#i want him to be unhinged like his father and obi wan and qui gon and yoda and ahsoka before him
phoenixkaptain · 2 years
Thinkin bout Cryptid Luke…
A few ideas I have…
Luke in Legends’ continuity rebuilt the Jedi Order, but in Disney’s continuity, he did not. And while I strongly dislike Disney’s version of Old Luke, I do like the idea in my head of a lone Jedi operating without any Order (which is not what Disney’s Luke is, so I guess there’s nothing really there…)
Like, in the days of the Old Republic, you had to ask the Jedi for help. The Jedi sometimes stumbled on problems, yes, but they mostly responded to cries for help.
Luke doesn’t have that option. Yes, he can respond when a Force Sensitive calls for help with magic rocks, but for the most part, he is just wandering. He is going where the Force guides him. He is just… not there, blink, there.
I like the idea that things go to shit, Luke shows up in his ominous black hood, Luke solves the problem, then Luke vanishes as quickly as he came, with no trace he was ever there.
However, side idea: Luke travels with his motley crew of children. But, THEY are ALSO crypids!
Like, you are a citizen of some planet. You are just standing on a corner, waiting for a space bus, looking at a space newspaper, and you glance up and see an ominously cloaked figure standing on the opposite side of the street. You cannot make out any features. It is dark out, and he is standing beneath a space streetlight, but all the light does is cast his face further into shadow.
Quickly, you look back down, hoping that the ominous shape across the street hasn’t noticed you. You feel a chill run down your spine. You sneak a glance back up, only to find that there is another black-cloaked figure, standing right beside the first. It is half the first’s height, but it’s also cloaked in darkness.
You look down again. You hear a noise, like moving fabric, and look back up, worried the pair is approaching, only to find another small, ominous shape has joined the first two beneath the space streetlight. You can’t bring yourself to look away, and so watch as another black-cloaked figure emerges from behind the tallest one, the first one.
Finally, the shape moves as though inclining its head. You feel your heart begin to race as it slowly turns to face you, and the streetlights finally illuminate a mouth. A mouth that is baring a smile full of sharp teeth, right towards you.
A space bus suddenly drives past, blocking your view for only a second. But, as the bus passes, the four shapes are gone. Vanished without a trace. The streetlight goes out. You decide that you should never smoke death sticks again, despite the fact that you have never smoked a single death stick in your entire life.
(Luke was going to the grocery store with his children. He was just trying to wait for them to catch up, since he got lost in thought trying to figure out how many vegetables to get. He noticed that the person across the street seemed scared, and so tried to smile reassuringly, but there was a noise in a back alley that he and his three students darted over to check out. It’s a cat. The four of them are very pleased.)
Or, I like to think that there’s a rumour that if you say “Skywalker” in an Imperial base, Luke Skywalker will show up and destroy the place. Most of the Stormtroopers and older people are like “psh, yeah right. Jedi can’t hear their name across the galaxy.”
But, slowly but surely, the whispers of Skywalker’s name are dying out. Because he. Keeps. On. Appearing. Right after anyone says his name, even if it’s in a whisper.
(Luke just so happened to be in the area. It was the will of the Force ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯ )
There are so many options for Cryptid Luke! So! Many! Options! This man does not know how to enter a conversation like a normal person, he just appears from the shadows and scares people. Most of the galaxy think he’s just a myth created by the New Republic and the Empire. The leftover Jedi themselves think that he’s just a myth made up by the New Republic and the Empire. Nobody believes he exists aside from the people who have seen him, but even they are half convinced that they made him up.
I just would like Luke to randomly show up, kill some Imperials, scare some other Imperials, adopt another child, then go home. It’s my ideal.
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fangirlforeversthings · 7 months
Obi wan anakin and ahsoka family soap blurb
So i just rewatched one of @zengers star wars ai videos on youtube (which i can only highly recommend they're the best) and heard obi wan calling anakin and ahsoka 'kids'. And this combined with their relationship what was always big bro little sister and their tired single dad i had an idea of soap about obi wan ahsoka and anakin and their daily life:
Anakin and ahsoka being the kids, anakin the older broher and ahsoka the younger sister and obi wan is their tired single dad raising them (also the mom role with their mom satine already passed away who had loved her beloved kids and husband uncondicionally and was so fun and warm and sweet and is missed every day so badly) and r2 d2 being their pet which dad never wanted but the kids found it lost without a home and begged him that they please could keep it an that they would ofc take care of it (obi dad has to take it on walks and feed it and we know it) but in the end he still loves it aswell. Yoda being their unhinged great grandvather already in retirement home telling dirty jokes at the dinner table on thanksgiving and qui gon being their grandfather living nearby teaching them dumb shit joining them on their stupid adventures. Mace windu being their neighbour who hates kids but especially them two who always destroy his peace and quite, windows and lawn. Yelling over the fence to kenobi to get his fucking brood in control while they always play pranks on him all the time. Padme being anakins girlfriend, rex their cousin and cody, quinlan and obi single dad besties, a bros since childhood trio.
Them (the kids and the dad bros) spreading chaos wherever they go. Kids making the dumbest decisions and going on the stupidest adventures together every day, going on their dads very last nerve and not listening to him most of the time. Them accidently almost blowing up the entire city by trying to get him the best gift for fathers day/ his birthday (they probably forgot it in the first place and gotta apologice) trying to show him how much they love and appreciate him and how sorry they are. They would do everything for him and love him uncondicionally. Obi dad sometimes even joining them on their dumb adventures or himself making the stupid decicions and them experiencing all kinds of chaotic days in normal day to day life.
Episodes where the dad bestie trio and all their kids together go on roadtrips camping and get lost and then get chased by a moose through the woods while some funny song playing the background. Or a funny day trip and then at the drive home anakin would be like "...and that was so funny you should have heard that loud splash when i threw her into the fountain, she was so mad tho. But it was so worth it cause it was sooo funny" "Well certainly not for your poor, soaking wet sister" "oh by the way while we are talking about her....where is she?" "What do you mean anakin? She's right th..." and obi dad then turning blank white in the face after looking in the backmirror while driving realising they had forgotten her in the hotel lobby (still dripping wet) and him than doing a 360. turn weels screaching and yeeting of to get her. Her pouting all the way home and obi wan apologizing the whole time "dear i'm so sorry i don't know how that could have happen your brother was going on my nerves with the pool animal and" and anakin just laughing.
Then in the end of the episodes they'd be sitting on the couch in the living room like "dad you know that we love you so much thank you for being the best of all dads" and these were the rare moments they'd be so serious and he'd be like "aw kids even tho you k*ll my very last nerve every day of course i love you guys too more than everything and i could never imagine my life without you two in it" "and r2" "yeah ofc and r2" and then after a cute warm cuddle anakin would say something like "even tho you're old as f*ck" and crack the moment with the invicible audience laughing and obi dad shaking his head sighing and laughing and then the episode ends.
Just their daily life that would be an awesome, fantastic family comedy soap.
Any show title ideas anyone?
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obiwan · 2 years
more new obikin recs pleaseeee <3
Okay this has been stewing in my inbox for a while and I think I have enough new ones. I know the last one requested the last three months and I don't want a re-do, so I'm going to do a mixture of old and new faves.
✰ (Explicit, A/B/O, Complete) Molten by @zimriya
“Was Ben my omega father?” Luke asks.
The cavernous void that is Darth Vader’s heart demands that he swallow the boy whole. “Why does it matter?” he says. “Your other father clearly never wanted you. He gave you up the minute you were born.”
One truth; one lie.
This is a continuation to a past rec., Igneous. It's still canon compliant, it's basically the rest of the story. I'd say you should give these a read even if you're not usually into a/b/o, because it doesn't really linger on the whole a/b/o usual squicks people have, and it is so beautifully done. It also has a little epilogue piece which (in my opinion) has the funniest star wars imagery. I truly recommend reading these if you love canon compliant obikin.
✰(Explicit, WIP) stars to fill my dream by hidden_humours
Given a second chance, Anakin Skywalker awakes from death--into a different world than the one that made him.
Obi-Wan Kenobi, a lost young padawan still finding his way, becomes apprenticed to a living legend who doesn't seem all there...
I know reverse!padawan isn't everyone's jam, but it is mine, so you get it recced. I'm really obsessed with this story (and this author, I like the way they write slightly unhinged Anakin, they have a little one shot if you don't want to read wips, I recommend checking it out) Please note that in this story, Anakin is a bit creepy so keep that in mind.
✰ (Explicit, Complete) Sanctifica Mē by @theseptemberist
Father Obi-Wan Kenobi has never desired anything more than to guide and serve his flock. He's content with his simple life—or he would be, if not for one confessor who returns again and again, pouring sickening stories into his ear, sinful and bloody. It's unbearable, but he can't bring himself to turn away. At least, not until he finally understands.
What does Anakin Skywalker truly want from him?
I know people complain about reccing popular authors but! 1)there are always new people in the fandom, and 2)there might be people who have missed it! Hooooly shit so this is *the* yandere!anakin priest fic. It’s *so* good, as always mind the tags, but hhhhhhhhhhhh priest!obi-wan. l always keep coming back to this one, if only for the writing alone (and nothing else *cough*)
✰ (Explicit, Completed) Slow Learner by @binaryeclipse​
Four times Anakin tried to fit Obi-Wan's big dick inside him and one time he managed it. or; the evolution of their sexual relationship.
I mean. Literally what it says on the tin lmaoo - but it’s so well done. It’s literally 12k of Anakin just gagging for it (how relatable,) I don’t know what else to say. As always read the tags, but also go read this fic. 
✰(Explicit, WIP) Obi-Two by Viraha
After Anakin is denied the rank of master, a mysterious phenomenon in the Force creates a baffling situation right in the middle of the same Council session. Anakin is not complaining.
Or, How Two Obi-Wan Kenobi can resolve Pretty Much Everything
I usually refrain from reccing things with only a single chapter or very early in the WIP stages but this one intrigued me so much. Usually time travel fics bring in the pada-wan version, but this one has a twist. I don’t know I’m very intrigued by this one, I’ll be watching this space. 
✰(Explicit, Complete) full throttle by spqr
“If you’re not first, you’re last,” Anakin says wisely. “Qui-Gon told me that once.”
I know it’s a (relatively) well known fic but I just read it again the other day and. HHHHHHHHHH rattling the walls of my enclosure. So it goes in this rec list, read this if you haven’t it’s so good. bark bark bark. 
✰(Teen & Up, Complete) Hands that are earnest, brave, and true by @obi-wkenobi​
On Trevo, after watching his Master be fret and fawned over by the governments elite, Obi-Wan miraculously peeled himself away from wanton eyes and returned to sit by his side, and for the first time ever, Anakin truly noticed the hands that rose to smooth back long copper hair.
Or, five times Anakin was distracted by Obi-Wan's hands, and one time that Obi-Wan noticed.
An *entire* fic about Obi-Wan’s hands y’all. It’s really soft and I’d say a feel-good fic if you’re in the mood for some fluff and love. There’s also a lot of pining (which is the draw!) but it’s all resolved in the end and it’s so beautifully done!
✰(Explicit, Complete) A Study in Tears by shatou
Anakin is used to sinking into the comfort of Obi-Wan’s arms when he is in tears. Obi-Wan is used to offering it. Neither of them realizes the moment when habit tips into heat-haze, but their acceptance for each other is boundless all the same.
(or: five times anakin gets aroused by accident when he’s crying and being comforted by obi-wan… and one time obi-wan does)
BARK HOWL CRY etc. God this fic, it really is one of *the* ones for me. I really enjoy this author’s work, but this particular fic. You know what I love, when a kink that could be considered niche, or could easily be done in a very tacky/porny way is done so intricately and artfully it just. Hhhhhhhhh it’s really good. Really good. 
✰(Explicit, Complete) Beer and Paint by @intermundia​
Artist!AU - it’s a part of a collection (go read all of it if you haven’t already) this is the latest stand alone chapter!
As it’s written, it’s inspired by Hayden in Life as a House, and it’s soooo delicious. Perfect mixture of hot/angsty/sweet. The atmosphere is set *so* well for a relatively shorter fic, as always i’m in awe, this was really good. 
✰(Explicit, WIP) if this isn’t nice, what is? by Anonymous​
"Your form has been improving remarkably quickly, Anakin," Obi-Wan said on the sparring platform one afternoon, as he wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead with his sleeve. "Don't tell me you've actually been listening to the healer for once and doing your physical therapy."
In his adrenaline-addled mind, it took Anakin a moment to sort out what his master was talking about, but eventually his gaze drifted down to his lightsaber, or, more accurately, to the mechno-hand that held it.
"Um," he said. "Something like that."
Or, once he could hold a lightsaber again, it took Anakin maybe three days to learn how to jerk off with the new metal hand.
Again, what it says on the tin. It’s really well done though, I can’t wait for it to be completed. Tbh personally I really enjoy stories around Anakin’s mechno arm, and this one...well. I really really like it. 
✰(Explicit, WIP) toss overboard what is too heavy to carry by @tennessoui​​
In the aftermath of the Clone Wars, Palpatine dead and untold tragedy averted, the Republic struggles to heal and rebuild itself.
Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi attempt to do the same with their own relationship, riddled as it has become with betrayal, distrust, and hurt. It's not going too well. Desperate and unwilling to accept that maybe their friendship is ruined, Anakin finds a counselor they can talk to, one that specializes in healing "teams."
Or, as the counselor would probably put it, married couples, which they are decidedly not. Not that she knows that though. And not that they know that she thinks they're in a romantic relationship either. What a silly assumption to make. It's not like they're more intimate than lovers or anything.
YOOOOOOOO God this fic this fic!!!!!! I don’t know if I need to rec Kit’s fics honestly, as with some other authors I can feel people going “yes we are aware of this fic” but as I said, I want to do an honest list lol. Listen this one really has the potential to end me I don’t know. I’m really into the premise, the setting, the dialogue, the everything. 
✰(Explicit, Complete)  sink into the dunes by @starsdies​​​
“How about now, my young Padawan?” Anakin shivers, the title in Obi-wan’s chiding voice taunting him. Like he already knows. “Do you need me now too?”
This has every single trope I can want in a fic - first time, virginity kink, canon-verse!!!!!! I love their dynamic in this, especially love how suave Obi-Wan is. The tone, the setting, the dialogue... chef’s kiss.  
✰(Explicit, Complete)  on high by @treescape​​​​
Anakin breaks once they’re in the turbolift, alone, a dozen stories beneath the Council chamber and climbing steadily downwards.
“Are you even going to look at me?” he blurts out into the heavy silence, his own eyes fixed straight ahead. Obi-Wan stands still as stone beside him, but for the rise and fall of his chest, their shoulders just a breath from touching. His hands are folded into the sleeves of his robes, the very image of the calm Jedi Master.
It’s infuriating. It makes Anakin want to fidget, makes him want to run the edges of his own sleeves between his fingers and twist just for something else to focus on, but he catches himself just in time.
He doesn’t want to give Obi-Wan the satisfaction of sensing him squirm.
Or, Anakin returns from a series of missions and thinks Obi-Wan is angry with him.
Obi-Wan being angry with Anakin because he’s being too reckless is *my jam* I love this trope of one of them being too worried about the other one because they’re too reckless!!! This is beautifully written as always, I genuinely love angry!obi-wan so much, possibly one of my favourite obi-wans. 
✰(Explicit, WIP)  the trouble with wanting by @travellingcircus​​​​
Anakin is an alpha with few hobbies, chief among them watching his favourite omega and amateur videographer Ben showcase his many, many talents. Anakin tells himself he isn't obsessed, but when he finds out Ben is a lot closer to him than he realises, he stops at nothing to get what he wants. That is, Ben's sweet little ass--even if Ben turns out to be Anakin's stuffy, buttoned-up Lit professor.
Ahhhh last but not least! Mind the tags, again with a bit of a darker Anakin in this one, but I am so obsessed with the story telling aspect and I’ll be hones the idea of ~professor kenobi being on cam on the side is just. You know. They also have a couple other stories as a part of the obikin fest s1 which you should check out! 
Oookay, this was it for me this time! I know I’m probably missing some great content out there, but I don’t want to rec anything I haven’t personally read. As always, please mind the tags before you read a story, and don’t read it if you see anything that might potentially trigger you. 
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palfriendpatine66 · 1 year
for the star wars ask game:
Qui-Gon: Love or Hate?
Padmé outfit to be your signature look
8. If you could ask George Lucas one question, what would it be?
10. If you could pull a GL and sneak into D+ and edit any SW scene, what changed would you make?
11. Who would you want as your Jedi Master? Why?
Thanks for more asks from this unhinged Star Wars ask game!!
1. I went on a bit of a Qui-Gon rant already here, if you’re curious, and apparently I have some feelings to dive more in depth about.
Cannon, legends, whatever version of this we’re going with: I don’t think he should have been Obi-Wan’s Master if it wasn’t an enthusiastic choice. Kids need to feel wanted. The man literally never recovered from feeling inadequate and unwanted. The whole lineage’s problem is with attachment: Qui-Gon’s is first with Xanatos - he loves him like a doting father and ignores all his faults - then he over corrects with Obi-Wan and remains aloof when he needed acceptance.
2. I like her simpler outfits so I’ve landed on her Naboo nightgown.
8. My first answer to this was ask him about the Darth Jar Jar theory and I stand by it. If I got another question…I think I would ask him about the chosen one prophecy and what he thinks it would really look like to bring balance to the force.
10. My first answer was delete the whole Leia kisses Luke and he likes it in the medbay in Empire Strikes back. If I got a second edit, I’d revert the Han/Greedo shootout to its original state because it’s gotten out of hand and it’s like so choppy and weird to watch. You made a choice George. Stick to it. Move on.
11. So I know Obi-Wan is probably the expected answer here but: Obi-Wan. Lol. I do think his teaching style would be a good match for me. He has clear, high expectations but is patient and kind. He’s firm but not a yeller (dealbreaker for me). His snarky humor would be a very good balance because like Anakin criticism is really hard for me but those light moments would let me know we’re ok. I also think we’d understand each other’s anxieties well but not feed into each other. Yes, I’ve thought about this.
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youremyonlyhope · 2 years
Obi-Wan Parts I and II
Ok I wasn’t gonna liveblog this but I think I have to.
I decided to liveblog because I need to say I DON’T WANT TO SEE THE YOUNGLINGS GETTING ATTACKED AGAIN. I DON’T WANNA SEE THIS. DID YOU HAVE TO START LIKE THIS. Hey. Whoever said “Let’s show Order 66 again”... I just wanna talk. I just wanna talk that’s all. Where’s Grogu. Also. During the prequel recap, the inclusion of that last line of Yoda’s... are you telling me... we’re gonna get Qui-Gon Force ghost in this series... because I’ll actually die. Reva. I love her. I know she’s evil. That doesn’t mean I don’t love her. You give me a Black girl in sci-fi media, I have to adore her with my entire heart. It is Black Girl Nerd law. My girl Reva is smart. Oh god... Meat from Torchwood flashbacks... Is that Obi-Wan... or is it Uncle Owen... It’s Obi-Wan!!! I just remembered his lizard from RotS. I miss the lizard. That was a good lizard. If this scene with Ben cooking and sitting outside to eat had been released before TFA, the Rey Kenobi theories would have been even more widespread. (I still believe in Rey Nobody but that’s just me) I have not yet seen the Boba Fett series yet (I know I know, I’m a disgrace.) but I know the Tusken Raiders are heavily featured, but are the Jawas in it too? Because right now, seeing a Jawa up close and in HD, it’s so weird. I’m so used to their eyes just being floating glowing yellow dots, and now I can see the eyeballs and a vague shape of a head. I don’t like it. Oh Ben... he needs therapy... I’m gonna interchangeably call him Ben and Obi-Wan depending on how lazy I am when it comes to typing. Sorry. ...It’s... it’s my boy... it’s my baby... it’s Luke... Oh poor Uncle Owen. OOOHHHH OBI-WAN. WATCHING BABY LUKE PRETEND TO FLY. THE NOSTALGIA. Ahhhhhhhh help. I knew I recognized that dumb toy. Oh god help me. I’m not ok. “Walk out into the middle of the desert and bury it in the ground.” Ok I can’t remember RoS very well but isn’t that what Rey did? Why so many Rey parallels? (Also I went and rewatched the scene and yes she did bury it and I forgot all the “I hate the sand” jokes.) “You were once a great Jedi” He’s STILL a great Jedi. I did NOT like that Dark Side-esque music that played when the camera panned back to the Jedi asking Ben for help. Naboo? NOOOO. IT’S ALDERAAN. NO. YOUNG LUKE IS ALREADY TOO MUCH YOU CANNOT SHOW ME YOUNG LEIA AND THINK I WON’T CRY. Oh good. I was about to say “Leia does not seem like the type to enjoy this pampering and getting dressed thing. Yes, she’s definitely princess-like and regal, but this doesn’t feel completely right. Maybe it’s to show the contrast of how they were raised?” but no it’s a decoy. Like mother like daughter. I adore it. Ok there we go. That’s Leia. God I love Breha’s dress. Can I make it... Oh good. The weird elongated original trilogy helmets are back. God I wish I could go back to the 70s and tell that costume designer to not throw those helmets in. Nuh uh. Whoever you are. Get away from my girl Leia. Don’t you even DARE. “When the time comes he must be trained?” “Like you trained his father?” Mmmm. Ahhh. Ughhhhh. *sobbing* That’s the best way I can describe the sounds I made in reaction to that line. I think I reacted the same way from seeing that scene in the trailer too. Oh shit. Wait. WAIT. God I need to go rewatch the prequels. Does Obi-Wan know that Anakin survived Mustafar? Owen doesn’t. Does Obi-Wan? Oh no. Oh no. Wait. Am I going to have to watch Obi-Wan find out that Ani survived and is now Vader? Oh god please tell me I’m misremembering the prequels... Reva’s unhinged. I sorta love it. Oh she’s really unhinged... Good on Owen. “I didn’t do it for you.” Yes you did, a little teeny bit. But also you got a little Jedi boy who won’t stay still  and has a death wish like his father before him, so I get it. I meant to say it earlier, but is Reva a youngling who blames Obi-Wan for not stopping Order 66? That’s my prediction. They had to show us those kids for a reason. I might have to go back and rewatch the scene later. Bail Organa!!! She’s such a daddy’s girl. I am so sad. Just looking at them... I’m so sad. I just gasped seeing C-3PO. But then I remembered we KNOW Bail took the droids. Leia literally sends them. But I’m just stupid. Who is this cousin? I don’t like him. Get him out. Yes Leia read him for filth. Bail is such a good father. I am actually dying. I’m gonna cry.
Ok I need to say I am SO glad we got all these Leia scenes. I’ve always thought that Star Wars is too Luke-heavy (and I adore Luke) and I was worried that this series would be too. But no. So far Leia has had 20 times more screen time. I’m happy.
Nope nope nope. Stay away from my girl. Also do I know this guy? I definitely know this guy. Ok that’s incredibly bad. Ok I need to research something later. But I always wondered how Leia knew Obi-Wan in ANH. And I just assumed that Bail told her to send the message to him and trust him. But does this mean they met prior to ANH? “She is as important as he is.” YES. SHE. IS. Obi-Wannnnnn don’t do this. Go get her. Please don’t tell me both lightsabers are in it. I cannot get over the parallel. I can’t get over the burying of Ani’s lightsaber in the sand of Tatooine.  Star Wars has to stop managing to find good ways to justify things. First the Kessel Run (I’m still mad about that one. I’m so mad they fixed it.). Now justifying Rey burying Ani’s lightsaber because Ben did it before. I wasn’t even that mad about her burying it, I know some fans were, but now they’ve managed to make it a parallel of what Obi-Wan did. I can’t. Murder me, both are in the box. I want to die. Did he... just purposefully show his lightsaber to that lady... confusion...
THAT WAS FLEA. OH MY GOD. I almost put “Is that Flea” in this post when I was saying I knew the actor, but didn’t want to look STUPID if I was wrong. I literally thought to myself “He looks just like Flea... but he can’t be Flea... that can’t be Flea, Hope you’re being dumb.” and convinced myself it wasn’t him. BUT NO IT WAS FLEA. WHAT THE HELL WHY IS FLEA IN THIS.
Seriously why is Flea here? I’m like beyond shook. 
I’m just gonna keep going with Part II here.
Sorry, I’m still on Flea. How. How is he in this show. I’m like... delightfully confused.
Is someone gonna come up to Obi-Wan dealing death sticks or something? A CLONE? Star Wars is really putting Temuera to work this year. Ohhhh Obi-Wan you feel some guilt meeting the clone. Oh my god. Guys, the prequels hurt. They hurt me so much. Ah not death sticks, spice. Close enough. Ooooohhhhh! Hi Kumail! What are you doing here? Wow Haja’s so dramatic. Yeah Obi-Wan that was too easy. “I’m surprised you fell for it.” I’m surprised you’re in this show, Flea. I like how one of the extras looks like she’s stepped out of a neon rave in the 2000s. I LAUGHED OUT LOUD. THAT’S MY GIRL. PUNCH THE STRANGE MAN. Obi-Wan. You really should have at least told her your name or something. And Leia my girl, don’t go with strange men just because they say “Your father sent me.” She’s in orange like her mommmmmmmm. Guys this show is gonna murder me. “Shh. Quiet.” Hey Ben, I think the lightsaber hanging from your holster is more obvious than Leia whispering “Are you a Jedi?” She came from the gutter. Sure. She really came from the Jedi Academy and survived Order 66. Still standing by that theory. Yeah, Old Ben, you should have kept on the gas mask and gave one to Leia too. Hide your face. Also why are you dressed in the literal most stereotypically Jedi outfit? I’m sorry. Was that a dinosaur? “Little green cape. You don’t need those!... And the gloves.” This girl is doing a good job embodying Leia. I really felt the spirit of Carrie Fisher when she looked up at Obi-Wan and continued to put on the gloves. Leia my girl. Obi-Wan looks like the most Jedi Jedi ever right now with his robes. He’s not being subtle. “You think the less you say, the less you give away, but it’s really the opposite.” That’s my girl. This green cape gives off RotJ jungle battle vibes and I love it. (No I can’t remember the name of the jungle planet I’m tired and that’s the least of the things I’ve forgotten so far). “This is no ordinary Jedi.” Cause I’m no ordinary girl, I’m from the deep blue underworld. I do not blame Leia in the slightest for running. Obi-Wan, you did not give the girl much reason to trust you. Oh good. Haja’s a real good guy. What is this spinning lightsaber and why does it feel familiar? There goes Flea. Fun but weird to have him around while we did. Could Jedi always read minds... man it’s been at least 3 years since I last watched all the movies. Do I need to brush up on my Star Wars? “Nothing, you just remind me someone.” I know! I knowww. I knowwwwwww. Someone kill me. “You didn’t know? He’s alive.” NOOOOOO. NOOOOOOOO. NOOOOOOOOOOO. This is painful this is hurting me. I am not ashamed to admit that I literally squeaked hearing the mask breathing.
That was far more emotionally painful than I thought it would be, and I knew it’d be emotionally painful.
Though honestly the thing that has me reeling the most is that Flea was in this. I don’t know why that’s so shocking to me. I’m not even a Red Hot Chili Peppers fan. And yet I’m still beyond shook.
I gotta make a post about young Leia because she really hit it on the nail. She’s very good.
And I rewatched the youngling scene. There was a little Black girl. Is that Reva? I think so.
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Tomorrow Never Came
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Obi Wan Kenobi x Reader  -  1015 Words  -  Part 1 of 1
Notes: This was originally started for one of @moonlit-imagines‘s writing challenges but due to life beating the fuck out of me- I didn’t make it in on time. So instead it’s kicking off May the 4th 2021! Send in your Star Wars requests here!
Warnings: Alcohol mention and use, alcohol used as a coping mechanism, references to grief, mentions of death and despair, force ghosts, and angst.
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It felt like the world had ended. On the shuttle, you cradled a baby that wasn’t yours while Obi-Wan held you. No one spoke. The weight of the world was heavier knowing the entire galaxy would struggle now- but it was the heaviest knowing all your friends and companions were dead or forsaken.
Anakin was gone, his children orphaned, and Padmé buried. The Jedi Order was slaughtered by the troops they had once commanded- by those once counted as friends. Democracy itself sat unhinged and uprooted. This brave new world boasted an empire whose reign continued unchecked and without resistance. It was exhausting to remember and even worse to face.
You wondered if the nights spent sneaking around caused any of this- if your moments of indiscretion had bled out into sedition and political turmoil. Obi-Wan silently thought the same, terrified that the entire galaxy might suffer for his lack of control.
Yet, as the bundle in your arms woke and cried with healthy and defiant lungs, the truth could be felt. Choices had been made and at the end of all things, it was impossible to reconcile that they hadn’t been yours.
Tattooine was hotter than your native home of Coursant, yet it was the perfect place to hide an unwanted child, a disgraced politician, and a Jedi deserter. Baby Luke went to the moisture farm and you went into the city. The heat persisted into the night, and you didn’t blame Obi-Wan when he started staying at the Cantina later. Grief was a funny thing.
You mourned quietly at every moment of your days, Padmé’s presence hanging heavily over your mind until an exhaustive sleep claimed you. Obi-Wan had too many ghosts for exhaustion. Too many failures looking back at him full of accusations and loathing. He had broken his vows too many times and no matter how painfully the truth tried to prevail, his mind refused to believe any other explanation.
He had loved too much. It was out of love he befriended Padmé and overlooked the truth of her allegiances for so long. It was a different love that stayed his hand from rearing Anakin who, above all else, needed order and compassion. And you? He had coveted you and won you with charms that only led to ruin.
Every night stumbling home to find solace in each other pushed the guilt a little farther away. But reality never changed. His robes were locked in a box, the lightsaber he shouldn’t have kept stored in a hidden compartment.
The vestiges of your former life lay heavily on Obi-Wan’s mind as he tried to drown his sorrows. The cantina was crowded and offered more anonymity than the hood of his cloak. Each drink stung enough to momentarily put the ghosts to sleep, but without you there to distract his mind kept circling back.
Tonight he could not escape his thoughts, there was no solace in the bitter liquor or among the violent crowd of patrons. He spilled a handful of coins onto the table before struggling to his feet and turning towards the door. He did not want to return home, he didn’t want you to see him. Not while he was undeserving of your smile. Yet, the night around him was dark and there was nowhere else to go.
The sand under his boots muffled the sound of all movement and as Obi-Wan turned down an alley moving towards your shared home, he saw someone before him. He hadn’t heard an approach and for a moment was determined to ignore the stranger. A strange pale hue surrounded the man and drew his attention, and Obi-Wan froze.
A light blue surrounded him yet Obi-Wan would have recognized the man anywhere. Qui-Gon Jinn, the man he once called master and viewed as a father, stood before him shrouded behind the veil of the force.
Obi-Wan blanched at the spectral image of his former master and felt venomous tears prick at the corner of his eyes.
“It is too late,” he cried at the unmoving ghost, “I have waited for your sign, for guidance but it is too late! All is lost.” Obi-Wan’s voice broke over the anguished syllables yet Qui-Gon said nothing.
No matter how desperate either man wished it, it wasn’t his place to interfere.
The silence was maddening and whatever frustration Obi-Wan carried multiples back upon his master. For the first time in his life, Obi-Wan was filled with anger. Hate bubbled below the surface coloring his heart in ways it had never been before.
He hated Anakin for what he did to Padmé, he hated Qui-Gon for dying, he even dared to hate you for tempting him. But most of all he hated himself for those false thoughts.
“I will never be like you,” Obi-Wan bellowed through clenched teeth challenging the specter.
Qui-Gon would’ve known how to love all of you better. He would’ve had lenience enough for Padmé and Anakin, wisdom enough to keep everyone balanced instead of so strictly placed upon an impossible precipice of right and wrong.
Obi-Wan said as much through a clenched jaw and frantic breaths, laying decades worth of anguish and grief before his master’s feet. But when he finally blinked the last tears from his eyes and saw clearly again, the ghost was gone. He reeled back and fell onto the sand.
It was over.
Years worth of pent-up feelings slipped off his shoulders and followed Qui-Gon into the dark. There was no reckoning. There was no blame left to debate.
It was over.
Obi-Wan was drunk and alone in the dark.
Yet miles away he could feel Luke and even farther through the force he could feel Leia. There was life still in the galaxy and in that life, there was enough good to turn his feet back towards home. There, Obi-Wan knew you would be waiting for him just like he knew the suns would rise in the morning. All he could do was love you and what was left the best he could. It was enough, it had to be.
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ariainstars · 5 years
What’s Missing in The Rise of Skywalker or What I Think Star Wars Needs in Order to Work…
This may be pure conjecture on my side… But there’s one thought that’s not letting me go these days.
We have shredded Episode IX to pieces by now and we all know its plot holes and massive problems with character development, coherence, morality etc.
But I’m realizing that there is something that Star Wars has always had at its center… and I believe that without it, it simply cannot work.
The Father Figure.
Remember, the central sentence (and one of the most iconic film scenes ever) is the infamous “No - I am your father.”
So let’s face the saga from this point of view.
The Phantom Menace is not a masterpiece of filmmaking, but a decent film, with an interesting story and a lot of intriguing characters. It works well as a solid introduction to the prequel trilogy.
At its heart we find Qui-Gon Jinn. Gentle, cunning, compassionate and rebellious, Qui-Gon is the ideal Jedi if there ever was one. To Anakin, the fatherless child, he is the first father figure he knows, the first person who is an advocate for him and pleads his cause; not that his mother wouldn’t, but she was powerless to do so. Qui-Gon also has the broad-shouldered, tall frame that will later become one of Darth Vader’s trademarks.
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Attack of the Clones is one of the weakest, if not the weakest Star Wars film of all. And I can’t overlook the fact that there is no father figure at its center.
We get to know Jango Fett, Boba’s father, who is however not a main character: his presence is important for the course of the plot, but not the impact of his personality itself.
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We also have an interesting insight in Anakin’s relationship with Obi-Wan. It takes only a few minutes for us to realize that these two are not on the best of terms: Obi-Wan is too immature and inexperienced for the task he has to shoulder, too strict in his adherence to the Jedi Code (possibly due to the other Jedi’s critical eye on them), and Anakin is more powerful than he is despite his youth. As a result, young Obi-Wan does not have much, if any, influence on the events of the story.  He may be a good Jedi but as a father figure for young Anakin he is not suited at all.
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Revenge of the Sith sees Palpatine taking over the rule as Anakin’s master: it is interesting that before this moment, he used to refer to the Anakin as “Son”, another way of subtly manipulating the young man who was in need of a father figure to look up to.
The film is excellently made and, very fittingly, the unraveling of a human tragedy. Palpatine is the most powerful and also most horrifying father figure imaginable, who offers Anakin enormous power to a terrible price: the loss of everything he ever was.
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A New Hope is a very good film in many ways and for a lot of good reasons, not least due to the elderly Obi-Wan (Ben) Kenobi. He is the one who introduces Luke to his powers and explains him - and also us, the audience - the nature of the Force. Without him, we would be dealing with a good but not remarkable science fiction story. The element of magic is introduced by the Jedi who is a mentor to Luke, another young man who longs for a father figure in his life.
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To put it mildly, The Empire Strikes Back rocks! I still think of it as the best Star Wars film ever made. It contains everything a film needs to be compelling even on seeing it again and again.
And who is at the core of it all? Darth Vader, the Dark Father, the Evil, Unknown, Malignant Father. Vader is at the height of his power in the film which from his point of view is the hunt for the son he thought dead and now wants to bring at his side at all costs. Vader is terrifyingly powerful throughout the film, he dominates every scene.
Not coincidentally, we see him in his meditation chamber once where he reminds of a king sitting on his throne.
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Return of the Jedi is not bad per se but it is commonly (and in my opinion rightly) seen as the weakest of the original trilogy. Yes, I know, the Ewoks are annoying and in Jabba’s palace we already have too many Muppets - it doesn’t work when you want to make your film more child-friendly and at the same time to tell the culmination of a family drama.
But again, what I miss here is a central figure. We see Palpatine holding Vader’s leash, until he is at the last moment defeated by the father desperate to save his son. It is an act that costs him his life and makes Vader and his redemption heart and soul of the story.
But until that moment, we have Palpatine at the center of the plot. Thus, there are two father figures. And I can’t help but noticing that the fact is a little irritating in itself. Similarly to Attack of the Clones, Return of the Jedi seems to waver when it comes to deciding what it is about, what the actual, all-encompassing arc is.
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The Force Awakens: Han is thirty years older now and a father figure himself - to a son who felt abandoned by him. Han dominates the key scene: his son is unhinged and conflicted and despite his power, he doesn’t have the events under control.
Han’s decision to give up his life to save his son’s soul is a last, desperate act born from love which parallels Vader’s. Even if at this moment we do not yet realize that he will succeed in the end, we are aware that something momentous has happened on the fatal bridge: an event that was built up for many years and will have enormous repercussions on everyone involved.
Not surprisingly, Han also felt like a father figure for Rey, the other protagonist of the sequels. 
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The Last Jedi sees an aged Luke Skywalker in the role of the wise old mentor which once was Obi-Wan’s. Though his attitude is not exactly fatherly, Luke is heart and soul of the story. His wisdom, his courage and also the admittance of his failure push the story onto its tragic but heroic ending.
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The Rise of Skywalker is disappointing on many levels, but thinking about it again, there is again that certain something that I miss most.
Yes, the Father Figure.
Palpatine is but a creepy old shadow and is not even acknowledged as kin by Rey.
The central and most moving scene is, again, a meeting between Han and his son, finally reconciling.
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 For good measure
Rogue One is the story of Jyn’s father Galen, his plans for the Rebellion and her daughter living only to fulfill them. Though sad, it is a good and convincing story. 
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Solo is nice to watch but it does not work as well as Rogue One. My guess is that focuses too much on action and not enough on character development: the film does not make clear enough that Beckett is a father figure for Han, and that it is significant for his personal development to leave him and his mindset behind. 
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The Clone Wars has Anakin’s relationship with his padawan Ahsoka at the heart. Though from their age difference he is more like a big brother for her, differently to the other Jedi he is protective, respectful and listening with her. Anakin’s attitude proves over and over what a good father he would have been had he had the chance. 
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The Mandalorian works excellently and it has, again - need I say it? - a father-son relationship at its core. Despite his previous cut-throat demeanor, Dindjarin always makes his little protegee feel safe and lets him develop his powers in his own way and time. In return, the child is his way back to humanness.
This is the most heart-warming and perhaps until now most convincing father-child-relationship we have ever had in the entire Star Wars universe. Is the series so good for its action scenes? I’m not denying that. But that’s not what the story is about: it’s about what makes a good father, even if you are everything but a saint.
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And that what is most bitter for me about The Rise of Skywalker.
Ben Solo did not get to be the father figure I was certain was his ultimate fate to be: he was Vader’s opposite in so many details, down to his facial figures. Darth Vader was a most impressive villain but a nightmarish father. Kylo Ren never was half as convincing as a villain, which to me made it logical to assume (also since we get to know Ben Solo as an emphatic, caring person) that he was meant to be a good father and his failure came from trying to be something he wasn’t meant to be in the first place.
Anakin had damned himself with the carnage of the Jedi padawans; and in The Last Jedi the Canto Bight children, one of which is Force-sensitive, had been introduced. By becoming the Good Father his grandfather never had the chance to be Ben would have found redemption and purpose. And Rey, having been abandoned herself, would have been an excellent mother figure. (Apart from that, I don’t doubt that Adam Driver could play the role of the affectionate, protective father hands-down.)
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It is still a mystery to me why this obvious route was not taken by the filmmakers. Letting the last of the Skywalker blood die without having him fulfill his destiny was the bleakest route the story could take.
I don’t know what’s in the cards with Rian Johnson’s trilogy. But I haven’t given up hope for the saga to finally give us the happy, united family that I am positive always was meant to be at its core.
Tragedies and cautionary tales are well enough. But I believe that after all of the drama, we ought to be in for some joy and fun at last. 😊
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kingofattolia · 6 years
hi grace im rewatching the mortis arc and I want very specifically to get uhhh literally all your thoughts on it please go off
OKAY UHHHHHHHH BOY WHAT A QUESTION. SO i love Mortis honestly. it makes no sense and allows me to do WHATEVER i want with theories and fanfiction and have it be canonically plausible. 
absolute random thoughts:
1. when Obi-Wan goes “hello there” as soon as the Daughter shows up 👌👌 i hate him.
3. kind of really uncomfortable with the whole dark!Ahsoka part. the Son, in his guise as a sniveling weird animal, makes me REAL uncomfortable and also is it just me or do they make dark!Ahsoka act in an ooc, overly sexy~~ way. like i know it’s a trope that all evil females have to be femme fatale sex objects but Ahsoka is what, FIFTEEN? and Anakin doesn’t act ooc when he’s using the Dark Side – he acts just like himself, but angrier. don’t like this at all
4. HOWEVER i am very interested in the fact that the Son poisoned Ahsoka with the Dark Side and i think that potentially has a lot of strange implications. so how you use the Force isn’t always a choice? if you can be poisoned with the dark, can you be poisoned with the light? we know about normal sith poison that just increases negative emotion & encourages rage, making someone weaker to the dark side and more likely to use it. but it seemed like the Son’s poison was more than just that? interesting that he didn’t poison Anakin
5. the part where dark!Anakin clomps onto the ship and Ahsoka hides from him and then escapes. it gives me the shivers every time because honestly the possibility of Anakin hurting Ahsoka feels REALLY bad. also it is very interesting to me how Ahsoka doesn’t even seem that surprised. maybe im wrong or maybe its the surreality of Mortis as a whole? but it always seems like she’s not particularly shocked by dark!Anakin for some reason
6. forever astounded & confused that all it took for the Son to turn Anakin was showing him a vision of the future.
anakin: *sees a vision of himself killing everyone* NO!!!
anakin 2 seconds later: i have seen that it is THE JEDI who will stand in the way of peace
like??? it’s a constant of both Falls that he wants to end the war and bring peace. its a constant that he wants the power to protect people he loves from harm. it ALSO seems to be a constant that mere instants after falling to the Dark Side he forgets his original aims and becomes unhinged. he literally sees a vision of HIMSELF, specifically, individually, standing in the way of peace. and then is inexplicably like RAUGUGHRHFJHGHF THE JEDI. 
this seems to be the same transition that happens at the end of ROTS between him leaving for mustafar and when Obi-Wan finds him there. is this a facet of the corrupting, perverse nature of the Dark Side itself? i assume its like drugs or something where you’re like “yeah just wanna get buzzed once” and then suddenly a year later you find yourself homeless and stealing from all your relatives?
7. when the Son visits Anakin and pretends to be Shmi?? Anakin’s like “the only love in my heart is haunted by what would happen should i let go” and Shmi/the Son is like “then it is not love. it is a prison.” LIKE WOW UH? the Son is apparently a true bro, dishing out some solid therapeutic advice. i cry because Anakin is genuinely trying so hard & also needs mental health support
8. love it when Anakin just stabs the Son in the back and kills him
9. WHEN THE FATHER RESTORES ANAKIN TO THE LIGHT BY WIPING HIS MEMORIES. RRHGJGJRHFJFJGHFJRVHGghhHH. i hate moments like this. like in “thrawn: alliances” when thrawn tells anakin “you’ll want to watch out for someone messing with your clone troopers. that’s gonna be really dangerous to you” and anakin is just like “yeah yeah, whatever.” OH MY GGGOSH HE LITERALLY JUST TOLD YOU ABOUT ORDER 66.
theoretical speculations:
first of all, it’s absolutely iconic that the way Anakin brings balance to Mortis is by leaving no one there alive. which is basically the same way he later brings balance to the galaxy. classic Anakin.
what’s weird to me is that the Father seems to think balance NEEDS to be kept between the Son and Daughter on Mortis for the galaxy itself to not fall out of balance. this would make one think that all three of the Ones are simply personified manifestations of the Force itself, right? but: 
a) they straight up died and thus were mortal 
b) the lore seems to indicate they began life as mortals way way way way way back at the beginning of time and just drank some elixir of life that turned them into Force demigods
c) according to some dumb legends book about Luke Skywalker, all three of them were necessary to entrap and defeat some hideous primordial dark side force beast called Abeloth that lived in the Maw and escaped every so often. except when Abeloth escaped during luke’s lifetime, oh whoops, the Ones are all dead (thanks dad)
obviously this last is not canon anymore, but the combination of all of this still makes me think that they were actually just massively OP individual beings who drank the wrooong magic elixir five thousand years ago and had a theory of Force balance influenced by their own lived experiences. 
i’m not convinced by the theory that they were never real and were just Force apparitions the whole time. as a “shared vision” Mortis kind of makes sense, except for the fact that it makes NO sense at all?!? what kind of a useless vision, honestly. the Force is going to impart something monumental to three of the most important players in the whole “balance” storyline SIMULTANEOUSLY, and it chooses THIS?!?! that’s like trying to deliver an urgent message by just yelling GRHKEAHAAAAAGRGHRHAHGHHRGHAAAA in the person’s ear.
the Force isn’t exactly known for delivering explicitly clear visions, but i’ve never heard of one this complex and weirdly, pointlessly creative either. to me, it makes much more sense that the Ones were all real individuals. and if the whole thing was just a vision, that means they’re all having visions inside of visions inside of visions, when Ahsoka sees herself and Obi-Wan sees Qui-Gon, plus Anakin’s vision of the future from the Son. that’s pretty wack and OTT. 
my inclination is simply to think of them as crazily powerful, insanely old Force users that died when they met Anakin Skywalker (a very universal experience) and evidence of the diversity of how the Force manifests in the galaxy. the biggest problem with this is the gosh darn time travel episode from Rebels.
the ~world between worlds~ and access to every moment in time, past present and future, is entered through a mystical portal painting of the Ones. why the HECK would this be the case?! did they create the portal? did they discover it? they clearly had some knowledge of weird dimension stuff, given that Mortis itself was kind of an alternate dimension. are they ACTUALLY Force gods of some kind? technically, everyone is a manifestation of the Force! what makes them different?!
what secrets do they know about “the balance”? it seems like they must know SOMETHING to be so powerful and so inextricably linked to time and space itself. and yet….. everything they CLAIMED about the balance in the actual Mortis episodes seems a) stupid and b) mostly wrong. so…….. WHAT then? 
honestly, i have no idea what conclusion to take away from Mortis. we JUST don’t KNOW and it drives me nuts. on the one hand, why is all of star wars about the Force and yet we have no information about the Force that makes sense?!?! on the other hand, it is absolutely accurate to irl theology to have no real concrete answers and all of it is just “well some say this” or “some interpret it this way.” 
tbqh Mortis is the blank check Dave Filoni wrote me so that i can make up whatever the heck i want and it’s not wrong
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