#i was gonna pencil in erik's hair like i always do but then i thought 'why not let those raven locks shine like tuxedo mask's hair?' ;)
britishchick09 · 2 years
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rewrite eristine kiss! ♥♥
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fckwritersblock · 3 years
Act 1: While We’re Young
Chapter 5
Erik ‘Killmonger’ Stevens x Black OC
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January 10th 2005
Last night was the only night I'm allowing myself to cry over him and his 'return'. What good would it do me? No, I was gonna take Erik and whatever he had to throw at me by storm.
Waking up the next day, I feel refreshed. Like a brand new person with a more positive mindset. Today I had 3 classes and I'm determined to have a good Erik free day.
That whole Erik free thing went out the window as soon as I got to my first class.
Double O Computer Programming 1 was a junior class, however I'd taken it during the summer during my first year at UC Berkeley. DOCP 2 wouldn't be available until next semester but I needed to have a class since this was my first year on the actual campus. Thankfully Miss Hill really needed a T.A and the fact that I could help with an algorithm that tied into thermal nuclear astrophysics had her sold.
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Right after I finished taking attendance, she barely got a word out before the door swung open revealing Erik as our late comer. I quickly glanced at the sheet in front of me, scanning for his name. I was so use to calling him N’dajaka when we were kids, I completely skipped over ‘Erik Stevens’. I huffed rolling my eyes, arms crossed over my chest. His timbs were the only thing heard shuffling across the room making hid way toward the front of the class. Wordlessly he handed Miss Hill before his eyes were on me. They scanned me from top to bottom, before locking with me a smug grin on his lips.
"Hey Lona," my jaw dropped.
Before I could get out a word, Miss Hill opened her mouth, looking up from the paper he handed her.
"Welcome Erik, sorry for the confusion."
"It's all good," he shrugged.
"Im Miss Hill, and I see you already know my aid. As I explained to the class prior to taking attendance, If I'm unavailable feel free to email or call her during the hours listed on the sheet." She is then took a sheet from me and handed him to me. "Other than that, find a seat."
He nodded pretending look over the sheet before averting his gaze back on me.
"I'm definitely gon do that."
Fuck my life right?
Well, Erik just so happened to be in the Calculus class I skipped two days ago. I thank God my record was squeaky clean and Mr. Kennedy accepted my poor excuse before I was quickly reminded the man upstairs has a sense of humor as the only available seat was next to Erik.
"The person next to you will be your partner for the remainder of the semester so let's take the next 15 minutes getting know one another hmm?." Mr. Kennedy instructed.
I couldn't suppress the groan that slipped as Erik casually leaned back in his chair, examining me.
"You heard the man, get to know me."
"I know all I need this know about you Erik."
"Oh so I'm Erik now? Like that?" He spoke cool, calm, and collected like our exchanged was normal.
I gripped my pencils tight, my knee bouncing up and down my body tense.
"Let me set things straight now. We don't need to talk to one another. If it doesn't have anything to do with any of the classes we take together, don't want to hear it. When you see me act like you don't know me. We clear?"
The expression on his face was unreadable before his lip twitched slight him responding.
January 24th, 2005
It had been two weeks since Erik showed up here.
Ok that's a lie.
Apparently this man has been here. And to top it off, this mans name was in every bitch mouth like the second coming of Jesus Christ. From what I've observed though, he doesn't say much, or gives any of these broads much attention. He don't say much in general actually, he's really good at blending in. He got that laid back, mysterious, bad boy vibe going for him and these females out here hella into that.
But when he opens his mouth, that cocky bastard sure knows how to disrupt my entire soul at least while we're in class.
Outside of class though, he acts like I'm invisible.
It was like he never knew me. And honestly, I don't know how to feel about it. I know that's what I said I wanted but it bothers me just the same.
Today in particular though, he argued me down during our Calculus class. We had one problem to figure out before we could leave class today. You and your partner were supposed agree on the answer, and heaven forbid he just agree with me so we can get out of here. Math was always my subject when we were kids, nothing has changed. I was damn near about to say fuck it when he started laughing.
What in the entire fuck it so funny?" I was fuming.
"You," he shook his head. "You really hella mad."
"Um, YES!" I damn near shouted fed up. "You literally been tryna convince me it's 5 when it's-"
"Chill. I know the answer is 3 girl. C'mon, let's go." So smoothly he closed the book, grabbed his bag and headed to the front.
I was so upset, I had to let him do all the talking when it came to explain to the teacher I'll answer and how we got there. I know I open my mouth I wasn't going to say anything nice.
"Girl what crawled up your ass and died?" Donise questioned with a stank look as we sat at one of the benches outside of the library.
"Yeah What did Erik do now," I could hear teasing in Tatiana's tone so I flipped her off.
Only giving a brief explanation, I went on a mini rant about what happened in class 20 minutes ago. Donise's thought it was funny, while Tati just shook her head.
"I still can't believe it him," Tatianna glanced as a group of guys from across the quad headed our way, Erik included.
"Yes, and I wish it wasn't."
Tatianna was the first real friend I made in a while. I was actually tutoring her online for a while before she found out I was 4 years younger than her. Our friendship started off as a trade. I was her tutor and she both convinced and enrolled in a mentor program to help me with my social skills. I didn't speak to anyone much when Erik left, but I got into a lot of fights. According to the school counselor I was taking out my anger and abandonment issues on.I have meds to tame the anger, and while I haven't had to take them in a while Eric definitely bring that anger out of me.
"Girl that's just sexual tension. You got to fuck all that out." Ashley put in her unwanted two cents.
"Trust me when I tell you on God it isn't."
"Well if you out to holla, then trust and believe I will." She tossed her hair over her shoulder
I didn't really mess with Ashley like that, but she was Tati's frat sister which made them 'friends'. That little thot pocket will screw anything with legs, D, and a pulse and I'm not bout that life. Plus she messy as fuck and I don't trust her as far as I can throw her.
"I don't doubt it," I smirked as Donise said exactly what I was thinking.
Donise was coo' though, I meet her when I first got here 2 months ago. Believe It or not she was apart of the welcome comity for MIT and turned out her and Tatiana were already friends. Once she figured out  who I was, I was shot to the front line during registration and everything.
"Anyways, y'all going Ant and them party tomorrow?" Ashley questioned probably tryna bum a ride.
"What party?"
"The Que's," Donise answered. "The dudes with Erik are frat."
Now this was news to me. I met most of them before but I had no idea there were in a sorority. Examining them, I guess it all made sense. Most in the clique sported some sort of purple and yellow lanyard either around their neck or on their keychain that hung from their jean pocket as if  they wanted everybody to know who they were. Which I wouldn't doubt.
"Ladies! What we chattin about?" Moses questions every bit of his thick English accent tapering off every word.
"Our plans for mañana," Tati answered l
"Word. Y'all coming to the party tomorrow?" Jay spoke playing with a few strands of Donise's curls.
"Tomorrow? It's Thursday." I said confused. "Ain't there class the next day?"
"What's the matter, you can't hang?" I glared at Jay, knowing he was only chastising me because him and Erik were close, according to Tati.
I swear to God men gossip more than women do. Rolling my eyes I spared Erik a glance and he looked like he was waiting on me to respond.
"Oh, I can definitely hang."
I couldn't hang.
Around midnight I was  in the bathroom throwing up everything, damn near hug in the toilet as my surrounding looks so blurry and I can barely function. Im not sure when I'd finally finished, but I could feel someone picks me up and out the bathroom and soon everything goes blurry and then black.
Tag list: @kitesatforestp @xsweetdellzx @justgetitoverwith0 @letsshamelessqueen-m @cmkcolove @readingaddict1290
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valeriethepussycats · 4 years
Chapter 6
Pairing- Loki x Reader x Steve (one side)
Warning- cursing
Your thoughts and other characters are in italics.
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Loki walks back and forth inside his glass cell. Suddenly, he  stops. “There's not many people that can sneak up on me.” Loki turns to see Natasha standing there.
“But you figured I'd come.” Natasha remarked.
“After. After whatever tortures Fury can concoct, you would appear as a friend, as a balm. And I would cooperate.” Loki reported.
“I wanna know what you've done to Agent Barton and Agent Munroe?” Natasha asked.”
“I'd say I've expanded his mind. And as  for Agent Munroe I’ve done nothing to her but ruffled her Feathers.” Loki said with a satisfying smirk.
“And once you’ve won. Once you’re king of the mountain. What happens to his mind?”Natasha questioned.
“Is this love, Agent Romanoff?” Loki wondered.
“Love is for children. I owe him a debt.” Natasha stated.
Loki sits down on “Tell me.”
Natasha  pulls up a chair as well. “Before I worked for Shield, I uh...well, I made a name for myself. I have a very specific skillset. I didn't care who I used it for, or on. I got on Shield's radar in a bad way. Agent Barton was sent to kill me, he made a different call.”
“And what will you do if I vow to spare  him?” Loki asked.
“Not let you out.” Natasha declared.
“Ah, no. But I like this. Your world in the balance, and you bargain for one man?” Loki laughed.
“Regimes fall every day. I tend not to weep over that, I'm Russian... or was.” Natasha answered.
“What is it you want?” Loki questioned.
“It's really not that complicated. I've got red in my ledger, I'd like to wipe it out.” Disclose.
“Can you? Can you wipe out that much red? Drakov's daughter? São Paulo? The
Hospital fire? Barton told me everything. Your ledger is dripping, it's gushing red, and you think saving  a man no more virtuous than yourself will change anything?” Loki said standing up angry. “ This is the basest sentimentality. This is a child at prayer... Pathetic!”
Tony and Banner continuously work at their monitors.
“You lie and kill in the service of liars and killers.”
Agent Hill checks every viewsscreen  in the bridge as Nick Fury oversees.
“You pretend to be separate, to have your own code, something that makes up for the horrors.”
Y/n is looking at the note with Gambit’s number with uncertainty.
“But they are a part of you, and they will never go away!”
Steve opens a steel crate. Angry, he looks behind him and looks back into the crate. The crate is filled with an Array of Hydra weapons.
Loki slams his fist his cell, making Natasha flinch.  “I won't touch Barton. Not until I make  him kill you! Slowly. Intimately. In every way he knows you fear! And when he'll wake just long enough to see his good work, and when he screams, I'll split his skull! This is my bargain, you mewling quim!”
Natasha  turns around, walks away from Loki, disgusted. “You're a monster.”
“No, you brought the monster.” Loki laughed.
Natasha turns back around, poised. “So, Banner... that's your play.”
“What?” Loki staggered.
Natasha speaks into her earpiece. “Loki means to unleash the Hulk. Keep Banner in the lab, I'm on my way. Send Thor as well.”  Natasha then turns to Loki. “Thank you for your cooperation.” Natasha quickly walks out, leaving Loki frozen.
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Y/n takes a deep breath and walks into Bruce’s lad and see Tony and Bruce eating snacks.
“Where your ears burning because I was just thinking about you....... you said you needed a file or two Jarvis is done with breaking in to Shield.” Tony asked.
“Thanks The name is Ororo Munroe.” Y/n answered.
Before Y/n can walk around the corner and look at the file. Nick walks in surprised to see Tony and Banner stop working on the scepter.
“What are you doing, Mr. Stark?” Nick asked in an upset tone.
“Uh...kind of been wondering the same thing about you.” Tony remarked.
“You're supposed to be locating the Tesseract.” Nick replied.
“We are. The model's locked and we're  sweeping for the signature now. When we get a hit, we'll have the location within half a mile.” Bruce chimed in.
“And you'll get your cube back, no muss, no fuss.” Tony joked.
Then suddenly his monitor show a collection of Secret files. “What is Phase 2?”
Suddenly, Steve drops a Hydra Assault Rifle on the table causing Fury, Banner and Tony to turn around. Cap looks pissed.
“Phase  2 is Shield uses the cube to make weapons...Sorry, the computer was moving a little slow.” Steve declared
“Rogers, we gathered everything related to the Tesseract. This does not mean
that we're...” Nick tried to explained.
“I'm sorry, Nick.” Tony moves the computer screen towards Fury which shows plans of weapon. “What were you lying?”
“What the world do you need Tesseract weapons for?” Y/n moves to stand in front of Director Fury. “Is that why you took Erik because you wanted him to work on the Tesseract to turn into a weapon.
“I was wrong, director. The world hasn’t changed a bit.” Steve claimed.
At that moment, Thor and Natasha walk into the lab. Natasha keeps her eyes right on Bruce. Bruce looks at her, Upset. “Did you know about this?”
“You wanna think about removing yourself from this environment, doctor?” Natasha asked.
“I was in Calcutta, I was pretty well  removed.” Bruce pointed out.
“Loki's manipulating you.” Natasha admitted.
“And you've been doing what exactly?” Bruce questioned.
“You didn't come here because I bat my eyelashes at you.”  Natasha replied.
“Yes, and I'm not leaving because suddenly you get a little twitchy. I'd like to know why Shield is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction.” Bruce demanded.
“Because of him.” Nick points at Thor.
“Me?” Thor doubted.
“What does this have to do with Thor?” Y/n questioned.
“Last year earth had a visitor from another planet who had a grudge match that leveled a small town. We learned  that not only are we not alone, but we are hopelessly, hilariously, outgunned.” Nick explained.
“I was there to stop it  with the help from Thor.” Y/n disclosed.
“My people want nothing but peace with your planet.” Thor answered.
“But you're not the only people out  there, are you? And, you're not the
only threat. The world's filling up with people who can't be matched, they can't be controlled.” Nick expressed.
“Like you controlled the cube?” Steve snapped.
“You're work with the Tesseract is what drew Loki to it, and his allies. It is       the signal to all the realms that the earth is ready for a higher form of war.” Thor explained.
“A higher form?” Steve questioned.
“You forced our hand. We had to come up with something.” Nick repeated.
“Nuclear deterrent. `Cause that always calms everything right down.” Tony mocked.
Y/n looks up and see her mother’s  file has popped up on the monitor she then moves behind the decks to see look at.
“Remind me again how you made your fortune, Stark?” Nick questioned.
“How is this now about me?” Tony wondered.
“I'm sorry, isn't everything?” Steve Remarked
“I thought humans were more evolved than this.” Thor disclosed.
“Excuse me, did WE come to YOUR planet and blow stuff up.” Nick snapped back.
As the "team" argues, they don't realize the blue gem on Loki's scepter is glowing brightly.
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Outside the Helicarrier, a lone carrier slowly hovers over the ship.
“661 Bravo, please relay your pass code. What is your hull, over?”
Arms to ammunition, over. Inside, Barton and his crew suit up and arm themselves. Barton pulls out his hi-tech bow and arrows.
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As everyone is arguing Thor noticed some of the objects in the room begin to flow so he looks over at Y/n. Her jaw was clenched, eyebrows pulled down together and her lips pressed firmly together she was Mad scratch that she was furious.
“Y/n? Are you alright?” Thor sudden question catches everyone off guard and they stop arguing and turn to look at Y/n. They see her glowing red and her hair standing up in a triangle way.
“Y/n.” Nick called out.
When Y/n  looks up and her eyes aren’t their usual brown there white but instead of blue Lightning it’s red. “They were after her they did this to me because they couldn’t get her...she abandon me because she didn’t want to get experimented on.” Y/n snarled.
“I know. l know....I want to protect you from that.” Nick said in a calming voice.
“Protect me.” Y/n retorted.
The beautiful sunshine was replaced by dark skies like an eclipse is happening.  
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On the bridge Hill is sitting at her work station with Coulson overviewing her one bye one a pencil, pen , paper, and  monitors begin to flow. Hill looks up at  Coulson and he look at her and they’re both thinking the same thing. Y/n.
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Everything inside the Bruce’s lab begin to levitate and the team looks amaze and frighten at the same time.
“Y/n remember The control you fight to have.” Thor takes a step forward  towards Y/n  but before he can get any closer Nick holds his arm out in front of him nodding his head “no.”
“I didn’t tell you because I knew how much it would hurt you. You loved your mother so much.” Nick explained.
“Then why was I told she was dead.” Y/n barked.
Nick slowly walking up to Y/n. “I didn’t tell you remember you told me.”
Y/n looks at Nick with her head tilted. “Charles Xavier” Y/n said wrathfully.
Rage flowed through Y/n like lava. No literally the room started to get extremely hot that some of the objects start to melt.  Nick reaches for his gun
“What gonna shot your own daughter.....do you know what’s it’s like to not be able to feel strong emotions because if you did you could destroy innocent people or the people you love. I was tortured for two years. They put a collar around my neck and shock me if I couldn’t control my powers because of her.”
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Barton pulls  the trigger on his bow. The arrow then explodes the engine right off Helicarrier.
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Everyone is thrown in every direction. Y/n, Steve, Fury, Thor and Tony are thrown across while Natasha and Banner is down in the lower equipment room. Steve looks up at Tony.
“Put on the suit!” Steve announced.
Steve helps Tony up and out of the lab. Fury sits up, clutching his ribs. He puts on his earpiece.
Part 7 
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Erik shaves the Reader.
Smutty tease that may or may not drive crazy?
This is Erik in his College days.
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You watched between the crack of the bathroom door within the Kappa house at Florida A&M as Erik plugs up his clippers to line up his beard, mustache, and hairline. He said he picked up this skill because it saved him money and most of the niggas who thought they knew how to cut or shape up hair actually didn’t. The only remembrance of Erik spending money to get a shape up was over a year ago by a friend who faded his hair too much around the temples. That was the last time he decided to let anyone but himself put a blade to his hair.
You were supposed to be focusing on your Anatomy and Physiology course work but the constant buzz of the clippers and the sight of him shirtless distracted you. Your vulnerable eyes couldn’t keep away from how broad his shoulders are and how low his sweats sat on his hips. Even the tent in the front of his sweats had you choking on your breath. You wanted to choke on his dick if you were being honest but you were too shy to express that to him. Last night you were the most shy than you’ve ever been around Erik. You had skipped out on shaving last night because you didn’t think you would be getting any dick from Erik until Saturday night. It was a Thursday night and the second you were ready to shave and exfoliate your pussy he shows up at your dorm room asking if you were hungry. Of course you were, all those extra curves didn’t come from eating salads and drinking skinny tea. 
“Focus, you have a lab practical coming up,” You whisper to yourself, pulling all of your attention back into your workbook. 
“You say something, Y/N?” Erik’s muffled voice spoke from the bathroom. Apparently he was finished, wiping up the hair from his chest and the sink. 
“Just talking to myself, trying to study,” You flip to the next page, groaning that it was more information about the Cardiovascular System to absorb. 
Erik doesn’t respond as he leaves his bathroom, chest still bare and hair lined up like he just left the shop. He was currently applying castor oil to his sponge curled fro and beard. After applying the oil, his eyes swept over you while he put his phone on the charger at his desk. Erik loved the way you looked in his Kappa hoodie with nothing else on and your curly hair messy like you just woke up. You were very shy and self conscious and Erik was definitely going to fix that. Last night he had to stop you from clenching up in your thighs when he tried pulling them apart to eat your pussy. Erik loved the way you tasted and he didn’t care about pubic hair. Pussy was pussy to him. However, you cared, just like you cared about the stretch marks on your hips and ass, the acne on your back, and the little pooch in your belly when you wore anything too tight. He loved the fuck out of your body, and he wanted you to feel the same.
“Baby Girl, let me ask you something.”
You look up from your workbook placing your pencil down. 
“Yeah, what’s up?”
Erik took a seat next to you, placing his hand on your exposed thigh, rubbing with his nails in a circular motion. 
“How much do you have left in your work?” He peered down at your book, noticing your scribble while answering multiple choice questions.
“Maybe a page or two, why?”
“You know I’ve taken this course already, right?”
You sigh, “Yes, I know,” You chuckled, “What? you wanna help me?”
“We can do that,” Erik gently takes your book, placing your led pencil in the center to save your spot in the workbook, “Or, I can help you with something else first.”
“What’s that?” You turn towards him slightly, taking your hand to rub into his curls.
“I can shave your pussy for you.”
If you were still drinking your pumpkin spice latte you would have spit it out all over him in shock. You definitely didn’t expect for him to say that or even want to help you with that. 
“Shave my WHAT?” Your cheeks began to heat up in embarrassment.
“Your pussy, Y/N.” He spoke nonchalantly. 
“Um,” You side eye him before laughing nervously, “Is this your idea of a joke?”
“Why would it be?” The serious look on his face answered that question for you.
“Erik you can’t be for real.”
“I’m dead serious, girl,” He scrunched his face, “Why you always think I’m lying?”
“Because you say shit like that!!!” 
“I’m just trying to help you out. I want you to feel more comfortable about that type of shit. This is your body, Baby girl. I don’t care about hair you still taste and look the same to me.”
Your eyes grow wide, mouth hanging open in surprise. This was really happening to you right now. The fact that he even wanted to do it so willingly left you wordless. That was a very intimate thing and even though Erik and you had sex on a regular that didn’t mean you were serious; at least you didn’t think that’s what it meant. He never gave any hint.
“You’re thinking too much. This isn’t school, Y/N.”
Erik stood up from the bed, walking over to your over night bag. Opening the bag he moved some of your clothes out of the way before spotting your razor, shaving cream, home made exfoliating scrub, and body butter. He removed all of those products, taking them to the bathroom and placing them onto the sink. He was really preparing to do this, determination and all. 
“You ready?” He looked over at you while seating himself on the edge of the tub.
“You ever did this before?” 
“...No,” He says with a slow shake of his head, “You’re gonna be the first girl I ever did this for.”
He did know how to shave. He was completely shaved and smooth in his pubic region and he never had razor bumps. He also knew how to use clippers on his face. If he knew how to do those things then he could definitely shave you. 
“You coming?” He asks with a soft look in his eyes. 
“Aight,” You lift from the bed, pulling his hoodie down over your thighs before entering the bathroom.
“You got your panties on?” Erik turns the water on in the tub, grabbing the shaving gel and razor from the sink.
“Yes,” you pull the hoodie up to expose your white cotton panties.
“Okay, take those off.”
You pull at the waist band of your panties, moving your hips slowly from side to side until your panties were resting at your ankles. One by one you remove your feet from the fabric, kicking it off. Out of instinct you pull his hood down and around you again, shy to let him see the bush that was growing down there.
“I already saw it last night, girl,” He teases with a slight chuckle.
“Yeah, whatever, you ready?” You snap back at him, mostly because of your nerves.
“Waiting on you.” He gives you a lopsided grin.
Erik puts the lid down on the toilet seat, tapping it for you to sit down. Once you were there he instructed for you to open your legs for him. Bending your upper body back further, you lower your hips, opening your legs slowly. From there, you look up at the ceiling, the fat on your inner thighs shaking with nerves. Luckily, your hair didn’t grow inward as much, more so on your outer mound. Erik takes his fingers to stroke it downward, most likely to find the natural pattern to which your hair grew. His fingertips tickled, causing your hips to jerk. You’d never imagined something like this could be sexy as fuck. You watch as Erik shakes your Veet shaving gel, pressing down to allow a generous amount to cover the top of your pussy. It swirled like whipped cream on a sundae. It was cool against your skin. He placed the gel on the side of the tub, gently dipping the blade under the luke warm water of the tap. You became acutely aware of his left hand placed onto your upper thigh. He’s so close to you, placing himself between your legs and on his knees.
There you were, on your back, legs parted, and trusting him fully. Shaking the excess water from the razor, Erik brings it to your pussy, little droplets of water cascading down your inner thigh. With one hand gripping your leg, Erik takes the first cautious stroke with the razor, and it sends shivers down your leg. He surveyed your pussy, getting as close as possible causing the warm skin on the sides of his chest to rest against your inner thighs. After the first stroke he gently cleans off the razor under the running water.
He’s taking care of you.
The way he’s focused on your body tells you that you made the right decision in agreeing to this. You could tell he was slightly nervous about wielding a sharp blade near your pussy but you fully trusted him. Your breaths began coming out evenly now and your eyes were on his smooth hands. They looked so soft and his nails were perfectly manicured. The way he moves your labia reminded you of art. The deep breaths that ghosted across your clit from him leaning in closer for a sharper stare wasn’t reflective of the task at hand. He knew that shit drove you wild. You were fully under his power, if he stopped now the job wouldn’t be finished.
It was as if he were silently telling you to be a good girl and hold still for Daddy. He won’t speed up for you, he’s way too concerned about damaging your skin. All other background noises around you went unheeded. The sound of his breath was calming and alluring. He’s definitely purposely teasing you. The moment you went to adjust yourself his arm trapped your legs to keep them open as he watches your pussy glisten with moisture. A coy smile on his gorgeous face tells you that he knows exactly what he’s doing while you lie there helplessly with your legs wide.
He cleanses the razor again, preparing for another stroke, a stroke just as soft and delicate as the others.
“Be patient.” He says with dominance.
He only had a few more spots left on you, his thumb rubbing faintly against your half shaved mound, brushing the remainder of your hair downward slowly. He breathes warmly on your clit, both of your eyes glued to the way he shaves the hair away in one clean motion. Your mouth was parted and dry, eyes low and lustful. His eyes matched yours even though he didn’t have anything to say about that.
“There, all finished.”
You let out a breath, watching as Erik lifts to his feet, opening the closet within his bathroom to grab a white hand towel. You stay just as you are, wanting to get a full on view of the finished job. You preferred to have your pussy shaved low. You tried a design once but that was before you were getting any dick for a guy to appreciate. Erik takes the towel and wets it with cool water, squeezing out the excess water before brining it to your pussy. He wipes away the remaining hair, holding your labia apart to make sure he gets all of it. You shudder, eyes closing briefly.
He wanted to do this so bad you were more than happy to give him a treat. Deep down, you knew this was a trick of his to see your pussy. Either way, the entire thing turned you on and now you needed some dick from him.
“We will look at the finishing touches once I exfoliate and rub the pussy down with body butter.”
Your laugh was infectious because now Erik was in a fit of giggles. He shakes his head down at you before grabbing a white rag, wetting it with warm water and wiping you down. Taking the exfoliating scrub with brown sugar, turmeric, almond oil, jojoba oil, and many more natural things, he scrubs in circular motions, practically massaging your pussy. It felt so good. You couldn’t fight biting your lip with the way his smooth arm ribbed with muscles moved in conjunction with his beautiful hands.
He had such beautiful hands for a man.
He scrubbed for at least five minutes until he was satisfied. Taking the same rag and some cool water he wipes away the scrub, taking his hand afterward to rub the smoothness of it. Razor bump free, uneven skin tone subsided since you’ve decided to use natural products, and so soft it felt like a babies bottom.
“Having fun?” You look at him for a second before lowering your head with a shy giggle.
“Fun? This shit just the beginning,” His thumb flicks your clit repeatedly and in the same motion, your hips sliding against the toilet seat.
“Aye, keep still I gotta add the body butter.”
This was going to drive him crazy.
It was the chocolate body butter you had just whipped up last weekend.
1/2 Cup of Shea Butter
1/2 Cup of Coconut Oil
2-3 tbs. of Cocoa Powder.
Grabbing the tiny jar, Erik twisted the top, his eyes blinking rapidly and his eyebrows raised as high as they could go. He brought the butter to his nose, inhaling deeply before rolling his eyes in satisfaction.
“Damn girl. What you put in this, Hershey kisses?”
“Smells good doesn’t it?”
“Shit, you gotta wear this more often,” he gives you a coy smile, “You just want me to eat you that’s what it is.”
“...I mean, you’re not wrong.”
Erik gives you an impressive look before scooping a decent amount of the body butter into his fingers, rubbing his hands together, and placing his warm hands on your mound. He smooths it in gently, causing your pussy to shine and smell like baked chocolate chip cookies. After he finished, he rubs the left over butter from his hands and onto his toned torso.
“Thank you,” you say with a slight whisper.
“Anytime.” He bites his lip, his usual start to some freaky shit, “What you gonna give me in return?”
You snort a laughter, “You had your fun, baby,”
The moment you lowered your tired legs, Erik held you in place firmly, a single brow raised to confirm if you were testing him with a bratty attitude. He loved to see this side of you, this was the relaxed and comfortable you.
“Not so motherfucking shy anymore. But for real, who you talking to, Y/N?”
You open your mouth to speak before closing it again, turning away from him, “I was about to say you but that would only earn me a spanking, right?”
Erik takes his hand to lightly tap your naked ass, “That and this dick in your guts. Better yet,” Erik strokes your oily and soft pussy, “my tongue licking all that shit that was dripping on my fingers.”
He could do both honestly. You didn’t even have to act like a brat to get it. You both wanted it badly.
“How about you massage my thighs first, they hurt from staying like this.”
Erik laughs, his cereal bowl dimples deep enough to swim in. You poke him in one, causing him to swat your hand away.
“Pleassssseeee,” you pout, hands up in a begging manner.
“Chill out, don’t look at me like that,” He side eyes you before lifting you up from the toilet and over his shoulder and into his bedroom.
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killmongerkink · 6 years
Behind Closed Doors
Summary: Erik, your roommate and friend, comes home from work drained and sick. After heading off to bed, you awake to strange noises and follow them back to his room. Little did you know what you would find behind closed doors.
Pairing: Erik ‘Killmonger’ Stevens X Black!Reader
Warning: masturbation, dirty talk, a dash of smut.
Length: 4k
BTW: idk why this is so long, but i hope you all enjoy & please show this some love bc i’ve re-written this like 10 times already smh. sorry if there’s any spelling errors
Part 2
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You stayed silent, swirling your fork continuously in your plate of spaghetti as you watched your roommate sniffle roughly for the tenth time, his eyes fighting to stay open. It really didn't make sense for him to be fighting his fate with sleep, yet here he was ... holding back yawns and rubbing his nose roughly with the back of his hand. "Well that's ... disgusting." You mumbled, sighing heavily as you reached over to grab him a tissue. "Why don't you just take some medicine and sleep it off?"
"I'm fine. It's nothing."
You really had no idea why this man insisted on being stubborn. You figured you could just ignore him for the rest of the night and go on about your business, but you knew you were way too nice to do that. If you did, you'd just be staring at your door the whole time, fighting the urge to make him some ginger tea or get him extra blankets. But you knew Erik. He wouldn't allow you to take care of him in the slightest. He was too big-headed, way too arrogant .. and simply a dumbass if you were being honest. He could be on the floor dying and he'd still tell you to leave him alone. You didn't understand his logic most of the time, but figured he was grown enough to make his own choices ... as dumb as they may be.
"You gonna stare me down all night?"
Snapping out of your thoughts, you blinked quickly and look back at your food. Another sniffle met your ears a second later, this one making you cringe at the sound of thick mucus filling the kitchen.
"That's it." You said more to yourself than him.
You moved towards the cabinet and opened it, hoisting yourself up on your tippy toes as you tried to reach for the top shelf. You really weren't thinking when you allowed him to talk you into getting this fancy ass condo together. While it was nice, the cabinets were way too tall, you could never clean the floor to ceiling windows and god forbid you even attempted to change a lightbulb around here. In the back of your mind, you figured he had purposely chose this apartment because it would allow you to need him. He was weird like that. As much as he would huff and puff when you would ask for his help with a simple task, you knew that he liked the feeling of being needed.
When you came to the conclusion that you were just embarrassing yourself, you plopped back down on your feet and looked at him.
"Are you gonna even help me?" You rolled your eyes, watching as he stared at you with a half bored, half amused expression.
"I'm good."
You were this close to telling him off, but decided against it. Fights with Erik never ended in your favor. Somehow he was always able to flip the script and make it your fault, having such a way with words that you would start to second guess yourself and your stance in any given situation.
"Well you better pray I don't fall and bust my head open, you know the cops won't hesitate to snatch your ass up."
Ending your smart ass of a comment with a smile, you turned back around and raised your leg, resting a knee on the counter as you struggled, but finally succeeded in pulling yourself up. The countertop dug into your knees painfully, making you sway back and forth in effort to not be on them too long and you snatched the medicine pack from the cabinet. Huffing out a sigh, you made zero effort to sit down lightly as you fell back onto your butt and turned your body, sitting down.
As you were checking the expiration date on the half empty box of DayQuil flu pills, you didn't notice Erik's gaze on you.
Matter fact, you never noticed his gaze on you.
You had seen the women he would associate himself with and you were the exact opposite. While they all had long hair down their backs, you opted to rock your natural hair in your usual braid out or space buns. While they all wore tight clothing that excentuated their curves and hips, you felt most comfortable in a big oversized t-shirt and sneakers. They would be bold and blunt with what they wanted from the world, while you just stayed in the cut and let life drag you wherever it wanted to. To say you were the opposite of his type was an understatement, but you learned to deal with it. Everyone had their own type and you just weren't his.
Although you wish you were.
Throughout your months of living together, you tied to date around and make him jealous, hoping that Erik would magically realize that he wanted you to himself and demand that you see no one else but him. And you would've happily obeyed to his demands, but once again .. that was a fairy tale you had conjured up in your head. You knew that he could never like someone like you, and after a while you began to accept that.
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Erik had wanted to fuck with you the first day he ran into you. You had this innocent glow that he wanted to corrupt in the worse ways. He would notice you on campus being the perfect little student that everyone knew you to be. Other people, including himself, would walk into class late with just a pencil behind their ear and their phone. Yet, you'd be one of the few with a large book bag next to them as you had notes, paper, and books spread out in front of you ready to learn. While everyone stood at the university bulletin board looking for the latest club flyer, you were pulling off babysitting and tutoring ads.
You were different and he liked that. He knew that his chances of getting with you weren't really slim. He'd seen the way you'd look at him when you thought he wasn't watching, but you were one of the few females he was cool with. Fucking up a good friendship just for a quick nut was dumb, didn't mean he didn't think about you though.
Your body is what caught his attention at first. Short and super thick, like real thick. Smother me with your thighs thick, but you seemed to not appreciate your extra curves. You liked to cover up and wear baggy clothes, something that he found cute but also hated. On one rare occasion, you came to him and asked for his opinion on your outfit. There was some important presentation you had to attend and the attire was business casual. You walked into his room, giving him a complete 360 of your white blouse and fitted gray skirt, the dimples in your ass pronounced. He probably jerked off to that imagine about three times that night.
Honestly, you were his dream girl in every aspect, but you were too good for him. You actually had positive things going on in your life and a future that rivaled his own pointless one. One day you'd be some successful ass doctor, while he was still scrounging around and doing the same ol' same ol'.
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"Here, take two of these and go lie down. Don't even try to say you're fine, because that damn snot bubble you're trying to keep down is saying otherwise." You said before he could even get out a breath and placed the tablets on a napkin for him.
You left the box on the counter, figuring that he would need some later and started to pick up the dirty dishes and place them into the sink. After about 30 minutes, all the leftovers were packed away, the dishwasher was running and the stove and counters were cleaned. Erik has mumbled under his breath all the way to his room after helping, but you could care less. Atleast you could go to bed knowing you had tried to help him get better.
After your nighttime routine was completed, you dropped own onto your bed and cuddled your pillow as you waited for the sandman to come and whisk you away for the night.
3:57 am
You stared at your phone as you laid still. The sound of a loud thump had pulled you from your sleep approximately 15 minutes ago and you had been hearing strange noises on and off since. It couldn't have been an intruder, could it? If you remembered correctly, Erik made sure to lock the door after he came in from work.
Still, someone could've been experienced with locks and was now roaming the apartment. Or maybe it was your neighbors who had kids? What if someone was attacking them? You decided to play it smart and text Erik first, for all you knew it could’ve been him.
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Minutes went by without a reply back and you rolled your eyes. Every other night he was up doing god knows what, yet the one time where you needed him to be awake and alert, he wasn't?
"Answer your fucking phone." You whispered to yourself.
When you finally came to the conclusion that he was going to be of no help, you quietly got out of your bed, wincing as it croaked underneath you. Damn boxspring. You opened your side table and pulled out your bright pink taser. It was a gift from one of your girlfriends that was given as a joke, yet now you were thankful for her crazy ass. She'd definitely be proud to know that you were about to put it to good use. Bracing yourself, you said a silent prayer and cracked open your door, holding your breath as you waited for movement to catch your ear.
Being the dumbass that you were, instead of waiting for the intruder to come to you, you decided to be a bold bitch and leave the safety of your room. If this was a horror movie you would've been cursing at the lead. You never leave where you are, always let the killer come to you. Not thinking, you continued to follow the noise until you were stopped in front of a door ... Erik's door to be exact.
Was he hurt? Was someone in his room? Was he currently taking his last breath as you stood frozen in front of his door? With your finger on the trigger of your taser, you quickly opened his door hoping to catch whoever it was by surprise. Little did you know how much of a surprise you were actually in for.
Erik sat in front of his desk, headphones in both ears, eyes unmoving and trained on his iMac screen. His nostrils flared as his bottom lip was lodged under the top row of his teeth, the air releasing from his nose coming out loud and heavy. Trailing your eyes down lower, you were met with his naked upper half, the screen illuminating on his skin and making his scars look as if they were glowing. You tried to distract yourself by looking at his computer screen, but that was a mistake. The screen showed a girl that looked a lot like you on all fours, one of her hands underneath her she pumped her fingers into her pussy roughly, her face contoured in pleasure as you heard her moans through his headphones. You looked away, eyes fixated back on Erik's face and you fought internally not to look lower. A part of you deep down knew that there was no going back once you caught a peek, but you couldn't help it. You had to.
Taking a quick breath, your eyes shifted and you felt your knees buckle beneath you, your taser falling from your hands. Your eyes twitched momentarily as you blinked, unable to believe what you were seeing.
Was this a dream? Was this all some sick, twisted, extremely sexy dream that your mind had conjured up?
Erik's large hand was moving up and down in even strokes, his hand gripping the black fleshlight tightly and creating a vile squelching sound each time it swallowed his dick. Every once in a while the fleshlight would hit against the desk, creating the loud thump that had you worried earlier. His other hand was gripping his base, his fingers cupping his balls underneath as his hips started to roll upwards. A second later he pulled the toy off of him, opting to use both of his hands instead as he increased his pace, your eyes finally getting to see what he actually looked like. The view was better than anything you could've guessed. A thick broad vein ran along his shaft, the glare from the computer causing it to glisten and look as if it was dipped in sugar syrup, the fluid motion of both his hands gliding up and down with a good amount left abandoned every time he reached his head letting you know that it was big enough to choke on.
"Fuck baby.."
Your eyes snapped up and met his, his lip now released as he smirked at you, staring in your eyes. You shuffled back slightly, your hand gripping the doorknob tighter as another grunt met your ears. You were slightly embarrassed at being caught. Any normal person would've apologized profusely and slammed the door behind them, yet here you were. Your mouth opened to spill whatever random excuse you could think, your mind going into overdrive.
"Eri- .. I didn't mean to .. I was just-"
"You got a sexy ass mouth." He mumbled, turning his body suddenly so he was facing you head on. Slouching down in his chair, he spread his legs causing his sweatpants to lock around the top of his thighs, almost as if he was silently begging you to step forward.
Your mind was telling you leave and just deal with the awkward repercussions in the morning, but your feet seemed to have a mind of their own as you slowly walked towards him. No words were said between the both of you after that. He simply nodded down to the floor and the next thing you knew, your knees were digging into the plush carpet. It was almost as if he was a puppet master. With the flick of his finger or nod of his head, you were following his silent commands with no resistance. He kept looking at you as he reached over and pulled his headphones from the computer input, the sounds from the girl filling the air around you. You couldn't front, between her moans and his glare, you were turning into mush. Watching the grip he had on his dick had you desperately yearning to play with yourself, you hand rubbing against your thigh catching his attention and causing him to lick his lips.
He leaned his head towards you, his dreads casting shadows over his face.
"Bout time you came. I been waiting for you."
Having him so close to you made you want to shrink away and disappear. You had been around Erik long enough to see the kind of effects he had on girls. The amount of drama that females had gone through the get his attention was wild. Switching up on their friends, changing their appearance, one even went as far as quitting her job just so she could spend the week with him in Miami. Bitches were crazy, or maybe it was Erik who was making them that way.
"You came to take care of me again? Always going out of your way to make sure I'm straight. You a good lil bitch huh?"
You mouth hung open, the thoughts in your head mimicing someone smashing their hands on a computer keyboard. If anyone else was to talk to you like this, you were pretty sure you would've gave them a dirty look and tell them to back the fuck up, but for some reason, hearing those words come from Erik's mouth made you moaning mess.
Catching what you were doing, you felt embarrassment bubble inside of you. What was wrong with you? Were you really getting turned on by this man calling you a bitch? Coming to terms with it, you accepted that you were. There was a tiny part of you buried deep down that always fantasized about someone calling you names, treating you like a rag doll as they filled every hole you had. You just didn't think this someone would be Erik.
"You like that?" He watched as you nodded your head, a chuckle leaving his lips and his hand quickly gripped your face, causing your lips to pucker like a blow fish. "Always knew you were a freak."
Without another word, he pulled you forward causing you to shuffle quickly and grab onto the handles on his desk chair in order not to fall. You were pulled right up to his dick, the large statue staring back at you menancingly before it was being rubbed against your lips. You let him entertain himself for a while, enjoying the feeling of him getting off to your plush sets. You fixed them into suction cups, sucking the skin as he bucked his hips up and down, your tongue pressing against him and your lips spreading the wetness around him.
It was then that a sniffle met your ears, causing you to remember the events from the night before. You looked up at him, holding back your smile when you saw his red nose, which was extremely cute if you had to be honest. You moved back, softly moving his hands away and grabbing him fully in yours. He hissed when you started twisting your hand around his length. He was warm .. almost hot. How long had he been masturbating?
"You sick and all you could think about was jerking off?"
"All I could think about was you. I caught what you were doing earlier.” Caught of guard, your hand halted for a spare second, face twisted in confusion. All you did earlier was make dinner, like you usually did since he couldn't cook anything more than rice and ramen. You went to reply and ask what he was talking about when he rested his hand over yours, the both of your hands now working together over his length.
"Climbing up on the counter in just your t-shirt, ass hanging out at the bottom. You think you slick?"
"I didn't know it was out.."
He chuckled, like a real genuine chuckle, as if it was the funniest thing he'd heard all day.
"Come here girl."
You assumed you were moving too slow, because only a second or two later he was lifting you up and situating you onto his lap, your thighs pressing against the chair handles. You remembered when he had ordered this big ass gaming chair, claiming the plushed back support was worth the grand he'd spent on it. There were so many things you could've spent a thousand dollars on and it for damn sure wasn't no chair, but it did come in handy. With its wide handles and large seat, you were more than comfortable even with your large thighs pressed against the sides. He bounced his legs roughly, the force causing your breast to bounce against your chest. If someone were to tell you that you'd be sitting in his lap, hand wrapped around his dick on a Tuesday night.. you would've laughed. A real hearty one as if you were watching a Katt Williams special. Yet, here you were. You couldn't believe it.
"What are we doing?" The question came from your lips in a soft whisper, almost as if you were scared for his answer. A part of you were. Maybe he would sit back and realize just how crazy this whole situation was before pushing you off and telling you to get out. Maybe he'd realize that you were still the same girl you'd always been and ask you what the fuck you were doing in his room. All of the negative things he could've responded with ran through your head. Why did you have to ask that?
"What you think we doing?" He leaned his head back, eyeing you. Before you could think of what to say, he reached and started scrolling on the computer.
"I don't know, that's why I'm asking you." You looked at him annoyed, going to grab his hand away from the mouse, just for him to move it quickly. Here you were trying to talk to him and he thought the computer was more important?
"I don't want us regretting this in the morning. We fucking live together Erik, we’re supposed to be friends. This is gonna be so awkward.. oh my gosh."
Looking past your lust momentarily, you realized just how messy this was. Everyone knew that friendships couldn't work after hooking up. Sure, people would fake the funk and act like they were buddy buddy after, but you knew the truth. It would be weird and uncomfortable. You'd slowly start hanging out less, one of you always busy and out the house, no longer able to hold conversations with one another. Eventually one of you would have to move out, there was no question about it. God forbid you had to move back in with your parents, not even to mention how many questions they would have. Maybe you could find a new place, or try to get something on campus .. or- sound coming from his speakers caught you off guard.
You turned to the right and watched as the PornHub logo popped up before the video started. It was of a black couple, the girl sitting on the guys lap as he rubbed her ass. They started making out heavily, the girls moans ringing through as the man started to roughly grope her.
"Nothing's gonna go left. I ain’t gonna let you get away from me so easily, trust me. Just relax and let me take care of you like you take care of me. Now start stroking." Erik wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you into him as he kissed your forehead, casting them down towards your nose and lips before detouring towards your neck.
Your blurry eyes set on the large screen, taking in the sight before you and realizing he was pretty much mimicking them. When a loud slap rang through the room, Erik would make sure to follow it up with a slap of his own. When the couple would kiss loudly, Erik would grab you by the neck and kiss you roughly, tongue all in your mouth and down your throat as his lips pretty much covered yours.
"How many times have you watched this?" You trembled, goosebumps forming against your skin as your eyes closed momentarily. Your body was way too worked up and you could tell he was too by the amount of pre cum that had leaked from his head onto your hand, his wetness coating him everytime you caressed him. He was too busy fondling with your pussy from the back to answer. His middle finger dipping perfectly between your lips and leaving barely there touches against your clit.
"Enough to know I wanna fuck you like that." His finger bypassed the material of your underwear and finally slipped in, your body shuddering as you started rolling your hips. One finger wasn't enough and you were pretty sure two would just barely itch the scratch you had built up. His command to “open your fucking eyes” caused you to look back at the screen, seeing the couples positions now flipped. The girl laid back on the seat, her legs in the air as the man positioned his dick at her entrance, one long stroke allowing him to enter as the girl cursed profusely.
"Dreamed of fucking you in this chair, your ass hanging off it as your knees press against your chest, big ass titties bouncing for me."
"Must be a dream cause I'm not that flexible." You joked, earning a bite at your earlobe.
"You'd be surprised what the body can do when the right one handles it."
taglist: @chaneajoyyy @softnani @iamrheaspeaks @thehomierobbstark @honeytoffee @madamslayyy @destinio1 @theogbadbitch @supersizemeplz @amethyst1993 @bakarisangel @marvelpotterlove
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dreamingformuses · 5 years
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my iron dad bingo! i requested it before i saw endgame, so the original one was really whumpy, so i changed some of the prompts myself ;) @irondadbingo i hope thats alright!
my first prompt is ‘nightmares’ 
read on ao3
@penis-parkerrr @ur-a-lizard-hairy @agib-2002
let me know if you like to be added to the tag list! (if i forgot you, i’m very sorry)

to set the stage: this is set post-endgame, but when tony did his thanos-killing snap, carol came in to help him because she is Super Powerful, and they kinda had a moment like in gotg 1. neither of them died, and all the dusted characters are back. “Hey, Peter?” Tony called. He could see him hunched over whatever he was working on across the table. 
“Hmm?” Peter answered, not even bothering to lift his head. 
“It’s getting late. And it’s a Friday, so if you want, you’re welcome to stay here for the night. As long as Aunt Hottie’s okay with it, of course.” 
“I thought we promised never to use Aunt Hottie again.” Peter put down his pencil and raised his eyebrow. “And where are Pepper and Morgan?” 
“Whatever. But text her, will you?” Tony said, and mimed typing on a phone. “There’s no rush to get to bed, of course. You know I’ll be here until at least two or three. And the lovely ladies are out of town, visiting Pep’s parents. So you don’t have to worry about wrangling Morgan to bed again.” Peter laughed ruefully. That was an experience he’d not soon forget. He then whipped out his phone and sent a quick message to May. She replied not long after. 
“She said yeah!” Peter shouted over the whirr of Tony’s drill. Tony flashed the okay sign, and they both continued on their projects. The webshooters’ release mechanism had gotten clogged up, so Peter was hard at work on a new formula that hopefully wouldn’t harden while it was still sitting in the holding chamber. Tony was busy banging out sheets of titanium alloy for his new and improved rocket boots. 
They stayed in the lab until well past the sun had set. FRIDAY had spoken up at around eleven, reminding Peter that it might be in his best interests to get to bed sooner rather than later. Peter just laughed, and said that he was too far into his equations to back out now. Nobody argued with him. It wasn’t until half past twelve that Peter had actually fallen asleep with his cheek on the lab table. Tony made the executive decision to carry him to bed, rather than have to listen to Peter complaining about how sore his neck was tomorrow. When they got into the elevator, Peter went from completely dead to the world, to consciousness enough to stumble the rest of the way to his room. 
Tony helped Peter maneuver his way onto his bed, and pulled the covers over him as he fell asleep again. “Buona notte, Peter.” he whispered, and shut the door behind him. Now that Peter was in bed, he didn’t particularly feel like going back down to the lab again. Maybe he’d actually read the thousands of emails forwarded to him. Might as well make Pepper proud. He grabbed a StarkPad and flopped onto the couch. He turned on the fireplace, and propped a pillow under his feet. There would be no reason to leave, and if it came to it, it would be a pretty okay place to sleep. 
There were emails from the Board of Directors. There were emails from the President. There were emails from Pepper. A lot of emails from Pepper, actually. He trashed the unimportant ones, responded to pressing matters, and arranged meetings, all in the wee hours of the morning. It was the first time he’d felt like an actual business owner in a while. Take that, Pepper. You see, I can be productive on things that actually matter. Tony asked FRIDAY to put on some music. Something quiet, though, so he could relax and Peter could sleep. It ended up being Erik Satie, which surprised Tony. He never thought he’d like ambient piano music, but, there he was. 
On the same point, however, he never thought he would be putting a teenager to bed, either. Guess it was a night of firsts all around. He glanced at the clock in the upper right hand corner of the tablet. 2:23. It was probably time to pack it up and hit the hay. He put the tablet on the coffee table, and moved the pillow from under his feet to under his head. He closed his eyes, and tried to let himself drift off. It was hard. Whenever one of his waking moments wasn’t being occupied by some sort of task, his thoughts would always circle around to the same horrible thoughts. 
The first Snap. 
The Snap that brought everyone back. 
Seeing Peter again for the first time in five years. 
His Snap. 
Almost dying in front of the son he just got back. 
Almost dying in front of his wife. 
Almost not being able to make it home to his daughter. 
 Tony was able to push those thoughts aside, though. Unfortunately, Peter wasn’t as lucky. Tony woke up to the sound of FRIDAY’s voice, not even an hour later. It was at a much higher volume than normal, almost like FRIDAY was trying to shout at him. 
“Boss! Boss! Please, wake up. Peter needs help.” FRIDAY said. 
“Wha-” Tony rubbed his bleary eyes open. 
“Peter needs help.” FRIDAY repeated. Tony shot up from the couch, and activated his watch gauntlet. It was definitely paranoid that he wore it all the time, but damn if it didn’t come in handy sometimes. He sprinted barefoot down the hallway, and fumbled to get the door handle open. He stormed in, gauntlet extended, and repulsor fully charged. There was nobody else in the room. Just Peter, curled up in a ball on the bed, and… was he shaking? Upon closer inspection, he definitely was. He was sweaty, and his fists were balled tightly around the sheets. It was a nightmare. Tony was sure of it. He’d done the exact same thing just one too many times before. 
Tony pulled the gauntlet back into his watch face, and rushed over to the side of Peter’s bed. He placed a tentative hand on Peter’s shoulder, and squatted down so they were at the same eye level. Peter was breathing hard, and Tony could see the faint glisten of drying tear tracks on his cheeks. “Hey, Pete?” Tony asked softly, his voice thick with emotion. “You’ve gotta wake up. You’re safe, here, in the tower, not… wherever you are.” He brushed the damp curls out of Peter’s face. “Come on, buddy. You gotta get up.” 
Peter was trembling even harder. He was whimpering. They were little keening sounds like an animal in pain. Tony tried to shake Peter gently. “Peter, come on. Get up, kid. You’ve gotta-” Tony shook him a little bit harder, trying to coax him out of his fitful sleep. He moved his hand in soothing circles on Peter’s back. “Get up. Come on, Peter get up-” 
Peter woke up. He flew into a sitting position, and started to sob. He looked around blindly, and reached out, not expecting to touch anything. He groped for Tony’s arm, and as soon as he found it, held onto it like it was a lifeline. Peter’s eyes were wide open, but judging by the glassiness of them, Tony was sure he wasn’t really registering anything. 
“Mister- Mr. Stark… Mr. Stark-” Peter panted, and tried to scoot closer. Tony pulled him the rest of the way and into a tight hug. 
‘Hey… I’ve got you. You’re here, with me, and you’re safe. You’re not hurt- nobody’s gonna hurt you. You’re okay, I’m okay, we’re safe. You’re in the Tower, it’s nighttime, and it’s 2023.” 
Peter looked up at Tony, his eyes wide and wet. “I- I’m okay?” he asked carefully. “You’re not dead?” he flinched. 
“It was just a dream.” Tony said soothingly. 
“It didn’t feel like just a dream. It- it was so real.” 
“You promise? You were…” Peter’s breathing got faster, harder. “No, no… no. You can’t- you can’t be here. You were dead, and just… you can’t.” Peter ran a hand through his hair and used it to pull his chin closer to his chest. Tony reached out for Peter’s other hand. 
“I know, bambino. I know it feels real, but I promise, it’s not. Another promise? I’m here. I’m warm and alive and breathing.” Peter shifted himself to be able to look more at Tony’s face. He tentatively reached up and brushed the side of Tony’s cheek with his fingertips. 
“You’re here?” 
“I’m here.” Tony reassured. 
“We- were on Titan.” Peter managed to get out between sobs. “I was gone- and then I came back… just in time…” he took a deep, shuddering breath. “Just in time to watch you die. You were gone, and I- nobody knew what to do. I didn’t know what to do.” 
“It’s okay. I’m here, I’m safe, I’m alive. I’m here with you. Pepper and Morgan are safe. You’re safe. Thanos is gone. It’s- It’s all okay.” Tony pressed a small kiss into the crown of Peter’s head. 
Tony shifted a bit, so he was fully sitting on the bed. Peter’s head shot up, his eyes wide and pleading. ‘No! Please- please don’t leave me. Not again.” 
“I’m not leaving. Just getting a bit more comfortable. My old man body wouldn’t last much longer with only one cheek on the mattress.” Tony shushed, and managed to get a small laugh from Peter. 
“You are kinda old.” Peter mumbled. 
“So you must be feeling a bit better.” 
“Better now that you’re here.” Peter said sheepishly, and untangled himself from his position against Tony’s chest. “FRIDAY? Lights to thirty percent.” The room was filled with a dim light. Tony could see the dark bags under Peter’s eyes. 
“Have you been sleeping? I mean- is this a common occurrence? The whole nightmare thing?” Tony asked. 
“Uh… kinda. Kinda sleeping, but it’s hard. After… everything. I get these dreams a lot, but there not usually this bad.” 
“Me too.” They sat in a comfortable silence for a minute. “Do you want to…” Tony continued. “I don’t know, come sit with me? Before you woke me up, I was just answering emails. You can come sit on the couch with me, and I’ll get you some hot chocolate or something, and you can watch your dumb show.” 
“Catching up on five years of Brooklyn Nine-Nine that I’ve missed is not dumb.” 
“If you insist. Are you coming?” Tony got up, and offered a hand to Peter to help him off the bed. Peter took it gratefully, and followed Tony down to the kitchen.
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I’m Never Wrong
Erik x Reader story
Warnings: This story is really long. I’m warning you now. Smut, SoftErik! RedeemedErik!
32 days before Christmas
I gotten in from work pretty late tonight. Working on all of these damn briefs and defenses so I can be case free for the Holidays. Erik hates when I bring work home so I always either don't or I hide it and work in the office when he's out or sleep. Tonight, I chose not to bring it home. The slave ship that is Lawman & Sholtz Associates got fifteen hours out of me today. It's almost 11 PM and I just want a glass of wine in my bed. I walk into a dark foyer and an even darker living room. Erik is usually in there playing Fortnite or Battlegrounds, cursing out little nine year olds on live. This is the quietest my house has ever been since we moved in six months ago! It's truly been an adjustment living with N'jadaka Stevens-Udaku. He is the noisiest, nosiest, grumpiest roommate I've ever had!
That's including my law school roommate, Phoebe. She never liked having company over, same as Erik. She was hella territorial over food that we both bought, same as Erik! They both even have a mean snoring problem. I'm pretty sure if I could find the damn girl and let them meet, they would hit it off they're so much alike!"
Babe?! You home?!" I yell out, silence. I dropped my briefcase, coat, and keys on the floor so I can lose my uncomfortable ass heels. "I know he better be home tonight! He knows it's our.." "Baby! I'm back here! Bring yo ass, woman!" I quickly shimmy out of my pencil skirt and blazer down the hallway. I just know I'm in for a long night tonight. It's our three year anniversary. It's also been two years since I almost lost his dumb ass, tryna chase a throne with nothing but rage and oppression on his heart.
"Hey bae, I'm ba--" FAP! A sharp slap landed on his right cheek, he couldn't even react to it before he felt a jab connect to his left one. "You got some fucking nerve coming back here! Six months N'jadaka!? You said you would be back in a week or two! How the fuck did that turn into six--fucking--months!?" My last three words turned into three more punches. He grabbed my wrists with one hand and used his other hand to push me against the back of the door. "Look baby, I'm sorry. I went to Wakanda and shit went left, okay? I beat my cousin in ritual combat, I thought I killed him. I was about to send the vibranium weapons out to our wardogs and come back to you. Then, he returned. All hell broke loose and.. I died." My eyes grew wide before I could open my mouth to scream he let go of my hands, "Dont! Hear me out, Y/N. I died. T'challa stabbed me in my chest--" He lifted up his shirt to show me the mostly healed wound. "--I told my cousin if he was gonna lock me up, just let me die. Bury me in the ocean. I guess he chose not to lock me up and he saved me. When I came to, he told me that he bought the old apartment building my father and I lived in and made it an outreach resource center, that it would be the first of many.. That he needs my help in running. Even though it's a small step in the direction of progress, it's a step. I gave Cha my word, I'll help him. But I had to come here and explain myself to the love of my life." I shook my head in disbelief. In disbelief of the entire story! How do you die and come back? Can vibranium do that? Wait. "I'm your what-now?" He smirked and kissed my neck gently, "You're the love of my life. I love you, Y/N." I've never heard this man tell me he loved me before today. He's always tip toed around saying it. Even before he left for six months, his last words to me was, 'I care for you so much baby. Swear I'm coming back for you. On my parents. You coming back home with me.' His stubby finger swiped across my cheek wiping the single tear that fell from it, "I'm sorry. I love you." He embraced me as I cried in his arms, "I love you, Erik."
I get to the doorway to be met by pink candles trailing to our master bath and rose pedals spread throughout the layout of our room. Who's cleaning this up? I approached the door frame to see my fine ass man in nothing but a towel, accompanied with two flutes full of champagne. "What is this?" "This is for you, gorgeous." He hands me a glass and I gladly take a sip, I been waiting all day for this. Bollinger Brut Rose, my favorite. I moaned at the bubbles hitting my nose with that sweet aroma. It's what I imagine what heaven must be like. "I been waiting on you to get this bath started. I didn't want the water getting cold so.." He starts filling up the tub as I tell him about my day with these colonizers stressing me out, I thanked him for the lunch and edible arrangement that he sent me. "You ate it all, didn't you?" I raised my eyebrows at his question and throw back the rest of my champagne, "Mhm. You know I love chocolate covered strawberries!" He beams at my response, "Good thing I got two dozen and kept the other one here!" He pulls out a dozen of the delectable fruit on ice. "God, I love you. Have I told you that?" He shrugs, "A time or two." I laugh and jump up, "The bath!"
We settle in the bathtub with our refilled glasses and strawberries on hand, then he grabs something else. It's pretty dim in the bathroom so I really can't make out what it is. "Any more surprises, lover boy?" I tilt my head backwards to see his boyish grin as he nods and holds out a ball. "I went to lush." I gasp and squeal "You hate that place baby!" "I know! I wanted to make tonight special for you. I know I ain't always the best. I'm not the happiest camper in the woods all the time, but you put up with that shit. You always make sure I'm as happy as I can be. So I'm tryna make tonight as special as possible for you. For us." I turn myself around to face him and give him a long, passionate kiss. This is single-handedly the best anniversary ever. Especially considering the first was the worst, the second was when he finally came back from Wakanda and that one wasn't any better. He's really making up for that. He breaks our contact, "Damn baby, you gon make me drop it!" "What did you get?" He pondered on the question, "Uh, I told the lady it's our anniversary and you love the place, I told her what smells you didn't like and she gave me this..She said its a..sex bomb I think." I shake my head, "Oh, so you tryna really get it poppin' tonight, huh?" "Hell yeah, Y/N. You thought you was getting away with what you did this morning?" I look up to the ceiling in deep thought, "I'm sorry, I do not recall." He nudges me, "Oh, so you don't remember how I woke you up, told you you were moaning in your sleep--" He drops the bath bomb in front of us..as it starts to fizz and the Jasmine aroma releases, he starts caressing my outer thigh, continuing, "--and that I could help you out with that. You let me get you out your pjs, and just as I was about to eat you like my last meal--" He stops to kiss my shoulder, I let out a whine, "Your alarm went off for work and you pushed me off you." He takes a strawberry and devours it whole, sucking all the juice out directly in my ear, making sure I could hear it. Then without moving, he whispers, "You don't remember that baby?" I bite my lip and my eyes darted back at the sex bomb, it's still fizzing. Turning the water to a beautiful lavender hue. "It's coming back to me.." He feels me closing my thighs together, then he places one hand between them, prying them back open. "Nah gorgeous, we not doing that tonight. I already called your job after you left. You not even getting out of bed tomorrow unless you coming in here, let alone going to work. I called out for you." His finger grazed past my clit as he said it, distracting me, I let out a muffled moan. "Damn..this bath is working. Otherwise I'd be curs--ooh!" Erik takes his other hand to wrap it around my neck and firmly press against that spot that makes me wet every single time, "You not cursing me out, you gon thank me tomorrow for how I'm about to tear you up tonight. You ready for it, Y/N?" I nod, words are completely out of the question while he's giving me this euphoric feeling. He huffs, "Imma let you slide this time gorgeous, but you know when I ask you something, I wanna hear an answer." He releases his hold, "Right?" "Yes sir."
"Good. Good. Now, back to these." He feeds me a strawberry, "So, remember our first date?" I burst out into laughter, "How it was about to be our only date, yes!" "Aye! I told you I was late because--" "Yeah, yeah. Because you robbed a museum and you almost got arrested but the cops lost your tail. I thought you were bullshitting." "I wasn't though. I had to make some bread to take you out." I sank deeper into the warm water, "You lucky you're a charismatic SOB, I had all intentions of not giving you a second date." "Look at us now. Living together, you partner at your firm. I'm running the Wakandan outreach center. We living our dreams." He gave me my glass and held his up to mine, "To three years, and a million more." Our glasses clink and I threw my second glass straight back. "Oh so you tryna get it poppin' tonight, huh gorgeous?" I roll my eyes, "Since I'm off tomorrow, hell yeah."
We get out of the bathtub and we're practically all over each other. Lush outdid themselves with that bomb. We barely got ourselves dry with the one towel we had between us as we stumbled onto our California King. I straddle him as his hands find their placement around my hips. I hungrily kiss him, occasionally licking his soft bottom lip and pulling it in with mine. He lets out the most beautiful moan I've ever heard in his deep tone. I swear, I can't get any wetter than what I am now. I kiss his outer jaw then whisper close to his ear, "Happy anniversary, baby." I trail kisses back down his jaw, to his neck. He hands move from my hips, through my scalp, running his fingers through my hair as he felt a slightly sharp pain of my bite. He cooed as I left two nice sized hickeys where he likes to be kissed the most. I make my way back up to his lips as I'm grinding into him, he's standing at full attention at this point. He starts mirroring my movements while his fingers are still entangled in my hair. He breaks our kiss and whispers, "So beautiful." I whisper back, "I love you." 
As he opened his mouth to return the sentiment, I grabbed his hard member and dragged it across my dripping slit. His mouth hangs open when I drop down onto it. I bottom myself out as I rock back and forth on him, I just hear 'Ah' over and over as I go each way. I occasionally roll my hips around as he hisses and grabs my hair with full force. My lips go back to his ear, "You like that baby?" I can tell he's biting his lip because I hear a muffled moan come out as I roll my hips around again, "I love it." I kiss his lobe as I groan at his hips crashing into mine. I place more distance between our lower halves, moving up and down on his glistening member. As his head continuously grazes my g-spot, my tone rises. He removes his hands from my hair and return them back onto my hips as he crashes into me harder, making sure to keep the same pace. "Right there, Y/N?" I groan through my answer, "Yes! Right there!" The harder he crashes back into me, the more incoherent my moaning becomes until my voice goes into a falsetto and my first orgasm flows out onto the both of us.
"Ride it out baby, keep going." I'm shaking as my body is trying to give out but his words give me the strength to hold myself up to keep bouncing on him. At this point I'm only hearing the smacking of our skin as we collide and his voice saying my name over and over again, motivating me to keep going. I feel my thighs quivering as he continues hitting my spot, All I could let out was a group of yeses, one higher than the other until my second orgasm surprises me and leaves my entire body quaking. He holds himself right on my g-spot as my walls contract against him, my fluids splashing down my inner thigh onto his pelvis. "Shit, Y/N. Hold up." He digs his hands into my hips and rolls himself on top of me. Once my orgasm finishes washing over me, he starts digging me out like he's on a mission to do it again. He takes his turn to lean into my ear, "You wanna cum again baby?" I yelp as he bottoms me out, holding it there, "Yes!" He pushes himself further up, "Yes, s-ir!" As he almost completely pushes himself out, his hands snake back around my neck and squeezes tight. I become displaced again, the only sense I clearly have left is hearing and I hear myself struggling to groan loudly, splashing, and him yelling my name again. He eases up around my neck and I come back to. I look down and our lower halves are drenched, Erik is looking at me with his eyes halfway shut as he confesses, 
"Baby, I love you so much! You feel so.." I felt my walls involuntarily close around him as I shiver, "Ahh..damn you feel so good." I pull him down to me. Now, we're face to face. He slows his pace all the way down, but the intensity is still present. We're kissing each other through our coos and moans, we both feel my third orgasm creeping up on me. "I love you Erik." I look him in his dark eyes as mine release tears of joy, he wipes one side of my face as he kisses me, slowly pushing in and out of me, "I love you too, Y/N. You're everything--I could ever ask for. I can't be without you. Ever." Erik kisses me again. I open my eyes and I see his fingers fiddling with a ring. I gasp and cover my mouth as more tears are coming down my face, "Marry me. I'm asking you to make me happier than I've ever been. I'm asking you to go through life's ups and downs with me, as one. Marry me, Y/N."
I hold my left hand out, "Yes N'jadaka. Yes!" He places the ring on my finger and I tightly embrace him. He quickly reminds me what we were doing before he asked me to be his wife, pushing himself deeper than he's ever been. I gasp as my nails embed themselves into his muscular back. He pulls back out of me then back to that same spot. I hear a squishing sound that makes me jerk back, he presses back on it making me scream, "N'Jadaka!" he moans in my neck, "Say it again." "N'jada-- ohh!" He drills into me again and again back in that same spot as my orgasm unfolds right then and there. I spill out, more than I ever have before, splashing the sheets, myself, and him. The more he keeps pressing that spot, the more I cum. He huffs out as he lets himself go. We're both shaking and holding onto one another. As he's shooting into me, I'm shooting out on him. He collapses on top of me as we drifted off for the rest of the night.
Six days before Christmas "That's everything?" Erik zips up the third suitcase of mine as I'm looking around my room mentally checking off everything that's in my bag. "Yup. That's it." "You plan on leaving me?" I look in his direction, puzzled. "What?" He stretches his arms out over the three large suitcases I have verses the one duffle bag he has. "You literally packed for three people." "No I didn't. Ass. I have two suitcases of clothes, we're gonna be there for two weeks! The third one is for my shoes and toiletries." He shook his head, "This is about to be expensive as fuck." He's right about that. We're going to Toronto this year for Christmas and New Years. My parents moved there about three years ago after my youngest brother moved out. We've never been there so I don't know what to expect weather wise. "You got your passport Erik? We don't have time to turn around if you forget it." He holds two blue booklets up, "I got yours and mine, now lets go." -- WELCOME TO PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT
I hear over the intercom, my eyes are squinting at the bright lights. Erik and I are hand in hand as we navigate through the busy airport looking for baggage claim. We finally find it and with that we find my parents with a big sign reading, "The Stevens" I cover my face in embarrassment. My mother squeals "Y/N! My baby!" She grabs me up and hugs me really tight, rocking me left and right. "How was your flight?" "A nightmare, ma. Seven hours of the same toddler screaming, people coughing in my personal space..I'm tired. Can we go to the house now?" She nods, "Okay baby. Hello Son! How are you?" He hugs my mom, "I'm good Raina, I was tryna keep her comfortable for the entire flight." "You know how fickle Y/N is about packed flights." "She hates it." They say in unison. "Aye! Enough ragging on my daughter. We both hate crowds in cramped spaces! I'm glad you made it out here to see us, lovebug." My daddy kissed me on the cheek and gave Erik a firm handshake, "It's nice to finally meet my son-in-law to be." "Likewise Mr. Y/L/N." "Call me Wallace, or dad." They both smiled at the informality. 
-- We settled into my parent's house quite nicely, and damn is this house nice. Five bedrooms, Seven bathrooms. A Spacious back yard, a minibar in the living room, the kitchen with white appliances and white marble counter tops, the island in the center. They even have a wine cellar for their vast collection of wines! This is truly their dream house. I'm so happy for them. As a retired physician and banker, they really made their dreams come true as empty nesters. Suddenly, I felt a lump in my throat, like I couldn't swallow my saliva. I shook my head and forcefully swallowed. Not thinking much of it, I head to the kitchen where I bump into my brother, Jordan.
"Hey bighead! Wassup?" I nudge him, "Shit, tryna get some water if you'd move!" He steps aside, "My bad. Daaayym! That must cost a grip!" Jordan grabs my left hand, "Nice. Where's my bro anyway?" I point upward, "Upstairs sleeping, we're hella jet lagged. Where's my sister?" Jordan married Daisa last year, she's expecting their first child in February. "She's in the office, talking to dad about plans for our nursery. You know he's hella excited to be a pop pop." I giggle at the name, "Why don't grandparents ever wanna be called grandpa and grandma?" He shrugs, "I don't know.." "Because we're not old." My mom slides in the kitchen from the wine cellar. She slaps Jordan's hand, "You better get a coaster for that cup! Wash it when you finished, too!" "Okay ma! I'm going to check on Daisa anyway!"
I sit on the island as I gulp down my bottled water. "Have ya'll thought about any plans for the wedding yet, baby?" mom sips some of her Cabernet. I shake my head, "Nah, we've just been so.." "Engulfed into each other that you haven't thought about it?" We laugh at the same time, "What can I say? I really love him, ma." "I know you do, baby. You've been glowing since he asked.." She takes a sip, then continues, "Speaking of glow, you know I dreamed about fishes the other night." My eyes instantly rolled at her phrase, my mom being from Florida, she always has these superstitions. The fish dreams are always on point though. She dreamed about fishes last year, Jordan and Daisa found out they were pregnant. Three years before that she dreamed of fishes, my oldest brother Stephan got his fiancee Joyce pregnant. I shake my head at her, "Maybe Daisa is having the baby early." "Girl, she's carrying too small, that baby is just fine in there until February, maybe even March. Erik has been sleep since you guys got here four hours ago. Jet lag, my ass." I then thought about how my older brothers were before they knew their women were pregnant. The Y/L/N tradition always stood, the woman may have some symptoms, but the men always carried the sleepiness and the over eating. It never failed. My dad gained a total of fifty pounds thanks to the three of us.
Last week
Erik had been staying late at work all week, Friday is finally here and I decided to take a half day and cook his favorite. Fried chicken, brown rice, gravy, collards, and cornbread.  He finally got home as the collards finished boiling down. "Hey babe, whatchu in here cooking?" "My baby's favorite!" I sniffed the aromas from the foyer "Y/N, you want something don't you?" I shook my head as I fed him some greens and kissed his olive oil ridden lips, "I just wanna take care of you tonight. I know you been working late this week, So wash up and get ready for dinner." He pulled me in for another kiss as he smacked my ass, "What about dessert?" I giggled, "Nigga. You get dessert every night. Tonight ain't no different." He stretched his arm out and pulled it back to him, "Yes!"
I look at him dumbfounded as he devours his meal like he just got home from prison. Erik is eating everything at once, smacking obnoxiously and moaning. "Is it good?" He nodded as he continued smashing his plate. 
SNAP SNAP! "Y/F/N, Y/M/N! Are you here?!" I blink out of my flashback and swallowed hard, "Uh..yeah. Yeah. I'm here. Uh, I'll be back." I run upstairs to our room and closed the door. Almost out of breath, I drink the rest of the water in the bottle and pull my phone out. I immediately pull up my period tracker app..
Day 38, you are six days late (Pregnant?)
Oh, No. I start pacing around the room. Erik and I never talked about kids. He's awesome with the kids at the outreach center, but those are school aged kids. I've never seen him with a baby, baby. I'm still out of breath, I look over to Erik, his eyes are fluttering..shit, he's about to wake up.
I hear Stephan's annoying ass scream out, "Food's here!"
-- Silence falls around the dinning room table, nothing but forks hitting plates can be heard, with an occasional sip here and there. I look to my left to see Erik smashing his plate once again, which is putting me off of my food. "Son, have you eaten today? You okay?" My dad asks as he passes Erik the box of takeout. "Blink twice if Y/N is not feeding you!" Stephan jokes as Jordan laughs with him. Erik finally slows down, "Oh, nah. I haven't eaten since breakfast. We had a long flight. I guess I'm really hungry." He looks to his right, lightly headbutting me, I return a nervous grin. "So, I dreamed of fishes the other night!" The entire table groans out except for mom and Erik. Stephan objects, "Man look, it's not us! Joyce is on that ICU thing!" She quickly interjects, "It's an IUD, stupid. I'm not pregnant, Raina. We might revisit the conversation in a year or so, but there's no fishes this way." Joyce holds up her wine glass and throws it back, confirming. I gulp down my sweet tea, which is tasting quite nasty, but I had to get this food down one way or another. My dad looks over at Jordan, Daisa yells out, "It's only one in here! She's not coming until February!" "Maybe March!" My mom interrupts, then winks at me.
Like clockwork, the entire table looks at me and Erik. Erik is still looking confused at the entire conversation, "What's dreaming of fishes about?" "Bro, it means swimmers been swimming! Soldiers been marching!" Stephan throws out the ridiculous figures of speech. Erik looks around the table again then his light bulb turned on, "Ohhhh!" He laughs and goes back to eating, "Nah. If Y/N was pregnant, I would know. Ain't that right, baby?" I laugh with him, "Yeah! Mhm." Everyone shrugs it off and my dad changes the subject to Canadian football. I scoot my chair back and dismiss myself to the upstairs bathroom. That tea really threw my entire meal off, I feel myself heave as I'm climbing the stairs, I shake my head trying to shake off the feeling. Then I heave harder, feeling my dinner come up. I run to the bathroom and made it just in the nick of time to reach the toilet.
"Y/N! You okay, baby?" My mom's voice echos through the east wing of the second floor, I'm still throwing up..not able to answer. She leans against the doorway of the bathroom and smiles at me from the mirror, "I'm never wrong." I wipe my mouth and flush the toilet.
Three Days before Christmas
The past three days have been torture. I still hadn't bought a test to confirm or deny mom's allegations. I'm scared to know for sure. Even though I'm sure I am, especially since I throw up every night after dinner, and my mom meets me at the bathroom door with sparkling water like clockwork. Saying the same thing, "I'm never wrong." I cringe just thinking of the way she says it. So arrogantly, like she knew all along it was me. Even before I thought it was me!
I slept in this morning, I woke up around half past noon and went straight to the kitchen. The men of the house cooked a continental breakfast that blessed the entire house with it's great aroma. I was the last significant other to get up for breakfast, so as tradition stood, I had to set the table. "I'll help you sis." Daisa waddles over to the drawer where the silverware was as I went in the pantry to grab the tablecloth.
I fan the cloth out over the table and Daisa follows, laying down the forks and spoons in front of each chair. "You ready for my niece to get here?" She sighed deeply, "YES! Ready is an understatement!" I giggle as I grab the glasses from the china cabinet. "Girl, If I could have her now, I would! She keeps kicking me in my damn ribs like she hates me!" I shake my head as I felt a sharp cramp on my side, I paused as I hold myself where the pain is, "It is you, isn't it?" I look up at her and shrug, "I don't know." She smiles at me, "There's nothing to be scared of, Y/N. That man in there loves you. He's been gawking about you all morning! 'Y/N just made partner at her firm! Y/N is a better cook than me! Y/N, Y/N, Y/N.' His world revolves around you. You two will make great parents." Somewhere in the middle of her saying all of that, I start crying. She shushed me as she pulled me into her, "It's okay love. Whenever you ready to find out, we'll go to the store, okay?" I nod as I wipe away my tears.
-- Christmas Eve
"Alright guys, We're going on our last minute Christmas shopping spree! We'll be back--" "Whenever we get done spending your caaaash!" Joyce interrupts my mom as we all laugh out the door. We spend our car ride to Eaton Centre singing along to all the nineties girl group hits. Mom finally finds a parking space and we arrive in the crowded mall. Mom pulls out the directory, "Let's see here, I have to go to the J. Crew to get Wallace his sweater." Joyce joins in, "I have to get SJ his iPad Mini at the Apple store." Daisa links her arm into mine, "I'm done with all my shopping, so I'll just go where Y/N goes." Mom hands me the directory, "I guess I can get Erik this watch he's been talking about from Top Shop." "Alright ladies, We'll meet at the food court at four for lunch!" We all go in opposite directions to our destinations.
"You know, there's a pharmacy in here too?" Daisa says as she's looking through each display window we pass. "Oh, really?" She nods, "There's no time like Christmas Eve to know, Y/N." I sigh and throw my arms up, "You're right. Let's get this watch first." We finally reach TopShop and the store is almost packed wall to wall. We pry through the crowd to the accessory section where I find his Rosefield black and gold watch with a black snake skin-like material band. N'jadaka loves black and gold. I love the way it looks on him. He looks so regal, as he should, since he's Prince of Wakanda and all. Daisa and I waited in the checkout line for almost an hour, but I got the watch, She asked them for a large gift bag, I was about to object before she put her hand up, "I got this. Don't worry about it." "Excuse me!" I stop a girl who looked like she was a local, "I'm sorry, I'm visiting from out of town, do you know where the Pharmacy is?" She nods and says, "Go down this way, down the stairs, make a right, It'll be past the Victoria's Secret." "Thank you so much. Happy Holidays!" She returns the sentiment as Daisa and I walk past her to our new destination.
Daisa and I come to the conclusion to buy three ClearBlue tests since they were the easiest results to read. It was fifteen minutes until four so we buy the tests and make a beeline for the food court. We pass the Starbucks where we find Joyce at the front of the line, she grabs her caramel macchiato, "Do y'all know there's a different word for sneakers here? The barista kept saying, 'Nice runners' I'm like, 'I'm not running nowhere!'" Daisa and I look at each other and bust out in laughter. Mom finds all of us with mad bags in her hands, "What are we eating?"
-- We finally get home around six, the boys are yelling in the living room, we all look at each other and say in unison, "They're drunk!" I hid Erik's present in our room and put the pregnancy tests in our bathroom drawer. I hadn't taken them yet, I was waiting on my mom and Daisa, but her words rang in my head 'no time like Christmas Eve to find out..' I grab one test from the drawer and urinate on the stick. I place the top back on it and put it back in the drawer. I go back down in the living room where my family sat around the TV watching football. My fiancee watching with his lips tucked, dimples poking out, and an egg nog sitting in between his legs. His eyes meet mine and he sets his cup aside, patting in the space for me to sit. I lay against him as everyone else is heckling. His lips connect to my scalp, "I'm tired babe, I think I'm gonna go down early." He rubs my arm, "Okay baby, I'll be up in a while." I nod then get up and look in Daisa's direction, she winks at me tells Jordan she has to use the bathroom and we both go upstairs.
We get to the second floor, "I took one." "What did it say?" I shrug. "I took it and put it in the drawer." My mom nudges us, "Well, go find out!" The few steps to our bedroom feels like a thousand, I peer down to my hands, they're shaking and sweating. Daisa holds my left hand, my mom holds my right, "No matter what the test says, You'll be alright. You're loved, not just by Erik, but by all of us. You're good." My mom flips the light switch in the bathroom. I open the drawer with the used test in it, I grab it and squint my eyes at the results
Pregnant ☺(7-8)
I drop the test, as it hit the tile my mom picks it up and smiles, "I'm never wrong."
Christmas Day       
Babe.. Babe..Y/N. Wake up! My eyes flutter at N'jadaka's voice, "Hm?" "Merry Christmas, baby." He holds out a box. I rub my eyes and sit up, "What is it?" His lips collide with mine, "Open it." I claw at the top part of the box, "What is it?" He helps me, it's his father's chain. "I thought, I'd give the person that means the most to me, the thing that means the most to me." He pulls out the chain and places it around my neck, "The ring, is made of vibranium. It's totally impenetrable." I pull him to me, "I love you. I love you so much." He kisses my forehead, "I love you too, Y/N." "Y/N! Erik! Time to open Gifts!" My mom calls us from downstairs.
We watch as SJ opens up his gifts from all of us, He got all of the clothes, toys, and games his little heart desired. As he was distracted by his new Audi toy car, the adults opened their gifts. Stephan got Joyce and upgrade to her engagement ring. Joyce got him season tickets to the New York Giants games. They only agreed to give each other one gift since they splurged on SJ. Mom got dad private chef lessons from the sous chef of Gordon Ramsey's restaurant, a few sweaters and ties, and a trip to Dubai for next Christmas. My dad got mom two new charms for her Pandora bracelet, an iPhone XS and a Caribbean cruise for the end of summer. Jordan and Daisa agreed to open their gifts when they got back home, they figured traveling with the gifts would be a hassle at customs. 
Daisa waddles out of the living room when Erik hands the rest of us black and purple envelopes. I open mine and it reads:
"You are invited to the union of N'jadaka "Erik" Stevens-Udaku and Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N in matrimony at the Royal Palace of Wakanda on the eighth of June in the year of Two Thousand and Nineteen... Erik.." 
"Baby. I know you said we would plan a wedding, I've been planning it for months. T'Challa and Shuri helped, I got your parents blessing last summer over the phone." "So that's why you welcomed him with open arms?" My parents held each other on the arm of the couch, "Mhm." "Now, all I need is you, your dress, and your answer. Will you marry me, in Wakanda this summer?" 
Daisa waddles back in the living room with the large TopShop bag and a box. "Open your gifts." He stares up at me, puzzled. "What's your answer?" "My answer is, open your gifts." He opened the box first, it had his watch in it, which had a note at the bottom. As long as time exists, you'll have me. Love, Y/N. Erik looks at me as he takes the tissue paper out of the bag, he sees another note, "you'll also have me.." He digs through more tissue paper to find all three tests at the bottom of the bag along with a onesie that says, "Arriving August 2019" Erik stands up with his mouth agape, "You're pregnant?" I nod, "I am. So we may have to reset a date after August." He pulls my arm until I crash into him. I look up into his tear filled eyes, I've only seen him cry like this the first time he told me he loved me. I wipe his tears away and kiss him over and over again until his lips break out into the largest grin, "Y/N, I love you." "I love you more, N'jadaka." Everyone crowded around us in cheers as my mom admits again, "I'm never wrong."
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eerythingisshaka · 6 years
Wakanda Got Y’all Pt. 2
[Black Panther x Insecure Mashup]
Word Count: 2.7K
Part 1
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Issa stands in front of the mirror.  Her hair still fresh and moisturized, skin glowing, outfit popping (as much as it can for business).  She takes a deep breath to commence her final touches.
Listen here, sweetie, ain’t nobody got time for this.
You either gonna be down, or you can walk, sis.
Bald head, bad ass bitches don’t phase me.
They don’t know nothin bout this Westside, we brazy!
Don’t be expecting no rose petals for ya feet.
Soothe your sole with this heat and hard ass concrete.
But once this meeting done, don’t run off, thinkin we through.
I’m tryna see, daddy, what the fuck up with you?
Call me Hogwarts Express, cuz I need 9 ¾
Your cousin too, my pussy been on Hoarders.
“Issa!!  If you don’t bring your ass on!”  Molly calls out from the living room.  Issa snaps out of her rap, cursing under her breath.
“Shit, why you so damn loud!”  Issa takes out her lippie stick, applying a subtle nude color to her lips.
“Bitch, I heard your whole damn concert in there.  Quit wastin’ time.   This baddie turns back into a potato with a quickness.”  Molly polishes off her pregame drink and digs through her purse for her compact.
“Aight, granny.   How I look?”  Issa does a spin.  Navy blazer, hip hugging pencil skirt, with a white crop top that covers her midsection just enough.
Molly leans back, giving a look of surprised approval.  “Mk!  I see you!  Perfect business to play outfit.  Cuz that blazer can come off, roll that crop top up a little, and pull that skirt down a touch, and you clubbin!”
Issa sticks her hip out, pointing to Molly, “You know it, bitch!  Aight, let me pour a drink and we can be out.”
Molly looks at her phone, waving Issa down, “Uh uh, we ain’t got the time, come on.  Kellie waiting for us.”
“Wait, what?  Why is Kellie there?”  Issa asks.
“She down there for happy hour with her co-workers, so she glad we can water down the whiteness around her.”  Molly says as she opens the front door.
Making their way to the bar, Issa gets a text from Frieda.  “Ok, Molly, I’ll see you in a bit.  Frieda already has a table with the guys.”
Molly nods, “Ok.  I’ll hang with Kellie then you just give me the cue for me to stumble on y’all with the ‘Oh my God!  I didn’t know you’d be here!’ shit.”  She says with the emphasis of a hair flip.
Issa sucks her teeth, “Girl calm yourself down.  I got you.”  
Issa sees Frieda with T’Challa and Erik, waving excitedly, “Hey Issa!  You made it!”  
T’Challa stands up, still wearing his trademark long coats with embellishments.  “Thank you for coming.  You look lovely.”
Issa smiles a little too goofily, “No, you look really great.  They have a coat check, you know where we came in at?”
Erik laughs into his drink, “I told yo ass you overdressed.  Wassup Is?”  He leans back, flashing his golds, chain gleaming.
Issa sits down.  “I didn’t mean it like that, I just-”
T’Challa waves his hands, “You don’t have to apologize.  I know you meant well.  I have not caught up with American fashion outside of jeans and hoodies yet.”
Erik chimes in, “And you just askin for a stop and frisk with that one, cuz.”
“We actually had a talk on police involvement with minorities in the community.”  Frieda says smiling.
Erik turns to her glaring, “And how’d that work out for ya?”
Frieda smirks tucking a hair behind her ear, “I say it went pretty good.  The dialogue got a little rowdy but I feel like the police chief really heard our concerns and-”
“‘Our’?  Oh, they your concerns too, Farrah?”  Erik asks.  T’Challa places a hand on Erik’s shoulder to signal him to ease up.
Issa continues to clean up Frieda’s words, “She means the concerns of We Got Y’all as a program that helps minorities in a majority of the time.  And though the talk was thought provoking and engaging, it still has yet to be seen where police reform has begun.  A kid just got arrested last week.  A guy got shot before that and was charged for assaulting the officer when his camera so happened to be off; and the cop was never charged.  So…”
Erik nods, waving down a bartender.  “That’s real.  Whatchu drinkin, need to lighten your mood up.”
T’Challa looks at Erik sideways, “Issa is talking about things that you never stop talking about.  What is the problem with that?”
“Listen, are we trying to promote police reform or teach these kids to read and give em some food?  Like, we hella left right now.”  Erik says tossing his toothpick.
Frieda nods, “Erik is right.  That is why I brought some samples of our programs brochures listing our services to keep us on track and you all can add or ask about what is there!”  The waiter comes over to get a drink orders for the table.
Over at the bar Molly is sipping, waiting for Kellie to break from her crowd and join her.
“Can I get beer please, whatever is on tap is fine.”  A deep voice orders beside her.
Molly looks up and sees a tall, thick, chocolate shake towering at the bar.   She looks away, eyes bucking with excitement as she smooths her hair and sits up a little straighter and turning her body towards him a little and accidentally bumping his leg.
“Oh, sorry about that.”  Molly looks at him expectantly.
He looks down at his leg and back at Molly, “It’s alright.  No harm done.”
Molly twists in her seat smirking, “None at all.  No harm in hearing that voice speak again either.”
He nods looking smug, “Ahh, you are good, I see you.”
Molly offers a hand, “Good to be seen.  I’m Molly.”
“I am M’Baku.”  His hand envelopes hers completely.  
She shivers at the thought of them gripping her up but keeps it cute.  “Ohhh, you are M’Baku!  My friend Issa is supposed to be meeting two guys here for work.  They mentioned you.”
M’Baku’s beer arrives and he sits down.  “Right.  I was drug along to just experience some of the town more than for business.  Though I support T’Challa’s cause.”
Molly nods to seem intrigued, “Yeah, of course.  And Issa is lucky to be working with an international monarch such as himself to help the community here.  It’s crazy.”
M’Baku chuckles to himself.  “A monarch, like he is the only one.”
Molly furrows her brow.  “Well, he is King of, what is it, Wakanda right?”
M’Baku sips his drink breathing deeply in thought.  “Technically yes.  It just takes some getting used to since he is so new to it.  He has a lot to learn, and I think I have something to do with that.”
“Are you one of his secondhand men?  I don’t know what you would call it, but you help him?”  Molly plays with her drink.
M’Baku clears his throat, putting more bass in his tone, “Second to no one,I lead my own people and represent them in order for Wakanda to keep some humanity within itself for its diverse tribal set.  It can get lost on them that we are not all the same, thinking the same.”
Molly warms up to M’Baku’s critical thinking, “That is a good point.  Wow, you are so-”
“GIRL!  Those white folks would NOT let me GO!  Being the only Black always makes you the life of the party and shit I’m tired.”
Molly looks to her other side to see Kellie ordering from the bartender.  “They wear you out, Kels?”
“Somehow I am more tired from boredom than I ever been having fun.  What gives with that?” Kellie’s drink comes through and she downs it.  M’Baku sits up, leaning to look over at Kellie.  “How are you this evening, Miss?”
Molly clears her throat, “Oh, Kellie, this is M’Baku.  He is one of Issa’s work associates colleagues.”
Kellie pauses giving M’Baku the once over, “Where you from, sounding like the leader of a free world I want to move to?”
M’Baku flashes a smile bigger than Molly has seen yet. “I am from Wakanda.  Have you heard of it?”
Kellie screws her face up shaking her head, “Mm-mm.  I ain’t ready for the Motherland yet.  I can’t handle them many marriage proposals at once.  I know y’all like ya women plump to pump.”
Molly’s eyes widen as she turns to Kellie embarrassed.  “Kellie??  What the fuck.  Stop throwing around stereotypes like that!”  Molly turns to apologize to MBaku but he is gone.  Looking back to Kellie, she sees he is next to her now.
“Stereotypes aside, you are not far from the truth with me, umhle.”  M’Baku takes Kellie’s hand, eyes smoldering as he kisses it.
Kellie clutches her pearls turning to Molly, “See what the hell I’m talking about?  These curves are catnip!  Ugh, my curse, but oh well!  M’Baku, was it?  Do you have a social standing where you are from?”
M’Baku stands a little taller with pride, “I am leader of the Jabari tribe.  Wakanda’s fiercest warrior, unmatched.”
Kellie grabs her purse, “Ok, Baku, come on.  Let’s walk and talk about this a little bit.  Molly, it’s been fun.  This cat bout to try and get stuck up a tree.”
Molly sits there. Mouth agape, “Kellie!  You not really-”
Kellie looks back at her, arm hooked with M’Baku’s who is looking down at her with admiration, “I can, and I will until this trunk is demolished.  M’Baku, you don’t mind a little forestry on your women, right?”
As they walk out, Molly is at the bar alone yet again as she orders another drink.  This broken pussy phase just won’t leave her.
Issa looks back at the bar to see Molly chilling by herself and gets concerned.  The meeting with everyone is looking like it’s about done.
Frieda collects her brochures satisfied.  “We covered quite a bit today.  Thanks T’Challa for the budgeting advice and Erik we will consider some of your program ideas.  I’ll try my best for the gun range trip but I can’t make any promises.”
Erik shrugs, “As long as it’s you talking to another you, I can’t see how it’ll fail.  Just don’t say it was my idea and you got this Felicity.”
Frieda smiles, “It’s Frieda but thank you for the vote of confidence.  Issa I’m going to call it a night, are you all sticking around or….”
Issa looks to them and to Molly, “Yeah, we probably won’t be long but I think we’ll be here.”
Frieda says her goodbyes leaving Issa with T’Challa and Erik.  T’Challa looks at her with warmth, stirred by the alcohol, whereas Erik is sitting back wide legged just waiting for an opportunity.
“Hey um, Erik, can you get order me something from the bar?  I haven’t seen a waiter in forever.”  Issa asks trying to get alone time with T’Challa.
Erik plays with another toothpick in his mouth, “You got legs don’t you?”
Seeing his smirk, Issa busts an eye roll.  T’Challa says, “And people think I am the heathen for where I am from.   I could get it for you, if you would like?”  As T’Challa goes to stand, Issa puts a hand on T’Challa’s, shook by her own actions, “No!  Uhhh.  It’s fine.”  As T’Challa sits back Issa texts Molly the SOS to come through.  Molly comes over and sits with a depressed plop.  “Hey, y’all.”
Erik takes notice of Molly.  “Who are you?  This ya girl, Is?  Steppin out on me?”
Issa clicks her tongue, “I’m not gay, Erik.  This is Molly, my best friend.  What’s wrong with you, girl?”
Molly shrugs, “I thought I had something to lockdown with one of they little friends.”  Molly waves her hand lazily toward T’Challa and Erik.  “But Kellie swooped in on him.”
T’Challa looked at Molly incredulously.  “M’Baku came out of his shell that fast, eh?”
Molly snaps her fingers, “Soon as she sat down he was enraptured.”
Erik looks at Molly, leaning back and to the side to check her out under the table. “I understand the feelin.  I never introduced myself, I’m Erik.”  
Molly takes his hand hesitantly, “Nice to meet you.  So, y’all cousins but don’t sound like you all from the same area.”
Erik shakes his head slowly, “Nah we ain’t, princess.”
Molly leans over to Issa, “Princess?  He forget my name already?”
T’Challa cuts in, “That is just his signature name for girls he is interested in.  It usually just annoys them at first mention.”  He says while side-eyeing Erik.  “Whereas I can actually make someone a Princess, so it is much more appealing.”  T’Challa takes his drink looking at Issa, who looks away nervously at the implication.
Erik sucks his teeth, “Aight, enough with that royal bullshit.  I just know what a future Queen looks like when I see one.  Respectable and shit, what you do for a living?”
Molly wags a finger, “Nah nigga, list your credentials first.”
Erik sits up chin pointed toward Molly, “Aight then.  Naval Academy grad, double majoring in Physics and Mechanical Engineering. Special Ops in the Navy, taking a break from that though now.”
All Molly heard was ‘engineer’ and benefits.  “You know what, as a lawyer, it couldn’t hurt for you to have my number in case of anything.”  She digs out her business card, writing her cell on the back of it.
Erik takes it, kissing it. “Got you.  Never know.”
T’Challa turns to Issa, “Can I walk you out?  Unless you were staying, I’m about to head out.”
Issa shakes her head emphatically, “No!  Not at all.  Molly’s my ride though so….”  Issa looks to Molly.  Molly give Issa a look pointing her head at Erik.  Issa looks at the card she gave Erik and a stern look.  Molly  rolls her eyes getting up.  “Uhhh yeah, long day at the office tomorrow so…”
Erik comes around to her side of the table as she stands up.  “Ain’t nothin wrong with work hard.  Builds character...and a sweat.”
Molly gets a full view of Eriks physique and height and has to fight back a Joker smile.  “You know that’s what I am known for; my stamina.  No matter how big the job, I don’t give up until it is done!”
T’Challa looks between Erik and Molly confused.  Issa takes notice.  “All right!  Hard workers in the house, woooo!  Let’s go!”
Walking outside, the group makes it to the car; Erik and Molly on the driver’s side, Issa and T’Challa on the other.
“So, let me thank you once again for taking on this task with me.  I feel less like a fish out of water with you here.”  T’Challa says sincerely.
Issa looks at her feet, “No problem!  You guys are giving me fresh ideas and of course the funding is mad important so it couldn’t grow without input!”
T’Challa smiles, the apples of his cheeks pooping out so definitively.  Issa can’t help but smile back.  “Until next time Miss Issa.”  T’Challa holds out his hand shaking hers and holding it firmly.  Issa feels electric with his hand in hers as they look at each other, not sure how to move on.
“Aye!  Y’all done, let’s go!”  Erik is walking down the parking lot as he yells for T’Challa.  
Breaking the trance T’Challa waves goodbye to Issa and Molly.
Issa gets in the car, where Molly airs out her thoughts.  “Now you never said, they were that damn fine.”
Issa shrugs trying to sound cool.  “What am I supposed to say?  I don’t need a workplace harassment claim on my hands.”
Molly smiles shaking her head as she peels out the lot, “I still can’t believe Kellie swooped in on guy like that.  I thought we were connecting!  But Erik cool too.  He seem a little headstrong but-”
“Long as that HEAD strong, you good, right?  That’s what you were gonna say?”
Molly looks at her stone faced.  “And I did just start a new vitamin regimen to boost my levels.  I’m just missing one…”
“HE WANNA GIVE ME THAT VITAMIN D!”  they say in unison.
Part 3
@hbicprettyprincess @kimianostalgia @afraiddreamingandloving @chaneajoyyy @myfavemarvelfanfics
Other Works
King Kil’mawalls  
Some Weeks Are Better Than Others
Commencement Day
Song of Stevens
The Coffee Prince
N’Jadaka’s Helpful Hands
If I Could Do It All Again
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feminominal-blog · 6 years
Come Through and Chill
character: erik stevens (n’jadaka) x reader
inspired by miguel’s come through and chill ft. j. cole + salaam remi.
for @muse-of-mbaku
word count: 1,729
summary: traveling back home one night to oakland gets you face to face with a man you thought had left you as a stranger.
Five years ago you would have never considered coming home. it was all fine (you missed your mom and little brother), but the drama that settled there was never anything you wanted to hear. Whether it was from your childhood bother named Shantel (who had this nasty habit of thinking she was the shit) or the balls you had to worry about hitting your hard earned car, or just the memories of him.
That was really the reason why.
You wanted your mama’s greens, her fried chicken and her mac n’ cheese. You just didn’t want to think about the boy who sat on the edge of your windowsill at night, talking low so he didn’t wake up your mama, or the boy who finally convinced you to let him in when she went to visit your auntie. You two had went your separate ways when he decided to go to MIT and you had settled on Howard.
After that, you had settled with going to school and making a life for yourself and maybe, if your mom wanted, you could finally move them to a bigger house with a bigger kitchen like your mama had wanted since you were a kid.
Your train of thought breaks when you hear the sound of hands against your window, and you turn to yell at whoever was putting their oily hands against your clean windows when you see your little brother with his dimpled grin and his hair neatly cut in the way he only did when you came home.
“Y/N!” He grinned.
Without hesitation, you quickly get out the car, lock the door and your brother runs to wrap his arms around you, his head reaching your stomach as he laughs when you kiss his forehead. “Look at you and your big ole’ forehead!” You laugh.
“My forehead isn’t big, Y/N!” He cries as your mom comes running from outside the house as she hears a trash can fall over. It’s one of the boys who tried to catch the ball, but being too short, missed and let it hit the metal can. Luckily, it was empty.
You wrap your arms around your mom, breathing in the smell of spices and coffee, along with cocoa and shea butter. You manage to see the specks of grey in her otherwise black curls. She looks exactly the same as she had when you were a child, your head barely brushing the top of her hip.
Your brother shouts, “Erik!”
And of course, your eyes follow to the man picking up the trash can, flashing a flicker of his golden canines, before he picks up the ball. “Ey! Is this your ball, man?” He asked your brother as he shook his head.
“No! It’s Jamal’s ball!” He replies, before Erik nods, tossing the ball back to the boy who had walked to the edge of the fence of the basketball court.
When Erik turns around, his eyes settle on you, give you a lookover, and a smirk forms on his face. Your mom takes the time to take your brother back inside so she can review his spelling words with him, as Erik walks across the street.
“Hey, baby girl.” He’s cheesing hard as hell, his hands tucked into his pockets. All he wants to do is grab you by your hips and run his fingers past the band of your tight pencil skirt. He figures from the way you’re dressed in a purple blouse, neatly tucked in, heels on your feet and your curls tucked behind your ears (and the slight tired expression on your face) that you’ve just gotten home from work.
He looks down to see your cleavage teasing from the v of your blouse, and you snap sharply right by his ear to break his attention.
“Damn, Y/N! You ain’t gotta take my eardrum out, girl.”
“You shouldn’t be starin’, Stevens.”
A grin forms on his face as you reply, and he grabs your hand when you move to pull it by your waist. “You always did like my last name, Y/N.”
You can’t help the grin that forms on your face as you move to hit his chest with your fist before he catches it, unfolding your fingers. “Shut up, Erik.”
Before he can reply, your mama manages to yell from the front door, “Dinner! Y/N if you don’t get inside, your brother is gonna eat all the mac n’ cheese and I ain’t cookin’ no seconds for that!” She then smiles at Erik. “You want to eat dinner with us too, Erik?”
Erik looks at you, and then back at your mom. “Nah. Thanks though. I’ll see you around, Y/N.”
It isn’t till dinner is over you manage to make it back to your room and plug up your phone that snaps to life with a measly one percent. Your phone dings with all the texts coming in and you sit down at your desk to look at them.
A couple of them are from your girlfriend asking you to bring her back some of your mama’s sweet potato pie, but to your surprise, most of them are from Erik.
Hey, Y/N. I know we haven’t talked in a minute.
Your mama told me you were comin home.
Is it cool if I can see you? Maybe we can kick it.
Girl, I know you ain’t ignoring me.
You swallow, thinking about how just the quick contact of his hand around your wrist sent a jolt through your back, or how him spreading your fingers apart from a fist had you thinking about him spreading some other things.
The thought of his long middle finger sends a quiver down through your stomach and into your core.
But it also causes your head to snap up when your brother knocks on your door. “What’s up, little man?”
“Mama said come take this plate over to Erik. She said he needs his greens,” He replies, flashing a grin that finally shows his missing tooth.
Damn, how did you miss that?
“Yeah, okay.” You sigh, and he walks in just to kiss your cheek before he sprints out to his room to bathe and probably go to sleep as you look at your clock.
10:12 PM.
You crack your door so you can change into a pair of black basketball shorts, and a fading Howard t-shirt that stretches across your breasts, covered by your curls that practically sigh with relief from being released from that ponytail holder. Slipping your feet into some slides, you walk to the kitchen only for your mama to shove reused country crock containers into your hands without warning.
Had that been your roommate, she probably would have gotten a loud, whining
But this was your mama and you liked not having the taste slapped out of your mouth.
“The first three are dinner, the top is some pie,” She said. “Hurry and get across the street before the rain starts, Y/N.”
“Yes, mama.”
You turn to the front door, pressing the containers against your stomach and breasts with caution to keep the food from spilling, as she opens the door so you can walk down the porch and across the lawn, pausing to let your neighbor’s car go by before heading across the street. She looks long enough to see you standing on Erik’s porch before she shuts the door.
You take your foot and kick it gently against his door, before after a few moments, snatches the door open and his mouth already firing swears like a gun.
“Damn, have you lost your mind? Who’s fuckin door you think you-” He shuts up when he sees you, your eyes narrowed at him as he looks at your hands, eyes looking over your exposed ebony skin to the night air. “Shit, Y/N, come inside.”
He helps you in before taking the containers. “What’s this?”
“Before you decided to start losing your shit, this is some food my mama wanted me to bring over to your ass. She figured you were hungry and stubborn.” You explain, before messing with a curl hanging by your ear, turning it around your finger.
“Well, tell her thanks.” He says, and you turn to leave before you’re reminded of the texts he sent that you felt terrible for not answering to.
Stupid damn phone batteries.
“Hey,” You say, turning back around, looking at him as he cracks open one of the containers. “I got your texts.”
“I thought you were too good to speak,” He commented, letting his eyes look over your figure.
You had always been cute to him, with the way you poked your lip out when you was thinking, especially when you all had been sixteen and you were dedicated to your art history classes. Hell, that had been one of the reasons why he knew so much about art himself.
“My phone died. I didn’t leave you on read. So, don’t act like that.”
He rubbed his neck as he leaned against the wall, before kicking the front door closed with his toes. “Yeah, baby girl, I know. I wanted to come for dinner, but I got distracted.” By you. And your figure. He then looked over at you again.
“You still want to kick it?” You asked, raising your brows at him as you bit on your bottom lip.
Damn. The way you put your lip in between your teeth still got him. It always made his heart hit his chest and his dick twitch in his pants.
At that, you walk past him and he manages to get a good look at your ass in those basketball shorts and the way they fit tightly and made him just want to grab it with both hands, bend you over his couch and teach you not to wear those shorts unless it was just you and him.
You felt his eyes on you, and you turned just as you sat on his couch, grabbing his remote. “What are you lookin’ at, Erik?”
“I know you didn’t walk over here with them shorts on, Y/N.”
“Yeah I did, right past my mama too. You got a problem?”
“You damn skippy, I do.” He said, his lips curving into a dangerous, secretive grin. He had a gaze in his eyes that reminded you of a jaguar on National Geographic. “Come here and let me tell you.”
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bubble-tea-bunny · 7 years
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fire on the walls
[erik killmonger x reader]
author’s note: okay so like i was gonna write for t’challa tonight but then i was listening to this song and got an idea for erik that i wanted to write out like immediately lol. that t’challa idea is up next tho, when i have time to write it, because my second math midterm is this week (i’m dying). hope you enjoy reading this ^^
word count: 2,053
His arms are stretched over the back of the couch and he’s watching Netflix on his laptop. The light of the lamp casts a soft glow over his face and you’re hardly paying attention to what he’s got pulled up. Why watch that when you can watch him? You’re sitting up against the arm of the sofa, facing him, knees drawn up so you can brace your sketchbook against a steady surface. Your pencil is hovering over a page still blank, but it won’t be for long. The drawing comes to you easily, as you glance up at the man in front of you and return your eyes to the paper. This is not the first time you have drawn him. Far from the first, far from the last. And at this point there’s no need to look up to know what lines you must draw next, what points you must shade, because the image of him is burned into your brain. A perpetual muse. One to call your own.
While the next episode loads, it’s silent for a few seconds, and he can hear the glide of pencil over paper. Deliberate strokes, long and fluid. Purposeful. A new masterpiece for the evening. He’s told you before that the two of you should hang your works on the walls, like your own little museum. The intro sequence starts playing as Erik looks over at you and grins.
“What are you drawing?” He has a sneaking suspicion of what it could be.
You smile back but don’t say anything, and his own widens because he definitely does know. You crawl over to sit next to him, and you turn your sketchbook around so he can see. And the breath leaves his lungs like it does every time because you’re immortalizing him on these pages. You call them no big deal but he calls them magnum opuses, each and every one. He takes the sketchbook so he can look at the drawing more closely and you study his face as he does. Because it can’t be helped: he’s a work of art all on his own, and you’re filling up your sketchbooks with all the little parts of him that make him so special because you want to know how to make something like that. He’s David on the pedestal, carved from marble and timeless, made to be admired in perpetuity.
He tells you that you were born in the wrong century. He calls you Renaissance woman, and the blood which flows through your veins magic. It always makes you bashful when he says these things and he can never get enough of that. And every time it happens, he wants to get closer to you, to feel the heat of your skin against his lips. You sketchbook sits on the table next to his laptop, and the episode has been playing but it goes ignored as he guides you to lay down across the cushions, and he’s above you, murmuring that he can be an artist too, and you’re the blank page, the block of marble waiting for someone to set you free.
He glides along your curves with his hands and his mouth. And he whispers praises, says you’re the one carved by gods, kept in their company, and he’s ascending the steps to their home above the clouds, finds you in those high places to steal you away. Because he will give you more than they ever could, ever would. He’s mesmerized by the bliss washing over your face, the flush of your cheeks and furrow of your brow. He swallows your moans like they’re the one thing keeping him alive and he laces his fingers with yours above your head. You’re a goddess of your own, and he’s come to the temple to worship.
Life’s a blur of oil painted mornings and watercolored evenings. It’s perfect. Paint stains your overalls and your face and your hair and Erik doesn’t think he’s ever seen anything more beautiful. He watches you work at your easel one afternoon, and of course you can feel him staring, but there aren’t many chances to be incorrect when he always seems to be observing you. You smile lopsidedly and his chest tightens, and you ask him what’s up. He shrugs and smiles back, and tells you Nothing. Just remembering. That’s it. He’s memorizing what it’s like here in this space, how whole he feels even though he has a love for you so intense it’s breaking his heart in two. Though he supposes that doesn’t matter too much when you’re the stitches bringing the halves together again.
The wrong crowd drifts down the river and Erik is standing on the edge, dipping in his toes and wondering where that current will lead. He says they make good money off the black market deals they do. But that doesn’t matter to you. You’re doing everything you can to convince him that it’s a bad idea, and not worth the trouble. He smiles softly at you but he can’t stay away. It’s the storm he wants to chase. And he kisses your forehead and tells you it’ll be okay. You don’t say it out loud, but you know it won’t be.
You end up being right. It takes up his mind, his focus, and you’re not quite sure you know him anymore. You try to, try to find your Erik on those nights you’re in bed and the lights are off and it’s only the lights of the city peeking in through the window that illuminates his face, so you can see his eyes. You’re above him this time, dictating the pace. And you’re basking in his groans and heavy breaths. He kisses you and you’re desperate to bring him back to you, before it might be too late. You want the river to take pity and carry him home. It doesn’t.
Seen in here last night—a beautiful body. You’re alone in the midst of messy bedsheets come morning. And you sit there, wondering where it all went downhill.
Sometimes you go to the museum on the other side of the city, in search of some sort of comfort you can no longer find in your own home, amongst your own art. Maybe you’ll find your inspiration there, because the fact is things are going to be different now, and you need to adjust. You stand in front of a painting of the nine Muses but you don’t feel any surge of creativity. You feel numb. And your heart aches for the tenth, because you know he’s out there, running away with your imagination.
You dream of him one evening. You’re at the river together and you’re sitting on a rock. He turns to you and tells you Come with me, and he holds out his hand. It’s instinct that drives you to reach out your hand, because you trust him, and your fingertips brush together. It’s the Creation of Adam in the middle of a make-believe forest. And it’s beautiful for a moment, but then you retract your hand. There could be no good things down the road he was headed. Erik’s crestfallen expression at your wordless rejection is so genuine that you think maybe this had really happened, and it wasn’t just in your head.
But you wake up in bed, alone, like usual these days. And it’s while you lay there, heart squeezing as you remember dream Erik’s quiet sigh and saddened frown, that you understand it’s time to move on.
Art doesn’t have the same spark but it’s good enough. At first, you tried to convince yourself that given some time, the beauty of art would recover its original wonder. But you know deep down that could never be the case. So you settle. Good enough. Your soul learns to live with that.
A new exhibit opens at the museum. It’s early on a weekday when you stop by to see it, so it’s only you in here, footsteps echoing off the wooden floors. There’s faint interest as you walk past the paintings and the sculptures, and you read the little information placards beside each of them. You call it all beautiful but you don’t feel the pull in your chest, not like you used to. There used to be so much weight to that word. Now it’s feathers in the wind.
You’re standing in front of a painting only half-analyzing it. You stare at the textures and note the colors but you’re not very invested. You remain there anyway like maybe you’ll feel something eventually, and the footfalls of another occupant coming in are easily ignored. It would’ve been nice to have the place to yourself, but you can’t always get what you want.
The other person makes their rounds slowly, like you did, and their route brings them to the painting you’re observing. You hope they move on soon. But they don’t.
“Still a fan of coming here early, I see,” Erik comments with a familiar teasing lilt.
It’s a voice you never thought you’d hear again. You inhale silently, trying to maintain your composure. But the truth is you want to cry because it’s a voice you missed like no other. And you thought you had a handle on the whole idea of moving on, but it’s all gone to shit now that he’s here. Maybe it was art and he’s ruining it, but it’s not. It was never art. It was the ugliest thing you’d ever made but you made it to protect yourself. He’s tearing it down now, looking at you as if inquiring if you really want him to stop.
You glance up at him. He still looks the same, but you know he isn’t. You ask him what he’s doing here, and he says he was looking for you at the base of Olympus but you were nowhere to be found. So he went up there again, to see you on a throne, the name of Aphrodite branded into your skin. And he knew as he watched you there that he couldn’t stay away forever.
The words soften your resolution as they’ve always been able to do, and your hungry soul is clawing for them. But you go against it as you shake your head, and Erik’s brows furrow in confusion. You’re not the one you used to be. It’s a gently spoken statement, like you’re trying not to disturb the air.
Erik sighs and reaches up a hand to hold your face, and he’s reveling in the feel of your soft skin. His thumb strokes the curve of the high point of your cheek. He knows you’re not made of bone, but marble, breathed into and given life. He assures you he’s still your muse. Your Adonis. Your Vitruvian Man. And he’s here to stay now—that’s a promise.
You’re doing your best not to give in because you know he’s still floating down that river, and he has no plans of emerging. But as you look up at him, the world seems more vibrant again, and there are embers in your chest coming to life. Your veins and your mind seem to creak, stiff from going unused for so long. Now, they tell you, they’re ready to get to work again. To take your visions and make them real. And it’s exhilarating, a sensation difficult to push away.
Maybe you were foolish for trying to move on. You need him and he needs you. You’re the artist looking for your inspiration, around street corners and at the top of the highest buildings. And he’s the muse wandering aimlessly, searching for a home, only to find you again, because the fact is you handle him best.
You’re about to say okay and let him in, but the affirmation never makes its way out into the open, never makes it past your lips. It doesn’t matter though because Erik can see it in your gaze. He smiles, his hand repositioning so he can hold your chin with thumb and index, to ensure your head is angled towards him. And he whispers Can I kiss you like this, baby as he leans in close, and you breathe out a yes. Your soul hums. Satisfied once more.
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theheirofillea · 7 years
eleven questions for me and eleven questions for you tag
fyi for me its actually 33 questions because i got tagged three times lol so thats gonna be funnnnn
- Always post the rules - Answer the questions given to you - Write 11 questions of your own - Tag 11 people
i was tagged by the super cool super lit @theselectionmouse @illeaslockedbluebox and @thedandelioninperspective 
so lets start with the questions from @theselectionmouse
1) Favourite time of the year?
i like the falltime / wintertime because of the weather and sweaters and hot chocolate 
2) What makes you happy?
getting good grades, having things go my way, learning new things, meeting new people
3) Celebrity crush(es)?
tom holland is my one true love
4) Favourite songs to sing along?
currently its ‘its everyday bro’ by jake paul because that song is so ridiculous it just makes me want to sing lol xD but also R U by niki and gabi and lust for life by lana del rey ft the weeknd (aka my toronto homie)
5) What do you do when nobody is watching?
dabdabdabdabdabdabdabdabdabdab ;)
6) Any secret skills?
um not really? i can type really fast, if that counts, and photography
7) Which food do you absolutely hate?
8) Which colour would you want to be in a box of coloured pencils? 
there is this teal-y colour in the crayola 76 pencil crayons set that i really like, also the coral in that set is really pretty
9) What do you love about your best friend?
i love that she doesnt care about what other people think and that she can always be herself no matter what
10) Favourite candle scent?
vanilla, lavender, fall-y scents, vanilla bean noel and bergamot waters by bath and body works
11) Would you rather have to eat every meal covered in melted cheese or melted chocolate?
both tbh but melted cheese because i mostly eat savory foods
now onto the questions from @illeaslockedbluebox
1) Favorite music album ever
night visions by imagine dragons / melodrama by lorde / death of a bachelor by p!atd
2) Favorite iconic movie scene
either the notebook kiss, or the gym debrief at the end of mean girls
3) Worst TV show you’ve seen
um bigbrother, because i could never get into it, no matter how much i tried
4) Rate the last book you read 
last book i read was the thousandth floor, which was like a 9/10
5) Favorite Disney song
how far ill go, moana
6) If you had to change your name, you would say “Hi my name is…”
7) Most used emoji
8) What time is it rn where you are?
9) Celebrity crush 
tom holland
10) Favorite cartoon
garfield + the richie rich cartoons from like a long time ago
11) A book/movie/tv series/life quote
all that glitters is not gold; the merchant of venice, shakespeare
lastly, the questions from @thedandelioninperspective
1) What is on top of your bucket list?
to travel the world, and to learn how to play the guitar
2) what do you wish you had done when you had the chance?
um nothing so far because #noregrets, but i wish i bought this sweater i saw at f21. it was cute but i didnt neeeed it so i didnt get it, but they discontinued the product so now i can never get it so im kinda salty about that but its ok
3) What do you love most about yourself?
my musical abilities, my ability to move on, and my hair (sometimes)
4) How would you describe your humor?
sarcastic, memey, punny, and self depreciating
5) If you could rewrite an ending to a book or movie or whatever, which one and how?
the end of ‘the clockwork princess’ because *SPOILER* my poor bby will died and agh *SPOILER DONE*
6) Where would you want to live if you could live anywhere in the world?
australia, uk or netherlands so i can be with simone
7) What song are you listening to rn?
spectrum by zedd ft matthew koma (which just finished) and wild thoughts by dj kahled
8) Are you a leader or a follower?
both, because you need to be both a leader and follower in life, but im mostly a leader
9) Describe yourself with 3 words
done with life (funny, musical, hardworking)
10) Favourite food
11) How did you meet your best friend?
she transferred to my school in 6th grade and we became best friends and still are!
my supah cool questions for you:
1) your current jam?
2) fave dance move? 
3) fave landscape
4) ideal temperature (rooms, weather, drinks, etc)
5) pets?
6) if you were famous, which celebrity would you pick to head your pr?
7) which ya character would you like to be and why? or alternatively, which ya book would you like to be in and why?
8) fave subject? ( n o, lunch doesnt count xD)
9) fave pen colour?
10) last snapchatted? or alternatively last messaged/dm’ed/pm’ed?
11) if you could listen to one song forever, which would it be and why?
I TAG: @prince-consort-erik @prince-consort-lolz @tiberiusblacktorn @damnmalec @lightwoody
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Erik is a Sub and Reader is a Dom.
This will definitely be two parts because I want to be very thorough.
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Mama? Can I eat your pussy, please?
It was a terribly busy day at the office. Phones were going off the hook, meetings were being held, and paperwork needed finishing. Y/N was currently in her management office on the 10th floor in Cyber Security. She started as an Analyst when she first got the job at the age of 23 and now she was an Information Security Manager. Security Managers play a key role in avoiding security disasters by identifying any areas that might make your information systems vulnerable. These are the professionals who are tasked with assessing current security measures and mitigating future attacks against your company's computers, networks, and data.
Jimmy Choo suede pumps on her feet, high waisted midi pencil skirt hugging her hips tightly, and satin blouse stretched over her copious chest, Y/N paced the floor. The Infinity Shag Onyx Black Rug on her office floor masked the sound of her heels as she walked back and forth, her eyes on her phone from the text message that came through. It was from one of the new hires; an Analyst by the name of Candice. Such a sweet girl. Very sexy too. Nice and thick, short curly fro, a pretty round face, and lips so full she could probably suck a golf ball through a straw. Y/N has a thing for full lips on women and men. Y/N typed out a quick reply to the chick before taking her seat again so she could check her emails.
Candy, mama is working really hard, okay sweetie? Save that appetite for lunch break.
Y/N put her phone on the charger and went to work answering other company managers and clients back via email. That literally took up an hour of her time. Now, she was currently waiting to be pinged into a video conference that would take another hour and a half to get through. Y/N was growing tired already. Thirty minutes before her video conference began, Candice sent her another text with a picture attached to it. Y/N side-eyes the phone, picking it up swiftly to see what this little girl was up to now.
See? This is what’s happening to me right now just thinking about sucking and licking your pussy for you, mama. Please, let me serve you in the quiet room! My mouth is drooling for your sweet pussy juices.
“You nasty little girl,” She spoke softly as her eyes focused on the phat pussy Candice had between her succulent thighs. Her tiny labia and clit were engulfed by those plump lips. Two sets of fullness; one on her face and one between her legs.
“Fuck,” Y/N licked the brown butter gloss by NYX off her lips from how much she nibbled and licked on them because of Candy’s raunchy photo. Glancing at the time on her phone, she could get in a quick session before the conference. She was going to make Candice work for it too since she fucking begged so much. Flipping her silk pressed hair back, Y/N gets up from her desk chair, walking with her phone in hand around the large glass desk and out the double glass doors to her office. The usual tech sounds and phones ringing filled her ears as she walked down the aisle that split the room into two sides with the same set of cubicles for all the Analysts, and Web Developing Crew. In the second to last row, three cubicles down, was where Candice resides. She had a headset over her head, short curly fro is crinkled from a braid out she did the other night. The turtle neck dress she wore left nothing to the imagination and the ALDO Loviecia open toe shoes on her feet gave Y/N a peek at the pretty mauve color on her toes.
Y/N placed a single squared red acrylic nail on the desk in eyeshot, tapping it lightly with her other hand on her curvy hip. Candice smiles softly at her computer before turning to her boss, with worry in her eyes.
“Hello, Miss Y/N, is something wrong with the network again?” She spoke in a silvery smooth tone. Very tranquil.
“No, but I think you need to come along with me, Miss Williams, I have about twenty-five minutes before my video conference so I suggest you move swiftly.”
Thank God for cubicles because this office was filled with nosy people. Y/N never did this with someone she worked with. On the job “relationships” weren’t the best to have but Y/N couldn’t resist the looks Candice gave her. Candice got up from her seat, following behind Y/N and through a set of doors that led to restrooms, the break rooms, and finally, two quiet rooms. There were two on each floor for Employees to escape to. Y/N entered one of the rooms, holding the door open for Candice before shutting it behind her and locking it. Candice stood facing her Mama, back straight and eyes were unblinking.
“Candice, you little slut,” Y/N seductively walks up to Candice causing the girl to swallow spit, eyes fighting to drag up and down Y/N’s gorgeous body.
“Didn’t mama tell you that I was busy?” Y/N spoke in an even tone.
“Yes, mama,” Candice answers, “But I’m so horny-“
“On your knees, now.” Y/N walks away towards a suede olive green sofa. They really needed to re-decorate these rooms, the color scheme was awful. Y/N looked through a wall mirror, spotting Candice on her knees behind her. Y/N toyed with her hair before giving Candice more instructions to follow.
“Crawl to me.”
Y/N could hear Candice moving closer. Finally, she felt the girls heat against the back of her exposed calves. Y/N arched over the couch, her ass poked out at Candice. Candice took in a sharp breath at that sight.
“Get up and unzip my skirt. Do it slowly, mama wants you to focus on what your unwrapping, sweetie.”
“Yes, Mama.”
“Good Girl.”
Y/N could feel Candice reach behind her while still in a kneeled position, grabbing that tiny zipper and ever so gently pull it down. Candice watched as the material began to peel apart to reveal the crammed cheeks of Y/N. All that ass spilled out and damn near smacked Candice in the face.
“Mama, you’re ass is getting fatter,” Candice spoke with a shaky tone. Y/N had on a black lace thong that disappeared between both cheeks.
“Thank you, princess. Don’t worry, your face will be in between my ass soon enough. Now...pull my thong off completely.”
“Yes, Mama.”
“Good Girl.”
Candice removes the thong.
“Lick the crotch of my thong.”
Candice wasted no time to pull the fabric apart, licking Y/N’s wet crotch. It tasted like her; sweet and tangy like pineapples. This woman drove her crazy.
“Such a nasty little bitch. I bet you would suck on the crotch of my panties if I told you too, wouldn’t you?”
“Yes, Mama. I’d do anything you told me to.”
“So, you would let my underwear sit in that mouth so you can drool all over it?”
“Yes, Mama, oh my God, yes,” Candice was grabbing her breasts now and rubbing her thighs together.
“Don’t touch yourself. You want to give it to Mama, right?”
“Then you only get to please Mama. Pulling me away from my work because you want some pussy in your mouth. So damn nasty, shame on you, Candy.”
Candice had a pout on her lips, “I’m sorry, Mama.”
Y/N squatted on the couch, her phat puss and ass hanging over the edge of it.
“Get over here and eat this pussy. Eat me like you’re starving since you’re drooling so fucking much.”
Candice crawled to her, turning around to lay her head back so Y/N could rest her pussy onto Candy’s mouth.
“Open up, sweetie.”
Candice opens her mouth.
“Don’t touch me unless I tell you to, bitch.”
“Yes, Mama.”
Y/N sat that pussy on Candy’s full lips. The girl went to work placing soft kisses there; lingering kisses. Y/N bit down on her lip. Candice used the strength of her tongue to part the phat lips, Y/N’s large labia and clit resting against her saliva-coated tongue. She starts to french kiss her inner folds, Y/N’s juices leaking into her mouth over and over.
“Mmm, that’s right, eat my pussy like that.”
Candice would alternate between french kissing on Y/N’s labia and clit and flicking it with her tongue. The girl was working those jaws to give Y/N exactly what she wanted and then some. Y/N could hear Candy’s lips smacking and she just knew that from the vision Candice received that the girls tongue was swimming in her juices. Candy always had Y/N wet as fuck.
“Suck on my fucking pussy, bitch.” Y/N spoke in a dominant tone.
“Like this, Mama?” Candice showed her how she thought Mama wanted to be sucked. As soon as those full lips wrapped around her clit and pulled, Y/N shuttered, ass cheeks clenching and asshole winking from how much she convulsed.
“Just like that, oh, you working me, girl, you’re sucking me up!”
Candy sucked on Y/N’s clit like she was sucking on a jolly rancher. Y/N would ride her face, causing her clit to pop out of Candy’s mouth only for the girl to suck on again.
“You’re stroking the fuck out of my clit with that slutty little mouth of yours. You’re gonna make Mama cum all over your pretty face since you’re so hungry for this tasty pussy!”
Now Candice alternated between sucking and flicking her tongue on Y/N’s engorged clit and inner folds.
“Yesss! Yesss!” Y/N slaps her own ass, “oh, you bitch, you nasty little bitch I’m cumming!”
She could feel her cream and liquid oozing from her pussy. Candice wrapped her entire mouth over Y/N’s inner pussy, sucking like those fishes stuck to the side of the tank. She had Y/N’s eyes rolling back, another cum so close behind the one she just had.
“Look at you! You’re so hungry, sweetie! Oh my God, oh my God, yes, yes, oh my God, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum, fuck, I’m gonna cum, oh my God, Yes!”
And Y/N sure did cum. More than the last time. The shit was spilling down the sides of Candy’s face. Candice only used her mouth to work her Mama to orgasm. Y/N lifts her sweaty face from the couch cushion to check her phone in hand. She had about eight minutes to get her pussy out of Candy’s mouth before the girl took it up a notch and ate her pussy again. Y/N just knew that Candice was sopping wet. Y/N will reward her.
“Get up and wipe your face off, sweetie.”
Candice lifts from the floor, grabbing some Kleenex from the coffee table covered in magazines to wipe her face off. Instead of wiping her lips, she licked them, wanting to get the last bits of her Mama’s juices off her lips. Y/N put her skirt back on and thong, her pussy lips twitching from cumming twice and wanting more. She turned to the mirror, fixing her hair quickly before leading the way out of the room.
“I want you to go to that bathroom and put the vibrator inside of you. I will control it from my desk,” Y/N grabs Candy’s neck, pulling her towards her to kiss those luscious lips.
“Mmm, I can still taste myself,” Y/N whispers in Candy’s ear, “Do what I say so I can make that phat pussy cum, Candy.”
“Yes, Mama,” Candice was in a trance. When Y/N let go, Candice almost lost balance. She clutched the wall and watched Y/N, her Dom, walk away with a switch in her hips and back to her office. Candice wasted no time to grab her vibrator from her purse so Y/N could control it from her office.
She made it just in time.
The minute she returned to her seat at her desk the ping popped up, Y/N accepting it and watching the Wakandan Outreach logo swirl on her screen before all managers popped up in the live video. There were two other videos to wait for. One was for King T’Challa, the other for Prince N’Jadaka. Y/N said her hellos to the other managers from other floors except for the very top floor; the 15th floor. That floor belonged to the CEO, CFO, and the Chairmen of the company. There was limited access on that floor with gel fingerprint analysis and eye scan that the Cyber Security Department themselves constructed.
A dinging sound caught her ears, letting her know that both the King and Prince; CEO and CFO, were arriving in live video. However, only one showed up this time. It was Prince N’Jadaka. King T’Challa’s video was still dark and not in use.
“Good afternoon, Molo ngokuhlwa,” The CEO and CFO always greeted everyone in both English and Xhosa. Y/N wanted to fully learn Xhosa to be more fluent. They offered classes there at the outreach to teach the Wakandan language. Everyone said Good afternoons the exact same way. Prince N’Jadaka was currently standing in front of the holographic screen that he used to talk with everyone. Something the Software Systems Developers on the 9th floor created. They worked closely with Cyber Security.
“I’ll keep this brief since the King isn’t here. He had to visit the UN. So don’t worry, I won’t keep y’all for an hour. Thank me later.”
Everyone laughed at that.
“Now, as you all know we are trying to tackle and control violence. There was a hacking attempt that could have jeopardized every single department here at the OutReach. Besides Stark Enterprises, we are one of the most wealthiest Companies in the world.”
Y/N used to intern for Stark Enterprise while she was in college earning her degree in Cyber Security. When she found out about the OutReach almost four years ago, she was among the first individuals to be hired. Now, she was staring at the CFO and Prince who moved her up rank because she did such an amazing job. She never got the chance to personally thank Prince N’Jadaka. She wished she could thank him in a few ways; hugging him and sucking his dick.
Prince N’Jadaka sported a chestnut-colored turtle neck with a pair of grey Burberry slim fit slacks. He wore his gold-rimmed glasses today and his dreads were braided back with a fresh line up. She wondered if his hair smelled like mango butter. He was tall and large, his body probably covered in muscles. He had that tapered waist that she liked and strong toned legs. Prince N’Jadaka always got her hot and bothered through the video calls. The Dominatrix in her wanted to overpower him. It burned her desire to control a man who was so much bigger and more intimidating than her. Bring him to his knees, put him in chains and cuffs, beat him with a paddle and whips. Scratch his skin, bite him, edge him until the tip of his dick purpled with the need to erupt like a volcano, make him moan, use that mouth of his to sit on like her favorite chair and ride him like a madwoman, grab his dreads and ram his face into her pussy...
Y/N snapped the pen in her hand. She was that turned on that she applied force to one of her pens. All of that sounded nice, making Prince N’Jadaka her sex slave; her sub. But she was never going to meet him as far as she was concerned.
“Any questions?” He asked with his husky voice. A series of “no” spilled from everyone’s mouths.
“Good, you know what to do if something comes to mind. Shoot me an email and I’ll have my team get back to you so we can schedule a one on one chat. Enjoy the rest of your day, ukuvalelisa (farewell).”
“ukuvalelisa” Everyone said back before the meeting adjourned. Her screen went black, the OutReach Center logo spinning in front of her indicating that her computer was asleep. Y/N had a lot of paperwork to take care of so she may have to skip lunch. Grabbing her phone, she pulled up the app to control Candy’s vibrator. Without warning the girl she set it on a pattern that she created before cracking her knuckles to get to work. A message came through on her phone that she glanced at but refused to respond to. She made her cum hard now it was her turn.
Mama! I almost fell out of my chair! Mama my pussy is throbbing omg!
Y/N smiles mischievously before increasing the intensity on the vibrations.
@tgigoldie @soufcakmistress@chefjessypooh@chaneajoyyy@pananegra@theblulife @becincere@blaqwidow91 @fish-outta-watah@moonlight-night-sky @eyeknowmywrites@crowngold@njadakillthiscookie@blktinkerbell@luvanxi@sheisexcellent1@chocolatedippedinhoney@brandithecrystalgem@dababydababydababydababy@soulfulbeauty19@btitannaaa@sunkissedebony97@youngblackndgifted@harleycativy @rbhp@thee-germanpeach@thadelightfulone@bugngiz@palmstreesallday@skylahb @bakaris-shorty@nizzle-mo
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Infidelity II
A Rose In Harlem Interlude
Erik's x Julissa's story
Warnings: Smut, violence.
March, 2012.
"C'mon Zig, I'm just tryna thank Miss Julissa for--" "Aht! Aht! There you go, nigga. First of all, she married. There's nothing Miss about Julissa. Second of all, I know how you like to thank women for dealing with your bullshit. I'm not giving you her number. You on your own cuz." The three beeps went off in my ear. Damn. I paced around my hideout apartment in Sacramento. That's usually how I get my gears churning when I'm thinking of a master plan. I snap my fingers, grab my phone and pull up personal white pages for Oakland, CA. I searched Julissa Earnheart-Steward, esquire. Lo and behold, her information popped up. Her personal number and her firm's information. 'I'm not tryna blow up her spot or nothing.' I thought to myself, it may be best to call her office.
I dial up her office phone, it rings two and a half times before a Valley girl's voice answers, "Good afternoon, thank you for calling Berry and Neiman. How may I help you?" I cleared my throat, "Uh, yes. May I be directed to Julissa Steward please?" The woman paused for a bit, "Yes, sir. Hold on one moment." The line clicked as the elevator hold music came on. I plopped down on my mattress, thinking about her skin and her hair color. That honey blonde blending in perfectly with the bleach blonde and a couple strips of auburn. My last thought drifted to her ass in that pencil skirt she wore, swaying left to right..almost calling a nig-- "Julissa Earnheart-Steward, how may I help you?"
"Hey Julissa. It's Erik." I hear the vigorous typing she was doing when she picked up cease. "How did you get this number?" "My cousin." I lied, "Besides, I do need your number. You are my representation and all." She hummed, "So what do you need?" "I need to take you to lunch." She laughed, "You need to find a better pick up line. And find someone available to take you up on it. Goodby--" "Look, I'm just tryna thank you for representing me. You didn't have to do that shit. Especially after finding what they were trying to pin on me." She resumes her typing, "You mean what they couldn't pin on you.." I sighed hard, "I know you did it. You can lie to those pigs, you can lie to anyone else. You're not gonna lie to me."
I spaced out, having a flashback of my mom's voice saying the same thing. "Hello?" "Julissa, I didn't do anything wrong. Just, let me take you to lunch, alright?" Her typing stopped again, "Fine."
July, 2012
I make a left on Virden Avenue and park along side the house I've spent so many nights in for the past two and a half months. Julissa's Benz was outside. The only light that was on was in her bedroom.
Lis: Wya?
I'm outside, luv
Her porch light comes on as I follow the trail up the driveway. She never opens the door, her bratty ass always wants me to knock. She always has a surprise waiting at the other side of that door though. My knuckles grace the door three times, Julissa opens the door fully, she's hiding behind it. The jasmine scent hits my nose as soon as I step in, I peak behind the door, all I see is a emerald green silk robe, and matching red bottom heels. I bury my bottom lip between my teeth, "You look nice." She closes the door then turns toward me, letting me see the lace bra and panties set she had underneath the robe. "Real nice."
She gloats, "Thank you, a special somebody bought this for me. Told me to make sure I wore it next time I saw him." I stalk around her frame as she's explaining, watching her weight shift from one leg, to the other. I tug a couple of her braids, her head falls back to me. "Is that right? I wonder how he would feel if he saw you wearing it for me." I slowly sink my teeth in her neck as she's trying to muster some type of response, "Ugh. You know you bought this, daaah" Her shuttering becomes louder the harder I bite down. I make a loud suckling sound before releasing my hold, "Getcho ass upstairs." my hands slap against her ass, the echo stretches through the first floor of her home she shares with her husband.
She scurries up the stairs. I hear the clicking of her heels disappear as I remove my members only jacket and my cool greys. I started up the stairs then I turn back around and head to her kitchen. I just remembered that thing that she wanted to try. I search through three or four cabinets to find a container of honey. I grab it and sprint up every other stair.
I approach the master bedroom door Jalissa is laying in the center of her Queen size mattress. She's in her own world, cascading her soft hands all over her body. Her eyes are closed, lips are tucked, and her legs are spread. She rests her right hand on her crotch, pulls her underwear aside and starts strumming her clit.
I grab at my sweats but continue to witness Julissa exploring her own body. She continues rubbing small circles on her nerve endings, sending slight jolts of bliss through her. Causing her lips to poke out and a moan to seep out of them. Damn I wish she knew how good she looks right now. I make light steps and stand across from the end of the bed. I gotta have a front row seat to this show. Julissa's sexy ass takes her index and her middle finger and slowly inserts them inside her. I couldn't just stand and watch no more. I pop the cap off of the honey and hover over her by the bench that sits at the end of the bed. Her eyes spring open as she feels the honey drip on her clit.
"How long have you been watching me?" I wink, "Long enough, Ubusi." What starts out as a kiss to her clit becomes me suctioning on for dear life. The honey is so good on her, I can't help myself. As she exhales she wales out my name. 
I'm between sucking her clit and lapping up the juices I'm bringing out of her. She grabs a hold of my head as I slurp on her wetness, pouring more honey on her core. She wiggles her hips at the cool sensation. I lick circles from her entrance to her dripping clitoris, sopping up all of it. She screams out, "Oh! Baby! Right there." I keep licking her in the same circular pattern.
Her hips are moving in unison with my tongue until she starts shuttering, I'm keeping the same pace. "Ooh shit, Erik. I'm cumming." I stop. I trail kisses back up her body as she whimpers, disappointed at my abrupt halt. I rip her bra off by the straps as I kiss underneath her rib cage. She unhooks the bra, throwing it somewhere near the door. I grab the honey bottle and place enough honey to cover her right areola.  
I tease her, licking the outer portion of that area, she starts getting antsy; tryna grab my head. I shake her hands away, and I delve around the center of her nipple. Licking across the raised sensitive skin, sucking the remaining honey off of her delectable body.
"Please, daddy. Fuck me." I pop her nipple out of my mouth, kiss trails from her breasts to her ear, "Nah. Not yet." I grab her by her arm and lean back against the headboard of the bed, she tries to straddle me but I hand her the bottle of honey, "Suck it off of daddy." She holds her tongue at the roof of her mouth, grabs the bottle and agrees, "Yes, daddy." I reach over to smack that plump ass. She squeals as she loosens my sweats and lowers them past my ankles. She pours a healthy amount of honey over my hard dick. I'm trying my hardest not to shiver, but damn that shit feels cool hitting my skin. She looks up at me with her mouth wide open, then she slaps my dick on her wet tongue a few times before sucking it halfway down. I shake my head, "Nah, Ubusi. You gon suck all of it." She moans ever so softly until I push her head down until she hit her forehead on my pelvis. She licks up just about all of the remaining honey on my shaft before I let her come up for air. She starts repeating the motion as I knew she would, "Deep throatin' that dick make that pussy wet, don't it, Ubusi?"
Julissa hums out and the vibrations instigate jolts down my lower half. I pull her up by her arms and french kiss her, our tastes colliding has us both moaning praises to one another. I grip her hips with precision as she grabs my dick, plummeting me into her ocean. Her head falls back in ecstasy. I instantly feel her ridge brush against the head of my rock hard member. Her hips roll over and over, as she indulges in me I'm suckling her neck, leaving red marks on her favorite spots. I hear the slightest jump, but that may be that pesky ass cat she has. She always tried messing up our fuck sessions. Becca wasn't gonna get that chance tonight.
This pussy feeling too good tonight. Julissa tries to hop off of me, I grip her hips even tighter and slam her down on me, "Uh Uh. The only pussy I'm worried about is the one I'm in. Gimmie my shit, honey." She squeals and leans into me slamming that ass up and down on me. The only sounds I hear is her moans and the combination of honey and our secretions on both of our lower halves as we slam into each other. As my hips circulate up as she moves down, I feel her g spot tense up, I know she's cumming. Her nails dig deep into my shoulders and I'm not letting up my strokes, "Cum. Cum on me Julissa. Stop playin' wit it baby, I know you want to." Her body shakes and collapses on top of mine as her cream floods all over my dick as she chants a chorus of daddies in my ear.
"Well, well, well. This is what I come home to after a long business trip?" She instantly hops up off of me and I see a man leaning against the doorway. "Alonzo! Baby! Oh God!" He's still standing at the doorway, stoic, unconcerned as a matter of fact. "In my bed Lis? Damn, girl. I have enough respect to not even go that far." I reach for my boxers and admit, "This ain't the first time." He blinks at me a few times sarcastically, "You think I don't know that?" Julissa intervenes, "So you knew?" "I found out recently. You didn't take off the alerts on our iPad and uh, I got quite a few of Erik's confessions of your escapades, my love." Her husband slings the iPad in her direction, it lands at the far end of the bed. "So what you wanna do Lis?" I raise my brow in her direction, she's in tears, still trying to cover her body up in embarrassment, "Baby, I'm sorry. I- I just knew you've been cheating for years and I didn't know how to fix it!"
Alonzo crosses his arms, still leaning on the door frame, "So you thought getting even with me was gonna fix it? Why didn't you just ask for a divorce?" She races over to him, "Because I don't want one." I double back to her, "Excuse me? You don't want one?" She turns to me, "No. I don't."
May, 2012
That lunch date turned into lunch Monday - Thursday at 1 PM. We turned it into a Taste of Oakland adventure when we'd eat at a new restaurant every day. Every day we tackled a new subject to speak on about one another. This particular day, we got on the subject of her marriage.
"We've been married for six years now. Our first year was the toughest. He'd been unfaithful, that resulted in a woman becoming pregnant when I was pregnant with our son." She looked down at herself, then straight up, blinking her eyes multiple times trying to stop herself from crying. "I was already high risk, my placenta was covering my cervix and I was on bed rest by the time I was seven months. That's when I found out and the stress was too much for me and AJ. One day, Iris. His mistress, sent me a video of her ultrasound appointment. She was having a boy, they were both healthy and the measurements were up to date. Then, I heard my husband's voice." She sniffles through her recollection, "He told her that he was so happy, that he couldn't wait to meet AJ in two months. That did it for me. I cried so much that day, I didn't remember going back to sleep. I woke up again and there was so much blood, everywhere. I shot up in massive pain and..then I blacked out."
I moved Julissa's chair so we could be face to face, so I could hold her hand and comfort her through her painful memory, "When I came to, I was in the hospital. I remember seeing the hospital bassinet, my husband was there and he was asking me how I was. All I could keep asking was 'where's my baby?' The nurses walked out of the room, that's when I knew.. he was gone. Alonzo explained that my placenta ruptured and the doctor gave him a choice, save the baby or me. His tiny body was in the bassinet for Alonzo and I to say our goodbyes. I couldn't do it. I resented him for choosing me. Especially since he had another baby on the way, I figured he didn't care if we lost ours. I resigned from my DA position and stayed home for five months. He was barely there anyway, between running his own business and tending to Iris and their son, he didn't notice the pain I was in."
"So what made you stay?" She shifted in her seat, "Well, on our two year anniversary, I served him with divorce papers. On the grounds of adultery and abandonment. We signed prenuptial agreements which has an adultery clause. I got his most prized possession, his parents vacation home in Malta, if we divorced on those grounds. He came home and explained to me that he was only trying to do right by his child and he didn't want a divorce. I told him he had thirty days to convince me that he didn't. We went to counselling for twenty-four out of the thirty and broke a lot of ground  on his affair. Why he did it, why it was with his childhood sweetheart, and why he abandoned me after we lost our son. I had to empathize with him, remembering that he lost our son, too. We chose to deal with it in two different ways. By the end of the thirty days, we chose to put our marriage first, and make our own rules of what our happiness looked like for us."
"And what does that look like?" She took a sip of her mojito, looking into space before answering, "I don't know anymore. That was four years ago, ya know? Last year, I began seeing the same patterns. He would talk about going on these business trips for weeks on end. When he is home, he'd be at the office until three and four AM. So I hired a PI, and lo and behold.." She pulled out a clasp envelope and tossed it in my lap. I opened it to see photos of a dark skinned black man with ginger hair, dressed in fancy suits, accompanied with many women on different occasions. "Any of these with his baby momma?" She nods and points to the white woman he's with the most out of all of the photos, "That's Iris." The more I looked at the photo, the clearer I could see her protruding midsection.
"She's.." "Yeah, She's pregnant.. again." Julissa downs the rest of her mojito, making an 'ahhh' noise before continuing, "It's a girl this time. They're naming her Antoinette." "Shit. Julissa, I'm sorry." She laughed it off, "You're not the person that should be apologizing." "So are you gonna ask for a divorce again?" She shrugs, "I dunno." She looked me over, without giving it a second thought she fell into my lap kissing me like a high school freshman that just discovered what making out was like.
"No, I don't." "Why the hell not? This douche bag has a whole other family and you just gon stay with him?" "This douche bag has a name, side bitch." I shove Julissa out of my way and get in Alonzo's face, "I ain't nobody's bitch. But I'm sure you heard what she call me a couple minutes ago while she came on my dick though." Alonzo clinches his jaw, then smiles, "To be quite honest, I don't care what she calls you, side bitch. You'll never be able to have her for life like I do." My anger takes over me as my fist connects to the left side of his nose. Julissa pushes me against the bedroom door, "Erik, no! You gotta go." I'm baffled at Julissa. After all of the shit he put her through, she's really choosing him over me. “All I've ever did was love yo ungrateful ass!"
"Erik, I never asked you to fall in love with me. You've been a great confidante, an incredible lover..in bed. And an even better friend. But I never told you I was leaving my husband for you. If I do leave--" "She won't." Alonzo interrupts, I lunge at him again and Julissa shoves me back against the door, "I'm leaving because I want to. Because I need to. I'm not closing one door to go right into another." Her words hit me like a eighteen wheeler. I really thought after finding out about his indiscretions again that she would leave. I guess I was wrong to assume such a thing. I grab the rest of my clothes, passing Alonzo again with that smug ass look on his face, I spit out, "Congratulations on Antoinette. She's beautiful." Julissa whines, "Erik.. That wasn't.." "It wasn't my place. I don't give a fuck. He fucked you up already Lis. Since you wanted to lead me on, let me finish the job." I scroll through my phone, "You wonder why he's so cool about this shit?" I show her screenshots of conversations between him and Iris.
A: Hey babe, I'll be in Portland for a week. I'll make sure to send AJ and Antoinette some things.
I: Good, AJ misses his daddy though. I miss you too.
A: I miss all of you like crazy. This will all be over soon. I spoke with my lawyer, he says it'll be best to serve her when I get back.
I: Okay babe. Do what you gotta do. I love you.
A: I love you too.
"Why don't you scroll to the right, Lis?" She does and sees Iris' lily white hand and a 4 carat diamond set ring on it. Julissa drops it on the ground, Alonzo picks up the clasp envelope from their dresser, handing it to Julissa. "You've been served, honey."
State of California
Petition of Divorce
Plantiff: Alonzo Jameson Steward
Defendant: Julissa Alexandria Earnheart-Steward, Esq.
On the grounds of: Adultery/Infidelity. 
Ubusi - Xhosa; “honey”
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