#i was gushing about matthew to my mum who wants to watch and she was like ooooh mr matthew oooooh
gregoftom · 1 year
i’m gonna be so irritating about succ sesh/tomgreg i just know. i hate new fixations
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sowk-fic-archive · 7 years
SOWK ch.16/35
The big day finally arrives...
Lyircs here are from the song Somewhere Only We Know by Keane. We claim no ownership to the song or the band.
(Notes from blog owner: DON’T LISTEN TO THE SONG UNTIL YOU’VE FINISHED THE STORY. It’s more powerful that way. For now just imagine it.)
Chapter 16 : vœu
For some reason, Dominic was nervous. No, it was more than that. He was afraid. He woke up to see that Nancy’s side of the bed had already been vacated or, worse still, that she had not slept in it at all. Swinging his legs over his side of the bed and standing up, he bent down to pick up her hairbrush from where it had been left the day before. The day before. Dominic closed his eyes as the memory of his twin’s anguish washed over him again. He gritted his teeth, placing the hairbrush back on her table and heading downstairs. To his relief, he saw his mother, who was sitting at the kitchen table and picking at a bowl of cereal. He sat down beside her, wondering if Nancy had told her anything and hoping that she hadn’t. Annie looked up as she saw him arrive, smiling genuinely. “Hello, sweetheart,” she said. “Looking forward to today?” His stomach jolted suddenly. The audition. He’d forgotten all about it. Shaking his head, he shrugged. “Not particularly,” he said. “But then again, I don’t know any situation where I would be looking forward to it. He’s an insufferable idiot, mum, I swear.” Annie chuckled, reaching out to slap her son’s arm lightly. “Don’t let anyone hear you say that,” she said sternly, though she was smiling. “Where’s your sister?” The smile fell from Dominic’s face. “I don’t know. I didn’t see her this morning. We... we argued yesterday. I think she’s mad at me.” “Mad enough to storm out last night and not come back?” Annie asked. “She was kicking up a fuss about every little thing when I saw her last, and then she declared she was going to Ben’s and slammed the door in my face before I could ask what was wrong. What on earth were you two arguing about?” Dominic shrugged. “I don’t know. She wanted to help me pick an outfit for today. I said I didn’t like it and she overreacted. Nothing, really.” He looked over at her with a sad smile. “It’s my fault,” he admitted. “I know she was only trying to help. Will you tell her I’m sorry if she comes back? I need to get ready.” Annie nodded, returning to her cereal with a smile. “Good luck today, sweetheart.” “I’m not the one who needs it,” Dominic lied, heading back upstairs to shower.
Matthew stepped out of the shower, ruffling his hair in a white towel before wrapping it around his waist. Curiously, he padded out of his bedroom and downstairs. He was far too warm, for once, to want to put his suit on yet, and he was confused as to why the house was so quiet. He couldn’t hear his father shouting. “Good morning, Master Bellamy,” a glouglou called Luke chirped, as he walked upstairs with a pile of towels in his arms. After Dominic and his personal accompanist, Luke was one of the only other glouglous Matthew could tolerate. “Luke,” he said calmly, as a form of greeting. “You haven’t by any chance seen my parents today, have you?” The glouglou nodded his head, eyes to the floor. He would be punished if he looked at a Voix in any state of undress. “Yes sir, I have. They left early, and with strict instructions to-- oh. To not tell you they left early. I’m sorry sir.” Matthew let out a small chuckle, Luke bristling for he had never heard the sound. “That’s okay, I’ve got bigger things on my mind than punishment,” he paused, waving Luke away when he began to apologise. Dragging his feet, he began to walk back upstairs to get dressed. The sooner he stopped procrastinating, the better.
“Master Bellamy, you and your accompanist have five minutes to prepare for your audition. The Vieillesse will not be judging this part of the--” Dominic came bursting through the doors at the end of the chateau’s longest corridor, his Converse squeaking against the mosaic tile as he jogged towards the Unique-to-be and the member of the Vieillesse. When he reached them, he braced his hands on his thighs and bent over panting. Matthew remained silent, but he stopped fiddling with the button on the cuff of his jacket. “815231184, I see you’ve finally arrived,” the older man said curtly. “Sir, if I may,” Dominic panted, but he was cut off. “No, you may not. Get into the audition room and start warming up.” He turned on his heel and walked down the corridor, expensive shoes clicking on the floor. Matthew glanced at Dominic and strolled into the grand audition room, Dominic hot on his heels and closing the door behind them. “What on earth are you playing at, you fool! This is the most important day of my life!” “I know, sir, I know. I’m so sorry,” Dominic gushed, breathing back to normal finally. “I was just putting the final touches to the song.” “What final touches?! We have five minutes, I can’t relearn anything!” Matthew seethed, fists clenched at his sides. Dominic dumped his messenger bag onto the floor and quickly settled himself onto the piano stool, practicing scales. “Well, it needed a title. Every time we’d tried to title it, we got... distracted,” the glouglou said, without meeting Matthew’s eyes. The Voix made a small hum of approval, however his mouth was still set in a frown. “And what, pray tell, did you call it?” Dominic looked up as his fingers lightly pressed on all the right keys to play the melody. “Why don’t we go,” he said lowly, “somewhere only we know.” Matthew’s stomach churned, but he couldn’t tell if it was because of all the butterflies there, or the dark look Dominic was giving him. “I like it,” he said bluntly, tapping his fingers against the top of the piano once and turning away from the glouglou. “Scales, please. Start with C major.” By the time they had practiced the fifth scale, Dominic’s fingers had began to shake. He knew exactly how much this audition meant to Matthew, and he knew exactly what level of punishment he would receive if he ruined it. As if on instinct, Matthew turned around and regarded Dominic’s hands with curiosity. “You’re nervous, too?” “I don’t want to fuck it up for you,” Dominic said honestly, biting his lip when he realised he had used a glouglou curse in the highest of Voix chateaux. Luckily, Matthew smiled. “You won’t. We’ll be alright, you and me,” he said, echoing Adora’s words from only that morning just as the heavy wooden doors opened.
Matthew felt his hands curl into fists, fingernails biting into his palms as he watched the Vieillesse walk into the room. Dominic was a standing quite a way behind him, but every time he breathed in, he inhaled Dominic’s familiar, warm scent as if they were only centimeters away from one another. Matthew could see the faces of his mother and father as they took their places in the seats around the room. Trying not to look at his father, he turned his gaze back upon the doors, where Paix and Joie were standing, both with serene smiles, as if they were perfectly satisfied with life. Matthew caught a movement from the corner of his eye and turned slightly to see Dominic give a slight bow. A warm, comfortable feeling settled in his stomach at the sight, though he wasn’t entirely sure why. Taking a deep breath, he turned back to the Anciens, though he could hear Dominic’s footsteps across the stage as he took his place at the piano. “Matthew,” Joie laughed as she took her seat. He swore the majority of the Vieillesse surrounding her smiled at the sound. “Don’t be nervous,” she said, deep blue eyes falling to his fists shaking at his sides, “allez, mon Unique.” With a deep breath and a small smile to himself, he nodded to Dominic. He watched as the glouglou’s shaking fingers set down onto the keys, the first chord resonating throughout the room as the melody morphed and developed, flowing in the air between them. Matthew sucked in a deep breath and Dominic gave him a grin, unseen by their audience and their own private moment. Something only they’ll know. “I walked across an empty land, I knew the pathway like the back of my hand, I felt the earth beneath my feet, sat by the river and it made me complete.” Slowly, Matthew opened his eyes fully after having them trained on a painting of an angel just above the main door. Each verse had a personal meaning to him, something he’d never truly told Dominic because he was still doubtful of just how well the glouglou knew him. Did he know how it felt to have everything in your life planned to perfection? Did he know how simple and empty it felt, how safe it was? “Oh simple thing, where have you gone? I’m getting old and I need something to rely on.” Dominic grinned as Matthew hit the high note, and he could feel himself grinning in response at his own achievement. His eyes roved around the room, taking in the calm faces of his spectators. They all had one thing in common: their eyes were closed. It occurred to Matthew that, of course, the Voix were only interested in the voice. Dominic could’ve been blindfolded and played the song with his arms crossed, Matthew guessed, but instead those grey eyes were trained on him and him alone. And no one else in the room could see them. “So tell me when, you’re gonna let me in, I’m getting tired and I need somewhere to begin.” Matthew thought of the warm fluttery feeling that possessed him when the wretched cassé was in the same room as him. It brought a sour taste to his tongue to think of him as that, now. Dominic was helping him begin his new life, and in this moment and with this song, Matthew was sure that he wanted him to become some sort of a permanent fixture. “I came across a fallen tree, I felt the branches of it looking at me.” It suddenly hit Matthew. One hand flew to his chest and clutched his shirt as he sang the lines, the imagery so painfully clear and tailored that it honestly hurt his heart. Dominic was the fallen tree. Dominic was the thing stopping him in his tracks, making him doubt the perfect path and perfect life and perfect girlfriend he had. A fallen, broken, dead tree, looking up to him as if he was a God. “Is this the place we used to love? Is this the place that I’ve been dreaming of?” Dominic looked up from the keys, then, and that alone was enough to send Matthew spiralling into the second bridge. “Oh simple thing, where have you gone...?” Matthew’s voice was higher, stronger, more powerful than at any time during rehearsals. His heart was pounding, threatening to break out of his chest as the emotions running through his veins made him shake. “And if you have a minute, why don’t we go talk about it somewhere only we know,” Dominic was beaming, feet stomping happily on the pedals as Matthew sang the song to him. In that moment, he felt like he could easily grow wings and fly, he was so complete. “This could be the end of everything, so why don’t we go, somewhere only we know,” The lyrics were soaked in sadness, Matthew’s voice on the very edge of breaking, so raw and vulnerable. As he repeated the final bridge and chorus, Dominic watched as the man before him became undone, singing the best that he ever had in his life. Briefly, Dominic wondered if he was the catalyst for all this change. Secretly, he hoped he was. “Somewhere only we know,” Matthew finally sang, no more than a whisper and a sad smile. Their reverie was broken by the sound of a single, choked sob. Matthew looked up, blinking, to see that his mother had stood up, her hand over her mouth while tears rolled down her pale cheeks. He swallowed, holding back the urge to run to her and settling for just standing firmly where he was. He gave her a smile, dropping his head slightly and whispering, “Thank you,” so that only Dominic could hear. The glouglou stood up, eyes locked on Matthew as he let a smile slide onto his lips. He gave a tiny shrug, as if the whole thing had meant absolutely nothing, and stepped away from the piano, bowing to the Anciens before leaving the room. Matthew stood, rooted to the spot, equal parts relieved, happy and angry - relieved that nothing had gone wrong, happy that the Vieillesse had burst into a round of applause that almost drowned out his mother’s sobs of pride, but angry with Dominic, angry with his indifference, angry with the painful, lusting feeling in his stomach, angry with the need he suddenly had to run after the glouglou and kiss him until they had no breath in their lungs. But he was mostly relieved and happy. Or so he told himself. He stepped down from the stage, meeting Paix and Joie as they walked towards him. Both were smiling - beaming, even - and as the applause died down and his mother’s sobs subsided to sniffles and finally silence, Paix held out a slim hand. Matthew, taken aback, shook it firmly and let out a laugh which seemed to encapsulate every feeling that was bounding about in his brain. “Thank you for the opportunity,” he said sincerely, looking from Paix to Joie and hardly able to believe that this was happening to him. “Thank you so much.” Joie gave another tinkling laugh. “The pleasure, Matthew, was all ours.”
As soon as Matthew set foot through the front door of the mansion, he sank to his knees. “I did it,” he whispered. “I nailed it.” His mother squeezed his shoulder and smiled as she waltzed off into the kitchen, her maids following the happiest woman in St Pierre. His father mumbled a gruff congratulations, slapping him on the back and walking in the other direction, his own butler following him. And suddenly, Matthew was alone. “So much for appreciation,” he mumbled to the empty foyer, twisting his hips so he sat cross-legged on the floor. “Not like I just did anything major or anything.” “I thought it was pretty major,” a familiar voice said, and Matthew jumped, looking up. Dominic was standing at the foot of the stairs, casually leaning against the banister as if he owned the place. “You want to watch yourself, Dominic, otherwise you’re going to be caught out one of these days,” Matthew said teasingly, a contradictory smile on his lips. “I’ve got nothing to worry about, I know a few people in high up places,” he smirked, pushing away from the polished wood and towards Matthew. “We’re going to have to find other ways to spend our time now that that’s all over,” he said, offering a hand to the slightly stunned Voix. Matthew took it quickly, using Dominic as leverage to haul himself to his feet and trying to ignore how warm his hand was. “I’m sure we can, um, think of something,” he mumbled, Dominic’s proximity dizzying and Calliope’s warning ringing in his ears. Just as Dominic opened his mouth to reply, the doorbell rang three times in succession, and then the door was flung open. Dominic, wisely, launched himself across the room and once again stood casually at the bottom of the stairs, pretending to read a piece of paper he’d just unearthed from his back pocket. “Paix?” Matthew said, blinking a few times at the ever-so-slightly out of breath Ancien before him. “Matthew, is Adora here?” he asked, eyes flashing to Dominic and back to Matthew. “She’s at home, I believe,” he answered, his mind mentally attaching a ‘sir’ to the end of his sentence. He decided that was a product of spending far too much time with his subordinate. “Come then, quickly. Joie has received news and we must convene to discuss this. Come,” he repeated, ushering Matthew out of the house without so much as a glance at Dominic.
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latesthollywoodnews · 6 years
Matthew Hussey Reveals BABY PLANS With Camila Cabello?!
Matthew Hussey Reveals BABY PLANS With Camila Cabello?!
Jeremy Brown - Latest News - My Hollywood News
Matthew Hussey Reveals BABY PLANS With Camila Cabello?!, List Of 2015 Hollywood Films.
Hd Celebrity News 1080p, Hollywood Celebrities Latest Story 2017, Matthew Hussey Reveals BABY PLANS With Camila Cabello?!.
Hollywood Celebrities Official Latest Story New Celebrity News Coming Soon top Walt Hollywood Animation Studios headquartered at the Walt Hollywood Studios in Burbank, California, is an American animation studio that creates animated feature films, short films, and television specials for The Walt Hollywood Company. Founded on October 16, 1923, it is a division of The Walt Hollywood Studios. The studio has produced 56 feature films, from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) to Moana (2016).
What Hollywood Celebrity has both parents alive?
Mulan, Sleeping beauty, Lady and the Tramp, The Incredibles,One Hundred and One Dalmatians,Peter Pan, Brave, The Lion King 2 and Frozen, but their parents die.
What is Mulan’s last name?
Although Mulan is set in north China, where the dominant language is Mandarin, the Hollywood film uses the Cantonese pronunciation, “Fa”, of her family name. In Mandarin her name is pronounced “Hua”.
What companies are owned by Hollywood?
Hollywood/ABC Television Group. Hollywood/ABC Television Group operates Hollywood’s broadcast television, cable television and radio businesses. ESPN, Inc. Walt Hollywood Parks & Resorts U.S., Inc. Lucasfilm Ltd. Marvel Entertainment, LLC.
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Matthew Hussey Reveals BABY PLANS With Camila Cabello & Gushes Over Relationship
Matthew Hussey just can’t help but shout from the rooftops about how happy he is with Camila Cabello.
And it sounds like he’s ready to take that next step with Camila. Camila and Matthew have been dating for quite some time now, so it’s not really surprising that the two have already talked about their future together. In fact, Matthew – who has kept a pretty tight lip about Camila – opened up to Australian website ‘New Idea’ about their relationship and you guys, he couldn’t be more smitten with her and honestly, I don’t blame him!
In the interview, Matthew gushed QUOTE, “I’m really happy.” And in fact, he’s SO happy with Camila that he even talked about wanting to start a family in the future.
He said QUOTE, “When the time is right I would love to [start a family] and my mum wants me to as well. I’ve got two younger brothers and everyone is taking bets on who will make mum happy first, but the good thing is my cousins are having babies so my mum’s got babies around her. The pressure is off us.”
I mean, he obviously didn’t name Camila when he said he wanted to start a family when the time is right, but it’s hard not to put two and two together. Especially since Camila has said in the past about how happy she’s been after their relationship went public. PROMO: So now I wanna hear your thoughts on all of this! What do you guys think of Camila and Matthew’s relationship? Are you happy they’re happy together and are you surprised by his baby comments? Let me know in the comment section below. When you’re done with that click to the right to watch another new video and don’t forget to subscribe to our channels. Thanks for hanging with me, I’m your girl Joslyn Davis and I’ll see ya next time
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Latest Hollywood English Celebrities 2017 New English Films, Matthew Hussey Reveals BABY PLANS With Camila Cabello?!.
Walt Hollywood Productions continued releasing family-friendly films throughout the 1970s, such as Escape to Witch Mountain (1975) and Freaky Friday (1976), the films did not fare as well at the box office as earlier material. However, the animation studio saw success with Robin Hood (1973), The Rescuers (1977), and The Fox and the Hound (1981). Hollywood Celebrity News 2019, Matthew Hussey Reveals BABY PLANS With Camila Cabello?!.
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sowk-fic-archive · 7 years
SOWK ch.4/35
Dominic and his family meet the absolute delight that is Lysander...
Chapter 4 : gueux
It was almost two weeks since the infamous incident, and those two weeks had not passed smoothly. Dom and his parents had seen the interior of almost every solicitor’s office in their sector, and no matter how many different desks they sat at, no matter how many times they mentioned the name Bellamy, the answer had always been a resounding no. Though the solicitors often sugar-coated their predicament, it was clear that they all thought the same. You won’t get out of that hole alive. So, what greeted Fleck and his son when they walked in the door of their shack almost two weeks after the infamous incident was quite a treat, at least for the younger man. The scent of carrots, potatoes, onions and, if he wasn’t mistaken, chicken assaulted Dom’s senses, the glouglou’s eyes wide in surprise and confusion. Dom turned to his father, brows furrowed as he attempted to puzzle through the situation, but Fleck was avoiding his gaze. “Dad...” Dom said slowly, but Fleck pushed a persistent hand against his back and gently steered him towards the kitchen table. “Hurry up, before it gets cold,” his father said with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. Nevertheless, Dom pulled out the chair and sat down, staring at the steaming bowl of chicken and vegetable soup with suspicion clear on his face. His mother was busying herself with glasses of orange juice; Nancy had flopped down beside him a few seconds ago and was already ladling soup into her bowl. Dom glanced again at the table, at the corporeal vegetables and chunks of juicy chicken and the unbelievably real loaf of crusty bread on the chopping board. “What’s going on...?” he asked, his voice trailing off though he had nothing more to ask. His question was simple enough. They were scraping by; there was a leak in the bathroom ceiling that hadn’t been fixed for months, they were behind on the rent and they were in a huge amount of debt thanks to a certain self-obsessed Voix. How they were able to afford vegetables that weren’t onions - never mind chicken - was a mystery to him. Fleck sat down at the head of the table, as usual, and gave Dom a pointed look. “Just eat,” he said firmly, his tone a clear indication that the conversation was at an end before it had begun. “Guess what?” Nancy suddenly burst out, her spoon dropping to the table with a clatter. Everyone turned to look at her, and, swallowing down what was apparently excitement, Nancy continued in a wavering voice, “You know the party this Saturday?” Dom’s eyes dropped back to his soup. He shifted in his seat, a familiar wave of painful hatred shooting through his body. It was Matthew Bellamy’s ‘birthday party’ on Saturday, and as a result, virtually the entire population of the planet had been press ganged into celebrating it. Street parties were being organised all over town and Dom had been forced to attend the one on his local main street; the last thing he wanted to do was spend a day where everyone was singing Bellamy’s praises, but he couldn’t sulk at home. Reluctantly, he glanced up again, to where Nancy was excitedly murmuring that Ben 4876034 from two doors down had asked to go with her. Dom assumed it was of some kind of importance to her, but he couldn’t exactly work out what. Then again, he wasn’t well-versed in the literature of women, much less his sister’s particular novels. “Who’s he again, the one with the reddish hair?” his mother was asking, almost as excitedly as Nancy herself. His sister nodded, giggling and placing a hand to her mouth. Dom swivelled his eyes to his father and pulled a face; Fleck shrugged in reply, a light smile at his lips. “He’s gorgeous though,” Nancy was gushing, eyelashes fluttering as she spoke. As Dom ripped off a chunk of bread and dipped it into his soup, an oddly satisfied mood stole over him. His mother was laughing, the corners of her eyes crinkled once more; it didn’t matter that on Saturday he would have to endure a full day of Matthew, because his family was happy. He could forget about debts and leaks and rents for that evening and simply imagine what it would be like to live a normal life. And then someone knocked on the door. They all turned to it simultaneously, frozen where they sat. Nancy’s voice trailed off mid-sentence; Dom found himself staring at the door with the bread stuffing his mouth. He swallowed hard, turning to his father, who stood up and inched his way to the door. They never had visitors. The last time someone had knocked on the door, it had been to take the census, and that was almost ten years ago now. Before Fleck had the chance to reach the door, however, an overly chirpy voice sounded through the cheap wood. “‘Ello? Anybody ’ome?” the voice sung quite happily, lilting and fluent in its tones. “Mum, who--?” “Keep your mouth shut, Dominic,” Annie said, iron in her voice. Dom’s mouth obediently closed; he glanced at Nancy, who seemed just as clueless as he was. He turned back to the door, watching as his father hesitantly pulled it open. A man with a head of slick white-blond hair, a proud, jutting chin and glinting blue eyes stood grinning in the doorway. “Evenin’, Fleck, me old chum!” the man said, raising a hand to his forehead in a loose salute. Without waiting for an invitation, he stepped over the threshold, gently sliding past Fleck and walking with confident, long strides over to the kitchen table. “Nice place. Very ’omely.” He said, walking in a slow circle around the table and stopping directly behind Nancy. He crouched low, pressed his lips close to her ear and whispered, “‘Ello, darlin’.” Dom’s hands clenched into fists at his sides. “Get your hands off my sister,” he snarled. The Voix looked over at him, an amused smile on his face. “Calm your passions, pretty boy,” he said smoothly. He stood up again, though his hand lingered against Nancy’s neck. Dom gritted his teeth but said nothing more; after glancing at Nancy, who shook her head with a barely perceptible movement at his questing looks, he decided that it was best to keep his voice down. “Lysander,” Fleck said coldly, braving a look into the Voix’s stunning blue eyes. Although he didn’t act or sound like one, Lysander was still a Voix and, technically, should be respected like one. His work, however, wasn’t really that respectable in the first place. “You said just yesterday that we wouldn’t meet for two weeks.” “Ah, that I did say, but what’s stoppin’ me from poppin’ ‘round for a cuppa every now and then, ey? Plus, I’ve got payment to collect,” Lysander suavely said, giving an easy smile to the confused, stunned and frightened faces around the table. “But I don’t owe you any money at the moment!” Fleck protested, the muscles bunching in his arm. Dom knew it was a telltale sign that he was restraining from banging his fist against the wood of the table. “I never said I wanted money, did I?” Lysander shot back, his voice deep and deadly serious. “Maybe I’ll be taking my payment in other forms...” As his sentence trailed off, the Voix brushed his knuckles against the nape of Nancy’s neck, the glouglou pressing her lips hard against each other and blinking rapidly. “Don’t you dare touch my daughter!” “Fine! But I’m needin’ twice last week’s payment by tomorrow.” “You know I can’t do that,” Fleck pleaded, begging with his eyes. “Then I take the girl,” Lysander said quietly, hand slipping around to stroke the front of Nancy’s neck. To Dom, it looked more like a chokehold than a caress. Suddenly, he found his voice. “Just what is going on here?!” Lysander removed his hand from Nancy’s skin completely, a sigh of relief audible in the tense room. Quirking his head, the Voix stepped away from Dom’s twin before approaching him. “Ah, Dom. The ringleader in this debauchery.” “What are you even--” “Dominic, do not make this difficult,” Annie warned. “Ah, he’s not makin’ anythin’ difficult, love,” Lysander said, Annie barely suppressing a shiver under his gaze. Turning his attention back to Dom, Lysander tipped the younger man’s chin up with two fingers. “Poor little Dom. Too young to know anythin’, ain’t ya?” He gave Dom’s cheek a light slap before straightening up, beginning to walk around the kitchen table once more. “I recall that you got into a spot of trouble coupla weeks ago, am I right? I’m right,” Lysander said, not allowing anyone to even breathe a response. “I, Lysander Fletcher, financial aide to the gods - and to the Bellamys,” he added in a stage whisper to no one in particular, “jumped to your rescue, where no sane or legal solicitor woulda jumped.” “I still--” “See all this nice food here, lad? Yup, that’s my work. Bloke coming to fix that leak in that bathroom of yours next Tuesday? Yup, that’s my work. The fact that you’re all still alive is my bloody work. All I ask for in return is my money... and my interest, set at my rates.” “Is that even legal?!” a different, shrill voice cried. “Annie...” Fleck warned, Dom noticing that his father’s head was now held in his hands, fingers pulling at strands of hair. “Darlin’, let’s remember who I am. I’m a Voix, you’re a glouglou. Doesn’t matter what you think, sweetheart, ‘cause I am the judge, jury and executioner.” With that, Lysander’s hand returned to Nancy’s neck. A chill silence fell across the room. Annie was biting her nails, gaze fixed on her daughter, who was sitting bolt upright and completely still as Lysander traced her collarbone with two long fingers, her eyes glazed over and evidently trying to detach herself from the situation. If there was any sort of telepathic link between twins, Dom certainly didn’t need it now. He could feel Nancy’s fear in the air, hear her hammering heartbeat, he could see her predicting her father’s next words correctly. Fleck inhaled deeply, raising his head only to rub at his temples with his fingers. “What sort of interest is this, Lysander?” he breathed, voice cracking. “I’ve got a few mates,” Lysander began, a sob breaking free from Annie’s chest as he paused. She knew what was coming; they all knew what was coming, yet they accepted it just as you’d accept the end of the world - wide eyed and watching. “And boy, do they love a good girl. A pretty girl, nice pair of eyes, nice pair of...” Lysander had the decency to cough before continuing. “Well, you see, they get bored of the Voix girls. They’re all too prissy, them. All too needy and clingy. We like a girl who can think for herself... a girl who has a bit of fight in her.” One fat tear rolled down Nancy’s cheek, and as she jerkily wiped it away, Lysander’s hand fell from her body and back to his side. “Do I even get a say in this?” Nancy whispered, more to herself than anybody else. Everybody heard her, yet no one had the heart to respond. Well, no one with a heart had the heart to respond. “If you had a say, princess, you wouldn’t be a cassé,” Lysander sneered, giving the rest of the room a carefree lopsided smile before promptly turning and leaving the room, slamming the door shut behind him.
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