#i will be staying awake all night to watch this
A family thing
Written for the September pop-up challenge of the @steddieholidaydrabbles blog
Prompt: Anniversary
Rated: T
Tags: Post-Vecna; Everybody lives; Recovery; Disabled Eddie; POV Wayne Munson; Good uncle Wayne Munson; Implied sexual content; Domestic fluff; Found family
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The sounds coming from the kitchen pull Wayne from his sleep much earlier than he'd like after a night shift. He lies awake for a while, cursing the government. Sure, they covered Eddie’s medical bills and bought them the new trailer, but would it have killed them to get one with thicker walls? He doesn't need to hear everything the boy gets up to. 
He's almost managed to drift off again when a clatter and a string of swear words make him shoot upright. He barrels out into the corridor that separates the living space from the bedrooms, almost colliding with Steve, who has just barged from Eddie’s room. His eyes are bleary, his hair a tousled mess. He's wearing boxers and a familiar guitar pick necklace, and that is it. 
“Ed?” Wayne asks, ignoring how Steve freezes at the sight of him. “What happened?” 
Eddie, on the kitchen floor in a heap of gangly limbs and fallen crutches, groans. “Wayne! You weren't supposed to wake up.” 
“Yeah, you're making that kinda hard,” Wayne mumbles, eyeing the shattered plates and spilled food on the ground. Toast and bacon and pancakes. There's something stuck in Eddie’s hair that looks like scrambled eggs. 
“What the hell?” Steve mutters, bridging the few steps into the kitchen and dropping into a crouch beside Eddie. Wayne stays where he is and watches. The way Steve wraps his arms around Eddie’s waist to pull him up, careful not to hurt him. How Eddie slings bony arms over Steve’s shoulders, fingers grazing the scars on the boy's back. 
“Why didn't you ask me for help?” Steve asks. The rising sun basks the kitchen in oranges and golds, and for a second, Wayne is overcome by the thought that he mustn't blink, or they'll vanish. “I could've-” 
“What, on this highest of holidays?” Eddie asks, gesturing dramatically as Steve lowers him into one of the kitchen chairs. “Have you no respect for tradition? It is my responsibility and my duty to do this alone.” 
Steve blinks, then looks over at Wayne. 
“Okay? I don't get it.” 
Eddie cackles, gently pushing him aside to beckon Wayne closer. 
“Happy Uncle's Day!” 
“Yeah, yeah,” Wayne grumbles, bending at the hip so that Eddie can hug him, but there's an annoying sting behind his eyes. For a moment all he can think is how close he came to losing all of this.
“What the fuck is Uncle's Day?” Steve asks. He's eyeing the calendar on the wall like he's expecting it to spout an extra holiday. 
Eddie scoffs. “Only the most important holiday of the year? You need to stay up to date on-” 
“When Ed was nine years old,” Wayne explains, making his way over to the coffee pot, “he came home one day, seething and spitting venom, ‘cause his teacher had them making Father's Day cards.” 
“Why would I be making that asshole a fucking card?” Eddie grumbles. A pink blush has erupted from the collar of his shirt, but Wayne isn’t sure if it's because of the childhood story or because of the way Steve has pulled out the chair next to his and is finger-combing bits of egg from his curls. “The only thing I should've given him is a kick in-” 
“That's exactly what he said back then,” Wayne says, pouring himself a cup and leaning against the counter. “So we came up with an idea.” 
Steve frowns at Eddie. “Uncle's Day?” 
Eddie beams. “The anniversary of the day Wayne took me in.”
“Dunno if took in is the right term,” Wayne hums around his first sip. “You pretty much let yourself in and refused to leave.” 
Eddie waves him off, as if to say that he won’t argue about the technicalities. Steve’s eyes, meanwhile, have grown large. 
“Wait,” he says. “That's today? Why didn’t- … I’m sorry, I had no idea.” 
Eddie cocks his head at him, smile bright and incredibly fond. It makes a familiar warmth spread behind Wayne’s collarbone, one that has nothing at all to do with the coffee. “Why would you be sorry?” 
Steve gestures awkwardly at the mess that is the kitchen. “This is a family thing. If you’d told me, I’d have left you alone.” 
Eddie laughs. On the tabletop, his fingers find Steve’s. 
“Exactly,” he says. “This is a family thing. You're right where you belong. Ain't he, Wayne?” 
Wayne regards them - two men littered in battle scars, leaning into each other in the hazy morning light - and thinks of a hurt little boy who was too scared to let anyone in. 
“Can't argue with that,” he says. 
Steve's face lights up as if he'd just invited him to spend Christmas morning. 
“I- … thank you,” he stutters, and Wayne gets a feeling that he, too, is still learning to let people in. “Let me clean this up, and then I'll make us new-” 
“Stevie,” Eddie says, and hooks one finger into the necklace to pull him back. His next words are a murmur against the shell of Steve's ear, so low Wayne almost misses them. “Maybe get dressed first, darling.” 
The last thing Wayne sees of Steve as he flees into Eddie’s room is the blush coloring his neck and shoulders. 
“Do you have to tease him like that?” he asks, starting to gather the broken plates off the ground. 
Eddie shrugs. “He can take it. I think that's a basic requirement for joining this family?”  
His eyes find Wayne's, searching for a reaction. 
“Ed,” he says, picking up the crutches and handing them over. “My only requirement ever was for you to be happy. I think your boy has long proven himself in that regard. Now, run over to the Mayfields and ask if we can borrow some eggs, yeah?” 
As Eddie bolts out with a blush matching Steve's, Wayne settles into the newly vacated chair, allowing himself a long sip of coffee and a content sigh. 
It's gonna be a good Uncle's Day. 
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snowydoesitall · 3 days
✨movie night with the hidden inventory gc✨
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*:・゚✧cast: gojo, geto, shoko, utahime, nanami, and haibara
✧summary: a one shot of the hidden inventory friend group’s movie night
♡a/n: i’m back!!! guys please appreciate my efforts with this one this took me several attempts to post and way longer than usual to write
ྀིwarnings: language; gojo and geto are their own warnings atp; no beta we die like suguru’s tea mug
after the discussion regarding which movie they were planning to watch that night had ended, you wrapped up whatever homework you had left before changing into more comfortable clothes and heading to shoko’s dorm a bit early to help her set up.
upon arriving, you find that utahime had the same idea as she was currently standing by the microwave waiting for a bag of popcorn to finish cooking.
shoko was at her laptop, looking perplexed, so you walked over to her to see if she needed help.
“i’ve been trying to get into our disney+ account so i can stream cars onto the tv, but it keeps saying that the password is incorrect”, she explains. “did gojo change the password again?”
“i don’t think so…did you put the question mark at the end?”
shoko paused for a moment before typing something into the password bar. sure enough, the app finally let her in.
she stared at her laptop in disbelief for a solid minute before responding.
“huh, that seemed to do it. thanks.”
you nodded, chuckling lightly, before walking over to utahime, who was microwaving what appeared to be the fifth bag of popcorn.
“damn, do we really need that much popcorn?”, you asked.
“if it were just us girls i would’ve stopped at three or four. but there’s going to be seven of us, and you know how gojo is with snacks”, she responded.
“good point.”
the two of you continued to chat for a bit, shoko joining in once she finished setting up the movie.
eventually, the boys finally showed up with a couple snacks as well as a few bottles of soda, which they set on the counter.
“alright, that’s everyone. shall we start the movie?”, shoko asked.
everyone agreed, grabbing a couple snacks and drinks before settling themselves on either the couch or the floor in front of the tv as shoko presses play on the remote to behind the movie.
as the movie played on, the room was filled with all sorts of chaos. for starters, gojo would not stop quoting lines from the movie, which, while slightly annoying, was tolerable. eventually haibara joined in for a bit, seeing as he’d watched that movie at least a hundred times.
it eventually got tiring though, especially once gojo started quoting lines from completely different movies, and so geto ended up lightly tapping him on the shoulder to get him to stop.
speaking of those two, once gojo’s focus had shifted to his boyfriend, the two of them were practically glued to each other with how close they were. this didn’t exactly surprise you, since gojo is the king of being clingy, especially around geto, and the latter of the two never minded it despite not being super clingy himself.
“alright, you two need to either get a room or stop making out on my floor, because some of us are trying to watch the god damn movie”, shoko complained after about ten minutes of their behavior.
“i mean i’m not opposed to- ow!”
whatever gojo was planning to say next was cut off by you smacking him from the couch.
“making out during a disney movie is crazy, you two”, you stated.
“fair point”, geto responded, lightly shoving gojo off his lap, to the latter’s dismay.
nonetheless, the two of them settled down after a while, so your attention shifted back to the movie.
about halfway through, you started feeling tired, which made sense seeing as it was getting kind of late and you’d had a pretty long day. all the same, you did your best to stay awake, as things in the movie were starting to get real interesting.
you reached into one of the popcorn bowls to grab a few pieces to keep yourself awake. in doing so, your hand brushed against another hand, causing you to pause.
you glanced at nanami, who had reached into the popcorn bowl at the same time you did. the two of you sat there for a moment, neither one lifting your hands from the bowl.
after what seemed like a couple minutes, you finally lifted your hand out of the bowl, a few pieces in your hand.
“looks like we had the same idea”, you remarked with a laugh, popping a piece of popcorn into your mouth.
“looks like it”, nanami responded, a small smile forming on his face as he too grabbed a few pieces of popcorn.
you heard a cough, so you turned to see utahime staring at the two of you, a knowing smile on her face. you stared back at her, hinting for her to back off.
eventually, towards the end of the movie, you were getting more and more tired, to the point where even popcorn wasn’t enough to keep you awake. the last thing you remember before dozing off was the start of the final race.
you woke up slowly to someone gently shaking you awake.
“hey guys, time to wake up, movie just ended”, haibara stated.
you took a glimpse of your surroundings, noticing that the nearly-empty bowl of popcorn had now toppled onto the floor, spilling a few kernels. you then noticed that you’d fallen asleep leaning against nanami, who in turn had fallen asleep against the armrest of the couch.
haibara was standing in front of the two of you, currently trying to wake up nanami, who was still sound asleep against the armrest. you sat up quickly, hoping that he hadn’t noticed you dozing off on him, but you figured he must’ve since the second you got up was when he finally woke up, slightly dazed and tense as he glanced around the room, presumably to find where you’d gone.
once he noticed you sitting next to him, he let out a sigh of relief, looking more relaxed.
“you okay, man?”, haibara asked, looking slightly confused.
nanami turned to face the brown-haired boy, looking as if he’d just noticed his presence.
“oh, sorry…i’m fine, just…it’s nothing.”
you and haibara looked at him suspiciously, feeling that it wasn’t just “nothing”, but didn’t pry.
“i’m fine, you two. seriously.”
you opened your mouth to say something, but before you could, you heard shoko calling for the three of you.
“hey! are you two sleepyhead lovers and hai going to help me clean up or what?”
“the WHAT?”, you exclaimed, looking at shoko with an mixed expression of shock and confusion all at once. meanwhile, haibara was looking like he was trying not to laugh while nanami was awkwardly looking around the room, trying to avoid eye contact, a twinge of pink starting to show on his face.
“nothing! don’t worry about it, now come help us clean up!”
you signed, knowing you weren’t going to get a legitimate answer from her, at least not right now, so you got up from the couch and started cleaning up, the other two boys following suit.
but as you were clearing up the kitchen, you couldn’t help but think about what shoko said.
lovers?, you thought to yourself. but how could that be? we’re just friends, after all…
but then you started to look more into it, moments of the night playing through your mind. the small smile he gave you when your hand brushed against his earlier, the way neither of you pulled away immediately, his slight blush at shoko’s jab at the two of you, the way he rose up from his sleep the second he no longer felt your presence, all of it.
the more and more you thought about it, the more and more you realized that perhaps the other girls had a point.
“you okay?”
you snapped back into reality as you turned to face nanami, who was looking at you with concern.
“yeah, i’m fine, just…tired”, you tell him, giving him a reassuring smile.
you weren’t entirely sure if nanami believed you, but he didn’t show it if he didn’t.
“i see. anyway, the others are planning to crash here for the night. the cleaning’s pretty much done if you wanted to head to bed.”
sleep did sound pretty nice right then and there, so you nodded.
“yeah, that might be a good idea, it is pretty late…”
the two of you headed back to the living room space. nanami returned to his spot on shoko’s couch, leaning against the armrest, while you sat next to him and tried to fall asleep sitting upwards, not wanting to invade his personal space nor accidentally wake up haibara, who had taken up the other side of the couch.
“there’s no way that’s comfortable”, nanami remarked as he noticed your attempts.
“sorry, didn’t want to intrude or anything”, you replied.
“i didn’t mind the first time, why would i mind now?”, he asked. “make yourself comfortable. i promise i don’t mind.”
with that, you hesitantly went back to leaning against nanami, finding him a lot more comfortable than trying to sleep sitting up.
before long, you were finally starting to fall asleep. you felt an arm gently wrap itself around you, and while you certainly didn’t expect it, you didn’t try to pull away, nor did you feel uncomfortable. instead, you felt at ease, like this was natural, almost.
by the time sleep came to take you away for the night, you were pretty certain that nanami had some sort of feelings for you.
hell, at this point, you were starting to think that you did, too.
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oh god this ended up longer than i expected😭
♫tag list: @ofcqdesi @duwangdays
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cesilly · 1 day
- you owe me
hamzah x reader
contains: arguing, swearing, oral (fem receiving)
my first actual post don’t come for me ok idk how this works and idk if it’s too long cause idk when to stop ok thx
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“god, fuck!”
you’re rudely startled awake in the middle of the night by a string of loud cusses and grumbles. you quickly sit up straight, stiffening as you glance around the dark bedroom belonging to mandy and martin, in their apartment where you were currently sleeping for the night while the two of them were on vacation.
a little frightened, you hear the cats begin meowing loudly as heavy footsteps can be heard throughout the living room.
“shh, shh!” you can make out the sound of frantic pleads for the animals to stay quiet when you get out of bed and press your ear up against the door.
“where is it? martin, fucking call me back right now. jesus!”
you continue to listen, and now you recognize the voice.
you and hamzah have somewhat of a complicated relationship, due to both of you always being around this apartment, especially when you’re trying to hang out with mandy and he’s trying to hang out with martin. the couple has tried easing you and hamzah into being friends, yet you both have no interest in being around each other because of this annoyance that has only grown between you two over time.
you gently push the door open, being met with the humid summer air that resides outside of the bedroom, where you have a fan plugged in to help you sleep. you catch sight of him, pacing around the kitchen and living room, searching with his phone’s flashlight.
he doesn’t notice you.
you think about the easiest way to make your presence known without scaring the shit out of him, so you decide to just flip the switch to turn the hallway light on.
“huh?” he exclaims anxiously, his eyes quickly darting over and landing on you. “what the hell are you doing here?”
his voice is harsh and unforgiving as he shines the flash into your eyes, not even giving you time to adjust to the overhead light.
you shield your vision from the brightness, letting out a groan. “i could ask you the same thing. i just needed a place to sleep. which you’re interrupting right now, by the way.” you clear your throat.
“and shine that thing somewhere else, please.”
he grumbles and tosses his phone down onto the kitchen counter with a loud clatter. “i don’t have time for you right now. this is great, this is great!” he rambles. you watch him with furrowed brows as he tangles his own fingers in his hair and tugs on it, his back to you, seeming as if he’s struggling to keep his composure.
“what is your problem?” you ask, already not appreciating the way he’s speaking to you.
“no, no, you don’t get it.” he mutters. “if martin took the fucking key, if he took the fucking key with him, he’s dead. i can’t find it. i have so much work in there, and i can’t find the goddamn key.” his frustration increases with every word, as he stalks over to the couch and throws the pillows to the floor, feeling a for this key.
you assume he’s talking about the key to the studio that him and martin share for projects and whatnot, but you couldn’t care less about that. him being here has already aggravated you enough, you don’t want to help him at all.
“this is not my problem. i’m going back to sleep so, keep it down, okay?” you say with an small, sarcastic smile.
“no, no. you’re here, you’re going to help me.” he replies, his back still turned towards you.
this makes you laugh. “um, no? i’m not going to do anything for you.”
in less than a second, he turns and around and he’s suddenly an inch away from you. the room is almost unbearingly hot, the humidity making your skin sticky. you can feel the warmth radiating from his body.
his voice sounds like a warning when he speaks again. “whether you help me or not, i’m not leaving until i find this thing, so you’re most likely not sleeping any more tonight unless i do. if you’d just fucking look, maybe we’d get done faster and i won’t have to be around you any fucking longer than i’ve already had to.”
you stare up at him for a few moments, realizing that it technically would be better for you if you at least looked around a little bit.
“you’re sure that it’s here?”
“yes.” he says, with his jaw clenched. “fucking obviously.”
“fine.” you say affirmatively. “you’ll fucking owe me if i find it for you.”
“fine.” he replicates your tone, heading towards the bedroom without another word.
it takes you over an hour, but you find it.
the key was shoved under a notebook in the drawer of martin’s desk. stupid fucking spot.
you clutch the small key attatched to a little chain in your hand, walking into the bedroom where this man is currently looking underneath the bedside table. you stand and watch his frantic demeanor, fighting back a laugh before somehow he senses your presence and turns to look at you.
“what?” he says impatiently, his knuckles going white as he grips the edge of the small nightstand.
you smile and let the key drop from your palm, holding onto the little chain and dangling it around like it’s a prize you’re showing off.
he immediately stands and steps toward you, his face lighting up as he snatches the key from you and simultaneously grips your waist with his other hand. he doesn’t even realize where his hand automatically flew, he’s just staring at the key, looking puzzled.
“where? what?” he mumbles.
you stay silent, frozen in place. you’ve never come close enough to this man to let him touch you, and you don’t know why his hand is making you feel nervous.
hamzah snaps out of it and looks at you, then down at his hand, retracting his arm silently. he pockets the key in his shorts. “where?” he repeats, looking down at you.
“desk.” your voice is barely above a whisper.
he shakes his head. “it makes me even more annoyed with you because you found it before i did.” he says.
you chew on your lip. “doesn’t matter.” you say with a straight face.
he cocks his head to the side, looking aggravated, confused, and curious all at once.
“you owe me.” you remind him with a slight nod, your baby hairs sticking to your forehead as result of the heat in the small apartment.
“right, right.” he nodded. “what do you want?”
as you think of a response, he looks at you like an animal hunting prey.
“what are you willing to give me?” you reply.
“don’t ask me that.” a breathy laugh escapes him, and he rakes his hands through his hair like he’s stressed. “you have no fucking idea.”
“i don’t?”
“no, not a goddamn clue.” he runs his tongue along the inside of his cheek.
the sound of your own heartbeat rings in your ears, your pulse quickening. you don’t know why this ongoing tension you’ve had with him suddenly feels different, like a switch has been flipped.
“what do you mean?” is all you can manage to say as you look at him and his bewildered face, seeming like he’s lost in his own thoughts.
“what do i mean? jesus, what do i mean? yeah, fuck, i can show you what i fucking mean, okay?” he grabs your face in his hands. “you bother me so much. i can’t fucking figure out what it is with you.”
you hold onto his wrists, meeting his eyes, seeing his expression that seems almost challenging.
“god, just shut up.” i whisper urgently.
he pauses for a few seconds, but quickly makes up his mind. “yeah. ‘kay.” he responds too casually, like he can read your thoughts. he runs his thumb along your bottom lip. “can i?”
you nod.
“no, say it.” his voice is barely audible.
“yes, hamzah.”
his lips then press to yours with the urgency that his tone was lacking.
his hands travel to your waist, gripping harshly as his lips overtake yours. “fuck.” he starts to mutter as he breaks away repeatedly, like he’s trying to control himself but he just can’t stop coming back to your lips.
“m’gonna,” another kiss. “give you,” another. “what you deserve.”
you exhale against his lips, snaking your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist when his grip tightens on you and he lifts you up.
he carries you to the couch where he had thrown all the pillows from earlier, sitting you on the edge. he slides his hands under your shirt as he sinks down onto his knees.
watching him kneel before you finally makes it painfully clear what he was intending on doing, because this was what he’s willing to give you.
“oh,” you whisper.
he looks up while he’s in the middle of positioning his head between your legs.
“what?” his brows drop. “not good?”
you gaze down at him. the way he got into this position so quickly, it gives you the impression that maybe this isn’t the first time he’s thought about this.
you start to have doubts, but watching him stare up at you on his knees..
jesus christ, why the fuck not?
“no. s’good.” you nod, lifting your hips up off the surface of the couch. “c’mon.”
his lips part and he lets out an exasperated sigh, wasting no time before he tugs down your shorts and underwear. his breath hitches as your entire lower half is exposed.
“i hate you.” he says. “i hate you, and you’re so beautiful. c’mere,”
he hooks one of your legs over his shoulder and extends his fingers toward you.
“hold my hand.”
your heartbeat is overwhelmingly fast, and you can barely believe the words you’re hearing and the sight before you. your thoughts aren’t even coherent right now, so you decide to ignore them and interlace your fingers with his, your hands clasped together as they now rest upon your stomach.
“squeeze as hard as you fucking want,” he murmurs, finally leaning all the way in to kiss the inside of your thighs.
your grip automatically tenses, your body reacting embarrassingly quick to the fact that his lips are so fucking close to tasting you.
you hear and feel him laugh against your skin like it’s a million tiny electric shocks in your stomach. aside from all your desire, you still feel frustrated with the fact that you hate each other so much, but he’s still buried between your thighs right now.
not just frustrated, you’re angry. he owes you.
“hamzah,” you breathe out, holding onto his hand so tight, you feel as if your bones are touching his. “just fucking- ugh,”
you rake your other hand through his hair, easing his face towards your pussy that’s painfully aching for him by now.
you see his eyes flash up at you for a split second before he responds almost immediately, latching himself onto your pussy and eating you out like his life fucking depended on it.
a constant waterfall of gasps, moans, incoherent mumbles interrupted by groans of his name come spilling from your lips as you feel his tongue working against you, his nose rubbing against your clit.
he doesn’t let go of your hand once, making sure he glances up at you every few seconds to watch your pretty face become damp with sweat, and see how your chest rises and falls with each sharp breath.
“so fucking good,” his voice vibrates against you. “how could i ever hate you, really?”
you can barely hear those last few words, but you’re too caught up in the moment to actually process what they mean.
“i feel, mm,” you can hardly put a sentence together when he’s stimulating every single part of your body so perfectly. his blunt nails gently trace along your leg that he holds over his shoulder, a stark contrast to the way he’s absolutely devouring you right now.
“hamzah, i’m..”
“i know, beautiful. let it out,” he groans.
“oh, shit, fuck!”
your orgasm possesses your whole body within seconds. your thighs trembling, sweat dripping down your chest, your face flushed, your hand still interlocked with his as you release.
it’s silent in the humid room as both of you regain your composure, hamzah taking it upon himself to lay his head against your thigh.
he perks up.
“i still don’t like you, you know.” you breathe out with a lazy smile.
his lips spread into a grin. “shut up.”
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toiletclown · 1 day
breathless. (part five.)
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spencer agnew x gn!reader
only fluff from here on out who cheered!
summary: you and spencer spend a night together, and talk about making your relationship 'official'.
word count: 2030
a/n: this project has been such a labor of love (and obsession). this is the penultimate part, the finale will be posted on fri 9/27
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Spence POV
You had both decided that watching some movies in bed and eating your favorite takeout was the best way to end this tumultuous, heavy day. Spencer knew you were tired, and he fully anticipated you falling asleep mid-movie. It didn’t happen often, you always tried your best to stay awake or would communicate that you were ready to head to bed.
All the times you had had movie marathons together, you stayed the night. Spencer would always wake up in the morning, his arm wrapped around you and your leg over his. You both tended to gravitate towards each other in the middle of the night, no matter how far apart on the bed you were before bed. He cherished it more than he’d care to admit, and he was hoping for a repeat tonight. He put on an extra long movie knowing you would get bored and fall asleep.
While it was sneaky, he supposed he was allowed to do that now. The emotions were out and in the open, and while you both still needed to discuss what that entailed and where your relationship was going to go, or how it would change, he was selfish at heart. And with the lack of physical touch in these past few weeks, he was begging for an excuse to touch you.
“Y/N?” He nudged you softly, hoping you wouldn’t stir.
You didn’t. 
He turned the TV off, and hit the bedside lamp too. He checked to make sure your phone was plugged in before plugging in his own phone on his side of the bed. While it wasn’t technically ‘his side’ by any means, he was sure you hadn’t had anyone else in your bed. Minus maybe Angela. And it might as well be his side anyway, considering he had had his own charger plugged in on that side for months, and it hadn’t been moved. He also had a backup pair of glasses here, and half your dresser was filled with his clothes. Though mainly that was because you stole so many of his shirts. 
Once he had calmed you down from his intrusion, he had noticed you were already in one of his shirts. An old, tattered Creed shirt he had retired once he bought a new one. You stole it almost immediately. He smiled to himself, finally letting himself relax.
He knew the morning would entail a long and emotional conversation, but for now he was going to give into his selfish ways, and hold you tight to him while you slept. Hopefully you wouldn’t mind if he was still here in the morning.
He set an alarm for 10am, kissed the top of your head, featherlight, and drifted off to sleep himself.
Reader POV
You woke up naturally, no alarm blaring or construction starting. You took your time fully opening your eyes, the sunlight hitting your face a little too hard for your liking. You hadn’t closed the curtains last night before bed, something you’re usually pretty good about. Hmm. A noise to your left startled you slightly. That’s when you took note of your extremities. You were wrapped up in Spencer’s legs, the covers haphazardly thrown across the two of you. The noise was simply him shuffling, but you had fallen asleep so suddenly last night you hadn’t realized he had stayed.
But, the realization made you quite happy. Your heart started to pick up its pace again, and you willed it into normalcy. You weren’t sure you’d ever get used to it. But how could you ask your heart to act normal when you weren’t sure what normal was anymore? Everything was changing. And that was fucking scary. Change is hard, change is painful, but it’s happening. Constantly. Besides, this was good change, right? The kind you had wanted for so long now? Why harp on the fact that it’s change and not harp on the fact that you were finally going to be with your soulmate? You decided to just enjoy this moment, instead of letting it fester deep inside and drive you crazy. 
Spencer’s curls had gotten all messy in his sleep. You knew that happened, you had stayed the night with him more times than anyone else in your life. This wasn’t the first time you had woken up together, your limbs woven tighter than you thought possible, drool drying on the corner of one or both of your mouths because you both slept better when you slept next to each other. You almost always woke up first, and you were thankful for that. It gave you time to stare at Spencer openly. Sometimes you pretended to be asleep when he started waking, so you could hear him whisper sweet things to you while you ‘slept’.
You hadn’t been able to look at him like this in so long, and you took advantage of it. You pushed his brown curls out of his eyes, your touch as light as you could manage, not wanting to wake him prematurely. But Spencer lay dormant, hands under his head as he faced you. His chest was rising and falling in a slow rhythm, clearly at peace. Trailing your finger along his shoulder, then torso and hips, you ran the length of his body. Then you brought your eyes back up to his face, hoping the sun was hitting him just right and giving him that beautiful morning glow. And it was, but his green eyes were shining down at you now. “Hi,” he whispered. His face was lit up, a toothy smile and glittering eyes, the sun draping over him and painting him in gorgeous gold.
His hand reached for yours, a Midas touch. A warmth unmatched blossomed in your chest, spreading and filling every atom of your existence. You felt like liquid gold, and your eyes filled with tears, unprompted. You gave in and let them spill over. Spencer pulled you close, tears spilling from his eyes as well. At least you both knew they were happy tears this time.
You lay in his arms for some time. No words, no more tears, just the sound of both of your hearts beating in tune. The moment was ruined by Spencer’s alarm. 
“Jesus, sorry, I forgot to turn that off.” Spencer rolled over, hitting the ‘stop’ button. He grabbed your hand again, “I was a little distracted.”
“Whatever by?” You cocked your head, feigning innocence.
Spencer leaned in close, and the air was ripped from your lungs. “By my partner. If you’ll have me, anyway?”
He glanced to your lips, and you had to force your lungs to start working again. “Only if you’ll have me, too.” You closed the minimal distance between your lips, doing your best to remain calm.
It was soft, chaste, and everything you had been fantasizing about for six goddamn years. It didn’t last too long, it wasn’t too hot and heavy right off the bat. It was Spencer. And it was perfect. Of course it was.
You pulled back, noting Spencer’s blown pupils. “I probably should have asked before I did that. Sorry.” 
“Consent is important but I promise I am not complaining, Peach.” He leaned in again, smiling. “You can do it again, if you want.”
How wonderful it was to be able to laugh while kissing someone. This couldn’t be considered a make-out session by any means, it was much too silly. That’s to be expected of you and Spencer, though, isn’t it?
He kissed you, and kissed you, and kissed you. It wasn’t always the right angle, what with the amount of laughing and smiling you were both doing, but it was still perfect to you. You let Spencer’s hands wander over you, and he kept asking if it was okay when he reached a new area. Your arms, your torso, your legs. He didn’t come too high up your thigh, and he never reached around to your ass. Ever the gentleman, Spencer Agnew was.
“I’m sorry it took me so long to get my head out of my ass, baby, really,” Spencer breathed, his lips on your neck. You shuddered at the new nickname, wanting to hear it again. “We could have been doing this for years, huh?” You could only nod in response. He pulled back, putting a minute amount of space between you. Far enough that you weren’t touching all over, but close enough that he was still very much in your bubble. You loved it. Especially because he knew exactly what you wanted, often without you needing to voice it.
“Y/N, I love you so much,” he started, “And I’m pissed we lost so much time, really, and I can’t apologize enough for making you wait.” He laced your fingers together, rubbing circles into your hand, just like you did for him yesterday. “But I also don’t want to rush this. We might have been in love with each other for years, at least I have, but this is still a new relationship, you know?” 
You started tearing up again, but only because you were enamored with Spencer’s thoughtfulness and vulnerability. “Good tears,” you laughed, reassuring him. “Thank you, for being so honest with me. I feel the same way, actually.” He kissed the back of your hand, nodding for you to continue. “This,” you gestured between the two of you, “is still us, still our friendship. But the relationship aspect is new, and we should treat it as such, right?”
Spencer nodded, enthusiastic that you were on the same page. “Exactly! I don’t want us to, like, jump right into it just because of the history we have. I want to take you on dates, and buy you flowers, and get to know you all over again. I don’t care how many times you’ve told me about your favorite movie – tell me about it again. Show me your favorite albums again, your favorite TV shows and stand-up specials. I want to discover you all over again.”
The tears were falling in droves at this point, and you were really wondering how you wound up so lucky. “Fucking hell, Spence. Are you trying to kill me?” You wiped your tears on your shirt, laughing. “You’re so fucking perfect. Thank you.”
“No, thank you. I love you, babe. Do you want to get some breakfast?”
“Or I could make us breakfast?”
“Fuck yes.”
After breakfast you both decided it was time to have the dreaded conversation. ‘Dreaded’ because you both would rather be lazily making out right now and watching Neon Genesis Evangelion, but instead you had to talk about ‘feelings’ and ‘labels’ and ‘hard and soft launches’. God, dating nowadays was so stupid. Especially when you’re dating your best friend of eight years and you’re both entirely unsure where your limits were because for years there were none. None that were spoken anyway.
Spencer wanted to go public immediately, because, according to him “anyone who doesn’t want to show you off is fucking insane”, but you thought it might be better to wait a little while. You don’t have to pull the long con like Court and Shayne, but just having the office and your friends knowing would be good enough until you both settled into this.
“Then we could maybe be annoying and drop little hints on IG or in videos, see who all catches on,” You offered, knowing his mischievous side would absolutely love that.
“So many fans already ship us anyway, it might be fun to drive them a little crazy with it.” Spencer laughed, bright and full of love, and you just could not believe you finally had Spencer to yourself.
Realistically, you had for a few years now, but now it’s real.
The conversation wasn’t as long as you had expected, luckily you were both on the same page about nearly everything. Soulmatism is just like that, you supposed. After about thirty-or-so minutes, you both had worked it all out and decided another lazy day in bed was in order.
You could get used to how easy it was to love Spencer, and how he made you feel even easier to love.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
taglist: @lokidokieokie @chaoticlizzzzzz @babble28 @starstriker027 @langaslefthairstrand @vc55bughead @kneelforloki @cosmichahn @lisiliely
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alexjcrowley · 3 days
Yesterday night I felt sick with my stomach and stayed awake all night making audio recordings to my best friend about watching Quantum of Solace for the first time (I am still finishing it) and then I started randomly talking about 00q and accidentally opened up the Pandora Box of my memories but I instantly remembered everything I ever knew about 00q like when it got adopted by the BBC Sherlock fandom or the Paddington is the new Quartermaster stuff or when everybody was obsessed with the fucking Téméraire and it was EVERYWHERE and everybody made the joke "It's a ship!!!" and the age difference discourse between James and Q and Q being called Quentin and Mycroft and Sherlock being Q older brothers and disapproving of his relationship with James Bond and the fucking tea mugs and so many cats and everybody talking about Q's jumpers and making up OC minions for him and every fanfiction in which James retires to be with Q because he was the only one he ever loved aside from Vesper and Q feeling insecure because of her and all then Madeleine Sawnn came along and everybody was distraught even though the flirting was there in Spectre and we were all distraught because we could have had it all and so many fix it fics so many fics about James cosntantly loosing his gadgets and how hard it was for Q to watch him seduce other people and everybody was saying they were grumpy x sunshine/black cat x Golden retriver coded BUT THEY WERE NOT ACTUALLY in my humble opinion but they were easily flustered x flirting menace and Q had such salty one-liners and everybody believed he was a posh boy and do you remember when years later you had the same museum scene with Hannibal it was clearly a parallel and then there was No Time To Die and Q was officially queer oh my God oh my fucking God it was CANON he TOTALLY CANONICALLY MUST HAVE HAD A CRUSH ON BOND and we saw THE CATS and WHO WAS Q WAITING FOR?????? James must have been jealous but then the movie was what it was and a lot of people hated it and all of the fix it fics in which Bond said his last words to Q because it was always Q it will always be Q and also everybody making up names for him names were such a huge deal Q revealing his name to James in his last moments grieving fics in which James died but you also had silly ones and spicy ones uhhh a lot of those because sometimes you just need to ignore canon and see them happy and maybe both retiring or maybe they kept working flirting over the comms and annoying everyone at MI6 which wasn't exactly Avengers "Everybody Lives in The Tower" au but it was close they weren't a found family per se but some of them were very close there used to be edits on youtube yeah before TikTok came along youtube edits were A ThingTM with all those retrica-looking filters and pop songs or sad love songs and fake trailers who remembers those or like scenes edited to look like they were from a romcom and comments on the scenes written in small usually white text that were meant to reflect the character inner thoughts like "That's hot" or "He's so annoying I need to kiss him" or "BITCH" and fics in which Q was kidnapped and James went berserk and a few years ago Knives Out came out and we tried to to have Bond and Benoit Blanc related do you also remember that?
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duskier · 1 day
Invisible man but it's toxic Ghoap x reader ...
cw: this is literally just ghoap mentally torturing reader and there are mentions of them intending to kill the reader 🫶
Them having access to fictional sounding levels of military technology and getting two suits of their own that allow them to go completely invisible- suits designed to even erase their shadows via a complex system of reflections and lights.
Of course, you're the first thing to come to mind when they put them on. You were their favorite barista at a café close to base. You probably didn't remember them out of your sea of regulars, but they never stopped thinking about you, a mutual fixation on you blooming between them. They start out small, breaking and entering in the middle of the night. Unplugging your phone from the charger so you wake up without an alarm, the battery long dead. Turning off power to your fridge and leaving the doors open, the food spoiled by the time you wake up.
The best part of the suits is they get to stick around and watch your devastation. Scrambling out of bed with a panicked, half asleep noise, putting on the first set of work clothes you can find. Soap leaning against your fridge so he can get a full look at your face as it crumples at the sight, your vegetables wilted and your meat already smelling.
Ghost takes it a step further after nights of keeping you awake with strange knocks around the house or precious items crashing to the floor. Soap has to bite his lip to keep from giggling as they take turns whispering your name in the night. They wait a few minutes between while they watch you peer into the dark, breath shaking in your chest in fear. You look so adorable with your eyes wide and darting about, like a pretty little thing of prey in your thin tank top and comfy panties. Like you're just waiting to be eaten.
Ghost brushes by Soap, hands reaching out purposefully to give his hand a squeeze. A silent command to stay. Soap is left waiting with you, continuing to admire how vulnerable you look. All it does is leave his cock swelling in the pants, fantasizing about ways he could get you to make that pretty frightened face for him more directly. Soap couldn't wait to get his hands on you, make you feel real weakness under his grip. They weren't going to fuck with you forever, this was just them playing with their food. A sort of foreplay. He wonders if you'd cry, if you'd beg for your life. Or would you try and play along, in hopes they'd spare you? Would you try to fight back, could you maybe land a blow on him? Soap palms himself quietly, careful to not let your now focused hearing catch him in the act. He really hopes you can split his lip or something, leave a scar to remember you by.
The both of you startle as suddenly you hear Ghost bellowing your name from somewhere on the first floor. His voice is so loud, so angry, it barely sounds human and is left ringing in your ears for a full minute after. You're paralyzed with fear, hyperventilating now. Before you could snap out of it and reach for your phone, you screamed at the feeling of a hand gripping your ankle and yanking you to the foot of the bed.
There was nothing and no one there. Even in the limited light you could tell that you were alone. This must have been a break in your psyche, you reassured yourself, just because you haven't been sleeping well and things have been going wrong in the house. No matter how you reassure yourself, you still creep down the stairs to look around for any signs of intrusion.
Every step, you pause and listen around for something, anything. Maybe a bear broke into your house for food or a thief was rooting through your office for your safe box. Maybe it was something as small and harmless as mice knocking over furniture. Every second feels like an eternity, your heart racing in your throat.
"Hello? I know there's someone here. Just leave, and I won't call the cops."
Ghost sneers at you behind the suit. What a stupid thing for you to do and say. He considers jumping the gun, ruining the mystery by revealing himself and teaching you a lesson. Soap inadvertently stops him, setting off your security alarm.
The high pitched alarm rang out, making you wince and cover your ears. Your house phone starts ringing, you scramble to pick it up. Backing yourself up against your living room wall to stare wide eyed into the darkness.
"Knight Security. Please provide your security code." The voice on the line said. The man sounded calm, kind, certain. It somehow helped to make you focus, take a deep breath. Probably why the guy worked there.
"Alright, got you. The alarms were tripped at your property. Everything alright?"
Was everything alright? Now talking to another living being, you weren't so sure. You tried to put everything you were experiencing into words but found you sounded incredibly silly... or one foot into a mental break.
"...Yeah, I'm alright."
"That's good. I'll get those sirens turned off for you and call off emergency services. Now, procedure does require me to have you walk through all possible entrances and exits in the home just to verify security. Would you mind checking the front door, love?"
Blissfully, the alarm turned off. The ear piercing sound finally gone, you let out a sigh of relief. The handsome voice on the phone asked you to check the front door, so you did. Confirmed it was locked and secure, just as you left it before bed.
He had you do the same with your garage door, the side door to the yard, and the back door.
"Perfect. You did a great job. Best customer of the night, if I may say," You could hear the smile in his voice.
"Why, thank you. You may," You quipped back, smiling to yourself in the darkness of the living room.
The man on the phone sounded like he was going to say goodbye, but he paused and made a small sound. "Oh! Before I let you go, I have one more question I have to add to the report."
"Of course, anything," You say, eager to please now that your heart had stopped racing.
"Are you alone in the home?"
Your response was immediate. "Yes."
The line went silent for a few beats. "...Are you sure?"
You could still hear the smile in his voice, but these words were spoken softly, dangerously.
"Turn around."
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wordsofelie · 3 days
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Chapter 3
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🌅Don’t you dare runaway (A Phoenix and Ashes Sequel)
Miya Osamu x f!reader
Summary: Miya Osamu thinks some things will never change—Atsumu will always be annoying; his Ma’s food will always be the best and you will always be his favourite sunrise.
Content Warnings: Timeskip Setting, Manga Spoilers, ex!Suna, Swearing, Mention of Sex (the word is pronounced once)
Words count: 3.3k
chapter 1 - chapter 2
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It’s 4 a.m. when the alarm rings and the shrill melody is a relief to Osamu’s ears.
The man hasn’t been able to sleep a wink all night. First, he found the futon way too hot to his liking and in an attempt to cool down he tried to slide onto the tatami mat, but it turned out to be way too cold this time (if only he had someone pressed against him, maybe that could help find the perfect balance). Then, he remembered the words he told his brother—sure ‘Tsumu acted like a spoiled brat but ending the year angry at him left a weird bittersweet taste in his mouth (he wished he had someone he could express this feeling to, someone who would listen and reassure him.) And finally, finally, he couldn’t calm the rapid beats of his heart each time he remembered that only a small corridor was separating you from him (and if only that someone he needed was you, he thought dismissively somewhere between dusk and dawn).
So, when the alarm rings, even though it means waking up, driving another hour and a half and opening the restaurant, he is relieved.
Osamu can’t decipher whether you had a good sleep or not when he joins you in the kitchen a few minutes later.
You have a cup in your hands and you’re glancing at the window. He turns his face to where you’re looking. The snow has melted. The world outside is silent, untouched by the morning light.
“Hi.” You tell him calmly; he didn’t realise you had noticed his presence.
He smiles in response as you put your cup of tea away, “should we go?”
“After ya.”
His words make you laugh a little, you cover your mouth with your hand and answer, “It’s way too early but you’re already such a gentleman.”
“Always with ya.”
Osamu doesn’t know if it’s because he’s not fully awake (or asleep) but his voice comes out so seriously that you widen your eyes slightly and a faint red hue creeps across your cheeks, and to the tips of your ears. Your eye contact stops after a few seconds, but it’s more than enough to fill Osamu’s lungs with an air he had never quite breathed before. If it had lasted longer, the man is convinced he would have melted, like the snow, in an unfair way.
You both thank Grandma Yumie for her hospitality. She doesn’t hide her will to welcome you again any time of the year, at any hour of the day.
“Take care of each other.” She ends up saying. A quick glance at Osamu makes it's obvious that she specially addressed those words to him.
It’s so cold inside the car, Osamu doesn’t wait for your arms to shiver to give you his hoodie. A grin slips through your lips when you put it on and notice how big it is for you. Your eyes seem a little bit glassy not because you cried but because of the lack of sleep. You probably found the bed too cold or too hot just like him, Osamu concludes.
“Ya can sleep if ya want. I’ll try not to drive too fast.”
“Nah, I've got to keep you company. What a bad co-pilot I would make if I fell asleep.” You sound a little proud when you say that, he finds you cute.
“Co-pilot? Ya distract me most of the time.”
You straighten suddenly and frown, “What? How dare you-”
“Say bye to Oba-san.” He starts the engine and waves at the old lady who stayed by the door to watch you leave.
You click your tongue, “Shut up.”
The ride is, without surprise, quiet. It’s not the quiet of yesterday due to Osamu’s bad mood—it’s a comfortable quiet. The kind that seems to be in harmony with the nature outside who’s slowly awakening
Osamu drives mostly on instinct. He tries to think about the day coming ahead to keep his focus: first he needs to wash the rice, then he will cut the cucumbers, prepare the sauce… He enumerates the list in his head. It’s gonna be a long day, he realises.
He sighs loudly, the sound filling the otherwise silent car.
You’ve been so calm that Osamu starts to think you might’ve fallen asleep. He risks a glance at you, your head resting lightly against the window. The sight both distracts and grounds him.
Something inside his chest is warm.
Unknowingly, a new rhythm has settled in his heart. When did it start? Maybe it has always been like that with you (peaceful, obvious). It’s so pleasant, Osamu wouldn’t mind feeling it for the rest of his life.
“Osamu, stop.” You suddenly exclaim and in a split second the man, lost in thoughts, is brought down to earth.
He does stop on the roadside, and you get out of the car.
He’s confused, almost worried, at first, so he follows you but soon all his fears disappear.
“Look. The sun is rising. I’ve never seen the sky like that before.” Your amazement is that of a child, your voice is high, and you run to the edge of the cliff to get even closer to the panorama. Osamu sees your chest rise and fall as you take in the air, “It’s beautiful.”
Osamu blinks.
No, you’re beautiful, is the only thought running through his head. But honestly, when are you not? Although, he just notices it now.
A ray of sunlight falls perfectly on your face, and he wants to kiss you.
He really wants to kiss you. Irresistibly. Outrageously. Unconditionally so.
The background seems like a mere white noise to his ears. You’re telling him how pretty the view is again, but he doesn’t care. All seven wonders could stand in front of him but that would not satisfy his eyes compared to that sight of you, bathed in the sun.
Look away, look away, he tries to convince himself. Look at where she’s pointing. But it’s too late now. He’s mesmerised by the moves of your hair, captivated by the features of your face, he suddenly feels like he’s losing all sense of will but still, it feels good. It’s freeing him.
Because everything makes sense now.
The discomfort he feels when you call him “friend”, the desire to live in a house with you, the feeling of protection he constantly shows towards you, the new rhythm that his heart is beating to.
It’s because he is in love with you.
He wants to stop time and never go back to Osaka. He wants to stay there, watching you smile. Gosh, the sunrise looks so good on you, it’s probably becoming his favourite colour.
You catch him looking and smile, “by the way.” You start and he has to pinch his arm to refocus, “Happy New Year.”
On January 1st, at 5 a.m., Miya Osamu realises that the love of his life has been standing before him for a decade.
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Atsumu has been waiting in front of Onigiri Miya for an hour.
The cold bites at his skin and seeps into his bones like a river entering a cave and flooding it. After avoiding death from fratricide, he is now convinced he will succumb to hypothermia.
He sits against the wall, hands deep in his pockets, seeking warmth. He curses himself for not bringing gloves (it’s always Osamy who remembers that kind of stuff). Maybe his fingers are going to freeze and break and fall—his career will be over soon, farewell National Team, goodbye Olympics.
When his brother’s car finally pulls up, he jumps.
“I’ve never been so happy to see ya.” He exclaims, eyes on the verge of tears. “How was yer ride? Ya must be tired. Can I do somethin’ to help?”
His eyes dart toward Osamu, and you can see the guilt written all over his face as he talks. But his twin only glowers at him before walking straight past him and opening the restaurant.
The older brother clears his throat and glances at you, clearly unsure of what to do.
You put your hand on his arm and suggest gently that he should get the rice bags from the car while you start cleaning the counter and getting the tables ready.
Atsumu hesitates for a moment before nodding, scratching the back of his neck. “Yeah... alright.”
Inside the restaurant, Osamu watches you take off your shoes and pick up the broom. “Ya should go home and sleep,” he says quietly before taking a glimpse at the other man still outside, “both of ya.”
You shake your head and smile. “Don’t be stupid, Osamu. Atsumu and I are happy to help. We’ll sleep later. Right?”
Atsumu finally lumbers inside with the first bag of rice slung over his shoulder as if it weighed nothing, his brother remains unusually calm. There’s no yelling or anger—just silence. And for Atsumu, the silence is worse.
“What?- Oh yeah, of course, we’ll help. Ya don’t have to worry, go to yer kitchen and make us some good onigiri. Like always. ‘Cause yer a great chef, ya know. The best I should say. The best of the best.” Each sentence comes out more awkward than the previous and it takes everything in you not to laugh at how he stumbles over his words.
But Osamu only sighs in response before grabbing the rice bag from Atsumu.
Something about his attitude makes the blond twin uneasy. As he passes by you, he leans down and whispers into your ear, “D’ya think he’s still angry at me?”
“Maybe a little bit.” You say back, trying to keep your voice low. “But don’t worry, I’m sure it will be over soon if you help him today.”
Osamu glances over with furrowed brows, his eyes narrowing slightly as he catches you both whispering. “Yer helpin’ or not?” His voice is devoid of his usual teasing tone.
“Yeah, yeah, comin’.”
Atsumu hurriedly runs back outside to finish the job.
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You don’t see each other for the next few days. At first, Osamu thinks it’s for the better. He has been awfully busy since the beginning of the year—which has been a greater success than he had planned. He likes his job because of how different each day is. If a day is calm, the next can be swarming, if sometimes he takes the time to discuss with the workers who come for their lunchtime, another time he will enjoy the silence of the off-peak hour. He tries to innovate in what he makes depending on the seasonal products or fresh fish of the market. It’s never repetitive, always new.
He can say he is content with his job.
So, when the second week of January starts, he thinks he deserves to rest (and he probably needs to).
But he immediately regrets it when he finds himself unable to fall asleep. He closes the restaurant earlier than usual and goes to the konbini to buy that eggs and mayo sandwich he has been craving for months (Osamu prefers homecooked food but a little treat now and then is always welcomed). He gets home, lies down on his couch and turns on the TV. He learns about how Tibetan Sand Foxes like to prey on pikas (why do they look like Suna by the way? Suna, his former teammate, your ex, your first love, the guy who broke your heart, the only boy you ever dated, ever loved, ever had sex with-). His heart misses a beat. He immediately skips to the next channel. There’s a documentary about street food in Hong Kong, but only a few minutes in, he turns the TV off. This reminds him too much of work and tonight is supposed to be about anything but work. His life is dedicated to food now, and he won’t change anything about it, but at the same time, his brain needs a break from the one thing he knows best.
So, he grunts and lies down flat on his back, hands behind his neck.
He looks at the ceiling and tries to clear his mind. He thinks that resting like this will help his head wind down, but the more he tries to relax, the more his thoughts turn chaotic.  
What are you doing right now? He wonders. You are in Aomori with Atsumu and the rest of the team. Perhaps you’re making a video with Bokuto or eating apple pie with Hinata (stop thinking about food ya moron). Is Sakusa near you? Are you talking to him? Looking at him? How does that make you feel? Maybe thinking about food is a better idea because Osamu suddenly feels his muscles tightening and a dull ache settles from his lower abdomen to his chest.
He hasn’t seen you often this week when work took you away, and that was fine—he was busy too. But these past few days, the empty space where your presence used to be felt bigger. It was like a silence he wasn’t used to, one that lingered too long after the noise of the day had died down.
Without realising it, his eyes close. His body, heavy with the fatigue he refuses to acknowledge, finally gives in.
When he wakes up, he is sitting on a chair, it’s stiff and uncomfortable. He blinks a few times to get used to the light.
“We’re going to the cafeteria, you’re coming?”
He doesn’t recognise Suna’s monotonous voice at first, but still, the middle blocker is here, standing in front of him. His hair is long, and he is wearing their high school uniform.
Osamu opens his mouth, once, twice, before looking around him. He is in his second-year classroom. He looks at his hands, there’s dry and bruised, from volleyball ?
“What yer doin’ here?” he says to no one at all.
Suna is gone.
When he turns around, you are with your ex-boyfriend.
“I love you.” He hears Suna say, “Be my girlfriend.”
Osamu wants to get up, but his body doesn’t move.
He knows something is irrational about the whole situation. First, he graduated from high school years ago, and then Suna would never confess in front of everyone.
However, there’s an urge inside of him to stop you from giving an answer. He wants to tell you to say no for you deserve better than Suna. Don’t choose him, choose me, he wants to tell you.
But he is glued to the chair.
“Fuck.” He groans before hitting his forehead on the table.
“Where’s Sakusa-san?” You finally reply.
Your voice is so soft, Osamu thinks you sound like peace in the middle of chaos.
He lifts his face and sees you. You’re taller and your cheeks are thinner, you don’t look like the teenager you once were. Suna has disappeared and you’re in Osaka’s gym.
The boy doesn’t look around this time to understand what he is doing here. Nothing makes sense anyway.
He knows he has to join you before Sakusa does.
“Wait.” He exclaims and starts running towards you. But you don’t hear him.
He shouts your name, perhaps his throat will ripe from screaming too loud. That doesn’t matter because he needs you to listen to him, “Sakusa doesn’t know ya can’t sleep if ya don’t have a cup of tea, black tea, not white, not green, but black. He doesn’t know ya prefer boiled eggs instead of poached and that yer tongue itches if ya eat the skin of peaches.” He has stopped running now and is almost out of breath, “Ya used to love spring, but ya don’t anymore, ‘cause ya have allergies and ya think summer is better because it’s the season of fireworks and festivals and… and-”
He wants to keep going but he is suddenly overwhelmed by all the things he knows about you (everything); and all the things he wants to learn about you (anything).
He sinks on his knees.
“I don’t know where we are and am so tired, but I love ya, I love ya, I love ya.”
There’s a sensation of greatness once the words have come out of his lips. It’s infinite and endless.
His eyes are directed to the polished floor. He sees tears falling on his hands and wetting his fingers.
You don’t answer and when he looks up, the scenery has changed again. He is on top of a mountain, sat on the grass. When he decides to stand up, he wonders where you are. Have you heard him? Or has he lost his chance to tell you how he feels?
A warm hand rests on his shoulder, “Osamu-kun.” It’s the feeble but gentle voice of his grandma, “For yer words to be heard, ya need to face the truth.”
“I should have realised I loved her sooner, in high school, I should have dated her, not Suna, not him, me.” There’s panic not only in his tone but in his heart. His hands start shaking.
“This is not about ya, this is about her.”
He doesn't listen to the old lady, “How am I supposed to forget her now? What should I do? Our friendship will be ruined because of me. Grandma’ I-I’m screwed.”
“Give her yer heart, fully.”
“But what if-”
“Son,” her voice is firmer now, “don’t you dare run away.”
The sun is rising when Osamu looks to his right. How is he supposed to spend a lifetime showing you how he feels when it took him a fraction of a second to fall in love with you ?
Loving you is crushingly beautiful but painfully right.
A loud noise resonates in his ears. Does it sound like keys? Or a door opening? Or footsteps?—
The moment that follows he cracks his eyes open.
“Don’t tell me ya were sleepin’?” Atsumu bursts into the living room. “We came back a day earlier. I'm hungry.”
“We?” Osamu asks. His eyelids are heavy with the weight of sleep and when he tries to sit, he feels his head spin.
“I brought apple pie.”
You appear in his field of vision and lean towards him. His heart beats differently now.
You smile with all your teeth, it’s brighter than the sunrise, and he finally realises that a few minutes ago he was dreaming (about you).
“Do you want to have a bite?” You ask him.
This isn’t supposed to happen, he thinks, his heart isn’t supposed to ache like that, he isn’t supposed to hate the stupid distance between you (a meter? Maybe less? Even a centimetre would be too much anyway). It’s ridiculous but he finds himself wanting to break it. But Osamu is not stupid, he can question everything, and analyse his feelings in every sense, he can’t hide it. Dream or not, whether you’re here or away for days, he’s madly in love with you. He will not need a third realisation to admit it, it’s clear that he wants you now.
“You look exhausted.”
There’s worry on your face as you frown. You’re about to put your hand on his forehead to take his temperature but his instinct orders him to avoid your touch, so he gets on his feet and goes to the kitchen.
“I really want to try that apple pie, I’ll put the oven on to warm it up.” He probably sounds fake but that’s the only escape he can think of. He doesn’t want to turn to you because your arms are probably crossed and lips turned into a pout (you always do that when you’re upset but Osamu finds it cute).
Once he’s far enough from you, his face starts to burn, he puts his hands on his cheeks as if it would make the flush go away.
He feels like a teenager crushing on his classmate.
But he can't run away anymore.
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author notes: not a lot of action but a lot of feeling, what do you guys think?
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taglist: @wolffmaiden, @teyvatsunsets, @obibiwan, @sugacor3, @sunahsvt
35 notes · View notes
space-cowgirllll · 7 hours
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a/n- I'm super sick and might have written this in a NyQuil induced haze lol but I've been obsessed with this song lately and I just couldn't help myself and then these pictures pop up on my Pinterest??? I had to.
Reader is not a girls girl in this I'm sorryyyy.
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You're already awake when she starts to stir, laying on your side staring out the small window across from the bed. The pretty blue and pink pastels of the sky are in the early stages of transitioning into a vibrant orange as the sun starts to rise.
This used to be your favorite time of the day. Listening to her breathing mixed with the birds chirping through the small crack in the window. Happy to wake up to her legs intertwined with yours, the warmth radiating from her body against your back. Now? The once comforting feeling of her breath at the nape of your neck sent chills down your spine, her tattooed arm felt like a hundred pound weight around your waist.
A gentle kiss is placed on the back of your head, followed by a mumbled good morning. The old bed creaks as she shuffles to the edge. Your body follows her movements, rolling over to face her. Her short hair is sticking straight up in certain spots from how much she'd tossed and turned all night. She was overdue for a haircut. You watch as she sits there, shoulders slumped and staring at the wall lost in thought. There are dark circles underneath her eyes. It was getting harder to pretend you didn't notice. 
"Are you hungry?" You whisper.
She shakes her head as if she just remembered you were still there and you frown. She hadn't had dinner last night either. "We have to go see Tommy today." 
Ellie gives you a small smile, her fingers run down the bare skin of your arm. You tense when she leans down. Lips just a hair's breadth away from yours when you turn your head to the side, hands pushing against her chest. She huffs when she's met the skin of your cheek instead.
"At least let me brush my teeth first Els." you giggle halfheartedly when she rolls her eyes. Her lips curve up in a grin.
"Okay, weirdo." she moves to press a quick kiss to your hairline instead, giving your hip a small squeeze.
"I'm going to go get Shimmer ready." She speaks into your hair. "I'll meet you at the gate?"
You nod silently, watching her slip out of the room and into the bathroom down the hall. The smile slips off your face the second you hear the sound of water running. 
You shift uncomfortably in your seat, eyes focused on the table in front of you. Your hands fidget with the frayed edges of the napkin. To your left, Maira chatters with a couple of the older women in Jackson. You'd been laughing as they shared stories about their lives before when you hear it. A knot in your stomach forms at the sound of her voice, tightening as she gets closer. Your hands clench into fists on your lap. A hand on your arm makes you jump, your knee bumping against the edge of the table. Maria watches you with a knowing look on her face. 
You give her what you think is reassuring smile, but judging by the frown on her face, she's not convinced. You chew on the inside of your cheek wishing you'd been able to stay back at the farm. In your peripheral you check on Ellie. She's hunched over what seems to be a map, while Tommy points to different areas on it. He talking excitedly about something, the determination on his face scares you. 
The last time you were all in the same room together you'd been standing in the sidelines having a drink with Jesse. You happily watching your best friend dance with Ellie, while he avoided looking Dina's way. 
Today, the seat next to hers is empty and the three of you avoid each other as best as you can in a town with a population of three hundred people. 
The ten month old in Dina's arms wiggles around as his chubby hands bang on the table. Little babbles reach your ears over the hum of conversations around you. You chance a quick look at him. It's bittersweet to see so much of your friend in JJ's sweet face. There's a dull pang in your chest, knowing Jesse deserved to be here, watching his son grow. God, you could use a stupid joke or two of his right about now. He'd never let you and Ellie live this down. 
Your eyes involuntarily move to Dina. She's deep in conversation with Jesse's mother. It had been months since you've seen her, and even longer since you'd spoken. You were too ashamed to ask anyone how she was doing knowing it would immediately get back to her. Your closest friend had become a stranger and it was all your fault. But what could you say? Sorry I got involved with your ex girlfriend five months after you broke up, let's still be friends? She'd probably punch you in the face. She had done it for less.
You press your lips together, fighting the bout of nausea that crawls up your throat. Your chair scrapes loudly across the floor, but you don't even care at the looks it earns you. With a rushed goodbye to the women, you book it outside. The humid air does little to help your already clammy skin, your tank top sticking to your back in the most uncomfortable way. 
The doors of the dining hall burst open just a moment later, startling you. Ellie storms out followed by an equally angry Tommy. His lips pulled down in a scowl. She doesn't even seem to notice you're there, striding right past you.
"What the fuck, Tommy?" You whisper shout at the older man, making no move to stop in fear of Ellie getting too far ahead. He just grumbles an apology, a fleeting look of regret on his face as he heads back inside.
Your feet slip slightly as you pick up the pace, the ground still muddy from an unexpected storm the day before. Ellie doesn't even seem fazed by it as she powers through to the stables. She has the decency to look embarrassed when she sees you following, and you try to ignore how much it hurts to know she'd completely forgotten you were there. 
The silence leaves you alone with your thoughts longer than should be allowed. You spend the whole time thinking so hard it feels like your head is going to pop. Remembering how upset Dina had been after the breakup, unable to deal with all the stress of dealing with a grieving partner while navigating the loss of her child's father shortly after finding out she was pregnant. The late nights where you held her as she cried. When no one had heard from Ellie for weeks, you made the trip up to the small farm she and Dina shared for those first short weeks of their return from Seattle. You found her sitting on the porch looking worse for wear. Her attempts to kick you out were futile. It started off innocently at first, you heading over to help her clean or look after the couple of sheep she kept around. Making sure she at least tried some of the food you'd bring over. Ellie was happy to let you do most of the talking, giving her the rundown on whatever the rumor mill was churning that week. 
It had taken months before the Ellie you knew slowly started making an appearance. Her art slowly appearing around the house, the strumming of her guitar becoming background noise while you prepared dinner. The first time she cracked one of her lame jokes you'd stared at her like she'd grown another head. 
Before you knew it you were practically living at the farm and one day when Ellie asked you to just stay, you listened. The look of betrayal on Dina's face as you moved what little you owned out of your house haunted you some nights.
It had been easy to ignore it in the beginning, the guilt overshadowed by the attention Ellie gave you. These days you can't shake the thought that maybe she'd kept you around because she was scared of being alone.
You reluctantly tighten your grip on Ellie, watching the profile of her face as she leads the horse onto the trail that goes back to the farm. She looks back at you, lowering one of her hands to squeeze yours resting on her waist. Try as you might, you had never been the best at consoling the girl in front of you.
As you look back over your shoulder, you contemplate how stupid you'd look if you came back to Jackson alone with your tail tucked between your legs. 
"Ellie! Sit still." 
"I am!"
The two of you are crammed into the tiny downstairs bathroom of your home. Her in a chair, you behind her with your hands in her hair. The room is silent, safe for the occasional snipping of the scissors. 
"I told you to just wait for me." You mumble as you try to fix the messy uneven strands at the back of her head. 
"You were taking too long."
"Well you can kiss that little half up bun of yours goodbye." The small pout on her face makes you laugh.
She'd gone a little wild with the scissors this time. Her once shoulder length hair now a shaggy cut that kept the hair off her neck. You huff as she moves her head from side to side, making it harder to keep cutting. She hums in approval.
"Not bad." 
"I'm not done yet." You whine, letting her pull you to sit on her lap.
Her chin props on your shoulder, smiling at you in the mirror. "It looks fine. Thanks babe." 
You rest your head against hers, admiring the way the morning sun coming through the window brings out the red in her hair.
The sweet moment is ruined by your treacherous thoughts. Remembering that night a little over a year ago. You'd showed up to Dina's one night after patrol to find the two girls in the bathroom as she trimmed Ellie's hair. It had been just before the two left for Seattle to chase after Tommy. Ellie had been a mess, staring off into nothing as your friend combed through her hair. 
And amidst all the chaos in her life you saw the way her eyes lit up when Dina looked at her. The flush of her cheeks whenever they locked eyes. Watching them interact had always felt like you were intruding on something.
"Oh I love this song!" Ellie cranes her neck, listening to the soft music coming from the record player in the living room.
Your chest tightens, the burning sensation from earlier returning. As she hums quietly, you think back to the day Dina had found the record in an old music store while on patrol. She'd probably left it behind. It was one of her favorites too, and if Ellie knows it, she doesn't show it. 
There was so much of Dina intertwined with Ellie. The two had been friends for years before they dated. They made far more sense than you and Ellie did. Some days you wondered if she ever even truly saw you. 
Would there ever be a moment that was just your own?
You lay there in the middle of your shared bed,  knees tucked into your chest with the covers up to your chin. Ellie's side of the bed cold and empty when you woke. Just as it had been every night since her argument with Tommy. The one you still knew nothing about, being brushed off every time you asked about it. You'd gotten used to her reserved nature over the past months, but this was different. There were still smiles and kisses thrown your way, but those no longer felt genuine.
The house is unusually quiet for Ellie not being in bed. No guitar being played or the quiet hum of the tv downstairs. Quickly slipping into one of her old hoodies, you notice that her jacket and backpack are gone from their usual spot. In a panic, you rush down the stairs. The ratty sneakers you constantly begged her to get rid of are missing from where she threw them every night after kicking them off.
Without even thinking you run towards the barn barefoot. The animals startle at the loud groan from the old door being opened but you pay them no mind as you move towards the small stable near the back. When only one horse pokes its head out to greet you, your blood runs cold. It wasn't Shimmer.
She left.
You don't even have to energy to cry, too in shock to truly process that Ellie's gone. Muddy footprints track inside the house, ruining the floors you had just cleaned before bed. You don't even realize you're in the kitchen until you collapse in one of the dining chairs. 
It isn't until hours later, when the sun finally starts to rise that you see it. The singular scrap stuck to the fridge underneath an old magnet she'd stolen from Joel. You recognize her the swirls of her messy handwriting as she apologizes for leaving. She'd gone after Abby. Her words start to blur as tears spill over, smudging the ink as they land on the paper. You angrily swipe at your face as you reach the end, staring at the three words she'd underlined twice before promising she'd see you soon. 
I love you.
No she didn't.
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velvet-paradox · 1 day
Stay (ch. 8)
A gift - Cruelty of betrayal - The battle is won - A unity in marriage -The first time is the deepest
Length: LONG Warnings: NSFW 18+ ONLY, strong language, explicit content, oral (f & m receiving), angst, blood mention, fingering, first time, p in v, creampie, detailed smut. ENJOY!!
The air has changed, over night from a chill in the air to actual snow on the ground, flurries of it swirling about. Roofs of houses covered white, boot print marks on travels, wheelbarrows tracks, the smell of wet pine and carefully stoked fire.
König is still fast asleep, his thick arm cradling his head, his fingers twitch in his hair as he slumbers. You watch his bare chest raise and fall, calming really, to watch such a ibrute be this still and quiet. Your eyes rake over his body, radiating heat, some nights you wondered if you even needed a fire, just use his body heat for warmth.
He laughed at that.
You wondered about your parents, looking down at your arm band. Has word traveled to them about your coming nuptials? Would they attend? Would they feel too guilty to watch you marry the boogeyman, knowing they had sealed your fate? Or was it truly the Gods who have given you trials, to overcome, to become and belong to KorTac? Trusting that you were worthy of König and his affections, to be the one to carry down his legacy. Your legacy. Tales would be told, sagas written and voiced down, songs sung.
"You're going to burn a hole into the wall if you keep thinking that hard." König's sleepy voice broke your thoughts like spiderwebs. He was now rolled over onto his side, holding up his head to look at you, one tattooed leg out over the covers.
"How long have you been awake?"
"Long enough to see you worrying; what troubles have my pet so focused, hmmm?" He took a hold of your wrist, thumbing over the bones beneath.
"Our future."
"And what a fine one it will be. We shall have a wedding ceremony, celebrate our union, start on our family. I am eager for it, are you not?" König asked, his eyebrows meeting in curiosity.
You were but… how could you be? The old you, Y/N, would have been terrified and would be desperate to get away from him, not looking hopeful into his eyes, the yearning to be beneath him coursing through your veins. Old layers of your former self were peeling away, day by day.
"I am. Truly, I just do not what it holds."
"Trust the Gods, my dear. They know what is best and if you are still uncertain, we shall visit the Seer."
"What about Ada?"
König clucked his tongue and shook his head, "Nein nein. We shall work it all out, she does not mean to duel with you, not really. I think she is just jealous."
"What if she is not? What if she is serious, König. She could ask for a death match!"
"You really think I would allow such a thing?"
You slithered down into the bed, inching closer so you could look at him, touch his face, so much has happened and maybe you should've fought back, made him realize you weren't some pawn or play thing but when you look at him, ireally look at him; it wasn't about that. It was strange to think of your past, you weren't doing much with your life, living day to day, foraging, taking care of the house and your parents. You didn't have too many friends, not ones that would avenge you or come looking for you. Clearly. You were just there but here, in this bed, in this village in this chapter of your life, you were enjoying the pace.
Helping a new friend devlier babies, getting to know the clan, becoming a stronger shieldmaiden by the hands and structure of Sebastian Kruger, banter with Ghost and Soap. Maybe the Gods were right in gifting you to The Collector afterall.
"Exactly. No harm with come to you, not while there is still air in my lungs." He kissed the corner of your mouth, sighing into you as he wrapped his heavy arms around you.
"Can I ask you something?" You asked, fingering over a deep scar on his bicep that was in your face.
"At our engagement, you said you bought something…"
"Ah, ja. I did in fact."
"What is it?"
"It's a surprise." König hummed into your hair.
"Can I have a hint?"
"Nein. I'll do you one better and show you, after second breakfast."
"Second breakfast? I know you can put away a lot of food but that seems a bit much, don't you think?"
"Nein," he shook his head with a light laugh, rolling you over on to your back. "Not when iyou are to be my first meal of the day!"
You wondered if life would always be like this. The hands of The Collector, the carnage and savagery, the damage he could yield on your skin. Fingertips dug into your flesh, your knees damn near your ears as he folded you in half. Delightfully moaning against your cunt as you squealed, moaning his name, tugging at his hair.
"Hold her open for me." König panted, giving both of your shins a quick and sloppy kiss as you moved your hands from your breasts, spreading yourself wide. "Good job."
König grinned and dove back in to taste you as you dragged your nails down your calves.
Everyone you came across that morning gave you both a wave, a congratualtions, smiling at you both as you made your way through KorTac. Gaz had finsihed making you a cloak for winter, it matched the deep, mossy green of König's own cloak. The cold air had your clinging to his arm, parading you about, boots crunching in the snow.
You walked in tandem up a bit of a hill, houses with rowdy children, clinking and foraging new blades for future raids, a butcher breaking down chickens, tossing scraps to a few waiting strays.
You stopped at the bottom of another trail.
"Do you trust me?"
What an odd question, trusting the man that haunted the dreams of babes but the one you desired.
"Of course."
You could see the light in König's eyes light up, he tucked you closer and asked you to close your eyes. It was strange to be walking blind but you did in fact trust the man next to you, trusted his knowledge of this terrain, the lay of his land. You listened when he told you step over a fallen log, move out of the way. He guided you to the right and finally came to a halt.
He told you to open your eyes.
You blinked them open, looking over the viallge from this incredible height. All his people, soon to be iyour people milling about down there, going about their own morning, cooking, cleaning, teaching, learning. Clouds of smoke from open houses, dogs chasing cats, the pounding of freshly logged wood.
"Where are we?"
König put his heavy hands on your shoulders and turned you around. There behind you was a beautiful cottage, paned windows, a plot for a garden. It was beautiful and you hadn't even stepped inside.
"I bought you a home."
Your smiled faded when he only said he about you a home. Not meant for the both of you?
Your face must've gave it away.
"I'm sorry pet, it is too small? I can afford a bigger one if you wish. Just say the word."
"Nein nein, it's perfect."
"Then why the face?"
"I only thought you would have bought a home for the both of us. We are to be married, are we not? We're not going to live together? I understand you have a lot to do, being the leader and example for KorTac but, you'll be so far away from me down there in the hall. What if I get lonely?"
König made a noise and had you face him, your head in his hands. "My dear pet, this is our home. I bought it for you, for us, for our family. I will be able to see the fjord, who is coming and who is going, everyone will know where to find us," he kissed you through the mask. "This is iour home."
"But I thought we lived at the hall."
"Nein pet, I stay there when I need to and since I was keeping an eye on you, it was convenient to stay there. But after our unity, we will be living up here from now on."
"This is all ours?" You smiled and looked around the property, more than enough land, more than enough space, four rooms, a hearth for cooking, a large room for an entire family. Your family.
"So you do care for me?"
König nuzzled your face, hugging you tightly, resting his cheek against the top of our head. "Of course my dear, you question my loyalty still?"
You grabbed him after the tour, tearing off his mask to kiss him hard on the mouth. Stunned by your actions he let you, he let you do whatever you wanted. And certainly did not complain when you got down on your knees, undid his pants and slipped his cock down your throat.
Laswell had requested your services and advice for herbs, mentioning that you were the best forager around KorTac. Upon agreement and payment you gladly took her basket and set off into the woodlands.
You found a patch you were looking for, kneeling down and humming a little tune your mother used to sing to you. You never asked about it, just knew your mother would sing it out loud, it would calm you, center you in times of concern. The looming threat of what Ada wanted, a duel was heavy on your shoulders. Grateful the you were being trained to be a better maiden, knew how to use a bow previously, now sword fighting, clashing, striking.
You heard a rolling cart not far off from you in deep in the woods, the creaking and jostling of something didn't bother you, didn't concern you much. That was the trail to another market, one you had frequented when you lived at home. Seemed like a lifetime ago now.
Out of general curiosity you left your basket of goodies and made your way out of the trees, crunching snow, your cheeks on fire from the cold to see the trail ahead. The cart wobbled a bit in the distance. A couple along with it, a mule trudging behind them.
"Out of the lane woman!"
You turned around to see another cart coming your way.
"Stop the cart!" Your mother, frantically jumped from the cart and ran over to you, tears in her eyes, sorrow in her voice as she sobbed into your cloak. She looked you over, kissing your face, holding your head to hers. "Oh my child! We have feared you dead for so long! Yet here you are, in one piece."
"Y/N!" Your father hugged you tightly, the three of you together again. Even if only for a moment. "Are you escaping?" He asked after the tears had stopped. "We have room in the back for you to cover up."
"Yes child, are you hiding from that monster? Surely you have tried to rid yourself of him." Your father looked you over then, seeing your finely made clothing, newly mended boots.
"I uh, I'm marrying him. He proposed. I am to be a wife and a mother!"
"And you are willing to marry such a man?" Your mothers' voice turned to shock. "Surely you would rather choose death than to be the wife of The Collector."
"Quite the opposite, mother," you proffessed, their looks of dismay and disappointemt made you feel guilty for being even a spirkle of happy with König. "He may be ruthless but he keeps me healthy, satisfyied, well fed. I'm being trained by one they call Kruger, I know how to use a blade now, I have friends and people--"
"Stop this at once!" Your father shouted. You bit your lip. "What sort of poison has he given you to say such things? You sound thrilled! How could you be?"
"I am happy. I had to make the best out of my situation, I refuse to be miserable for the rest of days."
"How? We raised you to be a fighter, this is madness, daughter." Your mother scolded. "Have you not attempted iany to escape from his clutches?"
"Nein? You are even speaking his language! You are not our daughter. When the villagers find you out you want to be with that madman, given vows, rings… we shall be laughed out."
Your heart broke. Bile rose in your throat and unhappy tears welled up in your eyes. "Do not say that, father. I am still --"
"You are not Y/N, oh how disappointed she would be to see you in such a sorry state. Wanting to be married to The Collector, shameful. No child of mine would choose such a dishonorable life."
"Dishonor-- I did not choose this life! This sitaution, unforseen," you swallowed your tears, voice cracking as you did so. The look on your parents face was sad. The had believed you dead and maybe it was better that way, they had let you go. "The Gods chose me."
They both looked at each other in disbelief, shocked that you sounded and looked so sure of yourself.
"I cannot believe my ears," your mother touched your arms band one last time before climbing up on the cart, your father following close behind. "You should be ashamed of yourself."
"You have clearly made your choice, child."
"Y/N, the real daughter, would never have put up with this."
You sniffled, tears freezing to your cheeks as they rode away, they didn't even have the heart to look back.
"You're right," you cried watching their heads slip down the horizon, out of sight. "That's because I am her no longer."
You came out of the woods a different person. Emerged in the evening sun with an even colder crisp to the air. A basket full of herbs, eyes still glassy and wet as you passed the tree line, by Keeva and John's homestead.
They had left you. Never would you have thought your parents would willingly let you go like this. The more you thought about it, the more angrier you had become. Rage had been laying dormant for so long you didn't even realize how hard you had made your fists as you marched through the village. They had come to terms that their only daughter was dead already, that you wouldn't last this long. It made your skin crawl.
You couldn't find König, which made your rage worse. Stomping and stalking through the hall. You marched all the way to your room at the back, slamming the door shut before dropping to the ground with a ripping scream. Your forehead to the floor, hands at the nape of your neck. You screamed and cried some more until you heard the door latch open. Heavy boots. Slow steps. You got up and threw yourself at him.
"Hey hey, what is going on? What did he do now?" It was Kruger. You looked up at him with a terrible face, anguish, pain, betrayal.
"It wasn't h-him," You pressed your face into his collar. "I sa-aw my parents."
"Ah, overwhelming after all this time, ja?" He asked, petting your head.
"Nein! They abandonded me, they are disappointed. I dishonor them by wanting to marry König. They said I am inot their daughter anymore," you fisted Krugers cloak, pleading for some relief. "What am I to do? My parents have willingly thrown me away!"
"It's alright, pet. You have us. You have all of KorTac, you have friends, you have König. We are your family now."
After you calmed down in his arms, you sniffled and took several steps back to sit on your bed, head in your hands, tears drying crusty on down your face. "Wh-o will give me away?"
"Is that one of your traditions? Like the arm band?"
You nodded.
The bed creaked when he sat down next to you, offering his hand. "If you wish, I'll do it. I shall give you away."
"You would do that for me?"
Kruger, even behind his enitre mask, you didn't even know what he looked like under there had a smile in his tone and nodded. "On one conditon; you save up all of this rage for Ada. König told me, day one of you being here, to treat you as if you were one of our own and now… you iare."
You made a deal.
König had told you that you could decorate your new homestead as you pleased, he wanted, no, ineeded you to be happy. Whatever you wanted it was yours. His to spoil, to dote on, to treat as kindly as the man could manage. You could tell this was new for him as well, only mentions of sexual actitivies not relationships and certainly inot marriage.
You cried again that night, held tightly to König as he brushed your hair away from your face after you told him what had happened with your parents. He was able to calm you down, proud of you for letting go, that were headed for the future and if that's the way things were going to be there shouldn't be any looking back. You are not going that way.
"What do you think is my best color?" You asked Kyle that next afternoon, all cried out and fresh to be just be Pet for the foreseeable future. Your old life had slipped off your shoulders.
"For the ceremony or in general?" Gaz asked, resizing someones' boots, a pair of pants hung on a rack nearby ready for repair. More snow had fallen in the night.
"For the wedding. I have been to a few and the bride always wore white, do you do that here?"
"You can dress how you want, pet. It is your day." Gaz put away his tools to get up and pull out a few shades of blue fabric. "In fact, I may have something that might spark interest."
"This one looks like his eyes."
"Well I could size you up since your here if you wish. Get you a corset too, I won't complicate things since this will be your wedding night and you'll want ease of access for the consumation I trust." Gaz chuckled and took out his measuring instruments. Having you stand with your arms out wide, the size of your shoulders, the length.
It was all you could think about for the rest of the day until someone grabbed your arm and yanked you in between a few houses off the lane.
"GET YOUR HANDS-- Graves? What do you want?"
He didn't look good, dark circles under his eyes, hair disheveled and you could clearly see a smudge of either dirt or soot, either one did not matter all, across his chin.
"You are in danger, girl. That Ada woman… she wants you idead." He said in a hushed whispered.
"I heard her myself. She has been training with that brute in the skull mask."
"Sure, whatever. I have been watching them train, he's heartless, he knocks her down any chance he gets then fucks her face as a reward." Graves visibly shivered. "Dispicalble."
Which was quite the wording coming from Phillip who literally stole belongings from the dead.
"Ghost wouldn't to actually hurt me."
"He doesn't, but she does. Says you're in the way, that she's wanted KorTac, to sit on the throne you will be in. Having König's babies, having a title. She's not a very good woman, runt. I would be very careful when you battle."
"You heard her say this? When?"
"… I may have been snooping about the hall and I may have found my way to her quarters and pressed my ear to the door." He shrugged.
"Oh you little creep!"
"Oh stop it, like you are some deity!"
"It's not that, it's that you go around prowling after people to see what you can stal from them. Whether it is items, things they have worn and cherished in their lives until you put them in the ground or be it information." You scoled the rugged man.
"If I didn't eavesdrop on Ada and this iGhost, how would I know she wants to kill you, hmmm?"
You thought about what Phillip had said when Soap had bound your wrist with a leather strap after he'd done the same to Ada the day of the duel. Would she honestly attempt to end you? Was she able? Something triggered you into going into attack mode. She would not best you at this.
Soap tugged on your tether, looking you in the eye, making sure it wasn't too loose or too tight.
Your axes clashed instantly, hers going for your neck first, dodging and sliding backwards through the gravel. Boots catching rocks, anxiety and the threat of the unknown left you breathless. Maybe Graves was right after all. Ada berated you, stalking you through the rocks, the clan of KorTac surrounding you. There were cheers and jeers from all sides, any kind of battle was a thrill. You could hear Kruger barking at you to look out, pay attention, to remember your lessons. Ghost was doing the same for Ada.
Your blades CLACKED again, this time being tossed shields. You grabbed yours quickly and blocked a heavy blow. You pushed her back with it, making some dent in the fight. You shouted and pulled the leather strap attached to the pair of you, yanking her down to the ground. She twisted frantically in the rocks, cold as ice against your hands as you gathered up the strap, sitting on her back in an attempt to choke her out.
Ada thrashed as the crowd cheered, digging your boots into the ground for leverage only for the lover girl of KorTac to push herself up and knock you back first into the rocks. She swung her axe again, bouncing off your shield. You could hear Kruger's voice shouting out at you again as you scrambled up. You kicked some rocks up at her face, she did not care for that and instead yanked the strap to bring you to your knees with a thud. A few had lodged into the the leather for sure. Her knee meeting your chin wasn't expected, or the blood that filled your mouth. You spat it out. Ada had the nerve to smile down at you with a cocky smirk.
You finally stood and smeared it across your face.
The rage you held from your parents began to boil, your eyes narrowing to hateful slits, Krugers voice in your ear from the day prior pushed you on.
"You are battling for the same thing, do not show her weakness. She her you are worthy. The worth your parents stole from you."
You took a stance then, locking eyes with König who was observing the fight with his arms crossed over his chest, he looked to be sighing, cocking his head. She pulled on the strap; you pulled back. A push and pull before you charged her, your parents words swirling around your head as you jumped to land on her body hard, she sputtered as you rolled around on the ground. She shrieked when you bit into her forearm to get her to submit, rubbing her face into the gravel.
"To the victor, all the spoils!" Simon announced to the crowd, some exhancging coins on who would beat who as you looked up at him, holding your arm and axe in the air.
As the others of KorTac congratulated you, patting your shoulder and with gentle smiles, all in good fun until you came by Ada. You held out your hand in an honest display of sportsmanship. Even if you didn't exactly like her or agree with the woman, you still had your manners about you. Which she did not it appeared, as Ada sneered and looked down her nose at you, spitting at your feet before huffing away in loss.
The archway was beautiful in the winter landscape, coiled with dried ivy and herbs, bound with cordage that matched your blue dress. Gas had even taken the time to embroider some flowers around the square neckline that showcased your cleavage, the added leather corset helped as well. Keeva would not stop gushing over how beautiful you looked, how happy she was for you.
"Are you ready?" she asked, her hands covering your own as your heart pounded in your chest.
"As I ever will be I suppose. I did not see this in my future, I never thought I would get married let alone to a famous leader."
"The Gods chose you, as they have chosen all of us, fated to be. I hated John before we got together, he was so arrogant and blood thirsty, always covered in the stuff. Oh he'd reek of it, strutting around for days as a medal of battle," Keeva mused as you ducked out of your bridal tent, Kruger in his finest attire waiting paitently.
"But, he grew on me and next thing you know, the Gods landed him in my lap!"
"So things do work out."
"They always do." Keeva smiled and kissed your cheek before handing you off to Kruger.
"Do I have to do anything special in order to give you away, pet?" He asked, crunching your boots through the snow, everyone was already standing and chatting away on the side of the hall. Everyone in KorTac was present, including Horangi, Keegan and Roach. Soap and Ghost stood beside König at the altar.
"Nein, just you being here is helping my nerves. We walk down the aisle, you can hug me if you want and then I'm his."
Kruger nodded and off you went.
Your heart was in your stomach the moment König looked at you in your dress, your hair fixed with a little baby's breath wreath made by Laswell and her wife. He held your hand tightly after giving it a quick kiss through the mask.
The high priestess began the short ceremony, no need to drag it out. No objections, no distractions other than the splash of red where the sacrificed goat you would be dining on had laid. Its' blood in the wooden bowl in her hands, your wedding bands, pounded smooth days prior were soaking in it. Your wrists bound togeher as she said your vows.
"And with that, I name you man and wife," she smiled, dipping her fingers into the bloody bowl then splashed your faces. "May the Gods bless you and keep you in health, and give you children. And may they keep the wolf from the door."
KorTac cheered and clapped as you slipped on the rings, you turned to him with a smile, lifted his hood and kissed him, sealing your fate to The Collector.
"Now then; who is to witness your consummation?" The high priestess asked, a hush over the crowd.
"I would like to instill that duty to Horangi, who is most like family to me." König stated aloud.
"I would be honored, brother." Kim agreed and bowed his head.
"Soap, my right hand."
"Also an honor, brother."
You got nervous, two men would being seeing your naked body, flesh only meant to be seen by one. You knew that was how wedding nights were met, but as you told Keeva you did not think that was your destiny. König squeezed your hand then.
"And Ada."
The crowd murmered as she stood moved into the end of the aisle.
"Ja. Had you shown sportsmanship and respect to my wife the other day after your duel you would not be requested to witness us have sex. But since you do not know your place, I will show it to you. Maybe you will make sounder choices next time."
Ada's face grimaced, repromandaed in front of the whole village. How humiliataing.
That look was on her face all throughout dinner and gift giving. All the way up to your new home she was grumbling and complaining, Horangi scolding her to be quiet. That it was her bitchy attitude that got her here in the first place!
The fire in the living room was already lit, baskets of bread and preserved fruit lay on the kitchen table. Thankful because it was just so damn cold out, just the walk from the great hall to your homestead made your cheeks burn.
"I also have one more gift for you, wife." König quipped, motioning for you to close your eyes.
"More?" You laughed, the giggles from ale on your lips.
"It is customary for the husband to gift the bride this. To show her indepence, resposibilty and thanks. Ok, you may open them now."
You did, König had his hands clasped and slowly revealed a tiny grey kitten, it's glowing amber eyes blinking at you. You squealed with delight taking the little darling thing in your own hands.
"What will you name it?" Horangi asked, patting its head.
"Is it a boy or girl?"
"A girl."
"Hmmm Annika sounds pretty good." You said with a smile.
You left the little fluff ball to explore your home while the five of you found yourselves inside your bedroom. They made themselves comfortable in chairs they could find, warming their hands by the fires burning.
König wasted no time in grabbing your waist and pinning you, with his body to the wall next to the door. Your head thudding against the wood, you tilted it up, hands slidding up his patterned shirt and vest, tangling with the end of his hood.
He grabbed your hand and placed it over his heart. "Do you feel that, pet? It only beats for you."
"You sure are smooth when you know you are going to have sex." You smiled, feeling it beat a little faster. "I'm scared, König."
"Of what?" He asked, looking down at your cleavage, long lashes bashful at his blanat look of desire. His hand on your hip, thumb pushing against your dress.
"I have never had sex with anyone watching before." You whispered as you could hear them talking amongst themselves in the corner.
"Pay them no mind, my love. They are merely here to observe our union."
"How will they know you are not faking it?"
"Because my pet," König hummed ghosting his fingertips over your collar and holding your neck loosely. "There will be evidence."
That statement set you off, you bit your lip and desperately tore at the sides of his vest to rid of it, laughing when his thick fingers got caught up in the ties of your corset. He peeled off the vest, keeping his arms raised above his head to take off his shirt. Your mouth on his chest startled him, a noise leaving his throat as you held him about the rids, his body heat exhilarating you further. You bit at his collar, the taut muscle of his shoulder, his eyes on you when you pressed the flat of your tongue against his nipple. He shivered instantly when you did it again then bit into it. He hissed. You groaned.
You dropped to your knees, undoing the ties to his trousers, his hands on the back on your head, taking off you crown and tossing it one of the witnesses.
"You always look so beautiful on your knees for me, my pet. But tonight, you are ethreal. If I wasn't so certain you were my wife, I would think I have died and you the Valkryie to bring to me Valhalla." He was panting and you had just now loosened his pants to free his cock.
And you thought his body was radiating!
So pretty and thick in your hands, pre-cum already beading at the tip. You heard someone inhale behind you. You leaned forward and cleaned it off, bringing him towards your face by looping your arms around his thighs. You kissed the tattooed skin, running tongue and teeth along the bands of muscles that lay beneath.
"Are we not just here to witness them have intercourse? What is with all this beforehand stuff?" You heard Horangi ask the other onlookers. Soap snorted. "Oh Kim, we are about to witness something far better than just sex! They haven't done it yet."
"Done what?"
"This is the first time they are having sex together," Ada grumbled as you jerked König off in front of your face, the sale of his skin, the smell of him. "It is going to be… special."
"Ohhh." Horangi answered.
"Maybe I am," you nuzzle your face against his leg, rubbing the crown of his cock against the seam of your lips. "Maybe that is why the Gods chose me. You gave me a home and I'll bring you home."
"Oh fuck." König groaned, placing his hands on the wall as you swallow him down, licking at the throbbing muscle. The more you hollowed your cheeks, moaning around his cock, dragging your nails up and down his thighs, the more feral sounds to erupt from his throat. It drove you further to suck him off hastily.
He fucked your face, boots scraping against the floor, you dared to look up to see him locked in on you. One hand left your head to cup and hold your chin, bopping the tip of your nose. He pulled you off, a thick string of saliva connected still to the tip.
"On your feet beautiful."
When you looked at König you only saw him, concern and anxiety had left you behind. What did it matter any way? this was all planned out, everyone knew the rules. It was still a bit of an odd feeling though when your dress pooled around your feet, baring your body to everyone.
You sat back on your bed, König lifted one leg and undid your boot straps, chucking it to the floor with a thud. You kept your bare foot on his stomach, feeling how his muscles moved when he repeated the process to your other foot. You walked them up to his shoulders, letting them rest there while he bent to take off his own.
You two had done many intimate activities beforehand; sucking his cock, him eating you out like he hadn't had a decent meal in days, masturbating together, kissing. A lot of kissing. You'd seen each other naked, even slept that way but for some reason, when you looked up at your husband, that's what he was. He wasn't just The Collector; he wasn't just König.
He was yours.
As he crawled on top of you, moving your legs apart, hidden from the others' view, he touched your face as gently as he had offered Annika to you. He blinked rapidly as he fit himself between you better, chest to chest, smushing your breasts to his chest.
"Ja my dear?"
"I-- I'm ready."
"So am I." You could hear the smile in his voice and you snuck under the mask, kissing across his prickly chin, licking his sharp jaw, kissing his nose, his lips, wherever you could reach. König's hand suddenly joined your mouth party, gathering spit across his fingers, lifting his hips enough to draw circles around your clit, making you arch before easing one of them in. Prodding your leaking slit, gathering up your wetness, sinking in two fingers. Growling as your gasps and moans as he scissored you open for him.
Your legs were shaking when he pulled his fingers free, getting up onto his knees. His tattoos looked glorious and you wondered if you were to receive them as well. You'd played with him before, held his cock in your hand, in your mouth; you knew his size but it didn't fully come to scale until he fisted it above your mound. He tapped it against your lower belly, letting it pulse there for a moment. It touched your belly button and you sat up on your elbows.
"Is it going to fit? That's a lot to take." You worried your bottom lip. "Don't worry my pet, I plan on going slow. I do not want to hurt you."
König's voice was reassuring as he moved into position. You both nodded and looked down for the first time, watching that part of him push into your hole with a popping sensation. That alone knocked you back into the bed, a strangled moan tearing its way from your insides, you could feel him in your belly, in your ribs, against your lungs. He was everywhere, all at once it seemed and that was just the tip!
"Look how cute you look, eyes screwed up, mouth agape. You'd think you were lost already!"
"Prettiest pussy to take me so well on the first go."
"What a good fucking wife you are for me."
He grunted your name, calling you beautiful, a delight, the prettiest thing he's had on the end of his dick. How warm you felt, how tightly your walls sunk around him the further he eased his way inside you.
Your cunt flooded with a fresh round of wetness, just this light rocking at first, getting you adjusted to his size, his girth was making you sweat.
You whined and covered your face when he hit a certain spot, his thumb strumming against your clit. Someone else groaned and swore. You wanted to cry it felt so good, suddenly he was leaning above you, moving your hands down so he could see you, watching your expression change from slightly painful, to maybe go a little deeper.
"You are so beautiful, bitte, do not hold back from me."
You kissed him hard through the mask.
His grip on your hips was only slightly painful, the smacks to your ass were worse but felt amazing. You had run out of words to say, just blubbering and moaning as König was eating you out from behind.
"You like that, my pet?" König asked between licks. "By those cute little sounds you are making I'd say I do not need bother to ask." His chuckle was dark and smooth, he spat and slurped it right back up when you pushed back against his face. You could feel yourself dripping for him.
"I fucking love it." You managed to breathe out, drooling and biting into you wrist. "Oh Gods, I need you!" You sounded like a whore, the sounds you were making, the way you arched, the wholesomeness of your smile when you could hear him fisting his cock, when he spat on you. The wide bite to the inner meat of your thigh.
"Ask and you shall receive, my good girl." Was all he said and then he was inside you once more, holding onto your hips, pushing and pulling you back and forth. The sounds of your skin, both of you full of sweat and adrenaline, his thighs bouncing into your hips. He swung his arm around your neck, making you arch as he towered over you, moaning how good this angle felt. You tilted your head back and biting at the air until you snagged the end of his mask between your teeth.
For this being your first time you surely weren't wasting any of it. The way he seemed to mold to your gummy walls, the way he could bully his cock into you over and over without pause, slick and horny for each other. After several months of fooling around it had come to this.
When he pulled out you yanked him him on to the bed, climbing in his lap as he sat, wrapping his arms around your back, your legs around his wait. You lifted the mask to kiss him, sink your teeth into his lip, lick into his mouth. Riding him was a lot easier than you thought, must be the mixture of your juices and desire. He held your face as you rocked and fucked down onto him.
"Ja, he's here. Your king is here."
"You feel so good." You sobbed and tried to catch the drool leaving the corner of your mouth, he was quick to swipe it away with his thumb.
"Oh yeah? you like being stuffed full of your husbands' thick cock, ja? who knew you could take such good care me, take such a size in this warm little hole. You are full of surprises, my pet." He matched your breaths, your moans, groan for groan.
You whined and rolled your hips. "König I… oh Gods, that's it! I'm gonna' cum, you're so fucking big!" You cried out and hung your head against his shoulder, lost in bliss. Fucked stupid you started mumbling a set of three powerful words.
Your husbands hands found purchase on your hips, taking over as you clearly were just a lump in his sturdy arms. "Cum with me, my love, cum for me. Now."
"Fuck yeah! Fuck me just like that, bitte bitte."
With a shout you did just that, pulsing around him, little jerks coming and going as he shot rope after rope of his cum inside you. It was so much. You were so fucking full of him, his cock and his seed. You panted breathlessly, laughing in his arms and rose up.
The evidence that you were the one fated to him, solidified your unity, with very little effort a glob of cum drooled out of you. Had covered his cock and sack and you flopped over on your back.
Soap gave you both a round of applause which only made you laugh harder, even König let himself indulge a bit.
"I have never seen someone so happily fucked in my life!" Horangi exclaimed as the three of them bid you a good night, Ada gave you a look but said nothing and Soap gave a thumbs up.
"Thank you." You finally had caught your breath enough to squeeze his hand, laying your head on his chest.
"Nein, my love. Thank you," he tore off the mask and kissed all over your face, licked at your chin, kissed your neck. He gave your breast a light squeeze and held it in his massive palm.
"Can we go again?"
König laughed harder this time. "So soon? Let me regain my strength first. You my love are an animal!" he pressed his forehead to yours then and sighed. "And I do too."
"What you were saying before… I love you too."
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avelynss · 2 days
Jealous Obsession (Part II) / Sebastian Sallow x Female Reader
Warnings: Not suitable for readers under 18; includes adult content. Explicit sexual content (+18). NSFW. Lubrication, fingering, kissing. All characters are above 18years WordCount: 2.7k Summary: Weeks have passed since your heated encounter with Sebastian in the bathrooms during the Yule Ball, and you’ve been doing everything to avoid him, desperate to escape the memory of that passionate kiss. Now, in a bold move to reclaim your attention, Sebastian waits for you in Professor Figg’s classroom after classes. As you stand before each other the temptation that has haunted you both becomes almost impossible to resist.
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"How long do you plan on ignoring me?" A deep, familiar voice broke the silence from behind the door, making your heart race. At this time, there shouldn’t be any students or teachers in Professor Figg’s classroom, let alone someone sitting at his desk, so you definitely weren’t expecting anyone there. As you turned abruptly, you saw Sebastian casually leaning against the desk, his arms crossed, and his dark eyes staring at you with an intensity that seemed to unravel your thoughts.
He was still wearing his uniform, though his cloak was nowhere in sight. His shirt and tie were wrinkled, and his sleeves rolled up: clear signs that he’d been wearing them all day and had loosened them for comfort. The freckled’s hair was slightly disheveled, and his expression showed a mix of fatigue and irritation, as if he’d had an exhausting day and was hoping to end it with this conversation. Despite his raw appearance, he looked particularly attractive.
"Sebastian," you exhaled, still feeling your heart pounding while clutching the books tightly against your chest. "You nearly scared me to death."
"So?" His voice was low and confident, and his eyes held a touch of impatience or something deeper that you couldn’t quite figure.
"I don’t know what you’re talking about." You proceeded to place your books on the desk, right next to him, and carefully folded your cloak, deliberately avoiding his gaze as if he wasn’t there: doing exactly what he had mentioned.
"Sure." He crossed his arms, a gesture that made him seem even more imposing, one eyebrow raised as if he was challenging you to offer a propper explanation. You could feel the weight of his gaze consuming you. You sighed, trying to appear annoyed.
"I’m new in fifth year, remember? I have to catch up while you’re off having fun with Ravenclaw’s." You tried to sound casual, but the irritation in your sarcasm was evident. A playful, teasing smile appeared on his lips. "Are you going to tell me what you’re doing here?"
"I’ve been watching you." His words wrapped around you like a dangerous caress as his eyes gleamed with darkness. "Since that night, you’ve been coming to this classroom every night after dinner, and it struck me as odd, considering Professor Figg’s day is long over."
"You’ve been following me?" You tried to sound irritated, but your voice betrayed a hint of nervousness.
"I’ve been trying to talk to you since then, but all you’ve done is ignore me."
He was right. Weeks had passed since that night, and neither of you had dared to confront the issue. Your evasion had been a desperate attempt to dodge the conversation, or worse, to avoid admitting how much it had affected you. Every night you stayed awake, haunted by the memory of his passionate kiss and how he lifted you with eagerness, pressing his hips against yours, replaying the scene over and over in your mind. Your cheeks burned with a fierce blush at the thought, and you shook your head, trying to erase the image.
But confronting him would force you to face the reality of what had happened and reveal the emotional chaos he had stirred in you with an intensity you barely understood and even less wanted him to discover. The idea of him realizing how deeply he had impacted you was unbearable; it was a risk you simply couldn’t afford to take, so you continued with your tasks as if nothing had happened.
"Are we really going to go over this again?" You sighted again.
"Are you jealous?" he murmured, his voice a mix of seriousness and playful provocation that, combined with its depth, was almost a purr. You stopped flipping through the pages of your Transfiguration book and looked at him, incredulous.
"Jealous?" You raised an eyebrow, a spark of mockery in your eyes.
"Do you think I don’t know how irresistible I can be to women?" His smile widened as his eyes sparkled with a mix of sarcasm and challenge. That expression made him annoyingly attractive, and you hated how much it affected you.
"Narcissist," you shot back, turning back to your book as if wanting to end the conversation, but the challenge in his eyes sharpened.
Suddenly, with a dull thud, he immediately closed your book in order to focus your attention on him and only him, His torso leaned slightly toward you, and his arm was right in front of you, invading your space and making you even more nervous due to the closeness, while murmuring to you in a seductive tone. 
"And are you really that immune to my charm?" A wave of heat coursed through your body, leaving you torn between irritation and the uncomfortable truth of his words. You couldn’t resist the urge to look at the veins in his worked arms subtly visible as he expected your answer. But you couldn’t let him win. You met his gaze with a fiery, defiant intensity, daring him to back down. 
Despite his relaxed posture, his eyes remained fixed on you with an air of ironic detachment, fully aware of how right he was from the blush that had appeared on your cheeks. A loose strand of hair fell over his forehead, his head slightly tilted to the side as if he was genuinely curious to see where this conversation would lead.
Your lips curled into a slow, deliberate smile, loaded with undeniable provocation, and this time it was your eyebrow that raised in a silent challenge.
"Maybe it’s not me who’s jealous," you murmured, stepping forward with deliberate slowness, your gaze locked on his like a predator stalking its prey. You knew you were turning the tables, doing exactly what he had done that night. His exterior remained composed, but you noticed the slight downward movement in his throat that betrayed him. You moved close enough to feel the warmth radiating from his body. With calculated slowness, your fingers found the knot of his tie, tightening it with a pull before smoothing the fabric of his shirt: a gentle, seemingly innocent gesture that carried a dangerous edge. You leaned closer to reach the collar of his shirt, and with a low, provocative voice, tinged with something dark, you whispered, "Didn’t it bother you to see me with him that night?" The words dripped like poison. "Imagining everything he could have done…"
Before you could finish the sentence, Sebastian moved quickly and desperately. He lunged forward as if wanting to silence you, and with a sharp gasp, you found yourself stumbling backward, your back colliding with the hard wood of the desk where he had been moments before. His body leaned forward, trapping you, his hands planted on either side of the desk, caging you in a way that made every breath feel heavier. His presence filled the room, every detail sharpening: his scent, the warmth of his body so close, the tension in his muscles.
For a moment, you hesitated, but you quickly regained control, meeting his gaze with a defiant attitude that teetered on the edge of control. You planted your palms on the desk, forcing yourself to remain slightly upright. His eyes, burning with an almost feral hunger, roved over you, devouring you inch by inch with a twisted smile on his lips. You hated what his arrogance did to you.
He moved dangerously close to your ear, so close you could feel his breath on your neck, and at the same time, you noticed a soft touch on your waist, deceptively teasing, a caress that made you crave something rougher, something like that night. Then, with a purr so low it sent a shiver down your spine, he whispered
"Do you really think I’d let anyone else touch like I would?" His lips found your earlobe, grazing it with agonizing slowness. Your stomach tightened, and something low within you began to burn. His teeth briefly caught that erogenous spot on your ear with the lightest bite, intensifying the wave of heat coursing through you, and your breath hitched as a soft, involuntary sound you hadn’t meant to give him escaped your lips at that touch. You felt his lips curve into a smile against your skin, fully aware of what he was doing to you.
At that moment, you knew the game had changed. It was no longer about who could hold out the longest, but about a battle for control, who would give in first, who would surrender. And with every inch of space between you evaporating, both of you knew the answer was dangerously close.
He pulled back just enough to lock his eyes onto yours, and when your gazes met, a shiver ran through his body at the sight of the desire reflected on your face. Your chin slightly tilted downward forced you to look up at him from an angle that was, at the very least, provocative, while your lips parted. Your breath was fast and ragged, and the extreme closeness of his body against yours made you feel something hard growing in his trousers. You smiled wickedly, which caused that to press even more awkwardly against you.
You both knew exactly the effect you had on each other, but neither of you was willing to stop this game, fueled by lust, which only intensified with each new reaction.
He leaned in again, this time to capture your neck, licking painfully slowly, continuing his game. A stifled breath escaped your lips at the feel of his hot tongue on your skin.
Without letting go of your neck, you felt his fingers start to slide gently up the underside of your thigh, stroking upward with wild slowness that sparked a desperate need for contact. Your breathing became even more ragged with every movement. He abandoned your neck to look back at you and with a sharp movement, he gripped your thigh firmly and lifted one of your legs onto the desk, leaving you completely exposed to him, never breaking eye contact. His lips were slightly parted, and his gaze was fixed on you, feeding off of your reactions to his touch and seeking to demonstrate exactly what he had mentioned.
In that exposed position, he continued to caress your thigh, causing your skin to tingle at the touch of his calloused hands, a reminder of his hard physical labor. You decided not to look away from his eyes, aware of what your reactions were provoking in him. You could feel the bulge in his crotch grow at the touch of your other leg, and as he pressed it tighter against you, he took the opportunity to rub even harder against you, intensifying his caresses. The anticipation was tantalizing you.
His hand reached up the skirt of your uniform and with a gentle movement he pulled the fabric aside to gain greater access to your nether region. With extreme gentleness he caressed your sensitive area above your underwear with two fingers, exploring your sensitivity. You exhaled softly at the surprise of the touch, without taking his gaze from yours, and your skin tingled.
He smiled softly as he brought his fingers into your line of sight, inching them closer to your lips. Without breaking eye contact, you parted your lips, welcoming his fingers and moistening them. His erection pressed against you, desperate to break free, while he guided those fingers downward. With utmost care, he pulled aside the fabric of your underwear, determined not to lose the slickness on his fingers. A breathy moan escaped you as his fingers found your most sensitive spot, tracing slow, deliberate circles that made your abdominal muscles tighten. A hungry gleam sparked in his eyes, his lips slightly parted, entirely focused on your response to his touch. Uncontrollable moans slipped from your lips as he set a languid rhythm, melting you into a wave of pleasure.
You broke that intense eye contact only when your head fell back completely, a deep, shuddering exhale escaping your lips as you felt his middle finger sliding slowly into your wet heat. You couldn’t help but notice the satisfied smile spreading across his face at how eager you were.
“Look at me,” he commanded, his voice a sultry caress against your skin. “I want to watch you while I touch you.” You locked your gaze with his again, and your breath caught as you saw the bulge in his pants straining painfully against his clothes, pressing closer to you.
He established a relentless rhythm inside you, each thrust echoing the melody of your own moans, building a tension that left you breathless. It was only when he slid in a second finger that the overwhelming pleasure inside you surged beyond control, setting your senses ablaze.
“Ah, Sebastian…” You clutched his shoulders, desperately trying to contain the overwhelming pleasure surging within you, as if you could no longer bear to remain in that position. But your grip only drove the brunet to intensify his movements, his thumb drawing tight circles on your most sensitive spot. Heat flooded your cheeks as he leaned closer to your ear, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine.
“I love the way my name sounds on your lips,” he purred, before returning to tease your earlobe with wet kisses that made you tremble against him. Watching you in such a vulnerable state only ignited his hunger and desperation for you. “I want to fuck you so hard, darling.”
“Do it,” you breathed, your voice emerging as a pleading sigh, thick with longing and desire.
“I won’t do it here.” A flicker of disappointment crossed your eyes, and he seemed to catch it, leaning in closer as he continued, “I want to fuck you somewhere I can hear you scream for my name.” A wave of heat pooled in your core, your mind swirling with desire at his words. His fingers plunged in and out, expertly circling your clit, each movement igniting a delicious wave of pleasure that swelled and intensified with every gentle stroke.
You felt an overwhelming pressure build within you, blurring your vision as his rhythmic motions quickened, propelling you closer and closer to ecstasy.
“Ah, Sebastian… I’m gonna—” you moaned, but he silenced you, covering your mouth with his free hand. The sensation of his fingers working so masterfully sent shockwaves of pleasure through you, leaving you trembling and gasping as waves of bliss washed over you, urging you to surrender to the overwhelming tide of sensation.
“Cum, darling” he purred in your ear, his voice sending shivers down your spine. At that moment, everything faded away; you were completely lost in the sensations, feeling every exquisite movement he made. “Come on my fingers.”
Your body began to tremble uncontrollably, and you gripped his shoulders tightly as he continued his insistent rhythm. Waves of electric pleasure crashed over you, each one more intense than the last, overwhelming your senses. Finally, you collapsed into his arms, breath hitching in your throat, your heartbeat pounding fiercely, echoing like a relentless drum in the silence. Each pulse resonated with the aftershocks of ecstasy, leaving you breathless and yearning for more.
You stayed in that position, clinging to each other just long enough for you to catch your breath. When he pulled away just a few inches, his gaze sought yours, as if the contact wasn't enough. Then, without warning, his lips met yours, this time with a disconcerting softness, the complete opposite of the ferocity of their previous touch. Exhaustion overcame you, but the kiss, slow and full of need, swept you away, making you melt completely in his arms. You opened your lips to let in his tongue, which this time was extremely light compared to the kiss from that night. Your lips joined with a slowness that, rather than being frustrating, was an attempt to enjoy something you had never allowed yourselves and wanted it to never end.
When he broke away at last, his hands adjusted your hair and tightened the fabric of your skirt, but his eyes were still fixed on yours, filled with that mixture of emotions he could barely contain. He seemed to be debating internally, until, in a voice laden with frustration and something that felt like a confession, he murmured:
“I hate to imagine that anyone else could have you like this”
Okay, this is the first time I do a sexual explicit shot, and I personally feel quite satisfied. Wanting to keep learning to do it better. I hope you like it, and please be patient with me as I continue to try! It actually makes me want to make a whole fanfic about this hahaha A special mention to these beautiful souls who supported me and specifically asked me to tag them for the second part; I hope I lived up to the occasion! @dragonstoneshortcake @katking0943 @insidemyimaginationn
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lillyspeakz · 1 day
Can you write some incelbur bieng huge and reader bieng tiny smut ???
lowkey dub-con; pinning down, restraining, SIZE KINKKKKKK, hand kink, choking, degradation, aftercare!, a lot of spit
“You think now that I finally got my hands on you I’m gonna let you go? Stupid, stupid thought little one.” Wilbur groaned as his hands pinned you down on the bed, leaning his weight on your body as he did.
Wilbur finally got his hands on you, finally making you love him and showing how much you mean to him. You were everything he revolved around, every waking thought, everything he needed. Truly. So when you invited him into your house after a date one night, he knew he had too do something to show you. Show you just how much you meant to him.
“Look how fucking small you are, bet you want me to split you in half and use you for all your worth yeah baby?” Wil said as he thrusted slowly into you, pulling all the way out and slamming back into you, making you cry out into the pillow.
You were lying on your stomach, hands behind your back as you took him, body lying limp as his weight forced you down into the mattress. As much as you squirmed and denied every sentence, you loved all of this. How gross and cruel he was being, leaving you on the edge the whole time as he tore you apart.
Wilbur leaned down, his body covering yours entirely as he pulled your head to the side in order to see your face. As he saw tears fill your eye line as your eyes rolled back to your head as his thrust continued, getting harder and harder each time to keep his patience up. He was hitting so deep inside you, his length and girth filling you up and hitting every spot imaginable. Your back arching in his hold as he let go of your hands and pulled your hips up to meet his, gripping the skin hard as he finally fucked you fast and hard, drool falling out of your mouth as your mouth opened in silent screams, broken moans following.
Wils thrust faltered as he bottomed out inside you, pulling you all the way up, pressing your back against his chest, holding onto your throat as one hand pressed down on the bulge appearing in your stomach. “Feel that baby? That’s all me, no one else. Only I can make you feel like this. Make you feel amazing while claiming you as my cocksleeve yeah?” Wilbur smirked down at you as you gripped his hand that was on your throat, your hand moving his wrist up towards your mouth. “Does the slut want my fingers in their mouth? Love my hands that fucking much you need them in you at all times?! Didn’t think it’d be this easy to corrupt you darling-“ Wilbur chuckled as he shoved two fingers down your throat slowly, relaxing them as they curled into your throat.
His thrust continued as he pressed down on your tongue, making you gag as your head fell back into his shoulder. His fingers fell out of your mouth, drool falling across your face as your whole body went limp in the man’s hold, the pleasure of the situation being too much for you to keep up.
“Stay awake baby, I’m not nearly done with you. I’ve waited this long for you, so you’re gonna take all of it.” Wilbur smirked against your ear as he pushed you back down on the bed as he gripped your hips harder and fucked you hard and deep, his moans filling the space as your body took all of it.
It was like you were his own personal toy. Something for him to throw around and fuck whenever he wanted, and you were. You will be. You didn’t mind, if it meant this treatment everytime.
“Come on baby, give me those noises.” Wilbur demanded as he lifted your head up by your hair, a pool of drool dripping onto the bed as your breathless moans and whines left your mouth, your mind barely with you as you let him control your mind. “Good job baby! Fuck, I’m gonna cum!”
Wil watched as he disappeared inside you, the ring of white around his base as your arousal ran down your thighs and into the bed. He groaned at the sight of your needy core, fucking you impossibly harder as you brought a hand back to catch his, squeezing it as you screamed in need.
Wilbur placed your hand back down on the bed as he held it, leaning down on the bed as he placed his body on yours. “Come on baby, cum for me! Did so good for me- fuck! Good job baby!” Wilbur moaned out as you tightened around him, his thrust faltering as you sucked him in as tight as you could, eyes rolling back as your thrusted into you one more time before cumming inside you, as deep as he could go.
Heavy pants and whines were heard as you both came down from your high, Wilbur slowly pulling out of you. You whines as he left you, the emptiness leaving you feeling cold in some odd way. Sitting up, Wilbur spread your legs open again, mesmerized by the way his cum ran down your core and into the towel he had laid out before.
“All mine baby. Only mine.” He whispered as he kissed your thighs, massaging the skin around them. “Did so good baby. My good darling, always.”
“‘m tired Wil.” You whines as you reached for him, eyes closing as your body relaxed.
“Stay awake darling, you need to drink some water first, here.” Wil helped you onto your side as he grabbed the water bottle from your nightstand, helping you take a sip before lying you back down and placing a small peck on your lips. He quickly got up and went to the bathroom, finding a small cloth to wet down, quickly coming back as he wiped you down as quickly and gently as he could .
As you hissed from sensitivity as the cold cloth tan against your clit, Wilbur quickly apologized as he cleaned your thighs quickly and threw the cloth and used towel somewhere else than the bed.
Flopping down beside you, Wilbur brought you into him as he kissed your forehead, small snored being heard from your lips already as he laughed,
“Goodnight to you too darling, I love you.”
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Fr tho, some one should make a Lockwood & Co groupchat. That would be so cool.
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brittie-frog · 8 months
Honestly it would be funny if bad reset himself to get rid of the radition and potentially whatever is turning him blue (I don't know if he can he only mentioned the radiation) while no one else gets memory wiped. Then when they all come back and he remembers nothing everyone is so fucking confused about why he was because he wasn't when they first arrived. But the two other demons know what's going on and have a side convo about why he would (I don't remember if they know about the radiation) and Mouse has to explain alone that it was Bad's choice and a demon thing which would probably confuse everyone even more while Tina stands beside Bagi and Em, worried for her guard dog.
I want him to do it just to see other people's reactions honestly.
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skylie-spiderlillis · 5 months
(In the middle of watching Dead Boy Detectives finally)
Hey Death honey I love you girl but I need you to leave my emotional support gays alone.
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chippdhearts · 3 months
COOL so my gif was stolen (one I made before I started watermarking)
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caitlyn-kirammans · 1 month
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