#i wanna get a shower but i can barely stand with my back & knee pain so im just laying face down on the floor in damp clothes still
martyrbat · 9 months
i am the sleepiest person in existence rn
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authorhjk1 · 10 months
Surviving NNN
Part Three: A star
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You sit on the balcony of your apartment, letting the cold breeze brush your face. The cold shower you just took helped. Or at least it eased the pain. Yena's gorgeous body still wanders through your mind. The way the towel slowly slid up, revealing her legs. How it created a small cleavage over her small breasts.
You are saved by the sound of the door being opened. Hearing small footsteps, you do your best to concentrate on the task at hand.
You recognize Chaewon's voice.
"Minju made breakfast. You coming?"
"Of course. Give me a second."
You feel a little guilty letting your guests cook, but the three girls can cook way better than you. Apart from some basic dishes you can't do very much.
"What are you doing?"
Chaewon steps closer, now standing right behind you, while looking over your shoulder as you sit in one of the comfortable chairs.
"I'm working on some lyrics." "Really?"
You hear the excitement in Chaewons's voice.
"I'm a huge star, you know?"
She grabs another chair and sits down next to you, looking at the ipad in your lap.
She referred to herself as a star, which is the name for your fandom. Your stage name is Jin-wol. It translates to moon or jewel in English. That's why the fandom name stars somewhat fit.
You are happy to hear that Chaewon is a star, she is a well known idol after all.
The young woman nods in excitement.
"I watched your recent MV like a million times."
You chuckle as Chaewon tries to glance at your ipad. Unfortunately, there is nothing much to look at so far.
"What's the new song about?"
"Read for yourself."
You offer her the ipad and Chaewon starts to read. It isn't much yet, but you can see her blushing harder and harder with every word.
"Th-This is gonna be your song?"
"Yeah. I can write and produce my own music, but usually the company decides on what theme we do for every album.
"Ah, I see."
Chaewon's cheeks are still a little red as she gives you the ipad back. It is hard work to write this stuff right now, beacuse of NNN. It's supposed to be a sexy concept. A combination of obvious hints about sex and some a little less obvious. It wouldn't have been a problem without NNN at all. You could just take more than enough "inspiration" from Karina. And even if someone would catch up on that, it's no big deal, since the two of you are together anyway.
You eat breqakfast in silence, while you listen to three girls chatting. With your mind still on the song and your mind capable of more than just vivid imagination, you keep your head down.
You slowly raise your head, barely able to look at Minju. The things that went through your brain during your run make you feel bad. How could you think about her like that?
"Since its Saturday, the three of us wanted to go shopping. You wanna come with?"
You rather not. You need to keep writing. And you need some space to breath. Having these three girls constantly around you makes you anxious.
"I actually still have some work to do."
"Oh come on."
Yena looks at you.
"We will reward you afterwards."
She gives you a wink and your mind starts spinning again. What kind of reward?
"What kind of reward?"
Yena chuckles. Your voice may have sounded a little too desperate.
"I'm tot gonna tell you. But it has something to do with cream."
She smirks at you.
New pictures flood your mind.
Yena on her knees, holding a can of wipped cream. She pours some of it into her mouth, before looking up at you. Her hands work to take of your pants. You groan as you feel her warm lips part around your cock. The cold wipped cream is a great contrast to them. It slowly starts to melt in Yena's mouth. She pushes it around with her tongue, while looking up at you.
You slightly shake your head, trying to get rid of these thoughts.
"Why not?"
Yena pouts. You can't stop looking at her lips. Just a moment ago they were wrapped around your cock....
"Please, Jin-wol oppa."
Minju pouts as well.
"Karina unnie told us to take you. She said you hate shopping."
That's somewhat true. You never liked it. Which means Karina usually does it for you. She knows evry size, from shoes to shirt. She also has a better sense of style than you.
The person who breaks your last resistance is Chaewon.
"Like you wrote in your lyrics: 'I see donuts left and right, but I just want to glaze yours all night' you know?"
No. No way in hell she doesn't know what you meant by that. She must. Chaewon must know exactly what you meant. The other lines are even more explicit. She must have picked up on this.
And yet, she looks at you with an innocent face.
"We could get you some donuts."
Yena chips in.
"I like my donut glazed as well."
You almost have to take another shower as you hear her say that. You stuff your mouth with food, trying to avoid the pictures coming back.
"Chaewon? Are you coming?"
Yena shouts through the apartment, while the three of you wait for Chaewon. She is the last on to get dressed.
"Oppa, why don't you go and get her?"
"Yeah. She is a big fan of yours. I'm sure she will hurry up when she sees you.
You walk towards Yena's and Chaewon's shared room.
"Come in."
You hesitate for obvious reasons, but you eventually open the door. Bad decision. Not just because of the way Chaewon is dressed, but because the two of you are alone.
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"What do you think?"
You think a lot. Way too much actually. The number of days you survived without cuming is increasing steadily. And Chaewons outfit makes you dizzy.
You just want to take her right there.
Push her against the wall, throwing that large bag aside. Open the zipper of her jeans, while she does the same with yours. Your lips dance along her skin on her shoulders, enjoying the smoothness. Without much forplay, you would just enter Chaewon. Her eyes shut tight as her petite body tries to accustom itself to your cock. A moan escapes her mouth while you push inside. Your hands resting on her tight midriff. Your thumb playfully grazes over her mole as you make Chaewon sigh with pleasure.
You start to fuck her hard into the wall. More and more. Faster and faster. Your body releasing all the build up tension.
"Oh god! Your cock!"
Chaewon moans loudly as you pound her hard. Your dick is deep inside her pussy. Your girlfriend's friend's pussy. Your fellow idol's pussy. Your fan's pussy.
Chaewon is all of that. And more. Your lips find hers, trying to muffle her moans as you take her body. The young woman gives herself to you, relishing in the pleasure you give her.
"Harder, please! Fuck me good!"
Her high pitched yelps make you pound her harder. You feel Chaewon's walls contract around you. Her body shakes even more.
"Oh my god! I'm gonna cum on your cock!"
And so she does. Chaewon orgasms in your arms as you keep fucking her. You chase your own orgasm which is building up as well. After almost three weeks of no cuming, you feel your cock almost bursting as you are about to climax.
"Give it to me. Give me your cum."
Chaewon asks for it. She looks into your eyes, her head slightly swaying back and forth as you pound her against the wall. You are surprised when she manages to undo the button of her jeans in a frenzy. She pulls down her jeans just enough for you to get a good look at her pussy.
The sight makes you orgasm right there. You manage to pull out. You start cuming all over her. Your cum lands mostly on her freshly fucked pussy. Some of it on her midriff. The two of you breath heavily after your short fuck.
Looking down, you realize that you mad your lyrics come true. You did glaze Chaewon's donut.
Hi everyone!
I hope you enjoyed this. The lyrics might come of as a little cringe but I'm a writer not a composer , so please don't judge me to harshly.
Tomorrow will be the last day of round one for the Decmber speical, if i'm correct. You will be able to vote for the actual chapters as soon as this round ends
Have a great day!
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apocalypseornaw · 11 months
Real or Not (Pt 1/5)
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Dean Winchester x Reader
When Dean starts mentioning his ex it makes you start doubting how stable your relationship is
@lacilou s idea
You were half asleep, curled up to Dean's chest. His fingers were slowly tracing patterns on your bare back as he sung along with whatever was playing on the radio, the light rumble of his voice was nearly lulling you back to sleep. The bed was warm and soft, his body against yours was an added warmth and comfort. You'd known the boys most of your life, the perks of hunting but you and Dean was a development that had just happened a few years before.
Him and Sam had discovered the men of letters bunker and as a byproduct had extended an invitation for you to use one of the many extra bedrooms. You weren't sure how the line between friends and lovers was crossed between you and Dean.
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The first time you saw a spark of what could be was when a guy had gotten handsy with you in a bar after a hunt. You were sore after all three of you had gotten tossed around, the bruising on your side was already multiple shades of purple. You'd left the boys to go to the bathroom and hadn't noticed a guy watching you.
When you walked out the bathroom he'd grabbed you rather roughly. Any other time you would've kicked his ass with no problem but his fingertips had dug into the bruise forcing the air out of your lungs and a gasp of pain to escape your lips. "Hey asshole" You heard Dean's voice a half a second before the guy was ripped off of you.
You watched as Dean hit him and felt some sense of vindication when the guy went down but when Dean moved to hit him again you grabbed his arm, the bouncer was headed your way and not to mention you knew Dean.
He was strong enough to take down monsters on the daily, if he went off on this drunken asshole he could kill him. The anger in his eyes quickly dissolved when he realized it was your hand on him "Sweetheart he hurt you" you smiled slightly "I've had worse dee. You probably broke his jaw as is. Let the bouncer handle it, let's grab Sam and head back to the motel"
From that day on any time the three of you went out Dean would stand outside the bathroom and wait on you. You'd felt guilty for a while that his chances of hooking up was cut down extremely by every woman in the bar seeing him waiting on you but when you'd finally brought it up to him he'd simply said "You're more important to me"
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The first time Dean kissed you was late one night. You and him had been dancing around feelings for each other for a while.
You'd been in your room, laid across the bed listening to music when he'd knocked on your door. "Come in!" You called out turning to sit up instead of being sprawled out. Dean walked in and a smile pulled onto his face "Were you asleep?" Your eyes widened when you realized how your hair probably looked. Not that he hadn't seen you at a worse time but nonetheless you smoothed a hand over your hair "No, was just listening to music" he nodded slowly but you could tell he hadn't just come to your door to see what you were up to. "Something wrong Dee?"
He motioned down the hall "There's a um meteor shower tonight. Sam told me about it, I know you like that kind of thing and there's a few clearings not far from here if you wanna take a little ride?"
You nodded "Yeah let me get my boots on and grab a hoodie" the smile he gave you made your heart flip "Take your time sweetheart"
About half an hour later you were laying across baby's hood next to Dean, watching the night sky. His hand found your leg, squeezing gently before he sat up "Y/N, can we talk?" You sat up too and took his offered hand to get off the impala. Once you were both standing he gave you one of those smiles that made your knees weak "Can I just kiss you and stop this dancing around? I know how I feel about you and I'm fairly certain how you feel about me"
"I'd like that" you admitted and next thing you knew his lips were on yours. Kissing Dean was better than you'd ever imagined and you'd imagined it plenty. The way he made you feel from just a kiss was dizzying. When he pulled away he slid his arms around your waist pulling you even closer "I could get used to doing that" you laughed "I could get used to you doing that"
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The two of you had ended up watching the sun come up before going back to the bunker. You'd never admit under threat of torture but you were half in love with him then.
You felt his fingers hesitate just a moment before he said "I know you're awake" you cut your eyes up to see green eyes watching you closely. You smiled "I was enjoying the song" he leaned down to press a gentle kiss to your lips but when his hands moved to your hips rolling you over on top of him the kiss deepened. When you had to move away from each other to catch your breath he grinned at you "If I get that for a song what do I get for a few?" You raised an eyebrow rolling your hips down against his which made him choke out a groan "I'm sure we can come to an agreement"
Yeah you'd never admit it but you were head over heels for the eldest Winchester.
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You were moving through the bunker, humming to yourself. You'd just gotten through with laundry and was headed to see if Sam needed help with research.
You were almost to the library when you heard Dean and Sam both laughing. The sound warmed your heart, they rarely genuinely laughed. "Man you remember how Mila lost the cop that was chasing her, met us back at Bobby's and cooked breakfast" Sam said and you felt yourself falter.
Sam was one of your closest friends and yeah him and Dean had hunted close with Camila for a while especially while her and Dean were a thing but as far as you knew they hadn't talked to her in a while. Why were they reminiscing about Dean's ex? Your stomach dropped to your feet when Dean's voice was the next to say "Mila has always been a force of nature"
You knew when it came to these two your poker face was shit so you stopped dead in your tracks unsure what to do next. When they started into another story starring none other than Camila Paulso you spun on your heel and headed for the garage. You hadn't realized you were crying until your vision went blurry.
This wasn't like you. You weren't the overly jealous type and getting this upset over something so trivial as them reminiscing? Because you had fallen in love with Dean and honestly had no clue if he felt the same. Every insecurity you felt from when you first got with Dean came rushing back. Every little voice that said you weren't his type, that you weren't good enough for him, that he'd never love you blared through your head.
You walked over to one of the older cars you always liked and sat down next to it, forcing yourself to calm down. They were just talking. Maybe you needed a break, you could go visit Jody and the girls. A few minutes passed before your phone went off with a text from Dean "Where are you at?"
You pushed yourself to your feet, checking your reflection in the window of the car before texting back "Garage" you needed to get a grip. Dean wasn't the type to not say what he wanted. He was with you, that counted for something right?
About the time you heard his voice ring through the garage calling your name a small whisper flashed through your head saying "What if he's passing time until he can get her back?"
Why the hell was your own brain working so hard against you?
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iambilliejeanok · 2 years
💗🌸Hungry 🌸💗
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Characters: Toji x reader
Fandom: Jujustu Kaisen
Warnings: 18+, mature themes, overstimulation, edging, dacryphilia, female pleasure.
With no hesitation, the highly feint smell of your bathroom routine cruised passed Toji’s nose, immediately setting to hopefully catching you in the shower. He had never taken off his shoes and paced through the house that fast, dashing to the bedroom. Before he could even reach the door, the excitement got all to overwhelming for him, gripping the back of his shirt and hurriedly pulling it over his head, the black shirt obscuring his vision as he slightly struggled with pulling the material over his head, stubbing his toe hard against the corner of the doorframe, barely giving the pain a minute of thought as adrenaline pumped through his body to finally catch his prey. He unbuttoned his pants, pulling the zipper down before basically jumping right out of them.
“Fuck!”, he mumbled, taking his socks off as he he hopped into the lightly steamed bathroom, he always thought socks were such a nuisance. “Oh my god!”, you shrieked, totally caught off guard by the sudden intrusion. You didn’t know he was home yet. “Oh my god baby!”, placing your hand on your chest and sighing loudly as you calmed down from the fright.
Still eyeing him in surprise, his naked, godly stature only made you stare longer, your eyes running down to see his dick growing taller and thicker with every passing second, twitching as it quickly grew. Your eyes widening, they shot right back up to his face, an easy and happy smile on his face, while his eyes twinkled, his beauty also caught you by surprise, never mind the cobra between his legs. “Oh..m-my god…bby?”, you tried to speak, tripping over your words as you tried to adjust to this fiery hunk of a man standing right in front of you, staring at YOU like dinner he’s been craving to eat all day.
Your body temperature rising , you tried to play it off cool, unsure of what to do, but nervous about what was going to happen. The smell of the forest lingered past your nose the longer you stood in his presence. His hair had some noticeable tiny little twigs and dirt scattered all over it. He was probably fighting today. His adrenaline must be high. Maybe that’s why he was so hard, and he’s definitely taking it out on you. The thought quickly made your clit throb so sweetly, forcing your thighs together, your thighs making a audible clap as they made contact, the embarrassment only fueling your arousal.
Toji quickly neared you, wrapping his arms around you in a bear hug, your naked, damp body pressing against his fit, and much larger frame, the smell of the forest much stronger as it filled your nose, the moisture of your vagina already sticking to your inner thighs, his rock hard cock pushing into your tummy like a pipe wrench . You were already a hot mess, so turned on with just his presence, his aura. Your arranged marriage was still new, even though the two of you have gotten along so well since the first day. Sex was something you had just decided to get into. And after the first few times you had made love with him, you were far from being anywhere near over how he rocks your world each and every single time.
“Mmmm baby”, his voice rumbling though his throat so close to your ear as he planted slow kisses along the side of your neck, your chest humming with his. “You know, I can never get over how good you smell after a shower. It makes my mouth water”, he says, his voice dropping a few octaves as he speaks close to your ear, heat currents running your body like electricity, your body so warm against his, his dick twitching against your tummy, making you softly gasp, “makes me wanna eat you up…” , he whispers like a devil in your ear, a more audible gasp following suit as his warm mouth latched onto your neck, his tongue hot against your skin as he sucked on you. Your knees buckled, but Toji had his arms wrapped around you.
He smelled so good, even as held you right against him you kind of like it. The idea of this strong, dirty man getting you all wet and dirty was just too much for you to bear, biting your lip hard to help you hold any needy sounds back. And it was almost like Toji already knew your body a little too well, sucking your neck harder and biting your skin to draw out those sounds he so desperately wanted to hear. He wanted to know his prey was yearning for its predator to sink its teeth right into it. This time he won, a soft gasp and a breathy moan ringing in his ears in response.
And as much as he wanted to start eating you up now, he really wanted to take a shower. The last thing he wanted was for you to end up with an infection because his face and hands are dirty. Suddenly, he stopped sucking your neck; and you couldn’t help but pout when he pulled away from you, but to your surprise, he only turned you around to face the counter, pressing himself against your back to pin you against it. This time you didn’t hold back any noises, whining in want as he licked and nipped on your neck again, one arm wrapped around your body, keeping you close to him, nice and still, while the free hand roamed around, cupping your breasts, squeezing and kneading them, your butt pushing back into him in response to your strong lust, rolling your little nip between his thumb and index finger. Pinching you hard enough that your body began to jerk slightly, enjoying the pain he caused you while playing around your boobs. Your body barely able to move in his hold added to your arousal so much you couldn’t stop moaning.
Toji squeezed you just a little tighter, the excitement of pleasuring his beautiful wife finally proving all too much for him, letting go of you to kneel on one knee. Impatiently, he spread your checks apart, smacking one hard, but the sensation of his hot tongue shoving itself right inside your vagina, made you instantly forget the pain, his big hand forcing your thigh further apart, your hands gripping the tap and the sink to prevent yourself from stumbling. Biting your lip, you felt his tongue slowly delving in between your folds, holding your breath as you anticipated how it would feel on your clit, which was so close but he wouldn’t touch it. Pushing your hips back a little, you thought he maybe couldn’t get a great angle, but to your disappointment, it didn’t help your clit get any attention, making you whine under your breath. Toji didn’t miss it, frustrating you only aroused himself all the more, plus he was curious to see how you would handle a little bit of teasing.
“Toji…”, unable to stop the needy reaction, you kept pushing yourself further onto his face, but he wouldn’t budge, his tongue licking up the endless juices seeping out of you, stopping at your urethra before shoving it up your vagina again, you gasped louder, Toji lowkey tongue fucking you, and even though he neglected your clitoris, it still felt very good, good enough that you would come eventually, but nothing compared to how amazing it would feel if he just did it right like the last time. “What is it sweetheart?”, he asked, smacking your ass really hard once again and you felt yourself getting closer, moaning loudly at the pain, did he even know how hard he was hitting you? He did…another thing he wanted to see how you’d handle. No matter how hard you wiggled your hips, you simply couldn’t get him to pay any attention your clit, your hand reaching back to grab a fistful of his black hair and push him closer out of frustration, and you did it, you got your clit in his mouth, but as quick as you felt his tongue there, it was gone, and your hand was in his wrist, Toji standing so close behind you. “What are you doing now babe?”, he voice stern and deep, and in the blink of an eye, he picked you up and sat you on the counter, spreading your thighs wide, it happen so fast that you didn’t even have time to fully adjust before his tongue was deep inside of you again, Toji bobbing his head as he began tongue fucking you, slurping up your juices but stopping at your urethra, never touching your clit. How could something feel so torturously good but horribly frustrating at the same time. You wanted to scream and maybe even kick him off of you, just because the two of you had amazing sex a handful of times, doesn’t mean you knew exactly what type of lover he was. So when you began pushing his head away, he stopped. “What’s your problem?”, he spat out, not intending to hurt your feelings, he was just a little irritated, but quickly calmed down at the reminder that he was in fact in the wrong for teasing you like that, lifting an eyebrow when you just sat there all grumpy. You might’ve been too shy. “Talk to me”.
“No, it’s nothing…you should go take your shower, I need to pee”, was all you said, not sure where to start with communicating what you wanted. You wondered if he was just doing a bad job today specifically, but at the same time, how could he when it seemed like he knew exactly what to do and where to do it every single time? “I’m not done, sit.”. The tone of his voice different. More commanding, less sweet like it usually was. His reaction was a little unexpected, his big hands on your thighs again, pushing them apart. “Sit here and wait until I’m done, or you’ll regret it”. Adjusting you to you lay further back, your were more exposed to him, his tongue dragging up and down your vulva again, still avoiding your clit. Maybe it was the way he said it, his demeanor too, but your arousal only grew worse and Toji noticed it. Just wait this out. It still did feel good, but you were far too frustrated to enjoy yourself.
Catching you by surprise, he suddenly latched onto your clit and started sucking, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you arched your back, but at the sound of your low moan, he let go, doing the same thing he was doing before, aggravating you even more. “Toji!!!”, you couldn’t help but whine, lightly kicking his shoulder with the heel of your foot. Annoyed and frustrated that he wasn’t giving you what you wanted. “Toji!!”, you cried again, and he latched onto your clit, one of his big hands gabbing your tit, kneading it and squeezing your nipple, and you thought you’d cum now, but he stopped again and this time you couldn’t hold back, crying out loud as you attempted to push him off of you, Toji finally standing straight. “What’s your problem?”, he asked, a devilish smile on his face since he already knew, but was only waiting for you to tell him.
“You’re teasing me!”, tears welling up in your eyes. Crossing your arms and legs, you couldn’t look at him, embarrassed that you were about to cry. “Aw baby”, he chuckled, lifting your chin up to look at him, a tear falling down your cheek. “Okay okay, don’t cry”, his thumb wiping away the falling tears. “Shhh baby, I was just playing around”. But the pout on your pretty face remained, while he wiped all your tears away. Placing his hands on your hips and lifting you off the counter to stand, he smacked your ass hard, making you squeal. “Toji!”. Wrapping his arms around you again, you buried your face onto his chest, Toji’s hugs were amazing to say the least. “I’ll give you exactly what you need after my shower, just be a little patient can you baby?”, he spoke against your forehead, placing soft kisses there before pulling you off of him. So clingy.
The shower could not have possibly been any longer than it was, and he told you he’d be quick. You even took your time finishing up your routine, slipping on a pink silk nightdress over your naked body, your vagina so wet it was getting a little out of control, you could feel it dripping, smearing onto your thighs as you walked around, nothing but thoughts of the intense sex you were about to have. “Toji hurry!!!”, you whine aloud, stretching your legs and arms out, preparing yourself for the sex he was about to put down on you. Smiling to himself, Toji finally climbed out the shower, still dripping wet, he walked in on you stretching, starling you again. You would’ve scolded him for taking so long but the sight of his fully erect dick, so long and thick, water droplets covering him, his hair clinging to his forehead as water dipped down his face, caught you off guard. This absolutely stunning man was your husband. And he was about to eat you all up.
Two big steps and he was already crouching to lift you up, throwing you over his shoulder, your dress short enough that your ass was out, a hard smack landing on it, and you moaned out softly. Throwing you on the bed, he immediately grabbed your ankles and pulled you further down, spreading your legs wide for him. If there was just a single thing he need right now, was for you to tell him how much you needed him right now. It was very apparent that you did in fact long for him, your vulva all sticky form how wet you were, just tell him already. “I can tell you’re more than ready baby?”, he softly said, his voice deep, his eyes focused on your beautiful face. “Yes baby”, you unashamedly moaned, bringing your finger up to your mouth in anticipation. “Just how badly though?”, he asked, the warmth of his breath against your vulva driving you nuts. “Toji!!”, you desperately moaned, bucking you hips up, placing a hand on his head to guide him, a frustrated whine leaving your lips when he didn’t comply. “Toji please”, you begged, on the verge of crying again. Fuck this was the worst kind of teasing. “Baby, shh, it’s okay, talk to me”. “Put your tongue inside of me already!” and you immediately chocked on a sharp gasp, his tongue diving right into you without warming, stretching you slightly, and then he was on your clit, holding your thighs down as he licked, sucked and tongue fucked your generously stimulating your clit so good you already lost all your self restraint, your eyes rolling to the back of your head and your hands gripping my the sheets as he continued , your body locking up as your first orgasm hit you, Toji’s wet, warm tongue still all over you, licking, sucking, slurping, lost in the intoxicating smell and taste of your arousal. He could have you just like this all day if you let him, his tongue moving further down to your anus, giving it equal attention. “Uhhhh!!!! Toji!!!”, your moaned so loud, the overstimulation making you squirt, screaming when he still didn’t stop. Only latching onto your clit again, sucking on the swollen, juicy bean , his tongue flicking it with enough pressure to keep your screaming. He knew he already had you, soul and everything. Since you started squirting, you couldn’t stop, he wouldn’t let you, releasing your juices over and and over again while he mercilessly overstimulated you.
Anymore of this and you didn’t know what you’d do, tears now spilling down your cheeks as your pull his hair, desperate for a break. You wouldn’t asked him to stop if you could talk, but you were so far gone words were too much for you, crying and screaming as you took cruel pleasure. Kneeling on the bed, he finally stopped, your body still jerking and your pussy squirting while he wiped his mouth with his hand, admiring you for a second, so beautiful, so soft, so fragile and he wanted to break you. All his. “It’s been so long baby, I couldn’t help myself”, he chuckled, planting kisses on all over your face while you still recovered. You then felt his fingers massaging your clit, and you instantly grabbed his bicep, your teary eyes desperately looking into his, that cheeky smile on his face again. He enjoys watching you crumble. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head again, his fingers massaging you starting to feel to damn good as your embraced yourself for another orgasm, but two of his fingers dived into you, slowly fingering you, his kisses moving to your neck, sucking and softly biting you, stupefying you again. “My good little girl”, he grunted, feeling your walls clamp down on his fingers, getting so tight around them, squirting in this hand, abandoning your vagina to massage your clit again.
“Yea baby, keep fucking coming like this”, he groaned, now latching onto your nipple, sucking and biting it as his fingers went back inside of you, slowly massaging you, just how you seem to love it. The spot you lay on was soaked up, Toji making you squirt repeatedly, like it was an entertaining little game to him. When you bit him he pulled you head back with a tug of your hair, when you scratched and push his arm away, it didn’t budge, he had you shivering like a leaf while he sucked your breasts, enjoying himself amidst your struggling. Unable to hold back anymore, the feeling of your pussy clenching on his fingers again made him give in, and in a quick blink, he had you in missionary, your legs over his shoulders as his dick began stretching you open, filling you up as it went deeper and deeper. Poor you, your bodystill actively orgasming as he sheathed himself inside of you, your warm muscles massing his duck just right, tightening around him as he tried to fit it in, he loved this part, when taking him proved to be a challenge, he loved a challenge. While you moaned and cried beneath him, he tried to reassure you, but you wouldn’t stop crying, throwing your head back as he began thrusting. “Damn baby, feel so good. You’re so beautiful”, your moans turning into soft screams as he licked up the pace, he wanted ALL of you. Even though all vocabulary left you a while ago, you still tried to speak, babbling out nonsense, begging and pleading him for something,Toji pretending to not understand what you are asking for. A break of course. He knew he was overstimulating you.
Tonight’s experience was a first for you. You didn’t think you’d be able to say that after the last time you had sex, but each session was more and more intense than the last.
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switchbladedreamz · 2 years
Pretty Girl
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Requested? Nope
Summary: filth with frank
Warnings: smut, 18+, mean frank, creampie, non!con but not in a dark way. Fluffy smut
Hell's Kitchen is crawling with sinners, saviours, and civilians. Another lonely night in with Frank maiming or killing gods knows who. I try to stay up to greet him. I wake up to being lifted. I open my eyes but its dark and I can't see who's lifting me. I start to freak out and kick my legs to get away. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Pretty girl, it's me! It's just Frank." Standing in the hallway I flip the light on to see him standing and bloody. I rush to him, not caring about being cover in a stranger's blood. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him close, enjoying his warm embrace. I pull back and my skin is sticky. Right. Stranger's blood. Frank sees the grossed out look on my face and laughs wholeheartedly. I groan whilst grabbing his hand and pulling us to the bathroom. Turning the shower head on and getting the water warm, we both strip then get in. I soap up his loofah and start scrubbing Frank's body. He chuckles, "that kinda tickles princess". I hum and apply a little more pressure to my scrubbing. Red soap drips from the floof. The bottom of the tub is varying colors from red to brown to pink. Unbeknownst to me, Frank stares at me in awe. He doesnt think even Maria would do this for him. Just this small act alone makes Frank fall in love with you all over again. He coughed away the lump in his throat, his voice like gravel from the long night, standing under the faucet to rinse all the bloody soap off, "Thank you (Y/n), your turn babydoll". He hangs his own loofah grabs mine with my soap. He gently drags the loofah across my shoulders and down my air, the scent of the pomegranate body wash tickles my nose. Frank takes his time washing me. Almost as if he's appreciating my body.
Frank is standing at the foot of the bed, watching me. Each watching the other, taking in the glory of our naked bodies. Unprompted, he crawls on his hands and knees on the bed over my body. "Hey" I whisper to him, watching the corner of his eyes crinkle as he chuckles. "Hey yourself beautiful". I smile as his soft lips meld against my own. His right hand, calloused in some places, smooth in others, lazily drags down my thigh then up to my ribs. His stubble grazes my cheek. A content sigh passes my lips, Frank's own kissing my neck. His tongue licks up my neck and he nibbles my earlobe. "You tryin to start somethin Frankie? You sure you can finish it? Because I sure have been waiting weeks for this. I dont know if you could keep up with me old man.". His arms slide under my back and he flips onto his back and my body flies with him. I barely notice his arms moving to place himself at my entrance. He starts thrusting wildly. I cry out, whether it be pain or pleasure, I'm unsure. It's all blurry. "You wanna run your mouth again? Huh pretty girl? You think I wanna be out all fuckin night following those scumbags? When I can spend that time burying my cock in your cunt.". A drawn out moan escapes when he grabs a fistful of my hair and pulls my head to look at him. "I asked you a fucking question. Answer it.". "I-I-", yelping when his free hand slaps my ass. "I-I-I-I. You what?" He mocks me, "Answer me or I'll stop!" His gruff voice loud in my face. "I'm sorry!! I just missed you!" Whimpering and sniffling like a scolded child, I lay my head on his chest. Frank stops and starts rubbing my back.
"You want me to stop, pretty girl?" He whispers softly into my hair, kissing my head. "Please don't. Fuck me harder Frankie. Please.". Frank just laughs before shaking his head. "Whatever my princess wants.". Kissing my head one last time, with it soft Frank disappears. His hands bring my thighs closer and my knees up, his feet plant in the bed and his hips rise. His arms are around my back again, holding me tightly against him so I cant escape.
Frank starts fucking into me, his fat cockhead hitting that spot deep within me. His hips smacking into my thighs. His balls slap against me deliciously. My walls clench around his thick length, he grunts and swats my ass. His thrusts so fast, my head goes fuzzy. My body is overly warm, a fire burning inside myself. Frank moans as his cock repeatedly pounds my wet hole. I clench again, hard as I can this time. He makes the most beautiful sound. "Stop that or I'll bust right now". I smile and contract my walls again, holding it longer. Frank gasps loudly and slows his thrusts, heat fills me. My vision goes white, my walls fluttering as my orgasm rips through me.
Frank pulls out of me slowly with a grunt. "I love you, please don't forget that no matter how rough or mean I am.". "I love you too Frankie. And dont worry about it, you always fuck me right no matter what.". He chuckles and pulls me back into his sweaty chest, cum leaking down my thighs.
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mortytheestallion · 3 years
tasting glass
Part 2   Part 3
Rating: 18+ (No minors); explicit 
Wordcount: 1.6k
Warnings: Rick Sanchez x F!Reader, angst, implied age gap, unprotected sex, daddy kink
A/N: Hello I’m back from the dead, I know I’ve been lacking on both fandoms but my hyperfixations have died. In honor of season 5 here’s a new little mini-series I’m challenging myself to this summer! This takes place in between episodes 2 and 3!
The summer heat was humid and sticky as Rick finished his latest project. The sweltering seemed to permeate the garage just the same with the door opened or closed, and with Beth and Jerry’s latest fight reaching its peak, he decided hiding away was his best bet. 
Rick and the heat did not get along well, something that translated to the rest of the family, it felt as though he was fending off Summer and Morty with a stick. Their boredom was not his problem though, he had much better things to do. The thought of slipping away had plagued his mind for the last few hours, but the fever of the summer seemed to make his mind feel like syrup. 
“What I wouldn’t fucking give for a pool right now?” Rick murmured to himself, his brow furrowing at the reminder of his own sticky misery. The sky bathed the house in a silky red with the sun slipping down under the horizon. He took another sip from his flask, turning to lean on the workbench. 
He heaved a deep sigh as his phone caught the corner of his eye, you were ignoring him, and in true Rick fashion he had taken that in stride. His eyes narrowed unconsciously as he thought about it, his empty hand tightening into a fist. He didn’t fucking need you.
 He didn’t need anybody.
Beth’s shrill voice cut through the air followed by some thuds and an “Ow!” from Jerry. That earned an eye roll from Rick and while he wouldn’t mind going in there and tearing them a new one, it was too much work. Morty was breathing down his neck about letting them be, that they were happy. He had scoffed when Morty said that, it was bullshit and he wouldn’t be surprised if someone wanted another divorce in the next 6 months. 
Nonetheless, he was stuck in this stuffy house with his family’s bullshit to avoid your bullshit and he was starting to feel suffocated. Why did he give a shit if you were mad, fuck if you wanted to play that game so would he. Maybe it was the liquor he had just downed but it really didn't take much to get Rick riled up. And you knew that. 
He could feel the anger blooming in his chest, he wasn’t some fucking teenager in a petty fight with some dumb, little girlfriend. Suddenly he was hot with anger and before he knew it, a portal was in the center of the floor and he was walking through. Damned be his new fibermesh epidermis defense, and fuck his family, always asking him for shit. 
One foot through he stopped and thought of you briefly softening, he had been pretty rough on you lately. You called, he declined. You showed up, he went out the nearest portal. He had really only been around lately to take care of his own needs.
A particularly loud curse from inside the house brought him right back to his original train of thought, he was the smartest man in the universe, he didn’t need to take crap from you. You should be thanking him for his presence in your life. 
“You have some fucking nerve.” 
You shrieked as Rick pulled back the shower curtain. A cold shower was one of the better ways to fend off the heat with the air conditioner broken, especially since Rick had moaned, groaned, and wormed his way out of fixing it. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” You hissed as he climbed in fully clothed, his brow in a prominent V-shape, lids half mast. It would have been comical in any other situation, his lanky body struggling to fit in your small shower, an almost bored expression on his face as the water drenched his clothes. 
“Me?” Rick scoffed, and narrowed his eyes at you. He began to lose his composure a bit, having your wet naked body in front of him. 
“Yes, you. You can’t just barge in here unannounced anymore Rick. I’m not some toy you can pick up when you’re bored and throw it away when you’re not.”
He feigned a hurt look, shrugged the now soaked coat from his shoulders. “I have enough toys, sweetheart, if you were one you’d know.”
That earned a huff from you, it had been a long day and the last thing you needed was Rick’s bullshit. Turning back to face the water, you rinsed the rest of the soap off of you, jumping slightly as his arms snaked their way around your waist. 
“C’mon,” he murmured, pressing kisses to your shoulder, you could feel the hard press of cold denim against your ass as he ground into you, “you know you can’t refuse my huge dynamite penis.” 
That earned a snort from you, the hard shell of anger cracking slightly. “You’re not off that easy, Rick. You’ve been a huge asshole lately, even more than usual.” 
His hands came up to massage your breasts, the feeling amplified by the cold water. You let out a low moan as he latched his mouth to the sweet spot on your neck while one hand tweaked your nipple, and the other snuck its way down to stroke your fluttering core. 
“S-shit baby you can’t still —is this all for me?” You could feel his wolfish grin against the back of your neck, and in return you arched your back more to grind against his erection. His long fingers trace through your folds as he removes his other hand to undo his belt, you feel the tight heat in your lower belly as you gush around his fingers. 
“Fuck,” Rick murmurs, stopping his motions momentarily to land a hard smack on your ass. You bite back a whine, wanting to maintain some semblance of composure, despite him being knuckle-deep in you. His fingers suddenly press against something deep and spongy within you, your knees buckle as you lurch forward, the unexpected waves of pleasure shivers down your body. Rick lets out another curse, his arm darting out to grip your waist, surely you would’ve fallen face-first into the wall had he not been holding you up.
He inhales sharply as you clench around his fingers, whispering good girl into your neck as you ride it out. He eases out of you, your juices dripping down your thighs, the feeling coupled with the uncomfortable chill of the water makes you shudder. 
“You’re a dirty little slut,” you tense again as he aligns himself to your entrance, still a little sensitive from your release, “beg me baby, I-I want to hear you.”
You mewl as he pushes into you, the stretch rides the line of pleasure and pain, Rick barely gives you enough time to get used to it before he bucks his hips and grips your jaw as a warning, “Beg.”
“Please, Rick, I want — I want you to fuck me,” your voice comes out whiny making you wince a bit, but it seems to please Rick as he sets a deep pace, biting into your neck hard enough it's sure to leave a mark.
You can’t help but arch your back even further, this seems to please him as he releases his bite on your neck, “Someone’s eager, y-you can’t seem to get enough of my dick can you?” You moan in response, snaking a hand down to rub the tender bundle of nerves. 
You clench at the contact, leading Rick to fasten his pace, his hand moving to tighten around your neck. 
“You’re my — you’re daddy’s good girl aren’t you? Can’t get enough of m-my monster cock, you wanna come don’t you? Don’t fucking dare, not until I say so.”
All you can manage is incoherent moans with the occasional Rick! thrown in, you’re too cockdumb to be embarrassed or angry anymore. Rick has his way of getting out of trouble, especially with you. 
His brutal pace coupled with your own fingers becomes too much for you as you near your second orgasm, Rick seemed to egg you on as his own fingers replaced yours, you could feel your stomach tightening as your release began to stir in the peak of your stomach. 
“Come on my dick, baby, let the neighbors hear you scream my name.”
The pleasure washes over you in waves, your pussy clenching hard around his dick, he thrusts with wild abandon chasing his own release. You can feel him rut against your sensitive walls, riding your post-orgasmic haze. He spills inside you a few moments later letting out a string of expletives in true Rick fashion. You feel yourself stir again slightly as you feel him fill you up, but Rick extracts himself from you gracelessly. 
Coming back to your senses you rinse the mixture of juices off your legs, much to Rick’s distaste, and turn off the water. You shiver from being drenched for so long, side-eyeing Rick as he avoids your gaze. 
“You’re dripping on my floor,” you murmur, he stands there uncomfortably, it's not lost on you that his portal gun has returned to his hand.
“Well, I-I should go.”
Rick can feel the anger simmer low in his belly at your dig, “What do you mean typical?”
“Well let’s see Rick, you show up angry and unannounced, seduce me in my show—” “I didn’t seduce you! And —and frankly, I resent the accusation!” “And now you’re leaving with no explanation. This isn’t sustainable long term, Rick.”
“And what makes you think I want to be here long term,” He regrets the words as soon as they leave his mouth, a hurt look flashes across your face before it's replaced with anger. 
“Come on, baby, I-I didn’t mean it.” 
He reaches out for you and you jerk backwards, “Your family may have taken you back, but I’m not this time Rick.” 
He opens his mouth, but you cut him off, “Just go, it’s what you’re best at.”
Rage blinds him as he shoots a portal to the floor, “Don’t — I’m not coming back this time.”
“I know you're not.” And with that he’s gone.
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quindolyn · 3 years
Hiiii i heard a headcannon that james potter would love shower sex and i was wondering wether you could write something like that? No specific’s do whatever you want with it just sex in the shower ;)
 You in Here? || James Potter
Word Count: 2268
A/N: I hate this perhaps more than anything I’ve ever written but I need to write if only to remind myself that I still can because sidofhdfwqifbr. I feel like I haven’t been productive in weeks and posting is gonna hopefully help me with that. I’ve hated other things I’ve posted as well and y’all seemed to react positively to those so who the hell knows.
Warnings: Degradation, daddy kink, kinda proof read, little bit of exhibitionism 
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“Jamie,” You called out, your voice echoing as it bounced back off the tiled walls of the Quidditch showers. 
You hadn’t been able to grab James after the Quidditch game, where he’d led him and his team to victory, before he had headed off towards the locker room, being stopped by Dobson who was subbing in as keeper for the game. The team’s usual keeper in the hospital wing with a bad case of blood poisoning he’d contracted from an unfortunate Care of Magical Creatures lesson. 
You’d never really given much thought to the boy as he was a year below you and you didn’t much run in the same circles but neither of those facts seemed to discourage him as he pulled you aside after the game.
His desperate and frankly pathetic attempts to flirt with you, the team captain’s girlfriend, had stalled you too long apparently as by the time you’d managed to break free of his bad pickup lines and clumsy winks James was nowhere in sight and Sirius had to direct you towards the showers where he’d seen him disappear into. 
And now stumbling around the locker room looking for your boyfriend you followed the sound of running water to the back corner of the showers.
“There you are,” You murmured as his dripping form came into view. Blocked by a sheet of warped glass all you could make out of his figure was the outline of his strong physique as he twisted and turned to let the water wash over his ridiculously toned body.
“James?” Your voice lilted up in a question as you wrapped your knuckles against the glass of the door.
“(Y/N/N)? What are you doing in here?” He asked, his voice rough which you assumed was from screaming over the roaring wind to communicate with his teammates. 
What you hadn’t noticed before escaping James’ subordinate was the aforementioned boy lurking a few feet away, jaw clenched, the vein in his forehead pulsing as he glared down the boy who seemed to have abandoned all of his inhibitions.
Though you had missed him, James most certainly hadn’t missed you and heading off to the showers he’d hoped that a hot shower would soothe the possessiveness bubbling up in his stomach but it had not had the desired effect. 
“Came looking for you Jamesie,” You explained, “Wanted to congratulate you,” A sly smirk tugged at the corners of your lips, painted a brilliant red as you began shedding the numerous layers of clothing you’d been bundled up in to shield yourself from the biting wind.
“Why don’t you congratulate that Dobson kid?” The edge to James’ voice was impossible to miss.
You frowned as you reached around your now nearly bare torso, having made quick work of your top layers, to unclasp your bra, shrugging it off of your shoulders to let it fall to the ground. Left in only your panties you spared a glance over your shoulder before abandoning those as well and opening the door to the shower.
Even after all this time you still had to stop your jaw from dropping whenever you saw James’ body, the defined muscles of his abs, the way they shifted in his back as he reached for things and just went about with his daily business.
His legs. Those fucking legs.
And don’t even get you started on his arms because you could go on and on for hours about them, about every part of him quite frankly.
You stood dumbstruck outside the shower cubicle before James pulled you in by your arm before someone walked in and saw you naked. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” The boy growled, towering over you as he wrapped an arm around your waist, keeping you tucked into his strong chest. You could feel his half hard cock pressing against your stomach as one hand drifted to your ass, squeezing it to the point of pain before releasing and smacking the afflicted area with the palm of his hand. The burning hot water didn’t help either with the pain as it washed over your backside, amplifying the sting from your boyfriend’s harsh touch.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” You asked incredulously, having no clue what he was talking about. “That hurt.”
“Good,” He responded curtly, returning his tight hold on the supple flesh of your bottom, squeezing even more harshly than before, no doubt leaving bruises in the shape of his fingers. 
“S’ what you deserve after teasing me like that with that fucking prat, and then right now, standing naked in the middle of the locker room, anyone could’ve walked in at any point and seen your arse.”
“No one was gonna just-”
You were cut off by his fingers meeting the side of your face more harshly than you anticipated.
“Ow,” You squeaked, “Was that necessary?”
Growing more and more frustrated James pushed his index and middle finger past your slightly parted lips, shoving his long fingers further and further until the tips of his rough, calloused digits bumped the back of your throat and had you struggling to breathe as he triggered your gag reflex.
“Shut your fucking mouth,” He grumbled, catching your wrist with his hand before you were able to grab at the wrist of the hand gagging you, “First flirting with that little prick and now talking back to me, who the fuck do you think you are?”
Your response was garbled as you tried to speak around his fingers, but no matter what you were trying to say it was muffled even more as he pushed his fingers even further down your throat. 
A sick smile grazed his face as you gagged violently, tears slipping from your tear ducts and rolling down your face in twin rivers, collecting in pools at the curve of your jaw.
“Oh don’t cry baby,” He cooed mockingly, pulling his fingers from your mouth, allowing you to take deep gulps of air as he moved his hands to cup your jaw, his thumbs wiping away your tears.
One hand trailed from your face, down your torso, pausing at your tit to take the nipple between his fingers, pinching harshly and pulling a strangled gasp from your lips as the action sent pleasure mixed with a healthy amount of pain zipping up your spine. 
Eventually finding his way to your pussy James ran his index finger through your sopping folds, smiling cavalierly at the pool of slick he found there.
“Fucking pathetic,” He muttered, staring at his finger as it teased your cunt, “You got off on that?” He asked, lifting his visage to meet yours, “You got off on Daddy fucking choking you with his fingers?”
After a beat of held eye contact, you realized that it wasn’t a rhetorical question and that the man in front of you expected an answer. 
“Yes, Daddy.” 
Satisfied with your response James’ gaze dropped back to your pussy where he was now lifting up your clitoral hood, exposing your sensitive bundle of nerves to his touch.
“What was that you said about congratulating me slut?” He asked, harshly pinching your clit between his thumb and forefinger, smirking as you whimpered and brought your hand up to clasp his bicep, supporting yourself as you felt your knees weakening. 
The pleasure he could bring you from just his fingers was enough to have you in a puddle by his feet, clawing at his ankles and begging for more.
“Think as a reward I’d like to mark you up, show everyone how much of a desperate whore my baby is. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
“Yes Daddy, wanna be your slut.”
“My whore,” He corrected.
“Your whore.”
At your agreement James latched his lips onto the side of your neck, sucking vicious hues of purple and blue into the delicate skin that resided there.
“Fuck,” You swore, tipping your head back so that he could have even better access to your skin.
A pathetic whine slipped from your trembling lips as James pulled away from your neck, instead attaching them to yours, delicately brushing his against your own. As you tried to lean forward, wanting to deepen the kiss you felt James’ hand bury itself in your damp hair, gripping tightly at the root, using his hold to keep your head in place as he pulled back.
“No swearing pretty girl,” He murmured as his lips brushed yours ever so lightly against yours, “Pretty babies don’t swear, yeah?” 
He peppered kisses across your lips as you nodded your agreement, tickling your skin before finally deepening the kiss as you so desperately wanted. You savored the taste of his lips as his tongue delved into your mouth, exploring the warm expanse before mingling his tongue with yours. 
You were no match for his aggression as he dominated your tongue pulling a moan from the depths of your belly where you felt a know tightening as the slick between your legs continued to collect in a pool of your own arousal.
“Gonna show you how good I can make you feel,” James promised, crouching to loop his arms underneath your thighs, guiding your legs to wrap around his waist, and moving to support your bum as he backed you into the wall, using that to help support your weight. 
“Gonna show you how good I can make you feel when you’re mine.”
“Please Daddy,” You begged, pleading eyes looking up at him as you pushed your bottom lip out in a pathetic display of your submission, “Want your cock please.”
It was funny really, how quickly you went from feisty to his submissive slut. And you didn’t even have his cock yet.
Your begging spurring James on, he didn’t bother restraining himself any longer and instead pushed his cock into your warm, pulsing pussy.
A cry tore its way through your throat as he didn’t even bother to ease his way in, not wanting to wait another second, just wanting to be inside of you.
“Shh,” He hissed, clasping a strong hand over your mouth, hanging wide open as you barely had control over yourself to keep your eyes open, much less make the conscious effort to keep your mouth closed in order to keep in the moans and whimpers that shamelessly tumbled from your agape mouth.
James’ pace was relentless as he thrusted in and out of you, watching as his cock appeared then disappeared as he moved in and out of your cunt, your pussy squeezing him to an almost painful degree.
“So fucking pretty,” He swore, palming your tits with his strong hands, leaving your nipples hard as he pinched them again, just as he did earlier, watching the look on your face as he twisted them to the point of pain. 
You snapped your mouth shut so that you wouldn’t let out a curse, not wanting to disobey Jamie. 
“Mine, all mine,” Jamie grumbled as he let go of your boobs, preferring to watch them bounce as he sped up his thrusts, the spongy tip of his cock brushing against your g-spot, pulling a strangled sigh from you as you lost more and more of yourself in pleasure.
“All yours Daddy,” You agreed, leaning your head up against the cold tile of the shower wall as you focused on the pleasure James was bringing you with every deep thrust. 
“That’s right slut,” James said, remembering his earlier frustration, “If s’all mine, all f’me then what the hell are you doing talking to that little dick?”
His hard gaze met yours and though they were swimming with lust it did nothing to dilute the seriousness they held, making it clear to you that he expected an answer.
“Didn’t mean to Daddy, didn’t mean to be naughty,” You explained, hoping that he would realize that you really had had no mal intent in speaking with the boy, you just hadn’t wanted to be rude.
Seemingly paying your response no mind James attached his lips to your collar bone, laving his tongue over it before retracing his steps and sucking marks that matched the ones he’d previously left on your neck. 
As he worked to paint your skin in rich hues he lifted your hips so that he could reach even further depths inside of you, sheathing himself completely inside of you before pulling back out, all while moving his fingers to your clit, where they had once previously resided. 
The combined stimulation of him so deep inside of you and his strong fingers on your clit had the knot in your belly tightening as the stimulation on your clit sent tendrils of pleasure shooting up your back.
It was all too much, the overwhelming stimulation from his cock combined with his fingers pinching and rolling your sensitive bundle of nerves between the pads of his fingers, and the steady streams of scalding water warming your skin almost had you forgetting to ask to cum as you felt the pleasure boiling up in the depths of your tummy. 
“D-Daddy may I-”
You were cut off by the sound of the locker room door slamming open quickly followed by the rumbling of voices.
“Potter!” One of them called out, “You in here?”
Recognizing the voice as that belonging to none other than the very boy who had landed you in your small predicament you studied James’ face, with wide piteous eyes as the sound of footsteps slapping against the tile floor approached your little enclave.
James smiled deviously at you before responding, “Yeah, we’re back here.”
tagging:@randomoutsiders @weasleyposts @amourtentiaa @kittykylax @superbturtlemakerathlete @oliviashea05 @pinkandblueblurbs @st0nesnglitter @thatvenusbabe @itsmentalillness @zzzfour @greenlyblue @emmaev @temporaryissue @gubleryum @msmb r @miraclesoflove @velmasteas @drachoesimp @ashlovesthemarauders
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kohakuarisaka · 3 years
Untamed (chapter 5 of 5)
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Takami Keigo x (fem!)Reader
[ SUMMARY ] Every year, without fail, Hawks went into a rut: when autumn began, and then again in early spring. He would honker down up north in a secluded cabin. For the first time, he brought you with him.
[ WARNINGS ] R18+ for graphic sexual content and language. Non-canon compliant: Hawks’ quirk does not work like this. Reader is a hero that works at Hawks agency. Pre-existing relationship. Reader is a female with female genitalia. Feral behavior. Rutting. Biting. Spanking. Slight BDSM. Consensual sex. Wing kink. Oral sex. Romantic relationship.
Chapter 1 • Chapter 2 • Chapter 3 • Chapter 4 • Chapter 5
[ My BNHA Fanfic Masterlist ] ~ [ Also on my AO3 ]
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It was dark by the time you woke, that much was clear since Hawks had pulled the curtains back and the only source of light was coming from the fireplace. Your chest, facing the fire, felt warm; but, your back, despite being wrapped in blankets, felt bare and cold.
Hawks was no longer nuzzled in the assortment of bedding with you, and while that shouldn't have mattered to you that much, it strangely did. You felt a tinge of anxiety as you sat up; but, then, you spotted him, or more accurately his wings, as he was fumbling around with something in the kitchen.
He had seen or felt you stirring, that much was clear when Hawks came speeding around into the living room with a water bottle in hand. His hair was a scraggly mess and he was naked, glistening with various fluids and clearly very unwashed.
"Here," he offered, slinking back into the mess of sheets and pillows.
You chugged half the water bottle down, parting with a sigh and watched Hawks hastily gulp down what was left before carelessly tossing the bottle away. It didn't land on the ground, zipped away and tossed in the trash by one of his feathers.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
One of his hands caressed the side of your neck, fingers wrapped loosely around the back and thumb prodding at your jaw. He turned your head slightly one way, then the next, examining you.
His concerned tone and the worry etched all over his face, along with his examination, had you frowning. Annoyance surfaced at Hawks behaving as if he had something wrong or even hurt you.
"Why wouldn't I be?" you asked bluntly, not bothering to mask the irritation in your tone.
His eyebrows lowered slightly and his lips puckered into a pout. However, there was some ease on his face, pleased to know you hadn't lost your wits or bite. That was always a good sign.
"You know why," he uttered lowly.
"It was so horrible. That's why I begged you to keep going," you replied dryly.
It was worth the sass to watch his cheeks darken just a little bit. Hawks was very rarely the kind of get shy; but, he had exposed a very hidden part of himself to you, something dark and feral that wasn't exactly good for a pro hero, or any person for that matter.
"Keigo," you uttered, shifting your tone to something gentler. "I really did enjoy it. It didn't hurt or anything. You just wore me out, and - aheh - that was a new record for us, yeah?"
His frown slowly shifted into a faint smile. "A record for me," he uttered, shifting his gaze away. "But, I didn't get you there nearly as much."
"Come on, you know it's not that easy; and, it's not like it didn't feel good - every second of it," you protested, hand landing on his chest, right over his heart.
Hawks' skin felt sticky, no doubt with your combined sweat and possibly other fluids. But, you didn't dare retreat, staring at him with dedication until he finally looked back at you.
"How was it for you?" you asked sincerely. "Was it good - was I good?"
Hawks' eyes lit up as if he couldn't believe you had to even ask.
"Holy fu-" he breathed. "I didn't wanna make you worry or anything, so I didn't say it; but, alone, I wouldn't, y'know, masturbate. Just-" He paused to take a deep breath. "-week long stiffy."
He paused again to let out a brief, debilitating laugh. You, however, weren't laughing, frowning at the winged hero.
"So, I wasn't sure what to expect," he continued. "With you here and - well, you know, so I could-"
Hawks paused, leaning in to kiss you in an attempt to wipe the sour look off your face and to get himself to stop blabbering on senselessly.
"But, babe," he continued hastily, "goddamn, you were so, so good. Never felt so satisfied in my fucking life."
For a man who was always so secretive, always wearing a mask, the truth sounded so good on his lips, like he couldn't wait to tell you, like the weight of the world just lifted off his shoulders. He was wearing a small smile, eyes wrinkled at the corners, with a faint red tint on his cheeks.
"You satisfy me, too, y'know?" you whispered softly. "Always. So, I - I'm happy that I can give you that, too."
"Oh, babe," Hawks replied, matching your tone, albeit more sweetly. "This isn't new. You always make me feel so good. That's why I always come back, begging for more."
"Begging, huh? That's an option?" you teased hoarsely, leaning in to peck at the corner of his lips.
Hawks smiled, turning his head to kiss you properly, parting with a wet smack after a few seconds.
"If it's what you want?" he offered, whispering against your lips. "Me begging? Dirty girl."
You laughed softly at his teasing. If you were being honest with yourself, you were enraptured at the mere mental image, not that Hawks was too above getting on his knees for you, typically to reach your sex with his mouth. He didn't mind doing it on concrete, either, especially after a patrol, with his jumpsuit clinging to his sweaty body.
"Could I beg for something right now?" you asked softly.
"'course, babe," Hawks replied, his smile unwavering.
"Can I take a shower?" you muttered.
His brow lifted, eyes widening almost comically, and he flushed with embarrassment. "Yeah - yeah - you don't have to ask - oh - ohhh - I kinda growled at you huh-" Hawks cut off with nervous laughter, one of his hands flying up to push sweaty hair out of his face.
"You know," you began, voice a little hoarse, "you could do that outside of your rut, too?"
Hawks licked his lips before they curled into a grin. "Yeah? You like that? I can do that. Whatever you want," he replied suavely, as if you had just given him permission to do something quite dastardly.
"Ugh-" he stammered, charmed expression immediately shifting into something adorably nervous. "Before you - can I - can I look?"
To make his point clearer, Hawks slowly pulled the blanket off your body, sliding it away from your legs until you were nude to the air inside the cabin. His hands touched your knees but didn't pry them apart. Instead, you opened your legs for him, feeling a flush of nervousness as something very wet gushed from your folds, the hypersensitivity making the feeling intensified.
Hawks looked down, cheeks red and eyes comically wide; instead of following his gaze, you watched him, intrigued by the expression he was wearing. If you were being honest, it looked like the face a child made the first time they came across porn on the internet.
"Oh," he blurted dumbly.
If he didn't look so damn cute, you probably would have smacked him. It was embarrassing, if the mess looked how it felt, which it did. Hawks could see thick globs of his seed oozing from your cunt, like something out of a porno and not reality.
He swallowed loudly, resisting the urge to use his fingers to smear it all over your sex.
"Keigo?" you uttered, catching his attention suddenly.
"Sorry," he replied hoarsely. "That's really fucking hot."
His bold statement had your heart thundering with praise. However, as much as he might have enjoyed the sight of his seed dripping out of you, you were quite over it. That must have been written all over your face, for the winged hero flushed nervously.
"I'll - ugh - get you to the - the shower," Hawks stammered, standing up and carefully bringing you with him.
You didn't protest when you lifted you into his arms and carried you across the cabin, heading for the bathroom. More oozed out when he set you on your feet, and Hawks paused to stare, watching a heavy droplet slide down your inner thigh.
You dramatically cleared your throat and Hawks jolted as if you had slapped him. He staggered away, leaning into the shower to turn the nozzle. He remained standing nearby, one hand under the running water to check the temperature.
After a minute or so, and some fiddling with the knob, he pulled his hand away.
"There, scalding, just how you like it," he teased.
"Oh, shut up," you huffed harmlessly, carefully stepping past him to enter the shower.
You were surprised when he followed in after you, not because you were discomforted by his accompaniment, but because you were surprised you both managed to fit. The shower was clearly not made for couples. It made you wonder if Hawks ever expected to have someone else here with him.
Hawks carefully slid into the spot behind you as the warm water gently pummeled your front, soaking your hair and washing away the sweat. He tucked his wings in tight against his back to avoid smacking the walls and waited for his turn under the stream.
However, that thought died when he caught the sight of your back, littered with pink bruises and two large marks the shape of his teeth. Without thinking, he arched over you to kiss at the bite marks he had left over your shoulders and upper back. You whined at the sudden touch and the slight pain that blossomed on the bruised skin.
"Sorry," Hawks uttered sharply and suddenly, reeling back so quickly that he smacked into the wall, as if he had lost control for a moment.
"I should leave-" he choked out, pushing the sliding door to the shower back open.
You sharply turned around to stop him. As you took in the sight of him, you realized that he was hard again, which was likely what prompted his retreat. Well, it was an attempted retreat anyway, for you grabbed at his arm, stopping him halfway out.
"Keigo, it's okay," you uttered softly, pulling him back into the shower.
He looked comically terrified as you dragged him back into the stall and under the flowing current of the shower head. His hands smacked onto the wall and his feet skidded against the tiles as he tried not to collide with you. His wings shuddered behind him, feathers trying to remain tucked in tight against his back, resisting the urge to flex out.
"Can you be gentle?" you asked, in less of a questioning tone, and more of a guiding one.
You could see the fear melt away and unbridled, raw passion began to glow in his gold eyes.
"Fuck - really? Y-yeah," he breathed.
His tone, so grateful, so happy, tugged at your heartstrings and made your clit throb faintly between your legs. You were ashamed to think that you could still get aroused after such an eventful morning. Yet, you had no doubt, he could easily slip in right now without any preparation. It was an exciting thought.
You turned around slowly, folded your arms against the wall and laid your cheek against them, before propping up on your toes, presenting to him. Hawks braced an arm on the wall with a sudden smack that startled you. He let out a low exhale, and you wondered if he nearly fell over.
"Fuck," he sighed, confirming that suspicion. "I really - really gotta make it up to you," he uttered, hands slowly sliding over your plump hips.
"Nothing to make up," you protested softly. "'m enjoying myself, too."
He didn't pull or move you, but brought himself in. You felt the tops of his thighs against the back of yours, his knees getting knocking against you, toes curling where they touched your own feet.
You weren't surprised at how easily he slipped in. Hawks, however, clearly was, for he whined like an injured pup, and you felt his head fall forward and collide with your back. A drawn-out shudder ran through him, from head to toe, and you felt every inch of it.
"Ohhhh fuck," he groaned into your skin. He leaned back enough to kiss at one of your bruises. "No more bites," he promised. "Just - mmm-" he cut off and you felt the heat of his tongue lapping at the bite marks while he grumbled out a please hum.
Instead of one of his feathers, a long, calloused digit dipped between your folds to flick back and forth at your pearl in long strokes, forcing a pleased whine from deep in your throat.
As you requested, he set a steady pace, just enough force to be enjoyable, but not anything like this morning. Like this, he reached that perfect spot that made you keen. He seemed to be enjoying the drag well enough, if his soft moans and huffed exhales were anything to go by.
"That's perfect," you sobbed, nails scratching against the wall tiles.
"Yeah?" he uttered hopefully.
His boyish tone caught you a little off guard, not that it was unwanted. He seemed excited at the thought of getting you to come. It was hardly a priority for you most of the time. It felt good and that was all that mattered; Hawks, however, was a man on a mission.
"Like that?" he groaned, right into your ear.
He didn't change anything, but desired the confirmation that he was doing it right.
"Yes, Keigo," you uttered weakly. Immediately, you changed your mind. "No - harder," you added on insistently.
He obeyed, delivering a little more force to the movement of his hips, and then, it really was perfect. You pushed back against the wall, legs straining to keep yourself upright, to meet his thrusts, to keep him at that perfect angle. You threatened to fall when your orgasm hit you, but Hawks had an arm wrapped around your waist in record time.
Your combined screams echoed in the tiny shower stall, and you realized faintly that he was coming, too. His wings unconsciously jutted out and smacked the wall. Hawks, however, couldn't be bothered to care, and kept thrusting into you until every drop was spent.
You tilted your head back and he lowered his, meeting you in a sloppy kiss that was mostly tongue and teeth. His cock softened, surprisingly, and popped free, leading you to wonder if you had finally exhausted him, at least for today.
The pleased, blissed out look on his face was something downright pornographic, but beautiful as ever. Even when you turned your head away from the kiss, he lingered, lips brushing your cheek. His tongue darted out to taste your skin, and you growled.
"Guh - stop that," you scolded him, arm shifting back and threatening to elbow him.
He didn't apologize, unsurprisingly, but he did stop.
Hawks reached up, uttering, "the shower head detaches", and pulled it down to make his point. Sure enough, it extended with a metallic sound as the internal hose dragged.
"Actually," you uttered. "You said you'll make it up to me?"
Hawks hummed agreeingly.
"Clean me," you demanded softly.
He chuckled into the space above your shoulder, whispering, "yes, ma'am."
In the days that followed, Hawks bent you over the chabudai, propped you up on the counter tops in the kitchen, against the door when you threatened to step outside without him. You were almost embarrassed to admit that his angered state had aroused you senselessly.
On one of the warmer days, he took you outside, held you up against a tree with your legs wrapped around his waist, and fucked you until you forgot how cold it was. At some point, his momentum had become too feverous, and knocked some snow off the tree, which coated the both of you.
Together, you melted the snow off in front of the fireplace. He stared at you, then, as if he couldn't believe you were real. You could practically see the gears turning in his head, as he wondered if this was a fever dream and not reality.
"Birdie, talk to me," you asked, breaking him out of his stupor.
"I'm just so happy," he answered, looking a little weak, for just a moment.
"Me, too," you whispered, feeling him fold over you, bringing you into an embrace, before his wings followed, wrapping around you like a crimson blanket.
When the final day came, you spent the morning cleaning the cabin together, just the same as you did when you first arrived. Hawks cleared the ashes out of the fireplace while you dusted. He put covered the furniture, using his wings to gain some height to make it easier, while you folded the freshly washed bedding and tucked it away in the chest upstairs.
He looked like a new man, if you were being honest. His feathers were bright and shiny, elegantly draped behind him in their neat assembly of twin wings. His skin practically glowed and his eyes were sharp. There was bounce in his step and he was practically buzzing with energy. You couldn't help but feel smug at the sight. His rut was ending well satisfied for the first time in his entire life-
-because of you.
When everything was done, Hawks suddenly descended upon you, arms winding around your waist and lips assaulting your cheek in feathery kisses.
You giggled at the onslaught, ceasing when he whispered into your ear, "one last time? -before the taxi arrives?"
You couldn't help but roll your eyes a little, scolding harmlessly, "horny bird."
"Ahuh," he agreed with a smirk.
You pushed against him until he let out go and glanced around the room, debating on what position and location suited your fancy. Hawks watched silently, intrigued and excited, as you walked around the cabin. He followed, hot on your heels, reaching for you every time you paused only to be shrugged off.
Luckily, it didn't take you long to choose a spot, grab Hawks by the arm, and drag him. He didn't have to be told twice, and pinned you there, leaning over you predatorily. Limbs tangled and lips met in a hurry to have each other one more time before you were whisked back to your hero lives.
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darkenedreaper · 3 years
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader, Avengers x Reader
Featuring: GoTG, Peggy Carter
Warnings: Angst, sad I suppose
Summary: 2 years after her death, your struggling even more. And it’s killing the team to keep their secret. (I changed Endgame because I can. Come at me. I might make it into chapters.)
‘It can’t be undone’ she said
*2 years ago*
You had gone through years with her. Years with the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy. You had gone through love with her. You had gone through the 5 years with her. You had gone to Vormir with her. Yet you had won the final fight without her.
When you all came back from the time travel success you had to try and keep yourself from collapsing. You saw the others standing with smiles on their faces but all you saw was her. Her lips and eyes pleading you to let her go. Her body descending forever. And her sprawled out onto the floor, a pool of blood surrounding her head confirming Natasha Romanoff no longer wondered the earth.
“Are you telling me this actually worked?” Rhodey questioned, followed by Thor’s wheezy laugh. Their faces became confused when they heard a long bang. You have dropped down onto your knees, stone in hand and body wet from wherever you had been teleported to after she had sacrificed herself.
“Y/n where’s Nat?” The big green guy said. Your eyes were stuck in front of you. A sorrowful look on your face. You couldn’t even move. You couldn’t speak. You could’ve all been there for hours or seconds. But Steve lifted you up by your arms and tried to read your expression. With the help of Nebula you were taken to your bedroom you shared with Natasha. The both of them tried to gently take you to the bed but instead you walked shakily to the bathroom and shut the door. Of course Steve was upset. He had a lost a part of his family. He had shed tears while he walked with you. He could only imagine what the scene must’ve been for yourself. The unspoken news of his friends death was indescribable, but having to be there in an unimaginable situation would’ve been even harder. And he understood that. Nebula grieved, she barely knew the woman. But she grieved. She saw the distraught and pain on your face and in your eyes. She placed her hand on Steve’s shoulder and took him out of your room.
In the bathroom you had caged yourself into. You had your hand gripped to the sink. Your eyes trained to the sink bowl. Your eyes drifted to the left for you where her makeup and hairbrush had been layed out this morning. You took a step back, nervously clasping your hands together. You tried to calm down before someone got hurt. You looked down at your hands and you were maintaining some level of sanity before you remembered that your hand had let her go. If anyone would walk past your bedroom door, they were bound to hear glass smashing and screams and words of anguish.
You didn’t speak to anyone. You completely shut yourself down. The only reason you spoke to someone was to communicate over the earpiece when you were fighting. There was a short debate over the coms as to who was going to steal the stones from Thanos. You nearly went into a fit of rage and upset before Carol ordered you to look into her eyes. Your excuse to use the stones was so you could be with her again. When Tony clicked his fingers the enemy became dust, and the world became a little more louder and a bit more lighter. The battlefield was filled with new and old faces. Tony’s snap had been so powerful he was able to bring back the people that mattered the most to those around him. Steve had Peggy in his tired arms. Clint had Laura and his children. Wanda had Vision. Quill had Gamora. Thor had his mother and brother back. Tony had Pepper. He was unharmed and Bruce’s arm had healed. Everyone had someone. You had someone. You had your whole family. But your special someone was Natasha. You had never felt so lost. Natasha would be holding you, you holding her. She would tuck your head into her shoulder while letting your arms envelope around her. But all you got were sad looks.
Some of the ‘newbies’ had questioned their closest. After a lot of loud whispering, there was silence. The battlefield was silent in memory of Natasha. The only noises were the hundreds of sniffles and sobs of those who had the news broken to them. The dying fires crackling. The next minute footsteps were approaching you. You had internally begged for it to be Natasha. But you looked up to see a short boy. His suit red and blue with a spider on it. His brown curly hair was tinted with grey. His teary eyes gave you the saddest smile before and steadily put his arms around your shoulders. You accepted the young boys embrace. You were thankful for it.
The news were around the place as quick as they could’ve been. Pictures were taken. Statements were took. The public had tried to surround the heroes but were pushed away by the helping police. It has been released to the enormous crowd that one of the most heroic heroes had died. The crowds became distraught. They sounded like how you felt inside. They tried to surround you and shout out their condolences but you kept walking. Where to? Who knows.
*2 years later/present time*
You spoke to no one. You spoke out in bursts of anger. Anger if someone tried to tell you to come away from your desk and to stop working and trying to find a way. Peggy, Steve’s wife, had became close to you. She understood how it felt to lose a loved one. She understood she wasn’t Natasha. She understood why you were working yourself so hard. She would never judge you, if you looked all disheveled or smelt from not taking a shower. She encouraged you to do your best, but she never pushed you. 2 years ago, you found a solution to stop Thanos. 2 years ago you lost her. 2 years ago Steve returned the stones. You haven’t been able to go through any videos or voice messages of her. Just a photo that you have framed. There were and still are memorials for her, but you would never attend any.
You had only cried to yourself. But right now you were on the edge of having a definite breakdown. Tony and the whole team of Avengers, Wakanda, GotG and Carol had wanted to check in as you had been back to Vormir. Which you greatly regret. Scott had made an extra time travel refill for you. All you were told by red skull was a ‘soul for a soul’. You argued with a ghost. You lashed out a ghost. You didn’t dare look to the edge. Knowing you would either throw yourself of or cry so much you wouldn’t be able to move.
They all met you at the Compound. At the platform that sat on top on the lake.
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Steve and Peggy. Tony and Pepper. Rhodes. Bucky and Sam. Clint and Laura. Thor and Loki. Bruce. The Guardians were there. Rocket was by your side. Peter was there with Happy. Carol was at the edge of the platform. Wanda and Vision. And the rest were all there. You had your back turned to them. You were silent trying to understand why they all had such guilty faces, except Thor. They all had a secret. One they had agreed to not tell you, for fear it may completely break you. But they decided enough was enough. They had to tell you.
“Look we need to get her back to stop this shit with the Avengers get it together.” Thor spat at Steve, as he still saw him as the Captain.
“Can’t get her back.” You spoke up, causing everyone’s attention on the two of you.
“Wh..wha..what are you..?” Thor mumbled out.
“It can’t be undone. It can’t.” You said quietly looking at him from over your shoulder.
He laughed at your words before saying, “Look.. I, I’m sorry but your a very earthly being okay, we’re talking about space magic and can’t seems very definitive. Don’t you think?”
“Yeah look I know that I’m way outside my.. my paid rate here. But she still isn’t here is she?” You said. Tony took of his sunglasses, getting upset.
“Yeah well that’s my point.” Thor said in a hushed manner.
“It can’t.. be undone.” Your voice cracking, your tears had crawled their way down your face now. “Or that’s at least what the red floating guy had to say. Maybe you wanna go talk to him. Ok, go grab your hammer and you go find him you talk to him!” You yelled at him. He looked down to the floor. You shouldn’t be angry with him. He missed Natasha. But you couldn’t help it.
“It was supposed to be me.” You admitted with a breaking voice. Bucky let a tear fall freely from his eye. “She sacrificed her life for that goddamn stone, she bet her life on it.” You started to breakdown in the middle of everyone. Angry at how she could’ve died for nothing. How it wasn’t supposed to be like this. Even Wanda began to breakdown. She felt your pain from far away. Your longing. And your grieving. Rockets fur was wet as he was upset just like everyone else.
He couldn’t take it anymore. The lies. Not the acting. But the lies. Clint stood up and said, “Y/n we’ve been lying to you. Natasha is here. She’s perfectly fine. She’s alive. You just can’t see her.” No one else bothered to look up as he said what was needed to be said. You slowly turned around to him. “What?” Was all you could choke out. Steve stood up and walked towards you before keeping a distance. “When I returned the stone. He told me that we could all get her back, after all it was a soul for a soul. But the one who travelled there has been cursed. You can’t see or hear her and I don’t know if you ever will. But she’s alive.”
You took time to observe his words.
She was standing in front of you. Her arms crossed but her eyes were stuck on your face that was wet from the tears you had cried. Your eyes brows moving in a sorrowful way. She wasn’t crying for herself no. She cried for you. For your pain. She had never seen you so upset. And because she had been with you ever since she got back, she’s had to watch you cry almost every day.
Natasha wishes you could see her. She has been next to you this whole time. She was gone a few hours and then she was back. She couldn’t find you and instead ran into Sam who held her tightly. Instead she sped off to Tony’s cabin where she found Bucky and Steve, who explained everything.
She wishes you could hear how proud she is of you. She wishes you didn’t have to see you break yourself and live in your mental anguish. It hurt her. Every night you fell asleep at your desk, she would drape a blanket over you, and almost cry at your confused state in the morning of who had been to your office and covered you.
She wishes you hadn’t been traumatised by her silly yet heroic actions. She wishes she could tell you how much she loves you and how she wants to be held by you and she wants you to be able to hear her words, “I love you.” The others heard it. But they didn’t dare tell you.
She was determined to get her words to you. If not by speaking to you then by page. Determined to prove that she was with you all of this time. She wants to tell you how much she loves you.
She wishes there was a way.
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If you would like a part 2, let me know.
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What is Real? (Adrenaline Junkie Part 4)
Part 1     Part 2     Part 3     Part 5     Part 6     Part 7     Part 8     Part 9     Part 10     Part 11     Part 12     Part 13     Part 14     Part 15     Part 16     Part 17
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: PTSD, memory loss, swearing, angst, panic attack
Word count: 3,509
You opened your eyes to the dim sunlight pouring through your curtains. You tried to move your arms to push yourself up, but strangely your right arm felt incredibly stiff. Furrowing your brows in confusion, you looked down at it. Nothing was off about it, so why was it so stiff? It made no sense. 
With great difficulty, you slowly maneuvered your legs over the side of your bed. Everything felt incredibly stiff, especially your right wing, and your head felt like it was filled to the brim with cotton. Groaning, you heaved yourself off the bed into a standing position. You wobbled slightly on your feet, but you steadied yourself with your nightstand. What was with you today?
Hobbling out of your room with a steadying hand on the wall. You let your wings thump and drag across the ground behind you. You didn’t have the energy to hold them up and your right one felt very off. You should ask Philza to brew you a potion of healing and maybe ask him why you woke up like this. Were you in for a really bad molt?
Stumbling your way down the hallway and dragging your feet, you almost fell over a couple of times. The stairs were going to be a massive pain if you could barely walk down the hall. Your body lurched forward as your foot caught the edge of a rug. You yelped as the ground quickly met your face, your arms not cooperating when you tried to move them to catch yourself. 
Feeling a stabbing pain in your nose, you laid there for a little bit hearing the door next to you swing open. Without looking at him, your scratchy, muffled voice called out.
“Wilby, thank god you’re here. Can you help me up? My legs aren’t working today for whatever reason. I think I’m gonna molt soon.”
He gently pulled you up and wrapped his arms around you in a hug, smooshing your face into his shoulder. You pulled away slightly to look up at him. He was smiling widely at you and his face looked blotchy. Wilbur never cried in front of anyone, so naturally you were incredibly worried for your older brother.
“Wil, are you crying?”
He just pulled you into another tight hug. Hissing in discomfort, you felt him push on your sore muscles.
“Wil, as much as I love you, can you please let me go? Everything feels really sore.”
He pulled away again, giving you a little confused smile. “I’m so sorry, do you want me to take you downstairs? We can get Dad to make you a potion.”
You returned his smile. “I’d appreciate that. But can you carry me? I don’t wanna move anymore.”
“Of course.”
Chuckling, he turned around and crouched gesturing for you to get on his back. A few unsteady moments later, you were successfully on Wilbur’s back and started your much quicker journey downstairs. You rested your cheek on his back and hummed in content. You found comfort in hearing his heartbeat, even if it was beating faster than usual. 
Quickly reaching the couch, he gingerly put you down on it and made sure you didn’t lay on top of your wings. They sprawled behind you over the back of the couch. 
“Stay right here, I’m going to get Dad.”
He walked outside with large strides, leaving you by yourself in the living room. You closed your eyes and pondered why today was so strange. First, you couldn’t move this morning. Second, Wilbur, your collected older brother, was crying. Third, Philza was up and outside. Usually he’s basically unresponsive in the mornings. He would never be up and about this early. 
Opening your eyes when you heard hurried footsteps rushing toward you. Why’d you get déjà vu? Why did you feel so… so scared? Your panicked eyes landed on your dad running towards you with all your brothers following suit. You relaxed seeing your family. But why did they look at you with relief and tears in their eyes? Even Technoblade looked relieved. 
Philza landed on his knees next to the couch before placing a gentle hand on your cheek. His worried blue eyes scanned you and he stared at you with a gentle smile.
“...Hey hun, how are ya feelin’?”
“I’ve had better days. I just feel really stiff, I think I’m going to have a bad molt this year.”
Your brothers looked at each other with confusion. Tucking a stray lock of hair behind your ear, Philza crinkled his brows. “Hun, do you not remember what happened? You-”
Flinching back, you deadpanned. “Gremlin, I think I’d remember if I lost one of my lives. My entire body feels like shit, but I sure as hell didn’t die. That’s just absurd.”
Philza gently grabbed your wrist and pulled down your sleeve. Instead of the usual three red hearts that were etched into your skin, only two stared back at you. You stuttered as your brain processed what you saw. You... died? How? Why couldn’t you remember your own death? 
Your thoughts were interrupted as Philza spoke up. “You died, (y/n).”
“I… How?”
Philza pursed his lips together. “You were killed by The Warden. You were out mining.”
You looked at your hands. “Who’s The Warden?”
“It’s a mob that usually spawns in subterranean caves. We’re not exactly sure how you died, but… but you died down there, (y/n). You lost a life.”
You took in a shuddering breath. How could you be so damn careless? Were you falling back into your dangerous stunts phase? Did you get yourself killed? Why couldn’t you remember anything?
“Hun, do you want me to get you a potion for the stiffness?”
“...Yes please.” 
“Tommy, can you please go get them a potion of healing? WIlbur, can you get a glass of water for them?”
Without a word, Tommy and WIlbur ran out of the room, leaving you with Philza and Techno. The piglin hybrid wouldn’t even look at you. Philza ran a comforting hand through your hair as he waited for your brothers to return. 
When they came back, Wilbur helped prop you up so you could drink the potion and water. They soothed your scratchy throat and you felt your body fill up with warmth. It was always nice to drink a healing potion when you were hurt. Most of the stiffness and soreness that was previously rooted deep in your muscles was alleviated and you felt some of your nerves melt away. Now only your right wing was sore. You stretched, feeling a tugging sensation on the skin of your back around the base of your right wing. 
“That’s better. I think I’m going to go shower, I feel absolutely disgusting.”
Not giving your worried family any room to argue with you, you swung your legs over the side of the couch and shakily stood up. Philza tried to help steady you, but you wove him off. If you were weak enough to die, you thought, you needed to prove yourself to your family that you were strong. You needed to do things yourself. 
As you were shakily making your way up the stairs, Philza was following you, probably making sure you don’t kill yourself again. He was fussing over your wellbeing, you did just die and you were acting surprisingly calm about it.
“At least let me help you preen your wing.”
“Dad, I can preen my own wings. I’m 17.”
“I know hun. I just want to help you.”
“Dad. I can do it myself, I’ve been doing it alone since I was 10, and I don’t plan on stopping any time soon.”
Without giving him any more room to try to convince you, you closed the bathroom door in his face. You understood and appreciated that he was worried about you, but you needed to do things on your own if you were going to prove your strength to your family. You were angry that he thought you couldn’t do a simple thing by yourself. You could still hear him breathing from the other side of the door.
Peeling off your jacket, you ran your fingers along your left wing. The feathers were more out of place than usual, you must’ve gotten pretty fucked up by The Warden if they were this messy. After about 10 minutes of frustrated preening, you twisted your torso around slightly to reach for your other wing, but you couldn’t see anything. Why couldn’t you see anything? Your wings were large enough for you to completely wrap your body in them twice and then some, so it didn’t make sense to you. 
Turning around to face the wall across the bathroom mirror, you spread out your wings and craned your head around to look at your right wing. Your eyes were met with a featherless nub that matched your skin tone. An ugly, discolored scar covered the entirety of the right side of your back. Without warning, memories flashed in front of your eyes at rapid fire.
A monsterous being towered over you, standing completely still. You held your breath as it just stood there. It walked away so you started to walk away. Everything lit up as you started to run from the thing chasing you. Blood pounded in your ears as panic engulfed your entire being as you tried to fly away, but you were caught. It effortlessly swung you around as it screamed. You felt your wing rip from your body and you flew across the cave. You couldn’t breathe. What did you do to deserve this?
You reached around to feel your wing, but you only grabbed the bone sticking out of your body. You felt anguish as you realized that you just lost a limb. You watched it drag your wing into the depths of the cave, leaving you completely and utterly alone as you slowly died.
You were crying in pain as you felt everything that happened crash down on you all at once. You laid there for what felt like hours as you sobbed and dry heaved. You prayed to whatever god was above that you would be put out of your misery soon. You felt as your body slowly got colder and colder. You were drifting in and out of consciousness. You couldn’t breathe. Please, for the love of god, make it stop, make it stop, make it stop, make it stop, make it stop, make it sto-
You saw a hazy figure in front of you. You felt someone’s hands gripping your shoulders in a firm grasp, you thrashed about trying to get out of it’s grip. You saw the monster that took your wing from you. The thing that killed you. You threw your arms about blindly in a desperate attempt to land a hit to try and get it to let you go. The only reason it let you go in the cave was when your wing was torn off, was it going to take your arms too?
You felt a smack as your hand collided with what you guessed was its grotesque face. It yelped and jumped back, releasing its grip on you. Its yelp strangely sounded like your dad’s voice. Your mind was probably playing tricks on you, your dad wasn’t here. You needed to get out. You scrambled up to your feet and bolted. You weren’t going to get killed again, especially by that thing. 
How did it know your name? More importantly, how was it talking to you? You were probably still in the cave bleeding out as your delirious mind turned stone into the comforting walls of your home. You were probably imagining hearing your dad’s voice in a last chance to comfort yourself as you neared your impending doom. 
Running down the hall, you made your way to the stairs. You couldn’t jump over the banister, you would probably break your legs again without both of your wings. Your vision was tunneling as you only focused on how to get out and away from the monster. When you were halfway down the stairs, you saw Tommy sprinting up to you looking panicked. No one deserves to die in the way you did, especially not him. 
“Oh my god, Tommy we need to get you out of here, it’s coming for us.”
He grabbed your shoulders and bent over to look you in the eye, “(y/n), whatever you’re seeing is not real, you-”
“We need to go now!”
He was cut off as you grabbed his hand and drug him down the stairs. You could hear the thing coming closer. It started to come towards you and Tommy. You yanked him along with you as you reached the living room and sprinted towards the front door. You could taste the freedom. It tasted sweet. 
Right as you grasped the door handle, you felt Tommy wrap his arms around your waist and pull you back. What the fuck, did he want to die?
“Tommy, if you don’t let me go now, it’s gonna get us. Please, you don’t wanna die the way I did.”
He said nothing as he turned you around and blocked the doorway with his body. The monster turned the corner and entered your sights. You’d be damned if you let Tommy die. You were determined to protect him even if you ended up dying a second time. 
You puffed up your wing and shifted your body into a stance that you hoped was threatening. Pushing Tommy behind you and shielding him with your wing, you harshly glared at it.
“You fucking bastard, ya here for seconds? Was my wing not enough for you? Well, I’ve got bad news for ya, I won’t let you kill me again. I won’t let you near my brother.”
“(Y/n), it’s me,” it croaked out in your dad’s voice and started to slowly walk towards you, holding its arms up. Why wasn’t it shambling like it did in the cave? You felt more fear well up in your gut as you stepped back.
“You’ve got a lotta audacity to use my father’s voice against me. I’ll rip you to shreds if you step any closer to us. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU.”
It stepped back, it’s mouth impossibly frowning more as more drool pooled from its mouth. Tommy wrapped his arms around yours as he bound you to his chest. Thrashing, you desperately tried to get out of his hold.
He once again said nothing. You felt your hair on the top of your head start to dampen. You heard more footsteps running to you. Techno and Wilbur appeared behind the monster. They looked absolutely terrified. Were you going to watch your older brothers die?
Your chest heaved as you looked at them with wide eyes. “Tech, Wil please, for the love of god run while you still can. It’s in front of you.”
They glanced at each other before Wilbur grabbed the monster’s arm. You screamed in horror as it looked at him. To your confusion, Wilbur wasn’t grabbed. He just gently led the monster away into the kitchen.
Your hoarse screaming was interrupted as Tommy squeezed you against his chest tighter. Techno slowly approached you, making sure that you saw his every move, and bent over to look you in the eye. Tommy’s arms tightened around you, scared that you were going to lash out at Technoblade.
“(Y/n), The Warden isn’t here. You’re home, you’re not in the cave. You’re safe.”
You studied his face. Was he even real? Was any of this real? He looked real. Then again, everything around you looked real.
“I… Tech, are-are you real? Is any of this real?”
Techno pulled you out of Tommy’s arms and pulled you into his own tight embrace. He pressed a hand on the back of your head and pushed your face into his shoulder, rocking you back and forth. Your forehead tickled where you felt the end of his braid brush against your skin. You started to sob into his chest.
“Tech, I was so scared. I… I thought I was gonna die again. Please don’t let me die.”
“The Warden isn’t here, (y/n). I’m real. The house is real. You are home. No one else is here besides Dad, Wilbur, Tommy, me, and you. You’re safe. We won’t let you die again.”
He repeated the same things over like a mantra. With each reassurance, you felt yourself calm down. Techno’s soothing, monotone voice gave you something that wasn’t too overstimulating to center your focus on. You cried until you didn’t have any tears left to cry. Even after you were done crying, Techno continued to rock you back and forth, caressing your hair on the crown of your head like he did when you were kids. 
The voices in his head have been screaming at him nonstop since he saw that they had lost a life earlier in the day. They were telling him that he was stupid for letting you go mining alone. That he was a failure for letting you die alone. He couldn’t hear his own thoughts. He could only attempt to comfort you while trying to ignore the voices.
Tommy stood stiff at the door watching you two. For the first time in his life, he didn’t know what to do. His older sibling was always calm and collected. He’s never seen you react like that. He’s never seen you so terrified. You were always the one to comfort him, never the other way around. You were there to give him hugs when he scraped his knee as a child. You were there when he’d have nightmares. You always made sure that he was alright. He was truly stumped.
Meanwhile in the dining room, Philza sat at the head of the table staring blankly at his folded hands placed in his lap. Wilbur had pulled up a chair to sit next to him, rubbing his back in small circles. The two didn’t speak to each other. Instead, they were listening to your heartbreaking sobs as Techno’s deep voice rumbled lowly underneath your sobbing. 
Wilbur didn’t know how to comfort his dad. Hell, he didn’t know how to comfort himself. His little sibling just died, forgot about it, and remembered it in the span of six short hours. Your death must’ve been traumatizing if you were reliving it. He didn’t know how to comfort you, he always was the one, besides Philza, to comfort you when you were upset as a kid. He felt completely lost.
Philza remembered how he felt his heart drop when he heard you start to scream from the other side of the bathroom door. The instinct to comfort his child overpowered his rational thought as he opened the door. He found you curled in on yourself on the ground with your only wing tightly wrapped around you mid panic attack. He asked you multiple times if it was alright to touch you, but you never responded. You just kept your eyes screwed shut. He was crouched in front of you trying to get you out of your trance before he decided to put his hands on your shoulders. That made you finally open your eyes. He tried to give you a smile, but you started to flail your arms. He dodged the best he could, but your movements were too erratic and you ended up smacking him across the face.
He felt so scared for you when you ran away from him in a panic. He thought you were going to hurt yourself when you reached the stairs. He felt like someone tore his heart out and stomped on it when he realized that you were afraid of him. You saw him as your murderer. When you started to threaten him, he saw just how terrified you were of dying again. How terrified you were of him killing you. You didn’t react when tears started to slip down his cheeks. He didn’t care that you were threatening him, he cared that his own child was terrified of him.
At the moment, you were slowly fading out of consciousness in your brother's hold. You felt completely drained physically, emotionally, and mentally. You barely registered Techno picking you up and carrying you up the stairs to your room, laying you on your bed. He even covered your wing with your blanket.
Taglist (comment if you want to be added to the series taglist): @acecarddraws   @goldenstarofthunderclan  @ravennightingaleandavatempus @dirtydiavolo  @immadatmostthings  @hee-hee-haw  @jackalopedoodles  @m1lkmandan  @vanhakirja  @im-a-depressed-gay  @coolleviauchihadreamerlove  @questioning-sanity @bongwaterflavoredgatorade  @kakamiissad  @lifestylesleep  @speedymaximoff  @sun-shark-tooth  @camisascam  @yeiras-world  @jayistrash  
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staynskz · 3 years
Making Amends: Part Three
Pairing: husband BangChan x female reader
Genre: Slight Angst, Heavy Smut (18+ only!), slight fluff
Word Count: 7.6K+
Warning(s): nsfw, only 18+ readers minors DNI! 
“Babe, wake up,” Chan said as he caressed your cheek.
Opening your eyes, you realized that the jet had already landed. You must’ve been so tired from work that you fell asleep the entire way there. As Chan took off your seatbelt for you, you stretched your arms and yawned while standing up. It was weird. Chan was being sweet like how he was back in the days you both were dating...
“Where are we?” you asked while rubbing your eyes.
“We’re in your favorite place, baby.”
My favorite place? You thought to yourself. You didn’t have any favorite place. Home with the kids was your favorite place, but you’d already left home to come to wherever this place was.
“Come on, babe, let’s go,” Chan said standing near the jet door with his hand out towards you. What else could you do? Chan was being weird, but you didn’t have a choice since you were already here. Grabbing his hand, he began leading you out.
“Oh! Wait,” Chan said as he pulled something from his coat pocket. They were your sunglasses… your favorite pair. You hadn’t worn them since your honeymoon with Chan. They’d been sitting in your drawer at home collecting dust since you both hadn’t been able to go on vacation after having kids and being busy at work. That was ages ago. Time really does fly by fast.
While you were too busy being stunned, Chan suddenly put the sunglasses on you. You looked up at him. He was smiling and adoring you, then suddenly kissed your forehead. You let a small smile form on your lips and looked down with a small blush forming on your cheeks. As you were about to look up, Chan reached his hand out to brush your hair out of your face.
“This too,” he said as he pulled out a hair clip from his pocket. He clipped your hair back the way you always did when you were cooking or doing something that needed your full attention. “You look beautiful as always, baby.” Those were such simple words that made your heart beat faster. It had been so long since you’ve felt Chan’s hands caress you like this. It wasn’t much, but it was something you both hadn’t felt in so long. “Come on, let’s go,” he said as he took your hand from your side and led you through the open jet door. You were greeted with the setting sun on the horizon, the feeling of slightly humid air, and beautiful greenery as you stepped out of the jet. This was a familiar feeling…
This was the private island Chan had bought as a gift for you as your wedding gift. You’d told him that buying an island for yourself to live on as you grew older was the one thing that you always dreamed of, and he did that as a gift to you for your wedding gift. You were on the verge of tears. You’d been so busy at work that you forgot about your island. Chan was right. This was your favorite place… your safe haven.
As Chan helped you down the last step, he asked cautiously, “Are you okay, babe?”
“Yeah… I’m just surprised we’re here…” you said as you looked at his worried eyes.
“Okay… What do you wanna do, hmm? Go to the waters? Eat lunch?”
“Let’s get settled in first, then we’ll decide what we wanna do,” you said as you led the way to the beach house.
There wasn’t anyone around. Usually, there were at least one or two workers, but there wasn’t anyone on the island.
Reading your concerned body language, Chan knew what you were thinking. “I told the workers that they could leave for the next week.”
“Why?” you asked. “So we can have the island to ourselves, what else?” Chan said as he unlocked the front door to the beach house.
Walking through the house made you reminisce every memory you made with Chan. The many times you both made love, held each other, and spoke in the dark about your future plans as a couple. Every memory played throughout your mind as you walked by every room on the way to the master bedroom.
Pushing the doors open, you saw the very bed you and Chan had first made love. You took a deep breath as you pushed the thought to the back of your head. Although you loved Chan, no matter what, you weren’t going to forget everything just because he brought you to your favorite place. Anyone could say you were stubborn in your ways, but what you went through had to be spoken through with Chan who’d been following behind you through every room and space as well. He hadn’t said anything, but you knew what he was thinking.
“I’m gonna take a bath,” you said as you made your way to the bathroom.
“Oh… okay. Do you want to eat anything?” Chan asked watching you walk away.
“No, I’m not hungry.”
You lied. You were starving. It was killing you, but you didn’t want to be an inconvenience to Chan. Especially not since the argument. It killed you that there was an unspoken silence among the two of you. It was ridiculous, really. You were both grown adults who were supposed to be in a compromising marriage, but here you were barely speaking to each other. Chan made you happy, but during hard times, it didn’t seem like he was happy with you. That was where things got hard for the both of you.
Your thoughts were interrupted as your timer went off letting you know to get out of the bath before you turned into a wrinkly prune. As you grabbed your towel to dry yourself off, you had slipped off the ledge of the bathtub with a huge thud. Hearing the loud thud, Chan ran to the bedroom asking if you were okay and waiting for a response. You’d hurt your knee from the fall, but it wasn’t anything too serious. While you were trying to get up, Chan had already opened the door and saw you naked on the bathroom floor.
“Are you okay??”
“Obviously,” you said with some attitude while trying to reach for the towel on the wall.
“Don’t move,” Chan demanded as you looked at him with curious eyes as he ran out of the bathroom.
You listened to him, though. What if there was a bug on you? You checked your surroundings but didn’t see anything either. Looking up, you saw that Chan was running back with the first aid kit in his hands.
“What the-” you said before Chan lifted your naked body to sit on the edge of the bathtub.
“Sit still,” he said while assessing your knee. It was bleeding. You hadn’t even realized. You were too busy being stubborn that Chan walked in on you naked and helplessly reaching for your towel that you hadn’t realized your knee must’ve scraped something on the way down. You started covering your body as you realized how bare you were in front of Chan.
“Don’t worry, baby. It’s not like I haven’t seen all of you yet,” he teased while smiling lightly.
“I’m not covering up my body because of that!” You tried to argue back.
“Oh really?” he asked looking up at your face.
“Y-yes…” you lied while trying to hide the faint blush on your face. “It’s because I’m cold.”
“Oh?... I thought you took such hot baths and showers that you actually aren’t cold after you come out for awhile.”
Damn it! He knew you so well you couldn’t even lie to his face.
“Don’t worry, babe. I’m just taking care of your knee. I won’t look if you don’t want me to.”
After applying an ointment and band-aid to your knee, Chan looked up at you with a faint smile on his face, “There. All done. Does your knee still hurt?”
While trying to stand up, you tumbled a bit because your knee was still sore, but not in too much pain. Chan caught you just as you were about to fall.
Pushing him away, you brushed him off with “I’m okay.”
“It doesn’t seem like it,” he retorted.
“If I say that I’m fine then I’m fine!”
You could tell Chan was a bit hurt from your remark, but there wasn’t anything that made you angrier than now. Was he just doing this to “make up” his lame ass actions from the previous months? Was he doing this to distract you from the fact that he could be cheating on you? Your thoughts were swirling so fast around your head that if it were a cartoon you’d be seeing stars circle your head.
As you took the towel off the wall and walked into the bedroom, you sat on the bed while checking your knee. Chan was always so good at taking care of you whenever you were hurt. But just seeing you physically was all that he could see; he couldn’t see that you were hurting inside as well. You missed the times where he would come and tell you he loved you every day and do small things to make you feel loved. It truly was the small things that you missed from him.
You’d been in the bathroom for so long you didn’t even realize that the sun was already gone for the day. You were still starving. Your stomach started to rumble.
“You’re hungry, aren’t you?” you heard Chan’s voice come from the bathroom door.
“I-” you started to protest.
“I already cooked us some dinner while you were in the bathroom. Get dressed and come out when you’re ready.”
He wasn’t happy with you. He never was. It just made your heart sink. Chan was actually trying to fix your marriage, but you were the one who was pushing him away. It just made you feel even worse about your attitude, but you both needed to find a middle ground for your everyday life-not just when you were on vacation without the kids or worries from work.
After getting dressed, you walked into the kitchen. It smelled amazing. You saw that Chan had cooked your favorite pasta. You were secretly excited, but you knew that Chan wasn’t too happy with you right now.
“I hope you don’t mind that I cooked the pasta. I’m not that great at cooking it like you do, but I just wanted to make something to make you happy,” Chan said as he pulled the chair out for you to sit on.
“It’s okay. I appreciate it,” you said while showing a slight smile to try and make Chan a bit happier than before. He shared a smile with you before walking to the other end of the table to sit.
“How’re you feeling now?” Chan asked as he dug into the pasta on his plate.
“I’m feeling okay…” what else were supposed to say?? No, don’t talk to me? Ugh it was too hard to be married sometimes.
“But?...” Chan said as he looked up after taking a bite.
There was a long pause before you began speaking. What were you going to say? The last argument hadn’t even been solved and you didn’t even want to bring up another topic to argue about with him, but-
“Are you cheating on me?” you blurted out before you could even think.
Chuckling to himself before looking at you, Chan smiled at you.
“Y/N, if I don’t even have time for you, my wife, why would I have time for another woman?”
“Just because you don’t have time for me doesn’t mean that you can’t give the attention to another woman,” you snapped back.
“Okay, you’re right, but you know that I wouldn’t do that to you. You’re the mother of my two beautiful kids, you’re everything I’ve wanted in my life. You’re literally the embodiment of who I dreamed of marrying. I don’t know why-”
“Then why don’t you treat me like it?” That was it. You’d been holding back for too long. It took too much space in your mind. You were going to solve the problem now or else you were going to lose your mind.
“I’m trying, babe-”
“Bringing me on vacation isn’t going to cut it, Chan. We can’t just do this every time we argue it’s ridiculous that-”
“That what?” Chan said looking you dead in the eyes. “That I’m trying to be a good husband? That I’m trying to be a better man? I know that I fucked up, Y/N. I know that I fucked up for the past few months, but I don’t think that we should just leave our marriage broken. You act like I haven’t been trying lately!”
“I never said that! I’m just asking you why you’ve been neglecting me, your wife, for God knows how long!” was all you could say before tears started rolling down your face. It was all out now. No holding back. No more secrets hidden. No more bottling things up.
As Chan saw the tears on your face, he reached over to wipe them away. Before he could touch your face, you whacked his hand away.
“Don’t fucking touch me,” you said as you stood up and walked outside toward the beach.
“Y/N! Wait! Where are you going?”
“Don’t talk to me! Don’t act like you care, Chan!”
“What are you talking about?! Y/N please. We need to talk this out. Tell me how you’re feeling, why you’re feeling like this, and what I can do to make you happier,” he said while following you onto the white sandy shore.
“Nothing, Chan! Nothing! That’s what you can do to make me happier!” you yelled while still turned away from him.
“Y/N, stop! Look at me!” he said while pulling your arm so he could have your full attention.
“What, Chan?! What the fuck more do you need from me?!”
“I need you to communicate what you’re feeling, Y/N. That’s what I need you to fucking do so that I can salvage this marriage,” he said sternly while looking at you straight in the eyes.
You could have any kind of attitude, but you knew that when Chan had enough, it was enough-especially when he wouldn’t move his gaze away from your face.
“What I want? I want you to be my husband, Chan! I want you to love me the way you did when we first got married. I want you to love me the way you promised you would when we were in love! Where’s the Chan I fell in love with? Do you even know who I am anymore? Am I nothing more than just your children’s mother? Where’s the man I made love to and shared secrets with on a daily basis? Do you even love me, Chan?!” was all you could say before tears started rolling down your face again. You couldn’t handle being so emotional, but it had been too long since you’ve been open with your emotions that it brought everything you were thinking out.
Chan started walking closer and closer to you, but you backed away, wary of his touch.
“I do love you, Y/N. There’s no one I want more than you. You’re all that I need. I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry that I’ve been such a shitty ass husband these past few months. I’m sorry that I haven’t been showing you as much love, okay? I’m so sorry, babe. Please, forgive me,” Chan said as he got on his knees and hugged your waist. You couldn’t do anything but cry your eyes out. It had been too long. It wasn’t what you wanted, but it’s the only thing that could suffice.
“Let go, Chan,” you said as you tried to pry his arms away from your waist.
“No. I’m not going to let you go anywhere. You’re everything I need, Y/N. You’re my rock. You’re the only woman I need in this world. I’m sorry that I’m such a horrible husband that I couldn’t see you were struggling as well. I’m sorry that I’ve been so selfish. Please, Y/N, let me fix this. Let’s fix our marriage. I don’t care what happens as long as I have you with me. I need you here with me, Y/N,” Chan protested while firmly holding your waist to his chest. His chest was heaving. He was crying. Chan rarely cried.
You both were on the sand for who knows how long. You knew that you’d been so stubborn, but you’d been hurt for so long that it felt like a huge burden had been lifted from your shoulders this time. It was a great relief, but now it was time to build your relationship to become even stronger together than before. It was only a matter of time before you grabbed Chan’s arms trying to get out of his strong grip again.
“I told you, I’m not letting go,” Chan pouted against your stomach, “I’m gonna stay here until you forgive me and promise to not leave me.”
With a small smile forming on your lips, you just say, “Babe… I know that it’s been hard, but we need to go inside. I’m getting cold out here. The ocean breeze isn’t helping either.”
“No. Not until you say that you forgive me. I’m not going anywhere without you in this world, Y/N. I don’t care if you run away. I’m gonna look for you wherever you go. You’re the better part of me that I need to survive in this world. I-”
“Okay, okay. I forgive you, babe.”
“No. You’re just saying it so I’ll let you go. You’re not saying it with your whole heart,” Chan said while still holding you tightly.
You pushed his head back as you looked him straight in the eyes and said to him, “I forgive you, baby. We’ll just need to work on strengthening our marriage now, okay?”
Before you could say anything else, Chan got up from the sand and kissed your lips.
“Good. That’s what I wanted to hear,” he said while carrying you bridal style to the house.
“Where are we going?” you asked as he walked past the kitchen.
“We’re gonna make baby number three,” Chan said with a serious face.
“We have to clean the kitchen, babe. It’s dirty!” you said as you smacked his arm.
“I don’t care. I’ve missed having you all to myself. Can’t I just have you all to myself for once? Hmm?” Chan hummed against your ear.
You couldn’t deny the fire burning in you. You and Chan had barely made love since a few months after you had Eli. After that, it was either just a quickie or something you didn’t want to do. This was a side of you that you’d neglected for so long, it felt impossible to be wanting to make love with Chan again.
Chan set you on the edge of the bed like you were a fine China doll that would break at any moment. As he began peeling your clothing off, you stopped him before he could take off your shirt.
“Can we turn the lights off, Chan?”
“What do you mean, baby?” he asked, eyes full of concern.
“My body’s not in the best shape right now… and I’d rather we do this in the dark than have you see everything,” you explained.
“Oh baby,” Chan said as he started kissing every inch of your body, “I want to explore every inch of your body like a starving man. I want to make sure I see every crevice, every scar, every mole on your body. There’s nothing more I would beg for right now.”
“But I-” you tried to argue against him.
“I don’t care what it is that you hate about your body, baby. I love every inch of you. I wanna make you scream my name until your lungs give out. I wanna make you love yourself even more. I wanna give you all that I can this entire week. I’m gonna make sure you know that you’re loved and that you’re everything I need. How about we keep the lights dim so that I can make sure you’re actually enjoying everything I do, hmm?”
There was no denying that Chan was great with his words. He made you feel safe no matter what. You wanted to protest, but his mouth was too good at what he was doing, so you nodded your head in agreement.
While walking back after dimming the lights, Chan started peeling every article of clothing off your body. When he got to your bra and underwear, he just stared at you from the edge of the bed. You were so self-conscious that you tried to cover yourself up. Before you could manage to cover anything, Chan pulled your arms above your head.
“Wow, baby. I didn’t know you’d be wearing this lingerie set out of all sets,” he said while nibbling on your neck.
“I didn’t have a choice, Chan. It’s not like you packed the most comfortable clothing for me to wear while on vacation.”
“I know… that’s the point, baby.” You could feel him smirk against your skin as his lips travelled down your body.
Before you could make a smart remark, Chan had already reached behind your back to unbuckle your bra with one hand while the other caressed your waist. The cold air made your nipples stand, causing you to whine under your breath.
Chan started making his way down your chest, creating marks to make sure you knew who you belonged to the next day. He took one breast in his mouth and started massaging the other. Chan started flicking his tongue against your nipple. Light but effective kisses, nibbles, and licks were enough to make you moan. Chan switched from one breast to the other while all you could do was remain helplessly moaning and whining under your breath.
“Don’t hold back, baby. There’s no one here who’s gonna hear you,” Chan reassured you.
“I know… I’m just so used to being quiet around the kids at home,” you explained.
“Well,” he started as he moved back up to be face to face with you, “just know that I wanna hear every noise from that beautiful mouth of yours.”
Blushing at his words, you could only whine slightly while pushing your face into the pillow beside you.
“That’s what I like to hear, baby,” Chan said as he started kissing lower towards your stomach and pelvis.
“Babe, stop teasing,” you whined even louder.
All Chan could do was hum against your skin as he took careful measures to kiss your stretch marks you’d gotten from pregnancy.
“No, don’t do that,” you said as you tried pushing his head away.
Chan pushed away your hands and tucked them under your back. “I’m gonna do whatever I want to make your body feel worshipped, baby. So you better keep your hands behind your back or else I’m gonna have to make you suffer tonight. Got it?”
Without a word, you looked down and nodded your head.
“Good,” he said as he continued worshipping your body.
Chan started travelling down lower and lower as he got above your underwear, his hot breath fanning against your core.
“Baby, please,” you whined while still struggling to keep your hands behind your ass.
Chan licked a stripe above your clothed core, making you thrust your hips into the air.
You didn’t know what to think anymore. It felt like it’d been forever since Chan and you had made love. This was something so intimate you couldn’t describe it. No words would’ve given justice to how Chan made you feel in this moment.
There were so many emotions flooding through your brain, you hadn’t realized that Chan already stripped you of your underwear too. You felt so exposed, it was getting even harder not to hide your face in the pillows.
“Don’t be shy, baby. Show me that beautiful face of yours,” Chan encouraged you.
You could only smile with your eyes closed while you lifted your head from the pillows.
“Aww, my baby’s becoming more confident isn’t she? I’ll make sure you feel every inch of your body is loved.”
These words Chan was whispering were like a drug to your ego. It made you willing to do whatever it was to make him happy. It made you willing to please every inch of him as well. Even though he was willing to please you eternally, you knew that he deserved every inch of love he needed as well.
Chan began kissing your inner thighs as he drew closer and closer to your soaking core. You writhed under his mouth but could only succumb to him. He began by attacking your throbbing clit, sucking and lightly tugging.
It was hard not trying to move your arms away, but it was something you’d learned to never do with Chan. They don’t say time teaches you everything you need to know for no reason.
Chan continued on and pried open your dripping core. He then inserted two fingers and began fingering your core with a come-hither motion. You arched your back as you tried to hold back your moans and whines while he kept hitting your g-spot.
“I told you to stop holding back,” Chan said right as he smacked your thigh.
Letting out a yelp, you moved your arms from behind your back as you reached out to stop him from smacking your thigh again. Chan’s reflexes were fast enough to stop your hand and put it behind your back again.
“Chan, please. I need-”
“I don’t care how hard you beg to not feel good tonight, baby. It’s gonna be your pleasure or nothing at all,” Chan said as he attacked your throbbing clit again.
You could feel your high coming closer and closer, wanting to release.
“Chan-Cha-please, I-”
“Are you gonna cum for me, baby?”
Nodding your head with your eyes closed and head thrown back, Chan smiled to himself while he kissed your parting lips.
“Yeah? My baby wants to cum hmm? Cum for me then, baby. Let me hear you,” Chan encouraged while still fingering and kissing you.
That was enough to set you off on your first high for the night. You felt your body tense, the pain in your core was too much to handle. You grabbed the sheets of the bed, gasping slightly at the lost feeling. You felt your back arch in response to Chan’s mouth on you, then you felt your release. You shuddered slightly as you came down from your high. It wasn’t the most intense orgasm you’d ever had, but it was the more intense ones since you and Chan had started to drift apart.
Chan cooed while nibbling at your collarbone. “Good job, babygirl. There’s so many more rounds we have to go through to finish tonight.”
Whining, you just laid there still a mess. You could barely open your eyes. It was more intense than you could handle since it’d been so long since you’d been intimate with Chan.
Chan began kissing your body and worshipping it again, until he felt a tug at his pants. You were trying to seductively take off his pants while being under his control.
“My baby’s a bit needy, hmm?”
“Please Chan. It’s been too long since we’ve had time for this,” you whimpered as he stared at your exposed body.
“I know, baby, but I don’t want to rush it tonight,” he explained.
“I don’t care. I just need you,” those were the last words to come out of your mouth before he began taking off his clothes. Something about you begging and whining made Chan’s dick harder than before. Chan began kissing you and holding your jaw in his hand and pulling your hair into a ponytail, getting rougher and rougher while you took everything he gave you breathlessly.
Chan lifted you up so you both were on your knees on the bed, making out and feeling each other’s bodies. You grabbed his cock in your hand and ran your palm against it, causing Chan to slightly thrust toward you. You weren’t the only desperate one who hadn’t been touched in awhile.
“I don’t think you want to do that, babygirl,” Chan growled in a low tone.
“I think I do,” you said teasingly.
“If that’s the case, then start sucking,” he said as he adjusted himself to lay against the headboard and pillows while you lay in between his legs to begin administering to his needs.
You quickly followed Chan’s body language and began by taking his balls into your mouth, sucking on them lightly, lapping them like a little puppy while maintaining eye contact with him. Chan threw his head back while mumbling so many “don’t stop’s” and “keep going’s.” Taking your sweet time giving him a blowjob by tracing your tongue against the underside of his cock, you could feel him shiver under your touch, and placed kisses along his cock until you reached the tip. You began to lick his tip, spreading his precum with your tongue.
Finally, you put his cock in your mouth after a few more minutes of teasing. Your mouth was filled, but Chan kept pushing your head lower and lower onto his cock causing you to slightly gag and choke. This was barely anything though, since you and Chan had even had more intense sex…I mean…how did you even have kids if your sex wasn’t intense?.... (just saying…anywayssss)
Before you knew it, Chan was thrusting against the back of your throat vigorously, making you choke even more causing tears to begin falling down your cheeks.
“Yes, baby. Y-yes. Take it just like that. Take it like the good girl you are,” Chan praised you making you attempt to take him even deeper into your throat. You wanted to make him cum no matter what now. You knew he was on the verge of cumming, but he was just so good at holding back and being patient. You were going to make him cum regardless of how deep you had to deep throat his cock.
So you relaxed your jaw and went to work to make him have an everlasting orgasm. Relaxing your jaw helped you take more of his cock into your mouth, and so you were able to take him deeper to the point where your nose hit his pelvis. He was going to cum any minute now. You just knew it.
Having your nose to his pelvis was the tip of the iceberg for him as Chan tried pulling your head up and off his cock as he came undone in your mouth. You were relentless and moved his hands from your head as you held his waist and tried to take even more of his cock than you ever had. Chan’s moans were heavenly to hear as he continued to release more and more cum inside your mouth while his hands came back and found a place in your locks, pulling them and pushing your head down since you wanted it so bad.
His cum tasted sweet. That meant Chan was still drinking his pineapple juice daily. You both had made a pact to drink pineapple juice daily to make sure your juices tasted sweet for each other, but that was ages ago. You were surprised he kept up with the routine. You appreciated it, really. You were only able to keep up by drinking one small carton of pineapple juice every week.
After Chan came undone in your mouth, you began to slowly pull off his cock causing him to slightly growl and hiss from his throbbing cock finally being released. You then wiped your mouth from his cum spilling out alongside your drool.
“My baby wanted to be naughty and keep going, didn’t she?” Chan asked while looking down at you. All you could do was nod in agreement, eyes never leaving his. He wasn’t wrong, but you just wanted to please him since it’d been so long. “Well then…it looks like my baby needs to be dicked down for being so good to daddy and letting daddy release hmm?” he asked in a higher pitched tone, slightly mocking you.
“Yes, sir,” you stated as you made your way on top of Chan, straddling him. You began nibbling at his neck, kissing and licking his earlobes while he continued rocking your hips and clit against his abs and pelvis. Moaning, you couldn’t help but whimper louder and louder as he kept moving your hips faster and faster. Then, it all stopped. Confused, you stopped kissing him and looked up at him.
“Sit on my cock,” Chan demanded. All you could do was follow his orders. Chan was starting to get even more serious now since he wanted you to be pleased with his show tonight. As you sunk onto his cock, you could feel it filling you up inch by inch. You moaned and shut your eyes as you took in the full experience. Chan’s cock was so red and hard, the pressure against your walls made you breathless.
You began lifting yourself to please Chan, but he stopped your hips and held you down. He started moving your hips again, causing you to rub your clit against his pelvis while his cock was hitting your g spot. He really was trying to please you, not himself; being the selfless person that he is, you weren’t surprised. You wanted to please him, make him happy, but he really was going to make you reach another universe with his determination. And when Chan’s determined… nothing really stands in his way.
Chan grabbed one of your breasts, massaging it while sucking on the other, making you throw your head back in pleasure. The more Chan kept going, you felt another high coming, begging to release from your body. Your body started tensing, causing you to slightly shiver from your nerves reacting to Chan’s stimulation. By now, Chan was already marking your neck and collarbone with more hickies.
Whispering against your skin and looking up at you he asked, “You gonna cum for me, baby?”
“Ye-Yes,” you mumbled under your breath right as Chan lifted you from his lap and began rubbing your clit faster than when he was moving your hips.
“Ch-Chan! Chan!” you muttered while trying to move his hand away. Wrong move. Frustrated, Chan grabbed both of your arms and held them behind your back with one hand while going back to rubbing your swollen clit.
Gasping for air, you couldn’t hold your orgasm in any longer.
“Chan, I-I can’t-”
“Cum for me, baby. Be a good girl and cum for me, yeah?”
Your second high was finally released, causing you to throw your head back, and making you breathlessly and mindlessly rub your clit against Chan’s hand searching for more friction. Exhausted, you laid your head against Chan’s broad shoulders while he continued caressing your body and kissing you.
“Look at the mess you made, baby,” Chan said while smirking against the back of your ear.
Looking down, you realized that you’d squirted from the overstimulation. Blushing, you tried removing yourself from Chan’s body. You failed when he pulled you back into his arms by your waist. Struggling to get away, you started whining while turning your head away from his eyes.
“Aww, is my baby shy because I made her squirt? Hmm?” Chan asked teasingly while moving your loose strands of hair from your face.
Nodding in agreement, you just looked down. Pulling your face by the jaw to look up at him, Chan demanded, “Look at me, and use your words, baby. There’s nothing to be shy about. It’s just me. Understood?”
“Yes, sir,” you said while looking up to meet his eyes, causing you to blush even more.
“Good girl,” Chan complimented you before flipping you under him.
You didn’t even realize what happened, just that Chan was hovering above you, cradling your head in between his arms and complimenting your beauty while continuously kissing your body beginning from the top.
“You’re so beautiful, baby. Don’t doubt my love for you,” a kiss to your throat.
“I’m sorry I can be such a shitty husband at times,” a kiss to each breast.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been here to help you around the house and with the kids,” a kiss to your stomach.
“I love you, you know that?” a kiss to your pelvis.
“There’s nothing I could do if you weren’t—”
“Chan…” you said while looking down and meeting his innocent eyes. “Can you just fuck me like you did when we were on our honeymoon?”
You saw a change in Chan’s eyes. The lust grew between the both of you.
“Your wish is my command, my beautiful queen,” Chan said before spreading your legs wide open.
Embarrassed, you tried closing your legs. It’d been too long.
“Aww, my poor baby is shy after asking me to fuck the soul out of her hmm? I don’t think so,” he said while spreading your legs again.
You couldn’t help but succumb to his actions while pushing your head into the pillows on the bed to hide your red face.
Chan slowly teased you while trying to make sure you were wet enough for him. After spreading your juices around with his cock, your patience was thinner than before. Not only was he teasing you, but your body couldn’t help but react to his cock lightly touching your clit with every stroke.
“Babe, stopppppp-” you whined before you felt Chan fully fill you up, causing you to lightly gasp.
It surprised you, but you liked the surprise. Chan was always full of surprises when you were in bed. He began slowly thrusting inside you, hitting your g spot while kissing your body. You threw your head back in even more pleasure. With being overstimulated and having already came twice, what more could you ask for?
Whispering sweet nothings into your ear, Chan began thrusting faster and faster. You began feeling your third orgasm build up. With a few yeses and a few gasps, Chan knew you were getting close and began rubbing your clit to help with the stimulation building up. You started gripping the bedsheets while your legs began trembling.
“Cum for me one last time, baby,” Chan encouraged you while thrusting harder and faster into your drenched cunt.
You wrapped your legs around his waist as he continued his ministrations.
“Chan-Chan!” you quietly screamed as you came. Your body convulsed, causing you to arch your back and throw your head back deeper into the pillows. Chan began kissing in between your breasts and holding your hips tightly against his as he came.
“Fu-Fuck, baby!” was all Chan could say before a stream of moans came following yours as he came inside you. His thrusts were strong and felt never-ending as his hands grabbed your hips even tighter. Those hands were definitely going to leave bruises for you to enjoy tomorrow.
As Chan came down from his high, he collapsed onto your body. His head was on your chest as you both slowly came down from your highs. Chan held you there, enveloping you in his massive arms while you held his head in your arms, rubbing his sweaty strands of hair away from his forehead and neck.
“Was that as good as the honeymoon, baby?” Chan asked cheekily while smiling.
“Hmm… I mean… I think it could’ve been better, but-”
“But what??” Chan pouted as he began lifting his head to look at you. “I’m definitely way more experienced now compared to when we first got married, you know? I don’t think-”
“I’m kidding, babe. Calm down,” you said while forcing his head back onto your chest.
After a few more moments of silence, Chan began speaking again.
“I’m sorry for not being here for you, baby-” he started.
“It’s fine, baby. We’ve both been busy and working isn’t helping much, but we’ve come so far, and-”
“No, Y/N. This isn’t okay, and I want you to know that I’m sorry for being so shitty as your husband. I wanna make you happy, baby. I’m really sorry I couldn’t be the husband I promised you when we got married,” Chan interrupted.
“It takes two to make a marriage fall apart, Chan. I should’ve let you know how I was feeling instead of holding it in as well. I’m sorry too, and I accept your apology since you’re so keen on me listening to your apology.”
Nuzzling closer into your chest, Chan whispered “good.”
You felt a bit uncomfortable as your bladder needed to release.
“Babe, can you move please?”
“Why?” Chan asked. Before you could answer, he remembered. “—Oh, because you need to pee. Here, let me take you.” Before you could muster any protest, Chan had already gotten up and pulled you by your ankles to the edge of the bed. With a small yelp from you, Chan pulled the rest of your legs toward him, turning you to your side to carry you bridal style toward the bathroom.
“What?” Chan asked while looking down at your red and sulky face.
“I could’ve done that myself,” you pouted with your arms around his neck.
“Too bad, baby. I’m your husband, and I’m gonna do everything to make you happy,” he smiled as he plopped you onto the toilet.
“Can you turn away?” you asked him as he stared at you like a lost puppy waiting for its owner.
“You’re just peeing, Y/N. It’s nothing big. It’s pretty normal for a human being to pee. Are you embarrassed? Cause if that’s the case, we need to—”
“Chan. I. Need. My. Privacy. Please,” you said sternly while staring at him dead in the eyes.
“I mean…I’ve seen everything already, but if that’s the case then I’ll just go,” he said longingly while taking his sweet time closing the door.
Feeling your pee come, you had enough of his shenanigans and threw a roll of toilet paper at him.
“Ha! You missed!” Chan yelled as he quickly shut the door to avoid any more objects being thrown at him.
After handling your business, you got up to wash your hands at the sink outside of the bathroom (sinks are usually outside of the toilet area in bigger houses). While washing your hands, Chan appeared behind you admiring your figure.
“Can you not look at me like that?” you asked.
“Why? This is all mine, why can’t I enjoy it, hmm?” he asked as he began pulling you into his embrace with your back against his chest.
“I don’t look young anymore, Chan. And if you haven’t figured, I’ve gained so much weight—”
“Hey, don’t say that, hmm? We’re both growing old, and we’re gonna gain weight and have hunchbacks one day. We’re not gonna stay young forever. That’s boring, yeah?” he asked you.
Chan had always been so sweet with you. Even when you would be angry, he’d give you words to calm you down and make you slightly happier than before. You both had small differences that filled each other’s cracks, and that’s what made you both click so well from the beginning.
“Okay,” you complied as he reached down toward your legs.
“What are you—Chan!”
“I’m fulfilling my husband duties,” Chan said as he picked you up bridal style and brought you to one of the guest bedrooms in the house.
“Where are we going?” you asked.
“You squirted on the bed, baby. We are not going to sleep on the soaked sheets, no matter how dirty we are while making love, I’d love to sleep on dry sheets for the night,” he teased.
“Oh shut up-” you said while slightly punching his shoulder.
With a chuckle, Chan opened the door to the guest room and turned on the lamp on one side of the bed.
While putting you down onto the bed, he pulled the sheets over your cuddling bare bodies. You started to feel cold and nuzzled closer into Chan’s chest, wanting more of his body heat against your body.
Today had worn you out. It was more ideal than anything you could ask for. Leave it to Chan to make you the happiest woman in the world. No one could ever top him. You knew he knew that as well.
“I love you, Y/N,” Chan whispered against your forehead.
“I love you too, Chan,” you whispered back.
“You’re everything I’m gonna need to live this life, baby. There’s nothing that can change the way I feel about you.”
“I know. You can’t live without me,” you teased him.
After a small giggle fit, he pulled you even closer to his body while quietly agreeing, “I know. That’s why I always come home to you. You’re my safe haven when I have hard times. You see my bad sides and still love me. I love you so much, Y/N. Thank you for loving me.”
“Thank you for loving me too, Chan,” you kissed against his lips.
“You’re so beautiful, you know? There’s no one who can turn me on like you. Not just that, but every time I see you smile, it makes me feel like a little kindergartener seeing his crush every morning at school. And, you make me feel so loved and safe when I come home. Thank you for everything, Y/N. You’re literally the woman I’ve always needed in my life. I just love everything about you. I—” Chan blabbered as he cut himself off while looking down at you.
You had fallen asleep after thanking Chan--before he started blabbering. Smiling to himself, he brushed the piece of hair that was creeping up against the side of your face-threatening to cover your eyes. Kissing your forehead one last time, he whispered another “I love you” before fixing himself to sleep as well.
Author’s Note: This is part three guys! I hope you guys like it! It’s my first time writing smut, so forgive me if it’s kind of different :/. Anyways, let me know if you guys liked it! I’ll be making a part four, and it might be the last part of this series! Thank you for the few of you who read these! Feel free to send constructive criticism babes!
Tag list: @crispbang
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There's a team of heroes vs one villain in the town and one of the heroes gives the others away when they all decide cover up something awful. Villain applauds the hero for coming forward, showering them in praise and affection, but Hero is apprehensive about everything because under the masks they still were friends with the other heroes- and they betrayed them. With no friends and no job, however, they keep coming to Villain for their needs.
Request #16
Warning: torture, descriptions of harm & wounds.
Here you go! 💖💖
Hero couldn't believe what lay before their eyes. While they were out on patrol, their teammates had called them, telling them to get back to base immediately. Apparently, they had caught one of Villain's henchmen and were in the middle of interrogating them.
This, however, was not how Hero imagined their 'interrogation' would look like. Henchman's bruised and bloodied body was lying on the cold stone floor, shaking, their breathing dangerously heavy. "W-What happened?!"
"Oh, yeah, they didn't wanna talk, so we had to uh... get a little rough, ya know?" - Second Hero answered, calm and unbothered, Third Hero and Fourth Hero equally unconcerned.
"Anyway, where were we?" - Third Hero asked no one in particular as they moved closer to the fallen henchman. Calling forth their power, they continued, "This bitch still hasn't said a word."
Henchman tensed up, preparing for more pain, before Hero suddenly interrupted, "Hold on, uh- How about you let me take a crack at 'em, ay? And you guys go take a break; it looks like we're gonna be at it for a while."
The third hero considered their suggestion for a moment, not noticing the bead of sweat going down Hero's forehead, and then responded with a grin, "Aight, leave some for us to play with later, though."
The three blood-covered heroes exited the room chuckling, leaving Hero and Henchman alone. As the hero neared the beaten-up crook they tensed up, jaw locking tight.
They did flinch, however, as Hero's hand gently landed on their shoulder. The henchman dared a glance at them, and their confusion only grew as they saw the worry on the other's face. "Are- Are you alright?"
"Right, okay- you don't want to talk- uh... here." - Hero continued the one-sided conversation, carefully lifting Henchman into a bridal carry. The criminal tried to fight against them but only hissed as pain shot through their entire body. They rested their head against the hero's shoulder with a groan, letting them do as they pleased.
Hero called upon their power, their eyes glowing in the dimly lit room. Henchman was ready for pain, but to their surprise, the hero did not use their power to hurt them. Honestly, they weren't even sure what their power was, as they've never seen them use it.
The faint sound of pitter-patter caught their attention. The room's door opened, and through it came a... spider-shaped machine...? It was quite odd-looking, a short cylinder with some pointy legs attached to it, alongside what was probably cameras going all around its side, giving it three-sixty vision. The contraption was big, too, and apparently sturdy enough for the hero to stand atop it with the henchman still in their arms.
"W-Wha...?" - Henchman tried, but the Hero quickly cut them off, "I can control machines with my mind."
With a surge of power from the hero, the odd metallic spider moved again, taking them out of the interrogation room. It skittered along the ground before suddenly climbing onto the wall. Henchman yelped as they expected gravity to drag them to the floor but were surprised yet again as both humans and the robot moved horizontally to the ground without issue.
The henchman didn't even bother asking as they moved along the ceiling, traveling upside down; they just assumed it had something to do with magnets. They were very high up. The heroes' base had some awfully tall ceilings, but they supposed it was convenient in this scenario, as the two wouldn't easily be spotted. Upon looking up- or down? Whatever it was, they noticed they were currently in a lounge room, the other three heroes chatting amongst themself below them.
Both Henchman and Hero kept their mouths shut tight as they passed over the team and slithered into another room. Once the human chatter faded from their ears, they both let out a breath, the hero's machine speeding up, crawling to a nearby window.
As the cool outside air hit their face, the henchman let themself relax a bit in the other's hold, still confused but now more convinced that they were being helped. The sun had nearly set, and nighttime's darkness was slowly enveloping the city.
As the moon began rising into the sky, Hero and Henchman moved across rooftops and between alleyways, headed straight for Villain's lair.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"You know, I probably should've asked earlier..." - Henchman began. The two were standing atop a building, looking down at the villain's lair. " But why are you... helping me?"
"..." - Hero was silent at first, a pained frown taking over their face as they thought about their teammates, their friends. They never expected the three would do something like this...
"I... I couldn't just let them hurt you like that. It- It wasn't right..."
Without another word from either of them, they descended down the side of the building and moved closer to the guards stationed outside. Before entering the henchmen's line of sight, Hero moved off their machine, hiding it nearby, and walked closer.
They immediately became surrounded, power-enhanced guns pointed right at the hero. They stood still as a rifle was pressed against the back of their head, and Henchman was carefully taken from them. Their arms were then forced behind their back and put into power-suppressing cuffs.
As the henchmen dragged them along, they could only ponder whether this was a good idea or not. Hero should've thought this through a little bit better, shouldn't they have? It was a very rash decision on their part, but they couldn't just stand by and let the poor henchman get tortured!
They- They were a hero. Their teammates too! All four of them were, or rather, they were supposed to be. And heroes- Heroes weren't supposed to hurt people...
Lost amidst their thoughts, Hero failed to realize that they were already standing before the villain's office. The doors swung open, and they were thrown inside, falling to their knees. Villain looked unsurprised; their henchmen had no doubt informed them of the intruder as soon as they had appeared.
The doors closed and locked, and Hero was now alone with the enemy. The villain was staring down at them, arms crossed and a calculating look in their eyes as if they were trying to figure something out.
Villain was the first to break the silence, "You brought Henchman back."
"So I did."
Hero went to answer, but a frown returned to their face, the memory of seeing their friends being so casual about hurting someone... It... It just...
"It wasn't right..." - they muttered, the villain barely understanding their words. "They were hurting them... Torturing them..."
"And even though they're your teammates, you still went against them and saved one of my henchmen." - Villain said, a grin taking over their face as they knelt down to the other's level. The hero grew confused as the villain took hold of their chin, locking their eyes.
"I must say, Hero. This was very unexpected but brave of you."
"So, what are you going to do now? Do you have any... evidence of what your little friends did?" - Villain continued as they undid their restraints, letting them stand.
Hero's eyes widened both at the villain's actions and as they realized that they did, in fact, have something, "The security footage..."
"Well, there ya go!" - the villain exclaimed, giving them an oddly reassuring pat on the shoulder. Why were they suddenly being so friendly to the hero? Not to mention they just... uncuffed them like it was nothing!
"Hey, uh... Villain?" - Hero started, uncertainty clear in their voice. They watched as the criminal moved to their desk and sat down. They trailed after them and continued, "I don't mean to be rude or anything, but um... why the sudden... friendliness?"
"You saved one of mine and returned them to me. Is it bad that I'm grateful?" - Villain responded, tilting their head to the side and observing the hero curiously. Hero seemed a bit shocked, if not flustered at their reply.
"Ah, well, no- it's not a bad thing! I just- uh-" - Hero attempted a reply, but the villain's chuckle ended their ramble. They stood there unsure of how to proceed and just let the other talk.
"Why don't I repay you, hmm?" - Villain asked with a smirk and a look that made Hero's face hot.
"Uh- Repay me h-how?"
"I'll help you bring your friend's misdeed to light." - they answered, adoring the slight embarrassment the hero couldn't hide. They obviously knew where Hero thought that was going to go; they made them think that on purpose. Villain just couldn't help themself; the hero was always so adorable when they tried to avoid their gaze in that shy manner of theirs.
"O-Oh, right."
Giving Hero an amused look, the villain stood and went for the door, motioning for them to follow. Together, they went to expose the hero's teammates.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A few weeks had gone by, and the footage of Hero's teammates torturing Henchman had gone viral online. Millions of people had seen it already and were raising hell, demanding answers from Organization.
The hero had also stepped forward and spoke about it. They thought that this was the right thing to do. They thought that the higher-ups would be pleased with them for bringing such a crime to light. But instead of praise, Hero was met with hostility and threats. They had no choice but to leave behind their heroic work and go into hiding.
As the days went by, they became more and more paranoid, terrified that the organization would find and catch them. Luck, however, seemed to be on their side. A little while after they had gone off the radar, the villain had found them and offered them their help.
Hero was very apprehensive about taking up their offer but nonetheless found themself regularly coming back to Villain's lair. With no job and no friends of any kind, the villain was now, ironically, their only ally.
You'd think that Hero could just find a new job, right? Something normal for a change, but no. That was unfortunately not an option; not only did their teammates know what their face looked like, but so did the rest of the world now. Organization had exposed their face to the globe, and now there was no going back.
They pondered over all of this, questioning what to do. At first, Hero had been living off of whatever scraps they could find, only occasionally coming to Villain for help. But now? They were practically living in their lair, and they hated it. It made them feel like a leech.
Another thing that bothered the hero greatly was that not only did the villain supply them with food and shelter, but they also, at some point, started to take care of their more... emotional needs. Reassuring them, praising them, holding them, it- it was confusing but... welcome...
And it was actually happening right now. The two were currently in Villain's courters, lying on their bed. The villain was on their back, with the hero on top of them, their bodies facing each other. Hero's face burned hotter than the sun as they cuddled, the other's arms wrapped around them, one hand petting their head. How they got into this situation, Hero did not know.
"You know my other offer still stands, right?" - Villain asked softly, breaking them out of their thoughts. The hero snuggled their face deeper into their chest, too embarrassed to look at them before muttering, "I know..."
"Then why not take it? I'd love it if you joined me." - the villain whispered in their ear, making them shiver a bit. Hero had to admit, they have considered the offer quite a few times now. They just... weren't sure if they'd be...
"Would I even be good enough for this...?" - the hero questioned, slightly tilting their head so that they could glance at the other. Villain's hand moved from their head to their chin, lifting it and locking their eyes.
"Oh, of course, you'd be good enough! You'd be even better than that!" - the villain reassured, a gentle look overtaking their features.
"R-Really?" - the hero was still unsure, but they couldn't help but relax under the criminal's gaze and touch.
"Yes, really. After all, you saved my henchman so exceptionally! Sneaking around those heroes and through the city like it was nothing!" - Villain praised, and Hero found themself slowly believing them.
They lay there silently for a moment, Hero battling internally before finally deciding, "A-Alright, I... I'll join you!"
"Marvelous~." - the villain purred, and a new chapter began for both of them.
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itrytowrite-things · 4 years
Murder podcasts
Spencer Reid x reader 
Summary: Y/N has a tendency to listen to murder podcasts while doing chores, one day Spencer comes in unannounced scaring Y/N into action. (This summary sucks but it’s fluffy) 
A/N: shout out to @with-paint, she helped me form some of this fic so check them out. 
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The eerie background music and narrator filled the kitchen as I scrubbed diligently at a plate. I blinked down at it, trying in vain to remember what the hell I used it for that would cause such a stubborn stain of food. Sighing, I squeezed the soap bottle some more and ran hot water over it. Maybe soaking it would help? 
Grabbing a few of the cups I had washed, I spun around from the sink to a towel I had laid out earlier. I scrunched my nose as cold soap suds ran down my arm, hit my elbow and fell to the floor in a sticky mess I didn’t want to deal with right now. 
I was so engrossed in the podcast playing over the Alexa that I barely even processed the grueling chore that was longer than normal. I was lost in the words, that an hour longer scrubbing at dishes seemed almost fun. The dishwasher had completely died a couple of weeks ago. 
Normally Spencer would speed read the manual to figure out what was wrong with the stupid machine. But unfortunately, his case in Michigan was taking longer than he anticipated. So, he hadn’t been home to look into it, leaving me to hand wash the dishes. I didn’t mind, it was a mindless task and allowed me to catch up on my favorite podcast. 
“They found her body a week later, twenty minutes from their house,” I shook my head at that, case freaking solved. Her husband obviously killed her. I mean there’s no way the police didn’t solve this case, come on.
I moved from the towel back to the sink, sticking my hands back into the soapy water. I always believed that I should be a detective. I could solve these cases easily, Spencer claims that suspicion can only take me so far and the reason that they don’t catch the guy is not because they don’t suspect it, but because they don’t have hard evidence. I normally just scoff and give him a kiss knowing that I would get the bad guy in the end, “hard evidence” my ass. 
“Two months later the police came in and found Jeff’s disembodied head laying on their kitchen counter.” My jaw dropped and I turned around furiously, bringing a wet butter knife with me, on instinct I pointed the knife at the device. 
“Oh shit.” I said to the speaker, as if it were relaying the case itself. Well turns out I was wrong. I cleared my throat and lowered the stupid knife. I placed it down and tried my best to look less scandalized. We all make mistakes. So I might have been a little off in my husband theory, but I mean I had only heard half the case at that point so it doesn’t speak anything of my amazing detective skills. I nodded at that and tossed the knife into a little stack of silverware. The metallic sound echoing around the kitchen. I smirked at my good throw and turned back to the sink. 
I quickly got into the true grove of washing the dishes, listening to the more gruesome details of the case. Turns out the killer did quite a number on old Jeff. I was halfway done with the remaining dishes when I felt a tap on my shoulder sending my heart into a frenzy. 
I whirled around quickly bringing the closest item with me as a weapon. The plastic spatula slapped the asalint straight in the face creating an awfully loud twack sound that bounced off the kitchen walls. I blinked in horror at realizing who exactly was standing in front of me. 
Spencer's cheek turned red immediately. 
“Oh my god! Spence! I am so sorry!” I dropped the spatula and brought my other hand to his face trying to soothe his skin. My hand was covered in water and soap suds, and it dripped down his face onto the already wet floor.
“I am so so sorry. You scared me.” I rubbed my thumb over the spot, feeling his heated skin. Jesus, I felt awful. I didn’t hold anything back when I hit him. I figured I was fending for my life, not greeting my boyfriend. 
“It’s okay.” His much larger hand cupped mine removing it from his face. The redness had died down a little, making his skin a rosy pink instead of the previous bright red. He looked adorable which only made me feel worse. Who looks that cute after getting slapped in the face with a spatula? 
Spencer startled me yet again when a chuckle came bubbling out of him. His laugh was like someone bottled the sound of happiness. It made my own laughter arise every time without a doubt even if I didn’t understand what was funny.
“I guess I don’t have to worry about you protecting yourself.” A loud squeak sound emitted from my body unexpectedly followed by more laughter. I slapped him very lightly across the chest, kissing his unharmed cheek. 
“You're lucky I wasn’t cutting vegetables.” I said,  rustling my way into his arms pulling his body against my tightly, loving the way his laughter shook my entire body. I felt the short press of his lips against the crown of my head before tucking my head into the nook of his neck. I inhaled deeply, taking the scent of him with me. The apartment had started to lose its scent with him being gone for so long. I was beyond eager for the apartment to smell like us again.
“I think those podcasts are giving you wild ideas.” 
“They would never find your body Dr.Reid.” I teased, poking gently at his side making him squirm in my grip. Another round of laughter filled the small space, it was only when it died down that I realized my podcast was still running in the background. 
“Alexa, stop,” I shouted into the air stopping the podcast. “The neighbor did it.” I said with coincidence knowing that my answer was correct this time. Spencer let out a belt of laughter, nodding his head, a big grin on his face. 
I pulled back from Spencer taking in his features for the first time. He looked tired, his eye bags had doubled creating a skunk in effect. I could see the trouble in his eyes, the case was hard. It killed me to see him after a hard case, he looked more and more defeated after each one. However, it was what he loved doing and my job wasn’t to erase the trauma of his job, but to ease him back into daily life. I thumbed his eye bags lazily, a pout taking over my face. 
“You wanna take a shower and I’ll start us some dinner.” I asked gently. Not wanting to completely destroy the quiet we created. He nodded slightly looking younger than ever. I quickly pulled him back into me taking all of his weight. “I love you bub.” His hair felt silky against my fingertips as I disentangled the curls. 
“Love you too.” He mumbled, his heated breath warming my skin. I waited a few comfortable minutes rocking our conjoined bodies in the cozy silence of our kitchen, I took a deep breath and said what was on my mind. 
“You wanna talk about it?”
I don’t ever ask Spencer for the details of his cases. He either goes into a tangent without prompting or doesn’t feel like talking about it. I used to think that talking to Spencer about his job would be like listening to my murder podcasts. It honestly was one of the things I was excited for, but I soon found out it’s nothing like that.
When Spencer spoke of cases it was personal. He felt every death that was caused and saw every killing through the eyes of monsters. He held so much emotion in his voice when he spoke of the victims, that I often can’t help but cry. How a person can hold that much pain and still continue to do it everyday, is beside me. 
He shook his head, squeezing my torso before finally pulling back and placing a soft kiss to my lips. 
I continued the dishes, washing the last few. I left the podcast off, listening instead to the shower from down the hall. I scrubbed off the last of the grime before starting the oven. A simple dinner was always best in these situations. I pulled out a pre-made chicken pot pie from the freezer and placed it in the oven. 
As I moved to dry and put away the dishes while waiting for pie to finish. Spencer emerged from the bathroom freshly bathed. He wore a thin gray shirt paired with some soft looking sweatpants. My upper lip jutted out automatically. God I love him. 
“Feel better?” I kept my voice low, not wanting to startle any peace that the shower might have brought him. He nodded slowly. 
“What did you cook?”
“A chicken pot pie, I hope that’s okay.” 
“It’s perfect.” He smiled and returned to my arms, kissing my neck once before tucking his head into my neck. The edge of his wet hair scraped against my skin in an uncomfortable way, yet I only moved enough to rub circles into his back. 
A loud beep emitted from the oven caused me to jump in Spencer's arms. He let out a small chuckle. 
“Pick us something to watch and I’ll plate us some food.” I hummed turning my back to him. I heard him walking towards the living room as I bent to retrieve the hot food. 
Spencer sat criss cross on the couch, Les Enfants du Paradis was displayed on the TV. I handed him the steaming bowl and sat down, sitting close enough for our knees to knock together. I have no idea what Les Enfants du Paradis was, but I would watch literally anything he wanted as long as he was here. 
“It’s in French, but I figured I could whisper the translations to you while we watch. Or I could pick something else?” 
“No! This is perfect Spence. I love it when you translate, you tell the story better.” He let out a little blush highlighting his previous slap mark. I bit my lip and winced slightly, “How’s your face?” 
He touched the spot faintly, he didn’t wince when his fingers made contact which was a good sign. However, I have an inkling that a small bruise would form in the center of the slap which was going to be a fun story to tell his colleagues Monday. 
“I’ve had worse, but you wield a lot of power with a cheap piece of plastic.”
“I am professionally trained in the art of spatula wielding Spence, don’t try that at home.” I stared at him, my face blank before a blast of laughter came out of both of us. One can only be so serious when you are talking about slapping people in the face with kitchen utensils. 
Spencer started up the movie, and we remained there for the rest of the evening. Laughter and dramatic sighs followed by even more dramatic translations from Spencer. At some point he went so off script that even I could tell his story was bullshit. I didn’t call him out though just allowed him to spit nonsense, I would let him create fake French stories until he was blue in the face if that meant we got to stay in this happy bubble forever. 
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mummybear · 4 years
Daddy’s Dirty Little Secret
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Words: 4,002
Warnings: Daddy Kink, Swearing, Cheating, Smut, Oral Sex (Female Receiving), Lots Of Dirty Talk, Secret Sex, Slight Choking, Possessive Jensen, Size Kink. (Think that’s it!)
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Nanny(Babysitter)Reader
Summary: One night it’s extremely and unseasonably cold and you’re trying to fight it off, when you get a surprise visitor.
A/N: So I know it’s been a while since my last post guys, sorry! Hope this one is worth the wait though! It went from a drabble to a one shot, and almost to a mini series but I stopped myself haha :P Enjoy! 
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Today had also been an unusually difficult day, with two of the three kids being ill, even then though they were still completely adorable. You love your job, being a live in nanny is like nothing else, there was just something so rewarding about it. It of course helps that the children that you look after are so good, at least most of the time. Spending all day with them and most of the evening for well over three years now, you had grown extremely close to them, in fact you’d grown close to the entire family. 
Even if you did have some kind of an intense crush on their father, you’d managed to keep it hidden surprisingly well considering. That man was just goddamn ridiculous in your own defence, he was damn near perfect, and you wanted more than anything to find something wrong with him that you could focus on, but nope, not a thing, not one thing in three freaking years.
You pull your duvet up higher around your shoulders, yet again distracted by the cold. It was unseasonably cold for this time of year, and it didn’t seem to matter how hard you tried, you were still freezing cold. Your oversized t-shirt barely reaches your mid thighs, and you really wish that the rest of your pyjamas weren’t still in the wash. You want to get out of bed and wrap your fluffy robe around yourself beneath the duvet, but you can’t bring yourself to get out of bed to get it. 
You’re so tired that you eventually feel yourself starting to drift off, but before you manage it completely you hear your door clicking closed and being locked as someone stumbles inside. You rationalise that it must be one of the kids out of bed, you feel the covers lift and you shiver at the cold breeze which sneaks beneath the duvet with the body. But before you can turn and tell the little one you’ll take them back to bed, you stiffen in surprise. Feeling a strong pair of warm arms wrap around your waist before you're pulled back into a solid warm chest. 
There’s only one person it could possibly be, but that doesn't make any sense, he’d never done anything like this before, maybe he’d gotten into the wrong bed by accident? He had been out drinking. 
You have to sink your teeth into your bottom lip when his warm calloused hands slip beneath your long t-shirt, one hand moves under your body, pulling you back impossibly closer, before the same hand curls around your hip. His free hand continues up your body, moving slowly over the dip in your waist and over your ribs. 
You’re breathing hard, your heart thudding in your chest. You know you need to say something, but he feels so damn good, and the arousal is already pooling in your panties.
“Mmm, fuck you feel so good, baby girl. So soft,” he groans under his breath as he nuzzles against your neck, breath warm against your skin. You can smell the alcohol now, which confirms your suspicions. 
“J-Jensen? I...uh, oh, fuck…” you whimper, feeling his big warm hand cup and squeeze your breast.
“I think you might be in the wrong bed.” 
Jensen chuckles against your skin as he drags his teeth over your earlobe.
“But you’re so cold, don’t you want daddy to warm you up?” he purrs, pressing kisses against your neck and along your shoulders.
Your head is spinning, and you would swear you were dreaming if his skin wasn’t so warm against yours. God you know it’s wrong, and it’s fucked up, but you don’t want him to go.
“B-But, Jensen, you’re drunk… what about if you wake up in the morning and regret being in here with me?” 
“Aww, isn’t that sweet. You worried about takin’ advantage of me, princess?” he asks, and you can hear the humour lacing his tone as he moves his hand slightly, and gently pinches your nipple between his thumb and forefinger. You arch into his touch and press your ass back into the impressive bulge in his pants. 
Jensen’s fingers flex around your hip and tighten slightly, drawing you back against him tighter. 
“I think that all depends on just how drunk you are,” you breathe out shakily, as his stubble grazes your neck and he chuckles quietly.
“Don’t you worry, baby girl. I know exactly what I’m doing, I was just too chicken shit to do it before. The drink was already arranged, so I had to go, but I couldn’t stop thinking about last night, those pretty little noises I heard you makin’,” he groans deeply, dragging his teeth over the patch of skin just below your ear, and it makes your belly flip in anticipation, but at the same time you’re worried about just how much he’d heard.
You swallow thickly, before pulling out of his hold and turning over to face him with wide eyes. 
“Exactly how much did you hear?” you ask nervously, but coming face to him is harder than you’d first realised. God he looks so good, and you find yourself getting distracted, even by the little that you can see that isn’t hidden.
His hair is a complete sexy mess on top of his head, his eyes are a much darker green than you’ve ever seen them, and his lips look just a little more swollen and plump, just begging you to bite them. He’s shirtless, that much you could tell as soon as he’d climbed into your bed, but his boxers are still on. You are extremely aware of the fact that you're staring, and becoming more distracted by the second, when Jensen’s deep chuckle pulls you out of your thoughts.
Jensen bites his lip, clearly trying and failing to bite back a smirk. 
“Like what you see I take it?” he chuckles, looking like a deadly combination between sexy and cocky, and then you feel his hand smoothing up your leg slowly, his thumb pressing in harder against your inner thigh as he moves, and your breath hitches in your throat.
“S-Shut up… A-And answer the question,” you stutter, regretting what you had said instantly and sounding way more nervous that you’d planned to. His eyes narrow, as he looks at you and you swallow thickly, rolling onto your back to try and create a little distance between the two of you, but he only gets closer and you notice the tick in his jaw.
“You wanna repeat that?” he all but growls, and you quickly shake your head. 
“N-No, Daddy. I’m sorry,” you whisper as innocently as you can manage. Trying to go along with what he had said earlier, and going by the deep groan that it pulls from his lips, you’d judged the situation correctly.
“Mmm, such a good girl, you do learn fast, I’m impressed. But since you wanna know so bad, I heard everything, sweetheart. Every perfect little moan, and every single time you begged for my cock. I especially loved hearing you say that you wanted to be my perfect little slut. That still true, baby girl? You still want that?” he asks rasps, tracing your bottom lip with his thumb, just as his hand stops between your legs and his fingers brush over the damp patch in your panties.
“F-Fuck… Jensen. We shouldn’t be doing this,” you whimper loudly, feeling his fingers press against your clothed pussy with a little more pressure. 
“You let me worry about that, baby girl. Answer the question, say it, come on,” he demands softly, moving his fingers up and down your clothed slit slowly, pausing as he eyes lock with yours, and he starts circling your throbbing clit.
You take a deep breath before nodding, but he cocks his eyebrow questioningly at you, as if he needs to hear you say it. So decide to risk your voice barely coming out.
“Fuck… Yes, I still want it. I uh, I still wanna be your dirty little slut,” you whisper hotly against his lips, swallowing thickly when Jensen smirks at you in that way that only he can, and you swear all the air has been stolen from your lungs.
You shuffle up the bed, and he follows as you rest your back against the pillows. His plump parted lips are only a breath away, and you can’t take it anymore. You close the distance between the two of you, wrapping your arms around his neck and your lips crash against his, in a needy and heated kiss. Jensen growls against your lips and wraps a fist in the back of your hair in an attempt to pull you closer as he eagerly responds, your scalp stings slightly at the tug, but you welcome the pain. 
It feels like he’s everywhere, his big strong hands all over you. You only break apart so he can roughly tug your t-shirt over your head, then his hands and lips are back on you. The cold in the room is no longer a concern, you’re too hot to even notice it now, you push your fingers into the back of his hair and gently pull his head back.
He nibbles your bottom lip between his teeth, and groans deeply in his chest when he finally lets you pull back so you can both breathe. 
“I’ve wanted to do this for ages, the amount of times I’ve jacked it in the shower thinkin’ about you in those tight little shorts and jeans, baby girl. And don’t even get me started on that perfect little mouth of yours, thinking about how fast I could have you down on your knees is fucking torture.” You whimper at his words, and your fingers tighten on him as he keeps talking. 
“Wanna feel every fucking part of you… take you wherever you stand, and make you scream. And fuck... it’s so hot hearing you say it again. Except now, I can feel how wet your tight little cunt is, not just hear it through the wall.”
You’re in no doubt that you’re blushing hard,it’s an effect he’d had on you from the day he’d hired you. And hearing those words on his perfect lips paired with the tone of his voice, is enough to have your stomach doing backflips. Not to mention he had just kissed every ounce of resolve about this being a bad idea from your mind, now all you can think about is him, consequences be damned.
“I… shit… could you really hear it?” you ask a little nervously, as he tugs your panties down your legs and tosses them over his shoulder. You watch him closely as he crawls between your legs and lays on his stomach, and you swear a new wave of arousal hits you as he looks up at you with those darkened green eyes.
He’s wearing that shit eating grin again when his eyes lock with yours, and he hums quietly, nibbling on his bottom lip thoughtfully. 
“Every single sexy sound, you got yourself so fuckin’ wet thinking about it didn’t you?” he purrs, pushing your legs up the bed, so that they bend at the knees, and then you let them fall open before his eyes. Enjoying the way his gaze immediately drops to your slick heat, but you’re unable to speak, seeing the look that crosses his face. 
“Almost came in here, just to shut you up… didn’t want you waking up the entire house, and believe me, you were close. But I guess Daddy needs to pay the nanny a little attention too, huh?” 
Jensen ducks his head, but his eyes remain on yours as his lips press against your inner thigh, and his stubble prickles deliciously at your skin, when he slowly kisses and bites his way up to where you need him the most.
“Always get wet when I think about you, Jensen. I wish you had come in. I'm sure there are plenty of ways you could've shut me up, or made me louder,” you reveal quietly, feeling your heart jump in your chest when he sucks at your skin and drags his teeth over the mark you're sure he’s left behind.
"Oh baby girl, you have no idea just how many ways I’ve thought about doing it," he all but growls, his lips a mere breath away from your slick pussy. When the tip of his nose nudges against your clit and you can't hold back the whimper of pleasure.
He’s hardly touched you, and you could swear your body is about to catch fire. You have to stop the urge you have to clamp your thighs around his head, when he suddenly flattens his tongue and licks you from your entrance to your throbbing clit with a deep rumbling moan. Your hands fist in the sheets beside your hips when he starts fucking you with his tongue, his big calloused hands move to grip under the backs of your knees and he presses them back against your chest.
“Sonofa…” you gasp, feeling the heat pooling in your stomach, the words get stuck on the tip of your tongue, and the look in his eyes is about to be the death of you.
“Hold your legs back baby,” he instructs you huskily, pulling away just long enough to speak, before he’s back between your thighs, and his tongue is back inside you, sending you closer to the edge as he hits every spot perfectly.
You do as you’re told, wrapping your arms around your legs and holding them back, just as you toss your head back into the pillows and bite your lip. Desperately trying not to cry out like you need to. But then his fingers start to circle your clit, applying just the right amount of pleasure, moving in time with his tongue and you’re so fucking close to the edge that you feel delirious.
“Daddy, please. I’m so close,” you whine needily, you feel Jensen smirk against you and he withdraws his tongue, only to replace it with two thick fingers.
He eases the thick digits in teasingly, watching your body arch into his touch. 
“So fuckin’ sexy baby girl, so tight around my fingers. Can’t wait to feel this tight little cunt wrapped around my cock.”
You drop your legs and grip at the top of his hair harshly as he ducks his head again, and his lips wrap around your clit, everything is steadily becoming too much, and you have to slap your free hand over your mouth to stop your screams.
Jensen growls against your clit when your fingers tighten in his perfect mess of hair, sending vibrations shooting through every nerve and your hips arch closer, until they’re pressed down into the mattress by his strong arm. His fingers are moving fast and hard, scissoring and then curling at just the right times, you can feel his biceps bulging against your leg and stomach with the effort he’s putting in. 
“Gonna… oh God! Please!” you cry out behind your hand, as his tongue starts flicking at your clit in time with his fingers moving inside you. 
Your entire body goes stiff, attempting to arch as your orgasm smashes into you hard. You’re vaguely aware of his tongue lapping at everything you give, with a humming approval, as your body shakes violently beneath him, you’re not sure you’ve ever come that hard in your entire life. 
Before you know it he’s pulling away, and your eyes flutter open just in time to find Jensen flinging his boxers over his shoulder, with a cocky as hell smirk on those plump lips. Your eyes instinctively drop lower, and you feel your breath catch in your throat. Your words accidentally tumble from your lips without there being any way to stop them.
“Is that gonna fit,” you swallow thickly, practically choking on the words, quickly catching yourself before you say any more you clamp your mouth closed, but you don’t miss Jensen’s smirk curling at the corners of his lips.
He moves over you, so that his body is covering yours, leaning on an elbow so his free hand can reach for your face. You feel like you can hardly breathe. The look he’s giving you is so intense, he lets his fingers slowly trail along your jaw, and then his thumb rests against your chin and your lips instinctively part.
“Oh, it’ll fit baby girl. Don’t you worry about that, we’re gonna make it,” he purrs, kissing the corner of your lips.
Before you can kiss him like you really want to, he backs off again, onto his knees between your parted thighs. He shuffles forward and drags your ass up onto his thighs, and takes his cock in his hand, his eyes roaming freely over your body as he starts to work his hand over himself. He taps his cock against your clit several times, and you bite your lip as you squirm beneath him, desperate for more, but you freeze when you feel the thick head of his cock pressing against your dripping entrance.
“Make it fit, Daddy,” you whimper, cupping your tits in your hands, and rolling your hardened nipples between your thumbs and forefingers.
“Oh, you just watch me, sweetheart.” He grabs your legs and pulls them against his solid chest, and his hands drop to your hips and you feel his fingers digging into your skin bruisingly.  
His jaw is clenched tightly as he eases the tip of his cock inside you. It’s extremely clear he isn’t used to going slowly, and if you’re honest you don’t want him to.
“Do it, fill me up. Just fuck me, I can take it Daddy, please. I don’t wanna wait any more.”
Jensen’s eyes lock with yours and he bites into his bottom lip, and the thick veins in his neck become more visible.
“No baby, you’re gonna take what I give you. So fuckin’ wet for me, I bet I could just slide right inside you if I wanted to, stuff you full in one thrust,” he grits out, like that’s exactly what he wants to do, but he’s clearly intent on torturing the both of you. You can feel your blood rushing in your ears as you look down your body at him and pout at him. 
You’re trying to push down onto him further, but Jensen’s grip on your hips is unyielding and bruising. 
“Jensen, please,” you beg pathetically, watching the way his eyes flick up from your pussy and lock on yours.
“No, Y/N. I want you to feel every fucking inch of my thick cock stretching out this tight little cunt,” his voice is practically a growl at this point, and you don’t remember ever being this turned on in your life. 
Your hands drop from your breasts to fist at the bedsheets beside your bodies, as Jensen starts to gently rock his hips, you notice the way his eyes are locked on his cock as he fucks into you teasingly slow. 
“Fuck, Jensen. Feels so good, your voice…” you gasp loudly, cutting yourself off as his hips snap against yours and he fills you completely.
“So fuckin’ tight and wet Y/N… shit. You like my dirty mouth, baby girl? You like hearing about how I’m gonna destroy this pussy, use your body for all it’s worth?” 
“Oh God, yes! Always did love your voice,” you pant out harshly between whimpers, feeling your heart hammering in your chest.
Jensen starts to thrust his hips, pulling out almost all of the way, before effortlessly sliding back inside you with a rumbling groan, picking up a steady rhythm that has you gasping for breath all over again. You can tell he’s holding back, but you can’t stop looking at him, or the sweat clings to his tanned skin. Noticing the way his arms bulge with his tight grip on your hips, his plump bottom lip caught between his teeth, and the look of complete pleasure which has overtaken his gorgeous features.
He looks back up to meet your eyes, “Yeah? You like being Daddy’s dirty little secret too?” he groans, his pace increasing, until you can hear the slapping of your skin against his echoing around the room. 
You can’t help the loud moan that leaves your lips, because fuck, you really do. Every precise thrust has him repeatedly hitting your G-spot. 
“Yes, oh God yes, I love being your dirty secret,” you cry out, louder than you mean to, feeling your orgasm beginning to burn hard in your stomach. Jensen shifts suddenly, until his body is over yours, keeping your legs pressed against his chest. 
Before you can let out a pleasured scream at the new angle, Jensen’s big hand covers your mouth. You can hardly think let alone breathe, he’s so deep inside you that every hard thrust has you sure you’ll feel his cock for a week.
Jensen’s head drops into the crook of your neck and shoulder, his breath hot against your skin, he turns slightly, until his plump lips are angled towards your ear.
“Good. Because I ain’t letting this pussy go now, princess. You’re. All. Fucking. Mine,” he grunts out, punctuating each word with a particularly hard and deep thrust. You nod several times, loving how possessive he’s being. He pulls back suddenly and his hand drops from your mouth to wrap around your throat.
“Say it,” he demands, eyes dark and dangerous.
Your pussy clenches hard around his cock and you moan his name, “all yours, Daddy. Only yours,” you manage to rasp out, squeezing your eyes closed as your climax threatens to explode.
“Good girl. Now, fucking look at me when you come all over my cock.” 
Your eyes snap open at his command, only to see the intense gaze in his eyes as he looks down at you. His cock is filling you perfectly, and he’s so deep, stretching you more than you’d ever been before, and you don’t ever want it to end, but you’re so close.
White hot pleasure clouds your vision when Jensen tilts his hips a little more, and those final thrusts throw you over the edge and into the oblivion of your orgasm. You faintly feel his grip tighten on your throat as you silently scream his name, only vaguely aware of him growling your name against your skin as he thrusts deep inside you and his body stills.
When you finally start to come down, you can feel your climax mixed with his leaking out around his cock. He’s still panting hard, and when you open your eyes he’s gently lowering your legs before he pulls out, with a soft moan of his own, and flops down on the mattress beside you.
“Jesus Christ,” you half laugh, turning on your side to face him.
“Fuck, princess, you can say that again,” Jensen sighs contentedly, throwing a strong arm over your waist and pulling you against him as he rolls onto his back.
You smile against his skin, pressing soft kisses above his wildly beating heart, enjoying how his fingers start combing through your hair, which was something that you definitely hadn’t expected from him. You bite your lip as you look up at him and you can’t help feel a little nervous, “you should probably get going, Jay, I don’t want you getting caught in here,” you all but whisper, as you start to remember he’s actually your married boss.
“Oh, so it’s Jay now, huh? No more Daddy, please?” Jensen smirks, brushing the tips of his fingers over the dip in your hip.
“Jensen, don’t tease me like that,” you tell him, barely above a whisper trying to hide the waver in your voice.
“I told you. I’m not letting you go now, sweetheart. Sleep for now, we’ll talk in the mornin’. Besides, like I said you’re all mine.” 
Bolded wouldn’t tag guys sorry!
All Tags:  @chewie-redbird @julzdec @lettersofwrittencollective @stiles-o-dylan24 @mogaruke @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @dylanholyhellobrien @desireepow-1986 @lilulo-12 @22sarah08 @negans-lucille-tblr​ @cockslut-padalecki​ @deanwanddamons​ @simsadventures​  @charmed-asylum​ @nicole-lynne​ @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog​ @defenderrosetyler​ @emilyshurley​ @foxyjwls007​ @mylovelydame21​ @sunshineandwings86 @akshi8278​ @peaches007​ @stylesismyhubs​ @peachyyybabyy​ @fantasy-myth1​ @death-unbecomes-you​ @coffeebooksandfandom​ @magssteenkamp​
Jensen/Dean Tags: @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @hobby27​ @littlelonewolfgirl @ladywinchester1967​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @maddiepants​ @spnfanfic-reblogs​ @holylulusworld​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @sonofabringmesomepie​ @deans-baby-momma​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @hhiggs​ @pisces-cutie​ @trina44sb @heartsaved​ @matsumama​ @adoptdontshoppets​ @beth-winchester21​ @doctor-hp-mcu​ @mrspeacem1nusone​ @fanddoms4love​ @deanmonandnegansbitch​ @nihilismworld​ @bxbyizzy @noobwuvsj2 @lyarr24​ @hearteyes-j2​
Pond Tags: @aprofoundbondwithdean​ @manawhaat​  @nichelle-my-belle​ @notnaturalanahi​ @deanscarlett​ @roxy-davenport​ @impala-dreamer​ @samsgoddess​ @frenchybell​ @scorpiongirl1​ @deandoesthingstome​ @deansleather​ @curliesallovertheplace​ @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname​ @waywardjoy​ @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious​ @kayteonline​ @supernatural-jackles​ @wevegotworktodo​ @quiddy-writes​ @babypieandwhiskey​ @supermoonpanda​ @deanwinchesterforpromqueen​ @chaos-and-the-calm67-blog​ @memariana91​ @teamfreewill-imagine​ @chelsea-winchester​ @becs-bunker​ @castieltrash1​ @supernaturalyobessed​ @ruined-by-destiel​ @winchester-writes​ @maraisabellegrey-blog​ @faith-in-dean​ @winchestersmolder​ @bennyyh​ @clueless-gold​ @deanwinchesterxreader​ @winchester-family-business​ @there-must-be-a-lock​ @just-another-winchester​ @cas-backwards-tie​ @winecatsandpizza​ @firefly-in-darkness​
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biceraswitch · 3 years
What Brats Deserve
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Pairing: daddy!Steve x brat!reader
Summary: Steve knows just how to punish you when you are acting like a brat.
Warnings: smut, spanking, crying, dom/sub, daddy kink, fingering, oral (female receiving)
Words: 2k
A/N: Honestly just been craving a good spanking lately and this is what happened...
He had been at work all day, busy planning everything for next week's mission and you had been stuck at home missing him. He had promised he would have extra days off this week to make up for the time he was going to be away. However, nothing had run to schedule and now he was needing to go in to work everyday, much to your annoyance. Although you understood why he needed to go to work you weren’t happy about it.
Today had been particularly bad, you had woken up to him already gone. At midday Steve had rang to check on you and let you know he would probably be late home. You didn’t take the news well and you *may* have sworn at him a few times, feeling angry that you had barely seen him all week. You hung up on him in the middle of him apologising and had refused to answer any of his calls or texts for the rest of the day. So now you found yourself standing in your room, dressed only in a pair of your panties and a t-shirt, with a very grumpy Steve sat on the bed across from you.
“We’ve talked about this before babygirl. You can’t just ignore me when you are annoyed or angry, you have to talk to me”
You glared at Steve and refused to talk. He was the one in the wrong here - he was the one who promised to be at home and then went to work.
“If you keep ignoring me then I’ll have to punish you. You know the rules princess”
“No that’s stupid Daddy” you whined before a pout settled on your face.
His eyebrows raised and he tilted his head “Oh so that’s how you want to play it tonight huh? Gonna be a fucking brat?”
“Get your ass over here right now” he growled patting his knee. You shook your head.
“The longer you make me wait babygirl the longer your ass will be hurting”
Stubbornly refusing to budge you stared him down, narrowing your eyes.
He stared back with as much determination as you. Neither side wanted to forfeit, you were at a stalemate.
“If you're not over my knee by the time I count to three that pussy is gonna be getting spanked instead. One…., Two….”
You had been so determined to win tonight but the thought of Steve treating your pussy to one of his spankings was too much. Your legs almost gave out as you crossed the short distance to Steve.
You cut Steve off as you hurriedly bent over his lap, toes barely touching the floor as you reached your body over Steve's legs.
“That was close, babygirl. Thought I was finally going to get the chance to properly punish that sweet little cunt of yours.” He reached between your legs to cup your pussy. His fingers skillfully found your clit, rubbing small circles that sent waves of pleasure through your core.
You mewled softly “please daddy”.
“Does that feel good huh?”
“Yes daddy, so good” you wiggled your hips, attempting to grind down harder on his hand.
He chuckled softly before pulling your panties down your legs.Sinking two fingers into your core he began slowly massaging your inner walls. You felt yourself growing warm, the burn of your arousal growing greater by the second as Steves fingers worked into your heat.
“So fucking wet,... too bad that you’ve been a brat”
Suddenly you were being lifted further over his lap by the fingers still buried deep in your pussy. Your arms flew out, trying to catch yourself as your ass was lifted higher and your torso slid further off his lap. Steve shifted you so you rested on one thigh, his other leg coming in to lock over yours, trapping you tightly between his muscular thighs. You reached down, pushing off the floor as you tried to lift yourself back up but it was useless. The angle you were at made it impossible to lift your body up and with your legs trapped tightly you could barely move your lower half at all.
“Steeeve, stop!” you squealed as you fought to bring your body back up.
“Uh uh, I don’t wanna hear anything from you unless it’s ‘yes Daddy’ or ‘thank you Daddy’. Do you understand?”
You merely whined in response, still struggling in a futile attempt to escape his grasp.
A hand grasped your hair, pulling your head sharply back “I asked you a question babygirl and I expect an answer. Do you understand?” He punctuated his question by removing his fingers from your pussy and bringing them down sharply over your wet lips.
“Ahh! Yes Daddy!” You cried out at the pain of his quick slap.
“Good girl. Now, let’s see how red I can make your ass”
He let go of your hair and moved his hand to rest on the small of your back, bracing you for the coming blows. You tensed up, waiting for the inevitable and jumped slightly when you felt his other hand start tracing small circles over your ass. Just as you relaxed into the touch he lifted his hand and brought it down harshly. A yelp escaped your lips at the sting and you barely had time to recover before another came.If you thought Steve might have taken it easy on you ,you were sorely mistaken and you realised just how screwed you were. Spank after spank rained down on your ass. Regretting how bratty you had been you tried to apologise.
“I’m sorry Daddy - Ah! - I didn’t mean - Ow! - to be a brat. I’m sorry - ah! - I promise I’ll never -”
An arm reached down and quickly lifted you up so you were sitting on one muscular thigh.
Surprised you just stared at Steve for a few seconds.
“Thank you Daddy” you managed to gasp out.
“Aww, my dumb little baby. You think Daddy would just stop because you said sorry?”
“But... but...”
“Open your mouth”
Brain whirring in confusion you didn’t react.
“Fuck you really are my dumb baby right now. Open. Your. Mouth.” He gripped your face in his hand, fingers digging in your cheeks forcing you to open up. His other hand quickly stuffed your mouth with the panties he had taken off you earlier.
“I don’t want to hear another word babygirl. I’ll decide when you’re sorry”
Head still spinning, you didn’t fight it as Steve flipped you back down over his knee.
Laying limp against Steve's leg, your ass was on fire and you were sure you would be feeling it for days. One last spank landed and you let out a small whimper around the sodden panties still held tightly in your mouth. Steve started rubbing gentle circles over the glowing skin.
“Took your spanking so well babygirl. So proud of you. I’m gonna lift you up now ok?”
You let out a soft “Mhmm” before letting Steve maneuver you so your burning ass sat between his thighs, curled close to his chest. Pulling the ruined panties from your mouth he leant in to kiss the last of your tears off your glistening cheeks.
“You feeling ok pretty girl?”
“Yes Daddy” you nodded your head “‘m sorry, so sorry”
“Shh I know baby, your punishment is over now. Daddy isn’t mad at you.I’m sorry that I’ve been so busy at work lately.”
“I know, I just miss you so much sometimes”
“I promise I’ll make it up to you when I’m back. I’ll take a couple of weeks off and we can go somewhere hm?”
“That sounds great Daddy”
Steve held you close, showering your face with soft kisses for a few minutes. Whilst you loved the attention you were getting, the throbbing in your core had your squirming in his lap. The burning in your ass had faded to a warm glow and now your focus was firmly on the wetness between your legs.
“What’s the matter babygirl? Did I go too hard?” his concern was written over his features as his eyes searched yours.
“No Daddy I’m fine. It’s just…”
“Just what princess?”
“Um… I’m all...all tingly Daddy” you whispered
You saw realisation sweep across his face. “Do you want some help from Daddy?” he asked huskily, face dropping close to yours.
“Yes please Daddy.”
“Such good manners baby.”
Your legs fell apart as he reached his hand down. Teasing fingers brushed through your soft patch of hair before sliding along your dripping slit. “Oh you really need some help don’t you babygirl?”
You stared up with pleading eyes “please.”
His fingers quickly zeroed in on your clit, rubbing slow circles around the sensitive bud. His mouth found your neck, alternating between kissing and sucking harshly along your skin. You ground your hips into his hand and bared your neck, seeking more of everything. All too quickly he withdrew his hand. You started to whine but were stopped as he shifted your body, cradling you in his arms as he stood. He moved around the bed, placing you gently on the soft surface, head resting back on the pillows. You winced a little as your tender skin touched the fabric.
“Don’t worry babygirl, I’ll make you forget all about that soon'' he said as he helped you take your shirt off before spreading your legs and positioning himself between them. Kissing you softly he cupped your face with one hand.
“I love you so much.”
“I love you too Daddy.”
He kissed you deeply as his hand trailed down, pinching your hardened nipples gently. Pulling away he wrapped his lips around one nipple whilst his hand kept teasing the other. He alternated between your breasts, lavishing your nipples with his tongue, occasionally grazing his teeth over them. You were breathily heavily, face flushed as he continued his assault on you. Steve’s knee was pushed up into your core and you ground down on him desperately, trying to find enough friction. Soft whines bubbled up from you, feeling overwhelmed but needing more at the same time.
Your fingers wove into his hair as you tried to pull him further down your body. You felt him smile against your skin.
“What are you wanting babygirl?”
“Want your mouth on me”
“But you already do princess” He feigned ignorance grinning up at you.
“No not there Daddy”
“Hmmm where do you want my mouth then?” he asked, voice muffled as his face buried back between your breasts.
“My pussy Daddy. Please Daddy, I need you to eat my pussy. I want you to make me cum.”
“I love when you beg babygirl. So desperate for Daddy to eat your sweet little pussy”
You didn’t let go of his hair as he dipped down lower, shifting so his mouth hovered directly over your center. You felt his warm breath wash over you, the anticipation building before he licked a broad stripe up the length of your slit. You gasped and pulled harshly on his hair earning yourself a moan in return. “Please..more” you begged, moving your hips to try and find some friction. Steve’s expert tongue found your clit, circling the sensitive bud of nerves, bringing you waves of pleasure. Warmth rushed over your body and you felt like you were floating. It took only minutes before the coil in your belly felt like it was about to snap.
“Daddy, daddy ‘m close, please”
“Good girl, come as much as you want tonight babygirl, I’ve got you” Steve answered before diving back into your folds, quickly bringing you right back to your precipice. Sensing that you needed just a little more he brought a hand up and sunk two fingers deep inside of you, curling them rhymically before sealing his lips over your clit and sucking. Ecstasy exploded through your body as every muscle tensed and you rode out the heights of pleasure. Coming down from your high you saw Steve grinning up at you.
“Ready for another babygirl?”
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kerie-prince · 4 years
all mine (m)
Pansy Parkinson x fem!Reader
requested: (anon) hey! can you do a sub!fem!reader x pansy soft smut? <33 ty ;) ily
warnings: nsfw, sub!reader, oral sex, fingering, 69, praise kink (if you squint really hard), multiple orgasms??? (there's like two), semi-soft sex
summary: The Slytherin princess showers you with praises and makes you feel good after a day of relentless teasing.
a/n: uhh didn't expect wlw smut to be so easy to write lmao i was gonna post this on sunday but i have a double that day so... here it is. takes place in seventh year and everyone is 18 so... yee lmao also, i wanna say again, ty for everyone's condolences. it really means a lot to me 🥺
(gif not mine, cred to owner)
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The teasing has been going on all day.
It started with little pokes to your thighs. Then those progressed to slow rubs up and down your arms. Then it turned into her suggestively whispering very lowly and breathy into your ears. And the last straw was when during Transfiguration class, she sneaked her hand under your skirt and traced over your clothed cunt like it was the most normal thing to do.
After a long day, you grabbed Pansy’s wrist and dragged her out of the Great Hall once you both finished your meals and marched to the Slytherin dorms. You heard your friends call out for you but you ignored them completely.
Behind you, Pansy had a shit-eating smirk on her face now that she was getting what she wanted. Pansy always got what she wanted.
You locked the door of her prefect room and when you turned around, you didn't expect to find her standing up against you. She backed you up slowly to the wooden door and rubbed a hand softly on your thigh. Her long, beautifully manicured nails against your skin started to send shivers up your spine and it took everything in you to not whimper and melt in her hands.
“What’s with the long face, babe? I didn't do anything wrong, did I?” Pansy’s voice was sultry as she feigned innocence. You rolled your eyes and she let out a seductive chuckle. “What? You’re just so pretty, I couldn't help myself.”
With her free hand, she squeezed your cheeks and pulled you closer, “I’ll make it up to you if you let me,” she said just lower than a whisper. It was only the two of you in her room, but it was said as if you were the only person meant to hear it in the world.
Pansy looked for any hesitation in your eyes and when there was none, she pulled you in for a passionate kiss. Minutes had gone by without breaking for air and she would nibble on your bottom lip to let her tongue in and meet with yours. The hand on your thigh ended up back over your cunt and made soft circles over the cloth before she eventually pushed them aside.
She could feel how wet you were becoming and smiled into the kiss when you moaned against her. She guided the both of you to her bed and softly pushed you onto it. Pansy lowered herself to her knees and caught your gaze, kissing your knees and coming closer and closer to the middle.
She pulled herself back to remove your skirt and panties. You lifted your hips up to help her get them off easier and pulled your jumper over your head. As you unbutton your shirt and work on your tie, she started removing her own clothes.
Her red lacy bralette was a surprise as she usually wore black or emerald green, but she looked stunning no less. Before she unclasped it, you stopped her, “No, I want you to keep it on.”
Pansy smiled at your shy request, “Anything for you, princess.” She scooted back to her position and laid one chaste kiss after another over your pussy. You sat half up with the support of your elbows and watched your girlfriend work her magic on you.
Pansy looked up to watch you and started licking up and down, giving your clit a gentle suck in between. She moaned against you and it sent electrifying signals of pleasure through you. You were holding in what could have been loud moans and she picked up on that. Slowly, she inserted one of her middle fingers inside you.
“Pansy!” you half-screamed. Her long nail felt a bit painful at first, but with her moving slowly, the pain subsided. You grabbed a bit of her hair and laid back. Small beads of sweat were on your shoulders and she had only just started. “Does my baby feel good?” Pansy looked back to watch her finger move inside your pussy, feeling you clench around her for more. You just whined in the middle of moaning and thrust your hips up for any type of friction.
Pansy almost pulled her finger out completely, but she added another finger. It caused you to groan loudly and your eyes to roll back. Keeping her slow pace, she got up on the bed and hovered over you. Her other hand moved the hair out of your face and gently cupped your cheek, “Use your words, love. Am I making you feel good?”
“Y-yes,” you let out, “you always make me feel good, Pans.”
Your girlfriend hummed in content with your answer and leaned down to kiss you. She tasted sweeter to you after she had eaten you out minutes ago.
Your shaking hand found its way to Pansy’s pussy and you started rubbing your fingers between her wet folds. She broke the kiss to let out a groan. You opened your eyes to watch her, her head was leaned back and her eyebrows furrowed. With her neck in full display you leaned up and started licking her sensitive spots, leaving little love bites around for you to adore later.
One of your fingers entered her pussy and after a few pumps, you added another to equal the amount in yours. Pansy claimed your lips again and you two shared a rougher, needier kiss. As you were both synchronized, a pace was set between you two and your thumbs rubbed on each other's slit.
The coil in your abdomen was begging to become undone and Pansy’s clenching around your fingers signaled the same thing. Your fingers moved faster and soon enough, you came on Pansy’s fingers. She pulled her fingers out and brought them to your lips. You sucked on them and continued to finger your girlfriend until she eventually orgasmed, moaning your name over and over.
Pansy laid herself on top of you and caught her breath. Once she was steady, she looked up at you and kissed the bridge of your nose. “Do you think you can do another one for me?” Your eyes stared into hers before nodding. “Good girl,” she praised.
Pansy moved to lay beside you and shifted her pillow to be more comfortable, “Sit on my face,” her voice was gentle, but still didn't lose her naturally seductive tone. You sat up and started to position yourself holding onto her bed frame until she tapped on your leg, “No, other way.”
You turned around and felt her hands grab your thighs to pull you down. One of her fingers were back to teasing your folds, your sensitivity making you twitch from her touch. “Such a pretty pussy,” Pansy complimented, “And it’s all mine.” She reached up and sucked harshly on your clit, being rougher this time.
“Oh, Merlin,” you moaned out. Your arms were shaking against the bed as you were holding yourself up. Looking down, you could see Pansy’s hips wriggling against nothing, so you took it upon yourself to lower yourself and taste your girlfriend.
Her hips moved against you, making it easier for your tongue to move against her sweet folds. Your moans felt euphoric against her cunt, almost distracting her from pleasuring you. She inserted her fingers back in you and set a faster and rougher pace.
You started screaming her name, wanting nothing but to cum again from her delicious fingers. “Pansy, I’m gonna… ’m gonna cum.”
“Do it, love. Cum for me, again,” Pansy ordered. Your mouth went back on her aching pussy, eating her out as if you were starving. Pansy was near her high again and she tried to focus so she could get you to yours.
You snaked your hands under her thighs and pulled them apart further, wanting to hear her scream your name louder and louder as she had made you.
Soon enough, you came again and she followed not much longer. You rolled off of her sweaty body, trying to catch your breath again. Pansy tapped on your leg, a non-verbal way of saying ‘Come up here’.
You crawled up and nestled yourself into your girlfriend's arms. She traced little shapes on your bare back as your hands fiddled against her bralette. Her nose nudged against your forehead. When you looked up, she gave you a sweet peck on your lips and rested her forehead on yours. You smiled and held her closer to you, legs tangled together and bodies warm in the slightly chilly dorm.
“Goodnight, Pans,” you said before drifting off to sleep.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
requests open! celebrate 1K followers with me :))
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