#i very much enjoy your reasoning for other entities as well kind mx. anon....
coolestclowns · 10 months
So I do love the way you drew Simon and Betty in that TMA crossover piece, but. I have notes which is incredibly silly, especially for the thing I disagree on, being the chosen symbolism. I’m curious, what made you pick out the Eye for Simon, and the Spiral for Betty? I always saw their vibes as more Lonely for Simon, and Eye for Betty.
After all, Simon’s whole thing seems to be isolation- with or without the crown. And Betty, she’s constantly suffering the pain of Knowing- knowing what it used to be, knowing the ways she could make it back to normal, and then as GOLBetty, knowing and surveilling everything. Even gets extra eyes.
I do see the argument for something like Corruption for Simon, as it’s close bedfellows with the relationship aspects of Lonely, and all the crown stuff and being forcibly changed and the “romance”/obsession aspects of it, and TBH, Betty’s brand of Eye would also be close to Spiral.
HEHEHEHEEEE OOOOoOOoO hogohooo... how I love all the alignment discussions my art has creaaatted!! I genuinely love reading through people's different reasonings for why different ones would fit as well ( ≧∀≦)ノ
For Simon being the eye?! I can't lie... it's fully because every time I see people posting Simon art in non-adventure-time style, it takes me a moment to realise it ISN'T Jonathan Sims. But if I had to make some shit up on the spot?? It was his search for knowledge that got him cursed in the first place, I feel like he could be marked by multiple different entities with all that seeking he did, yk? But yeah...mainly it was just a "hehe... nerd old man" thing
Then for betty, oh my beloved!! She was actually originally going to be the lonely! It was straight up going to be Simon and betty as Jon and Martin drawing at first! But through several hours of watching magic betty edits on tiktok, especially with her coocoo laughter she does in a few scenes. My mind got absolutely stuck on her being a spiral victim. There's a good lot of parallels between her and Micheal. From him blindly following gertude to his death, and betty lovingly following Simon to her own decent into madness, to the Micheal-Helen switch and the magic man-magic betty switch!! There's a lot in my mind that I'm not all to great at spewing into words, so my evidence is gonna have to just be left to "vibes."
Also, I kind of just wanted to draw betty coocoo bananas. By the time my sketch was finished, I didn't even wanna draw Simon, just HEEER!!! which...is rather obvious when you look at the difference in effort I put into the two of them, lmao
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