#i wnat through 3 entirely different things before this
just-puddding · 2 years
Team Minato week day 3- Any au/ any swap/ crossover
They set camp at the dead of the night.
By the time they had finished setting everything up and having dinner it was already well past midnight.
Rin was putting off the fire and checking their trails while Minato made sure everything was in check and Kakashi and Obito were just done fighting about…
Minato doesn't actually know just what they were fighting about, all he could tell is that they were fighting and angry enough to still be visibly mad at each other
Minato sighs deeply, watching Obito put his tongue out at Kakashi behind his back while Kakashi left to sulk somewhere else
When he signed up to be a instructor, Minato had hoped it would be something lighter than the war, he just wanted to look after some children and bask in the lighter missions–
–but Kakashi and Obito are driving him crazy
Ever since they'd officially became a team a few months ago there wasn't a single waking hour where Minato wouldn't have to put up with them being insane
Kakashi usually found himself above petty fighting– usually he'd just bluntly insult people and then ignore them– but he seemed completely incapable of letting anything Obito said go
And with Obito's pride and temper…
Rin is no help, either. She usually just watches them fight and then makes it worse by adding her own thoughts on what we they were talking about–
Minato can hear Kushina laugh at him from all these miles away
Minato frown-pouts, fighting an imminent headache as he watches Kakashi climb up the small hill they'd settled beside to sit on a log by himself
He threw a look back at Rin, who shrugged. Minato wordlessly pleaded her to go talk to Obito so he forgets whatever it was and everything goes back to normal and she smiles before shooting a thumbs up and going after him
Maybe she is a little helpful, Minato thinks guiltily, promising to pay her back in his mind as he hesitantly climbs to go meet Kakashi
Minato sees him looking up at the sky, and feels a pang of worry hit him– Kakashi wasn't usually that upset about their fights but this time he was clearly bitter
Slowly, as if not to scare a skittish animal, Minato takes seat besides him, silently scooting closer
Neither of them speak, Kakashi doesn't even acknowledge him, but he also doesn't send him away and Minato takes that as an invitation to suit himself
"So" he says, finally "What are you doing here all by yourself? Minato smiles, refraining himself from placing his hand on Kakashi's shoulder, since he knows he wouldn't appreciate it.
Minato doesn't fully expect Kakashi to answer, especially when the boy doesn't bother to take his eyes away from the sky, but after a beat of silence Kakashi whispers
"I'm staring at Mom until she vanishes Obito away" Minato's smile falters, and he is forced to bite his lips so he doesn't laugh, inappropriately so.
He shouldn't find it funny, honestly, it's probably concerning that Kakashi would wish for Obito to disappear just because of an argument but from what Minato has observed that's just how children are.
So instead of laughing, Minato coughs, readjusting himself on the log so he can follow Kakashi's eyes to whatever it is he's looking at
"You're staring at your mom?" He asks conversationally, Kakashi only hums in response but Minato is happy to just look at the night sky together
He notes where Kakashi's gaze goes "the moon?" Kakashi makes a sound of affirmation "yes" he confirms "that's mom"
Minato's lips form into an indignant smile as he looks back down at Kakashi, still peacefully looking at the astros and has to keep himself from chuckling "that's your mom?" Kakashi nods decisively
"Father said so" Kakashi states, sounding completely convinced of himself. Minato's humour breaks a bit as he looks at his student then back at the moon
"She's beautiful" he settles for, not having the heart to tell Kakashi his father hadn't meant it literally. Kakashi hums back at him again, this time sounding very pleased
"They were arguing about whether cats or dogs were better and I told Obito I liked squirrels more, but if i had to choose i'd pick dogs. He got worse."
is what Rin says when Minato asks if she'd gotten anything out of Obito and Minato takes it back, she's not helpful at all!
"Why did you tell him that!?"
Rin shrugs "I told him to suck it up and go to sleep, so he's laying down now. i think he's still mad" Minato shuts his eyes tightly and counts to ten
Oh god
Rin peeks an eye open, curiously peeking at her younger teammate as they laid down on his floor together
"Why do you always do this?" Rin whispers, as if they might be heard, despite being alone in a house surrounded by nothing but the woods
She pouts when she can't get a quite good look of Kakashi, turning her head slightly to stare at him laying down beside her, basked in moonlight
"I don't want to float" Kakashi says, dismissively. Rin tilts her head, that makes sense. Rin thinks she'd also rather not float constantly, if she could help it.
She nods to herself, turning back over to lean on the ground, closing her eyes. Rin deduces it must be quite inconvenient to have to anchor yourself to the ground so you don't go out flying all the time.
They stay in silence for a moment, then Rin breaks it again, her previous thoughts raising a question "why do you only do it on full moons, then?"
Rin had noticed when they would have missions during the full moon, Kakashi would not sleep, instead passing the night in blank so he could use his chakra to anchor himself to the earth
To think of it, Kakashi always has a little bit of chakra on his feet, connecting him to the ground. Rin realizes it is quite odd, but odd is something she's used to, so it doesn't bother her
Kakashi hums, unmoving from his spot "the pulls gets stronger during the full moons" he explains and Rin nods solemnly "i see" she answers, she supposes that makes sense
And then they fall silent again, moonlight filters through the window and illuminating the wooden floorboards, Rin is happy to our bask in the moment for a while
This time it takes a few minutes of the pleasant silence before Rin's mind is flared with another question;
"Can I see you float?" She whispers conspiratorially, awkwardly, Rin does not float herself, nor does she know anyone who does, so she worries it might insensitive to ask
If it is, though, Kakashi makes no show of it as he only takes a moment of silence before asking, curious rather than affronted "why?"
Rin shrugs, opening her eyes back again and trying to adjust them to the light "i've never seen anyone float before"
She's seen some Shinobi jump really high and far, or some delay their landing for quite some time since Shinobi have better grip of themselves in the air but she can't call that floating
Kakashi doesn't say anything, but Rin's eyes are drawn to him when she hears him shuffle around.
Excited at the agreement, Rin pushes herself to her elbows, watching as Kakashi gets up and stops to stand languidly
Rin gasps herself into sitting abruptly as Kakashi releases the chakra from his feet and they begin to leave the ground, sending Kakashi slowly hauling into air
"Wooow!" She delights, clapping her hands together in praise as Kakashi lifts higher and higher.
then she quickly moves to get up and stay beside him, suddenly worrying he might float up too high and become unable of coming back down
Maybe that's why he didn't want to float, Rin muses
"Are you okay, hold on–" she reaches her hands out to grab Kakashi's, grasping it firmly so he won't float further
Rin Marvels in the way the moonlight reflects from under Rin as Kakashi's hair and clothes continue to float higher and sway with the breeze. It's quite an incredible ability and she is glad Kakashi was sharing it with her!
"Woah" Rin lets out as Kakashi's pulls abruptly strengthens and her feet lift off the ground, "I'm floating now, too" she Snickers in good humour, looking back down as the ground as it becomes ever slightly more distant
"I think it might be better if we stopped now" Rin comments, worrying that they might both get stuck in the roof, or perhaps may float out the window
Kakashi nods slowly, trying to weight his body and with the confirmation Rin tugs at his hands harshly, pulling them both down so she can put her feet back to the ground
It takes a few moments of team effort but they quickly manage to back up further enough from Rin to anchor herself to the ground and lightly pull Kakashi to his feet
As Kakashi grounds himself, Rin lets go of his hands with a kind smile "that was nice, thank you" Kakashi shrugs
Much later, after they once again lay their back on the floor to rest, looking at the moonlight, Rin finally bemuses "why do you float?" She didn't know anyone else who did, but perhaps it's an unheard of kekkei genkai
Kakashi hums, looking lazily at the moon through the window "my mother used to float" Rin nods pleasedly, that checks out
Obito has always liked the plains, they're beautiful and easy to navigate, they make him feel very small, but in a good way, with how they visibly stretch over miles and miles and Obito liked to pick at the weeds and flowers that graced along them while he travelled
He also specifically liked the plains they were traveling besides of, Obito's team had already passed through here quite a few times for missions and Obito always loved it when they did
The flowers are really beautiful and Obito likes the hills, especially the ones here, where the sky is so open you can see millions of billions of stars just by lying down, it's beautiful!
Stargazing is nice, Obito likes stargazing. In The list of things That Obito does not really like, (which isn't, frankly, very big to begin with) though, is wolves.
Particularly wolves that want to kill him. which is pretty much every wolf.
So, understandably, when he catches a chorus of howling off in the distance, Obito ups his guard, and when that howling multiplies he stops in his track, alerting his team to his discomfort
"Uh, guys–" Obito mouths nervously, gulping as the howling seems to come closer and closer to their merry band
His team stops to patiently– not very patiently in Bakashi's case– stare back at him
Obito's eyes frantically dart back and forth "haha, what do you think they're howling at?" He tries to joke and then definitely does not shriek when a wolf peeks in from a bush
It cautiously tilts its head before deciding to come out of the bush, walking straight towards then and Obito freezes, not even having the peace of mind to arm himself
He shakingly watches as the wolf comes closer, bringing in several other wolves, and goes slowly towards Bakashi
It's always Bakashi
Obito gulps as the wolf gets up and close with his teammate, sniffling him and walking around in circles while more and more of it's friends join in
He expects Kakashi to sunshin himself away, or attack the wolf, or do anything, but Kakashi does nothing and when the wolf puts it's snout to Kakashi's hand, he lets him
Frantically snapping out of his trance, Obito picks a Kunai and charges in between his stupid teammate and the creature, keeping a defensive stance, ready to attack
The wolf only tilts his head, as if judging him, then sits himself comfortably again and starts howling, right over Obito to Bakashi. It's always Bakashi
"Agh, guys! What is it doing!?" He shuffles nervously, gagging as more wolves surround them and sit themselves down, joining the chorus
"Guys?" He asks, frantically eyeing between Rin and Minato, but they do nothing, everyone in his team does absolutely nothing as Obito and Kakashi are about to be mauled by man-eating wolves
Obito feels a really big one plop down by his leg and turns around wildly "don't–"
Kakashi finally reacts, only to pull Obito's hand back "stop it, you idiot" he huffs annoyedly "you can't threaten them"
"Threaten them?" Obito snaps around to stare at Kakashi affrontedly, what the fuck is wrong with him!!? "Are you insane!? They're threatening me! Us!"
But Kakashi ignores him, dropping his bag to the grass "he's right, you should probably not agitate them, Obito" Obito sends sensei the same affronted gaze, then Rin, who just smiles "they'll probably leave soon"
Crazy! they're all crazy! Especially Kakashi who's–
"W-wha wha– what are you doing!? Kakashi! Oh my god!–" Obito draws his kunai back in surprise as Kakashi comes closer to the first biggest wolf, crouching down in front, arms wide open
"Kakashi, you can't" he tries to step closer but Kakashi rudely raises a hand stopping Him "shut up" he states blandly
Obito steps back, indignant "shut up? You– oh, oh my god!?" Kakashi hugged the wolf, Kakashi hugged the wolf, kakashi is hugging the wolf!
How is he the only one that sees a problem with this!!?
Obito watches in horror as Kakashi lets the wolf rub itself against him, ruffles it's fur, scratches it's ears, then lightly bumps their foreheads before switching up to the next wolf
Obito has to be hallucinating
Kakashi continues the weird ritual with each one of the wolves as they stop howling and go to line up and hound next to him, then when he sees he's gave attention to all of them he stands back up, swatting dirt from his clothes to the ground
Kakashi shakes himself slightly, picks up his bags, nods at the wolves and when Obito hopes this might be over and left behind only as something for him to think about instead of sleeping, says, delusionally "I apologize, but I have follow them to the cliff"
He doesn't explain why he has to follow a bunch of wolves to a cliff, or how he knows that's what they wanted, if it was what they wanted at all–
And yet "is there anything we can do for you, Kakashi-kun?" Is all sensei has to ask about it, Of all questions "huh?"
Kakashi shakes his head, adjusting his bag and letting a wolf that's almost the same colour as his hair rub it's snout against his leg
"Can we come with you, then?" Obito gaped like a fish "huh?" Kakashi seems to think over it for a while, then look at his wolves for confirmation, then he nods at Rin who does a little clap
"Great!" It's not great, it's not great, they should be taking Kakashi and hightailing it by now, what are they doing?
What are they doing? Is all Obito can think as he's dragged along through the plains with a pack of wolf and his insane teammates to the edge of a cliff
what are they doing?, is all he can think, paralyzed and Kakashi once again drops his bag and goes to stand at the very brink
Kakashi is a single shove away from falling and Obito worries, but he signals them to stay back, so he obligues
The wolves join him and then…
They just start howling again, at the moon this time.
Kakashi stands in the middle as more and more of the wolves arrive around him and join their creepy little chorus
The scene is almost cinematographic, and Obito is in awe despite himself, as Kakashi's hair flutters under the moonlight and he stands in a sea of oddly docile monsters
Bakashi has always been so. fucking. Weird.
Obito stands there, with Rin and Sensei and they watch and wait for minutes, 10 or 15, before Kakashi finally quietens the wolves, softly bidding them goodbye
Then he walks past them, urging them to come along like nothing had happened and none of them ever speak of it again.
"I see you are stalking my brother again" Zetsu appears without warning beside him, Obito doesn't even wait for him to finish before moving to defend himself "I'm not stalking him! I'm just watching so i can gather information for–"
Zetsu's words register to him and Obito whips nos head around immediately, his neck almost cracking, to stare holes into Zetsu's grinning face "YOUR FUCKING WHAT!?"
"My little brother" zetsu says delightedly, looking at Obito as if he's stupid "i believe he was your teammate, yes? 'bakashi' as you say"
No fucking way.
Obito's jaw hits the floor and he's left grasping at straws "are you kidding me?" Zetsu has to be making fun of him
"Hmm, not indeed, he's a child of mother Kaguya, as am I" Obito's mouth opens and closes without him saying anything
Kaguya? Like the children's tale Kaguya? Kaguya as in–
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hyunlixsung · 5 years
Drabble Me This
Hey guys I’ve decided to do a Drabble game! My best friend helped me make this list! @himekute Love you bestie!
-One person = one number
-70 numbers available!
-Mainly stray kids but can do side characters from other groups in the Drabble
-You may request a time stamp along with your number 
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1-“All it took was one look into those eyes and I knew that was the last time I'd be at home for a while." - girl of protective parents runs away/breaks rules for rebel bf
2-“Why is there a duckling floating in the bathtub?" - girl rescues a duckling from side of the road and brings in home. Bf discovers it and they become duck parents.
3-“I remember this feeling. It feels like home." cuddly bf attached to gf hip. Touching her one way or another - backhugs, holds hand, hand in back pocket, arm around hip.
4-“We didn't know when we'd see each other again." Spontaneous kissing. Passionate. Hands through hair. Picks up and pushes against the wall. Sits on counter tops. Nuzzling. Lip biting and bruising.
5-“Do you trust me?"
6-“You don't have to do this. I can change. I'll be better."
7-“When I hear forever, I see their face smiling back at me."
“8-“I didn’t mean to kill her.”
“Stop talking about me like I’m dead!”
“Her voice is still so energetic”
9-“Are we lost?”
“That sounded reassuring”
10-“I don’t really think before I act. It’s part of my charm”
11-“Excuse me? Are you telling me what to do?....thank goodness I have NO idea what I’m doing.”
12-“I'm dying."
"No you're just hungry." (Not looking at them. Looking at tv)
(Lays body across their legs) "I'm not gonna make it."
13-“You have three seconds before I start screaming."
"Listen I-"
"You don't understand-"
"You see the thing is-"
14-“Don’t worry nobody is expecting much. Just be you...actually be you but like less...you.”
“Was that supposed to be a pep talk?”
15-“You couldn’t handle me if I came with instructions”
16-“Oh bite me” I rolled my eyes. I failed to notice his smirk. “With pleasure darling”
17-“When I’m done with you, you’re back is gonna be four different shades of red”
“Not if you can’t catch me”
18-“Take your things and go!...what are you DOING?! Put me down!”
“You said take my things and go!”
19-“Talk dirty to me."
"It's your turn to do the dishes tonight."
"That's not what I meant."
"You broke our dishwasher trying to clean your crocs."
20-“When I say who's cute, you say me!"
"Who's cute?" "Me"
"Who's cute?" "You"
"Who's cute?" "Us"
"This is why I love you"
21-“Iwon’t let anyone hurt you, you’re safe with me”
“You’re the reason im injured!”
“How was I supposed to know you would be dancing around the house mopping and that you would be very jumpy???”
22-“We gotta go NOW!”
“Why WHERES the fire?”
“Listen idk if you wanna deal with them but I’m not in the mood to have purple marks all over my neck!”
23-“Yeah you think you’re tough! Come AT me!”
“This I was a TERRIBLE IDEA!”
24-“This has got to be one of your dumbest ideas you've ever thought of."
"Relax babe." [Wears goggles while chopping onions] "see no tears."
"Did you just cut yourself?"
"I think we need to go to the ER"
25-“What’s the plan?”
“You had a plan?”
“YOU were supposed to have the plan!”
“well I didn’t!”
26-“Hey so I was wondering..."
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like you just found your next meal."
"Because I just did." Smirks
27-“You’re in trouble now baby.”
“Is is it too late to kiss it better?”
28-“I’m gonna show everyone who you belong to. You’re mine!”
29-“This is a terrible idea.”
“Do you wnat to go home?”
“Hell no! This is the most fun I’ve had in years!”
30-“I know this isn’t the way you wanted your life to turn out, but is that really such a bad thing?”
31-“You know when you said 'let's make tonight fun' being hunted like deer in the back alleys wasnt exactly what I had in mind."
32-“You were about to spend the night reorganizing your spice cabinet."
"I don't need to be attacked like this right now."
33-“I’m cold, I’m
Tired, and I’m going to lose it if I don’t have cuddles and coffee in the next three minutes”
34-“How fast are you?”
“I compete with tiger”
“You mean A tiger?”
“No I mean tiger....my cousin’s rabbit”
35-“If they catch us were dead!”
36 “If I get one more jump scare I’m pulling this car over!”
37-“ Remind me again why I'm doing this."
"Because you love me."
38-“ Out of my way my baby is hurt!”
“39-“I’m not gonna ask again. You stay away from MY girl or I’ll rip You to shreds!”
40-“Your lips look cold can I warm them up?”
....”is that your way of asking for a kiss?”
“Listen linda I’ve been wanting to do this for MONTHS now just let me be smooth for once-“
“Well what?”
“Make yourself useful and kiss me.”
42-“So tell me whatcha want, whatcha really want."
"I'll tell ya what i want, what i really really want.
I want to kiss you (or i want to marry you or i want you to be mine)."
43-“Hey babe."
"We're out of sugar."
"I'll add it to the grocery list lat-"
Kisses her lips
"Don't worry about it. I got some."
44-“Why do we have 50,000 pillows on the bed. We only need two."
"Listen, when the dust bunny soliders bust into our home we won't be sitting ducks. You'll thank me later."
45-“How many lives need to be ruined before you admit here’s a problem?”
46-“Just because you can see a use doesn’t make something useless!”
47-“I never asked you to save me. And I definitely didn’t ask for the rest of this.”
48-“Stop shutting me out and talk to me for once. PLEASE."
49-“Everybody makes mistakes.”
“Not everyone makes the same mistake three times!”
50-“Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on you. Fool me three times shame on you again for taking advantage of my good nature!”
51-“Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed the wya they look at you, whisper and chatter when you appear. They think you’re going to rescue them.”
52-“Run away if you want, but know who you are leaving behind and the risk you are taking. They may not be so patient.”
53-“I told you this all those months ago when we first met. I'll say it again. I'm not who you think I am."
54-“Don’t act like you know me. You don’t KNOW me”
“Yes I do!”
“What’s my favorite color then??”
“Easy blue!”
“...that doesn’t prove anything.”
"No that's not it."
"What is is then?!?!"
"I love you."
56-“I love you on the outside.”
“Wow that makes me feel SOOOO much better”
“Now let me love you on the inside.”
57-“I already said 'I love you'."
"I know."
"Then what do you want?"
"I want you to say it to me again and mean it this time."
58-“I love you”
“...what did you say?”
“Umm I said you cute?” 
“Say it again.” 
“You cute.” Gets close to her face “say it again”
59-“Can you do something for me?" 
“Anything for you baby." 
“I want you to kiss me. And not just the sweet little short kisses we give each other. I need those long, hot, passionate deep kisses that'll leave me breathless. I need you to hold me close to your chest and make it feel like you'll never let me go. I need you to-”
60-“When I saw his face, I could see our entire future together. But when I looked into her eyes, all I could see were galaxies and possibilities."
61-“Are you new here? I don't think I've ever seen you before." 
"Yeah, we've only met in your dreams. You're even more beautiful in person."
62-“DONT cover your marks. I want people to know you’re not for sale.” 
“...so I’m an object?” 
“No! Never! Sorry that came out wrong. But you are mine and I’d like people to keep their hands off.”
63-“(member full name)” “Yes (member last name) (y/f/n)?”” We aren’t married?” “Not yet babe”
64-“nope no kids!” “Why not :(((?” “I have to look after YOU!”
65. "Hey baaabe..." 
“You never said we were expecting company." 
"I never said what-" pauses and stands protectively in front of them. In a deep voice and darkened eyes "What are you doing here?"
66-“okay this is going to seem absolutely crazy but I need you to run!” 
“You want me to RUN?? I’m sorry running is a SIN!” 
“It’s either that or be eaten take your pick.”
 “If I choose eaten does that make me a snack or a meal?”
67-“oh please I bet you can’t even kiss a girl sweetly . All you know how to do is be rough.” 
Slams hands on desk. “But you like it rough don’t you? I can see it. But that’ll have to wait for another time.”
 Scoff. “Another time? Like you’re gonna get a first time-“
68. "Why did I ever trust you!?!?" 
"Baby, don't say things like that! You can trust me!!" 
"I'm sorry 😭😭"
 "No this marriage is over." 
"We aren't married.”
 "You're right we aren't now."
69. "Don't touch me. Don't look at me. Don't think about me. Don't *shaky breath* just *voice breaks* don't."
 "Love, let me explain. That wasn't me." 
"It wasn't you?? If it wasn't you, then who was it???? Hmm!" 
"My twin."
70. "Hey! Do me a favor will ya?"
“Yeah sure what do you - is that, why is there blood on your shirt?
“Kiss me.”
“W h a t?”
Kisses and pulls back after people pass them.
“Yeah sure whatever...blushes
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beyondenigmablog · 7 years
Wow....it (almost) all came true. I am a believer. via /r/tarot
Wow....it (almost) all came true. I am a believer.
So- I'm a 38 year old guy in NYC. When I was a teenager, I got a bit into witchcraft and paganism and used to read tarot cards. I loved the idea of it, but deep down thought maybe I was cheating by using elements of psychology- still...I always believed deep down that there is "more" to life then just science and what we see.
A year ago- I went through one of the worst situations in my life when my loving, kind and compassionate 5 year boyfriend went almost completely cold. I was in SF with he in NYC, and he basically changed almost overnight. Told me he met a new "friend", needed some time apart from us to finish grad school, deal with his moms passing and just wanted to take a break. I was so shocked and surprised by this because none of this was like him, so while I was really sad by it, I respected it and gave him his space.
We didn't talk for 3 months, and during my next trip to NYC, we met and he told me that he had fallen for his "friend" and that the two of them were official now. I was completely flabbergasted by this, especially in the large irony that for years he had complained that the biggest issue he had was the Long Distance, and I was coming back home to NYC in Mid-2017, but the guy he fell for lives in another country.
I took the break-up really, really hard. I decided to resign from my job and need a deep long reset. I decided to use this as an opportunity to think about who I was and maybe do some things I'd always wanted to do, so in March of 2017, I left my job, gave up my lease, sold my car and made plans to take a 3 month adventure in South America. I bought my ticket for the end of March, and 3 days before I went, I was just endlessly wondering about the city and realized I had stepped in front of a psychic store. I figured "what the hell" and went in.
She at first told me that though she accepted walk-ins, she had no availability that day and asked if I could come back tomorrow. I was about to walk out and she gently put her hand on me. I turned around and she said "wow, okay, you are sending off a HUGE amount of energy- good and bad. Let me see if I can move my next appointment".
She came back 10 minutes later and was able to accomodate me. She gave me an interesting spread that I hadn't seen before.
Within 45 seconds I was crying. The only thing she said was "as you shuffle, focus on the big issue that is troubling you".
She said: - You've been deeply hurt and betrayed by the one closest to you. There is a "J" in the name. ( I told her at this point that my partners first and last name started with a 'J')
A new influence has come into this persons life and he or she is very addicted, if not obsessed with it. This needs to happen and he needs the space to experience this. He or she loves you very very much and your absence from his life is hurting him, but he is very good at running from his feelings.
This man is tall, dark and handsome, he smiles easily but carriers a great deal of weight on his shoulders that he doesn't show.
I see you going on a long journey, somewhere to the deep south in the mountains. I see you vanishing for awhile and coming back different- this is good, this is what you need to do.
Your next job will be something to do with music or the arts.
You will rediscover old passions and loves. This breakup needed to happen because you lost yourself over the last few years, and you need to find yourself again- but the two of you are soulmates, and by the end of the year, you will begin a path to being reunited.
I see a great deal of money coming to you from an unexpected source, it will come sometime in the late summer/early fall
The new element in your lovers life is temporary. It is a sudden and unexpected addiction, but by the end of the year, it will move on.
Your lover will not know success while the two of you are broken up. He is only successful with you because you believe in him and support his dreams. He is working on a project now that will fail, and over the summer he will begin to lose sleep realizing he made the wrong decision.
At some point in the fall, he will reach out to you because he needs something. You need to forgive him while you are on your journey, forgive him, forgive yourself, and focus on learning patience, positivity and clarify. When he reaches out to you, it will be the start of the two of you reconnecting. People will tell you to move on, people will tell you that he isn't worth it. They mean well and don't want to see you hurt, but your bonds are too strong and you will be reunited. Just do not give up on him. He will be lost if you do. You are the more dominant sign, either a Capricorn or a Taurus, so you let go slower. He is the submissive sign, either Libra or Pisces. He is indecisive and will wnat to come back to you- but if you decide to move on, you won't look back. Don't do this, while it hurts now, begin realizing you've been given a wonderful gift with this, to better understand yourself, him, your relationship and the world.
Everything she said was right. Everything she said came true:
I went to South America for 3 months and became a different person. I was always so shy and introverted, and I became extroverted and started to really embrace life. Conquered some of my fears (I went snorkeling and hiking up mountains), met some wonderful new friends.
I moved back to New York and was about to take a job with a small software company, then out of nowhere a very popular music company reached out, and 3 weeks later I began my job with them.
After 14 years hiatus, I started playing saxophone and composing music.
On the weirdest and most spiritual day of my trip, I was in a tiny abandoned colonial town of Argentina. Feeling so sad, but at the same time so peaceful. I stopped feeling sorry for myself and instead this weird feeling came over me, and instead of focusing on my feelings, I instead focused on his. On what the entirety of the relationship felt like from his side. For a good 2 hours I was almost in a trance, almost feeling like our souls were connecting...a phrase I never would've said before...when I "came to"- I was in tears. I understood him better then he understands himself, and I was shocked and awed to discover that during the breakup he said "I think we are just different people"- and in that transcending time, I realized- it's not just that we are "different"- we are polar opposites. In everything. Music tastes, food, politics, religion, how we communicate, how we unwind, what we like, dislike, how we travel. Literally everything has us on polar sides. It makes absolutely no sense on paper, but yet the relationship worked so much because we complimented each other perfectly.
I am a Taurus. He is a Libra.
The guy he left me for is a Pisces. Charming and seductive. I finally had the courage after 4 months to look at my exes social media page and saw a few of their pictures. Was quite entertained to see that the guy actually looks like me. Tall, broad, full beard, short dark hair, dark eyes. Tattooed.
My ex finished grad school in December of 2016. He decided to invest in a documentary. He spent months finishing it and toured it across the US. He then needed to raise 10,000 to submit to film festivals and ran a fundraiser for it. He was able to raise 700 dollars. He posted a note on the homepage saying "sorry- this was a fail guys - but thanks for everyone who contributed!"
My ex and I met for coffee 2 months ago just to keep things light. He has lost his dad, mom, sister and technically moved to NYC for me, then I left to SF for a job. So he has huge issues with abandonment and loneliness. I told him that we had been together for a long time and while the romantic feelings may have passed, I didn't want to lose him from my life. I realized I had forgiven us both, and had so much clarify into the situation. I asked about his bf and it was clearly awkward and uncomfortable, but he still lives in another country and my ex mentioned off-hand that he was actually thinking of buying a house in Europe before the end of the year.
My company made me a very generous salary offer. About 30% more then what I was making at my last company. It included some equity that I didn't really think about, but when I went to an account, the equity is valued at an astronimcal amount. Completely unexpected. In 6 months the first series vests (and it's more then enough to pay off the entire South America trip debt easily and still leave a ton left over)
3 days ago, on October 22- for the first time in more than a year, my ex texted me. He skipped the pleasantries and went right to it. "Hi- I hope it's okay that I ask this, but I just saw a job on LinkedIn and it's perfect for me and it looks like you are connected to an executive there. Is there anyway you can help me network?" I said sure, looked over his resume, made a few pointers and then reached out to my contact with my highest recommendation. We chatted a little and he said that candidly his life wasn't going too well- that he and his new bf were supposed to take a trip for his 30th birthday but they needed to postpone it a few months, that my ex currently hates his job and is miserable, and to add insult to injury his roommates decided to not renew the lease and he had to move to a crappy apartment share in a bad neighborhood of Queens that he hates. He basically said that his whole life was just "crap" right now. I didn't mention that I had just put a deposit down on a beautiful spacious 2 bedroom in Manhattan.
Literally...every single thing the reader said has come true. I remember being so angry with him, feeling so betrayed , that he was the worst person in the world for leaving me for someone else, for putting me on break. But...during my trip, I forgave him. I took a lot of accountability for what I did wrong too, that I was in part responsible for his decisions. That underneath the hurt and the jealousy, all I felt for him was a tremendous love and that "moving on" was not the right move. I've dated here and there and had some fun, I've healed and seen things with a ton of clarity. It's been an amazing experience...and with 2 months left in the year, I am quite eager to see how this resolves!
Submitted October 26, 2017 at 12:16PM by TheWorstTypo via reddit http://ift.tt/2hc9zeP
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