#i want to rewatch it but it hurts so much to see that piggie
maidenvoyage42 · 2 years
sorry not ofmd-related, but one of the best shows that i’ve seen in recent years is definitely fleabag. and it’s so frustrating that i’m probably never gonna be able to rewatch it, because since then i got guinea pigs, and it causes me physical pain to think about how that little piggie is treated in the show :( (in the smallest cage, all alone - piggies are social animals! - and i don’t remember anything else about her circumstances but in itself it’s so horrible. why did you do this phoebe :( )
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cinaed · 4 years
Red vs Blue Season 2 Rewatch
Well I'd meant to do my season two rewatch Saturday but was sick most of the weekend. But now I'm feeling well enough to watch and enjoy! 
Aw, I forgot that the first scene of the season is Doc's introduction. 
Church being so done with Caboose and Tucker, and the combination of O'Malley and Caboose means that his threats involve giving Church a birthday present (sure it's Tucker's head, but you know). 
Just imagining Doc's expression as the Blues explain that Church is a ghost and now a ghost in a robot makes me laugh. Also another thing is that the Blues apparently have a Spanish-English dictionary, which somehow the Reds never bothered to get for years. Sorry, Lopez! 
I love that Church actually knows military lingo and it's Tucker and Caboose who are like "???" whenever he tries to be smart in earlier seasons. Also Tucker just being like "Nope, I like my blood on the inside."
God, I forgot that Church went "I can't pronounce Frank, we're calling you Doc." Like..Frank? At least protesting over DuFresne makes a little more sense! Church really does love to mess with people. Also Doc's speech about the differences between being a medic and a doctor remains iconic. "Well, a doctor cures people. A medic just makes them more comfortable.. while they die."
I also forgot that Church just straight shoots Caboose (and actually hit him!) so Doc will go over and help him. Stone cold. "I can't believe he shot me!" "Oh, don't even START Caboose!"
Also love that the Reds have staff meetings, which Grif presumably sleeps through. Though why they all even trusted Grif to carry ammo around, I just don't know. 
And the beginning of the iconic surrender exchanges. Cake, flags (wait no flags), Lopez. Doc turning into a fake hostage. "You don't get anything except humiliation and ridicule!" "We've already got that! What else do you have?"
I forgot that Doc immediately assesses the Red Team, realizes Grif is the least popular of the group, and immediately starts insulting him to curry favor. Speaking of stone cold, like dang, Doc. 
Another iconic scene is Church ragging on Tucker as he wiggles his switch. :D And of course Sarge's amazing code is "drive." He's definitely that guy whose password is Password1235. 
Fun parallels with Donut's "I'm so freaking lost" and Doc's "Help, this Jeep is kidnapping me!" 
Lopez is like a son to Sarge! Sarge loves him so much that he forgives him for turning against him and murdering him. Also Sarge thinking he can fight a machine gun. 
Tucker: "You hardly ever used your legs before anyway. I've never heard of a grown man asking for so many piggy-back rides." Church: "Hey, I already told you: that was for science." And thus canonical piggyback rides were established. 
Bold of Simmons to call someone else Poindexter. 
Everyone thinking Church is shy because he can't turn around. 
Grif using Doc's words against him, and thus a low-key dislike of each other was born. 
Poor Doc. Stuck wandering the wilderness aka the 60 feet or however much space there is between the bases. 
Simmons and Grif squabbling like an old married couple trying to tell the story about the Blues and Doc.
I am usually against love triangles, but the Lopez/Sheila and Sheila/Caboose is so good. 
Caboose having a good idea, except they didn't consider that Lopez would immediately escape.
Ah, the old days when Lopez actually believed in the Red Team. Also will always love "Primary objectives: 1. Fix everything. 2. Hate the orange one. 3. Call mom more often." Lopez calling Sarge father! And then his brutal disillusionment as the Reds almost kill him. 
Simmons loves that machine gun. 
Lopez/Sheila is such a good ship. Love their meet-cute. Of course then Tex steals his body. Also Sheila being into Lopez AND Tex. I'd forgotten about that. 
"Tucker, there's a very fine line between not listening and not caring. I like to think that I walk that line every day of my life." 
Love Tex just rolling with "Sure, I'm a ghost." And now we're finally into the O'Malley plot which is so much fun. 
Sarge's been wanting to get a cyborg on his team for this whole dang war. He's so happy when Simmons becomes a cyborg. Meanwhile Grif and Simmons are united in hating the idea. 
Tex telling embarrassing stories about Leonard's high school years. :D And the beginning of this very weird plan to rescue Caboose from O'Malley. And seeing the inside of people's heads. Or at least Caboose's head, which means a stupid Tucker and a Church who is even more foul-mouthed than Church himself plus he's Caboose's very best friend. Sarge the southern pirate. Donut the girl. Grif's yellow armor. 
Grif sounds almost impressed when he does the 1-2-3 count that he pulled on Simmons and realizes that Donut beat him at his own game. Unfortunately then he promptly gets run over by Sheila.
"Suck it, Blue!" 
I honestly love Lopez's love song to Sheila. He's such a romantic. 
Church is such a nerd. His insults are so bad. 
And the beginning of Doc and O'Malley's saga begins. Their juxtaposition is amazing. 
And the beginning of cyborg Simmons! I still love that even if Simmons instantly insults Grif, the fact remains that he went through surgery to save Grif's life. And he sounds genuinely worried when Grif starts coughing, right up until the point he figures out Grif is using his brand new replacement lungs to smoke. And Simmons trying to get Grif to eat healthy and stop smoking. Good luck with that, Simmons...
Simmons apparently likes to dance, if his fury over the assumed cancelled holiday party is any indication. That's a prompt for someone! 
Donut and Tucker are both the romantics of their team because Tucker thinks Sheila/Lopez is sweet, he just doesn't want to deal with love triangle bullshit.
Meanwhile Lopez and Sheila go on strike for machine rights and I for one support them wholeheartedly. 
Double O Donut! I love Donut and Grif's misadventures together. 
Tucker: "Sheila and Lopez are now considering leaving to form their own robot army. They said no one would dare oppose them." Church: "What?! Did you try to talk them out of it?" Tucker: "No way, I wouldn't dare oppose them!"
Poor Donut. He has no sense of direction. And poor Doc, stuck with O'Malley for company. 
Sarge talking about the entertainment value of being tortured. Sarge...what.... I'm not gonna kinkshame, but I'm definitely gonna think about kinkshaming Sarge. 
Donut and Caboose's truth or dare scene is so cute. They're such a fun dynamic. And I really wonder what Donut was gonna say about the Red Team plans until Church possesses him. And Church is immediately super chill in Donut's head, and wants to just relax and do some arts and crafts. And Donut considers Caboose his friend! And Caboose really likes Private Biscuit.
Church trying to bargain for two robots so he can have Tex back is sweet right in the middle of a ridiculous scene. And Donut being so excited for a sleepover with the Blues. 
I'm just saying, Sarge would make an excellent car salesman the way he's messing with the Blues over these robots. And Donut must be rubbing off on him, heh, because "I've been told my lube jobs are fantastic!" is definitely a Donut line.
Church using military lingo in one episode and then a handful later not understanding military time is such a Church thing.
Finally to the iconic Tucker line of Grif and Simmons. "It's just the same two guys bickering like an old married couple. I've only been listening for like five minutes and I can already tell they're really in love. Why can't they see it?" And Church doesn't even bother to argue.
Tucker discovering Red vs Blue is a lie is still amazing. As in the ironic discussion, which I will always love. 
Donut's sarcasm when he realizes they're leaving him and Sheila behind to guard each base. Man versus tank. Should go well for him.
And set up for season three, which has some of my favorite team ups-- Sarge and Caboose, Grif and Church. That'll also be a fun rewatch. 
Time for the bonus features aka Outtakes, PSAs, and deleted scenes!
Honestly most of the PSAs this season weren't great, but the Fourth of July fireworks safety one did make me laugh. And it does have Donut with his Kiss the Cook apron!
Outtakes were okay, with the running theme of Burnie trying to explain adlibbing to everyone else, haha. Also "Great Caesar's Dressing!" is as catchy as "Great Caesar's Ghost!" And the outtake of Sarge being Hamlet. And Tarzan. And the Grif and Simmons audition tape was fun. 
Deleted scenes! Doc and Vic having some weird chemistry. Calling Doc hot and saying he missed him. And Doc complaining that no one likes him and that someone stole his wallet. Of course then Vic immediately gets mean. The others include Sarge and Grif prepping Simmons for cyborg surgery before Grif gets hurt and they actually go through with it, which mostly includes getting Simmons super drunk.  Sounds about right for Blood Gulch!
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It’s wonderful how you love reading people’s words about almost anything and attend to their words, being able to sense their feelings behind it. And I agree, it’s so lovely when you can sense a person’s joy through their words, as you said! Here I am once again, feeling special, thanks to you 💛 You’re a darling! And I’ll try my best to send long asks whenever possible!! (1/11)
Ahh, it’s going to be a while before I actually feel comfortable doing chart readings! But you know what? I would be happy to read your astrology chart for free, if you want! It would be great practice for me and it would give me a chance to grow my confidence. Though only if you want, let me know! ☺️ I’m so happy to know you’re learning and grasping everything perfectly! The way you believe in me astrology-wise makes my heart all warm 💓 (2/11)
I’m sorry your summer courses got cancelled btw, especially since you were on track to graduate. Hopefully, this gives you time for yourself though. I wish I can say I enjoy being active too, but it’s not something I do often tbh. Though I do love walking, as well as dancing (but it’s been a while). I need to find more activities that can get me moving 😔 Ah I see, what solo activities do you like doing to stay active? (I fall on the introverted side, I tend to favor being alone too) (3/11)
I’m on the same boat as you + your family. I haven’t been outside since mid-March and being at home until now has made me a bit antsy. It probably added to the weird headspace I was in too. Though that’s gone now, I’m feeling much better + less stressed thankfully. The semester is still in session for me, I’ve got about until mid-May until it’s over. Though I’m glad that school will be over before my birthday, so that’s a blessing I’m super thankful for! I can enjoy my day in peace, aha. (4/11)
Manipulation can be associated with a few other signs too actually, but Scorpio is definitely up there in the top three! And it is definitely true that that as you get older, you can either grow more into your sign’s archetype or some traits lessen over time. Rather than it being some traits disappearing, it’s more likely due to other planetary energies in certain signs coming into play and becoming more prominent. (5/11)
There’s also this point in everyone’s chart, the midheaven. It’s been said that whatever sign a person’s midheaven is in, that person shows more of that energy as they get older. Which brings me to how you got the impression that I’m a Libra! My midheaven is in Libra, which is probably why you felt that more than Taurus. It’s fascinating, especially since we’re just interacting through messages. Didn’t know my Libra energy was showing that strongly but it’s nice being aware of that now! (‪6/11‬)
I will definitely let you know if any of my guesses change when I do a rewatch of the whole series! (P.S. did you hear the announcement that A:TLA will be on Netflix ‪on May 15th‬?!) And to make it more fun, I’ll assess the other characters as well and share what signs I believe they could possibly be! I’ll consider it my mini summer project 😋 But oh my gosh, soft Zuko in the comics? 🤧 Maybe I should read the comics too then, since it might give me more material to work with. (‪7/11‬)
Your questions made sense, it’s all good! I think the best thing to refer to and see how Yue’s Venus energy influences Zuko’s Cancer side is that conversation in chapter 22 of Limerence, where Zuko told Yue that if having a family meant having a family with her, then that’s all he could ever want. Of course, he loves her, so there’s no doubt about them having a family together eventually. (‪8/11‬)
Though this is highlighted more with Yue’s Venus + Zuko’s Cancer energy because those energies meshing creates a soft/tender vibe, which makes coming together and creating a family highly ideal. Because Venus carries this loving energy which reinforces Cancer’s love for being domestic. As for the dynamic of Yue’s Libra and Zuko’s Aries, I feel that it’s one of the things that sets the overall tone for their relationship. (‪9/11‬)  
With Aries/Libra, it’s kind of a classic case of Venus & Mars, so Yue being the affectionate/gentle one while Zuko being the intense/bold one, that paints the picture of their Aries/Libra dynamic. All that Libra/Scorpio energy in your sister’s family though, wow!! There are some common patterns in astrology that can occur with family, and one of those patterns can manifest as a certain sign or two being strong in the family. I guess that’s completely true for your sister! (‪10/11‬)
I’ll wrap all of this up by saying that chapter 33 of Limerence is completely enthralling! With every single chapter, I’m just in love with your storytelling. You’re such a fantastic writer! And also, it’s very enjoyable talking to you every time! Thank you for showing such warm energy always, it’s refreshing 💜 -  🌻 (‪11/11‬)
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AHHHH – my lovely 🌻-anon~! 🥰🥰🥰
How long have you been studying astrology, and how long does it usually take for one to gain the confidence and skills to provide a service? I’m just so curious – but I never had anyone to ask these questions and learn. I’m sorry if these queries sound silly 😅
I would love a reading – but I’ll have to give you something. I refuse to not pay or give something back (even if small!). Plus, I need to say thank you for indulging me and letting me bother you non-stop with my questions 😂 But, seriously – you should be confident. You have literally not only captured my interest but a lot of others too!
Honestly, as sucky as it is to not graduate, I’m doing exactly that – taking the time for myself. I’ve been going for walks as of late while listening to some tunes! I live near conservation, so I’m lucky that I have a huge forest with lakes and a beach to unwind. But before I got hurt, I used to do cross-country, high-jump, and shotput (I miss those days 😭).
But, if you enjoy dancing – I encourage Zumba💃
I know it seems random, but it’s something super fun to do by yourself (or with someone else, I usually do it with my mom) and it just gets you moving. I’ve been doing Zumba almost every day because sitting on the couch is starting to get to me. It’s totally random – but it’s a fun way to get active in the comforts of your home, and you got some fun music to listen to. I’m glad to hear you’ve gotten out of that weird headspace though – I relate a lot to you in that aspect. It can take a while to get out of it, but the important part is that you did it! And I wish you the best with school, you’re almost done.
Also, happy Taurus season, babe~! 😘😘
Ouu, so what other signs associate with manipulation? I always hear Scorpio, so you’ve piqued my interest. And, I’m going to be honest, I’m still in shock that you’re a Taurus LOOL. I don’t know why, but the way you write reminds me of some of my friends/family who are Libras. You just have this diplomacy when you write? Do I sound crazy – probably 😂😂. I’ve never heard about the midheaven, but now that you told me that, it does make a lot of sense. Like you know how Zuko screams Mars? You scream Libra for me😋
YES I DID HEAR. Okay, so I’m from Canada, so ATLA is already here for us to watch – but my best friend (he lives in the States) literally called me screaming in excitement. We’re planning binge-watching dates for us to video chat and watch together. So I think I can safely assume you shall be binge-watching ATLA starting May 15 😉😉
Soft Zuko.
I swear, I fangirled soooooooo damn hard.
My heart – gone.
Soul – snatched.
Zuko is just such a cutie, like a teddy bear – with that smile of his and I just ajsdksadjksjdkasdksd My body can’t handle this level of cuteness. Like he has his kick-ass moments, but getting to see that other side of him was beautiful. My favourite moment was he gives Kiyi a piggy-back ride and tucks her into bed. If you end up reading the comics – you gotta let me know. I’m dying to know what you think of it!
It was also neat seeing Katara’s and Aang’s relationship develop in the comics (and Toph). Like the comics captured the essence of an awkward teenage romance (Katara and Aang) blooming into a long-lasting relationship. Like my friends said they cringed so hard during some ‘romantic’ moments between them, and they’re like it made us cringe not because it was bad, but because that was us when we were teenagers with our partners.
Oh wow – thank you for the examples! Honestly, it makes sense now about the domestic aspects with Zuko’s Cancer and Yue’s Venus. I just needed to make sure I was understanding it, I need to know these facts👏👏 But I swear – I feel like their whole relationship is the definition of chaotic neutral 😂😂
Is there a reason why certain signs have a strong presence in certain families (like you mentioned how you have a lot of ‘me’s’ in yours lol). Or is just random?
But I’m glad you enjoyed chapter 33, love! It feels so nice to get back into a writing routine – I was going nuts, not able to write consistently. I need to channel my chaotic energy into my stories LOOL
But I hope you’re taking care of yourself (family and friends included) in these times! It’s nice engaging in these long chats, it makes so happy (can you tell 😂).
I can’t wait till I hear from you again🌻~! 💜💜💜
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alexiethymia · 5 years
Gintama Rewatch: Love Choriss Arc (228-229)
I didn’t expect to like it as much as I did.
It was kinda sweet how Kondo and Sougo, as well as Gin-san and Shinpachi were there like being on a messed-up father-son bonding day out.
I need more Sougo and Shinpachi interaction for some reason. I love the contrasts in their personalities. I also head canon that both of them are lowkey jealous of each other. Well it’s not lowkey in Shinpachi’s case (see: Excalibur arc: ‘He’s a sadistic pervert bastard. The only thing he’s got going him for him is his looks.’), but I headcanon Sougo as being jealous of Shinpachi too. The Yagyuu arc comes to mind where he says he gained another rival after Kondou praised him for his takedown of the Yagyuu head. Maybe he might feel jealous of Kondou paying attention to another kid around his age? But it’s not just that. Shinpachi and Tae remind me a bit of Sougo and Mitsuba (compare younger Mitsuba’s hairstyle to Tae’s hairstyle for example), so maybe Sougo gets reminded of his own sister when looking at them.
It was really messed up, but I loved the overall message. The perfect someone is real and full of flaws. She or he won’t follow a script, and true love means accepting all of that person. 
Weirdly enough, my shipping side can’t help but fangirl. I know it’s played for comedy, and it’s most likely coincidence, but if the Love Choriss game is supposed to reflect the guys’ ideals, then you have Shinpachi wanting a sweet girl, but then you have 
Gin, whose Pinko ends up becoming a ‘tsundere, but unexpectedly having a pure side’. In a way, you can say that she’s also selfless since she wanted to forego her own happiness for her son, and is afraid of claiming her own happiness. I don’t know who that reminds you of, but the personality certainly reminds me of Tsukuyo.
And then Sougo. I can admit that I might be reaching here, but Sayaka is apparently a ‘strong-willed type’. So, Sougo’s fantasy is to subdue someone ‘strong-willed’? And I know that ‘pig’ is a common parlance for the King of Sadists but I can’t help but remember the time he called Kagura, ‘Miss Piggy’. Later on though, the tables are turned, and Sayaka enforces a role-reversal. Doesn’t it reflect that Sougo’s fantasy is actually to be an M and to be hurt by his ‘ideal’? Gee, who does that remind me of? Who constantly beats on his ass? Because, if we’re basing it from the game, it seems like Sougo’s ideal girl, is a ‘strong-willed sadist’. And to my mind, Kagura is the girl that’s closest to that description (The Yagyuu arc again, first time Sougo truly understood what it was like to be turned into an M by a girl, peace-sign and all). (And again I can admit I’m reaching here, but it’s fun for head canon or fanfic purposes, Sayaka, without her glasses and with her outfit, reminds me a bit of Kagura’s look from the Yoshiwara in Flames arc)
Lastly, I got so many Dadtoki feels. Sure, it was supposed to be a funny arc, and it ended the way it did as Gintama is won’t to do, but Gin suffered all that humiliation and embarrassment all because he was worried about Shinpachi. He put up with one of his greatest fears, ghosts, and suffered so much at being paired with Pinko and being the butt monkey (c’mon he was the only straight man in that episode, I’m sure he appreciates Shinpachi a bit more now), just so he could go down to Shinpachi’s level and communicate with him properly. Rather than deride or ignore what Shinpachi was going through, he let himself get caught in the madness and judgmental stares from Kagura haha (and I love how  he was so bothered at the thought of his daughter looking at him like scum), just so he could understand where Shinpachi was coming from and impart some life lessons along the way. And it doesn’t even pay off because he’s still the butt monkey in the end, with all of those otaku losers looking at him as the ultimate loser, but he still did it anyway. For Shinpachi. Ughh, I had a lot of Dadtoki feelings from this weird and messed-up arc. A+ parenting.
I bust my gut laughing all they way throughout. 
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storysongandstars · 7 years
Let’s Talk About Gripps
So I feel like Gripps gets the least attention out of the Rowdy 3, which is understandable since he’s really the quietest and most in the background of them. But sometimes I’ll notice something about him that seems so surprising and so interesting and I feel like the fandom’s general perception of him just doesn’t do him full justice. It takes a lot more work to understand Gripps than it does the other rowdy boys, but I decided it was time for me to put in that work. After rewatching every scene with Gripps in it here’s what I noticed: 
When Gripps does talk he seems to spend a lot of time stating the obvious. It’s most apparent here (I do not know what ADR is but apparently Max wrote it so, canon?) and when he and the others first get raised up out of the floor in Blackwing. At first this may make it seem like he takes longer to realize what’s going on around him, and while that may at least be sometimes true I think it has more to do with him just verbally cataloguing the situation, and there’s usually a reason for him to be saying what does. 
For example, when Amanda and Cross are arguing about whether or not they’re in Canada Gripps says: “We are in the woods right now.” That’s all he knows about the where they are so that’s his contribution to the conversation. This may also be his way of saying that it doesn’t really matter if they’re in Canada or not, they’re just in the woods, I get the impression that Gripps cares more about details than big picture stuff. When they were Blackwing for example, he knew exactly how many seconds they’s been there but didn’t think to translate that knowledge into the context of days, and he might not even have known how to. 
I want to make it clear though that I’m not saying that Gripps is dumb, he’s just more focussed on small-scale than large-scale, and I’d say he’s probably more likely to consider the implications of the details he notices than the others are. When Amanda is the van with them he’s the one to ask her if she saw “anything cool” because he noticed that her eyes “went all funny” (wait was that line like a secret future-reference to the Mandelbrot Eyes that we saw a few episodes ago, we never really see much of what Amanda’s eyes look like when she’s having a vision because we’re seeing the vision, sorry this is getting off topic)
Speaking of Gripps and Amanda, when the rowdies show up at the grocery store to save Amanda from her attack and the assholes filming her Gripps is pissed. Cross might be first out out of the van yelling but Gripps is the first one to throw something at the guys’ car and then he actually head-buts one of them. This is the only time we see one of the Rowdy 3 hurt someone who isn’t one of show’s main antagonists (Men of the Machine, Blackwing, Kellum Knights). When the Rowdy 3 are fulfilling their role as The Cavalry they usually get put up against armies or at least direct threats to the heroes that can’t be handled alone, otherwise they stick to property damage and leave people alone. This is the only time we see any of the Rowdy three hurting a regular normal person (Cross and Vogel do grab the other guy but they just scare him and let him go). Gripps is...strange. I mean none of the Rowdy 3 seem normal but even compared to them Gripps gives off a vibe of ‘Different’. It’s likely that Gripps might have ended up in similar situations to this in the past and thus would have a personal reason to be especially mad at the people making fun of Amanda. It’s also worth noting that when Todd tries to stand between the Rowdy 3 and Amanda Gripps is the one to knock him down. 
But also, Gripss is probably the angriest out of all the rowdies overall. In the scene where Riggins shows up Gripps is the one to suggest that they beat him up “We should stomp his ass” and the one to directly threaten him “Your family’s gonna miss you too” and when Martin rushes forward to directly confront Riggins Gripps holds his hammer like he’s getting ready to swing it. Gripps is more loquacious in this scene than in any other (as someone who also talks more formally and elaborately when I’m angry I get it) and his voice sounds different as well. It’s harsher, rougher, every word sounds like a snarl. 
I’m sure though that this anger that Gripps has comes from the loving loyalty that all of the rowdies share. Gripps is the most physically affectionate with Vogel, we can even see him giving Vogel a piggy-back ride when they’re on their way to trash Todd’s apartment. He also paints Amanda’s fingernails after her fight with Todd and makes her smile. In Wendimore we see him tousling Amanda’s hair and (along with Cross) making sure Vogel gets a jacket. If any of the rowdies are maternal it’s definitely Gripps. 
He’s also artistic! He paints each of his fingernails a different bright color, he did Martin’s tattoo and probably Cross’ and his own as well. I’d bet he’s the one who wrote “OH NO”, “RUN”, and “ROWDY 3″ on their van.
In terms of fighting and weapons and vandalism Gripps either uses a sledgehammer or throws furniture or, as we see in the new stills, puts two cube helmets on his hands and presumedly smashes stuff hulk-style. He tends to favor stuff that can do more damage with fewer hits which kind of reflects his style of speech, when he does talk he gets his point across in only a few words. 
As I mentioned before Gripps is more strange than the other rowdies and I think he might be the most aware that people might see his being different in a negative light. I pointed out before how he seemed especially mad at the assholes making fun of Amanda and when Friedkin says he only needs to talk to “The one who talks normal” Gripps responds with “Aw shit, that isn’t me” and that seems to suggest that he’s been told before that his speech patterns are unusual. I’ve thought for a while now that Gripps is probably autistic, and while we don’t know anything about the rowdy boys’ lives before Blackwing or how long they were in Blackwing before the first breakout (Max please tell us anything I beg of you) I think it’s safe to assume that Gripps’ early life involved being treated as something of an outcast. Luckily he doesn’t seem to have internalized any of that negativity, at least not anymore. 
We do have one small clue as to Gripps past, the only clue we have to any of the rowdies’ pasts. When Riggins was trying to get them to go back to Blackwing he said “Your family misses you, Gripps”
“Your family misses you, Gripps”
I honestly don’t think there’s anything more mysterious or intriguing that Riggins could have possibly said. The only explanation I’ve been able to come up with is that Gripp’s parents or maybe other relatives that were responsible for him work for Blackwing. Either they were so dedicated to the cause that they were willing to let their own child be experimented on or...well...they might have been under the impression that it was for his own good. The lengths people will go to in order to normalize their atypical children are often horrifying. 
Just to end things on a better note, in episode six Gripps reacts to the craziness of Wendimore by saying “These things are so dumb, and I love it!” And honestly it’s an understandable reaction. Wendimore is weird and senseless and wild and honestly the rowdies are less out of place there than they are in the real world. I was starting to think that they might end up staying there but I guess Amanda’s mission to unite the Blackwing subjects and fix the universe means that’s not gonna happen. 
So that’s Gripps: Quiet, angry, caring, detail-focussed, strange, and deserving of a lot more attention from the fandom than he gets now. I hope this analysis helps with that. 
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You are going to kill me... buuut all 200 questions? I'm keeping you busy and thinking about your life
200: My crush’s name is: Jennifer 

199: I was born in: a hospital? (Jks 1998)

198: I am really: funny 

197: My cellphone company is: Lebara

196: My eye color is: boring ol’ brown 

195: My shoe size is: a ladies 9

194: My ring size is: I actually don’t know

193: My height is: 5'10 

192: I am allergic to: nothing surprisingly 

191: My 1st car was: 1998 Subaru Legacy (the station wagon)

190: My 1st job was: Checkout Worker

189: Last book you read: The Accident Man

188: My bed is: a king 

187: My pet: I don’t have one atm 

186: My best friend: Anushka 

185: My favorite shampoo is: I don’t have one (but I like anything coconut or tropical scented)

184: Xbox or ps3: don’t care 

183: Piggy banks are: lit

182: In my pockets: I’m a girl, only 20% of my clothes have pockets big enough to put anything in 

181: On my calendar: “Spotify Premium runs out on the 27th of August"

180: Marriage is: Not married 

179: Spongebob can: 

178: My mom: is awesome 

177: The last three songs I bought were? Whatever I listened to last on Spotify? 

176: Last YouTube video watched: review on Aztec clay face mask 

175: How many cousins do you have? 4 step cousins and then 6 blood related cousins 

174: Do you have any siblings? Just a younger sister 

173: Are your parents divorced? Nah they still together and in love 

172: Are you taller than your mom? Only just 

171: Do you play an instrument? I used to play the piano 

170: What did you do yesterday? Worked
[ I Believe In ]

169: Love at first sight: kinda 

168: Luck: yes 

167: Fate: not really 

166: Yourself: sometimes 

165: Aliens: yes 

164: Heaven: yes 

163: Hell: no 

162: God: yes 

161: Horoscopes: I mostly enjoy the zodiac memes and compatibility and personality horoscopes 

160: Soul mates: yes, but I believe you have more than one 

159: Ghosts: yes 

158: Gay Marriage: big yes 

157: War: nope

156: Orbs: it would be cool but I’m neutral 

155: Magic: yes
[ This or That ]

154: Hugs or Kisses: Hugs 

153: Drunk or High: Drunk 

152: Phone or Online: Online 

151: Red heads or Black haired: Red heads 

150: Blondes or Brunettes: Blondes 

149: Hot or cold: Hot 

148: Summer or winter: Summer 

147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn 

146: Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate 

145: Night or Day: Day 

144: Oranges or Apples: Oranges 

143: Curly or Straight hair: Curly 

142: McDonalds or Burger King: Maccas 

141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk Chocolate 

140: Mac or PC: Mac

139: Flip flops or high heels: High Heels 

138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: Sweet and Poor 

137: Coke or Pepsi: Coke

136: Hillary or Obama: OBAMA

135: Burried or cremated: Cremated 

134: Singing or Dancing: Dancing 

133: Coach or Chanel: Chanel 

132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who are they?

131: Small town or Big city: Big city 

130: Wal-Mart or Target: I haven’t been to either 

129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Ben Stiller 

128: Manicure or Pedicure: Manicure 

127: East Coast or West Coast: East Coast 

126: Your Birthday or Christmas: this is too cruel to answer 

125: Chocolate or Flowers: Chocolate 

124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney 

123: Yankees or Red Sox: um don’t care
[ Here’s What I Think About ]

122: War: It’s expensive and unnecessary and should be a last resort. It’s not worth the lives lost, people injured and relocated. The monetary cost is ridiculous and it barley solves anything. It cause more issues and potentially more wars
121: George Bush: did 9/11

120: Gay Marriage: It’s actually crazy how long and how much effort it took to get this accepted. And I just hope this right isn’t taken away! 

119: The presidential election: Donald Trump and Pence need to die or be locked up forever, I don’t even understand how anyone thought that Hilary Clinton would be worse. 

118: Abortion: Pro-choice for the win 

117: MySpace: I wasn’t old enough for this 

116: Reality TV: my guilty pleasure tbh 

115: Parents: I love my parents and they are good to me. But it would be great if they could be less homophobic. 

114: Back stabbers: I don’t know why people feel the need to intentionally hurt and embarrass someone, especially someone who isn’t prepared for it or trusts you 

113: Ebay: I don’t really use eBay 

112: Facebook: I use it to tag my non tumblr friends in memes and to stalk people 

111: Work: I’m sick of my job but I’m having to stick it out for now. 

110: My Neighbors: They are seasonal but if their kids could not move and rearrange the bedroom at the ass crack of dawn that would be fantastic 

109: Gas Prices: New Zealand, especially in the towns. Gas prices are so high. Spain isn’t so bad

108: Designer Clothes: I’d rather have more clothes than one designer one 

107: College: 

106: Sports: I have zero hand eye coordination and therefore hate sports! But I will watch the Olympics 

105: My family: They are cool for the most part 

104: The future: is scary and it makes me wanna throw up if I think too much about it
[ Last time I ]

103: Hugged someone: like a week ago 

102: Last time you ate: I’m eating chocolate right now 

101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: my grandparents and my cousins today 

100: Cried in front of someone: it’s been forever 

99: Went to a movie theater: like a good 6-8 months ago

98: Took a vacation: ummm like 4 months ago 

97: Swam in a pool: yesterday 

96: Changed a diaper: not since my babysitting days 

95: Got my nails done: literally before I left New Zealand so 5 months ago

94: Went to a wedding: it’s been years 

93: Broke a bone: never actually broken anything in my body 

92: Got a peircing: I got my ears pieced when I was 12 

91: Broke the law: Probably when I was driving, speeding or something but nothing I've been charged with lmao

90: Texted: like a couple of hours ago
[ MISC ]

89: Who makes you laugh the most: my sister 

88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: having consistently good home cooked meals 

87: The last movie I saw: probably shrek 

86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: being back in New Zealand! Or doing some travelling 

85: The thing im not looking forward to: working 

84: People call me: gay
83: The most difficult thing to do is: be honest 
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: I actually haven’t 

81: My zodiac sign is: Leo 

80: The first person i talked to today was: my girlfriend 

79: First time you had a crush: the first crush I remember, I was in year 4 (so 8 years old) and it was on this boy named Joseph 

78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: I’m good at hiding things tbh 

77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: my sister when my mum and dad were talking shit 

76: Right now I am talking to: my sister and my friends from New Zealand 

75: What are you going to do when you grow up: Hairdressing tho I kinda would like to do pre school/nursery/kindergarten teaching 

74: I have/will get a job: currently working as front of house at a little supermarket 

73: Tomorrow: I’m working and doing house work

72: Today: I slept and then worked 

71: Next Summer: I will hopefully be enjoying the sunshine 

70: Next Weekend: Working yet again and having dinner with my grandparents 

69: I have these pets: Definitely a cat, and also a dog 

68: The worst sound in the world: chalk or finger nails on a chalkboard 

67: The person that makes me cry the most is: myself 

66: People that make you happy: my sister, my friends and my girlfriend 

65: Last time I cried: when I watched beauty and the beast 

64: My friends are: absolutely incredible, I don’t deserve them

63: My computer is: I don’t have one anymore 

62: My School: I’m not in school 

61: My Car: I don’t have a car atm 

60: I lose all respect for people who: are snakes 

59: The movie I cried at was: beauty and the beast

58: Your hair color is: brown and boring 
57: TV shows you watch: Atm limitless, shooter, Shetland, Rewatching Criminal Minds, AHS and Black Mirror

56: Favorite web site: boohoo.com or iherb 

55: Your dream vacation: A cruise or a historical/relaxed tour of the ancient world 

54: The worst pain I was ever in was: in a tie between slamming my fingers in a car door or when I got a virus (it’s a really bad version of food poisoning) and I actually thought I was gonna die. 

53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium to well done 

52: My room is: relatively clean and currently got that minimal plant theme going 

51: My favorite celebrity is: Dua Lipa 

50: Where would you like to be: with @dysfunctionalgroup

49: Do you want children: yeah one day 

48: Ever been in love: yes 

47: Who’s your best friend: Anushka 

46: More guy friends or girl friends: it used to be a balance but now mostly girl friends 

45: One thing that makes you feel great is: cute underwear and a good nights sleep 

44: One person that you wish you could see right now:

43: Do you have a 5 year plan: yes

42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: mentally but it’s not written down anywhere 

41: Have you pre-named your children: no, but I have some names I really like lined up 

40: Last person I got mad at: my sister 

39: I would like to move to: the Uk or NZ 

38: I wish I was a professional:
[ My Favorites ]

37: Candy: Reece’s pieces or skittles 

36: Vehicle: Kinda want a Range Rover or a Land Rover but in the old style. Or a classic car

35: President: Obama

34: State visited: ive never been to America 

33: Cellphone provider: Lebara 

32: Athlete: my bio teacher, she played for a big women’s netball team 

31: Actor: Jensen Ackles 

30: Actress: Gal Gadot 

29: Singer: Dua Lipa

28: Band: The Internet
27: Clothing store: h&m or boohoo

26: Grocery store: I don’t have one 

25: TV show: Brooklyn 99

24: Movie: I have too many 

23: Website: this hell hole

22: Animal: Cats or Goats 

21: Theme park: I’ve only been to Disney 

20: Holiday: Christmas and Halloween 

19: Sport to watch: Gymnastics 

18: Sport to play: None

17: Magazine: who reads magazines anymore 

16: Book: the Mysterious Benedict Society 

15: Day of the week: Friday 

14: Beach: as long as it’s sandy I’m cool 

13: Concert attended: J Cole

12: Thing to cook: Pizza and Sweet and Sour Pork 

11: Food: Cheesburgers 

10: Restaurant: Any that sell food I like 

9: Radio station: ZM
8: Yankee candle scent: most of them
7: Perfume: Dolce and Gabbana, Floral Drops
6: Flower: forget me nots
5: Color: Green
4: Talk show host: don’t have a fave
3: Comedian: don’t have a fave
2: Dog breed: Border Collie
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Guess you’ll never know
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