#i want to cast charms and transfigurations and learn shields and the patronus
mould-corner · 6 months
honestly, in terms of harry potter games, i desperately want one that’s just… going around the school and learning magic, yknow?
like, the only one ive played a bit is hogwarts mystery (on mobile) but ive looked at the other options and they all focused on more on the story than the classes. which like, makes sense, if youre making a game you want it to be a game, but also i just want to do magic school and learn how everything works.
i am such a sucker for magic theory and every day life as a wizard in general, i know there’s stuff like hogwartsishere online that has versions of lessons but that’s not a game. its better than nothing but i am still dying of want to just guide a lil guy around a magic castle learning magic and holing up in a library.
i dont want plot i want school
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fischerfrey · 3 years
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► basics;
Full Name: Theodric “Theo” Goldcrest
Birthday: November 17th, 1243 (Scorpio)
Pronouns: he/him
Sexual Orientation: bisexual
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Blood Status: pureblood
Nationality: English
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► magical info;
Wand: Pine, 10¾", basilisk horn, unyielding
The straight-grained pine wand always chooses an independent, individual master who may be perceived as a loner, intriguing and perhaps mysterious. Pine wands enjoy being used creatively, and unlike some others, will adapt unprotestingly to new methods and spells. Many wandmakers insist that pine wands are able to detect, and perform best for, owners who are destined for long lives, and I can confirm this in as much as I have never personally known the master of a pine wand to die young. The pine wand is one of those that is most sensitive to non-verbal magic.
Patronus: Hippogriff
Those with this unusual patronus are truly unique in character. People with the Hippogriff are fiercely loyal to those who earn their trust, often willing to go the extra mile for those who they care for. Owners of the Hippogriff patronus are often very proud and self assured. They do not forgive insults easily. Occasionally this pride can drift into arrogance and cause friction with those around you.
Patronus Memory: Memories of his childhood when his family was seemingly happy and he wasn’t aware of all the issues surrounding his lineage.
Specialized/Favourite Spells: Has an affinity for fire magic like all his family. Likes effective duelling charms such as the disarming charm, the stunning spell, and the shield charm
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: A
Charms: O
Herbology: A
History of Magic: O
Potions: A
Transfiguration: E
Ancient Runes: E
Alchemy: E
► background;
Place of Birth: His family’s castle in England
Home: Several throughout the centuries, most notably his family’s castle and a small flat in London
Born in 1243 to a prominent medieval wizarding family, Theo’s birth coincided with a comet lighting the night sky. His father Aegar took this as a sign that Theo was destined for greatness, which suited his purposes just fine, as he wanted to rule over all wizard-kind. Theo often travelled with his father, learning many things from him, including duelling and politics.
Due to the special treatment Theo received from their father, a rift began to grow between him and his older brother, Elyan. The brothers spent years despising each other.
Post-attack years:
Theo and Elyan were attacked by a group of vampires, who broke into their house. The target of the attack was Aegar in an effort to halt his political ambitions. Aegar, however, was travelling and the vampires only found his family and their staff. The brothers were turned during the attacked and their mother was killed trying to fight them off.
Once Aegar returned, he was distraught and the family was plunged into chaos. Aegar couldn’t kill his sons so he decided instead to attempt to find a cure. For a while he tried to hide his sons’ vampirism but as young vampires, the boys were out of control and dangerous. Eventually he decided to put them under enchanted sleep while he worked on the cure. Years passed, then decades, and he failed to find a solution. Aegar passed away before he could get to his goal and the boys were left under his spell.
Legacy era:
Centuries passed and the brothers remained under the powerful spell their father had cast, until one day in the late 1800s, they were suddenly awoken by their distant relative from the Gaunt line. Disoriented and extremely thirsty, they attacked their rescuer, killing him. The following years were spent constantly on the move, trying to understand the new world they found themselves in and learning to control their vampiric urges. It was not smooth sailing, and Theo struggled greatly. Every time the body count started getting too high, they would pack up and find a new place to lay low in.
After five years, the boys wanted to return to Hogwarts to finish their education and re-enter the society. They chose their grandfather’s nickname “Goldcrest” as their surname and hid their vampirism from everyone, pretending to be descendants of their house.
► physical;
Faceclaim: Spencer Macpherson
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dark brown
Height: 5′10 (178cm)
Tattoos, Birthmarks, Scars, etc: n/a
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► relatives;
Brother: Elyan “Wren” Goldcrest by @potionboy3​​
Elyan is Theo’s older brother and narrative foil. Elyan was jealous of the attention Theo received from their father growing up and spent years trying to impress him. The rivalry between the brothers didn’t start out as overly hostile and as young children, they had a good relationship. However, when it became apparent to Elyan that his father favoured Theo, he became distant and cold towards him.
Only after becoming vampires did the brothers begin to mend their relationship, as they realized they only had each other in a new and hostile world.
Faceclaim: Gijs Blom
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Father: Aegar, son of Elyris
Aegar, called “The Uncrowned King” by his supporters, had inherited great ambition from his father. He wanted to unite all the known Wizarding world and rule as its king. He dreamt of a Goldcrest dynasty that would span centuries. He saw his son Theo as the hope for this dynasty, as he had been born under a comet-lit sky. Aegar took it as a sign which meant that Theo was going to do great things in life.
Aegar started to mentor Theo for his role as the heir to the family’s wealth and power. He taught him lessons in politics and combat. The boy learned complicated spells even before starting Hogwarts. Aegar also often took Theo with him on his travels, showing clear favouritism to him over his other son. He grew colder towards both his sons once they had been turned into vampires and ruined his plans of a grand legacy.
Aegar was a powerful wizard and an inventor. He experimented on magical artifacts and created a proto-deathly-hallow called the Crown of Might. Its properties and creation has been lost to history and it is said that it was destroyed long ago...
Faceclaim: Peter Franzén
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Mother: Kerina of Archensheen
Kerina was the great granddaughter of Salazar Slytherin, one of the famed founders of Hogwarts. She was a powerful witch on her own right, and wielded great influence in the medieval wizarding community. She married Aegar on her father’s behest but the two developed a loving relationship. Aegar’s later actions with their second son grieved her and she began to favour Elyan as she felt that Theo was slipping away from her due to Aegar’s influence. Kerina was killed as a result of the attack that turned her sons into vampires.
Faceclaim: Claire Forlani
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Grandfather: Elyris Goldcrest
Elyris was a medieval wizard who earned the name “Goldcrest” for his Patronus, which took the form of the little bird but was unusually powerful against Dementors. Elyris was politically ambitious and strove to become the first king of the known Wizarding world. His ambition never came to be but was passed on to his son Aegar. Elyris was not a warm man, and was often cruel to his son when trying to shape him into the strong man he wanted him to be.
Elyris met his grandsons and also saw great potential in Theo. He showed both brothers more affection still than to his own son, favouring Elyan as he was older and skilled in magic from a young age. Elyris died when Theo was seven.
Faceclaim: Clive Russell
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Others: Salazar Slytherin, The Slytherin family, The Gaunt Family, The Peverell family, The Potter family, Voldemort
► relationships;
Allegiances: The House of Goldcrest, Slytherin house, Slytherin family (previously)
Close canon friends: tba
MC Friends: (hmu if you want your MCs to be friends with Theo)
Dorm mates: (hmu if you want your mc to be Theo’s dorm mate!)
Love Interest(s):
John Arthur (in the 21st century, Magic Awakened era)
Sharing a striking familiarity to a man Theo once knew and hated, John and Theo don’t start out on a very good footing. John a wizard and the descendant of Adam Brynn, a 19th century radical who opposed wizards, witches and all magical beings.
Theo meets John during the 2000s, when he becomes bored and enrolls into Hogwarts again. John is a Gryffindor and the two become rivals.
Faceclaim: Darren Barnet
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(Theo is open for a Hogwarts Legacy/19th century love interest!)
Adam Brynn (1800s, Hogwarts Legacy ea)
Adam was a member of a radical movement to eradicate all magic in Britain. He saw how unjust the Wizarding government was and became embittered. He was a squib from a family of wizards and felt shunned by them. Despite being justifiably angry, Adam and the rest of the movement soon begun using questionable methods in their quest for justice and revenge. Their actions lead to the deaths of many innocent bystanders.
Theo became face to face with this group when he returned to Hogwarts in the late 1800s. The school was a big target for the group, as it housed most young witches and wizards in the same place.
Faceclaim: Darren Barnet
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Lord Voldemort, Death-eaters, the vampire hunters
► personality;
Theo is reserved and introverted. He prefers a small group of friends to a big crowd. He can come across as cold and callous, though if you manage to make him like you, he’ll be a loyal friend. He’s impulsive and doesn’t pay much heed to the consequences of his actions, a trait which is amplified by his vampirism. He feels there’s a certain amount of distance between him and the world after waking up from his enchanted sleep and thus he is above normal morality. He’s talented and was brought up to do great things and believe that he and his family are special. This sometimes shows as arrogance. Even though his own afterlife is a mess, he seems to find many reasons to judge everyone else around him.
He has a lot of emotional turmoil going on under his hard exterior and he struggles with vampirism, being removed from his own time into the 1800s, and the weight of responsibility and expectation put on him by his father.
► misc;
Hobbies: Fencing, archery, duelling
Extracurriculars: n/a
Quidditch: n/a
Favourite Subject: Charms
Professions: n/a
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cauliflowercounty · 4 years
Return to Me (Fred Weasley x fem!Reader)
House:  You Choose
Blood Status:  You Choose
Word Count: 2k
Warning:  Mentions of serious injury/death-ish/distress/war
A/N:  Happy Ending
Not proofread yet. I’ll do that later :)
Coughing from the smoke and ash, Harry presses himself up against the walls of the castle as Ravenclaw’s diadem shatters in his hands, scorched in the fire Crabbe had set in the Room of Requirement.  Malfoy and Goyle disappear down the hallway without a word or thank you.
“Crabbe must have been casting feindfyre.  That’s the only explanation for the diadem being broken,” Hermione says once the air’s cleared. “It’s cursed fire so it can kill Horcruxes.”
“What?” you grumble, standing up and catching your breath. “How’d he learn that?”
“Probably the Carrows,” Ron remarks.  “He probably had a field day with them.  They were teaching the cruciatus curse in their classes.  I wouldn’t be shocked if they taught him how to cast feindfyre, too.”
“This means we only need to kill the snake, Harry,” you say, realizing Voldemort’s defeat is closer by the moment.  
“Yeah, but how are we going to get it alone?” Harry inquires.  “It’s practically a part of him.”
“We’ll figure out when we get there,” Hermione says.  
As everyone gets to their feet, the crack of spells can be heard echoing down the corridor, coming closer and closer by the moment.  Harry, Hermione, and Ron draw their wands, in preparation.  You clench your hand around yours, preparing for whatever might come.
Percy and Fred come into view, dueling two hooded figures in long black cloaks.  You sigh in relief.  Fred is still alive and fighting with all his might.  You watch as the death eaters’ silvery masks reflect the light of the spells as the opponents exchange blows.  Percy flicks his wand and hits Pius Thicknesse squarely in the chest, sending him tumbling backward. Fred skillfully blocks a curse headed his direction, countering with a jinx, causing the other death eater to trip.
“Stupefy!” Fred shouts, hitting the death eater as he falls, sending him flying back towards the other end of the hall and knocking him out cold.
“Hello, Minister!” Percy exclaims beside his brother with a smirk.  “Seems as though you could brush up on your dueling.  And did I mention I’m resigning?”
You jump forward and join Percy, wrapping up the Minister in binds made of his own robes.  Percy swirls his wand and the Thicknesse quickly starts to transfigure into a sea urchin.  Percy smiles, satisfied with both of your work.  Next to you and Percy, Fred lets out a hearty chuckle, the vibrant smile you’ve grown to know to spread over his face. He starts to say something about how long it’s been since Percy’s made a joke since he’s so consumed with his work and shrouded in seriousness.  Just as the moment of satisfaction comes that there are no longer any threats in the seventh-floor corridor, everything slows.  
The shockwave rips through the air.  The explosion is unexpected and devastating as it sends everyone flying and to the ground.  White noise rings in your ear.  As you feel the rubble tumble past your head and dust fill the air, you don’t have a sense of anything around you or where anyone else is. After a second, you move your fingers and legs, trying to determine your injuries.  Other than a few bruises and some residual shock, you seem fine as you get up shakily.
“Hermione?  Y/n?  Harry?” Ron calls out.  “Percy are you okay?”
“I’m alright,” Percy says.  “Fortunately, my glasses are the only thing that’s broken.”
“Ron!  Thank goodness!” Hermione calls from somewhere around the rubble.
“Where’s Fred?” Harry asks as you gasp in horror.  Looking down a few feet away from you, you can see a light-skinned frecked arm sticking out of the rubble.
“Fred!” you shriek, rushing to him.  “Fred!  Help me!  Percy!”
You scramble to move the rocks from on top of Fred in desperation, praying and pleading to anyone or anything that would listen that Fred is okay.  The others join you, clearing the rocks with magic and their bare hands.  As soon as you’ve uncovered him enough, you scoop him up and hold him against your chest, tugging on his torso and lifting him all the way out of the rubble.  His eyes are closed and his body is limp.  Resting his head in your lap, you begin to cry.
“Freddie?” you whimper, running your hands through his hair just as he’s always loved.  “Are you there?  Come on, wake up?”
Percy takes two fingers and presses them to Fred’s neck.  Percy’s eyes widen. 
“I feel a pulse,” Percy sniffs quietly, a tear rolling down his cheek.  “But it’s faint.  I don’t know if he’ll between now and when we can get him to Madame Pomfrey…”
Harry, Hermione, and Ron’s faces all drop.  Fred’s always been there.  Making jokes, teasing Ron, selling his products.  Most of all, he’s been with you.  They stare at Fred’s face in shock, not even beginning to fathom a world in which Fred Weasley isn’t around.
“I-I have something to ask all of you and I need you to do it fast,” you say quickly.  “You have to trust me.  It’s for Freddie.”
The four of your friends look at you intently.  
“I need you all to cast the Patronus charm,” you explain.  “Now.”
“Y/n…” Hermione says.  “This isn’t’ the time.  There aren’t even any dem-”
“I know, Hermione!” you snap, shooting her a look.  “Stop asking questions trust me!  I need you to cast it or Fred might not make it! I can’t cast it now.  Corporal patronuses are best but shields are just fine!  Hurry!”
Everyone nods, grabbing their wands, and soon enough, Harry’s stag, Ron’s jack russell terrier, and Hermione’s otter form in the air.  Percy closes his eyes and casts his own charm, forming a small shield in front of him.  You nod to all of them and mouth your gratitude.
Closing your eyes, you extend your arm out in front of you above Fred’s chest.  You focus and reach further, your fingers feeling as if they’re pushing through layers and layers of magical barriers and shields.  As soon as you feel it, you grasp a small vial in your hand and it materializes as you pull it back towards you.  The others watch in confusion and awe as you uncork the tiny vial. You murmur a few small words, hoping this will work as you tip the vial.  
Out of the vial comes a shimmering liquid that glows as it descends through the air and onto Fred’s chest.  It shines as if it’s made from the sun itself and swirls with a pearlescent sheen.  As soon as it touches Fred, it glows warm, comforting, filling the entire vicinity in its brilliance.  The lights dance with the silvery blue whisps of the patronuses.  Within a second, it all fades.
You duck your head down to Fred’s chest and sigh a shaky breath as you listen to Fred’s steady heartbeat.
“You’re okay…,” you smile to Fred, who’s just beginning to stir.  His brown eyes flutter open and lock with yours.
“Y/n?” he whispers almost inaudibly, reaching up to touch your cheek with care. He coughs a bit, clearing the dust from his throat.
“It thought I lost you,” you cry as he brings you into a tight hug, your tears staining his jacket.  The others gasp and smile.  Fred’s still here.  He’s not dead.  Fred reaches up to Percy, who helps bring Fred to his feet and the three brothers quickly embrace Ron on the verge of tears. As soon as they release, Fred turns to you, scooping you up in his arms and kissing you on the lips, giving it all he can.  As you break apart, he rests his forehead on yours.
“I’m sorry I scared you,” Fred whispers, noticing your tears dribbling down your cheek.  
“It’s okay…,” you reply softly.  “It’s not your fault…  I’m glad it wasn’t too late.  I don’t know what I’d do without you…”
“I’m not going anywhere now, y/n,” Fred assures you.  “There’s no way.”
Hermione clears her throat and you and Fred jump away from each other, surprised at the disturbance. “Y/n, what was that?” she questions
“Yeah,” Ron nods.  “Explain.”
“It’s….,” you trail off.  “It happened a while ago.  I was going through some very old books and I found a long lost magical technique.  I had to translate it.  What it said was that people can store concentrated healing magic.  Once a day, someone can cast a healing spell and concentrate it in liquid form and keep adding to it as long as they want.  If it’s kept going long enough, it can perform miracles.  It’s inefficient, though.  One person can only make one at a time and you can only add to it once a day.  It must have fallen out of use for inefficiency… but I’ve made my own.  That’s what I used to heal Fred.”
“That’s bloody brilliant,” Ron exclaims in astonishment.  “Why would a technique like that go out of fashion?  Even if it’s rare, it still had value.”
You shrug in agreement.
“What about the patronuses?” Harry adds.
“Patronuses are more than they seem to be.  Expecto Patronum means ‘I await a guardian.’  They repel more than just dementors.  They can slow down death in his footsteps.  They don’t stop him.  Only slow him.  Guardians are protectors, after all,” you clarify with a smile.  
“So you asked us all to cast one because it would give Fred the best chance?” Ron asks and you smile back to confirm.  “Wicked.”
“This bit of explanation and monologuing has been great, but the battle isn’t over yet,” you say.  “We still have to kill that snake.”
Harry, Ron, and Hermione agree, beginning to head off toward the courtyard, deciding to seek out Voldemort and his snake directly, leaving you behind to stay with Fred. Just as they get out of sight, Fred tugs at your arm and kisses you lightly.
“Thank you y/n, I-”
“Shhh. Don’t mention it, Fred.  I would have saved you any day,” you cut him off.  “We can talk about this after the battle when we have a moment to ourselves.”
“I love you,” he adds with a hopeful look.  You grin, not being able to resist him and kiss his cheek.
Fred nods and takes your hand.  He looks at you in the eyes as if to say, “Ready?”  You take a deep breath in, the feel of Fred’s hand in yours reassuring you that he’s still there and this isn’t a dream.  With that, you, Percy, and Fred head into battle.  This time, you don’t let go of Fred’s hand during the battle for even a moment.
Years later, you’re living in a London flat that you and Fred share.  Wealsey’s Wizard Wheezes is a booming business.  Everyday, you wake up to Fred, giving him his good morning kiss before he gets ready to work at the shop.  You smile as you fix his crooked ties and kiss his nose.  As you part your ways as he goes into the shop for his work and you head down the alley for yours, you smile to see all the excited children already gathered outside.  You’re happy knowing that the shop is a success because it’s where he comes alive, talking about the products with customers. As you drop him off, George every once in a while flashes you a meaningful smile as if to say “this is all thanks to you.”
You travel with Fred to the United States when the international branches of the shop open, which was a much anticipated expansion.  You’re right there in the picture with him and George on opening day as they cut the ribbon, clapping and cheering the loudest out of anyone.
At night, you both return to bed you share, and you snuggle into his chest tightly, taking in the smell of Fred that you’ve come to know and love: cinnamon with a hint of firework smoke.  Each time, you tuck your head onto the crook of his neck, smiling, knowing you don’t know what exciting occurrences will come tomorrow, but Fred’s most definitely going to be there right beside you and you couldn’t be more in love.
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lins-fandom-hub · 4 years
HPHM Profile: Em Wen-Hui Lin
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Template by @hogwartsmystory​
Profile subject to change.
Name: Emily “Em” Wen-Hui Lin
Gender: Female
Age: 12 as of May 31, 1990
Birth Date: February 19, 1978
Species: Human
Blood Status: Half-blood (both parents are Muggle-born attending wizarding institutions)
Sexuality: Undetermined
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Ethnicity: Chinese
Nationality: Um...British, I think?
Residence: Oxford, England
Myer Briggs Personality Type: ISFP
Wand: Rowan and Phoenix feather, 11 inches, quite flexible
Animagus: N/A. Of the three siblings, only Clara has become an Animagus.
Misc Magical Abilities: Like her siblings, Em is a Legilimens--although she did not recognize the power until late in her 6th year.
Boggart Form: Her inner demons are her downfall. Her Riddikulus form makes the entire room dark, leaving her in the spotlight, standing in front of the glowing column of a Cursed Vault, while shadows of her past begin to echo her worst thoughts. Most of them pertained Jacob’s permanent disappearance, or her older sister abandoning her for good. She just cannot stand the thought of standing there, helpless while her family suffered.
Riddikulus Form: Her Riddikulus form is of the demons popping like soap bubbles all around her, the voices warbled with every bubble that rose. The prevailing darkness will fade as well. The Cursed Vault will become a giant teddy bear. 
Amortentia: (What do they smell like?) Freshly ground mint, cinnamon, freshly baked fudge, and tomato juice.
Amortentia: (What do they smell?) She smells fresh linens, nutmeg, smoke from a fire, and...wait, is that honey lemon tea?
Patronus: If she can produce a Patronus, it would be of a black swan. A little strange when compared to Jacob’s falcon and Clara’s unicorn, but her grace and poise is not to be underestimated.
Patronus Memory: the day the tension from the Cursed Vaults finally subsided and she saw the light return to her siblings’ eyes.
Mirror of Erised: She sees herself with her older siblings, both of them genuinely smiling in happiness. Her family has completely reconciled, and she feels at peace.
Specialized/Favourite Spells: Before Em goes to Hogwarts, she knew already of the Herbivicus Charm, which her father taught her to speed up the growth of flowers. This was very useful for her whenever people requested her to make flower crowns at the arts and crafts club she heads along with her friend Dawn. Em can cast a really good Expelliarmus as well--a powerful one that could send the wand flying far away from the owner. In later years, one should watch out for her Tarantallegra and Obscuro. Unbeknownst to several of her classmates, she could also perform a good shield charm thanks to training with her siblings in her first year.
Faceclaim: TBD
Voiceclaim: TBD
Game Appearance: (may subject to change every once in a while)
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Height: 4’10 at 11, but grows a bit before reaching adulthood
Weight: She is on the slightly light side, lighter than average.
Physique: Relatively frail, but her glare can make up for her strength and power behind her spells.
Eye Colour: Dark brown
Hair Colour: Black
Skin Tone: Pale
Body Modifications: N/A
Scarring: N/A
Inventory: Em carries two silk bookmarks, a beaded bracelet, her wand, a few flower clips, several quills and bottles of ink, and some parchment.
Fashion: Most of the time in school, Em wears her school robes. Yes, even when she’s not in class, she wears her school robes. She would always have a flower in her hair.
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Ilvermorny House: Pukwudgie/Wampus?
Affiliations/Organizations: Hufflepuff House (Hogwarts); Circle of Khanna (Hogwarts); Order of the Phoenix (1996-); St. Mungo’s Hospital
Professions: Healer at St. Mungo’s
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: A
Charms: E
Flying: A
Herbology: O
History of Magic: A
Potions: E
Transfiguration: E
Electives: Care of Magical Creatures (E), Ancient Runes (A), Muggle Studies (E)
Quidditch: Em does not join the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, but she is a great supporter of the team in the spectator stands.
Extra Curricular: Arts and Crafts Club (leader), Duelling Club
Favourite Professors: Professor Sprout, Professor Flitwick, Professor McGonagall
Least Favourite Professors: Professor Binns
Brother: Jacob Pan-Hui Lin
Although she and Jacob never really were that close, she still admires him for what he does and never held a grudge against him for his mistakes. She longs for them to reunite when she learned he went missing, and always wanted to know him and get along with him.
Older sister: Clara Xing-Hui Lin
Em didn’t really get a chance to connect with Clara until the summer before her first year at Hogwarts. Still, she was firm on helping Clara through her trying times and helped her in any way she could to break the final curse and stop R once and for all.
Father: Sueh-Yen Lin
Mother: Renee Lin (nee Tao)
Love Interest: currently N/A
Best Friends: Dawn Everett, Hillary Redstone, 
Rival: Travis Poulter, Eunice Ahn
Enemy: R, Voldemort and Death Eaters
Dormmates: Dawn Everett, three other Hufflepuff girls
Pets: Cheddar (rat), some others TBD
Closest Canon Friends: Penny Haywood, Chiara Lobosca, Nymphadora Tonks, Diego Caplan, Andre Egwu, Charlie Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Cedric Diggory, Badeea Ali, Barnaby Lee, Liz Tuttle, Tulip Karasu
Closest MC/OC Friends: 
Sarahi Silvers (@dat-silvers-girl )
Nora Magnus (@dat-silvers-girl )
Pre Hogwarts: 
Em was around 5 or 6 when Jacob disappeared. Since then, all she had known was broken bonds and tears.
Her sister drifted away from her as well in her first 5 years at Hogwarts. She had to learn in this time to stand alone in the worst of the storm. 
1st Year: 
Em was Sorted into Hufflepuff on the first day at school
The statue curse prevailed during little Em’s first year at Hogwarts
Following the Halloween Feast, Em created the Arts and Crafts club at her friend Dawn’s suggestion--where members create many wonderful things out of everyday items
She and Clara take up Bill’s offer to go to the Burrow for Christmas.
After Rowan Khanna’s death, Em was roped into the Circle of Khanna by Diego Caplan who insisted the group needed her duelling skills
While Clara was preparing the Polyjuice Potion to infiltrate R, Em got to see all the Vaults firsthand that have been broken
Prior to Clara’s trip to the Black Lake with Ben, Merula, and Jacob, Em comes around and gives Clara a flower crown to present to the merqueen
After the curse was lifted, just as Clara threw a party at the Three Broomsticks, Em threw a party in the courtyard with the people who were unable to go to Hogsmeade
2nd Year: 
Em returns to Hogwarts for her second year prepared to help her siblings take down the rest of R
3rd Year: 
Em returns to Hogwarts without her siblings for the first time. However, it was then when she met the Boy Who Lived--Harry Potter.
The year passed pretty normally for her
4th Year: 
When the Chamber of Secrets was opened, little Em was one of the first to ensure that all the younger Hufflepuff students remained calm in this time
She already knew firsthand that Gilderoy Lockhart was suspicious, and so she wrote her mother when he was outed (and his memory was permanently wiped)
5th Year: 
Em becomes a Hufflepuff Prefect for her fifth year along with Cedric Diggory
The year that Sirius Black escaped has been a tough one for her. Imagine Percy constantly on high alert, especially since he’s Head Boy--she’s adapted his high alertness once more, fearing for the entire student body once more
Despite all this, little Em came out successful in her OWLs, obtaining an impressive eight OWLs while only failing History of Magic (she dropped Muggle Studies after her 4th year)
6th Year: 
Enter: The Goblet of Fire, and the Triwizard Tournament!
Em was too young to participate, so she ended up sitting by the sidelines cheering both her friend Cedric Diggory and Harry Potter on
She did not develop a crush on any of the boys in her year (mostly because she can’t be bothered right now with romance, maybe), but she did go to the ball with another Ravenclaw boy in her year
The loss of Cedric Diggory at the end of her 6th year had put her in another mute grief. First, she sat through Rowan Khanna’s memorial--she didn’t expect to sit through another one five years later, and one for one of her closest friends too.
7th Year:
Prior to starting her 7th year, her older sister Clara left for China
Em becomes one of the Head Girls in her 7th year, but the arrival of Dolores Umbridge and the way she instilled all these regulations made her secretly pissed off
She wholeheartedly supported Fred and George in testing their joke products so that they could make a profit out of their talents
When they left Hogwarts on their broomsticks after a while, she too was one of the few who wished she could leave the school but could not
Order of the Phoenix / 2nd Wizarding War:
Em was roped into the Order of the Phoenix along with her brother, Jacob, by none other than Professor Dumbledore immediately following graduation
While her sister was in China holding back the Japanese forces, the times they had to talk were far and few in between--however, they were able to talk when they could, and Em relayed everything that happened to her through encrypted letters sent to her grandmother
Em was the one who alerted Clara of the upcoming Battle of Hogwarts--while the siege went underway, she stuck close to Diego
Em survives the battle--she mourned for Fred and the many lives that were lost
Em ends up becoming a Healer at St Mungo’s, helping those who have undergone traumatic experiences during Voldemort’s rise
Future relationship TBD.
Though she comes off as a shy soul, little Em is not completely fragile. Behind her kind eyes laid years of suffering from her family’s arguments and broken bonds--yet she pushes forward, and her persistence does not go unnoticed
Em is always willing to offer a helping hand, even though she’s the one who needs it most.
She cares deeply for those who she ends up befriending and trusting. This also includes most of Clara’s friends at Hogwarts.
Though soft-spoken and easy to knock over, her spells could pack a serious punch.
Em’s love of Herbology came from her father, whom she loved helping in the family gardens long before Jacob’s disappearance.
She doesn’t play many instruments like her sister, but she has a decent singing voice good enough to join the Frog Choir. However, the thought of that made Em shake her head--she really only sings for fun, after all.
Em’s love for crafts came from the time Jacob gifted her a Hippogriff ornament at her first Christmas that he made himself.
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raspberryfanfics · 5 years
Nejiten/Harry Potter Crossover
Positive Emotions—Also on ffn @raspberryfanfics 
“Inuzuka, give me one good reason I shouldn’t make you clean trophies for harassing Miss Yamanaka.”
Kiba rolled his eyes at the Hufflepuff prefect. “Tenten, she’s pretty much asking—”
“There are no rules in whether or not she decides to unbutton a few buttons or crop her shirt and hem her skirt, however, there are rules to sexual harassment.” she raised an eyebrow at him. Ino smirked and crossed her arms triumphantly. 
“Fine, but do I still have to go to detention?” he huffed, crossing his arms.
“I’ll let it slide. Next time you want someone’s attention, try giving her a box of chocolate frogs. It probably would work much better than jinxing her clothes.”
Two faces reddened and she sighed, walking away from the two sixth-years.
In her seventh and final year at Hogwarts, She found herself becoming more and more like the kind of person she thought she’d never become. Back on her first day where she and Rock Lee sat in the train compartment and Neji Hyuuga strode into their compartment without asking, a prefect was bossing everyone around, giving some people hell. It used to be that she was the one making a little bit of trouble, stealing broom trimming materials from her Slytherin friends and attaching wings to the books of snobby Ravenclaws, yet now she was the one reprimanding others. If you told her that she would be a prefect and quidditch captain seven years ago, she would have spat out her pumpkin juice and laughed louder than a howler.
On the way to her next class, she stumbled upon her good friend and teammate, Lee. 
“I think we should push for a little extra training this week,” he said to her enthusiastically, gathering his books for their next class in his giant green messenger bag. “Our game against Gryffindor is coming up and we must show them Hufflepuff’s burning youth!”
“I’m sure we’ve already shown them.” she smiled, recalling how aggressive Lee could be and the way he would hit buldgers so fast that the other team would often spend most their time dodging rather than chasing. “Though I agree, it would be smart to push for a few more practices.”
Temari, formerly of Gryffindor, had been the keeper for their team for many years and with Naruto as Chaser, they made an incredible team. Since she had graduated last year from Hogwarts, Naruto was now captain, though she doubted they’d be as good. Hufflepuff’s defeat was humiliating and she was glad they had a chance to redeem themselves.
As she climbed into the north tower with a red bag strapped on her back, she took a seat beside the seventh-year Head Boy and Prefect, Neji Hyuga. His nose was buried in a Divination book, glasses perched on his sharp nose, posture immaculate. 
“Still obsessing of fate, Hyuga?” she teased. “Use your genius for other things.”
“I don’t recall asking for your opinion, Tenten.” he marked his book and turned around, a small hint of a smile on his lips. 
“No, I’m just exercising my freedom of speech.” she retorted, pulling out her wand and pointing it to her small bag, flicking it a couple of times. A textbook, quill, notebook, and a couple of fudge flies leaped out of her bag and landed onto the table. A few people stared, impressed that she was able to master non-verbal summoning so quickly.
Neji, however, was used to it. She had mastered the fourth-year summoning charm in her first year and non-verbal in the fifth year. Tenten held out the carton of fudge-flies, offering the Ravenclaw some sweets. He shook his head and turned back to his book.
The class died down a little as their Defense Against the Dark Arts professor strode in, wizard cap covering one eye, book in hand. As usual, Professor Kakashi Hatake was very late. 
“Sorry, class, a couple of house-elves needed help carrying some groceries—”
“Save it, professor!” cried a kid from the corner of the room. 
“House-elves don’t even need to carry anything,” she mumbled to Neji, “that was one of the lamest excuses yet.”
He shrugged and put away his book, replacing it with the one on their subject. 
“Today, we’ll be learning about the Patronus.” the professor started slowly. “I’m sure one of you has heard of it.”
Tenten rolled her eyes. Everyone has heard of the Patronus. Especially with the recent cases of the Akatsuki breaking out of Azkaban, dementors have been trailing in and out of Hogwarts, much to Headmaster Tsunade’s fury. 
As the teacher gave a short lecture, many of it a review, Tenten glanced at Neji, who was paying strict attention and taking notes though he probably didn’t need it. Suddenly, his hand stopped scribbling on his parchment and looked over to her, his white eyes locking with hers. She felt her cheeks go red and quickly darted her eyes away, focusing back onto Professor Hatake. 
“I’m going to let you get into threes so you can try and practice the Patronus,” he replied. “I do not expect any of you to be able to perform a spell that most witches and wizards cannot, though I would like to see if you can create the beginnings of one.
The Head Boy merely blinked, unlike Lee, who was quite worried. Her best friend and fellow beater wasn’t as magically gifted as other wizards. He wasn’t great at subjects that required a lot of spell casting such as Charms, Transfiguration, or DADA either. He made up for it by working exceptionally hard in Potions, Herbology, and his best subject, Care of Magical Creatures and being one of the best Quidditch players of the century. She could see why he wasn’t happy about learning such a spell, as hard work might not come easy for one so complex.
Neji on the other hand, was able to master practically all of them, scoring an Outstanding in all of his NEWTs except for Divination. Though having an obsession with fate and lacking any talent for it whatsoever, Defence Against the Dark Arts was his best subject. He was quick-thinking, skilled, and had a duelling style his extremely pure-blood wizarding family excelled in. The spell he always conjured up was the shield charm, yet he used it for offence rather than defence, knocking many people off their feet during it. 
The group of three took a spot in the large classroom and flipped through their books to get the instructions. 
Tenten attempted first, thinking of a positive memory, (the first time she summoned something), and waved her wand in a circle, and chanted the incantation. Unfortunately, nothing happened. She tried for another memory, and another, yet nothing seemed to produce any result. Finally, she relieved a more nostalgic memory and tried one more time and a very very faint wisp seemed to drip from her wand.
Neji tried next, closing his eyes for a brief moment, looking quite arrogant, and waved his wand. “Expecto Patronum,”
To all three’s surprise, he didn’t produce anything. Even with his other tries, he didn’t even manage to get as much of a wisp as Tenten did,  which was barely any. This only made Lee more nervous because if Neji and Tenten could perform a spell, could he?
They watched him intensely as he closed his eyes, standing there meditatively in a position they’d usually see Neji performing. A familiarly wide smile drew upon his lips and Tenten sighed. She thought he was going to take it seriously.
“EXPECTO PATRONUM!” he yelled, catching the attention of everyone in the room with his boisterous attitude. 
Where everyone was about to roll their eyes, what they didn’t expect was a bright flash of light and the beginning of a small shield. Tenten’s mouth hung agape and their professor strode over, seemingly unsurprised at Lee’s sudden success.
“Good job, Lee, I haven’t seen many people your age able to produce a spell that quickly. 20 points to Hufflepuff.”
His two companions couldn’t shake off their amazement, especially at the fact that for the rest of the day, his Patronus just seemed to get bigger while theirs didn’t do anything at all.
“Tenten, do you have a moment?”
She looked up at the familiar baritone voice and Neji Hyuga was standing before her, a grey sweater over the usual white button-up with his sapphire blue tie loosened around his neck. The candle on her library table illuminated his face with dancing patterns and made him appear almost angel-like. Her breath caught in her throat and she shook out the feeling of butterflies with a friendly smile.
Checking her watch, she noticed that it was already pretty late and she’d have to get back to her dorm soon. Thankfully she just finished up her transfiguration essay. 
“Only a moment,” she said softly. “I’ll have to hurry if I want to take a bath today.”
“But you don’t have any meeting or homework, I’m presuming?” he asked.
“Nope, I’m all yours,” she said, blushing at the way it came out.
They walked through the halls of the school, moonlight illuminating the way out of the library. She followed him, wondering where they were going as he led her up winding staircases and towards a bronze door, a bronze eagle at the handle. Tenten recognized it as the Eagle Door Knocker, that spoke of riddles to let you pass.
Neji delicately picked up the handle and tapped it three times, then released his hold. The beak opened and a low voice range out.
“At night they come without being fetched, by day they are lost without being stolen, if absent they are summoned by a receiver, crushed if one won’t be a believer.”
She blinked a couple of times, looking over to her companion as he thought steadily. 
“One’s dreams as the mind’s movement during sleep or the ambitions based on hope,” he replied, the door swinging open. The Ravenclaw started towards the entrance but she didn’t move.
“This is the Ravenclaw common room…” she trailed off. “I’m a Huffl—”
“I’m Head Boy and Prefect. I think I can get you an excuse if caught.” he raised his eyebrow, waiting for her to respond. His eyes shone, asking her to trust him, and she couldn’t refuse.
They had been friends since the beginning, sitting together on the train and eating sharing Every Flavour Beans. Over the years through study hall, Hogsmeade trips, and Prefect meetings, she slowly found herself falling for the lavender-eyed Ravenclaw, despite trying devastatingly hard not to. She knew what each millimetre of raised eyebrow meant, every angle of his sharp cheekbones, and the exact colour of his brown, (but only brown in direct sunlight as it was black right now) hair. She’d trust him with her life.
The Ravenclaw common room wasn’t nearly as cozy as the Hufflepuff one. It looked more like the drawing-room of a fancy mansion, with regal blue couches and antique coffee tables. Yet she found herself drawn to the tall, rounded ceiling and the large shelves stacked with books of all sorts. More books were scattered across the carpets, some flipped upside-down, others marked with leather bookmarks. She noticed Shikamaru playing wizard’s chess with Kankuro, who was losing badly, and Shino reading about magical bugs. Some of the more stuck-up Ravenclaws gave a few unimpressed glares at her until they realized she was with the Head Boy, the person everyone looked up to. 
He led her past the dorm and to another door, where he took out his wand and waved it around, doing a complex unlocking spell that Alohomora just wouldn’t cover. When he opened it, it led to a much narrower staircase, which they climbed around and around until there was a ladder and a trapdoor. He raised his wand towards the latch and pushed it open, moonlight spilling it into the darkness. He climbed out first, then held out his hand to help her climb out. When she stepped onto the tower’s flat platform, her mouth hung open.
It was beautiful. 
She could see the night sky, speckled with so many stars that they looked like salt spilled across a black canvas. The corners where the sky met the earth was illuminated by a purple haze, the half-moon sitting on top of them. She could see the whole castle from where she stood. The forbidden forest on one side, the black lake near another, the quidditch pitch and the six hoops...she could see it all. Her breath was taken away and she felt a surge of envy for the glittering view that the Ravenclaws had the privilege of seeing.
“If I had known that your house gets to see this, I would have forced you to show me this a lot earlier.” she breathed, still caught up in admiring the sky.
“Not a lot of people have figured out how to get here,” Neji said, sitting down on the wooden platform, gazing at the stars above. “I thought you would like it.”
“It’s breathtaking,” she sighed, leaning over the railing, relishing the feeling of the wind rippling through her bangs. She untangled her hair from her twin buns and let it brush though that too. Tenten closed her eyes and smiled, relaxing, happiness surging through her until she felt drained of adrenaline from the feeling of him watching her. 
When the stars seemed to blink slower, she sat down beside Neji, who was laying down. His eyes were darker in the moonlight yet still just as stunning. His eyes could compare to the stars, at least in her opinion.
“I thought about Lee,” he said. “How he was the only one in our class to cast a Patronus that could possibly be useful. He surpassed us all with that spell, even though he isn’t magically gifted.”
“Lee always has defied the odds with his hard work. He’s a true Hufflepuff,” she said defensively.
An astonishingly wide smile crossed his lips, a chuckle escaped his mouth. “I know, he’s something. But that couldn’t have been hard work if he did it on the first try. Even you know that.”
“Then what was it?” she asked.
Neji was silent, staring into her eyes in a way that made her strangely comfortable, before they darted to her lips for a split second, breaking contact.
“Happiness,” he whispered. “He was the only one who could conjure enough joy and positivity for a Patronus.”
“Are you saying that our whole grade besides Lee is depressed?” she teased.
The Ravenclaw Head Boy shook his head, the smile never leaving his lips. “No, no, but I believe he was the only one to truly feel it. He’s been through a lot, and I’m guessing that joy must have been a stark contrast to the darkness, which was more powerful than anyone else’s. After all, he and Professor Gai are always rambling about youth and joy.”
She laughed, enjoying the sensation she felt while talking to him. Right now, she felt happy. She felt happy in a way she hadn’t felt before. Was this—love?
Feeling experimental, she pulled out her wand, focused on her current feeling, and waved it in a circle. 
“Expecto Patronum,” she chanted, not softly, or as loudly as Lee had yelled.
Tenten could feel it working. She could feel her joy coursing from her mind to her wand and through the silver wisps of smoke spilling through it. Her best friend sat up to examine what her wand was conjuring. Silver streams didn’t stop spilling. The light shaped into an animal with small ears, long muscled legs, and a pelt of beautiful spotted prints. She pranced around the tower, defying gravity, leaping on air. 
She padded towards the two, right before their eyes. When it was close enough that Tenten reached out and touched it, her hand went through her like it was a ghost. Yet despite waving through the leopardess as if it was just air, she could feel the joy seeping through her veins once more and looking over at Neji, he was awestruck.
It wasn’t often that he was amazed, even less so that he was amazed at something she, Tenten, conjured up. She loved the way his lips were slightly parted, his eyebrows raised, eye wide, and the corners of his mouth were turned upwards. He too had felt the pure pleasure coming from her full-fledged Patronus and he was soaking in it, in her Patronus. 
As it leaped away, he turned to her and then looked at her with the same expression as he had with the leopardess.
Her breath hitched as he shook his head as if he didn’t believe in something. “Wow,”
“How did you do that?”
Tenten blushed, tucking a piece of her overgrown bangs behind her ear. “I just felt so happy at that moment and I thought it would be enough to conjure a corporeal Patronus,”
She didn’t know what to expect as a reaction, but a warm hand on her jaw and Neji’s lips sealed firmly on hers certainly didn’t cross her mind.
They were warm, just like the feeling of her Patronus, maybe even warmer. She melted into him, kissing him back under the moonlight, wrapping her arms delicately around his neck. He tasted of butterbeer and smelled of parchment, the cashmere sweater on her fingertips soft. Slowly, he pushed her to the wood panels of the roof and pinned her there, angling his head so he could drag out her bottom lip between her teeth. 
He pulled away steadily, locking into her eyes, smiling warmly at her. Tenten’s chest heaved as he firmly held her and she decided that she never felt safer or more at home. When he fully sat up again, his warmth still lingered and it wasn’t as cold as she expected it to be. 
The next moment, another beautiful Patronus was conjured and a large falcon flew swiftly towards her leopardess. He circled her and the two played in the air, leaping and flying, closely resembling the way her heart was beating fast and her chest was soaring. 
Neji wrapped his arm around her and she smiled, leaning her head onto his shoulder. They wouldn’t be having any trouble coming up with a powerful happy memory when the time came.
“Inuzuka, give me one good reason I shouldn’t make you trophies for harassing Miss Yamanaka.”
Kiba rolled his eyes at the Hufflepuff prefect. “Tenten, she’s pretty much asking—”
“There are no rules in whether or not she decides to unbutton a few buttons or cut her shirt and skirt, however, there are rules to sexual harassment.” she raised an eyebrow at him. Ino smirked and crossed her arms triumphantly. 
“Fine, but do I still have to go to detention?”
“I’ll let it slide. Next time you want someone’s attention, try giving her a box of chocolate frogs. It probably would work much better than jinxing her clothes.”
Two faces reddened and she sighed, walking away from the two sixth-years.
On the way to her next class, she stumbled upon her good friend and teammate, Rock Lee. 
“I think we should push for a little extra training this week,” he said to her enthusiastically, gathering his books for their next class in his giant green messenger bag. “Our game against Gryffindor is coming up and we must show them Hufflepuff’s burning youth!”
“I’m sure we’ve already shown them.” she smiled, recalling how aggressive Lee could be and the way he would hit buldgers so fast that the other team would often spend most their time dodging rather than chasing. “Though I agree, it would be smart to push for a few more practices.”
Temari, formerly of Gryffindor, had been the keeper for their team for many years and with Naruto as Chaser, they made an incredible team. Since she had graduated last year from Hogwarts, Naruto was now captain, though she doubted they’d be as good. Hufflepuff’s defeat was humiliating and she was glad they had a chance to redeem themselves.
As she climbed into the north tower with a red bag strapped on her back, she took a seat beside the seventh-year Head Boy and Prefect, Neji Hyuga. His nose was buried in a Divination book, glasses perched on his sharp nose, posture immaculate. 
“Still obsessing of fate, Hyuga?” she teased. “Use your genius for other things.”
“I don’t recall asking for your opinion, Tenten.” he marked his book and turned around, a small hint of a smile on his lips. 
“No, I’m just exercising my freedom of speech.” she retorted, pulling out her wand and pointing it to her small bag, flicking it a couple of times. A textbook, quill, notebook, and a couple of fudge flies leaped out of her bag and landed onto the table. A few people stared, impressed that she was able to master non-verbal summoning so quickly.
Neji, however, was used to it. She had mastered the fourth-year summoning charm in her first year and non-verbal in the fifth year. Tenten held out the carton of fudge-flies, offering the Ravenclaw some sweets. He shook his head and turned back to his book.
The class died down a little as their Defense Against the Dark Arts professor strode in, wizard cap covering one eye, book in hand. As usual, Professor Kakashi Hatake was very late. 
“Sorry, class, a couple of house-elves needed help carrying some groceries—”
“Save it, professor!” cried a kid from the corner of the room. 
“House-elves don’t even need to carry anything,” she mumbled to Neji, “that was one of the lamest excuses yet.”
He shrugged and put away his book, replacing it with the one on their subject. 
“Today, we’ll be learning about the Patronus.” the professor started slowly. “I’m sure one of you has heard of it.”
Tenten rolled her eyes. Everyone has heard of the Patronus. Especially with the recent cases of the Akatsuki breaking out of Azkaban, dementors have been trailing in and out of Hogwarts, much to Headmaster Tsunade’s fury. 
As the teacher gave a short lecture, many of it a review, Tenten glanced at Neji, who was paying strict attention and taking notes though he probably didn’t need it. Suddenly, his hand stopped scribbling on his parchment and looked over to her, his white eyes locking with hers. She felt her cheeks go red and quickly darted her eyes away, focusing back onto Professor Hatake. 
“I’m going to let you get into threes so you can try and practice the Patronus,” he replied. “I do not expect any of you to be able to perform a spell that most witches and wizards cannot, though I would like to see if you can create the beginnings of one.
The Head Boy merely blinked, unlike Lee, who was quite worried. Her best friend and fellow beater wasn’t as magically gifted as other wizards. He wasn’t great at subjects that required a lot of spell casting such as Charms, Transfiguration, or DADA either. He made up for it by working exceptionally hard in Potions, Herbology, and his best subject, Care of Magical Creatures and being one of the best Quidditch players of the century. She could see why he wasn’t happy about learning such a spell, as hard work might not come easy for one so complex.
Neji on the other hand, was able to master practically all of them, scoring an Outstanding in all of his NEWTs except for Divination. Though having an obsession with fate and lacking any talent for it whatsoever, Defence Against the Dark Arts was his best subject. He was quick-thinking, skilled, and had a duelling style his extremely pure-blood wizarding family excelled in. The spell he always conjured up was the shield charm, yet he used it for offence rather than defence, knocking many people off their feet during it. 
The group of three took a spot in the large classroom and flipped through their books to get the instructions. 
Tenten attempted first, thinking of a positive memory, (the first time she summoned something), and waved her wand in a circle, and chanted the incantation. Unfortunately, nothing happened. She tried for another memory, and another, yet nothing seemed to produce any result. Finally, she relieved a more nostalgic memory and tried one more time and a very very faint wisp seemed to drip from her wand.
Neji tried next, closing his eyes for a brief moment, looking quite arrogant, and waved his wand. “Expecto Patronum,”
To all three’s surprise, he didn’t produce anything. Even with his other tries, he didn’t even manage to get as much of a wisp as Tenten did, who didn’t get far either. This only made Lee more nervous because if Neji and Tenten could perform a spell, could he?
They watched him intensely as he closed his eyes, standing there meditatively in a position they’d usually see Neji performing. A familiarly wide smile drew upon his lips and Tenten sighed. She thought he was going to take it seriously.
“EXPECTO PATRONUM!” he yelled, catching the attention of everyone in the room with his boisterous attitude. 
Where everyone was about to roll their eyes, what they didn’t expect was a bright flash of light and the beginning of a small shield. Tenten’s mouth hung agape and their professor strode over, seemingly unsurprised at Lee’s sudden success.
“Good job, Lee, I haven’t seen many people your age able to produce a spell that quickly. 20 points to Hufflepuff.”
His two companions couldn’t shake off their amazement, especially at the fact that for the rest of the day, his Patronus just seemed to get bigger while theirs didn’t do anything at all.
“Tenten, do you have a moment?”
She looked up at the familiar baritone voice and Neji Hyuga was standing before her, a grey sweater over the usual white button-up with his sapphire blue tie loosened around his neck. The candle on her library table illuminated his face with dancing patterns and made him appear almost angel-like. Her breath caught in her throat and she shook out the feeling of butterflies with a friendly smile.
Checking her watch, she noticed that it was already pretty late and she’d have to get back to her dorm soon. Thankfully she just finished up her transfiguration essay. 
“Only a moment,” she said softly. “I’ll have to hurry if I want to take a bath today.”
“But you don’t have any meeting or homework, I’m presuming?” he asked.
“Nope, I’m all yours,” she said, blushing at the way it came out.
They walked through the halls of the school, moonlight illuminating the way out of the library. She followed him, wondering where they were going as he led her up winding staircases and towards a bronze door, a bronze eagle at the handle. Tenten recognized it as the Eagle Door Knocker, that spoke of riddles to let you pass.
Neji delicately picked up the handle and tapped it three times, then released his hold. The beak opened and a low voice range out.
“At night they come without being fetched, by day they are lost without being stolen, if absent they are summoned by a receiver, crushed if one won’t be a believer.”
She blinked a couple of times, looking over to her companion as he thought steadily. 
“One’s dreams as the mind’s movement during sleep or the ambitions based on hope,” he replied, the door swinging open. The Ravenclaw started towards the entrance but she didn’t move.
“This is the Ravenclaw common room…” she trailed off. “I’m a Huffl—”
“I’m Head Boy and Prefect. I think I can get you an excuse if caught.” he raised his eyebrow, waiting for her to respond. His eyes shone, asking her to trust him, and she couldn’t refuse.
They had been friends since the beginning, sitting together on the train and eating sharing Every Flavour Beans. Over the years through study hall, Hogsmeade trips, and Prefect meetings, she slowly found herself falling for the lavender-eyed Ravenclaw, despite trying devastatingly hard not to. She knew what each millimetre of raised eyebrow meant, every angle of his sharp cheekbones, and the exact colour of his brown, (but only brown in direct sunlight as it was black right now) hair. She’d trust him with her life.
The Ravenclaw common room wasn’t nearly as cozy as the Hufflepuff one. It looked more like the drawing-room of a fancy mansion, with regal blue couches and antique coffee tables. Yet she found herself drawn to the tall, rounded ceiling and the large shelves stacked with books of all sorts. More books were scattered across the carpets, some flipped upside-down, others marked with leather bookmarks. She noticed Shikamaru playing wizard’s chess with Kankuro, who was losing badly, and Shino reading about magical bugs. Some of the more stuck-up Ravenclaws gave a few unimpressed glares at her until they realized she was with the Head Boy, the person everyone looked up to. 
He led her past the dorm and to another door, where he took out his wand and waved it around, doing a complex unlocking spell that Alohomora just wouldn’t cover. When he opened it, it led to a much narrower staircase, which they climbed around and around until there were a ladder and a trapdoor. He raised his wand towards the latch and pushed it open, moonlight spilling it into the darkness. He climbed out first, then held out his hand to help her climb out. When she stepped onto the tower’s flat platform, her mouth hung open.
It was beautiful. 
She could see the night sky, speckled with so many stars that they looked like salt spilled across a black canvas. The corners where the sky met the earth was illuminated by a purple haze, the half-moon sitting on top of them. She could see the whole castle from where she stood. The forbidden forest on one side, the black lake near another, the quidditch pitch and the six hoops...she could see it all. Her breath was taken away and she felt a surge of envy for the glittering view that the Ravenclaws had the privilege of seeing.
“If I had known that your house gets to see this, I would have forced you to show me this a lot earlier.” she breathed, still caught up in admiring the sky.
“Not a lot of people have figured out how to get here,” Neji said, sitting down on the wooden platform, gazing at the stars above. “I thought you would like it.”
“It’s breathtaking,” she sighed, leaning over the railing, relishing the feeling of the wind rippling through her bangs. She untangled her hair from her twin buns and let it brush though that too. Tenten closed her eyes and smiled, relaxing, happiness surging through her until she felt drained of adrenaline from the feeling of him watching her. 
When the stars seemed to blink slower, she sat down beside Neji, who was laying down. His eyes were darker in the moonlight yet still just as stunning. His eyes could compare to the stars, at least in her opinion.
“I thought about Lee,” he said. “How he was the only one in our class to cast a Patronus that could possibly be useful. He surpassed us all with that spell, even though he isn’t magically gifted.”
“Lee always has defied the odds with his hard work. He’s a true Hufflepuff,” she said defensively.
An astonishingly wide smile crossed his lips, a chuckle escaped his mouth. “I know, he’s something. But that couldn’t have been hard work if he did it on the first try. Even you know that.”
“Then what was it?” she asked.
Neji was silent, staring into her eyes in a way that made her strangely comfortable, before they darted to her lips for a split second, breaking contact.
“Happiness,” he whispered. “He was the only one who could conjure enough joy and positivity for a Patronus.”
“Are you saying that our whole grade besides Lee is depressed?” she teased.
The Ravenclaw Head Boy shook his head, the smile never leaving his lips. “No, no, but I believe he was the only one to truly feel it. He’s been through a lot, and I’m guessing that joy must have been a stark contrast to the darkness, which was more powerful than anyone else’s. After all, he and Professor Gai are always rambling about youth and joy.”
She laughed, enjoying the sensation she felt while talking to him. Right now, she felt happy. She felt happy in a way she hadn’t felt before. Was this—love?
Feeling experimental, she pulled out her wand, focused on her current feeling, and waved it in a circle. 
“Expecto Patronum,” she chanted, not softly, or as loudly as Lee had yelled.
Tenten could feel it working. She could feel her joy coursing from her mind to her wand and through the silver wisps of smoke spilling through it. Her best friend sat up to examine what her wand was conjuring. Silver streams didn’t stop spilling. The light shaped into an animal with small ears, long muscled legs, and a pelt of beautiful spotted prints. She pranced around the tower, defying gravity, leaping on air. 
She padded towards the two, right before their eyes. When it was close enough that Tenten reached out and touched it, her hand went through her like it was a ghost. Yet despite waving through the leopardess as if it was just air, she could feel the joy seeping through her veins once more and looking over at Neji, he was awestruck.
It wasn’t often that he was amazed, even less so that he was amazed at something she, Tenten, conjured up. She loved the way his lips were slightly parted, his eyebrows raised, eye wide, and the corners of his mouth were turned upwards. He too had felt the pure pleasure coming from her full-fledged Patronus and he was soaking in it, in her Patronus. 
As it leaped away, he turned to her and then looked at her with the same expression as he had with the leopardess.
Her breath hitched as he shook his head as if he didn’t believe in something. “Wow,”
“How did you do that?”
Tenten blushed, tucking a piece of her overgrown bangs behind her ear. “I just felt so happy at that moment and I thought it would be enough to conjure a corporeal Patronus,”
She didn’t know what to expect as a reaction, but a warm hand on her jaw and Neji’s lips sealed firmly on hers certainly didn’t cross her mind.
They were warm, just like the feeling of her Patronus, maybe even warmer. She melted into him, kissing him back under the moonlight, wrapping her arms delicately around his neck. He tasted of butterbeer and smelled of parchment, the cashmere sweater on her fingertips soft. Slowly, he pushed her to the wood panels of the roof and pinned her there, angling his head so he could drag out her bottom lip between her teeth. 
He pulled away steadily, locking into her eyes, smiling warmly at her. Tenten’s chest heaved as he firmly held her and she decided that she never felt safer or more at home. When he fully sat up again, his warmth still lingered and it wasn’t as cold as she expected it to be. 
The next moment, another beautiful Patronus was conjured and a large falcon flew swiftly towards her leopardess. He circled her and the two played in the air, leaping and flying, closely resembling the way her heart was beating fast and her chest was soaring. 
Neji wrapped his arm around her and she smiled, leaning her head onto his shoulder. They wouldn’t be having any trouble coming up with a powerful happy memory when the time came.
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emma-whoisleft · 5 years
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Full Legal Name: Emma Esmé Vanity
Emma = “Whole, universal”
Esmé = “Esteemed, loved”
Vanity = “Excessive pride in or admiration for oneself”
Nickname(s): n/a and don’t even try it Age: 18 Gender & Pronouns: cisgender female; she/her Sexuality: Greyromantic and bisexual with an outward preference for men driven by her traditional values and life plans. Date of Birth: March 27th Horoscope: Aries
Strengths: Courageous, determined, confident, blunt, passionate
Weaknesses: Impatient, moody, short-tempered, impulsive, aggressive
Likes: Comfortable clothes, taking on leadership roles, physical challeng individual sports
Dislikes: Inactivity, delays, work that does not use one’s talents
Hogwarts House: Slytherin Nationality: English on her father’s side; a quarter Moroccan via her mother’s. Emma grew up just outside Yorkshire and is very vocally proud of the region, flawed accents and all. 
Emma is currently a student, but she has big plans for her future and no doubt that she’ll be able to accomplish them — which isn’t a surprise to anyone who’s ever met her. Not many seventeen year olds purchase, renovate and successfully run a Quidditch camp as a summer project, and very few others have done simultaneous Ministry internships. 
Ultimately, Emma wants to work at the Ministry of Magic’s Department of Magical Games and Sports. This is made easier by the fact that her father is the Vice Head of the department and her godfather is the Head, but she genuinely wants to build her career upon her own merits. She plans to start as a Junior Regulations Analyst with a seat on the International Event Coordination team. Her goals are currently to change the relationship the Ministry has with corporate sponsors and private companies to increase the funding ceiling and strengthen key partnerships.
Then, within five years, her goal is to create her own, new position (Executive Liaison, final title pending!). Through that, she believes she would run her own staff as a department-within-a-department and be the official point of contact for team owners, sponsors, donors, private partner companies – such as her camp and similar programs – and key suppliers of equipment, uniforms, brooms, balls, etcetera. 
She plans to use whatever downtown is leftover to work on the Department’s overall public relations strategy and inter-Ministry reputation.
Summarized in One Word: Headstrong
Faceclaim: Phoebe Tonkin  Height: 5′4″ Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown Noticeable Features: Resting bitch face, and the ability to instill a primal fear in someone with nary a glance. 
Typical Outfit or General Fashion Sense: Emma is usually dressed for capital-B Business. her wardrobe consists of black, grey and other neutrals and she opts for simple lines, minimalist looks and the simple intimidation of clear wealth. Streamlined, with hints to reclaimed masculinity; she has more blazers than any eighteen year old should, but she can seriously rock a little black dress, too. 
The Vanity family has always have a longstanding history of residing in the North Country of England, on the outskirts of Yorkshire and the Humber. Although grand in scale like most pureblood manors, the inside of the estate is considerably warmer; it features dark-paneled wood instead of marble and walls painted in warmer hues than one might normally see. The untouchable artifacts that one might find in other homes have largely been replaced with Quidditch memorabilia, family photos, and bookshelves.
There is a grande ballroom for throwing events and the foyer is invariably pristine, but the layout contains several dens stocked with comfortable couches, ever-burning fireplaces, and shelves of whiskeys and wines brought up from storage in the basement. Everything is sleek and kept up to a standard of perfection, but the family and all those who lived there before them worked hard to ensure that the place seemed approachable to newcomers. Charms ensure that the house always smells of sharp vanilla, burning wood, and pine.
The grounds feature a lake surrounded by willow trees and a trail that leads through a hedge maze into what used to be a prized garden and have since become home to a miniature Quidditch pitch used by Emma as a child learning to fly; the hoops now stand only as tall as she is, but it remains there as a tribute as the flowers grow back around them.
The home is conveniently located only two miles from the practice grounds of the Appleby Arrows, the former team of Eoin Vanity and a family favorite for the last eight generations.
Financial Status: Upper class Spoken Languages: English, and a little bit of German. Enough to have a conversation, but not enough to consider herself fluent. She’s working on some Arabic, having taken an interest for Antonin and Tazie’s sake.  Dream Job: Decision maker of the entire world Bad Habits: Emma will tell anyone who asks that she has none...because of course she will. What she means by this, however, is that she has no "traditional vices” like smoking or drinking. Bad habits, though, she has plenty. Despite holding herself to a strict schedule, she is late for nearly everything. She is also a bit of a packrat; her bag is filled at all times with disorganized papers and lists that make perfect sense to her, and that she won’t just get rid of on the off chance she one day needs them again. She’s also a fairly close-minded person. She’s not curious and prefers to stick to what, who and where she knows best. 
Mother: Yvette Vanity Father: Eoin Vanity (neé Shaper) Sibling(s): n/a Pet(s): n/a Cousin(s): Amycus and Alecto Carrow (second cousins) 
Wand: Alder, 9 ¼ inches, mermaid hair core, inflexible. Information on the core can be found here [x] and here [x]
Patronus (and which memory they’re currently using to cast a patronus if they can, or which one they’d use if they could): 
Although she has not yet been successful in casting it, Emma’s patronus would take the form of a camel. Camels are symbolic of perseverance and stamina. People with this patronus are often superbly adapted to their own situation and personal element, but clumsy or inflexible in situations that are unfamiliar. The camel is a symbol of a strong work ethic and a stubborn attitude. While those with a camel patronus are often short tempered with small annoyances, they have almost limitless patience for life’s most difficult hurdles.
Eventually, Emma will use the memory of holding her firstborn son Gus in her arms to cast the most successful patronus she’s ever been personally capable of. For now, her selections oscillate between Quidditch Cup wins, opening day of her camp and her New Years Eve vacation to Russia with Lucinda. 
Boggart: An oversized, string-bound marionette doll. At face value, it is a very real fear of hers: dolls have caused the hairs on the back of her neck to stand up since she was a child. Even as a little girl who had not yet discovered the joys of Quidditch, Emma wouldn’t allow dolls of any sort to be allowed in her playroom– including, to the dismay of her mother, the collection of Victorian-era china dolls that she was supposed to take under her wing. On a deeper level, however, the boggart represents so much more: the fear of not being in control of her actions, of being a puppet of her family, of everything in her life coming with strings attached. 
OWLS: Ancient Runes, History of Magic, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Potions, Arithmancy, Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures NEWTS: Transfiguration (A), Arithmancy (E), Herbology (E), Defense Against the Dark Arts (E); Charms (E); History of Magic (O); Potions (INCOMPLETE)
What Kind of Magic do They Excel at: (OOC NOTE, this ended up becoming more of a pro/con thing than an ‘excel’ thing, but I like it so I’m keeping it oop)
Emma’s grades have always been stable and in the mid-range. However, she’s always known that her career path leads through to the world of sports somehow and that knowledge is enough to bolster her through any lower points in her academic career. 
Nonverbal spells are Emma’s specialty, as she has never been one to show her cards and depends on the elements of mystery and surprise when she’s looking to make an impact. She is heavily guarded when it comes to her arsenal, and so she stared making nonverbal spell-casting a priority. Her constant need for control over situations has lead to her holding her wand too tightly; it makes her wrist movements less fluid than they should be. 
Along those same times, the type of magic she is most gifted at is defensive magic, an interest that’s only increased in the current political climate. She can pull a shield, she can deflect, she can make herself a smaller and less easily seen target. It’s not about winning for her; it’s about surviving, just knuckling down and making sure that the crossfire doesn’t decimate her. These spells being largely nonverbal is an added boon for her safety; they draw less attention and can’t be as easily combatted. 
Personality wise, Emma is abrasive and that’s a quality that has carried over into her magic; when she tries spells, they are a bit harsher than intended. For instance, she knows a thing or two about first aid spells but if she had to heal a teammate’s broken nose on the pitch, there would be more of a crack to it—and, likely, leftover bruising—than if anyone else had tried.
Outside of dueling/magic situations, when Emma is on the offense, she prefers to do it through soft influence: with her words, with her power over people, through other channels other than violence. She knows her limits as well as the limits of others, and she’s never been able to stomach using violent magic against someone else…not that she’s ever tried, to date.
If she ever did have to make a show of physical power, her years on the Quidditch pitch have given her a predisposition to do it with actual physicality, not her wand. She has no problem smacking an unwelcome hand away or giving a well-placed shove. 
In terms of subjects she does NOT excel at, Emma is terrible at cooking and by that same logic she is terrible at potions. She doesn’t have the precision, intuition, or gentle touch for the subject. 
MB Type: The Logistician
Few personality types are as practical and dedicated as Logisticians. Known for their reliability and hard work, Logisticians are good at creating and maintaining a secure and stable environment for themselves and their loved ones. 
Yet Logisticians can be easily tripped up in areas where their practical and methodical approach are more of a liability than an asset. Whether it is finding (or keeping) a partner, learning to relax or improvise, reaching dazzling heights on the career ladder, or managing their workload.
As parents, people with the Logistician personality type are often the most comfortable. Their sense of responsibility and honor blends well with a tradition that has been in place since time immemorial: to raise one’s children to be respected, contributing members of home and society. As with most commitments, Logisticians do not take their roles as parents lightly, and will make it their work to ensure that this tradition is upheld to the highest standard.
Logisticians approach relationships, as with most things, from a rational perspective, looking for compatibility and the mutual satisfaction of daily and long-term needs. Blind dates and random hookups are not Logisticians’ preferred methods for finding potential partners. The risk and unpredictability of these situations has Logisticians’ alarm bells ringing, and being dragged out for a night of dancing at the club just isn’t going to happen. 
Logistician friends are not spontaneous. They are not talkative, or particularly playful in their affection. What Logistician friends are is loyal, trustworthy, honorable and dependable. Logisticians are a very methodical personality type, and this loyalty isn’t given away lightly. Often slow to make friends, Logisticians usually end up with a smaller circle, but they consider that circle to represent a promise to be there for the people they care about, and Logisticians’ promises are not easily broken.
When it comes to the workplace, Logisticians are almost a stereotype for the classic hard-working, dutiful employee. In all positions, the Logistician personality type seeks structure, clearly defined rules, and respect for authority and hierarchy. Responsibilities aren’t burdens to Logisticians, they are the trust that has been placed in them, an opportunity to prove once again that they are the right person for the job.
Enneagram: ISTJ [read more]
ISTJs are responsible organizers, driven to create and enforce order within systems and institutions. They are neat and orderly, inside and out, and tend to have a procedure for everything they do. Reliable and dutiful, ISTJs want to uphold tradition and follow regulations.
ISTJs are steady, productive contributors. Although they are Introverted, ISTJs are rarely isolated; typical ISTJs know just where they belong in life, and want to understand how they can participate in established organizations and systems. They concern themselves with maintaining the social order and making sure that standards are met.
+ Perseverance + Planning + Detail Orientation – Stubbornness – Tactlessness – Resistance to change
Moral Alignment: Lawful Neutral 
45% Athlete - The Athlete's focus and drive are unparalleled. Staying healthy and being fit are paramount to them (as for winning, that doesn't hurt, either).
44% Royal - When the Royal walks into a room, they command attention. They are the one in charge, and they enjoy reaping the rewards of their hard work.
11% Intellectual - The Intellectual is the ultimate dinner-party guest. Engaging questions and thoughtful debate are their trademarks.
Temperament: Choleric
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mirasdarkmaterials · 6 years
The Wizarding World - The Coming of the Metamorphmagus - Chapter 2 (Missing The Train)
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   David looks around the ruins of a castle, the smell of death still lingers in the air. He coughs on dust that lingers like a grey cloud. Staring at the two dead bodies lying on the ground, his is moved to tears. The eyes of the deceased woman open as she breathes in deep. She looks up at David as she sees her wand resting in his hand.    “I see that you found my wand!” the woman says as she lays there on the cold ground. David nearly stumbles over a pillar as the woman’s green eyes look at the cracked ceiling. “Sorry if I scared you…” she offers as David carefully walks over to the dead woman who doesn’t look dead at all!    David looks at the wand in his hand and at the woman, “Your wand?” he says as he hands the wand to the woman. “I believe this is yours then.” he says as the woman does not seem interested in it...what she has become, she has no need of wands.    “Help me up…” she asks him as David pockets the wand and takes the woman’s cold, icy hands and pulls her to him as she looks at the body of her husband.    “Are you Nymphadora?” David asks as the woman steadies herself.    “Just Tonks!” she says as she looks at David’s confused and scared face…nothing as she imagined a brave wizard to be.    David thinks about what his mom said. ‘…22 years ago, all magic folk were at war with one another when the Dark Lord came to power and took over the Ministry. In 1998, he declared war on Hogwarts and many died…’ He looks back at Tonks as it makes sense now, “This is a dream!”    “No…” she says as she looks at the pocket where her wand is. “A memory.”    “And he?” David asks as he looks at the man resting peacefully on the cold stone.    “Remus…” she says as her heart breaks.    “If you don’t mind me asking, just to get it out of the way, but how did you die?” David asks as he feels his pocket to be sure the wand was still there.    “My estrange aunt, Bellatrix Lestrange cast a killing curse…” Tonks says as she can’t believe she was that careless!    “Killing curse!?” David says as he did not know there was such a thing. Tonks nods as she laughs.    “You truly are a yearling!” she says as she feels that they are wasting precious time. “I understand that you are still trying to come to grips about being a wizard…but then...I sense that you are not exactly a wizard as I wasn't exactly a witch!"    “Huh?” David asks as this is something he did not expect. Tonks smiles and shakes her finger as she won’t say.    “You’ll have to learn your heritage when you get to Hogwarts...” she begins as David sighs as he shakes his head.    “It is too late…there is no way I can get to London in time and mom says that I need a letter…”    “Hogwash!” Tonks extorts, “you just need to be between 10-12 years old and be at Hogsmeade by 7pm of September 1st.” she explains as David is clueless.    “Again, impossible!” David protests as he does not like to repeat himself.    “Didn’t my son give you a ticket?” she says with a smile as David pauses to stare at her and her face transforms as her nose and lips turn into a duck bill as she make a face at him as David chuckles as that was unexpected. “You’re a good soul young man…misguided and misplaced…but a good soul nonetheless!” She looks at her feet and at David. “Can you help me up to my feet?” David shrugs his shoulders as he pulls with all his might…but she is too heavy. “No, you’re doing it the hard way! Take out my wand and say wingardium leviosa as you swish the wand counter clockwise once and then flick on leviosa…”    David knows he struggled with lumos and now this complicated spell…but he is compelled to help her. “Wingardium Leviosa…” David says as he swishes counter-clockwise and flicks the wand as he concentrates on Tonks lifeless body and slowly it rises into the air. David smiles as she laughs.    “Well, well…look at you!” she says as David uses the wand like a controller as he moves Dora with his wand. He walks over to her and with his free hand, straightens Nymphadora out and lightly drops her to her feet. There is a surge of energy as a wave of green light falls off her body like dust and she is able to move on her own. “Thank you!” she says as David takes a step back. She walks over to her husband and with David’s help, stands him up and the same green dust falls off him.    “What is that?” David asks as the green light fades away.    “The remains of the killing curse!” she says as Remus opens his eyes and looks into the eyes of his wife...his love.    “Dora?” he says as his voice is rough. He looks at David and slowly moves to the boy. “Thank you for breaking the curse…now our spirits can rest!” Remus says as he looks at the wand in David’s hand and then at Dora.    “Teddy gave it to him,” Dora says as Remus is relieved to hear that their son is alive. Remus turns back to David as he shakes his hand and then pauses.    “He’s a therianthrope!” Remus says as Dora buries her face in her hands.    “What is a therianthrope?” David wonders as Remus sees that he messed up.    “All in good time…you need to get to Hogwarts…” Remus says as Dora nods.    “With my wand and memories, you already have a talent in many skills…but like any muscle, you’ll need to exercise them...” Dora says as she feels time is almost gone. She walks over to David and places her hands over David’s face and smiles. “To you David Mira, I give you the talent of metamorphmagus…may it be useful talent…but accepting it, I also have unlocked your birthright. I’d urge you to get on that train!”    Dora and Remus walk hand-in-hand as they turn and smile. “It was nice to meet you David Mira Gill…” Dora smiles as Remus nods, “…I do believe if you stay the course, be true to your friends and family…you might be one of the greatest wizards of your age!” with a brilliant light, David opens his eyes as the sun is up and his mind is exhausted.    His body has been asleep, but with his mind awake all night, his hands cramp from the death grip he hand on Dora’s wand. Looking at his notebook that he has been using last night to record notes, he sees something inscribed in glowing letters: To Mr. Mira Gill,    Thank you for helping Remus and I pass on…and to go and see our son. Your selfless actions have impressed us and we are so glad to have met you.    Sadly, I am afraid that your pain has just begun and you’ll need good friends to help you through the answers to questions you have. Be true to yourself and understanding that you are unique and I feel that your arrival to Hogwarts will be well timed for the mysteries that we fear are yet to come…    As a personal gift for your kindness for freeing my husband and I from the Unforgivable Curse, I have bestowed my talents of Metamorphmagus to you. You are free to develop the talent as you see fit and I hope you receive as much joy as I received from the rare talent of shape shifting without the need of potion or spells…and I believe you’ll find this talent useful as your birthright talents begin to blossom!    I wish I could tell you, but that would not be fair to you and I believe that Hogwarts has the resources to prepare and teach you about your family’s history. I believe that if you like, you’d make a wonderful Auror one day…seek out the Potter’s to learn more about this career.    Please keep this note private as it is my gift to you to open your talents as I can tell that you are at risk of denying our Wizarding heritage and wish to help keep you on track. I will not help you cheat or give you abilities beyond your skill…but I will also help you achieve… ‘Trust your House! Unless, you are sorted into Slytherin!’    Your skills in casting complicated spells might make you a wonderful duelist! Be sure to pay attention in your Defense Against the Dark Arts class. The teacher of that class is a wonderful instructor and if you are honest with her…she’ll train you in the defense skills. With my wand, you have the ability to cast the corporeal Patronus and Shield Charm…but you’ll need to learn to control them with your own talent!    I suggest extra reading in potions regarding poisons and antidotes just in case if you find yourself needing them in the future. And don’t skip your transfiguration classes…you’ll enjoy them! Seek out Madam Pomfrey and ask to learn from her…she will only teach people who approach her and her studies are not presented to the school.    Overall, have fun…and enjoy your youth! You have a wonderful family and your being a wizard is a blessing to your mom and dad, which you can’t comprehend at this time.    Do what you need to do today…but get to that train! And keep an open mind...and remember...tuck-n-roll! --Tonks    David looked at the letter, he is certain that he did not write it…it must have happened during the night. He wants to show his parents…but if they read this, they’d think him crazy and he’d be locked away in a padded cell! David looks at the clock, it is 7:21am…dad should be going to work and mom will be knocking on the door soon.    David tosses the covers and dresses as he closes his notebook and looks at the ticket. He needs to convince his mom to let him go to Glenfinnan and see what is there…if he does not go, he might not get the chance ever again! David quietly packs a bag of clothes, medication for his asthma and eczema, his notebook and money he has been saving over the years. Looking at his clock, it reads that it is ten after eight…odd…his mom must have slept in!    Opening the door to the RV, he looks around and sees no one outside. He walks as he yawns to the house as he opens the door and goes inside. Inside the nine bedroom house, it is quiet. The kitchen lifeless and void of breakfast. The floorboards silent except for his own footsteps. He climbs the stairs to the second floor to where his mom and dad live and find their room empty.    David is concern, ‘Where did she go?’ as David quickly returned to the kitchen to find a note pin to the fridge with a magnet and it reads: ‘Son, you mom is gone for the day and I have to work late myself, food is in the fridge. If you need any help, the number is on the fridge… Dad’    David pins the message back to the fridge as he drags his body to the chair as he ponders what he is going to do now. The calendar reminds him that it is September 1st and the clock counts down to an important decision. He closes his eyes as he bows his head, he does not want to run off…his parents would kill him if he had no proof! He studies the grain in the cherry table as his ears hear a horrible screeching sound outside the door. He sits there, thinking it will go away, but it does not…it gets louder and begins scratching the door.    David rises as he walks over to the door and opens it to see the darnest thing! Standing on the welcome mat is an owl with a letter in its mouth. ‘Now that is air mail!’ David thinks as he reaches down to see if the owl is okay and he takes the letter and the bird jumps and flaps silently away. Looking at the letter, the envelope says: Mira David Gill The Trailer Under The Stars Hillside Estate PH33 6RS Fort William, UK Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Headmistress: Minerva McGonagall (Order of the Phoenix, First Class, Grand Sorc.. Chf. Witch. Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Witches) Dear Mr. Gill, As it would seem, between the years of 1985 and 1998, all records of magical and muggle persons born were destroyed at the ministry of He Who Must Not Be Named. Thus we regret that we were unable to reach you by September 1st 2020. Know that you were not forgotten. Therefore, under these special circumstances we are pleased to inform you that you have still been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. Upon arrival, you are expected to exit the train and report to the Great Hall where you will be swiftly sorted into your House and are scheduled to prudently perform pontifically and pridefully pick up pointers from your prefect. Someone will meet with you as you exit the train. We await your owl by no later than July 31. Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall - Headmistress    David could not believe it! He had his letter to Hogwarts…but it seemed conflicting! The letter says that school starts today and he needed to respond by July 31st. It was too late to go if he wanted, but ironically, the letter came and it was a spark that enabled David to walk to the fridge and place the letter of acceptance on the fridge and then grab a bite to eat. Dora and Remus told him to go no matter what! Ted gave him the ticket to nowhere and now here was the letter.    David did not need any more signs to make his decision. He will go and see what they can do…if they turn him away, he at least will know if he found the correct place! With time to spare, David does his chores and in the afternoon, practices his three charms: Poculum Reparo, Lumos and Wingardium Leviosa. He begins with reparo as he tries to mend, old, broken things and it takes a lot more concentration to mend the ruins. Lumos was all about saying the words correctly and wingardium leviosa was all about not floating him own self!    Dora was right, he had a talent for charms and spells and worked on making his wand waving more fluid and not so jagged. By 4:20pm, David packed his wand in his coat pocket and slipped on his backpack as he looked back at home. He placed a note in the trailer for his frantic mom and dad to find: Mom, Dad… I have went to Glenfinnan to check out the area. I need to do this and feel that if I don’t, I’ll regret my decision. My reasoning is posted to the refrigerator. Please don’t be mad! I need to sort all this out and will see everyone on the inbound train. David    David looked back at his home and felt the longing to stay, but the compelling nature to leave as he thrived on the thought of his own adventure! Walking down the narrow road of Hillside Estate, he comes to Argyll Terrace and makes a right hand turn to avoid the docks as he does not want to encounter his dad…that would be a terrible idea! Walking through the shaded willows and oaks, he looks at his watch, he still has time. Down Hill road and right on Fassifern road…he can see the train station as he hurries his pace and crosses the dangerous Belford Road via the roundabout to the tune of honking horns and testosterone enriched men yelling: Git a movin yeh lavvy-heided wankstain! David just politely ignored them…they are Scottish!    Across Belford, he walks into the Rail Station as he goes up to the desk and smiles.    “Whaur ye gonnae laddie?” the ticket master asks as it is around 5:26pm.    “Glenfinnan…I have business there to attend…” David says, which is better than saying ‘I am going to see if there is an enchanted school filled with witches and wizards…because that is how I roll!’ David surrenders the ticket that Ted gave him and the ticket master looks at the ticket and stamps it.    “Ah tak' it 'at fowk be waitin'?” he asks as David looks sharp…his Mediterranean heritage showing in his stare.    “Yeah…” David says as ‘your house is your family’ as he is told.    The ticket master pushes back David’s ticket and then looks to the next client as David goes over to a chair and takes a seat. He sighs as he can’t believe he is really doing this! The ticket is in hand, his bag packed and going to a Fantasy Land that science says can’t exist. By 5:50pm a man yells.    “6pm headed via Mallaig boardin' noo!” he yells as a few rise, including David as they walk to the awaiting train as David gets in line, the Conductor punches the tickets. When it is his turn, David hands the ticket to the conductor and he checks that everything is correct and punches the card. Handing the pass back to David, he moves onward to the train as steam billow from under the train. The train is ran off of natural gas as compared to the old steam powered engines of the 1900s. Climbing into the cabin of the train, David walks to his seat and takes a window seat on the left side of the train.    An old couple sits in the seat in front of him and a young couple sits behind him. David looks out the window as the train fills with patrons and then the doors close as the train begins to move. David feels like he could vomit as his nerves are bunched up in a knot. Pass the Lidl Store and pulling away from his home, David listens to the conductor, “Next stop Banavie.” the conductor says as the train moves at a snail’s pace as if his parents were slowing it down. Crossing the river Nevis and passing the town in-between the two rivers, they come to the rapid river Lochy that drains into Loch Eli…the loch he has looked upon for the past 10 years. Passing the ruins of the Old Inverlochy Castle; a 13th century fort that saw many battles between Inverlochy and Fort Williams; he has been there a few times with his mom and dad.    Over the river and passing Lockyside…they roll into Banavie as the conductor calls out the stop and the train slows down and then stops. David looks out the window, this was the furthest he has ever traveled with his family…everything beyond this point will be new country for him. “Next stop, Corpach!” the conductor says as the train exchanges passengers as the train closes the doors with a swish and David looks at the Caledonian Canal…for a few months, this train stopped here when the bridge was mysteriously blown up by terrorists back in 1998 and again in 2006.    Slowly crossing the Caledonian Canal, David looks out the window as the water is hardly moving. The train barely moves at 5 miles an hour as they quickly come into the town of Corpach which is famous for the Corpach Locks. Many people usually disembark as they go to the Treasure Earth to look at gemstones, rocks and fossils. David always wanted to go here, but his mom was too busy with the B&B and dad at the ferry dock. David leans back in the chair as he looks at his cell phone…expecting to have a flurry of angry messages in a few hours!    “Next stop, Loch Eil Outward Bound!” the conductor shouts over the sea of voices as people take their seats as David wonders if he made the correct choice. As the train moves once more, it rolls right on the shore of Loch Eil.    Passing Arjo, a massive lumber mill, a woman walking down the train stops shy of passing David as she looks at the young 11 year old boy. “Mind if I take the other seat?” she asks as David looks at the woman and nods his head as he allows her the seat. She gently plops down on the hard plastic seat and looks out the window. “A shame…” she begins as David looks at her, “…all those trees wasted to lumber!”    “Need lumber if you want to build a house.” David says as the woman nods.    “Where are you headed?” she asks as David does not want to appear shy.    “Glenfinnan.” he says as he turns back to the window, acting as shy as possible. The woman seems to notice that David is not in a talking mood as she looks at the lake when it appears between the trees. The route is long when you don’t want to talk, but David does not like silence. “Where are you headed this fine evening?” he asks as the woman smiles.    “Locheilside…have to...” she pauses as she does not know how to say this “…pick up some things for class tomorrow…” the woman answers as she asks. “Your ascent, it is…”    “Bad?” David answers, as he gets a whole slew of reactions for the way he talks…not to mention his special ‘events!’ The woman shakes her head as she smiles.    “Unique!” she says as she relaxes. “You are not from the island…”    “No…” David says as he looks away, still not confident, “…I think I might be from Croatia.”    “You think?” she asks as this is odd. “You can only ‘be’ or ‘not be’ Croatian.    “I am adopted…I am still learning about who I am…” David says as he realizes he said too much as the woman studies him.    “Now entering Loch Eil Outward Bound.” the conductor says as the train slows and then comes to a stop. David looks at his watch as it is almost 7pm…he is cutting it short! The woman glances at David’s preoccupation.    “Late?” she asks as David covers his watch and looks at the brown hair pulled back and brown glittering eyes staring at him. She has a command of authority about her.    David looks concern as he looks at the water. “Not yet…but I will be cutting it short!” he says as he looks back at the 40 year old woman. “Have you’ve ever been to Glenfinnan?” he asks as for once in this conversation, she looks uncomfortable.    The woman looks down as she quickly tries to find the correct words, “A few times…not much there!” she says as the conductor calls out.    “Locheilside coming up next.” the conductor says as the woman quickly stands and looks at David with a warm smile, but judging eyes.    “Nice to meet you young man?”    “Gill, David Gill…and you?” David says as the woman smiles as she holds out her hand and they shake hands.    “Hermione.” the woman says as she looks at the sign for Locheilside approach and the conductor sings his tune. Hermione turns as she exits the train as David turns back to the window as the passenger’s load the train and an old woman sits across from David as she takes out her needle and thread and works on knitting a kitten.    “Next stop Glenfinnan.” the conductor says as David looks up and knows that his time is almost up. Slowly the train pulls out of Locheilside as the engine pick up speed. David looks out the window; they have come to the end of Loch Eli and entering the pass. Passing over A830, the train has picked up speed and is moving about 30 miles per hour as they begin to climb. The passenger car tilts as they skirt the hills.    Looking ahead, the elevation drops as the train approaches an 1897 bridge called the Glenfinnan Viaduct as the conductor calls out: “Approaching Glenfinnan.” David takes to his feet and slips his pack upon his back as the train goes over the viaduct doing about 10 miles an hour due to the structures age. The bridge towers high above the creek as they exit the bridge and come into town.    The train slows as it climbs to the station. David looks ahead as something odd is happening to the train…the seats and passengers are fading away as the metal twists and warps out of view. David’s eyes widen as he watches this and looks at the passengers as they seem surprisingly calm about all of this! David backs away as the warp rushes over him and he feels like he is floating and then falling as the train is gone! He hits the tracks really hard as he tumbles and rolls over the hard wood, knocking himself out on the platform.    David awakens in pain as he feels the tracks vibrating and looks towards a horrific sound as a bright light beams through the dense fog. A billow of white smoke puffs out of the top of the locomotive as David looks wide eye at a train inbound! For a brief moment, David feels his body lifting into the air as a hand grips his backpack and brings him off the tracks and about two feet off the ground. David would struggle, but something feels broken as he looks at a giant of a man with massive hands and a long graying beard consuming his face.    “Where did ya come from?” he says as he lowers David to the platform. In his other hand is a lantern. David tries to stand on the deck, he hollers in pain as he looks at blood seeping through his pants leg. He stumbles as the giant of a man catches him. “You okay?” he asks as he sees through the dim yellow light, red ooze. “Oh, that don’t look to good…best you take a seat and have me take a look at it.” The man looks to a wicked spirited man with thinning salt-n-pepper hair and a face that looks like he ate a lemon. “Mr. Filch, if you would…” as he hands the old man the light.    David looks around, everything looks ‘different!’ A sunny warm evening has turn into a foggy cold night as the train pulls into the station. The lights of the stage cars flicker with enchantment. The train looks like it should be in a museum! The door’s open as Mr. Filch bark, “Alright, everyone off! Get a stepping, we don’t have all night you know!” he orders…his demeanor nothing like the half-giant. As the bearded man pulls up the pants leg to see how bad it is, David listens to the conversations of kids coming off the train.    “Why isn’t Hagrid here?” a 2nd year student says as she avoids Mr. Filch at all cost.    “Why did the train slam on its brakes?” a 1st year student says as she is frighten and looks around as she is joined with other children from Liverpool.    “Where is your cat? Where is Mrs. Norris?” a 4th year student taunts as he has it in for Mr. Filch for making him do KP duty for a month! David looks at Hagrid, as that name belongs to the half giant who has been so kind to him…even saving his life from a runaway train. David is nearing shock as his mind can’t comprehend this. Where exactly is ‘this?’ he wonders as it is too dark to see any landmarks.    The train engineer comes off the train and walks over to Hagrid and David, “Is everything alright?” he asks as his fear and anger dampen by his concern and joy to see that the young man is alright. The engineer saw it all…the child somehow apparated right on the tracks. Wizards and Witches have the ability to apparate on the Hogsmeade platform…but it isn’t appreciated as it sets off all the schools alarms. Ever since the Battle of Hogwarts…security has been tight.    Hagrid also saw the whole thing and for a moment thought that David might be a Death Eater paying a visit to only find a child flunk to the ground at a mighty clip. David is lucky that he did not break his neck in the process. “He just apparated on the tracks…and for a moment, I thought I saw a train go by!”    “Where am I? Is this Glenfinnan?” David asks as his whole body aches as he looks at the students closely to see that they are dressed in black robes, some with green stashes, blue stashes, red stashes and yellow stashes like his mom’s! Some of the students don’t have colored stashes and are gathered around Mr. Filch. David is in so much distress and pain to realize exactly where he is and does his best not to panic.    “You’re at Hogsmeade.” Hagrid says as he looks at the wound and takes out his wand, “This might sting a bit.” “Vulnera mederi!” he says as the cut seals up and heals right before David’s eyes. “Rather appreciate it if you keep this to yourself, I am not allowed to do magic.” David touches the wound and feels no pain from it. He smiles as he hugs Hagrid and nods.    “Thank you.” David says as he slowly stands upon his feet. His body still sore, but at least he can walk.    Hagrid looks at Mr. Filch, “Argus, you can take the children ahead…we’ll catch up…” as David is slow to move, as the deep injuries still hurt him greatly. With the first year students walking from Hogsmeade and down the gravel road…David and Hagrid move at David’s crippled pace as Hagrid tries to understand David’s story. “So how exactly did you get here?” David looks at Hagrid as he acknowledges, “I know you nearly missed the train…”    “I was on the train…the ScotRail…” I was coming into Glenfinnan as we crossed the bridge.” David explains as he still tries to understand what he just went through and how to avoid that!    “You mean the viaduct?” Hagrid asks as David nods just after. “And then you just apparate onto the tracks?”    “My train disappeared!” David corrects as he still wonders where it went. “Next thing I knew, I was rolling over the ground and then you saved me.”    “And sheer luck if I may say!” Hagrid says as David stops to see off in the distance a building illuminated with fire and candle light. Towers and courtyards, massive complexes and shimmering below a placid black lake that sends a chill down his spine. David is amazed at what he sees…a castle!    “There it is," Hagrid says as he points to the structure "Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft…lead by Headmaster McGonagall.” Hagrid says as David is amazed. Just like the emblem on his letter…a castle! Hagrid looks down at David as the boy just stares at the sight. “Best keep going, McGonagall does not like tardiness.” he says as he helps David climb down into the boat.    David looks for oars to help row…but this boat lacks oars and begins to move on its own at a steady pace across the placid lake. David looks over the edge at the lake and can see his reflection in the water…it looks distorted as if someone else is looking at him.    “Ah, Hagrid…is there anything…unnatural that lives in this lake?” David asks as Hagrid turns to see what David is looking at and sees nothing under the water. For a brief moment, he sees David’s reflection and then the refection of a girl the brightest blue eyes and scales covering her skin. He is surprised and pulls David back!    “Mermaids!?” he says as this is a first. “Have not seen a mermaid since the battle with Voldemort!” Hagrid says as the girl fades away in the light of the castle. “We thought they were all killed in the war…”    David has a brief recollection…a memory from Dora as he recalls the horrors of the battle, “The Battle of Hogwarts!” David says as Hagrid nods with a sad look in his eyes.    “Yeah, lost a good many friends that day!” Hagrid says as he looks away as he does not want David to see him shed a tear.    “Like Nymphadora and Remus!” David says as Hagrid nods.    “Yeah.” he chokes as he rubs his eyes as the boat comes to dock. “Well, out you go…need to get you upstairs for your sorting!”    David shakes his head as this was not what he had planned. “I don’t plan to stay…I have to go home tomorrow…”    “But yer just got here!” Hagrid says as David did not plan on staying. He already knows that his mom and dad will be furious with him…but if he stayed, they’d think that he died!    “No, I have to go home! My mom and dad will be deathly afraid I ran away!” David panics as he does not want to leave the harbor.    Hagrid looks down at David, the story blowing away the fog and becoming clear. The reason David was on those tracks is because he was not accepted to the school…he is a runaway! But a few things don’t make sense to him: How did he located the school when only a few know where to look? The mystery only compacted the fact that many other mysteries have been plaguing the school since the end of the war. Hagrid places a hefty hand on David’s shoulder and softly speaks to him. “Let’s go and see Headmaster McGonagall…she’ll send a letter to your parents telling them where you are.”    David gives up as he isn’t going to argue with a half giant. He’d probably be smashed into jam if he tried!    They slowly climb the stairs as his asthma and injured body does not make the climb any better. 76 stairs to the top, David is huffing and puffing all the way there as Hagrid is concern that he might have to carry the boy the rest of the way…but David makes it and enters the building as he and Hagrid climb another 20 steps to the landing and walk into the Great Hall where the ceremony is already underway.    Hagrid whispers to David. “Best to wait here while I go and speak with the Headmistress…” Hagrid says as David nods and lingers in the back with Mr. Filch and a purring, yellow lamp-eyed, dust colored cat siting at his feet…watching the students as a cat watches a finch. Hagrid skirts the dining room as he sneaks onto the stage and behind the professors. Mrs. McGonagall sees Hagrid come over as he tries to approach her…but not right to do so during the ceremony.    Professor McGonagall in her tall, large black ‘witch’ hat with a spectacles propped upon her nose as she looks at the students. She stands at the podium with the most unpleasant glare compared to that of Mr. Filch that David has learned to avoid. She looks across the many excited faces as she makes her address. “Welcome students to another year at Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft, before we begin the house sorting ceremony, I have just a few notices for everyone.” she begins as the whole hall goes silent, so silent you could hear a rat pass gas! “The first years, please note that the Dark Forest is strictly forbidden to all students at this time…this includes the Forbidden Forest too! Also to note, the lake is off limits to swimming during the full moon phase!” David takes a seat as his legs give out as he listens, still can’t believe he is actually here! “Mr. Filch has asked me to remind all of you that the southeast towers are strictly out of bounds…mainly the southeast lake tower to all those who do not wish to suffer a terrible curse! Thank you everyone.” Professor McGonagall says as she returns to her seat at the head of the table as Hagrid tries to approach her as respectfully as possible.    A young man in his 40s rises as he looks over the crowd and smiles. Many of the folks in red seem pleased to see him, whereas the folks in green scowl. But respectfully, people look at him like a saint as David cocks his head to get a better look. “Thank you Professor McGonagall,” the young man named Longbottom says as he addresses the crowd. “Typically I do the Sorting Hat Ceremony, but this year I have the pleasure to invite our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor…” as a woman with brown hair tied back and sharp brown eyes appears on the stage…David looks at her and immediately recognizes her!    It is the woman from the train that he talked to!    Hermione!
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