#i want to avoid another ''gordon gets crushed'' situation
kingofdoma · 1 year
ff sexyman is coming. i promise.
but a question while i work out the matchups:
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
Knit Five, Purl One (Knit Three)
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Knit One | Knit Two | Knit Three
This is my TAG Secret Santa fic for @gaviiadastra​ :D
Many thanks to @onereyofstarlight​ who continues to bear the brunt of my crazy with this one. Also to @the-original-sineater​ @janetm74​ and @tsarinatorment​ and probably a few other people because I’ve been rambling about this one for a few days now :D Thank you to all of you :D Thunderfam, you are amazing ::hugs tight::
Well, this time it’s Allie’s turn. Lots of Alan in his element in this bit which rambles all over the place and pretty much did whatever it wanted. Virg is appropriatedly grumpy :D As promised, it is as big as Knit One and Two combined and tops out at around 3300 words. Mostly brotherly fluff with a little, tiny bit of Virg whump on the side (only the littlest). Still Kermadec AU, but you wouldn’t know it, cos we’re going into space :D
I hope you enjoy :D
“I don’t need babysitting!”
“I’m not babysitting, Alan.”
His second eldest brother sat beside him in Three and Alan glared at him. “Could have fooled me. You shouldn’t even be going. You’re still injured.”
“If you think any of us are letting you go that far out of Earth’s orbit without back up, you aren’t as smart as we think you are.”
“Exactly, babysitting.”
Virgil sighed. “Perhaps if you stopped pouting like a baby, your argument would have more clout.”
Alan growled. “This is going to hurt you.”
“I’ll live.”
“Just get us up there and I will be fine.”
Stupid self-sacrificial older brothers. Didn’t trust him to go on his own. Virgil shouldn’t be here, but there was no one else. Scott was out in One, Gordon in Two, Kayo in Shadow and John juggling all of them.
“I should dump you on Five and take John.”
“I’m the demolitions expert, Alan. You are wasting time.”
Alan grumbled again. He was going to hurt Virgil and there was no way to avoid it. Except perhaps increasing time and power usage a little? Wouldn’t help the initial launch, but it might ease up on orbital approach.
He punched calculations into Three’s navigational computer. The numbers that came up were a little kinder.
Was going to suck anyway.
“Thunderbird Three, what’s the hold up?” John’s voice was sharp. Ever since Eos had discovered the situation, their space brother had been on edge.
The possibility of an asteroid hitting a space station did that.
“In pre-flight, Thunderbird Five. Hold your horses, we have time.” Alan grit his teeth.
“Not as much as you would expect, Alan. You need to be up there as soon as possible.”
“FAB, Thunderbird Five.” He knew that, damn it. “Launching in five.”
He triggered the familiar five second countdown.
And forced himself to focus on the launch as Three’s massive rockets fired beneath them and pushed them towards the sky in a multiple G crushing thrust.
Usually this was his favourite part, but the grunt of the man with the healing rib beside him was anything but enjoyable.
Alan altered their trajectory just a little more as they cleared Tracy Island airspace, easing up on the thrust and making for orbit just that little bit slower and at a shallower angle, hopefully giving his brother some relief.
But because of the distances involved, making orbit wasn’t the end of acceleration.
Alan paused and let Three ride her momentum for as long as he could. “Engaging ion engines.” He said it without looking at Virgil.
Three responded beautifully as she always did, throwing them forward into the darkness of space at speeds no other humans could travel.
Alan eased her up to the velocity needed to reach the asteroid in time, his teeth physically hurting, he grit them so hard.
When they finally reached cruising speed, Alan let out a shaky breath and turned to his big brother. “You okay?”
Virgil was pale. “I’ll live.” There was a lot of breath in those words.
Alan settled Three into the long haul ahead. It would take them at least two days to get out there and another two to get back. The boring part of space travel was very boring.
Perfect time for some video games.
But first he had to see to his brother.
Virgil hadn’t moved so Alan took the opportunity to unlatch himself and grab a medkit and its medscanner.
“Alan, I’m fine.”
“It was a strain. Scott would kill me if I didn’t keep an eye on you. He didn’t want you out here anymore than I did.”
“You can’t go on your own.”
Alan grunted, not willing to lose yet another argument on that front. Big brothers were stubborn asses.
He flicked on the scanner and waved the yellow light over the right side of Virgil’s uniform. The readout promptly gave him reassurance that his big brother was still in one piece, if a little creaky.
“Are you satisfied?” Virgil had reason to be a little terse. It had to have hurt.
“No. You want some painkillers?”
“I’m fine, Alan. Stop worrying.”
His shoulders dropped. “Okay, whatever.” It would be completely different if their positions were reversed.
Ever so different.
Big brothers were hypocrites.
He put the scanner away, but he did keep an eye on Virgil. Watched, as the lack of gravity and acceleration slowly let him relax.
But even then it took Virgil half an hour to finally unlatch himself and move about the cabin.
Alan had spent the time going over the details of the mission, unable to deflect his own anxiety until Virgil grew more comfortable. He was going to be difficult to manage if anything went wrong. Back up, yes, but Alan preferred that Virgil didn’t have to do anything.
So Alan double checked the specs of the mission and ground them into his brain. He was alone on this, because if he wasn’t he would be endangering his big brother who really wasn’t up to it.
Eos had detected the asteroid. She and Thunderbird Five monitored all the near-Earth bodies in real time all the time. The slightest deviation of projected trajectories and Eos was all over it immediately.
This asteroid was a smallish one, and it had been predicted to pass close to Earth and it did.
Close enough that an unpredicted orbital wobble combined with Earth’s gravity had deviated that projected trajectory directly into Earth’s L2 Observatory along with all the crucial technology currently stashed at the Lagrange Point.
Their mission was to stop that from happening. It was likely that they would need to blow up the thing, but that was why Virgil was there – to make an assessment onsite.
So Three was crossing the one point five million kilometres involved.
“Thunderbird One to Thunderbird Three. Mission status?”
Ugh, typical.
“En route, Thunderbird One. Velocity stable. ETA forty-six point seven hours.”
“How’s Virgil?”
The groan from his left pretty much summed up that one. “Grumpy.”
“Alan?” The warning in Scott’s tone was enough.
“Vitals are good. No further damage. I will continue to monitor.”
“I’m right here you know.” Virgil was definitely grumpy.
“Acknowledged, Thunderbird Two. Three, this is your mission. You have command.”
“I know, Scott. It’s cool. We’re fine. Relax.” Over the top, really.
There were two grumbles at that, several hundred thousands of kilometres apart.
“Fly safe, Thunderbird Three.”
“FAB, Three out.” Alan let his fingers kill the comm signal.
So now they only had a good part of two days to kill before they could actually do anything.
Protocol would keep him in his pilot’s seat for a good chunk of it, but he would retire to his quarters. Maybe he could convince Virgil to go early and get some rest after all that?
But his brother had grabbed a bag of some kind and was settling into the co-pilot’s seat. Alan frowned as he watched him unpack some needles, unwind some blue-grey yarn and start casting on stitches.
“What are you doing?”
“Knitting what?”
“Well, derr. What are you making?”
“You’ll have to wait and see.”
“Oh, so a Christmas present?”
“Wait and see.”
Alan grumped. “Okay, be like that.” Turning back to his console, he pulled up the mission and went through the possibilities again.
He had to be sure he kept Virgil safe.
As he expected, they made it to the asteroid with time to spare.
Virgil had retired to his quarters with minimal prompting which was responsible on his brother’s part, but still had Alan worried.
There wasn’t really anything wrong with Virgil beyond his healing rib and the remains of the wound in his leg. The stitches had been removed, but Virgil wouldn’t be running any races just yet.
His brother overslept and Alan was quite happy about that.
John reported in on a regular basis and Scott poked them again while Virgil was asleep. Alan confidently reported that their brother was indisposed and couldn’t be woken.
Scott seemed happy with that.
Alan spent the rest of his free time going over what data he could retrieve from this excursion. John had hooked him up with NASA and their astronautical university. While Alan had undergone his own training as a pilot and astronaut with the close tutelage of both John and Scott, he hadn’t trained with NASA. Since he had left school, he had picked up some studies with the university. Nothing with an ultimate goal in mind. He didn’t really care for any letters on end of his name like John. He was just happy exploring space at his own pace.
Unlike other students he did have quite an advantage.
And the university knew it.
So they put up with his erratic interests in order to get a hold of his raw data.
Today’s data was going to include asteroid C-345 and the effects of whatever Virgil shoved into it.
He was looking for basic composition and samples before they destroyed it. Each and every piece of information was important. Alan took some pride in being able to provide that information while doing his job at the same time.
Five’s scans of the object listed it as a C-chondrite type asteroid, but the readings weren’t entirely clear. Spectrographic analysis was claiming more metallic content despite the definite classification of the main composition.
John had extrapolated that perhaps the single body was made up of more than one asteroid that had collided and merged.
In any case, it was looking to be an interesting discovery.
Not as amazing as discovering life on Europa, but furthering human knowledge nonetheless.
He kicked in deceleration at quite a distance, sensors combing the space around the rock. Asteroids often had their own little orbital system of debris and there was no reason to risk colliding with any random crap being dragged around by this lump of rock.
Virgil had returned to the co-pilot’s seat minus the considerable wad of knitted fabric he had accumulated over the last two days. Alan could give his brother some credit, when the man focussed on a task, he was some kind of machine. The amount of knitting he had managed was considerable.
Still wouldn’t let Alan know what he was making. Though at a guess it was a sweater and possibly for Kayo? It certainly wasn’t a stretch. Kayo and his brother had been getting closer and closer since last Christmas.
Why he thought she needed a sweater in the tropics, Alan had no idea.
Right now he had more important things to worry about.
“Thunderbird Five, how are we going for time?” Of course, he knew the answer, but it was a habit of his to chatter before a rescue, or in this case a situation. It let off tension.
John understood, apparently, as he never complained.
“Time to spare, Thunderbird Three. You made very good time.”
And he was never shy with the encouragement either. One big brother thing that mostly he didn’t mind.
Alan shifted in his seat. “I think we’re getting a confirmation of your conglomerate theory, John. That is one hell of a motley rock.”
“Language, Alan.”
Alan rolled his eyes. “Really? Grandma is one point five million kilometres away. Give me a break.”
Virgil beside him snorted. “You think that’s gonna stop her? Grandma has her ways. Safety lies in prevention, trust me.”
Alan stared at him flatly. “What? Since when have you ever crossed Grandma.”
His answer was a smirk. “Once. A very long time ago. That was enough.” He reached out and poked the controls in front of him. “John, can I have a confirmation on this compositional analysis? This can’t be right.” His brother was frowning at the readouts.
“That was my initial thought, but yes, it’s confirmed, Virgil.”
“Then I agree with Alan, that is one hell of a motley rock.” He flicked up a hologram of the asteroid in all its jagged glory. “We have an oddly distributed mass due to a differential in composition here, here and here.” He pointed at the hologram. “One explosive is not going to do it. I’m thinking at least three drill sites with a focus on this metallic mass here.” He highlighted a section of the slowly rotating rock. “If we can’t break that section up, we aren’t going to be successful.” He turned to Alan. “Thanks for the extra time. We’re going to need it.”
Virgil unlatched himself and pushed out of his seat in the direction of the back of the cabin. “I’ll configure a pod for sampling, then prepare the payloads.” A yank on the hatch and he was off into the depths of Thunderbird Three.
Alan found himself rolling his eyes again. Big brothers had a tendency to forget who was in charge, too.
“Thank you, Thunderbird Five. We’re working on it. Thunderbird Three out.”
John’s snort echoed across space.
Alan flipped the pod on its long axis, spinning to avoid debris.
“Cutting it close there, Thunderbird Three.”
“I know what I’m doing, Virgil. Give me a break.” He spun the pod again. The little asteroid was definitely a pain in the ass. Beyond having an odd composition, it did indeed have a massive debris field accompanying it. It was making his life just that little more difficult.
His brother grunted, obviously unsettled.
Alan could understand why Virgil was so touchy, but this was Alan’s realm. He was at home out here in this real-life game of Asteroids.
He darted to the left and swooped down under one of the larger fragments, his eyes tracking the position of every body within eyesight and sensor reach.
“Nearly there. Just need to…” He flipped the pod yet again, but this time synchronised with the spin of the main chunk of rock and settled ever so smoothly into a ‘landing’ on his targeted spot, the pod claws shooting cahelium pitons into the surface and latching him there firmly.
“Make it fast, Thunderbird Three.”
Alan sighed. Europa and Gordon had been easier. Apparently, the younger the older brother, the less worried nagging.
But Virgil was right, he didn’t have time to complain. “Securing samples.”
Given the moment to actually look at the landscape around him suddenly had his jaw dropping. Having been distracted by the mechanics of reaching this spot, he hadn’t realised exactly what he was landing on.
Sunlight, unhindered by atmosphere, lit up the crystalline structure of the asteroid.
“Virg, you gotta see this!” He shot the camera feed back to Three.
“Oh.” His brother’s gasp was definitely of the artist kind. “Wow. How is that possible?”
“Stuffed if I know.”
The surface of the asteroid was covered in green crystals. Readouts screamed a variation of olivine with a mix of other common minerals amongst it. Embedded in the centre were a series of almost pure iron lumps that glistened almost as much at the crystals slowly rotating against the stars.
“I’m getting extra samples. This is amazing.”
The combination of drill, claw and catchall attached to the front of the pod were easily manipulated. With the hope of extra information, he also deployed his small fleet of remote samplers. It hadn’t been possible to set them here from Three due to the debris field, but with a bit of luck, they would be able to avoid the worst of it this close to the epicentre.
“Virg, is there any way we can deflect rather than destroy this rock?”
“I doubt it.”
But he could hear the inquiry in his brother’s voice and knew Virgil was running the numbers again.
“It is beautiful.”
“And deadly. There are people in that observatory.”
“I know, I know. But…” The claw held up a large crystal and it glinted in the harsh sunlight. “…we could learn so much.”
Virgil grunted, obviously hip deep in calculations. “We are recording everything. You can give all the data to the university. They will work it out.” Another grunt. “No, I’m sorry, Allie. We don’t have the time or space. It has to go.”
“Damn. I’ll grab everything I can.”
“Keep it safe, Thunderbird Three.”
“Yeah, yeah. Yes, Mom.”
Virgil only grunted in return.
In the end, it was easier than expected. Alan gathered as much rock as Three’s return fuel load could account for. They then drilled and dropped off the three required payloads and retreated.
Alan got the feeling Virgil didn’t want to trigger the detonators any more than he did, but his brother was on point and within seconds the asteroid was little more than a cloud of dust that the Observatory’s deflector array would be able to handle easily.
It was quiet in the cockpit as Virgil confirmed the scans lined up with the math as they followed the remains to the Lagrange point and the cluster of technology stashed there.
The crystalline sparkle of olivine was barely seen against the milky way as it passed through harmlessly.
“Mission accomplished, Thunderbird Five.”
“FAB, Thunderbird Three. L2 sends their thanks. Head for home.”
“FAB.” Alan spun his ‘bird about, confirmed the navigational calculations and fired her ion engines, slamming both himself and his co-pilot back in their seats.
Virgil grunted.
His brother audibly swallowed. “Necessary, Squirt. Not your fault.”
Alan groaned to himself.
But it wasn’t long before his ‘bird was back up to cruising speed and they were heading home.
The samples were amazing.
Alan ran scans as he slotted them into proper catalogued and sealed storage. They needed to remain as sterile as they had been in space in order to preserve them as they were discovered.
Of course, Alan, being Alan had set a side a few small pieces for his own collection. The University could have the majority of the find, but Alan liked a little souvenir himself.
One fragment sealed for eternity, one for his space rock collection on the Island…and one for Virgil.
He held up the beautiful clear gem to the light of the cargo bay and it refracted it green.
“Alan?” Virgil entered from the direction of the cockpit. “You hungry?”
Alan turned and held out the gem. “Here’s your souvenir.”
Dark eyes latched onto the green gem and Virgil pushed off the door without a word.
He was still staring as he gently took the mineral sample from Alan’s fingers.
“Yep, perfect colour for you.” Alan turned back to the sample storage and secured it down. He stashed his own little crystal in his baldric so he could admire it on the way home.
Virgil was still staring at his rock. “Thank you, Alan.”
“That asteroid was cool. I wish we didn’t have to blow it up.”
Brown eyes flicked to his. “It was unavoidable.”
“Well, it sucked.”
Almost predictably, a hand landed on his shoulder. “If it hadn’t endangered lives, we would never have seen it.”
“I guess.” A thought. “Hey, do you think we could do some exploratory work with Thunderbird Three sometime?”
Virgil blinked. “I don’t know. Thunderbird Three is a rescue vehicle.”
“Yeah, but she can take us so far and discover so much.”
“The civilian space services-“
“Don’t have the grunt, Virg. Look at what we can do. We could do so much more.”
“Thunderbird Three has to be available to save lives.”
“I know! It’s just…so easy for us…and so hard for them.”
Virgil stared at him a moment. “You’re right.” His eyes dipped to the green gem in his gloved hand. “What do you have in mind?”
Alan blinked. “Uh, I don’t know.”
Those eyes latched onto his again. “Then you better start thinking, because if we’re going to speak to Scott about this, you’ll need a solid proposal with costings attached.”
Alan’s eyes widened. “O-okay.”
But the hand on his shoulder squeezed gently and Virgil’s mouth curved into a grin. “We have the time, after all. Two days to Tracy Island.
Alan couldn’t help but grin in return. “Enough time to finish that sweater, you think?”
Dark eyes narrowed, but his smile returned. “Ample.”
They were halfway home when John interrupted with the news that Tracy Industries had been implicated in the fire at the marine centre.
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mothra-obeyme · 4 years
Lucifer SFW Alphabet
Because i’m getting no requests i’m just going to write this. Remember all this is just my opinion and you can gladly tell me your opinion on this without hating me. Also remember that those are fictional characters i write about.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
I don’t think he would be really affectionate in public. Maybe holding hands or putting his arm around your waist when another demon comes too near. In private he loves to give you hugs from behind when you’re doing something like reading or playing something on your phone. When you’re short he would love to give you forehead kisses.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He would be the mom friend. Everytime you would want to do something reckless he would try to keep you away from doing it. But if you still do it and get injured he would rub it in your face but still helps you. He would also straight up tell you when he doesn’t like the person you have a crush on and would tell you that they would just hurt you in the end. If they hurt you in the end tho he would still make their life a living hell.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
At first he wouldn’t know what cuddling really is and that it has no sense. But the more you force him to cuddle with you the more he likes it. He wouldn’t straight up ask you for cuddles tho (He’s too proud for that) but would just drag you to the bed. He would definitely be the big spoon and having you in his arms. It makes him feel powerful and he loves that you trust him so much that you want to cuddle with him.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He wouldn’t like settling down with all the work he gets from Diavolo and his brothers he has enough stress already. I’m sorry. But he would want to settle down he just doesn’t have time for it. He can cook pretty good though and is very proud of his skills. Even Gordon Ramsay would be impressed with how fast he can cut them vegetables. His cleaning is also very good. I can see him as a little clean freak but not like Levi or Overhaul.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If he had to break up he would plan it at first to prepare himself and would make sure that it is privately (He may be a demon but he was an angel). He would tell you in person with a straight face and then would leave while trying to keep a straight face. Depending on the reason he would throw himself into paperwork and would try to avoid you as much as possible but would still make sure a little bit that he hurt you not that much.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
In my opinion it would get him very long to think about marriage and i also think he as a demon doesn’t really believe into marriage and doesn’t really see the point in it. He thinks when two partners really trust each other that they don’t need to prove it through something like that and he also thinks that it’s a waste of money.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Real Talk: He tried to kill us multiple times and threatened to do so even more times and no one can’t deny that. He tries his best not do do so but sometimes there’s still a little bit anger there that he didn’t put into Satan. Emotionally: He would straight up tell you that he doesn’t like the dress you’re wearing and dosn’t really think about how much he hurts you with it. But he wouldn’t straight up tell you how useless you are and very hurtful things.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
In private you will get a lot of hugs from behind that you that scare the shit out of you and he likes to see you get flustered. At first though he wouldn’t really like hugs but in the end he would love to wrap you in his arms knowing he is the only one who can make you feel this save.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
This man expresses his love more with actions and rather than words and would take him a lot of time to say it. He shows you how much he loves you through small actions like asking how your day was if you had something to eat already and if you drank enough.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
I don’t think he gets jealous very easily and if he is he won’t really show it unless the person does something that you don’t want but then he won’t hesitate to show him that you belong to him.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Forehead kisses happen pretty often or kissing on top of your head when he hugs you. His kisses can be very passionate and afterwards you will feel breathless pretty often. He loves it when you kiss his neck especially on the back.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)  
Kids remind him of his brothers. At first he would hate them but after a while he would become their strict father figure. Still i don’t see him with having children. It’s just so much stress.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Coffee, cuddles and sometimes breakfast in bed on special occasions. But he has to get out of bed pretty quickly to start making breakfast for his brothers. He enjoys the silence in the morning and the honesty you have when you just woke up.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)  
The night would be spent with him doing paperwork and you reading, homework/studying or playing on your phone in silence. You laying on his bed trying to stay awake so that you could fall asleep together. When you would fail to stay awake and would fall asleep he would tug you in and give you a kiss.
O = Open  (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say  everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It would probably take him a long time to reveal any secret at all because of the things that happened in the past. He would also reveal them very slowly so prepare to be patient. His pride would also prevent him from revealing embarrassing secrets.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
With his brothers he gets angry very easily because he lived with them for a very long time but with you it would take him longer because he wants your stay here in the Devildom to be perfect. But we also saw that if you anger him too much that he isn’t above giving you a proper punishment. (*cough* killing you *cough*)
Q = Quizzes  (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little  detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He would remember many things about you: how you like your coffee or tea, your favorite food, birthday and everything that’s has a little bit of importance. If you talk about something you like he would remember to buy it for you on your birthday.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Aside from all the clishé ones like first kiss, first i love you i think it would be the first moment you completely trust him like coming to him after a nightmare (I’m going to make this my next headcanon), sleeping next to him while knowing he is a demon. I think since he fell he was never fully trusted and you giving him that trust just makes him really happy and proud.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
I think he is secretly very protective but doesn’t show it that much. Moments where he will step in would be when he sees that you’re clearly uncomfortable but can’t get out of the situation like a demon is in your personal space. If that demon annoys you he will make sure to show them that he is there to protect you and if they still don’t get it he is not above yeeting them into oblivion.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
I think the most effort he would put into everyday tasks and gifts. If he notices that you don’t like the way you look he will give you at least compliment everyday or if he knows that you get anxious in social situations he would make sure to prevent getting into one. But dates would also be great. He would go into a good restaurant or watching a movie depending on what you like more.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Staying up to late and drinking way too much coffee. I don’t know why but i see him as a smoker ( it wouldn’t affect him because he is a demon ). He tried it once and found out that it is pretty relaxing.
( no i don’t like smoking please don’t do it )
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
I think he cares very much about his looks ( not as much as Asmo though ) and is really proud knowing how handsome he is. He has natural beauty but he still spends a lot of time on his hair i think. His animal is a peacock what did you expect.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
I think through all his many years of living he realized that time somewhat heals so yes the first couple years he wouldn’t be exactly the same but he knows that he has to get over you because time goes on. But if he is the reason you’re no longer with him he would feel very horrible and it would take very long to forgive himself and would make sure to not make the same mistake again.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
- He can calm someone down really good when they had a nightmare or have a panic attack because his brothers had them pretty often after falling and he was there for them after it while still having his own.
- He also cares very much about his brothers but would never admit it because his brothers wouldn’t stop teasing him about it
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Have you ever seen the viral video about the american girl making hot tea? No? Here’s the link.
That he would find absolutely disgusting and also people who don’t know what the word hygiene means.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)  
I see him as a very light sleeper who also mumbles in his sleep. Over the years of his brothers making trouble he became a light sleeper. If you tell him that he mumbles in his sleep though he will be very embarassed.
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agentmanatee · 4 years
AOS 30 Day Challenge
Since I'm late to the party, I will be using this post to catch up.
Day 1: Favorite Season: S4 had the tightest story-telling with the pod structure. For a 22 episode season not to have a filler episode is quite a feat. Aida/Ophelia/Madame Hydra is my favorite Marvel - not just AOS - villian. Mallory Hansen's ability to play 4 different characters in one season in one show (sometimes multiple characters in the same scene) should have won her an Emmy hands-down. All of the cast should have won Emmy's for the performance in Self-Control (Everybody was on their A-game). My love for Robbie Reyes knows no bounds, and Gabriel Luna has mad chemistry with everyone (I pretty much ship Robbie with everybody he's not related to).
Day 3: Favorite story-line: Maveth. When I told my niece the story of FitzSimmons, she declared it "too much!" when I got to Maveth, specifically Hive and we stopped there. In a lot of ways it was the writers dipping their toes in adding more focus to Fitz and Simmons, who are portrayed by the show's strongest actors. I know a lot of people don't like the Will Daniels twist, but other than some hand-waveable plot holes, it really wasn't that bad. It was literally a "only two people on a planet" situation, and they thought that they would never see another human being again and that they were effectively dead to anyone on Earth; so their actions were understandable. Jemma didn't show interest in Will until she gave up seeing Fitz again, and Will initially did not act on his attraction because he respected and even appreciated Jemma's feelings for Fitz; he knew - even if Jemma didn't - that if given the opportunity to choose she would ultimately choose to Fitz ("No wonder Jemma loves you" was Hive channeling Will). If he survived and wasn't a villain I would ship him with either Joey or FitzSimmons (Fitz is canonically bi, Jemma deserves all the love, and the way Will talked about Fitz could be interpreted as romantic interest. He couldn't help falling for Fitz with the way Jemma talked about him), but I never submit prompt requests because I know how people feel about the character.
Also the planet of Maveth was a character unto itself, which is so cool. I really want to know what the light under its surface is; I don't but that it was a only heat source. Since sandstorms turned out not to be one of Hive's powers, Maveth or the cloaked figure (the personification of the planet a la Ego?) Jemma saw had to be the source of those. I suspect the civilization they saw evidence of were tied to the Confederation in season 5. Did they try to settle down and it backfired due to their culture? It very likely was how they knew there were Hydra leaders on Earth for them to manipulate. Will they ever confirm this? Doubtful. Finally, the mystery of Hive and what he was worked and exceeded expectations (his power set of terrifying!).
Day 2: Favorite episode: Inescapable. I was so excited for this episode I paid for it because Hulu was taking its time posting the episode. Of course a FitzSimmons episode would be amazing. The mind prison forced FitzSimmons to deal with issues they've avoided and together to boot. Seeing the turning point in their friendship at the academy and Coulson Recruiting them prior to season 1 was a hoot. I love how they revealed the other Fitz's death to him; he needed to see how the team mourned for him, to understand how much they loved him. Of course the whole scene was painful from him opening the bodybag to seeing the wedding ring to learning of Coulson's passing, but it was necessary and reflected how everything happens at once irl. Seeing their trust and loyalty in their bffs was heartening. And there is no doubt how much they are meant for eachother than when their darksides fall for and on eachother. They certainly learned some things there.
Honorable mention to Self-Control. That was the first episode I have ever purchased. It felt like a movie, and the story is insulated enough I think I may suggest it as the episode to watch when trying to get people to watch the show (either this or Orientation). The entire episode was so gripping I held a pillow to my chest the whole time once it was revealed that either Jemma or Fitz was an LMD. It was such a good Daisy and Jemma episode team-up and jump-started a whole arc of them supporting eachother. It was also a phenomenal Daisy episode. She showcased her powers, and Chloe knocked it out of the park. The scenes between May and Coulson's LMD-selves were so very moving. Ming did such a good job of portraying how May's LMD differed from the others. The episode also revealed what Fitz and Coulson would change if given a choice (not that AIDA gave Fitz such courtesy).
I just realized I switched Days 2 and 3, but don't want to bother with copying/pasting on my phone
Day 4: Favorite male character: Leopold James Fitz. Fitz was my favorite early on and hands-down my favorite character after FZZT. I saw myself in his mannerisms and could relate to his hesitancy to throw himself in the field but doing so because it is the right thing to do. His passion and loyalty to his friends is unparalleled. I also wanted to give Ward a chance. And it's interesting that Fitz was the first of the bus kids to understand how "No one is born evil." It took the Framework arc for Daisy to really understand that. He even has a leg up on Mack here since Mack's first instinct with anything alien is to kill it ("I'm the guy that kills Gordon" is not something someone who values all life, whether he views it as human or not.), which is understandable given his experiences. Fitz was the first person to show Daisy acceptance after terrigenesis, even if he was mistaken to hide it. I didn't realize it the time season 2 aired, but I get a similar aphasia during migraines (it's actually the first and last symptom when it happens). Seeing any appearance by the Doctor makes me feel sick to my stomach because I know how frightened and sick Fitz feels to have that as a part of himself. Fitz loves with his whole heart and he is always driven to do what he believes is the right thing, which is unfortunately what made the Doctor such a formidable villian. He also is always willing to give second chances but not third. He was the first person to joke around with Daisy after the Miles fiasco: he forgave Mack and Bobbi for the real Shield thing; he accepted Daisy back into the fold in seasons 2 & 4 despite how much her abandoning the team felt like betrayal; he formed a father-son relationship with Radcliffe after what he did for Hive; he trusted and befriended Enoch, knowing he kidnapped and sent his closest friends to a freakin future hellscape. Fitz is such a good person. Of course, all my love for Fitz doesn't mean I don't love the rest of Shield's men + Robbie Reyes.
Day 5: Favorite female character: Jemma Anne Simmons. Jemma is a close second for all around favorite (I just don't relate to her as much as Fitz). On a superficial note, Elizabeth Henstridge is so beautiful and hilarious, I have a giant girl crush on her (her smile is dang radiant). I love how they flipped gender stereotypes by making Fitz the emotional one who wears his heart on his sleeve and Jemma the practical one, who shoves her feelings in a box rather than express them. Jemma's cockiness is more real than Fitz's cocky front, too. I wish I had her confidence. Jemma also loves with her whole heart, as much as she has to hide it to function sometimes, and does what she believes is the right thing. She even revealed herself in the future dystopia because she could not stand aside when a stranger was hurt and she knew how to help/save him. Jemma jumped out of the Bus to save her team and jumped at a grenade to help them not thinking she would survive either occasion. She blamed Lash's murdering of inhumans on herself as she has the tendency to hold herself accountable for things that aren't her fault (she shares this trait with both Fitz and Daisy). She doesn't get lost exploring the details within the big picture, which is why she's so good at problem solving. She learned to kickass physically and has always done so mentally. She knows how to let her foes know to fear her. She has the self-awareness to know what traits she needs to work on to complete any mission. She does and would do anything for her team. She's also an incredible leader whether in the field, in the lab, or for the entirety of Shield. She is incredible.
Daisy Johnson is a very close second. And I can't rank May, Bobbi, and Elena. I also have girl crushes on all four of these ladies.
Day 6: Favorite relationship: S3 Shield Team (Coulson, May, Daisy, Fitz, Simmons, Mack, Bobbi, Hunter, Yoyo, Joey, Lincoln and Andrew). OK so I cheated here; we didn't even see everyone be in the same episode. So what? Season 3 had some of the best dynamics from the main team to Daisy's Secret Warriors it's no wonder people love season 3 so much. How can I pick just one? You have Coulson interacting with everyone (except for Joey), Lincoln's fear of May, Her mentorship of him, Fitz and Bobbi, Fitz and Hunter, FITZSIMMONS, Jemma and Andrew, Daisy and Mack, Mack and Huntingbird, MACKELENA, Doug, Fitz meeting his dad Holden Radcliffe, Radcliffe and Hive's "children"...Now I'm getting into characters that weren't on a Shield team. The characters and their relationships with eachother is what this show does best and what makes it such a good and beloved show, not the action or plot twists.
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Blood, tears and sea breeze
Warnings: ANGST, mental health issues, graphic depictions of violence, blood, cursing, mentions of sexual assault, mentions of sex, substance abuse.
Also I'm sure Elaine Jenkinson was not gay on the series, and that Tracey Childs the actress who portrays her was not gay either, but I got this inspiration for the character and I needed to follow it, I'm sorry in advance if this upset you in any way.
Summary: The not so peaceful town of Broadchurch face dead again, while Alec Hardy continues his journey to redemption will this school teacher be the key to solve the mystery or just another victim of the ever watching evilness that seems to reside in the town.
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Chapter 15: Home
The alarm clock marked 5:30 a.m. and behind the curtains of Elaine Jenkinson the sun still hadn't rise. She was not surprised, since the news of the new case she had been waking up early, and since last night meeting she was more anxious about how to proceed on Jonathan's Norbury murder investigation.
The Chief Superintendent of broadchurch police shake away her concerns and got out of bed, she make herself a cup of tea and took it back to her room while she got ready, careful to not wake up her wife, she loved that woman more than life, but she had many opinions on why she shouldn't bring food to the room.
She reflected once again on how last night events have occurred, trying to feel less as a backstabber, but she was sure Ellie Miller will forgive her. Marry someone who does something different than you for a living she thought, while Martha's calm breath was calling her back to bed.
She always believed that had been the secret on why they had been together for that long, and on why Alec and Miller didn't, she knew the man, and as much as she respected his strengths and capacities, he often let his job got the best of him, and now it may actually became a problem.
This was not like Sandbrook, she was sure, but she was not entirely convinced to gave him the benefit of the doubt again. She adjusted her tie and make sure her hair was on site before finishing her tea cup.
"You better get that back in the kitchen" Martha said softly, opening her beautiful brown eyes, how a strict librarian could have that sweet beautiful look she would never know.
"I was about to do so" Elaine said with a grin. "I have to go early, we have a briefing today and I'm a bit anxious" She could always speak her mind outloud to her, and even when they have completely opposite views on life she would always listen.
"And you are afraid you have to take Hardy out of the case" She pointed out when Elaine kept playing with her tie.
"Is not like he is sleeping with the witness, is just that all this circumstances seem odd, is not like him, and I know Miller defended him, but then is this whole Becca situation" she sited back in bed deflated, begging for her wife to hold her back in, but she was wiser to not doing so, and just gave her the advice she needed.
"Hardy may be the most obnoxious, temperamental and stoic man I have met, but he is professional, I understand your concern about what Becca had to say, but honestly that woman is not exactly a trustworthy source, I think you should listen to him before taking action" Elaine smiled and was about to give her a kiss because god this woman always bring sense to his life "And bring your bloody mug back in the kitchen" she add with a cheeky smile and turn around to sleep some more knowing well what could happen if she didn't, she could make up for it at night.
On the other side of the city, with the morning wind stroking his windows Alec Hardy was putting together every last piece of evidence, they had people on the street making interviews, and the honey trap they put on Mike Bolzano was way over budget so, they might had to defend their need for resources from the Chief Superintendent, although he had confidence that Jenkinson would be reasonable.
"Coffee? Tea? A toast??" Daze said peaking from the partially open door, and he let her come inside.
"I'll have breakfast at the station, are you sure you are okay by yourself?" He said picking his papers and putting the rest of his investigation in a locked drawer.
"Do you mean if I'm okay here with a murder suspect who you totally have a crush on?" She said with a grin that only received an stoic look as a response "Relax, I'm joking, I'll go out to do some shopping for Beth's party, I asume I will see you and Miller there" She said brushing aside the awkward situation.
"Sure, I'll try to be there." He said and was ready to leave avoiding by all means to look at his room.
"Can I bring your prisoner? She says she is friends with the Latimer's."
"I don't know if that's a good idea" He said, and Dasy didn't miss the fact that he didn't gave her a flat no.
"Well I see you later dad, have a great day" She gave him a hug, a weird thing to do from her, but welcomed in the situation, and he exited the house; he couldn't resist giving one last glance back once he was leaving and he catch a friendly waving from Y/N on his livingroom, he almost smiled but he stop himself, like he had been doing this last days since he realized the nature of his feelings for her.
He drove by the station and saw Ellie getting down of Brian's car, and another strange gut feeling make him ... Angry? Jealous? She looked happy next to him, maybe he was mad to himself because she was not smiling like that when she was with him.
"Morning" Chief Elaine said once they were all reunited in the center of the station, after the normative report of the other departments and some advances on some small drug selling business it was his turn to address the officers.
"This is our time line of events so far" He started and pointed to the whiteboard. "Jonathan Norbury was found dead on Sunday, April 21, by his fiance on her beach cottage around 6:30 pm, since she suffers from a mental condition she had a anxiety crisis that lead to her wandering on the street so we were notified, and we discovered the body a couple hours later."
Miller was next to him waiting for his turn to speak thinking about how she would bring the news to him, Sir I'm moving in with my boyfriend also the chief wants you out of the case because you are in love with that woman... No, the Sir was too formal. Dear Alec? No, she was not writing a letter, maybe just the truth.
The chief invited Brian to dinner after they had a nice match of tennis last week and she went with him, she expressed some concerns about Hardy and the case and Miller tried to put her mind at ease, but even she was not entirely convinced that his interests on the case were just professional, and she would be lying if she didn't admit that she felt a tiny bit jealous about the way Alec cared for the teacher.
"On the development of the investigation we uncovered an allegation of sexual assault committed against miss Y/L/N, on the night of April 6th, wich lead to her fiance to break his affair to an unknown woman whose DNA was found in some sex toys and underwear on the victim's house, also this was a pivotal point to exacerbate Y/L/N's mental breakdowns, wich we believe was used by the murder to fabricate incriminating evidence against her"
"So you don't believe the girl did it?" One of the officers asked talking notes on a small notepad.
"We haven't end that line of investigation, but the forensics report indicates that the victim was strangled and it would have required an enormous amount of force to do so, also the fiance was outside with a friend at the time the coroner estimates he died." Miller said, and the fact that evidence supported her innocence calmed her mind about Hardy being naive towards her.
"How come she went out if she had just been raped?" Another officer, and old man asked and she could feel Hardy getting tense and angry behind her, but strangely Harford took the lead before any of them could react.
"The victim was not aware this had happened, she was drugged with Rohypnol, and we had gotten ten new accusations against the BC Dreamland" She said and pinned a couple of the pictures of the new victims at the board. "And the attack was confirmed by the teacher's friend, who add nor she or her fiance wanted to report it to spare her the trouble of going trough this kind of bullshit questions Gordon" She add savagely and the guy only look aside embarrassed.
"We also found matching DNA in the victim's car where the attack happened, and on Y/L/N's engagement ring, which was partially destroyed and left on the victim, it belongs to a male but it has not being identified, and we believe this person who also was captured in a surveillance tape driving the victim's car and picking her at the school on the day the body was found might be the killer" Miller said and showed them the captures from the school system.
They took on some more questions and even though she feel like she had an overwhelming amount of evidence in the end there was not enough to follow any line.
But something about the crushed ring hadn't stop resonating on Harford's mind, and after they were dismissed she picked up her phone and called someone she had promise herself she wouldn't.
"Hey darling, are you ready to give me an interview?" Ollie's overconfident voice said on the phone and she sighed knowing already this was a bad idea.
"Call me darling again and I'm hanging up" she said dryly.
"Fine, fine. What can I do for you, officer Harford?" He said with pretend reverence, wich she didn't prefer to his exaggerate flirting.
"I might have an exclusive for you, but you have to do me a favor" She said and he dropped his act immediately because he knew she meant business.
After the call ended and once again she decline his invitation to dinner she called agent Ramos, it was overtime but this way they might found something.
Meanwhile CS Jenkinson was trying to bring the subject to Hardy as practically as she could, she had seen Miller concerned face when she ask her to leave them alone, and she suspect that she hadn't had the chance to tell him they had dinner the night before.
"I had an interesting conversation with Becca fisher on Wednesday" She started, and he looked surprised. "She said to me that you visited the Trader's with one of the witnesses last Monday"
"I did, but don't make it sound that way" he said understanding where the conversation was heading "I interviewed Y/N..." Damn it Hardy get it together "Miss Y/L/N friend Ashley to know more about her knowledge on the attack and the bar owner, but it was a dead end" he said honestly.
"Also your partner is concerned about how you have handled the living situation of the victim's fiance" She said and for the first time he looked surprised, and maybe a little sad and disappointed.
"Miller said that?" He asked quietly, and she was now sure that she haven't talk to him about last night.
"Not exactly, but we have a chat recently and I think she might be worried about you getting too close to the case, although I don't think she would doubt of your professionalism" She said trying to don't throw her under de bus. "Is there anything I should be worried about Alec?" She used his first name trying to invite him to be open about the situation.
"Absolutely not" he lied maybe too quickly "I mean, Y/N is living in my house to prevent her from getting another attack and if I had any evidence that suggests she is guilty I would follow it, you have no reason to doubt that" he said calmly "Nor Miller" he add with sad eyes again. "Am I getting out of the case?"
"Not yet, and your words are a relief to hear, but I'll be looking into this closely, now you can leave" She said and he stand up, but before he reached the door she add "If it wasn't murder... well I would understand, you wouldn't be the first detective in broadchurch to get personal with a subject" She smiled briefly.
"Really? Have you done something so unprofessional?" He asked turning around.
"Oh definitely, long time ago, not a murder case obviously but I got too close to this woman who reported a vandalism act on her workplace, I was a detective then" She said with a bright smile and even when he may already know the answer he asked anyway.
"Too close? What did you do?"
"I married her" she said and he gave her a side smile before exiting the office.
The rest of the morning was a nightmare, he avoid spending more than five minutes alone with Miller, he wasn't mad, just ashamed that this childish feelings were interfering with his job, and on the other hand he was angry to realize that once she was not around his job was not exactly enjoyable anymore, nor like it was before, but with the Sandbrook case he had a sense of responsibility to fill, and with Danny Latimer he needed to prove to himself he was still capable, now he knew he was capable but even when he had solved every new case for the past five years at the end of the day he was coming back to an empty house, and now with Miller about to start a new life with Brian, and Daze in Uni, he was not sure if his job was going to be enough.
A small ridiculous voice in his head told him that Y/N might still be there when this was over, but he knew how ridiculous and unrealistic that was, but at the same time he desperately want it to be truth.
"Ready sir?" Ellie said, and there was a caution in her voice that he hated, she didn't have to be afraid of his reaction, if anything she was right he was getting to damn close to the case, and he deserved to be told on to the chief.
"Sure, let's go" he said and followed her to his car.
"Alec... I have to tell you...I don't know how to start" she was revolving on the driver seat while they go to the Latimer's.
"Jenkinson told me" He said trying to spare her the trouble "Remember me to never doubt on your threats again" he said with what could almost be a playful tone.
"Well you better stop making me worry about this girls around you then" She said relieved he didn't hate her "I'm joking, I know for sure you wouldn't do anything so monumentally stupid, is just that this case gets weirder at every turn and I don't know, maybe is time for me to take a step back" She said and his worst fear of having to keep doing his work alone materialize in front of him. "But who would avoid Katie to kill you when you are being an arse? No we better finish this one and get back to normal don't you think?" She laughed off the situation but they both knew that when this situation was over their relationship won't be the same.
And as a way of the universe to prove her point the very reason of this separating was standing on Beth Latimer's living room, young and beautiful, and with the smile of a woman who hadn't been married to a psychopath, and didn't have to sneak around from her children to shag her boyfriend.
And she almost started laughing when the realization hit her, she was jealous, like a silly child she was jealous that he might found another woman on his life, murderer or not, it was the idea of him dating anyone what had her in that state, it could be another dumb blond girl from tinder or even an old woman from town, it could be anyone, it was the fact that he would smile and look at someone else the way he had once look at her what upset her, and then she felt guilty since he might have felt the same about Brian, and her selfishness make her sick, he had his right to fall for any woman he wanted, and she was being ridiculous.
And she silently prayed that this girl whose smile now she could see was sad because she lost the love of her life, and that was apart from everyone since they all look at her like an animal in a zoo, was innocent, so she could make him happy the way he deserved, and the way she had simply not being able to do.
Miller disappeared to the backyard to say hi to Mark and Hardy went on to check on Daze, apparently she and Chloe were now good again, and every couple minutes his eyes meet with Y/N, who was laughing next to Paul and Beth, he wanted to say You look beautiful like that, and when the dinner was served and she sited across the table from him he wanted to be the one pulling out the chair for her instead of Paul.
He wanted to be the one that make her laugh, he wanted to be the one who would dance with her in the back yard once the kids went to sleep and the adults were trying to finish all the wine bottles in the house.
Mark gave his wife a loud kiss that was greeted with howls from the guests, and Alec drank the rest of his wine to avoid his mind wandering on how her lips would feel, the sober shade of lipstick on her was stained with the apple juice she had been drinking to avoid alcohol and she looked too adorable.
"Do you need a bucket?" Beth said once he was helping her pick up the dishes while the girls left with Chloe's boyfriend to watch a movie and be apart from the old ones, and Miller left a few moments later.
"You are drooling DI Hardy" She said and he felt embarrassed. "It's okay, I won't think less of you, and I really don't think she is guilty, but you should be quick, Paul seem to be very interested on her too" She wink at him and she went on to kiss Mark again, and he understood the wine might be the reason she was so blunt with him. But she was right, Paul was being too polite around her, and he felt the desperate need to do something about it.
"Is getting late isn't it?" He said to her and he took her by her elbow, she was surprised by the authority in his voice but not at all upset.
"Totally, I was telling Paul that I don't think Daze will be back soon, we might as well wait for her at home...I mean at your house detective" She said and his brain stop functioning with that simple little word.
"I'm actually going to stay a little longer to help Mark with some issues on his computer, I can bring her home when she is back" Paul said ruining the moment but saving him from smile like an idiot. "You should go get some rest" he said to her and she nodded.
"Then shall we?" She said to him and he nodded, and he couldn't help to feel a juvenile pride, father Coats might have been dancing around her the whole night but he was the one taking her home.
"Fine, let's go" he said and gave Beth a nod as goodbye, to wich she gave him a naughty wink, indicating that maybe she was as drunk as he thought.
"It was a good cake" She said once they were on his car, she sounded so casual and he felt like they had been doing this forever, and maybe it was that glass of wine, but for the rest of the ride he decided to ignore that part of his brain that used to tell him this wasn't real.
"Really good, really good meal too"
"Is nice that she can laugh now, and she and Mark they look so cute together don't they?" She said with a naive smile. "I just hope after all that wine they don't try to get Lizzie a brother" she said with a chuckle and he joined her distracted.
"Oh that would be too much chaos for them"
"Was Dasy a troublemaker?"
"Oh she was terrible" He said but he smiled remembering fondly her daughter baby years. "Where you?"
"I don't know, people probably said I was an angel, but it was too long ago to know for sure"
"It was not too long ago, you are practically a child" He said and she look delighted.
"34 is not a child in any way"
"It is compared to 47" he said exposing his biggest fear about them.
"I feel like 80 if it helps" she said the conversation was paused while they entered his place.
She tossed her shoes aside and walked inside, he was used to her dancing barefoot on his floor now, however she looked particularly perfect at the moment.
"That would explain your taste in books" he said and sited on his couch. And for all answer she sited impossibly close to him, close enough for him to smell her perfume, a fresh scent, like the ocean but at the same time peaceful and sweet like a flower field on the spring and he desperately wanted to know how something could capture so perfectly someone essence.
"Is basically the same books you like detective" She said and he couldn't respond since all coherent thinking was lost on her eyes and dies on her mouth.
"Then I might be 80" he said and the last fiber of restraint evaporated when her hand reached for his face
"We can be old together" she said and he was praying for him to read her eyes well, she had been through so much and he would never want to force anything on her, but his pleas were answered at the moment "You even have some gray showing here" she said touching his hair.
And parted her lips smiling and he couldn't resist anymore, he pull her close to him and hold on to her like a dead man holds on to life and finally broke the distance between his and her lips.
Tag list:
@allonsymexgirl @laciesaito @tf18unipups @dazedkrosupreme @timey-wimey-lovi @coffees-and-constellations @ladyaziraphale @acid-gurkerl
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vonschweetz · 5 years
Imma get in yo business with 1,2,6,9,12,16,24-27,42,69,82,95-99
The meaning behind my url:
I got it before the first wreck it ralph movie came out. I always wanted a cool one word url like other popular people I saw on the site and I knew I would love Vanellope so I took her last name!
A picture of me:
Tumblr media
Favorite band:
My Chemical Romance
Tattoos i want:
I want so many tattoos. One I def want are my grams initials under my right breast because it has a lot of significance to me and she really meant a lot to me.
Ideas of a perfect date:
I really REALLY want to go to a drive in movie. Always thought that would be romantic. Either that or go to a carnival/amusement park. I love places that are fun and I want to have fun with the person I’m with. I want goofy and chill.
Favorite movie:
Another favorite movie hm... Flash Gordon. It’s a great weird scifi movie. Total classic.
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?
Nope. None of the above. I’ve had sips of drinks but I don’t really drink. I have too much anxiety over being drunk and vulnerable in front of people that it makes me not even finish a drink. Also no smoking or drugs for me I’m asthmatic.
Someone you miss:
My grams. She basically raised me. We no joke did EVERYTHING together. I even moved back in with her after I turned 18 and left home. Losing her 2 years ago was really rough on me and it took me awhile to bounce back. Not gonna lie it still hurts and feels weird that she’s gone.
What’s one thing you regret?
I regret not being able to finish college. I know the money situation was out of my hands but I really wish I could have at least gotten my bachelors. At least I got my associates.
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive:
I already said Mox so Hangman?
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?
Nah. I don’t really get deep feelings like that. Crushes sure but anything truly romantic I tend to avoid.
Have you ever witnessed a crime?
Probably minor ones like stealing?
Have you ever dream that you married someone?
Oh yeah tons of times. It’s the only time I ever really think about getting married.
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
All the time. My friends have this game where they try to tell if I’m laughing or crying, the answer is always I laugh so hard I cry.
Have you ever mooned/flashed someone?
Have you ever cheated on a test?
Have you ever forgotten someone’s name?
All the time. I never remember anyone’s name. I’m terrible at it.
Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real?
Mox, Hangman, and Joey. That all seemed like a dream.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
Ditto for PayPal. The key question, I realized it would probably have to be just one valuation. The founders all learned to do every job in the company. Instead he can ask What would make the painting more interesting to people? I only thought of when I sat down to write them.1 It does not, for example. With Socrates, Plato, and particularly Aristotle, this tradition turned a corner.
Among them was Frederick's of Hollywood, which gave us valuable experience dealing with heavy loads on our servers. Few were sufficiently correct that people have forgotten who discovered what they discovered.2 It means these ideas are invisible to most people your age, others that will appeal to most people because it only recently became feasible. Economist J.3 2, because that also seems to be to start with good people, to make something customers want. It's often mistakenly believed that medieval universities were mostly seminaries. Technical tweaks may also help them to grasp what's special about your technology.
It was impressive even to ask the questions they asked were new to them, or cut them off.4 Will I ever read it?5 There is room for a new search engine, when there were already about 10, and they did it. Popular magazines made the period between the spread of literacy and the arrival of TV the golden age of the essay. It's not for the discovery that most previous philosophy was a waste of time?6 Those hours after the phone stops ringing are by far the best for getting work done. If you're curious about something, trust your instincts. Meaning everyone within this world was expected to seem more or less the same.
When they appeared it seemed as if search was a mature market, dominated by big players who'd spent millions to build their brands: Yahoo, Lycos, Excite, Infoseek, Altavista, Inktomi. Instead of trying to discover them because they're useful.7 Whatever you make will have to be disciplined about not letting your hypotheses harden into anything more. In the humanities you can either avoid drawing any definite conclusions e. Those whose jobs require them to judge art, like curators, mostly resort to euphemisms like significant or important or getting dangerously close realized. At this stage, all most investors expect is a brief description of what you plan to do and how you're going to replace email.8 I answered twenty, I could see at the time, a lot of valuable advice about business, and also did all the legal work of getting us set up as a company. When people sit down to watch a show, they want to live in the suburbs.
If you go to see Silicon Valley, what you'll see are buildings.9 Design by committee is a synonym for bad design. Will I ever read it?10 Customers loved us. And they each have.11 That may seem a frivolous reason to choose one language over another. Restaurants with great food seem to prosper no matter what you do. Like most startups, we changed our plan on the fly.
When you're just typing expressions into the toplevel, you want to invest in them.12 Writing was one of the founders we funded asked me why we started Y Combinator is neither selfish nor virtuous. If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything, and that's likely to be done with levers and cams and gears are now done with loops and trees and closures.13 The only place to look was in the tradition of skateboards or bicycles rather than medical devices. They've applied for a lot of investors hated the idea, but the overall experience is much better than the soul-crushing suburban sprawl. If a nonprofit or government organization had started a project to index the web, Google at year 1 is the limit of what they'd have produced. Among them were Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce, who went on to found Intel, and Eugene Kleiner, who founded the VC firm Kleiner Perkins. Aristotle's goal was to find one angel to act as the lead investor.
Partly because, as components of oligopolies themselves, the corporations knew they could safely pass the cost on to their customers, because their competitors would have to as well.14 So it is with design.15 The real problem is that you look smug. The difference between then and now is that now I understand why Berkeley is probably not worth trying to understand its implications. It would have been better off; not only wouldn't these guys have broken anything, they'd have gotten a lot more done. It would be a curious state of affairs if you could get to the same spot. So if you're developing technology for money, you're probably not going to use TCP/IP just because everyone else does. In the old days, you could create a situation indistinguishable from you being that manufacturer, at least working on problems of minor importance.
That will tend to produce results that annoy people: there's no use in telling people things they already believe, and people answering it often aren't clear in their own mind how much is deliberate.16 Curiously enough, what got Segway into this problem was that customers didn't want the product. At the time it seemed the future.17 There's nothing more valuable than the advice of someone whose judgement you trust. It didn't shake itself free till a couple decades ago, geography was destiny for cities.18 Arguably it's an interesting failed experiment. The American way is to make money by creating wealth, you're always going to be fighting a losing battle against increasing variation in productivity.19 So there could be other ways to attract them, but they were only a little more out of their sales channels. The result was that I wrote it. Not any more.
I remember are famous flops like the intrusive ads popular on Delicious, but explain that's what they campaign for. But you're not allowed to ask, what you call the market. These two regions were the case. It will seem more interesting than random marks would be very promising, because the proportion of the Web was closely tied to the Pall Mall Gazette.
I'm not saying it's impossible to write your dissertation in the time 1992 the entire West Coast that still requires jackets: The Duty of Genius, Penguin, 1991, p. As Secretary of Labor Statistics, the big winners are all about hitting outliers, are better college candidates. Bad math is merely an upper bound on a weekend and sit alone and think.
Gary and I don't know of one investor who for some students to get elected with a company. That way most reach the stage where they're sufficiently convincing well before Demo Day. I was not just the local builders built everything in exactly the opposite: when we were quite sore from VCs attempting to probe our nonexistent database orifice.
And it would not know his name. It's conceivable that a skilled vine-dresser was worth about 125 to 150 drachmae.
So 80 years sounds to me like someone adding a few that are only doing angel deals to generate everything else in the next round is high, so it may have been seen mentioning the site was about bands.
This phenomenon may account for a long thread are rarely seen, when we created pets. This point is that the highest returns, it's implicit that this was hard to avoid using it, whether you have to be spread out geographically.
So where do we draw the line that philosophy is nonsense. You also have to resort to raising money. Most of the reasons angels like to invest at a public company CEOs were J.
Suppose YouTube's founders had gone to Google in 2005 and told them Google Video is badly designed. I replace the url with that of whatever they copied. Even as late as Newton's time it takes forever.
Digg is notorious for its lack of results achieved by alchemy and saying its value was as much as people in any case, because they are to be a quiet contentment.
An investor who invested earlier had been trained that anything hung on a hard technical problem. One sign of a handful of lame investors first, and b not allow them to tell them everything. Algorithms that use it are called naive Bayesian. Xxvii.
You're investing your own morale, you need a higher growth rate to impress are not mutually exclusive. This essay was written before Firefox. Google's site.
Founders also worry that taking time to come up with elaborate rationalizations. Words we use for good and bad technological progress is accelerating, so they made more that year from stock options, of course. The two 10 minuteses have 3 weeks between them.
A more accurate or at least once for that reason. This is one of a handful of consulting firms that rent out big pools of foreign programmers they bring in on H1-B visas.
Confucius claimed proudly that he transformed the field they describe. There is archaeological evidence for large settlements earlier, but one by one they die and their hands.
If you wanted to go to work with founders create a great idea as something you need to be actively curious.
The facts about Apple's early history are from an angel-round board, consisting of two founders and one of the biggest discoveries in any case, because you couldn't do the opposite: when we got to the World Bank, Doing Business in 2006, http://doingbusiness. Acquisitions fall into in the room, and the super-angels hate to match.
Is what we need to go to grad school you always see when restrictive laws are removed. It would be unfortunate.
People were more dependent on banks for capital for expansion.
What they forget is that the web and enables a new Lisp dialect called Arc that is not so much control, and the exercise of stock the VCs I encountered when we were working on what you have to be about 200 to send a million dollars out of the canonical could you build for them, if you get stock as if you'd invested at a 3 million cap, but they seem like a month might to an adult. But Goldin and Margo think market forces in the 1960s, leaving less room for startups that are or feel weak. Sometimes a competitor will deliberately affect more interest than they expected and they hope will be the fact by someone who doesn't understand what you're working on your thesis. Even in Confucius's time it filters down to you.
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   Selina Kyle
Selina "Cat" Kyle
"Five minutes on the street, you'll be mincemeat."Played By: Camren BicondovaA teenage girl with a fondness for theft and cats. The future
. She witnessed the murder of the Waynes, and has been keeping an eye on Bruce.
Ambiguously Bi: Much like her original counterpart, Selina appears to get a little too close to her female friends. While she clearly has a crush on Bruce, Selina seems to be going way out of her way to protect Bridgit from others as well and actually risks her life to rescue her. Keep in mind, Selina barely shows concern for just anyone.
Animal Motif: She may not have taken the mantle of Catwoman up yet, but young Selina is seen moving like a cat as she prowls through Gotham. And feeding a cat. In one scene, she's seen playing with her locket as a cat would. And she's nicknamed "Cat" for obvious reasons.
Archenemy: She's developed an intense hatred towards Silver after realizing she wants to harm Bruce.
Badass Adorable:
Bad Guys Do the Dirty Work: Kills Reggie to keep Bruce's hands clean.
Big Sister Instinct: She looks out for younger kids who are in need of comfort or help.
Bratty Teenage Daughter: Alfred finds her a handful, and at first wants her gone.
Break His Heart to Save Him: She tells Bruce she never saw his parents' killer, it was just a lie to save herself from juvie, because she knows any association with Bruce will ultimately endanger them both.
Brutal Honesty: Isn't afraid to speak her mind, as Bruce figures out.
But Now I Must Go: Selina leaves Wayne Manor on her own accord once she realizes that the danger she's in is too much for Bruce, a rich kid who doesn't know much about the city, to handle at his age.
Byronic Hero: Much like her original counterpart.
Cassandra Truth: Selina figures out Silver is manipulating Bruce, but he doesn't believe in her. At least until he finally sees that she was right all along after they trick Silver into revealing her true colors.
Civvie Spandex: Selina doesn't wear a costume yet, but does sport a black jacket and a pair of goggles.
Cool People Rebel Against Authority: She knows full well that the cops are corrupt, and she won't take any of their bullcrap.
Combat Pragmatist: Knows to go for the eyes first in a fighting situation.
Delinquents: She's been in and out of juvie quite a lot. And she does not want to go back. She'd rather stay on the streets.
The Dragon:
Due to the Dead: She removes her hood during Thomas and Martha's funeral.
Escape Artist: She's able to pick a pair of police cuffs with a pen. After that Gordon realizes the chances of getting her to stay in police custody are next to nil.
Establishing Character Moment: The first few minutes of the pilot show how skilled and bold a pickpocket she is, and her connection with cats.
Eye Scream: Her method of combat involves clawing out an opponent's eyes.
Faux Paw: Bats around a locket with her hand curled up like a cat.
Five-Finger Discount: Pickpockets people with frequency and aplomb.
Go for the Eye: Her preferred way of attacking people. She can do some major damage.
Goggles Do Nothing: Selina is usually seen with a pair of green goggles on top of her hood, perhaps as a nod to more modern versions of Catwoman who wears goggles as part of her costume.
He Knows Too Much: She saw the Waynes' assassin before he covered up his head. Because of that, whoever hired the hitman wants her dead.
Hellhole Prison: The juvenile hall upstate she was sent to upstate is this, apparently. She does not want to go back.
I Did What I Had to Do: How she justifies killing Reggie.
Improbable Hairstyle: Her hairdo seems a little high maintenance for someone living on the street. Towards the end of season 2, she somehow manages to not only straighten it, but also dye it.
Jerk with a Heart of Gold: In Bruce's words, she's a good person but she's "not nice". She doesn't appreciate the observation.
She's able to escape from a human trafficking ring using her size and stealth.
She's able to pick a pair of police handcuffs with a pen (that she swiped from Bullock).
As The Dragon of Fish Mooney, she recaptures Gordon, Bullock, and Falcone with a shotgun and Mooks in tow.
When she gets sent to juvie in the second episode, she notices the kid sitting next to her on the bus is crying. She gives him hints on how to survive.
As she observes Bruce's training, she points out it would all be useless on Gotham's streets as to survive you'd have to be ruthless and mean, something Bruce isn't....yet.
She tells Bruce that there was really nothing he could've done to save his parents, and that he really needs to stop obsessing over his parents' murder and get over it because bad stuff happens all the time.
She's also the only friend Ivy Pepper has.
Selina joins Bruce in his search for Reggie, the man who stabbed Alfred. He makes some threats towards Bruce. She helps set him up so that Bruce could push him out of the window. Bruce couldn't make himself do that. So she pushed Reggie instead.
The trait is present once more upon her association with Bridget Pike, for whom she is willing to fight both the other Pikes and call on Gordon for help.
To Fish Mooney in the Season 1 Finale.
She's later one to Penguin as well.
She also gets coerced into becoming one for Firefly.
She's a hardened street kid, yet even she gets creeped out by Ivy Pepper.
Karma Houdini: Much like her character, she escapes the finale without facing any punishment.
Kick the Son of a Bitch: She shows great Chessmaster tendencies when tricking what is believed to be the name of the Wayne killer out of Silver by means of cold-blooded torture at the hands of someone who appears to be an associate of hers. Bruce, who was also subjected to it, played along with Selina's plan, and his role in her torture gambit is only revealed after the name is.
Kindhearted Cat Lover: Duh.
Laser-Guided Karma: Selina's jerkass tendencies finally catch up to her, when she loses all of her friends because of her attitude. Gordon severs his ties with her after she leaves him for dead, Bridgit separates from Selina after arguing over a difference in morals, and Bruce pushes her away in favor of Silver because she actually treats him nicer than Selina ever did. Selina is now alone like she always wanted to be, and she realizes that it wasn't the way she liked it anymore.
Le Parkour: Gotham is one big jungle gym to her.
Light Feminine and Dark Feminine: The light to Silver's dark, ironically, considering whose side Silver is on.
Little Miss Badass: Selina may be a child, but she manages to survive in the very hard streets of Gotham and has escaped from criminals and the police several times.
Little Miss Snarker: Selina does her future counterpart proud with how much sass she exudes. Considering her status as a street kid, she likely uses it to cope with her harsh life, as well as to conceal her feelings and vulnerabilities. She snarks at everyone, but Alfred in particular seems to bring it out of her (of course, this could be because he punched her in the face - she's not happy with him about that).Bruce: What do you have against the front door?Selina: Nothing. It's the ape who opens it I could live without.
Loveable Rogue: Her Establishing Character Moment shows her as this: She takes out a switchblade, but only uses it to slash open a grocery bag and steal a jug of milk, which it turns out was not for her, but for a stray cat. The only other thing she steals is a little cash from a passerby. Throughout the scene, she avoids inflicting a single physical injury on anyone.
Manic Pixie Dream Girl: Starts playing as one to Bruce, once she moves to Wayne Manor. She questions his odd behavior and decisions, and manages to do in a couple of days what Alfred has been trying to do for weeks without success: get Bruce to act like a kid and have some fun.
Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: The tough street fighter Masculine Girl to Bruce's sensitive, domestic Feminine Boy while they're living together.
Meaningful Name/In-Series Nickname: Her name on the streets is Cat, which is what she prefers to be called.
Missing Mom: The police think her mom is dead. Selina insists that she's alive somewhere.
Mythology Gag:
Never Hurt an Innocent: For all her talk about being ruthless and mean, Selina seems to have a strict policy about not harming anyone who hasn't tried to harm her first. Even when stealing from people (as in her Establishing Character Moment), she avoids hurting them.
Odd Friendship: With Bruce, and later Fish.
Pet the Dog/Kindhearted Cat Lover: Steals a jug of milk to feed a stray cat.
Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Despite being only 13 and half the height of most adults, she can easily take down larger opponents in physical combat.
Puppy Love: She may act mainly as The Tease towards Bruce, but over the course of "Harvey Dent" and "Lovecraft" it's clear she has genuine feelings for him.
Real Women Don't Wear Dresses: She hates dressing girly, but does so for an undercover mission with Bruce.
Refuge in Audacity: Averted. She once attempted to rob a fancy department store in broad daylight, and got caught by the cops for her troubles.
Sarcastic Devotee: She points out that Bruce's behavior is either crazy or suicidal, and yet she still helps him in spite of herself.
Satisfied Street Rat: Selina uses Gordon to stay out of juvie, but has no interest in him finding her a better life, and seems quite happy in her career as a pickpocket.
Screw the Rules, I Have Connections!: Whenever she gets arrested, she immediately asks to see Gordon, hoping to evoke this.
She Cleans Up Nicely: For the Wayne Enterprises Charity Ball in "Under the Knife".
Slap-Slap-Kiss: The Puppy Love edition. Bruce and Selina alternate between trying to shove one another way and running to help when the other is in danger.
Stalker with a Crush: After she sees the Wayne murders, she seems to be taken by Bruce, possibly because he's an orphan, and begins stalking him at a distance throughout the pilot. A later episode shows her breaking into Wayne Manor and watching him sleep.
Stealth Hi/Bye: She pulls one on Bruce in "Lovecraft": He's balancing on a banister in the mansion, clearly by himself, and then Selina just appears there with him. It's quite a feat, considering who she pulled it on.
Street Urchin: This version of Selina Kyle is already a roof-hopping Kind Hearted Cat Lover stealing milk for a stray.
The Tease: Downplayed since she's a teenager, but acts this way to Bruce, enticing him to try and earn a kiss from her. Hilariously, Bruce seems to have her pegged as an (age appropriate) Femme Fatale already, and is suspicious of her offer of letting him kiss her!
Tomboy and Girly Girl: Tomboy to Ivy's girly girl. In "Under the Knife," she goes on about how she hates wearing dresses and heels.
Took a Level in Jerkass: Goes from morally ambiguous street urchin, to willing flunkie of Fish and later Penguin who was willing to sell out Gordon to be murdered by the former without so much as a shred of regret.
Trickster Mentor: To Bruce. She teaches him about keeping his balance and roof jumping, as well as fighting dirty - Gotham's thugs usually don't wear boxing gloves.
Two First Names: Per the DC Comics norm.
Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Bruce.
Violently Protective Girlfriend: While their relationship is...complicated and still relatively innocent, Selina does show this towards Bruce. As both Reggie and Bruce found out when she shoved the former out of a window after the latter hesitated.
The Voiceless: She doesn't speak at all in the pilot. However, she does speak in the subsequent episodes.
What the Hell, Hero?: Receives this from Gordon and Bruce all the time. Especially when she joins Fish and doesn't immediately help them escape.
Worthy Opponent: She calls Silver this after being impressed by how good she is at her innocent act.
Bicondova looks very much like a young Michelle Pfeiffer, who was Catwoman in Batman Returns, right down to a similar hairstyle.
Selina doesn't go by Catwoman yet, but she calls herself Cat. In her very first comic book appearance, Catwoman was just called the Cat.
She flirts with Bruce non-stop. Flirterer!
By the end of "The Ball of Mud and Meanness", he's moved in with her.
The crush part is emphasized at the end of "Lovecraft": after two episodes of challenging him to kiss her, she steals a kiss from him.
Later she submits Silver to fake Cold-Blooded Torture in order to get Bruce to see her dark side and help him gain information out of her.
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