#i will never understand people who take a look at family and say 'imma ship it-'
Kenny Rant
This got really long. I’m sorry.
I wanna talk about Kenny because he’s my favourite. And he’s a silly little guy. I may be projecting a teensy bit but Im just going to scream into the void and you can listen if you want.
Kenny is Cartman’s best friend. Kenny is Butters’ best friend. These can coexist.
Kenny is not saving Butters from Cartman. 2 Reasons:
1. Butters is not an uwu boi who needs protecting. He’s an asshole who’s a little too trusting sometimes.
2. Kenny is not some flirty strong dude-bro. He’s an asshole and a quiet kid who’s just happy to be included.
That’s not to say that I don’t ship Bunny. I do (sue me). but more like a teacher who seats two kids next to each other because they’d be cute together, than as an actual canon ship.
Another thing real quick is Kenjorine. I do wish people would give Marjorine more of Butters’ personality, but someone’s take was that in the episode “Marjorine” Butters never wanted to be Marjorine, therefore she’s just used as a love interest for Kenny, is objectively wrong. Yes Marjorine was Cartman’s idea. Yes Butters was hesitant. But no one can deny how happy Butters looked as Marjorine and the fun she had. Is Marjorine hyperfeminized? Yes absolutely, and it is annoying. But headcanons are okay! Transfem Butters who goes by Marjorine, Genderfluid Butters who can go by Marjorine, etc, yes go for it! But claiming Marjorine is NOT Butters and JUST a love interest for Kenny? :/ Its all fun and games here. Let people have fun and games.
Anyway, back to Kenny because no one understands him like I do.😔
(again, yelling into the void these are my opinions. you can characterize him however you want he’s not real)
KENNY IS NOT A FLIRTY WHORE. He is kind of a pervert who probably had unrestricted internet access and found porn waaaaayyyy to early. But that does not mean he’s a total slut who will sleep around with anyone and everyone. On a similar note, he’s also not mr. popular either. He’s a quiet kid. He doesn’t talk a lot and often fades into the background. He enjoys hanging out with Stan, Kyle, and Cartman. I can only think of one time he willing chose not to hangout with Cartman. He enjoys it! He loves going along with they’re crazy shenanigans! He loves to be included. Because if he’s not included, he’s forgotten about. He dies all the time and no one remembers. He misses out on so much. I’m sure he feels really left out sometimes. (If you like the someone remembers headcanon), does anyone ever catch him up on what happened after he dies?
Imma leave that question there and move on. Kenny is obviously a wonderful brother who cares deeply about his family. However I really wish the show touched more on his relationship with Kevin. Do they bond over shared trauma? Or grow apart because of how similar Kevin is to their father? I like to think that they’re close. But they likely aren’t.
Slight switch. Another characterization I see a lot is that Kenny is a crackhead or similar. I really don’t think Kenny would do a lot of drugs. He lived in a household that had a meth lab in the back yard and his parents were almost always drunk or high. I don’t think he would want that for himself. I know there’s that one episode where he gets high on cat piss and daffodils or something. That’s there. It exists. I know. I would like to think he would have some character development between 8 years old and the typical 16-21 years he’s usually aged up to. I don’t know though, it was never mentioned again. You’re entitled to your own opinion but I just don’t think he’d stick with it.
I think imma stop here. Theres more I could say and I could probably make a whole other post on Mysterion alone but I’ll only do that if it’s asked for.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 years
Anyway, ‘disney channel ships that make me want to vomit’ having Mal X Hades on the list and confirming there is fanfiction is uh, making me want to leave this planet.
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mcfuckity · 3 years
you are so right about lumity being every where. sometimes i want to see posts about luz and eda or luz and her friends because i think those relationships trump any ship. but i’m always drowned in lumity everything and it’s nice to see someone else whose tired of that ship being forced down everyone else’s throats especially when they want to enjoy other dynamics involving luz
Understandable. Imma have to keep it a stack,,,, lumity just feels like starco to me. It’s just a huge chunk of why people watch toh to begin with. I don’t really like lumity though.
Amity has only changed to impress Luz. She definitely didn’t feel bad about her actions to Willow until Luz showed up and even then, she never truly cared about her friendships, just what Luz thought. She was perfectly fine being mean and saying rude comments and if she didn’t crush on Luz, she probably wouldn’t have changed. There wasn’t any real glimpse of Amity having a facade because it was truly her. What made her change? Not the fact that she probably missed Willow, not the realization of the harm from her actions, not even a second regular moral thought of “hey, this is wrong”. She did it because she was caught burning Willow’s memories by Luz and was forced to fix it. Nobody held Amity accountable because all her blame fell onto her parents.
I’m tired of the nice characters always liking bullies. Like, she didn’t bully Luz but she bullied Willow for years and it’s never acknowledged. They also just don’t really compliment each other in my opinion.
I’m biased though, because I do like Willuz but that’s because i think they’d fit in the context of the overall theme of the show. I believe that Luz and Willow could’ve been a cute happy couple being the first to offer each other kindness, in their times of need. People love to bring up that Luz is a bi afro latina so why not have her in a relationship with Willow who is blasian? Why does every relationship involving a poc have to have a white person instead of just 2 pocs. They also parallel each other with being rejects from their own worlds.
Even platonically, I love to see her interact with Gus because they’re such a chaotic duo. I enjoyed the dynamic of 2 bundles of chaos and their wildcard voice of reason. Willow, Luz, and Gus had a very natural friendship dynamic with all of them looking as if they were finally allowed to be themselves with each other.
I was also interested in seeing Eda start to consider Willow and Gus as her own. She already adopted Luz so seeing her react and care for more kids than she thought cared about her would’ve been heartwarming and interesting. Add that with having Lilith also realize what family she really tried to take Eda from. I feel like theres so many more relationships could’ve happened and been explored with all of the characters instead.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 4 years
Dating Damian Wayne HC:
(imma do one for all of the guys I just had the writing idea for Dames first)
How You Met: Artist credit @axeeeee​
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.        You went to Gotham Academy before him
.        You were also making sure that you were top of the class and also maintaining class president
.        Anyways, it was just something that you pushed yourself for
.        Arts was another strength for you but that was something that you weren’t as inclined to maintain on an extreme level like everything else
.        So it was your job to show the new people around the school before their first day which meant that you were showing Damian around
.        Your parents already knew Bruce so you weren’t really freaked out at all
.        It was just another day tbh
.        That was until you met him
.        It was weird since you were more of the person to not talk much about yourself
.        No one really knew who you were and you were content to keep it that way
.        Everyone’s friend but no one knew who you were really
.        Damian was kind of the same way but not as friendly or open to people
.        He was like the younger you
.        Still, for some reason you were interested in him just as a person
.        He was as well
.        You didn’t immediately hit it off seeing as you are both reserved and closed off when it comes to personal things, but you hit it off faster than any one else
.        A miracle in all honesty
.        So you started hanging out and eating together in the lunchroom instead of either with a group or alone
.        It was nice and then evolved over time
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.        So after a few months, you guys were getting closer and closer
.        It was something that you just expected to happen and when it did you were ready
.        You were starting to hang out outside of school whether that was at your place, the park, his house, maybe a café on a weekend
.        Just anywhere
.        If there were any galas, Damian would invite you and you him since you didn’t really feel great inviting anyone else
.        Sometimes galas had this secret mandatory code to bring someone so it was nice to finally have someone to bring
.        The media was all over it
.        It was honestly really weird for a second and then you just accepted it
.        Damian and yourself slowly started opening up to each other about everything
.        Depending on how fast you pick up on things and possibly if you’re also a vigilante, this is where you figure out that he’s Robin
.        He doesn’t call you by your last name anymore and instead by your first name which is fun
.        It’s an honor lol
.        If Damian is having an issue at the manor, you just have extra stuff for him to come over anytime
.        It’s always there and you make sure to get more when you see something’s running low
.        By the end of the friendship stage, you’re probably wearing each other’s clothes by now
.        He gets flustered sometimes though
.        That’s the first few signs
.        Also very protective but we’ll get into that
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.        So Damian now gets flustered?
.        Not something that you ever thought you’d see
.        Complimenting you too
.        It was a mutual thing that you both started doing more and more
.        Hanging around each other even more than before if that’s possible
.        He introduces you to his pets
.        All of them
.        Even Goliath
.        That was after watching random animal videos one night in the movie room of your house and seeing your reaction to them all
.        You bout died meeting Goliath
.        It was pretty awesome
.        Damian was so proud
.        Anyways, so you start getting more and more protective of each other
.        Any stupid girls from the Academy were getting immediately shut down
.        Same goes with the boys
.        For Damian he was always making sure that no one was messing with you or making you feel uncomfy
.        Death glares to all and smiles to none that tried it
.        That was both ways
.        Omg you guys have the death glare mastered
Confession/ Relationship:
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.        So now that his brothers have caught on, they’re hell bent on getting you two together
.        So is Alfred and Bruce and that’s not typical at all
.        Everyone ships you and you both know it just won’t accept it
.        After some time though, you’re at this string of events and the press was just bombarding you for info on the relationship and whether or not you were dating
.        You said no every time and then just moved on
.        Damian noticed how much he missed you and loved seeing you thrive even from afar
.        It was kind of like oh shit I’d better say something now cause they’ve got everyone wrapped around their finger
.        So when you got back, he told you
.        It was kind of informal and unexpected
.        I mean finally but, out of the blue
.        You were thrilled
.        So basically from then on, it was wonderful
.        Sometimes his brothers might tease you two and post really just dorky things about you guys
.        Maybe one day it’s freaking out cause they found you in the movie room passed out on each other asleep with an older movie playing
.        Picture of you not being apart at all
.        The press loved it all
.        You guys loved it all
.        Now he’d spend the night all of the time but this time in your room, asleep, with you
.        Not just in some guest bedroom or in the same room but apart
.        Sleeping is actually a big thing since you both greatly lack it
.        You’ll sleep everywhere
.        The couch, a chair, the bed, in a car, on the floor sometimes, at a table just next to each other, anywhere
.        It was something that like your friendship just evolved over time
.        Eventually, you were taking vacations together during the holiday breaks and training together
.        Your families loved the other
.        Friend groups too
.        Sometimes you’d fight but typically it got resolved quickly
.        There was always this challenge of apologizing on Damian’s end even if it was really his fault since he just doesn’t know how to
.        He got better with that real quick
.        Basically, you just appreciate each other and see the other as your other half
.        Nothing gets in the way of that
.        Not even some stupid boy or girl hitting on the other or the media’s twisted perception of something taken out of proper context
.        Those are typically what more serious talks are about but they’re solved quickly
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.        You’re either going to a nice place or not staying in
.        There’s no in between
.        Either 5 star or the home theater at probably your place
.        He loves taking you nice places even if you’ve already been
.        Watching new movies
.        Or really bad ones just to judge them
.        Those are always really fun
.        Sometimes you might go for a coffee date and those are typically just spur of the moment type things
.        You might go to a gala and then go home and kick back
. ��      Either way it’s the best
.        Homemade treats and movies with a possible blanket fort and pillows everywhere over the couches in the movie room
.        There’s always a chance that they might get cut short for heroics but that doesn’t typically happen since someone covers Damian’s or your shift
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.        So if you’re a hero, it’s kind of an exhausting thing especially considering schooling and everything else
.        Sometimes you find yourself not getting sleep for days
.        There are times that you regret everything and Damian understands it all
.        He’s just terribly impressed that you can do all of this like he does
.        It’s great having someone like that
.        Both of you are extremely well trained which sometimes Damian questions where you got your training since it’s so similar to his and his father’s
.        Very calculated and precise every single time but also unpredictable which makes you dangerous
.        It’s something that you always use to your advantage
.        On nights that you patrol, you do it together and always tag team
.        Damian knows that you put up one hell of a fight, but he’d rather be there incase something happens then not at all and have something bad happen
.        Both of you are always stitching each other up and helping the other with nightmares
.        It’s just inevitable at this point
.        Staying over at each other’s places depending on how close you are or how badly injured
.        You always go to the manor if there’s something really bad that happened
.        That’s cause they have better medical equipment and Alfred who is a legend
.        Alfred can fix anything and if he can’t it’s to the hospital but that pretty much never happens
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.        With everything, you have to have a routine
.        It’s very exact and important
.        In the morning, you both wake up together but not before hitting the snooze button three times
.        You have the alarm set early enough to be able to do this
.        Plus some time just to lay there for a second
.        Damian is typically the cutest and most tired in the morning
.        He hates them
.        If you’re washing your face or doing whatever, he’ll just hug you from behind and lean against your shoulder
.        Has fallen asleep before
.        Then you both eat and head off to school
.        After school, you go back to someone’s place to change into comfy clothes and complete homework which most is done at school since you wouldn’t have time otherwise
.        If you have a meeting to go to, you’ll go to that and then head back
.        After supper, it’s to patrol and then after two to three hours of that on average, you go back to one of your homes and shower typically together since you don’t have time to not
.        It’s easier and more time efficient so you’ve said
.        Also uses less hot water
.        Then, you check your phones for any other emergencies and head to bed
.        If you’re not a hero it’s basically the same thing but he comes into your room, locks the window again after he’s made sure everything is safe inside, creeps in your closet to get his nightclothes, looks at his phone for anything that might have happened since, goes to shower, and then gets into bed with you after making sure you’re okay without waking you up
.        When sleeping, you’re either touching slightly or just on top of each other in some way
.        Either way, you’re touching
.        He can’t have you far from him incase something happens
.        Never really sure what might happen, just that it could happen
.        Since he’s a light sleeper, if you shift or move around, he opens his eyes for a second to make sure you’re okay
.        That goes for hero or not
.        It’s really nice and sometimes he’ll come in and you’ll still be awake
.        Always asks why
.        “Dami, I’m always awake at this hour.”
.        “I know beloved, but you should sleep.”
.        “Well then let’s go.”
.        He’ll swing by for just a second during patrol to check in if you’re either grounded from patrol due to injury, sickness, just need a night off, or if you don’t do it
.        Texts you updates every now and then since he knows you worry and it helps him when he’s home and you’re patrolling
.        Basically keeps him from going insane so he does the same for you just incase
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amyisherenowitsokay · 3 years
You know what just to SPICE it up a bit imma say zadr too bitch
This bitch tryna give me arthritis smdh. Making me out myself for my dual-ship on main, can't even believe a bitch.
1. How did they first meet?
School. We must never forget the infamous handcuffs scene.
2. What was their first impression of each other?
Pure, unrivaled loathing.
3. Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
Gaz said "kiss already" and throws things at them when they're getting too far away from "I want you dead" territory and well into "you want to fuck me so bad and it makes you look stupid" territory. Professor Membrane thinks they're adorable.
4. Who felt romantic feelings first?
Dib. Hormones get the best of us all. You can only be obsessed with someone so long before motivations get blurry.
5. Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Zim would nearly break his PAK and commit accidental die trying to delete the emotions or install an emotional inhibitor. Dib would have a full mental breakdown trying to sort through it, which would manifest poorly in his behavior and negatively impact his ability to engage in their usual altercations. Pro tip: if you are painfully attracted to someone, being in a position where they pin you to the asphalt or lean over your desk to hiss insults at you is a bad idea.
6. If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
I stand by what I said on my ZAGR post in that Zim doesn't know what a soulmate is, or the concept of a soul, but given this is in regards to his arch-nemesis instead of a creature he's mostly indifferent too, he'd be pissed at the insinuation he was in any way bound to Dib. Dib's fragile psyche would not survive the revelation.
7. What would their lives be like if they had never met?
Really empty. Their rivalry and parallel situations regarding neglectful authority figures is what keeps them going for so many years.
1. Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
As someone who thinks Zim doesn't understand even the concept of not being a possessive jackass, I think Zim just sort of concludes after awhile that, regardless of Dib's feelings, or even Zim's own feelings, whatever they have makes them wholly and entirely each other's. Just completely and hilariously misunderstanding the concept of a relationship, but still being incredibly presumptive in assuming they already have one. He also doesn't let Dib know of this revelation either, so eventually Dib explodes about his crush, and Zim's like "we are already together???? moron???" Dib could argue, and he kind of wants to, but he also never expected Zim to reciprocate, so he just sort of nods and is like "you know what, sure" and that's the end of it. They do not have an anniversary, but Dib's not really like that, and Zim doesn't know anniversaries are a thing anyways.
2. Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Again, stealing from my own ZAGR post, but I don't think Zim's really a 'date' person who would plan out that sort of thing. Dib is an awkward moron with arguably worse social skills than even Zim, and mentally comes to the conclusion that dragging Zim on investigations is basically like a date, and Zim doesn't bitch about it anymore than expected, therefore he is a master of romance, so it's fine.
3. What was their first kiss like?
Awkward, and quick. Dib is not a great communicator, nor is he great at explaining things like human demonstrations of affection, especially not when Zim's scowling impatiently at him through is fumbling and stuttering. He just goes for it, and it's quick and he misses his mouth almost. Zim is extremely surprised, especially when Dib makes terrible excuses about needing to be elsewhere and flees. Zim does his own research, and their second kiss is predated by a lecture about being better than Dib at everything/Dib being bad at everything. It is much more successful, even if afterwards Dib instigates a fight about Zim's tongue being weird.
4. Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
First everything, except kiss. Gretchen kissed Dib in high school as a dare. Zim will never forgive her for it.
5. What’s their height difference? Age difference?
I'd die to make them the same height, but I think the image of Zim being average height while Dib is a gangly big boi is just too funny. Zim would be pissed, and Dib would be so smug but so uncoordinated.
6. What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
Gaz interacts with them as minimally as possible, because they are loud and gross and annoying, but she's okay with Zim overall. They have a mutual understanding that Dib is stupid, completely reckless, and requires constant supervision to keep him from getting eaten by a ghoul or something. Gaz does genuinely trust him to skewer anything that tries to kill her brother, but she also knows that Dib isn't the only one with 0 sense of self-preservation. Dib was initially wary of Professor Membrane's reaction, because his dad is sort of unpredictable when it comes to his only son, but the Professor's only commentary is that he is glad his son finally made it official with his 'little green friend.' Dib then realizes that the implication in that perpetual comment about Zim had air quotes around that "friend" part all along.
Dib thinks Gir's gross and loud and doesn't get him, but he likes to team up with him and/or use him as a means to annoy Zim. The Base hates him, because now there's two morons with no sense of self-preservation that it needs to keep track of. Minimoose and Dib are bros.
7. Who takes the lead in social situations?
Zim, if only because he is arguably more 'charming' than Dib's fumbling attempts at communication with non-paranormal parties.
8. Who gets jealous easier?
Zim. Dib I think would have his 'HTTYD Hiccup moment' as he gets older, but still has that ingrained low self-esteem from years of ridicule and abuse. He is completely oblivious to the new attention he gets. Zim, however, is not. Dib never really notices the cause of his weird snarling and clinginess, but he shrugs it off as Zim just being weird and continues with whatever he was doing.
9. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
Zim is a slut, I will die on this hill.
1. Who said “I love you” first?
Dib. He says it casually, in the dark, when they're on a stake-out to find some wood goblin or something. He says it like he's talking about something plane and unremarkable.
I think a ZADR relationship would need Zim to be a lot more independent in terms of researching how romantic relationships 'work,' since Dib's not a great communicator, and there's an ingrained rivalry that will never dissolve between them, no matter how many times they kiss, so Zim would be a lot more motivated to figure things out on his own. He would, in this circumstance, know the weight of Dib's way-too-casual admittance, and it would be a huge shock to him. He'd be pretty shaken about it for awhile, and Dib's not bothered when he doesn't reply. Dib would be pretty sure Zim would never admit it, but he does, eventually, because he refuses to be a coward about it.
2. What are their primary love languages?
Verbal affirmations. With their self-esteems firmly in the toilet in Zim's kitchen, being able to have someone validate them who they respect would mean a lot to them.
3. Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
Dib. He uses it to start fights with Zim about linguistics and metaphors. Also, he's 99.9% positive Zim secretly is flattered by it, but hates that he is.
4. How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
Zim is very clingy, but Dib's too on the move to really pin down for a good cuddle frequently. He's twitchy and his minds always racing, but every once in a while when Zim's completely fed up, or Dib's running on fumes but still forcing himself on, Zim will all but pin him to a cushioned surface and force him to sleep. Neither of them are PDA people.
5. Who initiates kisses?
Zim. Dib's really shy about it, and also normally too distracted to pay Zim the attention he so obviously deserves, and often misses Zim's 'signals.'
6. Who’s the big and little spoon?
PAK not comfy against sternum. It's also easier to force Dib to sleep if he's the big spoon, because he can pin his limbs.
7. What are their favorite things to do together?
Paranormal investigations, and morally ambiguous and/or largely dangerous experiments.
8. Who’s better at comforting the other?
Dib, which is hilarious, because he's about as smooth as a cheese grater, but he is very attuned to the person he's been obsessed with for years, and he can also relate to a lot of his issues. While Zim usually shrugs off the sentimentality and the empathy, dismissing it as 'pity,' the affirmation means a lot to him.
9. Who’s more protective?
Zim. He has to anticipate his lover's stupidity to make sure he stays alive to hunt ghosts another day.
10. Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Verbal. Hormones are real, but there's something that eases the sting of years of abusive in a crooning praise or a sincere compliment.
11. What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
12. What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
It is primarily age-old insults that lack the bite and sincerity they once had.
13. Who remembers the little things?
Dib. Zim isn't inattentive by any means, cataloguing all of Dib's weird habits and nuances and what not, but for all the compensating Zim does to keep Dib safe and healthy, Dib reciprocates in meaningful gestures. He remembers to pack Zim-friendly snacks on their road trips and ways to keep Gir entertained, if they have to bring him. He always checks the weather and has an extra coat, just in case. Never makes Zim feel bad about needing to check, just one more time, to see if he got any incoming messages from home.
1. If they get married, who proposes?
2. What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
It's just Gaz, Minimoose, and Gir. Membrane is too far away to attend, but that was deliberate. Dib didn't want his tendency to make things about 'the Membrane line' effect the intimacy and importance of the ceremony. Also, Zim insists on incorporating some Irken rituals into it, so it'd be hard to make excuses and explanations to why Zim wants Dib to fuck with his weird pink backpack during their wedding.
3. How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
No kiddos. Neither of them would be interested, even if it was biologically possible.
4. Do they have any pets?
Seriously, Gir counts, right?
5. Who’s the stricter parent?
Dib. Zim refuses to parent Gir when Dib is more inclined to do it, since he's more irritated by it.
6. Who worries the most?
Dib has perpetual anxiety. So does Zim, but he masks it better.
7. Who kills the bugs in the house?
Dib, to prevent the gooey grossness that is Gir's bug-breath.
8. How do they celebrate holidays?
Just with Gaz.
9. Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Zim will strap Dib to a bed himself to get him to go the fuck to sleep, because it's been over 48 hours you insufferable human, and--!
10. Who’s the better cook?
Dib's idea of cooking is a microwave, salt, and pepper. Zim is forced to learn the wonders of human food to keep his idiot from dying of malnutrition.
11. Who likes to dance?
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Innocent hug
Dylan O’Brien x reader
Warnings: mentions of rape, sexual assault, cussing, mentions of smut, Dylan being sweet (this can be possibly triggering!!!!!!) angst
Promt: when Dylan finds you crying after an uncomfortable interview, the two of you find your selves admitting things you never thought you would say again (y’all i just, I don’t even know, I can’t write freaking descriptions hahaha)
Word count: 2712
Disclaimer: so basically the interview is for maze runner, just pretend that you play another character in the movie that was like Thomas’ best friend and newts love interest (also y’all pls send some requests)
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Not my gif! Credits to @dyobrien! <3
“Hi I’m Dylan O’Brien!” Started Dylan trying to control himself from his laughter, before the cameras had begun rolling Dylan had cracked a joke that he was still trying to recover from.
“I’m Y/N Y/L/N” you said smiling
“I’m Thomas brodie sangster” Thomas said giving the camera a small wave
“And we’re the cast of maze runner” you said still smiling, also trying to control your laughter
“Or at least some of it” Dylan added on making everyone lose it again. Dylan practically fell out of his chair, Thomas giggled and you just kept laughing. Dylan had a habit of making you laugh, it was one of the many things you loved about him. You and Dylan had been best friends since you met on the set of teen wolf. You were a guest star who was quickly killed off. You and Dylan hit it off immediately, you two just got each other. You had the same sense of humor, same interests, and generally you two just felt normal around each other. The two of you stayed connected even after you left the show. Then you were lucky enough to land another part with Dylan in maze runner. Dylan played Thomas, and you played Y/C/N, Thomas’ best friend and Newts love interest. You had become extremely close with the cast, they were like your family. Since the release of the scorch trials you and Dylan had become quite the hit. Though you weren’t together in the movie, everyone shipped it. Two years after scorch trials, you and Dylan were in another movie together! American assassin, Dylan played Mitch Rapp and you of course played Y/C/N, Mitch’s love interest. Everyone wanted you two together, and it was not secret, the two of you were constantly teased on set for “flirting”.
You were doing this interview for the release of your latest movie, Maze Runner: The Death Cure. You were very sad that this series was coming to an end, you were definitely gonna miss it, everyone was.
“So my first question is for all of you actually, out of the three of you, who is the funniest?” The interview met asked
“Dylan and Y/N are both quite hilarious, especially when they are together, they are always cracking jokes and laughing” Thomas said looking at you and Dylan
“We do have fun” you agreed “honestly though I think we are all pretty funny, but Dylan I would say wins this one” you said looking to your right at Dylan
“What can I say? I’m a true born comedian” said Dylan
The questions continued, Dylan and Thomas were asked a lot about work and their new projects, whereas you seemed to be getting the clothes questions, the personal life questions. Things like, “where do you recommend buying clothes?” “How was your trip to Italy” “what are you wearing today”. Sadly that was fairly normal.
“Alright Y/N your up again, now the buzzing question everywhere right now is, are you single?” The interviewer asked
“Yes I am single” you smiled even though you were generally annoyed inside “Im that girl at the family reunions who gets introduced to the 3rd cousins, and who always gets told by the grandmas, “see honey this is why you are still single”” you said
Next to you Dylan weesed and began laughing hysterically. Thomas again just giggled his sweet laugh.
“Well do they know the men you work with? I mean your standards must be pretty high huh?” The interviewer pushed
“Yes yes I guess they are” you said, Dylan laughed next to you
“Why aren’t you with any of them Y/N?” He asked
Your eyebrows knitted together at this question, was he really asking this?
“Well blondie over here” you said gesturing to Thomas “is taken as you know, and taken by one of the nicest people I know, so”
“Well what about you Dylan, I mean the media definitely wants you two together, you two are like Tom hanks and Meg Ryan, and hey if I were you I would totally hit that” he said to Dylan
You froze at this, wtf was this guy doing? Dylan’s eyebrows shot up and his jaw clenched, and Thomas glared at the interviewer.
“Really man?” Dylan asked, you adjusted yourself in your seat, moving your arms to cover your body, you suddenly felt exposed and uncomfortable.
“I was just kidding with you guys” the interviewer said laughing it off
“Wasn't very funny” Dylan said
“Sorry man, didn’t mean any harm” he said putting his hands up in defense
You were shaking, you had a past. A past no one knew about, a past that would be easily triggered by a comment like that.
“Maybe think before you speak next time” Thomas added
“Ya, not cool man” Dylan said
The tension in the room was deadly. But still the interview continued on with only two questions left.
After the interview everyone was checking to make sure you were ok, Dylan kept saying that he’d beat his ass and Thomas just repeated that he is a dick. On the way back to the hotel you were all staying at, the consern eventually died down. Thomas and Dylan were planning on meeting up with ki Hong and kaya at a bar somewhere. They asked if you wanted to join but you kindly refused saying that you needed some me time. They were hesitant at first but then gave in and left you in your hotel room. Once the door closed you ran to the bathroom, looking at yourself in the gold rimmed mirror. Then suddenly you were crying.
“No!” You yelled at yourself “don’t cry, stop it Y/N!” You told yourself, but the tears just kept flowing and they wouldn’t stop.
Dylan’s POV
I swear I was gonna murder that man, who the fuck makes comments like that? I knew Y/N, I knew how this was going to go. I could talk she was shaken up and uncomfortable, but she would never admit that. She never let people in, she claimed she didn’t want to bother anyone with her personal problems. Leaving her alone in her hotel room felt wrong, I knew she wasn’t okay. I could see it in her face. As we walked away from her door, down to the lobby I felt the sudden urge to go back. To run back to her and take her in my arms, stroke her hair and tell her it was ok. Then I decided that that was exactly what I was going to do.
“Hey man I think imma go back, you know how she is, I don’t think she should be alone” I told Thomas, he looked back at me with understanding eyes
“Ofcourse mate” he said nodding, “I think that is a brilliant idea”
“Tell kaya and ki Hong I’m sorry I missed them” I said already waking back to Y/Ns room
“Will do!” He responded
Then I burst out into a run, running back down the hall and to the elevator. I clicked the 6th floor and the second the doors opened I was out, running to Y/Ns door.
Once I got there I took the liberty of unlocking it with the extra key she had given me. She said it was only for emergencies, but I thought I could make an exception. I walked quietly into the hotel room, I opened my mouth to yell for her but then shut it again. I heard muffled cry’s coming from the bedroom. Shit, I hope she’s watching some random soap opera, I hope that’s not her crying.
“Hey Y/N?” I said opening the door to the bedroom
Your POV
When you heard Dylan say your name you quickly sprang into action. Because you were still in the bathroom he wouldn’t be able to see u for at least a few more seconds. You wiped your eyes and tired to put yourself together before walking out to greet him.
“Hey Dylan” you said smiling, keeping up your act
Dylan studied you, he saw your smile, but he also saw your red rimmed eyes and your fidgeting hands, he heard the slight crack in your voice and the tiredness in it as well.
“Are you alright?” He asked stepping slowly toward you
“Ya ya I’m fine! What are you doing here?” You said, way to quickly
Dylan looked at you with sad eyes, it broke him to know that you were hiding from him. “I was worried, I wanted to make sure you were ok”
“We’ll hate to break it to ya, but um you came back for nothing, I am totally fine, faaaaaantastic!” you said smiling at him even more
“You can talk to me” he said stepping closer to you again
“There is nothing to talk about” you said
“Y/N, I know you, I know what you are doing, your not ok, and your hiding it, your shutting me out again”
“Dylan you need to calm down! I. Am. Fine!” You said, he was right though, and you both knew it “you should really go have fun!”
“Y/N-“ he started before being cut off again
“I insist Dylan, please, don’t worry about me, ok?” You said smiling sweetly
“That’s a lot easier said than done” he said looking down, then an idea came to him, it was horrible and he knew you would hate him, but he needed you to let him in “but if that’s what you want, then I’ll leave” he said
“Yes! Go have a good time!” You’d aid practically pushing him out of the bedroom
“See ya later!” You said closing the bedroom door behind him
Dylan walking over to the front door, opened it, and then closed it, still standing in your hotel room. Meanwhile you were listening to hear him leave, and when the door shut you began crying again. Then suddenly strong arms were tapped around your body, pulling you in close. You jumped.
“Hey hey, it’s just me” Dylan said stroking your hair
“But-but you left” you said looking up at him confused
“I didn’t, I’m sorry angel but I needed you to be honest with me” he said looking at you in your eyes. His heart breaking into a million pieces, he hated seeing you like this.
“I-I’m so sorry” you said beginning to cry even harder
“Don’t be sorry angel, it’s ok I’m here” he said hushing you and continuing to stroke you hair. He held you in his arms and never let you go. He held you as you cried, though he was also breaking inside.
After what seemed like forever, your tears ran out and you began to calm down. Dylan still holding you close.
“You wanna talk about it?” He asked sweetly
“Not really” you said sniffling
“You know I will go back and kill That guy if you want me too right?” He said pulling away from you so he could see your face
You didn’t look at him in the eyes, though his tried to find yours
“No it’s ok, really. That guy was a Douche bag, it’s not his fault I have shit” because you had just been crying and weren’t thinking strait, those words just slipped through your mouth. Dylan’s eyes widened and he moved your chin to that you had to face him.
“What kind of shit?” He asked
“Nothing” you said
He widened his eyes saying “really?”
You nodded in response to his action.
“Come on Y/N I’m here, please just talk to me” he pleaded
You stood up and out of Dylan’s grasp. “Listen Dylan, there is a lot you don’t know about me, and it’s all for good reason, ok? I recommend leaving it alone” you said
“I have left it alone for long enough Y/N!” He said standing up as well
“Whatever Dylan” you said waving away his statement
“No! Do not shut me out!” He said walking over to you again grabbing you hands, you could tell he was getting mad, but when he grabbed you it scared you
“No stop! Please! I’m sorry!” You pleaded, Dylan let go of your hands. His heart broke. He looked at you with concerned eyes.
“I’m sorry” he said, he noticed you were shaking, he was so confused, your reaction wasn’t normal. “Please just talk to me, please?”
You sighed and sat down on the bed, putting your face in your hands. Dylan sighed, giving up he began walking away when suddenly you began talking.
“I was 20, it was the first week of my sophomore year of college, my best friend at the time was bugging me about going to some frat party for back to school, the guys she liked had asked her to come and bring a friend. I told her I had to study but she didn’t believe me because it was the first week of school. I wasn’t a party person but I gave in. We got there, and she was drunkenly talking to the guy. I only had one drink, that the guy, his name was Brandon gave me. I started to feel sick and I went to go lie down. I was not thinking strait and when Brandon offered to help me I accepted, he carried me to the bedroom and put me down on the bed. By that time I was confused but barely conscious. He um…” you hesitated, Dylan stared at u in disbelief “he rapped me, he fucking rapped me. I tried to tell my friend but she just accused me of being jealous and not happy for her, saying Brandon would never do that. She never spoke to me again. Then a year later my boyfriend, who I had only been dating for a month or so wanted to ya know do it and I told him I wasn’t ready, I lied telling him I was a virgin. He was fine with it and he said he would wait. He asked again a month later and I still said no, this time he was more angry. We fought and I told him what happened and he called me a slut. We didn’t technically break up but we didn’t really speak. I felt bad so one time I decided to surprise him in his dorm. He was there with another girl. He cheated on me. I never told anyone else about what Brandon did to me. Not my parents, not my friends, not the police.” You finished in tears again
Dylan’s heart was in a million pieces, his best friend was raped and he didn’t know about it. Ofc it was a few years before you met him but he still kicked himself for not protecting you. He loved you! He loved you so damn much. He walked and he wrapped you up in his arms.
“It’s okay angel” he spoke softly so he would scare you. He let his emotions take hold of him, he no longer had control of what he said, “I love you so much and I will never ever leave you or hurt you, I will always protect you.” He told you
You looked up, he just said that he loved you, “what?” You asked
Dylan then realized what he had said “oh um ha” he said scratching the back of his head, screw it he thought. “Ya I love you Y/N, I have loved you for a long time, and and I feel bad telling you now, I don’t wanna take advantage of you but I do. I love you and-“ he was cut off by your lips on his. They were soft, moved as if they were meant for each other.
“I love you too” you said as you smiled
Dylan let out a breath of relief and kissed you again. When Dylan met you, you were nervous about your new job next to big actors, Dylan hugged you trying to comfort you. You never forgot that hug.
You layed in his arms, and for once in a long time you felt light, happy, and safe. And it was all because of one innocent hug.
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I spend my weekend binge readinf your zk fics and really I'm screaming!!!!! Plsssss I need another chapter!!! Like uhhhh the slow burn is so goooood. no pressure though take your timr. I just came gere to tell you you're amazing! I loved elite group of helpless children and thus far I'm loving maybe wecan be more too! I just love slow burns so mucj and your is the slowest I've read. And I love it!!!!!
I actually do have a question so imma gonna stop rambling and ask it. Who's your favorite atla character and hy is it zuko?
Oh my gosh!! Hello anon. Thank you so much for such high praise. I'm really glad you're enjoying my writing and I hope you had a good weekend. My exams just ended so I'll probably be uploading a new chapter soon. It's so nice to have some positive feedback so again thank you for reaching out.
Now to answer your question, unfortunately Zuko is not my favorite atla character. I like him just as much as the next person but I found atla at a time in my life when I was going through a lot. I had a lot of unresolved issues surrounding my grief around my mom's death and my circumstances then made me connect to Katara the most. Much like Katara mom, my mom also died when I was very young and I never truly processed that loss because I was so young that I didn't really realize what had happened and how it affected my life. You know, that line from Sokka where he say he doesn't really remember his mom, yeah....that hit me, it hit me hard. That was the first time I went 'oh so it's not just me', until then I always felt guilty that I couldn't remember my own mother. Katara's journey really helped me through my grieving process because it's not really easy to grief someone you barely knew but whose death basically changed the trajectory of your life. And seeing the strong love she had for her mother and the way she felt about her loss and especially the anger, 'cause at that time I was so angry at everything, and watching Katara express that anger towards her mother's killer made me feel okay about being angry. That's why Southern raiders is my favorite episode. Even the moment many people criticize her for when she said that Sokka didn't love their mom as much as she did, resonates with me because I had firsthand experience of hurting people I love because I was in pain and they didn't understand that pain.
I also related very closely with the other aspects of Katara's character too where she is the mom of the group 'cause in every one of my friend groups I was always seen as the mom and just because I had to carry the responsibilities of my family from an young age and quickly learn to do all chores to survive I was more used to it than any of my other friends so I inevitably ended up taking that position wherever I went. It was so burdensome but I always felt like it was my duty much like Katara felt its her job to support, nurture, encourage and cheer for everyone else.
In conclusion Katara is my favorite atla character. And moreover the primary reason I ship Zutara is because I know that if she ended up with Aang she'd have to carry that responsibility and misplaced sense of duty all her life and honestly, in my opinion, she deserves a break and someone who can look after her for a change.
Really sorry if this is too depressing of an answer.
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So I did this on Twitter, but Imma copy and paste the answers I did with more depth b/c Twitter has shitty character limits. 
Under the cut, because this is a lot of Shuri lore.
1.  Shuri’s birth name is actually Saran Orl. She doesn’t know this to this day since her birth parents were killed when she was born. A midwife managed to save the infant Saran/Shuri by taking her to the Angura, where she was given the name Shuri Angura when she was adopted by Agathe and Declan Angura. She took the title name "Fontaye" after a year or so in Eorzea (an idea to have Fontaye be a title for Shuri thrown at me from @earthlystar).
2. Shuri is an Auri Xaela. Her main class/job is Dancer, as she was trained by Nashmeira in her late teens to not only dance, but to wield the weapons a dancer does. 
3. The most striking features is Shuri’s scales. As they are not the usual scales one would find on a Xaela, the superstitious few would consider her cursed. She grew to be proud of her scales, finding beauty in them even she herself hated how different she looked.
4. She has been alive for 28 winters. Her birthday is January 7th. 
5. Shuri is a gentle and docile woman, a far different temperament that one would normally not expect out of a Xaela. However, don’t think her gentle-hearted nature is her only side. If she is crossed the wrong way or if anyone she loves is harmed or insulted, Shuri will display the bloodthirsty side of her. When she is crossed, she is merciless.
6. The Xaela tends to wear comfortable clothing when she isn’t busy working or saving the realm for the 100th time. You’ll find her in either comfy dresses or the Ala Mhigan gown since she finds armors quite suffocating. She’d don her more seductive clothing when she works at the clubs.
7. Tragic. Shuri’s birth parents were killed when she was born and as such, she has no memory of them. Her foster parents were also killed by Garleans in her early teens, with the young Shuri barely escaping with her life. In her traumatic state, she managed to go as far as Kugane to take stow away on a ship bound for Eorzea. 
8. Her goal is a simple one, yet sometimes it seems unattainable: a peaceful life. Enduring the traumas she has, the turmoil she’s felt, Shuri longs for a quiet, peaceful life. She doesn’t like to fight so needlessly. 
9. In her non-WoL verse, Shuri works as a dancer at a club called Sirensong. She makes quite a sum of gil that she is putting into savings to get a home with her fiancee. In both WoL and non-WoL verses, Shuri also does commissions for the weaver’s guild anonymously. She gets a fair amount of gil in that respect too and she enjoys doing it. 
10. Anything sweet. Shuri’s developed a sweet tooth outside of favoring her traditional dishes. 
11. Ending up alone again. Shuri’s already lost her family once. She is deathly terrified to lose more people she’d grown to care about. To her, losing them is equivalent to losing a piece of herself and she doesn’t ever want her found family to be harmed or lost. 
12. See number 9. 
13. DPS, as a Dancer. Shuri does not like to tank head-on and she feels her healing skills are inadequate as a White Mage. As a Dancer, she feels free to move as she sees fit and striking with precision and grace. 
14. Shuri believes she doesn’t have any talents. 
15. Shuri is not an Eorzean native. She fled there after Garleans massacred her tribe. She was born and raised into her early teens in the Azim Steppe and she will always say as such even while living in Eorzea. She does visit her homeland often with the eventual intent to settle there. 
16. Both sets of parents are deceased. Shuri has a memorial altar both in her home and one she built herself in the glacial mountains where the Angura thrived. 
17. Via the headcanon with @peachteaoni, Shuri has a twin sister that still resides in the Steppe named Ami. She found out about Ami when she went to the Steppe to take part in the nadaam and encountered a Xaela who is identical to her. Ami was raised by another tribe, as she and Shuri were separated at birth. 
18. Her only other known, living relative is Sidurgu, her cousin on her father’s side. 
19. Shuri is a hopeless romantic, but tends to shy away from love when it is professed to her (unless she’s the one who made the confession out of brief instances of boldness). To her, love is the most beautiful, frightening thing that someone could ever experience in their life and she also believes that love is not the same with each person she encounters.
20. Sex can be a beautiful thing to unite two souls made for each other; but it can also be used as a weapon. Shuri is aware of this and prefers sex being an instance where she and her partner’s souls connect in the most intimate ways through the act. 
21. It’s a necessary evil. Shuri knows this well. Compared to trades in the Steppe, Eorzea runs on gil and Shuri knows the struggle of not having any. 
22. Shuri is a devout, firm believer of Azim and Nhaama, with Nhaama being her patron deity. She does not believe in the Twelve, though she respects that her partners (in both verses) do. 
23. Her enemies are Garleans. That is something that is hard to sway for Shuri and if she encounters someone she’s grown friendly or fond of, only to find that they are of Garlean descent (defectors or otherwise), it confuses her feelings. She still has unbridled hate for those still aligned with Garlemald, however. 
24. Aside from her friends, Nashmeira is a role model for Shuri. The woman taught Shuri everything she needed to know to be a dancer, taking on an almost mother-figure role for the young Xaela. Shuri reveres Nashmeira and often speaks highly of her. 
25. Shuri has many fond memories with those she’s met in her life. She can never choose one over the other. 
26. Shuri is extremely insecure and very easily discouraged. It is a flaw she is trying to overcome, though sometimes she falters and it takes some time to help her regain her confidence. 
27. See 22. 
28. Having been called a savage by Garleans and even some Ishgardians, Shuri understands the plight of the Beast Tribes being painted with the broad brush when some fringes sought the power of the Primals, or succumbed to the Primals for other, heartbreaking reasons. She sympathizes with the Beast Tribes and assists them whenever she can. She also tends to question any ally who sees all members of the Beast Tribes as savage monsters without truly understanding their plight and only what things are said. 
29. Her greatest regret is misplaced. She feels that if she had been stronger, she’d have been able to save her foster family and other members of her tribe instead of fleeing. She carries the weight of that regret in her heart that not even those closest to her are aware of it. 
30. She’s terrified of Diremites.
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ray-ray-writings · 4 years
No thoughts only Princess Bride au where Sam, Dream or Sapnap (honestly any of them can work take your pick of minecraft boy) is Westley and I'm Buttercup -🍉
Oh gosh 🍉 you’re brain is so big!!!! So Imma use Dream because I have ideas….. Did I basically write the movie in this drabble just changing the names? Yes. Do I regret it? Hell no lol. I hope you enjoy!!! (I added a page break because it’s pretty long lol)
So Clay is a farmhand on your father’s farm that you are absolutely infatuated with. He does anything and everything you ask with a small smirk and an “as you wish”. As you spend more time together, you two fall in love. Clay decides that he needs to go across the sea so he can make a fortune before he can marry you. You beg him not to go, because you love him and he loves you too and that was all you need, but he goes anyway. He leaves you with a kiss on your lips and a promise to always come back for you. But he never did come back. 
News came back that Clay’s ship was attacked by a powerful pirate that goes by the name Dream. The news broke your heart and you locked yourself in your room and swore you would never love again. 
A few years go by and a new King is crowned. King Schlatt bumps into you one day and is stunned by your beauty and immediately declares that you will be his new partner. You try to refuse, but he has none of it. He announces to the kingdom that they will have a new member in the royal family in a few days time. But you knew you would never love Schlatt. After the announcement you went out to clear your mind on a horseback ride. You run into three men who claimed to be lost, and you with your big heart stop to help them but you quickly come to regret it as the biggest and strongest one, grabs you at a pressure point and you pass out. 
When you come to, you’re on a boat and the three men are sitting around staring at you. “Oh good. You’re awake!” One of them cheers, eerily cheery for kidnappers. “I was really worried I grabbed the wrong point but you were breathing so it helped me calm down a little bit… I’m Sapnap!” The big guy introduces himself. “Sapnap!” the shortest one hisses out, “you’re not supposed to tell them our names!” “Oops. Sorry George” ‘Sapnap’ apologizes. “SAPNAP!” The one he called George, “Bad tell him that he’s an idiot!” George shrieks, turning to the third man. ‘Bad’ faces palms at the two in front of him. “Great… Just great… You both have literally told them all of our names” And even though you’re in a really bad position, you can’t help but laugh at the idiocracy of the three. “Oh gosh. If this is how you act, the King and his men are definitely going to find you and when he does, you’re going to be in for it” you laugh, rolling your eyes at the three. They seem to take a little bit of offense at what you say, but George and Sapnap begin to squabble with each other and then Bad yells at them to shut up and everything falls silent. At one point, George asks if they’re being followed and while they’re distracted you take the chance and jump over the side of the boat and begin to swim away from them. But then something brushes your leg and you freeze. “There are eels in the water! Deadly eels that are just waiting to eat you,” Bad taunts from the boat and you begin to panic. An eel creeps up beside you and before it can take a bite out of you, you’re pulled back into the boat by the strong hands of Sapnap. “Are you okay?” He asks softly after he’s sure you’re steady in the boat. You can only nod, too scared to speak. “Good… Just don’t do that again,” he scolds gently. And even though these three have kidnapped you, you can’t help but begin to grow a soft spot for the gentle giant. 
Turns out you were being followed. Sapnap is forced to carry you three up the cliff as a stranger, wearing a green shirt and a white mask, begins to climb the rope behind you. Bad yells at him to climb faster, which doesn’t help, but you make it to the top before the stranger catches you and Bad cuts the rope. The stranger doesn’t fall though, just continues to climb the mountain. Bad instructs you guys to keep moving but George insists on staying behind to kill the man. Bad rolls his eyes, but let’s him and so you three run away, well Bad and Sapnap run because you’re still being carried by Sapnap. 
You three watch as the stranger and George fight beautifully but at the end, the masked man comes out on top, knocking George unconscious and running toward you guys. Bad let’s out a loud yell in frustration and commands Sapnap to give you to him and then demands that Sapnap kill the man by any means necessary. Bad carries you off further down the path before sitting you down and turning to watch the battle between Sapnap and the stranger. He lets out a frustrated yell again as Sapnap is also rendered unconscious. Bad quickly blindfolds you and pulls out his knife and presses it to your throat. “If you take another step closer I’ll kill them!” You hear Bad call out to someone… the stranger. He must not stop moving because the knife gets pressed into your throat further causing you to let out a small gasp and you make an attempt to move away. You listen as the stranger makes a deal with Bad and listen as Bad debates about which cup to drink from. The cup that is laced with the powder that will knock the other unconscious and allow the one that remains awake to get away with you. You listen as Bad toasts and the two drink, and you listen as Bad boasts about being smarter than the other man, only to have his laughter cut short as he falls asleep. The blindfold is removed from your eyes and you meet the beautiful green eyes of the stranger that look very familiar, you don’t get to stare long because he moves away and cuts the binds from your wrists and legs before dragging you away. 
After getting a bit away, the man pushes you into a rock and demands that you catch your breath. As you’re seated, you begin to beg with the man, asking him what he wants and that any ransom he asks he will get. The man laughs in your face and mocks you and your ‘love’. You spit at him that you do not love the King and that you have loved more deeply than he could ever understand. The man scoffs and rolls his eyes before grabbing your arm again and running again. 
Once again, after a while of running, he forces you to sit and catch your breath once more. This time you confront him about his identity, “I know who you are,” you spit out, seated on the rock, “You’re Dream… admit it” The man smirks and gives you a mock bow, “Sure am Your Highness. What can I do for you?” he asks so cockily. You tell him that he can die a most slow and painful death. Dream lets out another laugh, “And why would you wish such a thing.” “Because you killed my love” He is silent for a second before shrugging, “Maybe… I’ve killed a lot of people. Who was this love of yours?” And you can’t help it, but you begin to describe him. You think of his blonde hair, his emerald green eyes, his kind smile and warm heart… Your Clay. Dream then tells you that he remembers Clay. He remembers killing him and how he didn’t beg or plead, he just accepted it but before he died, he told of you and how you were his everything. But then he got really defensive and began to shout at you, calling you faithless and mocking you for getting engaged to the King. You cannot help but scream at him, “I DIED THAT DAY!” You noticed Schlatt’s horses and claim that Dream can die too for all you care and so you push him as hard as you can down the hill. As he’s falling you hear him call the words that you’re love would always say to you, “As you wish!” Your heart aches and you begin to run toward him, only to trip and fall down the hill to. 
Once at the bottom, you lay on the ground, catching your breath. As you do, Clay, his white mask now gone, moves and hovers over you. “Are you okay? Can you move?” But you don’t care about yourself at the moment, “You’re alive” you breathe out, your hand coming up to cup his face. “I told you I would come back, my love. I’m back.” and you just pull him in and press a long and passionate kiss on his lips. Five years of pain and longing and missing your lover pour into the kiss. A warmth that you haven’t felt since you kissed Clay goodbye fills your entire body and causes your toes to curl. “I love you so much” you murmur to him once he pulls back, “I love you too so much more.” 
Once you two get up, you run to the fire swap. You’re a little nervous, but you know that Clay will take care of you. You ask Clay what had happened on that ship 5 years ago. Clay begins to tell you the story of how he became Dream as you two practically dance through the fire swamp. It feels so good to be back in Clay’s arms as he twirls you around trees and fire spurts that shoot up from the ground. The warmth flutters in your heart again as Clay tells you that he now plans on retiring since he found you, his true love once again. You two share a sweet moment and another kiss before you make your way through the dangerous swamp. You have some close encounters, but make it out of the swamp safely…. Unfortunately you two are not alone when you exit. 
Schlatt meets you on the other side of the swamp and you begin to get surrounded by his men and you knew how this would end. “Promise you won’t hurt him if I come with you!” You shout to your fiance. Schlatt makes this promise and you turn to Clay who is looking at you in the utmost shock, “What?” he whispers. “I died the day you died Clay… I could not handle it if you died again” you whisper back to him, “I know you’ll return to me again one day” and then you’re whisked away by Schlatt back to the castle. 
You mope around the castle and Schlatt notices. He blames it on the fact his father is in bad health, who dies later that night, but no one truly believes him. You begin to have nightmares as your and Schlatt’s wedding grows closer. After waking from a particularly terrible one, you run to Schaltt’s office and tell him that you don’t want to marry him, that you want to marry Clay. Schlatt surprisingly agrees, claiming to not wanting to make you unhappy or dead. He agrees to send out a letter to Dream’s ships and if Clay wants you, he can marry you but if he doesn’t to please consider marrying him to killing yourself, to which you agree. 
Days go by and you hear nothing, and you walk into his room and he greets you. He tells you of what is going to happen, but he slips up and you find out that he never attempted to contact Clay. So you yell at him, you insult him, and as you tell him that Clay will always come for you because you love each other, you drive him off the metaphorical edge. He very angrily throws you into your room and locks you in there before storming off. You bang and kick at the door, trying to get out but nothing. Finally you settle yourself by the fire and begin to just think of your true love Clay. 
The sun sets and you are forced to get ready for a wedding you do not wish to be a part of. Schlatt enters your room and helps you adjust your outfit. You tell him once again that Clay will save you. But you find yourself at the altar listening to a priest who you have to try really hard not to laugh at (I am literally thinking of Quackity just using one of his silly voices just officiating a wedding lol). A commotion begins to happen outside and Schlatt begins to panic silently and you can tell. So you taunt him a bit, but then he demands Quackity to call you married “partner and partner” and then you’re dragged to the honeymoon suite. You can’t help but go dumbly because you’re so shocked at the fact that you just got married to Schlatt and Clay didn’t come to save you. As you’re being escorted to your room, you make the decision that you’re going to do it. If you cannot be with the one you love, you’re going to kill yourself. 
You get to the room and pull out the dagger, hold it to your chest, and just as you are about to plunge it into your chest, the sweet voice of your lover calls from behind you, “Are you sure you want to do that, love? I mean I wouldn’t be able to kiss you there if you split your chest open.” You head snaps to the bed to find Clay laying there motionless, but his eyes are trained on you. You throw the dagger on the desk before running over to Clay and throwing yourself down on top of him and kiss him over and over again. “Clay, I’m so sorry. I’m so so sorry.” you apologize after you pull back. His eyebrows raise at the apology, “What have you done now?” “I got married. I didn’t want to, but everything happened so fast that I did.” “It didn’t happen” “Yes it did” “Did you say I do?” “Well no but-” “Then it doesn’t count and you aren’t married. Didn’t say it, didn’t do it… Wouldn’t you say so your highness.” Clay’s eyes drift to the doorway causing yours to follow. There stands a pissed of Schlatt, “You forget one technicallity… Whatever, it will all be fixed in a moment” he declares before drawing out a sword. Then Schlatt and Clay begin a back and forth, with Clay doing most of the talking, his words just confusing Schlatt. After his epic speech, Clay slowly rises from the bed and holds a sword to Schlatt and demands that Schlatt drop his weapon. Fear now swimming in his eyes, Schlatt does everything Clay commands even sitting in a chair. Schlatt even allows you to tie him up extremely tightly.
Suddenly, George walks into the bedroom, surprising the hell out of you. “Where’s Sapnap and Bad?” Clay asks George, causing the shock and surprise to ring further in you, “I thought they were with you!” George responds. Since when were they all friends? A voice calls to you from outside the window. You and George help Clay to look outside and there you find Bad and Sapnap standing next to five white horses. “We found the stables!” Bad calls to you three. “And there were five horses and there were five of us if we found Y/N!” “Hi Y/N!!!” Sapnap interrupts waving frantically to you. A soft grin graces your face as you return the wave to the gentle giant who you def had a soft spot for now. “So we took them!” Bad finishes. You stare at each other for a while before Sapnap holds his arms out and motions to you. You giggle and step onto the window ledge and jump down, somehow completely trusting this giant and his friends who had tried to kill you. Sapnap catches you and gently puts you down on the ground before catching George and Clay too. “Hey, uhhhh… I just wanted to apologize for kidnapping you a few days ago,” Bad claims stepping forward, a sheepish look on his face. “We were just doing what we were hired too… That doesn’t make it right though and we’re sorry.” You give the man a soft smile, “It’s okay. I forgive you… What you did helped me find my love again so it was worth it in the end.” You claim as you turn and cuddle into Clay’s side. Clay grins down at you and kisses the top of your head before pecking your lips. “Alright then… Let’s get out of here.” 
And so the five of you ride off and away from the castle, not really sure where you’re going. You ride for many hours before you finally feel it, the weight being lifted off of your shoulders. You stop and get off of your horses. “I think this might be a good place to settle down,” George claims looking around at the wide open area. “Yeah! I agree!” Sapnap shouts, jumping down beside him. You and Clay also hop off of your horses and move slightly away from the other three. “What do you think, love?” Clay asks quietly. You give a quick glance around before locking your gaze with his, “I think it’s perfect. I want to start our new life here… With our new friends.” A grin graces Clay’s face as his hand comes up to cup your cheek. He moves his face close to yours, so close you can feel his breath brushing against your slightly parted lips. “As you wish”
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Could I ask what your sexuality headcanons are? I love comparing mine with other peoples’!
Ok second half of this; this is just like. non-students who i Actually have thought about HJBAFV not at all a comprehensive list. Again disclaimer i write all these chars as bi in my fics, also i am bi myself so the vast majority are also bi, and also leaving a lot of these vague so u can imagine ur favorite ship or urself or w/ever
ok lets start this off with Aizawa. I think....... hes another one who's rlly unlabelled, doesnt super care to think it through and define it, but calls himself gay bc his interest in women is very, very rare and it's just way easier to say than explain all that. Definitely do buy into the idea that he had a crush on Oboro in hs but i do NOT buy into the easermic agenda sorry. Definitely not someone who goes looking for dates, but doesn't say no if someone asks him and hes interested (also im not gonna give her a whole section but i saw a hc a while back that the Ms. Joke stuff is literally that shes a lesbian and hes gay and shes fucking with him and i love that so much i just wanted to put it out there)
on the topic of the erasermic agenda: Hizashi's pan and knew it before HS, had a sudden & intense crush on Aizawa for the first month they knew each other and then immediately got over it in favor of a similar sudden, intense, and then immediately fading crush on Midnight. Hizashi and Aizawa r just rlly good friends imo; maybe they messed around for a bit in their twenties but it never went anywhere serious. He dates around a lot, not even necessarily to settle down just to have some fun
Midnight is aro/ace but does get in qprs & gravitates towards women wrt that. Most people dont read vigilantes but theres a woman in that, Kazuho, who i imagine she's been in a long-term qpr with; her relationship with aizawa and hizashi leans a little more towards a qpr than a normal friendship, too, but it's not rlly defined that way
All Might is married to justice queer but v much not interested in relationships. He and that one guy from the first movie are ABSOLUTELY exes and i won't hear otherwise; it's the only relationship he's ever had, and they broke up bc he had to go back to japan. He was heartbroken but did eventually get over him; his lack of romance afterwards is from genuine disinterest and not being hung up on his past. I can see him finding someone else in his later years, after he's retired. Definitely feels like he's not worthy of it tho
Hawks is bi but unfortunately didn't get to figure that out until like Now in the timeline...... if youll let my dabihawks history shine through i think dabi was the reason JHBASFGJHB he was basically brainwashed by the commission to become a hero so he didnt have time to Figure That Shit Out; he knew he was into women bc that was easy & what the commission expected from him but then he started this undercover assignment and met dabi and realized Oh...... Fuck. Hawks is hard tbh, bc i think between the control that the commission has over him and his own convictions as a hero he doesn't pursue any romance (tho he does get crushes or find people attractive) and most of his flings are done to keep up his prettyboy act, not out of genuine interest in being a fuckboy. Can't imagine him having a relationship until well after canon but I do see him being interested eventually
Onto the villains, Shigaraki is unlabelled but probably would call himself queer if asked. Definitely admires women more but isn't very interested in romance; AFO actively encourages him to pursue the things interested in so imo if he were he'd talk abt it more lmfao. I kinda see him as demi as well, not the type to fall immediately but requiring a friendship beforehand; tho unlike Bakugo as i said in my last post I dont think it happens suddenly but rather slowly. Y'all know im a big fan of shigaraki being absolutely whipped for his s/o so i do thing hes a big piner, tho he's also pretty bold and unashamed of his affections. I'm a big fan of him falling for a member of the league or a civilian; definitely can't see him falling for a hero unless the hero was already halfway to turning sides already. I think he's also attracted to intelligence and someone who pushes him to think more abt his ideology...... maybe im just projecting at this point JSHDFBVAJKSHD but my point is that the gender of his partner is definitely the least of what he considers/notices
Dabi is bi and, here's my bold take, demisexual; not interested in sex unless its with someone he loves. Absolutely doesn't even think abt romance for most of the years where he's on his own. He's got revenge to plan. By the time he joins the league that hasn't changed much, and he's demi so he's not interested in sleeping around, plus he rlly denies any attachment to people at all. As I said in that other ask tho I do rlly like the idea of him with Magne, so I think they have a fling for a bit before her death :( it's one of the things that leads him to isolate himself further, unfortunately, even from Jin and the other League members with whom his relationships aren't romantic. I can see him dating someone post-canon bc i think hes gonna be redeemed lol. It could be someone he knew before but they probably didnt date again bc he was v guarded; i think magne was rlly the only person he dated
Magne is pan and heres the kicker: I think shes t4t, which led to a little moment just before she and dabi got together where he was like "she wouldnt be into me :/" but she was into him anyway so all was good. She got around in her circles, mostly casual stuff tho she yearned for something more serious.
Spinner's bi & trends towards women but does occasionally get things for men and they're almost always intense. He thought he was straight for a while even once he joined the league and then suddenly got a crush on Shigaraki (around the time of MVA) and realized otherwise LMFAO he's definitely a hopeless romantic type, the whole mutant prejudice thing makes it rlly hard for him and i can see him being rlly happy with another mutant-type; i feel like as he matures he starts to gravitate towards them
Toga is canonically pan to my understanding, iirc her interest in Uraraka and Deku is the same (and romantic) in canon tho i might be wrong. Poor girl just needs therapy. I like the idea of the two of them becoming her friends over her being involved with them but i totally can get behind her having a thing with Uraraka (and maybe Tsu) at some point post-canon (presuming she gets redeemed), tho I think a qpr between the two/three of them would be longer lasting. And again presuming she gets therapy i can see her settling down with someone, gender irrelevant
Jin is unlabelled bc he hasn't much thought abt it, definitely had a thing for dabi and for hawks which does make me sad on both counts. I think he likes women slightly more abstractly/aesthetically and gets crushes more on men,. The dabi thing fades as they get closer and start to view each other as brothers. In his later years he doesn't rlly care about romance, I think he enjoys the experience of crushing but doesnt like dating people; his found family in the League is far more important to him. But i can see him falling head-over-heels for someone quite suddenly and having a bit of a whirlwind romance. Also someone for whom gender isn't much of a factor
Mr Compress is also queer and also hasn't rlly thought abt it. Definitely leans more towards women; he's like 30 but i like to think he also goes for older partners, 10 or 15 years his senior KJBADSJFHB idk he just has that Vibe with the way he calls himself an old man etc. A lot of the league i cant see sleeping or dating around much, i feel like they prioritize each other, but I do think mr compress gets around more than the others. i can see him having a bit of a fuckbuddy who he catches feelings for
Kurogiri is fun; as Oboro I do think Aizawa's crush was reciprocated, tho he wasn't around long enough for them to act on it :( he's bi, tho kurogiri isn't supposed to have personal interests. I like to imagine the brainwashing isnt as good as AFO wants it to be tho so I like the idea of him falling for someone anyway. I also like the idea of the heroes managing to undo the nomufication and I 100% can see him, aizawa, and someone else (someone he was involved with as Kurogiri) ending up in a triad as a result of aizawa and the third partner helping him through the aftermath of all that shit
Lady Nagant is a manga-only minor character but im in love with her so imma talk abt it. Shes bi and leans VERY heavily towards women, probably spent years questioning whether she was rlly bi or a lesbian before finally having a fling with a guy that she genuinely enjoyed. Has only ever been in long-term relationships with women and I v much think she has a gf at home who stayed even when she was arrested 🥺
Finally imma talk abt Natsuo bc i love that boy. He's one of the few unmarried chars with a love interest and he canonically has a gf. I do see him as IDing straight in canon ngl, but the kind of straight where he might actually be bi but his preference leans so heavily towards women and he grew up in a bad home so he just doesnt rlly think abt it bc hes v happy with women anyway. In shiganatsu thoughts shigaraki is the first man he has a thing for; i rlly can see the two of them in a triad with a woman specifically, who helps the two of them find each other and is the one who initiates bc its definitely a weird situation for natsuo
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belle-keys · 3 years
I Love Matthew Fairchild aka Incoherent Thoughts about Chain of Iron (2021) by Cassandra Clare
I made one of these rant-rave reviews for SJM's book so check it out if you want, no pressure tho lmao.
Aight so I finished Chain of Iron last night and OMG I HAVE TO YELL like I loved it sooo much like yooo, I have a lot to say. I know the book is new so... beware for spoilers plebs.
Also context: I been reading the Shadowhunter books since I was 12 and I'm 19 now *insert dead emoji face* so yeah, I'm just so happy rn with where the Chronicles have come and the fact that they’re still ongoing *insert uwu face*. I remember when in like 2014-2015 or something when Cassandra Clare teased that Will and Tessa's kids' generation was gonna get a trilogy set in Edwardian London, loosely based on Great Expectations, and holy hell? I think that was perhaps one of the best days of my life considering how much I adore The Infernal Devices (that trilogy really changed the way I see YA literature... don't ask cus I won't shut up about it) (also yes I read TMI and loved it too but there's a “generation gap” between TMI and the other Shadowhunter books stylistically so don't ask me about that either cus I also won't shut up).
Anyway, shoo from here if you want a critical essay on Chain of Iron. I'm not providing that, this is just me raving here for the fun.
Listen... I want the bulk of this to just be two main things: The Matthew Situation, and then all the literary and judeo-christian meta aspects of it.
Okay, the plot and writing and shit, let's get that out of the way:
The WHOLE Jack-the-Ripper-esque ambiance was just sooooo good man wow like I did not expect the book to take this cold turn but it worked so well. There was such a contrast between Jamie and Cordelia's warm little house and then the cold winter and the stabbings and shit and it felt like a nice little callback to the actual Ripper phenomenon that preceded them and a nod to the Whitechapel Fiend story from Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy.
Bitch OFC that whole thing with Wayland was a set-up like nawww that was too easy to spot and I get why Cordelia feels like shit about it.
Dawg Lucie was just the Among Us imposter here in that my girl was just venting and sneaking around with dead people and I was like nooooo girl run, don't deal with Fade this is a set-up THINK ABOUT JULES LUCIE THAT'S LIKE YO GREAT-GRANDSON *sobs* but yeah anyway my girl has death powers she gonna kill some bitches next book.
You see that confrontation between Lilith and Belial? MASTERPIECE DIALOGUE like this was the point within which I was just like "yo is this the book of Genesis or a YA Fantasy novel" like when Lilith said "I may have been cast out but I did not fall" like??????????????????? I YELLED she did not have to END Belial like that. What a bad bitch.
More on Lilith and Belial... "You, who brought nations into darkness? Shall I finally be able to tell the infernal realms you have gone mad, lost even the image of the Creator." HAHAHHAHAHA SHE SAID "YO BELIAL GO GET SOME THERAPY AND GET OFF MY ASS" LIKE??????
Ughhhh yasss Clare has improved writing diverse characters in this book compared to in The Dark Artifices in my opinion... I'm not gonna expand on it cus ain't nobody got time for that but like, I enjoyed how she wove Persian poetry and tales into the story and the way in which she writes Cordelia and Alistair. They're not caricatures of Persian people but rather multi-faceted beings who also happen to be Persian and I appreciate that. Also, Alistair and Thomas and Anna and Ariadne were just so fun and interesting to read as coupbles but also as individuals. She really higlighted diversity in a very natural manner. All I need is a hijabi character and I’ll die a happy woman lmao.
The level of META man like the references to Classics and art (I swear, she might have compared Matthew to angels out of Caravaggio AND Rosetti AND Boticelli paintings and I Am Living For It) and just all the quotes from holy books and shit omg I love it here like you really feel catapulted into the time period, she draws reference to external art and philosophy so well and I feel like she upped the notch on it in this book (didn’t know that was possible but it was the prose is BEAUTIFUL, archaic, but not pretentiously so). No, like the characters live in their OWN worlds of literature and art and history in the way we are living in THEIRS. They quote Wilde and Milton while we'll quote Clare. It's awesome.
This is an unusually structuralist take even from me but: I like the way the milieu social of the book, i.e., the high society Edwardian circles and their values, have a direct influence on the plot. James and Cordelia got married because society’s values essentially forced them to, not a demon. Cordelia abandons Jamie at the end of Iron because her shame as a woman in society and fear for her reputation made her, not a demon. Thomas and Alistair can't be together solely because of how Alistair tarnished the reputation of the Fairchilds and Lightwoods by using the horror of infidelity against them. Issues relating to marriage, gender roles, etc, stemming DIRECTLY from the time period rule the sequence of events to the same degree as the epic fantasy aspects (demons, Princes of Hell, the lore itself) do and I LOVE that dear God above.
OKAY THE GOOD SHIT LET US TALK ABOUT CHARACTERS AND SHIPS (N.B. but imma discuss Matthew and the Fairstairs situation separately below this portion):
Alistair's redemption arc: No, cus Alistair's redemption arc is honestly amazing. He really did change and it's not like his betterment as a person was linked to any one heroic deed but rather he simply decided he wanted to be better especially for his family and he decided to become a proper protective son, a caring brother, and an amiable friend. He fully owned up to his Malfoy tendencies and apologized without expecting forgiveness. He shows how he cares in the little ways and omg it's so sweet and tender. I really do want him to love himself now and be embraced by Matthew especially and the rest of the Thieves.
Dawg Lucie and Jesse are so funny to me like it's so hilarious how this girl fell in love with a whole ass ghost that no one else knows about like HHAHA. Are Lucie and Jesse my ult ship ever? Nah, but it's nothing to do with Clare, it's just that their relationship happened pretty quick and feels quite like something epicly romantic that Lucie herself would write. I just like slow burn and friends-to-lovers the most from Clare. To be honest part of me just wanted Lucie to not have a romantic arc all together but like, it's all good, I'm not complaining.
Okay Grace- like yooooooooooo I never hated her yunno. She has been abused and isolated all her life. It's not that she is a bad person, but rather that she does not know what being a person even entails. Can't even say she's a “doll” of a person cus she's never even been pampered like one by her family. I really started understanding her motivations since when they gave us her half-childhood with Jesse. I want better for her but cmon can she REALLY be saved???
GRACE X CHRISTOPHER *pretends to be shocked*... Okay, sometime in the middle of the Dark Artifices series some big brain put together a very thorough family tree of the families and like, it clearly showed that Grace and Christopher got married so like, lmfaooooo, I knew this was coming one way or another, but the journey to this ship is more important than the destination. Like in a way Christopher is such a cute baby lamb that it makes sense he'd end up being immune to her Grace-ness when he's just a cute little Einstein boiii. Like this is just so funny to me cus he's so oblivious to social conventions while she makes the milieu social her entire life so OFC it's gonna work. Like, this is such a worlds-colliding trope like just Give It To Me.
James and Grace - aw mannn Jamie just had me fricking wanting to hit a wall every two seconds cus like yooooooo every single time I think he and Cordelia are gonna stop being emotionally-constipated spouses, Jamie says some kinda shit like "omg me and Daisy are just friends uwu" like DO I NEED TO HIT YOU?????????? See I can't blame him for not slamming the door on Grace's face even tho he totes should- Jamie is so cerebral and kind that even if Grace wasn't using the enchantment on him, I think he would always be soft for her even if it isn't in a romantic way. There's just so much miscommunication cus like he said "Thank God" when she broke off the engagement with Charles and lowkey embraced her but it also wasn't his fault cus it wasn't even romantic BUT OFC IT LOOKED HORRIBLE TO CORDELIA like James literally never told the woman at least once that he loved her so OFC she thought she was back to square one with him dear God above what a mess. Not his fault, but she DID set down one rule for him: don’t cheat with Grace. And yeah even tho he hasn’t properly cheated, it must FEEL horrible to her cus she’s just been enduring the pain of their unrequeted love for so long :((
See imma just say it but if Cordelia thought that James didn't love Grace then she def would have confessed to him about her feelings right but like James, on the other hand, was delaying his own romantic confession cus he was BEING EMOTIONALLY CONSTIPATED and I can't even say the bracelet was solely to blame cus like my boi was just being so difficult omg I believe he should be lightly spanked by his three parents aka Will, Tessa and Jem *cries*.
Cordelia is such a MOM like she's so mature and stable and her self-preservation instinct? OFF THE CHARTS I love this woman like James definitely treated her well as a hubby but like I JUST WANTED HER TO HAVE CLOSURE ABOUT SOMETHING and boy oh boy she did get that closure she got it good but not from the person she expected in the LEAST *hehe* *pelican screeching*... like Lucie was being sus with the whole ghost business and James was being just, quite a case, dealing with Grace and Belial right and I don't blame them at all for their secrecy and shit but her FATHER DIED and her friends were hiding a lot from her so in a way she turned to Alistair for help but he could only do so much cus of his own pain (she couldn't even talk to her mom cus she's pregnant and she doesn't wanna stress her right) and then there was this emotional block between her and Jamie, Lucie was often absent and conspiring with the dead... the last person remaining was HIM (imma discuss this soon), but yeah my heart just went OUT to her cus she's tryna save herself and her family and she just doesn't know what to do. That's why I love the way her mom told her to stop holding herself back for others and live her own life. Like Cordelia grew on me so much cus in Gold she undoubtedly was a strange Elizabeth Bennet-wallflower hybrid and I... do not usually get attached to wallflowers but in Iron I feel like I finally understood that she was just tryna be unproblematic and self-preserving all along and nottt put her family and friends in a tough situation.... she reminds me of my mom personality-wise so yeah I’m totally rooting for her now that her *situation* in the past seems clearer.
Anna, Thomas and Matthew are such a SQUAD lmfaooooo like united in their gayness they'd be so unstoppable.
Will and Tessa are the most in-love of all the in-loves in this story and I respect that so much.
I lost a year to my life every time the romance between James and Cordelia got cockblocked. Like they were MARRIED and I thought they were gonna at least sleep next to each other at least once BUT NO James couldn't take a hint omg I'm actually gonna eat my fist and sob (but in retrospect, I think this serves a bigger purpose in terms of the narrative structure i.e. the interruption of all the spicy James and Cordelia action serves a bigger purpose which I think brings me to my next section, *exhale*)
Welcome to the Matthew Fairchild Enthusiast Club (this section is me talking out loud; it makes no sense):
Okay like where to BEGIN I think the Shadowhunter boy who I'm most attracted to is Julian while the one I love the most is Will but I think I see myself in Matthew the most. Like ever since that first story where the Thieves all met at the Academy then got expelled, I think that I just KNEW Matthew was destined to be epic. Plus the whole Wilde obsession? I’m no libertine myself but I just love his chaos and passion for life.
Hear me out but I said after finishing Gold last March that I wanted this book to be Matthew's healing arc right so halfway into the book when I realized that we weren't getting all that good healing arcing I was confused just cus I thought it seemed natural to address all of his alcohol issues and sadness by now. LITTLE DID I KNOW CASSIE WAS SETTING UP A WHOLE OTHER ARC WITH HIM THAT I WOULD HAVE NEVER GUESSED WTH.
At first I thought Matthew didn't have feelings for anyone at all, and if he DID develop feelings unexpectedly, I fricking thought that maybe he's catching feelings for James, if anyone??? I mean, I did have some suspicions about Matthew from the get-go: like he's so secretive and as readers we think we know everything there is to know about him since we were all privy to the truth potion incident in his short story right BUT NO I GOT PLAYED AND I DESERVE IT SO BADDDDDD.
Listen I hadn't shipped him and Cordelia simply because I never thought it in the realm of possibility but it MAKES SENSE as a ship... think about it: he never says what he feels, he flirts with her like he does with EVERYONE, he is kind to her in the way he is with EVERYONE. Really, Matthew is shippable with everyone, doesn’t matter if they’re taken cus that’s just what his Matthewnes allows for ya feel. There is such a beautiful irony that CORDELIA herself did not see this coming. Even the little teasers and hints in Gold have only NOW started making sense to me likejhss. I just felt like the hints in book 1 did not indicate to me that Matthew really harbored real romantic feelings for Daisy. I thought he was upset that James and Cordelia were being fakes, not a developing CRUSH on the woman fgs.
Not to mention that you usually sense a ship building when the emotional connection or sexual tension between the characters is made clearer but to me their FRIENDSHIP grew right but it didn’t feel like Cordelia was thought that she liked him or he liked her so that means me and Cordelia are clowns *together* 😤
Okay I was lowkey having SUSPICIONS but I immediately shut them down right... like firstly when he took her to the White Horse in his car and she went OFF and OFF and off about how she felt free for the first time? I thought Cassie was just tryna develop Cordelia's self-liberation arc through Matthew there. Heck, I didn't even think ANYTHING of it when Matthew confession to Cordelia about the "truth potion" incident at all cus I was like they're FRIENDS??? BUT now it's adding up now...
See when they were at the inn place and he was telling her that she doesn't in the least seem like a 100 year-old married woman? I was like hmmmm he's so sweet but why did Cassie phrase it like that like??? When Cordelia later reiterated that she thought Matthew's flirting was “meaningless”?? I was like hmmm kinda SUS tho. And then when he and James had their fight over the way Jamie kissed Grace like again I thought he was just like? ion know? mad at James for it but I didn't think he was in LOVE with Cordelia??? So I immediately put aside my slight suspicions. The probability that he had a crush on James at that point seemed more likely to me.
BUT THEN it started hitting me that every time Matthew drank, even before he explained his issue with the truth potion, that Cordelia would note it, she would worry about him, she would think of her father which seemed so poetic to me, history repeating itself and all that but this time you can FIX it??? Yeah, but again I didn't think the L WORD would be involved man???
Now imma sound like a delulu shipper here but it just makes sense they would develop feelings logically- reason being that it definitely is possible based on the way Cassie set up the story, like there's a combination of little “friend things” that can turn this into a proper ship: Matthew rescues Cordelia in the ballroom when Grace captures James' attention in Gold. Cordelia sees her father in Matthew all the time but knows now she has a chance to be there for him in the way she couldn't have been there for Elias (classic “history repeats itself” trope, she doesn't want Matthew drinking in Paris like dhshghdfhdhch). Cordelia tastes freedom for the first time when driving with Matthew. Matthew caught James and Cordelia making out in the room and was pissed but not even HE properly knew why then??? Umm, when she thinks James is forreal cheating with Grace on her she subconsciously goes to Matthew??? I also found it funny just how every intimate marital moment between her and James got interrupted somehow. Like, it's as if the narrative is just a living force REFUSING to let James and Cordelia as a ship be consecrated. Heck, every time Matthew is scantily clothed Cordelia notes it. LITTLE CRUMBS I TELL YOU LITTLE CRUMBS.
I tell you when Cordelia showed up to Matthew's flat I thought they were gonna f*ck as friends but I got SOMETHING EVEN BETTER SOMEHOW
“In Paris, with you, I will not need to forget.” SHITTRGEGGGDG
BUT CORDELIA LOVES JAMES TOO LIKE I CAN'T DENY THAT... where are we GOING with this like Matthew wouldn't lie about his feelings and yet Cassie wouldn't give us Matthew and Cordelia crumbs to only end it in the next book immediately for her to just ditch him for James. I mean she was clearly holding back on fleshing out James and Cordelia as a ship for this but to WHAT END??? Daisy feels wild and free with Matthew and she feels warm at home warm with James. I can’t advocate for the sinking of ANY ship here.
Imma say what we're all thinking: Is she gonna give us a Will x Jem x Tessa type situation where Cordelia gets both of them cus I'm not strong enough for this but I also think it'd be really funny if James gets a surprise bi awakening in the next books and then we get POLY even tho this would never happen, it’s actually impossible, because of the whole parabatai thing.
Listen I ship Cordelia and Matthew much more than Cordelia and James, not that I dislike James in any way tho. It's just: Matthew is so unrestrained and she's so composed. They seem like an unlikely pair so it makes sense that they hit harder for me. James and Cordelia have such similar personalities but I ALSO don't ship James with Grace at all so like?? Poly would be... ideal... but it can’t happen especially cus they are fricking parabatai... a Will-Jem-Tessa situation seems more likely but mannnn ion know what to expect. I just want FAIRSTAIRS to have their moment in Paris. I mean James and Matthew clearly don't abhor each other for this.
Take everything I say with several grains of salt, take everything I say with the whole Dead Sea actually, cus I damn well know that Matthew is so flirty and whatnot that I’d have shipped him with anyone in their little circle but now that she set him up with Cordelia it all feels so right?? I have wanted this man in a good relationship since he walked onto the page in Nothing But Shadows so-
I can't believe Cassia duped me like this omg, Matthew is gonna have his healing arc in Paris with Cordelia by his side like- THIS IS ALL I HAVE WANTED AND SO MUCH MORE. Question to yall btw: are you all as surpised at Fairstairs as me or did yall see it coming all along like smart people? Am I a lone clown? 🥺
BRUH okay criticisms of CC?:
Lmfao a part of me feels like I GOTTA say something bad about CC or the book but honestly I have no objective complaints about it as of now. Am I saying that it’s the PEAK of Young Adult literature and Urban Fantasy? I mean, I make no such claims tbh. I’m not here to be critical when I read as a hobby and when CC’s writing makes me happy regardless of how flawed some people see it.
Okay what next?
So like I’m excited for the adult high fantasy she’s releasing in the fall and whatever other works she might be releasing outside of Chain of Gold within the Chronicles.
As for TLH itself? Man I’m just VIBING like I suspect I will reread Chain of Iron soon and maybe one of the anthologies just because I am happy that this series actually happened after me waiting like 6 years for it when it was just a concept: a Dickensian retelling filled with poetry and culture and history and the conventions I so loved in TID at age 12. This is all I been wanting tbh. I’m just enjoying watching this series come to fruition for it to inspire and transform me in some way. I feel like in a way my coming-of-age aligns with that of these specific characters yet I ALSO feel like I raised Jamie since infancy. Wack.
Ending with a fun quote: “In the wise words of someone or other, there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy, Maurice.” 😉
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No context provided recap of my reactions watching Manner of Death. Disclaimer: this will probably make no sense if you have never watched this show. 
Episode 1: OMG THIS IS A LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT LOVE STORY! I don't know what's happening even with subtitles but I am liking it! 
Episode 3: They are sharing a bed people! They are sharing a bed! 📢 THIS SHOW DID THE ONLY ONE BED TROPE! It is 2am and I am having a breakdown over these two, the sounds I am making are not human Tan x Bun are hitting everyone of my favorite tropes *screams in shipper*
Episode 5: Is Sorn x That a thing I can ship?? I am shipping it. Tan the standards you are giving me for men are so sky high I’mma be single forever
Episode 6: AKA the episode where I gasped a lot. Also Tan omg you are such a goner for your man. Bless everyone who uploads this show with English subtitles, this ish too good. 
Episode 7: Is Tan Dam? Could Tan and Bun get more married? TAN IS DAM! 
Episode 10: Showering together! Seriously, these two tick all the boxes! When you love someone so much you don’t care they left you handcuffed for hours  😭  I AM TORN BETWEEN SCREAMING AT TAN NOT TO TOUCH ANYTHING OR TELLING HIM TO GET A WEAPON. IS THERE ANY EPISODE OF THIS SHOW THAT WONT MAKE ME SCREAM OR ANXIOUS AF. BUN BREAKING DOWN OVER TAN 😭 I need this episode to end so the next one can begin and I can understand this insanity- THAT YOU ARE LOCKED AND KIDNAPPED AND YOU ARE THINKING ABOUR SORN?!?!??!?!?!??!
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This show has scared me and made me jump more times than any horror movie I’ve ever seen. I am so used to seeing him in uniform I did not recognize Inspector M for a minute. Tan and Bun are so cute always worried about each other but poor Inspector M he on the sidelines like ‘they forgot I’m here and we got a murder to solve’  😂 TAN AND BUN LOOKING AT SORN AND THAT LIKE TWO PARENTS THAT KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON, SHOW YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME I'M A WEAK BITCH YOU CANT HIT ME WITH TWO CUTE COUPLES AND DOMESTICITY AND FOUND FAMILY FEELS AT THE SAME TIME! RUNG AND PEUD WERE A THING???? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? THIS EPISODE HAS ME GRIPPING THE EDGE OF MY SEAT AND IM NOT EVEN ON A CHAIR. WHY AM I SURPRISED BY ANY OF THIS WHEN I ALREADY SUSPECTED HER? 
Episode 12: The epi I prioritized over live watching the season finale of another series I’m watching. Peud sucks!. Bun you did not have to kick that poor man in the ribs! You and Tan acting like two parents who got caught doing something inappropriate 😂  Nah, this is too easy there are still two episodes left, you can’t pull the rug out from under me this time show I’m ahead of you, I know you hiding something. THE CACTUS THAT IS GENIOUS! I like M but should he really be trusted with such a big job? Flamingo? That should be the stupidest thing yet it works I am angry at the fact that line works. CHECK THE E-MAIL. SHOW YOU GOT ME AGAIN WITH THE TWISTS AND THE TURNS I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING
Episode 13: RUNG YOU DISGUSTING *censored* Those men are vile, her sister is even worse I can’t believe I ever even thought she was in the right, Peud I’m sorry I was wrong about you- I mean you still suck, but you’re not as bad as I thought you were. This might be one of the best episodes of tv I’ve ever seen, it is heavy af it left me feeling sick and crying but it is so marvelously done and other shows need to take note because this is how you use flashbacks and convey emotion. Writers, editors, directors, actors give yourselves a round of applause cause this was a masterpiece 👏
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Kokichi is dying (V3 chatfic, no particular ship)
TW: Infers abuse, talks about ableism, neglect, panic attack pretty much, depression, self loathing. never being good enough
i am so sorry but vr au's need to be sad, love yall :)
(Background info: This is set in a vr au, they are not with their fake memory parents (Ie; kaito's kind grandparents) but rather why they really have)
(Also i have no fucking clue what ship i was going for???? pretty sure they are all on the table, and kokichi talks like an idiot in this and i love it. Gonta's writing is based off of his Japanese talking style, so no more caveman talking).
(Space monkey: Kaito, Detective pikachu: shuichi, Elton john: kaede, Antman: gonta, Mr. Gonstealyoman: korekiyo, Atua's bitch: angie, emoboi: ryoma, be-boop: kiibo, bread roll: Maki, cum dumpster: miu, mommy: kirumi, Gremlin: Kokichi)
TLDR: Chaos ensues, slight angst
Gremlin: omfg im fucking sicK im gonna fucking die i bet this was kaitos bitch ass fault for coughing on me with his tuberculosis headass gROSSSSS I HATE EVERYTHINGGG
Space Monkey: i-
Space monkey: I didn't get you sick dumbass,,,, my tb is fugckin cured bi-
Bread roll: he's dramatic and gross dont believe him
Gremlin: yall mean for what?
Gremlin: i have a life taking disease and yall laughing i- 
Gremlin: see you at my funeral bitch
Detective pikachu: What are you sick with then
Gremlin: anythong bitch, im the universe
Antman: He sounds delusional, thats not good
Detective pikachu: He's always delusional, he's Kokichi
Mr. gonstealyoman: I guess this name is better than my old one
Mr. gonstealyoman: thank you kokichi :) I am glad we have come to an understanding
Gremlin: kay sexy
Antman: who was that for???
Gremlin: NO ONE,,, 
Gremlin: Okay,,, maybe sexy tall men in general lowkey
Gremlin: okay,,,, maybe anyone over 6 feet 
Detective pikachu: i feel excluded
Detective pikachu: good, i don't like you kokichi, your an ass
Gremlin: u sound jelly shumaiiiiii
be-boop: perhaps he is telling the truth, you know,
be-boop: according to my data, in chapter four Shuichi stated that you will never have friends, and no one will ever like you
Antman: do you need me to come over? I can make you tea?
mommy: Do you know how to do that, Gonta? I can teach you?
Antman: Gonta does know, thank you very much. 
Antman: Gonta is not a child, Tojo-chan, please don't regard me as one
Antman: Gonta can cook, can clean, can be gentle, and has his own mind
Space monkey: but we're just making sure man, cuz, you know,,,, chapter 4
Antman: I am capable of things just like you!!!!!
Antman: Gonta doesn't know why you guys treat me like a child :(
Gremlin: yeah, hot stuff over there is basically a prodigy homies
Antman: Gonta is dumb though, don't say that.
Antman: Gonta is no prodigy, in fact, he is below average in everything
Gremlin: Whats ur test scores bitch
Antman: Gonta got a 98 on my english test,, but i wanted a 100, which would make Gonta actually smart :( 
Antman: Gonta is not good enough to be friends with you all
Antman: I can do basic stuff like tojo said...
Antman: maybe i do need help?
Antman: im not sure anymore:((((
Detective pikachu: You sound really delusional Kokichi, maybe you should get sleep
Detective pikachu: Sure you are. Now get some rest. 
Bread roll: Cause your stupid and aggressive
Gremlin: your personality, basically?
Bread roll: shut up at least i have a boyfriend
Gremlin: Technically, you just stole my frienemy 
Gremlin: Yall do be avoiding each other doe
Space Monkey: WE ARE NOT
Gremlin: Yeah yeah
Gremlin: yesterday i saw you to enter the same cafe by accident, duck your heads, then sit across the cafe from each other, all while  avoiding eye contact
Gremlin: Soooo,,, things not going well in paradise?
Detective pikachu: you're nosy
Gremlin: says the literal detective 
Space monkey: everythings fine your just a dickkkk
Gremlin: "oooo! Im momo-chan, i say bad word and go brrrrr"
Space monkey: im going to fucking stab him 
Gremlin: You cant, ive already enslaved you with my chaotic, yet cute hijinks, havent i~
Gremlin: im free by the way at 8 ;)
Bread roll: STOP trying to steal my boyfriend kokichi, ive told you this before
Bread roll: NO
Bread roll: BODY
Antman: Gonta interrupts to say, Gonta loves you kokichi, and we should get flowers together, than maybe we can prank some people :D 
Bread roll: Ive never wanted to stab you more, gonta
Gremlin: I'd enjoy that very much, fine fellow ;)
Gremlin: but idk,,,, can you like take care of me first, cuz IM SICK BECAUSE OF KAITO TUBERCULOSIS ASS
Space monkey: I DONT
Detective pikachu: He smokes?
Atua's bitch: he does, i walked in on him in the bathroom lmao
Atua's bitch: he was scared shitless and threw it out the window, needless to say atua does nt approve
Space monkey: Uh,,, i was taught vaccines were bad, so no i don't have the vaccine
Space monkey: your dramatic, it cant be that bad
Gremlin: say that when you catch it again
Gremlin: i swear you coughed on me like,,,, 5 weeks ago tho
Antman: OOOO! Fun fact: Tuberculosis can lay dormant from 3 months to a few years! 
Space monkey: u guys are just trying to scare me
Bread roll: Just checked the chat after using the br and,,m YOUDONT HAVE YOU VACCINES???
Detective pikachu: Im sorry, but kaito, please,,,,, for the love of god get vaccines
Space monkey: alright alright, ill do it cuz you guys are all on my case and i don't like being the villain :(
Gremlin: Im so happy i have gonta with me rn, he is making me tea while yall rot in your distant ass relationship (THIS IS FOR YOU KAITO)
Space monkey: Im going to destroy your bloodline in about three seconds if you dont stfu right fucking now
Gremlin: Hhehe i have an inaprwopwiate joke uwu
cum dumpster: wHAt Is iT YOU WHORE
Gremlin: i was gonna say wouldn't he need to like,,,, have sex with my family to weed out my bloodline or something??
cum dumpster: i-
cum dumpster: Why am i acting surprised, ive watched porn with more extravagant plots than this
cum dumpster: ie; are you guys FUCKING? RIGHT INFRONT OF MY SALAD??? is one i will cherish with my soul
emoboi: hehe why did she point out the salad
Space monkey: I hate u kokichi, i truly do
Gremlin: I bet if you got the chance u would kiss me space boy :P
Bread roll has left the chat
Space monkey: o god is she ddoing one of those bf loyalty tests or smthing???
Space monkey: now im nervous lmao
Gremlin: why you so nervous stupid~~~~
Gremlin: It not like ur cheating on her homie
Space monkey: It's just a placebo effect
Gremlin: My brain feels fried Momo-chan,, i don't understand big boy words right now
Space monkey: Basically, if you take a pill that doesn't do anything but you don't know that and believe it does, you will scientifically start to feel better
Gremlin: first and only time saying this, but thank you 
Gremlin: Kaito,,, imma need you to do me a favor and look up on your ceiling
Space monkey: i hate you, idk what it is, but i hte you
Gremlin: good <3
Space monkey: Im GENUINLEY panicing HOW TF am i gona get this off my wal???? They are going to bbat me senselpess help me shUichi
Detective pikachu: o god, i can sense the sheer pain and scaredness in  that tet, 
Detective pikachu: are you for real gong to get hurt or are you pulling a kokichi?
Gremlin: okay,,, maybe this wasn't the best prank.,,, i guess i'll help clean up cuz im not that much of a sociopath
Gremlin: tbh my parents can go shove it too lowkey terrible 0/10 
be-boop: Of course, i will come, i will survey the outside of the house
Antman: Gonta is coming too! We will get this done in under 40 minutes!
Space monkey: OKAY
Gremlin: Lowkey, if i cough on you ignore it bitch your the one who made me like this
Gremlin: I will give you TB again just cuz your making me suffer
Space monkey: Suffer what??? putting dicks on my FUCKING WALL???
Gremlin: Guilt, idiot, im feeling guilty. 
cum dumpster: oof thats new
emoboi: yeah i wasn't expecting it
Mr.gonstealyoman: Me neither. It is rather peculiar seeing it being texted by him because he is always feels not guilty of his bad actions.
be-boop: I do believe he means it, though...
emoboi: impossible.
cum dumpster: i agree, literally impossible.
Antman: Quick question, shuichi can i stay with you again? It'll be dark when i get home and gonta can't do that so,,, please help
Detective pikachu: my parents are like blank slates, who eat slowly, watch tv slowly, and never look at me. Im sure they wouldn't mind :P
Gremlin: ooo! I like the name! IM INNNN! 
Detective pikachu: On it!
be-boop: Ready for look out!
Space monkey: I love you guys :)
AN: Im lowkey sorry i ended this chaotic mess with angst,,,, but like fr i love it i love angst,, i hate reading it but love writing it
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noahscents · 4 years
Professional - Noah Centineo Imagine
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anonymous asked: That last imagine was soo good!! Gow about one where Noah and yn are co stars abd they both fancy eachother but yn refused to date a co worker and Noahs been like come on one date please! But she refused. So they doing press tour abd one the last day after last interview Noahs like were not coworkers anymore and asks her out😊
a/n: you want it, you got it ;)
here’s my masterlist!
update: it turned into smut lmao and I didn’t exactly follow the plot fskosfdkfsd
Word Count: 1.5k
this is probs gonna flop b/c I’ve been hella inactive but this has been sitting in my drafts for wAy too long oops
“Amelia, I love you more than life itself,” Noah says.
“We can’t...” You say, turning away. “You know our families will never allow it. This rivalry is older than our great-grandparents’ parents.”
Noah grabs your waist and pulls you closer.
“I don’t give a damn about what our families think. We’ll make them understand, “ He says, tilting your chin upwards, “and start our own...”
He leans in to kiss you passionately and just like that, the world melts away and a beautiful string orchestra fades in as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.
“Wow...” You say, wiping a tear from your eye.
“I know,” Noah says, exhaling.
You two were finally able to see the movie you made in its entirety and tomorrow, you and Noah started your 4-day press tour for ‘Tale As Old As Time’.
“You ready to do this thing?” Noah says, nudging your arm.
“Yeah. I don’t know if you’re ready though.” You say, standing up and putting on your jacket.
He scoffs, “You don’t know if I’M ready?” He crosses his arms.
“Yup.” You giggle, walking past him to leave his hotel room when suddenly, a pair of hands firmly grasp your hips, and you’re pulled into his lap.
You met Noah about a year ago during a chemistry read for a romantic movie. You were up against so many other big names in Hollywood for this role, (Florence Pugh, Zendaya, Ryan Destiny, and Hailee Steinfeld to name a few) but Noah had the best chemistry with you...
not just onscreen.
“I don’t think you’re ready.” He says, inches away from your face.
Your heart speeds up as you feel your cheeks get hot. Noah was attractive both inside and out, there’s no doubt about that. Over the course of filming with him you two definitely felt a spark, but mutually decided it wasn’t professional. But lately, Noah seems to be forgetting what you agreed upon.
You deeply inhale, “Noah...” You say with a bittersweet expression forming across your face.
“I thought our agreement only lasted until filming was done.” He says, rubbing circles in the small of your back.
You bite your lip and toss your head back slightly.
“Does it feel good?” He says, pressing you against him.
“Noah,” You say coming back to yourself, removing his hand. “We still have press and-”
“You know the fans have been shipping us since filming started.” He says, looking up at you. “Why don’t we give them what they want?”
You chuckle to yourself as you pry yourself off of him and straighten out your jacket.
“I’ll see you in the morning, Centineo.”
“You don’t wanna sleepover?” He says in the distance as you walk out, “Even just to cuddl-”
“Said play wit my pussy, but don’t play with my emotions...” You say along with Doja Cat’s ‘Rules’ as you apply finishing touches to your makeup, “If you spend some money, then maybe I just might fuck ya!”
You sway your hips side to side and as you spray Mario Badescu Rose Water on your face. 
“Wanna shake that ass, imma do that shit in slow motion!”
Your phone pings with a notification from the Postmates app.
Your Postmate, Laura, has arrived. Please come collect your order.
Knock, knock.
You run to the door, not skipping a lyric.
“You got a whole lotta cash and-” You pause, in shock.
“Didn’t know you listened to Doja Cat.” Noah says, holding your french toast and scooching past you to come inside.
You watch him enter in disbelief.
“I can’t believe you scared Laura away.” You say, crossing your arms.
“A whole mini-can of whipped cream?” He says, placing your food on the desk. “Kinky, it’s like you knew I was coming.”
“Surely you didn’t come here just to make fun of my breakfast.” You say, letting out a large exhale through your nose as your cheeks get hot.
“No, I just wanted to see if you wanted to walk down together for the press thing.” He says, walking towards you.
You turn away and head back to the bathroom.
“You’re a whole 90 minutes early.” You say before you feel a pair of hands around your waist, and lips on your neck.
You immediately roll your head back in pleasure and your nipples harden. Noah takes notice of this and cups one of your breasts, rolling your nipple between his index finger and thumb.
“Mmmmmm...” You moan as you press your thighs together in attempt to stop the flood.
“No bra? Such a tease.” He says before nibbling on your neck just a bit.
Fuck this rule.
You turn around to face him and press your lips into his. He wraps his arms around you as he sucks on your bottom lip, stumbling backward with you through the narrow pathway of the bathroom to the hotel bed.
“Anyone who willingly wears a bra is a masochist.” You say, smirking as you straddle him.
He grabs the bottle of whipped cream as you straddle him and pulls the straps of your dress down, exposing your breasts. He sprays a dollop on your nipple before latching on.
You purr with approval and begin to grind into his lap, feeling him grow underneath you.
“Someone’s excited.” You say, smirking as he looks up at you.
“Are you kidding me?” He says, meeting your lips for deep, passionate kiss. “Do you know how long I’ve been wanting to do this?”
He flips you over in one swift motion, and slides the rest of your dress down your hips. He pauses to take off his shirt and you sit up to unzip his slacks.
“This long?” You say, rubbing him through his briefs before sliding them down. His thick member flings out immediately, no longer restricted by the Calvin Klein fabric.
You place him into your mouth and swirl your tongue around the head.
He lets out a deep moan as he fisted the back of your hair.
You began bobbing up and down until he backed out of you and bent down to meet your eye level.
“I wanna make you feel good too.” He said, gently pushing you onto the bed before pulling down your thong.
He spreads your legs and begins kissing your thighs, moving closer and closer to your wet heat. Your breath hitches in anticipation.
Finally he places his tongue on your clit, sending a wave of pulse through you system. He begins sucking on it very slowly, and uses his ring and index finger to penetrate you.
“Fuck...” You say, gripping the sheets.
Suddenly, the sensation goes away but is soon met with the thickness of his cock.
You gasp and reach for him, pulling Noah into your chest as he slowly pumps in and out of you giving you time to adjust.
“Fuck, babygirl.” He says in your ear. “Does that feel good?” He begins kissing your neck, “How does my cock make you feel?”
“So good.” You say, scratching his back with your nails as he picks up his speed.
He sucks on your left nipple before rolling the other inbetween his fingers. The combination sends you into euphoria.
He sits up and picks up the rhythm, placing your leg over his shoulder and a pillow under your ass. He begins to rub circles onto your clit.
“Don’t cum until I say so.” He says as your eyes roll into the back of your head.
“Y-yes, sir.” You say, barely holding on.
He thrusts get faster, but less rhythmic as your walls clenched around him.
“Who’s pussy is this?” He says, rubbing your clit faster.
“Yours.” You say breathlessly, vision blurred in euphoria.
“I can’t hear you. I said, who’s pussy is this?”
“YOURS, Noah.” You say, almost in a whine. You’re on the edge.
“T-that’s what I like to hear.” He says, nearing his edge. “Cum for me, babygirl.”
You instantly let your orgasm go, squeezing your eyes shut as your whole body convulses.
Your orgasm sends Noah over the edge as he collapses on top of you, giving a few final pumps before stopping completely.
Why is his chest wet?
You open your eyes and see that your chest is wet as well... along with the edge of the bed and the floor.
Oh my God... did I squirt?
“Oh my God, did I squirt?” You say, laughing lightly due to exhaustion.
“Yeah, you did.” He says, beaming at you. “It was so fucking hot.”
“I’ve never done with before!” You say, half in amazement and half in disbelief.
“Well, I have been known to do that to people.” He says, folding his arms to his chest.
“Shut up!” You say pushing him away with your foot.
You get up to shower again, but Noah grabs your hand and pulls you toward him.
“So, what is this? We broke the rule.” He says, avoiding eye contact.
“Professional in the streets...” You say.
“Cuddle in the sheets?” He says.
“Precisely.” You say, leaning in to kiss him.
“Deal. But only if I get to take you out on an official date after we finish press.” He says, pulling backwards.
Your cheeks get hot.
“Deal. Now c’mere.”
A/N: hOLY shit srry if this is bad I haven’t written anything in like a ~year~
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malepresentingleg · 4 years
is it 2013 again? cause i have a rant about teen wolf coming and i feel 16 y/o.
so due to dome heavy procrastination I've consumed a lot of teen wolf content, i skipped a bunch of episodes and a lot of scenes in the ones i haven't but i still have some Thoughts TM
it's good??? i had a Good Time watching, it was funny but intense and dark and i felt Feelings watching, some of the plotlines were meh (or maybe i just skipped them heh) but a lot were interesting and i loved the characters and their interaction
scott. my sweetheart. my baby. such a cutiepie, such a great protagonist 10/10 i love him and would die for him. he's so pure and cute and his little smile melts my heart. i love how he's fundamentally Human no matter how non human he is. he's a great character all around and i kinda wish they didn't do that shit to him at the end (imma get there) or treated him like he ISN'T the protagonist for such big parts of the shows
people KNOW. Stiles knows from day one, allison finds out soon, his mom finds out in season 2! the sheriff in 3, and they just become part of the gang and can help them with stuff bc they UNDERSTAND. shows like that get really tiring when the teens constantly lie to everyone around them and it was very refreshing. the running gag with the coach ruining things tho was funny and I'm ok with it.
Ok this is mellisa appreciation time. she's SUCH a great, complex and unusual mom-of-hero character. i absolutely love her and her attitude, i love how she's not simply being used as a tool to cause scott pain (just.. sometimes) and their relationship is parenting goals.
also isn't it fucking hilarious how she's a nurse but she just knows everything medical. she's also a surgeon and a mortician and a doctor. ik it's for plot reasons but it funny af.
in general women on the show.. had a lot of potential, i love them, but i hate how they were treated.
allison was all around great imo, her and scott's relationship was built very well and was two sided from the start (unlike... yeah), she has emotions, she's smart and brave, but also human and scared, she kicks ass and, again, exists outside of Scott's GF status (mostly). andddd they killed her. idk if the actress had to/wanted to leave or it was a pure writers decision bc they needed to keep just her father or something, but that would have been ok if not for all the other things
we have 3 main kickass ladies with powers- lydia, kira and malia. lydia spent close to FIVE whole seasons not knowing anything about her abilities/not knowing how to control them. cmon, it gets old. scott masters his powers after a season or two (and had control a lot sooner), parrish finds out what he is like half a season after it becomes relevant etc.
malia- do i need to explain? she was CONSTANTLY struggling controlling her abilities, no matter how badass she supposedly was. and kira oh boy, they did her dirty, didn't they?
kira was such a cute adorable character. i loved her and her little crush on scott and wanting to make friends and being freaked out about relationships, i love her discovering her past and heritage and learning to fight and gaining control and becoming a badass. but. what? they just undid all this? oh no the fox is taking over she has no control no agency of her own she needs to disappear for years now bye :( again, idk if the actress needed to leave but it was so unsatisfying and was insulting to the character. she wasn't even mentioned later a bunch like allison was, just they needed her mom for a plot tool and didn't even acknowledge it was her sword they were breaking. uhm rude?
LET WOMEN HAVE POWERS AND BE AWESOME WITH THEM. and not just minor/bad characters thanks.
i love the concept of a pack on the show and how you don't have to be a werewolf to be a part of it, how scott becomes a true alpha and how he cares about his friends. i kinda feel like in later seasons him being an alpha was more talk than show which like /: meh. like i said, he stopped BEING the main character, just talked about as if he was.
i love how friendship is valued, but i think it could be more.. i mean the scene in the motel, all season 3b, scott and lydia, all the girls with each other.. i love it. too many times tho it "wasn't enough" and only romantic love worked which SUCKS. in 6a i was so happy scott went in to try and remember stiles and the memories hit me right in the heart. then when it "wasn't enough" i was SO pissed and frustrated goddammit. i guess that leads me to the next point-
ships, should i talk about ships? i don't want hate in my asks but oh well it's been a few years maybe there's no fandom to care. I'll start with the end
malia and scott. what. the. fuck. when, out of fucking no where, they had like a lingering look or something i was just "nope. no thanks". and then every scene they had together i had to cover my eyes bc it felt so wrong and bad and awkward. jesus. no build up at ALL, they're like family, i just. ew. no. it felt way too much like "oh we gotta pair off the leftovers" or "the main character can't end up single" well guess what, he fucking can. it was. god. i can't even explain the disgust. when he needed to heal and all she had to do was kiss him ugh. it felt so fake and empty of meaning. i would 100% prefer for it to be stiles (I'll get there) or his mom who snapped him out of it.
melissa and chris, i could get aboard with that. def cute, def weird af since his dead daughter was dating her son but, well.
stiles and lydia is a ship i have conflicting feelings about. i absolutely hate the concept of "the nerd" is in love with the popular girl since freshman year and he's borderline being a creep ("oh but it's stiles! he's a dork and he's harmless" no.), completely obsessed with her and she ignores him but then they end up getting together.. i mean, it sends a bad msg to obsessed boys about how it's worth it in the end, and it makes the whole relationship feel unbalanced from the start, makes her reciprocation feel unatural. BUT, i have to admit the show did kinda make me warm up to this ship by the end, curse them. it was kinda cute. i wish there was more mutualness before it became such an important part in 6a tho.
just gonna put it out there: malia/kira and lydia/allison. i wish we saw more girl on girl interactions in general but the ones we had were very good, great dynamics.
i won't get too much into it but i.. i don't ship st*rek. i understand why they're the biggest ship (two white hot boys that interact with each other, i mean.), and i see the couple of fan service-y moments the show throws at us but just. they don't have my heart, i don't really care about them. not the characters, the characters i absolutely love! (tho this watch i skipped most of season 1 and 2 and 3a and i think that's where derek is the most asshole.. didn't he do really bad things? idr) idk if you want a bad character on the way to redemption with someone you should ship liam and theo who had way better shippy chemistry imo, even tho their ship probably wouldn't be healthy given their dynamic history, huh.
the ship that does owns my heart? scilies. I'm a softy when it comes to best friends to lovers, and their bond and relationship is just. so. pure. don't get me wrong, i love me a good platonic relationship, but there was just one to many homoerotic interactions between them for me not to ship it, hard. (not to be that person but my guess is that if Scott was white it would have been a way bigger ship, but who knows?) i love their love, i love they would do anything for each other, and i feel like there were a bunch of very missed opportunities for them in later seasons :(
so representation. this feels like a show that is trying to be Woke TM but it's not going so well. the main character is supposedly latino but it's never ever addressed. idc about "oh we want a world without prejudice" you can still fucking address it. i mean they went to Mexico a couple of times, stiles keeps saying "Mexican cousin" i mean. god. give us something. did i mention scott was told he'd make a great "nazi youth" ..
and you don't need to be a genius to see the most characters are very white or at least very white passing. and when you don't address their non whiteness they might as well be..
i already mentioned how poorly i feel kira was treated, but also mason, who is a wonderful character, gets no depth? we know nothing about him other than being gay and smart pretty much.
i also spoke about the women already but, they were really really great women characters, but not enough of them, not enough that lasted.
there's not much to talk about disability bc it just wasn't on the show. the only blind character was healed which. /: same with epilepsy and asthma..
i think the show is probably very proud (ha) with their LGBTQ+ rep bc they're like "oh let's make this insignificant couple gay bc hey nbg". examples are lydia's grandma, La Bete and marcel, i think nolan and jiang were exes and then nolan and gabe were a thing? idr if it was explicit. the couple of girls in the tent.. probably a couple more. it's nice, def better than all random couples being straight but that's not satisfying as rep.
Danny was great. i think he and ethan were.. cute? i think he was awesome, i loved danny so much and was very excited to learn he KNOWS at the end of season 3 and was waiting to see him join the pack. instead he fucking disappeared?! wtf. #WhereDidDannyGo
brett was cute rep, especially being bi but i feel like it could go into the insignificant pool which, again, is better than nothing.
mason and corey i just don't have strong feelings about. they were definitely cute and I'm glad they were together, i love mason A Lot. i think this relationship could be explored more, or at least the characters could be explored more to give this relationship more depth.
very interesting how there's no wlw canon couple, not even hinted. just fan servicey hot malia kira dance which /:
not to mention transgenderness. god can you imagine the interesting plotline of transitioning while being a werewolf 0:
i think the rep i was most happy about was ethan and Jackson. even tho i don't think there was build up or clues in the first couple of seasons, I'm happy for the actor who i know was struggling with coming out publicly, and it was very fun and refreshing for the ending. even if we got very few scenes with them the dynamic was 10/10
the biggest problem is obviously stiles. i just don't understand why, if they're so supposedly progressive, they went to that length to queerbait without following through. the whole gag of wanting to be attractive to danny and to gay guys, the whole "aww danny want to have sex with me that's so nice", the whole "do you like guys too?". it's a gag. his alleged bisexuality is the butt of a joke, and it pisses me the fuck off. they don't have to make it a big deal or have him get a bf for it to be official. it wasn't subtle subtext. it was a CHOICE. to put a spotlight on his sexuality but not deliver. -100/10 would not recommend.
also they could talk about his mental health more.
and about Scott's, please and thank you.
and everyone's.
i had some more feelings, like villains changing sides without getting a proper redemption and having no consequences, the wholesomeness of the sherriff and mellisa being each other's kids second parent eichen house (wtf??), and more, but i think i wrote enough for now.
tl;dr- good show with A Lot of problems, will always have a place in my heart bc I'm a nostalgic gal.
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karsonisnot · 4 years
Alright, so imma try just straight text posting the chapters to my tumblr as well, seeming as it seems to work for other people, however i will leave a copy of the link on here so u guys can show some love there if u like.
MiKayla meets Chloe and Belle for the first time after being seperated from the rest of the world almost all her life. Mikayla all of a sudden finds herself back in the old world when they explain everything that has been going on, with one goal. To take down it all.
This is not about the dream smp member, this is a time where they have grown up and had kids, which is told from their perseptive.
This was written in a time where all these people were alive story wise, so fuck it, they all lived to have kids. No, i will not be explaining where the kids come from, but they are related to their respective parent. Im just too lazy to explain it
And in this, TOMMY AND TUBBO ARE JUST FRIENDS. Stop shipping 16 year olds together, and get your life together.
Chapter one: running and hiding
Everything had been diffrent for awhile. Not that anything about chloe's life was normal to begin with, but alot was changing. Her and her family was forced into hiding a long time ago, before the first retakeover happened before she was even born.
   She had been told what had happened countless times, so many it was almost like she lived it. The manburg second rise to power. When her dad stuck around. That was, till Niki got killed in the crossfire of the war. That was when her dad grabbed his best friend and booked it, and ran so far away they would never be found, and built themselves a world out here
  She was broken from her thoughts by a chicken in her room. She didnt really think much of it till she realized there was a chicken in her room
  "What the fu-"
  Her dad ran full force into the room, bewilidered.
  "THERE YOU ARE" He screamed, throwing himself at the chicken, who just dodgedhis attack.
   She fell backwards out of the way, her blond hair blocking anything that happened, until she threw it back into place and saw her dad. On the floor. With a chicken trying to eat his hair.
   She sat there and watched as her dad fought with the chicken over who owned his hair. Eventually he managed to get up and grab the chicken before it could try and flee again.
  He looked at her, and she couldnt hold back her laughter anymore. His hair was an absoulte mess and he looked like he was in extreame disstress.
  "What's so funny, what, do you wanna wrestle a fuckin chicken?" He said, shoving the chicken in her face, just causing it to go more crazy.
  "NO NO NO, I will not be fighting any chicken, thank you, please put the weapon down." She said, swatting it away.
  "Well maybe next time don't get a chicken in your room."
  "Well maybe next time dont let a chicken loose from the pin with the front door open."
  They both heard a muffled laugh come from the hallway, and saw Belle standing there. Her black hair in way better condition then either of theirs.
  "Well, she is right Tommy." She remarked, trying to look innocent.
  At that, Tommy stormed off mumbling profanities at the chicken, and went outside to put it back in its pin.
   Belle walked in and went to the window ledge, after a couple of seconds, Chloe joined her.
   "How are you this morning?"chloe said after watching her dad dump the chicken in the pin.
  "Eh, im pretty good, espically after watching that. You?"
  "Im pretty okay."
  Belle looked over at her, and saw her looking out into the forest.
  "Your thinking about going out there again, arent you?"
  "I mean, maybe."
   Belle looked at her, with a mix of emotion, mainly concern.
  "Come on man, you know thay area is off limits. We cant go out there."
  "I mean, why not? We've done it before, nothing bad ever happened, I dont understand the pararnioa around a wooded area!" Chloe said, defensively.
   Belle looked out at the scenery. The trees going over the feilds, the lake about a half mile out, not a single other thing in sight. Ever.
  "I mean, we always use to go out there at night" Chole began. "We would go out there with nothing but lanterns and we would run around, just not caring  about anything. We would play by the lake, we would talk about whatever came to mind, we would bring swords put there and practice on trees, we would do anything, and nothing would ever happen."
   Belle sighed. She was right, but they stopped going years ago to keep both their dads sane. They were paranoid about manburg or "worse" finding them. Whatever worse meant.
  "Hey, have you two seen Tommy?" A voice said from behind.
  They both turned around to find Tubbo at the doorway, looking worried.
  "He was suppose to come in after taking care of the chicken."
   He walked up to the window, and they all three started started scanning the area, to find no Tommy, anywhere.
  "Where could he have g-"
   He was cut off short by seeing Tommy run up the hill, clearly in panic.
   Tubbo ran out to the hallway just to meet Tommy in the middle.
  "Get the kids out if here. Now!" Tommy said, scrambling to his gear.
  "What, why, what goin-"
   Tubbo instantly turned around and met the two girls in the hallway.
  "Okay girls, with me, and hurry." He said, alreadly on his way to the back of the house
   They followed as quickly as they could, extreamly concerned and confused. Tubbo, after a little seaching, found a loose floorboard and lifted it up, inside was a backpack.
  "Okay, Chloe, take this, and grab your weapons on the way out the back, and run. Run far away from here."
  "What, why, whats going on?!" Belle said, clearly about to break down.
  "Look, keeping it short, manburg forces found this area. Just keep running North, and when we can, me and Tommy will find you, but for right now, we need to hold our ground, or risk everything in this house."
  "Wait, why not just leave too?!" Chloe said, dumbfounded they even thought of staying.
  "Because, there are things in this house we cant risk them getting, now leave please, before you cant!"
   Chloe grabbed Belle by the arm and started walking the direction of the back door.
  "WAIT!" Belle yelled, forcing chloe to let go.
   Belle ran up to her dad, and hugged him, tears starting to stream.
  "I love you dad." She said, grip tighting.
  "I love you too, honey bee, now go, Ill be there soon."
   She let go and ran back to chloe, and grabbed her sword and bow. Chloe took her axe and took for the back door with Belle.
  "BE GOOD TO HER CHLOE" she heard Tubbo yell before the door fully shut.
   They both took down the hill as fast they could. And ran for the forest. When they were finally there, they stopped for a second to take things in.
   First mistake made that night.
  "WHO'S OVER THERE!" They heard a man say, right before turning and being met with a crossbow
   Chloe grabbed Belle and took off in the opposite direction, not knowing if she was going the right way.
  Chloe cursed under her breath and looked at Belle, who was now running right next to her. They both knew what to do. They were taught in this circumstance, move in a difficult way.
   Bella all if a sudden split off, and Chloe, hoping they wernt near, grabbed on to a tree and climbed into the leaves.
  Guess sneaking out did pay off in the end.
  Only about two minute later, she saw people move underneath.
  "Where did they go?" A woman said.
  "Dont know, but they cant have gone far." A male voice spoke out.
   Chloe stayed still, trying to not make them look up, because if she did, her khaki colored jeans and red jacket wouldnt blend in the best.
  Chloe looked around and saw something else in the trees. After a few seconds, Belles face appeared through the leaves, making direct eye contact with her. They both did there best to communicate with their eyes, but it wasnt going to work wothout their hands being able to move.
  "What do we do, sir?" The female said, speaking up.
  "Split up, their teens, they cant do anything to us, so split up and find their hiding spot."
  They heard movement happen below them, and after a while of not hearing them, they jumped down.
  Chloe, pointed in a direction, next to asking if they should go that way with her face. Belle proceeded to do neck swipey thingy with her hand and pointed the other direction. Chloe nodded, not wanting to argue silently with her.
  They both went in that direction, weapins in hand, waiting for something to happen. But nothing ever did. And they eventually put away the weapons and started talking
  "Do you know where the fuck we're going?" Chloe asked, clearly done with all of this.
  "Nope, not a clue."
  "Oh great, this is gonna go extreamly well."
   They went on for hours. And hours. And hours. Till eventually they needed to stop. They came upon this rocky cliff and decided to sit there, and rest for a short while.
  "I cant fucking beilive this, i thought we were safe from all of that shit." Chloe said, sitting down next to belle.
  "I really dont know why."
  Belle sat there and thought, letting her mind wonder on what just happened and what could have possibly happened. Their parents could have fended them off, saved the day, and be on their way here right now. But, on the oppsite side, what if they lost. What if they were taken in. Or worse, what if they were de-
  "What's that." Chloe said, breaking her thought trail.
  Clhoe was pointing at the rock, and after an embarrsing amount of seconds, Belle found it. It was
  "A button."
  Chloe got up at the mention of anything clickable, and walked towards it. Belle knew what was about to happen.
  "Uh, maybe dont press the mys-"
  Too late.
  All of a sudden, a part of the wall started opening and Belle got up in response. She turned to see a giant hole being made into a cavern. A lit cavern.
  "Holy shit." Chloe said, stunned.
  "Sho- should we really go in there?" Belle said, clearly scared if whats inside.
  "Oh come on, stop being a pussy. After all, our lives could be ruined, why not risk it"
  Chloe took a soild pace towards the entrace, Belle scrambling to catch up, not wanting to be left behind. When they got inside, the doors shut alot faster then it could open. But before they could even blink, they heard a voice.
"Dad, is that you?"
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