#i was gonna put demon baby for what's upstairs 'cause why not but that guy had a sprite so
tecchan · 7 months
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artzychic27 · 1 year
Suicide Squad quotes based on the Blood Beetle and Ikati Bleak au
Marc: Huh? What was that? I should kill everyone and escape?… Sorry. The voices. *chuckles* I'm kidding! Jeez! That's not what they really said.
Mme. Bustier: Before he ran off and joined the circus, he was Le Chein Kim. A promising athlete at Francoise DuPont. He was tutored by the demon cat himself.
Max: Kim, you know, I live for these moments with you. What do you got for me?
Kim: I raised my algebra grade up to a B. All thanks to you.
Max: *Smirks* How nice.
Mme. Bustier: He thought he was getting help, but he was falling in love.
Max: You know… There’s something I’d like for you to do for me, Kim.
Kim: Anything. I mean, yeah.
Max: I need a machine gun
Kim: … A machine gun?
Mme. Bustier: Talk about a teenage romance gone wrong.
Marinette: *To Rose* Love your perfume. What is that? The stench of death?
*Lacey smashes a window open with their bat*
Mme. Mendeleiev: Seriously? The hell's wrong with you people?!
Lacey: *takes a purse* We're bad guys. It's what we do.
Blood Beetle: You disobey us, you die.
*Ivan snarls*
Blood Beetle: You try to run, you die. You otherwise irritate or vex me... and guess what? You die.
Sabrina: I'm known to be quite vexing. I'm just forewarning you.
Blood Beetle: Lady, shut up!
Mme. Bustier: And that was just the beginning.
*Emperor and Prince Pain drive crazily through Paris when police start to follow*
Prince Pain: Come on, baby. Do it! *Emperor presses down further on the gas pedal*
Emperor: *Notices the police in the side mirrors* Oh. We have got company.
Mme. Bustier: He’s crazier than him. And more fearless.
*An officer shoots at the car*
Prince Pain: Stupid cops, you're ruining date night! *He throws his fan at the wheels, making them pop and causing the car to swerve off of the road*
Ivan: You might wanna work on your team motivation thing. You heard of Phil Jackson?
M. Monlataing: Yeah.
Ivan: He's like the gold standard, okay? Triangle, bitch. Study.
M. Monlataing: Stay back. If he moves, fire him up, all right? *Opens the door to Marc’s personal cell/dorm, where he’s hanging upside down from the bars* You gonna come down from there, or what?
*Marc giggles and swings down to the floor*
M. Monlataing: You know the rules, Marc. You gotta keep off of these bars.
Marc: What, these bars?
M. Monlataing: Yes, those bars.
*Marc chews on one of the bars*
M. Monlataing: Oh, my God. You are really in bad shape upstairs, kid.
Marc: Gonna come in here and tell me that? Or are you too scared, teacher? Come on, I'm bored. Gonna send me someone to play with.
M. Monlataing: You put five teachers and guards in the hospital, kid. You’re not playing with anyone. You sleep on the floor, in your bed.
Marc: … Nah.
Simon: Hey, everyone can see all this trippy magic stuff, right?
Reshma: Yeah. Why?
Jean: I'm off my meds
Juleka: People like us, we don't get normal!
Nino: Why is it always a knife fight every single time you open your mouth? You know, outside you're amazing. But inside, you're ugly.
Juleka: We all are. We all are! Except for him. *looks at Ivan* He's ugly on the outside, too.
Ivan: Not me. I'm beautiful.
Myléne: Yeah, you are.
Aurore: You hate mankind much? Let me guess. Mommy didn't take you to Chuck E. Cheese on your sixth birthday. I can recommend a good therapist.
Ismael: Why?
Aurore: Because I'm bored! I need a victim, a mind to pry apart and spit in.
Ismael: *Pats Jean on the shoulder* Just leave it, mate. She's a rabbit hole. Don't fall in.
Ivan: All right. Now you know what you're buying. Let me tell you the price. First, I want out of here. Second, I want full custody of my sister. All right? And mom and dad can have, like, supervised visits. But mom’s jackass brother can't come. Pavlo can't come.
Mme. Bustier: Pavlo’s out.
Ivan: He's out. Third, you’re gonna pay for my sister’s whole education. Best schools. And then I want her to go to college. Like Harvard. Or Yale.
Mme. Bustier: So Ivy League.
Ivan: Ivy League, yeah. One them big joints, you know?
Mme. Bustier: Mmm-hmm.
Ivan: And, uh, if she can't cut it and her grades start slipping, I need you to white-people that thing.
Mme. Bustier: Mmm-hmm.
Ivan: You know how we do.
Mme. Bustier: Oh, yeah.
Marinette: Anybody who touches me is dead. Anybody who to... *Gets injected* AAAAHH! Lady! Hey! Nurse, or whatever you are!
Technician: Injection successful.
Marimettte: Hey. Miss? What was that?
Technician 2: Location verified. Next!
Marinette: Oh, you fucker!
Mme. Mendeleiev: Any other requests?
Cosette: Oh! An espresso machine.
Jean: B-E-T!
Simon: *To the teachers* One day, somehow, some way, I'm gonna get out of here. And I'm gonna rain down on all of you like the Holy Ghost.
Emperor: Would you die for me?
Marc: Yes.
Emperor: That's too easy. Would you live for me?
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lionfloss · 3 years
Please tell the ghost story! The one where you were w/ ur mom
Okay so the mom one was a UFO HOWEVER!!!! Mom is a big believer in ghosts. And so I'm gonna kinda of take it from the top as to how i figured out that her and her siblings are being followed by a demon (lol): When me and my siblings were younger, we moved to a new house when i was in 1st grade (nothing ever happened before we moved). We had always experienced some weird stuff, like all the kitchen cabinets and drawers being left open, always heard the hallway/stairs creaking LOUD when no one was home or upstairs. We always would feel scared of our basement, but like thats normal for most kids. like basements are creepy right (god im literally getting chills re-living this). So also please note!!!! One time we all left for a vacation for a week and when we came back......there was a trail of baby powder leading from the bathroom to my little brothers room. Never found out what happened. Little things like this happened so many times throughout our childhood. So fast forward to when I was prob in 6th/7th grade. These next things all happened within a week of each other: My sister, her friend and I were messing with a Ouija board in the basement (corny i know BUT) and we kept asking it really lame questions like who would ask them to the dance and shit. And all of a sudden, the planchette kept going to NO and GOODBYE and we all thought someone was just faking, but then this HUGE and I mean huge ceiling high shelves fell over and everything on it SHOT off of the shelves and hit the wall across is. We fucking screaming and ran upstairs. I remember just laughing hysterically but then me and my sister later that night were like......wait what in the fuck was that tho. So my dad went down to clean everything up but since he is a huge christian, we just lied and said we knocked it over and never mentioned the Ouija board. The next day my older brother came home and he was the first one home after school, and he said that the Ouija board was on the floor of the living room (by the front door) and that the planchette had been moving slowly on its own.....obv cant confirm but weird right.
So then later that week, I remember hanging out in my little brothers room and idk why but we were looking at each other through this big glass of red koolaid, like it was pretty see-through and the glass distorted our faces and we were just giggling having fun. And i went to put the glass in front of his face and I when i looked it wasn't his face and it was some older man with dark hair. I screamed and dropped the glass and the koolaid went everywhere and my mom was LIVID and sent us to bed early like 8pm cause we were in trouble. The next morning Noah (he was like 7-8 at the time) came downstairs and was acting like kind of weird and my mom asked if he was okay and he said "I had nightmares, Abraham Lincoln kept coming out of my closet" and dude....when I say that my mom turned white, i mean she turned W H I T E. She at that point was not willing to talk to us about it cause we were so young, but a few years ago I asked her about it...So like....god it's so hard to explain and just sounds fake but my mom and her siblings have been being followed by a ghost/presence/spirit that they believe to be the man who killed himself in the 3rd cellar of my grandparent's house (the house they grew up in forever). She believes that my uncle who lived in the 3rd cellar had the demon (she thinks its a demon) attached itself to him. For YEARS she had sleep-paralysis type dreams where a tall guy in a top hat would come into her room and stand there staring or something threaten my grandma. She told me so many instances that were so freaky and she was getting so emotional when she told me. So ALSO after we moved into the new house when i was in 1st grade, that uncle had moved in with us cause he was doing really bad mentally and lived in the, you guessed it, the basement. So when my little brother said he saw abraham lincoln, she knew it was the demon in the top hat!!! and she basically said that she thinks it followed my uncle when he moved in with us and my mom knew it the whole time after we would tell her that we heard people walking around when no one else was there and the cabinets and stuff, but again wanted to spare us and also wanted to like black it out cause she hadn't "seen" it for years at that point. My Uncle is actually currently trying to write a book about all of it. ALSO we found out later that the company who designed and built my grandmas house was the same for the house we lived in and was built in the same year.
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deanswaywardgirl · 4 years
A Darker Reality
chevyA?N: This is the origin of my OC, Faith Delaney, in case any of you are curious. I don’t remember posting this, but if I did, lemme know. You know, if anyone runs across it or whatever. If not, well, here you go. 
Warnings: Protective Dean (yes that’s a warning because the protective part of him melts me), mentions of abuse, depression, anxiety
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"Slut! Get the hell out of my sight!" Faith's father yelled, raising the frying pan to hit her. The edges of her visions darkened as the pan met the top of her head, causing her to cry out before forcing herself to her feet and fleeing to her bedroom, closing the door behind her and leaning against it. Tears blurred her vision as she raised her eyes to her Supernatural poster. Moving to sit underneath it, Faith curled up against the wall and closed her eyes, sobbing. She dreamed of either dying, or being a hunter like Dean and Sam. Free, safe...ish. 
No parents hitting you every chance they get. At this point in her life, Faith would rather be thrown around a room by a demon. But then, she was sure everybody would disagree and say she was being overdramatic, which only pissed Faith off. 'How the hell would they know what I prefer, or what I go through every hour of every day?' she thought to herself. Raising her eyes to the mirror, she looked like a horror movie reject. Her shirt was torn by cigarette burns. Her face, arms, and legs were black, blue, purple, and red from the blood running from multiple wounds. She knew her "parents" wouldn't kill her; they wouldn't have anyone to beat anymore. "I'm a real Max Miller," she told her reflection as she stitched herself up. That was when she caught sight of the scars on her wrists from self-abuse. "Without the powers, obviously." Her voice cracked, recalling how Max Miller's story in season 1 of Supernatural had ended, it sending a chill down her spine. It was then she thought about how close she's come to ending her life the same way. Faith put the stitch kit away and lifted a floorboard and pulled out her laptop a friend from highschool had given to her before she'd graduated. She turned on Nightmare from said show, and laid down, thinking of everything Supernatural had done for her. The comfort and feeling of safety it brought her as, everytime she watched it, she felt like the boys were in the room with her, protecting her. It was crazy, but it helped ease her fear of being attacked every second of every day. Licking her lips, she was soon fast asleep, listening to Sam and Dean talk. The volume was up high enough that it sounded like they were in the room with her. 
Gasping awake, Faith shot up from her spot on the floor and breathed heavily, waiting for the blow that would never come. She sat up and looked around, growing confused. Her laptop, her 'bed, which consisted of several secretly acquired blankets piled on top of each other, her movies, her poster, even her mirror  were all gone. "What the hell?" she asked nobody in particular. She knew, without a doubt, her father would've beaten her senseless if he'd found her carefully hidden treasures. Getting to her feet, Faith could feel she was the only person in the house. Opening her door, she crept down the stairs and around the house until she was comfortably satisfied with her findings. Opening the front door, Faith went to take a step outside before she was violently thrown back into the house, sliding across the wood floors into the dining room. Shakily, she stood, rubbing her head and her back. Faith slowly approached the door, wondering if anyone outside the house had seen what had happened. It had felt like she had bounced off something. "I think you hit your head pretty hard, Faith, don't start losing it now." Sticking her hands up, she felt something like the outside of a tight bubble, something that was locking her inside. Faith rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Okay, okay, let's try this again." Going to take a step outside, Faith squealed as she was once again thrown back into the house, grunting as she stood up. "This can't be good." As if on cue, the door slammed shut and locked itself. "That damn Stay Puft Marshmellow Man," Faith growled before going back upstairs, done for the day. ******************* Days passed, but Faith never could find a way out of the house. She felt like a ghost in her own house, except she could touch everything in the house. Her sadness and depression soon became her only unwelcome companions, and soon, she was building the guts to take her own life. Tears fell down her cheeks as she put Dean's Samulet around her neck. "Who knows, Faith, maybe your version of Heaven is watching Supernatural with no interruptions, no beatings, no pain and no tears," she told herself as she loaded the gun in her hand. "You'll be safe, you'll be happy." Placing the gun against her chin, she aimed it toward her brain. Just then, the purr of a very familiar engine caught her attention and caused her to put the gun down and crawl over to the window, and gaze down in shock at a car she'd loved the minute she'd seen it, the one car she could see herself riding in every day. A car that was home for her two favorite men in the world. "Baby," she whispered and watched as two men stepped out, both familiar tell-tale men. "Oh my god," Faith gasped, the color draining from her face as she watched them approach the front door. "Oh god," she cried, and backed away from the window. "Okay, Faith, get a grip. This is obviously a dream. Take advantage of it, don't scare them off. Just be cool," she advised herself. As if on cue, the doorbell rang and Faith smiled as she took a deep breath descending the stairs, and another heading to the door. Opening the door, but standing as far inside as she could, she moved her eyes to both of the Winchesters' faces. "Hi, can I help you guys?" she asked. "Hey, I'm Agent Angus. This is my partner, Agent Young. We've been getting noise complaints from your neighbors. Complaints of screaming. Are you alright?" Sam asked. Faith smiled and licked her lips before shaking her head. "I'm fine, Sam," she replied before raising her hands, backing up into the houses, facing down their firearms. "Easy, guys, l'm no demon or shapeshifter or vampire, I promise. Let me prove it," she said and turned to Dean. "Silver blade and flask," she said and arched a brow at him. Dean glanced at Sam before lowering his gun and taking both out. Faith first took the flask and poured a little on her arm before touching the silver blade, handing the flask back. She then pulled up her upper lip so they could see she wasn't a vampire. "Guys, sit down, and I'll explain everything." She gestured to the couch and folded her hands in front of her. "Before I sit, would you guys like a coffee or anything?" she asked, rubbing the back of her neck. Dean looked at Sam and shrugged. "Coffee, please," he replied and gave her a tightened smile, placing his elbows on his knees. Faith nodded and went to the kitchen, soon coming back with two mugs of coffee before sitting across from them in a recliner. "Thank you, um..." Dean arched a brow, and Faith realized he wanted her name. "Oh, Faith. Faith Delaney. You can just call me Faith." "Faith, great. So, go ahead. How do you know Dean and I?" Sam asked, calmly. Faith licked her lips. "I'm Faith Delaney. I was born December 2, 1988 in Dallas, Texas and I've lived...er, existed, to regret that day ever since...until today." Rubbing her thighs, she sighed and rubbed her hands together. "But, I wasn't born a part of this world," she said, raising her blue eyes to theirs, watching as they glanced at each other in confusion, and turned back to her. "Did you really think that was gonna clear anything up?" Dean asked, one brow arching as he pursed his lips. Faith sighed and licked her lips. "Right, okay. Well, there's no easy way to put this, so I'm just gonna come right out and say it. Boys, I know you both because, where I'm from, you're television characters." Dean scoffed and stood up, shaking his head as he turned away from her. Faith swallowed hard and bowed her head, slightly flinching, expecting him to hit her, something Sam caught sight of. His brow furrowed as he filed that away for later. "I can prove it. Sam, what's the date today?" she asked, forcing her eyes to the younger Winchester.
"September 24, 2008. Why?" Sam countered. Faith's eyes moved to Dean, sympathy apparent in her features as she could tell how jumpy he was, his whole body tense and alert. "You just got back from Hell six days ago," she said, gently, and turned back to Sam, who was looking at Dean, Dean looking back at him, shock on both their faces. Sam then turned back to Faith. "Okay, here goes. Sam Winchester, you were born May 2, 1983 in Lawrence, Kansas to John and Mary Winchester. Dean, here, you were born the twenty-fourth of January in '79. Sam, you were six months old, Dean four years old, when Mary was killed by Azazel, the yellow eyed demon. He cursed you with visions of death, but we'll get to that later. John was distraught, completely broken-hearted. And angry. So angry, he became a hunter to get revenge, and so, you and Dean were raised into it. Something your mother never wanted, by the way. Dean, you embraced the hunter life when you were sixteen years old after killing a vampire, well, some kind of monster with your dad. Got the impala on your nineteenth birthday. But Sam," she turned her eyes back to the younger Winchester, "you didn't want any part of it, so you took off when you could and went to Stanford. Wanting to get into law school. There, you met Jessica Moore. From what I could tell, a strong and intelligent blond that ended up stealing that beautiful heart inside of you," she told him with a warm smile and a wink. "Two years or so later, your brother broke into your apartment and convinced you to go look for John, and you both ended up hunting A Woman in White. You never found John. Dean took you back home, and that same night, you lost Jessica. Same way you lost your mother." She swallowed hard and licked her lips. "Both of you hit the road after that, hunting wendigoes, shapeshifters, faced your first demon on an airplane. Phantom traveler. You guys even faced an Indian curse that had to do with bugs. I hated that episode, by the way. You went back home to Lawrence to face a poltergeist in your old house, two of them and one of them being your mother. She saved you both. Skip down the road, you lost your father to Yellow Eyes as well, after he made a deal to save Dean, who ended up in a coma after a terrible car accident. Dean, going crazy with guilt, made a deal to bring you back from the dead a year later. A year after that, you lost Dean to hellhounds. And now, you're back, and here we all are." She sighed and watched the two of them, both uncomfortable about a complete stranger telling them their whole life story. "And boys, that's just seasons one through three. We're just starting season four." Sam sighed and glanced up at Dean, who was obviously not buying any of it. Faith swallowed hard as she watched him, and stood up, her eyes full of sympathy. "Dean, I'm promising you this now, on my soul, I'm not lying to you. I have nothing to gain from lying, and I wouldn't lie to you. Not after everything the two of you have done for me....you two were there when I had no one. Hell, if you guys hadn't shown up when you did, I'd have shot myself upstairs. So, once again, you two have saved my life." Dean felt in his gut, despite what she was telling them being impossible, that she was telling the truth. Licking his lips, he sighed. "Okay," he finally spoke, "let's pretend you're telling us the truth. How are you here now? I mean, I assume that magic doesn't exist on the other side, so how'd you get here?" Faith shook her head. "I dunno. I went to sleep last night watching Nightmare, and woke up to a house that was completely void of people.  My laptop, all of my stuff was gone." Both boys' brows furrowed. "Nightmare?" Sam asked. "The case involving Max Miller, Sammy--er, Sam, I'm sorry." she said and shook her head with an apologetic smile. "Wait,you keep saying things like we saved your life, that you were alone without us, and you'd be a doornail upstairs if we hadn't shown up." Faith turned pained blue eyes up to him. "Were you depressed?" Dean asked, his brow furrowed. "That happens when you have a crappy home life. No disrespect to your parents, guys, but at least you two are free. But really, its all in the eyes of the beholder." "What do you mean?" Dean asked, his eyes moved over her. He saw the stitches, the scars, the bruises. "You were abused." Faith swallowed, pulling her sleeves down past her hands before wrapping her arms around herself, giving him a stiff nod without looking up at him. "He wasn't the only one doing the abusing, he just did most of it," she muttered, her thumb rubbing at her wrist. Dean clenched his jaw and closed his eyes before wiping his hand over his face. 
"Guys, there's something else. I can't leave the house, like, at all. When I first woke up, back in August, I tried walking outside just to get some fresh air and got thrown back in. It felt like I'd bounced off something. There's something wrong with this house, like its possessed or something. And before you suggest it, I'm not a ghost. I have a heartbeat." Faith took a deep breath and rubbed her forehead, exhausted. "I'm tired, stressed, and emotional. I'm all alone, and I'm on the verge of going stir crazy." She looked between the brothers, and watched as they exchanged soulful looks. "Go ahead and talk, guys, just please..." her voice cracked as she moved her eyes to Dean. "Please, Dean...don't leave me here alone. I don't wanna be alone anymore. Just help me leave this place. You don't trust me, I get it. I'm nobody to you, but I'm begging you here...I'm at your mercy," she whispered. Dean swallowed hard as he listened to her, feeling for this girl.
"Okay. Okay, Faith, look at me," he called to her, earning a teary look. "We'll help you, sweetheart." Sam stood and went to place his hand on her shoulder when she jumped back and crossed her arms over her chest and sighed. "I'm sorry, Sam, its a habit." "No, I'm sorry, Faith." The girl shook her head with a warm smile. "You have nothing to apologize for. It'll just take some getting used to. Trusting people, that is." "Well, we won't hurt you, that's for sure, and we'll set you free. You'll be okay," Dean told her and winked, earning a smile from the girl. ******************* "Okay. So, we think a demon brought you here with a spell, but didn't finish it. And that's why you can't leave this place." "Slacker idjit," she said, and rolled her eyes, then glanced up at Dean who was slightly smirking down at her, then licked his lips. "Anyway, we asked a friend to help us out," he said and opened the door. "Faith, say hello to our little friend," he said with an attempt at an Italian accent. She chuckled and heard the sound of fluttering wings, then turned around to see Castiel standing there. "Hello, Faith," the angel said, simply. "Hey Cas. Good to meet the angel who pulled Dean out of the pit. Nice job with that," she said, her arms crossed over her chest. She noticed the angel give her a curious look before he circled her. "Now, I see why they attempted to bring her here." "What do you mean, Cas?" Dean asked, watching the angel. "Killing a Nephilim is one of the sixty-six seals. And with Faith, you're killing two birds with one stone. If they kill Faith, then not only is Lilith breaking another seal, but she's taking away Michael's second in command in the battle between Heaven and Hell." Faith's brow furrowed as she turned confused and slightly afraid blue eyes to Dean.
"What is he talking about?" she asked and turned to Castiel. "What do you mean by Nephilim? I'm human, Castiel!" she panicked. The angel moved up to her and stared deeply into her eyes, making Faith incredibly uncomfortable. "You have no memory of this? The angel that conceived you must've erased any memories you had. Faith, you're half arch-angel, half human. You're a Nephilim." The color drained from the girl's face as she felt like her lungs had stopped working and her legs had turned to jello. Gasping for breath, Faith searched for something to sit on. "No wonder we could never find her, the Heavenly Hosts erased her memories and put  her in a different realm," Castiel continued, not paying attention to the hyperventilating girl in front of him. Dean turned to his friend, who now stood at the window.
"Castiel, what do you mean you couldn't find her? You've known about her this whole time? Look, we're supposed to be helping this girl, not giving her a heartattack," Dean scolded the angel before kneeling down in front of Faith and took her hand. "Faith, look at me, and breathe. There you go," he said when her breathing started to slow and even out, "That's it, good girl." Faith relaxed in her chair, and forced her eyes from Dean to Castiel who was now staring at her. "If you're sure, then that means I've been from this world the entire time." Faith said and rubbed her forehead. "But why send me to that side of the fence? And why hand me over to those abusive..." Her eyes glowed a bright blue as lights blew out around her, her angel wings speading out behind her, the shadow of them on the wall behind her, her fists clenched tightly at her sides.
"Faith! Calm down!" Castiel called to her, and saw no choice as he placed two fingers to her forehead, watching as she fell to the floor, fast asleep. "What the hell was that?" Dean growled at Cas before looking down at the sleeping girl at his feet. "Dean, this girl...it all makes sense now. Years ago, there was a rumor that a Nephilim had come into being, but we could never find it. Michael never comes to Earth, so we had no reason to suspect him of such treason. This girl dead will achieve three victories for the demons. One broken seal, she won't play her pivotal part in the apocalypse, and she's the Nephilim child of the highest archangel on the scale, Michael." Dean's eyes widened before they fell back down to the sleeping girl at his feet. Swallowing hard, he gently scooped her up into his arms and laid her on the bed, then turned back to Castiel. "You're sure about this?" he asked. "Yes." "How?" "Dean, I can see Michael's mark on her heart. Its how we tell who the angel father is. Almost like a brand. Nephilim are forbidden by the highest laws of Heaven which explains why he put her somewhere nobody would ever look. But still, I can't believe he'd do this."
"What's gonna happen to her?" Dean asked, glancing down at the sleeping girl. "I don't know." Dean's attention snapped to Castiel. "You're not gonna help her? Why? Cas, she's an innocent girl. She didn't ask for any of this, man, and that includes being created, or to be brought here by the damn demons that want her dead. She doesn't deserve to be killed like a common monster." He sighed, squeezing the bridge of his nose. "We'll fix this, then we'll get her out of here, and take her to Bobby's, and go from there. I'm not leaving an innocent girl, who's not even a hunter, to fend for herself against Heaven and Hell, and everything else in between. Especially after everything she's already been through. As far as I can tell, she deserves better than both Michael and that son of a bitch on the other side," Dean said, shaking his head. *******************
Faith awoke to the purr of an engine that sounded like it was coming from beneath her. Blinking her eyes open, she glanced around the interior of the impala and couldn't help but smile. "You didn't leave me behind," she said, softly, earning Dean's attention. "I made you a promise, didn't I?" he asked her, and handed her a brown bag. "Bacon cheeseburger, no onions. You don't seem like a chick that likes onions," he told her, not taking his eyes off the road. "Good call," she said, glad he couldn't see the red tint in her cheeks, taking the burger out and biting into it, moaning. "Oh god, Dean, that's awesome." Dean smirked. "I have a feeling we're gonna be good friends." Faith smiled brightly and ate her burger quietly, not pushing her limits.
@ellewritesfix05​ @whispersandwhiskerburn​ @chevyharvelle​ @allfandomxreader​
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ms-rampage · 4 years
Eden’s Gate: Aftermath Chapter 5 - The Growing Family of Hunters
Warnings: Swearing.
Word count: 2.9k
This is a short follow up series to Kidnapped leading up to the nuclear holcaust, and the beginning of New Dawn. 
Summary: Kate recovers from her Bliss hallucination after being forced out by her Archangel, Paige gets a new lead on Joseph, and the guys' families come by.
Guest OCs: Too many at this point. FML. 
Guest Characters: Gabriel [mentioned], God/Chuck [mentioned], Sam and Dean Winchester [in flashback]. Too many FML. 
One year earlier
Toledo, Ohio 
"So you sure you're not mad at her anymore?" Dean asks Paige. 
She sighs, "Yes Dean, I'm no longer mad at Kate". 
Sam, Dean, Paige and Kate are tracking down a nest of vampires in the Ohio woods. 
"Okay but from what Brent told me. You were very upset because she wanted out of this life" he tells her. 
She sighs again, "Yeah, yeah I know I was, but I got over it". 
10 feet behind them, Sam and Kate have their conversation on the whole "leaving the hunter life behind". 
"You know I wanted to stop hunting as well" Sam tells Kate. 
She looks up at her tall cousin, "Really?". 
He nods, "Yeah I went off to college at Stanford. Studying to be a lawyer". 
"What happened?!" she asks. 
"Our dad went missing, and Dean went by my dorm. I helped him out on one hunt then that night I went back to my room" he takes a deep breath, "Then the demon that killed our mom killed my girlfriend Jess". 
She looks up at him once more with sad eyes, "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that" she tells him. 
He exhales, "It's fine. We were able to kill him". 
"What demon?" she asks. 
"Azazel. Yellow eyes" he tells her. 
She looks up at him again, "Azazel?. He killed our dad". 
Dean and Paige look back at them. 
"What happened?" Dean asks. 
"Paige the demon that killed dad, what was his name?!" she asks.
"Azazel" she responds. 
Kate scoffs, "What is up with that bastard killing our parents?!?"
"We're Winchesters" Dean replies, "That's what happens to us". 
Trying to recover from her hallucination trip. Fucking Gabriel pushed her out. Forcing her ass to wake up. Dealing with the withdrawals of the Bliss.
The sun shining in her face, making her go blind for a brief moment. 
“It’s morning already?!” Kate thinks to herself. 
She stares off into space, staring up at the ceiling. “What the hell Gabe?!”. She gets startled by a knock at her bedroom door, followed by the knob jiggling.
“Kate!!” Paige calls out, “We got a lead on Joseph come down and we’ll talk about it”.
She gets out of bed, and looks in the mirror.
Her eyes aren’t as white as she thought they would be.
Unlocking her door, and going downstairs with the others.
Everyone including Rachel are sitting at the kitchen table.
“Okay so now that we’re all here” Paige says, “I finally got the lead on Joseph’s whereabouts”.
“So where could he be hiding out?!?” Cody asks.
“It could be anywhere in Hope County” Marty says.
“True!!” Paige says, pointing a pointer at them like she were a teacher, “But I got an exact location, and its pretty fucking obvious”. 
Waiting and already knowing of his whereabouts. They all just want to see Paige look like an idiot, or more like an idjit.
“Where is he hiding?!” Kenny asks in a smartass kind of way.
“His fucking church” she mutters angrily, “Please fucking kill me!!”.
Everyone stares at her as if she were a fucking dumbass.
“I could’ve fucking guess he was there!!!” Adrian yells.
“Well he wasn’t there before” Paige says in her defense, “He wasn’t anywhere near the statue. Or Teller Ranch which is a real location in a different part of Hope County that I didn’t even know existed!!”.
“So now what?!?” Mandy asks.
“Well we go there, we get him, and we fucking kill him” Paige answers as if it were a dumb question. 
“Is killing Joseph Seed really a necessary thing?!?” she asks.
Paige glares at her mother with furrowed eyebrows, “Is that a real, serious question?!. Of fucking course killing him is necessary”. 
“I mean we don’t have to kill him though. Maybe have him arrested? Maybe?” she says. 
Paige scoffs, “Mom I get you were the “Mother of Eden’s Gate” for a few months, but come fucking on. This man fucking tortures, and manipulates people. Rachel is a good fucking example of that”.
“You’re not going soft for this man are you Mandy?!” Kenny asks in a calm voice. 
“I feel like he needs to be protected” Mandy says, shrugging.
“Protected?!?! What the fuck?!?” Paige blurs out, “He doesn't need to be protected. If God, or Chuck wants Joseph to be protected he would’ve shown himself to him. Like he has with us in the past. Like he has with Sam and Dean”. 
Barbara steps in and defends Mandy, “Paige you shouldn’t talk to your mother like that. If she says Joseph needs to be protected then he needs to be protected”.
Paige sighs, and says “Barb I know you and my mom are close. But this man, he doesn’t deserve to be protected. Not by my mom, not by my family, not by his followers, and definitely not by Chuck”.
Barbara and Paige stare at each other for a moment, then Rachel clears her throat and speaks up. Everyone looks over at her. 
“Joseph, he may seem like a good person to his followers. But he’s a monster. I was afraid of him, and so was John. Jacob not so much. I’m still afraid of him. Joseph, he drugged, manipulated, and threatened me. I was only 17, he took advantage of me. He helped me find my purpose but I was still scared of him.”
Mandy speaks up, “Is that why you were always around me when I was The Mother?”
Rachel nods, “Yes because I felt safe around you. Joseph wouldn’t hurt you because you were The Mother. He wanted to keep you safe, protected and to guide us to New Eden”. 
“Mom did Joseph ever try to do anything harmful to you?” Kate asks, still recovering from the Bliss trip.
“No, he didn’t try to do anything that’ll cause me harm” she says, shaking her head.
Mark clears his throat, and awkwardly says “Very bad timing, but our families are coming over to live with us. They’ll be over around 1pm”. 
“Alright good, but where are they gonna stay?!?” Kate asks.
“Well my wife and kids can sleep in my room” Nate says, “Since the extra houses are still being put up”.
“My family can do the same” Mark says.
“My wife Brandi is gonna live with us as well” Cody adds.
“So is my wife” Adrian says as well.
“And my fiance as well” Martin says.
“Okay!!” Paige says loudly, “So we’re gonna have Nate, Ellen and your guys 3 kids, Mark, Dana and your guys 2 kids, Cody and Brandi, Martin and Megan, Adrian and Amanda. As well as Kenny, myself, Cristina and baby number 2. Rachel, Kate and the Seed spawn, mom, and Barb”. 
She lets out an exaggerated exhale after saying the names of all the people that are gonna live with them in the one huge soon to be 3 house.
“Are we gonna ignore the fact that we’re gonna have more people living here with small children. When we have a bunch of crazy Cultist fuckers running around and trying to kill us?!?” Kenny asking the real questions. 
They all exchange looks for a bit, and Paige speaks up.
“I mean Kenneth. We all hunt demons, ghosts and monsters for a living. We all have died at least 3-6 times at some point, and came back. Who wins? A bunch of human cultists? Or a bunch of demon boys with powers?”.
They all once again exchange looks. “She has a point, Kenny” Mark tells him. 
They all agree with Paige’s analogy. They’ve all died several times in their lives, were brought back and continued their lives as hunters. Them being hunters is how they all met. It’s how Paige and Kenneth met. It’s quite a romantic story. How they met. 
“Well, thank Chuck we’re putting up 2 more houses” Kenny chuckles. 
“Speaking of that!” Adrian speaks out, “We should get going with that”.
“Agree” Cody says, getting up from his seat. 
The guys all go upstairs and change into their construction gear. They spent the next several hours putting up the houses with the help of 8 Holland Valley locals.
1pm arrives, and the guys families, and significant others arrive.
They hug and greet each other. Catch up on life.
Introduce each other to their families. 
The children go, and explore the huge 11 bedroom house.
All of them sitting at the kitchen table. 
“How was the drive?” Paige asks Cody’s wife Brandi.
She groans, “Hell. Complete Hell”.
Paige laughs softly, “Sounds about right”.
“This house is huge!!!” Dana says, looking around.
“Yep, when Kenneth and I bought it last year after we got married. It had 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, the living room was 450 square feet I think. The kitchen was 450 as well, but with the dining room it’s 780 square feet. The backyard was 2 acres. After a few months we remodel the entire house. It took 7-9 months, we finished back in April of this year. We added 6 more bedrooms, 6 more bathrooms, the living room is now 690 square feet, we purchased 2 more acres of land, so we now have 4 acres of land. We have a bunker that I didn’t had until we’re half way through remodeling the house.”
“It’s huge!” Kate says, “The bunker. It has a full kitchen, a library, a medical room, I think like 10-12 rooms, 6 bathrooms. I think it was a hidden military bunker because we found a lot of Army paraphernalia, old weapons and shit. There’s beds, it’s all stocked up with canned foods, pasta, water, toilet paper and all that shit”.
“I really like the garage that leads down to the bunker” Mandy adds.
Paige says, “Oh yeah the garage we have has a secret entrance inside. That’s why we park our cars in the driveway because we often go down there. The floor lifts up and leads underground. Very Batman-like. My cousin Dean would be very jealous”. 
Later that evening they all sit outside, and have dinner.
Mandy, Paige and Kenny made some burgers, fries and a bunch of other meats for them, and their guests. Celebrating the freedom from 2 of the 3 Seeds. Since Faith/Rachel has a change of heart and she’s proving everyday that she has. 
Kate invited Wheaty because she’s dating him, as well as all her friends Morgan, Alissa, Sarah, Ryan, Dylan, Kevin the twins Ivan and Isaiah. She really needed to get John off her damn mind and having all her friends around will help with that. 
Hoping they’ll give her some comfort. Paige also invited the Rye’s, Mary May, Pastor Jerome, Grace, Sharky, Hurk Jr, Eli, Tammy, and Jess Black. Amongst others.
Kate hugs Wheaty tightly, sinking into his arms, forgetting all about John, and actually listening to Gabriel’s advice. 
“I missed you” she says into his shoulder.
He chuckles, “I missed you too”, and kisses the side of her head. 
Everyone has a great time, eating, talking and either getting to know each other, or catching up. Paige and Jess finally caught and set up a day for them to go hunting. Seeing her goddaughter Cristina for the first time in several months.
Kate goes the rest of the evening not thinking about John, or even having any memories of him, or his existence in her life. Doing what her Guardian Archangel told her to do and forget about him. Thinking about the good things happening in life. 
The tiny human that's growing inside her, she’s with someone that makes her happy. She has her family, and friends. 
"So what do you wanna do on Halloween?" Wheaty asks her. 
Paige gives Kate a narrow eyed look, "Tell him" she nudges her sister's arm. 
She stumbles and tells him, "To, to uh. To be 100% honest Wheat, I don't like Halloween". 
He raises his eyebrows at her, "Really? I figured you would love Halloween!". 
Paige looks over at her little sister, "Kate tell him why you don't like Halloween!". 
She shakes her head, "Uhh no I don't want to". 
"I'll tell him if you don't" she playfully threatens. 
She groans, rolling her eyes, giving in to tell them "Okay fine!. One time when I was 11-12 before we were taken away from our mom. We were living in Louisiana at the time, and I was invited by one of my classmates to go to her Halloween party. She invited one of our classmates that I had a huge crush on". 
"It gets better!!" Paige interrupts, telling Sharky, Jess, Eli and Wheaty. 
Kate rolls her eyes, "Anyway. She had a bobbing for apples game thing, and I for some fucking reason wanted to impress that boy in my class. So I bobbed for the apples, but when I’m around someone I like, I tend to get a little queasy. When it was my turn, I went to grab an apple and I threw up in the water”. 
Paige bursts into laughter, while everyone at the table looks over at Kate either trying to hold back laughter, or gasping dramatically. Wheaty puts his arm around Kate as a sign of comfort, kissing the side of her head. 
“But wait!. It gets better!!’ she tells them, “Everyone saw that I threw up in the apple bucket. Some laughed, some gasp in shock. The boy that I liked saw everything, I went to run away, but I slipped, I stupidly grabbed the bucket and the water along with my vomit and the apples spilled all over me”. 
Paige continues to laugh hysterically. “What happened afterwards?!?” Sharky asks. 
“I ran out the house and hid in the woods behind her house until my mom came to pick me up”.  
Wheaty kisses the side of her head again, comforting her. 
“Ya know the same thing happened to me when I was a kid” Sharky tells her. 
“Really? What did you do?” she asks. 
“I don’t know. I don’t remember much from that” he tells her, and walks away to the other guests. 
“Anyway, we can still do something for Halloween. It doesn’t have to be Halloween related” Wheaty tells her. 
She’s hesitant about answering him. “C’mon Kate that was 10 years ago. Get over it!” Paige tells her. 
“Paige that was humiliating” she tells her, “It all happened in front of a guy I liked”.
“Well what if I told you we can hang out and it won’t involve bobbing for apples or any Halloween related games” he tells his girlfriend. 
“Come on Kate spend some time with your boyfriend” Morgan tells her, “Who cares if it's on Halloween”. 
“Just pretend it’s another day” Sarah tells her. 
She finally gives in after all her friends and sister convince her after 10 minutes “Okay we can do something for October 31st” she finally gives in and gives him an answer. 
“Don’t dress as a clown” Morgan tells them, “Kate hates clowns”.
“More like is afraid of clowns” Alissa adds. 
They all laugh and have a great night together. Celebrating their freedom from the Seeds with only 1 more to go. With the Winchesters around they’ll all be gone before Halloween. 
Joseph’s days are numbered. 
Later that night when all the guests leave and everyone goes to sleep, Paige and Kate are down stairs putting leftovers away. Once they're done, Paige goes upstairs to her bedroom.
“Welp I’m gonna get some shut eye” she tells her, “You coming up?”.
Kate who is distracted by her thoughts, snaps her head up to look at her sister, “Uhh yeah, yeah I’ll be up in a bit. I just need to do something first”. 
Once she leaves upstairs, Kate goes to the backdoor and steps outside into the backyard out into the cool Montana night. 
She walks 20 feet away from the house, far enough where the others won’t be able to hear her. Looks up into the sky, looking at the stars, moon, thick clouds covering the moon, the visible galaxies from Earth and prays. 
Taking a deep breath, “Hey Gabriel” she starts, “It’s me. Ya girl”. She lets out a short laugh before continuing. 
“I just. I just wanted to say” trying to keep her breath steady, “I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for getting me over John. For getting me out of Hell, protecting me from Lilith. Everything. I don’t. I don't think I ever thanked you for all that". 
The night goes completely silent, the crickets go silent, “If you can show me a sign that you heard me that would be great”.
She looks around the property to see if anything changed, she looks up at the moon and sees the clouds surrounding it disperse. Moving away from the glowing rock in the sky.
She chuckles softly to herself, looking up “Is that you?”. A shooting star flies past the moon confirming that her Archangel heard her and is giving her a sign that he heard everything she said. Followed by a cool gust of wind, making her hair dance in the breeze.
Smiling up at the sky, “You heard” she mutters and goes back inside the house. 
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rivthejellyfish · 4 years
Word Count: 1235
Warnings: Stabbing, cussing
Characters: Sam, Dean, Sister!reader
    “Uh, guys?” Y/N said, looking at the fourth page.
     “What is it?” Sam asked, glancing over.
Help needed
Recently, my crops have been failing for the past two weeks, and I can not figure out why. Not only that, but my cows have been mutilated. I can’t find out how either of these two things are happening and would be incredibly grateful if someone could explain.
      “I think it may be something else besides a shapeshifter,” She said, standing up as she reread the ad again.
     “What do you mean?” Dean asked. 
     “Take a look at this,” She said, handing him the newspaper over to him.
     “Great,” He said sarcastically, giving it over to Sam as Y/N sat back down on one of the beds. Sam read through it and tossed it onto the table, leaning back in his chair.
     “So there may be demons?” He said, looking over at Dean. Dean turned to Y/N.
     “You’re staying here,” He said.
     “What? Why?” Y/N asked.
     “There could be demons and we’re not taking that chance. It’s safer if you stay here and we can take care of it,” He said as he and Sam grabbed what they would need.
     “What chance?” She asked, standing up.
     “The chance of you getting hurt,” He replied.
     “But I’ve helped kill every monster in the past month!” She said, finding this incredibly unfair.
     “Demons are different,” Sam said, ready to go. Dean grabbed one more thing and walked over towards the door where Sam was waiting.
     “This is stupid,” Y/N mumbled.
     “Stay here. Don’t leave the room until we get back,” Dean instructed. Y/N sighed.
     “Alright,” She said, nodding.
     “We’ll be back soon,” Sam said before they left. They shut the door and Y/N plopped onto the bed.
After three hours, Y/N began to worry. It should’ve been done a while ago. She grabbed her phone and tried calling Sam. However, no one answered. When she tried calling Dean, she was met with the same result.
     “Dammit,” She mumbled. She was thinking of what she should do when she gotta message.
Need help - 3287 Jar Street
Y/N read the message and quickly started gathering her things. However, after picking up the holy water, she paused. Sam and Dean wouldn’t have told her to come help, they would’ve told her to call Cas or someone else. Not with what they were saying earlier. If she went there, she would be walking right into a trap. She picked up her phone and tried tracing the message. When she finally managed to do it, she was surprised it had worked. Turns out, they weren’t on 3287 Jar Street. The message was sent from further down the road. She sighed as a plan formed in her head. “It’s safer, they said. We can take care of this, they said,” She mimicked as she picked up her jacket. She shook her head as she opened the door. “Idiots.”
She got to the address she tracked and pulled out her phone.
I’m coming now, are you two good?
She sent the message and placed her phone on a branch in the tree she stood next to. She walked quietly towards an old house that looked as if no one has lived there for a hundred years, which was probably true. After looking through the first floor, she realized they were upstairs. Not only that, but the demon knife seemed to have been knocked out of either Sam or Dean’s hands, considering it was halfway under the couch. She picked it up and looked around, trying to find an area to put a devils trap. She found a rug and quickly and as quietly as possible spray painted a devil’s trap underneath it. She glanced around the room as she laid the rug the same way it had been before. After doing so, she walked towards the stairs and knocked the old lamp off the old shelf that was near the stairs. Within seconds, two demons at the top of the stairs. She put a scared look on her face and turned and started running, heading towards the rug with the demons chasing right behind her. She got to the room and practically ran into a wall that was only three feet away from the trap. The demon went to jump at her, but he was stuck. Before he could say anything, she covered his mouth and stabbed him in the stomach with the knife. The skeleton lit up orange before she pulled the knife out and let him fall to the floor, turning to the other one. She did the same to him before he could say anything, even though he seemed too shocked to say anything. She stepped over their bodies and walked back towards the stairs, holding out the knife as she quietly went up.
      “What’s gonna happen is baby Winchester is going to walk into the house, not knowing it’s trip wired, and then the whole place will blow up with her in it. Sounds fun to me,” She heard the demon say. Y/N quietly walked towards the room, looking over her shoulder every five seconds to make sure no one was there.
     “She won’t fall for it,” She heard Sam say. 
     “Not according to what she just messaged me. She’s on her way there as we speak,” The demon said. Y/N smirked, liking the next part of her plan. She put the demon knife in her sleeve, hoping the demon wouldn’t see it at first, and knocked over the bookshelf right next to her. “What was that?” She heard the demon say as Y/N fell to the ground next to it, closing her eyes and pretending to be knocked out. She heard the door open and could hear someone walking over to her. There was a short laugh before she felt someone grab her by the collar and start dragging her somewhere. After a couple seconds, the person let go and Y/N allowed herself to fall to the floor, still pretending to be passed out. “Guess you were right. She didn’t fall for it. But I think her battle with the bookshelf she had out there shows that it’s surprising she didn’t.” She felt the demon start lifting her head up. “I think I’m going to kill her here. More fun,” She felt something sharp against her stomach and knew if she struck, the demon could stab her in the stomach. 
     "Don't touch her," She heard Dean say harshly. 
     "Why not? I like it. I kill her, get away, and then both of you feel guilty that you couldn't save her. That'd be fun." Y/N felt the knife move and decided to go for it. She quickly pulled the knife out of her sleeve and turned over, going to stab the demon. The demon reacted quickly however and pushed Y/N’s hand aside before the knife got to her. The demon went to stab her where it would kill her, but missed and stabbed the ground right beside her. Y/N pushed the demon to the side and stabbed her in the stomach, causing her to light up orange just like the other two before she pulled the knife out and the demon stopped moving. She stood up and walked towards Sam and Dean. 
     "Didn't you say you had it under control?" She asked.
     "Just shut up and untie the rope."
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myinconnelly1 · 4 years
A Life Unlived: Life is Full of Surprises pt. 1
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Masterlist / Previous
Word Count: 1613
A/N: Season 6!
Warnings:  themes of cheating, canon gore, angst- oh so much angst, implied character death (canon). 
September 2010
“Bobby?”  Myin called as she opened the door to his home very slowly.  He had been working hard to try and break his contract with the demon Crowley to no avail.  “Bobby are you here?  I brought you something to eat?”  She could smell something burning and a scream of agony from the basement.
“Oh hey, Myin,”  Bobby said coming back upstairs and closing the door behind him.  “Hi there little Jenny,”  He cooed at the little girl.  “What’s going on?”
“I brought you some food, I didn’t think you’d have bothered to eat correctly,”  Myin teased him, as she offered a covered bowl.
“You spoil me,”  Bobby grinned slightly.  “Why are you really here?”  He said as they walked into the kitchen and Bobby got a spoon.
“Alright, not that we need a reason to visit Uncle Bobby,”  Myin smiled bouncing Jenny on her hip.  “But, I thought I saw something snooping around my house.”
“You still got that sigil up from Kali?”  Bobby asked.  Myin nodded.  “I’ll come check it out for you guys tomorrow okay?  Dani and Penny with their grandma?”
A knock on the door got Bobby and Myin’s attention before she had a chance to respond.
“Are you expecting someone?”  Myin whispered and bobby shook his head.  They walked over to the door and Bobby answered it. Jody and a federal agent were standing there.  Jody looked pissed, then saw Myin and exhaled some maintaining her poker face.
“Bobby, this is Special Agent Adams of the FBI.  He has some questions for you,”  Jody huffed in an exhausted fashion.
“Listen, Singer.  We aren’t finished with my problem.  I expect and update from you about the issue,”  Myin took on a grumpy customer look and started to storm out of the house past the FBI agent.  “Oh!” She turned on her heel for extra emphasis.  “And don’t screw it up this time.”
Myin left the house as quickly as she could hoping that her performance had helped Bobby in any way and that the FBI agent wouldn’t come to her hoping to ask questions.  She just had to hope that Bobby would figure out what was stalking her house.
October 2010
Dean had heard enough with his many recent conversations.  Between the woman telling him about her boob job, then Bobby’s overshare.  He was still reeling with the revelation from Lisa.  Sam’s answers were the only befuddling part, but they did set him at ease slightly.  Now he just needed to know how to break this curse.  He hit speed dial 9 something he hadn’t done in a long time.
“Dean?”  Myin’s voice was quiet and unsure as she answered his call.  “Why are you calling me?  I thought you had moved on?”
“I uh- look I was an asshole,”  He sighed deeply.
“You’re damn right you are.  You call me out of the blue without ever coming back and checking on us.  I didn’t know how I was going to handle everything.  Do you know how hard things were for me after you left?!”  Myin had unwittingly slipped into the role of the truth sayer that his curse was forcing him to live through.  Dean fought back his hurt.
“Myin, stop.  I’ve been cursed,”  Dean said trying to give her some dignity.
“What?  Are you going to die?!  I just got a hold of you and your going to die?!  I can’t go through that.  Not again.  Not after Sam.  The girls need me, I just don’t think I would make it.  Please don’t say you are going to die.  Please just lie to me instead,”  She huffed at the end.  “What the hell?  I didn’t want to say all of that?”
“Yeah, I’m cursed to hear the truth from people that are talking to me.  Trust me, it’s kinda annoying,”  Dean chuckled at the hurt that he felt for Myin.  “People keep springing important information on me that I wish I had known earlier.”  The phone clicked.  “Myin?”  He looked at the screen of his phone seeing that the call had ended.
“What’s going on?”  Sam asked meeting up with him by the Impala.
“Just trying to figure out how to break this dumb curse,”  Dean responded putting his phone away for the time being.
The brothers had been caught by the goddess Veritas, and forced to play a game of what she called ‘truth or truth’.  
“You're covered in blood until you're covered in your own blood. Half the time, you're about to die. Like right now. I told myself I wanted out… that I wanted a family.”  Dean said sighing.
“But you were lying,”  The Goddess said to him with a smirk.
“No. But what I'm good at… is slicing throats. I ain't a father. I'm a killer. And there's no changing that. I know that now,”  Dean said regretfully.  As if on cue Dean’s phone started to ring.
“Who’s Myin?”  Veritas asked coyly.  “Oh well, I guess you won’t get to find out what she has to say.  Cause you will be dead.”
“Ever since I came back, I am a-a better hunter than I've ever been! Nothing scares me anymore! 'Cause I can't feel it. I don't know what's wrong with me. I think… I need help,”  Sam said after they had killed the goddess.  But Dean had had enough of his lies.  He turned and punched his brother, but all the hurt and rage that he had kept bottled up for the last year fueled him and Dean just kept hitting Sam.
He finally got off of his brother, then remembered that Myin had called.  He hauled Sam into the Impala then started the drive to the Campbell’s compound.  He pulled out his phone to listen to the message the woman left him, knowing that she would have still felt compelled to tell the truth.
“Dean, there is a lot I need to tell you, but I can feel the magic and I don’t want to tell you everything because you are cursed.  I guess the two most important things I need to tell you is that I have a baby and that I’m not sure we can ever go back to being together.  It felt wrong to betray Sam even after Ruby, but I won’t deny that I think I was in love with you.  Oh who am I kidding.  I’m still in love with you… Shit!  This dumb curse is strong.  Anyway, we should talk about… everything.  But after this curse it gone,”  That was the end of the message.  Dean felt his heart shattering.  He was confused and hurt, but he also knew he was right to stay out of her lift when Sam had died.  He didn’t want to drag her down with him.
December 2010
“Myin, what are you doing here?”  Bobby asked when he answered the door.  He looked over his shoulder into his house in a paranoid fashion then stepped out to talk with her on the front porch.
“You asked me to bring you some things?”  Myin asked looking at him suspiciously.  Bobby sighed knowing that he had made himself look guilty.
“Balls.  Look, I’m sorry.  I know I asked for stuff yesterday, I forgot.  It’s been busy,”  Bobby said fiddling with his hat.
“Hard hunt?”  Myin asked looking around before her eyes settled on a car that answered all of her questions.  “Dean is here?”
“Yeah… I should have warned you.”  Bobby said twirling the short strands of Jenny’s hair.  “She really looks like him.  You guys should go before he comes to find me.”
“Who comes to find… Myin?”  Dean asked as he walked around the side of the house from working on his car.  Dean saw Jenny, and looked down at his feet.  “Sorry, I guess that was me.  I’ll give you some space.”
“Wait…”  Myin said before biting her tongue.  Dean turned to look at her.  “You never called me back.”
“Yeah I’ve been-”
“Busy,”  Myin said at the same time as Dean, her shoulders slumping a little.  “I have a lot to tell you, Dean.  We should talk some time.”
“I’m gonna go inside,”  Bobby said giving Dean a very harsh look, that the Winchester didn’t think was warranted.
“I have stuff to say as well,”  Dean said.  “I think I should tell you my thing first so you understand that I haven’t been avoiding you.”  Myin nodded to let him speak first.  “Sam is alive.  Actually, he was never really gone.  I didn’t know that until a couple weeks ago.  But He’s not okay.  He didn’t have a soul.”
“Sam’s alive?”  Myin’s eyes watered with tears and the hurt was written all over her face.  She cleared her throat.  “I can see why that would make you very busy.”
“I’ve been working to get his soul back, and I’m hoping he will be okay,”  Dean said, sadly.
“This is my daughter, Jenny,”  Myin said bouncing the young child on her hip.  Dean looked at the little girl, she was older than Dean expected her to be, and absolutely gorgeous.  He hair was fine and still short, but a sandy blond, and her grey eyes had flecks of green and brown, much like Dani’s.
“She looks like the other girls,”  Dean said smiling a bit.
“They get a lot of features from me, but I think Jenny looks like her dad,”  Myin swallowed hard at the end of her sentence.
“Oh,”  Dean said almost bitterly.  He knew he couldn’t be with Myin, but he was certain that he had almost loved her at one point.
“Dean, meet your daughter,”  Myin said letting his hold the young girl.  “She was born the day you told me Sam had died.”
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whitewitchdani · 4 years
Laters, Baby: Chapter 12
Read Chapter 11 Here
Word Count: 1780
Pairing: Winchester!Sister x Reader
Warnings: angst, language, description of injury, mention of a serial killer
A/N: Sorry I’ve been MIA y’all. I had to go back to work and it sucked. lol. Here’s chapter 12! Let me know what you think and if you’d like to be tagged. :)
Laters, Baby Masterlist
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“Simple salt and burn my ass. Did Bobby do any research on this house before he gave us this case?” You complained as you sat at the motel table doing research while Dean cleaned his gun on the bed and Sam had just finished showering.
“Why, what’s up?” asked Sam as he approached you from behind drying his hair.
“This house was the site of a serial killing. A victim of the BTK killer was killed here, oh my god.”
“No way. Really?” Sam asked as he looked at the laptop over your shoulder.
“BTK? What the hell is that?” asked Dean as he slid a magazine into place.
“Seriously Dean? He’s one of the most famous serial killers in history; he killed at least 10 people. I learned about him in one of my classes at Stanford. BTK stands for bind, torture, kill. Guy still gives me the skeeves,” you shuddered.
“Shit really? And this is a victims house?” Dean asked as he walked toward the motel table.
“Yeah checks out. And the way the people have been being attacked lines up with the way the girl was attacked and killed,” answered Sam.
“So is it the victim or BTK?” Dean asked as he walked around the table and sat down, leaning back to reach the fridge and grab a round of beers for everyone.
“Well Rader, BTK, died in prison. So there’s no reason for him to be tied to that house. I’d say it’s definitely our girl,” you replied as you accepted the beer from Dean.
“This is going to be an interesting case,” Sam said with a sigh as he took the beer from Dean and sat down. “Haven’t had a good ghost hunt in a while.”
“It says here she’s buried in the town cemetery. So, Dean, you wanna go dig her up while Sam and I go to the house?” you asked as you shut the laptop.
“Why do I always get the dirty jobs?”
“You lied to Sam and me for over 25 years; I don’t want to hear you complain about anything I ask you to do for a very, very long time,” you batted your eyes at your eldest brother.
He nodded his head at you, “Touché, kid. Touché.” 
------------ Later at the house, you and Sam made sure the place was empty. The previous occupants had fled after the last attack, leaving the home vacant. It was silent in the small house, until the ring of Sam’s phone caused both of you to jump.
Sam grabbed it and looked at the caller ID, “It’s Dean.” Flipping it open, he put it on speaker and answered. “Hey Dean, did you find the grave?”
You both heard heavy breathing on the other end of the line, “I’m getting too old for this shit.”
“You’re 30, Dean,” Sam rolled his eyes, “Did you burn the bones?”
“Yes I burned the bones,” he replied out of breath. “I just finished filling in the grave.”
“Alright, Sam and I will sweep the house one last time so just get back here.”
“Super.” Dean rasped out before he hung up.
Sam flipped the phone closed and turned to face you, “Well, you take upstairs and I’ll take downstairs?”
“Meet back at the front door and then we can get the hell out of here in time to hit the bar.”
Sam rolled his eyes with a smile as you ran up the stairs. You looked through the bedrooms and, finding nothing, began to trudge back down the stairs. As you hit the second step on the staircase, you felt two hands in the small of your back and before you could react, they gave you a hard shove. With a scream, you tumbled down the stairs and landed at the bottom with a thump.
Sam came scrambling around the corner to the base of the stairs to see you groaning at the bottom. “Y/N!” He rushed to your side and breathed a sigh of relief to see you were still conscious. “Are you alright?”
“Just peachy, Sam. Not like I just fell down a damn flight of stairs or anything.” You rolled your eyes at your twin. Attempting to stand, you hissed and grimaced as you put weight on your right hand, “Ah! Son of a bitch! Goddammit I think I broke my wrist.”
Your brother grabbed your wrist to examine it and opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by the front door slamming open. You both turned expecting another ghostly encounter, only to see your older brother strut in waving his gun around.
Dean walked in and cleared the room before looking at his siblings on the floor, “I heard Y/N scream, what happened?”
Sam helped you stand as you answered, “Well, either our girl’s tied here some other way, or there’s something else in this house. Something pushed me down those stairs and now my goddamn wrist is broken.”
“I burned those bones, there’s no way that ghost is still here.”
“Then what else could be here?” Sam crossed his arms in frustration.
“Well I didn’t throw myself down the stairs. Something is here,” you groaned as you held your wrist and leaned on Sam to stay upright.
“Good observation, Winchester.”
All three of you turned to follow a British accent towards the staircase finding a tall, blonde man standing in the middle of them. As your eyes met his, he flashed his blue eyes onyx causing every Winchester in the room to let out a collective sigh. 
“Seriously? I’m gonna kill Bobby. Simple salt and burn my ass,” you repeated your sentiment from earlier in the evening.
“Don’t blame your surly hunter friend, Winchester. Before I arrived it WAS just the spirit here.” The demon began to descend the stairs as he spoke, “No I’m here for a different reason all together.” 
“What could you possibly want?” you yelled.
“You, Miss Winchester. You see, our Father has issued a bounty on you. Any demon that brings you back to him alive will be rewarded greatly, and I intend to be that demon.” His thin lips curled into a sickly smile. 
“Like hell.” Dean fired the shotgun into the demon’s chest, causing him to fly backwards. “Time to go.” He grabbed your good wrist and pulled you through the front door, Sam pulling up the rear. 
Suddenly, Sam got thrown by a force into the lawn.
“Sam!” you yelled. You and Dean turned to look back and saw the demon in the doorway. 
Your brother put an arm protectively in front of you, “You aren’t taking her to Lucifer. Over my dead body.”
“That can be arranged.” The demon smiled, “Just give me the girl and no one gets hurt. For once no one gives a rat’s ass about the infamous Winchester brothers, just their whore sister who miraculously is the soulmate to the devil.”
“Hey!” You yelled at him. “Just because you’re a demon doesn’t give you license to be a dick.”
“No one talks to my sister like that.” Dean lifted the shotgun once more but with a wave of his hand, the demon flicked it out of his hands. With another wave, Dean was thrown away from you.
“Dean!” He and Sam were groaning in a heap on the lawn, leaving you alone with the demon on the sidewalk. You turned your attention to him, “I’m not going with you.”
“My dear, I don’t think you’ll have a choice. See, I’m a demon and you’re an injured, female hunter. Not exactly much of a fight,” he smirked. In a flash, he backhanded you across the face.
Your face turned to the side with the force. You looked at him wide eyed as you wiped the blood from the corner of your mouth, realizing he had a bit of a point. But you’d be damned if you went down without a fight. Bringing your leg up behind you, you grabbed Ruby’s demon knife out of your boot. You leaned forward and slashed, making contact with his arm.
“AH! You bitch! You’re lucky Lucifer wants you or I’d kill you right here.”
“Not if I kill you first you black eyed bastard.”
Fighting with your non-dominant hand was difficult, but you held your own. The demon got a few licks in, but he was no match for the knife. Dean yelled from the lawn, causing the demon to look away from you just long enough to make your move. With one swing, you brought your left hand around and plunged the demon knife into his chest, causing him to spark orange inside his vessel as he died.
The vessel collapsed on the ground as your brothers rose from it, making their way over to you. You bent over and pulled the knife from the man’s chest, the blade still smoking. 
Sam got to you first, “You alright?” He grabbed your face to check the split lip and saw a bruise forming on your cheek.
“I’m fine Sam. I just need Bobby to set this stupid thing and I’ll be good as new.”
“Friggin’ demons man.” Dean growled as he made his way to the driver’s side of the Impala. 
“My sentiments exactly. But Dean, Lucifer issued a bounty for me. Attacks like this are only going to get worse,” you slid into the backseat with your twin, him tending to your injuries.
“I know, kid. We’ll figure something out.”
Dean threw the car into drive and headed back to Sioux Falls. With a yelp from you, Sam set your wrist and wrapped it in a bandage from the first aid kit. You gave him a look of contempt as he did so since you A. weren’t expecting it and B. expected Bobby to do it when you got back.
“You better not have fucked that up, or I’ll re-break it on your jaw,” you smirked at your brother.
“Ha-Ha. You know it’s right; I wanted to get it set before it started to heal wrong.” He sighed, “What are you thinking Y/N/N? I can see your wheels turning.”
You sighed in return, “That I should just go to Lucifer like I planned. You and Dean are gonna get hurt soon and I don’t wanna risk it.” You replied to him lowly so Dean wouldn’t hear; he was pissed enough.
“You know that isn’t an option.”
“I know but-”
The screech of the impact of metal on metal interrupted you as another vehicle rammed into the passenger side of the Impala. The car flipped twice before landing right-side up on the side of the road, leaving all of the Winchester’s inside unconscious.
Read Chapter 13 Here
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inkribbon796 · 3 years
Like a House of Cards Ch. 10: To Go Forward, Sometimes you Have to go Backwards
Summary: Mistakes happen when you mess around with magical objects.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Brody walked down to the parking lot after the Sides and the Androids had gone up to talk about the plan and safety measures.
Glitch Logan was running diagnostics on the completed machine so Brody was left in silence for a bit.
So it left the hitman with his thoughts. Which wasn’t always a good thing. He took out his wallet to look at a picture. It was the only professional picture he had of the twins.
His Dark — Brody’s Dark — was sitting in a chair with their little twin sons seated in his lap. The hitman was standing behind them. Dark was the only one of the four without a huge smile, his smile a bit more subdued.
The sight brought a sad sight deep from Brody’s face. Another family was being ripped out from under him. Just when things were starting to get good again.
At the sound of footsteps, Brody quickly pocketed his wallet and turned to see, to his relief, his head saw Glitch Logan watching him. His nanite body visible.
Glitch Logan looked at Brody, “You didn’t tell him.”
“A’course[1] not,” Brody scoffed, and put his wallet away. “Bubblegum fooker is takin’ Dark from me, I’m not gonna help him take my twins too.”[2]
Glitch Logan was quiet, which just let Brody go off on a tirade, “I shouldn’t have ta sacrifice one set ‘a my kids fer the other. I wanted T.B, Lils, and Paddy ta be alive an’ safe but I shouldn’t have ta let the Twins not exist ta cause it. An’ I shouldn’t have ta let my kids die ta get the Twins.”[3]
“Your logic is not flawed,” Glitch Logan agreed. “Unfortunately that does not seem to be the situation we have found ourselves in.”
“Fook!”[4] Brody shouted.
“There a problem?” Nestor came down with the rest of the group they needed. Silver, Jackie, Dark, and Wilford had accompanied the time travelers and their past doubles.
“No,” Brody scoffed, glaring at Wilford. “Obviously not.”
Janus was walking down with Roman. The creative Side not wanting to be far from Logan.
“Head back upstairs,” Glitch Logan told them. “This will be a quick procedure.”
“As if we trust you,” Roman rolled his eyes.
“I don’t care if you trust me, I care if you’re safe,” Glitch Logan spat.
“We’ll stay until the transfer starts,” Janus told him. “To make sure you don’t do anything to him.”
The young glitch demon smiled, “I don’t need any of that anymore.”
“Did you do anything to him?” Roman demanded.
“I have only been here for a minute or two, I am fine,” Logan reassured.
Everyone was having their little eleventh hour conversations. Jackie walked up to Diamonds who was signing with J.J.
“Got a question, before I head up,” Jackie asked Diamonds, gesturing to his own throat. “If yeh[5] don’t mind me askin’[6].”
“Not at all,” Diamonds smiled, his voice crackled a bit. “Logan, Google, and Mortician made this for me. It’s a voice box that transmits signals from my brain to the box. It does have to be replaced every few months because my magic destroys it, but it was quite a nice gift.”
“Yeah,” Jackie smiled.
As Jackie was talking to J.J, Brody walked over to Chase.
“I hope yeh[5] don’t remember anythin’[7] I know,” Brody told Chase. “If my world an’ my family is gonna crash down around me, then I don’t wanna remember it.”[8]
Chase was just staring at him, “Me too.”
Brody turned to glare at Wil, “Take care ‘a him, or else I will find some way ta make yeh pay fer it.”[9]
“I will,” Wilford promised but it was clear Brody didn’t believe it.
Then he turned to look at Dark, his expression softer, “Yeh deserve the world, yeh really do an’ when yeh see the Actor, punch him fer me. ‘Cause I won’t be there ta do it.”[9]
“I don’t need to be convinced to hit him more than once,” Dark hissed.
Suddenly the core of the machine began to glow sharply and everyone had a moment’s notice before pain ripped through the people in the middle of the room and a crack shot down the room. Dark, Wil, the Sides, Diamonds, and J.J to one side, and everyone else to the other. A white light engulfed the room.
When the light cleared Silver was standing in a grassy field with Jackie, Ethan, Brody, Chase, and just the Host. The second Host and Nestor were missing.
“I feel weird,” Ethan was patting his chest. “I feel really pissed and angry and I don’t know why.”
“What Ethan is from the transfer, if he is lucky then it will soon fade.” The Host began to run out of the field, “The Host, Brody, and the heroes need to find a time rift out of this point in time quickly.”
“Why, where are we?” Mark asked, picking up Ethan and following him as the rest of the group followed the Host as well.
Coming to a halt, the Host turned to look at them. “Dark is not with the group so the heroes should rid themselves out of their outfits, they will stand out.”
“What is goin’[10] on?” Chase demanded.
“The Host and his allies are in the year 1963, and today is the day that the Entity and the Madman meet again. They will become allies and take over the city within a matter of weeks. By the end of the month the city will become a completely different creature and will be irreversibly driven down the path that will cause the creations of the heroes that fight against both of them.”
“What?” Brody shouted. “How’d we all get thrown back? Where are the others?”
“They have the Anomaly, so we need to find our current Anomaly and use that to get to where Dark and the others are,” the Host explained as everyone started switching into their civilian clothes. “The other heroes and villains were pushed into a different reality and the two groups must regroup.”
With their outfits a touch more casual, the group tried to look like they weren’t time travelers or aliens.
Ethan had to stop a couple times to catch his breath and not have a panic attack. Because he felt like someone had emotionally set him on fire and he wanted to stay next to Mark or Séan the whole time and only started to feel like he was going back to normal by the time the Host took them through a building where Mark heard a rather familiar voice. It was Dark’s and Wil’s voices. Mark could smell the odor of blood and rot in the air. As if Dark had been killing with his aura.
As the crew snuck through the building, Mark froze to listen in. They were so close. Dark wasn’t as powerful, he wasn’t prepared. He could—
“Wil, she’s sleeping,” Dark grumbled, his voice sounding almost as if it hadn’t been used in some time.
“Oh good, good,” Wil decided. Some of his words were hard to understand but suddenly Wil yelled, “I’ve got a great idea, we’re gonna make a TV show.”
Dark was quiet for a long time and Mark wished he could see his face. But he lingered long enough to hear the future mob boss sigh in frustrated indulgence, “Okay.”
A light clapping reached Mark’s ears, “Excellent, Dames, we can talk details at this lovely little diner it’s got—”
At this point, their voices began to get farther away, and the Host cleared his throat so Mark raced away from the door and into an alley.
“Silver and Jackie will accompany the Host into the next building to get the Anomaly, all others should remain up here.”
“Okay, okay, let’s go,” Séan agreed and the Host used his aura to help them break into the apartment building. But since it was set into the hill there were three flights of stairs connecting them to the ground floor and the Host was practically flying down the stairs, his aura helping him navigate the steps and get down safely. Then he took them down the hall to a room where there was a huge magical sigil on the ground and a magic standing in a red tux with black eyes, and a wailing infant cradled in his hands.
It was the Actor, on the eve of another great story.
“There you are,” Marc smiled as the little squirming and crying bundle. “You’ll make a wonderful addition to our story, won’t you?”
Then the door was ripped open and the Host was there. Marc and the baby both startled. “The hell?”
Now that Marc was distracted the Anomaly he’d been working with had nowhere else to put its magic so it ripped open another rift in time. Another point decades in the future but not quite the time that the Host and the others had come from.
Séan had been racing down the hallway and then tripped on a carpet. So he slammed right into the Actor who dropped the baby right into the time rift that immediately closed shut.
“No!” The Actor shouted. “That was my fucking son!”
“Yikes! Host can we get the kid back?” Séan demanded. “Where’d he go?”
The Host’s aura forced a portal around the Actor and he was gone, the box that housed the Anomaly glitched and the Seer grabbed the box and began to sprint out of the room.
He opened the box and quickly pulled out a bracelet, holding the box with his aura as he ran, “the Host and the heroes must go now. Before the Actor returns. They do not have long but they cannot face him now. They do not have the power nor space to be able to do so.”
“Who was that?” Mark asked, following the Host as Séan ran alongside Mark and they headed back up the stairs.
“The archnemesis to the Entity,” the Host told him. “The child he had would have been used as leverage against the Entity. But now he is in somewhat safer hands and will eventually live under the Entity and the Madman’s care. You have actually just saved him from a loveless environment.”
“Was that one ‘a yer brothers?”[11] Séan asked. “Yeh have what? Five ‘a ‘em?”[12]
The Host leaned over the banister to look down at them,  “The Host also has a sister.”
“Yeah, but yeh an’ that guy hinted that was a boy,”[13] Jackie stalled.
“Yes, and it is true that the infant was one of the Entity and the Madman’s sons, but the Host likes to include his sister when he can.” The Host gave them a huge smile before starting to dart back up the stairs.
Séan and Mark smiled at each other before following the Host back out of the apartment and into daylight where Chase and Brody were still waiting with Ethan.
“You guys got it?” Ethan asked.
“Time Anomaly scored,” Séan snapped his fingers over in the Host’s direction. “Let’s go home.”
The Host motioned for everyone to pull in together. “The heroes still have to locate the second group. They were pushed into a separate dimension and cannot be left there.”
“We get it, we’re pressed for time,” Mark agreed. “How do we do this?”
“The Host will start up the transfer,” the Host offered as everyone gathered in close. “Six will start the transfer but only five will move through.”
“Do I have time ta[14] say a couple words?” Brody asked.
“Yes, but Brody does not have long,” the Host warned.
“Fine,” Brody agreed before walking over to Chase.
“Look out fer[15] him okay,” Brody asked Chase. “Yeh don’t have ta like him, but just make sure Wil doesn’t take advantage ‘a him. He means e’erythin’ ta me.”[16]
“I can’t promise I’ll be good at it, but I’ll try,” Chase promised.
“Thanks,” Brody smiled sadly, taking out his wallet to look at the picture one last time. The world seemed to fold in on itself around them as a blinding white light came from the Host and engulfed the group. “That’s all I need.”
With a roaring in everyone’s ears the past and future of two different timelines compressed a little tighter before the hole in space and time flexed again and the Host sent them to find the others that had been separated from them.
After the flash of blinding light faded, they were standing in the same back alley. The streets were right but the feel in the air was wrong.
Accessibility Translations
1. Of course
2. Bubblegum fucker is taking Dark from me, I’m not going to help him take my twins too.
3. I shouldn’t have to sacrifice one set of my kids for the other. I wanted T.B, Lils, and Paddy to be alive and safe but I shouldn’t have to let the Twins not exist to cause it. And I shouldn’t have to let my kids die to get the Twins.
4. Fuck!
5. you
6. asking
7. anything
8. If my world and my family is going to crash down around me, then I don’t want to remember it
9. You deserve the world, you really do and when you see the Actor, punch him for me. Because I won’t be there to do it.
10. going to
11. Was that one of your brothers?
12. You have what? Five of them?
13. Yeah, but you and that guy hinted that was a boy
14. to
15. for
16. You don’t have to like him, but just make sure Wil doesn’t take advantage of him. He means everything to me.
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lisaofcypher · 4 years
My Home (A Dream SMP fan novel)
Once there were two orphan boys, with no where to call home but each other, until one summer trip to a weird town in Oregon, US. From strange disk journals, mystery authors, time traverlers, zombies, amnesiac half endermen half ghast people, hybrids, and teenage angst, with demons thrown in as well, looks like this summer will have more in store then they thought.
(Summary is poor, but try the first chapter, it explains the plot better. Loosely inspired by Gravity Falls)
Episode One- A Mystery in Vinyls
Episode One- Having Disk sounds great
Tommy’s leg bounces up and down, hitting the metal floor of the bus. 
“Are you nervous, Tubs?” Tommy asks, looking out the window as they pass a bunch of pine trees.
Tubbo sighed, “A bit, yeah.”He paused for a moment. “You?”
Tommy smiles. “Of course not? I have two brothers and a dad! That’s awesome!”
Tubbo only smiled, a hint of sadness in the air. It was common knowledge between the two that for whatever reason, Tubbos parents had left him on the side of the road, and if it wasn’t for a random couple driving by and noticing him, he’d be dead by now.
Just the thought made Tommy shudder.
“I hope he has great music taste!” Tommy.riM. “Maybe he knows some hot girls.” He winks.
Tubbo sighs, “Are girls all you think about?”
“I also think about drugs!”
“You disappoint me.”
“I know!”
“Next stop, L’Manburg!” The bus driver yelled, breaking up the conversation.
“That’s our stop,” Tommy exclaims, getting his bags.
Tubbo inhales quickly, grabbing his own small backpack. It was full of clothes and a bunch of pollen and nectar for his weird obsession with bees. There were over 500 different species of bees living in Oregon.
Tommy was never gonna hear the end of it.
As they walked off the bus, thanking the bus driver politely, they were greeted by a guy with a beanie and a JD style trench coat. He was leaning against a pole, looking like a classic stoner.
“Hey,” he says, shrugging, clearly not too bothered by actual emotions. 
Tommy was shocked, no gasps, no hugging and crying about how their baby brother came home. 
Instead he got, “You look scrawnier than I expected.”
That’s nice.
“Who are you?!” Tommy snaps, accusingly. How did he know this was his older brother anyway? He could be some weird stranger.
“Wilbur Soot, your older brother.” He replies, casually.
“Huh, my last name is Soot…” Tommy mumbles to himself.
“No shit, we’re family,” Wilbur sighs, as if Tommy had made the worst joke in existence, as he begins leading the boys , quietly through a trail in the forest.
“Who’s this, your boyfriend?” Wilbur asks, breaking the uncomfortable silence.
Tubbo quickly shakes his head.
“Is he mute?” Wilbur asks.
“‘No, he’s not mute, and he’s my best friend, my brother even,” Tommy defensively spats.
“Then why isn’t he talking?”
“He doesn’t like talking in front of strangers.”
“Uh huh,” Wilbur rolls his eyes. He continues to walk down until they get to a small clearing, to a shack with the name “Mystery Carava.”
Next to it there was a road, with cars leaving and driving in.
“We could have walked down the road instead of hiking!?” Tommy asks, panting. He was this close to smacking Wilbur.
Wilbur smirks. “I prefer the scenery trail.”
“This is it? Why is it called the Mystery Carava?” Tommy asks, looking up at the weird van looking shack.
“The N fell off,” Wilbur shrugs, walking inside and gesturing for the boys to come in.
Inside there was a guy fixing up a bear statue. He saw the boys and ran over.
“You’re here!” He exclaimed. “I’m Philza Soot, but you can call me Phil.” He smiles. He has blonde hair like Tommy’s but longer, and  wears a green cloak. Is it a family trait to have a fashion sense?
“Well I’m Tommy! And this is my best bud Tubbo!” Tommy grins, pulling an arm around his best friend, who smiles sheepishly.
“Oh well, I see you’ve met my son, Wilbur, hope he wasn’t too rude,” Phil laughs awkwardly. “His twin, Techno, is out getting some meat for dinner.”
Both boys look at each other. “Ready to see your room?” Phil winks.
The room is small, with a window in the middle and two beds against the two walls. It was in the attic. 
Tommy takes the red bed instantly, jumping on it and laying out all his stuff. Tubbo takes the tree covered bed, leaving his suitcase by the bed, not bothering to unpack it right now.
“Wanna go explore the forest?” Tommy asks, looking out of the window at the forest looming around the shack.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea? I mean- it seems kind of dangerous-“ Tubbo mumbles, not wanting to get himself in danger on the first day.
“Exactly! What if it has like a 
 that we can 
” With that, Tommy grabs Tubbos arm and drags him out of the room and down the stairs.
The forest is beautiful, especially with the nice tint of the sunset. 
“Tommy, it’s getting late, can we please go home?” Tubbo mumbles.
“Do you want to be a pussy?!” Tommy glares.
Tubbo shrinks. “No, sorry.”
Tommy keeps running  until he tripped over a branch and hit his shoulder on a tree.
“Are you okay, Toms?!” Tubbo cries, running over.
“I’m fine, I’m fine.” He brushes himself off, grabbing his shoulders. “That was really hard for a tree…”
“Well maybe cause you ran into it!?” Tubbo exclaims.
“Or maybe…” Tommy looks at the tree, feeling it. “It feels like metal.” He turns to Tubbo, who walks over, playing with the sleeve of his green sweater.
“Hm,” Tommy looks all around the tree, before finding a button, pressing it excitedly.
The metal part opens, lifting, showing...
“Disks?” Tommy asks, grabbing them immediately.
“What are you doing? What if it’s booby trapped?” Tubbo snaps.
“Or it’s just disks. What are they?” He brushes his fingers along the black circle. There were two disks in here.
“Maybe we should go home, see if Phil has any way to play them?” Tubbo suggests.
Tommy sighs, looking up at his best friend, then at the darkening sun, “Yeah, you’re right,” he says as he begins walking. Then he realizes something and stops “Hey, Tubs?”
“Do you remember the way back?”
After what feels like a lifetime of walking, they reach the caravan.
“I don’t get why it’s called a caravan, it’s not even a van!” Tommy complains as he walks in.
There was Phil, frowning, with Wilbur sitting by the cashier desk, his legs resting casually on it.
“Where were you?” Phil asks accusingly, having clearly already the role of 
“Out in the forest?” Tommy exclaims, shrugging.
“Do you know how late it is? Couldn’t you have sent me a text or something?!” Phil asks.
“We don’t have phones.”
“Told me where you were going?”
“We didn’t think we needed to.”
Phil sighs, walking closer to the boys, “I know you two grew up without a father… but I’m here now. You- you need to tell me where you are. I don’t know if you can take care of yourself, like Techno. Please, boys, work with me, and I’ll work with you. I know the system isn’t kind, and you’re not used to having anyone but each other, but I swear to you, I’m not leaving you, just please stay safe and work with me here.” He rests his hands on both of the boys’ shoulders.
Tommy looks down at his feet. “Fine, but we both know this arrangement is temporary,” Tommy says before walking upstairs.
“Tommy-“ Phil tries, but Tommy is already gone.
Tubbo begins following, but Phil grabs his shoulder, pulling him back.
“Hey, Tubbo, I- I know you’re not related to Tommy or me, but you’re just as much my son now, as he is. You’re a Soot. I promise.” Phil smiles.
Tubbo blinks. “Thank you, Phil,” he says, then walks up.
It was the first time Tubbo had talked to them.
——— ———
“So, I found a disk player in the storage room, I hope Phil won’t mind us stealing this,” Tommy says, bringing in an old disk player and dropping it on his bed.
Tubbo looks up at him. “What if the disks are haunted and we summon an evil demon?”
“If that happens, that’d be like, really fucking awesome, ya know?”
He hooks up the disk player and puts in the disk, connecting it to a speaker.
“Audio log one, side A. It’s been a year since I moved to L’Manburg,” the voice on the speaker says. It sounds familiar, but Tommy can’t put his finger on it.
“And in all my time researching the strange fantastical elements of the town, I never could have expected this. The town has strange mystical elements, ones I can describe but not exactly explain. Just yesterday I saw a giant bee that was purple! That’s not how bees work! Trust me, I know a lot about them. Kind of an obsession of mine. My brother keeps telling me to relax, stop looking into these things. But I won’t. I will get to the bottom of this. This town could be the key to figuring out why I have these horns.” As he says that, Tubbo jolts up, touching his own horns. “He’s like me?”
“My goal for this week is to see if I can help my friend and restore his memory. Perhaps his half enderman nature could have something to do with it.”
“Half endermen? But those don’t even exist!” Tommy yells.
“I hope my brother understands…. He’s always been a loud guy, and I love him, but... at least my new friend is kinder to me. Alas, I must get going, before P gets annoyed and sends T after me. Until next time, my precious disks.”
And that’s when Tommy stops it.
“Oh my god….” Tubbo mumbles, stunned.
“This guy is a total nutcase!” Tommy snaps.
“How are you so sure?” Tubbo asks.
“Look at the guy, he’s talking about endermen and purple bees! That’s not even possible!”
“Maybe not…” Tubbo sighs, he can't help but relate to this mysterious man, with his horns and love of bees.
“What are you guys doing with my disk player?” A voice asks, and they look up and gasp.
It’s a young man with a pink braid who is wearing a white tunic with a red jacket, and has red eyes….
It must be Techno.
“Uh…. hi! I’m Tommy!” Tommy shoots up.
“Yeah I got that part.”
“We just wanted to play some disks we found in the forest!” Once again, Tubbo facepalms at his brother’s lack of a filter.
“You found disks in the forest?” 
“Yeah! In some weird tree compartment!”
“That’s interesting, look, next time ask me, or I’ll make sure you won’t even be able to grab it.”
Oh great, this guy is threatening violence.
“Why are your eyes red?” Tommy asks.
“Uh, contacts,” Techno quickly responds.
Those eyes look far too real for contacts, but Tommy drops it, not wanting to anger the man any further.
“Anyway, welcome. Try not to die.” And then he leaves, closing the door behind him.
“Try not to die!?” Tubbo gulps.
“Well… that was something.”
“Guess we have a mystery on our hands!”
“Mystery….?” Tubbo asks cautiously.
“Well yeah? We have to figure out who the man recording the disks is, and if these enderman creatures are real!”
Tubbo smiles, trying to hide his apprehension at the idea of looking for danger.
“So far, this place feels more like home than Manchester ever did.”
“I mean, we’re in a foreign country, but yeah,” Tubbo shrugs.
“That guy on the disk has the same bee obsession that you do!” Tommy points out.
“Yeah, I guess he does.”
“Are you assuming one's gender, Tobias?” Tommy teases.
“Don’t call me that!” Tubbo smacks his brother over the head.
“Oh what are you gonna do? Tackle me with your short legs? I could take you easy!”
“When was the last time you worked out, Tommy?” Tubbo snaps back with a grin.
“When was the last time you did?” Tommy pushes Tubbo.
“Asshole!” Tubbo pouts.
Tommy laughed, taking off his shirt for bed.
“Sleep well Tubs,” Tommy whispers, turning off the light.
“You too, Toms.” 
Who knows what this town has in store for them. They’re together, and that’s what matters.
——— ———
“Is it almost ready, Sam?” A man asks, as Sam works on the portal.
“It should be, Mr. President, just give me a moment.”
“We need to hurry up before the goons find us.” The man gulps.
“I know, I know. Dream and his forces will never track us down here.”
“You consulted Karl right?”
“Of course not. Karl can suck my dick, this is for the sake of humanity.”
“I hope this works… for my sake and Earths.”
“Mine too,” Sam frowns.
“Because if it doesn’t I know what will happen.”
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keeganbryceewrites · 5 years
Playing the right Notes
That Dreamy Look in Your Eye...
(Y/n)'s Pov
I smiled as I caught the rabbit and removed my brown arrow from its head and placed the rabbit into my hunting bag. I grabbed my arrow and continued through the forest, jumping over logs and pushing past branches.
A few years ago, about 3 to be exact, the barrier was shattered and monsters were unleashed.
Humans responded with what humans respond with anything.
Another war.
This war is probably the worst one.
There's more casualties on both sides.
There are some Humans siding with the Monsters and helping them. Of course the king welcomes them.
But me...
I'm a neutral, I, (Y/n) Bones, don't care about the war. I care about the demons they spawn. But recently, Demons have been quiet...
too quiet.
I am a hybrid, an Angel and Skeleton hybrid... I don't even classify as a monster... I have a little girl that I take care of, I found her a year ago. Her name is Chara... she has no memory of what happened before I found her, she told me that all she remembers is darkness and a bright white light.
I took her in. At first, she asked all sorts of questions and messed with my tail. I answered all questions and allowed her to play with my tail. She asked if I was a boy or girl. I asked why, since I am mostly gender fluid and I have male traits, such as my build and voice.
"No reason." She told me.
I told her I was a girl, based on my tail as I hid it underneath my trench coat.
She smiled brightly as her red eyes gleamed, "Then can I call you Mom?"
Looking back, I realized how much of a shock that would be. A human calling a Hybrid Mother... I snickered at the thought my brother must be feeling. Chiller, my eldest brother, he has black bones and deep red eyes... he has a child named Dean.
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(Artwork is mine, yes, I messed up his arm... don't judge me please. It's a quick sketch)
He is a hybrid on his own... he has a human mother and a skeleton father.
The human was named Lily. The father is Chiller. I take care of both Dean and Chara. Since Dean would probably be killed at first look since he is mostly human at a glance. Now that I think about it, they both get along great since Dean is 10 and Chara is 9
"Auntie (Y/n)!!"
Speak of the devil... or devils.
I was tackled to the ground by a blur of green and a blur of blue. I look up to see Dean and Chara piled on my ribs. I laughed heavily as I pushed them off. I heard the thumping of paws behind me and was greeted with a glomp from behind from Akumu, my demon companion.
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Her lantern tail lit up brightly with glee.
Master!! I brought a deer!!!
I rubbed her head in approval, "Good job Akumu. I got rabbits! Who wants rabbit stew?"
Chara and Dean raised their hands while Akumu raised her paw. "Great! I'll get them ready once we reach the abandoned neighborhood just a few miles north. Now grab your bags and Akumu, please carry the deer on your back and stay in front. It's getting very dark out."
Akumu nodded and got the dead deer on her back as she kept her lanterned tail up high. I fixed my trench coat and hunting bag and held the children's hands as we followed Akumu.
We finally reached the abandoned neighborhood. Trees grew inside houses and vines crept up the walls and around cars. I pulled my hood over my head more and ushered the kids behind me. I hid them near a bush as Akumu watched over them.
I had to be careful, Humans could've placed traps in each of these homes, whether to catch food or a monster. (Monster was 666)
I went into a house that looked more furnished and looked better then the rest. A few cobwebs here and there.
Whoever owned this had a good payment. They must've fled too since— oh that must be the owner...
I was going to say since everything looked as if the person who owned this fled at the last minute, but a human skeleton on the foot of the stairs cut off my thoughts and judging by the way his neck was bent, the cause of death was a broken neck by falling off the stairs. Poor guy.
I smiled sadly and gathered his bones and began placing them outside in a pile. I placed dried grass over the bones and lit it. I felt a cool breeze and looked up to see a transparent male, mid thirties, wearing a white polo shirt and blue jeans. He had brown hair and green eyes and wore glasses. He smiled and mouthed a thank you and disappeared. I smiled softly and went back to call in Dean and Chara.
They both ran up to me and entered the house. I heard Chara gasp and seconds later, run up to me with a surprisingly clean stuffed goat. "Can I keep it? Please!!!"
I nodded, "Whatcha gonna name it?"
I padded her head, "That's a great name. Now go get changed into some sleep wear while I get stew ready."
She nodded and grabbed her bag and ran upstairs.
I helped take the deer off of Akumu and skinned it. I washed the fur and let it dry over a clothing line outside. I could make a nice bag out of that keep the scraps for leatherwork. I cut off the hooves and put them in the fire outside. I sawed off the antlers  into bits to make small chewy treats for Akumu. I gave a large one to Akumu to eat.
Thank you Master.
I smiled back at her as she walked off to the living room as I placed the rest in a small pouch on my waist. I skinned the rabbits and hung them to dry. I salted the leftover meat and gave the hearts and brains to Akumu to serve as her meal. I put up the deer meat and began chopping up the rabbit meat into a steel pot full of cream of chicken soup.
I took off my trench coat and placed it over the couch when I realized that this house had running water and washed some dishes we used while we traveled.
I got out my Walkman and tuned to Kokomo by Beach Boys.
I swayed my hips to the beat and sang some of the lyrics,
"Aruba, Jamaica, oh I want to take you to
Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego, baby why don't we go
oh I want to take you down to
Kokomo, we'll get there fast and then we'll take it slow
That's where we want to go, way down in Kokomo,
Martinique, that Montserrat mystique.
We'll put out to sea and we'll perfect our chemistry
And by and by we'll defy a little bit of gravity
Afternoon delight, cocktails and moonlit nights
That dreamy look in your eye, give me a tropical contact high
Way down in Kokomo..."
I stopped as I felt someone staring at me, I looked over to the kitchen doorway and saw Chara and Akumu there, smiling. I smiled back as Chara pulled my ring phalange and danced with me. I laughed and pulled her into a sway and sang louder as I spun her. "... Everybody knows a little place like Kokomo
Now if you want to go and get away from it all
Go down to Kokomo
Aruba, Jamaica, oh I want to take you to
Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego, baby why don't we go
oh I want to take you down to
Kokomo, we'll get there fast and then we'll take it slow
That's where we want to go, way down in Kokomo
Aruba, Jamaica, oh I want to take you to
Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego, baby why don't we go!!"
I dipped Chara slightly and heard Dean clapping and recording with a video camera perched on Akumu's head. Akumu wagged her tail. "That was so awesome (Y/n)!! You sang so beautifully!!"
Chara beamed as I pulled her up and stirred the rabbit stew. "I know right! Her voice is like an angels!! Alex likes her voice to!" She held up her stuffed goat and shook its head.
I chuckled as I poured the stew into three bowls. "Dean, Chara, dinner is ready!"
I placed the bowls down and gave them forks and spoons. Chara frowned, "What's the matter sweetie? Don't you like it?"
"You forgot Alex Mom!"
I rolled my eye sockets and poured the stew into another bowl and placed it in front of the stuffed goat.
We ate in silence, I finished my stew and put the bowl in the sink and stored the rest of the stew in a large canteen. I came back to see the bowl in front of Alex completely empty and a chewing Akumu and a giggling Chara.
"Akumu, did you eat Alex's food?"
Akumu looked away in playful guilt. I patted her head and took away the finished bowls and cleaned them. Chara hugged my femur bones, "Thank you for cooking mom! It tasted great!"
I patted her head and told her and Dean to go play in the backyard while I set up a bed in the living room and got the couch ready.  I searched my backpack to find my portable DVD player. It was like a small cinema player. I searched for a movie off the shelves, "Lady and the Tramp? Nah. Robots? Nope... oh! Mulan! Nice!"
I grabbed the animated Disney movie and placed it in the player and got to the menu.
I called them both in and got changed into large boxers and a white tank top as they watched Mulan get her makeup on.
We made it to where the fat lady put ink all over her skin. The children laughed as I impersonated her, "FA MULAN!!"
I yelled out in a goofy and grumpy voice. We laughed and watched the movie with giggles here and there. We finished the movie with yawns and sleepy eyes.
Akumu put slept at the entrance doorway as watch as I tucked them in. Dean looked up and yawned, "Are we going to see Daddy tomorrow?"
I nodded, Tomorrow, we are dropping off Dean to the new monster capital and heading up north to Michigan to Canada to get away from the War.
At the pace we're going, we could make it.
As long as we don't run into the Royal Guard.
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
5x18: Point of No Return
Hey-our first request episode! It’s a good one, considering Adam might (?) be coming back this season, and then there’s the whole fathers are shitty theme. Oh, and Dean and Cas are fighting. 
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Remember Adam?
In an empty bar in Nowhere, USA, Zachariah commiserates with a man about The Man. Then the walls start shaking and the other guy wonders if it’s an earthquake. The place lights up and Zach sullenly admits that it’s his boss. Before you know it, the bartender and other guy’s eyes are burned out and Zach is back in the heavenly business. 
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On the alcohol train to Sad Town, Dean packs his only belongings (minus Baby, I guess) in preparation to saying yes to Michael. We say goodbye to the leather jacket (for good --well, I think we see it in Swan Song too, but --like, how crazy is it that there was a fundamental shift in the storytelling of the show when that jacket was stolen after season 5? Would Dean still be wearing it to this day? I would like to think that isn’t true.) He boxes up the jacket, Baby’s keys, his gun, and writes a letter. Oh, and he downs hard liquor straight from the bottle the whole melodramatic time he’s doing this. (Side note: he’s staying at Mike’s Travel Inn which is wonderfully fitting since he plans to become Michael’s own personal travel inn. Wanek!)
For Drama Llama Dean Science:
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Sam finds Dean and confirms Dean’s own plans to him. Sam wants Dean to wait on this plan of letting Michael take him. Bobby has a plan. Okay, he doesn’t, but Sam is going to stop him anyway. Dean gets in a good dig about Sam not having demon blood to help him. Sam counters that he still brought help. Before Dean can react, Cas has flapped in and he zaps Dean back to Bobby’s. 
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Urgh, those were the days. Sometimes I REALLY miss flying Cas. 
At Bobby’s we have a pissed off Dean, pissed off Cas, pissed off Bobby, and a peacemaker Sam. Bobby calls Dean “son”, and Dean counters that he isn’t Dean’s father. OUCH and a HALF. Bobby then shows Dean the bullet he wants to put through his brain. He doesn’t though because he promised Dean that he’d keep fighting.
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Cas is suddenly hit with a massive wave of angel radio goodness and he’s gone. (I just love the editing of when Cas flaps away. Sigh.) 
Cas ends up in a field somewhere. 
For Side-profile Science:
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In his attempt to investigate something coming out of the ground, two other angels attack him. He is an effortlessly badass angel though, and dispatches them with 
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I’m sorry, what was I saying? 
He pulls someone from the ground and takes him back to Bobby’s. It’s Adam, Sam and Dean’s long lost/dead half-brother. Okay, the dramatic camera zooms and swelling music was just A+ soapy drama there. Cas engraves angel warding on Adam’s ribs and wakes him from his graveyard coma. Adam knows who Sam and Dean are --because the angels warned him about them. He demands to see Zachariah. Wherps. 
They let him clean up, give him some hard liquor, and ask him to tell them his story. He tells them that he was in heaven (or prom to him) and angels interrupt to tell him he’s going to save the world. He’s the archangel Michael’s vessel. Dean thinks that’s insane. Cas points out that Adam is also of John Winchester’s bloodline, and Sam’s brother. Dean forgets he’s with company and propositions Cas. 
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Sam tries telling Adam that the angels are lying to him. Adam doesn’t believe him. Sam asks him to give them time to prove they’re right. He tells Adam that “they’re blood” and that’s why they should be trusted. (Dean’s little smile at that...like I get how that’s important to Dean, but also, I love how SO much about this show is how important these bonds are despite there being no blood between this found family.) Adam is appalled. They’re not family. John wasn’t his father (AND can we talk about how fucking jealous Dean was that John actually did things, like baseball games, with Adam, and Adam saw those baseball games as nothing? John wasn’t there for him on a day to day basis and so he wasn’t Adam’s father. Ugh, John was the woooorrsst.) (Dean’s little half-smile about John was also worth watching.) 
Later, Adam tries making an escape but Sam catches him, and sits him down with a beer to discuss John.
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Sam thinks Adam was lucky to not have John around all year (Ahem, you didn’t either, Sam…) Adam was alone a lot because his mom worked. He raised himself. Ugh, kinda like you and Dean, right Sam? Then Adam makes a Family Vacation reference and we KNOW he’s related to Dean. Btw, where are Dean and Cas during this convo? 
Dean’s checking out Bobby’s safe room when Sam and Cas show up. Cas silently flirts with Dean. Dean forgets he’s in front of Sam and flirts right back at Cas. These two are killing me this season. They’re in that sweet spot of flirting before it all goes to hell. SIGH.
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For the record, I’d like to point out that Cas was making that face at him the whole time they were in the living room with Bobby before Adam showed up. Also, I’d like to point out that both Dean and Cas were missing when Adam tried to escape. 
Dean and Sam talk in private about not letting Adam let Michael in. Sam lets Dean know he’s not letting him do it either. Um, then Dean lists all the people that they’ve “gotten killed”, and I’d like to give a big shout out “Fuck you” to Chuck himself. According to Dean they got everyone killed! He’s “also tired of fighting who he’s supposed to be.” UGGH. Dean tells Sam that he doesn’t think Sam will be able to withstand the devil, so he’s got to be there to fight. Sam walks away.
Upstairs, Cas watches Adam intently as though making sure he won’t sleep walk away. When Sam heads upstairs, totally wrecked, Cas makes his way back down to the basement. (To finish their assignation - right, Boris?) He hears a crash. Dean Bean’s nowhere to be seen in the safe room so Cas opens the door. Dean directs his attention to a cabinet door with a bloody angel banishing sigil on it. BOOM! Cas out.
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Dean creeps out of the basement through the cellar hatch. JellyDEAN noooooo!
Sam heads out to track down Dean, leaving Bobby to watch over Adam. In his dreams, Adam chillaxes at a playground when Zachariah smarmily flaps in. Zach tells Adam that he’ll see his mom soon, but first he’s got to figure out how to escape. Zachariah warns Adam about the Winchesters, describing Sam and Dean as dangerously codependent and more interested in saving each other than the world. Which is sorta...valid? “They’re not your family. Understand?”
Outside a bar, a street preacher shouts at random passerby when Dean runs up and asks if he knows who Dean Winchester is. “Dear god, yes,” the preacher replies (for all of us).
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The preacher starts to pray to the angels about Dean’s location when Cas zaps him unconscious. 
Cas flips the fuck out. “I rebelled for this?” he shouts as he bashes Dean around in the alley. “I gave everything for you. And this is what you give to me?” 
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Dean, always a glutton for punishment, eggs Cas on. Cas should destroy him! Why not? Don’t you know who he is??? He’s Dean Winchester, PROM KING of Self-Loathing High. Cas stops punching out his feelings. His fist uncurls.
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He zaps Dean unconscious instead.
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Back at Bobby’s house, Adam’s disappeared and Sam is a leeeetle bit stressed out.
Cas flaps in with a majorly roughed up Dean and announces that he was the cause of Dean’s injuries. Hashtag Dangerbird-of-the-Lord. About Adam’s whereabouts, Cas speculates that the angels nabbed him and took him to the Beautiful Room from season four. 
Cue the close-up on baroque art, beer, and burgers. Adam’s enjoying his last meal when Zachariah flaps in to hand him a pink slip. “You’re not so much the ‘chosen one’ as you are a clammy scrap of bait.” 
“Son of a bitch,” Adam mutters, Winchesterily. 
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Adam’s starting to realize that Zachariah is a pretty terrible friend. Zachariah reinforces this conclusion by making Adam cough up blood. 
Down in Bobby’s panic room, Dean’s chained to the bed. 
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Sam fills Dean in on the situation: Adam’s being held prisoner at a location which is CRAWLING with angels. To Dean’s surprise, Sam unlocks Dean’s manacle. They need him for the fight ahead and Sam has faith that Dean will make the right choice - even if nobody else believes in him. Dean rewards this touching show of faith by swearing up and down that he’ll say yes to Michael at the first chance he gets. DEAN. BEAN. Sam’s faith in Dean is simply derived: “You’re still my big brother.” (*crying noise crying noise*)
Outside the warehouse, Cas flaps in with the Winchesters. 
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Dean’s surprised to learn that the Beautiful Room is in Van Nuys, California and not on Jupiter or (bless this boy) in a blade of grass. Cas tells them there are five extremely good warriors inside and he can’t fight them all off. He starts to take off his tie and IS IT GETTING HOT IN HERE?
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Cas tells them that he’ll take care of the angels and then they can rescue Adam. Cas BBY. 
Devastating dialogue alert:
Dean: Whoa, wait. You’re gonna take on five angels?
Cas: Yes.
Dean: Isn’t that suicide?
Cas: Maybe it is. But then I won’t have to watch you fail. I’m sorry, Dean. I don’t have the same faith in you that Sam does.
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Cas whips out a box cutter. The next scene sees him striding into the warehouse alone. His spidey sense tingles. It’s an angel! Cas kills one of them and then makes his way to the middle of the room. Quicky, he’s surrounded by the other angels. He drops his blade, rips open his shirt, and blasts them and himself away with the angel banishing sigil he carved iNTo hIS sKin. 
Dean and Sam hear the commotion and when Dean heads inside, the coast is clear. Inside the Beautiful Room, Adam’s slumped by the wall. “You came for me,” he mutters, surprised. 
“Yeah, you’re family,” Dean says. But it’s too late for hugs and lollipops, because Zachariah shows up, stroking his metaphorical evil mustache. Zachariah starts bleeding out Adam and Sam while Dean is EXPERIENCING STRONG EMOTIONS. (Boris: When Dean says “Damnit, Zachariah” I only hear “Dean” from The Real Ghostbusters, and realize what a great job he did impersonating a character he had only read about.) 
Dean agrees to say yes. While Zachariah calls down Michael, Dean takes one last look at Sam. Thoughts and feelings flit past like clouds and suddenly Dean arrives at a Realization™. He smiles, then winks at Sam. 
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Dean starts issuing his demands before he’ll turn over his body but number one on his list is that Michael destroys Zachariah. 
Dean refers to himself as a “sweet ass” which is not wrong, while Zachariah presses close to Dean threateningly, boasting that Michael would never kill him. No worries because Dean’s gonna smite you instead. With Zachariah close, Dean whips up Cas’s dropped angel blade and jams it up into Zachariah’s jaw. 
The room shakes as Michael approaches. Sam, Dean, and Adam make for the door. Sam and Dean escape but the door slams shut in front of Adam. A bright light suffuses him and...that’s it.
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Later, they recap in the Impala. Adam and Cas are in the wind but finding them is an issue for another episode. Because right now Sam needs to address Dean’s almost-yes moment. Dean explains his sudden change of mind. “The walls are coming down on us, and I look over to you and all I can think about is, ‘this stupid son of a bitch brought me here.’ I just didn’t want to let you down.” Dean apologizes to Sam for treating him like a kid. “Screw destiny right in the face. I say we take the fight to them, and do it our way.”
Battle brother mode ACTIVATED!
Is That a Quote in Your Pocket or are You Just Happy to See Me? 
You know, eight months of turned pages and screwed pooches but tonight, tonight’s when the magic happens.
Blow me, Cas.
We’re working on the power of love. 
Maybe you could take a half a second and stop trying to sacrifice yourself for a change?
You pray too loud.
Watch your tone, boy.
Don’t piss of the nerd angels.
Want to read more? Check out our Recap Archive! 
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eadanga · 5 years
Secret Romance Part 5 (NSFW)
Summary: Nate the popular guy lifeguard falls for MC the girl next door. They struggle to keep their love secret especially when another girl is determined to make him hers
Paring: NatexMC
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MC stood in her room deciding what to wear Hmm both of these dresses are cute but which one is right? There’s a knock on the door and Sasha pokes her head in “Hey girl”
“Hey you look great”
“Thanks you’re not dressed yet?”
“Still deciding what to wear”
“A fashion emergency? I came just in time!” She walks over to the bed as MC giggles “I think you should wear that one”
“Great choice I will” MC changes then admires herself in the mirror
“Should we be going to this party? I mean why would we go anywhere near the wicked bitch?”
“That’s what I said and she invited me to purposely break my heart”
“Oh hell no let’s go punch her in her ugly face!”
“As much as I want to Nate has some kind of plan”
“Ok but if I’m still punching her”
MC laughs “I won’t stop you”
“MC! Nate is here!”
MC calls down “We’re coming!” She turns to Sasha “Well let’s get this over with”
They head downstairs where Nate sits on the couch. His eyes wander down MC’s body with a smirk “Isn’t it illegal to be that sexy?”
MC giggles “Then you should arrest me officer”
“Oh I definitely will”
Sasha rolls her eyes “Are you guys gonna flirt or we gonna go?”
Nate and MC laugh “Ok ok let’s go. Bye mom”
“Don’t come back too late”
“We won’t”
They all pile into Nate’s car and drive over to Jade’s house. MC turns to him “Gonna fill me in on this plan you have?”
“You’ll see”
“I still say we should kick her ass”
Nate chuckles “How about afterwards you kick her ass”
“Deal I like him already MC”
MC giggles “Won’t you be too busy with Ryan?”
“I may have Ryan but I always make time for an ass beating”
MC laughs as Nate pulls up to the house. They all get out of the car looking at the mansion.
“Well this explains why’s she such a bitch”
“Oh yeah spoiled the spoiled little princess” Sasha scoffs and rolls her eyes
They enter the house where the people are talking, and music plays loudly. Jade stands in the corner with the rest of the cheerleaders. She notices Nate and walks over and outs her arms around him “Nate! So glad you’re here”
Nate sighs and removes her arms from his neck “Yeah thanks”
She grabs his arm “Come on don’t you wanna dance?”
“Sure” He removes his arm and grabs MC “Let’s dance”
Nate pulls her out onto the dance floor as they dance together
MC smiles as she sees Jade fuming “That’s your plan? To dance
with me all night?”
“Well part of the plan is to never let you out of my sight” He
twirls her then pulls her back “The other part well that’s a secret”
MC giggles “I can’t wait to find out what it is”
“Believe me you’ll enjoy it”
After they dance Nate leaves to get them drinks. MC sit by the
wall and waits but sees no sign of him. Then her phone buzzes
with a text
Sorry the demon cornered me
Oh boy what happened?
Took me upstairs to give me a tour but I knew what she was planning to do. I finally got away from her
Where are you now?
Come up and you’ll see
MC heads up the stairs the searches for Nate I hope I don’t get lost
The door opens and a hand pulls her inside. MC’s eyes go wide till she feels strong muscular arms around her
“Yeah it’s me baby”
MC playfully smacks him “You scared me! What are we-”
Nate shushes her as footsteps walk past the door “Nate baby, where are you?”
MC sighs “Jade”
“Yeah I ducked into here before she could see”
“Glad you did”
He smirks “Ready for the next part of the plan?”
“Yeah what are we doing?”
“This” He kisses her deeply MC moans as his arms tighten around her. He pushes her back onto the bed and climbs on top of her. MC looks deeply into his eyes as he stares at her intensely.
“I like this plan already”
“I knew you would” He kissed her deeply then runs his hands up and down her sides. He growls “Strip baby” MC undresses herself as Nate undresses himself. Then he kisses her deeply as her arms comes around his neck. He trails kisses down her neck and then he stands leaving her confused “Get on your knees”
MC gets on her knees and He whispers “Are you ready for me baby?”
“Yes Nate I want you so bad”
“That’s my girl” He drives himself into her and puts her face in the pillow to silence her moans. He trusts in and out of her as she muffles her moans He leans over to whisper “Tell me how good that feels MC”
“It feels so good”
“That’s right your enjoying this cause you’re my naughty girl right?”
“Good now come for me baby”
“Nate!” MC comes and after a few more thrust Nate finds his release. They collapse on the bed breathing heavily. Nate brushes a strand of hair out her face and smiles “Beautiful how did I get so lucky with you?”
“I ask myself that everyday”
Nate chuckles as they both get dressed “Come on let’s head downstairs”
He takes her hand as they head back to the party. Jade spots them and runs up to him scowling “Nate I’m over here looking for you and you’re here with her?!”
“I came with her didn’t I?”
“You’re supposed be with me!”
Nate smirks “Aww is someone upset because their little plan didn’t work?”
“What do you mean?”
“We overheard you talking about why you invited us here and what you gonna do tonight”
“Well I had to do something to get you two apart” She points at MC “You’re always with this loser!”
MC rolls her eyes “Jade your embarrassing yourself”
“You’re the once making a fool of yourself” Jade scoffs “Nate only hangs with you cause he feels sorry for you how sad”
“I hang with her because she’s my girlfriend!”
The party goes silent and everyone turns to Jade, MC and Nate.
Jade takes a step back stunned
Nate swings his arm around MC’s waist then looks around “Yeah you all heard me she’s my girlfriend” He turns to MC and smiles “And the girl I love” He kisses her deeply then pulls back
“No…” Jade stomps her foot “No! You two are dating?!”
“Damn right we are” Nate tightens his grip around MC “I don’t plan on ever leaving her so you can back the fuck off” He takes MC’s hand and they walk out the door.
Tags: @annekebbphotography @mfackenthal​ @the-soot-sprite @indiacater @hopefulmoonobject @blades-of-light-and-shadow​ @furiouscloddonutpeanut​
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iamknicole · 5 years
Bloodline Family Series
The parents left their 17 year old boys in charge while they went on a mini vacation together for two weeks. Everything had been going good for them. The boys got their siblings up and ready for Sefa to take them to school then got themselves to school, homework was always done, they were clean and fed. The Reigns' house was clean, aside from a few things here and there. The boys were just awaiting the arrival of their parents so they could get their money for being responsible sitters.
"We going to Miami. Right?" Milo asked with his phone in his hand.
Eli sucked his teeth, "Yeah but Aunni can't go. Boys trip."
"You know Nola not lettin you go to Miami without her," Koda added with a snicker.
The cousins laid around the den, watching television and talking while their siblings played upstairs. Well, Haleigh was in her room on the phone.
"She don't control me. I do what I want."
"Aight, keep playin with her," Milo laughed, "You remember when you went to Tampa without her?"
Eli sucked his teeth again. "Man, she ain't trust me then."
"Oh so yall good now?" Koda asked.
Eli say quietly for a second, "Man fuck yall, I ain't scared of her. Bet I still go."
Jadyn walked quietly into the den holding a big bag of M&Ms and tapped Eli's arm.
"Can we get some?"
Eli looked to his left at his brother then at the bag. "Yeah, you don't ask Jay. You and Jalen 8, y'all don't need permission."
"Unless you at my house," Milo pointed out. "You might have to ask to breathe."
Jadyn ran off with the candy, taking them back upstairs.
"Talkin about I can't go? Bitch, you can't go. Auntie A is crazy as hell, she not lettin your bright ass go nowhere."
Milo threw his empty water bottle at Eli laughing. "Suck my dick, I'm going."
Haleigh came down to the den with the phone to her ear, waiting for them to stop talking. Koda told them to hold on and put his attention on his little sister.
"What's up, Hae?"
"I'm about to walk to Morgan's house real quick, I left some stuff there."
Koda started to get up, "I'll take you."
"No," she shook her head finally hanging up the phone, "It's literally four houses over. Plus yall might wanna go check on the boys."
"Why?" Milo asked quickly.
"When I was passing the room I heard them talking about studying something in someone's nose."
"Fuckin hell. I bet it's your demonic ass brother, Lo." Eli mumbled jumping up.
When they got up to the room Simba was lying on the floor with Jadyn and Jalyn hovering over him. Eli sucked his teeth and snatched his brother out of the way by the backs of their shirts.
"Who got something in they nose? Which one of yall is it?" He asked quickly.
"Not me," Jadyn said folding his arms.
Jalyn huffed, "Simba does."
"Watch it, Jadyn. Who put something in his nose?"
"Go head, snitch. Tell him."
Eli dropped Jadyn onto the carpeted floor, he hit the floor with a thump. "I told you, Thing One."
"We thought it'd be a cool game, we were all gonna do it but you guys came."
Milo approached his baby brother slowly. He hoped it was something he could pull out. If he couldn't, he knew Jey would whoop his ass. He sat on the floor and pulled Simba into his lap, examining his nose.
"Simba, what the hell? Why would you let them do this?" Milo asked in a panicked voice.
Simba shrugged. "Just a game, brodder."
Koda and Eli kneeled beside them.
"It's not just a game, how many of them shits you got up there?" Koda groaned.
"8," Jalyn answered for him.
Milo couldn't believe his ears. His ass was starting to hurt, he could just feel the ass whooping Jey was gonna give him.
"How the fuck we get them out? We all got fat ass fingers." EMI said looking at his hands.
"Auntie A is gon whoop our asses."
"Correction, my dad is gonna whoop our asses."
"Language. But whoop yall for what?" Kandice asked from the doorway making all six boys jump.
Eli looked straight at his youngest brother, "Don't you open your mouth, Thing Two."
"She's gonna find out anyway, E," Koda sighed. "The twins and Simba were playing a game and it went wrong."
"Went wrong how? Matter of fact," Kandice paused to laugh to herself, "Come here, Simba."
Kandice squatted so that she could look at the four year old. She immediately saw the blue m&m in his left nostril, then looked at the boys.
"Twins, did yall do this?" They both nodded. "Did Simba help?" Again they nodded. "Did your brother and cousins give yall the candy?" Silence.
"So yall don't hear ya auntie talkin to yall?" Jimmy asked stepping into the room.
They quickly confirmed.
Jimmy looked at Simba, laughed then walked out of the room.
"Come on. Let's go downstairs and show your parents," Kandice told him grabbing his hand. "Y'all come too."
The twins and Eli went to hide behind Jimmy once they got down to the living room. Koda and Eli stood as far back as possible. Roman was the first to see Simba.
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Jey, Apryl and Trinity saw his face drop and turned around. Jey rushed to pick Simba up, red in the face with anger.
"Why the hell do I see a blue m&m in my baby nose?" Jey asked angrily.
"Cause me, Jadyn aand Simba put them there."
"Snitch!" Jadyn yelled pushing his twin. Jimmy and Eli popped him.
Apryl laughed a little bit but she didn't think it was funny. With this happening the chances of alone time were slim to none.
"We left the three of yall in charge, how this happen?" Jey huffed.
All three teenagers started to talk at the same time, including Eli sucking his teeth and Koda complaining about how his sibling didn't have these problems.
"Koda," Kandice called softly.
"Yes ma'am?"
"Close your mouth, you're not helping."
"But, Mama. I..."
Roman glared at his son. "You heard your mama, close it or I will."
Koda zipped his lips and threw his hands up.
"Look, we apologize, Unc. They're kids, they learned their lesson. Its cool." Eli reasoned standing behind Jimmy.
Jey cut his eyes at his nephew. "And the three of you gon learn a lesson when I put my foot up yall asses."
"I mean, Unc, you only got two feet and it's three of us sooo."
Trinity slipped off her sandal and chucked it at her oldest. "Boy shut your ass up. If yall asses wasn't sitting in here talking about that trip, that yall asses not going on no more, y'all could've been watching them. You know they bad as hell."
Apryl rolled her eyes seeing Jey try to pull the m&ms out Simba's nose and called out to her oldest.
"Get here, NOW!"
Koda jumped then pushed his cousin towards Apryl causing him to bump her a bit.
"Your ass better hope and pray that your daddy get to you before I do," she threatened through gritted teeth, "Cause if I do your ass gon be in the emergency room right next to your demon brother."
"Nice knowing you," Eli waved them ducked Trinity's other sandal that came towards him.
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kiddoryder · 5 years
Grounding an Angel: Comission 3
for @anitoonzforever enjoy!
Angel was in his room putting bombs in an empty box. Then decorated the box to make it look like a regular chocolate box. 
 Angel - *chuckled* “Oh this prank will be so perfect! That will teach that bitch Vaggie for annoying the hell out of me!”
 Angel leaves the room and went to Vaggie’s door. He put the box on the floor, knocked on the door and quickly ran to hide in the corner of the hallway. The. Angel watches as Vaggie opened the door and looked down at the box. 
 Vaggie - *confused* “Huh? Chocolate? Who left this here?”
 Angel giggles quietly as Vaggie picked them up and look at them. 
 Vaggie - “Hm must be from Charlie. *smiles* She always love to give me little gifts once in a while.”
 Angel: *quietly and excited* “Oh here it comes!”
 She slowly opens the box...Then downstairs Charlie and her baby cousin Sonya was going over the hotel room. 
 Charlie - “Do you have any ideas on what room to add Sonya?”
 Sonya - “Art And crafts rooms are always popular.”
 Charlie - “Oh that’s perfect! It can help demons express themselves in a way that show their true self! We can have painting-“
 All of a sudden, they both heard a loud booming sound. It was so loud and unsettling that it made Charlie and Sonya fell on the ground.  
 Charlie - *scared* “What was that?!”
 Sonya - “Sounds like it came from upstairs. Let’s go check it out.”
 They went upstairs and saw Vaggie's door blown up. They went inside, and they saw that half of Vaggie’s stuff was either covered in ashes or was destroyed. There was even smoke coming out of the room. 
 Sonya - *shocked* “Holy crap!”
 Vaggie was standing there about to blow a fuse. She was angry to the point that her eye was twitching. Charlie slowly walk up to her girlfriend trying to see if talking to her can calm her down.
 Charlie - *worried* “V-Vaggie? Are you alright?”
 Sonya - “What happened here?!”
 Vaggie: *fuming* “I'll give you one guess......ANGEL DUUUUUUUUST!!!!!”
 Angel - *comes in acting innocent* “Yes babe?”
 Vaggie: *furious* “I have had it with you! You're acting like a delinquent child!!”
 Angel - “What? I didn't do anything?”
 Charlie - *deadpan and cross arms* “Then why is her room destroyed?”
 Angel - “You have no proof that I did it.”
 Sonya - “Angel you're the only person beside Liz, that loves to pull pranks on Vaggie.”
 Charlie - “And it wasn’t Liz because Sonya was with me the whole time.”
 Sonya - “And today is Liz’s day off since she wanted to stay in the Mind House for the day.”
 Vaggie - “And a piece of your hair was on the box!”
 Vaggie pulled up a piece of white and pink hair that clearly belong to Angel. Knowing that he was now exposed, Angel just crossed his arms with a displeased look saying:
 Angel - “Aw come babe on can't you take a little joke?”
 Even more furious, Vaggie grabs her hairbrush, grabs Angel Dust by his hair, and drags him out of her room to his room. She didn’t even care that she was hurting him by pulling on his hair. After getting into Angel’s room Vaggie puts him over her lap after she sits on his bed. Then she raised up her hairbrush.
 Vaggie - “Does this answer your question?!”
 She brings down a hard smack in Angel’s bottom. However, it didn’t really hurt Angel at all. He turned to Vaggie and said:
 Angel - *giggled* “Bitch that was sad.”
 Vaggie - *angry* “What did you say?!”
 She brings down a few more hard smacks on Angel’s bottom. But Angel doesn't even flinch or cry in pain when the brush was hitting his bottom. Instead, he was just looking at his nails with a bored blank expression on his face.
 Angel - *bored* “How long you are planning to do this?”
 Vaggie - “Until you say you're sorry!”
 Vaggie bring down a few more smacks and Charlie and Sonya saw through the doorway.
 Charlie - *worried* “Vaggie, what if you hurt him?”
 Vaggie - “Then that means that he learns his lessons!”
 Angel: *fakes a yawn* “Yawn! I'm getting bored here.”
 Vaggie get angry and smacked him again but Angel still looked bored.
 Angel - “Hey can I go now?”
 Charlie - “I think you should stop, Vaggie. It isn't working.”
 Vaggie - “Them why don't you step in and spank him instead? Or at least punish him?”
 Charlie - “I can't…”
 Vaggie - “Why not?”
 Charlie - “I just don't have the heart to do it. Besides, physical punishment doesn’t work on Angel.”
 Angel - “Hey is it okay I go now?”
 Vaggie stops smacking and pushed him off. She realizes that her girlfriend was right: this type of punishment doesn’t work on Angel. Basically she is giving him a weak punishment and done it to him a couple of times whenever he does something really something reckless and stupid. But it doesn’t get through his thick skull. Vaggie puts her hands on her head frustrated at Angel. 
 Vaggie - *frustrated* “What am I gonna go with you?”
 Angel - “Hey that's your problem not mine so toodles.”
 *wave his fingers at her and left laughing*
        Realizing Angel isn’t going to learn his listen nor going to heaven with that type of attitude, Charlie decide enough is enough. She can’t let anybody walk over her or her girlfriend, so she decided to do the one thing Vaggie told her to do earlier.
 Charlie: *grabs his hand* “Not so fast mister!!”
 Angel - “Yes?”
 Charlie - “You are grounded!!”
 Angel - *shocked* “What?! You can't ground me I'm a grown man!”
 Charlie - “Well you keep causing trouble for us and the hotel! It's time you learned a lesson!!”
 Vaggie - *proud* “That a girl, Charlie!”
 Angel - “Fine you want me to get over your knees?”
 Charlie - “Nope because you like it!”
 Angel: *smirks* “Guilty as charged.”
 Sonya - *disgust* “Ugh you're disgusting!”
 Angel - “Hey some people have different pleasures kid.”
 Charlie - “Anyway, until I say so, you're not to leave this room.”
 Angel - *confused* “Wait what?”
 Charlie - “For blowing up Vaggie’s room you’re here by, not allowed to leave your room!”
 Angel - “You can't be serious!”
 Charlie - “Yes I am serious! You been acting like a child lately and misbehaving. Then you hurt Vaggie and destroyed her room. It’s time that you learn a lesson.”
 Angel: *sighs* “Alright alright! You're the boss.”
 He sits on his bed, grabs a magazine and is about to have some vodka but Charlie grabs the bottle and the magazine.
 Angel - “Hey!”
 Charlie - One more thing to add: No liquor, no makeup, or anything else you enjoy doing! Vaggie if you please.”
 Vaggie - *smiling* “My pleasure.”
 Vaggie began to take his liquor and makeup and handed them Charlie and Sonya. Vaggie took Angel’s sex toys away as well. 
 Angel - “Hey that's my stuff you touching you bitch!”
 Vaggie - “Your stuff is confiscated until Charlie says so.”
 Charlie - “That's right we are taking away the things you love as punishment.”
 Angel - “Not Fat Nuggets too!!!”
 Vaggie - “No no, you can keep your pig.”
 Angel - “Oh thank god nobody takes my baby boy away from me. But do you have to take away my makeup and liquor?! Even my toys?!”
 Sonya - “Hey Man that how grounding works.”
 Angel: *whines* “But that's not fair!!!”
 Vaggie - *mad* “Fair shmair! That is how Hell Life works!”
 Charlie - *defensive* “Hey if you didn't misbehave then you wouldn't get grounded.”
 Angel: *tears up like a child* “Screw you guys! I didn't ask to be a part of this team!!”
 Angel lies on his bed and buries his face on his pillow throwing a tantrum. Charlie starts to have regrets about her actions. But Vaggie gently held her arms and said:
 Vaggie - “Come on, let's leave him to his tantrum.”
 Charlie nods silently and follows Vaggie and her cousin out the room. Sonya was reading a comic book and Vaggie locked away Angel’s stuff in a safe. Charlie has a slightly guilty look on her face. 
 Charlie - “You think we went too far?”
 Sonya - *shrugs* “He'll get over it. Besides, he the one who went too far by destroying Vaggie's room. He could have seriously hurt her.”
 Charlie - “That's true. But I never thought he'd get this upset.”
 Vaggie - “Well Maybe he deserves it. Think about its Charlie, since day 1 all he has done is just cause trouble. Even when we try to punish him, he just acts like it's nothing.”
 Sonya - “Well what'd you expect? I mean he's a masochist.”
 Charlie - “Yeah. And he is one of the biggest pornstars in Hell. He probably had to this lot of times in the movies he played in.”
 Sonya - “But I wonder if spankings used to actually hurt him before he got used to it.”
 Charlie - “I don't know. That is a good question.”
 Vaggie - “Yeah I agree.”
 Sonya - “Maybe when he was a child but as he got older, he started to like it. Cause I know people who got fetish for that.”
 Charlie - “Possibly. Then again Angel got a lot of fetishes.” 
 Sonya - “How long is he grounded?”
 Charlie - “Until further notice, I guess?”
 Meanwhile in his room Angel was mad and pouting. He was angry that all the things he loves was taken away from him. 
 Angel - “This isn't fair! How could they do this to me?!”
 Fat Nugget came and looked at Angel curiosity. He was worried and confused on his owner looking mad. Fat Nuggets walked over, and nudge Angel’s legs and it got his attention. 
 Angel-  “Hey Buddy....Can you believe those gals punished daddy?”
 Fat Nuggets oinked Angel picks him up and holds him. 
 Angel - “That's What I said! I can't believe they took away my vodka and makeup! They even took my toys!” And what's worse is that I have to stay in my room!”
 Fat Nuggets looks at him sadly and licks his face. This made Angel feel a little better. 
 Angel - *smiled* “Aw thanks buddy. To be honest I would rather stick with the spanking. At least it turned me on a little and it did make my ass a little pink.”
 Fat Nuggets raised his eyebrows at him looking confused.
 Angel - “Oh well I never told about this but...My dad used to spank me as a kid a lot and it did hurt at first. But he did it so many times I guess my ass just got used to it because now. Then when it started to happen in movies it’s kind of turn me on. Especially when men do it to me.”
 Fat Nuggets rolled his eyes knowing how kinky his “Daddy” is. Then he heard a knock on the door. He saw Sonya holding a tray of food. 
 Angel - “Oh hey kid. You're here to let me out?”
 Sonya - “No I'm here to bring you your lunch.” 
 Angel saw it was a grilled cheese sandwich, a side of fries, and a glass of juice. He had a mildly displeased look on his face because of how he was being fed “prison food”. But at least he got some food. 
 Angel - “Thanks I guess.”
 Sonya - *comforting* “Oh don't be so down. You'll be out before you know it.”
 Angel - *downed* “Yeah right…” 
 Sonya - “Well you wouldn't be in this mess if you didn't blow up Vaggie's room.”
 Angel - *offended* “Well it's her fault for not being able to take a joke.”
 Sonya - “You could've seriously injured her!”
 Angel - “Well she should of ran off!”
 Sonya - “You find a lot of excuses don't ya?”
 Angel - *shrugs* “Sometimes. So how about you bust me out of here?”
 Sonya - “What? Why?”
 Angel - “Because I've been stuck here for hours and I'm bored out of my skull!!”
 Sonya - *deadpanned* “It's only been half an hour.”
 Angel - “See?! I need to get out of here.”
 Sonya - “Don't you think you're overreacting?”
 Angel - *threateningly* “Look kid, I like you but you better spring me out of this prison or...or....I'll give you a makeover!”
 Sonya - “You can’t do that; Cousin Charlie took away your makeup stuff.”
 Angel - “That’s true. But she didn’t take away my hair product stuff or the pretty pink dress I have just for you!”
 Sonya - *scared* “Y-You wouldn't dare!”
 Angel - “Try me! Just try me!” 
 He was about to grab Sonya when Liz made her move out of the room and closed the door.
 Angel - *mad* “Aw damn it! Well at least I got something to eat.”
 Angel sat down on his bed defeated and began to eat his lunch. He even gave some to Fat Nuggets. Fat Nuggets smiles after he ate bits of the lunch and oinked.
 Angel - *smiled* “Aww anytime buddy.”
 Meanwhile Sonya went downstairs with the girls relaxing. Then Sonya said:
 Sonya - “Uh Cousin Charlie? How you keeping Angel grounded?”
 Charlie - “He just has to stay in his room, I guess. I never gave them this kind of punishment before. ”
 Sonya - “Well Angel is acting kind of nuts. He was saying how he spent hours in his room locked up, but it has only been 30 minutes. Not to mention he threatened me with a makeover if I didn't free him.”
 Vaggie - *mad* “He what?!”
 Sonya - “And he knows how much I hate makeovers.”
 Vaggie - “He's really trying to break his punishment. But it’s not gonna work.”
 Charlie - “And he's staying in his room until I say he can come out.”
 Sonya - “Well okay. Wonder how long he'll last? He doesn’t look like the type that stay in a room for a really long time.”
 Vaggie - “Eh. He will be fine.”
 A couple days went by and the girls are repairing Vaggies room. They bought some new paints, furniture, and even a new bed. It was starting to look better than ever. Vaggie was happy because she had a few Angel-free day offs, and she never felt so much peace in her life. Sonya would bring him his meals but would use her magic due to not wanting to be held hostage in there. 
 Charlie - “Don't worry Vaggie your room is looking good as new.”
 Vaggie - *happy* “I'm glad about that.”
 Sonya - “Should I give Angel his lunch?”
 Charlie - “Sure and check on him for me please.”
 Sonya - “Sure.” 
 Vaggie - “He been too quietly lately. Not that I have a problem with it.”
 Sonya goes to check on him and knocks on his door. This time she got him a tray of Mac and cheese and juice. 
 Sonya - “Angel! Angel I got you some lunch.”
 No answer. Not even a groan of annoyance. Worried, Sonya opened the door goes inside Angel’s room. Sonya’s eyes widen in shock to see not only his room completely trashed,  but Angel is on the floor, holding his knees, and rocking back and forth. His hair was messy and look like he lost his mind.
 Sonya - *concerned and scared* “Uhh Angel? Are you okay?”
 Angel - *sounding crazy*  “No liquor....no makeup....no friends....just me...all alone....”
 Fat Nuggets gets worried and oinks at Sonya. Fat Nuggets never seen his daddy like this before.
 Sonya - “I know boy he looks like he lost his mind *to Angel* I got you some food .”
 Show him a tray of the bowl full of Mac and cheese with some juice. Angel just knocked the bowl out of her hands. Fat Nuggets began to eat the Mac and cheese off the floor. 
 Angel - “Get away!! Nobody touches me!!”
 Sonya - *worried* “Whoa Whoa! Angel chill out!”
 Angel hisses like a vampire and hides in a corner. After finishing the Mac and cheese, Fat Nuggets went to Angel and oinked looking worried about him. Angel still looked like he went insane. 
 Angel - “No one cares if I got away....if I fade into nothing!”
 Sonya - “This is bad! I better get Cousin Charlie!”
 She left the room and ran inside Vaggie’s room to Charlie and Vaggie. 
 Sonya - “Cousin Charlie I think we should let Angel out. He's losing his mind!”
 Charlie - “What do you mean?
 Sonya explained everything to Charlie and Vaggie. Charlie looked shocked because she never expected Angel to act like that. Especially during a punishment. 
 Charlie - *shocked and worried* “Oh dear! Maybe we went too far. I should probably let him out now.”
 Sonya - “Yeah he looks like one of those mental patients you see at the cuckoo cuckoo house.”
 Charlie - “I think he's learned his lesson. Let's go get him out.”
 Vaggie - “No way! He has to stay grounded.”
 Charlie - *appalled* “Vaggie! We wanted to punish Angel, not torture him.”
 Vaggie - “I know but it's you have to admit, it’s been kinda nice around here lately. Maybe we can let him out in about, oh, a week or so.”
 Sonya - “Then he will be a psycho zombie by the time the week is over.” 
 Vaggie - *shrugs* “Better than a trouble making asshole.”
 Charlie: *yelling* “Alright that's it!!!”
 Charlie went to Angel's room and opened the door and saw how messy it is. She saw Fat Nuggets looking scared and worried and look around for Angel.
 Charlie - “Angel?”
 Charlie turned around and saw Angel looking messy and deranged. Then Angel hissed like a cat toward Charlie. 
 Charlie - *gently* “Angel it's okay, it's me.”
 Vaggie - “Charlie what are you doing?!”
 Charlie - “Stay out of this!!”
 Vaggie - *shocked* “What?! But he deserves it!”
 Charlie -  “I said stay out of this or so help me I'll lock you in your room too!!”
 Vaggie - “Charlie are you doing this? Aren't you forgetting how much of an immature jack-ass he can be?!”
 Charlie - “When I said everyone deserves a second chance, I mean it! And you are not gonna stop me from helping my friend!!”
 Sonya - “She's right Vaggie, this is torturing Angel. I mean look at him!”
 They look at angel chewing and tearing up a pillow with his teeth. This made Vaggie realize that they are right: Being locked in a room without your favorite things is going overboard. Angel is already acting like a deranged Angel. 
 Vaggie - “Okay that is going a little overboard.”
 Charlie: You see? We have to end his grounding
 Vaggie - *sighs* “Alright fine he’s ungrounded.”
 Charlie - “Ahem, Angel?”
 Angel hisses at her again. But Charlie walked to Angel and gently touched his arm.  
 Charlie - “Angel it's me: Charlie.”
 Sonya - “Just listen to us.”
 Angel - “W-What is it?”
 Charlie - *comforting* “Your punishment is over. You can come out now.”
 Angel - *calming down* “I-I can...come out?”
 Charlie - *smiling* “Yes the punishment is over.”
 Charlie takes his hand and leads him out of his room. 
 Sonya - “Look buddy, you're out now.”
 Angel looks around and saw that he was no longer in his room. He was now in the hallway of the hotel. 
 Angel -  “I'm...I'm free...”
 Charlie - “Yes your punishment is over.”
 Angel: *jumps up for joy* “I'm free, I'm free, I'm free!!”
 The girls were watching Angel jumping for joy being happy that his punishment was over. Even Fat Nuggets was happy that his daddy punishment was over.
 Sonya - *smiled* “I think he's okay now.”
 Charlie - “Yeah I mean he's really happy.”
 Vaggie - *arms crossed* “Like a kid in a candy store.”
 Angel - “Do I get my stuff back too?”
 Charlie - “Of course! But did you learn your lesson?”
 Angel - *sincere* “Yes and I'm really sorry. I won't blow up Vaggie’s room anymore.”
 Vaggie - *threateningly* “You better not or ill blow you up into a million pieces!”
 Angel - *desperate* “Yes I promise, I promise!”
 Charlie - “Good. Now what are you gonna do?”
 Angel -  “To the bar!!”
 Angel ran downstairs and began to drink a lot of alcohol much to Husk dismay. He too was enjoying the Angel free days. Too bad it was over now.
 Husk - *annoyed* “Oh god he's back.”
 Angel - *flirty* “Hey babe. Miss me?”
 Husk - *annoyed* “Not really.” 
 Angel - “Oh I miss these drink” *drink a lot* 
 Charlie, Vaggie and Sonya was watching Angel drinking a lot of alcohol. Normally they stop him, but they feel like he has been through a lot and needed a break. 
 Sonya - “I see he's back to normal.”
 Charlie - “I'm glad he is too. To be honest, I guess this is the punishment he needs if he goes too far.”
 Vaggie - “Agreed. Sometimes you got to show a little tough love to the people you care about.”
 Sonya - “Maybe this tough love can help Angel shape into a better person.”
 Charlie - “It can. Tough Love can help people be better. And that what I’m gonna do for now on if the people in the hotel goes too far.”
 Hope you like it!
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caranfindel · 6 years
Recap/review 14.11: “Damaged Goods”
THEN: Oh, good, we're going to have a Nick episode. I was hoping for that. (NOT.) Michael is trapped in Dean's internal walk-in. Billie has bad news related to that.
NOW: Nick interrogates a demon about another demon named Abraxis. The name sounds a little familiar and I waste a few seconds wondering where I've heard it before, but then I realize it's the demon who killed Nick's family and this has been Nick's entire focus and that's how little I care about Nick and his quest, that I couldn't even bother to remember who he was after. Anyway, he learns that the hunter who last dealt with Abraxis is in Hibbing. Oooh, who else do we know in Hibbing?
Title card!
Dean is packing. Books about angels. Tools. Work gloves. I was a little afraid we were going to ignore last week's horrifying revelation, and Dean would just sit on that information for a while. But he's wearing his Red Shirt of Bad Decisions, so we know the shit is going down tonight! \o/
He leaves the storeroom and kind of looks down the hallway, which is really insignificant the first time you watch this episode, but on rewatch you realize what he's thinking right here, and that he doesn't ever expect to see this hallway again... but I'm getting ahead of myself. He goes into the library, where Sam is quietly studying in the darkness (is that a new shirt? I like it). He ignores it when Sam asks how he's feeling. Dean tells Sam he appreciates that he's trying to help him, and Sam's all, yeah, what else would I do? He asks if Dean wants to join him, and they have this conversation.
Actually, I thought I'd go for a drive, you know, just me and Baby, long stretch of road. And figured I'd make it a two-fer, go see Mom at Donna's cabin.
Yeah, yeah, that sounds great. Be good to see them. Just let me find a stopping point and get packed up.
Actually, I was, uh, I was kind of hoping for some one-on-one time with Mom, if that's cool.
Yeah. Sure, yeah. Whatever you need.
And I thought this conversation was going to break my heart, because Sam clearly does NOT think this trip sounds great, but he's going to go anyway because it's what Dean wants/needs to do, and then Dean rejects that, and Sam's little face is going to do me in. And on rewatch, it kind of seems like Dean is stalling here, like he can't bring himself to leave (but again, I'm getting ahead of myself) AND THEN THIS HAPPENS.
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Dean comes around behind Sam and HUGS HIM and says "take care, Sammy" and I'm just WHAAAAT. NO THIS IS NOT RIGHT. THIS IS SUCH A BAD, BAD SIGN, SAM WINCHESTER, AND YOU KNOW IT.
And also, there goes the rest of my heart.
Cut to Mary at the aforementioned cabin, talking to Sam on the phone. She says the cabin's been quiet since Bobby took off for a few days. The old "I need a little space after killing the ghoul version of my dead son" thing. Happens to the best of us. Sam tells her he's worried because Dean's acting so weird, and mentions the hug. Mary says "that's sweet," proving that she doesn't know her sons at all. Really, Mary, you've witnessed ONE hug between them. ONE. Sam points out that they don't hug unless it's "literally the end of the world," which isn't quite true. It would be more accurate to say "unless one of us is dying or just came back from the dead," which is slightly more frequent than the end of the world Either way, Mary assures him that everything will be fine. But as Sam's talking to her, he's walking through the storerooms in the bunker and he sees some books are missing.
(Sidebar: Why are these books kept in the storeroom and not the library? And why are regular tools apparently kept with supernatural paraphernalia? Couldn't that cause problems? What if a MoL novice was sent to Storeroom 2 for a reciprocating saw and he couldn't figure out why a saw would reciprocate or what that would look like and he came back with something he dug out of a curse box instead? I'm seeing all kinds of potential OSHA violations here.)
Now we see Dean enjoying a messy burger. Oh, he's with Donna! I love Dean and Donna, y'all. She tries to ask him about himself, but he keeps deflecting. Which doesn't fool her at all, and she finally says "just wondering if you've run out of ways to ask me how I'm doing, so as to avoid me repaying the favor." She knows about Michael, because of Sam. "What, has he got a freaking newsletter," Dean grumps. But I'm glad to see Sam's been talking to his support system, because in the past, he's not done that as often as he should.
Dean ends the conversation with the typical "I'm fine" nonsense and gives Donna one of those big hugs where he looks absolutely stricken while she can't see him and then plasters on a smile when they pull apart, and you KNOW how I love when he does that. He pulls away and says "I'll see ya." But it's pretty obvious Dean is on his farewell tour and never intends to see Donna again. It's also pretty obvious that Donna can tell something is up.
Dean pulls up to the cabin, which is seriously in need of some work on the roof, and immediately hears gunshots. It turns out to be Mary murdering some pumpkins for target practice. (SHE'S STILL GOT THAT LOCK OF TOO-LONG HAIR.) He tells her he wants to stick around for a couple of days, which surprises her. She suggests they call Sam to join them, but he says he wants to be "a little greedy with my Mom time." No, Dean, that's not suspicious at all. Jesus. (Or, as someone pointed out, Sorry Sam, but Mom was MY gift.)
Mary pushes it, and Dean comes right out and says "I don't want Sam here," and again, Dean, that's not suspicious at all. How is someone who lies professionally such a BAD liar? He explains his mood away by claiming to be hangry, even though he just finished the best burger in all of Minnesota, and tells Mary he wants the one thing she can cook, something called Winchester Surprise. She heads out to the grocery store, and doesn't suggest that the son who drove all this way to see her would want to ride along. Or maybe she does, and he refuses, and they just didn't show us that part. Anyway, the important thing is, Dean's alone and he has work to do.
He gets his bag out of the Impala and strides purposely into a large shed decorated with pictures of topless guys with 70s porn 'staches. The first one reminds me a LOT of Doug 2.0, so I laugh when Dean says "Well, Donna certainly has a type." Yes she does. He finds an 8-track player, of all things, but is interrupted by a sudden burst of Michael banging on his door. The tape he chooses is the Guess Who, and the song is "No Time Left For You," which I've never liked (lots of experience with 70s music here, kiddos) but it seems appropriate. And then he gets to work, and if you thought Sam soldering last week was hot, you're in for a treat. Let's forget our annoyance with the soundtrack and concentrate on how much we appreciate Metalworking!Dean, complete with welding helmet and safety goggles, under the watchful eyes of several shirtless moustachioed cowboys.
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Mmmm, yes, we do appreciate it.
(Sidebar: Where did all this metal come from?)
Meanwhile, at the grocery store, we get a fake-out where we think someone threatening is accosting Mary, but it's only a friendly employee. And we also see that Mary puts her grocery bags in the bed of her truck? So not only does she not know how to cook, but she doesn't even know where to PUT FOOD? I.e., IN THE CAB?
He says buying food is new for her, because she usually buys whiskey, pumpkins, and crossword puzzles. Damn, Mary, it really seems like things aren't going well out there at the Love Shack if you're spending all day drinking, shooting pumpkins, and doing crossword puzzles. I'm gonna go ahead and call it - Mobby is doomed. She tells him she has family in town, which I expect to turn into the inevitable oh no, this guy is a demon and now he knows Dean is there.
But I'm exactly wrong. Nick pulls up in the creepiest windowless van possible and asks the guy if he knows where Mary Winchester is. Because why wouldn't he? Why wouldn't Random Grocery Store Guy know where everyone in Hibbing Minnesota, population 16,361, resident or guest, lives? Random Grocery Store Guy pretends he doesn't know who she is. Good for him.
(BTW, the fastest route from Lebanon to Hibbing is about 12.5 hours. But it's all interstate and I suspect either Winchester would take the route that uses more state highways and is 13.5 hours.)
(Sidebar: Yes, when I open Mapquest, Lebanon is always in my Recents. Is that not normal?)
Apparently Nick decides he'll just cruise the greater Hibbing area and try to find her, because we seem him after nightfall driving his creepy van. A police car drives by, and then turns around and pulls him over. He makes sure his stolen angel blade is in place and hides a paperclip somewhere on his person before the officer gets to him. Oooh, it's Donna!
She cuffs him and tells him the van's been reported stolen, but she also reveals she knows he's looking for Mary, and don't like the way she lays all her cards on the table like that. Let him think you're just arresting him for a stolen car, Donna. Don't let him know you're onto his Grand Scheme. He says his name is "Nunya" and then "Eat Me" (oooh, is he related to the Eat Me Sam met a few seasons ago?), but she's got some kind of mobile fingerprint scanner. Does this thing exist? She discovers who he is, but while her back is turned, he uses his paperclip to get out of the cuffs. They fight, and she seems to have the upper hand, but he gets her taser and that's the end of that.
Love Shack. When Mary pulls up, Dean is outside by the door to the Shed of Mysterious Building. He lies about what he's doing out there and carries the groceries inside, to where the table is set and he wants to help her cook (THIS IS NOT OKAY) and she FINALLY realizes something is up. (Also, Dean, we know you're not a terrible cook. Don't lie just to make your mom feel better.) She quietly talks to Sam from upstairs (though not quietly enough, Dean totally would have heard her in the real world) and agrees that something is going on. Sam tells her about the missing items and says he thinks he should come up, but she says to give her more time. WHY, MARY. WHY DO YOU THINK YOU ARE THE PERSON TO ADDRESS THIS AND NOT SAM. WHY DO YOU INSIST ON KEEPING HIM 13.5 HOURS AWAY. WHY. It doesn't matter, because when Sam hangs up, we see he's already on his way. YES. THAT'S MY BOY.
Dinner. Dean tells a funny/tragic story about their childhood and Mary gets a case of The Sads, realizing how much she's missed and "how much the two of you just..." Just everything, Mary. They just EVERYTHING. Together. Without John, without you. AND STILL YOU THINK SAM SHOULD SIT IN THE BUNKER AND LET YOU HANDLE THIS. DAMMIT, MARY.
Anyway. Dean says her being alive has meant "everything to me, and everything to Sam." He claims to appreciate this wonderful time they're having, but he falters when he says "there's no clouds on the horizon." Because it's a LIE. She tells him he can talk to her about whatever he's going through, and he says "Everybody keeps asking me how I am. And how I am, is I don't want to talk about it. Please."
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Oh lord, his face.
Later, as he snores gently on the couch, we see Mary tiptoe downstairs and outside, to check out what's happening in the Shed of Mysterious Building. (Sidebar: Dean sleeps with one arm flung behind his back, which I think we first saw in No Escape, and I always thought it was an odd and fake-looking way to sleep until I realized I actually do that sometimes myself.) She looks through the books and things and figures out what he's doing and it must be bad because she says "no, no, no." Meanwhile, Donna is waking up inside her own cruiser. I wonder why Nick left her alive?
Dean wakes up to the sound of a ringing phone. It's not his, it's Mary's. Donna is calling to warn him about Nick. But it's too late, because when Dean goes outside, Mary isn't there. But Sam is. "Hey, whoa, easy!" he says, facing down Dean's gun, and that tickles me for some reason.
Creepy van. Nick whines to Mary. He found email from Mary in Donna's phone, giving the address of the Love Shack. He thinks Mary knows where Abraxis is. She does - the demon is trapped inside an Enochian puzzle box in a storage locker, locately conveniently in or near Hibbing. I don't care about any of this.
At the Love Shack, Sam blames himself for Nick running around like a free madman, because of course he does. Donna's APB gets a result - the creepy van has been spotted outside Grand Rapids. Donna says that's 30-40 minutes away, but Grand Rapids is actually 11.5 hours away from Hibbing. Maybe there's a little town called Grand Rapids near Hibbing. A town so small that Mapquest doesn't even know about it.
Nick gets the Enochian puzzle box (yeah, this scene goes on FOREVER and I'm skipping a lot here, is anyone complaining? nope didn't think so) and wants to release the demon so they can talk. Mary points out that the demon needs a host to talk, and it can't be Nick and it can't be her, and she flashes an anti-possession tattoo as explanation. So drills the box open and Nick forces the storage locker employee to be the host. Abraxis says he'll tell Nick why they killed his family if he kills Mary slow and bloody.
While this is happening, we see Sam and Dean on that 30 minute/11.5 hour drive to Grand Rapids. Sam looks despondent, and they have this conversation:
Say it. I can see you want to. Might as well go ahead and say it.
All right. Nick is not a project. He's not a freaking puppy. He was Lucifer's vessel for years.
I know that, Dean, I thought -
You thought he'd what, just walk it off? Come on, man, you're not that dumb.
It's not about being dumb, Dean, it's called compassion. Look, what happened to Nick could have happened to me. It almost happened to me. You change one little thing in our past and that WAS me! Lucifer wearing ME to the prom. Besides, since when do we give up on people? Since when do we just cut people loose?
Well, maybe you need to learn, okay? Because when people are past the point of saving, maybe you need to learn to walk away.
Ouch. I hurt for both of them. Poor Sam, seeing himself in Nick and wanting to save that guy the way he wishes someone had wanted to save him. Having faith in Nick's potential the way he wanted someone, anyone, to have faith in his own. And Dean obviously isn't talking about Nick, at least not there at the end, because we've heard it from Dean before, talking about himself. I can't be saved; walk away.
The guys arrive at the storage locker just in time to stop Nick from killing Mary slow and bloody. Nick scratches out the devil's trap that's holding the demon, and Abraxis immediately tosses them around and tells Nick he was chosen completely at random. Damn, Nick is as whiny as Lucifer was. (I wonder who influenced who? Discuss.)
Dean tries to quietly exorcise the demon, but Abraxis flings him against a shelf and we get a flash of skin. But before he can start killing anyone, Nick stabs him with the stolen angel blade. Then Nick acts like he's going to stab the others if they don't let him escape, so Donna shoots him in the leg. Dammit, Donna, this was the perfect opportunity to kill him. He already killed one person, and he was threatening to kill the rest of you. It would have been a clean shoot. Instead, Mary punches the wounded whiny baby and Sam does a wee little version of his glorious post-exertion huff.
Outside, Sam gives Nick a sad, confused look.
I needed the truth, Sam. I needed revenge for my family. You would have done the same thing.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't help you, I'm sorry I didn't know how.
It's not about you, Sam. It was never about you. You couldn't fix me because I didn't want to be fixed. I was never broken.
Yeah, Nick, you are. I don't feel sorry for you, Nick. I feel sorry for the people you hurt, the people you murdered. The people whose faces will haunt you every night for the rest of your life. You can burn.
FUUUUUCK. That's cold as hell and it's not like Sam Winchester at all and I love it to pieces. He's finally given up on this asshole. But it's finally time to move away from the B plot, and Mary tells Dean she saw what he was building in the shed. She knows what he's building, she knows what he's planning, and the three of them ARE going to talk about it. And if he doesn't tell Sam, she will. So, you finally think Sam's input is important, Mary? Good to know.
When the sun rises, we're back at the Shed of Mysterious Building. Dean is showing Sam what he's done. He calls it something like a "maloch box," which I'm sure is spelled wrong. It looks like a giant coffin (yeah, about that...) Nothing can escape it, not even an archangel. Sam knows what they are but says they're impossible to build, and Dean's all, "not so much." And then they have this conversation and I'm sorry (no I'm not), but I had to transcribe the whole thing.
That's your plan? You want to be buried alive?
Buried's not safe enough. Plan is, pay a little hush money, charter a boat to take me out to the Pacific. Splash.
You and Michael, trapped, together, for eternity.
You do realize how insane this is, right?
It's the only sane play I've got. Michael gets out, that's it for this world. And he will get out.
How do you know that for sure?
Because I do. Because I can feel him, in my head. That door is giving. I can feel it giving.
There has to be another way.
There's not, okay? There's... Sam, you've tried. Cas has tried. Jack. And I love you for trying, but none of it's going to work.
But we don't know that!
Yeah, we do.
Billie. She paid me a little visit. She said that there's only one way that this ends right. And this is it. This, right here. This box. So she gave up the special recipe and all I had to do was the work. It's fate.
Since when do we believe in fate?
Now, Sam. Since now.
So, you came out here, to see Donna, to see Mom, on some what, some sick secret farewell tour? You were gonna leave, and you weren't even gonna tell me. Me. Do you realize how messed up that is? How unfair that is?
I didn't have a choice! Sam, you're the last person I could tell, the last person I could be around, cause you're the only one that could have talked me out of it! And I won't be talked out of it. I won't. I'm doing this. Now you can either let me do it alone, or you could help me. But I'm doing this.
All right.
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Oh, guys.
Well, I've got to admit, Dean's prophesied horrifying death was a letdown. First, because it wasn't even new - it was basically the same fate Death offered him when he had the MoC. Worse, sure. Being locked in a box with an angry archangel rather than floating in space and having some kind of dream life, never a good option. (ASK SAM. HE KNOWS.) But mostly because it didn't live up to his reaction when he first read Billie's book. I was sure (and I wasn't alone) that his tearful reaction meant it was going to involve something horrible for someone he loves (SAM). But this? The Dean we know would have reacted the way he did when Rowena told him he had to "be the bomb" in order to destroy Amara. Yeah, this sucks, but I always knew it was gonna end ugly, so, whaddya gonna do?
(Sidebar: This brings up an interesting question. I know an angel's vessel is immortal, but would Dean still be immortal even though Michael was trapped inside his head? Would the fact that Michael wasn't in the driver's seat stop him from keeping his vessel alive? Or would the angel's grace do that all on its own?)
But oh, guys. This scene. THIS SCENE. These two. Dean saying I love you for trying. Dean at the beginning, chin up, so defiant, so defensive because this is exactly what he was afraid of - telling Sam, and having to stick to his plan. (He's probably remembering the last time Sam talked him out of this very thing, kneeling on the floor in front of him, agreeing to support the plan for Dean to lock himself up with the Mark of Cain forever, looking up at him with the puppy dog eyes and nodding to accept that Dean has to cut his head off in order to prevent him from undoing that act; or maybe he's not actually remembering that but now I am, goddammit guys, I need a minute.) And Sam realizing that last little hug was Dean's last planned goodbye, and being so angry and so hurt, and the way he looks so young there at the end, when he stops and finally says "all right." I know we've seen this before but IT STILL GETS ME. EVERY DAMN TIME.
(Sidebar: Did Dean leave Sam a note? Is it in the bunker somewhere? Because Sam's last conversation with his father was the old man saying I don't know why we always fight, now go away and his last conversation with his brother would have been I want to go visit Mom without you. Discuss. Fanfic it. Come wail with me about it.)
(Also... Dean's farewell tour didn't include Cas? Jack? Jody?)
Well. Happy 40th birthday, Dean Winchester.
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Worst. Birthday. Ever.
So, this episode? Too much Nick. Not enough Sam. Things that did not live up to expectations. But also, things that were wonderfully unexpected. I've seen worse, my friends. What did you think? And please help me stay unspoiled, thanks!
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