#i will die on this fucking hill and fight everyone who comes to challenge me
Personal Bleach HCs
AN: Bleach is my comfort anime and I WILL die ok this hill. Also, no beta we die like Chojiro if there's spelling mistakes do NOT come after me
Featuring: As many as I can fit.
Contains: NSFW, Crack, fluff, a lil angst
So, we all know that Kenpachi and Chojiro have cannonically bathed together. I honestly think that they tried to date at some point. It didn't go well, as Chojiro is very refined (and a little old) and Kenpachi is neither of those things. Kenny darling was very into rough sex and battles while Chojiro was,,,,, decidedly not into either of those things. They parted on good terms and still bath together and share self-care tips. Until Chojiro got his ass wiped by the Quincies.
Asane walked in on Soi Fon cuddling with a doll of Yoruichi once, when she was in the Squad Four healing stations. Mysteriously, when Soi Fon woke up, it was clean. Asane denies all accusations.
Kenpachi has and will continue to ignore whenever Yumichika is getting his ass pluughed. He doesn't care. He has shit to do and everyone else is sleeping or eating.
Yamamoto listens to records. Sometimes, he'll secretly send put Shinigami to the mortal realm to get him some. He likes Frank Sinatra, The Beatles, Queen, Elton John, and Paul McCarneys solo albums the most. He pays said Shinigami extra.
Komamura made his gigai look as much like his human form as possible. Some nights he'll sit and stare at it, wishing he could just look like that all the time. That is, until his Leiutenant comes in and starts yammering away about whatever er boring thing he's done that day. Then he gently puts it away to listen. His Squad doesn't judge him, and that's enough.
Byakuya once challenged Kira to a fight over who has the best hair. Shuhei has to physical restrain Kira and haul his ass to Unohana personally when Senbonzakura was released. Yamamoto is still pissed about it.
On that note, far too many Shinigami have called Shuhei "Dad" or some variation thereof for it to be a coincidence.
No matter how hard he tries not to, Urahara will cry himself to sleep. He misses the Soul Society more often than not. He makes sure to not make a noise.
Yoruichi lies awake, hoping Soi Fon is okay.
Shinji only pierced his tongue on a dare. He has his nipples done too and has little swords in them. He thinks he looks cool but Hiyori called him a whore when she found out.
Rose once hit his head so hard he only spoke in Spanish. But the only Spanish he knows is from whatever songs he listens to. Just imagine your friend desperately quoting 'Despacito' to you while in tears. Essentially, that's was Rose's life for a week and a half.
Chad has never once masturbated nor will he. He's beginning to think he's asexual. Oh, and far too many girls have confessed to him. He gets embarrassed every time and ends up rejecting them. He likes his girls with bite but he only seems to get the good girls. He's never once thought about Tatsuki that way though. He though she was a cross-dresser for months.
Orihime punched someone in the face once, and only once. They called Chad a homo and she said immediately after she'd do it again if they were ever homophobic near her.
Ichigo doesn't know what the fuck Rainbow Mafia means and thinks it's and actual mafia.
Uryu has seen porn and he threw up right after. Ryuken thought he had the flu.
Hiyori tried going to school once in the mortal realm. It took her all of three hours to put eight people in hospital, create three news rules and then get expelled. No she will not talk about it.
Tatsuki had a breakdown when she saw a fluffy cat once. It was so chonky and had a squished in face. She cried for three hours and blamed it on dust. Orihime just went with it.
Grimmjow, for me personally, is a virgin. He doesn't even know what sex is. He's not a sex God he's a little shit with sharp teeth.
On the flip side, Ulquiorria once had sex with Tôsen. Did not go well.
Tôsen was the one who suggested they bring in Orihime. He liked how she is an LGBTQ+ ally. As a gay man he appreciated her violence towards homophobic assholes.
Gin doesn't know people can be gay. He thinks it's a myth. He missed every single time when Shuhei tried to chat him up.
Aizen eats mints more than he drinks water. He likes the spicy ones. They make him feel powerful. He also eats lemons like apples. Szayelaporro is terrified of this.
Isshin Kurosaki was PEAK chaotic Bisexual for his future wife and Urahara at the same time. He still has no idea that Urahara would 110% hit that DILF ass.
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alicelufenia · 4 months
Had a nice long play session with Tavierra today, so here's the latest for my chosen of Eilistraee:
Met the Dream Visitor! Her appearance is the spitting image of Qilué Veladorn, cleric of Eilistraee and chosen of Mystra. Qilué famously bore such a striking beauty that she was often mistaken for Eilistraee Herself. She's also been dead over a hundred years, so Tav is pretty sure this isn't her.
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She's VERY cute tho!
Am determined not to use the tadpoles. Except, specifically, to help her comrades. So far she's used the Illithid influence three times; to free Shadowheart, to see into Astarion's mind after he tried to bite her without permission, and to see Lae'zel's fears when she held a knife to her throat. Ironically, that means she's already used the influence power more times than Alice did in her whole playthrough LMAO.
Also unlike Alice, Tav went through with Volo's lobotomy
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That look when everything is fine and you'll love the results.
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Kaylin don't give your oc heterochromia challenge (impossible)
Confronted and fought Kagha and the Shadow Druids. No reforming her this time, she was horrible. Except I did have non-lethal on, so she got knocked out, and everyone talked about her like she's dead, but when Rath walked near her body he had the same banter he has with Kagha after she sides with us against the shadow druids. Very weird.
Realized I had fucked up the stealing idol quest by not accepting it when I talked to Mol about it the first time, so no Ring of Protection for me T_T
Back into the Underdark! We find our way to the beach coming from the south, so we meet the duergar before the Myconid colony. She's not going to help a bunch of slavers, but does take advantage of their assuming she's a True Soul to sneak past them and steal their boat.
We hit level 5 as we enter Grymforge and instantly everyone's power level spikes (even the multiclass party members). Hearing about Nere for the first time in Grymforge, Tav is intrigued by another drow True Soul.
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Pictures taken seconds before a whole lot of slavers die (Wyll approves)
Between the slavers and dead Harper-aligned drow (who have historically been allies of the followers of Eilistraee) Grymforge is officially flagged for killing everyone (except Tav stops for architect nerd talk, those guys are alright). Gotta do it subtly though without alerting the whole fortress.
Shadowheart spikes the ale flagon with drow poison to kill two slacking guards, and the rest of the team busts heads in isolated corners away from patrols.
Had an unexpectedly difficult fight with the oozes on the way to Philomeen, as Gale's Wild Magic surge made his level 1+ spells heal nearby creatures whenever he dealt damage, so I stupidly targeted a weakened ooze with magic missile, and it HEALED the ooze to full instead (healing procced on each missile hit!) So yeah Wild Magic has been working out great on this Tactician run, highly recommended.
Encountered the mimics and have realized Wyll might be my strongest combatant so far.
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Once Hunger of Hadar went down these mimics couldn't do SHIT and got eaten away over the course of 4 turns. Also if you're wondering how Karlach has a 95% on a throw, Tavern Brawler + Hill Giant Strength elixir is a really good combination <broken>
Gonna rest up and then plan how I'm taking out the rest of the fortress (I really don't want to fight Nere + all the duergar, even with the ones that can help us)
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imomnba-x07 · 2 years
Tales of the Jedi
My god I have so many thought I’m ganna go in order of episodes as I cry my way through writing this
Episode 1: Ahsoka is a fucking prodigy and you can see how even at such a young age that the beleifs of her parents and people still carried with her throughout her young life and how they stuck with her throughout her adult hood. She believed in the goodness in life, the cycle of death, the connection to everything around her. Yes those are beliefs also taught by the Jedi, but her parents taught her that first.
Episode 2: seeing Dooku with qui gon was so much more heartbreaking than I thought it would be. They make you empathize with dooku in such a way where all he wants is the best for people who can’t defend themselves. And hun hearing how the people have lost faith in the Jedi and the justice system entirely. How this starts dooku’s belief that the Jedi aren’t doing enough to help the people. And the symbology of the clouds every-time dooku slightly sways to the dark side MY GOD. And how that symbolism comes back when he mourns the death of qui gon by the tree of the temple.
Episode 3: immediately we see the stark contrast between Dooku and Mace. How their ideologies might differ but they still hold a lot of respect for one another. What makes me absolutely Farrell is the trust Mace put in Dooku, even if he didn’t agree with is methods. He trusted him as a fellow Jedi and look where that got him. His friend betrayed the council and everyone he loved, and it’s probably not something Mace saw coming. Mace has always been someone who followed the councils ideals to the T which is why they chose to reward him at the end of the episode. Dooku on the other hand, is rash and chooses to forge his own path rather than constantly aligning with the council, even if it means repercussions. You know who else was exactly like that? Anakin. You know who didn’t trust Anakin? Mace. IM EATING MY CARPET
Episode 4: NOBODY FUCKING MOVE THEY JUST CONFIRMED THAT YADDLE SPEAKS NORMALLY AND THAT YODA IS ACTUALLY A FUCKING WEIRDO. THAT LITTLE ATTENTION SEEKING WHORE JUST SPEAKS WEIRD TO FUCK WITH PEOPLE AND I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL. (Also the fear, guilt, and regret in Dookus eyes as he fights and kills Yaddle has put me in a grave. He was manipulated just as Anakin was and it hurts so much to watch.)
Episode 5: I’ve never cried so much so quickly at Star Wars before what the fuck. Jail Dave. Immediately. I hate so much that Anakin accidentally saved her life. I hate so much that all he wanted to do was protect her, and he ended up accidentally protecting her from himself. And to have Jessie knock her out the first time?? The same Jessie who later tries to kill her?? The same one she couldn’t save, no matter how much she and Rex tried??? The whole thing only started off as a challenge anyways but Anakin became stricter with it, probably not knowing why this feels so incredibly vital, so vital that he kept pushing it on her for years and he just didn’t know why. And how Rex throughout the episode slowly gets on board with the training because he feels it’s necessary even though he doesn’t know why. They didn’t know WHY.
Episode 6: still crying. Bail trying his hardest to there for Ahsoka, making sure she’s safe. He is the true unsung hero of Star Wars he does so much and just doesn’t want to loose anyone else. “She was my freind” as a Ahsoka’s voice breaks omfg she’s lost so many people she just wanted the chance to say goodbye to ONE of them because she never got to do that with Obi Wan or Anakin.
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jjuneviere · 2 years
I just need to rant about this for a bit because this type of thing just pissed me off like.
So in the conference for my philosophy class, while waiting for it to start, this guy says something along the lines of: "The thing about a minor in philosophy at this school is that you have to meet requirements in a bunch of groups and some of those groups are useless," as well as (in reference to this class), "This one was the least useless/boring of the, what, three in this group." Now like, look, I get it if you don't like a subject, I really do, you don't have to like anything, but if you don't like or understand why you are taking key components of your minor, then why the fuck did you choose this minor? Like I'm sorry, just because you couldn't see the merit and utility in something doesn't mean it is in fact useless. I promise, the people who put together the requirements for the degree didn't just throw a bunch of shit down on the page to fuck with you. This is philosophy, maybe you should take some of those critical thinking skills you should be learning by examining these texts and actually apply them, like come on.
People undermining certain disciplines (most especially anything in the arts/humanities) just ticks me off. They're always like: what's the merit in that? And like, the fact that you can't find the merit in these subjects suggests to me that you do not actually understand the underpinnings of these subjects, which would you looks at that, basically always boils down to critical thinking skills, which, wow, ironic. Like, no, philosophy isn't just meaningless, pedantic, overdone fluff, it's the basis of all your precious fucking sciences, and it teaches you how to interact critically with the world and sharpens your communication and argumentative skills. The same goes for english, just the focus is on the critically examining media instead. Like, fuck. Just fuck off.
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whatiwillsay · 4 years
Reputation is about more than one relationship; a thesis by anon
Hello! I am that anon who thinks Rep is about more than one relationship and this is a hill I am very much willing to die on. I believe there are (at least) two relationship stories told in detail on this album.
One is the relationship between two very famous women (*cough*Kaylor*cough), who are struggling to make it work because of the public pressures. The other is between Taylor and someone who is out of the public eye, or at least someone she is able to keep the relationship completely private. I’m not going to speculate on whether that’s Lily or Joe (lol so full disclosure I don’t think it’s Joe but someone else might) or maybe someone else we don’t know much about. All I know is that there is more than one relationship being discussed. Let’s dive into this analysis, shall we?
The first explicit mention of the public relationship - let’s actually just refer to it as Kaylor from here on out - is on End Game.
Big reputation, big reputation Ooh, you and me, we got big reputations Ah, and you heard about me Ooh, I got some big enemies (yeah) Big reputation, big reputation Ooh, you and me would be a big conversation Ah, and I heard about you (yeah) Ooh, you like the bad ones, too
Tay’s lover on here is someone with a big reputation, and being with the person would be a big conversation. Endless Kaylor analyses have discussed this as ‘proof’ that it’s not about Joe. Which, yes, obviously. But equally obviously, any woman in a relationship with Tay would be a big conversation so once we exclude Joe as a possibility, as we rightfully should, we wind up with plenty of other options.
Later in the song we do hear more explicit Karlie lines like “it’s like your body is gold”. We all suspect Karlie is gold (I tend to agree), so let’s call it a Kaylor anthem. Cool. Then, what can we learn about their relationship from this song?
I don’t wanna touch you, I don’t wanna be Just another ex that you don’t wanna see I don’t wanna miss you (I don’t wanna miss you) Like the other girls do I don’t wanna hurt you, I just wanna be Drinking on a beach with you all over me I know what they all say (I know what they all say) But I ain’t tryna play I wanna be your end game (End game) I wanna be your first string (First string) I wanna be your A-Team (A-Team) I wanna be your end game, end game
The lyrics explicitly suggest Tay’s begging the lover to make it work. It’s “I wanna be” not “I am”. She’s craving affirmation, she’s wanting to be chosen; we can pick that up from the repetitive nature of the song. First string, A-team, end game… She just wants for her to be the one. Some might say that would be fun. She’d love for them to wind up together - but there is no clear sign in the lyrics that it’s an actual possibility. It’s what she wants. She’s trying to convince her lover that she is committed, but they never resolve that commitment in the song. It’s never fully requited. No matter how many times she offers what she ‘wants’, there is no response.
Later, she sings:
I hit you like bang We tried to forget it, but we just couldn’t And I bury hatchets, but I keep maps of where I put ‘em Reputation precedes me, they told you I’m crazy I swear I don’t love the drama, it loves me And I can’t let you go, your hand prints on my soul It’s like your eyes are liquor, it’s like your body is gold You’ve been calling my bluff on all my usual tricks So here’s the truth from my red lips I wanna be your end game (End game) I wanna be your first string (Me and you) I wanna be your A-Team (Be your A-Team now) I wanna be your end game, end game I wanna be your end game (oh, I do) I wanna be your first string (first string) I wanna be your A-Team (A-Team) I wanna be your end game, end game
I’ve referenced part of this above, because it’s where the Kaylor-ness of it all gets more explicit (drinking/liquor/intoxication, gold, handprints/footprints). But again, this isn’t a happy ‘in love’ song. It’s Taylor actively trying to convince Karlie that her feelings are real. “Here’s the truth” she says - that doesn’t sound romantic, it sounds like they’re fighting and wanting to make things work but it’s all proving to be incredibly challenging.
When we add Taylor’s tone of voice in - and the almost forlorn “I wanna be your end game” at the start - my reading makes a lot of sense. It’s definitely a Kaylor song; Kaylor songs are always steeped in anxiety.
Our next clear Kaylor song is ‘Don’t Blame Me’ which (importantly) Taylor didn’t write, but which clearly picks up on themes she finds relatable. Apparently it’s similar to Hozier’s Take Me To Church (I don’t know much about Hozier, but from a quick glance at those lyrics that’s not a wildly happy song either).
Something happened for the first time In the darkest little paradise. Shaking, pacing, I just need you. For you, I would cross the line, I would waste my time, I would lose my mind. They say, “She’s gone too far this time.” Don’t blame me. Love made me crazy. If it doesn’t, you ain’t doing it right. Lord, save me. My drug is my baby I’ll be using for the rest of my life.
We’re going back to that same theme from End Game - Tay is begging her lover to make it work. “For you” she says, “I” would do just about anything. Cross the line, waste time (a biggie when you’re Taylor fucking Swift), even lose her mind. Love has made her crazy, unstable - it’s almost a play on the satire of Blank Space. True love seems to have actually made her into that mad woman she laughed at on the previous album. She’s shaking and pacing, craving the physical release of her drug of choice. (The shaking and pacing in a darkened room comes up later on the album again, by the way - it’s clear that Tay is super into Karlie and I do get it, she’s so gorgeous it’s nuts).
Then comes this gayness:
My name is whatever you decide, And I’m just gonna call you mine.
I’m gonna pause here because these call me by your name vibes are just. So. Damn. Gay. But that’s neither here nor there. Tay continues:
I’m insane, but I’m your baby (your baby). Echoes (echoes) of your name inside my mind. Halo, hiding my obsession. I once was poison ivy, but now I’m your daisy. And, baby, for you, I would fall from grace Just to touch your face. If you walk away, I’d beg you on my knees to stay.
Again, we’re picking up those same recurrent themes: she’s asking her to stay, she is willing to risk it all for love. The daisy is a Kaylor inside joke, we all know about Big Sur, so I’m not going to dwell on that.
The name thing is more interesting, as is the ‘halo, hiding my obsession’. To me, both gesture towards the public nature of the relationship that first started in End Game and picks up steam in later songs. “My name is whatever you decide” she says, but the other woman’s name keeps echoing in her mind, possibly because of her lover’s big reputation? I don’t know for sure, but I think it’s fascinating. I think Tay’s got a thing about names - lol Betty and James but also later in this album; bear with me - so I think this whole name bit is of interest. I think Tay likes the idea of the symbolism of names and the concept often comes up in her lyrics…
Then we get the line which suggests one or both of them have a (public) halo, that they use to hide the desperate love Tay feels for her lover. To be honest, that screams glass closeting phase to me. We go straight from ‘hiding my obsession’ to the daisy references. “Glass closeting with me is fun!” cries Tay, “Please stay with me, please please please.”
But once again, there’s no answer.
And then we switch gears and go into Delicate. What we’ve established in the two songs above is Tay is very invested and wants to make it work, and that she’s dealing with someone who is also famous, and that there are complications. One of those complications is that she’s insecure in the relationship.
Delicate opens with:
This ain’t for the best My reputation’s never been worse, so You must like me for me…
It sets a different tone and attitude to the last two songs. For the first time, we’re hearing an analysis of her lover’s feelings. She’s not begging, she’s not urging. She’s shocked that this person wants her for her. The big reputations and the shaking, quaking and pining are suddenly gone.
We can’t make Any promises now, can we, babe? But you can make me a drink…
Here the lover is more involved than she was previously. Taylor has gone from asking for something to saying that this is what’s happening. This is chilled, low key. This isn’t an obsession. This isn’t her ‘hitting like bang’. It’s two people starting something very… delicate. It’s not love at first sight, it’s an exploration of possibilities. They’re going to a dive bar, they’re hanging out. It’s calm and peaceful. Her anxiety here is a gentle, delicate, romantic one. It’s not dramatic like on the Kaylor songs.
Come here, you can meet me in the back Dark jeans and your Nikes, look at you
The theme of secrecy comes in strong on the lines above. They’re hiding, and they’re private. This is not “I would fall from grace just to touch your face” - the stakes are markedly lower. It’s the start of something new, something beautiful. She’s starting over again. And she’s doing so with someone who is willing to hide with her.
This is in sharp contrast to our Kaylor anthems, as we’ve already seen above. Ready for another Kaylor song? So It Goes (again, not by Tay but thematically linked) is peak Kaylor.
See you in the dark All eyes on you, my magician All eyes on us You make everyone disappear, and Cut me into pieces Gold cage, hostage to my feelings Back against the wall Trippin’, trip, trippin’ when you’re gone
Okay, here we have a gold cage imprisoning Tay and a ‘lightning strikes every time she moves’ woman stealing the attention of everyone who sees her. She’s got Tay backed up with nowhere to go and tripping when she’s gone. That’s the same insecurity from before.
'Cause we break down a little But when you get me alone, it’s so simple
She’s explicitly acknowledging their problems, but the problems fall away when they’re in bed or having a romantic interaction.
'Cause baby, I know what you know We can feel it… And all the pieces fall Right into place Getting caught up in a moment Lipstick on your face So it goes… I’m yours to keep And I’m yours to lose You know I’m not a bad girl, but I Do bad things with you So it goes…
The above doesn’t need much additional analysis, there are Kaylors who’ve done it and I recommend going to read those (or just looking up times Tay ended up with smudged lippy around Karlie).
Here’s the really relevant bit:
Met you in a bar All eyes on me, your illusionist All eyes on us I make all your grey days clear and Wear you like a necklace I’m so chill, but you make me jealous But I got your heart Skippin’, skip, skippin’ when I’m gone
Does that sound the same as the ‘dive bar on the East Side where you at?’ Because to me, while describing similar situations - dates in bars - they are explicitly different in mood, tone and atmosphere. In Delicate, Tay and her lover were hiding out in the back, having a heart to heart. Here, the bar has ‘all eyes’ on them. Kaylor both have big reputations and Karlie makes Tay anxious and jealous. She’s not ever sure where she stands with her. The best she can come up with (and you must listen for the high-pitched, uncertain tone with which this line is sung) is that Karlie’s heart skips when Tay’s gone. That’s hardly explicit confirmation of deep, requited feelings.
You did a number on me But, honestly, baby, who’s counting? I did a number on you But, honestly, baby, who’s counting? You did a number on me But, honestly, baby, who’s counting? Who’s counting? 1, 2, 3
This once again acknowledges the difficulties in the relationship. It is not ‘Delicate’. It is not always happy. It’s a proper fucking mess.
Cool now let’s take a look at another Kaylor anthem:
I, I loved you in secret First sight, yeah, we love without reason
I hear the naysayers point to the ‘in secret’ as paralleling Delicate (which so far has been the only one that’s not about Karlie). The thing, though, is that this is about love at first sight/physical attraction/lust - not about the meaningful emotional connection we glimpsed in Delicate. Delicate is explicitly not about love ar first sight or love without reason. It’s about embarking on something new and beautiful but having trepidation along the way. It’s about careful connection.
My, my love had been frozen Deep blue, but you painted me golden
I’m including this as further evidence this is about Kaylor. As I said Karlie = gold. We’ve heard this image in every Kaylor song. You know what didn’t feature in Delicate? Gold. Spoiler: it won’t feature in CIWYW and KOMH either.
I could’ve spent forever with your hands in my pockets Picture of your face in an invisible locket You said there was nothing in the world that could stop it I had a bad feeling And darling, you had turned my bed into a sacred oasis People started talking, putting us through our paces I knew there was no one in the world who could take it I had a bad feeling
In this verse we have people talking and noticing this couple. She’s describing a well-known, public relationship. It isn’t a secret, not really, despite the actual love being kept somewhat secret. Their locket may be invisible but despite that, this relationship is something well known. Furthermore, we already know she has had a bad feeling. That’s kind of the premise of many of her other Karlie anthems - she’s begging Karlie to stay and trying to convince her that they have something real and serious. She is constantly trying to convince Karlie of the seriousness of her feelings. And, well, the song ends with her saying she’d like to dance with Karlie again but there’s no real way forward, seeing as their hands are tied. The whole thing is quite sad.
Let’s look at the other very very Kaylor song (like there’s literally no other way to read it):
Our secret moments In a crowded room They got no idea About me and you There is an indentation In the shape of you Made your mark on me A golden tattoo All of this silence and patience, pining and anticipation My hands are shaking from holding back from you (ah, ah, ah) All of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting My hands are shaking from all this (ha, ha, ha, ha)
We have the familiar desperation, the shaking, the gold, and the secret moments in plain view. And again, they’re both very famous:
Everyone thinks that they know us But they know nothing about All of this silence and patience, pining and anticipation
We also get this bit:
Say my name and everything just stops I don’t want you like a best friend
There’s the name thing again and after that the gayest, most glass closety line I’ve ever witnessed. “I don’t want you like a best friend”, she says. I want your body. I want your love. I want us. I want this relationship to be real.
You know what that clarification is in sharp contrast to:
(Call it what you want, call it what you want, call it) So call it what you want, yeah Call it what you want to
Tay didn’t want to call it what you want with Karlie. She wanted to call it end game, first string, A team. She didn’t want to be friends. People talking about them caused her anxiety and lead to the breakup described in DWOHT. CIWYW has that renewed joyful tone that she had in Delicate. It’s hopeful and optimistic. It’s all about about connection and meaningful interactions:
I want to wear his initial on a chain round my neck Chain round my neck Not because he owns me But 'cause he really knows me
This is not an invisible locket, this is not about sex and getting clothes off in bathtubs, this is about a really deep emotional connection which we first heard on Delicate. Notably, it’s the third time she speaks of necklaces on the album, but it’s the first that it’s not sexual. It’s also - importantly - not invisible. It’s not comparing the lover to a necklace (like before, which makes it a physical connection) or saying their relationship can be entirely symbolized by one. She’s saying she’d actually love to actually have tangible physical proof of the relationship. She wouldn’t have said that about Karlie because she wasn’t expressly convinced the feelings were fully mutual. Also, this song is missing that desperate pining and longing that she experiences for Karlie in the Kaylor songs.
I know people hear “Karlie” instead of “Call It” but honestly it makes more sense as one of the non-Kaylor songs. I think maybe the rhyme is her trolling Karlie - call it what you want, which is certainly not what she had with Karlie. This would also kind of explain the laugh in Miss Americana. If someone sang me a song about how things are good between us, and added in a dig at her ex, I’d laugh too. And let’s be honest discussing exes - especially exes in the same social circle (Tay, Lily and Karlie) - is peak lesbian culture.
One more thing:
Cause… My baby’s fit like a daydream Walking with his head down I’m the one he’s walking to
Karlie has never had her head down. She is super active on socials, as a model, and as a philanthropist. Karlie has never been quietly walking “to” Tay. She’s been stunting and traveling and being extraordinarily visible. And all the Kaylor songs deal with that very public nature - with rumors and discussions and everyone’s eyes being on Karlie and the anxiety that causes Tay. I know some Kaylors think they just went underground after being caught making out but that’s just not what’s being described in CIWYW. It’s a different person.
My baby’s fly like a jet stream High above the whole scene Loves me like I’m brand new So call it what you want, yeah
She’s explicitly saying her baby doesn’t form part of “the scene” but rather floats above it. How does that fit Karlie going on vacation with Scooter? Or anything about Karlie, actually? This is obviously about someone very private or not particularly famous. Or both.
Bonus lyric from a non love song that points to an actively private relationship is “and here’s to my baby, he ain’t reading what they call me lately” - why would Karlie not read stuff? She is calling the paps on herself and Josh regularly but she’s not following Tay’s PR game? Make it make sense?
Anyhow back to CIWYW. In that song, her baby loves her - a source of anxiety that never gets stated explicitly resolved in the Kaylor songs. Those songs have her begging for love, not stating it’s existence matter of factly. The difference is palpable.
And I know I make the same mistakes every time Bridges burn, I never learn At least I did one thing right I did one thing right I’m laughing with my lover Making forts under covers Trust him like a brother Yeah, you know I did one thing right
I’m including this because of the chilled out atmosphere, the “brother” simile (which to me is kind of the opposite of “not wanting you like a best friend”) and the insistence that this is “right” which is absent in the Kaylor songs.
KOMH keeps with that same quiet, calm, positive energy.
I’m perfectly fine, I live on my own I made up my mind, I’m better off being alone We met a few weeks ago Now you try on calling me, baby, like trying on clothes Salute to me I’m your American Queen And you move to me like I’m a Motown beat And we rule the kingdom inside my room 'Cause all the boys and their expensive cars With their Range Rovers and their Jaguars Never took me quite where you do
“Try on calling me” like “trying on clothes” is that same idea from Delicate. Things are early, and uncertain. They’re exploring this and seeing where it goes.
This is not a public relationship, it’s entirely “inside her room”. And it doesn’t feature expensive cars and the visibility her - or Karlie’s - stunts had. (Kinda interesting that she drove Lily in the Toyota, don’t you think? And also drives her/someone in Miss Americana?)
This relationship is super secret:
Late in the night, the city’s asleep Your love is a secret I’m hoping, dreaming, dying to keep Change my priorities The taste of your lips is my idea of luxury
But what’s secret? Not Tay’s love of this person like before. “Your love” is the secret. As I’ve pointed out that affirmation of requitedness never happens in the Kaylor anthems and hiding out in the dark. Additionally “idea of luxury” is very different to her drug imagery from the Kaylor songs, by the way. This is not addictive, this is just nice.
And all at once, you are the one I have been waiting for King of my heart, body and soul, ooh whoa And all at once, you are all I want, I’ll never let you go
I believe the “all at once” contrasts the love/lust at first sight feelings she expressed for Karlie. This didn’t “hit her like bang” - it surprised her after a few weeks. And it’s not just a physical connection. This person rules her heart, body and soul.
And what do they do together? Well it’s less ripping off clothes and more chilled hangouts with someone who makes her happy:
Is this the end of all the endings? My broken bones are mending With all these nights we’re spending Up on the roof with a school girl crush Drinking beer out of plastic cups Say you fancy me, not fancy stuff Baby, all at once, this is enough
This is very cute. It’s very much lacking anxiety. She’s happy with her new person; it is finally “enough”. That’s not true for her relationship with Karlie. “School girl crush” is a very cutesy image - and is in stark contrast to the craving, shaking, pining, and bedpost carving that came with “not wanting you like a best friend”. Notice how the second relationship uses constant friendship/platonic imagery and how that type of imagery is not expressly disavowed in the Kaylor songs.
I also think it’s worth contrasting the “beer out of plastic cups” on the roof with “I’m spilling wine in the bathtub” and “eyes like liquor”. All three references are about drinking - but only one is peppy, cute and upbeat and the others are full of lustful desperation.
Now the other possible reading - implicitly favored by the Kaylor community - is that KOMH, CIWYW, and Delicate are set at a different point in the relationship to the sex songs. Unfortunately that doesn’t really hold water because, as I’ve pointed out, the origin story described is different. Kaylor “hit like bang” and fell in love at first sight. The other relationship started out slow and cautious, but quickly settled into something quietly special. These other songs are about a connection that’s chilled out and very emotional and cerebral. The Kaylor songs are about how much she wants to sex up Karlie and leave scratches down her back (which, I mean, fair). The other songs are about tentative emotions and cutesy intersections.
Also KOMH, CIWYW and Delicate are the three songs that feature British/foreign imagery. (This is why I think they’re about Lily or maaaaaybe Joe but again I doubt that and the scene in MA where a woman laughs during CIWYW contradicts it and I also have further lyrical evidence it’s not him which I’ll address below). In KOMH she says “you fancy me” and describes herself as “an American queen”, in CIWYW her baby’s “fit like a daydream” and in Delicate she asks about the “girls back home”. Also East side and West side in Delicate make more sense as being about London. Dive bars in the East End are a vibe. But that’s neither here nor there.
Why is this analysis important? To me it shows that contrary to the rosy Kaylor depictions, the Kaylor lyrics consistently show they always had massive issues (not dissimilar to her issues with Di actually).
Very quickly on why Joe’s not the muse: he’s referenced in Dress in a verse makes no sense lyrically or musically or thematically in the song and I think is only there to make it slightly less gay because otherwise the song is making Kaylor Facebook official. But the “wake up by your side” doesn’t fit in with the pining and anticipation and drunken bath time fun. It’s just thrown in there as deflection. It doesn’t actually fit the other relationship on the album - it’s very romantic but “my one and only, my lifeline” is not the cutesy tone of the other songs. This verse is just made up and slapped in to feed the hets. The musical accompaniment is so markedly different that it is clear it literally doesn’t belong in the song. The other song that makes reference to him, I believe, is “Ready for it”. I think “I keep him forever, like a vendetta” is very much about her plans for him. But it’s a very different thought to “is this the end of all the endings?” because that’s a far less certain emotion. She’s only 100% sure about Joe because it’s… not real.
And final note: Getaway Car is obviously a satirical piece about Hiddlestunt obviously. And I think New Year’s Day is a general love song about the type of relationship she wants, similar to some of her early songs, not about Karlie or Di or Lily/whoever else. It’s missing any of the imagery associated with either relationship except “don’t ever become a stranger” but it might be written from diary entries (which she has shown us she does). Final final note: I don’t know for sure who Gorgeous is about. It could just be a song about hot girls more generally.
If anyone is interested in further thoughts, I’m happy to do this for Lover and folklore too. I think we need to challenge the myth of Kaylor being perfect. And I think we should listen closely and let the lyrics speak for themselves.
thanks for taking the time to write all this up! let’s discuss!!!
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Dead or Alive: Donny Donowitz x Latina!Reader
You don't have to be Latina to read (we do be needin the rep though XD)
TRIGGER WARNING: Xenophobia/Racism, Mentions of segregation
Requested by @sansasdove
@owba-chan @war-obsessed @inglourious-imagines @tealaquinn @struggling-bee @frozenhuntress67 @kwyloz @sodapop182 @marlenemarauders @what-the--curtains @taikawho
Let me know if you wanna be added to the IB or OUATIH taglists! :)
______________ Donny and Utivich were sent out to an isolated town, while the rest of the basterds finished up a mission a miles and miles south of there. They'd meet back up a few nights later, in their hideout in the woods. Meanwhile, Donny and Utivich were tasked with finding a new troop assigned to the basterds by the OSS. The only problem was they didn't know your name, rank, or what you looked like. All they knew was that you were a marine in the Pacific at some point. "You think that's her?" Donny narrowed his eyes, looking in the direction where Utivich had (tried to) discreetly gesture toward. "Are you pointing at the lady with the baby?" "Wh-" Utivich then realized the likelihood of that lady being their contact, and turned red as he stammered, "N-no... They wandered around the town, trying their best not to get any unwanted attention. After a while, Donny started grumbling, "Well no one fucken told us who the hell we're looking for!" "What about her?" 
Donny glanced up, and it took him a moment after he smirked to nod, "Yeah she's cute." "No...I meant...do you think that's her?" "Oh! Well..." His hand rested on the back of his neck, as he cleared his throat, "Sure, sure...uh..." He noted the way you stood by an old tavern, newspaper in hand, appearing innocent to the untrained eye.   "The kid stands like a goddamn marine." "Donny, wait!" Donny walked past you slowly, almost unnoticeably glancing toward you. Your eyes scanned over the newspaper, beneath the brim of your hat. You acknowledged the newcomers with a slight, almost imperceptible nod, and remarked beneath your breath, "I've been compromised. Don't follow." Donny stalled for a moment. "Leave. Now. I'll catch up." You spoke through gritted teeth, hidden behind the newspaper. Donny went ahead without a word, understanding the implications of associating with a compromised spy. He pulled Utivich along without explaining anything. They turned a corner, and Donny glanced back one last time, seeing if he could spot anything. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a nazi staring at you, and approaching, barking something in broken French and intermittent German. Your stone-cold narrowed eyes, and defiant, fearless face remained unbothered as you slowly lowered your newspaper, seemingly annoyed by the nazi's interruption. That alone told Donny you knew exactly what you were doing. But, night came, and morning passed. There was no sign of you at all. "Donny..." That was the first thing Utivich said since then. Of course, he was usually a quiet, composed kind of guy. Sarcastic and witty whenever needed, but only when he had something to say. He didn't now. He just hated the unsettling silence. Even more so, since Donny hadn't said anything either, which was even  more unsettling. Donny looked up, but what could really be said? If something had happened to you, then...another good, young life was meaninglessly lost in an seemingly endless war. And if something hadn't happened to you, then it was certainly coming, and Donny wasn't prepared to let that happen. Why? Well... in that infinitesimal instant that he glanced at you, he looked into your eyes, and he saw so much life. Something unexplicably cheerful, even in the face of the worst the world had to offer. A smug, determined intent to fight, to love, to go on. Something Donny only saw in the eyes of the innocent, and the brave. Somehow, you seemed to be both, all at once. He turned back, marching  toward the distant village. "Where are you going?" "I'm not goin' back to camp without that troop." "But-" "We're finding her Smitty. Dead or alive." As they'd soon find out, those were the terms and conditions given to the nazis that were hunting you. Donny was so hung up in finding you, he and Smitty were caught. They were tied up, and thrown beside you, in a line on a ledge overlooking a swift, lashing river, facing a nazi patrol in the forest. "I told you not to follow." You sounded more disappointed than angry, which struck Donny, though he didn't dare look at you. Smitty turned, "We didn't." You turned to look at his sergeant, "I could've handled this." "But you didn't," he quipped. "You got a problem with me, sergeant?" You challenged him, with a slight smirk he couldn't really resist. One of the nazis that had captured you had just about enough. The orders on finding the basterds were to keep them alive, and bring them in for interrogations and of course, torture. Orders for finding a common nuisance  believed to be an informant were as follows: dead or alive. So, the nazis had some leeway when it came to your fate...so they thought at first. Though, they did need at least some kind of answers. The nazi  noticed a silver chain around your neck. He reached, and frowned when he realized what he'd pulled out of your shirt was a dog tag.  Seething, he remarked, "Y/n L/n." He narrowed his eyes at your name, then spat at you. In his foul ignorance, he confused you with a Spaniard, he accused you of being a traitor to the axis. He strung together what little Spanish he could from dealings between Germany and Spain, "Traidora. Eres una española," (which was completely wrong) he swung and struck you in the jaw. Donny pulled against the ropes used to tie him and Utivich up, "HEY!" You looked up at the nazi, as two more dragged you back to your feet. Blood dripped down your nose, and out the corner of your mouth. You spat right back at him, staining his face and uniform with your blood. "I am not a Spaniard." You held your head up high, proud of who you were, who your parents were, and their parents. You muttered under your breath, glaring right at him with eyes that would scare just about any nazi, "Hijo de puta."
You stood strong, resilient, looking him in the empty, hateful voids he called eyes. The nazi glared right back, though a shadow of panic and fear loomed behind his shallow blue eyes, as he stammered to find words, and hid his fear in German curses and mumbles. The nazi was ready to attack you again, but Utivich and Donny started to put up a fight. When some of the nazis threatened to kill them, the nazi's colonel finally emerged from his tent, ordering his men to stand down. "Wir sollen die Basterds lebendig machen." 'We're to bring the basterds in alive.' The nazi that had attempted to torment you turned harshly to his colonel, demanding to know "Und das Mädchen?" 'And the girl?' His colonel tossed a gun at him, nonchalantly commenting with a disinterested shrug and sigh,  "Werde sie los." 'Get rid of her.' Donny turned between you and Utivich, "What's happening?! What the fuck's happening?!" You understood what was happening, but telling Donny would only put him in more danger. Besides, you could see the sheer emotion in his eyes. He wasn't scared for himself, he was scared for you, and you knew it. You stood silent, and glared ahead at the mob of nazis, right at your dim fate. Donny could tell from just that look. A resigned, brave soldier? It was something he was all too uncomfortably familiar with. He and Utivich lurched forward, in spite of the ropes,  toward the nazis, "COWARDS! YOU FUCKING COWARDS-"
While everyone was distracted trying to control Donny, they all stopped and turned, hearing the rushing river splash unusually loudly. You were gone.   The nazis rushed to the edge of the ledge, and peered toward the river below. The colonel looked at the other nazis, shouting, "STEHEN SIE NICHT NUR DORT. OFFENES FEUER." 'DON'T JUST STAND THERE. OPEN FIRE.' Each of them rushed over to the end of the ledge, and started to fire into the murky rapids. After a seemingly endless torrent of bullets...there was nothing. No body floating, no cloud of red in the water. The colonel turned, snatched the dog tag from the soil, and read the name. His heart dropped to the pit of his stomach,  as his eyes went wide with rage, "IHR IDIOTEN." 'YOU IDIOTS.' Utivich turned to Donny with a bloodied smirk, "Well I understood that." The colonel's commanding officer wanted you brought in for questioning. In fact, so did everyone in the German army who was someone. You were a ghost story in the Matanikau River, when you were still stationed in the Pacific. When you emerged in the European theater...well...all of Berlin was sacked, and all of Paris was turned upside in an effort to find you.
"Find. Her." The nazis wasted no time, they all knew that he'd show them no mercy. The nazi that had been responsible for the confusion...well, he begged, shaking in his boots. One shot to the forehead was all it took to quiet him down. His colonel kicked his body to the side. He stayed behind, sitting by a fire, as the sun set, watching Donny and Utivich intently. Eventually, he began to noticeably shift around, constantly checking his watch. He wasn't used to being kept waiting... None of his men came back. All the while, Donny taunted him, meaning time went by a thousand percent more slowly. He reminded the nazi who the fuck the basterds were, telling him it wouldn't be long before Aldo the Apache was coming down the hills. Donny swore it wouldn't be long before Hugo Stiglitz got his hands on the nazis. It wouldn't be long before... He detailed how he and the basterds had quite literally ripped local nazis to shreds. He even gave names. Names that colonel definitely knew. He screamed for Donny to shut up, barely able to control his murderous impulses, even knowing high command wanted Donny and Utivich, or any basterd for that matter, be taken in alive as a trophy, and for information. He really couldn't do much more than beat Donny up, and Utivich for good measure. But at the end of the day, the only one that was terrified was the nazi, and each second seemed to be slower than the last, while Donny and Utivich looked at him smugly. Eventually, around midnight, after hours and hours, and after Utivich was sure there was no way out, he hung his head down again. Just then he heard an agonizing, almost sobbing, gargling sound coming from the now calmer river. The remaining nazi stood up, his gun trained on the basterds, as he marched cautiously toward the river bank, every few steps, looking back at Donny and Utivich making sure they hadn't moved. "Give it up, kraut. Your boys're no match for ours." Donny taunted him again. The unmistakable sound of a muffled scream, and a knife made both Donny and Utivich turn toward the river. It wasn't exactly who they were expecting. You were standing there, dripping from the river, your clothes soaked in cold water and stained blood. "You're alive?!" Donny's voice was happier and more relieved than he intended to let on, as you cut them free, "Yes, sir." "How'd...how'd you do that?!" Utivich looked at you with star-struck eyes. "I'm a marine," you winked with a smile. "Marine, huh." Donny twisted his hands around his aching wrists, trying to relieve the soreness from being tied up so long. "Lance Corporal Y/n L/n, at your service, sir." You saluted him. "Nice to meet'cha kid," He smiled, genuinely, though his soft glance had to be cut short by the realization that you were all still in the middle of a war, and possibly a man-hunt. "And nice of you to salute and all, but we better get movin'." You nodded, and tossed something at him, catching the light of the moon in a fleeting silver glint. "What's this?"
"Their colonel's dogtag." You eyed the ones that Donny kept around his neck as trophies, "I see you got a collection going there." Donny smiled, as his heart skipped a beat. You'd fit right in with the basterds...
Your first mission with the basterds was not quite what anyone would expect, but then again, neither were you. For an impromptu rescue, it wasn't too bad. ************* All three of you sat kilometers away, a few hours later, still under the guise of the dark night, by a small fire, attempting to remain hidden, though all of you were freezing cold, especially you. Donny gave you his coat, and Utivich gave you his hat, trying to keep you from catching anything. "Heard ya made a mess of Berlin and Paris." You glanced up at him cheekily, "They sent me to you for a reason, sir."
"Call me Donny," he smiled warmly, between the steely moonlight, and the golden embers of the fire. Utivich asked, "So...you heard of us, but how come we ain't heard of you..." "Some of us are good at making things look like an accident," you teased him a little, and Utivich laughed.   Donny turned a little red, and nodded subtly, damning himself for seeing the stars adorning your hair, and the night sky in your eyes. His heart was pounding, and he didn't even try to deny why. Who would, when they saw you the way he did? You were all silent for a few moments, then Donny asked you what he asked any of the other basterds when they first met. "So, uh...why'd ya enlist?" You were quiet for another moment, then looked back at Donny. Your eyes seemed tired. Not from the long day, or even from the impressive tactics... Tired from memories, doomed to be repeated, as you sighed, "You ever see those signs?" "What signs?" He raised his eyebrow, then glanced at Utivich, who seemed equally as puzzled. "The ones in nice stores and parks and schools. Places like that. The signs that go 'no dogs, no black people, no mexicans allowed.' Doesn't even matter if you're Guatemalan, Dominican, Bolivian or Argentine, anything...They don't give a fuck. Those signs." Utivich looked at you, his heart was heavy as he nodded quietly. He was from a particularly open, urban place in the west...and even then he'd seen things like that. Things he didn't want to see when he went back home... He knew what it was like to have people hate you for what you were... Your name, your language, your family. Most of the basterds knew. Aldo and Hugo may not have known first-hand, but they'd be damned if they let anyone get away with that sort of bullshit while they were around. Donny's heart sank a little, as he murmured, "Fuck a duck..." He looked up at you, nodding slowly, "Yeah I've seen those." "Yeah, well I didn't see those in any bases. The one chance I got at being treated like a human,  and it's gotta be when I don't know if there's a tomorrow. Get it?" His heart broke, in a way he didn't see coming. He shook his head, and you sighed as you shifted a little closer to the dying fire, "Anyway, this fucking war's been on for what, three years, now? I wanna end this before my kid brother has to. Guess that's another reason right there." Donny understood that too. He had nothing more to say other than what was on his mind. "You're a good kid, Y/n..." "Thanks," You glanced up at him. And for a moment...a moment he would've missed if he'd blinked...you didn't have that trademark bold, striking look in your eyes. For a moment, you glanced away, shyly, with a small, quiet, innocent smile. Utivich noticed. He looked at Donny with a smirk, but said nothing. He knew to leave well enough alone.... "Ya know, I got a kid brother too. His name's Mikey."
You smiled softly, and pulled out a locket, tightly wrapped around your finger. You didn't open it, but you let it dangle a little, "Carlos." Donny chuckled, "Smitty there is the kid brother. At home, and at camp." "So that's how it's gonna be, Donny?" Utivich tilted his head with a laugh. You chuckled, "And how's that working out for you, Utivich?" He shrugged a little, though he was clearly amused, "Great. So far...I've only gotten one purple heart, which may be the lowest out of all the basterds....But my mom's still going to kill me when I get home." "Why?" "I enlisted, see? Didn't get drafted." He smiled at you. He was, as you'd soon learn, a real sweet, honest guy. Sometimes you wondered how a guy like that even made it into a team like the basterds... But then you'd see him in the battlefield, or getting a few scalps, and you'd remember why.  "My sisters tried to talk me out of it. My older brother couldn't enlist because he's got asthma. He just married too, so it would be real upsetting... Anyway... What can I say...Of course they didn't want me to go, I'm my mom's  youngest kid." "A baby," Donny remarked, which Utivich ignored. "They wanted me to go to college, but honestly? I don't regret a damn thing, Y/n." You smiled, understanding that need to be free to choose. Soon after, you all decided to was best to put the fire out, for fear of the smoke giving away your place. You were sure they were asleep. You shivered, still damp from the river. You were wide awake, your arms wrapped around yourself, watching as your breath turned into a cloud before your eyes. You sneezed softly. "Hey..." You heard a voice, warm, and quiet. Donny wrapped his arms around you, and you instantly sank into his chest. He smiled a little, speaking quietly so Utivich wouldn't wake up. "Can't have ya getting sick on us now, can we, kid?" You didn't protest much, as you couldn't remember the last time you were so tired. So Donny smiled sleepily, and held you tightly as he fell asleep. (He may like being big spoon but who knows ;) ) He couldn't tell you how panicked, and lost he felt when you disappeared on them for those long hours....But he'd tell you that some other day. Some day, when you were far away fom there. When you were safe...
******* You all arrived at the hideout finally, extraordinarily late, even for Donny. After you were introduced to the legendary basterds, Aldo took you aside for a little talk. He asked you what happened out there. You were days late, after all. Being a spy, you naturally spun a tale so convincing, it damn near worked,  as a way to cover for the boys' little mishap, and to save face for them. Frankly, Aldo just nodded, saying it was fair enough, and let you on your way. He then joined Donny and Smitty, who were both looking for something to kill their headaches with (of course after being punched that many times in the face, it was understandable). "I know Y/N's coverin' for you both." Utivich, slightly startled, turned around with a jump and panicked. "What? We didn't tell her to do that, we-"
Aldo didn't care for explanations, "Now, I don't give no goddamns, but if I didn't know any better, I'd think she was tellin' the truth." He chuckled a little, "But, I know you two are some damn trouble makers." Utivich nodded, and sighed, "Ok, you got us." Donny turned slowly to Utivich, and narrowed his eyes, "Snitch." Aldo shrugged, "And anyway...even if her story did check out, it don't explain to me why and how you got yourself a black eye, Donowitz. And why my boy Utivich here's got his lip busted open, does it." "Aldo..." Aldo sighed, "That kid's let the boys in her old teams take all the credit in public. But here, well, she gon' make one hell of a basterd, ain't that right Donny." He winked, and smirked. Donny sighed, "That obvious, huh?" There was no use in denying it anyway. It would only be a matter of time before the basterds started to notice the way Donny looked at you. Aldo shrugged, as he tossed  a bottle of pain killers at Utivich, "Just a lucky guess, son." He started to make his way out, but turned around for another minute, "Oh, and Donny?" "Yeah?" "Go on, you fucken basterd." Aldo shook his head, grinning. Donny smiled, as he walked out, and made his way over to you. Somehow, you made him feel a way he never felt before for anyone. When you were around, Donny was calm. He'd never admit it...but after what happened the day you met...he felt safe when you were near. Maybe your reputation preceded you... Maybe that was all...
But then again, when Donny talked to you, he wasn't as loud as he normally was. When he looked at you, and walked toward you, he didn't try to make himself look and act the like biggest, baddest basterd around. He didn't need to. When you were around, he knew he didn't have to worry. He knew he'd somehow make it home. When you were around, the question was no longer dead or alive... When you were around, and he saw that smile, and those eyes, he knew he'd be alright. Who the hell wouldn't, when they had you?
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chartedrights · 4 years
black friday,,,,, gold rush au,,,,,,,,,,
Oh my god okay first of all? Your mind
Second of all- worth mentioning on this post-independence day that the California Gold Rush was in fact the impetus for the California Genocide and the displacement of the indigenous Californian population. They didn’t teach us that in fourth grade, but I figured I’d tell you. California has a long and terrible history regarding its treatment of the indigenous people who lived here before us, and I’d recommend googling California Genocide or the Spanish Mission System if you want some increased awareness there.
Frank Pricely stole so much fucking land. He probably started out owning about half of the area and has slowly been selling off plots to people looking for gold. He knows it’s a lost cause looking for gold himself, but who is he to deny people their wishes? He gets their money either way. Doesn’t matter what happens to them afterwards. He scams so many people out of their money by telling them that their patch of land is the best, the finest, the one with the most gold.
Lex and Hannah and Ethan came out from Hatchetfield, running away from home in hopes of striking it rich in the gold fields. The story begins with them making it to California, after a long journey from the other side of the country
Think Trail to Oregon but much less fun
They truly are CaliforMIA this time
Lex has been scoping out Frank’s land for a few days now, secretly, playing the system by checking until she finds a particular patch of land with gold in the water… and buys it from Frank immediately, doing her best not to give away why she wants it.
Linda came out from New York with her husband and her four beautiful blonde boys several years ago, back when it wasn’t even US territory, because Gerald’s debts were hounding them. Linda runs a boarding house for those looking for gold while Gerald searches, fruitlessly, for gold himself. Though their debtors lost track of them somewhere around the Sierras, he’s still afraid. Linda’s just glad he’s not near her all the time.
And then Frank Pricely strikes gold under his own house, on the one plot of land he won’t sell, and everyone starts to wonder. He won’t tell, but people whisper that a man in denim left his house the night before, walked out into the dark and disappeared.
Every man in denim is hounded, begged, for their luck, for their blessing, please sir, please, I have a family, I have debts, I have a girl back home-
But it was no ordinary man Frank made a deal with.
Wiley is a thing that looks like a man until the lantern light hits him just right and his eyes shine like a deer’s, until the moonlight hits his profile just right and his face looks *too* perfect to be human, until he smiles and his teeth are just a little too sharp and a little too shiny. But he’ll grant your wish, alright. He’ll make your dreams come true. You’ll have years aplenty to enjoy your good fortune, your riches and your health and your family. But he’ll be back, when your time is up, and he’ll be smiling then, too, with sharp and shining teeth.
Wiley comes to people and whispers secrets in their ears, invites them to makes deals with him, meets people lingering at the crossroads and leads them down a dark and winding path. He is not a man, and he is not a spirit, and he is not kind.
Linda makes a deal with him, and in return he organizes circumstances so that the 49ers begin to worship her- everyone who does right by her has better luck, does better at cards, eats better, sleeps better, has better luck with the ladies- people notice. It’s a joke, just casually at first, cracks about her being their patron saint, about her being unrealistically beautiful, about how god blessed Miss Linda Monroe (and it’s always Miss, never Misses), and then more and more and more until the whole town seems to be in her grip.
Tom came out to California a year ago, just after Jane died. Tim is back in Hatchetfield with Emma, (who is doing her best to keep him alive as the Apotheosis occurs), and Tom has been looking for gold and catharsis out in the hills. He hasn’t found much, but maybe one day, he tells himself. Maybe one day. Soon. And then Tim can come out to be with him.
Becky has just come West, hoping to help keep the diseases in miners’ camps and towns like these to a minimum, helping anyone she can. Anyone who’ll let her, which sadly isn’t very many people. She’s running, from her husband or his ghost, who can say, but she is most certainly running.
Becky is the first person in three years to challenge Linda’s cult-like rule, and it stirs tensions. Eventually everything comes to a head, and riots begin to break out- some people blame Frank for their misfortune and the lack of gold on their land. He flees the town, leaving Linda the sole “authority” figure.
John makes his way into town like any other ‘49er, and the only reason he and Lex even meet is because she’s come to get her first gold harvest authenticated in town. He admits that he’s come out looking for the man who killed his mentor, that he knows he’s out in the hills somewhere.
Lex wishes him luck, and he hands her a scrap of paper with his name and PEIP’s address. She doesn’t think much of it.
The gold is real, of course, and word soon spreads that somebody is getting all the good luck, that somebody is cheating everyone else of the gold, that somebody is stealing it-
That night, at something which resembles a cult meeting but which is billed as a “party”, Linda points out Lex and Ethan specifically as the people in possession of the lucky land, and later that same night Ethan is murdered by some cultists in pursuit of the deed- for themselves, for Linda, as if the distinction matters.
Hannah has it, though, not Ethan, and she runs deep into the sparse woods, hoping to find Lex.
Tom and Becky take shelter in a half-finished theater, long-deserted. They watch the stars and listen to the screams, the breaking glass, the destruction raging outside. They find solace in each other, something they’d thought they would never have again.
Becky resolves to go out and take care of the wounded, and Tom agrees to help her.
Wilbur finds John first, though. John is notably shaken by the revelation that Wiley didn’t just take Wilbur’s soul, he didn’t just take his life- he stole his face as well. “A handsome face, isn’t it?” Wiley says, admiring it in the reflection off John’s revolver. “Immensely pleasing to the eye.” He catches John’s gaze, and it becomes clear that whatever John was, whoever he is, Wiley is stronger.
John dies. It is horrible. It is loud. Hannah hears it from miles away.
Lex is found by Sherman, who overpowers her. He forces her to call for Hannah, to help him look for her on the plot of land belonging to her and Ethan, but Lex tries to break free.
Wiley is the first person Tom and Becky find, and when they roll his (apparently) broken body onto its back, he grins up at Tom, who freezes. He simply stops, and even as Becky is knocked out and dragged away, Tom is mesmerized. He can’t look away. He can’t even think.
Caught by a few cultists who hadn’t attended the meeting, Hannah is walked into town, deed in hand, and brought to Linda.
There is another struggle, on the banks of the only river where gold has been found. Sherman holds Lex’s head underwater. Her eyes are so wide, open in the stream, and she’s screaming and screaming under the water but nobody hears and she can taste the gold, the dirt, the blood-
And then she can see John, just standing there looking up at her, as if the river was so much deeper, offering his revolver to her. She reaches and reaches and her bloody fingers just brush against it and it’s dry in her hand when she pulls it from the water and levels it at Sherman. She breathes cold air and pulls the trigger.
Tom is about to make a deal with Wiley when she finds him, arm outstretched to shake on it. She begs him not to, tells him that Wiley can’t be trusted, that he’s evil- but Tom just looks at her with glazed-over eyes and says “He can give me my Jane back.”
“She wouldn’t be your Jane,” Lex says, pleading, as Wiley just grins and grins and grins. “She’d be his Jane, and he could take her away again. She’s dead, Mr. Houston. Your wife is dead, and I’m sorry, but this isn’t the way to fix that. You have a son,” she begs. “Please- please, don’t abandon him.”
And Tom looks at the outstretched hand, offering gold and ghosts, and he turns away.
Tom picks up a rifle from one of the fallen cultists and Lex tucks away her revolver, and they fight their way to the Monroe hostel, where Linda is holding court with her cult. Becky is still unconscious, Hannah is in near-hysterics at the loss of the thing her sister and Ethan entrusted her with.
Lex steals back the deed to the land they bought from Frank, and holds it up, strikes a match off the railing and holds it up to the deed. “This is just a piece of fucking paper,” she yells. “It’s just fucking metal! It doesn’t matter!” Linda screams, making a mad rush for Lex just as the match touches the deed. She and Lex struggle for a moment, and the deed flutters, flaming, to the ground.
Awake now, Becky stumbles to her feet, watches people flee the building, sees the discarded rifle where it was knocked from Tom’s hands.
Becky takes the rifle, one shot loaded and no second chances, and she aims it with keen eyes at Linda, where Lex has her pinned to a stalemate. She thinks of the Hippocratic oath, thinks of the words “do no harm,” thinks of all the people who have died today. She shoots.
Linda falls, bleeding, from the balcony, and Wiley disappears into the wind as the camp burns, as the Monroe hostel burns, as the rivers shine with blood and golden fire.
The fire spreads. Lex and Hannah meet Tom and Becky downstairs, make their way outside. California weeps smoke, and the other campers refuse to leave their plots, die standing charred-black skeletons that grin out at the world from their useless, greedy posts.
Becky leans on Tom’s shoulder, his arm around her waist as they stumble home with the girls.
The rest of it can wait until the morning.
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ANGST KAZUMAJI ANON AND WOOF. FUCK. GOTTA LISTEN TO THOSE SONGS AFTER WORK. EXCITED. Your idea though OW. I haven't seen Y6 yet (I watch playthroughs don't have the console and my computer laughs at me trying to run the games) the streamer thats playing it finally got to Y6 and I am Refusing To Watch It. My heart can't take even starting the VOD.
You’re welcome for the music cc: 
A LOT of people haven’t seen 6 yet, so I did my best to get through that without spoilers ^^; Hope I haven’t ruined anything for you. And I feel that, my laptop and I have constant arguments and I’m not a good gamer anyway ^^; I should try Kiwami 1 someday though... I have it, I'm just Nervous about Being Bad ^^; 
Nice, following one streamer, well done c: I just hopped around to different playthroughs on youtube ^^; My wife and I binged all 7 games in I think 2 months, max. ^^; She crazy tho and a bad influence on me xp She likes to just sit and binge things and I am, understandably, weak for my wife <3 
6 isn’t so bad, I promise. You can do it c: It’s very pretty, you get to stare at Kiryu’s juicy ass the entire game, there’s lots of cute minigames of Kiryu with a baby, uh... *running out of nice things to say about 6* ...did I mention it’s very pretty? Fuck... Listen, I have... Feelings about game 6, but I don’t want to ruin it for anyone ^^; Everyone’s allowed to experience things in their own time and form their own opinions and I don’t want to deprive anyone of that. Please watch it and when you see it, feel free to come tell me about it c: 
And as a reward for all that, another angsty idea: 
The Nishikiyama Opera! 
So I composed the entire thing on a car ride with my wife last week and it’s WILD. Y’all ever see opera? If you’ve never seen an opera you SHOULD, they’re fucking Great. Operas are all about being The Most, comedy or tragedy, they’re all horny as shit and everyone is extra as fuck. If you living for the drama, you HAVE to get your ass to an opera. I’m lucky enough to live somewhere with a relatively robust opera community. And anyway, my point is, The Nishikiyama story? RIPE for an opera adaptation! 
First, you gotta know some of the opera tropes. There are two categories of opera, comedies which are kinda rare and tragedies which is... constantly. And operas are pretty good at telling you almost immediately which one they will be. There’s also a lot of meta about the voice parts themselves: 
Soprano - heroine, ingenue, beautiful. Will win if this is a comedy, will die if this is a tragedy. 
Alto - mothers & witches. Not the heroine. Will probably die regardless of comedy or tragedy. Unless she’s the villain, then she lives in a tragedy. 
Tenor - hero. Given the sexiest parts to sing. Sometimes unbearable. Everything is about Him. 
Baritone/Bass - fathers & villains. Gorgeous voice, never utilized properly. 
Knowing the vocal parts and what they classically represent is key to knowing who will win and who will die in the opera. For example, in Carmen, Carmen is actually an alto, not a soprano, and Don Jose is a tenor. This immediately tells you that shit’s fucked. Tenors are supposed to fall in love with sopranos, never altos. So this story can only end in tragedy because he’s interested in the wrong kind of voice part. There’s even a counterpoint of a soprano who is madly in love with him, and the baritone toreador for Carmen. They’re given their proper voice partners, but Don Jose still pursues Carmen which is a ginormous mistake by operatic tropes. 
So, opera education over, picture this: 
ACT I  Kiryu (soprano) is the loveliest yakuza in all the land! He’s just delightful. The Chorus sings his praises and he demonstrates his impeccable fighting ability. (Forgot to mention, any opera worth its salt has a Chorus and I will die on this hill.) The Audience is assured of his might and grace. 
Kiryu, obviously, does not want for admirers, but has not chosen to court anyone formally. 
Here enters Kiryu’s brother, Nishiki (bass). The Chorus explains that Nishiki is second to his brother in strength, but is formidable in his own right. Nishiki explains to the audience how he longs for Kiryu, how he covets him, his strength, his beauty. How after a lifetime together, affection has turned to love. Nishiki must have him. 
Kiryu hears none of this. Nishiki approaches to make his case when Majima (tenor) sweeps onto the scene. Majima is brazen and glib. The Chorus tells us to beware his charming smile, he is as dangerous as he is flirtatious. Majima has heard of Kiryu’s reputation and calls him into the street to defend his title. Kiryu responds and they do battle. 
In the midst of the battle, Majima finds himself won over by Kiryu’s skill and grace, his kindness and strength. Majima is bursting with love and there and then makes a proposal to Kiryu, offering his whole heart. 
Kiryu is stunned. Majima is not a weak fighter, he is not a braggadocio, despite appearances. He was a real challenge and Kiryu was not expecting the fight to take this turn. He is so surprised he cannot make an answer and politely, but quickly, leaves. 
Nishiki has been watching the entire time and finds his heart gripped by jealousy. He plots to claim Kiryu for himself and hates Majima bitterly, despite the fact that Kiryu has given no answer. Nishiki believes he knows his brother too well not to know that Kiryu returns his affections even if he won’t say. Nishiki leaves, concocting a plan. 
We find Kiryu at his balcony, lamenting his situation. Majima may have been exciting, but Kiryu’s no fool. He has no proof that Majima’s feelings will not waver in time. Majima steals into the garden beneath Kiryu’s balcony and professes his love once more. 
Kiryu is startled and makes to flee, but Majima sings so sweetly, entreats so gently, that Kiryu is compelled to stay. Majima doesn’t even ask again, just sings of his feelings. Kiryu, in his heart, is wooed by this. He may have been ready to answer when Nishiki interrupts. Majima quickly hides in the foliage. 
Nishiki counters with his own confession, his own proposal. Kiryu is shocked and saddened. He begins to sadly tell his brother that he cannot accept. Nishiki flies into a rage, demanding if there is someone else, someone else Kiryu prefers. Kiryu hesitates, but answers honestly that he has always seen Nishiki as a brother, regardless of any other feelings. He cannot accept Nishiki on the grounds of their previous relationship. 
Nishiki was expecting this. He reveals a vial of poison and threatens to drink it unless Kiryu will marry him. Majima gasps. Kiryu pleads with Nishiki not to be rash, but Nishiki only demands his answer, the vial nearly at his lips. 
Kiryu swallows back tears and collapses to his knees. Sorrowfully, he agrees, unable to bear the responsibility of his brother’s death, and the act finishes to the sound of clamoring wedding bells. 
ACT II The lights come up on Kiryu and Nishiki in their home. Nishiki is pacing the floor and making increasingly outlandish suggestions for things to do. Kiryu says yes to all of them, gently and politely. Nishiki’s frustration and annoyance increases with every yes. Eventually he snaps at Kiryu, demanding why he won’t fight him, demanding why he will give no more reaction than a placid yes. Kiryu shrugs helplessly and tries to soothe his brother, but Nishiki won’t be soothed. 
They have been married less than a year and it has been like this the entire time, getting worse by the day. Nishiki can see the pain he’s causing his brother, but can’t stop himself. He loves him too greedily to stop. He departs, hoping to take his mind off things. 
Kiryu is left alone in the house and sings a longer, sadder version of his lament from the balcony. Distantly, we hear strains of Majima’s love song, now broken and echoing. 
The scene changes and we see Kiryu sat down in a busy cafe. At first we assume he’s alone, but people move and we can see he is sitting across from Majima. They do not touch. Their careful, polite space around each other is conspicuous. 
Kiryu is tired, he looks wan, almost sick. Majima sings heartbrokenly, telling Kiryu he needs to take care of himself. He is desperate to take Kiryu away from all this, and asks several times, but Kiryu always sighs and shakes his head no. Majima knows Kiryu will not break his word once given, he is too good and honorable for that. But he cannot help singing for him all the same. He cannot touch, he will not permit himself to touch, but he can sing. 
Kiryu eventually cannot take the heartache anymore and departs sorrowfully. Majima looks after him, just as sad. Nishiki is revealed to have been spying on them the entire time. He confronts Majima, furious and accusatory. He insists that he and Kiryu have been having an affair. Majima simply looks at him and shrugs. Nishiki screams for Majima to admit it, to admit that Kiryu loves him, has always loved him, this whole time. Majima only says that Nishiki knows Kiryu best. He will not confirm or deny anything Nishiki says. Shaken and stymied, Nishiki flees. 
We return to Kiryu’s balcony, where he sits, silent and pale. Nishiki storms in and begins to berate Kiryu with his accusations. He is half-mad now, not seeming to hear Kiryu’s denials. Kiryu professes over and over that only Nishiki is his husband, that he loves only Nishiki. Nishiki cannot accept this as true. Nishiki screams that Kiryu ought to ask him for a divorce. Kiryu cannot claim to want a divorce. He gave his word. Nishiki reveals that he had been watching them in the cafe, that he knows all, the secret contents of Kiryu’s heart. Kiryu manages some resistance at last and asks Nishiki for proof. What proof of his indiscretions? What proof of adultery? What has Kiryu done that has angered his husband-brother so? 
Nishiki has none. Kiryu has not done anything wrong, not in word, not in act. Whatever thoughts he might accuse Kiryu of having are ephemeral and will never be real. Still... Nishiki saw how they looked together and his heart was sore. He knows he has stolen Kiryu from what was rightfully his. Moved to regret, Nishiki withdraws the vial of poison again. 
Kiryu gasps and tries to prevent his brother. 
Nishiki swallows the poison quickly, insisting this will set things right, this will free his brother. He says he did it for love. He falls. 
Kiryu collapses next to him, sobbing. 
The final scene is Nishiki’s funeral. Kiryu kneels next to his brother’s grave, all in black. He sings of his regrets, of his sorrow. Majima stands close by, but still not touching. He does not look at the grave, only at Kiryu. His broken love song is the last thing we hear. 
The End. 
...this opera was a tragedy ^^; 
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inyournightmares97 · 5 years
Ultimatum (Part 3)
Park Jinyoung is a master negotiator. He’s used to preying on people’s weaknesses and manipulating them to get his way. So he can’t understand you; a lawyer who sees the world in black and white, as either good or bad. Conflict is inevitable.
But if the two of you can just set aside your differences, perhaps you can perform miracles together.
Word Count: 4k+
Warnings: Angst, office!au, enemies to lovers!au. Some language.
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Part 1: In Which You Win
Part 2: In Which He Wins
Part 3: In Which the Common Enemy Appears 
Part 4: In Which You Work Together
Part 5: In Which Nobody Wins (coming soon)
Part 6: In Which Everybody Wins (coming soon)
"Sorry I'm late," you apologized, hurrying towards the desk where your co-workers were sitting. They both looked grim. "I got a call from my mother’s care home so I had to drop by to visit before work. Have you been waiting long?"
Yugyeom bit his lip. "It's… it's not that."
"There’s an email from HR. I think you got it too. You should take a look, it's not good news."
Suddenly recognizing how ominous the atmosphere was, you started up your laptop. There was an email from HR with the subject heading Transfers to New Busan Office. Heartbeat thudding, you clicked on the email. It was a polite, friendly note to inform everyone that the entire Legal, Sales and Marketing departments would be shifting to the new Busan office, and that individual transfer orders would be sent across soon. 
"What the fuck?" you demanded. 
"It's not true, is it? Are they really going to make us move to Busan?" Youngjae asked. He tapped his fingers on the table nervously. "My wife is giving birth in 2 months, I don't want to move a heavily pregnant woman across the country. We were counting on my mother-in-law's help with the baby. But there's no way she'll move to Busan."
Yugyeom nodded miserably. "I don't want to go there either. I just bought a flat here last month. I took out a mortgage!"
You shook your head in disbelief. "This can't be right. I thought they were hiring new folk for the Busan office. I saw the recruitment files myself! Why do they want to send half the existing departments there? I'm going to have a word with HR-"
"There's no use," Yugyeom cut you off. "I already asked some people from HR. They said there's nothing they can do, because the orders came directly from the CEO."
You frowned. "That bastard."
"Will you talk to him?"
"Of course I'll talk to him," you replied. You slammed your laptop shut and stood up. "I'll go talk to him right now."
"Sorry, the CEO is speaking to someone right now," the secretary told you patiently. 
"Yes, but it's urgent-"
"Ma'am, it doesn't matter how urgent it is, I can't let you barge into his office while he's already talking to someone! Please understand the situation and be patient. I'm sure Mr. Park will be out in a few minutes."
You groaned audibly. "He's talking to Jinyoung?"
Fantastic. That slimy little creature was probably making everything worse. You suddenly remembered that the email had also mentioned the Sales department shifting to Busan. It struck you that Jinyoung was in there right now, sucking up to the CEO and being the selfish, arrogant bastard he had always been. 
Park Jinyoung never did anything for anyone else's benefit. 
He could screw up the company's deals all he wanted, but there was no way you were going to let him screw up your life. 
"Good morning," you greeted the CEO politely as you barged into his office. The secretary yelled after you, scandalized, but you ignored her. "I'm here to talk about the email I received about some departments shifting to Busan?"
Jinyoung was seated in front of the CEO's desk. His dark eyes twinkled as he turned in his chair to face you. 
"We were just discussing that," he remarked. 
"Excellent, then you won't mind if I join," you cut in. You sat down beside Jinyoung and turned to face the CEO. The young negotiator’s gaze was fixed on you but you refused to look at him. Jinyoung’s despicable face would only make you lose your temper. 
"This is a little surprising," the CEO commented with a raised eyebrow. "But I assume you have something to say?"
"I do, actually," you replied. There was no smile on your face. "I thought I should save you some time. Our employment contracts don't contain mobility clauses. We never consented to the possibility of being asked to shift to a different city for work. I could explain the law to you in depth, but in short the conclusion remains the same. The company cannot legally force any of us to go to Busan."
The CEO blinked. "You're right. I can't force any of you to move."
"So then you agree that-"
"You always have the option of leaving the company.”
You flinched. You hadn’t imagined that the CEO would say something like that to your face but he was looking you right in the eyes and telling you that he would fire you for refusing to move. You didn’t know how to respond. 
“But-you can’t fire us without justified reason-”
“I’m not firing you. I’m offering you a job in Busan. If you don’t want to take it then you can always go seek employment elsewhere,” he replied calmly.
“That amounts to constructive dismissal, it’s illegal!” you replied hotly. You had hoped to keep your temper under control but the CEO was being absurd. How could he flip a switch overnight and decide that everybody had to either go to Busan or quit? “You realize that I could easily challenge a dismissal like that in a court of law?”
The CEO raised an eyebrow. “Again, it’s not a dismissal. I’m offering you employment in Busan.”
“How exactly do you plan to handle the fallout of entire departments quitting-”
“I don’t think that’s your concern. If you don’t want to go to Busan, then you’re free to hand in your resignation. We can even negotiate a severance package,” the CEO replied shortly. He placed his hands on his desk and stood up. “If you’ll excuse me, I have a Board meeting to attend. If you want to discuss this further you’ll have to make an appointment with my secretary.”
You watched in silent shock when the CEO stood up and walked out of his office. Your heart sank. This was more serious than you had thought. The CEO wasn’t the sort of person to make empty threats. What were you going to do? 
Park Jinyoung cleared his throat. 
“Well, good job fucking that up,” he commented. 
Your head whipped around to face him. “Excuse me?”
“Do you always barge headfirst into situations without even thinking about it? What made you think it was a good idea to talk to the CEO like that?” Jinyoung demanded. You could hear the irritation in his tone. “You ruined the entire mood by making him hostile. You should have left it to me. I was handling it.”
“Handling it? You?” you demanded. 
“Yes. At least I’m not idiot enough to barge in and pick a fight with the man who employs me,” Jinyoung retorted. He folded his arms across his chest while his dark eyes scanned you with displeasure. “Have you ever heard of power dynamics? Don't bite the hand that feeds you. Even a dog knows that.” 
“I’m not a dog,” you snapped. 
“That’s not what-”
“What the CEO is doing isn’t legal. If you’re saying I should smile and fawn and flatter a man that is trying to fuck with my employment contract illegally, then I’m sorry. I’m not in the habit of having negotiations with people who can’t respect the law. That’s not power dynamics. That’s sycophancy.”
Jinyoung sighed. “God, you’re impossible. Don’t you have any understanding of how the world works? How can you see everything in black and white?”
“Go to hell, Park.”
“Nope. You don’t get to be mad at me. I was trying to convince the CEO not to issue transfer orders but you barged in and fucked it up by making him mad. That’s on you. So don’t pull the moral superiority card on me today. That won’t work. I was doing my part.”
You blinked at him. “I don’t trust you.”
Jinyoung sighed. “Understandable. But-”
“I think you’re a selfish piece of shit that has no concern for anyone around him. You can suck the CEOs dick all you want, Jinyoung. Don’t expect me to believe you’re doing it for us,” you snapped.
Jinyoung stared at you in surprise. He hadn’t expected to hear you using such crude language, but your flushed face and trembling hands made it clear that you weren’t thinking straight. You were distressed and somehow, Jinyoung didn’t want to aggravate you further. He took a deep breath and shoved his hands deep into his pockets. 
“Fine,” he surrendered calmly. “You use your methods and I’ll use mine.”
“The CEO really said that? He said we could either go to Busan or quit?”
You nodded. You were too angry to speak. The more you thought about the encounter, the more furious it made you. You had been working at this company for 3 years. You had given so much of your time, effort and dedication to doing your job perfectly and this was the gratitude you received? Being asked to either shift halfway across the country or quit? 
“Yeah. He said it.”
“What are we going to do?” Yugyeom cried. 
“We’re going to show him he can’t violate our employment contracts like this. I won’t stand for it. I refuse to go to Busan and that’s a hill I’m willing to die on,” you ranted as you rummaged through your textbooks. You had some research to do. You were flipping through volumes on labobur laws frantically when Yugyeom spoke. 
“Is it… is it because of your mom?” he asked quietly. 
You hesitated. You didn’t speak about your personal life much at work, but perhaps Yugyeom had picked up a few things from random tidbits you dropped. 
“Uh, yeah. She’s at a medical facility for the elderly right now. I can’t leave her here and move to a different city. I also don’t think her health could withstand the move. If it comes down to it, then I’ll have to quit and look for a new job. Busan isn’t an option for me,” you mumbled. 
Yugyeom bit his lip. “But it won’t come down to it, right?”
“It will unless you pick up that book and get reading. Find me everything you can on constructive dismissal,” you ordered him sharply. “Where’s Youngjae?”
“He went to talk to Sales and Marketing to find out what’s going on.”
“Well, call him and tell him to hurry back. We have jobs to save.”
“It seems like a mixed bag at this point,” Jackson observed as he sipped his coffee. The cafeteria was quiet, and the atmosphere of the office had been grim all day. Nobody wanted to talk. “I think half of Sales will quit to look for other jobs in the city. The rest will just suck it up and move to Busan. It’s going to be a messy situation either way.”
“But nobody wants to go,” Youngjae pointed out.
“Of course nobody wants to go.” Jackson pressed his fingers to his temples. “Hopefully Jinyoung will find some solution. He usually works something out.”
“Is he considering quitting too?” 
“Jinyoung? No way. He’s upset because a lot of his clients are here, and he would have to start from scratch to build contacts in Busan,” Jackson explained. “But he just received a promotion. He’s due to get an enormous bonus from the company at the end of the year because of the deal he secured. The guy has made amazing progress in this company. Jinyoung would be an idiot to quit. He needs this company as much as it needs him.”
“Then why are you trusting him to fight for you?”
“I know he doesn’t give Legal an easy time, but Jinyoung is an awesome guy to have on your side. He knows how to manipulate people and he knows the CEO well,” Jackson explained. “He’ll find a solution. I just hope he does it in time. Otherwise, the transfer orders will be sent out and people will scramble. This affects all of us so we need to stick together.”
“That’s what bothers me,” Youngjae admitted. 
“How fragmented we are. The CEO knows that half of us will stay and half will leave. We don’t have any coordination amongst ourselves. He’s probably counting on us being a mess,” Youngjae pointed out. “We would have a better chance if we presented a united front.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Think about it. The Sales department has the most skilled negotiator this company has ever seen. Legal has a brilliant lawyer that has saved this company from going through huge lawsuits multiple times because she never gives up. Don’t you think these two people should pool their skills and work together?”
“You want them to join forces?” Jackson wondered. 
“Both departments want the same thing. We might be able to come up with a better solution if they at least talked about what to do,” Youngjae insisted. 
“That would work fine if they didn’t hate each other.”
“Don’t you think they’re reasonable adults who can put aside their personal differences for the benefit of themselves and their co-workers?” 
Jackson laughed. 
“No. But maybe we can talk them into it.”
“I’m not a bad negotiator myself, you know.”
"Youngjae wants us to come to Conference Room 9," Yugyeom told you. Your head was buried in a book on labour law judgements and you barely heard his voice. 
"Hmmm. 5 minutes."
"He says it's urgent."
"Huh?" you asked absent-mindedly. 
"Youngjae wants us to come to Conference Room 9, he has something to show us. He says it’s urgent. Are you coming?” Yugyeom repeated. The younger man was staring at you and something clicked in your brain as you finally paid attention to what his words. 
“Oh! Youngjae, right. Sorry. Did he find something useful?”
“I don’t know. Let’s go see.”
“He better not be wasting our time,” you muttered, as you closed the book and followed Yugyeom towards the conference rooms. There was no knowing when the CEO would send the transfer orders out. You wanted to be ready with a full report about how they were unsustainable in law before that. It required intensive research, and you had to juggle it with your normal work. 
“Is it this one?” Yugyeom wondered as he reached a conference room with a plaque that had the number 9 on it. He opened the door and gestured for you to enter first. Since when did Yugyeom have such manners? You walked in, but the moment your eyes adjusted to the dim light you froze. 
The entire Sales team was sitting here. 
The door closed behind you. 
“What is going on?” you demanded. Youngjae was standing in a corner and he gave you a sheepish smile that you did not return. Park Jinyoung was also present. Dressed in a classy light blue button down shirt, he leaned back in his swirly chair and gave you a bored look. 
Yugyeom nudged you towards the seat across from Jinyoung. 
“Sit down, we have something to say.”
You frowned. “About what?”
“About how we intend to fight the transfers to Busan. Jackson and Youngjae have an idea. They think that since it affects all of us equally, we should work together and make a joint representation to the CEO.”
You couldn’t believe this. They wanted to work with Sales? You couldn’t even start to list all the reasons why that was a terrible idea. You opened your mouth to protest but before you could, Jackson stood up and moved to the front of the conference room. You were pushed down into the chair by Yugyeom. 
“Ladies and gentlemen. Allow me to begin my presentation,” Jackson announced grandly. 
The lights dimmed. The projector overhead flickered on, and displayed an old version of a world map, with the United Kingdom highlighted in red. 
Jackson cleared his throat. “Today, I’m going to be talking about this little country. But it wasn’t always a little country. It used to be the head of the British Empire. The largest Empire in history that lasted for over a century. This tiny little country took over at least one quarter of the world-”
You felt bewildered and furious. 
“What the fuck is going on?”
Jackson made a shushing gesture at you and your face turned red. You could hear Jinyoung chuckling. 
“But the British had a strategy. They didn’t take over these countries randomly. Their strategy was to divide and rule. Let me elaborate. They identified ethnic and religious differences between the people and divided them into smaller groups that were less powerful than the whole. Then, when the British tried to rule, the smaller groups would be too busy fighting amongst themselves to care about what the British were doing. Which is, basically stealing their land and resources and taking over the country.”
“I think we get the point,” Youngjae muttered. He had noticed the irritation on your face. “Can we wrap up now, Jackson?”
Jackson pouted. “But the best part is still- okay, fine. Basically, the only way to drive the colonial British out was for the different ethnic groups to unite and to combine their strength against their common enemy; the British Raj.”
“Right. So-” Jackson pressed a button and the screen on the projector changed. There was now a picture of the company’s organizational hierarchy. Over the CEO’s bubble had been pasted the words British Raj. “As you can see here, the analogy I’m trying to draw. The CEO is our British Raj. Sales are Legal are two different ethnic groups in the same country. The only way we can fight the British Raj is if we unite and join forces, not if we continue to fight each other. And there I end my presentation. Thank you.”
The lights flickered back on, Jackson took a pleased bow and then took a seat. 
Yugyeom looked at you. “What do you think?”
“What do I think?” you demanded. “I think you’re behaving like children and this is a colossal waste of time. Did you just give me a history lesson in order to teach me about teamwork? This is insane. Your jobs must be a joke to you. Unfortunately, I take my life and my work very seriously, so do me a favour and don’t invite me to your playtime sessions.”
Jackson blinked. “But-”
Jinyoung cut him off coolly. “I thought it was a very informative presentation, Jackson. 9 out of 10, although the map ideally should have highlighted all the British colonies and not just England.”
“Thanks, Jinyoung.”
You stared at them. “Unbelievable.”
Jinyoung turned in his chair to face you. His arms were folded across his chest coolly. “Let's get down to the point. Forget the British Raj. I think they've identified a problem that deserves to be addressed. That problem is, you and I keep getting in each other’s way.”
“Excuse me?”
“It’s true, don’t deny it. I was in the middle of a negotiation with the CEO this morning. It was going fine until you barged in and argued with him. Calm down,” Jinyoung raised a hand to silence you as you opened your mouth to defend yourself. “I’m not trying to blame you. That’s not the point. The next time you make a representation, it’s likely that I’ll accidentally do something to mess it up. This is because we lack coordination even though we want the same thing.”
Yugyeom turned to you with big, hopeful eyes. “He’s right. Both of you doing your own thing could be disastrous. The CEO will just ignore us, because we’re a mess. But if we pool our resources together then we might be able to scare him. Can we set aside our personal feelings this once?”
You stared at them. Both Yugyeom and Youngjae were looking at you hopefully and you felt weak. You wanted to reassure them that you could save their jobs without the help of Sales, but you suddenly weren’t sure anymore. Park Jinyoung, whatever else he might be, was definitely smart.
That didn’t mean the plan would work, though. 
“Look. I’m an adult. I can set aside my personal feelings, but that’s not even the issue. Our methods are too different,” you pointed out to Jinyoung. “We’ll waste time fighting about what to do. You’ll want to negotiate nicely and persuade the CEO, while I’m prepared to show him the law and insist he follow it or face the consequences.”
Jinyoung bit his lip. “I get that. We have our differences.”
“Exactly. We’ll never agree on a strategy.”
Jinyoung suddenly looked up and his eyes gleamed. You could almost see the lightbulb ping on top of his head. 
“What if… what if our different strategies are our strategy?”
You were growing tired of the Sales department’s obsession with giving pointless presentations.
The lights had dimmed and the projector was back on again. This time, Park Jinyoung was standing in front of it. He had run out of the conference room suddenly after his declaration, shocking everyone. He was back in two minutes with his laptop and he hooked it up to the projector before turning to face the room with a smug smile. 
“Guess what? I have just found the one and only negotiation strategy that will work. It’s a classic, and it’s the only strategy that is based entirely on disagreement,” he explained eagerly. “I gave a seminar on this to the Sales team a couple months ago, remember?”
Jackson’s eyes widened. “Wait, do you mean-”
“Yup.” Jinyoung pressed a button and the presentation began. “The Good Cop, Bad Cop Strategy.”
You frowned and peeked at the laptop. The presentation contained 45 slides. Oh dear god. If Park Jinyoung tried to go through all of them right now then you were going to deck him in the face. You were short enough on time already. 
“How about we skip past all the analogies and the introductions and you just give us a brief summary of how this works?” you suggested through clenched teeth. You glanced at your watch. “You have my attention for… 3 minutes.”
“That’s enough,” Jinyoung promised confidently. He pressed a button to change the slide. “The Good Cop, Bad Cop strategy is simple. This strategy is rooted in the fact that the Good Cop and the Bad Cop never agree.”
“The role of the Bad Cop,” Jinyoung gestured towards you with a handsome smile and you glared at him, “is simple. Bad Cop takes an extreme stand. She threatens terrible consequences and refuses to negotiate. She basically sets the tone for a worst-case scenario. No matter what the other person says, Bad Cop refuses to show the slightest hint of mercy.”
You blinked. That sounded like you. 
“Now, we come to Good Cop,” Jinyoung gestured towards himself with a proud smile. “He’s the one who makes more reasonable demands. Good Cop is the nice guy. He pretends to be on the criminal’s side. Everything Good Cop says looks really nice and generous in contrast to what Bad Cop says. Usually criminals are so terrified by Bad Cop that they give in to whatever demands Good Cop has. But in reality, Good Cop and Bad Cop are working together. They both agree on what they want beforehand. But by splitting the roles and taking extreme stands, they can confuse the criminal.”
You took a deep breath. “So If I understand you correctly…”
“You will threaten to sue,” Jinyoung explained. His dark eyes shone with excitement. “Do what you do best. Gather all the material you can find about the company’s violations of our employment contracts, and threaten the CEO that you’re about to drown the company in a messy, ugly lawsuit.”
“That’s risky. We don’t have the resources to follow through on that. I don’t have enough money to sue the company and I’m sure none of you do either. It’ll be a bald-faced lie. The CEO might tell me to go file a lawsuit if I dare. I might have to return empty-handed.”
“You might, if I wasn’t there to diffuse the situation before he gets angry. I’ll offer the CEO a more attractive option. I’ll tell him that he doesn’t have to deal with the headache and the bad PR that will come out of a lawsuit. He can simply let us stay in this office. If the Busan transfer is an attempt at cost-cutting, like I think it is, then we’ll all voluntarily forgo our bonuses this year. We’ll find other ways to cut costs. What do you think?”
You took a deep breath. “Okay.”
Jinyoung grinned. “Okay?”
“Okay,” you admitted reluctantly. “I think this might just work. Let’s do this.”
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levi-inthesun · 5 years
Was Gonna Die Young (Now I Gotta Wait), Chapter 3
Summary: Florence has a gift- she receives visions and tells prophecy’s and has, unbeknownst to her, attracted the attention of some of the worlds, and WWII’s greatest villain. Now, she must rely on one man to help her out long after she helps him.
This is for @heli0s-writes​ writing challenge, the prompt “Die Young” by Sylvan Esso. Song Here
Eventual Carol x Florence Platonic Bucky x Florence
Series Warnings: Violence, swearing, abuse, depression. Chapter: reference to 9/11 (except in this it’s Stark Tower)
Words: 1736
(gif does not belong to me)
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Florence was floored. It worked! She was able to show the Soldier the vision she had had, however, he did not respond well to it and she did everything she could to avoid ‘resetting’ him, but he wasn’t calming down. As she began saying the activation words, she forced herself to look him in the eye.
“Bengin,” she saw something in his eyes and she knew somewhere deep down, Sargent Barnes was suffering. “Nine. Homecoming. One,” she sighed, seeing all life disappear behind his eyes. “Freight Car.” 
Sargent Barnes stood at attention. “I’m going to save you,” she whispered to herself before turning to the soldier. “Soldat?” 
“Ready to comply,” he responded as a single tear slid down his cheek.
The mission was, both fortunately and unfortunately, a success. An airplane was crashed into something called ‘Stark Tower’ and after the Soldier had abandoned the plane and met up with Florence at the rendezvous point, they were on their way back to Siberia. Florence had to write out mission reports, and she did so on the plane. Hopefully, he wouldn’t be able to remember what had happened in the gross motel room, otherwise, they were fucked.
As soon as they landed, Florence was taken to Alexander Pierce, her “handler” of sorts. 
“Do you have the report completed?” he asked as soon as she was in his office.
She nodded and handed it to him and waited as he read it.
“Good,” he set it down. “As long as the Soldat’s report matches your own, we don’t have an issue.”
They waited until the Soldat’s handler sent over his report and Peirce smiled, pleased everything had gone accordingly. He looked up at Florence and his brows furrowed. 
“Do you have something you would like to say?” He looked her up and down, “Well, get on with it! I am feeling generous.”
“Thank you,” she said quietly. “I don’t want to assume anything, I am but another soldier.”
Peirce nodded for her to continue.
“If you and the others decide that it is important for me to go along with a Soldat for any missions in the future, might I request supplies to take care of myself better? It was difficult to lay low looking as I am and raised suspicion. It might be better for the organization if I am looking healthy, rather than a stringy ghost.”  Florence continued staring at her shoes, waiting for Peirce to hit her.
He began to pace for a few minutes and she was positive she was going to throw up.
“I hate to say this, but I think you are right,” Peirce grumbled. “I will talk to my superiors.” 
She was then ushered out by an agent and Peirce picked up his phone.
After that, she received orders to maintain her appearance. However, she also received orders to begin training. Once Peirce brought up the fact that her horrid appearance raised suspicion, they began having the conversation that she should know how to fight and use a gun if things did not go according to plan- they refused to lose her since she gave them an advantage.
So she began training, learning from the different Soldats. Some were gentler than others and after one of them with piercing green eyes knocked her unconscious for four days, the Soldats were given specific instructions to avoid that. 
Today she was training with her Soldat. He was teaching her how to wield a knife.
“No,” he placed his knife in his thigh holster and stepped forward, “if you hold it like that you’ll sooner cut yourself than someone else.” He adjusted the knife in her hand but stayed closer. “You told me my name is Barnes, I need to know more.” His voice was so quiet she had doubted he had said anything at all, but he was standing there looking at her expectantly, eyes deep and longing.
“I’ll find out what I can, but I will need my cards,” she whispered back before he got back into position.
Late into that night, she awoke with a figure standing at the end of her bed. Her eyes grew wide and as soon as she moved to scream his hand was gently clasped over her mouth.
“Do not scream,” he whispered, “It’s just… Barnes. It’s me,” he waited to see recognition in her eyes before he removed his hand. “I have your cards.”
She sighed in relief as she held her cards, then moved to sit on the floor. “Sit with me? I should get a stronger vision if you are here with me.” 
He sat down facing her, leaning up against the wall as she shuffled the cards, then stopped suddenly. She was now holding the cards out to the soldier. “I need you to shuffle them for me, then draw off the top,” he was hesitant but took them. “Please be gentle with those.”
He nodded and did as she asked. 
The Page of Swords The Knight of Cups The Hanged Man
Florence took his hands in hers, and they closed their eyes.
She and the soldier were standing away from the crowd. They seemed to be at some sort of fair with vendors and inventions being shown off. To their left was another crowd of dancing people, a band playing, music filling the empty spaces. Florence’s eyes locked on young Sargent Barnes the night before he left, a woman on both arms.
“There,” Florence pointed, directing the soldier to see his younger self. 
“I was a ladies man?” he questioned as they watched the scene unfold.
“I think it’s a little different than it looks,” Florence commented wisely and they moved closer.
Sargent Barnes twirled both women before urging them together. “If anyone questions you or gives ya trouble just tell ‘em your Sargent went to find some drinks,” he winks and one of the girls leaves a kiss on his cheek.
“You are a lifesaver, Bucky Barnes. Samantha and I are indebted to you,” the woman took Samantha’s hand and looked at her longingly. 
Bucky tipped his hat before wandering off, a smirk on his lips and a full heart.
The Soldier turned to Florence, “I don’t understand.”
She smiled, “You are a good man. Those two women are in love and would never have been allowed out without a  man. Also, your name is Bucky Barnes.”
He stared at her, eyes watery. He was about to ask something else but the scene before them began to change. 
They were in a military camp, snow on the ground, tents up. Nurses were running around to get ready for something. Then, a group of men came marching up and over the hill, a tall man with a silver star on his chest front and center with Sargent Bucky Barnes to his right. Men were holding up other men, doing their best to get each other to safety. 
Florence and the Soldier watched as the man with the silver star on his chest and Sargent Barnes helped the men around them- getting those with the worst injuries into triage and everyone else getting food, water, and any other medical attention needed.
The two men shared an interaction with each other than neither of them could hear when Florence realized who he was. 
“The man you are speaking with there,” she pointed to the man with the star, “is the same man you said goodbye to in the first vision I showed you.”
“Steve!” they both turned as they watched a woman in military attire approach the man with the star, however, she steeled herself slightly before she reached him. “I am so pleased you’re alright.” A fond smile spread over her lips before she turned to Bucky, “James, glad to have you back as well, I’ve heard much about you.”
They continued talking and Florence turned back to the Soldier.
“What are you thinking?” She asked, placing a hand on his arm.
He stared at where her hand was for a moment before answering. “I… she said my name was James… I think I would like you to call me that. Bucky doesn’t feel right… I’m not that man anymore.”
Florence nodded, “It suits you, James.”
The scene around them changed again when suddenly they were on a train. Literally on top of it. Steve was holding onto Bucky, but he was slipping from his grasp.
“Till the end of the line!” Bucky yelled up at Steve as his fingers slipped through Steve’s. 
Florence felt James stiffen as he watched himself fall to his own death.
Except now they were on the snowy ground and watched as men found him, took him, and began the process of turning him into the Winter Soldier, the Fist of Hydra.
When their eyes opened back up into reality, James was clutching her hands desperately trying to hold back whatever emotion was coming.
“Hey,” Florence cooed, “It’s going to be okay. One day it will all make sense. Come here,” she kneeled in front of him and pulled him into a hug and began rubbing his back. “You were a good man, James and you didn’t choose this life, you aren’t choosing to do the things Hydra is forcing you to do. You sacrificed everything so that your friend, Steve, could complete his mission. You could feel that right?” She felt his head nod ever so slightly. “Now, you need to understand something,” she pulled back and looked James in the eyes. “You are still a good man. Hydra’s brainwashing cannot get rid of that. Deep down, you are still just a boy from Brooklyn, helping out lesbians, and doing what you believe is right. And soon you are going to get out of this place, however, until then, there may be times when you just want to forget or you feel you have nothing left to live for. Remember that boy from Brooklyn.”
James nodded again.
“We really don’t have much time and I worry about what you might lose from memory wipes.” She placed a thumb on both of his temples, and whispered, “You will not lose who you are, not now, not ever. Remember,” she placed a kiss on his forehead before pulling away and he sat there in shock. 
“I don’t know how to repay you,” he whispered.
Florence just smiled. “One day, you’ll return the favor and help me get out.”
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universal-kitty · 5 years
.: NatsuShio: The OC/Canon Ship That Ruined My Life :.
(In the Best Way)
@supernatural-cat98, get buckled in.
   Let’s start with how I started. An Okami OC.
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   Her name is Shiori, but her full name is Shiorigami, a brush kami OC for the game Okami. Once an adoptable from DeviantArt, I made her into a fully-fleshed out character fit for the game. Sure, she’s an usual hybrid (nekotori; cat body, but with tail feathers like a small peacock), but she’s the kami of Poems and Literature. She’s got social anxiety and a thinly veiled reference to autism, as she is stunted to everyone, including her extensive family...but writing is where she blooms.
   Fiction, biographies, history, poems of all kinds... If it’s writing, she’s happy. It protects her and makes her happy, even when she fears she isn’t a good enough brush kami. Even if her powers are an inky echo of her mother’s.
   She once had short hair. She once loved a Lunarian named Kazuki... A scholar of the Moon Tribe, during a period of tension and war between his people and the Celestials... Shiori’s people. Despite it all, they truly did love each other, despite never admitting it out loud. He was gifted a scroll of poems he inspired her to write. He gave her a golden necklace- almost collar-like- with the symbol of the Moon Tribe engraved on the back.
   ...He would end up dying in a slaughter done by the evil the Moon Tribe had summoned. Those who fled to the mortal world to escape the war becoming the only survivors. Kazuki was gone...and left Shiori not only with a deep depression, but also with a fear to care for anyone who was mortal.
   Who could die and be ripped from her grasp, just like Kazuki had.
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   Her hair grew out over the years (faceclaim: Suiren Shibazeki from Hibi Chouchou), protected by her mother to ease her pain of the death of the one she loved most...and in the years after the events of Okami, would stay either in her room on the Celestial Plain or occasionally live on the mortal world, in a small house to herself among a forest not too far from Ryoshima Coast.
   And so. It would be this starting point for a fateful meeting...
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   Natsu Dragneel. Specifically, burningheartdragneel, my roleplay partner. (To my Shio, @goddessof-poems.) He met Amaterasu first, having somehow...gotten himself a little universe-lost. Befriending her was easy; both liking to fight, both loving to eat... It was easy for them.
   Yet he poses an interesting challenge for sweet, quiet Shiori. Little bookworm, easily forgets to eat at all, and isn’t much one for the adventuring scene, like her mother or Natsu.
   ...However, it’s because of her Natsu learns the joys of reading; specifically, an adventurous story of fiction Shiori had written some time before. He makes a small, but decent meal for the forgetful Shiori, ensuring she eats...and even motivates her to get out of her home, taking him to show off Ryoshima Coast and her own Water Tablet that Amaterasu gifted her.
   It’s our current roleplay and a still on-going one, but we came up with so much more as we talked over Discord. They will slow burn their way, but us? We know how the path goes....and we ended up falling in love with a pairing of our own creation.
ExoticGeneral: Ah gods I love this! Especially since Shiori isn't the kind to stop her work to eat or anything Natsu would at some point bring snacks with him and probably feed her (and he hardly likes sharing either) because somebodies is gonna have to be watching over her. But if he woke up with her all beside him, he'd be pretty flustered about it. Plus as an added bonus he always oddly warm, which makes for good cuddling in the winter/chilly days. :3c Yeah, he'd probably be more careful with her because even if she is a brush good she's just so fragile. He'd probably bond with her relatively easy though since he's always been a cat kinda guy? But yeah, demon hunting would be a big no-no while she was around. No need to try and scare her away. But I thought about that heat headcanon thing would be funny cause I can't see either making the first move ever! xD
Aki: Oh gosh, yeah. Shiori's the type for "skinny love" situations, where it's almost painfully obvious she loves the person, but if nobody acts on it, then it's this firm stalemate. Tbh, she'd likely only "confess" if he got really hurt and she was scared for him....but even then, it's confusing for the oblivious bc-?? Was that a confession? What if it wasn't????
ExoticGeneral: But god a confession like that would be hilarious cause it might just go over his head! He'd probably just grin like an idiot, being all like 'Thanks that means a lot' and playing it off as completely platonic possibly. He may be bold in everything else, but love is something he's actually insecure about considering his first girlfriend died, his mom, like three of his dads and his brother wants to murder him.
Aki: Ommmmggggg. She'd probably laugh a little and keep trying to tell herself it's better this way, bc like...... (And this is what kills me) She'd rather have a friend in him than nothing at all bc of rejection so she'd start spiraling down and try to keep upbeat even though she keeps thinking about it and getting guilty bc what if he only wants them to be friends???? What if he didn't like romance at all?? She doesn't want to push him away from her..... She'd rather suffer years of not having him love her back then lose him. (And re-reading this..... Ouch on the death of the first girlfriend. Shiori knows that pain.... Except slightly more painful that she also never confessed to the guy and lost him to the slaughter of the Moon Tribe.)
ExoticGeneral: AKI DONT They'd both end up suffering because they're shy potatoes who can't convey their feelings properly for the life of them! It wouldn't even get better cause she'd only start going down hill after a while and he'd more than likely notice but not realize he's the problem in a way and FUUUUUUCCCKKKK
Aki: HAHAHAHAHAA, YOU'RE TOO LATE; MY POWERS HAVE BEEN REALIZED She'd actually manage pretty well for awhile, being oblivious, but then the feelings would start and that very emotion would be her downfall. Because then what are you supposed to do when you want to hug your "friend" for no apparent reason and just...stay there? That you wouldn't mind if he stayed over all the time and got to sleep with him, because that's when the nightmares kept away from her? (And even if they did show up, he was there to comfort her...) She's an absolutely wreck after awhile and keeps spacing out and begins to screw up and she's like a black hole collapsing in on itself and it hurts so bad to watch
ExoticGeneral: STAHP YOURE HURTING MY SHIPPER HEART BEFORE THE SHIP ACTUALLY EXISTS That blackhole though, like how do you even fix that??? Because the closer you get to her the more it's probably hurting her and you could confess but getting closer is what caused it to progress. HOW DO YOU PROTECT YOUR SHIT WHEN YOU'RE THE PROBLEM!?!? Your making me emotional and it's only like 8 in the morning, I don't want to start my day sad already!
Aki: Shiori finally breaking down in front of Natsu though. Like, it was a little trip over a tree root or something and she says, "O-oh, n-no, I'm fine...." But Natsu's just-??? No you're not, you're crying. Why are you crying? What hurts?? And from there she starts bawling and Natsu is awkward but tries his best. He also has little to no idea what she's saying pass those sobs of hers, but oUCH PAIN EVERYWHERE. Then- awhoop- right out of that sobbing mess comes a pretty clear confession, whoo boy--
ExoticGeneral: But HOLY SHIT when a confession happens he'd get flustered. To the point of constant figgeting and just a permanent blush would cover his face. He'd probably end up staying silent, then just start crying and fuck me up. The first confession of his life??? hE WAS NOT READY FOR THIS BUT IS TOTALLY ACCEPTING OF THIS! She'd get to see an entirely new spectrum of him though when he gets all soft-hearted and actually reveals his romantic side???
Aki: Shiori's equally as flustered and waiting to please just collapse in on herself and cease existance....and then once she realized she didn't fuck things up, she's crying with him and so much affection????? Oh no, the cutes. Cutes everywhere. Also Shiori is a huge sap and she's going to love that. But now he has to deal with his cute new goddess gf blushing whenever he smooches even just her cheek. Or holds her hand. Or snuggles up to her..... When he breathes LMAO, Jk...~
ExoticGeneral: THem crying together. THat thought just gives me life cause they're just two mushy emotional destroyed people atm. Just I don't even know who would actually recover first at that point, maybe Natsu, and just give her the longest most affectionate hug he's got in him. This relationship ain't gonna last long, give it like a week and he'll probably die from a cute overload. He'd try to pamper her a bit (though he wouldn't know how really) and just take her out to star gaze and do some silly things. But holding hands??? Like that's really lewd ya know.
Aki: Yeeeaaaahhh, he probably would. Shiori's trying to calm down, but those silly tears won't stop~ But she'll still snuggle close when he hugs her and hug him back. AH. AAAAAAHHHHHH. Natsu coming back to her place after that little event and suddenly, her new greeting is, "Welcome home," with a bright smile. Natsu kneels tf over bc cHRIST DID HE JUST HAVE A HEARTATTACK?!?!?!??
   Oh yes. We had a LENGTHY talk about their confession... But is that all? Of course not!! We’ve also had conversations about...
   Sleeping habits:
Aki: Oh man, and if she woke up to that racing heart of his.... All sleepy and concerned and it's right out of a romance novel and someone help Natsu bc death is rapidly approaching
ExoticGeneral: And the thing is that's one of his quirks. Like his way of saying 'I think I like you' IS sleeping at there house a lot more often. TO the point where it's just an everyday exerpeince and it's only weird if he DOESN'T show up one night.
Aki: !!!! Natsu being late one night and he's surprised bc it's late as fuck but there's Shiori, obviously tired and ready for bed, but unable to sleep because she'd gotten used to sleeping with Natsu and his warmth. (He has to pull confidence and fake cheer before he's allowed to start dying in the darkness of her room; that was so fuckin' cute and she was holding onto that little cat plush and she looked so lonely jfc whAT THE FUCK that level of cute is illegal in all the states and all of the worlds and timelines, bYE)
ExoticGeneral: But I can totally see that! He just kinda pushes open her door and it's like 2 in the fucking morning. The conflicted feelings he must have though knowing that when he walks in there he's gonna suffer for a few hours or more but is like 'fuck ing worth it.'  (She needs to tone it down because if the guy who lives to fight wants to SNUGGLE then there's a problem. No one man, goddess or not, should be allowed to have so much power!)
Aki: She's just more than happy to see him bc dang it, she couldn't sleep without him...and the second she's comfy and curled up against him? Boop. Out like a light. (Plot twist: her real power is being cute as hell. Her cuteness so strong, who needs weaponry?? Flutter those lashes, tilt her head... If she has the ears and feather tails out? B y e. You're dead now. Sorry, don't make the rules.)
ExoticGeneral: JEEz THOUGH! Not being able to sleep without him! Now all of a sudden he becomes like a necessity for a proper nights sleep, or any at all really. (But that's one way to competely get to him. Sexy? Pfffft, he can ignore that most of the time. Cute, fucking slay him okay? Just 'Here lies Natsu, rest in pieces' and fuck she's a cutie!)
Aki: I mean.... He could be a mean little one and let her pass out once it becomes too much, but there's also the huge implication that Natsu actually sorta gets her on a sleep schedule?? Something she usually doesn't have at all???? When Natsu's getting snuggled up in the futon, it basically becomes a sign of, "Oh, time to stop for today and sleep." Reverse alarm clock, Natsu is. Getting a certain poetry goddess to bed rather than waking her up (or keeping her up, as is). (Shiori perfected the cute ability. Cute traits that'd be passed down for generations. Flirting-but-not-flirting, the ultimate technique. How will poor Natsu ever survive?!?)
   Dinners with Mom Amaterasu:
Aki: Meet the parents? More like, "Forget that formal stuff! Let's go out and eat dessert before dinner!!!!" Because Ammy doesn't really do formal anymore and why not just....use the time for the better?? Like eating???? Not to mention, then she can embarrass the two like, "Now you gotta feed each other. Do it, do it, do it~!!" Ammy is a gr8 mom, as you can tell
ExoticGeneral: Well I don't think it could happen. I think Ammy and natsu met because he tried pelting her with water ballons. There is no need to be formal after that! But I can see Ammy rigging everything somehow. Just like ordering milkshakes for all three but 'accidentally' forgets one so she gets a whole one while Natsu and shiori share. with coincidentally two staws.
Aki: "Hmmmm, would you look at that.... Strange." Casually drinks at her own like NBD--  And that's true!!! No formality exists here; there's only the two dorks and the shy poet, who's more than happy to be the little side-line cheerleader for their antics. (Unless they're questionable. Then she's worried and trying to get them off of the idea. Probably crit. hits Natsu by being cute.)
  The time I almost wrote in our RP that Shiori was gonna kiss his cheek....and they’re not even CLOSE to dating, oh boy:
Aki: .....It suddenly occurs to me that I want an aesthetic made of NatsuShio.............
ExoticGeneral: I'm laughing. This isn't a pairing (Yet) and you're like grabby hands
Aki: Hey. Hey. Compare this to the time I almost wrote in Shio kissing Natsu's cheek waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy too early, and a little aesthetic ain't that bad~
ExoticGeneral: You know if you had wrote that slip up I would have went along with it too. It would have been a hilarious mess.
Aki: LMAO. Even Shiori would be confused like, "......I have never before in my LIFE ever done that.... Why did I do that now?!?" This is the Sims and I am the tru god and their lives are my pLAYTHINGS
ExoticGeneral: He would have stopped everything for a solid 5 minutes then continue like it didn't happen. If you don't react it's like it never happened, right? I mean that's how we do it anyways. We make them suffer cause it's fun
Aki: Plot twist, though...... Isn't even freezing considered a reaction?! So by freezing he thinks he didn't react, but the act of freezing up is a reaction in itself......!! YOU'VE BEEN PLAYED, NATSU!!! They aren't suffering yet, buuuuut..... All in due time
   Memes, of course:
ExoticGeneral: Ammy: So do you and Shio call each other pet names? Natsu: Pfffft! No! Of course not! Ammy: What do bees make then? Natsu:....Honey? Shio, from the other room: Yeah, sweetie? Ammy: Don't you ever lie to my face again.
   And the moment we acknowledged how we know this ship was The One; our OTP forever and always: (featuring the best rant I’ve ever written for this ship)
ExoticGeneral: It's literally freaking insane how you just start having ten billions of ideas running through you're head! Like okay time to put then through some angst hell, then recovery fluff, little slice of life, smooches and some bonding/ development??? Like Im getting way too far ahead of myself here??? But the ideas/drabbles keep on rolling anyway. This is how you know this is the one.
Aki: Yes!!! And like.... Honestly, I pride myself on doing "realistic" stuff? Having my characters contradict themselves sometimes, do something that would hurt....cause humans are like that. Hell, it's why I also brazenly went for Shiori's emotional breakdown when she heard the news that all Lunarians had died..... Including her dear Kazuki.  Being able to imagine and know how that breakdown went in my head, where nothing she tried worked, until she went crawling back to her mother to grant her wish to not exist...take the pain away......  Boi. B o i. When it comes to big time storywriting, I get hELLA AMPED. I'm ready to show them every corner of the world, good or bad. Perfection or deep flaws. Give me that angst where they will realize that it hurts, but having someone to hurt with makes the pain ease a little. It doesn't fix everything, but having those assuring words and someone who cares deeply makes it harder to be upset. Let them have those slice of life days where Shiori wakes up in bed for once, stomach not aching or feeling like a void, and ready to start a new day. Have him drag her out to explore and shake up her old, rigid life. Let them, in the future, kiss and hug and wonder why....but know that if waiting so long meant finding love and getting it this right, then it was worth the wait. Let them develop so much, that we look back to where we started and cackle with joy, cause they friggen made it. Wow, a sappy rant from me, yEEHAW
ExoticGeneral: Damn right sister! Preach it! Like sometimes I just sit there with some bsckground music on and its so fitting that you just throw out 20 paragraphs like no problem. I just need those days with them where they argue over something little and it gets so blown out of proprtion and convoluted that they just forget what is was about? Just random nights of stargazing then falling asleep? Or literally doing nothing and either of them thinks of their s/o and gets super flustered for no reason? The day they actually become a couple but still trains his tush off and shio doesnt ask how he got strong, but why he did cause heckie is that gonna be one wild ride of a story. But the simple, final answer is to  protect her. Not because she's the daughter of Ammy, but because he failed to do so with his dad and elder brother and doesn't want to lose her too. Like I want weakness that comes with trust? Fear that comes with love? But also the fulfilling satisfaction of contentness. That you wouldn't trade this for anything else, its a unique feeling that only they can deliver. Ya feel?
Aki: Right??? Good heavens, mention music and now I need to go look up Shio's number one mood music........ Can't think Shio romance (especially where it's "skinny love") without remembering the song, sO-- Right?? Well, more likely her trying to fight back but she angry cries and just gets frustrated and shuts down. Won't talk. Won't feed the flames anymore with replies, but doesn't seek peace, either. It's a night where it alternates between dead silence in the home once more or quiet, strained sobs of someone who's already used to being hurt; she's just finding it harder to keep that pain quiet.    But it's..... It's home. More than it's ever been. From a family she couldn't quite connect with some days, to her own home all to herself... A place her own and where her life fit.    Last thing she would've ever expected is to find- in many ways- her opposite....and yet someone she'd find herself falling for all the same. Where it's funny to imagine her home used to be quiet and peaceful. Now there's some training dummies outside and even if he strays from home, she can hear him making noises out not too far away. There's footsteps of another person in her home now. This home....it's his home, too.    Something they're both happy to have. Company, understanding, and just.... An imbalance that makes it a balance by not being perfect.    She slows him down. He speeds her up.    They learn something from each other.    It hurts sometimes. His life will likely be long....but to what length? Will it end? Does she want to know? Should she ask?    And understanding what her mother saw in mortals from that.... Just because they cannot match in eternal age, doesn't make it all any less. The memories shared? Still memories made. Love was still had and wasn't it sweet? To love someone so completely, to have fought and made up, loved and lost...    It's scarier when it's you who can be hurt; this isn't watching someone's life play out like a movie. This is her life now and his and theirs together and it breaks her heart to know she could potentially lose him, but..... He's going to teach her so much. And she would understand what her mother does.    He'll be loved all the more for it.
ExoticGeneral: I literally have absolutely no words for this. I cant believe you would make me cry like this at midnight. This was the most hurtful, true, heartfelt yet heartbreaking thing I've read. I freaking forgot you did poetry is you spare time like holy.
   ...They just. Work together. It’s the perfect “opposites attract” relationship while still maintaining a balance between who they are alone and what their relationship is. The bolster of inspiration and motivation that they get from each other... He motivates her to leave the house more (often with him on a little adventure) and gives her that experience. As said, she slows him down and gets him to read more. Even try writing for himself, writing Shiori a small poem that he [slams down onto her desk and runs off in a hurry] gives her.
   Broadening their horizons with each other. The support and pure affection and how they do their best in their own ways to support each other... It’s perfect. Made a home in our hearts. And we sure wouldn’t want it any other way.
   As a final note... Have one more silly little meme we came up with:
Aki: So I'm re-reading our chat [again] and I just thought of this...... Natsu: I live to fight, so Imma take you down!!! Shiori, in her sleepy-whiny voice: Natsuuuu...... I wanna cuddle.... Natsu, already leaving: .......Someone else lives to fight and will take you down!!!
ExoticGeneral: You know that old saying goes, he who runs away lives to fight another day I'm glad I'm the only who just goes back and re-reads this entire message board of gross romance and heartbreak
   So yes, ship NatsuShio. Your heart will thank you...after it dies for 2 hours because of the angst that tails this ship in bittersweet flavors.
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kivaember · 6 years
Backstory Drabble for Bluebird Who Led The Coeurl Home
While writing part 2 to Aymeric meets WoL’s family, I realised that I should probably do some backstory to Atani and Aruci, since they’re popping up in it extensively. So, enjoy this ‘how did those two meet’ drabble! There’s a but of HC and lore-bending for Azim Steppe stuff, you know how it goes. 
Aruci Qalli was in a bit of a slump.
He sighed heavily as he slouched against the rough bark of a low-bent, ancient tree. It was the only tree on a hill which overlooked a large patch of flat plain, its spindly branches drooping down in a tangle that resembled a very brittle net. No one knew how old this tree was, it’d been here longer than any tribe’s oral history, and it always looked half-dead, but it never withered. It sat crooked and leaning, sprouting the occasional off-yellow leaves and brown flowers, but it kept on living.
No one dared to cut it down. The aether here felt… settled, and there were many superstitious tales about it. Some said the tree was an arrogant Xaela who challenged Nhaama for her place in the sky and was rooted to the earth for eternity in punishment. Some said it was an old memorial placed before Xaela and Raen were two separate people, and that to destroy it would bring the Gods’ wrath upon you. Some say it was the remnant of an Elder God, withered and old and weak. No one could agree on the tale, so this little tree was revered and feared both, and left alone.
It meant it was a good place to sit and sulk in peace. Hidden in the shadows that its drooping, brittle branches gave, Aruci stared across the flat plain. His mind was empty of any and all inspiration. No matter how much he tried to force it, his imagination was as dull as dirty water, and trying to stir the waters for creativity just dredged up useless silt. Which, normally, would be okay. Everyone had dry spells when it came to creativity, but Aruci didn’t have time to endure a dry spell.
The Qalli’s Coming of Age ceremony was in less than four turns of the sun, and while everyone else preparing for it had already composed their songs and were practicing them, Aruci had nothing. Just a few odd words and a melody that barely sounded acceptable to his horns. If he failed to demonstrate the proper creativity that a Qalli man should have, he’d have to wait until the next Summer to try again, and that would be humiliating. Only the truly tone-deaf or ill-talented had to retake the Coming of Age ceremony. He might as well crawl off to another tribe!
A flicker of movement in his peripheral drew him out of his sulking and he went still, his gaze snapping to the flicker to see – a tiger.
It was a powerful, stocky thing, with bulky shoulders and rippling muscles beneath his dull orange coat. It was large enough that it could fit its jaws around Aruci’s mouth without difficulty or disembowel him with a slash of those massive paws, so Aruci remained quiet and still, relieved that he was downwind of the monster. Steppe Tigers were a challenge even for experienced warriors, and Aruci, on the cusp of adulthood and trained more as a crafter than a hunter, would die within the first thirty seconds if it tried to fight him.
He supposed he could climb the tree, but it was a low, skinny thing, and somehow he doubted the tiger would care much about being cursed by gods if it knocked the thing down trying to eat him.
Aruci frowned when he realised something off about the tiger. It was limping. Indeed, its flank was wet with dark blood, and it kept the weight off that hindleg. Dangling from its jaws too was some rough-leather pack, probably stolen from some unfortunate corpse. Aruci slowly shifted to squat on the balls of his feet, supposing that if it was wounded he could just run away. Steppe Tigers were powerful, but they were ambush predators and didn’t fare well against long-distance pursuits. It’d have to sprint up the hill too, so he could…
Aruci and the tiger tensed at the banshee screech echoing across the plain. Bewildered and wondering if some evil spirit was descending from the sky, Aruci looked wildly around – only to see a lithe Xaela woman come charging up the hill the tiger had come from not too long ago, her armour proudly displaying the colours of the Borlaaq.
“YOU THIEVING FUCK!” the Borlaaq howled, spotting the tiger now frozen in place – probably too bewildered to react, “GIVE ME BACK MY JERKY!”
And in what Aruci could only describe as hunger-fuelled madness, the wild Borlaaq lunged at the Steppe Tiger with her fists swinging. He threw himself to his feet, torn between desire to intervene and desire to just watch this absolute disaster in the making, staring open-mouthed as the Borlaaq slammed into the tiger so hard the pair of them tumbled into the grass, rolling and tumbling over each other with shrieks and roars.
The Borlaaq was wrestling the damned tiger.
“GIVE IT!” she snarled, clenching her fingers into the pack and wrenching it hard. The tiger stubbornly clung on, twisting underneath her and smashing a heavy paw against her shoulder. Bright blood bloomed where its sharp claws tore through her huntress tunic, splitting the fabric from shoulder to sternum. The Borlaaq didn’t seem to notice, releasing the pack to try prying the tiger’s jaws open instead. The tiger batted at her again, and this time she flinched – then snarled, digging her fingers into its snout then-
Proceeded to yank the beast into an unforgiving headlock.
“DROP. THE. JERKY!” she roared, twisting them around to she was positioned at the beast’s back, choking it out as it uselessly thrashed on the ground. It was almost comical. The Borlaaq was tiny, smaller than the Steppe Tiger, but through sheer rage she was pinning it down and determinedly strangling the poor monster to death.
She was…
She was amazing.
As the tiger’s thrashing slowly died down, the pack tumbling from its slackened jaw, Aruci found himself staring at the woman with wonder in his eyes. Blood ran bright red rivulets over her tunic, the fabric split over to reveal pale, blood-streaked skin and the swell of her breasts. Her dark hair was in wild disarray, tumbling over her sharp, forward sweeping horns and framing a surprisingly delicate face that was twisted into a ferocious snarl. Her eyes were bright blue and blazing like a beast’s, her arms were thick with toned muscle and her body was tight and compact, with a thick, powerful tail. She was raw power, it was breath-taking to witness.  
There was a loud, sickening crack when the Borlaaq wrenched the tiger’s head, and the beast slumped, dead. With a breathless laugh, she climbed to her feet, standing triumphantly over the tiger’s corpse, bloodied and slick with sweat, a wild grin on her face. It was as if Nhaama herself had descended on the Steppe, terrible but beautiful and filled with righteous fury… or hunger, with how determined she’d been to get that jerky.
Aruci was instantly in love.
He watched as the Borlaaq gathered up her pack, slinging it over one shoulder before contemplating the tiger. She shook her head, but bent over, trying to arrange its hindlegs to drag it, and with a jolt Aruci realised she was going to leave. No, he couldn’t just let her walk away without at least getting her name! She may not think much of him, being a frail crafter and singer, but just knowing her name and holding that memory of witnessing such raw strength would be more than enough.
Forgetting entirely about the song he needed to compose, Aruci scrambled through the drooping tree’s brittle branches and half-tumbled down the hill, towards his Nhaama.  
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heartslogos · 3 years
newfragile yellows [1087]
“Fuck, now is when you're going to be stubborn? Now? This is the hill you’re going to die on? Possibly literally?” Bull groans, eye rolling towards the sky in exasperation. “Lavellan, we need to go."
Ellana remains stubbornly planted where she’d sat down. She crosses her arms over her chest, raises her chin high, and pointedly does not move.
“My morals demand I stay here,” Ellana says. “You can go, but I’m staying put.”
“I didn’t even know you had morals.”
“Rude! Of course I do. They’re just different from most others.”
“And which specific moral of yours is it that says you’ve got to stay here like a sitting duck instead of running away like the sensible person you normally pretend to be?”
Bull should just pick her up and run. But he has a feeling that wouldn’t go well for him.
“If someone’s going to challenge me to a fight I’m honor bound to respect that. I might not fight back, but I should at least wait for the declaration of intent to be over.”
“This isn't them challenging you to a fight, this is them attempting to kill you. And pretty much everyone else in this area.” Bull grimaces when an explosion goes off too close for comfort. The boom of it makes his ears hum. “Lavellan.”
“The Iron Bull.”
“You’ve run away from plenty of fights before. Usually before I could even tell you to.”
“That’s different.”
Ellana shrugs. “It just is. It’s about the feeling, you know?”
“No. I do not know. That’s why we’re arguing right now.”
“We’re arguing?" Ellana raises her eyebrows at him. “Arguing implies that one of us may concede to the other and that one of us is right and the other is wrong. We are not arguing, the Iron Bull. We are talking. If you’re going to run then run. I’m going to stay here and wait for this to pass and then I’ll go find you.”
“You’ll be dead.”
“You’re being unusually pessimistic today. What’s wrong with you?”
Bull doesn’t cover his face with his hand because he needs to be able to see where the incoming bombs and spells are coming from. But he very much wants to. He also wants to wring Ellana Lavellan’s neck while dragging her to cover but you very often don’t get what you want in life.
“Ellana,” Bull says, struggling to keep his voice level and calm. “You are sitting in the middle of an open field while the enemy throws literal explosives at you. You are going to get hurt. Possibly killed. The odds are not in your favor for coming out of this alive if you just sit there.”
“I may move over, depending on how the situation unfolds, but I’m staying.”
“No. You are not staying. You are coming with me to find cover and to regroup with the rest of the Inquisition.”
“You aren’t the boss of me.”
“Absolutely not. That's Evelyn Trevelyan and I pity her. I’m the unfortunate idiot who’s stuck with feelings for you instead. Don’t you feel sorry for me?”
“That’s your problem, not mine. Who told you to develop feelings for me? I didn’t.” Ellana smiles up at him. “I do appreciate it though. I have feelings for you, too, you know.”
“Based on those feelings for me would you care to move to cover?”
“If one doesn’t stand up for their own morals and principles in the face of their own great love then there’s no point in them. I’m not spineless."
"I never said you were. And who said my feelings were love? They’re exasperation and annoyance.” Bull’s entire body tenses when the next explosive goes off so close he has to turn to shield his eye from the flash of it. The heat washes over them both like a wave. “Lavellan.”
“Back to names are we?”
“Lavellan. I mean it. If you’re going to die at least spend your life on something important. Not sitting in a field waiting.”
“I’m not going to die.”
“What makes you so sure?”
Ellana waves a hand, and the ground she’s sitting on lights up in a small circle. “Misdirection field. They can’t actually see me here. I mean. They can. But it goes funny. They can’t aim for me. They can aim for you, however. So maybe stand a little farther back.”
Bull stares at her. “When did you cast that?”
“As soon as I sat down. Satisfied?” She makes a shooing motion. “Go on. If anyone’s going to die standing about it’s probably you. I’d cast one on you but for this thing to work you have to be still and you’ve been moving about.”
“You didn’t tell me this before hand?”
“You didn’t ask. I didn’t think I had to explain it to you.” Ellana sighs. “Worry about me less. I swear I’m much more capable than I appear to be.”
“You’re going to drive me crazy one day,” Bull says. He still feels uneasy, seeing her sitting there among the pock marked field — smoke rising from burning grass around them. “You’ll follow?”
“In my own due time, I will,” Ellana nods. She holds her hand up and crosses her fingers over her heart. “I swear it. As soon as they’re done with their little fit I’ll go and find you. I’ll be very careful.”
Bull sighs, shoulders slumping in defeat. “Don’t be killed.”
“Same goes for you. Now off you go. Unless you’d like to stay, in which case hold still so I can cast this spell on you too.”
Bull turns and begins to sprint off towards the tree line on the far end of the field — away from Ellana and the incoming projectiles. It goes against his gut — well no. His instincts have been screaming at him to run ever since he heard the faint telltale whistle of a dropping explosive. Staying there is what made his mind go nuts. But there is still something in him that rails against having Ellana at his back in the middle of danger while he retreats.
0 notes
In honor of Jackson officially coming back, do you have any fics where Jackson comes back and is surprised by sterek or stydia? Thanks!
Anonymous said:Hey first I just wanna say thanks for running this blog and you guys are awesome for doing so!! And I was wondering if you know any sterek fics based on the 6b trailer?
Anonymous said:Do you know any fics where Stiles and Jackson bond over the fact that they’re not really accepted in the pack? Like the pack doesn’t see them as real members so they get really close to one another. Thanks!
brieflyannoyingwhispers said:Can you find fics where Jackson comes back and finds out Stiles and Lydia are together?
Sure thing! Jackson comes back but with various pairings. - Anastasia
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Game Changer by lanoirpapillon
(1/1 I 916 I Mature I Stackson)
Everyone thought Jackson returned for Lydia. They were wrong.
The Hale Pack Lives by VickeyStar
(1/1 I 1,074 I Teen I No Pairing I girl!Stiles, MCD)
Everybody is gone. Stiles only survived because of her Spark. She calls the four other members of the Hale pack who were spared, and they survive.
I Didn’t Know I Had a Boyfriend (And Neither Did My Girlfriend) by ThePackWantstheD
(1/1 I 1,694 I Teen I Stackson)
In which Stiles was unaware he had a boyfriend until Jackson was introducing himself as such to Malia.
Wasted Years by RougueShadowWolf
(1/1 I 1,742 I Not Rated I Lydia/Parrish)
Lydia’s life was good, she was happy. She’d found love and was lucky to have the most perfect little boy, so of course something had to go wrong.
The Evils of Camping by Nosiddam1
(1/1 I 2,607 I Teen I Stackson)
In which Scott is a Disney Princess, the rocks are ganging up on Stiles, Jackson is probably going to kill everyone because of crickets and Stiles requires twelve layers before he can go to sleep.
In the Library with a Candlestick by Inell
(1/1 I 3,111 I Teen I Stackson)
Jackson goes to Stiles’ house to clean up after patrol. Past misdeeds are remembered and new memories are made.
Kiss Me Kiss Me by foreveryours_1d
(1/1 I 4,435 I Mature I Stackson)
Jackson decides to visit, well more like surprise, his boyfriend, by coming home from London, during his lacrosse game.
Revenge, Plain and Simple by jamesm97 
(27/? I 32,884 I Teen I Stackson)
Jackson finds out that, One of the Alpha pack killed his birth parents, high on rage and sexual frustration Jackson’s just a time bomb waiting to explode.
Stiles the ever loyal friend ends up getting himself skewered by a metal pole only he doesn’t die it awakens a part of himself his mother and father tried to bind away, he’s half witch half whitelighter and it’s up to the charmed ones to help teach him to control his powers what else are family for anyway?
Pale Skin and Fragile Bone by fakinbrilliance
(5/6 I 33,783 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles asks Derek to teach him self-defense.
I Found a Boy by Xavi21
(19/? I 34,679 I Mature I Stackson)
It’s senior year and everyone is happy with Beacon Hills at peace. (For now) Jackson comes back from England without notice to finish school at Beacon Hills. No one is dead. Stiles has come out as bi during the summer and Scott has been fighting off feelings for Isaac. Derek became the new history teacher. Danny has completely given up on finding love. With prom and graduation coming up, a lot of drama stirs up and a lot of college talk. Will everyone end up happy and successful?
A Light in the Darkness by grimmfairy
(15/? I 36,891 I Not Rated I Stiles/Jackson/Derek)
A month after Scott turns away from Stiles, a month of loneliness and being ignored and guilt and dark feelings, Stiles starts getting texts from Jackson. Jackson is coming back, and he wants to join the Pack. Then he finds out about Scott’s actions and goes to Stiles to comfort him and help him get back to a stable place emotionally. When Derek returns, he sparks a connection that has long lain dormant. Jackson wants his life with Stiles and Derek. If he happens to kick Scott’s ass and Theo’s ass, well, that’s just life, isn’t it?Excerpt:To Stilinski: Scott wants to talk to you because he thinks everything will just magically be ok. I told him to go fuck himself.
To Stilinski: He’s coming to you after the meeting.
To Jackson: Come over?
To Stilinski: On my way.
Don’t Let Me Drown on Dry Land by tryslora
(21/21 I 85,882 I Explicit I Stiles/Jackson/Danny)
Jackson’s officially back in Beacon Hills. He’s back to school, back to lacrosse, back to the pack. He’s got a new boyfriend and is finally able to relax into just being himself. However, he’s also trying to deal with the possibility that Malia is his sister and Peter his father, and he’s trying to help Stiles get through the aftermath of the Nogitsune. Add in another pack in Beacon Hills, complications and confusion in his relationships, and something that’s trying to kill people… life isn’t so simple after all.
Run Like Hell by narly
(48/48 I 313,325 I Teen I Stydia)
Set three weeks after the events of the 3A finale, Scott and the rest of the pack are faced with new friends, new foes, and all the challenges of high school. Read and enjoy our take on all the madness, romance, and supernatural excitement of Teen Wolf.
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Keep You Safe
Requested by: Anonymous (Here are the specifics)
Pairing: Reader x Bucky Word Count: 1.5K Warnings: Angst, swearing
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You move like a hurricane through your room, collecting things you probably wouldn’t even need for the mission tomorrow. But you couldn’t help it, this was your first mission; you were excited and couldn’t sit still. Just the thought of finally being allowed to go on a mission meant you couldn’t keep the smile off of your face. You’d been training for months, and everyone agreed that you were ready.
Everyone, except your boyfriend. Bucky had no made his dislike of you joining this mission a secret. The two of you were in love, and you used to be in pure bliss whenever you were with him. But ever since Steve told everyone that you would be joining them on this mission, any time you were around Bucky it ended in an argument. Not just an argument, but a full on screaming match.
You understood what Bucky was saying - it was always the same thing - this mission was on the dangerous side; like super dangerous. But that’s why your teammates needed you, they needed every skilled individual they could get. They called in every favour they had. Superpowered people and vigilantes from all over the country were arriving tomorrow morning to join the Avengers on this mission. Some of them you knew - like Maria Hill and T’Challa - and some you didn’t - a few vigilantes from New York who had formed their own small super team.
While the level of risk on this mission made you nervous, it wasn’t enough to deter you from going. You’d made up your mind, and not even the love of your life could stop you.
Suddenly, your suite door bangs open, making you whip around to see who entered. You have to hold back a groan as Bucky marches into your room, clearly ready for a fight.
“Stop packing,” he instructs, “You’re not going,”
“Like hell I’m not!” you were already yelling; not a good sign, “I have waited months for this opportunity!”
“And you could die!” Bucky raises his voice to match yours, “I’m not going to let you go out on that battle field and get yourself killed!”
“Are you saying I’m not good enough to be an Avenger?” you challenge, your anger masked behind annoyance and stubbornness,
“No, that’s not it,” Bucky tells you, “I just don’t think you’re ready to walk into a situation like this,”
“And you are?” you ask,
“I’ve been doing this for 70 years!” he huffs with anger, “You only just started,”
“And everyone says I’m good enough!” you were starting to see red now, your anger was taking over, “Even you said so!”
“I don’t care what I said!” he growls at you, “You’re not going!”
“You can’t stop me!” you practically run at your boyfriend, needing all the momentum you could muster, and just manage to push him over the threshold of your doorway. He starts to yell something, but you slam the door in his face and lock it.
Now your excitement for the mission was replaced with anger for Bucky. You let out a frustrated yell and punch your wall. ‘Not a smart idea,’ you think as your hand starts to throb with pain. Moving across your suite, you grab some ice from your small bar fridge and wrap it in a tea towel. Clutching the homemade ice pack to your aching knuckles, you angrily stomp over to your bed and collapse on it.
The argument had exhausted you, and after a few moments you fell fast asleep.
The sound of construction outside jolts you from sleep. The sound enough was confusing - there was no way that Tony would be doing construction on the compound - but you weren’t in your room. You jump out of bed, your heart beat racing as you try to figure where you were and how you got there. You were in a small room, just a bed and chair for furniture, and you didn’t recognise it.
Suddenly, a loud buzzing sound comes from the metal door - the only entry or exit from the room. You whip around, ready to fight whoever was coming through. The door opens to reveal Bucky, looking sheepish.
“Where are we?” you ask, panicked,
“I can’t tell you,” he says, avoiding your confused stare, “But you’re safe,”
“Excuse me!?” you yell. Your confusion was starting to wear off, and the realisation of what he’d done sets in, “Did you kidnap me?!”
“It’s for your own good,” he mumbles, walking past you to take a seat on the chair, “You wouldn’t listen, and I’m trying to keep you safe,”
“Keep me safe?!” you bellow. Your boyfriend had taken it too far,
“You wouldn’t listen!” he defends himself, “You were going on the mission, and you could have died. I wasn’t going to let that happen!”
“I can’t believe you,” you scoff, “If you needed to keep me safe so badly... If you really didn’t believe that I can handle myself, you don’t kidnap me! You make sure you have my back on that battlefield today!”
Bucky looks at you, wide eyed and looking like your words hadn’t occurred to him, “It’s too late,”
“What?” you growl,
“Everyone’s already left for the mission,” he explains, “I’m meeting them there,”
“Then let’s go!” you move towards the door, but you can’t yank it open, “Let me out!”
“I can’t do that,” Bucky says. He stands and moves over to you, “You’re going to stay here until the mission is finished. I need to know you’re safe,”
“Keeping me locked up isn’t safety,” you groan,
“I’m sorry,” Bucky mumbles. The door buzzes, catching you off guard. Bucky ducks out before you have a chance to follow him. You try pulling on the heavy door, but it doesn’t budge. You hear a mechanical sound from within it; the sound of large bolts moving into place.
~~Bucky’s POV~~
Bucky doesn’t accompany the team back to the compound, needing to go get you from the hidden bunker he’d locked you in. He was right in keeping you out of this fight; all of the Avenger’s barely got out alive. As he approaches the large, metal door that kept you safe, he considered whether your presence at the battle would have made it easier; but he pushes the thought aside, knowing that you were safe now - you might not have been if you’d joined the team.
Bucky takes a second to ready himself before opening up the door to your room. He was ready for you to attack him, to punch and bite and kick him, to yell in his face and cry and scream. But when the bolts unlock the door, and he pushes it open; he wasn’t expecting what met him.
The room was trashed, looking like you’d tried everything to escape the windowless, small space. But as he looks around for you, the room is only filled with silence. His eyes finally land on you, sitting cross legged and calmly on the floor.
Your eyes slide up to meet his, and Bucky is surprised when you don’t emote. You stare at him, blank faced, and slowly rise to your feet.
“Doll,” he says, stepping towards you. You only keep staring, your feet stepping back to counter his approach, “I’m sorry, but-” Bucky reached out to touch you, almost to confirm to himself that you were really here and you were really safe.
The moment his fingertips brush your arm, you yank it back and quickly side step him, “Don’t touch me,” you almost growl. Your tone was full of hatred and anger, making Bucky’s heart sink and his stomach churn,
“Please,” Bucky almost begs, needing to hold you after the ordeal he’d just been through,
“Which way to the exit?” you ask, your tone flat and unemotional now. Your eyes ignore him as you leave the room. Bucky follows quickly behind, his stomach sinking through the floor as he realises he’d hurt you more than he’d known, “Which way?” you ask again, swivelling your head around, searching the many hallways that lead from the room you’d been trapped in,
“That way,” Bucky all but whispers, pointing to the right. You immediately walk away from him, your shoulders squared and your muscles visibly tensed, “Y/N, please talk to me,” he begs.
You spin on your heel, causing Bucky to almost bump into you, “I have nothing to say to you. I don’t want to hear any kind of excuse. I don’t want to hear any apologises. I don’t want to hear anything from you, James,”
The use of his birth name cut Bucky deeper than any knife ever could. Tears well in his eyes as you whip back around and continue trudging through the bunker. He’d fucked up. He’d put his own fears above you; didn’t believe anyone - not even himself - when they told him you were ready. He thought he’d be saving you.
But, by saving your life, he’d killed the relationship.
Next Part
Tags: @coffeeismylife28, @meep-meep22, @addictwithafandomblog, @hantu369mc, @leahhavoc, @redstarstan, @heismyhunter, @klutzly, @goldenlifevsgutter1996, @bexboo616, @rosyfluffyprincess, @invisible2niall, @woww-za, @impala-moose, @stratmoxphere, @bearded-bucky, @caitsymichelle13, @pleasefixthepain, @spn-worm, @buckyobsessed, @specs15, @sebstanwassup, @wunnywho, @thedarknesswarrior, @girlwith100names, @addictionmarvel, @melconnor2007, @ipaintmelodies, @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked, @spookydoritos, @fanboyswhereare-you, @yoinkpeter, @psychicwitchphilosopher, @tcmhollnd, @all-that-glitters-is-cold, @xplumsceptrequeenx, @lilya-petrichor
Tags that didn’t work: @mo320, @mrs-stan-barnes, @hells-princess
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ifwearestrangers · 7 years
All the numbers xo
I kind of hate you but y’all obviously don’t know me if you think I won’t answer them all I LIKE CHALLENGES. 
1) Put your iTunes on shuffle. Give me the first 6 songs that pop up - Save Me - Gotye / Smooth Criminal - Glee Cast (no comment) / Undone - Phoria / West Coast - Lana Del Rey / Six Feet Under - Louis Aguilar
2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Ellen Degeneres
3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. “Yeah,” he said. The light turned green green. I braced myself. Augustus slammed the gas. 
4) What do you think about most? How much of a failure I am :) and Clexa of course.
5) Ever had a poem or song written about you? Maybe? probably. 
6) Do you have any strange phobias? Spiders, heights, and opression, like being underwater or unable to breathe? 
7) What’s your religion? Gayness.
8) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? Being with friends, 
9) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? Florence and the Machine, The Cure, Ben Howard, Tegan and Sara, The Killers, Coldplay. 
10) What was the last lie you told? I told my best friend’s girlfriend I didn’t know what was in his head when I know exactly what’s in his head. 
11) Do you believe in karma? I sure do. 
12) What does your URL mean? It means that we’re all strangers here but we ought not to be, which is what brought us all together i guess.
13) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? weakness, I’d say my low-self esteem, strength, I’d say my kindness. 
14) Who is your celebrity crush? At the moment.. jeez I don’t know! How sad! I’d say Dianna Agron though because I’m always crushing on her. 
15) How do you vent your anger? Talking people’s ears off in general. 
16) Do you have a collection of anything? Playing cards, books, funko pops, tattoos, prints and drawings.
17) Are you happy with the person you’ve become? Not quite yet but I’m getting there, and isn’t being human always striving for improvement? 
18) What’s a sound you hate; sound you love? I hate the crissing of chalk on a chalboard, ya know? And I love the sound of the rain and really really loud thunder. 
19) What’s your biggest “what if”? What if I had made it work, what if I saw her, what if we were still together? What if I was enough.. 
20) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Yes I do believe in people’s soul being stuck between two reincarnations, and aliens? FOR SURE. 
21) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. Right : nothing. Left: my heater. 
22) Smell the air. What do you smell? Pastas because it’s almost diner time! 
23) What’s the worst place you have ever been to? Hm.. toughie. I honestly can’t remember right now. 
24) Most attractive singer/s of your opposite gender? Of the opposite gender.. I’d say Chris Martin? But because that’s the only one I can think about right now lmao.
25) To you, what is the meaning of life? Wow, I ain’t got time to lay out my opinion on that, I’ve got too much too say. Long story short, living. Life in itself is insignificant but it’s also the only thing we’ve got so make it count. 
26) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? I do not, but I did crash. My sister was driving and it was the worst memory I have. 
27) What was the last movie you saw? Hm Thor I think? With my sister. 
28) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? I have a ernia in my neck from the car crash and honestly? It’s the worst. Chronic pain each time I paint or stand for too long. Absolute delight. 
29) Do you have any obsessions right now? Clexa, my life, my future, faberry, writing music, writing clexa, drawing clexa, painting, my career. 
30) Ever had a rumor spread about you? Yes, in middle school there was this whole rumor around school that I was gay… SPOILER ALERT. 
31) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? No, I am an easy forgiver but also because I strive for affection and also because I just cannot stand to be in a fight with someone even if I’m right. I have hold a grudge once in my life against my best friend because she was against same sex marriage in my country but fortunately she came around and voted yes. 
32) What is your astrological sign? Scorpio, passion all around. 
33) What’s the last thing you purchased? A bracelet for my sister’s christmas gift. 
34) Love or lust? Both? Please? They go together. 
35) In a relationship? Painfully not. 
36) How many relationships have you had? Hm.. Serious ones 3. 
37) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? My firting and my cuteness that I will deny until my dying day. 
38) Where is your best friend? I have severa best friends, and they’re all around the world. Unlucky me. 
39) What were you doing last night at 12 AM? Working on that next clexa thing I’m making and let me tell you guys it’s awesome already. 
40) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? Probably because I try to be the best of friends to people even if I’m far from perfect, but I’m always trying to be better. 
41) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? I SAVE THE FUCKING DOG WHAT THE FUCKING KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT SCREW THE JOB. 
42) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? seriously though I HAVE ANXIETY PEOPLE DON’T DO THAT. but anyway, as an anxiety full person I’ve thought about this before lmao. a) I’d probably wouldn’t tell them until the very last moment because I know they would act different. b) I would make sure every one of the people I love get what they need, that they’re happy so I can go peacefully. Also I’d sneak in a trip to brazil to tell her goodbye, see my best friend before I go. c) Of course I’d be afraid that I wouldn’t have enough time to make sure everyone’s safe and happy, to say goodbye properly. Afraid I haven’t made the most of it. 
43) What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? hm.. Just Like Heaven - The Cure. 
44) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? Trust and communication. (good sex too but ya know, thats just a bonus) 
45) How can I win your heart? Show me any kind of attention and affection I guess? Also my weakness are powerful girls who challenge me, provoke me and flirt hardcore, play hard to get. (But not that hard you get me?) 
46) Can insanity bring on more creativity? I think yes but there’s a very difficult balance to find between the two. 
47) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? A year ago I would have told you without the shadow of a doubt that it was falling in love with a brazilian girl and crossing the world to be with her but looking back maybe it wasn’t. Then again, I would do it all over again. 
48) What would you want to be written on your tombstone? “Beloved sister, devoted friend, she saved the world a lot.”
49) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “heart.” Right now, broken but also hopeful. 
50) Basic question; what’s your favorite color/colors? That kind of cerrulean blue that’s almost green, a little teal but not quite there yet. A soft, gentle cerrulean blue. 
51) What is your current desktop picture? A drawing fll of colors of a forest with wolves. 
52) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? Donald Trump :) 
53) What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on? Am I worth it?
54) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? Flying. 
55) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? When I was up that hill in Brazil. Everything was uncertain but I was spent and on top of the world and for a minute there, I thought I could change it all. 
56) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? The break-up. The depression that followed. The void in my chest ever since. That feeling of nothingness, of incomplete. Unfinished. The feeling that we are unfinished. 
57) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? MUSIC ONLY? DAMN. Hayley Kiyoko, then. 
58) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? New York. 
59) Ever been on a plane? Yes and I love it. Also I’ve been on a plane at night, next to the window, and I saw the milkyway, and that was the most beautiful thing ever. I was seeing the sky underneath me and that’s a feeling I’ll never forget. 
60) Give me your top 5 hottest celebrities. Dianna Agron, Mila Kunis, Gal Gadot, Marie Avgeropoulos, Ruby Rose. 
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