#i want the people who are pissed about this and say it isnt real art to use artbreeder for like 20 minutes
garecc · 2 years
If I see one more bad take about ai art i think I will lose my mind
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egberts · 4 months
this is gonna make no sense but i hope someone can at least sympathize with my view here. i flat out dont interact with art on this site (or twitter) unless its made by a friend/mutual because ppl have so many rules about who is allowed to interact with them and how theyre allowed to interact with them that i know im gonna do smth wrong and upset someone so i just dont interact. it isnt worth it. the original poster can see your tags now so leaving tags is the scariest thing in the world to me now even on normal text posts because i know im going to say the wrong thing and get blocked or have my tags screenshotted
i can tell you're working with a lot of fear of being perceived, and it's okay to be an anonymous lurker online but if you're finding yourself feeling like you GENUINELY want to interact with somebody else's art/post/writing or whatever but fear of their reaction is the only thing stopping you then unironically my best advice for you is: DO IT SCARED. chances are, it'll go better than you're worried about and if it doesn't then the block button is right there for the both of you. if they block you don't take it personally, just move on. trust me on this one, a lot of random people have me blocked and it is never worth dwelling on for more than a "hey what the fuck." moment. I promise the opinions of random anonymous strangers mean less in your real life than you're worried about. genuinely look up from your screen right now, at your surroundings, and tell me, looking at the tangible things in your life that are there with you wherever you are, is it going to be THAT big of a deal if you accidentally piss off an internet stranger? absolutely not.
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awfulwingz · 7 months
The strange overlap of marble hornets/everymanhybrid fans and fans of actual fucking school shooters has always immeasurably pissed me off. I want to just. Share my thoughts on why I have been so fucking uncomfortable with this.
For a while, I stepped back from posting MH and EMH art because I realized it garnered a lot of people who were posting fanart/edits of the columbine shooters, among other adjacent subjects. It was strange.
Coming back, I realize this has not changed whatsoever. There are still a lot of artists and accounts that I notice liking my art that are just very openly interested in school shootings/shooters in weird fandom-y ways. I shouldn’t have to be the one to tell you how sick this is. Posting fanart and edits of people who have destroyed families is not normal. It’s sick. I will never not be uncomfortable with these kinds of accounts engaging with my art.
There is a large divide between fictional horror content, and TCC content creators posting “content” of actual murders/massacres. And it’s very important to me that people acknowledge that. I dont call people out for this individually because often times a lot of these people are under 18. I just block them and move on. And I hope that they get healthier interests and that this isnt a good coping mechanism or whatever other excuse
As for Z3r0 day. I would be fine with this movie if it weren’t for the people online treating it like a fun fandom media, shipping the fictional school shooters and joking about real school shootings… again, its weird!
So yeah. Those are my thoughts on this, and thank you for hearing what I had to say. I don’t want anyone else to get surprised anymore when I block them for having a ZD or school shooter pfp or for constantly retweeting weird shooter fanart!!! <3
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4pfsukuna · 5 months
Hi!! Hope you’re having a good day so far! I love this asexual!reader x jjk series. Every one of them has been fire!! Could you do asexual!black!reader x Choso perchance pls if you’ve got the time? Anything fluffy or maybe even a meet-cute. Would love to hear your thoughts/drabble. Thank you for all the works so far!!!! 💫
Girl dont make me cry! Also sorry this took 150years and its not my best work so if you want another one let me know😭😭
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Drabbles to headcannon ft. Choso kamo
Sketching out the park in the yard of the apartment conplex you live in you sigh frustratedly tearing yet another page out the book.
“You must like trees” a tiny voice says next to you and you notice its one of your neighbors the energetic little boy with pink hair who youve swear youve seen kick through concrete.
“I just cant find the right color” you pout and his eyes widen at all the color pencils you have.
“My brothers good at coloring, he stays in the lines real good. We can ask him” he grins looking behind you and you see a stressed looking man nearly running toward you. His eyes soften when he sees you.
“Cho! She needs help coloring” the tiny boy beams unphased by his brothers distressed state.
Theres large amounts of cursed energy coming from you but you dont seem to be a threat.
“Yuji what did i tell you about running off” he huffs out his robes moving as swiftly as he does. Yujis eyes get watery and his bottom lip trembles.
“But oni-chan” he whines and chosos face instantly softens and you think the soft spot he has for his little brother is adoreable. He somehow convinces his brother to color your trees and you notice he isnt half bad.
“Your struggling because your using one shade of red for the leaves when it should be three to capture how they fade into brown” he points out which you arent too happy to receive.
What? Youre an artist and youre sensitive about your work. You make an excuse to leave shortly after and head back to your apartment.
A few days later you hear a soft knock on your door and to your suprise find Choso and little yuji who smiles brightly at you.
“Oni-chann bought you colored pencils! Its the expensive ones” yuji beams excitedly holding up the gift bag and Choso jaw drops looking at his brother.
“Actually he seen a coloring book he wanted to get you…and i noticed i may have offended you the other night so its a peace offering” he speaks and you notice the marking on his nose you want to ask questions but it’s rude.
Your living room had been transformed into a art studio with paintings, paint, blank canvases pencils and loose sketches floating around and Yuji can help his self as he runs in looking over each piece. Choso is ready to apologize but you instead walk over to yuji explaining all the different artworks and hes shocked at the way he holds onto every word you say.
Its something about the way youre so good with yuji that makes something in him stir not sexual but its like he’s seeing you for the first time. 
Yuji comes over every day after school… which means Choso comes over every day.
You start learning how he’s basically good at every thing cooking, drawing, playing instruments, origamii, baking, it actually pissed you off sometimes it was becoming a game of “anything you can do i can do better and make yours look useless” And you were losing.
It’s when he begins coming over without yuji that you enjoy spending time with him and you notice he’s alot more relaxed the pressure to be the best is gone.
He’s only trying to be the best to impress his little brother.
He enjoys doing little things to make life easier for you, taking out the trash, helping with dishes even keeps your company on wash day. It’s the day he collapses from exhaustion on your couch that you realizes he’s such a people pleaser for people he cares about.
And touch deprived. He falls apart when you place a hand on his forehead dark eyes void of anything just enjoying your proximity.
His favorite place is your lap where he lays his head and closes his eyes as you massage his scalp running your fingers through it, his 2 signature buns long gone.
It’s when you hear his soft snores that you turn down the t.v and set an alarm for when you have to get Yuji from school.
Choso never pressures you into anything sexual or even talks about it, why?
Hes our asexual king!
He’s happy with the quality time and returned acts of service the two of you give another. He gets his fill from watching you and yuji interact. He gets his fill when you see the tiredness in his baggy eyes and pat your lap for him to lay down. 
He gets his fill when you ramble about your day and coworkers and the latest telfar Bag drop. He LOVESSSS going to the hair supply store and when you let him smell the hair products.
He knows better than to use it because he looked up hair type when you went on a rant about your hair having 2 different hair types.
He closed the window when it began talking about weave because you said you didn’t wear that and that yes your hair grew 36 inches over night and changed texture (you still giggle to yourself about it because he was either so gullible or too polite to ask)
Purposely leaves his hair ties so he has a reason to come back, though between Yuji and his great cooking skills he was always welcomed.
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atiianeishaunted · 4 days
some canon stfuf about the sonder cast bwaa :33 you can have ur own hcs btw id love to see them <3 but!! yeah,, i feel liek infodumping a teensy bit hrgfrhfh mainly cuz im not in an art mood 2day sigh doesnt include everyone bc this is only stuff i can think of off the top of my head atm but :3
lance: canonically bisexual, might be a trans man (havent decided? its honestly up 2 the audience, could go either way), was a huge moviestarplanet player when he was a kid, would probably play dress to impress methinks, for the LONGEST time was convinced something was going on between allura and keith and was insanely jealous and bitter, has the worst gaydar ever TRUST, figured out he was bisexual while playing msp but it only got worse when he met keith and hes really pissed about it
keith: gay as hell but hasnt exactly processed or accepted it (just knows hes scared of women) (for many reasons), transgender (will respond to anything besides feminine pronouns n such), most likely did his own piercings dont ask how or why, allura is the only woman thus far hes comfortable with because she reminds him of a certain someone, allura and him r huge gossips, jack of all trades but really does not know what hes good at like he doesnt know a thing about himself (one time lance challenged him to try out his sniper bc they got into an argument and keith was surprisingly good at it, he was evidently more confused than lance somehow?) (think that one family guy audio where s liek "how r u doing that" "i dunno ;;; O_O"), if you ask him ANYTHING about himself he will most likely just say "yeah i dont rememebr" or "I dont know", often talks very old school and "retro" (in lance's words), surprisingly a decent cook/baker, not as good as hunk of course but can keep up, despite this it was revealed in a conversation with hunk that keith was eating glass among other inedible things while going crazy in the desert (his feral era <3), can diy explosives among other things and no one acknowledges it because it scares them, this boy is very autistic, audhd in fact, im right and you all know it allura: lesbian but doesnt realize it just yet, would probably love the idea of neo/xenopronouns she'd find them whimsical, surprisingly prefers moths over butterflies (mainly after a talk she and keith had one night), huge gossip and loves romance but not in a "i need to date a man" way but "i want to play cupid" (think mabel from gravity falls) (she did have a phase of being boy crazy but that quickly went away when she was brought out of stasis), she loves dressing up but mainly dresses down and more casually because she doesnt go out as much thanks to altea going kaput and all that, she adores gardening and likes to make dyes and such from her flowers, huge diy queen (TRUSTT) she can sew and all that, probably real crafty, keith and allura are close friends and both extremely out of touch with normal human people, she frequently asks him for advice due to their closeness and they just make eachother worse /aff, unironically used wicked in a sentence and was very proud of it (lance almost threw keith out of an airlock for this one), not the best cook but tries her best and is fairly confident with her skills (vicecore if you play alchemy stars) (keith almost banned her from the kitchen) (they agreed on supervised kitchen hours)
pidge: aroace and agender, literally a chronically online cosplayer tech nerd, probably has been cancelled multiple times to the point where matthew had to take every piece of tech they had in the house, has doxxed people before, obsessed with vocaloid and anime, wants to get piercings really bad but their parents wont let them, uses any pronouns and if you ask for their gender they will change their answer everytime or answer with something silly like "the void", their favorite person is Hunk but beyond that prefers robots and tech as their companions, keith is their favorite victim of pranks (save him), the only one who isnt scared of keith even a little bit, evil scientist coded, too smart for their own good, not very socially smart and misses social cues but doesnt really care, very picky about the food they consume, iconic 13-14 year old who is a bit too excited at the prospect of having an excuse to build weapons
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terraliensvent · 5 months
god forbid any popular artist also have worth outside of their art, right? I mean seriously, you all are fucking crazy. these trial mods all seem to be capable people yet you really cannot take anything positively.
I think a lot of you forgot that they’re going to choose many more mods. Stopping pissing your pants because you weren’t chosen and be patient and understanding.
society expects 18 year olds to work, but once they are working on something that matters (in the grand scheme of life) LESS than real life jobs in food safety, childcare, etc. You all throw a tantrum?
you all say you have faith in Tycho until one thing you don’t like happens. One mod that wasn’t who you wanted? C’mon.
strongly agree with u anon, this is my thoughts exactly
i think people are being way too quick to jump on tycho because of how bad things have been before, the mod picks are not that bad at all and again, this is only round 1, there will be more
and there really isnt any justifiable reason outside, "geckoes is popular, comforthour is friends with tycho and also pretty young," like theres no evidence of them being bad or rude or having a shady history, its just pettiness for the sake of pettiness
again, if the full staff team picks come out and its ALL pop artists or ALL tychos friends, then ill have some complaints, but for now i think you guys are just really chomping at the bit to have something to post here about
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1800duckhotline · 1 year
ill say this time and time again but genuinely i hate people online who keep appointing the cause of every world problems on teenagers who use the internet and are stuck using the same 4 website as all the adults and who are trying to have a safe space without weird shit in it
like i genuinely cant stand adults who spend their day especially whining about how children online are annoying and that their access to the internet should be illegal until they're of age and that they should Die because they're SILENCING OUR RIGHTS!!! (the "silencing" is pointing out how a person was drawing incest and pedophilia and disability fetish art)
like i cant stand you all. you dont fucking understand anything. im not saying every teenager online is automatically a saint. we make msitakes when we're teens and that's it but unless it's something voluntarily bigoted and harmful it's literally not something to get your panties in a twist about. and blaming children for how strongly NSFW is getting restricted on socmed isnt it lmfao. because its lawmakers implementing those rules, ones that arent benefitting anyone but them & investors that want to look clean. like trust me they dont fucking care about what children have to say (especially if theyre black and/or poc and as a bonus lgbtq or disabled and so forth.)
its why i genuinely will keep standing up for teenagers online. its like none of you stupid cucks understand that most of us grew up on a fairly child-friendly internet with a huge array of sites where children could go and play games, or be on forums with kids their own age. you know where those sites went? they either went bankrupt (because parents decided it was not fucking worth to keep paying the premium subscription for a website mmorpg with a predatory payment plan - which is fair, but ultimately will affect the kid still) or barely scraping by via appealing to current website/social media standards. there is no girlsgogames.com like there was before. no barbie online. and so forth. these fuckers who keep blaming kids for everything literally dont fucking want to understand children nowadays who want an escapade from a possibly bad real life situation literally have Nowhere else to Fucking Go if they dont want to be monitored by potentially abusive parents (or just want some damn privacy for x amount of reasons)
this shit makes me so pissed off. going back to finish my thesis. bye
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malevolententity · 9 months
hrmgmgm 4ever situ thoughts
this will probably get messy and personal because that Really informs how i feel and i need to expel it from my body LMAO
i still dont know how i feel. or well. i know how i feel but its nuanced and conflicted and im mad that i cant concisely say how i feel. we Know the initial information didnt come out in good faith. we Know that the girls involved were not asked how they felt prior to the callouts. we also can see from current actions that this doesnt happen anymore. that it doesnt represent who he is as a person in recent years.
and i fully believe that people are able to change and grow from past wrong actions. regardless of if those actions were just wrong jokes or Literal Actions.
this cycle never gets easier. ive been on both sides e.g. being like one of the girls. but also being one of the ccs. so i get their no nuance just anger. because m still mad as hell about ike/ciel. as someone who was good friends with him. but also was the same age as his victims and very easily could be considered one by some people. shout out to being two people removed from ironmouse though 🤪.
but ive also like. been in the girls situation. you dig back 11/12 years on here. theres Going to be evidence of 22 year olds with thousands of followers flirting with 13/14 year old me. some of whom were harmless friends making weird tasteless no intent jokes. and some of whom were genuine pedophiles that either were complete strangers or people i knew in real life and called friends. and id be fucking pissed if any of those were taken out of or even in context without my permission. because its my story. if anyones going to be talking about it it should only ever be because i decided i wanted it to be talked about. not some random person having a vendetta against people i used to talk to and finding and using bits of my story as a way to defame someone whos recent actions do not line up with the deplorable actions of them in 20 fucking 12.
and so i cant help but have 800 fucking emotions. because what we know about is gross. but i dont believe he should be fully deplatformed over shit he hasnt done in 5-7 years. and that is absolutely fueled by my emotions because as far as we know. the girls did not ask for him to be deplatformed. the girls stories are being spread without their input to ruin a guys life. and i would feel violated if i was used as evidence by strangers against my will.
but maybe thats just the victim brain in me who will always feel the need to shield some of the guys from my past because its complicated and messy and humans are complicated and messy. and im just projecting. because i have been in those girls position. a few times.
and thats why ive been mostly silent through this whole thing. because i am a Hashtag Bad Victim and no one wants to hear from the people who think were being too hasty and think information should come from the people involved. not twitter sleuths who really fucking hate a cc.
that said for people who need to see it written out. im not supporting him with views on future videos. i still enjoy 4ever as a character. i will still probably reblog 4ever art every now and then, because ive also gone thru this in a dnd fandom where one guy turned out to be a shitter but i still enjoyed his character so i will engage with the character when i feel like it. because that character is not the streamer.
this whole situation just feels bad and unfair to absolutely everyone involved. no one here is winning. celebrating his removal is weird. because the removal means something Did happen and thats horrible. and watching this turn into a spectacle to see who unfollows next/what the next announcement is, is disgusting. this isnt a game and it feels like some of you are treating it that way. these are real lives, these are real people.
side tangent.
i really fucking cant stand everyone whos been comparing this to the dream situations. because every single dream situation has come from victims or people posing as victims. so of course. listen to them and do your own research but believe them from the get go. THIS THOUGH????? WAS ADMITTEDLY UNRELATED PEOPLE WHO HATED A GUY, WHO FOR MONTHS HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING TO DEPLATFORM HIM. AND FINALLY FOUND SOMETHING THAT WAS ACTIONABLE. of course some of us were going to hold off on forming thoughts and were gonna be skeptical of where the information came from because it was not victims coming forward.
its two different fucking situations and acting like theyre the same is insane to me.
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gutsfics · 1 year
i was rewatching the multihour quintionreviews videos about Victorious while i went through the hwu and hss files and made transparents of people's mcs and i was reminded of my lil headcanon:
Victorious and Hollywood U take place in the same universe.
HWU and Hollywood Arts are both art schools that exist, lets be real, specifically for nepo babies who need help trying to stand on their own fame-wise. most Hollywood Arts students that can't get famous before graduating (and some that do, in certain cases) but still want to try end up at HWU during college.
it does not help that Hollywood Arts really doesn't have many classes about anything that isnt the preforming arts and thus most students can't get into any other college
heres some general headcanons about it:
for the most part, every member of the main cast of Victorious ends up at HWU right after graduating hs
with the exception of Tori, who starts attending classes about half way through everyone else's freshman year bc she realizes that she was way in over her head (& at the encouragement of her producer)
Tori wants Ethan to be her agent but he's too busy trying to get Jade and Cat to sign on with him (which is to say, Cat signs on with him almost immediately but Jade does not give a shit)
after about a week into the school year, Hunt throws Rex into traffic and tells Robbie that he should get new material
speaking of Hunt, he tends to find students who graduated Hollywood Arts tend to be the most..... annoying of all his students. his favorites (and i'm really stretching the term 'favorite' here) of this year's group are Sinjin (pisses him off the least, gets his work done and does it well usually the first time) and- to everyone's surprise- Cat (he would never admit it to anyone ever but he lowkey finds her delightful. he really tried to dislike her at first)
Bianca, Jenni, Lance, Lisa, and Desiree all graduated from Hollywood Arts
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cosplayprincess21 · 2 years
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I posted 471 times in 2022
140 posts created (30%)
331 posts reblogged (70%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 226 of my posts in 2022
#dr stone - 176 posts
#dcst - 168 posts
#dr. stone - 151 posts
#drst - 127 posts
#gen asagiri - 72 posts
#asagiri gen - 72 posts
#ryusui nanami - 59 posts
#senku ishigami - 54 posts
#kohaku - 51 posts
#nanami ryusui - 42 posts
Longest Tag: 114 characters
#seriously ive rewatched dr.stone. how i met your mother. the originals and moriarty the patriot multiple times now
My Top Posts in 2022:
Senku hcs
Oh this shall be fun
Realizes he's aromantic asexual in middle school. Everyone else was going on about romance and dating and all that other stuff, and all he cared about was science.
Was the one lecturing people in elementary school about why certain super powers can't be real and crushed the hopes and dreams of those wanting lazer vision
Would secretly leave Taiju money or other things he needed but pretended he had no idea where they came from
Since hes the definition of aroace, his gaydar is never wrong
Tried to figure out if he could turn himself into a robot as a kid, it did not work
Speaking of robots, he had robot pj's up until he was 11 in which he traded them for science ones
His experiments would make stay up late into the night, so naturally, he developed a taste for energy drinks.
At night he will sometimes think of Byakuya and remember all the memories he has with his dad, he might try to act like the man was embarrassing and all, but deep down hes a kid who never got to say goodbye to his dad
The only two people he can fully confide in are Taiju and Yuzuirha
While its common for kids who are adopted to want to know about their biological parents, he doesnt. He had Byakuya after all, and Byakuya is his dad, nothing else matters.
Hope you like them. Senku is a very fun character to make headcanons for.
45 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
no one in Dr.STONE is an autistic retard so why do you plan to make a post about it? just cause you're retarded doesnt mean they are
congrats you got me to use Tumblr Desktop instead of my phone because im going to have a lot to say.
First of all, fuck off with the R word here, its an outdated and harmful term thats rooted in Ableism. Secondly i was going to ignore this and delete it when i saw the first line but then you also decided to insult me so you know enjoy getting your ass handed to you.
But whats wrong with noticing that certain characters in Dr.STONE are ASD coded? Like everyone accepts that Ryusui has ADHD but being autistic is something bad right? News Flash it isnt. Also show me where in the manga that Sai and Yuzuriha dont show traits of autism? i feel explaining to you would be a waste of energy but just know this is only going to make my post on it even longer cause holy fuck the beginning will now have a rant about people like you. Do me a favor and never send an ask here again and kindly fuck off.
Also this comment really pissed me off and i was going to focus on just Sai and Yuzuriha but now im gonna add Magma,Senku and Ruri to this as well cause ive also been seeing them as ASD coded but have been keeping that to myself.
47 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
so i finished fmab
sobbing crying wailing etc it was SO GOOD and completely destroyed me at the same time fhjfjkfjhfkjhsahjsdjhfkjdjghdkjsk definitely the anime of all time
welcome to the world of FMAB. The obsession will never leave, and the pain gets worse with every rewatch. But with that also comes seeing little things you never noticed before which makes the series even better. 
47 notes - Posted January 23, 2022
54 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Ok but i really need to know what people have against aroace characters? Like theres nothing wrong with any character being aroace but for some reason it just causes others to be so upset and for what? Ive seen it with mostly One Piece and The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. Luckily havent seen it as much with Dr.STONE or at least on tumblr. The number of people ive blocked on tiktok for getting upset about Senku being CANONICALLY aroace is ridiculous. But yeah can someone just explain this to me? Cause aroace exist and we do deserve to have our representation in media and not in the "oh im rude because im aroace and thats my only personality" way. But in a way where we ardnt dehumanized for not feeling romantic or sexual attraction.
331 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ithisatanytime · 2 years
Caroline Polachek - Welcome To My Island [Official Music Video]
  by far the worst cope about the new black velma scooby doo and you are gonna think im lying but i swear to god i have seen several people say this, in fact as hard as this is to believe this may be one of if not the most common sentiments about the show here goes ready? the show was made bad on purpose in order to turn people against woke politics! scooby doo isnt even the first IP ive seen someone say this about, my sincere wish is that every leftist be confronted with this theory every single fucking morning and they be forced to think about it, because its either true or false right? either companies are making stuff obnoxiously woke to turn people against woke politics or they arent, if every leftist kept this idea in mind until they were sure it was either true or false there would be no more leftists. because its obviously fucking false, which means that the people making this shit are genuinely woke, and when the ideas espoused by leftists are givin free reign everything turns into bullshit, but more importantly it shows that the establishment is on there side.
  another stupid but slightly less stupid cope i see when leftist shit is universally reviled is the idea that the companies put a veneer of woke over a show in order to pander but really as we all know all companies especially media companies are run by conservative white men, the jews and black chicks and trannies are all there to capture the elusive woman and retard market. this idea is absurd and all you have to do is think for ive seconds. what do advertising companies and companies in general spend most of their time doing? meetings of course. meeting after meeting after meeting, and do you know what they discuss at those meetings? quarterly reports! profits! this idea that in 2022 companies would just guess about billion dollar ips like “you know i bet just any live action little mermaid would make a billion dollars, but lets cast an ugly ass black woman (the issue is as much how weird looking she is as the fact that shes black) in order to make people mad i mean money its to make money, becaue when people are mad there money is worth more! lol it makes no fucking sense,. if swapping out white characters for black in established IPs in order to piss off the right boosted profits in any demonstrable way id like to see it,. of course the opposite is true, and thats demonstrable and these companies know it because again they have meetings where every piece of minutia is discussed in relation to profits endlessly. and which is it? are they attempting to pander to a hyper minority of leftists who actually want to see this shit? or are they ragebaiting right wingers? the answer if you spend any amouint of time thinking about it is neither, leftists just have the same neocon boomer mentality about america where they think everything is about money, its not, especially not art, art is primarily a propaganda tool and a business second. again i would point out that this country is around HALF conservative, that is a massive untapped market of movie goers and television watchers, where are the movies pandering to them? yeah there is the odd kevin sorbo gods totally real movie but why isnt the massive hollywood machine putting a veneer of racism over movies in order to pander ot this massive untapped revenue source? why instead are they pandering to the hyper minority ultra leftist pink hair college e-bitch? it makes no business sense, but if you see hollywood as a jewish propaganda arm it makes perfect sense.
0 notes
kyameron · 2 years
Tag how many mutuals you want to ask these 33 questions to
1).Name and nickname: Cameron but everyone calls me Cam of course
2).meaning of your tumblr username: its how my name would be pronounced in Japanese
3).What is one dream you have yet to accomplish?traveling outisde the country,,seeing the places I have on my travel bucket list
4).What accomplishment are you most proud of? having my own space both physically and mentally just an quiet and calm life
5).What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done and would you do it again? I went bungie jumping before and am questioning if ill actually do it again
6).What type of music are you into?: I listen to alot alternative rap rock n roll and dream pop, indie artist and some old school here and there
7).What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?public speaking infrontof my elementary class in an play
8).What’s the one thing that people always misunderstand about you? my whole personality
9).If a genie granted you 3 wishes right now, what would you wish for?To be an billionare but no known or famous, to be married to Rihanna lol and to have all of the hot cheetos i can eat without getting heart burns
10).If you had superpowers, which one would you have and why?: mines would be teleportation so I would never get caught lacking 😅
11).What is the strongest animal you could win against with just your bare hands and feet?I would say racoon when there not looking at me..sooo am going to sneak them pretty much
12).What is your strongest qualities?: trustworthiness, loyalty,observant and crazy still 😂
13).What's the best advice a family member gave you growing up?:never trust anybody..not even the ones close to you
14).if you could have an one night stand with anybody who would it be?..it could even be an mutual if you like or celebrity: i want be too spicy..ill let yall answer that lol
15).Ethnicity & Nationality and do you take pride in it?: Black Americana with a little bit of native American because my great great grandma was native I think 😑😅
16).hobbies or talents: I know how to write poetry but to shy to speak it.I've done martial arts Like Boxing,Muay thai and kickboxing plus alittle bit of Brazilian jiu-jitsu.I also love dancing and doing sports like soccer,Baseball and track and field.but lastly I love watching anime and tv shows/movies.
17).what is your fashion style: i love streetwear so pretty much alot of oversized stuff. i love to mix it up wearing comfy and cozy clothing just chilling i guess ,love matching colors together and i love pearls!.
18).What do most people overestimate or underestimate about you? i think most people underestimate me because am an slim guy the usual things and how petty I can get because i can get real petty for shits and giggles lol
19)..are you an lover or fighter: both at times i love intimacy and physicality if I have too lol
20).If someone narrated your life, who would you want to be the narrator?: Tyler the creator
21).What problem are you currently grappling with?: Anxiety
22).What's your favorite physical attribute about yourself?: My hair
23).What hobby/talent have you always wanted to develop?:playing the guitar
24).What’s the certain product you couldn’t live without? chapstick becuase my lips can get dry quick sometimes lol
25).what is one thing you would change about yourself: try to be more calmer and less anger at times
26).What personality traits did you get from your parents?: well i think i have there sense of humor and straightforwardness..no time for Bullshit
27).Which one do you prefer: being controlled or be in control?: well if were being kinky i like to be in control and for her to be in control if shes ontop lol
28).What are your phobias? spiders..spiders..spiders and spiders and i think i hate heights too especially i might piss me pants lol
29).What qualities do you want in a partner who will be with you for the rest of your life?: funny,smart,goofy,weird and needs to love anime or else lol.someone who isnt afriad to show there emotions on there sleeve to me ..someone am comfortable to talk too
30).Who is your role model in life? Idk never really had like an role model i know personally .
31).What are the things that drive you crazy? ppl who burp to much or loud,,eating with your mouth open.. people whos always gossiping ...overly loud people and ppl who always trying to start drama
32).Do you plan to have kids?:yes and i want twins or an daughter
33).Would you rather visit your ancestors in the past or meet your descendants in the future? going to the future because we already know what happened in the past..aint no way lol
tag your it: @yeruka @6th--raikage @saucegotti @chynese-panda @bitchpleaseee @poeticjiggy @thefuckingvillian @ricebeansandplatanos @pactivist @milfmamii @theeheadturner @thewolfandhismoon @capricornmami @eyezehuhh @suki-starburst @theryanproject @hotboygucciglockboy @hopeellis @operationgloomsday @klends
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char-lotteral · 3 years
SS fandom went mad because NH got The Last movie, and just went on to attack NH fandom and act superior. Then SS calmed down with the news of the Gaiden featuring their ship. Then went mad again after the Gaiden finished because it didn't picture their ship like they wanted it to be, attacking other ships especially NH for no good reason. If you were there in 2014/2015 you would have seen how toxic SS fandom was towards others it's crazy.
O-O okay wow. I dont want to seem biased with my fandom and I also do not intend on starting ship wars but damn if im being honest, even on twitter you can tell how rabid some of their fans are. These are all my personal experiences and observations so please dont take it seriously :[] I also really wanna share this type of behavior and say that this isnt healthy AT ALL nor is it funny or whatever the fuck some fans intend it to be. No one should go through these lengths for a bunch of pixels.
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Say one wrong thing about their ship, you'll most likely get death threats on your cc. A mutual of mine interacted with this big ss account (negative interaction yaddayadda), they stalked her account and got sent death threats. ALSO there was this one time trinity (bkgsbby) held this sort of narutwt confession thingy where you get to post anonymous confessions and it gets posted on her account. There were a ton of negativeity towards SS (also NH) and they were LOSING IT. This one acc fucking ATTACKED TRINITY and called her out for "being biased and only picking the bad stuff for ss boohoo" when none of those confessions were even trinity's😩 Its like youre BANNED from saying anything negative against SS or else they'll come for you. Like really come for you.
Idk but from what ive noticed, they also have this need to compare The Last and Sauce Retsuden, they downplay NH with the same argument "they only fell in love because of genjutsu! Forced ship! Shitty development!" Lol okay, talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Not gonna lie, not one single canon ship in Naruto was developed properly (maybe shikatema but you already knew that) but SS and NH fans calling each other underdeveloped ships will always be COMEDIC GOLD.
For some fucking reason it is illegal to ship sasuhina and or sasunaru over there. Not kidding. Say anything about Sasuke being gay and they'll come for your head. "Sasuke was intimate with Sakura!! Sasuke isn't gay!!!! 😡😡😡" "Sasuke never interacted with Hinata!!! How dare you ship Sasuke with another woman that isnt Sakura😡😡😡😡" Now im not saying this behavior only applies to their fandom, but it's pretty rampant over there. I dont want to seem passive aggressive.
I shit you not, my mutual and I were making these fun little headcanons of Sasuhina and they started popping out of nowhere. They were pissed lmao. "Sasuke doesnt even know Hinata's name wtf"
No but whats WORSE, is when this sh artist on twitter was having this ship discourse sh vs ss and they just started calling her art "ugly" and "that it gave off deviantartvibes" and that sasuhina artist was untalented blahbah. Like say whatever the fuck you wanna say about the ficitional characters but attacking real people REAL PEOPLE all because they said something bad about your favorite drawing is low as fuck. Whatever fandom youre from be it ss nh ns sh sns, god knows how many fucking fandoms there are in Naruto, never NEVER attack artists for their art or talent because wtf
They also have this sort of pact with the NS stans just so they could shit on NH, the exact same people who call naruto "an ugly blond orphan" or "third wheel" for their SS ship lmao aight. They'll say anything just to downplay NH for god knows what reason. "Naruino and Narugaa had more chemistry than Naruhina!" "Naruhina had a forced marriage ahAhAha!!" "Sasuke Retsuden>>>>>>>> The Last". Trust me, no one GIVES A FUCK.
If im being honest, theyre one of the main reasons why I hate narutwt so much. They take SS to the heart, they start ganging up and attack any person on sight who shits on their ship with death threats and other harrassments. Its so unhealthy and toxic that they ruin everything for the other fans. Dont do this please. Whatever fandom you come from dont follow this type of behavior. Its perfectly fine to be passionate about something but always draw the line between an obsession and pure enjoyment. Honey, take a break from your phone for a while. Sasuke and Sakura arent real. Theyre not going to pop out of the screen and thank you.
Now i believe there are bad apples in every fandom but from what ive observed in my twt acc (biggest mistake of my life was making one in the first place) their fandom has the most noticeable negativity and toxicity on twitter. Its like when you see these two emojis together 🍅🌸 your first instinct would be to run and you'll be getting war flashbacks or something.
This is on twitter. I dont know any ss stan outside of twitter, im not generalizing the fandom
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rickriordanfandam · 4 years
opinions on riordanverse ; my edition
a lot of people have been doing this so i decided why not right. probably gna lose some followers or smth but anyways. pls respect my opinions! if u disagree, thats fine, but please be polite. unless any of my opinions strikes u as morally wrong then pls point it out to me respectfully. thanks!
- i actually liked drew. im so sorry to everyone who hates her but full offence, why. think about it this way ok, first of all drew became hc because silena died. silena was the traitor, the one who betrayed chb, yet after she died campers celebrated her as a hero? and then drew suddenly has to replace her and live up to idk that legacy she left behind,, when all of a sudden this girl named piper swoops in and takes her place. idk abt u but i wld be salty abt that too. not only that, but as an asian, the chances of drew having faced racism/bullying as a child is pretty high (she studies at brooklyn academy). which means that when she finds out shes a demigod, and arrives at chb where most of the campers are white (this is an assumption btw), she’d obviously be scared of being bullied for her skin color right?? so the first thing she wld do before the campers get to bully her is to bully them before they can do so. (sentence structure here is wack i apologize) ofc this might not even have happened, drew could have had a perfect childhood && was a b1tch for no reason, BUT EVEN THEN HER ROLE AS A BULLY WAS PRETTY VITAL BECAUSE THAT FURTHER SHOWED THE CONTRAST BETWEEN HER AND PIPER,, HIGHLIGHTING PIPER AS A HERO//GOOD CHARACTER,, AND THEREFORE MAKING READERS LIKE PIPER MORE. anyway stop hating on drew please. ALSO WHY IS THIS SO LONGA SDFJHG
- jason isnt bland, the fandom just kinda erased his backstory (thanks to @pjohoo-memes for the phrasing lol)
- reynabeth wouldnt have lasted/would have broken up several times. idk i just see them as two extremely powerful characters who have firm opinions and will definitely clash at some point. in a platonic relationship,, i can see them as really good friends but as lovers? idk i just think theyll break up
- i dont really like jercy,, i see them as better friends than lovers. also idt jason and percy were that close..?
- the dam and not my type jokes are srsly cringey and were never funny. ik that seems hypocritical since my username literally makes use of the dam joke but honestly i dont actually like the joke. its not funny to me and has never been funny
- the seven were not best friends. they definitely argued,, and honestly probably werent as close as the fandom makes them seem. like ure dumped with 6 other people, out of which u only know a few. my introverted ass would have jumped off the argo 2 quicker than leo valdez could bomb camp jupiter up. also leo was a dick to frank. so what if frank is bigger sized?? thats not a valid reason to tease him
- the fandom needs to stop hating on octavian while worshipping luke. if u hate luke and u say u hate octavian too, then okay. but if u tell me ure a luke stan but u despise octavian?? imma disagree w u. luke was worse than octavian im sorry. first of all, octavian being a dick was kinda justified. hes been after the praetor position for so long, and everyone keeps saying to “wait for jason” when suddenly this dude, whos a son of NEPTUNE (neptune wasnt liked much by romans), and the camp decides to make him praetor?? dude i would be pissed off big time. and then afterwards, he finds out that greek demigods are real and the dude they made praetor is greek. AND THEN GREEK DEMIGODS COME TO CJ AND ONE OF THEM BOMB IT UP?? octavian has been told all his life that greeks are scum and this dude called leo valdez attacks cj. sure it was an accident, but did octavian know that? no. so it was honestly justified that he was such a salty prick im just saying. also some of yall be hating on octavian for cutting a teddy bear open and thats the funniest shit ive ever heard i swear 
- luke didnt go to elysium
- travis and connor stoll r way too underrated. the two have been head counselors of the hermes cabin since luke was revealed as a traitor, can u imagine the stress? luke, the person they probably looked up to as a brother, betrayed them. and they didnt even have time to process this when they were  thrown the roles of being hcs. that would have been so stressful and i would probably have broken down if i were them. the stoll brothers taking turns to wake up at ungodly hours because a new camper is crying and homesick and terrified, the stoll brothers having to comfort and take care of new campers, having to deal with the amount of people in that cramped space because not enough campers are being claimed fast enough. having to resolve issues between campers in the hermes cabin all the time. the stolls arent just comedic relief, and we need to stop treating them as such
- tratie shldve been canon idc idc
- demigods of the demeter cabin arent talked about enough and i love the fact that meg was demeters kid. like she isnt the child of one of the big three yet shes so powerful.
- we need to hype clarisse up more her character arc was phucking amazing 
- rachel is overhated. sis found out greek gods exist and regularly come down to earth to fuck around and went “ok cool”. queen shit behavior methinks
- the floor 19 crew of mcga is srsly underrated. like do u even remember halfborn gunderson, mallory keen, tj, etc??? bc i feel like we only remember samirah, magnus, alex, and sometimes blitz and hearthstone
- sadie (tkc) was kinda annoying at first. i like her more now tho but i rmb not liking her for a phat while
- tkc and mcga need more love
- carter kane and jason grace arent boring. theyre just really sweet boys who are too good for this world and yes yes yes 
- hazel and frank (especially frank) need to be hyped up more. i hardly ever see anything about them. also yall seem to forget that frank was literally made praetor and that even hecate admired hazel and was willing to fight beside her because of how powerful she was
- frazels age gap is kinda sketch but i still think theyre really cute
- nico definitely had trauma from going to tartarus on his own
- annabeth isnt smarter than leo but neither is leo smarter than annabeth. ive seen a lot of discussions about who is smarter and heres my hot take on it: neither. theyre equally smart, just in different ways. leos a genius mathematically speaking. he has no issues solving math problems meant for people much, much older than him. annabeth on the otherhand, is great at strategies etc. she can make an army of 1000 more powerful than the enemy, even if theyre outnumbered. so in my opinion, both are equally as smart//u cant compare their intelligence, because their talents lie in two different areas.
- while i do agree rick riordan isnt a god and that hes bound to make mistakes,, AND that hes given us a lot of representation,, if the representation offends the people its sposed to represent, then theres a problem. im talking about piper as a poc and wearing feathers in her hair. im not a poc, so i cant speak for them on whether or not its wrong, because i dont know either. HOWEVER, i have seen multiple posts BY pocs talking about how they didnt really like rick’s representation of piper, and thats an issue. pocs have been and are still oppressed and discriminated against by many. as a white cis man, we cant really blame him for not knowing (tho he could have done a research,, asked some pocs,, idk), but by representing pocs in that manner, hes influencing impressionable kids/teens into thinking “oh pocs wear feathers in their hair all the time” etc, which isnt true. the pjo/hoo series is extremely successful, and kids who read the books will probably start forming inaccurate opinions on pocs. the amount of fan art that depicts piper with feathers in her hair dont help either. “but rick said so in the books, so its canon” yeah well rick isnt a god and he can get some things wrong at times. im not saying we should cancel him, im saying we should start educating ourselves and not spread false info like pocs wearing feathers in their hair all the time. also that snake song shit where she sang Summertime was just- yeah. bc heres the thing you can be racist, and still include minorities, but portray them in a racist way. And even then, ignorance isn't a thing to admire. Getting those facts wrong still has a major impact. It continues to perpetuate racist stereotypes.
“ With the feather thing, I looked it up myself; it takes less than five minutes to figure out that Cherokees don't braid feathers into their hair. I didn't grow up in the country where my parents are from. I have many other first/second generation American friends who have also been through that, with a bit of a disconnect from their culture. But something that most of us have in common is that when we didn't know something, and when our parents weren't that big of a help, we looked it up. We sought out resources online and through other people from our culture to be able to connect more with where we came from. Some of that took a Google search. So I find it hard to believe that Piper, a girl who Rick's trying to portray as someone who is attempting to connect with her culture and is totally against racist stereotypes, wouldn't know that eagle feathers aren't supposed to be braided into your hair casually. She may be disconnected from her culture, but she's also shown to want to connect back to it. Piper wouldn't be casually braiding feathers into her hair while also telling off people for being racist. It makes no sense.” - reddit thread (down below) 
for those of yall who wanna know more please please read this, it has a lot of things i wanna add in here : https://www.reddit.com/r/camphalfblood/comments/gy3gl2/piper_mcleans_portrayal_is_innacurate/ 
as well as https://finding-my-culture.tumblr.com/post/189422373260/maxie-ratties-and-cattie-finding-my-culture 
i will be posting screenshots of these in future posts so if ure viewing this on ig and u dont have tumblr,, dont worry 
- the fact that most of the strong female characters in the series refuse to be “girly”, and ngl i dont really like that. just because ure girly doesnt mean u cant be strong. 
- piper would have been a great way for him to start making the strong characters act girlier, but instead he went with the “I’m not like other girls” trope which is quite obnoxious to hear constantly, and I don’t think it’s necessarily great for younger girls to read that idea growing up.  the closest we've ever had to a strong female character who was also into "girly" things was Silena. when I was younger I admired Piper's "I'm not like other girls" thing, but then I got older and realized that the whole mentality of "not like other girls" is super obnoxious, and a little bit toxic
i have a heck load more that i cant rmb rn but yeah feel free to add more 
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https://spitefulqueenofdemons.tumblr.com/post/643713435650113536/sleep-deprived part 2
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Pushing Up Daisies chapter 3
Tw: language, murder, guns, cops, mentions of drugs
Word count: 1373
Summary: After having woken up tied to a chunk of concrete under water and doing an unspeakable act (for your survival??) You find yourself out of options and people to help. Well almost, the only one you think might be able to help is the one who got you in this situation in the first place
After a long shower and several hours on the internet searching for anything that could tell you what was going on. Apart from a few hundred movies and books with undead content the most concrete actual zombie anything you could find was mostly about the voodoo dust that people used to put others under control. And back in the 18, and 1900s people accidentally being buried alive. 
There was virtually nothing about zombies in Seattle. All you knew for sure was what had happened to you. You confronted Blaine, he grabbed you, shot you, dumped you in a lake and you woke up you dont know how long after underwater with no need to breath. 
As you thought and absently read yet another article about 'Haitian Zombies' you rubbed your hand against your wrist that Blaine had grabbed you with. The scratch marks on your arm were as faint as old scars but you could feel them still.
And just like that realization hit. The red eyes made sense. Blaine was a zombie, and that lady who was working the front counter probably was too. It had to be some sort of virus or something that could be transferred through scratch. The teenager in you was thrilled that zombies were real and not mindless corpses that just wandered around destroying everything it came across. Sure when you first emerged from the lake you couldnt control yourself and killed that poor innocent man but you were literally starving. 
Perhaps that was the down side. The hunger is enough to blind you from any moral standing. Even more unfortunate, you didnt know how long what brains you did eat earlier would keep you satiated and you didnt have a way to get more without committing more murder. You didnt know anything about the zombieism other than the scratch causes it. 
You really only had an one option. Go back to Blaine. He had options. Once you got there he could kill you, or turn you away, or kill you. You had gone in only, according to your microwave, 8 hours ago guns blazing accusing him of being a utopium dealer. How could you expect him to help. 
Now you also knew you couldnt go to the police. As an officer you knew they would either freak out or hide it. And by hiding it you knew that would mean hiding you, IE killing you and sweeping it under the rug. They might turn you over to some higher part of the government. The type that does a bunch of invasive and usually very painful experiments and research. 
You could just drop it. Leave town and change your name. But then again that brings up the issue of how will you eat? Murder is just too horrible an option for you. Grave robbing coukd be viable but half decomposed chemically drowned brain is almost as bad as the moral stand still of murder. 
Deciding on your course of action you breezed to your closet, choosing a simple black hoodie, dark jeans and boots, and a ball cap to hide your snowy hair to wear. You grabbed a glock 19. Not the gun you had when you went to visit Blaine in the first place. That one was gone, probably in Debeers' personal stash now. This time though if he pulled so would you. 
Without a vehicle, you assumed it would no longer be parked where you left it in front of MEATchute, you were instead forced to catch a bus to the opposite side of town. The open sign was off but you could see people behind the counter. It looked like they were counting the drawer.
You beat on the glass with an open palm, hard enough for it to make a lot of noise but not hard enough to shatter the glass. The older woman from when you first came was the one to open the door. She looked like she had seen a ghost, but still somehow like she didnt care. 
"Cant you read the sign? We are closed. That means you dont have to go home but you sure as shit cant stay here." She half growled. 
You rolled your eyes, half willing to punch her in the face if she wanted to get cocky. "Move. Wheres Debeers?" You demanded, eyes flashing past the stumpy woman and to the counter where a large man with dark hair stood sizing you up. "You," you said. You recognized him as one of the names that gave a name that then gave you Debeers. "You work for him. I shouldnt be surprised." 
He cocked an eyebrow. "Cissie, let her through." The man said. He looked like a knock off version of Patrick Warburton. "You are supposed to be dead little lady. You got lungs of steal or are you one of us?" 
You scoffed, wanting to hit them all. You knew it wasnt a part of the zombieism either. These fuckers were all instrumental in your death. That enough was reason for a slight beating. "I got nothing to say to you Julian. I'm here for Blaine and I'm not leaving till I get to talk to him." You demanded, stomping up to the counter. 
The man sighed as if this was one of the last things he wanted to deal with. "Well he isnt here but I'll call him. See if he wants to talk to you. Follow me." He said, gesturing to you. 
Not exactly happy, but pleased you were getting what you want, you followed the man behind the counter. He took you further into the building and finally into a room off the kitchen that actually looked like a real office. The large mahogany desk was a mess with files and papers, on top of them all was the stolen file from your apartment. There was a few random art pieces. 
"Wait here. Someone will be by soon." He instructed, leaving you in the room alone. Trusting that you wouldnt snoop. Normally you would but this situation was not the time. You needed help, and had already pissed off two of the three people you knew had a hand in that. Snooping through Blaine's real office would be like flipping the bird after you already spit on and slapped someone. Definitely not a good idea on your part. 
It took less than 20 minutes before the door opened again and a familiar blond haired blue eyed gangster opened the door. "Ah Detective. What an unpleasant surprise. I didnt know you walked amongst the undead." He said with an air of genuine shock. "When Julian told me I really didnt believe him. You took those bullets like a mortal. What happened?" 
You laid out your wrist on the desk, the marks almost completely gone. He crossed to the other side and sat down, moving the little lamp that was sitting at the corner of the table. He shone the lamp over my arm and the little pink marks showed up. 
Blaine 'tsk'ed. "Was it me?" He had a fake look of disgust on his face. "It was me wasnt it. Damn it, I knew I shouldnt have blown off my manicure appointment this morning." He shook his head. "Thats why you arent dead. You gotta be starving though. Would you like a snack? Pudding? Crackers and cheese? Brains?" He questioned. 
You looked at the mark on your wrist in the light, your jaw clenched a little. "No thanks I already ate, but that is part of what I would like to discus." 
At that his eyes widened with actual shock. "Um, you already ate? Did you kill someone or dig up a body?" When I didnt answer he nodded knowingly. "You killed someone. Oh I bet that was a sight. Sorry about the cinderblock by the way. I didnt think you would be waking up. Im sure it wasnt the best alarm." 
You scoffed, a little thankful he stopped asking about your food source. "Waking up underwater was definitely a new experience, but then again so far my whole evening has been new experiences." You told him. 
"Well, allow me to formally welcome you to the land of Zombies. I'll explain everything."
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k1ngj0ve · 3 years
(bitching about the same thing again, dont mind me)
im still so mad about my old roommate being such a spoilsport about dnd. him and my (at the time) boyfriend were the only people i had to interact with (except my ex, also a roommate, who i was literally worried would murder me if i was around him) for the first few months of the pandemic, it was just those two 24/7, we even shared a bed
and they were in a dnd campaign together online every week and i didnt know anything about dnd really, made clear i didnt want to play with them because of anxiety reasons, but at a few points they would be talking about the game they were in
and just... i could NOT interact with them when they talked about DnD without my roommate being like 'no, you cant do that, everyone would hate you if you did that'
i was looking through one of the books, mostly just at the art, commenting on how pretty the stuff was. 'oh it says a player race is these raven things? thats so cool, and they cant talk? thats really neat! i didnt know it had stuff like this'
him: you cant be that. they cant talk so you have to make noises or hand gestures, all the other players would hate it
me: i mean im not gonna play personally, im just saying it sounds fun, but it says here its a player race so i COULD be that if i wanted, maybe with a group that thought it was fun
him: no, its so annoying, no group would like that
a while later
me: oh neat it says drow can become big spider centaurs! thats so cool, can a player drow do that?
him: no, you arent allowed to do that
me: (reads a little more)...it says you can around like... level 60
him: youll never get to level 60, it takes years to get to level 10, and it would break the game if you tried to do it, there is a 50% chance furign the ritual you just become a dead zombie
me: i mean if i got to level 60 i think i could kill my character off this way if i wanted to. if you die dont you just reroll a new character
him: that would be so annoying
same day
me: aww this flying mantaray thing is cool, i want it as a pet
him: you cant have it as a pet, its evil alligned
me: i meant i want it in real life, im not going to play this game i keep telling you, but for the record it says you can have it as a pet at level 15
him: its evil, only an evil character can have it as a pet
me: thats not very fun. isnt alignment a thing? can you not play as an evil character?
him: i mean you can technically but everyone would hate that its so annoying
same fucking day again
me: oh hey they have khajiit as player characters, thats so funny
him: pff the furries ALWAYS pick them, its just like 'look at me i want attention im a special horny little cat person'
me: it seems like you sort of cant be anything. whats the point of having all these races if youre only allowed to be a human without pissing everyone off?
him: there is lots of things you can be, you can do whatever you want, some of them are just red flags for annoying players and if you picked them everyone at the table would be instantly annoyed by you
me: (irritated) it says you can be a big hyena person. can i do that?
him: no
me: it says you cAN
him: it breaks the game, because any time you go into a town they will think youre a crazy marauding monster!
me: its not a computer game though! Its not pre-written! cant the DM just say people DONT freak out? if he knows before we play that im gonna be a big hyena-orc cant he preemptively decide people arent immediately afraid of me?
him: if you want him to completely bend the world around you and ruin his and everyone elses fun, then yeah he can do that, but its selfish
me: i just like hyenas! they are my favourite animal! arent you like a half-god fire genie or something in your game? dont people think thats weird when you walk into town??
him: i mean thats because im careful about how i treat it and make sure i dont get on anyone elses nerves
i just
god it was SO ANNOYING?
he sure got on MY nerves and i wasnt even playing with him!
why was he so sure id be the most insufferable person in the world??
i wasnt even like.. planning to join a game or making up a character sheet, he was just demanding i not be interested in it or get any fun ideas, basically. Id sort of understand if he was trying to give advice while i picked a race for a game he was in, but i was just enjoying the book!
ive never played SPECIFICALLY because the only people i knew that played were all from a really... intense... and not really MY friends, just my exes, you know? i never wanted to play with these people, but he was just snapping like 'no you would be annoying' when i was just ENJOYING THE WORLD BUILDING
its not like this experience kept me away from dungeons and dragons-- this was like the first couple months, before lockdown, right before the mask mandates, i obviously couldnt have played if i wanted to during this time, but like
man he was so unfun??? not even letting me enjoy reading tHE BOOK
nvm the whole thing he did when i tried to talk to the two of them about the monster thing in their campaign and how intense and nasty he got. i admit im not socially adept but he really seemed to expect the worst from me??
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