#i will eat my leg to avoid this bear trap
jazzraft · 1 year
........just had a terrible realization that this is what sportsball fans feel any time their team does something marginally right and/or wrong... ew, i'm a dudebro
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experimentfae · 10 months
Farmworld Finn X Fem Reader
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
You walked around the woods at night looking for shelter since the last place you lived in was scarce with food and housing, so you were forced into traveling for new home.
But you unfortunately didn’t see a dangerous trap which lead to you having a bear trap on you’re leg, the pain made you let out a shriek, you begin to scream for help hoping that anyone heard you.
Finn’s POV:
I was chopping up wood for the fireplace until he heard someone screaming “Help! I need Help I can’t die out here please!” The voice shouted in panic by the voice I knew it was most likely a women.
I immediately ran towards the voice to see a woman that had a bear trap on her left leg “oh my glob I let me help.” I was in shock at the scene “thank you, thank you.” She replied in appreciation.
I carefully got the mysterious woman out of the bear trap “ok not gonna like it, but looks like it might need some stitches.” I stated this made the women look more scared “don’t worry it will be quick.” I assured
Spoiler alert it wasn’t quick and it was somewhat painful.
She had a belt between her teeth to avoid the pain thankfully it was almost over. “Wow that must really hurt.” Spoke my daughter “Bonnie don’t look at it, don’t want you haven’t nightmares like last time.” I told her.
“Ok daddy.” she immediately went away with Jake in her arms, I went going back to the stitching, she continued to push threw the pain, funny I didn’t think she would able to stay awake due to the blood loss. Of course she took me by surprised then I saw I had one more stitch left “and that’s the last one, let’s get you into bed.”
The woman seemed happy to be resting I helped her up walking up the stairs “so what’s your name stranger?” She asked “Finn, you?” “(Y/n).”
(Y/n): pov:
He laid me done on a bed based on the scenery of the room it must have been his, noticed that his bed had a lot of layers, one of them I’m sure one of the sheets was a bear. “Thank you but where will you be sleeping?” I asked “I’ll be sleeping in the shed.” He stated nonchalantly “what on the shed no, I can’t do that I’ll sleep on the shed.” You argued.
“No I insisted besides with your leg, you will need a bed.” He replied couldn’t deny that he was right “Finn? was it?” He nodded his head “why are you doing this?” He seemed surprised to hear that “why wouldn’t I?” “Well most people would have walked past me, I guess I’m saying I really appreciate you for doing this” you thanked him truthfully grateful for his kindness.
“No need to thank me, I refused to have left you there.” He then left “you sure? Sleeping in the shed?” He nodded his head “yeah I’m sure, make sure you get some sleep it’s part of the healing process.” He left and closed the door behind him.
This left you with you’re thoughts, you couldn’t help but wonder if he’s doing this to gain anything but, he seemed very genuine at to be honest something you wouldn’t admit out loud, you found him attractive.
You decided to drift to sleep saving these questions fo
The next day
You due to a knock on you’re door “come in.” You replied, you see Finn walk in with some soup “I figured that some soup would do you some good.” You took the soup smelling how good it was “wow what you put in this?” “I put vegetables and chicken.” You took a spoonful and it was delicious.
“you know how to cook a mean soup, gotta teach me the recipe.” You saw that he seemed to appreciate that “I umm.. thanks” not great with words tho. You continued to eat your soup while he begin to clean up more around the room.
“Remember my daughter Bonnie from earlier.” Took you a bit but you remembered “yeah what of it?” “Well she told the other kids about you so I hope you don’t mind them, visiting you, we don’t get a lot of company so I’m sure they will come up here to bother.” “No, no it’s not bother if anything I haven’t had company in a while myself.” You assured.
Just then the kids burst through the door “she said it was ok, so you like this machine I made?” A little boy with glasses spoke while showing you some gizmo. “Oh I’m wh- “hi it’s me from yesterday this is Jake.” Bonnie showed an old dog “what cute little guy.” you pet Jake and he seemed to enjoy it.
All the kids begin talking at the same time, you couldn’t make out what was going on, until Finn interrupted “kids enough! Give (y/n) a moment.” He demanded the children immediately did as they were told.
Threw the weeks You grew to have feelings for Finn but you don’t think he felt the same. You wanted to ask about his wife but he seemed to brush pass that information anything you asked or brought it up, of course you put the pieces together yourself.
You got to know Finn more and his children as well. You hate to admit it but it saddens you to think that you will have to leave eventually, you started to become attached to the family.
And the day came that your leg was completely healed. “My leg is finally back to normal.” You cheered as Finn helped you take off the bandages. “I’m glad to see you completely healed.” He sounded genuine but when you looked at his face looked like he was forcing himself to be happy, maybe you’re just seeing things even if a part of you wished he maybe felt the same.
“Guess I’ll um- before you go me and the kids wanted to have one last dinner, I’ll cook something special for the occasion he stated with a rare true smile on his face.
“Wow really?” “Yeah.” You felt flattered that he and the kids wanted to spend time with you before you left, made you happy to know that you were not much of a burden as you thought you were “if anything I should doing something for you, you helped me heal.” He chuckled “maybe but you made more lively in here, it hasn’t been like that for along time.”
You smiled “ok but it’s to late to change you’re mind Finn.” You joked earning a chuckle from him “no worry not changing my mind.” He then went outside “gonna be a while gotta go hunt for the special occasion.” You watch as he switch his usual arm amputate with a knife one, then he left closing the door behind him.
“Now that you’re healthy can you help us cut these veggies?” You looked to see Jay with his little brother with the green eyes “of course.” You and the kids quickly finish with the veggies then Jay turned to you “don’t tell my dad this but… I think he likes you.” He stated “well we are friends so that makes sense.” “No I mean I think he likes, likes you, like how he was with my mom.” This surprised you but made you happy.
“Really? Um… what gave you that idea?” Jay then seem to think “first is that fact he practically keeps talking about you. second he goes out of his way to help you with any of you’re needs, for example he found you you’re favorite book, you’re favorite soup and making sure you’re not bored and alone in the room. he doesn’t usually do that for guest even when they were injured.” You never would have guessed now bearing all of that that is true he didn’t need you to do all that but he did it anyway.
“Do you like my dad too?” This question made you red in the face “I well- as if the world gave you a pass Finn came in “Jay I need you to help me skin the deer.” “Yeah dad and thank’s (y/n) for helping with food.” “You’re welcome.” They both which now left you with a revelation Finn liked you back or… maybe Jay misunderstood you didn’t know which one but I guess, you could only know by confessing how you feel.
“Can’t believe I’m doing this.” You muttered to yourself, now you sat now trying not to figure out what to do. After a while Finn and Jay came back with cut up meat and Finn begin to cook “so (y/n) ever had deer before?” Finn asked “oh no what’s it like?” Finn described that it almost the same to beef but it’s more firm and smoother and has more of a rich or earthy taste.
Thankfully it’s seems just like beef it was cooked fast. “Kids dinner is done!” Finn yelled and his kids came down one by one “wow dad venison? It’s rare for you to do it.” Stated Bonnie “well it’s a special day (y/n) is finally healed and I assume back to her journey.” It made you sad hearing that, did he want you to leave?
You took a bite of the venison amazed by the taste “wow it is earthy.” Finn chuckled “yeah, that sucker was hard to catch thankfully we gonna have venison for a while.” You smiled “thank for all this Finn.” “You’re welcome, are planning to leave so soon though, I figured it might be too dangerous out there for you.” You almost smiled, maybe he did want you to stay without saying it.
“Well I’m not sure but- “Daddy can Jake have venison this time?” Bonnie asked “of course.” Finn assured Bonnie have him a small one and Jake gladly ate it. After dinner was done I guess it was time for you to go. “I guess this is goodbye.” You gave all the kids hugs “(y/n) do you really have to go?” Asked neptr you sadly smiled “I’m sorry I have to.” To be honest did you thought but you felt you over stayed you’re welcome.
All the children were upset but finn spoke up “kids can you go upstairs for a bit?” “But why?” Asked Jay “I said go.” Finn demanded the kids listened while Bonnie looked back at me and Finn, he looked to make sure the kids were really gone.
“(Y/n) please don’t go.” Finn pleaded, you smiled “you really want me to stay.” He smiled back “yes I, I know we don’t each other for long but I want you more than just a friend, (Y/n) will you go out with me?” He asked you could read his eyes they looked desperate for a positive answer thankfully you felt the same. “Yes I’ll love to Finn.” You hugged him, he happily retired the hug “I’m so glad you’re staying here, you are staying here right?” “If you want me to.” “Of course I do, I’ll go tell the kids the good news.” He departed going upstairs.
You immediately put your bags down and watched as the kids came running down the stairs all surrounding you in a hug. “I’m so happy you’re staying (y/n).” Spoke Bonnie happily hugging your leg “you smiled I’m really happy too.”
You got into a relationship with Finn you two were taking it slow and the kids love hanging out with you and now being part of the family now you haven’t felt this type of family love in along time, maybe even realizing this is what you have been searching for this whole time.
<- Back to MasterList or back to Fionna and Cake/adventure time
(Sorry this took forever had writers block)
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sorrowfulrosebud · 2 years
Hello my lovely mutual! I've always loved your bear!Bakugou idea. I would like to donate some thoughts on it. What if reader is out taking a walk in the forest, and gets their leg stuck in a bear trap. Bear!bakugou rushes out of the nearby tree he was climbing when he heard your scream to see what's wrong.
Bear! Bakugou comes back home one day with a big pout and is covered in swollen bee stings. When you ask what happened, he mumbles something about "just wanting some fucking honey but those damn bees got in the way" while you out some bee sting salve on the many bumps on his skin
Genre: kinda angsty? Idk I saw this and SPRINTED
Content: in which Katsuki got too pouty waiting for you to go to the farmer’s market and tried getting honey his own way
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The sun was nestling itself comfortably over the horizon of your little wooden cabin, tucked quietly amongst the trees and shrubbery. Katsuki had definitely made himself at home, with the ever growing pile of fur he shed around the home, to the distinctly empty jars of honey in your pantry.
“Oi, where’s the fuckin’ honey! Got the damn cravings for tea again,” Katsuki grumbled noisily into the pantry’s cupboard.
You hummed in thought.
“Hmm, maybe try the top shelf? I haven’t had honey in anything for a while, so you must have had it last,” you called back, immersing yourself back into your TV show.
Katsuki rolled his eyes and searched even harder for his jar of delicious, golden gooey-ness. His heart all but fell out his mouth before letting out an annoyed yell.
The yell shocked you, causing you to jump loudly at the noise and fall flat on your ass. Katsuki emerged into your shared living room INCREDIBLY pissed, poofy ears twitching in irritation. He paced for a solid 2 minutes, letting out the occasional huff and staring at you.
You stared back at him.
“Can I help you?” You sarcastically asked him. Katsuki grunted in annoyance.
“Um. Yes dear?” You tried. Katsuki went bright pink at the suggestion and donned a face of anger.
“No you moron! We’re out of honey, and I’m fuckin’ cravin’ it!” He rumbled. You let out an “oh”.
“Well, I suppose we can go to the shop and get some, I think we’re low on milk and bread too,” you suggested. Katsuki let out an irritated sigh.
“You know I hate that cheap fuckin’ shit from the store! I want the good stuff from the farmer’s market!” He borderline fucking whined. Never in the year of living with him had he whined over something as trivial as a jar of honey! You sat up to face him properly.
“Katsuki. It’s Sunday. The farmer’s market isn’t until Wednesday, you know this! You seriously can’t have ate so much honey that we need another jar already!” You exclaimed in shock.
“Hey, it’s winter coming up! You know that I have to eat lots for my hibernation, can’t help what I’m fuckin’ craving!” He snapped back.
You side-eyed him before nestling back into the couch.
“Well, it’s either you can come with me to the shop if you’re so desperate for a jar, or you can wait until Wednesday for the market,” you told him.
Katsuki let out an angry yell before stomping outside, into the woods. You watched him curiously before letting out a sigh. It wasn’t uncommon for Katsuki to wander about the woods.
You just hoped he had common sense to avoid the hunters.
The sun was setting, and Katsuki was nowhere to be seen. It had been at least 6 hours since you had seen or heard from him, and the phone that you had gotten him was in his bedroom.
You paced with worry. Sure, he would storm out but he would at least be back before sundown. Maybe you should go have a loo-
The thick wooden door creaked open. Your head snapped to the sound before the angry grunts and pained snarls filled the air.
“Katsuki are you o-“ you stopped in shock.
Katsuki’s face was all swollen, multiple stings all over his face and hands. Even his poor little ears had been stung.
“Katsuki, what the fuck happened?!” You exclaimed. Katsuki only pouted.
“Just wanted some fuckin’ honey, but the damn bees got in the way,” he snarled lowly. You stared at him for a few seconds.
All before you fell on your ass, giggling away.
“I’M SORRY BUT I I-SKEJJDJDFJF,” you howled with laughter as Katsuki growled at you.
“DAMNIT! QUIT FUCKIN’ LAUGHING YOU ASSHOLE- OUCH!” Katsuki yelled and looked away, hiding his wince.
You settled down pretty quickly before a look of worry overtook your features.
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry. Can I help you with the stings? I promise I’ll be gentle,” you promised. Katsuki huffed.
“Hmph. Fine.”
The next three hours consisted of you plucking out the stingers from his wounds as he growled in pain and occasionally whimpered (not that you let on that you heard him). After the entire ordeal was done and Katsuki was bandaged up, you offered to cuddle him on the couch.
“Ugh, fine. You’re lucky it’s near my hibernation time, else I wouldn’t be feeling’ so damn tired,” he muttered as he got comfortable on the couch.
You just smiled and snuggled back in to him.
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maehemthemisfit · 1 year
❬ ✰❛ MASTERLIST ❀❜ ❱
› 〉 .ೃ had to make a list of all the yan!mikey (platonic) x reader x yan!sanzu (romantic) asks I get because I'm falling in love with them everyday : „ ↴
゚ — ➴ Thank you anon for sending these
⊹₊ ⋆ BLURBS ꜜ
🗒 ❛ guardian angel ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► exposition based : looking out for mikey leads to sanzu having his eyes on you
🍓 ❛ wingman ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► toxic friend Mikey getting reminded of Emma and Draken when he sees you and yan Sanzu
🗒 ❛ hiding wounds ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► hiding wounds from mikey and sanzu is necessary, especially when sanzu is so eager to take care of you
🍓 ❛ marriage? uh... not really ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► Bonten timeline Mikey pressuring reader to marry Sanzu
🗒 ❛ just needed some air ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► reader using their connections as excuses to get away from mikey and sanzu
🍓 ❛ spilling the tea ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► sanzu loves telling mikey about the cute things you do, you tell koko what really happened and he takes pity on you
🗒 ❛ mikey fluff ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► as the title says :D
🍓 ❛ the good old days ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► times you used to play with mikey's hair
🗒 ❛ hug em too ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► hugging mikey in front of sanzu
🍓 ❛ shh... he's sleeping ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► sanzu wants a hug but you're carrying mikey (to avoid him)
🗒 ❛ koala bear ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► only you can carry mikey, and everyone wonders how your back isn't broken yet
🍓 ❛ lemme see ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► "Imagine Sanzu catches u crying and like he’s all like what’s wrong I’ll kill them but it’s HIM and ur like hahaha no I just stubbed my toe....."
🗒 ❛ too much? ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► sanzu gets the bright idea to come back drenched in blood just so you can clean and "pamper" him
🍓 ❛ sanzu started it! ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► sanzu and the haitanis has a fight over you and it causes an all out brawl, mikey happens to walk in
🗒 ❛ it's my turn ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► "Mikey, whether in KM or Bonten will probably have a time limit when Sanzu cuddles/hugs you"
🍓 ❛ excuses, excuses ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► sanzu using mikey as an excuse to get you away from others
🗒 ❛ benkei and waka for the rescue ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► Waka and Benkei walking up to you and giving you those old man ointment for back pain since you carry Mikey around everyday.
🍓 ❛ caretakers ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► oh great, you injured your leg. good thing mikey and sanzu is here to take care of you!
🗒 ❛ say ahh ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► sanzu feeding you soup but you didn’t open ur mouth and so he’s just pressing the spoon against ur lips like :) ?
🍓 ❛ hugging sanzu ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► sanzu trapping you in a hug
🗒 ❛ distraction ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► "what do you think would happen if you caught sanzu hand mid way as it was about to attack a person who was in the wrong place in the wrong time of sanzus rage..."
🍓 ❛ can't stay mad ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► mikey and sanzu can't stay angry at you for a long time... they'll find a way to make it up to you
🗒 ❛ insecure? not on my watch ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► "I can imagine that if you have really bad eating habits they changed once Mikey and Sanzu are around. Mikey'll have Sanzu make sure you're eating properly, Sanzu making all your favorites. And ofc they both comfort you when you feel insecure about yourself and your body :( "
🍓 ❛ handkerchief ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► "Imagine if you saw Kaku getting back to the KM base after Mikey assigned him to fight someone..."
🗒 ❛ (interaction) ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► Mae I really love the irony you wrote on your recent drabble <3 The one where you would do anything to keep Mikey's joy alive even it costs your life, when in reality you're the reason for his joy and your death is the last straw for him.
🍓 ❛ mixed feelings ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► You know how Brahman's other purpose is to bring Mikey back ? I'm pretty sure that Akashi and Draken has mixed feelings about you. You're from KM and you're loyal to Mikey which means that you're supporting Mikey to remain in that path, however you're the one taking care of Mikey like he's your family. The mixed feelings they have when they saw you buying food alone, and when the vendor asked about it you just said, "My boss can't really have breaks, so at least I want him to eat well"
🗒 ❛ not so bad ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► MAE, imagine Takemichi being shooketh when he saw how polite you were. He's going somewhere near a food stall only to saw an executive of KM aka you. So he hid in case you beat him up, only to hear you say this to the vendor saying how he's thankful to you for being a loyal customer, and you replied with, "I should be the thankful one. My boss really likes your cooking and he's eager to eat unlike before". Takemichi's speechless, a KM executive has better manners than most ppl he met!
🍓 ❛ til the very end ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► "Bc you mentioned a what if that involved you dying in the future, HERE I GO. Imagine if the reason for your death is..."
🗒 ❛ rest in chains ༉‧₊˚✧
╰►"I think the other reason why Mikey went batshit like you said (and my imagine that you die, although I have a similar one with a happy ending that I didn't tell you hehe) is because you..."
🍓 ❛ bittersweet ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► "Okay so imagine if you're an executive of a powerful gang and you befriended Mikey in the toman era..."
🗒 ❛ im fine! ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► "Mae so I read something about psychogenic fever aka fever due to stress, and I think that as KM reader grows older, her health's getting weaker. Especially the work stress from Bonten and also having to deal with two possessive men aka Mikey and Sanzu. You try your best to hide it from Bonten, you definitely don't want Mikey to start treating you like glass. "
🍓 ❛ overtime ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► you resort to working in secret whenever you're away from sanzu and mikey
🗒 ❛ bombastic side eye ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► just the haitanis giving sanzu the side eye because do he really think he could bag somebody like you??
🍓 ❛ evasive maneuvers ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► Sanzu's so good at finding you that you've developed a sixth sense to help avoid him
🗒 ❛ hotel room ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► when Bonten requires staying in a hotel you're off limits to Sanzu at night
🍓 ❛ prowerpoint ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► Sanzu's makes a powerpoint to convince mikey to let you stay in his hotel room
🗒 ❛ ten minutes wouldn't hurt ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► delivering food for mikey and accidentally falling asleep in his office
🍓 ❛ stop movin ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► "Imagine if you ended up being a self taught medic bc you don't want Sanzu to treat you..."
🗒 ❛ only him ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► mikey doesn't like leaving you alone, so he has sanzu watch you
🍓 ❛ why aren't you with sanzu? ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► "Before Mikey starts supporting your relationship with Sanzu, buying snacks for you and Mikey was your way of avoiding yan Sanzu. It changed when Mikey started encouraging the relationship though. Imagine that you went back to the base with snacks, and after thanking you Mikey asked, "Why aren't you with Sanzu ?" "
🗒 ❛ insecure? not on my watch ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► "I can imagine that if you have really bad eating habits they changed once Mikey and Sanzu are around. Mikey'll have Sanzu make sure you're eating properly, Sanzu making all your favorites. And ofc they both comfort you when you feel insecure about yourself and your body :( "
🍓 ❛ snack tour ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► "During the earlier times of being in KM, you're quite distant with Mikey since he's very hard to talk to unless it's like gang business. However, you know other shortcuts to the base which has tons of street food stalls like dorayaki, taiyaki, crepes, etc so you ended up buying taiyaki for Mikey saying that you passed by multiple stalls otw to the base, might as well buy some. Both of you start bonding when you offer to take Mikey on a ✨street snacks tour✨. Just vibing with your boss."
🗒 ❛ mother hen ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► "Mikey following you around like a kitten especially in the office. You want to go out and buy food? Either it's him assigning someone bc you have to spend time with him and Sanzu, or him following you as well."
🍓 ❛ don't say nothin ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► Sanzu as always is taking his sweet time tending to your wounds and a member comments on it
🗒 ❛ play pretend ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► "Imagine you hearing Koko's name from Mikey's office when you came back from an assignment, and you overheard Sanzu saying that they should warn Koko about getting too close to you. You don't want Koko getting hurt, so you texted Koko before knocking on the door. The whole day you're the clinging to them, intending to distract them so that they wouldn't go for Koko."
🍓 ❛ lion's den ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► "If toman Mikey couldn't sleep without the towel/blanket thing (it's in the manga), KM and Bonten Mikey most likely couldn't sleep without your KM coat or blazer. It's really difficult to persuade Mikey to give your coat or blazer back though..." how far would you go to get it back by any means? all you have to do is not wake up the lion.
🗒 ❛ political marriage ༉‧₊˚✧
╰► an allied gang of bonten let's their tongue slip and mentions how it'll be a wonderful idea for you to marry their leader or one of their executives. Mikey and Sanzu aren't too fond of the idea
guardian angel
hiding wounds
marriage? uh... not really
just needed some air
spilling the tea
mikey fluff
the good old days
hug em too
shh... he's sleeping
koala bear
lemme see
too much?
sanzu started it!
it's my turn
excuses, excuses
for the rescue
say ahh
hugging sanzu
ten minutes wouldn't hurt
stop movin
only him
why aren't you with sanzu?
can't stay mad
insecure? not on my watch
snack tour
mixed feelings
not so bad
til the very end
rest in chains
I'm fine!
mother hen
don't say nothin
play pretend
bombastic side eye
evasive maneuvers
lion's den
hotel room
political marriage
⌢ : ♡ ⤹ ぃ ゚.
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This is the majority of it! and all future scenarios related to this will go here ✨
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cwwwriting · 2 years
Dangerous Game
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Dangerous Game
by Clinton W. Waters
Us Shepherds gathered just before dawn. Five of us total, all anonymous. Our handler, who was antsy to get back into the SUV and leave us there, kept turning his hand over and over, hurrying us. He had us call out numbers in a row, and that was our designation. Number 3 for me. From the back of the black truck we were given guns and walkie-talkies.
Although our packs were searched before we were allowed into the vehicle, he did another pass. 2, a stammering rookie, had thought he was slick, and had a cassette player wrapped up in a towel. The handler threw it onto the ground and stomped it into the loamy soil. 2 tried to object, but he was warned he could be pulled from the program any time. He sulked for the rest of the debrief. Assuming he was like the rest of us, he needed the money more than he needed his tunes. 
This wasn’t my first rodeo. Some of the others were familiar faces. 1 was clearly an aging Marine, and always seemed to get number 1. 2 may have been a high school senior. 4 was a serious woman who was having a hard time not dressing 2 down herself. 5 was another newcomer, quiet and sad-looking. 5 hadn’t spoken a word so far, just watched us all with pale blue eyes.
The handler went over the basics we had just heard at main camp maybe an hour before. We were supposed to climb up into the blinds before the customers and their prey got there. We kept in minimal contact, hoping to be unseen and unheard. The clients, our “flock”, were paying top dollar to hunt such exotic game. They also paid quite a bit for an “authentic” experience.
It was hard not to roll my eyes now that I’d heard this same spiel about a dozen times. It was all some machismo garbage about being “real men”. Going back to caveman days. I highly doubted any of them had been within a square mile of a cave, let alone in its dank depths. If any of them had even camped out in a tent, I’d eat my boots. Crazy the lengths wealthy men will go to to avoid hugging their kids.
Shepherds were only there as insurance, the handler told us all gravely. Discretion was key. We kept the flock safe in the field and we never breathed a word about any of it. We all knew the importance of keeping our mouths shut, as all of it was incredibly illegal. The clients could probably buy their way out of prison, but we’d be there for the rest of our lives. But this also meant they didn’t ask a lot of questions. This wasn’t the kind of job you gave references for, and that worked out for me just fine. 
The handler left in a spray of kicked up dirt and soon the taillights were swallowed up by the tree trunks.
As we climbed our trees, the corresponding number gouged into the bark, I thought of my previous hunts. I had only discharged my weapon once. These 10 legged spiders from a planet I couldn’t pronounce. Black with bright blue stripes running down their sides. One of the clients had gotten cocky and got caught in a trap of almost invisible silk. A circle of earth flipped open to reveal the spider, which shot out and had him between two of its legs before anyone could say anything on the radio. I didn’t think, just let my body move, throwing the gun’s stock to my shoulder and letting out a single shot. The spider wheeled and saw through the camouflage of my blind. Its twelve snowglobe eyes swiveled to look directly at me. By then the other Shepherds had stopped flipping through their nudie mags and filled it full of holes. The hunter lost his left arm, the flesh hissing as the spider’s venom shredded through it. 
Some of the alien critters weren’t that impressive. Basically just cows with too many heads or fearsome looking lizards that were scared and confused. The electrified perimeter kept them in. Everything was manufactured to make the clients feel like they tracked their targets down to this exact spot, where the dumb animals were usually easy game, still trying to get their bearings. Shooting alien fish in a forest shaped barrel.
Today’s quarry was from a planet with large, dense jungles. This forest on Earth wouldn’t be an exact analog, but like the spiders, whatever these things were, they would have an upper hand here. Main camp didn’t have any photos to show us (the less evidence, the better), but we learned they were omnivores. Fairly intelligent, from what the poachers had seen. Three in their company were killed and one narrowly escaped while getting the specimens from their home planet. So the hunt was even more valuable. I prayed even a cent of it would trickle down into my pockets. 
I climbed into the blind, a glorified treehouse, and found an egg crate to sit on and the pervasive smell of sweaty socks. The shutters’ slats creaked as I slid the bar down to open them. A truck arrived into the clearing between the trees, a wooden crate in its bed. The passenger hopped out and pushed the crate off the end. She slapped the roof of the truck and it sped off. The sun, rising rapidly now that dawn was on us, threw strange shadows over the crate, which lay completely still. I pressed my face closer, exhaled and didn’t take another breath so my eyes were steady. I fought the cloying urge to take a breath, waiting for something to happen. 
A hiss of static from my walkie talkie caused me to jolt and take a breath. 2’s voice came out of the radio, “Are we supposed to do something?” Then silence. Then again, “Over.” His voice was strained with tension.
“Shut up, over,” 1’s grizzled monotone came through at nearly a yell, the volume was up so high. I turned to turn it down and when I looked again, the lid of the crate was gone. Scanning the ground around it, pressing my face against the shutters to try and get a view of the other trees, I didn’t see a single thing. I desperately wanted to ask if anyone had seen anything, but didn’t want to lump myself together with 2’s idiocy.
The sun crept higher as we waited. I preoccupied myself watching a beetle scurry in and out of the floorboards. “Clients moving into position, over,” 1 said. Some grandpas came into the clearing, stomping through the underbrush like elephants. They may have been heroes a million years ago during The War, but they had lost any of their training. Then again, coming from money, they may have been draft dodgers. Either way, they seemed to be having trouble even walking up a small incline. This was going to be a long one, I thought, sitting down on the crate, laying my rifle across my lap. 
I could hear what passed in their world as banter. They called each other slurs. Talked about their secretaries. Their wives. I got the distinct impression they would have been better off on one of their yachts, pretending to fish and throwing beer cans into the sea. One of them suddenly shushed the others and I strained to hear. 
A single shot sounded like cannonfire in the forest’s quiet. “Damn, missed it,” one of them said. Another accused him of seeing things. “I’m telling you, it was going between the branches of that tree and that one.” I crept to the window. He was pointing to trees 4 and 5. A blur moved in the shadows and I got my rifle ready.
“What’s that there?” another said, getting a pair of glasses out of his shirt pocket and unfolding them, clumsily cradling his gun against his chest. His arthritic finger wiggled in the general direction of 2’s blind. 
“Guys…” 2 said. “I-” he began and the sound of splintering wood filled the air as our walkie talkies sang in chorus. 2 screamed and fired. A flash illuminated the shadows inside the blind. A moment later, he appeared on the far side of the tree, trying to climb down. 
“2! What’s going on?” 4 came over the radio, but 2 was too busy panicking. The ancient hunters were calling out in confusion. From the bottom of the blind, a form crawled out, climbing down the ladder as well. The dappled light of the canopy’s shadow danced along its spots, fur running down its slender arms. It made my eyes shake, trying to make sense of it. 2 looked up at it and screamed. I slammed my palm against the shutter, causing it to open with a bang. 
“3! Get your-” 1 was saying, but I was already sliding the bolt of my rifle back. I peered down the scope just in time to see the creature swat at 2. His head jerked to the side and his body fell limp. My eyes reflexively screwed shut and my face turned away as his body hit the forest floor with a thud. 
The geezers below started to shoot wildly up at the thing. Cursing myself, I looked through the scope again. It lifted its head to look at me. Four eyes, each with razor thin pupils, looked up at me. Rows of white fangs flashed, giving me a smile. My stomach crashed down and a tremor ran down my spine.
“3! The clients!” 4 shouted from her open window. I spun and aimed downward. The men were blundering with their guns as another of the creatures stalked out of a shadow. I aimed squarely at the center of its head and pulled the trigger. It leapt just as my gun went off, slamming back into my shoulder. The closest man’s head disappeared in a red mist as the beast swiped through the bone like butter. The rest of them screamed and scattered. 
Rifle fire filled the air as the other Shepherds took what shots they could. The monster on the ground moved below my tree, out of sight, picking off the old men. The one that had been on 2’s tree jumped up and sailed over to 4’s tree, a skein of spotted skin stretching between its limbs. I heard 1 trying to radio the main camp. 4 took potshots at the creature crawling up her tree, but it wasn’t deterred. Its eyes were wide, nearly encompassing its entire face. Every time 4 fired, it seemed to move just enough to avoid the bullet. 4 was yelling, cussing at it.
I pulled the bolt handle of my rifle back. My teeth set on edge as the bolt locked and refused to budge. 4 looked to me, terror in her eyes. I yelled and waved my arms, trying to distract it. 1 tried to pick it off before it made it up to the treehouse, but the thing simply slunk to the far side of the tree where he couldn’t see it. 4 yanked a Bowie knife from her kit as the creature burst up through the trap door. In an instant, it had closed its mouth around where her neck met her shoulder. She drove the knife into its back, but it didn’t seem to mind. It looked at me as 4’s blood pooled up around its teeth. 4 continued to stab. And stab. And stab. But eventually her arm fell to her side and the knife clattered to the floor. In the smallest mercy, the treehouse’s walls blocked the view of the monster burying its face in its kill. The slurping and crunching were enough.
I stepped away from the window, my mouth the only thing keeping my vomit from spewing out. The one on the ground suddenly appeared in 1’s blind. My throat clenched shut as I tried to warn him. He turned about and got off one good shot, spraying the wall with bright green blood that glowed in the light. I muttered little apologies to them all as I pulled the shutters closed and fastened them. I slid the crate over to the trap door and sat on it, praying my weight would be enough to keep them at bay. Would main camp send help? Did they even know something had gone wrong? My fingers fumbled with the bolt, sweat making it a futile effort. 
After a few moments, I realized the forest had gone quiet again. Maybe they had been busy with 5? Oh God, I thought. 5. He may have been their first victim before we even realized it. I swallowed hard, trying to still my heartbeat as it crashed against my ribs. Maybe they had their fill. Maybe they would wander off, be someone else’s problem.
A tapping cut through my racing thoughts. A persistent pecking at the wood of the shutters. I stared at the floor, tears flooding my eyes as my body shook uncontrollably. The tapping continued until I couldn’t bear it any longer. Clamping my hand over my nose and mouth, I looked up. 
There between the bars of the shutter were two eyes, pale and blue like the sky above the trees. In the space below was a smile, gleaming white. I stood up and slammed my back against the wall. Two sets of the creature eyes appeared on either side of 5 and slowly changed, melding into pairs of human eyes. The spotted fur gave way to smooth skin. One of them, its arms still slim and sickled, yanked the shutter from the window. 1 and 4 stood on either side of 5 now, where the creatures had been. 1 had a gaping green hole in his chest that drew closed and disappeared without a mark. 4’s skin squelched and her bones clicked as they settled.
“This was hardly any fun at all,” 5 said to 4. Rips and tears appeared in their mimicked clothes. “Maybe main camp will have a surprise or two when they come looking.” 
“We’re just getting started,” 1 said. “Surely someone on this planet will put up a good fight.” 
“If these are their hunters, I wouldn’t bet on it,” 4 said. “Are we sure they’re properly intelligent? Even their language is ugly.” She studied my face, trying to replicate my expression.
“I guess we’ll find out,” 5 said. The radio came alive with chatter from main camp. 4 stooped to pick up the radio. She stared at me as she worked her breath shorter and shorter. 
“Oh God,” she said. “They’re dead! Send help! Please!” 
“What about this one?” 1 asked, gesturing towards me. 
“Leave it,” 5 said. “It can take us back to its nest so we can see its natural habitat.” 
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sadclownhouse · 2 years
The Price of Flesh Walkthrough: [Celia] ; [Mason] ; [Derek] ; [Fox]
I just want to start with saying that this is how I, myself, got these endings. I’m sure there are other ways to get them, so don’t worry if our play throughs were different! feel free to send me a message if you're struggling!
Marked spoilers for…obvious reasons
*MISSING A CG?? Don’t dismantle the snare and then return to it!
Ending #1: You Visited The Cabin Beginning choices don't matter; 1. [keep moving] 2. [walk deeper into the woods] 3. [climb the tree by clicking the action button] 4. [you can leave and Mason will shoot you] 5. [Hide] 6. [walk back to the clearing] 7. [walk towards the cabin] 8. [go inside the cabin] 9. [Keep searching the area until Mason shows up]
You can also get this same ending by trying to enter the cabin at night. ****
Ending #2: your flame is out this is a fun ending! once again, beginning choices don't matter 1. [Keep moving] 2. [walk deeper into the woods] 3. [climb the tree by clicking the action button] 4. [you can leave and Mason will shoot you] 5. [Hide] 6. [You need to lower to sanity until it's 50 or below, getting too cold can lower your sanity by 20! just be careful not to get too cold and don't worry, warming yourself with the fire wont raise your sanity] 7. [walk towards the cabin] 8. [click on your flint and steel] ****
Ending #3: your smoke gave you away this is a fairly simple one, beginning choices don't matter 1. [keep moving] 2. [walk deeper into the woods] 3. [use your flint and steel] 4. [stay by the fire until Mason shows up] FYI, if you chose to have sexual content on, this ending will also have sexaul assault ****
Ending #4: You Got Caught In His Trap 1. [keep moving] 2. [go deeper into the woods] 3. [stay once to avoid mason] 4. [ walk back to the woods] 5. [stay once to avoid mason] 6. [walk back to the clearing] 7. [walk towards the rocks] 8. [light a fire and stay until 6am, sleep if your energy is low enough and then put out your fire] 9. [stay until mason shows up and hide] 10. [light a fire and stay twice, sleep if your energy is low enough] 11. [head back to the clearing] 12. [your leg will get caught in a bear trap and Mason will show up] ****
Ending #5: You Smelled Delicious another easy one, however the bear can get annoying if you keep a fish on you! from my understanding, the bear will only fuck with you if you have a fish in your inventory. 1. [keep moving] 2. [go back to the clearing] 3. [walk towards the rocks] 4. [fish by pressing the action tab and search area] 5. [try to catch a fish] 6. [Don't eat the fish!!] 7. [hang out by the rocks and light a fire so you dont get the wrong ending] 8. [go to sleep once your energy is low enough] 9. [you will be woken up by a bear!] ****
Ending #6: The Water is Still this one is one of the harder ones, it took me a couple of hours along with some of the others and once again, beginning choices do not matter.
so, for this one, you need to lower your sanity and visit the swamp BEFORE you have the nightmare. getting to the swamp is easy, you just have to make sure you draw all the locations on your map! 1. [keep moving] 2. [ walk deeper into the woods] 3. [climb the tree to get the cabin and tree on your map] 4. [stay by the tree once to avoid being shot by Mason] 5. [walk back to the woods] 6. [click on your map to sketch the area] 7. [search the area and obtain the red berries] 8. [light a fire and stay until it gets dark] 9. [now that it's dark, Mason isn't hunting you until 7am!] 10. [walk back to the clearing and sketch the area] 11. [walk towards the rocks and sketch the area] 12. [light a fire and stay twice] 13. [walk back to the clearing] 14. [walk into the tree] 15. [fight through the bush and go north] 16. [eat the red berries at the swamp] ****
Ending #7: Now You are The Hunter another one that took me fucking hours to get! beginning choices don't matter! 1.[keep moving] 2. [go deeper into the woods and climb the tree] 3. [stay there to avoid mason] 4. [ walk back to the woods] 5. [stay there to avoid mason] 6. [walk back to the clearing] 7. [walk towards the rocks] 8. [light a fire and stay until 6am, sleep if your energy is low enough and then put out your fire] 9. [stay until mason shows up and hide] 10. [light a fire and stay twice, sleep if your energy is low enough] 11. [search area and find the bear trap] 12. [take the bear trap] 13. [try setting it up but you cant seem to figure it out...oh well.] 14. [walk back to the clearing] 15. [light a fire and stay twice, then sleep when your energy is low enough] 16.[put out fire a 5am and stay twice until it's light out] 17. [walk towards the cabin] 18. [try placing the bear trap inside of the cabin] ****
Ending #8: You Changed alright gamers, this one was the last ending I got and frankly, this one may be the hardest. you need to survive 3 or 4 in game nights without dying! 1. [keep moving] 2. [walk deeper into the woods] 3. [stay 5 times until it gets dark and light a fire] 4. [stay then put out fire at 5am] 5. [search the area to find the snare and dismantle it] 6. [walk back into the woods] 7. [light a fire and sleep] 8. [walk back to the clearing and stay once] 9. [walk towards the rocks] 10. [ light a fire] 11. [stay until it gets dark, sleep] 12. [ put your fire out at 5am] 13. [search area and find bear trap, leave it behind] 14. [walk back to the clearing] 15. [sleep] 16. [stay in the clearing and light a fire, stay twice] 17. [walk into the trees] 18. [stay 4 times and light a fire, eat any and all food in your inventory and sleep if your energy is low enough] 19. [put the fire out at 5am] 20. [walk back to the clearing] 21. [walk towards the rocks] 22. [light a fire and stay twice] 23. [put out fire] 24. [stay by the river, hide when mason shows up and light another fire] 25. [stay until it gets dark, sleep if your energy is low enough] 26. [soon your fire will go out and your character will notice that it started snowing] ****
Ending #9: Your Hunt is Over for this one, your health needs to be 20 or lower! 1. [stay in the clearing] 2. [hide when mason shoots you] 3. [stay until mason shoots you again] 4. [choose anything to say to him] 5. [make a tourniquet by clicking on your knife] 6. [light a fire and stay until 3 or 4am, then put it out] 7. [go to sleep] ****
Ending #10: You Lost Your Head 1. [keep moving] 2. [walk deeper into the woods] 3. [climb the tree] 4. [stay once to avoid mason] 5. [walk back into the woods] 6. [stay once to avoid mason] 7. [walk back to the clearing] 8. [light a fire and wait until morning, sleep when your energy is low] 9. [walk towards the cabin at 7am] 10. [enter the cabin] 11. [search the cabin until your energy gets too low and you fall asleep] 12. [you will wake up in Mason's arms] ****
Ending #11: The Cold Took You this one is fairly easy, just don't use the fire at night! 1. [keep moving] 2. [walk deeper into the woods] 3. [keep staying until you get too cold and die] ****
Ending #12: You Were Caught and Cleaned another fairly easy one! 1. [keep moving] 2. [walk deeper into the woods] 3. [stay until it gets dark and light a fire, sleep when your energy is low enough] 4. [put out fire at 6am] 5. [without searching the area, walk back into the woods] 6. [cutting the wire or untying it as the same results] 7. [mason then will show up and cut your throat] FYI: if your sanity is 50 or below and you have sexual content on, you will get the option to 'distract him', which is just him mouthing fucking you LMAO ****
Ending #13: You Bled Out super easy one! 1. [stay in the clearing] 2. [hide when mason shoots you] 3. [stay until mason shoots you again] 4. [choose anything to say to him] 5. [this time, don't stop the bleeding] 6. [light a fire and stay until you bleed out] ****
Ending #14: You Denied Him The Pleasure Okaaay, for this one, you will need your sanity to be zero! 1. [keep moving] 2. [walk deeper into the woods and stay once, to avoid mason] 3. [walk back into the woods] 4. [search the area and obtain the red berries] 5. [eat them] 6. [stay but don't light a fire until you lose 20 sanity points] 7. [light a fire and stay enough so you wont die] 8. [put out the fire and stay again until you lose 20 sanity points] 9. [open your inventory and click on your knife; there will be a glitchy looking button that says 'end this'] 10. [click on it] ****
Ending #15: You Made A Friend This one took me forever to do as well, simply because i kept dying lol 1. [keep moving] 2. [ walk deeper into the woods] 3. [climb the tree to get the cabin and tree on your map] 4. [stay by the tree once to avoid being shot by Mason] 5. [walk back to the woods] 6. [click on your map to sketch the area] 7. [search the area and obtain the red berries] 8. [light a fire, the time should be 1800 9. [eat the berries so your sanity drops] 10. [stay three time, then go to sleep when your energy gets low enough and you'll have a dream about the swamp] 11. [put out the fire and walk back to the clearing and sketch the area] 12. [walk towards the rocks and sketch the area] 13. [walk back to the clearing and search the area to obtain the bones, the time should be 6am] 14. [walk into the trees and go north] 15. [offer the bones to the swamp] 16. [walk back to the woods] 17. [light a fire, stay twice and put it out] 18. [stay until mason shows up and hide] 19. [stay in the trees and light another fire, go to sleep] 20. [when you wake up, stay by the fire 4 times and go to sleep again] 21. [when you walk up, stay by the fire until 6am then walk back to the clearing] 22. [walk towards the cabin] 23. [go inside] 24. [search the area and find the gun the swamp creature told you about]
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faccal · 2 years
Some soft Elias/Rorke with the boys from a future scene in a fic that's being rewritten.
The sudden weight on his stomach and legs would've launched him into a fight response, if it hadn't been for the happy squeals and child giggles from their youngest. "Ugh! Damnit, Logan, what are you doing up so early?" He grunts, immediately wrapping his arms around the kid to prevent escape. "Porkie!" He squeals, still avoiding using too many words. His muteness after his mother's death had affected Elias and David heavily, yet with Rorke's help and an ASL Coach, as well as a few years since her passing, Logan had begun to speak again. He had an excellent teacher as well, who was gentle and kind when helping him speak comfortably again. "Logan, leave your father alone. You're too old to be jumping in our bed." Elias grumbles from under the covers to Rorke's left. "But....Porkie..." He pouts, burying his head in Rorke's chest. "Haha, you're alright kiddo, daddy Porkie loves you." He kisses the eight year old's forehead, squeezing the boy tighter as he lets out another squeal. "Daaad!" Ten year old David pushes into the room, crossing his arms when he sees Logan atop Rorke. "C'mon Logie, you're too old for that! You're being a baby." "You're mad Porkie gives me....cuddles." He squeezes Rorke back, smiling at the low, rumbling belly laugh he lets out. David sighs, staring over at the lump that is his father. "He's fine David, he's not too old. You're not too old either if you'd like cuddles?" He'd been trying to help David be more comfortable around him, but the ten year old definitely had his rightful hesitations. "You're not...my dad." He deadpans, and while it does sting him a bit, he knows it's not David's fault he feels that way. "I know kiddo, so why don't you get up here and wake your old man, Logan and I are starving." On cue, Logan's belly gurgles. David hops into action the second he hears Logan's tummy. "Dad! You gotta get up now! Logan's gotta eat or he'll fade away!" He shouts, hopping onto his father who let's out a far more pained grunt than Rorke had. "Damnit Gabe!" He growls, grabbing his eldest to crush in a bear hug. "Ahh! Logan help!" David tries to escape, slapping at his father's arms. "Busy." Logan replies. "Porkie cuddles." "Porkie cuddles are more important than me?" Little David sounds so hurt, and Rorke feels Logan stiffen. "No......" He whispers, looking down at Rorke's massive arms, poking at them to avoid David's hurt eyes. "Of course you're more important than me Davie, you're his brother. I've got him trapped you see!" He wiggles Logan around the bed, causing him to let out a raucous of laughter. "You have to save him from my devilish clutches." "Unhand him!" David launches off of Elias and tackles onto Rorke, struggling to fight the man who lazily wiggles the three of them around. "A man can't sleep in with three kids, can he?" "Three?!" Rorke glares at his husband with a frown. "I'll remember that, Walker." "You do that." Elias grumbles, sitting up and throwing his legs over the edge of their bed. "Alright boys, let's get some grub in you." "Food!" The boys cry in unison, leaping off of Rorke and down the stairs to wash their hands. Rorke smiles at the door warmly, a soft crinkle in his eyes Elias only ever sees around the boys. "I love you." Elias smiles, crossing his arms as he stares at his husband's fond smile. Rorke turns, a dirty grin spreading across his cheeks. "How much?" "Not that much." Elias's smiles falls to a frown. "Now get your lazy ass up, the boys need food." "Yes, daddy." Rorke teases in a sultry tone, grunting when Elias throws a pillow at his head. "Food. Now!" "Jesus woman, I'm going I'm going!" He barely manages to miss the shoe Elias throws at his head.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
Let Me Love You (Jeong Yunho and Song Mingi)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Jeong Yunho × Plus sized! Reader (Female) × Song Mingi
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst
Summary: After finding out their girlfriend has been feeling insecure about her body, Mingi and Yunho take matters into their own hands to remind her that she is beautiful.
Word Count: 4.5+K
Warnings: Body insecurities (remember you are beautiful just the way you are), poly relationship, oral (female receiving), fingering, multiple orgasms (female receiving), unprotected sex (always use protection). (This was utter trash)
Taglist: @little-precious-baby @multidreams-and-desires @galaxteez @yunhofingers @yunhoiseyecandy @brie02 @deja-vux @couchpotatoaniki @daniblogs164 @a-soft-hornytiny @nanamarkie @minhyukmyluv @yunsangoveryonder
Special requested by @monbaebes
Watching her favorite boys play around on the seashore, Y/N chuckled softly as she returned her gaze on the fruit in front of her. Picking up a small knife, she carefully began peeling some of the mangoes, apples and other of the juicy produce they had brought with them. Meanwhile she focused on making sure they had something to replenish their energy with, one of her lovers was concentrated on building a rather complicated architecture with the sand under his feet. Slowly but surely, the castle was beginning to take form and the man couldn't be much happier or pleased than seeing his masterpiece come to life.
"Mingi, think fast!" The other tall male shouted as he tossed the beach ball he was holding in the other's direction.
Mingi's naturally small eyes widened significantly as he witnessed his creation crumble down due to the impact of the beach ball colliding on top of it.
"Oops! Sorry bud!" The culprit grimaced as he saw the result of his little trick.
Immediately standing up, Mingi began chasing after his friend.
"I'm going to kill you Yunho!" He threatened, Yunho running and taking cover behind the oblivious girl who saw nothing that took place.
"What in the world?" She looked back and forth between the two guys.
Pointing an accusatory finger at him, Mingi let out a huff.
"He destroyed my sand castle that I was working so hard on!" He exclaimed.
"I didn't mean to." Yunho defended himself.
Not wanting them to get into a silly fight during their vacation, Y/N began to calm them both down.
"Come on you guys, you're making a scene over things kids would argue over. Seriously, this is why we hardly go out."
Hearing her displeased tone, the boys quickly straightened up their act and decided to just let it go. Seeing the delicious fruit in front of them, the young men sat at opposite sides of Y/N and dug into the food. She was grateful she opted for packing plenty of fruit given how much her boyfriends ate. She sometimes wondered if it was because they were so tall or because their stomachs were a bottomless pit. She decided a long time ago that it was probably a combination of the two.
As they enjoyed their snacks while enjoying the view in front of them, Y/N's wandering eyes soon locked themselves on the two women sitting not far from them. Although she wanted to look away before any negative thoughts clouded her mind, she couldn't help but admire their long, slim legs, their small waists and flat tummies. She envied their shape that they confidently showed off in their revealing and sensual bikinis, making more than a few heads turn in their direction to rake their eyes on their glamorous bodies. And there she was, feeling too big in her cami top and shorts.
Looking away with eyes falling on the strawberry she was holding, Y/N suddenly felt an uneasy feeling in her stomach. Losing her appetite, she tossed the fruit back in the container and just sat back, unable to hide her uncomfortable face which Yunho noticed right away.
"Honey, is something wrong? Do you not feel well?" He asked which immediately sparked the attention of the other male.
Although she didn't feel well indeed, Y/N didn't want to cause any alarm or have them fret over her behavior and decided to make up an excuse.
"I guess maybe I'm just exhausted after spending so much time out in the sun. I think I'm just going to go back to the hotel room. You guys stay here if you want."
Plastering on a reassuring smile, she gave them no chance to argue or say anything else as she quickly got off the beach towel and started heading back towards the hotel that was just in front of the beach. Her arms were crossed protectively in front of her chest, head lowered to avoid eye contact with the young men who were heading in the opposite direction. She shut her eyes when she heard them snicker behind her, no doubt making fun of her figure. She just wanted to lock herself in the room and crawl under the covers of the bed, just her alone with nobody else.
But the sudden calls for her from behind let her know that it wasn't going to be the case.
"Geez, couldn't you at least wait for us baby?" Mingi pouted as he linked an arm around her.
"Sorry, didn't want to cut your playtime at the beach short." She felt even more bad knowing they decided to follow her back.
"It's fine darling. It was getting too hot anyways. Besides we can have just as much fun in the hotel room as we do in the beach." Yunho added, leaning his face so he could whisper in her ear.
"Or maybe even more fun." He snickered suggestively, which made her blush and cling closer to the male on her right, who simply let out a small snort.
"Don't tease her Yunho. You know how shy she gets with these things." Unable to hold back from making her even more flustered, Mingi's hand that was on her waist dropping to slightly pinch her butt cheek.
"And it makes me want to eat her up even more."
With a soft huff, she shoved his hand away from him and simply walked faster to hide from their vulgar teasing that had her cheeks burning bright red.
"She's so adorable." Yunho chuckled, to which Mingi agreed with. Taking advantage of the fact she couldn't hear them, both of them started whispering a few things amongst themselves, huge grins plastering on their faces as they planned out how they were going to spend their night with their lovely girlfriend.
Staring at her reflection in the long body mirror, Y/N cringed at the sight. She knew the guys were waiting outside in the hot tub for her, no doubt aching to see her in the dark blue bikini they had picked out for her, a color Mingi aggressively shoved into Yunho who wanted to go instead for a more baby pink choice, but eventually caved into the other's choice. She didn't feel up to going out in it though, she felt it unflattering and unsuitable for someone her size. Stripping out of it, she tossed on a tank top and shorts once more, wanting to be as covered up as much as possible. Feeling satisfied with that, she quickly came out of the bathroom, not wanting to make the boys wait any longer.
Hearing the glass door of the room slide open, the young men excitedly looked over hoping to see their gorgeous girlfriend in a swimsuit they bought her, but their faces fell flat when they saw her clothing choice.
"What happened to the bikini we bought you? Oh god! Please don't tell me we got the wrong size." Mingi groaned, already beating himself up for an imaginary mistake.
"No it fit fine, I just.... I just prefer being like this." She replied as she slipped her body inside the hot water, setting herself in between both of the men, who wasted no time in drawing their bodies closer to her, effectively trapping her.
Looking up from one and then to the other, Y/N knew by the smiles on their face that they were up to something else and it wasn't particularly pure. Taking the lead as he usually did, Yunho brought a hand up to trace the outline of her jaw.
"So pretty..." He muttered as he bent his face down to hers.
Starting off with small pecks, Yunho eventually pressed his lips deeper into hers, hand still cupping her jaw so his thumb could draw circles around her cheek. Y/N moaned when she felt his tongue dart forward and infiltrate her mouth. She gave in and allowed him absolute control, moaning louder when he pulled her tongue inside his own mouth and briefly sucking on it. For a few minutes they were lost in their little world until the third person in the relationship reminded them of his presence.
"Ok you got your turn, now let me make out with my baby."
As soon as Yunho's mouth was detached from her lips, it was quickly replaced by Mingi's, who unlike the other male, was more fervent and rougher with his kisses. Whereas Yunho preferred a lot more tongue action, Mingi enjoyed nipping at his lover's lips. Indeed he made sure to get her lips as swollen and red as possible. His teeth endlessly tugged at her bottom lip, a smirk appearing on his features each time he drew out a gasp or whine from the girl in front of him. Her sounds intensified when she felt Yunho's lips occupying themselves on her shoulder and neck, leaving small love bites on the visible patches of skin. His large hand dove underwater to clasp at the end of her top, rising it up slowly so he could take it off her.
Feeling her insecurities rise up once more, Y/N quickly withdrew his hand off her body, ending the makeout session with her other boyfriend in the process.
"Baby did we do something wrong? Did we push it too far?" Yunho immediately worried that they hurt her in any way. Mingi was also mirroring the same feeling his friend was bearing.
"No, it's not you guys...it's me."
Both of the men looked at each other in confusion.
"Are you sick? Is that it? Why didn't you say something before." Mingi brought a palm over her forehead, attempting to figure out if she had a fever or not.
Shaking her head, Y/N took a deep breath before she went any further.
"I'm not sick I just hate my body ok? I hate being chubby, it makes all the clothes I wear look ugly on me. I wish I was skinnier like some of the female idols you guys see almost on the daily. Maybe then I'd be more attractive for you guys.."
Her confession broke them to pieces. They couldn't believe she felt that way and they cursed themselves for not noticing earlier on about their girlfriend's insecurities.
"But darling, you are very attractive just the way you are." Mingi spoke up, though they could tell his words didn't have much of an effect on her.
Joining in to make sure she felt loved, Yunho tilted Y/N's face so she could clearly see his sincerity at his next words.
"Listen to me, your body is very gorgeous just the way it is. You may not believe it, but trust me when I say Mingi and I are absolutely crazy about your body. It makes you more irresistible and we wouldn't have you any other way."
His words lightened her mood just a bit, a hint of a smile starting to form on the corners of her lips.
"And we're not the only ones who think so. There were some assholes who were shamelessly checking you out while we were trying to catch up with you back on the beach." Mingi added, face frowning as he recalled the way they heard the group of men talking about their girlfriend in such a lewd manner.
"What? N-no, I'm sure you got it wrong. They were probably making fun of me." Her theory however was quickly shut down by Yunho.
"No baby, we heard them clearly as they went on and on about how hot you look....among other things that weren't exactly family friendly." Although he tried to hide it, Yunho couldn't keep his teeth from gritting against each other in a jealous manner.
"And we saw how their faces kept turning to stare at your ass." Mingi recalled rather unhappily.
Y/N felt even more embarrassed now, her hands coming up to hide her reddened face, which continued to stay hidden even when she felt both males press themselves into her.
"But if that still doesn't convince you, how about you let us demonstrate how much we adore your figure?"
Peeking out and uncovering her face, Y/N took in their hungry gazes that were awaiting for permission to devour her. Although she nodded slightly, it wasn't enough for them.
"Darling use your words please. We'd much rather hear you say how much you want us as well." Mingi deepened his voice enough to cause an effect on her.
Biting down on her lip, Y/N's voice shyly spoke out.
"Please.... touch me." She gulped before uttering her next words.
"Make love to me."
Finally hearing the magic words, both men stood up, their bodies drenched and pouring water. Taking hold of Y/N, Mingi brought her out of the hot tub as well and sat her in front of him on the wood extension of the hot tub. Reaching for her shirt, he quickly peeled it off her body and moved it somewhere else while Yunho took care of her lower half, removing her shorts and equally discarding them somewhere else.
"Fuck, she looks so damn pretty." Yunho marveled at the sight of her bare, soaked body right in front of him.
Snaking his hands down her torso, Mingi gripped the top of her thighs so he could pry them open, letting Yunho gaze into her exposed heat. He let out a chuckle at his friend's star struck expression.
"Well? Don't just stand there like an idiot. Put those long ass fingers of yours to work." Mingi told him.
Instructing Y/N to keep her legs wide open, Mingi brought his hands back up her body so they could cup her breasts. He squeezed them in between his fingers, astonished at feeling how soft and tender they were. While she was still getting adjusted to the feeling of Mingi's hands around her boobs, Yunho came up in front of her and began kissing along her collarbone, making her tilt her head back.
"God your boobs are so squishy." Mingi groaned as he pressed them against each other, thumbs tweaking at her nipples.
While Mingi's hands continued playing around with her chest, Yunho took advantage of her dazed state to brush his fingers along one of her thighs. Creeping it closer in between her legs, his thumb started slow and gentle motions on her clit. He smiled against her neck when he felt her shudder as he pressed down on her button.
"Mingi be sure to hold her steady while I finger her pretty pussy. You know how she tends to get."
Removing his hands off her breasts, Mingi proceeded to move them to her hips, knowing fully well they'd be wanting to buck into Yunho's hand. Y/N looked down and watched intently as one of Yunho's fingers slowly slipped inside her hole. She gaped with amazement as he effortlessly slid his finger out of her body and then back inside. It always amazed her how such a little action could make her so weak and pliant towards her lovers. Yunho of course knew this and loved to use it against her. Smiling ever so smugly, he inserted a second finger into her hole, his pace starting to pick up. Her breath hitched as she craned her neck back to rest her head on Mingi's shoulder, the latter taking the opportunity to plaster kisses on the side of her cheek.
"Do you like having Yunho's fingers inside of you babygirl?" He asked, lips brushing against her earlobe.
"Y-yes." She responded.
When her thighs tried to close, Mingi was quick to pry them back apart, his grip tight enough that they could leave prints on her skin.
"No babygirl, keep those pretty legs of yours open for Yunho."
Knowing exactly what to do to tip her over the edge, Yunho angled his fingers upward so they could rub at her sweet spot as he continued to wiggle his fingers inside of her. A third finger was added to the combination, which had the recipient crying out from the stretch.
"How on earth are you always so tight babygirl? It's like we don't fuck you enough." Yunho expressed, thumb circling on her nub with more detailed and faster motions.
The wet and sloppy sounds emanating from between her legs were like music to both men's ears. They enjoyed hearing how wet they could make her become, Mingi especially licked his lips as he saw how her folds started to glisten from all the arousal seeping out of her.
"Shit, her pussy looks so good. I can't wait to eat her out."
Shooting a smirk to his friend, Yunho worked his fingers deeper into his girlfriend's core, thrusting them sporadically in an effort to bring her closer to her high.
"Well just let me get her cum with my fingers and then I'll leave her in your hands..... or should I say mouth?"
Hearing them say what they were going to do to her made Y/N shudder. With eyes shut, her voice slightly broke into half cries half whimpers as she came on Yunho's fingers. Mingi's hold on her thighs prevented her from shutting her legs and thus making her orgasm feel more intense as it washed all throughout her body. Making sure to keep his fingers lodged inside until she came down from her high, Yunho gently leaned in to press a kiss on the corner of Y/N's mouth.
"Look babygirl."
Opening her eyes, she was met with the sight of Yunho's fingers pulling out of her heat. They were covered completely in her cum, leaving her surprised that she could produce that much from just his fingers. Keeping eye contact with her, he brought his fingers up to his lips and licked them clean.
"Oh Mingi, you're going to definitely enjoy eating her out." Yunho locked eyes with the other male, sending him a knowing wink.
"Then I guess I better not let her juices go to waste."
Moving her body so she could face him, Mingi layed down on his back and motioned for Y/N to move herself on top of his face, which she hesitated to do. Sensing what she was worried about, Mingi smiled at her.
"Baby, it's ok. I want to feel those thick thighs of yours on me. Now come over here and smother my face with your sweet pussy."
Getting help from Yunho who took hold of her arms, he placed her right on top of Mingi's face. Spreading her lips apart, Mingi's tongue came up to lick up the leftover arousal from Yunho's previous fingering session. Y/N couldn't help but gasp not just from the over sensitivity of her pussy, but from Mingi's warm mouth consuming her taste. Closing his eyes, Mingi lost himself in the sweetness her body had to offer. Flicking his tongue out, he made sure to pay close attention to her clit, circling the tip of his wet muscle around it. As if they had a mind of their own, Y/N's hips began to slowly grind down against Mingi's tongue movements. When she noticed what she was doing, she made an attempt to stop her motions.
"No babygirl. Show Mingi how much you enjoy having him eat you out. He told you to smother his face and that's what you're going to give him. After all, that is what he wants. Don't you Mingi?" Yunho piped up.
The man underneath Y/N responded with a muffled moan against her wetness. His hands clasped themselves on her ass, harshly slamming her down until her heat was covering the entirety of his face. Guiding her hips, he made her drag her core along his tongue over and over, slurping up every inch of tender flesh without leaving any patch dry. Y/N began panting, each stroke of Mingi's tongue making her fall deeper in that hazy state she had been in just moments ago while Yunho had his fingers knuckles deep in her. And both men knew it, they had learned and memorized each pitch of her sounds and every tick of her body to know what she liked and when she'd come crumbling down from the pleasure they gave her.
Knowing she needed a little encouragement, Yunho began peppering open mouth kisses along her neck as his fingers brushed along the sides of her waist.
"Go ahead love. Cum all over Mingi's face. Make a mess of his pretty face." He softly instructed her. A pleased grin framed Yunho's face as merely seconds later, Y/N fulfilled his command. Mingi groaned wildly as his face was smothered by her mound, her thighs trembling and clenching around his skull as another flood of her juices poured out onto his face. Making sure to lick up as much as possible, Mingi detached his mouth from her reddened folds with an audible pop, a proud smirk on his face that he was not wiping off at any moment.
Knowing she was still too worked up from her orgasm, Yunho carefully lifted her up into his arms. Gesturing for Mingi to follow, he carried her bridal style back inside their room, where he layed her down on the soft king sized bed. Stripping themselves out of their swimming trunks, the men whispered a few words amongst each other before reaching the decision of who got to have her first. The beaming look on Mingi's features answered her thoughts on who it was.
Setting himself right next to her, Mingi began stroking his already hard length.
"Come here baby. Hop your pretty self on top and ride me." He motioned for her to sit on top of him.
With hands pressed to his chest, Y/N slowly sunk herself down until his entire cock was safely nestled inside her. Hissing at the excruciatingly tight grip her tender flesh had on him, Mingi looked over to Yunho, who already had one hand wrapped tightly on his dick.
"We really should fuck her more often, she's unbelievably tight." His voice rasped out.
"Well why don't you do something about it? You're literally inside her idiot." Yunho reminded him rather agitated, anxious to get his own turn with his beloved girl.
With sharp cries, Y/N held onto the headboard in front of her as the man underneath her started pounding his hips up into her. Their moans were filling up the room, along with the slick sounds protruding from between their thighs, where they were connected. Yunho eagerly watched them, his hand working to stroke his twitching cock, making sure not to speed up in case he accidentally made himself cum. He knew he'd get his turn soon, but for the moment, he reveled at seeing the two individuals he cared about the most be so intimate with each other. He watched as their facial muscles started contorting and scrunching up with pleasure, their bodies starting to layer a thin sheen of sweat from the intensity of their love making.
Already vulnerable from the previous 2 orgasms, Y/N started to feel that familiar heat pooling in her lower abdomen, spreading under her skin and making her dizzy with lust. Mingi's pace turned slightly more rough. He loved watching as he made his girlfriend ride his cock, especially when he was blessed with the sight of her breasts bouncing right in front of him. He thought it was one of the most amazing sights to behold. Sensing that she was close given how worked out they had gotten her before and by the way her sounds grew more frantic, Mingi gripped at her sides to hold her down as he bucked his cock deep enough to have her crying out.
"That's it babygirl. Let yourself go. Cum all over me." He grunted at her, feeling himself reach his own brink from the frenetic pace he set for themselves.
With aching thighs, Y/N violently shook on top of him, vision darkening as her mind only payed attention to the sensation of her walls clamping around her lover's cock. Feeling overly constricted to the point of hurting in a most delicious grip, Mingi quickly pulled himself out of her core before any of his cum could start spilling inside her. With the help of his hand, he finished himself off by spurting drops of cum onto her thighs and stomach, some of them dripping off to land on the sheets underneath them.
"Oh my God." Mingi threw his head back onto the pillow behind him as he tried to steady his racing heart.
Finally seeing his cue to come in, Yunho fitted himself on the large king sized bed and carefully pulled Y/N off Mingi's lap to sat her on top of his own. Whereas Mingi preferred having her face him, Yunho opted to keep her facing away, pressing his chest onto her back. His voice gently shushed her whimpers as he sunk her down onto his overly endowed length. Fitting himself in her always took a little longer due to his size.
"You're doing so well baby." He cooed in her ear as he waited for her to adjust to him. Mingi was definitely right in exclaiming how tight she was, he himself was gritting his teeth at how hard her walls were squeezing at his shaft.
Knowing she was overly sensitive, clit swollen and folds puffed up, Yunho decided to go for a more slow and sensual pace. His hands gently rolled her hips to move on top of him, soft and blissful sighs being breathed out of their mouths. He made sure not to overwhelm her, and he himself wanted to enjoy the moment for as long as possible. When he heard her agitated moan, he let her relax on top of him as his hips took over. He was careful not to snap his hips too aggressively, still being gentle and precise with each thrust he shot up at her. With one hand sliding in between her legs, his fingers brushed against her pinkied clit before carefully circling around it.
"You're so beautiful my dear. Absolutely perfect." He murmured against her neck whilst his lips pressed tiny kisses on her warm skin.
Y/N gasped when she felt his pace slightly speed up, causing her body to jolt forward, which was stopped from falling when Yunho's arms held her in a tight embrace to keep her close to him. She knew she was definitely waking up sore the next morning, her thighs were already burning from cumming so much and from being bounced on top of two monster cocks that belonged to her tall boyfriends. Her 4th orgasm of the night slowly and silently crept up on her, rendering her almost numb to everything except the dull sting of her juices pouring out once more onto Yunho's cock. Even after she felt him pull out and coat her backside with his hot seed, she was still in hazy state, worn out after all the attention the two men bestowed upon them. The last thing she saw before passing out on the bed was Yunho's voice purring in her ear:
"Remember Mingi and I love you just the way you are..."
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licuadora-nasir · 2 years
I've just started The Price of the Flesh (go and visit @gatobob to learn more about this game I highly not recommend if you're not fond of gore and a long list of trigger warnings, also minors DNI) and these are the endings that I've got so far
- You volunteered for first blood
- You refused to cry
- He didn't let you run
- You played with fireworks
- You wandered in the camp
- You gave your life in exchange
- You drank the water
- You wandered the desert
- You succumbed to thirst
I know I'm CLOSE in the last one to get a survival ending!!! But I'm stuck between avoiding the open desert in order to not to get caught by Derek and not getting lost in the plains at night 😔
My main problems are: I don't know how to get water (Yes, I know that if you give Derek a blowjob he gives you a canteen but that's all I've found) and I can't move much further at night)
Also wtf is that creepy green spirit? I swear I'll kick its ass
- You visited the cabin
- Your smoke gave you away (I love how mad he gets at us sucking at surviving)
- The cold took you
- You smelled delicious (stupid Bear)
- You were caught and cleaned
- You bled out
My main problems are: I don't know how to sleep cause either the bear eats me at night or Mason wakes me up with a beautiful arrow shot to my leg and I bleed out later aaaaaaaand I need to figure out how to set the bear trap I found near the creek.
I'll start Celia's route whenever I'm available and check If I'm better at hers lmao.
Any help and advices are much appreciated!
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thecreaturecodex · 3 years
Nascent Demon Lord, Dalmosh
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“Dalmosh” © Wizards of the Coast, by Izzy. Accessed at the Monster Manual V Art Gallery here
[Commissioned by @annotaremonstrorum​, who wanted a version of Dalmosh from MMV as a nascent demon lord. Their ideas for developing Dalmosh’s cult were very good, and incorporated fully into this entry. The original was a CR 17 with more than 400 hit points and an AC of 13. It felt like a very purposeful experiment with tweaking the hp/CR ratio, and I wonder how it actually worked in play. My guess is not great. I also gave him the dispelling slam ability so he could have at least a chance to pull his signature swallow whole on a high level character.]
Nascent Demon Lord, Dalmosh CR 21 CE Outsider (extraplanar) This massive fleshy creature appears as a boneless parody of the human form. Its legs are columns of swaying meat, its arms overlong with swollen fists, its head conical and asymmetric. It has a gaping maw with blunt teeth, and covering its bodies are sealed fissures disturbingly similar to both sutures and jaws.
Dalmosh The Eternal Hunger, The Walking Mountain Concerns hunger, destructive gluttony, living demiplanes Domains Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Strength Subdomains Catastrophe, Demon, Entropy, Ferocity Worshipers ogres, trolls, creatures trapped in the Gullet Minions dwiergeths, gibbering mouthers, piasa Unholy Symbol a closed fist with a mouth on its back Obedience eat another creature alive. Gain a +4 profane bonus on CMD to avoid being grappled Boons 1: bear’s endurance 2/day; 2: divine power 2/day; 3: extended hungry pit 2/day
Dalmosh the Eternal Hunger is a walking mountain of meat and teeth. His home is the Flesh Mountains, a range of Abyssal terrain spanning several layers that is itself faintly alive. Dalmosh wanders through these mountains, consuming all in his path and chewing himself a cave to hide in whenever he tires enough to rest. Almost everything is food to Dalmosh—animal, vegetable, mineral—although he seems to find unworked earth distasteful. Dalmosh is dull, brutal, and indiscriminately destructive, and he leaves sweeping arcs of ruin in his wake.
In combat, Dalmosh is simple and uncreative. He attacks whatever he can reach, attempting to swallow it whole. Creatures that elude his reach may be pelted with thrown debris, but after a few rounds he will ignore them in search of easier prey.  When struck, Dalmosh’s skin opens up into a set of temporary, but still deadly, jaws. His surface is covered in the scar tissue of previous such openings. Dalmosh has a keen sense of smell, and can be distracted by particularly aromatic morsels.
Any inanimate objects Dalmosh consumes, as well as creatures lucky or clever to fight their way there, are transported to the Gullet, a sprawling demiplane in the shape of a fleshy labyrinth. Gusts of foul wind, pools of acid and occasional meatquakes are terrain hazards here, but there are creatures that make a living in the Gullet. These are swallowed victims who either couldn’t escape through planar travel or simply chose not to, and there are even permanent settlements built in this moist, organic refuge. The largest of these is called Garnamastra, and it is ruled by a rakshasa calling himself the Eyeless Tyrant. It is said that the treasures of ancient realms and slain heroes are scattered throughout the Gullet, and some foolhardy adventurers have allowed Dalmosh to swallow them in order to go treasure hunting.
Despite his dim intellect and utter indifference to worship, Dalmosh has managed to gather enough of a cult following to empower him as a nascent demon lord. The dwiergeths consider him their progenitor, and some pipe a quick prayer to Dalmosh whenever they consume a particularly scrumptious morsel. Ogres, trolls and other evil giants view him as something of a figure to idolize and emulate, although they also view him as a bogeyman to scare their children with. Some particularly evil and crazy spellcasters see Dalmosh as an embodiement of planar paradoxes such as living planes and pocket dimensions, and use gate spells and offerings of rich food and unusual sacrifices to gain Dalmosh’s service as a living siege weapon.
Dalmosh           CR 21 XP 409,600 CE Colossal outsider (chaos, demon, evil, extraplanar) Init +3; Senses darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision, Perception +24, scent Aura cloak of chaos (DC 24), frightful presence (300 ft., DC 29) Defense AC 36, touch 5, flat-footed 36 (-8 size, -1 Dex, +31 natural, +4 deflection) hp 455 (26d10+312) Fort +26, Ref +18, Will +25 DR 20/good and slashing; Immune charm and compulsion effects, death effects, disease, electricity, poison; Resist acid 30, cold 30, fire 30; SR 32 Defensive Abilities rejuvenation Offense Speed 50 ft. Melee 2 slams +34 (3d8+16 plus dispel), bite +34 (4d8+16 plus grab), secondary maws +32 (4d8+8 plus grab) Ranged debris +18 (2d8+16/19-20) Space 30 ft.; Reach 30 ft. (15 ft. with secondary maws) Special Attacks fast swallow, gluttonous frenzy, spawn maw, swallow whole (8d8+16 bludgeoning, AC 25, 45 hp) Spell-like Abilities CL 21st, concentration +27 Constant—cloak of chaos (DC 24) 3/day—greater teleport Statistics Str 42, Dex 9, Con 34, Int 4, Wis 23, Cha 22 Base Atk +26; CMB +50 (+52 bull rush, sunder; +54 grapple); CMD 63 (65 vs. bull rush, sunder) Feats Blind-fight, Cleave, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Improvised Weapon Mastery, Intimidating Prowess, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Power Attack, Throw Anything Skills Acrobatics +15 (+23 when jumping), Climb +32, Intimidate +38, Perception +24, Survival +24, Swim +32 Languages Abyssal, telepathy 300 ft. SQ nascent demon lord traits, no breath Ecology Environment any land (Abyss) Organization unique Treasure none Special Abilities Dispelling Slam (Su) A creature or object struck by Dalmosh’s slam attack is subject to a targeted greater dispel magic effect (CL 21st). Gluttonous Frenzy (Ex) As a full round action once per minute, Dalmosh can move up to his speed and make a bite attack against every creature he can reach along his movement. Nascent Demon Lord Traits (Ex/Su) Dalmosh is a powerful unique fiend with the following traits:
Immune to charm and compulsion effects, death effects, electricity, poison
Resist acid, cold and fire 30
Telepathy 300 ft.
Dalmosh’s natural weapons, as well as any weapons he wields, are treated as chaotic, epic and evil for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
Dalmosh can grant spells and boons to worshipers as described in his cult entry above
Rejuvenation (Su) If Dalmosh is killed, he crumbles into rot and is reborn in the Flesh Mountains 2 days later. Dalmosh can only use this ability once per year; if slain again in that time, he is permanently killed. Spawn Maw (Su) Whenever Dalmosh takes 20 or more points of damage in a single attack, he can create a set of jaws as an immediate action from the wound. These jaws attack as secondary natural weapons and have a reach of 15 feet. If the creature that dealt that damage is within 15 feet, Dalmosh may make a secondary bite attack agains that opponent as part of the same action. Secondary maws created in this way remain for 1 hour. Swallow Whole (Ex/Su) A creature swallowed whole by Dalmosh can make its way to the Gullet with a successful DC 26 Escape Artist check or by dealing 20 points of damage while swallowed. A creature that travels to the Gullet in this way is deposited in that demiplane without further injury. If Dalmosh is subject to a dimensional anchor spell or a similar effect, this option is not available. If a swallowed creature cuts its way out of Dalmosh, Dalmosh can still use swallow whole immediately thereafter without penalty.
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marmaligne · 3 years
Hello! Can I have some hc with a protective mama Reader with Naib, Helena and Bane. They are my precious baby. I haven't play this game since season 13 and I miss them so much ahhhhhhh 😭😭. Thank you, have a nice day ❤❤🌷 (sr, my English is not good)
✨ Your English is wonderful dear ✨
[Naib Subedar, Helena Adams, Gamekeeper] S/O Is Overprotective
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✨ As a reminder, my works will always include gn!reader unless specified by the requester! ✨
[Naib Subedar]:
* You had been at the manor for quite awhile now, and were a rather nice person, getting along with most other survivors, and even some of the hunters to boot.
* It was quite surprising actually. You’d walked in the first day with a tough-guy attitude and gruff personality, and you didn’t seem like a very approachable person.
* Then, some survivors such as Victor and Emily started worming their way into your heart. Liam [Lucky Guy] and Norton were some of the first people to offer you a seat at the dinner table, and from then on you were one of them.
* You had scars, though most could tell they were more physical than emotional, from some sidejobs you used to complete for a gang on White Sand Street—robbing people and competing in fights with rivals.
* You quickly learned that most people fought back. Rival gangs always intruded on your own territory, and you were always left on guard, defending the last remnants of your livelihood and your sanity.
* Maybe that’s why you’re so protective over your things. Never letting anyone enter your room, never letting anyone see the pain you hide. Opening up to people enough to make allies, but never enough to show secrets.
* Now Naib…. Naib helped you out a lot. It seemed he understood you, far more than others. For some reason, he was always there for you, watching your back when needed, acting like a shield at times—sometimes literally.
* You never really understood at first, how he seemed to know you so well. From what you knew, he came from halfway cross the world, from Nepal, in India—a child, a soldier, a weapon.
* You guessed his life was rather similar, and assumed he’d come to the manor for quite the same reasons but, it was hard to see through the scowl on his face.
* At some point, you began to recognize the signs, the irritation, the avoidance. You recognized the silence, and the stiffness that came from Naib when he ate and smiled and nodded at their questions. You saw the signs of a brother, somebody just as lost and broken as you were.
* Children in the bodies of adults, forced to live life too fast and too furiously. Damaged and done in, waiting for someone to save them, but too scared to cry for help.
* Unwilling to hurt others again, unwilling to change.
* You grew wary—observant—of him eventually. You joined in more matches with him as teammate, and sat next to him often at dinner. When you noticed he didn’t eat as much, you grunted in concern. When he fell asleep in odd places, you’d bring him a blanket.
* It got to the point where he found out about your help, and tried to dissuade you from wasting your time.
* You never really listened. In fact, your worries only increased. Others might not have recognized, but you saw the signs of fatigue and death written in the lines of his face. You’d seen it every day back on White Sand.
* He gave up on making you give up, tired of attempted persuasions. Eventually began returning the favours—Naib is the type to have a ‘you watch my back, I’ll watch yours’ mentality.
* Everything you’d do for him is returned in kind. It annoyed the rest of the manor to no end because the giving and receiving eventually reached limits unheard of.
* You’d throw yourself on a rocket chair to save him, and next game you’d have your own personal bodyguard tracking your every move.
* He’d never admit it, but he appreciates all you do for him, and hopes you appreciate his efforts in making your life a little better too.
* Though your protective tendencies know no bounds, he hopes you’re a little more cautious with throwing your life on the line for him like that. This is a death game after all, be more careful…. please?
* At some point, the whole manor hopes you two could just get together and kiss it out in some storage closet. If you’re dating, what’s the need to be so consistent in you’re protective tendencies? Then you’ll always be together, which means nothing can ever happen to either of you!
* To be fair, that’s what most of them thought until an incident after the confession, where Naib wouldn’t let you out of the medical ward for a week due to a few hairline fractures.
* Please Naib! Emily begs you to let her use the examination table! You’ve hogged it for 5 days and she needs it to identify the infection spreading on Aesop’s leg! Vera broke her nose! William sprinted into the gymnasium wall and shattered his kneecaps! Please leave!
* You once set fire to a couch because Naib stubbed his toe on it.
* Please stop it you two, Freddy can’t budget for anymore furniture, and we’re fresh out of chairs.
[Helena Adams]:
* Oops! Oh no her glasses! Aww shucks, Norton knocked them right off her face and onto the hardwood floor. She can’t find them because she can’t see, whatever shall she do?
* [S/o]! Please, she needs your help!
* You come in running with a pair of pliers, five bottles of anti-grease spray, and a box of extra lenses and a screwdriver.
* Oh how wonderful! You fixed her glasses—again—and saved her from the task of shuffling herself on all fours looking for them! Her hero!
* Helena…. praises you to say the least. You’re her best friend, her confidante, her…. big and strong, sometimes dumb partner!
* She adores everything you do for her, and tries equally as hard to do things for you that make your life necessarily easier, though it’s harder with her condition.
* She met you around the same time as everybody else, during your first days in the manor. Really, she didn’t actually know you were there until she bumped into a voice she didn’t recognize and became surprised.
* You quickly learned about her blindness, and made it your goal to form a friendship with her based on your willingness to help her around and get closer to her—she was very kind after all.
* Your protectiveness stemmed from the inherent feeling of a need to help guide and provide for Helena, much like a spouse would… jk, unless 👀….
* At some points, you were berated by her for your incessant protections, most of which made her feel highly dependent, which she didn’t like.
* She liked the feeling of being independent of others and being recognized as an autonomous, capable being. Especially considering what she came there for, it was a blow to her pride to be led around and pushed aside all the time.
* When she revealed these feelings to you, you had surprisingly promised her to cease in most areas of monitoring—however you still consistently check up on her—and settled into the realm of a relationship with her.
* Helena meets somebody who respects her opinions + acknowledges her intellect + isn’t a dingy asshole? Sign her up and slap on a ring, she’s marrying this person (eventually).
* She knows that your tendencies stem from a place of need and want, and tolerates most of them. Deep down, she likes being taken care of by someone who knows she can take care of herself. She really does love you.
* When you’re actually in a relationship with each other, you make sure to watch each others backs, more so you than Helena (because she can’t ‘watch’ per say), but you get the point.
* There was once an incident in a duo’s match where Helena became stranded on the Lakeside Fishing map. The terrain is rough, with piles of fish everywhere, randomly placed boxes and walls, and the barrels are bad enough when they don’t form a blockade.
* Her navigational skills, as good as they are with all her previous experience and staff, couldn’t for the life of her figure out how to move her way around a mess of box paths, pallets, and fishing stands.
* Most other survivors were occupied or dead—it had been a hard match against Jack the Ripper and Guard 26—and she was barred from reaching any form of help.
* So she screamed your name as loud as she possibly could across the map, and ended up attracting the attention of BonBon instead. During those moments where she could hear his clanks and heavy metalloid footsteps stalking towards her, the tick of a time bomb in hand, she heard a screech in the distance.
* A fierce battlecry—you came raging from around a windmill, propelled by William’s football and packing heat with a flare gun. BonBon, now stunned twice, stood there in astonishment, before chasing after you, who had grabbed Helena in your arms, running off at full speed.
* Your stamina bar, indicated by a small tab on your character, was running low, and you wouldn’t be able to run at full speed for another minute or two, having used your ability to buy time. Stopping near a closet, you lean down to place Helena on her feet, telling her to hide.
* Her blood trail was invisible from not actually having run anywhere, and she did as you said, making you promise to come get her when it was safe.
* You gave her a smirk and a small nod, assuring her that you would, before leaning in for a peck on the forehead as you shoved her into the locker.
* If only you could see her flushed in embarrassment.
* Leaving her to fangirl in the locker, you form a decoy in your arms—result of your max rescuer ability—and ran off once more, taking off around a corner just as Guard 26 reached your previous location, chasing after you and ‘Helena’ in hopes of landing two more kills.
[Bane the Gamekeeper]:
* How does it feel to love a deerman? Good? Okay!
* Bane as you know is a little…. rough around the edges so-to-speak, and he has a lot of edges.
* Once you get around all the hooks, chains, and bear traps, and beneath that creepy-looking deer head of his, he really is such a sweet guy!
* At least you think so. In reality, he still acts like a complete dick to everybody else, and only shows his soft side around you, but that’s because he knows he can trust you with his lands, animals, and secrets! All those others out there only wish to hurt what he—you—have, and he’ll make them pay for it.
* Honestly, in order for him to have fallen for you so hard to have let his guard down around you, you probably would have had to be at your most vulnerable point in life, or a hunter yourself. Like a scared prey animal, uncertain of its future, waiting for something to happen, and somebody to help, or a huge predator, ready to strike out at any moment.
* Once you worm your way into his cold dead heart, there’s no way out for you. He’ll keep you close, as he doesn’t want you to be poached away like his precious animal friends from the past. He knows how cruel humanity can be sometimes.
* When you come to find out about his less-than-kind history, it’s all you can do to pity him. Your sympathy knows no bounds, and you become clingier, though he quite honestly likes it.
* You don’t want what happened to him to occur again, and with all these other traitors and murderers in the manor, you’re afraid of what the others could do.
* You keep to his side a lot more, take walks with him in the garden, and enjoy tranquil picnics from time-to-time on Lakeside. Anything to keep him close to you and away from all the pain.
* Bane can obviously see what your doing, and noticing that your protectiveness doesn’t yet border on the insane, he allows you to continue in your devotions.
* It’s honestly sweet sometimes how you both adore each other so much, even if you know that one day one or both of you will have to leave. Whether it be through death, disappearance, or another means such as escape is a question of time, and one that neither of you know the answer to.
* If you’re also a hunter, than both of you know that while you two are happier now than either of you were in life, that your individual deaths and worths will eventually determine your fates—whether that be a happy afterlife, or an eternity of endless wandering.
* It’s well known that you’ll both disappear the day the game ends, your souls being put to rest as they should’ve been however long ago. Until then however, you’ll continue to hold on to and vehemently protect the relationship the two of you have, and you’ll fight until your soul vanishes from the earth for what you have to remain that way.
* Now, if you’re a survivor, this is where the relationship can be a bit difficult.
* Avidly defending the actions of your boyfriend during and after a match to the rest of your survivor buddies isn’t a very good look for you, or your reputation. It’s been many times where you’ve almost been chased out of the dining room because somebody was pissed at you for costing them the match, or being the only one spared instead of convincing Bane for a win or tie.
* As they say, if you can’t beat em’, join em’. Some survivors, such as William, Kreacher, and Freddy, have more than once suggested that if you loved a hunter so much, you should become one to be with him. Dating the undead almost crosses the line of what is humane. Aesop thinks you’re kind of cool.
* The hunters over on Bane’s side hate you more. Are convinced that you’re the sole reason that Bane goes friendly sometimes (even in matches without you in them), and that your relationship takes away from his brutal and violent persona and nature.
* Violetta and Michiko are the most tolerant of you, mainly because you gifted them silk and a hand fan for Christmas once when they wished for them in their letters.
* All-in-all, basically everyone blames you, but you keep going forward because who cares about all the nasty bi*ches in the world, am I right?
* Once, to prove the integrity and devotion of your relationship, you set Freddy’s room on fire and locked Kreacher in a closet. You looked Bane directly in the eyes and kneeling before him stated, “I have committed arson for you m’lord.”
* You couldn’t see it because of his deerish head and all, but Bane really went “Heart eyes motherf*cker.” on you in that moment.
* You love animals and set things on fire to prove your loyalty to him? Ticket for one please, he’s riding the simp train all the way to the station.
* Just, please don’t accidentally burn down the manor, he wants to spend as much time with you as possible before he disappears.
* Also don’t joke around with your life, it’s too precious, even when you tackle your own teammate or risk getting hit by Ganji’s cricket ball to save him from being stunned.
* He doesn’t want you dying before he does—has already he supposes—or disappearing without a trace.
* You promise you’ll stick with him until the day you finally leave this wretched place.
✨ Hope you enjoyed ✨
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acapelladitty · 3 years
Mouth: Part Ten (nsfw)
Pairing: Heisenberg/Female Reader
Warnings: punishment, spanking, rough sex, dirty talk, cockwarming, come marking.
A bored mind makes stupid decisions and your decision to wind up the Lord of the factory as he worked on a fresh project within his main invention room fell into that category. Idle hands were most definitely the devil’s plaything and your devil of choice was pointedly ignoring you.
“Can I help with anything?” You ask, standing behind the metal chair which he preferred to work from as you whisper the question into his ear, ensuring that you are as close as possible without physically touching him. He’d been locked in this room for hours and it was about time for some distraction.
“Would you like me to hold something for you?”
“No,” he repeated, twisting his head away from your lips as he focused on his task, “now fuck off, please.”
Unwilling to budge, you ignore his pointed tone.
“How about I make us something to eat?” You purr, moving forward so that you are kneeling to his side, keeping out of the direct path of his gaze, which was focused on the metal floating above his workbench, “A late night snack. Something,” you pause, “delicious.”
“Not right now.”
His voice was firm as his attention refused to leave the pieces of metal before his eyes as they bent into unnatural shapes at his whim. The metal looked red-hot in some areas as it was folded into various positions, slotting together before coming apart in rapid succession.
“Come on, my Lord,” the words are little more than a whine as you stand again and run a hand along the firm muscle of his thigh, “your subject requires your attention for a little while. It’s been so long since you’ve serviced her.”
As your finger moves to brush lightly against his crotch, a high-pitched squeal from the intricately woven floating cogs were the only indication that something had went wrong, even as a loud “Ah, fuck!” escaped his throat.
At his exclamation, the metal gears before him seemed to contract for a moment before exploding in place and, as you ducked away from the grating noise and bright light, a sharp pain registered against your hip as you recognised his open palm shoving at your body to remove you from the danger zone.
His impressive strength matched with his momentary panic proved too much for your body and you found yourself being thrown to the floor, your ass colliding against the hard stone making you release a loud grunt of pain as he stood up from his work seat.
Surveying the residual mess of his work, his lips pulled back to bare his teeth as he stomped his foot in open frustration. His coat flared behind him with the movement and you watch the fabric settle as his hands slam into his hips.
“A whole day of work, up in fucking smoke!”
“All because of you and your goddamn hole!”
Ah, shit.
There was a genuine anger in his expression as he turned and approached your fallen body, the harshness of his gaze causing your heart to stutter for a moment as you froze like a rabbit caught in headlights. The smart thing would be to give him some space and scarper away but as his presence loomed over you, you knew that escaping was out of the question.
“Would it help if I said sorr-”
Your words were cut off in a sharp gasp as he moved quickly to scoop you up from the floor and hold you to his side with one arm as he moved back towards his work seat.
Dropping into his makeshift throne, he pins you to the floor between his thighs and your knees crash off the hard flooring uncomfortably as you gaze up at him. His eyes are covered by his glasses but you can sense the anger behind them and you attempt to look as apologetic as possible, hoping to avoid his wrath.
“I said I was sor-”
“No, shut the fuck up.” He cut you off once again, his hand coming to cover your mouth to prevent any further speech, “You’ve done it now, kitten. A whole day of wasted time and resources all because you wanted to play.” His tone was curt, irritation barely restrained, and it causes a fresh spark of anxiety within you, “Well, you have my attention now and I hope you’re happy with what you’ve earned.”
His fingers are warm against your mouth, and you slip your tongue out as much as possible to flick at them playfully. The damage was done but you knew how to appease him, and you shuffle your head forward and tilt your head towards his groin in a show of penance. He was not a man to deny himself a free blowjob and you were certain that would take the heat out of him for the moment.
“Nice try,” he growled, pulling at your hair to force your head back away from his crotch, “but that’s not going to work, buttercup. You have ruined my plans and no amount of head is going to get you out of this punishment.”
“Let’s see,” he hummed, one hand wrapped around your hair while the other traced soft lines across your exposed throat, “I’ve been in here since 6pm and it’s now midnight. That’s six hours. I will also need to source three new gears for this manipulation so let’s make that the multiplier.” His expression is thoughtful as he considers the math, “Brings us to eighteen so let’s round it to a solid twenty. Twenty strikes as a fair punishment”
Unable to speak, you allow your eyes to widen in recognition at his words.
“Think you can handle twenty strikes? Shall we find out?”
It has been a while since he’d reddened your skin in such a way and there were alternative punishments which you enjoyed much less so you nod your consent, the small movement making the burn in your scalp worse.
“Would the little slut like the switch or the palm?” He asked, releasing your mouth to allow you to answer. The switch, a thin metal bar he could fashion at a moment’s notice was much more painful than his hand and the fact that he was even giving you the option was a good sign, “Or should I choose for her?” He continued.
“The palm, my Lord.” You answer, eyes downcast in a show of penance as you throw in his title to sweeten the deal and play your role, “Your hand should be my punishment.”
“Good choice.” He grunted and you inhale in surprise as his hands grip your upper arms in a tight grasp so that he can lift you from your knees and place you over his knees.
Your stomach lay against his firm thighs as your feet plant themselves on the ground, giving yourself some purchase as he runs his hands up your bare legs. A shudder trails down your spine at the softness of his touch, knowing what it was a prelude to, and you press your thighs together as his commanding voice booms out from above you.
“Place your hands on the legs of the chair and if you let go I’ll double your punishment.”
You follow his command, wrapping your palms around the thick metal of the chair legs and you can feel the blood rushing to your ears as your head remains upside down. Your breasts hung free just past the edge of his thighs but they remain covered by the shirt which still clung to your upper half as you settled yourself as comfortably as you could against him.
The warm air of the room hit your exposed lower half as your skirt was pulled up over your ass. His hand felt huge against your skin as he immediately palmed your ass roughly through your panties, calloused fingers running along the globe of your ass to admire it before the real fun began. A soft whoosh of movement caught your attention and you tilt you head in time to see his hand grasp around the hilt of his knife and a thrill of nervous anticipation rockets through you.
Before you can question its use, you feel the dull edge of the blade against your hip as the sharp edge sliced through the thin fabric of your panties before moving to the other side to repeat the process. With a flourish, he drops the knife to the floor and rips your underwear from you, the aggressive pull leaving a warmth in its wake as it dragged across your trapped skin.
Now fully exposed, you can do little but keep your hands clasped around the legs of his metal throne as you await his next move.
“Count for me.” He demands, his voice rough with undeniable lust as he adjusts his knees to bear your weight comfortably, “And if you fuck up the count then I start over. Understand?”
“Yes, my lord.”
The slight whisper of air as his hand draws through the air is the only indication you have that he’s started as he targets the exposed curve of your ass.
A grunt escapes you at the impact; it was painful but not unbearable as he was obviously trying to gauge holding back his impressive strength since a full-power hit would probably do some irreparable damage. Regardless, you hold your position steadily as your fingers remain clasped around the metal chair.
Stronger than the first, the blow takes the breath from you as you jerk in place. Positioned in the same spot as the first, you can already feel the growing heat from your ass as the second smack only adds a fresh sting to the underlying discomfort.
“Good girl.” He grunts, pausing in his blows to run the tips of his fingers along your slit and you’re ashamed at the slickness there after only two smacks but your soft sigh turns into a quick inhalation as he swats at your cunt roughly, encouraging you to spread your thighs, “Are you ready to scream for me, sweetheart?”
He doesn’t give you time to respond before his hand once again connects harshly with your ass, the heat there barely dulling before it was inflamed again and, even as the blow pulls a pained gasp from your lips, you push your ass out to meet him, encouraging him.
Building into a steady rhythm, he continues to decorate your ass with patches of red as his hand abuses the flesh there. Groans and sharp squeals are all you can manage between counted numbers as the pain grew more apparent with every hit; the flesh growing more irritated as it continued to be assaulted without pause.
Continuing your count as each new smack sent fresh waves of heat across your ass, you let out a high squeal of surprise as he angles his hand downwards for one hit, the tips of his fingers catching the edge of your cunt as you stiffen in place.
The pain in your flesh, the sting and heat which only grew with every hit, was intense but with it came an undeniable pleasure which coated your thighs with your own juices and made your core ache for stimulation. Every harsh-sounding slap was intercut with your own sharp yelps and needy whines as he alternated random strikes by pausing to grope roughly at your stinging flesh, kneading it between savage fingers to test the sensitivity.
You can feel his hardness pressing against your side as you remain in your prone position. Soft grunts escaped his own throat with every blow and were occasionally punctuated by soft mutterings which were too low to be picked up.
One particularly harsh blow catches you across the globes of your ass and fresh tears spring into your eyes as you give a pained yelp. The pain overshadowed the pleasure as the unyielding sting of your flesh and infernal heat seemed to spread across your body, making your limbs tight and your fingers claw against the metal of the chair leg.
“One more, kitten.” He informed you, his hand coming to rest atop the back of your head as he pulled your head back, surveying the pained look in your expression.
Squeezing your eyes closed as his hand once again struck the searing skin of your ass, which you could guess was a stunning shade of red given the heat you could feel, you cry out the final number.
Having served your punishment, his hands are quick to wrap around your waist and pluck you from his lap as he deposited you in your earlier position between his thighs. Your heels dug in painfully to the heated flesh of your ass and you whine at the rough contact as he takes your face within his hands; the heat from his left hand, the hand used to punish you, clear against your cheek.
“Well done,” he drawled, and you can see that most of his anger has dissipated, replaced with a strange mixture of pride and obvious lust, “but we’re not over just yet.”
His hands are quick to unzip his fly as he pulls free his cock, the length looking painfully hard as it juts free of his opened slacks, and he pauses to give it a leisurely stroke.
Releasing himself, he secures his hands around your upper arms and pulls you up into his lap so that the length of his cock is resting against the cleft of your core as he wraps an arm around your waist. The pressure of his groin against your abused ass is uncomfortable but bearable as you lean forward slightly to take the pressure off.
“I’m going to fuck you, kitten,” his voice is rough and low, “and I’m going to do it right here in my work chair. This is the second part of your punishment.”
Not quite seeing the negative here, you nod demurely just to play into his game.
“Of course, my Lord.”
His hand slips into the space between you as he cups your mound.
“Tell me what hole you want me to use,” he growls in your ear as two of his fingers glide across your slit before sinking knuckle-deep within you, “and I’m not going easy so make sure you choose wisely and tell me why. You need to earn your forgiveness and I want to make sure you feel it.”
“My cunt,” you gasp out your choice, pressing down on his fingers as they probe you roughly, your body delighted at finally receiving some stimulation, “your thick cock forces me to stretch around it and it hurts.”
Only partially true but you know it’s what he wants to hear.
He removes his fingers and uses his hand to brush his cock against your slit, wetting his tip with your juices as he prepares to enter you and a shiver runs down your spine with anticipation.
You don’t have long to wait as he impales himself within you with an animalistic grunt; the unexpected fullness and force of his insertion as he buries himself fully drawing a low scream of pained pleasure from your lips.
Making no effort to move just yet, his free hand comes to clutch at the fabric of your shirt, tearing the buttons there with one swift movement and exposing your chest to his leering gaze as he pushes the torn fabric to the side.
Capturing your nipple between his teeth, the worries the sensitive nub there for a moment and the sensation is so intense that your fingers snake through his grey hair and pull at it almost desperately. A move which earns you a low growl as he repeats the move with your other nipple, clearing enjoying the sensation of being sheathed within you as he torments your chest.
He begins to move within you, using his strength to pull you free of him until only the tip of his cock remains inside before plunging within you once again. It’s pleasure and pain rolled into one as the stretch mixes with the wonderful sensations of his cock brushing your most sensitive spots and you whine out your anguish.
Writhing against him, the pressure of his thrusts is almost too much as it feels like he is trying to split you in half with his cock. Every nerve within you is firing off and your legs hang limply to the sides of the chair, toes curling with every powerful stroke, as you allow yourself to be used. His hands on your hips prevent you from moving too much but you push back against him as much as possible, movements frantic as the burn in your ass only adds to the growing pleasure alighting across your body.
Rough growls are the only noises coming from him and they mingle with the whines and moans which you can’t prevent from escaping your own throat. Particularly when he resumes his assault on your chest, his stubble rubbing against your breasts as he nips savagely at the sensitive flesh there with sharp teeth, his cock never slowing in its brutal pace.
Your orgasm almost catches you off-guard as one of his fingers come to rest against your clit, rubbing the bundle of nerves there with an almost cruel pressure. Combined with the delightful stretch of your core plus the torment of your chest, it was too much and your vision seemed to white out for a moment as the band of arousal snapped; your hips snapping against his groin as your fingers clawed desperately at the leather of his coat which covered his back.
“I love it when you buck against me, kitten.” He snarled against your neck as he continued to thrust within you, chasing his own pleasure with little regard for how overstimulated it left you, “So wet and warm, and so fucking tight just for me.”
A garbled sequence of agreements is all you can manage as your body spasmed against his, his cock continuing to draw out your pleasure far beyond what it had to as the waves of ecstasy seemed unending. But even through your euphoria, you can feel the tell-tale jerking of his cock as it seemed to twitch within your walls and you knew he was close.
Just at the point of no return, he pulled his cock free of your core and the sudden emptiness drew a mournful wail from your lips as he instead drew his hand across his cock frantically. It took less than a moment before his orgasm hit, his release arcing high between you as it splattered across your exposed stomach and chest; one drop catching you just above your right nipple as he released a low, guttural groan at the sight.
Your legs were still twitching from the aftershocks and the burn in your ass seemed more intense than before, obviously disturbed by your writhing against his groin, as you fought to catch your breath.
A gasp stole your breath as you felt his fingers against your core once again but before you could question him, you felt him slip within you once again, his cock still hard but having wilted slightly due to his release.
At your questioning glance, he spoke.
“You’re going to wear those trophies until I say otherwise,” he growled as he indicated the mess of his release, spattered across your chest, “and if you touch them I’ll bind your hands to this chair until I am finished.”
“Finished?” You ask, not quite understanding his intent. His cock was welcome within you and you couldn’t help but clench around it as you once again enjoyed the fullness.
“I need to work,” his grunt was low and, with a flick of his hand, a handful of scrap rose from behind his chair and moved towards his workbench, “and since you can’t be trusted to not interrupt then you can stay here. Exactly where I can see and feel you.”
Thinking of your earlier boredom, you can see the appeal in his command and you nod your consent.
“Think of it as serving your Lord by keeping his cock nice and warm while he works.”
Leaning forward, you lay your head against the wide expanse of his shoulder as you settle against his body. Your body feels wonderfully used and abused and this position allows you to take the pressure off you ass while also providing a very comfortable resting place. His cock within you doesn’t move and you don’t imagine it’ll be too long before he gives in to the temptation of another round.
“Sounds good to me.”
He chuckles at the enthusiasm and settles into his task.
His attention is focused beyond you, on the metal which he manipulates with unmatched skill, but with every slight jostle of your bodies you can feel the fullness of his cock as it remains sheathed within you. His punishment had been fair and you knew that the sight of your reddened flesh would inspire him to lust for days until it healed up.
He loved leaving his little marks on you, be it with his hands, teeth, or even his cum. It was a sign of ownership that you allowed; just as he allowed you to claw your ownership into his back or bite it into the flesh of his chest and thighs. It was important that you gave as good as you got as neither of you could stand weakness.
Your thoughts were broken as a soft humming emitted from his chest, some unknown tune which you couldn’t place, and you sighed against him, settling in to the rare moment of pure intimacy.
Full fic available on AO3 @ DittyWrites
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missfangirll · 3 years
If im not too late, I'd request anything for Beiyuan/Wu Xi. There are so few works out there for them :c
So, I wanted to write some XiYuan fluff and somehow ended up writing Dad!Beiyuan bonding with Chengling, Beiyuan thirsting after his husband and a sort-of-fix-it for WoH episode 36?? 😅
The plot follows the show, after episode 36, but their shared past in the novel (Qi Ye) did happen, if that makes sense? 😅 Sorry for the confusion.. The title is a Chinese poem called 蝶恋花 by Liu Yong.
Anyway, here's some XiYuan fluff/dad!Beiyuan/WoH fix-it? 😂😂
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Fandom: Qi Ye, Word of Honor Rating: General Relationship: Wu Xi/Jing Beiyuan, Jing Beiyuan & Zhang Chengling Tags: Fluff, Bonding, Beiyuan thirsting after his husband, Fix-it of sorts Words: 2565 Summary: In an inn, Jing Beiyuan and Wu Xi, together with Zhang Chengling, await the return of Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing, who have run off to die on a mountain. Beiyuan has to care for Zishu's disciple, while being distracted by his husband.
Read on AO3
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Butterflies in Love with Flowers
Jing Beiyuan has plenty of practice waiting.
He has waited for sixty years at the Three-Life Stone, has waited for Helian Yi for six lifetimes. Has waited in the Imperial City for his schemes and machinations to bear fruit, has waited for Wu Xi. He has plenty of practice.
Which doesn’t mean, however, that he is a patient man.
Jing Beiyuan paces the inn room he shares with his husband, deliberately walking closely past Wu Xi who is sitting cross-legged at the low table reading, looking entirely unperturbed. Much to Jing Beiyuan’s dismay, that is to say, so he brushes Wu Xi’s back with the seam of his sleeve every time he walks by.
Wu Xi doesn’t react for a while, but after the sixth turn, without saying a word, he casually grabs Jing Beiyuan’s sleeve and, turning slightly, pulls him down in his lap, effectively trapping him there with both arms tightly around him.
Jing Beiyuan is a lot of things, but he's not an idiot, and he would never let an opportunity pass to cuddle his husband. With a deep sigh, he settles into the other’s embrace, leaning his head on Wu Xi’s broad chest.
“I am worried,” he admits eventually.
Stroking his hair soothingly, Wu Xi just hums in quiet understanding.
"I'm worried about the two idiots on the mountain," he adds, as if that wasn't obvious, and Wu Xi, as expected, doesn't reply. Jing Beiyuan continues, unbothered by his husband's lack of reaction. "I keep telling the little idiot," here he pauses to marvel at the fact that he distinguishes his companions merely by the grade of their idiocy, then sighs inwardly, "that his shifu and shishu are fine, that he should focus on his training in order to have something to show his shifu upon his return, but sometimes I…." He trails off, snuggling closer into the other's neck.
Zhang Chengling isn't coping well with the fact that both his mentors left with the intention to die on that mountain, albeit with different purposes in mind, and Jing Beiyuan has had to forcefully stop him from climbing that mountain himself, twice by now. For now he seems to have begrudgingly accepted his fate, although Jing Beiyuan can see his outbursts of anger for the fear they are.
He inhales deeply, willing his thoughts to calm down. All they have to do now is wait, wait for Zishu and his little maniac to return safely, and return they will, he has no doubts about it. He can’t, for Chengling’s sake.
A knock on the door interrupts the silent moment and with a groan, Jing Beiyuan clambers out of his husband’s lap to open the door, while said husband reaches for his abandoned book. The elderly innkeeper in front of him doesn’t spare a glance at Jing Beiyuan’s slightly ruffled hair, fiddling with the cap in his hands. At the other’s raised eyebrow, he bows so deep his forehead seems to touch his knees, and Jing Beiyuan has to bite back a grin.
“Yes?”, he asks magnanimously. The man shifts uncomfortably. “Your highness,” he begins, but Jing Beiyuan interrupts him with a hand on his shoulder. “I am certainly not worthy of such a noble title, my good man, just call me Lord Seventh, and speak freely. What bothers you?”
The other man bows again, not as low as before, but it still looks uncomfortable. “Your lordship,” he begins, and Jing Beiyuan sighs, hearing a slight huff of laughter from behind. Wu Xi knows of his resentment against his past life and the decorum it entailed. “Your lordship,” the man repeats, sounding increasingly desperate. “Your, umm.. The young master… He… The courtyard…” He doesn’t finish his sentence, but Jing Beiyuan has a vague idea of what he is trying to say, so he just nods and breezes past the innkeeper, who hastily shuts the door and scrambles to follow him.
From the inn’s inner courtyard he can already hear a dull thudding noise that grows louder as he approaches. In the yard, next to a small wooden shack, he finds the source of the noise: Zhang Chengling, gracelessly hitting the timber wall with a training sword, his face and back sweaty, his hair in disarray, his mouth a thin line. Jing Beiyuan nods to the innkeeper, who retreats to another building, then slowly approaches the boy, keeping his distance from the sword. Leaning on the wooden wall, he stays silent, observing Zishu’s disciple. The boy has grown a finger’s breadth over the last weeks, his body starting to stretch, his face about to lose the softness of childhood. He has seen a lot these past months, Jing Beiyuan muses, and feels infinite fondness for the little idiot.
Zhang Chengling has seen him, of course, but doesn’t make any move to stop his grim assault on the shack, so Jing Beiyuan says after a while, “You might want to use a real sword when you intend to put a hole in that thing.” His teasing doesn’t gain a reaction, however, the boy still hacking away at the wood. “Chengling,” he says after a while, softly, gently, “they will return.”
“I know,” comes the strained reply, but the beating doesn’t stop. The hits seem to grow less forceful, though, and Jing Beiyuan inches closer. “If Tian Chuang had succeeded,” he adds quietly, “we would know.” He looks directly at Chengling who stubbornly avoids his gaze, but his movements slow further, until he swings the sword like a flag bearer his banner in a parade. Jing Beiyuan carefully closes the distance, intercepting the last swing with his hand, gripping the wooden sword. He notices its shaking, and it’s only a heartbeat before Chengling collapses into his arms, letting go of the sword and wrapping both arms around him in a desperate embrace. Jing Beiyuan lowers the sword, then enfolds the boy in his arms, a hand on the back of his head, and lets him sob quietly into his shoulder.
“I miss them,” the boy snuffles into his robes, his face hidden. “Sometimes I dream about them, dead and cold, buried under all that snow and I…” He hiccups, then starts sobbing again. Jing Beiyuan breathes slowly. A few days after Zishu, and then the Ghost Valley Master, ascended the mountain, there had been news of an immense avalanche that had buried a large group of people, presumably the joined forces of the Window of Heaven and the Scorpion King. But nothing had reached them since, and all of them had grown restless, even Wu Xi, even though he would never admit to it.
A hand on the boy’s back, Jing Beiyuan rubs soothing circles. “Come with me,” he says at last, “Let’s go inside and have some tea, hm?” A nod, then Chengling takes a step back, sheepishly rubbing his red eyes. “‘m sorry,” he mumbles, but Jing Beiyuan just huffs. “Never be sorry for how you feel,” he admonishes gently, putting an arm around the boy’s shoulder, subtly scooping the wooden sword up with the other hand. “Let’s have some tea and sweets, what do you say?” Chengling sniffs again, then says with the hint of a smile, “Didn’t the Great Shaman explicitly forbid us to eat sweets before dinner?” Jing Beiyuan makes a carefree gesture, then, lowering his voice, adds in a conspiratorial tone, “We have to hide it, then,” which finally makes Chengling laugh. A lighter air around them, they stroll back to the room. (Wu Xi gives them a stern look as Jing Beiyuan retrieves a bag of sweets from his sleeve, but says nothing when they share some over tea, which Jing Beiyuan secretly finds endlessly endearing.)
The next morning finds Jing Beiyuan on a bench in that same courtyard, at the other side this time, half hidden under a canopy hung with ivy. In the middle of the courtyard, illuminated by the rising sun, Wu Xi is practicing his martial arts.
Jing Beiyuan admires everything about his little venom. His honesty, his loyalty, his unrestrained emotions, but watching the other train always leaves him breathless and with a dry mouth. Wu Xi, in his usual black robes, is a sight to behold: Even under layers of cloth his broad shoulders are visible, his long black braids with the silver hairpiece, the moon mirrored in a clear lake at night. Wu Xi in his robes is a force to be reckoned with. Wu Xi without his robes, in just some black pants, is… Well. Enticing enough to make Jing Beiyuan leave the bed before sunrise and watch him train, even after being together for years and having seen his husband naked plenty of times. Still, watching him move through the forms is different. His skin glistens with sweat, making the light catch on his collarbones, his abs. His movements show a raw power, a graceful intensity that always reminds Jing Beiyuan of a large tiger. He moves silently, with deadly precision, as if he wanted to sneak up on a hidden assassin. He doesn’t use a weapon, but Jing Beiyuan knows how strong he is, how fast, and is pretty sure that a sword would only slow him down.
Distractedly petting the sable that is curled contentedly in his lap, Jing Beiyuan marvels at his husband, until Wu Xi ends his performance with a graceful vault, landing on his hands and feet like a large cat. His hair, tied back only with a simple black leather cord, falls over his face with the movement, his eyes like glimmering coals behind the black curtain. It reminds Jing Beiyuan of their early days, of the time Wu Xi wore a veil, and he himself a mask of another kind. Trying to hide the slight shiver, he smiles at his sweaty husband who now approaches him. Before he can say anything, Wu Xi steps between his knees, carefully scooping up the sable, then reaching down to cup the nape of Jing Beiyuan’s neck. With a hint of restrained power, he pulls him up and into a searing kiss. Smiling against his lips, Wu Xi whispers, “Room,” and Jing Beiyuan lets himself be pulled.
It’s still early enough in the morning that they don’t have to be overly cautious, so when they shed their respective robes - and pets, Wu Xi’s tiny green snake gets set in its cage, while the sable leaps nimbly away from the commotion - Jing Beiyuan can’t suppress a giggle at his husband’s eagerness.
“What brought this on?”, he asks, a little breathless, as the other’s teeth close over his pulse point. Wu Xi stills for a heartbeat, then bites down harder, licking over the spot, which elicits a shiver.
“You,” is the answer, and Jing Beiyuan pulls away a fraction to look at his husband with a raised eyebrow. “I can’t remember doing anything out of the ordinary,” he smirks, “whereas you were--”
“You watched,” Wu Xi breathes into his neck, leaning back in. With another giggle, Jing Beiyuan lets himself be pulled to the bed.
Later, when they lay under scrunched up covers, sated and sweaty and content, Jing Beiyuan nuzzles into Wu Xi’s chest, inhaling his sharp scent.
“Would you do that,” he asks eventually, his voice quiet. “Sacrifice your life, I mean. For me.”
“Yes,” is all Wu Xi answers, firm and without hesitation. “I would. I will. Everything.” His arms tighten around Jing Beiyuan. After a long silence, the latter says softly, “But what if I didn’t want that?” He turns slightly to look up. “What if I didn’t want a life that’s bought with yours?”
Wu Xi doesn’t meet his gaze as he replies, “I still would. I couldn’t bear the thought of being without you, Beiyuan. I’m a coward, but I couldn’t. I thought I’d lost you once, and I..” His voice breaks, and Jing Beiyuan reaches up to cup his face. “You’re not. I would like to say that I would react differently, but…” He shrugs with a wry smile. “I wouldn’t. If I could save your life by giving up mine, I would. I would, and then wait for you again at the Three-Life Stone, until you came to meet me. And maybe this time, you would be the one with white hair.” Snuggling closer, he trails a finger over the other’s chest, then places his hand on his sternum, feeling the unrestrained energy underneath. Wu Xi turns his head, then cups Jing Beiyuan’s cheek, meeting him in a slow, languid kiss.
“I love you,” he breathes against the other’s lips, “I have loved you for all your lifetimes and I will continue to love you in all that follow. Where you go, I’m going, Beiyuan.”
It takes almost another month until Zishu and his little-, no, his giant idiot return. On a sunny afternoon, as if they had just been out for a stroll, they saunter casually into the inn’s dining room, and Jing Beiyuan almost drops his teacup, staring in disbelief. Before he can say anything, Zishu grins - he grins! - at him and plops down into the bench opposite him, Wen Kexing at his side. Jing Beiyuan notices in utter shock that the latter’s hair has gone completely white.
“Wha--,” he starts, but now the waiter has spotted them, hurrying over. Giving their, admittedly quite ragged, appearance a cautious once-over, he clears his throat, but Jing Beiyuan hurries to assuage him. “Whatever these gentlemen desire to eat,” he declares, probably with more grandeur than necessary, “they will receive.” The waiter hurries to nod his head like a turtle, but Zishu just shakes his head. “Just cold water,” he says, much to Jing Beiyuan’s and the waiter’s astonishment, but the latter immediately scrambles off to bring them their order.
Jing Beiyuan looks scrutinizingly at both of them, then says slowly, “Welcome back.” Zishu nods solemnly, taking Wen Kexing’s hand under the table. “Sorry it took so long,” he says quietly. Jing Beiyuan snorts. “You don’t have to apologise to me,” he gestures into the general direction of the inner courtyard, “but to your silly little disciple.” Zishu at least has the decency to flinch, looking uncomfortable. But it is Wen Kexing who speaks first. “How is he?”, he asks, and Jing Beiyuan notices the cautious fondness in his voice. Shrugging, he admits, “There are good days and bad.” After a pause, he adds, more quietly, “And good nights and bad.” Zishu nods, as if in agreement, and Jing Beiyuan’s curiosity wins over. “What happened?”, he asks animatedly, gesturing to the state of their robes, then Wen Kexing’s hair. “You were gone almost two months, and--”
Zishu interrupts him, sounding incredulous. “Two months?” He casts an uncertain glance at his companion who looks equally stunned. “Oh.” Inhaling slowly, he adds, “Well, I’d prefer to tell the story only once, so where is that useless disciple of mine?” Grinning, Jing Beiyuan gestures again to the inner courtyard. “Training.” Zishu gives him a skeptical look, then gets to his feet. Ignoring the waiter who just arrived with their order, he heads for the inner courtyard. Jing Beiyuan tilts his head a fraction, looking at Wen Kexing, both smiling slightly. Then, from outside, “SHIFU!”, and a dull thud, followed by another muffled “Shishu!”.
Smiling into his teacup, Jing Beiyuan closes his eyes. Some stories seem to have a happy ending after all.
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love-and-monsters · 4 years
In the Woods
M forest creature X F human, 5,671 words. 
The world has ended and strange creatures now roam the Earth. You survived the end, but can you manage to make your way in this strange new land?
The trees above my head groaned and snapped. I froze, pressing my stomach to the ground. Something skittered through the branches, tiny claws scratching against the bark. It was probably a squirrel. It was almost definitely a squirrel. Regardless, I pressed myself close to the ground until it was gone.
When the forest was still and silent again, I pushed myself to my feet. My muscles were stiff and achy. I’d broken my back building my garden yesterday, and, regardless, I had to tromp through the woods in search of something to eat.
Despite my aches and pains, the hunger gnawing at my stomach, I was still one of the lucky ones. I was alive.
The Surge had happened nearly three months ago. Within two weeks, every major city had been leveled. The ground itself seemed to reach up, like the Earth was trying to slough off its outer skin. Plants had grown lighting quick, vines and roots overwhelming steel and stone within moments. Aftershocks had wracked the globe for another month, but when it was over, there was precious little of humanity left.
And then they had come. Strange creatures. Some of them looked human. Some of them did not. I avoided them. They were unnatural beings, things that grew plants from their bodies and were impervious to attack. I’d been with another group, for a while. The creatures shrugged off bullets and plants jumped to their command. I had been the only survivor.
I had no interest in fighting them anymore. The Earth was gone. I hadn’t seen another human in weeks. For all I knew, I was the only one left. I hoped not, but even if I wasn’t, I didn’t have much hope of ever finding another one.
I’d been lucky to find even a small patch of land to carve out a home in. I’d managed to scrounge up a tent and some blankets, located a few wild plants to start a garden, and even found some prepared food, though not a lot.
Hunting was my main way of sourcing food. I set several snares every night. Guns were difficult to find, bullets were worse, and even if you managed to locate both of them, they almost certainly didn’t go together. Knives didn’t run out of bullets and, providing the snares weren’t badly damaged, I could reuse them.
A rabbit already dangled from my belt. I was getting better at butchering them, and I was glad for its thick fur. Winter was on its way, and I could use all the warming items I could get.
Most of the traps were empty. I reset them one by one and headed to the snare closest to my camp. It was rare that there was anything in that one- maybe the animals knew I was there and didn’t trust the area.
Something crunched as I approached. I froze. The crunching continued. It didn’t seem to be getting closer or further away. There was a wet tearing noise and a sickening snap and my stomach rolled over. That wasn’t something moving through the undergrowth. That was the sound of something eating.
I crept slowly forward, shuffling my feet so I wouldn’t step on any twigs. I slipped behind a tree, breathing deeply. When I was sure I had myself under control, I peeped in the direction of the sound.
There was something hunched over the snare. The wet, snapping noises came from the corpse of a groundhog, which had been pulled open, its red, dripping flesh spread across the ground. The hunched figure was humanoid, roughly. Its limbs were long and spindly, with its fingers coming to dark brown points. Twisting, gnarled branches sprouted from its head, though they were small, probably so they wouldn’t impede its movement. It had long, deep green hair that fell loose down its back. It seemed to be wearing a long coat that flowed around it when it moved. The creature ripped chunks off the dead animal and bit down on them, messily tearing into them.
I gagged. I couldn’t help it. The creature’s messy smacking was disgusting. One of its pointed ears twitched and it spun around.
It was nearly seven feet tall, standing on thin, bony legs. It balanced on its toes, feet elongated like a four-legged animal. Red was smeared all down its front. Its face was human-esque, but its mouth had only sharp teeth and its eyes were flat green, no pupil or sclera. Its chest was the oddest part- it shouldn’t have been able to live. I could see its ribcage, but it seemed to be made out of gnarled wood. There was no skin stretched over its chest. Instead, there seemed to be a small bush in its ribcage, with tiny flowers sprouting out between the bones. It still lifted and fell with breathing, even though it didn’t seem to have any lungs.
Cold terror made me freeze. My knees were trembling. I brandished my knife, but I had no illusions. If this thing wanted to kill me, I would be dead. It could breathe without lungs. How would I even start to kill it?
We stared at each other. The creature cocked its head to one side. A long, slender tongue flicked out of its mouth, trailed around its lips. It seemed to be assessing me as much as I was assessing it.
We stood there for several long moments. I was almost afraid to breathe. Curiosity seemed to be the only thing keeping me alive.
Something snapped a few feet to my left. The creature’s head swiveled, ears twitching. It snarled, baring its red-stained teeth, then plunged off into the undergrowth. There was a crashing, snapping noise that got fainter as it moved away.
I let out a slow breath. Relief made me dizzy. It was gone. I had lived.
Mechanically, I cleared the trap, dragging the dead body away from it. I wasn’t eating it. Scavengers could have it. After some consideration, I reset it. If the creature came back, then I would consider moving it, but I wasn’t shifting it on a one-off. Maybe the creature was just passing through.
I headed back to my tent and butchered the rabbit. It was tasty, juicy. I tended my garden, making sure that everything was properly arranged before I headed to bed.
I didn’t sleep well that night. There was something howling in the woods, a constant screaming that sounded like a cross between a wildcat and a human.
Over the next few days, I became more and more convinced that seeing the creature hadn’t been a one-off. I didn’t see it hunched over, crunching on any more raw animals, but I saw signs of it. Traps that had clearly been tampered with, that had scraps of fur and blood on them, but hadn’t been reset. Trails of disturbed dirt around my camp. Claw marks on the trees, roughly around the creature’s height.
I didn’t like the fact that one of those things had set up camp near me and was stealing my food, but I wasn’t sure there was anything I could do. I hadn’t seen it again, and I was fairly sure I couldn’t drive it off. The only thing I could do was hope I kept avoiding it.
The howling at night hadn’t stopped. It seemed to be getting closer. The sound seeped into my dreams.
It was a chilly morning when I stepped outside to find a dead deer sprawling in the middle of my camp.
I froze. The doe had been killed by something with claws and teeth, its throat torn open and stomach slashed in ragged edges. But it hadn’t been savaged or eaten like it should have been. And it hadn’t been killed here. My camp wasn’t disturbed and I hadn’t heard the sounds of a struggle in the night. Something had killed the deer, dragged it to my camp, and left it for me.
There was a tingling sensation on the back of my neck, like something was watching me. I looked around. Nothing.
Was the deer a threat? ‘If you stay here, this will happen to you.’ I couldn’t move. I’d set up a life here. Moving would mean abandoning most of my belongings and starting over. With winter bearing down on me, it would be a death sentence.
I dragged the deer a short distance away. If this thing wanted to drive me out, it was going to have to do it the hard way. I wouldn’t be taking its threats.
My traps were undisturbed for the first time in a while. There was a chubby groundhog in one of them, which was nice. I attached it to my waist and returned to camp.
It seemed undisturbed. That was reassuring. I tried to fortify the camp a little more, setting up a makeshift fence. I was pretty sure it wasn’t going to stop anything, but it made me feel a little safer.
There was a pile of small animals in my camp when I woke up the next morning. They’d all had their necks neatly snapped and were arranged together neatly. Something intelligent had placed them there.
I buried them outside of camp. The tingling feeling of being watched was worse than ever.
The noises at night were getting closer. I could barely sleep. They were close by, just outside of camp. I kept thinking of that thing I’d seen in the woods, the human frame with those green eyes and strange, open chest.
Animals kept appearing in my camp. They varied in size and killing style- some of them had their necks snapped, some were messily eviscerated, some had simple, clean killing cuts. I dragged them out of camp each time. The amount of corpses was starting to disturb me. They were going to attract scavengers to my camp.
Several days after the corpses had started appearing, I emerged from my tent to see the creature hunched in the clearing. It was crouching over the dead body of a stag. There were no visible wounds on it. It could have been sleeping, except for the unnatural angle of its neck.
The creature froze, staring up at me. Its blank, green eyes betrayed no emotion. My heart thundered in my chest. I didn’t even have my knife on me- it was still in the tent. I’d gotten careless. If this thing killed me, it was totally my own fault.
The creature looked back down at the stag, then, slowly, deliberately, it pushed the carcass toward me. It looked up at me, back down at the stag, then up at me again. Its lips parted over its many sharp teeth.
“Good?” Its voice wasn’t what I was expecting. I thought, if such a thing could speak, it would have a rasping, unnatural quality to it. There was a strange tone to it, an echo that made it sound like two people were speaking at once. The dominant voice, though, was a baritone and surprisingly soothing.
“You can talk?” I said. The creature blinked at me. It took a moment to parse my words, then it rose to its full height. At nearly seven feet tall, it towered over me.
“Is this acceptable?” One of its hands spread, gesturing down to the carcass at its feet. I gaped at it, uncertain what it meant. It waited, still as a statue.
I licked my lips. There was an odd sense in the air, like I was partaking in some kind of ceremony I didn’t understand. But the creature was clearly offering the stag to me, and it felt improper to reject the gift. I took a deep, steadying breath.
“Yes. It’s… acceptable.” There was a faint quaver in my voice. “Thank you.”
The creature bent into a deep bow. Without another word, it turned and walked back into the forest.
I stared after it until it had completely vanished from view, then sank to the ground. My hands were shaking as I examined the carcass. I tried to review everything that I knew. The creature was the one that had been bringing me dead animals. Accepting the gift had some kind of significance, I was sure, but I didn’t know what it was. Stories of fairy deals and people being spirited away marched through my head. I shook them off. Whatever the creature wanted, it didn’t seem to want to drag me off anywhere.
I spent the rest of the day in my camp, carefully butchering the carcass. Maybe it was a bad idea to accept the gift, but I had to admit that it was a lot of meat. Properly dried, it could last a while, maybe over the whole winter.
It was silent that night. I finally managed to get a peaceful night’s sleep.
The creature was still gone when I emerged in the morning. And yet, the tingling feeling of being watched was worse than ever. Every nearby rustle or snap of a twig made me jump. Sometimes, I thought I saw something shifting between the trees, but it vanished whenever I tried to get a look at it. I couldn’t bring myself to leave camp again.
There was no avoiding going out the next day, though. The traps needed to be checked, and I needed to forage. It only took me a few minutes to realize I was being followed.
I couldn’t see what was following me, but I could hear it padding through the undergrowth behind me. I was pretty sure I knew what it was. The creature seemed to be content to follow me from a distance, so I tried to be content just ignoring it. I managed to catch one or two glimpses of it as it slunk through the foliage, but it was pretty good at staying out of sight.
It was as I was checking the trap furthest from my camp that I heard it. The heavy, crushing footfalls of a behemoth.
Behemoth was the general, catch-all term for the oversized monsters that roamed the lands now. They were enormous, unstoppable, and virtually unkillable. I’d seen one get hit with a missile and keep moving. When I’d been with other humans, a behemoth in the area prompted a mass exodus. You didn’t engage. You just ran.
I turned, slowly, and saw it moving through the trees. It looked like some horrifying combination between a bear and a moose. Larger than either, it had a great, sloping body patched in moss. Enormous antlers sprouted from its head, with points like spears, and its muzzle was large and full of jutting teeth.
Its head was low enough that I could see its enormous eyes rolling around to focus on me.
A growl vibrated from its chest, loud enough to set my bones trembling. I scrambled back, but fear was making my limbs numb and clumsy. There wasn’t a point in running, not really. It could catch me easily. And this one was enormous and heavy, ready to bulk up for winter. There was no way it was going to pass up such an easy meal.
I couldn’t turn to run. I couldn’t take my eyes off the enormous, saliva covered teeth as the behemoth opened its mouth. It could snap me in two with a single bite. A solid certainty formed itself in the pit of my stomach. I was going to die here.
There was an echoing, enraged shriek from behind me. I whirled around just in time to see a pale, slender form bolt out of the undergrowth and lungs at the behemoth.
The creature, the one that had been following me, had sprung to an impressive height and attached itself to the behemoth’s face. The behemoth staggered backward, swinging its great head back and forth. Its scream was great and keening, loud enough to make me clap my hands over my ears. The creature seemed undeterred. It raised a clawed hand and plunged it down, gouging a create cavern in the behemoth’s eyes.
Blood sprayed down from the behemoth’s face. I gaped. It was bleeding. I’d never seen one injured. I didn’t know they had blood. But the creature was tearing into it as easily as it would tear into any other animal.
With another grating scream, the behemoth turned away. Apparently, I was no longer worth the effort. The creature dropped from its face and screeched after it, claws digging furrows into the ground.
The thundering footsteps of the retreating behemoth sounded for several minutes in the otherwise silent forest. The creature stared after it, stiff and focused as a hunting cat. When the behemoth’s footsteps had finally faded into silence, it whipped its head back toward me.
Blood trailed down its front. It was dark, almost oily, and an odd sort of rust color. I froze. Had it chased off the behemoth because it wanted to eat me itself? But then why hadn’t it just killed me before?
The creature approached me so its face was only an inch from mine. Its solid green eyes bored into mine. Then it reached out and took my shoulders in its hands, fingertips trailing along my skin.
“Safe,” it said in a tone that could almost be described as soothing. “Unhurt?”
I gaped at it. The creature tilted its head further to one side. “Unhurt?” it repeated. It was asking me, I realized.
“Yes,” I said. “I’m… I’m okay.” I hesitated for a moment. “Thank you.”
Its strange chest rose as it took in another breath. Then it leaned forward, nestling its face into my neck. Its arms came around me in something like a hug. It made a long, quiet noise of satisfaction before pulling back.
It- he- had saved me. I swallowed and slowly climbed to my feet. He watched me, unmoving. After a moment of hesitation, I unhooked a rabbit from my belt and handed it to him. It seemed right.
He took it from me with surprising delicacy. His head lowered and his jaws snapped shut around a chunk of flesh, tearing it from the bone. I grimaced at the wet snapping and tearing.
He followed me as I continued on to the rest of my traps. This time, he didn’t even bother to hide himself. He walked just behind me or at my side, munching on chunks of rabbit. I kept glancing back at him. He blinked back at me.
I’d sort of expected him to break away when we made it back to camp, but he strolled into the clearing like he belonged there. I watched him as he padded around the edges of the camp, sniffing at things. I couldn’t very well drive him off- if he could injure a behemoth, there was no way I was going to beat him in a fight. And his presence was certainly less unsettling than it had been a few days ago. But I didn’t know what he was doing here. What did he want?
When I headed inside my tent for the night, he made to follow me. I froze in the entrance, staring back at him. Fighting him was still out of the question, but I did not want him in my tent with me. There was a long, tense pause, then the creature backed away and slunk to roughly the center of the camp. He curled up into a tight ball, apparently trying to sleep.
I retreated into the tent and wrapped blankets around me. There was something strangely forlorn about him curling up in the middle of camp, alone. He looked… small. Harmless. The unsettling feeling twisted in my stomach until I fell asleep.
He was still in camp when I woke up, ripping chunks off a fat squirrel. He made a soft humming noise as I walked toward him.
“You’re still here, huh,” I said. Talking to him felt weird. I knew he could talk back, but it still felt odd to try and have a conversation with him. He looked back at me steadily. He looked neither confused, nor comprehending. “I don’t know what you want.”
If he could understand me, he didn’t seem to want to answer. He just ripped another chunk off the squirrel and chewed it, still looking at me.
When he was done eating, he stalked around the camp, examining the border. Often, he would reach up and run his claws down the length of a tree, leaving long scores in the bark. I watched him as he completed a circuit, then started fussing at the small barrier I’d created. He seemed to be trying to build it up.
And so it went for several days. The creature stayed in the camp with me, building up a small barrier around the edge of the camp. Whenever I went out to check traps, he would follow me. Occasionally, he would hunt, dragging carcasses back to camp. He always allowed me to take some of whatever he brought. Eventually, I found myself offering a section of my hunts to him. It only seemed fair. A tense sort of partnership had formed between us. As odd as it was, I had gotten used to him. I was enjoying having some company. When I woke in the morning and he wasn’t present, I found a stab of loneliness sinking in between my ribs.
He meandered back into camp near midday, hands cupped around something. I glanced up at him. “Hey,” I said. “What have you got there?”
He opened his hands. There were clumps of bright red berries in his hands. He held them out to me, head tilted, waiting.
“Uh.” I didn’t recognize the berries and, with no leaves or branches to help identify them, I wasn’t going to eat them. “Sorry. I don’t think I can eat those. You can have them.” He blinked at me and extended his hands again. “Uh, no. I can’t have those.” I reached out and carefully curled his fingers over them. His hands were surprisingly warm. I was rather expecting them to be cold and corpse-like. Something twisted in my chest, a wave of loneliness that I couldn’t quite choke back. I was so unused to having someone with me. I’d managed to bury the feelings of loneliness, but they were starting to come bubbling back up.
He stared at me for a moment, then walked toward the edge of the camp, munching on the berries. I went back to the tending the fire. It was starting to frost overnight and the fire was becoming more and more necessary. If I wasn’t huddled close to it, I was walking around to keep my body temperature up. Despite not wearing much more than a cloak and pants, the creature seemed unbothered. He slouched next to the fire, staring into it. I could see the fire reflected in his eyes, a burning emerald flame.
As soon as the sun started to lower, the cold really set in. The sun and the fire were the only bits of warmth in the bitingly cold air and without one of them, the chill came on swiftly and remorselessly. There was no going back to the tent. I huddled next to the fire, shivering. The flame kept guttering in the wind. Leaving the fire to grab extra bits of wood was painful, my fingers stiffening in the cold and my skin almost burning in the wind. I huddled in on myself, wrapping fur over my body. It was still early winter and I was already half-mad from the cold. How was I going to survive the really bad months?
Something nudged my leg. I looked over. The creature was crouched next to me, half his face illuminated by the firelight. The sharp planes of his face made harsh shadows dance over his features.
“Need something?” I said. The creature pressed close to me. He was warm against me, driving the shivers out of me.
Slowly, like he was trying to give me a chance to stop him, he wrapped his cloak around my shoulders. He pressed me in close to his side. Warmth radiated over me, like there was a miniature sun beaming out from his chest.
I leaned into him. If I closed my eyes, I could pretend that there was a human there with me. His hand pressed gently to my back, and where his fingers lay, warmth radiated through my skin. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer. My shivering abated somewhat.
Once I was feeling better, I looked up at him. He was blinking down at me, his green eyes difficult to read, but still utterly focused on me.
“Why are you doing this?” Speaking was a little difficult. Breathing in seemed to freeze my lungs. But being close to his warmth helped, and the curiosity was eating at me. He looked down at me. I wasn’t really expecting an answer, but his mouth opened and his voice issued softly forth.
 “Protect you.” His voice was whispery, still with that strange double-tone.
“Protect me,” I repeated. He lowered his head until his chin was resting on top of my head. I could smell him, I realized. It was sort of pine-like, with a smell under that, like sawdust.
“Pack protects pack,” he said. His chest shifted as he drew in a deep breath. “We are pack now.”
“We’re… a pack?” I tried to make sense of his words.
He drew back a little bit so he could look down into my face. “You accepted my offering,” he said. “We have exchanged prey. We are bound now- a pack.”
Things fell together in my mind rather quickly. The marking of trees, the prey dragged into the camp, the way he had lunged to my rescue- he was trying to impress me. He was courting me. And in giving him the rabbit, I had accepted.
I leaned into his chest. It shifted, and his arms came tighter around me. For the first time in a long time, I had a companion. An image of him leaping out to protect me filtered into my mind. A small smile tugged at me mouth.
“Okay. We’re a pack,” I said. And just like that, it was no longer me against the world. It was the two of us.
Underneath me, somewhere in that strange, hollow chest, a rumbling purr started.
I spent most nights with him after that. He was incredibly warm and when I wrapped a blanket around the both of us, it was impossible to be cold.
The first snows came and I carefully kept the camp free of as much snow as I could manage. He focused more on creating a stronger barrier around the camp, fussing with brambles and branches. There was much less prey in the traps now, and I’d taken to ice fishing with little luck. He was much more skilled at catching animals than I was now, and every few days he would bring back some small morsel to the camp. I was always fed first, and he would only eat after I was done. I found myself wondering exactly why I’d been so afraid of him in the first place- after watching him catch snowflakes on his tongue and chatter insistently whenever I didn’t finish a meal, it was hard to see anything frightening in him.
Whenever I decided to check my traps, he came with me. It was reassuring, to have him there. If he could drive off a behemoth, I was fairly certain there wasn’t much that could bother him.
It was when we were checking the traps on the edge of our territory (I assumed it was the edge- he marked the trees there and didn’t like going beyond that boundary), that he stiffened. His pointed ears twitched. A low growl started in his chest and he bared his teeth.
I went still too, straining to listen. There was a faint rustling, like something was moving through the undergrowth. That wasn’t unusual, though, not enough to make him react like that. I drew closer to him and he shifted, like he was trying to cover me with his body.
“What is it?” I whispered. He pulled his lips back from his teeth, the growl coming deeper and stronger.
Something snapped nearby, the sound echoing through the stillness like a gunshot. Our heads whipped toward the noise in unison. He gave a resounding, challenging cry.
Slowly, something emerged from the bushes. It was like him, I realized. The same species, or whatever. They both had long hair, open, wooden chests that had flowers twining out of them. The newer creature didn’t have the small, branch-like antlers, though, and something about its posture or its shape made me think it was female. Regardless, she stood taller than him and her claws seemed longer.
He made a snarling noise that I interpreted as a warning. The other creature’s head turned as she looked between me and him. An expression like confusion crossed her face and she made a questioning noise.
He snarled out another warning, a thin strand of saliva dribbling from his bared teeth. The other creature considered him for a moment, then crouched down, teeth bared. The hairs on the back of my neck lifted. I recognized a hunting crouch when I saw one.
She lunged. He knocked me aside and took the brunt of her attack, rolling backward into the snow. I expected shrieking and snarling, but they were oddly silent as they rolled in the snow. All their energy was focused on defeating the other.
He was trapped beneath her, teeth snapping everywhere he could reach. She was struggling to keep a hold on him, but it was clear she was in a better position. Her claws dug into his side and her teeth snapped dangerously close to his throat.
I needed to do something. But what could I do? These things were practically indestructible, at least to humans. But I needed to help him. Her teeth snapped close to his throat again and he made a strangled whining sound.
Fuck it. I grabbed a stick from the ground and lunged. If she killed him, she was going to kill me anyway. Might as well die trying to protect him.            
I jammed the splintered end of the stick down into her face. It just barely missed her eyes, scoring a long, bleeding line down her cheekbone. She shrieked, startled, and turned to see her attacker.
It was the opening he needed. He drove into her, knocking her off him and into the ground beneath them. Before she could focus back on him, he swung down, claws plunging them deep into her shoulder. Blood sprayed into the white snow. With a final, agonized shriek, the other creature squirmed away and bolted back into the forest. He didn’t bother to pursue her. He just stood and watched as she vanished into the trees.
As soon as she was gone, he turned toward me. “Okay?” he asked, looking me up and down. “Safe?”
“Yeah, I’m all right. You?” He appeared uninjured, for the most part. There were a few small scratches and he was moving like he was in some pain, but he didn’t seem badly hurt.
“Bleeding,” he said, pointing a claw at me. I looked down. There was a long cut running down the length of my right forearm. It must have happened when she rounded on me. I hadn’t even been able to feel it. Now that I was aware of it, I could feel the stinging pain.
“Ow,” I said, probing at it lightly. It wasn’t particularly deep, but it wasn’t shallow, either. He moved closer to me and crouched, taking my arm delicately in his hands. His long, sinuous tongue slid out of his mouth and ran once along the cut. The pain grew dull, more of an unpleasant tingling than anything, and the blood dripped sluggishly.
“Home,” he said, tugging on my arm. He stayed close to me as we headed back to camp. We leaned on each other. I appreciated the comfort.
When we returned to camp, I dragged out my medical kit. He helped dress the wound, giving it a few more licks. I was a little leery about allowing him to clean it like that, but he seemed to know what he was doing. I figured it couldn’t hurt that much. Once it was fully wrapped, I lay down next to the fire. He lay down with me, arm draped over my body.
“Who was that, the one that attacked us?” I asked. Warm breath huffed against the back of my neck.
“Wanted a pack. Tracked my scent,” he said. “Was not happy that I already had a pack.”
“She recognized that we were… uh. A pack?” I said. There was an odd, fluttery sensation in my stomach.
“I claimed you,” he said. “My scent surrounds you. As your scent is around me.” He nuzzled closer to me. “We fought her off. She will not return. She knows she is beaten.”
“You did most of the work,” I said. He laughed.
“Would not have won without you.” He pressed his head into the back of my neck. “My mate.”
I looked up at him. “Mate?”
He nodded slowly. His eyelids were starting to droop. “The first two members of a pack are mates,” he said. “We will grow our pack over time. But not now.” He leaned into me, eyes closing. “Now we will wait.”
I reached up and stroked my fingers through his hair. He made a soft purring noise and leaned into me more. The world was different now, I thought. It was a place with new creatures, new ways to live, and you needed to be new in order to survive in it.
It was new, but perhaps it was good. With a yawn, I settled in against my mate for a nap.
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saintprinsessa · 4 years
Feeling You: Wanda x Fem!reader
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Summary: You were in the middle of a war zone, the Avengers had found Hydra’s base and planned on attacking them by surprise, but the plans didn´t go as initially thought.
You saw how Wanda was in danger and you just went to help her.
Even if it cost you everything.
Trigger warning: Explicit descriptions of serious injuries (broken bones and burns), just a bad word, a little self-consciousness, and a lot of angst.
Words: +5000 (Got carried away)
Author´s note:
I don´t love this one, it made my heart ache a bit tho.
This takes place when Vision was still awkward with the Avengers, so he is going to talk with more estimation.
Also more Agatha ones are coming! :)
Any mistakes are on me and me only!
Anyways, please enjoy!
The team was trapped, you were going in front, trying to clean the way to give access to Cap and Widow, they needed to enter the building and destroy the heart of it.
While fighting some guards, you looked up instinctively and saw Wanda attacking from a high position in the air, throwing energy blasts towards some armored trucks.
She is safe.
A bad feeling hit your gut, and your eyes searched around the field.
They landed on a guy who was standing on a tall rock not so far from you.
Before you could react, he shot an electric net, which captured Wanda, instantly wrapping leaving her motionless and shocking her until she was unconscious.
With widened eyes, following her all the time, you ran into the guy, throwing him into the nearest tree, knocking him over, and ran to catch Wanda.
You gave yourself an electromagnetic impulse, and then your body was collapsing into Wanda’s in the air, but as soon as you touched her, the electric shot went through you, you shut your eyes tight and groaned.
You grabbed the net, your eyes started blooming with light, and with an inhuman effort, you tore it from her body, making her fall from you.
The net was giving you electric shots but you did your best to let Wanda land without her getting hurt.
Her body landed gracefully.
Yours not.
You were like a ragdoll being thrown into the ground, your ribs crunched, twisting inside you and making your organs turn, one of your arms twisted backward, you grunted loudly as your head hit the ground in a bumping motion, and you were dragged various meters, the hard rock floor cutting through your skin and bruising you.
Slightly dizzy, you managed to lift your head.
You needed to see if Wanda was okay.
And when you saw her chest rising slowly, you let go a relieved sigh.
Widow, Cap, and Bruce screamed at you, and by the time you were processing what they said, an explosion was the last thing you heard.
And then everything went black.
Wanda jolted awake terrified, breathing sharply, holding the sheets for her dear life.
What happened?
She cleaned some of the sweat on her forehead and started to ease her nerves, trying to calm herself.
Wanda left her room and went to the kitchen, the halls of the Avenger’s tower were empty.
When she arrived, they were all gathered in there, all with worried looks on their faces, some facing the ground, some staring at something.
And then, the realization hit her.
Someone was carrying her back to the ship, in the middle of all the shouting and explosions, she saw that they were winning, she could remember that something hit her and she lost balance, but she was confused, she was falling from high, why her body was unharmed?
Then she saw another body being carried near her, and she quickly recognized who it was.
But she couldn’t see your face, it was blurry and fading, your body seemed...
Then she fainted.
“Where is (y/n)?”
The question was hesitant, almost like a whisper, and bit her bottom lip.
Maybe she just didn’t want to hear the answer to that question.
Wanda searched between all of them, they looked at each other with sad faces.
Clint avoided her eyes, Natasha was fiddling her fingers, lost in her mind; Cap looked at her but quickly returned his gaze to the floor.
Vision was leaning onto the counter with his arms folded.
He flinched, Wanda used a stern tone, not a good sign.
“Where is (y/n)?”
Her thick sokovian accent slipped, the question was venenous, her eyes flashed red for a second.
Vision couldn’t bear it anymore, that was too much pressure.
“This compromises me a lot, Wanda, (y/n) fervently asked us to not tell you.”
He said nervous, clasping his hands together while he approached her.
“She is currently at Dr. Banner´s laboratory.”
As soon the sentence left his mouth, Wanda hurried off the room.
Vision turned around to watch the other’s faces, who only nodded, and quickly followed Wanda.
The doors of the lab flushed brutely open, Banner jumped backward losing balance and fell, Wanda made her way towards him stomping, her magic surrounding her menacing.
Her eyes lighted up dangerously for a second as a warning.
Bruce only pointed on a left hall, quickly shooting up on his feet and guiding Wanda, she was following closely, every step as a threat for him to walk faster.
He unlocked the door and Wanda pushed him aside, not having a pinch of patience.
She gasped.
You were nowhere to be seen.
If looks could kill, Banner would be three meters underground.
“I- I swear I left her here.”
He put his hands as if surrender, he quickly went to check your last vital signals registered on the machines.
“Her body was recovering quickly.”
He smiled nervously at Wanda, her anger was replaced with concern.
Thousands of negative thoughts were racing on her mind.
Vision appeared, traversing through the wall, his eyes saw the empty gurney in front of him and then settled on Wanda.
“I bet she is breathing and stable, Wanda.”
He tried to comfort her while he patted her shoulder, just for Wanda to turn and hug him.
She started sobbing like a child, she couldn’t contain herself.
She had so many things to tell you.
Vision soothed her, caressing her back awkwardly, he didn’t know what to do with human emotions.
Four weeks had passed.
You hadn’t shown any signals of life.
Tony had sent multiple drones to seek for you, the other avengers were searching every day in your favorite spots around the town.
Wanda, on the other side, every day that passed, the first thing that she did was go to your room, and run her hand through the sheets of your bed, your figure still draw in them, she would spend the whole day locked in there.
She also had a shirt that you gave her, she would sleep every night in her bed, hugging the shirt tightly.
“I should have told you, I should have done so many things, (y/n).”
She felt heavy, her eyes swollen for crying till she was dry, her throat sore, she was tired.
She still hoped that one day, she would wake up, go to your room and you would be there.
You would be sleeping peacefully, waiting to the alarm to wake you and spend your day making the avengers laugh at your silly jokes, training almost half of the day, and in the afternoon, while everyone was occupied, you would approach silently to Wanda’s bedroom, hesitantly deciding if knock or not the door, which she would sense you and would permit you to enter, you would find her sitting leg-crossed in her bed, while watching a 50’s black and white sitcom.
She would invite you with a warm smile and a slight nod, asking silently for you to sit on her side.
At some point in the show, she would look at you from the corner of her eye.
You would be watching the show attentive, trying to understand what was happening, but your thoughts, were flooding with Wanda’s presence, how warm she felt, how her company calmed you, she made you happy, she made you feel safe.
You would feel that someone is looking at you, and you would turn to see Wanda, who is now looking at you fully, with a small blush on her cheeks.
You would smile at her, your heartbeat would rise and your eyes would gleam with emotions.
Wanda would retrieve the smile.
You would say cheerily.
She would reply sheepishly.
The show would end and you would ask if she wants to see another episode.
She would say yes.
She always says yes to you.
And you would spend the entire afternoon watching the show, maybe you would leave Wanda for some snacks and then would return with your arms full, making Wanda laugh.
Or maybe you would fall asleep because the show not more entertains you, and she would look at you with devotion and adoration.
Some nights you would stay there, Wanda always let you stay, she would hug you, let her head rest on your chest and sleep with you, the next morning you would jolt awake and shower thousands of apologies to Wanda, she just would laugh and say that it was okay.
Some nights you would wake up in the middle of the night, super embarrassed, apologizing and leave, saying that it won’t happen again.
Wanda despised that kind of nights.
She loved your company.
Vision entered her room once again, always forgetting about privacy.
He would do this every day, bringing her some food, and she would eat half of it, just for respect.
Wanda’s head shot up, watching Vision approach to the bed.
“What do you want, Vision?”
Wanda asked dryly, her accent became evident these past weeks, it seems that it tended to appear when she was annoyed.
“I excuse myself for the bargain, Wanda, but I kindly remind you to ingest the nutrients your body needs.”
He replied while gesturing towards the plate he left that afternoon, deep in him, he was hoping that Wanda at least, ate, because her lack of resting and lack of self-care was clearly evident.
She scoffed and returned to her curled-up position.
Vision sighed, this needed to change.
She was not fine.
His voice was stern now.
No response.
He put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed gently.
“You need to eat something, if you continue like this, you will pass out.”
Still no response.
“The Avengers, including myself, are doing everything in their limits to find (Y/n)”
He trailed off a bit in the end.
Wanda turned her head to look at him.
“She will appear, I can sense it.”
Now her whole body was facing him.
“I think she would like to find you doing well.”
He dedicated Wanda a slight smile, she replied with another.
“Thank you, Vision.”
He just nodded and left the room.
Two weeks passed after that.
Wanda recovered some color on her face, her lips were plump again, and her eyes were refreshed, she would give a small smile if she encountered someone on her way to the kitchen or returning to your bedroom.
When she opened the door, she squealed when she found Vision inside but smiled afterwards.
“Vis, what are you doing here?”
He was in the middle of the room, looking outside through the gigantic window.
He glanced over his shoulder but didn’t move.
Wanda, slightly confused, approached him.
“Are you okay?”
She grabbed his shoulder, slowly turning him to her.
She locked her eyes onto his.
But they weren’t Vision’s eyes.
They were (y/e/c).
Vision talked, but that wasn’t only his voice, there were hints of yours too.
She smiled hopefully and cupped Vision’s face.
“You look stunningly delicious, Wanda.”
Vision smiled fondly like he was feeling your excitement.
The compliment was a joke between you and her, she was trying to learn english compliments and asked if the Froot Loops could be described as “stunningly delicious” .
She laughed a bit and looked into your eyes.
It was you but how?
“How have you been? Have you lost weight?”
The Vision-controlled-by-you asked pressing her cheeks together, her face now looked like a Blowfish.
The body quickly retracted his hands and took a step backward.
His eyes turned blue again.
“I’m sorry, Wanda, I hope that didn’t bother you.”
That was Vision, embarrassed of grabbing Wanda´s face like that, even if that was you.
You apologized mentally to him, he said that it was fine.
Wanda laughed a bit, she realized that you two were talking mentally as he had his eyes closed but they were moving furiously.
“How are you doing all this?”
She approached Vision again, he opened his eyes and they were yours.
“It’s a long story, but we are somehow connected.”
You smiled a little while remembering something.
You sighed and looked at her again.
“I just wanted to see you, to check if you were doing fine, Wanda.”
Her eyes started watering, and she shivered a bit.
Oh how much she missed you, how much she missed your face.
“Where are you right now, (y/n)?”
She simply asked and that took you by surprise.
You gulped and tried to take Vision back, but she grabbed your shoulder to keep you in place and grasped your chin so you couldn’t avoid her gaze.
“Where are you!?”
Her voice broke, she was crying.
Your eyes closed shut, you were concerned for her, you wished, no, you dreamed of being there, replacing Vision.
“I’m sorry, Wanda.”
You cupped her face and hugged her tightly so she won’t move.
“I really am.”
She shoved Vision backward so she could look at your eyes.
“Wait! (Y/n)!”
She shook Vision when she saw how (y/e/c) were fading to give access to Vision´s ones again.
“Don’t go...”
Wanda trailed off when he saw the pitiful look on his eyes, she started sobbing loudly.
“I apologize, Wanda.”
He hugged her, but not like you.
Nobody could hug like you.
They stayed in the room after that, it was quiet, Vision was sitting beside Wanda the entire time, she stopped crying after some time; when it got too late, he left the room and quickly returned with some food.
Wanda mumbled as Vision was setting a little table in front of her.
“How is she connected with you?”
Wanda asked nervously, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear and scratching her arm.
Vision nodded and sat again, giving Wanda a glass of water and observing her.
She took the hint and began to eat.
After a few seconds, he started talking.
“I don’t have a proper explanation of it.”
Vision said frowning.
“One day, (y/n) just approached me, she touched the stone...”
He motioned his hand hanging over the stone a little.
“And suddenly, I could feel not just me, but her too.”
He looked at his hands.
And it was true.
When you arrived at the tower, Vision was a really interesting being for you.
You quickly befriended everyone, even him; he would ask about some human things, and you would gladly tell him everything you knew about it, still amazed at the fact that he could think properly and feel too.
One day, the curiosity took the best of you, and you asked if you could touch the stone, slightly embarrassed, you didn’t know how Vision could feel about it.
He smiled at you and nodded, bending a little so you could reach his forehead.
You thanked him and softly pressed your digits into the rock.
Everything made sense, his existence, how his body worked, how he could feel things, you now could see how he was conformed, you watched his energy flowing in his body.
He was a sophisticated invention, and when you looked at his eyes, the stone glowed.
Your eyes flashed.
Vision could see your brain working, your veins pumping and your nerves functioning, you were something more than a simple human, yet you were made in blood and flesh.
He could feel you and you felt him.
You two shared a smile.
He was a good artificial friend, and you were the closest he has been to a human.
When you got hurt in the battle, he left the Avenger’s tower, even if told he had to stay and not intervene, and when he found you, lying unconscious on the ground, he carried you to the lab immediately.
He felt how you were physically hurt, while you were screaming to the others from pain in the lab, crying.
He felt.
He had felt you thinking loudly while you escaped.
Then he felt how you were hiding from the avengers.
You were hiding from Wanda.
He could feel...
Your sadness.
So he contacted you, through a mind bond you both had, at first that scared the shit out of you, but quickly was replaced by relief.
He was... happy to be talking to you, you two agreed that he would check on you, but he wouldn’t say anything.
In his visits, he told you about everyone, you felt horrible, and when he told you about Wanda’s breakdown, you made him promise that he would take care of her.
And he gladly did.
Because this was not an order, like the ones that Stark gave to him.
This was something that you asked.
And while you were asking, he felt your sorrow.
So when he returned another week and told you that Wanda was doing better because he raised her hopes about seeing you again, you had to do something.
You couldn’t appear, no.
His stone was enlightened again.
And you understood that this connection was deeper than you initially thought.
When you looked at him, he nodded, and you hugged him.
Wanda stopped chewing and gazed at him, in disbelief.
He sighed.
“Wanda... is there any possibility that I could see inside your mind?”
She gave him a confused glare, frowning, and shook her head.
“It’s just... I feel like...”
His stone gleamed for a second.
Wanda’s eyes shot up and she approached him, she slightly raised her hand, and Vision stiffened.
That was not what he wanted, and Wanda caught up.
She closed her eyes and let her hands rest on her legs.
Vision nodded and softly pressed his hand into her temple.
Now, he no only felt how you were observing, but now, you were feeling Wanda too.
She felt painfully broken, flooding with anguish and melancholy, she felt like someone tore apart half of her soul.
You felt her.
And now you were crying disconsolately.
Vision quickly drawled his hand back, he had his eyes closed and a pained look on his face.
Wanda blinked a few times and give a concerned look at him.
“Vis, what happened?”
Vision opened his eyes.
A tear ran down his cheek.
“I know where is (y/n).”
You were gathered in a corner of the room you were living in, crying, you couldn’t stop your tears anymore.
You missed Wanda, you missed her laugh, her voice, her eyes, her warmth.
You missed the moments you spent with her.
I should have told her...
You heard someone bursting into the living room.
You didn’t have the forces to confront him right now.
You froze.
It wasn’t Vision.
It was Wanda.
“(Y/n)!? Where are you!?”
She screamed with hope in a faint voice.
Everything was dark, Wanda quickly lighted the only bulb that was in the room.
“(Y/n)! Please!”
She cried out, her heart pumping hard in her chest, her face tear-stained was desperate looking around.
And from all the darkness, you appeared.
Wanda went through thousand of emotions when she saw you.
You were different.
Skinny, almost in your bones, your body slightly curved, like you were using just a foot to put your whole weight, one of your arms was bruised; the other one holding a cane.
You stepped more into the light, and she took in your face.
Your lips were dry, you had a big cut in the bottom one, half of your right ear was missing.
And the whole part of your eyes was bandaged.
You were wondering if your mind tricked you, there was no sign of someone in there.
Until you felt an arm wrapping you tightly.
You dropped your cane and hold onto the figure.
Wanda started sobbing into your shoulder, she had one of her arms grabbing you strongly by your back and the other one was grasping your shoulders, trying to feel you as most as she could.
“I thought that I had lost you.”
She continued to cry until she had little hiccups.
You were crying too, your bandages were damped at this point.
“I’m sorry...”
You replied breathlessly.
She left the embrace, but she continued to hold you, her hands were now at your waist.
“I won’t leave again.”
You nodded slowly, trying to reassure her that it was a promise.
She observed you and reached the bandages to tug them off, but you quickly grabbed her hand, stopping her.
“Wait, Wanda.”
You called quickly, your heartbeat raised, and your breaths became shorter.
“You don’t have to.”
You were anxious, repeatedly trying to put her hand down.
She cupped your face with her other hand and caressed your cheek with her thumb.
“I want to, (Y/n)”
For a moment, you dug your nails into her wrist but you quickly surrendered.
It was Wanda after all.
As soon as you nodded, she retrieved her hands and used her magic to undo the bandages.
It all happened slowly, she carefully took every layer, hesitating a little, because every layer she took off made you stiffen more.
At the final layer, she used her hands, she grabbed gently the last strand, removed it, and let it fall into the ground.
She gasped and her eyes softened.
The superior part of your face was the most affected.
The whole upper area was in a dark crimson pinkish color, burned, and in living flesh.
It covered all of it, and it reached from ear to ear.
It seemed like it was healing slowly, but the worst part was your eyes.
They were covered mostly in a milky white layer, leaving a quarter of your (e/c) at sight, swollen and sticky, tears staining your eyelids.
Now they were moving, desperately trying to seek something.
Wanda sensed your hesitation.
“I’m happy to see you.”
She smiled and leaned forward but stop inches enough so you were feeling her hot breath against your face.
“Does it hurts?”
You blinked a few times.
“No, it doesn’t.”
She brushed her nose with yours.
She read about it in a book, it was told that Eskimos couldn’t kiss because of the cold weather, so they brush their noses gently to show affection.
It was something that she liked, and you despised.
You crunched your nose and smiled.
She smiled too.
“Wanda, I have something to tell you.”
You took a step back, trying to make some room but you almost tripped so she caught you by your back.
You had one of your hands grabbing her coat and the other one her arm.
“And if I don’t say it know, It seems that probably I won’t have the chance to do it other time”
You chuckled quietly.
“ I...”
You sighed, she was giving you time to talk, you thanked that.
“I love you.”
She became ecstatic.
Your eyes stared forward, unsure, moving rapidly, waiting for an answer.
The room was silent.
You were trembling at this point.
She shook her head rapidly, coming back to reality, and when she realized that you couldn’t see her, she grabbed your hands and let you cup her face.
You eagerly touched her features, going from her forehead, tracing the corner of her eyes, caressing her cheekbones, and when you cupped her jaw, you could sense that she was smiling.
“What do you feel, (y/n)?”
A tear touched your hand and you carefully wiped it away.
“I just feel you.”
She kissed the palm of your hand.
She said softly and her eyes shot up red.
She was letting you into her mind.
Memories, feelings, and thoughts of her were being shown to you, so you shared yours too.
You saw how she would check on you while you were training, using a facade of “I like to see some moves to use later” knowing that she doesn’t use close combat, or how she would prepare foods that you liked in a thankful form for missing dinners when you preferred spending the night with her.
You saw how the high ranked members on meetings would make her feel less saying that she was dangerous, so it was safer to not use her in order to protect the civilians on there; but she would simply shrug it off because, in the afternoon, she would see you again.
You saw how she spent these weeks going to your bedroom and hugging your shirt, crying until she fell asleep.
You saw how she was shattered into million pieces and made her best to compose herself in the hope of seeing you again.
On her side, she saw how your eyes were fixated on her in Stark’s parties to see if she was having fun, and when you come to realize that she was getting a bit uncomfortable, you would smoothly distract anyone that was talking to her to give her some space, or how would you seek for her in every mission just to see if she was doing fine, even if you were the one that needed help.
She saw how you would have a terrible day and it all disappeared when you saw her.
She saw how you caught her while she was falling in the mission, and made sure that she was okay.
She saw how your body fell, twisted, and cracked, how the mine near you exploded.
How you screamed in agony, crying loudly and begging the others to not let her see you like this.
Because in every thought that you had.
She was present.
You abandoned each other’s mind, her magic burst in a blast in the room when you broke the connection.
You both said in a whisper at the same time, with your foreheads pressed.
Her gaze was fixated on you while she was brushing her slender fingers through your long hair.
“Yes, Wanda?”
This time, your eyes were searching for something, it seemed like you were searching for her lips.
“Can I kiss you?”
Your eyes shot up and somehow they looked into Wanda’s
“You can.”
You closed her eyes and stood still, Wanda closed hers too and leaned, kissing you dearly, making you both melt into the kiss.
It felt good.
Like new stars forming in the universe, like a laugh of a newborn or the soft caress of a mother.
Her lips had a faint taste of salty tears mixed with her sugary strawberry lipstick.
Your lips felt softer than they seemed, they had a taste of chocolate syrup covered with a hint of mint.
You had been eating your favorite candy, Vision had brought a box of them without being asked.
It’s a gift, he said, smiling.
Your hand tried to reach her face so she took your hand, grabbing and squeezing it lovingly.
You were the one that broke the kiss, with your eyes still closed but you didn’t pull apart from her, her body was emanating the heat you missed and craved.
She didn’t try to move away neither, she was enjoying the moment.
“I love you too, (y/n).”
She murmured against your lips while you formed a smile.
She laughed, and took you into her arms, picking you up, and started swirling you around.
You chuckled and screamed startled at her to stop, she stopped and lifted you higher, with a smile on her face that quite reached her ears and observed you for a moment.
Your hair was falling in cascades on her face, it framed your features perfectly, your eyes were squinted because of your wide smile.
She lowered you a bit, so now you were hovering her face.
You instinctively inclined your head, searching for her face and she made it easier when she guided your lips to hers.
This one felt like shooting stars too.
Your heart was doing stunts in your chest, she hummed into the kiss and both of you sighed excitedly.
You let your hands rest on her shoulders and wrapped your legs around her torso, then she had her hands securing you by the waist.
She broke the kiss this time, your body was melting into her touch.
You let your chin rest on her shoulder and closed your eyes, letting go a deep breath.
This felt right.
Wanda nodded, and raised her hand to rub your back, she agreed.
This indeed felt right.
“I’m sorry.”
You said suddenly, swallowing a sob, the guilt tightened your chest.
“Don’t be.”
She was smiling sadly, she still couldn’t conceive the thought of never seeing you again.
“But I only caused problems, I made you feel miserable.”
You buried your head into her neck, your voice was quiet.
“I was sad because I remembered all the happy moments that you shared with me, I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you, but you are alive, (y/n).”
She was excited now.
“I have the chance to show you how much I love you.”
You giggled and kissed her neck, making her laugh too.
You backed a bit, forgetting that you couldn’t see her, but that didn’t bother you in the slightest, she was there, and you could feel her.
You asked knitting your brows.
“Yes, (y/n)?
She cupped your cheek, watching you with a goofy smile.
“Are we floating?”
You laughed a bit, you could somehow sense that you weren’t on the floor, but it became obvious when you let go of your legs from her waist and your feet just felt air.
And you were right.
Absently minded, Wanda started floating while sharing the kiss with you.
“Yes, we are.”
She was laughing sheepishly, she slowly started lowering you both, holding you tenderly, until she reached the ground and she helped you to stand.
You both had your hands intertwined.
“I’ll stay with you from now on.”
She stated, taking your expressions, you were thinking.
“First me disappearing, then you gone? The others will freak out.”
You chuckled at the thought, imagining the chaos that would lose Wanda’s disappearance.
She kissed both of your hands, and leave them to grab your temples and rest her head over yours.
“Vision knows where are we, if they need us, they can talk to him.”
You shook your head, smiling.
“Poor him.”
You could hear a soft voice in the back of your head.
I wouldn’t mind in the slightest.
“Oh and (Y/n)?”
Wanda asked, a smile could be heard in her voice.
“You look stunningly delicious.”
She snorted and gently kissed your nose.
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thebountyfucker · 3 years
The Game
Afab!Reader x Embo, Afab!Reader x Bossk, Afab!Reader x Cad (Not gendered) Tags: Primal play (hunting), voyeurism/exhibitionism, unprotected sex, alien biology, cum eating, PiV sex, anal sex
Summary: Hunting makes a lizard's brain go brrrrrr. (Or, in other words, three hunters hunt you down. Their prize? You)
Here's the link to my masterpost. Want to be tagged in fics like this? Here's my taglist application!
“Ya get ten minutes. Make dem count.” Cad drawled as he glanced down at the chronometer on his wrist gauntlet. You glanced down at your own chronometer, your heart already racing; standing before you were three bounty hunters, each ready to prove their hunting skills in a test of chase. The prize? You. Whoever found you got first dibs on your cunt. Or whatever it was they desired to fuck. Adrenaline coursed through your veins, and you could hardly keep still.
Bossk and Embo had both been rather quiet this entire time - for Embo, this was par for the course. Bossk though… you wondered what was going on in that thick head of his. His nostrils kept flaring, as if trying to take in as much of your scent as possible, which… was likely. He was quite reliant on scent for these sorts of hunting games, which made it near impossible to hide. But that was the fun, you supposed.
The boys got to wander through the abandoned settlement briefly beforehand, getting acquainted with the terrain. Sometimes, they’d go in blind… but you all quickly realized that Cad was at a disadvantage. He was a great tracker, but his tech only went so far. You decided to give him a fighting chance by giving him time to set up traps or… whatever it was he used his tech for. Embo and Bossk got to wander around too, just to keep it fair. But you were going in blind.
Cad gave you the signal and you darted off; you were tempted to glance at them over your shoulder, but you knew that would only slow you down. Ten minutes, in theory, felt like long enough to get away. But you knew otherwise. You had to make each movement count.
You ducked through alleys and down streets, dropping items of clothes to try to throw off Bossk. You did your best to avoid Cad’s motion sensors. You tried to take the least logical path. All the while, your heart was pounding and your cunt was throbbing.
You ran through buildings, bumping up against the walls to transfer more of your scent, and then ran out again. You weaved around an empty marketplace, running circles around wooden stalls and touching everything. To top everything off, you took off your shoes, and chucked them in opposite directions.
Soon enough, your chronometer beeped, letting you know that the boys were officially on the hunt… and you needed to hide out. You decided on a warehouse toward the eastern edge of the settlement; it had multiple levels to it, so you figured you could easily hide there. Just as you reached the doorway, Bossk let out his hunting cry, and spikes of pleasure shot to your cunt. Soon… soon…
You crept through the reception area, trying to touch as little as possible. You knew Cad could track your heat signature, and you knew that Bossk would be able to follow your scent still… but you didn’t want to make it easy for them. You decided it would be best to take your chances upstairs, so you wandered until you found the stairwell, and began your ascension.
Climbing the numerous flights of stairs took a significant amount of time, but you had enough of a head start that it didn’t worry you. Even when Bossk’s calls grew closer. You went up five floors, before traversing down the long, empty hallways. The wind whistled through the bones of this building, drawing shivers up your spine. You weren’t sure why, but you swore you were being watched.
You ducked into a room off of the hall, and spotted a locker that looked like you could hide in it. You only made it about halfway across the room before a hand grasped your wrist and pulled you flush against a warm, hard body. You squirmed against the restrictive hand, startling as another hand was clapped over your mouth.
“Do not scream.” It was Embo. How…? You glanced up over your shoulder, meeting his golden gaze. He winked, and a shiver went down your spine. “I want to see how long it takes for them to find you.”
He eased you back into a corner, his hand moving from your mouth to your hip. He gave it a squeeze, his thumb brushing along the curve of your soft flesh. A foreign heat burned in his chest, and you could tell by the vibrant green tinge to his skin that this hunt had thrilled him. A low purr rumbled from deep in his chest.
“How did you…?”
“Your patterns are predictable. The others are concerned about where you have been… I was concerned about where you would go.” He explained, his voice edged with desire; you whimpered softly. “You go for large structures with many places to hide. You should just keep running. Maybe then Cad would have a chance.”
You fought a chuckle. “Unlike you, I don’t have unlimited stamina.”
“It is a shame.” He mused, the hand on your wrist dropping to grab your other hip. He pulled you flush against him, and he leaned down to whisper in your ear. “It would be much more fun if you did.”
Your breath came out as a shaky rattle, and his hands slid down farther. His large hand cupped your still-clothed cunt, rubbing a thumb over where he supposed your clit was. Your panties dampened as you sunk your teeth into your lip.
“Bossk surely can smell you now, all wet and yearning. He is going to be pissed.”
“Cad’s going to be madder.” You mentioned. Any moment now, the two pissed off hunters would barge in, and the thought of their anger sent spikes of pleasure to your cunt. Embo did not always win, but he won enough… enough to make the other two quite jealous.
He pressed his clothed cock against your back, and you could hardly stop yourself from begging him to fuck you. Not yet, he’d tell you. I want to see their faces when they notice I have won. Embo was not usually one to be conceited, but this game drove them all to their more primal instincts. You reached back to ran a hand along his length, just watching the door.
A loud growl alerted you to Bossk’s presence. He sauntered through the doorway, his teeth bared and his eyes narrowed. He jutted a claw toward Embo, who still had a firm hold on you, as if worried that Bossk would try to wrestle you away from him.
“You cheater!” Bossk roared. Surely this would draw Cad to you, if he wasn’t on the trail already.
“I do not cheat.” Embo replied pointedly.
“You have to! There is no way you found them that quickly!”
As if on cue, Cad stalked through the door; his lips pulled back to reveal his fangs. He leaned against the wall, watching as the other two bickered about ‘what counted as tracking’ and how Embo was ‘a dirty cheat’. You managed to break from Embo’s hold, and you wandered over to Cad.
“Good try?” You offered him, unsure of the mood he’d be in at this point. Judging by his growl, he wasn’t feeling too hot. “Don’t worry… gotta save the best for last, right?”
He quirked a browridge, but seemed to lighten up a bit. Maybe next time, you’d try to give Cad a better chance. You cupped his cheek, and he wrapped an arm around your waist.
“Do not get any ideas, Cad.” Embo frowned, and Cad rolled his eyes.
“Wouldn’t dare.” He released his hold on you, and you moved to the center of the room. You pulled off your undershirt, and tossed it aside, bearing your torso to the boys. Bossk’s pupils dilated as he took in the intoxicating scent of your arousal. Embo’s eyes brightened. Cad just smirked and pulled out a cig.
“Good game, boys. I’ll try to make it last longer next time.” You winked, hooking your fingers around the waistband of your panties. You wondered if their more primal natures would become more intense if they were able to chase longer; honestly, a part of you wanted this. Next time… next time…
You shucked your panties off and tossed them to Bossk, who grappled for them and immediately brought them up to his snout. He inhaled deeply, intoxicated by the scent of your arousal. Embo beckoned to you with a finger, and you flitted toward him, falling to your knees before him. He leaned down to stroke your cheek as you reached for the ties of his skirts. They were, frustratingly, complicated to undo, so despite your best efforts, Embo did most of his own undressing. He neatly folded his clothes and set them atop his armor and hat, before bringing you up to stand.
“Do you need preparation? Or can you take me?” He asked, drawing the pads of his fingers down around your nipples. You bemoaned the fact that you were in an environment where he couldn’t remove his mask, as you knew that he would love to eat you out. But that could wait for another time. Right now, you needed to focus… oh fuck, your pussy was drooling now. Your legs shook as he gingerly pinched your nipples.
“P-please… I need your cock.” You whimpered, and he lifted you up; you wrapped your legs around his waist as he lined his cock up with your cunt. Slowly, he pushed in.
“Did you wish to see them?” Embo asked, his voice surprisingly even as he pushed further into you. You nodded as Embo turned to give you a better look at the other two. Though you’d never admit it, you were aroused at the thought of the other two watching as you were fucked. Bossk’s cocks had slipped out of his slit and were rapidly hardening. You couldn’t see Cad’s hard on, but you knew he would be quick to follow. A part of you wondered if it was just you that turned them on, or if they were also enjoying the view of their rival…
Soon, Embo had bottomed out, completely sheathing himself inside you. You swore his cock had pressed up under your ribs, though you knew this was not possible. You were so completely impaled by him. Your head lolled back as he slowly eased out, and then back in, quickly finding a suitable rhythm that wouldn’t completely wreck your insides.
You glanced over at the boys, watching as they shifted to try to accommodate their hard-ons. Bossk was rubbing a clawed hand over his cocks, still completely intoxicated by your scent. Cad smoked his cig to the butt, before crushing it beneath his boots.
Embo took his time fucking into you. His stamina would allow for him to fuck you all day, but while he was delighted to have you first, he was not greedy. He would allow for Bossk and Cad to have their turns with you.
Every thrust made his nodes drag across your sensitive spots, massaging them in a way that made your head spin and warmth pool in your belly. And when he pressed a thumb to your clit and rubbed, it was game over for you. You orgasmed, your body going limp and your vision going black as you milked his cock for all it was worth.
He would not have given up so easily in a private session, but given that he was not the only one fucking you today, he decided to cum early. He growled softly as he rested his head against yours, shooting his hot cum deep into you. It kept coming and coming… when he finished, he pulled you off his cock and his cum seeped down your thighs.
You wobbled, hardly able to catch your breath before Bossk approached. He had already pulled his cocks from his jumpsuit, and they were twitching for you. First, though… Bossk laid you down on the ground and spread your legs open wide. His tongue flicked out, lapping at the cum which dirtied your thighs; you weren’t sure if he actually enjoyed the taste of another man’s cum, or if he was just trying to clean you. Either way, his tongue slipped into your cunt, slurping up the left over cum like a starving man at a feast. He dragged his tongue in and out, growling and groaning, drawing gasps from deep within you. Heat boiled in your belly, and you felt as though you could cum then and there… but you’d wait as long as you could. You needed Bossk’s cocks…
He lifted your hips, his tongue swirling his lube-like saliva and cum mixture around your asshole. When he felt that you were sufficiently slicked, he situated himself between your legs, and lined up his cocks with your holes. When he pressed in, you let out a howl of pleasure.
He was slow, knowing your ass would need more time to adjust than your cunt would. Your hands went to your breasts as you looked over at Embo and Cad. Embo had found a desk to sit on, and was idly stroking his hardening cock. Cad was finally starting to show his arousal, his cheeks flushed green and a dopey look in his eyes.
“Pretty little prey.” Bossk purred as he stroked a claw along your cheek. “Pretty and tight.”
He eased in further, his cocks rubbing against the thin wall of flesh separating your cunt from your ass. You whined, arching your back and angling your hips toward him. Your legs were already shaking, your toes curling. And when he finally sheathed himself inside you, stars danced in your vision.
“Don’t cum yet, little prey… we’ve only just started.” Bossk eased out, and then back in. Bossk was long - not nearly as long as Embo, though - and his cocks were thick. Where Embo impaled you, Bossk completely stuffed you. Like Embo, though, his cocks pressed through your belly, and you watched as your belly rippled with every thrust.
His tongue snaked out to lick at your nipples, getting them hard; you were desperate for a mouth around them, though you knew Bossk would not be able to fulfill that desire. Maybe Cad would…
Bossk picked up his pace until you orgasmed, shooting fluids all over him; Bossk was quick to follow, his frills expanding to keep you locked onto his cocks. His cum was cool and thick, and filled you up; slowly, his frills deflated, and he pulled out. He was satisfied, but at the same time, like Embo, you knew he wanted more. He backed away, allowing Cad to approach now.
You sat up, watching as Cad pulled his cock out; it was hard and leaking what you assume was Duros precum. You were always shocked by how aroused the boys were; you had originally thought that they’d be turned off by the presence of each other… and yet…
“On yer hands an’ knees, doll.” Cad drawled, and you were quick to oblige. Your swollen, pliant cunt was ready for him, and he reveled in it. He drew a finger between the lips, rubbing Bossk’s cum around as a sort of lubricant, before pressing into you. You twitched around him, every touch sending sharp spikes of pleasure to your cunt; your body was flushed and hot. Your eyes were half-lidded. You were drooling onto the ground. You were so goddamn cock-dumb that it was making Embo and Bossk chuckle.
Cad’s grip on your hips was bruising, and every once in a while, he drew a hand back to smack your ass. You lurched forward with every hit, gasping and whimpering. He was determined to make his mark on you, much more concerned with claiming you than his companions were.
He nipped at your neck and shoulders, thrusting harder and harder into you; his ridges - oh, the ridges!- massaged your sensitive spots, which were already overstimulated from the two previous cocks in you. You could hardly keep yourself up, which Cad hadn’t failed to notice. Instead of holding you up, though, Cad shoved you to the ground, his hand holding your head down on the ground.
“Cad~!” You moaned, your voice pitching up as ecstasy gripped you. The heat in your belly threatened to spill, but you knew Cad didn’t care. He’d fuck you through three orgasms if he wanted.
“Dat’s it, doll. Yell my name. Tell dese idiots who ya belong t’!” He growled, not letting up on his pace. You turned your head to look at Bossk and Embo, noting their continued arousal; something told you that you wouldn’t be able to walk tomorrow…
“CAD!” You cried, tension building. You were so goddamn close! If only…
Cad pressed his thumb to your clit and the tension snapped. Fluids rushed out around his cock as your body went limp; your head was in the clouds, high on ecstasy and sex. Every nerve was set ablaze.
You weren’t sure how long your orgasm lasted, only that Cad had continued to fuck into your tightened cunt. He was grunting, and his pace was beginning to falter, but he wouldn’t give up that easily. He tangled a hand in your hair and pulled you up closer to him. He dragged his teeth along your back.
“Yer too good t’ us, doll. Too good.” Cad muttered as he leaned forward, latching over your shoulder. You braced yourself, knowing what came next.
Cad’s pace grew erratic, and before long, he came, biting down into your shoulder as he shot his cum inside you. You cried out, orgasming again - this orgasm caught you off-guard, but you were pleased none the less.
Cad licked away the blood, before easing out of your sore cunt. He sat nearby, his soft cock just bobbing between his legs. The room was silent for a moment, before Embo approached once more.
“Are you able to take more?”
You knew you had a long night ahead of you.
Tags: @doctor-ren, @that-clone-wars-girl, @some-serendipity-snail, @rewin-d
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