#i wasnt expecting that aha
intotheelliwoods · 1 year
Guess who got to see a Solar Eclipse at the 4 Corners! (the bobble leos did. this trip was for them actually- they didnt even pay for gas)
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possamble · 3 months
ive been really really loving your fic work for awhile now and i saw u worrying about trans rep stuff the other day and i wanted to tell u that as a transgirl who has terrible BPD from being a lonely kid ive felt very connected with your intrepretation of falin. the whole inner dragon metaphor and the inner guilt of if its justified for standing up for yourself was so absolutely keen to some of the struggles ive had in relationships and seeing them written so well in a character that already means a lot to me is wonderful. also your smut is tremendous please keep doing the lords work <3
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if i was in wbg i would just lie. sorry.
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fuckshitslover · 2 years
shook up - fuckshit
you woke up, alarmed as you heard the ringing of your clock, about to lean forward, you put your hand on the linen, expecting to feel the soft quilt. instead, you felt something out of the ordinary. soft, hard flesh of someone's arm.
you quickly turned your head, to see an all too familiar face laying next to you, fuckshit. (or andre , as his family calls him). you two were best friends, so seeing him in your bed wasnt too unusual.
but you were naked.
and so was he.
that was what was out of the ordinary. you were confused, and apparently, he was too. you saw him start stirring in his sleep and out of habit, pulled up the quilt over your bare chest, although you didnt feel that there was really a point in that. he sputters something and then rubs his eyes, opening them to a very confused face, his best friend, you.
he wasn't nearly as shocked as you were, until he realised he had no clothes on, and neither did you. he was taken aback, trying to form a sentence but the confusion added to his regular amount of grammar skills gave him no luck.
you felt a pounding headache, signifying that you two had been drinking that night.
his thoughts, obviously moving slower that yours caused him to blurt out "do you think we fucked?" straight to the point i guess.
"looks like it"
"fuck... shiiiiiit. thats something new".
he was still obviously too fucked out to realise what this meant, it had pretty much put a ripple in the time space continuum! even if he didn't yet, you knew that you guys could never be the same again, even if you tried you would always have this moment playing in the back of your mind. suddenly, you heard rapid knocking on your door and fuckshit turned around as he knew you were going to get up.
you reached into your wardrobe and pulled out a robe and ran to the door. you heard fuckshit scrambling to get his clothes (that were sprawled out on the floor) and you opened the door.
you were met with a camera clad fourthgrade, ray next to him with a thirteen year old behind him.
i wonder where ruben is?
they invited themselves into your home as the kid stayed with ray in the living room, fourthgrade ran to you room, appearing to be filming for this weird school project he was doing.
he opened the door with a swift 'aha' and ran over to what sounded like fuckshit cursing him out.
might make a part 2, might not. tell me if you want one.
also i have a hc that fuckshit's name is actually andre fischer.
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corvidares · 9 months
okay, so i just finished re-reading Any Way the Wind Blows and this feels so blatant as to be smacking me in the face: simon is disabled.
now, the reason why that makes itself even clearer in this book than in wayward son (where he, of course, also has the wings + tail) is because simon is once again in the world of mages - despite doing his best to leave it behind. compared to wayward son, where hes basically and literally in the wild west. where theres magical beings everywhere, where simon practically fits in because he is one.
but ill get back to that.
ive seen a lot of really interesting points about what simon's wings represent and mean, and i'm not disagreeing with those. but in a very literal sense, they are a disability.
think about it like this: the world of mages (and Normals) is not built for humanoids who have giant webbed wings and a tail. simon constantly struggles with controlling these limbs, and their size makes it ten times harder. spaces are too small, furniture and objects are broken when he spreads them, and many a shirt or jacket are ruined.
he struggles to find a good way to deal with this - spell them away? wear them out by cutting holes in things? fold them extremely painfully into his shirt? even though this last one is treated like a solution for a little while, its far from ideal. who is simon doing this for? himself, or everyone around him? yes, of course Normals cant see them. and yeah, hes expressed discomfort about baz and penny spelling them hidden. but thats not the point. even with this botch job of a way to "wear" his wings, which succeeds at hiding them from Normals, simon still states a couple times that he knows people stare at him and his seeming hunchback. i mean, thats blatant.
(he eventually, with shepard's help, realizes a good way to work around this - zippers or buckles on shirtbacks - which very much feels like an aha! disability aid moment)
im not saying disability is based in how people look at you, or it only being a societal thing. (as in, when he wasnt in the world of mages, he wasnt suddenly 'not disabled at all') disability is a huge spectrum. but those things absolutely can be a part of the disabled experience.
but all of that doesnt even get to my main point: simon has no magic anymore. and in the world of mages, thats a huge deal. magic is like living and breathing, especially for baz and penny. its not something they question or have to worry about not being able to call upon. hell, even before simon lost his magic he was disabled, just to a different extent.
before awtwb, we dont hear much about mages whose magic is weak. but they come to the forefront now - which just solidifies that solid magical ability = able bodiedness.
smith is promising a miracle cure. a cure. think of it like bullshit orgs such as aut!sm spe@ks, wanting to "cure" autism - he wants to cure people. (and hes just as full of shit) why? because weak magic is seen as a disease, a problem, even subhuman.
take daphne, baz's stepmom. her quality of life is fine, great. her weaker magic doesnt seem to put her at a disadvantage. she manages her disability well. but in comparison to the norm, to what is expected of the average mage, shes got nothing. less than nothing. she feels shame over what she cant do.
smith's case becomes even more blatant when we see, at the end of awtwb, that he wants to essentially cull weak magicians. that they're holding back society. that theyre better off as powerless as Normals - who are blatantly seen as subhuman - than as weak mages. much like how ableist rhetoric puts forward that disability is a fate worse than death.
which brings us back to simon. he insists hes a Normal, now or always has been. baz insists hes the most powerful magician to exist. both of them are wrong.
and right. and right and wrong.
simon is some third thing - not a mage, not a Normal. akin to how disability is its own minority aside from race or ethnicity he has a foot in each world, and he always has. but now he cant achieve blending into either.
this is why the increasing presence and humanization of other magical beings beside mages is so important (thank you shephard!) how mages tend to seem magical beings is very ableist. theyre subhuman, theyre not to be trusted, theyre freaks, theyre dirty, etc. except oops, how can you keep thinking that penny, when this very nice one works at a cafe and helped you translate shephard's engagement terms?
even baz and the events of wayward son play into this - yeah, some vampires are horrible people. but plenty, like baz, are just people. with a range of experiences and morals and ways of living life. (take nicodemus) (i could make a point about how simon's stalwart acceptance of baz's vampirism helps baz comes to terms with it and how this is also super disability coded, but thats another essay)
in the beginning of awtwb, he decides to go to the extreme opposite of his chosen one powered life - to live as a Normal, and the second step (after cutting himself off from baz and penny) is getting his wings removed.
except he cant do it. and even having his wings touched is horribly uncomfortable. now, this partly has to do with how much theyre sensual parts of his body - same as his tail. but its also, separately, very intimate. theyre treated very clinically, like a fascinating specimen to pore over. im not trying to give niamh shit here, just saying what i saw.
but theyre part of him. people with disabilities often deal with being stared at and poked and prodded by the medical field (if theyre not ignored or waved off. maybe both.). even every day folks feel the right to touch disabled folks, or their mobility aids.
for a lot of people, mobility aids are a part of them - its like a stranger touching your face and thinking theyre doing you a favor. when instead theyre being weird as fuck.
simon's status as previous chosen one even plays into this sort of thing - people see him more as a figurehead, for what he can and cant do (including his wings!) than a person. hes a tragedy, hes a hero. hes inspirational, hes to be pitied. sound familiar?
the end of awtwb doesnt spell out whether simon ends up deciding to keep his wings (frustratingly). but they spell out that he would absolutely would, in my opinion.
simon increasingly treats them as a natural extension of his body. think of the scene where he flies about the watford goats. how he expresses his feelings with his wings and tail. and of course, how he learns to let baz loves each and every part of him: including his dragon limbs.
baz loves him, and loves them, not in a fetishistic way, but because its simon, and he loves everything simon is. not just what he represents or can or cant do.
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buttered-water · 4 months
Wings of Fire: Sunrises towards a new day - part 1 (sorry if the writing sounds off. This is kinda the first big thing I’ve really written. Let me know how I can improve)
“Hello?... I was told to come here by that Nightwing to get set up here” Sunrise said as she stepped into the room. looking around, she spots a bright yellow Sandwing managing some scrolls. The Sandwing perks up and looks away from the shelf “Oh hello there. Names Sunny! Yeah, I help set up new students. What’s your name?”
A little put off by the Sandwing’s inthusiasum. She had a feeling she’s seen her before, but she couldn’t put her claw on it. “Sunrise…” she said after a brief moment, not wanting to give more information than she had to.
“Ok! Hang on a second while I find your information. Sunny said as she started looking through a stack of scrolls. She darts around the room, rumaging through various piles of scrolls. “Sunrise… Sunrise… Sunrise… Sunri- aha here we go; found it” Sunny loudly exclaimed as she pulled a scroll from a shelf, which startled Sunrise. Sunny unraveled the scroll and began reading it. “Let's see here. Name Sunrise. Age 7. Parents Th-” Sunny sudenly stopped read and turned twards Sunrise with a massive grin on her face. She rushes twards Sunrise and held up the scroll “It says your adoped mother is Queen Thorn! Is that true?!” Sunny asked in exitment.
Sunrise studdered and mumbled. She wasn’t sure how to respond; She defidently would have said yes if she was asked just two years ago. But with everything that was going on, she wasnt sure how to respond. Eventually she regained her composure and smuggly repiles “Of corse it is. Who else would it be” 
“Oh my god! Does that mean we’re siblings!? Sunny exclaimed. And just like that what confidence Sunrise had quickly came crashing down. She had no idea how to respond to that. “What do you mean by that?”
“I'm Queen Thorn’s daughter too! I had no idea I had any siblings!” Sunny cheered as she grabbed Sunrise’s hands.
The pieces started coming together. Now she realised where she’s seen her. Her face quickly changed from suprise, to anger, and finally smug “Oh I though I recognised you. I saw you around the palace. It's a pleasure to finaly meet you” Sunrise grit her teeth at that last sentence. She started circling around Sunny eyed her up and down. They did look very similer, If you didnt know who they were you’d probably assume they were related. They both where around the same size. Though Sunrise wasnt done growing so that would probably change. They both had the same scale colour mutation of bright yellow, which was very rare amoung Sandwings. Though Sunrise’s face and body was covered in scars, mostly viper bite marks. Sunrise’s eyes went all the way down her body to Sunny’s tail…and stopped. She stared at what she saw. Or rather, what she didn’t see. “What happened to your tail?” she said smuggly. She didnt really phrase it like a question, it was more so retorical.
“You mean my tail? Nothings wrong with it, I was just born like this” Sunny said cheerfully. Sunrise didnt detect any sadness what so ever from that statement, which she found suprising. Either she was she truly had no grips about it, or she was incredibly good at hiding it. They both sat in scilence for around 5 seconds before Sunrise spoke up. She had an idea to put this Sandwing in her place. “Wow”
“Whats up?” Sunny asked, puzzled. She took the bait, exactly like Sunrise expected her to.
Sunrise spoke in the most smug tone she could muster as she started circling around Sunny “Oh nothing… It’s just… I donno… I guess I was expecting something else from Thorn’s biological daughter.”
“What do you mean?” Sunny asks
“Well I was expecting Thorn’s daughter to embody her characteristics. Like, strength, ferceness, natural leadership skills, tactical, those kinds of things. You know, like me… Now I'm gonna say this in the nicest was possible, but this…” she stops and gestures twards sunny “this isnt that” “Now if you excuse me, i'm gonna give myself a tour of this place” Sunrise remarks as she begins to walk out
“Oh. y-yeah thats fine. Just make sure you find out what your winglet is” Sunny studdered 
As Sunrise was about to leave, she stopped and look back at Sunny “Oh and by the way, whats that Nightwing teacher’s name?”
“Thanks” Sunrise blushed as Sunny said his name. She planned on introducing herself to him after this. “See you ‘round school, Sis” Sunrise said as she left the room. Leaving Sunny alone.
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borathae · 4 months
Chapter 25
fuck i dont have time for 10k but lets get this bread lol OH SHIT ITS EXTRA SAD FUCK HOW DO I SQUEEZE SADNESS INTO 20 MINUTES
so he is born between 1210-ish? damn that was one hell of a night ok 1310-ish he left korea for europe (age 100) fuck he was really a gifted healer, trying his best and then all this happens
1500 age 300 he was um not ok fuck thats so sad not remembering anything and just seeing yourself like that WILLIAM?? DAMN
1700 - 500 came back to korea oh he met jimin in this era in russia Taehyung had almost forgotten the language of his home but Jimin refreshed his memories again fuck thats so cute
Taehyung liked that Jimin also drank blood, he had never seen someone else like him before and it made him happy SHIT HE DIDNT KNOW ANOTHER VAMPIRE FOR 500 YEARS OF HIS LIFE??
what he liked most about Jimin was that he helped him not feel anymore. Taehyung still felt joy, annoyance, anger, rage, pleasure. He still felt those things, but he knew they couldn’t hurt him anymore. oh thats nice, to not be hurt by very fucking emotion u get and feel. but idk this feels slightly concerning like did he lose emotions all together or what WAIT IS THAT THE SWITCH IN ONE OF DATES???
he really loved 20th century huh, the art, changes, inventions. thats cute. he is really going to die in this chapter? huh? pls im about to cry
oh 300 years later he is bored. im scared 💀👀😃so tae changed but jimin stayed the same and thats why it looks like vmin is going separate ways hmm but they still care for each other
so tae wanted us as another feed/hunt and joon interrupted that night hmm damn YES ALL THE FAKE PRAISE HE WAS MAKING HER TELL
wow yall call ur man handsome with pure intent so that u can stay safe cuz tae wanted to kill us but then he changed all from a praise
ok im going for a while and imma come back
damn he really was honest in that chapter i didnt expect that lol
*detective aha, YES I KNEW IT WAS THE EMOTION SWITCH now we knoe the histroy, jimin turned it off, it turned on with oc YES BABY U MADE A MAN LIVE AGAIN
ah thats how he was cold again after the chat and thats what jimin meant when he said u turned it on again
damn even he was lying/pretending, he wasnt fuck THATS WHY HE WAS LIKE THAT DAY AND THE BATH
and this is why jimin is asking her to save him, cuz she is turning it on when jimin turns it off. BUT WHY WOULD JAMAL CARE he did all that for centuries and he suddenly cares now?? fuck off aint believing that shit. i aint born yesterday, neither are you
or was jimin under joon's control ever since he introduced him? nah actually, a little before jimin turned off tae's emotion?
anyways im happy i guessed most of tae's lies or at least half yipee
ok so jimin does care hm ok sorry jamal (no trust is better than stolen trust)
sibi i hate you why just why
1500 age 300 he was um not ok fuck thats so sad not remembering anything and just seeing yourself like that WILLIAM?? DAMN
explains why he knows that william shakespear indeed had a male lover 🤪🤪
1700 - 500 came back to korea oh he met jimin in this era in russia Taehyung had almost forgotten the language of his home but Jimin refreshed his memories again fuck thats so cute
no but they were actually so perfect for each other back then 😭
Taehyung liked that Jimin also drank blood, he had never seen someone else like him before and it made him happy SHIT HE DIDNT KNOW ANOTHER VAMPIRE FOR 500 YEARS OF HIS LIFE??
but idk this feels slightly concerning like did he lose emotions all together or what WAIT IS THAT THE SWITCH IN ONE OF DATES???
BINGO 😌😌😌😌
he really loved 20th century huh, the art, changes, inventions. thats cute. he is really going to die in this chapter? huh? pls im about to cry
hahhaha the fear is so valid :--------)
oh 300 years later he is bored. im scared 💀👀😃so tae changed but jimin stayed the same and thats why it looks like vmin is going separate ways hmm but they still care for each other
yes 100% definitely
wow yall call ur man handsome with pure intent so that u can stay safe cuz tae wanted to kill us but then he changed all from a praise
lmaoao he is such a slut for praise fasjdf
damn he really was honest in that chapter i didnt expect that lol
i love just knowing he was actually genuine 😩
*detective aha, YES I KNEW IT WAS THE EMOTION SWITCH now we knoe the histroy, jimin turned it off, it turned on with oc YES BABY U MADE A MAN LIVE AGAIN
ah thats how he was cold again after the chat and thats what jimin meant when he said u turned it on again
yesss exactlyyyy
damn even he was lying/pretending, he wasnt fuck THATS WHY HE WAS LIKE THAT DAY AND THE BATH
and this is why jimin is asking her to save him, cuz she is turning it on when jimin turns it off. BUT WHY WOULD JAMAL CARE he did all that for centuries and he suddenly cares now?? fuck off aint believing that shit. i aint born yesterday, neither are you
okay but you really have to remember the magic ring fighting off mind control 👀
or was jimin under joon's control ever since he introduced him? nah actually, a little before jimin turned off tae's emotion?
ooooooooooooooh 👀
sibi i hate you why just why
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glazeliights · 4 months
Hey, I just saw your reblog of the 'share a fic that changed your brain chemistry' post, and saw that you named Chihiro Fujisaki's Bonus Round. I'm so glad to see my fic has stuck with you, over a year later! Thank you for posting that, it brightened my day.
wasnt expecting you to see that post! didnt know you follow me aha. but yeah its just a really good and solid story that focuses on characters that are often kind of left on the wayside in the fandom and adds more depth to them. great stuff. I actually re-read it a couple months ago and wanted to make more fanart but got sidetracked
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infernaltenor · 1 year
i wanted to note down episode thoughts before i forget them aha give me a min
so imo i think the plausible parts of the episode end for meursault when chuuya's revealed to have not been a vampire. thats one of those things that actually answers a lot of questions (like say, the question of how chuuya had been subdued enough to turn into vampire in the first place), but once fyodor dies and sigma is ????? forgotten about? you lose me. fukuchi's arc imo isnt bad, it works fine, i think thats mostly the same (as for why teruko stabs him, we never see what their interaction is like, but teruko seems to be the only hunting dog who knew fukuchi's entire plan, which is relevant. most likely they discussed this in that scene), and obviously there are tons of lingering questions from that particular area that im not gonna try and parse out rn. the epilogue ive written off as nonsense to myself. i fully thought that it was going to be a dream and/or a dead apple situation, and in fact the 2hrs later, i had assumed was going to be catching in on sigma or a hint for what is most likely to be the europe arc, teased with agatha christie way back when. and then it wasnt. so im ignoring it. oh, and i can also see aya ripping the sword out and bram going back to normal. i am expecting a little more establishment between the two? or hoping more like, since theres clearly some type of connection and mystery there, like how fyodor's still got a fuck ton of mysteries and sigma/yosano have just fucking vanished. so we'll see i guess.
on that note where the fuck is yosano
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floshav · 2 years
nerdy!draco malfoy x fem!reader
are you alright? pt. 1
a touch of angst
fluffy goodness
sad reader
concerned draco
1,477 words
this is not exactly canon draco? maybe some aspects but yeah basically him but nerdy and awkward cuz i find that hot 😭 (this is my first ever fanfic on here so be kind aha) i hope you enjoy!
y/n rubbed her eyes open to be met with darkness still casted over her room. She expected it to be bright out by now but she quickly realised it was one of those days where she might’ve had a lil bit too much of coffee than she shouldve.
Despite needing the rest, she was glad she drank that extra cup of coffee because she couldn’t bare falling asleep again. the feeling of cold sweat trickling down her body and that aching sensation in her head but especially since sleep was always just another way of transport into the hellish nightmares she was experiencing lately.
She tumbled around in the dark over a few things, sharp and blunt while trying to get herself composed for the day that was to begin in… ah yes another 4 hours. She wasn’t the type to laze around because it would always end up with her getting anxious or stressed that she wouldn’t have enough time to do a certain thing, so with that she immediately “accio’d” her clothing and put them on while patting herself down. She didn’t bother to shower considering it was winter and she didn’t really care about what others thought of her odour anyway.
Stacked on the side of her desk was a pile of old books gathered from the library which have been worn out to a concerning degree. She decided it would be good to catch up on some work before one of Snapes potion classes because she hated the idea of getting humiliated in front of everyone just for some unfinished questions she forgot to line on her parchment (a very specific event if i may add).
Just as the ink touched her paper for the 2nd time, she remembered. She remembered how awful today was going to be, not because she had an insufficiency of friends or that her days were always just methodically lonely but because today was the start of letter week.
Letter week was basically another way of smacking y/n in the face with a “Hey! You’re lonely, come look at other people thrive in the departments of love and friendship!!” by the exchange of letters between two anonymous students. Sure y/n didn’t mind it, but being in a room filled with love struck teens definitely didn’t make it easy for her.
She would always hear some reading their letters aloud or shoving their letters in her face even if she refused to look at them, she would still be forced to read them or a hex would come her way. She couldn’t do anything about the bullying because there was always something her classmates would use as blackmail against y/n.
Suddenly y/n felt a giant slam on her desk making her and the books slightly jolt from the desk for a mere millisecond.
“Look who we have here.. Trying to drown your sorrows with studying are we? Because you aren’t good at anything else? Or maybe it’s because you’re so unlikeable that you cant pull anyone during letters wee-“ Y/n heard the voice of a fimiliar yet annoying siren which made her want to turn her body inside out. It was of course from one of her roommates. She didn’t even bother to hear the rest of the incredulous insult before storming out the door glad she got ready early.
The hallways were empty and filled with moonlight draping across the floors lighting up the light dust particles which floated around effortlessly throughout the corridor.
She felt hot tears trickle down her red cheeks as she tried to contain herself from loosing all senses. But it was no use, her vision was too blurry that it was hard to make out what she was about to bump into.
she just prayed and hoped it was a professor, even a wall seemed welcoming at the moment. Just anything but getting caught by a prefect this early in the dawn.
Just as she was hoping so hard it wasnt someone, she bumped into a pale looking boy who had been holding a lamp lit up by a soft fire which danced around in the holder.
“Excuse me? What are you doing this early in the corridors?” The soft yet smooth voice inquired now having a concerned yet irritated look in his face.
“i could ask the same to you too Malfoy.” she spat now looking at the last person she would want to bump into, even mr filch was looking right about better at this point.
“I’m a prefect.” He spat back softly whilst visibly clutching onto the lamp ever so slightly harder that his knuckles turned white.
“Oh yea.. you’re one of those.” she utters back just above a whisper while rolling her dark eyes.
“You still haven’t answered my question on why you’re here.” he spits back annoyed with a blank yet suave expression.
“Well i- uhm- “ she takes a deep breath to compose herself under his stare before continuing “I’m on an early mornin stroll ya see.” she says ecstatically while looking around the corridors trying to avoid eye contact.
“Mhm… Sure.” he says in a fake skeptical voice obviously knowing that’s not what you’re here for.
“Darcy giving you a hard time again? You know i can just talk to he-“ Before he could finish that sentence, she cuts him off.
“No! i-it’s not Darcy. Why would you think it’s darcy anyway? That stupid little bit-“ She cut herself off with a breath before she could rant about how annoying she was for decades.
“The last time your roommates gave you problems i found you walking down this exact same hallway.. except it wasn’t before school hours because you were a goody two shoes back then.. apparently. Oh and you had that exact expression.” He says matter of factly while staring her dead in the eyes. If looks could kill, she would definitely be dead with several markings on the floor.
“What expression? And i was never a goody two shoes for your information.” She says with an annoyed tone while emphasising the very last part of her sentence.
“That- i don’t know… That sad hopeless tear trembling face like you just got bullied into oblivion. Oh, and you look quite petty and lonely.” He chuckled before swinging his arm over her shoulder
she jumped slightly at the contact of his long slender fingers that were loosely hung onto the side of her shoulder. she would most definitely be lying if she said she's never thought about those fingers before.
"So what was it about this time?" draco asks slyly while walking y/n down the corridor.
"What do you mean?" she asks in an inquisitive tone.
"You know, the reason they bullied you this time.." he said now making it to the moving staircases "Oh and watch your step you dont want to fall down here again.. last time you did it was a nightmar-"
before he could finish that sentence y/n abrubtly changed the subject. "Shut up, and also it was about letter week this time." she says while woefully looking down at her shoes.
"Im surprised darcy and her rats even get an exchange of letters for letter week." Draco remarks annoyed.
"Who would even be surprised? Their like the prettiest girls here. Im surprised you havent gotten with darcy yet.. considering her many mesirable attempts at getting with you." Y/n says with slight admiration for draco, in his ability to decline THE darcy, the most yearned for girl in school.
"Shes not all that you know.. i myself find her quite.. bland and boring. No offence to Darcy though, I guess i just have a completely different idea of what pretty is then." He says exasperatedly like he's explained this a million times to y/n.
They now have found themselves at the bottom of the moving staircase, stood still like untouched waters waiting for the next ripple.
"So.. where to now my little juvenile. I should really be sending you back to your dorm you know. You should repay me for my dastardly! rule breaking!.. just for you~." Draco says dramatically while running his fingers through his silver locks.
"Oh shut your trap you old lad." she spits back in the same tone while a smile shines upon her lips.
"Ah.. thats more like it m'lady. Glad i could let those teeth break free again." He says now pulling her hand into an unknown direction.
"Draco slow down! we're going to get caught you fool!" Y/n says in adrenaline as the sound of their footsteps echo the halls.
And... y/n was right. They did get caught by the worst person to get caught by. Snape.
"Now to what delight do i have to see... Draco.. and one of his.. friends in the hallways at 5AM." He slurs while eyeing y/n up and down.
I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED PART 1!!!! if this does okay, ill put up part 2.. but if it doesnt.. then i guess we'll never know.
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etinceelle · 1 year
I dont think that they will wait that long to bring penny back im pretty sure that she will come back the next volume (etheir in the first or last episode)
I already made a post about how it possible that penny end up in ruby head giving ruby heard her voice in the begining
Prehaps bevacause of her deprassion (which was very simular to penny btw) she wasnt ablr to hear her but now that ruby is herself she might actually start hearing her again and find out she is alive!
I could see it happened when ruby is in a fight and she look like she about to loose and then she heared penny tells her to allow her to handhale the fight and we see her closing her eyes and when they open again their are green
Also pretty sure that the biggest reason for penny to die was so the maiden power would transfer to someone else without putting somthing out of nowhere, giving that the maiden power only make penny life worse it means that for her character arc to be complete she need to get rid of it as it would took away her freedom no matter what happened with her
I don't think they would bring her back the first ep of the next volume, this would be very disrespectful to her second death tbh x) Bringing her back like that like it wasn't such a big deal feels really bad to me. If they want to keep the impact and give such importance to her death, then I'd rather wait for them to build it once again rather than have them rush it and just bring her back again at the first step of next volume. It made sense in Volume 7 because it was a long time after the fall of Beacon, everyone just arrived in Atlas and met Pietro, it was fitting. But here, even if Pietro's in Vacuo it feels really rushed to me. We got a whole volume about reincarnation but also about Ruby mourning Penny (or trying at least, because she barely had time or space to do so...). I would rather to see the process detailed this time, hear characters talk about Penny for real, see Pietro grieving and trying his best to bring her back, Winter thinking about her too, anyway.
I also saw the theory about Penny being in Ruby's head, I definitely think the scene when we hear Penny calling for Ruby in V9 is weird and interesting. I don't think Penny's "in Ruby's head", but rather that maybe she's somewhere in another realm, trying to reach out to her. It could be the realm of the Blacksmith in the tree, or something else... Or something odd definitely happened if Penny thought of Winter and Ruby before dying. Or (the sad choice lol), this is simply Ruby hallucinating because of the fall and hearing Penny. But tbh it still feels really weird that it Penny specifically. The first time we saw the snippet during the RTX in 2021, I really thought it was Yang calling for Ruby (and a lot of people too). Really didn't think this was Penny, but knowing that is very surprising, unless Ruby was really concerned about Penny being safe. But when I think about it I just think it's weird aha, + it's new recordings...
The hints in V9 really make me think Penny might not be dead, maybe not in Ruby's head but maybe somewhere else, no matter if she's "inside" Winter or somewhere else. :']
For the last part I agree, Penny never wanted the Maiden Powers, it was the only choice she had to face Cinder. It only put a target on her back and we saw it during the entiery of Volume 8 : wanted by Ironwood, the Ace-Ops and hacked by Watts, searched by Salem and the Hound, wanted by Cinder for the powers...she just NEVER had peace and this is exactly what Yang said to Raven at the end of Volume 5 : Salem came with all she had for not just the Relic, but also the powers. And not just Salem, literally everyone-
We could have easily expected all of that after she became the Winter Maiden, she never had one single moment omg. And after all of that, ending her arc just like that, by sacrifice, feels like a stab in the heart (no pun intended-) because she truly deserves this moment of hope. But from what I understand, the fall of Atlas was also planned for a very long time, and for it to be impactful they probably chose to also end Penny's life with it ahaha-
BUT, after what we got from Volume 9, that doesn't mean they decided to leave it here at least for me. RWBY is a story about hope, even if it includes losing people and suffering. Like I said in other posts, Penny always kinda symbolized this hope and light for the world. Having her dying like that made sense for her arc AND the end of Atlas, but it could really be used later for the big bad fight or moment. Idk how because obviously I don't work on RWBY, but eh. xD
Just like Little's death kinda served to the climax in Chapter 8 of Volume 9, because Ruby was so shocked she could only drink the tea after that. Penny's death served to her character but could also serve again for the ultimate moment later, we'll see how if that happens-
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mysteriouslee · 1 year
littlest pet shop has returned into my brain.
ler!blythe lee!whitney
(Day 8 &9)
Blythe entered a seemingly empty classroom but the spots Whitney sitting in her seat scrolling on her phone.
"What do you want Baxter?" Whitney asked in a rude tone.
"Hey, where is everyone" asked Blythe.
"I dont know, how am I supposed to know Blythe. Britney went somewhere but I dont know where" answered the dark haired twin.
Blythe sat down and worked on her designs to pass the time until people started rolling in. After a while she felt a presence peering over her.
"Whitney?" Blythe turned her head to look at Whitney who shyed away.
"You dont have to go, you can look" Blythe exspressed.
"WHATEVER"yelled Whitney before heading back to her seat.
Blythe sighed, then got up and sat in the seat near Whitney.
"You know you don't have to act like you hate me, Britney isn't around" stated the brunette.
"I do hate you, I dont know what you are talking about"Whitney denied Blythe's statement.
"Oh come on, I know you like me" teased Blythe.
"NO I DONT"outburst the Biskit twin, slightly flushed.
"Now that just won't do. Do you know what I do to liars?"The Baxter girl rhetorically asked
Blythe dug into Whitney's upper ribs and a squeal came from the Biskit girl.
"PfftAAHAHAHA *snort* BAHAHAXTER" laughed Whitney.
Whitney began squirming in the chair but Blythe had a surprisingly strong grip so she wasnt going anywhere.
"Liars get tickled, and until I get truth, this doesn't end" teased Blythe in a sing song tone. Blythe moved her fingers to Whitney's armpits. Whitney slammed her arms down and shrieked.
Blythe stopped to give her a breather.
"You'e surpsrisingly really ticklish"Blythe stated with a smile
"Ihihm gohona kihill youhu"threatened the raven haired twin.
"Answer the question, do you really hate me?" asked Blythe with puppy dog eyes.
"I fucking hate you and you're little face" spat out Whitney.
"Wrong answer" said Blythe, who's face turned to a smirk. Blythw continued on Whitney's weak spot. Whitney denied all claims for her pride was too strong, also maybe she was enjoing this a little.Whitney began tapping on Blythe's arms, signalling her limit and Blythe ceased her attack.
"Are you ready to tell the truth" said Blythe.
"I can stand your presence..I dont hate you"admitted Whitney.
Blythe's eyes widened, she didn't actually expect Whitney to come clean.
"But if you do that again, I will hate you" lied Whitney.
"Understood" said Blythe.
Britney barged then barged.
"So like.. apparently it's saturday" said Britney.
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naturenaruto · 1 year
actual question aha but like do you guys think that yknow how when guys are like "oh girls dont wanna date me bc im not rich or look like a model" and girls like roll their eyes bc its like lol no its probly bc ur an asshole/ur personality etc
like i wonder is thst the way it is for guys when girls talk about their looks? like if a girl is like "ohh guys dont like me bc im not rly pretty" is it like,,,,,,the same vein where guys will roll their eyes and be all like 'umm no sweaty its bc ur persinalitys not thth great" like???? is it the same exact thing OR lol is it like ohh noo it really literally is just that lol
like is that the girlversion of like inceltalk or is it like 'oh no unfortunatly that really is it"
OR LMAO is it due to more than just looks like yknow how guys act around girls they like/wanna date like those girls must be exuding or giving off some vibes that are attractive right??so is it alwyas looks or is it like the softness? like when guys think a girl is like babygirl™️ material ???
bc i dont rly think ive ever had that vibe where guys would wanna treat me like that and i dont think ive ever like expectated that lol, but im wondering bc like i always thoughtt it was bc i wasnt physically attractive enough, but is it ALSO bc i lack that baby~ish vibe???? like im wondering what is it abt me that is so turnoffable to guys lol and like how do some girls exude that vibe bc i think if i just started acting like that it would seem fake, like itd seem rly put-on and not natural at all, so even if i tried being softspoken and maybe not cutesy~...but like soft n sweet idk it comes across as vveird but THEN ppl will be like ohh then dont fake it or try to be something ur not~~~~ but then its like but thats literally what guys want like theyre not gonna treat you like ur soft and precious if ur not.......soft n precious
dO yOu srEeeEEE My POrbMel
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81scorp · 8 months
My top 8 movies of 2023
Hey folks! Its that time again! 2023... the year that I finally went back to the cinema again after having been away from it since 2020.* It was also the first time that I got sick after having been healthy and sickness free for four years (thanks to good hand hygiene and social distancing). It was only a matter of time I suppose. But now you dont have to wait to the end of 2024 for my list of movies I saw in 2023 thats ranked according to my own personal taste and bias! Why 8? Because Im not a professional filmcritic who has time to see most of the movies that came out this year and sometimes other duties got in the way. So I only had time to see 8 movies in the cinema**.
(*Unless you count that time I saw No time to die, which was in 2021.) **Actually, I only had time to see 7. One of these films was on Netflix. I was gonna make it a top 7 list but I decided to put it on my list since: A: the film came out 2023. and B: I technically saw it in its intended format since it never had a theatrical release. So its not like I missed an opportunity to see it in theaters.
But anyway, with all the technicalities of the way, here are the movies…
8: Antman and the wasp: Quantumania Scott Lang, his daughter Cassie, Hope Van Dyne, Dr. Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne are all sucked into the Quantum realm. When trying to get back to their own world they run into an evil man named Kang, hijinx ensue. It did not exceed my expectations but it didn`t go below them either. I expected the usual MCU quality from this and was not dissapointed. Safe and familiar. Not great, not bad, just OK.
7: The Marvels Carol Danvers teams up with her old friends daughter Monica and Kamala Khan, a big admirer of her, thanks to the power of an ancient, alien bling to fight an angry Kree woman who wants to fix her home planet at the cost of other planets, Hijinx ensue. Like Quantumania I didnt expect this to be better than the average MCU movie and was not disappointed. Its higher on the list than Quantumania because Iman Vellani is fun and I like the musical scene. Its OK.
6: Wish Reminds me of Bryan Singers Superman Returns, in that it is a love letter and homage to something that came before it, but other than that it is not much else. I wanted this movie to do better at the box office, but I also wanted it to be better. People are disappointed in this because this was supposed to be a milestone, the movie made to celebrate that the Disney animation studio has been around for 100 years! It just couldnt live up to the hype. But if you take all the hype out of the equation and just view as its own thing its… OK. I liked it more than Pocahontas. The script could have been polished a little and the songs could have been better (especially "This is the thanks I get"). Like I said, it`s OK. Worth a watch.
5: The Super Mario Bros. Movie At first I had some reservations about Chris Pratts voice coming out of Marios mouth, but it quickly grew on me. Wasnt too crazy about Fred Armisens as Cranky Kong though, but he didnt have much screentime. It may be a movie about Super Mario, but it is also made by Illumination, and there were times where I could feel their fingerprints on the movie. Of course, Why shouldnt there be? They made it after all. Yes, but remember, Illumination made Minions, the cinematical equivalent of entertaining a one year old by dangling your car keys in front of them. There was one scene where they used used Ahas "Take on me" that had me scratching my head and wonder if that really was the best song for that scene. Good despite being an Illumination movie. Id tell you to go see it, but judging from its box office theres probably a chance that you already have.
4: M3gan After her parents die in a car accident, eight year old Cady is sent to live with her aunt Gemma who works as a roboticist at a high-tech toy company. Gemma has built a humanoid child-sized doll powered by artificial intelligence called M3gan. M3gan becomes Cadys companion, babysitter and does things that Gemma doesnt have time to do, like play with her and reminding her to flush the toilet. Then after a while, things go sideways and M3gan starts to become overprotective of Cady. This movie reminds a little about the Nighmare on Elmstreet sequels in that it isnt afraid to be silly. Right from the start it tells us with a commercial for a silly toy that it is a comedy and a satire. In that way its similar to Paul Verhoeven`s Robocop. It has comments about parenting, the use of A.I. in todays society and it makes you ask questions, like: Would M3gan have stayed good if Cady had remembered to flush that damn toilet?
3: The boy and the heron Mahito, a young boy who lost his mother in a hospital fire during World War 2 moves into a new home in a rural area to live with his father and his new wife, Natsuko. One day Natsuko disappears and when Mahito looks for her he meets a peculiar grey heron who at first tries to mislead him but then helps him in his search for Natsuko. It takes a while for the plot to get moving and some of the characters feel a little underwritten. That little criticism aside, its an interesting, visually beautiful and very surreal movie. A welcome alternation from the other animated big studio movies that Ive seen so much of lately. The kind that is aimed at such a broad, general audience that you can really feel how focused grouped it was. It is very unapologetically a Miyazaki movie.
2: Nimona In a futuristic medieval kingdom surrounded by a great wall, Ballister Boldheart, the first commoner to become a knight, is framed for the murder of the Queen. When trying to clear his name and prove his innocence he runs into Nimona, a chaotic shapeshifter who helps him in his endeavour. Ballister learns a few things about his sidekick but also about the kingdom he had sworn to protect. It gets a better spot than The boy and the heron because it feels more accessible, like it wanted to reach a wide audience but at the same time still keep some artistic integrity. If I have any criticism its aimed at the character Todd. He feels like a character from an Illumination movie that accidentally wandered on to the set and no one had the heart to tell him that he was in the wrong place, so they just let him be in the movie. It does the "3D that looks 2D" a little better than Wish, is fun and has some sincere, heartfelt moments. Its message is important, not just in this time but had it come out earlier it would still have been just as important. It dares to do a little more than most animated movies that has come out lately and the fact that it was made and released at all with it`s troubled production history is itself pretty damn impressive.
And now… My number one pick…. will be revealed after an honorable mention!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem Its the story that you have heard before: Four turtles and a rat get mutated to a more humanoid shape and size thanks to some goo, they live in the sewers and fight bad guys using ninjitsu. But here is a little new take on that old story: This time the four turtles are curious about and want to be part of the surface world but their mentor and father figure forbids them because he is prejudiced against humans. So its basically "TMNT meets The little mermaid". The Turtles feel more like teenagers in this one than they have in any of the previous movies. It has an anarchic, juvenile charm, deliberately misshapen design on some characters and beneath the immature humor there is also alot of sincerity. Its familiar, different, its funny. Give it a watch.
Why is this an Honorable Mention? Because like Nimona I didnt see it in the cinema but unlike Nimona it did have a theatrical release and in these lists I make Im very much about the movies Ive seen in the cinema, which is the best place to see a movie. Because of that I was hesitant to put it on this list but decided to include it since it came out 2023. Also, I didnt know where to put it on my list. I think I`d place it higher than Wish.
And now… Drumroll please. My number one pick for 2023 iiis…
1: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 If I had a nickel for everytime a movie made in 2023 that had Chris Pratt in the lead role had “No sleep 'til Brooklyn” in its soundtrack Id have two nickels. Which isnt much, but its weird that it happened twice. It has jokes and funny moments but they dont cut off the moments that are sincere and heartfelt, it gives them room to breathe, (take notes Marvel). It feels like the end, not of a book, but of a chapter (because, lets be real, this is Marvel). A chapter has ended and James Gunn made sure to put a lot of work and love into telling a story that would feel right for the characters and their journey. In this day and age where many movies, atleast the Disney ones, have to have badguys with sympathetic backstories, or last minute redemptions, Chukwudi Iwujis High Evolutionary is a welcome change of pace. A modern day Dr Mengele so obsessed with creating a perfect society with the perfect race that he doesnt care who or how many dies in the process. In the end you are really rooting for this guy to get his ass handed to him. Even if it`s made clear in the post credit scenes that this is not the end and that we will see more of the Guardians, this movie gives a feeling of conclusion. You did good, Gunn. You did good. Also, congrats on having the first F-bomb in the MCU!
And those are the movies I saw in 2023.
Movies I wanted to see in 2023 but didnt get the chance to because of time or other duties: Oppenheimer, Barbie, Indiana Jones and the dial of destiny, Elemental and Cocaine bear.
Movies Im looking forward to in 2024 are: Dune 2, Deadpool 3, Inside out 2 and Furiosa: A Mad Max saga.
I hope that 2024 is, if not a good year for movies, then atleast not a bad one.
Written stuff: 53
Started writing this: 2023-12-24
I`m a little late with this one, but better late than never as they say.
Atleast I got it out before february, I consider that a win.
And as usual: English is not my first language, so if my writing doesn`t seem to flow naturally, you know why.
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obsessed-yan · 10 months
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍫 ꒱
🍫 came into work for a short bit, idk what time he got there..i went to my lunch around 2:30 n came back n thought i seen him but assumed i was jus seeing things but damn it was rlly him lmao
he left early tho cuz he wasnt feeling well which makes me a lil nervous abt tmrw, were supposed to work almost the same time but hes off roughly an hour earlier than i am but its fine cuz i get like the whole day w him :') i hope he comes in :))
cuz my tadc shirt finally came in n i hav green n blue contacts i wanna try n wear (like caine hehe)~
i wonder if 🍫 has seen tadc..i feel like its smthn hed like :D !!
i looked kinda shitty today cuz i honestly wasnt expecting him to come in today aha~
i almost screamed cuz 2 of my co-workers said they thought 🍫 was cute !!!! HES MINE BACK OFF IDC—
one of them has a whole ass boyfriend already so like tf u on abt; i mean theyre right my darling 🍫 is adorable but only i can say that CUZ HES MINE
i let it slip to one of them that i also think hes cute— was it actually an accident tho, or an attempt to be like "fuck off" idrk haaaa
i only slightly worry now if my co-worker wld tell 🍫..and if 🍫 wld think its weird considering im a bit older than he is ;~; but if my assumptions are correct n he likes me to maybe it wldnt completely be a bad thing..?
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tears0fsatan · 2 years
MWAHAHA maybe i am a psychic who knows wink wonk
SERIOUSLY I AM SO PREPARED FOR SCHOOL TO END ALREADY wish i could be more excited but ive still got a few projects and then next week's fuckin exam week aaaaaaaa
YEAHHHHHHHH i wasnt expecting to get this attached honestly like?? and yes the character designs are what low-key made me play the game....leona vil and jamil are literally so Gender I CANT also LMAOOOOOOO NOT EPEL he's more of a kin lol. dont really have an overall fave yet tbh. i want to say vil bc he's Gorgeous but im not used to his actual personality yet aha. everyone is so likeable tbh
also aw life may have been doozy for you but im glad to see you're getting through! and good to hear about your aunt too. hope your dad and you get better soon :[
and I WOULD ADD U!! DROP THEM GAME IDS BABY i mean i only play genshin and twst but still
waaa sounds like ur schedule will be packed right up until school ends 😭 U CAN DO IT!! JUS A LIL MORE ND THEN THE SWEET RELEASE OF SLUMBER!!!! u n me got exams comin up nd we will both ace the shit out of them got it! no ifs or buts!
twst does that to a person fr... its addictive as hell..... and the lessons don't drop fast enough to be obsessed with it 😞 NO SHUT UP LEONA IS ULTIMATE GENDER ENVY LEONA, MALLEUS ND KALIM ARE TOOOO GENDER. let's thank whichever god decided yana toboso for having the character design ideas 🙏 hon... oh im so sorry if epel's a kin... 😭😭 good luck with the pressure and expectations from those around u my love 🙏 based as hell for picking vil.. the prettiest petty ass bitch!
the only thing keeping me going is that i'm moving out in a few months amen 🤞 that and the fact that soon i'll be the flirty, emo, tattooed barista at the coffee shop u only went to once but can't forget about LMFAOOOO but thank u! things will turn out for the better eventually :]
I USUALLY PLAY JP SERVERS FOR GACHA GAMES BUT I'LL ADD MY GENSHIN IDs (i would add my eng twst id but i lost my acc lololol) it'll be in my intro page huehuehue >:) (psst im online on genshin rn if u wanna join me)
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