#i want to see if they've left any other stupid shit on other posts
gaymageclub · 9 months
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i'm sorry but the fact that this is coming from "siriusfandomus" makes this reply about 10x funnier
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utilitycaster · 21 days
Wow your Orym tags really are an eye-opener. You are totally right and now I understand the bitterness about this character a little better. I've seen a lot of "...but C3 is supposed to be this and that" takes and I guess a lot of people think they are owed a certain storyline?
Yeah. People feeling as though they're owed a certain storyline is not new nor exclusive to Critical Role; it's been pretty common in fandom for years (see this excellent post that I still think about). But the particular blame being placed on Orym is a fun new twist on this theme.
I'm sure there's people who hate Orym for other reasons; shipping wank is another very common form of entitlement to a particular storyline. I must admit when it comes to Twitter I think some people just yell random lies out into the void to hear their own voice because there is no underlying logic to any of it. But I do think a large number of people who have been blaming Orym for everything for what is now the majority of the campaign are doing so because he has consistetly refused to entertain the idea that Ludinus makes any valid points from the start, and the narrative has pretty much only rewarded him for that.
A lot of people really thought that Campaign 3 "all bets are off" didn't mean like, messing with the narrative structure (they hate when that happens by the way. they acted like Downfall and the Solstice Split and the fact that this has been a very plot-driven campaign rather than one about character backstory are all fucking violations of the Geneva convention the way they carried on, and I say this as a person who can complain) but rather that Critical Role, a D&D-based fantasy, would shed those pesky two previous campaigns of canon (unless of course earlier canon helps them make a point. I truly cannot believe someone made like 5 alts and harassed me and all my mutuals for an entire evening over hypocrisy for...liking one ship more than another when these idiots exist) in order to become some kind of deeply pathetic "French Revolution Except Instead Of Kings It's Gods" historical re-enactment.
We're at the point where like, nothing has validated them and everything they've claimed the gods have done, Ludinus or the Weave Mind have done like, tenfold. As mentioned, the people who were like "oh my god STOP SAYING HUBRIS anyway obviously Bells Hells would NEVER see the gods as relatable" just watched Laudna and Imogen be like "wow, they're flawed and conflicted and a fucked up family just like us." I shit you not, I saw someone criticize FCG's relationship with the Changebringer because "he had to work for it" as if that's not like...how literally all relationships work if you're not an utter black hole of entitled self-absorption. The Kreviris Imperium wants to straight up colonize all of Exandria but they turn a blind eye. There's someone out there talking about putting Rashinna's head on a pike for being willing to endanger the poor Ruidusborn children that...Liliana (probably to some extent coerced by Ludinus to be fair) could have left alone to live out their lives on Exandria. People genuinely channel some anti-abortion "but What About The Disabled Children? Shouldn't Pregnant People Be Forced To Carry And Parent Them" style arguments at Alma's "hey, we have people delay birth for like half an hour so their children don't have The Psychic Migraine Disorder That Made Imogen Possibly Suicidal". The arguments have devolved into "well, canon isn't real" and "but the status quo" as if there aren't ALIENS FROM SPACE SPEAKING AT THE DRAGON VATICAN. How STUPID do you have to be to think that wouldn't change the entire world. Or, to get back to this ask, how desperate are you to maintain the illusion that you are going to get a wish-fulfillment campaign that never once existed? So yeah. They blame Orym because otherwise they have to blame literally the entire cast, and themselves.
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mekanikaltrifle · 9 months
Styrofoam Scots and why the fuck I don't like American takes on Scottishness/Celticness/fairies/whatever else and wish they'd leave us well enough alone
OKAY. so. I want to preface this by saying I am in no way the Last Word in All Scottish Shit Ever, and there actually are other Scots around who probably don't give much of a fuck about this. Or Changeling. However, they were not asked and so that's their business! :D
This is also gonna be really fucking image-heavy so watch out for that.
Part 1- Styrofoam Scots: What the Fuck Are They? So, the name as implied is a colloquial term used to mean North Americans (usually) who boast some Scottish ancestry, who act as if this makes them special in some sort of way. Usually in a disturbing blood-and-soil, aggressively possessive of land they've likely never fucking seen kinda way. They will henceforth be referred to as 'Styros' for simplicity's sake. Follow under the readmore for the full scoop...
If you're diaspora Scottish and are interested in the country to a normal degree, you are not a Styro. Even if you're a bit over-eager about kilts and tartanry and ceilidhs and shit. If you're part-Scottish and were born or raised elsewhere, you are also not a Styro. You may just be a bit out of the loop. That's fine, you have your own shit to do.
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Now of course this is Urban Dictionary, but elsewhere (often Facebook) there's groups online about actually showing and discussing-- and often chiding-- these Styros on their attitudes regarding Scottishness and their perceived claim over it.
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We don't like this shit lads. 5.7K is quite a lot of folks in a country with 5.5 million people.
The stupidity of this assertion, as you can guess ranges from the incredibly fucking silly/incoherent:
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(I have honestly no fucking idea what this one's trying to say. A 'gealtachd' i think is meant to be Gaeltacht, which is not a person or a speaker of any Gaelic language like he is attempting to do... but actually is a district of Ireland? Generally an Irish-speaking one? More than one Canadian gael uses this term incorrectly and I really have to wonder what they're doing out there.)
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Anyway they run the gamut from there to, uh DOWNRIGHT HOSTILE and xenophobic/bigoted and truly fucking ABHORRENT (antisemitism, racism and white supremacy warning)
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I'm not gonna put too many more of these nastier posts on here cause I think we get the picture. So, a Styro is generally someone who acts as if their distant and historic family relationship with Scotland makes them somehow educated to speak on it, often over actual Scots, and regularly they engage in a few unpleasant thing such as:
Conflating the Scots and the Irish in the same group, which is not appropriate in the slightest despite the similarities and shared history between the countries (and I'll explain that later)
Aggressively promoting misinformation regarding 'tartanry', clans, Scottish history and its place in the British Empire
Claiming modern Scots are somehow 'lesser' than they are for 'not stucking to traditions' and 'forgetting our culture'
Hopefully you're starting to see a pattern here-- this is all very clearly sounding like Scottish-flavoured white supremacist LARP.
That's cause often, it fucking is.
There's a North American picture of Scottishness which is permanently frozen in a hazy, nightmarish portmanteau of Braveheart and Outlander-type green-hills-and-heather fantasy, and the timeperiod of intense religious and socioeconomic upheaval the ancestors of these people left behind-- unwillingly more often than not--or were forced out of for religious extremist views.
This frozen sick-saccharine hellscape is in no way indicative of a real Scotland that exists, or has ever existed. Much like this hellscape 'AI' picture floating around the Styro facebook group that haunts the everloving shite out of me.
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The longer you look at it, the worse it gets. I can't stop staring... FUCK the pipes Danny Boy, the GIGANTIC BISCUIT calls...
Part 2- So How Does this Relate to Other Weird CeltyShit Online/In Real Life?
Good question. I'm glad you asked. This is where properties like Changeling: the Dreaming and whatever other American fantasy fairies thing you can think of come in.
So, while I don't think the creators of 'fairy' media are actively Styros, or insane racist bigot thundercunts, I do think they hold that same falsified mishmash fake idea of what Scottishness/Celticness is. Scottishness (and Irish- and Welsh-ness) have been mysteriously conflated into one big mixed up generically Fantasy cultural mash that, while these three individual cultures share similar myths and some with the same origin point, has absolutely zero bearing on the real stories anyone in these countries could actually tell you. The mythology has been so thoroughly ripped away and dissolved over time to the point of not really mattering that much (for better or worse) that not only is the American idea of 'fairies' kind of alien in the first place, the insistence on using generic 'celtic' fonts and art styles, boiled down ideas and very derived misuses of endangered languages becomes kind of an insult.
Yep. Irish is currently being learned by more people than actually can speak it, and the same holds true for Scottish Gaelic (or its proper name Gàidhlig)
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Bad times for the Gaels, but things are very steadily on the upswing. These languages, as well as our individual cultures, are endangered by colonialism (whether oppressed by it, or a participant in it), and the homogenisation of all cultures on the British Isles into one neatly-controllable 'British' identity that surprise surprise... is mostly English. So, this shit is bad for the public image of Scotland and Ireland and so on as individual, modern countries with people currently living in them and trying to move forward with everyone else. This has been a tough battle, especially for Scottish Independence seekers who have been fighting to maintain Scotland's image as a modern and thriving country with real potential... rather than a heather-covered backwater fairyland for rich people to use as grouse moors...
oh did I not mention that too? Asides from spiritually fucking stealing our land, a disturbing amount of our physical land is also owned, often by people who don't fucking live here , often to make themselves fucking look better environmentally and in total fuckin secret because apparently we don't get a fucking say.
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lovely shit, love being a fucking grab bag for a bunch of cunts.
Not a pretty sight, huh? We're not the only ones going through this, mind, but when the only image of Scottishness online is dominated by Outlander, ScottishPeopleTwitter, Fairy Shit and The Fatal CeltyShit Stew, you can see how it's harder and harder to convince anyone that we're a modern fucking country that should be treated as such. Not when we're apparently just here to be taken for a ride, taken apart for someone's fantasy land, and we can't even appreciate our own home or history because what isn't dominated by fantastical bullshit is pervaded with white supremacist bullshit.
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If I'm not mistaken isn't this some weird fake native american/shamanist thing? I am deeply fucking confused Part 3: Okay that Sucked.
It really did. Side note: FUCK Outlander. and Diana Gabaldon. I could go on a rant about her actual heaping shite rambles about Scots, and how much I loathe that her fake CeltyShit Doctor Who fanfic has somehow pervaded even the 'Scottish History' section of my own fucking local library here in fucking Dundee what the FUCK. BUT. I digress. This fake image of Scottishness as some tartan-and-warrior nobility clan shit is an aggressive and dangerous image which gives a pass to hide just how fucking horrific Scotland was as part of the Empire. Nowhere here do you see any acknowledgment of who we actually are, what we've actually done and who suffered at specifically our imperial hands. Actually, one of those is the Irish!
Fairies are fun and all, but I personally find them to be a deeply unappealing diversion attached to an internet culture of intensely rancid shit which just cannot seem to accept modern Celtic nations as even existing. We do, we're trying to do better-- mostly-- and we're not some mystical fae people who exist in the far flung pipe backed mists of time with no relation to real life.When Changeling: the Dreaming turns around and calls their 'fairy homeland' of Scotland Alba, they step over and erase not only the historical Alba, but also the modern one, the name for the country as said by the Gaels. It's real, and it looks nothing like the thing they're tacking fairies onto and more to the point, Scotland isn't even really covered anywhere else other than as a nice backup home for a Fianna character, or the orogin of the main villains of WtA, the Black Spiral Dancers. (Scotland also briefly makes a mention in Wraith the Oblivion 20th as having a major Necropolis in its Shadowslands and I actually do like that one cause it finally reads accurately to the real myths of the area) Also, every Scot I know has a story about an American asking us if we have internet access, drinking water, electricity in our homes...
I always have a lot more to say on this subject and can elaborate as and when, but I think this will do for now... thanks for coming with me on this weird wee journey. :D I hope this makes sense as to why the fake Scottish 'Fairy Kingdom of Alba' Changeling thing is... Just not for me. It rings immensely ill informed and shallow, at the end of the day.
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cosmicbash · 7 months
I saw this too late :’( but aren’t Em’s boobs in those pics just MWAH? Cant you imagine a very enthusiastic Kelly trying to convince Marshall to get a nipple piercing and mister grumpy grandpa Mathers just getting absolutely appalled and horrified by that request. Then maybe Colson finds him looking up online sex shops for nipple clamps.
(((I just found this sitting unposted in my drafts????? and its good?? so why didnt i ever hit post??))
Em's boobs just looked so squeezable 😩😩
I envy that guy who copped a feel after Em teased him over their neverending handshake.
If only that could be ME
Also you are NEVER TOO LATE to say ANYTHING about Ems tits in an ask. That IMMEDIATELY revives my artistic spirit. I need those tits like water bby and I know kells would too.
Also nipple piercing em is 😏🥴🥴
So. Ahem
They've been laying in Colson's bed bickering over it for at least a half hour. Their once content not!snuggling and casual body exploration falling apart completely in favor of an argument.
"Come on, just one little hoop-"
"It doesn't even hurt that bad I swear babe-"
Marshall's next snort sounds almost gutteral with how hard he holds back another mocking fit of laughter. "Doesn't even hurt- yeah, cuz a literal needle jabbing through one of the most sensitive spots on my body to rip flesh out and make a hole is like playing patty cake-"
"Oh come on, when you word it all fucking extra like that of course it'll sound bad- look-" Colson knew feeling offended was a little stupid but he has never let being stupid stop him before. "If anyone between the two of us has a more accurate pain scale for piercings do you really think its the one that has a single set of pierced ears? Hm? Or maybe the dude with like a dozen-"
This time Marshall did laugh openly at him, tone shifting over to a properly annoyed one.
"Really? Your pain scale is super fucking skewed Colson! How many times this year did you smash literal bottles and shit over your head? Divebomb off a stage to bust your ribs? Sleep through nasty tattoo spots? Don't you dare try and act like I'm being a pussy over nothing."
It's out of Colson's mouth before he can stop himself. His childish selfish wants completely winning out in a "Pftt, well you totally are."
Regret wells up just as fast in him as the anger does in Marshall's eyes. His semi comfortable spot sat over the other man's lap rapidly upseated in a flurry of fast movement. "Fuck you."
"Fuck. Em, come on-" Colson knows when he's stuffed his foot in his mouth and this is definitely one of the worser times. He should have been more mindful of the tension already present, or of his partners ever denied sensitivity to such subject. But the match is lit under Marshall's fire now.
"Some of us don't have a pile of pills or gallons of alcohol to hide behind everytime we go out and fuck our body up some more you know-"
And there it is. The always accurate defensive jab off Marshall's sharp tongue.
It hurts more this time than Colson expects it to. Maybe because he knows he deserves it for pressing and trying to guilt trip the other rapper. And maybe because he knows by now he really should be getting his shit together so the other man doesn't have such an easy diss to throw his way.
To their credit though, he can see a flash of regret pass over Marshall's face too as soon as it comes out.
Not that it stops the brunette from getting dressed any further, or slows his obvious escape.
"I'm--" sorry. Colson can almost hear it. See the word curl and shape on Marshall's lips, but the anxiety further up in blue eyes prevents it. They both know it wont allow it to come out. So another exasperated noise does instead, hands flying up to rake through the rare hatless head before Marshall is moving again. Sweats yanked up and feet thankfully left bare.
"It's my fucking nipple you asshole."
And then he's gone. Out of Colson's room without another outburst. Off to lick his wounds or more so, allow Colson to lick his own.
A few months ago the blonde would have chased after, continued the shouting until it teetered on that scary ledge of physical, their fingers grabbing too tight at eachothers skin, fists shaking, anything to keep Marshall from leaving.
But now? He's learned enough to take note of the shoes in the corner of his room, the discarded kangol, wallet and keys neatly tucked away in the spare nightstand, and so many other little anchors locking Marshall down around the room. It's just space. Space needed to run and cool off somewhere else in the house, prevent a bigger fight. A smart skill Colson should really use more himself.
So he rolls himself over into the warm emptied spot on the bed and waits. Ego wounded and heart a little sore by his own fault.
It only takes an hour for Marshall to come back and even less time than that for Colson to file his horny nipple ring tugging dreams far far away in his mind. An argument decidely NOT for another day or at all if he knows whats best for them.
Keeping Marshall back curled in his bed is obviously whats best. It keeps that gnawing need to drink his sorrows away, and makes the world's edges feel less sharp.
He wants to apologize as soon as he hears the click of the bedroom door, but he manages to bite it back until sock padded feet are thumping softly across his carpet beneath the bed. A rough sounding "Sorry-" leaving his tongue before he even sees Marshall walk into his line of vision. It's the one thing he has on the other man, his ability to actually say the word first, without painful prodding. And he's not going to let go of it no matter how petty he wants to be.
"Don't." The older man is sighing, but in a soft way. It drags his eyes away from the wall finally. The relief he feels just seeing Marshall back standing there in his room quickly replaced by a blip of confusion.
He's got stuff clutched to his chest, a bottle of peroxide, wipes, some plastic packaging. And up further Colson can see how embarrassment is burning his cheeks pink above his dark beard. His expression twisted into one of discomfort.
"Well?" Colson feels even more confused. Marshall is acting like the little bottle in his hand might as well be a bouquet of apology roses and he can't for the life of him figure out why.
"You gonna fucking pierce me or not?" He's chewing the insides of his cheeks. Usually Colson finds this cute but his ears are still ringing from the question. Excitement racing through his veins like gasoline lit by a match.
It's not surprise he practically jumps off the bed. "For real?? For real, for real??" He has to be dreaming, he must've slipped right off into a depression nap at some point while Marshall was gone because there's no way the other man can be serious.
But he is. Hands discarding the clutter of alcohol wipes, peroxide, and clean packaged piercers needles on the bed like it's nothing. "If you're telling me you sat here running your mouth and can't put your money to it now then I'm seriously gonna smack you this time-" Marshall's huffing at him, hands a little shakey while he wrestles off his shirt. "I had to bullshit to your bassist that you were having a manic episode and wanted a new piercing to get all this shit so, don't think you're getting off scott free either. I'm not having those dudes speculate where I let you pierce me if they see you come down without a new one-"
"Oh my god-" Colson still can't grasp reality. He's never won an argument this hard against Em before. Usually his crazy ideas are just whacked back down with a bat. He almost feels like he should cry.
Marshall looks like he wants to as well, but for a different reason. His anxiety visible in the twitchy movements of his hands and the squint of his face. "Please don't tell me you toked your brains out while I was gone-"
"No!" That jerks Colson back to full functionality. His hands moving to grab at the items and heart racing like a horse in his chest. "I-- I just needed a minute to- fuck- to fuckin process that-- you're serious? You're really serious about doing this?"
"Getting less by the second."
God he wants to kiss him. And shit, he does, hand coming up to drag the older rapper down by his neck and seal their mouths together in a firm smooch. Grin breaking their lips apart when he just can't hold back his giggles anymore. "Holy shit, I'm so fucking excited-"
"Shut up." He can feel just how hard Marshall's own heart is galloping when he lets his hand drag down the man's chest after they part. Palm pausing over the hard punch against skin like a magnet. He's certain that's not excitement, which makes it even hotter.
The dudes terrified but still willing to go through with this to please him.
He's gonna suck his dick so hard after they're done. Hell, he'll shove him down on the bed and ride him until sunset. This is a bazillion times better than apology roses.
"You do, uh, know what you're doing right?"
Colson does NOT. But he grins and nods his head anyway. He knows how to give someone a piercing yeah, he's done tons of his own and other peoples. Through the nipple though? That's gonna be a first, but his other hand is already tapping away super fast and discreetly on his phone while he pushes Marshall down to sit in his emptied space on the bed. "I got you baby-" He's gonna wikihow his way through this before anyone changes their mind.
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ok weeks later i am finally continuing my gwitch rewatch lolz. time for episode 12.... someone PLEASE tell tumblr to stop erasing my posts just as im about to hit post and not being able to undo it because i had the longest write up and now here i am.... rewriting again and trying to remember what i'd written. i'm gonna scream lmao
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this part feels so awful now that the series is over and thinking back on ep 24. miorine just comes to, all to see the doors closed and hear suletta's screams and sophie's gunshots on the other side. no doubt in my mind this girl probably dealt with awful nightmares about suletta dying after quiet zero
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i know prospera did use this as another XP level up for aerial, but jeez, imagine how much confidence she has in suletta and eri to be able to say something like this. like not just that suletta will go to aerial, but that together they can take on the attackers who at the time prospera didn't know shit about
lmao i dont think ive ever felt so confidently about something that id bet my whole life ln it
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ad stella universe is crazy because i can only think the big liberatarian ancap society is some silicon valley fascist's wet dream because how else do you explain the business management girl knowing 1337 hacker skills
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stupid asshole
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sophie and norea are such tragic characters to me goddamn. like how often were they practicing their piloting to be able to be good enough to join on a mission like this? were they upping their permet score during practice too?
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and why exactly is it them who pilot the lfriths instead of someone else from DoF? we never really get a clear answer on why it has to be the teenage girls when later on we see there's a ton of grown men around. i think given what else we know of ad stella, though, it doesn't matter much when we have asticassia as a school for the elite that basically serves for furthering earthian oppression be it by force (ie. see guel's original plans for joining dominicus) or just continuing to further the spoils of space capitalism
when you think of it that way, i don't see DoF any different than say palestinians fighting back against oppression from IDF forces. unless you're a racist fuck, you can't blame palestinian kids for throwing rocks at IDF soldiers, so i can't really blame norea and sophie for joining the fight
to quote fanon:
National liberation, national renaissance, the restoration of nationhood to the people, commonwealth: whatever may be the headings used or the new formulas introduced, decolonization is always a violent phenomenon.
- Frantz Fanon, "Concerning Violence," The Wretched of the Earth
i really do wish they hadn't just sidelined DoF entirely lol if you subscribe even a smidgen to anti-colonialism, its hard not to sympathize with them and shaddiq/grassley girls. and here theyre actually fighting for a just cause and are deserving of sympathy unlike 0079’s fakeout with zeon.
flipping the UC spacenoid/earth dichotomy so that earthians are the exploited class is just good shit when you consider what fuckers like musk want to do lol and its not as set in stone as exploitation only happens on earth either. mercury sounds like an abandoned appalachian mining town at this point with people lured out by jobs and then left to fend for themselves once permet was found elsewhere and their utility to the spacian capitalist class has run dry. and though i take this one with a grain of salt because we never get hard confirmation or denial, the elans were supposedly spacians (norea calls him a spacian even after finding out el5n’s not the real elan and he doesnt say one way or the other).
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enough marxist ramblings, here's a cool shot of lfrith ur
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whoever added this, i love them
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as much as i don't trust bandai with sulemio unless they reverse the mess they've made for themselves.... i just want to fucking know more about notrette so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!
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badass shot of lfrith thorn to go with the ur one earlier
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snitch boy starts his snitch arc
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the whole way guel killing vim plays out felt like it was gonna lead to something cool at the time... it makes me even more mad now knowing that it very likely is all an homage to zeta and kamille stealing the mk-ii and then later watching his mom die lol (ffs we even have the guel episode later on stealing its title from a zeta episode). guel's entire character just leaves such a bad taste in my mouth with everything thats happened recently
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to think that 15 mins later she'd just be all ditzy over pancakeing a man after basically peeing her pants here
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prospera shooting a gun at quiet zero >>> prospera shooting a gun at plant quetta
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this show and this fucking pose, man lmao
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AERIAL REBUILD is going to be stuck in my head all night because of this episode.... but look at how fucking cool she looks!!!
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okouchi if this is a line you wrote, you, sir, are a troll... her face now is literally just :<
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if you have the rebuild aerial and you don't have her posed like this, then what are you even doing?
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i still feel like secelia and rouji for sure had no idea how powerful aerial's gund-bit gun was in episode 17. like norea is scared shitless here and tells sophie and olcott to get the fuck away. we have olcott telling us that even though it has school regulations on, it's strong as fuck
that said, i don't think guel was in mortal danger given that the school restrictions don't let them aim at cockpits or whatever, but it sure would've fucked up the darilbalde
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oh this line hurts lol
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i don't think i ever paused on this frame before lol i really hope peil hags master plan here wasn't just to have el5n get all rapey like he does later on. i mean, probably not and that was moreso el5n's desparate attempts to stay alive given he barely gets a chance to do anything before school shootings 1 and 2 bring everything to shit
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comparing this frame versus suletta inside calibarn in ep 24 and suletta is still just a baby at this point in the show lmao she looks like a little teddy bear vs kakkoii ikemen suletta
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paused on this frame and it honestly looks cool as hell lmao
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and we made it to THE scene
you know, as i said in prior rewatch posts, i had been watching via GJM's fansubs at this point and was gonna wait for them to release their version of episode 12... however, that same suletta sunday i logged on to twitter and immediately got spoiled on this scene lmao so i needed to find out what the fuck happened and stopped waiting on fansubs (i did rewatch later on)
it really is such an amazingly well done scene though like goddamn lol
now that the show's over, i do kind of wonder if there could have been something other than this to become the spark of tension between suletta and miorine. with the exception of sophie (which arguably was more eri's victim than suletta's), suletta never kills anyone again in the show. her final fight ends up being against the gund nodes being commanded by eri lol so she just fights unmanned drones. it's an interesting decision considering the gundam franchise as a whole
i know it's meant to contrast against shaddiq's by any means necessary approach and prospera's willingness to do the same if someone tries to hinder her plans to help eri... but i really just can't get behind the whole violence is always bad no exceptions message behind the show. i do appreciate that shaddiq's plan basically still came to fruition and that it ends up being an in-world analogue to nationalization of industry. and it's really a cherry on top to have sabina call out whether that was for the best - not just that they nationalized industry but that nothing else was done to stop those who don't agree with what miorine did. history has given us countless examples of countries that nationalize various industries just for the united states military to come in and make some shit up and stage a coup and hand over said industry to whatever shithead capitalists were being piss babies about it at the time
lmao i know we're all mad about a lot of the yuri being left on the table because of bandai execs, but i wonder how much of the anti-capitalist message got left on there too. they really had a chance to make guel a real hero and he's just... not lol. episode 15 makes me mad not because it's a guel episode but because nothing ever actually came from DoF existing. like what was the point?
if they just wanted to humanize DoF a bit and introduce the kid that guel and kenanji run into later on, that could have taken half an episode given the insane pacing they chose to go by during the 2nd cour
regardless, i'll still savor little bits here and there
ok lmao i feel like my original post was way better than this and it took me double the time now to make this post but whatever. gonna try to get through some more eps this weekend
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purefandomonium · 2 years
Glitchy Red Headcanons for Connection
Thought I'd share some (mostly) spoiler-free headcanons for my Glitchy Red fic just for fun. With what I have posted so far these should all be pretty obvious, but there's a couple more things I want to hint at for the story. Some are just random tidbits that have no reason for existing other than just because.
In my mind, Red is something between a glitch, an AI, and a supernatural entity.
The longer a player interacts with the game, the stronger Red gets. He'd been left dormant for so long that when Leann found him, he hardly had any of his old abilities and was borderline an amnesiac. All he had at that point was his bitter hatred of players and the glitches. Her keeping the game on for so long has allowed him to become himself again.
The glitches he experienced broke him in every way imaginable. Hence the reason it takes him some time to snap into his real self.
Despite all his talk, he has no idea what he is or how he exists. He can't be bothered to care.
Theoretically he could be transferred into a PC or some other more powerful device, but due to the broken nature of his code and the fact he doesn't fully understand what proper programming is, it likely wouldn't end well for whatever he's put in. He's a stubborn bastard now so he'd be fine, but the computer would be bricked.
I feel like, just for shits and giggles, Red's "data" is this impossibly convoluted mess of code that is somehow much larger than it should be. He exists within the Pokémon Red cart, along with the entire game, and this mofo is like, 8GB of data by himself. Makes no sense. Something mind-bogglingly stupid like that.
There's more below the cut, and beware potential spoilers for stuff I haven't written.
Now for some fun ideas I have that I kind of want to do stuff with but I don't know if I'll include it in Connection or not.
Red is powerful enough to physically haunt a person. Only the person claiming ownership over the cartridge can see and hear him. Likewise, Red can only interact with them and no one else. He mostly uses this fact to stare intimidatingly from the corner of a dark room, a la sleep paralysis demon, or just watch them while they struggle to ignore his presence and go about their lives.
In the past he's gone far enough with this that he's tormented players to the point of people thinking they've gone insane. And they pretty much were by that point.
Red's other preferred ghost tactic is to swat things from their hands or wake them up in the middle of the night by prodding at them. Or screaming right in their face.
Unless the player passes the game along to some other poor sap, they'll be stuck with him indefinitely.
The game cannot be destroyed. It lets off major fuck-you energy to anyone who tries. Smash it to bits with a hammer? Lol. Set it on fire? Got any marshmallows? Throw it into a lake? Well, I'd almost say good job but did I forget to mention that the only other thing Red can interact with is his game? Whoops. Hope you don't mind him letting himself back in to give you an earful for throwing him away like that. And no, water can't damage it either.
This is of no deliberate choice from Red. He'd love to let the game be destroyed so he can stop existing in pure agony. The damn thing just won't die though, and subsequently, neither will he.
He doesn't really have anything against kids. Mind you, he doesn't like kids since he gained sapience, but he can tolerate them more than adults. At least children have the excuse of being naïve and clueless when they're breaking the game. Usually. He'll give them the benefit of the doubt. Adults who come back to witness the broken horror of the original game know full-well what they're doing and he can't stand it.
He won't do much to torment kids aside from his usual in-game antics. The adult players are the ones who get thrown out of bed at 3am or have their dreams haunted.
The developers were adults too so the hatred's also pretty obvious. He'd love to get his hands on them some day. He has a paranoid side that is whole-heartedly convinced they're out there looking for his cart, ready to erase him and be rid of the stain on their record.
It's been a while since someone last turned the game on. He seems to have a bit of reputation now.
Has zero concept of the internet but could probably figure it out.
He doesn't hate the new gens so much just because they replaced him. He loathes the fact that they are all genuinely better than he'll ever be. He and his game are broken, not good enough, and now that he has self-awareness he realizes he was never meant to be anything special. He was simply a stepping-stone, a learning curve meant to kickstart an idea. He was, isn't, and never will be anything more than that. His only legacy is how glitchy his game is.
He's very aware of the irony that the very thing that made him what he is, is the whole reason why he was deemed a failure by his creators. If you're smart, you won't bring it up.
I have more, but I think I should stop. I could talk about this little project of mine for hours. Or any project for that matter. If anyone would like to hear more of my deranged ramblings they're more than welcome to ask. 😅
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drdemonprince · 2 years
How can I think about my submission kink differently? the only time I get like, on-another-planet turned on is imagining or playing out intense submission, but after I orgasm I’m left feeling kind of icky, like it was shameful or embarrassing. It feels so trite to say because consciously and intellectually I know I shouldn’t feel ashamed and that my thoughts and kinks don’t reflect my morality. Yet after a particularly kinky sex sesh, I’m left feeling like I ate a whole cheesecake: kinda sick
Might it be the case that the feelings of shame and embarrassment that come afterward don't have to be a problem? Instead of seeing these negative emotions as a failure to be fully liberated on your part, can you come to just expect them as part of the process of fulfilling your fantasies?
Experiencing a mood drop and some negative thinking following an intense scene is pretty normal and common, and not only because of an endorphin crash or anything that has physically happened in scene. People experience drops in all kinds of ways, for all kinds of reasons, and suddenly feeling disgusted or disinterested in sex and kink immediately afterward is a common one. So are feelings of shame or patheticness or as if you have been wasting your time or doing something very stupid or bad.
Hell, you don't even have to be doing especially kinky or overpowering shit to go through that kind of sudden shift in feeling and thought. what vanilla people call "post nut clarity" is also a sudden decline in interest that can go all the way to outright repulsion and shame at times. Crying after sex is common enough to be remarked upon and speculated about by lots of non kinky people and kinky people alike. And many folks report an emotional and psychological "drop" following non-sexual yet intense and fulfilling experiences as well, such as after a convention.
People's moods shift following sex and intimacy, and they often need help down-regulating from it; that's why people smoke after sex, cry after sex, take long hot showers, cuddle, snack, masturbate, and take naps. If it's pretty normal and common for even vanilla people to have a low mood and some negative thoughts after sex or even following a fun trip, then it's entirely reasonable for you as a kinky s-type to expect drops nearly every time you get to have the kind of sex you want to have.
I know straight cis people who have to get drunk just to even bring themselves to have any sex at all, that's how intense the shame they've internalized is. and i know lots of kinky people who crave all kinds of adventurous wild play but cant quite get over the shame or anxiety hurdles to enjoy them in real life yet. you on the other hand appear to have a really good grip on your shame, enough to be actively having and enjoying the kind of power-dynamic-driven sex you crave. so congratulations on having mastered a hang up that many people never overcome in their lives! feeling a little shitty after the fun has been had isn't really so bad, all things considered. especially if you're coping with those terrible feelings pretty well, not hurting yourself or lashing out at play partners, etc.
I think riding out those bad feelings and knowing that they are just part of the process will serve you better than trying to change how you feel. And given the paradoxical and self-defeating nature of  emotional repression, the second you stop trying to make yourself feel good, the less the shame will probably sting. you can think of it as an emotional hangover and figure out what your personal Gatorade/Pedialyte is for recovering from it rather than swearing off drinking ever again metaphorically speaking 
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rametarin · 8 months
To reprise
Me: "Hey. When you make posts arguing correct things, if you then slap on a word like, 'retarded', you've stepped over that bullshit imaginary line in the sand your opponents use as a gotcha so they don't have to even consider the logic. When you do this, the other sycophants that have been trained to eat out of the idiot's hand and then dogpile into a bunch of yes men hooting into their echo chamber, will focus on, "YOU SAY BAD WORD! OPINION DISCARDED" instead of the rational integrity of your argument. They can perform outrage over a faux pas and bury the actual meat of the discussion. You've given them even an ambiguous and muddy excuse to upend the chess board and leave, self-satisfied. Consider not using words they consider to be inflammatory, so they do not have any excuse to ignore the veracity of what you say and try to actually defend their positions. Give them no excuse to disregard your argument by citing your usage of, "slurs." FORCE them to go out of their way with reaching logic to invent reasons, and stretch the credibility of their accusations, because even their believers/followers will see that as a reach too far and eventually, snap. The reality they don't like hurts worse than any insult you could hurl, I promise you."
My post was not about retarded being a slur so you shouldn't use it, it was about adjusting and tailoring your speech to reach people that are, for all intents and purposes, brainwashed or blinded by ego. They've been cultivated into a place where their opponents have to walk on eggshells of their design in order to communicate with them as a form of power, or they're told they have the right to antagonistically deny others an audience, and their people ignore that they just left the table and the encounter, rather than support their beliefs and logic in a way that defends or proves them, and rewarded with the group mentality that says they don't have to support how they arrived where they did in their worldview. They do not extend that same courtesy to those they disagree with. And don't have to, because it's a communal personality cult based on principle.
If you want to dismantle and defuse this hideous culture, you need to be able to play their game and win it without giving them any opportunity to take their ball and go home, claiming you said something so hideous and out of bounds they couldn't dignify it with further correspondence. And the fewer reasons you give them they can claim are valid, the more they eventually have to come to the realization it's not their opponents that are Nazis or bigots for disagreeing with anything, it's them looking for excuses to treat even benign behavior like it's hate speech or violence.
Naturally, there are some that are so indoctrinated because they're sheep that want to fit in and see that as the "winning side," or at least, the morally correct side. They're either too ignorant or too invested in the desired outcome (usually something socialistic or communist) to be flexible. But, the ones that are not simply stooges cannot deny to themselves when they see petty disqualification from someone that is not using, "slurs." When they have to actually argue the meat of the matter and have no convenient ejection seat or trap card to pull out that gets them out of the heat and pressure, it falls on them to do something desperate.
And when that happens, we get stupid reaching shit like webcomics about walruses and seals who are, "so annoying because they want to argue despite being polite, with people that don't want to argue." It makes them look pathetic.
Refusal to comprehend this is exactly why the moldy haired anti-nuclear breadtube pieces of shit are even close to winning cultural arguments. Because people that could be arguing with any kind of dignity are being lazy and acting like these overgrown children don't have the ability to engage with the democracy just because they're stupid.
It's BECAUSE they're stupid they can change the foundations and face of the system, because of the values and things they've been taught to recognize as forbidden. People that actually have intelligence are shepherding them in an asymmetric way that benefits from the chaos caused by their bleating discordant stupidity, like mean girls with self-awareness stoking the fires of a bunch of stupid gradeschool girls to be petty, shallow and vain as a form of competition. And unless you can appeal to their better senses and get them to personally choose to think about things outside of their dogmatic and safe, convenient perspective, you're just going to get more morons jumping down the narcotics lined prairie dog holes of Antifa and far-leftist nonsense that takes something even approaching reasonable mercy and reinterprets it through their disgusting red lenses just to hitch them up to pro-communist initiatives like a bunch of reined donkeys.
Some of you that replied have reading comprehension and still replied, "Naw, I see what you're saying but I choose to continue using retarded as an insult." And that's fine. I think that's counterproductive, but notice how my post said please. It was a request and suggestion supporting why, not a demand, and if you read my post, you'll notice it was neutral as to whether or not it was even a valid slur.
The rest of you read a post about how you shouldn't carelessly sling around words like retarded at people you're arguing with on social media because the sort of people put off like that, are EXACTLY the sort of people that should be reading arguments that challenge their notions with as few easy outs as possible, so you shouldn't GIVE them any excuse to pack up and leave and make them do it themselves, and immediately concluded it was just yet another post from some bug eating Lenin apologist wagging a finger and declaring victory during a discussion citing technial foul, for the other calling someone mentally defunct.
One fewer idiot drinking the kool-aid means one fewer idiot laying in wait to sabotage productive, constructive operations. One fewer idiot to vote against nuclear power plants. One fewer idiot to support abolishing police stations and replacing them with narco-mafia- or some flabby community watch that's just one step removed from narco-mafia. One fewer idiot to scream about how animal rights means meat should be illegal. One fewer idiot to claim fucking wool is harmful to the environment so you should use plastic leather. One fewer idiot browbeating their girlfriends about how a popcorn flick is "harmful to society because MMMMAAALE GAAAAAAAAZE" and them feeling self-conscious but not wanting to fight with their friend about it.
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incandescentflower · 2 years
Thank you so much for providing content for the fandom. I absolutely love your writing style.
As for the request: AlexRj - 24 -kisses for cover
Good luck! 🌟
When you said good luck, anon, you meant it! 🤣
Kisses for cover is a more complicated set up. I hope this works for you! (I discovered it is actually prompt 27)
For this post: send me a prompt number from one of these lists and characters for My Tooth Your Love and I'll write a short scene.
Also on AO3 and all my mtyl one shots too.
Taking Responsibility
RJ was only going to return to get his last paycheck. He didn’t really know why he had to go there in person. Bai Lang had called and said it had something to do with paperwork he needed to finish. RJ had no other reason to go back to White Dark Bistro. Alex never reached out, never called, never said anything. Sure, RJ was younger than him, but he wasn’t stupid. Alex’s lack of acknowledgment was his response.
RJ was just going to slip in and slip out. Maybe ask around to find out how Alex has been. Thankfully he knew it was Alex’s day off. Even though RJ wanted to see him, he knew he couldn’t take it. It would hurt too much.
At least things were less volatile with his parents. He wouldn’t exactly call them good. His father’s health seemed to be stable and they were mostly just not talking about his preferences for men. He didn’t know how long it would last, but it clearly made his mother feel better to have RJ back at home, for now. 
But with his father’s sickness, brought other ghosts from the past. The Wangs, his father’s partner at his firm and his daughter, who their parents had heavily tried to push together with RJ, were going to come over to visit. RJ wondered if this might have had something to do with the sudden need for everyone to have him home.
His errand was a good excuse to leave. One less headache to deal with.
Although he should have considered that being back at the restaurant could be even more uncomfortable. He steeled himself for whatever speech Bai Lang was going to give him, but he simply asked, “Have you talked to Alex?” when he handed him the envelope.
“No,” RJ said, shoving it into his jacket pocket. 
Bai Lang looked across the room and said, “Well, maybe you should.”
Alex stood at the door to the backroom, his expression unreadable as usual. RJ hesitated for a moment, but decisively turned on his heels to get out of there. The only problem was the unfortunate discovery that his father’s partner and his daughter had shown up at the front door.
“Shit,” RJ said, moving back to the end of the bar, hunching over to try to conceal himself. 
“What are you doing?” Alex asked, now standing between him and his unexpected visitors. 
“Hiding,” RJ said. 
“Well, you’re doing a terrible job of it,” he said. 
RJ shot a look at Alex, pissed he could make jokes after everything.
Alex shifted his posture, standing up straight as thought he was going to give RJ another one of his lectures. “I thought you said you were facing things now. You just left and didn’t take any responsibility.”
“I’m facing some things,” RJ said, still watching the Wang’s who looked to be waiting to be seated. “But some things are better to walk away from.”
“Is that what you’re doing?” Alex said, the tone in his voice changing.
RJ looked back at Alex, who was standing there expectantly. It took a moment for RJ to replay their conversation and understand - Alex thought RJ was talking about him.
He sighed. “It’s not you,” he hissed as the Wangs moved closer to the bar. “That’s my father’s partner and his daughter who they've been trying to fix me up with. Sometimes facing things doesn’t mean the problems go away.”
He ducked behind Alex again, who turned to look at the pair. And shit, they were coming straight to the bar. There was no way RJ could avoid this. 
“Excuse me,” the man said. “Do you…”
RJ didn’t hear the rest of the question, his mind spinning as he was pressed against the wall, Alex’s body pushed against his, their lips meeting with a slow, gentle kiss.
Alex’s body was completely blocking out the rest of the room. RJ had absolutely no idea what was happening beyond the two of them and the feeling of their lips moving together. RJ pulled back slightly to catch his breath and Alex stepped back slightly. He couldn’t help but simply look up at Alex, while trying to regain access to air. 
The sharp sounds of bottles clanking brought them back to the room as they both turned their attention toward the bar. Bai Lang was standing there, staring at them wide-eyed. He slowly smiled, gesturing behind him and said, “I had Lu Li take them to the other room.”
RJ met Alex's eyes again. His expression. Alex looked as though je was going to tell RJ all the reasons he shouldn’t have done that. And honestly, RJ didn’t want to hear it. 
He pushed off the bar and shuffled his way around the crowd to the backroom door, intent on making his way out to the alley.
RJ stumbled out the door into the night air, stopping to brace himself on the wall and steady his breathing. He couldn’t believe he had to do this again. To leave again. 
“Hey, He Qing-Tian,” Alex called. “When are you going to stop running away from me?”
“Me?” RJ said. “I’m just doing what you keep telling me to do! You talk all this big talk, but you're the one who keeps avoiding this.”
Alex stepped closer. “You’re right,” he said.
“And you know what, you–,” RJ started again. “Wait, what?”
Alex’s expression softened. “You’re right. I was avoiding any attempts you made to get close to me.” He leaned in closer again. “When you were gone, I realized I liked having you around. And I missed you.”
RJ opened his mouth, but he had no response. Alex had never said this much about his feelings in the entire time they had spent together. If RJ said anything, he might completely ruin it.
Alex slid his hand under RJ’s chin and said. “I take responsibility for my actions.” He hovered close to RJ, the heat of his breath on RJ’s neck. This time they both knew it was coming. No more surprises, no more excuses. It was as clear as anything had been between the two of them. It was a shared movement between them, toward each other. A kiss that was shared, starting out light and intensifying as they pressed closer. 
For the first time, they were no longer out of step with each other. For the first time, they understood each other. For the first time, they wanted the same thing.
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doubleddenden · 2 years
I want more eeveelutions and I'm tired of seeing every poketuber lie to their audience about how/why they think there can't be more.
"Um ackshualee there can't be any more Eeveelutions because-"
shut up
"This is why there won't be another Eeveelution-"
shut up
Look I don't give a shit about the stupid "special types" theory that keeps circulating. Fairies did not exist in gen 1, even if a lot of fairy moves are special there's still physical ones too, and it as a type was introduced post Phys/Spec split. Ergo, by your own logic, Sylveon should not exist, and yet it does.
the Z move and Gmax form also don't mean anything. Pokemon breaks their own rules all the time. Besides that, both of those were dropped anyway for fancy hats, and that's gonna get dropped for some other mechanic one day. Make peace with it.
"But stats-"
Look man, stats are shit. Scyther, Scizor, and Kleavor literally share the exact same BST despite two evolving from the same pokemon. You think that actually matters? Turn Jolteon into a physical attacker by swapping its atk and sp atk and slap bug type on it. Take 10 points from Vaporeon's HP to give to speed and slap a ghost type on it. It literally does not matter as long as the design is cool and it has a decent move pool, which surprise, there's a lot of good moves for every type these days.
They literally introduce new evolution methods each game too, and even then they've already retconned Leafeon and Glaceon to evolve by stones and Sylveon with friendship+ a fairy move. Anything goes man. Introduce a Best Friends mechanic that makes it so my Eevee evolves after hanging around dragon types for a bit while out on a picnic. Shit just introduce a Steel Stone and I'll use it on an Eevee myself. I will fight a grandma on a thursday at 8pm while wearing the color brown in a specific city to get a ground type. Do not test me.
i want more eeveelutions dammit, its been 10 years since we had a new one and there's 10 types left to go! They're instant team fillers and we need more.
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talkingpointsusa · 5 months
Charlie Kirk is mad about the campus protestors, his own persecution complex not being backed up by others, and some tents
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Charlie Kirk's take on the pro-Palestinian campus protests across the country is about as stupid as you might expect. There's a very throwing shit to the wall to see what sticks vibe to this episode. Lets get into it.
09:33, Charlie Kirk: "The campus riots are ongoing and it's important to note that these universities are being enveloped by a beast of their own making. They did this, they did this to themselves. For the past 20 or 30 years especially, university campuses have been teaching students that pay tuition or go into debt to go to their institution a very specific worldview. The worldview goes as follows, that the world is broken between oppressors and oppressed. That the only distinction that matters is not a male-female distinction, a good or evil distinction, is a god or man distinction. The only distinction that matters is the distinction of whose in charge."
Right off the bat, Charlie clearly doesn't have any idea what he's talking about. Universities don't teach their students a net set of principles, they teach students the things that they've decided to learn about. I doubt that engineering and business students are learning extensively about power imbalances between oppressors and the oppressed. That's not even getting into the differences between how different institutions chose to conduct the way that they teach.
"A god or man distinction". Does Charlie want Christianity forcibly inserted into every place of higher learning? If you want to learn about the "god or man distinction", go to a Christian university or take religious studies courses.
Anyway, this episode was made before the police descended upon Columbia University and forcibly shut down peaceful student demonstrations so you get a lot of Charlie saying things that didn't age quite so well. Here's one of them.
11:00, Charlie Kirk: "And that is why you are seeing a paralysis at Columbia University. They don't quite know what to do because the students are not acting radically, the students are doing what they've been taught. The students are following orders."
Yeah, considering that they sent the police in to violently apprehend protestors the night that this episode aired this comment is pretty stupid in hindsight. To be fair to Charlie, it was pretty stupid the day he made it too. It completely takes agency away from the students who are at these demonstrations. They can't be speaking out against an injustice that they're seeing, no it's because they've been brainwashed by some ideology being pushed on colleges that Charlie has made up for the purposes of pushing his agenda. Charlie proceeds to put a picture of this protest sign up and riffs about it for way longer than any reasonable person should.
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What a shock, there was a sign at a protest, the sky is falling. The fact that Charlie is this threatened by a protest sign speaks a lot about his character and how wrapped up in his whiteness he is. This sign wasn't even at the protest in Columbia, I found a picture of this sign posted on the Jordan Peterson subreddit 6 months ago and that transit sign to the left of the poster is a London underground sign. This wasn't even on a North American campus and I'm not even sure if it was on a campus at all! Do better Charlie!
Charlie Kirk's obsession with whiteness is another recurring theme in this episode as is his obsession with tents but we'll get to that later.
12:15, Charlie Kirk: "So the thrust is not necessarily just antisemitism which is definitely part of it."
No it isn't. Criticizing a governments actions isn't antisemitic, especially when that government is actively engaged in committing a genocide. If anyone is antisemitic, it's Charlie who believes that quote: “Some of the largest financiers of left-wing anti-white causes have been Jewish Americans” and that "Jewish communities have been pushing the exact kind of hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them."
12:32, Charlie Kirk: "And I want to be as clear as possible, what you are seeing at Columbia University. What you are seeing at Yale. What you're seeing at Harvard. What you're seeing at University of Washington which I am visiting by the way a week from today and if the encampment is still going on at University of Washington I'm gonna go right into the encampment and we'll see how that goes for them."
Charlie Kirk the internet tough guy strikes again.
I'm betting that he isn't going to do it and if he does he'll be flanked by security guards like he always is. "See how it goes for them". Yeah, how about you actually debate somebody who isn't a college student without making yourself look like a complete idiot.
13:00, Charlie Kirk: "These students are following orders. They're following instructions. This is what they've been taught. They have been studious. They've listened carefully to what the professors have been telling them."
As someone who is currently in college pursuing a bachelors in journalism, professors aren't trying to shove their political ideology down my throat - they're trying to teach me what I'm paying to learn. Like I said in a previous post, Charlie Kirk has somehow managed to monetize being a college dropout and that's really coming across in this episode.
13:38, Charlie Kirk: "Now let me pause. There are non-students involved in this as well. There are professional agitators or people that just enjoy a good fight against the system, anarchists that are showing up."
The first of many claims that Charlie Kirk makes in this episode without presenting any evidence to back it up. I guess Charlie's gut feel is all the evidence that his audience needs to draw a conclusion.
To be honest, that's really what a majority of Charlie Kirk's content is. Just vibes. Charlie decides to talk about Hamilton/Hind's Hall which is neither here nor there, just making nonsense claims and trying to make his audience scared of the protests. Here's a pretty big swing and a miss.
17:33, Charlie Kirk: "What happens on college campuses will soon happen in the halls of Congress. What happens in the halls of Congress will soon become laws that we have to live under. The college campuses are the bellweather, the harbinger, the canary in the coalmine. You see them rioting at Columbia today, what are they going to do in a downstream effect in the coming years?"
Does Charlie not realize that this isn't the first time a protest movement has occurred on a college campus? The Vietnam War student protests happened all the way back in the 60's and society is still intact.
But yeah, these protests on campus are going to overthrow the government. That's why they sent 80 busses to the Capitol and-wait, that was Charlie Kirk.
All this fear has got me in buying mode. Luckily, Charlie has me covered.
18:08, Charlie Kirk: "The sophisticated types in the Democrat Party are trying to get this to end as quickly as possible but this is a runaway train. This is the JV team that has become violent and it's not going away until the war ends between Israel and Gaza. These have become islands of revolutionary anarchy and it's putting on full display the true base of the Democrat Party. What do we have? ReliefFactor.com, 100% drug free-"
"The student protestors are gonna kill you and anarchy is nigh. By the way, buy the pain meds that I'm paid to plug now that I've scared you into being susceptible to my advertising."
That's about the most openly grifterish thing you can do as a "journalist". Absolutely no serious person follows up a story that is allegedly that serious with an ad pivot. Imagine if other journalists did this. "The president has been shot.....and now for a word from McDonalds. Have you tried the new Big Mac yet?"
It's almost as if Charlie doesn't believe a word that he's saying and just wants to make you afraid. There's an ad break for the radio and Charlie comes back and is still
25:25, Charlie Kirk: "There's no negotiating with these students and professional agitators. We have spent 11 years at Turning Point USA battling these maggots."
Nothing like dehumanizing people for exercising their freedom of speech. Also, "battling". Man, Charlie Kirk needs to get his head out of his ass before he twists himself into a pretzel.
You are a knockoff Ben Shapiro making videos where you OWN people who don't have media training and memorized talking points and half the time you STILL end up looking like a complete idiot. The only things that Charlie Kirk is "battling" are reality and truth.
We finally get to my favorite completely insane swing in this entire post, the titular tents. Get a load of this take and try and tell me that it doesn't sound like something that you might hear at a mental hospital.
29:25, Charlie Kirk: "And yes, many of these protests have George Soros NGO support. Do you notice how they all have the same tents? They all have the same color tents across the country."
The tents look similar guys! This is the smoking gun that has proven me completely wrong! Shows over guys because the tents look similar.
How is this even supposed to work? Are the students paid to protest for...reasons and then given the tent? Is the tent the payment? It's completely baseless and absurd. You know why all the tents look similar? Because they're the cheapest tents you can buy. These are college students, many of them can't afford fancy tents so they buy these cheap disposable ones for 15 bucks. You can buy this exact type of tent for ten dollars at Wal-Mart. They're cheap and easy to set up which makes them attractive to student demonstrators. No matter what side you are on regarding these protests, hopefully you look at this claim and find it ridiculous.
There's another ad break for the radio, Charlie comes back to do some more riffing and it's mainly nothing. This gem got my attention though.
45:48, Charlie Kirk: "And I have sympathy for American Jews that are very confused. However, I have impatience for American Jews that have put up with the anti-white sentiments the last decade and thought it was perfectly fine."
Told you that we'd get back to Charlie's obsession with whiteness. The context here is that Charlie played a clip of someone at a protest saying "We don't like white people here". Fine, that's still one person out of thousands of protestors and we don't know the context of that clip. Considering that the person who said that was white herself, I have a feeling that whoever was taking the video might have said something that triggered that response.
Charlie is so oppressed for being white that he's an extremely wealthy radio host who people take seriously despite his relative lack of qualifications. By the way, this is the guy who claims that the campus protestors are antisemitic.
"Yeah, you're antisemitic. By the way, I don't have patience for Jews because they don't engage in my imagined persecution complex."
47:11, Charlie Kirk: " So now Jews are experiencing the hate that we white people have been experiencing the last decade, and we've been warning against. Hey, you know that there's, like, a lot of venom against white people because of the color of their skin? Ah, too bad. Floydapalooza, BLM, diversity is our strength. And now all of a sudden, Jews are saying, this kinda feels like how we got to Auschwitz. This doesn't seem right. And I'm glad they're waking up, and it is how you get to mass murder. It is how you get to elimination by hating one group, by sectarianism and tribalism."
For starters, has this twat ever heard of the Holocaust? Hmm, seems like Jews have experienced a lot more that Charlie has. What "discrimination" has Charlie even experienced? People calling him out on his bullshit? These extremely privileged idiots whining about how the world is out to get them never ceases to amaze me.
Also, I guess that diversity and black people daring to have jobs will lead to a white genocide in Charlie's mind. Charlie's been getting a lot more extreme mask off as of late and this is another example of that. This is the kind of thing that you'd expect to hear Nick Fuentes spewing. Charlie plays a clip of a student trying to get to class and being blocked by protestors. That's just how protests work and the fact that somebody was filming this indicates that this was just someone trying to pick a fight for attention.
Remember those awkward ad transitions where Charlie goes on a rant about how we're all going to die and then shoves and ad down your throat? That's not gonna happen again right?
48:33, Charlie Kirk: "They hate you because now they consider you white. They consider you an oppressor. They consider you a toxin on society. What do we have? RuffGreens.com."
"The left thinks you're a toxin on society because you're white. Now buy my dog food."
Well, we learnt about Charlie's bizarre thoughts on the campus protests. Turns out the only way to be a legitimate protest movement is by splurging and getting the good kind of tent, noted! Cheers and I'll see you in the next one.
Original Video:
“Campus Protests Wreck the Left + the Great Replacement in Practice| Davis, Miller, Guliuzza | LIVE.” Rumble.com, 30 Apr. 2024.
Columbia Protests:
Ramirez-Simon, Diana, et al. “Dozens Arrested at Columbia University as New York Police Disperse Gaza Protest.” The Guardian, 1 May 2024.
“Today’s Campus Protests Aren’t Nearly as Big or Violent as Those Last Century — at Least, Not Yet.” AP News, 2 May 2024.
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Stop that Manchester tweet lmao. Yeah unfortunately football isn't always fair, so the better team doesn't always win. However Arsenal got 60 points right now 🥰 Liverpool is redeeming itself, but Chelsea??? London is blue whereeee
What the fuck the Prison League is extending. Omfg no I didn't hear about the Gr**nw**d thing. So now people are calling the girl a liar and while it's possible, abused people often go back to their partners and tbh I doubt he'd be with her if she falsely accused him... idk this is fucked
I met that one girl back in 2019, I thought she was alright, but turns out she's a weirdo and is travelling everywhere Atz goes
Okay, but this NCT stalker??? I've heard of her too many times. She's fucking insane? Just full of delulu. WOW. And a total mean girl too, so embarrassing. And so is her overuse of AAVE, apparently she uses n-word too 🤡 Judy needs to be dragged like that Changmin ssng
Hybe stans can't stay focused, now Hybe is the saviour, but 5 months ago there was no "Hybe privilege" lol. Yeah the staff is worried, SM has already made some people redundant :/. TELL ME THIS SIGN WON'T BE TAKEN OFF SOON, I NEED TO SEE IT
LSM is a fucking snake (no disrespect to snakes) he just knows how to protect his stupid ass. Meanwhile Chris Lee commenting on Lookass' post... I never thought they time would come when I will be "defending" SM, or rather hoping for Hybe's downfall.
Snow 🔪🔪🔪🔪 stay warm Baek! Then your avo uni needs to step up their game, invite Exo too! Hoping for some proper tour dates then 🙏 Kai got threatened?! I mean it's London so absolutely no shocked :/ he doesn't need to go to London, there are other places in Europe (contrary to popular belief)
I'm gonna make a compilation of some good food I've eaten. <3
It's ridiculous, because posh people get mocked for their accents and stupidity, but they also mock others for being poor and having ugly accents soooo. Yeah, what a place indeed. My friend from a town next to Liverpool got asked to change his accent once he got a job at one of London's banks
5 dollars wow Baek young and rich era!
The dream was me photographing some guy - he wasn't Hwa at first but turned into him eventually, atp Seonghwa is the default man in my subconsciousness - we were at a sandpit and it wa so fucking dark lol. Anyway he was a bit gloomy, so I tried to cheer him up somehow. Then we were on a creepy train, I remember being upset that I wasn't in the same carriage as Hwa and went to visit him. But he was with some girl and other ppl and I was jealous???? I asked him if he'd get off on my station and help me. There was some shit going on tho, like I mentioned the train was creepy and we just wanted to leave. Everyone was so sus. Eventually Seonghwa got off with me and walked me home, but we were stalked by some guy - apparently my ex or just a creep who thought we were together 🤔💀
The absolute disrespect towards Seonghwa's dirty blonde hair!!! He has some defenders thankfully, but 🤡🤡🤡🤡 grey too, what a colour. You know the haters just want him to have black hair all the time, probably with an undercut too. No creativity whatsoever!
Hmm posh Hwa... maybe, but he comes from a smaller town and uses satoori. He grew up near water, so in my head Seonghwa is from Cornwall ❤ Cornish people have a slight piratey accent
I read the new model Hwa fic, Y/N is me whenever I look at him tbh. I wish I was OP 😭 I'm just a medium, I'm manifesting shit
That Woo AU does sound nice, are there any Wommys on this blog? They'd be excited 👀
Come to think they aren't that many F1 movies apart from documentaries and some lesser known productions, except for Rush
Everyone's slandering Hwa for being such a guy definitely a humbling experience, but hey at least he looked adorable (the need to bite his nose!)
I thought it said HALA MADRID 😭 BUT HELLO. I was hoping they'd go see the match, but I think they've already left :/
GIVE HIM SOME GRAPHIC EYELINER, he's so cuteeeee. I've decided to pass away
Stop that Manchester tweet lmao. Yeah unfortunately football isn't always fair, so the better team doesn't always win. However Arsenal got 60 points right now 🥰 Liverpool is redeeming itself, but Chelsea??? London is blue whereeee
LMFAOOOO AFTER LIKE HOW MANY YEARS?? mayb ten hag was onto something,,, now if we talk about the el classico, i WAS READY TO BE HUMILIATED BC WE DIDNT HAVE OUR MAIN PLAYERS but ☺️☺️☺️  anyway why’s benzema acting like this 🤨 he’s acting like the demographic he dates bc damn ??? u weren't gonna win anyways?? 😭😭 and what’s up with rm fans being racist again come on 😭😭😭  man city’s rIGHT behind, they started alvarez and now everything is going well 💓💖
What the fuck the Prison League is extending. Omfg no I didn't hear about the Grnwd thing. So now people are calling the girl a liar and while it's possible, abused people often go back to their partners and tbh I doubt he'd be with her if she falsely accused him… idk this is fucked  /// I met that one girl back in 2019, I thought she was alright, but turns out she's a weirdo and is travelling everywhere Atz goes
YEAAAAHHH apparently hakimi’s wife was already divorcing him and this prob did some more damage 😭😭 yeah like it takes like 7 trues or something to get rid of them and tbh the way some man utd fans are acting 🔫🔫 ngl she def took the complaint back bc of the money he has, terrible,,, NAURRRRRR does she still do it?? 😭😭 psg is actually finished
Okay, but this NCT stalker??? I've heard of her too many times. She's fucking insane? Just full of delulu. WOW. And a total mean girl too, so embarrassing. And so is her overuse of AAVE, apparently she uses n-word too 🤡 Judy needs to be dragged like that Changmin ssng
omg i just saw all about that and the way theres absolutely NO SHAME and it’s instead all “ok 🥰🥰🥰” ???? nctzens need to throw hands bc what the hell??? if i was an idol id actually throw hands, what ate the bodyguard doing how are they just able to know their info ??? NOOOO THE WORST COMBO 😭😭😭 changmin needs to pull up to be nct’s bodyguard atp,, slap slap slap and drag out of the taxi with all the ppl she was with
Hybe stans can't stay focused, now Hybe is the saviour, but 5 months ago there was no "Hybe privilege" lol. Yeah the staff is worried, SM has already made some people redundant :/. TELL ME THIS SIGN WON'T BE TAKEN OFF SOON, I NEED TO SEE IT
actually going to go mental i wonder how all the artists are feeling despite updating us with nice messages 😭😭😭 imagine having your entire life spent at that company and being a family w everyone and going thru all the scandals and now it’s this mf company 😭😭😭
LSM is a fucking snake (no disrespect to snakes) he just knows how to protect his stupid ass. Meanwhile Chris Lee commenting on Lookass' post… I never thought they time would come when I will be "defending" SM, or rather hoping for Hybe's downfall.
HE REALLY DOES ITS SO IRRITATING BUT SO FUNNY HOW HE’S SCAMMING THEM IN THEIR OWN CONTRACTS PLS 😭😭😭 chris lee is actually finished,, unhinged man atp trying to back down and be all nice like bro we see right through you????  all this happened after he posted that lookas photo to NO CAUSE SAME FBWJDH NEVER THOUGHT ID BE STANDING FIRST IN LINE TO DEFEND THAT PINK COMPANY
Snow 🔪🔪🔪🔪 stay warm Baek! Then your avo uni needs to step up their game, invite Exo too! Hoping for some proper tour dates then 🙏 Kai got threatened?! I mean it's London so absolutely no shocked :/ he doesn't need to go to London, there are other places in Europe (contrary to popular belief)
went outside for a walk <3 teeth chattering, legs shaking <33 love canada 🥰🥰💖💓✨☺️ MY UNI SHUT DOWN BC OF THE 5CM SNOW DHSJHFKS THERES NO HOPE FROM THAT JAIL DUPE,, yeah 😭😭 during like mama-wolf era! exo went london and they pulled the 🔪 and now he kind never wants to go there fbfb “(contrary to popular belief)” 😭😭😭 he’s def going paris for sure!! berlin too!
I'm gonna make a compilation of some good food I've eaten. &lt;3
It's ridiculous, because posh people get mocked for their accents and stupidity, but they also mock others for being poor and having ugly accents soooo. Yeah, what a place indeed. My friend from a town next to Liverpool got asked to change his accent once he got a job at one of London's banks /// 5 dollars wow Baek young and rich era!
WHAT IS THIS 😭😭😭 damn your guys’s hierarchy system worse than ours 😭😭😭 if i ever visit that place catch me with the brummie accent, will channel my peaky blinder era <3 OH NO WAY???? ITS THAT BAD??? 😭😭😭 young and rich yoURE RIGHTT MY BANK IS FULL!!! TO THE BRIM!!! was actually scared when the reception last said i won 😭😭 i was going to start crying but it was just 5$ smh also do u eat that beans on the toast thing 🤨
The dream was me photographing some guy - he wasn't Hwa at first but turned into him eventually, atp Seonghwa is the default man in my subconsciousness - we were at a sandpit and it wa so fucking dark lol. Anyway he was a bit gloomy, so I tried to cheer him up somehow. Then we were on a creepy train, I remember being upset that I wasn't in the same carriage as Hwa and went to visit him. But he was with some girl and other ppl and I was jealous???? I asked him if he'd get off on my station and help me. There was some shit going on tho, like I mentioned the train was creepy and we just wanted to leave. Everyone was so sus. Eventually Seonghwa got off with me and walked me home, but we were stalked by some guy - apparently my ex or just a creep who thought we were together 🤔💀//// The absolute disrespect towards Seonghwa's dirty blonde hair!!! He has some defenders thankfully, but 🤡🤡🤡🤡 grey too, what a colour. You know the haters just want him to have black hair all the time, probably with an undercut too. No creativity whatsoever!
you are miss tenelka but on crack, heavy crack BRKQHDWKHDWKJCC U HAD UR YN MOMENT IN THE DREAM FBWNDJCCJ “But he was with some girl and other ppl and I was jealous????” AS U SHOULD THATS YOUR MAN THROW HANDS AT THEM,,, NO SERIOUSLY ATINYS HAVE NO TASTE I SWEAR ALL THE TWT ONES DISRESPECT THE BEST HAIRS,,, it’s always the ones who want him to have black hair smh 🔫🔫🔫 silver hair is honestly so underrated / under appreciated on him, it’s should be crime, he served us angst and the with blond he served cunt!
Hmm posh Hwa… maybe, but he comes from a smaller town and uses satoori. He grew up near water, so in my head Seonghwa is from Cornwall ❤ Cornish people have a slight piratey accent /// I read the new model Hwa fic, Y/N is me whenever I look at him tbh. I wish I was OP 😭 I'm just a medium, I'm manifesting shit
oh he’s from the duchess of cornwall camilla area 🤨🤨 PIRATE ACCENT??? are they the deep south of uk fbwnddb ANON U WERE THE YN IN THAT DREAM, PHOTOGRAPHING HWA !!!! ur our psychic medium pls gimme a lil of cards and predict my future <3
That Woo AU does sound nice, are there any Wommys on this blog? They'd be excited 👀/// Come to think they aren't that many F1 movies apart from documentaries and some lesser known productions, except for Rush
very many wommy’s here 👀 but catch me making this a seonghwa fic 💃💃 ur right! after drive to survive there’s really nothing 😭😭 the schumacher documentary was really good! i wish they’d do some more but the drivers have their own youtube channel so it’s nice to see them vlogging! hopefully it's a ferrari year 😭😭😭😭
not ferrari but may b a mercedes hwa au!
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Everyone's slandering Hwa for being such a guy definitely a humbling experience, but hey at least he looked adorable (the need to bite his nose!) /// I thought it said HALA MADRID 😭 BUT HELLO. I was hoping they'd go see the match, but I think they've already left :/
LMFAOOOO in the end of the day he’s just a dude 😭😭😭 disappointed but not surprised, why bite the nose when u can have a seat on it- FBWNDHSK NO BC I THOUGHT IT WAS HALA MADRID TOO BUT I KNOW HES A BARCA FAN I FEEL IT IN MY BONES but he’s def a spurs fan 😔
GIVE HIM SOME GRAPHIC EYELINER, he's so cuteeeee. I've decided to pass away /// HOLD ON WAIT I'VE BEEN RESURRECTED 😭😭😭😭😭🤧🤧🤧🤧 THAT'S MY CAT BOY  - DV 💖
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anon i think we won,,, the entire track list looks so promising 😭😭😭
not a show but a private event,,, anon we’re getting there 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
anon is this u
0 notes
with-love-from-hell · 3 years
I don’t know if this is too dark for you ~
Obey me narrated from the brother (I think either Lucifer/Satan or Asmo) where the MC simply…survived, yeah they helped free Belphie but they didn’t get as close? But since it’s unreliable narrative it’s why the MC seems so friendly/naive.
Maybe you can dive deeper into this? Love your writing!x
Hi hi, Anon!
Oooo what an interesting request. I definitely think I am going to take this in the direction of Satan- I haven't written much for him as compared to the other two. I'm going to take this in the route of post ch. 16 incident and withdrawing afterwards due to the trauma. I wrote this in a similar format to how I wrote The Fallout with Mammon, plus a mix of the stream-of-consciousness writing style I dabble in every once and a while!
Thank you for requesting!
Genre: Angst
Written for Gn!Mc
Narrated from Satan's perspective.
CW: ch. 16 spoilers; swearing; hints of depression, isolation, and PTSD; vague mention of dissociation, avoidant-attachment, not really a happy ending. 
WC: ~1.3k
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Two months.
It had been nearly two months since the incident, and they've yet to spare any of their time with him.
Well...They haven’t spared much time with any of his brothers, preferring to spend their time either on their own, or with the Angels. 
It didn’t bother him at first...or, well- maybe it did a little...But he figured they’d get over it after they had some time to process seeing their own death. 
Actually...when he really thinks about it- perhaps that was a pretty calloused way to look at things. 
Satan had been desperate to get closer to Mc, ever since they had helped repair some of the tension between him and Lucifer. He could give a shit less about their connection to Lilith, since the only images he had of their sister were the fragments from Lucifer’s that were given to him. Regardless, he began seeing them as more than just some stupid human, as were the rest of his brothers. 
But perhaps they wasted their chance to see that earlier. 
Mc had been kind and friendly to all of them from the beginning- especially to him. And each one of them spat all of that kindness back in their face with expressions of distaste, insults, threats of violence, actual violence, and a simple disinterest in anything having to do with them. The only brother who had gotten reasonably close to them was Beelzebub- and they’ve even distanced from him since his twin tore them to shreds. 
Satan sighed, pushing away the thoughts for now as he typed out yet another text that was sure to be left on read, asking them to meet him for coffee in the library. To his shock, they replied, taking him up on his offer. Satan felt his heart rate quicken with excitement over finally getting some alone time with the individual who he felt so enamored with. 
Satan sat in the coziest chairs he could find in the RAD library, two steaming cups of coffee in hand. He set them on the table, doing his best to make the space look presentable for them. After all, this is the first time he had hung out with them alone, he wanted to make a better impression and show them he was more than how he appeared upon their first meeting. 
After about 15 minutes past the time they agreed to meet him, Satan felt his heart begin to sink. It wasn’t like them to be late, especially after making a commitment. He bounced his leg anxiously as the clock on wall ticked by slowly, every moment cutting deep into his ego. 
Finally, after another 10 minutes, the doors to the library creaked open. Satan snapped his attention toward the door, abandoning the clock. He beamed as he saw their smiling face, having not been able to recall the last time he had seen them smile like that. After they gave a wave to someone he couldn’t see (though based on the silhouette, he assumed it to be Simeon), they turned into the library and made their way toward him. 
However...the smile on their face faded almost instantly. 
Satan tried his best to maintain his composure, but their sudden look of disinterest felt like a dagger being thrust into his heart. He gave them as warm a smile as he could, standing to greet them before gesturing to the empty chair at his side. They only gave a small nod and a vague apology for being late in response, twisting the blade further. 
The two sat in silence for a moment, sipping the warm, soothing liquid as they awkwardly stared anywhere else but each other. 
Finally, Satan broke the silence. “So...How are you doing?” 
They shrugged, setting their coffee down on the table. “Fine, I suppose. And you?” 
“I’ve been alright- classes have been quite the headache with exams coming up. Are you fairing okay with the workload? I figured I could maybe help you study if you-” 
“Simeon has been helping me enough, thanks.” They give him a weak smile. “But if I need any further help, I’ll come your way.”  
“S-sure.” Satan continued trying to maintain his warm smile, though inside he felt his heart breaking. “Have you been feeling ok? You’ve seemed to be quite distant since- uh- for the past few months.” 
They sighed, leaning back on their chair. Satan noticed the far-away look in their eyes, telling him they were only half present with him in the moment. “It’s been hard- really hard.”
Satan nodded, fixating his gaze on them as they spoke. 
They turned to meet his eyes, lips upturning into a pitiful smile. “Sorry for not responding to your messages.” 
Satan shook his head and gave a nervous laugh. “No, no. It’s fine, It’s not like I was waiting with baited breath for you to reply or anything.” 
They raised an eyebrow and nodded, picking back up the coffee cup. 
Why did you say that, you idiot! He scolded himself internally.
“Uh- anyways. I just wanted to let you know that...” He swallowed, pushing down the nerves that caused his face to blush in a salmon glow. “...That I’m here if you want to talk, o-or anything.” 
They winced, but quickly hid the reaction and nodded. “Thanks- I’ll try to keep that in mind.” 
An awkward silence again fell over the room, Satan tried and failed to make small talk to ease the tension, but the discomfort was evident in both of their actions. Eventually, they excused themself- stating they had plans to bake with Luke this evening. A cop out, he was sure. 
Satan sank down into his chair as the library doors shut in the distance. How he so desperately wanted to laugh and joke with them, to have deep conversations and talks of what’s happened. He wanted to help them like they helped his family, but the walls they built up were so thick- he wasn’t sure if there was anything he could do to break them down. 
Frankly, he wasn’t sure if he even had a right to do so. 
Despite his longing, he knows why they keep their guard up around him and his brothers; why they keep all of them at an arms length; why they spend most of their time in purgatory hall to the point where they should probably just have a changed room assignment. And he know all of his brothers realized it too. 
It wasn’t just Belphie. It was a result of all of their actions- even Mammon and Asmo, despite never actually bringing them any harm. They had their chance to make an impression, and they blew it. And now, someone who they all wanted to get closer to only pushed them away. And who could blame them? Any sane person would take off running in the opposite direction if a Demon so much as looked at them.
But Mc...they gave all of the brothers the benefit of the doubt. They relied on them for protection; for friendship in the place they had no experience in; for some sort of connection to stave of the loneliness of being away from home. And all of the brothers proved to them those things were not something they could provide unless certain conditions were met. 
It was understandable that they flocked to the angels- they love anyone unconditionally. Perhaps Satan could learn a thing or two from them, despite the jealousy he felt in how they were able to enjoy being close to Mc. 
He wouldn’t give up on trying to break down the walls...but damn if it wasn’t wearing him thin. 
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serpenteve · 3 years
In most cases when you venture into an anti's profile after they've spewed some nonsense about how shipping fictional characters is supporting ab*se and gr*oming, they're a teenager and you're like well, at least this poor child's brain hasn't fully developped yet so that's something, but when in some cases it says 22 yo or 23 yo on there and you want to fling yourself into the sun, this new wave American centralized puritanism is gonna send back to the 1800s, this time by the hands of women.
As someone who's been in and out of this fandom since 2015, the shifting landscape of the fanbase has been fascinating to watch.
After the trilogy was published, Darklina was the most popular ship (called 'Alarkling' back then and I honestly have no idea why we picked such an unwieldy ship name lmao). Tumblr was much more active because this was before the Infamous Purge of 2018 and most of the fanbase was concentrated here instead of spread out across multiple platforms like it is today.
Mal hate was rampant. After Darklina, the most popular ship was Nikolina (this being before the duology paired him with Zoya) and/or shipping Alina with nobody. There were like max 4 people unironically shipping Mal with Alina, and usually those people were multi-shippers who shipped Alina with everybody. Most fanfics would either pretend he didn't even exist or would include him just to shit on him or kill him off. People would go and edit his wiki page on the Grishaverse wiki to remind people what an asshat he was and I'd be lying if I said this didn't have me in tears of laughter.
The amount of fan art, fanfic, fan edits, fan content about Mal x Alina was embarrassingly low. You could be forgiven for not even realizing he was supposed to be the main love interest based on fandom engagement alone.
The fact that the vast majority of the fandom hated Mal because of how much he reminded us of your run-of-the-mill garden variety toxic fuckboy (at best) was incredibly validating. We didn't fall for the author's failed attempts of excusing his bullshit. We kind of just made our own fanon and ran with it.
Six of Crows got published and while their fandom was much larger than Shadow & Bone, there wasn't a whole lot of overlap in the fanbase. A lot of SoC fans didn't even realize S&B existed at the time since it wasn't prerequisite reading to enter the Grishaverse. Also, SoC was obviously better written and tightly plotted so anyone who went back to read the original trilogy was going to be in for a surprise with the massive drop in writing quality.
Then the Tumblr purge happened and the fandom just kind of died off. This wasn't just something that affected S&B, however. A lot of users migrated to Twitter or just left Tumblr for good. I actually don't even know too much about the fandom history from 2018-2020 because I also left around this time (for other unrelated reasons).
Someone else might be able to fill in the details here but what I *imagine* happened is that the Darklina fandom kind of died off post-Tumblr purge as did a lot of fandoms at the time. Leigh published KoS in which she created a parody cult of Darklina fans and used her heroes as mouthpieces for her anti-Darklina agenda because she was pissed 3/4 of the fandom hated M*l and were shipping Alina with the villain out of pure spite and her terrible writing choices.
A new generation of fans entered the fandom through either Tumblr, Twitter, BookTube or TikTok and saw the chaotic mess of rampant Darkling simping and indiscriminate Mal hate that we left in our wake and then reacted to that. So now new fans starting unironically shipping Alina with Mal out of spite for the original fans who blatantly didn't and probably felt emboldened by the author herself immaturely reacting to her own fanbase and painting us as stupid cult members who read her book wrong.
And thus began the era of the Darkling antis (a phrase that 2016 would have absolutely clowned at) who, like the author, think anyone who ships Alina with the Darkling is an abuse apologist and is somehow too stupid to see his ~evil~ villainy and need to be reminded via anon hate about how dumb we are 🤡
Is it also a coincidence that people are turning around and claiming any critique of the sexist ending of R&R is now itself sexist? Is it a coincidence that new fans are willing take the author's excuses for Mal's shitty behavior? Is it a coincidence that antis are running around and calling Darklina shippers "racist" because...the Netflix adaptation racelifted the characters and they will jump on any half-baked excuse to harass shippers? ☕
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rafesgfs · 4 years
love me, hate me - part one
Warnings: swearing, angst if you squint, mild violence
Word count: 3.7k
Summary: Who knew Ransom would get so worked up about a few stolen beers?
Or: In which he's a sucker for you but those were his favorite beers.
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He didn't know why he put up with your shit. If you had been anyone else, you'd be working at a dead end job that barely covered your bills instead of walking around the mansion in your brand new Lois Vuitton purse, Jimmy Choo heels that screamed for him to fuck you, and a tight dress he wanted to tear off.
You even had the balls to call him Hugh, a name he specifically reserved for the help. When he informed you, you had rolled your pretty powdered eyes, sneering at him for being an inconsiderate asshole before asking why he wasn't calling himself Hugh due to the massive help sign that was disguised as his cashmere sweater.
Ransom didn't know if he wanted to hurt you or make you his. He preferred the latter but with the way you were pushing him, he wouldn't be surprised with himself if you somehow found yourself in the backseat of his car, tied up and awaiting for him to fuck you senseless. If you had been anyone else, he would ruin your life without hesitation.
He tried to hate you, he really did and usually, it wouldn't be hard for him to hate someone. Most of the time it barely took him a glance for him to decide to loathe the person. But as he tried harder to hate you, forget you, and ignore you, the more you wiggled your way into his every thought. Even then he couldn't hate you. It made part of him want to ditch family gatherings where he knew you would show, being Meg's best friend, and another part of him was exhilarated.
You on the other hand dreaded being dragged into another Thrombey's family gathering where it all ended in arguments and racists comments. The only people you were able to stomach were Harlan, his adorable nurse, Martha, and of course, your best friend Meg. Whenever the conversation began to look like a shouting match, the two of you would sneak away to get high with the maid, Fran.
Ransom was an asshole, a hot, smoldering asshole with enough snarky remarks that would make any sane person hang themselves. You knew he wasn't a fan of yours, which was only good news for you; you hated him, too. The expression "there's a little bit of good in everyone." applied to everyone except him, not that you weren't surprised. Truth to be told, you wouldn't put it past him to kill a family member if they pissed him off enough.
With the number of jabs you made at his expense, you were shocked he hadn't ruined your life yet. Maybe you had a death wish dangling over you, or maybe you just liked pushing him but you made it your little mission to ruin his evening since yours would be the second he stepped in the room.
Meg nudged you with her elbow, leaving a sore spot on your ribs. You gave her a dirty glare, looking up from your Instagram feed. She motioned to the large mansion ahead, the car slowing. "Okay, the plan is to get drunk, but not enough for my drunk relatives to notice and once they're having one of their dumb-ass debates, we sneak off to Fran's room and smoke a few. That sound good?"
Stretching, you nodded, tucking your phone away. "Yeah, that's fine. Remind me how I ended up spending Thanksgiving break with you, again? What did I ever do to deserve such a punishment?"
"You crushed your parent's wishes on becoming a lawyer, instead became an Instagram model, and the holidays with them are too long for you to hear how their daughter could've convicted criminals instead of posting bikini pics," Meg replied, grinning at your sarcastic pout. She stopped the car right beside her mom's. "Come on, it won't be that bad."
"That's what you said last time. Do you not remember how that little reunion ended?" you asked, opening the car door and getting out. The little gravel on the cemented driveway crunched under your new heels, making you grimace.
Meg shut her door, grabbing her purse. She waited at her side of the car and you both walked up to the door. "Actually, I don't. I'm surprised you can especially with all the weed you smoked."
Rolling your eyes, your mind wandered to the man who had killed your buzz. "Your asshole of a cousin ruined my buzz just by opening his mouth. He could be so much hotter if he never utters a single word ever again."
"Please stop talking about Ransom, it's making my lunch come back up." Meg whined, her feet trudging up the steps. Your heels clicked on the wooden porch. "Which reminds me, he kept asking if you were going to be here. Be careful, he might have a little trap to humiliate you in front of my family. If that happens, just knee him in the balls, and we can go to Cabo or something."
You made a face, cringing just thinking of Ransom asking about you, let alone imagining some kind of plan to embarrass you. "Ugh, what a dick. It's time like this that I regret not going back to my crazy family for holidays."
"You'll be fine. Hopefully. Let's go see Harlan." she opened the door, taking off the lush coat draped over her shoulders before placing it on the spacious coat closet by the entrance. She held her hand out for yours and you slid it off handing it over for her to hang up.
Martha greeted you before you could take another step, the Latina smiling at both of you. "I'm so glad both of you are here. The rest came in before you and they've been bickering since."
You both gave her knowing smiles, the loud discussion so heated you could hear it from all the way across the house. Meg sighed, snaking an arm around yours and Martha, pulling you towards Fran's quarters. "Looks like Harlan will have to wait. I'm not going in there sober."
Martha shook her head, slipping her arm out from Meg's grasp. "Sorry, I don't drink and I have to serve them before they get any rowdier. Between the three of us, I'd rather not see another fist brawl this holiday."
You let out a dry chuckle, fixing the hem of your dress. What were you thinking wearing such a tight dress to a party where Richard Drysdale would mentally undress you with his beady eyes. "We'll come with you, now won't we, Meg?"
She groaned, getting pulled by you, her feet dragging on the hard floor. "We're spending Christmas at your parents' house. You can suffer the family drama because I've had it up to here with mine."
"Oh, you big baby." you teased, following Martha to the living room with Meg in tow. You'd think with all the drama she endured from her crazy mother she'd be able to handle a little more from her crazy relatives. "Wanna mess with that racist, whiney troll?"
Meg's lips lifted into a smile. "That's why you're my best friend."
Martha took a turn towards the kitchen instead of the living room, leaving you and Meg to enter the roomful of crazies alone. Some heads turned but not enough to stop the little debate happening.
Jacob sat at the uncomfortable seat in the corner of the room, watching and tapping the screen in front of him, his eyes never tearing from the device. Linda and Donna sat side by side while their husbands had a screaming match with the other. Joni stood by the fireplace, sipping her wine, and occasionally input some random Pinterest inspirational shit. Your eyes landed on the man you thought would take his sweet time arriving.
Hugh Ransom Drysdale sat at his self-proclaimed seat, eating his Biscoff butter cookies, a smirk evident on his face as he watched you walk into the room. He tried to ignore the way his heart raced, blaming it on the cookies and his seven-month dry spell.
You broke free from Meg's arm, pouring yourself a flute full of champagne, swallowing every last drop before making your way to the plush couch, sitting beside your best friend. Your perfume whiffed in the air as you passed Ransom, making him sit up in his chair. You sat close enough for him to reach over and touch you, but he didn't.
Linda gave you the warmest smile she could muster, interrupting the men's argument to greet you. "Hello, darling. Glad you could make it. At least now there's someone in the room with half a brain."
Walt sneered at his sister before giving you a half-hearted smile. "Hey, kid. Your dad still adamant you become a lawyer?"
"Yup," you answered, pulling out your phone, seeing a bunch of notifications from said person. "Why else do you think I let Meg kidnap me, Walt? No offense, but Thanksgiving at the Thrombey's doesn't classify as peaceful or relaxing."
Ransom guffawed, earning glares from his family members. He smirked at you, biting off a piece from his cookies. "Finally, someone who speaks the truth. No wonder she's his favorite."
That subject launched another debate: deciding who was Harlan's favorite. It was no doubt, Martha was but you did come at a close second. Ransom knew, and he didn't want to miss an opportunity to watch his relatives fight. He was a dick that way. He glanced at you, seeing your phone light up as you whispered a secret to Meg. You ignored the phone call, turning over the phone.
While the rest of the family argued, you left Meg's side, getting up from the uncomfortable couch, and walked out of the room. Ransom watched you, licking his lips at the sight of sashaying, hips swaying, and heels clicking. The crotch of his pants grew uncomfortably tight.
Meg watched him watch you with narrowed eyes, suspicious by her cousin's behavior. He may be 33 but he still acted like a teen, and with her best friend pushing him, there was no telling what he'd do. "If you do anything stupid or remotely offensive to her, I'll make sure to send her your head for her next birthday. Maybe she'll have it taxidermied, and hang it up."
Ransom smirked, tossing the last of his cookie in his mouth, chewing as he looked down at his cousin. "That'll only give me a view of a lifetime. My, this college you go to doesn't seem to teach manners does it? Charming as ever, Meg."
She scowled at him, getting up in the middle of the argument. She couldn't stop whatever he was planning if she didn't know what he had in mind but she wasn't going to ruin this holiday for her best friend. Meg followed you to the kitchen, seeing you take a shot glass from Martha. "Drinking already?"
"Don't judge me. Lemme wallow in the warmth and love of the alcohol that your family isn't capable of," you replied, drinking the clear liquid, grimacing as it burned your throat. Martha handed you the chaser, her timid personality making her put a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Thanks, Martha."
Meg took the bottle of vodka, pouring herself a shot before offering it to Martha who had shaken her head. "You sure?"
She nodded, placing the bottle back in its place. "Yeah, I don't need to be drunk when serving those people. It seems like it's even worse out there than before."
"Thank Ransom. That bastard decided to start another fight just by opening his mouth," you said, sipping on a glass of water. Sniffing the room, you smelt the Thanksgiving dinner Martha had to cook by herself. You knew she had to make a special meal for Ransom since he wouldn't dare put the traditional food in his mouth. Too bad, it'd shut him up. "Why is he here, anyway? Isn't he usually the last one to get here?"
"Usually, but he came with Linda and Richard. Don't worry, you're not the only confused." Martha answered. The oven timer beeped and she opened it, taking out the pumpkin pie. She held it out. "What do you guys think?"
"Looks delicious," Meg replied, looking around the room. The sun was setting and soon you would have to face Ransom again, for dinner. "Do you need any help, Martha? We could help you set up the table or something."
"No, it's fine. I have everything taken care of," she said, nearly dropping the big turkey. Meg helped her, carrying it to the counter. Martha smiled sheepishly. "I guess I could use some help. Meg, do you mind stirring the gravy? And [Y/N], would you please place some knives at the table?"
Both you and Meg nodded, helping the poor nurse. Harlan must've let Fran have the day off or else she'd be all over this. Meg grabbed a plastic ladle from the drawers while you took a handful of knives, leaving the kitchen and walking to the dining room. The long table had been filled with plates, glasses, and napkins, the only thing missing was silverwares. Harlan would have to give Martha a raise.
You had just placed the first knife down when Ransom came in the room, leaning against the arch, arms crossed as he took you in. Watching you, he realized he might have a knife kink, only when it comes to you. You raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to make some kind of remark.
When he didn't, you sighed, tossing a knife onto a clothed napkin. "Yes, you pretentious asshole?"
He chuckled, pushing himself off the wood and walking towards you. "Hello to you, too. Why exactly are you doing that? Shouldn't that Mary girl be taking care of everything?"
Oh, the urge to stab a knife in his face--it was almost too much to resist. "It's Martha and unlike you, I'm nice enough to offer help rather than be a lazy prick who no one loves. Karma's gonna bite you in the ass one day, baby."
Ransom snorts, walking up next to you, so close you could feel the heat coming off of him. "You know, my dear cousin mentioned something about some prank she thinks I'm going to pull on you. Do you know what's going on in that stoned brain of hers?"
"Ransom?" you asked, making your way around the large table, placing knives where they belonged. Gritting your teeth into a smile, you turned to him. "I mean this in the best way possible: fuck off."
He would never dare admit it, to himself even, but that hurt him a little. Not enough to break his smug exterior. "Aw, I like you, too, sweetheart. Hurts when you don't admit you do, too. Want some help on the other silverware?"
Your jaw dropped, the knife slipping through your fingers and Ransom caught it quickly. He placed the knife on the empty, designated napkin. "You're fucking with me."
"No, but I sure would like to fuck you." he grinned, the hidden objective twinkling in his eyes. You rolled your eyes, returning back to the kitchen with Ransom following. "Can't a guy help out around here?"
Ransom grabbed your hand before you could push the kitchen door open. He gently led you to the dark, almost hidden hallway beside the dining room. You snatched your hand back, your elbow grazing the wall behind you. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"
"Spending time with my favorite person," Ransom answered, the smirk gone as he backed you to the wall behind you, leaving you no room to escape. Not that you wanted to. His eyes dropped to your lips, only to darken when yours flashed to his. "Why're you so special? Why do you keep invading my thoughts, my dreams, huh? What're you doing to me?"
That made you smile, amused he couldn't stop thinking about your body. You drag your manicured finger down his blue sweater, earning a shaky breath from him. "Glad to know you have wet dreams about me, Hugh. Hmm, what do you get off to, anyway? Degradation? BDSM? Or are you vanilla in bed? With the way you act, it makes me wonder if you even have a dick."
He growled, slamming you into the wall so hard your head made a loud thud. You'd be lying if you said it didn't turn you on a bit. You did like it rough. "Your a guest here, act with respect, [Y/N]. Close that mouth before you say something you'll regret."
"Wouldn't you like it if I used my mouth for something useful?" you breathed, hands resting on his shoulders, pulling him closer to you. His eyes drifted to your lips, tongue darting out to moisten his own. "Yeah, you would."
"What that mouth do, sweetheart?"
You heard the oven timer ding and you smiled, moving your lips to his ear. "Eat."
His thigh brushed against yours, a hand "accidentally" landing on your bare thigh, his fingers wrapping around the leg. You flashed him a hard smile before moving your thigh away, almost kicking his wife across the table. You scooted closer to Ransom, hoping to avoid his father's uncomfortable advances. If it wasn't for Linda, you would've stabbed the knife you were holding in his hand.
Apparently, you scooted a bit too close to Ransom for him to raise an eyebrow at you, the hint of a soft grin appearing. You glared at him. "Don't."
Ransom chuckled softly, moving closer, close enough for your shoulders to touch. "Now who likes my company?"
"I do like your company... said no one ever." you snapped, keeping enough distance from Richard's wandering hands. If you could, you would've rip his fingers off, but the Thrombey's were too powerful. Ransom threw you a glance, looking between you and the gap between your chairs. You grit your teeth. "What?"
"I didn't say anything."
You pushed away from the table, frustrated with everything about your situation. Tossing your napkin on your plate, you stood up, catching everyone's eye. "Excuse me."
Meg was in the middle of eating her share of the turkey, looking up with a piece of the skin hanging from her mouth. If you hadn't felt so uncomfortable, you would've laughed. She sat up, tilting her head in question as she covered her mouth. You shook you head, assuring her you'd be fine.
Ransom's eyes followed you as you walked by Harlan, giving him a gentle peck on the cheek and a hug before walking out of the dining room. He didn't think he'd ever be jealous of his grandfather. He waited a few seconds before following you, Meg's narrowed eyes watching him as he walked with purpose—he just didn't know what that was yet.
He heard your door slam before he could take a step up the stairs, leaving him confused on what to do. Ransom knew you would reject his company, not that he would blame you. Yet, he felt a little pang in his chest that he ignored, blaming it on the salty turkey. He'd have to go to the doctor soon, check out what was going on with his heart. It might be something serious like palpitations.
Sighing, he went to the kitchen, grabbing a beer and dragged his feet back to his room, trying to forget about the effect you had on him.
It didn't work.
Crawling out of bed, you tiptoed down the hall, careful not make a sound as you made your way downstairs. The stairs were loud and you cringed, hoping everyone was deep asleep. Meg had passed out after smoking Fran's stash, plopping down on her bed in your shared bedroom. She reeked of weed and that hadn't help you sleep at all.
You snuck into the kitchen, the soft counter lights bright in the dark room. Walking over to the fridge, you pulled it open, seeing Ransom's alleged "best" beer right at the front. Rolling your eyes, you grab one, popping the cap off. You took a sip, agreeing with the asshole; it was great beer.
Unfortunately, he chose that right moment to have a midnight snack. The kitchen door opened and Ransom was greeted by the sight of you drinking his beer in your tight tank top and booty shorts. It was enough for him to lose it.
Angrily, he walked up to you, snatching the beer from your hand, some of it dripping on the floor. He held it up in front of you with a sneer on his face. "What the hell do you think you're doing with my beer?"
You flinched when he threw it across the room, the shards sprinkling out on the floor. If his yelling hadn't woken up anyone, that certainly would've. Rolling your eyes, you sighed, crossing your arms. "Don't you mean Harlan's beer? It's not like you bought that beer from your own pocket since you don't do shit."
"Oh, I don't do shit? Unlike you I don't depend on horny men and lesbians for likes in order to keep a roof over my head." he spits, pushing you back against the counter.
"No, you just take money from mommy and daddy." you fired back, amused by his anger. You decided then you had a death wish. Or maybe it was just hot seeing Ransom so riled up. Either way, you weren't complaining.
Ransom growled, hands gripping your waist so tightly you were sure it would leave bruises. "Shut up."
Smirking, you lean towards him, lips hovering his. "Make me."
Before he could kiss you, you shoved him away, took another beer from the fridge and walked away without giving him a second look. Ransom stared after you, gripping the kitchen counter.
This wasn't over.
part two
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thesunshinebunny · 4 years
Ok, imagine this. Riddle dating MC / Yuu for months, they go on little dates, some nights they sleep together, they've... you know what, and there comes a time when Riddle's mom wants to meet MC. Anyone would be afraid of the mere idea of meeting her, but MC is not a "normal person". They usually speaks their mind, no matter how cruel or naive it may sound, so they'rent afraid of Riddle's mother (1/2)
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, let me tell you something, if I were going to meet that woman, I tell her IN.THE.MUTHERF*CKING.FACE what I think about her, and that I’ll going to protect Riddle with all my heart, body and soul.
Anyways……I’m being a little stressed out the last few days, and I’d a very nasty argument with my mother, so I would really appreciatte if you like this post.
*goes to a corner to cry*
The first rays of the morning shot through Riddle's bedroom window, waking him almost instantly. His eyelids opened little by little, getting used to the sudden light that filled his room. He looked at the clock on his counter, which read half past six. There was still time to stay in bed. Besides, he was in good company and didn’t intend to remove the heat from your body so early in the morning.
Memories of the night before invaded his mind, placing a sweet and sincere smile on his lips. He hug you from behind, sticking you to his chest, and slightly hiding his head over your hair, breathing in the scent of your perfume. The scene was relaxing and Riddle wanted to stay like this all day.
But a knock on the door took him out of his reverie. He cursed under his breath, seriously considering using his unique magic and cutting off the head of whoever had deigned to disturb his tranquility. He half donned his school uniform and opened the door with an angry face, about to shout his most famous phrase, and found himself face to face with a half-asleep Trey, letter in hand.
"I'm sorry to wake you up Riddle, but this letter came for you"
He extended the letter to him, apologized again, and left to his room. Riddle closed the door slowly, careful not to wake you, and inspected the letter. He recognized the characteristic countenance of his mother. He read it reluctantly, but his eyes stopped on a sentence nearing the end.
“In your last letter you told me that you were dating someone. I want to meet them. I want you to come with your so-called partner next weekend for tea time. Don't even think about being late"
Riddle sat down on the end of the bed carefully, having an internal battle with himself. He wasn't going to be able to deny a request of that magnitude to his mother, but he knew that if she knew you ... things weren't going to turn out very well.
"I know that way of sitting, you are worried about something"
The redhead was so absorbed that he didn't notice your awakening. Your figure was half lying on the bed, with your head hanging on one side, passing your hands over your eyes as you tried to wake up fully. The sheets covered much of your skin, but not enough, exposing your bare chest. What was once concern that invaded Riddle's mind, was now reliving, again, how he made love to you last night.
"Eyes up, my rose cake"
"I'm sorry"
Riddle's cheeks turned his trademark red, but this time from embarrassment. He took a deep breath and let out a slow, tired sigh. He’s awake about ten minutes long and it seemed that he had scolded all of his residents.
"My mother sent me a letter and she’s asking me to come together for the weekend so that she can meet you"
“Is that what you're worried about? Are you afraid that she won’t approve our relationship?"
Let's be honest, inside you were screwed up to your feet. You were going to meet Riddle's mother for the first time, a completely controlling woman, a woman who wasn't going to reason so easily. It was going to be daring to talk to her, but not an impossible mission.
"I know my mother is a difficult woman to reason with, what I'm afraid of is ..."
"That I say something out of place or make her angry and we end up shitting each other like we were at a Batlle Royal?"
It wasn't necessary for Riddle to open his mouth, in his gaze you could already find the answer to your question. You spread your arms, inviting him to snuggle with you, which he gladly accepted, burying his face against your chest.
"Don't worry, everything will be fine, you know I know how to take care of myself, and if necessary I will protect you with my life"
The weekend arrived. Riddle and you were walking down one of the many cobbled streets of the Rose Kingdom, in the distance you could make out a large and beautiful house, decorated by large vines of red and white roses. Needless to say, this was Riddle's house.
"If you need more time to put your ideas in order, we can take a walk"
You could see out of the corner of your eye as Riddle stared at the silhouette of his house on the horizon. His grip grew stronger with each step you took and you could feel the vein in his temple twitch from stress.
"We would be late"
"So? Your mental health is more important than being late for a meeting that we both know is giving you a lot of stress” 
You stopped in your tracks and pulled Riddle towards you, capturing his face in your hands. You gave him a sweet smile, full of compassion and empathy; You knew this wasn’t going to be easy, not for you or for Riddle, and that he was going to need all the help in the world.
"I need you to calm down, if you cannot appear in front of your mother it’s completely valid and she must understand it at some point"
Riddle didn't say anything, he just took your hand over his and kept walking, but not before returning the smile.
When they finally reached the portal of his house, you noticed how his hand shook when he wanted to ring the bell. You placed your hand on his and both were present with the noise of the doorbell. The seconds of waiting became eternal, both had to seek comfort in the other, admiring the outfit you both were wearing and telling each other that you were very handsome and that neither was breaking the dress codes of the house. When you heard the footsteps behind the door approach, both stopped in their tracks what you were doing.
"Welcome home Riddle, on time as always"
Mrs. Rosehearts prevailed the moment she opened the door of her home. If it wasn’t for your countenance and clear conscience, you might even have become a little scared. Just a little.
"You must be (Y/N)"
"Hi, I'm (Y/N) (S/N), nice to meet you Mrs. Rosehearts" You extended your hand politely, naively hoping that she would return your greeting. Long and uncomfortable seconds passed, Riddle's mother refused to shake her hand; she just looked at you with contempt. After about 10 endless seconds you removed your hand.
"I think not"
"Come inside, before someone sees the hideous clothes you are wearing" The lady took a step back, surprisingly in order to let them both pass. Weird that she didn’t slammed the door in your face considering the contempt that overflowed from her being.
"Oh, I think we are both very cute, even the colors are the same as the Queen of Hearts"
You walked in holding Riddle's hand with a calm smile, but the same couldn't be said for the redhead. He seemed more restless and very pale, you were afraid that at any moment he would faint from the pressure that his mother was generating. The three of you sat down at the large table in the living room, on which were placed three cups of chamomile-scented tea, and in front of you a piece of strawberry cake.
“I'm going to get straight to the point, why do you think you have the right to go out with my son? Do you have an interesting and powerful unique magic?"
"Oh no ma'am, I have no magic" Without hesitation, you grabbed the fork next to the cake and cut a piece, without looking at the lady who was about to release smoke from her ears.
"Pardon me?"
"You heard well, ma'am, I don't have any spark of magic in my being, and I'm going to a wizarding school ... ironic isn't it?"
You cut another piece of cake, setting a strawberry aside, savoring the fluffy and creamy filling. You poked the strawberry and set the fork in front of Riddle, patiently waiting for him to eat it. You noticed how his eyes fixed on his mother's, restlessness and nervousness still present in them. You didn't need to turn your head, you knew his mother was looking at him disapprovingly, but you didn’t put it away. You placed your other hand over Riddle's, encouraging him to eat the strawberry, and to your surprise and his mother's, he took the fruit into his mouth in one bite.
"I didn't have to tell you not to eat the strawberry and you still disobeyed me, Riddle"
"I don’t want to sound rude, ma'am, but Riddle likes strawberries a lot and if he eats one or a couple it's not going to hurt him." You grabbed another strawberry from the cake and fed it to Riddle, who now didn’t hesitate for a second to bite it.
"Riddle, go to the kitchen and make more tea. Now."
The redhead couldn’t deny the insistent look of his mother, accepting without question the order he gave her. When he got up, he fixed her gaze on yours, moving her lips almost imperceptibly: "behave" to which you replied with "I am" 
Next act, Riddle disappeared when crossing the threshold of the living room.
“Since you seem so wise, tell me the following, are your grades exceptional? Since you’re magicless, making you almost useless in this world, at least you dedicate yourself to study "
"Oh no ma'am, my grades are average, and I barely get a 70"
Already the lady was red as a tomato, about to foam from her mouth. It was like seeing a copy of Riddle in a female version.
“Are you telling me that my son is dating someone without magic and completely stupid? I can't believe it, Riddle couldn't choose a more useless perso "
"Considering that I come from another world, and I have instilled its own history, sociology and politics, I would be learning everything again, like a newborn baby"
"From another world?"
You put the fork on the plate, finishing the cake with great happiness and you looked at the woman in front of you, whose face is now pale and with noticeable confusion.
“That's right ma'am, I'm not from Twisted Wonderland, I come from another world. And as I said before, consider me a newborn baby, I have to learn a history and subjects that in my world we don't have. I learn new things every day and I dedicate myself to studying the best I can, I have been at NRC for more than a semester and I am making incredible progress according to the teachers. Therefore, having an average of 70 in a person like me would be more than acceptable, don't you think? "
For a moment your eyes were fixed on the figure of Riddle, who was still making the tea, and you decided to get up from the table and keep him company, leaving his mother drinking what little was left of her tea. Perhaps a moment alone would make her reflect on the revelation you threw her like a bucket of cold water in the middle of winter.
"Do you need help darling?" You appeared behind him, running your hands around his waist, conveying a little peace to him.
"No, it is not necessary" his hands were shaking, it was obvious that he needed help, but his pride would not leave him.
"Riddle ... let me make my flower tea." Your comment distracted him, causing him to almost spill the chamomile water he was preparing.
His gaze conveyed insecurity and fear. He knew you were about to break a rule, and that it was not the best option to anger his mother more than she already was. Without saying a word, you took the cup of chamomile water in your hands and proceeded to look for small dried flowers in the kitchen. Before Riddle knew it, a new tea was ready to be served and the guinea pig was going to be nothing more and nothing less than his mother.
"Sorry for the delay, ma'am, but here's your tea" The woman looked at her infusion with reluctance, on the point of beheading you.
"Queen's Rule n ° 529-"
"One should have a chamomile tea with a sugar cube for tea time on weekends ... I know the rule"
"Even knowing it, you decide to break it, if I had enough power, it would cut off your head"
You sat across from her with a sly smile from ear to ear. You were walking the tightrope, at any moment you would fall or it would be cut, but you wouldn’t leave without fighting a good fight. This meeting was coming to an end.
“I think it would be better for you to drink the tea that I kindly prepared for you before drawing absurd conclusions. After all, it is one of the specialties of my world, I doubt that I will ever have another opportunity to have tea like this"
Your gaze now was the one that penetrated the environment. You didn't take your eyes off hers, forcing her to drink her bloody tea. When her lips touched the teacup, both you and Riddle were crossing your fingers internally.
After a couple of hours having a normal conversation, it was time to go back to school. Riddle was saying goodbye to his mother and you’re about to walk the streets again when his mother called out to you. You turned your head, expecting a new derogatory comment, but what she said next surprised you.
“I still don't approve this relationship… but I can't deny the fact that you have potential. Don't make me regret giving you a chance"
And with that phrase she slammed the door of his house.
"Ok, thanks ... I guess"
You took Riddle's hand for the last time in the afternoon and both started walking. The queen was finally able to breathe a long breath and release the stress and anguish that he had been accumulating all afternoon.
"Well ... it could have been worse"
"Yes I think so"
You stopped short, pulling Riddle towards you and wrapping your arms around his neck. You settled your forehead on his and gave him a sweet smile which he returned with the same sweetness. His hands settled on your waist and caressed you slowly, generating butterflies on your belly.
"You could have behaved better, my mother was about to behead you"
"If I had behaved better, we wouldn’t have managed to convince your mother to give our relationship a chance." You kissed him on the nose playfully.
"Now let's go back, I have a gift back at school that you will surely like"
His smile turned into a mischievous one, unable to retain the little patience to know his gift.
"Oh yeah? And what is it about if I may know?"
"Mmm ... I got a new corset with white floral details painted red"
His grip on your waist grew stronger, pulling you to his chest and stealing a fleeting but passionate kiss.
"I knew you would like ... now come on, I don't want to make you wait"
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