#i will reblog w/ more when I find baby sausage
lloonlloon · 2 years
Happy Birthday! I am politely requesting photos of your creature as puppies (bonus points for photos of the Sausage but I’m pretty sure she materialised on this earth full formed)
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I do have some baby sausage I swear I will find them
9 notes · View notes
oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
The Stand In Chapter Fifteen
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Summary: It was a long time coming but Henry finally sets you straight and snaps in the most spectacular of ways. And he had Mathew to thank.
Warnings: Adult Situations +18. Minors DNI! RPF,Swearing, angry confrontations, angst?, angry beef!, protective breef, fluff, Smut, oral, fingering, dirty talk, horny nerds,
A/n: so here is the all-important chapter that I know you have all been waiting for! I just hope you enjoy it and that I don’t let you down. Its long, exceptionally long but I didn’t want to split this one. I want to take this chance to thank every single reader for reading this fic and for being so patient with me. I know I take an eternity to write but its because of how much I want to pack into each chapter. I like making these stories worth your time to read. Other than that, on with the show! I do hope you all enjoy this one~
WORDCOUNT: 18000+ you need some time for this one babes 🥰😘
Taglist:in Reblogs.
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The next morning you found yourself up and about way before henry had even woken up. After just lounging about for a good half hour lying next to the stunning and very naked man you finally had to get up. This bed wasn't the most comfortable and had begun to wreak havoc on your back. You Pottered about the bus quietly filling a bag with laundry that you planned to take over to your mums later. You flushed when you began finding Henrys stuff mixed in the laundry pile that had been building in the corner. It was strange, you felt so... Domestic. But it was nice, you liked this whole dynamic you had going on. Unhurried and just relaxed, to put it plainly you were acting like your parents!
Not that it was a bad thing... Because as you both admitted last night, you loved one another. You sat on the floor and giggled to yourself, unable to stop. He loved you. Henry actually loved you! And though there was a nasty little voice whispering in your ear that he was just saying that to get in your knickers you managed to ignore it for the time being. You were far too happy at the moment.
You stood slowly and placed the now full bag back in the corner and was greeted by a drowsy pup. Joey had stayed on the floor for the first time over night. She hadn't used her bed, God not her bed was for hiding treats, going scatty and hiding after pooping off her puppy mat! Instead, she'd cuddled up with Kal, who was now yawning and stretching wagging his tail lazily.
"Morning babies~" you cooed giving them each pets on the head, scratching behind their ears making them tilt their heads respectively chaseing you moving fingers.
"You both behaved last night, didn't you? Such sweet little pups! Sooo good~" you praised as they moved closer waking up properly now, they had their good morning scritches. You stood and moved to the door calling Kal.
"Come on you, time to go potty~" you said opening the door only just managing to scoop up Joey as she tried to escape with Kal.
"Oh no you don't, your far too tiny to be out there alone midget- less a sausage more a chipolata" you chided and blew a raspberry on her tiny fat belly making her squirm and try to paw at you. Clearly unimpressed from not being able to follow her big bear bodyguard.
"Go Potty?" You snapped your head down seeing your mother and Tee standing there with smirks trying not to laugh at you. You flushed and cleared your throat.
"W-well that's what I'm teaching Joey- it just slipped out!" Tee chuckled to herself and climbed the steps with your mum following.
"Your sooo sweet it’s sickening- give me that before she becomes a sap like you" she muttered pressing past you stealing your puppy cooing at her. Your mother stopped and kissed your cheek.
"Good morning love, do you have any coffee?" She asked then shuffled past you. You blinked and spun looking at them and froze quickly looking into the open bedroom door where you could see henry still spread out in bed, he'd shifted and one whole ass cheek was now uncovered. 'Shit! What if they see?! He's fucking naked! or I could let em see? Let them get a peak of my glorious man’s tight ass! Treat them to a real peach preview! And what a peach it was~ fuck I want to bite it.... just little nibble~ or huge chomp!' you swallowed not willing to look away from the stunning ass that was so teasingly on display. You really did want to bite it! Leave a nice deep mark on the pale ass and smack it~ wanting him to wince each time he sat down on it and make him think of you~ fuck yes!
"Y/n? You, okay? What are you looking at back there?" You mum asked from the table. You snapped your head to her and chuckled.
"Nothing mum just thinking is all, got a lot on my mind today is all" you said waving your hands about and moved between her view from the table to the open door that henry was still sleeping just behind.
"What are you two doing here though? Its early" you asked trying to kick up a conversation. Tee smiled from the kitchenette pouring out three coffees.
"Your hair is a shit state, so aunty terry is here with me to cut and dye it! A little pamper session before you get yourself tossed about by that hunk of yours today" she preened proud of both explaining why they were there and teasing you at the same time. You grimanced heaving a sigh stepping back a tad, still trying to hide the perfect ass sprawled out on the bed behind you.
"Thanks Tee" you grunted at the woman who was already buzzing even thought it was early. She rolled her eyes at you and scoffed popping Joey on the booth seat, the pup ran around to your mum and began clambering all over her making your mum gasp and fawn over her.
"Have you seen your roots? I got you some dye! See? Pink! I thought a bright pink on your roots would be sooo cool" she said enthusiastically as she fished out a pot of pink dye from a bag you hadn’t noticed she was carrying. You sighed and tipped your head down eyeing your hair... Tee did have a point, with it being under a wig when filming you didn’t really bother too much with it, what was once a lilac pristine ,short, straight chin lenght bob was now almost touching your shoulders and had a dirty blonde thick stripe down your parting... I mean these roots were bad! A good two nearly three inches! And your ends were a little split and bristled.
"Tee told me about Mathew and your brother- they didn't want to, but I knew was soon as I saw Kane, he'd done something!" you mother began slowly running her fingers over the rim of her cup looking upset. Guilty.
"I want to apologise for it" your mum said watching you sadly. You frowned at her why was she apologising? She drew a deep breath and thanked Tee for the coffee as Tee placed the cups on the table. As if reading your thoughts, you mother continued, this time looking at the happy pup on her lap playing with her.
"I...May have mentioned about the... Scene you shot and that there was someone on set causing problems for you and Henry... I didn't mean for him to get involved; I was just so angry about it! And... I'm really sorry love, I hope he didn't cause you too much trouble" your mum explained. You sighed at her; you had an inclination that she had said something. It was the only explination you doubted Tee would have said too much about it knowing what Kane was like.
"Its fine mum, he actually helped, Henry was gunning for him... Kane actually stopped henry from doing something he'd regret, things could have gotten messy." You explained and backed up, stealthily reversing back to the door and slowly began to close it whilst Tee was focusing on the hair dye and your mum was avoiding your gaze. But instead of managing to be all sneaky and close the door hiding henry in your room like a naughty teen with her boyfriend Henry was up and awake.
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"Aha! Gotcha! Who said you could sneak out of bed this morning baby? I was lonely without you~" you screamed and just about jumped out of your skin as Henry wrapped himself around you from behind dragging you back into him, nuzzling into your neck pressing an open-mouthed kiss to it. Your shout of surprize had silenced both of the women's chatter making them jump, even Kal came darting back in gruffing as he leapt up the stairs heckles, and tail raised and growling on high alert. Fuck.
"Now why can’t I get a good morning like that?" Tee giggled crossing her arms at the both of you, your mother eyed you both with a knowing grin and hummed agreeing. Henry snapped his head up and gulped. Fuck. You and henry stood still for a few seconds far to shocked at being caught with your pants down so to speak. You shifted on your feet, but henry held you still hands on your hips using you to shield his nude form from your guests he hadn’t known were there.
"O-oh shit- err good morning ladies!" He said turning red his voice higher than usual as he shuffled backward taking you with him. As he tried saving his modesty, he didn’t take the covers with him because- well he had thought it was only you on the bus!
"I err- shit I didn’t see you there... Sorry about almost flashing you both like that..." he said with an uneven tone tip toeing back into the room, still holding you at his crotch hiding the once half hard- now softening cock.
"Oo what’s this then? Henry and Y/n naked in bed~ all I want to know is who's getting head!" She sung making her own terrible lyrics to the old teasing k-I-s-s-I-n-g song. Tee said unable to hide the smirk, wriggling her eyebrows at the two of you. Then yipped as your mother slapped her around the back of the head.
"Talitha Grace! behave yourself the boy is embarrassed enough as it is! Don’t you go making him worse! After all, didn’t I catch Kane sneaking you into the shower this morning?- don’t you try to deny it either young lady I heard what you were doing in there, why do you think I put the radio on" She scolded making Tee stutter and look around panicked before nodding and looking down with a yes ma'am. You stepped back following henry as he tried to duck back into the room.
"Give me a mineut and I’ll get something on" he muttered and used you to conceal himself until he was in the safety of the room. You flushed trying not to look at the other women who were giving you the thumbs up... Well, your mother gave you the thumbs up Tee making crude gestures with their fingers. And then holding a fist to her mouth jerking left and right against one cheek whislt poking the other with her tongue. Which earned another whack off your mother?
"Babe?... Babe where my boxers from yesterday- oh don’t worry I got them!" henry yelled from inside the room making you wince. Any hope of them thinking he wasn’t sleeping naked with you vanished. Both women giggled as you sighed shaking your head and padded across the small space taking a seat. A few seconds later henry followed exiting the room with some thins jogging bottoms on and stretched yawning.
"Morning ladies, has the kettle just boiled?" he asked crossing the bus lazily scratching his abdomen with one hand. You nodded as he walked past trying not to have a meltdown as your mother was eying his back mouthing 'lucky bitch' to you as he moved about half naked.
"So, what’s going on today?" henry said once fixing himself a coffee and sat next to you pressing a kiss to you as he settled.
"We are cutting and dying her hair today~ then you got training- hey joey! Bubba look its daddy!" at the sound of her name the pup jumped up barking making sure everyone knew she was still there. Henry cooed at her and called her over. Instantly she was on him yipping and jumping at him wanting her morning kisses. Kal joined jumping up half over henrys lap getting snuggles.
"Oh yes I know- I missed you too so much... But mummy and daddy can’t always have you on the bed, can we? We do need time without you kids clinging~" henry spoke ducking to the pups letting them have all the attention they wanted. You just sipped your coffee trying to ignore the implications and looks the other two were giving you.
"So, sleep well henry?" you mother spoke up slyly
"Like a log! It was the best night’s sleep in a very long time, but that being said I can’t wait to get back into a proper bed, the ones in these things are always so cramped~ but then again sometimes that’s a plus" henry chuckled winking at you and got up stretching over to shut the main door then placed joey on the floor with Kal letting her run off with him to find their rope toy.
"Right then what’s this about haircuts?" he said looking at the table that had a few small pots of bright dye and  a small set of hairdressing scissors. He reached over pulling the pot and inspected it.
"Pink? You’re going pink this time love?" he asked with a grin somehow ignoring the watchful eyes of the others.
"Yes, just the roots and blend it in a little? What do you think?" You asked trying to ignore the other woman who were grinning like idiots at the two of you. Henry hummed and tilted his head squinting for a second making you flinch. The laughed playfully at you winking.
"I think you are stunning and I’m going to love whatever you do to your hair my love... But will you have enough time? Training starts in a few hours honey and we do have to get dressed for a scene tonight too" he announced making your mother swoon, and Tee snort finding it funny that henry was so loved up. White wolf? More like a fucking house-trained pom!
"It only takes half an hour on my hair, because I’m a natural mousy brown blonde... Thingy" you blushed going shy tucking your head down unable to hold eye contact with him. He was staring at you so adoringly, as if you were the light of his life- like you hung the moon! It was a soft loving gaze that made you melt.
"MY perfect little tinker bell!" he cooed and handed the pink dye to you, then leant forward pressing a kiss to your hot cheek and slapped a palm on the table as he stood.  
"Well, I won’t keep you ladies, I will however go and fetch us some breakfast from the food tent Bacon sandwiches?" he asked with a grin turning to face your guests who were still cooing over the sweet exchange.
"Oh yes please" your mother answered snapping put of her little awed gazed. Henry twisted taking in the sight of you and tee both nodding.
"So, four bacon sandwiches and two sausages for you two?" he asked looking at the two pups who both began going mad knowing exactly what he had just said. Henry chuckled and quickly threw on a tshirt that was draped over the sofa and made to leave only to pause and twist back around stepping up to you. Before got could frown or stutter a reply his lips pressed firmly to yours.
You squeaked blushing brighter as he moved his lips along yours kissing you sweetly then pulled away.
"What? You didn’t think I was leaving without my morning kiss did you honey? Especially after last night~" he purred making you gap at him. Your mother a tee gasped before tittering to one another as henry pressed one more kiss you your rosey cheek and spun calling out he wouldn’t be long and left the bus with a deafening click.
"Soo what exactly happened last night?" Henry hadn’t made it halfway across the carpark and your mother was already grilling you for details. You shrugged and shuffled in your seat quietly refusing to look at either of them.
"That’s what I want to know bitch! Details?! Now give me the tea!" Tee said switching seats to sit next to you boxing you in.
"Nothing! Henry is just teasing!" You muttered waving them off, but you were completely unconvincing as your voice grew higher and your face flamed, you could feel the flush seeping down your neck as images of the night before raced around in your mind. The sounds, grunting growls and pleading moans as you’d fisted his cock stroking his fleshy girth in fast motion's drawing his pleasure from him with a chorus of perfect yelps and deep rumbles.
"Uh huh? Then what’s all the blushing for? Hmm? Whys your face all red- look its getting darker?!" Tee pointed at you as she spoke a gleam in her eye. She knew something had happened. You scratched your arm nervously and shook your head, trying to fend of tee and your thoughts, your hand clenched almost trying to remember the way henrys cock had throbbed in your hand just before he came over it. It was strange, internally trying to relive the intimate moment you'd shared. You wanted nothing more than to do it again and again.  
"Tee that’s enough, stop pushing her if she doesn’t want to tell us about a wild night of sex with her huge hunk she doesn’t have to" your mum added sipping her coffee with a smirk.
"We did not have sex!" You yipped trying to get both women to belive you, but once again failed.
"And he was naked why?" Tee purred leaning to you  resting her head on your shoulder blinking up at you, pleading fir a tiny sliver of information, a teensy bit of gossip.
"Be-because it was hot!" You stuttered motioning to the warm humid air of the bus... that wasn’t actually that hot or humid on account t of the air conditioner being on keeping it a comfortable temperature.
"Yes. Yes, he was but that still doesn’t answer our questions! Did you finally fuck your big grunty Witcher man?" Tee implored wriggling her brows still digging for gold... well dirt really.
"No, we didn’t fuck!" Yoh heaved with a huge sigh, part of you was disappointed. You couldn’t help it as magnificent as the whole moment had been you had sort of hoped henry would have... well snapped? Fantasies of him growling and snarling at you before tugging you below him and having his wicked way with you had popped up, rearing their heads from lewd shadows of your mind.
".... did you get to third base?" Tee pestered after a few beats of silence making you growl at her.  
"Tee?! Stop!"
"What? I wana know for the bet!" She cried out throwing her hands up with a giggle then eyed you slyly.
"...I bet you tossed him off!- AHA! I KNEW IT! I fucking knew it you brough him to heel- the heel of your palm that is~ I'm soo gonna win this fucking bet" she shouted as something in your face must have confirmed it. You groaned sinking into your seat as tee did a little victory dance wriggling her butt on the leather.
"Oh my god Tee please stop it! Mums help me out here" you begged just about ready to cry from embarrassment. Not that you thought tee would actually tell anyone but, you just felt overwhelmed. You don’t regret it, but you really really wanted this to be personal. Even from tee and your mother. Your mum sat up and nodded to you before giving tee a 'don’t fuck around' look before speaking.
"Tee that’s enough... but seriously y/n well done you~" you mum teased wriggling her brow and clicked cups with tee who made a small toast of 'about bloody time'.
"Oh, shut up you two!" you groaned embarrassed by the whole morning so far. You mum drank a few mouthfuls of coffee before standing up.
"Right let’s make a start then, turn round and park your butt lets tame this mop" she said whilst plucking up her scissors deciding that was enough teasing for one day. In a strange way she was relieved to know you were having a healthy sexual relationship. She often worried your overzealous brothers had destroyed your view of men and sex. But then again if there was anyone who could make a woman come around to the idea of sex it'd be that beefy young man, you'd been crushing on for a few years... not that she blamed you he was an incredibly attractive man.
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You grunted spinning back and forth crossing 'blades' with henry trying to perfect some of the moves. Henry chuckled spinning around and struck your bottom with the flat of his sword prop hard enough to make you yip and rub the spot.
"Concentrate Hun"
"Concentrate?! How about you Concentrate and do the bloody moves! Your not meant to go that way!?" You snarled panting wiping your brow only to growl deeper when he threw his head back and laughed. He couldn’t help it, it was cute you were being so serious and methodical that he was having fun catching you off guard. The truth was you didn’t need practice, you had it down. In fact, henry was only here asking for another practice session to spend more time with you. Plus, you were in your tight work out leggings and all sweaty and scrumptious~ who was he to deny himself that image?
"Me? Oh, my love?~ I think you'll find your distracting yourself. Perhaps you should stop eyeing my abs and just touch them?~" he teased you making you flush. He had decided to shed his top earlier today and was in a spare set of Geralt trousers leaving little the imagination. He knew what he was doing,  well aware of the looks you were giving him biting your lip and rubbing your legs together clearly craving something you were too shy to ask for.
"W-what? I don’t know what your talking about stop being so stupid-HENRY?!" you yelped out cutting off your own rambling as he launched himself at you twisting around in a fluid motion disarming you and held you at 'knife point' the rubber witchers sword poised at your neck. You froze dumbstruck by just how incredibly fast this huge man could be.
Henry on the other hand grinned impishly at you using one hand to capture yours and press your hand onto his damp skin, wracking your fingers through the curls on his chest.
"There see~ And you can just follow all the way down~” he purred pinning the flat of your palm to his chest and dragged down over his tense abs with a smirk making sure to press himself harder against your palm.
"Henry! I can't just fuck grope you at work that’s like fucking harassment or something!"  you whined shaking your head looking around to make sure you were both still alone. You were, apart from the two pups that were lounging on the crash mat.  
"Ha-ha think of it as a cheeky office romance~" Henry offered stepping closer slowly capturing your waist dragging you towards him.
"Office romance my ass!" you huffed trying to seem mad but in all honestly you were more embarrassed than anything, your anger subsiding the second he'd wound himself around you.
"Your ass indeed~ oh now don’t look at me like that I consider it foreplay." He said lowering his weapon and letting it hit the soft mat below you with a dull thud.
"f-foreplay?" You muttered blinking at him trying to figure out if you’d heard him right. Henry nodded quirking a lopsided grin a playfull twinkle in his eye.
"Mmhmm come here~"  he growled managing to wind both arms around you cupping your ass cheeks, squeezing the two full globes drawing them up making you jolt to your tip toes.
"He-Henry stop it!" You breathed out with a nervous chuckle squirming in his hold when he pressed himself against you, dragging his nose over your neck ghosting his lips over the flesh.
"Why? I could tell you wanted me to give em a squeeze... Here you've been eyeing my ass for weeks go on give it a pinch just to even it out~" his playful words accompanied by a little shimmy of his hips, the buttons on his bottoms rubbing on your mound and tummy.
"Oh my god! We are meant to be working up a scene Henry!" You pleaded trying not to completely melt under his warmth.
"I am... Just not necessarily a Witcher one~" he purred dipping his head down latching onto your neck, the light red mark from a few days ago to light for his liking. He sucked the skin lapping at it moaning into your skin.
Your head lulled back, mewling out from his touch falling prey to this heavenly mans kiss once more. He left you weak and wanting. You blinked fluttering your lashes looking past him to the floor and jolted. Drawing a deep breath at the sight before you and tensed instantly.
"OH MY GOD?... Fuck err Henry? Shit Henry seriously stop Kal has Joey in his mouth!" Your heart stopped and henry snapped his head up twisting around still holding you close. And there it was Kal  was standing near the door holding joey in his mouth. You breathed out a slow breath as the size difference between the pups truly dawned on both you and henry. Joey didn’t seem to be struggling or anything, she wasn’t panicked or wriggling, but it was frightening to see. You don’t think Kal would intentionally hurt her but? Accidents happen and akitas were known to see smaller animals as prey. You can’t help your mind wandering as you saw Joey's tiny frame snug in kal’s jaws.  
"Hey Kal, son what are you doing over there boy?" Henry said anxiously the huge bear simply walked towards where his huge bone laid, you'd brought over with them. Kal stopped and wagged his tail as he saw the two of you eyeing him, he didn’t seem to get that you were both nervous about him having joey in his mouth. But after a few beats of his tail the bear snorted and continued to pad across the gym to the large bone.
"Oh, he’s just carrying her... She must have wandered off." Henry said relaxing watching what Kal was doing closely seeing what the bear was trying to do.
"Kal...Come on put your baby sister down... Good boy! You keep her safe..." he said, Kal placed Joey down and gave her a few swipes of his tongue and sniffed the now excited pup who looked as if she enjoyed her little carry.
"See its fine he put her down, just looking after the baby that’s all~ everyones okay" you heaved a sigh of relief watching as Kal had indeed put her down Infront of him and laid down and dragged his big ham hock bone towards him so she could nibble on it with him. It was so sweet watching her share the huge bone with him especially when Kal alternated between eating the treat and bathing her she growled playfully and wiggled when he began licking at her, bathing her but gave up focusing on the bone again, licking rather than chewing.
"Aww that’s so cute you know I think he thinks She really is his puppy” henry cooed relaxing as he eyed the two fondly. He has to say he loved watching them together, Kal was much calmer now he had a pup to look after, it was strange seeing the bear act so mature.
"It wouldn’t surprize me in the slightest...I’m sorry I didn’t think he'd hurt her I just it’s the first time I've seen him pick her up and I freaked out." You offered sheepishly watching the two, Kal really had stepped up, he was protecting of Joey and it was sweet watching the huge fluffy bear fawn over the tiny sausage pup.
"Hey, it’s okay, I doubt he'd hurt her, but my heart stopped to...I don’t want anything to happen to the little mite...But he seems to know Shes just a tiny baby-more importantly his tiny baby"  henry soothed easing your fears quickly. He knew you trusted Kal, God henry trusted him with his life! But still it was a heart stopping moment seeing the large jaws encompassing the tiny pup.
"Yes, I suppose? And they are almost like siblings” you mused relieved you hadn't offended him.
"Oh, I would say they are most definitely siblings by this point. Now where we're we?"  henry quipped turning to face you head on again wriggling his brows planning to pick up where he left off.
"You were about to have me in a choke hold."  you said quickly trying to swerve the heated make out session and get some work done.
"Choke? Fuck I knew you were kinky but no not quite yet, I’ll save that for our second sex marathon atleast~" he laughed grinning from ear to ear while you gaped like a fish glowing bright red.
"Wha-henry?! You can’t say stuff like-" Henry lifted his head feeling the two dogs staring Kal laying with Joey stretched out between his front legs filling the space between them.
"Look away kids~"
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"Henry!? What are you-oh shit!" You squealed as suddenly your world was flipped around and you landed face up on the mat below you. The man wasted not time in straddling one of your thighs pressing his weight down on you,  slotting his knee against your throbbing mound and with no warning began rubbing your slit firmly through the thin leggings.
"Henry- shit OH~ GOD plea-please stop you know what happened last time AH FUUUCK~" you tried fending him off, wriggling but failed. All you managed to do was arch into him making your hips rock against his warm knee.
"Yes, I do but what makes you think I don’t want to make you cum over me again, you think I didn’t enjoy that? Having you moan and cry out so sweetly? Just like now only this time it’s not a fucking scene...This time it'll just be me fucking rubbing you until you cum in your knickers~" his voice was more a low purr, a velvety tone rolling over you enticing you to give into whatever he wanted he was a master of seduction and clearly knew it.
"Hmm what’s this wet already? Tell my sweetheart  have I made you all desperate and horny? Needy enough to make you cum in your knickers?"  he ground out feeling the slick coating your knickers making his rubbing much easier.
"I-fuck! OH GOD I-MMHMM YES pl-please henry don’t talk like that~" you tried to ignore him but it was impossible, the way he moved over you swaying constantly. His heat radiating on your skin seeping through your clothes like he was a furnace.
"Why not you like it~ so fucking wet and cute you can’t even help it can you?" He teased moving harder yet slower, managing to part your slit just enough to move your swollen nub back and forth sending your body into a deep arch, legs widening trying to grind down on him.
"OH SHIT~ Hen-no wait! WHAT ARE YOU-HENRY WE'RE IN THE GYM!" Your cries fell on deaf ears as he bared his weight down now rubbing his cock into your trapped thigh.
"Shh trust me love just open up a little more that’s it good girl see now I can just-"  he nudged your legs coaxing you wider before dipping his hand between you both with a smirk.
"AH AH FUCK Oh my god you didn’t do that last time ah fuck~" you jolted yelping and grinding as his finger curled at your slit clawing lightly dragging over your clit and flicking side to side sending you into a frenzy. Moaning and mewling throwing your head back crying out whilst he found a rhythm of his own.
"Henry, we can’t please fuck-Henry~ UGH NO Henry!? Get your fingers out of my leggings!!" You moaned breathlessly as he sat up, curling higher over you tugging at your leggings until he could slip his hand into them. The flat of his palm pressing on your lower tummy and smoothed down into the waist band of your knickers making you freeze only to arch up to him, unconsciously willing his to seek out your clit.
"Shh love~ just relax let me make you feel good~" he cooed diving further into your underwear watching you closely in case you did panic and genuinely want him to stop.
"Oh, fuck please- Henry don’t I can’t, oh god! It’s embarrassing! Plea-ease what if someone sees?” you begged unsure if it was for more or for him to stop. But either way your pleading drew a dark grin from henry. He flicked his fingers finding your slit and pried you open revealing your clit and began rolling it around in tight circles huffing a small chuckle as you quivered and tried bouncing into his hand with tiny breathless mewls. It was adorable how you tried to deny your pleasure and chase it so desperately.
"Then they will be dealt with by our trusty pups... I hope Mathew comes in~ he'd blow his top seeing us like this... And you know what? If he did come in, I’d put on a fucking show, go harder and faster and just fucking ruin you~" the filthy promise seemed to do the trick you moaned loud squinting your eyes shaking your head back and forth. His fingers were relentlessly plucking and teasing your clit making you squirm and tense, nerves burning with need and cunt trying to cling to something, only to rub against itself in a disappointing anti-climax.
"AH~ stop it! Henry, we can’t not in here shit! AH YES THATS-AUGH FUCK ME!?" Even you wasn’t convinced by your half attempt at stopping him. Your body was far to needy, far to hot and wound tight. You needed another release; your hips chased his hand trying to work with him and force a climax.
"That’s it love just lay back and let me take care of everything~"  his soft praise pushed you higher, ushering you deeper into the waves of pleasure he caused with the most simple of motions. Not that you could really register what his fingers were actually doing. All you could do was lay beneath him withering pitifully. He moaned himself as he rutted against you over and over chasing not only your pleasure but his own aswell.
"OH FUCK-ah hen?~"
"See that’s better, isn't it? oh god woman I don’t even have to fucking look for it, you clits so fucking swollen~...I-is this, okay? Do you really want me to stop?" A momentary lapse in his self confidence made him ask, the need to b given the go ahead. Have your permission quickly taking president over what he thought you wanted.
"I-I no, no god don't stop I need-Ah! Please henry-I want more~" your voice was weak, hoarse from your moaning but he heard you loud and clear, smirking as your hands latched onto his arm, once clutching his wrist tugging at it trying to coax him further into your knickers as you ground onto him.
"Oh, baby girl it’s so good, isn’t it?  So, good Huh? You like my fingers rolling around you little button~ don’t you?"  Henry could stop the cheesy grin, his words rolling off of his tongue with a playful tone. He loved this, drawing you out of yourself and making you feel him. Feel the things he would do to you day in day out if you let him.
"Y-YES FUCK ahh augh god fuck please please I can’t henry I want it fuck!"  you cried tears blurring your vision as you realised it wasn’t enough! You needed more, something else to push you over the edge once more. Your sporadic shivering and clenching ebbed away into soft tingles across your tummy the knife edge you were on was both exhilarating and maddening.
"Oh, baby you want more huh? okay sweetheart... how about this? is this okay love bug?" you froze as his hand twisted thumb rolling your clit tweaking and nudging as he placed two blunt fingers at your wet entrance prodding lightly waiting for your permission. You drew a sharp breath 'holy fuck he wants to finger me?! He actually wants to~ fuck yes!' You nodded shyly unintentionally closing your legs embarrassed by the idea of him fucking you with his fingers.
He chuckled and moved slowly impaling you giving you every chance to change your mind. you arched eyes wide as he moved slowly and firmly pressing your tight muscles apart makeing you shudder and clench. Eyes blown wide as he eased into your small heat drawing silent cries from you.
Your head slumped and you closed your eyes arching trying to swallow more and more of him. Willing him deeper, needing him to sooth your aching muscles with his deliciously thick fingers.
"There we go~ such a good girl now you just stay right where you are Tinks and let me do all the work it’s time for me to start preparing your little pussy you’re so tight you’re going to need a lot of fingers fucking before I can stuff you full of my cock~" the dark promise of his words followed by the crooking of his fingers left you speechless. A silent scream leaving your mouth hips bearing down trying to chase his fingers in a sloppy rutting motion.
"But make no mistakes about it when I do finally make love to you, I’m going to fucking ruin you and you’ll fucking thank me for it." He growled stilling over you watching you, drinking in the sight of his fingers impaling you in a mix of slow deep thrusts and short fast bursts of speed being as unpredictable as he could wanting to catch you unaware and have you shatter below him.
"no-no! please I-FUCK HENRY-hen I need to pee!" You panicked feeling something build, a pressure in your lower tummy you tried closing your legs but his thigh made sure you were open enough to endure his arms powerful thrusts.
"No, you don’t love"
"I do fuck-stop I really need to go!" you yelled scared by the feeling in the pit of your stomach, the muscles of your pussy holding him tighter and tighter and a pulling feeling in your guts felt ready to snap.
"No no love~ you need to cum."  He uttered under his breath with a sense of pride eagerly fucking you on his fingers faster determined to pull a climax from you right here in the middle of the gym.
"NOO-OH ugh fuck it-that’s not! HENRY, I CAN’T HOLD IT STOP!" Your mournful sobs were ignored once more, henry seemed to have other ideas and soldiered on with his grand plan, as if he were privy to something you didn’t know.
"Oh, love if only you knew trust my I'm not going to make you wet yourself, well not in that sense anyway~"  
"AH AH OH GOD-fuckfuckfuck...Ah HenfuUUUUCK" you reared up arching into him bucking and felt yourself tense and relax all at once reaching a high you’d not felt before. You sobbed half embarrassed and half frightened as your release seemed to last longer than it should. You yelled out at him wordlessly when his hand didn’t stop instead pushing you to cum over him in a quick gush and God-awful sound!
"Oh, there we go~ good girl my gorgeous, sweet girl....god fuck your so sexy when you cum fucking squirting on my fingers like that you stunning little fucking tease~" he praised pulling his fingers from you lightly slapping your spent pussy before bringing his palm over you in vigorous motions. You arched crying out when his warm palm rubbed over your sensitive clit bucking up again unable to stop yourself.
"That’s it! That’s my good girl~ such a sweetheart.  Again, just keep on fucking gushing over my fingers let me see it, let me see how good my fingers feel in your sweet tight pussy~" he spoke in a gravely tone quickly replacing his fingers this time managing to add a third now that you were drenched and open.
"Ah! God henry no I-wait WAIT I CAN’T STOP! IT'S TO MUCH hah n-nooo~god ugh!" You protested but it was too late henry had already begun fucking you again this time spearing you with a much more ruthless pace managing you force you into another deliciously cruel climax almost instantly.
"Ugh god love that was quick~ I might be able to have you on my cock sooner than planned if you keep Cumming like a good girl for me, now again I want to see it again~" you wailed pressing your feet to the floor and tilted your hips, even after two orgasms in quick succession you chased his fingers seeking out another release greedily.
"No-hen I no-not here! not here" you pleaded words little more then panted breaths you just couldn’t speak up he had truly taken your breath away.
"Oh, I know love won’t fuck you in here yet, the first time I take this fantastic little pussy will be on a bed~" he promised with a wink only to lay down on you, smothering you whilst his fingers still worked you open for him. He was like a man possessed wanting nothing more then to force you to cum over and over right there on the floor.
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You whined embarrassed at the way henry had to carry you from the gym. He'd found it incredibly flattering when you'd tried to stand after he'd made you cum over his fingers another two times before deciding that was enough training for one day. Your knees had wobbled and you’d all but collapsed back to the floor. Luckily henry had caught you and sat you down whilst he cleaned up the small puddle your made on the floor with the blue roll and sanitiser that was kept in the gym to wipe down the equipment.
You shuddered at the thought, it had been embarrassing , even more when you'd felt how soaked your legging were. They were fucking ruined! Henry had thrown you his discarded tshirt letting you wear it despite assuring you your leggings were black so no one could see. But still he helped you into the huge top a d smiled commenting how cute it was that his shirt almost fell to your knees.
"Oh god what wrong!? Is she alright?!" Came a voice from behind you. You shivered at the thought of what Joey must think seeing you like this snuggled in henry's arms.
"Yes. Shes fine I just caught her unaware, she'll pull through we'll work on it, wont we love?" He asked with a shit eating grin wiggling his brows suggestively.
"H-henry stop” You flushed and squeaked pressing your face into his chest hiding away from joey who had gone quiet clearly trying to figure out what happened between you both.
"What? oh don’t be embarrassed love we all get a little disorientated from time to time and I did put you through your paces?"  henry teased once more hinting at your little encounter without letting the smaller male know exactly what happened.
"Through her paces she looks half dead" joey quipped a little worried that maybe henry had pushed too far and you'd hurt your leg again.
"Oh, Shes alive trust me~" henry chuckled at his own joke making you roll your eyes and huff at him growling and whining at the same time.
"Oh, hush love your fine... Shes fine Joey just a little exhausted... Shes been skipping leg day" he offered up a quick excuse to the singer and chuckled as joey scoffed and motioned to you.
"Clearly! If she can’t fucking walk! You should practice more with each other so this doesn’t happen, you can’t wear her out in training all the time! God knows how she will get through the scene if you’re going to hard on her n rehearsals" joey spouted worried about you and the state you were in. You did look well and truly fucked; you clearly needed a nap at the very least.
"I'm on it joey training session little and often until she can survive a proper round with me~" you groaned as henry poked a little fun once more laughing at his own inside jokes and walked around joey who was still trying to figure out what was going on.
"Come on you two keep up mama needs some rest" henry called to the dogs that trailed behind... well dog, Kal it seems had decided that carrying his pup around was a much better way to keep an eye on her. You could vaguely hear joey coo over how sweet it was seeing Kal carrying the tiny pup.
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You and henry sat at the table going over the next few scenes. Most were just of Keira travelling with the duo but like everything else they were filmed out of chronological order. So, henry was with you helping to date them, you had music playing from his phone and your respective take aways sitting beside you both. Joey had gone out and done a food run which was nice! A big burger and chips with Greek salad side~ God, you missed it!
"You want another drink love?" You asked standing up wiping at your mouth with some kitchen roll. Luckily, the burgers wasn’t too greasy so you wasn’t making that much of a mess. Henry looked up and grinned nodding.  
With that you moved down the bus and pulled out some of his rosemary water that had been popping up in your mini fridge for the past week. You paused for a second and smiled. Henry and Kal had practically moved in now, they only returned to his bus if henry forgot to bring something over, and when that was the case he went and brought it over, somehow the man could always find space to put more of his stuff in here.
It'd been just under a week since you'd both admitted your love for one another, just under a week since he had you sprawled out on the gym matt and things were finally settled, you were both finally comfortable. More than comfortable you were confident and felt alive, loved! Living a dream! Constantly on cloud nine. Every morning and every night you were showered with affection and reassurance from henry. And you couldn’t help but glow from it. You honest to God loved him, fallen hopelessly and completely in love with him.
And it frightened you a little bit. He lived in Kensington, Jersey and La. And you lived in surrey. What were you going to do after this was all over? You can’t just up stick and barge into his life. And you couldn’t be travelling all the time to London or wherever he was staying each day. And there was no way you were going to La. You don’t think you could stomach getting on a plane. And filming was coming to an end. Tomorrow was your last day here then you were off to London for the remaining nine or so weeks. Then everyone was going home until the press tour starts.
It was playing on your mind, I mean. Could you go stay with him for a while? You were pretty much living together- henry had managed to migrate all his things into your bus now. He hadn’t been in his own bus for just over a week, he'd packed all his bags and brought them over unwilling to spend a night apart from you.
You sighed and shook your head what will be. You ducked down pulling out the bottle of water and poured henry a glass, then made yourself a juice. Personally, you couldn't drink the famed rosemary water. Rosemary belonged on potatoes preferably with garlic.
You just closed the fridge when there was a knock on the door. You sighed and shared a look with henry who shrugged indicating he didn’t know who it'd be. Then trudged over to the door instantly getting Deja vu.
"Mathew, what can I do for you?" you huffed almost spitting the words at him. You really had grown tired of this bullshit. Was Kane decking him not enough? Did he really think that he could recover from his little groping incident?
"H-hi I err just wanted to... to talk and saw your lights were on- can’t you sleep or?" he started and quickly began waffling, shrinking slightly as if already regretting darkening your doorway.
"We were in bed all day. We had a late shoot last night, what do you want?" You said dismissively keeping him on his toes with a stern gaze, making it abundantly clear you were not going to play these games.
"I just I wanted to say I’m sorry, I was out of line, and I shouldn’t have acted the way I did." you frowned at him confused. What the hell? Matthew seemed spurred on by catching you unaware and was quick to try and use your shock as his in and continued his apology.
"It was irrational and unfair. I crossed the line” the words were anything but sincere, you had a feeling Matthew was trying to cover his ass more then anything. The ,an was just trying to save face.
"You were and you did. Big time." you growled crossing your arms and leant on the door frame scowling at him still holding your ground. You will not go wade through this bullshit again, not when things were falling into place with henry.
"I-I know that, and I just I’d like to make it up to you. Make this right... I wanted to see if you’d let me... maybe take you out for a drink and talk... so I can make it up to you-" you tutted and chuckled dryly shaking your head as his apology quickly became another date proposal. You drew a deep breath and began piecing together an out right bitch fit to throw at him but quickly got interrupted by a loud bellowed laugh from behind you.
"Are you fucking kidding me?! You have got to be fucking with me!" Henry shouted and came up behind you tugging the door wider and snarled at Mathew over your head.
"H-henry? I can handle this!" You tried to speak but henry was livid, standing tall and puffing out his chest gritting his teeth in anger.
"No, he just?! You’re a right piece of work you know that! Give up “Henry snarled exasperated by this whole shit show. As far as henry was concerned  Mathew needed to fucking do one and get away from his missus.
"I have henry-" Mathew said in a faux pathetic voice clearly here trying to get you to join him on a guilt trip. But it wasn't going to work. You wanted to put your foot down and scream at him to leave you alone, but it seems as though henry was stepping in for you this time, being your white knight. It was sweet but a little frustrating.
"Really? Because to me that was another fucking guilt trip! Get over it, she doesn’t want you, she doesn’t fuck like you! And how dare you carry on after she told you to leave her alone! Don’t, you have any fucking boundaries? Jesus Christ!" henry seethed jaw locking into a snarl as he leaned over you one hand  humping the door with what sounded like a painful force ricocheting off the walls of the bus, his other hand bypassing you pointing threateningly over your shoulder. As Matthew, the hiss of his words frightened you, you'd never heard him so angry. Not even when in character. You trembled a little inching back pressing your hands over the opening trying to block henry from getting any closer to the quivering little prat outside.
"Henry please- he came to apologise and we can just leave it at that" you tried calming him knowing full well if henry did lose his rag and bolt for the man again there was little you could do to stop him. Your twisted to your irate bus mate pleading with your eyes for him to back down and not take the bait. Henry rolled his eyes at you huffing then began snarling once more.
"Your right, to apologise for stalking, not leaving you alone and harassing you onset-Then on the next breath he's doing the same fucking shit! Asking you out again!" Henry roared and gave Mathew a hard look, making the man freeze on the spot. And you can’t blame him henry was terrifying in that moment, all tense bunging muscles and snarling, practically foaming at the mouth readying to lunge at him. He truly looked like he was about to go for the throat.
"You fucking stay away from her or your gone! You hear me? I'll have you fucking sacked" henry grunted still pointing at Matthew from behind you throwing his weight around. Your eyes snapped to his face shocked that he would threaten to have someone sacked. You can’t say Matthew didn’t deserve it but to hear henry say such a thing outloud was strange.
"Henry?!" you admonished frowning at him.
"No, I’m not fucking having it! This time I'm putting my foot down love." He shook his head and gave you a stern look then turned his attention back to the man outside and growled curling his lip at him in fury.
"Now you rev up and fuck off! I mean it I know you’ve been warned by Tomasz and Lauren to back off. Now I'm warning you. Stay away from my fucking woman! Tinks is with me now fuck off harassing her!" Henry seethed pointing at Mathew whose jaw locked, even though his fearful trembling he looked ready to throw a fit. Henry slipped around you slowly and eased you up the steps just using his sheer mass and slammed the door locking it. He even went as far as to lower the blinds on the port hole window.
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You blinked doing a complete 360 as henry padded around you stamping his feet a little louder than he needed to. You blinked and pointed to the door behind you and rested on the counted that flanked the door.
"Err okay Mr Cavill... wana explain that one?" You drawled quietly to him as he grunted and sat back down at the table in a mood. His face was hard set, and he was seething. He grunted as you came over placing your drinks on the table and sat down slowly.
Henry took a few moments to compose himself he was fuming. Not at you but at the situation, he was leaving things to late! Soon you’d all be home and everything between you will crumble! He had to fix this, seal the deal. And just as all his worries of the next few months begin to mount that little cunt shows up again!
"I thought you told him to fuck off?-hell Kane fucking decked him and you’re still giving him the time of day?" He grunted and winced at his own words.  They sound much more accusing than he had planned... and he managed to sound like a bitter spoiled little boy arguing over a toy-but you wasn’t a toy, you were? The love of his life! He was so damn sure of it, and he couldn’t help getting so ridiculously angry at someone trying to steal you away!
"I was about to tell him to fuck off Henry, myself!" You snipped back feeling offended, just what the hell had he meant by that? You squinted at him feeling hurt by the implications. He rolled his eyes and scribbled a date on to the margin of one of the scripts and leant over doing the same to yours as he spoke almost chiding you exasperated.
"No, you wasn't, you were going to politely ask him to leave." Henry paused looked up at you with fierce eyes and a barely concealed temper, gripping the pen tight enough it looked like the clear plastic of the biro would snap.
"And I hate to break it to you sweetheart but that wasn’t going to work" he said trying to calm himself, but a flush of anger rushed through you. Henry had never ever spoken to you so condescendingly before. And it made you bristle, deep down you knew he was just angry, and you could understand it- hell you were angry about Mathew thinking he could come over in the dead of night and deliver a half-hearted apology then immediately ask you out again. But you wasn’t taking it out on him in a temper tantrum, you’d expect the same curtesy.
You hummed biting your lip not wanting an argument. You hoped staying quiet would give him the opportunity to collect himself and clear his head but instead he continued   venting to himself growling as he typed in the shoot dates on his phone.
"I mean what the fuck is he even fucking doing skulking around here at what. Eleven at night?! What’s, he think gonna happen a fucking bunk up!?"
"Henry please take a mineut to calm down this isn’t like you; Mathew just wants to cause shit he has never stopped trying to have a bit of drama”.
"What? Has he been speaking to you behind my back?" Had the question not been so angry and serious you’d have laughed at him. He was being absolutely ridiculous. It was getting you pretty steamed to be honest.
"Henry wha-No! No, he- that’s the first time I've seen him since Kane hit him!" You defended feeling a more than annoyed by the underlying accusation. Henry was acting paranoid; you’d never seen him like this before. You shook you head and took a deep breath before trying to explain calmly. Because if this became a screaming match itd destroy you, you didn’t want to with fight him over something and pitiful as Mathew.
"Look Henry- love I can’t help him being an idiot and not listening. I was just about to tell him to do one and you came barging in all machos and beat me to it... Like fucking hell we've done stuff but what’s with you?!" What had started as a calm explination soon became a hissing jab when he rolled his eyes at you and scoffed. Fuck no. No one not even Henry Cavill was going to undermine you when you'd done nothing wrong!
"Exactly we've done stuff! He knew I was here and that we are...We're...Ah fuck you know what I mean woman!! But I didn’t realise he is still sniffing around you like some...some ugh! Point is he's trying to fucking ask you out? And what not I thought you’d have told me” Henry said shifting in his seat growling eyes ignited with worry, anger and anxiety. He was panicked and seething, he couldn’t help it. He'd been cheated on before and was insecure about it. He loved you too much to lose you now when he was soo close to getting the family he'd always craved. He was soo wrapped up in his own worry and fury he couldn’t really hear what you were saying.
"Henry, I just told you that’s the first time I've seen him since Kane fucking hit him, what you want me to admit somehing that hasn't happened?" You hissed getting more and more upset as it sounded like he didn’t belive you. He sounded betrayed and twisted. The anger-this anger was not hot. It wasn’t sexy like you fantasised. It hurt and cut you deep. You felt torn up and was unsure what to do or say to calm him. You'd never been in this position before and it frightened you. You didn’t want to let him walk over you and upset you, but at the same time you didn’t want to argue and destroy what you had with him.
"What? No, I-I don’t want you to lie to me I just... He just needs to back off!" Eased off, calming himself a little trying to get control of the situation before it went off the rails. He leant back swallowing eyes wide as he saw just how upset you were getting.
"Then what do you want from me? Why are you here popping off on one at me? He's a dick he always has been, I bloody well can't help that" you said levelling him with a look trying to bite our tongue, you didn’t need to goad him on and let this escalate.
"Because- Because I don't like him around you, he is a fucking piece of shit who just won’t take no for an answer despite Kane fucking decking him one...He is going to fucking hover and wait chip away at you until he has you! I don't like the way he blatantly ignored your warning to stay away or finding out he’s sneaking about the fucking trailer at night!" He seethed becoming angry all over again at the reality of Mathew still prowling about you. He found it incredibly infuriating that you were dealing with this, and that he knew you’d be somewhat cordial with that slimeball.
Men like Mathew disgusted him, never taking no for an answer, stalking and preying on a young woman. Mathew had upset you, embarrassed you tried to emotionally manipulate you and bully you! And it angered him that after all that you were still sweet enough to give him the time of day! Henry just wanted to protect you. Because men like Mathew needed to be on some kind of fucking register!
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"Jealous..." you uttered quietly. But not quietly enough as henry rolled his eyes and sneered.
"What? I'm not! Don't be stupid I'm not jealous of MaThEw what’s there to be jealous of?!"
"Okay then not jealous but worried? Probably" you corrected yourself. Henry was right there was nothing to be jealous of Matthew for. He was a fucking snake... and not a big one- more a worm really. Small slime ball pretty insignificant.
"I’m not worried about him either!" Henry hissed cheeks tinting pink making you smirked and quirk your brow at him.
"You err... You sure about that buddy? You are fucking sound it! And you’re acting it! So, I hate to break it to you, but you sir are a worried puppy at the moment" you smiled at him teasingly trying to lighten the mood. But henrys face soured, and he grunted throwing the pen down on the table and crossed his arms.
"I'm not fucking worried about that little scrot! I just don’t want to watch him try and steal you away when you deserve better! Are you interested in him or not?" He seethed once more sulking throwing a right tantrum. He looked like a child.... a huge man child. You gasped and scowled at him.
"Henry you can’t be fucking serious!?-" you screeched you high pitch making his eye twitch, but he stayed still watching you closely and huffed.
"Are you or not?" he scoffed interrupting you shaking his head looking more and more torn up. You eyed him frozen for a second unable to belive what you were hearing and the vehemently shook your head.
"Oh, for fuck-No! there you happy no I’m not interested in him at all you know this, Henry! You think if I was, I'd be here with you?! That if I was dating him, I'd let you pin me down and and? Ugh! The answer is no Henry and it’s not like were official or anything! Technically I'm still single" you ended your comment with a haughty tone making him do a double take gapping at you before throwing his head back laughing out loud.
"HAH! You know it’s almost cute that you think that~" he finally spoke chuckling to himself shaking his head. Your face flamed and you stuttered, tongue fumbling over your words before finally finding your voice.
"EXCUSE ME?! You-you have no right we aren't a proper couple!" You breathed out somehow finding enough back bone to finally yip out your fear, the question that had been on your mind for weeks. Henry growled at you snapping his head to you all amusement gone from his face, replaced with an expression something between offended and a snarl.
"THE FUCK WE'RE NOT!? I've just been waiting for you to catch up! I’ve been in love with you for fucking months! Trying to fucking get across that I want you but you just UGH!"  He bellowed quivering with adrenaline fear clawed at his chest when he realised, he may not have you afterall.
"You've what? I-that’s not the-"  you stuttered the wind in your sails gone and you sat dumbfounded. Even after everything you still couldn’t truly wrap your head around him genuinely wanting to be your man. Like you assumed this was all just fun whilst onset.
"What you think I kiss and roll around with every woman I meet? That I’d tell you I loved you if this wasn’t serious?!" He said hurt more than anything. You paused hearing it. The strained voice, looking closely you could see his lip quivering he eyes panicked widening slightly. It stopped you in your tracks.
"No, no I don’t but I? You can't honestly have me believe that.... That?" Your words died on your tongue as you looked at him. Really looked at him. He was upset angry and scared... panicking waiting with bated breath and everything stopped, pausing for a moment. Your next words would make or break whatever this was between you. And you both knew it.
"That what?" He breathed out quietly, all traces of anger gone and now there was just uncertainty. Nauseating anxiety and crippling panic
"That you love me as much as I love you! That we could be a real couple! That your gonna sweep me off my feet and we're going to live happily ever after! That doesn't happen to people like me. I mean for fuck sake Henry...I’m just a fucking stand in! An unqualified bodge job trying to fill shoes that I have no business being in! Who has no clue what the hell I’m even doing here-and you? Then I just? with you? You fucking made this so hard! I'm falling deep! Too deep this?" You broke, caving under the weight of everything and let yourself truly let go. Your doubt and insecurities flooded from you and all henrys could do was watch and try to wad his way through it all.
"I'm fucking winging all this shit! And I just- your you? And someone like me has absolutely no right being with you!" You spoke the harsh reality that the both of you had to face. Henry had to know this wasn’t going to go past filming. It couldn’t? How could it! He was a big fucking star! And you were a?... A not actress! For crying out loud you worked part time in a fish and chip shop in the summer!
"It’s...I'm just a passing fancy is all Henry....I just figured you'll get bored..." you finally ended with a shrug and looked down. You laid yourself bare, put your cards on the table and it was agony, not only admitting your situation outloud to yourself, but too him aswell. You loved him, but sometimes it wasn’t enough. Now it was down to henry to decide. The power and fate of your relationship lied with him.
"You’re not serious! You- of course you’re not a passing fancy! You hear me woman? Look at me Y/n" you did with a small sniffle, he side across the booth seat and sat next to you cupping your cheeks shushing you.
"Do I look like I'm fucking around, I'm deadly serious. I love you and I want you! I crave you like I’ve never craved anything before in my life. I want to know every part of you." His words made your heart stutter you whined moving wrapping your hands over his wrists and trembled rubbing his warm skin. You tried to stop your pitiful weeping but couldn’t. Things had just overwhelmed you.
"I want everything, I want to be everything! Your rock, best friend, lover, mentor, provider, your life partner, everything! Everything you need me to be and more. My biggest hope is for us to build a life together, to become a family you, me, Kal and joey and any kids we decide to have- that’s how serious I am love." He said both encouraging and pleading with you. He needed you to know once and for all! To listen to him and really hear him.
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You eyed him breathlessly as his thumbs wiped your tears away grinning at you softly. You looked at him. And there it was, for the first time you saw what he genuinely wanted, saw the determination and unadulterated love and affection. There was no doubt in his eyes, not even a flicker of worry or anything. Just an iron will, honesty and love.
"Henry-" you breathed out shaking your head gently unsure how to even reply to that. Your voice trailed off, failing you after uttering his name once.
"Do you really think I'd dry hump you if you were a passing fancy woman? Think I'd be here doing all this with you, sharing myself with you so intimately if I was going to throw you away...I trust you; fuck I love you woman and you love me too... That’s what this is honey, its true love and I- I’ve never had this before its new to me just like it is you... and I just want to protect you" your heart felt as if it would burst as he spoke to you soo sweetly. You melted into him tipping your head forward looking down for a second the  sniffled again squeezing his wrists.
"I just thought that... I mean we're adults we can fool around and have sex with who we want" you cried quietly feeling silly as you said the words out loud.
He groaned deep in his chest, the rumble shook you to your core and you snapped your gaze beck to him. He gazed back at you with a suggestive smirk,  eyed half lidded and a fire burning in his eyes lust boiling in his once bright now dark blues.
You gapsed at the change, he had gone from sweet and caring to a hot prized male eyeing you hungrily like his next meal. He moved much faster than a man of his size should, quirking a brow as he leaned in crowding you, making you squeak and flush. He inched closer still practically plastering himself to you front, forcing you to rest your back against the sofa. He began speaking in a low growl that was definitely channelling a bit of 'big bad wolf Geralt' but what he said made your insides shiver in excitement.
"And who exactly do you want to have sex with? Huh? Who is it you want to give yourself to? To fuck you leaving you gaping and fucking messy using your little cunt until your sore and sorry for being a tease all this time!" His voice held a deep needy rasp, and just like that you felt like prey quivering in your seat. He skimmed your cheek with his nose craning his head beside yours and breathed heavy words into your ear.
"Because I sure as hell know it isn't him, it’s not him who gets you wet, who made you cum from just rubbing your needy slit!" His words were filthy and divine, you moaned quietly feeling the arousal bubbling in your lower tummy, you breath picked up  blood thrumming in your veins.  
Even with your inexperience you could tell Henry wasn’t angry. He was impatient, territorial and clearly had enough playing around. He chuckled into your ear tilting his head pressing a tiny kiss to the lobe of your ear, suckling it sweetly then slipped his hands to both of your hips stopping any escape route you may try to use. You were his and tonight you'd know it.
"It wasn’t Mathew who had you gushing on his fingers, whimpering sweetly on the gym mat, it isn't him who makes you a weeping wet mess between the sheets is it?" You froze unable to comprehend your situation he had pivoted to face you head on and watched with predatory eyes. He was so close you could taste his breath he tilted his head to bring himself closer and for a second your world froze finally you gulped wetting your lips with your tongue almost gliding over his at how close he was you began a stuttering whisper when you finally registered just what he was getting at.
"I-I Hen-Henry?" You small voice was nothing but a whisper, but he heard it loud and clear, and a wolfish grin swept over his face.
"Damn right it’s me! Get your fucking knickers off!!" He growled at the sound of his name because no other would do. For him you'd just admitted what he already knew you wanted him just as much, you were simply scared of admitting it. And he understood, he really did. You'd been alone and self-sufficient until now relying only on yourself and occasionally Tee. It was hard for you to accept him completely you’d never had to trust another so deeply before and it was frightening. But henry loved you and he won’t beat around the bush anymore, and he won’t let you either.
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It was now or never. Do or die. He watched you waiting for you to move. And was surprised, for a second, he thought you were going to turn tail and run but instead you lunged at him hands fisting his shirt dragging him towards you darting forward for a kiss. He responded just as eagerly hands slipping to your thighs and pulled you up off the seat making you sit on his lap your legs around his waist. One hand covered your bottom holding you flush to his cock that was already swelling trying to greet the hot cunt poised on top of it.  
"Bout time I fucking claimed you woman-fucking running around in you cute tight leggings doing the fucking splits in front of me! Like a little fucking cock tease!" You gasped and made to reply  wanting to argue it was for the show but couldn’t as he stole your breath with another intense desperate kiss.  
His hands settled on your hips and curled his fingers over their swell begore pressing you down onto him and rocked you back and forth. You grunted digging your fingers into his shoulders and followed his movement kissing and biting at him as you rocked. He moaned leaning back into the seat spreading his legs wider so you could feel him swell under you, his cock twitched rising to meet the promising warmth grinding over it, he was far too eager to have you, but found enough restraint to take his time enjoying finally having you for himself.
You whined into his mouth between moans and deep wanton grunts moving faster on his bulge pressing his hot cock below onto your seam and grinding like a mad woman. This time you won’t hold back, you won’t retreat or scamper off blushing like a schoolgirl! You told yourself twisting your head trying to drink in the groans you drew from him.
Henry smirked against you and held you tighter moving you slower on him wanting to tease you. A little payback for edging him for soo long. He wanted to draw this out, to ruin you before even stuffing you full! He pulled back chuckling as you fought his hold pouting and hissing, cursing under your breath cutely as you twisted your hips this way and that willing him to release you and let you ride his lap like a horny little bitch.
"Hen- please! Please I need you-Ah!? Henry?!" Your lust fuelled plea broke off into a yelp as one hand released you slapping down on your ass with a light burn. You arched into him plastering yourself to his chest whining. He preened at the sounds he pulled from you, his fingers rolled the globe of flesh in his palm squeezing and testing it, weighing your cheek in his hand.
'Yes~ fuck yes! Mine, finally mine to squeeze and fuck! To taste and please~ such a precious little thing~... she has no idea how I’m going to ruin her! Fuck her full over and over- force her to cum again and again! Feed her needy hot cunt again and again until she can’t stand it! She doesn’t even know what she needs poor innocent little thing' He almost felt bad for the things he'd do. As much as he wanted to be gentle, he knew it would be difficult. You were going to be so small so hot and tight!
He closed his eyes and shuddered rutting up into the molten pussy weeping for him, he could feel it, the slick mouth-watering arousal coating the seam of your slit, wetting your thin pyjamas. He couldn’t wait! He was eager! Too eager to burry himself deep j  your body and feel you rippling around him, your cunt suckling him deeper willing him to paint your insides.
The thought was enough to make him cum then and there, soil his sweats and waste his load. But no. No fucking chance, tonight he will spend himself inside of his woman! Claim you fully and leave no room for doubt. Tonight, he'd have you, take your innocence for himself, taint you and show you just how much he loved you. And when you surrendered?  When did you give him the final nod and let him have you for himself? There will be no going back! He'll take you every day! There'd be no stopping him.
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"No, you don’t get to rush me now honey~ you made me wait, dragged this out hiding from me, running around showing off your soft curves and delicious ass" he murmured as you tried rocking down on him harder, desperately trying to grind your clit on him craving any friction you could get. He grinned at you smugly lifting a hand to your short hair and pulled making you face him, noses brushing one another.  
He tipped forward just grazing your lips with his own, laughing as you tried lunging,  desperately seeking his mouth with your own needing to latch onto him once more. You were lost, needy glazed eyes fluttering at him, harsh pants fanning his face with your sweet breath completely under his spell. He doubts you even knew your own name in this very moment, you seemed so wrapped up in him.
"No~ stay that’s it my beautiful little Tinks~ you stay right there, let me have my fun~" he said tightening his hand in your locks as you tried to kiss him. He loved this, could stay like this forever untangled in your arms, warm cunt cradling his hard cock still trying to rub against him and chase that all-encompassing feeling of being treasured and loved in the most primal sense.
"I love you" he purred into your skin a sincerity lacing the low gravely tone that sent tremors into you. A promise weaved into his words, an oath. As though he was swearing something to himself. you’d never know he was vowing to keep you, to do anything in his power to have you by his side until the end of his days.
"Shut up and fuck me!" You yelped crudely whislt he led you to dizzying heights. Cocky grins and soothing words, his hot mouth all working in tandem to rouse your lust, drawing you deeper into the heated frenzy, the humid room fading and all that mattered was him.
"Such a dirty mouth when your desperate~ not even a please?" He quipped and nipped at your lip before swiping the plump flesh with his tongue.
"Please! Please henry fuck me! I’m yours I- I love you please I want you soo much! I need it! Need you love- please! J cants bare this anymore!" You whined hovering your lips over his following him as he swayed. You couldn’t think beyond begging this man to take you! You wanted him in every way, there was no fear, no anxiety or apprehension. There was just the overwhelming need to make love to the incredible man you loved soo dearly. the tugging and pulling in your gut, boiling lust that was reaching a fever pitch and spilling freely from you, you were ready to burst at the seams and he'd done little more than kiss you.
You’re pleading almost incoherent babbling was rewarded your words with sharps tugs. One mighty hand on your ass curled lower, fingers dipping below you cupping your cheeks cradling the back of your weeping cunt and drew you closer. Rocking you against his cock once more sending you into a loud moaning frenzy.
"All you had to do was ask honey~" he teased with a small wink before dropping his mouth to your collar bone than began climbing over your neck in bites and wet kisses, grunts and hisses letting you know how he adored shunting you against his still clothed cock. Finally, his hand released your hair instead cupping your head dragging you to him for a needy wet kiss grunting when you kissed back with just as much fervour. He leant back and shuffled along the seat somehow wrestling past the table and growled out a command to hold on before standing forcing your legs tighten around him holding yourself to him.
His hands were blazing trails over your body squeezing your breasts together thumbing the nipples just below the thin fabric of your tshirt you wore to bed. It wasn’t long before your own hands roamed smoothing over him dragging up his arms to the delicious set of shoulders that topped his broad frame your hands could barely grasp the huge muscles once he was sure you were holding tight, he moved making you squeal his huge palms capturing your thighs and jolted you to his waist and all but through your legs behind him as he began crossing the threshold of the bus.
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Before you knew it, he'd tumbled on to the bed with you moaning into your open mouth and was shimmying out of his sweat bottoms with a grunt kicking them off into the room behind him. You twisted flicking your feet escaping your own thin loose bottoms without a thought. You wanted to fuck. Now. There was no time for modesty or nerves, you needed him!
You moved siting up wresting with your tshirt only to swear as in your haste you got your elbow stuck. There was a chuckle and then two hands grabbed the thin summer top and yanked with what could only be described as an impossible strength. The top stood no chance and was torn and pulled from you.
You both seemed to freeze for a second. The world stopped as you looked upon one another for the first time completely bare. You shuddered he was as magnificent as you imagined. Tall wide and powerful, strong in every sense and mouth-watering to behold. The hair of his chest seemed to be styled almost! It was far too perfect! Leading down to the happy trail that framed his proud cock perfectly. You flushed lightly and quickly looked up to his face, trying not to give away the sudden flush of heat that washed over you, or you nervous smile as you once again saw the beautifully defined veins wrapped around his manhood.
Your eyes roamed his chest and arms, taught and twitching threatening to pounce at any moment, the veins on his fore arms throbbing with almost as much need as his cock, it seemed every part of him was eager to touch you. You swallowed finally raising your gaze past his heaving chest to his bulging tendons on his neck, locked jaw then finally settling on his eyes.
You gasped and leant back on one hand as you locked eyes with him. The molten fire in the blue gaze was palpable. He grinned dangerously tilting his head in a very villainous gesture and licked his lip, curling his huge body forward slowly prowling like a cat on the bed.
"Fuck woman your gorgeous ~" he purred crawling across the covers to you in a slow languid prowl, rolling his shoulders forward as he crept closer. You quivered watching with bated breath as he licked his lips groaning letting his eyes drink in the sight of you completely naked. You followed his gaze and made to cover yourself with a yelp trying to snap your legs closed realising your thighs were open showing off all your goods!
But henry was faster, his hands shot out grasping your knees spreading them wider keening in his throat as he pride you open before him. You flushed gasping struggling weakly against him only to freeze again as your cunt clenched makeing you soil the covers with your arousal. An arousal you hadn’t known was flooding you until then.
"Hen-henry please~" you began unsure what you were begging for, but somehow knew he would understand. He grinned and pulled harshly jerking you closer making you flop back on the bed with a gasp before yelling out as he ducked between your legs wasting no time before attaching himself to your wide-open cunt.
You arched and twisted hands dropping to his curls wailing into the room as he devoured you. Teeth dragging over you grazing your vulnerable taught clit as his tongue speared you in long hard licks, lapping and moaning into your quivering heat.
You cried out tensing your legs digging your feet into the bed trying to crawl away, but he held you, overpowering you with ease. Pinning you down forcing you to open up over his tongue. You panted, bearly catching any breath whilst he fucked and lapped at you, sucking and nipping as he saw fit. He moved in unhurried skill full motions plucking your clit with the tip of his tongue making you sing in the most erotic notes, pushing you towards an end you had come to know well.
"Ah AH HENRYZ FU! FUCK, PLEASE MAKE ME CUM! LETZMAKE ME CUM PLE-EAS UGH GOD!?" Your words became loud breathy cries pleading as your pussy pulled at him, willing his tongue to fuck you as he had done before. But just as your stomach tensed and legs trembled, squeezing him he stopped and pulled back completely.
"WHAA!? NO! NO hen- please don’t stop!?" You cried mourning the loss, he laughed  shaking his head at your fingers still holding your legs open, he purred licking his lips watching your twitching core search for him desperately. Your muscles contracting in frustration at the loss of his mouth smothering your juicy slit.
"Oh no~ not tonight love. You’re not Cumming on my tongue! No~" he licked his lips lewdly sucking and slurping makeing you shrink and blush under his intense gaze. He smirked taking in the sight of you needy and flushed spread out before him like a stunning pure little sacrifice, you had the type of innocence he wanted to have for himself. He needed you more then you will ever know, his lip pulled back showing off a fanged wolfish grin then winked down at you.
"The first time you come tonight is going to be on my cock!" He grunted and sat up on his knees quickly watching you with a cocky grin as you withered before him.
You gasped as he tugged you down the bed and poised himself over your quivering frame, hands resting either side of your head making to freeze.
This was it. He was going to fuck you- make love to you and take you for himself, just like you’d wanted. You eyed him anxiously blinking at him.
"It’s okay~ it’s just me" he said softly leaning down stretching his legs out resting on you lightly. Your breath hitched feeling his body press against you. No matter how hot you were, henrys skin almost burned. The hair on your arms rose in a wave of pinpricks.
"It’s just us, just me and you y/n" he muttered pecking your cheeks nuzzling you softly trying to calm you down. You flicked your gaze to him unsure and swallowed dryly. Forcing a smile and shrugged.
"I’m know, I’m sorry I’m scared-" you tried apologising for almost ruining the moment but he sighed  moving his hands across you in slow strokes easing your tense muscles needing to calm you down otherwise he could hurt you.
"I know my love, don’t be... you have no reason to be scared honey."
"I? Your big hen and I’m not sure-" you began stuttering out, nerves taking over now that you realised just how real this all was. It was only when you had time to think did you begin worrying. You wished you could just dive right in and forget. But this was your first time and well wasn’t everyone entitled to be nervous on their first time?
"I'll fit love; you'll be surprized how much you can take~" henry couldn’t help the smirk and light chuckle that escaped him at your words. He pressed kiss after kiss on your face, his hands still smoothing over you strong fingers pressing into your muscles until they relaxed.
"But you don’t have to, we don’t have to." He added making it clear that he didn’t expect anything, he wasn’t going to push this if you truly didn’t want to, no matter how horny you both get no still means no and henry will wait for as long as you wanted to.
"I... I meant what I said, I need you henry. I love you and want you, I don’t want to let my fear hold me back”.
"You’re sure? Because this is more than a fuck." He hummed pressing his nose along your cheek purring the words into your ear nipping it lightly still trying to calm you down.
"When I take you, I’m taking you- playing for keeps no going back your mine and that’s it. My girlfreind, my better half, my women and mine alone" He continued in low tones that made your breath hitch,  not just the sound of his voice but his words, the finality and clarity in them. It brought tears to your eyes you wanted to throw yourself at him and hold him. The uncertainty all washed away and you could relax and see that this really was something more, that this could be the happy ending you’d dreamed of.
"After I make love to you, I don’t think I will ever let you go" he said pulling back to look you in the eye, one hand cupping your jaw, his thumb brushing your bottom lip with an almost pleading look on his face.
"I don’t want you to henry" you replied tears welling in your eyes at the sweetness of this huge man. Even with your pussy kissing the blunt head of his cock he still found time to pause and make you feel like the luckiest woman on the planet! It made you swoon.
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Henry captured your lips once more licking into your mouth letting you feel just how much he loved you, how happy he was that you wanted him, that you’d let him be your first. He never cared for virginity, never believed a womans worth was determined by a flap of skin or whatever. But he did understand the significance of being your first. He knew the emotional value of being someones first sexual partner. And he had never felt so honoured in all his life.
You moaned feeling him as he pressed forward baring his hips down teaseing himself into you. You widened your legs on instinct and whined in slight discomfort as he pressed harder forcing your small pussy to give way to him slowly. With a few measured tiny thrusts, he managed to press himself inside, the girth of his fleshy head stretching you.
You gasped and pulled back from his mouth panting in slight pain pressing your face to the side into the pillow wincing. Henry didn’t stop, but didn’t jolt forward either, he continued his slow invasion eyes clenched tight groaning as your channel latched onto him like a vice. You whined again low in your throat as he moved feeding himself into you.
It was strange, a stinging burning feeling but... not unpleasant in the slightest. A pitching pain that left a warm satisfying feeling behind. You shuddered trying to wriggle down, wanting to engulf him even with the sting that came with it.
"Fuck hen~" you moaned out and arched frowning unsure what to do as he impaled you. You hissed panting warm breaths over his chest throwing your head side to side unable to stay still as he continued prying you open gently but relentlessly. You clenched pulling on his squeezing him and moaned louder at the feeling of him throbbing inside of you, his pulse sending your cunt spasming nerves alight with an almost toxic pleasure. You arched moaning out a yelp bringing your hands to his arms Digging your nails into his biceps.
"Are you okay?" He asked worried by your hissing and frowning, he knew he was large and this was going to be a squeeze but he was trying to be gentle. His frown quicky disappeared as you clutched at him widening your hips trying to meet him in tiny wanton thrusts moaning breathlessly.
"Y-yes I just- just fuck! Its good henry please!" You wailed frustrated by the way he had paused, you needed him deeper. Your insides suckling him desperately trying to entice him into your warmth. Every nerve and muscle was singing his praises whilst also pleading for more and more. It was a cruel type of pleasure, the type that you feared couldn’t be sated.
"Shh almost there love" he hummed pecking your cheek and you turned your head closing your eyes mewling looseing yourself in the feel of him surrounding you. You cunt rippled around him as he pressed deeper groaning and hissing with every breath.
Then with a final push he managed to stuff you, giving you everything he had. You keened whining, panting soft breaths and frowned confused. Wasn’t it supposed to hurt? Wasn’t something meant to tear? He was supposed to break you in! Why wasn’t there a searing pain!?
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"Honey? Are you okay?" He asked again this time much more concerned then he was before. You looked absolutely heartbroken and for the life of him he couldn’t understand why.
"I’m a virgin!" You blurted out; it was the first thing you could think of your body trembled panic washing mover you making you feel sick. Yet in spite of your anxiety, you also felt an overwhelming satisfaction that you were here with him, wrapped in his arms , legs entangled in the most intimate positions. Holding him within your own body, your inner walls caressing his girth in subtle and tantalising movements. He was twitching, throbbing and warming you from the inside flexing with each heavy breath you took. Each heave of your chest sending ripples of pleasure throughout your entire being, you could feel he ecstasy in  your bones.
"Well, that’s debatable~" he chuckled mistaking the panic in your voice for something else. Your eyes grew watery, and throat clammed up. This wasn’t right! He was going to call you a liar! A whore or something!
"No! I? Its... why hasn’t it hurt more? I swear I’m not lying I really am a virgin-" your voice wavered anxiety crawling through you with a sickening chill. Yoh made to move but found yourself well and truly pinned.
Henry frowned down at you as you had a meltdown, only to hiss and groan into your skin when you twisted trying to pull away. He didn’t let you, instead settling heavily ontop of you widen his thighs holding you still warming your thighs with his own. You grunted and lurched up, hips bucking into him your body trying to wallow more of him despite being full ad stretched wrapped around him like a hot fleshy vice.
"Honey calm down~ this isn’t the 50's and I told you I wouldn’t hurt you; didn’t you know it doesn’t have to hurt?" He cooed holding you still trying to fend off the urge to fuck you senseless. It'd do no good ravaging you when you were so panicked, he could hurt you. He craned his head down shifting his entire weight on one hand by your head, the other moving to cup your cheek and make you look at him. Locking eyes with you seemed to make you clam somewhat. He grinned down at you pressing a chaste kiss to your parted lips, reassuring you with low hushed whispers until you could answer him.
"N-no" you mewled breathlessly arching up again to him unable to control your hips as your body clutched at him so intimately. It became too much, the strained taught pleasure of him filing you, the worry of having sex for the first time and getting it wrong, the panic about him thinking you were lying. You broke down tears slowly trailing down your face.
"Oh, love don’t cry shh I'm here,  I love you and I’m going to wait~ I will quite happily stay here all night like this if that’s what you want"  he cooed softly pressing his lips across your face still running his thumb over the apple of your cheek smearing the salty tears away as best as he could.
"I’m sorry its just-" you panted feeling stupid for crying, you were such a virgin! This was supposed to be sexy and romantic and here you were bawling like a baby. It must be such a turn off!
"There’s nothing to be sorry about. It’s a big deal, and I’m honoured you’d let me this far... how are you? Have I hurt you? Do you want to stop? We can love- we can stop any time”  he said sweetly gazing at you seriously reassuring you with kisses and soft caresses. Making sure you knew you were completely in control and even now he would stop if you asked him to.
You whimpered and calmed yourself slowly drawing a few deep breaths forcing yourself to relax around him drawing a low groan from him, his head dropped to your shoulder pressing his clammy forehead to your skin mewling softly just taking a moment to enjoy your body cradling him so sweetly.
Your insides shook, nervous for what’s to come but still excited for it. This was it; this was really happening. You rocked up into his hips lightly, drawing your muscles tight around him, testing his girth once more. A chorus of moans and soft curses rose from you both, you pulled again and again getting and appetite for the delicious throbbing of his cock, the soft skin around him soothing your taught insides, the rhythmic pulsing treating your nerves to a delightful clash of pleasure and pain. Yet the size of him was still uncomfortable in the best of ways, a burning feeling that seemed to make your lust worse.
"N-no I? I-its sore but, nice... better than your...you know" you finally spoke up, finished with your small teasing tugs of his cock, now growing accustomed to the odd full sensation. And it was odd, but also addictive, your tummy fluttering every so often.
"You mean my tongue? I should think so~" he chuckled at you now relaxing knowing he wasn’t hurting you too bad. Being well endowed was both a blessing and a curse, sure woman tittered about larger men always thinking bigger was better. But henry knew it wasn’t always the case, sometimes women just couldn’t handle him, and he would end up stopping. He never wanted to hurt them and his biggest fear was his partner  keeping quiet and enduring the painful lust put of duty.
He was pulled from his thoughts as you shuffled down a little more and tilted your hips up, curiosity getting the better of you. You wanted to feel him, to find something? You wasn’t sure what, all you knew was that the pain was ebbing away. You tensed once more making him arch, eyes wide and mouth agape a grunt ringing out from him when you squeezed him tighter then before.
"Ugh- fuck love if you keep doing that I’m not going to stay still” his voice was shaky, panting deeper breaths clenching his fists on the sheets. You smiled and rocked up towards him again tensing as you did, you were quickly succumbing you the heat. The lust in your tummy seeping into your nerves making you shudder in delight. All you wanted to do was make love, to really make love to him. Show him you were ready, you needed him.
"Then move, please I-I want you to... I need you to move henry! Please don’t hold back!" He tugged his head up eyeing your face once more. His mouth ran dry once he saw the needy half lidded gaze. Fuck you were glorious!
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Henry didn’t waste time, the first shallow thrust made you gasp, the second drew a moan the third sent you into a chorus of cries. He rocked into you with an almost reckless pace He didn’t relent, he loved watching you whilst he carved out his place inside of you pressing himself as deep as he could with slower measured strokes. Somehow he managed to have some self control all the while groaning hot breathes over you, brows furrowed a look of concentration on his face. His eyes fluttered,  he wanted to watch you, to commit every expression every twitch of your lips and gravely mewl to memory. But he couldn’t help closing his eyes as he finally claimed you for himself. The feeling of you wrapped around him so tightly, hands clutching at him legs flicking out behind him was too much for him and he quickly lost himself inside of you.
You wept widening your legs grinding back onto him chasing the curls that pressing over your clit with each thrust. You couldn’t explain the absolute euphoria you felt as he worked over you, his moans muffled by your skin as he suckled and kissed your chest and neck, lathering your body with his tongue. Your legs settled wrapping around his own, your calf securing around a tree trunk thigh. You moaned louder somehow feeling the huge muscle moving tensing and contracting as he fucked into you was driving you wild
Your tummy tightened with each push and pull of his cock, the hulking vein that decorated him from root to tip humming against your insides driving you higher. The lewd sounds of your love making filled the room as your moans and grunt drew louder. Wet slaps from your union made you flush from embarrassment, you knew it was from you, could feel the trickling of your arousal escaping you with each thrust, making it easier for him to move. Wetting his cock seemed to be the invitation he needed as suddenly he began rutting harder and faster growling into your tit as he did so. Claiming you like a beast.
With a slight tilt of his hips, you jolted arching up eyes wide yipping a sound you’d never heard before. Henry chuckled and did it again angling his hips with frightening accuracy. He moved faster now that he had found what he was looking for. A soft vulnerable nerve to batter with his cock until, you gushed for him again and again. You clawed at his back holding him for dear life crying and wailing far too lost in your haze. Everything fading around you and all, that was left was your own need the boiling heat in your loins, tensing and pulling of his magnificent cock ruining you for other men, stretching you to fit him and him alone. There was no pain, no shame or fear. Just lust and need, the need to milk him, you pussy tugging at him with every tantalising thrust coaxing him to finish and fill, you as you’d never been before.
Your stomach trembled, legs tensing unsure what the needed to do apart from spread wider and let this glorious man have every at you. You rocked trying to greet him with every movement but failed to keep up with him. Your sloppy thrusts were noted and he chuckled placing his hands on your hips a silent 'keep still'
Henry swore growling before slathering your lips with a wet desperate kiss biting and mouthing at you plundering away at your mouth and cunt. He was quivering all over moving faster and faster still taking your body for himself.
You cried out into the kiss when he held himself inside of you rubbing furiously. Releasing strangled moans as he tensed over you. You felt the tugg as his balls pulled tight up against him held between the both of you as he came. Your breath hitched and you reared up against him meeting his rutting hips, pressing your clit tightly to him rocking with a fierce determination. The tight feeling of squeazing him and the tickling of his curls and harsh press of his pelvis finally tipped you over the edge in a magnificent mix of pained pleasure. Every nerve and muscle coming to life as your body rode him in languid strokes. The only sound was your shared cries of ecstasy. His deep bellows and low curses through grit teeth poising himself over you still coating you in thick sporadic spurts whislt you withered and shattered around him.
It was the most incredible feeling, not just the high but the feelings, the raw emotion that had flooded the room around you. You panted and glanced up at your lover shyly fluttering your lashes glowing bright red bringing a hand up to your hair brushing it off of your sticky forehead.
Henry huffed a laugh and shook his head then dipped down stealing what little breath you had in your lungs with a kiss that was just as passionate as the love you’d just made. But somehow different? There seemed to be more behind this kiss, a deep meaning that you couldn’t comprehend. All you knew was the feeling of absolute love and admiration you felt was something you knew you would never want to live without.
You smiled kissing him back just as eager to pour your heart and soul into him. He hummed and pressed down harder only to pull back when you winced, his enthusiasm making him rock against you slightly igniting the light burn of your loins as his softening cock shifted. It was only now you felt the throbbing pain. A good pain, a hot throbbing that would remind you of your first night with the man of your dreams, the love of your life.
“Sorry love, here let me” he apologised and swiftly pulled away easing himself from your weeping pussy and then shuffled to lie beside you curling himself around you with a satisfied purr and dragged you to him. One hand cupping your tender centre lightly ghosting his fingers over you trying to ease the pain that came with his size. You rolled and snuggled deeper into him closing your eyes nuzzling his chest as he rolled on his back dragging you to lie half over him sighing contentedly.
“You are an incredible woman y/n and I can’t thank whatever god or deity enough for bringing you into my life. I truly mean that, I’m the luckiest man alive to have you all to myself”  he hummed whislt littering small kisses over your crown drowsily, now finding himself utterly spent from what was the best fuck of his life. As much as he wanted to go again and again, he was just to relaxed to move. His fingers moved over your back smiling as you shivered and wriggled closer to him. You grinned kissing his chest sweetly before speaking.
“I’d say I’m the lucky one henry, I love you. I love you so much its frightening, I’ve never needed someone before, never wanted to rely on anyone else for my own happiness but… But with you it’s different, I want to. I need you… I-I don’t mean to be so silly and worry but I just can’t lose this love now, can’t lose you” your words were full of a fearfull hope. Somehow in the dreary sleepy haze you could open up to him. Like your drowsiness gave you the means to admit to him just what was going on inside your head. The fear of looseing him after falling inlove and the crushing self-doubt and insecurity the emotional scars from your overzealous brothers that had soured the idea of love and family seemed to just melt away when it came to henry. you’d always feared falling inlove, but the thing was this didn’t feel like falling. You felt like you were flying, that you were on cloud nine and you never ever wanted to come down again.
“I will always be here y/n. I will always be yours, mind body and soul I swear” was the final whisper you heard before being pulled in closer and kissed sweetly once more then drifted off into and exhausted sleep.
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thedanceoftime · 5 years
fightlikeaguurrl reblogged your post and added: ““Hmm?” ~thedanceoftime [Hello;;;]”
“Yeah, you know what, fuck you too. How’s that for...
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Rhyme raises an eyebrow at the tall woman’s, absolutely unnecessary, biting response. Was the stranger just looking for someone to lash out at after having a bad day? How utterly childish! No, Rhyme had met children with better manners, it was more like a baby with a toothache screaming it’s little lungs raw at anyone who passed by.
Huffing and watching the woman go on her way, Rhyme hopes that’s the end of the entire interaction. She has enough trouble to deal with and think about without some rude stranger acting as if they were owed a friendly thank you for unabashedly staring. 
 She reaches for her cinnamon roll only to find that there’s only a quarter left. She’d been hungrier than she thought. Maybe she’d order another one, or two....and some sausages. Maybe eggs to go with it. Fruit too, just to make it all a little more healthy.
She’s about to order, when she notices something on the ground that hadn’t been there, a wallet, maybe? Could it belong to the rude woman? For a moment Rhyme has the urge to just let it lie there and be stolen....but she doesn’t have it in her. 
Sighing deeply, she pops the last of the roll in her mouth and picking the wallet up. She tosses the container in the recycle bin and starts walking before thinking better of it and turning around. She gets a cheap refill, and then begins quickly walking off after the woman, hoping she doesn’t get too lost while she does this. 
If she does end up terribly lost, it’ll be scary, but not too terrible. Her phone is charged and she has a portable charger on hand, the map function would keep her from being overly afraid. Even so, she picks up her pace, wanting to avoid the situation altogether, rounding the corner it isn’t hard to spot the tall woman with her shocking pink hair, picking up the pace she clears her throat and calls out 
“Miss..w-with the pink hair! Stop a moment, I believe I have something of yours!”
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