#i went p basic w/ character stuff for this
baekuras · 2 years
//makes one shitposty oc-note and posts about it
me 5minutes and multiple lore-points later into a new word document:
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my pitch for a phineas and ferb-themed ride at the disney parks (hire me disney you cowards)
the queue is an interior building with pnf-themed decorations. kinda like the figment ride in epcot, a lot of it is winding through a "museum" of pnf and/or doof inventions. most of those inventions disappeared of course, so they're models, parts in glass cases, etc. overhead are tv monitors that play a shuffled loop of phineas and ferb songs, but bc there are so many good songs they can use it hopefully won't get repetitive unless you're there for nine hours. the exception to this is one small part of the queue (small to avoid people being stuck there too long) where it exclusively plays the quirky worky song and you see the pnf gang building the ride you're about to go on, either as statues/figures or through a "screen" that shows looping animation
you get onto the coaster car from the first episode as phineas, baljeet or isabella reads the safety spiel over the loudspeaker. actually as i'm typing this it might be fun to loop each of the backyard gang doing their own version that'd be cute
the ride takes off and you hear the vamp from the "rollercoaster" song as you're loading in.
once inside, the ride is styled like epcot's guardians of the galaxy ride, where you're on a track looping through a mix of screens and sets. the first part plays more of the "rollercoaster" song as you run through the "coolest coaster ever" scenes.
miscellaneous room/scene ideas: fireside girl action segment, carpe diem room, obviously a space segment w/ meap and queen candace and the catu aliens, obligatory scary bit through the haunted house, rock concert w/ love handel, backyard beach/atlantis, owca headquarters, 2nd dimension bit (might be too confusing for new fans?), relatively normal area where candace is gesturing wildly to a linda animatronic that won't turn around and see the rollercoaster car, idk a hamster & gretel segment or smth
a little bit in, you hear a beep and a call for agent p. a small animatronic of perry rises from the front of the car as you enter a tunnel, where a screen of major monogram tells perry to get his ass to doofenshmirtz evil incorporated to fight doof. perry salutes and slides back down into the car, and the ride then takes a "wrong track" (kinda like when you run into a "broken track" on everest) to DEI.
we go inside and see animatronics of perry fighting doof as an inator sparks. it goes off, sending us down yet another "wrong track," which shoots through wilder parts of danville. at the climax, we start looping and the climax of the "rollercoaster" song starts playing ("we're rightside-up and upside-down...")
at the end of the ride, we see an animatronic/animation of doof hanging upside-down from rope as perry glares at him cross-armed, and doof intermittently yells "curse you, perry the platypus!" on a screen, monogram congratulates the riders for saving the tri-state area with agent p. perry makes platypus noise.
you go to another room, right before the exit. you see candace pointing to an empty backyard, saying stuff like "but it was right here! and it was huge!" as phineas and ferb sit under the tree and address the guests. if you're far enough away from the last room, perry can be sitting under them being cute.
the exit queue has posters for dwampyverse stuff, like "love handel reunion", "doctor zone: the movie", the og rollercoaster poster, etc.
you exit in a gift shop where you can buy perry the platypus inaction figure (he doesn't do anything!) and big sticks
you know when rides break down or stop for a sec and you get in-character voiceovers telling you to stay seated or w/e? i think we should have three that loop: one of doof giving a basic spiel, one of milo murphy being like "yeah i went on the ride. sorry about that. it should start working soon lol" and one where literally the whole thing is candace yelling "NO MOM I SWEAR IT'S A WORKING ROLLERCOASTER AND PHINEAS AND FERB BUILT IT! MOM LISTEN–"
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devildomwriter · 5 months
*TW*- i*cest, r*pe, g*re, p*dophilia, some general discourse
Ok so I am trying to ask this in the most respectful way because I don't wanna snowball this into a huge discourse; but I wonder if you've been seeing the Dark Content Discourse here on Tumblr?
It basically entails that despite your personal preferences, attacking/ demeaning other ppl who create/ consume dark content is a big no no because it's their safe space to be able to explore these topics. This includes all sort of stuff like i*cest, r*pe, g*re and even p*dophilia. Now you may not agree with any of these things, most ppl don't, and they might disgust you; which is totally fine. But there is a huge leap b/w something that is fictional and something that is real.
Fictional characters are literal lines on a paper. Doing anything with a fictional child does not mean you are harming a REAL child. This might still disgust you and that's fine too. You can block that person so you don't have to look at it again but to call everyone like this and start a campaign against them is well...
I just want you to know that I am not defending that person. I didn't even know them at all before this...Neither I am advocating for anything they are saying or confirming/claiming that they are good irl. I don't know them.
I just want you look at this from a different perspective and know your thoughts about this ordeal. Like for one moment step away from your pre-existing feelings and bias and look at this objectively. Everyone likes something that's even a lil problematic, so if we went on these campaigns every time, literally no one will be left in fandom. I don't agree with p*dophilia but I don't agree with this either...AGAIN THIS IS NOT MEANT TO CONDONE ANY OF THIS BEHAVIOUR! But to paint someone as a bad person for things they do in fiction in their safe space no matter how problematic, is somewhat disconcerting.
I again wanna say that this is not any hate against you or anyone else. I don't want to cause any discourse myself . I think you are an amazing writer and a valuable member in our fandom. Which is why it's important to me to hear your stance on this. But if you'd rather not answer this at all that's fine too! :>
I appreciate your perspective and I sometimes enjoy certain dark content as long as they warn others but pedophilia— fictional or not— should never be written/glorified/accepted. If it’s written as a horrible incident or traumatic backstory (like Lolita) then I understand why it’s written but glorifying or romanticizing it in any way is unacceptable.
If no one is left in the fandom after going on these “witch hunts” then the fandom is toxic, preditory, and unsafe.
As for the huge leap between fiction and reality, everything starts as a thought or fantasy. The more you think about it the more likely you are to commit or watch such an act.
Tumblr should under no circumstances be a safe place for pedophiles.
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beevean · 2 months
This...should also be interesting
man you're having fun sending me peak :P
This got a bit long, so under the cut it is - I'm also afraid I'm annoying others with this lol
Castlevania, the long-running and influential platform game series launched by Konami in 1986, follows the generations-long battle between the Belmont family and vampire lord Dracula. The Castlevania TV show told that story across four seasons.
This is a lie. Not only the og show only adapted one adventure and not the entire legacy, but that adventure barely took half of the runtime.
Yes I'm being petty, but can you blame me? They can't even gush about Best Videogame Adaptation Of All Time right.
I didn’t know the games, but I’d seen the earlier [Castlevania] show and liked it very much.
I had no doubts 🙂
Even as a fan of the show, though, Bradley's knowledge is lacking. Dude forgot basic worldbuilding like Devil Forging and the effect of crosses on vampires.
"Konami also gets sent notes and the scripts." I find funny how there is zero mention of their input lol. "yeah they get kinda warned that we're doing stuff with their brand. just in case someone cares"
I did quite a bit of reading up about it, especially the two games in particular. One of the difficulties in terms of working out a story is that in many of the games, including these two, Dracula was prominent. But in the original TV series, the Dracula story is kind of put to bed! Dracula gets a happy ending after season four. So I had to work out how – or whether – to handle Dracula. I started looking into other villains. There were two. I researched the games and cherry-picked what I could use. Olrox is in the game, but he’s different. And there’s Erzsebet Báthory, who appears in a different Castlevania game with an Anglicised name. I knew who she was already: she’s a famous historical figure. I decided to treat her as the historical character (who’s supposedly the worst female serial killer in history – [folklore] turned her into a vampire).
Nice to see Bradley has learned from Ellis' school of thought of just randomly selecting elements you might recycle with no further consideration. I'm surprised he chose Erzsebet and not, say, Barlowe, who was definitely alive back then.
To be fair, though, I can understand his frustration at the absolute idiotic ending of the og show.
[The Deats brothers] know how to use things from the games creatively and in ways that will work even if you don’t know the games.
... no. Moving on.
There is a character called Annette in Rondo Of Blood who is Richter’s girlfriend. She’s trapped in Dracula’s castle, and he has to rescue her in the game. Now, I was never going to do an eight-episode season, never mind two seasons or more, of Richter running around a castle rescuing a girl.
I can just hear the scoffing.
Alright, fair, I understand his point. You want a more dynamic plot, I get it. But you basically went "this is shit, I'll just turn her into my OC", just like you did with Olrox and Erzsebet, and just like Ellis did with pretty much everyone in the cast. You all just take names and create your own stories by leeching off the popularity of the source material and then expect to be clapped for writing the Best Adaptation of all time.
One of the tasks in developing the show and its story is that, of course, the reason it exists at all is because of the game. So you want to please fans of the game. But it can’t only be for fans of the game. It has to have a broader appeal. There’s a significant fan base, but you need more to justify a Netflix show. You have to have something that will work for a wider audience. It has to be something on its own, and you have to find the logic of the story that you started to tell. Sometimes, the problem with adaptations (especially if they aren’t very complex stories to begin with) is that if you keep trying just to come back to that, you’re going to lock yourself into a dead end. What you do is you develop characters and then the characters have a logic. And the story has its own logic. And you have to allow that to happen, or it will fail on every level.
... so, what was I saying?
This speaks for itself. I have nothing to add.
The name seems to work for a Mexica background – although it’s not really Aztec
the fuck are you saying? Olrox is a mistranslation of Orlok. It's German! What, just because there's an X there suddenly it can pass off for Aztec? So much for hiring writers that can help you with writing other cultures
So we have a bunch of kids who are out of their depth. Richter’s too cocky. He thinks he can handle everything, and he can’t. Maria is even younger than Richter and Annette. They’re all very obviously out of their depth. And there’s something very Buffy about that, in a way.
And Annette is just perfect, isn't she :) it's not like her brash outburst lead to Edouard becoming a Night Creature and she, instead of blaming herself, kept snapping at Richter for wanting to make her reason :)
also lol that Maria is only described as "young". She really has no personality and contributes nothing to the story.
There’s a lot of that in Olrox, and Drolta also has a touch of Anne Rice about her. Those particular vampires are quite ambiguous – and sexy!
Drolta is literally what the fandom believes game Isaac to be, a shallow evil horndog simp, but with tits. Ambiguous my ass.
We knew that the vampires in this universe are aristocratic.
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bro accidentally wrote a story about vampires infiltrating human nobility to the point of becoming an accepted part of their world because he forgot that not all vampires are inherently aristocratic. i'm shitting myself.
The Night Creatures are in the old Castlevania show, and the game. But they tended to be a bit gross-looking. In contrast, we wanted something a bit more beautiful. It fits with the story about [transformed singer] Eduard. It felt important that in his Night Creature form, you could still see the beauty of the character. He needed to be a beautiful Night Creature, preserving his voice, and you needed to see the sadness in his eyes and everything. And he couldn’t be stupidly different from all the other Night Creatures, so they changed a little, too.
... what?
So you fucked over the entire lore of Night Creatures just to have a pretty Edouard??
I. No. Moving on again.
(also this is an insult to abel, even the one in the show)
There’s been less complaint about the portrayal of the Church than I thought there might be!
Yeah, because the audience of NFCV is so anti church that they cheer at the sight of the Devil sending human-eating demons to slaughter peasants who did not stop one execution.
Talk us through some of the other characters, please. You’ve got some great voice actors! Alucard was always going to be in it right from the beginning of working on this. The question was just when. We decided to end it on a cliffhanger. If you’re going to have a cliffhanger, you might as well make it as good a cliffhanger!
question: hey would you like to talk about the voice actors
One of the things that was great with this – and it’s a credit to Kevin Kolde and to Netflix – is that it is a very ‘free’ adaptation. They were very open to that and okay with it. Nobody at any level was saying, ‘Hold on a minute! You can’t do that.’ With any adaptation, there are things which you probably want to be more faithful to, because the story is already so great.
... is it me, or does it seem like he's saying "we were free to do as we pleased, while usually we can't because the OG story is already great - which was not our case, RoB's story was so shallow that nothing was worth keeping"?
Like. I don't think it's what he meant because it would be rude as fuck. But it sure sounds like it.
But yeah, I can tell no one gave a shit about Nocturne being an actual adaptation.
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coleszzzworld · 1 year
My yandere college! jock head canons!
A/n-(yoooo , these are just some random head canons for my yandere jock series ! I just wanted to push something out , and it’s been forever since I wrote for kai lol lowkey this is some character backstory for Kai , happy reading enjoy!❤️)
TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️- suggestive content , daddy issues, mentions of murder? (Kind of) just some crazy stuff lol and yandere behavior. Do not read if easily triggered!
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•I already said this in the first chapter butttttt kai is definitely a golden retriever boyfriend, he’s just so damn stupid, and he has a bright personality. But when someone fucks with you in anyway … let’s just say he gets scary 😭 , and I don’t mean that in a cringe way , that man will kill for you . And make sure you’ll never find out 🧍🏽‍♀️he could go to 0 to 100 real quick !!!
•Kai loves being around you , no matter what . Oh your going back to your dorm ? Or home (that’s if u don’t live on campus) it doesn’t matter he’ll be behind you , and he’ll lowkey invite himself to stay the night at your place , like this man literally lives at your dorm/house , like I’m not joking his toothbrush, clothes, blankets etc . Is at your place even if you have a roommate or you live with your family , surprisingly your roommate/family love him! And says he’s welcome anytime! , yeah you definitely need space from him. “Y/n!! Let’s watch a movie!”
•I don’t want to be that person but I will be , he definitely has home problems , that boy ain’t got a daddy (just like me fr 🤠) when he was two years old , his dad left . And his mom always works . She’s barely home , and when she is , they don’t really talk , and when they do they always fight about the dumbest things , so basically he ain’t got no dad , and his mom is a workaholic, and he’s a insane psychopath! w for his parents fr !!!🥳 that’s part of the reason he stays with you , he’s alone most of the time , that and he likes to have you close.
•also I will be that person again🙃, when your sleep , and he’s laying on the floor next to your bed (he refused to stay in the guest room , he says your room is more comfortable.) he definitely the type to get hard from just being near you , and he has to release his aching pain some how ….👀 now he’s respectful he’ll make sure he’s quiet (even tho he doesn’t want to be.🤠) and he’s makes sure to clean up after , don’t hate but he’s definitely a whimper 😩 like he bites his lip when he’s coming to his high , his hand going up and down on his length. 😵‍💫 he just thinks about how you would feel on his length and how he would just claim you as his , all he can think about is how tight you would be … “f-fuck , y-y/n I’ll be g-good , just be mines , p-please”
•now let me tell you this , he’s definitely not a virgin, his body count is two , everyone on campus thinks he’s a play boy but naw 😭he has a low body count and he’s loyal to one person and that person is only you. That and all of his team mates and friends are play boys so that’s were the expectations come from fr lol .
•now , he does have siblings(he has 3 other siblings), but he has never met them (well kinda of) ,the first thing he knows about his dad was when he was starting college and football he was meeting everyone and he met a cheerleader , she kinda of looked like his dad , I mean the pictures of his dad he had she looked like him , and she had the same last name as his dad (Kai has his moms last name) curiously he wanted too know more , so he went digging and fount her instagram, he saw photos of her family and sure enough he saw his dad … he definitely stayed away from her when he fount out his dad , left and had a new family, a family with another woman , and new children, a child that HE goes to school with , someone HE shares the flied with basically, he lost it , bro was definitely feeling all types of Emotions , actually as matter fact , when he first fell for you , yk at the football game , the reason why his head was out of the game and the team was losing , was because his dad was their , not for him , hell his dad probably didn’t even recognize that Kai was playing, his dad was their for his daughter. The cheerleader. Kai was feeling anger, sadness, he wanted to go up on those bleachers and beat the hell out of his dad…all that was running through Kai Head was “how dare he leave me , and have a new family. How fucking dare he come here . And act like I don’t exist. How dare he.” But when break time happened and he bumped into you near the concessions stand that’s when he met you .Suddenly he felt wanted, he knew he had to have you.
•now let’s talk about Kai’s mom , like I said she’s a workaholic, she wasn’t married to Kai’s dad when he split , and she works as a nurse, she picks up shifts and works all day / night ,she really didn’t talk about Kai’s dad , while he was growing up , and refused to talk about him , when Kai wanted to get in contact with his dad . She’s a nice lady tho , when she was at home , Kai dragged you to his house to meet her , and surprisingly you and her bonded , then she left for work . Kai looked disappointed but he’s used to it 🙃
•Kai just needs love and attention, bro is , Touch starved too😭 he just needs some love fr , so no matter where y’all are , he will always be holding you hand or holding your waist , or just lean against you , bro just down bad fr 😭
•he’s your best friend, as you put it , but I’m telling you now , that man is trying to be more then friends, like he’s literally insane over you . And even if you don’t like him like that , that’s okay , you’ll never get rid of him!
•this man drives , so your a passenger princess , so when you guys go out , he likes to blast music and put his hand on your thigh , and he says it’s not werid, but you’re like “🤔” he definitely has no chill , like I said he loves holding you . So his hands go to your thighs when he drives you , too school or anywhere else
•I have a feeling that this man listens to indie and rap , I’m talking like gorillaz and Marc demarco , jid , sometimes Kodak and nardo wick when he’s feeling devious 🤭 he also listens to glass animals, anddddd tame impla and Tyler the creator😤
•let’s do say , someone fucks with you , In anyway I mean he fought Cameron Harris for you , he definitely was trying to kill him , and he would if his friends didn’t pull him off Cameron , but let’s say someone disrespect your name or spreads Nasty rumors about you , that man is ready to split whoever skull open for you , like I said he’s bat shit crazy, he literally thinks of you as a god . He thinks your his savior damn near 😵‍💫 like he can’t have no one talking down on your name 🗣️
•overall If I had to rate him on how dangerous he is I would say 8.9/10 like he’s insane and basically he has nothing to lose , he’ll go to war for you any day , if you say to , he will , he just real like that🤭💅🏽.
“Nobody will talk to you like that y/n . I’ll forever love and protect you . You’ll see I’m the one for you! And If not …I’ll make you love me .”
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neoimpetu · 4 months
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user loading… YOO SEOJUN. your current avatar is registered as LEE JOOHEON. you have been logged in for 29 years since may 9. your highest ranking stats are OBSERVATION and SKEPTICISM. please select your playlist from FUNK or Y3K for today. last saved activity: working as a PROFESSIONAL IRON FIST PLAYER. resume your ongoing game for IRON FIST as MARTIAN? 
very excited to be here!!!! pls meet yoo seojun, iron fist pro player but also a (shhh) hacker.
born 2995. doesn't know his parents, grew up in an orphanage. pleasant childhood, they took good care of the kids, mostly good memories of his time there.
was v into combat games growing up, had a tendency to start friendly lil fights w other kids 8)
huge tyrant admirer!! literally deku w all might, watching their games with ✨✨✨ in his eyes
started coding as a hobby, to mod or create his own lil games, eventually decided to pursue studies in that field
during his time in uni, he formed a small ethical hacking group w some friends. their goal was to find ways to push & improve the system (had no reason to believe terra was shady)
he graduated and all that ofc, then worked 3 years (3015-3019) as a programmer for d2k
as a fanboy he was very affected by tyrant’s disappearance and immediately found it sus when they retracted their statement (3016)
caused a shift cus yeah, that wasn't normal and very out of character of tyrant. so he started diving into the less ethical aspect of hacking to collect information
one thing led to another..he joined anonymous in 3018
saw an opportunity to get into orbit and took it, (3019) basically he was like "i love the game and i can get in to find out more about tyrant"
he quit working for d2k the moment he knew his pro career was gonna start but he still went on w his hacking. trying to find more cases of people who had similar experience to tyrant’s etc just collecting the glitchy people, investigating
minDBLOWN but also *pretends to be shocked* @ gyu-ok’s video, only confirmed his growing suspicions
he goes by "martian" for anything "iron fist" related, government name & identity is known only to orbit and a few other people. in public, he maintains his martian skin.
for anonymous, he operates under the alias "Neo"
personality, lil bits here n there: independent and unpredictable. usually keeps a low profile and avoids attention. hates feeling like he's not in control. as martian hes p laid-back, remains humble, prob not the type of person you'd expect with a 4.1 ranking. down to earth and optimistic. he gives his all in every fight and it's obvious he really enjoys it. overall a very playful individual , values his privacy & doesnt discuss personal stuff. (u get the best of both worlds if u know him as both)
plots: 🧠🌩 (will work on a page maybe...) anyw lets create lots of amazing stories together see u in dms!!!
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resurrection-of-soul · 5 months
Flashback | PSYCHOBREAK 7
Writer: Akira (日日日)
Characters: Rei, Koga
Rei: Wh-what's wrong? Yer whole body's shakin', ya sick or somethin'…? Haha. What a weird kid y' are, Puppy. Koga: Sh, shut up… Don't talk to me right now. I'm desperately fightin' down the urge to hug ya and start yellin' "WOOHOO! SAKUMA-SENPAI! WOOOO!" okay?!
[ For the best viewing experience, please read directly on my blog! ♪ ]
Time: Later that day, in the dead of night.
After taking the sleeping pills again, Rei and Kaoru find themselves back in the dream world.
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Rei: (Hm.) (It seems we hath safely entered the dream once more.)
From offscreen, past Rei is heard cheerfully humming.
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Rei: (And lo, there goes my past self, sauntering down the street as though he holds sovereignty of it, exuding the confidence that defined my yesteryears. How spirited thou art.) (Yet, 'tis merely an attempt to cast off thy sorrow by donning a boisterous mask, is it not? What a pitiful creature.) (Let's see, this place is… It appears thou art wandering about overseas, just as I once did in the real course of history.) (Wearied by the tribulations and woes of thy homeland, thou departed in pursuit of joy.) (But no matter how diligent thy search, the bluebird of happiness shall not appear before thee, o' young one.) (In any event, according to the AIIE experiment manual, if one strongly concentrates on preset keywords, one may exert a certain degree of influence over the dream—) (Or more precisely, over oneself within the dream.) (It does now bestow upon thee the level of control which one might exert over a character in a videogame, yet 'tis still a hundredfold better than being forced to stand idle witness as history repeats itself.) (I am no longer a mere reader, passively watching as the story unfolds.) (I am alive.)
Scene change
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Koga: ♪~♪~♪ ~......♪
Rei: Heeey! I'm hooome~! Sakuma Rei-chan has returned~
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Koga: Sakuma-senpai- W, Wo- Wh-Whuh- Woa-
Rei: Wh-what's wrong? Yer whole body's shakin', ya sick or somethin'…? Haha. What a weird kid y' are, Puppy.
Koga: Sh, shut up… Don't talk to me right now. I'm desperately fightin' down the urge to hug ya and start yellin' "WOOHOO! SAKUMA-SENPAI! WOOOO!" okay?!
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Rei: It's totally fine if ya don't fight that down, though. There theeee~re…♪
Koga: ……n!?
Rei: Okay, there there, good boy… You must've been lonely while I was gone. Sorry, Puppy. Haha. When we were younger, I used to give my lil' bro hugs like this all the time whenever he was feelin' lonely.
Koga: ……! ……! ……!
Koga: P-please cut it out… Sakuma-senpai, you're the object a' everyone's admiration, shinin' from afar. Ya shouldn't go outta yer way t' be nice ta someone like me. I'll tarnish ya.
Rei: What're ya saying, stu~upid? Am I¹ not even allowed ta give someone a hug? That'd be pretty damn sad, wouldn't it?
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Koga: ……?
Rei: More importantly, some kinda sixth sense started actin' up — or rather, there was this strange sensation urgin' me on from within, so I hurried on home, but… How's the situation right now? Were ya able t' exterminate those "vampires" that were runnin' wild? Well, it doesn't really matter to me either way, though.
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Koga: Nah, the situation hasn't really changed much… They quieted down for a bit, but after ya went abroad, they started actin' up again. Now they're buzzin' around all over the damned place. It's so freakin' annoyin'. But don't worry. Hasumi-senpai's supposedly revitalizin' the student council right now, workin' on improvin' the environment and creatin' rules to prevent students from goin' astray n' becomin' delinquents. Or, well, that's what he said, but t' be honest, I don't really understand that kinda complex stuff, n' if you ask me it doesn't reaaaally seem to be havin' any effect.
Rei: That sounds about right. Just declarin' yourself the student council doesn't mean anythin' if ya don't have any authority. It's like a little birdie chirpin' away in the background. People 're just gonna ignore it.
Koga: Basically, it doesn't matter how powerful yer magic cards are if the field prevents ya from activatin' its effects, huh.
Rei: Uh, what're ya goin' on about?
Koga: Um, uh… I… I like card games. That's what I was going on about.²
Rei: Ohh… Are card games fun? Teach me how to play next time you're free ♪ I'm always bored outta my damn mind, 'specially lately.
Koga: This ain't the time fer idle chitchat… Please do somethin', Sakuma-senpai. That four-eyes seriously ain't cut out for this.³
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Rei: "Overqualified for the role³," huh? Haha, it'd be great if that were the case. Please grow big, bouzu. To the point where people consider ya overqualified, so ya can be my playmate again.
Koga: ……?
[ ☆ ]
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Koga drops the -sama from his personal pronoun as well as the delinquent speech in this line. The kid is embarrassed beyond belief.
The word used here is 役不足. This word tends to be enormously misused by the general public. Much like the English phrase "could care less" is often used to mean the opposite of what the phrase implies, 役不足 means to be massively overqualified for your job, but is colloquially used to mean you're not up to the task. There really wasn't a clean way to translate this, as Koga uses it to mean the latter, while Rei means the former.
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0ystercatcher · 4 months
finally the other topic thats been on my mind. the food. oohhh the food. enormous post warning. i hope to god the read more works.
ok for starters. its good. i cant complain. variety and spread were pretty great (goes so hard to have diaspora from all over the world in your country you literally can get anything if you know where to look), quality was good, portions are INCREDIBLY generous even considering price most of the time, and price is....fine. i hated it bc again exchange rates fucked me over but i didnt see anything... outrageous anywhere we went to OTHER than the baseball game but that i expected and was prepared for so i didnt like, insta vomit when i saw the menu. i didnt try nearly everything i wanted to but, well, i have limited space in my tummy.
there were... some questionable items. at the store. like, ham with cheese inside it that looked like it had some kind of pox. all sorts of um. wrong looking. gooey cheese products. all very yellow and with a scary toxic look to them. i did eat the cheetos tho they were fine and acceptably orange.
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like... im sorry. this isnt ok. this shouldnt exist. this is wrong.
there were also all sorts of what id consider, niche? not very high circulation? products. that looked interesting. also cheeses, this time delicious and amazing (im still so pissed i left the horseradish cheddar i wanted to bring home in ks fridge), great great snacks, treats of all sorts (some good some eh?), all kinds of baking ingredients and cooking ingredients, so many dry spices and powders and seasonings. asian ingredients and mexican ingredients seemed greatly favored which tbh was appreciated bc there was stuff id never seen before that got me very curious + i found my fav mexican candy which i missed. also, chicken is p cheap over there, i was surprised its basically as cheap as it is here, maybe slightly cheaper even. all in all, tbh, you can eat pretty well buying fairly cheap and healthy items with...not many problems. like...a big big bag of kale was like...4 usd. thats so good. chicken and tuna and sardines were cheap. pasta is cheap as hell as it is everywhere. veggies and fruit are kind of hit or miss but i think thats somewhat seasonal as it is everywhere. canned food is cheaper there too?? not bad at all. next time i want to go to a costco and see how it goes to buy stuff in bulk, it looks promising.
idk where im going w this post so now im just gonna list the memorable meals or treats or ingredients i sampled/had over there (inconsistent list bc some are homemade meals made by moi + k but whatever) and rate them. i cant put these on a normal list bc im breaking the character limit so please bear with my horrible formatting.
baseball game hotdog: 7/10 disappointingly small for the...10? 11? usd it cost. nice mustard and onions on top. NO MAYO. ketchup and relish were Fine. at least 2-3 points of the score are just the fact it was a true baseball hotdog and my first one at that. the experience is very important for this one. i cherished that more than most other things in this "meal" so id feel bad rating it lower.
baseball garlicky fries: 8/10. again 3 points for the experience and novelty of it being baseball food. i think they were 9 dollars. ok portion. CRAZY AMNTS OF GARLIC YUM. pretty tasty. NO MAYO THO!!
double cheese burger + fries + onion rings + peanut butter milkshake: 10/10. true american meal. enormous burger. couldnt finish anything other than the milkshake and k helped w that + i was about to genuinely frow up by the time i tried the last spoonful of it. the whole thing i think was about 25-30? usd each? i dont even care. it was delicious, i think the mayo was made by the restaurant itself, it was so good. beef patties were great. vegetables were great. pickles were really good. gooey ass american cheese was great. fries were crazy. onion rings were perfect. just delicious. will go again next time im there.
pho + spring rolls: 5.5/10. not bad at all. but i think pho was greatly overhyped. i ordered it w tendon and tripe which was nice to have in the us bc i know they dont like organ meats at all. it was ok. its one of those soups that i guess gets better kinda by the end when its all gotten mixed up and nicely flavored. ive had better soups though. sorry i fumbled the tip.
sushi: 8/10. nice! didnt try even close to all the options but the eel was DELICIOUS + the maki sushi was good and, honestly, very well portioned. i dont like when the maki sushi is huge esp when im trying to sample many types. and some of the salads and soups....hell yes. good price! comparable to nice sushi places here, i didnt feel it was scandalous. im giving it an 8 bc it was tasty as fuck, but i do have a comment on this. i think the us does the same thing we do which is, they shove a bunch of ingredients into maki sushi to make new ones with a lot of shit in them and im not the biggest fan of that so i didnt order those. i like simple sushi. the ones i ordered were really good tho. 8/10 for those, i dont think ill order the other ones unless i was feeling suuuper experimental. same as it ever was.
deluxe kraft mac and cheese, orig cheddar: 5/10 without adding anything to it, solid 6 with better cheese + bbq sauced hot dog in it. see we had just watched the jerma reviews mac and cheese video and we happened to find this at the store so obviously we had to try it. it was just normal mac and cheese. i think american kraft has a stronger and kinda. nastier. cheese flavor in it. so we added real cheese and other things and it was better. solid dinner.
mcdonalds: mcdonalds/mcdonalds. its mcds. it tastes the same everywhere apparently. it was fine. fresh fries were nice tho.
taco bell chicken quesadilla: 2/10. i dont really like taco bell and i kind of objected to this meal and only had a little bit. flavorful in weirdly wrong ways. not Offensive but, yknow, a strong I Would Prefer Not To. also, made me a little bloated even with lactaid to help me cope.
various food items at family meeting: 7/10. im not rating them individually there were too many, this is an average. the ones that stood out were: crispy crispy bacon for brekky. biscuits and gravy. funeral potatos? thats what they called it i think? the yogurt + fruit + maple syrup granola bowl and the smoked trout. i think this is because it was a family thing, but if not i guess it still applies? homemade american dishes are so fucking rich. im not sure i could stand eating like that every day. i know by the end of the weekend i was like.. i need normal salad. i need some rice. this cant go on forever. still, i enjoyed every dish i tried. tasty stuff!
sweet corn we roasted in a fire: 10/10 brother i love sweet corn and oonnhh hhn the butter on it. yea man. its good.
special coffee drink + bagel w cream cheese: 7/10. very generous bagel for like...under 3 usd. 3rd worlder ass price for the crazy amnt of cheese it had imho and like, i shared it with k and i was still very satisfied with the portion i got. the coffee drink was very nice. i have no idea what that woman put in it other than the 2 large espresso shots and ice i saw she added. tasty tho! and she was nice. sorry i was very bad at understanding your accent. i realized im still not at all used to that.
espresso + chocolate truffle: 9/10 just what i needed after the fish and chips feast. beautifully smooth coffee, good crema, smelled good, tasted good. great texture, good price. 8 usd for...2 espressos and 2 truffles. i think thats more than acceptable, esp in the highly touristy area we were in. the truffle itself i think was a little ordinary but paired so well w the coffee the whole thing was a win. lovely to have it next to the sea w my love after stuffing ourselves full w fish and chips. speaking of which.
fish (cod and calamari and shrimp) and chips + cider: 10/10 my god. my god. this rivals peruvian jalea. i never believed it would be possible. but it is. it was great. fresh out the fryer, pleasantly greasy but not excessively so. great flavor. great fish. nice portion. amazingggg cider and really nice tartar sauce. just what i needed after walking around for a couple hours. just a great fucking meal. will def go again if i can.
glazed? powdered? donuts? we got at the store? i dont remember the brand or name but i was curious so i grabbed a thing and k said they were pretty good: 2/10 meh. they were... whatever. i think i had one w breakfast and then i sort of gave up on them. kind of dry and too dense for a donut. maybe they were cake donuts? i dont know. i shouldnt have strayed from dunkin, im sorry dunkin. ill never let you down again.
salt vinegar chips: 10/10 one of those snacks i just. would compulsively buy if i lived there. like this would be my go to snack. they hurt the roof of my mouth but its worth it also i like the sourness bc it makes me pace myself a little.
normal ruffles: ruffles/ruffles. i like a good wavy potato chip. what can i say. i enjoyed them.
american bacon: 8/10. i understand why the us has crazy rates of cardiovascular disease. i get it. maybe its worth it. it gets one whole point solely bc of the crazy amnt of fat you can render out of it, bacon fat was Not Lacking while we cooked and i thank the bacon for this, because thats a great ingredient to have around imho.
tap water: 10/10. preddy good!
mexican limes: 2/10. im actively racist against these citrus fruits. so much flesh, no juice. they did their job and tasted Fine I Guess but they were still lame. peruvian lime or nothing baby.
fuji apples: 8/10. im fujiapplepilled. theyre nice. crispy. go well with peanut butter. yum! nice that they are grown there.
cheetos: 5/10. i had the puffs and the normal..crispy ones? non spicy bc i dont like the spicy ones. i was satisfied. theyre better than ours. still not the best snack but i was curious. bigger portion than im used to. i think i would simply not let children have them though.
beef hot dogs, from the store. in and without bun: 9/10 broooo americans are just good at these. they put like actual meat in them. theyre dense. theyre large. delicious stuff. versatile enough, reasonably priced. if this isnt their national pride it should be. wish i could have brought a pack home. my fam would love these.
some kind of mexican chorizo thing: 4/10. it was ok. k had this in the fridge when i got there? its like salchicha huachana but less good, less fresh, less colourful and less flavorful. it did what we needed it to do, i didnt dislike it. it was just. fine.
ranier beer: 7/10. yum! pleasant. slightly sweet. a fine drink for a warm sunny day. great with snacks or other treats.
pabst blue ribbon: 6/10. yum also! i liked rainier a little better tho.
the 2 ipas i had: 0/10. the only thing i had that i actively disliked. yuck. just nasty stuff.
wait i forgot
jeppsons malort: -1/10. @worldlytutor why the fuck did you buy that. that shit tasted like rat poison fr. throw that shit away rn if you still have it.
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sinisterfilth · 1 year
I wasn't able to get on here and explain what has happened in the last month? (Dunno, stress blocks memories and gives me bad dissociation)
But basically while i was in bed in a very serious depressive episode with a severe case of arthritis, meaning that i couldn't get up and i barely could walk to the bathroom (which lead to 2 infections but that comes later) i wasn't able to check up on my "friend" which i allowed her to stay in one of the rooms that i want to rent with the condition that they (her boyfriend and her) would fix the roof and paint the water damage and just divide payments and once that was done i would get the contract and they would have to actually pay rent) but they were blasting music all day, they did damage to property, inbited dodgy people, robbed me, used my things my vlothes, and on top of that i realized they were smoking meth all day long (no shame if they're addicts, i was addicted to benzos and opiates so can't judge) but they were not allowed to do it here and bring stuff here cause again, there were two rooms i wanted to rent
Anyways, i ended up trying to kms and then i went back to get hospitalized again for two severe infections.
They stole cards and i got the money back and got one back from one bank, the money on the other is giving me a headavhe but i recovered the card as well, but when my family got involved they all scurried away and robbed me, glasses clothes etc, never fixed anything, mostly destroyed and now I'm struggling w money
My partner Lost her job and i get the sick leave money way too late and it's not enough for all the procedures and legal matters i gotta do
My commission prices have changed since i was underselling my art p much and I'll work on my commission sheet today but basically:
Sketches: 15 USD
Grey color simple: 30 USD
Full color simple: 60 USD
Full color full detail: 80 USD
Background and extra character 5+ or 10+
I also accept donations which would help me so much since my hands are still pretty stuff and I'm in constant pain, but giving me work makes me feel not useless, and i can also show off the improvement from all the art classes on Udemy my partner paid for! Please help
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demento · 1 year
this is going to be my running commentary for the 2001 a space odecyecs (can't spell lmai
the monkey part is so wierdd, it is so obviously some dude in a fursuit, topped off by the noises and music. my dog is growling at them and intensely staring at the screen.
the massive pole thing? idk what that was abiut. and then they start beating eachother, and It suddenly cuts to outer space? okay.
my dog is so interested, not taking his eyes off it. abolutely captivated.
really cool soundtrack btw, I really like it
first part of characters(ur title):
his daughter just wants another telephone :(. I am so confused rn, what's that really long convo around the table? who knows.
there is no speaking again? really cool music but I need to know what's going on. please
oooh a meeting. I wish subtitles were available I am not processing any of this
the CGI is fabulous I love it so much
they going into that base thingy now with the horrific audio, like, it doesn't need to go in for so long :(, it's too much for my head to handle. I hope it has a purpose, to build tension or smth cause it's really terrible(in the way that it's well done/made but a bad noise). AND NOW RINGING?!
it says Jupiter's mission now
it's focusing on this dude running around a rotating office(?) and it's hurting my brain I can't wrap my head around the movement in it. ik you said it was trippy but I assumed that's later lol
the way this dude is eating his icecreamed food is driving me insane, no one eats it like that, stuff is meant to be eaten in an order, or going from one end to the other. oooh it's infuriating >:(
HAL 9000! I <3 him so much. He and Dave are so. just so.
" I know it's a bit silly" awwww
the breathing atm is so grr dheggebsb bdjbbs bsnndndndnnhw grrrrgrrrreerrr. they did not need 10 minutes of this dude breaking really heavy, was not needed.
got to the intermission!
there's the breathing again it is so wierdd and just wrong.
my dog just let out the loudest fart honestly >:0
the dude that's not Dave is just floating out in space. he won't stop it's been ages now. he's been saved!
all the people in the white sleepy suits just died
Dave let the dude go again?! he and Hal had an argument over killing each other.
Dave killed Hal as he was singing a song to him? ok, onto the Jupiter and beyond the infinite
the magical colourfull line he's gone into looked like guitar hero, but rotated
atm all I see is colours I am so confused. it hurts my eyes.
babies in space!?!!
overall I just found it confusing, but it was interesting to watch lol
have fun reading this :P
im not gonna respond to the first gorillas bit bc i was there w u but . set the tone for ur dogs for sure….
THE POLE YHING IS PART OF THE TRIPPY BIT my ongoing theory is that it gives people new information that their brains cant rly hand,e (i.e. monkeys near pole went apeshit but figured out how to use tools, people on moon near pole had to be put in a coma but figured out how to go to jupiter, dave near pole had the worst trip of his life but was reborn into a giant baby…) like some sorta lovecraftian shit
THE SIUDNTRACK IS SOOOOOO GOOD AGH. i LOVE the use of music in the film to set the tone & atmosphere & motifs & shit
THE LONG CONVO WAS UHHH. they were on like a specship docking station nd these guys tell the doctor (main guy who rang his kid) that the spaceship he’s going onto has rumours of a massive disease outbreaak, and so he better be careful and also they say he should like. feed info back to them . and be a rat basically . the doctor says “nuh uh thats confidential” and they all get sad bc they dont have access to a mole
the meeting is where we discover that actually theres NOT a disease outbreak , thats just a backup story to prevent more people going onto the ship. they’re travelling to the moon to investigate this weird black pole thing (th same pole frm the monkeys) bc it has a super strong super weird magnetic field . its said that it must have been dug down into the ground purposely bc its so deep…
…which brings us nicely to the AWFUL RINGING SCENE . theyve found the pole and are investigating it — behavior is notably VERY similar 2 tha monkeys. they reach forwards and touch it hesitantly, crowd around it in a circle… the reason however that it might be ringing for us NOW but was not ringing for the monekys PREVIOUSLY could be just because we, the viewer, ARE humans, adn thus cannot hear the sound the moneksy heard
JUPITERS MISSION IS WHERE THE MAIN PLOT COMES IN ! with hal and frank and dave . uhh more or less u seem to understand most of the first bit of this, but just to put it out there that the people who are in a coma are the people who were on the voyage to th moon to investigate the magnetic field .
the breathing is bc theyre in space thats what they hear but iAGREE it was HORRIBEL watching that on the big screen OUGH
intermission :-3
frank was uhh dead .? the pod he was manouvreing got taken over by hal (bc the red light at the front lit up ) , and it cut his oxygen cord. he’s dead out there buddy . dave isnt saving him .
dave let frank go bc he had to go in the entrance where he would Probably Die if he did not Pay Attention. and so bringing franks body in was NOT on his list of priorities .
the argument with hal was brought on previously — do u remember the convo dave and frank had in the pod when they thought hal could not hear them ? the convo abt cutting hal off if it turned out that the communications device was NOT broken aftr all? thtas why hal killed frank, and why hal wanted to kill dave
THE SONG WAS A REFREENCE TO THE FIRST COMPUTER TO SING A SONG !! th ibm something or other….but uhh the deal with him singing was bc his memory files got removed it was like a factory reset. && dave kille shim bc he killed frank and all those cryogenically sleepin people lol
I TALKED ABT THIS EARLIER IN THE POST BUT JUST TO CLARIFY. u could see the black obelisk thing just b4 he started with the freaky acid trip thing……nd my personal theory is that. the information he was fed got TOO much and TOO overcomplicated . and thats why the last hhalf an hour is like that lmao
it IS confusing ur right. nw….tgank you for liveblogging it like i asked babycakws
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sadhorsegirl · 1 year
been more quiet on here for season 2 bc a) im drastically more employed this time around (rip) b) it felt like so much of my opinion of events in this season were going to hinge upon where everything landed in the finale.
tbh i also ended up being p critical of certain elements this season and didn't feel like spoiling anybody's fun while the show was still airing new episodes. a lot of my opinions of this season were shaped by the fact that i started reading the books. i am a firm believer in allowing for necessary changes when making an adaptation and allowing it to evolve into its own thing so it also felt kind of shitty to be like. she (the books) wouldn't say that!!!! lol
anyways lol i've decided to make a little list of things i enjoyed, things i thought were mid, and things i actively disliked this season
a) new mat! i thought his performance was really strong and just about everything they did with him this season made me appropriately sad. bonus points for making his dynamic with min reading like a frat boy and a begrudging grad student going on a bar crawl together as "repayment" for tutoring lol
b) elayne! again i thought ceara coveny did a really good job and i liked how she fit into relationships with the other characters.
c) nynaeve and the liandrin of it all! nynaeve's arc this season was one of the strongest this season imo, and i think using liandrin to discuss the culture of abuse present in the tower was smart.
d) egwene and madeleine madden!! emmy campaign begins now!!! episode 6 was one of my favorite episodes of the season in large part due to her performance. the damane arc is truly harrowing stuff and the entire creative team handled it pretty well
c) moiraine telling lan that he was always her better in the finale!!! insanely unfortunate that this is pretty much my only Moiraine Moment without major qualms this season!!!!!!!!!!!!
d) the forsaken! their business casual swag had me laughing every time. could not stop myself from shouting w at the tv screen when mogehdien showed up at the very end
e) the ef5 reuniting in the finale! im totally fine with how this changes the ending in the books. sure i missed the giant fire battle in the sky but i gained all the besties going squad mode+elayne not introducing herself with her royal title to rand lol
a) lan and moiraine bestie devastation battle - i didn't outright hate all of this from the start like some people have but i def think this ended up severely fumbled in terms of execution. one of my fav moments in the books so far has been their fight in the second one where she basically says the most upsetting shit possible to upset him to get him to admit that he has found a new connection that could lead to an actual life (aka nynaeve) and he calls her on it but still gets upset and proves her point anyway! would have preferred moiraine went even more jigsaw emotional torture trap this season tbh
b) nynaeve's accepted test - mostly liked, felt like they didn't quite hit the right tone of dread these tests achieve in the books. its not completely a "i dreamed up a family that isn't real and now i have to abandon them" thing for me and more about how they don't understand why you have to leave them and beg you to stay. feel like this could have been more emotionally powerful
c) verin - meera syal obviously a very talented actress and she did grow on me as the season went on but i feel like she was almost TOO charismatic in a way. wanted her to be a little colder/wryer? she could definitely be charming in the books but i always felt like a lot of her power socially came from getting people to underestimate her by acting like a distracted and disconnected weirdo only to go in for the kill. missed this a bit this season
a) literally pains me to say it but.....moiraine's arc this season really didn't hit for me...felt kind of unfocused....wished she had been even more brutal in her pursuit....liked the start of her washerwoman era but it didn't really end up liking much of what came after......poor execution of what could have been a really interesting exploration of both her backstory and the way she would have to change the way she operates without the one power.....etc etc
b) cairhien :( could and probably will make a whole separate post about this but the design principles at play here were Not It for me at all. rococo? rococo bro? also don't like the way its political elements and lore were communicated which leads me right to......
c) house damodred/laman. major book spoilers ahead but thought it was a complete misfire to hold off on explaining laman's whole deal and moiraine's connection to it presumably until next season to parallel it with the aiel. cairhien is inherently shaped by the aiel war and moiraine is made a far more compelling character when u learn about her relationship to it thru her family. i thought the switch in birth order was interesting but basically every other change or delay in her backstory was a flop for me. her whole connection to trying to undo the sins of her own family makes her drive to save the world way more interesting!!! was hoping the show would take the time to expand on her relationship with elayne not (at this point seemingly) erase it. are u telling me i don't get galad now? be serious?
d) moiraine and lan's suicide conversation in episode 7. felt awkward and nearly too direct without acknowledging the fact that moiraine's dedication to The Work above all else is in some ways defacto suicidal
c) episode 7
d) siuan :((((((((((((( i get that we didn't have sophie around as much as she needed to be this season bc of contracts to other shows and stuff but man did we mismanage the time we did get with her lads....will prob also make a separate post about this as well but i do want to say that while i think her and moiraine having a major split over what to do with rand could have been interesting i think the execution is really REALLY poor here. think that confrontation would have been more emotionally powerful if they were just appealing to each other and the fourth oath wasn't used. wish people had been gossiping about what she was up to off screen so we had more context for her actions this whole season generally. L's all the way around
e) episode 7. again.
f) thought it was fucked that when lan and moiraine reestablished the bond again neither of them even brought up how he has to share any heartbreak she has over siuan now. another miss for full emotional impact
g) episode 7. AGAIN.
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tvlandofficial · 2 years
Can I just say I love how the TV keeps getting plugged and unplugged in this blog’s canon
Like. Most people would assume that it’s been unplugged for years until just getting plugged back in in Chapter 2 for whatever reason,
But honestly one thing I’ve wanted to talk about for a while but never know how to word is how the reason fan content of future Chapters never really hits the same way the real thing does is because of assumptions like that. Unlike Toby, who already knows what he’s gonna do with everything, we as the fans don’t typically take the opportunity to build off of small stuff like that, or just add new things to old characters instead of simply recycling what we currently have. Despite the fact that a lot of things we didn’t know in Chapter 1 actually came from things we did know, like how when you see the knockoff controller for the console under Kris’s bed, you’re supposed to assume that it was used by them as yet another visual display of their inferiority complex, only to find out that it was actually used by Asriel so they could have the real one. Or how it was revealed in Chapter 2 that Alphys’s “Cat” is actually Susie. Or how Queen’s sipping noises from Chapter 4 were never shown off or foreshadowed previously, they were just made up on the spot because her whacky personality allows for that kind of randomness, and in turn, also makes it kinda off-brand for her to not have new stuff. The thing about the plug is especially synonymous with the first thing ‘cause the whole extra lore about Toriel being some kinda god basically hinges on it
Overall, I’d say it’s safe to say adding small new things and building off of small old things is a decent chunk of what makes DR as good as it is, and without that, it just feels like something’s missing
Not that that’s not understandable. Coming up with your own shit can be pretty hard, especially if you’re not planning on covering a full Chapter’s worth of content. Plus the concern about how poorly stuff like that might age, considering what happened with Mike- Shit I’m getting side tracked
Anyway yeah, I like how this blog’s take on the Chapter has a neat detail like that
this is so sweet, thank you anon! 😭 like ive said before i dont wanna knock other people's fan chapters - the creativity in this fandom is really great and i love seeing what people come up with! there's a lot of it that i haven't really been able to keep up with, and lots of ocs that seem to have popped up because one person made a cool little idea and people latched on. but for tvland, i wanted to keep it tied to the game as we know it as much as i can, even with the nature of this kind of thing making a lot of it have to rely on my own creativity and headcanons. a lot of people have told me tvland is somewhat unique in that regard, so i'm glad everything people have been coming up with seems to be their own!
kris unplugging tenna and throwing out all their things bc of how they sympathize w the darkners is an idea ive gotten more and more attached to as time goes on. i can't know exactly what's going on in toby's head, but i like to write the blog as though someone handed me deltarune as an unfinished game and went "how would this end?" the big line of the game is "no one can choose who they are in this world", and i'm sure people who've been following and will keep following me and @officialralsei have probably picked up on where that theme pops up again and again. i don't want to show my whole hand when it comes to what i'm doing here, since i am telling a story at the end of the day, but the two of us spend so much time going over the darkner stuff in the game with a fine-tooth comb that i at least hope i made a satisfying continuation to it here.
in the end, this tenna won't be canon. but she means a lot to me, and it seems like a lot of people love her! if it turns out she's a totally different character in canon, we can just pretend this one is her long-lost cousin or something :P
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bredforloyalty · 2 years
hey every time i log onto this website and read ur posts, i relate so heavily to your personal intertwinement with the story + characters and i absolutely understand your perception of R&M cuz? i always saw it as an encapsulation of the cycles of abuse especially through generations within family? and when i try to explain that to other people like irl or w/e while watching it theyre like wat .. so i UNDERSTAND where ur coming from and i FEEL bad that u get embarrassed or w/e (altho i deal with those feelings too?) basically just trying to tell you you are HELLA seen and far far from alone
🥺🥺🥺 THANK YOUUUU i appreciate that..... mayhaps a certain type of childhood or family life primes a certain understanding of rnm and an investment others don't always have. it's a factor that plays heavily into connecting with this series for sure.. many of us (fans. or whatever) are like this, like it is that deep for us but even to those people, i can scarcely relate. because most of them have this umm desire to see the wrongs righted and to be comforted by the show and then the writers notice that and then i don't feel that rick's change of character is gradual enough and involves enough sacrifices and struggle and lol you get the idea!! i like tragedies, i prefer to be hurt by my shows, that's the type of comfort i need. i digress.. but the point is, often i feel like a minority in here, thanks for taking the time to tell me you relate and you understand <333
also hmm i feel like within the group of fans that are dedicated and care about the future of this show, very few are in it for. comedy. or cool sci-fi moments? or maybe more like, all of the dedicated fans are dedicated to the story and the characters and definitely not to the old structure of rnm that allowed it to be an endless fun machine. at some point you have to make the stuff that happens count and affect the characters so people have something to come back for, so the episodic format could not have been maintained, not with the sudden widespread interest in the show. the new direction, the sincerity and drama and addressing canon and letting the characters grow Are for us, those who ended up caring! but i'm still embarrassed about caring, in my worse moments, i can't help it :P the writers even went out of their way to make fun of us for our investment in s4 and 5 and since it's popular, i see many casual viewers around who simply don't care that much. and are just here for a laff. that's weird to me!
and, the new direction puts me in a weird position because i did love it for the dysfunction and the angst, that's an integral part that needs to be featured predominantly in my opinion to make the hopeful moments really hit (and it's prominent in my family too HYDHBY so that would just feel more realistic for me and satisfy Me personally)
maybe i'm just concerned with what upcoming seasons are gonna do because if we have a long way to go until the end, i would have preferred if they took more time with the overarching storylines of seasons 1 through, idk, 3..... and just generally approached the previous seasons with very slow character development in mind, but character development for sure. if they were more deliberate about it and didn't have an "oh shit we have expectations to live up to now and loyal fans to satisfy. but we don't wannaaaa.. don't tell us what to do :'(" crisis in the middle of it lmao. i don't have a fundamental problem with betterment arcs, i'm just not sure this will be done right in the particular instance of rick and morty
i'm also just pondering the different subsets of viewers now and how conflicted the show has seemed (in the past. i wouldn't apply this to s6) about what it wants to be... and thinking about all the ways my affection for rnm could be misunderstood 😔 the worst "fans" have been the loudest, they didn't exactly give us a good name lol, but this is personal for me so i can't just stay away or keep silent (duh!) so i oughta consider the public perception. and perceptions are super varied! it's another one of those shows that isn't a show, it's popular enough and inconsistent enough to be a phenomenon. so inevitably i will be embarrassed, it means so many different things to different people and i care. i care very much
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callmesumi · 1 year
I’m now very interested in Anguria and the fact that her name means watermelon which I find frankly hilarious. May I request some stuff of her?
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ANGURIA (Btw she now has purple hair, it’s outdated but I’ll still use it cause I’m too lazy)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Blanket, tons of blankets. A cup of their favourite drink and a little chit chat if partner isn’t asleep.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Her favourite part of her body is her thighs. She can crush watermelons with those~ Her favourite part of her partner’s body is their chest, loves to squish her face between them whatever gender her 2nd partner (Her 1st is Acqua) is.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Male Partner:
Loves for her partner to cum inside her, has a bit of a reverse breeding kink (instead of breeding them, partner breeds her) but she’ll suit with cumming on her.
Female Partner:
Likes making her female partner squirt, need I say more?
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Wants her partner to sit on her face SO badly.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Oh, very experienced.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Male Partner:
Mating press.
Female Partner:
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Serious, but will crack a joke from time to time it shes feeling good.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
She has blonde pubic hair due to being born blonde, but dyed it purple cause she wanted to be more like her father. Some hair down there but not much, well groomed.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Very intimate.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Will excuse herself and masturbates in her room, but if she’s on a mission and really needs to, in an alleyway.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Reverse Breeding.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Bedroom, but pretty much anywhere. She won’t judge.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Pretty much almost anything.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Farts. No farts or stuff like that.
O = Oral��(preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
No idea what to do for this.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Prefers for their partner to go fast and rough, but will deal with any pace her partner pleases.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Loves quickies.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Risky, yes.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Longest she went for is 21 rounds, she has a lot of stamina due to genes. I think that’s how stamina works anyway.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Lots of toys. She does use them, on partners and herself.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Lot of teasingggg~
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
A bit loud but not too loud.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Likes being fucked against a wall.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Average sized tits and semi-thicc ass, she’s not ashamed of it. Thicc thighs :).
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Very high, again due to genes.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
A bit after their partner. Logs how well they did, a habit accidentally picked up from her father, then has a cup of water or milk then sleeps.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Happy wife/husbando, happy life.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Dominant one really.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Will forgive them but first gaslights them.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Very aware and grateful.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Share almost anything except her work. Her 2nd s/o doesn’t need to know about that.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Nottt really?
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Pretty easily. Will pull you away and hug you.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Very romantic I’d say? Good kisser.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
A bouquet of flowers and a card.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Yes! she does. Pretty romantic proposal, idk just use your imagination. Throughout the marriage, she wouldn’t tell her s/o about her work. But there’s a note on the door that says If Anguria doesn’t return home one day, she’s most likely dead.
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anissapierce · 1 year
Ok so extra thoughts on mut mayhem after watching for the second time:
Aprils hair isnt entirely red and there's about two small locs that are actually black one is like there for basically the whole movie the other is mostly hidden by the other locs until near the end. Its possible this is a new version if the movie ...similar to all the 'patches' that went on w across the spidv but idk i think i just missed it while watching at the AMC
The boys get back from watching the movie in Brooklyn bridge park (? Idk where it is could be prospect, marine etc any park lol ) sometime after 2 am bc the clock in leos bunk says 2:22 or sometime similar ?
Ok now for actual more plot related kinda spoilery stuff
I paid attn n the first dude tht reaches out to splinter when he's hurt is Def Eastman. Wait .....lol i missed the line abt him needing a vet or a doctor? Weird idk if it was said by eastmans character or someone else. Ngl this watch felt like it wasnt as long ? But i chalked it up to this being my second viewing i don't think my theater was showing an abridged version n i probably just missed tht line organically
At the amc i totally missed that cynthia had fly in the jar? At the end and i forget tht she was surveiling the turtles? So its good to know that superfly isnt Gone gone but damn him being reduced to a housefly is pretty sad ....esp a housefly thts being held by TCRI.
Again in love the character design as an asymmetrical lady myself. I love cynthia Utroms design esp bc we Nvr see women tht look like tht in animated movies or tbh live action movies but like theres women tht look like tht
I love how basically any sign in a background cant be read bc its scribbles unless its plot relevant like the high school bulletin board...
I paid special attn to aprils pins n scooter + helmet stickers n yeah tht shit is inscrutable on purpose but bc i saw the concept i noticed
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The all power tothe people Sticker based on shape n color but nothing else specific.
Ok so april didn't Akira slide exactly but she kinda did ? While everyone is coming back from staten island n doing a cool walk april n her new tcri ride move sideways across the group pretty sure the bike/scooter/motorbike was sideways too idk .... Donnie akira slid w the pizza truck near the end. At the end wingnut was so happy tht donnie had an Akira boxset.
Also i was listening so hard to scutterbugs like three lines of 'dialogue' n like theres no way yall heard tht n thought alex hirsch like thats impossible im p sure if bauza did those 'lines' i wouldn't even know it was him n bauza has a much more distinctive voice
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cryptidofthekeys · 1 year
CW aka Gift Thief Sona
Oh btw, here’s the uh sona for the whole gift thieves stuff
lmao I legit decided well hes gonna change REGARDLESS of what I do, just like CC, he’s changed s o goddamn much from his og document
sooo... yeah, also with each media Pelo releases I gain a new initial themed character- The Initial Collective grows
also I realized while editing this CW also stands for fucking content warning HFJDKSHDSK- ya know what im keeping it, fuck it we ball
| Name: Chase (me? Using MY name again bc I’m too lazy for anything else? LMAO yeah) Wolfe
| Nicknames: CW, Cryptid/Crypts
| Pronouns/Sexuality: He/Him (Trans FTM) and CW is p much Polyamorous
| Age: 30
| Species/Race: Human (White/American)
| Height: 5’5”
| Occupation: Has a small business The Cryptid’s Comforts (he sells comfort character letters and packages)
| Hair Color: Dark Brown (Spiky quiff)
| Eye Color: Gunmetal Blue
| Body Type: He’s fat
| Appearance: CW (wow, I got CC and now CW …T h e C o l l e c t i o n  g r o w s…) wears light pastel purple hoodie with puppy/dog and flower designs on it) has some mint colored pants that go with it
(they look somewhat like pajama pants) and then finally he wears checkered sneakers that match his outfit (his right shoe is light pastel purple and the left is mint green)
He has some light pastel gauge earrings, has a silver puppy paw necklace that has purple gemstones all over it, he has a circle beard before I forget that detail, he’s painted his nails to match his aesthetic.
Only scars he has is his top surgery scars, has lil fangs (those are real btw), has a BUNCH of light pastel purple and mint bandaids all over him (legit it’s for aesthetics plus I dig OCs with bandaids on em like that lmao)
| Personality: Lmao watch this bullshit change IMMENSELY over time, ya know what, I’m gonna TRY to stick with basics- CW is a pathetic wet cat of a guy,, he has NO rizz, gets NO bitches but god d a m n will he try (gonna rizz up that Blueberry dude and Bandron) sucks at flirting, hell this dumbass motherfucker wouldn’t even KNOW if someone was flirting with HIM.
Aside from that however…
CW is actually super sweet, kind, caring, wouldn’t hurt a fly in all honesty… Can be very oblivious to some pretty obvious danger (CW THEY ARE GOING TO SHOOT YOU N STEAL YOUR SHIT S T O P BEING GAY FOR THEM- ‘’hehe, funny blueberry man and silly robot go brrr’’)
CW is super chill usually, seems carefree (trust me, he’s not just carefree lmao) ALSO a lot of people seem concerned for him because he’s got some VERY dark circles around his eyes and his eyes are usually half-lidded anyways, he looks EXHAUSTED but he promises he’s actually genuinely fine! (he is tho legit, he just has that look)
He can also be so so silly …What does that mean? … 🤡
| Side Facts: When CW isn’t working on letters/packages, in his free time he’s usually playing video games (now you might think bc of his aesthetic it’ll be something like Stardew, MC, AC, etc …Yes actually but he fucking LOVES horror games the most)
In fact he has tons and TONS of horror games, merch, etc- He fucking LOVES horror a lot which throws people for a loop whenever they see his house both inside and out (his house LITERALLY looks fucking scary even on the outside) there’s a cute pastel colored house not that far from his actual house.
Whenever he invited someone over for the first time it legit went like “Oh, is that your house? It’s so cute!” CW just blinks and then shakes his head with a soft laugh “What? Oh no, that’s not mine, that one’s mine” and then he points to fuckin haunted ass lookin’ house on the hill (cue dark storm clouds and lightning)
CW also listens to music a lot, in fact he’s rarely seen without his headphones (music can help him function in general, also,, it helps him de-stress) sometimes he’ll be writing or drawing and then other times he’s playing his electric guitar (never plays in front of others, he’s very self conscious tbh)
I don’t actually have a very coherent storyline for him just yet lmao but I know that’ll change, the same way it did with CC- It’ll change. The only difference is genuinely that I’m sticking MOSTLY to canon, like he goes to that one place to choose a gift, it gets stolen, etc.
(also a side edit: ...i do have- s o m e ‘’lore’’ now in those regards but not sure how many people actually wanna hear that shit so lmao)
Final tidbits are that CW has a southern accent and speaks in a soft spoken tone of voice most of the time, only time he gets loud is when he’s talking about something he’s passionate about or his hyperfixation/special interests.
(Bats, Hyenas, and Dogs are his main animal themed special interests, he knows a LOT and can talk your ears off about those funky lil creechurs, but there’s a LOT more I’d be here all day tho otherwise so yeye)
I guarantee all this will change lmao,, he just doesn’t feel… Silly enough but who knows for now
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