#i want to change Xerneas name i think
threefeline · 2 years
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A few doodles of Gislaine's closer family.
Their vampire mother(Xernea) and Satyr step-father(Alanus) with a full monster form Xernea. She met Alanus when he was the victim of a stagecoach robbery and basically just left out in the cold to die.
Gislaine and their son Rowan
The late Murdoch. He at least got to see his son for the first few months of his life before he died.
And their younger brother(shorter, Loch) and Loch's husband Dova.
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Loch and Dova have been married for a few years, having gotten married shortly before Murdoch had been killed. Charolette comes into the picture a little later but she's got an older brother named Amias!
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shima-draws · 1 year
Tell us about the AU! I know you want to!!
WAUGHHH. AGHHH. OKAY. OKAY SO. I've been watching one of my favorite content creators play through the DLC. Early on in the playthrough he was tossing around theories and said "Maybe KIERAN is Ogerpon??" and that gave me a BRILLIANT THOUGHT.
Ogerpon Kieran AU.......
I've already thought of a very long and complex backstory for this LOL but to simplify it. Before the ogre and its human companion came to Kitakami, said companion was actually living a very happy life with his child. However, they were caught up in the midst of a great war that ended up taking the child's life. The man was so overcome with grief that it summoned a great being (I'm thinking Xerneas), who blessed his dead child with new life. And that child was reborn as Ogerpon!! So kinda like how children who get lost in the woods and die are reborn as Phantump.
Fast forward to many many years later. A long chain of events leads to Carmine's grandfather's...father (so, her great-grandpa?) meeting Ogerpon and vowing to make it a new mask, a mystical and powerful mask that could grant wishes. Sadly, Carmine's great-grandpa wasn't able to complete the mask before he died. This project was eventually picked up by Carmine's father (and I have a whole other thing about him but I'm not gonna get into it right now lol). Carmine's father forms a very close bond with Ogerpon as he continues to gather materials to finish the wish mask. He expresses his desire for Ogerpon to finally be able to walk among the villagers with its name cleared, and for Ogerpon to meet his only daughter. He leaves for a journey to find the last material for the mask...and never returns 😔
Carmine's grandfather has a whole complex about the wish mask, but after seeing both his father and his son dedicate so much time and care into completing it, he takes the last material, imbued with the hopes and dreams of his family, and finally finishes the mask. When he presents it to Ogerpon, Ogerpon dons the mask and its wish is granted...it becomes human :") So it becomes Kieran, basically!! Kieran's wish was to be able to say thank you to all of the generations of mask makers that had helped him, and. To be part of their family 🥺 What he doesn't know is that his wish to be human stems from the fact that he already was human, once. But he doesn't remember his life before he was reborn as a Pokemon.
So, Carmine's grandfather happily accepts Kieran and his desire, and takes him home to live with him and Carmine. Note that Kieran is probably around 5-6 at the time, so he's BABY. And Carmine is only about a year or two older. She isn't sure what to think about suddenly getting a new brother, but she's happy to have someone to boss around lmao.
And once a year, during the festival of masks, Kieran lets his facade fall and wanders around as Ogerpon again. Just to keep in touch with his roots haha
So obviously with Kieran being Ogerpon the events of the DLC will play out differently than canon. Kieran slyly compliments the ogre in front of the player and mentions that maybe it's just misunderstood. He's been trying for a while to change the villagers' minds about what happened to him and the Loyal Three all those years ago, but it hasn't been going...too well lol. So when the player shows up, and things start to shift, Kieran gets really excited bc he realizes he finally might be able to clear his name :")
Is this AU silly and dumb as hell? Yes. Does it not really make sense with canon and is full of plot holes? Yes. Am I brainrotting over it anyway? Also yes.
Take a little edit I did of Kieran's official art to fit what I had in mind for the AU ;) I wanted to draw it but I'm at work rn lmao RIP
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ALSO bc of Ogerpon's original gender Kieran probably goes by he/they pronouns in the AU
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askbeannuts · 10 months
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My sister and I spent time talking one day after a rare break from running this new guild of mines. We'd finally setup a temporary base of operations and Pokémon who were eager to help others began to gather there… it was just the challenge of getting these guys around to where they were needed and if we should spend resources on building other bases or maybe just have dedicated teams in some places… I remember the few times my sister and I DID talk, but... it was about "logistics" or something or other… she cared more about how I'd run the Guild than I would sometimes… But today, we talked about the past… about our parents, about more peaceful, fun times when we were kids, but that didn't last too long… We wandered into the times before the Beanstalks were grown and after some hesitation, we finally talked about what happened just before that event and what caused our parents to stay behind. I remembered seeing a legendary Pokémon that all the Heroes seemed to have some vague connection to, like our parents fought them, apparently that nice Espeon and their team also fought them…
Not sure why they all felt so close to someone they seemed to fight with a lot, but that Legendary was Suicune. If I remember that day right… something came up that made that Espeon change course, their team couldn't go and deliver something important because something else happened, but I never heard what it was exactly and Pop didn't want to leave the group escaping from that fog stuff, since he was a guide for everyone at first. They had to rely on Suicune, who showed up, injured, but ready to assist them. I didn't get to hear everything, but one thing my sister and I agreed on was the motivation Suicune had back then… they wanted to do this task to help out the Expedition Society… At first I didn't really remember what happened with them, but thanks to our talk… Suicune took on the task of delivering one of those Beanstalk seeds to the Society, so they could get things together. I can only guess something horrible happened that this needed to be done and no one else could do it. By the time things were in place, everyone was exhausted, I heard not many flying Pokémon were willing to fly through the skies and psychics who could teleport were overexerting themselves as is, we were all running on low by this point, and Suicune was willing to help us. The one thing we both agreed on after this talk was, well, the explosion that caused our parents to leave to fend off that huge dragon… was in the same direction Suicune ran off in. And the Expedition Society never made it to the Skies… Even though I don't expect anyone who joins my guild to risk their lives like that… and even if we're named after Xerneas, maybe I could come up with some way to honor Suicune… Got to think about that for a bit, maybe my sister has some ideas…
An Excerpt from: The Founder's Book: Xerneas Guild
Since I've been a bit quiet with these lore updates... More of these side stories/lore dumps can be found on the Chapters page too! But for things relating to this little excerpt:
< To The Founder's Book: Xerneas Guild
< To Side Story: A Pocket of Time
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lifehealed · 24 days
thread wishlist:
some of these might be repeats/threads ive already done but i cant remember :') i just wanted to get some thoughts down since i feel like it can be helpful to have preestablished ideas!!
amaryllis revealing that she cant heal anymore - ive probably touched on this in a thread but its been so long that i want to have this on the list anyways. a dead giveaway to this would be the fact that she utilizes first aid instead, despite in the past having nine times out of ten used her powers instead due to the convenience and success rate. this is something incredibly shameful to her, and its something she's kept bottled up inside since she's woken up to the modern era. the weight of it is absolutely killing her, but she doesn't know what to do about it/who to confide in. this would probably be the most emotional by far and its not even close.
amaryllis showing her new arms - she hides them with gloves at all times to avoid unnecessary stares/looks in public. a woman with pale blue arms (that which resembles xerneas' antlers no less) is quite the unusual sight. she lacks a lot of confidence in herself both due to this and from the lack of her healing abilities. this could also lead into her divulging just what exactly happened to her, and where she was for all those thousands of years.
someone from modern times recognizing amarllyis/knowing who she is - through historical texts from kalos' warring era, amaryllis is named in full and is referenced a few times. history buffs that hear her name or know of the legends surrounding her via these texts would be in for a shock to learn she exists in these modern times, despite the legends stating she had gone missing (and presumably was dead). she can give firsthand accounts of certain things, and fill in missing blanks of said texts and legends.
more threads set 3000 years in the past - this is a more difficult one and is probably reserved for ancient muses that were alive back then.... but i know there's some of yall roaming around still, so come HERE. its a super fun era to explore and flesh out further, especially given amaryllis was such a different person before. she had much more confidence in herself, but also was inundated with the horrors and reality of war.
amaryllis traveling outside of kalos - she should probably get a bit more acclimated with all of the changes that occurred IN kalos itself before she sets off for other places, but that's okay! in my obsession with throwing all of my muses into area zero for whatever reason (i just think its neat i guess), her winding up there somehow would be SO COOL. i dont know how it would happen really given the high security entrances, but i know it would be a place of utter awe for her. the overall feeling/vibe of the place would be incredibly ethereal to her, and she wouldn't be able to get over how stunningly beautiful it is. also, i need her to have a paradox mon of Some Sort. it would follow her because it likes her :) another place of interest would be galar's glimwood tangle, for obvious reasons. being part fae herself, she would feel so at home and at ease there. it would remind her of xerneas' domain, in a way.
amaryllis regaining her healing powers - this is something that i want to do a bit later down the line (after getting some of the above items taken care of) but her regaining her powers/being able to heal again would be a really fun thread. im still not sure what would cause her powers to manifest again (a moment of peril or something similar?), but they would absolutely be far stronger than they were 3000 years ago thanks to xerneas' aura inundating her own.
amaryllis revealing her fae heritage - there's some strange things about amaryllis, such as some strands of her hair shining iridescently in both the sunlight and moonlight, the fact that iron hurts her, and other qualities that aren't quite human in a sense. this is why fairy pokemon absolutely adore her, beyond the fact that xerneas' aura is now present in her own. it's always been that way, ever since she was a child. fairy pokemon were often seen around the dubosque home in general thanks to her family's fae blood.
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nostalgiaknight · 3 years
“...Oh...this isn’t good!”
Was the only thing Emmet could say as he sat there in middle of a forest, unsure of where he was or how he got there. Quite frankly, didn’t make much sense either given that he was on a train battling a set of trainers alongside his brother before everything had gone dark.
Emmet looked around quickly trying to see if he could find his older brother who had just stood beside him moments prior.
“...Ingo?” He called out.
The only response he received was the rustling of leaves as the wind passed idly through. His brother wasn’t there, he was alone.
He swallowed dryly as unease started to settle in the pits of his stomach. Shakily he got onto his feet and started calling for Ingo again. He started walking deeper into the woods, which turn into a jog, before a full out run. His voice getting hoarse as he continued to shout for his brother.
But no one replied.
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“Will he be alright?”
“Surprisingly he will be, he’s incredibly lucky, not many can survive an attack from a wild pyroar.”
“Xerneas must have been watching over him.”
Emmet woke up with a gasp and clenched the sheets so tightly they could have ripped. He had came across a wild pyroar, one that appeared extremely agitated with the way it looked at him. It was when it opened it’s maw that he had the very delayed and horrible realization that not only was he missing his brother, but his pokemon were missing as well.
After that was a blur as he laid sprawled out on the ground, blood seeping to the ground as his vision grew dark. The last thing he remembered was the sound of a man shouting followed by loud roar. 
“Where am I...?”
He heard a huffing noise and looked over to the sound, only to nearly fall off the bed out of shock. While he hadn’t fallen, the sudden jolt had caused an agonizing pain to shoot through his entire body and left him wheezing in pain as he felled to his side again.
Right by his bed side was another pyroar, though this one appeared even larger than the previous one he came across. It slowly stood up, gave him one good look, before it exited the room. Mere minutes later a man with vibrant red hair entered the room with the pyroar in tow.
“Ah you’ve finally awoken,” the man said as he pulled up a chair right up to the bed and sat down. “You gave me quite the scare, the doctor said you’d be alright but you slept for two days straight. If not for your breathing, I would’ve assumed I had a dead man in my guest room.”
“...I am quite alive,” Emmet said, still processing the situation.
The man laughed at the comment, wiping a tear away from his eyes.
“Yes you are and I’m quite thankful for that,” he offered a hand. “My name is Fleur Delis, owner of the Delis Tailor Shop. It’s a pleasure to finally make you acquaintance monsieur...?”
"Em-Emmet,” Emmet said and took his hand giving him a firm shake. “Thank you for taking care of me. If it weren’t for you I’m certain I wouldn’t have survived that wound.”
“You’re quite welcome. Speaking of your wound...allow me to change the bandages.”
“Oh, yes, of course! Thank you!”
“Think nothing of it M.Emmet, though I do suggest you not look for now...it’s not that pleasant of a sight.”
Fleur was very swift as he switched out the bandages, Emmet had stolen a quick glance down to see the severity of his wounds, and instantly felt bile at the back of his throat. He turned his head upwards not wanting to see the mangled flesh and took a deep breath.
“Told you,” Fleur had said.
After the bandages were replaced, Fleur had given him water and medicine before leaving again to let him rest some more. Emmet had thought after being out cold for two days straight he wouldn’t even be able to sleep, but surely enough he had passed out once again.
The following morning Fleur had helped him wash up for the day and had gotten him a light meal. He left for work shortly after, leaving his pyroar with Emmet in case he needed anything. At noon he returned, gave him a lunch, and went back to work. Then just as the skies turned dark, he again returned and kept him company for the rest of the night having his meal with him as well.
It went on like that for the next week as Emmet slowly but surely started to get better. The doctor who had taken care of his wounds originally had came back with a lecture on how to be careful around wild pokemon. Emmet had tried to say he was aware, the look both the doctor and Fleur gave him practically screamed how little they believed him. 
He supposed he couldn’t fault them when he essentially challenged a pyroar with no plan in their eyes.
It was on the second week that Emmet could finally move around without Fleur’s help albeit slow and painful. It was during this week when he finally was able to get a better understanding of the world he now found himself in.
He knew Fleur had dressed rather old fashion, but when he finally was able to peek out the windows he realized it wasn’t just Fleur, everyone was dressed like they had come out of a history book. Cars didn’t line the roads either, instead they were replaced with carriages pulled by pokemon. Emmet had curiously asked if Fleur had a computer, and the man had no idea what he was talking about. It wasn’t even Fleur just acting, he earnestly had no idea what a computer was or any of the technological devices he brought up.
Emmet was struggling to keep positive at the thought they had just miraculous ended up in a different region. Now he had to come to terms with the thought that he was not only in a different region, but in the past as well!
He’d laugh if he wasn’t so distraught.
“The doctor said you should try going outside soon,” Fleur said as Emmet settled himself down in the dinning room chair. “I’ll be with you of course just in case...but you really do need some fresh air Emmet.”
“...Thank you Fleur for everything,” he said and gave him a weak smile. “I really don’t know how I can repay you.”
“Think nothing of it.” Fleur waved his hand dismissively. “I am a gentleman, what sort of gentleman would I be if I left a loss man wander around all alone.”
“I suppose you’re right, but still.” He paused and went to speak again when Fleur cut him off. 
“I have asked around...no one has seen anyone matching your description.”
His shoulders slumped as he leaned back in his chair. He knew he shouldn’t get his hopes up, the chances were already drastically slim that his brother had come with him. Yet amongst the doubt there was still that sliver of hope that he’d find Ingo, he just had to keep searching.
“...M. Emmet for now just focus on your healing, being impatient won’t help you find your brother faster,” Fleur said and leaned closer. “I won’t stop helping you once you get better either. This house is now your home as well, so when you do finally go out searching you’re always have a place to come back to as well as an ally who’ll help however he can.”
“Now have some tea and go back upstairs to rest, the sooner you’re healed completely the better.”
“Of course! I also promise to help you too with your work once I’m better!”
“...Can you sew?”
“No but I can certainly try!”
“...We’ll think of something else for you to do.”
Just a little longer, he hoped Ingo didn’t have to wait for too long.
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mimikiplovesgaming · 3 years
I've been doing some thinking lately
Since Legends Arceus is giving us so much lore for how the Dex was made, how the region used to be, and all the ancestors of current characters, I want to redo Mimi and her backstory.
I was imagining she was once human, named Mimira, living in Hisui as one of the Survey Corps members of the Galaxy Team.
She ends up with the task of investigating the Time Space Distortion on top of Mt Coronet (apparently it had opened before, before the player shows up in the past)
Mimira reaches the Temple of Sinnoh to study the Distortion, running into Volo at the top
She realizes that Volo is the cause of the chaos and tries to leave to report him
Volo summons Giratina to him, but Giratina refuses and causes the Distortion to go haywire and close
Volo takes matters into his own hands and kills Mimira himself, throwing her from the top of the temple and reporting it as an accident
Mimira dies and Arceus takes pity on her soul, reincarnating her as the Pokemon Mimikyu (Mimikip)
Arceus hands Mimikip over to Giratina to be her surrogate father and to care for the ghost type
As for the whole Yveltal situation from the Strange Changes fic, I thought of a reason why he despises her.
Arceus created Yveltal, Xerneas, and Zygarde to control Life, Death, and Order
Yveltal sees Mimira's reincarnation as an attack on his duty since it breaks the natural cycle
Yveltal knows he can't take his rage out on Arceus, so he goes after Mimi in an effort to "correct" the cycle
I feel like this is a more concrete story for Mimi, and she kinda deserves a better backstory since she's evolved into her own character. Lemme know what you think in the comments!
As for appearance, I plan to base her off of my player attire:
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tenshiharmonia · 2 years
Random Pokémon thoughts that I wanted to get out of my system :
The more I think about it, the more I'm disappointed that they didn't give Complete Zygarde an ability that would turn the fight into an Inverse Battle when it joins the battlefield. Inverse Battle is such a fascinating yet underused mechanic, and it would have been so fitting thematically-wise. Zygarde is supposed to be the one who keeps Xerneas and Yveltal in check, and yet it is at a type disadvantage against both of them. Turning the fight into an Inverse Battle would have been an easy way for the Keeper of Order to change the tide and gain the upper hand against those two. Lore-wise, a connection between Zygarde and Inverse Battles would have also been quite easy to establish, since the house where Inverse Battles were first introduces, back in X and Y, was located just outside the cave where the hexagon snake could be found. Even its original ability, Aura Break, was already carrying the idea of reversing certain battle mechanics, since it would invert the effects of Xerneas and Yveltal's own abilities. It's French name even is "Inverse Aura"... Really, giving the Pokémon who embodies the balance of the ecosystem the power to basically invert the order of Nature would have make for quite a cool and delightfully ironic concept. All in all, it feels like such a missed opportunity. And the fact that it seemed like such a logical direction to take makes it all the more frustrating.
Also, I was watching a let’s play of Pokémon Crystal, and the point was made that, in the early days of the franchise, Jynx, Electabuzz and Magmar were supposed to act as another Ice/Lightning/Fire trio, as evidenced by the way they were grouped together in the Pokédex and all received a pre-evolution in the second generation. With that in mind, I cannot help but think about how unfair it is that Jynx didn’t get a new evolution in generation four like the other two. I mean, sure, Jynx is probably not the most popular Pokémon there is (and I don’t particularly care about it either), but still, it kind of feels a little cruel to sideline it like this. Especially when generation four happened to introduce another Pokémon based on the Yuki-onna spirit. Now, don’t get me wrong, I like Froslass as much as anybody, but I’m starting to think that it would have made much more sense to design it as an evolution for Jynx, instead of tying it to a line it has barely any connection to (I mean, if it wasn’t for the diamond-shaped hole on its forehead, would you really be able to tell it’s related to Snorunt and Glalie ?)...
Anyway, thank you for listening to my ramblings. Not that I said anything substantial, but it’s always a pleasure to share my thoughts here. Take care of yourselves. ^_^
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magicalfxgirl · 4 years
LO characters as Pokemon Trainers: Hades family
I wanted to this blog for a while the trainer card template is from Devianart user khfan. Although I changed the colors of templates to fit the trainer. This blog is based on LO and og greek mythology. It is also based on a world where only pokemon exist. So lets begin with the future rulers of the Underworld and the scary mother in law who will try to keep them apart.
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Hades is a trainer whose team represents his job as the King of the Undeworld. His Ichleon and Starmie were gifts from his brother Poseidon. Ichleon was given to Hades as a Soble as Poseidon knowing of his brother nuturing nature knew he could help the poor pokemon grow. Soble grew with love and like Hades himself went through its own transformation. Many people say that its the pokemon that resembles Hades the most at least growth wise. Starmie was another gift from Poseidon as he knows of his brother love of jewels. Hades Starmie is so well loved that its jewel shines like a star and Aphrodite has even done photoshoots with the pokemon. The two water types are known to swim with their master in his large pools. His Rockruff is little terror named Russel. He is a loves to get into trouble and thus can't be trusted at home while his trainer is at work.Hades' Megahoundoom is unique as it has three heads in its gigantimax form. Something no other Houndoom can do. Its name is Cerberus. Dragapult shares Hades kind nature while also helping deal with the spirits of the Underworld. Last is the mythical stead Spectier, the ghost horse pokemon. It was gift from his wife Persephone and her brother Arion. As the two thought that Hades and Spectier needed each other as both tend to live secluded lives. In LO the mortals mistakenly think Hades used Spectier to kidnap Persephone from her mother Demeter. Hades has other pokemon namely every dog pokemon these are just the pokemon on his team.
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Persephone's Alcremie was given to her by Hestia as the two share a love of baking. Persephone's Slyveon Pomelia was a gift from her husband Hades. She began as a cute Eevee, but evolved into Slyveon not long after being given to Persephone. Her Absol is a gift from her mother as another reminder of the destruction her powers can cause. Glarian Pontya is not a reference to her brother who in this world is a different horse pokemon. Its due to its pokedex shield entry:" This Pokémon will look into your eyes and read the contents of your heart. If it finds evil there, it promptly hides away." Need I say more. Although people say Arion found the sweet Ponyta and suggested to Demeter that the Pokemon would be helpful to his sister while in Olympus. Now here is the biggest op pokemon that any Olympian is getting and that Xerneas. Xerneas is a gift from Rhea Hades mother and a fellow fertility godess. It once belonged to Rhea, but after the titanmachy Rhea left to go into self exile. In order to help her daughter in law bring life the underworld and restore order to the mortal world she gave Xerneas to Persephone. Xerneas as the pokemon is the bringer of life. It is also helps Persephone stay in touch with her friend Artemis who loves deer.
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Florges like to tend gardens thus helps Demeter often with her work. Serperior because it grass type and a snake. According greek mythology serpents were considered sacred to Demeter. Mudsdale is pokemon very important to Demeter as her son Arion is one. The one on her team is not Arion. Quick note Arion's father also has a Mudsdale on his team too. Sickle is the name of Demeter's Lurantis who uses her scyth like to harvest Demeter's crops. Durrant was gift from Hades. He digs the hole for new seeds and tunnles for irrigating the fields and gardens. Demeter refuses to admit she loves the Pokemon that shares her hardworking spirit. Lastly is her deerling, the season pokemon needs no explaination.
I am ending this here as I don't want the blog to run long. The plan is to do every character in LO. I am spliting this into several parts as I hate overly long blogs, and wish to pace myself. It also gives me time until Hephaetus arrives. Next up is going to Eros's family again as they are easy. Also I am trying to avoid using Mythical or legendary pokemon, but Spectier is the stead of a literal god who helps makes plants grow in a barren tundra. Persephone literally brings life to the Underworld. So her giving a ghost stead to her husband seems fiting. Also literally a ghost horse is probably the only thing that drive Hades Chariet as Cerberus is way to busy a guard dog.
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mirroredranger · 3 years
It’s over.
It took some time before Valerie made it back to the cabin at Snowpoint. She would have to wait some time before taking her styler in to get the disc repaired.
But it’s over.
There were so many messages she had to send. Most of them were variations on “I’m okay” or “Things went a bit crazy”. There were a few Valerie swallowed before hitting ‘Send’. Those were to the people she had to talk to, in person. They deserved to know more than just what happened.
Scrolling through news stories about the internal investigations being done didn’t help settle Valerie any more than just sitting on the texts. There were comments of outrage against the rangers, worries about pokemon being abused, along with cries that they disc-tossing grumpigs. That last one made Valerie put down the phone for several minutes.
This didn’t feel any better than when she was on Blake’s boat. At least, then she had someone who was on her side. Then there was the rocking of the waves. As much as she disliked them, they were a welcome distraction to all of the noise in her head. A distraction that was needed until-
Valerie buried her face in her hands. The tips of her fingers wiped away the beginnings of tears. She felt used, alone, and helpless ever since she saw Lunala leave Aether with Lillie and Shadow. And none of it was getting any better. She wanted this to end so she could take Sven and-
‘And what? Are you going to return to the Union?’
Valerie jumped up to grab the fire poker. The others acted like they didn’t hear it, but she was sure she heard a distinct voice that time. “Who are you?”
‘Calm down. That’s not going to do much to hurt me.’
The voice came from behind her. Valerie looked, only to find her shadow. She was no idiot. Ghost types like Sableye could sneak into someone’s shadow. And if one was stalking her this entire time... well, she wasn’t going to simply let it continue toying with her. She stabbed the poker into the carpet part of her shadow.
“Congratulations, you stabbed your shadow.”
Valerie whirled around, spinning the poker like a blade. The next moment, Valerie found herself on the floor, looking up at a black-haired woman.
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“I told you to calm down.” The woman dropped the poker, then held out a hand to Valerie. “I was going to reveal myself when you were in a better mindset.”
The ranger blinked at the woman. No one had come into the cabin. Then how? She took the stranger’s hand.
“That’s much better,” she effortlessly pulled Valerie up, dropping her off onto the couch. The woman crossed her arms. “I’ll start by introducing myself. Like this, you may call me Seren. I don’t want any of your uncreative nicknames. I’ve heard what you call your other pokemon.”
When Valerie was about to speak up, Seren held up a hand. “Before you ask, yes I am one. Just like Lunala, Giratina, and the brothers. I can change between my true form, this, and being your shadow.” She lowered her hand. “Any questions now?”
Xerneas, all of the questions Valerie had. Sure, Seren gave her a name and said she was a pokemon - one that could transform - but that was it? Was Seren a stalker ditto? Valerie sighed, trying to push back all of the frustrations. “Let’s start with what pokemon you are. I know a few can hide in my shadow.”
“You should have narrowed it down, you’re smart. There are two darkrai, and since this isn’t a dream, you can rule that out. You also already know Giratina.”
There was one other legendary that was known to hide in shadows. “Marshadow.”
A small smile twinged its way onto Seren’s face. “There you go. Next question.”
“Why me?” Valerie didn’t have to think much to pick this question.
Seren shifted her position. “Why not? You’re an interesting person. You’re a faller, your aura is similar to some of the others I’ve seen. But rather than investigate it or mope, you’ve taken this as a chance to start anew. You seem to prefer running head-first into danger. You’re amusing enough to pick as my Chosen.”
Valerie stared at Seren. This was really happening, wasn’t it?
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factual-fantasy · 4 years
Some more asks, :} lots of OCs down below if you are interested.
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I now am actually sitting on top of, but still attached to the puddle. :} I would draw what I mean, but I am much too tired..
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Hmm.. I cant remember. I mostly read ones that are either just cute or bitter sweet. I cant remember clearly the ones that just hurt and were sad.
However, if you’re curious.. the bitter/sweet one I read recently was a two part series written by @parsnipit. Here’s part one and two if you want to read it. :} Its a Gravity Falls fic. It is very good and had me glued the whole time!
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𝒜     𝒽 𝓊 𝓃 𝒸 𝒽 𝒷 𝒶 𝒸 𝓀?
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Well, how about I show you ALL of the characters in that particular folder and tell the story of the character if they have one? :} Which honestly, there aren’t tat many characters.
I know my followers know to not repost my art.. but just in case, I went back and added my watermark.
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I don’t remember this character and I forgot what language his name is in.. I think he’s a scavenger of sorts though?
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I believe I just wanted to make some interesting monster OCs. So I did. Not sure what their story was if I ever made one for them.
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I believe I just wanted to make a strange character.. so I did?
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I don’t remember this one.. I think I drew this ugly monster with this little girl a long time ago, and translated it into this several years later.
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I believe these are Pokémon OCs?
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I uh.. don’t remember.
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Now THIS one I remember. There was supposed to be this little orphan girl that could communicate with spirits and possessed toys. Her teddy bear, Charles was the first one she spoke to, and the Barbie doll and mitch match clown puppet came around later. These three were her main toys. She was even supposed to ride around in this possessed engineless truck with all the toys in the truck bed. Her goal was to bring the toys peace somehow, but her story never really developed past that.
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...She’s Crystal..? I think I just drew her for the sake of drawing her..?
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I cant remember Amy’s story very clearly, but I know the gist of it. She was supposed to either be this ancient spirit of the woods that was reawakened.. or she was some kind of ancient forest villager from a long lost village that was brought back to life. Anyway, these two kids found her somehow and.. they had to get her somewhere? Like, she was on a mission, but didn’t know it, but these kids did? They were trying to help her do something I think? Sorry uh, my memory blanks out after that. (-。-;
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I wanted to make a jellyfish mermaid. So I did. :}
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I believe this character maaay have been connected to a HUGE and elaborate story that I built a long time ago, but maybe I’m confusing her as an addition to the jello cats. I think she’s supposed to be an alien of sorts.
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I.... cant quite remember.. I think this might’ve been like a master and student situation? I believe Zyrus was some kind of creature that has to travel back to this well or something every few years to regenerate himself or something.. and their story was about their journey back to the well..? <:D I’m not sure??
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I wanted to test out a new coloring style, so I made her on the fly as a test subject.
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This character is named Joyful. He is a figurine that I got from a bowling alley/arcade? I think after getting him, I turned to my friend and went, “What if I drew this guy? Like, as an actual character?” And then I did.
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So, Lord Kryton and Xerneas. I drew a picture when I was very little, of a lizard dude holding a little girl hostage. Behind him was this big dragon dude thing. Then there were the parents on the other side of the drawing with.. I think a snake guy..? I cant remember the drawing very well. But basically the parents were upset and the snake guy was like, “GIV HER BAK NOE” and the little lizard was like “NEVR! MONSTR ATAC!!” And that was the drawing. I took the girl, the little lizard dude and the big bad monster and drew them all together. :} 
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I.. cannot remember. 😔
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These characters stories changed many many times. But the one I remember the most is them being a boys interpretation of his family. I cant remember much..  but I think there was this boy who made masks to represent the family he lost? Dad, Brother and Mom I believe. I think the masks were either possessed by his family, or they gained imaginary or real sentience. His dad was very funny and dressed very nice. So his mask formed a body that was wearing a fancy outfit that also looked slightly silly. His brother was very ill for most of the time the boy knew him. His face was covered, he always wore a hat and was hooked up to wires all the time. Maybe cancer? I think his brothers mask was purposely thrown to the ground by his caretaker, which shattered it. He found a way to glue it back together. The mask person gained stiches on his face because of it. He is covered in bandages, casts and coverings, but he’s still a sweetheart, just like his brother. Then there’s the pretty one. His mom was very beautiful and always dressed nice and wore pretty jewelry. So he got beads, necklaces and fake jewels and covered the mask with it. The result was the slender woman on the right. I believe they were good beings. They would be talking and laughing with the kid, but as soon as the guardian walked in his new family would vanish, and the masks would mysteriously be on the floor. I don’t remember what the rest of the story was.. but I believe they were the good guys, like the kids new family.
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I wanted to make a fairy butler, so I did. :}
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Barbra Dollson, AKA Barb, was a woman who was investigating the phenomenon that is human sized, anthropomorphic, sentient toys. During her investigation, she gained a better understanding of who they are and how they think. Sometime during her investigation as well, she came to the earth shattering realization that she herself is indeed a toy too. She is the same species as the creatures she is studying. Her name is not Barbra Dollson, it is Barbie Doll.
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I wanted to draw a tiny woman with a HUMUNGOUS dog, so I did. Meet Riley and Bernie. :}
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These two were supposed to be two specially trained scientists investigating an alien planet, or a part of a planet that they have not investigated yet.. or something. I have forgotten the rest of their story, if they had any at all..
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I wanted to draw sock puppets... so.. I did.
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Might’ve been a Bendy OC at one point, I cant remember.
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I think I just wanted to draw something interesting/pretty with these two. Now that I look at it, they remind me of Miracle and Slasher. :}
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“Two unamed ocs.png“ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I tried to make an animation with the one eyed guy though, I know that.
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polyolefinprince · 4 years
What would you do for the next Pokémon region? What theme would the pseudo legendaries and legendaries be?
In terms of the actual region, I prefer fantasy lands to actual places (I'd rather explore Hyrule than NYC, you feel?) which also permits more diversity in location so there can be stuff like a desert area and a snowy area without it feeling forced. I'd also want caves to come back a bit. Places like the Ice Path in Johto allowed so much more exploration than locations like the Galar Mine which is just one path with an optional offshoot.
Honestly, I want a Breath of the Wild type of game where there is a lot more exploration and letting us approach the story how we want. Gyms would be hard to force in a more open-world game but in the past two generations they've been changing how gyms work so I think it's totally feasible to still incorporate that with badges acting as milestones to unlock stronger pokemon and areas. I still think having the region somewhat split up is a good idea, so maybe having different areas going further into the region, with three gyms per area, and you just have to beat one of them to go on but you're encouraged to beat all three so you're pokemon will on-par with the levels of the next region. This allows for a chance of a gym for each type which would give us 6 different levels of area, similar to Alola's four islands (I don't think I would want them to be islands though because the story requires more forest area than oceans). I think this works well because the first could be a classic Grass/Fire/Water trio, then maybe Electric/Ground/Flying as classic types to teach resistances, then Bug/Ghost/Poison to have a generally spooky vibe, then kick off the second half with the classic Fighting/Psychic/Dark trio, then Ice/Ground/Normal (partially because it's what is left and partially because by now you have typing figured out so a strong normal gym is a challenge) and the final one could be the stronger types with Dragon/Fairy/Steel.
In terms of the storyline, I love what Hoenn did with having two teams with contrasting views and depending on the game you chose you got to see different points of view. I want to try that again but have more nuanced arguments rather than Team Aqua and Magma's opinion on the size of the ocean. I think I'd want my two teams to be focused on Nature vs Society, where one team wants to exhaust the natural world's resources for industry and science while the other wants to push civilization back to make room for the return of forests and wild pokemon. This has definitely been done before so it isn't a new concept, but I think that it's something where arguing for the extremes can lead to disastrous consequences in either side. I'm talking Community Center vs Joja Mart but like to the max.
Playing off of that, Princess Mononoke is one of my two favorite movies and while I would love the forest spirit there to be the Nature legendary, I don't want it to be too similar to Xerneas. Instead, I think looking at the boar gods there is a good choice as they can show the wild strength of nature that I want. So the Nature legendary would be a Grass/Ground giant boar. Let's call it Boarture, even though that's not at all what it's name would be because that sounds too much like torture and I specifically want to stay away from making either of them evil, just dangerous. Still, Boarture works for now.
The Society legendary is harder. I don't want to minimize society to industry because that's harder to justify against nature. I still want industry to play a part, as well as scientific advancement but also history and art as important cultural cornerstones. There are a couple different type combos I like for this one, but my favorite is Fire/Steel, which isn't a type combo we've seen before and also pairs up human civilization really well with the myth of the first fire and cooking and shelter and stories which are all decidedly human traits and the steel incorporating technology and science. I think it would take on a more humanoid appearance while still being wisp-y, a body composed purely of a white fire fueled by ambition and hands of liquid steel that it shapes at will to demonstrate its creativity, while still being dangerous to embrace in entirety. Lets call it Muse.
It might be a lot, but I think I also want a separate legendary trio to accompany them both. With Boarture I think you should have to make a case to three disciples before you get to confront Boarture itself. Each of them composes an aspect of the natural world. I like the idea of them being bugs because there aren't enough strong bug types. One of them is Flying/Bug and it helps herald in storms, another is Rock/Bug and it presides over the desert, and the third is Water/Bug and it protects the rivers and streams throughout the region. For Muse's, I like the idea of them all being Fairies because fairy tales are a human creation, and each of them having to do with humanity and society. One would be Ghost/Fairy and presides ovrr stories and history, another would be Electric/Fairy and would be immersed in technology (like a non-tricky Rotom), and the third would be Psychic/Fairy and would deal with identity and the concept of the Self. I don't like the idea of Pokemon being version exclusive, as somebody who didn't have friends to play with growing up, so I think 3 would be plot relevant, but after the game is complete you can potentially go through a second quest to fight the second box legendary and with it in the party you could find the other 3.
Idk what I would do for pseudo legendaries tbh. I've always wanted a Fire/Grass forest fire pokemon so that would be there. I also want a Poison/Steel radioactive pokemon that would fit well with the industrial aspect of the games. I love the idea of a Water/Dark kraken-style pokemon but I don't know if it would fit in well with my idea of the region. A Grass/Fighting moose pokemon covered in bark? A Poison/Fairy witch pokemon with a special move where it throws a potion with different effects based on the type of Pokemon it throws it at? An Ouroboros pokemon that starts as just a snake trying to bite its tail but turning into a fearsome dragon?
Overall, I think it's ambitious. Making it so that the story is different depending on the version while still following the core story isn't too hard, they've done it before. On top of that, making it so you can fight between 6-18 gyms and not necessarily in order will allow incredible individuality to the games, making it feel like everybody can play their own game with a different story than their friend. It would also allow great replayability as people fight different gyms or challenges like a Nuzlocke but you can only fight one gym per area. Or fighting one gym per area and then going back with a fresh team to fight the next 6 and then a third team to be the final 6.
And then having a nature-team is a great segue into another Pokemon Rangers game which they could have done so well on the switch, with moving the controllers in a circle to catch pokemon.
The problem though is that the Pokemon Company is currently emphasizing quantity over quality. I legit don't know if we'll ever see another epic main pokemon game because they are so focused on getting smaller games that they know we'll buy just because it has pokemon in it. They are prioritizing profits over telling a good story with a good game right now, which is disappointing, but I think it's possible we are in the stage where pokemon as we knew it would have died off by now and the only reason it's still going is because there is still money to be made. This is unfortunate, but I understand that we can't have the pokemon we grew up with our whole lives.
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chicoriii · 4 years
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Made for @adrinetteapril​ Day 11: Video Games
Adrienette April 2020 4/8: Day 4: Hand Touches
Day 8: Hair Down
Day 10: Charm Bracelets
Day 11: Video Games
Day 12: Piano Lessons
Day 19: Rain
Day 24: Kwami Visits
Day 30: Ice Cream
I’ve changed my mind, after finishing my 6th art yesterday, I decided to do one or two more (maybe even three, but that's very unlikely) for this event, as I have few more ideas and time for that.
For people who prefer everything in one image:
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And there’s a full French version of this comic. Thanks so much @emsylcatac​ for the translation. I love you!
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There’re links for full resolution (2900x3600) in one image as I can’t upload as much big pictures on Tumblr:
English version
French version
It’s my first comic, not counting terrible Pokémon ones I have done as a kid years ago. That's my first and the best idea and the biggest project for this year Adrienette April. I knew that if Miraculous characters are going to play a video game, that's have to be my favourite series. Pokémon is a big part of my life since my childhood, it's been almost 20 years since I'm a fan (October/November 2000, I think). Although things I like in Pokémon franchise have changed over the years, it has began with the anime, now I can't stand it. And Pokémon is the reason why drawing is my hobby, I spend lots of time at drawing Pokémon and I have designed so many my own monsters (they're called Fakemon in the fandom) in childhood/teenhood, though most of them are terrible.
Characters are playing Pokémon X and Y versions, a pair of VI generation games released in October 2013 worldwide for Nintendo 3DS, they all are playing on 3DS XL, since it's the best version of this handheld available at that moment. It's the battle in early game, because I wanted to show starters in their first evolutionary stages. All in-game text is written in French of course (thanks YouTube videos and PokéPedia, French version of Bulbapedia). There're also French names of Pokémon: Marisson = Chespin Grenousse =  Froakie Feunnec = Fennekin
Froakie's moveset is: Pound Lick Bubble Quick Attack
The choice of the games is not accidental. Pokémon X & Y take place in Kalos, a region based on France. It's second non-Japanese-based region in the Pokémon universe, after V generation Unova (United States-based). Marinette is playing X version as its mascot is Xerneas, Legendary Pokémon of Life (part of Aura Trio), which is related to Creation. While Yveltal, Y version's mascot is called Legendary Pokémon of Destruction in the English version (in the original Japanese it's Death Pokémon, Americans are afraid of using words like "death" or "evil", Dark-type is known as Evil-type in Japan). This is why I have drawn Legendary Pokémon for the background, too. Reshiram and Zekrom of Tao Trio from V generation games would fit Marinette and Adrien too, since they are related to Ying and Yang, but they are not from France-based region.
The choice of starters is based on their colors, Marinette's is blue Froakie, Adrien's green Chespin. I know that Marinette is too smart to use one of the weakest Water-type move against Grass-type Chespin, but bubbles are too fun to draw. ;) Alya and Nino are here too, because I wanted to show all three Kalos starters, besides fennec fox fits the fox Miraculous user perfectly. She loves to pet her Fennekin as much as she can in Pokémon-Amie. Unfortunately, there's no fourth starter for Nino, but he's also playing Pokémon games, although his Kanto starter (which are distributed in Paris-based Lumiose City by professor Sycamore) is Water-type turtle Squirtle of course.
Earlier I also got some ideas for Pokémon x Miraculous arts, like designing Pokémon-based Kwamis or drawing Marinette and Adrien in the Pokémon world in more Pokémon-ish artstyle (and Alya with her fox), but there're always more important things to do. I'm not giving up on my ideas, I'm planning to make my Pokémon AU arts someday. At least I hope. ;)
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fallenxspirit · 4 years
Team Vitality: Updates
So I’ve decided to make some updates to Team Vitality and it’s verse, in order to make things move a little more smoothly. There will be some major changes from this post. However the info on the admins will still be current, the major changes are: the goals of the team, Spectre’s goals, and how he is accomplishing them.
To start off,
Spectre/Spirit’s goals, and thus the goals of Team Vitality, have changed. Spectre is no longer out to destroy the world around him. Instead, what he seeks is reform and justice in a world he feels is unfit and cruel. This comes about for several reasons in the Team Vitality verse:
1. Rose was released into community service after the events of the Darkest Day, instead of sent to prison. Spirit was horrified by this, especially due to the casualities and injuries people sustained during the Darkest Day, not to mention the devastation to Galar itself. Spirit believes that Rose bought his way out of prison, but this has neither been confirmed or denied.
2. Gloria was killed during the Eternamax battle on top of Hammerlocke tower. Spirit had tried to protect his sister, but was not fast enough to get to her in time. Thus he did not gain the scars from Eternatus on his back, but something in him did snap that day as he joined forces with Hop, Zacian, and Zamazenta to defeat Eternatus. Seeing his little sister die broke something in Spirit.
Even worse was seeing the man who he felt had been responsible for his sister’s death and the deaths of countless others practically go free. Spirit was left in an incredibly bad place after the Darkest Day, though still went on to become Galar’s next champion. Because he felt Gloria would have wanted him to at least try. And he hoped that if he became Champion, with Leon as Chairman, they could eventually see Rose face the justice he deserved.
Of course, this did not work out as Spirit wanted it. The post game events happened, which worsened Spirit’s mental state given the once again raging Dynamax pokemon, the people doing these deeds for selfish reasons, and then practically getting away with what they did “scot free” as Spirit views it. Then the incidents involving the Guzzlord at Wyndon Stadium and the UBs in the Crown Tundra happened, with Spirit being blamed for both incidents.
It would be after this that Spirit snaps, leaves Galar, and goes onto start Team Vitality under the name Spectre. He still does have plans to destroy each and every region, one by one, but he will rebuild them after their destruction. Until everything comes together into one single region. A region that is free from war, corruption, and evil, with Spectre of course leading it. So long as he doesn’t die in his attempts to bring the world together, given how he’s going about doing this.
Instead of using the Ultimate Weapon, Spectre will instead be utilizing the Ultra Beasts in the Crown Tundra, and ultimately bringing more in to attack and spread across the regions. This is still quite the world ending event, but Spectre trusts in his and his teams capabilities in taming the issue after all is said and done. And after all, what is more ironic than him doing exactly as Galar said he would?
Bringing in the Ultra Beasts to destroy them all, to repeat what had happened to his own version of Galar.
He will still be connected and using Xerneas in this verse, however his Hydregion will eventually be replaced with a Guzzlord. The very same Guzzlord he caught in the Crown Tundra years ago.
He also does still take over the Championship of Kalos, acting as Champion Artemis, effectively already making Kalos part of his new region, though he doesn’t reveal this of course. He’s placed a majority of the league under his hold, for when the time is right. Something he felt he couldn’t do with Galar.
I think thats all I have for the updates?? I feel this goes a lot better now lol.
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not-poignant · 5 years
This is just a random, maybe fun, question for you (or Ash). I have a memory of Ash talking about Pokémon, and I know you've mantioned it too. Have you, or Ash, ever sat down and thought "This character would have this pokémon", "This character would have this team" or seen a pokémon and thought "I will name you (character name)". Because I play Pokémon SwSh now and named my Corviknight Raven Prince, after your TRP.
There’s a really really old post about it here! (But it doesn’t include Mosk / Eran / The Raven Prince etc.)
But you know what, times have changed, there’s now a zillion Pokemon to choose from, it might be time to redo the lists, so, without further ado, the updated Pokemon team lists for our main characters!:
Pokemon for Fae Tales:
Gwyn ap Nudd
With a heavy emphasis on hound and deer shaped Pokemon (including quite a few legendaries), including the old favourite for him; Aegislash. He has no interest in ‘cute’ Pokemon, he goes for power or function (or dogs).
Augus Each Uisge
A mix of predominantly grass and psychic types, with some bug/poison in there too. I think he’d like very graceful Pokemon, and he’d be interested in those that were sort of...sweet grass types, I also considered Lilligant for him. Serperior I retired to Mosk.
Ash Glashtyn
Probably the most diverse list out of the lot, I can see Ash happily wrestling with Hawlucha, finding Dedenna adorable, and liking the two-faced Morpeko (given Ash’s own two faces around his appetite). Appletun is nostalgic for him. Mudsdale is just a badass chunky horse and I can see Ash raising him from a foal. As for Goodra, well, for all the times when Ash needs someone, and Augus isn’t available.
Gulvi Dubna Vajat
With a preference for very beautiful or very powerful Pokemon, the only outlier is Mandibuzz, because it reminds her of all the Lammergeiers she trained with to become an assassin. Ash and Gulvi discovered Feebas together, and initially Gulvi was disgusted, but then was won over by Ash’s adoration and kept it.
Mosk Manytrees
A mix of grass, psychic, dark and one fire-bug outlier as a nod to his love for Eran. Mosk’s team is sneaky, sometimes malicious, and a bit misunderstood. But make no mistake, he’s a powerful one to go up against.
Eran Iliakambar
With the highest amount of ‘fucking adorable but mostly useless in battle against the big hitters’ Eran’s team swings largely towards Pokemon he enjoys the company of. Cinderace and Pyroar allow him to enjoy his fire as much as he wants, Swoobat he raised from a baby, Togekiss he raised from a baby, and Eevee and Fennekin he adopted and can’t figure out what to do with yet. If there’s a young Pokemon, Eran will know how to look after it.
The Raven Prince
The Raven Prince’s team is designed for power and punch, and a great deal of of stealth (Umbreon and Inteleon). Decidueye was probably his starter, but he’s closest to Arceus and Umbreon. I actually had Xerneas on his list too, initially, but honestly you could give the Raven Prince a full complement of legendary Pokemon and he wouldn’t blink.
And there we have it, the updated list! Complete with hyperlinks! Now I’m not gonna revisit this for another 400 years :D
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ancientskullkid · 5 years
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Lunala part 2!! Kyogre & Groudon are at war! Regigigas made body guards and is in hiding. so Lunala returns to the 2 Legendaries it worked with to make the 1st earthly trio... to make a 2nd trio to end the conflict. Lunala works with Solgaleo to create Ho-Oh, who can control the Gaseous Matter to change the weather to sunlight, to counter Kyogre. But even more so, Ho-Oh is the Rainbow Pokemon. The Rainbow is the line between the Sunlight & the Rain. While Solgaleo gave Groudon the ability to intensify the Sunlight, Groudon represents the Land on Earth, not the Sun itself. Ho-Oh was given that honor, by Solagleo the Legendary of Stars, to represent the specific star that is the Earth’s Sun. But Lunala also wanted this new trio to have some extra power. So Lunala invited Xerneas of Life to help create Ho-Oh. Xerneas took full advantage of this opportunity, and of all of Xerneas’ creations, Ho-Oh is Xerneas’ true heir. Xerneas made a lot of guardians of life (future post), but only Ho-Oh was given resurrection power to give life. Also Xerneas is known for its multicolored antlers, and Ho-Oh is known for its multicolored wings. Like Kyogre, Lunala made Lugia alone (as far as I can tell). Lugia also controls the Gaseous Matter to change the weather to rain, to counter Groudon. and Lugia is the Diving Pokemon... yet not Water type. Because, as Ho-Oh represents the Sun, Lugia represents the Moon. Not as much as Cresselia (a separate creation of Lunala for a future post), but while Cresselia represents spiritual side of the moon; the night time when the moon is out and the living creatures with spirits sleep and Dream... Lugia represents the physical side of the moon; The Gravity that controls the Tides of the Earth’s Water. Gravity is a Psychic Type move. Lunala worked with Zygarde the green serpent of Order & Balance again to create another green serpent. Rayquaza. Given the most power to nullify all weather conditions, and the most responsibility to lead & protect the order & balance of Earth. The one who ultimately brought the conflict between Kyogre & Groudon to an end. And continued to protect Earth not only from domestic threats like the war of land vs sea, but also from foreign threats like Deoxys, created by Lunala’s sibling-turned-predator, Necrozma. Some point to Ho-Oh resurrecting the Legendary Beasts as them being created by Ho-Oh. Some point to 2nd Pokemon Movie as Lugia being the creator of the Legendary Birds. But I think these 3 flying creations of Lunala worked together to create 3 trios to help with their mission. sure, Lugia took the lead when they created Raikou, Zapdos, & Thundurus. and Ho-Oh took the lead when they created Entei, Moltres, & Landorus. and Rayquaza took the lead when they created Suicune, Articuno, & Tornadus. But the 3 of them created the 3 Trios together. (Ho-Oh & Rayquaza gave Raikou, Entei, Suicune, & Landorus beast forms to honor Solgaleo & Zygarde’s 10% form) Heatran was the only one of Groudon’s creations that chose to join the fight. Celebi & Shaymin chose to be guardians, not warriors. Manaphy & Tapu Fini chose similarly to protect, not fight. this created a 2 against 1 imbalance. Ho-Oh flew between the fight, creating the Rainbow as a line between the Sunlight & the Rain. Lugia flew over Groudon to counter the drought. Moltres flew over Kyogre to counter the drizzle. Articuno flew over Groudon’s highest mountains to give them snow caps; water on land. while Groudon kept Kyogre busy, Heatran was free to move, creating volcanoes to expand the land. Zapdos flew over Heatran, bringing cool rain to weaken Heatran and more quickly stop the lava flow. But Heatran kept moving. The 3 Legendary Beasts followed at a distance, coming to each volcano after Heatran left. Entei turning the volcanoes inactive. Raikou filling the craters with rainwater. Suicune running across the new crater lakes, purifying them for both fresh water creatures to live in and land creatures to drink from. As Groudon fought Kyogre and tried to avoid Lugia, both endeavors kept Groudon distracted from the harm Groudon’s own drought was causing to the land itself, and both endeavors kept Groudon moving. After Groudon would leave an area, oblivious to the destruction wrought on the land by the harsh sunlight... Tornadus would come to blow away the hot air and burnt surface dust. Thundurus would bring the rain to re-hydrate the scorched ground. and Landorus would bring the nutrients so things could grow and live on the land again. and then there’s the creations. Raikou is both sabre-tooth tiger & pit bull. Entei is both lion & mastiff. Suicune is both leopard & wolf. Raikou the Thunder Pokemon created Zeraora the Thunderclap Pokemon. Electric Feline. Suicune is many things. Suicune is the north wind. Suicune is pure water. Suicune is Fresh Water (most water Legendaries are Salt Water). Suicune helped Zacian & Zamazenta create Keldeo, who can also run on water. Entei worked with Suicune to create Volcanion. Ironically, Volcanion has volcano in its name, but is not a volcano pokemon. Volcanion is a hot water geyser pokemon. like Old Faithful in Yellowstone. These usually happen around volcanoes and because of volcanoes. but they are not themselves volcanoes. but Volcanion is an ultimate combination of Entei’s area of expertise & Suicune’s. Zapdos helped Xerneas create Tapu Koko, who was given the image of Zapdos. Yellow Electric Bird. if Articuno made a Pokemon, I don’t think we’ve seen it yet. Moltres did not create Shaymin. Groudon did that. But Groudon did not give Shaymin the ability to fly. Zapdos is Autumn. Articuno is Winter. Moltres is not Summer. According to multiple Pokedex entries, Moltres is Spring. As Ho-Oh is the heir of Xerneas, Moltres is the heir of Ho-Oh. Spring is Life. Spring is flowers, like the Gracidea Flower. Shaymin & Moltres may not look like it, but they are mutual Best Friends. Moltres gave Shaymin the ability to change form and Fly with Moltres. I love a happy ending.
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olivediamonds · 5 years
Face-To-Face: chapter 3
By the time Keira woke up the sun had begun to set. She noticed as she climbed out of bed the sheets were fairy themed, her favorite type. Raihan's extra detail to make her comfortable made her smile and she made a note to herself to thank him for the sheets. She stepped out of the room after making sure her pokeball belt was strapped to her waist. As she stepped outside she noticed the hallway was dark and most of the light came from the end of the hall which she guessed was the living room. As she walked down the hall she saw Raihan with his back to her.
"Hey! You should have woken me up so I could've helped with my luggage!"
Keira froze and her smile slowly fell as she heard the name she hasn't been called in years.
"What did you say?"
Raihan turned around, an angry look on his face as he approached her.
"First you don't tell me you're a champion, then I find out Keira isn't even your name. Has there been anything that you've been honest about?"
"I was honest about everything we talked about! Just like you said, I didn't want anything to change between us."
He held out his phone and gestured to the article on the screen.
"But why didn't you tell me about this? You save the world and didn't even tell me?"
"Maybe I don't want to be remembered! Did that ever occur to you?!"
She pushed his phone out of her face and walked over to the window.
"Do you understand what it means to be known as a hero? Everyone thinks you can solve their problems and help them without any worry or care at all."
"But... you're a hero…"
"I was a child Rai!"
She whipped around, tears streaming down her cheeks as she remembered the fear she felt as she faced Lysandre.
"Do you know what it feels like to have the fate of the world on your shoulders? The knowledge that if you don't win then everyone you've ever loved will die? I was terrified! I just wanted to run home to my mom and hide under a blanket. This wasn't what I wanted, it's what was thrust upon me."
Keira could feel her throat tighten as she remembered the cries of her pokemon as she fought hard to stop Lysandre, the fear she felt as she was on her last pokemon and the terror when she watched as Lysandre was crushed right in front of her. Raihan's hand on her shoulder ripped her out of her memories and she shoved him away.
"Don't touch me! I thought you were different Rai, I thought you'd understand me...I guess I was wrong."
Before Raihan could say anything Keira pushed past him and headed to the door just as Leon walked in with food.
"I'm back! I brought...dinner…"
He stepped to the side as Keira stormed out, visibly distraught and Leon looked at Raihan as the door was slammed shut.
"What the hell happened while I was gone?"
Raihan flopped down on his couch and groaned. He felt sick as he remembered the pained look in Keira's eyes. He didn't mean to accuse her of anything but after being famous for so long he had trust issues due to being tricked by fake people trying to use him to get ahead.
"I accused her of lying to me because of her being Serena. I don't understand why she'd hide being Kalos' hero."
Leon sighed as he set the food on the table and sat down next to Raihan.
"I think I can understand."
Raihan looked over at Leon confused as Leon stared at the floor in front of him.
"It's not like in the movies, it's terrifying knowing you're the only one who can stop something. When Rose released eternatus I was terrified as I fought him. When I failed to capture him…"
His hands trembled as they curled into fists.
"I was afraid I was going to die, I feared for Hop's safety and if it wasn't for Gloria, we probably wouldn't be here right now."
He took a few calming breaths as he forced himself to relax.
"Sometimes I still wake up from nightmares of my fight with eternatus. I also check in on Hop and Gloria to make sure they're doing alright mentally too."
Raihan was silent throughout the whole story but he could feel himself getting sicker and sicker. He didn't realize Leon was going through so much. If this is how Leon felt now, he could only imagine how Keira felt as a child. He pulled himself off the couch and went to grab his shoes and pokemon.
"I'm going to go find her."
Leon gave him a small smile as he stood up, planning on helping him look for Keira.
"Try the wild area, that's where I go to clear my head. If she needs a place to calm down it'll probably be there."
Raihan nodded and walked out the door and started running in the direction on the town entrance.
----------------- Keira -------------------
Keira paced back and forth in the forest clearing as she tried to calm herself down. Her dearest pokemon a delphox named Inari and Xerneas watch her pace around. Inari is trying to even her breathing using her psychic ability while having Xerneas out naturally calms her.
"What if it was a mistake coming here? I probably just ruined my friendship with Rai and he's probably tossing my stuff out now!"
Keira sighed as she ran a hand through her hair. Xerneas leaned down to nuzzle her cheek in a comforting manner. Keira smiled as she stroked their neck. Ever since she caught Xerneas, they have made it a point to help comfort her whenever she felt a panic attack coming.
"You're right, he wouldn't be that cruel. I just...I just hoped for a little more time before telling him…"
Her thoughts were interrupted when she hear footsteps approaching. She immediately returned Xerneas to their ball as Inari readied her wand.
"Who's there?"
From the shadows stepped out a mimikyu followed by a young boy wearing a mask.
"Sorry if I scared you. Mimikyu told me he felt a hurt soul out here and I wanted to see if I could help."
You smiled lightly and sat down on a fallen log.
"Well he's right, I am hurting but I don't think you can help buddy."
The kid walked over and sat down next to Keira.
"I know I look young Miss Keira but I'm Galar's ghost type gym leader Allister. Helping hurt or lost souls is my specialty!"
Keira was surprised when he said he was a gym leader. She didn't think someone so young could be a gym leader! Though...she guessed it couldn't hurt to talk about her problems even if he might not be able to help her.
"Alright then Allister, I guess I should start from the beginning. It all started when I first started my journey as trainer."
----------------- Raihan -----------------
Raihan carefully walked through the forest, careful of stepping over branches so as not to scare any wild pokemon nearby. He had been looking for Keira for almost an hour and was beginning to worry. It was hard to find your way through the wild area at night and Keira didn't have a tent or blanket to keep her warm. He was about to call out for Keira when a voice made him pause.
"So what happened to Team Flare?"
That sounded like Allister. Raihan followed the voice until he could see through the trees Allister sitting on a log with Keira right next to him. He was about to make his presence known when it suddenly felt like weights were keeping him in place
"Please wait gym leader Raihan."
The echoing voice in his head made him pause and notice the delphox standing by Keira was staring right in his direction.
"Listen to her story and understand the reason for her deception."
Raihan nodded and the weight was released so he could sit down in his hiding spot and listen as Keira continued her story.
"After Team Flare disbanded I tried to continue my goal to beat the elite four but everywhere I went there were newscasters and people wanting to interview me. I tried to go home but they just followed me to my house. I couldn't take it anymore so mom and I moved to a secluded spot away from the public and I hid for a year. After all the hype about me died down, I changed my name and started my journey over again."
The sick feeling Raihan had felt earlier had returned as he listened to her story. Of course he didn't mind the attention but that's because he's older. He probably wouldn't have been able to stand all the attention on him when he was still small. He looked over at her delphox for permission to come out and when she nodded he stood up and stepped out, making Allister and Raihan look over at him.
"Rai? How did you find me?"
Raihan rubbed the back of his neck and looked down guilty.
"I've been looking for you and heard you talking. Listen, I'm sorry for being a jerk to you earlier. I shouldn't have gotten angry at you. I just got afraid that you were like all the other fake people I've dealt with. If...if you don't want to stay with me I'll understand and can put you in a hotel or Leon can take you."
You got up and walked over to him. He thought you were about to hug him but instead you smacked his cheek.
"That's for being a dick."
You then kissed his sore cheek and then hugged him.
"That's because I forgive you."
Raihan felt his cheeks warm as he wrapped his arms around your waist and smiled softly. Before he could say anything he yelped in pain as he felt someone kick his shin.
"That's for making big sis cry!"
"Ow! What? Big sis?"
Keira laughed lightly and grinned.
"Oh yeah, I thought Allister was so adorable I said he's my new little brother."
"What?! I leave you alone for an hour and now you're adopting kids?! Ow! Allister I already apologized!"
When Leon finally found Raihan he couldn't help but laugh at the sight of Raihan running around as Allister chased him and Keira recording everything on her phone. It looks like things were going to be interesting from now on.
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