#i wish i didnt secretly see or wait for a light at the end of the tunnel
imaginationlover101 · 2 years
Why cant he love me?
Dean Winchester x reader
Summary: Being secretly in love with Dean Winchester was hard enough, but even more challenging when having to compete with other girls
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Laughter, horrible laughter. Dean Winchester never laughed and most importantly he never laughed at other people. But of course when the blonde waitress came up to our table Dean suddenly became the funniest person alive, and I hated it. I hated that Dean completely changed his completion for a girl, a girl that he probably never see again. I had to admit I was jealous of the waitress, she had every feature I dreamed of and on top of that she had Dean's attention.
Sam knew about the crush I had on Dean. He knew about the ever so noticeable blush that would appear on my cheeks whenever he was near, the extra makeup after cases, and the clothes I would wear just to impress him. Sam always told me to be myself. That Dean loves me just the way I am, but how could I possibly love myself when the man I loved hasn't even noticed.
I always thought that when Dean looked at me it was never the same as I wished it was. I knew that he saw a little kid, some girl the same age as his brother always trailing around. When I was younger I used to look at Dean as if he hung the stars. Mostly because he always cared for Sam and I, stuck up to anyone who was bothering me, and most importantly kept me safe.
Around the age of 12 years old, Dean Winchester had been my first ever kiss. My father was a hunter along with John, and wherever he went we followed. It was the day after my 12th birthday, and I couldnt wait to celebrate in school. (Sam, and I were the same age but Dean was only 3 years older.)
At the end of the day I waited almost an entirety for Sam to exit the school until I saw Dean walking by. There he was in all his glory girls surrounding him all around. Dean had spotted me at the corner of school and left all the girls to be with me, and boy I have never felt better. He told me that Sam left early and he would walk home with me. The whole walk we talked about school and the social aspect and when the topic of friends came up I became quiet real quick. Dean had asked me what's wrong and surprisingly I told him. All of the girls in my class had been making fun of me because I was 12 and hadn't had my first kiss yet.
Dean had laughed and told me that girls were mean, and they probably haven't had there first kiss either, but never less I was sad. After our conversation Dean and I were left in silence. The topic of mean girls and not having my first kiss made me sad. That afternoon was so cold for October and when I would try to tug on my light fall jacket for comfort that's when the tears started to fall.
Dean and I had just passed by the park before the motel when he started to notice. I fell behind him for a while and when he turned around I was crying. Head towards the ground, tears pouring out of my eyes, and on top of that I was shaking.
Dean turned around and sighed, he came closer to me and said my name. I didnt look up at him, mostly because I couldn't. Hear I was complaining about my kissing problems to a boy that had more girls then I could count. After awhile when I still didn't look at Dean he brought me into a hug. Who would of known by him doing that I cried even more, but never less he still hugged me. He let my cry into his arms for what felt like forever.
When I was finally done crying he brought me to the bench to sit down, and told me that those girls were stupid. That they were simply jealous of me, had never been loved, and wanted attention, but neverless I was still sad. Dean asked me if I was cold and gave me his jacket and finally asked what he could do to cheer me up.
I smiled and thought of one thing but laughed. Finally after ten minutes I had told him what I thought of. The only way I would feel better was if he kissed me. Once again he gave me his classic laugh and told me I didn't have to have my first kiss just because the girls made fun of me and that it should be with someone special. I remember looking and Dean and telling him he was special. Asking once again Dean looked at me and finally kissed me. He told me that day that if anyone had ever made fun of me I never had to worry because I'd always be his girl. Dean Winchester had just kissed me in the park and I still couldnt get over it. Dean Winchester was my first kiss.
(I can still remember walking home with Dean after our first kiss. The cold October air bringing me joy because I got to wear Dean jacket. Eveyone thought I was sick when Dean and I arrived at the motel. I had the brightest blush on my cheeks coming home that day, and it certainly was not from the weather.)
Sitting at the diner booth with Sam I finally stopped staring at the window and looked at Dean. There he was my Dean flirting with another girl. Leaning against the diner bar laughing writing his number on the plain white napkin. Tearing my eyes away from the couple, my eyes was drawn back to Sam. Sam moved closer to the middle of the booth and held my hands. I didn't even have to explain to him what was wrong he already knew. Sam just held my hands and continued his research.
I was confused? How could Dean protect me after ever case, clean my wounds, kiss them better, serenade me in the impala, and most importantly lay next to me at night and hold me like we were in love.
Deep down I knew that some part of Dean Winchester had loved me. I knew that one day after all the random flirting, and one night stands we would be together. I knew that Dean always saw me as "his girl" but as time goes on I wonder how much longer the facade would go on? How much longer would Dean flirt with other girls and still pretend not to love me?
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zmayadw · 3 years
Hello, hello :)
It's time to continue the story, so here is the next part.
Wish you all a nice evening :)
It was Sunday. The light rain was drizzling from the morning, making the day feel even more lazy, and my mood was the same. Jake was at his laptop, as usual. I didnt feel like working today. I tried reading a book i downloaded months ago, but i wasnt focused enough for it also. I had my headphones on, not to distract Jake with music, and just messed arround on my laptop. As i hummed silently the words of a song that was playing, my headphones wer suddenly thrown from my ears by him. „Get dressed!“ he said to me, walking quickly back to the desk, taking some stuff and throwing them in his backpack. „Jake?“ I was confused, but he just shot me a sideway look and said more fiercly „Maya, get up and get dressed! Now!“ I was dressed already, i just needed to put my sneakers and a jacket on. As i was done, he tossed me my phone „Call Jessy, tell her we'll be there in 10 minutes, and that i need Dans help.“ He said and now i was even more confused. „Jake, whats going on?“ He didnt answer me, just continued taking the stuff, turning to his laptop and typing something on it. „Jake!“ i yelled. He finaly turned to me, throwing his backpack over his shoulder „I got it!“ „You got what?“ i asked now totaly confused, and a bit annoyed with those vague answers. He smirked, some new glow showing in his eyes „Where the calls are coming from.“ His words left me breathless. Can this really be? Are we finaly gonna get to the bottom of this all? My heart was beating like crazy, as Jake words snaped my attention back. He was holding the doors of the room open „Maya, move!“
I called Jessy once we wer in the car, explaining all to her, and she said Dan will wait for us outside. „You do know you're staying with Jessy, right?“ Jake said to me. „Yes, i kinda had a hunch you wont let me come with you.“ i said a bit dissapointed. „Maya, we have no clue what we're gonna find. I just need you to stay with her. I cant worry about you while we're there.“ „I know. Just promise me you'll be careful, too.“ „Ofcourse.“ He said. „Take my backpack.“ He told me „You'll find a white box in it, get it.“ I turned to the back seat taking his backpack and doing as he told me. I took the box out „What is it?“ i asked as i opened it. There was a phone in it, similar to the one he had. „Its my old phone. You're gonna use it. Its encrypted, so you wont recive any strange calls on it.“ „Oh, ok.“ I said. „And, yes, before you ask, im tracking that one, too.“ He said with a grin. „Ofcourse you are.“ I replied with a grin myself. He got serious on me „I just need to know i can find you if something happens. So, please, promise me you will always keep it with you.“ „I promise.“
Dan was waiting outside for us. I started to leave the car, when Jake pulled me back for a kiss „See you soon.“ I smiled, and left the car, letting Dan take my place. Jake raised his eyebrow at him as he sat in, since Dan was holding a baseball bat. „Hey, better be safe then sorry, man.“ Dan told him, closing the doors. „Come, Maya, i'll make us some coffee.“ Jessy said to me, as i watched Jake drive away, feeling of both excitement and fear mixing in me.
Jakes POV
„You all right there, Dan?“ i asked him. He was clenching that bat so hard. „Yeah, man, guess adrenalin is kicking in.“ I could relate to that. „You sure you're going in the right direction?“ he asked. „Yes, why?“ „We're close to leaving Duskwood. I tought you said the calls came from within Duskwood.“ They were. „Are there any buildings in this area?“ „Yeah, man, but it's just an abandoned warehouse. It's huge and been deserted for years.“ Dan said. „Perfect for hiding.“ I told him. „True.“ He said. „See that gravel path there? Take it, it will lead us to the entrance.“ Dan instructed me. After a while, we came at the warehous. There was a fence all over it, but visibly torn at various spots. „At least we wont have problems getting in.“ Dan said as we left the car. I took my backpack from the back seat. Opening it, i took out my knife, Dan eyeing me, but not saying a word about it. I threw my backpack over my shoulders. The rain started falling harder, so I pulled my hood on, turning to Dan „Lets go.“
„How are we gonna know where to go look at?“ Dan asked as we passed the fence. The place was huge, so his question was valid. I took my phone out, tapping on it and showing it to him „With this.“ He looked at it, a red dot blinking on the screen, showing wich direction we should go. „It will get us to the right building.“ „Good“ he siad „I dont want to be roaming here in vain. This place gives me goosebumps, man. You could definitely make a horror movie here.“ He said teasingly, but i could see he was being nervous. And he wasnt wrong, the place did look eerie. It was long deserted. Graffiti on the walls, some half torn from plasters missing, manny windows broken or dirty from the influence of time. Beside our footsteps, the only sound heard was the occasional dripping of water from the rain, falling on some meatl. And the sound of ravens cawing in the distance. How convenient, i tought. My phone beeped „This is it.“ I told Dan, pointing at the building a few feet from us to our right. Dan clenched his bat tighter again, and my hand automatically went for my waist, grabbing the knifes handle tightly, as we neared the building. „Allright“ Dan said „Lets find a way in.“
Mayas POV
I was nervously clicking on the phone Jake gave me, as Jessy settled a coffee cup infront of me. „Maya, the phone works fine. Stop checking it every thirty seconds.“ I smiled at her forcedly „Sorry, i'm just nervous as hell.“ I said, my leg bouncing uncontrollably under the table. „I get it, im nervous , too. But they barely left, it wont be some time till we might hear anything.“ She told me, and i knew she was right. „I know Jessy, but im getting a bad vibe about this.“ I said. „I hope its just my nervousness kicking in, but theres some terrible feeling creeping at me that something bad will happen.“ Jessy looked at me serious, fear creeping to her face now „I hope you're wrong.“ I looked at her, that bad feeling kicking me in the gut „Me too, Jessy.“
Jakes POV
Getting in wasnt a problem. We found a door on the side of the building, with the chain that was suppose to keep it closed, cut. Pushing it open, the sound of old doors creaking filled the place, and I cursed under my breath. There goes the element of surprise. It was quite dark inside, barely any light came in from the windows, full of dust, spiderwebs and old newspapers. Dan took his phone out turning the flashlight on and about to light up they way infront of us, but i stopped his hand. „Better not“ i said with hushed voice„We announced our presence enough allready.“ He looked at me, turning the flashlight off and putting the phone back to his pocket. „Right, sorry, man.“ We continued further slowly, letting our eyes adjust to the increasing darkness. The hallway leading us deeper in had doors appearing on each side every few feet, but all the rooms wer empty. I was getting desperate already, when suddenly Dan stopped me, pointing at the doors further in that i couldnt see good from where i stood. I moved to where Dan was, my heart starting to beat faster. There was a flicker of light coming from the doors that were ajar. We moved towards it, still checking the rest of the rooms on the way. Stopping in front of it, Dan slowly pushed the doors, opening them fully. The room was empty, except for a table at the opposite end of it. We moved towards it, Dan turning to me with eyes open wide „What the hell..“ There was a laptop on the desk, a program running on it, with a phone connected to it. But that wasnt what made Dan shocked. What shocked him, and got me boiling with rage wer the pictures thrown all over the desk. Pictures of Maya. One caught my eye immediately. I picked it up from the desk. It was from the day she got out of hospital. Sitting at the square, carelessly lost in her toughts. I knew the picture well, i had similar on my phone myself. I took it secretly, seeing her that day, before going to talk to her. She looked so beautiful, i just couldnt resist. But the tought of someone else was watching her that day, or any other day got me furious. „What the hell is going on here?“ Dan asked, but i was equally confused as him. I lowered the picture down, looking at the laptop in front of me. „Lets see what i can find.“
Dan was nervously tapping his foot standing next to me. „Can you please stop that?“ i told him, a bit annoyed. „Sorry, man.“ He said, constantly turning his head arround, scaning the room . His gaze stopped on the door leading to another room from this one „I'll go snoop arround.“ He started going for the door. „Be careful.“ I said, and he turned to me with a grin „Aww, you care fore me, man.“ I looked at him with a raised eyebrow „No, but i am scared of what Jessy might do to me if something happens to you.“ He laughed and continued towards the door. I focused back on the laptop. I just needed to find one little thing, anything that might shed some light to all of this, my eyes jumping all over the screen. I got interrupted by the noise coming from the room Dan went in. „Dan, you ok there?“ i yelled, my eyes still glued to the screen, but there was no answer. I straightened and turned towards the door. „Dan?“ i tried again, but nothing. Shit, what was he doing there. I walked towards the room. There was some more light pouring in, so i had no problem seeing Dan sprawled on the floor, unconscious. I started to ran to him, but the moment i stepped in, a blow to the head sent me down on my knees. Fuck, how could i just rush in so stupidly. I leaned on my palms, trying to shake off the dizziness. My sight got blurry, as i tried to move my head to look at the person standing above me. „You cant save her, boy. She will die.“ A sinister voice spat the words in my ear, sending chills through me, before another blow sent me face flat to the ground, all going dark on me.
Opening my eyes, Dan was hovering above me, looking worryingly at me. I was laying on my back and my head was pounding like crazy. „Welcome back.“ He said to me, extending his arm to help me up. Getting up just made my head pound even more and i got dizzy. I leaned on the wall steadying myself, Dan eyeing me. „You all right there, man?“ „Yeah, just give me a minute.“ Every move i made just made my head pound more and more. One blow to the head, i could manage. But two is a bit too much. I moved slowly back to the other room, with my shoulder still leaning on the wall. All was gone, the desk was cleared from everything. „Shit“ Dan cursed at the sight. But It didnt matter, there was nothing important on that laptop eitherway. „This means we can finaly leave this shit place?“ he asked. „Definatly.“ I said, taking the car keys from my pocket. „But i think it will be better if you drive.“
It was dark already when we left the building and headed back to the car. I was still feeling dizzy and with my head pounding so badly I had to focus hard not to loose my footing. „What are we gonna tell the girls, man?“ Dan asked as we finaly came to the car. I sat in, lowering the seat back as much as possible „The truth.“ I told him. „Damn it, this wont go easy on them, especialy on Maya.“ He said, as he started driving. The gravel path we took coming here made the car jumpy, and i felt every little stone, my head wanting to explode. „Indeed.“ I was scared how she will take all this. Last time was already hard on her. And this shit got serious now, i just hope she wont loose it completly this time.
„Come on, man.“ Dan said to me, as i opened my eyes, realizing we came back to his place. I got the seat back up, and left the car slowly. We went inside, heading for the kitchen. I heard Jessys voice as she saw Dan „Finaly!“ Maya was already on her feet running to me. She almost knocked me down, crushing full speed at me hugging me tightly. I smiled and hugged her back as tight as i could. She finaly looked at me, her face terrified. „I'm fine.“ I said to her. „Fine?“ she said worringly „That definatly doesnt look 'fine', Jake.“ Her fingers gently brushed the top right side of my forehead, and i vinced. There was a cut I havent noticed by now, with some dried blood arround it. „What happened?“ Jessy asked worryingly, as Dan settled glasses and a bottle of whiskey on the table. „We wer...surprised.“ he told her, as he opened the fridge, taking a bag of frozen vegetables, putting it at the back of his head. I just wanted to sit down, so i started towards the table, but the dizziness got back again. I leaned against the door frame, and just slid down, sitting on the floor. „Jake!“ Maya exclimed, crouching next to me. „I'm fine.“ I reasured her, but i knew she didnt belive me. And lets face it, i wasnt fine. „He needs to lay down“ Dan said „He looks like he might have concussion.“ „You're staying here tonight.“ Jessy said firmly „I'm not letting you drive to the motel now.“ „Indeed.“ Dan added, walking to us. „Alrigh, man“ he said, grabing me under my arm and getting me up. „ Let's get you to bed.“
„Here, drink this.“ I opened my eyes. She looked so worried, her eyes tired. „Im fine, Maya“ i told her, taking the painkillers and water from her. „Can you please stop saying that. You are not fine!“ „I am, now that im back here with you.“ I said smiling, trying to calm her down. „Jake! Can you be serious for a moment, please.“ I looked at her, barely managing to keep my eyes open. „I am serious.“ I said, and before she could say anything more i added „But, can we please talk about all this tomorrow? I could really use some rest.“ She tensed a bit, guilt showing on her face. „Ofcourse, sorry, i'll let you get some sleep .“ She said, taking the glass from me, and getting up. I stopped her, taking her hand, my eyes closing now on their own. „Stay.“ I said, my hand slipping from hers, I barely had any strenght left in me to stay awake. I felt the bed shift, and her hand gently brushing through my hair. She kissed me softly „Sleep now, i'm right here.“ I smiled, falling asleep in a heartbeat.
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queenofwerewolves · 3 years
Future Hope - chapter 1.5 - Practice Makes Perfect
Our heroes didnt get their powers and knew from night to day how to manage them, especially those who had physical changes to their body. Our soon-to-be heroes were all reunited in Maria's house, they had planed to spend the afternoon practing and exploring their new limits and abilities, all helping eitch other.
They decided since Griff had the biggest change, they would focus on him first. At the moment they were out in backyard, eitch one giving suggestions on what to begin first.
"Pick us all up at once with your new muscles!" Said Muffin excitedly. "That's still too light! Pick us all up plus Maria's car" Said Spike, chewing once again on a bubblegum.
"You all leave Hellride out of this!" Maria responded angrily. "That car was expensive as fuck and I refuse to go back to a life of Ubers!" She crossed her arms, indignified.
"You named your car?" Kip answered from high up a tree branch, as cats do. "I name all my belongings, what of it?" Maria answered. "And they're all cool names, too".
"Hellride? Really?" Spiked scoffed. "Because she rides fast as Hell! Look can we get back on track and find something for Griff to test his strenght?!" Maria answered nervously with a touch of embarrassment.
"Unless we find an Indiana Jones boulder for him to spin on his finger like a damn basketball we arent gonna get any damn progress!" Spike shouted back.
Maria sighed and shook her head. "I hate it when you have a point.." Griff nervously scratched the back of his head. "There must be something we can do.." He quietly mumbled out.
"I got it!" Muffin shouted, they all turned to face her. "I forgot Im a fairy! I can just poof something up!" She said excitedly. Everyone stared at her with either a confused or shocked look.
"..How... Do you FORGET that you're a fairy?!" Spike blurted out nervously. "You have fucking wings! How does one forget they have huge pink glittery wings?!"
Muffin just shrugged.
Maria smiled wide. "OK Muffin, give us something huge and heavy for Griff to use!" Muffin nodded and grabbed her wand which had a muffin on the tip. "Wand cook, beat and bake! Give us a big large and tasty cupcake!" She waved her wand and out appeared from a bunch of pink glittery smoke, a nearly two-story house tall chocolate cupcake.
"... Why a cupcake..?" Blink asked as she peeked behind her mask, in slight awe and wanting to secretly a bite out of it. "I can only make sweets!" Muffin said with a shy tone. "Im not a fighter like you guys, I only want to make people happy and eat candy!"
"That is certainly the biggest pastry I've ever seen! So large and beautiful, I bet tasty as well!" "Not to mention DIABETIC AS HELL!!! We could die from a heart attack eating that! Or worse, we could get fat! Even fatter! And become even uglier then we already are! This is too overwealming I need a nap!"
Rooko and Rooki suddenly spoke, almost taking everyone off guard on how their friend Rook is suddenly two split personalities now based on the Youtube character ENA, one is always happy while the other is always sad, and depending on the situation they can go Manic or Miserable.
"OK Griff, show us what you can do!" Maria shouted excitedly. Without missing a second, Griff bent over and gripped the edge of the massive cupcake, after struggling a bit he slowly but surely, lifted the entire thing over his head, smiling proudly.
His friends cheered and applauded proudly. Feeling satisfied, he dropped the cupcake and dusted the chocolate crumbs off his hands and fur. "Yokusei!" He shouted, and with a naruto-like smoke poof, he turned back to his human self. Maria ran and hugged him tightly, which Griff embraced and hugged back with a slight twirl.
"Griff you were amazing!!" Maria said with a proud tone, Griff slightly blushed pink at the small punk girl and her excitement. "Oh shucks, it was nothing.." He said with a shy tone.
"Well, and seems we concluded Griffin's training." Togekiss said as they took a sip of tea. "He jump twice as high as a two-story house, his punches and kicks can knock down brick walls and possibly more if we werent limited on objects to test it with, he can hear twice as much then a dog could with his ears, and his sense of smell is impecable. Truly Griff is a strong asset to our team."
"I can only train my powers at night.." Said Spooks, holding an umbrella to protect her from the sun, now that it injures her. "Muffin's power is only sweet making. Togekiss has exceptional I.Q and can see simulations in the future like Garnet in Steven Universe, along with their strong telekenisis, and Kip simply draws whatever she desires, whether alive or not and it becomes a reality... That means it's Rook's turn to show us what she can do" She finished.
"Wonderful! It's our time to shine!" "I-I-I not ready! Everyone's gonna laugh at us! I-I might piss myself in fear!" "Oh pull yourself together dear! Our friends wont laugh at us!" "How do we know that?! They're just waiting to correct us on a dumb mistake!!!"
Rook's body shook and twitched as her eyes turned to static, suddenly her entire eyes turned black with a blue iris, she turned Miserable.
"They're gonna laugh and point at our foolish selves, we're gonna be so embarrassed that we'll wish that the Earth will swallow us whole and just fucking kill us now!! Go ahead! Laugh at us and our misfortune!!!"
"ooh shit" Maria said. "can someone calm her down?"
Rook's eyes change to regular as her Miserable side went away. "No need my good Queen! We are completly fine! Now prepare to be dazzled as we show you all what we can do!" q
Rook pulled out a harry potter-like wooden wand, waved it around. "Bloom and Blossom and protect who I love! Rise my pretties, rise high and above!" Rooki shot an orange light at the grass, which made dozens of flowers bloom and grow around Spike and Blink.
"This is only one of my tricks! It's a shield that protects them from almost anything! My main weakness is fire, because while plants are beautiful, they are also sadly very, very flammable"
"Cool." Said Spike before using his bat to aggressivly hit the flowers and the vines aside so he and Blink could leave.
"M-M-My turn I guess!" Rook took hold of the wand and waved it in circles. "Razzle Dazzle Shine and Show, make their body move it low!" Rooko shot a blue light at Spooks, which made unwillingly and uncontrolably start dancing and as the spell said, make her go low.
"O-OH GOD SOMEONE MAKE IT STOP I DONT LIKE HOW MY BUTT IS MOVING THIS MUCH!!" She shouted in desperation as she made a split and moved it even lower.
"M-My deal is with music! I-It works as a way of distraction o-or hypnosis and it lasts for 30 minutes un-le-less I say otherwise! I-I know it's a sucky power!"
"OK COOL CAN I STOP DANCING PLEASE IM GETTING A CRAMP!!!" Yelled Spooks, practically begging. Rooko flicked her wand and Spooks fell on the ground, panting. "OH MY POOR HAMSTRINGS THEY ACHE!!" She yelled in utter pain, meanwhile Maria and Spike were absolutely losing it.
"O-OH GOD MY STOMACH HURTS-" Said Spike in between laughter.
"OK you guys cool it" Said Blink. "It's our turn to practice now. We're the only ones who use regular weapons." She said drawing her sword and positioning her mask back in place.
"O-OK! OK!" Maria said getting up, she pulled out a small staff and whipped it, making it stretch out wide into a full, large red and black scythe, with a rose print on the blade. Spike spun his bat and spat his gum out.
"So. Who's ass Im kicking first?" Said Spike. "Wait on second thought this might be unfair." Said Blink. "Me and Maria had blades while Spike has a bat, maybe we should-"
Before she could finish, Spike swung his bat and hit Blink sword, knocking it out of her hand before kicking her back at the ground. Blink fell back hard before she could even process what happen, dumbfounded but angry, she snarled. "Oh it's on now Motherfucker." She extended her hand and the sword flew back to her hand, as she charged towards Spike, who moved out of the way as soon as Blink swung her sword, which if he hadnt been for Maria's scythe, would have sliced her right up.
"Dude! Chill! This is a pratice!" Maria spoke as both of their blades were against eitch other. Blink hopped and flipped over her and landed on a tree branch, croutching like a ninja. She put her hands together and in a small puff of smoke and disappeared. Spike and Maria were back to back, ready to counterattack Blink, what they didnt expect was for her to attack from underground.
Buring up from the dirt, she got both of them off their feet and charged after Spike, who barely managed to regain his balance before his using bat his block Blink's sword. A back and forth of clash-clings-and-clangs between metal begun, one attacking the other but eitch blocking every attack again and again.
Spike ducked a sword slash and roundhouse kick Blink's leg, which was effective since she's practically a ninja. She backflipped back on her feet and kept attacking swiftly. But a sudden scythe blade cut in between them, stopping the fight.
"That's enough!!!" Maria shouted. "You both are gonna end up hurting yourselves or eitch other! im ending it now!!"
"Oh what the hell dude?!" Blink shouted indignified. "I was about to beat him!!" "Oh please." Answered Spike. "Was that the best you could do? Sakura could do a better job kicking my ass" He scoffed. They began to argue loudly, genuinely angry at eitch other.
"THAT"S ENOUGH!!!!" Maria shouted, making them, and everyone else look at her.
"It doesnt matter would win that fight! This was a practice and not a competition!! The point of us being a team and getting powers in the first place was for all of us to make the world a better place, but the only way that can happen is if all of us work together!! As a team!!!"
They stood in silence, listening to her talk and set them straight.
"As cheesy as that sounds, it's true!! We shouldnt fight eitch other like this, you're not just my friends, we're all friends with eitch other! We all go along well and we know that, that's why I got you all together, because no one can bond better in a team then all of us together!!!"
"... She's right." Togekiss added, walking towards them. "We all started as simple individuals with free time on a website, but we all shared common interests, we grew closer.. And suddenly like that, we all became friends.. A family, if you will."
"We take care of eitch other and look out for one another." Said Spooks.
"Just like how you all did for me.. When I almost died. Almost died because of the shit and violent world we live in." Maria said.. With a slight crack in her voice.
"You're bringing in the same violence that almost killed me.. So please.. Please stop fighting.. We're all in this together.. Right..?"
Spike and Blink dropped their weapons and hugged Maria, and everyone else joined in as well.
"You're right, we're sorry Queen." Said Spike. "We got overwhealmed and we didnt mean it. We wont fight again, because you're right." Added Blink.
"We only have eitch other in this world, and if we want to change it we have to stick together, just like you said." Spike said one more time.
"And we wont let you down.. We promise.." Griff finished, with everyone agreeing with what he said.
And so they stayed for a moment, embraced within eitch other in a group hug. A family isnt perfect, there will be disagreements, but a good bond will always overcome those disagreements, and that's what they had, a good bond.
A bond that's practically unbreakable and untaintable. A bond that will soon be ready, and fight together to make the world a better place.
A bond that will the world's Future Hope..
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possiamo-andare · 4 years
No More Divisions - Chapter One: Helping Out a Friend
JJ x Original Character
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Hey everyone, this is my first ever piece of writing ever so please give your feedback really appreciated. I'm hoping to maybe do another chapter since JJ and Callie (my oc) barely get to talk in this. I just wanna set up the story first. Thanks.
Living on the Kooks side of OBX did have it's perks. For one, Kooks had generators. This meant that when the storm hit a week earlier, it almost went unnoticed in my house. I had slept through the storm and I slept through the generators picking back up in seconds after the lights went out. A generator, which most Pogues went without, was not even a luxury where I lived. Another thing that I didn't see as a luxury but actually was is the air conditioner. I was deeply unaware of the Pogues situation when it came to sleepless nights because of the ghastly heat. I never knew what it felt like to not be able to sleep because you felt as if your body was on fire. I even slept with blankets on because the air conditioner was making me cold.
Although I had these luxuries growing up, I had one thing money couldnt buy; true friends and real life experiences.
Since my family was wealthy, I had never needed a job. I soon came to realize that if I was ever going to learn about discipline or build on a work ethic, I was gonna need to get a job. I knew Mr. Heyward needed an assistant since his son Pope had recently become unreliable during this summer so I applied for the position and got it the same day I applied. I actually loved working for Mr. Heyward. Although a bit standoffish at first, he is a complete marshmellow once you get to know him. The other thing I got to know was how much he loved Pope. Mr. Heyward suffered greatly to provide his son with the skills he needed to get a scholarship. While we worked, he told me of his sacrifices as a father but also as a person with dreams. I told him that one day his dreams would come true and Pope would help him. For someone who's father rarely shows any semblance of interest in them, it was so touching to see Mr. Heyward talk about his love for his son.
As for the friends, I couldn't make friends at the academy and I knew it was for one reason; surfing. I had been obsessed with surfing since I watched the movie Soul Surfer when I was a kid and had been eager to hit the waves ever since. With lots of lessons paid for by my parents, I was a natural now and spent most of my free time surfing. Many of the Kooks at my school could care less about surfing and more about material things so I got along with virtually no one at school.
That is, until I met Rafe. Rafe was in my science class and very polite to me when we first met. He was the first person to talk to me as if I hadn't just came to OBX from outer space and I actually enjoyed our conversations together. Eventually, after many conversations in science, he invited me to sit with him at lunch. This is where I met Sarah, my now best friend. Sarah and I quickly became thick as thieves; Sarah and I's love for the environment what was initially brought us together but not long after we met we began talking about everything. And eventually, I told her about my crush on Rafe. And she told me his crush on me.
Rafe and I dated for 6 months, which is long when you're 16 and never had a boyfriend before. This was the old Rafe. The one before he graduated and started changing. Before he started sniffing crack and hanging out with drug dealers. We had been having problems towards the end of our relationship, right after he graduated, and I was naive to believe that maybe it was my fault. When I saw him snort crack for the first time at a party, I knew for sure that it was him and not me. I broke up with him that night.
I didn't tell Sarah about the drugs. I wish I did but it never felt like the right time and although I was getting over Rafe, I still felt obligated to hold onto this secret for him.
Sarah and I continued to be friends and we were the closest we'd ever been. Until she met John B. I had nothing against Pogues but Sarah had been with Johm B. for most of the summer on a wild goose chase that turned into a summer romance, and I was getting tired of being the third wheel. For too long I had been cast aside and stood up. Whenever we'd make plans, it was always another lame lie from Sarah. First it was that John B. and Sarah needed to get onto the ferry to read the archives, then John B., his Pogue friends and Sarah needed to sneak into a house to find hidden treasure. I knew that all of her stories were too preposterous and that there was no way in hell that any of these stories were true.
That is, until the night Sarah called me from her house.
It was 8pm when she had called me and I was just catching up a show I was watching. When I looked at the caller ID, and I saw Sarah's name, I almost didn't want to pick up. She had neglected me so far this summer I almost felt as if I should teach her a lesson. This mentality didn't last long because I had already accepted the phone call before I could talk myself out of it.
"Hey." I stated bluntly, secretly hoping Sarah was calling to apologize for lying and blowing me off for the beginning of the summer.
"Hey Callie, I need your help."
"Really? You need my help -" I was about to go in on her for ignoring me and lying but then I heard her cries and I stopped.
"I'm sorry, but I really need you right now."
So Sarah explained everything. Most of what she had told me was the actual truth and not a lie like I thought. They had found the $400 million in gold and before they could retrieve it, John B. had tried to kill her father on a boat. He had come to her and tried to tell her that her father was lying but she was so upset and confused she couldn't hear it at the time. Now, two hours later, Sarah was starting to have her suspicions and needed my help.
"Well, what do you need my help for?"
"You're helping Mr. Heyward with the landing strip tomorrow right?"
"Yeah, we're supposed to make it longer because the plane is heavier." I answered, confused on what this had to do with John B or her father.
Sarah gasped. "Of course... heavier."
"Sarah, what's wrong?" I couldn't understand how the plane tied into all of this.
"Callie, I need you to get to John B. tomorrow. I'm supposed to get on that plane tomorrow but I can't. I need you to get to John B. and tell him where I am and I need you to stall the plane from taking off." Sarah spoke quickly and quietly, almost scared that someone could hear her.
"Okay, I'll find John B. and stall the plane. But Sarah, what's on the plane that's making it heavier. I got to know?" I'm almost one hundred percent sure I already know the answer.
"I think you know Callie. Bye."
And I did know. Sarah's dad got his hands on the gold.
When I finally got to the land strip the next morning, everything was in order and ready to go. We only had to wait for Sarah and Ward Cameron, her father. I tried to think of ways to stall the best I could. Mr. Heyward entrusted me and was long gone by the time I arrived. At least he wouldn't be here to see all the mischief I would create.
As I watched the dozens of men starting to transfer the gold onto the plane, I stared off into the distance and planned. As I stared off, something caught my eye. A hundred yards away, behind a fence and trees was a wagon with four passengers. One had binoculars on, watching me. Or more specifically, the plane getting loaded on. I recognized the wagon immediately as John B.'s and dropped my clipboard and ran to him.
I remembered Sarah's words. I knew this was my chance to help her and be the friend I knew I could be. She had told me this was between life and death and the way she said it made me believe it.
As I got closer to John B., his friends and the fence, I could see them start panicking and back away from the fence. The last thing I wanted was for them to get nervous and drove away so I decided to shout at John B and his friends.
"Hey! John B.!" I looked at John B.'s friends. I noticed a girl from my school. "Kiara!" Then I looked again and noticed Pope Heyward, my boss's son. I then looked one more time and saw a blond boy I didnt know the name of. He was the only one not backing away. It was almost as if he knew me but I didn't know him.
As soon as I said their names, they stopped and watched me approach the fence. Once I reached the fence, John B. spoke first, mostly because I could see he recognized me and didn't see me as a threat.
"Callie!" He smiled and waved, walking closer to the fence. "Where's Sarah?"
"She's coming here. Ward is putting her on a plane with the gold and they're leaving today." I panted, trying to catch my breath from running all the way here.
"I knew it!" Pope was gleaming with joy.
John B.'s face wasn't as happy. "We have to make sure she doesn't get on that plane."
"I don't know how to stop it." I shrugged my shoulders and then looked again at everyone. "Any ideas?"
Kiara gasped and pointed to something behind me. "We don't have much time to think. Sarah's here."
I turned and saw Sarah getting out of her dad's car. She had a short conversation with him then walked off towards one of the men loading the gold onto the plane. Before I had time to react, her father was pulling her onto the plane as she screamed for help.
"Back away from the fence!" John B. screamed as he ran back into his car and started it.
I did as I was told and watched as John B. put his car in reverse and then drive forward as fast as he could into the fence. I was surprised when he knocked it down in one blow, but then again I wasn't so surprised. John B. was very determined.
I turned to Kiara, Pope, and the blonde haired boy who, on closer inspection, I determined had to be the hottest guy I've ever seen. He had a chiseled jaw and two slits for eyes. He seemed in a perpetual state of his eyes being in slits that I thought either he needed sunglasses or he was upset too much. He was watching me watch him and before anything could get too uncomfortable, Kiara spoke up.
"Sarah told us about you."
"Really?" I was so surprised. There was this little, annoying voice in my head that told me that Sarah might've been embarrassed of me. Sometimes I could be embarrassing.
"Yeah. She said how amazing you are, just that you couldn't believe her at first."
I smiled awkwardly. "This is all just very hard to believe."
"Sarah!" I heard a scream from behind me and I whipped my head around.
Now, John B. Had his car in front of the plane, blocking it from leaving the strip. He was trying to get Sarah out of the plane but Ward had gotten out first and was yelling at John B. and pushing him. Sarah had then emerged from the plane and was trying to calm both of them down. Before anything could get too physical, police sirens were heard from a distance and I looked back to Kiara, Pope and the blonde haired boy.
"I got a scholarship..." Pope said as he looked to where the sirens were coming from.
"I just posted bail." The blonde haired boy said, chuckling to himself.
Kiara looked to me. "Go help John B. and Sarah. John B. knows were to find us after. I'll get these guys outta here."
I nodded and gave each person a little salute before running off, heading into the dragon's den. As I got closer, the screaming got louder and before I knew it, I was in the middle of a fight I had no place being in.
"Callie?" Ward said to me, surprised to see me here even though he knew I worked for Mr. Heyward.
I ignored Ward right now. Mostly because I was mad at him. If all of what Sarah has told me she thinks is true, Ward is a terrible human being. Now I know where Rafe gets it from.
"Sarah, are you ok?" I asked, touching her should.
She smiles and nods at me. "Thanks so much. I love you." She grabs my hand and squeezes onto it. I squeeze back.
John B. was too into yelling at Ward right now that he didn't acknowledge me. I didn't blame him though. If anything, this was very normal way to react when knowing the information John B. did.
"You're gonna pay for what you did!" John B. yelled again, stepping in front of Sarah and I too protect us. Even in time like this, John B. was selfless. I regret not getting to know him better.
"You hear that? Those sirens are coming for you John B.!" Ward yelled back, turning around to point at the Sheriff's car driving to a stop behind Ward.
As the Sheriff gets out of the car, Ward calls out to her and starts pointing fingers at John B. "That's him, Sheriff. He almost tried to kill us!"
"That's not true!" I yelled, now getting angry with Ward. What makes him think he's charismatic enough to lie when there are witnesses here?
"Callie..." The Sheriff calmly raised her hand at me to silence me. "I know who the culprit is."
She raised her gun in the air and pointed it at Ward. "Ward Cameron, raise your hands in the air. You're being arrested for the murder of Big John Routledge."
Sarah and I gasped. Although we all had our theories, seeing this all unfold in front of us was another level of surreal. I grasped onto Sarah's hand tighter as she cried into my shoulder and as John B. looked to us for the first time. I could tell he was holding back tears. I could not imagine what he was going through. After all this time...
"Get on your knees," The Sheriff warned and Ward did as she demanded, slowly turning around and kneeling in front of us.
I couldn't believe I had slept in the same house as a murderer. I tried to count the number of times I had a sleepover at Sarah's in the last year. It was too many too count. And the whole time, something sinister was happening through the cracks of the walls.
I was almost she glad to see something so traumatizing for Sarah happen because at least a murderer was getting put away for good. I was so wrapped up in how Sarah, John B., and myself felt that I didn't notice, as the Sheriff was reading Ward's Miranda Rights, he had turned around and tried to over power the Sheriff. Before anyone had time to react quickly enough, a gunshot was fired from the Sheriff's gun.
I had closed my eyes after the shot was fired and I imagined Ward's body dropping to the ground. I felt the gravel shake as a body fell to the ground but when I heard John B. gasp, I had a sickening fear it wasn't Ward's body that was falling.
When I opened my eyes, my suspicions were proven to be right. In front of us lay the Sheriff's slowly dying body, a bullet wound from her chest bleeding out onto the landing strip. Sarah was screaming and John B rushed to apply pressure to the Sheriff's wound. I, on the other hand, could only cry.
I cried because of the Sheriff's wound and of the death of John B.'s father and how Ward, a man I trusted and looked up to, killed him. But I cried mostly because it wasn't Ward holding the gun. Ward hadn't shot the Sheriff. The guy standing in front of me did.
Rafe, sweaty and eyes bubbling over with tears, was holding the gun that shot the Sheriff.
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blythefm · 4 years
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you are angry. be mad. be livid. be righteous. they will tell you that you are too loud, too aggressive, too upsetting; ignore their words. become the voice you’ve always needed to hear. that anger gives you the voice of change. do not tread lightly; change the world. wrath is not sinful, it is a call to make tides to change this state of being.
playlist / pinterest
hewwo, my name is steph w. lerman and this is..... everyone’s fav lesbean, blythe.  below u will find her bio but here are some bullet points
very angery because the capitol killed off the her family and loved ones so now she is cold because she doesn’t want to get close to anyone because she knows the capitol will use them against her.
cares A LOT about the kids she mentors. like while she wishes she didnt have to be one since she is basically sending off these kids to die, the capitol us punishing her by forcing her to do something she hates
capitol people love her or love to hate her if they’re more uhhhhh politically aware i guess, it depends on their views. this is because she just loves running her mouth about how much everything sucks. commie queen!
won her games by hunting down everyone. killed the stronger tributes first and then left the weaklings for last because she hoped they’d end up dying without her help. 
alcohol is her best friend, but she never gets drunk enough for people to notice because she is hyperaware and doesn’t want to display even one minimal weakness
wants to chop snow’s head off, has a personal vendetta against him and the game makers behind her hunger games 
snow’s butt lickers and boring capitol losers think she is unhinged, she doesn’t care. they will get what they deserve soon, even if she has to die for it.
TW: quick mention of transphobia, death
Ever heard of kids born with a silver spoon in their mouth? Well, Blythe was practically born with an axe in her hand. She can’t say she liked it, but it was what was expected that Blythe and the rest of the children living in District 7 would learn how to properly handle such tool as soon as they could stand. And funnily enough, as much as she hated those expectations at first, the district’s need to have children work in the forest was what saved her life years later.
Something else she had been born with was the ability to find creative ways to get in trouble. But, Blythe was lucky. She had been a charming kid that knew her way with words, so it was easy to talk people into letting her have her way. And when that didn’t happen, well, her right hook came quite useful. 
As combative as she was, she was nice when needed and good at persuading others. Life wasn’t perfect and she had her own issues to deal with once she decided to transition, but again, her fists came in handy whenever she ran into people that risked having her lose her sanity. They were meaningless, especially compared to the people she had loved and cared about. Still, this did light a fire inside of her, one that drove her to always strive to ensure people like them knew they were below them all while ensuring that those who proved to be loyal and loved her unconditionally would know how much they meant to her.
The one thing Blythe couldn’t talk her way out of was having that horrid woman with the puke-green hair pulling a paper with her name out of that damned bowl she had silently feared for years. Just three months shy of her eighteenth birthday, that was the day Blythe knew that her run had officially started running out. 
She was scared. Terrified, even, but she never let it show. Not even as she said her goodbyes did she shed one tear. As exhausting as life could be back at home due to the nearly endless workday that consumed her energy, she would’ve preferred an eternity of chopping down trees if that meant she wouldn’t have to kill other kids all to satiate the Capitol’s thirst for innocent blood. 
Still, she played the game well. Her rebellious attitude did nothing to put off the Capitol’s worms with deep pockets. That, combined with her natural ability to handle an axe earned her plenty of sponsors that carried her through the games. Blythe hated every second of it, but that didn’t mean she ignored she was the whole package. The careers she was up against would be the first to go once the games started as she used knowledge acquired during training to use their disadvantages against them.
Being the girl who had single handedly put down the careers within the first week did wonders for her already inflated ego, but more importantly, it made her popularity in the Capital grow. One after one, her fans screamed and shouted as Blythe ended her competition. She knew she had no time to waste now that lady luck was no longer by her side. For a moment, her ego no longer existed. It had been replaced with her will to live, her need to come back home and be able to see those tearful souls she had left behind. 
The second she won, an exhausted Blythe passed out inches away from the boy from District Four she had spent days hunting. When she woke up, she found herself in the Capitol, and that’s when her new fame and fans found her. As people showered her with compliments, gifts, love confessions, and proposals, Blythe felt absolutely disgusted and was not afraid to show it.
Of course, the puppet masters were not happy. They let her run her mouth just long enough for her to take care of all of her commitments, but once she returned home for good, lady luck was no longer part of her life. 
Her mother was the first to pay for her disrespect. Then her brother, and finally, Azura. A lovely thing with eyes so blue looking into them made her feel like she was in District 4, Blythe had loved her fiercely, yet secretly. She protected her, not wanting for the Capitol to get their hand ons her. And it worked, just not for long. They got about four good years of pure bliss before the Capitol decided Blythe still hadn’t learned her lesson. Refusing to become a mentor earned her love a premature death, and Blythe a lifetime of pure bitterness and absolute hatred towards the Capitol. Even if she was no longer in the arena, she was still very much part of their game.
So, she complied. Badly, but she did it. She didn’t let the ball drop with the kids she mentored. If anything, she protected them as fiercely as she had fought for her loved ones back home. Not wanting them to have her same fate, she taught them well, implored them to not follow her example and let her be the only one to continue being punished due to her big mouth and inability to take anyone’s shit. 
With Blythe producing two more victors for her district, the blissfully ignorant crown of the Capitol can’t get enough of her. Yes, she hates their guts and knows they’re the cause of her misery, but she plays them like a fiddle. She barks insults at anyone who hears, rolling her eyes as they clap and tell her how funny she is, how strong and brave she seems, how beautiful she looks. She lets them think they own her, but that’s just an illusion. 
Blythe is currently biding her time, waiting for the perfect chance to strike and one by one, make the ones who made her life hell pay. With nothing and no one else left to lose, Blythe is determined to ensure they don’t have a chance to ruin more lives.
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ilytulips · 4 years
@kattlupin and @starstruck4moony thank you guys for hosting this!!!
I also took inspiration from @maraudererasmut of whom I read something of theirs where they wrote a fic while also high, so I decided to do that aswell. (I live in Canada where it is legal and I am 19 years old aka the legal age here, be safe guys)
So basically this is the first fic/Drabble I’ve ever posted and I was under the influence and I didn’t really edit it or read it through again, but I hope you enjoy it what ever it might be!
Remus wondered if he had ever seen Sirius this high before. He didnt think so. Sirius always did prefer alcohol. The more fun the better, but Remus was the opposite. When you’re in pain mentally and physically half the time, they tend to help calm everything down. The twinges he feels in his muscles when he sits a certain way seem to turn to jelly in a manor his brain gets to be as well. Sweet sweet serenity.
Though this time with Sirius, ever so touchy, moving ever so softly like remembering a pleasent dream, grazing fingertips over his legs, arms, chest, neck, that Remus shivered under. Even the heavy smoke that circled around his head and through his veins couldn’t put a tamer on his racing thoughts.
Sirius. Sirius. Sirius.
Sirius, he smelt. Sirius, he wanted to taste. And Sirius, he touched right back with his own hands.
Remus giggled as he pulled the joint out of Sirius mouth, and put it right up to his and blushed at the thought that his lips were touching somewhere Sirius’s were just.
They are both on the couch of their shared flat that they got together when they first left Hogwarts. Some where for Sirius to go so he didn’t feel like he was too much of a burden on the Potters. And somewhere for Remus to go so he could still live near his closest friends. And somewhere they both could afford.
Remus sat with his back against the arm of the couch, legs up and over Sirius who was sitting up some where in the middle and now looking at Remus.
“Oi, I wasn’t done with that.” Sirius complained as soon as his mind caught up to remus’s latest action.
“You snooze you loose.” Remus said through an exhale, tilting back his head and watching the smoke float above his head.
After Sirius hadn’t spoken for a while, an unusual trait, Remus turned to see Sirius peering right back at Remus, or more accurately, his neck with a hazy expression on his face. But almost as suddenly Remus lifted his head, Sirius snapped out of it.
“That doesn’t even make any sense Moony I wasn’t even sleeping.” Sirius spout out turning now to look away from Remus, and removing his hands from remus’s calves to cross them instead.
Remus rolled his eyes at his dramatics and again rolled back his head in the same manor as previous and took anouther drag.
“Hey if you’re going to take the joint away from me you at least shouldn’t waist.” he heard Sirius say, though he felt no need to look.
“What do you mean, I’m fucking smoking it, how is that a -“ Remus paused as he noticed Sirius shift from his sitting position into one now facing towards and on the verge of strattling the couch and there for Remus’s legs. “- waist” Remus finally manages to get out.
“Why all that smoke Moony that you are breathing out and letting roam free.” Sirius says now slowing crawling his way up Remus’s body
“That doesn’t make any sense padfoot, it’s literally what you are suppose to do.” Remus retorts, try to keep his voice from wavering. At this point sirius made his way all the way up, head perched over his own head, his hands and arms that are holding him self up are on either side of Remus’s shoulders, calves laid flatly on either side of his waist and hips that currently felt like they were on fire from the touch. Remus secretly wished he would sit down.
“Ohh Moony Moony Moony,” Sirius shook his head slowly, “finally something I can teach you. Now listen to me and do exactly what I say”.
Something in Remus’s chest tightened followed by heat erupting around his entire body and settled else that made him now hope Sirius wouldn’t sit down, as he nodded a little too enthusiastically at Sirius’s command.
Sirius lifted one of his hands that he was balancing on and brought it up to the joint in Remus’s mouth grazing at his lips while doing so. He gently pulled it out of Remus mouth which seemed to stay open through the process, now from shock.
“When I breath out you breath in got it?” Sirius commanded as he brought the joint to his mouth and took a hit. He then slowly lowered his face now only mere inches above Remus’s and blew out the smoke over it.
Remus seemed to be in a state of shock barely managed to actually do the one thing sirius told him to. Breath in.
“ok well that didn’t work out, let’s try this.” at this again plucked the joint out of his own mouth and put it back in Remus’s. His fingers balancing against his lips, palm curving around his cheek. “Breath in Moony,” Sirius hushed, and finically he did.
The smoke filling his lungs burned on its way down, not as much as it did the first time he smoked, but the crackling sensation never really goes away. But Remus held it in and waited for Sirius, story of his fucking life.
After Remus finished inhaling Sirius swiftly removed the joint from between his lips leaving them cold and wanting and put it out on the plate on the coffee table next to them.
When Sirius appeared back in Remus’s view, Remus was flushed and a little light headed from holding his breath too long, and peered back at Sirius with light eyes and a light smile on his face despite it.
A simple “Remus,” was all Sirius could make out before swooping down and connecting their lips. It’s clumsy and clunky, and their teeth crash against each other’s, and almost at contact Remus let out a small coughy laugh, which allows him to finally release the smoke from his lungs and allowing himself to breath while also acting as a method to separate the two boys.
“Wow we really aren’t good at this,” Sirius mumbled now laughing aswell from where he lowered his head in between the crook of Remus’ neck. Now he was lying completely on Remus, having given out from holding himself up, his breath ticking against Remus’s neck as he spoke.
“Yeah- yeah no we aren’t” Remus replies and lifts his hands to play with Sirius’s hair, both as a method to calm his own nerves as well as any Sirius might be having. Slowly he moved his hands down the other boys jaw until he reached the tip of chin where he slowly lifted it in order for Sirius to look at him again. “But I think if we keep practicing, we could get really good at it.”
Sirius whimpered at Remus’s words and gave a quick but eager nod before their lips connected again. This time much slower and sweeter.
Sirius thought to himself that he should get high more often if this is how it was going to end.
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bottomlwjrights · 4 years
MO DAO ZU SHI REREAD:Thoughts™️....and Stuff
Chapter 40
“They should’ve been able to talk, to say who they were, to shout for help. However, the awful thing was that somebody had cut all of their tongues off before this.” In case i havent said it enough, i hate Xue Yang!!!!
I dont have anything funny or witty to say, this whole situation is just sad
“She instinctively hated him and refused to settle. And so, whenever Xue Yang went out night-hunting with Xiao XingChen, she’d secretly follow them. Even when they were in the same house, she didn’t lower her guard.” She lived constantly on guard for, what, years?
Nobody told xxc stories when he was a kid, which I believe to be a crime
The first disciple to leave the mountain, YanLing DaoRen, was an excellent and renowned cultivator, but suddenly became a villian for some unknown reason and died under thousands of swords, according to xxc (parallels wwx a little)
“‘The second disciple was a girl and also very outstanding.’ Wei WuXian’s chest felt warm. She was ZangSe SanRen.” 🥺
“How would an outstanding and beautiful cultivator settle on a servant. This story’s so cliche. It’s probably made up by some poor scholar.” Oh little A-Qing... (wait this mirrors lwj and wwx’s love story, except of course the death part, because in my eyes they just cultivate to immortality and live happily ever after, together forever)
Shut up, wwx, you’re not a villain
Xxc describing sl makes me uuuh wanna cry “A very good friend of mine.” “A sincere man of noble nature.”
Shut the fuck up Xue Yang, no body cares
Shut up!!!! He went and got her candy!!!! And then gave her candy everyday!!!!
Sl said to A-Qing the exact same the xxc said to her, like almost word for word... hold i...
Also note that wwx said they must have been very good friends to be so much alike 
Why did he hesitate???
“Song Lan answered straight away, ‘His height is similar to mine. His appearance is rather fine. His sword is carved with patterns of frost.’” Dont ask why this drove me crazy 
Sl was looking for xxc for years....
“For some reason, Song Lan’s face was extremely pale. He stared at the door of the coffin home, as if he would rush inside if he could, but was too scared to do so.”
“The instant he heard the [xxc’s] voice, Song Lan’s hands trembled so much that A-Qing could clearly see it.”
Sl was so angry his entire body was shaking
Xy is disgusting
After the attack of Baixue temple, while injured, sl said some nasty things to xxc....sounds alot like the aftermath of Nightless City....
“Who was the one who said ‘from now on, we won’t need to meet again’? Wasn’t it you, Daozhang Song? He listened to your request and disappeared after he dug out his eyes for you, but why have you come to him now?” Shut up shut up shut up
Fuck Xue Yang!!!!
“Song Lan looked down at Shuanghua’s blade, which penetrated his heart, then slowly looked up again. He saw Xiao XingChen, who calmly held the sword.” Im gonna cry
“Slowly, Song Lan fell to his knees before Xiao XingChen.” Yup im crying
“At such a time, if Song Lan passed his sword to Xiao XingChen’s hands, Xiao XingChen would’ve immediately known who he was. He’d be able to recognize the sword of his closest friend with just a touch.” He would have known sl’s sword by just a touch....
Sl didnt pass his sword to xxc so that he didnt have to bear the burden of knowing he killed him.....
“...large drops of tears rolled from her eyes. Although she was scared, A-Qing reached out to close Song Lan’s eyes. She then kneeled in front of him and put her palms together, ‘Daozhang, please don’t blame me or the other daozhang.’”
She kowtowed in front of sl’s body....
A-Qing is smart and quick witted, pulling such a fast lie like that
“Cut a few dozens of times on her face so that she’ll never have the guts to go outside again.” 😧
How xy can say something like that and then offer up a plate of bunny shaped apple slices that he cut himself is beyond me
“Looking at the plate of cute, delicate slices, disgust filled both A-Qing’s and Wei WuXian’s hearts.” Yeah me too
(Chapter 41 & Chapter 42 below the cut)
Chapter 41
A-Qing didnt wanna tell xxc about sl...
“The blood grew more and more and eventually leaked through the bandages, trickling down from where his eyes once were.” God he’s crying ....
“Originally, the injury of his eyes would bleed whenever he had excessive thoughts or emotions, but it hadn’t recurred in quite a long while.” I hate this
“...after Xiao XingChen managed to calm down, he told A-Qing, ‘A-Qing, run away.’” I hate this so much
“I can’t go. I need to find out what exactly he’s trying to do...If I left him here alone, I’m afraid that the people of Yi City would sink into his hands.” Y’all gotta stop with this selfless,self sacrificing, being a good caring person shit man, its okay to save yourselves sometimes
“A-Qing’s sobs weren’t faked anymore. She tossed the bamboo pole to the side and clung to Xiao XingChen’s leg...”
“Xiao XingChen asked coldly, ‘Was it fun?’ Xue Yang took another bite into the apple that was still in his hand. He only replied after calmly chewing for a while and swallowing the fruit, ‘Yes. Of course it was fun.’” I hate him
Even the idea that xy did all this because he was bored...
“My finger was my own, while those lives were other peoples’. They wouldn’t be equal no matter how many lives I killed. It was only around fifty. How could it have possibly been equal to one of my fingers?” I cannot even begin to express my disgust...
This is all so sad....
“… Is that you, ZiChen?”
“Even if the two swords had just clashed, Xiao XingChen should be able to tell who the other was from only the strength of the attack...He turned around slowly and reached out a quivering hand, feeling for the blade of Song Lan’s sword.”
“… ZiChen… Daozhang Song… Daozhang Song… Is that you…?” Im crying again
And he’s crying nonstop
“… What happened…? Say something…”
“Xiao XingChen stood blankly in front of Song Lan. Putting his hands on his head, he wailed as though he was ripping his chest apart.” I cant handle this shit im about to stop reading
Fuck you, Xue Yang
“At this moment, Wei WuXian saw himself in Xiao XingChen. Him, who failed miserably as he stood drenched in blood, who couldn’t do anything except silently acknowledge the critiques and accusations, who was wholly beyond hope, who could only cry in despair!” Yeah i didnt need that in the middle of all this
“He could only whimper in pain, ‘Please. Let me go.’” Im really going through it
They all died in such horrific ways
Thank goodness thats over!!!!
Chapter 42
Wwx really implied that xy killed Chang Ping as revenge for xxc huh....wow no
Even in death, A-Qing is brave. Thank you for your contribution in ending that mf
Lwj cuts off xy’s arm when he reaches towards wwx
There was so much blood on the ground that wwx almost slipped in it, gross
Lmao i didnt think lwj would be the one to just toss a pouch to someone but here we are
Wn just squatting on the ground, chillin
Okay yanno what im still confused as hell as to why the juniors were lead to yi city...
God that makes me so angry, Xue Yang keeping the piece of candy for years and holding onto it when he died, like even the idea that he liked xxc and still decided to torture him to death good lord
“Lifting up the hem of his robes, Lan WangJi stepped over the high threshold in an elegant manner, then nodded.”  Wwx just looks at lwj do literally anything and is just like “he’s so elegant 😍 so graceful 🥰 look at my lan zhan, so pretty 🥰😍🥰”
“When he wakes, say I’m sorry, it wasn’t your fault.” Wow....
“He still wore the dark cultivation robes. Standing alone, he carried two swords, Shuanghua and Fuxue, he brought two souls, Xiao XingChen and A-Qing, and walked another path.” Wow.... i wish for you the best, Song Lan
Lsz standing and wondering if xxc and sl would ever meet again....
I agree with jl, death is too light of a punishment for xy
Lmfnck ljy cried the loudest out of everyone sjnckck
The juniors light incense and burning paper money for them 🥺 they’re so sweet
ItS nOt lIkE yOuVE DiEd HoW wOuLd YoU KnOw iF DeaD pEoPle ReCiEve PaPeR MonEY
“How come? Was I really that much of a failure? Was there not a single person who burned paper money for me? Was it really because nobody burned them that I didn’t receive any?” STOOOOOP
“Looking at his calm face, Wei WuXian thought to himself, Really? Had he really not burnt anything?!” Okay i don’t remember if he actually did or not but nonetheless this shit hurted
The hunter was probably the same person who lead them together to yi city with the corpses, BUT WHY THO
Awwww wwx happy to see Lil Apple
Stop teasing jl, wwx, its not nice
Even though the lookout towers are a good idea, and benefit smaller more remote towns, i cant help but wonder if there was some kind of ulterior motive behind them
“Almost all of the dishes were covered in red. Paying attention to Lan WangJi’s chopsticks, he notes that he ate mostly from the milder dishes, rarely the bright-red ones. Even when he did, his expression remained the exact same. Wei WuXian felt something tug at his heart.” uGGgGgGHhHhH 
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Possible fic request. Thomas still has trouble readjusting his views on things, having urges to go back to how it was before but he understands that is not right but he can't help it. Finally he breaks down and calls Janus himself (probably in tears), calling him by name and begging to help him. And the snakeboy is more then happy to talk some sense into him. At the same time, Virgil secretly watches them, slowly realising the necessity of Janus.
I love this Prompt, thank you for submitting it!
Shifting Sides
Summary: Thomas is having trouble adjusting to his newly acquired viewpoints on selfishness. Janus is given the opportunity to show this is a necessary change.
Warnings: none
Ships: none. Purely platonic Thomas and Janus
Thomas hung up the phone with a sigh, sliding down on the couch until he was being nearly suffocated by the cushions. His phone fell on the floor somewhere he didn't care to look as he shut his eyes and tried to breathe.
He felt awful.
He hadn't gone out since the wedding; despite the assurance he recieved from Lee and Mary Lee's visit that they still loved and appreciated him he had still felt stretched thin, the stress of the constant moral dilemmas running through his mind sapping any energy he might have had to do anything productive; even with the bit of self care he had been doing at Patton and De-Janus' prompting.
Other than reassuring Thomas that it was okay to have a break, he hadnt really heard from Patton lately. Roman still adamantly refused to see him even after a week of presumably sulking in his room. Thomas knew that line of thinking wasn't really fair to the fanciful side but any attempt to try and talk to him proved futile. Virgil and Logan weren't much different, only popping up occasionally when Thomas was dithering around doing one thing or another, barely exchanging more than a few words before sinking back out.
He really didnt even want to think of what Remus' input might be.
And that left Janus. Although he seemed pleased Thomas was following his advice he still made himself scarce, likely keeping on the down low until things settled down more. The mind scape was shifting and it was tearing his literal mind to metaphorical shreds.
Covering his face with his hands he groaned. Joan and Talyn had called to see if he had wanted to plan a hang out. He hadnt seen either of them in a while and the social interaction would probably do him some good. But just as he was about to say yes he noticed how drained he still felt, slumping over the couch with a resigned set to his shoulders, eye bags that could rival Virgil's eye shadow carving deep hollows in his face. He knew in that moment he still needed time. He needed to refuse.
So he said no.
Joan had sounded disappointed on the phone, their tone dipping before assuring Thomas that they understood and maybe another time? Thomas had of course agreed, having to almost physically stop himself from apologizing and simply wished them well before hanging up. He knew he made the right decision but what if they hated him now because of it? Maybe they'd stop inviting him out with them, stop talking to him altogether because they could sense this was the beginning of the end. Since Thomas had refused this, maybe they thought that spoke for all future plans and they wouldn't want be friends with someone who could never bother to be there for them. What if-
Mentally berating himself he sat up, not noticing the hoodie wearing side that had popped up on the stairwell. Just as Virgil opened his mouth to speak however he was interrupted by Thomas himself.
"Janus?" The call was so quiet it was barely heard by even Virgils sharp ears, but the name that left his mouth sent him reeling. Why the hell was he calling on Deciet of all people? Shifting up the stairwell quietly he made sure go blend into the background, ready to intercept at any point.
"You called?" Janus stood casually by the window inspecting his glove clad nails, putting on his usual bored expression if only to hide his worry over the fact that out of everyone Thomas had called on him.
"Joan and Talyn called."
Janus nodded. "I'm aware."
"I told them I didn't want to go out."
The serpentine side regarded him carefully. "Just as well you did. I've barely seen you expend the energy needed to stay hydrated, I'd hate to see you attempt to brave the outside anytime soon."
Thomas hung his head, ashamed at his clear lack of initiative. Virgil watched with sharp eyes as Janus' demeanor softened.
"Creature of habit as you are you have become far too complacent in ducking your head and handing out what little you have on a silver platter. I'd be surprised if you took to taking for yourself every once in a while with anything other than a bit of guilt." He shifted slightly, offering a kind smile. "I assure you, you did the right thing. Your friends are observant. They would be able to tell you did not truly wish to be out."
"I've really set myself so deep in never saying no, I don't know how not to be there."
"Well," Janus glanced at the T.V., its blank screen showing his hosts dejected expression. "A distraction is a good start. Why not put on a movie or something, take your mind off of things for a while?"
Minutely, Thomas nodded, not moving to get up quite yet. Sighing, Janus made to sink out.
Pausing, he raised an eyebrow waiting for him to continue.
"Will you stay? Just for a little while?"
Pretending to think it over, he shrugged. "No."
A hurt expression passed over Thomas' face, quickly replaced with understanding. "Oh, okay. Bye then."
Smirking, he leaned on the arm of the couch. "Thomas, I said no."
The other looked up confused. "I know? And that's okay, I understand."
"Is it?"
"Of course it is. Why wouldnt it be?"
"Thomas." He looked at the man pointedly.
"I said no. And you were hurt but you understood. I said no to your request of staying with you through an emotional crisis and you said it was okay."
"So is it fair to say that if you said no to a simple hangout with people you've been friends with for years, they would also be understanding?"
Janus smiled as a look of realization replaced the sadness on Thomas' face, patting himself on the back discreetly.
"I- yeah that makes sense. Thank you for....well thank you."
"Oh I dont know how the light sides could ever stand it, being right all the time. It truly is aggravating." Winking at Thomas playfully he continued. "Now! What movie shall we watch to make you feel less like a piece of human garbage?"
Thomas shot him a confused look. "But you said no?"
Janus waved him off dismissively. "I was teaching you a lesson Thomas. Do keep up, won't you?"
Virgil watched as Deciet rummaged through their movie collection and Thomas busied himself setting up a comfortable nest on the couch. He didnt fully understand what had just happened but...maybe...
He spared Deciet...Janus....one more glance before sinking out quietly. He'd still have to keep an eye on him.
But maybe this could be the start of something better.
This work is also available on AO3 for anyones convenience. I'm still taking prompts so feel free to submit an ask if you like!
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saddeniq · 4 years
OC Interview
No one tagged me but I was bored and wanted to do it 👉👈
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Name? → "Even if I wanted to tell you my actual name, I couldn't. But you can call me by my Legion name, Mortuus."
Are you single? → "What, you wanna shoot your shot? I'd be happy for a night, but if you're looking for a long term relationship I don't do those anymore."
Are you happy? → "I'd be happier if I were out somewhere with my blade. But sure, I guess I'm alright "
Are you angry? → "It takes a whole lot to piss me off, and no one's had the balls to do so. Yet, anyways."
Are your parents still married? → "I don't know if there ever were married at all. If they were, my pops never told me."
Nine Facts:
Birthplace? → "Somewhere up north on a ranch. I don't remember much from when I was small. My dad didn't wait long before taking me on the road."
Hair color? → "A dark orange of sorts? I'm not an artist, I can't tell you a shade."
Eye color? → "Dark grey."
Birthday? → "Can't give you numbers, but I know it was in late winter."
Mood? → "Not sure, neutral? Is that an answer? If you're looking for a mood I'm usually in, trigger-happy is your answer."
Gender? → "Female."
Summer or Winter? → "Winter. It gets way too hot in the Mojave and my skin gets burned like hell durring the summer."
Morning or Afternoon? → "Morning. The sand hasn't heated up like hell's entrance yet."
Eight Things About Your Love Life:
Are you in love? → "Used to be."
Do you believe in love at first sight? → "Love needs trust. How can you trust someone you just met?"
Who ended your last relationship? → "I don't like to talk about it."
Have you ever broken someone's heart? → "I didn't mean to," She sounds a little desperate, "It wasnt my fault."
Are you afraid of commitments? → "I guess you could say that."
Have you hugged someone in the last week?→ "Nah, I don't comfort anyone but myself."
Have you ever had a secret admirer? →
"Oh I've had plenty. They got their shot if they were nice enough."
Have you ever broken your own heart? → "I don't think thats possible is it? But I," Her eyes cloud up, "But I think I have."
Six Choices:
Love or lust? → "Mm, I don't do the first. Now the second? Thats a better story."
Lemonade or iced tea? → "I've never had either. Is that a bad thing?"
Cats or dogs? → "Dogs are more useful. More loyal. Cats? They'll scratch you deep when youre least expecting it. Theyre just back stabbing knots of fur."
A few best friends or many regular friends? → "Can't let anyone get too close, you get weak that way. I'll take a lot of regulars than a special group."
Wild night out or romantic night in? → "I'll take something wild than something mushy any day. It's more fun that way, more enjoyable."
Day or night? → "Can't see shit in the dark. In the day light, I can see my enemies. See their faces as they scream."
Five Have You Evers:
Been caught sneaking out? → "My old man never caught me, not once. He was too busy getting drunk or gambling all our money away. I think he knew though, he understood why."
Fallen up/down the stairs? → "I wish I could say I never have. But when your legs are caught in bear traps and you're running from Ghost People? I think it was a reasonable accident."
Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? → "Maybe in one life I did," Her voice seems to fade, "Before this whole mess."
Wanted to dissapear? → "Dissapear? Honey this stage was made for me. As if I'd give up on the show so soon. If I'm going out, I'm going out with a bang."
Four Preferences
Smile or Eyes? → "Eyes say a whole lot more when you're talking with someone," She smirks, "nd' they look a whole lot prettier too."
Shorter or Taller? → "Shorter, there's not a lot of people who are noticeably taller than me anyway."
Intelligence or Attraction? → "Intelligence, it always makes for some decent conversation."
Hook-up or Relationship? → "Isn't it obvious? Hook-up."
Do you and your family get along? → "My father and I used to get along. Didnt take long for stress and desperation to ruin him and our relationship. He got what he deserved that night he died."
Would you say you have a messed up life? → "Yeah it's pretty fucked up, but I've got it easy compared to the other women I see. I guess I'm lucky. "
Have you ever ran away from home? → "I never had a home. It was just me, dad, and the stars. I have run away from him occasionally. Leave for days, weeks even- but I always ended up back with him and the caravan."
Have you ever gotten kicked out? →
"Nah, he couldn't get rid of me no matter how hard he tried. I shoulda kicked my dad out now that I think of it."
Do you secretly hate one of your friends? → "It's not secret. And he's not my friend."
Do you consider all of your friends good friends? → "I've only got two good friends, Rex and ED-E. Anyone else is just a mutual."
Who is your best friend? → "Rex. He's a good dog."
Who knows everything about you? →
"The dead. My history is bits and pieces, I can't remember much. A bullet can do that to you. All I know is what I have now, and it's not much."
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mothmansfriend · 5 years
when i’m sad oh god i’m sad pt. 1
link to pt. 2
follows a very similar timeline to @tearxofink‘s fic Rules for a Functioning Alcoholic but will prob have differences (such as no established relationships) and takes place in @illogicallyinclined‘s hockey au after the mention of Remus possibly having undiagnosed bipolar disorder
update: i think its important to acknowledge roughly where this takes place in the big timeline bc D doesn’t really drink past freshman yr in this AU because of self preservation and trauma, alcoholism was more an issue before then in high school (when remus and d were Rowdy Boys) but the stress of Logan’s concussion lead to some heavy drinking that was caught quickly by Virgil because Remus Cannot Keep Secrets. 
summary: Remus has undiagnosed Bipolar Disorder and is dealing with a severe depressive episode in the aftermath of realizing that binge drinking with D wasn’t just his own search to Feel Something, but was also D’s relapse into alcoholism. Remus comes to the realization of lost time during manic episodes and refuses help.
tw: graphic descriptions of a depressive episode, self harm (burning),  suicidal thoughts, and suicidal intent (but not attempt). unhealthy coping mechanisms, alcohol abuse, mentioned alcoholism, undiagnosed mental illness, miscommunications on shared trauma, ask to tag if i missed any.
Remus doesn’t think he’s ever felt happy in his life. 
But that can’t be true. He’s sure it wasn't even two months ago he swore he’d never felt sad before in his life and he knows that one wasn’t true either.
Though, right now the younger Prince twin couldn’t even be certain he feels sad right now. He can identify some feelings, like dizziness (he stumbles through the lobby doors, it’s too bright out its giving him a headache that better not be a hangover), guilt (“Do you even think about anyone but yourself?” No, Virgil, you know Remus better than that. “You know how hard getting sober was the first time, D suddenly taking you out to the bar during the week didn’t raise any flags?” It didn’t, Remus is too self absorbed), and most importantly something he can’t quite label that came in through his lungs smoother than the cheap cigarettes he hates (but uses as an excuse to turn himself into a human ashtray) and settled deep inside him just under a month ago (weeks before D suggested goiung to the club on w Tuesday evening for the first time in almost a year) and it's getting heavier and heavier every day. Possibly, relief was felt when he was greeted by a totally empty apartment instead of a holier-than-thou brother trying to enforce ‘responsibility’ and his first real friend whom he recently enabled in a relapse. 
The normally obnoxious and loud man silently rides the elevator to their floor, tripping over his own feet as he exits not even offering a head bop to the cheesy elevator music. He enters the apartment and slams the door harder than necessary but can’t bring himself to feel bad. There's no elegance or emotion to closing his door, landing on his bed full clothed after barely kicking off his shoes and grabbing the controller to turn on Netflix and select the first Saw movie.
It’s halfway through the second movie when he hears someone return home and make what is probably lunch before leaving again. He takes a moment to wonder if his professors or classmates notice his absence or if they’re just thankful for it. He’s sober and he feels the burns on his ankles and arms throb in time with his black eye. God he wishes he wasn’t, but pissed off his last more-than-a-little-sketchy friend and he doesn’t have the energy to find the stash he knows D hid in the apartment somewhere.
Just as Saw II ends and the third begins, he opens his window and lights up a cigarette with a lighter he knows he stole from someone. The smoke coats his throat and the terrible burning taste of nicotine sticks to the roof of his mouth, the headrush barely makes it worth it. Remus considers maybe he needs something stronger, Virgil seems like the type to secretly smoke weed. Wandering minds think about the movie he just watched and the classic needle pit, he certainly isn’t afraid of needles. He slams his head into the glass of his window and takes another drag. The reality of that thought would be a bigger issue than many things he’s done, it’s not often that he rejects things his brain throws at him. He stares out the window and a group of students pass and he sees the exact moment they smell his shitty cigarettes as they look around and glare when they see him. He realizes how often people look at him like that and it feels like the first time that it bothers him. He puts the cigarette out in his lower calf and holds it there until the darkened skin and burning pain is all he can think about
The fifth movie ends marking around 10 hours of blankly staring at the screen. He’s only wearing boxers and the ratty t-shirt he’s been wearing for days. Both roommates are home. The group chat is going off Remus briefly saw a few messages, a reminder about practice Thursday morning, Patton looking for baking suggestions, Virgil asked if anyone heard from Remus because they didn’t finish their discussion.
Remus mutes the chat for the first time and when his phone falls off the bed, doesn't bother reaching for it.
The eighth movie ends. It’s been darkout for awhile, though he isn’t sure quite how long. Remus really feels as if his body has melted and merged with the bed. He hopes he’s dying. He eats stale chips he had hidden in his nightstand and can’t even get out of bed to smoke half a cigarette and put it out on his exposed thigh.
He falls asleep after silencing his brain as best as he can right now.
The next time he wakes up the sun is either setting or rising. He doesn’t really care. The hockey player doesn’t really know if he's stayed still this long, almost ever. If he thinks about it though he is pretty sure he did this last spring. He’s also pretty sure no one noticed last time either. Sleeping seemed to have helped a little and he figured he could probably make a trip to the bathroom and maybe the kitchen if he’s lucky, he noticed that pizza box under his bed is smelling pretty terrible. It’s been four days since he was home spoke to anyone, and no one has checked in on him. He hasn’t left his room since his return, the gatorade bottle of piss is evidence of such. And miraculously, he actually manages to throw out the pizza, steal a ziplock bag full of Roman’s cereal, and use the bathroom. While washing his hands he stares at the shower and decides it’s waited four days, it can wait one more. Just before heading back to his room, Remus swipes the mickey of vodka he saw behind the flour. 
He watched the sun rise through his half open blinds and doesn’t remember the last time he saw the sun rise. Remus had yet to touch the vodka, mostly because it hit the floor hours ago and he’s pretty sure he can deal for a few more hours. Today marks day five in a world without Remus Prince opening his fucking mouth to say some dumb shit that probably hurt someone and he didnt even notice. Remus can’t bring himself to care. He can’t stop thinking about how no one has asked about him since. He read the groupchat, Remus knows he’s a nosey bitch, no one has asked about him since a halfhearted response from Roman implying he hadn’t been gone long enough to worry. This sparks a kind of exhausted anger and Remus feels no amount of guilt for stealing his brothers vodka. The smoke weighing him down from inside lulls him back into the bone deep fatigue with no release.
It’s night again, likely early in the morning. Remus’s head is a deep echoing cave of different ways he could die if he just got out of bed. He’s been thinking about the hunting knife he swiped at someone’s house party months ago, for a few hours maybe. He’s had many thoughts like this before, about how fragile human skin is, about how fun it could be to slice open, how warm his own blood would be as it flowed out and he could reach in and feel his final breath. 
God, does he want that. His hand reaches out and grabs his chest pulling on any skin he can grip onto as tight as he could. He’s never been good at anything, he knows he has never been a good person, he can’t stop circling around what Roman could possibly mean that Remus hasn’t been gone for long enough to worry when he’s so sure he’s never been gone more than three days. His phone though, if he goes back far enough in his phone, he thinks Roman is right. Google Maps places him in places he doesn’t recognize in cities he’s never been to. His chest seizing up in a way he’s only seen on others. 
He’s always been able to hold onto even if his parents didn’t love him, even if no one ever liked him or missed him, that Remus Prince was never fake, he never played nice, he never pretended to be someone he wasn’t he never hid his feelings about anything. If anyone asked him, he’d tell them and it’s their fault if it hurt their feelings. But, how can that be true now? Who is he on these days he doesn’t remember. 
Forgetting where he was or getting distracted midway through a task or conversation were always normal for him, the ADHD if he had to guess; but the realization it wasn’t minutes or even hours that he forgot upsets him in a way he didn’t think he could recognize. Remus thinks that this might be the closest he would ever get to understanding how so many people fear him. and he does not like it at all.
The knife is so close. He lights a cigarette. No one else is awake yet. No one has realized he’s even at home. How long would it take to find him? Days? Weeks? How long is he usually gone? Would the smell be what finally pulled someone into to check on him? He puts the cigarette out on his leg. He knows the knife is in the bottom drawer of his desk under old notebooks and packs of pens dumped loosely inside. It’s less than five feet away. He wants it.
He sits up, swings his legs numbly off the side of the bed and stands up. It feels like the hardest thing he’s ever had to do. In a mere three steps forward he sits down on the ground behind his desk chair to wretch open the drawer and sees just how messy it is. His phone goes off and he pulls it by the wire to check, a reminder for practice at 6am. He shoots Coach an apology text for missing practice for the first time in his hockey career and throws his phone back towards the bed. His body feels so heavy as he shoves a hand roughly into the drawer to search for the knife, frustration when he can’t immediately find it leads to him slamming his head into the wooden desk leg before letting it fall onto the chair cushion as his hand wiggles around for a few moments, each second filling him with aimless anger. The drawer slams shut and he flops onto the floor. 
He can’t even find the energy to kill himself. Pathetic. He glares at the desk from his place on the cool floor until the fatigue brings him back to sleep. 
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oh-its-souichi · 5 years
Shigaraki X Reader
Another fic about Shig being a father? 
Hell ya 
... I can’t help it... Him being a dad just gives me... life.
Im sorry
Also the final chapter of Ultra Violence will be posted sometime this week and after that I will be continuing the Dabi fic Ive been working on.
Warning- I didn’t know how Nomu were made so I just guessed, FLUFF, Daughters name is Shi because its like "she" but spelled cool and Im lazy.
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It was all but silent in the warehouse. 
Around him was the bothersome buzzing of the machines at work while the water that the Nomu grew in sloshed around. With the attack on the Yuuai summer camp underway they were there to check on Dabi’s Nomu’s.
The patchwork villain wouldn’t shut up about it so Shigaraki, fed up, told him to meet up with his at the warehouse so they could see how the creature was progressing.
To the left of him Kurogiri was fidgeting with a control panel while Shi played with a small nail she had found while wondering around the warehouse.
Dabi stared down at her wondering if he should take the nail away from her but shrugged and turned his attention to one of the brains floating in the sickly green water. "Hey boss are you cool with her having that?" Dabi suddenly spoke the situation irking him for some reason.
Shigaraki looked briefly down at his daughter and grunted seeing no issue. It was nice she had found something to preoccupy herself with instead of badgering him.
Shi quietly hummed a song Shigaraki had heard play at the beginning of one of the magical girl series she was obsessed with. 
Well, the one she was obsessed with right now. It seemed to change every week though. 
The only reason he was aware of the change is because sometimes he got on his computer to read the news and what not he would hear two little feet tumble into the room, the pressure of her eyes falling on him. “Daddy” she would say locking her sights beginning the silent battle.
He would try to ignore her, grumbling under his breath at her while focusing on whatever he was doing that day until he just gave up.
“Uh fine. You’re so annoying.” he would groan minutes into the stare down.
Begrudgingly he would lift her onto his lap and go to the website that illegally uploaded movies and episodes of various titles, clicking on whatever caught her interest.
Usually the shows consisted of brightly colored character who were overly enthusiastic and made his head ache. His fingers would find their way up to his throat scratching ruthlessly. 
He didn’t like having to share especially with a little girl that just walks in and demands things of him without saying a single word but he found it was easier to let her watch it for a few minutes and often times he didnt give into her, like yesterday, but on days he was to exhausred to fight he would
It was better then dealing with her silently crying, having hidden herself under a blanket in a corner somewhere and then you looking at him with the damn puppy dog eyes asking "She just wants to spend time with you T"
The two of you drove him crazy. 
But secretly he liked it. 
Shi dropped the nail in her hand to the ground and wandered up to his side standing up on her tip toes staring down into the water. “For me?” He heard her say. “Huh? he said twisting his expression underneath Father, casting his sights down to her. She shifted awkwardly under his gaze feeling the pressure. Nervously she twisted the toe of her small beat up sneakers into the cement floor. She had learned in the two years she had been alive that odd things set her father off and it was not fun to be at the receiving end of his dangerous temper. “One for me?” she repeated pointing at herself. 
Shigaraki paused letting her words sink in before a smile spread across his face. “You want a Nomu?” he asked shifting his eyes from the little girl to one of the floating brains. A lightness entered his chest and he almost felt uncomfortably elated. The feeling wasn’t entirely new he had felt it before when he saw himself on the news and heard the newscasters say his name with a adorable twang of fear in their voices. 
It made him proud.
He felt proud.  
He knelt down connecting he red eyes with her similarly colored ones. “Now what would a- How old are you?” he asked. She paused prodding her bottom lip with her pointer finger. 
“56 probably” 
“56?! Are you stupi-” 
“She’s two and a half Tomura Shigraki” Kurogiri said from the work bench himself and Dabi stood by while waiting for the machine he had been using to load the program he had to install. Shigaraki cocked his head in thought. ‘It’s been two years already. What the hell’ 
Shi had been his greatest mishap.
At 18 you were introduced into his life and he quickly became intrigued by you, obsessed with you. Eventually the two of you formed a strange relationship and he found himself spending more time alone with you in his room, knocking you up in the process.
After breaking the news to All for One he was surprised the elder man was somewhat supportive. ‘It’s a little earlier then I would have liked it to be but it’s good to secure an ere.’ 
They were not exactly the words he wanted to hear but that’s all ancient history now.
He studied her childish features seeing a lot more of himself in her face then you. She had light blue hair that was slightly wavy and bright red eyes the only real difference being she was a little bit cuter. 
“What would a two year old want with a Nomu?” he asked. Shi with a determined look on her face walked away from her father (to his confusion) making her way to Kurogiri where she interrupted the conversation he and Dabi were having to tug the newspaper he had in his hand. He released it watching her shyly walk back to Shigaraki. Clumsily unfolding the paper she pointed to a picture of All Might that was printed on it. “For Game over” she said. 
Shigaraki’s breath got caught in his throat leaving him breathless, his chest tightening harshly. Quickly his brain was overrun with images of him and his daughter releasing mass destruction upon the city hand in hand, well pinky in pinky. The effects on the public seeing a small innocent child basically murder innocent civilians would shake then to their core. The heros wouldnt even know what to do.
“Well” he said “What a promising little mistake you’re turning out to be. Kurogiri give one of these to her” he said grabbing Shi lightly by the hand, twirling her around. 
Kurogiri looked away from Dabi who raised his eyebrows unimpressed. “Are you sure that is wise?” he asked warily. Shigaraki dropped Shi’s hand raising up his arms. “What kind of father would I be to deny his own daughter’s wishes and aspirations.” he said smiling down on Shi who blushed. Dabi scoffed “Where was that attitude when you yelled at her for wanting to watch that kid show? Isnt that kinda like denying her aspirations??”
Shigaraki grew irritated “ Shut up patchwork. Kurogiri can you do it or not?” he asked glaring at the man. 
Kurogiri sighed to himself. “Yes I will set it up now” he said moving himself back to the control panel silently thinking to himself. (A peek into the mind of Kurogiri- ‘WHAT IN THE HELL IS THIS ABSOLUTE HELL GOBLIN THINKI-) 
Dabi flashed Kurogiri an amused look before propping himself against one of the metal tables that sat adjacent to the Nomu’s “So Shi” he said earning a glare from Shigaraki.
Shi looked at him shyly her cheeks flushed. “Once you get this Nomu of yours how are you going to take him down?” 
She thought for a moment before smiling viciously, much like her fathers smile. “Like this!” she triumphed fiercely punching Dabi in the leg making him jump slightly in shock.  Shigaraki burst out in laughter standing up to ruffle Shi’s hair. “Very good!” he praised picking her carefully up. “Next time aim a little higher.” 
Later in the evening after you had returned from shopping you expected to be berated by Shigaraki for being out to long but instead were left alone. Pleasantly surprised you retired to the bar reading one of your books when you noticed Shi and her father whispering to one another for a suspicious amount of time. You snuck a glance at them every now and then. It was very rare for him to interact with her so much. 
Breaking their secret meeting Shi wobbled over to you with a smile as bright as the sun. 
“Hi mommy” she said attempting to grapple up the stool to the right of you. “Hi Shi” you replied setting the book you had attempted to read down on the bar top. You reached your arms out to grab her and lift her up but were beat when Shigaraki picked her up with two pinkies in the air and placed her on top of the stool. You smiled at her as she situated herself, resting her head on her arms with a big yawn. Her eyes drooped and you could tell she was fighting off a powerful wave of sleep. It was a little past her bedtime. Normally Tomura was so strict about bedtime but today he didn’t seem bothered by her presence as he normally did. 
“How was today?” you asked mimicking her position feeling a finger run gently down your spine it’s owner retiring next to you, unmasking himself. Ephemerally you looked at him puzzled. “He sure is in a good mood today’ you thought becoming instantly reluctant about the situation. “Good. I got Nomu!” Shi exclaimed tiredly.
You turned your attention back to her lovingly brushing a few stray strands of hair behind her ears. “You got a Nomu?” you questioned looking to Kurogiri for some sort of explanation who only looked back at you exhausted.  ‘Great’ you thought. “Yep!” Shi said happily. “Daddy give it!” You clicked your tongue and sat up resting your eyes on your handsome boyfriend who only beamed proudly.
A chuckle slipped past your lips. “He did huh? I’m sure that is going to be very fun for the two of you especially when daddy gets to clean up whatever mess you and the Nomu make.” Shigaraki grunted at your words not liking the sound of that. 
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ichirostitties · 5 years
It’s great to see another HypMic imagines blog around!! Can I request some headcanons for how Ichiro, Dice, and Samatoki (desperate ofc) react when they’re attempting to flirt with their crush, but their crush doesn’t understand the flirting and just thinks the guys are being super nice all of a sudden? Hopefully that made sense agsjjfkvkv. Best wishes for you and the blog!!!! ꒰#’ω`#꒱੭
aah thanks also this is a v cute ask they r all babey (yes even mr hardcore)
-POOR BOY he really has no experience with this at all :^( it’s basically canon that his only relationship experience comes from light novels/manga and all that nfdjfhssj
-he was probably SO NERVOUS he’s liked you for so long!! for ages he was trying to drop subtle hints (’subtle’) but you just didn’t understand him. he’s so nervous cause he wants to tell you but he just..can’t
-it’s just..,,this one day in particular you guys are hanging out alone FINALLY (since jiro and saburo are at school, he has the day off and you happened to be free too!), and he’s dropping so many hints (it’s up to you whether or not he uses purposely cheesy pickup lines to no avail lmao) he’s tried EVERYTHING. 
-he asked you to go to the movies sometime (he was like “so uhh..,,,would maybe wanna see this [insert cheesy romantic movie title here because ofc he would pick that to be as obvious as possible] together sometime y/n??”) and u were like “yeah i’d love to!! how did you know i’d love to see that movie you’re so thoughtful! :) is it ok if i bring some other friends too?” and he just internally cries because he MEANT just the two of you because it’s a movie COUPLES see together
-you guys were chillin on his couch probably watching uhhh NARUTO like weebs or something and he even tried the ‘accidental contact’ strategy but you just apologised and moved your hand away (he cries again because he just wants to hold ur hand aw)
-so in the end he’s tried all of the worst flirting strategies ever and not only did none of them work, you didn’t understand aNY of them (although you DID notice he was being a little more touchy than usual) and he’s sitting there wondering what to do because he’s so nervous!!! He’s sure he’ll have to actually confess at this rate and he’s never done it before his poor mc big bro heart is beating so fast!
-you probably notice that he seems to be sweating up a storm and you ask if he’s okay and I think that would do it for him honestly
-he takes a deep breath and is like right.,,ok mr mc big bro u got this in his head and turns to you with the reddest face you’ve seen in a while and blurts out that he really reaaallly likes you and he’s had the biggest crush on you for so long!! and he even tells you how he’d been trying to flirt with you all day (honestly flirting for ichiro is sending the ‘:3′ emoji) but you didn’t notice so he decided to just tell you and he Really hopes you feel the same way
-you’re like “oh…oH” and then it all clicks and you FINALLY understand why he was acting the way he was, and you give him the biggest smile ever because you really like him too!! 
-”I really like you too, Ichiro!” and the moment you tell him all his nerves just drop to 0 and he’s SO HAPPY, he doesn’t even register you apologising for not understanding his advances cause he’s too busy trying to believe that this is real and he really just did that and you actually like him back
-and now u r dating ichiro and u guys went to that cheesy romance movie and maybe u smooched him and maybe he cried himself to sleep that night because of how happy he is
-wow this turned into an entire scenario oOPS BUT ANYWAY basically i think ichiro would just confess out of sheer desperation because he’s never really experienced this before and he has no idea how to best handle the situation
-he’s just a big soft nerd idiot but he’s the best big brother ever and we love him anyway :’) ily ichiro ughhh this made me wanna go on so many dates with him
-angery man
-Samatoki would actually be pretty good at flirting honestly, he’s probably had a lot of positive reactions from people in the past so when you don’t really get what he’s implying he like ???? nani the fuck
-he’d probably repeat himself expecting you to get it but you just. don’t and he doesn’t actually know how to react at first.
-he’s not shy when it comes to this stuff, but he does get embarrassed easily when he has to admit his feelings. flirting was so much easier for him because he can just pass it off as not being that deep
-he probably becomes more aggressive with his flirting, like he starts leaning into you more if ya get what i mean
-he just goes with it the first few times it happens, but when you’re continuously oblivious to him he rapidly gets very frustrated, and he becomes more pouty as time goes on and you still just don’t get it!!
-he has trouble expressing his true feelings. he’s such a tsundere oh dear
-he wouldn’t get mad at you though, he really doesn’t want to hurt you even if he does come across as prickly, he just doesn’t really know what to do other than get angry at himself for not just telling you straight away
-you notice he’s feeling down so you ask him what’s wrong and he just blushes and looks away like the dumbass he is. his heart aches when he hears the concern in your voice and he really just wants to tell you. so he mumbles something but you can’t quite hear him, so you ask him to repeat himself and then he turns to you that’s when he confesses to you because he’s tired of feeling like a coward
-he tells you he’s liked you for a while now, and that it’d be fuckin great if you felt the same way otherwise he’d probably never be able to talk to you again (he probably says it all while looking to the side because he’s a stereotypical tsundere when it comes to this and i love him)
-you sort of take a moment to process it, but when it all clicks you realise how much he’d been dropping hints and you’re sorta like damn ok..he’s really smooth im just a dumbass ok but it’s ok cause you guys can both be dumbasses together!!
-he’s still waiting for your response, so you just lean in and kiss him on the cheek and he goes. very red but once he realises that means you feel the same way (it takes him a full 5 seconds), he has the biggest cheesiest grin on his face and gives you a REAL BIG SMOOCH because he’s secretly a pretty big dork
-soft samatoki makes me go sicko mode oh my god
-he’s literally been like “u look hot” and you’re like “aw thanks dice ur the nicest friend!!!!” he literally had question marks in his eyes the entire day
-he has tried EVERYTHING he even used “ya like jaaazzz???” from the bee movie but you thought he was just making a horrible reference and depending on how u feel u either refused to talk to him for the rest of the day or laughed until you cried because he’s such a clown
-he really doesn’t care that much, he’d LOVE to date you but hanging out with you is fine too so he wouldn’t be in the biggest rush to confess. Honestly he’d probably have a blast finding out just how far he can go before you realise how he feels (in a way it’s kinda like gambling cause he never knows when you’re gonna get it ooooo)
-after a few weeks he probably starts to get pretty desperate tho. he sees ur hand once and goes apeshit cause he wants to hOLD IT SO BAD he just wants 2 give u a big soft hug (dice gives the BEST hugs just saying) and now he realises that maybe he should just tell you
-and Dice has no shame, so he does! he goes up to you and is like “hey so uhh..,,,i’ve literally been dropping hints for weeks that I really like you so would you maybe wanna go on a date sometime??”. 
-He wouldn’t seem like it, but he is actually a little nervous. After all, he’s some hopeless homeless case addicted to gambling, why would you ever like him back? But for as few brain cells as Dice has, he actually has more sense than the others and thinks that hey, you must like him at least a little to have been hanging out with him for as long as you have
-when you say that you like him a lot too, he feels his heart swell!! he’s really happy and gives you one of his big signature grins. You apologise for being so clueless, you really thought he was just trying to be nice or entertaining in general cause that’s how he is with everyone else
-Dice pulls you in for a Big Dice Hug and assures you that it’s fine, he’s just as bad as you seeing as he still believes literally everything that falls from Gentaro’s mouth despite knowing how he is, and that he had a lot of fun trying to flirt with you using literally any tactics he could think of (even the kabedon didnt work smh)
-dice is such a genuine person i really can’t see him not confessing. he’s just a babey please give him lots of love and food
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Prisoner - part 2
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Baekhyun x reader
<previous  next>
summary: Y/N works in a prison where Baekhyun comes to sit his 6 year imprisonment. He catches Y/N’s attention right away and it’s hard for her to keep herself away from him. Weird events make her avoid him but Baekhyun needs her help. He's the main suspect to a murder but swears he didn't do it. Will Y/N trust him and let her feelings take over?
warnings: violence, mentions of death and blood, cursing
 words: 2,2k
Whole night you tried to find more about Baekhyun but in the end you were left with nothing new. Every article was about police reports about him. The first shock you had about him was fading when you started to think about it. He kills for money. If someone wants to revenge on someone or if someone owes something, He gets an offer to kill them to get money in return. You couldn’t think anyone who would wish your death, so you were able to fall asleep.
You were still curious though and decided to talk to one prisoner who could know about him. Kim Jongdae, better known as Chen. He didn’t like to use his real name and tried to keep his personal information to himself. He knew literally anything, he was like the human version of google. You had been secretly bringing snacks to him and you trusted him. He was a super talented hacker. When he once logged into bank’s and police station’s databases his friend busted him and that’s why he came here.
Chen was in the 2nd floor of the prison and in the very end. The hall was long and there wouldn’t have been any problem to walk through it but as you were the only woman, everyone started to yell once you went past a cell. They called your name, if they knew it, some pick-up lines were thrown here and there too. They sounded so annoying and disgusting that you got nauseous and kept your eyes on your apron. This made you think about how Baekhyun had pleaded you yesterday, he sounded desperate like he just wanted to talk but these men, they wanted something else. Something you didn’t want to think about.
You finally reached to the end, standing in front of Chen’s cell. He was laying on his bed while staring at the ceiling and whistling. So that no one else would know why you went to talk with him, you opened the lock with your key. You had access to every place for cleaning, but you decided to use it to something else now. Checking that there were no guards in sight, you opened the door with a loud creak. Chen lifted his head because of it and saw you. “Snack time?” he asked once the door was locked again.
“Not this time” you laughed and walked to the bed, next to him. “What is it then?”. He stretched his arms and ruffled his brown, already messy, hair. You opened your phone to show him an article about Baekhyun that had a blurry security camera picture of him, but he was distinctly recognizable. “I want to know more about him” you said. Chen too your phone and went through the article while leaning his elbows to his thighs. You bit your lip in anticipation when he didn’t say anything for a moment, but you didn’t interrupt his thinking.
“Ah, Baekhyun. I don’t know much about him. How much do you know so I can try to maybe fill up at some places?” You took the phone and leaned to the wall behind you after checking the hall for guards, telling him that you only knew he was an assassin and that you knew what it meant “…and that’s pretty much it. He came here yesterday.”.
Chen nodded. “Well he’s 28 years old, A very experienced and respected among other assassins and hitmen thanks to his ability to think fast and to not get caught. This time something went wrong if he’s here, I guess. His personal life is far from my reach too because he keeps everything to himself. He is, I don’t know..”
“Mysterious?” you finish his sentence with a sigh. This meant that you were back to zero of getting information about him. Every other prisoner here, everything about them was found from the net but Baekhyun seemed to be more careful of what things he let others have. Chen saw the disappointment from your face and looked confused. He thought for a moment and then a huge grin grew to his face. “Eyy, you like him, don’t you?” he said teasingly, slightly punching you on your upper arm. He started to laugh at your widened eyes because it meant he was right. You didn’t want to admit it though. It wasn’t a crush to be exact, you were just curious about him. How can you fear a man and then next you are interested? “Shut up” You hit Chen back and got up to leave. “Wait! When are you bringing snacks?” he stopped you. “Maybe tomorrow” You smiled. He whined like always that it was unfair for him to have to wait for so long.
Luckily guards didn’t catch you and no one ever looked at the security cameras at day time, so you were out of troubles for now. At lunch you decided to avoid Baekhyun and sat in the corner the cafeteria. Normally staff ate in their own room, but you preferred sitting with the prisoners, weird huh? There they didn’t usually bother you like in the halls and your boss thought you hated being with them, so he didn’t do anything about it. Today was indeed a soup day and your stomach was growling. Two guys were fighting at the table next to you but guards didn’t do anything about it, they just enjoyed the show. They were punching each other, pulling each other’s hair and even biting. Loud talking and laughing filled the cafeteria but in a good way. There wasn’t that deafening hustle and bustle like usually.
The metal chair made an irritating sound when you dragged it against the floor to get it closer to the table. You made yourself as comfortable as you could and as you were about to but the spoonful on tasty soup into your mouth, a tuft of hair flew right into your bowl. Your spoon dropped on the tray as you closed your eyes and let out a quiet whine. The guys stopped the fighting and you eyed then with your eyes squint to little lines. “You just couldn’t stop the fight like 5 seconds earlier…” you muttered to yourself.
“Do you always talk to yourself?” A familiar voice asked as a tray was placed opposite to yours. It was Baekhyun, of course. He took a seat and smirked to you like yesterday as if it was glued to his lips. You just shrugged and pushed the soup away from your face while sticking your tongue out to it in disgust. Baekhyun watched at you while you did it and took a look of the soup and sneered. “I guess you aren’t going to eat it”
“Nope, thanks to them” you said and nodded your head towards the men. You were tired, hungry and frustrated so you just leaned to your arm and stared at Baekhyun who was now focused on spreading butter on his bread. This gave you a moment to look at his features better. He didn’t look like he was 28 more liked 22 like you. His skin looked soft, and his hair was extremely fluffy and shined in the light. You had to remind yourself that he was a criminal but totally didn’t look like he was. He was beautiful, and you couldn’t believe yourself for thinking about him like this. Before he could catch you staring at him you looked down at the tray.
“Here. Take this, your stomach sounds hungry” Baekhyun said as a bowl of soup was placed in front of your nose. He took your hair soup to him and just ate the bread. You blushed. “Is it that loud?” You asked in embarrassed. “But you should still eat, it’s yours” you said and lifted the bowl only to Baekhyun place it down. “I insist” He smiled and gave his spoon.
“Fine” you said and started to happily eat it. You truly were hungry because soon the bowl was empty. Baekhyun laughed the softest laugh you had ever heard, and it was so contagious you had to smile too. Why was he so damn adorable? You were supposed to be afraid of him god dammit. You knew you couldn’t show that you were interested or thought that he was cute. People could easily start to think you two had something between you too. That’s why you tried not to smile.
“So…you’re Y/N, right?” he asked while munching the last piece of his bread. “How do you know my name?” you asked while lifting your brow? It was a stupid question though, almost everyone knew your name here. Baekhyun pointed at the table behind him and to a black-haired man, Chanyeol. He was a calm prisoner and never had troubles, but he was kind of the creepy type. He liked you and as you didn’t give him the answer he wanted, it turned to an obsession. He literally did anything to get your attention when he had a chance. “He likes you btw” he said as he turned back to you and with the corner of your eye you could see him winking. You nodded while keeping your eyes on Chanyeol, thank god he was facing his back to you or else he would get the wrong picture if he saw you staring at him. “Wait, do you like him too?” he asked and studied your face.
“Oh, god no. More like the opposite” You said fast and turned back to him. He nodded slowly and put all the dishes back on the tray. He pursed his lips together and muttered something, but you couldn’t hear what he said. “You’re Baekhyun, right?” you asked and looked at your hands and all the cuts you had from cleaning. They were always so dry from the soap water and you didn’t have time to put cream on them. It hurt, but you were kind of used of it. “You did some research too. I see…” Baekhyun said. "Don't worry, I'm not here to kill anyone" he suddenly continued and got up from the table. “See you around, Y/N” he smirked and walked off, pouring the hair soup on the man's head whose hair tuft had flown to the bowl. You held your laugh at the man's reaction. He just stared at Baekhyun who blew a sarcastic kiss to the man and man how much that annoyed the man. He didn't go after Baekhyun as his friend stopped him and patted him on the shoulder.
You rolled your eyes at his behavior. He was just a tease and it didn't help you with the little 'crush' you had. It was probably just those where you meet a good looking guy and instantly like him, then after few days or a week you wonder why you even liked the guys. Above it all, it would probably be baneful to be together with a prisoner.
In the evening, your arms and legs were aching from so much from work. After you had cleaned the cafeteria twice and some cells that got empty. Now you still had the halls to clean. Seemed like you were over working again.
The first floor was the most empty now so it was quiet and you enjoyed it. "Hey, Y/N!" A man whisper shouted from the cell next to you. You lifted your head to see an orange haired man, leaning against the bars. "What do you want Sehun?" you sighed and continued to mob the grey floor. If something made the prison even more gloomy than it already was, was that everything was grey or the same color as brick. Only the cafeteria and the offices had white in them.
Sehun the man who called you was a weird case. You wouldn't say he was crazy but something like that. He was really paranoid, about everything. "You know the new prisoner, right? Named Baekhyun" he asked. You nodded and lifted your head to look at him. "Listen..." he started and pushed his hair back and checked that no one was near. "You should stay away from him" he continued and crossed his arms to his chest. He spoke weirdly, like he was being wary about what he was saying, like Baekhyun would just jump somewhere.
"What do you mean?" you asked and took step closer to him, leaning on the mob you had in your hands. "Well he's the best assassin and them boom! He gets caught and comes here, isn't it weird?"
You furrowed your brows. "What are you talking about-". You were cut with a sound of a gunshot. You got startled and jumped slightly in surprise. The other prisoners started to gather behind their cells' bars, trying to find the source of the sound. Automatically you started to go towards the voice. Sehun tried to call your name but you didn't care.
The gunshot came from the old side where Baekhyun was and you thought it was him who got shot. Maybe he annoyed the guard and he had had enough. You hoped that it wasn’t him, you didn’t know much about him and still wanted to know more. From walking you switched to running and turned fast to the old side. You stopped when you almost stumbled on a body that was laying on the floor with a bloody hole in his forehead. But it wasn't Baekhyun, it was one of the guards. Baekhyun was in his cell, peeking his head from between the bars and the gun, that supposedly was the murder weapon, was on the floor right in front him.
I forgot to put this to queue so this comes late sorry~ I hope you like it💕
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littlemisssquiggles · 6 years
RWBY Musings #64: A Squiggles Meister’s Views on the potential parallels between the RWBY V3 and V6 finales.
I’ve been saying this for a while now but I believe the CRWBY Writers might be gearing us fans up to have the V6 finale pay homage to the epic V3 finale or at least that’s my theory. So if I had to guess the parallels to V3 that might pop up during the V6 finale, here’s what I think they’ll be:
 Grimm Rampage through Vale ------ Grimm Rampage through Argus
During V3, the City of Vale got rampaged by hordes of Grimm including one colossal Grimm Dragon. I have been wondering what the point of the Wall of Argus was alluding to. I still stand by my previous hunch that something is going to come from beyond the wall to rampage the city. Either that’s the case or the one in my next parallel.
Grimm Dragon from Mountain Glenn ----- Grimm Hecatonchire from the Wall of Argus
A bit of a stretch but what if… there’s secretly a Grimm Titan like a Hecatonchire Grimm that’s secretly hidden inside the Wall of Argus. Since Cordo preached about her Atlesian ancestors helping to form Argus, imagine if those same ancestors put Grimm inside the Wall of Argus or built the city around one that’s been dormant for centuries just like the Grimm Dragon.
In the series, Attack on Titan, it was revealed in a later season that there were Titans in the actual walls that were supposed to keep humanity safe from the Titans. Imagine how cool it would be if a Grimm Hecatonchire suddenly immerged from the Wall of Argus in the same fashion as the Grimm Dragon in V3 and similar to its Dragon counterpart, it also brings forth legions of Grimm to prey on the innocent civilians of Argus, forcing the Argus Military to cease their pursuit of our heroes and take immediate charge to protect the citizens of Argus.
Huntsman vs Atlesian Paladins-----Huntsmen vs Atlesian Megazord
In V3, we got all the main huntsmen from different academies working together to defend Beacon against the swarm of corrupted Atlesian Paladins. Now in V6, it seems C10 set up out heroes who, may not be from different academies but represent the diversity of the kingdoms in a sense (minus Vacuo) going toe to toe against Cordo and her Atlesian Megazord.
Weiss Summons Armor Gigas against the Paladins---Weiss summon Armor Gigas against Cordo
In V3, we got Weiss summoning part of her Armour Gigas for the first time. Right now, Weiss’s trademark summon is the only thing that can grow to a size big enough to give Cordo’s giant megazord a run for its money provided she has the aura levels to do so. I’m sure if Jaune were to amplify Weiss’ aura, the same way he did with her last season and at the start of V6 with Ren, we could get our first ever giant robot vs giant armoured summon fight in the history of RWBY.
Velvet Weapon Reveal ----- Oscar Weapon Reveal
Need I say more? V3 was the first time we saw Velvet’s weapon and her semblance I think too in action. Who knows? If we play our cards right we might finally see what the Oz-cane can do at its true power because as a Pinehead, I have definitely been wondering what tricks to the Oz-cane Oz was talking about back in V5.
Cinder killed Ozpin ---- Neo kills Oscar
Now before my fellow Pineheads come at me with them pitchforks for daring to even theorize this, let me explain my hunch. What if…on the same level as Adam’s reappearance, Cinder Fall also shows her face in Argus and she targets Ruby as expected. So Cinder overpowers Ruby with Neo’s help and just as Neo is about the deal the final blow to Ruby, Oscar jumps in and takes it for her, right through the heart.
I have been hearing this whole thing about Neo doing something to make the fandom hate her going around for a while and I’ve even had one or two fellow FNDM come to me with the theory of Neo harming Oscar. Well here’s my rendition of that theory. What if…Neo goes in for the kill on Ruby but Oscar daringly jumps infront of Ruby to shield her and takes it. So Oscar is there on the ground on the cusp of death. Maybe to make the situation even more dramatic, he straight up does die in Ruby’s arms, shocking her and the fandom.
Then after Oscar technically dies, instead of going to the afterlife as one would expect or reincarnating, Oscar shockingly winds up in the Realm between Realms where he meets the God of Darkness, similar to how God of Light met with Ozma. To Oscar’s surprise, a reluctant Ozpin is also present. The God of Darkness then offers the two souls something neither could refuse. He offers them the chance to undo what his brother did centuries ago. As it turns out, the whole reincarnation thing was all Light’s idea because he still believed in humanity and that they could change.
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His brother felt the opposite but he did want to entertain himself a bit with his brother’s immortal pet. So he offers both Ozpin and Oscar the chance to undo his brother’s curse so that they may return to their normal lives free of having to be revived to continue his brother’s dirty work. 
But he only offers the deed to one. In order to decide who gets to return to the land of the living, God of Darkness forces Oscar and Ozpin to fight each other one and one to see which soul gets revived only. And to Oscar’s surprise, Ozpin actually wants to fight him so that he can finally be free. So the two souls fight. Of course, Oscar wins and gets to go back but this time he’ll be revived by himself as himself. No longer will he have Ozpin’s voice inside of his head. He’ll be his own person again. He’ll be…alone; a comment made by a grief stricken Ozpin.
It’d be interesting if we could get an equivalent of Oscar calling out Ozpin in the same manner Ruby did to Qrow in V6 C10. Oscar scolds Ozpin for his words implying that he’s never been alone. He’s always had his people. His friends and so does Oscar and so long as they accept him and wish to keep fighting, so will he until his dying breath. His last dying breath in his now only life.
The God of Light’s curse was bestowed so that Ozma was never alone during his cycle but Oscar would be revived as himself without Ozpin. He will be the last incarnate. The last life. The last Wizard of Light. So as Ozpin goes to the afterlife, Oscar returns to the real world where he returns as himself to continue the good fight.
This parallel will probably not happen at all. Definitely not. But as always, I wanted to toss it out there just to entertain myself at the possibility, y’know what I mean?
Team JNPR dies with Pyrhha ---- Team JNPR is reborn with Oscar
Ya’ll know I’ve been saying this since the beginning, right? Ya’ll know how much I want that Team JNPR Revival with Oscar replacing Pyrhha right? I feel like these past two episodes are slowly gearing up to have this happen. Though I didn’t particularly enjoy C9, it did give me my biggest indicators of Jaune asking Oscar to join JNR. 
That Pyrhha closure for JNR. Jaune mentioning in his own words how valuable Oscar is to the team. Bruh, at this point, I’m just waiting for this to come. I’m waiting on this conversation.
Cinder killed Pyrhha----Jaune kills Cinder
This one I’m a little iffy about. I know I’ve been waiting for Jaune to have Justice for Pyrhha moment with Cinder but after C9 I don’t think Jaune will be as angry to kill Cinder anymore. I mean, if Cinder turns into a Grimm monster or gets eaten by a Grimm only to fuse with said Grimm making her less human. Then I can see Jaune being the one to deal the final blow on Grimm Cinder. I’ve said this before too. If anyone deserves to kill Cinder, it’s Jaune.
I doubt the Writers will make him kill her as human but…if she turns into a Grimm then it’s a bigger possibility but that’s just me.
Adam vs Blake and Yang ----- Adam vs Blake and Yang The Remix
Duh. Just duh. This doesn’t even need to be on the list because it’s something the season has been alluding to all volume. Plus C10 already showed it happening. The only twist I can think of from this fight is if Adam dying at the end. I know some people like Adam as a character (like EruptionFang) but I really feel the Writers might be setting up for V6 to be Adam’s curtain call.
I can’t see Adam moving forward, not after the focus he’s been given this season. It’ll be interesting if Adam ends up dying in a similar fashion to Gaston from the Beauty and the Beast. Like he tries to stab Blake but ends up missing and falling to his death. Or maybe he ends up caught on the ledge and Blake tries to help him. Like I’m picturing Adam on the ledge with Blake offering him her hand only for Adam to refuse and fall to his death or something. That’s my hunch.
Then after the Adam fight is one and he’s no longer a thorn in their lives, the Bumblebee could finally have their closure with that. Who knows? Maybe they might make Bumblebee have a moment in the V6 finale. Instead of Blake crying over Yang getting hurt, it’s the two smiling at each other after being found safe together. Maybe they might even kiss, who knows? I’m not a Bumblebee shipper but if a kiss somehow happens between these two gals, I won’t be shocked. I can expect Yang to kiss Blake revealing she’s in love with her.
Again, I ship BlackSun but Bumblebee peaks my curiosity particularly with how Yang sees Blake. I’ve always viewed the Bees as being a ship driven by Yang mostly. Ironic since Yang’s motorcycle is also named Bumblebee. Any Bumblebee hints or vibes I’ve gotten throughout the seasons came mostly from Yang. I think Yang might care for Blake in the romantic sense. Blake I’m not sure about.
I don’t know if Bumblebee is in the cards. All I know is that I think the series has kind of dropped one or two hints about Yang’s true feelings that I’m waiting to see addressed in some shape or form in this remix rematch battle. If all the Bees do is hug then cool. But if they kiss, I’m just saying I won’t be shocked. But that’s just me.
 Arkos First Kiss ---- Renora First Kiss
Nothing serious, I just want to see these two kids kiss finally. And what would be great is if Nora and Ren kiss after the group save Argus. The Arkos first kiss was bittersweet because it was Pyrhha’s last chance to let the boy she loves know how she felt about him before she sacrificed herself. A Renora after battle kiss would mean hope and happiness. For Pete’s sake, it’s been six seasons, let these two kiss already you cowards!
Alrighty then, I think that’s all the parallels I have in mind. If I think of anymore I’ll add them to the list later. For now, enjoy guys!
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More Squiggles’ RWBY Content
~LittleMissSquiggles (2018)  
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btsmutandstuff · 6 years
You scared?
BTS Scenarios: Watching a scary movie
Request: some anon that disappeared from my inbox forever ago but I DIDNT QUIT ON YALL
A/N: This shit’s cute and I was in the mood for mixing up my usual dose of smut. Hope you enjoy! 
ALSO this is fluff. My first full blown fluff. Or at least how I do fluff. She’s hinting at smutty. 
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Jin wasn’t big on scary movies. He wasn’t big on movies at all, actually. He preferred to binge watch a show once in a while, curled up on the couch with you. You usually both ended up falling asleep together, but it was the thought that counted. 
You love movies and he indulged you whenever you had a particular movie you had been excited to see. This time, it was a horror movie about some violent exorcism story that looked like it would easily become one of your favorite scary movies.
You were about two thirds through the film, which had been interesting but not exactly horrifying yet, until now. The movie suddenly ramped up and got scarier than you anticipated, and you soon found yourself rotating between hiding your face behind a pillow and frantically searching for the remote, which of course was no where to be found. 
“Fuck!” you hiss, tossing pillows to the ground in your hunt for the remote. 
“Jin!” you whine, anxious to turn the tv off or to something funny; anything but this movie, which is now suddenly very gory. 
“Jinnieee! Where’s the-” you pause, looking up from your search to see him, sleeping with his limbs splayed out, his head leaned back on the couch cushion. “Jin!” you whine. He doesn’t stir and the movie continues to ramp up in intensity, so much so that you decide to bite the bullet and go try and turn the tv off on the actual monitor. You get up and get to the tv, sweeping your hands around the sides in search of the discreet buttons. No such luck as a huge jump scare pops onto the screen just inches from your face. You literally scream, crumpling up into a ball in front of the monitor. 
“Jagi?!” Jin gasps, his tired voice confused and anxious at the way he’s suddenly been woken up. “Jagi!” he says, voice full of concern as he sees you in a ball on the floor. He leaps up from the couch and comes over to you, even more concerned when you don’t move. He’s not quite sure what to do to help, but when he grabs the power cord to the tv and yanks it out of the socket, it’s a good start. He wraps himself over you, hugging you tightly under him and pressing little kisses to the back of your head and neck. 
“Y/N it’s ok! I turned it off. I’m so sorry I was asleep! I wish I heard you earlier… I don’t know where the remote is, I should have known. I usually don’t lose it, I’m so sorry,” he babbles, hoping to help in some way. You calm down, taking in your surroundings as you realize the movie is turned off and Jin has literally made a human shield of his body around you. You giggle a little, shaking him from underneath. He sits up with you and you wrap your arms around his chest, snuggling against him when his warm embrace finds you. 
“It’s not your fault, Jin. I actually think I remember leaving it in the kitchen earlier now that you mention it. Totally my fault,” you explain. You pull away and lean you face up to him, kissing him on his jaw since you can’t quite reach anything else from this angle. “But thank you for coming to my rescue. I love you.”
He beams at the soft moment and how he was able to be your knight in shining armor briefly. He tips your face up and kisses you softly. 
“I love you, too, Y/N.”
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Neither of you really liked scary movies, so it was kind of a surprise when the movie you and Jin had been hyping up for so long turned out to be way scarier than you thought. It was supposed to be a mystery thriller kind of thing, but soon you were both clinging to each other’s arms in your movie theater seats, way beyond trying to maintain any semblance of bravery for each other.
It was a particular shot of the killer in motion down a dark hallway that got you both gasping and pulling on each other, fighting to bury your heads into each other’s sides.
“Hobi!” you hiss, quietly. “Hobi, should we...should we go?” He looks at you, eyes a little wide, hoping you’re serious.
“Yeah, probably,” he answers, not questioning you as he takes your hand, pulling you with him out of the theater. You stroll back out of the lobby, dropping his hand in favor of slipping your arm under his, hugging it close to you. He giggles a little, looking down at you.
“Well, that was a waste of money. I thought it was going to be good,” he comments, hoping it’ll distract from how rattled he is by that movie. You gulp and calm your breathing.
“It probably was good. I just wouldn’t know since I was covering my eyes for 90% of it,” you retort, squeezing his arm a little. He chuckles and leads you toward the door, hesitating a little before pulling it open. 
“I forgot it would be dark when we got out of here..” he comments, doing his best to remain casual but you know he’s still shook up by the horror movie. You walk slowly with him in silence through the dark towards his car, not liking how eerily quiet it is. 
“Wanna run?” you ask suddenly, looking up at him and pulling him to a stand still. He looks at you questioningly for a moment before reading how serious you are. He lifts his keys quickly and presses a button, his eyes shooting over to his car as it’s lights blink and it chirps in the distance. He nods and takes off with your hand in his, leading you at a break neck pace to his car. Even though the scaredy cat is probably just as terrified as you, he still runs to your side first, pulling the door open for you and then running around to his side as soon as he’s slammed it shut behind you. He gets in, locks the doors and starts the car, turning the radio on. You both take a minute to breathe as you calm down, silence settling around you save for the quiet radio. 
You giggle a little at how ridiculous you’re being with each other, but can’t help but bust up laughing when he looks at you with those wide eyes, still probably imagining the murderer from the movie chasing you through the parking lot. You pull him towards you, ever the (slightly more) brave one, and kiss him sweetly, patting his cheek as you pull away. 
“Safe! You did it,” you assure him. “Let’s get ice cream.” He smiles at the proposition, thankful that you can be so positive and love him for his easily scared side. He puts on a fake macho brave face and starts driving, the only give away being the white knuckle grip he has on your hand. But you don’t mind. 
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You stifle another giggle as you feel him twitch under you. As the movie has progressed (and gotten scarier), Yoongi has slowly sunk further down into the couch and further behind your legs, bent at the knee over his lap. He was trying fruitlessly to be subtle but you could tell he was just trying to cover his eyes without actually covering his eyes. He knew you loved scary movies, and you could tell that when you asked if he liked them and he answered with...
“They’re not my thing. Boring.”
...that he was probably a scaredy cat when it came to the poltergeist-esque movie you selected. You tried to give him an out and pick another movie; a comedy or something, but he insisted on your pick, being as stubbornly sweet as ever. You wouldn’t mind, but you knew this was his way of giving you what you wanted. He’s secretly such a soft boyfriend.
“You okay?” you whisper, jolted by the little jump you felt from under you at the flash of the screen. Yoongi grunts and sniffs his nose.
“Yeah, why baby?” he asks, breathing unnaturally measured as he calms himself. You smile a little and feign innocence for his sake, knowing he’d never admit he was scared by the movie.
“No reason..” you sigh, settling back against his shoulder and refocusing on the movie. You can’t though, since all you can focus on is Yoongi swallowing hard as the scene gets more tense. And Yoongi checking the time on his phone. And Yoongi, nervously chewing his lip. You grab the remote and pause the movie, shifting in his lap to look at him.
“Wanna makeout?” you say, wiggling your eyebrows at him mischievously. His lip curls up into that smirk and he scoffs.
“You don’t like the movie?” he aks, unaware of the little tells of relief that show on his face and in his eyes.
“Nope,” you say matter of factly. “Let’s make out.”
He sighs leaning in to kiss you, as if he’s giving in to your whims. You like letting him “spoil” you like this, even if you know you’re really the one doing him a favor.
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You and Namjoon loved scary movies. You made it a point of your relationship to uphold a tradition of watching at least one a month. At some point you had run out of good scary movies and had resorted to strange indie horror flicks and corny low budget jump scare films while waiting for a more promising option to be made. Either way, you two just enjoyed spending time relaxing with each other. 
Tonight he had picked some foreign horror movie you had never heard of that he found on some illegal download site, you’re sure. You didn’t care though since you were just excited to spend a night with him. You had snuggled up in bed with him and were about twenty minutes into the movie, already disappointed with the amount of gore and lack of actual scary plot line. You had tried to be subtle in your sighing and in how often you checked your phone, trying to signal to your boyfriend that maybe you should settle for a really good scary one you’ve both seen already and just dump this one, but he seemed for some reason invested in this lackluster flick. 
If the start of the movie wasn’t bad enough, as it progressed it just got slower and somehow, more boring. You lean into Namjoon, letting your free hand that isn't propping you up by the elbow fiddle with the bunched up blanket under the two of you. A wicked little idea runs through your mind. You let your fingers dance along the folds of the blanket, getting closer to Joon’s hip closest to you bit by bit. A sliver of his smooth skin is exposed between the waist of his shorts and the hem of his sweatshirt. Soon enough you’re playing with the frayed woven yarn of the blanket just under him, allowing the backs of your fingers to tease gently along that exposed skin. He doesn’t react for a moment, simply allowing you to do as you pleased. You were starting to think he was actually ignoring you until you felt the warmth of his hand come to rest just over yours. Your wandering eyes widen a bit as you glance back down at your rogue hand, now covered by his. 
“Are you trying to distract me, baby girl?” he asks, voice buttery smooth. His tone is low and quiet from not speaking for so long, and you can’t help but smile and blush a little at how his breath flutters your hair just past your ear. 
“Maybe,” you respond, coyly. You know just how playing innocent like this gets him. He pauses the movie and leaves you waiting a moment before rolling over, leaning his body partially on top of yours, snugly pinned beneath him. His hand lazily skims down your side, taking it’s time to run his fingers over every curve and dimple. He rests over your hip, pushing your shirt up a bit to expose your warm skin to him. He draws languid and small circles over the same place on your hip that you had done to him. You bite your lip and swallow a giggle, seeing as you’re way more ticklish than he is; a fact you both know well. He looks down at you like he’s a cat who’s caught a mouse. 
“How would you like it if I tickled you while you tried to watch a good movie? Hm?” he says, his tone dripping in honey and clearly having moved past the movie at this point; his sights set on another activity fo the evening. You smile and bite back a giggle as his fingers press a little more firmly. 
“Good thing I wasn’t watching a good movie,” you quip, knowing your sass is only going to get you punished. Not that that’s a bad thing. Something about how he smirks down at you tells you he knows that’s what you wanted all along. 
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“Jagiiii! You said it wasn’t a scary movieeee!” he whines, his voice muffled from the pillow he has shoved over his face. You try half-heartedly to pull the pillow from him, rolling your eyes at his dramatic antics. 
“Jimin it’s Inception. It’s not scary. It’s an action movie,” you reason, trying to keep your tone from sounding like you’re laughing at him. He would only pout if he knew you thought his little tantrum was so funny. 
“Jagi!” he gasps, dropping the pillow and staring into your eyes; his own are wide and bugged out, his puffy lips parted in shock. “That woman just stabbed her!” You do your best to take him seriously in this moment, but can’t give him the reaction he clearly wants. You press your lips together tightly but fail as a laugh bursts from you. You clap your hands over your mouth as his brow furrows and he closes his mouth, clearly “upset” by your lack of sympathy. 
“Jiminie it was a dream! She wasn’t really stabbed! Come on!” you half laugh, half whine to him, tugging on his arm to get him to face you again. He doesn’t let you though, staying as still as a statue with his arms crossed and his face turned away from you. You crawl over the couch and onto his lap, hugging him close to you and wrapping yourself around him as best you can with his arms still crossed. 
“Come onnnn…I just wanna watch a movie with my boyfriend….you don’t wanna watch a movie with me?” you coo, covering his face and neck with gentle kisses and nuzzles, smiling when he drops his crossed arms and eventually wraps them around you. You pull back and look at him, puffing your bottom lip out and giving him your best sad eyes. He holds his steely gaze for just a moment before it melts into his signature grin. He reaches up to squeeze your cheeks between his thumb and forefinger, pecking your squished up lips quickly before chuckling at how silly you look. 
“Fine. But only because you’re so cute,” he agrees, loosening but not dropping his arms from your waist as you turn around in his lap to face the TV. He tightens his hold on you as you get comfortable and nuzzles his face into your neck, assuring he has a place to hide his eyes if it gets “scary” again. 
“And only if there’s no more stabbing.”
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Taehyung watches eagerly with you as the main character makes her way down the dark hallway, finally reaching the light switch and flicking it on to reveal a ghoulish face staring back at her from just a foot away. You jump in your spot, clinging to Tae tightly and squealing as the scary moment passes. You calm down after a few seconds and look at Tae, wanting to see how scared he was as well. Except that’s not what you see. He’s got his lips pressed tightly together, and he’s doing his best to trap the laugh thats about to burst from him. He glances down at you and sees how you’re looking at him like he just ruined a joke or something. You scoff as he snorts, then bursts out laughing. 
“Come on, Tae! That was scary! How did you not think that was scary?” you prod in disbelief. He laughs and lets his head flop back onto the back of the couch. 
“Ahaa…hmm.. I-Ihi…It was so cheesy hehehehe!” he laughs, his words broken up by the goofy chuckles he lets out. If you weren’t so annoyed that he wasn’t taking your favorite scary movie seriously, you’d be laughing at how silly his laugh sounds. You roll your eyes and look at him sternly, hoping he’ll read your mind like he usually can.
“Fiiiine,” he sighs, smiling a little and pulling you into a hug against his chest. He settles back down with you. “I’ll try to take it seriously.” 
“Thank you,” you say, satisfied with his affection and his uncanny ability to know just what to say. You watch on with him, settling into your movie once more. You’re completely wrapped up in the climax of the film, ready for the big reveal of the demon’s faces. The shot hits the screen and you jump once more, looking to Tae eagerly for his reaction. 
“COME ON!” you yell, pissed off at the grin across his face. He snorts and bursts out laughing again, clearly finding the horrifying faces you just saw particularly hilarious. You move to pull away from him and get off the couch but he grabs you before he can. He squeezes you tightly against him, wrangling your squirming arms within his own as he tries half-heartedly to apologize. 
‘I- ahahaha- I’m sorryyyheheheheheee!” he laughs, pressing kisses to you between laughs at the movie and at your reaction as you settle into his hold. You can’t help but smile a little, loving how goofy he is and how he can’t hold back his reactions at all. 
“You’re such a jerk,” you comment, poking him in the ribs and giggling a little yourself as he tackles you down to the couch in return. 
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You love scary movies but Jungkook doesn’t understand why. You always end up afraid to go anywhere alone after dark, even to the bathroom from your bedroom if all the lights aren’t on. It doesn’t last long, but he finds it hilarious that you get so wrapped up in it and scared but still see every scary movie you can get your hands on. 
He’d just taken you to see that new scary movie that was way more fucked up than either of you thought it would be. You two spent the car ride home deciding which parts were scariest and discussing everything you didn’t understand, clarifying bits of the plot to each other. He comes upstairs to your apartment with you, knowing you’ll want him to stay the night with you even though you have a crazy early morning and should probably already be sleeping by now. 
“I think the scariest part was the fact that the brother heard the sister’s tongue clicky noise in the car and in his bedroom even after she died. That would freak me out,” you go on, dropping your keys in the bowl on the table by your door. 
“You didn’t think the creepy grey people just standing in the woods and in his closet were scarier? They just watched him…like this,” he says, waiting for you to look at him as he takes on a scary face resembling the scene he just described, dropping his head down and to the side to stare at you like a monster from the movie. You squeal and shut your eyes, reaching out blindly to bat at him wildly. He laughs and grabs your wrists, pulling you closer to him. 
“Jungkook don’t!!” you plead, knowing he’s probably just getting started. You head into down the hall and towards the kitchen, turning on every light as you go. Once you get into the kitchen you go to make tea for the two of you, turning your back to the entry way as you fill the kettle with water. You don’t notice anything until the lights go out and you freeze, letting the fear from the recent movie get to you. The water runs over the top of the kettle and you scramble to turn it off. You know it’s Jungkook messing with you, but the movie is so fresh in your mind that you can’t help but get caught up in your fear. 
“Kookie?” you say quietly, hoping his cheerful laugh will follow it soon, that little shit.
*Click!* Junkook clicks his tongue, just like the dead girl did in the movie. You jump and drop the kettle, jumping again at the thump it makes after falling just a couple inches and splashing you a little. It’s only then that you hear that smug laugh, pissing you off and calming you down simultaneously. You whip around, scowling, but are scared once more when he’s closer than you expect, imitating the scary figure from the movie once more.
“Kookie staaaaaaaaaahhaahahap!” you whine, clapping your hands over your face. You don’t care how immature you look and sound. He’s being a tool. 
“Hahahahahah jagiyahahahh!!” he laughs, pulling you into a hug and rubbing your back. “I’m done nohow…ahahmm.. I promise,” he giggles. Something about his tone isn’t very convincing, but you hug him back. 
“Good,” you say, muffled by his sweatshirt.
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andremarcusburky · 7 years
Schrodinger's cat - W.N
A/N: 1. what does intently mean 2. did I use it right 3. did I use the word decisive right 4. im sorry
Plot: So Y/N and Willy are like best friends who are secretly in love (everyone else knows obviously) and eventually Willy makes the move
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His right hand went through your hair to mess it up as he greeted you. It was a thing the two of you did. You had made fun of him for fixing his hair all the time and eventually that turned into you trying to mess it up, which then led to him trying to get back at you. Now it basically meant that none of you could have nice hair around each other.
You jumped as you tried to ruffle his hair back, catching just one side of his head as he managed to dodge most of your attacks. William laughed with a bright smile on his face. He always smiled around you, it was impossible not to. This was why his teammates often teased him, trying to get some new intel. It was pretty clear to them that he was head over heals, yet he never acted on it. You were friends, friends in love of course, but just friends.
“Lets go” he said and wrapped his arm around your shoulder playfully. You’d been watching his practise and now it was time to go have one of your infamous movie-nights.
Once in his car, you delighted him with some of your amazing DJ-ing, Backstreet Boys playing loudly as you sang along. William joined in eventually, giving you a sneak peak of his next cover album. He was real pretty, and a great hockey player, but god that boy cannot sing for shit. You laughed when he exaggerated his movements and gently grabbed your face as he stared into your eyes at a red light. “As long as you love me, baby!”
Even now, in the silliest of moments, just the act of looking into each others eyes made your heart drop and your breathing heavy. Only William had this effect on you. The light turned from red to green and his focus went back to the road. “You know Schrodinger’s cat, right?” he asked.
“Yeah?” his eyes didnt leave the road as he spoke, looking slightly distant. Williams mind was clearly elsewhere, yet it felt like you were somehow elsewhere with him. “I've been thinking about that a lot lately” he said. A laugh escaped your lips at his slightly odd statement. “Okay?”
“Dont laugh” he turned to you with a small grin, once again looking into your eyes for just a second too long before turning back to the road. “Just like.. you know the box and everything. The cat in the box. How you can’t know if its alive until you make the move and open the box”
Make the move. Part of you wished intently that maybe he was talking about the two of you, another part dismissed the idea quicker than William can make a turn on the ice. You stayed quiet, letting him take his time to use his words.
“But making the move is scary, you know? Will you regret making it? Will you regret not making it?” you were genuinely intrigued now. “What is the move, exactly?” you asked, turning to him. His expression was hard and determined, eyebrows scrunched together. He stopped at another red light and turned to you, eyes immediately softening. He looked nervous.
“I dont know” he said while fiddling with his fingers. Williams eyes went to watch the lights instead. “If its a dead or not-so-dead cat then open it because you might save the cat’s life” you started off, deciding to answer his question instead of allowing your mind to think it was some kind of innuendo. “If its something else, like maybe youre afraid of taking an opportunity, then open it. Because failing is always better than never knowing.”
William stayed quiet, distant again. He was quiet all the way home, his mind still somewhere else. You played your music and decided to leave him be for now. If something was bothering him he knew he could talk to you, so you never tried to pressure him into it. It wasn't until he parked the car and turned off the engine that he spoke again. “What if I like someone?”
“What?” you asked, not really making the connection between this conversation and the previous one. “Schrodinger’s cat” he said, eyes locking with yours. He no longer looked nervous, he was determined and thoughtful this time. “What if I like someone, like a girl, and im afraid of telling her because of what’s in the box?”
It was like your entire body split in two and you became two people. One of you was devastated, thinking he’s in love with someone and its not you. The other you felt an ignition of hope and that version of you is probably responsible for the blush that spread across your face. You turned your face away from his eyes and let your hair shield your cheeks.
“Uhm.. I'd say open the box”. William nodded slowly, still watching you. You let yourself meet his eyes and gave him a small smile. “It’s scary, and sometimes you wont like whats in the box, but you still have to try”.
William smiled back before he turned his eyesight to his hands that were fiddling with the car-key. He gave you one last glance along with a warm smile before he opened the car door.
“No, give it to me!” you threw your arms across William to reach the bowl of popcorn he’d stolen from you. He laughed in your face and reached down to your waist to tickle you. A shriek was heard from your lips as you moved away quickly, making a content grin spread across Williams face in victory.
The movie ended about an hour ago, but neither one of you had payed attention to it. You only did when it was really good, otherwise your movie-nights were usually spent talking. The two of you never seemed to have a dull moment. There was always either a topic to discuss or maybe a little gossip to share. If not, you were both silent, comfortably silent that is.
You threw a pillow at him, making him almost drop the bowl to spill the content all over the couch. “You could've spilled the popcorn!” he exclaimed loudly as he turned to give you a fake shocked look.
“If I cant have it, neither can you!” you were laughing as you said it, making him smile as brightly as ever. William looked down at the bowl in his hand, then slowly up to you again. He slowly reached it out to you, letting you snatch the bowl back before you moved closer to snuggle into his side.
You hadn't been able to let go of the conversation you’d had earlier. It was replaying over and over in your mind, so many times that you were now starting to believe maybe you were making it up, that it never even happened.
William wrapped his arm around your shoulder and tilted his head against your neck. You stayed like that for what felt like five seconds, but it was probably five minutes, at least. “Do you really think I should open the box?” he asked, apparently thinking about the same thing as you.
“Yeah” it came out as a whisper as you slowly tilted your head towards him. He was already watching you intently when you met his eyes. The both of you were looking up and down between each others eyes and lips for a few moments before he slowly leaned in, connecting your lips. The kiss was slow but forceful, like it really meant something. You could feel fire igniting in your veins as his hand went to cup your cheek, he moved slightly so he was facing you more and deepened the kiss.
You’d forgotten about the popcorn long ago, which caused you to drop them so you could grab his shirt to pull him closer. The bowl spilled out across your laps, making William break the kiss and look down at the mess.
The grin that spread across his face made your face turn to a deep red tomato-like color. He let a small laugh out before turning back to you. Your face was quickly hidden in his chest to make sure he wouldn’t see the coloring on your cheeks.
“I’ll take that as your way of saying I’m more important than the popcorn” he said with a laugh as he pulled your face away from him so he could meet your eyes. His bottom lip was just slightly puffy and his cheeks were, too, stained with a red-ish color.
William leaned in once more and reconnected your lips, this time it was more decisive, maybe even desperate. You allowed his tongue entrance before letting out a quiet moan against his lips. He smiled into the kiss and pulled you into his lap, making you slowly break away. “The popcorn, Willy” you said as you felt the crunching beneath you.
“I dont give a fuck” he answered with the lowest voice you’d ever heard from his lips. He grinned and pulled you back into another breathtaking kiss, making your chest tighten as you were swept up in the moment. William spread his legs a little and your body moved closer to his. You were basically sitting on his crotch by now.
His hands travelled down to your ass and gave it a firm squeeze, causing you to gasp in surprise. He broke the kiss and opened his eyes as you did the same, your eyes meeting. The both of you were smiling widely when you watched your best friend in a situation you never thought you’d end up in. “That’s one very much alive cat” he joked. You burst into a fit of giggles and hid your face by the crook of his neck.
“Fucking finally!” the new voice startled both you and William and your heads quickly spun around to see a familiar face in the room. "Get the fuck out, Kappy!” William yelled, annoyed by his roommate ruining the mood.
“Weren’t you going to sleep at Annika’s?” you asked as you climbed off Williams lap awkwardly, sure that your cheeks were blossoming worse then ever before. You refused to meet Kasperi’s eyes.
“She felt sick and wouldn’t let me stay over, in case I get it too” Kasperi shrugged his shoulders and leaned towards the doorframe beside him. “If I'd known he was finally going to make a move I would have slept at Auston’s or something, but you know.. good for you guys! We’ve all waited long enough”
William grabbed a pillow and threw at his roommate, making Kappy laugh before leaving the room. “Finally going to make a move?” you asked William. He blushed and looked over at where you were sitting before moving closer and once again pulling you into his lap. “Yeah, I finally did it”
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