#i wanna see more of her omgee
erasedvoice · 1 year
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SHE HAS A NAME!!!! /pos
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bywons · 7 months
If your mutuals were kpop idols based on their personality, who would it be and why?
✶ — moot games!
@euncsace as sana (twice)! : idek baefy just gives the biggest cutest vibe,, also i lot girlypop vibes too? 🤨 but she's my wifey so that explains that.
@leaderwon as eunchae (le sserafim)! : she's my little baby (sometimes my gf too but) she's super duper cute and kind and cheerful and funny and what not, definitely eunchae!
@isawritesss as leeseo (ive)! : omgeee whenver i see her i just wanna pinch her cheeks saurr baddd TT same with isa too! she's my cutie little babie sissy and i love them both smsmsm <3
@fleumiu as giselle (aespa)! : UGFH her themes eat up saur good each timeee and she's saur saur super sweet >< gives off her y2k and cutesy vibez in a way a lot ngl
@atrirose as karina (aespa)! : karina gives off sm of duality vibes like one time im screaming over her and the next she's saaurr cute wich associate with here with seiu! definitely karina <3
@wvnrqs as lia (itzy)! : sweetest cutest and loveliest little sweethearts omgee :(( ilysmm wons dearie,, let's interact more >< !
@stariekis as haerin (new jeans)! : ahhhh uri is saur cute and creative omgee the first time we interacted she called angel and im still blushing >< haerin is a literal angel she's out of this world, along this you uri <3
@lilacnini as minji (new jeans)! : i get a lot of hyperactive vibes from her which i love love love 😭 also her works reflect the exact chaotic + calm&sweet vibez of minji which I associate with nini <3
@wonryllis as jennie (blackpink)! : nothing less than literal it girl energy from yeonie! she's saurr iconic yall,, just like jennie (╥﹏╥) also the sweetest what, we're engaged afterall 🤭
@rsmura as jake (enhypen)! : firstly ynn I miss ya sm :(( but I definitely see ynn as jake cuz she's the coolest ever from how she interacts to her works and themes!! i love ynn n jake!!
@stareesm as momo (twice)! : aahh i miss u marie firstly :(( but I think maries saur super duper cool like momo,, pretty n cool ♡♡
☆ — this was saur fun !! so so sry if i missed out on you,, maybe we need to interact more >< (or I actually can't remember pls forgive me TT)
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theskeleton-system · 4 years
A Fungus Dangerclaw Masterpost
This is a post about Fungus' relationship with every Grumpus on Snaktooth;
•definitely stumbled upon Fungus while looking for Liz
•was initially friendly toward Fungus, until Fungus took it personally and chased Filbo out of the woods, growling and claws beared
•when Fungus inevitably stays in town with the others, Filbo is rightfully so still apprehensive, but as Fungus warms up to him, he warms up to Fungus
•Fungus never learns his name, but knows the word Mayor, so calls him that (it is a constant Filbo Confidence Boost [tm])
•would meet Fungus when they'd have come to town
•Fungus has absolutely attacked Wambus, he's the biggest man in town and Fungus believes in fighting for dominance, so he attacks him to become the Alpha of town lol
•Wambus doesnt like to make eye contact with Fungus due to this very event
•Fungus does eventually calm down when Wambus lets them rummage in the farm sometimes; it turns out Fungus is handy for digging holes to plant more crops
•after a while of Fungus trusting Wambus, she starts bringing sticks to the farm and burying them in hopes of growing crops too
•Wambus eventually decides he's adopting them. No arguments.
•is morbidly curious of Fungus (that feeling is mutual)
•Beffica has absolutely kept Fungus in her cave out of storms, and so is probably the closest thing to a friend at first to Fungus
•she likes to paint his claws, and he loves to watch her do it, he also loves picking out the colours (pink is his favourite)
•Beffica will sit Fungus down and gossip to them while she paints their nails and brushes their fur, Fungus has no idea what she's saying, but likes to feel included and picks up on some words
•the few words he's learnt from Beff are "Squeeb", "Like", and "OMGee"
•Beffica does understand that Fungus can be dangerous, and she knows when to stop pushing their buttons
•Gramble met Fungus in the middle of the night, when they broke into town to steal supplies
•Fungus DIDN'T attack Gramble, only because he's smaller than Fungus and therefore not deemed a threat
•when Fungus stays in town, they become enamored by the barn, and the Bugsnax there (because Fungus refuses to eat them too) and hangs out in the outdoor pen with them
•Fungus inevitably imprints on Gramble and begins following him around and bringing him Bugsnax that are very hard to catch (cheepoofs, grapesketos, lollives, scoopy banoopys) and Gramble is Confused.jpeg
•Gramble learns to trust Fungus when the first fight breaks out at the party (The "that's why your wife left you" Scene) and Fungus defends Gramble, literally standing between him and Wambus
•now Gramble accepts Fungus as family, and is just mildly frightened of them
•with Fungus constantly following Gramble around, it was only a matter of time until they met Wiggle
•Fungus took one look at her and was prepared to fight a bitch, but when Gramble stopped them from attacking her, they stopped being aggressive
•Fungus definitely wants that pink fluffy scarf around Wiggle's neck, but hasn't devised a plan to steal it yet
•Fungus doesnt understand how instruments work, so when Wiggle starts playing her banjo, Fungus is simultaneously frightened and interested
•Fungus begins loving listening to Wiggle's music and starts hitting the ground in percussion with the music
•Wiggle will never pass up on an adoring fan of course, and starts teaching Fungus how to make music, Fungus learns nothing, but is happy to have attention
•Fungus has ended up with the Banjo before, and absolutely tried to eat it
•(Fungus has worn Wiggle's glasses before and was fully prepared to wear them forever)
•Triffany would find Fungus in one of the ruins, probably lost
•Triffany would be confused, but curious
•Fungus trusts Triffany quickly, as she's sensible and knows a feral creature when she sees one, so takes her time
•Fungus likes to try and help piece history together with Triffany, but obviously he has no idea what he's ever doing, so he isn't really much help
•Triffany's accent is completely foreign to Fungus, so they can have problems understanding some of her pronunciations, however, they absolutely adore her accent and loves listening to her talk
•Triffany is most likely the Grumpus who brought Fungus to town, probably to show Wambus the creature she adopted, and ask Floofty if any of this makes sense
•Fungus likes to chew on bones Triffany gives him, it helps sharpen his teeth and subdue his pure, feral rage
•Fungus would take a VERY long time to trust Cromdo, due to his sleezy nature
•Fungus absolutely wants whatever Cromdo is selling (because they're a hoarder) but doesn't know of the economy, only knows stick. Fungus will buy material objects with sticks and leaves or Cromdo will die
•a sick part of Cromdo wants to sell Fungus to Floofty for science, but knows that would be the second most illegal thing he's ever done (Grumpus Trafficking is no joke-)
•Fungus would probably want a tie, let's be honest
•to Cromdo, Fungus is like a cat, running around scratching the walls and knocking things off of tables
•Cromdo isn't afraid to scold Fungus, and Fungus will learn to listen in due time
•despite the tension and issues the two have, Fungus does it to show care for Cromdo, everyone knows this but Cromdo
•Fungus likes the word "Pal"
•Chandlo is Fungus' favourite. No questions asked.
•he found Fungus in a tree and brought him home to Snorpy, like gay people do
•"Snorp-dawg, I found a cryptid!"
"you WHAT"
•Fungus appreciates Chandlo so fucking much
•didn't attack for same reason as Gramble (small = not a threat)
•Chandlo likes Fungus because they're a hard-core survivor of the wild, and Chandlo vibes with that
•Fungus originally likes to watch Chandlo work out, finding it fascinating; but eventually starts joining in when Chandlo offers
•Chandlo just wants to keep this feral creature, that is all
•Fungus learns so many words from Chandlo, that he accidentally turns Fungus into a feral version of himself
•Snopry is (rightfully so) terrified of Fungus
•what is it? What's it gender? Why does it barely speak? How much sentience does it have? DOES IT WORK FOR THE GRUMPINATI??!
•but of course, Chandlo wants to keep it and Snorpy can't say no, so he ends up playing babysitter when Chandlo is gone
•Fungus, on the other hand, is enamored. Obviously-
•Fungus understands so little when it comes to Snorpy, all these conspiracies and big words and intricate connections, Fungus has no brain
•Fungus likes to listen though, and likes to look at the conspiracy board (also likes to hoard all the red string lol)
•of course Snorpy warms up to them, mostly when Floofty starts trying to steal them for experiments; Snorpy feels a newfound need to protect this gremlin from his mad scientist sibling
•Fungus just likes the attention
•Floofty kidnaps Fungus for experiments (not clickbait)
•I mean, can you blame them? How does Fungus exist? A completely feral Grumpus in a society of modernized, evolved, civilised Grumpuses? They gotta know how Fungus works
•however, Floofty underestimated Fungus' energy, and now they're shouting at a gremlin, who is barking back at them
•Floofty loses so much sleep over keeping Fungus in one place.
•"fascinating...your survival instinct is completely intact- stop chewing my leg."
•Floofty tries to teach Fungus basic language, but learns the next day that Fungus forget everything they learnt
•Fungus doesn't know what to make of Floofty
•Is this good or bad? Friend or foe?
•if Floofty has to hurt Fungus to get what they want, they WILL be attacked (i.e taking blood or testing pain level)
•sometimes Floofty just snaps and throws Fungus into a river to "experiment" if Fungus can swim
•Fungus does like the attention though
•Shelda is one of the only Grumpuses that Fungus shows concern and care for OPENLY
•He gives her gifts of sticks and rocks and leaves, and he'll throw a tantrum if she won't take them
•he likes to sit next to her while she meditates so she doesn't get lonely 😳😳
•the only problem with this is that Fungus is easily bored, and will start making noises and bumping rocks together
•and it's very distracting when you're trying to meditate
•But Fungus knows this and tries to behave as best as they can, they wanna make Grandma Shelda happy
•they become a part of Shelda's little fanclub, and listens to her wisdom despite not knowing ANYTHING she's saying
•he pretends he knows, nodding and agreeing all the time
•Eggabell, being a doctor, just wants to get her hands on Fungus to take care of him
•I mean, he's messy, and covered in mud and sticks and leaves
•he probably has the Grumpus equivalent of mange
•he DEFINITELY has fleas
•and she just wants to sit them down and clean them up
•but Fungus isn't having it, and is actually a little scared of Eggabell, as they don't know why she wants them to stay still
•Fungus will learn to trust her, and let her take care of the fleas and rabies and mange
•and when he does, he will never leave her side afterwards. He'll recognise she made him feel better and constantly want her attention
•He may get a little distracting for her sometimes, but she knows he means well
•also, because Fungus is a good listener, Eggabell airs her problems out to them, she knows they don't know what she's saying, but it's nice to rant to them while they eat a whole tree, bit by bit
•there isn't many opportunities where Liz and Fungus would interact sadly, however, I feel like if they did they would get along far too well
•Liz bringing Fungus on adventures around the island? Fungus showing Liz little cave systems they've found so she has shortcuts around the areas? Makes my heart ache-
•Fungus wants the hat, give her the hat Liz-
•because Liz is such a simple name, it would most likely be the only one Fungus would learn
•I can imagine Liz getting distracted from studying Bugsnax and instead studying Fungus, until Filbo or Egg reminds her she has more important things to do
•Fungus is incredibly agile, and I can imagine them scaling trees or cliffs and finding a safer route for Liz to take
•Fungus is Liz's emotional support adventure dog
The Journalist
This would be in terms of if Fungus was a character you'd meet;
•You would meet Fungus in Sugarpine Woods, but somewhere far away from Chandlo and Snorpy.
•Fungus would flee from you once spotted (sorta like the Snaxsquach, but not at certain times).
•You would then have a quest to ask around to see if anyone knew what this Grumpus was (and you would receive a resounding "no").
•The puzzle would then be figuring out how to cohearse Fungus into trusting you, which would be with sticks and rocks, making a pile of them to bait Fungus from hiding.
•Once you would have their trust, you would still have quests to complete before they move from their spot and follow you to town, this would include collecting more sticks and rocks, and finding Bugsnax so Fungus can have friends.
•They'd communicate these quests very poorly, you would probably have to rely on the quest descriptions to figure out what the objective is.
•After enough errands, Fungus would make a happy noise and start following you around. Then, if you walk into town, you approach Filbo and he takes Fungus off your hands.
•When you return to Snaxburg, it's in anarchy as Fungus has gotten out of control. Your next objective is "survive". Eventually, through sticks, rocks and leaves, you calm Fungus down enough for them to live in Snaxburg without killing anyone.
•However, some side-quests would involve Fungus, and the other residents having to deal with them now.
I had this neat idea that all this is optional, you don't have to even do the main quest for Fungus because they weren't supposed to be part of the expedition and know no one. So why interview them, not like you can anyway. You can escape Snaktooth with all the normal residents and leave Fungus on the island, then their fate would be left unknown (but man I'd feel guilty for it 😟).
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