#i wanted to finish this so badly but i have college stuff to do and uughghhgnhfhngg
anewp0tat0 · 2 months
i lied i had like atleast one more weston thought to expell from my brain, before i miss this boat entirely. we're heading to green lands woooo
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vanyafresita · 1 year
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have a sketch im not cleaning up of the blorbos !
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what-even-is-thiss · 2 months
The reason people don’t want to work is that it’s just normal for them to be in bad work environments.
My issue with working at Walmart wasn’t the work itself I was doing. It was the circumstances around it. The concrete floor, lack of places to sit, having to put up with asshole customers, not getting time off for injuries, and bad pay.
If I had been given shock pads to stand on or a few chairs to rest on sometimes, if they paid me a livable amount of money and I was allowed to yell back at asshole customers, if they had given me any amount of training, I would happily work part time folding clothes all day and telling people where the swimsuit section is.
I’m a creative type. I’m a writer. I’m pretty smart, even. But if I could make a living folding shirts and listening to podcasts in one ear and helping people find the scented candles for 30 hours a week? I would. Leaves some mental space free for me to brainstorm. Lets me catch up on my reading with audiobooks.
But instead I was treated so badly by upper management and customers that I’m like legitimately a little frightened whenever I step into a Walmart now. And I only worked there for three months a few years ago.
I’m a good lower level worker. When I’m treated well. I like finishing tasks. I like being helpful. I like having some time to talk to coworkers and some time alone with my thoughts. I’m a frickin team player. And that’s how I was at my first job. I was treated well by my supervisor. I was trained. They were patient with me. I was so good at being low on the totem pole at that job because I was valued and felt like I was being listened to. I was able to sit still when there was nothing left to do which made it feel less bad when we were on a time crunch. I didn’t mind working hard at that job because it was fun even though I was doing all the low level stuff that the supervisors didn’t want do.
But at Walmart I was like that for all of two days. Then I figured out that nobody appreciated my work and if I worked in my normal people pleasing manner I’d kill myself because their standards were high and the rewards for meeting them were low.
So I slowed down. I started avoiding customers. I started taking a lot longer to get to my breaks and to come back from them. I became worse at my job because no matter how good I was at it there would be no reward, no appreciation, and I’d just be pushed further beyond my limits.
My only level of happiness from that job came from the people who were working with me. The old ladies and my department manager who made sure I wasn’t overextending myself. The one other young man working in the clothing department who always got sent with me to unload the heavy stuff and commiserated with me about the shoulder injuries, the hurting feet we were too young to have.
But none of that was enough to make me stay. We were constantly understaffed. I was constantly abused by customers and not able to do a thing about it. I was not paid much at all. So as soon as I had enough saved up for what I was trying to do and my last semester of college was about to start I handed in my two weeks.
I would have found a way to stay if I liked that job. If I liked that job I would’ve pushed myself to my mental limits to finish college and keep that job at the same time. Heck that job could’ve been a rest from college. A place to get away from it. But I hate that job so I got out as soon as I could.
I want to work. I want enough money to live sort of comfortably. I want to have some tasks to do to give my creativity a rest. I want to be a part of something. But the way that modern corporate run work environments are set up does not give me any of the things I actually want out of a job. And I think that’s the same for millions of people right now. A lot of people would happily spend their lives as a waitress or an Uber driver or a warehouse worker or a farmhand or any other “low skill” job you can possibly think of. But with the way the world works right now those jobs are absolutely miserable. It doesn’t have to be that way. I know because I’ve had a fulfilling part time minimum wage job that I looked forward to going to every week. A job where I was listened to and allowed to sit when I needed to. I miss that job. Especially now since I’ve realized that’s not the standard. It should be. People should look forward to going to work or at the very least not get mild ptsd whenever they set foot into a Walmart.
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ilovecatilinclark · 3 months
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Paige Bueckers x Reader
You have sworn off dating after a horrible break up with your ex. He would always cheat on you and only use you for money, he would also do the bare minimum. After a messy break up you swore to never date again for the rest of your college life. Until you meet a girl who tries to change your perspective of dating.
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"Please babe I love you, after everything you can't just break up with me and kick me out, you know I have no where to stay" you now ex boyfriend plead on his legs. You were done with him after finding out he used you for your money. You were also annoyed on how he never even tried. He would always spend your money carelessly and tell you how he loved you and adored you when you bought him stuff. But when it came to physical affection he would always come up with the excuse of "sorry I'm tired".
The straw that broke the camels back was when he cheated you for the 4th time. You were done with it especially his constant excuse for cheating which was. "I was just drunk", you felt no more sympathy for him in the moment and dumped him and kicked him out.
Thinking of that memory still brings you bad vibes, remembering how you gave him your all but he never tried for you. Swearing to never dating. As you finished zoning out you decided to grab the rest of your coffee and head back to your apartment. Till you bumped into this girl and group while walking. As you were about to say sorry you looked up and saw the person.
It was your schools basketball star, Paige Bueckers. You knew of her, you also were both in the same year but you just have never seen her. As you soon realized you bumped into her you spluttered out the word "Omg I'm so sorry I didn't mean to" as she looked down she felt like she had butterflies. Bumping into a pretty girl such like you made her blush hard. "Oh, Its alright" she responded trying to sound like it didn't bother her.
As you guys made eye contact for longer then you expected, you heard a scream from a girl far away. It was one of the other women's basketball player. As you were trying to think of who it was. You heard Paige wave back "Oh hey kk" she said. She soon turned away and walked to her as you were still puzzled on what happened. You decided to continue walking back to your apartment.
Soon throughout the next week you constantly saw her more often, it felt weird as this was your normal route and you never seen her take this route. But what you didn't know was since the encounter Paige developed the biggest crush on you. Opting to take the route she took on the day you met everyday.
While during one day you were walking through your campus not watching where you were walking as you tripped. As you were trying to get up you saw some girl rush up too you helping you. Hey are you okay let me take you to the medical office. As your head felt like it was spinning you could hardly recognize the voice. Till after she started chatting to you as you continuously nodded to her words you realized it was the girl you bumped into.
As you were in the medical office you got to know Paige much more soon becoming close friends. She soon got your number and you guys started hanging out much more. Almost hanging out daily, as you were in her dorm hanging out with her. KK was live soon dragging you into the live and introducing you.
As you saw many questions flood KK read one of the comments "Are you single" she asked you. Which peaked Paiges interest as she looked at you hardly, as you gave a reply "yeah I'm single, but I don't plan on dating anyone in college anymore" as Paige felt disappointed she tried to keep a upbeat attitude.
As the live ended Paige went up and asked you why you weren't planning to date anyone anymore as you replied "I'm just scared of another heartbreak after my messy break up with this guy who used me, treated me like shit and cheated on me multiple times" as badly she wanted to say you should not let that stop you she felt like it would be insensitive after all many things had happened to you.
Even with the way you swore off she told her to self to not give up you and still trying. Even if it would take some time, as you soon hung out with her more she slowly made more small hints. Like always walking you too your classes even it means being late to her class or practice. Buying you cute trinkets and snacks often and always holding your hand. You felt like your feelings were starting to grow but still not ready to give in to her just yet.
One day you soon ran into her after her practice and she asked you if you wanted to go with her too Ted's. As you agreed as you had no classes tomorrow you took up her offer and went to go change then met back up with her. As you both walked in you both ordered a drink while putting it on her tab. As you grabbed your mojito, you guys went to the dance floor dancing and drinking all night. As she drank non alcoholic drinks knowing she would be the one driving you home.
After many drinks and dancing it was about 2, as she saw how intoxicated you were getting she dragged you out of the bar. You were clearly drunk and stumbling with your heels. As she seated you into the car. Before you could think of anything you grabbed her face and kissed her. She knew it was wrong but she couldn't help but lean into the kiss. As you guys were making out in the car she started remembering that she had to bring you home. As clearly the state you are in she couldn't just leave you alone she decided to bring you to her dorm.
Soon waking up the morning next to her you remember what had happen that night. Feeling guilty you shook her up, as she woke up she gave you a sleepy "good morning ma whats wrong" as you quickly started apologizing for you drunk actions. She grabbed your chin and kissed you silencing you. Maybe you should give dating another shot as you kissed her back.
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dear-ao3 · 1 month
Heyy totally weird question and having never experienced a long term relationship before this is really coming just from a place of curiosity, I'm deeply sorry if I'm stepping over a line. Did your ex boyfriend change as a person as time went by, because I remember loving your posts about him, and everything seemed wonderful and adorable about your dynamic, thinking that even if these complete strangers to me break up one day it will be full of mutual respect and understanding. Can a person really change up like that? Like were there ever any signs that he is a douchebag capable of breaking things of over a text and anything else that he's done or was he never actually like that and a "change" happend over night?
I am not at all probing into your life, please don't think that, nor am I asking for some kind of explanation no, just curious about someone turn up to be a complete douchebag at the end
i mean yea there were signs, generally when youre dating someone in the beginning things seem fine and dandy and then it all falls apart later. most of the problems stemmed from the fact that he broke a lot of bad habits and then gained them back. we were also pretty young and in that weird limbo stage of life where youre figuring out what the fuck you want to do and when youre in that area of life (college) things can change very quickly and you can very quickly realize that you are not as perfect for someone as you once thought.
actually though we were decently mature towards the end of it and knew it was falling apart and were like okay when the time comes we will be respectful and this will be mutual and likely we will remain friends (cause we did get along pretty well, there were just a lot of logistics that were not working) and then he decided to dump me over text (which he didnt really realize he was doing? he thought it was a break he was proposing but he worded it so badly that i was like um no this is a breakup. goodbye. then he tried to be like oh no no no we are still good for eachother! so even though he definitely started it i finished it) and all respect was lost
tho despite all that crap i dont regret it, there was a lot of fun, learned a lot about myself and most importantly learned what it does feel like to be in love. its not my fault it didnt work out, there was a lot of stuff that i was aware of at the beginning that would make it challenging and i knew it wasnt going to last forever, but while it was good it was definitely good.
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monakisu · 2 months
rating oil paintings i did in high school based on their likability (to Me) ⊙▂⊙
light study 💡 - the earliest one out of all of these bcuz i technically painted it in middle school but then went back in HS to add the seagulls and boat so i could fit it into the theme of my AP art portfolio LMAOOO but still one of my favorites, which is sorta sad cuz it’s so old… 9/10
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filial love - honestly didn’t care for this one very much because it was meant to just be more fodder for my AP portfolio but turns out my mom likes it a lot!! she says it reminds her of “the lion of judah ✝️” (whoever that is) so i was happy to give it to her! she displays it in her room so her fondness really carries this one’s rating: 10/10
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play nice with your brother!! 🐻‍❄️ - i like this one a lot! because it’s one of the only paintings my hardass art teacher let me use neon colors on (or at least as neon as u can get with oil paint). usually he just paints over my colors to make them grayer. that guy… otherwise this one is just not very interesting. 8/10
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koi pond 🎏 - PRIME EXAMPLE OF WHAT I MEAN when he paints over my stuff with gray!!! i was so excited to paint this one and added all sorts of flair that i like—pink dots as leaf highlights, super detailed colorful water—AND THEN HE JUST WENT AND SMEARED ALL MY DETAILS 💀💀💀 so i Hate this one and avoid looking at it as much as possible. 0/10 below it is a version from a diff angle that i did in an hour with shitty free acrylic verrryyy recently in college, and u can just see how i went ham on the colors right?! eugh. what could’ve been… 🪦
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with heavy heart ❤️ - a pretty big old lady (18x24”). i feel obligated to like her because she won me the congressional competition for my district so i got to go to the capitol to see her framed there and briefly meet my stale white bread representative but HONESTLY all i can think about is how hideous my makeup was at the time and i get upset. 🙁 i do think this granny is very pretty though!! 7/10
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my ocean blue 🪼 - this one im not sure if i like it or only tolerate it. i just wanted to paint a super colorful coral reef!! "🐠🪸🫧" you know?? but my mom and teacher said it Needed a message for ~intrigue~ so they brainstormed together (without me) and made me add this random ass child with a VR headset smack dab in the middle… something about cyberreality? IDK i just want her ass gone so badly. i also never got around to finishing the stripes on that fish in the front but nobody calls me out on it so it's whatever 🤷‍♂️ LOL 4/10
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radial self portrait 🎯 - HUGE DEVIATION IN STYLE not only bcuz this one’s gouache instead of oil but also because i got to paint without an old man (art teacher) hovering over my shoulder!!! 😸 it was my first time painting something super stylized and i realized that painting can actually be Not Agonizing!!! 😸😸 this was at my summer camp where we had to come up with a radial pattern using a compass (i hate that little pointy shit) and then combine it with our self portrait. it’s me having a headache! i painted this in a single stressful sleepless night because i have HORRIFIC time management when i’m left alone so it’s pretty sloppy. also at the time i had those blonde e-girl bangs hahaha… i still like this one a lot!! i was just SO happy i didn't have to go photorealistic AND i could use my favorite colors (mainly hot pink)!!! 10/10 😸
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overall my high school painting in experience was spent beefing with my art teacher and inhaling paint fumes. sort of miserable honestly -_-
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kairiscorner · 1 year
˗ˏˋ ✮ kairi's AUtober !
day 7: daydreaming and delusions with college miguel o'hara. a/n: it was supposed to be a pretty spicy imagine, but imma write the sfw ver (this) on my main :) this was inspired by @xoxo-cha's idea. MWEHEHHEHEHEHEH THE DELULU GOT WORSE THANKS BFF HEHEHHEHEHE
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could you really help it if your seatmate in front of you was always so... eye-catching? could you help it if you felt your heart flutter whenever he'd ask you a question or hand you back your notebook or any of your stuff that he'd borrow or that fell—or just... felt the need to become closer to him, somehow? he was never the type to initiate conversations, he just spoke to others when it was necessary; he never asks for anything more than what is offered to him, and he doesn't bide his time with idle chitchat. he was the definition of a stereotypical loner honors student—he didn't ever go to parties, didn't ever waste his time with anything but studying in his free time, he always seemed to have his nose in a book or his hands busy at work solving a set of math equations. he was a geek, sure, but... he was a cute one.
you hated how his wispy, tousled dark brown hair looked so wavy, made you wanna touch every layer of it. you also hated how he looked like he wasn't all just skin and bones, he did have some nice calves and... pretty broad shoulders; and those pretty chocolate irises of his looked... pretty delectable—oh, why were you even thinking this? you wished you could just stop thinking about him like this when all you know of him is that he's the resident nerd of your college, that he's no different from the other honors students; except that he's maybe, only slightly way better looking than any of them.
you huffed as you began doodling on the margins of your notebook, and as the lecture went on, you found your doodles slowly morphing into caricatures of a familiar face...
"hey, d'you have a pencil i can—" "i'm not doing anything!"
oh clearly, you were doing something.
the whole lecture room fell silent as you practically blurted out your guilt, nothing could be any more embarrassing than this moment right here—except for how he didn't give a damn about your little outburst and finished his question. "do you have an extra pencil i could borrow?" he asked you all nonchalantly, as if you didn't cry out your delusions. you chewed on your lip and, avoiding eye contact with him, nodded and handed him and extra pencil. he thanked you and took a look up at your face; you looked extremely flustered and bashful, and miguel couldn't exactly know why, but...
"...they're kinda cute, huh." he muttered to himself as he went back to doodling on his notebook a familiar face to him... it weirdly resembled someone he yearned to talk to in class and had admired since the first day; someone he wanted to talk to, but could never find the courage to—someone he found so adorable, even at a distance, and so badly wanted to ask out.
someone that was... exactly you.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @hearts4gabri @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @simsrandomstuff @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @fable-library @ophanimgold @smokeywhalee @capnshtfce @xoxo-cha
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artdcnaldson · 3 months
ALSOO i love how 🐞 anon brought up the part of patrick who wants you to remain innocent and sweet and soft
like yeah it’s hot as fuck that you’re drunk and whispering how badly that you need him but he loves how you reach for his hand and it give it a little squeeze saying good luck before he has a game. how you do a little jump in the stands when he’s doing well. how you always make that really intense eye contact when he is talking about something, the type of eye contact which show you’re genuinely interested and genuinely listening. he loves the way you play with your hair and how you smile. he knows all these small details about you, he just adores
he is so in love
- 🫀
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Noooo bc poor Patrick is just like. Idk he’s so stuck.
Because does he care about you beyond what Art thinks? Yeah! He likes everything about you, even the stuff that drives him insane like how you pick at your skin and wind up covered in bandaids (cute), or how you lick your finger before wiping something off of his face like a grandma (gross, also cute).
But are the sexual thoughts also there? …. Well, yes! But he’s trying his best to push that down, honestly. But you make it hard with the way you’ve started talking, the way you dress since you’ve started following him and Art.
He’s a good friend— he’s not going to perv after you with Art around. But you make it so hard :(
And you’re doing it on purpose, because Art is fucking meddling like you’re twelve instead of a fully grown, college educated woman. You have a fucking degree, but he still doesn’t trust you to make your own decisions.
So you start making excuses to get closer to Patrick when Art’s away.
The hotel walls are so thin, and honestly you had slightly pure intentions. You really were just going to shower. But goddamn, they do have better water pressure, and it feels so nice spraying onto you, and if you position your hips just right and put your foot on the soap dish it’s— yep, it’s perfect.
And you try to muffle your moans, at first. But then you’re pumping your fingers inside of you and you’re thinking about him just outside of the door and it’s not even worth the effort. You cum relatively quickly, finish washing up, and walk back in the room in your robe.
He can hardly look at you, seems way too interested in the golf channel as you grab your things.
“Thanks, Pat.” You kiss his forehead and scurry back to your room before you can address… that.
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actual-changeling · 11 months
a little tip from your friendly local adhd having person who went unmedicated for way too long and has picked up a few tricks.
this one mostly works for cleaning/tidying/folding laundry etc. but it can also work for college/university/workplace stuff.
the hardest parts for me personally are starting something and then not stopping, especially if i really do not want to do the thing. what i do is i find myself a reward that i am super excited for and want sooo badly. it has to be in proportion to the task or your brain will probably point-black refuse it.
the issue tends to be "well i can just have/do the reward NOW because no one is stopping me", so ideally it's something you want to enjoy as much as possible without distracting thoughts, like playing a new video game or watching a new episode of your favourite show.
i tell myself "okay, alex. you want to watch the new ofmd2 episodes, right? and you want to enjoy them? then you need to clean first. the sooner you get it done, the quicker you will get your reward AND the more time you will have left for MORE rewards."
by now i am used to tricking myself like that and exercising that push of self control to get myself started - and once i'm started, i keep up the momentum.
i channel all that excitement into physical energy and get. shit. done.
because hey, i don't just get one reward, i get MORE if i finish this as quickly as possible. AND i get to enjoy it without feeling guilty for not having done the thing!!! so by this point the dopamine i get from the excitement etc. outweighs the energy i need to exert to get the thing done.
it can require a bit of practice and won't work for anyone, but it's one of the best ways i have found to do a big task i really do not want to do.
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general--winter · 2 months
May I please request headcanons for Naoto, Yu, and Kanji reacting to their S/O having anger issues and snapping when a bully goes too far?
author's note: So, hi y'all! i've had quite a year, i'll make a post later. I wanted to clear out the one or two things I had already finished in my WIP folder, though, so this is my return for now.
rating: teen
fandom: persona 4
pairing: shirogane naoto x gn!reader, narukami yu x gn!reader, tatsumi kanji x gn!reader
word count: 1336
summary: you stand up to your bullies! wish i was this brave when i was in high school and college LOL
Naoto Shirogane
For months, Naoto has heard story upon story about how you have been putting up with crap from a group of people in your club. It’s all endless, from how they give you backhanded compliments about your skills to them “accidentally” giving you the broken equipment and watching you fail over and over again for their amusement.
Honestly, you weren’t even aware of half of the incidents being their fault, Naoto had to be the one to sneak into your club room to investigate and find that your stuff was being tampered with in the first place. She absolutely hated breaking the news to you, but she knew she had to tell you the truth. What wasn’t expected, however, was the pure rage that shot through your eyes. Naoto thought there might be sadness, maybe even tears if you were particularly emotionally vulnerable at that moment, but this was so unlike you. “Let me handle it,” is what you told her. She kept her eyes on you from then on.
Which is exactly why she caught the beginning of the incident the next day over lunch. A leader of your club struck up a conversation with you at your desk, and Naoto immediately noticed you were snippy with them. It wasn’t until they dealt a snide comment, however, that you slammed your hands on your desk, sending your empty bento flying to the floor and catching the attention of every student in the room.
What came out of your mouth next could be described by Naoto as… needlessly vulgar. You tore into the leader, listing off bullying incident after incident in cruel detail, as well as what it said about the leader and their deepest insecurities that they actually did those things. It wasn’t for a few moments until Naoto realized that she had helped you put that list together (...sans emotional damage, of course) herself if you ever decided you wanted to go to the principal with the information. Oh, dear, she would think. I really should put a stop to this.
While you were in the process of tearing the club member down with a snide smirk, talking about how “their efforts will only set their own club performance and university admissions back” and “if they wanted attention so badly, well now they’ve got it undivided from the entire room”, Naoto took a hold of your wrist and dragged you out of the room, gently sliding the door shut.
Your breathing haggard from anxiety, she would drag you to a barren corner and tentatively hug you for a long time before pulling back and placing her hands on your shoulders, suggesting with a sigh: “I’m proud of you for sticking up for yourself, but next time do not use my data for your vigilante justice? Please?”
Yu Narukami
The last week of school was rough for everyone, but particularly you. On top of winter semester finals, you had to deal with a… let’s say, cast of characters that leeched on to whatever insecurity you radiated and made it as much of their problem as it was yours. Underhanded compliments, disguising random rude gifts as acts of kindness… Yu especially hated it when they played you into thinking they were your close friends. Couldn’t you see that the Investigation Team was more supportive of you than they could ever be? Couldn’t you see that he was trying his best to lift you up when all they wanted to do was bring you down?
But Yu isn’t about forcing people into their decisions. As much as he has a soft spot for you, he’s going to let you figure this one out yourself, of course with his own support. More times than he could count, Yu listened to your suspicions with an open ear and a sympathetic face, always reminding you of your positive traits. It was the only thing he could think of that would help, but your sorrow turned to anger slowly. Almost too slow for him to notice.
He’ll be clued in real quickly, though, when he sees you flinging a tray of “food” at a group of people crowded around you on the school roof. He’ll be shocked - Yu’s never seen you get violent with anything but Shadows. He seriously thought you didn’t have a mean bone in your body. However, he couldn’t help but feel a little bit of pride for his partner standing up for themselves. Maybe, you could hold back on the string of curses that flow from your mouth, though!
After this event, when the bullies run off covered in whatever mystery substance they had placed in your lunch box, Yu is there to sit beside you as the weight of your actions hit you.
“I… I just threw that shit at them,” you murmured to yourself, barely registering Yu’s presence beside you.
“You stood up for yourself, he clarified, just sitting down to wrap an arm around your shoulders. “I’m proud of you.”
Kanji Tatsumi
Kanji has always wanted to handle the problem himself. Every time he finds you upset or you have yet another problem with a bully, he’s ready to throw his weight around to close their mouths for you. You always refuse though, with a level of grace that sends Kanji into a fit that he has to tamper down. He wished he could take away every single problem in your life, but he trusted you to do it in the way that was best for you. However, that smile on your face was always there when everyone shit on you. Gleaming, wide, mistakenly joyous. But it never reached your eyes. It wasn’t even like Kanji’s own situation. He chose to look and dress and act the way he does. But you were being bullied for something you couldn’t control. It drove him, for lack of a better term, damn crazy. Which is why he was giddy when he caught the scene in front of Yasogami after school that day.
A circle of students were gasping and egging on some sort of event happening in the middle. With his shoulder, Kanji easily wedged into the inner ring, though he seriously couldn’t believe what he was looking at when he got there. You were hammering your knee into the stomach of the ringleader of the group of bullies, propping up their body with a fist in their uniform collar to take more blows. In between the crowd's noises, you cried out, "This is what you get for every. Single. Terrible. Hurtful. Word!" Before he could think anything, he was pulling you off of the bully, arms hooked under your shoulders, feet dragging against the concrete and asphalt as Kanji once again split the crowd. This time, it was his mere presence that had people parting easier than Yaso-Inaba's fields of wild grass in a storm's wind.
You didn't struggle against him at all, your limbs just went limp while Kanji carry-dragged you down the pathway to the Samegawa Floodplain. Kanji was proud of you for standing up for yourself. That was the first thing he told you after he sat you on top of his jacket on one of the walkway's benches, misted from the afternoon rain sputter.
Despite his words, your thoughts swirled. What had you just done? You never thought of yourself as the type of person to just… snap in public like that, but it happened. The lid on your ugly thoughts and feelings came undone, and you'd let them loose. Kanji settled next to you, placing an incredibly stiff arm across your shoulders as you shoved your face into your hands. "I know I'm not—shit… the best person to be lecturin' on this, but," he started, his voice gruff and unsteady, "you stood up for yourself, right? Maybe starting a walloping like that in the school yard might not have been your best moment, but, what I'm trying to say is, y-you did good. In my book, at least." 
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Dean Winchester X Little! Reader: LD PT2
WC: 1882
Summary: An online dating app leads to a long-distance relationship.
A/N: Why does wifi suck? Also why does college give you no personal space to write??????
Part 1. Part 2
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Dean was attached to his phone and computer like a high schooler. He adored having a little one he was getting to know. He recently sent a package containing a paci, a onesie, a tiara, and a few other trinkets and toys. The little one really needed to be more cautious about giving out their address as they did with him. 
Cases had currently been at a standstill. So Dean was allowed to stay at home all day and talk to the age regressor he had come to care for. He learned so much in such a short time about the little artist, they told him about their family, how they work as a little bakery, and how they were scared of the closing shift. He felt bad about lying or not telling the full truth to them, but it was for their safety. 
But how badly he wanted to tell them and let them know and trust him. He wanted to fully commit to the little and be their caregiver. He wanted nothin more than that. He missed taking care of someone so small and in need of protection, now that Sam was grown, he didn’t have that.
A ding from his phone interrupted his pining. It was a text from the little one.
Y/N: Good morning! I’m in charge of the bakery today! So I have to bake, wish you could try it :((
Dean: Good morning, Sweetheart. That’s so exciting! I wish I could try it too, what are you baking today?
Y/N: Gonna make macaroons, cookies, pies, and cakes. Gotta make so much, but it’s okay. Cause it will be fun. 
Dean: That sounds like so much fun, bet they are gonna be so yummy! Maybe one day you could teach me how to bake?
Y/N: YES YESYESYES!!! Does that mean you are gonna come see me? 
A pause just for a moment, hesitation filled the air.
Y/N: Or I could visit you? You wouldn’t even have to travel.
Dean: Maybe, how about we talk about it after you finish working?
Y/N: Okay, talk to you at 6?
Dean: Talk to you then, have a good day baby
(Y/N) tried to continue their day like they weren’t nervous, however, they were unable to keep the act up long. Their hands shook with nerves, he was probably gonna say no most likely. 
Although they were doing something they love, time seems to barely move. The hours were dragging and it was hard to focus due to the nerves. They tried their best to focus as to prevent any mistakes, they wanted the owner of the small bakery to like them. The owner was an older woman, who was like a grandmother to everyone in the store. 
Soon the clock struck 5, it was time for them to clean up and go home. They would clean up the mess they made while cooking, and clock out at 5:30. Then walk home and hopefully be home by 6. The path wasn’t long, they just usually go distracted by random stuff on their walk home, at one point they had sat on a bench on the walk home to gawk at a rather hairy man, as they believed he may be a werewolf. 
Y/N: Heading home now! Talk to you soon. 
Dean smiled at his phone as he cooked bacon to go on top of the burger he was making. He had a day full of contemplation and planning and recontemplation. Should he stay or should he go?
Dean: Good, now be safe on your way home. 
The walk home was short, with very few distractions. How could they be distracted at a time like this? They were in a hurry. They arrived back at their beat-up small apartment quickly, only stopping to unlock the door and grab the large box on their doorstep. Usually having a box at their doorstep would bring them extreme excitement, however now they had to call Dean.
Ringggg… Ringggg… Ring….
Dean was quick to answer, nearly ripping his pocket off his jacket. It was playing the special tone that he set for (Y/N), as he didn’t want to answer the phone all grumpy like he did the first time they called. Meaning they got home and wanted to talk to him.
“Hey Buba,” Dean answered, making weird wobbles in his voice. He knew he did a good job when a giggle floated through the phone.
“Hi.” It was shorter than their usual enthusiastic greeting, which cause some concern to bubble in Dean’s stomach. “I got a big box at my door, it was hard to carry.”
“Wish I could have helped you with that, why don’t you open it where the arrow is pointing? Maybe there is a surprise in there for you.” Dean smiled at the thought of them still in their work clothes, about to be small and bouncing.
“Arrow?” There was a pause, “You sent me this?”
“I did.” Dean answered, knowing he was about to have to reassure big (Y/N) that it wasn’t a big deal, “ before you start saying anything about this, it was nothing. I wanted to get you a gift, don’t try being all ‘oh you shouldn’t have.’. I did it, and I will do it again.”
“I-” They paused, “Thank you, I’ll get my box cutter and open it.”
He smiled as he heard them beginning to rustle to find the box cutter. They seemed excited or nervous to see what was in the box.
“Gonna be careful right?” Dean asked once they made a sound that he would consider success. 
“Ye, no touching the pointy parts.” They respond obviously absorbed in the thought of a gift, that they were aware was most likely for little (Y/N).
“I wish I could see your face when you open the gifts.” He smiled, as he hears the light slicing of tape, and them struggling with the box to open the edge that wasn’t cut completely. “You gonna read the note first?”
“Ye,” They spoke, beginning the note with a loud and proud voice, but slowly going quieter and mumbling as they began regressing. They were always shy about how hard reading could be when they were small. 
“Open the gifts now baby.” Dean prompts, as they finished the card. The sound of the newspaper being removed from the box was louder than he thought it would be. 
“You got me a paci?” They sounded choked up as they stared at the design. The design was Siren-like, and it had the words “little monster” on the handle.
“Yeah, do you like it? Should be a few other things in there too…” Dean asked hopefully.
“Yeah, didn’t need to do all this…” (Y/N) mumbled over the phone.
“But I wanted to, how about you try on the gifts and we can maybe have a talk?” He wanted to talk about the possibility of him visiting them. 
The atmosphere in (Y/N)’s apartment deflated quickly at the mention of the dreaded conversation was brought up. They had believed for a moment that everything was perfect between the pair. However, he was preparing them for his big no.
“Oh yeah, umm we can talk, yeah.” Their voice was less childlike and more anxious.
“Baby, it is okay, this talk isn’t gonna be bad.” Dean replied quickly, trying to calm the obviously stressing little.
“Okay, can we talk about it now?” They said, just wanting it to be over.
“Of course baby,” Dean says as he opens his computer that he was looking at routes on, “what does your schedule look like for the next few weeks?” 
“Mmm Nothing only working,” They replied, picking their thumbs.
“Okay, how would you feel if I left tomorrow and got to see you in about 2 days?” Dean asked.
“Wait.” They paused almost processing what was being said. “What?”
“Obviously it could be sooner or later depending on traffic, would it be okay if I slept at your place? It would be like a little sleepover.” Dean continued knowing they would register what he was saying soon enough.
“YES YES YES YES!!!” They screamed, only to stop, “Sorry, didn’t mean to yell. Thought you were gonna say no. 
With that conversation completed, (Y/N) was quick to regress and babble about all the stuff they would do together. Dean was packing as they spoke as he would have an early morning. It was all simple and little (Y/N) even started cleaning, it wasn’t much just putting some of their toys away. They stayed on the phone until (Y/N) fell asleep.
The next morning came quickly, Dean was already on the road by the time the sun was up. It was unheard of for him to be awake even a few hours after the sun is up, but today was different. He wasn’t being the safest going quite a bit over the speed limit, but he just couldn’t help it. He would text sweetheart at stops, when he filled up for gas, took a bathroom break, or was getting snacks/souvenirs from each state he went through. Both days were like this although the second contained more bouncing in his seat and fewer stops.
(Y/N) spent the two days working and stress cleaning. They swept and mopped their floors three times, and dusted them twelve times. While at work they asked for the first day Dean would be there off and the owner hearing how excited they were, gave them a week of paid time off. The owner stated something about only being young once and young love, (Y/N) was too excited to correct her. They were only friends, for now at least. 
The day had come when Dean would arrive, he called saying he’d arrive around 1 pm. That means they woke up at 5 am to clean everything twelve times again, and run to the store to get actual food and ingredients, so as to not force Dean to eat fast food and microwave meals.
With their grocery bags on the counter, half of the food was already put away when there was a knock at the door. I wasn’t even 12 pm, the first thing that passed their mind was that there was no way that it was Dean already. But their feet moved on their own, and the door swung open before they though to check who it was. There a man stood, he was tall with slightly spiked hair, he had a ‘Joey’ from friend’s smile. 
“Sweetheart?” Their voice died in their throat, eyes began to water slightly as they stared at the man that was acting as their platonic caregiver and honestly best friend. Rather than speaking, (Y/N) threw themself into his chest sobbing out of join. 
“Dean… “ was all that managed to excape them, as they clung to him. He clung back seeing the person he came to life made him cry in joy. If anyone asked he would say it was simply allergies.
They sat in the hall and hugged for longer than any two friends should. Neighbors stopped to stare as they walked passed, but Dean and (Y/N) only saw each other. 
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mostlymilkwood · 3 months
We're halfway through 2024! I know this has been a big Yuri year for you. What are some of your favorites you've read this year?
I will make every year a Big Yuri Year going forward!! but you're right, I've been making my way through my backlog and checking out new stuff as it hits but here are a few!
Monthly in the Garden with My Landlord We are forgiving Kitano Miyako for the crime of being a landlord because the series she's in is very sweet and gay and I like it a lot!! I'm not actually one who's into low conflict manga but there's just enough bite every now and then in Monthly, be it through Miyako's past in the idol industry or Asako's past breakups, that I think it strikes a great balance. I was also thinking the other day about how the main trope of this is kind of… There Was Only One Bed House lol. Anyway, it also nice to have the story keep going after the build up of the main couple getting together, I'm going to miss it so much once it finishes in the coming months :((( Fav panel:
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Sukeban and Transfer Student Stella art that's made to mimics an 80s manga style to reinforce the time period it's set in? Sooo Good!! I love comics as an art form!! I love seeing them doing shit like this that only comics can do!!! I wish this was licensed so badly!! Anyway it's got a fun setup of two high school losers being losers in very different directions, which is always fun. I hope I get to read more of it soon! Fav panel:
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False Marigold If I had a nickel for every yuri manga I'd read where the dual protagonist was a blind girl called Lily, I'd have two nickels! This has a lot of interesting elements at play, you've got the time period being the 1910s (ish??), you've got Lily's blindness, her love for Hana's brother and the fact that she doesn't know he's dead, and finally you've got Hana's failed attempt to kill Lily and her now pretending to be said dead older brother for Lily. So Like, It's A Lot!! A great mix of bitter sweet feelings from a lot of characters, I can't wait to see how it all plays out in the end. Fav panel:
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How Do We Relationship? Ha ha haaaaaah. God. I'm late to the game on this series, it's already 12 volumes in and I kept seeing people who don't normally talk about manga, or yuri, or yuri manga say it's a really good and devastating read, so I was curious! THEY WERE CORRECT ON ALL FRONTS. Hat's off to the author for the total rug pull after volume 4 where you learn this is not a "story about what happens after you start dating someone" but is actually "a story about what happens after you breakup with someone"!!! God!!! But honestly, I can't say I've read anything quite like How Do We Relationship, it's rough sometimes but super compelling, it captures the college adolescent really well! I'm almost nostalgic for all the drama of my college days haha. Fav Panel That Is Driving Me Insane:
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Shoutouts: I Want to Make Black-Knight Fall In Love With Me! and The Helpless Saint and the Powerless Princess, they're recently started in Yuri Hime and I've been enjoying the first couple of chapters that are out so far, looking forward to seeing where they go this year!
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sunflowerxthoughts · 3 months
your dbf!James is amazing but can you give us some dbf!Sirius? 🩵
A new universe yes please!!! I am skipping cannon as always because fuck jkr but!!! Just imagine!!!
Okay so imagine you are actually Rem’s kid. He always said he didn’t want kids yet when reader is born the gang is not even 20 and while everyone is just there for you and Rem Siri kinda pulls away becauses babies scare him.
I imagine you are back from college and he is in the house and he hasn’t seen you in years. And Rem has always been hot so of course you are like a dream in his eyes.
And that summer is torture for poor Sirius.
Walking around the house in a big shirt, shorts and a bun? He has trouble finishing sentences. Going to the pool? Something stirs in him seeing you babysit Harry. You flirt with another boy? He’ll be ready to bust.
And when you finally tell him off for scaring away yet another date he just smirks and tells you that they are just that. Just boys. They wouldn’t know what to do with a woman like you.
So you start to tease. It’s not even flirting just really simple stuff to see when he breaks. Looking at him through your eyelashes, pulling up the sunglasses just a second later, toying with him and his composure.
And he wants to break so badly. And then he remembers, you are Rem’s little girl. He’d have his neck, so now he has to decide: destroying you or destroying his friendship.
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kricketscontent · 7 months
This Little Life- Sims4 Challenge
This Little Life Challenge
This is a challenge I created to tell stories with your sims. There is a lot left open in each story so you can finish writing each book yourself! It does use certain packs and some can be replaced with something else. I have Listed some mods that would be helpful as well. Have fun and let me know how it goes for you! 
Packs: Get to work, Cats & Dogs, Island Living, City Living
Mods: MC Command Center
Packs and Stuff: High School Years, Cottage Living, University, Snowy Escape, Horse Ranch, Crystal Creations, Realm of Magic
Mods: Live-in Business, Slice of Life, Base mental (for alcohol) , Shorter University Degrees, SNB, More part Time Jobs
-Your first gen starts as a teen in high school. You can choose to have them start with their parents, or alone. 
-Hard Start: If starting without parents- start with 500 simoleons. If starting with parents they can have starting funds, and your sim will get a part time job. Once your sim is out of their parents start with only saved up money from their part time job. 
-Simple Start: Start with 2000 simoleons. 
-I always suggest adding new townies, places to visit, and things to do around the world you’re playing in at the start of each gen. The gallery is a wonderful place! It adds new things to experience each time! Places like arcades, restaurants, parks, shopping. 
-YOU MUST KEEP AT LEAST ONE PHOTO FROM EACH GEN IN A BOX THAT MOVES DOWN TO EACH HEIR. It is important for the 10th get. If you don’t trust the box (Because you know, sims and glitches) you can keep them on a wall in a hidden basement/attic, or at a cemetery you build to keep them safe. 
GEN 1- Dream Reacher.
The ideal life dream is right in your reach. College, marriage, white picket fences, and babies. You have your high school sweetheart, the college acceptance letter, and your massive self confidence. You’re ready to take on the world and get everything you have dreamed of since your were a child. However, life has another plan. An unexpected pregnancy, a cheating partner, and being outcast by your parents was NOT on your bingo card. They all say that you are SOL. You’ll never attend college, you’ll never get that job you dreamed of. You are trapped with a baby to raise on your own and no way to do it. This only fuels you more, You WILL go to college, you WILL get that job, and you WILL show them!��
Teen Career: Any Part time job
Adult Career: You decide! Get to know your sim as a teen, pick their career and degree. Just be mindful of the careers in the next gens, unless you don’t mind doing a career more than once.
Traits: Self-Assured, Cheerful, as an adult add Jealous
Optional Color Theme: Blue
Teen Years:
-Work hard to get A’s
-Work at advancing in a part time job as much as you can
-If you have SNB put all your earned money into an account.
-Find High School sweetheart (give them the evil trait) and exchange promise rings 
(Optional Hard mode: have pregnancy as a teen instead) 
Adult Years: 
- Accidental Pregnancy with High school sweetheart
- Catch partner cheating and end the relationship
- If you have parents, tell them about the pregnancy and get disowned (you can cheat their relationships to negative if needed) 
- Find a place to live with that you can afford with your baby
- Attend college using student loans (if you don’t have university work part time job while advancing skills for chosen job. Once skills have reached level 5 or higher, join the career.)
- Get dream job and fix up small home for you and your child
From here you decide! Does your sim find love again? Do they have more children? Tell your own story. 
GEN 2- Love is NOT an Option. 
You grew up wanting to know your other parent so badly. You pestered your parent over and over again to learn something, anything! One day, they finally snap and tell you the true story of what happened in your parents relationship, and tell you where to find them. You meet the other parent and boy oh boy are they awful. You were not wanted, your parent was not wanted, and love is dead. From that moment on you vow to be a solo act. You keep a small tight knit friend group that you create a club with. You all spend your time hanging at the library, doing homework, and playing chess. This is all you need. As an adult you put your big brain to work and become a scientist. You slave your days away in your little lab by yourself, until one day you meet someone- a fellow lonely scientist. This someone quickly becomes your best friend. When you both aren’t in the lab, you’re hanging out together having fun. One of those nights leads to beer pong, more drinking, dancing, and….OOPS. Accidental kiss. The morning comes, you’re groggy, and you vaguely remember. OH MY LLAMA. You kissed them?! Now what? 
Teen Career: No job- Focus on the club and the skills
Adult Career: Scientist 
Traits: Genius, Geek, as an adult add Noncommittal 
Optional Color Theme: Green Blue and White
Child and Teen years: 
Make a small group of friends for your geek squad
Spend lots of time building skills to help you in your future career
Seek out your other parent and get a negative relationship with them
Adult Years:
Join the scientist Career
Meet and befriend a co-worker
Hang out with them often on off hours
Have a drunken kiss (using mod to get drunk, or pretend!)
Do they fall in love? Or does this sim have too many trust issues
Have as many children as you’d like by adopting science baby, or with your potential partner! 
GEN 3- Adventure is Out There! 
Dreaming of big open skies, thrill of adrenaline, and going out into the unknown. Reading books about the world beyond the walls of your house. That is all that is ever on your mind. Your parent is not adventurous, not even a little bit. You? You’re ready to try anything and everything. Snow Boarding? Check! Rock climbing? Check! Swimming with mermaids and dolphins? Check! You spend your time discovering secret worlds, and trying the spiciest of foods. There is no time for you to care about your home much, cleaning, or relationships. Just you and the thrill. To pay the bills from your adventures you get a job as in intern at some rocket building place. You only took the job because rockets sound cool and the pay was decent. But you do find yourself getting more into it each day. Maybe you can build your own rocket at home?! Then you can complete the ultimate adventure. Space! One Adventure in space leads to another, and another, and then.. a baby! Oh boy.
Teen Career: Your choice
Adult Career: Astronaut
Traits: Active, Adventurous, as an adult add Slob
Optional Color Theme: Yellow and Orange
Child and Teen Years:
-take off all the time to parks, arcades, and anywhere fun.
-try out the Live Fast teen aspiration
-Work out at the gym and get yourself ready for adventures ahead. 
-Start exploring what you can. 
Adult Years:
-Move into a crappy run down place. You don’t care because you’re never there!
-Explore by snowboarding, swimming, finding secrets, and/or anything you have in the game packs you have. 
-Get a job as an intern in the astronaut career
-Build your own rocket
-Visit Sixam often collecting everything you find.
-Meet an alien and find out what space woohoo is like!
-Have a half alien baby 
You chose from here: Marriage, number of kids, and anything else!
GEN 4- A Little Different Than All the Rest. 
So you’re half alien? No one needs to know that! Except fitting in is harder than you expected, and understanding humans is even harder. You know what isn’t so hard to understand? Animals! Ever since you were little you had special connections with any animals you would see. Your parent let you take in any strays you wanted, and you cared for all animals around you. You didn’t have a lot of human friends, but that’s okay. You even do grocery delivery to avoid seeing people at the market. You have a hoard of animals that love you and that is all you need. 
Teen Career: None
Adult Career: Vet
Traits: Cat Lover, Dog Lover, Socially Awkward. You can give this in any order
Optional Color Theme: Blue and Purple
Child and Teen Years:
Try and fail at making friend ships with people
Meet and befriend lots of strays
Adopt at least one of the strays
Start working on vet skills
Adult Years:
- Work a part time job or odd jobs to make money to buy your own vet. 
Open up a starter vet and start your journey caring for animals
If you use the live in mod, you can run a vet clinic from home!
Meet a partner that loves animals just as much as you, and helps you at the clinic! 
Your house is full of animals and love, so why not add another person to help with all your duties!
Gen 5- Farmers Only
You grew up in a house full of animals. You loved them and learned from them. You also had a very lonely parent who wouldn’t even go to the market to get groceries. So you did the same. Your family stuck together like a pack of wolves. This left you with tendencies of avoiding socializing. So how do you survive? Animals and plants. That’s how! You build up your own farm, selling your crops and animal products. You even spend your time making jams and things to sell. You are fully self sustainable and you wouldn’t have it any other way. All you need is a partner like your parent had to help you run the place and everything is solid. 
Teen Career: None- help out at the clinic
Adult Career: Your Farm
Traits: Loner, Animal Enthusiast, add Good as an Adult
Optional Color Theme: Green and Yellow.
Child and Teen Years:
Spend time taking care of animals and helping at the clinic
Start a small garden 
Spend a lot of your time outside and learning to be self sustainable 
Adult Years: 
Build up a farm
Have the simple living lot challenge
Optional: be off the grid
Have a farming partner to make a family and help tend the farm
If you have cottage living get cows and chickens. You can also get goats and sheep if you have Horse Ranch. 
Gen 6- Sparkles are DISTRACTING
Your family farm was booming. You always needed to help out around the garden. Man did you hate it. You hated harvesting crops, watering plants, and milking cows. You were just a goofy hippie kid that wanted to exist in earths beauty. But one day while pulling weeds you noticed something glittering in the distance. A crystal that must have been left behind by last nights lightning! You smuggled it into your room and placed it on a shelf above your bed. You went to sleep every night thinking about how beautiful it was, and what you could do with it. One night, you sit up in your sleep, you have the best idea! Jewelry. You can make sparkly jewelry that catches other peoples eyes the way the crystal caught yours. You open up your own little hippie shop of crystals, jewelry, and potions. No dirt and animal poop here. Just sparkles. 
Teen Career: Farm
Adult Career: Jeweler or Crystal Sales
Traits: Lazy, Goofball, Creative
Optional Color Theme: Rainbow
Child and Teen years:
Help out on the farm
You’re silly and you’re wild and free
Get easily distracted when you’re supposed to be working on the farm
Find a crystal that starts it all
Adult Years
- Move into a little secluded cottage in the wood
- Start crafting jewelry (or just sell crystals if you don’t have the pack) 
- Learn to make potions (optional) 
- Optional: you can also sell paintings your sim makes. I like to paint from reference in the trees! Any crafted items you can sell.
Again, you choose love life and children. Just make sure to have an heir! 
Gen 7- High Class Life
Bug Bites. Creepy Crawlies. Dirt. Wolves in the wood. You wanted out. Out of this cottage, out of the trees, and into the world. The city is calling your name. As a teen you and your friends would often spend your free time there at festivals or singing karaoke and meeting the best of the who’s who you could find. You wanted in to money, fashion, high rises, and parties. Everything you saw in the city begged for you to take it. Now you just had to figure out how to escape your simple life and move up in the world. The highest paying job takes the win. And a Politician for a spouse is your final goal to really reach the top of that social ladder. 
Teen Career: Part time of your choice
Adult Career: Business Career- Investor Branch
Traits: Outgoing, Ambitious, and Snob
Optional Color Theme: Black, White, and GOLD
Child and Teen Years:
Have your sim visit the city often
Make a group of friends that you bring everywhere with you
Gain a good reputation and make yourself known to people in the city
Never bring your friends to your house- You’re too embarrassed. 
Adult Years:
Start in the Business career and advance quickly. You are a workaholic
Move into an apartment and make it modern.
Have social gatherings at your apartment often to show off you life
Dress high class business all the time. 
Modern, fancy, and expensive is the only way to go for your apartment. 
Meet and marry someone in the politician career. 
Gain at least one star celebrity fame. 
GEN 8- Style Is A Sims Best Friend
The city has so many interesting people. So many fashion choices. Way too many fashion don’ts. That could never be you. You grew up in a polished, expensive home, and you only go for the best of the best. It’s time to correct the world, make and set fashion trends, and get these sims into clothes less painful to the eyes. There is no way you are going to let Kyle Kyleson walk around in a sweatshirt with flip flops for another day! Then you see them. The most unfashionable, messy, ugly sim you have ever laid eyes on. Now this is the project of a lifetime! You can’t just go up to the and tell them ”you’re ugly. Change.” So you befriend them, and learn that they are actually the most beautiful person in the world. Well, on the inside anyway. So you get them to let you give them a make over, and man oh man are they a HOT commodity now. Only problem is- now the world sees them the way you do, and you’ve been too scared to tell them how you truly feel. Now you have a world of competition for their love. Do you regret worrying about looks so much? Is this your karma for living a shallow life. Will you end up together? 
Teen Career: SimFluencer
Adult Career: Stylist
Traits: Creative, High Maintenance, Romantic
Optional Color Theme: Red and White
Child and Teen Years: 
You focus son learning fashion and make up
You make a fashion club
Give your friends make overs
Adult Years:
-Get the stylist job and advance it in it
-Use your skills to set trend and give make overs
-Find an outwardly unattractive and poorly dressed sim that you befriend
-Platonically move in with the sim because you’re too afraid to fess you feelings
-Give them a make over and watch lots of sims start to flirt
-Decide if they end up together, or if your sim missed their chance. 
GEN 9- Lets Go to The Beach, Lets Get Away
Your parent saw beauty in the city. You saw trash, protests, and a lack of care for the world. Plastic bags floating through the air where birds should be. Air the color of green toxic fumes. Not a soul doing anything about it. You vowed as soon as you could, you’d leave that awful place and head for Sulani. But when you do get there, you realize people have trashed that too and big money is trying to turn it into a city. Not on your watch! It’s beach clean up time. You buy a little shack on the beach and get to work. As you pick up trash, and confront littering idiots, you meet someone good for a change. They are chasing down the same litter bug as you and shouting something about restoring Sulani. You have got to hear this, so you invite them out for drinks and chat. They tell you about working as a conservationist and all the good it can do. That is it. That is your dream. You can make a difference. And with this person by your side your team will be unstoppable and Sulani will be clean in no time. You never thought you’d find someone as passionate about a clean world as you. However, they are hiding a secret that reveals the real reason they care about Sulani so much. 
Teen Career: Life guard
Adult Career: Conservationist
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Hot Headed, Child of the Island
Optional Color Theme: Coral, Light Blue
Child and Teen Years:
-Have an ocean/island themed room
-practice swimming at the local pools often
-Get a job as a lifeguard at the local pools
-Participate in protests you see to try and help
Adult Years:
-Move to a shack in Sulani. 
-Clean up the beach
-Meet a conservationist, go out for drinks, and join the career
-Find out your new friend has a secret- they’re a mermaid 
-Restore Sulani
-Get together with your work friend, or find another beach goer you love. 
-Have a house with a storage attic in it. 
GEN 10- Life’s A book, So Write it. 
Growing up to sunsets on the beach can inspire anyone. Especially you. As a child you would write all day in your diary, you find pen pals and ask them questions to learn all of their stories. You get your inspiration from food. You find a good place to eat, sit down, order, and write as you bite into whatever the dish of the day is. As a teen you, your parent asks you to dig out decorations for Christmas from the attic. You find an old box covered in dust. What could be inside? The box has photo after photo of every gen of your family. Careful you tac them up on the attic wall and study them. What a life your family has lived. From Farmers to business, to space and beaches. The warm breeze from an open window buzzed you to life and you have an idea. A story for each member of the family! You get to work. You freelance write to pay your bills, but you send most of your time writing a ten book series telling the story of each of your family members. The final book a biography about yourself. The ending? Who knows! 
Teen Career: None- Just write!
Adult Career: Freelance Writer
Traits: Bookworm, Glutton, as an adult add Family Oriented
Optional Color Theme: Colors of the Sunset
Child and Teen Years: 
- Write in a journal every day
- Find Pen Pals
- Spend time at the beach, and restaurants a lot to get inspiration. 
Start writing short stories and food reviews to gain skill. 
Go to the attic and find the box or wall of pictures of the family. 
Adult Years:
Work as a freelance artist 
Stay in your childhood home taking care of your parents till the end
Start your Book series about the family. Start at Gen 1, and name each book after the sim in that gen. Always save a copy for yourself and memories! 
The final book, gen 10. Its your turn to write the story from here! 
Thanks for playing,
XOXO Kricket
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imdoingsortagay · 2 years
for the prompt, 12, 13, 14, 48 with innocent neighbor!r catching agnes masturbating pls
this is short but slay we love to see it
smut below the cut 18+
About almost a month of living in Westview, your sweet neighbor invited you to her house for lunch. Some people had warned you about the lady next door, but you decided to give her the benefit of the doubt because she had been so nice to you when you moved into the house next to hers.
What you didn't know was that Agnes had finished the lunch ahead of time, stressed with making sure the food was perfect for you and she needed some sort of stress relief.
She had about 20 minutes before you get here and decided to rub one out, using the new vibrator that she had gotten online. Now here the older woman was, laying naked on her bed, with the vibe on her clit, the other hand slowly fingering herself while she fails badly at keeping her moans private.
Agnes fails to hear the doorbell ring, too focused on her pleasure while you patiently wait for her to open the door. You try another time, knock right after and wait a couple of minutes before opening the door. She always said that you were welcome to let yourself in if she was busy.
Right as you open the door you hear moaning and start to blush, wondering what's going in and if Agnes is okay, You follow the sound of the moans to Agnes' bedroom, the door left a bit open. you cover your mouth when you see that the older woman is touching herself in her bedroom, her face full of pleasure as she pumps two fingers in her needy cunt while the vibrator gets her to her orgasm.
" Wish my kitten was here to watch," Agnes says before she loudly moans and you see her cum hard with the toy and her fingers in her pussy. Agnes looked amazing and the only like you've seen a woman do this was in porn when your college roommate had shown you a video but seeing it in person was amazing, to say the least.
" I can see you staring over there kitten," the older woman says as she grabs her blanket to cover the bottom half of her body, no shame in having her chest exposed.
" What do you-"
" y/n, you naughty girl," she interrupts you and motions you to come over, shyly walking towards the bedroom where she pats the spot next to her, feeling butterflies at how calm she's being right now while your mind is just not thoughts.
" Didn't they tell you it was rude to watch someone while they fuck themselves doll?" Agness asks in a sweet tone, giggling when you blush and fail to make any words come out of your mouth.
“I can’t believe you’re this innocent honey bun," Agnes starts off," have you ever touched yourself toots? or seen people do it?".
" no Agnes-"
" Call me mommy baby while in here," she tells you.
" No Mommy I promise, I never really thought about doing stuff like that while in college," you explain to the older woman next to you which sparks something in her.
“You’ve never even touched yourself?”
You shake your head, too embarrassed at the moment but you calm down just a bit when she runs her hand over your arm to try to calm you down.
“Makes me want to wreck you," she says," but I'd rather start off slow before we do anything more adventurous."
"Please," you let out," Want you to help me, mommy,".
In that moment it was Agnes who stays quiet that you were this innocent, excited to see how this will go between the two of you.
" Want me to guide you my sweet girl?"
you nod, too afraid about whimpering.
“I’ll guide you.”
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I failed for the very first time in my life on my math quiz and it's 12.5% of this course's grade :( any tips for a first year college student?
That sucks mate, what kind of math was it? I may be able to help you with specific questions (after next week, I've got an exam coming).
I'm not sure how applicable my advice would be: I've only gone through college as a pure math student (and a physics one but unsuccessfully) and stuff that would have helped me back then would not necessarily translate into useful advice for you, I'll try anyway.
Ask for help when stuck for too long. This may seem obvious but it certainly wasn't for me; through a mix of pride and not wanting to bother my professors, I used to spend hours and sometimes days stuck on the same problem. I almost always figured it out eventually, but it was all time I could have spent better.
Aim for perfection but be prepared to settle for less. Related to the above, sometimes asking for help every time you're stuck isn't pheasible, so you'll have to do an analysis of which parts of the study material are absolutely essential to pass the exams and which ones can wait. If you finish up the essentials on time, you can always go back to whatever you missed.
Emotionally detach yourself from your grades. You should of course aim as high as possible but we all do badly in an exam eventually, it says nothing about you (or your intelligence) except for the fact that you weren't prepared enough for an exam.
Try to be consistent. Set for yourself study time and rest time (I do 8 AM -> 19 PM with 1 hour long study sessions with 20 minute rests in between) and go for a sustainable schedule, this is more of a marathon than a sprint.
I have no idea if any of this would work for you specifically, it would have definitely helped me during my first college year.
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