#i wish my valentines was as cozy as theirs;;;;;
bakaqb · 8 months
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sleepy Valentines 💜🤍
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ericsonclan · 4 years
Rainy Day at the Diner
Summary: Ericson's Diner experiences a rainy day where all of the staff gets stormed in and has an impromptu sleepover.
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It was raining hard that morning at Ericson’s Diner.
Louis ran inside out of the rain, a sopping wet newspaper doing little to protect him. “It’s raining!”
“A brilliant discovery as always, Louis,” Prisha noted dryly from the bar.
“Morning, Lou,” Clementine said, coming over and patting his damp dreadlocks. “You don’t own an umbrella?”
“I do, but I lent it to Violet once and she never gave it back. It looks like you had one though,”
Clem nodded. “Yep. Prisha and I were talking a while back and she mentioned that she always kept a spare umbrella in her trunk in case she ever got caught out in the rain. I took her advice and did the same. The spare’s still in my trunk if you want it,”
“Aaw, babe, that’s sweet to offer,” Louis said, giving her a quick peck on the cheek. “You’re always looking out for me. I think I’ll be good though. Not planning to go out anymore with it pouring like that. Think I’ll text whoever hasn’t come in yet and tell them not to bother. You’d have to be crazy to keep on driving in weather like this,”
As soon as the words had finished leaving his mouth, the front door to Ericson slammed open. Violet strode in, clothed in a poncho she’d clearly constructed from trash bags. “made it for my shift,”
“Vi, are you alright?” Prisha exclaimed, rushing forward to check on her girlfriend. “What in God’s name are you wearing?”
“Made it myself,” Violet said with a small smile, doing a 360 to show off the full ensemble.
“What happened to the umbrella I lent you?” Louis asked, his nose scrunching in apprehension.
Violet shrugged. “Lost it,”
Louis rolled his eyes. “Once this storm has blown over, you and I are going umbrella shopping. And we’re each buying like ten extras,”
“Nah. I think my trash poncho works just fine,” Violet strode over to the bar, hopping up onto one of the stools. She immediately slid off the seat and plopped onto the floor. “Actually, maybe you’re right,”
The kitchen doors opened and Ruby walked out, Omar close behind her. “Goodness me, it’s ragin’ out there! Marlon just dropped by with a shipment. We told him to come wait inside for the rain to calm down before trying to drive anywhere else,”
“Mitch is here too,” Prisha added. “He came in early to fix that light that blew out in the staff room. Brody’s in there helping him,”
“So the people we have here…” Louis said, counting on his fingers, “Are me, Clem, Vi, Prisha, Ruby, Omar, Marlon, Mitch and Brody?”
“Oh, Aasim’s here too,” Ruby answered. “He dropped by to see me, but ended up staying when the weather got so bad,”
“Alright, here’s what we’re going to do,” Louis said to the group. “I’ll text everyone who’s not here yet and tell them to take the day off. We change the sign in the window to closed and then…” he patted against the nearby wall for a drumroll. “We throw the best slumber party ever! Who’s in?”
Suddenly, a large branch came flying against one of the nearby windows, smacking against it loudly as thunder boomed. They all jumped in fright.
“Tiny change of plans,” Louis said, raising a finger. “First we storm proof the restaurant, then we throw the best slumber party ever!”
They all set out to their given tasks. Mitch came out to the front and directed everyone in how to reinforce the windows and doors to make sure nothing broke and no water got inside. Ruby and Omar made food for everybody. Clementine got ahold of her father and confirmed that A.J. was safe. He would be having a sleepover of his own with Willy and Tenn as their school had gone on lockdown due to the storm conditions.
Once everything was safe and secured, they sat down at the booths and tables in the dining area, playing games and eating snacks. Louis had his trusty pack of cards on him, and the staff room was also stocked with several board games they’d accumulated from staff donations and thrifting adventures. Violet broke out her blanket stash that she kept at the restaurant for “emergencies”. It turned out the diner made a pretty cozy haven away from all the worries and cares of the stormy world outside.
There were a few phone calls that came through on the main line. It was mind-blowing that there were people out there who thought that since they couldn’t make it out to get food, delivery options were still open to them. When Louis’ explanations that no, they didn’t deliver in the first place, and certainly not in these conditions fell on deaf ears, Violet was more than happy to chew out the delusional callers before wishing them a less than pleasant day. Eventually the phone stopped ringing as the phone lines had gone down, a fact that normally would have been distressing, but the blissful quiet was enjoyed by all.
By noon the rain was still pouring. The forecasts had said to expect rain into the night, so this was no surprise. Ruby and Omar decided that personalized pizzas were the way to go for lunch. Everyone was able to make theirs just as they liked and mercilessly tease each others’ topping choices. Once everyone’s pizzas were ready, they settled down to watch a movie on Louis’ old laptop that he kept in the manager’s office. After much heated debate, they settled on Toy Story, a perennial classic in everyone’s eyes. They all snuggled up together with their blankets and bags of rice, potatoes and other produce for pillows, commenting throughout the movie on what their favorite parts had been growing up and applauding every time Woody, Buzz or the rest of the toy crew had a victory.
They decided to continue the trend of comfort food into the evening, working together to make an enormous pot of mac’n’cheese. The power cut out shortly afterwards, so there were several minutes of scrambling around in the dark looking for alternate light sources. Using the flashlights on their phones, they made their way over to the bar where Prisha had a supply of candles that they occasionally used on holidays like Valentine’s Day and during Christmas to brighten things up. Candles were placed at every table and booth and all along the bar, casting the restaurant in a warm, dreamy glow. They ate their mac’n’cheese at the bar, enjoying a few rounds of drinks as they played a lively round of truth or dare. Laughter filled the restaurant as the evening winded down.
When it was time to sleep, there was a short debate on how they should do things. At first it was suggested by Aasim that for propriety’s sake they should probably stick to men and women sleeping separately.
“Screw propriety,” Violet muttered. “Who are we trying to impress? I say we all do whatever we want,”
Louis wrapped his arms around Clementine from behind, his face nuzzled against her ear. “I wouldn’t mind snuggling up with Clem tonight,”
Clementine giggled. “Funny, I was about to make a similar suggestion,”
“Then we pair off,” Prisha said matter-of-factly. “The only problem with that is it leaves Brody alone with Omar, Mitch and Marlon,”
“Actually…” Brody jumped in, “Mitch and I have sorta been seeing each other for the past few months. We didn’t want to say anything till we were really sure it was official, but.. yeah,”
Mitch looked surprised for a second before a large grin spread across his face. “Fuck yeah! Making it official!” He and Brody high fived before Mitch wrapped his arm protectively around her waist. The group applauded them happily, congratulations being given all around.
Louis looked to Omar and Marlon. “Guess that makes you two cuddle buddies!”
“Sounds fine with me,” Marlon answered, warmly placing a hand on Omar’s shoulder. Omar returned the gesture, nodding placidly.
Thus the sleeping arrangements were set. They pushed the center tables back, clearing an area large enough for all of them. Candles were blown out and people used their phones for light as they settled down to sleep. Louis offered his arm to Clementine as a cushion in place of the rice sack. Prisha and Violet curled up in each other’s arms, forming a snug cocoon. Ruby and Aasim each had their own sack of flour to rest their heads on as they lay side by side. Brody and Mitch had moved a bit father from the group, a table standing between them and the others. Occasionally giggles would erupt from the two that everyone hoped was just early relationship jitters. Marlon and Omar settled down with their backs touching, quickly falling asleep. There were whispers amongst some of the pairs as they wound down from the events of the day. Eventually they all drifted off into peaceful slumber, content in the warmth of each other and the pleasant atmosphere of the diner. It had truly been a perfect sleepover, a wonderful way to be stuck inside on this very rainy day.
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #041
“... but i would like to ask for one thing: big tits”
Do you have anyone you fully trust? Yeah, a couple people. Have you ever deleted Facebook friends for a significant other? Lol no, good fucking luck keeping me if you're trying to enforce control over who I'm friends with. List one word to describe your significant other? Loyal. Have you ever watched fight videos for amusement? No, because people getting hurt isn't something I find even remotely funny. Do you consider yourself a good kisser? I've been told so though tbh I don't have a fucking clue what the vast qualities of a "good" kisser are lmao What is your favorite piece of jewelry? Ummm I love my spiked, chained choker, but it's currently tight on me. I'm also fond of my Halo of the Sun bottlecap necklace, though it's visibly worn. Then there's my moon necklace, but my skin reacts poorly to the silver... and a meerkat one, that ALSO reacts poorly to the material. I love necklaces, basically, but fuck having sensitive skin. Is there a place you'd rather live right now? Oh, absofuckinglutely. Mom and I are so done with this place. It's not home, and it never has been to either of us. It's a place to keep out of the elements out of just necessity. We settled here because we didn't have a choice, and with every day that passes by now, we just want to recoil back into the middle of nowhere in a cozy little house that's not squeezed right between two others just like it. I can't point out enough how this has never felt like "home." What's the best Valentine's Day gift you've gotten? There was one year Jason got me a copy of Heavy Rain (he knew I'd really been wanting to play it), a beautifully decorated box of chocolates, and uhhhh one or two pink roses that I remember really appreciating with its diversity. I'm pretty sure I still have a picture of it on an old phone... Is there anyone who is overly nice to you? I don't think so? Have you ever considered writing a novel? Yeah. Does it bother you when people call you 'ma'am' or 'sir?' No, especially with how I was raised to pretty much refer to everyone like that. Have you ever been obsessed with a television character? I don't think so, no. What was the last thing that changed your life completely? I don't know. "Changed your life completely" is a pretty strong description. Do you have any step-siblings? One, though I don't really see him as my brother, and I doubt he sees me as his sister. When the holidays come around, do you help decorate? Honestly? No. I don't have the motivation, drive, or energy. I'm appreciative of what Mom puts up, though. Have you ever been questioned by the police? Not so much me as my mother. We had an old neighbor obtain property damage, and being the house right beside theirs, the cops had questions regarding if we'd seen anything, which we didn't. In which state/country were you born? North Carolina. Is there anyone you'd like to be cuddling with at the moment? With how my depression has been lately, I'll take every opportunity I can to cuddle with my partner. Do you cuss more than any one else you know? It's possible, though Girt MIGHT have me here, it's hard to tell, haha. What is something you want but can’t afford to buy? I wish so badly I could just go out and buy mom a car. What she has is hanging on by a thread, and every time hotter weather comes around, she and I both REALLY feel it because it doesn't have AC. What type of church do you like the most, if any? None, considering I don't support foundations of mass brainwashing. Which lost friend do you most wish you could be friends with again? Megan. Are you optimistic? No. Do you think you would be happier if you had more money? That's not even a fucking question, I know I would be. It wouldn't solve all my problems, most certainly, but it would absolutely help. Are you alone? In this room, yes, but my mom is home. Name a song you’ve listened to today? I have "Stein um Stein" by Rammstein on rn. I have to be in a very specific mood to handle the weight of it with the subject matter and it's oddly calming to me atm. Do you know how much you weighed at birth? How much? Uhhh vaguely? I think I was slightly on the smaller side, or at most average? How do you tend to view driving? Monotonous or entertaining? Fucking terrifying. If you have your ears pierced, when did you get them pierced? As a kid, but I don't remember the exact age. Old enough to pick myself, though, I do know that much. Please respect your child's ownership of their own body by letting THEM choose if they want something pierced, ever. On Facebook, do you have people listed as your siblings who aren’t really your siblings? No. I did that once upon a time, but not anymore. Have you ever been falsely accused of something serious? No. Do you like windchimes, or do they annoy you? I LOVE windchimes. Do your parents nag you a lot? What about? The first thing that comes to mind is Mom's frequency to remind me to dust my room; I have a lot of random shit all around that collects dust fast and god do I hate cleaning it all. She also likes to prod me to do more with my writing and drawing. Have you ever had a computer virus before? Yep, back in the days of downloading things I shouldn't've. Are you dependent upon anyone? I am horribly dependent on my mother to be a 26 y/o. I'm gonna be in for a fucking shock when she's nont here anymore. If you had to choose, which sibling would you live with? I... guess my younger sister? I would NEVER let my older sister's husband have ANY sort of authority over me (such as by living under his roof), and my immediate younger sister is the only other sibling in NC, so I wouldn't have my choice. I wouldn't exactly wanna live there either though, primarily because by pure coincidence, Jason lives LITERALLY a few houses down the same fuckin' road and I simply don't want to be even in his proximity. I feel like that alone would irritate my PTSD. Are any of your family members in jail? No. Yet. A disowned uncle of mine though is at risk of being locked up, and I hope he fucking does end up in a fucking cell to rot for being a human-shaped mass of ACTUAL rancid, shit-stained garbage. Do you think you're a clingy person? I KNOW I am. Have you ever been called a slut before? Only jokingly by like friends. What color are your mother's eyes? Brown. Do you plan on being strict towards your children? If I wanted kids, which I don't, I would never cross a certrain threshold of "strict," and that's when things get physical. The day I spank (aka in more straightforward terms, hit) my hypothetical child is the day I want that hand cut the fuck off. I do not CARE what that kid did, you don't teach ANYONE through fear, nevermind someone whose fucking brain is developing and will want to accept hitting as normal when enforcing your way. Do you flirt with a lot of people? No, I do that exclusively with one person. Have you ever been falsely accused of starting drama? No, starting drama is just straight-up not something I do. I can't even imagine someone accusing me of that. Have you ever been to Dairy Queen? Yes, we have one right down the road. We don't go a lot, but it's good. If so, what's your favorite thing to eat from there? They have this Oreo Cupfection thing that is delivered straight by God lmao try it. Did you ever enjoy gym class? No, I always hated gym. What is your biggest insecurity? DO NOT get me started, ugh. How did you do in high school? I did extremely well in high school. Everything went to shit afterwards. Why are you best friends with your best friend(s)? He never, ever gave up on me and has always been there for me when he had no obligation to be. He sees in me what I don't, and that makes me want to try harder to be that person. Would you swim with sharks for $5000? Yes. i might even do it for no money, idk. Have you ever been told that you should be a model? Well no, but one of Jason's friends mistook me for one when he saw my favorite picture of myself, which was Jason's phone's background for like... I think most of our relationship. To this day one of the most flattering things to ever happen to me, lol. Do you like the taste of burnt popcorn? Absolutely not. Have you ever had a rolling backpack? Yeah. Do you like the name Judith? Not especially, but I love the A Perfect Circle song, haha. Have you ever tried cocaine? No, not ever interested. Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else? Napped, yeah. Did the last person you touched lips with have a kid? This is... weird phrasing, but anyway, no. What is your favorite season? Fall... ugh, hurry up. Haha Mom and I were actually talking earlier about how ready we are for summer to be over and this woman said something along the lines of, "Brittany, you're ready in January just because you know summer's coming" and OUCH the accuracy lmao. What was the worst breakup you’ve ever had? Hi, have I ever told you about this guy named Jason? Would you buy a kid candy just to make them stop crying? No, because that would be rewarding that behavior, and that's not how you teach a kid. Would you ever consider getting a mohawk? No. What were you doing when you heard about the attack on the twin towers? I have no memory of this. Favorite line from your favorite movie. Oh idk, TLK has a lot of meaningful quotes. Ever made your on definition for something on Urban Dictionary? No. Do you know what you want to be when you grow up? I am grown up and I don't fucking know. Do you help out around the house as much as you should? Admittedly, no. Partially because doing like... anything is painful and abnormally exhausting for me, also because I regularly forget, and other times because I just... don't. I'm a wonderful adult and daughter. Did you ever ride the school bus to school? I remember doing this like... once or twice because my mom was very sick and couldn't drive and Dad couldn't delay going to work or something. Have you ever uploaded anything to YouTube? Mhm. Do you like the band Atreyu? I know of them and have heard a couple songs in my life, but I don't have an actual opinion on them. Can't even name a song. What is your favorite character? It can be from a book, movie, or cartoon. Darkiplier and Pyramid Head. Who is the friend you have that you would never have expected to have? Alon, really. She was the absolute prettiest person in school that I wrongfully assumed as being preppy and probably stuck-up and yet she's actually SUPER down to earth and was so inclusive, friendly, and kind to the weird emo kid that was me. She literally gave me a purse that I used for years (and still have in my closet) just because she thought I'd like it and it was a joke about how old my previous purse was. She's just a straight-up good person. I really should message her on Facebook one of these days to catch up, she's an adoring mom now that still shows she cares on there. What shape was the last piñata you broke? Oh, I have zero idea. Have you ever been someone’s booty call? No. Do you actually know anyone named ‘Bill’ or ‘Bob’? I have an uncle named Bill. Who were you last in a hot tub with? My then-boyfriend and our two roommates. Have you ever had a water balloon war? Yeah, as a kid. Have you ever found a member of the same sex attractive? Yes, I'm pan. What is the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to you? Markiplier reblogging a gif I made of him and his dog Chica and leaving me unable to sleep for three days lmao What would you call your body type? Gross. Have you ever been dumped via text message? Yes. Do you believe in any particular curses? No. Ever play a Ouija board? No; I can't confidently say I believe in their abilities, BUT I'm not fucking around and finding out. I do think they're very cool though and love Ouija-styled decor and whatnot. I had a REALLY cool Ouija board backback for a long time. Have you ever failed a class before? Yes, in college. Meet anyone from your past lately? No. Have you ever had a deadly animal as a pet? No, not my thing. The "worst" thing I MIGHT get are Old World tarantulas, but even their venom isn't fatal. Are you terrified at the idea of weight gain? I could not POSSIBLY explain to you how fucking terrifying that idea is to me now that I'm finally fucking losing weight. What are you listening to right now? lmao so I moved on from the earlier song onto "Dicke Titten," what an i-fucking-conic masterpiece lmfao Have you ever heard the song "Bullet With Butterfly Wings?" I have indeed, and it actually spawned a username I once had in some places, BulletsxButterflies lmao. Do you charge your phone every night? No. When you sleep, do you move around a lot? It seems to depend on whether or not I have a nightmare, I think. I kick and flail a lot if I'm having a bad dream. Who, in your life, makes you feel discouraged? After leaving a certain former friend behind, it's really just myself. Do you ever suspect your significant other of lying to you? It only ever happens sometimes when he in any way refers to me as the opposite of just plain ugly. I just struggle so, so hard to see what he apparently does. What is one of your biggest pet peeves? It's bitchy honestly, but I get very annoyed when someone talks to me when I have earplugs in, especially if it's insistent. What have you been stereotyped as before? Uhhhh i think just emo/goth/scene? Do you enjoy creative writing? I wouldn't still be RPing if I didn't. If so, what things do you like writing about the most? I only really do mostly fantasy-oriented meerkat RP these days. I sometimes consider joining a Warriors cats RP site, buuut I don't think I ever actually will. What is your favorite color lollipop? Red/pink for strawberry, probably. Have you ever been known for something extremely negative? No, I don't think so. Do you have any diseases? No. What color are your best friend's eyes? Brown.
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goodfortune-au · 4 years
Good Fortune (Soulmate AU) Chapter 9: Winter Blues
The blustery chill of December has swept over Derry in a dense blanket of fresh fallen snow, a sentimental au revoir to the last lingering notes of autumn and a greeting to the shivering delight of winter. The season has quickly come into full swing, and the white on the ground has gotten so cumbersome that snowplows have already taken to diligently freeing the thoroughfares of its icy burden on a day to day basis. Bellringers are posted outside the local grocery, coaxing spare change out of the occasional passerby and boisterously wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. The citizens have started donning full winter regalia every time they leave the house, including Angel whose winter wardrobe consisted almost exclusively of black turtlenecks, scarves, and cozy fleece leggings with snow boots. Decorations are peppered heavily throughout town, singing the festive cheer of the upcoming holidays with jubilant glee and fervor. The scent of cinnamon seems almost elegantly ubiquitous, even outside amongst the great, big, snowcapped pines. It is unquestionably a winter wonderland, a scene inescapable in the heart of majestic Maine. But the town is not without grim reminders of its history, with impersonal missing posters still plastered visibly all over store windows, billboards and alleyways and a brand new curfew in effect. This had been put into place recently after one disappearance too many, and was announced via a stern warning posted on the letterboard outside the Derry Elementary School. “Remember the curfew,” it says. Similarly worded signs are all over the inner walls of the library too. Angel got an uneasy feeling every time she passed them.
School had recently let out for winter break, and the Losers were all appropriately excited for the long-awaited reprieve, as it gave them all much-needed respite from the trials and tribulations of being young outcasts. Angel sympathized with this struggle quite well; she remembered always counting the days before school ended even as a young child, putting her everything into school projects to distract herself from how miserable she was everyday and just waiting for the clock to strike three on each fateful quarter’s end. She remembered it vividly as much as she wished she didn’t, painful memories of adversity she wished she could simply forget. She could at the very least grant that it was over now, and none of it could hurt her anymore. The kids had come over the first day of break, and had brought with them tales of what was clearly an eventful season at school.
“Bowers almost caught my ass last day before break, do you guys remember?”
“Yeah, dude, I’ve never seen you so white. How’d you get away?”
“Lost him in the crowd.” Richie says, reclining back on the couch. “On the way out I ran back around to homeroom and hid under teach’s desk. I swear, that idiot has a baby’s concept of object permanence. Wouldn’t be able to find his own ass with two hands and a flashlight.”
“You’re lucky she wasn’t there.” Angel says, laughing behind a mug of schnapps-spiked hot chocolate. “That raggedy old bitch would have ratted you out. She still the worst?”
Richie snorts. “You know it. She almost sent Eds to the principal last week for blowing his nose too loud. Claimed he was ‘passing notes through morse code.’”
“God, what a load of bullshit.”
But ever since then, it’d been pretty quiet. There were times like these, to tell the truth, when the Losers were all simply busy with their own lives and she was busy with hers. Communication would fall to the wayside for a time on occasion but things would always go back to normal eventually. She simply expected they were off having adventures, contending with their own challenges and childhood adversities that she had at one point grappled with herself; getting into scrapes, maybe even making a couple new friends along the way. She smiles at the thought. Never too many in a group like theirs. And she would simply continue in her own occupations, continue the routine she had fallen into. Work was autopilot for her at this point, and easy, if a bit tedious and mind-numbing. She tried to remind herself of that as she worked day to day; in these times of difficulty it was good practice to count your blessings and try not to take them for granted. This was a good job, and one that was certainly a far cry better than the last one she had. She knew it was not something to be squandered.
But even still, she cannot deny the growing feeling of crushing ennui festering in her head, that familiar sinking dread as her alarm went off every morning, jarring her out of peaceful, oblivious slumber and bringing her back to all her obligations, her duties and responsibilities that she could evade for a time just by setting her head back on the pillow. Present in all the incidents of the last couple months were telling warnings of a brewing storm, a funk she would likely not come out of for months if she wasn’t careful. She was fighting it with everything she had, but everything she had didn’t necessarily amount to a lot when she felt as low as she did. With the increasing lack of company, she had no reason to keep up appearances so long as she wasn’t working, so Angel would get caught in feedback loops of the same unhealthy behaviors.
She would shower once a week at most, keeping the oil in her hair at bay with the aid of dry shampoo and body odors hidden with a thick veneer of deodorant and perfume. She was indulging too much in things that lacked any sort of nutritious substance and when she did cook, it was large doses of unnecessarily decadent frippery; cookies, cakes, pies, anything to fill the void. She would spend most of her free hours watching TV, would flit through the channels in sometimes futile errand to find the Derry Children’s Hour, a fickle discovery that could never seem to be found at the same time every day. It varied from week to week; sometimes it was on everyday in the morning before she left for work. Sometimes it was on during the evenings, and sometimes it seemed to start just as she was flipping through the channels. Sometimes it wasn’t on at all. When it wasn’t on at all, Angel would do one of two things; she would spend some time making new art of her muse, or she would go to bed in the hopes of seeing him in her dreams. When she slept, it was far too much, trying in vain to ignore how things were worsening; the unforgiving monotony of work, her loss of interest in her hobbies, the way her clothes were getting just a little bit tighter, just enough for her to be able to know. Maybe living by herself was harder than she made it out to be. She was far too proud to admit it though.
So she ignored it all, trying to raise her spirits enough in time for Christmas to make its much-anticipated arrival, before she would leave town and head out to Haven to see her family again. She only had so much time to get her shit together, so she tries to make a conscious effort to be present in all the holiday cheer. She had gone out to the thrift store just outside of town a couple weeks before in a hunt for decorations and had come back with a veritable melange of Christmas decor; bags upon bags of tacky, old ornaments, golden tinsel, ribbons, lights and fragrant candles, and even a wreath she’d hung outside her front door, but not before mounting an old picture of Khan Noonien Singh in the middle of it. She didn’t care if no one else found it funny. She’d pulled an album off her shelf (The Smiths, The Queen is Dead ) and set it to play on her Sony turntable, and then quickly got lost in an afternoon of covering the house from top to bottom in festive finery. By the time she was done she could hardly recognize the place and neither could Mayor Jello, who was so disrupted by the changes in scenery that he broke two ornaments almost immediately. She was so gratified by a single productive afternoon that she treated herself to a big dinner and then promptly fell asleep, taking her from the early evening of one day into the late afternoon of the next.
She’d not felt particularly festive after that, unfortunately, as it turns out, a cornucopia of Christmas decorations was not enough to erase all of her problems. Her increasing fixation on Pennywise, as thrilling and refreshing as it was, seemed to clearly illustrate another trouble she was facing as of late; loneliness. It was a difficulty she’d had all her life, so she could hardly call it new. It had existed with her for almost as long as she could process memories, and had been one of her strongest and most consistent demons all throughout her childhood. She’d grown up a child to parents working graveyard shifts so they’d spent a great majority of her adolescence asleep during the day; she was decidedly unpopular in school, and was always the last picked from games of dodgeball in gym to group projects in reading class; even her adult life, although enriched by the presence of the Losers, was spent relatively in solitude. But one specific, categorical subset of loneliness was the worst of them all, and the one that plagued her the most consistently. It was rather a dumb thing to be insecure over, but just as Angel was the last to be picked for dodgeball and group projects, she was also the last one picked when it came to being anyone’s romantic prospect. As unpopular as she was socially, she seemed to get on even worse when it came to matters such as these, and the rumors perpetually circulating about her didn’t help things at all. She tried to ignore it, knowing that there was really nothing that could be done about it, but it still crushed her all the same when she would see happy couples all around her on the ever-dreaded Valentine’s Day, when she would be the only one without a date to all the stupid little school dances, when she couldn’t even get a decent friend to stick around let alone someone to hold her hand. She knew there were better things to get bent out of shape over, but she couldn’t shake the feelings of inadequacy all the same. It was just too hard.
That was why she leaned so hard into her coping mechanisms, her little crushes and all the things that made her happy. Distractions. She needed them desperately, or her mind was dead set on killing her, and she didn’t want to land herself in an early grave if she could help it. The crush on Pennywise was just such a distraction that kept her going from day to day, as were the continuing gifts from her guardian angel. The gifts were something all their own. In a sense, the gifts were a soothing balm to all the raw, aching emptiness she felt; she could delude herself with the fantasy that something actually liked her enough to court her, seek her interest. She knows she should be much more wary of such innocent offerings in a place like Derry; hell, if she were anyone else she probably would be. But this was Angel. Long ignored, long suffering, long neglected, long forgotten Angel. Try as she might, she simply couldn’t spurn such benevolence, because she had spent her whole life wishing for just such a kindness.
Ever since Thanksgiving she’d become increasingly more in tune to a growing pattern; that is, she had started to notice that the gifts would often correspond with her emotions or the way she was feeling. If she was feeling sad or dejected or otherwise deflated or downtrodden, she would start to get that ever-familiar feeling, that strange surge in energy she could only categorize as unexplainable; otherworldly; alien. And then, in a convenient place nearby, she would always find it, and when she did, she would somehow know that it was meant just for her. A gift. As time went on and she collected more and more things she started to feel closer to whatever it was, this being or force that was watching over her, this manifestation of good fortune that had seen fit to choose her, to have a fondness for her and for no one else. It was exciting, it was thrilling, it… Made her feel special.
So, in an effort to display her gratitude, Angel had started leaving gifts of her own. Since that Thanksgiving eve when she had set her hair scrunchie adrift in the dark dusk of Derry’s night sky, she could swear she’d felt that feeling surge and swell within it as it disappeared from sight, almost as though she could feel the beat of her guardian’s heart pulsing with hers like one. It was a feeling so genuinely different from what she felt before that she laid in bed that night electrified, and though she had no dream of Pennywise, she’d woke the next morning in a glow all the same. From then it had become a game of simple exchange. Angel would keep some kind of an item or trinket on her person; a necklace, earrings, maybe a tube of chapstick or a pack of chewing gum, and when she stumbled across their unmistakable calling card, she would leave something behind in the place of what she had taken. The feeling every time she would do so was unforgettable, and plainly addicting in a way she couldn’t put words to. So much so that she couldn’t stop herself from fretting over what she was going to leave for them next, from stressing herself out in that oh-so-delightful way that one does when deciding what to buy for their significant other on a date night.
Pennywise was finding himself in similar dire straits; he was not normally a creature of such indecisive quality, but this was his soulmate, and she deserved only the best. He also hadn’t expected such eager reciprocation of his attentions, eventual as they were, and to be frank it had quite taken him by surprise. It was a pleasant surprise, but a surprise all the same. And now that she was starting to reciprocate, he’d suddenly grown something of a self-consciousness regarding his gifts. He didn’t want to leave her too many of the same thing; he didn’t want her to think his gifts were repetitive or worse yet, boring. He wanted to keep her attention, keep it in a vice, and only tighten the grip with time. So, during the long hours of the day when he spends time ruminating and choosing his meals, when he has all the time in the world to mull and think and brood, he’s thinking of her, and thinking what he might take next, what he might leave next that will make her happy. He knows that Christmas is an important time for humans, and he has an idea what he might give her, something special that can only come from him. He’ll set to making it immediately.
With Christmas speedily approaching, Angel is making her final preparations before she sets out for Haven. She’s packed up some clothes, cleaned the house (or, as much as she could be bothered to), and crammed a feeder full of food for Mayor Jello to keep him satisfied during her absence. She would only be gone a few days at most, so she knew he would be fine on his own. Before she sets out, she leaves a gift behind, along with a note (“Be back in a few days ♡”), set on the dining room table. It’s a Christmas tree ornament, one she’d found thrifting of a colorful mardi gras clown. She loved it, but decided it was something best left for her guardian angel. She figured the gift would mean more if there was sentimental value attached to it, and Christmas was a time of giving after all. So she leaves it behind and departs for Haven. The cab ride over is surprisingly quick and painless, and in no time at all she finds herself stepping outside to the welcoming committee of her family, who’s gathered outside her home to greet her.
The holiday in Haven is a pleasant one, if exhausting. She and her family make easy, casual conversation, catching up after months of not being in one another’s company. The day before Christmas is a hectic one, as they had all set up to do a little window shopping in an effort to get immersed in the Christmas spirit. They’d journeyed a little ways north to the Bangor shopping mall, and Angel found herself charmed by the nostalgic value of the outing, which she remembered from years past as her family always celebrated Christmas. She’d gotten a couple things while she was out, little trinkets from the likes of stores like Claire’s and Spencer’s Gifts. From Claire’s she got a small assortment of jewelry and makeup (things she could likely leave for her guardian angel, she finds herself thinking). From Spencer’s her purchases are a little more daring and scandalous, things she surely couldn’t ever divulge owning to her family. A few toys, things only an adult could enjoy. Angel had a fondness for things like this if she were frank, and it was the only outlet she had to explore her own sexuality, so she tried not to garner any shame when it came to owning them. She kept it hidden in her purse when she’d bought it, so as not to arouse any unwanted attention, and looked forward to trying them out when she got home.
Then came Christmas Eve dinner, which was much more draining, believe it or not. Angel hadn’t been looking forward to it all day, because she knew what was to come. More conversation, more needling questions about her life back in Derry. She knew they only meant well, and they were only parents concerned about their child, but she couldn’t help but dread it all as someone who hated invasive personal inquiries. Worse still was the fact that she was still as drained and tired here as she was back home. She thought leaving for a spell would do her some good but she’s just as groggy and irritated, and all she could do surrounded by family was try her damnedest to hide it.
“So, ██████, how are things back in Derry? Anything exciting happening lately?”
Ah, yes, and this is how it always started. A fairly innocuous question that would surely give way to more in depth lines of inquiry.
“Oh, not much.” She says through a mouthful of potatoes. She did always love the food her parents made. Nothing beat hot champ with a nice, big dollop of butter in the middle. Mix in peas and it was the ultimate comfort food. “I guess you could say work is getting easier.”
“That’s good to hear.” Her stepfather says. “Paying bills on time, keeping all your ducks in a row?”
“Yeah, pops, think things are running pretty smooth so far. I’m starting to really like living on my own.” She lies. No need to let her parents know how much she was struggling lately. She knew they would swoop into protective mode, and she didn’t want that. She didn’t want help. Didn’t need it, no sir.
“Good. We were pretty worried at first, having you stay there on your own. If you ever need help, you know, you can always come to us. We’re your safety net, remember?”
“Yeah I know.” She says, blushing. “I’m fine, though. Ever since I started working the library, I haven’t been super worried about money. I’m even keeping a little at the end of each paycheck.”
“Putting it in savings? That’s important, you know.”
“Yeah yeah, I know.”
Her mom leans forward on her elbows. “Have you been making any new friends? You’re still hanging out with those kids, right?”
“Bill, Rich, Stan and Eds? Yeah. Besides them I kind of keep to myself, though. You know I was always that kind of kid.”
“True.” Her brother says. “Not much for crowds.”
And then, the burning question. She knew it was coming, and she resented it every time it came up. Didn’t know who would ask it though.
“Found a boyfriend yet?”
Cool, there it was, courtesy of her mother.
“Mom!” she says, her face flaring up with heat again.
“Sorry, I just worry about you sometimes. I think you should have someone to take care of you, you know, something like dad and I have. All we’ve ever wanted is for you to be happy.”
Angel chuckles nervously. “Yeah, uh, I know.” She pushes her plate away. “Sorry to cut this short, but can I go? I hate to ditch early, but I’m feeling pretty exhausted and I think I should sleep.”
“Sure, honey, whatever you need.”
Angel had been vastly displeased with this line of questioning. She knew it was coming, but she hated it all the same. Just what was she supposed to say to something like that? It was such an awkward question to pose, and one she’d heard throughout her teen years much to her utter dismay. She wasn’t popular in that regard, she wasn’t popular at all to begin with, and she fwished her parents would understand that rather than egg her on in something that was ultimately hopeless. As she lays in bed in the guest room she stares up at the ceiling, stewing in unpleasant thought. All that loneliness, the self-hatred, the feelings of inadequacy come bubbling up to the surface again and she tries so hard to forget it. She finds herself thinking of Pennywise now and she clings to the change in topic desperately. Her mind starts to swim with little fantasies of him, letting herself entertain the thought of… Dating him. She wonders what he might look like underneath all the makeup. He seemed attractive enough in costume, but what was underneath might be even better. Even so, she starts to blush at the thought of holding his gloved hand, him parading her on his arm, making her laugh… Kissing her with those full red lips... She turns onto her side and starts to hug her pillow, burying her face in the cool, plush security of the cotton-covered stuffing. She wished she could have one of those dreams again, she missed them so terribly. She truly had no idea why they had stopped when she’d been having them so regularly, it was an anomaly just as puzzling as the existence of her guardian angel. Just as puzzling as the night she’d heard that voice behind her on the couch, the night that Patrick disappeared; puzzling as the pattern of disappearances in general, and puzzling as the monster that lurked in the shadows. She had no idea what to make of it, of any of it. All she knew was that she had no business questioning it.
That night she had no dream, and she’d woken up patently dissatisfied but not surprised in the least. Christmas passed without incident; she and her family played games, had another dinner, opened a few presents, and then Angel made her departure towards home once more. She plays with the pearl heart around her neck as she vacantly stares out the window of the cab, and though she’s relieved to be done with all the social pressures of the holiday she also feels a pang of sadness, knowing that once she gets back home it’ll just be more of the same. As she pulls up to her house she pays her fare and thanks the cab driver, and then she collects her bags, unlocks her front door, and heads back inside. It’s late, the room is dark, and when she turns on the light she finds Mayor Jello asleep on the arm of the couch. She smiles. She’s about to go to her room to start unpacking but once she lets her eyes fall to the floor she notices something sitting underneath her Christmas tree. Another gift? She drops her bags and wastes no time; she crouches near the tree and picks it up, turning it over, inspecting the beautiful gold and red wrapping paper with joy. The tag says, “To Angel, from your angel.” Her heart thunders in her chest.
She tears open the wrapping paper. There, hidden within, is a long sleeved blouse, almost like a sweater, black in color and so soft to the touch that she can’t help herself from rubbing her face against it. It feels like some sort of silk and, excited, she strips right there in the living room to try it on. She feels that familiar feeling as she slips it on over her chest, and the cool silk is heaven on her skin. She notes with wonder at the perfect fit; it’s almost as though it was tailor-made, just for her, and when she takes it back off she hugs it to her heart tight. This was such a welcome gesture after an utterly taxing weekend, she can’t stop herself from being absolutely delighted with it. After such an embarrassing Christmas Eve dinner, being poked and prodded with questions, with… That question, with all the feelings of loneliness that had come welling up, she felt special all over again. For just a moment, there in the living room, her problems didn’t exist. It was nice.
The disappointing pattern of having no dreams continued into New Years, another holiday which Angel would spend alone. To be fair, she hadn’t stopped having dreams in general, she just hadn’t been having dreams of him. They were dreams she would forget almost immediately after she woke up, though she didn’t necessarily care given that they weren’t what she was holding out for. New Years Eve was quiet, and Angel had already slept through about half of it. Radio silence from the Losers, but she expected that- she assumed they were all beholden to their families for this holiday. Once she’d gotten up, she made herself something to eat and sank into the couch, turning on the TV. Truthfully, she’d all but forgotten that today was New Years Eve, and had only remembered once the programs on the screen reminded her, all debuting special broadcasts for the occasion. Everything she could find that would normally be entertaining was all re-runs she’d seen just about a thousand times before, and she finds herself dissatisfied with the lack of quality entertainment, so she finds herself dozing off on the couch once more. Sleep is simply a blank canvas for the duration of her nap, and she doesn’t wake up until she’s jolted awake by Mayor Jello, who has chosen to put all his weight onto a single paw when he steps onto her chest.
“Ow ow owwww. Get off me you asshole.” She gently pushes him down, and he meows indignantly before slinking around the back of the couch to find somewhere else to lay down. She looks up at the TV again. Nothing good, as per usual. Glancing at the clock, she notices it’s already almost midnight. To tell the truth, Angel never cared much for this holiday; it was always something of a disappointment (just like most things, she thinks pessimistically). She gets up off the couch and meanders lazily into the kitchen. Opening the fridge, she plucks out a bottle of champagne and studies it for a moment. Popping it open, she takes a big, hearty swig, and wipes her lips with the crook of her arm before making her way back over to the couch. Didn’t matter if she waited until midnight; it’s not like there was anybody here anyway. She flips through the TV channels again, pausing momentarily on one program or another to pass the time but never lingering too long on any one show. She gets more than pleasantly tipsy as time goes on, and in the span of half an hour she’s polished off the entire bottle. Getting up to throw it out, she’s clumsy on her feet, her mind is swimming and she can feel the warmth settling over her. When she drops onto the couch again it’s close to 11:30 and she starts to flit through the channels again. Nothing, nothing, nothing… Another re-run, another re-run, nothing… News broadcast, an odd recording of a baseball game… Pausing, she makes her way back to Channel 27. She hadn’t found anything earlier in the day but, who knows, maybe it was worth a shot to take another look. She flips back through another assortment of bland choices, and when she finally lands on it her heart stops. There it is.
Another installment of the Derry Children’s Hour, but the backdrop is slightly altered. There’s balloons everywhere accompanied by lit paper lanterns, and hanging over the top of the screen is a banner that reads “Happy New Year!” It looked to be a special New Years episode, and based on the way they were talking it seemed as though it were a re-run of some kind, although she wasn’t sure how she had missed it earlier. Maybe it had played while she was sleeping. She watches eagerly, having missed this strange ritual of hers, and finds herself soothed as always by the voice of the hostess and the friendly way she engages with the children. She’s drunk now and finding it all the more difficult to concentrate, but her mind is dead set on one missing detail. She wanted to see Pennywise.
He wasn’t present, not yet at least, and she finds herself disappointed but tries to be optimistic in her inebriated haze. He might show up- after all, what was a New Years celebration without a clown to liven things up, right? The hostess carries on about your standard New Years topics; about the New Year being a fresh start, about setting goals for the New Year… She asks the children what goals they might have and they give an assortment of answers. One says he’s going to do his chores more, another admits she wants to do better in school, one even said he wanted to try to be nicer to his sister. This continues until she naturally segues into a new topic, one that creates a pit in Angel’s stomach.
“And that brings us to our last topic, kids, the New Years kiss!”
Oh, she hated that. Growing up unpopular in… That regard, Angel had never had the pleasure of experiencing that magical New Years kiss. She’d heard people at school brag about getting ones from their significant others, but she had never been so lucky, not that anyone would care to hear about it anyway if she was. Even in her intoxicated state she cannot help the dismay settling over her now, growing increasingly more upset as she watches the hostess prattle on, going on about how the New Years kiss is supposed to bring good fortune in love for the following year and how you should only do it with someone special. She turns off the TV. She shouldn’t be feeling this way, it was so stupid. It didn’t matter. Still, she’s grown dolorous and sad, and all she can think to do now is go to sleep; leave this day, this awful year behind her. She didn’t even get to see Pennywise, who she knew would’ve made her feel better about the whole thing, at least for a little while. She sits up and drunkenly ambles down the hall to her bedroom, where she strips and crawls into bed. She thinks of him until she falls asleep.
The dreamscape begins in the black as always, and then she dreams for a time about nothing that interesting. She dreams that she and the Losers are working in a call center together, then dreams that Mayor Jello suddenly gained the ability to speak and was now criticizing her fashion choices; she has a brief intermission of a dream in which everything about her was the same except for the fact that she inexplicably had no tongue, and then its the black again. It's nothing but black and emptiness, her mind nothing but a void, and then suddenly it's something else, something new. She wakes up in bed, same as always, but she feels… Empty. She slips out of bed, she dresses for work, she feels empty. She walks to work, she doesn’t find any gifts, she feels empty. She works her shift, she helps patrons out with their book selections, she feels empty. It's nothing but an empty, sinking feeling, plaguing her consciousness, and nothing will alleviate it. She finishes her shift, she clocks out, and it’s more of the same. Until.
She steps out the door, and a gust of that familiar wind sweeps through her. It’s a warmth, it’s something wonderful, and it’s calling to her. All she can do is follow that feeling, follow its pushing guidance behind her, and she finally comes upon a place she hadn’t seen before, a place on the outskirts of town. The street sign reads Neibolt Street. She finds herself drawn to the only sight to see, an old, battered house on the brink of ruin, standing there in a lawn of ugly, yellow weeds, guarded by a rusty, broken fence. It’s just after sunset now, though she hadn’t any idea how the time had passed so quickly between now and the end of her shift. The smell of the peeling wallpaper is old when she steps past the front door, there’s creaking in the floorboards beneath her boot heels. She ducks under cobwebs until she reaches the end of the room, and there’s a staircase there, just beckoning her upwards into the upper half of the house. The stairs moan underneath her feet as she trudges up the steps, and now she can hear delicate, paper-thin whispers guiding her towards the center room. They seem to know that she’s sad, they console her; they comfort her as she continues on, encouraging her with each step she takes. There’s windows peeking out into the field of sunflowers across the way, and she’s mesmerized by them as she looks out the glass in wonder. Then, behind her, the door closes. She turns, and her heart leaps into her throat. It’s him.
He steps toward her with a charming bow. He towers over her, but she doesn’t feel small. She feels safe.
“...You waited for me, my pet.”
Her stomach flutters, and she’s shy, but she speaks.
“Yeah, I… I waited so long. I was...Worried I might not see you again. I was worried you were gone.”
His eyes are blue but they glint with something warm. He laughs and she blushes.
“Oh darling, don’t worry. So long as you keep me in your pretty little head, I won’t ever go away. Ever.” He beams at her, and holds out his hand. “ Promise promise. ” His voice is in her mind, a welcome intruder that makes her shiver.
Come to me, darling. Come to Pennywise.
She’s numb but her body is buzzing all the same. She has to resist the urge to run to him, has to force herself to keep cool but her mind is screaming with desire. She walks toward him, extending her own hand, experiencing that all-too-crucial moment of lucidity where she’s afraid the dream might end this way as it had so many times before. He’s there, he doesn’t move, and as the distance between them increasingly closes she can see his eyes fade from blue into gold. And when their hands finally touch, it’s… Indescribable. She can feel her body, her stomach bloom with something beautiful and her heart is racing when he pulls her close. She looks up into his eyes. His stare is intense but it doesn’t scare her. Rather, it simply makes her want more.
“You won’t be alone forever, my darling.” He whispers. “This won’t last forever, I’ll make sure of it.”
He sweeps her into a dip and she squeaks at the sudden movement, at the adrenaline rushing through her veins. There in each other's arms there’s a moment of unspeakable tension between them, a beat of eternal silence, and then when she’s certain this will all turn into a nightmare of some kind, he leans in close. She can practically taste his warm breath as he draws near, the cloying scent of cotton candy mixed with popcorn washing over her drunken senses when he comes in for the kiss. The moment their lips touch is divine and she's all but stopped breathing; she wants it to last forever, but then-
She jolts awake. She remembers everything, and she looks at her alarm clock. It’s a new year.
0 notes
orthographewrites · 7 years
💝 (unless it's too late to take out the trash for marius and robin idfk idfc)
send in a ‘💝’ for a random special valentine’s day kiss:(not accepting!)
On the Collarbone/Lips/Neck: 
Valentine’s Day, one of few days a year Robin wanted nothing but to gleefully enjoy from the morning hours until the night lured him to sleep. One could roll their eyes at his enchantment in terms of a commercial holiday, but to him, it struck with wonder and he more so viewed the day as a classic movie of romance. Birds chirping and playing their singsong tunes to flaunt the lovestruck main couple soon to declare their hidden desires in a playful melody; whilst their feet tapped alongside a choreographed set piece to perfect the one true kiss the audience was begging for at that point. They were holding their breaths by now, hands on top of their mouth to discourage any further sounds of gasping as one of the main leads braced themselves for the end of the scene. 
Robin, however, found himself in the image of a cupid more so than the main lead in these scenarios, fawning over the couple and wanting nothing but to shoot them with an arrow of ‘happily ever after’. It sounded strange coming from a person who disliked being single, but a track record of falling for people way past Valentine’s Day and breaking up with them before (or shortly after) had prompted him to keep it low. He had celebrated two of them as a taken man, today to be his third, and for once Robin was not to take the easy route in terms of a proper date. Ever since the start of his relationship with Marius he had found himself within the mindset of his boyfriend, accepting his wishes to keep them lowkey – Robin wasn’t needy in that sense, after all – but today they were doing it his way. ( @alicemorganwrites )
Robin had waited outside the clinic until the familiar sight of Marius and Pia had caught him, strutting up to them both with a not-so-secret smug on his face, that made him looked closer to a child that had slipped out of the hands of trouble, than an adult about to kidnap his boyfriend before he had a chance to say no. “You’re coming with me”, was the simple demand right before he waved off Pia and dragged Marius away with a firm grip on his hand. Puzzled questions followed, along with Marius adding that he should at least go home and change for this mysterious adventure of theirs. Robin didn’t care and instead nudged him into a taxi and not until they were already fast-moving did he care to reply. “Well, it’s Valentine’s Day and I know how you get with dates so… we are not having home-cooked today, it’s as easy as that.” 
He wasn’t going to overdo it, of course, but Robin could proudly announce he had booked a table at a downtown restaurant, a cozy and hidden gem that nuzzled up behind an alley. Live music was to be presented, crafted to charm the already smitten guests throughout the evening with a (to his opinion) twice as charming and handsome singer. A few roses were set to be delivered to their table upon arrival, which was as far as a pamper Robin was willing to push when it came to Marius – but he simply had to accept at this point. No reason to fuss about a lost cause. 
The coming two hours were grand, in Robin’s opinion. To have the choice and option to showcase his boyfriend in the open, to listen to him ramble about his day without ever slipping any proper details. Some could easily describe him looking like a fool with the dopey grin on his lips, warm from the bottom to the top at the topic that followed once Marius eased up and they ventured into the land of memories. Their road wasn’t the most glamorous, filled with thorns of mistakes both had thrown onto the pits of confusion and disagreement, but that never stopped Robin from recalling what they had constantly gained from one another both prior and after accepting their fate. Their feelings for one another had changed during the course of an evening, a single kiss of emotions neither had been able to comprehend, but they equally loved to acknowledge the strong connection of their friendship – and parts of Robin knew by default that he would never be able to find himself another best friend no matter where he and Marius ended up. To him, the evening cherished all they had and the things that they were – the things that crafted them and had forced them together with a magnetic friction from the moment they had allowed the other into their lives. 
The couple was lost in time until a waitress reminded them someone else had booked the table they were seated at and before they knew it they had trailed their way home to Robin’s apartment. For once he wasn’t even near drunk, merely tipsy as he had decided to keep himself at bay but it was still enough to throw him into a second mood as the two had thrown off their shoes and jackets; not wasting a second to turn the evening’s light pecks into a deeper appreciation as he grabbed Marius’ collar to drag the man closer to himself and locked their lips properly with one another where they belonged. He felt the corners curve upwards as the giddiness caught up and placed itself inside his stomach, unable to hold onto another smile as he moved Marius along with him into the living room, tipping himself back onto the couch before he invited Marius to join. 
“I love you, I just – “, Robin cocked his head to easy his view, sighing heavenly at the words that didn’t want to leave the tip of his tongue. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt… this strongly about any of the other people I’ve dated. I don’t understand how you keep doing it, but you have me hooked. You always have. I doubt I’d be the same man without you in my life.” His voice lowered and Robin placed one firm hand on Marius’ jaw, leaning forward once more to add a second meeting between their lips; this whilst the other hand pulled away some of the covering cloth from his shoulder, trailing down from the lips to the jaw right by his own hand. Then a quick stop by the back of the neck before he finished by offering Marius an inviting kiss on the exposed skin by the collarbone, to possibly end their evening with something more intimate than hand-holding – willing to offer Marius the last thing he had to show for today. But no matter what happened past this point, Robin was seated and pleased; holding on nothing but a secret wish that he would gain the possibility to spend the next Valentine’s Day with the same man. And maybe, just maybe, a few more. 
7 notes · View notes
fish-nibbler · 7 years
Didn't read them all but you asked for is so- 1-100 and 1-44 >:3 Also *hugs*
1. What have you eaten today? Uh.. Nothing.. and it’s 5:00 pm
2. Who was your last kiss with? Was it pleasant? My last kiss was with my ex.. awhile a go, before things changed.. and yeah, it was awesome. I hope I can do that with someone again soon
3. What color shoes did you last wear? Black and white converse
4. Who has made you laugh the hardest in the last week?  I haven’t really laughed very hard lately.. but my friend Kat usually gets me to laugh the hardest.
5. What is your favorite scent? Oooo.. I have a few. Lavender, Vanilla, the scent after it rains, fresh linen
6. What is your favorite season? Why? Probably Fall.. It’s not raining all the time, it’s pretty nice out temperature wise(at least before it starts snowing) and the colours of the leaves are really pretty.
7. Can you do a handstand or cartwheel? I haven’t done either in years
8. What color are your nails? uh… normal colour? I haven’t painted my nails in a while
9. If you had to get a tattoo on your face to save your life, what would it be? A tiny star by my eye
10. What is something you find romantic? I haven’t really been able to be in a relationship where anything was “romantic”.. most of my relationships don’t last more than a week and the only one that lasted more than a month is the one where I was being abused.. so.. I don’t really know what I’d consider “romantic”.. maybe stuff like going out to dinners or sitting in a park and looking at the stars.
11. Are you happy? No
12. Is there anything in particular making you happy or sad? I’m pretty broken over my last relationship - I really wanted to have a chance with her but she’s changed a lot.. and she was probably waaay out of my league anyways..
13. Dogs or Cats? Cats
15. Which do you prefer:a museum, a night club, the forest or a library? The forest
15. What is your style? Yoga pants, flannel, baggy sweatshirts, mens/baggy t-shirts, hoodies, leather jackets… I don’t really have a “style” .. I don’t think
16. If you could be doing anything you like right now, what would it be? Being with/ dating one of my crushes.. but uh.. that would be assuming this is a different universe where she doesn’t have a boyfriend.
17. Are you in a relationship or single? Single..
18. What makes you attracted to the person you like right now? Honestly.. After the stuff I just went through with who is now my ex.. I don’t really know.. I feel sorta numb right now. When I said I wanted to be with one of my crushes it’s because I never really got over her after her and I were together.. but right now I don’t know how I feel towards anyone.. or why I like anyone.
19. If you could replace your partner/best friend with a celebrity of your choice, would you? Who with? *cough* Jared Padalecki
20. Are you holding on to something you need to let go of? If so then what? My ex..
21. How did you celebrate last Halloween? I wasted it with some asshat who thought it was a good idea to basically use me as some kind of servant and who thought it would be a good idea to try to make me feel like my depression wasn’t a real thing and she made me think that I was just some kind of freak for always being sad. Her and I don’t talk anymore.
22. Have you recently made any big decisions? Kind of?
23. Were you ever in a school play? Yeah, when I was really little I had to go to a private christian school and it was pretty much required that we participated in plays and reenactments for the church.
24. What movie would you use to describe your life? I don’t think there is one..
25. Is there something you have dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it? I don’t know.. I think there are a lot of smaller things that I want to do. Such as, I really want to get into cosplay.. but the only person who could help me get into cosplay is probably starting to hate my guts(despite what she says) and probably doesn’t want anything to do with me.. so..
26. Complete this sentence, “I wish I had someone with whom I could share…” I wish I had someone with whom I could share my life and my love.
27. What are two things that irritate you about the same sex? Drama. God the drama is terrible.. and the second is probably how easy some women are to wanting to fight. 
28. What are two things that irritate you about the opposite sex? The fact that I swear half the guys at my school either don’t know how to shower or they don’t know how to pull up their pants or, lets see.. guys in my school are always starting fights or they don’t know how to pull their damn pants up or- … lets just say theirs a lot.
29. What is the best thing that has happened to you this week? Nothing. Nothing good happened this week.30. What is something that makes you sad when you think about it? My ex, my cousins who have killed themselves bc they were gay and my family couldn’t accept them, realizing how alone I am because I’m always begging people to spend time with me, realizing that I’m a disappointment to my family, realizing that no one will ever love me in any sense of a relationship.. there’s a lot that makes me sad.
31. How long was your longest relationship? I think 10 months? Almost a year - but the only reason it lasted that long is because she was abusive and was using me.32. Have you ever been in love? Yeah.. then within a month I had my heart torn out, shown to me and then crushed with a tiny hammer. Let’s just say I tried to kill myself after..
33. Are you currently in love? I don’t know..
34. Why did your last relationship end? Because I’m a fucking screw up and I messed everything up. It’s completely my fault.
35. What jewelry are you wearing right now, and where did you get it? I’m not wearing anything right now.
36. When was the last time you cried and why? Earlier today because I hate myself for everything I did to my ex.
37. Name someone pretty. @frozen–roses @yurifreak15 @aerllette
38. What did you receive last Valentines Day? A box of chocolates, I stuffy elephant and some self-hatred.
39. Do you get jealous easily? Kinda… But the sad kind of jealousy where I just feel really lonely.
40. Have you ever been cheated on? Probably.
41. Do you trust your partner/best friend? Yeh
42. Ever had detention? Nope
43. Would you rather live in the countryside or the city? Countryside, there are less lights out there to block the stars
44. What do people call you? Smol, Liz, shorty
45. What was the last book you read? City of Bones
46. How big of a nerd/dork are you? Heck I don’t even know. On a scale of 1-10 probably a 13
47. What kind of music do you listen to? All kinds.. except country
48. How tall are you? 5ft(152.4 cm)
49. Do you like kids? Noooooooo
50. Favorite fruits? Tomatoes, watermelon
51. Do you wear jeans or sweats more? Neither, I swear yoga pants
52. What’s your earliest memory? I don’t know right now..
53. Ever had a poem or song written about you or to you? HA I wish
54. Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind
55. Do you have a collection of anything? No.. My mom made me throw them away
56. Do you save money or spend it? Save
57. What would your dream house be like? Small and cozy
58. What top 5 things make you the angriest? Idiots. Lying. Breaking promises. Animal abuse. Ruining/touching other people’s art projects without permission.
59. What top 5 things always brings a smile to your face? I don’t know..
60. You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? Fuck it, save the dog, I can hope that if my boss has a heart he’ll let me go this time.61. 72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? a) I don’t tell many people that I’m dying; b) I’d try to have fun with people, maybe try drugs, maybe try drinking and I would for sure have sex with someone.. ooo, or make it interesting and with a few people..hmm; c) I don’t think I would be afraid, I think I would just be anxious
62. Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. Love.
63. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? OOOoo!! Germany! Or Japan!!
64. Do you like the beach? Eh.. kinda
65. Ever sleep on the couch or a bed with someone special? Technically yes.. but it was after I was guilt tripped into having sex with them and had a panic attack during.. it was pretty scarring..
66. Do you have a middle name? If so what is it! I do have one! My middle name is Patricia
67. Do you talk to yourself? Yes, all the time
68. Describe your hair. Short, really soft and fluffy
69. What is the meaning of life. 42
70. What is your ideal partner like? Taller than me, definitely the more dom of the relationship, really nice and patient… typical stuff
71. Do you want to get married? Yeh!
72. Do you want to have kids? Nooooo
73. Like or dislike your family? I like a couple people.. I dislike most of them.
74. Are you Chunky or Slim? Sorta in between
75. Would you consider yourself smart? No
76. What would you change about your life? Almost everything..
77. Religious or Not? Nope
78. You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with? Shit I don’t know who’d I be with but I’d hope I’d have a sweet night with one of those hot women.
79. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem? It might be.. I don’t know.. she’d probably just avoid me..
80. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you? No..
81. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now? Falling asleep in their arms..
82. So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in? Yes..
83. Do you like when people play with your hair? Yeah.. I find it really calming
84. Do you like bubble baths?Yes!
85. Have you ever been pulled over by a cop? Yeah, but only for a burnt out tail light
86. Have you ever danced in the rain? Nope
87. Do you trust anyone with your life? Eh.. I don’t know.. Sort of lost that trust when I told people I wanted to kill myself and they laughed at me..
88. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning? “Why am I such a screw up?”
89. If money wasn’t an issue, what top 10 places would you travel to? (You get to stay at each place for a week) Germany, England, Canada, Ireland, Iceland, Japan, California, Washington DC(again), Poland, and maybe Texas
90. How was your day today? Eh.. It sucked..
91. Play an instrument? I play the flute, and I’m trying to learn how to play the piano
92. Describe the what you think of the ocean. No. Nope. Not doing it.
93. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Kinda, I mean.. I believe there’s something else out there.
94. Honestly, are things how you wanted them to be? No.
95. Do you have a mean bitchy scary side? Depends on if you are able to piss me off. 
96. When are you vulnerable? Always.
97. How much free time do you have? A lot
98. Do you like to go hiking? Yeah! I just don’t always get to and I usually come home covered in ticks..
99. Odd or Even Numbers? Both?
100. Would you ever go sky diving, bungee jumping , cliff diving, wing suit gliding, parasailing, snorkeling, or other extreme activities? Sure! I’d be willing to try.
1. Any scars? Many
2. Self harmed? Yes
3. Crush? Lets not talk about it anymore
4. Kissed anyone? Yes
5. Coke or Pepsi?  Pepsi
6. Someone you hate? My abusive ex
7. Best Friends? Yeh
8. Have you ever done alcohol or drugs? I wish
9. What’s your dream job?  Uhh.. I don’t know
10. Ever been in love? Yeah.. It didn’t end well.
11. Last time you cried? Today
12. Favorite color? Lavender, shades of blue
13. Height? 5ft
14. Birthday? April 13th
15. Eye color? Blue and Grey
16. Hair color? Brown
17. What do you love? Snuggles.
18. Obsession? ...uhhh.. I dunno..
19. If you had one wish, what would it be? To be loved
20. Do you love someone? My ex.. Though I know I need to get over her..
21. Kiss or hug? Depends on who you are
22. Nicknames people call you? Liz, Smol, Shorty, ..cute
23. Favorite song? Lost Boy
24. Favorite band? Panic! At the Disco
25. Worst thing that has ever happened to you? One of my exes(not the most resent)
26. Best thing that has ever happened to you? The last person I dated.. she was the best thing that had ever happened to me..
27. Something you would change about yourself? Everything
28. Ever dated someone? Yeah
29. Worst mistake? There are a lot..
30. Watch the movie or read the book? Both
31. Ever had a heartbreak? Yeah
32. Favorite show? Right now: Archer.
33. Best day of your life? I dunno..
34. Any talents? Uh... 
35. Do you wish you could ever start over? Yes
36. Any bad habits? Cutting..
37. Ever had a near death experience? Probably a few
38. Someone I can tell anything to? My best friend, Elena
39. Ever lost a loved one? A lot..
40. Do you believe in love? Yes
41. Someone you hate/Dislike? again, one of my exes. She was a manipulative asshat who guilt tripped me into having sex with her and then laughing when she hurt me.
42. Are you okay? No.
43. Relationship status? Single
44. Selfie? I’ll post one later when I have better lighting
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