#i wish you had chosen to say goodbye
dellinah · 1 year
I recently lost my best friend to cancer, and words cannot describe how incredibly painful every waking hour has been since I got the news.
They say time heals all, and I can only hope that the memories that suffocate me now will soon become nostalgic treasures that will soothe my longing.
Right now, it fucking hurts tho
And grief is just a weird feeling. It's trying to face a reality that you cannot comprehend, much less accept; but it forces itself onto you regardless, bc there's no way back.
No way out.
This how it is now.
But really, in trying to process this new reality, it has dawned upon me just how... weird, it is.
Just how weird it all feels to me.
I still know his birthday by heart.
And when it comes around, I know I will think of what gift I should get him for a second - before remembering he's gone, and crying all over again over a wound that never truly healed.
I still know his favorite shows, and I know that he collected funko pops of them. There's a list on my phone with the ones he already had, so that I knew to look for new ones when shopping around.
The messages we sent are still on my phone. Still among the most recent ones, for now.
And when I click on them, the last words we ever exchanged (and will ever exchange) stare back at me. Just like they're any other ordinary message, unaware of the massive weight they carry to me.
As does his profile picture, a frozen image of what he will forever look like in my mind.
Spared the burden and the blessing of aging beyond his mid twenties.
The audio messages are still there, too.
His voice still calls me, by name, every time I hit play. Like an echo of what once was, a voice I will never hear again in this lifetime.
But the recordings remain.
And it hurts me so, so bad.
Yet, I play it over and over again.
Maybe hoping the words will be different at one point, like he's just recorded something new.
But by now, I know each audio by heart.
Over and over and over again.
I still know by heart all of the inside jokes that only he and I knew. And now, I have no one else to tell them to.
When I see a pair of blue pants, or finding nemo merch, or a news reporter wearing yellow; I'll have to keep it to myself from now on.
Because no one else in the world gets why that is funny to me.
Or why it was funny to us.
It's just, I didn't expect everything to vanish when you did.
But I didn't expect just how much what you left behind would hurt.
Your birthday. Our inside jokes. The recipe we always made together. The road where we'd drive at night almost every weekend. The shows we watched together that you'll never see the end of. The path we walked home after school as teens. Your favorite color. The book I borrowed and never gave back.
You are gone, but so much of you remains with me.
It's like a letter adressed to an empty house.
What do I do with it all now?
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shorthaltsjester · 2 months
doing questionable things like rewatching a bard’s lament for “fun” and scanlan and vex you will always be famous. the fact that scanlan brings up that they’ve travelled across planes to fix vex’s daddy issues but then it’s vex’s daddy issues that ground her rebuttal to scanlan when she tells him to stop treating kaylie like an object. and god. vex’s “fuck him! fuck him for not saying anything sooner. and fuck us for not asking.” in the immediate aftermath, and then once she has time to put her walls back up, vex’s “my take-away from scanlan is that we all talk too much.”
the fact that vex was the one who made that comment that without his magic scanlan is just some guy but he’s also the some guy that vex spends the campaign looking up to (even if she does it through barbs and snark), the fact that when vex was fighting against saundor hearing things like “unproven ally” scanlan was all jokes until he realized how much vex believed what was being said to her. the fact that when scanlan comes back, it’s vex who literally sees through his disguise.
what do you mean scanlan was a deadbeat father who discovered a daughter that he did love but loved only as an object until vex called him out on it? what do you mean vex was a woman who struggled to forgive in part due to her crapshoot father and she was the first to forgive scanlan when he came back?
vex and scanlan also have such interesting interactions in terms of the balance of snark, silliness, and sincerity. it’s not uncommon from any characters of sam or laura’s since they are both silly little guys who also love drama and roasting each other especially when it comes to character rp, but as always it’s so dynamic when it’s the two of them bouncing off each other, especially when they’re doing so through scanlan and vex who are already bitchy characters (affectionate) with humour as a deflection method. but it’s a silly and deeply sincere moment when vex finally puts the witch hat scanlan gave her back on with his promise that he won’t run away from the final battle. it is one of my favourite laughable moments in c1 but it also reeks of sincerity when scanlan asks vex if she prefers planetar scanlan or normal scanlan and vex tells him he is fucking hot as a planetar, but she loves him like he was and he’s her favourite when he’s just himself.
like. they’re insane do you understand. the dawnfather asks vex to prove herself and scanlan turns her into a dragon to help her succeed, pelor asks vox machina what vex means to them and scanlan says she’s greedy and mean and the most perfect of them all. the knowing mistress asks scanlan to prove himself and vex escorts him on a broom he unlocked for her and then she picks an impossible lock for him, ioun tries to remind scanlan that his strength is the joy he provides to his friends and he makes a deflective quip that he’s really powerful and vex undercuts his deflection with a sincere assertion that he is. scanlan cast his last wish spell letting her see her brother on her wedding day. vex sent herself across the continent alone with her worry and grief while scanlan’s corpse lay awaiting resurrection to ensure that his daughter could be there to either bring him back or say goodbye.
they are the platonic chosen soulmates of all time to me. i make a post like this like once a year minimum and it’s because they Haunt me. both sam and laura said what if we made high charisma characters using their charisma as a shield and humour as a weapon and they saw through each other’s masks but they never explicitly talked about it to one another. good riddance to talks machina but i will never forget the episode post bard’s lament with laura and sam where sam revealed that vex was the only one who said anything that actually got through to scanlan and another episode where laura revealed that the reason vex was so angry and sad when scanlan left was that vex felt like her and scanlan had a unique bond where they were the only two who really saw one another’s masks for what they were. also laura providing the insight that while vex was actively working on being more forgiving, another reason she was so open and happy with scanlan when he came back was that vex didn’t want to scare him away again.
what am i supposed to do with all that? be normal about scanlan and vex? literally impossible
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spirits-having-flown · 11 months
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“matthew, it is with heavy heart i say goodbye. the times we had together are honestly among the favorite times of my life. it was an honor to share the stage with you and to call you my friend. i will always smile when i think of you and i’ll never forget you. never. spread your wings and fly brother, you’re finally free. much love. and i guess you’re keeping the 20 bucks you owe me.” - matt leblanc
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“i am so grateful for every moment i had with you matty and i miss you every day. when you work with someone as closely as i did with matthew, there are thousands of moments i wish i could share. for now here's one of my favorites. to give a little backstory, chandler and monica were supposed to have a one night fling in london. but because of the audience's reaction, it became the beginning of their love story. in this scene, before we started rolling, he whispered a funny line for me to say. he often did things like that. he was funny and he was kind. 🤍🕊️" - courteney cox
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“oh boy this one has cut deep... having to say goodbye to our matty has been an insane wave of emotions that i've never experienced before. we all experience loss at some point in our lives. loss of life or loss of love. being able to really sit in this grief allows you to feel the moments of joy and gratitude for having loved someone that deep. and we loved him deeply. he was such a part of our dna. we were always the 6 of us. this was a chosen family that forever changed the course of who we were and what our path was going to be. for matty, he knew he loved to make people laugh. as he said himself, if he didn't hear the 'laugh' he thought he was going to die. his life literally depended on it. and boy did he succeed in doing just that. he made all of us laugh. and laugh hard. in the last couple weeks, i've been pouring over our texts to one another. laughing and crying then laughing again. i'll keep them forever and ever. i found one text that he sent me out of nowhere one day. it says it all. matty, i love you so much and i know you are now completely at peace and out of any pain. i talk to you every day... sometimes i can almost hear you saying "could you BE any crazier?" rest little brother. you always made my day... ❤️🕊️” - jennifer aniston
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“matty, thank you for ten incredible years of laughter and creativity. i will never forget your impeccable comic timing and delivery. you could take a straight line of dialogue and bend it to your will, resulting in something so entirely original and unexpectedly funny it still astonishes. and you had heart. which you were generous with, and shared with us, so we could create a family out of six strangers. this photo is from one of my favorite moments with you. now it makes me smile and grieve at the same time. i imagine you up there, somewhere, in the same white suit, hands in your pockets, looking around— "Could there BE any more clouds?” “ - david schwimmer
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“shot the pilot, friends like us, got picked up then immediately, we were at the nbc upfronts. then... you suggested we play poker and made it so much fun while we initially bonded. thank you for that. thank you for making me laugh so hard at something you said, that my muscles ached, and tears poured down my face every day. thank you for your open heart in a six way relationship that required compromise. and a lot of "talking." thank you for showing up at work when you weren't well and then, being completely brilliant. thank you for the best 10 years a person gets to have. thank you for trusting me. thank you for all I learned about grace and love through knowing you. thank you for the time i got to have with you, matthew.” - lisa kudrow
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friends cast remembers matthew perry 🤍🕊️
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poisonous-honey · 8 months
Fontaine Is Committing Childe Slander fr
Spoilers For The 4.2 Archon Quest
Content: Sagau reader insert (not the cult au), a lot of swearing
Note: Wrote this a while ago, just didn't post till now. This was written because of how frustrated I was with Childe's treatment in the quest. They did him so, so dirty.
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Hearing your scream, Neuvillette, Aether, and Paimon nearly flinched and gave themselves away if it wasn't for Skirk quickly turning around and staring them dead in their eyes.
They never liked hearing you get upset, but since this was a scripted event, they could do nothing but play their parts. Aether wanted nothing more than to jump in and find Childe for you, if even just to get you to stop yelling, but his hands were tied. And seeing the intense look the lady across from him was giving, he doesn't think he'd be able to get away with it even if he tried.
"No 'hey, how're you doing? What's up? Where the fuck did you go? How did you end up fighting a god-damn space whale? I was worried.' We really get to say none of that? Skirk just throws him away like he's yesterday's trash? At least, I think that's Skirk... Okay, fine, whatever."
The group notices a slight twitch in Skrik's expression, as if she was annoyed, but it's gone not a moment later.
"Skirk I hope you're kinda funny cause this is a terrible first impression."
🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 
Skirk watches as Neuvillette sends the traveller topside, hoping that he starts the scripted conversation without any hassle.
"Was it necessary to throw him so aggressively into the portal?"
Of course, that's not what happened. If Childe's mad ramblings were anything to go by, all of those that become the players "characters" seem to grow inexplicably attached to them. She didn't hold his words in high regard since he was insane, but seeing the hydro sovereign already taking a liking to you gives some weight to his words.
"He’s fine. It’s nothing he can’t handle."
Neuvillette, still looking troubled, tells her that you really wanted to see him again after nearly 2 years of nothing.
"Didn't you also upset the player when you pounced on him and sent him to prison for no good reason?"
Neuvillette gave a slight wince, "I had no other choice. The Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale gave the sentence and the law must be upheld."
Skirk doesn’t look amused, Neuvillette just sighs "... And the action itself was scripted. I had my hands tied."
"Then you have no right to look so troubled over my actions. It was simply scripted, nothing deeper. I would not intentionally go looking to upset the player, especially since they can control whoever they want. I have no desire to go back to the surface, which I would be forced to if they ever felt like messing with me."
He hums, "The player has much less control than you think. Even if they wanted to take control of you, they wouldn't or shouldn't be able to do so for quite a while. Falling into their good graces is the only way to get chosen, and you seem to have only just piqued their interest."
Neuvillette was just stating facts. He heard you crying about how your latest wishing session for Furina took everything you had. He doubts even if Skirk’s banner was a couple patches from now you'd have enough to get her. Skirk herself looks a little frustrated at the mention of gaining your favour, but quickly lets it go. 
"As long as I have time to prepare, I suppose. Anyway, We should have our scripted conversation before time runs out. Unless you want them to start freaking out again."
"Of course not, let us continue."
🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 
"The fuck do you mean he's already in Snezhnaya."
Lyney's eyes slightly widen in shock, not expecting that visceral of a reaction. Aether slightly shakes his head to try and get him not to worry about it while Paimon starts her bashful idle as a way to look elsewhere without arising suspicion.
"We don't even get to say goodbye, what the heck. Wait, we never even figured out what was going on with his vision either. They actually just threw him to the wayside! If he doesn't show up in the next interlude, I'm going to be ☆mad☆"
Aether tilts his head down as he starts to ponder. He was also a bit frustrated with how little they learned about what was going on with him. Obviously the whal- Narwhal was involved in someway, but nothing is explained outside their connection. He's suddenly ripped from his thoughts as you pick his next dialogue option and continue the story.
The story continues for a little bit as Arlecchino arrives to join the conversation. You add in some quips of your own as you're watching, but are mostly silent. They just take it as you being tired from the whirlwind of emotions the quest put you through.
Aether then realizes the next actions he has to take and struggles to keep a straight face.
*Actually, I just remembered something... Please help us deliver this.*
"I swear to god, don't give her Childe's vision. He hates her. He trusted us."
Aether can no longer hold back his wince as he holds out Childe's vision for Arlecchino to take. She almost looks amused as they hear you sigh.
🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 
Childe was in agony.
This pain went far beyond his physical injuries. The last words he heard from you were you crying out to him. It frustrated him to no end that by the time he gets to see you again, he passes out. He can barely remember your words of praise and cooing about how cool he was for fighting such a creature. Your worry and the fact he doesn't even get to talk to you after all this time hasn't left the forefront of his mind since he woke up. Injuries be damned, he wanted to find the Traveller. He wanted to get something out of that vacation, more than just one conversation, getting arrested, and an incomplete fight. He thought that as long as you still had his vision, he would surely see you again and his vacation would end smoothly, but of course the story seemed to have it out for him. All he could do now was lay here in pain, stuck in his mind while his family is off doing something else.
He's upset he didn't get to finish his fight and that you had to finish it for him.
He's upset his foul legacy has taken such a toll on his body, he can't do anything.
He's upset that his family has to see him in such a state.
He's upset he missed your first encounter with Skirk.
He's upset he didn't even get to talk to you again.
And more than anything, he's upset he can't be there for you.
As he was about to continue wallowing in self-pity and regret, he suddenly finds himself fully geared, standing in front of the Abyss, with no injuries.
"Such bullshit. I loved the story quest, but why was Childe pushed to the side. It's almost like they had no idea what to do with him after they got him to the whale. Oh! It's just one of the creatures he's been wanting to fight for nearly all his life. Do we get to know how he feels about it? Nooo of course not. My man just wanted to go on vacation, and he had to deal with all of this."
Hearing your voice almost washes away all his stress, and hearing you complain about how he was treated washes away all his sorrow. It pleases him to know you hated what happened to him just as much, if not more, than he did. He could tell from your ranting and the fact you've already gotten 36 stars that you were going to fight just to let off steam. That's perfect for him. Killing something is just what he needs to take his mind off of recent events, killing things with and for you makes it even better. He'll be sure to make the best of this before you log off for the day, and he's back to being bedridden.
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vacayisland · 10 months
@!; I love you. Floyd / Reader
"Summary"! "I love you" I always had and I always do. "Tags"! Floyd's POV. angst/hurt. This was more experimental in my writing so please enjoy and I accept any feedback you might have <3
@storydays @chamille-trash @valvalentine69
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Floyd stood in the crowd, surrounded by a hundred faces that he did not know. He stood under the starlight sky, silent and deserted as others' cheers flooded his ears and made him deaf. The lights from the stars, which could not shine as brightly as you, drowned his vision and made him blind. His voice was all but silent. His spirit all but drained as he stood there, not one with a crowd yet a husk in a body that he no longer knew was his. With a mind that tried to barricade the disappearance that tried to flood out in a crowd of faces he did not know. Floyd stood upon the crowd of faces that blurred, his eyes fixated not on them nor on you; For you shined too brightly for him to bear, too brightly for him to hold, too brightly for him to keep. Floyd stood upon the crowd of faces that didn’t care as the stars smiled down upon him with a taunting grin, a sickening grin that made his stomach heave and quelch. Floyd stood upon the crowd of blank faces, all screaming and shouting the name of a lover that couldn’t be, trying to remember how he ended up in this crowd. In this place, in this time, in this situation. His brain tried to search for an answer, any sort of sign from the sinister stars that did not help yet laughed upon his misfortune why? Why! He wanted to scream and cry out, shout until he could no longer do so, until he was hoarse and dead. Why did it have to be you, the one who was born with the kiss of the sun, who would rival the stars above you and make them envious, who could be everything and nothing at once. Who was he compared to you?
“Floyd this is madness!” Branch had cried to him once as he followed him, trying to convince him to change his mind, go back on the words he had just spoken, anything other than this. Other than this cruel fate. This cruel, cruel fate that someone should not bare let alone Floyd who has done so much for you! Yet Floyd would not listen, his heart set on the path he had chosen knowing it was the best for you; The best for a star that should not follow another that did not burn as brightly as you, who’s light had been dimmed far beyond repair. You deserved to dance with those who were like you, who burned as bright as you and who could dance alongside you without this gut stabbing remorse for even being near. No, no…. You shouldn’t be stuck with someone who is so burnt out that they will weigh you down, drown you until you're extinguished like a light that had never shone in the first place when you were the brightest of all. No, no… Floyd could possibly not do that to you. Never to you. For you were the light that lit his flame, burned his heart, and awakened his days. For you were the one dancing around his head, countlessly, as you sang songs above a love that Floyd desired for you and only you. A love he could not push you through. A love he could not burden you with, so what else could he have done other than to say… goodbye? “I wish we were to other people,” You used to dreamily say to Floyd upon summer nights, out on the cold green grass as fireflies danced around your heads like stars who had descended to grace you and only you. Never him, he didn’t deserve such beauty. “I wish we didn’t have to say goodbye, I wished I could stay by your side.” You had told Floyd with the dreamist of sighs, a smile upon your face that made him forget about the dancing stars and the moonlight sky. God you looked so beautiful tonight that it hurt Floyd, it hurt him so much. Countless men tried chasing you down, tried asking for your hand, tried to be yours and yet Floyd had always taken your attention.
Selfish; Is what chastised him in his mind as he watched your love-struck eyes mingle with his that did not deserve to gaze upon your beauty. Beauty that Floyd could not describe; could not justify into words as it left his mouth dry. You wished that you both were different people, in a different time, at a different place, but why? Floyd could never understand the reason why your heart burned like his for a man who could not live next to you. For a man who had fallen from grace and from heaven while you still danced above, singing with all that heaven has given you to bless the ears of this selfish, selfish man in front of you. “I do not wish the same,” Floyd had told you, his words coxed in honey to make you believe that his heart did not yearn as well for this time, that his heart did not beg for you to be with him constantly. Selfish, crude, monster-ish. The words rang in his head, banging against the walls and stabbing him through the heart over and over until he felt it bleed. Selfish. He had made you cry that night, tears running down your flushed cheeks like impure stains that should not have been near you. He shouldn’t have made you cry, you didn’t deserve to cry, yet he did so anyway. What a crude man, what a monstrous man to make a star cry.
To make you cry hurt Floyd more than denying his heart, which was broken and torn into pieces as he watched you leave with such disdain and despair that he was sure someone else could repair. Not him, never him; a selfish greedy man that stood upon the summer grass, who stood upon a crowd full of people he didn’t know, who once stood next to you and your heavenly throne. Selfish. Is a word Floyd never used lightly and he would be damned if he gave himself leeway this time, any time. Never has Floyd ever been so disgusted with himself like he had when he was around you, but it was never your fault; It could never be your fault, it was his own. A burden he carried that weighed him down until he could no longer stand it, thrashing about for a way to escape. For a way to stop the pain. Away. Away from you and away from what you two had become. Never again does he want to taint you with who he has become; diminished, a star with no light. How could you have ever stand being close to someone who could never burn as bright. And then he watched as he took your flame but all for a short time. You cried and screamed, shouting with frightening might one night, “You never loved me… You knew that I loved you and you used that!” Your brightness was now a flame, anger burned instead of beauty and Floyd was scared that he had soiled who you once were. “No,” He had barely croaked out, trying to watch his tone. Yet it was useless as your words were like a scorching stone. They bruised his hair, burned him with bruises too much to bare, and he sunk to the floor in despair. For he loved you so, yet knew you should never know. And now he stood, in a pit in his own despair, within a crowd with faces that could never compare. And you, you stood upon the stage with light so fair. And oh he loved you so, he would repeat the phrase a dozen or so times in his head for the only answer to ring back dead. For you had given him your heart, and he yours. “Be careful,” He had told you oh so long ago, “As you walk home.” For since that night, you had his heart captured and chained and you always gave it a start. For since that night, he knew who he loved and no one, yes no one, could ever replace that feeling he held all so dear. And you had been careful, just as he said. You had held onto his heart with the utmost care, with the utmost importance, and with the utmost love. You were tender and soft, you fed him love. Love that was simple and love that was fair, love that was sweet and could not compare. Love that was soft, and that will forever be there. Forever be there in the corners of his mind. Forever be there, as the stars turn him blind. He would never hope for this fate for you, as it’s too cruel to bear. He would hope you would forget about him and let time head its course, and like the stars patch the wound he had embedded upon your heart. He hoped you didn’t search for his face among the crowd or call out his name in the darkest of night. For you would see only a shadow and gain no response back and it would sully your heart, and he was sure it would make you sad.
The word came back to him, one last time, as he slowly existed the crowd of nameless faces, upon a dark summer night. He slowly backed away from his final chance to mend the heart you had gave to him, now broken and bruised and torn and cut. His final chance to make things right to tell you how much you’re loved.
“I love you, …” Would be the words that died on his lips that night, along with his heart and diminished light.
“I love you” Were the words he wanted to say as he wrapped you in a hug, as he hid you from the pain.
“I love you”, Never again would he burden you with the possibility of those words. For he was not the one to tell you them, he could not claim your heart.
I love you. I love you. I love you. I really do. For my heart was always yours, and your heart was always mine. We were stars, you see, at the start of the world. We were atoms next to each other, always compelled by force. I love you, I love you, oh I love you so. Please stay with me, let us make our hearts whole. I love you, I love you, I love you more… but the words died from his lips before he could even give them a start, a chance, a second of thought.
Maybe, if things were different.
Maybe in another life, if we were different people. Maybe you would be me and maybe I would be you. Maybe we would be lovers, maybe even friends. In every universe I’m sure I will find you and cure your ills.
Maybe I’ll finally get the courage to mend my weeping heart. Maybe I’ll finally get the courage to face the brightest star.
Making a wish is something I had told you to do before, “Maybe a wish my love,” I had said with a tease. Yet the shooting star had shot out too quickly, leaving you with a wishing dream. And now maybe it’s my time to look upon a shooting star and wish to tell you the words that were stuck in my heart:
“I love you,” Without a frightful start. Full and truly, with my whole chest and heart;
“I love you.” I always had and I always do. I was just too scared to tell you.
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.ᐟ this work is published and owned by @vacayisland. please do not plagiarize, copy, or steal this work; like, reblogs, and saves are appreciated :D
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riekirei · 6 months
so american ༻¨*:·.
[GUTS series]
you move to a completely new country for university, leaving your home, parents, friends, and best friend, riki, behind. you and your childhood best friend decide to create a tradition to help keep you both in-touch throughout the years. you loved spending time, bonding with riki, but you felt like you weren't just best friends anymore.
pairing: non-idol!ni-ki x fem!reader | genre(s): childhood friends to lovers, fluff | content/warning: cursing, kissing, skinship, reader is called cutie & pretty, small caps intended, mentions of food.
word count: 2.0k
author's note: hii! welcome to my first work under the GUTS series. i'd recommend listening to the song while reading this hihi. please look forward to future releases! (this is not proofread)
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drivin on the right-side road, he says i'm pretty wearin his clothes
you and riki were taking a drive down malibu beach and it had just been the 3rd day of riki's visit to california. his hand was rested on the steering wheel as he gazed upon the sunset with you by his side, snuggled into his black graphic tee which seemed to be a little over 3 sizes too big for you. "cutie" riki said under his breath as he glanced over the sight of you staring at the horizon by the sea. "what was that?" you said with a smile plastered on your face, looking him in the eye. "CUTIE, i said cutie" riki repeated with a tint of bright red on his cheeks. "who's a cutie??" you questioned, knowing he meant you. all you wanted really was for him to say it to your face.
and he's got hands that make hell seem cold
"YOU ARE. okay leave me alonee" responded riki as he poked you on your tickle spot right by your waist. the both of you giggled and laughed.
feet on the dashboard, he's like a poem i wish i wrote
you carefully watched over riki as he made swift turns along the way, driving at just the right pace, and checking the mirrors every once in a while. you didn't really know what had gotten into you. it's not like this was the first time you've seen someone drive, right? it was simply just you and riki killing time together on the road along malibu.
looking back at it, riki was always someone you'd love bonding with. ever since you two were in elementary school, you two were inseparable. at every school event, community gathering or function, you'd play around and talk, talk, talk. riki's parents even gave you the nickname "thing 1" and "thing 2" because of how close you two were.
going to elementary school in japan was a memory you cherished. being woken up by the irritating sound of your alarm, sliding into your school uniform, kissing your parents goodbye before heading over to the campus were things you missed when you moved halfway across the world to study uni in the states. but you knew it wasn't any of those things you missed the most, it was riki.
you two made a deal that every year, either one of you would fly all the way to each other. and this year, it was riki's turn to visit you, 10,144 kilometers away.
"hey its getting late, do you wanna head back home?" riki asked. you nodded "うん" (un = yes). he takes the next left turn to go back to your apartment. on the way there, you see a flickering sign on top of a truck that read 'ice cream'. "can we stop over for ice cream, pleaaaseee??" you asked riki as the car drove closer to it. "alright kiddo" "WHAT." "I'M KIDDING PLEASE DON'T KILL ME" the two of you bickered as riki pulled over right in front of the ice cream truck.
“good evening, maam, sir! what would you like to get tonight?” asked one of the staff as you and riki approached the counter. “i’ll get two scoops of vanilla aaand she’ll have two scoops of chocolate with a mix-in of cookie dough.” riki replied. you smiled and looked up at riki, snuggling into him as he wrapped his warm arms around you. the night fell and the air started to cool down and you started feeling chilly. “cone or cup?” the staff asked, scooping the chosen ice cream flavors. “cone, please” said riki. they placed riki’s plain vanilla ice cream onto his cone and handed it to him. likewise, they gave you yours but they mixed in the bits of cookie dough beforehand. “we’ll pay by card” riki said, pulling his wallet out of his baggy chrome hearts jeans that hung low around his waist. “no, wait. riki i’ll pay” you said watching him as he took his card out of his wallet. he put his card near the card reader, ignoring what you said. “riki i said i’ll payyy” you repeat, quickly reaching for your card that was slid into the magnetic wallet on the back of your phone. “here take my card” you told the staff. “no y/n, let me pay” riki said. “no, i swear this one’s on me” you insisted, playfully pushing riki away from the card reader. “L/N Y/N I SAID I’LL PAYYY” said riki as he pushed you aside while you took a lick of your ice cream, shoving the scoop onto your nose. he laughed at the sight as he tapped his card, paying for the both of you. the two of you walked back to the car that was parked near. buckled in, riki started the car, looking at the rear-view mirror and at you before heading back onto the road. he caught himself staring at you as you fastened your seatbelt, putting your feet onto his dashboard while you ate your ice cream. "hey, you got some on your-" riki said as he wiped the ice cream off your nose. "笑, とてもきれい" (hehe, totemo kirei = hehe, so pretty). "thank you" you said as you felt your cheeks heating up.
the car drive home was silent, but you both knew you simply enjoyed each others presence. the radio played the week's top songs and you hummed along to them. "why do you always get vanilla? don't you wanna try anything else? you can try mine" you said, placing your cone before riki's mouth while he drove. he ate some ice cream and took a bite out of your cone. "i think i'll stick to my vanilla" riki said. "hey! are you saying my order doesn't taste good- wait, how'd you even know this was my order earlier at the truck?.." you stopped in your tracks. "秘密" (himitsu = secret) he responded with a chuckle and a smirk. "i may or may not have seen your insta stories" he added. "かわいいね" (kawai ne = how cute) you said and hummed in response.
when he laughs at all my jokes
you reach the parking lot of your apartment complex. riki parked the car as the two of you step out. the moment riki had stepped out, he hit his head on the roof of the car. “what was that sound?” you asked after hearing the loud thud riki made. raising his head, riki rubbed the spot on his head that he had hit. “HAHA BIG FOOT HIT HIS HEAD ON THE CAR” you called out, laughing at riki while you hit his shoulder playfully. “SHUT THE FUCK UP MISS FIVE FOOT SEVEN” riki responded, giving you a nudge to push you off of him. he laughs at the joke you made. he couldn’t lie, it was funny, maybe to him.
there was always a height comparison between the two of you ever since you were little. riki was obviously tall, growing up to be around 6'1. you were relatively tall too, constantly being the same height as riki, not until you stopped growing at around eighth grade.
"can't even reach me LMAO" riki said. you looked him in the eye, grabbing him by the hair. "LITERALLY WHAT THE FUCK MAN" he responded as you tugged his hair. you giggled at how offended riki looked.
you unlocked the door to your apartment and went in. you went straight to your bed, plopping onto it. riki quickly followed and tucked in right beside you. he looked around your room, as if he hadn't been sleeping in it for the past two nights. he stared at pictures of yourself you'd hung up on your wall, right by your desk, the pictures you had stuck onto your vanity of you and riki, along with your families. he adored the sight. he felt at home being around the person he knew would bring comfort in a world where things may never go his way, but one thing did go his way, and it was finding you.
time passed as you two stared at the ceiling. you laid on top of riki's chest, hearing his heart beat while you two talked. you found solace in spending time with him, even if you knew it would only last a week or two. talking about how life went for the both of you, how different life was without each other, it brought you to the realization of how much you’ve outgrown your old self, the y/n who’s lived in japan her whole life, the y/n you used to be before being punched by the reality you had to face once you moved to the states, away from everyone you’ve ever known. yet somehow riki still knew who you were deep inside. he unlocked a part of you you never knew still existed.
and he says i’m so american. oh god it’s just not fair of him to make me feel this much
“do you know how much i’ve missed you, riki?” you ask him, tightening your arms around his torso, positioning your body closer to him. “judging by the way you’re cuddling me, yes” he said as he chuckled. “i miss living in japan. i miss going to school in those cute lil uniforms and 祖母の家に焼きそばを食べに行ったのが懐かしい (sobo noie ni yakisoba o tabe ni itta no ga natsukashi = i miss going to grandma’s house to eat yakisoba)” you told riki before he cut you off. “DID YOU REALLY JUST USE JAPANESE AND ENGLISH IN THE SAME SENTENCE?? that’s literally so american of you, y/n. HAHSJAHHS” riki exclaimed in shock, laughing at you. he’s never heard you speak both languages in one sentence, considering the fact that you wouldn’t even need to be doing so in the first place. “oh my days, shut the fuck up, riki. it’s not that deep, i swear” you said with a pout on your face as you began to sulk after riki teased you for the third billionth time just today. you genuinely thought it was funny though, hearing both japanese and english come out of your mouth at once. you rolled out of bed and sat down. “NO NO NO i’m sorry, i’m sorry 戻ってきて” (modotte kite = come back) he said when he saw you sulking. he dragged you onto the bed, making you lie down. he trapped you with his long limbs, clinging onto you and hugging you. you both giggled and laughed. riki had his arms around you as you tickled him, trying to get him off of you.
the two of you were eventually worn off and tired from all the tickling and laughing. you stopped at a position wherein your face was just beside his, looking at him as he tried catching his breath from whatever happened earlier. riki planted a kiss on your soft, bright pink lips before kissing your forehead too. he flipped through his natural black hair, revealing the undercut that laid below his grown hair then plopped back onto his pillow. his eyes shut close, falling asleep beside you. “good night, big foot” you said, caressing his cheek. “hey, i heard that” riki said, eyes closed with a smile. “shhh i thought you were asleep” you replied. “good night, cutie” he drifted off into sleep as you watched him carefully, thinking of how much he actually meant to you. life was just better with him. maybe it wasn’t uni, or the lifestyle here, or being away from japan that made life a lot harder. maybe it was riki’s absence that made everything a challenge for you to overcome alone.
i apologize if it’s a little too much, just a little too soon, but if the conversation were ever to come up, i don’t wanna assume this stuff
but ain’t it love?
you laid there as the silence of your bedroom got louder, with only riki’s breathing finding its way to your ears. soon, you decided to drift off too, snuggled into the comforting warmth of his body next to you, with thoughts of him wandering in that head of yours. he took over your brain and maybe, just maybe, your heart as well.
i think i’m in love.
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d4yl1ghts · 6 months
I have a Mark Sloan x female reader fanfic
Mark is the chief for a day his friends are a little bit confused and jealous that he is the chief for the day. Mark is together with Meredith grey’s big sister, and she is surprised when her boyfriend is the chief for the day.
Y/n is the head of cardio, everyone loves her and the guys think that she is the hottest attending at the hospital.
Y/n and Mark Sloan has a one year old daughter together.
Something based on the episode when Mark is the chief, and maybe that involves Mark with his daughter and his girlfriend
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mark sloan x grey, fem!reader
summary: mark is selected as chief for the day and everyone is shocked that he was chosen
You were dropping your daughter, Evie, off at daycare for the day as you were head of cardio at Seattle Grace and your boyfriend was head of plastics. “Bye, sweetheart. I’ll pick you up at four, okay?”, you said as you kissed her head. She waved you off and you waved back at her as you drove off.
As you arrived, you didn’t see your boyfriend anywhere. It was like you jinxed it: he came cheerfully strutting down the corridor. “Oh, hey, baby.”, he said seductively. “Did Evie miss not saying goodbye to me today?”, he asked. “You wish. She didn’t even notice.”, you teased. “So, what’s got you so cheery today, hmm?”, you asked. “Well, the chief is off today and they chose me to take over for the day.”, he stated confidently with a smirk on his face. “Oh, well done!”, you said as you rubbed his arm. You wouldn’t say it out loud but you were slightly jealous as Mark could be irresponsible at times but you knew he would still do a good job and you were proud of him.
“Thank you, I have to go and do my chiefly duties, I’ll see you later.”, he kissed your cheek before walking off. Once he had disappeared past the corner, Derek approached you. “What’s he so happy about?”, he asked confused. “He’s been chosen to be chief for today because the chief is off.”, you stated. “Him? Out of everyone?”, he questioned. “Derek, I know he can be annoying and immature sometimes but this is a good opportunity for him, I think he’ll do well at it.”, you said. “Hmm, I guess so. I just wish I’d have a chance to be chief of surgery.”, he replied honestly. “Derek, I’m sure you will. I bet one day you’ll even be chief of surgery.”, you responded.
“I’ve got to go and prepare for a surgery, see you Derek.”, you walked away. Almost by chance, your sister Meredith came walking around the corner and bumped into you. “Sorry, Y/N.”, she said genuinely. “I’ve just seen Mark strutting around like he owns the place, any reason for that? Well, he already acts like he owns the place but…”, she added. “Everyone keeps asking me this, you know you could just ask him yourself.”, you replied. “This way I get to talk to my sister and Mark can be a bit… unbearable sometimes.”, she stated amusedly.
“The chief is off today and selected him to fill in as chief.”, you said. “Oh! Well done to him. I’m shocked that the chief would have chosen him out of everyone though.”, she replied as she looked through her files. “So am I, to be honest. He doesn’t have the best reputation but I’m happy he has a chance to outdo his reputation.”, you shared with her. “Yeah.”, she agreed. As you were about to walk off to get ready for your surgery, Cristina and your half-sister Lexie walked over in your direction. “I bet they’re going to be asking me about Mark as well.”, you sighed frustratedly. Meredith laughed at your over dramatic action.
“Hey, Y/N.”, Lexie said. “Hi, Lex and Cristina.”, you welcomed the two of them. “Are you also here to ask why Mark is so happy today?”, you questioned. “No, actually, but why is he so happy today?”, Cristina reciprocated. “He’s been selected as chief for the day.”, you repeated for like the fifth time today and you’d only been here for half an hour. Cristina’s jaw dropped wide open. You laughed at her expression as did Lexie and Meredith. “If you have a problem with it ask the chief when he’s back in.”, you said to her. “Okay, I have to prepare for surgery, bye!”, you ran off as Cristina looked ready to kill you. Your sisters laughed at your antics whilst Cristina was fuming.
It was now quarter to four and so you were getting ready to leave to pick your daughter up. “Hey, baby.”, Mark whispered. “Where did you come from?”, you asked. “The chief is back so I was wondering if you want me to pick up Evie with you because I don’t have anymore surgeries or consultations to do.”, he stated as he smiled down at you. “Of course.”, you smiled as you reached up to him for a kiss.
Mark offered to drive and you gladly let him. Soon, you arrived at the daycare and the both of you went to meet Evie. “Daddy!”, she screamed as she noticed Mark smiling at her. She only knew a few words but obviously ‘daddy’ was one of them. She waddled towards him and he picked her up. “Hi, gorgeous.”, he said to her as she nuzzled into him for warmth. He let her rest on him as he took her to the car. He strapped her in the back carefully, making sure it was safe.
Once you had began driving off, you said to Mark: “You were such a good chief, honey.”
“But you’re an even better dad.”, you added as he smiled to himself.
“You’re an even better mum.”, he said as he looked over at you quickly before turning back to the road.
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threepandas · 2 months
Bad End: Soldier A
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I'm pretty sure you know the story. Everybody does. Chosen Hero, Demon King, they fight, save the day, yada yada. Everybody supposedly lives happily ever after. Everything sunshine and roses. Puppies and farting rainbows. But... but it's NOT.
It's really fucking NOT.
I used to love reading stories like that. They were escapism. Grand adventures in a terrible, grey, slowly crushing hellscape of a world. But... but, FUCK. At least there weren't drauger! No demon wolves or skeleton soldiers! Or the FUCKING little flying bastards. God. I HATE those ones the most.
They have sharp, needle-y little claws and teeth like a SHARK fucked a TREE THRESHER. And they scream. Just... yowl and yowl in this ear splitting high pitch like they're trying to DEAFEN you ON TOP of trying to rip you apart.
That life was peaceful.
I was a fool to wish for anything else.
I am not the Chosen One. I'm not even a supporting character. I remember this bullshit little yarn, and I? Am NO WHERE fucking in it. I am just... just some rando, in this struggle of demons and Gods. The child of Some Dude. We... we had chickens. Fat, happy, lil hens.
I remember being ENTRANCED. I had lived all my life, before, in suburban sprawl. So chickens? Strutting around and chasing bugs? Tiny me was hypnotized.
It saved my life.
I half wish it didn't, some days.
That I died, sudden and without the chance to truely comprehend, along side my family. That my neighbors eldest hadn't seen me by the coop. Grabbed me desperately as he ran for his life. Our entire FUCKING village...
There were six survivors.
I was one of them.
And it's... it's all just? FLAVOR TEXT for the Chosen One's tale of Glory. A reason for why she's so NEEDED. So BELOVED. Look how AWESOME she is! Saintess, because when are they NOT? Hero, because it's all about HER. A god damned LOVE STORY thrown in, because THAT'S important, while people are suffering! Dying!
Are? You? KIDDING ME!?
Legends speak of a "Hero's Party". I know damn well it's true. That it WILL succeed. But FUCK that. FUCK waiting for her to "be ready"! To gather allies and turn from some sheltered little rose, into the warrior we ACTUALLY NEED. It's my world too. I was the one who had to help dig out survivors! Tend to the wounded! Fight off swarms! Hold back the dead!
I...! I was the one who had to LOOK PEOPLE IN THE EYE and... AND-!
B-Because sometimes? SOMETIMES?! Those bites DON'T HEAL. Can't heal! They are filled with so much demonic power, that the only thing they CAN do is corrupt. Fester. Poison. Sometimes you're already DEAD and nothing short of the oh so precious SAINTESS could possibly save you.
But she's not HERE... is she?
So you have a choice.
If you're lucky? It's JUST a limb. A chunk of flesh. But more often then not... well... The lucky ones have time to say goodbye. The unlucky ones get to be twisted and used against their friends. Their family's. And if you care. If you CARE AT ALL? You put them down before that happens.
Because they wouldn't want that.
It... it feeds a HATE in me. An ANGER.
No, that's not right... it's more like? It feeds...
An ugly, burning thing. That's hollowed out my chest. Wrapped around my bones. Fueled by the memories of every innocent I failed to save. By the fear and the suffering, that just keeps dragging on and on and ON. An endless slog that seems designed to break men down. Destroy us.
I feel like it's killing the humanity in me. The kindness I once had. Like I am burning away everything but purpose. And will have nothing left when I am done. IF I am ever done. It... it used to scare me.
Now I am to angry, too tired, to be afraid.
Let me die. I do not CARE. So long as I TAKE THEM WITH ME. Burn them ALL. My brothers in arms, my sisters of war, those that fight and fight and FIGHT? They feel the same. We didn't fucking WAIT. Refused to watch the slaughter. Gaining ground only to lose it, losing ground only to claw it back.
Holding the line.
We can't actually KILL him. We know that. Only the Saintess can actually fucking END this nightmare. But his monsters? Those still fall too steel. And if we are to die regardless, why NOT in defense of our homes?
We've managed to push a path, deep into the Demonic lands. A spear point to stab the heart of HIS damned empire. We... we can hold it. MUST hold it. At all costs. For that flimsy, weak willed, half trained NITWIT of a child. So when she FINALLY gets off her ass and stops making goo-goo eyes at her trainers? She can come and finish the job.
Then get crowned queen of forever or something.
I don't know, I don't CARE. I'm going to buy some damn chickens. Fill a yard with them. Honor my parents and be the best damn farmer this world has ever SEEN.
Another crash against our shields. Screams as someone's arm breaks. As someone else is savaged through a crack in our barrier, as something probably gives. I slam my spear forward. Vital point. Vital point. Ignore the strain. The way your arm feels like a giant is stepping on it. Like some is trying to rip the shield from your grip. Hold... HOOOOLD!
Go for the eyes. Aim for the throat. Kidneys. Arteries, arteries, heart! The spear is wretched from my grip. I shout for another. Reach blindly, trusting my countrymen. I feel the grip of another one pressed into my hand. I slam my spear forward.
The fight goes on.
For hours.
It was some sort of ape-bear chimera things this time. But bigger and with spikes. No ones quite sure if they're in the "fucked up monstrosities" book yet. I'M certainly too dead on my feet to check. I sit an eat some fucking soup. Mmmmm, rations soup. Technically edible! My favorite flavor.
In the distance, sits the Demon King's fancy ass doom castle.
Any closer? And HE might be inspired to actually "deal" with us. I can't wait for the day it-An explosion of noise from the command tent. Everyone's heads whip around to stare, alarmed. But... but that didn't sound... BAD shouting. It takes us a long, long moment. It had honestly been YEARS since some of us had HEARD such a noise. But...?
W...was that?
I passed off my soup to a newbie. He honestly needed it more anyway. Told him to eat. Then got up and headed for command. Something was happening. As I got close, the flap was all but ripped open. A commander, actually? Smiling!? What the fresh hell?
A commander looking for someone. Spots me. Waves me over and in. I jog over. The tent is practically HUMMING with excitement. And there, on the tabke with the war map? Is an old, OLD dagger. Very... magical girl, in design. Flourishes, sparkling, and lovely dispite being what must be... what, centuries old? Worn to hell and back? What IS that?
It's the weapon of a previous Chosen One.
A Holy Blade.
Holy Shit. HOW. Where?! Where AND HOW!? I thought the royal family snapped all those fuckers up too show off! If not them, the Temple! I'm met with seni-hysterical laughs of disbelief.
A PRIEST stole it.
Nearly DIED doing so. Temple's probably FURIOUS. Gonna come to get it BACK, most likely. We're gonna have to move FAST. We're gonna only get ONE chance at this. I nod. Ready for whatever command needs me to do. Hold off some holy knights? Punch a priest? I'll get... SUPER excommunicated, but? Fuck it. If it saves lives.
No they need me to wield the blade. I'm sorry?? WHAT.
It's apparently Maiden Locked. Fucking... Maidens Only! Got lucky? No holy weapon for you! Married but a virgin? Weaponless! Oh, fffffuck yooooou, creepy perv deities. There are LIVES ON THE LINE, in this, a GOD DAMNED WAR, and you LOCK the import weapons behind "mint condition pu-"!!!
The commander cuts of my, frankly, VERY understandable rant.
Hands on my shoulders. Looks me in the eyes. Will I Do This? I would have to take the knife and sneak behind enemy lines. Into the demon kings castle. And try to get the jump on him. NO ONE would be able to go after me. Help WOULD NOT be coming. If I fail... that's it. Game over. The demons would have me.
I laugh.
It is... not a cheerful sound. Not like it once was.
Is it even a choice? Of course I am. Frankly? I hope it hurts. I hope it's slow. Hurts every second and feels like eons. That he BURNS from the inside out. I'm gonna make him EAT IT.
Waiting until night would be suicide. They get stronger at night. Can blend in to the shadows. But they're cocky. They won't expect an attack just before that. So twilight is when I'll strike. Afternoon, when I head out. I... I leave my gear behind. Say my goodbyes.
I'm not the Chosen One.
Just some farmer's daughter with a grudge.
It don't think I'll be making it back. Don't really expect to even succeed. But by the gods... I plan to HURT him. Every piece we chip away, is one the soul behind us doesn't have to fight. I do this not for me. But for the child who will never know the FEAR that I did.
I will die so they don't have too.
The castle is dark. Humming with power I can FEEL but can not understand. Grand and sweeping architecture. Great windows that should let in far more light then they do. A blood red carpet upon bone white floors. The walls are black. It... some how merely stepping inside, seems to suck all color but red from the world. All heat.
I see no one here.
But I hear whispers.
I tighten my grip around the weapon. The only thing that feels WARM. These hallways are designed to make you feel small, I can tell at a glance. I refuse to give in. I am a farmer. A soldier. I do not CARE about your damn castle! I dig deep into my memories, keeping to the walls, and try to remember where the hero found her foe.
I trace the path in my head. Cut out the lost wandering as best I can. Right slightly, then forward, I think. If I am wrong, I can double back. Follow the book's path exactly. I move slow. As quite as I can.
Still... I find no one.
No servants, no gaurds, no resistance of any kind. Something like fear sighs like a specter down my spine, cold and vague. Something is not right. I do not let down my gaurd... but the longer it persists? The worse my paranoia grows.
Finally. The throne room. Magnificent beyond measure, in blood red and monochrome. Rare touches of gold glint and catch the eye. Stained glass giving it all a surreal scene from high above. The runner at my feet plush enough to render my foot steps silent. It is red... so very, very red.
The Demon King leans against one fist, resting on his throne, magnificent and beautiful like a statue brought to life. Carved of pale ivory and obsidian. Just as feeling as stone. A monster. Living testament that what's inside counts most of all. For inside him? Is nothing but a void. A malicious PIT.
I will see him dead.
On silent feet, I sneak forward. Only to freeze at the foot of the stairs to his dais, my eyes locked on his face. Horror seeps through me.
An amused smirk.
"Oh don't stop NOW, you're so close." Breaks the silence. Golden eyes open, lazy and entertained. "By all means. Try."
My grip on the dagger felt almost painful, for how hard I was gripping it. He... he wasn't even bothering to move. Didn't even see me as a threat. F..Fine. Fine then! If it was a mistake on his part or NOT, I would TAKE IT. Any chance. Any chance at ALL.
The pressure of that gaze felt immense. But I tilted my head up, put my shoulders back, and moved. One step. Then another. Up the stairs. Onto the dais. Forward, slowly. I paused, just beyond his immediate reach. Not that it was anything like real safety. I stared. Shaking. Knowing I was shaking and unable to stop.
He sat splayed. Reclined and leaning against his fist, robes rich and arranged just so. The very picture of indolent decadence. It was deceptive. I KNEW it was. A trap. But to get too him... I had to step closer. My eyes moved from the splay of his legs back up to his face. His smirk had grown teeth. I... I refused to run. I would finish this.
I stepped forward. Between his long legs, feeling distinctly like I was balanced over a bear trap, and lifted the dagger. I refused to hesitate. Wait to see if he changed his mind. I slammed it forward. Right through his heart. Glaring, as I looked him right in the eyes. The blade HISSED. Like acid meeting stone.
He laughed.
Grin full of unhinged glee, a vice in the shape of a hand clamped around my wrist, and the world SPUN. I slammed against the floor, the Demon King straddling me, at the foot of his thrown. He loomed. Behind him, above me, shown a magnificent window the lit him from behind. Like a halo.
"You didn't even HESITATE. You'd rip my heart out, if you could. Wouldn't you?" He says. Almost an whisper, nearly a groan, filthy with something that terrifies me and shouldn't BE there. "I KNEW I sensed something. KNEW you were out there."
I desperately try to push the knife deeper. Use everything I can to... to just-!
All I want... All I NEED? Is to see it come out the fucking OTHER SIDE. Please. Gods, PLEASE! End this! I'm gritting my teeth. Snarling. This BASTARD. I HATE him! I HATE HIM!
"Ah~ That's it, little one." He groans. Not even bothering to hide that he's apparently getting off on this. I'll kill him. I'll FUCKING KILL HIM! "Good~, that's right. Just like that. Give IN~♡ I'll take SUCH good care of you. I've always wanted a little pet. Focus it all on me. Give it ALL to me~"
My brain feels like it's on fire. My lungs filled with ash and flame. I hate. I hate and hate and HATE! I can't think. Something is... wrong? Wrong! The blade hurts to hold. Like it's rejecting me. No. NO! I HAVE TO KILL HIM! I may not be the Chosen One but-!
It finally becomes too much. The pain of holding the blade out weighing my hate. It's like ACID. My hand spasming away like I was trying to touch a hot stove. My palm is an ugly red. Wounded.
In one fluid movement, my wrist is released, the blade pulled free, tossed aside, and my wrist recaptured, before I can claw his fucking eyes out. I grit my teeth. Fangs grinding togeth-... wait.... what?
I stare at my hand.
At the black talon like nails where normal nails were, just this morning. And feel... horror. My... my teeth feel weird. My eyes hurt. Sides of my head too.
"Got you~"
He throws his head back in a triumphant laugh. The sound echoing like a nightmare. Even as I watch, the pigment of my skin is changing. Draining away to something even. Something almost too pale. Unnatural.
"I'm so glad you've decided to join me, darling." My hands are slammed down on either side of my head. His face inches from my. Eyes burning with something terrible. "I haven't had a bride in SO long~ following your progress has been FASCINATING. And now! Oh little thing, I get to KEEP you all to myself. Make you GOOD for me. Learn every inch of you. You should be excited, darling~"
"I'm going to make you a Queen."
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mellowwillowy · 1 year
HEAR ME OUT!! Please please please!!
Yandere!prince who fell in love with the lady in waiting of the princess he is supposed to marry
A forbidden love that he is ready to do WHATEVER it take to make it happend
Why would he marry a princess when there this being who can but the queen of fae to shame with theire beauty ?
Yan! Prince x (neutral-f/m) Lady-in-waiting reader
I've actually written fics similar to this concept! This one is about a princess and a crown prince, the crown prince was supposed to marry another noble of higher status but the crown prince and priest found a way to make you the wife instead! (fem! reader)
This one is about reader being the former Empress' lady-in-waiting with the crown prince snatching reader from his brother's grasp! You were supposed to marry his brother (a knight) but he broke his legs and gave him the illusion of choice by becoming a priest instead. (gn intersex reader)
And as for this concept...
mmh... I can see the Yan! Prince going feral over you... you are the most beautiful woman (right?) he has ever laid his eyes on, even more than the garden of flowers he fancies so much! What do you like? What do you dislike? He wants to know everything about you this instant. He needs to.
I don't have much to say but yeah, Yan! Prince is capable of doing anything, even going as far as convincing everyone with the stage he prepares for you. Oh, you are a guy? Just keep up with the farce and no one will know though he would wonder why the princess had a guy dressed as her lady-in-waiting... were you her fucktoy or what? That irritates him and you are not spared with his gentle ass.
I'll use Erickson again for this idea (hehehe crown prince...). Erickson, falling in love with you? The crown prince? Say goodbye to your kneecaps or ankles once he gets his hands on you.
So how does he annul this whole wedding? With the help of his twin brother, they'll both dig or make scandals that will trample the princess family's reputation. It's nothing hard for two people of status and power after all.
Now that her reputation is tarnished, the prince's family will annul the wedding and he'll convince his mother to take you in as one of her ladies-in-waiting. He'll praise you and coax her mother into taking you in, anything, as long as you get to stay under the same roof as him. You bet your life would be a living hell the moment you upset or piss him off even just for the slightest.
Next would be having your hand in marriage. This will be tough, considering his status as the crown prince. Should he convince the former Empress to make his brother the next Emperor instead? He doubts she'll allow it as the prophet's dice had chosen him to be the eldest despite being born second.
If he can't do that, then all he has to do is make a stage for you, a fake family of reputation that was at the edge of a downfall, convincing rumors of you circulating around the citizens and a load of lessons about the royalties' history.
Now that you are completely perfect, suitable to be his suitor, this nation's Empress, another problem spurts out. Noel, his brother, has also taken a liking to you.
Seriously, of all the affections he had received, he wishes to have you as well? He sure is a gutsy bastard, perhaps he should strip him from his status as a knight to teach him a lesson?
The same turn of events happened again, Noel's legs were broken, he was sent to the church and you were wed to Erickson, everything was smooth perfect.
Depending on Noel's love for you, if it was high, it'll reach the same conclusion, with him coming back to overthrow Erickson in the name of the church and God. The only difference was that you did not share that much fondness for the two of them, alas the ending had you died without any last words to them.
If his brother didn't love you that much, he wouldn't return and you are forever stuck with him until he dies. (yup, you don't get to die first, magic is not as hard as it seemed.)
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cherriegyuu · 2 months
Midnight | ljh
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pairing: jihoon x f!reader genre: angst word count: 2.1k summary: a sudden text leads you to the place you wished you never left warnings: death is a main plot point a/n: i've been m.i.a for a while now but i'm slowly getting back on track ~ really slowly ~ managed to write this last night so i hope you like it. thank you to @ressonancee for reading it for me💓
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It’s a weird thought, dying. It was the kind of thought that often crossed your mind. What it would be like to die. Was it like flushing something down the toilet or turning off a lamp? One second and it was done, forgotten. Or was there something else so it was just a second of darkness before you were led to something else so incredible that it was hard even to imagine it? 
Maybe it was just a thought that never managed to leave your mind or perhaps it was because death seemed to be the central point of your life. Not only your life but everyone else’s lives. It was hard not to think about death when you may wake up one day and have it be your last day. It's hard not to feel scared to pick up the phone and see the text there, announcing one’s imminent death. 
Some days it was easy to forget about it all together. Days when life just hit the perfect amount of good, when it was just good enough that it could be overlooked, but not good enough so one could feel the storm down the line. It had been a long time since you had one of those. 
A good day.
You used to have plenty of them. Most of them were overlooked. You spent so much time just worrying about the smallest things, every little dust that seemed to be out of place, that you failed to see the good. You had taken it all for granted until it wasn’t yours anymore. 
Unlike most nights, when you’d wait until midnight to make sure you didn’t get the text, just to make sure that you had another day to live, you fell asleep. This weird state of numbness in which sleep was the only possible course of action. Dreamless and sound sleep, a good one. 
Yet, when you finally woke up to a text on your phone, it wasn’t scary. You had always expected that getting it would feel like doomsday had finally come, at least to you. But somehow, it was just a day. The sun shone brightly outside your window, the birds were chirping, and the kids laughed on the playground. 
To you, it was your final day. To everyone else, it was just a day. A normal, bright, sunny July day like any other. 
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You didn’t make phone calls or somehow announce your death to everyone you knew, though that was probably the most responsible and respectful thing you could have done. Somehow, you didn’t want anyone to know. You want to go like you had come into this world, silently. Your mother used to say that you only cried after the doctor hit you a couple of times until you finally made a sound. You were a quiet child, she said, sometimes I’d just watch you play by yourself for hours, just to make sure that you were really there. 
All you did was put on your sunny dress, the light pink one that hit just above your knees, take your ID - which you were likely to need - and leave your apartment. You took one last look around, at the green couch you had chosen despite the protests of everyone around you, at the bookshelf filled with books that you had yet to read, the little decorations you had bought over the years that were a nightmare to clean but oh so pretty to look at.
“It was a good run, thank you”
Although dying was a constant thought, what you’d do when you found out about your death wasn’t. What you would do in those last 24 hours, where would you go, who would you see? 
Your mother was a clear and obvious no. Even if you went just for a visit, she’d know. You had never been able to lie to her. A programmed text was all that you’d allow yourself to give her and your friends. It was selfish, you knew that. You should give them time to say goodbye, they were the ones who would suffer, and they would be the ones left behind. 
You knew all of that, but couldn’t bring yourself to do anything about it.
You didn’t have a clear place to go in mind, you just wanted to walk. At first, you thought that it was aimlessly. And it was until it wasn’t. Until you reached the building you were all too familiar with, one where you had spent years of your life coming to, like it was your second home, until you didn’t. 
Taking a deep breath you pushed the door open. You weren't too sure of what you expected to find, but Jihoon right in front of you wasn’t one of them. It was too early for him to be there. His days usually started after noon, and that was still early, barely ten in the morning. So why was he there? 
“Hey,” he said. 
You wanted to urge him to keep talking. Anything at all was fine. His grocery list, all the planets in the solar system, counting from 0 to a million, a scary book. Anything. You just wanted to keep hearing his voice. You missed it. Six months without it, without him. 
“Are you okay?” he asked, eyes scanning your face, your teary eyes. 
When did the lump in your throat happen?  Why were you on the verge of tears? 
For five years of your life, Jihoon was a constant. You used to float around him, adapting to him, clinging to him, loving him. Until he wasn’t. Until there was nothing left of him in your life but the memories you had made together. 
“I know… I know that I shouldn’t be here, that we agreed that we’d never seek each other out again” you pulled as much air into your lungs as you possibly could “But just for today, can you please let me stay?”
For the first time in your life, you didn’t mind how vulnerable you sounded. For once you didn’t mind using your pain to get what you wanted and needed. And you needed Jihoon like you needed him every day.
“What’s going on?”
Jihoon took a step towards you, hand raised on the same level as your face as if he would reach for you at any second. Would it be wrong to silently pray that he would? Would it be possible to wish for something so fervently? 
“Please, Jihoon, please. I need this just today. I promise I’ll never come to you again” you begged him, eyes closed when he never touched you. 
“I… yeah, okay. Just don’t…” he seemed distressed, but agreed either way. 
“Interrupt,” you said completing his sentence “I know”
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Jihoon was never a bad boyfriend and you like to think that you weren’t a bad girlfriend either. People don’t stay five years together if they hate each other, or at least you thought so. You know you wouldn’t. And Jihoon wasn’t someone one could hate. He was serious and quiet, yes, of course, but he was also kind and warmhearted. He would quietly do things while thinking of you like leaving an extra hoodie in his studio in case you got cold, always having a hair elastic around his wrist because you always seemed to forget yours somewhere, like writing the words he found it difficult to say in a song and send it to you in the middle of the day – something that made you cry in your office desk. 
Like death, it was difficult to pinpoint when your relationship had ended. You were able to talk about issues, and then talking became screaming. Love songs, written most beautifully, became filled with resentment and anger. You were together and then you weren’t. 
He was yours and then he wasn’t. 
You watched the back of his head while he worked, listening to his fingers quickly tapping on the keyboard, sitting in the very same spot you used to. The extra hoodie was still neatly folded in the corner, the little box that used to be filled with your hair ties was still next to the coffee mug. When he reached for it you noticed that the back elastic was still around his wrist. 
The smoke of jealousy burned your throat, rising from the twisting pit of flames that your stomach had become. 
You shouldn’t feel bitter over it, had no right to be angry at him for moving on. Still, you allowed the feeling to sip into you, allowing the flames and smoke to take over your veins. It was your last day on earth, breathing, you should be allowed to hate the man you loved, even if it was just for a second. 
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“Hey, you wake up”
You came to your senses with a gasp, eyes wide, gripping the hand on your shoulder for dear life. You wished for it to save you, to just pull you back. 
Jihoon’s eyes looked back at yours, filled with worry. His eyes too, were wide, mouth open in surprise. You relaxed your body against the couch again and took a couple of seconds to just look at him, to memorize him. 
If there was a place after this life, if there wasn’t just nothing after it, he was someone you’d want to remember. Your mother believed that the people in our lives are souls we choose to meet during the course of human life. If that was true, if you had a choice, you hoped to meet Jihoon again. 
“Sorry, I fell asleep” 
You cleared your throat, forcing your body to sit up and in the process pushing Jihoon away from you. The spot he had touched in your shoulder felt oddly warm, compared to the rest of your body. You wanted to ask him to touch you again, hold you again.
“It’s fine, you were probably tired”
Jihoon held back the desire to ask questions, to demand answers. He knew when you parted ways that he would never see you again, that if he did it would be by chance and there was no chance of you talking to him again. 
He had never seen you like that, eyes lost, sounding desperate. He didn’t have it in him to tell you to leave, he didn’t want to either. If a small moment with you, in silence, was all he had then he was more than happy to accept it.  
“Thank you for today. And, as I said, this won’t happen again”
You got up, running your hands over your dress, helplessly trying to smooth the wrinkles in your dress. He wanted to ask you to stay, invite you to dinner, ask if you were doing fine — although, if your restless sleep was a sign of anything, fine wasn’t one of them. 
“Okay” was all he managed to say before you almost fled his studio. 
Your steps were quick and you opted for the stairs instead of the elevator. It was only the second floor, you could go down a few flights of stairs.
It was already dark out when you pushed open the door, there were only a few cars in the street and only a couple of people rushing somewhere. A little bell inside your mind went off, like an alarm, like it said that you only had an hour left. 
Jihoon rushed out of the building, turning his head side to side, trying to find you again. You simply stood there awkwardly, hand to sides of your body. 
“I… you… did you get the text?” 
A part of your brain told you to tell him the truth, to just cry and grieve the loss of your own life in front of him, let him hug you like you knew he would. But the other part, the one that was ego-driven, didn’t want the last image of you Jihoon ever saw to be a broken one. 
“No, no” you waved your hands in front of yourself, doing your best to smile reassuringly at him “I just had the worst night of my life and you were the only person I could think of”
“Oh” he furrowed his eyebrows at you, head slightly tilted to the side
“Sorry for just showing up, I know how much you hate that”
You smiled again, this time more naturally, a calmness settling into you. 
“You’re okay though, right?” his eyes were focused on your shaking hands when he took a step forward, and at the same time you took one back “Do you need anything? I can take you home if you want”
“No, it’s fine. I’m fine” you were quick to add
“I’ll see you around then, I guess”
Please, god, you prayed silently, let me meet Jihoon again in my next life. 
“Bye, Jihoon”
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taglist: @wonwooz1-blog, @ryuwonieebae, @sobun1est, @mirtaspace, @feat-sun, @belladaises, @mhlsymlysn, @immabecreepin, @miriamxsworld, @aaniag, @k-drama-adict, @sofix-hc7, @scarlet789, @moonlightgrleric, @r6njunlv, @mixling-blog, @cinnamongirl127, @haowonbins, @valgracia, @slut4donghyuck, @manutuankim, @shuabby1994, @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan, @plumings, @aaasia_111, @sea-moon-star, @roguesthetic, @writingbarnes, @strawberryroseee, @lovely-ficsfor-me, @whoa-jo, @poiibbtt, @yep, @seokqt, @palmsugr, @hyneyedfiz, @ho34gojo, @Lixisoul99
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betterthanburrow · 1 year
All Of The Girls You Loved Before - Joe Burrow
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Summary: With the two of you having different careers while working for the National Football League, it was destined that your paths would cross again… But, there wasn’t enough time in the world that could prepare you to see your childhood best friend for the first time in 8 years.
Genre: Fluff and Angst (Childhood Friends To Strangers To Lovers AU)
“Your Mother Brought You Up Loyal And Kind, Teenage Love Taught You There's Good In Goodbye, Every Woman That You Knew Brought You Here… I Wanna Teach You How Forever Feels” Taylor Swift; All Of The Girls You Loved Before.
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Since your career as a journalist for the National Football League started in 2020, you’ve had the honor of being able to travel all across the United States and been apart of the broadcast team for some of the most memorable football games in the past few year.
Throughout your NFL journalist career; you’ve watched from the sideline as the journalists who have years of experience compared to you do their job of sitting down with football players from the 32 NFL teams throughout the season and ask them questions that football fans want to know about their NFL careers.
As the AFC Championship football game was happening this weekend; the NFL decided to give you the opportunity to interview one of the football players that will be playing in the AFC Championship.
When you were asked to do the interview, you were so excited for the opportunity that was given to you… but when the NFL gave you more information about which football player you would be interviewing before AFC Championship game, your heart sank to your stomach.
It wasn’t a surprise to you that the NFL wanted you to interview one of the most popular football players that would be playing in the AFC Championship… but out of all the popular football players the NFL could’ve chosen for your to interview, the NFL decided that they wanted you to interview the Quarterback for the Cincinnati Bengals, Joe Burrow.
The issue with you doing an interview with Joe Burrow isn’t because he has some sort of bad reputation with journalists, because he doesn’t have a bad reputation with journalists. All of your co-workers that have worked with Joe Burrow in some kind of way has only had good things to say about him… The issue with you doing an interview with Joe Burrow is because the two of you have a lot of history together.
Before the world knew Joe Burrow as the Quarterback for the Cincinnati Bengals, you knew Joe Burrow as your childhood best friend… The two of you grew up in Ohio together and attended elementary school, middle school, and high school together. It would be hard for you to deny that you had a crush on Joe during your childhood and teenage-hood, but the crush didn’t turn into any more as you made the decision to leave Ohio to attend a college out of the state while Joe had decided to attend Ohio State University alongside many other high school friend and classmates.
The two of you tried to keep in touch as best as you could but; as the two of you were experiencing life beyond the limitations of adolescence’s restrictions, the two of you grew apart… All of a sudden, there were no more texts and calls between the two of you and when you would go to visit in Ohio, you never stopped by The Burrow’s House and the sense of being home was gone when you would drive past their house.
Joe and you had chosen two different career paths that ultimately ended up leading the two of you back to each other… When you decided to take the job opportunity from the NFL to become apart of their journalism team, you knew that one day you would be face to face with the man that you knew once as your childhood best friends but was now a stranger to you, but the honest truth is that you didn’t wish that you would have to be face to face with him so soon.
There wasn’t enough time in that world that could prepare you for this interview, as you’re sitting in the room where the interview will be taking place… Your mind is racing through so many different thoughts as your leg is bouncing up and down because of nerves. As you look around the room to see the only people in here are the camera crew, you hope that they aren’t suspicious of your body behavior.
It was hard for you to not wonder if when Joe would arrive into the room where the interview would take place if he would recognize you… It has been almost 10 years since you’ve seen him in person and while your parents say that you look the same from when you were younger, you knew that you’ve grown up a lot these past few years into the young adult that you are.
“Y/N!” someone says, getting your attention. When you turn your head, you see that it’s the Director of the NFL’s Journalism Board, Irene, who called your name. “Joe Burrow should be here any minute… Do you have all your questions ready?!”
“Yes I do!” you exclaim as you showed her your Index Cards that have all the questions that you need to ask.
“That’s good to see!” Irene says. “All we have to do when Joe arrives is to get his lapel microphone on his shirt and then the interview can get started!”
Another few minutes went by, and before the Director of the NFL’s Journalism Board could start panicking about the NFL Quarterback being behind on schedule… There was a loud knock on the door and then suddenly, the door opened to reveal Joe Burrow and his team were here for the interview.
When the two of you make eye contact, his eyes widen due to the surprise of seeing his old childhood best friend for the first time since High School Graduation… As the two of you continued to stare at each other, not wanting to be the one to break eye contact, Joe’s team and the NFL crew starting having their own discussion.
For the entire day, Joe had been so nervous for the interview and he couldn’t figure out why because most of the time; he was never nervous about doing interviews even though he didn’t like doing interview… Joe knew that you started working for the NFL around the same time that he was drafted to the NFL, but he never thought that the two of you would cross paths.
Joe always felt like it was his fault for the reason why the communication between the two of you stopped, he was always busy with football practices classes, and being a young adult in college… Even though you were busy with your college life too you always tried to communicate with him but, Joe would never answer and then one day you stopped trying to communicate.
It was in that moment when Joe felt like he was once again a teenage boy that had the biggest crush on his childhood best friend… When he would watch you on TV during the broadcast segments alongside other NFL journalists; he could see your beauty just from the TV screen, but it has been years since he’s seen you right in front of him and it wasn’t hard for him to deny that you are more gorgeous than ever before.
Joe knew that he wouldn’t be able to do the interview with you unless the two of you were able to talk… but he knew that the chances of the two of you being able to talk were small because his team and the NFL crew needed to get this interview done as soon as possible, but Joe will take that small chance to talk to you.
As Joe’s teams and the NFL crew that were in charge of working behind the scenes are having a discussion about the interview; the two of you kept eye contact as Joe walked over to where you are sitting at with the index cards in your lap, because he felt like he needed to talk to you before the interview started.
“Hi…” Joe says nervously with his hands in his pockets.
“Hey…” you mumbled. “It’s been a long time hasn’t it.”
“Yeah it has…” Joe admits, “Listen I-“
“if you’re about to apologize for not keeping in contact with me, this isn’t the right time to do it.” you say, interrupting him. “Let’s focus on your interview.”
Joe nods his head and opens his mouth to speak again, but before he could say anything… One of the NFL crew members is calling his name so that they can out his lapel microphone on his shirt, so that the interview can get started as soon as possible.
The short conversation that Joe wanted to have with you didn’t go to plan… As he watched you speak to your manager and some of the members on his team about the interview, he realized that this wasn’t the right time to have any sort of discussion with you that wasn’t about the interview that will be happening soon.
It was clear that you didn’t want the NFL crew to know about the history between the two of you… There are stories about how NFL journalists that have a close connection with a football player could get into serious trouble. Joe knows how hard of a worker you are so he wouldn’t want to risk your career as a NFL journalist because you are one of the best in the business.
As everything for the interview was finally set up and ready to go, there was no more time to wait. It was time for the interview with Joe Burrow right before the AFC Championship football game against the Kanas City Chiefs, which is considered to be biggest football game of his career so far.
When the interview started, after introducing yourself and Joe, there was tension as this was the first conversation that the two of you had in many years… but you remained professional as you asked all of the questions that you had written down on your index cards that were about Joe’s career in the NFL since being drafted in April 2020 and then listened to all of answers that Joe had to your questions.
The two of you sat across from each other and overtime as the interview continues… the tension slowly started to go away as the two of you became more comfortable speaking and listening to each other talk while still remaining professional for the cameras.
The interview was going better than you expected it to go, it was heartwarming to her your childhood best friend speak about his childhood dreams becoming a reality… It was hard for you to not get emotional while hearing about all of the struggles Joe had to go through to get to where he is in his football career in the NFL without you by his side to support him.
There were so many questions that you were asking Joe about the journey of his football career and you were award how overwhelming it could be for him to answer all of these questions… Even though Joe has never been a big fan of doing interviews, the interview that he is doing with you is his favorite interview that he will ever do during his football career.
After 10 minutes of the two of you going back in forth in conversation with you asking questions and Joe giving you the answers that you wanted… The interview was coming to an end, and it’s safe to say that the NFL crew and Joe’s team were very impressed with how the interview went.
“Good job Y/N and Joe! That was an excellent interview!” Irene said. “The interview should be available on YouTube and the NFL website the day before the AFC Championship football game, hopefully it doesn’t take long to edit the interview.”
“That’s good to hear!” Joe’s manager says clapping their hands in excitement. “I have to say… I’m really happy that Y/N was chosen to interview Joe because the chemistry the two of you have with each other made it seemed like I was watching two old friends catch up rather than watching an interviewer and a football player have a conversation.”
Joe looked down to the ground with a small blush on his face as you tried your best to not show a reaction to the statement that Joe’s manager said… You couldn’t hope but wonder if Joe had told his manager about the history between the two of you before the interview.
As the NFL crew starts packing all the equipment after unclipping the lapel microphones off of your shirt and Joe’s shirt… You decided that now was the best time to leave the interview room to go to your office to start working on some articles that needed to be published before the AFC Championship.
It was easy to sneak past everyone as the NFL crew was occupied with packing the equipment while the Director of the NFL’s Journalism Board and Joe’s team were having a conversation… but it didn’t take long for Joe to notice that you were no longer in the room, and he decided that this was another chance for the two of you to talk if he was able to find out where you went.
“Hey Irene… Where is the restroom?!” Joe asked, interrupting the conversation between the Director of the NFL’s Journalism Board and his manager.
“It’s right down the hallway to the right!” Irene replies.
“Thank you… I’ll be right back!” Joe says before standing up out of his chair and walking out the room.
Joe started to walk down the hallway of the NFL Headquarters trying to figure out where you could be… He examined all of the signs that were displayed on the closed doors, Joe figured that if he couldn’t find a door that could lead him to you then the next option would be for him to check the lobby of the NFL Headquarters.
It didn’t take long for Joe to find a door that had a sign with your name on it, he assumed that his was your office and it made sense that this is where you would be after doing your job of interviewing him… Joe said a silent prayer that this is where you are and then he knocked on your office door.
He thought that he would’ve heard your voice to invite him inside your office, but instead he heard footsteps coming closer to the door as his heart started to race… When the door opened to reveal that it was you behind the door, he was so happy that he found you.
Meanwhile, you were surprised to see Joe right in front of you. When you took the opportunity to sneak out of the interview room, you weren’t expected Joe to follow you to your office… But something that you knew is that if Joe had followed you to your office it meant that he thought this would be the right time to talk to you, and you still don’t think now is the right time to talk.
“Joe?!” you exclaimed after opening your office door. “What are you doing here, I thought you and your team would’ve left the building by now?!”
“I couldn’t leave without getting a chance to talk to you.” Joe confessed.
“Joe… there’s nothing for us to talk about?!” you said.
“What do you mean…” Joe asks as a confused look appears on his face, “There is so much we could talk about… It’s been 8 years since we’ve talked, it’s clear that a lot of things have happened in the past 8 years!”
you sighed… “Joe… now it’s not the best time.”
Joe was about to defend the decision that now was the right now, when he heard his name being called from a distance… The two of you turned your heads to see his manager walking down the hallway and before Joe could try to speak up again, you interrupted him.
“I think you should go…” you insisted. “Good luck on the AFC Championship game this Sunday! I’ll be rooting for the Bengals to win!”
It broke Joe’s heart as you close the door in his face. He really thought that this was the right opportunity for the two of you to talk, but it’s clear to him now that you wanted to remain professional with him even though the interview between the two of you is done.
Joe was still standing in front of your closed office door when his manger walked up to him… His manager didn’t hear the short conversation between the two of you, but was curious about what Joe was doing outside of your office door since it had been almost 10 minutes since he left the interview room.
“What are you doing?!” his manager asked.
“I was just thanking Y/N for the good interview since she had left the room before i got the chance to thank her.” Joe lied as he started walking away from your office down to go back to the interview room.
“Thanks very nice of you.” his manager says smiling as she started to walk down the hallway beside Joe, “Like I said earlier… I’m glad that Y/N was chosen to interview you, I’ve been very impressed with her work for a long time and knew that she would be the perfect interviewer for you before the AFC Championship.”
“Wait… You were the one of set up the interview between Y/N and I?!” Joe asked as he stopped walking, causing his manger to stop walking.
“In a way, yes I was.” His manager answered. “The NFL reached out to me to set up the interview but I made a special request for Y/N to be the journalist to interview you. After you left the interview room, Irene and I were talking about Y/N’s work ethics and how the NFL journalists board are planning on promoting her soon.”
“That’s good to hear!” Joe said as the two of them starting walking back to the interview room. When they got back to the room, Joe noticed that most of the camera equipment was no longer set up and that most of the NFL crew who were in the room before he left to find Y/N were no longer in the room and he took that as a sign that it was time to go back to the hotel.
Joe and his team took their time to say their goodbyes to Irene and the rest of the people in the interview room before gathering their belongings and exiting the room to leave the NFL Headquarters because they had a plane flight to catch soon as Joe needed to get back home to Cincinnati to start practicing with the football team to prepare for the AFC Championship.
It’s been over a week since the interview with Joe Burroe happened, and let’s just say that a lot of things have happened throughout the past few days…
The interview between you and Joe was published the day before the AFC Championship football game and it’s safe to say that football fans really enjoyed the interview. Within the first 24 hours, there were multiple viral tweets and viral tiktoks of clips from the interview.
While the NFL journalism board was very impressed by the success of the interview, it was very overwhelming for you to experience because all of a sudden there were thousands of people following and stalking your social media accounts to see if they can find anything to bring attention too... It didn’t take long for football fans to find something to bring attention to; they were able to figure out that you and Joe had known each other from high school due to old photos that were posted onto your Instagram that you didn’t delete, but thankfully football fans didn’t go stalking your Facebook account or they would’ve figured out that you and Joe had known each other since childhood.
Luckily, no one from the NFL journalism board has brought it to your attention that they know that you and Joe have some history together… You hope that if it is brought up in an future meeting; you’ll be able to convince everyone that you and Joe were just high school classmates and not childhood best friends, because you couldn’t risk the position of your career.
The other good news is that the Cincinnati Bengals won against the Kanas City Chiefs and are the AFC Champions for the 2021-2022 NFL season and are going against the Los Angeles Rams at the Super Bowl in less than two weeks… You have watched many football games throughout your life, but you don’t think you had ever been so nervous watching football so it was a relief when the game was finally over.
You were so proud of the Cincinnati Bengals football team, but you were even more prouder for Joe… It made you emotional as you watched him speak at the media press conference about how much winning the AFC Championship meant to him and how proud he is of the football team for making it all the way to the Super Bowl after a long football season.
What made the AFC Championship victory even more special is that you go to celebrate the victory in your childhood home in Ohio with your mom, who has been a longtime fan of the Cincinnati Bengals football team since she was a little girl.
The city of Cincinnati was alive as the people were celebrating the AFC Championship victory for days… Everyone in the city was wearing their Bengals merchandise and making it known that they were proud of the football team that represents the city.
The AFC Championship victory allowed people to talk with each other no matter where they were… They could be at the park, in line at the grocery store, at the bank, or any other place in Cincinnati and the conversation was about the AFC Championship.
It’s been few days since the AFC Championship football game and there was only a few days left of your visit in Ohio before you had to leave to catch a flight to Los Angeles to prepare for the Super Bowl… Due to the success of the interview with Joe Burrow, the NFL wants you to be apart of one of the pre-show broadcasts alongside other NFL journalists which was an opportunity you had never had before.
You were at the kitchen table, proofreading one of your articles on your laptop when you heard the keys unlocking the front door… When your mom asked you what you wanted for lunch, you begged her to order your favorite food from the local Mexican Restaurant that you have eaten at in many years and after a while, your mom finally agreed to order and pick the food up at the restaurant.
The front door is unlocked and you hear your mom’s footsteps as she walked to the kitchen after closing the front door… You can tell by the expression on her face that she is in a very good mood, which wasn’t strange to you but it still made you curious as to what is making her so happy on a Thursday afternoon.
“You will never guess who I ran into at the Mexican Restaurant!” your mom exclaims as she’s putting the bags of food on the kitchen counter.
“No… Hi, Hey or Hello. We’re just going straight to the point?! you ask as you start to open the bags of food to search for your plate-lunch.
“Just make a guess.” your mom says, but before you could think of a guess of who your mom met that has her so happy, she decides to give you the answer.
“I ran into Robin!” your mom exclaims, as your heard the name you stopped everything that you were doing to look at your mom with a shocked look on your face.
Since the AFC Championship was bringing the citizens of Cincinnati together in union; it’s no surprise that after 8 years, two mothers who are very supportive of their child’s careers in the NFL were reunited again.
Robin and your mother, Matilda, became close friends when the friendship between you and Joe started and tried to remain close friends even when the two of you grew apart… But overtime, it became harder for the two women to remain close friends and grew apart.
“I couldn’t believe who it was when I saw her, but then she sat next to me while I was waiting for the food and she recognized me.” your mom explains. “It has been so long since I’ve seen her, I think the last time was at your College going away party… It was just by pure coincidence that Joe begged to have food from the Mexican Restaurant just like you did.”
“Oh… well that’s good to hear!” you say, as you grab your plate lunch and walk back to your seat at the kitchen table.
“She also talked about how much she loved the interview that you and Joe did and that she was so happy that the two of you are friends again!” your mom says as she is sitting down next to you at the kitchen table with her plate lunch.
“Mom… I don’t think Joe and I are friends again, all we did was work together for one thing. I haven’t talked to him since the day of the interview.” you explain.
“According to Robin, Joe is happy that you’re in his life again.” your mom says.
“I wouldn’t say I’m in his life again… It’s more like I showed up in his life again after 8 years.” you say. “I’m not saying we can’t be friends again, it’s more like we haven’t had the chance the talk about why we stopped being friends… And I don’t think we’ll have to time to talk before I have to leave Ohio.”
“Well… maybe you’ll have time to talk to him tonight.” you mom suggests.
“What do you mean?!” you ask.
“Robin invited us over to their house to celebrate the success of the interview between you and Joe and to celebrate the AFC Championship victory for the Bengals!” your mom exclaims and once again, you stopped everything that you were doing to look at your mom with a shocked look on your face.
“Wait a minute… We’re going to The Burrow’s House tonight?!” you asked.
“Yes! It’s been so long since we’ve been at their house, I remember when we used to go over there almost every weekend… “Now you have the time to talk to Joe before you leave Ohio maybe you could finally tell him about the crush!” you mom teased.
“Mom!” you exclaim.
“What?! Do you really think that I didn’t know about the crush that you had on him ?!” your mom asked. “I always thought that the two of you would’ve gotten together by the end of high school… I guess life took the two of you on different patches but, now your paths are crossed again and this could be the opportunity for you to confess your feelings.”
“Mom… I stopped having a crush on Joe years ago when we were in high school.” you admit. “I stopped liking him in that kind of way when I realized that he would never like me in that way.”
Your mom reach for your hand to give a squeeze of comfort before letting go and then she responds “Darling, I watched the two of you grow up from being young kids to young adults. I promise that even if he didn’t like you a romantic way, he likes you in a special way… And I watched the interview, I could see his eyes light up when talking to you just like his eyes lit up when he was younger. I don’t think 8 years apart changed anything for the two of you; I think you just have to be smart on how you want to handle the universe giving the two of you a second chance.”
You sat in silence to take a moment to think about what your mom just said as she stand up to bring both of your plate-lunches to the kitchen counter since the two of you were finished eating lunch… When she walks back to the kitchen table, she gives you a back hug and a kiss on the forehead and you smile at her.
“In a few hours we’ll leave to go to The Burrow’s Head, Robin gave me her new phone number so I’ll text her to see if she needs us to pick up something from the store after we leave our house.” your mom says.
“Alright! That’s sounds like a good plan!” you exclaim, then your mom walks out of the kitchen to go into the living room as you grabbed your laptop to start working on proofreading your articles before you have to start getting ready to go to The Burrow’s House.
The hours of the afternoon went by fast and a wave of nostalgia hits you harder than you could expect as you and your mom are walking up the pavement towards the front door of The Burrow House… It has been years since you’ve walked along the pavement, but you still feel like the little girl who is on her way to The Burrow House for a play date with her best friend.
When the two of you walk up the patio steps to reach the front door of The Burrow House, before your mom could knock, the front door is already started to open…“Matilda! Y/N!” Robin exclaimed after she opened the door and moving to her left side to let the two of you in the house “It is so good to see the two of you again!”
“It feels like it’s been forever since we’ve been here!” your mom exclaims, pulling Robin into a hug.
When the hug between then is over, Robin looks over to you and smiles with tears forming in her eyes.
“Y/N! It’s been way to long since I’ve seen you!” Robin exclaims, pulling you into a tight hug. “It’s so good to see you, I missed you so much!”
“I missed you too.” you say, as you start to get emotional as well. It’s been so long since you’ve seen Robin and you’ve always considered her to be another guardian in your life that you could trust.
“When Joe told me that you were the one to be interviewing him before the AFC Championship, I didn’t believe him!” Robin exclaims as the two of you are pulling away from the hug. “And then I watched the interview and still couldn’t believe it, I was just so happy to see the two of you together again!”
As the three of you walk out of the front door hallway, you’re looking around the house to try and see if there are any differences. While there are a few differences that are easier to recognize such as some new furniture and decor items, new photos in the picture frames, and the new wooden floors… There is still the sense of familiarity that causes a heavy feeling in your chest.
“Is that Matilda and Y/N I see?!” a recognizable voice loudly asks that causes you to jump and turn around.
“Jimmy!” your mom exclaims as the two of them walk towards each other to hug. “It’s so good to see you!”
“I didn’t believe Robin when she told me that she saw you earlier today!” Jimmy says. “I can’t believe you’re here again in our house after all of these years!”
Since your dad had passed away when you were a toddler, Jimmy was someone that you always considered to be a father figure in your life. Whether you were having car troubles or had a clogged drain, Jimmy was always there to help you and your mom out whenever it was needed.
When your mom and Jimmy pulled away from the hug, Jimmy immediately pulls you into a hug and you couldn’t help but get emotional once again of being reunited with people you love in The Burrow House.
“It’s so good to see you again!” Jimmy exclaimed, as the two of you pulled away from the hug. “Look at you! Look how much you’ve grown, I can’t believe it’s been so long since I’ve seen you!”
“It’s good to see you too Jimmy!” you say.
You continue to look around the house as the three of you make your way into the living room, you noticed that there was no sight of Joe yet which made you wonder if he was home… It was hard for you to not start overthinking that Joe left the house because he didn’t want to see you again after the way you acted on the day of the interview. You hope Joe was smart to realize that you did want to talk to him, you just didn’t want to have the conversation at your work place.
“Where is Joe?!” your mom asked as the two of you sit in the coach. “I assumed he would be here because after all… this is a dinner to celebrate the success of the interview and the AFC Championship victory!”
“Joe is stopping at the store to buy the ingredients for salad that I forgot before coming over to the house… I was so focus on getting the ingredients for my lasagna that I forgot the salad!” Robin exclaimed. “He should here soon because he texted me that he left his house almost 15 minutes ago, I know he’s excited to see Y/N.”
Your cheeks turned red as you blushed and looked down at your hands to fidget with your rings. You couldn’t help but feel like a little girl with the biggest crush on Joe again… You didn’t know if loved or hated how Joe is able to have so much control over how you feel like he did when the two of you were growing up.
While your mom, Robin, and Jimmy were engaging in conversation; you sat and listened as you look at the collage of framed photos that were nailed wall … There were a few new framed photos like from Joe’s college graduations and NFL football games, but the majority of the pictures on the wall you recognized.
A few minutes later, all three of you looked towards the hallway after hearing the front door was being unlocked which meant that Joe was home… Your fingers started to fidget with your rings as you began to feel so nervous to the point where you think you are more nervous to see Joe in his childhood home then when you found out that you had to interview Joe.
It didn’t take long for Joe to walk into the living room with grocery bags hanging from his arm as he goes to say a quick hello and giving a hug to his parents before walking over to the couch. “Hello Miss Matilda!” Joe exclaims as your mom stands up from her spot on the couch to give him a hug.
“Hello Joe!” your mom says, as the two of them are hugging. “It’s so good to see you after so many years! Look how handsome you’ve grown up to be!”
“Thank you.” Joe said, as they pulled away from the hug. “It’s good to see you too!”
When Joe looks over at you and smiles as you stand up to hug him, you can feel your heart beating fast… The high didn’t last long since you didn’t want to make things awkward in front of your mom and his parents.
“It’s good to see you again Y/N.” Joe says as the two of you sit next to each other on the couch with some space in between the two of you.
“It’s good to see you again too.” you reply, as cross one leg over the other to get comfortable on the couch.
“Joe… I think you should bring the grocery bags to the kitchen.” your mom says, as she points to the grocery bag that was still hanging from Joe’s arm.
“Oh! I forgot that was there…” Joe exclaims. “I’ll be right back-“
Before Joe could stand up to walk the kitchen, Robin stops his actions. “Just hand me the bags, I was about to walk to the kitchen to check on the lasagna… How about you and Y/N go to your childhood bedroom to catch up while the three adults talk?!”
“Mom… Y/N and I are adults.” Joe says as he hands his mom the grocery bags before she walks out of the living room and into the kitchen.
“Joe… You know that the two of you will always be a kids in your mother’s eyes.” Jimmy states.
“And in my eyes as well…” your mom says. “I just can’t believe the two of you have grown up so quickly. I remember when the two of you were just little kids playing on the elementary school’s playground.”
“Don’t start bringing up their childhood memories or else I’m going to start getting emotional.” Robin yells from the kitchen as she can overhear the conversation.
“It’s more like she’s going to start getting emotional again.” Jimmy whispers, “I had to stop her from going her from going through all of the photo albums.”
“I do plan on going through those photos albums tonight with all of us here.” Robin yells from the kitchen, making it known to everyone that she overheard what her husband. “And by the way… The lasagna should be ready in 30 minutes.”
As your mom decided to go into the kitchen to see if Robin needed help and to continue their conversations from earlier that day… Joe instructs you to follow him as the two of you stood up from the coach to walk upstairs to Joe’s childhood bedroom.
When Joe opens his bedroom door, allowing you to walk inside the bedroom first… You noticed that nothing has changed since high school; the furniture is the room were the same and all of his posters of Star Wars and his favorite NFL Teams were still on the wall.
“I’m surprised to see nothing has changed at all.” you say as you sit on the bed while still looking around the bedroom, trying to find something that’s changed.
“Well… I moved out after high school and we already have a guest room in the house, so there was really no point of changing anything.” Joe answers, while sitting next to you. “It’s weird walking into this room because I feel like I time-traveled back to my childhood.”
“There definitely was this weird feeling of nostalgia that hit me when I walked into the room.” you said.
The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes, with Joe looking at the floor while fidgeting with the bracelets on his wrists while you are still looking around the room… It’s been 8 years since you’ve been in this bedroom and everything felt so familiar.
When you look at the framed photos that are on Joe’s dresser, one of the framed photos caught your eyes which causes you to stand up from your spot on the bed to get a better look of the photo… Joe watched as you pick up the framed photo and smile.
“I didn’t know you framed this photo of us!” you ask, as you hold up the framed photo for him to see.
“Yeah… It’s one of my favorite photos of us.” Joe answers. “I just didn’t know it would be our last photo.”
You frowned as you look down at the framed photo. The photo in the frame was of the two of you at your high school graduation, neither of you knew at the same time that it would be your last photo together.
Your heart sank to your stomach, you didn’t mean for your friendship to end the way it did… The two of you just didn’t know how to communicate with each other due to the long distance of him in Ohio while you were in another state because of college.
“I’m sorry Joe.” you say, putting the picture frame back onto his dresser and then walking to the bed, sitting back down in your spot. “I’m sorry for a lot of things…”
“There’s nothing you need to apologize for…” Joe said.
“Yes there is!” you exclaimed. “Our friendship ended because we were terrible at communicating with each other because of long distance and then when you try to talk to me, I told you that there was nothing for us to talk about when there is so much I have to say to you!”
“You don’t need to apology for anything.” Joe says. “If anything I should apologize… You always tried to reach out to me to talk to me when I was at Ohio State and I never responded because I was busy doing nothing important. I’m the reason our friendship ended.”
“I’m not going to let you blame yourself.” you say as you scooched over to where Joe was sitting while placing your hand on top of his hand and giving you a smile…. Joe gave you a smile right back which causes your heart to start beating fast in your chest again and when you take your hand off of Joe’s hand, you swear you saw the smile on his face disappear for a second.
“And don’t say that our friendship ended… I don’t like the sound of that, it’s makes it sound like there was a big fight or a betrayal.” you say. “Let’s just say that our friendship took a break.”
“A break in our friendship does sound better than saying our friendship ended… because we’re friends again right?!” Joe asked.
“Yeah…” you sighed. “Just friends.”
There was a confused look on Joe’s face because of the way you responded. “Is there something wrong with us being friends?!” he asked. “You’re not going to risk your job because of our friendship right… I wouldn’t want to put you in that position.”
“No… No!” you say defensively. “There’s nothing wrong with us being friends.”
“You’re fidgeting with your rings Y/N.” Joe says. “You always fidget with your jewelry when you’re nervous.”
You didn’t realize what you were doing until you looked down at your hands to see that you are fidgeting with your rings... The fact Joe knows your cues for when you’re nervous just proves that he knows you so well after all of these years even when you’ve been apart.
“What are you nervous about?!” Joe asked. “Are you nervous about us being friends again because I promise that we won’t have another break in our friendship ever again.”
“I’m not worried about us being friends again for the reasons you think.” you reply. “I just don’t know if I can handle us just being friends again.”
“What do you mean?!” Joe asked, because he is so confused on why you are nervous to be friends again.
“I had a crush on you during our years in elementary school and middle school.” you confessed.
“Wait a minute… You had a crush on me when we were kids?!” Joe asked. You slowly nodded your head.
“Wow… I never realized it.” Joe surprisingly exclaimed.
“Wait… You never knew?!” you asked.
“No… I swear. I never knew about the crush that you had on me.” Joe said in disbelief.
“I thought it was obvious that I had a crush on you because everyone pointed it out to me.” you said.
“So… You only had a crush on me when we were in elementary school and middle school. Did the crush go away when we got to high school.” Joe asked.
“All those years I thought it was a silly little crush but then we got to high school… you started flirting and dating around with other girls and that’s when I thought that I’ll never have any chance of romance with you so I did everything that I could do to get rid of the feelings I had for you. It took a long time but by the end of high school, I didn’t have any romantic feeling towards you.” you confessed.
“Oh…” Joe sighed. “Because when we got to high school, that’s when I started to have a crush on you.”
The expression on your face was an expression that Joe couldn’t understand… He didn’t know if you were confused or surprised at his confession.
“You had a crush on me in high school?!” you asked.
Joe nodded his head and the expression on your face showed him that you were even more confused and surprised than before… “Wait… but you were always flirting with other girls and going on dates, why were you doing all of that when you had a crush on me?!”
“When I realized that I had a crush on you, I didn’t think that you and a crush on me… So I tried hanging out with other girls and flirting with them to try and distract myself from the crush I had on you so that I wouldn’t ruin our friendship.” Joe admitted.
“Oh…” you said.
“But then during our senior year… I realized that I couldn’t keep it a secret because it was tearing me apart on the inside. So I had made the decision to confess my crush on you after our high school graduation.” Joe confessed. “But then after our high school graduation, you told me that you would be going to a college out of state and I didn’t want to confess my crush to you incase it would change your mind about going to a college out of state because I didn’t want you to stay in Ohio just for me.”
You turned to look at the framed photo of the two of you at your high school graduation that was on Joe’s dresser and your heart sank to your stomach… When you turn around to look at Joe, you see the sorrow expression on his face.
“I wish you would’ve told me.” you say.
“Why?!” Joe bitterly asked. “So that you would tell me that you didn’t have a crush on me or that you would give up your dreams of going to a college out of the state to stay with me in Ohio!”
“Joe… we could’ve worked something out.” you say.
“Y/N… It was so hard for me to communicate with you after you left Ohio. I still had a crush on you when we got to college, it was getting harder and harder to live my life without you in it while having this big secret to myself. So I stopped our communication and I regretted it every single day for 8 years so that’s why I blame myself for our friendship ending.” Joe said.
“I told you not to blame yourself and I told you not to say that our friendship ended.” you muttered.
There was a few minutes of silence between the two of you. Joe didn’t know what to say next, he confessed his truth just like you confessed your truth… Just a few minutes ago; the two of you were on the same page of being friends again but now, the two of you didn’t know if there could be a chance of a friendship. 
As the two of you sit in silence, you could hear your parents voices downstairs in the kitchen as their laughing about something that was said in their conversation… You thought about what your mom said in her kitchen when you were nervous about talking to Joe about the history between the two of you.
“I don’t think 8 years apart changed anything for the two of you; I think you just have to be smart on how you want to handle the universe giving the two of you a second chance.”
This moment was the universe giving you and Joe another chance; not another chance to be friends, but another chance for the two of you to be together… You had your first chance when the two of you were in high school, and now 8 years later you have another chance to make sure that your paths are crossed forever.
“I thought that those feelings went away forever, but then when I saw you for the first time in 8 years… I realized that those romantic feelings never really went away.” you confessed. “That’s why I’m nervous to be friends again, because I can’t handle us just being friends because I want you in my life as mine.”
Joe didn’t know what to say as he blinked a few times and pinched himself on the wrist to make sure that he was dreaming… Because how was he w supposed to believe that after 8 years, the girl of his dreams was right in front of him confessing that her feelings for him never went away after all of this time apart.
Since he didn’t know what to say, Joe decided to let his actions speak lounder than words as he reach over to place the palms of his hands on your cheeks as he pulled you close to him, kissed you and hummed in glee when you kissed him back with no hesitation.
As the two of you were kissing, your hands were wondering from his shoulder to gripping the material of his shirt… While his hands were moving from your cheeks to your arms and waist to pull you into his lap as your arms were wrapped around his neck.
Things turned from an innocent kiss to a make-our session, the grip Joe’s hand had on your waist as he started to slowly rock your hips back and forth causing him to groaned from the pleasurable pressure.
The two of you were in your own world and forgot that the both of you are currently making out in Joe’s childhood bedroom while your parents are downstairs… In the moment, the two of you felt like teenagers who are sneaking around and hiding your relationship; When in reality the two of you are adults that had been hiding your true feelings for each other for over 10 years and are making up for lost time.
As the make out session was getting more heated, with your lips now kissing his neck as he groaned whispered sweet nothings under his breathe while sitting controlling the rhythm of your hips on his lap… The only thoughts on your mind right now were thinking about how you could pleasure him in other ways.
“Joe! Y/N! Dinner is ready!” Robin exclaims.
His mother’s voice causes the two of you to snap back into reality as the two of you freeze in the moment and realize where you are… You pull back from your spot to see his face again, with his hands still gripping your waist. When you look at his neck, you spot a few small bruises that were barely noticeable right now.
“We’ll be downstairs in a minute!” Joe yells.
“I guess we have one minute to look like we haven’t been making out for almost 10 minutes.” you whisper. “We better hurry up and fix ourselves up before one of our moms comes to see what’s taking us so long.”
The two of you quickly start fixing yourselves up, as you had to fix your lipstick and blouse while Joe had to fix his pants to try and hide his boner… When the two of check the mirror and see that you both look out together, it was time to go to the kitchen for dinner.
As the two of you exist his room and start to walk down the hallway to the stairs, Joe stop in front of you… “I want to say, before we go downstairs… I don’t want what just happened to be a one time thing… I want us to make this relationship work.” he stated. “We can talk more about it later but I just wanted you to know this before you start overthinking everything.”
“Okay… I understand.” you answer. “We’ll talk about things later and work it out between us.”
“That’s good to hear.” Joe says. “I can’t lose you again for another 8 years because of lost communication.”
You gave Joe a small frown as you lean up to give him a quick kiss. “We’re never going to lose each other again.” you promised.
Joe nodded his head and then the two of you continued to walk downstairs to make your way into the kitchen where you say your mom and his parents preparing their dinner plates.
“I was just about to go upstairs to tell the both of you that it’s dinner time!” Robin exclaims, “I guess nothing really has changed between the two of you in 8 years.”
Joe and you looked at each other and smiled, knowing that while Robin is right about how nothing has changed between the two of you in 8 years, there are some things that have changed between the two of you… but the things that have changed are changing between the two of you for better not for worse.
The five of you sat down at the dining room table and ate the lovely dinner of salad and lasagna that Robin has spent hours cooking as you all chatted amongst yourselves about the your careers, the interview, the AFC Championship victory, and the future of what are the plans after football season ends.
Robin stuck to her word because after everyone was finished eating dinner and the kitchen was cleaned with the plates and utensils were in the dishwasher… Everyone was gathered in the living room with photo albums in their hands, looking at all the photo memories throughout your childhoods.
You and Joe were sat close to each other on the couch as the two of you were looking at a photo album with photos on every page throughout your elementary school years… As Joe was flipping through the pages, one of the photo caught your eye which causes you to grab Joe’s hand to stop him from flipping the pages.
“I forgot about this photo… This was always my favorite photo of us!” you exclaim, pointing to the photo. It was a photo from a Halloween Party that happened when the two of you were in 2nd grade, Joe was dressed up as a NFL football player and you were dressed up as Princess Belle as the two of you were smiling big while holding up a book and a football.
“Which photo are you talking about?” your mom asks and Joe holds up the photo album to show her as you point to the picture since she is sitting in the recliner across from the two of you in the living room.
“That is such a cute photo of the two of you!” Robin exclaims. “That is one my favorite photos as well!”
“I definitely will be framing the photo.” Joe whispers to you as he puts the photo album down in his lap and started flipping through the pages again.
As everyone looked through the photo albums and talked about the memories. You couldn’t help but look around the room and smile because for the first time in 8 years, two families were reunited as one family.
If there is one thing that you’ve learned; is that when the universe gives you another chance, you take that chance… The two paths you and Joe had taken since high school graduation have lead you back to each other. Now you want to know what forever feels like with Joe as your two paths cross over and become one path that the two of you will walk on together.
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Author’s Note:
a few months ago; i got a request message in my Inbox from @minidinkoidd to write a story inspired by All Of The Girls You Loved Before… and i’m so happy that i was able to write this fanfiction!
thank you all for the love and support! 🤍
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onlyrains · 2 months
♬—now playing: niki - anaheim
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“no. don't say anything.” you step backward.
“you know the answer, jake,”
he moved closer. “then say it to my face, y/n.”
“don’t make me start.”
“did we even start anything?”
“you know that's not what i meant,” you take a deep breath.
it's always like this. this kind of conversation isn't new to you and jake, actually. the thing between you two started two years ago, when you were in the worst state of mind and let him guide you through it. if only you could say it out loud, you would declare to the world that he is indeed your savior. the one and only sim jake. 
it was all fun and games with him until you noticed there's something tucked away and trying to interfere with everything you've had. and no, you can’t accept it. you don’t deserve it.
he confesses to you a couple times and always wear heart on his sleeve. it’s not like you don’t like him, but it does burden you the most. 
as it is today, the main topic of your argument was about the scholarship he got at his dream university. he always talked about it since it was the same uni his parents went to. he must continue the legacy, he said. it warms your heart hear him sharing his dream with his parents—sometimes, it does hurts too, but you know it just the grudge you've been holding for years.
but then, when you said you have no interest to take a master degree nor move in with him, he suddenly plans to decline it. he's going to ignore his dream just because you.
you laughed silently. like, how could you?
“i don’t understand, y/n. i truly don’t.”
you gulp a lump in your throat. “me either, jake.”
if you had a chance to change a thing in the world right now, it would be your feelings towards him. not about your broken family, not even about him that made you almost lose your mind. you would've chosen jake over everything, to love him the loudest.
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“we can work it out, y/n, please. let me—”
“we can't.” you bowed your head down, unable to make a single eye contact with him anymore. it doesn’t usually like this. you used to be stoic about whatever you faced with him. you used to know how to divert the topic to a lighter one then run away from the real thing.
you swear with all of your life, you want to leave him behind and start a new chapter with jake like he always wanted. but you haven't had the work done. you have yet to learn to escape from his grip and let yourself live the way you want. 
“i’m sorry.” you muttered.
you feel his body heat approaching you slowly. his shoulder shielding you from the sunset lights, making your toes try harder to grip the sand underneath. 
you wish you could choose to die in this moment with him, with the orange hue illuminating half of his face, with the urge to kiss him goodbye.
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“you're everything to me, jakey.”
“stop calling me that if it means nothing to you.”
“you mean the world.” he tilted your chin to look up at him.
“you always wanted to watch the sunset at this beach, didn't you?”
you nod twice. “yes.” with you. 
“i always try to grant your wishes, right?”
you nod.
“i always treat you right, don’t i?”
you nod.
“so when things started to go wrong? i'd do anything for you, y/n.”
“there. exactly right there. i remember you told me you'd do anything, you'd kill for me. that was when it all went wrong.”
he was startled. “are you kidding me?”
“jake, i’m not done with myself,”
“i can be a company like i always do. we can stay like this.”
you groan out of frustration. “you don’t understand.”
he brought his face closer. “i don’t, so tell me.” he whispered with chattering teeth. eyes glued on your lips.
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your breath hitched when he brushed his lips on your chapped one. 
you let him. you surely, gladly, let him. in fact, he is the only person you allowed to cross your boundaries. 
his touch does move your body, but not necessarily with something within you. sometimes all you want to do is hit your head on the nearest wall for being such an ungrateful idiot, while it is not like something you could easily control too.
a few seconds passed, he finally captured your lips perfectly in his. he kissed you slow, cupped your cheeks and tried pouring out all his feelings into it. 
you return it with a steady tempo as your thumbs rubbed his neck lovingly. he really is your lifesaver, your everything. you couldn’t imagine these past year without him beside you. but it would be even more unimaginable if he stayed with you like this. wasting himself for a broken soul like you. 
you don’t know when you will heal. you don’t even know if this can be healed, or do you even want it to be healed? you don’t know. but it's clear, he deserves everything and you don’t deserve him.
the wound your father left, the hole that person made in you, are the two most uncertain things in your life and you wouldn’t let jake go through the same thing just because he’s with you.
so, if a goodbye kiss was a real thing, that is what you were trying to do. because all you have with him is basically an endless loop and one of you really needs to stop it and that person should be you.
after a moment of heaven, he pulls away breathlessly. you grip the hem of his shirt and glanced at the polaroid of him smiling you took previously. you may keep that one.
you stare into his sparkly eyes. if only he knew what's inside your mind, it would be so easy. so you decide to return to the main topic that was previously forgotten, “i'll think about moving,” —by lying.
he beams. “god, are you serious?”
“but don’t expect too much,” you smile bitterly. 
he shook his head. “no, thank you.” he said as he lifted you up and hugged you tightly.
you ruffled his hair. “you have to take it no matter what my decision is. don’t me mind me, puppy.”
“nonsense. i’ll always consider you in everything.”
well, he is definitely going to hate you. 
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a/n: just thinking about something new and here it is… hope you like it… bc im not sure either…
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I wish I was here
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Hi guys!
This is a new Luna's story. I got the idea during the awards evening by seeing the different comments under the photos posted by the official accounts. It tires me to see people shouting at the separation as soon as Lucy is less than a meter from Keira so I dare not imagine what can think Lucy and Ona x)
Also I don't know if Coco is a boy or a girl, sorry if I misgender this poor dog?
TW : Angst
Staying in Barcelona while her girlfriend participates in one of the most prestigious ceremonies for women’s football is no doubt a bit frustrating, but Ona try to look not upset when it was time to say goodbye to Lucy before she leaves for the airport. With their relationship still not officially confirmed by anyone, it was in Lucy’s apartment that the two young women said goodbye. As Keira is also on the trip, Ona must guard Narla, the dog that Keira and Lucy took together, in addition to her own dog Coco. Fortunately, the two dogs get along wonderfully and had the time of their lives during their trip to Andorra.
After getting the two dogs out, Ona returned to Lucy’s apartment. Coco having already come several times in Lucy's apartment, he knows it better than what Narla knows Ona's. And even if Ona also knows this apartment very well, she can’t help but feel a little alone tonight. Without the presence of her girlfriend, everything seems a little more sad and less interesting.
Sitting on the sofa much too big, even for a person accompanied by two dogs, Ona turns on the television and takes her phone to scroll on the various social networks. She responds to some messages and takes the opportunity to order food. If she likes to cook for or with Lucy, when she’s alone it’s a little different. But her diet is supposed to stay wise and followed, so she opts for sushi.
A few minutes later, her face glows with a big smile when she sees Lucy’s picture on her phone screen. The fullback asks her for a FaceTime and Ona doesn't hesitate a fraction of seconds before answering. Lucy’s face appears, already ready for the ceremony.
"Holà bonita!" says the happy English.
"Hello. How’s it going?" asks Ona while sitting cross-legged on the couch.
"Good! I’m a little late to be honest but I wanted to show you my outfit before you see it on social networks"
"Oh, a sneak peak just for me? I appreciate it" smiled Ona.
Lucy smirk at her answer and backs up the screen so that the youngest can see her entire outfit. And Ona feels her jaw fall. Of course, she’s the first to know how stunning her girlfriend is. But she honestly didn’t expect that.
"Oh fuck me" whispers Ona, her eyes sweeping Lucy’s outfit and body.
"Do you like it?" smiled Lucy as she carried the phone up her face, so that she could look at Ona.
"When are you coming home again?" asks Ona, the mind a little elsewhere.
"During the night" Lucy chuckles as she rolls her eyes, then turns around. "By the way, my parents and brother are here."
Lucy’s laughter extends to seeing that Ona blushed violently when hearing that her in-laws and her brother-in-law are also present. Had she known, perhaps she would have chosen other words to express her admiration.
"Hello Ona!" made Jorge with an amused smile, sticking his head to his sister to appear on the screen.
Despite her embarrassment, Ona managed to exchange a few words with Jorge and her in-laws, before the Bronze had to hang up to get to the party. If a smile remains on Ona’s face after the call, it fades little by little by seeing the different comments on the videos and photos circulating on the evening. Again, Lucy’s name is attached to Keira's, despite the many clues that the four (with Laura) left on social networks.
Seeing the hate that Laura received during her last post of the year, Keira even had to delete the comments section. This is largely what caused Lucy to post nothing at all on her side. But reading comments certifying that the former couple formed by Lucy and Keira is still current is harder to bear tonight. Probably because Lucy’s not with her.
Ona has never complained about this to Lucy, the Spanish knows perfectly well that her girlfriend has nothing to do with it and that she is far from asking for this situation. Ona also knows that this situation is burdensome for everyone and doesn't want to add difficulties by taking things too seriously.
Aitana being also at the party, Ona finally decides to call Salma to change her mind. The young attacker is also a close friend of Ona, despite their age difference. If Salma realizes that Ona doesn't seem particularly on a great mood, she doesn't make comments and is content to talk to her constantly, about everything and nothing. And Ona is extremely grateful.
After the phone call and her sushis, Ona takes the dogs out one last time before going to the bathroom to change. She follows the ceremony with her phone and if she realized that Lucy tried not to position herself next to Keira for the official photos, they were sitted next to eachother. That, too, should not bother her. But in truth, the Catalan would have liked to be able to accompany Lucy. Even if she is far from comfortable in this kind of ceremony, to which she has never been invited. (We will talk about the fact that Ona is cruelly underrated by everyone another time)
After a quick shower and brushing her teeth, Ona returns to the couch to launch Netflix. She sent two messages to Lucy to inform her of the progress of her evening and a photo of Narla and Coco sleeping on top of each other, but nothing more, not wanting to look too needy either.
It's late when Lucy calls Ona, but she doesn't sleep yet, waiting for news of her girlfriend.
"I wondered if you would answer" state Lucy.
"Why wouldn’t I?" Ona asks, frowning. "It’s late, I thought you might sleep" "I wanted to hear your voice" Ona confesses in a timid tone. Lucy thinks that it probably shouldn’t make her so happy, but it does. The rest of the conversation goes through Lucy who explains that they are already on their way to the airport and back to Barcelona. With Fifa having awarded them a private jet, they will be in Barcelona in a few hours and at home just as quickly. But as the conversation progresses, Lucy realizes that something is off with the Catalan. Her answers are brief, her tone evasive and she has a hard time giving her some laughs. "What’s going on, Bonita?" ended up asking Lucy "Nothing... I’m just tired" mumbles Ona, her fingers playing with her dog’s hair. "Are you sure?" "Mhm" replies distractedly the brunette "That’s not how I feel" Lucy distinctly hears Ona sigh softly, making her frown. Ona doesn't hesitate to talk to her about what she usually feels, both having discussed at the beginning of their relationship about the importance of communication in a couple. "It’s nothing Luce, it’s really stupid" "If it bothers you, it’s not stupid Onita" Lucy points out. Despite the fact that the discussion between the two young women isn't made out loud, Lucy is in the car with Aitana, Keira and Cata. It's therefore almost impossible that they don't hear it, despite the fact that they are all three discussing together. But Lucy’s worry drives her to keep trying to find out more. "There are comments that I saw on social media that bothered me a little, that’s all" ended up answering Ona. "Comments about what?" Lucy already knows the answer, but she nevertheless prefers to ask the question rather than assume things.
"You. And Keira. Your relationship, all that. There are those who say that if you were sitting next to Keira it’s because you’re together and if you stood away from her in the photos it’s to not attract attention. Those kind of things."
Lucy remains silent for a few moments, not really knowing what to answer. What she does know, however, is that she doesn't particularly like the turn this discussion is taking.
"Maybe you were right after all, it’s a bit stupid"
Lucy’s answer may be a little too abrupt, drawing Aitana’s curious gaze on her at the same time. Ona, meanwhile, answers nothing.
"You know very well that it's not true, Ona. I thought you were a little more mature and able to ignore these comments"
"I’m sorry" mumbles the Spanish woman rubbing her forehead, thinking that she shouldn't have talked about it and kept these confessions to herself.
A new silence is born between the two young women, however very different from those, comfortable, that they share while cuddling in front of the television or when they are in the car for the training.
"We are at the airport. I’ll write you when we take off" Lucy says.
"Ok. Have a safe flight" mumbles Ona, before hanging up.
Lucy remains silent after the phone call, not realizing that her three teammates exchange looks and communicate in this way. Unlike their arrival, their return isn't filmed and the different photographers or representatives aren't with them. There are only a few security guards in the van, but they are installed in front of and behind them. Jona and others members from the staff are in their own conversation behind them.
The Englishwoman still hasn’t said a word when she settles in the jet, with Aitana sitting beside her, Keira and Cata facing them.
"Everything's okay?" ended up asking Aitana.
"Yeah" Lucy groans as she looks out the window.
Deciding not to beat around the bush and waste their time in this conversation, Aitana decides to go straight to the point.
"I heard your conversation with Ona" begins the Ballon d'Or winner, attracting a new grunt from Lucy. "Did you argue?"
"Not really" ended up sighing Lucy leaving the window with her eyes to shift her attention to Aitana. "She mentioned comments from stupid fans"
When Aitana nods and the other two remain silent, it catches Lucy’s attention again. If she looks at the other two with a suspicious look, it's to Aitana that Lucy talks when she resumes speaking.
"What? Did she talk to you about it?"
"No" sincerely answers Aitana shaking her head. "But I know if she told you about it, it’s because it’s been working on her for a while, Lucy. I’ve known this girl since we started kicking a ball. She’s neither jealous nor possessive. If she told you, it must have been really hard for her at the time."
"You know how she is" adds Cata, sitting in front of Aitana. "She’s the kind of person who wants to deal with things on her own. She even tried to end a match with a concussion a few years ago."
Lucy makes a grimace, remembering the reflections she saw at the time. This dates back to a few years ago, when Ona played with Manchester United.
"I know" Lucy replies, not necessarily a fan of friends knowing more about her girlfriend than she does. "It’s just frustrating. These people don’t stop with these comments and I don’t know what to do to do well. If you post, there are hate comments. If you don’t post either."
With a compassionate smile, Aitana gently taps her on the knee, secretly happy not to be in this kind of situation.
"Weren’t you supposed to send her a message?" asks Cata
Lucy quickly grabs her phone to unlock it and write to Ona, while the flight crew seems to make the final preparations. The plane is already launched on the runway when she finishes.
"You know" said Keira after they took off "I don’t know if I could handle that, if I were in Ona’s place."
Interrupted again in her thoughts, Lucy reports a surprised look on her ex-girlfriend.
"What do you mean?"
"Every day she sees her girlfriend, you, talking to her ex, me. She herself has to bond with this ex, always me, and she does it very well. She has truly never been anything but adorable to me. She sees us talking everyday, because we still friends. And she must be constantly subjected to the headless theories of people who continue to hope for some reason that you and I are still together."
Lucy remains silent for a few seconds. She is obviously clear with all of this, but hearing it out loud and added side by side is different. Her eyebrows are frowned when Aitana speaks one last time.
"Would you see yourself playing on the same team as her ex? Watching her chat and laugh with Ona almost every day?"
"No" Lucy immediately says.
"You half murdered Feli when we played her and her team, and your relationship with Ona wasn’t even a few months old yet" smile Cata.
Lucy rolls with her eyes as she hears Cata’s amused tone, but her gaze shifts to the window once again. Cata is right, all she was able to think at this time is that Feli had Ona at one point in their life. Before her eyes there is only dark, the lights of London having disappeared long ago. She doesn't need more to realize that the other three are right and an intense sense of guilt seizes her. She should never have spoken to Ona the way she did. And her throat gets a little knotted thinking of the Catalan, alone in her apartment.
A few hours later, Lucy delicately opens the door of her apartment. Ona responded to her message saying that they were taking off, but didn't respond when she told her that they had landed. Lucy’s rational side makes her say that the Catalan is just asleep, but her brain hasn’t stopped working for three seconds since her conversation with her teammates and she can’t help but wonder if Ona is just mad at her.
After dropping off her things at the entrance, Lucy goes into the living room and feels her heart melt in front of the scene that takes place in front of her. Ona is lying on her tummy under a blanket on the couch, deeply asleep. Her long hair obscures part of her face and a very slight snoring escapes from her lips with each breath. Her face is illuminated by the lights of the television screen. Coco is tightly hugged, Ona’s face buried in the dog’s hair. Narla is lying on Ona’s legs.
Lucy laughs softly when she sees that new stones are on the coffee table, adding to the great collection of her dog. The sound wakes up Narla who stretches on Ona’s legs before rolling and changing sides to fall asleep again. The movement makes Ona moan gently in her sleep and pushes her to bury her face even more in Coco’s hair.
Delicately freeing Coco from Ona’s embrace, Lucy rests him on the couch alongside Narla before passing her two arms under Ona’s body to lift her from the couch.
"What’s going on?" mumbles the Spanish in a sleepy voice when Lucy puts her on her bed.
"Nothing Princesa, everything's fine" Lucy replies in return, kissing her forehead before gently covering her.
But when Lucy gets up to go to the bathroom, Ona gently grabs her arm.
"Can I have a hug please?"
Sleepy or tired Ona is particularly cuddly, which Lucy has always found adorable. But tonight, the English girl has the impression that there is a little more than that. The guilt at the memory of the tone she talked to her coming back in her mind, she hurries to lie beside Ona and wrap her arms around her.
She lays kisses on the head and the sleeping face of Ona, who smiles softly at this surge of affection. Ona closes her eyes and start to fall asleep again.
"I am so sorry" whispers Lucy, her lips pressed against Ona's temple after having observed the young woman for a long time.
Surprised in her phase of falling asleep, Ona opens her eyes again and slightly turns her head in Lucy's direction to observe her. She doesn't move an inch, keeping her face as close as possible to Ona’s.
"What are you talking about?"
A slight worry is audible in Ona’s tone and Lucy prefers not to wonder where the younger’s mind is running away. Instead, she responds directly, the things she wishes to tell her prepared for tens of minutes in her head.
"About what I told you on the phone and especially the way I told you"
"Oh" just mumbles Ona before shrugging her shoulders "It doesn’t matter. You’re right anyway"
"No Ona, I’m serious"
Lucy takes off from the Latin, causing her to pout and frown. Passing a finger between her eyebrows, Lucy applies herself to relax her skin before resuming speech.
"I shouldn’t have said that"
"It doesn’t matter, Luce, I swear-"
But Lucy interrupts her, putting a finger on her lips. Ona rolls on her back, still frowning.
"Let me speak" says the English woman "I should never have said that to you and told you like that. You have the right to have insecurities and even more need to talk about them. And if you need to talk about it, I want you to do it with me because I want to be there for you. I’m sorry I was so hard to you when you brought it up"
Still driven to silence by Lucy’s index finger on her lips, Ona listens wisely to what her girlfriend is saying to her. Yes, the dry tone that Lucy replied to her briefly squeezed her heart, before she tried to become rational again. Ona thought Lucy might be tired from her evening.
"I’m annoyed by these kinds of comments, and I think I reacted that way because I liked the idea that it doesn’t affect you. You’re important to me, Ona, you’re the most important. And I hate the idea that someone or something might hurt you."
Ona remains silent, always, eyes plunged into those of Lucy. She still remembers perfectly the first time their looks crossed, at the wedding of their common friend.
"But I thought a lot about what Keira and the girls told me on the way back and…"
"You talked about our relationship with Keira?"
The emotions on Ona’s face are hard to decipher, but the fact that she reacts about that before everything else catches Lucy’s attention.
"They more or less heard the conversation we had, I was in the car with them"
Ona groan softly, not really appreciating the idea that their couple problems can be discussed among other people. Even though she knows she can trust their discretion at least from Cata and Aitana. She wouldn't say that she's close to Keira, but she gets along well with her and has always managed to talk to her without any prejudice.
"The three of them defended you" Lucy quickly informs her, pressing her head on her hand, now that she is on her side while Ona is lying on her back. "And they were right. You seem to be living through this situation so well that I sometimes forget that it must not be easy every day for you. If there was one stupid thing tonight it was my behavior."
Rolling on her side, Ona thoughtfully bites her lip before answering her.
"I just want everything to be as easy as possible for everyone."
"I understand. But you must not forget yourself in the process"
Ona makes a famous pout of her composition for simple answer. And Lucy knows perfectly well what the brunette who faces her thinks. Sighing softly, she begins to draw the freckles on Ona’s face with her finger.
"This tendency to sacrifice yourself for others can be worrying, you know?"
"Only for those who deserve it" Ona replies, closing her eyes under Lucy’s caresses on her face. "The ones I love"
Her closed eyes prevent her from seeing Lucy break the existing centimeters between their faces to put her lips on hers, but this doesn't prevent her from smiling against her lips. A sigh of well-being escapes her and her hands attach to the fabric of the clothes that Lucy still wears, the same ones she wore for the ceremony.
"You’re the strongest person I know" Lucy whispers a few minutes later, her forehead leaning against her girlfriend’s.
"Let’s not exaggerate" laughs Ona gently, mixing her legs with Lucy’s.
"I’m serious. Do you know many people who would play on the same team as their girlfriend and ex at the same time? I wouldn’t be able to."
Surprised by this statement, the question can now be read in the chocolate eyes of Ona.
"If you kept talking to your ex, I’d have a hard time, but just imagine that you have to live next to her and talk to her every day… I think I would want to kill her, honestly."
"Are you jealous, Lucy Bronze?"
The surprise gradually gave way to the fun on Ona’s face and voice. This makes Lucy roll her eyes, even if she cannot retain a smile.
"Maybe" simply answers the English.
This seems to suit Ona, since she gets even closer to Lucy, sticking her entire body against the English’s. A silence passes, during which Ona takes the opportunity to soak up the smell and sensation of Lucy’s skin against hers.
"It’s easy because I trust you" Ona says. "You make me feel safe and cared. Tonight was a little more difficult because you were far from me. And I wish I had been with you"
"I wish you was here too" mumble Lucy before adding "At least you can admire me in my outfit anyway"
Ona laughs softly, running her hands over the fabric, soft and light under her fingers. She would have liked to see her put on these clothes, but to have her lying in front of her is not so bad.
"It’s even better in real life"
Lucy smiles again before pressing her lips against Ona's, holding her against her during the kiss that extends a little. Then, she gets up from the bed, causing the surprise of the youngest.
"Where are you going?" Ona asks while sitting on the bed.
"Undress and shower. Want to come help me?"
"We’re supposed to get up in four hours for training" Ona replies, looking at the time on her phone
"Your choice"
Shrugging, Lucy turns her heels to go to the bathroom. It doesn't take more to Ona to throw herself out of bed and almost run after her girlfriend.
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neiptune · 1 year
all eyes on you my magician
c/w: 8.4k wc, the secret history au, incest, recreational drug use (weed), dubcon, vaginal fingering, intoxication, reader is drugged against her will, masturbation, penetration, mentions of blood & murder, dark academia setting, gojo and suguru and shoko and utahime and kento and yu are all snob assholes, I just had so much fun with this and sincerely hope you enjoy!
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“I’m telling you, I’m gonna be right back!”
“And I’m telling you, you’re gonna get struck by fucking lightning!”
Hina rolls her eyes at you, best roommate she’s ever had and yet always so dreadfully dramatic.
“You’re very welcome to stay here and starve to death but if I don’t eat something within the next five minutes, it’s gonna get ugly”
You pucker your lips, equal parts annoyed and worried as you watch her put on that ridiculous yellow raincoat, always too bright for a campus so dull. She is exactly like that, too: peculiar, bubbly energy at complete odds with the majority of the snotty students filling the grim pile of dark stones that makes your school. You’ve always felt some sort of protective affection for her, one that expands in your chest especially as she’s about to run through campus in the middle of a raging storm, alone.
“Wait up” you grumble and attempt to get up from your messy bed.
“Nuh-uh” Hina keeps you down with a friendly push of small hands on your shoulders, eyes narrowing “you have to finish that essay, I’ll bring you a sandwich or something”
“Damn, I’m working hard for the both of us and all I get is a sandwich?” you playfully throw an extra pencil at her, she effectively dodges it with a light chuckle.
“I love that you know it’s gonna become our essay” by now, the mischievous glint in her eyes elicits nothing but a fond albeit resigned scoff.
And yet you’re still not entirely convinced as you wave goodbye, a don’t get too close to the pond! yelled a moment after the door shuts behind her, exasperated laughter already fading in the distance, echoing across the empty hallway.
With a sigh, you get more comfortable against the soft pillows and sink a little deeper in your bed, the heat of the laptop balanced on your legs enough to keep you from shivering as the rain carries its merciless pitter-patter on the windows, the wind blowing hard enough to slam the thinner branches of the elm, most ancient resident of your dorm, against the glass.
The influence of the classics on english literature is not a hard theme to tackle and you get rapidly absorbed by the topics you have messily categorized in order of succession on your notes: among the main points you care to underline, is the fact that neither is superior to the other. There’s a sharp distinguo you trace between the concepts of originality and novelty, an entire paragraph dedicated to expressing the idea that the creative activity of a writer shouldn’t be adversely affected by the interest they take in classical literature. Right as you delve into the specific examples you’ve chosen to discuss contemporary tendencies and estimate the influece of Latin and Greek upon modern writers, your fingers come to a halt.
Originality, novelty. Unraveling the concepts takes you back to that late afternoon in the quiet library, the ominous curve of an unfamiliar smirk teasing your peripheral, saccharine pitch asking you to settle an argument that was never serious enough to require an outside opinion to begin with.
You’ve met Satoru’s unsettling eyes more than once after that afternoon, they seemed to follow you whenever you happened to walk past his group or enter a room they were in. You hate that you can now anticipate the way he tilts his head, lazily throws one leg on top of the other, ankle resting on knee. You hate that Suguru now talks to you, says hello and good afternoon and wishes you luck on your classes.
You still can’t quite believe Yu, the way he’d casually sat between you and Hina on a Sunday morning when the lukewarm sun served as a break from the usual, gloomy winter days. He was all friendly smiles and relaxed chatter, easily endearing himself to Hina and winning her sympathies. You stayed frozen in utter disbelief until he naturally pulled you into the conversation as if you were one of his oldest friends, sweet giggles outlining the story of how you had brilliantly shared your valuable opinion with them.
None of your attempts at explaining the stupid exchange were taken into consideration, Hina’s big eyes sparkling with each detail Yu unraveled, from Utahime’s comical frown to Suguru’s sincere admiration. He fondly downplayed your skepticism and proceeded to stay for the entire study session, leaving you to mouth a shut up after the other in response to Hina’s exaggerated mimics all the while he immersed himself in one of those thick books they always make a show of carrying around.
It’s disturbing, the feeling of part of that unfortunate afternoon still lingering, sticking to you in a way you don’t know how to escape.
The Anglo-Saxons and their interest in Cato, Orosius, Pliny the Elder. The modern period with its shift of emphasis upon Catullus, Lucretius, Terence and his plays. The entire, separate history of the interest in Ovid, the consequent imitations stemming throughout the fifteenth century only to escalate into close to total neglect during the nineteenth and twentieth. Even as you focus on your essay once more, the unnerving feeling persists in your gut.
You conclude the first draft of the paper with some statement about how classical lore, mythology and style hover above the most representative writers of the elizabethan literature, the most original of all periods of english literature in its entirety.
A light grumble of your stomach demands you glance at the time and you sigh upon noticing it’s already been more than an hour. What the hell is she even doing? The vegan options suck, she may as well eat grass in the park. Unless they’re serving those falafel hummus salad wraps with spicy potato and feta, now that’s something you’d walk in a storm for.
An entire moment is spent considering putting a coat on and marching all the way to the dining hall, muddy campus and everything, but then a whooshing sound is followed by a creaking in your roof and the best you can do is send a mildly annoyed text.
She texts back ten minutes later, the message short and oddly enough void of her usual emojis, informing that the she’s run into her friend Yuki and so she’s most probably going to be late. Well, that’s ideal. As much as you love having the room all to yourself, you really are hungry and the only edible thing within a ten foot radius is a bag of tortilla chips.
The second you reach over to your laptop with the intention of continuing the show you had started watching together (serves her right for leaving you to starve to death) the room turns purple for a second and before the loud crack of the thunder can even hit, the already dim light of the lamp flickers, unsteady.
“Don’t you dare!” you glare at it as if it was a person. It certainly does seem to listen.
Gotta love old buildings with even older electric utility infrastructures.
You send another text for good measure, the possibility of suddenly finding yourself in the dark, alone, enough to induce a reasonable amount of anxiety.
hurry tf up, hina
Your screen lights up a second later, eerily quick. Again, odd. Doesn’t she always try to tuck her phone away while eating?
sorry baby, it’s raining too much
I think we’re trapped here for the next hour lol
You frown. Baby?
Something doesn’t sit quite right with the way she’s replying, maybe she’s given her phone to Yuki after grumbling about how you keep interrupting her meal. Still, you take your chances and send another text.
you okay?
Seen, instantly. Yet she doesn’t type back. Ugh, definitely Yuki taking over: she’s always been the number one supporter of the stupid no phones at the table rule, her glare over waffles and tea as you dared to check your social media over breakfast still engraved in your mind.
As you grumpily stare at the screen for a few more seconds, several things happen at the same time: the light coming from the lamp above your head flickers again, a branch slams against the window and your heart drops to your stomach at the three short but certainy energetic knocks on the door.
The entire evening has been so weirdly quiet, you honestly wouldn’t have guessed somebody else was in the building. Is there someone at the door or did your mind play a trick on you? It must’ve been the rumble of the thunder bouncing on the walls, the loud whistle of the wind. But then they knock again, with the same exact rhythm, and for some silly reason goosebumps blossom on your forearms because you simply know that, even as you tentatively call her name, it’s not Hina.
Shoko peeks inside, the white stick of what you can only guess is a lollipop hanging from her lips. It’s the first time you see her alone, without her friends or her sister. It’s also the first time she speaks to you and it’s surprising, really, how calm and gentle her pitch is.
“Hey, are you alone?” her eyes lazily scan the room, the question sounding every bit as unnecessary as one could guess.
“Yeah” you wonder why you reply in the most natural way, not a second spent wondering why the hell she’s there and how she knows which one’s your room.  
“I really don’t like storms” she tilts her head to the side a little, gaze blankly darting to the window and then intently locked to yours “you should join us”
Taken aback, you open your mouth and close it a number of times.
Shoko waltzes into the room, graceful as ever in her school uniform. As opposed to you, she’s wearing dark tights and your stare lingers on her thin legs a moment too long before travelling to her features again.
“They’re having another one of their arguments, it gets so boring. You’re lonely too, please join us”
There are so many questions running after each other in your brain, you’re not even sure which one to prioritize. Why would she ever think you’d…?
“No, thank you” it may have taken a minute but you finally snap out of it (whatever it is) and clear your throat, uncomfortable.
Shoko bites back a smile, enhanced. She can smell the uncertainty, the uneasiness. And can barely wait for when it will turn into panic. Doesn’t it always?
“You really must dislike us” she locks her hands behind her back and casually shifts her weight from one foot to the other “have we ever given you a reason to? I know Satoru can be a jerk but he’s harmless, really”
She sees the anxiety that flashes over your features and wonders what it would feel like to sink her teeth into it. It’s infuriating, how Suguru’s always right. She really was the best one to be sent to get you: not Kento, not anyone else.
“I don’t— it’s not that” you stutter adorably “we don’t really know each other, it’d be weird to…”
“It wouldn’t. We’re all students at the same school, aren’t we?” she offers a sweet smile and extends a hand “come. I won’t let them bother you, pinky promise”
You watch her shift the position of the lollipop in her mouth with a gentle sweep of the tongue, securing it inside her other cheek.
Sure, you could insist on staying in your room, waiting for your friend: she’d probably take the hint and leave. But this is weird. Shoko showing up unannounced, with no reasonable motive, insisting you take part in… what, exactly? One of the bizarre evening gatherings everyone keeps gossiping about?
You don’t care if they realize you don’t like them. Ever the keen observants, they probably already know anyway. But you’ll be damned if you allow some elitist assholes to think you’re intimidated, or worse, scared of their bullshit haughtiness. You talked to them once, you owned it, you can do it again and walk away the second things get too weird. Or Hina actually fucking decides to come back.
Shoko smiles softly when you rise from your bed and take her hand. She thinks boldness suits you.
You quickly type another text to your roommate, certain she’ll sense the annoyed tone at last and hopeful she’ll decide to get you out of the absurd situation.
I need you to come back, preferably now
it’s just rain get back here and take a shower or something
also bring be the goddamn sandwich, I’m starving
Seen. Instantly, right as you sent them. What the hell, is she deliberately ignoring you? Did Yuki forget to lock the stupid phone before putting it away?
since you’re clearly reading these, I’ll have you know I’m currently being kidnapped by the classics gang
come look for me asap
“Fuck’s sake” you grumble under your breath and Shoko turns to look at you from over her shoulder, gaze soft in the dim light of the hallway. For a fleeting second, you think that purple eyeshadow would look horrible on anyone else but she kinda pulls it off.
“Sorry, my friend hasn’t been replying to my texts” you clear your throat once more.
“I’m sure she will, eventually” she utters, tone flat. Lightning flashes violet on her chestnut hair and your stomach tightens a little, clammy palm nothing but a forlorn hope it will feel nasty enough for her to let go. Shoko tightens her grip on your hand, thumb lazily grazing over the top of it and in between your knuckles.
“How come you don’t like storms?” maybe if you keep talking, the bullshit situation will feel more normal. Maybe the walk in the stupid hallway won’t be as infinite.
Shoko giggles, the mere thought of how your features would morph into a mask of pure horror has warmth pooling between her thighs. God, why do the guys always get to have all the fun?
Storms make it difficult to hear them scream.
“Never been a big fan” her pitch is suddenly lighter, almost jolly “they make everything look so gloomy, don’t you think?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I do” you don’t intend for it to be a jab but her chuckle makes heat crawl from the base to your throat up to the roots of your hair anyway. 
Of course their common room is the most magnificent of the building, somber and exclusive and, naturally, conveniently connected to their private rooms. The sanguine hues coming from the stone fireplace dance across the dark, wooden furniture and make the carvings of the coffee table grow in depth. There are two upholstered sofas and two armchairs surrounding it as velvet constellations painted in rich burgundy, the oil lamps serving as a convenient counteragent for musty electric utility infrastructures.
There’s a bookcase by the door, built in what looks like African blackwood. It’s filled with vintage hardbacks, leatherbound volumes and what you wouldn’t have a hard time imagining are expensive first editions. Some of them are turned around, piled up and showcasing the paper side, alternated with silver candleholders and white Carrara marble bust sculptures. You recognize Marcus Aurelius and a representation of Canova’s Venus and Adonis.
A peculiar, earthy scent wafts through the stale air of the sweltering room: notes of lemongrass, pine and wood.
“Ah, we have a guest” Suguru’s line sounds rehearsed, void of actual surprise, and you don’t like it one bit.
He’s sitting on the sofa, an empty spot left between him and Satoru, whose grotesque cerulean gaze bores into yours as he brings a grape cluster to his mouth. The coffee table is covered in trays and plates of food: an abundance of fruit, prosciutto wrapped figs, smoked oysters accompanied with champagne beurre blanc, salted chocolate and caramel tarts, a basket filled with an assortment of breads. What looks like an exceptionally expensive replica of a traditional lagynos, the hellenistic wine jug favored by the ancient Greeks, dominates the center of the table and elegant wine goblets in sterling silver accentuate the unusual choice of flowers embellishing the surface: lycoris radiata, or red spider lilies.
“We do” Shoko lets go of your hand at last and you instinctively flex your fingers. Inexplicably, she seems to notice because she turns to look at you with an unreadable expression, hand rising to secure part of your hair behind your ear “I promised you’d behave” the little wink is not intimate at all, like a secret whispered to your ear only for everyone else to hear.
“Don’t we always?” Kento’s bored tone draws your attention and you’re finally able to tear your eyes away from the odd energy tying your gaze to the magnetic figures perched on the sofa.
Nanami and Yu are sitting on the opposite divan, the latter waving at you with a sweet smile that has his eyes turn into little half-moons that swallow his pupils. Pale, lithe fingers are gracefully holding a joint that is held to his friend’s lips.
“Want some?” Shoko’s syrupy voice startles you, the question almost whispered against the shell of your ear as she passes you by to take the seat her sister’s offering.
How are they allowed to do this in the first place? Sure, they’re sickeningly favored but smoking weed in a dorm? Not even attempting to keep the scent from seeping out into the hallway? What would it take for them to get some semblance of an actual reprimand, a corpse hid in a closet?
“No, thanks” you attempt to take the last remaining empty armchair but Suguru pats the spot between him and his best friend, cracking a soft smile and tossing a casual comment about how famished you must be.
“No reasonable person would venture outside in this weather and it’s way past dinner time” he indicates the plethora of options scattered on the large coffee table with the gentle wave of a hand “please, sit with us. I’d like to benefit from your views once more”
Against your better judgement, Utahime’s skeptical scoff prompts you to accept the invitation. Satoru scoots away ever so slightly, perhaps to give you enough room to feel comfortable. And yet the comfort doesn’t come, you can’t relax your shoulders as you sink into the soft velvet. For a second, you even wonder if it’s a good idea to eat anything they’re offering.
“Thank you” you cautiously accept a fig because at this point your stomach is one step away from absorbing itself “uh— Ieiri mentioned you had another discussion going on?”
Her crystalline laugh pierces the air and you’re not surprised to find Utahime sitting on her lap, back flush against her older sister’s chest, glaring at you like a guard dog.
“Please, just call me Shoko” she peers at you from behind Utahime’s shoulder. Her arms easily envelop her sister’s smaller frame, hands conveniently placed on her lap as thin fingers work to pack dark weed into the thin rolling paper.
Shoko. You’re tempeted to articulate it right away, to taste the way it’d feel on your tongue.
“We are” Suguru’s gaze lingers a moment too long on your mouth, the way it sinks into the red, purplish flesh of the fruit “we were analyzing Ovid’s metamorphoses and Kento was really interested in hearing your thoughts”
You search for his gaze but he’s thrown his head back, legs parted in what’s perhaps the most relaxed pose you’ve ever seen him indulge in. Yu has propped himself up on one elbow against the backrest of the sofa, cheek squished by his fist as pink lips close around what’s left of the joint.
“Our professor wants us to point out why their repetitiveness is unimportant” he smiles, words slightly dragged. 
“I mean, myths are not sacred stories and mutability is not sacrilege” the sweet taste of the fig melts in the back of your throat right as Satoru’s eyes travel back to you once more, it takes everything in your not to turn your head and challenge his stare “they’re still relevant because there’s still vibrancy to them. Stories were meant to be mutable, Ovid was never supposed to preserve canonical versions that had already been retelled thousands of times”
Geto hums, the corner of his lips already curving upwards. Such a pretty thing, with a pretty mind too.
“What did you like the most about them?” the question vibrates with genuine interest and you pick another fig as you dwell over it.
The stories, the narrative techniques, all the varied tones, make the metamorphoses one of your favorite Latin poems. You love that they’re a celebration of nature and, at the same time, a raw representation of the fundamental uncertainty of all things human. Love is kept  as a recurring theme and gods are only portrayed as allegories for forces and passions that guide the human decision making process.
“I think his mocking attitude is fun” you attempt a smile “it’s just… such a hilarious, epic, tragic opus. Whatever Ovid writes keeps its sheer beauty even in the darkest of lines and, god, does he have some of them”
Satoru huffs a small laugh out of his nose and this time you do look at him. He’s gorgeous, could easily become the Narcissus of any Echo, the nymph that in the myth falls desperately in love with him only to be rejected, scorned and humiliated.
Oh marvellous boy, I loved you in vain, farewell.
Would his body fade, his bones turn to stone? Would those eyes look at something other than his own divine reflection?
“Tongues being wrenched out, humans barking out their sorrows, women turned into mute creatures by envious gods. Yet you see beauty in them” he’s not mocking you, it’s the most serious you’ve ever heard him sound. The challenge he offers is void of sarcasm or skepticism, it sounds more like… a kind observation.
“As humans, we’re imperfect” although this may not exactly apply to you “we’re blinded by lust, passion, greed, jealousy. Just as the tide goes out only to go in again, we too drift and change in shape and are left witnessing each other’s ever shifting existence. Don’t you think he portrays the concept wonderfully?”
You’re not sure why you’re hoping for a decent exchange of views. Maybe you want to take a peek into their world, a real one, because there must be something other than the unnecessary travesty they carry around, something behind all that self-righteous bullshit. You want to know who they are, what they actually think, if something really does make them special. You don’t care about impressing them, you just want to understand.
But then Satoru’s lips curl into a smug smirk you’re all too familiar with, broad and spine-tingling. His pupils are dilated, swimming in the depths of his impossibly blue eyes as the tip of his tongue traces his upper lip in a pink flash.
“Nec perit in toto quicquam, mihi credite, mundo, sed variat faciemque novat” he articulates the words slowly, savoring each syllable and basking in the way your shoulders stiffen once more.
“What we call birth is but an incipient change from a prior state” Suguru chimes in delicately and when you turn to him you get the impression that he’s sitting closer than he was “while death is but cessation of a former state” he’s offering you a cup, filled with wine to the brim.
“Ah, no, thank you” you attempt a smile. Foxy eyes make it impossible to discern the size of his pupils but something tells you, even when high, he’d be able to remain perfectly lucid.
“I insist” he tilts his head to the side a little “our professor gave us the recipe, it’s our very own ambrosia”
You’re hesitant when you reach for the cup, the one he’s been clearly drinking from. But then again, maybe some liquid courage wouldn’t hurt while facing what’s your strangest evening to date.
The first sip burns in your throat and explodes in your chest, flush rising from your neck to your cheeks. It’s pleasant, most probably sweetened with honey and infused with spices you can’t quite pinpoint.
“Good girl” Satoru’s chuckle is close but somehow muffled. You take another good sip from the cup under Suguru’s expectant gaze and give it back, he thanks you with a smile.
It doesn’t take but a couple minutes spent discussing your favorite myths from the metamorphoses, Kento and Utahime having a lazy debate over Pyramus and Thisbe, for everything to start to feel kinda blurred around the edges, your head dizzy as if you’ve walked into some sort of misty haze. You can see Shoko’s mouth move and guess the sound of her laugh when she looks at you but receives no response, you can hear Suguru’s voice asking if you feel okay, but you’re floating underwater and your body suddenly feels so unbearably hot.
“I’m fine” you murmur and someone from across the room laughs. Is it Yu?
“You’re more than fine” Satoru’s hand ghosts over your bare knee for a moment, one digit starting to lazily trace the skin all the way up to the hem of your skirt “look at you. Our very own Diana” your eyelids feel heavy when you look at him, smile glistening even in the dim light of the room as thunder rumbles in the distance.
“So furious that we’ve seen her, she’d turn us all into deers and watch us getting mauled by a band of hounds if she could” his eyebrows raise to mimick your surprised expression when you open your mouth to protest.
“Deprendi miserum est” Shoko's playful pitch makes someone, perhaps Suguru, laugh condescendingly.
“You look nothing like Actaeon” is all you manage to let out and he laughs sweetly, hand reaching out to gently cradle your cheek, thumb tenderly grazing the portion of skin underneath your eye.
“What do I look like?”
What, not who.
Something in a corner far away of your mind is ringing as his thumb travels down to skim over your bottom lip, your mouth parts on its own accord and he gently pushes the digit between your lips.
You suck on it and it feels like the most natural thing on earth: it’s flattering that a being so ethereal would grant you such attentiveness, it’s only fair you return his fondness with equal generosity. He could ask for anything and you’d do everything in your power to satisfy him. Isn’t that why you’re here for?
“Tell me” Satoru’s pitch sounds accomodating but Suguru can barely contain a scoff at the actual impatience simmering beneath the surface.
His thumb wetly pops out of your mouth and you attempt to blink away part of your stupor, mind dangerously decelerated as you struggle to remember the answer you should be chasing.
But then he tilts his head to the side and offers another smile, a bolt of lightning exploding behind the tall window on the other side of the room. It might’ve as well struck you because you feel on fire, quite literally set ablaze right as another clap of thunder dissipates part of the fog flooding your head.
“A god” you murmur, equal parts fascinated and daunted beneath that stare.
He hums, pupils somehow blown wider in darkened celestial depths as he gently reaches over to guide you toward him. You’re clumsy as you attempt to carefully balance yourself atop his lap, head spinning even if big yet gentle hands patiently support your graceless movements.
Except he’s not being accomodating, he’s leading. You’re moving pliably, responding to the simplest of inputs with such submissiveness Gojo’s practically stiff in his pants already.
Lips are gentle and surprisingly soft as they first press to the column of your throat, they trace your skin while his broad hands keep you in place, fingers not even having to sink into the fat of your thighs to make sure you don’t move. His kisses are wet by the time he mouths his way up to and along your jaw, stopping mere inches away from your lips, reveling in the way your chest rises erratically underneath the pressure of your heavy breathing. Darker petals are already blossoming on your throat, skin still stinging in the spots he has sucked, bitten and then licked better.
“So worship me” he coos, a sudden squeeze of your hips prompting you to inch forward.
Your kiss is tentative, still asking for a permission you’re not sure you’ve been granted, obvlivious to the fact that you never needed one. You feel rough fingers cradling the back of your head to tilt your face and demand you kiss him deeper: still slow and attentive but more courageous, you comply and the sweet taste of wine melts on both your tongues, his rendered slightly bitter from the weed.
It’s addictive and exhilarating and when you pull back he doesn’t give you the chance to catch your breath because he chases you, an annoyed “not yet” breathed against your mouth, lidded eyes falling on the string of spit connecting your lips right before kissing you again. One of his hands slips underneath the hem of your skirt and strokes the soft skin of your thigh with intent, up and down, certainly distracting but not enough to convince you to break away from a kiss turned greedy, insatiable. Your hands travel from the back of his neck to his broad shoulders, pressing lightly against them to signal the lack of oxygen making you even more dizzy. Gojo would smirk if his tongue wasn’t buried so deep down your throat, the hand still holding your hip guiding your body to grind against his own while you let out soft mewls he keeps swallowing, a satisfied groan leaving his chest at last when you comply so easily. So obediently.
He allows you to draw back but not before pinching your bottom lip between his teeth, the sting so painful it makes you whine.
“So pretty” he says breathlessly, then inches forward once more and lets his tongue carefully trace your swollen lip to collect the blood “almost makin’ me want to keep you”
“Don’t be… ridiculous—” Utahime’s voice comes out faint from behind you, soon breaking into a muffled moan. But when you attempt to turn around, Gojo harshly grabs you by the jaw and painfully sinks his fingers into your cheeks.
“Eyes on me” the command is stern, makes a shiver run down your spine. The hand underneath your skirt lightly pinches your inner thigh, it hurts but not in the way you’d expect and you find yourself rolling your hips once more, in a silly attempt to get closer to that warmth. His smile is clement as the tips of his fingers gently run over the fabric of your cotton panties, it only grows in size and brightness when he finds the material already damp.
“Oh, you poor thing” he purrs right as he presses long fingers a little harder against your cunt, the softest of gasps promptly silenced by his lips grazing yours and then gently murmuring “see? Isn’t this nice? Did you really need to act all high and mighty after all?”
You tremble pathetically while he keeps rubbing you back and forth, slowly but applying just enough pressure for your heart to pick up its pace and your stomach to contort in all too familiar knots.
“Please…” you breathe out. It takes everything in you not to reach in between your own legs and grab his wrist to get some relief.
“Please what, pretty thing?” his thumb casually swipes at your clit and this time he lets you whimper for everyone to hear, the way you’re heaving and the feeling of your nails sinking into his shoulders going straight to his painfully hard cock.
“He can’t help you if you don’t tell him what you need” you can hardly recognize Kento’s voice in your dazed state, it still carries its usual, unfazed pitch but there’s something new vibrating to it. Something Yu’s low chuckle and the groan that follows seem to confirm.
“Touch me” you sink your teeth into your bottom lip at the feeling of fresh arousal soaking your underwear under the pressure of his fingers, the lazy rubs his thumb teases your bud with “fuck, Gojo, just—” you damn near let out a sob when the warmth of his hand is abruptly taken from you, hole pathetically fluttering around nothing at all. Hips buck in protest and he chuckles at your impatience, savoring every last drop of your desperation. It’s his favorite part.
“Ask nicely” the tip of his nose grazes your cheek before he lays a soft kiss on it “and say my name right”
“Satoru” you whine, every single nerve ending of your body catching fire at the anticipation wrecking you from the inside “please, please, just touch me”
There’s no time and you don’t currently have the mental capacity to take a second, acknowledge how that name feels when spelled out loud for the first time. You can’t discern the taste between your teeth because your underwear is moved out of the way, safely pushed to the side and your mind goes blank when he finally touches your bare, feverish skin. Satoru doesn’t cast his eyes away from you as his lithe fingers rub you back and forth some more, collect part of the slick that trickles out of you like a syrup so sweet. They tease the opening of your cunt right before a finger carefully dips inside: he’s barely holding back a groan when you instantly clamp down around it, wet and tight and so warm.
He thrusts slowly, pushing up into you with exasperating languidness, so much that you have to roll your hips with a strangled moan to keep the fire in your gut ignited.
“Stop being an asshole” Suguru’s voice is so close and yet seems to reach your ears from far away.
“Yeah, Toru, hurry up” you barely register Shoko’s mocking words, the light giggle that follows “let’s see who can make them come first”
Gojo smirks, one hand rubbing reassuring circles into your hip as he adds another finger and starts moving in and out faster, digits skillfully curled and thumb pressing to your clit once more.
“That’s not very fair, Shoko. I don’t know this one as well as you know your sister” and yet you cry out once more, legs tightening around his hips the deeper he pushes his fingers in. The rhythm is relentless, the squelching sounds filling the room obscene. You’re too lightheaded to realize they’re not coming just from you.
“Quid est rei? Let me hear you, pretty” he presses another kiss to your jaw and angles his wrist, curled fingers roughly dragging in and out as they continuously stretch you open and batter a specific spot over and over again, until you can’t hold back a vocal, desperate moan. You feel so full and yet impatient for more, for that boiling wire in your stomach to finally snap.
He gazes at her lips, and knows that gazing is not enough. He marvels at her fingers, her hands, her wrists, her arms. And what he does not see he thinks is better.
Satoru starts trailing kisses over the skin of your throat, he seems to have already memorized where to suck to make your pulse tap faster against his mouth. You’re so human, so fragile, so desperate for him. Would it be so wrong to keep you? You wouldn’t look nearly as pretty as the last one anyway, not covered in all that blood and with that cute little mouth frozen in a forever scream. A little inebriation is all it takes to instill some sense of devotion into that charming, opinionated brain of yours. Just a few sips of a special nectar to have you making a mess on his crooked fingers, moan after moan springing from your shameless throat as sticky arousal dribbles down his fingers and between his knuckles.
“What d’you say you help me out, angel?” he’s leaking in his own underwear by the time his teeth sink into the tender skin of your neck and his movements nearly come to a halt, making you whine in protest. Satoru’s smile is feral when it meets your scowl. “C’mon, don’t you want to please me?” his thumb presses on your clit and gives it a few rough rubs, the muscles of your thighs twitching in response.
“Yes, yes” you clumsily reach for his crotch, give it a few messy strokes before he groans right into your mouth and grips your wrist. He presses your hand against himself for a moment, hips rubbing against your palm, clarity of his mind threatening to abandon him when you grind down harshly, in desperate search of some friction, and he feels the wetness of your cunt against the back of his hand.
“Let me please you, I’ll do anything” you whine when he forcefully moves your hand away, grip around your wrist bruising as his other hand roughly lifts your skirt over your thighs. Ah, there you are. Satoru unconsciounsly licks his lips at the sight of your swollen clit, slick folds glistening with fresh arousal he’s dying to taste.
But now Suguru can see you too and he knows just how impatient he gets. Fuck.
“Anything?” it’s meant to be a tease but Satoru is just really trying to hold it together, to gain back some sort of lucidity. You’re still languidly grinding against him, making a visible mess of his light brown pants. It takes every ounce of self restraint left in him to stop your movements and start rubbing at your dewy skin again, spreading your lower lips and barely dipping two fingers inside your fluttering hole.
“God— yes, Satoru. Anything, anything” your despair is addicting and he chuckles darkly at your franctic nods, presses his forehead to your cheek as his gaze sets on the gorgeous, glimmering sight underneath him.
“Take what you need, then” Satoru angles his wrist but keeps still, patient “fuck yourself on my fingers and maybe I’ll fill that pretty little pussy up”
He hates that it’s a lie, despises the idea of giving up his chance to effectively ruin you. He’s a man of his word, when the consequences of not abiding by the agreements are too troublesome anyway.
But is he really above giving in to temptation? You called him a god, you’re here to worship him. He’s a perfect being, he’s the one calling the goddamn shots. And so this has to be different, special, a moment belonging only to the two of you. Even as Shoko’s fingers relentlessly stretch her sister open, even as Kento’s dark gaze is fixated on him and Yu is lazily stroking his cock, wrist turning skillfully in comforting circles. Even with Suguru’s eyes not missing a single movement or twitch of lips. Satoru can practically discern the shadow of a knowing smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth, it infuriates him. 
This moment has to be his. No one else’s.
And so, as you restlessly roll your hips, he starts moving in and out once more, precise and fast. It’s the deepest he’s ever pushed his fingers inside you and the electricity crackling below your stomach leaves space to nothing more than a wordless cry out from lips frozen in muted pleasure.
“Please, please, please” you sob and reach to rub at your clit, eyes rolling back when his thumb presses harshly against your fingers and works the bud in sync with you.  
“Come, pretty girl” the velvet of his voice sends a jolt of pleasure between your thighs, lips pressed to the shell of your ear as his other hand closes around the base of your throat “say my name and cream on my fucking fingers”
Devote yourself to me. Worship me, worship me, worship me.
You reach in between your legs and grab his wrist with feverish desperation, pushing down to bring him closer and fuck yourself on his hand as deep as you can, until he abuses that specific spot inside you over and over and over.
“Satoru” you cry out “close, so close—”
“I know, angel” he half-chuckles because of course he can feel that “let go for me”
You’re sobbing out his name, juices from your soaked cunt drenching both your hands as you rock back and forth, sounds you’re well past feeling embarrassed about drown out the noise of the storm. He doesn’t stop when your jaw goes slack and one of the strongest heats you have ever experienced explodes in your core. Satoru keeps moving and moving and moving even as your hips still and your muscles seize up, raw touch turning so sensitive your nails dig into the flesh of his wrist.
The heavenly sound of your whines still echo in his dazed mind when he slows his movements and ultimately stops, gaze drinking in the bliss embedded in your features before he tilts his chin forward to press a sweet, chaste kiss to your lips. 
“Did so well for me” you smile at the praise, flinching just a little when he slides his soaked fingers out of your warmth and brings them to his mouth. Just a taste, he thinks he should get to have just a taste.
He can only indulge in it for a moment before a hand from beside him uncerimoniously closes around his wrist. Suguru brings the long digits to his mouth and lets his tongue shamelessly swirl around their length as he suckles on them, eyes shutting for a moment at how unexpectedly sweet you taste.
“I still won” this time you don’t attempt to turn around, you don’t care about whatever Shoko is talking about. Not when his eyes see nothing but you, free hand gently stroking your thigh, lips murmuring honeyed praises. You want him and you’re blinded by the wild gratification that comes with him wanting you.
I am dragged along by a strange new force. Desire and reason are pulling in different directions. I see the right way and approve it, but follow the wrong.
Satoru gently takes the hand still nestled between your legs with a light chuckle, genuine amusement softening his perfect features.
“Taste yourself” he guides your drenched fingers to your mouth but not before pressing a kiss to your knuckles “so you don’t forget what I do to you”
You’re still throbbing pathetically as you comply and suck on your own fingers, lick them clean under his attentive gaze, the hardness you’re sitting on causing new warmth to pool into your core.
You’re not hesitant when you kiss him again, desperate to have him taste your essence with every swipe of your tongue. The guttural groan that arises from his throat makes you smile, triumphant. You kiss him, lazy and messy and deep, timidly rock your hips in hopes of further pleasing him. All that you are, all that you’ll ever be, belongs to him now.
“I think that’s enough. Don’t you, Satoru?”
And just like that, he pulls away, harshly stills your movements with a firm grip of his hands. He doesn’t look at you, head falling to rest against your shoulder as he catches his breath.
Looking to your right causes a new wave of dizziness.
Geto is out of focus but smiling kindly at you, eyes that are so different from Satoru's narrowed and curved into little crescents. They bring a different kind of darkness and yet you feel drawn to him all the same, eager to abide by any request. It just feels so good, to be obedient. Whatever you kept worrying about? They mean well, they want to take care of you. It’s the safest you’ve ever felt.
“C’mere” Suguru is sitting close enough to support your poorly coordinated movements as you attempt to detangle yourself from Gojo, who presses a final kiss to your forehead before retracting without complaint.
“Sweet girl” Geto welcomes you onto his lap with the sweetest touch, reassuring hands pushing back some of the hair sticking to your flushed face “sweet, smart girl. How lucky are we that you decided to join us” he coos.
Captivated by his glittering onyx gaze, you give yourself to him just as easily, mind swimming and barely able to register the harsh sound of the rain against the windows. You lean towards him, although there’s really no need because he ever so gently cups your chin to bring you close anyway.
“You’ll do as I say” he whispers, the firmness of his hold preventing you to further lean over “won’t you, sweet thing?” you can’t suppress a gasp when his knuckle forcefully comes against your still sensitive cunt and presses hard against it.
“I—” breath catches in your throat when he suddenly pushes two curled fingers inside just once, in and out, movement harsh and painfully fast.
“Look at me” Suguru tightens his hold on your chin as a warning, tilts his head to the side when your clouded gaze meets his hungry one “you’ll let me split you open on my cock for everyone to see, you’ll take what I give you until you’re sore and raw and then you’ll beg for more”
“Yes” you breathe out and he chuckles at the feeling of your legs clenching around him.
“Yes what, sweetheart?” delicate fingers move over your clit in slow circles, absolutely unbothered by the way you start squirming, unable to control the way your body reacts to a touch so controlled and yet overwhelming.
“Yes, I will— God, I'll let you—”
“I’m a patient man, darling”
You honestly want to cry at the sensation of his fingers barely sinking into your hole, the tips teasing your entrance over and over again as his thumb never loses its rythm over your sore bundle of nerves.
“I'll let you split me open!” you cry out “I’ll let you do anything!”
“You will” his fingers curl and the heat of arousal explodes inside you once more. He finally dips his digits all the way in, up to his knuckles, right as he kisses you. It’s rough and messy, teeth clashing and tongue eagerly licking into your mouth, the tip of his cock leaking copiously at every strangled moan you let out, at every subtle, pitiful roll of your hips against his hand.
Suguru breaks away first and harshly pulls his fingers out but you know better than to complain, too eager for what’s to come.
“Touch yourself” it takes a few seconds to understand that he’s not talking to you, although his gaze has not left your eyes a single moment. 
Satoru’s relieved groan seems so far and yet close, embedded in fresh memories that make your heart beat with the frenzy of a caged rabbit. You don’t dare look in his direction.
“Perhaps we really could keep you, mhm?” Suguru kisses your forehead, eyelids, the tip of your nose and then dips his head to trace your jaw, angles your head to have better access to the already marked skin of your throat. He almost clicks his tongue in annoyance: what a mess, he would’ve made a much more gracious job.
“Not even scared enough to beg yet” Suguru moves his hand down, you catch the faint glisten of the wetness covering lithe fingers as he reaches below the waistband of his pants “and you still managed to arouse him. Isn’t that a first, Satoru?”
Mesmerized by the sight of his cock, you fail to register whatever reply comes from Gojo. Suguru’s fingers easily circle the impressive girth of a length so pretty, curved and with a flared, heavily leaking tip. Is every part of them this beautiful? Will you have the chance to find out more, to learn the edges of every single one of their bodies? Will they all claim you, keep you?
Geto gives himself a few strokes, wrist turning elegantly as his lips welcome a smile so soft.
“Would you want to stay, sweet girl?” his free hand travels down to your hip and gives it two light taps. You barely gather some strength and use the leverage of his shoulders to push yourself up just enough for his cock to find your entrance and teasingly move against it a few times. He barely pushes you open and stays like that, the sound of your ragged, labored breaths music to his ears.
“Yes” you rasp “yes, please let me stay”
“Over my dead body” Utahime’s bitter reproach doesn’t faze you, not as Suguru pushes in some more, your muscles tensing as drools collects in the corners of your parted lips.
“Don’t bother, we have enough of those already” Yu’s low chuckle reaches your ears a moment too late.
Suguru grabs your hips and sits you down on him harshly, in a single, brutal movement that has your mind going static and your entire body burning at the sudden stretch. You’re stuffed so full and he’s so deep, almost like he’s pressing against the inside of your stomach.
His controlled facade alters for a moment, the sensation of your tight walls sucking him in so superbly clouding his senses and better judgement.
“Fuck” you whimper, nails digging into the soft fabric of his perfectly ironed white shirt “Suguru” his name on your lips, the pleasure distorting your fucked out features make his cock twitch inside your pretty pussy. Just perfect, you were made to take him, for him to painfully carve its way inside you.
Dark shadows swim in his intense stare while you struggle to breathe properly as he slowly grinds you against him. Is this a reward or a punishment? You can’t tell anymore.
“Look at how gorgeous you are with my cock spreading you apart” he presses his lips to your forehead once more, it feels like the blessing of a deity.
“Keep me” you whisper, delirious, desperate for him to move or at least allow you to roll your hips some more “I’ll be good, I promise I’ll be so good”
Someone reaches over from behind you to gently comb some hair back from your forehead, now covered in a sheen of sweat. A melodic, familiar chuckle inadvertently sends a shudder down your spine even in your hazed state.
“Let her stay, Suguru” Hina lays a kiss on the top of your head as her chest presses flush against your back “we’ll help you take care of her”
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index vocabolorum:
Nec perit in toto quicquam, mihi credite, mundo, sed variat faciemque novat - there’s nothing in the entire universe that perishes, believe me; rather it renews and varies its substance
Deprendi miserum est - it is wretched to be found out
Quid est rei? - what is the matter?
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skythighs · 5 months
Calista's Dream: Blood on my Blade
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Hi, I'm back with another one. Once again, I don't own the pictures. I just used them for a vibe 😌
Word count:2.5k
Warnings: she cuts herself intentionally in this chapter but not because she wants to. Also, my future chapters will have adult content, so be aware that this is for 18+
Chapter 1
10195 AG
It was an unusually sunny day on Caladan and I wasted no time escaping from my mother. She’s planning the arrival of my betrothed who is due to arrive within a week from today. She’s coordinating flowers to match my dress and wine to compliment the chosen meat that will be served at the feast following the nuptials. Meanwhile I couldn’t care less about any of it. I didn’t have a choice in the matter so why should I be bothered in planning for it. He will arrive in Caladan an entire month before the wedding so that he can court me properly according to my fathers wishes. I was not opposed to the idea of courting, but it all seemed useless now. The Emperor ordered this arrangement; neither Feyd Rautha or myself would have chosen each other if that weren’t the case. Our houses were rivals, I dare not say enemies for fear of upsetting my father. He would no longer accept that term when referring to the family I would be marrying into. 
My dark hair blew in a strong gust of wind as I looked out at the vast body of water ahead of me. I would be leaving my home in just over a month and I had come to terms with it. I’ve been saying goodbye for now in my own way. It was not a final farewell for I knew in my soul I would die on Caladan, because I am an Atreides. I lay flat on my back in the damp green grass soaking in the beautiful sunlight, knowing I’ll soon be an inhabitant of Giedi Prime with its black sun. While deep in thought I notice Gurney running towards me looking upset. I sit up so he can find me easier in the tall grass.
“Gurney, what's the matter?”
“Little Duchess, your parents sent me to find you. They are here.”
“The Harkonnens, my lady.They’ve come a week early, no doubt to catch us by surprise.”
“Feyd Rautha is here, on Caladan right now?”
The very idea struck me and I felt myself break out into a nervous sweat. I wasn’t prepared. I had more time to- to wrap my mind around his arrival. He wasn’t supposed to be here today. 
“Lady Jessica is in your chambers, you must hurry Little Duchess. She wants you to change and prepare yourself for a formal introduction.”
With that I’m off, sprinting across the tall grass in order to prepare quickly for the unexpected guest. Gurney's laugh in my wake is confirmation that my back is covered in wet grass stains. My mother will have to work magic to get me ready quickly. 
“Where have you been?” exclaimed Lady Jessica.
“You’re covered in grass Calista!”
“I’m sorry. They weren’t supposed to be here so soon.”
We remain silent while stripping the stained gown and damp underclothes. A maid pulled out an elaborate emerald green gown with matching jewelry and hair pieces. 
“Your father has already received our guest in the great hall. He is entertaining him there while they wait for us. The kitchen has already begun preparing a feast. Be calm, all is well.”
Jessica could sense the nervous energy from her daughter and it made her feel all the more high strung given the circumstance. 
“Do not show fear to him, Cali. For if you do he will crave more of it.”
“I know, mother. I’m just surprised, is all. I thought I had more time.”
Castle Caladan was warm and cozy even though it was large and spread out. There was a warmth deep within the stone of those walls that can not be manufactured. It was the warmth of home, of love and familial bonds, a feeling that came after the birth of Calista and had lingered for some twenty years now.
When my mother and I stepped into the great hall silence fell upon the Duke and Na Baron who sat across from each other at the great table. There was a tension in the air no doubt from the early intrusion made by the Harkonnen. It seemed the Na Baron traveled with nothing less than a small armada. A show of force perhaps from Baron Vladimir himself. One wall had Atreides soldiers lined up and the opposite was the same for the Harkonnnen. This felt less like an introduction between a couple whose pending nuptials were mere days away and more like a meeting before a battle. A last ditch effort to broker peace before the inevitable war followed.
My father and our early guest rise to their feet as I make my way into the room. My emerald dress swishes with each step I take, I ensure my shoulders are back and my head is held high. I would not be shaken by him. The great room is bathed in sunlight as the sun still shines brightly outside and for a moment I wish I was still just a girl laying in damp grass.
“Na Baron Feyd Rauth, may I present to you my daughter and Heir Calista Atreides.” my father places his hand on the small of my back as I stand beside him.
I reach my hand out to the Na Baron and feel his warm lips graze my knuckles as he bows briefly before me.
“It is a pleasure to finally meet you my lady.” 
Once he speaks I realize his teeth are painted obsidian black and I almost cringe.
His predatory eyes watched every twitch of my face muscles, every slight movement of my lips as I welcomed him to Caladan. His eyes remind me of the birds of prey. He watches calmly and intently taking in the lilt of my voice. More than this his own voice was so wholly unique it caused a slight shiver to travel up my spine. He was so pale white the sun shining into this very room could damage his skin. He wore black armor similar to the Harkonnen armada standing around the room. I take him in from head to toe and have to crane my neck to look up at him. I had always been small and now as a grown woman of nearly twenty I stood an entire head shorter than him at least.
He seems pleased by the fact I have to look up at him to see his eyes and he offers me a wolfish grin.
My mother interjects with “We have prepared a feast for this evening once you have rested from your travels Na Baron. Calista will show you to your chambers now.”
My mother gives me a pointed look that only mothers have mastered.
“Of course follow me.”
With that I'm off leading him down winding corridors a few short paces ahead of him as he shortens his steps to stay just behind me and out of sight. For the sake of being polite I decided to try and make conversation with him.
“We weren’t expecting you so soon Na Baron, is there a reason you moved up our scheduled timeline?”
 I attempt to turn my head slightly just to catch him in my line of sight, but he intentionally evades my attempt.
“I didn’t want to wait any longer.” His gravelly voice made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
Quick and to the point. I halt my steps and face him head on as he smirks down at me. My reaction amuses him it seems.
“Are you saying you arrived here early because you couldn’t wait one more week to see me?”
He takes a large step towards me, making my breath catch in my chest.
“You’ve been mine for the last six years. I’ve waited long enough to see you with my own eyes, those pretty little portraits didn’t do you justice.”
He reaches his large powder white hand up and catches a strand of my long ebony hair. He rubs my silken hair between his fingers as he stares into my eyes without blinking. 
“You even smell pretty, Lady Atreides.”
He wantonly sniffs the strand of hair in his grasp. Making me shudder in disgust, and some other ambiguous feeling. I attempt to separate myself from him but he won’t budge, he continues to stare me down with his near dead eyes.
“Let me show you to your chambers Na Baron, you must be exhausted.”
I refuse to show him an ounce of fear remembering my mothers words. Besides he was on my home planet, I need not fear anything on Caladan. 
He smiles at me showing his black teeth much to my unease but he releases my hair and we continue our trek in silence.
As we reach his chambers I bid him farewell until the feast that is and take my leave quickly. The hairs on the back of my neck tell me he watches from the doorway as I make my departure. He watches me until I am completely out of his sight as I turn out of the guest wing entirely. Only then does the gooseflesh on my skin settle down.
Back in my own chambers my mother meets me in the corridor.
“Did you show fear?” She asks seriously. She was gripping her own navy gown tightly between her fingers.
I grasp her worrying hand on her gown.
“B-but I think I amused him somehow. He said-”
Using the Atreides battle language she motions they will continue this conversation in her chamber with the door closed.
Once inside my chamber we secure the door and settle onto my chaise lounge chair together. 
“He told me he showed up here early simply because he was tired of waiting to see me.”
Lady Jessica tensed up slightly, alarming Cali.
“What? What is it?”
“He is eager to wed you it seems. I was hoping he would be indifferent, for your sake my Cali.”
Realization dawned on me the moment my mother voiced her concern. He was eager, he was looking forward to- to having me as his wife.
The evening came quickly and after changing into a fresh gown per my mothers request I was heading into the great hall for the welcome feast. My new gown was light blue and white lace with matching jewels of course. I wore my hair entirely up to avoid another incident with the Na Baron touching my hair without permission. I hoped to convey a message to him. A message that said, I don't belong to you. Not yet at least.
 Once I entered the great hall I noticed my father was seated at the head of the table this time with Feyd Rautha at his left hand side with an empty seat beside him closest to her father. My mother sat regally on his right hand side taking stock of our Harkonnen guests around the table.
When the men noticed me they both stood and went to pull out my chair in unison. Feyd Rautha insisted as I was his betrothed and my father sat awkwardly, not used to his daughter being the center of another man's attention.
“Thank you Na Baron.”
I say politely as I take my seat. He then moves his chair a couple inches closer to my own than it was before. Not very subtle at all I think. He retakes his seat and quickly calls for my goblet to be filled with wine. Well isn't he attentive? I wonder if I can expect the same level of care once we are on Giedi Prime. Is he just luring me into a false sense of safety before revealing his true self? Try as I might I can’t seem to get a good read on him and it bothers me and puts me on edge.
He didn't speak much at dinner until it was time for speeches and thanks to be granted to the hosting house.
He stood from his seat beside me and raised his goblet of fine Caladan wine.
“I would like to take a moment to thank Duke Leto Atreides for being so hospitable to me although I arrived before our agreed timeline. However, having seen my bride in all her glory I should have come sooner.”
Many Harkonnen men bellow out joyous laughter at that and agree with whoops and cheers.
I look between them uneasily feeling like a prized trophy already.
“I would like to present my lady with a gift.”
A meek Harkonnen servant appeared with a finely decorated box that could only hold valuable jewels. He took the box from the servant and faced me. I took a short sip of wine to cover my nerves and received the box with a smile.
I opened the box and barely contained my shocked gasp. It was indeed not fine jewels, but a bloodied dagger. Not a clean dagger but a bloody one, even the handle was covered in blood.
“I- it’s lovely. Thank you.” I give him the best smile I can muster.
“It’s a Harkonnen tradition as I’m sure you know.”
His dead eyes seemed to come alive with some unknown emotion.
“Of course. I just didn’t realize the blade was meant to be...used.” 
I gesture for my gift to be brought forward so that I can offer it to him.
He opens the box and inspects the blade thoroughly. 
“A fine piece of art.”
“I do apologize since it’s missing blood.”
He looked at me and tilted his head as he looked me up and over taking note of the neckline of my gown.
“Certainly you can remedy that, My lady.”
He hands me the blade with an expectant look.
“I don’t understand, Na Baron-”
“-Your blood would do most nicely.”
There is a chill that freezes my blood to the bone. He sits once again in his chair that is still too close to mine. 
“I’m not sure what you mean.” 
I look at him as if he’s grown a second head. While my father watches the interaction closely, waiting for the slightest misstep on Feyd's part so he can call in our soldiers to defend the future Dutchess. My mothers warning plays in my head and I know what I have to do.
I take the pristine blade and grab the hilt, slowly and precisely I drag the blade against my palm covering it in my very own blood.
Once again his eyes are lit with some unknown emotion. All I know is they don't seem so dead when he looks at me that way, and I feel myself blush. He takes my offer staring at it in what I can only describe as reverence as he places it carefully in its rightful place. The same meek servant steps forward and removes the gift from the hall.
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masivechaos · 23 days
truth or dare!
── ☆ neil perry x gn! reader
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Request: yes / no
Synopsis: neil asks you to go to a dead poets society meeting with him but a game reveals secrets...
Warning/content: little mention of drinking, my english
a.n.: 1k words-
masterlist / dead poets society masterlist / navigation / taglist
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.──
When Neil asked you to join his friends for the night, you didn’t think of this. You had met him during a theatre rehearsal and quickly got along. And tonight you were finally meeting his friends.
You thought of a party or something, not a… meeting in a cave?
You weren’t complaining though, his friends were sweet and the mood was light and fun. The boys read poems and Neil insisted that you had to read one, too. So you grabbed the copy in his hands and browsed through the pages before finally picking one.
“So… I just read it?” you asked, not really knowing if anything else was needed to do.
Neil offered you an encouraging smile, “Yeah,” he said “Just go for it.”
You cleared your throat “Shapes and Signs,” you announced, eyes darting in the room to watch everyone’s reaction.
“I see black dragons mount the sky,
I see earth yawn beneath my feet —
I feel within the asp, the worm
That will not sleep and cannot die,
Fair though may show the winding-sheet!”
You finished reading the poem and the boys clapped and cheered “See? Wasn’t so bad” Neil grinned.
“Neil’s new friend’s a real poet,” Charlie teased and you rolled your eyes.
You watched, amused, as the whole group started to talk and tease each other. This went on for a little while until Charlie got up. The bottle of alcohol you had brought (which was already open because you stole it from your parents) was empty and in his hands.
“Now… We’re going to do something a little different…”
You all looked at him, intrigued “What?” Knox asked.
Charlie placed the bottle in the centre of the circle the whole group formed, “Truth or dare,” he grinned. You could hear some of the boys groaning in annoyance or whining but Neil chuckled by your side.
Charlie spun the bottle, it landed on Todd. “Truth or dare?” Charlie asked with a smirk
“Uhm… truth,” Todd mumbled.
“Have you had your first kiss yet?” Todd’s cheek turned red, and he shook his head “Alright, alright,” Charlie chuckled. Todd spun the bottle and the game kept going.
After a few rounds and weird imitations, the bottle landed on you. It had landed on Charlie the turn before so he was the one asking “Truth or dare?” he asked mischievously.
You thought about it for a moment, most had chosen truth and you wanted to play “Dare”
Charlie smirked and his eyes flickered quickly to Neil before finding you again “I dare you… to kiss the hottest person in the room.”
You stared at him without saying anything, your lips slightly parted and your cheeks warm. You heard the boys whispering and a ‘oooh’ from Meeks. “Uhm… alright,” you said.
You took a deep breath and turned to your left so you could face Neil. You slowly leaned in and pressed your mouth to his. The cave was now filled with cheers and ‘wooh ooh” from the boys. It was nice kissing him, his lips were soft and smooth and you didn’t really want to stop.
 Neil’s cheeks were red when you pulled away– a second too late to pretend you didn’t like it. You looked away, breath heavy, you were still flustered and so was he.
After a minute, the noise calmed down and they went back to playing. But you couldn’t look at Neil anymore, too shy now. Eventually, it got late. The cave wasn’t really far from Welton but you still had to bike home after reaching their school. “I might have to go now,” you announced.
Everyone said goodbye and you put a foot outside, turning your torchlight on. As you started to walk you felt a hand on your shoulder “Wait-”
It was Neil, with his soft smile you wished you could kiss again “I can walk you back so you don’t get lost,” he said as he walked by your side.
“O-oh,” you smiled “Okay.”
You both were silent the entire time, both of your mind preoccupied by the kiss. It was supposed to be a simple, meaningless kiss. But no, you wanted more.
When you reached Welton, your bike waiting against a wall, you turned around “Well… I guess that’s where we split up,” you said.
“I guess, yeah,” he smiled. He watched you as you got on your bike. He had to say something before you left. “Hey I just…”
You glanced at him, head tilted, you waited for him to say more. Even in the faint light from the torchlight you could still see the crimson shade of his cheeks.
He let out a long exhale “For earlier. I mean… the kiss. You… You really thought I was the hottest guy in the cave?”
You chuckled, not expecting this “Well yeah of course, Neil”
Neil’s smile widened “Okay, good.” You could see he was a little nervous “Maybe I’m reading things wrong but… I… I think to me the kiss meant more than just a truth or dare. I mean… I like you and yeah…”
Your heart was about to explode. No way. “I… really?”
“Yes,” he smiled “really.”
You grinned “Well… I like you, too,” you said “And I guess… I kinda want to kiss you again.”
Neil stepped closer “You do?”
“Mmh hmm,” you smiled, you leaned in and your lips brushed his.
You kissed again, but this time it was just the two of you, no cheers for anyone, no boys to watch you amused. You rested your hand on his cheek as you slowly deepened the kiss. His hand got tangled in your hair.
“I could definitely get used to this. Yeah we should do it again,” he said when he pulled away
Your lips tugged into a smirk “Is that a truth or a dare?”
“Both,” he said before kissing you again.
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.──
⋆ ★ neil perry taglist: @cauliflowertree @moonlitmeeks @toindeedbeag0d @meredarling @juneberrie @mystic-writings @natashxromanovf @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @spookydarkwitch @duxpuella @imshiningjustforyou @vancitycharlie @venussflytraps @diorgirl444 @dori-and-gray @maddipoof @starlit-epiphany
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