#i want to put osiris through the ringer
the11tailedwrites · 6 months
1 - Osiris
CW: Angle Trap from Saw so heavy gore
@hidden-scarlet-whispers @braindamagedrizz
They saw trapped my man.
Osiris awoke to a pounding behind his eyes. His head pulsed and it took a moment for his eyes to adjust. When they did adjust, Osiris had absolutely no idea where he was. It was a dark and musty room with only a single light. He shifted slightly and pain flared up from his chest and he hissed in pain and glanced down. There was a strange ribbed metal cage around his chest. He could feel metal twisting inside him, and he bit his lip to hide a hiss of pain. He grabbed at the cage with his fingers, desperately trying to pry it open.
“Rise and shine, little phoenix,” crooned a feminine voice.
A screen in the corner of the room lit up, bathing Osiris in artificial light. Osiris glanced over at the screen to see a masked woman. The mask was pure white, with nothing on it, not even holes for the eyes. The woman’s bright red hair made her white mask almost seem to glow.
“Who the fuck are you,” snarled Osiris, jerking forward before grimacing in pain, feeling blood leak out from under the ribbed cage.
“I am Chaos, pleasure, my dear boy,” said the woman, “Now let’s play a game, yes?”
“What?” hissed Osiris
“You don’t have much of a choice, give I’ve already strung you up,” said the woman, “Now, here’s how it works; as you can probably tell, you are strung up with ribbed metal around your chest, embed to the bone. In front of you is a vat of acid. When the timer starts, the key to unlock the ribbed cage drops in. Failure to get the key out of the acid before it melts results in no way to get the cage off. 60 seconds later and the machine activated and rips out of your chest. The fun thing about guardians is that this won’t keep you dead, so you get to try out so many different methods!”
“I am going to kill you,”
“You can try,”
Osiris’ eyes flicked over to the vat of acid, neck pricking slightly. He stomach twisted painful. Why was he so nervous? He was the phoenix of the dark ages, the student of Lord Felwinter and a damn powerful warlock. A simple trap shouldn’t set him on edge, but it did. Maybe it was because he could barely feel Sagira.
“Wait,” he shouted, “What have you done to my ghost!”
“She’s fine,” said the woman, holding up Osiris’ beloved ghost in one hand, “I need subjects for my experiments anyway and you are fascinating. Make sure to smile, you’re being recorded!”
Then the timer ticked on, and a key dropped into the acid. Osiris wasted no time reaching his hand in. He bit down a scream as the acid bit apart his hand as he groped for the key. After a few painful seconds, his hand clasped around the key and he pulled into out quick, splashing some acid onto his legs. The smell of chemically brunt flesh filled Osiris’ nose as he forced the key into the lock, though it took almost four seconds.
It clicked.
It opened.
It fell off.
But the ribbed cage did not.
Confusing spread through Osiris as he stared at the fallen lock. Osiris gritted his teeth and gripped the cage, ripping and pulling, desperately trying to free himself.
Osiris thrashed.
His nails broke off.
His heart was in his ears.
Why couldn’t he stop shaking?
The sound of tearing flesh and the searing pain almost blinded him. He only got a few seconds to look down before gravity took hold of his organs. He could only watch as his intestines fell out before nothing.
Osiris awoke lying on his own organs. They felt warm and squishy, and Osiris pushed himself up.
“Sorry, no way to win,” came Chaos’ annoying voice, “Good quality video, though, I sent it to the Iron Lords. Wonder what they’ll think?”
“Bitch” snarled Osiris, forcing himself up, entire front drenched in his own blood.
A piece of his intestines clung to him for a moment before slipping off and hitting the floor.
Chaos’ laughter filled the small room.
“If you’ll excuse me, I have other guests to tend to,”
The tv turned off and Osiris was plunged into darkness.
It took incredible effort for Osiris to move away from the pile of organs and crawl into a corner. He tried to create a solar flare, for light or warmth he didn’t know. It didn’t matter because he couldn’t create light at all. He wasn’t bound in any way with void suppression, so Osiris wasn’t sure how he wasn’t able to use light.
Osiris leaned his head against the wall and closed his eyes.
Tearing flesh. The wet sound of organs falling to the ground.
Osiris snapped open his eyes.
Osiris wished he could feel Sagira. He could really use her comfort right now.
Distantly, he wondered who that other guest Chaos was talking about was.
He tried to remember how he ended up here. He memories of recent events was hazy at best.
He had been on patrol. Lord Felwinter has requested he look into something nearby. He had gotten there, checked, nothing odd. He had been on the way to sweep the nearby area. His neck had pulsed for only a second and everything had gone dark.
Did Lord Felwinter set a trap for him? No, that wouldn’t make sense. If Lord Felwinter wanted him out of the way or dead, he would have done it himself. Lord Felwinter was not the kind of person who tortured his targets before he killed them.
If not an Iron Lord, then was Chaos working for herself?
Osiris sighed.
He was getting nowhere.
All he could do now was hope for a rescue. He didn’t even know if anyone would care enough to rescue him. Maybe they would come for whoever else was trapped here and leave him. He wouldn’t be surprised.
He was used to being abandoned.
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Cancer male: The Player
The Mother Principle. Via its ruler Moon, Cancer prepresents a model of the world environment as having a tangible feminine source, Mother nature, from whence all life stems. Cancer man subscribes to this principle in the organic way he lives in his life, rarely imposing his will, but functiouning by "going with the flow" of his inherent instincts and emotions. his motto is "I feel," and he is disposed to ride the tide of a life experience. cancer seeks assimilation into this feminine nature rather than to assert any mastery over it.
Planetary symbol:
The Moon signifies rhythm in the zodiac; it is in a sympathetic relationship with Earth, in orbit around the planet while still remaining in the Sun's gravitational pull. Moods, like tides, are regularly controlled by the Moon, and the Cancer man especially can't escape such effects. the half-circle of the planet's glymph symbolizes this constant process and the potential for fullness that personifies the callow Cancerian prince who forever pretends to kingly greatness, but feels incomplete without a nurturing emotional relationship.
Sign Quadrant:
The zodiacal quadrants correspond to the metaphysical planes of existence-physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. The Second Quadrant is that of emotional and indeed moral environment. For Cancer man, importance is on his sign-ruled gut instincts and an approach to life circumstances from that essential feeling level.
Sign glyph:
The Cancer emblem is a crab. The glyph recalls two individuals floating along in the same vessel, like a couple surviving a flood, as the Crab, both a sea and land dweller, inevitably would. The symbol may also be read as a man's tests, a source of human life and procreation, a Cancerian preoccupation in a -pardon the pun- nutshell.
The water element connotes feeling and instinct. The cardinal quality signifies a call to action and initiative. Together the cardinal-water combination particular to Cancer is best illustrated as a source, spring, river, or tide, and it is on this current of emotion that the Cancer rides, particularly in the sentiments he elicits in romantic bonds.
Males in female (earth, water) signs are not aligned with the gender polarity of the sign and thus enact instead of embody the quality-element combination of the sign. Cancer man, therefore, isn't a wellspring of emotion, but rather he seeks to elicit emotional responses from others. particularly in love relationships, Cancer wants to be carried away by a partner's deepest feelings.
Sign Number: 4
The number of structure, completion, and protection - the square is the most solid of objects. There are four elements, four compass directions, four seasons, and four archangels.
Single Age Association: 21-28
The age of the bridgegroom. cancer is the marrying kind who cleans up real nice to take home to mother. he personifies the quality of this age all his life, embodying the spirit of promise and potential, characteristically committed to relationships as if forever saying "I do."
Cancers feels overly responsible. he may live in a fantasy world, more of a dreamer than a doer. As a pretender, he can fall prey to retention. A role player, he can be overly sycophantic. In relationships, he can be needy. He often suffers from disassociative feelings, a sense he is a phony or a fraud not in touch with his truest goals, feelings, or desires. he can be reclusive if not agoraphobic. 
Cancer personifies the consort god, who often wed his mother. Deucalion is the Greek noah who was guided by Themis, an oracular mother goddess whose name means "waters." The yearly flooding of the Nile was said to presage the coming of Osiris, whose bridemother Isis swallowed him (as Jonah was gulped down by the whale), giving birth to him anew. Heracles is put through the ringer by mother Hera, via a series of labors including the slaying of the zodiacal Crab, a symbol of the end one aeon, and the beginning of another. Heracles means "beloved of Hera," and he marries her in her virgin form, Hebe.
As the cardinal-water sign Cancer is associated with Noah, the Flood, and the renewal of the human moral condition. He also draws from the baby-Moses archetype as well, being sent down the river, from one mother to another. Jonah's stint in the Cancer-ruled belly of the whale is a tale of personal transformation. Pinocchio goes through he same journey on his voyage to becoming a real boy. The medieval Perceval is transformed by the fairy queen Blanchefleur into a pure and valient being, thus becoming the prototype for Cinderella's Prince charming. Walter Mitty, who forever imagines himself a romantic hero and savior of mankind, is a modern Cancerian character. The ithyphallic figures of Perceval and Osiris live on in wounded characters like Hemingway's Jake Barnes in The Sun Also Rises and Buck Henry's Benjamin in his screenplay, The Graduate.
Source: Sextrology
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