#i went to the doctor a year ago because i was worried about my relationship with food
magnus-and-the-dragon · 5 months
I’m 5 lbs away from being under 200 lbs for the first time in my adult life, and I’m not sure how I feel about it.
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dog-suffrage-advocate · 9 months
#i’m really sad rn because I feel like my relationship with my mom is ruined#she’s upset that I don’t want to go over to her house in the morning for christmas while shes still testing positive for covid#my sister and I suggested we postpone celebrating for a few days and she got upset#saying it felt like she was being rescheduled like a doctors appointment#and then she basically told me my fears for covid were silly and that my anxiety was ruining my life#mind you my father died two years ago from covid#so its a sensitive topic for me#and then she told me that i have no empathy for why spending christmas with my sister and i is important to her#i kept trying to offer solutions so we could still do stuff together and she just didnt want to even consider it#like we always take photos on the beach Christmas eve and she had discussed with my sister that we just stand far away on the beach for the#but then yesterday she went with her boyfriend didnt say anything and posted it on facebook#i asked her why she didnt invite us and she said ‘i didnt think it was important’#and i asked if she wanted to go today to get them and she said she wasnt in a very christmas mood this year#and then today we were trying to offer going in the morning to see her and sit outside for a little while masked up#so we could at least see her on xmas bc her whole thing is that she was upset she would be alone on Christmas#and she basically said she didnt want us to come over and that its pointless#and she was like ‘thank GOD i have bf to go see otherwise i’d be completely alone’#and she keeps saying like ‘we’ll just axe christmas this year just dont worry about it you girls do your thing’#when we have been trying to say we can still do everything we normally do for xmas just on a different day#and she doesnt want to bc ‘its not christmas’#and she told my sister and i to come by whenever to pick up our gifts#and like i tried i tried to make the best of a shitty situation#theres no need for the entire holiday to be ignored just bc we can’t celebrate on a specific daye#were not a religious family but my moms torn up about having to see other people with their families while shes home alone#and i made a comment about when she got sick she decided she was going to be miserable and refuses to even consider any sort of compromise#and she was like ‘WOW that was rude. i cant believe you said something that rude to me’#i apologized but tbh i dont think i was rude. i was harsh/blunt but I was just calling it like i saw it#i hate it when people say that but i dont know how else to phrase it#but yeah then she was like ‘ive cried enough over this and every time i think i’m okay you rub salt in the wound’#when i was just asking if we could do stuff later
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kimarii-00 · 3 months
Regrets and Punishments (2)
❥Summary: Armando knows he made a mistake. He knew when he decided that his mother was more important than his girlfriend. But he planned to return to her, he really did. He never could’ve anticipated being gone for as long as he was. Seeing her face again was like getting shot: You get that adrenaline rush, yet the pain ends up biting you in the ass later on. Especially when he discovers what, or dare I say, who he also left behind all that time ago.
❥Warnings: Slow burn, kidnapping, language, guns/shooting, blood, violence, suggestive scenes (?), eventual happy ending
❥Word Count: 4.8k (2k words more than the last one ;))
❥Part 2/2
AN: I did not expect all the support for the first part, thank you guys!! I hope this last part was worth all the hype! Enjoy!!
“(Name),” Kelly begins, “I’m so sorry I–”
“What the hell do they even want with her? She’s a fucking child. Four! Four fucking years old,” As angry as you were right now, you couldn’t stop the tears from flowing, “I can’t… What if they hurt my baby?”
“They’re probably going to use her as some sort of backup in case their plan with Mike’s wife goes south…”
In all honesty, you think you had a hunch on why they took Demi. Because he’s her father… They must’ve done their research…
You’re surprised Armando hasn’t pressed you more by now about Demi. He must’ve had questions because last time he checked, you didn’t have a kid, so from his perspective, in the years he was gone you either must’ve hooked up with some guy and had his kid, or the passionate night you two shared before he left must’ve really paid off…
“(Name) I swear, we’re not going to let anything happen to Demi,” Kelly said in an attempt to sooth your motherly insticts. You felt nausious but you appreciated that you weren’t in this alone. Kelly had always been there for you, especially when the father of your child left and you found out you were pregnant with his kid a week later. She was there for you when nobody was. She had helped you through depressive episodes so you wouldn’t stress yourself and end up hurting the baby, she was there for you when you went into labor and had to be rushed to the hospital. She was there when the loud cries filled the room when the doctors popped Demi out of you.
Thinking of this only made you angrier, because it was wrong that you had to rely so much on your best friend instead of the man that was supposed to be Demi’s father, and now, because of his involvements with these people, your daughter has been taken. She has nothing to do with this.
You wipe your face, trying to get the tears to stop falling but they just wouldn’t. Out of the corner of your eye, you catch Armando looking at you with an expression that you can’t read but when he notices that you’ve seen his antics, he averts his attention elsewhere. You can’t help but think that he wants to say something to you, but you can’t bring yourself to care in this moment.
As much as you’d like to deny it, deep down you still have feelings for that man. But there are many reasons as to why you can’t just happily jump back into his arms and ask him to take you back.
Right now, you have more than yourself to worry about. You have Demi, and if you were going to get with a man, she deserves to have someone that will care and love her and right now, you aren’t sure that man could be Armando.
You aren’t paying much attention to the group as they talk about a plan to get the hostages back, you aren’t in your right mind and it seems everybody notices that. All you can think about is your little girl.
Mike looks at his son, and even though they don’t have the deepest relationship, he can tell that the boy is worried for you. He still isn’t entirely sure what you and him are to each other, but he can definitely tell that seeing you as broken as you are now is breaking something in Armando himself. He makes his way to Armando’s side and slightly nudges his side to get his attention.
“Go talk to her,” he says, gesturing to the grieving woman, “You two clearly have things to discuss, you better get it out of the way before we start making moves.”
“She doesn’t want to talk to me,” Armando grumbles, his eyes wandering to your person for what felt like the hundreth time in the last ten minutes.
“You never know until you try–”
“I did try, she told me to get the hell away from her.”
“Listen man, I don’t know what your relationship is with her, but what I do know is that if you don’t talk to her now, you might not get another chance to.”
Armando takes in his fathers words, contemplating his options and realizing that he really only has two: Not talk to you and then potentially die before he gets the chance to, or two, talk to you know and list the weight thats been on his chest ever since he saw you walk through that front door.
He decides that he would probably come to regret picking the latter, but his feet are gliding him toward where you sat with Kelly before he could find some excuse as to why he should wait until later to have this inevitable conversation.
You don’t seem to notice him until he’s standing before you, yet you don’t lift your head. Kelly does, however, and gives him a certain look that read, “If you hurt her more than she’s already hurting, I swear I’ll kill you”. He nodded to her, and she hesitantly nodded back. She rubbed your back in a comforting way one last time before standing up and walking toward the rest of the group. Armando took her place next to you.
He doesn’t say a word. Neither do you. It’s a mix of awkward and comfortable silence between you two before you break it by suddenly speaking up.
“She’s yours,” You say without warning. You decided that you’d rip the band-aid off and quell any thoughts about you hooking up with some other guy that he might’ve had, “Her name is Demi. She’s four… She’s yours.”
“...I had a feeling,” He starts, “I’m sorry.”
You don’t say anything and wait for him to expand. You wait for his to say anything to help you understand why he left you. Why he abandoned you and your unborn child. But he says nothing.
You sigh, “Why’d you do it?” You sounded tired. You didn’t want to argue. You just wanted him to help you understand his decision all those years ago.
“I got caught up in some shit. Fucked with the wrong people.”
“Yeah no shit,” You spit out.
Silence overtakes you both once again.
“You didn’t even leave a text,” You say quietly, “Y’know I waited for you. I waited, and waited, and waited, and then waited some more, yet you never came home. Never.”
Up until this point your head had been in your hands, trying to soothe your pounding headache, but now your gaze laid on his face, making direct eye contact. You let him see your stinging red eyes from all the crying you’ve been doing.
“I didn’t want to involve you in my shit. I didn’t want you to end up hurt because of me–” He begins, but you don’t take any of that bullshit.
“Yeah? Well I’m involved now, and guess who’s paying the fucking price? My– our child.”
This shuts him up. He doesn’t have anything to say to that, other than, “I’m sorry.”
You scoff. Is that all he can offer you? After all he’s put you through?
“Was it even real?” You ask on a whim.
“What?” He questions.
“Us. Was it real? Since you found it so easy to just up and leave some random day?”
“You think that shit was easy?” He snaps, “I loved you– I love you so much, so how the hell could you say that me leaving you was fuckin’ easy?”
You flinched at the correction from loved to love, “You sure as hell made it seem that way.”
He startled you by grabbing your shoulders tightly. He turned you so you looked at him fully, eye contact as intense as ever.
“I had to damn near fight myself to not turn back and run into your arms again after I left you. I thought about you every fuckin’ day that I wasn’t around you. If I could go back, I swear I would’ve told my mother to fuck off if it meant that I could stay with you… with our child. But at the time I was a fucking idiot and I thought–” He had to stop his rambling for a moment to take a breath. You stared at him with wide eyes, he was never one to go on tangents like this, and you made no effort to stop him. “I thought that leaving was the best decision for you, for us, at the time and I planned on coming back. I really did. But everytime I even thought it was okay to return more shit kept happening and I just– I didn’t want you involved.”
You let him trail on with his words as you found comfort in his somewhat desperate hold in your shoulders.
“I never meant to hurt you the way I did.” Armando concluded.
You avert your eyes down slightly, breaking the eye contact but he puts his finger under your chin to lift it back up. He doesn’t want you avoiding this conversation.
He isn’t sure what possessed him to lean down, shortening the distance between the two of you until there was nothing but a pocket of air seperating his lips from yours, but as he’s about to take the final step, you pull away slowly.
“I-I’m sorry, I just…” You begin, unsure of what excuse your about to pull, “I can’t.” You say, deciding not to beat around the bush.
He nods in understanding, yet you immediately recognize the hurt in his eyes.
You pull away from his hands on your shoulders and he makes no move to stop you. You take a deep breath in, like you want to say something else before you part ways, but ultimately decide against it.
You say nothing as you walk back to the group, leaving him standing motionless behind you.
“As far as they know, Lockwood is on his way with a plane to move the hostages to Cuba,” Mike spoke, going over the plan once more. Today was the day you took action to rescue the people that were kidnapped. Mike’s wife, the girl that was with her at the time– Callie, and…Demi. God… I swear if they did something to her… “The second they get close to the plane with the hostages, it’s quick kills. Neutralize all threats. These motherfuckers killed a lot of good cops. They have my wife, they have Callie, and they have (Name)’s daughter.” You lowered your eyes at the aknowledgement.
“They attacked our families. We not losing today.” He concludes, and everyone nods their head.
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You were partnered with the tech team in the van, watching the situation from drone footage. You wanted to be on the front lines to get rid of every fucker who thought taking your daughter was a good idea, but you were stuck inside of the van until extra help was needed.
You hear the helicopter pilot through your comms device in your ear, “I got one looking out the front door, right side, I got one sniper on the roof of building two.”
“T those up,” Rita says, who ended up joining the cause after realizing the man she was dating was with the enemy. You quickly code in a few commands for the drone to follow and before long you have eyes on the two mentioned. “Everybody keep moving. What are those?”
She points to the objects presented in the live map of the area, and you answer, “Gaters.”
“I thought it was an abandoned theater park?”
“Abandoned by humans,” Kelly jumps in while loading her gun.
You manage to find the parks webpage from when it was open and discover that the main attraction was an albano aligator named “Duke”. It was sixteen feet long, and there are stories about him still being there to this day.
“Well fuck that…” You mutter.
You watch from the drone as the main team lands in the water as planned, getting into position.
“Armando’s at his QTH,” Dorn confirms, letting everyone know that he’s in position. You swallow the lump in your throat.
Lockwood steps out of the helicopter and walks on the dock, waiting for them to bring out the hostages. You hold your breath and watch closely.
“Hostages are coming out now,” Dorn says. Your eyes dart across the screen, looking for your daughter in particular before spotting her in the arms of a muscular man. They walked behind the other two that were kidnapped and you can barely contain yourself when you take in the terrified look on your four year olds’ face.
“Fuck…” You choke out under your breath. Kelly hears this and rubs circles into your back for comfort. You put your hands over your mouth in a prayer like position and keep watching through the drones.
“Everybody stay calm,” Rita says.
The plan was for Mike to take out their leader as soon as he had the chance to, which was why he was on the front lines, yet when you notice no movement from his end, you begin to become worried that something has gone wrong.
“Mike?” Rita blurts, “Mike do you have the shot?”
“Negative, I do not have a shot, I do not have a shot,” he says into the comms device. Your eyebrows furrow as you look from a perspective of a drone that flew near where the helicopter had landed, and you conclude that from where Mike was posted, he should’ve had a clear shot.
A moment goes by and the kidnappers walk with the hostages, but just a little ways before they reach Lockwood, they stop on the bridge.
“They stopped, why’d they stop?” Dorn hurridly says. The drone is able to catch the sight of something slowly moving through the water and you conclude that it’s what they are looking at as well, you watch as their leader follows whatever is moving and your heart sinks when you realize what the thing in the water is moving towards.
“Armando–” You start, but he seems to have noticed it as well.
“Shit.” He says.
One man signals for the soldiers around him to start a search, suddenly becoming suspicious of where the thing in the water was going, and who it may be targeting. “Armando they’re closing in on you.” Dorn states.
“Do they see him?” Rita asks.
“I don’t know.”
Rita takes the time that they are distracted to pressure Mike, surely he has a shot now, right? “Mike, now! Your chance is now, they can see him, they know we’re here!”
“I don’t have it, negative, negative.”
“You’ve got to take the fucking shot,” Armando mumbles out, keeping his eye on the thing slowly advancing toward him in the water, and the person that was getting dangerously close to his hiding spot above.
You watch as all hell breaks loose when Armando shoots the man who semed to have spotted him, and he falls into the water only to be finished off by the thing in the water, now identified to be the ledgendary sixteen foot long gator. You don’t think you’ve ever been as scared as you had been the moment you realize they know they’ve been set up, and they start taking the hostages back into the building. Your daughter begins to cry and it breaks your heart.
“Engage!” Rita shouts through the comms, “Kelly, get us there.”
You leave your chair and move to the front of the van along with Kelly as she steps on the gas. You take the time to reload your own gun, and slip a knife in your boot for emergencies.
By the time the four of you have arrived, the fight has moved inside. Rita orders you three to go inside and she states that she’ll go after Lockwood and you don’t have to be told twice before you’re rushing in there. You hear Kelly shouting your name behind you, trying to get you to slow down as you leave them in the dust, but all you can hear is the blood rushing in your ears, desperate to find your daughter. You arrive just in time to see the man who was holding onto your daughter walk up a flight of stairs and you waste no time following after, shooting whoever was in your way.
The path splits into three once you reach the top and you pick a random path, slowly walking into the room.
You make sure the room is clear, making sure there is no one in it before you turn around, only to be smacked in the face with the butt of a gun. You stumble and fall, and make eye contact with the man who took you by surprise. You see him aiming at you, but with no intention to die before you find your daughter, you regain your balance and sweep his leg and quickly make your way on top of him. You snatch the knife out of your boot and put it to his neck, “Where is the child?” You hiss out, “I swear I’ll fucking kill you, where is she?” You barked when he took too long to answer for your liking.
“I don’t know what your talking about–” You decide you don’t have time for this bullshit, and jab him in the stomach with the knife. He lets out a cry of pain and he finds the cool metal of the knife back on the skin of his neck with a noticable change of pressure this time around. He was sure it would cut into the skin at any moment, “Okay, okay! Last I heard she was on the top floor.”
“Fuck,” You say, realizing that there were more floors than you realized. You don’t say another word before puncturing the side of his neck, quickly ending him. You get up, ready to leave the room but you’re grabbed from behind and choked. You grip the arm that wraps around your neck and stab your already bloodied knife into it, releasing yourself from the headlock. Even though the man who’d attacked you had been stabbed he was relentless. He ran at you again, landing a punch into your stomach and you got a few hits in yourself. You smash his head against a wall which either kills or knocks him out, and you can’t bring yourself to care as you see more men rush into the room.
You dance around them, getting in hits and taking some as well and you whip out your gun. You wanted to preserve bullets but you were getting overwhelemed by the amount of people that were flowing into the room. You shoot a few with amazing accuracy.
You hear a grunt behind you and before you can turn around, you are hit in the head with the butt of another gun again. You groan, the pain of your injuries starting to show through the adrenaline and the man behind you grabs you by your hair and pulls you up before wraping his own arm around your neck. You close one eye in pain and watch as one man walks to you, aiming his gun.
Before he can shoot, there is another shot that interrupts their plan and it ends up hitting the man behind you. Now free from his hold, you make use of the distraction and kick the man in front of you in the gut, causing him to double over. You knee him in the face and snatch his gun, shooting him in the face.
You look at your savior, and your eyes widen as you realize who it was. Armando…
“You good?” He asks. You nod, and he joins you at your side to finish off the remaining of the enemy, but before any of you can make a move, a helicopter comes smashing through the window, instantly killing two of the guys. You’re right in the path of the helicopter, and you see out of the corner of your eye Armando running towards you. He grabs onto you and you both fly out of the way. He manuvers both of your bodies until he’s the one to take most of the impact once you land.
Once all the chaos settles, you both stand up. You look at him, his hands still embracing you protectively, “Are you okay?”
You don’t answer him and continue to stare into his eyes. Those eyes you’ve known for so long. You don’t know what could’ve possessed you to do this, but you feel as if it’s the only thing you could do in the moment. With haste, you push your lips against his.
You can feel his surprise in your sudden action. You bring your hands up and grip his vest for stability and you feel the moment where he begins to reciprocate. Your mouths move together in a practiced motion and you wonder how he’s still such a good kisser after all these years.
The kiss quickly becomes heated, hurried. He slips his tongue into your mouth and you let him, moving the muscles together, competing for dominance. You groan into his mouth.
He then begins to walk forward, and you walk backwards slowly until your back makes contact with the wall behind you and he cages you in, his lips never leaving yours. Tongue never unlocking with your own. One hand is connected to the wall and the other to your hip as he brings you impossibly closer. You bask in the moment.
You break the kiss first, needing air, and his lips search for yours again instantly when you do. Your mind begins to cloud, but you remember why you’re here in the first place. You need to find your daughter. Even knowing this, you find it hard to pull away from the sensation that is his lips against your own, but somehow you find it in you to put your hands on his chest and gently push him away. He looks down at you in question.
“Can…can we continue… after I find my daughter?” You breathe heavily, still breathless from the passionate moment you shared.
“Yeah… okay. I’m coming with you.” Your eyes shot up at him at the statement. You nod at him and he hesitantly releases you from his hold. Desperate to rid yourself of the tension left in your lower area due to the kiss, you walk away, recalling what the man said about another floor.
Armando follows closely behind you.
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You eventually find the staircase that would lead you to the top floor, and of course, awaiting you were more of the enemy. With Armando by your side, you make quick work of them and once all that were left were bodies, you begin to search the room. It was the only room on the top floor, so unless that guy was lying to you, Demi must be here.
So where the hell is she?
There is no sign of her being here. You check behind boxes, inside cabinets, everywhere. Your breathing quickly grows rapid as you realize that your daughter is nowhere in sight. If she’s not here, then where the hell could she be? The rest of your team was in the lower areas on the building, and if one of them found her, surely they would’ve announced it over the comms, right? So where the hell is your daughter?
You feel a hand on your back, “Hey, hey, you’re fine. We’ll find her, okay?” Armando says.
You realize you can’t waste time, so you nod and recollect yourself. But that doesn’t change the fact that you have no clue where she could be if not here.
“Look,” Armando states once your breathing had slowed, he points to the left where there seemed to be a door to a balcony of sorts.
You take a deep breath and follow him, as he already started making his way toward it.
He kicks open the door, gun aimed at the figure that stood at the edge of the balcony and your heart dropped. In front of you stood your little girl, and a man that took his place on the ledge of what had to be a long ass drop. You feared the worst and your gun shoot in your hands.
“Put the guns down!” The man demanded, “Right now or I promise you I’ll jump, and take her ass with me!” He says. He emphasizes his words by gripping your daughter tighter and holding his gun to her head, then back at the two of you.
Your daughter is bawling her eyes out. You aren’t even sure if he noticed that you were there for her. She was scared out of your mind. “Demi–”
“Shut up, and put your fucking guns down!” The man demanded. You listen this time, which prompted Armando to do the same. You cursed to yourself, realizing what little power you have in this situation. “I want you two to slowly walk back out that door.”
“We can’t do that,” Armando states, his hands rising in the air after he dropped his gun to show he’s not a threat.
“Fucking do it!” The man boasted. You aren’t sure what your options are, if there were any. You look to Armando, and he seems to sense your eyes on the back of his head.
He then looks at you a certain way, and mouths to you, “Trust me.”
Your eyes widen and you let out a yelp in surprise when Armando takes off running toward the man and your daughter. This takes the man by surprise too, before he makes no effort to pull the trigger and only seems to panick at the incoming threat. He doesn’t get a chance to retaliate before Armando uses his shoulder and back to swiftly steal your daughter from the mans grip, all the while using force to push him off of the balcony.
You watch as Armando sinks to his knees with your daughter, gently combing her hair with his fingers and whispering in her ear words of comfort. She grips onto him tightly and cries into his police vest. It takes you a moment to realize that she is safe. Something about Armando holding your daughter in his arms and caring for her makes you realize and think about some things that you haven’t thought to think about before, but you put that all of the back burner in favor of finally holding Demi in your arms again.
“Baby…” You whisper, almost in disbelief that she really is safe and sound. Demi registers your voice in her little head and whips it around to face you.
“Mama!!” She cries, she leaves Armando’s hold and you drop to your knees to give her the biggest, tightest hug you can. You sniffle and pull her head into your neck.
“Are you okay Mimi? Let me look at you…” You say, pulling away from her to check her from any kind of injury. She shakes her head, you take in the sight of her red eyes from all the crying she’s been doing.
“Mama is hurt…” She mumbles. You move your hand to the various areas that Demi points at and notice that you are indeed hurt in many areas, but you don’t care. Not right now.
“I am… But it’s okay, mama’s strong, just like you baby. God, I love you so much,” You say, planting a long, wet kiss on her forehead and hug her again tightly.
“I love you too, mama,” Demi says into your neck. You look at Armando as you hug Demi, and you mouth a quick “Thank you.” He nods to you, watching the interaction.
The moment is interrupted by Mike on the comms, “Armando, come in Armando.”
“What’s up?” Armando replies.
“You need to get out of here, Judy’s here and is looking for you. Take the boat and get the hell out of here.”
Armando hesitates, looking at you and your daughter… his daughter. Whatever he’s contemplating seems like he’s making a hard decision in his mind, but luckily for him, you’ve already made up yours.
“We’ll come with you.” You state.
“What? No–”
“It wasn’t a question.”
Silence overtakes you, but you don’t let it linger for too long, “Don’t push us away again.”
This looks to have convinced him, as he takes a deep breath and nods. “Okay.”
You don’t know how the future will go for you three. You dread the predestined talk with your daughter that you’re going to have to have with her to tell her that this man is really her father, but all you know is that as your walking through that building, your daughter being carried by him and her hooked onto her neck for safety and comfort, you feel as if you have good things coming.
And so you let yourself crack a genuine smile, one that you felt hasn’t shown itself since the night that he left you.
And he reciprocates the same one. One you haven’t seen in years, and one you’re sure to see in many more to come.
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@dasaniswrlddd @thedarkworldofhananerea @taylormcguire282 @timebomb1101 @5arlan7 @desiiiisworld @babygurl030 @lovelyme22 @Leavemealing @lewispool @yeahnohoneybye @velocitynyoom @maybepersuasivetom @deadpool15
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sunny44 · 8 months
I would love you either way
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x girlfriend!reader
Warnings: pregnancy talk, infertility etc…
Summary: Carlos notices that you’ve been acting weird and he decides to ask you why.
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Y/n had been acting strangely lately, and it didn't go unnoticed by me and I couldn't help but worry about her.
We’ve have been together for a few years, and our relationship was filled with love and happiness but something had been bothering Y/n and I was determined to find out what it was.
So today was the day, as I sat on her side I took her hand in mine and she looked at me.
“Y/n." he began. "You've been very distant lately and it's been worrying me. Is there something you're not telling me?"
She hesitated for a moment, her eyes filled with tears. She took a deep breath and started to talk.
"Carlos, I went to see a doctor a few days ago and she told me something that's been weighing on my mind.”
I was very concerned when she said she went to see the doctor and bad things started to cross my mind.
“Tell me, love. What did the doctor say?"
Y/n took another deep breath before revealing.
“The doctor told me that the chances of me getting pregnant are very low, almost non-existent. It's been bothering me because I've always dreamed of having children one day and I know you wanted too and I was scared that when I told you about this you would leave me for someone that can give you this.”
I was silent for a moment, processing the news.
I could see the pain in her eyes and he knew I needed to choose my words carefully.
“Babe, I love you so much and I would never leave you for something like this. This isn’t the only way we could have kids.” She cried more. “I know that it’s not the same that having the full experience of having a baby but this doesn’t mean we can’t give a child a new home and parents that would love them so much.”
“It’s just that I feel so useless.”
“Don’t say that, you’re not useless.” I hold her face. “I know you want to be a mom and we can think about this when were both ready to have a baby. You don’t need to worry about this now, okay?”
“Did the doctor said that you can’t get pregnant in any way or in the normal way?”
“What do you mean?”
“Because it has the In vitro fertilization, we can try that if the doctor thinks that it could work.”
“We didn’t talk further about it, I was so shocked and sad that I just wanted to get out of there.”
“Okay, so we can discuss the options when we’re ready for it.”
“Okay.” I hugged her and kissed her forehead. “Are we okay?”
“Of course we are, I love you so much and when the time comes, I can’t wait to be the father of your children.” She laughed a little.
“And I can’t wait to be the mother of your children.”
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Bonus scene!
Yourusername Instagram stories
“Some days off with my lover.”
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stardew-requests · 1 year
Can I get headcanons for the Bachelors and a pregnant farmer? ((Or a link to a post that you've made about the same thing that I really feel like you've made that I still can't remember))
Nothing makes my heart happier than the Stardew bachelors as dads! Thanks for the request Anon!
This one's long post! I put it under the cut!
Alex: In some regard, he still views himself as a teenager, so upon learning that the farmer was pregnant he had a moment of panic. Okay, it was more than just a moment. "What are we going to do? My grandma's going to be so disappointed!" He'd say, pacing back a forth. The farmer would just shake their head. "Alex, we're married. I don't think it'll be much of a scandal". It took some time to really register that he was going to be a father, but when it finally clicked a few weeks in, he begins to get excited. He takes initiative on prepping the nursery and goes above and beyond with helping on the farm. At his core, he's determined to be that father he never had; the one that every kid deserves.
Elliott: He is extremely attentive, almost excessively. Every need, every craving, every appointment or exam, he's there without hesitation. The farmer never has to doubt whether or not he'll be there, because he was fully involved from the moment they told him they were expecting. It had always been a dream of his to be a father, and it had finally come to fruition. So he was there for every moment of the pregnancy, good and bad. And the moment he held that baby for the first time? No painting or song or any piece of art was ever as beautiful as that moment.
Harvey: Being a doctor, Harvey was completely ready, medically speaking. However, no amount of medical school or field work could've prepared him for the intense emotions that overcame him the moment he found out he was going to be a father. Pure joy flooded over him, but also crippling worry. What if he panicked during the delivery? What if something went wrong? How could he live with himself if something did go wrong and he wasn't able to help? The farmer, while worried to a lesser degree, became the rock he needed to be both an attentive doctor and a caring husband. And, of course, he excelled at both. 
Sam: Poor Sam didn't see this one coming. The pregnancy was a surprise, and the farmer was overjoyed, but Sam had no idea how to react at first. Of course he was ecstatic; he'd often daydream of being a father. Taking care of Vincent all those years had given him a real paternal touch. But he was also nervous. What would his mom say? Would his dad be disappointed in him? Would he grow apart from his friends? The situation took some getting used to, but after he overcame the initial shock he let the excitement take over. He went to every single checkup with the farmer and bought LOADS of baby things to prepare the nursery. And you believe he absolutely spoils that baby. 
Sebastian: In his younger years, Sebastian fully believed he never wanted to be a father. He didn't think he was cut out for it. But after meeting the farmer, the idea began to grow on him. He liked the idea of being a stay-at-home dad on the farm. So when the farmer told him the news, he immediately knew he was ready to fall right into the role. Not having his own dad around (and the coldness he received from Demetrius all his life) made him dead-set on being the most attentive and loving man he could be. For both the baby and the farmer.
Shane: Shane had convinced himself that he'd never get that chance to be a father, with the exception of Jas of course, and he'd come to terms with that long ago. It was only after recovery and the blooming relationship with the farmer that he dared to imagine the possibility of a child of his own. When the time came that the farmer told him of their pregnancy, they were worried that he wouldn't react well. Though he'd come a long way in his recovery, he was still fragile. But the farmer wouldn't have guessed that he'd bury his head in his hands and become choked up. "Shane?" They'd ask carefully, worried he was going to break down. But he just shakes his head, looks up at the farmer, and says "I'm so happy".
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bellarkeselection · 4 months
Oh my, you're so right. There are not enough Will Halstead fics in the one chicago fandom. I would have an idea for this fine man. Maybe you like it.
It's the best fiends to lovers trope... I'm obsessed with this kind of stuff. They're both idiots in love but are too afraid to destroy their friendship when they would tell the other how they feel. Will is super protective of reader. Reader has a chronic illness (cause I NEED to see him in worried protective doctor mode) like a heart desase or asthma or epilepsy. So he always watches out for her helping her when she feels sick... One day he gets hit on at Molly's and reader sees him flirting with a girl. He starts to date the girl. The girl is super bitchy and is jealous of reader cause she's Wills best friend. So the girl tries to drive a wedge between reader and Will, maybe weave some lies, hurts reader mentally etc so that reader distance herself from Will cause she's hurt of what his girlfriend said to her or how she treats reader. That lead to huge emotional stress which flares up her illness. Reader is feeling bad both emotionally and physically. And it gets dramatic in some kind of way. Maybe Jay or another character notices reader getting worse and tells Will. And first he doesn't belive it, cause his best friend would tell him of she's super sick, wouldn't she? Until reader is admitted to Med or is found unconscious in her apartment or something else.
Sorry for my long rambling. This is just an idea maybe you like some parts of it.
Idiot Friends in Love
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Okay so this is one of the longest requests I have gotten for Will so far. I honestly enjoyed writing this so so much and I truly hope I did as much as you asked for 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗
When people talk about having a best friend you have to remember that no relationship is going to be the same as someone else’s. But when my friends think of a best friend duo they look at me and Will Halstead. We’ve been in the others life from the time we were five years old and haven’t left each other’s side since then.
He had went onto to become a doctor and I had persuade working in the same police department as his brother Jay had. Years ago when Will had a fight with his dad about wanting to go off to college I was there for the aftermath when Will stormed out. He told me the main reason he wanted to become a doctor was so that he could help people, especially people like me. I was born a few weeks earlier at the end of my mom’s pregnancy which gave me underdeveloped lungs and asthma.
Walking into Molly’s bar wearing some ripped blue jeans shorts and a white tank top I was looking for Will until I finally found him up at the bar. Striding over I was about to say something until I saw him with a blonde that I couldn’t really stand to be around. Her and I had gotten off to the wrong foot and she basically always made a point to lead my best friend away me. Heading to the bathroom I leaned my body into the wall just needing a minute to myself except to my surprise the very girl I didn’t want to see came up to me. “How long do you think he’s going to be there to babysit you hmm?”
“What are you talking about?” I asked her sensing some annoyance in her tone.
The blonde named Brooke snapped. “I mean he can’t babysit you and be your best friend forever. He is an ED doc and now spends most of his time with me.”
“Did he tell you this?” I questioned her knowing my friend was very busy as was I since I was doing everything I could to someday become a paramedic for Firehouse 51 with my friend Sylvie Brett who had recently joined the team.
Brooke rolled her eyes like I was an idiot or something. “He’s just spending time with you because he’s a doctor and feels it’s his sworn duty to protect you and make sure you’re well.”
“Will and I have been friends since we were five years old. So, I think you’ve got your thoughts mixed up.” Responding to the girl I had faith in my friend way before I would ever believe what this woman was saying.
She throws her hands away from her sides. “I’m just saying he clearly doesn’t have feelings for you like he does for me.”
“How would you know huh. Can you see what he is thinking inside his head cause I certainly can’t.”
She shrugged her shoulders. “I’ve seen your little asthma attacks the first time I met you at this bar. Do you seriously think that he’s gonna want to be with somebody with a disability.”
“I’m done talking to you.” I began walking away from her until she yanked me back by my forearm.
“Just face the facts and realize you’ll just be another patient to him and nothing else.”
Yanking my arm from her grasp I stomped away not bothering to talk to her or Will for the night. The next few weeks I had basically been avoiding Will’s phone calls or texts figuring that she was right that I would always be a patient in his eyes. I decided to take a walk and see Brett so headed to the firehouse seeing her stalking supplies inside the ambulance. “There’s my favorite paramedic.”
“Hey Y/n! I wasn’t thinking I would be seeing you today. How have you been?” She climbed down out of the ambulance coming over and embracing me in a hug.
I wrapped my arms around her hugging her back. “I’m good. How are you and Casey?”
“We’re doing good. I’ve been meaning to ask how are you and Dr. Halstead. I’ve been meaning to ask lately.”
I raised a brow at her question. “Me and Will. I – I don’t understand.”
“Oh please. There’s something clearly going on between you two.” Brett rolled her eyes like I just said something completely ridiculous.
I raised my hands waving them in front of my chest not believing that there was something going on between me and my friend. “I don’t think you understand the relationship that he and I exactly. We are just friends and nothing more. Besides I’m fairly certain he doesn’t think of me in that way.”
“Pfft I’m sorry but that is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.” She made a noise snorting out a laugh. “Have you missed the signs where he sends you those lovey doe eyes, looking out for you, and I’ve never seen you hanging around anyone else but him since the day I met you two.”
“Look Brett, I appreciate you being hopeful. But there’s never going to be anything romantic going on with me and Will.” I felt my eyes beginning to water and I ran my fingers through my hair slowly feeling a tightening in my chest. I grabbed my chest gasping for air not expecting this to happen. “I mean why would he ever go for me. He has a girlfriend, regardless if she’s a bitch. But it’s fine – argh!”
Brett rushed forward catching my body before I could hit the concrete. “Y/n! Hey, hey, woah, woah. Kelly! Casey! I need some help out here.” She shouted before my eyes got heavy and I loosened my grip on her arms passing out on her.
I’m not sure how long I was out for by the time I slowly blinked my eyes opened and saw some bright lights that clearly looked like the hospital lights. I sucked in some breaths feeling a mask over my nose and mouth meaning asthma medicine was getting pushed into my body. The curtain drew open and I saw Rhodes enter the room carrying a chart underneath one arm. “Hey Y/n, you’re breathing seems to be doing better. I’ll just slowly take this off now.”
“Thanks Dr. Rhodes – uh where’s Brett – at?” I coughed after he pulled the mask down from my face and helping me sit upright more on the pillows.
He glanced towards the curtain answering my question. “She’s outside by the nurse desk. Will is actually with her too.”
“He is?” I asked leaning up feeling hopeful for a brief second.
He nodded walking out into the hallway waving them inside the room. Brett came in and smiled brightly hugging me and I hugged her back pulling away letting my best friend have my attention more than her. “I’ll let you two talk for a bit. Come talk with you afterwards.” She stepped outside the room back into the hallway leaving the two of us alone.
“I was so worried about you when I saw Brett bring you in like that. I mean I thought we had a better understanding going here. That – that we – “He stuttered out his words frantically running a hand through his auburn curls. “You’re my best friend so I thought you’d tell me if something bad was really going on with you.”
I did my best to lie, biting my lip unknowingly. “Will, I just had a small episode. You know flare ups can happen from almost anything.”
“I’m aware of that. But that’s not the point.”
I snapped. “The point doesn’t matter.”
“Yes it does matter.”
Shaking my head I wished he wasn’t so argumentative like I was. “No it doesn’t. Look I’m fine now so we don’t have to have this conversation anymore.”
“Yes, enough of this. Okay I know you’re lying o me about something and I’m hurt that you didn’t feel comfortable enough to talk to me about it.” He raised his hands in the air.
I rolled my eyes wishing this wasn’t happening right now between us. “You don’t need to know all of my business, William!”
“We’ll excuse me. I thought us being childhood best friends meant we were much closer than you think we are!” He raised his voice at me in frustration.
Clutching my hands into fists punching the hospital bed sheets shouting up at my best friend with some tears falling down my face. “Gosh damn it Will just stop it. I don’t want to be your friend who is always a patient in your eyes. I know that’s all I’m ever going to be!”
“What. Who, who told you that?” Will made a confused face at me.
I scoffed. “That blonde girl named Brooke you’re dating. She told me facts that you clearly aren’t comfortable saying to my face.”
“Why would she say those things. We’re not together anymore.” He responded.
I parted my lips thinking he was joking. “You’re not. Why – why not?”
“She just liked the idea of dating an ED doc. I broke up with her last Friday. That’s what I was wanting to talk with you about in my multiple phone calls. But I guess I got my answer when you never answered.” His gaze lowered down to the floor and he went to leave.
I gently called his attention. “Will, wait a sec. What was the calls about?”
“They were about my feelings for you.”
Sucking in a shacky breath I wasn’t sure how to feel about what he was about to say. “Will, are you saying that you think of me more than a friend?”
Rather than giving me a verbal response he strides forward climbing up onto my bed with his legs on either side of mine. He gently grabs my face in his hands crashing his lips down onto mine not giving me a chance to say anything. It took me a minute before I ran my fingers up his arms wrapping my arms around his kissing him back.
Threading my fingers through his hair, tugging on it hearing him moan into the kiss. I thought this was a dream for a brief moment until he broke the kiss resting his forehead against mine. “You’ve always been more than a friend to me. I just - didn’t want to say anything and ruin what we have if you didn’t feel the same. And don’t ever think for a minute that you’re just a patient to me. You’re anything else but that Y/n.”
“It’s crazy that my reasoning for not telling you how I felt before now is the same reason as yours. It’s a relief we both come off as idiots in love.” I smiled chuckling resting my other hand on his cheek.
He sent me a cheecky grin. “Well can this idiot in love officially ask you out on a date tonight?”
“Yes, yes I’ll go on a date with you.” I leaned forward beginning the next kiss we shared. We were entirely too worried for nothing and it wasn’t too long after a few dates that Will was already working on having me become his Mrs. Halstead.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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redrose10 · 1 month
#22 #25 and #26 with Seokjin ♡ , angst but with a happy ending !!
Ps : I hope you'll have a great day ahead 🩷
I hope this is okay!
#22 I don’t owe you an explanation
#25 I want an answer, goddammit!
#26 It was you the whole time
Warnings: Angst, mention of cheating, stalking, threats
You stood outside your front door longer than you normally would because you knew once you walked inside an argument would ensue. You knew that your husband Jin was worked up. The text message you received earlier proved that. You knew he was angry and hurt, probably confused about all of the sneaking around you had been doing. You knew it looked bad, but you were trying to protect him. He already had so much on his shoulders and you didn’t want to add more. That’s why you never told him about the threatening messages you had been receiving.
It started three months ago. At first they were just rude messages directed at your appearance or relationship, nothing you hadn’t already heard before. Then you started getting phone calls. They’d call and not say anything just to hang up after a couple moments, but you still chose to brush it off as probably just an overly delusional fan trying to scare you away. Then the threats of violence started. You thought about mentioning it to Jin, but he was already so stressed and you didn’t want to add more so you tried blocking them instead.
It wasn’t until you started receiving candid photos of yourself that you started to really worry. They clearly weren’t paparazzi photos. They were photos of you at your job, going to the grocery store, visiting your parents. There was even one of you leaving your doctors office with a note saying they knew of your “little secret” and that they would destroy your growing family. That was the message that broke you because it wasn’t just about you or even you and Jin any more.
So you contacted his company to make them aware, but you begged them not to let Jin know. They agreed that it would be best to not let word get out so for the last several weeks they’ve been working behind the scenes to try and catch this person which included you going there and having small meetings for updates and questions leaving you to have to do lots of sneaking around.
And earlier today you got the call that they had tracked them down and arrested the person who had been making the threats. You were asked to come in for a meeting which is why you had to cancel your lunch date with Jin at the last minute, that being the last straw for him.
Taking a deep breath you finally pushed open the door and entered your apartment feeling uneasy with the silence. Normally there was music and singing and pots and pans clanking in the kitchen, but now there was nothing. Jin was calmly sitting on the couch waiting for you.
You decided to make the first move, “Look I’m sorry I had to cancel our date. Something came up that was really important.”
“What’s his name?”, Jin spat.
Jin took a deep breath, “What. Is. His. Name?”
“Look I know it looks bad but if you just let me expla_“
“Is he the father of our unborn daughter?”
Your mouth dropped open. You knew things looked bad, but you never thought Jin would’ve went straight to accusing you of getting pregnant by some other guy.
You continued to stare at him in shock.
He slammed his fist down on the table, “I want an answer, goddammit!”
His outburst startled you. In all the years you’d been together you had never seen him raise his voice, especially not at you.
Feeling tears begin to fall you ran off to the bedroom slamming and locking the door behind you.
It didn’t take long for Jin to come knocking, “Y/N, I’m sorry that I lost my temper. You know I’d never hurt you. Please come out so we can talk about this.”
“No! I don’t owe you an explanation.”, you pouted. You knew that you really did actually kind of owe him one but at the moment you just wanted to be petty and not speak to him.
“Y/N I’m sorry I accused you of cheating. I know you’d never do that. I just panicked because all the signs pointed towards it and I was terrified. I don’t want to loose you. I really am sorry. Please tell me what’s really going on.”
When you cracked open the door you saw him sitting in the hallway with his back against the wall. His voice had been surprisingly calm given the tears falling down his cheeks. Quickly you crawled over to him allowing him to gently pull you onto his lap.
“It was you the whole time. It will always be you no matter what. I could never be with anyone else.”, you mumbled into his neck still feeling bad that you lead him to believe you were cheating.
“I know. You’re all I’ll ever need too. I’m sorry again.”
You shook your head, “I should’ve told you from the start. It’s my fault for leading us to this.”
After you explained everything that was happening Jin was pretty upset that you’d kept him in the dark, but he understood why you did it. You both agreed not to hide things from each other moving forward and to work on your communication.
Then after some playful pouting on your part and fake whining on his, Jin agreed to cook your favorite for dinner all while you kept your arms tightly wrapped around him.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 3 months
thinking about the sports medicine doc I saw several months ago because I fucked up a tendon last year and went to get evaluated for a cortisone shot and/or PT.
Due to white-knuckling my way through severe endometriosis for several years before getting help, and then white-knuckling through two more years of active treatment because I wanted to be SURE I REALLY NEEDED to just take out everything (that I wasn't using in the first place, not wanting children), my relationship with pain is a fucking mess. Like, I could feel it HURT when my back tweaked, and that was obviously an issue. But also, I have no idea what amount of pain is average.
So, anyway, first time meeting this sports medicine guy. Sent that way by my primary care doc who has always been fantastic. But the sports medicine doc wasn't HER, so I was worried I wouldn't be taken seriously because it wasn't until I was 29 that doctors actually started listening to me about my pain.
Doctor comes in. Asks what's up. I explain how the injury happened and when it hurts. And then I took a deep breath and said the scariest thing, "The thing is, I can't actually tell you how bad it is because I have a really unclear idea of how much pain I have because I spent several years in near-constant to constant pain with severe endometriosis, so I disconnect from my pain a lot."
And this doctor goes, "Oh, okay. Good to know. I've worked with a lot of endo patients. Let me check a couple of things."
And one of the things he tried was to put his thumb right on the lower back tendon that was flared up in anger at the overall issue and PUSHED. And I made some sort of noise, and he went, "Okay, so that tendon is super angry at you. You definitely need PT to get things healed up. Do you want the cortisone shot today? If not, I'm going to tell you to ice it and take painkillers and just be careful, but that can be easier with the shot on board."
And a part of me went, "No, of course not! Why would I need that???" But what came out of my mouth was "Yes, I would like the shot."
And I was very fucking proud of myself because, my god, the RELIEF. Did it long-term fix the issue? No. That was what the PT was for. Did it PROVIDE relief? YES. Holy shit. The level of BETTER I felt was amazing.
I don't know if I have an overall point of this post except to remind you that your pain is valid. Your pain is worth lessening. Just because you've suffered with no help before doesn't mean you have to do it again. Get the cortisone shot. Get the fat ibie prescriptions (just refilled mine). Do the PT and don't push yourself to the point of pain just because the therapist is watching (still working on that one).
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authorforrosie · 9 months
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Title: In Another Life
Pairing: Rosé x female reader
Warning: Death, sadness, angst, no happy ending.
Author Notes: This is very much angst and sad without a happy ending. This is for every person who lost a loved one before.❤️ I wrote 1632 words into this one part storyline.
Rosé Park loved the love of her life Y/N more than anything in the whole universe. She would've done everything for Y/N. both wanted to marry, have children and grow old together. Until the news of Y/N's sudden passing. That changed her for the rest of her entire life. It would be changing Blackpink as well. Since all the members are very close towards you. Y/N has been like a sister to her bandmates.
You both have been together since around four years in a happy relationship. Yes you had fights and arguments here and there. Nevertheless you both worked through them together while apologizing to each other. Lisa absolutely loved you as Rosé's girlfriend. Jennie and Jisoo always support the relationship of you both with all the happiness in the whole world.
Rosé was singing her part of their song stay. Jennie hugged her and held her when Rosé cried tears of sadness mixed with longing for Y/N. She wanted to be in Y/N's arms where she always feels safe. Her bandmates understood how much she is missing Y/N. They miss Y/N as well since Y/N always has been making them happy with her existence.
Rosé was on the Stage giving everything she can to make blinks happy. She was doing a lot of Fan Service with Jennie and Lisa to make blinks the happiest. Until someone from backstage came to get her backstage. Jennie, Jisoo and Lisa already watched her with a worried expression on their face which they quickly hide again through putting on a happy act.
Rosé followed the staff backstage with a worried expression until she saw her manager in their dressing room. Tears rolled down the cheeks of her manager.
„Rosé sit down, there's something that I have to tell you. It's very important." Demanded Rosé's manager with sadness in her voice.
Rosé sat down with a worried expression on her face. She felt her manager holding her hands while another staff silently went out the dressing room.
„How do I tell you this Rosie. I've got a call a few minutes ago about your girlfriend. The hospital called you on the phone. I know you couldn't take on the call because you was on stage I took on the call. Your girlfriend Y/N passed away." Announced Rosé's manager with sadness in her voice.
Rosé couldn't progress the words since she was in a deep shock. She only knows that her manager called her name and that everything became black in front of her eyes. Not knowing that in this moment her best friends/bandmates joined her backstage when she passed out.
Her bandmates cried when they got the information that Y/N passed away. Since Y/N has been like a little sister to all of them. They won't know what would happen to blackpink for a few months since they know they needed to grief.
- -
Jennie, Jisoo and Lisa sat in the waiting room of a hospital where Rosé was rushed to. Alice told them she passed out because the shock was too much. All of them held each other for many hours since the doctors wanted to check Rosé if she had injuries from the fall of a chair.
„Is here anyone related for Roseanne Park...?" Asked a doctor with professionalism in his voice.
Alice, Jisoo, Jennie and Lisa got up from the uncomfortable black chairs. The doctor went closer towards them.
„I am Alice Park, Rosé's older sister. How is my little sister Rosé...?" Answered Alice with worry in her voice.
Alice shook hands with the doctor both had a serious expression on the face. Jennie pat Alice back a few times to show her a sign that she isn't alone.
„Your sister Rosé has no injuries from the fall. She will wake up soon. Please be very careful around her. We don't know how she will mental react when she wakes up later. You can see her I will bring you guys to her hospital room" Said the doctor with professionalism and seriousness in his voice.
Alice, Jisoo, Jennie and Lisa followed the doctor who got them to Rosé's hospital room. All of them felt sadness when they thought about you being gone. They couldn't believe that you passed away so sudden without any signs before.
Jisoo already held Lisa and Jennie in her arms since she knew how easily they cry. Jisoo already felt a tear rolling down her cheek. Alice watched Rosé through the window as Rosé still looked outside with an emotionless expression on her face.
Jisoo went into the hospital room standing next to Rosé's hospital bed. She took Rosé's hand into her own hand. Her thumbs slowly rubbed Rosé's knuckles as a sign that she will never be alone.
„I know you don't want to talk right now and that you wanna progress everything. Just know that we are here for you no matter how much you will try to push us away. You aren't alone. We can only imagine the pain of losing the love of your life that you are going through." announced Jisoo with comfort and softness in her voice.
Jisoo kissed Rosé's cheek with a worried expression on her face. Jennie, Lisa and Alice kissed Rosé's cheek after Jisoo. Rosé didn't react since she has been far too shocked mentally and physically.
Alice knows that Rosé won't talk much for the next few months. She needs everyone to be there for her though. Lisa knows that the funeral will be very hard for Rosé. Lisa promised herself that she will be there for Rosé on the funeral to hold her when she breaks down.
Alice sat next at Rosé's hospital bed with a sad expression on her face. Her heart broke for her little sister since she knew how much Rosé loved Y/N. If Alice is honest she would say that she wanted Y/N and Rosé to marry since Y/N was already like a sister-in-law for her.
„How is she...?" Asked Jisoo with worry in her voice. Jisoo never saw Rosé like this. It scared her to the soul and heart. She knew they couldn't take away Rosé's pain, they could only help her through the pain.
Alice didn't know how to answer Jisoo she only knew that Rosé will never be the woman she was before.
„She is still the same, very quietly. I know soon she will cry and then she needs us to hold her. I've never seen her like this. I must confess that I am scared of Rosie never getting through this pain you know. Since the pain of losing Y/N will never go away, it will only hurt less." Answered Alice with sadness, fear and worry in her voice.
Rosé stood in between Jisoo and Lisa who held her in their arms. Her head leaned on Lisa's shoulder meanwhile Jisoo rubbed her back for comfort. Rosé couldn't stop crying, it felt like her heart was torn out of her chest. She missed her Y/N so much. Her family, friends and bandmates have been crying as well since the memories of Y/N replayed in their minds.
Everyone loved Y/N since she always motivated when someone wasn't feeling well, she was very caring even to strangers who took advantage of her kindness, she was kind to all people especially animals and she always had a warm golden kind heart. Which needed to be protected by her loved ones.
Y/N's family didn't hesitate to pull Rosé in their arms with tears rolling down their cheeks. A close friend gave them all tissues to wipe their tears away. The picture that got chosen of Y/N was really beautiful. Her smile brightened everyone's life for better. The smile showed happiness and joy.
Y/N has been a very quiet shy child in her childhood, who rather has not many friends than many fake friends. She always disliked boys and thought that they had the cootie. That's what Y/N's family told everyone when they came together. The hardest time has been Y/N's first death anniversary. Rosé almost couldn't leave the bed she cried until she fell back asleep. This repeated the whole day until her bandmates laid on the couch next at her.
After two years felt Rosé way better. She realized through her bandmates that it isn't healthy to grief for too long. Her brain was ready to accept that Y/N would be looking down at her from somewhere up above. Y/N won't want her to cry for the rest of her life. The pain of losing her loved one has been hurting less.
That's why she suddenly stood in front Y/N's grave thinking about the 'if' questions. A part of her will never understand why the love of her life had to be gone too soon. At the same she couldn't wait what the future had to offer towards her. Rosé knows that she will never love anyone as much as she loved Y/N. Her true love.
„I love you. Y/N. In another life I will find you and be with you again. The love of my entire life. Thank you for everything baby." Whispered Rosé with love and softness in her voice.
That's exactly when she felt a little bit wind around her. Which she took as a sign that Y/N was always with her. Since she will continue being alive in Rosé heart where their memories are.
„In another life." Whispered Rosé with happiness, sadness and acceptance in her voice. Before she walked away after laying down Y/N's favorite flowers on the grave and kissing the grave stone.
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barbieaiden · 11 months
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1. Kell: Dude. You're no fun to play with, you're too good.
Aiden: Kell, I love you, but I think you just suck at the game.
Kell: Dude! I always won against my siblings!
Aiden: Aww. I always let my brother win too when we were little.
Kell: You're cheating.
Aiden: I would never. I take these things very seriously.
2. Kell: By the way, you know that guy I went on a date with before your coma?
Aiden: Yeah?
Kell: Yeah, we were supposed to go on another date literally the day you got into the coma, so obviously I was like "dude, I can't make it, my friend is having a literal medical emergency", and he was like "okay, I'll just break this off here then, bye".
Aiden: Oh nooo. Did I cockblock you with my coma?
Kell: You literally did!
3. Aiden: I'll make it up to you. I'll wingman you so hard. I'll introduce you to literally everyone I know.
Kell: Isn't that, like, the entirety of River Bay?
Aiden: Almost, yeah. So you're bound to find someone.
Kell: Dude, you did not win again.
Aiden: You practically let me.
Kell: Dude!
Peyton: Is now a bad time to say hi?
4. Aiden: Peyton! NO, of course not. I didn't even know you were here, it's been so long!
5. Peyton: Yeah, I seem to recall being ignored for a month?
Aiden: Sorry about that. I was sleeping.
Peyton: For a month?
Aiden: Doctor's orders.
Peyton: Ah, of course. Totally reasonable.
6. Aiden: But don't worry. I'm back in my element.
Peyton: Do I want to know what that means?
Aiden: It means I'm ready to annoy the fuck out of you and text you every millisecond 24/7.
Peyton: Okay, I can get behind that.
7. Peyton: how are you doing?
Aiden: Great.
Peyton: "Great"? Really?
Aiden: So great. How are you? Are you still working at the mall?
Peyton: I quit impulsively a few weeks ago. I should probably get a new job if I want to be able to pay rent, but, eh. Video games are more fun.
Kell: If you're evicted you can move into Sam and Aiden's closet, I hear it's pretty empty nowadays.
Aiden: Totally.
8. Kell: Peyton, you're good at connect 4, right?
Peyton: I'd say so.
Kell: Help me win. Please.
Aiden: Who's cheating now?
Kell: There's no rule that says you can't have someone help you.
Peyton: Don't put it there. One step right.
Kell: Here?
Peyton: Yeah.
9. Aiden: Peyton, I love you so much.
Kell: Dude. Did you just make me lose?
Peyton: [Shrug]
Kell: Fuck you. Both of you.
[New scene]
Sam: You met Aiden right after the car crash.
Jordan: Yes.
Sam: How bad was it? He never told me.
Jordan: Considering the crash, his injuries were very mild.
Sam: But he could've died.
Jordan: He didn't. And I don't think you need to worry about something that happened six years ago.
Sam: No, I just...
Jordan: Just what?
Sam: I don't know.
11. Sam: I hated Aiden when we first met.
Jordan: According to Kell's accounts you were simultaneously in love with him?
Sam: Attracted to. There's a difference.
Jordan: Not to me.
Sam: And how many successful relationships have you had?
Jordan: Well... I've certainly had relationships, I can tell you that much.
12. Sam: Don't you get tired of talking to new people all the time? How do you even find so many people you're interested in? I did it once and now I'm marrying him so I never have to do it again.
Jordan: It's easy if you're drunk and have very, very low standards. It also helps if you're fresh off a 13 hour shift at a hospital.
Sam: That sounds awful.
Jordan: I don't necessarily recommend it.
13. Sam: But you keep doing it.
Jordan: I suppose I have nothing better to do after those 13 hour shifts.
Sam: I'm so glad I dropped out of med school.
Jordan: You should be.
14. Sam: I'm just going to get some water.
Jordan: Okay.
15. Lucas: No, I had to do it because Michael thought it was "rude".
Michael: It was.
Lucas: If I pay for something, I want what I paid for. That's not rude. If I fuck someone's tattoo up I'd fix it.
Michael: You can't compare a meal to something that's permanently on someone's body.
Lucas: You agree with me.
Peyton: Oh, yeah.
Lucas: Exactly!
16. Peyton: Hey, Sam. How are you doing? Sleeping better?
Sam: A little.
Peyton: So... while you're here... Aiden.
Sam: Yes?
17. Peyton: He's acting... suspiciously normal, isn't he?
Lucas: Right? I literally told Michael the same thing ten minutes ago. This is the way Aiden always acts after medical emergencies, he just pretends everything's fine.
18. Sam: It's been a month. Things have gone back to normal, he's not pretending.
Lucas: No, sorry, no offense, Sam, but I don't think you get it. You weren't there all the other times he had to go to the hospital because of drugs--and that shouldn't be plural, by the way--this happens every time.
19. Lucas: He says he's fine and that he's clean now and then he just waits until people stop asking him about it and we're back at square one.
Sam: This was different though.
Lucas: Just because it was worse and because he maybe went through a tiny little bit of withdrawal while unconscious doesn't mean he's magically better.
Michael: Lucas, please.
20. Michael: You yourself said that there's nothing we can do.
Lucas: Well, we can't exactly force him to do anything but there's a difference between overcaring and pushing him away, and being so passive it turns into enabling.
Michael: I agree, but I don't think that has anything to do with Sam.
Lucas: I didn't say it does.
21. Lucas: I just don't want him dead, that's all.
Peyton: I seriously doubt any of us want him dead.
Lucas: Exactly. So we can't just trust that he's better because he says he is.
Sam: That's not what--[Sigh] I don't think it's fair to talk about this behind his back.
22. Lucas: I'd love to discuss this with him directly but he makes it pretty difficult. There's a reason he didn't want to talk to us for a fucking month.
Sam: Maybe it wasn't deliberate. Maybe he was just recovering from a coma.
Lucas: But he was talking to literally everyone else during that time, wasn't he? It's not a coincidence he ignored me, Michael, and Peyton specifically.
23. Sam: I... I don't know his motivation. And either way I don't want to be involved in this.
Peyton: That's fair. I didn't really mean for this to be a whole discussion.
Lucas: Sorry. Look, my point is just... if he's clean, that's fucking great. But I kind of doubt it. Just... keep an eye on him.
Sam: I always am.
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aleksa-sims · 6 months
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RL Story
CW: Pregnancy
I was so happy! And I wasn't even high or so. 😉Just sober, pregnant and.......... in love. After Stephanie left, N. and I could start our life together. My first night here was great. I immediately felt comfortable with Nico and his dog. But well, wasn't my frist time. Still I was ready to move on.
This morning the day started for N and me a little earlier than usual. I had an appointment at the hospital for my next prenatal check-up. Today we're gonna finde out whether our Baby will be a boy or a girl. Actually, I already "knew" it. First, I felt it somehow and two weeks ago my doctor had a guess, that confirmed my feeling. He could not see the sex of the baby at that time, but the bladder. However in his opinion my Baby may be a boy. He wasn't exactly sure, just to 70%, he said. Let’s see what will come out of today’s ultrasound.
Nico wanted a girl. Accordingly, he was a bit... disappointed? He still hoped that my doc was wrong about his guess. At breakfast Nico and I talked about it. I didn’t want him to be disappointed. So I asked him, if he really meant it.
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Me: Are you really so disappointed now? It doesn’t matter if it’s a girl or a boy, it’s our kid! Yk?
Nico: I think you’re taking this a little too seriously, babe. I was just kidding, like some kind of bet I might have lost. But I won’t give up! 70% are still not 100!! 😉
Me: A bet? For real, N.?...I just want to understand you. And if we’re both honest, you never wanted a Baby. I just wanna help you love our child. I know this is difficult for you, but that’s okay. Like I said, I'm gonna help you. But I’m afraid if our baby really becomes a boy, you won’t even try. I want to know why, N.?
Nico: I will love our Baby, whether it is a boy or a girl! I just preferred a girl because you’re a girl. That's all, honestly babe! I mean.... yea sure. When I imagine having a son, I automatically think about the relationship I had with my father. That’s why I may have a negative connection to this topic, but that doesn’t mean I won’t love our son.
Me: That's what I thought. Still, I'm glad you told me. I’m sure you’ll be a great Dad! I never would have said that a year ago, but now... I just know. You’ve changed, you’ve changed for the better! That makes me really happy! ILY, N.
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Nico: I see you’re happy. You've never looked more beautiful than you do now. Let me take a pic of my pregnant smokin' hot babe.... Oh, Philip called me.
Me: Why don’t you call him back?
Nico: Ahm... later. But now c'mon! Let's hit the road.
Me: You still need to get dressed, Nico. And you know? We could invite Philip over later, like... before.
Nico: Sure. But not exactly like before! 🤨
Me: No, of course not! We don’t do this shit anymore! 😬😉
Nico: Yea.... sure, babe. 🤨
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After N changed, we went to the hospital. I was a little nervous, as usual. I was hoping our baby was fine. In addition, I was also a bit worried about how Nico will react, when he finds out, that he is actually having a son. 🩵
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elisysd · 1 year
Castles Crumbling
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Cruel Summer Masterlist
Charles and Lyanna's relationship
And here I sit alone, behind walls of regret Falling down like promises that I never kept
He forgot it. He forgot to pick up his son from his weekly session with his therapist. He didn’t have much to do, just to pick him up so that Lyanna could enjoy her afternoon without having to worry about anything. Yet, he couldn’t even do something as simple as pick up his son. Lyanna had received a call from the center saying that Louis was alone and was waiting for an hour now. She had left abruptedly and found her son, tears straining his cheeks and remaining silent. She had tried her best to make him say someting, even if it was just a sound but she had to give up as he refused to pronounce a word.
When she finally got back home, she was fuming. Not only was she angry but she was sad and disappointed. Lately Charles was hell bent on the idea of winning one last title to the point that nothing seemed to matter around him beside the victory. Sometimes Lyanna was not recognizing the man she had married almost fifteen years ago. And sometimes, when se was alone in bed, waiting for his call that he had promised her but never gave, she couldn’t help but think that maybe it was the end of them. All that their marriage was now was only empty promises and little white lies for the sake of pretending that everything was fine in front of the kids.
The man that had promised her to always come back to her was just the shadow of himself.
When Louis and her got back home, she sent her son away, promising him that she would come to play with him later and went to the office, in the back of the house where her husband was having a conversation with some members of the Ferrari staff. When he saw her in the door way he silently indicated her that he was busy but Lyanna didn’t care. Forgetting his son was the last straw. One she would not ignore. She stepped in the room, waved to the staff and pressed the mute button.
“Lyanna. I don’t have time right now. It’s a very important meeting.”
“More important than you son, apparently.’ she said, taking him by surprise.
She could see him mutter a “shit” and not wanting to create a scene, she left the room. She didn’t know what else to add. She heard Charles saying that he would call back, that there was an emergency at home and she heard his footsteps behind her.
“I can’t do that anymore Charles…” whispered Lyanna as she was sitting down on the sofa, her head between her hands.
“Can’t do what, Lyanna?”
“This. Us. I’m tired, I’ve got nothing left in me.”
“What do you mean? Lyanna talk to me.”
“You’re never there!” she exploded. “ After all this time, you're still chasing pipe dreams. Whereas I'm here, with your daughter and your son, waiting for you. But I have the feeling that you don't care... that one last title with Ferrari is all that matters to you.”
“That’s not true. You know that.”
“Where were you for the appointments with the doctor and the psychologists when we couldn't understand why Louis lagged behind the other children in speaking or even making a sound? When he refused to look at me and I didn't understand and thought it was my fault, that I was doing something wrong, that I was a bad mother because I couldn't understand my baby's needs? Did you know that Louis can't stand his vegetables being mixed? Did you know that I have to sort them by colour before giving them to him, otherwise he won't eat them? That before every excursion I have to put on his noise-cancelling headphones, otherwise he cries because he can't stand certain noises? Of course you don't know. How could you? I can't do that anymore Charles. They need you. I need you, I need my husband.” she let a strangled sounD escape her throat and she was crying.
“Lyanna, you can’t ask me to leave everything behind. I know that I can do it, I know that I can win one last championship. I do it for you love, I do it for Julia and Louis. Whenever I step into the car, I think of you. You guys are my fuel.”
“But we don’t care about any of this, that’s what you don’t understand. And if you can’t understand… maybe that means that we are not on the same page anymore.”
“Are… are you saying that you want to divorce?” he was astonished and his voice hoarse. Tears were threatening to fall.
“I don’t know Charles… I don’t know.”
He tried to take her in his arms but she rejected him. He tried to take her hand but it seemed like it was not fitting in his anymore.
“I love you, Lyanna. You’re the love of my life.” His voice sounded like a plea. He wanted her to believe him but she shook her head.
“So prove it Charles…”
Charles remembered how Lyanna left that night, saying that she needed space to think things through. He stayed alone, in their big house with Julia and Louis and for the first time he felt like a stranger in his own family. He didn’t know what Louis needed, he didn’t know what to say to him, he didn’t know how to be the dad the little boy needed. And from afar, he looked at his daughter doing everything he should be the one doing. Cutting vegetables in regular pieces, being careful to not mix anything, always making herself seen by Louis so he wouldn’t be startled. When finally he was alone with his daugther she spoke.
“I understand why mom left tonight.”
“Did she tell you anything?”
Charles was hoping that since Lyanna was not answering his texts, she would at least update Julia.
“No. But she doesn’t need to. I see how unhappy she has been lately. She misses you. I miss you too. We all miss you, even Louis. You screwed up bad, dad.”
“I know, princess. All I’ve ever wanted was to give you all a nice life, one you would be proud of. I want to make you all proud.”
“But that’s the thing, dad. We are all already so proud of you. I love you, even if you were not a world champion. And that’s the same for mom.”
“What should I do, then?”
“I think you know. But the question is, are you ready for it?”
Without another word, she got up, kissed her dad’s cheek and went to her room. She was trying to be strong, for Louis but seeing their family picture, taken during Christmas last year, she let a tear fall from her eye. She didn’t want to have a broken family.
The next few weeks, Charles hadd several meetings in addition to the races and the season was almost coming to an end. After a lot of thought he finally made a decision and he was hoping that it would save his marriage. He was going to retire. His place was with his family, that is where he needed to be. They were right, they needed him but if Charles was being honest with himself, he needed them more.
Lyanna took his decision with caution. This was a first step towards repairing the broken pieces of their relationship. But it would need time and she hoped that Charles was ready. To her surprise, it’s him who brougt up the idea of couple councelling. And Lyanna agreed. And it helped them. Slowly but surely, Lyanna was starting to see the man she had fallen in love with all those years ago, coming back to her.
author's note: Don't hate me please lmao. Next bonus is the last one and will be a focus on Julia and Ethan, hehehe. It won't be as sad as the previous ones don't worry. No more heartbreaks for you guys.
@zendayabelova @purplephantomwolf @ru-kru @dakotali @blueflorals @aundercover @ruleroftheuniverse @fangirlika @writerscurse @elijahmikaelsonbitch @leclerc13 @karmabyfernando @stargaryenx @pitlanebabe @boiohboii @reengard @shikshinkwon@smoooothoperator
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askbensolo · 15 days
So... Hows ur mom?
…Where do I start.
So…uh…as you know, I was…not very responsive last week. I had a couple of missed calls from Mom, which happens so often when I’m mentally well anyway, that I guess it just doesn’t worry her anymore.
But I called her back. And, since the last time we talked went really well—she basically agreed that she didn’t need to hound me as much, because she knew she could trust me to tell her if I’m ever in trouble—I was honest with her about…about my little sadboi week.
I haven’t had an episode like that in a long time. The last time I got that depressed was two years ago, in senior year of college, when I was facing graduation and didn’t know what I was doing next.
It was bad. It happened during midterm season, and I literally just failed all my midterms that semester. All of them. I showed up for one of them hungover (don’t drink when you’re depressed don’t drink when you’re depressed), showed up for the next with an active panic attack, and then when I saw how horrendously I did on both I stayed in bed the rest of the week and didn’t even show up to take the other three because I was convinced my life was just over at that point—
Which was so stupid of me, because this is my second time getting hired, and no one has ever asked me about my GPA, not even once—
But anyway—all that to say—ever since that time in college, I’ve had a great track record of, you know, not wanting my life to end.
So...I don’t know why it hit so hard last week. I think maybe it was just too much at once. Getting the flu and being bedridden and not being able to do anything I love, missing Fannie and not having any sentient contact for several days, thinking about my new job and my new roommate and my new relationship (situationship?) and thinking to myself—wow—I am winging it—I don’t know what the hell I’m doing—I’m not a real grown-up, I’m just three kids in a trenchcoat—
So anyway. I told Mom about getting depressed. And...she got really worried. And she asked tons of questions.
“Did you have anyone with you?”
“No, Poe delayed his move-in since I was sick.”
“Did you message anyone for help?”
“No. Mom, you know how it works—”
"Did you reach out to your therapist?"
"Mom, I'm not her client anymore—"
"Do you still have access to the university counseling services?"
"Why would I, I graduated—"
"Did you try to see your doctor?"
"For the flu, or for the depression? Because the doctor wouldn't have been able to treat either—anyway, no—"
“Were you eating?”
“Uh. No—”
“Were you suicidal?”
And I stopped and didn’t say anything for a second, because, well, it’s not really that simple; it’s not always a yes or no question—but a second’s hesitation was too long for Mom, I guess, and her eyes flew open, and she said, alarmed, frightened, in a voice like an approaching tempest, “Ben Organa Solo.”
“Mom,” I said, trying to stay calm, trying to keep her calm, “Mom, listen. I know it sounds scary. But you gotta understand that there’s, like, levels to it. I had thoughts, flying around in my brain, sure, but I was never going to do anything—”
“No,” she interrupted, as seriously as if I currently had a blaster in my hand. “No. No. No. You should have called me.”
“Mom. Mom. What am I gonna do, call you while you’re on the senate floor just because I’m sad—”
“If you’re suicidal? Yes. Or call Dad. Call emergency services. Call anyone.”
“Mom. I wasn’t going to do anything—”
“I’m not interested in taking the chance,” she told me solemnly, her eyes somehow boring into me through the hologram.
“So...you don’t trust me,” I said, frustrated. “You don’t trust me to not just do any damn thing that comes into my head. You don’t think I know how to sort my thoughts into things that belong in reality and things that don’t.”
“You’ve attempted before—”
Geez, not that little nugget!
“That was almost seven years ago!”
“You just told me you weren’t eating, Ben! That doesn’t sound like you were making choices to try to keep yourself in this galaxy—”
“Mom, first of all, I was sick, and second of all, if I was gonna kill myself, I’d sure as hell find a faster way to do it than starving to death!”
It was the wrong thing to say. She seemed to go pallid—I couldn’t see it in the hologram, but I could sense it in her energy.
“…Listen to me,” she said, her lips tight. “Ben. You can’t let this happen again.”
I stared at her. “Mom…do you think I got depressed on purpose?”
“I mean, if it happens, you can’t just keep it to yourself and not tell anyone,” she said anxiously. “And you can’t miss my calls anymore. I just thought you were busy with work—I had no idea—Ben, you cannot miss any more calls from me, do you understand? And I want to hear from you every day if possible. Just a short little message.”
“Mom! You want to me to text you every day? What am I, eighteen? You promised me you were gonna get off my back—”
“Well, you promised you were going to keep me in the loop, and you didn’t, so that little agreement is over now as far as I’m concerned. I’m not asking for a lot, Ben. I just need to know that you’re okay—”
“Well, it sure feels like a lot—”
“Do you still write your blog?” she cut in, all of sudden, catching me way off guard. And I wasn’t sure why she was asking, but it definitely had something to do with wanting to spy on me. Yeah, yeah, I know it's not really “spying” if my blog is up here for anyone to read—but even though I'm happy to let you, a perfect stranger (well, you guys are more like friends to me now), wade through all of my trauma and my mental issues and my (lack of?) sexuality and my first time falling in love at age twenty-three and tons and tons of embarrassing poetry, I think even a chronic oversharer like me has the right to not have his mom reading all of that—so, I found myself lying before I could even decide whether or not to tell the truth.
“No,” I said. “No, my blog was so dumb. Nobody blogs anymore. Everyone's on Twi'ktok now. I stopped being popular. I haven’t touched that thing since I was, like, nineteen or something.”
Oh my Force, I thought. I just lied to my mom. And what a stupid thing to lie about, too, ‘cause all she has to do is not believe me and look it up and then I’m toast—
But I don’t think she had any time to ponder my answer, because then another question came to her—
“When does your new lease start?”
Oh. Oh. Not this. She was trying to get me to move back home again.
“Mom, it already started,” I said. “On the first.”
“Maybe you could still get out of it—”
“And what, Mom? Leave Poe to pay two thousand credits a month on rent all by himself? I don’t even think he has a job right now, to be honest—”
“He could find a new roommate. Dad and I could help cover some of the cost—”
“Mom, no! This is ridiculous—” and I was going to explain why, but then her eyes flashed, and then The Question hit the ground, the mother of all questions—
“Ben. Ben. Did Snoke try to contact you?”
And I knew the answer to that immediately. It was “no.” Because it had to be “no.” Because “no” was my only option if I didn’t want my life to suddenly hard-redirect straight into a wall and to go to pieces. And I’d already lied about my blog anyway, so, telling something that wasn’t even fully a lie was easier.
Because...it wasn't a lie. The full answer was “No, I didn't see Snoke, I just had a dream about him,” but that would have caused my mother to go insane, so I was just, you know, giving her the abridged college notes version—
“No,” I said, sounding so sure of myself that I convinced whatever part of me wasn't already convinced. “No, Mom, he didn't reach out to me.”
And I guess I convinced her too, because she relaxed a little.
“Good,” she said, looking like she was taking her first deep breath in several minutes. “Good.”
But, hoo buddy, I did not feel good in that moment. There’s a lot I don’t tell my family—I still haven’t even told them about me and Fannie yet—but I try not to lie to them. Usually.
…I’m talking about the part where I lied about my blog. I didn’t lie about not seeing Snoke. Because having a fever dream about him doesn’t count as seeing him.
I agreed to text my mom every day. Or…try to. Which...I've been doing, but…it’s been super painful, for reasons I can't fully explain. And get this—Mom said she’s sending over Threepio this weekend. Indefinitely. She tried to play it off like, oh, Threepio’s been getting in my way recently, maybe you could use a protocol droid around, I’m sure he would enjoy Theed—no, Mom, no, I can see this for what it really is. You are sending the family protocol droid to babysit your adult son. Seriously?? My apartment isn’t that big. We’ve already got another droid rolling around and getting under our feet all the time. Throw in Threepio, who never shuts up, and maybe I really will kill myself—
Sorry, bad joke.
Yeah…I have half a mind to just shut Threepio down once he gets here, and leave him powered off in the closet. But the idea of having a dead protocol droid in the closet kinda freaks me out, so…probably not.
And all this, just because I dared to be honest with my mom about still dealing with depression sometimes. Yeesh. I know I shouldn’t be, but…I’m kinda glad I didn’t tell her about anything else.
I thought about asking Fan whether she thought it was ever okay to lie. Like, in a situation where you know that everything’s fine, and telling the full truth would just stress everyone out for no reason. Fannie always seems to know what’s right and wrong, when I find myself wondering a lot of the time.
But...I was pretty sure I knew what she'd say, so...I didn't ask. And, besides…things are still kinda rough between us right now.
We made up about me not replying—I apologized for dropping the ball and not thinking about how that would hurt her, and she apologized for getting angry at me right away instead of trying to understand what was going on with me—but—but—the latest development? She asked me if I thought she weighed too much.
Like, randomly. No context. No lead-in. No nothing.
She’s never seemed to care about that before. I said, uh, I don’t know, I think that’s kind of up to you, how much do you want to weigh? If you’re happy the way you are and your weight isn’t negatively impacting your quality of life, you’re fine? If you want to change, you can?? I don’t know why you’re asking me???
But this must have been some kind of mysterious trick question with some mysterious right answer, because then she dissolved into tears and now it’s a whole big thing and I’m starting to think girls just speak a different language sometimes where all of the words are Basic but they just mean something totally different from what I think they mean and I don’t know what they mean and I still think I like things better this way, at least I’m pretty sure I do, I definitely did when we were—ha—kinda making out on the couch or whatever you call that—but things were way easier when we were just friends and things are way harder now that we’re apart and sometimes—sometimes, I just don’t know what the heck is going on.
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i-am-baechu · 1 year
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Summary: Everything was perfect until it wasn’t. Y/N and Jungkook love each other but when familiar and new faces come into their lives, things get complicated. On top of that, a surprise that truly shakes their plans for the future. Will their relationship push forward or will Jungkook lose his fangirl once and for all?
Chapter fourteen: Bright Future?
→ Genre: Idol au, established relationships, girl group stan au, social media au, K-pop fan page au, romance, angst, comedy, and smut
→ Main pairing: Idol! Jungkook x Fan girl! Reader 
→ Side ships: Yoongi x OC & Jin x OC
→ Warnings: Explicit language, smut, mature themes, alcohol usage, anxiety disorder, stalking, and obsessive behavior
⇜ Masterlist ⇝
Authors note: Y/N's trauma
Jungkook was nervous. Y/N never wants to talk unless it's serious. The last time she said she wanted to talk, the discussion was about her mental health and what needed to be done to get her better. That was over a year ago and the conversation is still in his thoughts. Her saying she wants to talk has to be serious. He leaned back on the couch causing Yoongi to turn in his chair, “You okay?” 
“Y/N said she wanted to talk about something.” 
Yoongi frowned at this and tilted his head, “Did you do something?” 
“No...why do you guys always think I did something wrong? You know Y/N can do something bad too.” 
Yoongi raised his eyebrow at this and nodded his head slowly, “Sure. Do you have any idea why she wants to talk though?”
“I honestly have no idea...we don’t fight and I did everything she wanted me to do this morning. She wants to talk tomorrow though...that makes me even more nervous because I have to wait.” 
“It’s Y/N, you guys don’t fight and you haven’t done anything wrong. Don’t worry about anything.” 
Jungkook sighed and nodded his head. He glanced at the screen and smiled, “We should just finish your track so I can see my wife.” 
Yoongi rolled his eyes and turned around, “Disgusting. Let’s finish this.” 
“You're just jealous.”
Y/N got up from her couch when she heard a knock at the door and this walk to the door felt like miles to her. She opened the door to see Mae holding a bag and a comforting smile, “Hey there girly.” 
“Hi, Mae...what's in the bag?” 
Mae opened the bag and pulled out a cheesecake, “I thought since we were going through something emotional we deserve some sweets.” 
Y/N gave a small smile and nodded head, “That does sound good...Bam is sleeping so, it's just us tonight.” 
“Oh, a girls’ night~. Let’s go.” 
Y/N let Mae come in and She brought her in a tight hug when the door closed. The best friends hugged for what seemed like hours. When they pulled away, Y/N kissed her forehead, “I’m so happy for you.”
“Thank you...it means a lot. I’m happy for you too, no matter what the result is.” 
The smile that should be on her face didn’t show up and the only thing she did was a small nod at her. They went into the living room and Y/N put on a random youtube drama video as they sat on the black couch. She felt like she wasn’t grounded and everything was pulling her in different directions. She had work drama and now she had personal life drama. She didn’t want to call it a drama but at the same time, she didn’t know what to call it. It was terrifying to her.
She felt a soft touch on her knee and she looked at Mae who was looking at her with a concerned look, “Y/N, it's going to be okay. Do you want to talk about it?”
She nodded her head and sighed, “I wanted to get my stomach checked because...don’t tell Jungkook but I’ve been throwing up more lately. It felt like my stomach was dissolving away in my body and it was the worst feeling I have ever had. At the last doctor appointment I went to, they asked me to do a pregnancy test. I explained that my main doctor back in the States told me that it was going to be hard for me to get pregnant but I agreed to do so. I told them...I told them I take some medication and they told me to stop taking that after this test.” 
“Because in a week or two, they want me to take another test to see if it's the same result...” 
Mae nodded her head at this and rubbed Y/N’s knee gently, “You’ll get to find out the truth...No worries.” 
“I am worried, Mae...”
“Hey let’s watch something and eat cheesecake right now. We’ll think about it tomorrow. Okay?”
Jungkook opened the front door with a yawn leaving his body. He saw the tv in the living room and raised his eyebrow. Y/N is usually sleeping in their bedroom at this time. He took his boots and put on his slippers to investigate. He saw Y/N sleeping and Mae nibbling on a frozen cheesecake? He glared at Mae and crossed his arms, “What the hell are you doing?”
Mae jumped and caught her cake, “Dude, what the fuck? I almost dropped my fucking cake.” 
“That’s beside the point, it's three in the morning. Shouldn’t you be at home?”
“Y/N needed me.”
Jungkook's face turned worried and glanced at her, “Is she okay?” 
“She will be...just talk to her tomorrow. Be gentle with her, okay.” 
“I’m always-”
“Jungkook. Please.” 
He saw the serious look on Mae’s face and he felt his heart get heavy, “Mae, you don’t need to worry. Do you want me to drive you home?” 
“No, I drove here so it's fine. I already told Yoongi that I was with Y/N.”
He nodded his head and walked up to Y/N with a gentle smile on his face. He gently picked her up and his heart melted when she nuzzled into his side. He looked up at Mae and gave her a small smile, “You can sleep here and leave in the morning if you want.”
“No, I want to see Yoongi. I’m going to finish my cheesecake first before I leave.”
“Yeahhhh...you do that.” 
He walked into their bedroom and gently put her on her side. He studied her face and smiled to himself. She looked beautiful and she didn’t even have to try. He leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead, pushing hair behind her ear. He changed out of his clothes into his shorts and lay next to Y/N. He wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed the side of her head, “I love you, Y/N. Always will.” 
1:35 ───ㅇ───── 3:47
Y/N woke and stretched her body. She sat up in her bed and looked around with tired eyes. It registered that she was in her bedroom and she looked to her side to see Jungkook sleeping soundly. She smiled to herself and kissed the side of his head. She let out a sigh and decided to take a shower before she talked to Jungkook. Maybe light a candle as she showers to set the mood for her. The warm water and the smell of apples filled the bathroom as she stared at the wall with a blank face. This was scary for her. So many thoughts in her little mind, it feels like it was going to explode at any moment. 
When she walked back into the bedroom and saw Jungkook scrolling away on his phone, “Hey, Kook.”
Jungkook looked up from his phone and tossed his phone on the bed, “Hey baby. How are you feeling?”
“I-I...I’m not sure.” 
“Babe...be honest with me.”
She sighed and glazed down at the carpet, “Let me get dressed, and then we can talk...”
“I’ll make breakfast, I love you.”
“I love you more.”
Silence. They sat at the table in complete silence as Jungkook made her a plate. He looked at her with concerned eyes because she was staring at the wood with a blank expression. He let out a small cough causing her to look at him, “I just made some pancakes and bacon...is that okay?”
“It’s fine...”
“Do you want to talk first or eat?” 
She sighed and looked at him with a frown, “I can’t eat but you need to eat.”
“Y/N, I can’t eat when you're not feeling good. Let’s talk first then, okay?”
“Okay...You know I went to the doctor.”
“I do.”
She closed her eyes for a second and looked at him with a look that he had never seen before, “Kook, I might be pregnant.” 
Shock hit his body but then pure happiness went through his body, “You're pregnant!? That’s great...right?”
She sighed and bit her lip, “I...You tell me? Is that good? We have so much going on in our life right now and a baby would just make things more complicated.”
“I mean, having a baby isn’t the craziest thing. I want to have a baby with you.”
“I’m talking about right now though. I want a baby with you too but right now?” 
Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck and sighed, “I mean it's bad timing but I think we would do good.”
“You would do good.”
“Y/N, is this what you want to talk about?”
“How can you have so much confidence in our parenting skills?”
Jungkook glanced at Bam and then back at her, “We’re doing good with Bam.”
“Kook, be serious. This is a human child with our DNA mixed together. Eighteen years of responsibility...” 
“Why do you think we won’t be good at it?” 
She looked away with her eyes watery and then back at him, “Because I couldn’t even raise myself so why in the hell do I think I can raise another person.” 
Jungkook sat there in shock and closed his mouth. The one thing that he doesn’t know about Y/N is childhood. No one knows about it, not even Mae. He was always curious about it but he never wanted her to share it if she wasn’t comfortable but to move to the next step, it looks like it's going to get talked about. 
“Babe, you can talk to me. Tell me what's going on, please.” 
“Okay....My dad isn’t my real dad, he’s my stepdad.” 
Jungkook's eyes widened at this and nodded his head, “Is that a bad thing?” 
“He’s the greatest thing that happened to my mom. My dad...he wasn’t good. I remember when I was a kid and I walked in to see my dad yelling at my mom. It was the scariest moment in my childhood. He was throwing beer bottles at her and my mom was just so scared against the wall. He left when I was eight I think...I don’t really remember. I came home from school and all his things were gone from our house. My mom was devastated.”
“That’s understandable.” 
“It is...but she realized that she had to take care of me. She had to take on three or four jobs just to keep us going. She didn’t have time to raise me...meeting my stepdad was the best thing that happened to her and her having Suzy made her a better person. How can I raise a baby if I couldn’t even do that by myself?” 
Jungkook stood up from his chair and pushed the hair back to kiss her forehead, “Baby, that was then and this is now. You're an amazing woman, look what you did for me. You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. You changed bts lives forever babe.” 
“It’s not confirmed that I’m pregnant. My medication can cause a false pregnancy so...they’re going to have me take a test now and then wait for one or two weeks to take another to see the results.” 
“Is this the cause of your stomach issues?” 
“I have no idea...if it’s negative then there’s something wrong. I guess.”
Jungkook kissed the top of her head, “No matter what happens, it will be okay. We will get through this together, okay.”
She wiped the tear that was collecting in her eye and nodded her head, “We’ll get through this together?”
“Yes, no matter what babe. I love you.”
“I love you more...”  
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@agustdpeach @mdavt @aloverga @drissteele
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 1 year
The Secret's Out Pt 3
Summary: Y/n makes the tough decision to relinquish her title. Fast forward 4 months when Y/n and Christian attend AEW’s yearly New Years party after keeping the pregnancy a secret. What happens when LuFisto shows up and promises to ruin Y/n’s life. 
Word count: 1,882
*Warnings, swearing, stalking, crazy LuFisto* (Y/W/N means ‘your wrestling name’) 
Main Masterlist Christian Cage Masterlist
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
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Wednesday had finally came and I sat with Tony to discuss what our next plan was. He was obviously very happy for me and was understanding when I told him that I would need to relinquish the title. Since I was only a few weeks pregnant and wanted to try and keep my pregnancy under the radar for the moment we decided to play with the injury to my shoulder and relinquish the belt. I filmed a couple different promos all saying that I would have to relinquish the title. Within the promo I wore low waisted bell bottom jeans, a white crop top and some shades. I chose the outfit exposing my stomach because I knew there would be at least one person who would think I was relinquishing the title because I was pregnant. Although that was true and I had literally wrestled just a week prior to finding out the fans didn’t need to know that. I didn’t look pregnant and fans already knew about the injury so it’s not like I was completely lying to them. We just simply milked the shoulder injury, that's all. 
The plan for this week was for Renee to try and ask me about how I was doing with my injury and I told her I didn’t want to talk about it. So it was revealed that next week I would be having an interview with her explaining my status. Which was the promo interview we filmed earlier on today. 
I knew that soon enough people would start asking questions. Some of the talent knew about the baby but others didn’t. That being said those who didn’t know offered sympathy for the title needing to be relinquished which was quite annoying. The fakeness so evident, “Oh Y/n I’m so sorry about your shoulder” No you weren't, you are probably happy that there will be a new champ in town. 
This week had definitely been a weird one. Like planned, the backstage interview with Renee was aired this week on Dynamite. It felt weird, sitting at home watching it on tv not knowing if I was making the right decision. I had been advised to stay off social media for a few days by my friends. I had been stressed and sick for the past few days and didn’t need anymore stress. But the thing is it was boring, I was bored at home so obviously I looked. About 90% of the comments were positive, fans wishing me a speedy recovery and love. The other 10% was basically LuFisto and any other people she made believe I was still the bad guy here. 
“I am so happy she is no longer the champ! She was an eyesore to see on tv. She deserved the injury she got” Those were some of the comments LuFisto left. Girl was on cloud 9 after finding out about my injury. I honestly found it quite funny. 
Other than wrestling drama Christian and I went to our first doctor's appointment, Like promised he was going to be there for every second of it. Since he had already done this once before he was more calm than I was. I was nervous but everything went well. The doctor told me that I was 6 weeks pregnant, I explained that I had my last match 3 weeks ago and the doctor said the baby was completely healthy. That was my biggest concern, I was worried since I had still been wrestling and training not knowing I was pregnant. At the appointment I also found out what caused the pregnancy in the first place. It turned out that the prescription I was on for my shoulder injury had canceled out my birth control. I didn’t even know that was possible but it made sense because I was taking my birth control religiously. When you are not using contraception and are in a relationship with a freak like Christian Cage, getting pregnant can happen very easily. In fact 7 weeks with my birth control not being effective would do the trick. 
Four long months had passed since I had to relinquish my title. I was now five months pregnant and was visibly showing. The winter months had allowed me to get away with my growing bump. Sweaters and jackets helped me to get around unnoticed but now I was tired of keeping it a secret. Within the months we told our friends and family, all of which were happy for us. I spent most days at home with Isla who was excited to be a big sister even with the 10 year age gap. Tonight was a new years party for AEW and the first time I would be showing off my bump. “Are you ready to go?” Christian yelled from across the hall. I was struggling to get my boots on with the growing bump in the way. “Almost, just give me a minute” being pregnant was a lot of work. Craving weird combinations and the constant sickness was exhausting. Luckily I had Christian by my side who was willing to go to the store late at night for my insane requests. 
“Do you need some help?” Christian asked me as he came to see what was taking me so long, finding me struggling with the boots. “Yes please” He bent down and gently slid the knee high boots on,  placing a delicate kiss to my thigh before zipping them up. “What would I do without you?” “Well for starters you wouldn't be pregnant and would still have your title” “Are you being serious right now?” That was not funny
As Christian and I approached the venue I grew anxious, there would be media at the event and I already knew what people would be saying about me behind my back. “Hey, there is nothing to be worried about, alright. I am not going anywhere. I will be by your side for the whole night.     If anyone even dares to try anything-” “Christian” I cut him off, he knew I was nervous and although he would never admit it I knew he was too. I remember the hate we got when people found out about Christian and I dating, so I could only imagine what it would be like when they found out I was pregnant with his child. 
Christian wore a gorgeous black suit to the event and I wore a black knit dress that hugged my curves perfectly, along with velvet knee high boots. As we entered the venue we were greeted with black and gold decorations. The entrance had a big foyer which had big mirrors. Somehow I convinced Christian to take a photo with me. I took the mirror picture with Christian behind me, one hand on my bump and the other on my ass. I took the image and posted it on instagram with the caption ‘Mum and Dad’, I wanted the world to see my post before the ones from the media outlets. With that I turned off my phone wanting to enjoy the evening with Christian. 
When we exited the foyer into the main building where the party was being held I could feel heads turn. Many shocked faces, it was making me uncomfortable but I promised myself I would stay for the whole event even if I felt like I was not welcome. “Ahh, I can’t believe you’re here” Of course Kris was the first to greet us at the party. “I can feel the stares” I told her. “Well I mean you disappeared for 5 months and showed up pregnant” She was right, only our close friends and family knew so obviously people would be shocked. 
Many wrestlers came up to me congratulating me with the pregnancy. They all seemed to be happy for me or at least they pretended to be. Eddie Kingston had been upset that I did not tell him I was pregnant. Although he’s great, the guy can’t keep a secret. Christian and I spent some time chatting with our friends and trying the many treats they had before the hard part, the media. As promised Christian didn’t leave my side, we had taken many pictures with everyone before needing to do interviews. Most of the reporters were rude, asking inappropriate questions that made Christian and I uncomfortable. Christian answered the majority of the questions while I tried my best not to lose it. Pregnancy makes you very hormonal and I was trying to not let it win. “So Y/w/n” I had zoned out “You are pregnant, what does this mean for your career?” That was the 5th time tonight a reporter asked me that question “Well, just because I am having a kid it doesn’t mean I’m done with wrestling. I am planning to return to the ring as soon as possible and become a 3X ROH world champion” Just as I began to say something else I felt my stomach drop. I watched LuFisto start walking towards me. “How is she here?” I turned to Christian to make sure he was seeing what I was seeing and boy did he see it. “Get behind me!” Christian told me as I watched LuFisto charge at me. What was that woman’s problem, she was screaming and yelling at everyone that stood between us. “I am going to make your life mistable Y/n. You ruined my life so I am going to end you” I didn’t even know what to say. This girl had serious issues and I honestly felt sorry for her. 
I stood behind Christian as I watched the crazed woman get escorted by security out of the building. Soon after Christian and I left the event. When we got home I broke down, crying into Christians arms. I just didn’t get it, even though I was one of the biggest heels in AEW I was a nice person in real life and everyone knew what. It had been almost a year since LuFisto had been released by AEW and she still hated me. 
It had been a few days since the incident at the new years party. The media always had made things worse but for once it was playing in my favor. The video of LuFisto trying to attack a heavily pregnant woman had gone viral. Christian and I were one of the biggest couples in pro wrestling and people could see how genuinely happy we were with each other. People felt bad for the hate and soon enough LuFisto would get blacklisted from several other promotions after news came out about her attacking people at a local indie show. 
This whole situation had been stressing me out, I woke up in the night in a cold sweat. Nightmares disturbing my much needed sleep, I was anxious all the time. Scared to be left alone, scared someone would break in and try to hurt my babies. All of this had become too much to handle and soon enough Christian would flip. He was tired of it and didn’t care if it ruined his ‘character’ he wanted to set things straight. I knew he was mad but I didn’t realize just how bad it was until it happened. My worst nightmare came true…..
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ackjiuu · 6 months
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Heihei new annexiron inspired by shoujo Rei
Copy paste from a BL qt novel I read but forgor the name it was quite a long time ago butttt...
Iron comes from a strict family of doctors, her parents want her to become a respectable and reputable doctor. Iron met Anne in high school and fell in love at first sight with anne. Finally they both confessed to each other in their 2nd year (taking Japanese high school years for this) and started dating. Iron knew she couldn't tell her parents because they are horribly h*m*phobic and they want her to focus on her studies instead of finding love, relationships are a distraction and eventually her parents will force her into a business marriage when she's older. On their first valentine's day in their third year (almost 1 year into their relationship), iron's parents found the chocolates she made for Anne in her school bag and questioned iron to tears. Of course iron had no choice but to confess her relationship, double damage to her parents first is a relationship and second it's with a girl of course they caned her and locked her in her room. (Calling her mental and whatever homophobic slurs I'm not gonna put here) Iron's parents lock her up until she can admit truthfully that she will break up with Anne and never love the same sex again. Unable to take the mental torture of her parents forcing her to be what she's not iron decided to 😵 herself and before that she types out her 😵😵 message (?) to Anne and jumps from her bedroom window. Anne hasn't been at peace these days either. After not celebrating their first valentine's day together and not seeing iron at school for close to 3 months already, Anne was initially worried that this was iron's way of telling her she's no longer interested. But as time passed she realized iron wasn't intentionally avoiding her but might have been found out by her parents. So Anne starts dropping by iron's house on the way home after school and stops under the row of iron's window at her flat. One day after school Anne forgets to charge her phone, not thinking much about it she does her daily round about to drop by iron's home hoping to catch a glimpse of her this time. But she's met with an unpleasant shock, police, ambulance, a crowd and blood on the floor right below iron's window. Anne goes crazy trying to push past the crowd and begging the paramedics and police to let her see her "friend". Attracted by the comotion, iron's parents ask the police what's going on when they come back after work. They see a pink haired girl trying to claw her way past the paramedics into an ambulance and recognize Anne from the picture they dug out after confiscating iron's phone. Suspicious that it might be related to their daughter they come up to the police and claim they might be the parents of the injured. They shove Anne away and throw her a disgusted look but when they turn their gaze into the ambulance they are shocked and at a loss for words. The mom breaks down and screams at Anne (stuff like this vixen made my daughter die bla bla ok I don't really wanna think how to verbally abused Anne rn). Iron's mom almost beats a crying Anne up but the police intervene and escort Anne to her home, telling her to stay home these days in order to not run into that crazy bitch (iron's mom). Anne never gets to see her lover for the last time and never gets to say her final farewell, even if her sweetheart can no longer hear her.
Anne stalked iron's parents and secretly attended iron's memorial service, she found iron's grave and visits it frequently. Years later Anne has completed her med school, during the first few years after iron's 💀sometimes it's as if she can feel iron's presence near her. But the day Anne became a registered nurse and went to iron's grave to celebrate she cried, she didn't know why, clearly she should be happy but her tears kept flowing uncontrollably. After that day she could never feel iron's presence again, Anne tried to convince herself it was just the stress that is reducing her sensitivity, but deep down she knows that day she became a registered nurse iron left this world, iron stopped guarding her. Anne visits iron every year from then on. She starts volunteering at an orphanage and sometimes takes some of the clingy children to pay respect to iron on her 💀 anniversary. When Anne grows older she adopted one of the teens that never left the orphanage and raised her. When Anne was on her 💀bed she told her daughter about iron and told her to bury her next to iron. The end :D
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