#i will NOT use a glass screen protector
gideonisms · 8 months
this is my old woman moment of the day and it's happening at barely 7 am but I have spent the past hour searching for clear rubber phone cases. with which to protect my device. I decided on rubber after bad experiences with other materials. I have firmly made up my mind I would like the case to be clear and made of rubber and suitable for an android. and I simply cannot get through the apple ads to find this item. I think it all should be less difficult
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swordmaid · 7 months
now a procreate girly….!
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I drop my phone at least a couple days per week. It’s wild that anyone can manage to never or almost never drop their phone
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jakeperalta · 1 year
treating myself (taking my scratched up smudge covered screen protector off so I can use my phone with the screen looking totally crisp and clear)
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supercantaloupe · 11 months
christ what's the fucking point of having a case and a good screen protector if my phone screen is just going to break anyway when it drops
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clarisse0o · 2 months
Camp Wiegman-Part 38
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe : Military School
Words: 5k
Friday, January 15th; 5:00 PM - Lucy's Apartment
We’ve just arrived safely at Lucy’s apartment. I drove well, but I noticed Lucy seemed relieved to arrive at her private parking lot. On the way, I felt my new phone vibrate. Lucy had to dig into my pocket to answer it. It was obvious it was one of the girls since I had just changed everything. It was Mapi, letting us know that they were out shopping for tonight’s gathering. To my surprise, Lucy only asked them not to overdo it with the shopping. I didn’t say anything, but I’m worried Lucy doesn’t know who she’s entrusted with this task. I hope Ingrid can restrain my best friend's impulses. She tends to go overboard with things she shouldn't, like alcohol. While they were gone, we took the opportunity to bring up all the stuff from the car. I brought my suitcase and Mapi's into the guest room since we're going to share it. When everything was sorted, I joined Lucy, who had settled on the couch. She was engrossed in a book, leaving me free to watch whatever I wanted on TV. Her mood had slightly calmed down, which reassured me. I still have no idea what came over her earlier. It was the first time she had expressed her bad mood so clearly, and I’m not used to it. 
The minutes ticked by, but the girls still hadn’t arrived. Lucy didn’t seem worried, unlike me. Plus, I couldn’t find anything interesting on TV and was starting to get bored.
"Hey, Luce?"
"I still need to put the tempered glass on my phone. Can you do it for me? I can never get it right."
"If you want. Grab it, and I’ll do it."
I smiled and quickly went to get it. I had left the bag on the desk in my room. When I returned, her book was on the coffee table, and she was waiting patiently. I handed everything to her and sat back down. She laid everything out on the table and began cleaning my phone. Then she pulled out the glass and paused to look at me.
"Do you want the glass to be crooked or with bubbles?"
"What? No, why?"
"Then could you please move away from me? You’re distracting me."
"Sorry," I mumbled, sinking into the couch. "It would just be payback. You distracted me at the store."
"That’s different," she smiled. "That was just for fun. Plus, you have something to lose here."
"For fun?" I teased, crossing my arms. "If you say so."
She said nothing more and focused on applying the screen protector with great concentration. I watched her work from a distance, and she quickly finished, checking my phone afterward. She finally handed it back to me with a proud smile.
"There you go, princess. It’s done, and with no defects."
I kissed her cheek to accompany my words and then opened one of my social media apps. I hadn’t done that in ages. The strange thing is, I didn’t even miss it. Ever since I’ve been at school, it’s like I’ve been disconnected.
"Hey, I didn’t let you get a new phone so you could spend all your time on it."
"You sound like my mom. And in case you're wondering, that’s not a compliment."
"No, it’s not, but that doesn’t stop me from forbidding it."
"Oh, come on," I rolled my eyes. "Let me at least check what’s happening on my social media, and I’ll stop afterward."
"Hmm... Can I see too?"
I nodded, seeing no reason to refuse. As I kept my eyes glued to the screen, she caught me off guard by lying down, pulling me down with her. A small yelp escaped my mouth as she laughed in my ear. I didn’t dare move, given our position.
"Sorry, I’m really exhausted and needed to lie down," she confessed. "You can get up if I’m bothering you, or you can stay and be my pillow."
"You just surprised me, that’s all," I replied. "I just need to lie down better if you want me to stay."
Without saying a word, she sat up so I could get comfortable. I took the chance to put a pillow behind my head. Then, she let herself fall back, wrapping her arms around me. She seemed to need affection, judging by how she held me. I wasn’t about to refuse, especially since she’d been giving me all the affection I’ve needed these past few days. I started stroking her back with one hand while scrolling through my Twitter feed with the other. She sighed at my touch, seeming to enjoy it. We stayed like that for a while, to the point where I didn’t even dare move. It had been a long time since I’d ended up in such an intimate position with someone. 
Eventually, I dared to glance at her. Her eyes were closed, and her body was rising and falling slowly with each breath. I quickly realized she had fallen asleep. I bit my lip, noticing that I’d forgotten the remote at our feet. I tried to move slowly, but I immediately stopped when I heard her groan and felt her head burrow into my neck. I stared at the ceiling, deep in thought. It’s my fault she’s sleep-deprived, so I should let her rest. To pass the time, I looked for games to download on my phone. Minutes passed, but I did nothing but play. I appreciated being so close, so I decided to enjoy the moment. Unfortunately, the moment was interrupted half an hour later when the doorbell rang. I panicked as I heard her groan.
"Damn, they’re so annoying," she muttered in a raspy voice.
I removed my hand from her back as she propped herself up on her elbows. Our eyes met for a moment, but Lucy quickly stood up when she realized our position. She suddenly seemed almost embarrassed, but she didn’t say anything. She just walked over to the intercom as the doorbell continued to ring insistently. She immediately pressed the button to silence it. I stifled a laugh when I heard Mapi ask if she had missed her. Lucy didn’t even bother to reply and pressed another button, rolling her eyes.
"If you don’t calm her down, there will be a murder tonight."
"She’s just teasing you," I giggled. "I promise she’s not usually this bad."
"I could’ve done without it. Anyway, do you want something to drink?"
"I’d like some iced tea if you have any."
"I think I can find some."
She left the front door slightly open before heading to the kitchen. I decided to follow her and sat on one of the bar stools while she filled our glasses. Just as I took a sip, the door flew open, and Ingrid and Mapi entered with two huge shopping bags. It’s obvious Mapi’s bag was full of alcohol bottles. They clinked loudly when she dropped it in the middle of the living room.
"Oh my God," she murmured. "What kind of sick apartment is this?!" she finally exclaimed.
"Don’t start yelling. I have neighbors, remember?" Lucy grumbled.
Mapi didn’t seem bothered by Lucy’s remark. She simply placed her bag on the table next to Ingrid’s, all the while looking around with admiration. Lucy took the opportunity to check their purchases.
"Good thing I told you not to go overboard. How many bottles of alcohol did you buy?"
"A few. We couldn’t agree on the choices!" Mapi dared to respond.
"I’m warning you, the first one to puke on my floor will be cleaning it up, no matter what state you’re in."
"No one’s forcing anyone to drink."
"Don’t try that on me, Mapi. I’ve figured out what kind of person you are."
"If you say so," she laughed.
It’s a good thing Lucy was never aware of my high school parties. She would’ve realized how much Mapi pushed me more than she thought, and she would’ve never allowed me to hang out with her.
"Can I give her a tour?" I suggested, trying to lighten the mood.
"Yeah, very good idea," the apartment owner replied.
I left everything behind and led Mapi down the hallway. I made sure to close the double doors and move away. I’m not sure what’s going on between them, but there’s definitely some tension on Lucy’s side. I’ll take the chance to clear things up with Mapi, who doesn’t seem interested in making an effort either.
"Is she like this all the time?" Mapi asked me.
"No, she’s just sleep-deprived because of me, and it seems like she doesn’t appreciate your teasing. It would be nice if you tried to be less... expressive. Could you?"
"I’m not doing anything wrong," she defended herself. "She’s been on my case since the start. If I’m messing with her, it’s to try and lighten the mood."
"Well, your attempts are failing miserably. They’re just making her angrier, you see."
"And since when do you defend someone against me, huh? You were always on my side before. You really like her, admit it! You wouldn’t be reacting like this otherwise."
"We’re not starting this discussion again, Mapi, and definitely not here," I said as I opened the first door on the right. "Just remember that she agreed to host us, so try to make an effort."
"Yeah, yeah," she muttered, stepping into the bathroom. "Wow. It’s not just her living room that’s awesome! She has a killer apartment! No wonder you like spending time here
I rolled my eyes before continuing with the tour. I showed her the door across the hall where Lucy told me there was an office. I had never been in there, so I wasn’t about to now. It’s her private space, in my opinion. I finished the tour by showing her Lucy’s bedroom, then the bathroom, and finally our guest room where we’ll be sleeping tonight.
"So we’re sleeping together then?" she asked when she saw our suitcases.
"Yeah, it seemed obvious."
"I just thought you’d be sleeping with Lucy."
"Well, no. Why?"
"I don’t know, you’ve been sleeping with her lately, right? You told me she helps you with your restless nights."
"That’s true, but you can help me too, so I might as well sleep with you since you’re here."
"Lucy didn’t say anything?"
"Why would she? She’s the first one who would want me to sleep in a different bed."
"Okay, if you say so... Anyway, I’m really glad to be here," she changed the subject. "I thought I was going to go crazy in Barcelona."
"I’m glad to see you too, Mapi. By the way, I have a question."
"Since when are you so close with strangers?"
"Strangers? Who are you talking about?"
"Ingrid. You seem to get along really well with her."
"Oh, Ingrid. She’s not a stranger," she giggled. "I got her number on New Year’s. We’ve been texting a lot, and she’s actually the reason I haven’t gone completely crazy since you lost your phone. She’s been a great support this week."
I blinked several times. I was afraid I’d misunderstood. She got Ingrid’s number? What’s this madness? How did I not know about this?
"Wait, wait... Are you telling me you’re flirting with one of my instructors?!"
"Do you think I have a chance with her?" she surprised me by asking with a big smile.
"Wh-what?! No, are you serious?! You’re joking, right?"
"No. I know I can joke about a lot of things, but not right now. I like Ingrid, and she’s really cool, funny, and super nice. You’re not going to get jealous, are you? You already have your instructor."
"Stop bringing everything back to Lucy!" I snapped. "Do what you want with Ingrid. If you two like each other, I’m not going to interfere. I’d even be happy for you, but stop talking about Lucy like she’s my future girlfriend too. That will never happen. I’m not interested, and I probably never will be, so please, just stop because it’s giving me false hope."
« Ona—"
"Stop, be quiet. I don’t want to hear any more. I’ve answered you, and the topic is closed."
That was really the last straw, and I couldn’t take any more for today. I felt like everyone was playing with my feelings, and I hated it. Between Lucy’s unhealthy games and Mapi’s provocations, it just gives me false hope when I know nothing will ever happen. To truly end the topic, I left the room to go back to the girls in the living room. The only one I found was Lucy in the kitchen. I looked around for Ingrid, but she seemed to have vanished, just like the shopping bags on the table.
"Where’s Ingrid?" I asked as I approached Lucy.
"She went home. I offered for her to stay here, so she went back to get some things."
"Oh... Can I help you?"
She agreed and handed me a wooden board and a knife. She asked me to wash my hands before touching anything, which I did quickly. She was cutting cheese into cubes when I interrupted her. She came back to me and handed me a salami.
"Slice it into rounds, please."
"TV snacks?"
"Um, sort of. Where’s Mapi?"
"No idea. I thought she would follow me."
She shrugged and continued with what she was doing. The atmosphere between us had calmed. I could live in this pleasant situation forever. We shared the preparation of the appetizers before spreading some toast together. Lucy also added several types of chips that the girls had brought. Mapi finally reappeared when Ingrid returned. We exchanged an awkward smile. No one noticed, but we knew it meant everything was forgiven. I watched her sit at the dining table across from Ingrid. Lucy offered them the couch, but they wanted to be as close to us as possible. I still have a hard time believing she’s considering something with her. I didn’t see it coming. I don’t even know if Ingrid is a lesbian, but I think I’ll soon have the answers given how well they seem to get along. I just hope Mapi isn’t using her as a fling . I can’t see how I’d explain that to Lucy. I doubt that’s the case. Their relationship seems serious. Anyway, all that matters to me is that I won’t have to pick up my best friend with a spoon. When we finished with the toasts, Lucy and I brought the glasses and drinks to the table. The music was playing softly in the background, just loud enough not to disturb our conversations. Mapi had taken care of bringing the alcohol bottles. They had brought everything: beer, vodka, tequila, Baileys, and even whiskey. I sat in the same spot I was in last week, across from Lucy and next to Mapi, who was deep in conversation with Ingrid. Automatically, Mapi prepared my first glass of vodka after hers while Ingrid opened two beers. Once done, my best friend didn’t wait for the green light to start digging into the food.
"Do you remember the first night we spent together?" she asked me.
"How could I forget?" I mumbled.
"What did she do?" Ingrid asked.
"You better not tell," I warned Mapi with a dark look.
"She couldn’t handle her alcohol and ended up doing a striptease on one of the tables."
"You’re really not cool," I hit back. "It was your fault. You kept refilling my glasses."
"A striptease, really?" Lucy asked. "I wouldn’t have thought that of you."
I blushed deeply when I met her amused gaze. That night was a real disaster. I didn’t know what I was doing for the first time in my life. I had trouble understanding why I received so many invitations from suitors until someone told me about the striptease. I was mortified for weeks. I was lucky to have Mapi at that time. She was turning away everyone who approached me because she wanted me for herself back then.
"I was sixteen!" I defended myself.
"Still, I could make you do anything back then," Mapi snickered.
"You still can..."
"That’s true!" she said with a big smile. "Come on, finish your drink so I can make you the second one."
"Oh, hold on there," Lucy retorted, taking my glass. "After what you just said, I don’t really want her ending up on my table tonight or worse, with her head in the toilet."
"That wouldn’t be the first time..."
"Shut up, Leon ! They don’t need to know everything! Remember, they’re my instructors."
"Instructors with whom you’re sleeping," she laughed. "Very professional!"
"Believe me, when it comes to getting fired, she’s very professional!"
"Did you get fired again?" she laughed.
"Yeah. We couldn’t stop chatting."
"I doubt that’s the only reason," Lucy retorted.
"Well, of course I was replying to her," I rolled my eyes. "Anyway, you managed to make me regret it."
"Oh yeah? How so?"
"She’s depriving me of a weekend in the Alps with her friends, where she would have taken me."
"Seriously?" Mapi asked. "And you’re not even thinking of me?"
"Why should I think of you, exactly?" Lucy replied.
"Because Ingrid likes me, at least. She would have certainly liked me to be there."
"Wow, don’t involve me in this," said the person concerned.
"I never said I didn’t like you," Lucy simply replied.
- But you can't say you're all that fond of me either, she insists. You've been shutting me down ever since I got here.
- Mapi, that's enough, I say softly.
- It's fine, Ona. She's right, she shrugs. You're a chatterbox, and I'm just tired. Sorry if you took it personally.
- Lucy can be very grumpy when she doesn't get her sleep, laughs Ingrid.
- Sorry, it's my fault, I plead awkwardly.
- It's fine, don't worry, she smiles at me. Anyway, she returns to Mapi. Since we're talking about it, I want to tell you that I don't like it when you push Ona to go to parties.
The gesture is slight, but I see Ingrid give her a nudge on the thigh, as if she would have preferred her to be quiet. I look up at them, but neither of them shows anything.
- Oh, but you know, you don't need to worry about that, Mapi responds. She's become very reasonable since she met you!
I groan, hiding my head in my hands as she starts comparing our recent parties to our high school parties. I had explicitly avoided doing that so she would never know. Although she doesn’t specify, it’s odd that she’s bringing up our past together. It’s been a long time since we talked about that period, out of fear of making things awkward between us.
- How about we play "Never Have I Ever"? she eventually suggests at the end of her stories.
- You should stop now, I growl in annoyance.
- I think it’s a good idea, comments Lucy.
- Are you serious? I ask in surprise.
- At least we get to know each other better. That’s what you wanted, right?
Now that she mentions it, the game doesn’t seem so silly.
- Do you have something to hide? she challenges me with a little smirk.
- Not at all, I roll my eyes. Let’s go, if that’s what you want.
- Cool, Ingrid replies. Let’s spice up the game, no soft drinks allowed.
I press my lips together, unable to back out now with everyone’s enthusiasm. Lucy doesn’t seem against the idea, as she brings out shot glasses. Ingrid fills them while Mapi reminds us of the rules.
Now that she mentions it, it might not be so stupid after all. She challenges me with a little smile to refuse. I eventually agree, as does Ingrid, who looks just as enthusiastic as my best friend. Mapi decides to spice up the game with plastic shot glasses she bought earlier. It seems like they had everything planned from the start. Ingrid fills the glasses while Mapi goes over the rules.
- So we’re agreed. We take turns saying a phrase that starts with "Never have I ever," and everyone who has done what was said must drink.
- Do you think we’re beginners? Ingrid replies. We’re older than you, remember.
- Yeah, well, find something else to say, she retorts. Start, then.
- Gladly, she smiles sweetly.
And we’re off... In reality, I’m not a big fan of drinking games. I tend to end up in a bad state. Luckily, we start with basic phrases. For my part, I began with phrases that kept me from drinking, such as "Never have I lived in an apartment," etc. I was often the only one who didn’t have to drink. Mapi had to drink to that one since she’s living with a girl from her class. My tactic was flawed because the girls quickly moved on to phrases that forced me to drink. Also, Mapi’s hand has been under the table with her phone for a while. I’m almost sure she’s cheating by telling Ingrid what phrases to say. Being a good sport, I don’t mention it. For now, I’m handling the few drinks I’ve had, but I’m starting to feel tipsy. As the game progresses, everyone begins to get comfortable. The questions start to shift to very personal, even sexual topics.
- Never have I ever slept with a guy, Mapi says.
- Seriously, Mapi? 
- Well, what? It’s a basic question. And you two aren’t drinking? she asks the two girls across from us.
- Never with a guy, Lucy replies with a shrug.
- What, seriously? Never with a guy? Mapi repeats with wide eyes.
- Never, she says cheerfully. I’ve always preferred breasts to hairy chests.
She takes a sip of her beer while I laugh at Mapi’s reaction. The alcohol seems to be affecting me. Lucy gives me a small smile, raising her eyebrow.
- A problem, Batlle?
- Yeah! Not all guys’ chests are hairy, I retort.
- That’s true, but you should know I prefer to stay in control and be dominant, she replies with a wink, referring to this afternoon.
- Just words. I’d like to see some proof.
The first to react is Mapi, laughing. Her reaction makes me realize what I just said, and embarrassment quickly overtakes me. The alcohol has clearly taken over at this point, whether for Lucy or for me. I glance at my best friend on my left. She’s the only one who knows about my recent confessions regarding Lucy. I hope she’ll just give me a “I told you so” when we’re alone rather than commenting now. She seems to be opting for that as she brings her drink to her lips, just like Lucy, who is drinking her beer. I’ve noticed that Lucy always takes her time drinking her beers, as if she’s trying to enjoy it to avoid drinking too much. She doesn’t like alcohol, I’ve figured that out over time. Still, she agreed to play the game and considering the number of shots she’s had, her reaction is understandable. I know the alcohol has affected her. At least, she’s become much less grumpy since she started. However, I can’t say the same about her teasing. Although I prefer her this way, I don’t know what she’s playing at since this afternoon. If she knew what I really think, she surely wouldn’t be doing this. That would be intentionally hurting me. Deep down, I know there will never be a chance, no matter how much conviction I put into it. I have in my mind the idea that she’s comparing us to Alexia and Jenni and doesn’t want to make the same mistake. This conclusion comes from the fact that she has always maintained her professionalism with me, and you can’t say she’s fond of Alexia. I could continue to think about this for a long time, but Ingrid clears her throat and resumes the game.
- Never have I ever slept with someone in this room.
I sigh and down my drink that was just refilled. They really want me to get drunk. When I put my glass down, I realize that wasn’t the point of the question given Ingrid’s shocked expression.
- No way... You two together?! she points at Mapi and me. You knew about this? she asks Lucy.
- Of course I did.
- Of course I did, she mimics in a high-pitched voice. You could have told me!
- I didn’t see the point, she replies with a shrug and a little smile. It was a secret, too.
- Tsss.
She gives her a reproachful look. I really wonder what happened between them for her to react like this tonight. They must have had a conversation that we’re not aware of.
- Anyway, Lucy concludes. Never have I ever had a brother or sister.
I’m still the only one drinking. If she joins in, I’m never going to make it through the night!
Saturday, January 16; 1:50 AM - Lucy’s Apartment
I can’t stop laughing. I think I’m drunk. I don’t even know what time it is, but I’ve discovered that fatigue and alcohol don’t mix well. Yet, I’m not ready to go to bed. It’s been a long time since I’ve had such a good evening. We’ve moved on to board games after "Never Have I Ever," and I’ve discovered that you can have just as much fun with them. Right now, we’re in the middle of a game of Pictionary. They probably didn’t think it through when they chose it because it’s clear that I’m unbeatable at it. Lucy is on my team since our best friends wanted to team up together. The goal of the game is to have your partner guess the word you’ve drawn. Let’s just say it’s child’s play for me. My senses might have taken a hit, but not my artistic talent. Lucy and I are incredibly efficient together. I only failed at our eleventh round where I didn’t guess Lucy’s drawing, but considering the incompetence of our opponents, it wasn’t a big deal. At the moment, I’m mocking Mapi’s drawing, which really doesn’t look like anything.
- You’re terrible, Lucy mocks next to me on the couch.
- Not everyone has an artist on their team! Mapi grumbles.
- You should have chosen the right teammate, she retorts, sending me a smile.
I clumsily return the smile before letting myself lean against her shoulder. Fatigue is starting to take over. My eyes close for a moment, enjoying the gentle rocking of Lucy's body as she breathes. However, this moment doesn’t last long as someone gently shakes my thigh.
- Don’t fall asleep here. You’d better go to bed, Lucy advises.
I shake my head negatively, burying my face in her neck. I’m so comfortable that I don’t want to move. She sighs and tries to get me to react, but I no longer have the strength. It seems our friends’ round was the last straw.
- Come on, princess. It’s time to go to bed.
- Just a little longer... Please, I mumble.
- No. You’re falling asleep.
- Then take me there, I negotiate.
- If I come with you, you won’t let me go.
- You can sleep with her, I hear Mapi suggest. I don’t want to risk waking her up by going to bed, and I don’t mind sleeping with Ingrid.
- Fine, Lucy mutters.
I groan as Lucy gets up. My head falls to the side, but they catch my body before it falls off the couch. They pull my arms, but the attempt to lift me fails miserably, causing a sigh. In the end, it’s hands under my thighs that lift me off the couch. I try to see what’s happening, but the light is too harsh on my eyes for me to keep them open. All I can see are strands of brown hair. I know it’s Lucy by her scent. She adjusts me comfortably in her arms before I feel her move.
- I can walk, I mumble.
- I have no doubt, she teases.
I groan as she sets me down on something soft, moving completely away from me. I almost regret her warmth but eventually roll onto the bed when I recognize it. 
- Oh no, stay there, she giggles, holding me back. Don’t move until I come back.
She’s lucky I don’t have the strength to fight her. I sigh as I fumble with the duvet, looking for a pillow. I find it quickly and pull it close to me to hug like a stuffed toy. There’s noise in the room, but once again, I don’t have the strength to open my eyes. I know it’s Lucy. She gently shakes me.
- Don’t fall asleep, you need to put on your pajamas.
- Hummm... N-no, I groan. I want to stay like this.
- No, absolutely not, she laughs. It’s not comfortable. Come on, just a little effort. I’ll help you if you want. You just need to sit up.
I sigh but let her pull me by the arms to sit up. I rub my eyes before lifting my arms as she asked. My sweater disappears quickly, along with the straps of my bra, which she takes off my arms. She must have figured out that I never sleep with it from the many times we’ve slept together. I know she doesn’t wear one under her pajamas either. I groan as she puts a t-shirt over my head. I slip my arms into it before wanting to fall back, but she holds me.
- Wait, she says with an amused tone. You need to take off your bra.
- Just do it, I mumble.
She does it immediately, unfastening the clasp with a deft motion before letting me go. I take the chance to finally lie back down.
- You’re unbelievable, she giggles. I guess I’ll take care of your jeans too.
I would have preferred to keep them on, but I don’t have the strength to react as she starts to remove them with little difficulty. My socks follow the same path, and then she lets me slip under the duvet. I don’t need any encouragement to crawl under it this time. It’s when I smell her scent everywhere that I realize we’re in her room. I’m not quite sure what’s happening anymore.
- I’m sleeping with you?
- Yeah. The girls are still up.
I pull up the duvet to hide underneath as she turns on her bedside lamp.
- You’re such a princess, she laughs.
- Shut up, I reply with a smile despite myself.
I turn towards the wall to escape the blinding light. It takes a few minutes before I feel her presence behind me.
- I thought you were tougher during nights out.
- I usually am.
- I need proof to believe that. Isn’t that what you said earlier?
- Next time... In the meantime, hold me.
- Is that the alcohol talking?
- Maybe.
The reality is that I appreciate her holding me. Her presence reassures me at night. I feel safe. Not only does she chase away my bad dreams, but she also dispels the fear of something happening to me at night. After all, we’re all vulnerable while sleeping. I smile against my pillow when I finally feel her arms wrap around me after the light is turned off.
- Too many bad habits, princess...
- I love that nickname.
- It suits you pretty well, indeed, she giggles.
I open my eyes and bite my lip when I feel her lips against my collarbone. Reflexively, I give her space to reach my neck. If I have one weak spot, it’s definitely that one. I hear her chuckle softly before feeling her breath create a thousand shivers.
- Too demanding, Miss Batlle.
- Too teasing tonight, Commander.
- Is that bothering you?
I press my body against her chest as one of her cold hands meets the flesh of my stomach. This gesture does not leave me indifferent. I would have certainly pushed her away if I were sober, but desire and alcohol have other plans at the moment. She seems to understand and play with it as her fingers venture over my stomach with a gentle and controlled touch. She stops just short of my intimacy each time. It’s a very strange but pleasant sensation. My brain and heart are no longer listening to me, and my fatigue quickly disappears. I should ask her to stop, but none of that comes out. She finishes me off by planting little kisses on my exposed neck that I’ve left available. Suddenly, as if realizing what she’s doing, she pulls her hand back and carefully adjusts my t-shirt before placing her hand above it again. I release the breath I had been holding when she buries her head in my hair. She does this every time, but this time I think she’s inhaled my scent from her sigh right after. I don’t dare move, so comfortable yet frustrated at the same time. I couldn’t even say if it’s good or bad frustration. It’s the first time someone has touched me like this since Feli, but it’s also the first time she has touched me. My mind seems to have agreed with what escapes my lips.
- Y-you’re joking.
My trembling voice betrays me, but it’s the least of my concerns.
- No...
Her tone is serious, but her smile on my neck betrays her as well. I don’t know what to think, especially with her next words.
- Sorry. Good night, Princess.
- W-why? Why give me all this affection?
- Because I wanted to and I’m pretty sure you won’t remember it tomorrow morning.
- I’ll make sure to remind you if I do...
- We’ll see then. Sleep now, Ona. You’re tired, and so am I.
- Good night, Luce... I comply, agreeing with her.
She kisses the back of my head, which makes me smile even after this little scene. I place my hand against hers to intertwine our fingers. She surprises me by letting me do so. Her gesture is followed by one of her legs slipping between mine. This has become our new position since we started sleeping together. Finally, sleep returns when I feel her warm breath against my neck. I have more than positive thoughts after this crazy night, and I hope they’ll be enough to keep my bad dreams away for at least this night.
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stevesbestgirl · 1 year
Phases of the Moon - Part 1
Steven Grant x f!Reader, eventual Marc Spector x f!Reader
2796 words
Warnings: poor imitations of British speaking habits, not much else in part one, maybe a few curses but I’m not sure
A/N: This was my attempt to write a slow-burn. It’s long, self-indulgent, and obscenely fluffy. Reader is specified as American, but mostly so I can avoid pretending I know anything about living in the UK. Steven and Marc are aware of each other and trying to find balance in their relationship in this fic, but keep in mind that I am not a system and am not an expert. All of my information about their relationship comes from the Moon Knight show and I use that as my reference point. 
*Bold type is spoken by Marc when Steven is fronting.*
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“Go talk to her.”
“Well I can’t, can I?” Steven sent a furtive glance at you, toying absently with your phone while you examined the glyphs inside a display.
“Why can’t you?”
“She’s got earphones in.”
Marc scoffed in the glass of one of the display cases, “Always an excuse.”
“I can’t just interrupt her, that’d be rude!”
“Not if she’s interested.”
Steven’s reply was cut short as a pair of boys came rushing around the corner, laughing and shoving each other- Steven wouldn’t have placed them at older than twelve. He watched helplessly as one firm push sent the smaller of the two reeling into your backside. Completely oblivious to their noise, you went sprawling, headphones disconnecting as your phone hit the ground and was sent skittering across the polished floor, coming to rest at Steven’s feet.
Inhibitions gone, Steven scooped your phone up and rushed over, offering a hand to help you up, “Are you okay?” You nodded, feeling a little embarrassed. “You lot,” he called out, locating the pair sidling off behind a diorama, “C’mere.” 
They looked like they were considering bolting, but the smaller of them located Steven’s badge and took a reluctant step forward. By the time they stood in front of you, they were looking rather cowed, like puppies who’d been caught gnawing a slipper. 
“Shape up, you hear? You could’ve really hurt someone.”
“Yeah, sorry.”
“Now listen, down that corridor there, there’s a bunch of old weapons; spears, cudgels, daggers, the like. How about you go give it a look?” You watched him speak to the two boys; his enthusiasm seemed very genuine, not the fake kind adults often used with children.
The taller boy hesitated before leaving, “What’s a cudgel?”
Steven smiled a little, “Why don’t you go on and find out?” Then the two rushed in the direction he’d indicated and he called after them, “Slowly, hm?”
Once they were out of sight, you finally spoke, “Are you sure that was a good idea? Sending them in there with a bunch of weapons?” You couldn’t help but smile as he unconsciously smoothed his dark, nearly sleep-tousled curls back from his face.
His intent had been to chuckle, but it came out as more of an empty puff of air, “They’re all under glass- should be alright.” He added, “Maybe I’ll pop in to check on them, just in case.” Nervous now, he looked down at his hands, still holding your phone, “Oh, there you are.” Your expression fell and only then did he notice the spiderweb of cracks in the bottom corner where it had hit the floor, “Oh no.”
You shook your head, accepting the phone and dropping it to your side, like putting it out of sight would make him forget, “It’s alright. Just a screen protector. I’ll get a new one eventually.”
“Sorry about that, love,” he insisted, his earnest gaze finally meeting yours just in time for your face to go warm. You’d thought you’d been ready to hear the term of endearment used so casually when you came to England, but apparently not.
“It’s alright,” you rushed to speak. “Definitely not your fault. Thanks for helping me-” you glanced at his name tag, “-Steven.”
“No problem- it is my job after all,” he cracked a halfhearted smile.
“You were great with those kids too.”
Rosy warmth tinged his cheeks and his gaze shifted away, “Thanks.” A small pause, “Your accent- you’re American?”
You nodded, “Needed a change of scenery, so I’m staying with some family for a while. Just got in yesterday, actually.”
His gaze eagerly lifted to yours again, but flicked away over your shoulder and he went slightly pale. Glancing back, you saw a stocky woman with dirty blonde hair gesturing impatiently at him.
Returning his gaze to you, he looked a bit panicked, “I’m sorry, I’ve gotta go. I- ah-” He tripped over his words and almost tripped almost his feet as well, veering around you and backing away toward the woman beckoning him over. 
You raised your hand in an uncertain farewell as he stammered his way backwards, gesturing faintly over his shoulder with his thumb in a faint attempt at an explanation. Once he was within range, the woman seemed to be lighting into him a bit, though his gaze hadn’t yet left you. It wasn’t until she snapped her fingers that he looked at her. 
Not wanting to spy, you turned away, checking your phone for the time. When Steven glanced your way again, he only caught your retreating form disappearing out the entrance. For once, Donna’s criticisms didn’t affect him since he was already kicking himself for not asking you out. Or getting your phone number. Or even your name. He’d blown it. 
The following day, you had a bit more time to explore the museum, so you returned. And you noted with dismay, when the cabbie called you “love”, you didn’t so much as blink, let alone blush. Maybe it had been a one-off thing. Now you would be immune. 
Walking in and spotting the woman from before at the front desk, you plucked up a bit of courage and approached. Her name tag read “Donna” and she prompted with visible disinterest, as though she were reading off a script, “Welcome. Is there something I can direct you to?”
Deciding to push forward, you said, “Actually, I was just in here yesterday. I ran into a bit of trouble with a couple of young boys and one of your tour guides helped me. I wanted to let you know that Steven was very polite and just lovely with those kids-”
“Stevie? He isn’t a tour guide,” Donna interrupted, wrinkling her nose. “In his dreams, maybe.”
“But he does work here?”
“Yeah, he’s the gift shoppist.” She was still being very flippant; it was clear that she’d barely had interest in this conversation to begin with and now that it was about Steven, it had dwindled to none. 
“Right. Thank you.” You forced a smile and nodded before heading off in the direction of the gift shop.
The counter was empty when you first walked into the room, sending a tiny shoot of disappointment into your chest. You wanted to thank him, since it didn’t appear that you could score him any points with his boss.
You wondered for a moment if you should come back later, but then a shaggy, brown mop of hair sprung up from behind the counter, triumphantly brandishing what appeared to be a large, amber-colored marble with a bone inside it, “Got ya, you little bugger.”
His gaze fell on you and he tucked the marble behind his back, like it was something to hide, “You- you came back.”
You reached into your bag, pulling out the brochure you’d picked up yesterday, “I was only passing through yesterday.” You unfolded the brochure and showed him the notes you’d taken on the map, detailing where you wanted to go first and which exhibits had caught your eye, “I like to plan a little bit.”
He followed the line you traced with your finger intently, raising his gaze to your face when you pulled away, “That’s a good way to go about it. The tour is pretty good too.” Steven’s heart skipped as your lips pulled into a slight frown; had he said something wrong? 
“Speaking of the tour, I tried to put in a good word for you with your boss- as thanks, for yesterday- she doesn’t seem to like you very much.”
“Oh, yes. Donna and I have got a bit of a rocky history.” He added quickly, “Not a history, mind you. More like a boss/employee history. I’ve got a bit of a bad track record with my punctuality, actually,” he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Well, I think you’d make a lovely tour guide, for what it’s worth.”  
There was another one of those long pauses; you were about to offer a meek “Thanks again,” and cut your losses when he spoke up, “If you like, I’m on a break in ten minutes. I could show you around.”
You’d insisted to yourself that this wasn’t why you came back here, but you found yourself nodding, a faint smile on your lips, “I’d like that.”
Steven seemed even more surprised than you were, nodding quickly, “Great- that’s- great.” He nodded again, “I can meet you in the ‘King’s Tomb’ exhibit.” He pointed, “Right over there-” He checked his watch, “-in nine minutes.”
Your smile widened, “See you in nine minutes then.” You moved off in the direction he’d indicated, the temptation to look back gnawing at you. 
“Wait!” he called after you. You turned back, “I haven’t got your name.”
“You haven’t needed it, have you?” 
Now you were teasing and you knew it. But you could feel his eyes on you as you disappeared around the corner and you smiled to yourself. So much for doing your own thing. The whole reason for coming to London was to get away from men- although you supposed it was more one man than men in general. But something about Steven just caught your eye.
So you waited out the impossibly long eight minutes remaining until Steven walked in, looking in a bit of a rush. You watched him scan the exhibit, almost like he’d expected you to have left by now.
You raised a hand, “Steven.” He positively lit up at the sight of you, relief visible in the heavy exhale he released- like he'd been holding his breath. 
You met him in the center of the room, clasping your hands behind your back in anticipation. Steven still had the remnants of a grin on his face, though he mirrored your posture, a bit of enthusiasm escaping as he bounced on the balls of his feet, just once, “What do you want to see?”
“You’re my tour guide, you tell me,” you teased. 
Almost instantly, his face flushed, “Well, I wasn’t sure if there were specific displays you wanted to look at or certain subjects you were interested in, you know? Since I've only got fifteen minutes on my break.” 
“Well, I’m interested in everything, but since we only have fifteen minutes; how about you show me the way you’d start your tour if you were a guide?” His cheeks darkened further and you had to bite the inside of your cheek not to smile again. But he surprised you, recovering quickly and placing his hand on your arm. He steered you over to one of the displays and you glanced at him, “The Ennead?”
The Ennead,” he corrected your pronunciation. “The Egyptian Gods.” He wheeled around so his back was to the exhibit, his gaze meeting yours with ease. “Everything about Egypt comes back to the gods one way or another, so to understand Egypt, you have to understand them.”
He walked you through the exhibit, one god or goddess at a time, his hands moving animatedly as he talked. And he was good at it, in a different way than you’d expect. He had such a wealth of knowledge- you felt comfortable asking questions because you expected him to have the answers. And he answered many of your questions before you could even ask them; his explanations were pretty comprehensive. 
It was all strangely charming, actually. His enthusiasm was so genuine, it was as though he invited you inside it with him. It was a nice place to be- like sharing a secret. It was also putting you in dangerous territory; a magnetic field that would be hard to pull yourself from.
Once you were about halfway through the eleven, you tentatively raised your hand. Steven faltered slightly, giving you the chance to speak up, “Two things- I just want to check the time, I’d hate for you to be-”
“Late-” he checked his watch faster than you could pull out your phone.
You grabbed his hand, pulling him back toward the gift shop, “Well, come on then, I don’t want you getting into trouble!”
Steven’s long strides quickly outpaced you; you had to hurry to keep up, a laugh at the ridiculousness of it slipping out. Steven glanced back- nearly shouldering a display case. Right before impact, his back straightened a bit, like he sensed it coming, and he just twisted out of the way. It was so smooth you wouldn’t have noticed the deft movement if you hadn’t been anticipating the collision.
By the time you skidded to a halt in front of the gift shop counter, you were full-on giggling; you couldn’t remember the last time you’d laughed so hard over almost nothing. “Sorry about that,” Steven offered meekly.
You took a breath and collected yourself a bit, though you still felt the warmth of the laughter in your cheeks, “Don’t be- it was fun.”
“What was the other thing?” he asked, shuffling back behind the counter.
“You said there were two things, the time and what else?”
“Oh! Well that exhibit was called the ‘King’s Tomb,’ right? Why are the gods in that one?”
He leaned on the counter, some of his timid demeanor vanishing, “Well, the pharaohs were considered to be gods by their people. So they put them in a room together. And since the mummies are what brings in the crowds, they get the-” he clicked his tongue, framing a little marquee with his fingers, “-title spot.”
“I suppose you know quite a lot about those too?”
He gave a chagrined smile, “Did I go on a bit much then?”
You shook your head, “Not at all- I wasn’t teasing. I wish we’d had time to do the whole exhibit.”
“I’d wager with me giving it, that tour would take all week,” he joked, feeling like he’d done too much talking during your time together.
You shrugged, “I’m on vacation.” Smiling, you added, “Or holiday, you’d probably call it.”
He smiled weakly at the joke, seeming to be working out what you’d meant. He scanned your face, as though nervous he was misreading you, but you just smiled at him. “I’m scheduled again on Thursday, I could- if you like, I mean- I could show you some more. Of the exhibit. Obviously. If you want.” 
You were here for freedom. You’d come all the way to another country so you could do what you wanted, when you wanted, no strings attached. But, you reasoned, this wasn’t dating. This was an exclusive tour, on Steven’s break. It wasn’t like he was taking you out to dinner.
You were bargaining; whittling away your rules to nothing because they no longer suited your purposes. You knew that. And you also knew that you only did so because Steven was, very clearly, a large string. A large string with lovely, brown, puppy eyes and enough passion for Egypt to make a pharaoh blush. But you nodded anyway, “I’d love to come back. Same time?”
He seemed stunned by your acceptance, but he nodded rapidly to overcompensate for the moment of hesitation, “Yeah. My break is at three.”
You smirked, “How many minutes from now?”
He stared at you for a moment- you almost wondered if he was trying to do the math, but then he flushed and gave a weak chuckle, “Right, I’ll work on that one.”
You pulled out the brochure you’d picked up yesterday and a pen from your bag, “Since I won’t be needing this anymore-” You scribbled down your name and number and slid the brochure across the table, “Text me when you figure it out.” No strings, you reminded yourself.
He gave another hurried nod, “Okay, I will, I-” 
You got a sense of deja vu as Steven glanced over your shoulder and paled in nearly the exact same way he had yesterday. “Is it Donna?” You quickly scanned the counter, grabbing a stuffed hippopotamus, “Because I’d like to purchase this.” You deliberately moved it across the counter where Donna would be able to see and pulled out your wallet.
Now Steven looked back to you, “You don’t have to do that. Most of this stuff if junk-”
“I want to. This one is kind of cute.” You held out the money, “And you’ll tell me all about it next time?”
He nodded, a small smile returning to his face, “Yeah, I will.” He handed back your change and the plush, speaking up so Donna could hear, “Enjoy the rest of your afternoon.”
You smiled, “Same to you.”
You left the other way so Donna wouldn’t see your face, hoping she wasn’t descending on Steven for being late from his break. You held the little hippo plushie to your chest and thought ahead to Thursday.
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11queensupreme11 · 2 months
I promised myself to wait a little more before reading but I couldn't focus when I just knew this was big.
So yeah, I end reading porn while my lecture... no regrets.
Me, reading chapter 31: Percy, your daddy issues are SHOWING my girl.
Can't blame you tho, your dad's hot. He's not a DILF, he's THE DILF, He deserves every capital letter.
Love that crazy blonde, have a special place in my heart.
Grover just got himself a VIP ticket to HELL, my boy, you just got yourself a target in your back and, all satyrs in both worlds are going to suffer for that decision even with Percy's help.
Poseidon promised to do nothing, but the rest of the family didn't
Love it, cause at least they know SOMETHING is happening now, kinda of. Well, now they KNOW she's alive and that's something...
Could be worse, wondering if Grover noticed her dress and what he's going to see about it. She has become a wife/prisoner? she did run away? Percy is using really expensive jewellery like mere rocks and can say something (a god? a god from a different pantheon?)
Anyways, she's now one bad fall from diving into the incest sin and I'm pushing her, after the first wet bed... well, we know they aren't known for their patience.
I'm rotting for Sun Wukong, just imagine what that tail can do 😏😏😏 (for once, I'm not being horny, but imagine him using that tail to push her close and hugging her. I'm a bitch for cuddles, make me blush like no porn has done before).
(Odin, the other way, is a DILF I totally respect ❤️👄❤️)
Chapter 32
Well, I did see this scenery come... but Zeus accusing Hera of being unfaithful? wishing it to be real, maybe with Ganymede, just to add more burn.
Totally deserves it, but you know, isn't happening.
(Sometimes, for a little bit, I feel sad for her. Her husband is The Bitch, has an almost impossible mission and no one is helping her... well, then I remember how she treated her husband's lover, literally kids, how she's just searching for Percy cause she needs her and then I'm fine, totally deserved)
(Now I'm rooting for the RoR gods, not because they're better, just cause at least they're honest about their feelings about humanity and, don't treat their children like guns with discount in Walmart)
Poseidon taking advantages from all his chances to discover new kinks with Percy (*screams, giggles, hides her face*). You're spoiling us, brat taming is my favorite kind of dom/sub smut, so this was gooooooooood for me
Poseidon just making her cry and then making her kiss him? Percy, you're living a wattpad history and is niceeeeee
Percy/Poseidon and Percy/Beelzebub fans, we're winning tonight!!!!
Beelzebub: A life with Percy or no life at all Me: Whatever you say king, I love your crazyness, don't change
He really is ready to save her, no matter if it means she's leaving him... a maturing king, love it.
Okay, we know he'd never send her to another's man arms (Sorry, I always forget his name), but he's TRYING and that's all I ask from him. He's closer than the others...
(Feeling like that TikTok "what if he's the devil? at least the devil has a job")
(What if he's throwing away her chances to go back home, at least he takes her to Midgard dates 🙄🙄🙄🙄)
Yes, I looking throught the BIGGEST red glass, not seeing red flags, just hearts around Beelcy.
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Poseidon for the horny side and Beelcebub for the romantic side ❤️❤️
You know what would be amazing? Nico having to see all of this.
Imagine, the drama.
We know you love the drama queen, don't try to fool me, I know you survive from our tears and horny desires.
(Queen... just wondering... is this a harem history (Percy ends with all the yanderes) or just one of them? cause for now in my mind they have a horary where they share Percy like a divorce child)
Amazing like always ❤️❤️❤️❤️
YOU READ INCEST PORN AND CANNIBALISM DURING YOUR CLASS LECTURE??? 💀💀💀 i could never, i don't have the guts even when my phone has the privacy screen protector thing 😂
also, "all satyrs in both worlds are going to suffer for that decision even with Percy's help." yeah the satyrs in ror verse are still in deep shit even tho percy tried to help them, cuz even though it was only the GREEK council who saw it, this whole thing made BIG NEWS
can you imagine shiva, parvati, kali, and durga's reaction to hearing that percy was "violated" by an unknown satyr IN HER DREAMS?
or loki's reaction? or literally any god that knows about her and likes her???? or just gods in general (especially the protector of children gods) 💀💀💀 like, satyrs already have a terrible reputation, but to target a "one year old" daughter of poseidon IN HER DREAMS (which is unheard of for satyrs to be capable of, which makes it even more terrifying)???? they're FUCKED 💀💀💀
pan and dionysus are gonna have to put them into hiding or something lmao
there's more posy coming in in the futre, and as for beelzebub, he's just digging a deeper and deeper grave for himself lmao. he is singlehandedly ruining his own ship 😭😭😭 but at least he still has beelcy shippers on his side 💀
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callmewrinkles3 · 1 year
This Love - DR3 x fem!OC
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Summary: An escape to Perth for a week helps Dan and Em to realise what they want. But they each have a secret to tell that could rip them apart before they can begin to fix each other.
Words: 5.8k
Warnings: Pregnancy loss, retirement talk, smut (piv sex, fingering, light choking)
A/N: A day later than planned, but the continuation of what’s going on to our babes in 2022! This part deals with some pretty heavy themes, so look after yourselves. Take this as a present for the 300 followers. Hope you like it and lots of love! 💜
June 2022
When Dan helped Em to bed that Monday night she didn’t really sleep. The fog that had clouded her thoughts and judgment basically since she’d left London was lifting and it was like coming back to 4K from an old VHS tape. The way she’d buried her thoughts and self in anything except thinking about what happened, the weight she’d lost, the way she didn’t feel like herself anymore. She’d buried her head in the sand and hadn’t realised what was going on until it was too late. She didn’t want to be like this anymore.
Having Dan there at her side helped. They’d decided to delay their conversation for the summer break, booking flights to LA to leave soon after the race there. It was a week talking about everything and building their relationship and a week of wine tours to celebrate her birthday. She knew it would be hard and they’d both struggle at points but it needed to happen. They were committed. They were going to tell the world about their relationship in Baku. It was going to work out for them. It had to.
Em tried to push the thoughts swirling in her brain aside but it didn’t work, her sleep fitful. She woke up to Dan kissing her forehead and she smiled up at her boyfriend. He was right there beside her and that wasn’t changing. He wasn’t leaving her. She could do this. She could talk to him about anything.
Grace and Joe were staying in Monaco and using it as a base to visit family in Italy while Em and Dan were packing for three weeks away, from Perth to Baku to Montreal. She had her packing list on her phone and Dan pulled it out of her hand.
“What happened to your screen?” He ran his finger along the broken glass, a plastic screen protector barely holding it together.
“It broke when I was away.”
“How?” She blinked and took a breath before answering. It was probably the most embarrassed she felt about how she acted when she was gone.
“I threw it against a wall.” That was a story for another day.
“We’ll get you a new one. It’s not safe to use like this.”
“Danny, it’s fine. I can get the screen changed.”
“No. Baby you’re gonna hurt yourself on it. You’ve had it nearly three years, you need an upgrade anyway.”
“Fine.” He kissed her and she smiled, not truly annoyed at him as he went to the bathroom. She was filling the case mostly for Baku and Montreal, she had clothes in Perth still. They were old but they’d work for while she was there.
Dan came out of the bathroom with the two toiletry bags, passing her the purple one she put in her checked bag and the clear one that went into her hand luggage. Em smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“I put a box of tampons in too. It’s about time you’ll need them, right?” The casual way he said it made her want to smile, but it nearly broke her at the same time. She had to tell him everything.
“Things shifted when I was away. But better safe than sorry.” They finished backing and Dan held her for a few moments as she got herself ready to leave. Final hugs went to everyone else before they went to Nice airport to start the trek to Perth.
Dan held her hand the entire way in the car, and for once they decided to take advantage of the VIP service the airport had. Usually they didn’t bother, but today it was worth it. They were escorted through security and to the lounge to sit and wait for their flight to Dubai. It was packed, a side effect of it being the day after the Grand Prix. Most of the other drivers who didn’t live in Monaco had already left the principality but they were ignored by most of the clients there. Another Formula One driver wasn’t a big deal. They spotted Kevin with his wife and daughter sitting a few tables away, smiling and waving to them.
As she watched Laura sit in Louise’s arms, babbling away, Em felt another pang of longing and loss hit her. The memories of that day four weeks ago when she realised her planned but delayed trip to the pharmacy for a test wasn’t needed anymore. That the suspicions she’d had but was too afraid to confirm for a few weeks were right but she was too late. Sobbing on her childhood bedroom floor clutching her knees to her chest because she was in the worst physical and emotional pain she could think of. She was losing the last piece of Dan she thought she’d ever have.
He needed to know. She needed to tell him and it couldn’t wait until August. It couldn’t wait for months because, selfishly, she couldn’t live with the guilt of not telling him if it was what would break them in the end. The internet had told her that it wasn’t her fault. That losing a pregnancy before twelve weeks was common, that late periods because of stress were normal. That running your pill together for three months and then not taking it for two could throw your cycle into chaos.
She had no true proof of what had happened apart from her symptoms and suspicions but it was enough for her to know. The way the constant exhaustion had eased, how the tenderness in her chest calmed within hours. The nausea she’d had stopping even though she didn’t want to eat. The nearly two week long period when before she was ever on the pill she’d been like clockwork.
Em knew the truth of what she’d lost. And she knew telling Dan was going to hurt both of them. Now that she could think clearly there was no alternative to telling him. She should have tried to get in touch no matter what to tell him and he deserved to know now.
She was quiet on the flight to Dubai, both of them taking a nap through it. Em woke to Dan’s hand on hers, his arm stretched awkwardly over the screen between them so he could hold onto her. He loves her. That was what could get her through until they were alone.
Arriving in Dubai meant that they were escorted to the first class lounge to wait out the three hours of their connection. As they got to the door Em stopped dead in her tracks. Dan was pulled back by his hand because of it and he watched her stare at the door.
“Emmy? Is everything ok?” He asked as she shook her head and bit back the tears she wanted to let out.
“We haven’t been here since last year.” She could see the moment the realisation hit him of their last time in the lounge together. When they said goodbye and he was going to Perth for New Years and she had to go back to London. The beginning of the end of everything.
“We’re going to find a table and sit, ok? Just you and me and some food. That’s all, Baby girl.”
He found them a seat on the opposite side of the lounge to last time, both of them slipping into seats. Food was brought to them that Em didn’t want to eat but made herself take some bites. Dan’s arm was around her as he held her close and pushed kisses against her head. Fuck the rules, they needed this closeness.
The second flight from Dubai to Perth was eleven long hours as they fought to stay awake to try stave off jet lag. It was caffeine and watching films together, pressing the play button on their screens so they could watch them at the same time. The flight passed slowly but she held Dan’s hand whenever she could. They stayed connected like that as they got off the plane and she put her carry on over her arm to go through immigration and customs. They only let go when she had to join the non Australian line at immigration. Dan watched and waited for her as he was already through.
“What’s the reason for your visit?”
“We’re seeing my boyfriend’s family. I’ve only seen them once in the last two years and I had to leave Melbourne pretty quickly when I did. We have a spare week so wanted to see them.”
“Is your boyfriend Australian? Is he travelling with you?”
“Yes he is. He’s already through if you look behind you.”
Even in a hoodie and jeans to beat the Aussie winter Dan’s smile was infectious. It was the same grin as on nearly every Optus ad in the country and Em could tell the exact moment he was recognised.
“Oh, of course. Enjoy being back.”
She rarely used Dan’s celebrity for her own good, if ever, but it was worth it now to get through without extra questioning. Instead they collected the bags and went through quarantine with a smile and handing over the entry cards. The treats that they’d brought back were approved and just over an hour after landing they were in the familiar surrounds of Perth international arrivals. Joe had given them the keys to his car so they didn’t need to rent one. Instead they piled their bags into the boot to go straight to the farm. It wasn’t too cold for Em but Dan hated the thirteen degree weather and put the heat on as soon as they got into the car.
Their original plan had been to get to Michelle’s from the airport to see everyone but they couldn’t face it. Em was desperate for the hugs from her niece and nephew, for Michelle to wrap her in the big sister hugs that felt so good, but she couldn’t keep her emotions together if she saw them. It took all of three minutes to choose takeout to order on the way home to the farm. They sat at the table as Em nibbled the pizza she’d gotten while Dan ate chicken and rice that mostly fit his race diet. Once they were finished they curled into bed, wrapped around each other.
They lay there in the dark, quiet room, not sleeping or speaking. Em took a deep breath and let out a sigh as everything was screaming at her to speak.
“Penny for them?” Dan asked and she blinked, looking up at him and realising that this was the moment she had to say everything out loud for the first time. “There’s been something on your mind since you came back, right? What’s going on Wrinkles? You know you cal always tell me anything.”
“I’m afraid if I tell you then you’ll hate me.” His arms tightened against her while she closed her eyes and felt a kiss pressed to her forehead. He was there. He wouldn’t leave.
“I can’t hate you. I promise, Baby. I could never hate you. I love you. If you want to wait we can until we’re in LA and we have our talk. It’s whatever you w—“
“No. I need to tell you now.” Em pressed a kiss against his chest, holding onto him so tightly that she thought she might break him for a moment. “I…Fuck. When I was in Liverpool I was late. I was really, really late Danny.”
His sharp intake of breath was enough to tell her he’d heard what she said, but he stayed quiet and pushed his lips to her head until she was ready to keep speaking. Em took a couple of quiet breaths before continuing.
“I had a plan. I was gonna take a test to confirm, and when it came up positive I was gonna call you after the race. You had a right to know, y’know? I wouldn’t have kept that from you. I swear, Dan, I never could have done that. But the day I had the courage to buy it and take it I wasn’t late anymore.” Trying to get the words out felt like a clog in her throat. Tears streamed down her face as she forced herself to push everything else out. “Remember when we were here for lockdown and how I was when things got too much? I was like that and I was alone and in pain and I was so sad. I didn’t know I wanted a baby. But I really wanted your baby. And then I had one and I lost our baby and it’s my fault and I’m so sorry, Danny. I’m so, so, so sorry for losing them. I’m sorry.”
Her sobs overtook her but Dan sat up in the bed and pulled her to him. She didn’t know how they ended up like that but she was in his lap. His arms wrapped around her as he rubbed her back, soothing her and trying to calm her tears. She’d lost their baby and the only things going through her head was that it was her fault and if she’d looked after herself and not let herself be so upset and angry then things would have been different. It was her fault. It had to be her fault, it couldn’t be anyone else’s fault because she was the one who couldn’t keep their baby safe. As her tears began to slow and the wracking sobs eased she could hear Dan’s constant murmurs while she calmed down.
“How can I blame you, my Emmy? It’s not your fault and I will never, ever say it is. You’re so fucking brave, Baby. You’re so brave for getting through this and doing it by yourself and I wasn’t there to help you and I’m so sorry I wasn’t there. I’m so, so sorry that you didn’t think you could ask for help. I’d have been there in a minute, fuck everything else. Nothing else matters except you and me, Baby. You are wonderful and strong and brave and it’s going to happen for us. When we’re ready to have a kid we’ll get to. I promise you. You’re going to be ok. We’re going to get through this, you and me, like always.”
She clung to him as he spoke, a weight lifting off her shoulders. The miscarriage had been in the back of her mind ever since it happened, even when she hadn’t realised it was there. She’d been ignoring it since that day, nobody knew. But it was real. They’d lost their baby and she had hurt so badly because they had but they were going to be ok. They were going to make it.
“You back with me?” Dan asked as she stopped sobbing and he wiped at her eyes. His thumb wiped the tears away and all Em could see when she looked up at him was love. He loved her. Even after all this, even after her failure, he still loved her.
“Yeah I am. I’m not ok. I’m really not doing ok Danny.” They were some of the hardest words she’d had to say.
“I love you so fucking much. So much. I always knew you were brave anyway. Anyone who’s seen the crap said in the paddock knows that about you. You are amazing and wonderful and kind. We both know this is the kind of thing so many people have nightmares about. And you, my amazing and strong girlfriend, went through this on your own.” A watery smile went across her face as Dan pecked her lips quickly. “I’m sad we’re never going to meet that baby. I’m so sad we won’t get to see them grow up. But the worst part is that you went through that without anyone to support you. I’d have been there in a heartbeat if I knew. When did it happen?”
“The week of the race in Miami.” The pain was clear on both their faces. “I nearly texted Michael so many times. There was a photo of you—“
“The blonde who wouldn’t take no for an answer.”
“Yeah. I saw that photo the day after it happened. Started. I guess. I tried writing and deleting a text a hundred times to ask him if you’d moved on but I couldn’t. I didn’t want to know.”
“Oh Emmy, baby. I was never going to move on from you. Ever.”
She believed him. She believed every word he said, every moment of them together. And that realisation made her curl against him even tighter.
“I’m so tired, Danny. I’m so, so tired.”
“You just sleep. We’ll see the kids in the morning before they go to school and we can pick them up after to bring them to dinner. Sound good?”
“That sounds really good.”
It was probably too early to go to sleep but for the first time in a week Em slept well with Dan’s arms tightly wrapped around her. She woke up to him shifting in his sleep with his lips against her forehead as he slept. She smiled as she woke and kept her head on his chest before Dan’s alarm went off to wake them.
“You up?” He asked as Em twisted her neck to loop up at him again.
“Yeah. You?”
“Just about. I love you.”
“I love you too.” She let out a breath she didn’t even know that she was holding as Dan caught her in a kiss. He grinned against her lips before letting go and watching her for a moment.
“I’ll put coffee on, we can get breakfast out later?”
They were able to take their time getting ready. Dan watched as Em got dressed in clothes she’d kept there, putting her jeans on and pulling the belt tight against her. It was an old belt but it was in a new notch. The jeans that she’d owned since the Chinese Grand Prix were loose around her legs and it felt wrong. She was physically and mentally exhausted and worn out and desperately needed to relax and spend time with Dan. He held her hand as they got into the car, Dan the one who drove back to Michelle’s home.
They arrived just in time as Michelle hurried the kids out the door to go to school. Isaac started asking who was in his grandpa’s car but when Em opened the passenger door and stepped out there were two excited yells as they sprinted to her. The force nearly knocked her backwards into the side of the car but Dan held her arm so she could keep on her feet. Bending down for hugs Isabella wrapped her arms around Em’s neck to be lifted for a cuddle and Isaac followed suit.
She shouldn’t have been able to lift them up. Not with how tired she felt, not with how weak she felt. But she made herself stand up with them in her arms. Dan’s hands were supporting her lift and helped her stay upright as she did, grabbing onto them and holding close. Michelle ran towards them in surprise and once the kids were standing on solid ground Em got a hug from her too. She was home and in her sister’s arms and even with how awful her body felt this was good.
Michelle had to go back to work but they both promised to be back for when the kids finished school to take the family out for dinner. But Dan and Em ended up in a hipster breakfast place Dan found online, sitting next to each other in the booth. She sat there with her caramel latte and avocado toast with a poached egg and listened to Dan’s accent get thicker the more he spoke to people. They could both tell he’d been recognised but the nice thing about Perth was that people left him alone there.
“I think this is technically our first date,” Em murmured and watched as he frowned and thought.
“Fuck. You’re right. I always figured our first official date would be something fancy. Bring you somewhere you deserve.”
“We’re sitting in Perth having breakfast together. It’s the first of many.”
“Yeah it is.” He grinned and gripped her hand while they finished what they were eating before leaving the cafe.
Em just followed Dan down the semi familiar streets. So much had changed in the two years since she’d been in Perth, stores closed and new ones taking their place. They held hands in the weak winter sun, still warm on her skin compared to England. Dan walked like a man on a mission until they arrived at their destination.
It was the Apple Store, quiet for the Thursday morning as they arrived. They went to the phones immediately, Em looking at Dan.
“You need a new phone, Baby. One that isn’t going to cut your hand. Which size do you need for everything?”
“Danny I can get this fixed.”
“Please? Fresh start. New phone, new iPad. You need a new iPad for work anyway, it was upgrade time. So we’ll get it all now.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m positive.” He pressed a quick kiss to her lips, both of them smiling as they separated from their first kiss in public. Em was still nervous about it and would have rathered just get her phone fixed but she knew what Dan was like when he got an idea in his head. So she held his hand as he explained exactly what they wanted.
“So it’s two 13 Pro Max phones, each one terabyte. Can we get a gold and a silver one? And an eleven inch iPad Pro with as much memory as you have.” Dan put the other accessories he’d picked up on the table beside the sales assistant, two cases for the iPad - one with a keyboard and one without - and two phone cases. Em’s was purple leather, Dan’s a bright blue silicone. She felt overwhelmed with the amount of money Dan was spending on her but just gripped his hand as he put it through his card. It was for them. Them as a couple, nobody else. It was worth it.
Instead of going back to the farm to come back to town they found a coffee shop to set up their new purchases. It felt a little ridiculous but Em loved it as Dan pulled her in for a selfie as he gave her a kiss on the cheek and set it as his Lock Screen. This was real. It was them.
“We’ll talk to Blake in Baku about when you start coming back to work? You left things easy for him to pick up so if you want some time you’ve got it.”
“What are you talking about, Dan?” She looked at him carefully. She’d quit her job. She didn’t have anything to go back to.
“I assumed you’d want to come back to work? If you don’t that’s fine. If you need time or anything it’s totally fine. But it’s there for you.”
“What about your new assistant?”
“What new assistant?”
It made the tears want to come out again. They hadn’t replaced her. She thought people were just keeping her replacement away but they hadn’t. They still wanted her. They always had wanted her and she’d walked away.
“Em. Emmy, look right at me ok? You and me.” She blinked the tears back to stare at Dan as he squeezed her hand. “We couldn’t even think about replacing you. Never. You’re right here and not going anywhere. And if you want to come back you’ll slot back in. If you don’t want to come back to work that’s also fine. It’s up to you.”
“I didn’t think I could come back.” The words were slow to leave her mouth, each one an effort as her panic started to recede.
“We wanted you back as soon as we could find you, Baby.”
“Thank you.”
“For loving me.”
Dinner at Michelle’s was fun. The kids enjoyed seeing their Auntie Emmy and Uncle Daniel when it was least expected, and the idea of a sleepover for two whole nights was exciting. Most of it was casual until Michelle half cornered Em in the kitchen.
“Are you ok?” She asked and Em shook her head.
“I…no. The last two months haven’t been good. But we’re getting through it.” Michelle wrapped her in a hug and it felt so, so good. They were close together for a moment and Michelle kissed her cheek.
“If you need anything we’re right here. No matter what’s happening between you and Dan we’re here. Especially if my idiot brother needs a reality check.”
“Don’t call my boyfriend an idiot. But no, it was both of us. We’re fixing it. It’ll take time.”
“Still, if either of you need anything. We might be the other side of the world but we’re here for you.”
“Thanks. For all of it.”
They left before it got too late, the two of them exhausted from jet lag and a busy day. Dan navigated the turns back to the farm easily, his hand on Em’s thigh. When they got inside she sat on the couch, opening the iPad to set it up.
“I haven’t looked at my emails since I left Melbourne. It’s going to be scary to look at, isn’t it?” As she finished speaking there was a crash, Dan smashing a glass that had been in his hand. “Danny?”
“I’m fine, I’m fine. You haven’t looked at your email since then?”
“No. Why?”
“Fuck. I thought you knew.” He sat beside her and took her hand, Em staring at him as he did. “Two days before you came back I sent you an email. I…I’m retiring at the end of the year.”
“What?” The words were going around her head. Retiring. Dan. It didn’t feel right.
“Racing’s taken everything from me. It nearly took you from me. I can’t do this again. I can’t, Baby girl. I can’t do it. I’m not happy anymore, I hate this team, I hate the way they treat you and act about you. How they don’t listen to me and keep blaming me when it’s the fucking car. So I’m out at the end of the year.”
“Don’t do this for me. If you start doing this because of me you’re going to regret it.” The naked fear that he’d start hating her because of this decision filled Em. She didn’t know what she’d do if he hated her.
“It’s not just you. I don’t—“
“Do you still love racing?”
“Yeah. But not with McLaren. Not in this car. It’s fucking toxic.” She squeezed his hand and kissed him carefully.
“Then we’ll find a team for you. But don’t retire like this. Don’t let them chase you out of the sport you’ve loved. You’re the king of fucking Monaco, Danny. You’re an eight times Grand Prix winner, and you haven’t bottled multiple podiums the way your teammate has. I believe in you. So if you want to retire because it’s time then do it. If it’s like Kimi and you’ve done what you want to do. But not because you think it’s your only option. Don’t do that.”
His expression changed and Dan pulled her close. Kisses pushed against her head and she smiled up at him to kiss him properly.
“Do you really mean that? Mind another couple of years of travelling around the world?”
“I mean every word. This is your time, Danny. And in a couple of years we’ll move back and it’s my time. Deal?”
He didn’t respond, instead lifting Em up and carrying her to the bedroom carefully. Her legs wrapped around his waist while he did, arms holding onto his neck for dear life. But she knew Dan wouldn’t drop her. She trusted him not to.
When they made it to the bedroom it was fumbling fingers, both trying to get the other naked and hold on at the same time. She gasped as Dan undid the clasp on her bra, his hands cupping her boobs for the first time in too long. He lavished kisses against them until he was interrupted by Em taking his shirt off, pulling her too him as he sat on the edge of the bed.
She moaned as Dan’s fingers slid through her folds, feeling where she was wet and slowly playing with her to make sure she was fully ready for sex. He held onto her cheek with the other hand. They each pushed soft kisses to their faces while they got ready, but finally Em positioned herself and slid onto Dan. The stretch as he entered her was perfect, everything she didn’t know she’d missed.
Every time Em tried to get a rhythm going Dan held her at her hip, slowly thrusting. It was shallow and didn’t feel like him, didn’t feel the way they always had sex. It just felt wrong and that terrified her. From the first time they’d slept together they’d always managed to make sex work. And now it felt wrong and if this was a sign of things to come then they wouldn’t be able to save themselves. She couldn’t lose him. Not like this. Not after everything they were fighting for.
“You can go like normal.”
“I don’t want to hurt you.” It was like a punch in the gut but Em held firm and looked at him. Her hand caught his chin and made him look into her eyes.
“I need my Danny back. I need the Danny who doesn’t treat me like I’m about to break back, the one who knows exactly what we need. We know each other so well, we know what we have. If we’re scared of each other this isn’t going to work for us. Baby, please. I love you and I believe in you.”
Em didn’t know what possessed her to do it but she took Dan’s hand from her cheek and carefully pressed kisses to each digit. The final one went to the centre of his palm. Watching Dan’s face carefully she pulled his hand from her lips and pushed it to the centre of her neck.
It had been their thing for so long she’d forgotten how it started. Her riding Dan, his hand on her throat controlling how she moved. She trusted him with all of it, with her. It was the ultimate way of showing how she felt.
“I love you and I trust you. Let me feel you, Baby.”
“I love you so fucking much.”
After the first proper thrust Em didn’t remember much else from the sex they had. She knew she came more than once because Dan would never let her be otherwise, and she knew his back was covered in scratch marks from her nails. Her boobs had love bites marked into them to mark her as Dan’s. The small spots where he gripped her hips to bounce her up and down would darken to fingertip bruises as well. There was a hickey on Dan’s collarbone that she knew Michael would kill her for but she didn’t care. It would fade.
But it felt right. It felt good. It was tiring and she was sore but Dan was all around her and it was everything. He brought her into the bathroom and ran the bath, helping her in and settle beside him. He even remembered a hair tie so her hair didn’t get wet.
“We’re going to make it.” Em said it determinedly, her voice quiet in the room. Dan pulled her even closer as she did.
“We’re gonna make it, Emmy. You and me, like we promised.”
“Yeah. We are.”
Dan helped her out of the bath and they got ready for bed, curling up with Em lying over him. A day ago she had the weight of the world on her shoulders, but now it felt like a new life for them.
“Ready for a weekend of chaos? I thought we could do the Zoo with the kids on Saturday, and Sunday bring them to the cinema and send them home hyper on sugar. Plus they want to spend time with you.”
“Yeah, that sounds good. We’re lucky to have them.” She could feel exhaustion hitting and kissed Dan’s chest once. “Gonna go sleep now. Love you.”
“Love you too, Emmy. Sleep well.”
For the first time in too many months, Em fell into a dreamless sleep with her boyfriend’s arms tight around her.
Taglist: @dr3lover @sabrinaselina55 @majx00 @tall-tanned-tattoo @lovingdennishauger @lauehr @msolbesg @f1medlife @idkwtfimdoing2 @leclercsbae @hiphopdancer101universe @mehrmonga @lewispool @saintandrea-droidsmuggler @coldheartedmar @sugarbabygirlofdaddy @nonsensical-nonce @a-distantdreamer @tita010 @leslizzle @javden @mloyer @magical-imagination-kgp @danarysstormborn @kakorrhaphiphobia @g-l-o-b-e-w-h-o-r-e @elizanav @neiich @luckyladycreator2 @scotlynaurora
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disfordevineaux · 1 year
What's kind of phone I think each Carmen Sandiego character has:
Carmen: That limited edition red iPhone that came out a few years ago. Because it is red, along with a red case with a red pop socket on the back that keeps.falling.off. It's also mysteriously in perfect condition?
Player: A Google Pixel because he doesn't want to conform to the status quo of phone brands and claims he made it 'hack proof'. He sticks by it and claims it's better than any iPhone or Samsung on the market, but it's really not. And he knows that, we all know that. And no phone case because he literally can't find one for it because no one has a Google Pixel. So why make phone cases for a phone no one has?
Shadowsan: They got him an iPhone 12 Pro, big enough for him to use and see the screen because he has to view it from a distance as, and I quote 'The phone lights make his eyes blurry.' It also had one of those wallet cases mums have on their phones. He left it behind when he went on his sabbatical and got a Nokia brick and an international sim plan just for calls.
Zack: The most disgusting, feral, warped, sticky, crusty and shattered iPhone 6 in white you have ever witnessed in history yet it works completely fine despite the glass you find lodged in your finger when you use it and the centre button that is just an empty hole to the motherboard. REFUSES to get a new one because he doesn't want to lose the headphone jack and claims that apple removing it in the first place was cash grab and he will have no part in it. And honestly dam right zack I am with you there my man stay strong King xx
Ivy: She has a custom made franken-phone that is made up of various parts from all brands across the board. Alot of the parts donated from Devineaux's pile of fallen soldiers that met their doom between the 18-24 months he was actively chasing Carmen/VILE before VILE fell. Literally a beast and has a military grade case that she also crafted which she had tested. It is literally military grade, she has a certificate and everything.
Julia: Currently, a Lavender Samsung Ultra 23 256gb storage. She got it mostly for the cool pen it comes with, and because it's lavender. She updates her phone model every 2 years and sells the latter for almost the same price she bought it for because she keeps it in pristine condition. She's only ever cracked a phone once and it shook Julia to her core. It looked horrific in her opinion, the hair line crack so bad it made her gag when she brushed her finger over it. So now she always has a nice, strong silicone pastel purple case and screen protector over her phone which she cleans regularly.
Chase: He went through 6-7 phones during the 18-24 months while chasing Carmen/VILE before VILE fell. Before then and now after, he had whatever the latest phone was the year he got it regardless of the brand, about every 2-4 years or until it kicked the bucket. During that 18-24 months, he'd walk into a phone store, ask for the latest thing, and be on his way. Most of them died in his care before he even had the chance to take the back plastic off. Now, he's in far fewer situations that indanger his life or phone. Or if he is, takes the moment to hand his phone and wallet to whoever is nearby for safe keeping because he really likes the new one Julia picked out for him (which is just the same model as hers but black). Julia also being the one who made him get a case. He had no idea that phones came with their own clothing options.
Chief: Only uses holograms. But has a landline??????????????
Zari: She once owned a black Samsung A20 with a yellowing clear case back in 2015 before she was declared missing at sea? That's all the information I can get on it my sources tried their best sorry.
Brunt: Doesn't need it because she can project her voice across vast distances. Get her a rolled TV guide and she can blast your message from one side of America to the other 🇺🇸 yeehaw and also because she's scared those 5g mega hd3g Max phone microwave rays will melt her brain if she gets one of those flat things and slaps it to her face like an genz zombie.
Bellum: Has 17 Ipads all with different cases on them.
Cleo: She has other people do that phone thing for her so she isn't sure what kind of phone she has and I don't know either.
Maelstrom: A telepathic link chip he had installed into his brain to connect to cell towers. It doesn't really work... Or do anything... But it's in there so.... Yeah?
Dash: A Samsung flip BECAUSE ITS JUST AS PRETENTIOUS AS HE IS and so he can snap it shut to prove a point. He's been through like 10 of them because he snaps them closed too slay-ily damaging it. No case because I have no idea how you'd even get a case for it?? Like it folds? I don't know.
Paper Star: Lives off grid.
Sheena: A white iPhone 11 with a gold trim case that has a huge crack down the front. The back glass is completely shattered, but it doesn't stop her from endlessly scrolling through those insta reels about reviewing different tanning lotion brands.
Crackle: An oily iPhone with the most humongous case you've ever seen. You could drop it and it would bounce around like a ping pong ball. The grease that covers the lens gives his selfies an air brushed vibe to them that he just loves.
Mimebomb: An invisible 1970s orange rotary phone.
Neal: That mystic purple conch shell with the pull string from that one spongebob episode that answered questions or something. You know what I'm talking about don't make me pull up a picture.
Topo and Chev: They share one phone so covered in stickers you can't even tell what kind it is but its probably an iPhone. It's filled with couples selfies and can only work when permanently charging so it's always connected to a power bank that is also covered in stickers. Ugh.
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birgittesilverbae · 1 year
Camila + Lilith (platonic or romantic) -> "Do you still take requests?"
The tug is always, always fierce now, tearing at her skin, at her bones, and she lets it pull her into the firestorm. It's her choice. It's her choice. The tug comes hard and angry and she takes a deep breath and she chooses to follow. 
Camila sits on the floor of the bell tower, her hips flush to the smooth stone of the wall, tablet sitting in the cradle of her crisscrossed legs. Her head bent, she pokes idly at it, a note here, there. 
"Are you just going to lurk?"
Lilith almost startles over the edge of the tower but catches herself, sets herself back upright.
"It prickles when you're nearby," Camila continues without looking up, fingers drawn magnetic to brush at the back of her neck. "Early warning sign, you know? Though you've started bringing a scent with you too, so it's not quite as useful as it once was." Lilith hazards a sniff at the collar of her jumper and Camila laughs, a single sharp note. "I don't think it's you, unless you've taken to arson. And we both know that's not really your style, don't we?"
Lilith doesn't know how to respond to that, so she remains silent, tips her head forward to get a better look at Camila's tablet. She still has the piano application open, even with Lilith hovering over her, and that feels a slight as much as anything Camila has said to her, as any way Camila has acted towards her. She's long since passed the point where she feels the bite of the cut, though, long since passed the point where she still felt as though she deserves anything other than Camila's ire.
"Do you still take requests?" She ventures it carefully as Camila picks at the edge of her screen protector where it's curling up away from the glass. It's an olive branch further removed from their recent history than any other she has attempted to offer. Her intel that Beatrice was in Brussels had been met with an acid I'm aware, her mention of discovering another possible FBC base rebuffed with a clipped I've already investigated it. 
"I do," Camila replies, and something frighteningly near to hope wells up in Lilith's chest. She waits with bated breath as Camila raises her head to meet her gaze. Her eyes are hard. "From friends. From you, I request silence."
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yzeltia · 14 days
FFXIVwrite2024 11. Surrogate
Characters: Fuyu'li cen Zwhan, Koana, Ahi'a, Azdaja, Vrtra Expansion: Dawntrail Rating: T Summary: Koana learns of Thavnair's worst kept secret. Notes: Dialogue from Lvl. 98 The Protector and the Destroyer
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Fuyu’li swallowed as he made his way up the stairs of Vollok Shoonsa, Azdaja and Ahi’a flying at his side. Arriving at the top, Koana, Tural’s Vow of Reason, waited on him with an extended hand. “You must be the envoy for Thavnair. Welcome to Tural. I am Koana. I am sorry we have to have our alliance begin with us asking for your aid. Is the Satrap far behind? Our counter strike is about to begin”
Azdaja screed as Fuyu’li took the other’s hand and gave it a firm shake, swallowing a little as he looked around the large palace then back to Koana. “Yes, I am here to represent Thavnair. I am Fuyu’li Zwhan, husband to Satrap. With me is his sister Azadja and our son Ahi’a” he said. “Vrtra is out calling for aid and will be leading the aerial advance and has asked me to join you here on his behalf.”
Koana stared at Ahi’a then looked back to Fuyu’li, swallowing any questions he may have. Both pushed their glasses up the bridges of their nose before advancing further up the stairwell together and to the balcony that overlooked Tuliyollal. The Alexandrian fleet continued to hang menacingly in the air over the coast.
“Such marvels. If they were not an impending threat I would love to tour the inside of one. It far exceeds anything I’d ever seen from Garlemald,” Fuyu’li breathed out.
“Agreed. I had a chance to lay my eyes on the Ragnarok of Old Sharlayan and even its technology pales in comparison. If things go in our favor then perhaps we will get to preserve one to see how it works…though I fear it is made of the electrope which is only native to that of Alexandria.”
“Preserve? I am uncertain that will be an option,” Fuyu’li said, tilting his head at the sky.
“Surely if we best their ships one shall land in the harbor. Or are your weapons so advanced that you expect complete destruction?” Koana asked.
Fuyu’li looked at Azdaja then back to Koana. “What do you know of the Satrap of Thavnair?” he asked, Azdaja screening behind him.
“Not much more than he is beloved by his people. My interests overseas have admittedly been rather focused on the Sharlayan culture,” Koana admitted, ears flitting as he heard a roar from the sky.
“Well, you see. Vrtra he’s…,” Fuyu’li started before his ears perked too. “Ah. Well, he’s here.”
Vrtra soared through the skies overhead, starting his attack on the Alexandrian airships. Koana leaned forward, hands on the stone railway as he watched in awe. Fuyu’li watched Koana, moving to stand beside him as he figured out the situation. “Right in the nick of time…Tuliyolall shall never forget this debt.”
Azdaja let out a scree of approval as Vrtra took a hail of bullets. Fuyu’li watched, fingers digging into the stone before letting out a sigh of relief as the dragon roared and pressed on with his advance. “For Vrtra, your friendship will be enough.”
Koana nodded, then let his attention wander over the city as his people and allies pushed back Zoraal Ja’s army. “We will hold out, Lamaty’i. So keep your eyes forward and do what only you can do. Finish this and return home with Anille…safe and sound.”
Fuyu’li blinked then pulled Ahi’a into his arms, letting Koana have his moment.
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gyllenhaalstories · 4 months
Laurie!! 💛 (sorry, I just live in your inbox now 💖)
I'm back on duty and I'm here to tickle the collective fandom brain.
With Presumed Innocent coming out soon (aaaah), I would just like to hear all your thoughts on Rusty. 
Is he guilty? If so, would we still do unholy things with him (duh, obviously)? Or is he just an innocent little guy and only guilty of cheating and murdering pussy? He obviously likes being choked and I'm not complaining. What else might he like? Is he a pancakes or bacon/scrambled egg breakfast kinda guy? He does need his protein tho, for several reasons... 👀
Please let me/us know all your thoughts and hopes for the new show and the character we're blessed with this summer, thank youuuu.
Paying my Rusty tax for inspiration ✨ (again)
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hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! 💖 it's so good to see you in my asks again, daphne! thank you for the rusty tax (and the painful reminder that i wish this was ME) and the great questions! i've thought about that man A LOT but the majority of those thoughts are just about how badly i need him so... they're not too constructive... let's see what my -1 brain cell comes up with pretty much on the spot! 🤭
i don't think he's guilty. since the first teaser, i just had the feeling that he's innocent and his wife killed carolyn. clearly he has a talent for lying and manipulating facts (isn't it essentially his job?), he even lied to his therapist in one of the recent clips i saw! trying to lie to the human equivalent of a lie detector is both bold and dumb. he's clearly not completely innocent. cheating on your wife is bad but when your wife is ruth negga it's DOUBLE bad! i watched a quick interview of the woman who plays carolyn and oof. renate has something special. so i kind of get it <3 but i am better than a man and i would not ruin my marriage! the text messages and calls he's sending her are also very bold and dumb. he should know better than anyone how to avoid looking guilty. the dna, the messages, the stalking, the affair that was not so hidden since they were going out together and everything, this is just so stupid! he'd probably be so mad if he defended a client who basically did everything he shouldn't do and now tries to plead for innocence. i'm interested to see if we get an insight on how an attorney of his prestige and of his rank can turn into the most stupid person you've ever met. i mean, we know how, he's desperate to get his dick wet. but still, maybe there's more to it. maybe carolyn isn't that sweet, smart, picture perfect girl either. i'm giving her the side eye too.
i'm soooo excited for the show!!! my only point of reference is defending jacob so i like to compare both series. defending jacob had some really good twists so i expect the same from presumed innocent. in my opinion, one of the most powerful plot twists in defending jacob included the mother, laurie (i can still hear chris evans saying i love you laurie it was an amazing moment <3). so maybe that's why i focused on barbara sabich right away. i don't know, i'm so curious to see. i want to watch the original movie after the series, just to compare as well. i might never do it but at least i'm planning on it! anyway. can we just take a moment to appreciate how crazy it is to have this kind of show as your first television project? jake really popped off with this and his acting is absolutely insane in what we've seen so far! everyone in the cast seems solid. i'm guessing they showed most of the freaky sexy scenes in the trailers already to tease the audience, but i'm curious to know if there is more of that good stuff that they're hiding! i'm also looking forward to watch jake and peter saarsgard on screen again! and the glasses. i can't word vomit all of this and not bring up the glasses. now that we know jake is practically legally blind, i proclaim myself the protector of his corneas and i demand that he wears glasses more often. my motivation is purely selfless and it's not because i fold like a folding chair at the sight of jake with glasses (vision pun intended).
i saved the best stuff for last apparently! but mmm. what is that man into? i can't cook to save my life so he's eating cereals for breakfast. i'm kidding! (well not really but still). we know he's into choking, finger sucking, doggy style, public sex/sneaking away in a public setting, he loves the thrill of forbidden things and we see how touchy he is with carolyn so i'm guessing he's into marking because it's like a proof of something that is happening in secret of others? idk, just thinking. i don't know if his stalking habits fall into kinky or just regular obsession over the one thing he can't have under his total control, but i'd lowkey like it if he extended his stalking with some spicy elements. the way he holds on to carolyn, touches her everywhere, it's giving possessive and i love it. the ring though. oh the ring. why doesn't he take it off? does carolyn like it, does she get off knowing she has a taken man under her spell, that this greek god of a man prefers her to his wife? does rusty like the reminder of his cheating? does he like the self-inflicted guilt and pain of being reminded of his horrible and immoral actions? i think there's definitely some masochist tendencies in him. he's so quick to apologize for everything like oh no i might have killed a woman but i'm sorry tho </3 he might loooove the fake pity and fake apologies. whether he uses this tactic or if it's used on him does not really matter. to put it briefly: rusty is a FREAK and i want to be the somebody who matches his freak!
thank you for doing this, daphne! it was so fun to ramble pure nonsense fuelled by the sad 2 hours of sleep i've gotten last night 😭 i can't wait to read this tomorrow and be weirded out by how little sense it makes. i especially can't wait to read this after watching the entire series and seeing how wrongggg i was. it will be just as much fun as writing all of this! mwah mwah ily! 💖💖💖
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venacoeurva · 2 months
I really enjoy the cheap matte screen protector over a glass one feel, it feels more plasticy altogether like a graphics tablet surface (and the matte feels like my XPPen tab) especially with the clunky case I have my ipad in, unfortunately plastic apple pencil tips still feel better for me but they're not long for the world when it comes to using them on a matte protector, so the cheap off brand ones get sacrificed
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sn4pozu · 1 year
my headcanons of Eddie Gluskin if he had a twitter :
he'd repost those RETVRN incel trad memes where its like a woman doing house chores & man doing job stuff
would get into arguments with a woman and subscribe to her onlyfans at the same time (gets mad when blocked)
tries to be professional and a know-it-all but also his entire likes tab is porn (he doesnt know it shows publicly)
calls someone a whore & drops a bible verse in the same thread arguing with them
idk if he'd be delighted with minion memes or viscerally hate them
If twitter bans his account mid argument he'd flip the fuck out and make 3 gmails & alts at the same hour
100% posts creepy comments under peoples post and gets upset if it gets hidden
flirts so much you'd think hes a bot but no he's just sending random women his number (does he care if they're married or not is completely dependant on his mood)
uses the nice guy card whenever shit starts going south
he gets doxxed he goes like "that's not me" (lies, is scared)
either that or he lashes out and start sending them death threats who knows
menace with the twitter Voice Note feature
not even a mutual KYS no hes going to write out his whole murder fantasy in a person's DMs and blocks them before they could respond
gets IP banned on twitter like, weekly, he just figures out VPN apps and finds a way to harrass people constantly
media tab is his breakfast and someones mutilated genitals, bi-weekly photo updates maybe
im not saying he would complain about hairloss but he would complain about hairloss
"i got declined by the pharmacist for asthma medication, fucking bitch *insert something mysogonistic*"
thinks bitcoin is stupid and not a real "manly job" so he dogs on them pretty horribly
thinks tech jobs are for NERDS and says it outloud whenever them NFT bros are commenting under his shit attacking him for calling them nerds
Cracked phone screen with blood in the cracks (he tried to clean it with soapy water on a towel but it just ruined the lcd now its forever stained yellow) ((free bluescreen eye protector mode ?)) (((also has to violently tap the home button because its already broken & that part of the screen died))) ((((has an odd smell))))
he wishes he'd have glasses for the phone screen but all he does is squint
would post dress updates though <3 maybe retweets sewing patterns and videos of old women knitting and go "my grandmother used to do that pattern, ❤️ Wow."
goes back to shitting on women
*posts black coffee with 2 fruitflies in it* "A Good Way To Start A Morning ☕"
posts half eaten food and the dirty plate and would be like "Delicious food today 😋 i almost forgot to pots." -- deletes & reposts because of the typo. PEOPLE CANNOT THINK HE'S WEAK.
His vest would 100% be posted on those gimmick accounts and gets picked on for it being crusty & grody 😔
DMs like multiple women at the same time and either gets immediately blocked or ghosted after a face reveal
he Has cried because of twitter comments before, never again......
has twitter warning threads made of him and has tried to draw a stupid fucking wojack on paper with pencil & pen because he doesnt know how to edit photos but he still wants to own the haters
posts gore to own the haters as well and then got mass reported to death when people found 0 similar images of the gore he posted
'A Thread On @/Eddie287367927 TW: Gore, Mutilation, Harassment, Transphobia, Misogyny'
probably had a youtube documentary made about his twitter acc and all the drama he got himself into (either by accident or for fun)
ok this idea kinda came up to me after i saw a trad meme come up on my tl and i just HAD to dump this all out somewhere
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genericpuff · 11 months
Do you have any advice on any tablets outside of Wacom?
I used Wacom tablets for the majority of my time as a digital artist, so I don't really have many recommendations outside of it. I started using a Huion Kamvas 22 Plus two years ago, but a couple months ago it just randomly stopped working (the screen still works but pen touch does not, even after replacing the cables and pen and re-installing the drivers several times). From what I could dig up, this is apparently a common issue, so if you decide to try out a Huion, I'd recommend maybe a smaller tablet model or something that isn't the 22 Plus specifically. And if you do try Huion, order it from Amazon, not the main site, the main site is a lot slower with delivery turnaround times (I find every time I order from them there it takes them 5-7 business days just to ship the damn thing).
I also use a 4th gen iPad Air for my portable drawing, I got it used at a pawn shop and it still functions like brand new aside from a couple small scratches on the screen. I mostly got it for tattooing so I could change designs on the go but now I have to use it for Rekindled as well until I can get my main PC drawing tablet replaced (and before that I'm replacing the PC itself lol) It works pretty well, the processor can handle quite a bit so if anything, Clip Studio tends to run even smoother on my iPad than it did on my PC (though my PC is kinda shit tier at this point lmao). Only downside is that you'd have to adjust to the "plastic on glass" feeling of the Apple Pencil (though you can get paper-texture screen protectors and different nibs to create a more natural feeling) and the touch commands can and do get in the way often, unlike on my Huion where I can draw freely without it picking up my hand.
Ultimately it's up to what you're looking for in a tablet and what you want to budget for. Always do your research, look up both reviews and crash reports (reddit is helpful for this). Nowadays I use screen tablets but desk tablets are also still pretty good once you get used to the hand-eye coordination barrier, when it comes to screen tablets I personally like to go bigger because it gives me room to draw (I draw from the shoulder and elbow a lot which means I need more room to draw big swooping lines) and I don't tend to order the ones with hotkey buttons because 1.) it's cheaper to get them without and 2.) I prefer using keyboard shortcuts (keyboard with my left hand, drawing with my right).
I'm thinking of trying XP-Pen once it's time for me to replace the Huion, I've also heard good things about them but I'm still doing my research. If I do get one, I'll be sure to make a post about it :' )
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