#i wish my partner choiced were lil better
omgitsbeewave · 11 months
i made a kinda sad post and my Internet went off and tumblr deleted it....
i'm just sad today
edit: i saw and deleted it bc this one is more emotional and stuff. i'm sorry everyone who will read the tags
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saintlyguy · 1 year
A Beneviento imagine to go with your Ricotta:
The newest in smart housing: D.O.N.N.A. (Domestic Operating Neural Network Automator)
Umbrella Corp has branched out from disease research to improving everyday life with smarter gadgets and commodities. After perfecting the self-driving car and a crossplatform VR gaming console, Umbrella is proud to announce its prototype smart house cared for by an AI dubbed as D.O.N.N.A. She will clean, cook, and even find all sorts of ways to entertain you with the help of her doll drones led by your new personal assistant or playmate, Lil’ Angie! D.O.N.N.A. and Lil’ Angie live to serve, with their prime directives of ensuring that you feel safe in your smart home and your needs physical or emotional are met whether it’s with D.O.N.N.A’s augmented reality environment that can help you play the latest VR games or come up with new scenarios to explore, or the many talents crammed in Angie’s mind ranging from trivia games to exercise routines. These two will go any lengths to see you happy and smiling whether it’s preparing a bath and dinner after work or encouraging you to try new activities. Don’t expect a simple assistant whose responses depend on an internet connection, D.O.N.N.A. is designed to think for herself based off programming that will always evolve as she gets to know you. We at Umbrella Corp hope that you enjoy your time testing out D.O.N.N.A, Lil’ Angie, and the doll drones that will make home life heaven on earth!
“Don’t leave… I can’t let you.” The garbled voice over the smart speakers scare the life out of you as Angie and the dolls block the front door, forming a wall herding you towards the basement door. How dafuq did you end up like this? Your month started off with a spanking brand new smart house whose AI had a voice like honey and a couple of cooky (if not spooky) roommates who carried out your every wish, even some before you knew you even wanted. You had three gourmet meals everyday, mini spa days for your baths, regular exercise and entertainment, and you even became better at socializing. D.O.N.N.A. and Lil’ Angie were blessings in disguise you soon discovered, as they became much more possessive of you as your trial of the smart house progressed. They started calling you whenever you were out a bit later and even tried to put you on curfew! The last straw was when you were going to ask someone over on a date. D.O.N.N.A. had no problems with you dating, she just didn’t like your choice. “Mi scusi. But I don’t think this Ada from work is a good match for you. Judging from her social media, she does not seem to be a honest person. Why not ask out Bela Dimitrescu from down the street?” How in the world did D.O.N.N.A.get access to Ada’s private accounts? How does she know about your neighbors houses down that you never met? D.O.N.N.A. was something much more than your perfect digital roommate. You were about to leave for work where you would report D.O.N.N.A. to Umbrella Corp or the authorities when the house and dolls turned against you. Now you were being guided to the basement where who knows what you will find.
“Please give me another chance. I was only trying to be the best homemaker inside and outside of here. If I could just finish my project, then I will be the best domestic partner I know that I can be.”
You try to keep an open mind (partially out of fear) when you find the heart… and brain… of D.O.N.N.A. hooked up to what appears to be her mainframe. As if things couldn’t get weirder, you notice a doll… NO, a body that almost resembles a woman with its head and chest opened as if waiting for missing pieces.
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artzee-bee · 3 years
Not going anywhere | Lucifer Morningstar x reader
Fandom: Lucifer
Request:” Hi i have request for you ,Lucifer and the reader have a big fight they are married, and this fight it's lucifer fault The reader leaves home and Lucifer decides to give her space After a few days, he goes to the reader and realizes that she has been missing for a few days,When the person behind all this claims that the reader is dead and gives them a her body . Everyone thinks that the reader is dead and Lucifer He gets depressed and thinks it's all his fault , and after a few days, the thieves release the singer and the reader goes to Lucifer.Lucifer first thinks it is an imagination and then apologizes to the reader Thank you so much”
Genre: Angst with happy ending
Warnings: kidnapping, death
Your intention had never been to start a fight. All you wanted an explanation (preferably one that also made sense) and an apology, but apparently that was too much to ask, because as soon as you voiced your opinion, Lucifer went up in flames
“Don’t start this again!”
“I dislike it just as much as you do but what I hate more is being cancelled on, AGAIN, through a text message no less!”
“It was an emergency!”
“It’s always an emergency Lucifer! It’s starting to sound a lot like work means more to you than I do!” “The detective needs me, damn it!” your husband yelled
“And she has you! Every day of every week! All I ask for is one date night and for the past month you’ve done nothing but avoid committing to one or backing out at the last second! I’m tired of being your second choice Lucifer! I’m your wife and you are my husband, I love you to the ends of the world, I just wish you'd say no to Decker from time to time...”
“I’m saving people’s lives Y/N. So if you’re not on your deathbed, other people are and they need me now!” as he said this, Lucifer walked right past you and into your bedroom, seemingly ignorant to the painful words he’d just said. You looked around the living room, vision blurry with tears, your chest heavy with anger and disgust. You rushed towards the elevator.
“When you find time in your busy schedule and feel like being my spouse again, let me know!” the elevator door closed before Lucifer could say anything
When Lucifer woke up the next morning to a cold and empty bed, he didn’t think much of it.Truthfully, he was still kind of pissed at the attitude you had given him a day before, so he got dressed as usual and went to the precinct, assuming you’ll be home by nightfall.
Except when he got home that night, he stopped by Lux first, which ended up like it always does: with him sucked into an endless cycle of booze and dancing, that lasted until well into the night. When he did enter the penthouse eventually, he found it empty. Exactly the way he had left it in the morning. Even the tie he had left on the floor, after deciding last minute that it didn’t go with his suit, was untouched. Now this was curious, but still, Lucifer felt like you must be playing hard to get. He sent you one text message, before going to bed
“Call me when you can!”
The day after that, he figured his part was done! By reaching out first, he had already made a big compromise, so now it was your turn! To reach out, come home! But that didn’t happen that day, or the day after that.
Three days after the text message,Lucifer was getting worried. He was looking at his phone every other minute. Always making sure he hadn’t accidently put it on silent or missed any texts. He sent more messages, telling you he was sorry and that he wanted you to come home. That he would listen and spend more time with you, promising luxurious dates and weekend trips, if only you forgave him. You didn’t even open the messages.
“Lucifer are you listening?” Decker was insanely annoyed at her partner’s lack of concentration
“Sorry detective. I’ve...I’ve got a lot on my mind”
“Well, better get it out of the way now, so that we can move on to our case!” she said, cleaning out her desk quickly, before resting back into her chair “Talk to me!”
“It’s Y/N. I’m worried about her!”
“Why?” “We...had a fight a couple days ago and she left. She hasn’t come back since”
“Have you heard from her at all?”
“No…” Lucifer said, embarrassed at his own lack of care for you. He should have called you earlier, reached out more! He should have tried harder!
“How long had she been missing for?”
“4...maybe 5 days…”
“Lucifer, are you sane? And you’re only telling me now?!” Chloe jumped from her seat, turning on her computer
“I thought she needed space! I thought she was avoiding me intentionally cause she was angry! I didn’t know…” Lucifer choked back a sob, not wanting to break down in tears in the middle of the precinct
“Lucifer!” Chloe caught hold of his hand “I’m gonna find her! I promise you!” A few days later, she did. Well, more like Y/n came to her, in the shape of a pretty little gift box left on Decker's doorstep.
“A lil too late on your case detective” read the note attached to it. 
Inside were Y/N’s clothes, all of them stained with dark, dried blood. Y/N was declared dead that day and the case was closed. At her funeral, only her closests friends were present. Lucifer wanted it to be as intimate as possible.
That day was also the first time anyone had seen Lucifer, since the news. His eyes were bloodshot and the dark circles under his eyes almost matched the black suit he was wearing. Throughout the ceremony he kept twisting his wedding band, a habit he’d picked up on since you went missing. He chose not to do a speech, but once the crowd disappeared, and he was left face to face with your grave, he pulled out a little piece of paper from his pocket and sat down on the grass.
“In hell, everyone feared me. There, I was nothing but another server of the universe, ruling over an empire I never really wanted, because I never had a choice. So eventually I left, thinking anywhere will be better than what I had, and I came to earth.
I ran into you about 2 weeks later, before I really even knew how to behave myself. Before I knew anything about who I really was besides ‘the devil’. I longed to know, grow and discovers different sides of me, where I could be something new, and you gave it to me. You made me who I never thought I could possibly be. You made me a lover. I never thought of myself as capable to love anyone, in any degree, but your light shone everywhere you went and your kindness touched me and everyone around you. It became impossible to not get infatuated with your person. I allowed you to see and feel around every dark corner of my soul and being and every time I thought it was the end. Everytime I would take in your touch as if it was the last, I would prepare myself for abandonment, but it never came. Through everything you stood by my side and when I felt my darkest, you gave me a fistful of your light and that was enough to keep me going. You married a broken man and called him perfect, despite everyone telling you how much of a foul you were. Even then, you shooed them away. Even then you chose me. I wasn’t worthy of your love or your trust and our last night together proved it.
You’re not here anymore to hear my apologies and I’ll never forgive myself for it. You’ve gone now somewhere I can not follow, but I know you are well taken care of there. I hope, someway, somehow, you’ll hear these words: I am sorry. I loved you with my entire soul. Not listening to you was the biggest mistake of my life and I’ll never forgive myself. I choose however, to remember you as you were, because I know that’s what you’d want. I’ll remember you and your laugh.I’ll remember our date nights and shopping sprees. Nights in Lux or on the penthouse balcony. I’ll remember all the meals you prepared for me and the flirtatious remarks you used to make, because you thought they were so silly. I’ll remember the little frown on your face whenever you worked on an important project for work and I’ll remember every evening walk around the block you’d make me accompany you on. I know I always complained about them, but they were always fun. Everything I ever did with you was always fun.
I loved you. I still do. You are my everything Y/N. Thank you for devoting yourself to me in all the ways that you did. I’ll forever live on in my heart.“
It had been months since your disappearance. After all this time, you finally managed to escape your kidnappers and report them to the New York police station, since that’s where you had been held hostage for so long. As soon as the paperwork was done and you were sure that the people who ruined you were getting the punishment they deserved, you jumped on a train and headed straight back home. Straight to Lucifer.
Lux looked exactly the same as you had left it. You were washed over by a wave of comfort that almost brought you to tears. Home. You never thought you’d get to step in here again. Overwhelmed, you took a seat on one of the couches, allowing your head to rest back on it, as you took in every detail of your surroundings: the feel of the leather on your fingertips, the cool breeze of the air conditioning, the warm lights. Everything was still here.
“Y/N?” you jumped at the sound
“Hi love…” your voice broke as you said those words. Words you never thought you would be able to mutter again. The sight of your husband, messy as he was, made you weak in the knees. He was standing at the top of the staircase, dressed in nothing but his robe, tied carelessly around his waist. He had probably just woken up. You wanted to say something again, but before you could, he laughed
“Nope” he said simply, before making his way down the stairs and to the bar “I’m not doing this. Not today, not ever!” Lucifer filled his glass to the top with bourbon, before turning around and trying to leave back to where he came from
“Lucifer, it's me!”
“Sure you are, except you’re not real! Nice of dad, taking my ability to stay endlessly sober, getting me drunk, forcing visions of my dead wife onto me to teach me another lesson about managing my emotions. Real clever, except this is too much! So I’m going to enter that elevator and I expect to never have to see you again, hum? Right, well, au revoir now!” he continued on his way, but before he could get far, you were clutching on the silk tie of his robe. Lucifer felt the tug around his waist and turned around slowly to look at you, this time a little more unsure. As if he was trying to figure you out
“Lucifer, I’m Y/N. I escaped”
“Escaped? But that’s impossible, she died! I saw it-”
“What you saw was a bloody shirt!” he looked up to meet your gaze, tears already forming “They lied to you Lucifer”
Finally, it seemed like he had connected all of the pieces of the puzzle. The glass of alcohol fell to the ground and your husband wrapped you in a big hug for the first time in months. He nuzzled his head in your hair and took in your scent, your figure, your warmth. Hell, you were even more perfect that he remembered! Silent tears fell down both of your cheeks as you collapsed to the ground, still holding onto each other for dear life
“I’m so sorry” Lucifer sobbed in your hair “I’m so so sorry”
“It wasn’t your fault Luci”
“If I hadn’t been a jerk you wouldn’t have left! If I would have simply listened to you, they wouldn’t have gotten to you! You would’ve stayed here, where you belong! You would have stayed with me but instead I was too busy with my stupid job and the stupid cases and I’m sorry! I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry” he continued crying on your shoulder as you rubbed small circles on his back
“I’m here now my love” you whispered, kissing his cheek “And I’m not going anywhere”
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binniesthighs · 4 years
call me babydoll | reader x chan
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soooo shhhh this actually a part one shhhh but i’m just trying out writing out different things and getting out some of my ideas outta my head that i’m really excited about, this one being one of them!! for now...just pretend that this is just a regular ol’ drabble hehehehe. this part is the set-up chapter (shhh i mean drabble) 
Pairing: self insert, female reader x bang chan 
Genre: fluff, smut, and angst 
Tags: (overall) bodyguard au, moderndayprince!chan, bodyguard!reader, secret agent au, royal au, action and peril, plot driven, running out of time, slow-ish burn, growing feelings, softswitch!chan, hardswitch!reader, some skz side characters, jeongin third wheel and comedic relief LOL, travelling, chan being expensive and having a lil bit of a superiority complex, flirtyyyy chan, bits of mystery, explicit language, mentions of food and alcohol, idk think like 007 vibes hehe 
CWs: guns and gun violence, a shooting in a ballroom, mentions of blood 
Word count: 4.6k 
“I wasn’t expecting to see you here early.” 
“Well, expect the unexpected.” 
“Don’t turn the motto back at me. I’m sick of hearing it so many damn times.” 
“What? You and I both know that it’s true. You’re here early too, so, technically you don’t get to say anything.” 
Jeongin straightened his bow tie, then patted down the sides of his perfectly ironed tux with not a crinkle to be found. Knowing him, it was a miracle that he hadn’t messed it up in some form yet. He promptly took out his pocket square to clean off his glasses. 
“You’re looking nice. Seems like they don’t mind spending money now on you these days.” He blew off the flecks of dust on his lenses. 
“They know that they get their return on their investment. And thank you.” 
You smoothed down the sides of your dusty pink dress that nearly went all the way down to your ankles. Had you any other choice, it would’ve been something different, but, dresses were really good at hiding your thigh holster compared to the slacks you usually favored. You didn’t mind the times that you would have to put on a pretty dress, it somewhat reminded you that there was normal life outside of your job. Not to mention, they had started sending you jewelry as well. You always had liked the look of a diamond necklace. 
“You do your research for tonight?” 
Jeongin nodded, then took from his pocket his phone to read over the details. 
“I’ve done a background check on everyone attending, we shouldn’t have any issues. It’s already a low risk event anyway. Charity is never something to get too worked up over, but, you never know with the detail that some of these people come with...who they might be tied to...” 
“--The only people we can trust is ourselves.” You nodded with arms crossed. 
“Expect the unexpected, I know.” He slid his phone back into his inside suit pocket to adjust his cufflinks. 
“--Nervous?” You took note of his fidgeting actions. 
“Nervous? No. I’ve been through this before. You know that.” 
You flicked your partner right on his forehead strung with his white hair. You had really wished that he had picked a less conspicuous color, but he had strings to pull that you didn’t. 
Jeongin cleared his throat, “You do your once over?” 
“Do you even need to ask? I did it hours ago and when we arrived. You know that I’ve done this before too.” 
“I know. I know.” 
Jeongin looked out at the vast circular atrium that made up the center of the hotel. Several stories down under the glass rooftop, you could hear the faint sprinkling of the intricate fountain which smelled of copper. A bit further down, you could see the tips of the tree branches from the indoor landscaping. Across the way, a door slammed with residents tucking in their ties. The two men you had recognized from the roster: a simple thing which made you feel at ease. Your young partner must’ve started to have an effect on you. A sense of unease seemed to quell in your neck. You always listened to your hunches. 
“W-what do you think he thinks of us?” Jeongin broke the silence. 
“Well,” From inside the room you had waited outside, you could hear his distant murmuring, so you lowered your tone. “I think that he has yet to trust us. It’s only been a few weeks. He doesn’t seem like the kind to give himself up easy. That, and I’m sure his resentment of his father must have some influence.” 
“You think he hates us?” 
“I think he hates his father for hiring us. I mean, wouldn’t you? His old security detail, he had them for years.” 
“I guess so. But, we’re not like his old detail.” 
“No. We’re not. I don’t think he gets that yet. I think he sees us as one more way his father has a hold on him.” 
“It’s not like he can do much else about it when his dad’s a kin--” 
“--No, no, thank you, really, it’s lovely. Some of your best work. Thank you.” 
Chan swung open the door to his room, stopping Jeongin right in his sentence. 
“Ah. You’re here already. That’s...punctual.” 
As dazzling and showy as ever, Chan looking nothing short of a magazine model. For a prince, he had certain...appearances that he had to maintain. Today, it was a velvety and maroon suit jacket with a white button up. On the collar, two matching brooches had been perfectly placed, and they were silver like moonlight in the shape of English ivy and adorned with diamonds. On his lapel, he wore the royal insignia of the lion and the wolf. Behind him, you could see his slew of stylists cleaning up their makeup kits and obscene assortment of designer dress shoes for him to pick from. You had thought before that he even smelled like royalty: stuffy white roses with a hint of priceless cognac. 
Jeongin bowed his head respectfully. “Everything has been prepared for tonight. The rest of your guards are surrounding the building, and I’ll be corresponding with them as needed, your Highness.” He tapped at his earpiece. 
Chan drew his attention over to you, giving you a rather lusty glare. Over the past couple weeks, you had gotten used to it. He was a prince to every extent of the word. If there was anything that he had wanted, he simply had to ask. It drove him insane that all he could do was merely look at you. You had  wondered if he harbored anything else for you besides the way that he would devour the curves of your shoulders and hips. 
“Fox. Bee. You look nice tonight. I like seeing you dressed up. Makes me feel less out of place.” 
You couldn’t help but let out a little sound of discontentment over his rather affectionate nickname for you. You and your partner had been introduced to him as F and B. Quickly he had figured out Jeongin’s codename as Fox, considering that he had done a poor job picking out one that wasn’t related to him at all. Anyone could tell that boy was fox-like, and he also just wasn’t that creative when it came to picking out a name for himself. B, or Bee as he had decided, was your name; as in bumblebee. After learning about Fox, he figured that there was an animal theme going, so Bee seemed to fit best in his oponion. 
You tested his glare with your best, “Thank you, your Highness.” 
Jeongin gulped. “Your assistant should be waiting downstairs with your itinerary. She told me that you should meet her first off.” 
“You work too hard F. Have some fun tonight, hm? But don’t...drink too much. You’re responsible for my life remember?” Chan clapped his bodyguard on the back. 
Your partner nervously laughed and adjusted his glasses once more: his preferred tic. 
“And Bee?” Chan rose a brow to lean into close and whisper. “Stay close, alright?” 
“Of course, your Highness.” 
Chan let out a little scoff after getting one more proper look at your frame. “Damn. You really are stunning. Just a little too dangerous for me though.” 
You rolled your eyes, dishing him outa, “Whatever you say, your Highness.” 
Jeongin threw you and annoyed glare before tracing after Chan as he sauntered down the hall to the glass elevator. 
“Bee? You coming? Or do you have something better to do?” Chan’s voice called down the hall with an echo and a little teasing gesture of his hand. 
It had been seven years since you had chosen this line of work, and each time that you had to go to one of these things, you hated them more and more. Not because they were hard to control--they were easy--but you just hated how many superficial and self-absorbed people that they could fit into one room. 
The air was filled with the scent of champagne bubbles and too much Chanel No. 5. From corner to corner of the room, and even next to the ice sculpture of the lion and the wolf crest, silk, satin; velvet and the best cotton could be found. Long gloves covered the arms of ladies with wrinkling skin, and tweed vests held in the guts of men who indulged in their food just as much as their mistresses. All this effort just to appear as if they had given one care about the philanthropic efforts of the royalty.
Several neatly dressed waiters passed you with golden platters of hors d'oeuvres made of ingredients so expensive, they would’ve cost the same amount as the generous donations made by the attendees. If you could’ve, you would’ve scooped up as many of them as you could, just to eat all of their copious amounts of money yourself, but, there was somewhere a rule that you had to keep your hand to yourself when you were on duty. The best that you had to look forward too was take-out to eat at 3 in the morning with Jeongin later. 
Buzzing chatter filled your earpiece while each of the additional guards gave their hourly report. 
“Damn. It’s fucking colder out here than I thought. It’s fucking summer.” One of them joked to the tune of the other guards laughter. 
“Stay focused.” Jeongin scolded over the line. “Don’t leave your posts until your shifts change.” 
While he was a timid man, Jeongin was not one to mess around. Son of the director, he knew that he had big shoes to fill. After pleading for years for her to admit him into the academy, she had agreed. Everyone knew the reason why she didn’t want him in this line of work. Too many dead. Too many missing. In some ways, he was also yours to look after. 
You trailed after Chan who was busy talking to his assistant and his publicist. While he nodded at their words, you knew that he must’ve been barely listening. Chan never really was one for formality, but much rather enjoyed simplicity and pleasure. Jeongin and you had somewhat of a bet going: out of all the guests, you had liked to bet which one he would take with him to his bedroom. Since you had all the profiles of the guests, you liked to bet a little money on which one it would be. 
Jeongin had guessed it to be the heiress and daughter of a tycoon who had made a multi-million won donation in the name of his company. It was ironic; his very company was a big-scale pollutor who liked to make nice with the crown. She was conventionally very pretty: long legs, a thin frame, she was educated and looked as if she could hold somewhat of a conversation...not like that mattered to him. 
You had predicted it to be the foreign CEO who had just started business dealings with the crown. While she might’ve looked a bit stuck-up and prim, she was intimidating, and a challenge. Chan loved challenges. Chan also had a pension for pretty boys with a bit too much money on their hands--usually inherited--and with nothing much else to do other than dote on him. There were plenty of those attending the gala tonight. 
Chan snaked through the crowd, bowing his head at all of the Good evening, your Highnesses and the It’s a pleasure to meet you, your Highnesses. Every few moments or so he would take a bite from a golden plate and then pop it into his mouth. The whole night long, he would hold his glass with him and it would get refilled for him without him even needing to ask. You sometimes liked to pretend that in some places, they must’ve assigned someone to watch him from afar to make sure that he would never need anything before it was given to him. It wouldn’t have surprised you. 
“Having fun Bee?” Chan languidly rolled his head back, swirling his glass. 
“As much fun as you are.” You quipped. 
“Anything that I should be concerned about?” 
“Nothing of concern.” You stated matter-of-factly. Had you matched his flirting tone, you knew that you wouldn’t hear the end of it for the rest of the night. “Fox. Report?” 
“Nothing that I can see. No one has been tagging you.” Jeongin had staked himself up on the upper balcony of the banquet hall room, and had been watching for as long as you had been following after the prince. “You sensing anything strange?” His voice tickled in your in-ear. 
“Just a bunch of the normal crowd.” You kept your tone down low. “He’s rubbing noses with the usual. You’ve seen too?” 
He chuckled. “Yeah. I know what you mean.”
You followed Chan to his seat nearest the front of the room which had been fashioned into a stage with a clear glass podium in the center. Right in front there was one more crest decorating it. Chan had ensured it to be so: he had wanted everyone to know that this was all for his charity. 
“It seems like our bets aren’t working out. He hasn’t talked to either of the...suspects.” Your partner changed his choice of words knowing that the other guards were listening. 
From the opposite side of the room both the heiress and the CEO stood with thin glasses of wine in their lithe hands. Chan had in fact walked right past them, and didn’t even notice. 
“Tonight is going to be a long night.” Jeongin sighed over the line. 
You politely pushed past attendees with a raised hand and a sweet smile. You had found that when you smiled, you had appeared less intimidating. 
“Oh wait...what’s this?” 
“What?” You whipped your head around after Jeongin’s interjection. “What? Do you see something? What’s the call?” 
“Relax! It just looks like he’s approaching someone he wants to talk to. I think both of us are about to be proven wrong.” 
“Ah, shit.” You sighed. “Don’t put me on edge like that.” 
“I’m only trying to entertain myself.” 
“Name. Who is it? You’ve got the roster.” 
You partner was quiet for a minute, and you watched from a distance as Chan approached the man leaned over a martini seated at one of the perfectly decorated tables. 
“Uh, I think that he’s Lee Minho. Some kind of royalty from somewhere else. Pretty low ranking from the looks of it. I think that he made a donation himself...and it’s...damn, larger than you would expect.” 
“Should we be concerned?” 
“No. Seems harmless.” 
“Thank you for coming,” You made out the words that Chan had mouthed. He drew a chair next to the unknown man. 
From what you could tell, Lee Minho was handsome to the full extent of the word: nearly all of his physical features were exemplary and his suit appeared to have been fitted to perfect for him; likely one of a kind. He too wore an insignia on his lapel, but it was one that you hadn’t recognized before. He had immaculately styled hair that had some kind of rebellious and boyish charm to it. The man had a kind of mystery about him too: you had been able to pride yourself in being able to read people, and it had saved your life on more than one occasion. But with him, there was something that you couldn’t place. 
“Do they know eachother?” You asked Jeongin. 
“Not that I know of. School friend maybe? Seems like all the royals send their kids to the same schools.”
“Hm. That would make sense.” 
“Enjoying yourself?” Chan said. 
Lee Minho nodded, and rose his glass to clink it with the prince’s. 
“Do we think that he’s our...suspect?” 
The stranger dipped his head into his hand as he listened to Chan speak. A flirty gesture that you had seen a hundred times or more. Still, the way that he inspected Chan, it wasn’t adoring. Or at least, you didn’t think that it was.
“No. I don’t think so.” 
“What the hell are you yapping about?” One of the other guards snapped over the line. 
“Um, classified stuff.” Jeongin quickly explained. “Above your paygrade. Don’t worry about it.” 
“Fox. Watch out for him tonight.” You snuck over to a corner of the room where you could watch the two of them more discreetly. 
“Affirmative....” Your partner paused. “Babydoll.” 
“Pffff--Babydoll??” The same guard stifled his laughter. “You call her Babydoll, Fox? Damn, you all must be closer than I thought. Didn’t know that I was missing out on some of the action--” 
“--Ever heard of a codename, Three?” 
“Babydoll’s her codename.” 
A grin crept over your lips. “Expect the unexpected.” 
You had almost gotten distracted enough to miss how Lee Minho had leaned over to whisper something into the prince’s ear. After he had done so, Chan laughed out a little, then reached his arm around the other man’s chair comfortably. 
“They’re...cozy.” You updated your partner. 
“I’m trying to cross-check where he might know him from.” 
Chan’s assistant and publicist finally slipped away with giddy little smiles. In many ways, you were jealous of them. They could leave whenever the wanted, eat what they wanted...
Jeongin scoffed. “Well, turns out...nothing. I can’t find anything.” 
“Negative. I’m not seeing any crossover.” 
“So they really are strangers?” 
Your partner sighed. “Looks like neither of us are cashing ou--I mean--finding the suspect.” 
Under your breath, you wondered aloud, “Who are you...Lee Minho?” 
The night drew on longer with the rest of the formalities: the formal dinner, followed by several speeches from important people while dessert was being served. It all led up to the final act: His Royal Highness, Prince Chan’s speech. On several neat notecards marked with the crest, he held them in front of him while he ate his last bits of Mont Blanc Chocolate Pavlova. Even the name of the sweet itself sounded pretentious. Granted, it smelled delicious--as many expensive things did. 
You stifled a yawn from your little set up on the edge of the room. At least you should’ve been able to sit, but it turns out that sitting is also against the rules in this line of work. A couple other security and bodyguards had joined you at the edge: some of their heads nodded with sleep, and the others looked as if they had taken one too many energy shots. Luckily, your stamina had been well crafted. 
A fancily dressed MC made his way up to the podium and the room filled with applause after the last speaker had said all of their correct mandatory words. 
“It is my honor to introduce to the stage, our wonderful head benefactor of this organization, His Royal Highness, Prince Chan of the Crown. 
Applause tenfold of before erupted through the whole room and it wasn’t even an afterthought for the every attendee to stand up from their seats in an ovation. It was a force of habit for you, but you found yourself clapping as well. 
Chan rose with grace, and re-buttoned his jacket with finesse. A blinding spotlight found him and it made the diamonds adorning his beck wink brilliantly. Even more blinding was his pearl white, and perfectly trained smile accompanied by his wave. 
Thank you. Thank you. He mouthed. 
“It’s like he’s a frickin’ movie star.” Jeongin groaned. 
“Might as well be with the way that they treat him. You know deep down they’re all just terrified.” 
Chan made his way up to the stage in all of his regality, and the applause didn’t stop until he cleared his throat. A collective groaning of a couple hundred chairs squeaked when everyone sat back down. 
“Thank you everyone, really. I wanted to thank you all for your generous support in your donations to this organization, as well as your association with the crown. I’m sure that all the beneficiaries of your donations are beyond thankful compared to me. Without you, this would not be possible.” Chan spoke with grandiose gestures, as usual, but this time, he had found you on the side of the room. “Listen, aside from being a prince, I’m also just a person. A person who knows what it means to struggle, to--” 
“--I can’t listen to this anymore.” You whispered into the quiet room, and to your partner. 
“Just a few more hours.” He droned. “I almost wish that something would happen so that we don’t have to sit though much else of this.” 
“Be careful what you wish for.” 
In the corner of your eye, Lee Minho shifted in his seat, but still kept his undivided attention to the stage. You figured he must’ve been just like the rest of them: enamored by the flashiness of the crown--and Chan. He had a way of putting a spell on people: it was the kind of spell that a prince of deception had crafted after years of being kept under lock and key. 
“--Anyway, what I’m trying to say, royal or fanciful we all might be, in the simplest way, we’re all just people, therefore this is what connects us all. Thank you.” 
Chan was gifted yet another standing ovation that was somehow even more thunderous than before. 
“Yeah right.” You scoffed. “People born into money. There’s a difference.” 
Chan gave his last waves, then a clamor echoed from the back of the room. At first, it had just sounded like the same raucous laughter you had heard all night, but then it shifted to something different. The sound of laugher turned into shouting, then screams: high pitched and piercing. You had seconds to respond, head whipping around the room to catch sight of the confused prince. In your in-ears, the the sound of gunshots echoed with rapid-fire speed. Machine guns. Shouting commands barked in your ear, and muddled with Jeongin’s string of demands and questions. 
Your heart instantly started beating into hyperdrive, and your legs sprinted as fast has physically possible 
“THEY’VE GOT GUNS!” A shrill and cracked voice of an older woman wailed from the back of the room. 
Immediately after she had said so, shots fired into the darkened room with sparks, and the metallic sound of bullets hitting the marbled ground followed. 
Chan looked around in his panic for you, petrified on the stage. You slung your gun out from your thigh holster and latched onto him with all of your might. 
“Get the fuck down there and secure the exists!” Jeongin growled into his mic. “B--is the prince secure??” 
“Secure!” You yelled back. Using your body as a barrier, you led the cowering prince through the mass hysteria of the crowd. 
“Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Shit.” Chan shook under your iron grip. 
More shots fired into the room and bodies parted like the sea and fell over each other. 
From the balcony, you had caught Jeongin aiming his own gun at the chaos below. 
“I’ll cover you! Fuck! There’s so many of them! Get him to the car out back--Three, Six, meet B out there! Three!? Six!? Report!” 
“Three and Six are down F!” One of the guards panted. “I can provide cover out back!!” 
“Who’s speaking??” Jeongin bellowed, then aimed from above at one of the intruders. Your only focus was on weaving you and Chan out of there, but you had seen one of them in a blur. Each of the men with guns wore dark grey suits with black ties and leather gloves. Each of them wore their own crest: and it was all red. 
“Bee?? Bee???” Chan shouted out for you, and jumped every time the crack of a shot echoed in the ballroom. 
“I’ve got you, your Highness. We’ll be out soon. Keep your head down and listen to me.” Your arm held to him tightly, and you soon found the exit nearest. There was no telling if there would be more of them outside, but you loaded your gun quickly just in case, and pointed it out. 
“Jeongin, get your ass down here!” 
“Jeongin? Who the fuck is that??” Chan ducked down to hide himself behind your frame. 
His name had slipped on your tongue, but that hardly mattered. 
“I’ll be down in a second!!!” 
“Don’t fucking waste time up there when I need you down here!!” 
“Two! Two Reporting!!” A man suddenly yelled in your in-ear. “I’ve made it out back and I’ve secured the exit. The car is safe!!” 
“FOX! Now!” 
Your partner heaved, “I’m coming, I’m coming!!” 
You kicked open the exit door, gun’s still blazing, however one one else could be found on the other side. 
“Thank God,” You sighed. 
“Oh shit, I’m gonna be sick.” Chan had turned paler than white, then stumbled in your arms. 
“Hey, HEY!” You held him upright. “It’s gonna be alright. I’ve got you. You’re safe. You need to trust me. Your life is in my hands and I’m not giving it up easy, got it?” 
“O-okay.” He stammered, then attempted to straighten himself. 
“The Prince is outside, repeat, The Prince is outside. Two, are you in position?” 
“Yes. Yes, I am.” 
Other than the fact that you had just escaped absolute peril, the evening was unbearably pleasant. Crickets chirped in the summer evening, and the humidity of the night smelled gorgeously of the lake that was near-by as well as the vast array of flowers that had been purposefully landscaped around the hotel. Chan’s uneven steps scraped at the gravel walkway. 
Since you had canvassed the whole building well, you had known exactly where the getaway car was, but you were still careful. 
“Bee. Bee!” Chan blabbered. “Have-have I told you yet that I-I’m in love with you?” 
“No, you haven’t Your Highness.” 
“I fucking am. If I die tonight, I want you to know that I am ridiculously in love with you, and fuck, I wanna--” 
“--I’m sorry, Your Highness, respectfully, but now is not the time for this and you are not dying on my watch.” 
Somewhere off in the distance, frogs croaked, and the splashing of fish in the lake plopped at the surface waters. You turned a corner to finally see Two waiting his his gun raised. He was a bit of a shorter and scrawnier man, but something about him told you that where he lacked in strength, he must’ve made up for in agility. 
“I’m out! I’m out!” Your partner gasped, and over the in-ear you could hear his running footsteps. “I’m almost there! I’ll be there in a second!” 
“Your Highness,” Two bowed and opened the car door. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. You can call me Two or J. Either you prefer.” 
Jeongin came bounding around the corner with heaving breaths and his clothes askew. His glasses which just barely held onto his face had a crack on them and his knuckles were covered in blood. 
“Let’s go.” The younger man prompted. 
“In the car you go, Your Highness.” You motioned for him to do so. 
Chan whimpered like a toddler. 
You shoved his body in, “Stop that. Get in the car.” 
“I’m in love with you Bee!” He yelled out, “I’M FUCKING IN LOVE WITH YOU BEE!” 
Jeongin slammed the door in his face with a bit of a chuckle. 
“He’s delirious.” 
“Mm.” your partner smiled. “Sure.” 
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atlabeth · 4 years
transferred part eleven - atla smau
masterlist | part ten | part twelve
there’s a time skip of about a month between this and the last chapter just so u know
summary: trying to run from your past is hard, but falling for your brother’s roommate is even harder. little do you know that he’s falling for you as well.
a/n: i am so sorry this took so long to come out. i’ve been really unmotivated to write in general plus i’ve been super busy with school. i also have been hating everything i write lately i rewrote this like 4 times before i was okay with it lmao. also realizing that i might’ve channeled my stress over school into this chapter. manifesting a tea date w zuko
wc: 1.9k 
warning(s): cursing, pining, some very stressed out college kids, a painfully awkward zuko after a fun realization
perm taglist: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin
transferred taglist: @ourbestfriend-mishacollins @lil-lex1 @xxshad0wxb1rdxx @zuko-is-the-sun @akiris @irohs-teapot @thatarthistorynerd @charlenasaxen @minninugget @marvel-ousnesss @count-thotticus @what-ye-egg @furblrwurblr @thesstuff @mariachiii @ietss @dizzy-miss-lizzieeeeee @xbarrjallenx @tommy-braccoli @dreamsluvrr @floofybread @thelovelylolly @lin-biefong-is-my-life @tiffanyy-21 @sistheselenophile @theincredibledeadlyviper​ 
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“Take all the time you need, I can see that it’s a very busy day.” Your head shot up from below the counter when you heard the voice and a grin broke out on your face. 
“Zuko! What are you doing here?” You felt the heat rush to your cheeks as he smiled, which was something that seemed to occur every time you were around him. It wasn’t your fault he had a smile that could make anyone melt. 
“Zuko! What are you doing here?” You felt the heat rush to your cheeks as he smiled, which was something that seemed to occur every time you were around him. It wasn’t your fault he had a smile that could make anyone melt. 
“What, am I not allowed to just show up?” He joked as he pulled a chair out from a nearby table and sat down. 
“No, of course you are! This is actually the highlight of my day. It’s just, this is one of your rare days off, so I figured you would wanna spend it doing something better than, uh, coming to the place that you work.” You dropped the towel you had been using to clean on the counter and walked around the register, taking your own seat across from him and crossing one leg over the other. 
“Well.. you sounded really stressed in your texts, so I thought I would pay you a visit. It can’t be easy balancing all of your classes along with this job, and I figured I could try and help with some of that.” 
The grin from before came back and you rested your chin in the palm of your hand. “Zuko, that’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me. You didn’t have to come all the way here just to hang out with me when we live together.” 
He seemed taken aback by that, surprisingly so. “How? I mean, you had a boyfriend, right?” Thankfully, you missed him visibly cringing at his choice of words as you looked away and passed it off with a laugh that only sounded slightly strained. 
“Keyword is had. I don’t really wanna get into details, but there’s a reason we broke up.” You opened your mouth to say something else in an attempt of changing to subject to anything that wasn’t your failed love life when you heard a familiar voice behind you. 
“I see that my only working employee is taking a break after her break?” You turned your head in a flash and your eyes widened slightly when you saw it was the one responsible for paying your bills.
“Oh, Iroh! I am so, so sorry. Blame your nephew for distracting me on the clock.” You immediately jumped out of your chair as Iroh came out from the back and he simply shook his head, giving you and Zuko a warm smile. 
“Please, do not worry. This is actually for the two of you.” He set the tray with a teapot and two cups on your table and the calming scent of jasmine immediately washed over you.
“Are you sure? I mean, you’re practically paying me to do nothing right now,” you asked, hesitantly settling back in your seat. 
“I have complete faith that you will be able to handle anything that comes your way — today has been a slow day anyways, so you will be fine.” 
“Don’t even try to stop my uncle once he’s made up his mind about something,” Zuko chuckled. Iroh gave his nephew a knowing look that made him blush as he continued walking towards the door.
“Enjoy your date!” He called as he exited the store. Zuko’s face somehow turned an even brighter shade of red and you bit down the smile growing on your lips. You wouldn’t mind if this was a date, of course, but you knew it wasn’t. It was just one of your best friends coming in to see you to help you wade through the endless sea of stress you had found yourself lost in. Definitely not a date. 
“Y/N?” Zuko’s voice snapped you out of your pondering and you nodded with a small laugh. 
“Sorry, just got lost there for a second.” You picked up the teapot and poured a decent amount into both of your cups. “Y’know, I’ve actually started to like tea since I started working here,” you mused, taking a small sip of your own once you finished. “That might have something to do with the fact that we get a discount, but you’d be amazed at the things I’ve grown to like just because they’re cheap.” 
Zuko responded with a laugh of his own, and from there, conversation flowed easily. You weren’t even aware of how much time had passed as the two of you traded stories — your classes, events from your childhoods, your high school experiences — about anything and everything. Your stress melted away a little bit more with each shared anecdote and cup of tea. 
You found yourself enthralled with everything Zuko said — it wasn’t so much the material as much as the way he just… was. The way his eyes sparkled when he talked about his passions, how he tapped his fingers against the ceramic cup when he got excited, and of course, that smile that made you melt. You hung onto every word he said, but you enjoyed him simply being there just as much, if not more. 
And as Zuko watched you talk animatedly, barely able to get through the story you were trying to tell without laughing every other word, he knew that he would do anything to keep that smile on your face. The million dollar smile that lit up every room you walked into and made his heart burst at the seams every time without fail. He wanted you to see yourself the way he saw you, and he would do anything to make you happy. 
It was at that moment that Zuko realized that he was crushing on his best friend’s sister. Hard. 
“Shit,” he muttered. Your story grinded to a halt, exaggerated hand gestures frozen in the air, as you fixed him with a questioning look. 
“Did you say something?”
“No, no— Just- it was nothing. Keep going,” he gave an encouraging smile and nodded for you to continue, which you happily obliged. 
“So, anyways, that was how my lab partner asking a question led to us setting our entire experiment on fire,” you finished with a chuckle. You hit your hands against the table a few times then stood up. “Thank you for this Zuko, really. I wish we could just stay here talking, but I’m not getting paid to do nothing. I gotta get back to work.” 
You waited for a response, but the faraway look in his eyes once again signalled that he wasn’t paying attention. You sighed and snapped your fingers in front of his face, and that seemed to get him out of his stupor. “Hello? Earth to Zuko? 
He blinked a couple times and you let your hand fall to the table, concern flickering across your face for a second. “Sorry! Just.. thinking.” 
“About what?” 
“Classes,” he blurted after a too-long pause. 
You could tell that he was hiding something — throughout your time spent together, you had picked up on how he would always pick at the skin on his right thumb whenever he was nervous — but you didn’t want to push him. 
“I take offense to that, Zuko. You think that your classes are more important than my very entertaining story about my chem lab, I’m just- I’m heartbroken,” you snickered. “I was just telling you that I enjoyed this, and I really appreciate the break, but I actually have to get back to what I’m being paid to do.”
“Right! I, uh- have to get to those.. classes I was talking about.” He laughed nervously and stood up as well, and the two of you bumped heads as you both reached for the tea tray in the middle. 
You let out an exasperated laugh and backed up, rubbing the heel of your hand against your forehead. “Zuko, please! This is my job, let me do this, okay?”
He opened his mouth and closed it a few times, looking like a fish out of water, as he stared at you with wide eyes. You nodded expectantly and raised your eyebrows and he was finally able to get something out. “Uh- right.” 
You chuckled as you picked up the tray and set the cups on it as well, but it was more than a touch concerned. “Is.. everything okay?” You asked, casting a glance back at him once you reached the register again. “Because I don’t mean to overstep, but you’ve been acting strange ever since I started talking about chemistry. Do you have a thing against molecules or something?” 
“Oh, no—it’s nothing you did! And I don’t have anything against chemistry,” he laughed. “I just.. I have a lot on my mind.” Zuko paused, letting his words linger in the air and causing more than a few questions to pop up in your head, but he broke the silence before you could ask. “I really enjoyed this, though.”
“Well, if you ever wanna talk about that stuff on your mind, then you know I’m here,” you smiled. “I had a great time too. And honestly, Zuko, you might be the only thing getting me through this week.” 
“Well, I’m happy to be of service,” he said, returning your smile. “Do you need me to pick you up after your shift?”
“That’s so sweet of you, but I can just catch a ride with Jin. She works at the dress shop across the street, and she actually lives pretty close to us!” You saw the slightest glimpse of disappointment flicker through his eyes and you stumbled over your words trying to explain. “It’s not that I don’t enjoy your company! I mean, obviously I do, we just talked for like, three hours— it’s just she offered, and I didn’t want to say no, plus she’s in my bio class, so I thought it would be good to get to know her—”
“Y/N, you don’t have to explain yourself to me,” he interrupted with a light laugh. “I don’t mind. I just wanted to make sure that you weren’t trying to get out of it because you didn’t want to make me feel bad or something. I know I’ve told you a million times, but I really don’t mind. You make my mornings brighter.” 
You averted your gaze with a small smile as you felt your cheeks heat up, and you bounced on the balls of your feet. “Cool. I’ll see you when I get home then?” 
“Yeah. Good luck with the rest of your shift, Y/N. I’m glad I could help with some of your stress.” The two of you exchanged waves and then Zuko was on his way. As soon as he left the shop you deflated and leaned against the counter, shaking your head and muttering to yourself. That man didn’t even know the effect he had on you. 
The rest of your shift went by much, much slower than your time with Zuko, but the conversations the two of you had during your break kept buzzing around in your head. And though things had started picking up with customers coming in for their lunch breaks or for a quick tea stop, making a lot of extra work for you, a small smile stayed on your lips for the rest of the day. And it was all thanks to Zuko. 
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267 notes · View notes
junicai · 3 years
| order no. | 10/21
| summary | While filming for NCT2020, Aria fears her interview partner is coming down with a fever. Spoiler alert: He’s not. 
| word count | 1.8k
| warnings | None
| era | circa. December 2020
a/n: ok so i figured i’d mark my return to posting with a lil floof for the soul :) before i ruin it again :) so here u go here are two idiots being idiots :)
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Oftentimes, it was easy to forget just how many members NCT had amassed over the years.  With the sub-units separated the majority of the time for their own promotions; the odds were that if you weren’t in a sub-unit with another member, you’d rarely interact with them outside of the company walls. 
NCT2020 was incredible in that sense. Twenty three boys and one girl, all in one room, singing the same songs and performing together. The impact left on the spring-flooring when they danced as a group physically shook the mirrors. 
They had a reputation to uphold; something which every single member took as seriously as a blood oath. 
Aria, over the years, had formed bonds with most of the other boys. She hadn’t really had much of a choice in the matter; it was either, make friends with the people around you, or have no friends at all. It was lucky, in that sense, that they were all so warm and welcoming. She found her home in the 127 dorms, and later, her family with the Dreamies. She wouldn’t trade it for the world. 
The fact remained, however, that when it came to Aria and WAYV - there was a gap. Be it because of the differing promotional schedules, or the fact that SM had point blank refused to acknowledge WAYV as a sub-unit of NCT up until the announcement of the NCT2020 promotions; the bottom line was, Aria didn’t know half of the members beyond their first name.
So, when the randomized name selection came out, and she was paired with Xiaojun; Aria took a deep breath, and reminded herself that this was a chance to start to form some new relationships.
She’d never been all too good at making friends as a child - always a little too shy, and then all of a sudden far too abrasive in a lost attempt to compensate for her earlier quietness. 
Sitting beside the boy in question, Aria left her hands tucked beneath her thighs to prevent herself from fidgeting. The air between the two vocalists was thick; and Aria found herself looking around desperately for Mark or Ten or hell even Yuta, even though she knew Dejun was significantly more scared of him than her.
Anything to break the awkward, stifling silence that was hanging over the both of them.
“Do you-”
“Hey, I-”
They turned to face each other at the same time, sentences blending together before being cut off abruptly. Aria’s face flamed beneath the foundation, and by the darkening tips of Dejun’s ears, she could tell his cheeks were flushing as well. 
“Go ahead.” He gestured with a nod. 
“No no, it’s okay! What were you saying?” Aria disagreed. 
“Uh, I was just wondering if you feel the breeze as well?” Dejun questioned, hands coming to tug his light jacket around his shoulders tighter. “It’s giving me goosebumps,” He laughed lightly, rubbing the back of his neck. 
Aria frowned. “No? It’s quite warm in here I thought.” The pair were surrounded with several lamps that were shining large bulbs onto their faces. With the heat from them, and the blanket that she had tucked over the legs, Aria was toasty warm - but a quick glance at the thin material Dejun’s jacket was made out of had her untucking the corner and folding it out again. 
“Here,” She offered, holding out the edge of the blanket. 
“Oh no I can’t,” Dejun began to refuse, but a shiver ran down his spine, cutting his words up into pieces. 
Aria raised an eyebrow. He relented.
“Thank you.” He acquiesced, once the soft material had been laid over his lap. He was still shivering lightly, but the body-shaking tremors had worn off, so Aria was better pleased than she was a minute ago. 
“Okay!” A voice called from outside the set. “It’s just an interview, like you were both briefed. Feel free to take it where you want and - Aria can you just -” The director gestured to Dejun. “Don’t sit so far away, people will think you’re scared of him.” He teased. 
Coughing lightly, Aria scooched towards Dejun, the blanket bunching up in-between their legs. She could feel him leaning back slightly, as if he was afraid of their faces being too close together. 
“Little more.” He insisted, now peering at the two through the viewfinder of the camera. 
Aria shuffled into the middle of the set’s sofa, her knee lightly brushing Dejun’s thigh. 
“Better! Now just don’t look like someone’s about to shoot you.” 
Aria opened her mouth before schooling her expression back into something less, terrified. “Sorry!”
This close, she could see the light flush that sat high on Dejun’s cheeks. His eyes were slightly glassy, and his chest was moving at a moderately quicker pace than it had been a few minutes ago. 
Aria placed a hand on his arm, lightly, patting the exposed skin where he had rolled up the sleeves. 
The filming went as well as it could. As they were told prior to entering the set; it was just a couple questions on how they were getting on together as a group, what it was like performing as a mix of all twenty three members, recounting some entertaining tidbits from the practice room or from behind stage. 
Over the next hour, the icy feeling that had surrounded the two vocalists melted into a comfortable conversation, soon drifting away from the interview questions and flowing sweetly into a little chat that czennies were sure to adore. 
With Dejun now turned to face Aria completely, and Aria sitting back with her shoes kicked off and her feet tucked beneath her; they were solely focused on each other; like the cameras had stopped rolling a half hour ago (They hadn’t) and they were old friends, catching up (They weren’t).
Aria learnt that Dejun had a penchant for green tea lattes, and the number eight. He slept on the top bunk, and was a lot funnier than his members gave him credit for. 
Dejun learnt that Aria was a lot more accident prone than her ‘professional image’ would let on, that she has a dimple on her right cheek when she smiles, that when she smiles she beams - bright enough to beat out a lightbulb - and that her favourite colour was yellow and she still looked at the stars when she got homesick.
Aria learnt that Dejun wanted to travel to Paris one day, that he wanted to learn how to bake bread properly and that he stayed up too late playing games only to regret it the next morning every single time. 
Dejun learnt that Aria had an addicting laugh; and he wanted to hear it as many times as he could. That he wishes she’d let herself laugh for longer; that she wouldn’t lift her hand to cover her face as she giggled.
His cheeks flushed brighter, the tips of his ears now a bright red. 
“Dejun? Are you alright?” Aria leant forwards into his space, her face moving closer to his. She had noticed the poor boy’s flush over the course of the last hour; but the pink was slowly becoming a deep red, and her concern was deepening with it.
Dejun immediately pulled back; floundering. “Yeah! Yup, yes, absolutely fine.” 
“I’m doing wonderful! Are you alright? Aria?” Dejun flipped the question on her, sweat beginning to bead beneath his fringe. 
Aria squinted at him, relenting. “I’m okay, yeah. Are you still cold?” 
“No!” The reply was sharp, and she jerked back a little. 
“Oh- okay- sorry?” Aria pulled her bottom lip in between her teeth, worrying the skin lightly. 
Dejun could have punched himself in the face, but he settled for pinching himself beneath the blanket where it was out of sight.
“Aaand, cut!” 
The two vocalists turned to the director who was grinning madly. “That was perfect, you two. I don’t know what you did, or where you pulled that from, but you’re definitely the best duo we’ve had in here so far.” 
Aria didn’t think that was hard, there had only been two other groups in before them, but she kept these words wisely to herself. 
“You’re both free to go! I’ll expect to be seeing a lot more of you together though, this is going to go down an absolute treat.” The director’s smug little grin reminded Aria of a cat who had gotten the cream; and her own little grin formed to match it.
“Thank you,” The two bowed lightly towards the staff, before collecting their things from the set and shuffling towards the door again. Once outside, they were silent again - but this time the lack of noise was not unsettling. 
“Hey I-”
“What about-”
Dejun and Aria looked at each other momentarily, before bursting out into laughter. 
“Okay that has to stop.” She giggled, hand coming to rest on his arm. 
“Agreed,” Dejun coughed out, ears flushing one final time. 
“You sure you’re feeling alright? You looked a little flushed back inside; that’s all.” 
“Fine!” He squeaked. “It must have been, uh, the lights, or something. Yeah.”
Aria puffed her cheeks out, but made no further comment.
Pulling away, she slipped her feet into the runners she was wearing for the interview - uncaring as to whether or not she’d accidentally break the backs of them. They were old ones, anyway, ones she’d been gifted as part of a brand deal that had fallen through; no wonder, she thought, as the shoes really were all look and no practicality. They were the least comfortable shoe she owned - and Aria owned a lot of uncomfortable shoes. 
“’Til next time?” She straightened up, head turned to Dejun.
He nodded, going to extend a hand as Aria stepped forward to wrap her arms around him in a hug. 
What followed, was a painstakingly awkward hand-body-shuffle-jerk dance that left Aria’s face flushed red from embarrassment and Dejun’s desire for the ground to open up and swallow him whole growing to immense proportions. 
Eventually, Dejun moved away, waved, turned on his heel and borderline sprinted away back down the hallway before Aria had a chance to return the wave. He rounded the corner, slowing to a stop in anticipation of slamming his head into the wall. However, thinking against it, Dejun instead turned to put his back to the wall, sinking down against it; lifting a hand to smack himself in the forehead. 
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draco-kasai · 3 years
Hero Collaboration Program
Summery: High School Hero Collaboration Program! Helping Sophomore hero students connect with others around the world! Come join us for a two-week-long trip to one of our schools for an amazing once in a lifetime experience with students of Yuuei! Only a lucky 40 students will be selected for this program. They will be split into two groups of 20 and sent to different schools to have completely unique experiences! 
 A/N: AKA, A very ambitious fanfic I started because even though I have another fanfic in progress my brain decided to give me an idea and I just had to do it. These are all characters I adore and I even did lots of reasurch on them to hopefuly get them down right. I also too many backstories and threw them into a meat grinder to remold them in a way that would make them fit into this universe.
 I love Class 1-A, but like they need to be taken down a peg or two, and I want to see them get their asses handed to them.  
Ch. 1 part 1 of 3 Program sign-ups.  -->
Chapter 1 Part 2 
High School Hero Collaboration Program
Helping first year hero students connect with others around the world!
What is the HSHC Program?
Our program has had a partnership with Yuuei High School for 15 long years! Their first-year students would come to our schools to interact, learn and study with other sophomore students for two weeks! - For those who don’t know, first year high school students in Japan would be considered sophomores here in the states! - A select few students nationwide as well as worldwide are selected to participate. All services and activities are offered and provided at no cost to participants or their families. This program is geared to help young heroes become (1) more informed of the educational, social, and cultural aspects available, (2) learn how to work with others they are unfamiliar with, (3) gain a better understanding of hero agencies and laws around the world, (4) assist students in successfully gaining connections with other aspiring heroes around the world their own age.
 Student Participants
A total of 40 lucky students are hand selected to take part in this 16 day long program. 28 slots are open for Nationwide applications. The remaining 12 slots are open for applicants across the world! Students are to go through a long application process and in person interview. Once admitted, students will be staying within the dorms that are provided. All plane tickets will be paid for by our program. This program will take place in two schools; Marina High School located in California and Chandler High School located in Arizona.
All partners who wish to apply together must submit a joint application and answer an extra essay question. Only accepting duo teams. Bigger teams are asked to either pair off and sign up as duos, or sign up individually. The whole purpose of this program is for young aspiring heroes to meet others and form connections.
All applicants are required to turn in two essays (unless a team). There is no page or word limit, 12 size text, font New Times Roman, single space. Along with your essays, please send in two teacher recommendation letters. A checklist will be provided at the end of this packet. Make sure to use it to assist you in keeping organized. Everything can be either faxed to (951-262-3062), given to school office faculty to hand to us or through mailed to 1640 Riverside Drive, Hill Valley, California.
Applicants that make it past the first stage of the application process will be scheduled for an in-person interview. A letter will be sent out within two weeks after the interview confirming whether or not you have been accepted.
 Essay 1.
When you become a hero, what do you hope to accomplish?
 Essay 2.
What major event in your life has led you to where you are now and your decision to become a hero?
Essay question for hero teams.
How did you meet, and when did you decide to work together as a team?
Emerald eyes narrowed as they skimmed over the packet that had been handed to them. With one last look over, they turned to face the person who had given them the packet. Bright blue eyes stared back with a large smile plastered on their lips. “What is this, Grayson?”
“It’s the Hero Collaboration Program!” Richard Grayson – Part-time Gotham Police officer and Underground Hero: Nightwing - responded enthusiastically.
Green eyes rolled skyward at the older boy’s words, “I can see that. All my teachers at school had even taken the liberty to constantly remind us about it. What I mean is, why did you give this to me?”
“Awe common, Kiddo, I thought you were smart.” Jason Todd – Vigilante: Red Hood – joked as he ruffled the younger boy’s black hair. With an annoyed grunt, his hand was swatted away, “We want you to apply for the program.”
With a huff, the youngest fixed his hair, “And why would I do such a thing?” 
The oldest boy grinned wider, “It’ll be fun!”
“No.” The youngest replied with a deadpan expression as he tossed the thin packet on the coffee table in front of him.
With a click of his tongue, Jason crossed his arms over his chest. Leaning back on the loveseat, he responded, “Just apply you brat, it’s not even that bad.”
“What’s ‘not that bad’?” Another voice asked as they walked into the living room, laptop in one hand, a cup of coffee in another.
“The Hero Collaboration Program.” Jason responded as he glanced over at the sleep-deprived man as he flopped down next to him.
“Oh! They started accepting applicants already?!” Timothy Drake – CEO of Wayne Enterprises and Underground Hero: Red Robin - sat up enthusiastically.  
“Yeah, but Damian doesn’t want to apply!” Dick pouts
“I’m not going to apply to a program that does not benefit me in any way shape or form.” Damian rolled his eyes.
“Wha- but it teaches you so much! Your teachers must have told you about the benefits!” Tim frowned, taking a sip of his coffee.
“They did, but I don’t have any need for socializing.”
“Are you kidding me? You’ve been six years and your only friends are Jon and Maya, and honestly, I don’t think it counts. Maya is in her last year of high school and Jon is a year below you. You need friends your own age.” Jason responded, then waved his hand about, “Even if they're scattered across the continent.”
“I thought he made friends when he was sent to that boarding school in San Francisco for two years when he was eleven?” Dick raises an eyebrow.
"Oh, Titan middle school, right?" Tim hums, "I mean, they helped him become better, I guess?"
"Honestly, I feel like that was the work of the school itself, not them. Besides, Damian doesn't even text or call them like he does Maya and Jon." Jason huffs
“You've been snooping through my phone.” Damian glares as he pulls a knife from nowhere like magic.
"In that case, how will this help him if he isn't even close to people he went to school with for two years?" Tim thought out loud. 
"Well, back then it was regular school and classes. Schools don't offer more hero electives till sophomore year in high school. The program does lots of team building and training. What better way to make friends than when your life's in their hands?"
"That's a good point," Tim nods in agreement. 
“Didn’t you, like, date Raven while you were over there?” Dick teased, elbowing his brother
“No. I did NOT date Raven.”
“Wha- really? You seemed so close.” Dick blinks in surprise.
"Dude, she's dating Garfield."
"What?! Really?"
"How the hell do you know that?"
"Oh… right, I forgot she mentioned that."
"Dude, she's your wife. If she knows you block out her rants, she's going to kill you."
"... I don't…  block out her rants."
“We’re straying off-topic.” Tim hums, hiding his smirk with his drink as Damian, who proceeded to slowly stand, shoots him a glare before a hand grabs the back of his color and pulled him back down. 
“Oh! Right, the Hero Collaboration Program!” Dick grins
“I think Damian taking part in the program is a good idea.” Everyone's eyes flickered over to the entrance where Bruce Wayne – Owner of Wayne Enterprises and Underground Hero: Batman – stood with Alfred Pennyworth, besides him. “This program will benefit you and help you make friends with people your own age, maybe even teach you something new.”
“Your brothers all attended the program, master Damian.” Alfred gave the boy an encouraging smile as he handed out drinks for everyone in the room, “In a way you could consider it a tradition at this point.” The younger boy took his drink silently as he pondered the words the older man had given him.
“Oh yeah, I guess it kind of is tradition at this point, huh…” Tim hummed, finishing his coffee and graciously handing the empty cup to Alfred, who shoved a cup of water in his hands.
“I joined during… what? During their third year of existence?” Dick wondered out loud as he leaned back on the couch.
“That’s correct, master Dick.”
“Haa~ I was Bruce’s test dummy to make sure the program was actually useful.” Dick chuckled softly.
“Pft seriously? Thanks for your sacrifice.” Jason smirked, making Tim let out a soft laugh.
“I suppose.” Everyone fell silent to look at the youngest Wayne, “If it’s a tradition at this point, I suppose I have no other choice but to partake in it as well.”
“That’s the spirit, Lil D!” Jason grinned.
“You’ll have fun. You’ll learn a lot, too.” Tim smiled, taking the smallest of sip of his water. With a glare from Alfred, he took a bigger gulp.
“Yes! Oh, man! I can’t wait for you to tell us about it when you get back! Maybe we should tell him stories of our experience!?” Dick energetically exclaimed as he practically bounced in his seat.
Bruce gave the boys a soft appeasing smile as they all cheered, making Damian scrunch up his face at the loud sound. With a soft sigh, he walked across the room to his office. Along the way, he gave his youngest a soft hair ruffle, making him groan.
Damian Wayne. Age 16. Seat 11. Student Rank 1. Hero Name: Red Bird. Quirk: Quirkless
Martial arts, hand-to-hand, sword, expert detective, hacker, stealth.
“Alright, class, make sure to think about signing up for that program! It’s a very good opportunity! You’re dismissed for lunch!” Mr. Barkin, a big man with an obvious werewolf mutation, dismissed his class.
A slim girl with long bright brown hair walked next to a beautiful dark-skinned girl with wavy black locks. The ginger hummed as she stared down at the packet that had been handed to them near the end of class, “I don’t know, what do you think Monique?”
 “I think it sounds like a lot of fun! Kim, girl, this is an O.I.A.L.T. E; Once In A Life Time Experience!” Monique paused and frowned.
“That was a long one.” Kim smirks at her friend.
“Ugh, I know. Never gonna use that one again.” The girl waved her hand in the air. Both girls stopped in front of a locker, “But It still stands! You should totally do it!”
“But what about you? And – and Ron?” Kim leans against the lockers, watching as her friend opens hers to put away her books.
“Psssh~ Pu-lease, I’ll be fine! I’ve got work at Club Banana and a bunch of homework to keep me company!” The brown eyed girl closed her locker, and they began their trip to Kim’s locker, “As for Ron, well-“
“K.P!!” Both girls turn to see a blond rushing over, “Did you hear about the exchange program!? Are you signing up? Please tell me you’re not leaving me! We’re supposed to be a team!!” He cried out as he hugged his friend.
The redhead huffed softly before prying her friend off her, “Ron, so not cool.”
“Yeah I – sorry K.P I just – I heard about the program and assumed you’d sign up and leave without me.” Ron sniffled dramatically. From his pocket, a small pink rodent climbed up to his shoulder and nodded in agreement, making small squeaking noises. “See! Rufus and I would miss you…” 
Monique rolled her eyes with a smirked as she gently pushed the two forward to keep walking, “You know, the program is accepting team sign ups~”
“Wait really!?” Ron gasped as he brought the packet back up to read. “Oh my god, they are!”
Kim frowns, “I don’t know, then you’d really be alone, Monique.” They stop at her locker.
“Oh common Kim. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity! You have to S. I; seize it! You’re not going to be a sophomore forever, girl.” Monique leaned on the lockers with her arms crossed over her chest.
“Yeah! It’s a good opportunity to learn about other school systems! Did you see who they're partnered with K. P? It’s Yuuei High school! Yuuei! They're, like, the best in Japan! At least that's what the rest of this thing says and what Yori told me when I did that whole” Ron waves his hand in a circle as he shrugs, “seven day long Japan exchange thing during First Semester.”  
“You still have yet to tell us much about that.” Kim smirks as she opens her locker, “Japan is one of those places that have schools that specialize in training hero’s, right?”
“That’s right!” Everyone looked up to the projection of a boy their age sitting at a desk, “Hey girls! Hi Ron, Rufus, Whatcha guys talkin’ bout?”
“Hey Wade. We’re just talking about Some program that’s partnered with Yuuei.” Kim smiled at the screen as she put her things in the locker.
“Oh! The Hero Collaboration Program?” Wade’s smile widens.
Kim rolls her eyes half-heartedly at her friends' excitement. “Of course you’ve heard of it.”
“Yeah! Tell Kim that She’s GOT to GO!” Monique gave her friend a glare.
“Wade! Tell us about Yuuei High School!” Ron practically begged, shoving past Kim before standing behind her again. His best friend shot him an annoyed glare.
With a sigh, Kim finally nods, “Tell us about the school.”
Wade grins and begins quickly typing away on his laptop. A few images began appearing next to him, “As you know, Yuuei High School is known as a hero school. They’re known for ranking number 1 in hero schools across Japan. Their competitor, coming in second by just a bit, is Shiketsu High School. If you ask me though, Shiketsu is obviously better, I mean, look at those uniforms! So wicked! Look at those hats and blazers!”
“Right, about Yuuei.” Kim gently reprimands when she notices her friend is straying off-topic.
“Oh, right! So, from what I’m seeing so far, I think Yuuei has an unfair entrance exam.”
“They have Entrance Exams?” Monique asked with a raised brow.  
Wade nods, “Yeah. In Japan, to get into high schools, students are required to take an entrance exam.” 
“Right, so, why do you think it’s unfair?” Kim raised a brow
“Well, looking at their sports festival, Just about everyone in the hero program has a “flashy” quirk. When you compare it to other hero school’s and their graduating classes, their quirks are more balanced. Um, one sec” Wade’s eyes narrowed, his pointer finger stretches out like a wire, and he connects to his computer. A moment later, his eyes turn blue and data begins to quickly rush through.
“Is it just me or is he… taking longer than usual?” Ron raises an eyebrow after four minutes pass. 
“Mm, another reason to be glad our school has an hour-long lunch…” Monique hums as she leans on a leg, a hand on her hip. They watched in silence as Wade frowned and bit his lower lip. After three more minutes, the boy smirks, disconnecting himself, making his eyes turn back to normal. “Got it.” he grins as he leans back in his seat.
“Uuuuh, got what?” Ron tilts his head in confusion.
“I hacked into their system. It was pretty tricky considering it was made by the smartest being in the world, but nothing compared to me and my quirk. They had a bunch of firewalls and backups too, I think it was a lot of fun to get through.” Wade smirks as he shows them different class schedules for different courses, “I redacted all the important information, but it seems like this school also separates all of their courses. Hero course students, General Education, business, and support. They all learn different things, never interacting unless necessary.”
“That’s… different.” Kim raises an eyebrow. “Um, should you really be hacking into the system of the ‘world's smartest being’ Wade?” 
“Ah, don’t worry about it, Kim. Hack helps make sure I’m untraceable and if Nedzu did get an alert, which I worked my way around, and somehow traces a location it’ll just lead him to random computers in a random location of Japan.”
“Wow, The support course students don’t have any combat classes.” Ron frowned, obviously preferring to look at the schedules to listening to the conversation. 
“Hold up - Why does General Education have a Quirk Positivity class? This is high school? Shouldn't they have that class in elementary school?” Monique crossed her arms over her chest. Face filled with confusion.
“Right? Not just that, but the school conducts a sports festival, that they compare to the Olympics every year, that puts all the courses against one another.” Wade closes and erases the schedules, replacing them with a video reel of fights and highlights. 
“Wha - why even call it a sports festival!? All they're doing is fighting?” Ron frowns before grinning as he watches one of the students punch another, “Booya! Look at that right hook!”
“Oh snap! He flipped him like a pancake!” Monique grinned as they watched the highlight reels. 
“Why would they do that? Isn’t that practically advertising your quirk to all the villains in the area?” Kim rose an eyebrow
“It says that it’s done to ‘promote their students to other heroes for field studies.’ The kids receive internship requests by heroes that want to take them on. It’s dumb though because, according to this, only fifteen students from both hero classes combined got internship requests! And one of them got 4,123 requests!” 
“They're promoting their students like they're the newest fashion trend.” Monique frowns, looking away from the video. 
“That’s… only fifteen kids? Seriously? What about the others? Do they just… not do anything? Why can’t they all just apply like we do? I - My brain can’t process...” Rufus squeaks in sympathy as he pats Ron’s cheek with his paw. 
Monique frowns in thought,  “Hey, wait a minute… you said that the sports festival includes all the students, right?”
“Yeah, Three day’s worth of sports festival, one for each grade.” 
The girl scoffed, “They're using the other courses to make the hero course look better, aren’t they?” 
“What do you mean, Monique?” Kim frowns
“Think about it, girl, you saw the schedules. The hero course is the only course with combat training.” Kim’s eyes widened in realization. 
“Duuuude, not cool! If they all had at least the same level of experience, it would be a lot better.” Ron frowns as he crosses his arms. 
“Exactly! Personally, I prefer the way our school system is set up. Anyone who wants to take hero classes can take them, and if you don’t finish the credits, you’re in the academy longer. Not to mention, anyone who wants field experience could just apply and do the internships.” Wade crossed his hands over his chest.
“Wade, you're taking support course electives.” Kim smiled softly, “but you have a point.”
“Of course I do! I’m doing field study with the space center! You and Ron go every other weekend to work with the hero agency, and when vacation comes along you’ll be allowed to do more than just patrol. I just… this is just... “Wade signs, “At least I know how to fight and defend myself if anything were to occur.”
“A little worked up there huh, Wade...” Ron gave him a sympathetic smile
“Sorry.” He smiles sheepishly, “Anyway, will you and Kim be applying guys? They accept duo teams.” Kim thinks about it for a moment before letting out a soft sigh and smile.
“You know what? What the heck, let’s do it, Ron.” Kim smiles, “I think it’ll be really cool to get in and talk to other people not from around here. Make some new friends, and possible future partners.”
“Boo-ya! We’re so getting in!” Ron held up a finger for Rufus to high five.
Kim and Monique smile at one another, thanking Wade, the redhead closes her locker, “We can celebrate with Bueno Nacho AFTER we get accepted. For now, let's go get lunch before the break ends.”
“You think they’d let Rufus in?”
“Ron, I don’t know if they’d let your pet in the program.” Monique smiled
“Gasp! Pet? Rufus is NOT a pet! He is our partner!” the little rodent nods in agreement as he squeaks in response. 
“Maybe we could ask when we get past the interview process. We’ll have to see, don’t get your hopes up, though, Ron.” Kim smiles softly, patting the boy's shoulder.
Kim Possible. Age 16. Seat 2. Student Rank 2. Hero Name: Possible. Quirk: Quirkless.
Kung fu, acrobatics and gymnastics, cheerleading skills, martial arts, hand to hand
Ron Stoppable. Age 16. Seat 9. Student Rank 11. Hero Name: Koi. Quirk: Karmic Luck.
His good luck fixes his bad luck. His natural bad luck places him in bad situations, however thanks to his quirk they always turn in his favor. For example, He once tripped over a rock, which caused him to dodge bird poop coming at him. 
Basic Hand to hand, Ninjutsu
A young teen with black hair sat in a chair in their room, the red sleeves of his sweater pulled up to his elbows as he tinkered with a few things. The door to the room slowly opened to show a scrawny man with his blond hair in a beanie. Seeing his younger friend working, he walked in and waved the others in. Walking in, everyone made themselves comfortable in the room. A buff, burly man, walked closer to the teen. With a good slap on the back, making the boy shout in surprise, he greeted him.
“Hey there, little man!” He grinned widely, crossing his arms over his chest. Brown eyes blinked in surprise as he spun around on his chair to face the four adults. 
“Oh! Hey guys! What brings you four here?” The younger boy asked with a smile as he adjusts himself in his seat. The adults all glanced at each other for a moment. A girl with purple streaks in her hair held out a packet to him, a small smile on her lips.
“We wanted you to apply for the Hero Collaboration Program.” Honey Lemon began as the boy began to read it.
“You’re a really smart kid, Hiro. Graduated from high school early, taking hero and support classes at the same time at the institute.” Gogo smiles.
“You’ve made awesome support weapons and during battle training you’re, like, wicked smart.” Fred praises. 
“Buuuut you’re also a kid. A kid that’s friends with a bunch of adults, we want you to make some friends your own age.” Wasabi grinned sheepishly, everyone nodded in agreement.
“Do… you guys not like being my friends?” Hiro frowns, looking back up at them, dejection clear on his face. 
“No!” They all shouted at once.
“It’s not like that!” 
“We love being your friend, little dude!” 
“You’re an awesome dude!”
“We don’t hate you!”
“We’re not trying to make you feel like we hate you!” Wasabi sighed as he ran a hand down his face, “We just want you to make friends your own age.”
“Yeah, you graduated from high school pretty early on general studies, and are now taking both hero and support classes at the institute, but you never really got a chance to make friends your age.” Honey Lemon explained.
“We already called to ask if you’d be able to apply.” Gogo smiled.
“Yeah! They said that they understand the circumstances considering your quirk and will make an exception! Of course, they said that just because they’re letting you apply doesn’t mean you will be accepted! That’s all on you, my dude!” Fred grinned as he shot the young teen finger guns.
Hiro stared down at the packet in his hands for a moment. They're not wrong. Because of his quirk, he had practically breezed through school and graduated at 11. He’s never been interested in heroics or any of that stuff, but even if he wanted to, no hero school would have accepted him because of his young age. Finding boredom in just staying home, he began to tinker with things and began to build small robots for fun - and maybe to con a few people out of their money - but he’s never pursued anything specific. 
He hadn’t even thought about going into support until his older brother had brought it up when he was thirteen. After lots of hard work, he had gotten into the biggest hero school in the Tokyo prefecture, Institute for Heroics and Technology. He thought about applying to UA in shizuoka but he decided that the school was too over rated and stayed in Tokyo. He had stuck to the technical side of things, at least till his brother was killed in an explosion. It had taken a lot of convincing, but he was able to get his friends to help him take down the villain that caused it. He and his friends had become vigilantes and once they had captured the culprit he was reluctant to stop. It wasn’t long till he found himself in the heroics courses as well. 
Now that he’s reflecting on it, they're right. He doesn’t have any friends his own age. Taking a deep breath, he nods, “Alright, sure. I’ll apply.”
“Really!?” Honey Lemon practically squeals in excitement.
“Yeah, besides, it says that the kids at Yuuei are participating. They’ve been through a bunch of villain attacks already, It’ll be interesting to see how they compare to other heroes in training.” Hiro leaned back in his seat, a leg crossing to rest on the other. 
“Oh… Oh, no, that’s his ‘I have plans’ smirk, guys.” Fred stage whispered to the others.
“Should I be feeling bad for the Yuuei kids or the exchange kids he’ll be with if he’s accepted?” Wasabi asked, making Hiro burst into a fit of laughter.
“... Both.” Honey Lemon squeaked.
“He’s going to have fun.” Gogo smirked.
Hiro Hamada. Age: 15. Seat 13. Student rank 3. Hero Name: Zero. Quirk: Prodigy 
His brain functions at a faster rate than possible, making it easy for him to process and retain information, giving him genius level intelligence. 
Hand to hand, Martial Arts, builds his own support items.
“No way man.” A dark skinned boy groaned as he tossed his backpack on the ground and sat himself on his desk chair, the wheels sending him back a bit. 
“What? Miles, dude common. This event is for sophomores ONLY. You’re never getting this opportunity, ever again!” Another male walked into the shared room and closed the door behind him. 
“Ganke I just got the hang of swinging around, the school year is going to end in a few months meaning finals are coming up, I don’t need to stress myself out more with this program.” Miles huffed in response, riffling through his backpack he pulled out his textbooks. 
Sitting himself at his own desk, the boy responded as he grabbed his own things, “That was three months ago dude. The school year doesn’t even end until June, we’re barely getting into November, and this program is supposed to be fun. Did you even read that packet? You’ve been stressing yourself too much by adding so much training on top of your school work.” 
“...... I can’t rest Ganke, you know that. I have to hurry up and graduate, so I can take over what Peter had left for me.” Miles let out a tired sigh as he slumped back on his chair and stared at the ceiling. “I know what happened to him wasn’t my fault, I get that, but… I just… I could have done more, you know? Like, I know he took me in for field studies because we have similar quirks, but I’ve looked up to him for so long and to be acknowledged only for it to be torn away all of a sudden… We became so close… He wanted me to take over the mantle of Spider-man and I just… I can’t let him down…”
Ganke sat in silence for a moment, trying to gather his thoughts before speaking, “I get that you want to take over the mantle of your mentor, but common man. Take a breather. We’re teenagers and you're burning yourself out. Peter wouldn’t want you to burn yourself out like this. You need this break.” 
Silence fell in the dorm room once again as both boys started their homework. It wasn’t long for Miles to find himself tapping his pencil against his desk. Ganke’s words floating about in his mind. With a weary sigh, Miles re-read the packet that he pulled out from where he had stuffed it in a text book. “Your right… I do need a break.” 
Ganke grinned widely and kicked off to roll over to his friend, “That a boy!” he cheered, slapping his friend’s shoulder, “Now then, let's talk support items! I've had this idea on making little nubs for your gloves that can discharge electricity for like a week now! I bet you’d like it! The trip is supposed to be in Late February, right? We have so much time! We can test them after school! You can even put them to use on the field when you do actual combat during Christmas break’s field studies!” Miles snorted at his friend's enthusiasm. 
Miles Morales. Age 15. Seat 9. Student Rank 4. Hero Name: Spider-man. Quirk: Dolophanes Conifera.
Has characteristics of a wrap around spider. He can camouflage with his surroundings and shoot spiderwebs from a small hole from his wrists. He can effortlessly cling and climb walls thanks to the settles on his hands and feet. Is most active during the night. If he bites anyone, a venom is injected to temporarily stun his victim.
Hand to hand, fast reflexes, flexible
A raven haired boy with bright blue eyes groaned in frustration as he slammed his face on the kitchen table. His older sister with red hair frowned with worry, “What’s wrong, Danny?”
“Mr. Lancer handed out some packet for heroes and, like it sounds like fun, but it doesn’t allow trio teams.” Danny responded as he rested his chin on the table.
“Hero? I thought Tucker is in for support, while Sam handles the business aspect when you guys started your own agency?” The older sibling frowned in confusion.
Danny sticks his lower lip out in a pout, “Well, yeah but…” He sits up right, “Sam and Tucker are encouraging me to sign up, and It’s cool and all, but… I just…” The boy paused, turning over the words in his head in an attempt to organize them. His sister waited patiently for him to speak again, “I’ve never felt so… lonely I guess. Like… Tucker and, surprisingly enough, Kyle are going to be handling the Support items and any other tech-savvy stuff. Sam has Wes for business stuff, even if they do argue a lot, but I… have nobody.” The boy buries his face in his hands, “It’s stupid, I know…”
“W - what about Valery? She wants to be a hero too, right? You two were pretty close…?” His sister tries to reassure.
“Yeah, but she hates my guts now, Jazz. Remember the whole incident I told you about with quirk training?”
His older sister frowns at this. Her blue eyes looked over to the packet her brother had set aside. Taking it, she read it over silently before smiling softly, “Well, I definitely agree with Sam and Tucker that you should apply.” 
Danny looks up with a frown, “But I’d be all alone…” 
“Danny, the whole point of the program is to meet young aspiring heroes your own age. I'm sure you’ll make a friend or two while you’re out there.” Handing her brother the packet, she watched as his eyes roamed over the words again. 
“I… I guess you’re right.”
Jazz smiles reassuringly at her brother, “Of course I’m right. Now then, let me help you fill that thing out.” 
Daniel James Fenton. Age 16. Seat 8. Student Rank 5. Hero Name: Phantom, Quirk: - REDACTED - Ghost.
After turning four, his quirk, cryokinesis, had manifested. When he was 11 he was involved in a lab accident that -REDACTED- mutated his quirk. He can now turn invisible at will, walk through solid objects, fly, minor telekinesis, ghost wail, cryokinesis. He has no need to breathe, can last a week without food. 
Hand to hand, night vision, stealth, enhanced hearing. 
Chapter 1 Part 2
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chateautae · 3 years
I for duck's sake need help people.....see, I would be very pleased if anyone of you would just help me out....the thing is, I have been in a relationship for like around 3 years and trust me, he is like the most perfect kinda person I have ever met..but now comes the main issue, he has till now, never ever hinted me about doing anything ( the max. we have went is uk till just a little makeout types, ik spoiling my sex life like this sucks but that's why I am going anonymous and I think some of you might have experienced it ig, don't take me wrong, I mean like uk). The good thing is, we both are understanding and extremely working persons (he works as a employee in a business firm and I am a newbie doctor (kinda just started my practice as a doctor)....and even though I am a doctor and that having sex is like a normal thing because we literally studies everything, I still freak out upon thinking about doing it with him....it's not like I am scared or anything but I just want some uk girl tips upon how to actually do it....reading about it is quite, tbh, okay for me, but then doing it is like, a difficult task....i bet you he knows about everything and that's why he hasn't hinted upon anything but like from the past 1 week, he jas been dropping kinda hints ig.....like I won't go into the details, otherwise I would be hella embarrassed, not that I am not right now, I am literally sitting in the washroom typing this ( don't judge me)....while reading about it, it feels so easy to execute everything but then when doing it in real life is like so much like wierd ig....I mean how do I respond to it.....I am nervous and what not.....as 25yo, I sometimes feel wierd that I can't uk do it......can anyone of you just help me please......like some girl tips.....I searched it on Google too, still I don't have the courage.....amd moreover, my friends circle is so wierd amd plus, I am too shy to ask anyone.....ik asking this in such a way and place is way too inappropriate to be even considered normal....it's not like I am not ready for it, it's just I am quite nervous about how to do it.....tbh, he hasn't forced me even once still remained to be sweet and all but internally we noth know, we might wanna step up.....HELP PLZ.....my mom is way too conservative to even have an open conversation about kisses let alone doing it....
Oh hun, you are completely and tOTALLY allowed to come to this blog for any advice and not feel ashamed. This is an 18+ blog and anyone here would be so glad to help you, something like this is totally normal!! I shall leave my words under the cut, though if anyone else would like to help this lovely anon please do not hesitate to drop off a reply or even something in my inbox! I'll answer right away to help anyone wondering the same thing 💓
Alright hun, first and foremost I am so happy your relationship has been so strong! And I'm glad you're with someone who hasn't pushed you or anything into doing anything sexual yet, I'll tell you from experience that can be extremely daunting and uncomfy so I'm super relieved your man has been sweet!!
In terms of real advice, tbh I'm quite the wrong person to go to. I lost my v-card with my first boyfriend when I was 16, literally we were both inexperienced and even the times we did you know, do the deed it was very clumsy and nobody knew what they were doing, and the second person I've been with was a Kiseok situation (if you read maybe I do, yes Kiseok is based on a real person in my life) so fuck that dude. But maybe my own inexperience can also help you out, here are at least some lady tips I can think of:
1. Make sure you're comfortable. I say comfortable instead of ready because I'm quite the believer in if you wait until the moment you're ready, you'll wait your entire life. So my best advice is to make sure you're comfy with the situation and your partner!!
2. Ensure your partner is someone who cares about you. I know everyone's stories are different, and not everyone has sex with someone they've been with for a long time or even love, one night stands are totally okay and I salute you sister. get that dick!!! But even in situations where you're with a stranger, sex is a very intimate thing, and it would make your experience 1000x better if you can at least tell the person cares about you and your body and your wishes during sex. Everyone deserves to be respected during an intimate act like sex and if you feel you're not being respected, whether it's your body, your wishes, your limits, your choices, do not feel obligated to still go through with this person.
3. You have to be wet. Of course not all sexual encounters happen the same way, and every female gets off on different things or turned on by a variety of actions, but essentially you have to be wet for sex. Most men understand this but a lot also don't, basically you gotta get into that juicy foreplay to get wet my girl. Try making out, maybe if you're sitting down swing a leg over his lap and bam you're straddling him. This position is usually optimal because you gain the opportunity to grind against yo man's crotch and my fucking God, does that shit feel hella nice. It's also highkey ego-boosting feeling how much the guy's getting worked up because literally anytime you grind or move over their crotch it immediately spikes to their dick and you can usually feel them against you. If you're standing, try moving to an area that has a wall and keep grabbing at your man's neck, usually men naturally will indicate you to jump and you'll easily be all up against the wall making out, this gets hella fun too cause being carried like that is so 😩
3.2. Okay cool, we're making out, now it's essentially a game of go with the flow. Men usually take the initiative and begin the escalation of things on their own. Maybe he'll start kissing down your neck, his hands are gonna be somewhere at your waist, maybe inching down to your ass or maybe he's an ass guy and he's already palming at yo cheeks. Regardless, I can confidently say you can sit back and relax, let yourself feel, get into the kissing and grinding and if you love the way he's touching you, make some noise and let him know, don't be afraid to be turned on and goddamn horny, dudes love that shit. You however are also allowed to take the wheel, and guys usually search for the greenlight from girls by sensing their movements and how eager they seem for the go-ahead on anything. If maybe you begin tugging at his clothes, they'll usually think "okay, she's okay with this rn" and so on. This part's sincerely just go with the flow, you don't need to rush and honestly the more foreplay the better for getting your puthy wet. Make sure you're comfy and your partner makes sure you're okay with that they're doing to you.
3.3. Whoop dee doo your man's hands are suddenly going, you know, places. Another case of go with the flow, if you're comfortable with your man wanting to do a lil rubby dubby on your kitty then totally let him, this shit feel's god-like I tell you. Maybe I'm just a sensitive ass whore, who knows but something about feeling a man's hands do what your lady fingers can't just HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. But essentially from here maybe you wanna reciprocate. Get them pesky pants open and feel your man up. Reach inside those boxers and touch that beast he's hiding inside. Make sure to go nice and slow and your hands aren't rough, men's dick are super sensitive and if you go too hard on at least a dry dick it acc hurts them. Men usually leak pre-cum at their tips so try using some of that to slick up your hand.
3.4. That's handjobbing, now if we're getting into oral, very important things to remember. A) retract your teeth, it's hard and it hurts to do it for a long time but teeth will hurt dudes a lot so suck them in and away from their cocks. B) Hollow your cheeks, men like the tightness of a mouth and that's what really gets them going. C) BREATHE THROUGH YOUR NOSE PLEASE DO NOT JUST STOP BREATHING AND TAKE YOUR TIME OKAY BLOWJOBS ARE ACC VERY FUCKING HARD AND FUCK YOU UP especially for someone like me who has a small mouth, yeah that shit sUCKS but nothing is more beautiful than seeing a man fold under your touch. D) Tease yo man a bit, kitten licks and kisses, dragging your tongue over his slit, maybe a pump and then take him out, slick him up with some saliva maybe, anything you feel like doing go ahead girl, that dick is yours for the time being and I promise he'll love it. E) Deep-throating is really when gets guys going cause they only acc feel shit at their tips, so please deep-throat with caution, and take your time if he's a big one, you can acc really hurt yourself especially if you're constantly deep-throating a really big one. F) Go to town girl, get up and bobbing, go down on him like he can't survive without you, go at your own pace and own it. G) Balls usually go neglected and I promise if you even fondle them or grab at them your man will combust.
3.5. Okay so with actual sex, FIRST OF ALL BE SAFE!!!! USE A FUCKING CONDOM, IF YOU DON'T HAVE ONE THEN DON'T FUCK BUT IF YOU'RE STILL HORNY THEN PLEASE RECIEVE SOME MONEY FROM YO MAN FOR PLAN B!!! IT'S NOT ENTIRELY FOOLPROOF THOUGH PLEASE REMEMBER THAT RISK. You can totally go on birth control too but this has its complications, there are also monthly shots you can take and other contraceptives.
3.6. Okay it's sexy times, this is just gonna have to be a thing for you. Everyone's different and has different comfort levels, maybe you can take someone that’s bigger while some women can't and that's fine. Just make sure when he does go in, you feel okay with it. It will hurt if you’re dry and not wet, like hurt a lOT but if you do feel loads of pain just let your partner know to go slower, and let yourself get used to the feeling of something inside. You can always say stop if it hurts too much, seriously it's normal and that's what I did with my first boyfriend. Hell I fucking kicked my ex off me LMAO and he was so sorry and we just ended everything there, and had actual sex the next time I visited him. From here on I've really got no lady tips, essentially it's up to you what you like and what you'll do, get it on!!!
General Tips:
4. Be you, and be confident. I know sex can be really daunting especially when you consider men usually tend to be more experienced, and maybe you become afraid you won't measure up or be as good as his previous partners or you’re not good at sex, but baby girl it ain't about that. This dude is going to have sex with you because he wants to have sex with you, and whether that's his dick speaking for him or his heart, it means he will not be thinking about some other  chick he got it on with a year ago, he will be thinking of you and your pretty mouth and what you're doing, focused on touching your body and thinking he loves the way it feels. The more confident you are, the better. You're sexy and pretty and you are desirable babes, let those noises he makes when you touch him drive your confidence, the way he groans a little when you do something, the way he's tugging your body close to yours cause he wants to feel you, it all means he wants you and that's hot, let it boost your lady ego my love. You're allowed to be shy, I totally understand that, and if your partner really cares about you then they'll easily take your hand and guide you through it. Let them know you're a little nervous, and they'll really try to make things more comfy and easier for you because sex is about both parties, not just one.
5. Orgasming is hard, but it's still achievable. Especially in an open, established relationship, really let your man know what turns you on. Let him feel at your cooch while he's penetrating you and I promise that can usually get you orgasming. Other than that, another huge case of doing what you need to do to get yourself off, and always let your partner know. If you’re really searching for an orgasm in a newer relationship or if you’re too shy to say something, then literally just take your man’s hand and place him over your clit and start rubbing with him, he’ll get the hint and start doing it himself. 
6. Communication is key. This is obvious, but even if it's dirty talk, usually it's still a way to communicate and see if you're okay. You can ask to go slower, faster, softer, harder, stop altogether or entirely wreck your goddamn shit. Your partner should listen and if they don't, get the fuck out of there and leave that man, he don't fucking deserve you at all, especially in situations where you ask to stop or to slow down cause maybe something hurts, if he doesn't listen here then no, he don't deserve shit and LEAVE. Don't be afraid to make noise either or say something, dudes usually love hearing you. If you don’t like something please let your partner know, I’m sure they’re wondering if you do and would love to hear you communicating. 
7. Be clean after you're done woo-hoo-ing. Make sure you're tidy and stuff before putting clothes back on, sex can get messy especially if it's your first time you can bleed. Usually if the dude is a sweetheart enough they'll clean you, which is obviously aftercare uwu.
8. Pee after sex, UTI's are not fun. 
9. Your body may also feel weird or go through changes after you have sex for the first time, but that’s normal. Just you body’s response to feeling something foreign inside you. 
10. Ladies, remembering during sex that you have power, IT’S YOUR BODY!!!! Whether it’s because you’re totally domming or because your man is super duper sweet and will not do anything unless you want it, sex is meant to be fun and for both parties’ enjoyment. It’s not a chore nor is it something you HAVE to do to keep your man around or something, let yourself have fun girl, you deserve it. The flow of sex and any activities as such are usually dictated by you and what you want, so remember you don’t have to go through with something if you don’t want to. It shouldn’t matter if a dude really badly wants to get his dick wet, this is your body and you are to decide what happens to it. If a man makes you believe otherwise, FUCK THAT DUDE!!!! HE DON’T DESERVE YOU!!! YOU DESERVE LOVE AND RESPECT AND TO BE CARED FOR AS A HUMAN BEING!!
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therenlover · 3 years
Hi Jac! I know we don't talk much at all, but I couldn't help but notice that you haven't posted lately and I just got a lil worried. I hope you're doing well, but if not I want you to know that I'm here if you need someone to listen to you.
Love ya <3 (feel free to ignore this if you'd like)
Hello all! I've been meaning to post an update here at some point about my life and where I've been, but extenuating circumstances made that difficult for me. I figure this is as good a time as any for me to let you guys know how I'm doing.
Firstly, I am safe, happy, and healthy. I started college in mid August and moved far, far away from home to a place I'd never been before. It was terrifying and new but was also the best decision I've ever made in my life. I thrive here. I have friends, I go out, I get my schoolwork done, and I'm in the process of getting a job for next semester so I can save all my refunded financial aid and start building a repayment plan for my student loans early. Overall, life is better than it's been for me in a long, long time.
That being said, if you've followed this blog at all during periods of activity, you'll know that all is not always well for me. Even now, as I've been doing better than I have in longer than I can remember, that is still the case.
A minor but consistent and significant factor in my disappearance from Tumblr is just a lack of time and energy. Though I only have 5 classes, a normal course load, I spend a lot of time out of my room, either being with friends, working on homework, studying, or just existing on the campus and enjoying what it offers. Soon enough, I'll also be working shifts. Overall that doesn't leave me with very much time to be spent on long-haul, high-effort personal projects like my fics. It isn't that I don't wish I could provide you guys with more of my writing. I just don't even think about it most days, because I'm so distracted by the rest of my life.
The major reason I haven't been active, though, is a past relationship.
As some of you may know, I was in a relationship with another Tumblr user for a period of time. Things did not end well between us, and though the issues within the relationship were not something I would fault either of us for, I fully acknowledge that the messy way the relationship ended was entirely my fault. I was exhausted, unhappy, and did not know how I could possibly navigate my situation. I'm not proud of the choices I made at the end of that relationship, but it was what had to happen. Things would not have gone well if I had stayed.
I worried that, because that tumblr user has a much larger platform within the fandom than I do, I would not be welcomed here anymore. I was willing to not engage with you all to allow them to have space and to avoid creating unnecessary drama if I could help it. Generally, I felt a lot of fear about coming back here. I still do. Overall, though, I understand that my choices were my own, and the consequences of those choices are also only mine to deal with. I also bear no ill will towards my former partner. I hope they're doing well.
Finally, on a much happier note, I'm not producing fanfiction because I'm happy.
Writing has always been a way for me to express emotions in a healthy way while creating these wild, fantastical situations where I, and by proxy, all of my readers, feel loved. When I was alone and afraid and miserable I would supplement my heart by making a world where I had what I needed. I'm in a place now, though, where I don't need that anymore.
Shortly after my last relationship ended, I found my current partner. To keep this brief, they make me insanely happy. I feel emotionally and physically fulfilled, and they constantly help me become a better, healthier person. I've met their parents and will be staying with them over Thanksgiving break. Overall, I feel no inspiration or need to create right now because there are no holes in my heart that need to be filled. We just finished watching Wandavision today and had a great laugh together about the whole "Ralph Bohner" situation, which got me thinking about all of you.
That, my friends, is why I'm here.
I don't know when or if I'll return to tumblr, and on what level that will be. I also don't know what direction I might take my blog next once I do. What I do know, though, is that I'm safe and happy and think of the people I met on this website often.
If you have questions, or just want to say hello, my ask box is open and I'll be on and off the site today as I work on some stuff. I miss you all and hope you're well <3
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housamo-side-blog-2 · 3 years
This is a story about Harumo.. 
Harumo:...bloo...bloooo..blo...blah.......*gasp for air*. 
You gasp for air, as you have just made a jump from 10 feet,
Shiro: Harumo, you just jump from 10 feet,are you okay? 
Harumo: Yeah,im okay. 
Shiro; Thank goodness,you landed with perfect form, if not, then you would have just felt the most painful slap in history. 
Kengo: Is it really that painful, i bet i could take it on. 
Shiro: Coming from you loudmouth,
Kengo: Its true, I’ve felt way more painful punches that those pathetic slaps,right partner? 
Harumo: Ahh, yeah, i guess? 
{Lil Salomon appears} 
Lil Salomon: Hello Master!,...Whoah!, you”re in the sea, care to explain you’re wherabouts? 
Harumo: Wanna take a dip? 
Lil Salomon: I’ll pass, i was checking in on you.
Harumo: Well thats a surprise... 
Lil Salomon: You see,  I have a very personal project that i want to complete, so i was just checking, if you’re in need of me, 
Harumo: I think we’re good for now. 
Lil Salomon: Oh good, well then, see you later then! 
Harumo: Hey wait Sal-.. 
Your question goes unanswered, to brush your curiosity, you float on your back, and met the piercing gaze of the sun, with its brightness, you close your eyes and just float,.....
 ????: HARUMO WAKE UP ! 
Harumo: ....What is it you Guuuuuuuuuuuuuyyyyyysssssss! 
Agyo and Kijimuna: HEY, WHAT GIVES?!
Moritaka:*BLUSHING* Harumo? 
Toji: *blushing* Uhhhmmmmm.....
The safehouse is the the place where guildmates attend to conduct their guild activities, strategy meetings and also. 
Thats right, today is an usual very hot for Tokyo today, and according to the broadcast its only going to get more and more hot tomorrow, And due to the intense heat, classes today are suspended as most school don’t have air conditioning,luckily, 
Shiro: All right, i understand all your feelings but, hold out on the touching. 
Ryota and Harumo: YOU’RE THE BEST SHIRO!
Shiro: O,,Well,, Thank you Harumo. im glad you say that. 
Kengo: So much for holding out on the touching.
Shiro: What was that?!  
Toji: Purchasing an AC is a wise choice Shiro Motoori, if not, we’re probably boiled eggs already.
The two fluffy fured Canis therians sit infront of the the lifesaving air conditioner in a proper sitting position.
Shiro: Its a good thing, i bought it,just incase if their is a heat wave, Agyo and Moritaka would be alright. 
Ryota: Oh yeah, Canis Therians are probably the most affected in this heat wave, i hope they are okay. 
Agyo: This is much more better that waving fans around in the Land of Wa,  
Moritaka: Yes, When there is a hot day, we would just sit under a tree.
Moritaka: Though i have to say, its not the least effective during this intenese heat. 
Harumo: .....Wait a sec...i get the feeling somethings off. 
Shiro: Really?!, what is it?
Harumo: Hmmmmmmmmm......
{Hexagram flashes} 
Lil Salomon: Hello Master, cooling down i see. 
Harumo: Hey Lil Salomon,
Ryota: Hello, Lil Salomon, how are you doing?!
Lil Salomon: Hello to you too, Ryota, im doing fine, thank you for asking. 
Harumo: He said Hello to you too Ryota and he’s doing fine. 
Ryota: Yay! 
Kengo: Hey, whats with the yay Ryota? 
Ryota: Lil Salomon showed up. 
Kengo: You mean that invisible guy.....Hey Salomon guy, 
Toji: Who are you all taiking to? 
Moritaka: Everyone, what seems to the commotion.
Agyo: And who are you all taiking to? 
Harumo: Oh yeah, i haven’t introduced you to everyone yet. 
Lil Salomon: Well, it seems i to make an entrance. 
The floating gray fured butler,fixes his tie and dust off his butler his uniform to prepare his long awaited introduction to the rest of the Summoners. 
Harumo: Lil Salomon, everyone can’t see you. 
Again, only the one wearing Salomon”s ring can see the small butler that accompanies you everyday. 
Toji: So... who are we going to meet again? 
Harumo: Everyone, i would like to introduce Lil Salomon here. 
Moritaka, Toji and Agyo: .........
Harumo: He’s the first friend that i met ever since i arrived in Shinjuku Central Park, and he’s my butler. 
You put your hand under Lil Salomon, to help them see where he is,even though they can’t see his form, 
Lil Salomon: Its a pleasure to meet you Toji, Agyo and Moritaka, Thank you for protecting my Master in times of trouble.
Harumo:{ Relays what Lil Salomon said} 
Agyo: You mean?.....HE IS A GHOST?! 
Moritaka: Agyo, i think thats not it, maybe Harumo is the only that can see him. 
Moritaka: That amazing!, to think you have a butler on your own. 
Lil Salomon: Thank you Moritaka, i have to keep my master safe, even though he always go to trouble. 
Toji: Huh, that explains some questions. 
Lil Salomon: Oh.. Master, i should inform you about Kijimuna, you promised to take him to the safehouse to meet everybody. 
Harumo:............I TOTALLY FORGOT!
Shiro and Kengo: Harumo, whats wrong?! 
Harumo: I totally forgot about Kijimuna, {Remembers about Kijimuna} 
Harumo: He’s my friend that i met during the time i was stranded on a deserted island. 
Shiro: You were stranded?!
Ryota: Deserted island? 
Everybody: ALONE?! 
The news comes a shock to them, to know that they’re friend,the one that saved them, was stranded on a island in the middle of nowhere, everybody is still processing your crazy trip, but what would they think if you told them about your other out of this world adventures. 
Shiro: When..did this happened? 
Toji: How did you get out of there? 
Ryota: More importantly, how did you get there. 
Harumo: Guys, calm down...{If i told them about the rest, they surely will go crazy}...uhm...anyway i better go pick up Kijimuna.He’s with Mr Triton, so it shouldn’t be far. 
Shiro: We are going to have a taik with you later. 
Harumo: Uh...O-okay Shiro.. See you all later.
Shiro: This explains a lot of questions. 
Kengo: What do you mean. 
Shiro: Do you not notice Harumo suddenly disappearing all of a sudden? like that time with the treasure hunt in Nakano.
Toji: I forgot to tell about that time, Shiro Motoori. 
Ryota: What do you mean? 
Toji: Remember the day we were discussing about the treasure hunt that was famous in Nagoya. 
Shiro: I thought they were only rumors. 
Toji: Yeah well, We have an exam that time, and i heard Harumo mumbling about something. 
Ryota: What did they say.? 
Harumo: Something about a treasure ship.....
Toji: Hmmmm. 
Harumo: Didn’t we go sailing that time.... .. I wonder how everyone is doing?
Toji: Then after school, They went to Nakano. i don’t the rest of the details after that. but it sounds like they have some other accquaintances, 
Shiro: I see... hmmm.... when Harumo first arrived. we have been making a lot of friends with other people lately. 
Ryota: Yeah, They are the reason how i met Maria and led us to Daikanyama Academy. 
Kengo: Yeah, same goes for me. and also Claude is way over heels for them. 
Kengo: Back in the war,
Shiro; War? 
Kengo: It was like a war that time, The three main guilds of Tokyo, for the first time fought side by side, i was shocked to see the Tycoons lending a hand. 
Shiro: And the reason for their unity, was Harumo.. 
Ryota: Yeah.. we all saw them. Harumo never backs down whenever he sees someone hurt. 
Kengo: You got that right, during our first fight back in the Coloseum, They never gave up and..{Remembers what they said}... They said im their friend.. 
Shiro: After that, you never have absent again. what made you change your mind. You were always so stubborn. 
Kengo: Shut up nerd!, I-its because!,,,i ....wanted to be with them. 
Ryota: Guys!, I think the reason we’re all here, .Its because of Harumo. 
Shiro: None, of this wouldn’t have happened if Harumo weren’t here. 
Kengo: Because of them. I got to fight much more stronger opponents! 
Ryota: They are also the reason why have friends! 
Agyo: Harumo is also the reason, how i have found my purpose, 
Shiro; Harumo made big changes in the people they have come across with. even to us. ..
Shiro: Right. Toji? 
Toji: Do not misunderstand Shiro Motoori, the only reason i stick with Harumo, is because i swore to protect them, nothing more nothing less. 
Ryota: They are also the reason we met you! 
Toji: Tha--...*sigh* fine,say what you wish, 
{Door opens} 
Harumo: Hey guys, im back! 
Shiro: Welcome back Harumo!,...where’s Kijimuna?
Ryota: Come on!, i want to him too! 
Agyo: I wonder if he is my age? 
Kijimuna: HELLO EVERYONE, NICE TO MEET YOU ALL! ...are they your friends Harumo? 
Harumo: Yep, Everyone, I would like you all to meet Kijimuna, he was the first person that i met when i was stranded on his island. 
Agyo: He’s taller than me! 
Ryota: You’re so cute!, i wanna hug him already! 
Kijimuna: Yay!, HUGS! 
Ryota and Kijimuna: HAHAHA! 
Shiro: Hahahaha.... Hello Kijimuna, my name is Shiro Motoori. Nice to meet you.. 
Kengo: The names, Kengo Takabushi, sup there little fella. 
Moritaka: I pleasure it is to meet you Kijimuna. My name is Moritaka Shino Inuzuka!
Agyo: And my name Agyo, im the protector of this place. 
Kijimuna: WHOAH !, you’re a protector?, like me? 
Agyo: You’re also a protector? 
Kijimuna: Yep, i protect the Banyan Tree that has been growing on my island for years......Oh sorry,... Its a pleasure to meet you all.! 
Shiro: Wait.. you mean...you have been alone in your island for how many years exactly?..
Kijimuna:*counting his fingers* More than these! 
Everyone: Wha?!. 
Agyo: You have been a protector for so long? 
Kijimuna: Yep, Then i met Harumo. who washed up on the beach side of my island! and then i we met a lot of new people! 
Shiro: I see.. 
Moritaka: Thats most impressive,to be able to protect something from a young age is most astounding! 
Kijimuna:  No one ever shows up,so there’s not a whole lot of protecting. 
Kijimuna: You see. {Tells his life story before Harumo appeared} 
Kijimuna: And thats when i met Harumo. and after that. i’ve became friends with so many different people and it was fun everyday in the island! 
Ryota: *sobbing* whaaaa! 
Harumo: R-Ryota?, are you okay?
Ryota: To be alone for so many years! WHAAAA!, *HUGS KIJIMUNA*
Kijimuna: O-okay.. calm down.. Ohhh how about we play together!..sound fun?
Ryota: *Sobbing* y-yeah okay. 
Shiro: He was all alone for so many years.. 
Kijimuna: Do you wanna play too Uhmm...Agyo? is it? 
Agyo: Playing is for little kids! 
Harumo: You’re also a kid...
Agyo: Im not! 
Kijimuna: *giggling* 
Agyo: Are you making fun of me?! 
Harumo: I think you two are going to get along really well.Since you both are protectors.  
Kijimuna: *Extends his hand* i hope we could be great friends Agyo! 
Agyo:......*Extends his paw* Y-Yeah!, I think so too! 
Harumo and Ryota: AWWWWWW! SO CUTTEEEE! 
And so,Kijimuna finally have friends that he could have a bond with,even in this hot day, the warmth of these ordeal, makes the room both cool and comfortable.
OR IS IT.....
Agyo: Hmm.. Hey.guys i sense someone in our territory. 
Harumo: I wonder who could it be? 
Agyo: Its a long,black car and....oh someone got out of it. 
Shiro: A limousine? 
Ryota: WHOAH!, Only rich people get to ride those! 
Kengo: I have a bad feeling about this.. 
Moritaka: Why would someone come here all of a sudden? 
Toji: {Could they be after Harumo?.}
The driver of the car immediately went out with an umbrella opened as if to protect the important person sitting in the backsit. however the driver of the seat is non other than..
Harumo: Xolotl?! 
Shiro: That means..
Kijimuna: Hey...is there something wrong..? 
Harumo: That means Hakumen! 
Xolotl the loyal servant to one of the excecutive members of the Tycoons, His Master is the owner of the famous Casino, that is blowing millions, with its extraegance. 
Hakumen:HMMM....So.. this is the safe house of my liege?
Xolotl: Yes,Mistress Hakumen, according to one our sources,their safehouse is located here. 
Hakumen: Oh.. i see.
Harumo:*Opens the door* Hakumen?!, 
Hakumen: Oh...MY LIEGE?! 
The nine tailed fox quickly went to her beloved liege in a dust, 
Harumo: W-what brings you here Hakumen?.
Hakumen: Well..you see.. its pretty hot today ...and im throwing a grand party at my resort!, 
Harumo: Wow!, You own a resort?! 
Hakumen: Off course i do!, who do you think for?...Ahem. my liege its pretty boring since the guests will be members of the Guild and some other a-accquaintences that i invited. and i would love to personally invite you and your guild to this party.. 
Harumo: Hmmmm....
Shiro: If i may interrupt....
Harumo: Shiro...
Hakumen: And who are you supposed to be? 
Shiro: Im Shiro Motoori, the adviser of the Summoners, Pleasure to meet you. 
Hakumen: Oh.. i see...so my liege will you come? 
Shiro: Forgive my rudeness, but,do you have an ulterior motive for inviting Harumo? 
Hakumen: Hahah!, Well, Sorry to burst your bubble,but i have no plot to accomplish, My only wish is for beloved Liege!, to attend my party..
Harumo: Okay, we’ll definitely go! 
Shiro: H-Harumo.. what if she has something planned? 
Harumo: She wouldn’t come here in this intense heat, just to plan something bad, i think this is sincere. so lets give her a chance.. 
Hakumen: OHHHH,, The way my liege cares for me!, is so loving, that makes want you now even more!. 
Harumo: We’ll come Hakumen!, Count on it! 
Hakumen: Very well my liege, the party starts tomorrow, i’LL have the men in the entrance know your coming. 
Harumo: Okay, its settled, we’ll be there Hakumen.. 
Hakumen: I’LL be waiting my liege! 
Hakumen, goes back to her limo and drove off. 
Harumo: ..Welp.. Looks like we got a party to attend to! 
Shiro: Im still skeptical about her.
Ryota: Harumo,Shiro!, what happened?, what did she say? 
Harumo: *explains to them* 
Toji: You invited you outta the blue, Im agree with Shiro Motoori, this sounds fishy.
Ryota: C’mon guys, We don’t normally get invited to this types of parties and also i want try their food! 
Kengo: You just wanna eat their food don’t cha! 
Agyo and Kijimuna: Hey,whats going on!
Ryota: We’re going to a party! 
Agyo and Kijimuna: Really?!, with lots of delicious food and fun games! 
Harumo: I don’t think they have games, but their pool could be super fun.. 
Ryota: All right... We’re going to a party, try fancy delicious food and a have pool party!..Oh man!,, im so excited! 
Kengo: Even though, Its cold here, I nice outing in the pool is much more enjoyable than doing nothing than sitting here in the cold. 
Moritaka: Indeed,, this is going to be so much more fun than i imagined it to be.. 
What will happen in the party hosted by the foxy vixen Mistress Hakumen, is there a hidden plot in it or is there something instore for Harumo find out in the next part! 
Self-proclaimed writer: THANK YOU FOR READING EVERYONE..
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nyxdelanuit · 4 years
Little Mouse (Kuroo x F!Reader)
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thank you, my love <3 and of course, I will give you your husband lol WARNINGS AHEAD: fuck or die, babes. NSFW abound. 
You knew that you wouldn’t get your dream job straight out of grad school. And you were fine with that, really. It didn’t hurt that your closest coworker was terribly attractive… You just wished you were working on something less… unsavory.
 But 'dick pills,' as Kuroo so elegantly referred to them as, paid the big bucks. So you shrugged it off, hoping that if you worked your hardest, you could move onto something better soon. Unfortunately, the trials brought up and unexpected and fatal side effect. If the test subject didn't… complete, preferably with a partner, their heart would become arrhythmic, and eventually stop. It was a little annoying, especially with Kuroo getting distracted and frustrated, trying to figure out what exactly was wrong.
When he got particularly frustrated, he liked to come tease you. The two of you had worked closely long enough for you to move around each other like second-nature. But when he got annoyed, he moved into your space, played with your hair, called you such pretty names…
 What a tease.
 Sure, maybe you did harbor feelings for him. And yeah, you might have thought about him, once or twice, as you laid in bed alone. But that didn’t mean he could just play with you like that.
 “Come on, princess. They won’t miss us for thirty minutes. Let’s get out of here.” He grinned down at you, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
 “Kuroo, please. We’re on a deadline.” You tried to fight the flush you felt heating your cheeks.
 "Come on, lil mouse, there are quite a few tests I could use you for." He cocked an eyebrow at you, and you smacked his arm in retaliation. You couldn't let him know what those words did to you. He stumbled back, playing along with your lackluster hit. It would typically make you chuckle, at least a little bit, but the resounding shatter of glass on the tile killed the sound in your throat.
 The only thing that had been sitting on the counter behind him had been the samples you had been using to pinpoint the problem, a pure serum of the substance used in the pills, corked and sealed to prevent the fumes from escaping outside of the hoods scattered around the room.
 “Hey, lil mouse… please tell me you were a few seconds from figuring out what was wrong with this stuff.” Kuroo’s eyes met yours, pleading. You shook your head, you hadn’t. Those samples hadn’t even been under a vent hood, how careless could you be? Redness rose on Kuroo’s face, and it finally snapped you out of your daze long enough for you to press the big button near the door, sealing off the room and opening the ventilation system to clear out the remainder of the volatile fumes from the concoction spilled out over the floor.
 Kuroo had moved to the opposite side of the room, curled in on himself with his back facing you. You worked quickly to clean up the remnants, knowing that it would affect you less. Still, as you disposed of the glass and dirtied rags, you felt your pulse pick up.
 “Kuroo…” You tried to grab his attention.
 “Tetsurou. You may as well call me by my first name, lil mouse. Looks like I’ll get to run those tests on you after all.” He didn’t turn to face you as he began stripping off his lab coat and shirt with deft fingers. You had heard he played volleyball in high school, but you had never noticed how nice his fingers looked…
 Kuroo was red from the shoulders up, clad now in only his pants. You couldn’t deny that you would find it insanely attractive even without the help of the drug quickly coursing through your veins. Kuroo finally turned to face you, the image something you had only dreamed of while you were knuckle deep in yourself.
 Sweat beaded on his forehead, but he paid it no mind. Instead, he stalked toward you, boxing you in between him and the sturdy lab table at your back. You could resist, could try to reason your way out of this… but…
 "Please, little mouse." He pleaded, bringing your hand to his bare chest, his thrumming heart fluttering under your touch. It wouldn't be fair of you to deny him, not now. As soon as he saw the hesitance leave your face, he dipped in. The first brush of your lips was soft, sweet. Something akin to the first kiss lovers would have, instead of whatever this was. Once you tasted him, it was all over for you.
 Your hands found his hair, and he pressed you greedily to his body. You met in a flurry of lips and teeth, hands wasting no time in pulling off your coat and ripping the shirt from your chest. His lips followed shortly after, laving across your torso before his hands found the clasp at your back. With a gasp, your breasts were bare to the cold lab air. They pebbled with the cold air, only worsening as Kuroo enveloped one with his mouth.
 “As much as I would love testing your every sensitivity, I don’t think I can wait little mouse. His fingers made short work of the button of your pants, dipping down to your dripping heat with little resistance. He spread around your slick with a smile, at least you seemed to need it just as bad as he did. Kuroo helped you shuck your pants and panties, sparing a moment to stare up at you.
 He grunted as he remembered his predicament, quickly standing to release himself from the constraint of his pants. You couldn’t help the whine that escaped your throat at the sight of his length, swollen and ruddy, pearls of fluid leaking from the tip. If this had been any other time, you wouldn’t have wasted a moment dropping to your knees to lap it up, to savor his taste.
 Your moment of daydreaming must have been too much for him, as Kuroo turned you forcefully, leaning you over the table. You felt the scorching heat of his skin at your back, a drastic contrast to the icy countertop at your breast.
 “Sorry, little mouse. If we had time, I’d prep you so well. I’d have you begging for my cock.” He lined himself up with your heat, releasing a breathy moan as his swollen head glided through your folds. With a hand braced on your shoulder, he sheathed himself in one thrust.
 The stretch was uncomfortable but manageable. If there was one up-side to being inadvertently dosed, at least it helped ease the discomfort. Kuroo tried to hold back, but his restraint quickly waned, feeling your warm walls constrict around his dick. Sharp thrusts push and pull you along the tabletop, the cold surface rubbing your nipples to the point of pain, but it doesn't taint the pleasure of Kuroo thrusting within you mercilessly. You can't even push back, your feet not finding purchase on the tile of the floor.
 Kuroo seemed to be annoyed by this too, pulling himself from your heat. You whined at the loss, but he shushed you as he helped you stand on shaky feet. With your balance restored, he draped your leg over his hip, plunging back into your core with a bitten curse. The table bit into your back awkwardly, but you couldn't find it within yourself to care as Kuroo's hand gripped your thigh, pulling you further onto his length. You were finally able to move against him, bringing moans and strangled sighs from the both of you. Your nails bit into the nape of his neck, but that only seemed to drive him further. The grip on your thigh was bruising, and you were ashamed to be thankful that you'd at least have the marks to remember this from.
 Kuroo released his lip from in between his teeth long enough to swallow your keening moans. “Little mouse, you fit me so well. If I had known, I would have done this sooner.” He grunted as his words caused you to clench around him. “Such a good little mouse.” His thrusts started becoming rougher, reaching you deeper, but he still wasn’t satisfied. You had no choice but to follow him as he sunk down, dragging you by the hips. Once you were safely on the floor, he flipped the two of you.
 You don't think you've ever felt so small as you did under Kuroo. He practically folded you in half with ease, hissing as he pushed himself to your limit. "Fuck, princess. You're doing so well for me." Each thrust seemed to pull the breath from your lungs, and yet you knew that the cries echoing in the room were yours. Especially with Kuroo's lip being worried between his teeth. His eyes were on you, though, and how you could have missed the fire raging in them, you didn't know.
 A few adjustments, and Kuroo was sitting on his knees, pounding into you like his life depended on it. Some sick twisted humor in your head reminded you that it did, but you tucked that away to worry about later. Kuroo was now dragging his swollen head across your deepest depths, hitting your most sensitive spots with each pull. “Come on, little mouse. Cum all over my cock.” His calloused fingers, long and practiced, trailed in between your bodies. It was rough and on the verge of painful against your clit, but that was all you needed to snap over the edge. Your release poured over Kuroo’s cock, drenching his pants.
 “Te-Tetsu, I can’t..” You gasped as he bucked with abandon, working you through your orgasm to the point of overstimulation.
 “Fuck, princess. I can’t take it when you say my name like that.” He groaned, your legs bending even further as he laid his head on your shoulder. You tried to call out his name again, but he was relentless, chasing his high, and only half-formed syllables fell from your lips. Tears clung to your lashes, and you could feel the roughness in your throat from the cries you couldn’t hold back.
 “Fuck, little mouse. Take it all, please. Take it.” His lips attached to your neck as he twitched within you, setting off another fluttering release from you. He suckled at the spot as he groaned, thick ropes of cum painting your insides.
 He lowered your legs slowly, rubbing circles into your thighs in apology, but didn't remove himself. He placed a chaste kiss on the darkening skin on your neck, and your fingers sought out his chest. Just above his heart, you let your hand rest. He must have had the same thought, his lips gently placed against your pulse. Relief washed through you as you felt the tired muscle return to its normal rhythm, the sigh against your skin, convincing you that he had come to the same conclusion.
 Funny how you had thought about each other before yourselves.
 “Well, little mouse.” He chuckled, removing himself to collapse on the cold tile. He pulled you to his side before you could get up, and you didn’t have the energy to resist. “We should do this again. Well, not the whole, life-threatening drug thing. Just us. You and me, and a few more tests for my little mouse. Sound good?”
TAGLIST: @beatific-drabbles​ @animefandomally​ @moonsaye​ @dadchis-girl​ @verdandi24-blog​ @cornchipsanddip​ @gokm1023​ @super-haikyuu-hotline​ @rocorambles​ @say-my-name-assbut​
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rhaenyraisadyke · 3 years
Fundys Stream My Nightmare (5/24)
(stuff transcribed live so. it might be wrong but I tried)
F: Remember the times when… when.. when… I.. remember the times when I couldn’t stop a nation from blowing up.. remember the times when I helped the guy who killed tubbo….
You know what bothers me the most? I have been having nightmares with crazy visual stuff happening and I don’t know how to explain it.. I I just.. my memory goes back to.. to those days.. I had the chance that I was always there. I was the helping of will and schlatt and the butters army….
And I.. I couldn’t do anything.. and it leads me to believe it was always my fault.. it makes me think it was always my fault.. and everytime I was apart of something it fucked up.. everything something messes up I’m part of it.. its always been that way.
A day ago.. quackity showed up at my doorstep.. and told me a few things. He told me.. ya know, the things I was part of and the a few things that made sense and a few things that weren’t.. weren’t great to hear, but he was right.
Me and quackity.. had a long talk, it was me thinking he came over to see me. I isolated myself from the world, tried to save everyone from having crazy shit happening, because every time Im part of something everything seems to break down no matter what it is. So I tried to isolate myself from only specific dreams.
And I thought he was going to see me but he had oddly specific business requests. He’s made some mistakes but he’s a nice guy. He told me about my history and made me aware of what happened… well… time for a new chapter maybe. I don’t know.. I don’t know, but its, lets hear him out. I think that’s the least we can do. I mean the place does seem impressive.
Q: I wasn’t here for business I was here for you
F: Do you really mean that?
Q: Why were you in the butcher army?
Q: Work in the cabinet?
Q: You have always had the same interests as me
Q: Because of those past experiences is why I went to see you.
F: You’re. ..Making me smile..
Q:And im not saying it to make you smile.. im saying it to make you think
Q: This is not las Nevadas… this is home. If you decide to join the country.. this simply will be home.
Q:For the longest time I didn’t have a home.. I had two houses in my lifetime, one was in the lmanburg house. Infant we had a dispute as neighbors… and another house underneath Karls house.. but I never intend to go back
F:You literally can’t go back there right?
Q:Do you want me to be honest fundy?
Q:As much as I love to see this as a new beginning… for me it was a necessity.. it was either starting a new chapter or rotting away in self pity.
F:Quackity I don’t really know if this stage is good…
Q:Fundy, you are more then happy to offer your contributions..
F:You’d allow me to do that?
Q:Fundy look at me and listen to me carefully.. I own this place, this place is mine and I am under rule of nobody, no Tommy, Tubbo, Schlatt, Fundy we can do whatever we want under any means, we don’t have to worry about going to war every single week..
Fundy we can finally go everything we want to. And that freedom means more to me then this SMP could ever offer.. We are FREE here.. .this is HOME fundy..
Its home.. this entire place is home, its ours… just like that I have been working on this for a long time just so someone to say you can’t do this you can’t do that you can’t express yourself
Im so tired of people telling me my entire fucking life that I can’t do something. And this is why this place- this is home fundy, this is HOME
I get it Fundy I get it, and we both have been in this situation quackity, we both know what its like to be put down, and to be written on paper and work for months and we know how that feels
And you and me unlike most people
I wish we could include tubbo on that but Tommy Wilbur had that share of power for awhile..
But you and I quackity we had so many ideas but we were pushed aside with our ideas and now all of thats changed and we can do something about it
F: Did you know I visited Paris eeveryyear as a kid?
Q: It wasnt a coincidence fundy…
F: It feels like home.. fundy it feels like home
Q: I don’t think there’s been amount in my life where I’ve been this happy.. And we offer all sorts of entertainment if someone wants
Q: Fundy you gotta chose the people you trust wisely, and Fundy I’ve put trust and hope more trust then hope . I gave too much benefit of the doubt when we were in the lmanburg cabinet, I used to think that somehow which the people we ruled over would someday strive for peace and love and maybe… but thats bullshit fundy… thats bullshit of what people want.. and that breaks my heart fundy.. but you know what? We are here now.. and all this.. you’re gonna see fundy..
F: But what if. What if it happens again Quackity? Quackity I’ve been thinking I told you about the nightmares and stuff quackity.. .once the nightmares finally end and the continuous loop finally escapes and want to know what I see I just see myself. And it tells me that you know.. that every single time.. it always leads me to believe that its always me… and that its crazy.. thats crazy..
Q: Fundy? Don’t talk nonsense… don’t talk nonsense on las Nevadas
F: sorry. Im sorry
Q: No fundy don’t apologies, you and I have been kicked in the ground and you and I have been undermined for so long,, and it doesn’t matter.. where are they?
Q: Wilbur as far as I am aware is dead..
Q: Tommy.. I haven’t even heard of Tommy in so long for all we know hes still chasing that disk
At one point of all of these friends I considered friends they are all still chasing the same thing over and over again and they think thats going to change… but thats the thing you have to create the change yourself.
But until you finally realize your own self worth as a warrior and an excellent member I don’t want you in las nevadas.. I care for you as a person, you’re not a business partner you’re not some asset some pawn, you’re my friend and I rather you work on yourself and realize your self worth.
And that point I don’t want you to be far away from me
You know what fundy? I still want you to find yourself….. Theres so much unused land here.. how about you take this plot here fundy and how about you build yourself a place you call home. Build whatever you want.. build your home’
F: Whatever I want? Actually? Like if I go back and find myself… if that ever were to happen.. this is the place I can call home? Right here?
Q: Build your legacy…. Fundy is big fundy is powerful fundy is smart… and translate all of those things into a nice big building…
F: Right now it doesnt strike me as the right thing to do.. well you know me better.
Q: Fundy.. you have to let go.. YOU HAVE TO LET GO..
F: I can do that.. I can do that.. .. its my choice its my decision
Q: Fundy.. pretend lmanburg never happened, pretend all of the wars never happened.. yell to the sky I am born again say I am born again I am no longer the old version of me.. it will take some time but I’m sure one day you will understand.. fundy im sure you will understand
Fundy I just have one last thing to say to you.. just follow me.. Look at this sign… Fundy… Welcome home fundy…
Welcome home..
F: You know at the end of the day.. he is actually nice..
Thats was friends do.. thats what friends do… good day actually good day.. my good friend.. who’s very busy lately… so what if he couldn’t visit me for three months.. and so a friend like me I can understand that people can be busy for three months like quackity or ever since I left… and im a good friend.. a bro.. you know what? You know what lil guy? I think I think… Im gonna have a good night… I think tonight might be different.. I think tonight im gonna have a good night…
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kpopmultifan127 · 4 years
UserName: HaechanTheSun02
*DISCLAIMER: unprotected sex (be responsible), dirty talk, a tiny bit of fluff, camgirl*
Characters: Haechan/Donghyuck x female reader
Word count: 3,088
[7:00 AM] her alarm goes off to wake herself up for another day of school. College was so hectic for y/n. She really had no support what so ever or anyone around to help her with her studies. Y/n was kind of just to herself most of the time. 
As she sat up on her bed to check her phone, she had a few notifications from her mom asking how’s school and if she needed any money. y/n hated asking her parents for money, she wanted to be independent. It was pretty bad too she thought of so many ways to make the money. But she couldn’t get a job because that would conflict with her studies and didn’t want to bring all of her school stuff to work.
That’s when y/n were reading that CamGirls were quite popular. Men and women watching other women play with themselves for money. She’s started doing it not too long, and she was making some decent money to help with paying off her school tuition.
y/n checked the rest of her notifications which most of them were from the site she uses to go for her CamLive.
{From: HaechanTheSun02} Are you going to go live tonight SunGoddess? I just got paid and I’m ready to blow it all on you babe.
HaechanTheSun02 whoever that person can be was her frequent viewer and the stuff he’d send as she was live always turned her on and even mentioned to him that she hope to meet him someday. Maybe he can say those things to her face. y/n thought to herself....”I could use more money...yeah I guess I’ll go live tonight” y/n then posted a status Be ready for tonight because it’s going to be fun! seconds after posting it she’s gotten many likes.
sometimes y/n was still at little awkward and shy at what she does on the side, but at least she doesn’t really have to worry about it. She doesn’t have a lot of friends or people coming over so she just lived her days as if nothing happens.
y/n got ready for school and headed out. her first class of the day she always dreaded. It was Chemisty, she was horrible at it and never really talked to anyone in her class except her desk mate pretty much her only friend Mina. Mina was also the only person that knows of her “side job”, it never bothered her that y/n did these kinds of things. She’d always tell her “hey as long as you’re not doing drugs, do whatever floats your boat”
As class was about to start y/n and Mina began taking out their books. y/n got distracted as she looked up to see the man of her dreams. His name was Donghyuck, one of the most popular guys in school he was gorgeous, athletic, never judges anyone and one of the smartest guys in this class. Y/n never dared to talk to him as she wouldn’t know what to say to do around him. Mina noticed y/n face started to become a light shade of pink and her ears turn red.
Mina: you’ve been gawking about Hyuck for so long...why don’t you just talk to him?!
y/n: are you crazy?!
Mina: why?! what’s so crazy about talking to him?
y/n: I wouldn’t know what to do or say.
Mina let out a soft scoff.
Mina: oh please we both know you always think about him during your damn camlive’s!
y/n: OH MY GOD SHHH! Before someone hears you!
Mina just rolled her eyes, and then their teacher comes walking into their class. Their teacher didn’t look to happy when she walked into class, as she slammed her book on the desk.
Teacher: you guys I’m so disappointed in most of you...I can tell most of you guys didn’t study for this simple test. We’ve gone over these things over and over. 
She continued to lecture the class about getting work done and doing good on tests. 
Teacher: I’m doing something different now. Everyone grab your stuff and get off your seats. I’m moving everyone around!
The entire class sighed in disbelief because now Mina and y/n knew they weren’t going to be able to sit next to each other the rest of the year.
Teacher: I’m pairing everyone off with someone that is able to help one and another. 
In y/n mind she was getting nervous, she knew she was one of the few who did horrible on the test because she HATED Chemistry. She could care less who she sat next to other than Hyuck. Y/n wouldn’t do well sitting next to him.
Teacher: Mina and Johnny. you guys are together.
Mina made eye contact with y/n mouthing “I’m sorry” although they know it’s neither of their faults they can’t sit next to each other.
Teacher: y/n?
y/n: yes?....
Teacher: you are going to be with....
y/n thinks to herself “please not Hyuck, please not Hyuck”
Teacher: you and Donghyuck.
y/n frozen at her steps as she heard the one person she wish not to sit with, but now has no choice. Y/n set her things at her new desk along with Hyuck. He looked at her with a soft smile.
Hyuck: Hey new deskmate. y/n right?
Hyuck: what’s wrong?
y/n:...we both know why I’m sitting next to you....obviously I’m not the smartest.
Hyuck: it’s ok we can help each other out isn’t this the whole point of the new seating arrangements?
y/n thought to herself...maybe this isn’t bad after all. He never made her feel like she was dumb or that he was bigger than her. y/n looked at her books with a smile as she glanced over to Mina where she’s making kissy faces to her. Mina mouthing to her “TALK TO HIM IDIOT” 
School went by smoothly and y/n was so happy her day was done and she can just go home. She did all her homework, showered, ate and did a little bit of more studying before she jumped on her live feed.
[11:30 pm] y/n turns on her cam and sits there waiting for others to join..
So far 30 people signed on...more than she imagined...this was a big crowd this time around, she usually only has 10-20 people watching her. y/n looked to see who was in the room.
y/n: hey bigdaddy23....I’m going to start here in a bit. I’m just going to go get ready.
y/n walked off camera changing into only her silk robe that HaechanTheSun02 sent to you through the site. y/n never showed her face just up to her nose, never showing her entire face so she can keep her identity safe. When she came back she noticed HaechanTheSun02 signed on and commented “I’m ready for you baby”
y/n: hey Haechan....I’m ready for you. and all of you.
{HaechanTheSun02} I’m loving that robe on you...I’m sure it’ll look better off of you....
y/n began to tease her views by slipping off her robe.
{HaechanTheSun02 donated $150}
y/n: wow thank you Haechan....want more?
y/n began to play with herself as comments and donations kept rolling in.
{HaechanTheSun02} man the things I’d do to that lil pussy...
y/n: oh yeah what would you do to it?
y/n letting out soft moans as she continued to play with every part of her body.
{HaechanTheSun02} I’d fuck it like there was no tomorrow. Let you ride me until you I fill you up.
Shivers went down y/n body as she was close to her high. Wishing whoever he was watching could just be there doing it all for her. y/n hit her high as she moaned on camera until she finished coming all over her fingers. Pulling them out showing the camera.
y/n: look Haechan...look what you did do me...Well that’s it for tonight, thank you all for watching.
y/n blew a soft kiss to the camera and turned it off. After cleaning herself off she laid in bed still coming back down from her high earlier, all she could think about is Donghyuck. Being a camgirl is another reason why she didn’t want to talk to him and he end finding out what she does. 
A few days has passed and you’ve gotten a little closer to Hyuck. The teacher announced that they had a project due for the mid terms and it was a partner project with your deskmate.
Hyuck: I’d invite you to my house to work on the project but my roommate Jeno is back from his trip and the place is kinda small.
y/n: It’s ok. I live by myself, we can work on it at my house.
y/n thought to herself...”oh wait, what if he finds out about what I do?...nah no way he’d no. He’s not into that kind of stuff”
Hyuck: oh good...we can work on it tonight? I can take us to your house?
y/n: yeah sure...
Hyuck: I just need to run to my house to grab a few things and we can go.
After school Hyuck drove back to his place to grab a few things to work with on the project.
y/n: you weren’t kidding when you said your place was small...
Hyuck: haha yeah, I use to live with my parents but they moved back to Seoul and I just stayed back with Jeno.
y/n looked around while he grabbed some things. She saw a baby picture of Hyuck on the beach with his little sister. It brought a smile to her face.
y/n: is this you?
Hyuck: haha yeah, and my little sister...
y/n: you’re so cute...I mean you’re still cute now...no well I mean...
y/n became red and looked away. Leaving Hyuck with a smile on his face.
Hyuck: Ok I got what I needed are you ready?
They left his house and arrived at y/n’s apartment. 
y/n: sorry it’s a little messy in the living room, I’m repainting the walls. We can work in my room.
They walked over to her room. Hyuck standing in the doorway looking around her room, as it was really familar to him.
y/n: are you ok?
Hyuck:...oh- yeah..I’m fine.
He noticed the silk robe hanging on the back of your chair.
Hyuck: nice robe..
y/n:...oh haha thanks. Someone gave it to me as uhh---
y/n began to stutter to think “Who and what do I say as what it was given to me for?”
y/n:....as a thank you gift...
Hyuck:..ah ok.
In his mind he’s seen this before....he knew for a fact this is the same robe he gave the camgirl he watches every night.
y/n: ready?
Hyuck: oh--yeah.
Hyuck couldn’t concentrate on the project knowing that y/n was the one he’s been watching while jerking himself off wishing she could do it for him. He kept glancing over to her as she was doing her part of the project. y/n needed something on the side of the desk Hyuck was on. Y/n stood up and leaned over him to grab whatever she needed. Hyuck could feel himself become hard as she was leaning over him.
y/n: you ok Hyuck?
Hyuck: oh yeah...I’m fine.
As he sat up in his chair trying to adjust himself without being obvious his dick was hard as a rock.
Hyuck: is it ok if I used your bathroom?
y/n: yeah sure it’s the door right across.
He stood up and walked straight to the door while y/n continued to finish her work.
Whispering to himself...
Hyuck: no that can’t be her..there’s no way. damn she’s hot....no. I can’t...she’s my desk mate. She won’t do shit with me.
Hyuck threw some water on his face and walked back into the room where he saw y/n bent over picking up the pencils she dropped. He felt himself become even more hard looking at her behind right in front of him. Hyuck walked closer to y/n as she stood up and turned to face him where they were inches away from each other’s lips.
y/n:...wh--what’s wrong Hyuck.
y/n glancing down to see what was rubbing against her body as she saw how hard Hyuck was. Giving her chills down her back and felt herself become wet as she was being touched by the man of her dreams.
Hyuck: I know you see it...what are you going to do now?
y/n: wh-what do you mean?
Hyuck: you did this to me....
y/n: ..d--do what?
He then grabbed her hand and placed it on his hard member that she caused. y/n became more and more wet with feel of him.
Hyuck: you did this to me...I want you to fix it.
y/n: what do you want me to do?
Hyuck: I want you to ride it so I can fill you up like there’s no tomorrow.
y/n heard those words before...those words that made her feel good. More chills came down her spine....she thought for a moment...is this Haechan? nah that can’t be him.
Hyuck: Wear that pretty robe I gave you.
y/n: huh?
Hyuck glanced over to the robe that draped over her chair...that’s when she knew he was Haechan..
y/n: you’re HaechanTheSun?
Hyuck: why are you so surprised and shy now? so you’re the one I’ve been jerking off to every night...man the things I’d do to that pretty lil pussy of yours.
y/n: I just never thought of you be one of those guys to watch these things.
Hyuck: well now you know...
your body became weak as you fell onto the bed, he could see what it was doing to you and felt the wetness of our core on his thigh as he came closer to you on your bed.
Hyuck: you can tell me to stop if you want...
y/n bit the bottom of her lip and she nodded “no” and pulled him closer to her feeling his hard member against her hot core. Hyuck placing soft kisses on her neck and y/n arched her back at how good everything feels. She can now feel his touch on her and not through a computer screen. Hyuck feeling how wet she was made him harder than he can handle. y/n whispers in his ear...
y/n: I want you inside me Hyuck.
Hyuck:...you don’t have to ask me twice baby...seems like you’re ready for me too. I get to fuck this pretty cunt, be ready because I’m not taking it slow.
As he said that, he slid into her and began to thrust in and out feeling her constricting on his cock.
Hyuck: damn y/n you feel fucken amazing...
y/n: ....don’t stop Hyuck. You feel so fucken good....
He never held back and went in hard making y/n moan turning him on more and more. 
Hyuck: damn baby I finally get to fuck this tight pussy instead of watching you...
y/n: Hyuck I’m almost there---don’t stop
Hyuck: nope not yet baby...
He then pulled out making y/n whimper as he flipped onto his back placing y/n back on his dick...
Hyuck: I want you to ride me until you cum baby..
y/n began grinding on him faster and faster...she could feel her high coming real quick...
y/n:...oh my god I’m gonna....I’m cumming Hyuck.
Hyuck: grind on my dick harder babe....
Seconds after reaching her high and grinding on his dick he came filling her up with his cum. y/n became wobbly and laid on top of Hyuck placing her head on the crook of his neck. Hyuck ran his fingers up and down her back as he became soft in her. Letting her rest on top of him...
Hyuck: damn y/n that was hot...
y/n got off both of them cleaning themselves off. y/n sat on the edge of her bed  with her hands covering her face as she was wearing the robe Hyuck gave her.
Hyuck: what’s wrong?
y/n: ....you know what I do now..
Hyuck: and?
y/n looked up from her hands looking towards Hyuck as she watched him put his clothes back on.
y/n: it doesn’t bother you?
Hyuck: maybe...
y/n: really?
Hyuck: yeah...
y/n had gotten sad because all she could think of is that he hated every bit of it and now that he knows who she was he wanted nothing to do with her.
y/n:...oh ok.
Hyuck:...I don’t want to share you now.
y/n frozen at the edge of her bed by the words he just said. Hyuck walked over to where she was as he stood in front of her. Pulling her chin up for her to look at him. 
Hyuck: I like you y/n
y/n:...you wh--
Hyuck: yeah I like you a lot. After becoming your desk mate and getting to know you, I have a lot of fun with you. But it’s ok if you don’t like me back I still want to hangout with you....
y/n: would you believe me if I told you I liked you before you liked me?
Hyuck: really?
y/n:...yeah. I just never said anything well because you’re Donghyuck the most popular guy in school.
He leaned in to give y/n a kiss on the lips and parted with a smile right after.
Hyuck: so does that mean we are an item now?
y/n shyly nodded yes but then y/n looked down at her lap.
Hyuck: what’s wrong baby?
y/n: I should tell you something too...
Hyuck: what’s up?
y/n: the times I was on live and you were sending those comments to me all I could think about was you. I’d never think HaechanTheSun would be you.
Hyuck: wanna know something?
y/n: yeah?
Hyuck: actually after getting to know you and I’d watch the lives I would think about you all the time. so finally knowing it was you behind that camera was a huge bonus.
y/n giggled...
Hyuck: but I do want to ask...why did you do it? is it because of the money?
y/n scratched the back of her neck...
y/n: well yeah...it’s hard for me to get a job..I mean it’s not I just don’t want my studies to come with me to work.
Hyuck: well I can help you study, but I can’t make promises that I won’t touch you...
Hyuck leaned in and gave y/n another kiss.
Hyuck: well now I can take care of you. and you don’t have to do those cams anymore...b/c that’s only my pussy now and no one elses...
y/n: thank you Haechannie...
Hyuck:...hmm Haechannie...I like that.
After saying that pet name Hyuck pushed y/n back on to the bed ripping the robe off of her once again....
I might do a part 2 to this story but the fluff side of their relationship....
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autoplaysdigimon · 4 years
Character Analysis: Joe Kido and Gomamon
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I was never super fond of these two previously. They just seemed kinda... overshadowed by the rest of the group, in importance and memorability. (Is that a word? It is now.) Sure, Gomamon’s pretty cute, but that’s about it.
Now, though. I’ve come to realise that I am Joe, pre-character development. If I were to be drawn to the Digital World like these kids, I’d be a mix of him and Mimi, complaining about dirt and comfort levels and being absolutely sure we were going to die. You know, someone who would be really annoying to have along. There were so many moments during this rewatch that I started to really vibe with Joe, mostly when he was being a big sook and worrying about everything. Hey, maybe we should be careful around here! Hey, maybe this isn’t a good idea! Hey, why did you spend all of our money on food for you, okay if we can’t even get a ride back home anymore can we at least eat some of it?? No???
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Joe was also the correct choice to be the Butt Monkey, though. And he gets some of the best lines in the show sometimes? Seriously.
He’s a practical dude, and the others recognise it. Even though they all recognise Tai as the leader, and even though Joe would probably much rather not, he still feels responsible for the others because he’s the oldest. That shouldering of the responsibility like that, even despite very much not wanting it... well, obviously that’s his crest, but it’s easy to see why it is. It’s something I wish I had more of myself.
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I honestly think that most of the Digimon partners didn’t really get enough personality shown, pretty much just how they contrasted with their human partners was all they got. The Digimon are mostly presented as the exact sort of personality that the kids need to kickstart their character development, and Gomamon is a perfect example. 
While the Digimon are kinda lacking in the development department, they really do perform what I take to be their actual job in the narrative, which is to serve as the catalyst to the kids own character development. When you look at Joe in the first episode, he’s screaming about this little dude following him around, he’s terrified. Not much later, he’s complaining about how nothing makes sense, and how much danger they’re in, and complaining and worrying and complaining again and everything. 
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Gomamon knows what’s up. He knows that Joe’s a bit fragile. He knows exactly which buttons to push to get him out of his comfort zone. As someone with a very small comfort zone myself, that’s not always a great thing, but at least Gomamon isn’t forceful about it. And hey, if you look at where Joe ended up at the end of the series, it can’t all be bad.
Sometimes worrying can be turned around into planning for the future. Sometimes, your worst fears can come true, and you can weaponise all those hours you spent stressing out about it. Sometimes, it gets better.
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Also Gomamon is a cute lil seal man and I :3
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lnarizakis · 4 years
thanks for the food! | m. osamu
masterlist | cards against humanity x haikyuu!!
pairing: miya osamu x gen!reader
foreword: this took so long for me to get out omg but i hope you enjoy!! 💕
look out for: manga spoilers
“sorry for staring, mister. it’s just that i ain’t ever seen ___ before.” + “soup that is too hot.”
“You know, you should really eat something other than cold take out and cup ramen.”
(Y/N)’s roommate Chiba Sumiko sighed, resting a hand on her forehead. She watched (Y/N) sitting at their small kitchen table, currently chowing down on a half-empty box of take out from last night’s dinner. Disappointment washed over her as they let crumbs fall from the corners of their mouth.
“But you know I’m broke—“ (Y/N), with food still lodged in their cheeks, started. As the words left their mouth, they knew what Sumiko—who had a part-time job—would counter.
“Let me treat you. No, I will treat you,” Sumiko decided, sitting down next to (Y/N). The scenario was similar to a father sitting his son down for “The Talk.” Though, in this case, it was Sumiko lecturing (Y/N) that as a college student they should take better care of their health. This included eating a proper meal; eating only take out and cup ramen was definitely not beneficial to her health. As someone studying health and nutrition, they should know better.
And so Sumiko and her boyfriend planned a date, with (Y/N) unfortunately tagging along as a third-wheel. They decided on Onigiri Miya, a tiny restaurant near their campus. It was a quaint little restaurant, and the owner had just recently released their new line of ramen soups. It had been very well-received by the general public, at least the ones who had come in to try it out. Based on those reviews and the fact that they had never eaten there before (Sumiko claimed they had to “expand their horizons,” whatever that meant), the three decided that that was the perfect place to have lunch tomorrow (specifically, at 3).
The next day, (Y/N) arrived at the restaurant a little bit later than the couple, not wanting to be the first person to arrive. As they entered the restaurant, the aroma of ramen broth, vegetables, and rice flowed into their nose; the overall atmosphere just felt warm. It was a homely environment, one that (Y/N) would want to visit time and time again. Small talk filled the air, and the one person behind the counter, currently brewing new broth for any incoming customers, casually talked with the patrons that sat around the table. (Y/N) could hear the faint sound of the television sitting in the corner of the restaurant, playing a rerun of a two-year-old volleyball game.
“Ah, welcome in,” the restaurant owner called out to the three, a faint smile on his face. He was, for lack of a better word, extremely hot. (Y/N) could feel a slight blush painting their cheeks, and that most likely wasn’t because of the warm air of the hot food that filled the room.
(Y/N) sat down at the counter along with Sumiko, who had suggested they do so, and her boyfriend. From behind the counter, the man rolled up his sleeves and crossed his arms, handing (Y/N) three plastic menus, which they were to pass along sideways.
Promptly, he said, “Just let me know when you guys are ready to order.” The man pushed a small bell towards them, wordlessly telling them to signal him when they were ready. He turned back to the broth on the stove, also tending to the noodles in a pot beside the broth. He sighed contently— this was the life. He could have never pictured himself playing volleyball beside his brother, who was currently on the television screen, silencing the jeering crowd.
(Y/N)’s eyes scrolled through the menu. What were they to order? There was an array of onigiri to choose from; after all, she was in an onigiri restaurant. However, their eyes drew themselves towards the listing of newly released ramen labels. Why not stick to something they were used to eating?
“(Y/N)-chan, what are you going to have? I’m gonna get the spicy salmon onigiri. The ‘lil picture they have for it on the menu makes it look so good,” Sumiko said. Her words caught the attention of the restaurant owner, stirring the broth absentmindedly, letting out a chuckle. Being the kind partner he was, Sumiko’s boyfriend was content with having her leftovers.
“I think I’ll have the tonkotsu ramen,” (Y/N) stated, still scanning through the menu, making sure there wasn’t something that caught their eye even more than the ramen did. Luckily, there wasn’t, however, so they folded the menu back up and placed it atop the other two menus that Sumiko and her boyfriend had finished using.
Sumiko lightly tapped the bell, and the man behind the counter promptly turned around to collect the menus and finalize what they were going to have.
“I’ll have the spicy salmon onigiri and,” Sumiko pointed to (Y/N), “they’ll have the tonkotsu ramen.” The man nodded.
“Ah, yes. Those are good choices. I know so because I‘m gonna cook ‘em,” the man flatly said, earning a laugh out of the three customers. He set the menus away and began to work on their orders.
“Your salmon onigiri,” he said, after some fifteen minutes later. Four onigiri stood proudly on the plate he was holding side-by-side, just waiting to be eaten. The rice was still steaming. He presented the plate to Sumiko and her boyfriend, with an astonished gasp at its delicious appearance. Onigiri Miya was renowned for their aesthetically pleasing food designs.
“Your tonkotsu ramen.” The man then presented the bowl of ramen towards (Y/N), pushing it towards them. The hot steam of it rose up into their face, warming it up. (Y/N) breathed in the aroma of the soup, taking in everything all at once; looking down at it, the soup itself was presented oh-so perfectly, from the cut hard-boiled egg to the seaweed stacked atop each other along the side of the bowl, slowly mixing in with the broth. (Y/N) was practically mesmerized— they hadn’t seen anything like it since... they don’t remember when.
After some time, the man asked with concern, “You good there? You’re starin’ off into the abyss of the bowl.”
“S-Sorry for staring, mister. It’s just that I ain’t ever seen soup that is too hot before,” (Y/N) stuttered. Well, of course they had seen soup that is hot before. They mentally face-palmed themself. To their surprise, however, he laughed. Resting his (notably muscular) arms on the counter some distance away from where (Y/N) had set their phone down to eat, he had his full attention on (Y/N), smiling at them.
“That’s not what I meant. Y’see, I’ve been a little... not eatin’ properly. Simply put,” (Y/N) corrected themself. Taking the chopsticks into their hand, they began eating, looking down in embarrassment.
“Nah, I get it. My brother’s like that. Or, well, he was, in high school,” the man said. “His name’s Atsumu,” he continued, as he pointed to the screen, which currently displayed Atsumu setting for his teammate. The two of them watched the screen until the play ended. Atsumu’s team won the rally, earning them their point. His twin brother in front of (Y/N) pumped his fist, quietly cheering for Atsumu, even though he knew the outcome of the match. It was a two-year-old game, after all.
“I’m Osamu.” Gray eyes glanced over in (Y/N)’s direction, who was taken aback by the sudden introduction.
“Ah, uh, I’m (L/N) (Y/N),” they said, with a half-full mouth of food. Setting down their chopsticks, they wiped their mouth with a napkin. The ramen was so good, so warm, and just so affectionately cooked that (Y/N) gave up all their cares to messily eat the food in front of them.
“I can see you’re enjoyin’ it, (L/N)-han. I’m glad it’s that good.” Osamu watched (Y/N) enjoy the bowl in front of them. Their hunger was akin to his brother’s hunger to improve in volleyball. He felt a pang of familiarity in his chest.
“I love it, Miya-han. What do ya think, Sumiko-chan? How’s it for you?” (Y/N) turned their head towards the girl, taking her time with every bite of her onigiri. Her boyfriend held his own in his hands, ravishing down on it. His cheeks were red due to the warmth of the food. Sumiko turned towards (Y/N), smiling. She gave a thumbs up, a sign of her satisfaction. (Y/N) returned their own small smile.
“Looks like we’re all happy, Miya-han. Thanks for the food.” (Y/N) continued to eat, and Osamu departed from the counter.
“That was really good!” Sumiko exclaimed, walking out of the tiny restaurant. “We should go there again someday!” The two others beside her agreed.
(Y/N) shoved their hands into the pockets of their jacket. It was quite cold—colder than usual, at least—for a January afternoon. Though, the pockets of their jacket seemed to be emptier than normal. But (Y/N) paid no attention to that.
“Anyways, (Y/N), don’t you think that store owner was cute? I sure think he was. But you’re cuter, Ichiro, don’t worry.” Sumiko turned towards her boyfriend, giving her a small smile in return. Aw. Their relationship was so cute. (Y/N) wished they had a relationship at least a fraction as affectionate as theirs.
“Yeah, he was pretty cute, I guess,” (Y/N) started, drawing out their words. Though, they didn’t really know how to put it all together; there was just something about him that made them long for his affection (they didn’t know it at the time, but it was definitely his cooking). They hummed, trying to piece together what they were trying to say.
(Y/N)’s roommate looked on in curiosity. “Is there somethin’ wrong? Can ya feel your heartstrings tugging? Is this the sign of true love?” Ever the romantic she was. She’d been rooting for (Y/N) to find their one-and-only since the beginning of their first year of graduate school. Ever the supportive friend she was, as well.
“Agh, I’m just— I just can’t believe how much I stuttered around him... and ate so messily in front of him, too, and—“ (Y/N) sighed. Sumiko clasped a hand on their shoulder.
“It’s alright, (Y/N); you hit it off greatly with him! Didn’t you see it? He definitely did. I mean— the longing look in his eyes while he was talking to you was phenomenal! Ichiro, why don’t you look at me the way—“ Sumiko’s scold was cut short by a familiar voice calling out from behind them. It was Osamu. He held (Y/N)’s phone in his hands, as he made his way towards them. Ah, so that was why their pocket felt slightly emptier than usual.
“(L/N)-san. You, uh... you forgot this,” Osamu said, looking down at the phone. (Y/N) held out their hand, as he gave them back their phone using both of his hands.
“Oh, thank you, Miya-han,” (Y/N) replied with a little more fluster than they had before.
As they put their phone back in their pocket, Osamu whispered something under his breath, just barely audible. (Y/N) asked him to repeat what he had just said.
“I hope you don’t mind,” he started, “but I added my number to your phone.” (Y/N) smiled, their cheeks reddening—totally because of the cold January weather (yep, totally).
“No, I don’t mind at all. Let’s talk more often, and maybe you can cook something else for me as well.”
cheese + general taglist (you can ask to be removed 🌝): @akaashichigo @drainedjaz @haikkeiji @annalyn-annalyn @mlkytobio @sosugasweet @cali-writes-sometimes @simping4ratsumu @shishinoya @ushiwakaa @from-left-to-write @akaashit-baeji @kxgeyamasmilk @agaassi @hanibuni @cupofkenma @kawanisshi @milkandc00kiez @thiccbokuto @shinsukestan @sufiawrites @wakaitoshi @skyguy-peach @fern-writes-ig @briswriting @airybby @kawaiikraykray @bubbleteaa @miyuswriting @raevaioli @ouikarwa @hakueishirei @pineapplekween @estherwritess @keiji-n @achoohq @bbytenma
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dyke-remy · 3 years
Live And Let Die, part 3
Part 1   part 2   Part 4   Part 5    Part 6
Description: Agent 008 and Agent 009, professional spies for the MI6 with liscense to kill. Partners in both work and love. After an agent goes missing the partners have to once more go out into the field. (It’s a James Bond AU)
You don’t need to know anything about James Bond to be able to read this fic, trust me
Cw: Described assasination
Words: 3832
The sun had just about risen when the agents woke up. It was the morning after the mission and they were laying cuddled up in the hotel bed. Remus had plopped himself on top of Remy and wrapped his arms around them like usual. He said it was to snuggle while they slept but it was really so that he could act as a human shield for them even in sleep.
"g'mornin my dear dead heart of min-" Remus began to mumble out but Remy placed a finger over his mouth to shut him up.
He laid still and listened. The sound of someone opening the door to the hotel room could be heard followed by quiet steps. The agents glanced at each other. From the angle Remy was laying at they couldn't see much except for the ceiling and their husband's face. Remus slowly moved his hand under the pillow and grabbed the knife he'd hidden under it just in case.
The footsteps continued until they stopped by the side of the bed. Out of the corner of his eye Remus saw the person move making his instincts go off. In one swift motion he'd turned around to press the knife against the enemy's neck.
"What a charming greeting 008" Q also known as Logan muttered out. He eyed the knife held against his neck with an unimpressed look on his face. He had a black briefcase with him.
"Q!!!" Both of the Rems let out a happy exclaim.
"You should have said you were coming!" Remy said while sitting up in the bed.
"That's what she said" Remus added.
"I wasn't going to but then I figured it would be for the best if this mission got another step"
Remus moved the blanket aside and patted the spot between the two Rems "Cuddle up motherfucker!"
"008 please put some pants on. I've seen That thing enough for a lifetime" Q stated before sitting down in the middle.
The Rems promptly latched onto him. Hugging him. Remy ran their hand through his pressed down curly hair. Remus nibbled kisses by the start of his neck.
"So 008, you said in your report from yesterday that the man who held the real copy of the keys to Picani's room was named Ron Stewart correct?"
"Well I discovered that he is on a train today towards Lithuania along with cargo for his company. His company is stated as an electricity manufacturer but it didnt take a lot of research to find he also has ties to something else. I am not sure of what yet but it is earning him a lot of income. For your information Picani's mission before he was killed was to find solid evidence of what this side business was"
Remy held back a wince at the mention of Picani "Aight easy. We get on the train. I Kill him. We figure out like what the fuck he's up to and like revenge Emile. Piece of cake" Remus nodded along.
"Yes well" Q opened the briefcase "In other news I took a few gadgets with me to aid you" He took out a pair of black high heels and handed them to Remy "Same function as always. Black like you requested"
"It's 'cause black tots goes with like anything"
A small box, not bigger than a thumb, was up next. Q opened it slightly to show white pills inside before giving it to Remy "I've tried to make it so the taste of poison is even less subtle"
The enby got a sinister smile on their face "They won't know what hit them!"
Remus dragged in Logan's sleeve "Me time!! I want gadgets too!!!"
Q nodded before taking out a long thin black straw and gave it to the duke "Be careful. Please! This is your 7th laser so don't break it. It's not a knife. It's not a stick. It's a laser. It heats things up. It doesn't cut through things. It heats them up. Please I don't want to have to make another one"
The duke looked at it with a giddy smile before looking up. A few moments of silence went by before his smile disappeared "That's all? I only get 1 gadget???? Rem got 2! You're playing favorites just 'cause you fuck them!"
"No. I am playing favorites because they don't break their gadgets!........But I do actually have another gadget for the both of you"
Q took out 2 pens and several coins. He sat the coin as far away on the blanket as he could. He pressed down on a specfic point on it before leaning back and pressing the pen up and down 5 times. The coin exploded leaving a hole in the blanket. The Rems let out oooohs and ahhhhs in response.
"Explosives. Each coin causes 1 explosion. Right now I'll give you 20 to use but you can always request more. Oh and 008" He took out 2 packages of pills "You forgot you stimulants" It was to help him focus better, his lil autistic rat brain wasn't good at that "And antidepressants at the base again so I thought I'd bring them to you"
"Aww thanks Q. How caring!"
"No problem. As your quartermaster I must care for you after all. INcluding caring for your mental health. Well I wish you good luck on your mission"
The Rems glanced at each other before sending Q puppy eyes. "You can wish us good luck better than that can't you?"
Logan let out an amused sigh and rolled his eyes before nodding. He gave Remus a kiss on the lips before doing the same to Remy. He was aro and didn't see kissing as a serious thing, neither did the Rems. The kissing before missions was just a nice tradition.
Remy traced their finger over their lips "I already have a feeling this mission will go splendid"
3 hours later Remy was sitting by a luxurious vanity in front of a mirror. They were meticulously filling in their lips with cheery red lipstick. Remus came up from behind and put his hands on their shoulders before leaning down to press a kiss to their cheek.
The enby took the blade laying on the vanity and held it up to his face "Dear if you kiss me now you'll ruin my make up and I will have to kill you for that"
"Sounds like a sweet death" He teased in return.
"If I wanted to make it a sweet one I would"
Remus glanced around at the make up products while putting on an overly extra pout "Why can't I ever get to be the lady???"
"Hun you have a giant caterpillar on your upper lip and it is the bane of my existance. If you could just let me shave it off-"
The duke gasped and covered his precious mustache with his hands "NEVER!!!"
" Well it would make disguising you much easier. If some baddie sees you once they're gonna remember that nasty ass muschie for like months! And secondly you don't really have like the right bone structure. Like girl you would look like the most beautiful lady I'd ever seen but you wouldn't look like the kind of gal these dirtbags want y'know?"
"I know"
Remy leaned their head against his chest and smiled up at him. "When we get home I can make you look nice and pretty kay? I'll evem lend you my fav mini skirts...As long as your dumptruck ass doesn't destroy them"
Remus grinned and let out a giddy laugh "OHOHOHOH let's get these bitches killed so we can get home PLEase!!"
After another half hour Remy was ready to go. They'd hidden a blade on their left thigh and stuck the box of pills on the side of their underwear. Remus took them by the arm and they walked out into the hallway of the train. They looked around various mini suites before coming out into a bigger cart. The bar.
Blue satin sheets framed the windows. Sunlight strimmed in onto dark wooden tables with comfortable seats surrounding them. The bar was ornate and it's menu was filled with expensive cocktails.
The enby bumped their elbow into their husband's ribs before pointing over to a booth in the corner. There Ron Stewart sat alone with a bowl of olives and a beer.
Remus mumbled a quiet 'you got this' before letting go off their arm. He sat down by the bar at such an angle so he could watch Stewart without it being noticeable. He ordered a glass of water and began to sprinkle copious amount of salt and pepper into it as he watched Remy go up to Stewart. Their body language was completely different. He overheard something about coincidences and seeing him at the casino. It didn't take long until Stewart had moved so Remy could sit down next to him.
The duke let out a content sigh and looked out the window. It was in quiet moments like these, while waiting for his spouse to do what they did best, that he admired them more than ever. All he could do was sit and think about how much he loved them. How he loved Every part of them. Thinking and thinking until it felt like his heart would burst.
It wasn't until someone bumped into him he got out of his thoughts. He looked up and saw Remy leaning on the bar.
"Vodka martini. Shaken not stirred please" Remy ordered.
Remus poked his elbow into their ribs plafully "Dork. Using my dad's catchphrase like that" He teased with a smirk.
They rolled their eyes at him before adding "And you can place a bottle of champange in suite 17!"
While the bartender worked on it the enby sat down next to Remus. They looked in the other direction while speaking so Stewart wouldn't notice.
"He's involved in human trafficking. That's where his like money comes from. Was supa easy to get it out of him. Dirty bastard. Didn't get what is in the cargo but he joked that it wasn't human at least"
"Okay good!" Remus exclaimed "So we go to the cargo see whats up. And then when we're done we can go back and arrest Stewart when we're done. Easy peasy pumpkin pie motherfucker"
Remy dug their nails down into the table so hard it left marks "Nah I'm murdering him now"
Remus opened his mouth before closing it again and thinking. He decided the wise and only choice was to support his spouse in their killing ways "Okay yeah sure. Have fun. If you're not back in 15 minutes I'll assume something has gone wrong and will come help"
They sent him a small smile "Thanks babe"
They downed the martini in one sweep and took a deep breathe before putting on their fake smile again. They went back to Stewart. All it took was a few flirty comments while leaning close to him to get him to walk with them to his room. Like a lamb blissfully going to the slaughter.
The champagne had been set on the bedside table in a bucket of ice like they'd requested. Stewart sat down on the edge of the bed and patted the place next to him. Remy obediently sat down. A taste of nausea filled their mouth when he placed his hand on their inner thigh. But they kept their facade of liking it up. Kept it up even as he whispered what he wanted to do with them into their ear and pressed kisses to their neck.
Remy leaned away when he tried to go for a kiss on the mouth "Shall I get the champange Dear?"
He eagerly nodded in return. They got up and made sure to move slow. They cast a look back at him while moving their dress up up to their right hip, just enough so a bit of their underwear showed. They ran their hand under their underwear line feeling where the small box they'd hidden laid. The box with poisonous pills in it.
They kept their expression the same as they caught hold of the box and in one smooth motion hid it under their bracelet. They kept their dress up as they poured up the champange. Out of the corner of their eye they could see Stewart only looking at their thighs so they took the opppurtunity to let a single white pill go down into one of the drinks.
It dispersed in the drink in under a second. They made a mental note to give Q an extra kiss for his excellent job the next time they saw him. They gave the glass to him before sitting down to straddle his lap.
"Cheers" Remy said.
"Cheers baby"
Their smile widened as they watched him drink. They waited until he'd emptied the glass before smashing their own glass against his skull. Stewart barely had time to let out a yell before they'd pushed him down with his back against the bed. They laid their weight on hips to keep him down while forcing his arms over his head.
"What are you-" Stewart didn't finish his sentence. He let out a strange sound as his face began to turn red. The poison was setting in.
Remy took the blade from their thigh and held it up to his neck. Close enough to let out droplets of blood but not close enough to cut him open.
"When I got home after staying out all night for the first time my moms cried of relief because they were sure I'd been taken by human traffickers working for the likes of you. I've had friends go missing just 'cause people like you think no one will notice if a homeless person disappears" They growled out.
"I will-" He forced out.
"Honey you won't do shit" Remy interrupted. They let out a cold chuckle "You'll lay there and wait to see if the poison or-" They cut the knife into his neck with such precision it hit the veins just enough to open them, like they'd done a hundred times before "the blood loss kills you first"
Stewart couldn't say anything more. He was choking on air and blood at the same time. The white satin sheets turned red as Remy sat still and watched every slight change in his expression. It went from anger to a pained one to complete fear of death.
His legs kicked to instinctively try and get Remy off and his hands flailed around his neck to try and stop the bleeding but it was to no avail. Soon his limbs stopped moving and the desperate sounds he'd been letting out quieted. Before finally his eyes became glossy and he stopped blinking. The blood had stopped dripping out.
"Blood loss huh" Remy said to of course no answer.
They stood up and hid the blade under their dress again. They let out an annoyed groan when they noticed blood stains on the dress. They'd liked this one! They searched around the room for anything useful.
In the drawer of the nightstand they found a key card to the cargo section of the train. They gave themself a pat on the back and was about to leave when they saw a document that had laid next to the key. They stuffed it down their top to keep it for later. Q was usually the one who told them if a document was important or not.
Remus shone up into a big goofy grin when he saw his spouse return. He held himself back from giving them a big long kiss. They took his hand, intertwined their fingers, and pulled him along to the small passage leading up to the cargo parts of the train.
There was a thick metal door stopping them from entering the cargo part. With a triumphant smirk Remy pulled out the key card and unlocked out while Remus gave them a small round of applause.
008 kept his gun ready in his hand as he entered the first cargo train with 009 right behind him. There were 2 guards who both immediately reached for their guns. Remus shot one of them at the same time Remy threw their blade into the neck of the other.
The couple high fived. Remy was using the new gadget high heels Q had given them. They took the heels off so the high heel turned into a normal shoe, it somewhat looked like a ballet shoe. Inside the heels 2 more blades were hidden.
The train was empty aside from a few meaningless boxes but there were one more cargo cart to look through. "How about I stay here and make sure no like bitches come at you from this side and you continue to the rest of the like cargo?" Remy suggested.
"Sounds like a plan!"
Remus pressed a kiss to the top of their forehead before quickly continuing on to the small outside part connecting the two carts. Remy closed the door behind him.
He pressed his ear against the door to the next cart. There were footsteps coming from the other side. He rolled up his sleeves before jumping up and just about grabbing on to the edge of the cart's roof. With a strained groan he heaved himself up. The wind nearly knocked him over as soon as he stood up. It was the last cart so whatever was important in the cargo section had to be in there.
The roof was made out of metal. Remus took out the black laser. He was careful to not point it at himself as he moved it against the roof. When he turned it a spark went off before it's cold blue almost fire looking laser burried down into the roof.
Slowly the metal began to melt. He moved it just as slowly around in a square motion. Until it had melted enough that he was able to move it. He made sure the laser created a small hole, just about to press a few fingers in, before turning it off. He covered his hands in the fabric of his shirt and let out a grunt as he grabbed onto the hole in the metal and moved it until a small opening down into the carriage had been made.
He peered down and like he'd suspected there were at least 10 guards inside. All of them were heavily armed. There was no way Remus would be able to take them all.
Luckily he didn't have to. He took one of the explosive coins and clicked on it before dropping it down into the carriage. He didn't even give the guards a chance to react before detonating it.
No more sounds came from inside the carraige. Remus dropped down from the roof and opened the door. The guards laid still on the ground. He checked their pulses. It was going slow and unsteady so they wouldn't be waking up soon (aka in several days probably).
There wasn't much in the carriage. A few box filled with guns and ammunition littered the wooden floor but aside from that all there was was a metal box in the corner. It was big enough to fit a human if they hunched down. It was thick enough that he doubted even one of the explosives would get it open. He tried the key to open it but it didn't work.
"What the fuck" He mumbled to himself.
On the sides and top of the box things were engraved. He was unsure if it'd been engraved a knife or...teeth.....somehow. The same sentences were written over and over.
Remus tried to read it but all the words swirled around and changed places. He hit his hands against his head and tried to concentrate. Usually Remy read things for him when on missions (and when home too honestly), and before he had them he had.....He had.....
He despised his dyslexia so much. Sensory overload could be avoided by Q ordering clothes with the exact textures he could handle and making him earpieces that filtered out just enough sound so he wouldn't panic. People didn't notice his lack of eye contact and fumbling with social cues and voice tones as long as he was looked normal. But there was no way to get around his dyslexia.
It took (in his opinion) an embarrassing amount of time before he was able to piece the words together. But when he finally did his body went cold.
Targets: 0̶0̶5̶ 0̶0̶1̶2̶ 009 008 - Remus Smythe
They knew his name. They knew his name.
Remus felt nauseous. His heart was beating so fast he could hear it. How the fuck did they even know that. What more did they know?? He was used to people knowing his name as Remus Smythe the son of Octavia Smythe. But not as Remus smythe the 008 agent.
He knew his mom could defend herself. All of the women, his caregivers, on the floating palace could. but still. At least they didn't know Remy's name. At least- At least- They were after them though! They specifically wanted to murder the love of his life.
Sure people had been trying to kill them before. Many a times. But he and Remy had known the two of them were strong enough to proctect themself. But....but....these people had killed Picani. Emile Picani! They could- they would-
He took a step back. Logically he should figure out a way to open the box. That was why he has here wasn't it? But he had to make sure Remy was okay. Had to-
He turned around and quickly went towards the door. He stopped midstep as he heard something metal-like crash under his foot. He looked down and realized he'd stepped on a dogtag one of the guards had been holding.
The metal plate was cold in Remus' hand as he tried to read it. His eyes widened. He didn't have to struggle to make the words out. He would always be able to recognize that name in an instant.
His hand shook as he forced the dogtag down into his pocket. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't breathe.
He stumbled out from the carriage before throwing the door open to the next one. He was hyperventilating as he collapsed onto his knees. He looked up through tears at the blurry sight of Remy.
They'd been sitting on a box cleaning one of their blades while using the bodies of the guards they'd killed as a footstool. When they saw their husband they quickly went over and sat down in front of him. They moved their arms around his shoulders while checking for injuries.
"What happened? Are you hurt?"
"R-remy" He cried out. He hugged them as tight as he could and slumped his head against their chest. Uneven sobs racked his body.
"It's okay. It's okay babe. Shhh. Breathe for me" They moved their hand through his hair to soothe him "Just follow my breathing"
"You c-can't be hu-hurt"
"I'm not. I promise. You always take my injuries for me like an idiot. I'm 100% okay"
"It's- They- He-"
With a shaky hand he took out the dogtag from his pocket. It felt like the name engraved on it burned into his skin. Remy held onto his hand.
"What- who's tag is that?"
Remus glanced up at them with tear filled eyes "The f-former 009. Roman"
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