#i wasn't gonna answer this but fuck it. have a ramble i just woke up
maxislvt · 2 years
Alpha!Wanda in her rut wanting to breed omega!reader who is in her heat, Wanda who glances possessively at reader who is among other alphas so she embraces reader and bites gently at their mating mark deciding that she's gonna mark her property for good
warnings: smut, omegaverse, breeding, marking, jealousy
Wanda liked to pretend she didn't care about you. If anyone asked, you were just her teammate and maybe a close friend. She liked to think that she didn't care about all the other alphas that followed you around like a lost puppy and attempted to court you on a near weekly basis. She wanted to, but she just couldn't. Truth was, Wanda was fiercely protective because you were all she had left. Wanda was dangerously possessive at times. The claim that forever scarred your neck was proof of that. It only got worse once your cycles had begun to sync up.
You had always been stubborn about your heat. Before Wanda, you'd work yourself until the alphas around you couldn't focus or collapsed from heat exhaustion. It made Wanda's job a lot harder. The mere smell of your slick drove her wild. Unfortunately, Wanda wasn't the only alpha that could smell it.
It seemed like every alpha at Tony's stupid party had approached you in the spand of fifteen minutes and you were far too kind to second guess their intentions. Though she was just as stubborn herself, she hated yours. You could barely get a word out when you woke up this morning but somehow got well enough to attend the event. It didn't matter how many pills you took, nothing could hide the smell of an omega waiting to be bred. Every word you said seemed to bring them closer to you and she couldn't stand it. Your scent was practically flooding the room and Wanda had reached the end of her patience.
"Ah, it's a lot harder to get accommodations, but being part of this team is important to me. Nothing is worth more than saving the world," You answered charismatically. Never had so many alphas been concerned with your treatment as an Avenger, but you were happy to talk about it. If talking about your issues meant other omegas got the help they needed, you'd talk all night. Your ramblings were cut short by a familiar pair of arms wrapping around your waist. "Oh, Wanda! I'm almost done, I promise I'll be over in a minute."
"You said that ten minutes ago," Wanda whispered as she buried her nose against the nape of your neck. It was an inefficient means of scenting herself, but it got the point across. She couldn't hold back her smirk. "Come on, you need to rest up and I'm getting bored. Let's just go up stairs." Her sweet words didn't magically manifest any more patience and she dragged you away.
You gasped at Wanda's sudden roughness, but let her drag you along regardless. It wasn't a long ride to the elevator, but it was long enough for Wanda to start undressing you. "Wanda, I understand you need help, but I already took pills today. Nothing is going to work until tomorrow." Despite your warning, Wanda continued to grind against your backside. The friction alone made your cunt throb. "I'm sorry, but you'll just have to wait."
Wanda chuckled at your stupidity. "Oh, does my little omega really believe that?" She moved your underwear to the side just enough for her fingers to collect the slick that was practically leaking from your core. "It's a shame you can't smell how good you are, but there's no way you don't feel this." She spread her fingers apart slowly and your slick formed a thick line between them. "You see that? That hole is just begging to be filled with my pups."
You were much too weak to fight back and part you didn't even want to. The instincts deep within begged you to just let go. Being Wanda's cum dump was more enjoyable than swallowing pills and pushing yourself to the limit. "Fuck, you're not being fair." Wanda used all her strength to guide to her bed and lay you over it. You wiggled away in an attempt to put space between you and your lover. "It's not going to work, it's just a waste of time right now."
Wanda shook her head, but smiled. "Oh, you can't just get worked up and just run off. Your alpha needs help too," She said as she groped the bulge in her pants. "I need a hole, baby." Her strong hands pulled you back towards her. She made sure to rub her crotch against the heat radiating between your legs. "Even if it doesn't work, I can just keep breeding you until it does." All the usual care she would've had was long. The nice outfit you had on was ripped to shreds in seconds.
The more Wanda touched you, the harder it was to ignore the need that grew deep within you. More! Breed me! Take me! The words filled your head as Wanda began groping you. Even at the peak of your neediness, Wanda just had to tease. "Alpha, please. I need you so bad." It was impossible to move your hips with the bruising strength Wanda had over you. "It hurts a lot, I can't help it."
Wanda hummed as she casually flipped you over. Her right hand forced your face against the mattress. You'd never properly presented yourself to her before, but she couldn't help herself. "I'm gonna turn you into a stay at home omega." Her voice had gotten so dark, it almost felt like a threat. Wanda pushed her cock inside of your hole slowly, reveling in your warmth. "Ah fuck, you can kiss this avenging job goodbye after this."
"Mhm, only wanna have your pups!" The pace Wanda had set for you was near impossible to keep up with you. Your slick had stained your lover's sheets, but none of that mattered. All you could think about was the absolutely disgusting way she was talking to you. She was always sweet and careful to work you up before toppling you over. Now, she was just using you.
Wanda growled in your ear. "You're mine, you got that?" All her energy was put into fucking you. "That's it, cum in your alpha's dick. None of those other ones could make you feel as good as I do." Wanda pulled your head to the side and firmly clamped down on your neck.
The sensation was more than enough to send you flying over the edge into an orgasm. Your walls clenched and spasmed over Wanda's dick. Her orgasm followed soon after yours. "Fuck, Wanda, please." You had no idea what you were begging for, but you wanted it more than anything.
A shiver ran up Wanda's spine as her knot began to form. "Fuck, I don't care if this one fits, I'm fucking you until I can't cum anymore!"
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brotherwtf · 10 days
I always enjoy your answers for the various asks you get 💖 so here’s an idea I thought would be fun to share with you: for the breeding kink, what if John walks into the kitchen once to find Gale eating a pickle straight out of the jar (I mean, the guy was just craving a pickle) but John Egan being John Egan he’s like it finally happened, doll! I can just imagine the look Gale would give him 😂
omg Bucky just in one of his moods and he's so out of it that he thinks he actually got Gale pregnant this time
When Gale woke up, he was craving something salty and vinegary to get the funky taste out of his mouth. He wasn't sure why, he usually didn't like stuff like that, but he really, really wanted something like that.
He peeled himself from John who had tired himself out from two rounds of sex and wandering into the kitchen, John's shirt hanging off of his shoulders. He knew they had a jar of pickles in the fridge, John liked to eat them straight from the jar, so he knew that would satisfy his salty desire.
He's unscrewing the jar when he hears John stumbling down the stairs, smiling at the sound of his clumsy husband, and pulls a spear from the jar, taking a bite out of it and humming at the taste. It wouldn't be what he would usually eat, but it tasted good now.
Gale turns to see John standing in the kitchen doorway and he smiles wider, putting the jar back in the fridge and walking towards John. But John has this stupid expression on his face, one of pure awe and admiration and Gale can't help but chuckle.
"Knock, knock, Bucky, anybody home?" Gale says and yelps when John scoops him up in his arms, lifting him up and spinning him around with glee.
"Oh my God doll I did it!! We actually did it!" John says and Gale's even more confused now.
After two rounds of sex, Gale knew that John sometimes got loopy from the exertion, would just blab to him in bed about everything and nothing, and Gale was always glad to listen. Maybe this was just more of his rambling.
"Did what, darling?" Gale asks, eyebrows quirked up as he looks down at John's gleeful expression.
John sets Gale down and touches his stomach, laughing and dropping to his knees to press a kiss there. Gale shakes his head with a chuckle, tilting John's head up so he can raise his eyebrows questioningly again.
"Can't believe we're gonna have little ones. Cannot believe you're already having the cravings! Gale you haven't eaten a pickle the entire time I've known you, wow I can't believe we did it!" John blabs and Gale nods his head, finally understanding.
John had been on a kick where he would try to fuck babies into Gale, wouldn't be deterred even when he would come inside Gale and it would drip out, would beg and beg for Gale to let him try again to give him kids. Gale would play into it, moan about how deep John was fucking into him, but afterwards when John came to his senses they would laugh about it.
Even now, Gale knows that John would probably double over in laughter at the image Gale sees now, John on his knees pressing kisses into his stomach, excitedly yapping about what the names of their children would be. Gale only smiles and hums along, can't help but wonder what it would be like to actually have children on their own.
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artsyhamster · 4 months
haven't seen enough ofmd fancontent lately ever since the fandom's outrage over s2 , if i may ask, what motivated you to continue producing content for this fandom? is it the characters and setting that got you hooked ? (no pun intended) , or is it something else ? :o
i know this sounds like an interview but im actually genuinely curious, I've been with ofmd since it's release but departed from the fandom quickly
God I wish I knew lol. The short answer is probably a mixture of brain rot, love for a certain character and spite
The long answer is. Longer. (that's your rambling warning lol)
I watched the show and Fandom from afar when season 1 was airing, I always kind of wanted to watch because the Fanart intrigued me (and I already knew from the Fanart who my favorite would be, too lol) but I could smell it would be a show that would grip my brain tight and not let me go and I wasn't ready for that, so I put off watching it.
Then season 2 was drawing near and I finally watched in one go.
It was okay! It was sweet but it didn't grip me as expected, however what was as expected was that Izzy was my fav. I loved episode 1x10, that one probably interested me the most bc it set up a nice cliffhanger for more.
Then I slept on it and basically woke up insane over it the next day, I could not tell you 😭 suddenly I was fully locked on to that show. Then season 2 dropped and it just continued like that. Full on obsessed with every episode, like damn. I loved watching. Up to the point where I didn't, because the final episode was a letdown, it was such letdown. Why I didn't drop it afterwards idk.
I saw some awful takes online about Izzy and especially people who liked him, I got some awful messages too and it triggered my spite & fight center. Because fuck it, I love this character dearly, and even tho I think s2 did every character dirty, I still love them for what they could have been.
I see ofmd like a sandbox, that gave us an interesting setting and great characters and as long as I have love and ideas for this sandbox I'm gonna be here drawing (and occasionally writing lol)
So yeah, a mixture of obsession, spite and mostly lbr my love for Izzy 🤷
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howlofhades · 1 year
why are people even sending you hate? you're always so cool, and fun to interact with and you've always been sweet to everyone too. you never had to show us your ocs, but you graced us with them. storm shooting erix isn't even a bad thing, storm chose life or death, it shows that storm is willing to do what it takes, he's so empathetic. he shot his own brother to save another life, i get it people may not like that he shot another clone but people need to get a grip and leave blue alone. i'm not even a mutual of blue, i've been lucky enough to interact with them! i love the character it gives storm, talk about the trust issues they have, talk about those messy arcs, post that art, we need to know more about your beloved clone boys. post those thoughts, those headcanons, those blurbs, those interactions, those incorrect quotes, i want people to write fics on your ocs, i want angst and fluff if your boys, i want to know how bear reacts to fives and thorns death. screw the hate anons
Anon, you're gonna kill me :((
Well, basically last night I received an anon asking why storm didn't execute order 66, which really wasn't a big deal it was harmless. Until I mentioned that he shot Erix, i wanted to get it out before I slept. I knew after posting it there was gonna be some negative responses. But I didn't think too much of it. Of course, when I woke up I clearly underestimated the fact that people weren't going to like it. My ocs have received hate in the past, so at first I wasn't too bothered by it. But after I deleted the post, I had some more hate anons, I won't give them the time of day by answering them.
I try to be as easy to interact with as possible, but I know that it's always the case. I'm nice to everyone because they deserve it, I don't expect any of it in return. If I'm making someone happy then I'm doing something right.
I had briefly spoken about some of my clones on a-streakofblue so it wasn't too big of a deal, but those posts aren't worth looking at. I wasn't even that comfortable talking about them on there, but I finally said fuck it let's ramble about my ocs. It mainly took seeing my friends and mutuals rambling about their ocs for me to roll with it. I started off with my Bear headcanon post, and I just continued from there. Everyone has been welcoming of my little guys which was great!
"storm has no empathy." Storm is one of my most loving ocs, he's incredibly empathetic. I get it not everyone will agree with his actions or that I'm coming to his defense. He was literally made as a comfort oc for tcw s7 finale, Storm was never supposed to be anything serious. He originally wasn't apart of my clone project to begin with until I made Irais, they were apart of a battalion that I had made until I scrapped it. Irais was forgotten about, and Storm was made into a 501st oc.
It's still up for debate if I'll change it, I might make it so he only stuns Erix I don't know. But I'm not gonna recycle Storm just because of some hate anons.
The post about Erix's trust issues is just sitting in my drafts I may or may not post it. I'm gonna have to think about it before I post about those arcs, because I genuinely don't want a repeat of today. I will eventually get back into oc content only if people still wanna hear about them. People's opinions matter to me a lot.
I'm not sure who you are anon, but I'm glad you like interacting with me. But, I'm really sorry for this.
All in all, I'm still not sure how to react, ironically I've stated my opinions on hate anons multiple times but yet again here we are. I hope this clears things up.
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vgucciking · 2 years
Stories N Warnings
5 Chapter "The Local Dead Kids"
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"So what's your guys relation to "The Local Dead Kids" title" I asked. They looked at me and then at each other, no one saying a word.
Billy hesitantly answered "W-well, you see..." he looked at the boys before looking back at me "we...-" "For gods sake. We were fucking kidnapped." Vance impatiently interrupted. Billy have a quick glare, while Vance rolled his eyes.
"We all got KIDNAPPED, but in different ways." Arching my eyebrow, I pushed further "How? If you don't mind me asking" Robin sighed and looked at his lunch.
"Well, first it was Billy." Robin looked at Billy, signalling him to speak about his experience.
"Uh. Well, I had forgotten to deliver news paper on the block down from my house. So, I went back out and took my dog with me. Biking down the street, a black van drove past me slowly, stopping just a few metres in front of me" He fiddled with his fork, gripping it slightly.
"He had gotten out and asked for directions to the shop "Grab N Go" not knowing any better I had given him directions. After that I turned my back to him to get to my bike, only for him to have wrapped his arm around my neck, in a chokehold." Billy shivered from remembering what had happened.
"He sprayed some type of substance into my mouth, knocking me out completely. I woke up in a basement, and couldn't get out." His eyes never left the fork he was holding. "He did...horrible things. Things you don't want to know..." A tear slipped from his right eye, he quickly wiped it away and smiled.
"I guess that's me. Vance was the second one to go missing." Vance groaned, glaring at you "Do you really need to know?" Shrugging my shoulders I said "only if you want to"
He grumbled and crossed his arms on the table "I was taken after being dropped of by the police. I was taken by them because I bet some kid up-" "yeah over a stupid Pinball game" Vance elbowed Bruce, to which Bruce groaned in pain.
"It's not a Stupid game. And yes that's why I was taken away. Anyways. The grabber had taken me and did exactly the same thing he did to Billy boy. Fucking asshole beat me with a belt in his basement." Vance hissed at the memory. He lifted his left arm and showed me a long scar "This is a souvenir, from his belt."
Taking a good look at it, I noticed it seemed to be still healing? Piling his arm back, he leaned on the table again. "And FUCK, if you knew what you had coming for you, you'd be scared as shit too." I cringed at the thought of being hit with a belt.
"He's right." Bruce quietly said. "He...touched me." Looking around the room he carried on "inappropriately I mean. He did things that I'll never recover from. He also took me while I was riding my bike. Right after a baseball tournament. Just like the one me and Finn had last weekend."
I have a sympathetic smile, and reached for his hand. Embracing his hand with mine, I said "I'm glad you're safe now. No one can hurt you anymore" He chuckled a little, sadness sinking in. "I know. They'll never be able too" He spoke gently, looking you in the eyes.
Robin coughed, making me and Bruce pull our hands away. "I was freaking kidnapped on the way back from going to the store. I had gone there for snacks, to study with Finn." He cussed a little, and looked me dead in the eye "I tried fighting that soon of a bitch off, but no. He had to pull out a goddamn can with that sleepy stuff in it." He rambled, clearly angry.
"And then BAM. I wake up in a haunted basement. He kept saying if I kept on being a "bad boy" then he wasn't gonna feed me. Y'know what I say to that? BULLSHIT! I ain't ever backing down for an old hag. Especially one that likes to touch little kids." He was doing little punching motions with his hands.
"My little sleepover party at his wasn't as bad as the others." The others stared daggers at him, obviously offended at how chill he was with all this. "Don't worry, I won't let any old crusty man kidnap you" Winking at me, he blew a kiss.
Laughing a little bit, I felt Finn place a hand on my shoulder, making me turn to him. "I saved them. I was also kidnapped, but managed to find the others, and set them free." Looking at him with amazement, I praised him.
"I'm glad you did, and I'm sure they are too!" Turning away from you, he looked at the others "I'm sure they are" he mumbled.
Lunch was fun, Vance kept annoying me, Billy gave me useful tips on the kids here, Finn talked about his classes and grades, Bruce and Robin kept flirting with me, which resulted in the others either getting mad or annoyed.
"Welp. Don't know about you idiots, but I'm ditching last class" Vance said, standing up and stretching. "So catch you later" With a quick head nod towards you, he walked out of the cafeteria.
"I have history. So I'll see you guys later" Bruce waved goodbye "Hey! I have that with you." Finn said as he caught up with the boy. Walking away, you were left with Billy and Robin.
"Maths. Gotta go, the teachers a hot head" Billy explained before running off to his class. Robin turned to me and smirked "Hey look. It's just you and me." He smugly said. Silence. "I'm kidding!" He defended while laughing at you.
"Yeah yeah, I have art class" Giving me thumbs up, he started walking off. Ok. Just leave me then.
Sitting in art class, I sighed. The teacher was demonstrating how to draw waves, weather it be realistic, or not. You just have to express yourself and what you feel, and how you see art in your own way.
It didn't have to fit others likes, just yours and what you felt comfortable with. After she was done, she gave us all a canvas.
I looked through the different colours that laid in front of me. Hmmm, what to start with? My eyes landed on different types of blues. Grabbing them, I poured each onto my paint pallet, and grabbed my brush. Putting different colours of blue on the canvas.
Grabbing a dry brush, I lightly went over the painting, making the colours blend, and look more misty.  Adding white, and orange in certain areas. I created the waves so it looked like it was crashing down.
Finishing up with my painting, I smiled.
Everyone gave their canvases to the teacher, and we went back to theory work. Throughout the rest of the period, I heard quiet mumbling from behind me. It got to the point where I just wanted to say "Hey, can you shut up!?" But I didn't wanna be rude.
I looked over my shoulders, and seen a kid with curly hair. He was already staring at me, with an intense blank expression, that changed the minute he made eye contact with me.
His lips formed a wide smile, one that seemed...almost forced. Way too forced if that's even impossible. Smiling quickly, I looked back towards the teacher, still feeling his gaze boring into the back of my head.
The bell rang and I stood quickly. I need to get the heck away from this kid, who I found out to be called Griffin. I could feel him staring at me the whole time.
Finishing up I walked out of the classroom, only to turn and yelp out in surprise. Standing there was Griffin. Was he waiting for me?
"Uhm. Hi?" Jesus y/n, you sound so stupid. "Stay away from them." He walked away before I could even say anything, not that I was going too. Because, WHAT THE HECK DID HE MEAN!?
"Move freak" some girl who was the same one from gym class said. She pushed past me, her shoulder bumping mine. "Look in the mirror." She turned to me and tilted her head "Excuse..me!"
My hands rested on my hip, rolling my eyes I said "Maybe if you looked in the mirror, you'd think twice before calling me the freak" before anything could escalate, I pushed past her and ignored her calls after me.
She could drop dead, for all I care.
Smiling inwardly as I walked down my street, I looked over to the on going rows of trees. I had to admit I loved nature very much as it calmed me completely.
Taking a deep breath I look away for a brief second, before seeing something move from out of the side of my eye. Taking another glance towards the forest area, I seen Griffin?
His body was behind a bigger tree, his head sticking out the side, staring at me. Is he following me!?
"GRIFFIN! Are you spying on me you perv!" It wasn't a question. I had stopped walking, just staring in his direction. Suddenly he ran away, deeper into the forest.
"What the hell!?" Not wanting to risk it, I walked faster towards my house. I didn't need to be stalked any longer.
My house came into view and I sighed. That was until I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Shivering I heard a branch snap behind me.
I froze in place, not wanting to turn around. It was so eerily quiet. Forcing my full body to make a 180 degrees turn, I saw nothing except that same forest Griffin disappeared into.
"Not today god!" With that I sprinted towards my front door, running faster with the feeling something was also chasing me. As quick as I had opened the door, it was shut.
Leaning against the door, I let out a relief sound. I felt sweat trickle down my neck. Was I really that nervous and scared?!
Who knows? Maybe I'm just imaging stupid stuff...
Instagram ~ V_Guccciking Tiktok ~ Im_okie
Chapter 6
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bullshit-bulltrue · 1 year
☆ hawk talk 8/21/23 ☆
um so not gonna say a lot bc i woke up like two minutes ago to blow my nose and i already want to go back to sleep bc oversleeping is my disease now
so my apologies if this is like bad and short
i'm just very tired and woke up In the middle of the night and wanted to do something
um okay science!!
i had a sore throat this morning and i still had it during science so i wasn't that awake
Mr. E asked what a rube goldberg machine was and my hand darted up so fast and it was lowkey such a xander hawthorne moment <3
and when i answer questions, my science class doesn't all turn their heads to me !!
it really helps my anxiety when people aren't looking directly at my face during public speaking
many turned their bodies and/or ears to me but there was no eye contact
ik it seems miniscule to them, but i really appreciate it
oh and this bitch doesn't wanna work on the part of the project i told her to do
like i already did the writing portion so in order for everyone to do something,, her and emers need to do the drawing
and the bitch was shit at it
but it won't bring my grade down or anything bc if u don't do anything in the group, (her idea of doing smth is "giving the idea in the first place") u don't get any credit
so then i got to math
lanie came up to me and gave back my copy of the outsiders that i lent her. she said she like the book !!
um and then we had to do these state mandated tests
that wasn't actually as difficult as i thought it would be??
it was cool
and then on my way to lunch ben comes up from behind me and is like
b: i didn't know you had split lunch?
m: yeah on even days i have first lunch
b: huh i looked and hadn't seen you in the cafeteria
m: *chuckles* oh yeah i've seen you
*kinda longish pause*
b: where do you sit?
m: wherever there's room 🤷‍♀️
b: i sit way in the back near-
m: near the bathrooms?
b: yeah (think i might've freaked him out a little bc apparently observing people since i have no friends at first lunch is weird ig??)
b: this uh one guy i sit with at lunch is cool and all but *groans and kinda paused bc he's annoyed* makes the CORNIEST JOKES like i think he's cool and all but LIKE- *cuts himself off* (and then he sorta rambled a lil, It was cute)
so we ended up sitting across from each other on that corner table and it was nice
didn't talk much since there was a group of girls on the left of me in a conversation with him for a bit and i didn't wanna interrupt
so i just observed and i tried not to observe too much so yeah
but everytime they were done talking to him we kept showing each other these tiktoks
..okay i am calm now.
so then we said our goodbyes anddd yeah
and then wr have the token gringa who gets mad we call her that because she's "part german and russian"
like bitch you white
sucks for you
(yes, ik, russia is technically part of asia but she said a very low percentage so yeah we call her gringa)
and then class ended :(
and THEN class ended :(
and then we got to color a little project in science lab bc my teacher is lovely and she adores me <3
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answrs · 2 years
Pokémon has always been anachronistic: Gen 1 had clunky 90's computers alongside teleportation technonogy. Later Gens, which take place a few years later (at most 10-ish years, judging by Red and Blue's ages in SuMo/USUM), have borderline Biopunk genetic engineering and portable holograms alongside contemporary technology. So color cameras existing in PLA makes perfect sense.
look i wasn't gonna respond to this because I've been feeling irritable and don't want to overreact to what should be an innocuous comment but fuck it.
the ENTIRE POINT of The Timeline Hill is because there is a small but Very Loud side of fandom that insists that PLA is a DIRECT equivalent to the 1800s because of the technology and culture (ignoring that, you know, 1800s Japan was not a completely uninhabited island with one singular town and two nomadic tribes and also I would hope you know Very Much Had essential things like basic farming and animal domestication going on well before that. DPP features historic towns and ruins of places that don't even exist yet in PLA. BDSP doesn't even have a passing mention of multiple completely extinct species, meanwhile we irl have not just first hand records but actual taxidermy specimens of animals that haven't existed for that long!
look. we are WELL AWARE this is a children's game. the lore of the setting ain't that deep beyond "yeah this is set in *hand waves* history somewhen i guess". fuck that's what makes the anachronistic elements actually fun to mess around with, it's because they're So Dumb! it's other people ascribing "well certain clothing designs are based on ONE ASPECT of 1800s Japanese culture, so the game HAS to be set EXACTLY in that irl timeframe and I Will Enforce This Fanon On Others. it doesn't make sense, which makes it a thing that very quickly sticks out in fanworks to me, which is annoying and takes me out of enjoying the work.
also a color camera isn't gonna print out a banner the size of your entire second story floor. show me the Forbidden Ancient Hisuian Photoshop or GTFO /jk
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19eyebrows · 2 years
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@ptit-biscite and @aotomegane
Some days are just real damned and it would have been the best idea to just stay in bed. That's how Guanshan was feeling as he kicked off his shoes while he closed the door behind him.
"I'm home" he whispered knowing that no one would answer him. He Tian was on a business trip for 2 weeks leaving an empty house behind. It wasn't that bad for once, Mo could get up early in the morning without tiptoeing around his boyfriend who needs to get up an hour later (that lucky bastard) and he could watch TV without headphones. He Tian use to work at home late from time to time and Guanshan didn't want to disturb him. And there was no random piece of clothing laying around that He Tian had left behind. All in all it was a nice time of peace in their apartment.
Or it should have been. Sure the first days had been nice. After Guanshan had finally managed to force He Tian out of the door "You will miss your train." "Just one more kiss." and another... and another "OUT!" He let himself fall down the sofa and relax for a little while. It really was nice.
But something was definitely missing, not just He Tian himself but also his voice. If Guanshan was honest he expected at least 10 messages and 5 calls per day. But except for one message that his boyfriend had arrived safely and one short call yesterday there was nothing. And it was He Tians fourth day away.
He was probably very busy dealing with some big ass company shit. It wasn't like he was on vacation or anything. But still...
Guanshan put his jacket up and made his way to the bathroom to change into some comfortable clothes. After that he went to the kitchen to make himself a tea and made his way to the living room. On the way he checked his phone. Nothing.
For a while a watched something on TV, sipping on his tea from time to time, try to let himself relax. Another look on his phone, still nothing.
Slowly he became restless. He Tian should been off work by now. Maybe there were out eating?
Some minutes later and Guanshan gave in. Fuck it. If He Tian wasn't calling than he would do it.
The phone rang... Once... Twice.. Hm maybe he really was still out?
"Hello? Mo?", the sudden sound of a rough voice startled Mo a bit. Was He Tian already asleep?
"Did I woke you up?" he looked at the clock "It's not even 7 p.m."
A rough laughter.
"Ah well it's kinda exhausting, not gonna lie. The CEO is a really piece of work."
"Ah", Mo replied simply. Somehow he got the feeling that He Tian wasn't telling the truth here. He had met really tough businessmen in the past but never was that exhausted afterwards. On the contrary, most of the time it gave him a real adrenaline boost.
"How are things at home?" He Tian asked lightly but Guanshan could still hear his suppressed yawn. Something clicked.
"You're not sleeping at night, am I right?" he said bluntly without answering He Tian's question. That had happened before when Mo was out sleeping at his mom's that he would find his boyfriend all tired with bloodshoted eyes. And it wasn't like that he didn't notice how much He Tian loves to cuddle in his sleep. It was like he got drawn by the warmth of Guanshan's body.
"Wha- No no. It's okay, I mean the hotel is nice and all. Big bed all for myself and-"
"Tian..." Mo stopped him in his rambling.
"Okay... I maybe not sleeping that well."
"You know why."
Guanshan sighted.
"I mean why haven't you called if you feel lonely?"
That's an answer He Tian wasn't expecting.
"I though it would be nice to give you some time for yourself. You had some stressful weeks, probably still do and I didn't wanted to put more pressure on you."
Guanshan groaned. That man, seriously!
"You are an idiot. If you miss me that much just call me for God's sake."
"Hey. I try to be a considerate boyfriend here." He Tian shot back.
"A considerate idiot maybe.", Guanshan could hold back a smile now. Dear lord what a piece of work. His piece of work.
"Maybe that." he could hear that He Tian was smiling back.
"I miss you, my little Mo."
"Do you miss me too?"
"Idiot... What do you think?", Mo was blushing from ear to ear.
"That you're barley making it back home without me."
"As if."
"I love you."
"I-I love you too"
Now He Tian was definitely giggling.
"Tell me a bit about your day, little Mo." he asked with another yawn.
And so Guanshan does until he could hear a regular breathing on the other end of the phone.
Until He Tian's return they called each other a lot and somehow it made talking to each other a bit easier in the future.
On He Tians next birthday he was surprised by Jian Yi with a big ass body pillow of Guanshan with a little card on it "for the lonely nights"
"What the hell?"
Needless to say that Mo threw the pillow out the moment he got his hands on it. Red like a cherry.
Holy shit that was a long one. Hope you like it even if it turned out a little bit different. ^^
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yourmidnightlover · 4 years
never stop loving me
Summary - Spencer lashes out at y/n after being upset for a while, only to be far too harsh and push her away.
TW: mean spencer, swearing, bomb, injured reader, kissing
WC - 5,647
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spencer had been acting weird lately.
and it wasn't his normal, quirky, adorable weird self. it was quiet. too quiet. he didn't ramble like he usually did when you brought anything up.
he was distant. he didn't sit beside you on the plane ride home, or hold your hand as you drove the both of you to your shared apartment.
you didn't want to push him to say anything he didn't want to, but you were getting worried. you rarely had to corner him into talking, but there was the occasional time where you knew he wouldn't get through whatever it was eating himself up until he spoke up and voiced the words in his mind.
so when you both entered the apartment, you hung your coat up on the hook and placed your bag beside the couch as you plopped down.
"spencer?" you asked quietly as he hung his coat up. he turned to face you as you began to pat the seat beside you, wanting him to sit down. he complied with a huff as you took note that he sat at nearly the other end of the couch.
"what?" he asked without looking at you, you could sense the attitude in his voice.
"i'm worried about you," you whispered. "can you open up? what's bothering you right now?" you moved closer to him and placed a hand on his lower thigh comfortingly.
"you're worried about me?" he spat out, looking at you incredulously. "i'm sure that's true," he scoffed sarcastically, rolling his eyes as he flicked your hand off his leg.
"spencer why would yo-" you started as you scooted closer to him on the couch.
"why would i what? why would i not believe you when you ask me that? you're a smart girl, y/n. figure it out," he nearly yelled at you as he began to get up from the couch. you grabbed his hand with both of yours, not wanting him to leave you like that.
"please, spence. i just need to kno-"
"you should be able to figure it out yourself!" he shouted. "and stop touching me! oh my god all you ever do is touch me! did you ever think that maybe something's wrong with you if you have to always be touching someone? god! just don't ever touch me! you're so annoying! what the hell is wrong with you?"
"i-i'm sorry. i didn't think it wa-" you started apologizing.
"exactly! you didn't think! you never think about anyone but yourself! you never stopped to think about how fucking uncomfortable you touching me is! i hate being near you. i can't do it," he started shaking his head as he ran his hands over his face.
"wh-what?" you asked as the teas you didn't know were gathering in your eyes began spilling down your cheeks.
"you heard me," he said as he started to turn around. "i'm just gonna sleep alone tonight," he started walking towards your bedroom.
"i'll sleep on the couch," you spoke up before he made it to the room, he stopped in his tracks. "your back's been hurting lately, and you're too tall to fit on the couch comfortably. i'll sleep on the couch," you whispered, partially afraid that he wouldn't be able to hear you, wiping at the tears.
"whatever," he said as he finished his journey into the bedroom, not bothering to look at you.
you wanted to wait until he was asleep to get any blankets or anything, so the only things going through your mind were his words to you.
what the hell is wrong with you?
i hate being near you...
just don't ever touch me!
you weren't sure what was bothering him this much, but if you knew anything about spencer it was that that man could hold a grudge.
when emily had 'come back from the dead' it was like it was a different kind of person. it wasn't the spencer you fell in love with and you knew it, but that doesn't excuse his words.
so, you did what anyone in your position would do. you gave him space. you dialed the number of a trusted friend and colleague, praying she would pick up.
"hello?" the groggy voice rang out from the phone speaker.
"hi," you meekly replied. "sorry, i know it's pretty late. i umm," you sniffled, "i just didn't know who else to call."
"what happened, y/n? are you hurt? is everything okay?" she asked worried.
"yea, yea. everything's okay," you sighed. "i think spencer might just need some space is all."
"ummm, okay. is there anything i can do?"
"actually, yea? i hate to ask you this or put you in a weird position, but i was wondering if i could stay with you for a while?" you rambled out.
"of course you can. do you even have to ask?" she replied quietly.
"oh my gosh, you're a lifesaver. i-it might not be for long, i'm not really sure," you began. "it might be until spencer is ready, o-or maybe until i umm," you sniffled again, "until i find my own place?"
"that's okay, honey. i promise," she answered sweetly.
"thank you so much. i owe you, em," you sighed as you wiped the tears from your cheeks.
"don't even worry about it, y/n. i'm glad you came to me. are you coming here tonight?"
"if you don't mind... i'm not sure if spencer would want to see me when he umm, when he wakes up," you nodded even though she couldn't see you.
"okay. i'll be waiting."
"alright. i'll probably leave in like half an hour. bye."
"bye," she replied before you hung up.
you snuck into your bedroom, and noticed how spencer was sleeping peacefully.
you had began as friends at the bureau. you didn't even think of him in a romantic way until he admitted his feelings after one drunk night out with the team. it was sweet, a bit sloppy, but sweet.
he kept rambling about how beautiful you were, and how good you smelt when you would lay your head on his shoulder to fall asleep or when you were cuddled up on your couch watching movies. he told you about how you made him feel like less of a weirdo when he would ramble about things he knew, just wanting to be liked by others.
he mentioned how he loved that he could come to you for anything at any time. he also told you about how he appreciated that when you met him, you didn't try to shake his hand. you knew how uncomfortable he was with touching a stranger and allowed him to make the first move. you let him be the one to cross the bridge that was physical touch because you were just that caring for others, and that's truly what he loved about you from the beginning.
then he said that he would never tell you how much he liked you because he never wanted those things to stop.
by that time, you had already driven him back to his place, and helped him into bed. he begged you to stay, so you obliged kindly and opted to take the couch. he told you to stay in the bed with him. he was the one to pull you closer onto his chest. he was the one to stroke you hair as you fell asleep to the rhythm of his heartbeat.
he didn't even remember that night. he woke up with you in his arms, content with the warmth you provided him. he loved the way you instinctively curled into his chest even more.
you never brought it up.
then you realized that you felt the same for him on one of the later cases. you wanted to hold him while he cried, and rejoice with him when he had his wins. you wanted to hear his stupid rants about something as miniscule as sprinkles on a birthday cake. you wanted that closeness he graced you with. you just wanted him.
and now, as you picked a few more pieces of clothes to pack, you heard rustling coming from the sheets. you turned to see spencer now sitting up in bed, looking at you.
"...hi," you whispered with tight lips.
"what're you doing?" he asked. you couldn't tell what he was thinking since it was still dark.
"i'm umm, i was gonna stay with emily for a while," you said as you wiped the tears from your cheeks for the thousandth time. "i um, didn't think you'd want me to be here when you woke up," you nodded as you folded the clothes in your hands. "i was going to leave in about 20 minutes, so i'll be out soon," you felt your lip quivering.
you didn't want to cry in front of him. maybe it was that you wanted to have a sense of dignity, but if it came down to it you would bet that you just didn't want him to feel bad. even after he basically said he hated you.
because that's who you were.
you were a touchy person. that's how you show love to others. that's how others know you care for them.
but now he said he hated that about you.
he hated the way you would gently graze his hand with yours when you could tell he was upset. he hated the way you ran your hand through his hair when he was stressed. he hated the way you placed your hand on his shoulders when he was sad or frustrated.
he hated you.
and he just looked at you standing there. he didn't say anything. he looked at you as tears welled in your eyes from his words.
the words that felt like a burning blade being dragged along your spine. the words that felt like bile rising from your stomach.
"i'll just go now," you said as you ran out of the room and into the living room, not noticing the way that spencer followed you.
"hey," spencer spoke up as you piled the clothes into your go bag that was still beside the couch.
"yea?" you sniffled, not bothering to look at him while pulling on the sweater that was keeping you warm.
when you finally turned to see him he was looking at you with a blank expression. he was looking at the sweater you were wearing. you looked down at it, not remembering it was one of his he had let you worn during the case in north dakota. it was the one you wore when you realized your feelings for him, almost a month after he admitted them for you.
the one you wore when you shared your first kiss in the snow.
"oh," you said as you felt the tears build up again. "you... want it back?" you asked as the tear fell down your face, leaving a burning sensation that felt far better than what you felt inside.
he didn't say anything. you couldn't even see him since the tears were blinding you. so, you slowly unbuttoned the sweater and folded it nicely as you handed it to him.
"i-i'm sorry," you sniffled. "i didn't um - i didn't want to make you un-uncomfortable," you said as you zipped the bag up and grabbed your keys, heading to the door. "just know that i um, i love you."
and you were gone. you rushed out of the door. you didn't want to wait to see if he would tell you he loved you back, scared that you'd be waiting for a lifetime. so you ran to your car and drove off to emily's place, leaving spencer standing in the living room, frozen from what just happened.
but you couldn't see his heart breaking in return. he pulled his sweater up to his face and recognized the sweet scent of you on it that made him break down.
when he noticed how cold you were from the snow from forgetting your jacket at the hotel, he automatically gave you his. he didn't even care how cold he would get - just that you'd be a bit more comfortable.
he draped the sweater over your shoulders to help you put it on, and rubbed your arms for more friction to get you more warm. then, when you turned to look him in the face, you leaned in slowly and grabbed his face.
"can-is this okay?" you asked kindly.
he didn't even respond. he just connected his lips with yours after giving you the brightest smile. he relished in the moment of feeling content, whole, peace. you.
and now you gave him back that very sweater.
in reality, he was looking at the sweater you were wearing as a sign of hope. he thought that maybe since you were still wearing it, he hadn't completely squandered his chance of forgiveness with you.
but you gave him his sweater back with tears in your eyes.
he made you cry.
he drove you away.
when emily answered the door, you broke down in her arms, which was quite the role-reversal.
you were always the one to comfort the other team members. you never really went to anyone for help, you never wanted to burden them with your problems when they all had lives. you just wanted to help them. that's just how selfless you were.
"i'm here, y/n," emily consoled you. "let it out, sweetie. that's it," she stroked you hair as she led the two of you to the couch so you could cry in her arms.
when you finally calmed down a little bit, you started apologizing.
"i'm so sorry. i know it's really late, i just didn't know who else to go to and i'm just so..." you sniffled.
"don't worry about it. i'm glad you came to me. now, care to tell me what happened?"
so you told her. everything.
okay, so you made him seem like less of a douche bag, but you told her. you just tried to explain to her his side of the story, trying to be more understanding.
"and you feel bad? you aren't mad at him?" she questioned in disbelief.
"yea, of course i feel bad. being myself has made him uncomfortable, em. how could i be mad at him when i'm so hopelessly in love with him?" you asked in question.
"oh, sweetheart," she said as she pulled you back into a hug.
she had a plan.
okay, it wasn't much of a plan.
it was more of just chewing him out.
but she knew that would work.
because she also knew how much he loved you. and she knew there had to be a reason he was treating you like that.
the next day you had gotten called in at 4 a. m. with a new case. you drove to the office with emily and walked in behind her. once you saw spencer sitting at the round table in his normal seat beside yours, you felt a kind of rage boil inside of you.
he was just sitting there with a gloom look on his face, not trying to apologize for what he had said to you or anything. you'd thought that maybe he'd even look at you by now but he hasn't even noticed your presence. nothing.
you huffed, walking over to sit in a chair you normally wouldn't be in. spencer finally turned to see it was you who sat down, so you looked him up and down before turning your eyes towards hotch who was giving you all the briefing.
there was a bomber in charleston, california. he would send bomb to local corporations that had a history of animal testing. He was essentially trying to rid the world of those who harm animals, which is quite ironic since that involved killing humans.
each of the buildings were two stories, yet the bomb didn't level it. that's how you knew the bomb was meant to send a message rather than kill more people.
so until his message was spread and out in the open for all people, he'd continue to kill people without hesitation. human life wasn't valuable to him, so it was your job to stop him.
once you had gotten to california, you had all been divided into teams. you went with morgan and spencer to the most recent bomb site to analyze anything they might've missed.
the entire scene smelled like burnt papers, no surprise there. aside from the fact that people had previously died where you were standing, the tension in the air was so thick it felt as though the smoke had remained from the explosion.
you had avoided spencer, tried to talk to him as little as possible when you had to. unless it was for the case, you didn't speak. until hotch decided to room the two of you together.
you had asked the girls if you could room with them, only for them to refuse and make you 'work things out with your beau.' so essentially, you were screwed.
you trudged into the room before spencer had made it, being sure to lock the door behind you just to annoy spencer. was it petty? sure. did he deserve it? yes. would you apologize? absolutely not.
once you turned around, you realized there was only one bed. of course hotch would do that. what a dick. you sighed before placing your things on the couch, deciding that spencer's back pain is completely different than being temporarily locked out of your room. you were truly doing it for yourself so you wouldn't have to hear him complain the next day about his back hurting.
after you had gotten out of the shower, your body in only a small towel, you heard the door knock. you knew it was spencer, his signature knock giving it away, and decided you could open it for him. when he realized you were practically naked and everyone had a view of you from the hallway, he quickly pushed you further inside along with himself and slammed the door shut.
"what the hell, y/n?" he whisper-yelled at you, gesturing to what you were wearing. "anybody could've seen you and you're practically naked!"
"and?" you crossed your arms over your chest. "i don't see why you should have any say so in what i'm wearing."
"you're wearing a towel," he stated as if you hadn't already known.
"and?" you shrugged. "is my body making you uncomfortable? is that why you don't want to touch me, spencer?" you rolled your eyes before turning to get your clothes from your suitcase.
you decided to just strip right in front of him, just to tease him a bit more. you slowly slid the towel down your body, your back still towards spencer as you shimmied into your shorts that barely covered anything. you turned around to get your shirt, revealing your bare chest to spencer who stood in awe of what was happening in front of him. you put your thin shirt on tantalizingly slow, aware that he could probably see your nipples through the fabric, but that was the entire point.
spencer walked over to you slowly, you smiled at him happily as he approached you. when he brought his hands up to cup your face gently, you swatted his hands away from you.
"ah-ahh," you shook your head no. "there's no touching allowed," you rolled your eyes one last time before getting comfortable on the couch, pulling the one extra blanket in the room over your body in an attempt to keep warm.
as the minutes turned into an hour, you felt yourself becoming more upset. his words, even if he didn't mean them, had an impact on you. he couldn't just unsay the words or take them back, that's not how it works. instead, he made you live with the thought and constant worry that you made him uncomfortable by touching him.
and that pained you. that pain turned into tears, which ensued sniffling because of your runny nose. and your tears and sniffles pained spencer even more. he listened in wait as you cried yourself to sleep once more, the sniffled slowing down which told him of your slumber.
when you woke up, you had realized you were awake before spencer. you quickly got ready and made your way downstairs to retrieve some mediocre coffee. deciding to not be a complete asshole, you got spencer his own cup as well just how he liked it and placed it on the bedside table for when he would wake up.
when he did wake up, it was to the smell of coffee beside him. he had obviously realized you had gotten it for him, he wasn't a complete idiot other than the fact that he had hurt you in the first place. when he took a sip of it, it was just as he liked it.
of course it was, he thought, it's you.
since there were so many animal activists that were recorded online, you couldn't really narrow down the suspect range. once you had all made it back to the precinct that morning, they had widdled down all the companies that have ever used testing on animals. there were four companies in total, so you would all split up and investigate each one.
you, of course, had been paired with spencer once again. it was obviously the rest of the team conspiring to get you two to make up, but he hadn't even apologized. and you refused to make the first move.
so as you drove to the company you had been assigned, there was yet again that irritable tension in the air that made it seem like someone could choke on it. you pulled into the parking lot and got out as quickly as you could.
making your way inside, you asked where the owner of the company was while flashing your badge, spencer making his way inside just in time to catch where you were going and follow.
"hi, ma'am," you introduced yourself, extending your hand for her to shake. "i'm here in regards for the-"
"recent bombings? yes, i figured you would be," barbara cooke sighed as she released your hand.
"yes, i'm agent y/n yl/n/ and this is dr. spencer reid," you motioned to him as he gave her an awkward wave. "we were wondering if you've received any recent threats concerning your history in-"
"animal testing? we get those all the time, agent... what was it again?" she asked disrespectfully.
"y/l/n," you informed her once again.
"right, well we get those too often for it to be significant. in fact, we get those almost weekly," she rolled her eyes before turning back to the computer on her desk.
"ma'am, if you wouldn't mind just trying to think of a threat that stuck out to you. one in particular that made it seem as though they might follow through?" spencer asked kindly.
"i actually do mind. i have a company to run and don't need to waste my time on something that won't ever affect me. so please, see yourselves out," she motioned to the door with a sigh.
you and spencer looked at each other before turning around and leaving her office. instead, you decided to ask the employees if they saw anyone that seemed as though they were landscaping the office.
"no, not really. i'm too busy trying to finish the work cooke gives me."
"i'm sorry, no. i try to just ind my own business around here."
"i'm sorry, there have been bombings?"
there wasn't much luck.
you were making your rounds right back to the front of the office, asking nearly everyone that you passed if they noticed anyone suspicious until you noticed a mailman near the front of the room.
he was dressed in an all-brown outfit, but with no logo of what company he worked for. not even a hat to display the name. all the companies that delivered had company logos displayed on the outfits, just to display for publicity.
when you looked around at who was near you, your eyes locked on spencer who was walking towards you, his head down. once you saw the mailman walk out of the office and saw the lady at the front desk begin to open the tape, you grabbed spencer by the arm.
it all happened so quickly.
you pushed spencer out of the door and locked it, blocking him from the blast that would surely ensue, and ran as quick as you could to drag the woman away from the box. you shielded her with your body, turning your back to where the bomb would go off to lessen the impact on her body. before you could even register what happened, you were pushed into the wall cati-corner the desk, knocking you unconscious.
spencer didn't know what was happening until he heard the bomb.
he assumed the blast wasn't as intense as it was previously by the fact that the second story was still standing. the blast from the other bombs at least made a bit of a dent in the second story.
in an instant, he realized that he might've lost you forever. the love of his life. gone.
and you were still mad at him. you hated him. you thought he hated you.
once he was able to form a coherent thought, he pulled his phone out and called 911, being sure to tell them there was a possible agent down in an explosion. once he hung up, he mustered up his inner derek morgan and kicked the doors in, it helped that they were already frail due to the explosion.
with the doors now open, smoke flowed out of the now open space, looking for an escape as spencer was looking for his love. all he could hear were coughs and whines of the employees around him. then he felt a hand on his shoulder, he looked to see the face of the lady from the front desk.
"she-she saved me," the woman told spencer in reference to you. "she's over here," spencer helped her navigate himself to where your body lay limp on the ground, drywall covering your face and body.
"oh my god, y/n," he called as he moved the rubbish from your body before looking for a pulse.
he found himself whispering a series of pleas that you were okay, that he would find the pulse in your neck or wrist. that he would feel the warmth off your body against his, be able to touch your skin and have you grab his hand when you were nervous. he wanted you to never stop touching him.
because ever since you had joined the bureau, you had been a touchy person. you were the person people went to when they needed comfort because they wanted a hug. you were the person the team counted on when comforting the mothers or children because you had a comforting touch.
and he wanted that comfort. he needed that comfort right then. but the one person he needed the comfort from didn't think he wanted it from them. you didn't think he wanted you anymore.
so you had to be okay. because he couldn't imagine a world where you weren't his, which sounds so cliche but couldn't be any more true.
ever since you waltzed into his life, he could never remember what it was like without you. what it was like without your hand running through his soft hair. without your hand on his knee underneath the bau table during a meeting. without your face buried in his neck while you were cuddling at night. without your kiss...
without you.
he needed you.
and he found the small, faint, minuscule pulse that beat throughout your body. a gentle but safe way to know you were alive and still with him. maybe you'd still want to be with him.
when the ambulance arrived, he didn't hesitate to hop in the back of the van, opting to call the team to inform them of what happened.
they had put an oxygen mask on you to ensure your safety and had told him that you had a concussion from the blast. they would do further tests once they got to the hospital, which felt like it took forever, according to spencer.
once they had wheeled you away, spencer sat in wait once again. the team slowly trickled in, trying to comfort spencer but ultimately failing. when the doctor finally came in, spencer was the first to jump up and ask how you were.
"she'll make a full recovery, she's rather lucky," he nodded at spencer before checking his chart. "she has three bruised ribs and a minor concussion. she'll be able to fly in a couple of days, but will have to stay out of the field until her ribs are fully healed. she shouldn't be doing any strenuous activities until then as well," he informed the doctor. "other than that she's healthy as a horse."
"thank you. can i see her now?" spencer asked eagerly.
"yes, of course," he nodded before turning around. "right this way."
when spencer came into your room, your eyes were barely open. it looked like you were struggling to stay awake. your face and arms were littered with an occasional bruise, which he's sure were worse on your stomach and legs. your skin was a bit paler than usual, it didn't have that glow you normally had, that liveliness.
but you still looked like you. you still looked beautiful.
spencer took the seat beside your bed and moved it closer to you, taking your hand in his before you snatched it away, turning on your side to face the wall opposite of where spencer sat.
"y/n, please..." spencer pleaded, feeling his eyes well with tears. he thought you were just angry at him until he heard your soft sniffles. "darling, please look at me," he placed his hand on your shoulder, gently pulling you back to face him. you turned yourself back around to face him, eyes red and swollen as your lip was quivering.
"what?" you spat out, trying to maintain your own composure until you saw he was crying himself. you raised your brows in shock before asking him, "what's wrong?"
he laughed, "you're asking me what's wrong?" you nodded. "i'm just so, so sorry i'm sorry i said all those things about you. i'm sorry it took you almost dying for me to apologize. and i'm sorry for ever making you feel like i didn't love you, y/n. i love you so much. every part of you, your touch included. it's anything but annoying. it's comforting, and sweet, and calming, and does so much more to help me than it does hurt or annoy me," he took your hand in his once more, placing a kiss to your knuckles. "i love you so much and i'm so sorry."
"and i'm sorry i had to touch you to push you out of the way of an explosion," you rolled your eyes with a chuckle so he knew you were joking.
"thanks for that, by the way - saving me," he shrugged. "which brings me to my next point... do you know how reckless that was? how dangerous and stupid and how you could have died? because you could have died and if you died i don't know what i'd do with myself. especially knowing you were mad at me when you died," he held your hand to his chest so you could feel how his heart broke in those moments he didn't know if you were alive. the moments he thought he might've lost you forever.
"but i'm alive. i'm right here," you assured him, bringing his hand to your lips this time to press a kiss before holding the one with both of yours. "why'd you say those things anyway? why were you so upset?"
"well remember the officer that was on the case?" you nodded. "remember how he kept touching you?" you rolled your eyes with a nod.
"god, it was so annoying," you interjected.
"well it didn't seem like you thought it was annoying," he avoided eye contact with you, you pulled his arm to get his attention once again.
"are you saying you thought i wanted him to be so handsy?" you questioned, he nodded guiltily. "spencer, are you kidding?" you chuckled. "i had to do that because if he knew i hated him he wouldn't have been so cooperative. i promise, you are the only one for me. you're the only one i want to touch me like that. but that doesn't excuse you talking to me like that. you saying those things hurt me, a lot."
"i know, i know they did... and i plan on making it up to you. i will make it up to you, i swear," he nodded along eagerly.
"yea, you better dr. reid. i'm holding you to that," you huffed out a laugh, spencer following suit as he leaned forward to press a kiss to your forehead.
then to your nose. then right and left cheeks. then your lips. it wasn't a kiss that demanded anything. it wasn't hostile or passionate. it was content. it was a way of showing you love and saying that your love was enough. that you were enough.
"i love you, spencer," you whispered as he pressed his forehead against yours.
"and i love you, y/n," he whispered back. "please never stop loving me the way you do."
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helloalycia · 3 years
my patient’s neighbour [three] // wanda maximoff
summary: your relationship with Wanda gets a little bumpy when her work life crosses over with your personal life.
warning/s: implied kidnapping, mentions of anxiety
author's note: so the ‘i love you’ confession was actually inspired by an incorrect quote on @aquamarinescarlet’s page! i thought it would be cute aha
part one | part two | part four | part five | part six | part seven | masterlist | wattpad
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It was two months into our relationship when I knew I'd fallen in love with Wanda. I can't remember the exact moment when it hit me – I guess it had happened gradually over time – but I remember the embarrassing moment when I told her.
She'd brought me as her date to an Avengers party thrown by Tony Stark. I'd been to one of them before, about a month into dating her, as she'd wanted me to meet her friends from work AKA the freakin' Avengers. They were actually really great and (somewhat) humble people. I didn't expect to become 'friends' with any of them, more just be friendly whenever I saw them through Wanda. To my surprise, I became quite good friends with Natasha Romanoff.
We had the same dark sense of humour, both had an unexplainable obsession with horror films and she was genuinely just really easy to talk to. I wasn't expecting it, but it was nice to gain a new friend in addition to a new girlfriend.
So, I was at my second Avengers party with Wanda by my side, but the party had ended about half an hour ago and I may or may not have been drunk.
We were sat on the couch, conversing with the other Avengers, and I was sat between Wanda and Natasha. The others were involved in their own conversations and I was too dazed to realise what I was doing until it happened.
"Wanda has no idea I'm in love with her," I said (not-so) quietly, leaning over to my left, into Wanda's ear unknowingly.
Wanda, who was playing with my fingers in her hand, paused and glanced to me with bright eyes, a surprised expression on her face.
"You're in love with me?" she asked, lips twitching into a smile.
I blinked, her words settling in, before I licked my lips. "Oh, sorry." Turning to my right, I moved to Natasha's ear, whispering loudly, "Wanda has no idea I'm in love with her."
Natasha glanced to me with a quirked brow, amused smile on her lips. "She doesn't? You sure about that?"
"You're in love with me?" Wanda repeated, sitting forward and earning my attention.
I gasped, wondering how she knew, before slapping Natasha's arm and looking to her with a frown. "You told her?! I trusted you!"
Natasha ignored me, instead looking to Wanda with an encouraging look. "I'll leave this one to you. Good luck."
She stood up, heading over to Thor and Bruce Banner on the other couch, and I booed her as she left.
"Yeah, run away, you secret-give-away'er!" I called after her with a pout, before crossing my arms.
"I think it's time I take you home," Wanda said decidedly, trying not to laugh as she pulled me up off the couch.
"I don't like Natasha anymore," I mumbled, allowing Wanda to take me away.
She bid her goodbyes to her teammates before leading me to the lift. I don't really remember what else happened until we were suddenly at my house – well, my parents house, but they had given it to me as they travelled the world with their retirement money. She was leading me inside and to my bedroom, getting me dressed like the sweet girlfriend she was, before tucking me into bed.
Of course, being the clingy drunk I was, I pulled her on top of me and didn't let go as I wrapped my arms around her.
"Stay," I mumbled into her shoulder, closing my eyes.
She chuckled, trying to pull away. "Y/N, you need to sleep, c'mon."
"I will," I whined, not letting her leave. "If you stay with me."
She paused, before giving in with a sigh. "Fine."
Tiredly, I smiled. "Yesssss." I patted the spot next to me. "Right here, please."
In the light of my bedside lamp, I saw her roll her eyes playfully, before turning off the lamp and jumping under the covers with me. I sighed with relief, cuddling into her side without hesitating.
"I love you," I mumbled, barely thinking about it.
She tightened her embrace and I felt her kiss the top of my head. "You're probably gonna forget you said that in the morning. But I'll remind you. And if you still think it, then I'll reply."
Her words went into one ear and out the other. I hummed in response, not knowing what I was answering to, and let myself get lost in her scent as I drifted into a peaceful slumber.
When I woke up the next morning, I quite liked the idea of sharing bed with Wanda and waking up to her dishevelled hair and our intertwined legs, even though I didn't remember inviting her to stay. Of course, I also had a banging headache and felt like someone had hit me with a train, so I didn't get chance to appreciate it much.
"Fuck," I mumbled, pulling the duvet over my head to block out the sun streaming through the slit in my curtain.
Wanda, who was shuffling beside me, yawned and stretched her arms. Suddenly, I heard quiet laughter, before she spooned me, wrapping her arms around my stomach and pulling me closer. Her leg raised and clung to my waist, and as much as I appreciated the way she fit perfectly against me, I was still in pain.
"Why did you let me drink that much?" I groaned, squeezing my eyes shut.
"I believe that was your own conscience decision, dorogoy (darling)," she said in that know-it-all voice of hers, and it was hard for me to be annoyed at her because she had a raspy, morning voice and her accent was especially thick with fatigue and damn, Wanda Maximoff was pretty sexy in the morning.
"Whatever," was all I said, but I placed my hand on hers and joint our fingers together.
"You know," she started, tucking her head comfortably into my neck, "I quite like waking up to you like this. You're very cute, even if you're cranky."
Despite aforementioned crankiness, I cracked a smile. "I like this, too."
It was very domestic, something I didn't get the privilege of experiencing with Wanda because she worked a lot, and it felt good.
After hanging around in bed for a little while longer, I got up and showered whilst Wanda offered to make me some breakfast – "Pancakes are a hangover's cure! Or at least according to Tony". After getting ready, I came downstairs to find a stack of pancakes and maple syrup waiting for me.
"You are a Godsend," I told her, pressing a haste kiss to her lips before sitting at the table with the pancakes. "Thank you."
She chuckled, grabbing her own pancakes and sitting opposite me. "Anything for you."
After I dug in, complimenting her on how delicious they tasted, a comfortable silence fell between us. Well, until Wanda spoke up cautiously.
"So, does anything from last night ring a bell?" she asked, making me look up to see her staring eagerly.
My content expression fell. "Shoot, did I do something embarrassing?" I facepalmed. "God, what was it? Did I fall asleep on somebody?"
She smiled with adoration, eyes twinkling in the morning sun. "No, nothing like that."
I could tell there was something though, judging from her hesitant expression. I scrunched my face with regret.
"What did I do?" I asked, unprepared to hear it. "Did I say something to you?"
She played with her fork, twisting it around in her plate nervously, which was very unlike her. "Yeah, actually, you did."
I waited, feeling like the silence was deafening the longer she stayed quiet.
"You said you were in love with me," she said, voice so soft and quiet that I barely heard it.
I felt my heart drop to my stomach. "I what?"
"I mean, technically you said I had no idea you were in love with me, but I think you were supposed to tell Nat that," she continued, eyes avoiding mine. "Then you told Nat and you got mad at her because you thought she told me."
I facepalmed for the second time that morning. "Oh, God..."
"Then you invited me to stay the night and told me you loved me before you fell asleep," she finished rambling. "I just, er, wanted to check if you meant that..."
I raised my eyebrows with disbelief. "Are you kidding?" I reached over the table to grab her hand. "Wanda, of course I meant that! But I hoped to tell you at a better time than by accident whilst I was drunk."
Blue eyes flickered to mine, excitement creeping onto her face. "You meant it."
I breathed out, realising what exactly I'd just said. "I– yeah. I meant it. I'm in love with you, Wanda."
Her smile widened. "I'm in love with you, too."
My heart fluttered in my chest as I relaxed my shoulders. "You love me."
She giggled, squeezing my hand. "We just did this."
"Right! We did," I said, shaking my head, grin forming on my lips. "Sorry. I'm just so happy right now."
"Me, too," she said in agreement, thumb stroking the top of my hand.
I didn't think things could go wrong from here. I was on top of the world! But of course, the world had a funny way of ruining things.
Dating a superhero had its pros and cons, I suppose, but neither really showed themselves to me often as it was as if Wanda's superhero life was separate to the one we shared. When she and I were together, it was just us. And she would leave for work and I wouldn't think about it. Then she would return and it would be us again.
If I took a moment out of my day to stop and really think about where she was, what she could be doing, the danger she could be in... I just couldn't do it. Even when she would show up to our next date with a fresh bruise from training, or a broken bone from a mission gone too far, I'd worry about it for the time being then try to let it go. Those weren't superhero perks, those were reasons to be concerned. And I couldn't handle imagining the time when she'd come back to me in a worse state, or to not even come back at all.
So, her superhero life rarely overlapped with our shared one. And I was happier that way. Until it did.
I was running errands one day, little things that required me to run around the city – dry cleaning, grocery shopping, picking up some DIY stuff for my house. It was a pretty relaxing, fun day. I'd treated myself to lunch, was soaking in the sunshine and planning to unwind with some Netflix on the couch.
"Hold on, I need to unlock the front door," I mumbled into the phone. I was talking to Wanda, catching her up with my day as I returned home.
"Try not to drop your phone this time," she teased from the other end, and I could just imagine the smirk on her face.
"So funny," I said with an eye roll. "Real comedian."
She laughed as I placed my phone in my pocket, not quite hanging up. Pulling my keys from my shopping bag, I fiddled with them, attempting to find the key for my front door.
Suddenly, something metal and cold pressed to my back and I jumped, dropping my keys with surprise.
"Don't draw attention," the person said, and I went rigid, looking up to see a reflection of someone unrecognisable in the glass of my front door. "You're going to leave your things here and come with me."
"Who are you?" I asked, trying to turn around, but the object pressed harder into my back, making me wince.
"Leave your fucking things here and give me your hand," the man ordered, ignoring my question. "Phone included. And don't even think about making a call."
I swallowed hard, panic settling in as I listened to the threatening stranger. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I realised that the stranger had no idea I was already on a call. With an Avenger nonetheless.
"I'll put it down," I narrated my actions, soon coming to realise that the object behind my back was in fact the barrel of a gun.
Hoping Wanda was still listening in and could hear the exchange, I put my phone on the ground and placed my shaking hand in the man's outstretched one. He tucked his gun back into the waistband of his jeans before tugging me down the steps and to a black van parked opposite my house.
Too paralysed with fear at the sight of two more strange men getting out the van, I felt my throat go dry and words get stuck at the bottom. Looking around, I hoped to find a neighbour's eyes or dog-walker's lost gaze, but nobody was here. Whoever these men were had timed their entrance perfectly.
When we reached the van, the back doors were opened and the man spun me around roughly before placing a bag on my head and shoving me inside. Hot tears ran down my face as I squeezed my eyes shut, wondering what the hell was happening and who these people were. But mostly, I hoped Wanda was already on her way.
The whole incident was over soon. That's what we were calling it now. The 'incident'. Of course, it could have been called other things... the kidnapping, the abduction, the capture. But we settled with the 'incident'. It was less explicit, as if minimising how utterly terrifying the whole experience was.
I never did find out who those men were. Wanda offered to tell me, feeling a need to explain herself and blame herself and drag herself down in the dirt to make me feel better, to bring me out of my silence and give me something to feel good about. I recalled her mentioning they were after her, getting to her through me – her girlfriend.
She rescued me quite quickly. Being tied up and locked away and left to cry like a child, wondering if I was going to die any minute at the hands of captors whom I had never met nor done anything to in my life, wasn't fun. People always wonder what they would do in those situations; maybe they would square up and put up a fight; maybe they would scream and shout and get everyone's attention; maybe they'd even retort with sarky remarks and go out with a blaze of glory.
I never imagined what that would be like, but I discovered I could do neither of those things. I just let them take me, let them threaten me and point their guns at me and tie me up and lock me away and–
I let myself cry and feel terrified and shake and lose my words and imagine the worst. Some would call that giving in, but this wasn't something you could prepare for. Surely my response was justified? I wasn't sure. I just knew that when Wanda burst onto the scene, taking out the men with ease and taking me out of there, taking me home, I was momentarily safe.
But then as she began to ramble off her explanations and apologies and regrets, I found myself turning in on myself, unable to hear her out. I didn't blame her one bit, but I also couldn't listen to one more second. So, I tuned her out.
I sat on the couch, staring at the way the thread was coming loose on one of my cushions. I thought about how quickly the whole 'incident' had happened. How one minute I was sat in a cell and now I was sat on my couch. How I was then shaking with fear and now I felt nothing.
"...you listening? Hey, are you okay?"
I only tuned back in when she sat on the cushion I was looking at. Her fingers rested on my cheek, guiding my head upwards so I was looking her in the eyes, glassy and red and swollen from crying. I probably looked the same, though I was all out of tears.
"I promise you nobody will be back here," she said with certainty, thumb stroking my cheek. "There's S.H.I.E.L.D. agents posted all along the street. And I'm happy to stay here if you need me to. You're safe now."
I knew I was. And despite my calm exterior, my heart was still racing in my chest, adrenaline still pumping through my body as if expecting to make a sudden break for it.
"What are you thinking?" she muttered, eyes flicking between mine curiously. "Talk to me. Please."
I shook my head, looking away. "I'm okay."
"It's okay not to be," she said quietly, squeezing my hand.
"I know."
So, we kept that bit up for a few more days, maybe a week. Me pretending I was okay, though still distant from Wanda as if she'd caught the plague, and her pretending she knew I was telling the truth.
But I knew she sensed the nightmares I had, waking me up in cold sweats. I knew she saw the way I tensed when a shadow cast along the wall from a moving object. Or the way I never faced the front door when unlocking it to get inside.
I guess she couldn't take it anymore at some point, possibly a week or two later, as when I was mixing my soup in a bowl after heating it up in the microwave, she sighed loudly.
"You okay?" I asked, glancing up at her. She was stood by the counter, seeming tired.
She'd been staying with me since the incident happened, obviously, and it was nice having her around so much, despite the circumstances. But I knew she was worried and had been keeping it in. I just didn't have the energy to acknowledge it.
"I'm fine," she said quickly, though her fingers still drummed on the countertop.
I let it go, shrugging, before paying attention to my soup. Her impatience was obnoxiously loud, filling the house with a discomfort she was dying to express. Eventually, she did.
"I'm not fine," she decided, and I stopped stirring my soup as I looked to her tugging on her sleeves distractedly. "I'm not fine because you're not fine."
"I've told you I am," I said monotonously, eyes boring into hers.
"I know you're not," she said, crossing her arms and hugging herself. "I've noticed you and..."
I quirked a brow. "And?"
She frowned, eyes softening with empathy. "Don't make me say it, Y/N."
I pressed my tongue to the back of my teeth as I looked down to my steaming soup.
"Talk to me," she pleaded, rounding the counter and leaning beside me, searching for my eyes. "I just want to help."
I swallowed hard. "I have nothing to say, Wanda."
"A really scary thing happened," she began hesitantly. "The fact that you don't have anything to say– that you've not said anything, isn't right."
"Well, I guess there's something wrong with me," I said dismissively, before grabbing the pepper grinder before me and using it.
"No, there's not," she reassured, not giving up. "You just need to talk.”
I set the grinder down, turning to face her abruptly. She straightened up with surprise, taking a small step back.
"What do you want me to say?" I asked, voice calm but full of unintentional malice. "Huh? What do you want me to tell you? That I'm terrified somebody is watching my house, waiting for a quiet moment to break in? That I have to follow you into every room you go in because I don't want to be left alone? That I can't fucking sleep because I'm scared that when I close my eyes, I'll be locked in a nightmare I can't escape? Is that what you want me to tell you? Does that make you feel better, Wanda? Because it doesn't make me feel any better. It just reminds me how fucking terrified I am."
I pocketed my shaking hands, blinked away the tears that threatened to fall, swallowed down the lump rising in my throat. She watched me, unsure what to say at first and I didn't blame her. It was an outburst waiting to happen.
"Don't say you're sorry," I snapped, before flinching at my tone. "I know you're sorry. And I don't blame you for what happened. I just– I don't know what to do anymore."
Her eyes were studying me like green lasers burning holes into my skin and I hated that I couldn't meet them. I hated even more that I couldn't leave the kitchen out of anger or frustration because I was too scared to be left alone without her by my side.
So, I leaned against the counter, turning away from her, and let out a shaky breath, eyes burning and heart thumping in my ears. Her arms suddenly wrapped around me without question, and I let her take me into her chest, squeezing me so tight so I knew she was there.
Closing my eyes, I felt tears rolling down my cheeks, but no sound came out. I struggled to breathe, unable to take in air through my nose as I stuffed my head so hard into her shirt that I couldn't see a thing except darkness. I knew I'd eventually be okay, that I'd eventually get back to some sense of normalcy. But for now, having her here with me was okay. And I found it much better to just be with her then have to go over and talk it out.
She was warm and strong and smelt like home and God, I loved her. I was lucky to have her.
It took about a month and a half to get over the incident. And after that, we never brought it up again. It was just easier that way. We continued on like usual, falling back into our old routine of having a separate us and her separate superhero life.
At some point, I thought it would be nice for her to meet my parents. They were back in town for the week, wanting to check in and see how I was. It was nice having them around and I was excited for them to meet Wanda, who I'd mentioned in some of our Skype calls.
"We don't have to make it a thing," I said as I proposed the idea. We were cleaning around Anna's apartment as she napped in her bedroom. "It's not like an 'oh, meet the parents' thing. They just happen to be in town and we're having a dinner, so I thought you might want to come. If you don't, it's not a big deal. I haven't told them to expect you. Not unless you say yes. Which you don't have to."
She chuckled, eyes gleaming with amusement. "Dorogoy (darling), calm down. Breathe."
I neatened the cushions on the couch with a bit too much force. "Am I not breathing? I'm pretty sure I'm breathing."
Her hands slipped into mine as she spun me around to face her. An amused smile on her lips, she said, "You need to relax. If you're like this now, then who knows what you'll be like on the night of the dinner?"
It took me a second to realise what she'd said and when I did, my eyes widened. "Wait, the night of the– does that mean you're going?"
She laughed, tugging me closer to her. "Yes, I'm going. I'd love to meet your parents!"
My shoulders relaxed as her fingers played with mine mindlessly. A smile appeared on my lips as I said, "Thank you. I– it'll be fun. No pressure. Just a dinner."
"Just a dinner," she confirmed, before kissing my forehead gently. "Can't wait."
And so on the day before my parents left for Scotland, yet another trip on their never ending retirement travels, I waited for Wanda to pick me up so we could go to a restaurant to meet my parents, who were already there after spending the day shopping in town.
She arrived at the door with a beautiful smile and bright eyes, looking me up and down.
"Just on time," I teased, tilting my head to the side, before being serious. "You look amazing tonight, Wanda."
"As do you, moya lyubov' (my love)," she said sweetly, leaning forward to kiss my cheek, before stepping inside. "Also, these are for you."
She removed her hand from behind her back as I closed the door, revealing a gorgeous, colourful bouquet of flowers.
"I saw them and thought of you," she began to explain without even realising how cute she was; a smile crept on my lips as she continued, "but then I realised I've never gotten you flowers before which is very dumb of me because a pretty girl deserves pretty flowers, right?"
There was no doubt that my face was heating up from the attention, flustered yet honoured at her words.
"Wanda, I love them," I said, accepting the flowers and meeting her gaze. "And to be fair, nobody has ever gotten me flowers before."
"You're kidding," she said with disbelief, stepping forward and wrapping her arms loosely around my waist. Reading my serious expression, she added, "Not even for your birthday? Or a celebration?"
I shook my head. "Nope."
She gave me a knowing look. "Well, that's very unfortunate. But I'm glad I could be the first."
I held her gaze, amusement dancing in her smile. Mirroring her expression, I leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her nose, making her scrunch it up delightfully.
"Me, too," I said, and I meant it.
"Come on, we should get going," she said, squeezing my waist before letting go. "Don't want to be late, do we?"
"We do not," I agreed, before putting the flowers in a vase of water and leaving them by the door.
"You ready?" she asked, holding open the front door.
I intertwined our hands and met her smile with my own. "I'm ready."
Taking the girlfriend to meet the parents. What could go wrong?
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alfredosauce50 · 3 years
What makes me human [Cyberpunk! America x reader] 16
Wordcount: 4, 869 Rating: M for strong language, moderate sexual references, violence, and gore The reader is referred to as she/her. "God knows. Maybe you have a greater purpose to serve. Why else did he make you?" Chapter synopsis: And you never considered yourself trigger-happy. But the shots have been fired. They're dead before you can interrogate them. Allen is eager to convince you it was the right thing to do, but even he can't deny the horrors that will follow. The war rages on. Alfred stays ignorant for the meantime, and you revel in his bliss of it. You share one last peaceful night with him before the fearful unknown.
16 - Nothing breaks like a heart
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The reader is referred to as she/her.
An ear-splitting bang echoed in the pool room. Blood and small chunks of flesh landed on the tiled floor in a splat. Tearing his hand away with a shaky gasp, he held the wrist and hunched over to writhe in agony. "Ergh... Fuck!" He spluttered, feeling a violent tremble seize his wounded hand. "Fuck, fuck, fuck..."
He lifted his head to glare at you with the utmost betrayal. "What the hell did you do that for?!"
A sizely hole formed in his palm. The exposed flesh was still oozing out blood like a full sponge, dripping onto the ground in generous puddles. A whole section of his bone was missing. And you did it. You shot Alfred. You paled in horror for a few moments, but as he panted before you with tears streaming down his red and enflamed face, it became apparent that your guilt was unfounded.
"What I did that for? You aren't Alfred!" You exasperated, raising the gun shakily to point it between his fearful eyes. "You're a clone!"
A sour flavor was left in your mouth as you spat out the word. His origins were no mystery.
Nobody else could have been responsible or capable of such a heinous crime. To grow an abomination from whatever DNA was left in their lab. You only imagined them to be created for one purpose, and one purpose only. To torment, kill, and replace Alfred. As the thoughts raced through your head, you tightened your finger around the trigger—"Wait, wait! Don't shoot!" He begged, throwing his arms up.
"I know you're freaking out right now, but I have no idea what's going on either!"
Gritting your teeth at his excuse, you were determined to not let it get to you. But it was easier said than done. "Shut up! Don't think for a second you can fool me!" Despite the cutting conviction of your voice, you took on a terrified expression at the thought of shooting him. "I'm gonna do it. You're nothing but a freak of nature! And you'll never... Never..."
As you trailed off, you realized you indeed couldn't pull the trigger.
Not when the barrel was aimed at a face that looked just like Alfred's.
It was contorted with so much fear and despair, pleading silently for you to not hurt him. The fact that he was a spitting image of him made it even harder. How he moved, talked, acted—seeing it chipped away your resolve, leaving you all but paralyzed. The gun was left juddering furiously in your hands in light clacks, holding him hostage at the moment before death.
"Please. Please don't do it." He whispered, bringing his hands down to shield himself. "You gotta help me, (F/N). I don't know how, but I woke up in this body. That's... That's all that happened."
How painfully familiar it sounded.
I woke up in this body.
The similarities were so uncanny, it was cruel. Giving your head a quick shake, your lips quivered as you uttered this.
"You're lying. You're not real."
Creases formed between his brows. "I'm not lying! And I am real! I'll prove it to you, I swear! We went through so much shit together, like uh—" He pointed at you and laughed nervously as he sifted through the scanty archives of his memories. "—I kidnapped you. Ha! See? I know something! That's how we met! And you hated my guts at first."
You swallowed thickly as uncertainty slowly overwhelmed you. If he could remember that, he had to be real, right? No. You had to fend off the feeling. "That's not good enough!" Your finger stayed on the trigger, and the barrel, on him.
He tensed up as panic caught him in a chokehold. "Okay, okay! Well, er..." His heart was pounding harder and harder with every second he failed to say something. "... Oh! Remember the time I nearly got murdered by a cult leader? He had a whole kabuki mask get-up and everything—just like, like Professor Callaghan from Big Hero 6. You know that movie right?"
You sucked in a sharp breath. The title didn't ring any bells, but what he said had you second-guessing yourself. Was he not lying after all? Lowering the gun at that, your motion was slowed by slight hesitance. "... How... How do you know those things?" You asked faintly. "What are you?"
Before he could formulate an answer, footsteps thudded down the hall. Your thoughts came to a complete standstill.
Then, you heard a voice.
"(F/N)!" They shouted. Was it Allen? Your heart sank when you realized you couldn’t tell—it sounded too similar to Alfred. Or were you just imagining things? The sheer amount of panic was too incapacitating that you couldn't think.
So you did the unthinkable.
Raising the gun once more, you fired a shot into his abdomen.
The second you let the bullet fly, you regretted it.
Both your ears rang as the next few moments occurred in silence. And they would unfold in painstakingly slow motion. Dropping the gun to the ground in a soundless clatter, you watched him stumble back a few steps with his eyes popping out of his skull. Blood was spreading around the flaps of his kimono from a new hole in his chest. But the gore couldn't compare to his look of betrayal.
Of a heartbreak so deep, it destroyed you.
"Oh my God..." You raised both hands to your mouth. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he collapsed on the ground in a bloody heap. "I just—I just killed—" Tears streamed relentlessly down to your chin as you stood frozen.
"(F/N)! I heard gunshots. What the fuck happened?!" Allen appeared in the doorway. His loud voice derailed your train of thoughts, forcing you to turn to the man. When you did, your heart clenched at the realization you made a mistake. It wasn't him. Alfred was never down the hall, and you panicked.
He never even had a chance to explain himself.
When Allen caught sight of the corpse by your feet, he dug his hands through his hair. Terror ran deep in his expression as he processed what he was seeing. "Shit, (F/N)." His nose scrunched up in shock. Never did he imagine the day would come where you would take someone's life. At least, not so soon.
But it arrived as an unwelcome surprise, unexpected and uninvited. "Did you kill that guy?"
You nodded profusely as a sob racked your body.
He scrambled over and shielded you from the grotesque scene. "Hey, hey, hey! Don’t feel bad! I’ve killed loads of people too, so welcome to the club!" The man rambled frantically, rubbing away your tears with his fingers. But who was he to tell you these things when he felt his own tears come?
"I’m sure he deserved it, and you were just protecting yourself, so don’t worry!" Allen forced a wide, manic smile.
His efforts to console you were in vain as you cried even harder. Pulling you into his chest, he rested his chin on your head that trembled to your coughs. "I'm so sorry..." Allen screwed his eyes shut and squeezed you tighter. "... I’m sorry I left you by yourself. This is my fault, not yours. It's my fault."
The string of apologies he spewed out was on your behalf, but he meant them with every fiber of his being. He had failed to protect the single most valuable thing to him.
And the blatant lie he forced you to accept was the last resort to preserve it. But it was time that stopped. "No, I killed him." You asserted shakily. He had nothing to do with this, and his eagerness to shoulder the blame only rubbed more salt into the wound. If you let him have his way, you would never live it down.
Without removing yourself from the hug, you pointed at the motionless body with your head turned away. "Look at him. I could never lie."
Allen lingered his gaze on you before obliging, albeit reluctantly. Nearing the corpse cautiously, he kicked its chest to roll it over. It revealed the dead man’s face in all its glory. Alfred’s face.
What the fuck.
When he thought he couldn’t be any more disgusted by the tyranny of technology, he was proved wrong yet again. This was clearly your father’s doing. And it was a declaration of war. But perhaps, it was just the continuation of the one that never ended.
Arthur was completely shit-faced downstairs. Slamming his beer mug down on the counter after he downed the whole thing, he gasped.
"Bwah! That hits the spot." His cheeks and ears were redder than a tomato, a stark contrast to his companion who was stone-cold sober.
Alfred raised a brow. "Sure looks like it. Dude, you gotta lay off the booze. You’re gonna regret it first thing tomorrow." Once he sighed that out, he rested his cheek on his hand. Then, he glowered at the hallway where you and Allen disappeared to.
"How long does it take to piss? They’ve been gone for ages. Twenty minutes? Thirty minutes? I don’t fucking know," The mechanic let out a low chuckle and slapped him on the back. The force made his torso bounce, much to his annoyance. "What’s your deal?"
The other hummed mischievously. "I was just thinking about what you said." Arthur squinted almost suggestively, causing Alfred to do the same, but only out of being appalled. "Maybe... Maybe they aren’t pissing. Since they’re gone for so long at the bathrooms at that—so maybe, urgh... They’re doing the nasty together." The Brit practically howled with laughter, having figured he was probably right.
It was a plausible assumption. As he humored the suggestion Alfred heated up more severely than his intoxicated friend. You having sex with Allen? His chest whirred and nostrils flared. He'd never been this enraged before, but behind the mask of anger was a deep hurt and toxic kind of jealousy.
"Shut up! You’re drunk and slurring your words. You have no idea what you’re talking about."
Arthur snorted. "Sorry to break it to you, brother. But the only time I’m this honest is when I’m drunk, so."
Alfred’s eyes went round. Without a moment’s hesitation, he shot out of his stool and made a beeline to the hall. Before he could make it far, he bumped right into the very subjects of his conversation. Much to his relief, they were in no state that indicated they did anything sexual by nature; you were in his arms and fast asleep. Not that he was happy about it. "Woah. She's out like a light."
"Yeah, so keep your voice down." The other grumbled, bouncing you lightly. "I think it's about time we head home. How drunk is he?"
The blonde blinked. He wasn't expecting him to catch on so quickly. "Off his ass. He's red as."
Allen clicked his tongue and brushed past him. "Called it." Alfred would have dismissed it as something he always did. But since he was carrying you, it made him feel like an extra. So when the man walked off, he followed with a scowl. "Can you get a cab? I'm gonna sit in the corner for a bit."
And sit in the corner he did, laying your body across his lap so you could rest. Alfred narrowed his eyes into a dark glare, lingering on the sight as the club music pounded away in his ears. And he told him to keep his voice down? "Yeah, I'll call you a damn cab."
You pretended to be asleep the whole ride back to Arthur's. It was easy with Allen's shoulder at a perfect height for your face to bury in. For half an hour, you were stuck in that position. There, you listened to the symphony of a trip home from the club: the automated voice of the taxi A.I and the drunken warbles of an intoxicated friend. Without seeing it, you could feel Alfred watching you for the whole duration of the ordeal.
Fortunately, you could escape any interaction with him as Allen carried you to the bathroom upon arriving.
"Oi, where are you taking her?"
The redhead kicked the door open. "What does it look like?"
"Shouldn't you wake her up, at least?"
"Yeah, yeah. Quit breathing down my neck, already."
The door locked. Setting you down on your feet, you held onto his arms to regain your balance. Once you did, you glanced up at him with the utmost panic. "I can't face him." Digging two hands through your hair, you let out a shaky gasp—"Oh my god, I don't know what to do! I shot him, Allen. I fucking shot him! What's he gonna think of me when he finds out?"
He sighed and gripped your shoulders firmly. With his brows furrowed in a stern expression, he corrected you. "You didn't shoot him. You shot another version of him." Allen couldn't stress that enough. But there were many things he needed to shed a light on in this emergency bathroom meeting. "And it was kinda my fault that happened. If I was there, I woulda' shot him for you."
"That's not the point, here! And it's never gonna be your fault. It's mine, and mine alone. End of story." You swiped a hand across his face for emphasis. While he groaned in dismay, a brief pause followed as you regained your breath.
At least an hour had passed, but you still couldn't wrap your head around it.
"I can't believe I did that. I don't even know how I could! I panicked. I thought Alfred was coming down the hall, but—"
"—but it was me. Doll-" Allen exasperated, dragging out the pet name. "-you can't blame yourself for what you did. Shit happens. And who says what you did was wrong, huh? You probably just saved us all from a bloodbath. And you know that!" Rocking you gently back and forth to shake some sense into you, he leaned in to peer into your wide eyes staring into space.
"That's why you shot him. You did the right thing."
As he blurted that out, the memory replayed in your head again and again like a broken record. Intrusive thoughts were a bitch. And there was one particular detail of the event that you would never forget. "Was it the right thing to do, though?" You murmured, lowering your doubtful gaze to the tiled floor. The betrayal in his eyes was so genuine, you came to regret everything you've done.
"What if he was real like he said?"
You were asking some hard-hitting questions, that was for sure. Everything else was shrouded in a fog of uncertainty.
"Well, it wouldn't matter if he was real. Cuz' he's dead."
Allen's expression morphed into a dark glower.
"But if he was still alive, there'd be two of him, and not for long. They'd kill each other, for sure. I mean, if I found out there was a second-rate version of me farting around out there, I'd kill that poser for sport. Hunt him down like game." Lifting up your chin so you'd look at him, he flashed a grin.
"So don't feel bad. You killed him and saved Alfred the trouble."
Softening your gaze at that, you pulled him into another hug. Allen was always amazing at comforting you in the direst of situations.
"... Maybe you're right."
He chuckled and patted your back. "I'm always right."
But there was still one concern he could never address.
If your father made a clone of Alfred, a real and legitimate copy, there was no saying he could make another. Hell, you even expected him to. He could keep churning him out so long as he had his DNA. The only way to end this threat was quick to cross your mind, but you didn't want to think about it.
You would have to kill your father.
Allen figured. But today suffered enough bloodshed.
Before he left the bathroom for you to use, he held onto your cheek.
Flickering his striking scarlet eyes over your troubled expression, he caught you in a quiet gaze. You could easily translate the untold fondness he watched you with. We can still run away together.
He pulled away slowly, reluctantly. Then, the door closed behind him, leaving you alone with your thoughts. It never crossed your mind the first time he brought it up earlier tonight, but you finally understood what he really meant by running away. Allen wanted to share his life with you. Heat flurried in your chest as you considered the idea.
Tears threatened to return once you realized how much you wanted to do it, just not with him. The desire was there, but it happened to be stronger for someone else.
Alfred had been waiting outside with his back against the wall, arms crossed with a frown. It only deepened when Allen walked out.
"What're you lookin' at?" The redhead mumbled.
"... Nothing. Just wondering why you two spend so much time in the bathroom together." Alfred pointed out, glancing down at the cigarette between his fingers. He would have been jumping for joy if it weren't for wanting to look serious. "What were you doing with her in the penthouse?"
The other felt a spell of irritation hit him. It was always jealousy with this one, wasn't it? But he couldn't be a hypocrite. "None a'ya business, bub." He hummed, slotting the cancer stick in between his teeth. A sly smirk widened his lips as he saw the blonde tense up. "You saw how tired she was. So don't even think about it."
Don't even think about it, he'd said. How come everything coming out of his mouth sounded like a euphemism for sex? Don't keep her up with stupid conversations would've sounded better. Alfred huffed and stormed back to the guest room. Or was it just his mind that was in the gutter? He blamed Arthur for even bringing it up.
Hanging his clothes on a chair, he curled up under the covers. His chest was whirring again, and the discomfort was akin to something you've gone through before. Separation anxiety. When you did show up ten minutes later, he rolled over to the door to watch your form. Hearing the fabric shuffle in your direction made your heart skip in panic.
He was awake.
"Arthur's puking his guts out, so if you hear coughing, it's him."
Hopefully, some light-hearted banter could keep you from acting up. But that was easier said than done.
The blanket lifted briefly so you could get under it. Once you got comfortable, he didn't hesitate to pull you in by the waist to spoon you. Ever since he saw you sleep in the club, and on Allen no less, he'd been dying to do this. "... I tried telling him." He murmured into your ear. "But I've slept through worse. You flop and roll a lot."
The feeling of his breath on your neck and the sound of his husky voice made your heart ache. Every night was spent like this, warm and snug in his arms, but tonight was different. Inside, you were still agonizing over what you had done to him, even if it wasn't exactly him. So to feel his chest rise against your back, then his legs rub against yours, you just couldn't take it—it was all too much.
Rolling over to him, you caught his neck in your arms and pulled it down for a tight squeeze. What you uttered next captured your deepest and most inexplicable desire. To truly be alone with him.
"I can't take it here anymore." You muttered furiously, hugging him around his neck to start crushing him.
He let out a shaky breath at the sudden pressure.
"Hey, hey, calm down. What's wrong?"
"I can't calm down. I need to talk to you. Alone." Sitting up at that, you pulled him along. It came especially easy as he stood up, eager to understand your spontaneity. "And in someplace that's not here. There's just... Too many people. Four is too many."
Alfred lit up, but his growing smile did his emotions no justice. He was ecstatic. Things were always simpler when it was just the two of you. Maybe you were finally getting sick of these cramped living conditions, the scrutiny. At least, he knew he was. So it was almost as if you read his mind. "Okaay. Are we going on a midnight adventure?" He piped.
But then again, you always seemed to be walking on the same wavelength as him.
He followed you around the room like a puppy as you collected some things—your jacket, then Alfred's phone to shoot Allen a text. We're off to the nearest no-tell motel to talk. We'll be back in the morning. Setting the device onto the desk, you threw him his belongings. His gun and trusty coil of tools. Catching them wordlessly, he shot you a quizzical look. "Well, aren't you mysterious? Where are we going?"
Little did he know, your decision to leave the house for the night had only so much to do with random selfish impulses. From the outside, it looked exactly like that. Up and going without a care in the world, without care for Allen, and becoming unreachable for the next several hours. But after what happened, you just needed time to recalibrate.
"Where we always used to go." You threw your jacket on. Dragging him out into the hall, he caught a brief glimpse of Arthur passed out over the toilet before he found himself in the garage.
Handing him his key, you opened the car door next to the driver's seat. "We have to be quick before Allen tries to stop us."
The said man was sitting on the roof when he heard the rumbling of the garage door. Immediately after the sound stopped, a car sped out of it with an aggressive vroom and disappeared into the night. Narrowing his eyes at the rear window, he stood up and tossed his cigarette over the edge. Where the hell were you going this late at night? And with Alfred, no less?
He could feel hot jealousy prick him all over again. But it was warped with a harrowing kind of sadness. No matter what he did or what he said, he couldn't seem to get in between you two. Allen sat back down and lit up another cigarette. Giving that a few puffs, he surrounded his head in a cloud of grey smoke. Maybe he did know you for too long.
For eight years, he'd been a brotherly figure in your life. Now, he was afraid that was all he was ever going to be.
Parking the car in the courtyard after the most thrilling joyride, you pulled Alfred into the reception to book a room. Given his inhumane strength, your efforts to drag him down the hall were to no avail. Peering down at you with a warm smile, his face contorted with an amused look as you tugged at his arm as hard as you could. "Easy there, tiger. This is a motel, not a five-star hotel."
Between two walls littered with cracks was a dimly lit interior. Everything smelt like vomit, piss, and alcohol to boot, and yet, you were bounding beside him in excitement. "I know! But doesn't this feel nostalgic? We lived in these places for ages." You exasperated, scanning a keycard to unlock the door.
Alfred didn't think he was a sentimental person, but hearing you reminisce the past so fondly was enough to change his smile into a bittersweet one. "I guess." He couldn’t remember everything like you, but for now, he could pretend he did. "Motels are economic and discrete, so where was a better place to go?"
Once you both got inside, he felt your hand let go of his. For a moment, he felt just the smallest dash of loneliness—it was the emptiness of not feeling you somewhere where you should have been. Fortunately, it faded when you gleamed at him while you explored the room with child-like curiosity.
"I think I did a pretty good job at converting you." Alfred mused.
You flopped onto the bed to lie on your back. "Converting me to what?"
The mattress dipped to your right, so you rolled over to face him. "To a commoner. Or maybe something lower than that." He grinned devilishly. And for that comment, he would earn a strong shove on his chest. Despite nearly falling off the edge, he merely scooted back in. "I've never seen someone this happy staying in a dump like this."
"Don't give yourself too much credit. I just miss it." Pausing briefly at that, a small smile spread to your lips when you saw his, wide and as endearing as ever. If there was one thing you wanted to see before you died, it was this. Alfred's warm smile. As you lingered on the thought, you realized you were completely smitten with him.
But most importantly, at peace.
This was exactly why you even dragged him here in the first place. For some quality alone time, backtracking, and a good, long talk without interruptions. "I'd know all about dumps." You murmured, reaching out to play with a lock of his sandy blonde hair. "Zao and I tend to find our best friends in them."
He chuckled airily. "Is this me?"
"... Well, sure. But I was talking about Allen."
Things got dark pretty fast.
You both laughed it off. He didn't have great memories of motels, but laying here with you reminded him of what you said about them. A lot of good things happened in these tiny rooms, apparently. And they were what you two talked about until three AM in the morning, standing together out on the balcony. From here, the heart of the city could be seen, from the aerial roads of spinners in the distance to the endless hills of skyscrapers and blinking lights.
"I was thinking," Alfred murmured quietly, turning his head to you. The right side of his face reflected the glow of the city. But it couldn't quite compare to the hope that lit up his eyes, as subtle as it was. "Is everything finally over?"
You turned to him, gaze softened. For just tonight, you would let him bask in his ignorance. And yourself, in his hold. "Not yet." You whispered. The feeling of his hand on your waist was a feeling you could get used to. Reaching out to his other one on the railing, you guided it to your side so he could hold you properly.
Alfred squeezed you eagerly, pressing closer to your body.
Taking his face into your hands, you gave him one last gesture of untold affection. It was a culmination of raw emotion free from your own better judgment. A means to communicate without talking.
You pressed your forehead against his and closed your eyes.
At that very space in time, a singular thought occurred to both of you—I wish this moment would last forever.
"But we'll make it... Just like we always do."
What would you do if I killed you?
Nothing, because I'd be dead.
What if you survived? Or left behind a soul?
Then I'll come back and find you.
The club was still pounding away, much like the headache in his skull. Sucking in a sharp breath, he suffered the worst wake-up call in his short life—he was still bleeding, and in terrible pain. He shakily felt around his wound while hyperventilating on the ground. How he hadn't kicked the bucket yet was beyond him.
"Get your ass up already. I know you're not dead." A man growled in disdain, giving the body on the ground a light kick.
"Gh—!" He let out a pained gasp and clung onto the ground for dear life. It had been years since he felt this alive—ironically, it was when he was inches away from death.
His perpetrator had their dark eyes fixated on him like a stain on the floor. Their pupils were as red as the blood his victim bathed in. But they always had a strong stomach for gore. "What am I gonna say when the owner finds out I'm the reason you even got in here? You're bleeding into the pool." They murmured, raising his leg to keep tormenting the other like a new hobby.
With a few more kicks, the body rolled onto its back.
"Ugh... Fuck... How am I not dead?" He coughed in agony.
The other shrugged, flicking their ponytail over their shoulder. "God knows. Maybe you have a greater purpose to serve." As cryptic as that sounded, it was nothing but the truth. He had more to his life than dying in a nightclub. Dying could be a part of it, but this couldn't be the location to do it, nor could it be by your hand—the closest kin to his creator.
"Why else did he make you?"
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exclipssesss · 5 years
You're perfect, no matter what he says about you. [x reader]
Headcanons of all my current fav characters from different fandoms. This was supposed to be something just to emotionally heal me. So this does kinda based off real life experience, except the part where the bois comfort me, man why can't i buy these guys in ebay as my legal husbands?
Characters involved: Alastor [Hazbin Hotel], Lafayette [Hamilton The Musical].
Would probabpy make part two with other characters uwu
Warnings: Cursing, Physical abuse, Parental abuse, The mention of Anxiety.
Summary: S/o never had a great relationship with their dad, and after another fight (which ended horribly wrong) someone decided to comfort them.
Hazbin Hotel.
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You were in the Hotel, coolio. Basically you were chilling on the couch when suddenly you fell asleep, and after a few hours passed you woke up to find yourself in your room with blankets covering you, you were confused on how you get there.
You then get out of bed and noticed charlie calling you, probably a new demon that wanna check into the hotel.
You saw a demon that is kind of similar to you but wAy more big and looked kind of scary, he was holding a cigarette. At first you shrugged it off since having the same form of a demon can both mean you guys have made the same sin, or you are related.
You didn't really mind it at first until you asked him to sign in to the hotel, and he looked at you as if you're stupid. He laughed that everyone draws their attention to the both of you, you laughed with him to avoid being awkward.
"You do realize that i am nowhere wanting to go to this stupid ass hotel right? Pathetic, demons wanting to do some redemption just to go to heaven? They can't even take their own consequences of being a dick. Yeah no bitch, i ain't going to this hotel, especially if it filled with pussies"
You stumbled back, he was similar to you but is nothing like you. Yes you swore, a lot, but not this harsh. He basically scowls at you and you just gave him a light glare back. He didn't seem to notice it tho.
Then, it snapped inside your head. No wonder his voice was so familiar. You looked at him and took the chance to find out, if it is true, then you're probably double dead. But you convince yourself that even if he tries to hurt you, you were at the hotel, someone is bound to help you.
"Um, oh, i forgot to introduce myself.. I'm [Y/n] [L/n], nice to meet you.. Sir.."
And you were right. His eyes was wide for a second before it was replaced with disgust, he yanked your hand and you almost lost your balance.
"Of-fucking-course you are. Now wonder your voice reminds me of some bitch. No surprise seeing you here in hell tho, you were always nothing but a disappointment. Even god thinks so."
You basically trembled as eyes were sticking on both you and your "father". He then let's go of you harshly and you stumbled back before falling, demons around weren't helping either. Although some of them gave you pitiful looks, so you decided that maybe they just too scared to interfere. I mean, you would too.
"See? Pathetic. Even as a demon you're trash, and now you're trying to do this whole hotel thing? HahaA--"
Something pulled your dad back, and he was met by a pair of a sickeningly dark pair of eyes that you've known too well.
"Excuse me sir, but I'm pretty sure that that kind of behaviour is not allowed here."
Your "father" was surprised to see Hell's one of the most powerful demons defending you, he almost gives out a somewhat proud smirk, only for it to turn into a scoff. Thankfully, he was decent enough not to mess with Alastor, as he immediately got out the doors and hopefully not coming back.
"My dearest, are you alright?" oh and he comforts you throughout the day too, he almost swears to kill your dad (if that's even possible) but you immediately told him not to.
Either way, he is precious and would do anything for you. Would recommend getting yourself an Alastor, 10/10.
Marquis de Lafayette.
Hamilton: an American musical.
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(I'm changing the writing style just becuz I'm in the mood)
You just got back from a long day hanging out with the Schuyler Sisters, and also the boys of course. Funnily enough, you and Peggy get along really well, and for the boys? Lafayette's definitely your favorite. Actually he's more than just your 'favorite', you're not even sure yourself, you just felt safe and nice inside when you're around him.
"Where do you think you're going?"
A familiar deep voice that you've been scared for so long spoke up, you stopped dead on your tracks, trying to look calm. You then turned around to be met with a pair of deadly sharp and dark eyes piercing through you, in which you quietly gulped in response.
"I'm sorry i came back late, dad. I was with the Schuyler Sisters and-"
"You really think I'll believe that lying mouth of yours?"
Those words caught you off guard since you are, for a fact, not lying. You really were with Angelica and the others, and so you gave him your 'what are you talking about?' face, and he did not like that. He approached you, and you slowly but surely walked backwards, in hopes of getting away from him. When he was only a few inches from you, he spoke up again.
"Don't you fucking lie to me, who was that man with you? Who the fuck was he?" His voice low with growl as he fixed his sight to yours. You took another gulp of your own spit as he was starting to push you into a corner.
"I wasn't lying! I really was with The Sisters, that boy is just one of ou-"
You could feel the hot print on your left cheek as it was burning with pain from the sudden hit, you hold it with your arm. This time you had enough, it was enough living in a world where girls don't have any rights, and you were absolutely not gonna let this man use that against you. Even if he is your blood.
"I'll ask you again, and this time i want an answer, not a rambling about some nonsense you pulled out of your ass."
You looked at him dead in the eye before finally giving an answer.
"Marquis de Lafayette. There, you have it. May i go now?" You said with disgust and anger lacing in every word. This made your so called dad shut up, before forcefully yanked you away. You ran to your room and find yourself falling asleep while crying, at this point all you wanna do was die. With all the smell of cigarettes and alcohol, you basically almost puked, and you still can't believe your mom left you with him. When you woke up, you checked the time. 11:36. At this rate, you could barely sleep again, and you didn't want to be in a house with that jerk anyways, so a brilliant-yet-kinda-dumb idea came to mind. You got out of the house quietly, you didn't want to even try spending the night there anymore, and to be honest, you didn't know where to go.
You could visit the Schuyler Sisters, yes, but going to the Schuyler Mansion at this time of night? Maybe not. You couldn't go to one of the boys' house either, that's just weird. And you didn't want to look like slut. So your thoughts just came to that one place, the place you and the rest of the gang met. The place where you and Lafayette met. The bar. Plus it's open twenty/four hours so it's not like you'll be trespassing.
And so you did what you thought you did. You go there, at first you thought that you would probably be alone in the bar considering how late it is, and that's a good thing considering the red burning mark on your cheek haven't left yet. But nope. The bar was actually kinda noisy, you looked inside to see Alex and his friends there getting drunk, and so you tried to avoid eye contact and go back outside. Well that was your plan until a certain drunk frenchman called you out.
"Mon amie, (Y/n)! Why are you here at this time of night? A beautiful mademoiselle like you shouldn't do that~" Lafayette slurred almost every word as he is drunk. You stopped dead on your tracks and turned around to smile at them, using your hair to cover the bruises left on your cheek. As you looked closely, you could see that Alexander is probably the only sober one out of the group, and not actually drunk.
"Yeah (Y/n), why are you here? Oh, you can come join us if you want to." Alex, the only stable one at the moment continued.
"That's a great idea Al! Come, mon amie! I'll buy you a drink."
Lord tell me how to say no to this-- But seriously, you wanted to go so badly but you barely even could walk out the moment you saw that smile. And so you just had to walk back, which all the boys cheered on.
"What's wrong, (Y/n)? You're awfully quiet,"
"Yeah, most of the time you're basically the one who can't shut up."
"Yo, talk if you want a free booze."
And yet you kept silent, although a silent chuckle can be heard only by yourself did rang through your ears. The boys were starting to get worried, especially with your new hairdo that covered half of your face.
"Huh, someone's actually denying free booze, something is wrong" Hercules said as he rubbed his nonexistent beard, Laurens just tried to swipe your hair away but you quickly slapped his hands away as soon as it was near your face.
"Sheesh, no touching your new hair, i get it. No need to slap me for it." He said with almost looks like a pout, this time the frenchman was asking you questions, and you didn't want to answer. But in the same time, you don't have the heart to ignore him.
"(Y/n), please, tell me what's wrong.. Why are you covering your face?" and now, you also wanted to die. That face, that damned face, god why can't you just ignore it like anyone else's? You let out a sigh as you finally lets all those emotions loose. Tears were pouring down your face almost as fast as Hercules chugging down a beer, and you could barely took any control of them. You buried your face in Laff's shoulder, him petting your head as you realease all your burdens and tears at the same time. The others were stunned, but is confused on what to do, so they just wait for you to stop crying before saying anything that could make you more emotional, if that's even possible.
You wiped your tears, and when you go to wipe the remaining liquid on your left eyes, you unconsciously exposed the big red mark on your left cheek. Boy, little did you know that they'll immediately turn into interrogators in less than a minute.
"(Y/n). What is this?" Hercules' voice rang first with what seems like anger, second came Alex, with his voice that sounded way more than just 'worried'.
"Who the fuck did this?" He said as he tried to put your hair behind your ear, you avoided his touch and just sinks more into Lafayette's embrace, who's weirdly being quiet through this, although his gaze didn't seem to left you at all.
"(Y/n), Let us take a look. I can't believe someone actually did that to you." It's true, you never told anyone about your 'daddy issues', you didn't want to gain any pitty. Time went on and it's almost One AM now, Laff's gaze didn't seem to have left you, in fact, they were stern, it didn't helped the fact that he haven't said anything in the past hour.
You ended up getting cornered and so you told them, about everything that was happened last night. They. Were. Furious. It didn't surprise you though, if your friend were going through the same thing, you'd probably ready to murder someone too.
"(Y/n), does zis 'ave something to do with me?" You immediately flinched. The reason you were slapped was because you didn't want to tell your dad about Lafayette, and he basically could see it through you. He immediately cursed himself, blaming everything that he thought he did wrong. With a little explanation and help from Alex and the others, you got him to calm down and kissed him in his cheek. In which he responds with a blush acrossed his face.
In the end, Lafayette asked you to stay with him for a while and said it was "the least he could do." Basically you were treated like a princess, nothing major happened other than cuddles and venting, he would pat your head and hold you close when you started crying. Sometimes he would kiss your forehead and says sweet nothings to you. He insisted to sleep on the couch while you took the bed, and ever since, the guys would act like your brothers, especially Laurens and Mulligan, they would actually shower you with new dresses and act proud whenever you and Lafayette had "a step forward". (They became your personal wingmans too.)
Not long after, The schuylers took you in, or more like - dragged you in. Philip Schuyler had left the Mansion to his daughters, and so which give them the opportunity to make you their roommates. You four would just chill at night and trash talk your dad when wanted to. (courtesy of big sis Angie™).
Alex on the other hand, was determined to make your dad looked like a fool, even though you told him countless times that he didn't need to do that. He would write about your dad with headlines like "Man Treats Daughter Worse Than Slave" or something like that. In which you laughed about, somehow you still feel bad about the amount of hate your dad gives, but you also feel as if he deserves it for hitting you all those years.
The last but not least, Lafayette. The man asked you out after you moved with the Schuylers, he said he's lonely now that you're not with him and he missed you, he also said that was the time he realized he had feelings for you. You immediately said yes and have been courting with him ever since. Honestly he's just the embodiment of love and cuddles, and you love him for every support he gave you.
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another-dr-another · 4 years
they sound worried.... seems like it’s best to answer
Maeda - I wanna go back to bed...
Maeda - But you're right, that's the right thing to do.
Maeda - while i'm still too asleep to figure out who it is... I can tell they're worried.
/Maeda opens the door.
Maeda - Hello?
Tsurugi - Hiya Maeda!
Tsurugi - I'm glad you're okay... I was knocking for a bit but you didn't reply!
Maeda - Sorry, I fell asleep...
Tsurugi - Nothing you need to apologize for!
Tsurugi - Are you alright though?
Maeda - Yeah? Why do you ask?
Tsurugi - You're rubbing the back of your head, which you normally don't do unless you're nervous.
Tsurugi - It could be related to you just waking up, but I saw you flinch a bit, your arm twitched back and then you put it in your pocket.
Tsurugi - Though... I don't think it's too much of a emotional thing?
Tsurugi - There's something on your mind, you usually look near me, not quite making eye contact, but you almost are.
Tsurugi - I'd guess you're looking at my forehead or nose to make it look like you're making eye contact, it's almost working too, so good job!
Tsurugi - But anyways, you keep looking just past me, and I know there's nothing going on back there, because there hasn't been any sounds coming from there since I walked by, which means you're thinking about something.
Tsurugi - You keep looking at me, slowly kinda zoning out and looking behind me, then jumping back to me.
Tsurugi - Then rinse and repeat.
Maeda - Holy fuck....
Tsurugi - Oh... along with what's on your mind, you've got some head pain, right?
Tsurugi - I'd say you hit the back of your head, because I heard a small thump earlier....
Tsurugi - But there's some sort of other pain there too.
Tsurugi - Earlier, you weren't hurt at all when I tackled you, so I'm guessing you have a relatively high pain tolerance.
Tsurugi - So when you were rubbing the back of your head, I'm guessing it was a tactic to try and figure out where the other pain was, because you wouldn't need to rub your head to make yourself feel better.
Tsurugi - Oh, but that only works if...
Tsurugi - ...
Tsurugi - Yeah, I'm right.
Tsurugi - It was the back of your head that you hit.
Tsurugi - Were you gonna lay back down? and then you hit your head on the wall... meaning something that wasn't me must have woken you up.
Tsurugi - Because if it was me, you would've come to the door, so...
Tsurugi - You had some sort of dream or nightmare, it was... unsettling, but you don't remember it.
Tsurugi - And I'm guessing you also woke up with a headache.
Tsurugi - Don't have much reasoning there, it just kinda makes sense.
Maeda - ...
Tsurugi - I... I'm sorry Maeda, I shouldn't have done that.
Maeda - What do you mean?
Tsurugi - The whole rambling as I analyze thing...
Tsurugi - A-anyways, it's actually around 7:10 now, so when you're ready, it should be about dinner time.
Tsurugi - So... I'll see you there?
Maeda - Yeah, I'll be there by 7:30, thanks for letting me know.
Tsurugi - Of course!
Maeda - See ya.
Tsurugi - Bye!
Maeda, narrating - Tsurugi walked off then... has he always been such a fast walker?
Maeda - Anyways, my clothes are all wrinkled now... I should change.
/Maeda changes into a exact copy of his outfit. All that's left is his hoodie.
Maeda - ...
Maeda - Oh!
Maeda - God... these sweaters look exactly like mine, but half of them are... I think lined with something?
Maeda - They're... really soft.
Maeda - Damn.
Maeda - Anyways, I should go make my bed now, which is...
Maeda - Okay what the fuck?
Maeda - It... feels warm, but the sheets and pillows are cool enough to not overheat me...
Maeda - I've gotta be imagining this, no way the school is this into perfection.
/Maeda flops down into his bed.
Maeda - No... no it's really just that... nice...
Maeda - ...
Maeda - Zzz
/Maeda is asleep. Someone opens the door and enters his dorm.
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whats-the-story-tc · 4 years
13th-15th of May, 2020
"The One Where the Mask Drops"
Hey, I'm not dead! And to show you how incredibly not dead I am, let me tell you a story.
It's around 2 AM that Wednesday, I'm going to sleep. God knows I'm incredibly exhausted, but there's one last thing I needed to write into my diary. One last thing I couldn't go to sleep without.
"please be good to me today"
I went to sleep hoping that finally, after two weeks of feeling like shit when I thought about us, the tide would turn.
That morning, it rained. I immediately remembered a rainy Wednesday morning just like this two months ago, when the rain brought V back to me. I got very excited. Things were going to change for the better again, I felt it. Suddenly, I couldn't wait for class.
8:30 AM that morning, I'm getting ready for my 9 AM class. Google Classroom–notif. V. Private message. Uh-oh, I thought. The make-or-break moment, and not a minute too soon.
V: Thank you very much for your work!
I almost laughed out loud. "Wow, [Name], don't strain yourself!" I remember saying as I read it.
One infuriatingly boring English (as a foreign language) class later, it was time for V's class. I was ready five minutes in advance, but as I went on The Platform That Shall Not Be Named... no one was there. I found it odd. Usually, there are a couple of us by now. Anyway, I didn't enter the voice channel. I waited five minutes in solitude outside for someone to show up.
Well, V did. And I wasn't very well going to leave her alone, now, was I?
She greeted me 0.1 second after I joined. I tried not to be awkward about it just being the two of us, I immediately stroke up a conversation. I told her how I was already waiting, all the stuff you guys already know, and she asked if we had any lessons prior. I told her about one third of us having had English just now. We spent about two minutes alone together, as I rambled about the awkward and unfortunate situation and she listened, mostly in silence.
She was very audibly tired, and said very little, that much was to be expected from a 10 AM class. But... I might just be overthinking it, but I heard something there that concerned me. Something crushed and disappointed, something that told me she wasn't expecting only one person to show. There was something painfully lonely in that voice.
Bookworm Friend joined, about 3-ish minutes into class, and Debate Friend a minute or two later, but they were both muted, so I carried on. I asked V to tell us what happened in school in the past two days, what we missed out on, enthusiastically replying to everything I could, so she wouldn't feel like she was speaking into the abyss, so she'd know I was trying my hardest to be there for her. Then she brought up the tests she was correcting at the moment, even naming a really stupid mistake she encountered with a little laugh. But what really smacked me in the gut was when I brought up the small attendance, and she said: "There's nothing we can do." in this very melancholy voice, like she was giving up. She even texted the class group chat that she's waiting.
How do I know that she wasn't just simply tired, and that's why she sounded like that, so worn and discouraged, especially at first? Because as soon as the others, who don't belong in my friends' circle, started showing up, her voice and entire behaviour did a 180°, as if she suddenly woke up. But she didn't. I know for a fact she didn't. Nobody just wakes up that suddenly.
It took me until that afternoon to realise that I'd just spent 5 minutes with the real V, the same V I spoke to in early December, who didn't try to hide her emotions. Not from me.
If you only heard the next thirty minutes of class, you could never tell she was feeling sad to begin with. And there was a LOT to be heard. Starting with how she mispronounced "cheat somebody out of sth" as "EAT somebody out", which is... well... all I'm saying is, I fell on my knees and tried to laugh as silently as I could. Prime moment.
She said something along the lines of "We're all very sober here", after which I just texted my friends:
S: "Darling, you tell us drinking stories every two weeks, would you mind if I didn't believe you?"
and sometime after, this text was also sent, for which I will not be offering context:
S: "[Name], that was enough sex for 10 AM, I'm gonna pass out"
And, of course, after all that went down, V saying "you can't satisfy everyone" sounded VERY different.
At some point, I attempted to joke around, but as she was reading a message in the chat that was sent at the same time, I got quite the half-assed response. But what happened in the last five minutes? Oh, that changed everything.
Art Friend knew how upset I was that V didn't reply at all to my assignment, and I told her I wanted to talk to V about it. During class, she texted me if I still wanted it, and I told her no, because I'm no longer upset with her. And what does this madwoman do? SHE ASKS ABOUT THE ASSIGNMENTS.
V is absolutely enthusiastic, she goes on about how much she liked what she saw and how creative we were. Art Friend asks about hers. Then comes my leap of faith. It's now, or never.
"I hope I didn't go too far..." I said, a bit nervous, not knowing how she'd react. She never did like me trying to undermine myself. And you guys... she chuckled. Incredibly soft and warm and just what I needed to feel at ease. That already threw me off, but then, she followed it up with: "No, I really-really liked it." I could tell she was smiling on the other side of the screen and that she was completely honest. I had to sit down after that, because I just couldn't believe what I heard. That I really just witnessed all that, that I got a reaction I couldn't overthink and/or misinterpret, because I heard it with my own two ears, in real time. I felt like I could do anything in the world.
And yet, the next day, I didn't do my usual notes for her test. Because what did Specs do all evening instead? I was fucking singing. I couldn't deny being a goddamn theatre kid if I tried.
Friday. The day of the test. I'm restlessly taking notes in the morning, but I don't have the time to get into the analytics of poems, only the basics of the dude's life and works. It makes me incredibly frightened, because V's tests are only easy if you come prepared — if you have no clue what she's talking about, abandon all hope. I had absolutely everything open for cheating that I could open, and you guys? I lucked out. Most of the test was just "Explain what [insert quote] means in 2-3 sentences", and if there's something I excel at, as you've probably noticed, it's talking. It was easy as could be.
The only thing making me anxious were my classmates. They were all trying to ask for help, constant questions and begging, everyone is hopeless, because they couldn't give two shits about preparing beforehand. They were all assured some loser was gonna give them the answers. And the some loser was me. I gave it to them, everything except for the final, longer essay. That was private, only meant for V to read. After all, how was I supposed to show them my essay, that ends like this?:
"Even if our existence is finite, it's always worth fighting for happiness."
And yes, yes it is. Always. Look at me. I powered through weeks of a shitstorm, where every single day felt like years, where I no longer knew or cared what was going to happen. And let me tell you, the sun always shines beyond the clouds. You just can't see it yet. But GOD, you will. You will.
I needed time to write this. There's loads going on at the moment, not necessarily V-related, and I'm trying to work my way through it gently enough that I can make it the end sane and healthy. Currently, it's three weeks since all this happened. One and a half weeks left until school ends. I might get to see V in person again, but we'll see how it goes. All I know is that whatever happens, I can do it. Because even if my existence is finite, it's always worth fighting for happiness.
~ S ♡
[Every story I share here, no matter how specific I get with my wording, depicts actual events from my own life.]
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xampomi · 6 years
Exes & Angels | jjk
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• genre: high school au | romance | mystery
• pairing: ex!jungkook x y/n
• warnings: jungkook's not using underwear (there's a reasonable reason for that); ¿maybe jimin has a crush on Jungkook¿ ; trust issues; I dunno
• summary: jungkook’s rambling
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Jungkook was having a shitty day so far.
First, he forgot to wash his underwear in the weekend, so he just decided to go commando today bcs wtf was he gonna do at 6 in the morning?? Then, when running to class, he bumped into some weird guy.
"wtf man. Wanna fight?", the little guy said.
For a moment, Jungkook stopped dead in his tracks because he though he saw some fucking sparkling halo above boy's head. But Jungkook didn't sleep much that night anyway so.
"N-not now. Sorry. I'm running late.", which was technically true. The thing is Jungkook didn't care. And he didn't really wait for the sparkling guy's answer.
As soon as Jungkook entered the class he sat at his regular seat, the window's view being extremely appealing to him.
As all of us can imagine, Jungkook was a smart kid but he didnt really care since he knew he was also extremely hot. That thought came to his mind numerous times. He knew that he should probably quit high school and become a stripper. He was definitely done with this shit. In addition, that would bring a lot of fast easy money.
"Fuck, i forgot about breakfast.", he remembered, thanks to his body's noises. Then he try listening to class but that didn't worked that well for him since he has tendency to zone out real easily.
However, two knocks in the classroom's door echoed through Jungkook's ears and for some reason he was suddenly attentive to what was happening in the real world.
Soon after the knocking was heard, the teacher stood there like some earthquake emergency, in which he should tell the students to keep calm, keep calm but if you wanna come back to your mama, walk quickly.
Then he woke up. "Come in".
When the door opened, a dark-haired girl appeared She quickly smiled to the teacher as she entered the room. "Good morning. Sorry to interrupt your class", she said in a low, innocent voice, although something on him told him that she didn't really care about his class. But he was no more interested in what was happening so he just dropped his head again on the table.
"Don't worry. What do you need, y/n?", he couldn't see what was happening but Jungkook knew that the teacher's teeth were about to fall down if he kept smiling like that to the girl.
"Could I borrow... Jung Jungkook? He's from this class, right? Mr. Robert wants to talk to him", y/n kindly asked.
Something was wrong. Everyone knew Robert was done having conversations with Jungkook since what happened in the canteen 2 months ago. Or perhaps he decided to finally let that go of that. He hoped so. He didn't wanted to talk about that again. Besides, Namjoon deserved it.
Maybe this time Mr. Robert wants to finally have a real conversation. Maybe about last week's fire alarm's break out.
Oh well.
"Ah!", the teacher dropped too happily. Then he seemed kinda regretful. Yeah. Hide the excitement, you bastard. "Go talk to the principal, Jeon."
"Oh no, I can't What about your class? I was so excited about hearing about the... effect of.... molecular evidence on....the classification of...hm... organisms.", I said already reaching for the door. I don't know if you noticed but I was being extremely sarcastic.
"Ooooh, don't worry.", yeah, he prolonged that "oh" like that. He was also being sarcastic but I know that deep inside he would miss me. Everyone those.
"You know I always open an exception for you every time you need to do things outside my class, Jeon. C'mon. Go talk to the principal." He pointed to the door in a very nonsarcastic way.
"I will come back for you.", I didn't really said this. But it would be funny. Because I would never come back.
Now in the corridor, Jungkook felt real freedom. He could finally go home, eat pancakes and dress some sweatpants or something that wouldn't make his dick itchy.
"Ya. Where do you think you're going?"
"You know I'm really grateful that you let me out of there. Seriously." He made a dramatic pause. Then he decided to push him hair back and for a second, he though he saw her rolling her brown dark eyes. "But we broke up, y/n. You need to find yourself another man."
For a moment she looked kinda offended. Then remember she had more important things to discuss with him.
"lol that's what's i've been trying to do. I though it was pretty obvious I was trying to seduce Jimin. I mean, he's cute as hell. He just.... he doesn't look normal, okay? And not the "He's-just-too-good-to-be-true"type. I mean, it's obvious that a man like him could never be compared as a simple human. Have you ever had a good look at him? He's a God. He's just beautiful and kind, and talented,and sooo funny. Absolutely boyfriend material,ya know. And his buttcheks?? I could never think of a better--"
"Okay, okay. I get it. And?"
"He isn't normal, jungkook."
"As you've been telling me."
"He seriously isn't normal."
"Who is?", I smirked. "Just tell me who this Jimin guy is already bcs i think I've never heard of him."
She frozed a little. Then she slowly approached him.
"Buy you saw him, right? I know you did. I saw you this morning with him. That's why I came to you.", she had her eyes real open by now. "You're the living prove that I'm not crazy. You're the only one who always believes in me, right?"
Jungkook took a good at her. She no more looked like the shy, innocent girl that came for him in the middle of class. Sure, she still looked like the typical social butterfly. She was always the type of person that just loved to befriend people here and there. Now she just looked kinda exhausted. Still beautiful, but exhausted.
So yeah, jungkook was fricking out a little bit. Something was wrong with her. He needed to calm her down, so he could go home.
Then she suddenly went closer to him, her voice quieter than before. "I also need to tell you about the weirdest part, BUT you need to promise me to keep secret. Promise me."
"Okay, go on."
"I'm serious, kookie. "
"Don't call me that. I told you before, right?"
"Do it."
"I, Jeon Jungkook, promise that I will never tell whatever you're about to tell me."
"I think I killed him."
Jungkook frozed. For some reason his vision started getting blurry. He didn't eat anything since yesterday. He needed to eat.
"Sorry. Can you repeat that?"
"It was an accident, Jungkook. An accident." Her face has becomed red, her eyes watery and her body shaky. "C'mon. If you don't believe in me, who will?".
"But I talked to him this morning. He's not dead, y/n"
"He really is."
"That's so fucking impossible, y/n." He pushed his hair back, but not in a seductive way anymore. "You can only be lying to me rn. What the fuck happened?"
She avoid jungkook's eyes. "I don't know! One minute we were just making out inside the school depository and next one, he--"
Jungkook hoped he wouldnt regret his next words.
"Prove it."
"You still won't believe me, do you?"
"Y/n. Where's the body?"
"If I show it to you right now....will you believe in me? Will you promise to believe forever in me?"
Jungkook looked around. He was not in the right mood to see a dead body rn. But It was 14pm and for some reason he saw no one.
He should probably come back to class anyway.
"The body is still in there here, ya know."
"Don't worry. Obviously is hidden under some blankets I found in there. I can show it to you."
"Did you call the policy?"
Now she frozen on her feet. "No, ofc not. I can't go to jail. I can't. Please believe in me, Kookie. We could just go. As we talked about bef-"
Jungkook should definitely become a stripper after this. But for now, he needed to call someone. However, the phone was inside the classroom. He couldn't call the police without a crime. He needed to see for himself. Yeah, played with fire alarms but dont fucking mess with 911.
If that boy really was dead, y/n needed to be arrested. That's the truth. He will eventually need to discuss it with her. Just not now.
"Let's go, then", he finally decides.
"Yey", she said but not that excited - she even seemed a little disappointed?? - but took his arm between hers anyway and guided him from corridor to corridor.
When they first arrived the depository's door, Jungkook was expecting to her to free his arm but she didn't. She wasn't stopped trembling. She killed a man and can't stop shaking wtf. She was afraid. Well, Jungkook was the one who should be afraid. I mean she had a lot of time to get accustomed to the cadaver. But more than that, Jungkook was hungry. Poor Jungkook.
The next moment,he saw y/n taking from her pocket a metal key. How did she get that? The innocent shy girl who could never lie to anyone, was no more a good girl.
She unlocked the door. "You'll believe in me now, Kook." And they stepped inside.
"It's too dark", he said.
"I know, dummy. I'll search for the switch."
The light went on but he still couldnt see anything.
"Where the fuck is the body? Are you lying to me again?"
"What do you mean? He's right there. Look.", she started pointing weirdly to the floor in front of them. She looked mad. Almost like there was something there that only her could see.
'Y/n. Where's the body. I'm serious now."
"Right here, Kok. Come closer."
He did. He did come a little closer.
"I would never lie to you. He's right there. Right there."
Still searching for something , Jungkook collapsed on the floor after the strong sting he felt in his neck.
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