’s eyes in the car mirror, satisfied to get a nod out of the young man. As of now, the only thing that could help him was time, and Sam couldn’t help but hope that that’s what you would need too.
You stood just past the doorway of your apartment. The pressure of the door against your back, the coldness of the wood against your hands grounding you as you stared at the place.
This wasn’t home.
You sobbed as the thought settled in your mind. Your home now resided with a man who no longer knew who you were.
You sat down on the floor, resting your head against the door, as everything flowed out of you.
Time seemed foreign to you. The only reminder of its existence being the soft tick of the clock Joaquin had bought filling the whole apartment.
Even as the sun rose to a new day, you were only accompanied by your flowing emotions and the tick of the clock.
Each day he felt his strength return. Slowly looking like the man he remembered being when he left on that mission. And yet there was always something nagging at him.
He knew he wasn’t imagining it- the way Sam and Sarah would look at one another when your name was brought up only to stare at Joaquin intensely, the way Sam’s calls with Bucky would eventually lead to him leaving Joaquin’s presence or even how Sam would step away when your name popped up on his phone.
But still, he couldn’t understand it.
Why were they so focused on you? Who were you to him?
As the sun glinted in his face, waking him up, a memory seemed to flash in his brain. A comforting presence sleeping next to him in a different bed. He blinked.
He was alone.
You stared at your belongings all packed up in the car, and you realized that for the first time since losing Joaquin you felt proud.
Bucky stepped up next to you out of the corner of your eye, “Are you sure about this?”
You turned to him, looking him in the eye, “I’m sure.”
The sight of the soft glint in your eyes brought a small smile to his face. You weren’t completely healed, not yet, but you were getting better.
He jokingly made a stern face, “You better keep me updated.”
You chuckled, “Don’t worry…. Dad.”
Both of you laughed, even if it was a soft one. Bucky watched as you drove away with the setting sun.
“Why do you do that?” Joaquin’s voice was stern as he stared at Sam and Sarah. Once again your name had come up, and once again they had shared that look, a look he had yet to decipher. But as time continued to pass, the more annoyed he was at not understanding.
Sam sighed, “Are you sure you want to talk about this now?”
Nodding his head, Sam reached over to a small scrapbook that had been created for this exact moment.
It took Joaquin a moment to recognize the face on all the pictures. They were you.
“Do you recognize them?” Sam started slowly, watching Joaquin as he flipped through the pictures.
“They were there when you all found me,” his hand hovered over one particular photo of you and the apartment. He knew that was his apartment, but why were you there?
“You don’t remember them before that?”
Joaquin shook his head, “Who are they? To me?”
“From what I understood,” Sam spoke slowly, “you two were in love.”
“And the apartment?” His eyes remained fixed on that picture of you. So disheveled and barely awake, yet to him you were the most beautiful person in the world.
“You were roommates,” Sam continued to watch as Joaquin’s fingers traced a closer up picture of your face.
For once, Sam swore he saw a sadness emanate from Joaquin as he spoke, “Nothing more?”
Sam shook his head solemnly, “I’m not entirely sure. Something was off between the two of you the day of the mission and-“ he stopped himself from revealing what you’d told him when you’d gotten the news.
“And?” Joaquin wanted answers.
“It’s not my place to say.”
You sat in the diner staring at the map in front of you. Originally this was supposed to be a trip that you and Joaco were going to take when you both had enough time off but now- you needed this.
Your phone vibrated next to you, “Hello James.”
“Just wanted to check in,” he spoke softly, “I’m heading down to visit him.”
“I know,” your voice softened in return, “I’ll be heading out in a bit anyway, just reached Highway 50.”
A comforting silence grew on the line. And then, “Keep me updated.”
His words reminded you of a parents, making you chuckle softly, “Of course.”
“And-“ “- send pictures,” you laughed as you repeated the words in time with Bucky, “I know, I know. Are you ever gonna tell me the reason for them anyway?”
Bucky paused and then shook his head. He couldn’t tell you, not when you weren’t there with him, “Maybe.”
Even without being with you, he knew you were rolling your eyes at him. But he wouldn’t say anything, not now.
You hung up the call. And as he stared down at your contact info he wondered how you would take the news…. No matter how many pictures and stories they recounted of you, Joaquin couldn’t remember.
#1: Reader and Joaquin continue on these separate paths
#2: Reader and Joaquin reunite
Joaquin Torres: @pascalpanic @letoatreiides @booksmusicteaandanimals @cooluncleboba @autumnleaves1991-reads @marvelouss-marvel @mischiefmanaged71 @the-and-sign-anon @Barzal-Burakovsky @young-romanoff @xoxabs88xox @xbuchananbarnes
choose your own adventure fic: @pascalpanic @sweetlemonade1 @sharkbait77 @minnie-lanterns @mischiefmanaged71 @hoennislands @1940sbuckybarnes @parkjammys @7crowsinadress @reluctantlyresponsibleadult @iamthebeth
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Love Potion
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Request: can i request some angst for younger remus where it's a couple days after the full moon and he looks for the reader so they can cuddle (they're already dating) and he finds them kissing another guy, and he asks reader why and the readers like "i dont want you anymore, i love this guy, blah blah blah" and he's heart broken but later somehow reader's friend finds out the guy gave them a love potion and fixes it, and reader has to try to explain to Remus that it's what happened but he doesn't believe her, and it's all angsty because he's mad at her but in the end he understands or something like that, and i am SO sorry that this is so long, and i love love love your writing
Requested by: Anon
Paring: Remus Lupin x Reader
Word Count: 3.3K
~Master list-
Remus was exhausted. Another full moon a few days ago wore the boy down. His body ached and all he wanted to do was relax and stop moving and making his newest scars hurt more. Remus knew after a full moon as restless as the last one, there was only one thing that would make him feel better.
You’ve been dating for a little over a year now and knew all about Remus’ lycanthropy. You wanted to help him any way you could, offering to become an Animagus just to protect Remus, but Remus refused to allow you to do that, not wanting you to even get the chance to be hurt, much less by him. So instead you settled on middle ground. Whenever Remus needed it, full moon or not, you were always down for cuddles. It didn’t really seem much like middle ground considering the fact how much you both loved cuddling with each other and just being in each other’s arms. You’d always run your fingers through Remus’ fluffy hair, gently scrapping your nails against his scalp as he held you close to his chest. There was no doubt in his mind that it was his favorite part of the day.
He packed up all his books and papers in the library, his work long forgotten since you had been on his mind for the last 20 minutes. His friends knew the look in his eyes as they watched him gather his things, bidding them goodbye before he was gone. His first stop was the Gryffindor common room, assuming you were probably with Lily.
“Evans!” Remus called out to the red head as she started to make her way upstairs. Lily turned around, sharing a smile with her friend. “Is Y/N up there?”
Lily shook her head at his question. “No? She ran out almost an hour ago, looking for too giddy for her normal self so I figured she was looking for you, ready for your cuddles.” She giggled softly, remembering the way you skipped out of the common room. Her giggles ceased when she realized Remus was your destination. “What she didn’t go to you?”
Remus furrowed his brows and put his hands on his hips. “No, I haven’t seen her since last lessons.”
“Want me to help look for her?” Lily offered but Remus turned her down.
“It’s fine, I’m sure she just went for a walk.” Remus hid a whimper as Lily patted his shoulder in good luck before she finished her voyage upstairs. As soon as she was gone, Remus went up to his room and threw his things on his bed, pulling out the map his friend and he enchanted and started looking for your name. It didn’t take long before he found you, your name floating in the astronomy tower next to some kid name Jordan Adams. “Jordan Adams?” Remus whispered to himself as he tried to think of who this kid was and why his girlfriend was so ‘giddy’ to see him.
Remus didn’t know much about him, knowing he was a Gryffindor in the same year as you and him and vaguely remember you complaining about being partners with him last year on a project in Transformation. A project Adams used as an opportunity to repeatedly ask you out. Sure, this was before you and Remus were dating, but what were you doing with him now?
Remus didn’t waste anytime to head to the top of the tower, the pathway thankfully secluded before he reached the top. But then he saw the last thing he ever wanted to see.
You and this Adams kid lip locked, no space between you as his arm was thrown around your waist.
“Y/N?” Remus’ shattered voice caused you and Jordan to separate, your head snapping around to look at Remus. Jordan’s eyes went wide, wiping your smeared lipstick off his lips which only made Remus more upset. “What the hell is this? You’re cheating on me?” He blurted out, watching you stand up and head his way. He didn’t want to look at you, your calm expression making him sick to his stomach. With everything you and Remus went through he never thought you’d cheat on him.
“Remus, I love him.”
And just like that the anger disappeared from Remus’ body, replaced with a numbness as he stared at you. “W-what?”
“I love him.” You repeated, looking back at Jordan with a smile once only reserved for Remus. You loved him? You loved him? You were the only person Remus ever said those words too, and for you it was the same. But now you just said those words about a completely different boy. “We’re over Remus. I don’t want you anymore. Jordan’s my boyfriend now.” You batted your eyelashes at Remus as if you hadn’t just ripped out his heart and stomped it into the ground.
“I-I don’t understand. What happened- Why are you”
You let out a loud annoyed groan, rolling your eyes at Remus before grabbing Jordan’s hand. “Don’t let this be harder than it has to be. I just realized Jordan’s perfect for me. I mean isn’t he just dreamy?” You clutched onto his arm, fawning over the boy before turning his head to land a sloppy kiss on his mouth.
Remus had seen enough. He ran out of the tower, right out of the school and straight into the forbidden forest. His eyes were prodding with tears he finally let fall as he dropped to the ground, slamming his fist onto the forest floor and screaming out his pain. He’s been in physical pain before during and after a transformation, emotional too, like experiencing his parent’s reactions after he was infected, but in this moment all he could feel was the way he couldn’t breathe. His throat closed up as he sobbed in the woods, his walls breaking as the image of you pulling Adams’ face to yours played on repeat in his brain.
His heart was broken, and he couldn’t handle it.
A first year Hufflepuff saw Remus run into the woods, the cries of the much older boy catching his attention before he disappeared in the tree line. He was the one who told James, Sirius, and Peter where the fourth member of their friend group was. The boys took off immediately to find Remus, unsure of what happened in the last hour since they watched him leave the library.
Remus was no longer crying when his friends found him a while later, deep in the forest and propped up against a tree. His cheeks were wet, and all emotion was drained from his face when the boys stopped. “Moony? Moony, mate, are you okay?” James whispered softly as he and Sirius squatted on both sides of him, sharing concerned looks when Remus showed no sign of a response.
“Remus?” Sirius tried this time, putting a hand on the boy’s shoulder. Remus’ head slowly turned to look at him, his eyes bloodshot and looking as if he just realized he had company. Sirius hesitated momentarily before standing up, grabbing Remus’ arm and gently pulling him to his feet. “Let’s get you out of here.” He spoke in a quiet tone, worried the raise in voice wouldn’t be good. Remus allowed the three of them to bring him to his room, trying to pass the common room as quickly as possible to hide Remus’ condition from the rest of the school.
They placed him on his bed, Remus curled into his covers and brought his pillow against his chest, holding it much like he would hold you. The boys didn’t leave him, each of them climbing onto the bed, making sure not to disturb Remus’ position. “Are we going to talk about it?” Sirius asked, unsure how to directly address this. James, the only other person in their foursome with a girlfriend, knew what ever was going on with Remus was related to you. No one break downs like this unless it was over someone they love.
“Take your time, Moony. We’re here when you need to talk.” James said as he patted Remus’ arm, feeling the boy stiffen under his touch before a quiet sob went through his body and his eyes clasped shut.
“She cheated on me.”
They were sure they misheard him. There was no way you, who they knew love Remus more than anyone else, would cheat on him. “Remus-“
“I caught her kissing Jordan Adams! She said she loved him!” He cried out, wetting the pillow when he held it against his face. He wasn’t embarrassed to cry in front them, they were practically his brothers. He was embarrassed that he imagined a future with you, you who just broke his heart and only made Remus believe more that no one could ever love a monster like him.
Remus cried for more hours than he’d like to admit, his friends staying by his side until he ran out of tears. Lily stopped by earlier as well, confused as to why she just saw her best friend with someone who most definitely wasn’t her boyfriend.
They took shifts once dinner started, Peter watching over Remus while Sirius and James got something to eat, hurrying up in order to get back to Remus. The first thing they saw when they entered the great hall though was you, clinging onto Adam’s arm much like you had when you were in front of Remus. If they didn’t believe Remus earlier, they definitely would’ve now. They shot you a glare as they walked by, choosing to sit at the other side of the Gryffindor table. They spoke in hushed voices, refusing to look at you as Lily rushed to the table.
“We have a problem.” She told the two boys, sitting in the spot next to her boyfriend.
“Yeah, Miss liar over there.” Sirius grumbled, nudging his head in your direction before stabbing the food on his plate.
“Exactly.” She placed a box of chocolate on the table, picking out a piece and holding it up. “James, take a good sniff and tell me what you smell.”
James raised a brow at her, confused what she was getting at as Lily shot him a look and he complied, taking a deep sniff of the chocolate in her hand. “I can’t smell anything, your perfume’s too strong. Are you wearing the whole bottle?” He asked, taking another whiff and mentally enjoying the smell of Lily wearing the perfume he bought her at Hogsmeade.
“I’m not wearing any perfume today! That’s my point!” She exclaimed, only making James jump before both boys waited for her to explain. “When I smell this, all I can smell is your shampoo.” James flushed red as Lily put the candy back in the box, wiping the slightly melted chocolate of her hand and onto her napkin.
“What are you getting at Lils?” Sirius asked, shoveling another bite of his food into his mouth.
“I found this box on Y/N’s bed this afternoon. She only ate a few pieces before leaving.”
“So?” James scoffed, annoyed at the mention of you.
“So? How daft are you?!” Neither boy said anything, still very confused as to what Lily was trying to point out. She groaned, throwing her hands into the air. “It’s a love potion! Adams gave Y/N a love potion!”
Both boys’ face dropped, pieces of the puzzle slowly falling together. “She’s under a spell?” Lily nodded slowly. “She’s not really in love with him?”
“Are you kidding? Look at them.” They looked down the table, seeing you grabbing onto Adams’ arm and staring adorningly at him, but Adams wouldn’t look at you. Instead he was completely focused on his friends, you were just arm candy, but didn’t seem to mind. “Does that look like love?”
Sirius shook his head in disbelief, thinking about Remus sitting in their room believing you no longer loved him. “Should we tell Remus?”
“No. Not until the potion’s worn off.” Lily shook her head at them.
“How long will that be?”
“A day? At least.” She muttered, trying to recall what she learned in Slughorn’s class. “It’s already been over half that.”
James scowled. “Moony is going to kill Adams.”
“Not unless Y/N does first.”
“What if Adams gives her a second dose before the first wears off?” Lily reminded them as they fell silent. If Adams gave you a second dose before the first wears off then it’s at least another day before you return to your old self.
“What if we get her away from him?” Sirius suggested and went over plans in his head.
“You mean kidnap her?”
“What? No!” Sirius denied James view as James shrugged. “I mean, what if Lily distracts her until she’s back, that way Adams can’t get his grubby hands on her.”
“That could work.” James agreed, turning to Lily. “Could you do that?”
“I think I’m more than capable of getting my best friend to spend time in her room.” The task was easier said than done.
By school rules, you had to sleep in your own bed and Lily thanked every star in the sky that Adams hadn’t pulled something with you being spelled and made you return to your room. You went on for a while talking nonstop about Jordan. It was infuriating for Lily to listen to. She usually didn’t mind hearing about your love life, both of you love sharing with each other before going to sleep, but that was when you were talking about Remus, not some boy who decided to sneak you a love potion.
“Y/N!” Lily groaned, slapping her hand against her pillow and looking over at you in the dark. “Just go to sleep!”
“But we always-“
“Not tonight. Let’s just go to sleep.” She didn’t hear any response from you, sighing in content as she figured you listened to her. She let her eyes close, thankful for the silence as she fell asleep.
She barely got a few hours of sleep before hearing you whisper her name. “Lily?” she grunted, rolling onto her back and rubbing her eyes.
“I need to see him.”
She sighed deeply and pulled the blanket tighter against herself. “You can see Adams in the morning. Go back to sleep.”
“No Lily. I need see Remus.” Her eyes snap wide, realizing how your words echoed with tears. She was out of her bed quickly and lighting the room, seeing you perched on your bed with tears in your eyes.
“The potion wore off?” She ask as you nodded, hanging your head low. “Adams must’ve messed up somehow…” She mumbled, letting out a breath of relief before launching herself onto your bed, wrapping her arms around your neck. “Oh, I’m so glad you’re back.”
You hugged her back tight, burying your head into her neck. “Lily I messed up!”
“Why’d you eat the chocolate?!” She yelled at you, separating and pushing the hair out of your tears.
“I thought they were from Remus! They smelt just like him, I thought-“ you stopped yourself, realizing how stupid you were. Lily scrambled out of your bed, jotting something down on a paper. She handed it to your owl and let him out of his cage.
“Take this to Remus.” She told the owl before he flew away.
“He isn’t going to want to see me.” You tried to tell her, but she didn’t listen as she pulled you off your bed and dragged you down to the common room. Remus woke up to the sound of your owl on the window catching his attention, his sniffling filling the room as he wiped his eyes. He furrowed his brows, looking over his still sleeping friends before shuffling out of bed and opening the window. Your owl dropped the message in his hand. His eyes darted over Lily’s vague words.
Common Room. Now.
He didn’t want to go, but if Lily was telling him to, he knew better than to ignore her. He tossed the paper on his bedside, glancing into the mirror to see the mess he looked like before shaking off the vision and heading downstairs.
“Lily?” He called out as he finished the steps, looking around the room before his eyes landed on you, your gaze casted onto the fire as you sat curled up in front of it. “Y/N.” You turned to look at him, looking just as distraught as he did.
“Rem.” You whispered, fresh tears falling down your face at the sight of him. You stood up, taking a step towards Remus as he tried and fail to hide how much he was hurting as he started back up the stairs. “Remus wait!”
“Why?” He spat, his eyes glaring into yours with a fire you’ve never seen before. “I don’t want to hear it. Whatever you have to say, go tell Adams.”
“I don’t love Adams! I don’t even like him!”
“Oh, really? Cause it sure didn’t look that way earlier when your tongue was down his throat!
“I love you!” You screamed at him, sure that every Gryffindor, even the sleeping ones, could hear you. Remus didn’t say anything, watching as you closed your eyes, falling onto the couch behind you. Your voice was softer now, so scared of losing Remus as you looked at him from across the room. “I love you Remus. I’ve always loved you. Adams left chocolate on my bed, I thought they were from you. I didn’t know there was a love potion in them.”
Remus bit his tongue, watching you hug yourself tight shaking your head as your tears hit the carpet. “Why should I believe anything you’re saying right now?”
You shrugged, feeling so defeated. “Because I do love you Remus. It was a love potion; you must believe that. I don’t love anyone but you.” Your voice cracked as Remus broke, slowly making his way over to the couch with you. He didn’t look at you as he sat down and you nodded, reaching over to cup his cheek to get him to look at you. His watery eyes met yours, his breath caught in his throat as your fingers danced over his skin. “For as long as you’ll have me, I’m yours. I promise.” Remus stayed quiet, leaning his forehead against yours.
It was a love potion. He thought. It wasn’t her. She still loves me. She always loved me.
You were about to pull away and grant Remus the space he probably wanted. You knew how upset you’d be if the shoe was on the other foot, but Remus didn’t let you pull away. His lips connected with yours, a kiss much different than the ones Adams stole from you. More tears streamed down your cheeks, wiped away as Remus brought a hand up.
“I believe you.” he whispered, brushing his thumb back and forth across your cheek. You smiled, licking your lips as you fell into his embrace, your body fitting against his perfectly. Remus sighed, letting out a shaky breath when he held you into him. “I love you.” he whispered into your ear, feeling you say it back as your breath tickled his neck. You were both exhausted, the sun not coming up for another or so as Remus laid down on the couch, you still in his embrace laying next to him as you let your hand move into his hair, playing with his curls.
“I’m gonna kill Adams.” You mumbled as Remus raised a brow, nodding his head.
“I’ll help.” You chuckled at him, feeling his laugh rumble in his chest as he pulled you closer to him. It didn’t take long before both you and Remus fell asleep together, your tears long gone. Lily found you an hour later have come down to check on you before seeing you and Remus finally cuddled together. She smiled, leaving you and your boyfriend to get some much-needed rest, vowing to never let you eat random chocolate you find on your bed again. Even if it does smell like your boyfriend.
A/N: Thoughts? 😊 Hope this was what you were hoping for Anon!
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popfizzles · 4 years
I.... hic... sob..... hicc.... dont.... whimper.... understand neopets! I impulse made an account and! I dont knkw what to do! I have a 0 hour old bloated Aisha who I dont know how to dress or love or feed 🥺
im so sorry i somehow convinced you to make a neopets account ghaskldjfghkdf
my suggestions:
1) make sure flash is enabled for the site because a lot of the website is still running on it (they’re making the switch over to a different platform that’s supposedly going to keep working even after flash is long gone). most maps rely on Flash being enabled.
2) open up the [map of neopia] and just start clicking around. it’s a big world and easy to get overwhelmed so start small and slow! The burger looking icon is Neopia Central, it’s a good place to start to get a hang of how to navigate the site. You can branch out to other areas, and you can turn the globe with the arrows on the compass at the bottom right of the map. Neopets is, despite the way it looks on the surface, a point and click RPG experience.
3) click your NP amount at the top right to go to your Inventory. That’s where all the items you collect go, and you can click each thing and open a drop-down menu to decide what to do with them. You can feed your Neopet food, and use toys to play with them!
4) i use this [list of links] to get free things each day! It tells you how often you can do each activity, and the best time to do them! you can get free foods to make sure your Aisha stays fed, along with a whole bunch of other things! Your main source of income will likely be the thing labeled Trudy’s Surprise. If you do it once a day for a month, you can get a free 100k!
I wish you luck!!
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langstforthesoul · 4 years
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Lance McClain
*Both Alteans walk into the where lance is and here him talking about his home to the mice*
Allura: Home?
Lance: *tenses but relaxes* A Place where I can go… *Looks at the hologram of earth* To take this off my shoulders (referring to the war)
Coran: My boy…
Lance: *trying his best not to cry and gives a sad smile* Someone take me home…
*After training by himself and he again is talking to the mice as Shiro walks in*
Shiro: Home? C’mon Lance we’ve been over this-
Lance: *Holding back tears and glares at the ground* A place where I can Go!
Shiro: *Shocked at the volume of his voice* Lance-
Lance: *Laughs bitterly and gestures around himself* TO TAKE THIS OF MY SHOULDERS!
Shiro: *steps forward to comfort him*
Lance: *steps back with a flash of fear in his eyes* Someone take me home… *screams*
*in the common room with lance and Keith fighting (again) but Keith says something that crosses the line*
Keith: I’m sure everyone back home thinks we’re dead so will you please stop comp-
Lance: *tears sting his eyes as he cuts him off* Look, I didn’t power through the struggle just to let a little trouble, knock me out of position or interrupt my vision (Talking about his dream of going to space)
Keith: *realizes what he’s done* Lance I didn’t mean-
Lance: *trying his best not to break down* After everything I’ve witnessed (Referring to all the death and destruction) After all of these decisions… *tears pool out of his eyes) all these miles, feet, inches… They cant add up to the distance of me being more than a spare paladin, a fill in until a true one comes along. Just to get to a place where even if there’s no closure… *looks up at Keith with a broken look and smile* I’m still safe… *whispers* with you…
Keith: Baby…
Lance: *Lets out a shuddering breath* I still ache from trying to keep pace *starts to leave* Please just somebody give me a sign I’m starting to lose faith…
*Lance walks through the castle halls by himself*
Lance: Now tell me, how did all my dreams turn into nightmares? (Flashes of when he died after taking a hit for Allura or the time he saved Coran from the explosion) *Begins to tremble* How did I lose it when I was right there…?
Lance: *falls to his knees*
The others: *either listening from the camera room or from around the corner*
Lance: *lets out a choked sob* Now I’m so far that it feels like its all gone to pieces…
Lance: *Screams* Tell me why the universe NEVER FIGHTS FAIR?!?!
*The others have a group meeting while Lance is in his room*
Shiro: He’s trying to find-
Hunk: *gives a sad look and shakes his head* Home, a place where he can go to take all of this off his shoulders… He just wants to go home…
Pidge: Home… *glares at Keith cause they know about the fight* A place where he can go!
Keith: *tears up* To take this off his shoulders, he just wants to go home…
Coran: *actually snaps* THEN WE MAKE THIS A HOME!
Allura: *Nods in agreement* A home where he can feel comfortable and relaxed after missions.
*Everyone in the common area now with Lance*
Hunk: Talk to us man, help us understand what you’re feeling..
Lance: *sighs and looks up at the all with cold eyes and a sharp glare* Look.
Everyone: *either flinches or tenses up*
Lance: *swallows while a lump forms in his throat* I’ve been through so much pain that its hard to maintain any smile on my face *laughs bitterly* Cause there’s madness on my brain…
Everyone: *listens intensely*
Coran: *sits next to Lance and wraps an arm around his shoulder all the while pulling him closer*
Keith: *leaning against the wall while blinking away tears*
Pidge: *sitting in front of lance while holding back tears*
Hunk: *Lifts lance up and places him in his lap while allowing coran to still hold his shoulder*
Shiro: *looks down while guilt runs through him*
Allura: *wipes her tears*
Lance: *continues while his voice thickens with sadness* So I have to make it back, but my home ain’t on a map…
Everyone: *confused but don’t interrupt*
Lance: *looks over at Keith* Gotta follow what I’m feeling to discover where’s its at… I need the-
Keith: *looks up and smiles sadly* Memories…
Everyone (Excluding Keith and Lance): *Smiles at the two*
Lance: *looks away* In case this fate is forever *looks up at everyone and gives a saddened smile* Just be sure that our last days are better…
Hunk: *Holds him tighter* Lance-
Lance: *shudders* And to all of my enemies… Dios mios *chokes out a sob as he remembers haggar and Zarkon* Please give me the strength t-to look the devil in the face and make it home safe!
Shiro: *walks over and crouches down to Lance’s eye level* Now tell me, how did all your dreams become nightmares?
Allura: *places a hand on Lance’s cheek and wipes a tear* How did you lose it when we are right here? (Referring to their love and caring for him)
Lance: *jerks away from her touch* I’m so far that it feels like its all gone to pieces.. *sobbing while glaring at Allura and Shiro* Tell me WHY THE WAR NEVER FIGHTS FAIR?! I never asked to be here! I never asked to join this war! I never asked for you to constantly remind me that I’m not good enough, that I dont train or try hard enough, that I’m the goofball, that *sobs wreck through him* THAT I’M JUST A USELESS AND REPLACEABLE PALADIN! I’M JUST TRYING TO FIND-
Keith: *gently cups lances cheeks while interrupting his hysterics* A home… A place where you can go *gives him him such a adoring but sad look* to take this all off your shoulders…
Lance: *reaches for Keith* Please I just wanna go home… *shudders* Someone take me-
Keith: *takes Lance from hunk and hold him in his lap as he sits down* I found no cure for the Loneliness, I found no cure for this sickness…
Lance: *hides his face in the crook of Keith’s neck* Nothing here feels like home, I am surrounded by family but I’m all alone..
Hunk: *grabs Lance’s and and holds it between his own* We found a cure for your loneliness…
Pidge: *crying at this point and tightly grasps Lance’s knee* We’ll find a cure for the sickness…
Coran: *wiping away his own tears while squeezing Lances shoulder* We’ll make this here feel like home, my boy..
Shiro: *gives a comforting smile* We’re here for you, and you’re not alone.
*few minutes of more crying*
Lance: *gives a watery smile* Home! This is a place where I can go, to take this off my shoulder… I feel like I can call this home..
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Zukka Soulmate AU part 9
Kurt was only out for about 15 minutes but that was long enough for Tarren and Fin to get him to the back on one of the spare cots. The gaang besides Iroh and Jee stayed to see how things went down, all gathered in the room reading maps and planning their trip while Lily paced back and forth muttering to herself before she threw her hands in the air
"Why wouldnt he tell us!?" She shouted
"I dont know Lily" Tarren said while he dabbed a cold towel on Kurt's forhead
"I mean, he could see the scars the three of us share! Why... why wouldnt he say anything!?"
"I'm sure he had a good reason Lily, I mean, how did you guys even know you had a third soulmate?" Katara asked with a small tilt to her head.
The duo both placed their hands to their chests instinctively. "Well, we didn't always know, but one day we both collapsed in the middle of a shift,"
[Flashback when? Flashback now!]
"Of course Miss Jin, Grey with honey and two sugars at 3 pm sharp just like every other Friday" Lily smiled while handing the girl her cup of tea she made for her at the exact same time every single friday evening. Jin was a favorite.
"How are you and Tarren?" Jin asked with a smile which made Lily blush
"Hah. We're doing alr-" suddenly Lily lost her breath from a blunt pain in her chest. "Tarren" she wheeled out just before letting out a yelp and clutching her chest "Tarren!"
"Lily!" Tarren's voice called out from the other sid of the Library followed by the sound of scrolls falling to the ground
The two scrambled to eachother with Jin following Lily and Fin rushing out from the back with paperwork to see what was happening. The pair crashed into eachother and held onto the others arms "what happened?" Lily cried out "whats going on. It burns, oh Gods it burns Tarren"
"I- I dont know" Tarren when to unclip his uniform, shucking off the top shirt before ripping the underdress to reveal painful bubbling skin in the shape of a hand and spreading across his chest and up to his neck down past where he managed to rip down to.
"There's a third" Jin said with a gasp
"Whoever they are theyre in trouble" Fin said bluntly while turning to Jin "Jin do you mind running to get the medic? I have to stay with them and they can't move" he gestured to their shivering crying forms.
"Are they dying?" Lily managed to wheeze out between sobs of pain
"No, this isnt direct, its just an- oh right" he nearly forgot that Lily watched her parents killed in a similar way "Lily, trust me, the third in the trio is not dying, they're being hurt, but they aren't dying"
Lily nodded, the pain lasted for a good 20 minutes before slowly dying down and feeling like it was being treated on all ends.
[Flashback over]
Katara gave a small frown "I wonder what happened to him"
"Ill tell you if you help me sit up" Kurt said with a small cough. Sokka who had been sitting near him but was lost in a map with Zuko looked up
"Oh, the munchkin awakens!"
"The... what?" Kurt laughed out
"Ignore him, he's stupid sometimes" Katara said as she helped Kurt sit up and put a pillow behind his back. "How did you get burned if you dont mind me asking?
Kurt gave a sigh and looked to Sokka and Zuko "well, honestly its probably a similar story to mr princey over there"
Zuko tensed "how do you know who I am... and you don't know how I got this"
"I do" Aang said with his hand raised "well, kinda, I think it was your da- mphf!" Zuko shut Aang up with his hands on his mouth
"Shut up, now is not about me or how I got my scar, its about short stack over there"
"Shortstack!? Okay, now that was just rude. But I got this burn from my dad, he wasn't great and had no position to even justify his abuse against me and my mom." He brought his hand to his necklace with a small frown
"He caught me hanging out by a small pond with an earth boy named Haru and was convinced I was a traitor for doing so. He lectured be when he got me home by slamming me against the door and burning me"
he looked up to Tarren and Lily "I didn't tell you, and I always hid my scar because I'm scared hes going to find me again, after he left for the war my mom fell ill and died, so I ran away to my Pappy and he's sick right now so I don't know how long I have with his protection." He gave a sigh "I dont want him to find me and know that you two are my soulmates because he'll hurt you to get to me. And I cant let you get hurt..."
Lily put her hand on her chest with a frown "I'm sorry Kurt, I had no idea. But now that we know I hope you understand we won't let anyone hurt you or us."
"And that includes me" Fin said from the doorway "you've got two master earthbenders and a vigilante assassin on your side now"
"Woah, woah, vigilante assassin?" Toph piped up "Lily is an assassin!? That's so cool!" She marched right up to her and jabbed her finger in her direction "I dont know you too much but I do know that I like you!"
Lily flushed a bright red and rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly "hah, thanks? Wait are you a beifong?"
"Sure am!"
"I didnt know the beifongs had a daughter, let alone a daughter teaching the avatar earthbending" Lily said with a smile
"Yeah, well they didn't think I was strong enough because I cant read" Toph gave a shrug
"I could teach you sometime" Lily offered
"Im blind missy" Toph said with a cackle
"I know" Lily giggled "We have Braille books, I can teach you to read braille if you want to"
"Instead of ink on the pages there are raised dots in patterns to make the letters, numbers and words, Fin and his wife managed to invent it ten years ago because Fin's best friend is blind and he wanted to send him letters, but it isn't too popular yet sadly"
Toph stood there for a moment before saying anything "wait... are you telling me there's a way I can read?"
"Yeah! Its more commonly on paper but Tarren and Fin use earthbending to write it out much faster on stone tablets, its much less wasteful. But for nonbenders like myself thats not really an option, so I write with the paper and the pressing tools."
Sokka piped into the conversation with a quick jump to his feet "can you teach me too? I want to know how to write in a way that she can read" he had a determined look on his face and sound in his voice that caught everyone off guard
"I... didnt realize you cared?" Katara said with a confused look
"Of course I care Katara! I probably care too much sometimes, I care about every single one of you," he looked around "did... did you really think I didnt care?"
Aang looked at Katara and then at Sokka "she probably only thought that because you show care differently than her, I know you care, I mean you've managed to keep us all together and solve our problems, youre a uh... solve it kinda care... if thats a type"
Everyone looked at Aang befote Lily gave a small laugh "you sound like Fin, he's really caring for sure but you have to understand him to notice his love language." Lily paused "but teaching you both will take a while, even just teaching Toph here, who I assume has never been taught anything about letters and words on pages. I'm guessing you lot are traveling to stop the war?"
"You bet!" Aang said with a cheeky grin
"Well you could easily travel with them and teach them all, you and Tarren both" Kurt suggested
"Im not going anywhere without you" Lily said whil jabbing a finger towards him and leaning down close to him "I promised to protect you, and I will"
"Then how about you all come with us! We can all learn braille! I mean I'm already teaching Aang waterbending, Toph is teaching Aang earthbending. And hopefully Zuko and Iroh will teach him firebending so a new writing language should be good for all of us!" Katara said with excitement clear in her voice
It only took a bit of convincing to have Kurt join but it took a good 20 minutes worth of convincing Fin to let Tarren and Lily travel around while Fin ran the library with the help of Jin who stepped up to take over the pairs roles in the library.
But before leaving Lily showed Sokka the braille pressing tools so he could get a quick idea of the way they worked before packing up a good amount of paper and tools so she could teach them. On the road. Tarren would help Toph with hers for stone given they're both earthbenders.
Once they started packing up their own belongings Toph walked into Lily's room with a small knock "hey, you almost ready petty steps?"
"Pretty steps? Uh, yeah I just have to find a good place to put this" she moved her hand a bit with a wooden mask facing up
"What is that?"
"Its my assassin mask, its got a white base, think warm wind. Two black marks, think of cold night ponds stretching from the side tips of her nose, above the brow bone and getting much thicker before going up and becoming two horns. The eye holes and the lips are both dark red, think of the warmth of a summer evening sunset."
Toph stood in the doorway "I didnt need the description but that kind of makes colors interesting"
The two laughed at the bluntness but then Lily shrugged "I guess your right, I didnt need to describe it, but I wanted to anyways" she held the mask for a second before packing it away "it's from my sisters favorite spirit fable. 'Lady of the sunset pond' she had my mama read it to us every night" Lily reached to her necklace and held the roght ash stone.
"Sounds like they hold a special place to you"
"Yeah, they do"
"What happened to them?" Toph asked while leaning against the wall
"We don't have the time to unwrap another story today" Lily gave a small laugh while she set her bag down "besides I need to change before we go, can't leave in a work uniform you know, not really meant for traveling" she moved towards Toph and gave a small bow "thank you for accepting to learn braille from me"
Toph smiled shortly but then punched Lily's arm earning a confused 'ow' to which she responded "thats how I show affection"
"Ah, thats an interesting way to show it" Lily laughed "now I best be getting changed, mind stepping out? I know you see with earthbending, I've seen Tarren train without sight before so I can recognize it"
Toph laughed and stepped out "whatever Pretty steps"
Once everyone was changed and packed they all let on loading up Appa and preparing to fly to the next place. The ragtag group of 4 traumatized kids was suddenly a ragtag group of 8 traumatized kids and 2 wise old men traveling on a flying bison with a small mischievous lemur. What a busy two days huh?
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cryptidprimalslayer · 4 years
Precipice Pt. 2: Amh Areng
oh fun. a desert. i’m dressed just fine but i don’t know how Fray isn’t boiling in that armor, same as how anyone doesnt freeze to death in their armor in Coerthas. i was told Alisaie has been mainly down in this area so i made plans to come here next; Fray insisted on coming along. The Night’s Blessed didnt really like that idea despite the wary gazes i see him getting from them a lot. it’s so vast and empty, i mean a desert is a desert and somehow Ul’Dah is doing just fine but this.....this is like advanced empty.  now why in the Hells would someone wanna come here other then to die alone? cause that’s what you’ll get here. just you, the sineaters and the not kobolds. speaking of them just makes my stomach turn, that was some of the most disgusting food. “Are you gonna puke again cause if not we should keep moving before the sineaters surround us.”
“It’s worse. it’s the feeling of needing to but nothing happens.” I held my stomach as we trudged through the sand. “Where even is this place he told us she was?” i pulled out my map and looked at what little remained of Norvrandt, the wind pushing sand onto it as i knelt. “I think we’re lost i swear i saw that pillar 5 minutes ago.” i heard a battle in the distance so i stood and shoved the map at Fray then took off. as i ran i heard the sounds of a female voice shouting. is it someone in trouble........or is it Alisaie? i get to the site and find a dead sineater as well as Alisaie. She was shocked to see me then looked over my shoulder so Fray mustve caught up to me. i looked over at him and was met with a glare. “You can handle yourself in a fight dont give me that look.” he rolls his eyes then gave me the map. “Oh this is Fray by the way Alisaie i don’t see why you two would know each other. i met him in Ishgard. don’t know why he’s here but that’s not the important thing right now.” she took us back to where was staying and it’s this little makeshift looking “inn” if i can even call it that; more a camp really. the people here look so desolate it’s a sinking feeling to see so much hopelessness. i learned they all were corrupted by Light and came here to die essentially. This was like some next level despair even Fray looked shaken. there’s a child here. as if i needed another reason to fight some Lightwardens. Alisaie brought us over to him and a caretaker here, this pretty young lady, said his name is Halric. there’s no cure i’m told for Light corruption or obviously it’d be distributed or mass produced. well that’s the hope anyways. 
later around a fire, the three of us and her, the air was still smothering with desolation but she tried to remain optimistic and told us about her mother. and about some of these people. She’s got such hopes for the future and a good head on her shoulders. Bold enough to dream in a crushed world like this. it takes guts to not immediately give into despair. i stared into the fire like it was the meaning of life, their conversation fading as i zoned out. if only fighting these SOBs would cure the corruption. i’d fight for this child here. everyone else is on their own, this kid looks like he cant be more then like 10. too young. i’m not getting any sleep tonight there’s too much to think about to sleep. I don’t think i’ve ever seen Fray sleep either yet he has the gall to come for my throat about sleeping. Alisaie i’m surprised was resting and the woman was tending to these people. i got to my feet deciding to go for a walk, just to get out of this enclosement. i walked a fair ways away from the camp and settled on top of a building looking at the wall of Light. 
“WE HAVE TO FIND HIM! AREN’T YOU THE LEAST BIT WORRIED ABOUT NEY?!” What a wake up call. what’s going on? i rubbed my eyes and sat up to see i had passed out on top of the building. whoops. after stretching then standing i looked down at the ground below searching for the tiny angry child. what’s got her goat? i don’t know but id better go find her and tell her i’m available to help. she could also be looking for me outta the kindness of her heart. if anyone else cited that as a reason i’d sock them in the jaw, but i’m inclined to believe Alisaie would do that. is he with her? she can handle her own but i trust Fray bout as far as i can throw him. i got to the ground level and ran back for the camp in search of her. “oh you’ve returned! she was awful serious about running out and searching for you despite us saying we saw you walk out last night. where were you if i may ask?” 
“I was on that building over yonder. mustve fallen asleep up there.” i rubbed my neck and looked around. 
“That man with you went out searching as well, though they went in different directions. if one shows back up we’ll keep them here till you return.” I thanked them then took off in the direction opposite the building i slept on. I also noticed that caretaker and Halric were absent as well. i hope they are looking for him over me, i can defend myself after all. Well we found Halric. the only good thing apparently that’s happened today. it took like all day but it happened. i wasn’t there to witness but apparently that caretaker is now a sineater and flew off. we’ll probably have to kill her later. Alisaie is taking it super hard. i hardly knew the woman but she deserved to go out a better way. all i can do is try to offer support. her brother would know better words then i on this matter probably. 
She’s hellbent on fixing Halric and finding some way to halt the corruption and like, i get that i understand it but that’s the tallest of orders and quite frankly impossible. maybe in this instance death is a mercy then becoming a monster. i stepped out again but this time Fray followed and we didnt go far, just to that building again. “Talk to me Ney. what’s going on?”
“Am i callous for wanting to just do whatever the fuck we were called here to do and leaving? of course i want the kid to grow up and be happy. and she had such hope in this broken world. but that’s not how life works. death may be the only mercy these people get. end their suffering before there’s nothing of them left to put at peace. quit looking at me like that you’re just as callous Fray.” he put his hands up then shrugged. 
“I didn’t say anything. but it’s nice to see a bit of how your brain works. detachment isnt the answer. i think the three of us here are proof you don’t actually want to be alone in life.” he pulls me back to the camp and went over to the table Halric was sitting at. don’t do that. dont act like you know me. i might do something stupid like trust you. 
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lockhvrts · 4 years
Hey Em! How you feeling about tlou2? I'm still sobbing 😭
hi rilee :’) hope you're doing well❤️ i actually wanted to ask you too lmao and same this game wrecked me  
..okay so i have many thoughts n things i want to say id actually just would link you a review that goes more into detail and is more cohesive than my messy essay so i’ll try my best and keep this short as possible tho and i apologize for my english lmfao : 
also if anyone disagrees with me and is about to send me an essay why i am a h*mophobic,  tr*nsphobic and alt r*ght piece of trash bc i didnt praise the shit out of tlou2
i'm glad that you enjoyed the game so much that its a masterpiece and 10/10 in your eyes , i honestly respect your opinion (and i wanted to love this game too) but maybe rethink what you're about to do and let other people have different opinions without bashing them? it literally doesn't affect you in any way that i didn't enjoy it ( and no it wasn't enjoyable for me bc a character i like died)
the gameplay is fluid and responsive (there were some minor issues but its still great), definitely improved compared to the first game, id love to have a little bit of more enemy variety bc it got kind of tiring after the 20th encounter that basically felt the same as the ones before (tho i appreciate the stealth gameplay , sneaking around the map and taking out enemies while being prone like in mgsv was thrilling)
animation, graphics , level design, acting, sound design: ND succeeded in creating another jaw dropping immersive cinematic experience is all i have to say, this is one the best looking games i've ever played (i cant believe a 7 yr old machine can run this game)
music:  i'm glad that gustavo santaolalla is back for the sequel! it wouldn't feel the same without him, his music adds so much to the experience 
negative: the controversial part lmao
story, characters:  I’ll be honest i prefer tlou1 + left behind story wise. i personally don't like the structure of it in the sequel, too many empty side characters, some character / plot decisions generally didn't make sense for me, the dialogue/writing felt out of place and kind of odd sometimes (compared to the scenes from the flashbacks with joel and ellie) and the last hours were dragged out for some reason i just wanted to be done as quickly as possible with it tbh  
jesse was your typical nice guy™ who will definitely be killed off to move the plot forward. the only thing i remember is that he’s dinas ex boyfriend + father of jj dont get me wrong i like and didn't mind him but he has nothing interesting to add to the story. also funny how they literally did not mention him once after his death 
owen and the other WLF members were just kinda there..? i don't have much else to say about them besides that they felt empty i tried to understand them and their stories but i didn't care for them in the end its prob my fault but henry, sam, bill and riley were more compelling to me
lev and yara were great i liked them both , its just that especially lev was just there to make abby seem more humane, i didn't like that ND tried to create a similar dynamic between them like in the first game with ellie and joel it didn't particularly make me like her more speaking of which:
 abby shows barely to no remorse for the things she did. what she did show was that she enjoyed torturing joel, killing seraphites and almost knowingly murdering a pregnant women (dina) and now ND shoves us this forced narrative of her being a good person into our face like how she would've accepted to die for the cure, has friends and a dog that she treats well (which we as ellie were forced to kill to make her seem even more like a villain in contrast to abby) , takes care of yara and lev (granted out of guilt for joel maybe? but i'm not sure) also making her seem more humane bc she has a fear of height? but abby would kill anyone who is not on her good side this time without a problem as we’ve seen plenty while playing as her what i'm surprised about is that i weirdly didn't hate her or anything guess they succeeded in making me feel some pity for her in the end 
yes i also had some issues with the way tommy, ellie and joel were portrayed but i think i'm gonna stop here and give you a 
gameplay ,graphics, animation, acting etc: solid 9/10
story (structure, writing, dialogue,characters etc) : 4-5/10 seems harsh but i am comparing it to the first game, if this was a different ip maybe an 8/10
all in all a its 6-7/10 for me, this game made me feel emotions (not particularly positive ones lmfao) i've never felt in any other medium before, only the first game comes close.
 tlou2 is bleak, hopeless and messy at times with some rare light moments like the flashbacks of joel and ellie that i enjoyed the most and wished we’d gotten more of while also exploring joel and ellie's present relationship on her quest of finding the truth about the hospital incident and maybe also learning more about her immunity  alas this was not the case as seemingly promoted by neil and some misleading trailers.
would i want to play this again? to be honest not really I’ll maybe try clearing the trophies but going back to just casually play it like i did with tlou1 no i don't think so for now.
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lovely-tothe-bone · 5 years
okay well that prompt hurt me so I require a counterfic: Everlark getting back together (doesn’t have to be related to the previous one)
Yeah, I know how rude is @mega-aulover that the first time I'm like hey send me drabble prompts, she sends the kryptonite. And even if I had the make up scene mapped out for the previous drabble (I don't), I wouldn't be ready to share haha because it would definitely have spoilers. Ok and I'm really sorry. This is just what came out lol I understand if you hate it.
Trigger warnings: this is a HEA but touches on grief, mention of dissociation and allusion to suicide attempt, panic attack, car accident and injuries though nothing is graphic.
He's alive. He's alive.
Peeta is alive.
Everything narrows. Defocuses. Then centers.
My hand. Pressed just right of his chest. Fingers catching his collar. Palm over his heart.
It's beating. His heart is actually beating.
"You were dead," my whisper breaks. From the rawness of my throat or the tidal wave of pain, who could tell. I spent hours sobbing. Screaming. Pleading. At least thats what Madge and Thresh told my sister. Who told my parents.
"She tried to throw herself out of a window" Prim murmurs like I couldn't hear from three paces behind, trailing through the car park at LAX.
It's not like I remember. And so what if I did?
What does it matter?
Whatever existed between us is gone.
He's gone. Unreachable forever.
Thick darkness settles in me. I'm gasping, sucking for air. The weight is pulling me into the abyss, muscles taut, seized. Tendrils of pain spread from the gaping hole in my chest. I curl down.
"He's gone! He's gone! He's dead!"
"M'am you're gonna have to calm her down or else I have to alert the police."
"Katniss. Katniss, honey, you've got to stop screaming."
I'm weightless. Lifted from the ground. Held in a lap, rocked gently. Soothed with humming.
I taper to whimpers.
My mother and father exchange a look. But I dont see it. I can't see it. All I can see, all I want to ever see, is in my mind. Peeta's shy smile when I agreed to go on a date. Peeta blushing the first time we held hands. Peeta's eyes as I admitted my love for him. Peeta's face over and over, every day, through the years. As he watches a movie. As he paints. As he laughs. As he wrestles. As he leans in for a kiss. As he takes a drink. As he wakes in the morning. As he cums.
I'll never see any of that again. I'll never feel any of that again. It's gone.
He's gone.
Peeta lies there letting the shock ricochet and settle.
"I was. My heart stopped twice. I died twice." He can hardly speak through the pain and the haze of narcotics.
My hand steels itself, desperate to preserve the beat of his heart, but he flinches. "Careful."
Right. He just had two surgeries after being struck by a car and thrown into a brick wall.
"But I'm alive. I came back." A tear slips from one eye. "I couldn't leave you."
A glow is washing through me, warming the anguish of the last thirty six hours. I don't try to contain my disbelief. I trace his shoulder and up his neck. There's so many stitches. Everywhere, there are stitches. Bruises, too, of every shade. It's hard to find places to touch him but I have to touch him.
I maneuver myself closer, eyes still flitting across his body, taking in his injuries. My fingertips map his jaw and cheeks, slide above his brows. The hand of his unbroken arm finds my wrist. His touch is light, weak I realize, but steady as he guides me, letting me linger as I need. But I need more.
I adjust the bed sheet so it won't rub my face. I'm torn though, between my fear of not having him in sight and the desire to hear evidence of his existence. Proof that this is real.
Carefully, I settle my ear against his chest, to the spot where I always rest my head, where I know I will hear the strong and steady beat of his heart.
"Its all right, Katniss."
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just-my-fandom · 5 years
Close Your Eyes (Stephen Strange x Daughter! Reader)
Request; Ahh please may I have some stephen strange x daughter! reader, like an endgame angsty-fluff reunion xx
Add on; After her father and Uncle disappeared during the snap, the reader, only seventeen years old, is left alone to care for the building her and her father lived in New York. Tony Stark calls her, announcing he could bring her family back with her help, reuniting the sorcerer family during battle,
How the hell did I reach up to a 100 followers in a week? Thank you!! ❤
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Five years
Five god damn years since youve been left alone to take off on your own
Your mother was killed during labor, as your father had told you, leaving you to grow up with your father being a surgeon, before dragging you almost half across the world to become a sorcerer,
Holding the small cupcake in front of you, your eyes look away from the lit candles of 17, out the giant window to look out to New York,
Something nudges your shoulder, your gaze moving to your left to stare at your fathers cape, that drooped at your tears,
The Cloak of Levitation slides around your shoulders, gesturing to your slowly melting candles, your sniff echoing into the large room, your eyes fluttering closed,
Opening your mouth, your sharp exhale to stop a sob blows out the flame, your eyes opening to stare at the dim candle,
You set the cupcake to the side, the Cloak wrapping around you soothingly when you lean into the window, hand pressing to your eye,
The startling ring of your phone has you jerking to sit up, your eyes looking at your phone at your feet, your eyes closing as you pick up the phone, mindlessly swiping left,
"Y/N Strange,"
Your eyes open at the familiar voice, pulling the phone back to find the contact, Tony Stark, on display,
"Hey," You clear your throat, swallowing, "H-how have you been?"
"Y/N, I am going to text you an address and I need you to meet me there in half an hour, am I understood?" Tony bypasses, your eyes narrowing as you stand up, the cloack following with worry,
"Excuse me?"
"We might be able to bring your father back," Tony receives silence, your eyes gazing to the cloak, who wrapped at your waist for comfort,
"You forget I have access to portals, make it less than thirty," You hang up, checking your messages, running to your glass case and pulling out your sourcer clothing, snapping your fingers to the cloak,
The cloak flies up next to you and places itself at your shoulders, your feet carrying you forward as your hands come up, two fingers standing as your arms swerve, forming a perfect orange portal
. . .
"You got here awfully quick,"
You step in the conference room with your arms crossed, eyes shifting from Steve to Tony sharply,
"Yeah, well," You sigh, "I dont want to go through another birthday without my father and uncle,"
"We still dont know where the time stone is," Natasha interrupts, her arms crossed as she searched the map on screen,
"New York," You answer easily, Black Widow looking at you with astonishment, "A sorcerer my father used to know, Tilda Swinton, she carried the Time Stone until she gave it to my father,"
"You and Bruce will go find her in search for the Time Stone, everyone suit up,"
Time traveling was something you thought you would never do again. But if it was worth seeing Tilda again, it wouldnt hurt, right?
You had to get that stone. It was the last one needed to bring everyone back,
"Y/N Strange, strange seeing you here I must say,"
You smile weakly at the woman, stepping closer to her with your hands wringing together, "Its good to see you too, Tilda. I need your help,"
"Isnt that the first thing you say to me in a year from now?" Tilda smirks, and you laugh,
"It is, but Im from the future. Thanos gets that stone and does- something to wipe out half the universe. Please Tilda, I need the Stone to bring everyone back in my time,"
"I dont understand," Tilda presses her eyebrows together, hand cupping the stone in the necklace, "Doesnt your father care for it?"
"He gives it up," Your voice breaks and Tilda can see tears in your eye's, "We looked at all the possibilities, only one ends where we dont all perish, Dad and Wong both died because of it," You exhale, "Please, would I lie to you?"
Tilda smiles, warmly, hands pulling the necklace off from around her neck and dropping it around yours, "No. I know you would never. Now go save your father and your universe before its too late,"
"Thank you," You move forward, arms around her body, "Thank you so much,"
"Dont thank me. Thank yourself for caring so much in bringing back your family,"
You lean back and smile, Bruce speaking up that you could head back now, and closing your eye's, your feet leave the ground and youre moving through galaxies,
. . .
"You're just a child," Thanos steps roughly closer to your trembling figure, your hand clenched tightly, "You dont stand a chance against me and my army,"
You release a yell, hands flying up and opening, shields of orange forming as you move forward, arm reaching back and tossing the first shield,
The shield meets Thanos' chest, knocking him back two steps, instantly stumbling when the second shield knocks his jaw,
"This," You form a whip, arms slamming down do the whip wrapped at his neck, jerking him forward, "Is for my family, you asshole!!"
Thanos growls, fist gripping at the whip, pulling forcefully so you are thrown onto your stomach, head knocking on the debris covered floor,
You groan, head lifting so your hand could brush your blood stained forehead, arms pushing yourself up to sit on your knees,
"And you will soon die with your family," Thanos' thumb and forefinger grips your jaw, forcing your head back to look at him,
Thanos' hand is forced away from you when Thors hammor knocks against his head, Thanos looking over in anger in time for Steves shield to ram his side, quickly coming back a second time,
"Get out of here!!" Steve orders loudly, clashing his shield with the hammer so a loud noise made Thanos cover his ears, "Go to your father!"
"My father?" You stand up, hand holding your head, "W-where? I-" Your eyes stop at two figures, Stephen and Wong standing back to back and casting spells to knock enemies off their feet,
"Dad?" You move forward, eyes breaking in tears, "Dad!!"
Both men look over at your cry, Stephens hands faltering as he moves away from Wong, closer to you,
His cape leaves your shoulders to wrap around Stephen's, his arms tight around you when you collide to his chest, sobs breaking the silence,
"I got you," Stephens hand caresses your hair, swaying you side to side, "I got you,"
"I cant believe it worked," You pull back to wipe your cheek, embracing Wong just as tight, "I got to see Tilda again, in the past, and she gave me the time stone and it worked!"
Stephen smiles, hand cupping your face, "Happy birthday sweetheart,"
"You remembered," You exhale, "With everything going on?"
"You were all I could think of," Stephen frowns, glancing to the side when an enemy vanishes into dust, "But we're safe now, do you understand?"
"Please dont do anything stupid ever again," You grab at his shirt, eyes moving to Wong, "Please, I dont want to be alone again,"
"Is this Tildas words or yours?" Wong grins, Stephen laughing,
"Mine," You giggle, eyes drifting over his shoulder to where Tony Stark laid limp,
Thank you, Tony
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osamuniichann · 5 years
Map of the Soul: 7
After a ~315 day drought without new music and a comeback from the legends, we are finally back with MOTS: 7! It been a hot minute since ive done a album review (solely for myself LMAO) so lets get back into it bc this album is a home run
Interlude: Shadow. Here we have the extended version of the interlude. can i just say that the lyrics to this masterpiece are so real and true. its not suga speaking nor is it agust d, this is min yoongi speaking of his internal conflict with the celebrity life, which is heartbreaking. on another note, the visuals of the mv are stunning and the ending--dont u just wanna go apeshit??? truly a great addition to the album!
Black Swan. sister black swan has been with us for a month-ish now? it still bumps. HARD. i blasted this to and from my drive to work to the point where i was scared if id get sick of the song but that didnt happen. the way how its hard to pinpoint when and where a member would sing/rap because they INTENTIONALLY wanted the voices to blend as if they were one body. this is the group’s narrative on how no matter how passionate one is on a certain craft, when they lose that drive, its like a death. and it is up to themselves to spark that love and interest once again. a very relatable story across various media, talents, skills, etc.
Filter. When I first heard that this was a jimin solo showcasing the many sides of Jimin, i thought that it was going to be a sad ballad to kind of follow the theme mots: 7 seemed to give off; thought that it would talk about how he has to force personas onto himself to appeal to the masses, but it is the complete opposite. Jimin is all the faces he puts on, he can be cute, sweet, and caring Jimin but he is also a sexy, flirty young man that can attract any living being. how he switches from falsettos to a lower register voice is beyond me, what a versatile one he is! <3
My Time. Moving onto jungkook’s solo, I knew the lyrics were going to be sad especially when it seems to compare himself to others his age. How he speaks about how fast time runs for him, how his childhood and current life is not of the average 22 year old (LIKE UM HERE I AM, SAME AGE AS JUNGKOOK AND IM NORMAL AF while he’s out here breaking records?? WOW). but the life of jungoo can be a bit overwhelming, completely understandable. I just want our boi JK to know that he can be himself and live freely despite such different circumstances. On another note, the groove of this track is so GOOD. it reminds me of Ari and ugh i LIVE for this jam
Louder Than Bombs. When the track started, I could totally tell Troye Sivan helped produce it, it has such a unique sound that only Troye would use. It sounds like this song would totally be on a movie soundtrack IDK WHY. like, i can picture it during an apocalypse movie sldkjg im not completely sure what the meaning is to the song (bc im big stupid) but i feel like its a track saying that no matter the struggles, they will continue to sing confidently, strongly, and wholly to us endlessly. beautiful, just beautiful.
ON. Moving on to the title track of MOTS: 7! I’m very picky about strong anthem-type songs but ON is actually p addicting HAHA There’s a background sound that repeats in the back that sounds like Sans from Undertale, aint that wild LMAO but anyways, the Manifesto Film was crazy good. The drums, the band, the breakdown of it all? UNBELIEVABLE. Also, JK’s vocals during the bridge? H O W. That breakdown tho...oof, that was amazing. They still dance with the thirst that rookie bts would and i think thats why ppl are so drawn to them no matter how many years pass. Fun fact: the choreographer of ON as well as Dionysus actually is from my city in Hawaii and we went to the same high school THATS WILD. the talent she holds!
UGH! Rap line ATE this shit, are we KIDDING. An ode to all the hate comments that we receive, u can see how fed up they are. They made POINTS and we all agree, its the damn law. The way how they opened up with a gunshot, we knew it was coming. Everyone joked about how we bout to hear some gunshots on this album, well they threw ALL of it on this track. Can i just say that Hobi’s verse tho? it hits different, it really do. When they went “ahem, ahem. ahem, ahem-ahem, YOUR AHEM. AHEM-AHEM--” OOOOOUGH i felt that shit!! god, imagine this in concert...the building aint ready!
0:00 (Zero O’ clock). Now we have the vocal line track, we knew they were bout to present some vocals. Great sound, slow and reflecting. Not the first track I’d listen to but it is a great listen. The lyrics tho get to me. The way how they comfort us and say that life can be rough but you can be happy. no matter what happens, with the turning of the clock to 0:00, its a brand new day and we can make the day better. what a powerful message that all of us need to hear once in a while. we will be happy guys, we deserve to be.
Inner Child. Tae’s solo which is a message to his young self. I expected a slow ballad filled with his warm vocals reminiscent of Winter Bear, 4 o’ clock, and Scenery but boi was I wrong. He has this sunset glow voice that wraps u so warmly and the sound is just so happy, pure, and innocent. Its a hopeful message to his younger self on how we will change and be the amazing person we want to or will be. I was sobbing at this song, I tell u. It was 2:00 am in the morning and I was sobbing into my pillow. Imagine comforting your past self that everything will be okay and to take ur hand, it will be all worth it in the end. When he sang “ur my boy, my boy, my boy, my boy!” Ugh...the tears!
Friends. When I heard this was a vmin duet expressing their friendship with each other, I knew it was going to be so emotional! I didn’t expect such a fun, poppy sound tho. They truly are soulmates, the love they have for each other is so wholesome and real, it truly exhibits the love I have for my friends--they’ve been with me through thick and thin, during happy and sad times; the amounts of serotonin they give me is just HHHH. The way how Tae and Jimin have been friends since high school until now is just ugh...we love it. Towards the end when they started singing “you are my soulmate!” towards each other, i started sobbing so hard because WOW. the shivers i felt, this song made me so happy and full! 
Moon. Next we have Jin’s solo which is an ode to us army’s. And on another perspective, this is a song from the moon (jin) to the Earth (army)--i have tears in my eyes. The lyrics especially got me in a chokehold and made me sob, the way how he says that he will always be by our side no matter what, the same way how we are there for him...god. The chorus really gets to me, it feels so happy and thankful and I just want to tell Jin that I will forever follow him and the boys. They’ve been with me for years now and I will continue to support, love, and listen to them. Ily to the moon and back, our moon.
Respect. I didn’t expect a Namgi duet but HERE WE ARE. Goddd when i heard that i was SO EXCITE. They’ve known each other for +10 years now and they never miss the chance to tell everyone that they’ve been friends for that long. Not @ how they disliked each other at first but grew to be so mf close, to the point where their family. Ughhh, im so uwu rn. Im so happy, so so happy that Nams started it with AYO SUGA; i SCREAMED. Also, i heard that they recorded it in one take and i could see how much fun they had--especially considering that their rap styles are completely different. Even tho in the song they joke about not knowing what the word Respect means, we know...we just KNOW the high amounts of respect they have for each other. As they mentioned before, Yoon’s respects towards Nams’ leadership and care towards everyone and Nams’ respect towards Yoon’s love and passion for music and producing. Peak comedy is Yoongs overloading on autotune during his parts to the point where its intentional. Bless Namgi.
We are Bulletproof: The Eternal. I felt like a CLOWN when this track started. Like everyone, i thought we were going to have a third installment similar to that of the strong, hip-hop, gunshot-filled part 1 and 2 of we are bulletproof, but we were met with soft vocals and rap. The lyrics tho get to me. This truly was a song about their entire journey and i felt like I experienced all years with them. They’ve been through so much and the way how they sang “we are we are together/forever bulletproof!” They are proud of where they came from and it has stuck with them till now. They are such real people...i cry. ALSO the “We were only seven, but we have you all now.” Whenever i see pictures of their debut fanmeets/concerts vs now its just crazy. imagine singing as an entire being during concerts when they start “OOOOH OH OHH” im so immensely proud of the feats they’ve reached and im excited on what they do next! <3
Outro: Ego. The way how he started it with the fitness gram pacer test just like in previous albums, ugh what a throwback! this song is such a Hobi track, its fun, dance-inducing and its just so FEEL GOOD. the way how he switches flows and is capable of doing so is *chef’s kiss* the way how he speaks about the path he takes is difficult but he doesnt regret it...SOBS also the mv??? UGH SO CUTE. the flashbacks too;; i cry
ON (feat. Sia). With this track, there’s not much extra I can say, all my opinions still stand with the original track wit ot7. I jokingly told my friend that if Sia is gonna be on the track “hey nanana’ing” the same why Halsey was only “oh my my my’ing” i will ctfu. and...welp, that was what happened. I do love Sia tho so props to her!
Overall: I initially thought that MOTS: 7 was going to be a dark, ballad-filled album but it was anything but. It had so much fun songs, the lyrics are again, so deep and meaningful--it pulls at your heartstrings. It felt so raw, personal, emotional, and i love it in all its being. The boys will continue to amaze me no matter what they put out and i forever and endlessly will support and love them the same way they do for us. MOTS: 7 is a masterpiece and im in love
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ursoself-satisfying · 6 years
an OC sneak peek [2/?]
ok heres another w the accompanying oc!!! its ginger n maryanne 4ever!!!!! i lov them sm!!!!! but anyway heres another excerpt from around the same time n its MORE angst n I hope u like my vagueness lol,, PLEASE GIVE ME FEEDBACK!!! LEMME KNO WHAT U THINK!!!! ilyall enjoy ::””)) IM GONNA PREFACE THIS W THE FACT THAT IK IRL BRIAN IS A PURE MAN N THIS WOULD NEVER HAPPEN N ANITA IS A GODDESS BUT THIS IS JUST FOR THE DRAMA ITS TOTAL FICTION I MEAN ABSOLUTELY NO DISRESPECT TOWARDS ANY OF THEM its got some cheating ig so be aware that anita is my mom n the loml pls dont call me out ::(( 
“Anything to drink?” He asked casually, causing the girl to squirm in her seat. Her discomfort was amusing to him, as she was the one who had traveled out in the first place. She was present of her own volition but acted as though her emotions had such an irresistible hold on her, or rather Brian did, that she was there out of a primal need rather than any conscious decision.
“No- No, I’m ok, thank you.” The tall man glanced back at her with a soft, sad air about him. This feeling often came with their interactions as of late, despite their past. He averted his gaze from her body and turned his attention on pouring himself some tea instead. They existed in simple silence for a few moments, the only sound in the small kitchen was that of the kettle on the stove and the pouring of boiling water in his cup. He stood at the counter and took a long sip before turning slowly to sit across from his unsolicited guest. A feather soft smile graced his lips as he took her in. Even in an unfortunate situation, she was unbelievable, the same as ever.
The woman bit her lip before leaning forward and uncrossing her tense legs, “So, uh, wh-”
Brian set his drink down with a small clink on the table, the sound meant to interrupt her question. He just stared into the hot earthy contents for a moment and stirred it slowly. “Anita’s at her semi-annual retreat this week without me.” He cleared his throat, “I couldn’t spare the time between the post-production bustle and having to prepare for the cosmos convention.” His smile was thin and he took a sip of his tea before continuing, “I’m home alone for a while,” his eyes traced the woman’s silhouette before meeting her gaze as she was doing the same to him, “but I think you knew that.”
“Look-” She started quietly, but ultimately she could maintain the eye contact long enough to finish and slouched for a second instead. Ginger looked down at his comment, avoiding the aim of his accusatory glance. With a huff, she sat up and turned to face suddenly face him directly. “Maryanne kicked me out for the night.”
The elder of the two raised his brows and put his cup down with a concerned expression. “She kicked you out?” He asked incredulously.
The redhead swallowed, “Shes ‘moving on’.” She spat her words at him with a clear distaste for her lovers choice of actions as well as words.
The long fingers of the guitarist slid across the table and laid open for an embrace. Ginger glanced up at him cautiously before deciding his soft eyes held genuity and she laced her hand in his. The tips of his digits wrapped around her like they were made to fit with one another. Her hands in his caused a wave of emotions to ripple from the contact and Brian could barely handle it. He sniffled and slowly let his thumb slide over the never aging skin of the woman he once adored, and though he would tell himself otherwise, he still adored.
“I'm sorry,” he began, but she shook her head violently with an angry frown. She unintentionally squeezed his outstretched hand but he squeezed right back.
“Don't be. She’s just-” Ginger sighed, “She's different now, you know?”
Her aura slowly shifted from that of deep warm hues to softer cooler tones, from red and oranges to blues and purples like a dying flame coming down from its hottest point. Brian could feel the shift shoot through her and he prepared himself to stand and hold her the minute she needed him to.
Ginger looked up to meet Brian's sympathetic stare. He had always been the key to their emotions and it unlocked some kind of flood gate in her. She could feel it rush all at once in seemingly every part of her body. “I just don't wanna lose her, Brian!” She let it our like a gust of wind from her mouth, a storm of repressed worried. “I can't-! Not like I lost you!”
Just as he knew he would be needed, the man stood and went to her side. She stood as he approached and let him engulf her in his long arms as tears escaped and ran down her already red cheeks. She was shaking, having no way to handle or process the realization their return had thrust upon her. Brian held her sobbing head close in his chest, stroking her short hair and tightening his limbs protectively around her warm body. She could feel him place a small kiss on her head, whispering and cooing to her as he once had long ago, “Hush now, it'll all be alright, my darling girl,” his voice would waver now and again as he calmed her, “my sweet, beautiful, darling, darling, girls.” The smaller hands of the woman held dependently to the collar of his sweater and she choked back a final sob before attempting to speak again.
Her small voice came out with a rasp, raw from her cries, as she tilted her head back to meet the eyes of her familiar love, “We made things work, Brian. Why can't we just be like that again?” She pleaded with shining green eyes that took the man to another scene for a moment, one of discovery and firsts, one full of ecstasy and elation, but one so different than his present. “We were happy, Harold. Why can't we be happy again?” A weak attempt at a smile graced her lips at the loosening of her tongue, unfolding the old name like opening an old scrapbook.
Had her hands not been traveling up his changed face to tether him to his physical body, her use of his other name, so intimate and exclusive, would have had him lost right then and there in the sensation she provided. She cradled his face and her shaking lips begged to be kissed, tangling her fingers in his grey curls to entice him. Drifting closer and closer until he was bent to breathe down her neck, the temptation became too much.
It may have started at the neck but it moved in hot streaks from the necks to jaws to lips on lips. While Ginger's hands were preoccupied with the buttons of his shirt, Brian’s were holding her as close to him as he could, sprawled out on her back dangerously close to her ass. She mapped out his chest with the tips of her nails while her tongue did the same with his mouth. Nothing needed to be mapped, really, because for her it was like walking down a road to your first home. Even after you've left it, you'll always remember how to get there, no matter how much shrubbery grows over the path or how long it goes unattended. Brian was their home and they always seemed to find their way back to him, regardless of the distance put between them.
Brian thought she was exactly the same. Everything about her physically was just as she was when she left him. He then pulled away at the reemergence of that memory. As he separated from her, she mewled in protest, the loss of connection cold on her. That was right, though, she had left and he had stayed. Years and years had gone by and he had made a life for himself, more of a life, or in the very least a life without them.
“Brian,” Ginger moaned, trying to snake her arms back around his neck, “baby, what's wrong?” Her eyes were closed and her shirt was half haphazardly pushed up but her exposure only made Brian suddenly feel sicker.
“You know what's wrong, my love.” His languid fingers worked to pry her needy form off him with much difficulty. Her pouts turned to frowns and he gently, if not reluctantly, pulled her clothes back in place on her but she swatted him away as he spoke. “Ginger, darling, all of this is what's wrong.”
He motioned to them, to the empty house, to the hairs sticking to her face like sunny, golden, cherubic looking locks. She was glowing, but wasn't she always? She was in his eyes but that only made it all harder. “What?” She spat, “That- That I still love you? That's wrong?”
So much of it hurt him but he- He had to. It was really the only acceptable course of action. The teenager in him beat on his heart like Roger on a gong and begged and pleaded for there to be another way, for him to run away with her like he was 17 again, but he was old and his heart no longer reverberated in his chest like it used to. “You're the most intelligent creature I've ever encountered, my love. You know why all this is wrong.”
The tears returned and rolled down her face in record time as she bit her lip. “Why can't things go back to the way they were? It was perfect-”
He sighed, “The world is always changing-”
“I love you, Brian Harold May! And you still love me! I know you do! Isn’t that what you taught us?” With calculated steps, she aimed to close the distance between them but the older man kept her at arms distance now. “If we're in love then we should be together!” With every word, her speech became less and less intelligible through her sobs. “I just- I don’t understand!”
His heart shook as it shattered in his chest at her final words, a final crash to end an epic saga. “Things are a lot more complicated now, Ginger. You'll understand someday-” He held back his own tears and watched her pace the floor in front of him.
“Don't be so fucking condescending!” She snapped, stopping to look him in the eyes, the same eyes she saw when she first arrived. They were the only consistent thing in her long life, the love he held in his gaze. It softened her against her will. She wanted to be angry, not for the first time ever, but for the first time for personal reasons.
Brian paused at this. He had never seen her exhibit this much emotion before especially not aggression. All this time and he wasn't sure if he’d ever seen her this mad. “I'm sorry-”
“Don't be.” There she was. She was back to being cold. Face dry and slack, she was a woman of logic and decision. She collected herself and her things, jackets, and bags scattered around the room, refusing any help or assistance offered by Brian.
He didn't do a thing to stop her in the end. He knew she would find somewhere else to go, to stay, someone else to keep her warm. He had no doubt about that. She was well loved and well read, but ignorant in the ways of society. He worried but he couldn't have stopped her if he’d wanted to anyway. He desperately wanted to, but he knew the second his skin sparked on hers again he wouldn't be able to stop this time. No one in his life deserved that, his kids didn't deserve a father like that and his wife, God, she deserved more than he was being right then.
The door closed with a slam and Brian watched from the window as she got in her car but she didn't leave. She just sat there, hunched over her steering wheel and what he could only assume was yelling. Her mouth was wide and her eyes were shut tightly. He hadn't even realized the tears falling from his own eyes. He didn't wait for her to leave, he couldn't take the site of her any longer, not here not like this.
Behind some of his amps, Brian kept a box. It was filled with old photos, some bits of clothing, and all sorts of pieces of art. His favorite, of course, was the photos though. There they were, all together, smiling and in love. The three of them, they were- They were unstoppable, untouchable. It was golden with them, always. God, he thought how did it come to this? How could their story have arrived at this conclusion? And all Brian could assume was that this simply wasn't yet the conclusion.
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susan-gampre · 6 years
Ship questions (au of course): Lochlan and Susan
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1. Made the first move: God forbid there be a time where Lochlan and Isolde ultimately break up, or never were (fuck off thats a brilliant pairing of peeps there), but if there were such an au… I believe Lochlan would be the one to make the first move. But in a dorky way, like where he’d dress up as a cupid angel, throw a plush love arrow at Susan’s head then immediately show her a picture of him lookin’ finer than wine, so she’ll fall in love with the first thing she see’s.
Or something equally dorky.
2. The big spoon: Susan. No competition.
3. The little spoon: See big spoon! You know what that means? Susan’ll wrestle Loch into being little spoon - and then maybe she gets hurt alil, whines and whimpers and guilts him into fetal position.
4. The cuddler: I think Susan may have found a challenger to take her reigning crown as cuddler this time around. I feel it deep in my soul that Loch would cuddle as much as possible – like he wouldn’t even be moderately irritated when Susan just spider monkey’s him at random. Just curls his arms around her, kisses her forehead (if able) and resumes with whatever he was doing.
5. Cries during movies: Unless it’s a movie where the animal dies (98% certain they both would cry), or its a sarcastic kinda sobbing (Lochlan might do that in a joking manner)… Neither of them.
6. More affectionate: It may depend on the situation, in which Lochlan might win this honor, but what I can be certain is it’s Susan – though she’d be most affectionate in private.
7. Their favorite non-sexual activity: I believe they’d be the kinda couple who trains together. Just out in the field doing sword play, in a gym practicing hand-to-hand combat, or out at the shooting range making use of their guns/bows.
Maybe thats just me.
8. More nervous to meet the parents: Like every fucking ship prompt I’ve done, these two dont seem to be the kinda people who give a crap for the opinions of the other’s family. Susan isnt dating his parents, Lochlan isn’t dating her mom.
The only opinions that matter is eachothers of eachother.
9. More protective/jealous: I believe this is an equal sortta thing.
I kinda think Lochlan would be protective? I dont believe he’d really accept her choice in remaining in her career as a Madam, so he may get jealous easily if he happens upon seeing her with a customer.
Susan would be super jealous and protective, because he’s hot, so much of a goof that he reminds her of her late boyfriend Tomen, and he’s just over all a good guy.
So she’ll cut a bitch’s throat open without hesitation if they try to rub up on her fella.
10. Sneaks into the shower with the other in the mornings: … Lochlan.
11. Initiates sexy times the most:  I think it depends on the kinda day they’re having. It could very well be equal.
12. Fuck or make love: Make. Love.
13. Behind the wheel more often during road trips: That’s all Lochlan. Susan’ll be too busy bitching in the passenger seat while trying to read the map.
14. Gives the silent treatment when they’re mad at each other: Susan. She’s just petty and easily made angry, so while the silent treatment is an attempt to punish her beau, it’s also her attempt to calm down so she can return to the conversation to discuss the issue rationally.
15. Reaches for the other’s hand first: Loch. I feel like he’d do it just cause he understands that she enjoys small, intimate moments like that, but doesn’t wanna bother her sweetums with such things.
16. Whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear at inappropriate times: I think it’s gonna be the both of them. They’d make a game of it, really.
17. Comes up with cheesy pick-up lines: Lochlan. He’s a cheeky kinda guy who seems to make jokes and tease alot. Cheesy pick up lines just seems like his kinda thing.
18. Their ship name: S.S. Sulan / Lochan
Bonus…. Just cause I love doing it!
19. Their theme song:
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dunamanticarchivist · 6 years
Critical Role Lateblog C2E27 2nd Half
And I’m back, a couple of inches off my hair and having dodged spoilers like a monk on Patient Defence, we are back again.
Alpha plz stop being a dick and load I’m super impatient
Lavender? Incense? Too soon Matt, too soon
Interesting beard for a brothel manager
Oh yes definitely a sleazeball HIS NAME IS CHAMP
Nat 1 to insight check, 19 to lie. Somehow the scales do not seem balanced
Beau your plan didnt seem to do so well last time
Ms Sumalee that is a terrific RP of....some divinatory spell? I actually have no idea what it is I thought it was an augury of some kind.
WHAT A CHAMP mega sleazeball
Okay we are now officially familiar with the process of prostitution
Quit while you’re ahead sounds like good advice in any world
Matt are you going to actually play out the scene your wife requested? Is this some funky marital thing that we single people dont understand?
Nice PG cut to black
Oh fuck yes Nott that is exactly what to do
Sex bacon. Is all food going to be defined by bacon now?
Wonderful apology Ashly is Beau now the speech coach?
That is a wonderful use of the Goodberry spell
Why is everyone at the Landlocked Lady so weirdo-like
Interesting sexual tension in the air
Now this character is looking even more shady, despite claiming wanting to help them decent folk
Passing on that druid exp
Awwww thats adorable druidism, also no that isn’t a shitty rooster
Be wary of spirits. Hmm if only we had a specialist at tracking undead and unholy things. If only. *sobs and glares at the grave*
Shady Creek Run feels like a terribly run down place
Ouch that is a shitty roll for such a good speech
One sided standoff with crossbows. A rather picturesque scene, fanartists?
Im sad they didnt laugh after
Dark grey skin? Horns and no pupils? Some kind of Tiefling?
Genius monk that is super suss
Ohhhh fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck not friendly not friendly
Oh boy what luck that the one task they are handed is the exact objective the Nein are after
More sexual tension
Your highly qualified internal priest is an adopted wandering loony. That inspires a great deal of confidence
There are going to be a lot of Germ-I mean Zemnian memes
Also, did they forget to ask about a hinted at break-in?
Gotta loot for books, all the time in every dwelling
Man these guards suck they dont even conceal their secret tunnels
Alright they are fucking lost for sure
Matt what are you doing with your face again?
Well done Caleb the Charismatic
Oh god this is going to end terribly or is Nott’s stealth check is going to save Caleb all the time
That was a glorious roll
Gotta have an encounter each episode
Awww no ragey bears
Wood KEGS?
Finally, eyes on the enemy. Hold your anger. For now. 
Oh god the social commentary
Marisha’s joy at having a druid in the game again :))))
Wew no hitty hit owl that guard is now marked for death
So judgy says Sam in a tone that is definitely 100% nonjudgemental
I’m already drawing a map of the compound to do my theorycrafting on
Oh god Lorenzo eats babies. Oni confirmed. 
Wait what luck? From where? Did she look into the dodecahedron? Cos that is fucking lucky
RIP Keg again
Also, looking up the Oni page. Jesus Lorenzo is going to be a tough opponent. He can cast at will: Darkness and Invisibility so you can’t even see him if he chooses to hide. And then once per day, he can: Cone of Cold, Sleep, Gaseous Form giving him a hell of a punch and an escape mechanism. That clearly isn’t enough; he regenerates 10hp per turn, has 2 attacks and is AC 16. Also, he can fly. Fuck. 
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