#i want to try actual mochi. like the cake
indecisive-dizzy · 5 months
mochi ice cream <3
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peterofthedrakes · 7 months
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this is katakuri. to me.
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xxspringmelodyxx · 7 months
Why Her and Not Me?
Gojo Satoru x F!Reader (Angst)
I’m back with the angst everyone! I think I am planning on making this a multiple series…because I have a few ideas! Please let me know what you all think! I love hearing from you :) Anyways, onto the story!
Part II
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I stared in the oven, watching the strawberry cake slowly come to a rise. I looked at the time and saw that there were only 10 minutes left before I could take it out, so I took this opportunity to start filling my mochi. I grabbed the rice dough and flattened it out, grabbing my freshly made whipped cream and Zunda.
I loaded up the dough with zunda, adding the whipped cream right after. Carefully, I folded the dough up into a cute little ball, setting it down on a plate next to me. One by one, I arranged them in a neat row on the plate, their green pastel colors and smooth surfaces creating an inviting display that begged to be sampled.
There were exactly 10 balls, all for a special someone.
Just as you finished, you heard the back door of your shop open up. You looked over to see Utahime. I smiled in her direction, greeting her.
”Hey Hime! What brings you here?” You asked, hearing the ding of your oven go off.
“I wanted to see if that idiot was over here bugging you.” She said, looking around for Toru. I smiled softly at the mention of his name, seeing her give me a look of disgust.
”Ugh, out of all the boys you could have fallen for, why did it have to be him? Can’t I persuade you to fall in love with someone else? Literally anyone else.” She said, looking at all the sweets I made. I turned the oven off, grabbing the cake and placing it on the counter to cool off.
“Oh come on, Hime. He’s not that bad. He’s actually very sweet once you get past his cocky facade." I defended, my voice softening as I thought about the moments of genuine kindness I had witnessed from him.
”Are you sure we’re talking about the same Gojo Satoru?” She asked, grabbing a cupcake from the plate.
”Cut him some slack, Hime. Hes got so much pressure on him, it only makes sense for him to act the way he does. I know I would’ve gone absolutely insane if I were in his position.” You said, snatching the cupcake from her hand as she was about to eat it.
”Hey! I wanted to eat that.” She whined, making you roll your eyes at her.
”these are for my customers.” You said, placing the cupcake back on the plate.
“Besides, I already made a plate for you next to the fridge.” You said with a smile, placing the cupcakes in a box for pickup. Hime looked over to the fridge to see a pile of various treats, making her eyes sparkle and mouth salivate.
”Y/n, you are literally the best person in the whole wide world!” She said, grabbing a strawberry muffin.
“I know.” You said, going back to check on your cake.
As Hime stuffed her face with the muffin, she looked over to see the kikufuku neatly displayed on a plate.
“Y/n, when are you going to ask him?” She said with her mouth stuffed. You looked over to her with a confused face.
”What are you talking about?”
Now it was her turn to roll her eyes.
”Oh come on, Y/n. When are you going to finally confess your feelings to Gojo??”
You looked back down at your cake, a frown making its way to your face.
”I…I don’t know, Hime.” You said.
”If you don’t do it soon, it could be too late. Y/n, I am only telling you this because I know how much you love Gojo…even though I find it hard to believe that a sweet girl such as yourself finds someone like him irresistible.” She said, walking up to you. She placed a hand on your shoulder, making you face her.
”What if…what if he doesn’t see me that way? What if I confess to him, only for him to reject me and ruin our friendship? I don’t want that…” You said, looking into her eyes.
She scoffed.
”If Gojo doesn’t see how lucky he is to have someone like you fall in love with him, he’s more of an idiot than I thought.” She said, trying to hype you up.
”You two are inseparable. I swear, anytime I see Gojo without you, its like his whole day is ruined. But the moment you show up, its as if he saw a miracle appear right before his eyes. You quite literally make his day better, Y/n.” She said sternly.
”You really think so?” You asked, starting to feel hopeful.
“Absolutely! There is no way anyone could deny that. Honestly, its kind of sickening how cute you two are together. It almost makes me jealous because you're my best friend.” She said, making you laugh.
”Hime, I never you took you as the jealous type~” You teased, making her smirk.
”Shut up. All I am saying is when you two do become a couple, you better still make time for me. I don’t care if Gojo gets mad, I will steal you away if you don’t hang out with me for a long time.” She said
”you’re starting to sound like Shoko, now. She told me the same thing not too long ago” You snorted.
”well she’s right. We had you first. Gojo was the last to have you, so by common knowledge, your besties get your time first before him.” She said, making you smile at her.
”Oh, Hime. If Toru and I do actually become a thing, I promise you I will never abandon you two. Honestly, if it weren't for you girls, I would have never gotten this close to Toru. After all, chicks before dicks.” You joked, copying what Shoko said the other day.
She chuckled, hearing the back door open once more.
”Sup bitches.” Shoko said, making you both shake your heads at her.
”Nice of you to show up, Shoko. Y/n is about to confess to Gojo of her undying love for him.” Hime teased,making you tense up.
”What?! When did I say that?!” You asked, whipping your head around towards the two of them.
”Fina-fucking-Lly. It’s been like five years and you two still haven’t gotten anywhere. I feel like I’m going insane just watching the two of you, especially with the sexual tension going on between you two.” Shoko said, making your face heat up.
”S-Shut up Shoko! You have no idea what you are talking about.”
”So how are you going to confess to him?” She asked, smirking at your face.
”Easy, she is going to go straight up to him with the kikufuku in her hands and look him I straight in the eyes. Then, she will hold onto him desperately and confess her love for him.” Hime said, teasing you a bit.
”Oh, Toru~ I love you so much I can’t think straight! I need you so bad in my life~” Shoko continued, mimicking your voice.
”Then come here baby and lets make love alllll night~” Hime said with a deepened voice, mimicking Toru.
”I do not sound like that, Shoko.” You said, making them both laugh.
“Plus…a part of me still has a bad feeling. I don’t know if he thinks of me that way.” You said, your grip on the counter tightening.
Shoko and Hime suddenly stopped and walked towards you.
”Hey, look at me.” Shoko said, forcing you to look in her direction.
”It’s going to be alright. I already told you last time, there is no way he thinks of you as just a friend. He literally talks about you all the time that even I get tired of hearing about you.” She said.
”Yeah, and the way his eyes light up even more just by the simple mention of your name? Its so obvious he likes you.” Hime followed.
”But…maybe that is just him being…well himself.” You said, trying to come up with excuses.
”Y/n, there is no doubt in my mind that he is head over heels for you just as you are for him.” Shoko responded.
Suddenly, you heard the bell ring from the main entrance of your bakery shop.
”Y/n! Come out here, I need to ask you something.” You heard a familiar voice yell. You felt your heart race at the sound of his warm voice. Your body tensed up even more as you felt your body basically freeze.
”What are you waiting for!?” Shoko asked. Hime grabbed the Mochi you made for Toru and placed them in your hands.
“Go out there and tell him! This is the perfect chance!” They both saiid, pushing you out to the front.
You tried to go back in, but they locked the door, forcing you to stay out there.
“Y/n?” You heard his voice once more, making you freeze again.
“Is everything alright?” He asked, one of his eyebrows rising.
You slowly turned around, finally coming face to face with the tall white haired man.
He looked down at you, his confused face slowly turning into one of happiness as he saw the kikufuku in your hands.
”Is that…what I think it is?” He asked, almost salivating at the sight of it. He loved your baking, no matter what it was. But when you made him his favorite snack, it was something different.
”Uh, yeah! I did. I figured you’d want some since it had been a while since the last time I made it.” You said, walking around the counter, making your way towards him.
You placed the dish in his hands, feeling his fingers brush against yours. You quickly pulled your hands back, almost dropping the dish. Thankfully, Toru had quick reactions and caught it before it fell.
”woah there, no need to be so nervous! You know I love your baking!” He said, instantly stuffing his mouth with one of the mochi balls.
”Mmmm. They are perfect! You even made them with the perfect amount of filling!” He said, making your heart flutter at his reaction.
”I remember you complaining about another shop putting too much in. I wanted to make sure it was just right for you.” You said sheepishly.
”You mean you actually listened to me?” He asked, chuckling at you.
”Of course. I do actually care about what you say, you know.” You replied, looking up at him.
”Oh I’m touched.” He teased, setting the plate down on a nearby table.
“So what was it that you wanted to ask me?” You asked
Suddenly, his whole demeanor changed after you asked. It was weird.
He looked down at you and fidgeted with his hands, making you look up at him with concern.
“Y/n…do you know what it feels like to…love someone?” He asked, making you blink your eyes up at him.
”Well…I mean…yes…yes I do.” You said, making him look you in the eyes.
”Then maybe you can help me.” he said, making you look up at him confused.
”help you?”
He sat down at the table near him, you following suit.
”There is…this girl. And every time I am around her, I feel nervous. It’s like my hands get clammy and I feel my heart skip a beat just from the mention of her name.” He said.
After he said that, you started to feel your heart race again, heat rising to your face. Was he…was he talking about you?
”Just looking at her makes me feel all tingly inside…and I always long to be around her…” He finished.
”Is…is that what it feels like to…be in love? Feeling like you want to be around that person all the time? Feeling excited every day because you get to see them?” He asked, making you smile a bit. You nodded your head.
”Yes…it is. At least, to me it is. After all, that’s how I feel about y-“ You started, but quickly shut up, not ready to confess to him just yet.
“Hmmm.” He said, lost in thought.
”Toru? Are you okay?” You asked, feeling hopeful. He looked deep into your eyes and a small smile slowly formed.
”Yeah…I am. I…I never thought it possible, but I think I may have feelings for her.” He said, mumbling a bit.
”Oh?” You asked, hoping this was the part where he confessed everything to you.
”You remember Osaka? The girl who just moved here and joined us?” He began, making you come out of your senses. Osaka moved in from a small village hundreds of miles from here. It had been almost a year since then and it was needless to say that her and Toru hit it off really well…but you figured it was just him being nice to her…
”Yes…why?” You asked, not liking where this was going.
”Well…because I think…I think I might like her…” He said, a small smile making its way towards his face. However, while he was thinking of Osaka and feeling his heart beat faster, you felt yours shatter.
“You…like…Osaka?” You asked, tears starting to fill up in your eyes. He looked up at you, not noticing the water beginning to form in your eyes.
”I…I think so…no. I know so! I mean, just hearing her voice…it makes me crazy. I’ve never felt this way before. It feels…nice.” He said, getting lost in his mind.
”I see.” You said, swallowing hard. It hurt so bad. It felt as if you were swallowing nails and sharp razors down.
”I think I am gonna go and talk to her…see what she says.” He said, confidence filling up inside of him.
”T-talk to her about what?” You asked, your voice breaking a bit.
”Talk to her about how I feel, silly. I mean, I’m pretty sure she feels the same way. I don’t think anyone could love me as much as she does.” He said.
”I do…” You thought as he said those words. He quickly got up, pride and excitement filling up inside of him.
”I’m gonna go do it! I’m gonna go tell her everything. tell her how I feel for her! How much I long for her!” He said, quickly leaving.
“Thanks for the talk, Y/n! You really are a good friend!” He said, quickly leaving. You just sat there, staring at the plate of Kikufuku you made for him. Tears piled up in your eyes and you couldn’t hold it back anymore. You quickly got up and ran to the back, letting it all out. Shoko and Hime ran towards you and caught you in their arms as you fell towards them.
”Y/n! What happened?” Shoko asked with worry.
”I knew it…I was such an idiot for thinking he would ever love me.” You sobbed quietly.
”W-What?” Hime asked, confused.
”He…He doesn’’t…He doesn’t…fuck!” You whispered as you felt yourself begin to hyperventilate
“Breathe, Y/n. Hey look at me. Breathe.” Shoko said, breathing in and out with you, trying to get you under control.
After a few minutes of that, you were able to get yourself under control…however, you still felt awful. You felt like life just got sucked out of you. Shoko and Hime were by your side the entire time, hugging you as you calmed down.
”He…He said he fell in love…but with someone else.” You whispered, broken from the memory replaying in your head.
”Who?” Hime asked, baffled that Toru would pick someone else over you.
”Osaka?? You mean that new girl who just joined us?? There is no way-“
”It’s true, Shoko. You think I would make something like that up??” You asked, staring at her through your watery eyes.
”Y/n…I am so sorry.” Hime said, completely in disbelief.
”I didn’t think he would be that much of an idiot.” She said, hugging you tightly.
“I can’t believe it…he constantly talks about you during our missions. It doesn't make any sense.” Shoko said, hugging you as well.
”And he constantly flirted around with you, too!” Hime said.
You were completely heartbroken, feeling nothing but emptiness. However, Shoko and Hime were livid. Satoru Gojo had hurt their best friend…and what worse is he was totally leading her on!
“Come on.” Shoko said, pulling you up to your feet.
Hime went out to the front and closed the shop early.
”What are you doing?” You asked softly.
”We are all going out. We need to get your mind off of he who shall not be named.” Shoko said, turning everything off in the kitchen and bringing you your jacket.
”I don’t know Shoko. I’d rather just go home.” You said.
”That’s okay. We can go to my place and just hang out. We can have a girls night and watch movies, eat all sorts of food, all that fun stuff!” She suggested. However, you shook your head. You pushed yourself away from her, grabbing your keys.
”No Shoko…I…I just need to be alone…please.” You said, not wanting to argue. Shoko looked at you with worry. She didn’t want to leave you alone, not like this especially.
”Y/n, we-“
”Please, Shoko. I need you to understand…I…I need to be alone for right now.” You spoke, opening the back door and walking out.
Shoko tried to go after you, but she stopped in her footsteps. She knew you wanted to be alone, but she didn't want to leave you alone. But she also knew that you needed it to collect your own thoughts.
Hime came back and asked Shoko where you went. She explained everything and Hime understood.
”Let’s give her a couple of hours, then we will go to her place.” She suggested, making Shoko nod.
You drove towards you house, tears falling down your eyes as quiet sobs slipped from your mouth. You never imagined heartbreak could be this bad…you never imagined the day where you would get your heart absolutely crushed. It hurt so much to the point where you felt pains in your chest. It stung so bad, almost like someone was snipping each string in your heart.
thoughts of Toru and Osaka began to pop up in your head, along with questions.
What did she have that you didn’t? Was it her face? Her hair? Her personality? Her strength? Her charisma? What was it??
All of these questions rushed through your head, yet you could never come up with a proper answer…not unless you asked Toru himself…though that was the last thing you wanted to do. For the first time in your life, you found yourself wanting nothing to do with him. You didn’t want to hear his name, his voice, nor did you want to see him. It would just hurt too much.
You noticed the weather beginning to change. Clouds began to circle above you, getting ready to start dropping rain.
Damn it!
You tried to get your emotions under control, but no matter what you did, the tears wouldn’t stop. The heartache wouldn’t stop.
You knew you couldn’t do anything about it, thus rain began to fall…and hard.
You finally made it back to your house. You quickly ran inside and ran to your bedroom. You flopped onto your bed and let it all go.
The rain outside just fell harder and faster, causing people to rush either to their cars or back to their homes.
Your puppy ran up to you and began to lick your face, noticing something was wrong.
You looked down at him, seeing him look up at you with a tilted head.
You patted your bed, inviting him to come cuddle with you.
He snuck his way under your arm, snuggling up to you. You began to hold onto him tightly. The warmth and softness of his fur felt good against your skin, causing you to slowly drift away to sleep.
though, while you felt yourself succumb to the sleepiness, one thing lingered in your mind as you closed your eyes.
”Why her…and not me…”
Part II??
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froggibus · 8 months
hello hello! froggi i have something rotting my brain and i would love to hear your thoughts on it, but by no means is this something you have to answer!
how do you think gojo satoru and nanami kento (and anyone else you'd like to include!) would feel about having someone pack lunches for them? like real, thought out, balanced lunches in nice containers and thermoses with little drinks and maybe notes
i can already see the confused first years, yuji and nobara gossiping about whether they're dating someone and megumi being weirded out gojo isnt just buying something like the rich boy he is
Sack Lunch - Satoru Gojo, Nanami Kento & Suguru Geto
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Pairing(s): Satoru Gojo x gn! reader, Nanami Kento x gn! reader, Suguru Geto x gn! reader
Genre: fluff!
Word Count: 667 (Gojo's), 685 (Nanami's), 680 (Suguru's)
Summary: a day in your s/o's life when you pack a lunch for him
CW: established relationships!, jokes about dying/being widowed (Gojo's--though they are not necessarily married), lots of cutesy stuff, Gojo acts like a child
anon you are the first person ever to call me froggi (and i kinda love it omg)!! i have not answered a request/ask in a hot minute, but this one was too cute to pass up! not sure if you wanted headcanons for this or not, but i got really carried away :') hope this is what you wanted! also i really feel strongly about Gojo having a 90s lunchbox collection that he is very proud of! - also!! the Valentine's Poll is open if you guys have any ideas of what you want for our Valentine's event this year!! you can vote here - also thank you @l0serloki for helping me with writing nanami!!
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Satoru Gojo:
“Satoru!” You shake your head at the man as he slinks past the kitchen.
He pops his head in, white hair falling over his eyes. “Yes?”
“Don’t forget your lunch.”
“You made me lunch?” He coos, surging forward to pinch your cheek, “you’re so cute.”
You roll your eyes. “No one should spend as much money on food as you do.” You chastise. “And I want to make sure you don’t only eat sweets today. I can’t have you dying on me at 30.”
“Pft, I’m gonna live forever!”
You shove the metallic Sailor Moon lunchbox into his hands. “Keep eating what I make you and you just might.”
“Aw, baby,” he practically sings, “look at you, trying to take care of me.”
He playfully ruffles your hair, but upon seeing your scowl, drags his hand down to your waist. He leans in and presses a sloppy, needy kiss to your lips. You stand on your toes just to kiss him back, rubbing your hands up and down his back.
He pulls away blushing, lunchbox in hand. “I’ll see you later! Love you lots!”
You wave to him as he heads out the door, “love you too!”
Even when he gets out to his car, the grin on his face doesn’t fade. He might have teased you a little, but only because he was so honoured that you even thought to pack him a lunch. The cute Sailor Moon lunch box that totally isn’t his is only the icing on the cake.
Nobara and Yuji stare at Gojo in disbelief. The man has his feet propped up on his desk, whistling a song as he peels a mandarin. A mandarin. The sight of their teacher eating an actual, real fruit is jarring. 
Yuji elbows Nobara gently, “has Gojo-sensei finally lost it?”
“He must have, have you ever seen him eat real food before?”
Gojo rolls his eyes behind his blindfold, popping a slice of the orange into his mouth. He listens to his first years gossip about him as he makes his way through the lunch you packed. You really outdid yourself with this one, he has to admit.
It’s all of the foods he likes, cutely displayed in pink containers that match the glittery exterior of the lunch box. You even packed him strawberry mochi, homemade and neatly bundled. There’s a note in there, too.
Please eat all your fruits and veggies, I don’t want to be a widow. 
Lots of love!
Gojo stifles his laughter at your note, but he can’t stop the flush that creeps up to his blindfold. Not only did you pack him a lunch, you wrote him a note. He can’t wait to come home to you and tell you how much he loves you.
It’s when Gojo gets up to use the bathroom that Yuji makes a mad dash to peek in his lunch box. “Sailor Moon?!”
Nobara leaps to her feet, joining Itadori at the desk. “There’s a note, look.”
Fushiguro sits at his desk, softly chewing on the sandwich that you also made for him this morning. He shakes his head at his nosy peers, wondering why they care so much about their ridiculous teacher’s life.
“From y/n?!” They cry out in unison.
“Did he steal this from someone?!” Nobara exclaims.
“Did he do something to y/n’s boyfriend?!”
The pair share their conspiracies on just how Gojo ended up with a homemade lunch and a handwritten note from you, oblivious to the way Megumi snickers at them in the back. 
Finally, he can’t take it anymore. “They’re together.”
Their eyes practically pop out. “They are?!”
“Yep,” Gojo leans against the door to the classroom, smirking at his students.
“And it’s…like that?” Yuji asks quietly.
“It’s like that.” Gojo raises his eyebrows for emphasis.
All three First Years cringe, groans filling the room. Gojo smiles proudly though, already figuring out how he’s going to tell this story to you when he comes home to you.
Kento Nanami:
Nanami’s cheeks tinge pink as he makes his way to the door and sees you standing there. There’s a massive grin on your face and you’re holding a grey lunchbox in one hand and a coffee thermos in the other. Despite this being an everyday occurance, Nanami still isn’t used to it.
“I packed your lunch.”
He leans in and presses a soft kiss to your lips, grabbing the items from your hands. He sets them on the small table just next to the door to free up his hands before immediately wrapping them around your waist. He caresses your sides gently, almost as gently as he kisses you—trying to show all his gratitude and love for you with a single gesture. 
You’re flustered when he pulls away, straightening out your clothes while you find your breath once more. You watch Nanami as he grabs his lunch and coffee from the table and pulls his keys out of his pocket, clicking open the lock on the front door.
“Oh!” You call to him just before he steps out. “There’s some extra snacks in there, just in case Yuji wants them!”
His dark eyes fill with admiration, his face falling into that soft look he saves for those closest to him. “You really are the greatest.”
You giggle, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he says. “Have a great day today, dear.”
“I will!” You wave at him from the door as he walks to his car. “Oh! And please don’t forget the cutlery at work again!”
“Will do!” His words are punctuated by the closing of his car door followed by the roar of the engine.
You shut the door but the grin doesn’t fall from your face. These mornings are always a highlight for you.
Nanami is exhausted by the time he makes it to his lunch hour. Him and Yuji had been running around all afternoon chasing some low grade curse. The second his watch beeped to indicate lunch time, Nanami was already headed to the crosswalk to head to the park across the street, Itadori in tow.
It’s a beautiful day out, the warm sun heating the wood of the park bench just enough to keep it comfortable. He has his most recent novel open on his lap, his lunchbox on the seat next to him. Yuji sits on the other side of his lunch, happily snacking on the extra things you packed for him.
“Y/n really is the best, Nanamin.” He says through a mouthful of food, “packing you all these snacks and keeping you healthy.”
Nanami offers the boy a half grin, though he’s tempted to remind him of his table manners and how rude it is to talk with food in his mouth. He takes a sip of the coffee in his thermos—still warm from this morning—and relaxes farther into the bench. You always make it just the way he likes it, no sugar and hardly any cream. 
He reaches a hand into his lunchbox to grab the small container of carrot slices when his fingers graze something else. He closes his novel and leans over to examine the paper he’s just grabbed.
Hope you’re having a great lunch today, honey. Made with love
To the moon and back,
He tries to hide his widening grin and reddening cheeks by pretending to cough into his arm, but only succeeds in drawing more attention to his flustered state. 
“Are you okay?”
Nanami nods, catching his breath from his fake cough. The heat starts to fade from his face. He pulls his head out of his elbow and turns to address the boy, only for his eyes to widen in horror as he realizes the First Year is clutching the note that was just in his hand.
“Woah,” Yuji’s eyes widen. “It’s like that? You really are lucky, Nanamin.”
Nanami breathes a sigh of relief, glad it was Yuji that found the note and not Nobara or Gojo. Had they found it, he would never hear the end of it.
“Yeah,” he agrees. “I am lucky.”
Suguru Geto:
Suguru is shocked when he sees you waiting for him by the door with a small, black bag in your hand. He tilts his head at you when your eyes meet his, as if asking you what you’re doing.
“I threw together a couple of things,” you explain. “For lunch.”
He’s never been cared for like this, never had anyone to pack him a lunch. A million thoughts cross his mind. Thank you, you’re the best, how’d I get so lucky? Of course, none of that comes out.
Instead, he utters a simple, “...why?”
He cringes at the sound of his own voice, bracing himself for you to be disappointed. Luckily, you don’t offend easily and your smile never wavers.
“Well, you were complaining about Satoru only ever wanting to go to sweet shops—and that you were sick of eating lunch alone, so…”
You look down to his hands, suddenly too embarrassed to face him. It felt like a great idea at the moment, but the longer Geto looks at you, the dorkier the idea feels.
Geto closes the gap between you, grabbing your hand from under the lunch box handle. “Thank you,” he mumbles against your lips, tugging you closer so he can taste you better.
Relief floods through you at his words of gratitude. You lean into the kiss, relishing in the way he feels against you.
“I really do love you, you know?” He says softly when he pulls away, the bag now hanging from his hand.
“I know.”
He looks at you expectantly, giving you the same look he does when you’re acting like a dork or giving him attitude.
“I love you too, Suguru. Now get going! I don’t want you to be late.”
He offers you a small wave before he heads out the door, wondering exactly how he’ll return the favor when he gets home.
Satoru stares at Suguru from across the table in the teachers lounge. Even with the blindfold on, Geto can tell the man is eyeing the food he has spread out in front of him.
Gojo raises a finger, about to open his mouth.
“Not a word, Satoru.”
His best friend chuckles, dropping his hands in surrender, and goes back to eating his pastries out of a cute pink box. Geto goes back to his own lunch. Though you claimed you just ‘threw together a few things’, he knows that’s far from the truth.
It must have taken you an hour to prepare it all, at minimum. Not only did you make his favorite meal, but you also packed him steamed, honey coated carrots, a slice of homemade banana bread, and a small thermos of his favorite roasted rice tea.
He pops open the lid of the thermos to smell it, the familiar toasty aroma filling his senses. It smells like home—like the nights where he can’t sleep and you bring him a cup of it mixed with sweet honey.
“What’s this?” Satoru snatches the lid from the desk, flipping it upside down and letting a small piece of stationary fall out.
Suguru groans, reaching desperately across the desk for the lid, only for Satoru’s jaw to fall open. He lets the paper float back down to the desk.
“What?” He demands.
Gojo offers him a teasing grin. “Y/n and Suguru, sitting in a tree….”
Geto scowls and grabs the note before Gojo can pick it up and tease him more. Any annoyance he was feeling at the fellow special grade fades away when he sees your handwriting scrawled across the paper.
Hope Satoru doesn’t give you too much trouble today. I love you so much, can’t wait to hear about your day when you get back
All the stars in the sky,
Satoru must not see the way Suguru’s cheeks redden at the sight of the note—or if he does, he doesn’t say anything about it. Though he teases, he couldn’t be any happier for his friend as he watches him read the words on the note over and over, a growing smile on his face.
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masterlist | jjk masterlist
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 5 months
What's something bad all the character's do when in a relationship? (I think you might have done this before???? But I can't find it)
Oh lmao, a lot of these are minor issues but here's what I think!
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Mikey- wants to always sleep with his old towel that he never let's you wash, tries to share it with you too even though it's too small and then gets pouty when it doesn't cover you both.
Draken- sometimes he gets a bit too invested motorbike, will ignore you for it.
Takemichi- says he'll handle dinner but then just gets takeout instead of cooking.
Baji- will leave bed in the middle of the night to go feed cats without you waking up "damn it Keisuke, I wanted to see the cats too!"
Chifuyu- uses manga for all his date ideas (ok this actually sounds kinda cute but be prepared for him to have the manga with him on the date and peak at it like an instruction manual throughout)
Mitsuya- works too hard
Hakkai- occasionally when he wakes up he forgets he's ok to talk to you and gets nervous all over again in his sleepy state
Pah- talks too loudly on the phone (he says it's because he's excited to talk to you but still shhhhh)
Peh- wants to invite Pah with you guys on all your dates
Smiley- threatens to kill you when you sneak up on him and kiss him (he's just a bit flustered and panicking)
Angry- takes your injuries too seriously, a tiny paper cut? Be prepared to have a bunch of plasters put on it (a kiss too)
Mucho- sir we cannot fix every argument with cheese cake
Sanzu- will follow you around to make sure you're safe at times
Kisaki- just assumes you're as good at maths as he is, will ask you random maths questions while you grocery shop to figure out prices and deals. You keep having to explain the need for a calculator to him.
Hanma- will try to irritate you just because he finds your angry reaction "cute and fun"
Kazutora- is a bit too clingy at times, be prepared to be late for work because of hugs.
Hina- will tidy up your stuff and make you lose it
Emma- insists on you having a special cute ringtone specifically for her and your phone can't be on silent.
Naoto- is very secretive about his police work,  will not tell you how his day has been.
Akkun- begs to do practice hair cuts on you, will chase you around with a pair of scissors begging you.
Takuya- tries to act too strong when he's sick, he doesn't want to seem weak to you so he takes on too much and ends up getting worse. 
Makoto- won't stop stealing your underwear 
Yamagishi- will tell you delinquent facts at the most random times, be prepared to hear about old fights while brushing your teeth.
Koko- panics over what to buy you for birthdays because he just spoils you all throughout the year, pouts close to your birthday.
Inui- can walk better in heels then you
Taiju- laughs too loud, if you're not expecting it then it can cause you to jump.
Yuzuha- Too many other people wanting her attention, easy to feel forgotten about sometimes.
Izana- talks to his fish about you but you never know what he's saying because he always stops when he sees you (he's actually just saying how in love he is but you don't know that)
Kakucho- is so nervous about you meeting izana and wanting the two of you to get along that he sweats the whole time during that first meeting (you and izana bond over teasing him about it)
Mochi- finds it easy to carry you so will sometimes just randomly pick you up if he feels you're walking too slow.
Ran- keeps low key insulting your hair when talking about his own (takes you to the salon often too)
Rindou- gets overly competitive with you at the gym, he may love you but he's not going easy on you (though I feel like a lot of you won't complain about the limb locking)
Shion- accidentally let slip he was planning to propose like a week early.
Senju- will randomly grab your hand and start quickly running if she wants to show you something (good luck with keeping up with her)
Takeomi- will steal the blankets as you're sleeping 
Wakasa- if he thinks you're talking too much or grinding your teeth or something then he'll just place his dango stick in your mouth.
Shinichiro- be prepared for cheesy pick up lines 24/7 (he wants you to say them back too)
Benkei- sometimes just throws his clothes at your head randomly (he actually wants you to wear them but instead of just asking you'll suddenly be plunged into darkness by a jacket landing on your head.
South- will sometimes randomly serenade you, even in public causing everyone to stare.
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honeytonedhottie · 7 months
video diary entry ideas⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🍭
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so if u dont already know, a video diary is exactly what it sounds like. a diary of videos that u make, in my previous post about video diaries i talked ab why its sm fun and in this post i'll be giving video ideas just in case u need an extra push or ideas ✨
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talk about ur personal style and ideas and what ur plans are for those clothes. maybe turn the clothes that u thrifted into a project and personalize the clothes to ur needs and style. talk about how you'd style the clothes. as a person who has a passion for fashion i love a good thrift haul video entry.
pick up a box of cake mix and make ur favorite sweet treat while just chatting to the camera. this is helpful especially if u find sitting and talking about ur thoughts and expressing urself kind of awkward, it gives u something to do and helps to lessen the anxiety if ur just starting.
my video diary is like my own podcast so here's some things that i've talked about.
my "hot takes"
ideas for my future
things that frustrate me
talk about ur day in a different language (this is also great practice if ur learning a new language)
talk about whats going on in a show/series that ur watching or reading
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and just sitting and talking is a rly great way for me to cultivate creativity, think of new ideas for literally everything. from my blog to law of assumption epiphanies to projects, fashion ideas and projects, my music EVERYTHING.
talk about things that u need to get off of ur chest for ur own peace yk? cuz theres just something about saying it out loud
do a mukbang
i've actually written a post about starting a collection, but if u need an idea for a video entry go through ur collection and talk about pieces in ur collection.
order and eat ur favorite foods, or if u want to you can take an asmr kind of approach so that then u can enjoy your food and the sounds r SO GOOD in my opinion. when u do a mukbang or asmr u can try new foods and give feedback which gives u something to talk about. some things i've mukbanged recently are
mexican tacos and rice water and for dessert i had cheese cake tempura with some mochi
it was actually my first time trying rice water and it was SO GOOD. it was so delicious and refreshing and the tacos were amazing too. the cheese cake tempura was a bit small but it was rly good and the mochi as always was delicious.
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ariseur · 4 months
OKAY SO I SAW YOURE ALSO A LATINA AND , WANT REQUESTS; IVE ALWAYS HAD THIS THOUGT, what if Satoru and Suguru were BOTH dating a foreign reader (Mexican if you wanna be specific) idk I just though it’d be kinda funny when they remember the reader has an entirely culture than them!!
((btw that “BOTH” was about a poly relationship with satosugu, which you obv don’t have to do!!))
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ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ notes - decided to change up my formatting a little bit, just experimenting lol. but!! unfortunately i don’t write for suguru ( yet, i’m still trying to get a better sense on his personality n his character since i’m almost done w/ s2!! ) and i dont write polyamorous pieces!! so i just decided to write about gojo for now 🫶
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ warnings - intended lowercase, mentions of japanese culture that i’m not educated on so lmk if there’s more common stuff i could mention instead, lmk if i missed any warnings!!
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✧˖° SATORU GOJO dating a foreign reader would actually be a pretty cool dynamic to experience — anon i like your way of thinking about how gojo ( and geto ) would sometimes forget how their foreigner significant reader has an entirely culture from them because .. they probably would lol
✧˖° if you’re not that well versed in japanese / asian culture and traditions, i feel like he would just like casually bring up certain things or events that go on in japan like obon or setsubun or maybe you’re unsure of certain common etiquette, so he’s confused when you’re like “???”
✧˖° but!! if you’re interested in learning stuff about japanese culture then he’ll be like “you’ve come to the right person” and i can just imagine GOJO making that one tiktok emoji face— like the [proud] one lol. he’d love to tell you all about it though, he thinks you wanting to learn more about his culture is just another sign that you love him, and he wants to know more about you too!! he’s willing to sit with you for hours on end and ask you questions about what you do for your culture.
✧˖° if you’re new to japan and you’re unfamiliar with certain places around town and stuff, i think one of the best things that GOJO likes to show you is the food around town. i dunno about you guys but i literally love takoyaki and yakitori and that’s not even relevant to the headcanon i just felt like sharing that for no reason it’s so good to me. but of courseeee!! we can’t forget about kikufuku, a small daifuku with mochi and we all know how SATORU recommends the edamame or cream flavor, so lord forbid you don’t like it — he’ll be so dramatic 😭
✧˖° howeveerrrrr—!! since anon mentioned about shedding light on reader possibly being a latina or mexican, let’s talk about a hispanic!reader with GOJO, yeah??
✧˖° i love the idea that he can’t handle spice, and i dont even know where it came from and i feel like he probably could handle somewhat spicy foods? but i just love envisioning GOJO freaking out over like a tiny lil poblano chilé or something like that. i’m sure he’d love the food but i feel like he’d be so confused watching you make foods from your culture. like, tres leches??? why are you just soaking cake in milk???
✧˖° i’d say SATORU is a somewhat good dancer .. when it comes to certain songs 😭.. he’s not the worst when there’s some spanish music in the back but he will def try to improvise and will make both of you trip. i think he’d like dancing norteñas but i can just see him doing all these unnecessary dips in the middle of the song because he’s just seen it somewhere. he might even give you a kiss when he dips down a little lower, usually towards the end of the song. and when you call him out on it, he’s just like, “what? i can’t give my baby a kiss?” like the bastard he is ugh i need him rn
✧˖° don’t even get me started on him speaking spanish. he swears he’s suddenly this suavé latin genius once he surprises you with a few words. i think he’d be like that with any language though honestly except i’m pretty sure he knows a little bit of english since someone said he traveled abroad?? but with certain languages, he’ll definitely butcher them a lot lol. in the end, you praise him for trying and that alone results in him giving himself a pat on the back.
✧˖° i dunno about you guys in hispanic households, but growing up the way to shush someone or like a baby or something would be like “ya”. it could also be used in like “ya callaté” which is like “shut up already,”? i’m not sure if there’s a direct translation in english but i think like the closest thing to it in english is kinda like, “enough”, in that context?? so im just imagining you saying it to a dog barking or a baby crying and he’s just confused all “wdym ya ya, are they a horse??”
✧˖° i think you and him would really bond when learning about each other’s cultures, though. it’s a learning experience for the both of you and you unlock a new topic in which you guys can both learn about. you can count on your tour guide, SATORU GOJO—!
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𐙚 requests are open — june thirteenth, 2024
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charlottesuzee · 11 months
Love Reading your One piece Fanfictions, They are so interesting to Read and I just love it!♥️✨ is your Requests open? Because I would love to make a Request!☺️
One Piece Characters X Reader
Let’s say that The Reader asks Them(The One Piece Characters) to Join with The Reader in The Bathtub, The Reader thought They wouldn’t Come to Bath🛁 to their Surprise, They actually showed up while The Reader was in the front and They were in the Back(Covered in SoupBubbles) and while also washing them selves and The Reader too🤔🫧
and also can you include Charlotte Katakuri as well? Just Love The Mochi\Doughnut Man Ya Know?🥺🍩💕
Anyways How you are Doing Well, Have a Nice Take Care!🙌🏼✨
Taking A Bath With Katakuri
(only doing Katakuri since he was the only character specified)
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- First off, you and Katakuri on two different schedules most of the time so it’s rare for him to even have dinner with you, much less take a bath.
- So when you invited him to join you, you didn’t expect him to actually join you.
- You were already in the water by the time he came to join you, shedding his jeans, scarf and vest and climbing into the tub.
- Since he is a 16 foot tall man, you two have a pretty big bathtub that’s more like a small pool. He has to sit you on his lap when he adds more water so that your head doesn’t go under.
- He’ll pamper you and wash your body and hair as way to make up for not being able to spend as much time with you, even if you insist that you can wash yourself. His love language is acts of service so don’t try to fight him on it.
- “Is it really necessary for you to wash me ?”
- “Just let me do this. Now do you want the soap that smells like strawberry pound cake or the soap that smells like cherries ?”
- “Strawberry pound cake obviously”
- “That’s my favorite too.”
- He won’t let you wash him though. Since he’s so big it would take you a while to wash every bit of him, so it’s faster for him to just wash himself.
- The most he will let you do is let you sit on his shoulders and wash his hair for him but that’s about it. Everything else he prefers to do himself.
- He’ll even help you wash your face and put lotion on your body after you get out of the tub, gently caressing your body with his large hands.
- In the end, you both snuggle together and enjoy the time you have with each other before he has to get up and do his duties for his mother and siblings again.
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
This is a birthday request by my friend @caffine-goth-moth Happy Birthday Mothy!
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It was the day Tenjiku had been looking forward to. (Name)'s birthday. Which has sent Tenjiku into an uproar. Especially since (Name) has become an important member of Tenjiku. He also became someone important to the main Tenjiku members as well.
(Name) smiled as he twirled around. He was currently at his favorite park spending time with his closest friends. (Name) heard yelling and stopped twirling. He sweat-dropped. He forgot his brother came along.
(Name) sighed and turned towards the yelling. He saw his brother and his friend Hanma fighting. Well more like Hanma annoying his brother while trying to flirt with him. (Name) groaned and turned to his other friend Kisaki. "Saki what did I do to deserve this." He asked pouting.
Kisaki sighed. He himself wonder whay the two have done to be stuck with the two childish males. Before he could answer he was cut off by the two said males yelling for (Name). (Name) ignored them and asked Kisaki which book he was reading. The two males yelled for (Name) again. They were still ignored.
Back at the hideout the a team made up of the gang was trying to decorate. The hint word of "trying". To be honest there was more fighting then actual decorating. They had set up a plan to throw a surprise birthday party for (Name). There was 3 teams.
Team A was the distraction. Which was of Hanma, Kisaki, and unfortunately Shion. They were tasked to keep (Name) distracted while they set everything up.
Team B was on decorating duty. Which was of Ran, Kakucho, and Izana. They were tasked to set up the tables, music, food, and the actual decorations. Which wasn't going too well.
Team C was getting the gifts and birthday cake. Rindou, Mochi, and Muto were tasked with this. Since they knew (Name) very well and could use a car.
Kokonoi had personal matters to attend to so he was sadly missing the party. Although he had wished the male a happy birthday and sent him money as a gift. Saying he would need it after today.
Poor Kakucho was stuck with his King and Ran constantly fighting and aruging on what went where. It was getting to the poin where he was ready to snap and just sit them into corners like children. Well he knew his King would kill him for that. But in his opinion they were acting worse then toddlers.
He sighed as he watched Ran and Izana fight over which balloon color would (Name) would like better. Ran was saying Purple while Izana was aruging Red. Kakucho rubbed his temple groaning. Gaining their attention.
"Kakucho which do you think (Name) would prefer?!" Ran angrily asked him. Izana quickly fired back. "He obviously agrees with me!" Kakucho wished the others where back from getting the cakes and gifts. "Neither. (Name)'s favorite color is (color)."
Mochi chimed in. Coming into the hideout with multiple gifts wrapped. Rindou walked in after him holding the cake. Finally Muto joined them pushing in a bike. Kakucho's shoulders sagged in relief. He couldn’t handle another argument between them. They set everything onto the tables.
Izana and Ran huffed and grabbed the balloons in (color). "Thank you. They've been fighting over this so much. It was starting to get to me." Muto chuckled and patted Kakucho's shoulder. "We get it. Just imagine if Shion was here as well." Kakucho didn't want to imagine that. Just thinking of that made his head hurt.
(Name)'s head felt like it was going to explode. They were now in an arcade. Hanma was still annoying Shion and the arguing was getting worse. (Name) was ready to kill his brother and friend. He groaned throwing his head back. Catching the trio's attention.
"Can you two please cut that shit out!? You've been aruging all fucking day! Its starting to literally kill me! I'm ready to call it a day guys. I don't think I can do this anymore." (Name) looked so tired and stressed. Hanma looked worried for a moment. "What about the party-" Kisaki and Shion quickly covered his mouth.
Well Kisaki covered his mouth while Shion punched him in the stomach. (Name)'s head turned. Confused. "What about what? I didn't hear that last part." Kisaki and Shion let out a silent sigh of relief. Shion quickly answers. "Movies. What about the movies? We were thinking about going." (Name) hums softly and stands there thinking.
(Name) slowly plays with his hair still in thought. While he was distracted the others were quietly discussing what to do next. They knew the party had to be set up by now. They were just waiting for a call from one of the guys. As they were discussing (Name)'s phone started ringing.
Everything fell slient as (Name) answered the call. "Hello? What? Is everyone okay?! I'm on my way!" (Name) quickly hung up and made his way to the entrance. The other three not knowing exactly whats going on. All they know is that (Name) was in a hurry and was leaving them behind.
At the hideout Ran has just hung the phone up and smiles at the others. Kakucho has his head in his hands groaning. While the others just stare at Ran like he was an idiot. Ran looks confused before tilting his head to the side. Silently asking the others why they're looking at him like that.
"Are you stupid?! Why did you say that!?" Izana snapped at him. Ran shrugged. "You said to get him here quickly." Izana follows Kakucho's example by covering his face with his hand groaning loudly. Muto, Mochi, and even Rindou are staring at Ran like he had just kicked a puppy.
"Your going to get your ass beat so bad when he gets here. You literally told (Name) that we were jumped and Kakucho is extremely injured." Rindou deadpanned. The others knew (Name) was ferociously protective over the youngest member. Knowing (Name) saw him as a younger brother.
So for Ran to say Kakucho was injured would get (Name) to hurry. But the way he had explain how Kakucho was practically near deaths door. Is way beyond over kill. Rindou wasn't going to save his brother this time. He was getting tired of always involved when (Name) was also involved. He knew how violent the male could be.
He wasn't Tenjiku's Golden Knight for no reason. Hell he could rival against Izana! Which is kinda scary if Rindou thought hard enough about it. So an angry (Name) coming for his brother? Well Rindou will plan a somewhat good funeral for him. He wasn't getting in the middle of that. He tried it once and it didn't end well on his side.
(Name) quickly made his way towards the hideout. Nothing on his mind except on how his baby brother and his boyfriend could be greatly injured. Whatever gang had jumped them he was gonna rain down hell on them. Nobody messed with them and hets away with it!
(Name) threw the door opening quickly entering the hideout. He didn't pay attention to what was around him. He only cared about how Kakucho and-"Kakucho!" (Name) immediately threw him at the youngest member amd began crying. Tryig to find how injured he was but upon noticing he was fine he stopped.
(Name) completely checked him and then checked the others before snapping his head towards Ran. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDNG ME?!" (Name)'s anger could be felt from the other members who shivered from the feeling. (Name) stomped up to Ran. Grabbing his shirt collar and yanking the taller down to his eye level.
Shion went to reassure (Name) but was stopped by Izana. Who hadn't removed his eyes from the duo. Izana knows he should put a stop to the fight. But where's the enjoyment in that? Hanma was greatly confused. Kisaki was as well but wasn't as open about as Hanma. Muto had explained what Ran had told (Name) over the phone.
"He said you guys were jumped and Kakucho was injured the most and was practically dieing? How stupid can he be?" Kisaki nodded agreeing with his taller companion. Even he knew not to use Kakucho against (Name). The ohers watched as (Name) brutally kicked Ran who had fallen after getting punched in the face.
Izana then motioned Mochi towards the duo. The taller male nodded and quickly made his way over. Softly wrapping his arms around (Name) and lifting him up. Leaving (Name) stunned. Ran quietly thanked Mochi. "I didn't do it for you. I just don't want (Name) to go to jail for your murder." Ran didn't say anything as Mochi carried (Name) back to the others.
As he was set down (Name) finally looked around. Noticing the decorations and how there was a huge pile of gifts and a birthday cake. He smiled softly. "Aww you guys set up a surprise party? Thank you." The way he smiled made the former aura disappear. It made the other members smile. Glad that he liked it. Since it took a while and a lot of work if they were being honest.
After an hour of listening to music and them goofing around it was time for cake and gifts. Obviously Izana went first. He passed (Name) a long thin box. Confused he opened it before he grinned widely. He pulled out a gold (dark yellow) Tenjiku uniform. He giggled and started twirling again. Extremely happy with the gift.
"Thank you Izana or should I say My King." Izana frown and blushed. Brushing what (Name) said off. "Yeah well since your our Golden Knight I figured you should dress like it." (Name) smiled again thanking the male.
Then Rindou passed (Name) a small box. When opened (Name) saw a disc and was confused. "I made you a new mix of songs. I know you said you liked how I did music." (Name) smiled hugging the male. Who froze before slowly patting (Name)'s back. (Name) thanked him. Then Rindou passed him a large box. "This is from Ran. I honestly don't know whats in it."
(Name) curiously opened the box before he blushed deeply. Slamming the box shut and covered his face. The others now curious opened the box. "OI!" Shion immediately started kicking the male that was still on the ground. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING GIVING MY BROTHER THAT TYPE OF CLOTHING!" Rindou cursed his brother before him and the others joined in on the kick fest.
Beside Mochi who quietly made his way over to (Name). While (Name) was distracted Mochi placed a necklace around (Name)'s neck. (Name) was confused at first before softly touching the necklace. Remembering almost immediately what this necklace was. He gasped gathering the others attention.
(Name) smiled tearfully before throwing himself into Mochi's arms. Thaning him over and over for it. (Name) pulled back and carefully placed his hands on Mochi's face. "Are you sure you want to give me this? I know how special it is to you." Mochi answered back witout hesitantion. "You're special to me too (Name). I can't get you a promise ring right now. But this is my form of promising myself to you."
Shion practically shook with anger at the site. He knew his gang members had different feelings for his brother. But why did (Name) have to choose Mochi of all of them. Hell he would've rather (Name) had gone for Hanma or even Ran! Shion stomped up towards the happy couple.
"Out of all the Tenjiku members you could've choosen from...you chose THE STUPID FUCKING APE!" (Name) snapped his head to his brother and frowned. "What do you mean? Aniki I thought you'd be happy for me no matter who I chose." Shion shook his head and shoved them apart. Throwing a punch towards Mochi who dodged. Before he could throw another punch, another fist was seen hitting Shion. Knocking him down.
(Name) panted in anger above him. (Name) immediately threw another punch. Landing it and practically trapping his brother on the floor. After a few more punches were thrown (Name) stopped. Shion grimaced as tears hit his face. His eyes widened upon seeing (Name) cry. It had been what felt like a long time to see him like this.
"I'm so fucking tired of this. You treat me like shit and expect me to always forgive you and to always do what you say." (Name) slowly stood up and put his foot on his brothers chest. "I will only say this once. So listen good and well." Everything was silent besides (Name)'s heavy breathing. "I'm your brother. Not your servant. Not our mother. Not your wife. Your BROTHER!"
Everyone watched not knowing what to do. "I always cooked and cleaned after you. I patched you up after fights. I practically raised you. You said you'd change after last time. But I guess you lied and you of all people know how much I hate liars." (Name) glared angrily at Shion. "Either get your shit together or get out of my life. I'm your younger brother. I grew up faster then you did. Now for once I'm actually happy. So if you can't accept that. Then I don't need you."
(Name) removed his foot before going outside. Nobody moved. Not until Mochi quickly made his way to follow (Name) did the others (beside Ran) start moving. Rindou squated above Shion. The others surrounded the male. They all had disappointed looks on their faces. "Get your shit fixed or get out of Tenjiku." Izana spat before they moved to clean up.
(Name) sat outside trying to calm himself down. He didn't mean to snap like that. He was just tired of the way he was treated. He was always the outlet of his brother anger. Not physically but mentally and verbally. He brother ignored him until he was needed. But around others he'd act like he cared and would throw on the over protective brother act.
(Name) didn't move. He just sat there knees to his chest. His head in his knees. He couldn’t stop crying. He's trying to calm down but he's just getting more and more angry. He heard footsteps approach him but didn't move. Not caring who was there. He felt something being draped over him. Then an arm wrapping around him.
(Name) slowly pulled his head up sniffing. He turned and saw the sad look on his boyfriend face. (Name) just burrowed his head against Mochi's chest without saying anything. Mochi just pulled him as close as he could and held him. Not saying anything knowing nothing he'd say could help. He just wanted (Name) to remember he was there for it.
The next day was awkward in the Tenjiku hideout. (Name) was smiling and talking like nothing happened. Mochi who always had an arm wrapped around him just smiled tenderly at him. Nobody had seen Shion yet. When asked (Name) explained he doesn't know where he is, since he had stayed at Mochi's the night before after falling asleep on the male outside last night.
Shion finally came in sometime after 3 in the afternoon. He was red in the face and stomped towards (Name). (Name) confused and slightly worried for the male goes to ask him whats wrong before he's cut off. He quickly dodged the punch aimed at him and quickly rolls away. Missing the kick the was sent his way.
Everyone immediately jumped up and grabbed the angry Shion. Quickly subduing him. (Name) looks at him absolutely confused. Before he could ask him what was going on. He was once again cut off. "I JUST GOT THAT BIKE AND YOU FUCKING DESTORY IT!?" (Name) was now more confused. Upon seeing his confusion Shion slightly faltered.
"You did destroy my bike again didn't you?" (Name) quickly shook his head. "No I didn't even come home last night! I fell asleep against Mochi last night and as soon as I woke up w came here." Shion then slowly turned to the said male who was grinning proudly at him. Shion once again was extremely angry. "YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" Mochi chuckled and shook his head. "Brother fucker actually." Everyone froze and (Name) blushed so badly.
Lets just say Tenjiku was slowly going back to its old chaotic ways.
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py-dreamer · 13 days
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Ok so I might've gone over time again a lil bit BUT I STILL MADE IT!!!
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"Why is it Nezha? First Mk, then Mei, why Nezha? Shouldn't it be Pigsy or Tang or Red Son? Why are you robbing the less popular characters their spotli-"
Ok so a reason I made Nezha next, is cause I have an upcoming project due soon and I require our 3rd lotus princey over here to come help me.
Look it's an art thingy and the theme is 'Legacy of the gods' and I did chinese mythology not LMK. As such I couldn't pick an lmk exclusive character like Mk or Mei. Furthermore, since it was about the 'gods' specifically, I'm more focused on the deities and less demons the like.
Also a lot of my project has featured so much JTTW, and I'm sure it definitely will in future...So to break up from that and for a bit of variety, I've added in our lotus friend.
(I mean, I suppose I could've done Chang'e but I just decided Nezha had more myths so he was my best bet)
And I couldn't do Wukong. Cause I'm already doing another piece with him, I made two stickers of him already. They will know I have favorites. And I do, I know I do but damn it if I don't wanna show it so obviously!!!
Actually, originally I had like a list of who I wanted to do and it was mostly like main cast of lmk with some fan favorites/my favs here and there and Nezha was towards the bottom but I moved him up due to the reasons above. And I was going to do Pigsy and Tang today but that's not how things turned out, I'll still do them just everyone's gonna have to be moved up in the list now.
Don't ask me what kinda cake it is, if I had to guess some kinda cheesecake with like a thin layer of jelly on top. The pink/red contributes to his main color scheme and the blue jelly makes it look like a pond and all the decorations and lotuses on top look like they're floating in water.
And I suppose it's different from Mk and Mei's cause like the KNY arts have different cakes sometimes why not do the same for these guys? And Nezha is a prince, and the patron god of children! I think he deserves something nice. (I used Giyu's cake for reference)
The filling is strawberries again, hopefully better drawn this time and actually sakura petals instead of lotus ones. I don't know why I used sakura petals, the color is more like lotuses but the shape is inspired after sakura so maybe it's a hybrid.
I do enjoy that it is more detailed than the previous two (especially since I'm using it for a project-)
I actually had a lot of trouble thinking of the sugar cookies cause there's not much associated with Nezha other than his lotus theme and his weaponry. Like at least Mei had her sword and her dragon insignia in different styles! I didn't wanna just do lotuses for like 3 times so I did his universal ring and that golden brick from that one episode. And yes, that brick is an actual thing in the mythos, it's not just a quick visual gag.
I did copy paste the frosting swirls and shells from Mei, don't @ me pls they just looked cool, I needed something to jush up the cake and COME ON THEY LOOK COOL HOW COULD I NOT
No I did not change the color but the minty green broke up all the pink and gold nicely, I think...
I did add the lotus flower and that green thing that triggers ur tripophobia is a lotus fruit. So for those who don't know, lotuses are edible! Not water lilies though. There's a difference. And lotuses can be made into lotus jam and it's delicious! I do recommend trying a lotus jam bao at least once.
Now I know Nezha is a chinese deity and mochi/dango is japannese but Idk what other desert to use and I didn't feel tanghulu fit the vibe...
But yea, those are his flaming fire wheels he skates on, that's why they're on fire, no it's not the rings of the samadhi fire. (I'll be saving that for RS) though now, I do wish I'd just done the outline in a darker shade to make it look like it was an actual image grilled into the mochi rather than a sticker slapped on.
The sneks! Omg! I almost forgot about them! But yea, those are the golden serpent shears we saw in that one episode. They are a bit last minute but I think they turned out decently well. Lil bleps.
Then we have the fire tipped spear and yes, that is Ao Bing. I'm sorry, I know I said I shipped them, and I still do (I see lmk nezha as both mentally and physically an adult don't try me) but damn that idea popped into my head and it was funny. He's fine...I think
(also funny to think Mei's is all dragon oriented and here's Nezha and Ao bing like bleep)
The reason the ribbon is so long is cause it's the goddamn armillary sash that Nezha uses, and it's its own canon magic thing, why not let it be longer and yes I did add some white detail but I just thought it looked more finished and it's a celebration! Let him be festive!
I really like the pose like Nezha receiving a lil present. I think he's the kind of person to not expect presents but be pleasantly surprised at them.
And btw that balloon has lily pads, it's not a globe. I know they should be elevated for lotuses but I can't exactly make the leaves pop out.
So later today should be Tang and pigsy hopefully!
(Also I've noticed a trend in general lmk posts. Ships, duos, trios basically anything with a relationship of some kind always do better than just one character so if I had to guess this like my other birthday posts won't do that well)
Oh and @leesbian42, before I forget, happy almost birthday! If I remember correctly you're turning like 24 right?
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delulustateofmind · 3 months
Baked with Love (Geto x Reader) - Drabble/preview
Summary: You were a fresh out of college and happened to become roommates with one of the most dangerous curse user and his two adopted daughters. Could you cook your way into his heart? Takes place a couple years after the KFC breakup. 
a/n: There is not enough Geto fluff on this site :( Taking a break from writing ACOTAR fanfics! Also, not using Geto’s famous word because it makes me feel…weird..so I’m just using non-sorcerer a lot. Sorry! WC: 1.5k
After recently graduating from Tokyo University with a finance degree and landing a not-so-wonderful corporate job, you decided to splurge on a high-rise apartment with amazing views and a rooftop garden. Shortly after moving in, you occasionally heard two little girls playing in the apartment next door, either on the patio or through the thin walls. A nice family next door must mean a peaceful complex. Little did you know, the most dangerous curse user, who threatened the lives of non-sorcerers, lived in that quaint, peaceful apartment right next to yours.
A week goes by, and after starting your new corporate job, the nine-to-five lifestyle quickly begins to leave you stressed. To unwind from a dreaded day of spreadsheets and numbers, you picked up a new hobby: cooking and baking. However, one issue arose rather quickly. You end up making too much nearly every night, more than you can even bring to work. Sure, you could bring the dozens of muffins you made in five different flavors to the office, but what are the chances someone would actually grab a couple? You were new, after all, and didn’t have the proper work clique. Another thought: you could always drop some off for the peaceful family next door. With two small children, surely food wouldn’t go to waste.
So you decided to walk over, with a bag full of various breads and muffins. Tomorrow you wanted to try and make a cake so you needed the counter space. It was only eight in the evening, might be a little too late in the evening with little ones, but you knocked on the door regardless. After a few moments, a man with tired bags and gorgeous long inky black hair clad in a black shirt and sweats opened the door and gazed down at you with those soft violet eyes that reminded you of ube, perhaps you’ll make ube mochi later this week. 
“Can I help you?” His velvet-smooth voice, like honey, slipped through a polite smile that seemed almost trained. A voice that left your cheeks dusting the faintest shade of pink. Your eyes seemed to want to look everywhere but at him as he raised a brow.
Were you taking too long to speak? Why won’t words come out?
“Hi, I’m your neighbor… I just moved in next door. I happened to have baked too much, and I was wondering if you would like to take some bread and muffins off my hands.” Your words came out slightly stuttered, perhaps a little too fast, a little too loud, but the message got across.
That polite, trained smile tilted down for a second until he gave a shrug.
Suguru watched you stutter over your words, a small smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. For a non-sorcerer, your nervousness was endearing.
“I see…” Suguru leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms across his broad chest, and looked down at you for a moment longer than necessary before shifting his gaze to the pink bag in your hands.
“Well, thank you. I’m sure my girls will appreciate that,” he said, the sweet, polite smile crossing his lips again, making your heart skip a beat.
“Of course, I just happened to have baked a little too much… wait, your girls?” The words slipped out of your mouth before you could catch them. You figured this was like an older brother or an uncle, but the dad? This man in front of you looked around your age… there’s no way he could possibly have children. He looked like a recent college grad. Who are you to judge, though? You swiftly chastised yourself.
Suguru chuckled softly, a light, amused sound slipping past his lips as he noticed your surprise. It was clear that you were probably expecting the girls' father to be some middle-aged family man, not a twenty-something. Yet, he found your surprise endearing, enjoying the way your cheeks dusted pink and how you seemed entranced by his every word. He had that effect on people, after all.
“Yup. Two little girls. Twins, actually—Nanako and Mimiko. Quite the handful, but they’re both sweethearts. I’m sure you’ve heard them from time to time.” Suguru spoke with a soft smile on his face. He wouldn’t dare reveal that they were adopted to a stranger; he might as well have you assuming that they were his legitimate children.
“Ah, yeah, that must be a lot of work… well, if you ever need any baked goods… I’m next door, so… yeah… feel free to knock,” you spoke softly, mentally cursing yourself for being so awkward. You work with people every day, how was this any different? How could you be fumbling over yourself this much?
Suguru enjoyed the way you stumbled over your words, amused by your bout of shyness. The way you seemed so awkward was kind of cute… no. Suguru had to remind himself that he hates non-sorcerers, that they are the reason why curses exist. That… this neighbor bringing him a giant bag of baked goods could create a curse. Suguru reminded himself to be polite, to play the role.
“I’ll keep that in mind. I’m sure the girls would love for you to spoil them with sweets,” he said, his voice smooth and polite. After that, he bid you goodnight. You bowed slightly before he closed the door and you entered your apartment. After shutting the door, you sank to the floor, leaning against it. Wanting to scream at yourself for being so awkward.
As you sat there, replaying the conversation in your head, you couldn't help but smile a little. Despite your awkwardness, he was kind. Maybe this could be the start of a nice neighborly relationship. You took a deep breath and stood up, deciding to focus on the positive. You had done a nice thing, and that was what mattered.
Meanwhile, in Suguru’s apartment, he debated what to do with the bag of baked goods. Should he throw them away? The three different flavors of bread, including a rosemary-scented loaf he presumed to be sourdough, made his stomach almost growl. The blueberry muffins looked a little too perfect, and the milk bread seemed as soft as a cloud. He should throw these away; the food was tainted by a non-sorcerer, after all.
Suguru debated for a few moments, finally deciding to just leave them on the counter. The twins would eat them anyway. At eight years old, they were both eating quite a bit. He was only slightly tempted to partake but decided to leave them there for the night.
It was currently nine in the evening as he made his way to his own bedroom. He double-checked to find both girls sleeping soundly in their room, leaving the door just a crack before heading to his own. As he lay in bed, he read through any documents that needed to be signed for the organization that his assistant had sent over.
As he sifted through the paperwork, his mind kept drifting back to you. Your awkwardness, your genuine offer of kindness—it was disarming. He couldn’t remember the last time someone had approached him so openly, without any hidden agenda. It was a refreshing, albeit confusing, change from the norm.
He shook his head, focusing back on the documents. Relationships with non-sorcerers were complicated, dangerous even. He had to maintain his distance. Yet, a small part of him couldn’t deny the curiosity about his new neighbor.
The next morning, Suguru woke early as usual. He prepared breakfast for the twins, trying to ignore the tantalizing smell of the baked goods still sitting on the counter. When Nanako and Mimiko finally shuffled into the kitchen, their eyes lit up at the sight of the muffins and bread.
“Geto-sama, did you make these?” Nanako asked, her eyes wide with excitement.
“No, our new neighbor did,” Suguru replied, watching their faces for any reaction.
“Can we try them?” Mimiko asked, already reaching for a muffin.
Suguru hesitated for a moment before nodding. “Go ahead.”
The girls eagerly took bites of the muffins, their faces lighting up with delight.
“These are so good!” Nanako exclaimed, her mouth full of muffin.
“Yeah! Can we meet the neighbor and thank them?” Mimiko added, looking up at Suguru with hopeful eyes.
Suguru smiled softly, their enthusiasm infectious. “Maybe later. For now, enjoy your breakfast.”
As he watched the twins happily munch on the baked goods, Suguru couldn’t help but feel a small pang of guilt. Perhaps he had been too quick to judge. Maybe, just maybe, not all non-sorcerers were the same. Or maybe, you were the one that was different from the rest of them. He pondered for a moment, what would you think of his lifestyle, would you be afraid of the blood on his hands, would you still look up at him with that awkward shy smile of yours?
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
I've actually been wondering something. How are birthdays with each brother? I assume Leo and Donnie don't get to celebrate theirs but I wonder if Mikey gets to celebrate his at all. Does Raph celebrate his alone or does Splinter also celebrate the other's as if they were there?
Yeah Leo and Donnie don’t really do birthdays until everyone reunites, and then they kinda just decide to share a birthday after all the jokes about them being twins.
Big Mama picked the day she found Mikey for his birthday and they always celebrated with a huge party, where Mikey had to dress in uncomfortable, itchy clothes and it was never really much fun, but at least he got cake. Splinter goes all out for Raph’s birthday, he makes yakiniku, mochi and a cake, and after they meet April, she’s always invited. After they get separated, the days of Leo and Mikey’s birthdays were a pretty solemn affair, and usually Splinter wouldn’t get up and out of bed until noon, and hobbled together a late breakfast for him and Raph. Splinter builds a small shrine in the dojo for both of the boys, and he and Raph spend some time in there, before choosing some sort of quiet activity where they can just sit together and maybe as Raph gets older, reminisce.
After they reunite, birthdays are insane. And the boys, Splinter and April spend all day together before crashing in a food coma.
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When they first meet, Draxum has already briefed Three on Two’s involvement with the Shredder. Draxum was pretty shocked when he first discovered Two’s location after all these years, but he hid it well and ordered Three not to mention it outright. Instead he wanted Three to try and gauge how deep Two’s loyalty to the foot clan ran. In the year between them first meeting and Leo dissenting they probably only had the chance to interact five or six times, as Draxum’s dealings with Shredder were short, to the point meetings, every few months. But Three couldn’t help in the few times they did chat, to drive Leo crazy with how much he talked. So they didn’t really have a relationship, even with Three grabbing any connection he could and holding onto it for dear life. Leo saw their conversations as nothing more than Three rambling nonsensically, while he stood guard and tuned it out.
Before leaving the foot clan, Leo’s personality is pretty non-existent. He did what he was told and was just as ruthlessly efficient as his master. After rejoining his brothers he works on opening up, but it’s hard for him. Leo’s a pretty disciplined person, and the lair is pure chaos even before they bring Donnie home, so Leo’s often losing his cool over the smallest of things being out of order. He’s not used to the freedom, and it makes him uneasy and irritated constantly, which he, unfortunately, tends to take out on his bros and Splinter.
Leo’s attitude towards Three shifts somewhat, when he discovers who he really is, and Leo happens to be the biggest factor in bringing Donnie home for good. Add in the fact that he’s the only one Donnie has a previous link to, and it makes sense that he would gravitate to Leo the most. But it’s still very awkward because Leo just doesn’t know how to handle such an intense level of attention. Leo does try though—he likes being a big brother to Mikey, and is fine accepting the twin idea as long as it’s clear that he’s the older one. But their relationship doesn’t solidify until Leo messes up his sleep schedule and for lack of anything more entertaining, decides to spends his nights in the Donnie’s lab, watching his brother work. Sometimes they talk, and sometimes it’s just Donnie tinkering, but it breaks that awkwardness and gives them enough opportunity to be more real with each other. Eventually they get to a point where they can tease, and drive each other crazy in the same brotherly way they do in the show.
Also I just hit 5000 followers!! I just wanna reiterate how awesome this fandom is and how much I love y’all!!
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In his own way {Gintoki Sakata}
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Summary: Gintoki picks up on you being stressed and makes it his mission to make you feel better without you figuring him out
Pairing: Gintoki x fem!reader
Trigger Warnings: mentions of stress, anxiety
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Gintoki is no fool. He can appear as ignorant, but he is not. Especially when something happens to the people he cares about.
A week had passed by since he first picked up on your strange behaviour. He couldn't really explain it himself and he wasn't planning on asking Kagura or Shimura.
"You know... I thought we had agreed on shouldering each other’s pain." He looked at you through the mirror of the small bathroom. He was lucky that you lived opposite from Odd Jobs because it was heavily snowing.
"Sorry?" You turned around to look at him, obviously confused.
After spending most of yesterday's evening and the night together, he had noticed that you were in better spirits than the past week. But that didn't mean he would give up on learning what was wrong.
"You are straightening your hair."
"I am."
"It's naturally wavy."
"It is."
"Do you know how many times I've gotten into trouble just because I have naturally wavy hair? I thought we were in this together."
It wasn't exactly what he wanted to say but he hoped you would understand. The confused look on your face showed him that you didn't.
He didn't bothered you more than that though. He knew that you had promised Kagura to take her to this new ramen shop a few streets away from Odd Jobs.
But when you walked in with Kagura and you weren't smiling, he knew something was up. Kagura always made you smile.
Not moving his eyes away from you, he let his JUMP issue on the couch and stood up. He was lucky that Kagura and Shinpachi weren't paying attention because he practically glued himself on you.
"I thought we were in this together..."
"You said the same thing this morning as well." You sighed and removed your scarf.
"You ate that new chocolate cake from the pastry shop."
"No, I actually ordered mochi, why?" His eyes narrowed. To you it looked like he didn't believe you but that wasn't the case. "Are you angry because I ordered mochi?"
"No, I am angry because you don't seem to understand that we are in this together." He stuffed his pinky finger in his nostril, searching for boogers.
A small pause followed. He could read it on your face that you had understood what he was trying to say. And he was glad that it didn't take you more than that to tell him what had been bothering you the past week.
Like he had imagined, it was your anxiety. He stayed silent as you explained the issue. It wasn't a major one and it was unlikely that it would actually happen but it still bothered you and because of that, he was there to listen.
"Good girl." He let out a sigh and patted your head before turning around to leave.
"You can't just... I poured my heart out! Calling me a good girl doesn't-"
"Oh trust me it does." He turned around, pinky already in his nostril. "My job isn't to feed you lies to calm you down." He said softly as he removed his pinky from his nose, wiping it on his robe. "I prefer giving you something else to think about." He smirked and leaned down to kiss your cheek.
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A/n: this is the first time I'm writing for Gintoki, you are free to request him but keep in mind I'm still in episode 40 something of Gintama so be careful 😂. Anyways I know this is poorly written mostly because my mind and thoughts were all over the place while writing it. It's mostly written to comfort me but of course if it's a source of comfort for anyone else, I'm more than happy to hear that (I was either going to write about him or Dazai)
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aclowntiny · 1 year
Hello bae, Can I request a yeosang + firsts?? Just like the one u did for yunho 🥺 was so cute skskksjsjsjsk 🤧🫶🏻
SCREAMS YESSSSS I wanna do em allllllllll I would love to baby 🥰
Yeosang + Firsts
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First Date: “Can I take you for a coffee?” That’s how Yeosang asks you to your first date, confessing that he’s liked you for a bit and really wants to spend some one-on-one time if you feel the same, which you most certainly do! You order, but he buys your favorite drink and you can’t help but notice the way he studies what you tell the barista. Is he…trying to memorize your order? (Spoiler: yes, he absolutely is.) “Do you want to try two of the desserts? You know, one for each of us? Great, well then pick your favorite!”
First Time Holding Hands: Yeosang isn’t hugely physically affectionate, so he would wait a little while in to hold hands with you rather than taking them on the first date. But it’s a few more dates in when you tell him you really like him and he agrees, both of you on the same page about wanting to move forward more officially that he takes both of your hands in his. “I’m so glad you feel the same,” he tells you, beaming as his eyes stare into yours.
First Kiss: Shy when he thinks about it, but when the moment is right man dives in. You guys are strolling down a lane in the snow, his eyes fixed upon the wonder you focus at the sky, head turned upward. As if it wasn’t obvious, you turn to Yeosang and point out the falling flakes. “Isn’t it wonderful?” He steps closer, eyes barely sparing the dancing white a glance in favor of you. “Yes, it truly is,” he replies before closing the gap between you two completely.
First ‘I Love You’: Verbalizing such big thoughts, even though they bring a swell of pride to Yeosang’s heart, is a hefty responsibility. Would he be able to convey them properly? Believably? Quiet as he is, Yeosang can be a man of action, and he knows deep down you love all the jokes and harebrained schemes and playfulness he brings to your relationship when he opens them up, so what better way than to make those heavy thoughts light, pour that happiness back into them? So when he shows up at your door, the ‘o’ of surprise your lips curl into before they fall into a smile at seeing him just shows him he had the right idea. He teases you about letting him in before you can see what surprise hides in the box he holds, and once again all he feels is reassurance at your grin when you open up the beautiful cake that reads I Love You.
First Fight: Yeosang tries his best to be a man of reason, and this is why. He got upset, emotions getting the best of him when you seemed to be blowing him off. You shot back that you didn’t want to say no, something important enough had come up that had your week packed. The two of you went back and forth a little bit because of how much Yeosang worked with both you and his schedule, but at the end of the day you both cooled down and just apologized, admitting both of you were upset over a bad situation.
First Anniversary: For your one year, you decide it’s time to get out of town! Taking a road trip is just what you need to mix things up and show that your love carries through wherever you go. Each of you pick a destination and visit that spot, taking pictures and trying whatever activities, scenery, food, it has to offer! Upon arriving back home, though, Yeosang tells you his favorite part of the trip was being there with you and how he hopes it’s the first of many, finally giving you the gift that was burning a hole in his pocket: a dainty promise necklace!
First Pet: You guys sort of toss around the possibility of getting a pet, but when you actually do it it’s a surprise to Yeosang, the door opening and you walking in sheepishly reminding him of the pet conversation. “Well, here’s Mochi,” you say with a shy smile, holding up a fluffy white bunny. “Wait, what?” Yeosang shoots up out of the couch, but the moment his hand touches her, he has a huge smile on his face and you can tell he’s fallen in love. Rabbits take a lot of work, but he throws himself into research on it, reminding you how they need space to move and how sensitive to temperature they are and how they don’t really need baths actually.
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volostogekiss · 1 year
Nobody really talks about it, but I can't get over how ROUND Volo's face actually is in the game.
His cheeks look like they'd be soft, and I just want to hold his face in my hands and squish them gently.
...And maybe chomp them. But also gently.
ooh YES, you're very correct! they remind me of soft rice cakes or mochi. you can also take this little doodle and scenario you have inspired :3c
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No warnings. GN!reader.
Whenever Volo is actually in town, you could confess that you don’t really visit him to buy anything out of dire necessity (since you could technically gather your own supplies and make whatever you’d need yourself), but…
…he’s really too handsome to not look at (occasionally, you swear!), so you do end up buying from him anyway.
Currently, while you do feel a little badly that he’s forced to waste his time explaining the differences between the Hopo and Pinap Berries on his cart (because you’re not listening to him despite asking, but really only for the purpose of hearing him talk more), you feel less guilty when you catch glimpses of his smiling face out of the corners of your eyes.
His cheeks look soft… I just want to hold his face in my hands and squish them gently.
“But although its skin is hardy, don’t let that fool you!” You don’t notice how he peers in your direction, with a slightly confused, albeit still polite, expression. “The Pinap Berry is actually very—”
...And maybe chomp them. You giggle to yourself. But also gently.
“—susceptible to the wind and cold…”
Volo promptly stops. His index finger droops for a second, before straightening again. “Eh? Excuse me?”
“Oh,” you say shortly, blinking as if shocked (although you’re really not, since this was bound to happen at some point), “did I say that out loud?”
Turning his head to look at you, the merchant nods slowly, one of his hands subconsciously raised and rubbing at his face. He’s clearly thinking about what you accidentally revealed to him. “Well, yes, you did.”
“Oh,” you simply repeat again. There’s a mixture of bewilderment and amusement on Volo’s face, so you can’t help thinking that he’s not… too upset at your rather uncouth observation.
Still, you glance away, stuffing your hands into your pockets as the realization hits you fully. “I’m sorry. I just made things awkward, didn’t I?”
Volo just laughs. His laughter is bright and melodious—lovely, you think, while your own cheeks warm—and when you finally do manage to peek over at him, he’s staring at you with a grin that you probably could admire forever.
“No, no, while I do think that was rather unexpected,” Volo admits, trying to reassure you, “I will take that as a compliment. Thank you.”
A smirk then flicks at the edge of his lips, and he pats his cheek jokingly for good measure. You half-suspect that he’s teasing you, but you don’t know what to say.
He does. As if he’s sharing a secret, Volo leans in closer to you, mischief alight in his eye.
“Next time, though, if you want to stare at me, you can just tell me! I would happily sit before you instead of minding the guild’s cart. It would be rather enjoyable for the both of us, no?”
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 6 months
What are you headcanons about Senju in the relationships with new toman
Like toman in the good timeline? That's what I went with since that's the newest version of toman, tried to include everyone in it and I think I got everyone at least mentioned once? (South is also here).
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She enjoys teasing Baji (this includes telling Chifuyu and Kazutora childhood stories about him)
Senju still challenges Mikey sometimes and will try to beat him in lots of little contests like arm wrestling.
Likes Mucho a lot, sometimes he brings her cake (she's unsure as to why Sanzu frowns about this though)
Likes hanging out with Taiju because she finds his fighting style to be strong and interesting.
Draken is thankful for her presence since she handles the division whenever Sanzu gets into trouble and disbanded.
Once playfully threatened to break Hanma's wrist after he teased her over her height and patted her on the head. Hanma of course was very amused by the whole interaction (though he didn't do it again).
Switches schools to either Takemichi's or another group in toman's school so she isn't so alone anymore.
Has a bit of beef with some of the members who think guys shouldn't fight girls. It's not uncommon for them to step into her fights and take her opponents as a way of trying to keep her safer. (As time goes on this becomes less common)
Tries very hard to make friends with Hakkai even after she's told he won't talk to her. She brings him drinks a lot and tries to be friendly towards him.
She tries to convert them all into being mint chocolate chip fans, but struggles to actually win anyone over.
The first time she meets Angry, she assumes she's done something wrong so tries to make him laugh/ smile.
Gets along well with Rindou and sometimes works out with him
She also sometimes works out with Kakucho too (she heard about the yakuza thing from Rindou and immediately wanted in. But unfortunately Kakucho just took her to beat up some random thugs)
Her and Inui hold a lot of respect for each other
Occasionally goes on shopping trips with Koko
If she needs help with her uniform or dressing then she has no problem asking Mitsuya for it, he acts completely natural about it which makes her feel more relaxed when she needs help with adjustments. (Emma is also sometimes around to lend a hand)
Although her and Smiley are on good terms, he'll sometimes blush if she gets too close or hugs him. Angry thinks this is funny
She once complimented Shion's tattoo, he thinks this makes them close friends.
Likes reading manga with Chifuyu
Becomes very close with South (even though he seems to appear after toman) they play fight a lot.
Ran has offered to take her to his hair salon many times, she's always refused.
When she first joined toman, a few of the background guys weren't happy with this so she beat them up then asked if anyone else had a problem with her being here. No one stepped forward.
She likes the mizo mid members and thinks they're pretty funny (they were acting strangely when they first met her, mainly because they were holding their breaths and hoping Makoto wouldn't say anything weird. Especially since Sanzu was watching them the whole time).
Izana cheers for Senju anytime she challenges Mikey
If Pah needs someone to walk Pochi, he knows Senju is always willing to help out (she loves dogs)
One time when Peh wanted to talk to Mitsuya during handcrafts club time, he took Senju with him and told her to distract Yasuda with "girl stuff". It backfired pretty badly though when they started talking about embarrassing things Peh had done.
Senju is amazed at how much corn Mochi can eat, she thinks it's cool
Senju once found Kisaki asleep at a meeting so she snuck his glasses away, put them on and then did her best kisaki impression. Kisaki was not impressed.
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