#i wanna ♡⊂ʕ•ᴥ•⊂ʔ you
shanti-ashant-hai · 1 year
(stealing your friend's name for you)
so i thought this was either ozzie or siva but
who art thou, anon
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jjoongstar · 1 year
Hello (^○^)
I hope you're having a great day, I wanted to know if you could do the rest of the svt members for that mornings wake up post you did, please? It was so cute ( ^▽^)
Thanks you so much in advance ! (^○^)
Hiii thank u sooo much, really glad u like it. Here's more ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡
Morning wake up with svt members pt. 2'¸.•*'
Pt. 1
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He's a sleepy head. So u would wake up first. Seeing him by ur side literally just makes u smile for no reason
His bed hair is everything. It looks funny and cute at the same time
When he finally woke up, he got really shy due to u staring admiringly at him
He covers his embarrassed face with both of his hands and would obvly say to stop staring. (I can literally hear him say "hajimalago" 😣)
U gently went thru his hair with ur fingertips to fix it, tho its still looks scruffy as it is, still vey cute to see first thing in the morning
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U both would wake up together
Realising both are awake, it took a few seconds to process who u guys actually are
He would say, "good morning love", to u first
Upon hearing that with his deep husky morning voice, which always surprises u every single time, he always have this angelic voice, but this is just smth else u love to hear too
Ur face says it all, he's surprised with himself too. Both of u laugh it all off
He cups the side of ur face with one hand, "come on, let's start the day shall we"
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He snores, but its cute, n its comfortable for u
You'll wake up to him touching every inch of ur face. Would say he loves seeing u sleeping peacefully, its adorable
"Can u even see me properly," u say playfully, (obvly he's not wearing his glasses). Its a funny way to start his morning, he just laughs it off
U love hearing his morning voice, especially when he's laughing like that, a side of him that u cherish so much
U continue to tease him for his blindness, u stuck out 3 fingers a few inches away from his face, "how many fingers am i holding?". Again, he's very amused with ur humor, kinda offended but he still love u either way
"I'm not that blind," he replied. He got up and snuggles his face in the crook of ur neck. Placing soft kisses, which kinda tickles u. Both of u are just laughing ur ass off
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He's a really big sleepy head. Loves the bed more than anything
U wanna wake him up but u dont have the heart to, he looks so calming sleeping. Y'know he's been working very hard these days
U softly push away the hair on his face so that u could look at him better, "cute", u softly whisper
"I know", he replied with still tight close shut eyes. Busted, dumbfounded. U chuckled at him.
U pinch his cheeks softly, "get up, I'm making breakfast", u say to him, with his still closed eyes yet already awake
"Mhmm" he whines not wanting to start the day. His adorable reaction makes u giggle even more.
U got up and smack his butt and gave him 5 mins more while u go make breakfast
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He loves being close to u at all times
U woke with him hugging ur waist with his head on ur chest. You're already used to this, yet every morning feels like smth new and u really love seeing him beside u at all times
U play with his hair until he wakes up and turns his head looking at u. U both smile seeing each other, u would greet good morning first to him. He loves hearing ur voice, he pulls u closer and hug u tighter. U can feel a big smile on his face
When u want to get out of bed, he pulls ur arm and hugs it tightly, whining not wanting to let u go and stay with him a little longer
It's just so cute of him, u kiss his cheeks and told him to get ready for the day
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He sleeps without a shirt definitely
U woke up with him sleeping peacefully beside u. His bare chest is what attracts ur eyes the most. U let ur intrusive thoughts win and let ur hand touch his chest where his heart is at, every beat is just magnificent to u
"Morning princess", he said that surprised u suddenly. U got shy and covers ur face with both of ur hands. He giggles at ur respond, its very cute and amusing to him.
He pulls ur hands away and kisses ur forehead, both ur cheeks, and nose. "Cutie", he says with his eyes lock onto yours
He got up first and pulls ur arms to get u out of bed
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He sleeps on his back
U woke up and roll over to him and u lay on ur chest, with eyes looking at him sleeping.
"How long are u gonna stare", u suddenly said with still closed eyes. To ur surprised, u slap his chest playfully, embarrassed
He looks at u with a smile and laughs at ur reaction
Both of u still laying on the bed, he likes to hold ur hands for no reason. U guys would have some conversation like what to eat, what to do, what happen last night, and so on. Still lay the bed, not wanting to actually get up
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JUN (another jun cuz why not)
(He used to sleep with his eyes open, but since he got lasik he eyes are fully shut now)
U kinda miss when he sleeps with his eyes open, its looks funny and scary, but aslo cute to u. U touch his fully closed eyelids gently, u love his eyes the most, its absolutely breathtaking
He opens his eyes slowly and smiles at u glaring at him
U place your hand on the side of his face, admiring his beauty
"What're u doing", he said shyly, and giggles away. He gets closer to u and buries his face at ur chest. U can feel the big smile he has on his face.
U push him away but he clings onto u more, not wanting u to leave him.
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A/N: i have nothin to do rn, so while I'm free, feel free ro request anything, this is just my thoughts 💖
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truetogaia · 2 years
Why are you blue?
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Pairing: Recom!Mansk x Avatar!reader.
Just a small drabble i wrote because i was bored, it lowk sucks but sometimes you just gotta let it suck (OOPS, do not even think the thank.)
Here is my navigation for further exploration ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡
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All throughout your childhood, he had been right there. During all the heartbreaks, thrills, experiences and sorrows. Mansk had not once left your side, and you had never left his. The two of you were inseparable, always having dinner at each other's place instead of your own, depending on which household made the yummiest food that particular night. You shared your dreams with each other, noticing how you were both interested in joining the army.
“When I get older, I wanna join the military and be a strong soldier like my daddy!” Mansk said, his eyes lighting up. 
“Me too! But I wanna work in the scientific field. It’s so cool how they get to watch the stars” 
As you got older, hitting the teenage years, your friendship only grew, along with something else. You realized it on a warm summer night, surrounded by your friends during a sleepover. They had been talking about their crushes and potential boyfriends, and when they had asked you, your tongue subconsciously formed the word Mansk, but you didn't say it. You couldn’t. They all knew who he was, and a few of them even had crushes on him of their own. The feelings hadn’t presented themselves specifically that night, but that was the first time they became apparent to you. 
Your emotions gnawed on your soul, tearing away pieces from it every time Mansk would accept a date or a flower. But the thread finally snapped when one of your dearest friends asked him to prom. He had gotten many invitations already, his locker filled with bouquets and chocolates, heart shaped balloons and so on, it made your heart ache every time he would open it with you around. He had accepted the promposal, not hesitating once. You knew he had a crush on her, and that it had been a long time since he first interested himself in her. 
At home, you cried, you sobbed and screamed into your pillow. Your feelings had finally decimated the remnants of your heart. You hurt for days, eyes cried numb and red, face puffy and sore. Your best friend had tried to visit many times, worried about the cause of your absence. Your mother never let him in though, always coming up with excuses such as, “Oh she's terribly sick right now.”, “Nono, I can't let you up there, the disease is very infectious!”.
But oh how you missed him, your heart lurched and stung at the thought of him. Many days had passed since you had lost your last chance. The day of prom was approaching rapidly, and before you knew it, you were sent back to school. Mansk had greeted you with a painfully cheery expression laced on his face, hugging you tightly and repeating how much he had missed you. It did not help the agony in your heart, rather making it so much worse you felt physically ill.
The night of prom was an eventful one. You had been given a ride by Mansk’s father to the event as your mother was working the night shift. The place was crowded and you had barely spotted Mansk and your friend over the sea of bubbling teenagers. Mansk was dressed in a marine blue suit, matching the dress of your former friend. 
You had greeted them both, not wanting to ruin your best friend's night by being an asshole. Mansk had praised your choice of outfit, peppering you with compliments, which had made his date visibly irritated. You tried laughing it off, giving her compliments to lighten up the mood, but you were only met with a  fuming expression. Then she started throwing insults your way, criticizing your looks and downright bullying you. Your expression changed to one of great shock, you never knew she could be like this, gobbled up by jealousy. 
The comments were enough to make your mood plummet significantly, tears began to well up in your eyes, blurring your vision. Mansk had been silent the whole time, not interfering at all, only “watching from afar”. It hurt to see that your best friend did not seem to care, so you turned on your heel and walked away, night, makeup and confidence ruined. 
Your mind began to wander, of course she was right, I mean, of course! She was the one clutching the heart of your dream boy, not you. How had you been so stupid this whole time, thinking that you at least had the speck of a chance with him, when you knew you didn’t. 
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Shouting could be heard from the window of your room, you were snuggled up on your bed, listening intensely to your best friend trying to explain himself.
“I'm sorry, Y/N, you know I would never hurt you willingly..” He tried.
“Just shut up Mansk! You stood right there, right beside her! You were still holding her hand as she literally drowned me in insults for god's sake! And you did nothing, you didn't tell her to stop even when you knew she was hurting me, you could’ve put a stop to her running mouth even before she started running it!” You cried, knuckles turning white from the intense grip you had on your pillow. 
You sobbed, “Just get out.” 
“But Y/N-”
“Get out! I hate you!” You were screaming at him, he pulled back, retreating. When you finally saw that he had given up and started heading towards the door, you cried. You cried and you cried and you cried. Your best friend was gone, the friendship which had lasted since baby age was over, ripped to shreds by him and him only. 
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You grew older, the memories of a time enhanced by happiness and friendship fading with age. You had shifted all your focus to your studies and worked hard in your field. At last, your hard work paid off as you were enrolled in the scientific team in the avatar program of the RDA. It was a new program and they had asked for you specifically, much because you honed great expertise in the space researcher field and you had come to be a renowned biologist, it was a perfect match. 
Working with THE doctor Augustine was amazing, she was the big inspiration in your childhood. You had great respect for her as she had for you, you had proven yourself to her on the first day while sharing your knowledge and hidden intentions about the planet. When Norm and Jake were added to the team, they quickly became a nuisance to you, Norm always hovering around you, eager to learn from you despite the fact that you were literally his age, if not younger. And Jake, just being Jake. 
Your time was filled with researching the home of strange creatures and humanoid aliens in your new, blue body. On the day of the introduction, the Colonel was assembling his team, presenting them to all aboard the base. One particular individual caught your attention, but it was impossible.
You kept on with your research, occasionally catching a glance of someone you thought resembled a key component of your childhood, until the day finally came when you had to make a decision. Stay loyal to the RDA and their plans to excavate the planet and its resources, or join forces with the na’vi and Jake. You completely let go of the humanity in you, siding with the natives in a heartbeat. 
The fight was brutal, you were mostly tending to the wounds of the warriors, never really going out into battle. You were not a very good fighter, and after the death of Grace, you dedicated your whole being to healing and soothing. You became a very close assistant to the Tsahik, yet always respecting her space and superior knowledge. You also became na’vi, what was left of the human in you was now washed clean away.
You never found a mate though, something was always eating away at your being, a longing for something distantly familiar. There were many suitable options in the clan, but you always excused yourself with having more important things to take care of. 
You lived the post-war years in peace with your clan, now serving under Jake after the devastating death of the former Olo’eyktan, Neytiri's father. You often babysat for Jake and Neytiri, taking care of all the kids. Even though Spider wasn’t really their kid, or na’vi, he was your favorite. You appreciated his enthusiasm to help the natives, often recognizing little pieces of yourself in him. 
On one particular morning, you were babysitting the kids, they loved you, saw you as their own flesh and blood, an older sibling, of sorts. Your avatar form was only a few years younger than Jake’s, but apparently it was enough. When Lo’ak suddenly mentioned that he wanted to explore an abandoned war ruin, you were at first appalled, the thought of visiting something from a time so horrible made your heartbeat quicken. 
But after some very convincing reasoning from the younger na’vis side, you were off. Of course you had to bring all the kids, except Neteyam, he was big enough to venture on his own. 
The forest was eerily quiet, there were no creatures lurking in the underbrush like there usually were, it felt as if the towering trees were throwing more shade on you than usual. Something was off, something had disturbed the peace of Pandora's forests. The kids hadn’t noticed anything yet, maybe that was for the better, you thought. Getting them home at such a late hour wasn’t going to be easy considering how far you had already strayed from the village, so them feeling uneasy wouldn't be a helping factor.
Brushing it off, you caught up to the younger na’vi trying to navigate their way through the greenery. They soon reached the wreckage, Lo’ak was the first climbing up the ruin to check it out whilst Tuk carefully clasped her hand in yours, hiding behind your figure. The wreck resembled an aircraft, neatly tucked away in the plants of the forest, never to move again. 
While the kids were exploring the unknown, at least to them, object, you had a funny feeling. Your ears twitched, picking up a strange noise. Pummeling of boots on soil, chopping of flora and verdure, your curiosity peaked as this sound was nothing forest made. 
Lo’ak also noticed the strange racket, but instead of staying put as he should, he decided to investigate. You quickly rushed after, ushering the kids to stay in place as you went to collect the mischievous child. A sudden rush of heat to your face and gust of wind that carried a familiar scent made you step back, placing your hands on your head. It hurt, a lot, a throbbing sensation spreading throughout your brain. You ran after Lo’ak, determined to get him out of there. 
The scent grew stronger, completely blocking your nose. It was overwhelming, but familiar, the sensation of it. The former Tsahik had described the mate-phenomenon to you before, finding the one true mate, the one meant for you. All the symptoms aligned, the headache, the sudden heat, the abusing scent. You couldn’t believe it, what was your mate doing out here in the lush, unexplored wild of the forest? Lo’ak was gone from your sight, you panicked and turned around, scanning your surroundings for the remaining kids, but they, too, were gone. 
Your legs carried you easily through the forest, it had started to rain, heavy drops of water cascading down from the iridescent leaves onto your rushing figure. Though your nose was assaulted by the irrepressible smell, you could still make out small portions of Tuk’s scent. It was drawing closer the further into the wildlife you ran. A twig snapped unexpectedly, followed by a groan and a hiss. You stopped and crouched behind the roots of a tree. Carefully, attempting to make no noise, you peeked over the wood. There, in the midst of a dead, burnt patch of grass, were the kids. But they were not alone. Each child was restrained by a blue.. Avatar. You could not believe your eyes, rubbing them deliriously, not trusting your night vision. 
The scent was even stronger now, it was clouding your mind, fogging all your senses and making it hard to think. You looked around the circle of bodies, these weren’t regular avatars, they were recombinants, resurrected soldiers. You recognized their faces, as well as the names on their clinking dog tags. 
One of the recombinants stood out to you, your eyes continuously wandered to his form no matter how hard you tried, the smell only increasing each time you caught a glimpse of him. He was holding one of the kids by the arm, restricting their every movement. You growled quietly, not wanting to draw too much attention to yourself. You got ready to attack, gripping the bow from your back along with a handcrafted arrow. You carefully aimed at the special recoms head, getting ready to fire when he suddenly took his sunglasses off. 
You stopped dead in your track, dropping your bow in the process. Gasping, it came to you, why he was so familiar, why his scent was making your heart ache. 
It was your childhood best friend, Mansk. 
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twstowo · 8 months
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ head go BUM ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
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──── ⋆⋅☆Riddle☆⋅⋆ ────
♡︎True Love Kiss But He Isn't The One [Housewardens+Jamil]
♡︎True love kiss wasn't the cure [Housewardens+Jamil]
♡︎Kissing their Foreheads [Second Years]
♡︎Twst/DDV AU [OB!Characters]
♡︎ They comfort you [Leona, Malleus and Riddle]
♡︎Showering Them With Affection [Second Years+Leona]
♡︎Meowing at the Housewardens
♡︎Them with a reader that is a very hard worker [Heartslabyul and azul]
♡︎Unrequited Love [Housewardens]
♡︎Reader with separation anxiety [Riddle and Ace]
♡︎Clingy reader [Malleus+Second Years]
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──── ⋆⋅☆Trey☆⋅⋆ ────
♡︎Kissing their Foreheads[Third Years]
♡︎Them with a reader that is a very hard worker [Heartslabyul and azul]
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──── ⋆⋅☆Cater☆⋅⋆ ────
♡︎Kissing their Foreheads[Third Years]
♡︎He watches as his friend awakens you with a love kiss [Sebek, Ace, Floyd and Cater]
♡︎Them with a reader that is a very hard worker [Heartslabyul and azul]
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──── ⋆⋅☆Ace☆⋅⋆ ────
♡︎How they deal with a sleepy reader [Ace, Jamil and Floyd]
♡︎Kissing their Foreheads [First Years]
♡︎He tries to impress you in a basketball game
♡︎Reader with Chubby Cheeks [Ace and Floyd]
♡︎He watches as his friend awakens you with a love kiss [Sebek, Ace, Floyd and Cater]
♡︎Them with a really attached Reader [Ace, Sebek and Jack]
♡︎Them with a reader that is a very hard worker [Heartslabyul and azul]
♡︎Reader with separation anxiety [Riddle and Ace]
♡︎Reader with glasses takes them off and says "I don’t even wanna see you right now"idk [Ace and Floyd]
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──── ⋆⋅☆Deuce☆⋅⋆ ────
♡︎Kissing their Foreheads [First Years]
♡︎Them with a reader that is a very hard worker [Heartslabyul and azul]
♡︎ Ace’s younger sibling meets Deuce
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erose-this-name · 7 months
Primer On Stylistic Elements Of Internet Speak (Zoomerese) (from what I've learned by being terminally online)
This is just text, like, normal fucking text. nothing special about this.
Because base English 🥱 only has support for shouting :O (!) questions🤨(?) and statements ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (.), and we wanted to add new registers of voice :P, (and keyboards limit the ability to add new symbols) :-( a lot of new features to the language have to be made out of other symbols or be made of stylistic elements instead of a dedicated symbol. And since there's no dedicated authority to teach people new abstract symbols, they had to be faces so they could be intuitive. ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡
This isn't sARcaSTIc at all, I mean come on, why would anyone EVER want to indicate SARCASM by OVEREXAGGERATING to compensate for """"English not having a sarcasm punctuation mark""""? Like, c'mon, it's not like "/s" or ".~" can also be used AS a sarcmark.~
Oh, yeah? "RanDOM CaPS mAKeS IT sOunD LIkE mOCkiNG" that's what you sound like.
This is TOTALLY post-irony OR meta-irony, where you just, like, SAY what you actually mean but IN A SARCASTIC WAY??? Uh, what is this, some kinda "gen z exclusive" comedy/slang feature?? Like, wow, I guess you would need to do that to "create some distance" between you and your beliefs by giving you the ability to say you were "JuST KiDDinG", or as a "joke" because ""zoomers"" are so oversaturated with content that normal single level sarcasm doesn't work anymore and they need to layer that shit up two or three times, or some bullshit like that.
I'm finna splain txt messg shorthand, aka sms language. its like faster 2 type & kinda gives u a valley grl vibe. itz actually a bit harder 2 learn than the rest of these and I'm not gud at it. kthnx
This. Is. Putting. A. Period. On. Every. Fucking. Word. This. Shit. Makes. It. Sound. Like. You. Motherfucker. Are. Very. FUCKING. Angry. And. Authoritative. (this prosody is also a new [and relatively rare] feature in spoken English as well.)
UwU, what's this? Nya, thiws iws uwu/owo voice! (UwU)! Iwt iws meant towo sowund wike a baby voice, vewy cute (hazawdouswy cute) (UwU!), awnd iws used excwusivewy by fuwwies awnd femboys awnd fuwwy femboys uwu awnd anyaone who uses iwt "iwonyacawwy" iws secwetewy owne nya of those pwobabwy uwu. use at youw own peril (you will wose bwaincewws awnd become gay) nya! RAWR XD
Dis ar teh LOLCAT, it be VRY OUTDATD MEME, but sum bits ov dis style ov brokd grammar an spellin' still appears on teh interwebs in TINY DOSES 2 mak it seem cutr an dumbr or leik a cat 4 ironic purposez, LIEK ONCE OR TWICE PER POST!!!1!1 DO NOT OVAR USE IT LIEK IM U WILL DYE!!!1!1!
uh all lowercase and without punctuation makes it seem childish/lazy which can be used for irony if what youre saying is actually very important or authoritative but you dont wanna sound that way because you are depressed or just wanna feel cute or maybe some other reason idk im just a boy
Exclamation marks (!) indicate excitement and energy! My Dad (ex-typographer) whose really really cool says that exclamation marks (!) mean you're SHOUTING and not to use them!!! And he's really cool, but that's not right anymore because SHOUTING IS INDICATED BY ALL UPPERCASE!!!!!
This is Capitalizing The First Letter In Every Word, which is done on Tumblr Dot Com but not much elsewhere. It brings to mind how Titles and Headlines also sometimes Capitalizing The First Letter In Every Word, and gives your post an aura of Authority and to Nounify Something.
Most other parts of the internet™®© do this where they spam copyright and trademark symbols®©™®©© to achieve the same effect as capitalizing the first letter in every word©©™.
>be me >go on 4Chan.org >dies immediately.exe >looks into posts >discovers entirely unique and interesting writing style called greentext >ask why its called that >Get called a "newf*g, desu" >it's mostly used by incels to gaslight fa/tg/uys and /b/***** (they wouldn't censor that) into reading stories they made up about themselves where they become a sex haver >literally no one believes that any greentext has ever actually happened >find incest greentext >ew.wav >read it anyways because ******** (utter self-loathing is important for authentic greentext) >it's just the plot of Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back >mfw
I learned 4Channerish so you don't have to. Seriously, don't.
(If I've missed anything please reblog to expand our VALUABLE COLLECTIVE EDUTRAINING ABILITIES)
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limeysims · 5 months
hii! i just stumbled across ur account and i just wanna say every single thing u post is so cute and adorable 🥹 i love ur sims style and how u edit ur screenies!!
i hope u have a nice day ~ 💖
Hi Sapphy! ʕ•ᴥ•ʔっ♡ Nice to meet you! Thanks so much for writing, I’m super glad you did because your sims are so pretty 🫠 Love your editing style and your look books too! Hope you have a wonderful day as well 💖
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corvussnakee · 4 months
Okay, so a friend of mine's roommate isn't in the greatest place right now. My friend, Phoz, is currently streaming for as long as he possibly can in order to earn money to send to his friend's go-fund-me!!! All ad revenue will be going to the go-fund-me so make sure to have those ad-blockers off for this stream!!
I wanna help him with this cause so I'll be posting some links to both his stream and the go-fund-me!!!
My friend's stream
The Go-fund-me!!!
Even if you can't donate you can watch his stream!! The boost in viewership will help get his stream out to more people who could possibly help!!
I hope you all have a wonderful morning, day, evening, or night!!! And also, Thank you!!! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ♡
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sp3cialgirl · 2 months
Do you wanna be mutuals!!♡ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
ofc! i’m going to have to follow you on my main though because i didn’t understand how tumblr worked when i downloaded it 🥲
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ascendent · 7 months
☆ask meme☆
ty for the tag @hot2go ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
last song i listened to: miles fisher - this must be the place (talking heads cover)
currently reading: poor things, alasdair gray
last watched: the holdovers (2023)
currently obsessed with: velvet moon perfume oil by poesie, this dress and these boots for the chappell roan show, figure drawing practice from line of action
tagging @beesmygod @lightgaswaterelectricityrent @catchaspark @marshmallowtuna @crabwizards if you wanna ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ☆彡
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lonvely · 1 year
get to know me tag!
tagged by: thank you all sm!! i'm always happy to read about you all as well!! @bibliosims @thebramblewood @simmysunset @simbeezies ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
last song: omg - newjeans !
favourite colours: green & yellow!! i like green stuff & i like wearing yellow :)
last movie: arrietty!
currently reading: nothing atm! i wanna read the little prince again & some philosophy books i have in my bookshelf :)
sweet/spicy/savory: my mexican heart says spicy... but my stomach says sweet!!
last thing i googled: 90s curly hair (i got a haircut today)
current obsession: mmm redecorating my pc set up to be more green!! gamewise, dead by daylight, apex, & ts4!!
currently working on: redownloading all my games + programs since i reset my c drive :) & homework!!
Tagging: @naeices @lotuso3o @wooldawn @peovie @luvbugtrait @sims4thehoes @m0ckest ʕ˶´• ᴥ •`˶ʔ
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crybabyboyscout · 2 years
Thank you for the tag @mettaworldpiece & @i-exp626 ʕ♡˙ᴥ˙♡ʔ
Sharing top 4 most listened to albums but imma give y’all my top 4 songs <3
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Would love to see if you wanna share @elvencryptid @depressionella @negreaux @newportmenthols @808chiffon @vulnerableparts @loverbear-butch @earth-muffyn @homobeast @h0peless-necr0mantic @braebraethefool 💓
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messylustt · 1 year
hihihihi omg omg im counting down the fucking DAYS till october bc BGIGIWGIBWGI KINKTOBERRR
i wrote an ACTUAL fluff oneshot abt AK!jason todd here if you wanna read it :33
as always, remember to;
get some sleep
and de stress!!!
being one of my fav fanfic authors to ever exist takes work and you gotta take care of urself to continue being the most epic of epic fanfic authors out there
UR AN ANGELLLL ML. imma be saving and reading thisss!!! and YESSS kinktober omlll ‘m so excited
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maligns · 1 year
starter call       ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ♡     @alealueur​ id.  :  rosado
“ ah ,  divine one !  exactly the person i was looking for ! ”  he flounces over ,  bow ruffling .  he’s clearly happy to see alear,  yet the dim nature of his grin belies an unusual frustration.  he toys with the pink bow at his chest,  anxious,  “ well actually, i was hoping for a favor, you see . 
“ a friend of hortensia and i sent us a dire request for aid :  she needs our help locating a piece of artwork titled  ‘ the reflection of blood moon ’ .  it’s a beautiful piece of artwork, priceless actually, but it’s been deemed lost for quite some time . recently, there’ve been rumors that a group of bandits camped along the east coast of elusia have an entire collection of priceless artwork stashed away, together with the artwork in question. a total waste of art, really !
he takes a breath, clasps his hands together, an apologetic smile blooming,  “ soooo,  i know you’ve been busy with war reparations lately,  but we could really use your expertise and skill to scout out the area .  it would be a huge help ... & a change of pace for you .  what do you say,  wanna join in on this mission ?  ”  
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marksbear · 2 years
papa bear..🦈🦈 i wanna say that i love you so much ( *˘▽˘*) and you deserve kisses for being a good papa♡ here some kisses for you, papa
Mwah mwah ≥∇≤💙💙
have a good day/night, papa bear🦈🦈💤💤
I love you more! Thank you for all the kisses my shark. I'm trying to be the best papa for all of you! Thank you for the kisses again!
Kisses back to you as well!
Have a nice one Sharko! And also i'm just starting to realize you're such a cuddly and nice shark! The complete opposite from other sharks I love that about you!
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twstowo · 8 months
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ fish go glu glu ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
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──── ⋆⋅☆Azul☆⋅⋆ ────
♡︎True Love Kiss But He Isn't The One [Housewardens+Jamil]
♡︎True love kiss wasn't the cure [Housewardens+Jamil]
♡︎Kissing their Foreheads [Second Years]
♡︎Twst/DDV AU [OB!Characters]
♡︎Showering Them With Affection [Second Years+Leona]
♡︎Them with a reader that gives them the rest of their food [Octavinelle and ignihyde]
♡︎Meowing at the Housewardens
♡︎Them with a reader that is a very hard worker [Heartslabyul and azul]
♡︎Unrequited Love [Housewardens]
♡︎Clingy reader [Malleus+Second Years]
♡︎Him with a Reader that looks like one of his past Bullies
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──── ⋆⋅☆Floyd☆⋅⋆ ────
♡︎Kissing their Foreheads [Second Years]
♡︎How they deal with a sleepy reader [Ace, Jamil and Floyd]
♡Floyd Saves Reader From a ShipWreck [Little Mermaid AU]
♡︎Showering Them With Affection [Second Years+Leona]
♡︎He tries to impress you in a basketball game
♡︎Reader with Chubby Cheeks [Ace and Floyd]
♡︎He watches as his friend awakens you with a love kiss [Sebek, Ace, Floyd and Cater]
♡︎Them with a reader that gives them the rest of their food [Octavinelle and ignihyde]
♡︎Clingy reader [Malleus+Second Years]
♡︎Reader with glasses takes them off and says "I don’t even wanna see you right now"idk [Ace and Floyd]
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──── ⋆⋅☆Jade☆⋅⋆ ────
♡︎Kissing their Foreheads [Second Years]
♡︎ They paint/Sketch you [Jade, Rook and Vil]
♡︎Showering Them With Affection [Second Years+Leona]
♡︎Them with a reader that gives them the rest of their food [Octavinelle and ignihyde]
♡︎Clingy reader [Malleus+Second Years]
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snailslunchpail · 2 years
EEE SNAIL!! i’m sorry last week was super rough on you ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ be proud you got through it!!~ i love love love banana flavoured stuff i think it’s so underrated! how were the muffins? one thing i reallyyy miss about being in school is the build up to winter/summer break. i know not everyone celebrates christmas but everyone would always be so excited up until the last day (≧▽≦) humans are cute like that
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i will not tell star she is a trend setter… psst ^^ that’s me in the snow (REAL!)
i haven’t been doing anything fun but it finally snowed!!! it never snows in the uk (-д-。) i made my parents take a walk with me while it was still snowing but i have the worlds worst cold now (T_T) promise me u will never take breathing through ur nose easy for granted…..
the figures look SO so cute!!!! i love ur list.. the re-ment + house so you can set em up in little scenes… not sure if i was the only kid that did this but i would spend hours setting up my calico critters houses just to make em look nice and then i wouldn’t even play with them (๑´ㅂ`๑) i just liked makin sure they had a cute house to live in!
would you want a modern doll house?? or a themed one? or a wooden one? Σ(・口・) i would love to be a doll or a toy and just have a little room.. something about small things… waa
+ to answer your question i would really really love the calico critters lavender rabbit family .. it’s a japan exclusive though T_T id love to have the ‘art of ghibli’ books! have you seen them? i think id want ponyo + howls moving castle versions most because i love the art of both movies SO much… rement.. tiny food.. ohehehe…. i would die for a little re-ment set…
HAIII BELOVED CAPPA IM BACK!! ⸜ (。˃ ᵕ ˂) ⸝ so sorry this took me so long to respond to !
but tysm for the sweet words!! things have definitely gotten better recently + at the time of writing this tomorrow is christmas!!! YAHOOOO ( / >ヮ< )/
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GRAHH YES i love banana flavored baked goods!!! & the muffins turned out really well! :D i should make some banana chocolate chip cookies sometime bc that sounds delicious ..
BUT YAHH the build up to christmas is always really fun in school! (minus the finals) but it was really sweet cus one of my electives is being an assistant in the counciling office and they got us hot coco and mini donuts it was sooo sweet !! ( ˃̵ᴗ˂̵ ) ♡
also that IS u in the snow, #SO REAL!
SNOWWW that is so so cool!!! but yah omg i imagine that must be uncomfortable- >_<!!
AWEEE thats so precious tho!!! they rlly just itch a certain part of my brain !!! GRAH i adore the calico critter doll houses tho id also love to have something like these i think ?? just something with an open face! AND LITERALLY OMG i would be so content as a silly little toy
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the lavender calico critters are absolutely adorable.. and the art of ghibli book sounds so cute!! i think ive seen similar ones, i bet they'd be so fun to flip though! i have a couple artbooks myself of video games i like + some artists and i adore them sm!! i really want to collect some more magazines tho (i got a bit inspired by tamakid ofc) bc the japanese kids magazines just look so fun !? AHH PONYO AND HMC THO i feel like ive said this before but ponyo is my fav and i wanna name an orange cat after her someday ^__^
ANYWAYS i love ur ideas !!! they all sound too cute and ty for the ask again it was very fun to answer :D i hope ur having a great holiday season! and merry christmas if u celebrate, i'll probably be popping in ur ask box to send u a lil christmas message soon !! :3
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