#i wish i could enjoy them more unreservedly it sucks being worried about *** shit and that asshole on the blue line
st-louis · 2 years
hey i have a question if you don't mind: i haven't been watching the flyers games, i'll be honest but i've seen the scores - and I am happy for them obviously.. but i'm a bit confused too if i'm being honest lmao.. do you think john tortorella really was the thing they were missing ? - divingsave
of course i don't mind!!
the short answer is: no.
they are definitely getting a bit of a new coach boost—look how the canucks played under boudreau at first and look at them now. that particular effect will be bound to wear off in time.
what i will give tortorella credit for is that for however long it lasts, they ARE doing a shitload of the "little" things that they weren't doing last year that made me want to tear my hair out (i.e. actually backchecking, better coverage, less boneheaded panic mistakes etc). and whether that's trying to impress a new coach or whether he's actually motivated them somehow, it's hard to tell.
i think a lot of it is that the roster are underdogs and feel they have a lot to prove. there are some young guys who made the team for the first time who are fighting to stay there and have been doing a pretty good job (zamula has been great positionally; n. cates has been very good; frost has been great!). but the fact is that on paper, this is not a good roster. so things are going to regress there too. our fourth line is handsome maybe, but they're not very good at hockey. and like...kevin hayes is not a first line center. he’s just not. he might be playing on the first line, but if he’s on your first line that’s a problem.
all of these fights are going to come back to bite them in the ass. whether that’s through injuries or goals against on the pk, i don’t know. but i don’t like this trend i’ve been seeing.
tk playing at this level for a full season would be huge for them. beezer being healthy and taking a step forward would be huge for them. getting coots back (hopefully) will be huge for them. provy regaining some kind of his form from his first few seasons would be huge for them, but i truly don't think he's the kind of guy who can carry a pair on his own and uhhh. i do believe that him and t*ny d*angelo together for an entire season is not gonna be super great as a first pair.
(but also some of the minuses are helping. again i know we are all big risto appearance appreciators on flyers lb but uhhhhh. he is VERY bad at hockey and i honestly think him being on IR has been a bit of a boon. especially when i talked about doing the little things right. can't tell you how many times last season he did something dumb in his own zone that led directly to a goal.)
they're also getting the kind of goaltending that i know carter is capable of. .943 sv% over those three games. right now he is the third best goalie in the league by moneypuck's rankings for GSAx. whether he can keep that up over a whole season, i don't know. he definitely can’t play a whole season alone. and the backup goalie sitch is also a question mark. sandström and ersson have both looked good to me in small sample sizes but they also have both dealt with injuries and haven't gotten extended nhl looks. and the goalie depth behind them is...not great.
finally, this isn't the first time the flyers have come hot out of the gate. they won 6/10 of their first ten games last year and 7/10 the year before that. and both of those seasons were [screeching, honking]. so don't necessarily be fooled by good results early. not with the flyers. lmao.
that being said i will try to enjoy the wins while i can.
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malakhai-ozera · 4 years
Discord Thread || Khai & Dorian
Discord thread featuring:Khai and Dorian ( @dammitdorian )
When: August 8th
Mentions: Roman @romanbeckett , Emily @warmvlbes, & Sutton @suttonxtaylor
Description:Khai spends the weekend with Dorian for his birthday, and they officially become a couple.
Trigger Warnings:SMUT!!!
Khai. Khai was so excited to spend Dorians birthday with him. He wanted to spoil him rotten and make sure he had one of the best days of his entire life. The last thing he was expecting was to get a text from Roman telling him that Emily had been attacked. But, after a brief discuss with Dori, he decided he’d rather not go. Ultimately he just wanted to spend the day with Dorian and that was who he wanted to focus on. It was his birthday after all. Not to mention he wasn’t even talking to Emily at the moment and he didn’t really wanna make things worse by showing up with Dorian by his side.   Things were never easy for him though, so of course he was going to beat himself up about it. At least Dorian was unreservedly understanding. He wanted what was best for Khai and truthfully, Khai just wanted what was best for him to. He finished up at the store buying a bottle of Rosè, ingredients for two different types of cakes, and everything he would need to make chicken cacciatore. He wanted this day to be special, regardless of anything else going on. Pushing his worry and self doubt to the back of his mind, he made his way back to Dorians. Carrying all the bags inside before setting them down and running right into his lovers arms. “I’m sorry I took so long, baby. I promise I’ll be quick” he smiled. Wrapping his arms around Dori’s neck as he pulled him in for a lingering kiss. “Oh... and happy birthday. Again” he chuckled. Knowing. Full well he had said it at least 20 times already. Should he go for the whole 29?
DORIAN After speaking to Khai about what had happened with Emily in California, Dorian got the feeling that Khai was still conflicted about what to do about the situation. Even though his heart seemed to be here with Dorian and he knew that Khai wanted to continue celebrating his birthday as planned, he knew Khai well enough at this point to understand that Khai was still worried about Emily and wasn't sure if he was doing the right thing by staying home. But like he'd said when he tried to reassure Khai earlier on the phone, it wasn't like he didn't care because he was staying home. He was still invested, he would still check in with Jaycee and Aaron for updates. He'd just preferred to stay at home with Dorian. But one thing that he and Khai seemed to have in common was their concern for others' well being--sometimes more than their own. So, he could empathize. But, they were both making the conscious choice to hope for the best when it came to Emily, but to also focus on enjoying Dorian's birthday. So, that's exactly what they would do. When Khai let himself back into the house with the spare key Dorian had given him for the weekend, Dorian rose from his seat on the couch and eagerly sprinted over to the door to catch his lover in his arms. "Don't worry, baby, it's okay. I'm a pretty patient person. I'm just glad you're here," Dorian told him honestly. As Khai's arms came up around his neck, Dorian's arms snaked around Khai's waist and he kissed the shorter male back softly and sweetly. "Thank you, baby," He laughed. He loved how excited Khai was about his birthday. He thought it was precious.
Khai. Khai just looked at Dorian with so much admiration. He was truly the most understanding and patient person he had ever met. He still wasn’t so sure how he ended up in this position with the other male. But, fuck! He was absolutely captivated and soaking it up. “Well, that makes one of us” he mused with a slightly crooked smile. His lips pressing back to his lovers in a more passionate and heated kiss before he pulled away. He had to pull away or else he wouldn’t be able to. He was so addicted to kissing Dorian and to be quiet honest. He could stand right there kissing him all day long. He reached his hand out to caress the musicians face before pulling his bottom lip between his teeth and just taking in his features for a moment. “Okay, I better get started” he grinned. Walking backwards toward the kitchen as he licked his lips. “So... which do you like better. Strawberry banana cream cake or mint chocolate chip cookie crumble cake?” he asked. His face still riddled with adoration. But his tone was a bit more serious. “Cause one of them is gonna be a weed cake. This is if you don’t mind me baking a weed cake in your kitchen?” he asked with a raised brow.
DORIAN Dorian laughed softly at Khai admitting that he wasn’t patient. Fair enough. Dorian could be patient for the both of them. When the kiss deepened and became more passionate, he found himself having trouble pulling away as well. Khai’s kisses were mystifying. Dorian leaned into Khai’s touch when he pulled away and caressed his face, smiling brightly at him. “Mint chocolate chip cookie crumble cake!” Dorian answered immediately, practically salivating at the thought of it. He then laughed and walked towards the kitchen, sitting on one of the bar stools by the island. “I don’t mind you baking a weed cake. If I’m not gonna eat it, you might as well have something for you, too. Just don’t eat the whole cake in one sitting,” He teased.
Khai. How the fuck was it even possible that Dorian got more and more adorable with each word or reaction? Khai could barely contain himself. He found himself wanting to jump on Dorian and just eat him up at like 50 times a day. He let out a soft chuckle of his own at the way Dori jumped at the mint chocolate chip crumble cake. Not even giving it any consideration before lighting up like a kid in Christmas. It made Khai’s heart skip a beat and he legit almost tripped over his own feet. “You got it baby” he winked. Laughing again at himself before shaking his head. “Well, it’s not exactly for me. So I don’t think you have to worry about that” he grinned. Pulling the ingredients out of the bag before fumbling around for a mixing bowl. “I kinda told everyone in the group chat I’d make them a weed cake if they said happy birthday to you” he beamed. Rubbing the stubble on his chin lightly as he looked around for a mixer. “You gonna watch me bake?” he asked. His eyes illuminating  his more timorous characteristics.
DORIAN Dorian grinned and clapped his hands excitedly when Khai confirmed that he’d be baking him the mint chocolate chip cake. He tilted his head in confusion when Khai mentioned that the other cake wasn’t exactly for him then laughed when he explained that he’d promised the group chat a weed cake for wishing him happy birthday. “So you bribed them?” He shook his head and laughed a little more. “Yeah, is it okay that I watch?” He wondered. “If not, I can go back to the couch and watch a movie or something.”
Khai. “I might have. But it was only with the best intentions” he grinned cheekily. The excitement he felt just from watching Dorians excitement had him nearly bursting at the seams. “No it’s okay. You can watch me if you want to” he grin a bit more seductively. Obviously twisting the words into a more sexual word play. “But I get to watch you later” he winked again. Bringing his thumb up to his mouth to trail it seductively across his tongue. God! He was terrible. He grabbed the cake mix and tore it open to dump into the bowl and squinted a bit as he tried to read the back of the box. “Shit.. hold on” he mumbled before hastily moving over to his bag to grab his glasses and then returned ready to get started. Adding everything carefully measured into the bowl before mixed it all together. His muscles flexing as he worked everything together. It came so naturally to him it was almost like he wasn’t even trying at all. His concentration shifting between his craft and the beautiful man watching him. He dumped the mixture into a cake pan and then popped it into the over before turning around to suck his fingers clean. “You wanna lick the bowl baby?” he asked coquettishly.
DORIAN Dorian shook his head, laughing again. “Was that even really necessary? They probably would have said it without your prompting. Or not. If they had to  be bribed to say it, they didn’t care in the first place.” He snickered, smirking at the suggestive tone Khai used. He raised his eyebrows and wondered what exactly Khai would be watching him do later. Regardless, he played along and winked back. He gasped softly when he saw Khai put his glasses on. “Oh,” Dorian murmured, clearly liking what he saw. He then watched intently as Khai finally started the baking process, smiling to himself at how cute and domestic it was. He bit his lip when Khai turned around and sucked his fingers. He smirked again at Khai’s suggestive flirting and shook his head. “Nah, I’m good, I’ll just lick you later.”
Khai. “Well, it was exactly like that. I threatened I wouldn’t be their friend anymore if they didn’t say it. But then they did so I told them I’d bake them a cake” he grinned. None of it was really  necessary at all. But, Khai was just excited and trying to be a supportive boyfriend or whatever he was. He could feel Dorians eyes on him, and the oh he made when he put his glasses on. It made him blush even more. He hardly ever wore glasses, but he did need them to read. So there was no hiding them now. Once he finished the first cake he let out an amused chuckle. “Yeah you will” he grinned. Setting the stuff up for the second cake before adding the weed and walking over to Dorian, turning him around on the stool. “You’re very distracting you know that?” he asked. Kissing him slow and sweet before pulling away again. “You wanna help me?”” he asked as he walked back over to his original spot. as he placed the second cake in the oven and pulled out the first. His eyes tempting the musician as he started to add whipper cream to the hot cake without even waiting for it to cool.
DORIAN Dorian raised his eyebrows and shook his head in disbelief. “You had pure intentions, but that still sounds like bribery,” He teased. He smirked when he noticed Khai blushing. It didn’t happen often but every time it did, it made Dorian feel accomplished. As well as endeared. He really did look cute in those glasses, even if he evidently only needed them to read. He watched adoringly as Khai baked the first cake, getting more and more excited to eat it as time went on. He winked when Khai agreed that he’d be kicking him later because duh, of course he would be. Dorian kissed Khai back adoringly, pouting when Khai pulled away prematurely. “Didn’t you just say I was a distraction? If I come over there, I can guarantee you I’ll only get worse. Especially with you looking as cute as you do in those glasses.”
Khai. He almost pouted way to obviously when Dorian repeated that he would be  a distraction for him. But his lips curved up into another smile as he blushed at the compliment. “You like these?” he asked with a bashful chuckle. Pushing the cake to the side and climbing up onto the counter to sit directly in front of Dorian. His legs draping on each side of him as he raked his hands through his hair. “You... ughh” he chuckled again. Unable to find the exact words to describe how he made him feel. Instead he leaned down and kissed him again. Teasing his lovers lips with his tongue as he hummed softly. The smell of weed baking filling the air around them, but Khai paid no mind to it at all.
DORIAN The little pout on Khai’s face didn’t get past Dorian, but he didn’t address it because of the smile and blush that followed. “You are so damn cute when you blush. And yes, I do like them. Makes you look like the sexiest librarian who ever lived. Or a hot teacher. I’m totally into it,” He told him, chuckling at himself for being so silly. Once Khai hopped onto the counter, Dorian stepped closer so he was directly in between Khai’s legs. He moaned softly as Khai raked his fingers through his hair and then kissed him back when Khai pressed his lips to his. He nipped at Khai’s lower lip playfully, moaning into the kiss. “I’m not above fucking you right here in my kitchen, baby. You’re testing me.”
Khai. “Liar” he grinned. But he fully knew Dorian meant what he was saying. He could see it all over his face and it made his heart flip flop in his chest. “Oh, you’re into in huh?” he asked. His tongue pressing to his teeth as he smiled devilishly. He wrapped his legs around Dorians waist and pulled him closer as he kissed him. Winning softly as Dorian nipped at the sore he created on his lip a couple nights before. He liked it though, he got off on pain as demented as they may sound to someone else. “Oh yeah? You gonna have your way with me right here, daddy?” he asked with mirth. His hands reaching down to pull his lovers shirt from his body before letting them trail lightly over his chest. His eyes taking in every definition of his muscles and tattoos. “Who’s this? Cecilia?” he asked pointing to the tattoo of a woman on his arm.
DORIAN Dorian rolled his eyes. He knew Khai only called him a liar to get him worked up but he hated that it always worked. It’s just that integrity meant a lot to him and he never wanted that to be questioned, joking or otherwise. Plus, he hated lying in general but he would never lie to someone he loved. “I am into it. You’re so hot,” He mused, leaning in closer to his beautiful lover. He kept the kiss slow and languid, savoring every second of it. God, he loved kissing Khai. He’d never get tired of it. He ran his tongue over Khai’s lower lip, wanting entrance. “Yeah. I am. Right here, right now, baby,” He confirmed, getting more and more turned on by the second. The two of them were insatiable—it was almost ridiculous. But they really couldn’t get enough of each other. Dorian looked at Khai adoringly as he took off his shirt and ran his fingers over his body. Dorian shook his head, smiling lightly. “Nah. Actually, this is a tribute to my mom.”
Khai. It was evident in Dorians face that he didn’t like being called a liar. But Khai couldn’t help himself. He knew better than that anyway. He knew Dorian would never lie to him and that just made it easier for him to tease about it. Regardless, if Dori ever told him to quit and was firm. He definitely would. He didn’t want to upset him, not ever. To Khai it was all just about being flirty and testing the limits. “No baby, you’re so hot” he countered. His lips easily parting for Dorian as he melted into the kiss as he always did. The passion between these two burned red hot and he was already starting to moan against his lips. That was until he was pulling away and asking stupid questions. “Oh” he chuckled softly to the answer he received. “So, I guess it’s fair to say your mum has seen me naked and approves?” He asked raising his brow.
DORIAN The kiss was really getting heated before Khai pulled away and he groaned when he did only to laugh at Khai’s next question. “I guess you could say that.” He chuckled. “My mom knows I have great taste, though. I’m sure she’d think you were really handsome. And my sisters have already seen you and think you’re smoking hot,” He admitted. “How long before the cake is done? I don’t want it to burn before I’m done having my way with you.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and winked at his lover.
Khai. Khai honestly didn’t think he was very attractive. But he knew others found him to be, so it made him blush. Shaking his head slightly before dropping his head to Dorians shoulder and kissing his neck. “Keep. Your. Sisters. Away. From. Me” he mused between soft pecks to his lovers neck. He was only teasing but he didn’t want to be tempted either. If they looked anything like Dorian he could possibly be in a lot of trouble. At least in the flirting department. Unless they were kids than that was okay. “Uhm...” he hummed lifting his head and turning to look at the oven. “It’s probably done” he laughed. “You wanna get it? Or you gonna make me move?” He grinned back. Biting at the tip of his tongue as his hands trailed down to his lovers waistline.
DORIAN Dorian smiled seeing Khai blush again and kissed his lover’s flushed cheek. He hummed contently as Khai kissed over his shoulder and neck. He listened to Khai talk about keeping his sisters away from him and even though he knew Khai was only kidding, he still narrowed his eyes at him anyway although it was hard to keep a straight face and you could see him cracking a little. “Khai, they’re my sisters. If you hit on them, that’d just be straight up disrespectful.” He regained his composure though, completely serious about the next words that came out of his mouth. “Besides, you are mine. Do you hear me? You belong to me. No one else can have you. You are all mine and mine alone. Understand?” With that, he pulled back and reached over to turn the oven off and then walked over to the drawer next to the stove to retrieve his oven mitts, putting them on. “I got it.” He opened the oven door and bent over to grab the cake off the rack and pulled it out, setting it on top of the stove. He then took the mitts off, closed the oven, and turned on his heel walking towards the couch.
Khai. It was a bit hard to read Dorians reaction. Even though his face was cracking slightly, the words held pretty damn firm. “Yeah, I know. I was just kidding. I’m just terrible” he forced a grin. Was he really mad? Khai didn’t know. But the next words sent a shiver right now his spine. “I- uh. yeah, I hear you” he nodded. “I’m all yours and only yours. Always” he added. He watched Dorian grab the cake from the oven and then head toward the couch. His stomach sinking a bit because he was pretty sure he pissed him off. He was always pissing people off so his head immediately went there. “Hey.. where are you going?” he asked. Pulling his glasses off his face and placing them onto the counter before jumping down. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be disrespectful” his voice softened to an almost scared child sound.
DORIAN Dorian was feeling a mix of emotions. He knew Khai was kidding and he didn’t think Khai would actually hit on his sisters, especially not in front of him. But did he really know that for sure? Because in reality, they weren’t together. What would really stop him from hitting on whoever he wanted? When Dorian got possessive and dominant, Khai seemed to mean what he said, but maybe Dorian had just scared him. Why would Khai even say that in the first place though? Dorian was beating himself up for even thinking about it because he knew it was just supposed to be a joke, but Dorian was no stranger to someone he cared about choosing someone else over him. On top of that, he was very close to his sisters who Khai hadn’t even met yet, so that made it even worse. He walked away to cool off, because he felt silly for even being slightly upset about it. He didn’t want to drive Khai away with his insecurities; but, at the same time, that joke was in poor taste. He sighed, grabbing the remote off the coffee table and flipping through the channels as he sat down. Hearing Khai apologize to him and how small he sounded, Dorian just felt even guiltier. “You were joking... I just... didn’t take the joke very well.”
Khai. Oh wow, way to go Khai. He thought to himself. His jokes were always getting him in trouble, and although he was working on them. This one would definitely take the cake. No pun intended. The weren’t together officially, but Khai honestly didn’t even want anyone else. All he could think about constantly was Dorian. Maybe he just wanted to see if he would believe that? Whatever made him say it, it was stupid and he felt like complete shit about it. He followed Dorian into the living room and pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. He just stood there looking at him and he could feel his heart sink. “Dori... I’m sorry” he finally said. Walking closer and taking the remote from him he tossed it onto the couch. He straddled over him and grabbed his face looking deep into his eyes. “Listen to me okay. Sometimes I say really stupid shit. I don’t know if it’s because I’m testing you or maybe I’m just scared of losing you. I don’t know. But I want you, all of you, only you. I’m an idiot okay. I’m sorry, really sorry. In my my mind you’re already my boyfriend. I’m not going anywhere and I don’t want you to either baby.”
DORIAN If it were possible, Dorian would have already reached into his chest, grabbed his heart, and handed it to Khai. That’s how invested he was and just how much he adored him. He only wanted him. He’d never wanted anyone more. He was just afraid—afraid to get his heart broken again. And that’s why he’d been so hesitant to give them an official title. Yes, they’d only been seeing each other for a short while, but he’d developed such strong feelings in that short time, so the timing wasn’t entirely relevant. He just wanted to protect himself. But now he was starting to worry if his fear would be the thing that ended them before they even began. Dorian could feel Khai’s eyes on him but couldn’t bear to look at him. He felt so weak. He heard him apologize again and truth be told, he’d already forgiven him. He was just guilty and embarrassed at this point. When Khai took the remote from him and straddled him, it forced Dorian to look at him. Immediately, on instinct, his hands came up to rest on Khai’s hips. “I’m really scared of losing you too. It seems like every time I fall for someone, it never works out. They either decide that someone else is better for them or they... they leave. And I couldn’t handle it if that happened again. I don’t have the strength.” In Dorian’s eyes, you could see all the pain he’d been through. The turmoil he’d tried so hard to overcome and to hide from people. He wanted to seem strong. Like he could handle anything. Like he’d always be okay. But Khai had his heart in his hands, so Dorian couldn’t hide from him even if he wanted to. “I only want you, too. You have me. I’m all yours. I don’t wanna go anywhere.” He trailed off, swallowing the lump that formed in his throat. “Please... please don’t leave,” Dorian begged, his voice barely even a whisper.
Khai. Looking into Dorians eyes he could tell he was hurting. Maybe not so much by the words he had said, but just in general. Khai knew that pain himself. Sure, a lot of people may have wanted him. But they always left and chose to be with someone else over him. Calling him toxic and unstable. He broke Khai hearing those words, but he had gotten so good at hiding it that he came off almost as if he didn’t really care. He did care, he cared so much. He beat himself up so often because he just wanted to be better, accepted, really wanted fully and completely. Right before he met Dorian, he told Jaycee he was going to let people use him until he found the right one. But he didn’t really wanna be used. Which was also probably over shadowed by how he would jump from person to person. He was just looking to fit somewhere. He fit here, right here in Dorians arms. Even if things were moving fast, he knew he belonged. He didn’t wanna rush it, but deep down he also felt like if he didn’t he’d lose it. He wanted to claim Dori in the only way he really knew how, and sure that was a struggle considering Dorian wanted to wait. But it was important to him and that made it important to Khai too. He wasn’t going anywhere, in fact, he felt like maybe he was a bit too much a times. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Dorians forehead and then rested his own forehead against his. “I’m not leaving, I promise. I’m yours Dorian, only yours. I love you” he said firmly. He wanted Dorian to know he really meant it. He adored Dorian so much and he felt so empty when he wasn’t around. But instead of that usual need to fill the emptiness with someone else. He just wanted to with him. He craved him in every possible way there was to crave some body. His hands slid down to his lovers neck and he pressed his lips to his in a soft submitting kiss. Every emotion he felt for this man before him pouring out against his lips as his hands and lips began to tremble.
DORIAN Dorian sat in the silence for a while, slowly wrapping his arms around Khai’s waist and hugging him close. He’d just poured his heart out completely—in a way that he hadn’t done in years. But he knew that Khai understood. He didn’t even have to tell him that he did. He felt it. He knew a little bit about what Khai had been through as well and knew that they had gone through similar situations when it came to trying to find love. That was exactly why he really wanted this to work. And despite how scared he still was, he had a feeling that it would. Dorian felt that he and Khai were made for another. He felt like everything they’d gone through in life had been to prepare one another for the love they found in each other. And it was love. He knew it. He smiled lightly at the kiss to his forehead and let out a sigh of relief. As painful as it had been, it was freeing to get those emotions off his chest and for Khai to understand how he felt. He nodded. “I’m yours too, baby. I love you, too.” He hummed contently as Khai’s hands rested on his neck and he brought his lips to his. He kissed back lovingly, also pouring every ounce of emotion that he felt towards Khai into the kiss.
Khai. They never really had to say much to know that they were on the same page. Their eyes did all the talking, and their body language assured it. Khai was never really good at expressing his deep emotions, he always found it easier to just show them, and thankfully Dorian understood. He seemed to be the exact same way. They were still learning things about each other, but it didn’t matter if they were polar opposites on the other side of it all. Here in this bubble together, they were one. There wasn’t a single thing Dorian could do to make him want to leave at this point and he was pretty sure the feeling was mutual. He continued to kiss him with every thing he had and then pulled away to look at him again. “Dori... I know your scared and I am too. But I want you to be my boyfriend” he said softly. He was so scared of being shot down, but even if he was he wasn’t going anywhere. He just needed to put his feelings out there and have them heard. “To me you already are. You’re the one I want and it’s fast... so fast. I know it is. But I need you, I want you, I crave you. You don’t have to say anything now. I don’t wanna rush you. I always rush, I know I do. I know most times I bounce once rejected too. But I’m not going to do that. I’m yours, whether you want to accept me or not or own me, or whatever you wanna call it” he softly chuckled at himself. “I’m just trying to say, I am completely, madly, deeply, hopelessly, maybe even a bit pathetically in love with you.... and I want to be your boyfriend.”
DORIAN Dorian kept kissing Khai with all of his might until suddenly the kiss was broken. When it did and Khai looked at him, he could tell by Khai’s facial expression that he had something heavy on his mind. But he hadn’t been expecting the next words that came out of his mouth. Before he could even fully register what was said and formulate a response, Khai was talking again and had launched into somewhat of a speech. Dorian listened intently, hearing him out and letting him get his feelings out—like Khai had just done for him a moment ago. Everything Khai was saying was making Dorian’s heart race and his stomach flutter. He knew that Khai was being genuine. One thing about Khai that struck Dorian immediately was how honest he’d been with him from the very beginning. He knew Khai wouldn’t tell him these deep, meaningful things if they weren’t true. He smiled at Khai, gazing at him with so much love and admiration in his heart. “I want to be your boyfriend, too,” He said simply, grinning at the beautiful man on his lap that he loved so much.
Khai. The way Dorian was looking at him as he spilled his heart all over him made his entire body tremble with emotion. It was a good thing he was still wearing his shirt though, otherwise Dorian probably would have seen just how hard and fast his heart was racing. Khai definitely wasn’t the type to just throw words to the wind, but he knew a lot of times he came off that way. The last thing he wanted was for Dorian to think he was just trying to win him over. That wasn’t the case at all. Wait... what? He started at Dori for a moment just trying to register his words and make Damn sure he heard him right. “You do?” he asked. A smile of pure elation spreading across his lips as he fell backwards off of Dorians lap. His heart exploding with exhilarating joy as he laid there completely taken.
DORIAN Dorian giggled and nodded his head, a bright grin spread across his face. “Of course I do,” He told him like it was the most obvious thing ever. Because, to him, it kind of was. “I want to be your boyfriend. I will be your boyfriend. I am your boyfriend, baby.”  He gasped when Khai fell off his lap, worried that he might have hurt himself until he leaned over and saw him lying there looking completely ecstatic. He giggled again and got down on the floor with him, hovering above his body and kissing him softly and sweetly.
Khai. Dorians words rang in his ears like the best love song he had ever heard in his entire life. His heart pounding so hard and tears filling his eyes. But not sad tears. His smile was so big his face was literally starting to hurt. He felt Dorian crawl over him and his arms wrapped around his neck. His hands gripped at his hair and he kissed him back just as sweetly. “I love you” he mumbled into the kiss before rolling them over so that he was straddled in top of him. Pulling his own shirt over his head before tossing it aside. “I wanna make love to you. Right now” he informed. Connecting their lips again in a more passionate and needy kiss.
DORIAN Dorian moaned softly into the kiss when Khai gripped his hair. He had a feeling Khai was well aware at this point of what a weakness that was for him and that’s why he kept doing it. “I love you, too,” He murmured back against Khai’s lips. He licked his lips after Khai rolled them over so he was on top and took off his shirt. One sight Dorian would probably never get sick of was the sight of Khai with his shirt off. God, his boyfriend was so hot. His boyfriend. Khai was his boyfriend. Even just thinking about that made him giddy. Dorian kissed Khai back just as passionately and with just as much need, but still murmured in between kisses. “I want you, too, baby... So badly... but what about the dinner you had planned?”
Khai. Khai pressed his hands against Dorians pecks as he looked down at him. The sight of his boyfriend laying below him causing him to smile idiotically. He leaned down to kiss him again and this time he was definitely on a sheer mission of desire and passions. He could hear Dorian mumbling between kisses about dinner but he didn’t stop. His hands moving to his waistline to undo his pants as he smiled against their kiss. “Don’t worry, I’m gonna take care of you baby” he hummed into the kiss. “I just need you right now” he added. His lips moving across his boyfriends jawline to his neck where he bit gently into his skin. God! He was so fucking delicious, and Khai was over the moon with how fucking much he loved and adored him. He craved him entirely.
DORIAN Dorian was on cloud nine at this point. Khai was his boyfriend and he couldn’t be happier. He was so in love, so overjoyed. He hoped this feeling never went away. In addition to that, the way Khai was touching him left goosebumps in his boyfriend’s wake. He moaned in anticipation as Khai undid his pants. “Shit...” Dorian whimpered, completely taken by Khai’s actions and feeling his cock harden in his underwear. “I need you too, baby. Please... fuck me,” he whispered. It wasn’t often that Dorian wanted to bottom, and he was sure that would probably surprise Khai as well, but something about the way Khai was touching him and how he said he wanted to make love to him... it made Dorian want to be fucked. “I need you inside me. I wanna feel you, baby,” Dorian purred as Khai kissed and nipped at the skin of his neck, rocking his hips up against Khai’s.
Khai. The way Dorians body reacted to him turned him on so damn much. He was already chubbing in his own pants just by the sound of his boyfriends moans and words. “Really?” he asked. Lifting his head up to look down into Dorians eyes. An enthralled grin pulling at his lips as he slid his hand into his boyfriends pants. Pulling them down with the other as he started to stroke him. His thumb lightly brushing over his lovers tip as he felt his precum. “Do you have any lube?” he asked before bringing his thumb up to drag across his tongue. Tasting his boyfriend as he looked down at him ardently.
DORIAN Dorian nodded. “Really. I need you. You’re so fucking hot and I love you so much. Make love to me, please,” He begged, desperate for his boyfriend to be inside of him. When he bottomed, he got like this. Needy and eager to be fucked. He just wanted Khai so badly. And he knew Khai would make him feel so good. He gasped, throwing his head back and his mouth gaping open as Khai started stroking his cock and a moan fell from his lips. He was painfully hard now at just the thought of Khai fucking him. Dorian nodded again when asked if he had lube. “I do. In my bedroom,” He informed him.
Khai. Khai could feel his boyfriend throbbing with need in his hand. His words laced with suck a fervent need for him that it caused goosebumps all throughout him. “Okay baby, I’ll make love to you. I’m gonna make you feel so good” he promised. A grin of satisfaction spreading across his lips as he watched Dorian practically crumble with need. He hovered over him for a moment, sucking Dori’s bottom lip between his only and tugging on it with his teeth before moving to whisper into his ear. “Don’t move. I’ll be right back” he instructed. Nipping his ear before pulling away and heading to the bathroom to grab the lube. He didn’t always use lube himself, but he wanted to be respectful of his boyfriends beautiful body. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt him, especially since this wasn’t something he normally did. He undid his own pants and took them off before heading back to Dorian who was so patiently waiting for him where he had left him.
DORIAN Dorian trembled in anticipation as Khai told him that he would make love to him. He wondered if this role reversal was turning Khai on as much as it did him. He loved being a top, but every now and then he got a random urge to be dicked down—and this happened to be one of those times. He whimpered lightly as Khai tugged on his bottom lip and then whispered in his ear. He laid there patiently, waiting for him to come back, realizing that he was obviously going to go get the lube. The fact that he didn’t even bother changing locations and was just gonna fuck Dorian right here on the living room floor was a good sign that he needed Dorian just as badly as Dorian needed him. When Khai returned, with his pants already off, Dorian trembled again with need. He was so enamored with his beautiful, incredibly sexy boyfriend.
Khai. Khai was honestly a bit surprised that Dorian didn’t even bother to get on the couch or anything. But he wasn’t complaining. He kneeled back down between his boyfriends legs and began to stroke himself. Lubing himself up and getting harder with each stroke as he watched Dorians face. “Take these off” he yanked at his pants with his free hand to pull them down even more than they were. Leaning forward  just enough to kitten lick at his boyfriends length as he continued to stroke himself. “God, you’re so fucking sexy” he practically moaned as his eyes scanned his boyfriends beautiful body.
DORIAN Dorian felt his heart pumping hard in his chest as Khai knelt in between his legs. He watched Khai stroke himself and practically salivated at the sight of his cock. He wanted it inside him so badly and it took everything in him not to reach out and touch it for himself. He took his pants off obediently like he was told and then moaned when Khai teased his cock with his tongue. “You’re one to talk, baby.. holy shit. I’m so fucking lucky.”
Khai. It turned Khai on so much that Dorian was being so obedient. He wasn’t usually the dominant one between the pair, but it was so sexy to watch his boyfriends reactions to me. He looked up as he sucked the tip of Dorians cock between his lips and he smiled as he pulled away with a soft pop. “Oh no baby, I’m the lucky one” he said with a low raspy bedroom voice. His hand moving to grip the back of his boyfriends leg as he pushed it forward a bit. His bottom lip tucking between his teeth as he aligned himself with his lovers entrance. Teasing him with just his tip for a moment by putting it in and taking it out and trailing it along his crack.
DORIAN Dorian looked up at Khai with a mix of love and lust in his brown eyes. He moaned again as Khai teasingly sucked just the tip of his cock. It was like torture—in the best kind of way. He knew Khai could be a tease but when Dorian was in the dominant role, he could handle it just by spanking Khai or bending him over or throwing him on the bed. Now that the roles were reversed, he was practically powerless and just had to succumb to Khai’s will. He smiled sheepishly when Khai called himself the lucky one. God, he loved this man. His stomach did flips as Khai pushed his leg back, knowing that meant he was going to be inside him soon. It’d been so long since the last time he’d bottomed. He was nervous, but also really excited. Dorian gasped and let out a little whimper as Khai teased him by pushing just the tip in at first and then pulling out and rubbing against the crack of his ass. “Baby, stop teasing...” He whined.
Khai. Khai definitely could be a tease. Edging was probably his best skill when it came to playing in the bedroom. But sometimes he tended to get a bit carried away. He just wanted Dorian to want him so bad that when he finally gave himself he could barely handle it. He could see it in his boyfriends eyes though that it had already been the case. “You want me baby?” He asked, already know the answer and not waiting for a response. Pushing deep into his boyfriends anus as he rolled his hips as their bodied connected. “Shiiiit baby... you’re so fucking tight” he moaned. His lips parting with pleasure as he could feel his piercing rubbing against the deepest part of his lover. He let his body weight press into him as he hovered over him to press their lips together. His hips rolling against him as his hand came up to grab his boyfriends face. Clenching it firmly as he kissed him fervently.
DORIAN Even though the question had been rhetorical, Dorian answered anyway. “Yessss, baby, I want you so bad!” It wasn’t long at all before he got what he was asking for. He hissed at the slight pain that initially happened when Khai slid into him but it didn’t take long for the pain to be replaced with pleasure. God, it been so long since he’d felt this and he’d forgotten just how good it could feel. And the sensation of feeling Khai’s piercing brush against his prostate was definitely new and interesting. “Ungh, baby you feel amazing,” Dorian moaned. He kissed Khai back softly and slowly and moaned against his lips when Khai started moving. “I love you,” He murmured against his lips before going in for another fiery kiss.
Khai. Khai loved that Dorian answered him anyway. Because just hearing those words made him twitch with excitement. His hips raising and falling with a bit more intensity as his mouth parted against his boyfriends. He didn’t really make a whole lot of noise. Only hard breaths and soft grunts passed his lips as he hit into Dorians prostate with sharp prominent thrusts. “Fu-ck” he breathed out pushing Dorians leg up even further to get a deeper angle. His thrusts beginning to pick up speed and then slowing down,  before picking  up again.  He did this over and over before his hand slid down to the base of Dorians neck. Gripping tightly as he began to really drill into him balls deep.
DORIAN Dorian moaned as Khai’s thrusts picked up in intensity. He felt so good inside him. When Khai’s lips parted, he slipped his tongue into his boyfriend’s mouth, tasting and exploring. Kissing him like this while he was inside him for the first time was so intimate. Dorian loved every second of it. It was clear that Khai was a little rougher as a top. He wasn’t holding back, already pounding into Dorian hard. Dorian whimpered, still getting used to being fucked for the first time in so long but still loving it. He broke the kiss and looked up at Khai, watching him at work. He moaned as the thrusts alternated speeds, grinding his ass down against Khai’s thrusts. Feeling Khai’s hand around his throat choking him was new—but not unwelcome. He moaned louder as Khai started fucking him hard, fast, and deep.
Khai. Khai made eye contact with Dorian as he looked up at him. Searching his boyfriends eyes for any sign of discomfort as he continued to thrust into him over and over. His hand was tight around his neck, but not too tight. The vision of it though was causing Khai’s body to tremble with desire. Dorian looked so sexy like this. Hell, he was always sexy,  but like this. Giving in to him. It was a whole different kind of sexy. “Do you like that baby?” he asked through hard breaths. Noticing Dorian was a lot less vocal like this. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt him so he had to be sure. His thrusts slowing a bit as he rolled his hips deep against his lovers prostate.
DORIAN Dorian was overwhelmed with pleasure as Khai continued to pound into him. He didn’t know what exactly he’d been expecting when he let Khai top him for the first time, but it wasn’t this. He wasn’t disappointed by any means, but he was a little surprised by how enthusiastic Khai was about it. But he probably shouldn’t have been. This was probably how he’d been with most people before Dorian came along. He let out soft little moans and whimpers, grinding down onto Khai’s cock to meet his thrusts, his own cock throbbing. Dorian just nodded at Khai’s question, seemingly unable to make any other sounds at the moment besides moans. He gasped softly as Khai hit his prostate in a certain way that made his knees buckle.
Khai. Khai’s eyes fell shut as Dorian pushed back onto him. He was so deep and the way his lovers body practically buckled under him made him moan loudly. His ass clenched around him with just the right amount of pressure to really drive Khai insane with pleasure. His thrusts began to pick up again, his body slapping hard against his boyfriends as he tightened his grip even more around his neck. “Oh fuck...” he growled from the back of his throat. His body trembling with pleasure as his release began to build. “I’m gonna... “he began to say but instead his mouth just dropped open. “Uhhhhnnn... shiiit” he hissed as he felt himself cum almost a bit prematurely.
DORIAN Dorian could tell that Khai was really enjoying this opportunity to top him and Dorian was enjoying it too. Khai’s grip on his throat was making it difficult for him to speak so he was only able to let out small moans as Khai pounded into him vigorously. The growl that came from Khai turned Dorian on so much that his back arched and he nearly came with his cock barely even being touched. When Khai warned him that he was close to cumming, Dorian whimpered, wanting them to get off at the same time. He gripped Khai’s arm and squeezed, hoping he’d interpret that as encouragement.
Khai. Khai was definitely getting lost in the overwhelming pleasure. His boyfriend arching his back and pushing back on him causing him to moan louder. Fuck! He was so fucking sexy. Dorian squeezed his arm and Khai loosened his grip on his boyfriends neck. He wasn’t sure if that was what he was implying. But the last thing he want to do was hurt him or turn him off from ever doing this again. He kept his thrusts hard and fast as his hand moved from Dorians throat to his cock. Stroking him vigorously as he encouraged him to cum with him.
DORIAN When Khai loosened the grip on his neck, Dorian exhaled deeply a few times. It wasn’t often that he got choked in bed and it was something he was going to have to get accustomed to, but he didn’t hate it. “You’re fucking me so good, baby,” He purred. “You feel amazing. Unnghhh, I’m gonna cum.” He kept pushing back onto Khai’s hips, matching Khai thrust for thrust and moaning as Khai began to stroke his throbbing cock. “Fuckfuckfuck, so close. God, don’t stop. Fuck!”
Khai. The way Dorian was practically gasping for air was so sexy to Khai. Some of his kinks may have been a bit sick or twisted for most. But, the way Dorian was reacting to him was such a fucking turn on. “Yes baby... you like that? You fuckin love this cock don’t you?” he growled with a raspy lustful tone. His breaths hard as his body began to shake with pleasure. “I’m right there with you baby” he moaned. His hand stroking his boyfriends cock hard and fast as he pounded into him vigorously. “Fuck... yesss... oh god” he groaned through clenched teeth. “Fuuuuuck” he practically yelled as his cum shot out of him deep into his lovers hole.
DORIAN "Yes! I fucking love your cock, baby. You fuck me so good!" Dorian replied, meaning every word and still bouncing his ass back against Khai's hips. When Dorian bottomed, he became so hungry for it. It was like a complete 180. Like a switch had been flipped for a small pocket of time. This just proved how comfortable he'd become with Khai, because he'd never be comfortable showing this side of himself to just anybody. He had to trust them; and, he indeed trusted Khai. Dorian moaned erotically as Khai stroked his cock and soon, he felt Khai's hot cum spill deep inside his hole and he came as well, spilling all over Khai's hand. "Khaiiiii," He whined, completely blissful.
Khai. Khai absolutely loved how open Dorian was being with him. It made him realize just how much he actually did trust him, and he trusted him completely as well. There wasn’t anything Khai wouldn’t feel completely comfortable doing with him at this point. Their bodies had become like one, and they were so damn addicted to each other already. Making his boyfriend cum had quickly become one of Khai’s most favorite things to do. “Yesss baby” he moaned a bit exasperatedly. His hard breaths hitting against Dorians neck as he placed soft lazy kisses to his skin. “I love you so much” he smiled. Pulling out of his boyfriend to hold him close.
DORIAN Khai’s praise as he came only served as just as much of a turn on. Dorian would never be over just how sexy his boyfriend was. He also couldn’t get over the fact that he was his now—officially. All his. He couldn’t be any luckier, or any happier for that matter. He hummed contently as his boyfriend placed soft kisses against his skin. “I love you, too. Happy birthday to me,” he murmured with a lazy grin.
Khai. Khai was in complete awe of this man. He never would have ever expected Dorian Taylor to actually be his boyfriend. But now he was, and Khai was completely over the moon. Laying in his new boyfriends arms with a love drunk smile pasted on his lips. “Yes, daddy. Happy birthday to you indeed” he said with with an intoxicated chuckle. Placing his hand on Dorians cheek to kiss him languidly. “I better get back to those cakes so I can cook you dinner” he spoke softly against his lovers lips. Not even bothering to open  his eyes as he let himself melt into the feeling of their lips brushing together. Their breath was  caressing so warm against one another’s moist lips. “I want to spoil you baby. Anything you want today, it’s yours!”
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