#i wish i wasnt impatient like this i wish i knew how to work up to big achievements instead of go for whatever is instantly gratifying
soulofamy · 6 months
#misc#venting in the tags#my own impatience frustrates me so much honestly#like i want to do cool things like animate or write whole novels based on my original ideas or even get fanfics out for people to read#but the pace it takes in order for me to get there makes me so tempted to just give up#like i know that realistically if i wanted to animate i would need to have character charts and i would need to#have some test animation exercises in order to get the hang of the animation software and all that like theres a very logical process#but my brain doesnt want to do all that build up or go through the correct sequence of events it just wants to jump to the 'cool stuff'#and like it makes my motivation to do the things that i love so low because my brain isnt feeling the immediate gratification of#having the thing that i am making finished and ready for people to see#like i am sitting here literally just trying to finish up the amy character sheet and my brain is like 'maybe you should just give up' and#'no one cares about the character sheets or the test animation exercises'#i truly dont know how to cling onto motivation while being this impatient#i wish i wasnt impatient like this i wish i knew how to work up to big achievements instead of go for whatever is instantly gratifying#to be clear i am not giving up (yet) i am going to keep pushing through until i get to the part i really want to do#because if i dont make a soulcalibur animation then no one else will#but like jesus does doing the nongratifying parts make me feel like garbage and like im wasting my time
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bridgyrose · 11 months
Not sure if I requested this before since it's been a while since my last request. But in case I haven't...
Summer is actually an Earthling who got Isekai'd to Remnant.
(You may avoid the usual Isekai tropes if you wish)
(I have a few tropes I'm going to avoid with this)
Summer sighed as she stared up at the sky, trying to make sense of everything that was going on around her. The shattered moon still seemed strange to her even after these last three weeks, and the training was far different from anything she was used to. Aura, dust, semblances… it was all still hard for her to get a grip on. Though, if this is what it took to finally be a hero… 
“Alright, time to get up,” Qrow said as he walked over to Summer. “You need to work on your aura control again.” 
Summer got up and stretched, her arms still sore from swinging her axe around. “You know I’m not getting any better with it.” 
“Because you’ve only been trying for a week.” 
“But I should be getting better at it!” 
“This stuff takes time. Now close your eyes and try to focus.” 
Summer rolled her eyes and found a spot to sit down as she closed her eyes as she tried to focus like Qrow had taught her. She tried to picture home, her small town back on Earth. The smell of the bakery down the street, the sounds of the cars that drove down the road, the crack of thunder overhead just before a flash of silver light blinded her. “I’m not feeling anything.” 
Qrow put a hand on her shoulder. “You just need to focus. Your aura is an extension of your soul, of who you are. A shield that will keep you safe-” 
“And the only thing that will prove that you are strong enough to belong here,” Raven interrupted. “If you can’t manage your aura then why are you here?” 
“If I knew why I was here, then I’d be able to do this.” Summer opened her eyes and looked up at Raven. “All I want to do is find a way home-” 
“Then go home.” Raven folded her arms and glared at Summer. “Because right now, all I see is someone who has no idea what they’re doing and cheated their way into Beacon in some vain attempt to be a hero. If you cant handle something as simple as aura, then you dont belong here.” 
Summer sighed as she watched Raven walk off, slowly reaching for her weapon to try to find some sort of comfort. It wasnt as if she hadnt been trying, after all, she had been doing everything she could to catch up after Professor Ozpin found her and gave her a place to be. He promised to help find a way home, promised to give her shelter and a place to be in the meantime, as long as she promised to train to be a huntress.
“Dont listen to her,” Qrow said as he pulled his hand away. “We havent had the easiest life living outside of kingdom walls, so its easy to say someone doesnt belong if they cant keep themselves safe.” 
“Still doest hurt any less.” Summer stood up and started to make her way to Ozpin’s office. No matter how much practice she had, she still felt lost and out of place training to be a hero. Grimm were nothing like the monsters she used to read about, dust was a complete mystery still, aura and semblances sounded like super powers and she still had no idea how to activate either without some sort of help, and then there was whatever she did to the grimm that tried to attack her when she first came to Remnant. The way it turned into a statue when she tried to defend herself… it was all becoming too much. 
Still, she slowly entered the elevator in the Beacon tower and rode the elevator up to the top floor. She leaned against the wall of the elevator, tapping a foot as she rode impatiently. As the elevator came to a stop, Summer took a breath and stepped over to the door as it opened. “Professor Ozpin, I… I need to talk to you.” 
Ozpin looked up from his desk and took a sip of his coco. “Summer, I wasnt expecting you until tomorrow.” 
“I know, but… its about this whole being a huntress thing.” Summer walked over to Ozpin and sat her weapon down onto his desk. “I… I cant…do this. I quit.” 
“You… quit?” 
“I’m not cut out for this. I cant use aura, still have no idea what my semblance is, and I still dont have a grip of anything that is going on here.” Summer sat down and looked down at the weapon in front of her. “I’m not some hero, I’m… I’m just a nobody that’s supposed to go to work.” 
Ozpin nodded and sat his mug down. “Then what do you plan to do now?” 
“I… I dont… know. I’ll go home-” 
“And how will you get home?” 
“I-” Summer sighed and shook head. She had no plan on how to get home, she still had no idea how she got here in the first place. “I dont know.” 
“Getting you home isnt going to be as easy as snapping my fingers.” Ozpin pushed Summer’s weapon back to her with a smile. “Until then, I want you to be here to learn how to fight grimm and to use aura to protect yourself.” 
“But why? Why be a huntress instead of… finding me somewhere else to work?” 
“I saw what you did to that grimm.” 
“What I… did…” Summer went quiet as her words trailed off, thinking back to the ursa that had tried to attack her in the forest and the bright light that flashed before it turned into a statue. She caught her reflection in her axe, her silver eyes flashing a bit. “But I didnt do anything. I was almost killed and I… you really think I did, didnt you?” 
“Silver eyes are a rare trait and those born with them are able to defeat grimm with a glance.” Ozpin dug through his desk and pulled out a small journal, sliding it to Summer. “All I want to do is help you learn how to defend yourself in case anything happens.” 
Summer picked up the journal and flipped through a few pages before closing it. “And if I dont?” 
“Do you know anything else you can do?” 
“Well… no…” 
“Then we’ll continue your training to be a huntress until we can get you home.” Ozpin moved a few papers around on his desk. “Since you are struggling with using your aura, I’m going to assign you mandatory training after class. Once you are able to use aura on your own, we’ll work on your semblance. Now, you should get back to your team.” 
“Yes sir.” Summer picked up her weapon and went back to the elevator. Once the door closed and the elevator started to go down, she looked at her reflection in her scroll, focusing on her eyes. “I just have to play along until he can get me home. This could be worse.”
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technowoah · 3 years
hey hey hey! i really really really love ur works and wanna reuwest a purpled x reader one. also since purpled said hes only comfy with his character what about the reader losing their last cannon life to dream and purpled gets really really sad until like- a month later, she comes back from hell. kinda like c!jacks revival. If your not comfy with this pls ignore <3
My Mission
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Purpled is still trying to figure out how to deal with your death, but before he can you come back.
- Platonic Purpled x Revived!Reader
- Anon Requested!
- blurb
- italics = flashback (except the last few lines)
- the "hes" out of italics are referring to Purpled.
⚠︎: slight swearing, angst to fluff-ish, gore, no dsmp spoilers.
An// I know this is late but I'm having major writers block lol ✌🏾😛 I hope you like it love!
The night was cold as he sat on a hill away from the kingdom Dream had made himself. The tall grass flowed around him like a blanket on his bed he wish he could be in right now, but he chose this, he chose to be here. His blonde hair whipped around his face harshly, but he didnt bother move it out of his eyes he could still see the destination ahead of him.
The kingdom looking like a bright star the fell to the ground. He used to love sitting and watching the lights of the kingdom at night flicker like a fallen star that still had its glow. The small smile he had on his face fell when his mind reminded him of the tragedy a month ago.
The night was cold and dark and that couldn't resemble how he was feeling right now. Anger, resentment, betrayed flowed through his heart. He wanted revenge.
The swords were already shined and ready for blood, arrows sharpened to the point, and potions made to kill the second it envelopes you. Months of preparation was right there next to him, ready to be finally used.
He wanted revenge for his best friend.
He left the kingdom for an hour grabbing every weapon he had before finding a place he used to go with his best friend.
"The kingdom looks beautiful!" You said while standing up in the tall grass.
Purpled had taken you to a far away spot out of the dsmp kingdom just for fun.
"I know, I come here often when I want to clear my head." Purpled said while sitting down in the hill letting the grass tickle his skin.
It was the middle of the say and almost sun down. You two had hiked up away from the kingdom and up a semi huge hill that gave a great view of the lights.
"How did you find this place?" You smiled to the boy sitting down to the side of you.
"Just was hiking I guess!" He laughed. "Well I was looking for more caves outside of the kingdom and stood on this hill, and looked back and saw the beautiful view."
"Now this is your spot now?" You smiled and nodded.
"I mean it's our spot now. You're the only other person who knows about it." Purpled motioned for his friend to sit down and you did.
"Great." You smiled at him and he shared that smile.
He finally stood up from his spot on the hill and made his way back to the kingdom, weapons at his mercy and ready to be used.
The walk back to the kingdom was long, but he wasnt in a rush. He just wanted to keep his mind calm before he finally faced the man who he wanted to kill. The man whos blood should be on his arrows and swords he just sharpened for this occasion.
He walks with purpose and in stride. He always does, he was always busy around the kingdom. Making something new or not even saying what he was doing, no one would want to cross his path because no one would want to know what trouble he was gettng himself into. But they always knew he would come put alive in the end.
He walked along the prime path keeping his gaze forward. He sped up his walk trying to get to the place he needs to go faster to get this feeling out of his body. Sadly him staring straight ahead made him bump shoulders with someone passing by. He didn't have the time to look back and stop, but a familiar voice made him stop.
"Hey! Watch where the fuck you are going!"
Damn it.
He tried to walk away, but he heard the footsteps get closer and the protests get louder.
"Hey asshole! You know Im talking to you Purpled?! Stop!"
"What do you want Quackity?!"
"Damn it took that long for you to turn around?!" The scarred man laughed as the blonde started at him blankly.
Quackity had a small smirk on his face before he looked around to make sure no one else is spying on them. Quackity chuckled while crossing his arms looking at the impatient blonde infront of him.
"What. Do. You. Want. Shouldn't you be in Las Nevadas?" He scoffed.
"I should! I should. But I heard about your little predicament." Quackity still had that taunting smile on his face.
"I wouldn't call it a predicament I would call it a missi-"
"A mission. Yeah I know, that's what you call every thing now-a-days." Quackity shook his head in disbelief. "Even when your best friend dies..Its a damn misson."
Purpled stayed quiet and let the older man talk. He didn't need to hear this, but at least this will hunor him before his miss- plans.
"Its a shame! It really is. But you know what Purpled?" Quackity's voice got quieter.
"If this is about Las Nevadas, you should leave. I have more pressing matters to attend to."
"I bet you do." Quackity looked away from the blonde. "Its a shame that you dont even know where Dream is to kill him."
"Y/N! Get out of my way!"
"I will not let you hurt him!"
"Get out of his way!"
Purpled was injured, pretty badly at that. He was clutching his side in pain where a arrow had struck him. His face had long cuts across it, and so did his body. The only way you could see the cuts along his body is because the cuts Dream had made tore through his clothes.
Purpled looked like he couldn't stand back up. You didn't want to know why they were fighting so brutally, you only showed up when Dream stood above Purpled about to take the final blow, sword clutched tightly in-between his hands.
The only thing you saw was that and you ran in the middle of the two blocking Dream from doing anymore damage to Purpled. Now the two men are yelling at you to get out of Dream's way.
"You're really stubborn aren't you?" Dream dropped his sword to his side, but still kept that tight grip on the handle.
"For my friends, yeah I am." You said with your head held high looking at the masked man.
"Y/N." Purpled groaned behind you. "Go, please."
You turned your whole body around to face him. He couldn't get up, still kneeling on the ground he tried to move and stand to his full height. It was impossible for him to do so. You saw a keep gash where his knee is. Dream must've stabbed his knee, through his knee.
"You stay down! I can handle this!"
"Where is your armor?! Huh?! Where is all your gear?! You're vulnerable!"
"You are too!"
"As much as this pains me to see the two bestest friends fight, Move." Dream said sternly while placing a rough hand on your shoulder.
"Dream get your hand off of them!" Purpled yelled.
"At this point you cannot tell me what to do." Dream chuckled. "This state that you're in! Its pathetic!"
Purpled hung his head low while Dream kept on running his mouth.
"Y/N! Do you even want to know why we're even fighting?! Its all his-"
"I dont want to know. Frankly I dont care just stop hurting him." Your words came out calmer than you wanted because you really were vulnerable at this point.
"I haven't even finished the job, my misson." Dream scoffed.
"If you wanto to finish "your mission" go through me first." You said while finding Purpled's sword on the ground next to him and gripping it tightly just like Dream.
"Y/N stop this!"
"Fine then."
Dream had grabbed your shoulder again so hard it could leave a bruise and brought your shoulders forward. You didn't have any time to react and the next thing you saw when you looked down was his sword going through your stomach. It hurt to breathe, and you felt yourself coughing up blood onto the grass beneath you. He had finally let go of your shoulder and you fell to your side letting your body go numb.
"NO DREAM!" Purpled tried to reach you, but ended up getting kicked down by Dream.
"Im done with you now. Its no point. I thought killing you would be better, but watching you suffer after your best friend gets killed is good enough for me."
"My mission is done, and they were right. You are vulnerable."
"Where is he then?" He asked trying not to sound rushed.
"You would like to know huh? Well Let me tell you about this thing I have first. I mean if you want to know where Dream is for your little mission" Quackity proposed and he stayed quiet waiting for the older man's response.
"I have this book, it was given to me by an old ally of mine. It has all of the lives of everyone in it. The whole book is filled with names and if they are dead or not-"
"Where are you going with this?" He interrupted.
"Im saying that not everyone knows of Y/N's death. Its not any big headlines. So I read this book often and I so happened to see their name and underneath it, it said they were dead."
"I have a proposal-"
"No." He started to walk away leaving Quackity to stand and yell at the younger one.
"Oh come on! Dont you want your friend back?!" Quackity yelled as the other walked away briskly.
"Fine! You'll owe me!"
It was over. He ended up back on the same hill again, but this time it was pitch black and the only light available was the light in the stars and the light from the kingdom. He could hear faint noises of mobs in the distance, but they didn't dare come near him.
His eyes started to water and his vision began to get blurry. He didn't kill Dream, he couldn't. That's not what you would've wanted.
Dream was right all along. He was vulnerable, he was always vulnerable.
He closed his eyes letting tears drop onto his cheeks. He was upset that he couldn't fulfill his mission, the one thing he knew he could do for the one he misses the most in life. He failed. And now Dream is sitting somewhere, he didn't even take Quackity's proposal. He didn't even know what Dream was to kil him.
Still, even if he wasnt discouraged, he would've still tried to hunt Dream down. He didn't care if it took him months to a year, he didn't care if it killed him. One day.
He looked out to the kingdom once more with eyes full of tears. The kingdom now looking like a ball of light and not as detailed.
He sighed brushing the call off, he was hearing things.
"Hey, Purpled."
He shook his head with his hands cupping his face. He was convincing himself that his head was playing tricks on him because there is no one that could be out here at this time.
"I thought I would get a warmer welcome than this."
He felt the grass moving beside him and he quickly turned his head to his right where he saw the person he wanted to the most. You.
It was you, but you had a white streak in your hair, your stomach still had a bigger scar still on it. It was you, it was finally you. He hesitated before reaching out to hug you, there was some tall grass in between you two but it didn't matter, he had you back. You had to feel tears fall on your back because he was crying, he tried to keep his sobs quiet but they slipped out.
"Are you okay?" He asked while sniffing.
"Im alive now. Thats progress." You responded hesitantly before continuing. "I wanted to stay dead. I mean it had to be my time right? I was in hell and I don't know why. Why was I there?!"
You started sobbing on his shirt as well and you took a big breath before starting to talk again.
"And then I just showed up not that far from here. It was horrible, like an out of body experience. I dont know who brought me back either! But now I found you here and Im okay enough." You smiled with tiredness in your eyes as you pulled away from the long hug.
"I tried to kill Dream." He confessed.
"Because of me?"
He hummed in agreement "I couldn't, thats not what you would've wanted."
"Why would you know what I wanted?" You asked the blonde. "I was dead for a month."
"You wanted me to kill him?" He asked with a bit of excitement in his voice.
"Consider this a new mission." You smiled while standing up and him following suit.
"My mission." He whispered while looking at the ground. "It'll take a while, but we'll get him. I promise."
You two locked pinkie fingers together to seal the promise. A promise that would be sealed to the end of time. No matter how long or who dies, he never fails a mission.
"Oh! Also, I have a note for you." You handed him a small torn note that you found lying next to you when you reappeared.
Dear Purpled,
You're welcome. They're here now.
Remember that favor I never got to ask you?
I suppose you should listen to me now.
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blkgirl-writing · 4 years
To Leave A Broken Soul
Laurie Laurence x F!Reader Smut
Summary: Laurie can't help falling fast for you, a woman who can only stay for a month or two. How will the last day together end?
Warnings: SMUT! ANGST! oral (male receiving), Fingering, some fluff, basically fulfilling all the requests I got in one fic.
1.5k words
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The way Laurie looked at you was something you had seen by many of men. A deep, internal longing.
You sat on the floor, leaning against the end of Laurie's wooden bed. Admittedly, the you had been sitting there in silence for what seemed like hours. Fiddling with each others fingers, him shamelessly lifting your shirt off so he could touch his "favorite part of your body"
Laurie had been staring at the blank wall for quite some time now, sighing dramatically every few moments. Eventually, he reached into his pant pocket, coming up with a hand rolled cigarette of some sorts, and a lighter. His loose poet's shirt, with a few buttons undone, fell ever so slightly off his shoulder, exposing the pale, glowing skin.
"I heard it makes time slow" he suggested, turning the item in his fingers a few times, before taking it in his lips, and lighting the end. His head leaned back against the wooden board. And lord, his profile was one of the gods. Hair messy and eyes low, effortlessly beautiful.
After a minute or two, he handed it to you, lazily looking over to your face, then eyes drawing to your bare chest. The way he licked his lips didnt go unnoticed by you.
You willingly pushed the joint into your lips, a somewhat familiar smoke flooding into your mouth, and flowing out just as soon as it entered. Laurie watched as your lips parted for another puff, intent on how your eyes fluttered shut. The way the sunlight caught on your lashes, dancing around you skin, the illusion of a greek goddess appearing right in front of him. Aphrodite. The sight of you being of pure sex, pure beauty. Love.
"Take a photograph, love. It will last longer," you tilted your head to the boy, offering the joint back to him, lips pressed into a sly smirk as his cheeks grew a rosey pink. Ah, how you loved to tease the witty, charming man.
"Why do you call me love when you insist on leaving me," laurie muttered, like a outing child denied of candy. He took a long drag, letting the smoke rest in his lungs for a few long moments. "It doesnt make any sense."
"There's worlds out there I have yet to see, love. People I have yet to fuck. Theatres I have yet to perform in." You smiled weakly. He could never understand. You knew this from the day you get him. To him, you were an unsolved mystery he dedicated endless works to unravel. "I'm a natural nomad as much as a lover, as much as a performer. I love a man or woman with each place, and call it by their name from that point on. Memories can mean so much more than reality."
"I don't think I can see any womans breast without thinking of you," Laurie stated.
"Surely you'll sleep with enough women to forget my body,"
"A man never forgets perfection." You hummed at that, lips pressing into a smile.
"Why don't we create a memory right now?" Your movements were slow, calculated, sensual. A leg draping over his hips, your crotch pressed against his, as you slowly pressed kisses from his jaw, down to his neck.
Laurie's breath was heavy in his chest, hands frozen like the first time he had been with you. But he said your name like a prayer, to keep going, to never stop.
Your fingers undid the buttons of his shirt, carefully running the tips of your nails down his chest, lips trailing not far behind.
His hands finally went to touch you, as you undid the buckle of his belt, and pushed aside the fabric covering his cock. He was already painfully hard for you, precum leaking hopelessly down. You couldn't help but laugh.
"Quite needy, hm?"
"Always," he muttered, impatiently. But fast cut off by the intense pleasure that wrapped his whole body as you took his cock into your wet mouth, bottoming out and gagging ever so slightly. So wet and warm, and tight. Fuck.
Your head bobbed at an agonizing pace, hands rubbing his thighs. Eyes fixed on his, though, admittedly wandering to his lips occasionally, seeing the way he bit into them, fighting the urge to tell the whole world how fucking good you were at this.
It didnt take him long until he grabbed you chin, lifting your lips away from him in a desperate plea to stop before he came down your throat. Oh, you had taught him well. Always pleasure the woman with the same about that she gives you, if not more.
He lead you lips to his, tasting himself on you, bucking his length into your covered heat. Slyly inching his hand down into your underwear, slipping a finger gently into you. Pumping slowly into your pussy with a blessed "come here" motion.
Shamelessly, you moaned into the ever lasting kiss as he added another finger. Rocking your hips into his touch, grinding down into his palm.
"Fuck, f-faster. Laurie, you have to go faster" you buried your face into the crook of his neck, biting down on the pale skin.
"Hmm, quite needy." He repeated your words, teasing with a fox like grin on his face. Knowing you'd be annoyed at his cockiness. But you were far too turned on to care at this point.
The lust was thick in the air. His barely covered chest pressed against your cold, exposed one. His lips biting and nipping at your collar bone, that sweet, delicious spot that sent you over the edge, moaning in pure bliss as he pumped his nimble fingers through you high, purring sweet nothings as your body shook.
His eyes were blown when you looked down at him,
"I dont want this to end," he said, kissing your shoulder as you kicked off the remaining garment hanging from your hips. "I want to fuck you forever. I want to sip your sweet wine."
You didnt answer him. You didnt have an answer. The air hung dry with his wants, his needs. They wouldnt come true, both of you knew that. It had been obvious from the start of your friendship, relationship, thing. You were here for two months, then off to the next country. And yet Laurie still felt somewhat slighted. Like he wasnt good enough. And maybe he wasn't. He was childish and needy. But he was enough.
His lips caught yours again, devouring your essence like he had been starving for years. Hands digging into your hips like you would float away if he let go.
Laurie groaned as you grinded down on his cock, kissing you harder, bringing along with you, a plea to be able to be inside you.
Something you could easily comply with.
You snaked a hand in between you, grabbing his cock and leading it to your entrance, pausing for a moment, just to tease, before sinking down on him.
Laurie whimpered, a truly sinful sound. his teeth sunk into your bottom lip as he made short thrusts in you, craving your warmth, the movement.
Slowly, you grinded up and down on his dick, taking a fistful of his thick hair as you bottomed out. His hips shortly meeting yours, bucking further into you. A gasp fell from your lips as his tip pushed against your cervix, an uncomfortable yet so fucking good sensation.
"La..laurie. keep, keep doing that," you muttered, voice breathy and weak. He hummed, obviously pleased by the power shift. His short, unbelievably deep thrusts had tou both moaning each others names, lost in the moment of sharing each other, climaxes seconds away, before breaking in a harmonic beauty. Laurie spilled inside you for what felt like ages. If you didnt know better, you would've thought he hadn't had sex for years, and finally we was able to cum. The air was thick with sex, weary breaths and hot skin. His head now nuzzled in your neck, hands gently resting on your waist, your own fingers playing with his hair.
He didnt pull out of you until you both were able to look each other in the eyes.
"I'll miss this," you whispered, suddenly feeling empty without him inside you. "You're...really something, Laurie."
"If you don't leave right now, I won't be able to let go," Laurie's eyes pleased with you. The look of helplessness, saddness...it was too much. Tears trickled down his cheeks. You let out a forced laugh, kissing the trail of tears.
"If that's what you wish." Just like that, you threw back on or clothes lazily, and slipped out the door. Looking back for a split second, seeing his slumped body, eyes boaring into your form with fire and ice. A true Passion unknown to most.
"Goodbye, love."
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
december 23 - ricky horror
title: one in seven
its official where i live! marry christmas and happy holidays to yall. i hope you all have a great day and enjoy the last couple fics of the year! thanks again for reading and sharing, i love you all and wish you all the best in 2021.
prompt: Notes and gifts from a "secret Santa" take a strange turn
request from: n/a
tag list: @musicsexandpizza69 @svintsandghosts @alilpunkrock @cynic-spirit @theoneandonlykymberlee @joeynihil @lifeisabitchandsoareyou @thisplace-ishaunted @xyours-eternallyx
one week. thats all that was left. five days till christmas day and i was all but turned off by the idea of gifts and celebration and parties and everything else that came with the holiday. i think my secret santa knew that though, whoever it was. dont get me wrong, i didnt mind being on the road for christmas, i didnt like the day, and i didnt have family to spend time with so it didnt really matter. but little did i know at the beginning of this that everyday i would wake up to something weirder in my stocking. and not even in a bad way, cause the two things id received already were super awesome.
and yes, it was the guys idea to put stockings up and do secret santa. that way we each got something small the seven days before christmas and the day of we would ultimately find out who our gift giver was over dinner as they gave us one final larger present. and dont get me wrong, i was an excellent gift giver, already two days in and vinny had loved the two things i had secretly slipped into his stocking but i was getting more impatient. i wanted to know who was getting me things only a few people knew i wanted. and ultimately i wanted vinny to know who was giving him his gifts.
when i got up today i wasnt exactly sure what i was going to be pulling out of the stocking hanging outside my bunk. the first day i had gotten a skeleton hand mug, the second day i had gotten a bag of death wish coffee, and i really just wanted to know if the theme would continue. maybe this person was trying to tell me something. i laid in my bunk as my alarm went off, silencing it almost immediately since i was awake already, just staring at the ceiling. i tossed the blanket off and slid out of my bunk slowly, looking up at chris as he leaned back into the opposing one, sipping out of his Starbucks cup from yesterday.
i said and he held his cup to me in cheers.
he said groggily.
"you check your stocking yet?"
i asked and he nodded.
"yep, todays was a voodoo donut and a starbucks giftcard."
he said with a smile and i laughed.
"guess you get it twice a year now huh."
i said and he nodded contently,
"whats in yours?"
he asked and i turned around, my eyes going wide at how thick it looked. i drew my brows and reached my arm into it. i felt something soft graze my hand before pulling it out.
"awe, its so cute."
i said as i pulled the plush bat out, taking the black silk eye mask off of it and petting its head. i showed it to chris.
"either my secret Santa thinks i sleep too much or not enough."
i said with a laugh, putting the eye mask into my bag next to the coffee and mug. chris laughed a little bit as ricky slid his curtain over from behind him.
"what you guys talking about?"
he asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"y/n's concerned with the gifts from her secret santa."
chris answered and rick raised a brow.
"how come?"
he asked and i shrugged, hugging the bat to my chest.
"ive gotten two things of coffee so far and two things to sleep with. im getting mixed signals to say the least."
i said with a laugh and he nodded, jumping down from his bunk with a thud.
"maybe they think you needed something to help you keep up the good work, and something to help you relax. you do work harder than all of us combined."
he mentioned, making me smile.
"thanks rick, i guess ill just have to wait another few days and ask when i find out who it is."
i said and he nodded.
"guess so."
"okay, this is getting more and more confusing."
i said, unwrapping the fuzzy blanket, holding it out to look at what was on it. the whole thing was solid black with alchemy symbols, pentagrams, crystal balls, and the likeness on it in bright pastel pinks and purples. it was really cute and matched the bat perfectly. all this stuff just had me wondering what i could be getting at dinner. i knew this blanket wasnt cheap, it had a black craft tag on it after all.
"whats confusing?"
vinny asked, holding the new bulls jersey in his hand.
"the theme of these is a little skewed to say the least."
i said and he shrugged.
"that looks comfy."
he said, running his hand over the side of it and i nodded.
"what else have you gotten?"
he asked and i sighed.
"coffee, a mug, a plush bat, a sleep mask, pastel bath bombs, a coffee and honey face scrub mask, fuzzy black and pink socks, and now this blanket. its like a care package."
i said and he shrugged.
"guess youll just have to find out at dinner, which we should probably get ready for."
as we all sat around the table i watched intently as we went down the line, each person giving their last gifts.  justin had chris, chris had ryan, ryan had aj, aj had justin, i had vin, vin had rick, and finally rick had me. as he got up he reached for a large box and my eyes went wide.
"okay y/n i know all week youve been trying to figure out what the hell this all could be leading up to but i asked all of the guys if we could pitch in on something so its not just from me."
i drew my brows.
"we all know you work ten times harder than the rest of us so we all wanted to do something special for you."
he said, setting the box down in front of me on the table.
"you guys didnt have to do that. you guys put so much into the band, im nothing special."
i said and he sent me a disapproving look.
"but you are, without you none of this would work. so as a thank you from all of us..."
he said, pointing to the box and i moved slowly to open it, all of them watching me intently. i ripped the paper off first, then going in to rip the tape off it and popping the sides open one at a time. when i pulled the tissue paper out of the way i drew my brows. in it was a large wooden box.
i asked, pulling it out and setting it on the table in place of the carboard box.
"open it."
chris said from across the table and i pushed the gold tab up, lifting the lid. as soon as i saw what was in it my mouth dropped. i wanted to inspect it more but my vision was going blurry at the tears behind my eyes.
"you guys."
i said, closing it and standing up to give rick a hug.
"so i take it you like it?"
he asked and i nodded against him, pulling away and wiping the tears off my face.
"its beautiful."
i said, opening the box back up and looking over the kit of art supplies. there was everything i could ever ask for in here: a water color palette, gouache, oil pastels, soft pastels, colored pencils, drawing pencils, two sketch pads, brushes, the whole nine yards.
"we wanted to get you something that you enjoy and that relaxes you. this whole week ive been building up stuff that could make you comfortable during or after a long work day: comfy stuff to sleep with, coffee when youre running around making sure we're all in line, spa stuff to help you chill at home. they all helped with this idea but we thought it could be something to get you out of the real world when youve had enough. and now youll think of all of us when you use it."
he said with a wide smile and i couldn't help crying again.
"you guys take such good care of me."
i said through a sniffle as vin leaned over and hugged me, then Justin leaned in and did the same, pretty soon all of them were standing around me in big a group hug.
"we love you y/n, we wouldnt get anything done without you and we're so glad to call you a team member and most importantly a friend."
rick said, as they all stood back up and went back to their seats.
"thank you guys, for everything. and thank you especially for making this a special christmas, the most special christmas ive ever had."
he squeezed my shoulder gently.
"youre part of the family now y/n, and we wouldnt want it any other way."
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prey-to-go · 4 years
Can you write a fic where Peter is telling tony about a bad experience with a costumer and tony noms him to make him feel better?
(Of course!!!))
Peter knew he shouldn't get used to the literally pampering Tony would provide with their session. The demon didn't immediately demand to eat him. It was nice being able to talk about his day while sitting on a counter. It was even better when Tony would feed him little snacks.
He did have to admit he was surprised when he got booked by someone else but money was money and he was sure it wouldn't be that bad.
Oh how wrong he was. The whole experience had been awful, just the carelessness of the predator and the bruises left behind, the whole no choice in anything made him nearly break down again.
Peter rubs his eyes quickly as the elevator brought him up to the penthouse level. He didnt need to cry in front of Tony again. The first time had been shitty enough.
The doors opened and he nervously stepped out. He knew he had nothing to be afraid of with Tony considering the demon was just so gentle with him, however last night's order was burned into his mind.
Having said that he couldn't stop the whimper and the desperate scramble back to the elevator when Tony stepped in front of him.
"Peter?" Tony murmurs soflty. Peter tried not to flinch when the demon got down on the floor more towards his level. The demon only said one word but god the question of 'Are you alright' hung in the air like a thick fog.
"M-m sorry I just...I." Peter grimaces when tears start pooling yet again. Something about Tony just made it near impossible to lie or hold any emotion back.
He flinches when the demon carefully picked him up, both hands cradling him like he was a precious jewel. It always amazed him at how gentle Tony truly could be.
"Oh kid." Tony practically crooned out. Peter sniffles, trying to keep the tears at bay which wasnt exactly working. He leaned closer to the demon, a silent plea for affection.
His plea didnt go unanswered either, gentle hands cradling him close to the solid mass of the demons chest. While Tony didnt usually have a heart beat Peter could hear it right now, a steady lull of thumping.
"What happened?"
That broke the dam Peter sobbing hysterically. He blubbered out the whole story about how the pred was careless, left bruises, and every single detail that made him terrified of the demon right now.
Tony listened to it all not saying anything but crooning softly at times and gently rubbing his back. Peter all but melted into the touches craving the comfort. He couldn't exactly go to his Aunt with this, he didn't want to tell her after all.
"Feel better?" Tony asks once Peter had cried himself out. The kid nods sighing shakily. It was embarrassing how many times he had cried infront of the demon at this point.
It was silent for a moment until a impatient growls came from the demons middle. Peter couldn't emotionally bring himself to care and while there was that brief feeling of panic it was squashed away when Tony shushed him softly.
"I'll order someone else kid, do you want to go home?" Tony asks. He hated when Peter god distraught it made him feel guilty and down right protective over the small thing.
"N-no! No! I'm alright- I really am Mr.Stark." Peter stutters out. He didnt want to inconvince the demon anymore than he already had. He flinches when he was moved away from Tony's chest, staring up at the large face.
"Are you sure? You have a choice kiddo."
That just made Peter feel even more guilty. He was suppose to be doing his job and yet here he was sobbing to a customer about his problems. He wipes his face to get rid of any stray tears and nods.
"Yes! I'm fine- I just..please be careful and-and I might be a little flighty cause ya know I didnt really have time to adjust with the other guy which scared me a lot- I mean not like you wo-" Tony cut off his ramble by gently tapping his head. He looks wide eyed up at the demon, half expecting to be shoved into his mouth.
"I'll go slow and be careful kid."
Peter didnt realize how much reassurance that simple little sentence could hold, but there it was. He nods and squeezes his eyes shut, tensing up when warm breath washed over him.
"I'm going to start now kid, just relax alright?"
Peter nodded again, swallowing nervously. He wasnt going to look- he didnt want to see. He froze when he felt Tony slipping him inside, his hair and suit dampening as salvia pooled around him. He let a small whimper out, everything around him going still.
"I-im fine." He manages to choke out, flinching when the tongue twitched under him mindlessly. Nothing happened for a bit, fingers firmly holding his legs as the demon swallowed the pooling saliva but not him.
He slowly started relaxing, hesitantly opening his eyes to look around. It wasnt as scary as he thought it would be. He imagined the sharp teeth looking more threatening up close but something about it being Tony made it oddly comforting.
"I'm fine." He echos a bit more confidently. This was Tony not some random pred who didnt care about him. The demon actually cared about him.
Everything started to move after that, the tongue gently lapping at him, soaking him even more than before. He couldnt help the small nervous giggle as it pushed over him.
He tenses a bit when everything moved, his face sliding back further towards the demons throat. He wanted to be terrfied to cry or back out but the overwhelming feeling of safety kept slipping into his mind.
There wasnt much time to contemplate if he really wanted to back out considering the demon swallowed thickly, his torso slipping with ease into throat. It still baffled him at how easily predators could just swallow someone.
There was a slight pause then Tony guiding his lower half more into his mouth, another swallow pulling him deeper into the demon.
He winces at the tightness surrounding him but it didnt last long before he was spilling into the stomach. A sigh of content coming from Tony, Peter quickly moving around to get comfortable, squeaking when a wall squished into him.
"You doing alright?"
Peter nods quickly flushing with embaressment when he forgot that Tony coudlnt exactly see him.
"I-im fine I...thanks for ah..not being a jerk Mr.Stark." He says shyly. He squeaks again when the weight pressed into him in a circle motion. It never ceased to surpise him that Mr.Stark knew exactly where he was and how to keep him grounded.
"Why would I be a jerk to my favorite little snack?" It was a teasing tone but the sentiment still made Peter warm inside. He wished all customers were like Tony. He let a small laugh out, hesitnelty leaning into the wall.
"I'm not a snack Mr.Stark!" He says with a grin. All his fears fading away as the rubbing continued. He coudlnt believe that all his fears could melt away like this.
"Mmhm sure."
The rumbling of Tony speaking was weird but oddly a bit of a comfort. It was jsut strange knowing that he was completely surrounded by the demon. Nothing could get him here.
"I'm not!" Peter argues back with a small smile, leaning into the stomach wall. It squished around him cradling him with ease. Stomachs had no business being this comfortbale. He would never be able to find a couch this plush in his life and that wasn't fair.
"You're my little petey pie, a perfect little snack." Tony croons soflty. Peter giggling slightly. The demon always knew how to cheer him up.
Peter didnt know it yet but Tony was booking him for any day he worked, regardless if he'd be able to swallow the kid down or not. If worst came to worst Pepper could babysit for a bit.
After all Peter was Tony's snack.
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aggresivelyfriendly · 4 years
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Hi! I know I have other unfinished fic, but I’ve actually been writing a bit, and you can blame @the-well-rested-one! I have five chapters queued up and outline for several more, that’s a good sign! Please comment if you read, or reblog! Thank you to @nikibi6 and @emulateharry for the looksie!
The One Where Harry Styles Sneezed On Me
Day One
There's only three people out on the pavement ahead of her, and a part of Elise is tempted to tip toe because she watches too many movies.
The streets of London are quieter than Elise has seen them since she moved here. She'd basically never left her university classes and not been shoulder to shoulder with wall to wall people. Her classes were over at rush hour and there were a lot of people in London at any time of day. Had you asked her before the move, she would have said she liked big crowds. But now, the tube sometimes gave her anxiety, a brand new thing, because it was so packed.
Today, well London was like a ghost town, like the film where she'd fallen in love with the city and decided she would study abroad there. It was an odd one, but that sounded like her.
28 Days Later was a weird inspiration, but maybe because London was empty in the movie, she was able to see things about it better. It was also why she felt like she should be extra quiet on the nearly deserted streets, this was the closest approximation to her favorite movie scenes she'd probably ever see in one of the biggest cities in the world. Elise had never been to a big city, not really, the largest was maybe Phoenix. But it didn't really feel that much bigger than Tucson, where she grew up, or maybe it had just grown before her eyes so she hadn't noticed.
London was a proper big city as her roommate told her, and Elise hadn't made it for a semester abroad. She'd wound up here for her post graduate work, she couldn't afford it during undergrad. The living expenses, turns out, were too expensive, but she'd found a way later, because there was a will, a dream.
Her will for today had been to find her way after class to the next public green space on her list. She'd done Kensington Gardens, Hyde Park, and Regent's Park. She went after class when she could, if there was sunlight to catch. Today was so pretty, she had decided to go even if it meant catching the tube by herself at night. And then she had stepped out into a London eerily like the one from the movie that had first infatuated her. There were people on the street though, and they didn't look like the walking dead, just the walking afraid. Those who had braved the streets wore masks. One lady had gardening gloves on. Elise wasn't sure if she was underreacting or everybody else was over the top. She hadn't really thought about it, mostly because she was under 80, and well, honestly, maybe she did feel a little bit of the invincibility youth brings.
Apparently lots of Londoners didn't feel the same way. Including those who ran her Uni. She arrived with her notebooks and excited for her day plans, resolute, to find a sign on an easel in the entryway.
"Classes Cancelled today. Online classes will resume tomorrow. All formats will be conducted via Portal for three weeks, or until further notice."
Well, shit. Had they thought to send an email? It may have saved her the trip.
Elise looked at the 100,000 emails in her gmail and discovered they had indeed emailed her. This was why she avoided online courses, she was much better, learned better, in person. Also, she was abysmal at keeping up with things via email. The next few weeks would be a trial.
She'd have to figure it out, and she knew herself; A schedule was necessary, she'd write one down, on paper, to order her life while she had to finish these courses online. But that seemed to be her only coursework for this day.
That was a bright side. She took it as a silver lining, she could head to the old London Heath right away. She considered walking, plotted out her path and realized that it was a long, long way, so long it would steal all of her energy to explore.
The tube was really ghostly, like the ghost town they visited once, Calico or something?
Regardless, she was surprised she wasn't more excited. It was just like 28 Days Later. Well not really, no bloodthirsty, spattered lurchers, but it felt eerie. Like it had the first time she watched it, before she got totally immune to the plot and could only see the sights. She was thankful when a few people got on her carriage, though they sat as far from each other as the spacing allowed. She quickly looked up more information on her phone and estimated how far away the people should be, they were all separated by much more than that.
By the time she got to her destination, she'd normally be just getting out of her first class, and Elise's stomach reminded her that this was meal time. She really was married to a schedule, or at least her biology was. She thought a picnic would be lovely, so she looked up a market and found a Whole Foods nearby. She would splash out for her lunch it looked like, could be worse, could be Waitrose, and must be cheaper than a cafe, surely.
London was pricey. Which she'd known intellectually and was now experiencing literally everyday. As such, Elsie was kinda thinking she needed a job. Was she allowed to work? Maybe on campus. She'd have to ask the question to somebody who knew; she was running through her reserves.
Elise kinda sighed at herself as she walked into Whole Foods. Maybe this was not the best idea. But it was bright and cheery inside and smelled like green juice and roasted vegetables. Her stomach growled and she decided the worst that could happen was she would wind up eating cup o' noodles and have to pack a lunch a lot towards the end of semester before her next stipend.
Elsie shrugged and sang along a little to the song playing overhead. She felt like she rarely heard One Direction here, she heard it played out more in public in the US, and wondered if that was due to public exhaustion. She understood that it had been next level crazy here. Maybe it was just time? They'd been her favorite when she was in early high school. She had decided she was gonna marry Liam in eighth grade. That opinion changed as they all aged. She got too cool for them, and well, some of them grew up nicely. "Just how fast the night changes." She tried to harmonize along. The song also meant she wasn't hurrying she was, however, wandering.
Fruit, she should grab some fruits, that was always a good place to start.
How she wound up by the hot bar she didn't know, but she grabbed a bit of roast chicken and realized the layout was backwards to the one she was used to in Tucson. The metal spoon clanked as she got some potatoes that looked deliciously crunchy and had little burned ridges like she loved. She should have some vegetables. Carrots didn't count, real green things were needed. Asparagus counted. She was looking at the cut fruit, but then thought about her budget concerns and headed over to the produce section.
It was a little emptier than what she assumed was normal, a few ladies and a tall, lanky man in a hoodie and hat were the only people about. He was broad from the back, but had a furtive set to his shoulder that made him smaller. He was also standing exactly where she wanted to be. In front of the bananas, her favorite of the economical fruits. The best bunches clustered where he didn't seem to be doing anything but loitering.
Elise's belly growled, the aroma of her roasted chicken wafted up. She'd give it another minute and if he hadn't moved, she'd try to politely shoulder her way around him, 6 feet or not.
She gave it two minutes. By the end her converse was audible tapping. He still hadn't moved at all. So help her, if he was on his phone! It was time for action. She came up to about his shoulder, and he did not seem to notice there was 5 feet of impatience at his elbow, at least he certainly didn't move. When Elise realized he was on his phone, her patience snapped. That had to break some kind of grocery store etiquette. Was there grocery store etiquette? Certainly, it would extend to standing so people couldn't access foods when you were fucking around on your phone.
She reached past him, "sorry, excuse my reach." she hoped he could hear just how not sorry she was. Elise was good at passive-aggression.
She heard his breathing change and was ready to tell him he had just been blocking the bananas for three minutes, and she knew she wasnt being socially distant, but he was being rude, when he turned towards her. He was being rude, especially by English standards and she would tell him so, even if she wasn't sure if he was exactly impolite, accusing an Englishman of that was very effective.
She realized two things when he looked at her.
One- he was not some stranger- he was HARRY. FUCKING.STYLES!
And two- as his spit splattered all over her face, he wasn't about to call her rude, his gasp had been the beginning of a sneeze.
The last hour had been an absolute blur. She had just sat down to eat. And though her 16 year old self would consider this an upgrade, her 23 year old self was really sad the heath was not the site of her lunch, even if it had been switched out for her teenage dream.
Because Harry Styles had started his litany of apologies with a "fuck!" Then a spilling ramble. "I'm so sorry, dammit, I knew I should have just sent somebody. Dammit, Jesus fuck, now you will have to be quarantined too." His hands were fumbling with the wet wipes and she could smell the disinfectant on them. She stopped him short before he was wiping that shit on her face and was redirecting his hand while he was still talking about how they could just both be holed up in his house. It distracted from the fact he was rubbing spittle off her shirt very close to her nipple.
"I mean, it's not huge. Damn, I kinda wish the new house was done. Then we wouldn't even have to see each other. Not that, I um, wouldn't want to see you, or like whatever, but um. We don't know each other and we'll be, like, living together for several weeks. I guess you could quarantine at your place. But I just feel better, cause it's my fault. Seems rude to possibly infect somebody due to negligence, and not like, help them through it. I just had to have my celery juice." That part was said under his breath, and he wasn't holding any juice.
She remembered the closed juice bar. The sign had read: Our fresh bars-juice, smoothie, and coffee are close due to Covid- 19 contagion worries. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Then it clicked, while she wiped his sputum from her face. That is what he was talking about. What the?
"Are you just wandering around whole foods infecting people? You have the virus?"
She realized she'd been talking really loud and attracting attention. Harry certainly realized.
He looked agitated and around to see if they had an audience, and she realized his face was a bit of a liability. That would be some headline for sure. "Harry Styles spreading coronavirus!" or some shit like that. He used to get press for existing, the memory made her soft for him.
"Let's get you checked out. And we can go back to my place and talk?" He made eye contact and she got confused for a second longer.
"What?" Elise found herself saying. She would normally never ever go home with some dude in a store. But, this dude was Harry Styles, and that made her feel simultaneously safer and also like this was a chance she had to take. She also wanted to yell at him a little.
He sighed, like she was a hard to open packet of chips. "Can you check out and meet me outside?" He looked around again and bit his lip because the women nearby were watching them. He handed her his basket and helped her transfer her things to it, "Can you grab my things too?" He didn't sound like she remembered him. But she supposed she'd not done more than listen to his albums once through after she'd grown out of her One Direction phase.
He sounded better. He was still growing up well.
"Huh?" She was not following him. He gave her that exasperated face and thinned his lips before he quickly got a hundred pound note out. "Check out and I'll meet you in my car. I'm near the front, all right?"
She barely remembered checking out. The girl had to prompt her twice, and she'd shoved the sanitizer at her when they'd both had to touch the change. She even considered keeping. Can you grab my things too, the audacity! But she handed it to him promptly and he put it away and sanitized his hands and gave her a squirt too. Chivalry in the time of Corona.
The drive had been quiet. Though she was sure there were things to do, to say, certainly. So the radio played and Harry sang along. It was a surreal moment, right out of her teenage dreams. Listening to Harry Styles sing in his expensive car. The missing piece that made it reality instead of fantasy was that she was not singing along, instead she was confused and hungry.
"Here, I'll warm up your lunch." Was the first thing he said to her as he ushered her into the square house she recognized from something on the internet years ago. It was a little cold inside and Elise fitted her sweater around her shoulders and sat at the wood grain kitchen table. Her food came to her steaming. Then a warm mug she immediately wrapped her hands around.
"You cold?" He asked while moving to a fancy looking blue screened rectangle on the wall. "I'm always cold, so I just wait until someone seems too cold to change anything."
She nodded.
"Right, so you know me?" He asked like it was taking out the garbage.
"Um," Elise took a drink. "Yeah, I was a huge One Direction fan in high school."
He smiled at that. "Ok, is that why you've gone silent? Freaking out?"
"Yeah, and also, I'm not really following. Honestly."
"Why don't you tell me a little about about what you think is going on. Then I'll fill in my side."
She took a breath. "Can I eat my lunch first?" She needed a minute, and she was beyond hungry, and annoyed. Definitely annoyed. And maybe just a touch of freaking out. Harry was her favorite for a lot longer than Liam, if she was honest.
"Oh! Yes, of course." He shook his head, "how rude of me."
That was why he felt rude? Not the bananas or irresponsible shopping trip. Elise widened her eyes at her carton before she dug in and didn't look up until the blender went.
A green smoothie, vibrant and lush, was placed at her elbow. It matched his eyes. "Here, to your health."
"Thank you." She took a sip and smiled. Her blood sugar was rising and she was already feeling considerably better, though her odd situation and figuring it out came to the forefront. "So, um, to my health hmmm?" She cheered the air.
Harry exhaled and nodded.
"To yours as well?"
"I suppose you could say that." He pulled his lip between his forefingers and she remembered that from interviews.
"You're not supposed to touch your face." She ah, ah, ahhed with a grin.
He laughed and it broke some of their tension. "I'm not. Neither are you."
Elise realized she had her chin in her hand. She slapped it lightly on the table and sat up. "Fair enough, so what am I doing here, Mr. Styles?"
He groaned lowly and she wondered what that was about. She didn't let it sidetrack her though, she'd wait out his response.
He took a big gulp of health and Elise watched the chunky residue slide down the glass.
"You've heard of Coronavirus, yes?"
She couldn't help but roll her eyes.
He chuckled, she hoped at himself, what the fuck kind of question was that?
"Right, pretty unavoidable, yeah?" He didn't need her to agree, he kept talking. "I travel a lot."
"Duh!" she interrupted.
At that he really did laugh. "So, I travel a lot, duh, and I flew on a flight where somebody tested positive. There aren't many tests yet, they're rationing them."
"Even for you?" She was surprised.
"Even for me," he sighed. "I'm just a person. Anyway, the person in question asked for a pic for his daughter—."
"Likely story."
"Perhaps, and so, we were in close proximity and we shook hands," she nodded along with the line of his narrative. "They won't test me unless I show symptoms. But quarantine was recommended."
He finished, he'd left out a part though.
"Is Whole Foods part of the quarantine radius?"
He blushed a little, and all of the reasons she'd had some of her earliest fantasies about him surfaced. "No, not as such. But I was low on bananas."
"Nobody you could pay a euro for your bunch of bananas?" She hoped for a laugh.
He squinted. "Course, but I don't like to be a bother."
She couldn't help but laugh at that. "So, in your effort to not inconvenience anyone for a couple hours, you've exposed me by sneezing in my face, rude, and kidnapping me to your house? So, now I have to quarantine too?"
"You aren't a kid. How could I nap you?" This was not a joke, but the humor of it was not escaping either of them.
"Not what that means, though I've no idea why." She shrugged.
"Young lady napped?" He tried.
"Oh god, you are sooo English. Young lady napped." She tried on his drawl.
"That was terrible!" He shook his head like he was offended.
"I thought it was pretty good?" She popped her shoulder and her own little dimple in her left cheek appeared, though it didn't pull the weight his did. He narrowed his eyes before raising up his eyebrows.
"It was alright, I suppose. We have time to perfect it."
"Why's that?" She found herself asking.
"Well, we're pretty much stuck together. How d'ya feel about two weeks at Le Hotel Styles?"
He couldn't be serious, could he?
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nctloveclub · 4 years
– pairing: mark lee x reader
– genre: angst!
– words: 2.25k
– a/n: its been a while since ive posted but i hope you like it :D i hope to get back into writing after putting it off for so long :(
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(n.) a look shared by two people, each wishing that the other would initiate something they both desire but which neither wants to begin
you and mark were best friends, but the two of you haven't known each other long
like usually best friends have known each other since their childhood but you and mark had met in your second year of high school !
it wasn't anything extraordinary just simple. he ended up coming to class late and he had picked the seat next to you.
it was strange at first because it was like ??? ummm who ??? my friend usually sits there ???? (but they were home sick that day oooooh)
so the next day mark sits in the same seat next to you and when you're friend walks in they give you a look and you just shrug
they give you a wink and just sit in the seat in front of you
then that's when mark actually starts talking to you
hes a little shy at first just introducing himself to you and you do the same
at lunch mark ends up finding you and sits across from you
not gonna lie the air is a little awkward but two of you take the lunch period to actually talk and get to know each other
you find out that you had actually went to the same middle school but just in different friend crowds
the conversation was just simple
that's a word that would describe yours' and mark's relationship: simple
he was a breath of fresh air
he was something new, someone who you got along with
over the course of the year, the two of you had actually gotten closer and mark had actually befriended your other friend
"sorry i took your seat...."
your friend just looks at him and laughs, "dude its fine it's just a seat. if anything im glad you helped my little y/n get out of their shell."
you send a playful glare at your friend's way and continue the conversation you had with mark
eventually, your third year of high school has begun and the both of you are extremely close, like no one can separate the two of you
youre sad when you find out mark and you only share the same lunch period, having the same classes but different periods
"it's alright, i'll see you at lunch." he smiles and you nod, mark walking you to your first period
you dread your first day, making small talk with the people around you but you don't mind, impatiently waiting till lunch starts
you and mark immediately meet up, looking for a place to sit in the crowded cafeteria
you sit in a somewhat secluded area, there are still tables surrounding you but it's mostly away from the crowd
the two of you catch up and talk about how your first day has been going
soon enough lunch ends and mark's walking you to your 6th period
the day comes to an end and mark is waiting for you at the front of school, waiting to walk you home
"you know you don't have to walk me, you literally live in the opposite direction." you say as the two of you begin your walk
"i know, i do it because i want to." he replies nonchalantly and for the first time you feel something in your stomach
you feel butterflies in your stomach when mark walks you to your doorstep and they intensify when he gives you a hug before leaving
you watch as mark walks in the direction of his home and cant but wonder what the hell you were feeling
the school year continues to go on and everyday feels like a routine
mark walks you to school and first period, the day goes on, you meet at lunch and he walks you home
but as everyday passes, you cant help but feel more butterflies creep in your stomach as you see mark or when he holds your hand
what you didnt know was that mark had felt the same way, he had started to feel nervous around you, that he couldn’t think straight around you, you made his heart race and his face heat up
he started to become more affectionate towards you, holding your hand more often and wrapping his arm around you casually and also occasionally giving you forehead kisses
mark was just the sweetest boy ever and you couldn't believe that he really was your best friend, he made you feel like you were in a movie, that you were a protagonist in a love novel
he made you feel like you were on clouds and that whenever you were with him you felt like home
it took time for you to fully realize that you had fallen in love with your best friend
mark had also started to pick up on the fact that you were constantly blushing around him and he made you nervous
he felt a weight lifted off his chest, that maybe you reciprocated the feelings he had for you* but as they say, all good things must come to an end eventually
mark had told you that he wanted to become an idol, that music was his passion and something he wanted to pursue
of course you were supportive of him, you wanted to give the whole world to him
you always gave him words of encouragement and praised him for his talent
"remember me when you're famous mark." you say to him one day
"come on y/n, i'll never forget you. besides who said im gonna be famous one day, what if i don't end up making it anywhere?"
your eyes gape at him. "'mark are you serious? of course you're gonna be famous. you're one if the most talented people i know. if anyone were to become famous it would be you, you deserve it. you've worked so hard to achieve your dreams and you're an amazing rapper.
dont ever undermine yourself mark. and if anything, i'll always be here for you. i'll always be here to support you"
mark almost starts crying at your words and he can see the look the in your eyes that meant you meant every word you said
he didn't know what he did in his past life to deserve you but he's glad that he was able to meet you that fateful day
so mark begins his own training, starting to write songs, practice singing and dancing to become an idol
he tells you at lunch one day that a kpop company was gonna be holding global auditions next week and that he's gonna try
you're obviously excited for him and tell him to not worry and that he's gonna make it, that the company would be an absolute fool to not recruit him
then next week comes and mark misses a day of because of auditions
you don't mind, sending him a quick message telling him good luck !!! you got this dude :D
_also you'll be fine stop worrying :_p
the next day mark is back at school and he's anxiously waiting for the company to contact him to see if he made it to the second round
you notice it and reassure him that he'll be fine
but he looks at you and you notice that there's also something else on his mind, you don't question him yet though. he doesn't seem in the right head space
"mark what's wrong?" you ask as mark walks you home
your hand is intertwined in his, and he’s looking down on the sidewalk,
he looks up at you, "what do you mean?"
"at lunch, you seemed pretty anxious about the audition, but something else seemed off about you."
"well yeah im nervous. i think im gonna make it though, the audition was fine." he tells you and your brows furrow
"then whats the problem?" you ask, your voice more quiet
"the company is based in korea. i mean you already knew that but still. if i make it to second and end up passing it, i'll be moving to korea to become an idol." mark explains and your heart stops for a bit
the realization has sunk in your head
all this time you've been encouraging mark and letting him live out his dream but you never realized that you were gonna end up losing him
you feel your eyes start to water and you look up at him, already looking back at you
"dont cry, please." he tells you softly, bringing you into a hug, "i dont want to lose you but i can't hold you back." you whisper into his chest
"but what about us?" he asks, his voice sad
that question was hung in the air, what was gonna happen to you and mark?
you had come to fact that you were in love with him but this was his dream
maybe you could be selfish once, to tell him to stay, to try and pursue a career here, at home
but that wouldn't be fair to mark, this was something he dreamed about, you wouldn't allow yourself be the reason he stayed home
"nothing is gonna happen to us, i'll still be here to support you, even if you're thousands of miles away, i'll always be here for you."
the rest of the walk to your house was quiet, mark having attached you to his side and he didnt seem to plan to let you go anytime soon
when you arrived at your house, mark held you into his arms and his eyes looked into yours
you noticed the gleam in them, full of sadness and longing
you felt your mind screaming at you, to make the first move, to show mark how much you love him before it's too late
but you couldn't bring yourself to do it, it'd be too selfish
mark felt the same emotional turmoil
he wanted to hold you in his arms and just spend the rest of his life with you
he could see the sadness in your eyes and he realized what he would truly be giving up to achieve his dreams
his mind wanted him to just confess his love there, to just cup your cheeks and press his lips to yours
as the two of you gazed into each others eyes, you both came to the realization that you were both feeling the same thing
but the two of you couldn't bring yourself to do it, and with that you separated
mark had finally let go of your waist and you both moved away
you walk into your home and mark went to his
the next day mark tells you he made it to the second round and you give him a smile
a smile mark can see right through
he knows how heartbroken you feel and the pain you feel
he just wished he wasnt the cause of it
the school year is coming to an end and you'll become a senior
mark had ended up passing the second audition and he and his family would be moving to korea
the day he told you, you broke into tears
tears of joy and happiness but also of pain
you were beyond ecstatic for him, he was finally gonna achieve his dream of becoming an idol
but he was leaving, and you wouldnt know if he was ever gonna come back
the school year ends and mark tells you that he'll be moving to korea next week, where he'll be training and starting his senior year
you dread the next couple days
you and mark are inseparable, spending all the time you can before he goes
time goes by quick, one minute the two of you are having a movie night in your living room and the next you're saying your goodbyes at the airport
"i'm sorry y/n" mark tells you
"for what"
"for leaving."
"hey don't be sorry for that, you're pursuing something thats gonna make you happy and that's all i ever want from you, for you to be happy." you say, tears falling from your eyes
mark starts to cry at your words, his thumbs moving to wipe away your tears, which actually make them fall harder
he brings you into a hug and you look up at him and stare into his eyes one last time
the eyes that always made you happy, the eyes that always looked at you in adoration,
the eyes that always made you feel at home
the two can feel the longing the other holds, but you both can't bring yourself to do it
as the two of you continue to hug until mark has to leave you whisper the three words you've yearned to tell him
"i love you." you say, looking right into his eyes
"i love you too."
you hear mark's parents call for him, telling him that they have to board soon
the two of you finally separate and you're full on crying
mark begins to walk off before turning around and giving you one last smile, one you return through your tears
you watch as mark board and you wait and watch as his plane leaves, officially separating you from the boy you love
mark looks out the plane window, watching as the airport begins to get smaller and smaller
he lets out a sigh and feels his heart ache
you take out your phone and text mark, knowing he'll see it when he lands
i love you, dont forget me when you're famous ;)
"oh how could i ever forget you"
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fucnhg-slee-p · 4 years
C+L4EVR (Part2)
In potions class she sat sandwiched between Cedric and Harry. snape was saying something liza couldn’t be bothered with at the moment. “Psst” Cedric leaned in “what’s your birthday plan?” He whispered. “Huh? Probably nothing as usual, you know how much is hate my birthday” Cedric sighed as the bell rang signaling the class was over. They walked into the hall together “liza will you spend this birthday with me this year? Instead of going back home”
Liza looked up at him, shocked for some reason “you want me to stay?”

“Yes, i know you’ll have a much better time here than with your family. Please stay, ill even hang out with draco for the day too”
Liza stopped in her tracks “wait, did i just hear you properly? You’ll hang out with draco? For me?” The smile on her face couldn’t contain itself. “I can’t believe you’d really do that. Last time you tried you said you’d never do it again”
“Yeah well i wanna make your birthday the best it can be so... ill do it”
He gave her a warm smile that made her knees go weak. Cedric had clearly been talking for a few minutes but time felt as if it had slowed down and all liza could think of was how good he looked right now, holding his books to his chest silently wishing it could be her in his arms instead of those stupid books... “liza?” Cedric waved his hand in front of her face as an attempt to get her out of her trance, “were you even listening? This whole time i was going on and you heard none of it” he pretended to act hurt but couldn’t help the chuckle that forced itself out of him. “Shit I’m sorry Ced, i got lost in m head.”
“It’s alright, darling. It wasn’t important anyway” he was actually glad she hadn’t heard a single thing he’d said because that meant he could surprise her with his plan for her birthday
“god, how am i ever supposed to get over him” she thought as they continued walking to their next class.
Weeks passed and neither Cedric or draco had mentioned her birthday recently, maybe Cedric changed his mind about wanting her to celebrate her birthday in hogwarts. It almost seemed as if both of them were avoiding her.
For the last few days she’d been hanging out with Fred and George, joining in on their pranks to distract her mind from the hurt of her best friends acting so strange and distant. The twins were like her older brothers, they were always so kind to her. She loved spending time with them and it was nice to be seeing more of them recently, something she discovered about the twins which isn’t really something you’d expect from them was that they loved to stargaze. Laying outside hagedis hut staring into the night sky in between them was very quickly also one of her favorite pastimes. The only problem was that she deeply wished that it was Cedric that she lay beside staring straight into the shimmering sky.
Her birthday was in 1 day and she was devastated at the thought that she wouldn’t really be spending it with Cedric or even draco seeing as neither of them were anywhere to be found. “You alright, darling?” Fred asked as he noticed silent tears falling from her eyes. She nodded and said nothing
“Can we let you in on a secret?” George started, she looked at him as if to let him know to continue with whatever he was about to say, “well, the thing is we know something you might be interested in” he said as he wiped a tear from her cheek
Liza looked puzzled, what on earth was he on about “well, we think its about your birthday, love” Fred half whispered, she then turned to his direction assuming he’d continue but he said nothing else, “well? What is it then?” She asked getting impatient
The twins gave each other a look, at this point liza decided to sit up and turn to face the both of them still Laying down with their hands behind their heads because it was getting hard to look back and fourth between them.
“So the other day we saw Cedric” george started “and draco” Fred continued
“Together” they said in unison
“Together? What? Were they arguing or something?”
“That’s the thing, they weren’t!” George said with wide eyes to make it more dramatic
“Well what were they doing?”
“Well we weren’t entirely sure, and of course it got us quite interested so we followed them for a while and it turns out they’re working on some kind of project” once again Fred continued George’s sentence “a..project? The two of them working on it together? Are you two mad?”
The whole idea of that was so insane it wasn’t even funny “what kind of joke is that its so unrealistic” liza huffed irritated with their bad attempt at a joke
“What?” The boys said in sync, it was always a little creepy when they did that. They sat up at the same time, looking puzzled “we aren’t joking, darling” said George “we really did see it, we could hardly believe it ourselves and we saw it happen”
“I haven’t seen them in weeks and all of a sudden now that they’ve been avoiding me they’ve decided to become friends?” Liza was furious now instead of sad, her best friends had been getting along without her? What a horrible feeling she had, “i mean i know Cedric said he would try to get along with draco but why are they avoiding me i just don’t understand” with that she was sad again and confused, so confused
“Well our assumption was that they were planning something for you, it’s what it looked like” Fred said while standing up and holding his hand out to liza as if to help her up, she took his hand and George stood as well. “I think it’s about time for bed now, let’s head back” Fred stated and the group agreed slowly walking back to the castle.
One very long walk later she’d finally made it back to the Slytherin common room being too exhausted to make it up to the sleeping area, she had plopped herself down on the couch and almost fell asleep when she had heard footsteps coming down the boys dorms. Quickly she pretended to be asleep and whoever decided they were going to sneak out almost made it out before seeing her in their peripheral vision and stopped in their tracks turning back to look at her and sight made them sigh sadly. She was still in her school uniform and looked so uncomfortable. He walked up to her and placed the blanket that was draped over the back of the couch over her body, kissed her forehead, whispered “sleep tight, love” then proceeded to sneak out. She knew it was draco, she could tell from the moment he’d made it Down the stairs. After she was sure he was gone she went upstairs and got into her bed but didn’t sleep at all.
Today was her birthday, it was too late to sped it back home now so she begrudgingly got dressed and put makeup on, heading to the great hall for breakfast the second she walked through the door of the Slytherin common room though she was met with draco, Cedric and...16 cakes floating around them? The boys laughed awkwardly then sang happy birthday in unison. “This has to be a dream” she said, her voice laced with shock and disbelief. “First of all thank you, but fuck you guys for completely ignoring me for so long” she was happy about what was in front of her but still hurt “I’m so sorry we’ve been working for hard to plan this whole day” draco and Cedric said at the same time sounding genuinely sorry and worried. She hugged them both as tight as she could “I love you guys so much” she said with tears in her eyes “I love you too” Cedric said, his tone becoming more serious. Draco and Liza gave each other a look. Cedric immediately snapping out of it and laughed mentally kicking himself for being so stupid and awkward. draco awkwardly coughed “Liza follow us we have a surprise” grabbing her hand and pulling her along. Cedric following along right by her side wishing he was holding her hand instead. Wait what? He obviously only thought that because his hands were cold, no other reason.. right?
She was lead into the room of requirement and was met with all of her friends gathered around and talking. Immediately stopping what they were doing to shout “happy birthday” the 16 cakes had followed the trio the whole way and landed safely on a dining table and arranged themselves to spell “happy birthday liz” with each cake having its own letter on it. Balloons of all colors and shapes filled the room. Liza started tearing up “thank you guys so much” she hugged them both. After they pulled away Cedric wiped her tears away “don’t cry, love”
The party itself was quite fun, everyone was drinking and getting along well, and there wasnt a single fight from Cedric and draco, not even bickering, which was odd but liza thought she shouldn’t mention it tonight because everything was so perfect she didn’t want to ruin it by bringing it up.
It was nearing the end of the party, everyone had eaten cake awhile ago by now and liza had already opened all of her gifts which were mostly cute clothes. Neville had gotten her a small ceramic frog with a witch hat on and Ron had gotten her a ceramic kitten, also dressed as a witch, Presumably they’d planned that. draco got her a nice necklace with a moon charm on it. But she didn’t get a gift from Cedric which didn’t matter because of all of the work he and draco had put into making her such a nice party.
As everyone was leaving, heading into the hall Cedric pulled her aside and pulled out a small jewelry box from is pocket. “I wanted to give this to you separately from all the other gifts because its kind of special” his voice laced with nervousness, his cheeks were bright red. Hesitating, he handed it to her. Inside was a bracelet that he’d clearly made himself with lettered beads on it that said “C+L” and stuck to the inside of the lid was a printed photo of them together. Liza smiled up at him “i love it, ced” she put it on and hugged him. When they pulled away he kept his hands on her shoulders. “Liza.. t-there’s something i have to tell you” his hands slowly going down the length of her arms to hold her hands. She gave him a look as if to continue and he did. “I’m- i, uh.. well, I’m in love with you” liza was stunned, she’d been waiting to hear that for so long this had to be a dream. “You’re.. in love with me? Are you sure?” She had worry in her face as if maybe it was some sick joke. He looked down too embarrassed to look at her now, he thought she was rejecting him, “yeah, I’ve been sure since year 3” he said with tears starting to form in his eyes, looking back up at her he started rambling “I understand that you don’t feel the same and its okay, i hope this wont make anth-“ it was as if she wasnt in control of her own body as she leant up to kiss him, holding his face in her hands. In shock Cedric was still for a moment before he leaned into her touch, deepening the kiss. They both felt dizzy with adrenaline and it was the best thing they’d ever felt. Cedric pulled her closer so there was no room between them. They slowly pulled away, still embraced in each other’s arms, he rested his forehead against hers “i love you too” she said smiling so wide her cheeks hurt. “I love you so much”
Draco still in the room coughed loudly as they were leaning in to kiss again “you better not snog in front of me all the time now, i think i might get sick” he said with a false disgust. Walking away towards everyone else he smiled and winked at liza.
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wtfdavidsvlogs · 6 years
Not here...Not now (D.D)
Warnings: talks of naked bodies, nudes, swearing, dirty talk, sexting,
Requested: Anon said
You're supposed to meet with David after work at his place and he's been so busy with work lately you've been getting impatient. You show up, he's not there. You text to see where he is. He says he had to film with Jason driving around cause Jasons memory card broke. Annoyed but feeling flirty you step out of your comfort zone and start sending him pictures.
Gif by: @allthesepurplelights
Tumblr media
I was finally on my way home. Thank the Lord. I seriously couldn’t have gotten out of that office quicker. I work in a tax office as a receptionist. I know worlds most boring fucking job ever. But it pays very well and money is not boring. Anyway, I was finally on my way to Davids place because we had previously agreed to stay in and just hang out. The two of us. We’ve both so busy with our work that we set aside tonight for us. I stop the car in the driveway after being let into the gate. I grab my bag, jacket, and my keys and make my way inside. I unlock the glass door and proceed to take off my glossy heather grey heels. I hang my keys on the hook and carry my bag to lay it down on the pool table.
“David! I’m home, baby!” I said excitedly. I waited a couple seconds for a response from him and nothing.
“David?!” I yell again while walking around the house. Confused, I decide to text him asking where he is.
You: Where are u?
It took him a while to text back with an excuse. I don’t want to sound petty and jealous but we set this day aside specifically.
David❤️: Holy shit, baby! I’m so sorry. I totally forgot. I had to film with Jason cause his memory card broke. I’m coming back right now.
“Aw man!” I yelled into the empty house. I knew he’d try and get here as soon as possible but it sucked that he wasn’t now. He does everything for me I should just be glad that he is trying. Some guys don’t but he does. As I start to trap myself in thinking about amazing my boyfriend is, an idea passed through my frustrated mind. Maybe he isn’t here, but I can sure as hell make him wish he was. I’ve been with this kid for 3 years, I know what it takes to ya know...get things started. I grab one of his shirts and my black lace panties. I throw my hair up and go to the mirror with my phone in hand. An outfit like this is sure to drive him nuts. I lift up the side of the shirt closest to the mirror and lean on my one leg to make my ass look big. I snap the picture and send it his way. This is revenge. He can never control himself when it comes to me no matter the time or the place.
Davids Pov
I felt awful. I know how long she’s been looking forward to our night and I ruined it. I told Jason the situation and he understood. He started to drive me back home which we were thirty minutes away from. When I suddenly get a picture sent to me from Y/N. I open my phone to see her in the big mirror with my shirt on and black underwear on.
“Jesus Christ.” I said quietly while choking on my tongue. She was gonna torture me in the car, over text message, with Jason in the car. She knows exactly how to fuck with me in that way and she knows I can’t control what happens down there when that time comes. I bite my lip and look to Jason who is too focused on the road to notice this. My fingers fly across the keyboard.
You: 1 image attachment
David❤️: Baby, not here...not now
Your Pov
It was working. I had this idea to start sending videos of me slowly taking off articles of clothing. I pressed record while doing different poses and stuff I then proceed to take off my panties and drop them on the floor. This was gonna kill him inside. But it wasn’t done there. I sent the video and felt absolutely no regret.
David pov
A video?! God this girl was trying to get me killed. I opened it while scooting a bit further back and raising my phone closer to my face. I press play and see her in the mirror still doing different poses amd she then uses one hand to remove her underwear and drop them on the ground. My jaw is practically on the floor. I watch the 9 second video over and over again to make sure what I’m seeing is real. I throw my head back whispering curse words to myself. I look back to my keyboard. This was starting and I couldn’t stop it.
David❤️: Stop. Now. I’m in a small car with Jason right now.
You: I bet this is killing you inside and you haven’t even seen me yet..
You: Dirty thoughts
She decided to send a video holding up the shirt passed her uncovered boobs. Exposing herself to me completely. I took a sip of water now sweat was running down places trying to keep myself contained. Oh my god this little bitch took it all off. She twirled around and shook her ass and ran off camera.
Your pov
I think I got my point across. In the last video I decided to shake my ass at the camera a little bit because David is and always has been, an ass man. That for sure drove him over the edge. I put my clothes back on because Davids guys friends would be arriving any second. I invited them over so that when David did get home he wouldn’t be able to get his hands on me. That would be the ultimate tease. A picture with these guys in mirror I was just naked in. I waited for them to arrive and literally in minutes they all did. I yelled hello and ushered them all inside. I greeted people and said hello to everyone. I suggested that we all take a picture in the mirror. I crouch down while the rest of them hold up peace signs or blessing positions. This was going to kill him.
Davids pov
One last picture I hoped. I open my phone to Y/N in the mirror with the guys. They had no idea what she was just doing. Now they are all going to be there when I get back so I will have to wait hours to get to her completely. She is the devil in an angels suit. She was the ultimate punisher. I inhale through my nose as we finally reached my house the driveway filled with cars. I walked in to all of the guys chilling and talking to one another some of them talking to Y/N. She gasped and got up slowly from her seat but came over to give me a kiss.
“Hi.” She said to me quietly. I looked at her up nd down. She looked like she had never done anything bad in her life. An innocent little snowflake but I was the only one that really knew how wrong that was. i touched her hip and pulled her a bit closer.
“I. Will deal with you later.” I growled in her ear. She shivered at the sound of me. Knowing I have that effect on her gives me such a power rush. She walks away from me swaying her hips back and forth in the process. God the things I was going to do to her. The night went on and we exchanged glances from time to time. When Zane was the last to leave Y/N shut the door behind him. I waited by sitting on the edge of the pool couch. She turned around and found me. She discarded her jacket.
“What now?” She said wrapping her arms around my neck. I stand up and I grab her ass so that she she can straddle me in the air. She wraps her little legs around me.
“Now, it’s my turn to tease you to death, and I won’t be going easy on you either.” I said into her ear. Her head leaned back as if she was gaining pleasure from me just talking to her like that.
“Is that a threat or a promise?” She said pecking my lips. I carry her into my room and throw her on the bed.
“You left me in a car trapped with Jason with all of these videos and pictures of you teasing me out of my mind which left me with the worst blue ball I’ve ever had and you have the audacity to ask me if I’m threatening you or promising this?” I said to her. She batted her thick lashes at me and looked up with her sparkling Y/E/C eyes. “Let’s just say...you’ll feel this tomorrow.”
Wow that took so much longer than I had originally thought. wow i hope you enjoyed anon!!
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snexy-the-snail · 5 years
((Here’s the supernatural fluff prompt!))
Jack knew that the trio technically wasn’t his dads but they were close enough. They all showed their love in different ways but they all had the same protection method, when he lost his powers he was constantly tucked away in someone’s tum. It was slightly frustrating but he got used to it quickly and it became a comfort.
Today he wasn’t feeling good, he just felt wrong and tired, so it was definitely a tum day. He whines slightly as he drags himself to the table trying to seem as miserable as possible to get one of his parents’ attention and possible pity. He never really liked asking to be tucked away, he just felt needy and weak whenever he had to ask.
Jack was honestly surprised to see that Cas was the only one at the table considering he didn’t even eat, then again his angel dad usually caught on a lot quicker than Sam or Dean so it was a win for him.
“You seem tired.” Cas says calmly. He looked like he was working on a case, a book opened to a page about a monster Jack had never seen before. He’d have to research it later.
“I feel heavy.” Jack says taking a seat beside Cas, leaning his head on the Angel’s shoulder with a small whine. Cas was more in tune with what he personally needed, Jack figured it was because the angel had connected with him while he was still being put together in his mother’s womb. They didn’t need to talk very much to understand each other and it was something Jack was relieved about.
He was still very young and wasnt always sure what he wanted or needed.
“Mmm, let me finish this chapter first.” Cas says softly after a moment of silence. Jack nodded wordlessly before nuzzling up closer to the angel. He could wait, not for very long but he would wait for Cas to finish the chapter at the least.
He always liked Cas’s tum better, it was warm and looked a lot like the night sky but prettier. Dean and Sam’s tums were cool in their own way but he really liked Cas’s.
He taps impatiently on his hand as he waited for his angel dad to finish the chapter, the soft turning of pages making him a bit drowsy. He wasn’t sure he liked that part of being a human, being tired sucked and made him cranky.
“Cas.” Jack whines softly when he deems the reading was taking to long. He wanted to be hidden from the world and not have to deal with anything.
“Just a moment Jack.” Cas responds. Jack huffs unhappily and buries his face more into the Angel’s shoulder. He knew he had to wait but he didn’t want to. Just because he was physically too old to have an temper-tantrum didn’t mean he wasn’t mentally too old to have one.
“Pleeeeeaaaase, please, Cas please I can’t wait.” He whines as he butted his head against Cas’s shoulder again. He knew he was acting childish but he was really just done with the world.
He grins victoriously when Cas sighs fondly and rests a hand on his head. Finally.
“You’ll have to learn how to wait.” Cas scolds him tiredly. At this point Jack didnt care whether or not he was going to get scolded later on by the Winchesters, he wanted to be tucked away.
“And I will, I just really need this right now.” Jack says eagerly. A wave of dizziness washed over him signaling that despite Cas wanting him to learn to wait he was still going to be tucked away. He grins widely practically vibrating as his father figure’s hand hovered over him for a moment before gentle fingers closed in around him.  
“We will need to address this later.” Cas reminds him. Jack swinging his legs excitedly as he was raised up into the air. Jack knew fully he’d be scolded later for being impatient, it was totally worth it.
“Understood.” Jack promises. Cas was very insistent that he get a hold of his human side as well, they wanted him to be understanding of emotions and how to read them. He got that one-hundred percent, but it was honestly slightly annoying at times. The Winchester had a weird way of showing emotion so it was hard to learn at times.
He grins widely kicking his legs one last time before he was carefully lowered down into the Angel’s mouth. The warmth was enough to fight off the slight chill of the bunker at this size and made him relax slightly. Who wouldn’t be relaxed? You got to be surrounded by the one who loved you and literally nothing could hurt you when you were deep inside someone’s gut.
“Thanks Cas!” He chirps out with a large grin on his face. He stifled a giggle when Cas hummed in acknowledgment. The vibrations had tickled a bit after all. The slick muscle pushed him around carefully. Salvia soaked through his clothes in seconds, plastering them to his skin.
He grins widely as he felt his legs being squashed down into Cas’s throat. They were strong and would have no problem dragging him down if he had decided to struggle. The muscles surrounding him were soft and very squishy, but held his legs firmly. He had no idea why other people didnt do this on a regular, it was relaxing and very comforting.
Another swallow echoed loudly around him as the muscles pulled him down further. Cas closed his mouth carefully around his small frame, sealing him in complete darkness.
Jack grins happily shifting slightly as he was squashed down with a small squelch.
Despite not having to breathe or needing his vessels heart, both were pumping and whooshing as Jack passed by them. It was always nice to know his father figure was alive an well.
Another thick swallow pulled him down into Cas’s stomach, the muscles squelching as he plopped inside. Like always the swirls of a universe like texture was all around him. He figured it was because of grace coursing through the vessel, it still make it breathtaking.
He grins widely pushing around at the slick muscle as he tried to right himself and like always he ended up falling flat on his face. He didn’t mind of course, the flesh was soft and cradled his body no matter which way he moved.
“Jack, are you alright?”
Cas’s deep voice came from everywhere, Jack half wondered if this is what his true voice was like as well. He rolls over letting a small huff out as he tried to sit up.
“I’m feeling much better! Thank you Cas.” He responds. He stretches out slightly and pushes his feet as far as they could go, the squishy muscle following his movements.
“Mmhm. Just let me know when you wish to come back out.” Cas rumbles around him. Jack grins slightly when a stomach wall squishes gently against him, a clear sign the angel was resting a hand over him. It was like a weighted blanket, but squishy and slick.  
“I will! Thank you Cas.” He calls back. He grins and playfully pushes at the wall until it retreated. He looks around deciding to study the patterns of the Angel’s stomach until he got bored. The soft gurgles of the organ working around him was surprisingly very calming. He snuggles into the soft flesh very pleased when it cradled his weight carefully.
Yes, he had no idea why people thought being eaten was such a bad thing.
He shakes his head and goes back to studying the stars streaking across the soft flesh.
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olaf-likeswarmhugs · 5 years
Olaf’s Frozen Adventure Part 1 || Chapter Six: December 4
 A/N: So…how did Olaf end up in Swynlake?! The journey began months ago! Things sure are changing in the Icelandic Hollow, and the more they do, the more Olaf has to question. In this chapter: Olaf’s doubts grow and the boys struggle to say everything they’re feeling...
Olaf: Sindri?
Sindri: Hi!
Olaf: Hi! how are you? have you gotten your seven hugs yet?? Olaf: i texted nemo and he said he texted u seven hug emojis and i told him it didnt count so please remind him for me that it does not count
Sindri: he did he gives pretty good hugs but not as good as yours
Olaf: well it is my talent haha Olaf: hey sindri, you know how our talent is supposed to... mean something, like, it's what you're meant to do?  Olaf: do you miss frosting things sometimes. like, professionally
Sindri: yeah sometimes, but I kind of think right now my talent reminds me what is really important Sindri: like if I don't do anything the world might not even need me anymore Sindri: I dont know if that makes sense
Olaf: so in a way, you're still performing your talent? just differently?
Sindri: yeah! Sindri: like deep down frosting things is still very important to me but in a bigger way that doesnt need me to frost windows right now even though that's pretty fun
Olaf: yeah yeah right Olaf [deleted]: when did it start to feel like Olaf [deleted]: so you felt like you had to Olaf: well that's really icy, sindri! i wonder if thats how other fairies feel, you know, who leave hollows and stuff Olaf: like they are doing their talents in new ways!
Sindri: I think so!
Sindri: well I do at least
Sindri: is everything okay?
Olaf: oh sure
Olaf: i just got in a teeny bit of trouble with Honeymaren haha Olaf: nothing serious! its just, well, i started making her clients late to their appointments bc i would start talking to them and thats not my talent haha Olaf: she's the listening talent, not me! Olaf: im just thinking about things i guess
Sindri: ur not allowed to talk to them at all?
Olaf: i mean i can /talk/ to them Olaf: i guess i cant listen to them or....you know. i think hugging pixies make pixies very comfy and open to talking which is why im really a perfect assistant to a listening fairy, queen iduna knew her stuff Olaf: its just that i get carried away sometimes because i want to help Olaf: i guess its habit from being a helper talent all those years
Sindri: I think it's kind of silly for you to get on trouble for helping :(
Olaf: yeah Olaf: yeah! Olaf: im not trying to get in honeymaren's way im really not Olaf: though i suppose she is right...she was telling me that she builds whole relationships with pixies over weeks or years and what she does isnt just comforting a friend, its active listening, which is something i dont know anything about
Sindri: do I need to yell at her?
Olaf: no i mean im the problem
Sindri: no you're not!
Olaf: i am though Olaf: sindri i thought once i knew my talent, everything was going to make a lot of sense but i think its gotten more confusing
Sindri: no because all you're doing is comforting pixies and listening to them when they talk instead of turning them away because you care so much. your heart is so big!
Olaf: i think its maybe too big Olaf: hugging talent feels so small, i mean Olaf: like sometimes i feel like i was happier as a helper talent Olaf: but thats awful. Thats not how Im supposed to feel. Finding my talent is supposed to be... Olaf: maybe it ISNT my talent maybe Queen Iduna was wrong and i really am just talentless haha
Sindri: olaf you are not talentless Sindri: you are so loving and great and you care so much about others and no matter what you can always find something to smile Sindri: I'm really sorry you are feeling sad because I love you very much I wish I was there and could help you
Olaf [deleted]: I dont think you can help me. i dont know if anyone Olaf [deleted]: im not sad dont wor Olaf: its okay! maybe im just too impatient Olaf: this will all make sense after a little bit of time has passed and i adjust. i just need to give it more time, right?
Sindri: I'm sure it will! Sindri [deleted]: I feel like such a horrible friend for not Sindri [deleted]: we need to see each other Sindri: maybe you can take a break
Olaf: a break? but i really just started a month ago Olaf: plus its the busiest time of year!
Sindri: but Sindri: i just want you to do what's best for you Sindri: you're important too Sindri: I'm not there to take care of you so you have to do it
Olaf: i am! Olaf: i just think id be bored Olaf: everyone would be so busy, you know? no one could do anything and i think id just get lonely and restless Olaf: i like working, i do
Sindri: you could come here :) Sindri: jk but you shouldn't overwork yourself
Olaf: im underworked if anything Olaf: bla i shouldnt be complaining
Sindri: also make sure you tell honeymaren from me to shut up
Olaf: no she's right Olaf: i need to respect other people's talents
Sindri: well I think hugging and listening go together and shes probably mad because people are so willing to open up to you Sindri: jealous
Olaf: ahha you would say that Olaf: thanks, that makes me feel better even if its probably not true
Sindri: I bet is is true because she had to talk to them for years and stuff and then they tell u all their problems in two seconds Sindri: I never liked her
Olaf: ur just saying that because she got upset at me xP
Sindri: maybe Sindri: but shes also not nice
Olaf: she IS nice thats why people like her and talk to her! Olaf: i like her too, she's right that i am not trained in giving advice i wasnt ever a listening apprentice Olaf: ...though i bet id be a GOOD listening apprentice
Sindri: you would be Sindri: i know I always say this but I just really miss you
Olaf: i miss you too Olaf: but its better right? nemo is helping? he says he's going to invite you to slumber Olaf: oh wait Olaf: whoops! Olaf: pretend you are very surprised!!!
Sindri: what Sindri: ugh I feel like I'm a bad friend to nemo he helps me all the time I love him too hes great
Olaf: thats really funny because he said the same thing to me Olaf: well he said that he's thankful for my advice, because he wants to be a better friend to you Olaf: he is great. you're great too, sindri. you should both realize how great you are!
Sindri: i want you to meet him really bad you'd really get along
Olaf: psssh we already do. i am currently kicking his PETUNIA (hehe) in words with friends Olaf: he taught me that Olaf: petunia Olaf: its so cute! spring fairies are so cute!
Sindri: HAHAHA arent they! He says breezy too Sindri: it's so cute I want to pinch his cheeks
Olaf: me too!! Olaf: though oo he played hoarfrost and he told me you taught him that Olaf: very frosty sindri
Sindri: i felt bad about that
Olaf: i think its HILARIOUS
Sindri: no hes still young!
Olaf: pssh we said hoarfrost all the time when we were his age
Sindri: yeah but I'm trying to be a good hyung to him I dont think that means teaching him things like hoarfrost! Or fokk either so dont say that one
Olaf: whats a hyung again?
Sindri: like a big brother kind of
Olaf: oh right! oh that's so cute sindri
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bobowhooo · 6 years
Potent Savages
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Chapter 1 Part 2 : Disruptive
genre : Thriller/Angst/trigger warningsss/smut/exo, oc, and blackpink gang au
Summary : This fast paced kind of life style isnt for everyone, but for these young rich savages this stuff is second nature.
I told you i would catch you up, and im a girl of my word when i want to be. So imma take you back, Back before the drama with jiyong the dragon. Back before i even knew baekhyuns weird ass was a member of the notorious exo gang. Before he knew i was a member of the infamous blackpink gang. Before we all started to hate eachother.
“I am so gonna make a virgin cry tonight” jennie spoke to herself while looking in the mirror as if she was taking a selfie, which i love watching her do for some reason, but in my defense she does look really hot. Looks like tonight is going to be one of those nights that we put on our less expensive clothes and act like we’re regular teenagers, i hate these nights, i’d much rather be at the club in balenciaga, sitting in the vip lounge with jiyong, but my girls wanted me to go and if my girls want something from me the word no always goes into hiding.
“Ayyye lit wayyy.” lisa sang out as she took a picture in the mirror with jennie
I looked over to the room that jisoo and rosé share in our three bedroom condo,  I wasnt getting a good enough look at them so i decided to go inside of the room, i know i sound like some kind of crazy smother but the relationship between me and my girls is not normal and probably never will be. I cant be away from them for too long and if im not close to them i have to atleast be able to lay my eyes on them or i just might kill someone. Yes i do tell you alot but i dont know if im ready to talk too much about that, so lets change the topic.
Snapping out of my thoughts, i realized that jisoo and rosé still werent ready at all. Instead of intervening or saying anything, i decided to just do something else, guess ill call my mans.
“honeyy, how is the party going?” 
“Haii oppaa” i said with a higher voice than usual you know the one you use when you talk to the boy you like? yeah that one. “im not there yet oppa”
“Aaahhh okayyy i seee” judging from the way he was using that sly sexy voice of his, i think he wants something from me.
“What is it oppa?”i said, i dont know why im getting an unfamiliar feeling about this.
“babyy, at that party tonight....”
what the hell does he want with this dumb high school party, i should be the only thing in his mind that has anything to do with high school... okay im kidding....alittle.
“Some of my associates will be there i want you to keep an eye on them.” his voice switched up this time.
“What the fuck jiyong, who the hell are these “associates”?”
“exo.” well he never was one to beat around the bush for too long, i could already hear it in his voice he was getting impatient.
“First of all, fix your tone, and second, boi you know i know most of all that the whole damn exo gang hates you and all your men, dont talk to me like im just another one of those dumb skanks you like to play with.”
What did you just ask? oh, well let me tell you alittle more about him. Jiyong the dragon is the top dog the ultimate big man in this business. He was one of those get down or lay down type of guys, of course that shit didnt work on me and my girls, which was the reason why he took such a liking to me in the first place. Does that cure your curiosity? what do you mean you didnt ask that!? 
“Hahahhah” hes laughing at me.
“ugh, oppa im supposed to be relaxing at this party.”
“i know babyyy, all you have to do is keep an eye on maybe three of them and...”
“Aaand make sure they dont leave until my men get there.”
“What!?, jiyong are you seriously going to try to kill them at a highschool party!?”
“Who said anything about killing themm...babyy come onn for mee?”
“You know that type of shit dosent work on me oppa.”
“please baby? ill owe you one big time.”
That caught my attention “ owe me huh?” thats what i like to hear. I could care less if those exo guys die or get kidnapped or whatever jiyong is gonna do with them, and the mention of him owing me sounds so delicious “hmmm....”
I hear a little laughter on his side before i make my decision,
“You got yourself a deal oppa” i say with a sinister smirk. And with that we say our goodbyes and i hang up.
My girls are so quiet.......shit.
I whip my head around quickly, with my anxiety building up, getting ready to run to where ever they are, whether it is in the house or not. 
“Cha cha?” jisoo called out. My real name is park bong cha, aya is just a street name. Not alot of people know my real name, and i like it like that.
My girls were standing in the doorway of my room which i share with no one due to the fact that all of the extra space in the room is filled with all of our weapons and money. 
“Damn i wish you saw the way your head turned just now” rosé said with a small giggle. She and jisoo looked like they were finally done getting ready. 
“Lets dip girls.” i said, actually feeling alittle excited to go now, which is such a first.
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I was posted up on the wall with some concoction lisa had some girl she was macking on make for me. It tasted good though. I had already informed the girls about the little deal i made with jiyong, they took it well thankfully. i have been occupying my eyes with this cute guy who is dancing his ass off. And just when the song finally changes and he notices, the entrance door swings open and some heads turn, and mine follows the others.
Just the boys i wanted to see, i think to myself while smiling.
I let my girls know by text and we all, being on the same floor of the house, exchange looks. 
shall we?
I watched the exo gang walk in all together, some were rubbing their hands together like fuckboys, and others just looking around observing the party and the people, easily you could tell they are a close-knit group like me and my girls.
I decided to keep my eyes on the linky big eared one, the one who looked like he wanted to scream in someones face, and the one-
“omg” I said under my breath as I watched one of the exo members slightly bite on his beautiful index and middle fingers.
Lisa quickly slapped my shoulder with a grin “aye, you thirsty girl?” she said as she tilted her drink towards me with her adorable smile, “shut the fuck up.” I said with a dead expression.
The other girls came up to us in three different directions. “So whats the plan?” rosé asked while referring to my end of the deal I made with jiyong oppa. I wasn't listening though, still stealing glances at the exo members mouth and fingers.
“Stop bitching guys, I will remember what she looks like, trust me, damn.” chanyeol stated as he scrunched up his face a little. All I can think is that its such a damn shame chanyeol is the only one who saw jiyongs girl, putting all our eggs in chanyeols fucked up basket is really fucking annoying. “Baekhyun, I know what your thinking, and no im not stupid enough to put all our eggs in chanyeols fucked up basket, just know that.” Suho spoke while he squeezed my shoulder as if he was trying to make me feel his words,  what the hell is he? a fucking mind reader!? 
We already know what jiyong the fucking snake is going to try to pull tonight, we heard from a mole hes going to have some girl hes been fucking to watch us all night, but we came here tonight in spite of that to do our usual rounds, because not a lot of things are better than money and confrontation.
“Alright split, chanyeol stay with Baekhyun” Suho said with an exhale
Chanyeol puts his arm around my shoulders as we walk towards the crowd of dancing teens. “Anybody lookin familiar?” my voice giving off my bored and annoyed mood, I spoke with a quick elbow into his stomach. “Nahh, just lemme go get a drink real quick. want one?” chanyeol asked and got a nod yes in return.
I start looking around, eyeing all the girls in the room.
“Girls really love this song huh?” I said to myself as I watched a swarm of girls running to the impromptu dance floor as they screamed and giggled.
My eyes automatically land on two girls that looked like they just jumped off a runway stage or some shit, “damn” I said out loud on accident, could they be jiyongs? 
“Damn is right.” chanyeols deep voice crept from behind me, “all the girls in the kitchen were uggos.” he tilted a red plastic cup my way.
I took it from him and stole a quick sip, “those two girls right there ring any bells?” I asked as I brought up my left hand to wipe my mouth and used the index finger of the hand holding my cup to point in the direction of the girls I was talking about.
Chanyeol licked his lips, “I don't know I think I need a closer look.” he voiced as he rubbed his hands together, his fuckboy mode starting to kick into gear.
I smirked at the possibilities.
“Okay I guess we can have some fun then.” 
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“You know if you don't make this shot im going to make you strip right?” the guy I now know as Baekhyun spoke to me sexily with a sharp smirk on his face while he held a ping pong ball that had earlier been cover in cheap beer.
“Well maybe I want to strip.” I stated, readying another ping pong ball. Hopefully I can finally make a shot.
Baekhyun, and his friend who is also an exo member, chanyeol came up to me and jennie a little while ago, the convenience being too perfect, we've been talking to them ever since, and somehow I ended up in a game of beer pong with Baekhyun, while jennie and chanyeol decided to look through each others instagrams on the couch next to us.
I finally flick my wrist with hopes I get it into one of the cups on baekhyuns side.
“Yess.” I said as my ball landed in a cup on the left of Baekhyun.
“aahh noo” Baekhyun spoke playfully.
my phone buzzes at that. I quickly look at jennie, Jiyongs men might be....
“What is it?” Baekhyun speaks. I don't answer, instead I remove my phone from the back pocket of my jeans to see if my earlier thought was right.
  my men are there baby where are you
“Aye jennie the girls are looking for us we should go.”
“awww already?” chanyeol said, his voice giving off a new dangerous tone.
They know.
I saw ayas face change after chanyeols comment.
that's right bitch, feel it. 
chanyeol told me she was the one three minutes into talking to her. I have to admit shes good. I totally would have fallen for her act. too bad I didn't.
“Jennie lets move now!” aya yelled at the other girl as we heard screams coming from all around the house.
“Grab her chanyeol!” 
The moment I jump on the ping pong table and take out my gun, jennie jumps off the couch, chanyeol grabs her, and Baekhyun pulls out the gun hes been hiding so well. 
Jennie struggles in the hold of the huge man, while I stare Baekhyun down. Both our guns pointing at each others head. aiming for an instant kill.
“You don't think im about to just give up do you?” 
I quickly shoot at the gun in Baekhyuns hand and roll off the table, about to shoot at chanyeols foot, he kicks the shit out of me, and jennie took the chance to get out of his hold, all of a sudden a crowd of people fill the room. 
Jiyongs men come running in like the CIA.
I start shooting the men coming at me. suho and d.o run into the room probably getting ready to carry out plan b.
Me and chanyeol somehow end up back to back in the middle of jiyongs men, this isn't looking to damn good.
I grab jennie and run to the exit of the room in full panic mode because I don't know where the hell my other girls are. 
A exo member with bushy eyebrows comes out of nowhere and stands in front of us looking like satan himself, looking calm despite all the chaos going on. 
I don't have time for this.
I push jennie backwards getting ready to jump out of the next window I see, until I turn around and see another exo member staring us down with one of his eyebrows lifted, as more of the exo gang pile in the room to help with jiyongs men. fuuuck meee.
I charge in the other direction gripping jennies wrist, and my girls come out in front of us rushing to get to the men chasing behind.
Me and jennie continue running with intentions of getting the car ready, hating the fact that I have to leave the other girls here. 
We reach a window and I look for something in the room I could use to break it. I find golf clubs in the closet and take a hard swing at my target, breaking it in one go. we both jump out and sprint for the car we came-
My eyes feel like led but I finally start to open them, looking around to only find darkness. shit I must have gotten knocked out by one of the exo boys.
my eyes widen. jennie.
I feel her breathe on my neck as she tries to get closer.
“same plan as usual?”
“ Yeah.”
These exo assholes should have fucking killed me when they had the chance, they should know never to cage wild beasts.
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When the car finally came to a stop I realized my eyes were closed in anger the whole time.
I heard muffled voices and doors opening before closing right back.
My eyes shot open in anticipation.
Open the trunk, I dare you.
as if on cue the trunk door pops open and the exo men look down on us laying in their trunk, this isn't all of them though, where are the rest? I look up at them wishing looks could kill.
“awww you are such a good girl, I didn't even have to gag youu.” a dinosaur looking exo member said as he bent down to get me out of the trunk.
This time, this time when I shoot I wont miss.
The moment my feet touch the ground I feel a rush of adrenaline, I keep my composure until jennies feet does the same.
I close my eyes again readying myself for the moves im about to make. as they start walking us to what seems like a rundown hideout.
They are circled around me and jennie as we walk towards the destination and I look at the men in front of me, eyeing them up and down in search of a knife.
Spinning around as fast as I can in the direction of the knife in the mans pocket on the left of me, jennie quickly backs up planning on distracting atleast two of them.
I get my hands on it and move swift and fast cutting myself loose, cutting up an exo members leg and whatever else is in the way of jennie,
I cut her loose and spin again, always trying to use my speed as an element of surprise, I grab hold of a gun in someones hand and start shooting at everyone around us, as jennie follows my actions.
my shoulder takes a shot, as jennie grabs my hand and makes a run for it. 
we keep running into the dark forest for our lives as we try our best to avoid the bullets the are flying from behind us.
What a fucking night.
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We spent the rest of night running through the woods and making sure I don't bleed to death. When we got back to condo, the sun was up and the rest of the girls were crying and loading machine guns. 
“We thought you guys were never going to come back!” they cried at us. I couldn't help but feel like shit, I wasn't on my a game last night and because of that my girls suffered. 
After that my shoulder was tended to by jisoo and we made our way to jiyongs place to talk about everything.
“I cant fucking believe this shit!”
“Jiyong what the hell are you talking about?” I said as I walked into his office with my girls
“im never gonna trust you with shit ever again.” oppa spoke in a vicious tone while walking towards me.
“Chill the fuck out jiyong!”  jisoo said about to step in front me, I put my arm out in front of her and walk into his personal space.
“Got a fucking problem?”
“Its your fault they got away, you unprofessional piece of trash. Do you know how much that night cost me!” well look at the balls on this one.
“I tried my best you fucking asshole don't do that to me I held up my end of the deal all you said I had to do was keep them there!” 
“Get the fuck out of my face aya, you and your girls are making me sick to my stomach, and don't even think for a second I was serious about me owing you!”
Ah shit my hands are gonna misbehave. suddenly my fist made their way to his jaw and accidently on purpose clocked the shit out of him.
My girls start giggling at the scene and I back away from jiyong as his eyes become wild with anger.
“Do you have a fucking death wish you bitch!?” yes.
“Nah, not really.”
He starts walking towards me again and I can finally tell that he’s not sober. He takes a slow swing at me and my face scrunches up in disgust.
I push his head backwards and he falls completely over. What a pig.
“Jiyong stop come on your better than this.” I said with a frustrated tone.
“DIGGIE” he screams for his body guard who does all his dirty work. Truth is jiyongs actually a little bitch, but hey gotta fake it till you make right?
“Do you really think that guy can kill our crazy asses?” rosé speaks with a raised eyebrow to jiyong, who is on the floor looking completely distressed.
“diggie” his cry for his body guard becomes soft as he starts to sob.
“Come on, lets get outta here girls, he’s obviously really fucked up right now.”
“Don't worry jiyong, we’ll leave diggies head at the door for you.” 
All caught up?
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AUTHORS NOTE : woooo! im doneeeee ayyy I had a lot of fun with this chapterrrr. I hope you guys enjoyed it! its like 5 30 right now sooo imma go to sleep nowww but thanks for reading! kisses <3 ~ laila
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i swear i think im done talking but i guess i will never shut the fuck up when it comes to you lmao. i just feel like i need to say this right now.
i can only imagine how all of this looks from your perspective. last night i felt this strong sense that you were with me, and it was unlike anything i felt before. it’s different now because youre aware. correct me if i’m wrong on anything i say — but ive been proven right too many times, and even though the doubt still lingers in me, i have faith in my own ability to discern and know what is the truth even though im mostly blind here and you give me nothing physically. but i can feel you, your thoughts, your emotion, your energy, often times against my will (that doesnt mean i know exactly what youre doing, i swear i really dont want to make you paranoid lmao) and it has always told me… how much you love me, and how hard you tried to push it down. i knew it was the truth even before this all happened but you kept showing me otherwise and it made me feel crazy. i had to learn how to stop doubting myself.
i kept asking myself, is this worth it? i want something easy. i deserve something easy. but when my mind goes quiet. im like. nah. why would i accept a love i didnt have to fight for. (why am i like this???? i have a few answers) it’s weird cause yeah, i wish this was over — sometimes i wish it never happened — but it’s like i fell more in love with you this way. i knew i really loved you cause (fight me on this) you showed me the worst of you and i still loved you… i didnt fight it… i fought your resistance, though, and i fought myself every fucking day trying to believe in what i was seeing and feeling because “this isnt love. i deserve a love who doesnt decide against me.” but over and over… i felt it, and maybe you didnt feel it consciously, maybe it was just subconscious, in the back of your mind, but i fucking felt it and it drove me insane. i felt your pain (doubting this as im typing it, why??) i wanted to just LIVE but at the same time, i didnt want you to be alone in that pain, even though you werent aware. i didnt want to leave you alone. i wanted you to break free. it was torture. but i kept fighting. fighting. fighting.
yo, however this sounds to you, idk and idc anymore. keep an open mind. this shit is real. i worked really hard to be as good as i am right now. ive gone too far to give up. i know you want to give me everything. i can feel you with me. it feels so good that you know. i wanted to give up on you so many times, but something would always keep me going, it’s so ridiculous… i have faith in you. i think youre perfect as you are. just for who you are. at the end of the day, i want you to be happy & healthy & free. i dont write these to make you feel pressured, these aren’t ultimatums. (i know i get impatient and frustrated but im sure you can understand how difficult this is for me). i want you to feel free with me, and i hope you do. im pushing this so much because i know you want the same thing. i feel it in my fucking soul, it’s ridiculous. im not sure i wouldve told you these things with such confidence awhile back but i feel like ive already exposed so much of myself to you, so it doesnt even matter. ive never felt something this intimate that didnt involve my body. ive never pushed my mind and heart so far. ive never felt so sure about someone.
i remember one night, a couple months ago, just crying… i prayed for clarity because everything was too blurry to me. and i remember just thinking, “he doesnt even know how i feel about him.” and it was so fucking sad to me. idek. it broke my heart. i cried like a little kid. and i hoped that you’d know, somehow. i wanted to run into you again, and tell you right then and there, but that last time i saw you, i couldn’t even look at you. i was so angry. i wasnt ready to take that chance. i felt so small and alone. like no matter what, i couldnt get through to you. but i couldnt sit and wait knowing what i knew. i couldnt just fucking give it up!!! it wouldnt leave me alone!!!!! this nagging fucking feeling deep inside of me, you have to understand this. i felt bound, trapped. like this wasnt even supposed to happen. but i trust myself to know what’s worth fighting for… and i believe in that completely. if this meant nothing, i wouldnt have given it a second thought. but it means everything to me.
i kept having these fucking visions, man. they made me cry. the future is so beautiful and bright. i feel so embarrassed to say them!!!! lmao. but i kept seeing us in italy… and i was like… wtf? i couldnt tell if it was your fantasy or a prediction, but it felt like a bit of both. it didnt really feel possible until i saw it. but i believe in it. i want it. thats the path ive been choosing to go down, over and over. every time i try to break free, i just come back to you.
i feel like… you want to be “a man” before you come to me… i get you want things to be a certain way, but i dont want you to keep talking yourself down from your impulses. im literally here confessing my love for you night after night. calm down lmao. i know this limbo will eventually end, but i think if you take that first step, it’ll make you see that it really isnt so scary. i want to spend time with you. i want to see you. dont hold back anymore. we’ll make it thru.
so, if youre wondering or just thinking if we’re meant to be, i think so.
aaaaallllllll my love,
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montydollcrew · 6 years
Event Report - Doll Show 53 (Early Summer Asakusa) Part 1
Last week there were two doll events in Tokyo - Doll Show and Dolpa. Dolpa was only the day after! I went to both. 
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Jasper came with me, mainly because I had already looked up the dealers list and knew that there would be people selling clothes made for Dearmine Beans, which are a tricky size to fit due to their big thighs not fitting standard Obitsu11 stuff unless its extremely stretchy like the leggings he’s had till now. (If you’re wondering why he no longer has blushing on his ears, long story short I screwed up glueing his magnets back in after they came out and the only way to remove them was to use acetone to dissolve the glue, which meant losing the blushing. I do plan to redo it once I get some pink pastels)
This was also my first Doll Show! I had considered only going to Dolpa, but Doll Show is an event for all dolls while Dolpa is only for Volks products, so Doll Show is a good way to see all kinds of other dolls. The event started at 11am, but tickets were being sold from 8am. In order to get a priority entry ticket and be allowed in first, you had to be there from 8...which is what I did, because I wanted to buy some stuff from Ronronshuka for a friend and since she’s so popular, her stuff disappears pretty quickly. The priority entry were tickets with random numbers on them which determined your place in the priority line - I think it was between 1-500, but it could have also been up to 900. (I forgot what I had, it was around 240 or so I think, so not bad)
Besides Jasper I’d also bought Mel’s headless body along, as I was meeting constellar (who was visiting Japan mainly for Dolpa) to get his head back with the new faceup. I will do a pic spam of him later, but he looked absolutely wonderful and I can’t get over it.
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Here he is impatiently waiting in line. Anyway, Doll Show was comprised of 3 floors in the building it was in. The 7th floor had the ticket sales as well as Azone International’s booth (they do sales as well as unveil new products at Doll Show), while floors 5-6 were for the other dealers. The ‘fun’ part was they didnt want the lift going constantly up and down all morning so were discouraging anyone who didn’t actually need it to use it before 12 or so, meaning that we had to take the stairs to the 7th floor. I sure got some good exercise in this trip, anyway. What surprised me was that Azone hadn’t actually set anything up yet when we were all waiting in line - I assumed they’d do it the night before - but our position in line allowed us to watch them set up. (however, they put a barricade around the new doll displays so that no one could see them until the event started). I wondered if they’d get it done in time but they worked very quickly and it was kind of cool to see.
When it was finally time to go in, I headed straight to Ronronshuka. Even though I managed to get 18th or so in line for her stall, I still missed out on one of the things my friend asked for - luckily I got the rest. There was also a really beautiful DD dress set I wanted to get for myself which had also sold out. But it was also kind of pricey, and seeing as there was still Dollpa after this, I didn’t want to buy anything too expensive. Pics weren’t allowed until after 12 so here are some pics of Ronronsuka’s booth that I took later in the day. She honestly has the cutest displays and her custom DDs are the cutest I’ve ever seen.
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The pink and white set the white-haired DD is wearing is what I wanted - I think it’d really suit Luka, but oh well.
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Ronronsuka’s also come out with a line of her own wigs which look great and had me sorely tempted, but I don’t really have a use for any of them at this point. It was the first time I’d seen what Ronronshuka looks like, and she’s so glamorous! I wanted to tell her how much I love seeing her cats on instagram, but I got too starstruck. By the time I’d done my initial round of shopping and looked at everything it was past 12, so I started to take photos, starting with Azone on the 7th floor.  Their product displays for new and upcoming items:
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It looks like they’re making another version of the new super poseable Pure Neemo body that has proportions closer to the original, which I’m glad of. The slight chunkiness of the original body was part of the entire charm of pure neemo, so the super skinny new bodies with the ugly joints don’t interest me at all.
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Kikipop’s Hoekuchi versions are also coming! I have never been that interested in the Azone versions of Kikipop because my favourite of the resin ones have always been the Hoekuchi versions, and I told myself I’d only ever consider getting one if Azone finally made them. Looks like these ones are going to be really, really cute...;; We shall see! Anyway, the 50cm girls:
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I wasnt really interested in showing off too many of the new products myself since other people do a better and more in-depth job. If you are interested in all the new Azone stuff shown (which is more than what I’ve shown) check Neemosi on twitter.
Now some miscellaneous photos from other dealers! Note: I did not take photos of every single dealer as it would have taken far too long - and I also only really took photos of stuff that interested me (so not many Blythes or Pullips for the most part despite how many there were, sorry). But you can see the full list of dealers here if you’re interested. They encompassed everything from Obitsu11cm and even smaller, to the 70cm+ dolls, and there was also some guy selling wigs for 1/1 dolls.
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I really loved these little robot guys this guy was selling!
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There was a vote going on here to decide what the next face of these Petworks dolls should be. I cant remember if I voted B or D.
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I’m usually not a big fan of Angelphilia but the girl in the pink shirt has a real cute face.
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Obitsu unveiled their new 45cm boy body and I like it a lot. The main thing I dont like about Obitsu bodies is the ugly knees, but they’ve gotten rid of that here. It’s very promising! 
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Obitsus 1/6 girls are all very cute too. They have removable eyes and wigs, unlike pure neemos.
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I quite like these carrying cases.
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I wish I’d gotten Jasper some clothes from here too, but I’d already bought him clothes elsewhere and was trying to stay under budget.
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The above two pics was a dealer selling eyes made from real gemstones. They were extremely expensive but also amazing. I couldnt really take any good photos of the eyes themselves, because my camera wouldnt focus on them properly and the lighting made them look different in the photos to IRL, which was annoying, but I tried. The dealer was wearing a waist-coat and looked like some kind of fantasy character.
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The above two pics are from Good Smile Company’s booth there - they were showing off their new doll line, Harmonia Bloom. I honestly didn’t like these much at all when I first saw them online, but I think they do look better in person. However, I’m not really a fan of this kind of aesthetic. I had been hoping that they would be showing their new obitsu11-esque doll bodies/clothes for nendoroids that they showed at a previous WonderFest but unfortunately they weren’t. Still, it’s interesting that Good Smile are branching into dolls now.
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I got a shirt from this booth! Although I kind of wish I’d gotten one of the short dresses to act as a shirt instead.
That condludes the dealers! Here’s what my booty for the day ended up being:
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Two wigs (same style/colour, different sizes), clothes for Jasper, a shirt for Mel, heart sunglasses for Bri, shoes for Mel and also a new hat for Mel, because his current one had a really large brim that was annoying me. This hat was actually from the exact same dealer I bought that hat from last year, but the brim is a lot shorter. The next post will be the displays of the patrons dolls, which is always fun to see.
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fe-li-ci-ti-es · 6 years
let me tell you, I wish things had gone differently last night. but I was tired of making bad decisions so I let things happen the way they did. I kind of wanted to go to raleigh for new years eve, but none of my usual friends had definite plans to go out. I had really wanted to spend it with alex (remember the guy i said who was gonna hurt me emotionally?) but he had said just a few days before that he would be in new york. now, maybe i wasnt clear or things changed on his end but he def said he would be in NY for new years eve. turns out, he went back to raleigh for new years eve. other shady stuff includes losing our snap streak (on christmas, how hard is it to say merry christmas) and then snapping me immediately the day after. well, he probably ended up blackout drunk and/or hooking up with some girl judging by his snap story. ok ngl, I’m hurt and I knew I’d get hurt. I wanna tell myself it doesnt matter but it does. Do I wanna be with a guy who gets blackout drunk a lot? cause he said he does that a lot and ive seen him drink and spend a lot of money at bars. Also, why do guys keep rejecting me -- I think I make myself too easy. mom is right in that case. I’m just so impatient. I really wanted things to happen with him and I didnt want to lose him. but if I act like I’m a one night stand then that’s how I’ll be treated. I definitely need to take a step back from him and look at him more critically. my mom was trying to make me feel better about not having a date by taking us all out to eat and stuff yesterday which was nice of her. I could have easily found a tinder date but i didn’t want that. however, I started getting weak and ended up giving my number to this guy i met on tinder like two months ago who lives around here, not that he’s done anything with it yet. I’m just lonely here without any friends or people to talk to. I want to get out of the house.
plus, one of my resolutions is to not spend so much time thinking about boys. I’ve caught myself a few times now. jeremy says we should see a movie together, but I’m just thinking about the times when we were talking in person and he left early or the convo wasnt great. I’m definitely not going to follow up on the movie thing unless he asks again. it seems like he just stays in his apartment a lot and doesnt do anything too fun. im the opposite of a homebody - i love adventure, and thats one of the reasons why i feel stir crazy during winter break. 
also, the beach has been quite beautiful and I really enjoy that part. it is nice to escape the house to go walk/run in a peaceful place. however, home life has not been good. i find myself frustrated with my parents. my mom, because she is sick and I cant tell if she is being dramatic or not and she takes it out on us. my dad, because he is always rushing and emotionally closed off and brisk. It makes me want to get out of the house. I really need to find a ride back to raleigh for this weekend. 
now that there are no desserts in the house I’ve been doing better with food. my goal for 2019 is no purging, of course. 
I think trying to force something to happen might work when it comes to finding an internship but it won’t work when trying to find a boyfriend. I’m bored here and that is causing me to overthink things. 
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