#i will be honest i went back and did some small corrections and even then there's so many things id change now but this was the first comic
theemporium · 6 months
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[4.9k] things start to feel real as luke’s rookie season in the nhl officially begins. but maybe it’s not as bad as he thought. and maybe those good vibes will follow him off the ice too. (smut)
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“You look like shit.”
“I feel like shit.”
Your smile widened as you pulled the door open further, letting the boy shuffle inside with a small wince at the bright sun shining through your windows. The hood of his jumper was thrown over his head, his curls a mess and his eyes hidden behind a pair of sunglasses he stole from Jack’s room after he woke up. 
It wasn’t the best state for you to see him but, truthfully, that was not his biggest concern at the moment. 
A few months away from college and he almost forgot what a bad influence his friends could be when it came to drinking. There was a vague memory somewhere around the fifth round of shots where Luke was pretty sure Nico tried to get them to drink some water, but it was pointless when Ethan found another bottle of tequila and insisted they had to drink it before it went to waste.
And, to Luke’s drunken mind, that sounded like the most logical solution. 
He was honestly surprised the three of them had managed to wake up early enough to catch the plane back to Michigan. They had woken him up to say goodbye, muttering something about afternoon practice and other things that Luke vaguely remembered before he fell back asleep for a few hours. 
Luke was pretty sure he was still drunk when he woke up a second time to the sound of Jack blasting music in the kitchen. 
Somewhere between his annoying brother and the lingering anxiety that followed with the hangover as result of the night before, Luke found himself at a local bakery to grab some goods before he stopped over at your place, not even thinking to message you beforehand (if he even knew where his phone was). 
“But you don’t smell shit so that’s a plus,” you noted as you shut the door behind him before taking pity on his state, dragging the curtains shut again whilst Luke muttered his thanks under his breath.
“I think I bought half the bakery,” Luke admitted with a sheepish expression as he extended the bag towards you. “I asked for every cherry based thing they owned, which surprisingly isn’t much.” He paused for a moment. “Maybe I should have tried another bakery.”
You laughed, brows raised in question. “I’m surprised you can stomach anything right now.”
“Oh, I can’t,” Luke said, his nose scrunching up in disgust like the idea made him feel nauseous. It did, if he was being honest. It was bad enough he almost threw up after Jack made him chug some water. “These were…well, they were the start of an apology.”
You tilted your head to the side.
“For…abandoning you in my room after everything,” he continued, his cheeks heating up. Because apparently no matter how much he drank the night before, he remembered well enough that he was a bit of a dick with how he ran off with his friends. “It was a shitty move. And it was shitty for me to make you hide under the bed.”
“That did throw me off,” you admitted, though there was a slight teasing tilt to your voice. “Although, your bed was surprisingly clean under there. No plates growing mould or other questionable diseases.”
Luke scoffed a little. “I’m not a slob.”
You shot him a look.
“I’m not that much of a slob,” Luke corrected, grumbling under his breath before he let out a sigh. “You know, you are making this apology a lot harder than I imagined it being.”
“Probably doesn’t help that you’re hungover as fuck,” you teased, but you took the baked good from him. You peaked inside, noting just how much he had actually bought and something warm twisted in your stomach. “You really didn’t have to. It wasn’t that big of a deal, Luke.”
“But it was to me,” he murmured, a crease forming between his eyebrows. “I…I shouldn’t have done that. Like, don’t get me wrong, I love my friends. And I know they wouldn’t judge me but…”
“Hey,” you stepped forward, reaching out to gently touch him. “It’s fine, I promise. This was a part you hid from them for so long and it freaked you out. I get it.”
“I’m not embarrassed by you,” he blurted out, because apparently he has no filter or control over the words leaving his mouth. “Just in case you thought that. Because I’m not. The boys would probably love you but like—”
“You just don’t want them asking questions,” you finished for him, watching as the boy shyly nodded his head. “You don’t have to explain yourself but thank you, anyways. And thank you for the pastries.” 
“Right,” he cleared his throat, nodding a little. “Well, I–”
“Go lay down,” you said, a smile growing on your face when his shoulders slumped in relief. “I wasn’t lying when I said you looked like shit. The fact you are even awake before noon is shocking, to be honest.”
“Thank you,” he sighed in relief as he made his way towards your couch, his feet shuffling against the floor. “If I had to go back and listen to Jack blast his obnoxious playlists, I would have died.”
You snorted. “Aw, baby is facing his first, proper hangover outside of cheap college vodka.”
He pulled his sunglasses off to glare at you. “Ha. Ha. Ha.” 
“Lie down,” you prompted as you gently pushed him a step forward. “We can nap on the couch. I’ll even show you the trick to hangovers.”
He raised his brows. “It’s not gonna be some weird shit like drinking raw egg yolks, is it?” 
“I was going to offer head scratches but if you want raw eggs—”
You grinned. “That’s what I thought.” 
The thing about playing with the team during playoffs was that, as amazing as it was, they did get knocked out and the whole thing felt fairly short-lived.
Don’t get him wrong, it was still a surreal experience. Hockey had been a constant in his life, something that always felt familiar and welcoming no matter where he was. It had felt as recognisable and comforting to him as his family was. 
But to know he had made it? To know he was skating and playing and wearing the jersey of an NHL team? 
It brought a new thrill to hockey he had never expected, but basked in, nonetheless. It added an extra layer, an extra kick that college hockey could never compete with. It made him feel like everything was worth it, that everything worked out and his dreams aligned with the stars and—fuck, he was making his debut in the National Hockey League. 
But as fast as it came, it went. 
And then summer happened. 
And he was distracted by long nights in Michigan summer heat and cool beers and boat rides that made him feel like nothing else existed beyond the lakehouse. It felt like he was just a normal guy, spending the summer break with his brothers and his friends and pretending like life was always this easy. 
It was his last thread to normalcy before his life fully changed. 
And then he was moving to Jersey, his belongings packed into boxes and cases as he moved in with Jack for the first time since his brother was drafted. He spent days being paraded around his new city, trying to feel familiar in the unfamiliar apartment, trying to bond with a team that had been together long before his arrival. 
It was confusing and exciting and baffling and scary. Every emotion a person could experience, Luke had felt tenfold since he had started preseason training. He felt like he was stumbling through a life that wasn’t his, trying to catch up and get a hold of himself. 
Then, in a blink of an eye, he was about to step out for his first official game of his rookie year in the NHL. 
And, for some stupid reason, he was far more nervous than he had been for the playoff games. 
There wasn’t a pressure on him during the playoffs, not really. People were letting mistakes slide, willing to look over things because it was his first time stepping foot onto the ice for an NHL team. He knew he technically had that luxury now too, that he was a rookie and he was allowed to use this year to find his footing.
But it was hard to remember he was a rookie when everyone and everything kept reminding him he was the third Hughes brother. He wasn’t just a normal rookie or young kid starting out their career in the big leagues. He was the third brother to try and live up to an insane standard his brothers have set, he had to prove he wasn’t a bust who only got here because of his name. 
Luke felt more than ever that he had to prove he belonged, that he deserved to have his spot and his place in the team. That he was more than just his surname and the connotations it brought.
He had to prove—
cherry🍒: break a leg or whatever they say in hockey
cherry🍒: actually wait
cherry🍒: don’t break a leg, that would be pretty shit for you
cherry🍒: feel like it would be pretty useful to skate with two unbroken legs
cherry🍒: what i am trying to say is good luck! 
And, in a silly way, he knew it was stupid. He shouldn’t need to hear someone else say something, to try and reassure him. Jack had tried a few times to prompt the conversation as game day approached. A few of the other guys had tried too. Hell, even Quinn had called him to try and give him a pep talk.
But, in the nicest way he could put it, it felt meaningless when it came from people he felt like needed to say it. 
They needed to believe in him. 
You didn’t. 
Fuck, you didn’t even know a single thing about the sport. You didn’t understand the significance of his last name in the sport. You didn’t understand just how intense the next year of his life was about to be. You didn’t understand a single thing that the other people in his life had been trying to reassure him over. 
And, for some reason that was beyond Luke’s own understanding, that was what he needed.
He needed that unwavering, unbreakable faith from someone who didn’t have to support him. You weren’t his family. You weren’t his teammate. You weren’t a fan. You had no reason to lie to him, to sugarcoat your words and fluff away his worries. You had no reason to believe in him other than the fact you just did. 
And it was what he needed.
It was what he needed minutes before the game was due to start, the clock ticking to puck drop and his eyes lingering on your messages before he had to get up and head out to the ice.
He needed you. 
They won the first game of the season. 
And then, because the person in the league who was organising the game schedule decided they wanted to try and test them this early on, they played their second game the next night. 
And they won that one too.
It was surreal, to be fucking frank. It was a kind of buzz that Luke had never experienced before, not in hockey at least. 
Winning was always great, regardless of what age or what league you were playing in. Truthfully, he didn’t think anything would beat the thrill college hockey gave him. His attachment to the boys on his team, the adrenaline of the win pumping through him as he basked in the cheering crowd. 
He thought that was his peak. He thought that was the best it would ever get. 
And then he joined the NHL. 
There was something about wearing the jersey, about knowing that they had thousands of fans watching the game. There was something about skating straight towards his big brother and feeling Jack scream in his ear as they were crowded by the other boys. There was something about knowing this had been his dream since he was a kid, to know he was now living it out. 
It was the perfect way to kick off their season—to kick off his rookie season—and Luke genuinely didn’t think he could sit down for longer than two seconds if someone asked him to. His body was bone-tired, he needed decent rest because professional hockey was no joke and his body was still not used to the jump from college hockey.
But he was buzzing. He was practically vibrating with how excited he was. He felt like he could do anything at that moment.
The locker room was buzzing with talks about how to celebrate. Most of them were tired—happy but fucking tired. The younger group wanted to head out to a bar, the older ones wanted to try to be responsible for the sake of practice in the morning. Nico was somewhere in the middle, trying to be diplomatic and find a solution that worked for everyone.
But honestly, Luke didn’t want to stand in a bar where he would either have to sneak drinks or stay sober. And he didn’t particularly want to get drunk in the first place. And he didn’t want to just head home with Jack when his body felt like it could start bouncing off the walls. 
He had this ever present, insistent buzz itching beneath his skin and he had a million and one ideas on how to scratch it. 
Truthfully, everything was a blur. He didn’t remember the post-game interviews or whatever chirps were being thrown his way in the locker room. He didn’t remember what fuck-ass excuse he gave Jack as he clambered into the backseat of an Uber. He didn’t even remember ordering the Uber in the first place. 
He just knew it led him to your doorstep, knocking on your door somewhere past eleven when he hadn’t even stopped to think if you’d be awake or not. He just knew he wanted to see you. 
It was almost a shock when the door swung open a couple of seconds after he knocked. 
“Shouldn’t you be out celebrating with your team, winner?” You teased, leaning against the door as you spoke. Though, you didn’t look all that bothered with Luke showing up this late to your place unannounced. 
But his brain was still moving a million miles an hour and he knew—somewhere amongst the chaos of his thoughts—that he should have said hello, or apologised for randomly showing up, or for banging on your door when you could have been asleep.
But the only thing he managed to blurt out was, “I want to make you come.” 
You blinked. And again. And then one more time. 
And he thought his racing heart was going to explode in his chest before you pulled the door open wider, an invitation for him to step inside as you muttered something about your nosy neighbours overhearing the whole conversation and eavesdropping. 
Luke stood aimlessly in your entrance hallway, watching as you spun to quickly close the door behind him before turning on your heel to face him. You leaned back against the door, making his chest tighten in some kind of way at the way you smiled at him.
“Feeling confident after your big win, huh?” You grinned, pulling the sleeves of your hoodie over your hands, and he couldn’t help but find the act oddly endearing. “Does this mean you’re, like, first place or something?”
Luke didn’t bother fighting the smile growing on his face. “Yeah, we basically won the whole thing. Everyone has just forfeited from the championship.” 
“You know, you joke but if it wasn’t for the fact I can see you trying not to laugh at me, I would have believed you,” you said to him before pushing off the door, taking a few steps closer to him. “You never answered my question though. Did the win make you feel more confident?” 
“Maybe,” he swallowed, his fingers itching to just reach out for you the second you were at arm’s length from him. “It’s just…you always do stuff for me. I wanna do stuff for you too. But like, it’s okay if you don’t want—”
“Don’t do that,” you interrupted.
He frowned a little.
“Don’t second guess your own confidence,” you corrected yourself as you stopped just a step or two away from him. “Be sure of yourself. It’s hot.”
“Mhm,” Luke nodded, though it didn’t sound all that self-assured. 
“Remember, just like hockey. You practice and then you play. We’ve been doing the exact same.” And weirdly enough, your words were comforting. “Have some faith in yourself, Luke.” 
“Right. Just like hockey,” he murmured, glancing at the small distance between the two of you.
“Just like hockey,” you repeated with a small nod.
And, just like hockey, Luke let himself act before he over thought his actions too much. Hockey was about acting fast and thinking later. It was about acting on your instincts and trusting your teammate would be on the other side of the puck. It was about letting every move, every hit, every shot to be nothing but one hundred percent. It was about taking the chance before it was gone.
Luke took a step forward, closing the distance between you two as his hands reached to cup your face before he kissed you. You let out a noise of surprise that sounded from the back of your throat before you sunk into it, letting your hands rest against his stomach as he took control.
It was intoxicating, in a way you had never experienced with Luke before. Most of the time, he was happy to let you take control. He got this cute but hopeless look on his face when he didn’t know where to put his hands. He was happy to just sit back and let you tell him exactly just how you wanted to be touched, kissed, held. 
But this was different. It was overwhelming. It was suffocating in the best way possible. Feeling his body tower over you, feeling his large palms holding you just where he wanted you as his tongue slid into your mouth. Feeling the way Luke acted when he didn’t think, when he didn’t get in his own head, when he just let his body act the way it wanted to. 
You barely had a chance to catch your breath before his hands dropped from your face, fingers wrapping around your thighs with a stuttered ‘jump’ whispered against your lips before he lifted you with the ease only a professional athlete could achieve.
He barely pulled away as he walked deeper into your apartment, the layout practically memorised in his head considering the fact he spent just as much time here as he did in his own apartment. His arms were locked on you, not letting you slip a bit as he wandered into your bedroom, laying you down on the bed with a gentleness that made your stomach dip. 
“Show off,” you murmured as you glanced up at him, lip tucked between your teeth as your fingers brushed against the hem of his shirt.
He lazily grinned down at you. “I can be impressive sometimes.” 
“Yeah?” Your lips twitched upwards as you shuffled back until you were sat further up the bed. You reached for the hem of your hoodie, pulling it over your head and tossing the clothing off to the side. “Come show me how impressive you can be, Hughes.” 
He swallowed, eyes darting over your figure before he slowly began making his way onto the bed. “You’re sure?” 
“You were the one who came knocking on my door, saying you wanted to make me come,” you teased. 
“Yeah but,” Luke paused for a second as his gaze caught yours. “I don’t want you to feel like you have to do it because I want to.” He flashed you an awkward but sweet smile. “Consent is sexy, you know?” 
You snorted, but you grinned back at him. “You have my consent to make me come, Luke.”
“Uh,” he cleared his throat. “I just…I want you to enjoy it but I don’t…”
“Breathe,” you murmured in a softer voice, reaching up to gently squeeze his cheeks to catch his attention. “I’m still here, you’re not doing this alone. Just like hockey, remember? Think of me as your teammate.”
His face instantly scrunched up. “I really don’t want to be thinking about any of my teammates right now.”
You snorted, despite yourself. 
“Yeah, okay, maybe not my finest choice of words. What I’m trying to say is that you’re not doing this alone. Sex is a ‘two way street’, ‘it takes two to tango’ kinda thing, Luke,” you spoke as you reached down to guide his hands to the waistband of your leggings. “We’re doing this together.” 
“Together,” he murmured with a nod.
“Just like hockey,” you said to him again, seeing a hint of his earlier confidence shine in his eyes as his fingers hooked the waistband of your leggings before pulling them down your legs. 
He tugged them over your feet before throwing them off to the side, where your hoodie still laid. He didn’t even hesitate before he ripped his own shirt off over his head, in some weird mixed statement so you weren’t the only one who was half-naked—and because he felt his whole body running far warmer than he thought was normal. 
“Foreplay is important. It’s like warm-ups, it’s necessary and preferred and makes the game easier, as well as more enjoyable,” you said, your voice a little lower than before as you gently guided one of his hands from your waist downwards. “It makes her feel good. It makes you feel good. It’s sexy.” 
“Sexy,” he noted with a nod, though his eyes were transfixed on you. 
Luke gulped a little as his fingers rested along the elastic waistband of your panties. His heart was racing in his chest and blood was roaring in his ears and it was a little hard to focus on the words you were saying when his dick was twitching in his sweatpants.
“Just gotta know where to touch her,” you whispered, lip tucked between your teeth as your fingers lightly skimmed over your clothed cunt. You choked out a gasp as you pressed a slow, deliberate circle over your clit. 
He didn’t think even a meteor crashing into your bedroom could make him tear his eyes away from you right now.
Luke’s brows raised a little as you stared at him expectantly. 
“C’mon, winner,” your lips twitched upwards. “Just like hockey.”
Just like hockey.
Luke slowly ran his hand over your waist, feeling the cotton fabric of your panties under his touch. He kept his eyes locked on your cunt, trying to ignore the way his hand was shaking as he ran his fingers along the fabric. 
A soft sigh left your lips and his eyes snapped up to look at your face, to watch your expressions closely to see what you reacted to. His thumb pressed down experimentally and your nose twitched a little.
“A little higher.”
He listened. 
“Firm but gentle.”
He listened.
“Fuck, just like that, Luke.” 
He listened.
“A little faster.” 
Luke listened. 
He listened as you guided him. He listened until there was a small wet spot on the front of your panties. He listened until you were panting and telling him to pull them down your legs. He listened as he gently glided his fingers between your folds, watching with dark eyes as his fingers glinted with your release. 
“I get it,” he muttered out at some point, his thumb pressing down on your swollen clit as your hips bucked up against his touch. “The noises. Why you like them.” He gulped a little as his eyes glanced up at you. “You sound pretty when you’re moaning, Cherry.”
“Shit,” your eyes fluttered shut as you reached down to grip his wrist. “Just…fuck, I need to feel you inside me.”
His cheeks burned hot. 
“Just,” you panted, chewing down on your bottom lip until it was red and a little swollen. “Slow, okay?”
He gulped. “You sure?” 
You huffed out a laugh. “You wanna make me come?”
He nodded.
“Then yeah, I’m sure,” you murmured, brows furrowed together as you felt him glide his fingers through your folds until they were completely covered. 
And, if Luke was being so completely honest, he could have come in his pants from the sight alone. It was like at the last possible moment, his brain remembered to look up as he slowly slide one finger inside you and, fuck, he was glad he did.
He felt entranced. He felt mesmerised. He felt like he was stuck in some sort of hypnosis and he couldn’t look away. 
He wanted to burn this moment in his memory so he could never, never forget it. He wanted to memorise the way your eyes fluttered shut. He wanted to memorise the way you felt squeezing around him, like you didn’t want him to ever leave. He wanted to memorise the way your lips parted with a silent scream as he slid another finger inside you, as he curled his fingers, as you bucked your hips. 
He wanted to remember every single fucking moment until the day he died.
“A little faster,” you breathed out, your head thrown back on your pillow as he followed your instructions. “Shit, yes. Like that. Fuck.”
“Good?” Luke murmured, his whole body feeling like it was on fire and his dick straining against his boxers but, fuck, he couldn’t care less when his attention was on you.
“Good,” you confirmed with a nod as one hand gripped the sheets, the other reaching down to give your clit some attention. “So good, Luke.” 
Something in his stomach flipped at your words. 
If someone asked Luke Hughes how the last forty-eight hours of his life had been, he would tell them it had been fucking amazing. 
And if they asked him what the best moment was, he should probably answer that he has too many to choose from. That maybe it was the fact he officially started his rookie year in the National Hockey League. That maybe it was the fact he won not one, but two NHL games. That maybe it was the fact they won them one after the other. That maybe it was the fact he did all of the above whilst sharing the ice with his big brother.
But, in all fucking honesty, Luke would have chosen this moment. 
He would have chosen the sight of you writhing and squirming beneath him. He would have chosen the sight of you panting and moaning and begging. He would have chosen the sight of you coming on his fingers, your back arching off the bed and his name a whimper on your lips. He would have chosen the sleepy smile you gave him as your body twitched as he pulled his fingers out, already missing the feeling of you clenched around him. He would have chosen the look of pure lust and desire in your eyes as you watched him slide his fingers in his mouth, his body moving before his brain caught up as he sucked the taste of you off his fingers. 
He would have chosen this moment. And maybe that realisation would be a lot more alarming and head-spinning in a couple of hours, but right now it was a passing thought before he slumped down on the bed next to you.
“You’re a good student,” you murmured, feeling a smile on your lips as he let out a small huff of laughter. “A little more practice and I think you could have a good business going for you if the hockey thing doesn’t work out.”
He shook his head. “I think my skating skills are still better than my sex skills, but the confidence you have in me is appreciated.”
“Hm, true,” you said as you nudged his arm, lifting it up before you curled into his side. Luke didn’t say anything but wrap his arm around you to pull you closer. “You do skate very fast.” 
“Those two videos really told you everything you needed to know, huh?” He teased, his words light-hearted and joking and warm. 
“No, the games you just played told me that,” you corrected.
Luke froze, his mind replaying the words in his head like he wasn’t sure he heard you right the first time. “You watched my games?”
“Yeah,” you answered like it was obvious. “You said they were the start of the important ones, the ones that counted. I mean, I didn’t understand half of it and I spent a significant amount confused but,” you paused to shrug. “I wanted to support you.”
His chest tightened and it was a little harder to breathe, but he didn’t really want to let you go just yet.
“You didn’t have to,” he eventually choked out.
“I wanted to,” you answered before continuing. “Who knows, maybe I’m your good luck charm.” 
He knew you were joking. He could hear as much in your voice. But it still made his heart clench a little at the thought.
“Guess you gotta watch every game then.” 
“Guess you gotta teach me the game so I understand it then.” 
His arm tightened around you, his face burned red and his heart skipped a beat or two. But he still managed to mutter out, “Deal, Cherry.”
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mionemymind · 6 months
Blood Drive
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Summary: While donating at a local blood drive, Y/n stumbles up the best nurse in town, Wanda Maximoff. Unable to get Wanda out of her mind, Y/n goes through a lengthy process just to ask her out.
Warnings: Fluff, Blood Donations, Passing Out, Needles, Happy Ending
A/n: Not gonna lie, I think it's somewhat getting easier to write kissing scenes but I still have to look at a tumblr post just to figure out the wording for it. Let me know what you think :)
Word Count: 4.0k
In an era of new politics, the Mayor of New York City declared that registered heroes of the city had to do mandated community service. This was a new mission to help build relationships between the regular folk of New York City and the heroes that harbor it. Because let’s be honest, having Hulk throw your new car at the enemy was not the best introduction for regular people. 
Those who harbored powers relaying force or strength helped out in the trade industry. You’d often see super soldiers helping out in the demolition zone by crushing what was needed. Those with magic tried their best to help heal the homeless or aided at soup kitchens. Anywhere you can unconventionally help, the heroes did. 
For Y/n, it was a lot of physically demanding tasks. Such as helping families move from apartment to apartment. Or helping police officers move accidents out of the way. Sometimes, she would even demonstrate how to safely carry a person through a burning building for the local firefighters. 
Today, however, Y/n decided to do something different. Rather than focusing on the same physical tasks, she chose a simpler mundane task. “Hi there, are you here for the blood drive?” Y/n nodded in agreement to the receptionist upfront. “Just sign in for me right here. Have you filled out the online rapid pass?”
“Yes, I have the QR code screenshotted.” The receptionist smiled warmly. “Perfect. Someone will be with you soon. Please have a seat in our waiting area.” 
Y/n walked towards the waiting room area. This was the fourth thing on her list of community service opportunities to try. She wasn’t quite sure if her blood was even allowed to be donated, having the super soldier serum in her surely could cause a reaction to a regular human. 
After some tests back at the compound, the staff found everything to be okay. That’s how Y/n ended up in a place like this. 
“Y/n Y/l/n.” Getting up from her seat, Y/n followed a nurse in red scrubs to a different area. “How are you today?” 
“I’m good. I'm a little nervous. I’ve never done this before.” The nurse led them to a private part of a huge common room. Multiple stations were built throughout with various people donating blood. “It’s okay to be nervous, but the worst feeling you’ll get today is just a small prick.”
Y/n breathed out slightly in relief. “Let me first get your basic information.” The nurse had gone over Y/n’s personal information but was immediately flagged by the date of birth. “It says you were born on April 2, 1917. It must’ve been a typo.”
The nurse almost changed it to 1971. “Actually ma’am, that is the correct birth date.” 
“So you mean to tell me you were born during World War I?” The nurse was unwilling to believe the joke that was being played. Y/n could immediately tell from the look she gave. “It was the Great War at the time, but yes ma’am I was born in 1917. I’m actually a super soldier.”
The nurse went back to her computer and typed in more information to store on Y/n’s file. “Ah - I see. I’m sorry about that. There’s already a note on your file. It looks like your director has already approved your donation today.” 
Y/n sighed in relief, while she didn’t mind explaining to people her situation of being frozen for so long, it was strenuous trying to get them to understand it all. The rest of the consultation went along smoothly as she gathered the remaining information such as Y/n’s hemoglobin and her rapid pass. 
“Alright dear, let’s get you to a bed.” The nurse led them back to the common area where all the beds were laid out. “Just sit right here for me, right now we currently have a special volunteer today that’s helping out with the drive. She’ll come over in a couple of seconds to help you out. But if you have any questions, please feel free to let us know.” 
Y/n sat up on the reclined bed and looked at her phone. She scrolled through her messages to make sure nothing important was happening. The sound of someone clearing their throat gained her attention. “Y/n?” As Y/n looked up, she could physically feel the moment that time stopped again. Was it possible that she fell back into the ice again? Surely she would feel the same numbness as before. But it was all different. Because from just one look from this girl would be enough to melt all the ice away. 
Y/n’s breath hitched as she locked eyes with her. “I- yes, that’s me.” Y/n cleared her throat, embarrassed at the lack of composure she had. 
“Nice to meet you today. My name is Wanda Maximoff and I’ll be helping you with your blood donation today.” All Y/n could do was nod as she further realized that the woman in front of her was the Scarlet Witch. 
Wanda looked through her notes on the clipboard. “It looks like it’s your first time donating, is that true?” Y/n’s eyes remained locked on Wanda. It was embarrassing how much she couldn’t look away. “Uh yes. It is.”
“Do you have a preference on which arm you would like to use today?” Y/n shook her head in disagreement. “No preference at all.” 
Wanda wrote down more information when a note caught her eye. “S.H.I.E.L.D. approval - are you a member?” Wanda looked over at the young girl in front of her trying to see if she could remember the pretty face.
“I’m one of their new recruits. Only been active for three months.” And suddenly, Y/n seemed to never mind all the questions that Wanda could possibly ask. If it meant talking to her, Y/n would oblige. 
“That’s great to hear. If you don’t mind me asking, do you have any powers that we should be aware of?” 
“Well, I think you’re aware of my counterpart, Bucky Barnes. We both have a super soldier serum.” Wanda smiled at the mention of her old teammate/acquaintance.
 “Interesting. How come I haven’t heard about you before?” Wanda couldn’t shake the feeling that somehow she had managed to miss this girl for three months. 
Y/n scratched the back of her neck sheepishly. “You know how Steve was found in ice right?” Wanda nodded. “That’s basically the same situation I was in but rather than crashing into the arctic, I was in a freezer chamber. I’ve been awake for only ten months.” The shock on Wanda’s face was apparent. 
“Sorry to keep asking,” Y/n never minded, “how has it been like adjusting back to the new life?” Y/n shrugged indifferently. 
“A little rough. I do miss my friends back from my time, but Bucky has been trying his best to help me. However, he has been focused on helping the new Captain America, Sam?”
Wanda nodded, confirming that Y/n’s information was correct. “I do enjoy the fact that I’m no longer Hydra’s soldier though. More than anything, I’m just glad to have a second chance in life. Not a lot of people get that so I’m pretty thankful.”
Wanda digested Y/n’s words and was pretty enlightened at Y/n’s outlook on life. “Thank you for answering all my questions.”
“It’s no problem.” 
“Now, let's get you set up to donate.” Wanda proceeded to bring out a couple of items from the nearby stand. On the table beside Y/n, Wanda placed various tubes and empty bags. Although it was nothing, the sight made Y/n feel slightly uncomfortable. It reminded her too much of Hydra’s labs but minus the dark atmosphere and torture that came with it. 
As if sensing her discomfort, Wanda grabbed a disinfectant and started to disinfect Y/n’s left arm around the area inside her elbow. “Ya know, for being so nice and cooperative. How about you ask me a couple of questions? It makes the day go by faster.” 
Bringing herself out of her internal thoughts, Y/n asked the first thing that came to mind. “You’re the Scarlet Witch, right?”
It was Wanda’s turn to blush. She hadn’t expected Y/n to recognize her so quickly, especially since she just got back to the real world.  “I am.”
“I wasn’t aware that you could help with the American Red Cross as part of your community service.” Wanda grabbed a marker and a squeezable toy. She placed the toy in Y/n’s left hand stating, “Give me three big squeezes and hold on the last squeeze.”
While pressing around Y/n’s elbow, she continued with, “I had to do some training to get qualified. A lot of the people who use magic generally help in other areas.” Wanda marked a dot followed by a line. “You can stop squeezing now.”
“I’m gonna disinfect one more time and then I’ll have to poke you. Are you scared of needles?” Feeling more embarrassed, Y/n looked away as she said, “Yes.” 
“All good. Just means I’ll have to give you a small distraction.” Wanting to distract herself even more, Y/n asked, “Why did you decide to do this rather than something in your wheelhouse?”
Wanda thought about it before replying with, “I like the normalcy of it. On the plus side, it feels more rewarding. Like I’m actually earning my community time rather than going the easy way of using my powers.” As Wanda finished disinfecting, she blew on Y/n’s elbow hoping it would dry fast. 
“When I give you the go-ahead, I’ll have to ask you to give me three more squeezes and hold on to the last one, okay?” Y/n nodded and waited for the signal. 
“And - go.” Y/n did as told, but as she did her last squeeze and held, red wispy magic flowed in front of her morphing into swirls in the air. “Woah.” She followed the magic with her eyes, not even noticing that Wanda had already poked her and started the transfusion. 
“Should be about 10 minutes. Every couple of seconds give the toy a small squeeze to keep it going.” Y/n glanced away from the magic amazed with Wanda. “That didn’t even hurt.” For the first time in Y/n’s life, she didn’t scream when the needles came. 
Wanda couldn’t help but keep the magic up for a little longer. The dopey look on Y/n’s face was something she didn’t want to go away. 
“I told you I would distract you.” Y/n was at a loss of words. Her brain jumbled for anything but all she could focus on was that Wanda Maximoff successfully distracted her. She had a natural caring heart, something the media failed to show. 
“Your magic is beautiful by the way.” Y/n savored the last few seconds of it before it completely disappeared. 
Wanda’s magic has been called many things in life, powerful, destructive, and manipulative but none have ever said beautiful…till now. “Thank you Y/n.” 
There was a small silence as Wanda stayed to make sure Y/n was okay. “I’ll be assisting other volunteers, but if you start to feel like you're fainting, just call me over, okay?” 
“I will.” Would it have been wrong to immediately fake an injury just to get Wanda back? Possibly but Y/n weighed the consequences and none could compare to her. So as Wanda left, Y/n used her free hand to call Bucky. After a couple of rings, he picked up the phone. “Hey, Y/n.” 
Getting straight to the point, “Is Wanda Maximoff single?” 
“Uhh - I think so. She and this synthezoid, Vision, used to date but I believe they broke up a year ago. Why do you ask?” Y/n looked at Wanda who was across the room. Her radiant smile could be spotted from miles away. “Just wanting to gather intel. Thanks Bucky.” 
Y/n hung up the phone, not caring about what Bucky had to say back. Her eyes lingered back to Wanda. No matter how much she distracted herself with her phone, her eyes always glanced back on Wanda Maximoff. Her hair was tied up in a high ponytail and all she wore was matching red scrubs. But everything about her looked and felt beautiful. 
Little did Y/n know, Wanda was admiring her too. 
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The blood donation was soon over, quicker than Y/n anticipated.  Wanda had already come over, stopped the machine, and disconnected the line from Y/n’s arm. She taped a cotton ball on top of the area she poked and proceeded to wrap a red bandage around Y/n’s elbow.  “You keep this red bandage on for two hours and the cotton ball for four hours.” 
Wanda grabbed a pamphlet that had Y/n’s personal information and gave it to her. “Don’t miss a single meal for the next eight weeks. Make sure to drink plenty of water as well. If you feel dizzy in the next couple of hours, be sure to call this number, okay?”
Y/n nodded. Her mind was elsewhere at the moment, trying to find ways to ask Wanda Maximoff out. “Do you have any questions for me though?” 
Y/n opened her mouth, wanting to ask her, “Are you busy after this?” But nothing came out. And the more she tried to say words, the more silence that remained. 
“Wanda!” The pair turned to the employee that shouted her name. “I have someone that needs your help after you're done with your current volunteer.” 
“Understood.” Wanda looked back at Y/n. “We have snacks and shirts over there but I think you should be good now. Thank you for donating today.” 
As Wanda walked off, Y/n couldn’t help but beat herself up for not asking. She took a couple snacks and juice boxes before walking out of the donation center. 
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Was Y/n in love? Not quite yet. Infatuated? Probably. It was the best explanation as to why she was back at the blood drive the very next day. The brown eyed girl paced around all night trying to think of ways to see Wanda again. And the very first realistic idea she thought of was to donate blood again. 
The super soldier practically begged the compound to give her another approval to donate blood stating that her super serum allowed for faster recovery. When no one could argue with her logic, they allowed a special approval to donate so soon. 
So when Y/n followed all the same directions, all the same questions, she was met with disappointment when she didn’t see the redhead that captured her mind. “Hi, my name is Lucy and I’ll be helping you today.” 
As Lucy proceeded to set up, Y/n couldn’t help but ask, “Is Wanda Maximoff here today?” 
The blonde shook her head with a small smile. “I’m sorry dear. She’s not going to be here today.” Y/n couldn’t hold back the frown that escaped. It was stupid to think that Wanda would come back the very next day, but she had hope. 
And as much as Y/n wanted to ask when she’ll be back, she knew the blood center wouldn’t give out information like that. Regardless, Y/n was determined. She was going to see Wanda again. 
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It was a new month and a new day. Although Y/n was glad to help a good cause, her hope waned as each day passed with no Wanda. By now, everyone in the blood center knew Y/n by name. On the bright side, the other volunteers were not bad to talk to but none compared to her. 
So as Y/n sat down once again, she scrolled on her phone, expecting much disappointment. Until the voice that captured her heart called her name. “Y/n?”
She looked up from her phone and saw that familiar smile that was ingrained in her head. “Wanda.” Y/n couldn’t hold her smile back as she finally saw the girl that she’s been begging to see. 
“Looks like you’re here for you…18th donation? Look at you being a star citizen.” Y/n blushed knowing that those donations were mainly for something else. “I think by now you should know the drill. Are there any concerns you may have?”
Wanda looked back at Y/n, ready to disinfect her arm. “I-” Y/n’s brain short circuited at the feeling of Wanda’s hands on her arm. It was like everything that she wanted to say suddenly left her brain. But the feeling was just on the tip of her tongue. 
“You know, they should give you a badge or something for donating so much. I didn’t even know that was possible. Didn’t you start donating like last month?” Again, not a single thought formulated in Y/n’s head when all she could focus on was how soft Wanda’s hands were. Because if Y/n was able to focus, she would be able to say that her donation was 17 days, 13 hours, and 5 minutes ago. But who was counting? 
Wanda looked back at Y/n’s chart to confirm her suspicions. “Are you still scared of needles though?” And that’s when Y/n finally got back into the real world. For all the times she’s been back, she’s had to look away from the needle while using a nearby pillow to control her nerves. 
“I think I might need your magic again.” Y/n blushed at the request but felt proud at the smug look that came from Wanda. “I might have to start charging you for the show.” 
With sudden blind confidence, Y/n asked, “Let me take you out on a date in return.” Wanda almost missed the vein at Y/n’s sudden question. She had an inkling that the girl liked her but never expected her to actually pursue her thoughts. 
“You didn’t even need it.” Y/n looked down and saw that Wanda had poked her without realizing it. 
“Does that mean you won’t go?” Wanda looked at the time on the clock and smiled at Y/n. 
“It actually means you have three hours till my shift is up.” Wanda patted Y/n’s arm, reminding her to squeeze the ball in her hand. “So pick me up then. How should I dress?”
“Something casual. I hadn’t really planned out what I was going to do after you said yes.” Wanda blushed at the idea of Y/n practicing this moment. 
“How about this? You and I walk around New York. I don’t think the guys have given you much of a good tour. So I’ll tell you all about the new New York and you tell me about the old New York.” 
“You have a deal.” 
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Wanda and Y/n were in the back seat of an uber. The small date was something Y/n never wanted to end but the lack of energy made it hard to keep up. So when Y/n asked if it could be an early night, she was relieved that Wanda wasn’t mad at her. 
Right now, the uber was at a stoplight and the two hardly spoke as their shoulders touched. 
“Can I hold your hand?” Y/n whispered as she lightly placed her hand above Wanda’s. The small smile was hard to miss on Wanda’s face. She could feel Y/n’s internal battle to ask her that. She leaned into Y/n’s ear and whispered, “You don’t even have to ask,” and pressed a small kiss on Y/n’s cheek as they interlaced hands. 
A small blushed and a wide grin appeared on Y/n’s face. “I hope you had fun today.” Looking away, Y/n yawned into her hand.. “You tired dekta?” 
Looking back at her, Y/n tilted her head in confusion. “Dekta? What does that mean?” Wanda blushed more. She hadn’t meant to call Y/n that, but it left her lips so easily. Like it was second nature. 
“I’ll tell you later,” Wanda placed her left hand on Y/n’s bicep and gave it a small squeeze, “Aren’t you supposed to be a super soldier? It's barely past 10 pm and you’re already tired.” Y/n scratched the back of her neck, slightly embarrassed at how tired she was. But all Wanda could focus on was the feeling of Y/n’s muscles as she gave one more squeeze. 
Y/n yawned again, unable to fight the sleep that took over her body. “It’s what happens when you donate blood every day to try and see a pretty girl.” They hadn’t even kissed but Wanda could’ve sworn she was in love. The dopey smile on Y/n’s face would make any girl’s heart melt. The red head mentally thanked that it was her that Y/n was looking at and nobody else. 
“You did that for me?” Y/n could think of many things she would do for Wanda, rescue a billion people, punch a hole in the moon, even kidnap someone. Regardless of how unrealistic it was, Wanda Maximoff was worth changing the tides on Earth. So how could someone so wonderful could ever question that someone would do something for her attention? 
“I wanted to see you again.” Y/n bit her inner cheek, trying her best to stay calm but all she could think about was how soft Wanda’s lips looked. 
The red head hadn’t meant to hear that thought, but she was glad she did. She bit her lip wishing that Y/n would just kiss her already. But something about the way they stared into each other's eyes was already enough for her to feel alive. And for someone so sober, her body grew drunk at the touch of Y/n. 
“So you donated blood to see me?” It was still all unbelievable to Wanda but Y/n would tell her a million times until she believed it.
Their eyes interlocked causing Wanda’s breathing to hitch. She swore she could look into those brown eyes forever. “18 pints and counting.” Y/n couldn’t hold back her grin as Wanda looked away, unable to hold back her wide smile. 
Y/n gave a gentle squeeze in their interlaced hands as Wanda turned back to face Y/n. “You’re gonna get yourself sick if you keep donating.” Wanting to focus on something else, Y/n caressed Wanda’s cheek as she tucked a loose strand back. 
Not wanting her touch to go away, Wanda placed her hand above Y/n’s. So many thoughts ran through both of their heads. Wanda could feel the weight inside Y/n’s mind but didn’t dare to peak. 
“Tell me what you’re thinking…” 
“...I think you’re really pretty,” Y/n admitted in secret. 
“What else?” Y/n rubbed her thumb gently across Wanda’s cheek. 
“I think I want to take you out on a second date.”
“Oh yeah?”
“And I…I think I want to kiss you.” Wanda swallowed all the nerves in her chest.
“...I’d really like that…” And as brown eyes looked at greens eyes one more time, Y/n slowly leaned in and kissed Wanda. There was no rush with each kiss, something Wanda never experienced before. All she could remember was the sloppy kisses and fast make outs. But something about kissing Y/n slowly drove heart mad because how dare she live this long without being kissed like this. 
And as they kissed, their hands never broke apart, instead, they gave gentle squeezes with every kiss. And when slowly pulled apart, Wanda knew then she was love sick. 
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“Let me get this straight,” Bucky rubbed his forehead, feeling the headache coming forth, “Y/n passed out from kissing you?” 
“Well, the kissing didn’t help but she also donated 18 pints of blood in the last three weeks.” Wanda looked at Y/n’s sleeping figure. Her head rested comfortably on Wanda’s lap. 
Bucky sighed. “Okay, I’ll meet you at her place.” 
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There are two different versions of ATSV in theatres - and the only difference between them in Hobie Brown.
Okay ya'll I came across something so bizarre.
So I've seen Across the Spiderverse twice now, and my theatre was going to stop showing it this weekened - so I went to see it one more time.
Originally, I had seen version one. I knew there were two out there, but I had only heard of version 2. This time I saw it. And the ALL the differences has to do with Hobie Brown.
My man really hate consistency, I guess.
LOOK: This is the shot of Hobie saying 'I quit' that's most used. - THIS is version one
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But when I went this time, this is what I saw:
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THIS IS VERSION 2. (omggggggg!!!!)
As you can tell, instead of his normal colors - in this shot Hobie is a violet-pink instead, with a lot more texturing on his model.
And these are common throughout Hobie's screentime!
If you saw the top photo - you saw version one.
If you saw the bottom photo - you saw version two.
Chances are if you watched the movie early in it's release (first week or so), or you watched a fancam you have seen version 1.
I was able to capture most of the changes on camera - and it's kinda jarring to see but omg i find it so interesting!!!
I took photos of all the differences and compare them down below, including an explanation of why this happened.
Please let me know which version you saw, and when you saw the movie! Have you seen both versions? I'm so curious!
For the first half of Hobie's appearance the two version are entirely the same - except for what seems like either a different take or wording of his 'Gwendy, how much have you told him-' line. However, the changes begin at the end of Hobie's scene with Miles.
I spoke here about how in some versions Hobie says 'Don't enlist unless you know what war you're fighting', while others 'Don't enlist unless you know just who you're fighting'.
But the biggest differences are his last scene.
Last week I used THIS screencap that was taken from a Version 1 fancam. In it, Hobie is in full color:
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In Version 2, he's pink. Also - it's extremely faint in the photo, but if you look closer you can see there are also red spiderwebs behind the blue ones in Version 2:
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You can see his pink color better here:
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Later in the scene, Hobie changes colors. In Version 1, he maintains the same normal color scheme for the duration of the scene, however in Version 2 he's changing back and forth - even turning black and white at one point.
Version 1:
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Version 2:
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And can I just say -
This is to show how Hobie is literally the only one in the room who is 1) Literally and physically 'in Miles' corner, (literally) standing 'in the right' - to the right of Miles,
and 2) the only one being honest to Miles (why he turns black and white, he also turns black and white while talking about Miles' parents.)
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As the scene goes on, Hobie stays this color - which leads to one of my favorite differences:
His last shot.
In Version 1 - Hobie is white & black for one shot, as he says 'Here we go'. This is the same.
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However - for version one, he returns to his natural color for his final line of the scene - 'Good'. And for Version 2, he turns purple.
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So why did this happen?
According to the ATSV there are two (and only two) versions that were released in US theatres. Version 1 was released when Sony shipped early copies to translators so they could translate the script for international viewing. The version sent was about 98% done, and made to give the translators a jumpstart prior to release.
However, that version ended up being released.
Afterwards they swapped it out with the full, correct version - Version 2.
It seems like Hobie wasn't meant to be natural colored for the duration of the Canon-Events scene, and that in the whole film, he was the final thing they were putting touches on.
There are other small changes in version 2 - including when Miguel calls for backup - in Version 1 Lyla points at Miguel, however in Version 2 she takes a selfie with him on a AI cell-phone.
In Version 1 - Miles says 'No, no no!' at Pavitrs chai scolding, and 'Sorry, sorry' in Version 2. There are other small adlibs, and they said they removed Gwen's voicelines when she was searching for Miles and the child in the rubble (?? don't know why).
I also think - and I DON'T KNOW, I haven't checked my recording but I did record it - I THINK the watercoloring in Gwen's scenes have different colors in some shots, or different strokes, but only subtly. It just looked more detailed and vibrant to me, but idk. But the trans colors remain completely untouched in every way.
However, it seems that your best and most obvious way of telling which version you saw is by looking at Hobie's lines and coloring in different scenes.
Mans really hates consistency, damn.
Outside of some split-second shots and ablids, He's the only things that's largely changed, and when seeing it in the theatre today I was literally shocked as HELL. When he said 'eh, what of it?', I was like 'mfer WHY R U PINK'. I hadn't noticed until right then. But I'm literally over the moon I got to see both, I feel like I found something secret.
Maybe being Hobie obsessed and Neurodivergent pays off.
Oh - and here's two more shots that were also changed that I didn't get footage of. If you have a photo or footage of these shots from Version 2 - PLEASE post or send them to me. Thanks!
Version 1 - 'What of it?' / In Version 2 he is a BRIGHT pink color
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Version 1 - Standing behind Miles while talking to Miguel / In Version 2 he is black and white with newspaper around him (also doesnt he look so cute look at that slutty waist ugh)
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SO uhhhhh yeah Idk if anyone else finds this interesting but I DO and I enjoyed it so much and I WISH I could get better footage of Version 2.
Had I not watched his scenes everyday for weeks and wrote out a dissertation about every one of his lines I might not have noticed lol
If you're not normal about Hobie Brown and found this interesting like me, thanks! Let me know if you read this far and please tell me what version you saw and when you saw it! Ok thxs again bye :)
391 notes · View notes
caraphernellie · 1 year
truly, madly, deeply // a.a.
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there was nothing you loved more than your job. you were so passionate about it - you loved books so dearly. you loved reading, spreading knowledge, and helping others.
being a librarian was the perfect job. it was a quiet environment and it combined many of the things you loved. it didn’t matter whether you were working behind the scenes cataloguing books, or if you were at the front desk working circulation, or if you were simply shelving books into their correct spaces - you loved it. it was stress free, and the conversations you got to have with customers were pleasant and made you excited.
one particularly chilly and rainy autumn morning, you were working circulation when a very pretty stranger walked up to you. you’d not seen her before, but you knew she must be a regular given the way she immediately placed down both the book and her library card gently before you.
you smiled sweetly at her, trying not to tremble as you picked up her book to scan. she was so pretty you seemed to be getting nervous.
she was all muscle and height, but she didn’t act that way. she was so gentle to you.
eyeing the cover of the book as you turned it over to scan, you spoke up. “i’ve not read this one yet. it’s on my reading list though.”
it was a sapphic novel, and you knew you had to say something - it was the perfect way to try and hint that you liked girls. it was not always obvious to people so you had to take any chance you had.
she laughed politely as you scanned her card, and you took note of her name. abigail anderson.
“it’s been on my list for a while, too,” she admitted, scratching her neck. you almost fell apart over her voice alone - you didn’t know if it was her voice in general, or the way she tried to speak lowly as to not disturb other patrons in the library.
you nodded and passed back her book and card. “they’re all yours until next week. i guess you’ll have to tell me what you thought of the book. an honest review might motivate me to move it up on my list.”
she looked you up and down once more, taking the book from your hands.
“i guess i will, then.”
and with what happened next, you felt your eyes practically turn into love hearts. it was so small, but said so much.
she put the book into a fucking book pouch.
most people wouldn’t think twice about it- but people who take care of their books are huge, huge green flags.
especially when you work a job where you see hundreds of people shove a book into their bag or even drop the book on the floor before even walking out of the building.
with rain gently spattering the windows of the library you glanced at her one last time for the day. if you had self restraint, that is.
“have a good day.”
“you too,” she replied, a pleasant smile on her face.
as she walked out of earshot, suddenly your coworker beside you broke down into quiet giggles.
“you should see how red you are!” they quietly laughed, pointing at your cheeks. “and what a great attempt at flirting that was!”
your face burned in embarrassment as you gasped. “shut up, ezra. she was… she was totally digging it, right?”
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of course, for the entire week that pretty stranger had not left your mind. if anything, she consumed every little space in your mind. you were up pacing at two in the morning some nights, hoping it really was the start of something special, or if it was just another dumb, unrealistic dream your imagination had come up with.
some might say romanticising every part of your life is a blessing, or a beautiful quality to have. but to you, it was just something that came with being a bookworm, your mind filling with cliches and maladaptive thoughts over everything until you went insane.
it was exhausting.
ezra hadn’t forgot, either. they teased you everyday, letting you know that it was a day closer to when you would see abby again.
ezra also knew a bit more about abby than you did, as they worked the circulation desk more than you did on the days abby would come in, and they didn’t hesitate to tell you what would be very helpful information.
abigail, or abby, as she preferred, which ezra had told you, came in weekly to borrow and return primarily classics and sapphic lit.
she was perfect. probably the dreamiest human being ever. tall, buff, and she had good taste in literature.
today was the day! you’d been looking forward to this tuesday for the whole week, but you had this horrible feeling inside of you, too - what if it went wrong?
to ezra’s knowledge, abby was single, so you didn’t have to worry about that, but still - what if she didn’t even like you in general?
what if she didn’t show up at all?
and that was how you knew you were being delusional about this whole thing - you had one conversation that lasted a minute. and now you wondered if she even cared as much as you did, or if she had literally forgotten about you.
it felt like you were staring at the clock all day long, taking note of every time an hour passed.
she didn’t come.
at the end of the day, you tried not to look disappointed as you got ready to leave. you grabbed your umbrella, noticing the pouring rain.
you couldn’t help but feel like maybe you were overreacting, but the miserable rain said exactly how you felt on the inside.
you stepped over orange leaves soaked into the road as you walked to your car and thought about her again.
you just wanted your happily ever after already.
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abby had no idea what had gotten into her - she really spent all of last night writing a spoiler-free review of some dumb romcom for the cute librarian. reading romcoms was typical for her, sure, but writing an in depth, spoiler free review? for the cute librarian?
unusual behaviour, for sure, but there was no way she would let whatever this was lead to a dead end. and as abby was walking towards the door of the library, crunching leaves in her path on a day that finally wasn’t raining, she realised she had forgotten something.
she mumbled a curse quietly to herself as she grabbed the paper she’d typed up and printed out, leaning against the wall and fishing through her bag for a pen.
she finally found one, scribbling down her name and number in what she hoped was legible handwriting, drawing a small heart next to it.
with a small nod at herself she finally mustered the courage to walk through the doors. she paused for a second in defeat, spotting the front desk with no sign of you there. fuck. how embarrassing, she mused.
she’d seen you shelving a few times in the past when she’d come, and admired you from a distance. she was praying to god that that was the case today.
she walked up to ezra, who she’d seen many times, to return the book. they gave her a knowing smile.
abby nervously returned the smile, turning back to walk upstairs. she held the paper so delicately in her hand, trying her best not to crease it, and fiddled with her braid in the other hand.
as she reached the top of the stairs, she was so relieved upon seeing your checkered brown blazer that she almost jumped in the air.
this was the hard part - getting the courage to speak to you. she almost didn’t want to disturb you while you were working, you just looked so cute in the dark lighting, searching through the classifications to find the right spot for every book you shelved.
until she noticed you struggle to lean up and push in a book on the highest shelf. that was her chance.
“hey, you need help?” she asked, walking over and leaning a little closed to you. she cringed a little at the way she sounded, so shaky and nervous for no reason - it’s not like you were going to laugh at her.
you jumped a little, looking at her, unable to stop a wide smile from crossing your face.
“if that’s okay- i just have some trouble with the high shelves sometimes…”
“of course, no big deal.” abby suddenly felt a bit more confident, taking the book from your hands gently. “where am i putting it?”
you pointed up high at a little gap you had created. “just up there, thank you-”
“hey, it’s no problem,” abby said as she shelved the book with ease, then leaned down to squeeze your shoulder. she liked the way you suddenly grew bashful over that. “i know i was supposed to come in yesterday- i needed an extra day to finish…”
“oh! that’s alright,” you laughed off, suddenly feeling a bit dumb. of course she needed an extra day to finish. why hadn’t you thought of that? “one extra day’s not bad. so how was the book?”
now abby didn’t exactly know what to say - she knew there was a chance she’d come across weird. she rehearsed this a million times and yet she strayed so far from the script she’d made in her head.
“uh- s-so i had like a lot of thoughts about it and- i mean, i don’t know, there was a lot to say. so i kinda wrote a- a review? no spoilers, don’t worry! i just-”
“no way!” you exclaimed, a wide smile on your face. you realised you were a little loud then, trying to calm down. “that’s really nice! thank you-”
“it’s no biggie,” abby mumbled shyly, handing you the written review and rubbing the back of her neck. she was close enough that she could smell your perfume - a warm, vanilla scent, almost like cookies.
she couldn’t help the small smirk that played at her lips when she noticed you stutter and pause when you saw her number at the bottom of the page.
“i- thank you- i’ll read it when i get home,” you said, a quiet giggle accompanying it. everything about you drove abby insane.
“you got any recommendations for what i should read this week?” abby asked.
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nogenderbee · 10 months
Could I request the seven brothers being called a blessing in their s/o's eyes?
Yes, of course! I swear it was such a long time since I did Obey Me, I literally missed it sm!! Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy it despite this being so short hah
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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝔹𝕝𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘 ₊˚ˑ༄
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ 7 brothers being called a blessing in their lover's eyes
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @vodka-glrl @miya-akane @indi-has-fallen
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✧ Lucifer literally cannot say if you're trying to compliment or insult him now
✧ he's aware that you may've been just trying to be nice and maybe only simply forgot about him being a literal demon
✧ doesn't get mad or anything like that, instead will try digging deeper into it
"I'm sorry, would you like to elaborate?"
✧ now if you actually explain what you meant... he won't get angry and accept the weird compliment but will definitely give you a small talk about how you shouldn't say it again, to any demon at least...
✧ if you won't explain meaning behind these words tho, he might think you said it on purpose, just to make fun of him
✧ either way, be prepared for smaller or longer tall about your... unique way of complimenting demons
✧ just to make sure, he's not mad at you or anything, he's just worried you'll say something similar to wrong demon and will get yourself into troubles
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✧ Mammon was literally about to thank you for the compliment when it hit him... he's a demon... are you trying to insult him now!?
✧ somehow his expression went from high and mighty to one of annoyence
"Whatcha mean, human!?"
✧ literally thinks you're just being mean to him so you better explain to this boy that it's not what you meant by that and maybe you won't have one of a hella grumpy demon on you account
✧ after you explain it was just a misunderstanding he just sighs and forgives you
✧ give him a bit of kisses or affection in general and he'll come back to his usual self
✧ but there's also something... why he's so grumpy about that compliment? Yes, it's partially because he's a demon but also because somehow he likes the compliment!
✧ he knows it's not the compliment demon would want to hear but he sees the meaning behind it!
✧ but the truth is he would rather take a bath in holy water than admit he somehow liked your compliment
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✧ now Levi doesn't even consider the fact you might've said that by mistake, he's immidietly sure you just wanted to insult him
✧ let's be honest, he has pretty low self esteem, he won't believe it was a misunderstanding even if you tell him so, not at first at very least...
✧ it's literally all he says, you can see you just said something he found insulting by his glassy eyes
✧ 1000 tonight just went though his mind in that second and now he's analyzing each of them so please, comfort him before it gets worse
✧ it's definitely not easy but with time, he'll finally understand that you just wanted to express how important he is in your eyes
✧ when the full realization hits him, he literally melts on spot... he's really THIS important to you!?
✧ congratulations, you have clingy demon on your side who will never admit what's the cause of it!
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✧ Satan immidietly understands you just made a small mistake and your intentions weren't as bad as some may think
✧ literally doesn't even correct you or anything, he just accepts it like normal compliment
"Thank you, dear. You're just as important to me."
✧ you'd have to figure it out by yourself or with help of someone because he won't care enough to explain
✧ when you come apologize to him about your previous compliment, he immidietly tells you he understood from beginning
✧ a little amused by your small mistake and may even smirk the whole time you're worried he's mad at you for that
✧ but if the realization won't hit you and you even continue to give him more compliments like this, don't be surprised if he suddenly chuckles at one of the compliments
✧ he'd never explain where his amusement comes from tho, instead brushing it off as simple good mood
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✧ Asmo immidietly got what you were trying the say and he appreciate you trying to be a bit romantic! He really does! He'd just feel bad if he didn't explain it to you...
"Darling, I appreciate your sweetness but you realize I'm a demon, right?"
✧ when the realization hits you, he can't help but chuckle at how stressed you are suddenly
✧ of course he calms you down and assures you he doesn't mind and in fact even got it from very beginning
✧ honestly he found your sudden nervousness somehow adorable
✧ definitely spoils your face with little kisses afterwarda
✧ he doesn't care how many compliments he got from other or how adorable they were, yours was the one he'll cherish forever, along with your face for sudden realization
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✧ Beel didn't fully understood the compliment at first, instead he was a bit confused...
✧ or was an insult? Did he do something to upset you? He's so confused that he just decides to ask you
"Y/N... you know I'm a demon now, right?"
✧ as soon as you explain what you really meant, he sighs with relief as he hears you didn't wanted to be mean in the first place
✧ he ignores that small mistake and actually thanks you for the compliment, and even tells you small compliment of his own!
✧ literally doesn't hold it against you and instead acts like he forgot about this whole situation
✧ the truth is, he still remembers that and even finds it a bit cute yet amusing but decides not to mention it since it was one time situation
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✧ you probably caught Blephie during his sleep with it
✧ when you said it he just shook his head and mumbles small "thanks" unaware
✧ he realized what you said only after some time because of him being half-asleep and he had confused look on his face when he finally opened his eyes
"Mhm, thanks.... Wait what-?"
✧ calmly explains to you that it's actually an insult for him and asks if you're aware of it
✧ when you say it was a mistake, of course he forgives you tho, he just teases the heck out of you by making himself a victim
✧ all of him making a scene was just to make you cuddle with him for the whole day and anytime you tried pulling away, he'd mention that situation to make you feel guilty
✧ his behavior may be seen as manipulative but he really means no bad with it and you know it all
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mrsbuckybarnes1917 · 10 months
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Request from @captainswintersoldier: Can you please write a story where reader goes back in time and meets her boyfriend Bucky in the 1940s?
Word count ~3.3k
Warnings: smut, p in v, mild fingering described, angst, mention of blunt force trauma and cardiac arrest (of original characters) and some comforting Bucky at the end.
A/N: shoutout to @samodivaa for your help and support! Love you!
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The mission was simple: go back and gather intel. It was a small change but the team hoped it would correct a lot of wrongs.
You were nowhere near Brooklyn, no chances of anyone recognizing you. The risks were negligible. Or so you thought. You had infiltrated the barracks under the guise of a trained nurse. It wasn’t a tall order, you had almost completed your training and you knew your stuff, but occasionally your imposter syndrome would make you feel a little anxious about your activities.
It wasn’t something that concerned you too much tonight though, as you danced at the center of a throng of burly WWII soldiers. You’d completed your mission and you could relax until the time came for you to return home. There had been multiple offers of drinks but you needed to keep your wits about you. You had duties to fulfill and a cover to maintain.
Duty did call halfway through the evening.  Two inebriated soldiers had fallen victim to their own drunken rambunctiousness and one of them needed stitches to their temple. You had to tear yourself away from the festivities to suture up the intoxicated infantry recruit and now had to clean up the mess he had made in your infirmary.
As you worked you sang quietly to yourself.
“The good old days, the honest man,
The restless heart, the Promised Land,
A subtle kiss that no one sees,
A broken wrist and a big trapeze.”
You were in the process of replacing your supply of gauze supply and in your eagerness you'd picked up more than your arms could handle.
“Oh well, I don't mind if you don't mind,
'Cause I don't shine if you don't shine.
Before you go,
Can you read my mind?”
You might have been a little too enthusiastic with your hip swaying because without warning you had stepped back and stumbled over the leg of the examination couch. Several packets of gauze went flying in every direction as you fell backwards. You expected to find yourself lying on the floor, but a strong arm was wrapped around your waist and lifted you back up slowly. 
A green uniform came into view and you steadied yourself on a sturdy chest before you came face to face with a pair of dazzlingly familiar blue eyes. A gasp slipped past your lips as you took in the features of the handsome young soldier holding you upright. His eyes were the same as the ones you knew and loved, except they lacked the haunted look you’d come to know. Instead you saw glimmers of mischief and excitement, and was that lust?
“Well hello there, gorgeous. You trying to read my mind?” Bucky flashed you a glittering grin.
“I- what are you doing here?”
Confusion painted your features and you extracted yourself from his arms.
This wasn't supposed to be happening. You'd checked, he wasn't supposed to be here!
“See the thing is, I couldn't just let a gorgeous woman just spend all her time here alone while everyone else is out there enjoying the party.”
His words had you blushing like a schoolgirl.
“You're not supposed to be here, Sergeant Barnes.”
“You know who I am?” His eyes lit up. 
You rolled your eyes but your smile gave away the fact that you were charmed. 
“I've seen you around,” you lied but your tone said something different altogether.
Stop flirting! Everything about him brought out your playful side.
“And I've definitely noticed you. I've never seen anyone as stunning as you.” He took your hand and lifted it to his chest, just around his heart.
A soft blush stained your cheeks and you could feel your heart fluttering wildly. How was he having such a powerful effect on you? This man in front of you was maybe ten years younger than you were, yet here you were swooning and melting into his arms.
“Say, if you're stuck in here, how about I bring the party to you?”
“Oh? What do you suggest?”
Bucky sauntered over to the window of the infirmary and pushed it open to let in the sound of music.
“May I have this dance?” Bucky put his hand out to you with his palm facing up as an invitation to you.
You couldn’t resist the temptation to take his hand, letting Bucky snake his arm around your waist and pull you into his chest. He smelled exquisite and you closed your eyes to take in his scent. It was only then that you realized that the fingers that he had pressed into your waist were made of flesh and bone. Bucky still had his left arm and he was holding you with it. You ran your hand along it.
“You like what you feel?” he smirked at you.
You shook your head with incredulity at how much confidence and sex appeal that was oozing off the man. It was like he was a totally different person from the man you loved. He probably was. Your Bucky had been through a huge transformation, lost everything he knew and loved. The man in front of you now was the caterpillar version of your boyfriend, but you couldn’t help but be captivated by him. Silently you let him lead as you swayed to the distant music.
As the music finally faded away, Bucky stilled but didn't let you go.
“So are we going to stand here all night?” you asked.
“It's just… I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone as beautiful as you.”
“And what are you going to do about it?”
Ordinarily, you would never have been so bold as to speak to a man you’d just met in this sort of tone. But you knew Bucky, even if he didn’t know you. Now you were just testing his boundaries. And true to his form, Bucky leaned into you, holding you close, he pressed his lips against yours. His kiss was exquisite, familiar but different all at the same time. It was exciting and somehow terrifying. For the briefest of moments, you wondered what your boyfriend would think, before you put the thought to the back of your mind and let him kiss you again.
A few days later, you found yourself in the midst of a crisis. One of the new recruits was in the middle of a training session when he was slammed in the chest with a shield as he was brandishing a bayonet. The kid went down like a tonne of bricks, lying unconscious on the floor.
You were walking past when you heard his fellow cadets’ panicked shouts. In a flash you were at his side assessing him. A few shouts in his ear, your ear to his mouth and your fingers on his neck told you that he wasn't breathing and his heart wasn't beating.
“What happened?” you demanded from the scared men standing around watching you as you started CPR.
A few stuttered words and you extrapolated the rest. It was a long shot and you'd only ever seen them successfully perform the maneuver on television, but what the hell!
You lifted your hand and made a fist and brought it down forcefully in the center of his chest. The reaction was immediate, the young boy opened his eyes, gasping and coughing.
Your legs collapsed under you from the kneeling position you'd been in, Your heart wasn't the only thing that was pounding and you thanked your lucky stars that you'd had the guts to make the move. But your job wasn't done yet. The recruits had gathered themselves together and fetched a stretcher and carried their teammate to the infirmary. It took you around an hour to make sure the newbie was stable, but as you worked you could see Bucky hovering around out of the corner of your eye.
“Hey you.” You smiled at Bucky as you closed the door to the now stable and sleeping cadet. “You don't need to worry about Simmons, he'll be just fine.”
“Yeah, I'm sure he will be.” Bucky approached you slowly. “How’re you doing?”
“I'm alright,” you answer, finally noticing the predatory look in his eyes.
The blue of his eyes was darker than you remembered them. It made your heart skip a beat and you wondered if you too needed to be hooked up to an EKG machine like poor Simmons.
“I'm glad.” 
His hand came to rest on your waist. Bucky stood in front of you. When had he gotten so close?
“Bucky?” you questioned his subtle approach. 
“Hmmm?” he hummed, his other hand was on your hip.
He took another step forwards, pushing you backwards. Again and again until you were inside your office. As soon as the door closed he had you up against it, one hand on the small of your back and the other cupping your face.
“Bucky,” you muttered breathlessly. “What-”
There wasn't time for you to finish your question as his lips claimed yours with a hunger that you'd not seen from the young man before. Until now he had only been sunshine and roses with his words and demeanor.
But here and now, there was no doubt in Bucky's mind what he wanted from you. He was desperate, he was hard, he needed you. His thoughts were different, dirty, downright sinful. They poisoned his mind, like a plague. He was going to take what he wanted, right here against the wall of your infirmary. 
You moaned as his lips moved down to your neck.  Hands roamed your body as his hips thrusted into yours. There was no mistaking the erection he was sporting. He was making you feel like Niagara Falls under your skirt. Bucky slipped a hand underneath it, pulling aside your panties dipping his fingers inside you.
“Buck-” you tried to suppress a moan. 
He answered by spreading his fingers and stretching your walls, making you whimper and whine into his neck. You dug your nails and teeth into his exposed skin as his thumb found your clit. The way he growled your name had you teetering on the edge of an orgasm and your walls fluttered around his fingers expectantly.
“Now why'd ya have to go get ahead of yourself, huh Doll?” Bucky pulled his fingers out of you and licked your essence off them.
“Bucky,” you whined. You started unbuckling his pants, pulling him free from the constraints of his briefs.
His fingers ran over your bare ass and down your thighs as you prepped him with a few pumps. He moved closer so you could line him up to your dripping entrance before he slammed into you with relative ease. You arched your back as he ran his fingers through your hair and tugged at the strands. Even after all this time, you couldn’t get used to his size. Bucky shoved his fingers in your mouth, filling it and muffling your carnal moans. His mouth was close to your ear and you could hear him mumbling a string of profanities into it along with something about how tight you were and how ruined you’d be when he was done with you.
He removed his fingers from your mouth to grab your hips again, pulling you towards him as he slammed into you repeatedly. He lifted your leg, opening you up before pushing deeper inside you. Then his tip brushed over that perfect spot inside you and your mouth was open but no sound left it. You wanted to scream but all you could do was gasp as he fucked the air right out of your lungs.
“Please what, Doll? Use your words, darling.” His mouth was on yours, swallowing your moans like they were the oxygen his body craved.
“Right there, Bucky. Please.”
You could feel the smirk on his lips as he thrusted his hips to hit your g-spot. And you knew the pace he was keeping would be your undoing.
“Faster Buc-”
Your young soldier had no more smart mouthed comments for you, just rocking his hips faster, his rock hard member filling you completely. Your body quivered dangerously as your orgasm built up, his cock twitched inside you. He was close too, every wanton sound pushed you closer and closer to your release, until you finally climaxed. Your walls clenched around him, legs shaking uncontrollably as he growled curses and filled you up with his white hot cum. You clutched his shoulders tightly as you both rode out your highs, panting until you felt like you could breathe again.
“You’re amazing, you know that?” Bucky put a finger under your chin and tilted your face up so you were looking into his eyes.
Why did his dazzling blue eyes have this dumbfounding effect on you? Slowly and gently he pulled out of you, pulling your panties back into place.
“Don’t want to spill anything, right?” he grinned at you before turning slightly to tuck himself away.
His words made you flush in a way that you hadn’t done since he had strutted into your infirmary. Present Bucky had never spoken to you like this, he was so much more restrained than this rapscallion in front of you.
“I have to go.”
He surprised you with a deep but gentle kiss before disappearing as quickly as he had arrived, leaving you feeling a little unsettled.
The next time he came to find you was under different circumstances.
“Hey you,” you greeted him fondly, picking at the collar of his uniform jacket.
He pulled you to the side, one of his hands grazing your back while the other hand wrapped around your arm to guide you around the corner. The absence of his usual swagger should have alerted you to the oncoming storm.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him into a kiss. “Mmm, Buck!” you murmured as you felt something hard pressed against your leg. “Not out here!”
“Well it just so happens that I have a bottle of pretty good rye in my pocket.” He smirked at you.
“Oh and here I thought you were just happy to see me.”
“I’m always happy to see you, Doll.” The smile on his face didn’t quite reach his eyes and you were well versed in reading Bucky’s face, he hadn’t changed as much as you’d originally thought.
“What’s wrong, Bucky?” you asked tentatively.
“What makes you think something is wrong?”
You run your fingers over the small ridges on his brow and around his eyes, the ones you’ve seen far more often than you ever hoped to. And now you could see them on the young soldier’s face.
“I feel like you know me better than I know myself.”
“Maybe I do,” you whispered against his lips.
The gesture was intimate but you’d suddenly been gripped by fear and you wanted to keep him close. He looked down at the floor, not making eye contact with you, his hands were stuffed in his pockets and he shuffled his feet nervously. When he finally looked back up at you, sadness shining in his beautiful blue eyes, you knew why he had come to you.
“Don’t go,” you shook your head.
Bucky sighed. “I have to, Doll.”
“Please,” you begged.
“I gotta go help my friend out, my unit.”
“I’m sure they’d manage fine without you. Stay here with me.”  You were clutching at straws.
“When Captain America asks for your help, you can’t say no.”
“You can. I’m sure Steve would understand. He’s your best friend.”
“That’s exactly why I have to go. Someone needs to keep that punk’s nose out of trouble.”
Words failed you, you knew he wouldn’t stay. Not even for you. You flung your arms around his neck, your whole body trembling with fear and anxiety. “Please,” you whispered into his neck, over and over.
Bucky held you close, his hands wrapped tightly around your back until you fell silent. Eventually he pulled your arms down from his neck so he could see your face. His palms cupped your cheeks and he brushed your tears away with the tips of his thumbs.
“Don't worry, Doll. I won't be gone long.”
Fresh tears leaked from your eyes at his words. You knew the truth, what future waited for him. There was nothing more you could say that would change his actions. It would be like a leopard trying to change its spots. Not that you would try, Bucky's loyalty to his friends was one of the things you loved the most about him.
“I'll be back soon. I promise.”
You wanted to tell him not to make promises he couldn't keep but you just stood there, relishing the feeling of his left hand on your face. It felt as though time was standing still, you didn't want things to change. 
But just as the thought formed in your head, the moment was interrupted by a distant yell. Bucky turned to the sound of his name being called.
“I gotta go, Doll.” He pressed his lips against yours one last time before backing away slowly until the hand he was holding couldn’t stretch any further.
He flashed you a sad smile. You closed your eyes to blink away your tears and when you opened your eyes again he was gone.
It felt like hours that you stood against the wall, it was the only thing holding you up as you reeled from the loss. The reverie you'd lost yourself in was broken by a strong vibration from the hidden device in your pocket. 
It was time for you to go home.
You stumbled into your office and activated the device that would take you back to your own time.
The journey was tumultuous and you staggered out of the other side of the wormhole, collapsing straight in your boyfriend's arms. Sobs wracked your body as he held you tightly and you mumbled muffled apologies into his chest.
Bucky looked around at the others bewildered by your reaction. He felt your arms and legs looking for signs of injuries that might have upset you.
“I'm here, Doll. I'm here. Everything’s gonna be alright.”
He cradled you into his arms and carried you away from the other watching Avengers. Finally your breathing slowed and your tears dried up. You looked up at Bucky’s anxious features.
“Hey.” Bucky smiled down at you. 
“Hey,” your voice squeaked as you answered him.
“Wanna talk about it? ‘Cause not gonna lie, Doll, I'm kinda worried. What happened?”
“You weren't… you weren't supposed to be there.”
“What do you mean?”
“You were there, Buck.”
“I was?”
“You don't remember?”
Bucky shook his head. “You saw me?”
“Yeah. You were pretty cute.” You smiled shyly, wondering how Bucky would take this.
“Did I hurt you?”
You hated the fear behind his words.
“No, Bucky, of course not. But I-”
You felt ashamed of what you were about to tell him and you looked down at your hands when you made your confession. “I knew that if I stopped you leaving, that I'd lose you here. I'm sorry. I was selfish. Everything you've been through is my fault.”
Bucky sighed, he hated seeing you so upset, especially over something that you were never responsible for.
He took your face in his hands, the same way he had done in 1940. The only difference now was his cold vibranium fingertips against your flushed cheek. “Look, I still have a lot of gaps in my memory from… before. But one thing I know for a fact is that you aren't responsible for what happened. Got that?”
You sighed and let your boyfriend envelope you in his arms. Maybe one day you'd believe him. 
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akanesheep · 1 year
How they fell for MC: Part 4
Despite the thousands of years he has lived, the only emotion that comes naturally to Satan is anger and wrath. Things like happiness, sorrow, love, hope, joy, etc. He’s learned how to copy expressions over the years, to mimic the correct responses… but hasn’t ever felt any of them. Hence ‘The Lord of Masks’. No, don’t believe for a moment that Satan could ever fall fast into love. He doesn’t know how. He’s read about love. He’s read about every kind of feeling and emotion, so he’s obviously read about how they look and feel, but never felt them himself. Then you arrived. He couldn’t have cared less initially, just stay away and leave him be. He would observe you quietly when you were around, and will admit to having his curiosity piqued when he saw your determination and intelligence, and he was curious. He’d seen humans before. His name wouldn’t be so well known in the human realm if he hadn’t been there before. You seemed different from other humans. Your soul was so clean, pure… a sign that you lived an honest life. He’d only seen that in some children on his visits. He could also see you’d faced many hardships. One day as he was reading in the library, you asked him about finding a perticular book, and giving them his usual masked smile you assisted them.
‘Umm, Satan?’
‘You don’t need to keep giving me that fake smile. Just be yourself’
He paused and looked at this human, the smile gone, the look that replaced it was one of astonishment. No one had ever noticed or questioned this before. His wrath bubbled but he worked to hold it back. Then you laughed. It sounded like tiny bells to his ears. His expression darkened as he glared at you.
‘Who do you think you are to laugh at me?’
‘No, pardon me…’ you wiped your eye, a little tear from your eye and looked up at him. ‘ you just looked so surprised, I was happy to see something genuine on your face. Even your current upset face is much better than a false mask.’
He blinked. You knew what his mood was? No one had ever questioned it before. He finished assisting you and went back to his own book, but couldn’t concentrate as his mind was full of thoughts. Including this new feeling inside himself. No one had ever surprised him like this. Each day afterward, he observed you. How you interacted with him and his brothers, how you started making them change in small ways that could be hard for an outsider to notice, but to those within the family, it was obvious. He even began to interact openly with you off and on himself.
And then ‘that’ happened. The horrible night Belphegor, in his madness, crushed your tiny neck and threw you down. The feeling that happened wasn’t pure wrath, it was far more painful. He looked at your lifeless form, Mammon holding your body and screaming, and he could not move. It felt as if someone had crushed his chest. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t speak. His eyes became wet as they looked upon your broken form. Then your eyes tracked up to the one making that horrible laughing at the top of the stairs, only then did his wrath flare up. He was familiar with this feeling, but he didn’t think he’d ever felt it like this. He was preparing to strike, to destroy his brother when suddenly Diavolo and Barbatos arrived, so much happened, and then there you were again… unbroken. I mean, you were and you weren’t. After they took the broken form of you and left the unbroken you with them, he was filled with another wholly unfamiliar sensation… relief? He could only guess. How many new feelings had he begun to feel since you first arrived?
He spent several restless nights pondering how he’d been feeling… reading books about various feelings and emotions… and realized one truth. He was feeling these things because he ‘cares’ about you.
He scoffed at his own discovery, but it didn’t change his feelings. Each day he interacted with you more and more, and even made a pact with you. His heart felt full, he’d feel it beat faster in his chest every time you were together. He knew what his books called this feeling. This desire to see you, speak to you, even hold you. But that can’t be right. He is wrath.
During a discussion with Solomon, the sorcerer paused from their heavy debate over some magical principle, and sighed, then chuckled.
‘Satan, you’ve changed’
‘Whatever are you talking about?’
‘You’re more patient, slower to anger. You’re more thoughtful and considerate. I can see MC’s influence on you’
As the back and forth continued, he realized Solomon was right. In the past, most of their debates would last until his wrath bubbled to the surface and he would to disengage, or if pushed too far, rampage.
‘You love them, yes?’
‘I am wrath, Solomon, I don’t even know what love is’
‘That doesn’t make it untrue’
‘Shut up’
He stormed away… but it wasn’t in anger. His face felt hot and he just wanted to get back to his room. He argued with himself along the way. He’d never felt such internal conflict.
As he entered HoL he saw you enter the library, his heart skipped and he found himself follow you there.
‘Oh Satan!’ You smiled up at him and waved.
He couldn’t move, his whole self just watched you for a moment, then before he realized it he was walking toward you.
It wasn’t often that Satan did something out of character, but today was one of those days. He walked up behind you and placed his hands on your shoulders. You turned to look up at him and he leaned down and gave you a soft experimental kiss. Then straightening he walked out of the library. Leaving you bewildered and blushing.
In his room he felt his face on fire. It was true. He loves them. Without a doubt he loved them.
No. Our Lord of wrath doesn’t fall quickly, but deep is an understatement. He would do anything for you…except get along with Lucifer perhaps… maybe.
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redflagshipwriter · 8 months
Hi, it's Tim (just Tim)
Chapter 1
“Hey!” Tim protested as his feet left the ground. He was manic from lack of sleep, so out of it that he hadn’t even noticed Superboy bursting into the building. In his defense, he’d been concentrating.
“Sorry!” Kon took them up high, holding Tim to his chest. “It’s going to blow.”
Tim struggled like a cat, cranky and disoriented. Then he remembered that things would go very badly for him if he fell from this height. He relaxed into the hold and pressed his cold cheek against Kon’s chest. He let out a sigh, vaguely aware of the sound of Kon’s heartbeat. “I had it under control,” he grumbled. “I almost had that. It was a simple bomb.”
“Very cool if true,” Kon said, stopping and angling to look down at the building he’d evacuated Tim from. “I should have asked if you knew how to disarm bombs, but honestly-”
There was an explosion below them. Tim went limp, annoyed but resigned to losing a source of information. There had been a cache left there from Ra’s’ people. It was gone now. He would have had it too, would have had the time to search the building if Kon hadn’t swooped in and carried him off.
“There wasn’t much time,” Kon finished belatedly. He frowned down at the building and the ash floating upwards. The top floor was now open to the elements. It stayed structurally sound, though, and didn’t fall.
“Why were you here?” Tim asked, annoyed and not hiding that from his teammate. “How did you even know?” He hadn’t called for any backup.
“I heard the ticking,” Kon said simply. “Are you alright?”
Oh, come on. He was not seriously getting babied like this. Hadn’t he proved himself enough? Tim mashed his face into his friend’s chest and groaned. Kon’s heart rate picked up.
Wait. What? What was Kon nervous about?
“I’m fine,” Tim said slowly. He lifted his face to look at the underside of Kon’s defined jawline.
…He wasn’t in uniform, he finally realized. He was in his civvies, and Kon didn’t know who he was. No wonder he’d assumed Tim needed a rescue.
That realization soothed his wounded pride, at least. And it was kind of nice, if he was honest, to be in someone’s hold. He knew Kon was strong, of course he did. But Robin couldn’t lean on his teammate like this. Robin couldn’t let Superboy carry him around. It would undermine him as a leader.
…Tim Drake could enjoy this while it lasted. And he kind of wanted someone to be nice to him right now so he could turn his brain off. It had been a really long week.
Against his best judgment, Tim felt his heart rate slowing down and his muscles melting in relaxation. Kon was sun-warmed and his cologne smelled good. He was holding Tim casually in a sort of hug with one hand around Tim’s thighs and one on the small of his back. It was comfortable. He felt …small. He felt small and safe. Kon was huge in comparison. It was weirdly soothing.
Some part of Tim’s subconscious started to analyze what that said about him. He pushed the self discovery away. He was warm and he knew that there was no way Kon was going to drop him. It wasn’t that big of a deal.
Speaking of, Kon had been frozen for an oddly long time. Tim was probably making him uncomfortable. “Sorry,” he apologized. “You can put me down now.”
Kon started. “Right!” He cleared his throat. They bobbed up and down in the sky over a suburb two hours outside of Gotham for a moment. “Where, ah, where’s good?”
“Bed,” Tim said unthinkingly.
Kon wheezed.
“My bed,” Tim corrected, amused at how awkward Kon was. That didn’t seem to help. “I’m exhausted. I presume you have a long day of heroics planned, you don’t have to actually take me home. You can just put me down anywhere.” He sort of regretted he couldn’t give Kon shit for this without doxxing himself.
There was no way he was actually going to let Kon take him home. Bruce would lose his mind.
It would be funny to subject Kon to Brucie Wayne. But Kon didn’t really deserve that.
“Are you- do you live near here?” Kon was struggling.
Tim huffed a laugh into his friend’s chest, melting like a cat. “I live in Gotham,” he drawled. “Bit far for you. You can just put me down.” Even as he said it he clenched his fingers a little around the edge of Kon’s jacket. It didn’t mean anything. It definitely didn’t mean that he wanted to stay here.
“Oh.” Kon was obviously disappointed. “That’s- I’d take you home but Gotham is a no fly zone. Is there uh- how are you traveling? Do you want to go to a train station? Oh- do you know why there was a bomb there? I could take you to the police station to make a report.”
Wow. Was Kon always like this with civilians? Tim didn’t remember him being this awkward. He was usually pretty smooth, honestly.
“No need for a police report,” Tim decided. “Batman’ll handle it.” That wasn’t strictly true– he would eventually make the report– but it was close enough for Kon’s purposes. “Ah…” He paused as he realized he might, uh, not want to go home right away. He’d told Bruce he’d be at a friend’s house overnight. If he showed up early a few hours after an explosion, he would be getting the third degree. “I think I want to get a hotel, actually. Do you know where one is around here?”
“I can do that, yeah. Are you sure you’re good?” Kon finally started moving through the air. The thickly muscled arm around Tim’s lower back worked its way up to his shoulder blades so that Kon could carefully cradle the back of Tim’s head in his hand and protect him from whiplash. Jeeze, his hand went basically all the way around Tim’s head, ear to ear. Tim simultaneously wanted to push back into the hand and to not move from where he was comfortably pressed into Kon’s pectorals.
Oh. He’d never answered. And Kon didn’t know his name. “Tim,” he muttered drowsily. Holy shit, was this what people felt every night? This was why they slept regularly? Would he sleep every night of his life if he could do it pressed full-body against someone big and warm? Dick absolutely could never know.
“Tim?” Kon sounded confused.
“Yeah, thas my name.”
“...You’re falling asleep.” Kon sounded delighted by this. “Tim, am I that comfy? Are you so cozy?” he teased.
It was serious business, so Tim forced up the effort to scoff. “Of course I am,” he said. This was probably how everyone felt. “You’re big and warm and you smell good. And I haven’t slept in like, 49 hours. This is inevitable.”
“...You really remind me of someone right now,” Kon said.
It was, uh, probably himself. Tim did laugh at that. But he chose not to answer.
Bruce would kill him if he gave away his secret identity, so there was nothing safe to say. It was a little funny, though.
“You’re not curious at all?” Kon prompted him. A thumb started working lazy circles into Tim’s scalp and it felt so good. “I mean, I usually get a bit more reaction when I save someone. More- wow, it’s Superboy!” He imitated. “You’re so cool and handsome and mysterious. Can I get your autograph and phone number?”
Tim made a pfft sound. “You’re not that cool,” he grumbled. “And I already said thanks. I’m not here to inflate your ego. You’re a regular guy.” He was a good Titan, for sure, and a helluvan ally to have. But he was no Nightwing.
“...That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.” Kon actually sounded choked up about it. “Marry me, man?”
Tim patted blindly at Kon’s chest. His eyes were closed. He didn’t remember closing them. “No way,” he rejected. “But feel free to keep petting my head.”
“You need to get somewhere comfortable, so not for much longer.”
Tim made a sound of disgust.
“...Not to be a creep, but I will absolutely keep doing that if you invite me into your hotel room.” Kon sounded like he regretted speaking the instant the words were out of his mouth. “Ignore that,” he said hurriedly. “You don’t know me, so that’s super weird. And of course you wouldn’t feel safe to do that.”
That made him laugh. He’d slept in the same room as Kon a dozen times. “I feel plenty safe,” Tim said. He gave into his impulse and nudged his head into the hand that had stopped petting him.
“Wow,” Kon muttered. He swallowed. His heart was going crazy fast now. “Yeah, okay. You have a hotel you like? Cheap? Expensive?”
“I do not care at all,” Tim said, basically out of it and drunk on skin contact. He roused enough to remember– “Actually, go to the Wayne one. I don’t have my credit card with me.”
“...So you want to go to an expensive hotel without money?” Kon clarified.
“Yeah,” Tim agreed blearily. Obviously. If he went to a non-affiliated hotel, they wouldn’t have a reason to give him a room on credit.
Kon was obviously confused, but he obliged. Tim sighed about it, but he condescended to stand on his own power and walk into the lobby. He didn’t want to do anything. He’d lie down on the floor if it wouldn’t get back to Bruce in an hour. The public was so tedious.
Kon followed a few steps behind. Tim made eye contact with the woman behind the desk at reception and tipped his head to the side. He wondered how gauche he’d have to be. He kinda hoped she recognized him.
Her eyes went wide for an instant, and then her professional mask slammed into place. “Good evening,” she greeted. “How may I help you?”
Great. “Hi,” Tim said. He resisted the urge to lean on the counter. He was crashing hard. All the adrenaline was gone from his body. He couldn’t go to work now, not without catching a serious Bruce lecture. The only thing left was to listen to his body. “Can I get an executive suite, thanks.”
“Of course,” she agreed immediately. Her fingers flew across the keyboard. “As for payment– to your family account?”
“Yes, thanks,” Tim said. “That’s perfect.”
She looked at him again and her lips twitched. It was probably amusement. “Just a moment.” She printed something and then held a set of keycards to some kind of scanner. “Here you are. You’re on the top floor.”
Great. Mission accomplished. Bed next. “Thank you.” Tim nodded and shuffled to the elevator.
“Uh-” Kon hesitated a moment and then Tim heard a rustling of fabric. Oh. Right. He’d forgotten the room cards.
“Thanks,” he said again. He hit the up arrow and stared at the distorted reflection of Robin and Superboy. Superboy’s head momentarily became enormous and then slimmed to hilarious proportions when he shifted on his heels. Tim mentally calculated how long it was going to take to ride the elevator all the way up there. “It would be faster to fly,” he said mournfully. He had never let Kon carry him before and it was a decision he stood by. It wasn’t very impressive to get carried to battle. But he wasn’t unaware of how convenient it made life.
Kon snickered. “Where’s the stairwell, baby?”
Baby? Tim full body jerked at that appellation. He lifted an eyebrow in disbelief.
Kon gave him a toothy grin. “Never mind, I see it. Can I pick you up?”
On the one hand, it was a transparent attempt to show off. Kon was clearly dying to show off his superior physique and impress. Tim generally shot that shit down hard. That asshole didn’t need his ego inflated further.
On the other hand, it turned out that he liked being babied. “Go for it, big guy.”
Big blue eyes darted over Tim, clearly calculating, before he turned and offered Tim a piggyback ride. Tim sort of mourned the chest-to-chest contact, but he kinda got why Kon might not wanna do that anymore. It had been an emergency hold.
He was right, though, it was much faster than the elevator. Kon got him to the hotel room in a swift and smooth ride and unlocked the door without even putting Tim down. He went to the bed- and then came to a jerky stop. Tim hummed and leaned forward to see that Kon’s face was red. Like, bright red.
‘...Did he plan to dump me on the bed and then realized what that would look like?’ Tim held in a snicker. He was starting to think that Kon was talking out of his ass when he bragged about all his romantic and sexual experience. It was cute, honestly.
“Here you go,” Kon said in an extremely strained voice. “I uh, you wanna turn on the TV?”
Tim climbed down and reached up to pat him on the shoulder. “Go for it.” He sure wasn’t going to be watching. He shucked his shoes, tossed his watch on the bedside table, and then starfished out on the bed with a pleasing whumpf.
“Wow,” Kon said again, voice low and fond. “Uh- here’s a soccer game. That cool?”
He made a thumbs up without lifting his head. He vaguely heard the sounds of cheering and electronic whooshing. The bed depressed next to him as a Kryptonian superhero gingerly sat. The weight displacement moved Tim downwards and towards a warm leg. After a few seconds, that hand was back in Tim’s hair.
He could have purred.
Kon pulled his fingers through Tim’s hair and down onto his neck. Then again. And again, and then Tim was waking up to muffled light through curtains. He lifted his head, disoriented. Where’d his friend gone? The T.V. was off. His phone had come out of his pockets sometime in his sleep and was under his leg. Tim fished it out and squinted at the time.
“....Ten hours,” Tim said, impressed with himself. He levered himself up. The breakfast buffet was probably open now, and that meant he could grab life-giving carbs and his first hit of caffeine. He swung his feet off the bed- and noticed something written on the hotel stationary.
Kon had left his phone number. Nothing else. Just the number. Tim already had it from his, uh, background check. But he’d never messaged Kon that way.
He pursed his lips and thought about it as he grabbed the keycards and shuffled to the dining room.
Kon liked him. Kon liked civilian him, crabby and demanding Tim Drake-Wayne. Kon had been his personal taxi and tried to impress him and- in retrospect- been adorably into him.
Huh. He opened up a message. “Hi, it’s Tim,” he said to himself as he typed it up and hit send. “You get home okay?”
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yuseirra · 23 days
Onk Chapter 159 review~
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(a small comic for starters :) either way, Ai will still kick his butt)
yes, I had been spoiled; yes, and I actually like it, as much as it leaves at a cliffhanger and leaves you in confusion(why is this comic always like this) The way it ends is indeed, quite shocking, isn't it? But I think I understand where it's coming from.
I honestly won't have a clue on just what this story is going to be unless it's not going to be like what I write here; If that's so, then I'll just sit back and just.. let the story run along after this~ I'm pretty confident, for now though!!
The development in this current episode aligns with the interpretation I initially had back when I hopped onto the series, right after 153-154. It feels like I've been reset XD
It's pretty good, right? It's entertaining and well done. There is no need to fuss whether "Kamiki is evil!!" or "He's the final boss!", at least not right now, that'd be determined in the following eps. but for now, I think I have an idea of what it's trying to convey.
He DOES look super evil in that last panel (I keep staring at it for how ridiculous he looks)but let's look into the things that are being discussed for now-
Judging by the reaction he has, Kamiki never stopped loving Ai. The reaction in chapter 154 and the current one can coexist as emotional responses.
But it seems that after Ai died, Kamiki did a lot.
It actually matches really well with the interpretation I made after reading chapter 154 for the first time! I mean this comic I drew. I thought I might have went a bit overboard with it for awhile, for Kamiki's actions after that chapter felt milder than that, but now that 159 is out, it... seems pretty similar.
Sometimes, the first answer you pick on a test is the correct one, right? I laughed...perhaps I should trust my initial feelings about things more...they may tend to be the most accurate.
He has this, "I'm already beyond hope now, I can't be saved" vibe to him. And I saw this coming all along, I kept wondering just what is it that he'd have done. It's been pretty vague except for that case with Yura, right? (To be honest, the one death that bothers me a lot is Gorou's. Did Nino and Ryosuke kill him?? Why did Gorou die?? I really hope Kamiki wasn't involved with that case because that leads to really weird sorts of conclusions... killing the doc that helped deliver his own children;;; I hope it's just Ryosuke and Nino that's played a part there)
Judging by how he reacts to Aqua, he does have paternal love, and Kamiki’s attitude towards his children is consistently kind and gentle. His way of speech is...I've been sent the leaks in another language right..; I can tell. He speaks in a really.. kind and gentle way. Even in that last panel as well. He's so tender with his way of speaking when he talks towards his kids, so much like the lyrics of Mephisto (how the song is like as it ends) I feel like he is, or at least used to be, a sweet person. Talking to his fully grown son like that.
It seems like he genuinely wants to watch his daughter's performance. I feel Kamiki cherishes and cares for Aqua and Ruby. As for whether he would go so far as to harm the children to save Ai... I think the chances of that are low. Ai’s judgment seems correct, and if Kamiki had married Ai and lived with her, he would have been a kind and gentle father to their children.
At the same time, though, he thinks it's too late to save himself now. The attitude he has feels like self-mockery or despair. He's a bit out of vigor, in my opinion(aside from that last panel).
The key is figuring out what exactly the "lies" he told was.
Judging by Aqua's reaction, Kamiki’s involvement in Ai’s death should be minimal. If it weren’t, there should be some anger connected to the mention of Ai’s name as Aqua brought it up. For example, "Ai trusted you until the end, she wanted you to help you, but you made her die!" Because it's very natural, right? If Kamiki killed the very person who wanted to help him, it's natural to bring that up as you mention the "help".
But that’s not the case. Instead, Aqua's reaction is something like, "I’m supposed to help you, as Ai said, but you’ve been telling this 'ugly lie for your own sake' so I can’t."
I think that, to evoke this kind of response, Kamiki must have done a lot after Ai’s death, thinking he was doing it for her, but deep down, he knew it was a lie he told himself all along, and Aqua is calling him out on it.
It doesn’t seem like Kamiki killed someone with the thought that "no one can outshine Ai" (that would be really stupid;;), but rather, that he made sacrifices because he wanted to save Ai or bring her back to life. In that case, what Aqua is saying here translates to: "Hey, would Ai have wanted that? That was a crazy thing you did for your own sake and pleasure, thinking 'Ai would want to live' or 'Ai would want to reunite with the kids in any way possible.' You know that's NOT what she has ever wanted, but you lied to yourself convincing it would all be okay as long as it came true. That makes you an ugly liar."
If Kamiki did kill someone, Aqua really should report him to the police instead of meeting one-on-one. Report him, for crying out loud! Why doesn't he do that in 155 and why doesn't he try to do it now, either? He just walks up to him and starts a conversation. Didn't he figure things out with Akane earlier? Can't they just turn those pieces of evidence they found to the police if they have them?
So... that's why I’m not sure if what Kamiki did actually involved killing someone... Maybe Aqua didn’t report it or he can't because there wasn’t enough evidence? Yura is dead, that's a fact, but well, we know now for sure that Kamiki did not play a part in Ryosuke's death(who cares about him but yeah), and if he isn't the one who's killed Gorou (the one who did it is Ryosuke and Nino is his acquaintance so I think there's low chance?;) Maybe he didn't kill Yura either. He says it's his fault but at this point, I don't think he's the one that's responsible for Ai's death. There is a reason I'm saying this, stay with me for a while, okay? But he's still done something that Aqua deems as a "selfish lie".. I just don't know how severe this guy can get and what he's done but I guess he's done some terrible things...
Moving on, I don't think this character would hurt Ruby or Aqua or anyone else at this point. (Although... who knows; if he feels like he has nothing to lose, he might...) It seems like he intended to end his life to offer as the final tribute, and Aqua came to stop him. (Like, Aqua came to him to "save him" on Ai''s behalf. He didn't say he's come to "punish him" for his misdeeds... so I think it's safe to say Aqua's come to save his butt) It might tie into the supernatural elements that pop up occasionally, like when Kamiki mentioned the "gods" in chapter 147 or talked about no longer needing to offer "sacrifices." There were many intriguing and important things mentioned in that chapter.
It seems like Kamiki thinks he’s done wrong, but he can’t stop himself from continuing on the path he was, so he wants his children to kill him or get revenge on him.
Nino is truly crazy... It's unhealthy to be fixated like that on just one single person... I don’t want to think too deeply about it because it’s not something I want to empathize with. I don’t wish to feel any pity. If I were to analyze it deeply, I could, but this is the kind of dark human psyche I don’t want to delve into because it takes energy and I don't feel it's that worth it. It's already been displayed so well in this chapter, and it's creepy and perfect as it is so I don't think it needs further explanation, she's just as I pictured her to be and even.. damp and scarier in eerily realistic ways.
If I were Ai, I’d grab Nino by the collar and ask, "Nino-chan, Why are you doing this to me? Why are you like this? What did I ever do to deserve this?" what the heck...poor Ai. it's too much. She's scary.
Ryosuke is out of his mind, and what has Ichigo been doing all this time if he knew something?... Perhaps he needed solid evidence and wished to catch her when she took action? But...; I really wish Ichigo did better when Ai was still alive if he knew what was going about with Nino and Ryosuke and Ai......
So, was Kamiki the one who made Ryosuke and Nino "that way"...(as in, hopelessly insane about Ai)?
No, that's not how it's going to go.
Looking at his past, there’s no big reason or motive for Kamiki to have done something like that and I don't think he could have coerced them to feel that way about Ai, they brought it upon themselves; (Honestly, I'm curious, what’s the connection between him and Nino and Ryosuke? At this point, I feel like they did not have any particular connection before Ai's death, at this point)
Kamiki clearly recognizes that Ai is just a normal girl who has cruel and selfish sides (this is a strong difference from Nino and Ryosuke). I'm not sure when he formed that idea, but he is at least aware of that, as he's doing whatever he's been doing.
That means, if Kamiki decided to take some extreme actions "for Ai", it wouldn’t have been because of some superficial motive like wanting Ai to be perfect or the best idol(Ryosuke and Nino's actions fall here) . Instead, it would have stemmed from a more practical desire, like wanting Ai to come back or get closer to her. For Kamiki, Ai isn’t a fantasy; she’s real. She’s a person he loves. That’s why the song Mephisto and Fatal suits him. Kamiki doesn’t need Ai to be an invincible idol; he just wants the person he loves to be alive.
So, tying it into the theme of this manga, I come to the conclusion that:
It wasn’t a single person like Kamiki who made Ryosuke and Nino the way they are, but rather, the public’s expectations of Ai.
This connects to the story explored in the movie arc, where people expected Ai to be the invincible idol, leading her to lie and conceal her weak self completely.
If my interpretation is correct... this is where the story is heading.
From the start, there was no such thing as an evil mastermind or anything like that. What happened to Ai was always the result of a fan’s twisted desire for their idol to be flawless, and the public's expectation of idols reinforcing such a behavior.
In reality, it’s Ryousuke and Nino who are insane, but the culture or fervor that creates such crazy people isn’t entirely absent in this world. That seems to be the point being made.
I mentioned this in a previous post: (it's paraphrased and condensed)
"But more than that, I think the main focus of this work and the message it's trying to give is: "Even celebrities are just people in the end"... Ultimately, that's it."
This is... probably it.
If you look at it that way, Kamiki is someone who was separated from the person he loved due to such malice (if Ai and Kamiki weren’t celebrities, they would have stayed together after having the kids and lived happily... What made Kamiki’s life miserable, and brought Ai to believe it'd hurt him less if she broke up with him was the dark side of the entertainment industry. After all, the pain he went through in his entertainment career was too much, and even afterward, they couldn’t reunite despite their feelings for each other because Ai was too successful as an idol. I think that’s why they couldn’t be together). In that sense, Kamiki is almost like the biggest victim of the entertainment industry in the story because not only did he suffer from it all his life, he ultimately lost the very person he loved because of it. Ai was an idol, so there was social pressure and expectations that she shouldn’t have kids or a boyfriend. That’s why they couldn’t stay together...
Kamiki, having his life destroyed by the dark side of the entertainment industry, and upon he lost the one person he loved, Ai, ended up doing a lot of things in desperation to bring her back and see her again. That’s what's going on about in the songs Fatal and Mephisto.
We haven’t seen exactly what he's been doing in the story, but I think the songs fill that narrative. "The gathering of light"... "finding things to fill in what's missing"...
Kamiki just wants to see Ai again. He wants to see her, but he doesn’t think Ai would love him or want to meet him, so he wished for her to come back to life, and when that didn’t work, he tried to get closer to her himself.
His true feelings were that he loved Ai sincerely and only had eyes for her.
But if what he did involve needing someone else’s life to achieve that goal (and the songs do suggest that...), that’s terrifying. Lol
Ai wanted Kamiki to be saved... If there really is a sliver of chance of such things to be a possibility, what he's done should not be that extreme. Kamiki does seem to think he's beyond saving, though.
I made an analysis earlier that he may be lying to appear as evil as he can be to persuade Aqua into believing he should just die there, and that he isn't worth saving... this was before I saw the actual images, but that could be the case too. if he's really planning to give himself away as a sacrifice of some sort or die to bring Ai back/reach her, then I guess it'd make sense for him to appear as menacing and horrible as possible so that his boy wouldn't have to care about him. He IS a liar and he IS a genius actor. He wants to do something for Ai, and I think that still stands. He said he'd do it in 155 - if that means it takes his life to do so, he'd still, definitely go through with it.
We’ll probably find out what he did all along within the next 10 chapters. I also think that the manga now needs to address the stars and the gods;; The idea that Ai became a star was mentioned directly, and Tsukuyomi was also brought up. The stars were beautifully shining during the B-Komachi concert, right? It feels like Ai is giving her blessing. If my guesses about this series is correct, Kamiki should mention stuff along the lines of the supernatural when talking about his motives. I think Kamiki tried to bring Ai back to life. If he hadn’t had that hope, I feel he would have followed Ai long ago. He doesn’t seem particularly attached to his own life. That means there must have been something that gave him that sort of hope. The songs imply something like it. It's made Kamiki believe Ai could come back to life...
I wonder if Kamiki can be saved. The fact that Aqua even brought the idea of helping the guy may mean there still might be a chance. Otherwise, Aqua would just throw him in jail; there’d be no point in talking to him like this, even if it's Ai's wish. Impossible things are still impossible.
But it’s true that Kamiki really fell apart after Ai died. Whether he’s just a pitiful guy or a victim who became a perpetrator (the latter seems more likely...sadly), we’ll have to wait and see.
To be continued, I guess.
That character’s life was truly miserable, but if he ruined other people’s lives, then he should still be punished for that.
Still, In the end, it seems like everything will turn out as Ai wanted, so I’m looking forward to seeing how much Aqua can fulfill Ai’s wishes.
It was a good chapter! :)
Come to think of it, in my analysis of Ai (this was written wayy back in June, when ch 152 was fresh) , I wrote something like this:
Ai didn't want to get back together with her ex because she wanted to continue being an idol. She couldn't have a public relationship. But I think she wanted to show her kids to him because she gained a little bit of courage while raising them. That she could show her real self. When you look at a Ai, you can infer she has a lot welled up. They had always hidden themselves, and now they have "secrets" that are not just their own, living, that grow with time. She's always had vicious circle that led to self-hatred from all the lies she'd been creating, which led to anger and stress…and it was this close to being let out through the movie. Maybe that's why Aqua believes making movies is for her. It's to fulfill her desire to be freed from the lies.
This might have hit the mark. The reason it has to be a movie is because of this… if it was only Kamiki, he could have just been shown the video Ai left, but-
Aqua’s “revenge” has to be fulfilled through a movie because Ai’s situation was caused by the public’s perception of her.
If people had accepted the real Ai as a person, twisted individuals like Ryosuke wouldn’t have appeared, and Ai wouldn’t have had to lie to the person she so dearly wanted to love. If… If only Ai had survived, I think Kamiki could have reunited with her after the movie was released. Because people would have understood and accepted their circumstances. Ai would never have had to die because she had children - for being imperfect and human, as she is.
This is not a story about a psychopathic murderer getting back at his ex-girlfriend or just one crazy fan attacking their idol, it's tackling a much bigger theme than that.
So no, this isn't going to be about Kamiki being the crazy mastermind, quite the contrary. He's the one who's lost his beloved due to a societal belief that idols have to be perfect and flawless. He's the one who desperately wants to get her back after having lost her.
When I think about it, it’s really heartbreaking. Ai and Kamiki could have been happy, for sure. They really could have had it weren't it for this, I feel.
The public isn’t always so cold, so I think Ai might have wanted to take that risk…
++ Oh, wow… Aqua showed up wearing the exact outfit from the Mephisto video!
Then, if my thoughts are correct, the next chapter, or at least within a few chapters, should reveal more about the Fatal/Mephisto storyline in the series. Those songs aren’t Aqua’s, they’re Kamiki’s.
+++ Didn't mention but Kamiki looks even younger than Aqua in that last panel, he looks kinda adorable in a very freaky way. Ai didn't mention his looks for nothing.. he still has it over the age of thirty...
yeah, I'll believe in him for just a little longer. I really hope the next chapter continues where it left off and just TELL US what he's been up to for once. This chapter is 159 so I guess it'd be the last ep of a volume, Yeah, that'd definitely make people wish to buy the next copy
but I really want answers at this point, stop the taunts.
If Mephisto and Fatal ain't the story of this guy then tbh, nothing would make sense to me about this guy nor the story. Aside from the fact that it matches his characteristics and lores in a perfect sense, it's just a really strong hunch I get. The moment I first heard Fatal, I knew it had to be it. I can't explain how it happens but I just know what it's supposed to imply. So there!
Till next week!
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luvly-writer · 10 months
Ch. 9 Underneath the mask, there's a heart
Author's note: I had so much motivation to write these two chapters! I mean, these scenes did not get out of my brain and allow me to think of anything else this weekend. I have no idea when the next chapter will come out seeing as this week I have to deal with a few finals but I am so happy I got through with these two. Originally I was going to do ONE long ass chapter but decided to cut it into two. As always your feedback is welcomed! Enjoy <3
Warnings: Parental neglect
Taglist: @w31rdg1rl @mxtokko @loonymoonystuff @grandstrangerphanthom @1lellykins
if you’d like to be added to the taglist, just leave me a comment <3
They went out of the hall and up a few stairs. Tim did not know where he was going, he just wanted to get the two of them away from her family as fast as possible. Finally, they got into a hall with a huge balcony. They entered and Tim closed the door. They stayed in a comfortable silence.
"When you said your family was unbearable, I was expecting snobby and classist, not a targeted interview and a blatant pedophile," he said finally turning to her. Yn leaned on the stone rails of the balcony breathing fresh air.
"I did tell you to expect anything" she answered softly. Tim walked closer to her. He said goosebumps rising on her arms and took off his suit jacket. He placed it on her and smiled when she snuggled in it.
"What was all of that?" he questioned looking at her, "You have been acting slightly out of it ever since I arrived. You don't quip back with my comments and you make yourself seem small around your family. What is going on, Yn? Where's the force to be reckoned with that I am constantly with?" he asked showing pure concern. Yn looked at him and he swore he would see tears welling up in her eyes.
"I..." she began and he took her hand in his.
"You can tell me anything, angel. We are friends, right?" he said and she nodded. She took a deep breathe and began.
"I'm... I'm not even sure where should I begin" she laughed, "Ever since we were little, my father has placed the unbelievable task of always being extraordinary. We needed to get the best grades, be top of our grades, get into the best colleges, surround ourselves with the best people, if we went into any extracurriculars, we had to stand out. He would say that we are representing the Vanderbilt name everywhere we go. It is better to be envied than to be related. Admiration has to be everything. Why be yourself when you can be a Vanderbilt triumph. As we grew older, his expectations rose.Aurora, the eldest, is the one who has taken it with the most grace out of the three. Everywhere she went, it was as if a line of gold followed her. Top of her grade, class president, multiple medals as a horse rider, abundant class and grace, motherly, warm, blinding smile, and neverending kindness. There has never been a moment when she has not made our father anything less than proud. Between the two of us, she has my vote as CEO. She is my mother's favorite. Mine too if we are honest. Then there's Charlisse. If Aurora is gold, she is shining silver. She is cunning, ambitious, quick-witted, ruthless, rough, strong, top of her grade as well, captain of her fencing team, who also owns a good amount of medals, and ruthless. Both queens of the school in their moment, beautiful and intelligent. Graduated from university magna cum laude and went straight into the family business. Where Aurora has always been more like mom, hence why she's her favorite; Charlisse is more like dad; meaning that she is the closest to becoming his favorite. And then..there's me" she said.
"Then there's you" Tim affirmed softly
"The black sheep of the family" corrected and Tim looked at her baffled.
"Impossible," he said and she shook her head.
"Not so impossible. I have tried everything to be like them, and no matter what, it has never been enough for the old man. In some ways, I am like them. Perfect grades, top of my year, captain of the tennis team, multiple medals... but to my father, and by association Charlisse as well, I lack character. Aurora is a natural-born leader and Charlisse will do whatever it takes to get to the top. Both of them have an ongoing unspoken competition that seems to never die. Hence our current problem. You see, according to the papers and the succession line, Aurora is supposed to be CEO, and Charlisse is supposed to be COO; but one day, a fight erupted, and Charlise was tired of feeling constantly second to Aurora so she demanded that father make her a runner up for CEO as well, and because she is his favorite, father approved. From then on, both were being trained to become CEOs. My father loves good competition and claims that it is always healthy for the best outcome. Only the best of the best wins. When that happened, in a sense, my father expected me to join the competition as well.."
"But you didn't" Tim finished and she nodded.
"I didn't and that angered my father. He said that I lacked character because of how coddled I was by Aurora and Mom and that I truly couldn't do anything worth noticing...that I was too soft for a family like ours. By then, I had been in the middle of middle school...and I sought out to prove him wrong." she continued and Tim nodded.
"So you became the ice queen" he deduced and she nodded.
"yea...it wasn't that hard, I mean coming from a highly rich and highly respected family where your older sisters were known as the social queens placed you in a certain advantage. So I became the Ice Queen. Instead of friendly and warm, serious and cold. People did anything to be in my favor and it began to feel nice"
"Being feared?"
"Being respected. Soon word got to my dad. He finally heard that his daughter had that spark he had been looking for. Everybody bowed down to her, everyone wanted to be around her, and people would do crazy things just to get her favor. It was the first time my father expressed he was proud of me. He had the three queens he needed. Gold, silver, and Ice. It's easy to put that front. If someone disrespected you, they were taken care of; if anyone tried to step out of line, blackmail; if someone wanted to defy the hierarchy, public humiliation; all of the control was in my hands...and I didn't like it but it was the only way to make my father proud. You see, excelling in grades and extracurriculars was the minimum, what matters is how you were. Finally, when I graduated high school, I thought it would be over because in my head a CEO would already be chosen, but their competition got worse. It involved the public eye. Who had the most beautiful wedding, who did the most charity, who spoke the most eloquently, it was a mess and my father wanted me to partake in it. When I expressed that I did not want to form part of this, he got angry for how could I turn my back on my family. And so as punishment, he signed that when he saw fit, I would become the next CMO. In order to do so, I have to be married. I proposed that I would do it, as long as he let me choose my husband and he agreed. That was when I was 18. Four years later, he decides that I have taken too long and strikes up a deal with Mr. Morris, a sick man with a good amount of money that my father can manipulate easily. That brings us to our current situation" she finishes.
Tim stayed quiet for a moment.
"I know how it feels" he finally speaks up. She looks at him and motions for him to proceed.
"There is no better person to sort of understand what you have gone through. I mean, Bruce doesn't actively send us to compete against each other. If he had his way, none of us would have to. You see, we compare ourselves to each other a lot, not just in our everyday lives, but in masks as well. Dick is the first son and first robin. He basically created the thing. Not only that, he has been the only one trusted to don the Batman cowl-"
"I knew it!" she said and Tim looked at her surprised.
"Oh sorry, it's just I knew it. I don't remember how long ago but I do remember being in my room's balcony and seeing Batman and he did NOT look like he did normally. He was leaner and shorter and I remember saying 'Batman looks different today' but I couldn't pin point exactly what it was. Then I told Satine and Clara and they made ME look insane for noticing the difference." she laughed lightly and Tim snorted a laugh. "Anyways, sorry for interrupting, continue," she said and scootched a little closer to him. They were still standing next to one another, but she had slowly gotten closer as he spoke. Looking for warmth or interested, Tim did not know.
"Let's go inside, angel, you will freeze to death here," he said pulling her inside and locking the balcony door. They sat beside each other on one of the sofas of the room and Tim continued what he was saying,
"As I was saying, before you so rudely interrupted me" Yn stuck her tongue out to him and he rolled his eyes at her, "He has basically become the vigilante blueprint for all of us. The Golden Boy Grayson. Good moral, great leader, strong character in a good way. Even with his strong and angsty temperament, which is not fun to deal with by the way, he still manages to be the best of us. Then there's Jason, the fallen and revived Robin, the only one to go the extra mile to do what's right. The one that justifies the means with its end. Once he finally started therapy and began healing, you could see the clear heart of gold that resides in the first place. Then you have the girls, each in their own right is amazing. Barbara's brain and compassion, Cassie's strive to be the best of herself and to bring the best out of us, Stephanie's charm, humor, and pure skill. Then there's Duke, who is I believe the true best of all of us and the most normal. He has a heart that is incomparable and he is never afraid to show it. Finally, there is Damian, who is all skill, mind, and power. Even as young as he is, that boy is one force of nature and he is the only one that is Bruce's biologica child. Not only was he the reason Robin no longer belongs to me but he could be the reason Wayne Enterprises might end for me as well.They are all great each to their own right and own up to it and they all came from some place shitty and grew from it...what's not to envy" Tim finishes.
Yn smiles at him and moves closer to him, laying her head on his shoulders.
"I think there is a lot to envy and admire in Tim Drake as well." she tells him softly
"Yeah?" he smiles looking at her.
"Yeah, I mean, you are the world's greatest detective. Second to only Batman, and some people might say even better. Plus, you also have a heart of gold, Tim. You are quite literally a genius. You, like your siblings, stay up every night to make this mess of a city a better place. You put your life in complete danger to help others. You are just as great to your own right as your siblings. Didn't you tell me you have been quite literally the only person to discover who Batman is and in what age?" she asks
"Age nine" he tells her and her jaw drops
"Holy....Tim, what the fuck? You are amazing!" she says and he just laughs. It felt good to receive some praise.
"Hey, this is the first time I have heard you curse! I am becoming a good influence on you" he points out and she hits his arm lightly
"More like a bad influence" she responds making him laugh harder, "My point is proven even more, Tim. You are brilliant. I'm pretty sure that Batman and Bruce and everyone in your family and team wouldn't be the same without you," she states taking his hand in hers and giving it a light squeeze. He takes his hand off hers and with that same arm, pulls her in for a hug.
"So how come you can see my worth, yet you can't see yours?" he asks her and she shrugs. They move a little and get into a more comfortable position, still cuddling.
"I guess it is difficult to try to have a mind of your own when your family is trying to control every aspect of your life to make it fit their idea of perfect" she says.
"What if that's why your father takes it out on you so much?" he asks and she looks at him curiously,
"Hate what you can't control so much that it becomes obedient against its will," he explains and she whispers lowly, "Might be"
They stay there cuddling for a while until Tim remembers something
"One more question," he says
"You seem to have an endless supply of them but go ahead" she replies
"Hey, I'm a detective, it's part of the job description"
"Ok, detective, what is your big query?"
"What's the big deal of the painting?" he asks and he can feel her tense up in his arms. She stays quiet for some time and Tim begins to panic. "You do not have to answer if you don't want to, angel. I won't push-"
"It's mine," she answers softly, "...when I was a child, my grandmother lived in Florence, Italy. I would stay with her every summer per her request and I loved it," she took a shuddering deep breath and continued, "I was so happy there you know. She would take me to museums, cafes, and road trips. I started to get a fixation on art and she got the best teachers to give me class every summer. From charcoals, to watercolors, to sketching, to symmetry, to abstract, to realism, I learned everything that there was possible to learn...and I loved it! It was my passion and it just so happens I had a really great hand for it. She would host a gala at the end of the summer and showcase my paintings. Most would have been sold by the end of the night. That money would go to a bank account she had for me and told me that I would be able to access it once I graduated from university, as a gift. One summer, I put my heart and soul into this painting. It was one of my favorite trees in my grandmother's estate, a weeping willow. To make it fancier, I titled it in French, Le Saule Pleureur. My grandparents loved it. Everyone loved the painting and wanted to buy it, yet it was the only painting they never sold. Later, that year, I went to the Met Museum and told my grandparents I would love to have my own creation placed there someday. So for my 16th birthday, they surprised me by having that painting placed in the Met. Now every time they would come visit us, they would stay in their apartment in New York and we would go to the Met and pay the painting a visit. None of my family members here knew I could paint, so imagine their surprise when they came with us one time and saw my creation there. It is a sacred painting to me and my father knows that...and now, he just threw it away for the sake of winning this twisted game we are playing..." she said and started to tear up. "...For once in my life, I had a taste of what it felt like to be my own person and have something of my own and he just ripped that away because of his stupid company" she said dejectedly.
"What do you mean?" Tim asked curiously
"My whole life has been controlled by that man. From the moment I was born, I had a role to play. Another perfect daughter to the perfect family of the Vanderbilts who would then go on to become part of the Vanderbilt Hotels company. I wasn't allowed to do certain things, watch certain things, act a certain way, be with certain people, eat certain things, or be anything that did not scream Vanderbilt...the worst part was that no one ever asked what I wanted to be, who I wanted to be...until I came to Florence. Sure, people knew who I was, but no one actually cared? And it was so refreshing to be no one and being no one granted you freedom. Not only that, it was the only place I was asked what I wanted to do, and what did I like. My father has no jurisdiction over my grandparents and it felt great! There I was allowed to be, to feel, to dream, and I noticed, I didn't want what everyone else wanted from me," she said with a soft sigh
"What did you want to be and do?" Tim asked, his tone sincere. He did not know it, but he had been added to the list of Yn's favorite people, because ever since they met, the one thing Tim never stopped doing, was ask about her and try to get to know her and it had nothing to do with the Vanderbilt name. It just had to do with Yn.
"I never wanted the CEO position, or the COO, or the CMO. I wanted to be a painter and open up my own gallery and cafe. I wanted to name it Margaret's" she said smiling.
"Why Margaret's?" Tim asked also smiling. He asked and listened.
"My grandmother's name is Margaret. I wanted to honor her." she answered.
"Why not name it after yourself?" he asked again and she turned to look at him "How so?" she asked.
"Name it something after you, Yn, and celebrate your individuality" he answered and she felt her heart warm up, "You have spent your entire life searching to please everyone else, so why not name it after you?" he asked and she stiffened.
"Oh no no no wait, this is just a dream, Timmy, I can't do that. My father will find a way to disown me or or shut the whole thing down. He is real serious about continuing his legacy...why do you think we are doing this entire thing? I know that the only thing I can escape is this marriage, not the life," she said dejectedly. Tim stayed quiet for a second. Even if sometimes he and his siblings hated their situation, they could recognize that they had some freedom. They had chosen this life as vigilantes, and Bruce had always given them the chance to do whatever they pleased with their civilian lives. They had always had a choice, weather its was continue or not, they had a choice. They would support each other no matter what.
"you know….you are passionate, you are kind, you are beautiful, you are intelligent, resourceful, you are unique, unlike your sisters, you were able to break free from that chain of control, Yn, you are someone worth seeing.……and I see you," Tim said.
“Thank you, Timmy,” she said looking up at him as he hugged her tighter, "And most importantly, you will be free from all of this. I don't know how we are doing it, but this small heist of ours just raised the stakes." he told her.
"what do you have in mind?" she asked curious to see where this is going.
"Not only are we going to set you free from this damn arranged marriage, but we are setting you free period. And I’m introducing you to a whole new world," he said standing up and pulling her with him, "Miss Y/n Vanderbilt, I am about to become the worst influence in your life and introducing you to all the things your father forbade" he finished mimicking a British accent her giggle.
"Where are we going, Mister Drake Wayne?" she asked mimicking the way of speaking of a period drama".
"Have you ever been to Batburger, my lady" he asked making a curtsy
"I have not, kind sir" she said doing a curtsy of her own
"Well, you are in luck, because tonight's most refined dinner is there, cause I can assure you those small ass portions of tonight's dinner did absolutely nothing to my stomach. I feel famished." he said making her laughs and nodd in agreance. They were nearing the door but before they went out, Yn pulled Tim's hand and stopped him.
"Wait...Tim" she said and he turned to look back at her, raising an eyebrow," I also see you….just wanted you to know that" she said sweety and Tim smiled.
"Thank you, angel, that means a lot" he said, placing a kiss on her forehead and pulling her along.
They ran out of the room, holding hands, laughing loudly. They kept on running, with Yn leading the way to the nearest exit. They would shush each other trying to not get caught and finally went out the back door, smiling really bright.
Watching their exit from above a few stairs were Yn's mother and Aurora.
"Should we say something?" asked Aurora, who was worried for her younger sister. "No," said their mother, "Yn deserves this. If your father has a problem with it, he will come to me," she said and both women smiled at each other. They approved of Tim for Yn.
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ohno-the-sun · 2 months
Ough scene from Under the Surface that I really liked but unfortunately had to cut
I'll put it here though in case others want to read
We swam through the dense kelp that covered the sea floor. 
I always liked this area, small snails stuck to the leaves like sticky sea foam. 
They were easy to pick at and snack on when bored. 
I pulled one off now, shoving a sharp thumb into the side of the shell a decent opening presented itself. 
I stuck my tongue inside to slurp up the goodies. 
Sun finally caught up to me.
He was doing a twisty motion in the water this time, turning his tail side to side instead of up and down. 
I told him to stop bending his tail at the middle like he always did, and he took that to stop bending his tail altogether. 
I was getting kind of sick of the guy so I neglected correcting him.
And also cause he looked kind of hilarious doing that. 
He twisted along the seafloor, pulling himself up like some hapless slug. 
‘And– what– was the point– of bringing me– all the way out here?’
He punctuated each thought with a movement, leaving a zig zagging trail behind him as he pulled himself along the seafloor.
I snorted. 
At least he was building tail muscle. 
‘I’m hungry. Taking a break.’
I bit down on the hard shell, cracking off another small piece of the calcium carbonate. 
It allowed me to stick my tongue in further. Don’t want to let any of this to go to waste. 
There was a strange gagging sound reverberating through the water. 
Looking over at Sun, he looked like he’d just swallowed something sour, eyes fixed on the snail. 
‘You want some?’
He smiled politely.
‘No thanks I’m good.’
I shrugged and went back to my pickings. 
Thankfully there was still a decent amount of kelp snails around here. 
I was getting a little tired of rockfish, and even they hadn’t been showing up as often. 
Sun sat on the sea floor, choosing a leaf to stare and pick at as it swayed with the waves. 
I watched as he examined his tail. He did that often, staring at the twisting yellow and red striped pattern with such unease. 
To be honest it pissed me off a little. 
‘Why do you do that?’
He looked up at me.
‘Do what?’
I stopped my swimming, allowing myself to sink to the seafloor. 
‘Why do you look like you’re looking at a monkfish? It’s just your tail.’
The ends of his mouth tipped down into his neck. 
‘What do you mean by that? I’m just– looking.’
He glanced away. 
He tended to do that when he was lying. 
‘You don’t like sirens do you?’ 
I slithered closer to him, angling my body to encircle him like a stuck fish. 
His face twisted into that same expression, disgust, horror, fear–
To his credit he covered it up quickly. 
‘I can’t not like sirens, I mean I’m one– and so are you.’
He still wasn’t meeting my eyes. 
Something unsettled sat in my gut. 
Sun had suggested we go above water again today
Familiar sourness built in the back of my throat. 
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wrathofrats · 4 months
Day 19: confessions - mist and aether talking about dews transition. Aether thinks she hates him, she doesn’t, and they talk about their feelings
It helps to read this piece and some of the stuff in #wrath’s ghost lore before hand, but it’s not necessary. Just know aether did dews transition.
Thank you to @forlorn-crows as always for this month <3
Warnings for small talks of mortality, it’s kinda angsty but I made it better so.
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“How did you-“
“Dewdrop” aether interrupted.
Mist sat under one of the old concrete arches that decorated the back of an abandoned chapel. One of the little ones that primo had used before the clergy grew out of it. Let sit to gather vines and moss. Leaves decorated the pillars, the walkway was full of cracks and so overgrown that it was almost hard to follow.
There was a sense of tranquility in the chaos. The fresh smell of plants and old water that had seeped into the grooves of the concrete made mist feel at ease, nothing to order her around, nothing to remind her of the strict order she was to follow when in front of the other siblings.
“He’s such a snitch” mist snorted. She patted the ground next to her, motioning for aether to join her.
“He told me what happened” aether sighed, leaning back against the structure. He jumped slightly at the cool feeling on his back, before settling in completely.
“How much?”
“Said you went off on him. That you were upset he actually changed his element”
Mist cringed. She brought her knees tight to her chest as dewdrops jacket now felt shameful around her shoulders. Part of her almost wanted to just get up and walk away to avoid the confrontation. She knew dew probably told aether what she said about him, that she had partially blamed him. Words spat in the heat of the moment begging dew just to look at her.
“He told me what you said”
“I’m sure aethers real pleased with his work this time” mist bit
“If omega of all ghouls can fuck up did you really expect me to trust aether?”
“Aether I-“ mist choked. She cringed remembering her own words, bitter tasting in her mouth now that the target of her anger sat next to her.
“Don’t, I understand why you’re upset,” he sighed. The air felt thick around them, a heavy cold that encapsulated them both as the sun went down.
“Yeah but I’m not upset with you”
Mist doesn’t know who she’s upset with if she’s being honest. Maybe herself for feeling betrayed even if dew didn’t pick pride over an animalistic fate like she did. Maybe papa for letting her choose her own reality of not transitioning. Maybe whatever sick divine being cursed them to be like this. None of her feelings seem correct. She couldn’t pick an answer on what’s appropriate to feel about this even if she tried.
“No one seems to be. I kinda hoped you were the one to actually see through this bullshit " Aether threw his head back to rest against the wall, staring up at the dark patches of algae on the top of the arch.
“What do you mean? No one should be mad at you aeth”
“I did that to him, I ruined him”
“You saved him.” Mist turned to face him, a concerned look on her face. A gust of wind cut against the tears in her eyes, making her realize that she had once again started crying.
“He’s not himself anymore mist, so does it even matter?”
Aether sighed, chewing his lip in frustration. The lingering light of the sunset cast a cold shadow on him making him shiver as he moved to stand up.
“He’s more himself than he ever was” mist practically whispered. She gave him a pleading look, motioning him to continue to sit with her.
“He won’t even look at you mist”
“But that’s always been dew. He’s had a fiery personality since he was summoned. I could’ve used his favorite cup and he would’ve ignored me for hours over it”
Aether stopped to stare at her, a puzzled look in his eye.
“I would give anything for him to just talk to me, but that’s my fault anyways. He’s always been a volatile bundle of emotions, it’s just fitting he now has the element to match” she laughed.
There was a rare crack in her pride that made her feel solemn. Asking if she herself made the right decision to stay a water ghoul. The choice between staying true to herself and succumbing to a natural fate or potentially becoming a botched version of herself that was barely mist anymore.
Dew was thriving. He had his scars and sudden outbursts that weren’t exactly there before, but he was happy, and that’s all mist needed to care about.
“I just don’t think I’ll ever forgive myself” aether mumbled, sitting closer to mist while she wrapped the small jacket around his shoulders.
“You will. One day you’ll see how bright his smile has gotten and you’ll realize it was worth it.”
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arcticwolfpaws · 18 days
Chapter 8: School Daze
I have some news! after September my first post in October is going to be a new story based around The young justice
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As is going to be normal link to the Ao3 fic
I took a deep breath, as I stepped out of the class room I was waiting to be grabbed by the boy I broke the nose of however instead I found Tom waiting for me.
“Hey, Faraj!” He chirped walking up to me, I waved not really sure what to make of him being there.
“Oh.. ummm hi I guess.” I mumbled he smiled brightly at me before he spoke again,
“How did you sleep?” He asked, I gave him a small smile and he kept talking after I didn’t respond,
“Yeah I kind of thought you were on the shy side, I mean you’ve been here a few months and I haven’t seen you spend a long amount of time with anyone person.” He stated and I spotted Jason, he seemed to be watching us, he wasn’t joking about keeping an eye one me due to thinking I was up to something,
“Hey… umm tom?” I started and he was quick to correct me,
“Tim, it’s Tim. Oh and quick tip at a Gala or something and you can’t remember someone’s name avoid trying to use there name.” He chirped I paused and looked at him confused and startled, he just smiled at me before speaking.
“Where did that come from?” He gave me a soft smile at my question,
“Oh, After the Gala I watched your interview and you just called me Tom but Your dad said that you were knew to the hole life style, I’m sure being a Wayne child you’ve got some kind of etiquette tutor but I thought you might like the tip I’m sure you’ll be drug to all sorts of parties.” He put his hands behind his head
“Actually, Dad made a comment that I wasn’t going to be going to a bunch of parties as I need my rest and the lights might be to bright for me.” I told him, I mumbled something and the only reason I missed it was a sudden sharp noise that left me momentarily disoriented. It left me deaf for a moment as Tim pulled me along to the cafeteria. When my ears started working again the noise of everyone talking had me covering my ears,
“Whoa, hey are you okay?” I shook my head no and Tim drug me back out of the room and to the bathroom, I could think there and I sat on the floor under the sink, in a corner as I calmed down my head between me knees.
“You can go eat.” I told him but he shook his head,
“Not happening, we’re friends and friends don’t leave friends to get picked on in the bathroom, I snorted and but jumped as the bathroom door was aggressively thrown open, my head slapped the under side of the sink, I whined and grabbed my head,
“Why aren’t you a-” Jason cut himself off as he spotted me and Tim, he sighed heavily before sitting down with us.
“Alright what’s going on… besides him hitting his head.” He asked looking more to Tim then myself, I was fine with that as I was far to busy holding my head.
“I’m not sure the bell went off he seemed off balance after that and it got even worse when I got him to the cafeteria.” Tim stated, I really couldn’t explain if I did they’d know I was meta and I had heard what father had thought of them… of me.
“Faraj?” he asked and I hesitated, I didn’t know what to say but Tim spoke again,
“He was holding his ears.” I heard Jason sigh heavily before he moved.
“Stay here.” He stated pointedly as he walked off not slamming the door open this time, I glanced at Tim and he seemed just as confused as I was.
“What do you think he’s doing?” He asked softly and I shrugged,
“If I’m being honest I was convinced that he didn’t like me.” I told Tim I knew he didn’t trust me but I wasn’t expecting him to help me with something, when he came back he had something in his hand.
“When We get home I’ll talk to Dad, about getting you some kind of pass so the school doesn’t get bitchy about this.” He knelt next to me and held his hand out palm down, I slowly reached out and let him drop it in my hand, I quickly realized that they were ear plugs.
“I noticed you didn’t handle the bell before but I never thought it was this bad.” He stated end got up,
“Get something to eat both of you.” He stated pointedly, I quickly put the ear plugs in and Tim Glanced at me,
“Do you know sing language?” He asked and I nodded.
“Yeah why?”
“So, We can talk.” He chirped, Right he couldn’t know that I could hear him just fine. We got lunch and while still obnoxiously loud, the cafeteria was tolerable now. I sat with Tim and Bernard. Tim explained what happened and the two of them started talking in sign, it felt odd why were they doing this? They barely knew me there was no point in this and yet… here they where. It reminded me of Roy when we met he always spoke quietly for me.
“I know this might be a bit of a dumb question but, who are the worst of the worst that the batman deals with?” I asked and they both seemed to be completely invested in telling me all about the joker, killer crock and a victor zsasz before getting into an heated discussion on weather or not someone called two face was, the came to the likely hood that yes he was, they then add… a bird? I really wasn’t sure what a penguin had anything to do with crime and someone called black mask.
As we were walking to our next class we were stopped, Tim looked unnerved but I simply frowned at the bi-
“Mr Wayne.” He tone was sharp and angry, she eyed me for a moment while I racked my brain as to what I might have done to anger her.
“You are not permitted to have ear plugs, during school hours.” she stated firmly, and held out her hand to me as if expecting me to give her something, it took me a moment to realize that she wanted.
“If you’re suggesting that I give you the ear plugs that my brother has given me then I will remind you that, taking something unwillfully is a crime and I will not have my brother’s items stolen from me.” I stated pointedly she looked like she wanted to ring my neck but I stayed calm giving her a flat look.
“As a teacher I am allowed to confiscate anything I see fit.” I had to bite back a comment about her age and likely sight poorer then my own,
“Yes but I am not willing to hand it over and that would make it theft.” I pointed out and began to walk away only to have her grab me, I had to fight my muscle memory, to not throw her over my shoulder and pin her to the floor, however she practically ripped the ear plug out of my ear before grabbing the other one and storming off before I had time to recover from the sudden shock of volume.
“Are you okay?” Tim asked putting his hand on my shoulder, I took a deep breathe before nodded,
“I’ll be alright… mostly.” I muttered the last part I sighed as we kept walking,
“Mostly?” He asked, tilting his head as we walked to our classes they were close to one another something that I was starting to think wasn’t that bad.
“Well… honestly? That was the first nice thing that Jason has done.” I stated and my eyes looked down before sighing,
“When it comes to miss Drees, I don’t think anyone can fault you for that.” He stated and I shook my head not sure that I could get away with that.
“I don’t know… Jason has never really seemed to like me.” I told him and Tim frowned before sighing,
“Sorry man… hey this is my class let’s talk later,” he stated before walking off and I sighed and walked the rest of the way to my class.
I didn’t bump into Tim again, instead after classes I was cornered by a pair of 4 older boys. Why did I have a very bad feeling about this,
“I… umm How can I hel-” I squeaked as two of them picked me up, Do I fight back? No probably not that might cause problems, as I was lifted I noticed one of the boys had a bandied over the bridge of his noise and a cast on his wrist. Oh…. This was some kind of revenge wasn’t it?
“Shit…” I grumbled as I struggled kicking my legs and trying to pull my hands free, How problematic is this going to be? I wondered as I struggled and kicked, as I was carried to the side of the school. Do I yell? I’ve never had to worry about this, Normally I just fight off any attackers,
“Are you going to say anything or ju-” I was suddenly dropped but I had fallen more then I should have and when I stopped I landed hard my head slapping against the ground and I heard what sounded like a crunch, I froze but the only thing that hurt was my head, so slowly I sat up my head spinning as the one boy yelled.
“Let’s see if the Killer crock likes whine kids.” The one boy snapped before his buddies closed the man whole locking me in darkness while feeling light headed.
“Fuck me.” I hissed and searched for my glasses in the darkness ignoring the wet feeling that was dripping down the side of my head, I frowned as I got my glasses an arm had been broken off,
“Should have kicked there asses.” I grumbled, before slowly getting up making my head throb and forcing me to take a wide stance to avoid wobbling. I let out a squeak allowing me to ‘see’ a decently large hall empty of anything and completely closed off…
“Well, If I stay here I’ll starve guess I have to look for some kind of storm drain or something.” I mumbled shaking my head. Oh… oh I should not have done that, I rubbed my head as I walked letting out small squeaks to ‘see’ through the darkness. I walked until I heard a low rumble, I only paused for a moment not wanting to give what ever it was the chance to realize I knew it was there. Please, please, please don’t be some kind of sewer cat. I mentally begged before a low but shockingly gentle voice spoke,
“You’re bleeding.” I spun to face the voice but stumbled due to my head throbbing, there was a low growl before it spoke again the voice still low but just as kind.
“What happened?” A large hand gentle steadied me, it felt rough like it was covered in callouses. I hesitated for a moment before speaking softly, suddenly feeling strangely shy.
“I umm brought it on myself.” I mumbled but he growled lowly,
“I doubt that.” he gently started nudging me in one direction making sure that he didn’t push to hard and make me fall.
“No one need thrown in the sewers with me.” I paused for a moment realizing who I was talking to but I let him lead me, even as my hear began to pound in my chest.
“Y-you don’t seem that bad,” He snorted as he kept pushing me along, We came to a dimly light room but with out my glasses I couldn’t make much more then the orange light out. He sat me down on what felt like a broken chair and moved my hair away from the wound.
“Are… Are you Waylon Jones?” I asked and there was a deep growl however I was starting to doubt it was an actual growl.
“You going to tell me what happened?” He asked I frowned and thought for a moment.
“I’ll tell you if you tell me.” He huffed before letting out a low chuckle, I heard water drop to the concrete at an irregular pattern.
“Alright kid you have yourself a deal.” he stated as he pressed something cold to my head.
“Before spring break… I was with someone… I think they had kept me drugged with something a lot of stuff is fuzzy, but I broke someone’s nose and wrist. They threw me down here as some kind of revenge.” He paused for a moment taking the cold cloth away.
“Why didn’t you fight them off this time?” He asked and I shrugged,
“It’s…. Well… the man that took me in seems very nice, Dna test says he’s my father but… I don’t want to cause trouble and the other kid he has seems to dislike me on some level, so I was just wanting to keep my head down, Honestly I was hoping they would just I don’t know kick me a few times and leave it at that not drop me down a man hole.” he paused for a moment letting out a low growl for a second before he spoke,
“Yes I’m Waylon Jones. And you should have fought. Your safety is worth more then some rich assholes image.” I blinked, I was about to ask how he knew my father was rich but then again I was in a likely dirty now school uniform. I felt him press something to my skin that stuck there and when I reached up to touch it he grabbed my hand.
“Leave it alone.” I slowly put my hand down, I kinda liked this guy.
“You’re nice.” I stated and all sounds of movement stopped I could still hear his heart beat but didn’t say anything.
“Watch it or I’ll eat you.” He growled and I hummed,
“On the contrary I don’t think you will despite the nickname.” I stated and he growled lowly I stood up pulling my broken glasses out, I could see were the croc part of the nickname came from.
“How about I bring you a sandwich or something tomorrow?” I offered and he snapped his jaws at me like he thought it would scare me but I just tilted my head that caused my glasses to fall off.
“Shit.” I mumbled and squeaked to find them but instead found a large hand reaching out to them,
“Fine, but don’t get yourself in trouble on my behave.” He stated handing me my glasses back I smiled at him as I took them.
“Alright!” I chirped. He lead me to another man hole pushing it open with ease the light was blinding but I had dropped my bag in the struggle and didn’t have my sun glasses.
“Whe-” He cut me off as he picked me up lifting me as high as he could.
“Next to G.C.P.D, Go inside and Ask for Jim Gordon.” He stated as I grabbed the ledge and pulled myself up, I knew that name wait from where? I turned back only to realize the noise of the near by cars had hidden the sound of the man hole closing.
“Thanks.” I mumbled anyway, as I stumbled a little to find the door, I walked in and a woman spoke sounding bored,
“Look kid we don...” She trailed off. I think the lights in here were worse then outside as I had to close my eyes, Gotham’s cloudy day had certainly helped while I was outside.
“Can I tal-” She cut me off, great was everyone just going to be rude today? Honestly I didn’t feel like dealing with this shit,
“Jim? I the uhh Wayne boy he…” I knew that I wasn’t supposed to hear the other side especially from the door.
“Yes, Yes I know he’s missing Mr Wayne was quite upset and I have several men who’s only job right now is to find him.” I knew that voice it was the same one form the Gala, I perked up.
“Yes I know but he just walked in…”
“He What? Why didn’t you say that sooner send him up here this instant.”
“Yes sir I’ll bring him up right now.” I was sure he turned his attention to me, and I heard her heels click on the tiles, I winced at the sound.
“Come on sweet heart.” she said gently and I felt her grab my hand and gently pull me along, I followed her she walked slowly for me but I couldn’t see due to the lights, I tripped on some kind of rise and the woman spoke.
“Didn’t you see the step dear?” she asked me helping hold me upright. I shook my head shaking my glasses off and she picked up that too before.
“It’s to bright hurts my eyes.” She paused as she placed my glasses on my face before speaking again.
“Alright well we’re about to go up some stairs.” she warned and I nodded like it wasn’t the most obvious thing in the world seeing as I tripped on them, as we walked up them she was moving frustratingly slowly but once we walked down a hall and a door opened the I could instantly tell the room was much darker, I blinked open my eyes and saw Mr Gordon. He looked upset, Was it something I had done? Was he mad at me?
“What happened son?” He asked gently, as he walked up as He walked up I looked up causing me to realized that the main light in the room was shut off.
“Oh… some of the kids tried to feed me to Killer croc… It didn’t work.” I stated and the mans frowned deepened, I guess that was better then telling him that I liked Croc.
“I called your father, He’s on the way and I’ll be talking to him about pressing charges.” He stated firmly.
Bat files
Name: Waylon Jones
Age: 25
Waylon is troubled, But I also know him well enough to not see his as a threat, mostly he's just trying to survive and it's not uncommon to see him in under ground fighting rings however if he sees a child in danger he's made it a point to help them or ask me for help. I wasn't sure about this the first time he did it however it's become a pattern so despite what school children around Gotham think the sewers are a death sentence it's likely one of the safer places to be, the biggest risk is getting lost
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ominous-auburn-orbs · 10 months
What if Caine gives Kinger a really cool bug and then Kinger gives him a little kiss
Of course! Tis a classic scenario with this ship.
Caine was listening to Kinger ramble about insects again. He was always amazed by the other's extensive and impressive knowledge. Although, he always felt a pang of sympathy every time he remembered that there were no insects in the circus. Nothing in the code detailed any creatures at all, save for NPCs and the players.
"-and that's how they all evolved to look like their environment!" Caine was drawn back into the conversation- mostly one-way, but he didn't mind- by Kinger finishing his infodump. He felt a bit guilty about losing focus, despite how much he loved the sound of Kinger's voice, especially when he was this happy.
"That's incredibly fascinating, Kinger! I'm impressed with how you're able to retain so much information about these insect collections." Of course, retaining and retelling information was the easiest thing for an AI like Caine. Everything was in his memory and remained there, never changing. Yet he knew how difficult it was for humans to do the same.
"Why, thank you, Caine. I don't remember a lot about anything anymore, to be honest. It would probably be a bit easier to get my details in order if there were any actual insect collections here, heh." Kinger tried to keep the disappointed tone out of his voice. He didn't want to make Caine feel guilty about it or anything, it's not like it was his fault. The circus just didn't have any use for insects. So there were none.
The ringmaster didn't want Kinger to be left wanting. He had to do something about it. The chess piece almost never outwardly complained about anything, which was a large contrast from the rest of the troop, but Caine knew he was unsatisfied. He might not be able to give him, or anyone for that matter, the one thing they truly wanted, but he could always try the next best thing.
"Wait here for a moment, my dear! I believe I can procure something that'll fix all of your worries." Caine clicked his fingers and teleported away to a vast area that stored the game's code. It was akin to the void, save he actually knew what was here. As he started looking for the right strings of binary and words, it hit him that his task may take a bit longer than anticipated.
He clicked his fingers again and appeared in front of Kinger once more. "Perhaps you should just go about your day instead, my dear. I'll fetch you when I'm done."
Kinger was rather confused about what Caine was talking about, but his warm smile assured him that it was nothing bad. "Alright, Caine. I'll just be in my room, if you want to get me." He affectionately petted the ringmaster's head before leaving. It left a pleasantly warm feeling in Caine's chest, serving as a reminder as to why he would go through this struggle for him. It's not like he wouldn't do something like this for any of his performers, but Kinger was always a special case.
Going back to the coding room, Caine set to work. He went primarily off of what Kinger had told him, although he did have to do some research for the finer details. Once he had finished the model, he began to code its mannerisms. He was rather thankful that he had realised earlier on how long it would take. Kinger probably would've stayed standing there for hours on end. The thought did bring a smile to his face, since he would definitely do the same.
Finally, the bug was finished. It was a brightly coloured caterpillar and was wrapped around Caine's hand. Its smiling face and clown-like shoes were probably inaccurate to what Kinger was used to, but it did fit the circus' environment better. He had even made a small enclosure for the bug, with everything it would need to survive and thrive. The hardest part was definitely giving it the correct life cycle. It would never die, obviously, but it would one day have to become a butterfly. Caine could already picture Kinger's excitement when it would emerge from its chrysalis. But he was getting far too ahead of himself. The first step was to deliver it.
Gently lowering the caterpillar into its enclosure, he tucked it under his arm and clicked his fingers, going back to the circus tent. He shifted the enclosure to be held behind his back and floated down the nearby corridor to Kinger's room.
When he reached the chess piece's door, Caine knocked a rhythmic tempo before returning his hand to its spot behind him. After about a minute of waiting, the door opened a crack. A large blue eye stared out at him. Caine was mesmorised by it for a moment before remembering what he was supposed to be doing.
"Kinger, my dear, I've brought you something! May I come in?" The door opened fully and Kinger gestured for him to enter.
"Oh, you really didn't have to. You know I don't need anything from you, except you yourself." His eyes did their best to show his loving smile, which Caine returned.
"But I wanted to make this for you." Holding the enclosure out in front of him, Caine heard Kinger let out a quiet gasp. "I know how much you love your insects, so I thought I'd make one for you. It's admittedly not a collection, but it can become one! If you want it to, that is."
Kinger crouched down to be eye level with the rectangular box. The colourful caterpillar crawled out from a pile of twigs and leaves, smiling at him. "Oh my God... thank you, Caine. It- it's beautiful."
The chess piece wiped at his eyes to remove the brewing tears. Caine had coded in an entire insect, which the circus wasn't even meant to have in the first place. No wonder he had been gone so long. Kinger was amazed at how much effort the ringmaster would put in just to make him happy.
"You're more than welcome, my love. It was my pleasure." He handed the enclosure to Kinger, who took it inside his fortress and sat it down on a table within, before re-emerging back in front of Caine.
Caine floated up to Kinger's level. The chess piece cupped Caine's face with his hand, staring into his eyes, unsure of how to word how grateful he was. Instead, he chose to pull the ringmaster closer, pressing their faces together for a short while before pulling away. He could hear prolonged glitching noises omitting from Caine while his face overheated, making him giggle.
"Come on, let's see what the caterpillar's doing." Caine let out a noise of agreement that was somewhere between a laugh and a panting exhale. The two went inside the fortress and sat on the floor in front of the table that held up the enclosure, watching the caterpillar wander its surroundings. Who knows how long they sat there, but neither cared. They were happy in each other's presence, and that was all they needed.
"So, do you want to name it something?" Caine's question surprised Kinger, making him yelp. Regaining his composure, the chess piece hummed in thought, inspecting the bug before him.
"Hmm... Jerome." He nodded after he said it, confirming that it sounded right to him.
"Jerome?" A hint of laughter found its way into Caine's voice. That hadn't been quite what he was expecting.
"What? Is it not a good name?"
"Oh no, it's a lovely name!" The ringmaster rested his head on Kinger's shoulder. "Its name shall be Jerome."
Kinger put his hand on Caine's shoulder and rubbed gently. Despite his lack of a mouth, his cheeks still felt phantom pain from his smiling.
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anteroom-of-death · 7 months
Teacher's Pet part 13
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Synopsis: After exams, the two meet up. Is it a simple meeting? Or does it develop the game further...
A/n: smut, domestics and more, and oohh look the Doctor falls even darker down. And look at me, 3 fics in a week. We're so back baby. Thanks to you all. Now I go deal with my migraine!
As he stargazed on his walk home, the Doctor had a lot to assess. As far as little tests went, this was a success. Missy’s presence and nature was a good metric for physical responses to real danger. His little fawn passed with flying colors!
Her mind surged with chemicals in a way that was palpable. Her body flooded itself with just enough hormones to shrink itself to deferment. Her heart raced like a small prey animal being hunted for sport. It was a good sign.
He felt insane. What had he come to? Was this his plan to groom a companion he held in his past, before Rose? Or was this a new game for him to play?
He felt high. Was this how Missy always felt in her amoral schemes? No wonder she always pulling these acts…
It felt wonderful, in a sick way.
How much could he push this all and stay the Doctor?
He felt like he needed to go join her for that night cap she mentioned. Not that he could particularly get drunk of whatever liquor he would consume, but off her mere presence!
Anything physical would just be an added benefit…
He did go into her mind, she was planning on telling him about her profession. She just didn’t know the correct way. Or that he already knew. Her mind was a fascinating place to rest in.
He was going to hold her to his promise of not letting any boogie-men come for her, or chance at changing this body. Or take her off planet. He respected her for not wanting to risk her young-ish life.
He felt it on an egotistical level.
He reflected on those past companion he did take to bed. There had to be a common thread between them! What pushed a person from ‘traveling companion-familial bond’ to ‘romance and sensuality’? What traits was he drawn to? It had to be some link across regeneration.
He further anthologized and went to pathological levels.
He couldn’t find a true common thread.
This all drove him insane.
He looked to the stars. He could name all of them, and when he saved them and their planets. He could see everything so clearly.
Except this pattern.
Part of him wondered if past incarnations of Missy were correct…he had been spending too much time amongst the human race. He was acting and living and rewarding himself like one.
A God Walking With Apes.
He deserve to be punished as much as rewarded. He knew that much.
But alas, he was taking his reward. And his rest. Sweetly.
The Doctor was owed that much.
He went back to his office and busied himself with the starts of exams. He infinitely preferred the paper exam. Kept students more honest. Kept them more creative.
Oh, sweet irony.
Soon the days of exams came. And he promised (y/n) after a drink. At hers. They’d not seen much of each other with all the fuss and confusion of the time.
It was all arranged.
The wolf to devour the fawn. Again.
And he would.
He met her at the front door of her flat, with a bundle of flowers. And a note scrawled, ‘You survived.’ She took them and inhaled. Her smile widened. There was something hiding in it. Something that he’d like to uncover very much.
Despite the dedication he’d put into knowing her mind, the specialties of her neurology left him often scrambling for control. Maybe the human race in some swathes of the population developed a small evolutionary protection against higher beings with advanced psychic abilities, but of course viewed it as disability.
She welcomed him to her flat. It was a bit cramped, and recently looked like it had be purged and deep cleansed. She was obviously trying to make the best impression.
She took his coat and laid it on her chair as she ushered him to her small corner of kitchen.
As she went to the cupboard to get some glasses, she pointed to her fridge.
“I have wine, tea, vodka, arak, rum. A bit of Jameson left. I’m not an alcoholic, I swear.” She stopped listing.
“I’ll take the Jameson.” He figured the whiskey would be a good choice. Matched his current body.
“Yeah, cool.” She got a wine glass out and an Ikea tumbler from her cupboards. After she poured the wine and got out the Jameson.
“Neat or on the rocks?” She called over.
“Cool, cool.” She replied, echoing the previous reply…
She also got a vase and poured in some water and jammed the flowers in. It was placed on the table.
“Thanks!” She smiled.
She took a large sip of her nearly-full glass.
“Okay, so, first things first. I’m sorry…yeah. I am…uh…a sex worker. I work in the local brothel. I get tested every three weeks. I’m clean. Yeah, no needs to worry for you. If you can or can’t get diseases. I don’t know.” She confessed and looked down, rubbing the stem of her glass with her thumb and index finger.
“Next, I think…I’m actually in love with you?” She said. “I’m not going to quit the job yet. I need money, and…things are getting so pricey these days…it’s easy-ish money. It allows me flexibility for school. Yeah.” She nodded her head some more. Unable to make eye-contact.
“Lastly, I’m fine with the everything.” She flapped a hand out and pointed broadly. “Yeah, I never thought life…would go this way…aliens are real. I’m with one romantically. And I can work on the incredulity bit. I’m very flexible…yeah…” She nodded her head.
Now this was interesting! A declaration of love and her baring her soul.
He already knew, but opted out of telling her. It would clash with his byline.
Honesty created more secrets…
He cradled her hand in his. “It’s all well and good. We all have our lives. I travel in space and time, tinkering. You, escorting.”
She flushed deeply, he could feel her pulse racing through his hand.
Her face went through an array of emotions before settling on confusion and hope.
Very good.
“I was so worried, what with the stigma, especially after Missy and you talked about your species.” Her other hand curled onto her chest over her heart. “Google isn’t exactly awash with…you know…advice. And I don’t have particularly a group of girlfriends to ask anymore….mnnn.” She smacked her lips together and bit a small piece of dry, scabbed over skin off. It let out the smallest price of blood.
“I’ve put you in an impossible situation.”
She pursed her lips together and sucked in a bit of air. “Yes, you have.” She ended it with a small laugh.
“Just don’t get me killed like the others…” She pleaded in a serious tone.
“Yes, I’ll try.”
She smiled.
“Any plans for the summer?” She did a one shouldered-shrug.
“Probably London for UNIT. Get Nardole to guard the mad lady. I was thinking of taking my TARDIS. But she has a mind of her own. She might drag me off planet…if you want, when you want. I’ll call a car. I’ll hold myself to that promise for you.” He levied.
“Yeah, I’d like that. I miss Petronella.” She blinked.
“Don’t…not go off planet for me. I’ll be good here. Just work and all. Preparing for next term…” She smiled and offered the metaphorical olive branch. “You are from there.” She pointed skyward. “It’d be cruel of me to tie you down.”
“I’m semi-retired.” He reassured her. Then he shifted the frame. “And you? What about you? You deserve a bit of a trip. Where could you go off. The kids love Ibiza! I could use some of that useless money I’ve been-“ He was cut off.
“No, don’t. That makes things between us…tricky. Trickier than now.” She took her free hand and placed it on top of the hand that kept her other hand clasped. “You’re my boyfriend. Question mark. Not my sugar daddy. I’d get a sugar daddy if I wanted one.”
“I have no doubt.”
“Yeah.” The singular word came out of her mouth with an air of authority and behest. Her brows shot up, upper lip on a curve.
“Are you going to the big end-of-terms party that the student union is hosting?” The Doctor probed. “I’ve been asked to play guitar!”
“No, I got to work. I didn’t take that shift week before last. I’m…behind on my finances. I’ve taken up a longer shift next week.” She untangled their hands and pointed at a cork board across the way over her desk. “Bills don’t stop because my boyfriend takes me to London.” She scratched her brow with her ring finger.
“That dress and those shoes were…out of budget.” She rested her chin on her now propped-up palms.
She was always in motion even when she wasn’t.
He felt that on a deeper level.
How alike they has been in regards to that! Maybe it was fate. Maybe it was the universe giving him a gift as his reward for countless times saved.
He felt himself believe.
“I do want to hear you play guitar.” She postured and let out a little hitched huff of air.
“Want me to whip up something? Do you want to go out? I can order takeaway too. I should have planned this drink better.” She took a large sip of her wine. “I’m sorry, I’m not used to…entertaining people at home.”
Her eyes got very large, “I think outside of the landlady once, this is the first time anyone’s been here besides me since I moved in…wow.” She fluttered her lashes in a quick, palpable realization.
“I have an air fryer!” She bragged. “Horrible noises, but it makes good food.” She enticed.
“I once made a silent pen for Ibn Rushd. He hated the noise of all writing tools he had. Your air fryer should be a piece of cake!” He got up and started towards it.
“Wait until dinners done.” She said opening up some frozen bags and dumping them in.
She also got out a cast-iron skillet, and began making something in there, delicate chopping and spicing.
“Hey, could you like…heat up the pitas, they’re in the bread box. I usually just toss them in the oven for 5 minutes both sides.”
The Doctor did one better. He used a heating system he pulled from his jacket.
“I can help serve.” He offered.
“Plates are…there.” She pointed as she pulled out the air fryer drawer and tossed it in the pan.
He set the perfect table, all arranged around the flowers he gave her.
He had repeatedly told many before her that he didn’t do domestic. Alas, he was here playing house, assisting in the dinner. Setting the table…
She unceremoniously dumped out.
“I’m no chef. But it’ll taste good. And sustain life.”
“All that matters!” He grinned up at her.
It was a great meal, the Doctor mused. Very good measure of spices and ingredients.
Clean up was her (also unceremoniously…) dumping them in the sink.
“So, dear Professor Doctor. How else will we celebrate.” She sat down in a comfy, squashed chair and tapped beside her on the small chair that faced her. He followed.
“Well, ideas!” He swirled his hands around.
“Ideas.” He mused.
A very human idea came.
He sprung up and kissed her on her neck. He grasped her waist and started to drag her against the side of the chair.
“A good idea?” He pulled back.
“Doctor’s orders.” She quipped as her heart accelerated and she looked at him, her (insert your eye color here, dear reader.) shining with eagerness.
She started trying to rip off his clothes. Kissing his nose and trying to motion both of them to the bed at the other side of the flat.
The mess of limbs found themselves there as they removed clothes and shifted over to the bed.
The tactile nature of this was how he learned that this was the first time she’d had anyone in this particular bed. This was special. It was her sacred space. Her safe place to sleep.
This felt delicious and perverted. He was furthering this all. However, this choice was all her idea. No interference on his part.
She’d chosen him…
She laid herself down for him. She was propped on her elbows and leaned her torso such. Her mind was racing.
He jumped onto the bed. She jumped up.
“Wait.” She went to a bag and got a bottle of lube out. She jumped back on the bed. She squeezed some out onto his shaft and massaged it down to base. She place a small bit in the palm of her hand and slicked it in her folds. She slid back under him and banged the bottle onto her bedside table. Amongst the clutter and the giant water bottle.
“I’m ready, fuck me.” She begged. “Fuck me, please.”
He entered her. His tip surged and reached her cervix. Kissing her forehead as he did the first big thrust, he grasped at her wrists and palms.
She slid herself further down, allowing him to get a better angle. Letting him go deeper. Further. Harder. She moved her arms to a place he could grasp them better.
“Such a good pet.” He grunted. “You’re so good to me, my fawn.” He praised. She wrapped her legs around his ass and thighs as response.
“Th-th-thank you.” She let out.
He hid his smile in a kiss in her hair. He snuck his face down and grazed her jaw with his teeth as he continued to give her firm, hard, quick thrusts. Their stomachs brushing against each other, he gave her breast a grab and teased her nipple with tongue and teeth.
She let out a moan and curled her lips over her tongue and her eyes reactively shut tightly. After a few moments her eyes fluttered open, lashes brushed against lids.
She used her now-free hands and grabbed his face and the waves of his hair. She brought her face up and kissed his face and bit his neck. Suckling gently before making her way back up. She placed one final kiss and let herself go limp and him to take over.
And that he did!
He arched his back down as her eyes rolled back into her skull. The pace picked up and her arms found themselves naturally above her head.
He took the opportunity to bind them in his hands and wrapped his pinkies around her bed frame to keep them both steady.
He felt his cock being worked by the muscles of her walls. Her stomach arched up and over as she worked him with her delicate, well-toned pelvic muscles.
“I’m asking your permission.” The Doctor found himself saying, not entirely of his own volition. “May I fuck you harder? Show you what this old body can do…as an alien?”
She nodded her head and swallowed. She looked a tad unsure and confused. “Sure. Yeah?” He was trying so hard to not enter her mind. Just let her be for once. Enjoy the moment unbridled. But this opportunity was too good not to take…
He saw the verbal cue pool out of her mouth and he entered her mind, flooding it with an overproduction of those precious chemicals: dopamine, oxytocin, adrenalin, endorphins. The entire lot of them…
He kicked his body into high gear. Playing her body with his cock and lips. Brushing, kissing, biting, claiming. He kept her wrists in the manacles that was his hands.
Fucking her so deeply and making her now somewhat-dependent on him.
How could she not become dependent on him now? She was radiating these precious hormones and chemicals that pudding-brained apes needed.
His little fawn, safe by his side. Now his for all eternity. Even if she would never by any volunteer-ship leave Earth. Or risk her life.
Perfect. More than perfect. This one will never die by his blooded hands.
He could continue moments like these until her heart stopped.
More than good! Perfect!
She was quickly cumming underneath him, her legs still wrapped around him. Her breathing was becoming very shallow and her moans had turned to grunts and groans. Like the animal she was, in rut. Maddened by hormones and thrashing to get him deeper in.
And how could he not be obliged?
He let her have it and when he finally came she started crying.
He felt a stab of regret. Did he go too far?
The Doctor let go of her hands and she immediately grasped in for a hug as he pulled his now-flacid cock out of her cunt.
“No need to cry…” He smiled, kissing her hair. “You did so good for me.” He repeated that line a few times until she became more lucid and he retreated from her mind.
“What was that?” She asked in earnest.
He lied, “I kicked my body into high gear. Like a rabbit wand. Only better.” He would never come clean about his mind games. Not now, especially now…
“I’ve been going easy on you. You’re so…breakable.” He ruffled her hair. “The whole lot of you.” He clarified. “I could go harder, but I won’t. I know the limits.”
He did. And yet he was crossing them even more.
He once asked Clara if he was a good man. He felt like he was at one point, even an excellent man. But now, not so much.
But did it matter?
His little fawn was soaked in sweat and radiant in her hormonal flush. Glowing from her fresh fuck.
Or did they make love? He wondered.
Was it love? Obsession? Or both?
Maybe it was both, on both accounts. From both ways.
He laid his naked body next to hers and she instinctively folded herself into his arms. She grabbed his arms in return and started tracing little patterns on the Doctor’s arms.
She let out a small hiccup.
“Obviously, we can’t do that all the time. But it was great. Yeah?” She concluded.
“Anything you want…” He murmured into the crook of her neck. He planted a small breathy kiss on it.
She drifted off to sleep, still grasping him in their cuddle.
Perfect is as perfect does.
And the Doctor felt he did perfect.
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defiledtomb · 2 years
Ouroboros: The first year in development (+small update!)
On this day, a year from now, I sat in the stark light from my monitors, eyes bloodshot and hands trembling; and I clicked the post button. I then choked my pc to death and ran away screaming, scrambling into the corner of the couch on all fours, hissing at every shadow (only one of those statements is a lie).
It was 4 am and I had been scrambling to get the last details of the demo correct, mumbling to myself and reasoning with my dog. I was so happy to be writing again, after years of piddling around with lackluster projects. I never thought Ouro would be welcomed as it was, and to be honest, the fact that it was scared the living shit out of me. After the hype settled, and I sat watching the continuous stream of support that poured my way, I kind of crumbled. There was a long and dirty road of clawing myself out of self-doubt, impostor syndrome and perfectionism. Some part of me knew it was coming, since its very on par with how I am shaped as a person (sopping wet pathetic meow meow), but after climbing many hills on my ongoing healing journey, I felt like I was prepared for it.
Writing Ouroboros went from fun little sidequest to get my mind off becoming a sturdy part of society again (exhausting), to another workload, to form of therapy, then torture and back again. My writing journal is amusing to scroll through:
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Things went from bad to...
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until the storm finally weakened. Every entry in my journal from this point gets progressively more hopeful, more resilient against the bad days.
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:> This was around the point where I decided I wouldn't give up, come hell or high water. The progress was slow, like bleeding stone and pulling teeth, but it was moving. By the turn of the new year I was battered and bruised, but still hopeful. And I know that this, these emotions that I went through, were way out of proportion for a hobby writing project, but with every ask that came through telling me about your MC's budding journey in Ouro, every gushing emotion you've shared with me, every gleaming piece of art, every kind word; every correcting one, too, this grew to something really precious to me. I wouldn't give it up for anything, even if it feels like I'm barely keeping my head above surface in this terrifying, stormy sea of a life.
I can't wait to see what comes next, even if the road is bumpy. All I know is that I will keep chipping away at this story with everything I got. And all I can say is that I'm so grateful for your continued support and patience, I barely have words for it. You are incredible. Thank you.
Now, enough of my bleeding heart. Get over here! I have some treats to share.
Mainly, it is the little update to the demo that I'd like to share; Idren/Ida's 101. I did my best to finish it today, but I only had an hour or two of effective worktime (excuse: I was outside for most of the day in bloody blizzard and it knocked me on my ass more than I'd like to admit). It is cut off at the different scene transitions, which I will add after I have some time to work on them this saturday. Id's 101 was the most complex out of all of them, so there is still plenty to explore and different outcomes to see. I hope you have fun!
To see it, go through Lena's scene and don't scream -> accept alliance -> visit archives. That will take you to the new content. CW for very emotionally charged arguments and... almost dying.
Play it here. Save often. (or wait until next week as I sadly couldn't finish everything on time for the anniversary) (I have done bare minimum playtesting, but I will fix any gamebreaking errors if there are any, immediately. There shouldn't be any, but you never know.)
A sneakpeek of the short I also will be working on on saturday:
It is sunny on the day of $!{leith}'s funeral. It is not supposed to be sunny. It is supposed to rain on bad days, and the wind is supposed to whip dry leaves into dancing columns. Thunder is supposed to rumble in the distance, and then right near so that the even the windows rattle with trepidation. But it doesn't. The sun lounges calmly on the perfectly still water of Riven's lake, glittering with winking light as the serene waves lick the edge of the populated harbor. There is chatter, too, not the moaning whispers of grieving people. Not a sob to be heard, but the flutter of a laugh and a joyous embrace of lovers right in front of you. 
"People have forgotten, the sacrifice we made." Lyselin stands in full knight-hunter armor beside you, the silver gleaming in the stark light.
And some art of F!Leith that I have started:
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♥ That's it. Know that I'm working as hard as I can (both on Ouro, and learning how to balance work around it, lmao.), even if I fall short sometimes, there ain't no quitting. See you soon!
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