#i was hoping it would change a bit when he received his honorary oscar last year
pynkhues · 1 year
Hi, for the movie asks 🍿 21 22 23 🙂
Hi! Thank you!
21. A director you think is underrated
Oh, man, so many, but I've been working my way through Peter Weir's filmography again, and I can't believe his oeuvre isn't talked about more in its entirety. Like, yeah, people will talk about Dead Poet's Society and The Truman Show, but to look at the 15 feature films he made and his evolution from formative Australian cinema like Picnic at Hanging Rock, Gallipoli and The Cars that Ate Paris through to his American work like the movies I listed above plus Witness, Green Card and Master and Commander is truly pretty spectacular. There was no genre that he couldn't do, and I think he was a master of tone and atmosphere and it's a shame people will talk about his iconic films really as one offs instead of seeing them as parts of a body of work of probably one of the most influential directors in modern cinema.
22. A director you think is overrated
Also a lot, haha, but I'd say especially Christopher Nolan right now. I enjoyed Oppenheimer a lot, but I think overall his films have a lot of issues and are generally a lot shallower than people acknowledge. He also can't write or direct women at all and that always makes me a bit insane.
23. An animated movie you like
I adore animation, so I could rec so many! I watched Satoshi Kon's Millennium Actress for the first time recently though, and that's just been such a standout. It's kind of a fictionalised, fantasy bio pic in some ways of the life and career of Setsuko Hara (incredible actress! Tokyo Story should be essential viewing!) but really uses her story as an entry point to create a love song to Japanese cinema and the relationship between art and escapism. It's just magic.
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homogrimoire · 5 years
Ego Ollor od Esiasch Coronzon
Fair Game Week 2020: Day 7 - AU / Free Day (Priest/Demon AU)
Read it on AO3 here.
Qrow Branwen, priest of a small chapel in the middle of nowhere, was content with his life as it was. Bad luck followed him all his life, as he was born cursed by an ancient magic that not even Oz could undo. The only things he could say were good in his life were his nieces, but even then, he felt that he had to be careful. He didn’t want them to be victims of his existence. They would visit every once and a while, which was perfect in his opinion. They would stay long enough to have fun together, but not long enough to where anything seriously bad could happen. He supposes that getting the opportunity to stay at the chapel was also nice. He was given the opportunity to stay there by an old friend, headmaster of a prestigious academy. Needless to say, he agreed without a second thought. Read to some people from a book and answer their questions two days out of the week? Easy. Be away from people so he couldn’t harm anyone? Help the headmaster with some occult mystery now and then so he could finally feel useful? It was practically a dream come true.
As the years went by, he grew closer to the few people that would show up, especially a young farmhand named Oscar. He reminded him of his nieces. He grew to understand the hope the gods could give and inspire, even if he himself believed them to be cruel and uncaring. His nieces visited less frequently, but called much more often, which he was alright with. Some of his hair began to grey, which he quickly grew to like. It made him look more mature. His experiments, while they were almost always met with some complication, always helped Oz with something. He was as content as he could be, save for one minor thing.
Qrow was lonely. Sure, people came to the chapel on a regular basis, but it was hardly personal, save Oscar. He always made sure to save him some extra sweets, even if he was a teenager now. Ruby and Yang called nearly every other day, bar when they were on a mission, but made sure to visit their favorite uncle at least once a month. Tai called every now and then and would also sometimes visit. However, Qrow realized just how lonely he was when his sister showed up out of the blue. Instead of immediately throwing blessed water at her and muttering a prayer from the book, he actually considered inviting her in. He settled for chatting outside, so that there could at least be witnesses. It went better than expected, but that wasn’t saying too much.
Oz, of course, called frequently, chatting about the magical experiments or sharing the latest gossip with each other. One call proved to be pivotal in Qrow’s life. The day was already eventful. Oscar confessed that he had a crush on one of the other farmhands, hired from a nearby city, he heard, which wasn’t a sin in any book, but Qrow didn’t really care too much about that. As an honorary uncle and father figure, he was mostly just curious about the crush and proud that Oscar was growing up. … Even if it meant Oscar would leave. It was making Qrow feel lonely again. The last time he had a crush, the kid wasn’t even born. Needless to say, he was feeling a bit down when Ozpin called. The moment Qrow answered the call, he knew something big happened, but by his tone, it wasn’t anything bad.
“So, Qrow, I believe that I may have found something that may be of interest to you.” Oz began.
“Mhmm.” Qrow responded, slouched in a chair.
“I’ve found what I believe to be the instructions for a ritual that may help your bad luck problem.” Qrow couldn’t see it, but he knew Oz was smiling.
“You’ve got my attention.” He said, quickly sitting up. “Tell me more about it.”
“From what I have learned, it may have some relation to the brother gods. Its incantations are certainly very old as well. It’s all a straight forward. It just has some… unique ingredients. I’ve procured some of the rarer ones for you, They should be there in a week’s time. Until then, I’ll leave you to find the more common ingredients. I’ll send you the instructions and list of ingredients right now.”
“Wow, Oz, I─ I don't know what to say.” Qrow was dumbfounded. To believe that his curse could be cured...
“You don’t need to say anything. You’ve done a lot more for me than I’ve done for you. But if you want to thank me, do it when the ritual is a success. You know how fickle magic can be.”
“Yeah, that’s true.”Qrow knew that he shouldn’t get his hopes up. Who knew if some ancient ritual would hold up in the modern era. Steps could have been lost as time passed, the magic that powers it may not even exist any more, hell, it could even just end up making things worse. But, Qrow trusted Oz, and there was still the off chance that things did go as expected. At the very least, he could debunk the ritual and let Oz know.
“Although, I should tell you… no. Just, be careful with this one.”
“Alright, I will.” Qrow said suspiciously. In all fairness, Oz always was mysterious.
“Good night Qrow.”
“Good night Oz.” Once the call ended, Qrow received the information, as promised. After reading through it, he could see that it was simple. It just required a lot. There were a few ingredients he had never heard of, but imagined that those would be the things Oz sent him. A few strands of hair from a calico cat were easy to get, only having to deal with a sneezing fit, as well as a horseshoe. He just paid a visit to Oscar and gathered a few hairs from a random calico cat there and bought a horseshoe. Oscar might have tripped face first onto his crush while Qrow was there, but he didn’t feel too bad once he saw them holding hands as he left. All that was left was a shamrock and a fishing pole made by the one invoking the ritual. The shamrock, while it would probably take a day of searching in a clover field to find, made sense with the ritual’s theme. The fishing pole made no sense. If anything, it made him doubt the ritual’s authenticity a little. But, regardless, he made a cheap one out of a stick and some string with a toy lure. It was sad, but it would do.
By the time Qrow had everything he needed, it was still four days until the stuff Ozpin sent would arrive. Qrow could have continued memorizing the incantation, but he had already been doing that. So, he decided to make a more respectable fishing pole. He didn’t take woodworking in school for nothing, even though he would have to do most of the work by hand. In the end, he just looked up how to make a bamboo fishing pole online. It was a nice change of pace from his daily routine. There was still another day until the supplies arrived by the time Qrow found the rod satisfactory. He decided to spend the day carving out a bird from a piece of wood to use as a bobber. He decided on a kingfisher, for their fishing prowess. Once he finished, he decided to go to bed. He had a big day ahead of him.
The supplies he needed arrived late in the afternoon. The mailman almost tripped while holding all the supplies, but Qrow caught him just in time. He was really hoping the ritual would work. Ozpin sent him some jars of a black goop. Qrow didn’t know what it was, but he wasn’t going to question it. Along with the goop, came an odd looking rug, a faded green, that was easily centuries years old, and perhaps even millennia if he were being generous. With no time to waste, he got to work. First, he laid down the rug that he would make the sigil on. Next, using the black goop, he carefully and slowly drew out the sigil, intricate with its many lines. At the tips of the center triangle, he placed the four-leaf clover, the horseshoe, and the strands of calico cat hair. In the center where an ominous vertical eye rested, he placed the fishing pole. With that done, he closed his eyes and clasped his hands together, reminiscent of a prayer. He began to utter the incantation, grateful that Oz knew the pronunciations.
Torzu od adrpan, [n] ascleh k iabes
Cruscanse [xitha] siatris
Amma bab argedco ils
Bien k hoxmarch ivmd ils
Pir ooaona ors
Ollor teloch olpirt dorpha
Ol argedco ego bab
Qrow opened his eyes to see that the black goop had been swirling upwards, the ancient rug and the items he gathered caught in the vortex, until it suddenly paused mid-air, and then fell onto the floor with an anti-climatic splat. He looked at his arms to see if he was any different. He didn’t feel any different. For a moment, he thought that the ritual failed, resulting in nothing. It evidently resulted in something, as a hand shot out of the puddle. Qrow wasn’t a believer, but he grabbed a nearby holy book. It would be better than nothing. It pulled itself up and out of the puddle, the goop dripping off the figure as it emerged. Soon, he could make out slicked back brown hair with graying sides, and deathly pale skin marked with red and black veins. He was clad in a green vest similar to the ancient rug and light colored pants. He opened his eyes to reveal that the sclera were pure black, and his pupils were an unnatural and piercing red. He grinned, showing sharp canines, which was very hot, and very scary.
“So,” it spoke, “you’re the one who summoned me?” Qrow nodded his head, unable to drawl out any words. Then, it looked him up and down. “What’s your name, handsome?” Did he just… flirt, with me?
“Qrow. Qrow Branwen.” was all he could muster out.
“Hm. Handsome name for a handsome guy. I suppose you're wondering what my name is then?” Qrow didn't respond, so the entity continued. “Well, like any respectable demon, I go by many names, but you can call me yours. ” The demon winked at him. He really is flirting with me. He didn’t know how to respond to a demon flirting with him, and a rather hot one at that. “Still shocked, I see. You weren’t exactly expecting me, were you?” Qrow noticed that he held the fishing pole he made slung across a shoulder, and wore a shamrock pin.
“Well, I hate to intrude, but I think it’s best that talk in the morning, you know, so you can sleep on all this. Oh, and it looks like you only got one bed. Lucky me.” Yeah, lucky. That snapped Qrow out of his stupor.
“Hold on, I am not falling asleep when some random demon is here!” Even if those arms are very tempting. He noticed that one arm had a red armband wrapped around it.
“Like what you see?” the demon teased, flexing his arms. Qrow realized that he had been staring, and began to blush.
“I’m calling Oz.”
“Her ex-husband?” the demon asked.
“Who’s what?” Ozpin picked up the call.
“So, how did it go?” he asked calmly as he took a sip of his drink.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were making me summon a demon?!” Qrow exclaimed.
“The dollar store knock-off goddess says fuck you, and that she wants the kids.” the demon interjected
“Tell her I said to pay the child support.”
“Will do.” the demon saluted. Ozpin turned his attention back to Qrow.
“He’s an alright demon. You can trust him.”
“That doesn’t answer the Question! Oz!”
“Well, if everything went as planned, you should have been able to make a deal with him by offering the fishing rod.”
“And a pretty nice one at that. I like the little kingfisher.” the demon interrupted, holding up the rod for all to admire.
“But evidently, something went wrong.”
“Yeah, you used female calico cat hair. You should have used male calico cat hair.” he corrected. “Lucky for me, it looks like I’m stuck in a pretty nice place,” he said as he looked around the room, “with an even prettier person.” The demon winked at Qrow, again.
“Stuck here? What do you mean stuck here ?” Qrow asked, flustered.
“Well, since the ritual went awry, we’ll have to make another portal to send me back.”
“And that involves going back to hell to get some of that sludge. Trips to hell aren’t easy, you know.” Well shit.
“You went to hell? For me?” Qrow asked. He was touched.
“Yes, but think nothing of it. I owe you a lot.” Oz took another sip “Besides, you’re stuck with a demon now.” Qrow looked behind him to find The demon lying down on his bed, patting the empty space beside him as if offering it to him. Qrow turned away to hide a light blush. “Well, have fun with your new roommate, good night.”
“Wait! Ozpin you little─” with a click, the line was cut. Qrow groaned. He fell back into a chair to stare up at the ceiling, tired and stressed. He looked at the demon, who was just smiling at him. “So, what should I actually call you.”
“Hmm,” the demon thought for a moment, “Clover.” he said as he flicked the shamrock on his vest with his thumb.
“Alright then, Clover . What kind of demon are you anyways?” Qrow was still a little bit suspicious, but he didn’t sense any malicious intent, so there was that.
“Well, let’s just say I have the devil’s own luck.” he grinned. Despite the smile seeming slightly sinister, Qrow felt a bit of hope.
“So what you’re saying is, that you're a demon who brings good luck?”
“Good luck for a fee, and I’d say you’ve paid yours rather nicely.” He pulled the rod out of nowhere to admire it. “I really do like the kingfisher you’ve made. It must have taken a lot of time, and a lot of skill to make. I think this one’s my new favorite.” With a quick movement of his hand, it disappeared back into nothing. “I consider myself pretty lucky, but I have a feeling I’m going to get even more lucky with you here.”
“Pfft.” Qrow scoffed. “You haven’t dealt with someone like me.”
“And why’s that?” Clover sat up, genuinely interested in Qrow’s response.
“I… was born cursed with bad luck. It affects me and everyone around me.” This wasn’t information he gave so freely, but, for some reason, he felt that the demon could understand him, so he told him.
“I see.” The demon appeared to be thinking hard. “When I was human, I was born blessed with good luck, if you can call it blessed. I’m not gonna deny it, it had its benefits. But, as I grew older the more and more people thought that all I was, was my good luck. Everyone wanted to be around me for my good luck, and never for me. You get it, don’t you.” Qrow notic ed that there was something in his eyes: sadness, loneliness, a plea for someone to understand.
“I do.” he told him.
“I thought you would.” Clover smiled and laid back down, patting the empty spot beside him once more. Qrow gave into temptation, and laid next to the hunk of a demon in the small bed. He could have forced the demon onto the floor, but he didn’t want to be rude, and he certainly wasn’t going to sleep on the floor himself. Qrow had the best night of sleep he ever had in a long time, cuddled up in those muscular arms. Yeah, things will be fine. he though as he drifted to sleep.
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papermoonloveslucy · 6 years
September 23, 1989
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Produced & Directed by Ellen Brown
Written by Robert L. Mills, Martha Bolton, Jeffrey Barron
Lucille Ball (Archival Footage) was born on August 6, 1911 in Jamestown, New York. She began her screen career in 1933 and was known in Hollywood as ‘Queen of the B’s’ due to her many appearances in ‘B’ movies. With Richard Denning, she starred in a radio program titled “My Favorite Husband” which eventually led to the creation of “I Love Lucy,” a television situation comedy in which she co-starred with her real-life husband, Latin bandleader Desi Arnaz. The program was phenomenally successful, allowing the couple to purchase what was once RKO Studios, re-naming it Desilu. When the show ended in 1960 (in an hour-long format known as “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour”) so did Lucy and Desi’s marriage. In 1962, hoping to keep Desilu financially solvent, Lucy returned to the sitcom format with “The Lucy Show,” which lasted six seasons. She followed that with a similar sitcom “Here’s Lucy” co-starring with her real-life children, Lucie and Desi Jr., as well as Gale Gordon, who had joined the cast of “The Lucy Show” during season two. Before her death in April 1989, Lucy made one more attempt at a sitcom with “Life With Lucy,” also with Gordon, which was not a success and was canceled after just 13 episodes.
Bob Hope (Himself, Host) was born Lesley Townes Hope in England in 1903. During his extensive career in virtually all forms of media he received five honorary Academy Awards. In 1945 Desi Arnaz was the orchestra leader on Bob Hope’s radio show. Ball and Hope did four films together. He appeared as himself on the season 6 opener of “I Love Lucy.” He did a brief cameo in a 1964 episode of “The Lucy Show.” When Lucille Ball moved to NBC in 1980, Hope appeared on her welcome special. He died in 2003 at age 100.
George Burns (Himself) was born Nathan Birnbaum in New York City in January 1896. He married Gracie Allen in 1926 and the two formed an act (Burns and Allen) that toured in vaudeville. They had their own hit show “The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show” first on radio then on CBS TV from 1950 to 1958, airing concurrently with “I Love Lucy.” He appeared as himself on “The Lucy Show” (S5;E1) in 1966 as well as doing a cameo on “Lucy and Jack Benny's Biography” (HL S3;E11) in 1970. After Allen’s death in 1964, Burns reinvented himself as a solo act. In 1976 he won an Oscar for playing one of The Sunshine Boys. He was also known for playing the title role in Oh, God! (1978) and its 1984 sequel Oh, God! You Devil. Burns and Ball appeared on many TV variety and award shows together. He died at the age of 100.
Danny Thomas (Himself) was born Amos Muzyad Yakhoob Kairouz in 1912. His screen career began in 1947 but he was most famous for appearing on television in the long-running show “Make Room for Daddy” (1953-64), which was shot at Desilu Studios. When the series moved from ABC to CBS in 1957, Thomas and the cast starred in a rare TV cross-over with “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour” titled “Lucy Makes Room for Danny.” In return, Lucy and Desi turned up on Thomas’s show. Fifteen years later, Lucy and Danny did yet another cross-over when Lucy Carter of “Here’s Lucy” appeared on “Make Room for Granddaddy.” In addition, Thomas also played an aging artist on a 1973 episode of “Here’s Lucy.” Thomas is fondly remembered for founding St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. He is also father to actress Marlo Thomas. He died in 1999.
Betty White (Herself) was born in 1922 and has the longest career of any female entertainer. She is probably best known as Rose Nylund on “The Golden Girls” and Sue Ann Nivens on “The Mary Tyler Moore Show.” Although White and Ball never acted together, the two appeared several times on “Password,” one of Lucy's favorite game shows. It was originally hosted by White's husband, Alan Ludden. She last shared the “Password” panel with Lucy in November 1988, just six months before Ball's death.
Kirk Cameron (Himself) was the star of ABC's hit show “Growing Pains.” He appeared with Lucille Ball on three other Bob Hope specials from 1986 to 1988.  
Les Brown and His Band of Renown (Orchestra) were the musical guests on the 1956 “The Bob Hope Chevy Show” that satirized “I Love Lucy” with Hope playing Ricky Ricardo.
John Harlan (Announcer)
Doris Singleton (as Doris from “The Bob Hope Christmas Special” ~ December 9, 1973)
Gary Morton (as Himself from “The Bob Hope Christmas Special” ~ December 9, 1973)
Bobby Jellison (as a Gangster from “The Bob Hope Show” ~September 24, 1962)
Desi Arnaz (as Fred Mertz from “The Bob Hope Chevy Show” ~ October 6, 1956)
Vivian Vance (as Ethel Mertz from “The Bob Hope Chevy Show” ~ October 6, 1956)
William Frawley (as Captain Blystone from “The Bob Hope Chevy Show” ~ October 6, 1956)
Vitto Scotti (as Carlo from The Facts of Life)
Peter Leeds (as Thompson from The Facts of Life)
Joe Ploski (as Man at Drive-In from The Facts of Life)
Mary Jane Saunders (as Martha Jane Smith from Sorrowful Jones)
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This special aired on a Saturday evening at 10pm, traditionally a difficult time for television programs. Luckily, its lead-in was the season 5 premiere of the phenomenally successful “The Golden Girls” (also featuring Betty White) which led the evening with a 23.5 share. “Bob Hope's Love Affair With Lucy” came in second, with a respectable 19.3. It was up against College Football on ABC. Because the special was 90 minutes and started on the half hour, its competition on CBS was the last half hour of “Tour of Duty” (season 3 premiere) and the series premiere of “Saturday Night With Connie Chung.”  
Because this special aired on NBC, no scenes from any of Lucille Ball's CBS sitcoms (or “Life with Lucy” on ABC) were included. Kirk Cameron was an ABC star, but worked on several of Hope's NBC specials. Although Betty White never acted with Lucille Ball, the pair enjoyed an off-stage friendship. White also was a perfect tie-in to keep “The Golden Girls” fans tuned after the sitcom's season opener. Although Burns and Thomas both worked on screen with Lucy, no clips of their collaborations were used. Also conspicuously missing is Gale Gordon, who was part of Lucille Ball's career since her days on radio.
[For more information about the clips, click on the hyperlinks, where available.]
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The special opens with a montage of clips of Lucille Ball's entrances on Bob Hope's specials, underscored by the “I Love Lucy Theme.” After a quick commercial break, Bob Hope enters to the sounds of his theme song “Thanks for the Memory.”  
Hope: “Lucy handled the media and television like she handled everything else, with grace and style and a richness of color that didn't need any help from the peacock.”  
The ‘peacock’ Hope is referring to is the NBC logo. Lucille Ball left CBS for NBC in 1980, but the move resulted in only one TV special (“Lucy Moves To NBC”), one failed pilot (“Bungle Abbey”) and multiple appearances on Bob Hope's specials.
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The first clip in the 90-minute tribute is from “The Bob Hope Christmas Special” (December 9, 1973). Ball and Hope play themselves in a sketch about a misunderstanding surrounding an expensive ring he's bought for his wife, but sent to Lucy's home for safe keeping. Naturally, Lucy thinks it's for her. The clip features appearances by long-time Lucy character actress Doris Singleton and Lucy's husband Gary Morton.
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Danny Thomas calls Lucy his 'landlady' because “Make Room for Daddy” was shot at Desilu Studios. He tells a funny anecdote from when Ball appeared on his short-lived sitcom “The Practice” in 1976.
Thomas: “When I worked on her show, she did most of the directing. And when she did my show... she did most of the directing.”
Thomas talks about of their working relationship. He says that despite their great friendship, Lucy would not divulge her age, even to him.   
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In a voice over, Bob Hope introduces a black and white clip of a sketch from “The Bob Hope Show” (October 24, 1962). In it Lucy plays a District Attorney and Bob a gangster named Bugsy Hope. The 1962 clip edits out a bit that was frighteningly prescient. A spray of gunfire comes through the window and Lucy remarks “Just what I wanted, a Jackie Kennedy hairdo.” Considering the tragic events of November 1963, this clearly could not be aired in 1989. Another change involves music royalties: in the original, Lucy makes her entrance into Bugsy's flat to the tune of David Rose's “The Stripper” (released in 1962) but in 1989 it is replace by a similar sounding piece of music.
Bugsy Hope: “I don't usually go for flatfeet, but the rest of you kind of makes up for it.” DA Lucy: “I don't usually go for hoods, but you could use one.”
In the sketch, Hope makes Lucy laugh and drop character several times, a rarity for Ball. 
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Kirk Cameron (who had just turned 18) says that the first time he met Lucille Ball on a May 1987 Bob Hope show at an Pope Air Force Base in North Carolina. On a subsequent Hope special, Lucy needed a stand-in to take a pie in the face and chose Cameron. He was unsure if it was an honor or payback for making her wait outside her dressing room to meet him the year before.  
Cameron: “I think that I speak for a lot of people my age when I say that I love Lucy.”
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The next clip is the satire of “I Love Lucy” featuring the entire original cast (plus Hope and Tommy the  trained seal). In “The Bob Hope Chevy Show” (October 6, 1956), Hope introduces the sketch as himself  wondering what it would be like if he had married Lucy instead of Desi. It is presented in its original black and white, although it was later colorized for a video release. Not coincidentally, five days earlier the sixth and final season of “I Love Lucy” began airing with “Lucy and Bob Hope” (S6;E1).  
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George Burns affectionately recalls how Lucy was in show business 24 hours a day. He says that he was married to a comedienne (Gracie Fields) but she couldn’t have been more different than Lucy.  
Burns: “Lucy was all of show business wrapped up in this charming lady.”
He remembers an appearance with Lucy when they sang “Lazy” by Irving Berlin. He sings a few bars. Burns says that he's booked to play the Palladium in London when he turns 100. Although he did live to 100, his health declined at age 98 and this booking never came to pass.
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Bob's voice over introduces a couple of scenes from The Facts of Life, a black and white film that Hope and Ball did for United Artists in 1960. In the scene Larry (Hope) and Kitty (Lucy) are on a fishing boat remembering old times when they realized they went to the same high school together. In the second clip, Kitty and Larry realize they can't play cards without their glasses, but they can't kiss with them on either. Finally, Larry and Kitty are kissing at the drive-in when they are spotted by the local dry cleaner. Lucy had just finished playing Lucy Ricardo, with the final episode of “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour” airing in April 1960.
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To the accompaniment of “Thank You for Being a Friend” Golden Girl Betty White is introduced.  She lists three-word TV titles of the '50s, “Our Miss Brooks,” “I Married Joan,” “Life with Elizabeth,” “Father Knows Best,” and “I Love Lucy.”  White remembers that she shot her second series “Date With the Angels” at Desilu Studios and that is where she first met Lucy.  
White: “I can still see her. Tall and built and she had a navy blue dress on with white polka dots and this hair that made it look like her head was on fire.”
White credits Lucille Ball with filming comedy using the three camera system and a studio audience. White's mother Tess and Lucy's mother Dede were great friends. Betty recalls the last time she saw Lucy, a week before she went into the hospital. She says she can still recall Lucy's deep and abundant laughter that night. White let's the audience know that they shoot “The Golden Girls” at the old Desilu lot.
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Bob's voice introduces a clip from the film Fancy Pants (1950) with Bob Hope as Humphrey the butler and Lucy as Agatha, the daughter of the man he works for. This movie was made just before Lucille Ball got pregnant with her daughter Lucie, and before “I Love Lucy” was in development.  At the time, Ball was starring on radio in “My Favorite Husband.”  
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Next is a dramatic scene from Sorrowful Jones, a film Hope and Ball did in 1949. Ball played Gladys and Hope was Sorrowful (aka Humphrey).  
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A clip from “Happy Birthday, Bob: 50 Stars Salute Your 50 Years with NBC” (May 16, 1988) has Lucy singing “Comedy Ain't No Joke” by Cy Coleman and James Lipton.  
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This leads directly into Lucy as Sophie Tucker singing “Some of These Days” from “Bob Hope's All Star Comedy Tribute to Vaudeville” (May 25, 1977).  
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Lucy and Bob sing “I Remember It Well” by Frederick Loewe from “Bob Hope's High-Flying Birthday Extravaganza” (May 25, 1987). The song (originally from the film Gigi) has special lyrics with references to their legendary partnership including Fancy Pants and Facts of Life.
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Finally, a clip of Lucy and Bob's last appearance together at the 61st  Annual Academy Awards telecast (March 29, 1989). This was also Lucille Ball’s last public appearance. 
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In his final remarks, Hope works in mentions of two of Lucy's most memorable comedy bits from “I Love Lucy”: “Hollywood at Last!” (S4;E16) and “Lucy's Italian Movie” (S5;E23).  
Hope: “Whether her nose caught fire or she was stomping grapes, Lucy got us all to laugh. Thanks Lucille, for making life a ball.”  
The closing credits appear over stills of Lucy and Bob on TV, some of which were not included in the special.
This Date in Lucy History – September 23rd
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“Mod, Mod Lucy” (HL S1;E1) – September 23, 1974
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