#i was thinking phinks lowkey but not really
kimbap-r0ll · 1 year
Adult trio + feitsn with a reader that is a mortician 🥹💖 who is interested and who doesn't really care?? Love your stuff! Thank u sm!
Hi, thank you for the ask! I think what you mean for "interested and who doesn't really care" is for the reader not caring about the characters' backgrounds? If not, feel free to send me another ask. Hope you enjoy!
Adult trio + Feitan with a mortician!reader
He doesn't really mind it, it's just another occupation and if you're happy with what you're doing then go you
However, he might enjoy watching you do your job at all times, but he is curious about some aspects of your occupation. Things like applying special makeup on a deceased person is a bit intriguing to him
He might be tempted to distract you while you work if he happens to be in the same place. Or, if you don't want him to bother you, he might enjoy coming by and saying hello just to annoy you a bit haha
He'll be surprised however if you say you don't mind his hobbies. Sure, being a mortician already warranted you weird looks from people, but hearing that you didn't mind your boyfriend being a killer magician was another thing. Hisoka's happy of course, but pleasantly surprised
He's probably never thought too much about dead bodies since he works with death so much as an assassin. When he finds out about your occupation he'll be like "cool"
Illumi might ask you some questions on your job. He asks if you have to stitch people up if they're skin is damaged, he might ask if you ever saw someone who was assassinated. He might want to watch you too, but you can always tell him the workplace isn't really meant for visitors
Similar to Hisoka, he'll be surprised if you say you had no problems with his job as an assassin. Sure, you two worked with death a lot, but killing someone is different from your work. He's a bit puzzled, but happy nonetheless
Overall he's also fine with your work. However if you two become more committed to your relationship, expect him to want you to become an assassin or at least join the Zoldyck household on Kukuro Mountain soon
Probably the most intrigued by your work out of the four characters. He's naturally curious, and because of this you will be bombarded with questions about everything mortician related
Chrollo will want to watch you do your work but due to the nature of your occupation you might not let him do that (who knows, the hxh world might be different). He does find the aspect of making someone who is deceased look more "alive" very interesting
He might also commend you for your work. Though he may seem heartless, he does admire your efforts in making saying final goodbyes a little warmer, something that Meteor City doesn't have all the time
He's also surprised when you say you don't mind his job as leader of the most notorious criminal group. He might be wary at first that you might be lying, but after a while he'll trust you. Who knows, he might invite you to Meteor City one day as well
He tortures but doesn't care about dead bodies. Seeing you with a job that cares for the deceased is really intriguing to him.
He'll also ask a lot of questions, but they're a bit more morbid than Chrollo's. It's about how people died, what kinds of handwork you had to do to people, etc. He too wants to watch you but you might need to stop him (but the hxh world might have different mortician standards so who knows haha)
He doesn't trust you when you say you don't care too much about his occupation in the troupe. He asks why, and you might say that you warmed up to him and you trust him, which might've made him cry had he not done so well at hiding his emotions. He might not feel like he deserves love, but he's really happy nonetheless
Overall he's similar to Chrollo in being curious, but it's more of a morbid curiosity. He might introduce you to Phinks and Shalnark in the future, who will tease him for being lowkey shy around you haha
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sk3tch404 · 2 years
Yandere Phantom Troupe with a s/o who gets friendly with other partners
Characters: Chrollo, Phinks, Nobunaga and Franklin
A/n: Ehhhh just a small thing. Brain fried from school and lack of proper sleep. Hope my HXH fixation stays strong for a while longer 😍 Also i think the writing is lowkey ugly but I think it's mostly the brain fog
Also wanted to do Uvogin but miss girl I really can't with ts rn... Btw I dont do Franklin I just like his character. ONE TIME THING OK 👌
Also in my ghosting era. Sorry moots I'm dying but bitch im alive but I'm dead 💔
Now what the hell do you think you're doing?
It's good to see that you're still capable of social interaction, but getting all buddy buddy with the other partners will make him extremely jealous.
His jealousy doesn't stem from his fear of them taking you away from him, it's purely because he thinks that HE should be the only one you spend your leisurely time with. Not some nobodies.
Chrollo is very straightforward and verbal in his expression of feelings. He will tell you to knock it off and stay near him for now on.
Maybe he will be more lenient when you talk to them from a distance.
Disobey and you will lose many privileges. It's not too often the troupe has meetings, so if there is a next time to prove yourself, (Assuming you've made up a lot for it and have obtained outside pleasures) you'd better either keep your head to the ground, or your eyes boring into his.
Eyes are the windows to the soul aren't they? Personally, Chrollo agrees with this sentiment. 
But if you're planning on escaping with the aid of that other partner, you better pray he takes some kind of psychological pity on you.
He WILL find out about it. Chrollo is a master manipulator and can read others out very well after some time.
Regarding that he has taken everything from you, he will know that you are keeping something from him.
It's not as if he didn't predict this, but it still dissapointed him.
Punishment is never tortuous, but it's direct and precise. Chrollo takes want he wants no matter how he gets it.
Sometimes you think of it as a blade hidden under his long sleeve. He closes in, saying things you wish not want to hear again, and strikes you in the most vital parts.
Literally does not care that much if you don't make a big deal out of it. Though, he does make sure you stay close and listens in to check you're not conspiring or anything. 
He will only get pissed if you seem really giddy after interacting with the other partner or if you keep looking around like an idiot for some kind of opportunity.
Somewhat playful about it. Phinks will tease you condescendingly, implying things you know you would be immensely punished for. 
Your terrified face and nervous defensive speech strokes his ego a lot. 
Yeah that's right, you're his. Only he works to make you that happy. Any other being trying to lure you into their untrustworthy hold will get their head spun around back and over. 
But if you're planning something against him, he will have no hesitation and will take you back home that instant.
Informs troupe members he encounters that he has personal business while dragging you out by your arm.
The boss is more understanding when it comes to partner business, so he approves of his actions.
Punishment is painful yet effective. The next time the Troupe meets up, you dare not to look at anyone else. Especially that other darling.
It seems like they were punished too.
Why the hell are you ruining everything for yourself? 
He's a very moody and emotional person. Seeing you enjoy yourself with that other person will make him extremely envious and agitated.
If you're REALLY enjoying it then things will take a turn for the worst.
Nobunaga will walk up to the two of you and intimidate the other partner. The yandere of that partner will most likely not take kindly to that, and they will start to have a verbal dispute. 
Chrollo will have to silence the two and might even toss a coin to decide what to do about the outburst.
When you two get home, you will be heavily interrogated. If you don't declare your very existence and devotion to your "relationship", then off to the lions you go.
Nobunaga always makes punishment personal; Insulting you and putting words in your mouth. Never leaves you alone and makes it a point to let you know how much you hurt him, and how bad he is going to hurt you.
But if you are simply having small talk, then Nobunaga will pull you aside and tell the yandere to keep their partner away from his lover. 
The yandere will most likely agree or wave off to his demands, and keep what's theirs to themselves.
His grip is swift and harsh. You feel like a brick in calloused hands waiting for an open opportunity.
Nobunaga doesn't think before he acts in social situations. His feelings take over and his sword swerves up and around, aimed towards person contradicting his own view.
He is greedy, not selfish. 
Safe to say that you now don't open your mouth at meetings anymore unless you're told to…
Eh as long as you're happy and not doing anything stupid.
He knows you need to talk to someone else other than himself. You are human after all.
Franklin will question you about your conversations. He secretly hopes you talked about him in a flattering light, but he knows that most likely was not a subject brought up.
Unless you want to get smart and start conspiring, you best not let him hear in on too much or find out.
Franklin is an observer and only acts when needed. His quiet and large stature is enough to intimidate most, so when he tells you he knows, confess and apologize as if you life depended on it.
He is a very patient, rational and calculating man, so he knows what you need when you need it.
It's better to stay docile rather than to mess up because you thought you could fool him. Did you think just because you found an easy way out, that you had even the slightest chance of keeping it a secret from him? Franklin of all people?
The man who is basically the troupe's second leader, the man who literally shoots nen bullets out of his hands, the man who could SNAP YOU IN HALF if he wanted to.
Punishment is not as bad as it would be if you actually did escape, but it still resulted in you being closed off to others much more than to him.
But other than that he doesn't mind you a few friends here and there. Just as long as you're loyal to him, he carries on without much issue.
Isn't the jealous type. More possessive.
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narrators-journal · 1 year
It's like hxh characters finding out that's hxh Isa series or movie in the real world, a different world. Which means they have actors. So they're reacting to their actors interview lol
I couldn’t find a way to work in a (y/n) character since a reader insert would depend a lot on the reader’s feelings for something like this. This isn’t a story, after all, I don’t feel right dictating how someone would react to the discovery of being a show character, y’know? So, I left a slot open for reader interpretation! An interactive post, lol.
Otherwise, I just kinda went ham with your general set up. It was kinda hard for me to think if I stuck so close to your exact premise. Hope ya don’t mind!
In general
In general, the revelation of the show being...a show, would throw the entire cast for a loop. I’ll mention some highlights, but as a whole, the revelation would be something along the lines of existential fear, confusion, and maybe some amazement.
Hisoka is about the only one I can think of who doesn’t have a group, and Kite is just a random character I like, lol. So, they get their own bits. Plus, their fairly simple. Hisoka’s biggest throw off is his actor not having pink hair slicked back like his. The fact their personalities don’t match or his actor doesn’t condone his taste for powerful fighters of any age doesn’t bug him. He can understand that he’s not for everyone.
The phantom troupe
Chrollo has experienced so many powers, and read so many books that he wouldn’t exactly care for the fact his reality is false. Though, he would be offended if his actor is anything but intellegent and appreciative of his reading and grace. Uvogin, though, would have his mind utterly blown. If his physique isn’t realistic to his actor, he’s crushed, and if it is, he would wonder if his actor is a good fighter. If so...could they spar? Feitan meanwhile would lowkey hate his actor if he denounced his torturous tastes. “How can he talk about me like that?! He’s no better than me!” that type of logic. In all, though, the spiders would mostly be confused on how this works. How can Macha or Phinks’ actors be such sweeties? How are they seperate from the characters? How are they different from the actors?
The zoldycks
Where the spiders may ponder the existential angle, the Zoldycks are more worried about the opinions of their actors, and the accuracy of their portrayal. Kikyo would have a fit over the smallest shift in what she believes she’d do, or any harsh comment levelled at her or her babies in interviews, Milluki would complain that his actor isn’t thinner, insulting the man viciously while also picking apart the effects of the show. Alluka would simply find it fun to have an actor, and be called adorable in interviews, while Killua would be annoyed and confused if his actor wasn’t his age. “why the hell is my actor 18?? I’m only 12, how can they opt for hours of make up to de-age him, when they can just hire a twelve year old??”
Illumi would not like the fact their reality is a show. He instantly dislikes his actor, he dislikes how easy going he might be, or him laughing off marriage proposals. He doesn’t like to think about interviews and how this affects him, mostly because of his actor and how different they are. “He’s so emotional and takes nothing serious. I hate how weak he is.” Every one but Killua would probably also be offended at them not bothering to try and match their strength either.
Silva and Zeno would be the only two really pondering what this means for their world. When the story ends, do they cease to exist? If the show is cancelled, what happens then? Those types of questions. Though, Zeno does at least appreciate the work that goes into aging his actor.
The main cast
Gon would be ecstatic to see they’re a show. He’d think it was so cool, and he’d hope all of his friends got good screen time, and were loved by the fans. He would think of the implications, but he’d try not to fret over them. Kurapika, meanwhile, would feel highkey cheated by god. “My family was wiped out...for a mere plot?!” While Leorio wouldn’t know how to feel. His actor seems cool, he seems fun in all of his interviews, but...does this mean he’s not real? Complicated emotions there.
[reader insert]
Readers choice, lol. Feel free to repost or comment how you’d react to this news if you want!
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wait also for my series: should i make a love triangle for feitan? im kinda hesitant abt it so idk
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leappp · 2 years
Hxh character's kinks?? yes this is what my life is now :)
Warnings: nsfw content!
Kurapika: I'd like to say it would be bondage, but a lot of people say that so it's just going to be thrown out there. I need to choose a good one. So.... ig orgasm control? he likes control and order, that is something, so that would naturally transfer into his sex life. He likes being the dominant one, he likes to, not order you around, but still have the control in the situation. Of course, he lets you have the control if you want it, or he at the very least gives you some, but he has the fantasy of having someone give themselves up for him and just kind of let him control them during sex. So yeah, that's the headcanon
Leorio: Honestly, I have absolutely no idea. He either has a very small number of kinks or is into some really crazy shit. He wouldn't have any of the really... out there kinks (piss, scat that kind of stuff or any of the gross ones (ddlg (I have very strong feelings on this)) I think he would like simple degradation, dirty talk if we're talking the less crazy ones. If we're thinking the other way, he would like bondage, exhibitionism, or something like that.
Chrollo: Okay.. I hate myself for this headcanon but for some reason I'm sharing this on the internet, so yeah. But pet-play and some obedience thing... JUST HEAR ME OUT OKAY??? It might be me just being fucking annoying and having a lot of kinks and then projecting onto fictional characters.. but just HDNSLNSDLKMV LKSM. This is only if we're going with him being really kinky, if he isn't as kinky, he'd be into like idk body worship and praise, maybe light bondage? This headcanon might be from a random fantasy I thought of that I would make into a fanfiction, but putting it into words is difficult so I probably won't
Feitan: Sadomasochism? Maybe torture (with consent because yeah unless he's doing like the normal torture)? Bondage? Knife kink? Fear play (once again consensual)? There's a lot of options. I think my least favorite of this list is the torture because it feels a little bit icky but I'm keeping it in because it's kind of in character. He probably like degradation too. Oh, the things I would let him do to me. (btw for some reason i have to make characters give consent because it makes me angry to not so don't comment about it being out of character because I don't want to romanticize serious topics, so please, if you think he would literally rape someone, and want it to happen, please (genuinely) get mental help /srs /gen) Sorry I went on a rant
Shalnark: Sex with multiple people, maybe a little bit of humiliation sprinkled in there. Probably has fantasies of fucking you and taking turns with you with Phinks and Feitan.. I honestly don't know what else to say so yeah.
Wing: I lowkey think he would be into like some really kinky shit. Like.. just think about it for a second. So I think he would like a mix of praise and degradation, probably spanking or some shit, and maybe something like overstimulation or edging??
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feifood · 3 years
sorry for requesting again (can u even tell i'm requesting over and over again?? idk) but i just had a random idea. if u aren't too busy, the trouble trio with an s/o who's obsessed with eating a bunch of snacks and sweets? like for example a bag of chips after lunch, than a bag of candy in the afternoon, and than a bowl of ice cream at night? tysm!!! have a great day/night! :3
S/o who Loves Snacks
Feitan, Shalnark, Phinks
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LOLOL I HONESTLY COULDN’T TELL IT WAS THE SAME PERSON ANON but I really do like this random idea and I’m so glad you told me hehe Here they areee and I hope you enjoy okay take care !! <333
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VERY confused at first
Very very confused because I think Feitan is someone that has quite a small appetite
This man just doesn’t each much in general, so seeing you eat a bunch of snacks every single day makes him just a lil confused and also amazed
Like damn you ate ALL OF THAT?? He’s a little bit jealous because he gets full so easily and he can’t eat all the goodies like you can
Sometimes (emphasis on the sometimes) asks you for some snacks BUT JUST A LITTLE BIT because he wouldn’t be able to finish it if you gave him a lot anyways
Would also buy you snacks but not like Phinks akjsdhfkjfh
Feitan would buy you the snacks he KNOWS are your fav and he won’t buy as much as Phinks as once because he doesn’t want you to eat so much of one brand that you get tired of it
Babes it’s going to be a COMPETITION
If Shalnark finds out where you hide your snack stash GOOD LUCK HONESTLY
Because he will 10000% steal and he will 100000% eat them all before you can even get to it
Btw he already has his own snack stash so at this point you two are just stealing snacks from each other and it all cancels out LOL
He always “apologizes” after stealing your snacks (quotations because he has THAT grin on his face as he says sorry)
Would also buy you snacks but you buy snacks for him anyways so it all cancels out
As you can tell THERE IS A LOT OF BALANCE in the snack wars you have
And honestly? It’s fun as hell PLUS now you have a buddy to eat snacks with hehe
This man becomes your snack supplier LOLOL
At first he thinks ‘oh cool they likes snacks,, yeah I mean how doesn’t’
And then he sees just HOW MUCH snacks you consume in a day and he starts to think ‘THAT is very impressive’
Lowkey starts buying you these snacks no ones ever heard of JUST SO you can give him a review of it 
But aside from him asking you to review everything he just loves the way your face lights up when you see him pull out a bunch of snacks
You will NEVER EVER go out of snacks when Phinks is around and you can trust me on that
He’ll really only eat your snacks if you ask him to join you, but most times he won’t take your things because he simply just wants you to have them all
ALSO he’ll probably get into the habit of packing a few bags of your fav chips or cookies whenever you two go out -- he’s so used to it that sometimes he packs some even though he’s going out alone
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babydaddyleorio · 4 years
Favorite Apps Headcanons
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Random headcanons over what some characters favorite apps would be.
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-Oh Killua’s favorite app is most definitely twitter
-He lives for all the drama that goes down on there and for some reason always knows where to find the accounts with all the tea 
-Lowkey why he’s so messy to this day
-Loves looking at meme pages and will spend hours saving memes to his phone
-Thinks that dark mode > light mode
-Canary put him on to Black Twitter a while back and whenever they hangout they’ll laugh at it all night long together
-Retweets a whole bunch of edgy quotes because he’s our edgy boi
-Has like 20k followers for some reason but he only follows back Gon
-Chrollo likes to get on tumblr whenever he has the time which is all the time because he has no life
-It took him awhile to figure out how to work it but now that he understands it he’s become addicted to it
-Tumblr honestly just fits his whole cool boy vibe
-He follows those really dark accounts that’s whole feed is full of gothic aesthetics
-Chrollo either makes super depressing, political, or deep philosophical posts that literally no one asked for
-Has classical music playing on the background of his page
-Slowly mutes it
-Chrollo probably has 500 followers or more because he’s an edge lord and everybody thinks he’s hot despite the abundant amount of gel he puts in his hair
-When he’s not trying to beat the phantom troupe’s ass, Kurapika enjoys getting on to Pinterest
-This is the app that usually calms him down and I can vividly see him sipping tea from his I Love Leorio Mug while wearing his reading glasses and scrolling on his phone
-Pinterest gives him a lot of inspiration to try different things and especially keeps him occupied from being too sad or lazy
-Kurapika is a good baker and he would throw down in the kitchen after finding a good recipe on pinterest 
-He’ll sometimes send Melody posts that he likes and knows that she’ll like back
-He has sooo many boards and pins that he’s spent a lot of time organizing
-Gets a bit sad whenever he sees happy pictures of couples and families because it reminds him of his happy days with his clan
-Realistically, Feitan is probably never on his phone, but It would be really cute If Feitan’s favorite app was Duolingo
-We all know that Japanese is not Feitan’s native tongue and sometimes when he speaks It comes out slow or broken
-Because of this, Feitan gets teased by the phantom troupe (mainly phinks) and kind of gets upset at himself
-Shalnark saw Feitan’s irritation one day and showed him how to work Duolingo
-Ever since then, whenever he has freetime and is alone he would try to learn new words and how to pronounce them
-He would do this in secret of course because It would hurt his pride to let others know that he does this 
-Shalnark exposes him anyway just to be petty
-Chrollo would end up telling Feitan how impressed he of his Japanese one day and even though nobody could see it, Feitan would have a tiny smile on his face hiding behind his scarf
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1800sunaarinn · 4 years
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anon asks
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hii!! and i hope i don’t disappoint you with this ask anon 💞💞!!
this is rlly short and i’m sorry!!
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♰ Chrollo Luclifer
is calm about it, appears calm about it, is really not calm about it.
he’s totally freaking out about it because one: sure, you’re incredibly strong and he definitely knows that you can take care of yourself, but your mouth will !!! get you in trouble.
he’s calm tho, you wouldn’t even know that he’s freaking out because every time you “train” with phinks or uvogin, or get into a extremely loud shouting match with nobunaga, he only watches with a small smirk or completely ignore it all.
there was this one time when you had protected him, knocking the guys out with a single punch. then proceeded to rant for an hour about the dangers of walking home alone, and men thinking women were less stronger because science says so.
he loved the fact that you saved him, and he definitely did not blush the entire way home.
he also loved when you ranted, especially when it was 3am, and you both couldn’t sleep and were talking about whatever was on your minds.
your 3am rants were godsend to him, literally.
he rlly loved you and your quirks, hehe.
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🃏 Hisoka Morow
in love. in actual love. like you two weren’t even dating at the time, and he saw your fight in the heaven’s arena, and the sheer power you were releasing turned him on.
is a complete freak about the entire situation. he purposely riles you up, and when you start shouting him at he deadass moans.
you were like ???nani??? and he was smirking and somehow y’all ended up together.
he will literally get down on his knees just to fight you, both in bed and in the area :0
mans is all around horny, always. and you make it no better.
don’t shout at him in public, will definitely moan loud and gather attention. a total pervert about it. rip to the poor childern passing by y’all, finna be traumatized.
spank bank is just your fights in the areas, and that one weird audio that is extremely crunchy of you arguing with hisoka about bungee gum. of all things.
did you expect a full functioning relationship with hisoka morow and not fight him? yeah, good luck charlie.
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📍 Illumi Zoldyck
???nani??? you’re strong and expressive??? a wife of illumi zoldyck isn’t completely chill and half brain dead from his needles?!?!?
you go you! assert your dominance, lololol. but seriously, illumi is so confused and lowkey scared bc you’re loud, why? and you’re strong, which is good bc kikyo would’ve had you killed by now.
but you’re loud? why are you loud? he really doesn’t understand the point in being extremely loud, and he literally can’t shut you up bc he’s one hundred percent sure you’ll retaliate with cutting his hair off
he really enjoys his hair, don’t touch his hair.
illumi’s a bit similar to chrollo in terms of freaking out on the inside.
your voice echoes around the cold and basically dead manor hallways, so everyone knows you’re coming, and the fact that those weighted doors actually creek when you slam them open —
doors... doors... the freaking gates! tHe gaTes! everyone had the same shocked Pikachu look on their faces when you practically slammed those seven gates open, not even breaking a sweat. 
illumi enjoyed the fact that he didn’t have to worry over whenever you two did missions together, and he would really like for you to be a whole tiny bit quieter.
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📍. 11/20/15
note — not me frothing at how horrible these are. i hope you at least enjoyed them anon!
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mynameseri · 4 years
I know this is stupid but can you do a birthday headcanon for Chrollo Lucilfer? Could you maybe include the phantom troupe and his s/o doing something special for him. Maybe what kind of gifts they would give him? Also what kind of cake would he like? Would it be an extravagant party or a small gathering? You don't have to write it if it's too much or too wierd. Either way I love your writing.
I don’t think it’s stupid at all! I actually really liked this request! Thanks so much for your kind words as well🖤🥺
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Warnings: 18+, slight N/SFW, mention of sex
Chrollo likes to have lowkey birthdays; he doesn’t want to make his birthday a big deal. But the Troupe loves to go all out for his birthday. They surprise him with lots of gifts (they’re all stolen) and they all compete to see who can get the best gift (the best gift is determined by Chrollo of course). Normally it’s stuff like namebrand name watches, designer wallets and clothes but sometimes they’ll get him rare stones. It depends on what Chrollo’s interests are that year.
Chrollo’s favorite cake is a dark chocolate, iced in a thin layer of fudge icing, with a single red rose on top. It’s classy and rich, a treat he only indulges on for his birthday. You know exactly how he likes it, so Chrollo saves the cake baking and decorating for you. You make enough for you, him, and everyone in the Troupe to have some. There’s only one slice left over which Chrollo usually saves for a midnight snack.
He prefers to have a small gathering; in hopes that these celebrations are more intimate rather than reckless. Buuuut, sometimes they get a little out of hand, with more people showing up than intended. The decorations and vibe are absolutely perfect; everyone has an amazing time. By the end of the night, it’s usually just Chrollo, Phinks, Paku, and you. Everyone else usually goes home at some point.  
You cater to Chrollo’s needs for the entire day; your goal is to pamper and spoil him from the moment he wakes up. You make him a breakfast, have a brand new perfect suit as a gift for him, and wake him up with birthday sex. He feels even more like royalty than normal with how you’re treating him. All day long you make sure he is satisfied, getting absolutely anything he wants.
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cranberrytaboo · 8 years
hxh, poltaro and diotaro, boone
Favorite Character: Uh... Probably Leorio. Or Chrollo.
Least Fave Character: Uh... Pouf, I guess?
5 fave ships: LEOPIKA, Chrosoka, Phinkallu, lowkey KilluGon, and Gingsoka?
Character I find most attractive: Proobably Chrollo...
Character I would Marry: LEORIO, or... who that super manly lolita chick is.
Character I’d bff with: Uh... probably Gon.
Random Thought: Illumi is a FREAK lmfao
Unpopular opinion: I super love Hisoka despite everything...
Canon OTP: You cant tell me LeoPika isn’t canon so
Uncanon OTP: PhinKallu I guess?
Most Badass: UVOGIIIIIIN ;~;
Pairing I don’t like: Illusoka isn’t my favorite? I guess I like them as wierdo buddies
Character I feel the writers screwed up: I think Phinks should be present more...
Favorite friendship: Illusoka? lmao
DIOtaro and Poltaro
When I started shipping: Diotaro came first, then I shipped poltaro aroudn the time I started reading Stardust Crusaders.
My thoughts: I’m fond of a very lovestruck Dio, and Polnareff is always love struck, of course.
What makes me happy about them: Diotaro caring for Giorno and Jolyne and for Poltaro, how cute their interactions are
What makes me sad about them: For Diotaro, its the inevitable death of Dio and for Poltaro, it’s polnareff’s gradually being taken away from Jotaro in increments.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Making DIO an over-asshole to Jotaro /once/ theyre in a relationship. I don’t read a lot of fic tho.
What  I look for: love and comfort? lol
My kinks: affection and partner worship?
Who id be happy with them being with if not each other: For diotaro, Dio could be with Pucci I guess, JOtaro could be with any of the crusaders... or the Jojos... or Koichi lMFAO and or Polnareff, I can’t see him with many other people, but Abdolnareff is cuuuuute.
Happily ever after: Taking care of however many kids they have, lmao.
How I feel about this character: HES MY DARLING SWEET TSUNDERE WAIFU
Who I ship them with romantically: Mostly Ammeri because I’m OC-shipping garbage, but i can see him with Arcade being kind of cute too. If I knew more about Carla im sure id ship them too...
Who i friendship them with: Arcade, really. God bless.
Unpopular opinion: He’s not bland, hes beautiful and adorable
One thing I wish would happen: I could canonically romance him...
OTP: AmmeriBoone...
OT3: never really thought about it :0 what do you think?
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feifood · 4 years
Hello helloo a shy follower here! May i request enemies to lovers with feitan and he says to the reader she has really small breast but doesnt actually mean it bc he really likes the reader? Its ok if its too much tho lots of love
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hello shy follower !! Thank you for your support babie <33 
It’s not too much dw ALSO I think this idea is so cool been wanting to write something enemies to lovers related
READ PT. 2  // PT. 3
*Word count: 526 words
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Feitan insults you (but he’s got good intentions !!):
Okay so for this one we gonna pretend this is the HxH universe I hope that’s okay
You’re both in the troupe yeah but you haven’t been here as long as he has (you’re not a newbie though)
So you two are pretty well acquainted 
I think that you two would both be the same amount of skilled which is what caught his attention in the first place
At first he feels kind of threatened by you because what if you surpass him?
But then he sees you + the other troupe members and he kind of gets MORE jealous because can’t they see that you’re a threat to him? How could they trust you so easily?
Feitan’s just always cold to you from then on
You have no clue what this dude’s problem is and you’ve tried talking to him before but he’s been nothing but rude
So you kinda start to dislike him too :(
Don’t worry guys this is only the enemies part there will be a lovers part soon sit tight
And at first you two kind of just avoid each other, avoid talking with each other, working with each other, all that
But then the troupe starts to notice and they think it’s kind of funny so they tease y’all about your enemies dynamic and they start lowkey shipping you
This goes on for a LONG time to the point where everyone’s like yeah they’re 10000% gonna get together one day but they don’t even realize it
So Shalnark and Phinks tries to get Feitan to realize this
“Feitan,” Shalnark calls for his attention while the trio are out on a walk in town, "so what’s the deal with you and Y/N? You two get together yet?”
Feitan furrows his brows and shoots him a quick, “shut up,” which sets Phinks’ off in a laughing frenzy.
“Fei come on,” Phinks tries to catch his breath, “it’s so obvious that you two like each other. You can’t be that dumb to not notice right?”
Phinks was right, Feitan honestly did notice it. He’d even been starting to feel some kind of way, but he’d never admit that, not even to himself. 
“I don’t see it,” he blatantly lies to his friends, “there’s nothing to like. I mean, have you seen their chest? There’s nothing there.” 
Why did I just say that, it was so uncalled for, he scolds himself right afterwards. He honestly didn’t think there was anything wrong with your appearance at all, but he had to say something to try and convince his friends that he didn’t like you. 
“That’s low of you,” a voice sternly says from behind the guys.
They all turn around at the same time to be met with your disappointed face, lips quivering to hold back the tears. 
“Boss sent me to find you guys, we’re having a meeting. Come back if you want,” you turn around and start treading away from them. 
“Well you really did it now Fei,” Phinks spits out at his friend, giving him a smack at the back of the head before leaving with Shalnark in the same direction you did.
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okay so i decided that im gonna make feitan’s storyline a love triangle with his crush and phinks BC THEYRE BEST FRIENDS AND NOW THEY HAVE TO FIGHT FOR THEIR CRUSH AHHHHH
okay but not fight but like theres obvioulsy gonna be tension ;)
so basically the story is gonna take place in february right because valentines day is around the corner ;) except i lowkey wanna give it a different name cause why not. ill call it lovers day or something. 
but anyways it starts off with the reader and feitan discussing valentines day and relationships and romance and stuff in the hall. and feis all like ‘wow i wanna ask them out but i dont know how’ in his head. you guys then say goodbye and go off to your seperate classes. 
ok now skip ahead skip ahead. feitan is in class and is really thinking about asking you on a date. since he literally does not know how to be romantic and express his feelings (i hc that hes never dated anyone <3) hes deciding to confess a little more discereetly: by making a note :) the only catch: hes still not good at trying to express his feelings EVEN THROUGH WRITING. 
so then shalnark is all like “yo whatcha doing” because they sit right next to each other in class. feitan tells him, but then again hes a little hesitant bc shalnark is literally THE school gossip enthusiast like,,, hes the human burn book he knows dirt about almost EVERYONEEE—
feitan basically thinks that even if he tells shalnark, hes definitely gonna keep record of it in his brain. luckily though theyre best friends so feitan is like whatevs (phinks is feitans #1 bestie but shal makes a close second). 
so now shal is helping feitan with his note and giving him advice and all that, while simultaneously trying to not get caught by the teacher. skip ahead skip ahead and theyre done with the note right as the bell rings. they get through the hoards of students and go to your hallway with your locker.
the thing is neither fei or shal knows what locker # you are. so shal is like’oh its this one’ BUT SPOILER ALERT ITS WRONG. shalnark confuses your locker with phinks’. so basicallly they accidentally put the love note in phinksies locker.
and then what dya thnk happens... phinks finds it and thinks HIS CRUSH (also you...) WROTE IT FOR HIM 😱😱😱😱. 
but yeah basically thats a very simplified version i prolly made mistakes  mistakes me tired
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