#i wish there was a making off or behind the scenes clips of this scene😂
One of the tlog scenes i have watched more times i can count😂
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cfr749 · 6 months
What’s your opinion on the Valentine’s Day storyline? specifically Tim being upset with Lucy and just how it was written in general?
Hi anon!
Thanks for the ask! I'm sorry it took me so long to get back to you!
So I will admit my feelings have evolved a bit on this particular storyline especially in context of season 6 (which I am enjoying so far).
I'll start with my thoughts on the whole five-player-trade thing since those storylines were so intermingled (and apparently that whole thing is going to be the gift that keeps on giving 😂).
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Side note: I still wish they would have just dealt with the repercussions of the whole TO/Rookie superior/subordinate thing directly instead of inventing all this sorcery when they could have just acknowledged the inherent misogyny and sexism they've already admitted exists.
We still could have had the cuteness of the group scene and all the plotting to find an opening for Tim without making Lucy out to be a manipulator.
But for whatever reason, they really didn't seem comfortable dealing with the power dynamic issues and repercussions head on, so now I guess we get to see Aaron try to date his therapist instead 😂😬
But at least it seems like they are trying to fix their framing this season by making it clear to the audience that Lucy is the one being wronged, so that's a good thing in my book even though it's hard to see her struggle.
So, after all that, you will be shocked to hear that I wasn't a huge fan of Lucy's choice to do the five-player-trade thing 😂.
I do understand why Tim was upset with her. I think doing what she did behind his back was a problem. Don't get me wrong, though -- they both failed majorly at adult communication 101 here.
Tim should have talked to her before he made the decision to switch positions. Had they discussed it, I don't think Lucy would have felt the same level of responsibility and pressure that she did to make sure Tim wouldn't be stuck in a role he hated. Mostly because she never would have agreed to him taking a desk position and they would have had to work together to come up with another solution. From there, the story could have unfolded very differently.
Tim made a choice behind her back that impacted their relationship, but only his career. Lucy went behind Tim's back and made a choice that ultimately impacted both of their careers.
But, at the end of the day, Tim 100% came out of the situation a winner. And Lucy is continuing to pay the price. As happy as I am that Tim finally acknowledged Primm's role in the outcome of Lucy's detective exam, I am actually pretty disappointed that we haven't seen any actual acknowledgement from him that Lucy is in the position she's in now specifically because she didn't want him to be unhappy.
Lucy's choices were her own, and now she's gotta live with that, but there's no question that she did what she did out of love. And it sucks that we haven't seen any direct appreciation for what she was willing to risk for him, even if he wasn't a fan of the execution.
I had to go back and watch some clips from this episode in order to respond to this, and I have to say it actually gutted me to see how genuinely happy and proud and excited Lucy was for Tim when he got the promotion. Especially juxtaposed against Lucy learning that as much as Tim loves her and wants to support her, he really isn't able to fully get behind her on her dream, which is, of course, understandable, given his past, but still just really heartbreaking for Lucy.
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When I initially watched the five-player-trade episode, I was just waiting for Tim to pop up at Smitty's trailer in his own hazmat suit to help Lucy. I thought he would be a little irritated about Lucy going behind his back, but ultimately I though we'd see him acknowledging and appreciating just how much she was willing to do to make sure he was happy (forget torpedoing her career -- she cleaned Smitty's trailer for god's sake!).
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Moving into the V-day episode...
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First off, boo on Tim for bailing on V-day breakfast (even is she was up late catching up with Noah 😂).
Even though I understood why Tim was upset, I don't love avoidant Tim (looking at you, beginning of 6x02 Tim 😂). Lucy of course deals with it because she does genuinely love him and understands how he operates, but this is something I do think he needs to work on and I'd like to see change over the course of the relationship. As much as I loved their Rookie-T.O. dynamic, there are definitely aspects of it that don't belong in a healthy relationship.
Back to the point, I do think what Lucy did was misguided and short-sighted (and unbelievably sweet). I do think she should have actually apologized (sorry not sorry doesn't count 😂).
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But, while we're at it, Tim can apologize for making a major life decision without talking to her first also... 😂
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The scene at the end was cute; I like it better now than I did when it originally aired. Some actual heat over "fuel for later" would have been great but it is, of course, The Rookie. And I do wish they would have made the gift somehow meaningful for them to give the scene a little bit more weight (think when Jackson gave Lucy the St. Michael pendant), but hey, at least we got the trophy this season 🥰.
Ultimately, it didn't make me feel a whole lot, and it's not a scene that makes the list when I think of my favorite moments for them.
And watching it back did highlight (IMO) the contrast between what we've seen so far in season 6 vs. the bulk of what we saw in season 5. And while angst is part of it, for me, I think it's more about giving us a story that (at least occasionally) goes beyond the surface level (Tim was mildly irritated! Lucy was sassy and silly!) and explores the character's emotions in a way that makes them more human and relatable.
What were your thoughts on this storyline??
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salaamdreamer · 1 year
Thoughts on the season one finale of Vatanim Sensin
first off I only started watching this show because I kept seeing edit and clips of hileon only to find out they aren’t the main characters. I fasted forwarded a lot in the beginning but I ended up getting hooked on the overall story and it is phenomenal. I’m gonna start out with what I didn’t like 😆 I don’t have much complaints of the show but my biggest is the way they handled Eftalya. That poor woman deserved better than to be passed around from one abusive man to another.I was honestly waiting for her storyline to connect to Ali Cemal. But the show chose to completely drop their friendship and erase their connection completely. They were literal besties 😭. Also The season finale felt like The End so I don’t know what they’re gonna do for season 2. I have so many thoughts on Commander Vasilis death but I’ll just say the only time I truly felt bad for him was when he was executed he deserved it but the way Cedet went about was shocking. Cedet dying was obvious by the premise of the show alone. Even if the showmakers decide to make him survive four gunshots to the chest and a bomb so they can bring him back for season 2 his endgame is still gonna be death. Ali Cemal leaving with Veronica and Leon would’ve never have happened if Vasilis hadn’t died. Ali Cemal breaking his promise to Yildez was bound to happen regardless of him finding his birth mother. I love Yildez but she was never gonna get chosen because as much as Ali Cemal loves her. he values family more. Him promising to run away with her was completely out of character and only done because she confessed her feeling and made him weak but I never believed he was gonna go through it and I don’t see him coming back for season 2 like yes he promised he would but as Yildez said he never keeps his promises so that to me sounded like forshadowing. I could be wrong but I still don’t see them ending together even if he does come back. Hilal was never gonna choose Leon over her family but I do wish she’d at least said goodbye but I guess it was too hard for. I know he comes back for her I’ve seen the edits 😂 but I wouldn’t have minded this being their ending . I wanted Cedet to personally kill tevfik and if he ends up surviving the bomb I’m gonna be mad like let that man die already. Lucy being the reason Charles loses was obvious from the get go but I wasn’t expecting her to be a willing participant in his demise that was nice. Also when Yaqoob made his appearance in the show midway I wasnt expecting him to play such an important part I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s apart of the main cast of season 2. Azize killing Stavros without a flinch made me so happy also the scene was shot so well with her only being seen behind honce he’s dead on the ground 😘 she’s a nurse but 😝 I wish we’d gotten a little bit more of Hilal and Yildez but other than that I think the ending was perfect and I wouldn’t have minded if it was the series finale. Tbh I’m actually a little worried that season 2 only exists because they wanted to milk the shows popularity but forcing a second season but I’m hoping I’m wrong and that the show was always gonna be two seasons.
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werewolffeelings · 2 years
five favorite fics that I've written (for writer appreciation day)
the lovely @emmerrr tagged me in this several days ago lmao thank you!!
unfortunately i am not a terribly prolific writer and only have 3 to choose from so here they are because they HAVE to be my favorites by default 😂😂
the cracked and the cared for (pynch, one shot)
Adam woke up to find a pool of blood on the floor where Ronan should have been.
I wrote this fic to get it out of my system lmao. I had a vision for some art and then it turned into a whole little scene with highly self indulgent tender wound bandaging and Adam having Feelings™️ so i felt compelled to write it down for the hell of it. Wrote it down for the hell of it is basically a summation of my entire writing career
two of cups (pynch, multi chapter)
He bit the bullet. “I guess it’s… Ronan.”
Blue said, “What’d he do now?”
Adam laughed for real this time. “Nothing. I mean. Not yet.”
Blue followed the movement of his hand and cocked her head, trying to read the spread of cards upside down. She spent a moment studying them. He held his breath, knowing what she would see there. Blue might not be psychic, but she’d grown up with this stuff—she probably knew the theory behind it better than he did. He felt strangely flayed open, knowing what she was looking at. He almost wished he’d picked them up before she could see, but it wouldn’t matter once he told her, anyway.
Blue said, “You two have been spending an awful lot of time together.”
I had that first scene in my drafts for 1000 years and then one day decided to just post it and see what happened on the off-chance I somehow attained a vision of where it was all going 😂 the only things I really knew about it were that I wanted blue&adam and ronan&gansey, where they know about adam and ronan’s respective crushes.
i was like IMMEDIATELY blown away by the response to it and was like, well idk what happens at the end but people’s enthusiasm gave me the motivation to keep going and i was like, well, at least i know what happens next..... this was, for better or worse, how i wrote the ENTIRE thing, chapter-by-chapter just trying to figure out what would come next 😂 in retrospect I think i could have benefited from an outline but if i had tried to plan out this fic before posting genuinely it would not have happened.  (see: crazy ex gf au, ghost hunters au, etc which are taking me forever)
i’m still so blown away by how much people like this fic which was basically just me throwing all the things i like about pynch fic into a hat. it makes me so emo and i go reread the comments all the time lmao 🥺 and just i love this fic a lot too, it has a lot of heart and yearning and stupid boys which is my favorite 💖 so many moments i had a lot of fun with and still get a kick out of
creeping in the streetlight (pynch pre-relationship, one shot)
“Oh, so you’re alive.”
It takes a moment for the words to filter, for them to gain significance, but Ronan knows immediately that it’s Adam who speaks them. Adam’s Henrietta honey voice, twisted into the clipped and contemptuous tone he uses so often when speaking to Ronan.
“What the hell, Lynch,” he says. “Answer your damn phone, for once.”
Ronan manages to crack his eyes open but everything is distorted, blurry at the edges. He blinks, and blinks, and lifts up his arm, heavy like led, to swipe at them. He can’t feel his face. He croaks, “Adam?”
“Man, you must be drunk.” He sighs. “You never call me that.”
this one was another scene that wouldn’t leave me. it had been percolating in the brain for a long time and i eventually just decided it needed to get out of there. it came from the desire to see that nebulous period of their relationship where it was after trb and before the dream thieves, just in that moment right before they started getting closer and solidified as Friends rather than “friends” for gansey’s sake lol. and the ways in which they understood each other vs the ways they very much didn’t and how they could begin to? 
ALSO big fan of ronan whump, what can i say.... gonna go ahead and make this my brand one of these days. tender caring for ronan scenes in EVERY fic. i’ve got big plans
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