#i wondered how she managed to bag herself a millionaire but then again
mzannthropy · 1 year
I've been thinking about Jane Andrews lately (I'm just loving all the L.M. Montgomery discussions and posts, you guys have no idea how happy it makes me to finally be able to talk about LMM, even though I probably don't interact as much as most of you, I very much appreciate it). Jane's not a character I ever have thought much about, but the post I made recently about wanting to marry rich brought her back to mind.
Jane is mostly described as plain, not so much in looks (though that too), but in personality. Yet towards the end of AOGG, on their way back from the hotel concert, she expresses a wish to be rich and have diamonds. (To which Anne has a great answer, but that's not what I'm talking about here.) So, Jane works as a teacher for 3 years, first in Newbridge, then in Avonlea, and then, when Anne comes home from college for her fist summer holiday, Jane has resigned her job to move to another teaching position in West in September. Rachel Lynde comments that this is bc she can't find a husband in Avonlea.
Anne defends her friend, saying that Jane is a nice girl and not attention seeking, but Rachel retorts:
“Oh, she never chased the boys, if that’s what you mean,” said Mrs. Rachel. “But she’d like to be married, just as much as anybody, that’s what. What else would take her out West to some forsaken place whose only recommendation is that men are plenty and women scarce? Don’t you tell me!”
I think Rachel is being unjust here. Bc like... so what if Jane wants to go West to find a husband? You can't have it both ways. You can't mock a woman for being an "old maid" and at the same time criticise her for taking steps to find a guy to marry. Jane is moving West to work as a teacher, not sit around to be courted by men. And she's not sitting at home, crying and feeling sorry for herself like some Bridget Jones character waah I can't get a maaaan waaaaaah, but she's actively getting off her ass to seek an opportunity.
Also, she's moving half a fucking country away! There were plenty of places nearer her home where she could have gone. Anywhere else on the Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, or even Ontario. But she's going to a place where it will take her days to travel (even nowadays, according to my google search, PEI to Winnipeg is an 8.5 hour flight). I think leaving her home and family and everything she knew to travel such a faraway place where she didn't know anyone, as a young woman, was an incredibly brave thing to do. She knew about a place that had more men than women, so she went there to get herself a man.
Next we hear about Jane, three years later, is when she's getting married to a millionaire. So she got exactly what she wanted. You can say, like Valancy, she chased her dream. (Her mother is being insufferable about it, but that's hardly Jane's fault, I suspect one of Jane's reasons was to get away from her mother! Mrs Harmon is one nasty woman.) We know from AHOD that her marriage is happy and I have nothing to say other than Good For Her.
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Dc x dp (Harper x Valerie)
Valerie lifted her coffee cup to her lips mechanically only to sigh when nothing flowed through. This was the third cup of the day and she still felt ready to pass out.
She once again repeated to herself that this was for the greater good. 
“Valerie.” She could hear Vladimir Masters call.
For the greater good she reminded herself. Pasting a smile on her face, Valerie walked back to the hotel’s sofa where her employer was waiting. 
“Yes, Mr. Masters?”
“Get me some food. The plane’s meal was disgusting.”
“Right away, Mr. Masters.”
In moments like these she couldn’t help but wonder if this was really the only way to take Vlad down. Working as a personal assistant to find some non-ghost related dirt on the millionaire sounded thrilling in theory, but the practice was proving to be a nightmare.
She asked the lady at the front desk for some appetizers which arrived promptly. And after only a few minutes more of waiting the receptionist announced their rooms were ready.
"I have a brunch tomorrow with Robert, so tell the front desk to make a wake-up call for 8." Vlad said as they stepped into the elevator. "Also, call ahead at the store, you know the one, and make sure they have the cherimoya liqueur I ordered. Don't forget the flowers for Robert's wife."
"Yes, sir."
Vlad stepped off the elevator before turning towards her with a regretful face. "I cannot apologize enough for having to put you up in the Hamptons, there were just no more rooms here."
As if. This was clearly another way of showing off his money and power.
"It's no problem at all, Mr. Masters," said Valerie with a bright smile, playing dumb.
"I know the Hamptons is a ways away from the Orchards, but I'll still ask that you be here by 8:30 on the dot."
"Of course, sir. I'll be there!" Valerie said as the elevator closed on Vlad's kindhearted smile.
She was so sick of his benevolent act, especially since he also never missed an opportunity to make masked snide comments in the form of backhand compliments. It would've been chipping at her ego if she wasn't already aware of the absolute trash being that Vlad was and how little his opinion mattered.
She got her phone out to check where the Hamptons Hotel was and asked the front desk to call a taxi. As it dropped her off in front of a fairly old, but decent building, Valerie finally let out a sigh at the idea of getting to fall in bed soon. She checked in, took a shower and undid her luggage and by the time she was done, hunger was beating out exhaustion.
So, with a weary groan, she stoop up once again. Grabbing her handbag, she made sure her Fenton thermos and blasters were in it, just in case. With her phone and wallet, she stepped outside in search of food. She soon spotted a hotdog vendor and scarfed one down on one of Grant Park's bench. Valerie was sitting, comfortably full, watching the wind rustle the leaves on the tree when a flash of familiar green caught her eye.
In front of her was Cujo, wagging his tail at full tilt and his tongue sticking out.
"Shit," she uttered, before quickly looking around to make sure there was no one close enough to witness the green glowing dog. "Come here Cujo," she coaxed as she slowly dropped her hand in her bag to grab the thermos.
The dog let out a high-pitched yip, before taking a few steps in her direction. "Good boy," Valerie said. "Just a little closer, ok? Can you do that for me?"
Cujo took another step and she closed her hand on the thermos. Just as she was about to whip it out, there was a loud noise and the dog startled and in a second, he had already turned tail and started running away.
"No! Cujo, heel!" Valerie yelled, but it was no use. With a curse she set out after him, hoping that the dog wouldn't leave the park as it offered some sort of cover.
Judging by the absence of screams, Valerie was assuming nobody had seen him yet, but as this was Gotham, you never really knew. She managed to gain a bit on the dog when he started slowing down by one of the park benches, sniffing at one leg. She slowed down and got the thermos out ready to uncap it. Unfortunately, the dog probably had sniffed her out somehow because he turned to her, barked once and turned invisible. Luckily for Valerie, he was still tangible and still leaving imprints in the grass, so she took off after him following the imprints.
The game of cat and mouse lasted for a good ten minutes, and Cujo led them out of the park and up to the waterfront where she could only look on as the fading in-and-out-of-view dog started running on the water in the direction of the Narrows. Looking around desperately, Valerie spotted a bridge's entranceway about 500 feet away. She ran for it and started down the path, all the while keeping an eye on her right for a flash of green. Time passed and Valerie could feel a stitch starting in her side, but she finally made it to the other side, just in time to see Cujo step on land too. She was less than 100 feet from him, so she started running at full speed. He took a turn and Valerie was about to do the same when she collided hard with someone.
She fell back heavily on the ground and the thermos rolled away. As she lay there, trying to catch her breathe, she heard the person she'd barrelled in groan. Suddenly, super-aware she'd just charged right at someone at full speed, she rolled to her knees with a wince before turning towards them.
"I am so sorry!" Valerie said to the fallen form. "I wasn't looking where I was going, this is completely on me."
The person sat up and something in the back of Valerie's brain gave an appreciative hum. Then shaking it off, she got to her feet and offered a hand to the other girl.
"I'm Valerie, I am so sorry about this."
The girl squinted a bit, before taking the hand and pulling herself up. "I'm Harper," she said. "You really know how to knock a girl off her feet."
Valerie blushed "Oh, um, yes? I try not to do it very often."
"So, what you're saying is I'm special?" Harper said with a teasing smile, which had Valerie's blush worsening. "So, where were you running to so fast?"
"My friend's dog got loose" Valerie sighed, the colour in her cheeks dying out a bit as she picked up the thermos. "I saw him turn on this street, but I don't know where he went."
"That really sucks," Harper said with a frown. Then, her expression cleared up and she continued. "You know what, how about I give you a hand? I live here, so I know the area pretty well."
"Oh, no, you really don't have to," Valerie tried to refuse, not wanting Harper to see the glowing green dog.
"I insist," the other girl said with a winsome smile.
Valerie felt torn. She didn't want to be rude because on one hand there were no good reasons to turn down the offer, but on the other she really did not want the cute girl to see Cujo. As if to help her out of the dilemma, Harper's phone rang.
She took it out if her pocket and put it to her ear. "Hello? Oh, hey Cullen. Yeah, I'm on my way. What? You mean, right now? Yeah, ok, I'll be there right away."
She turned back towards Valerie with a regretful face. "I am so sorry, my brother needs me back right now."
"It's ok," Valerie reassured, feeling a mix of relieved and disappointed. "It's not the first time Cujo has run off, I'm pretty used to it."
Harper looked at her for a moment, before she took out a pen and a piece of paper out of her own bag and scribbled something on it.
"Here," she said. "It's my number. If anything happens, please don't hesitate to call me. The Narrows can get pretty dangerous, especially at night."
Valerie took the paper and put it in her bag.
"Thanks, I'll keep it in mind," Valerie said before turning towards the other girl. "See you around Harper," she said with a smile.
"See you around Valerie," the other girl answered with a smile of her own. She waved goodbye and started walking the way Valerie had come.
Valerie let herself look at her departing figure for a moment, before shaking herself out of it. Right. She had to find Cujo before he could be seen by any civilians. Or worse, any of the bats.
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unmaskedagain · 5 years
How about... No!
Yeah, this one was weird for me. It’s started out strong but near the near the end It kind of fell flat. Throughout this I sprinkled in Quotes from one of my favorite shows; I’d watched it every time it was on. Fans will recognize it. Its ugly betty.
           When Marinette lost all her friends, she didn’t break down like she thought she would. Or how anyone in class thought she would. There were no tears, no apologies, no anger or frustration. It had happened one sunny Tuesday afternoon, in the middle of class, of month after school started back up again.
           Alya, the new class president, had announced in the middle of class after Miss Bustier had stepped out for a moment, that Marinette was an awful bully; she wasn’t the girl they knew anymore, and so… “We’re not your friends anymore.”
“You all feel this way?” Marinette asked.
           There were a lot of nods, and yes’s.”
“I didn’t hang with Chloe for reason,” Nino glared. “I’m not hanging with Chloe 2.0.”
“Just another disappointing useless male,” Chloe shook her head.
“You’ve been really mean lately,” Rose said softly. “Sorry.”
“Lila only wanted to be friends with you,” Mylene insisted. “You didn’t have to be so nasty!”
           To which Marinette looked at her blankly, shrugged and said, “Okay.”
           That was it.
           The other students in class didn’t know what to do or say. They had prepared themselves to argue and defend their decision. But what could they say to “okay.”
Nathaniel looked at the rest of the students like there were stupid, “I’m still your friend, Marinette.” He got glares.
Adrien nodded, “We’re still friends,” he assured. “Though,” he glared at the rest of class, “Some people should definitely lose my number.”
The statement got shocked looks. No one expected Adrien to side with Marinette. At worst, when the lines were drawn, they expected him to be neutral. They didn’t know the boy as well as they thought. Lila looked dismayed as she had thought the boy to be a pushover.
“I wouldn’t mind a permanent truce,” Chloe offered. The Bluenette and the blond’s had entered into a truce that had slowly turned into a good friendship. “Maybe i’ll take over the spot as the new bestie.”
           Marinette snorted.
           Adrien glared at his oldest friend, his hair raising on ends; if Alya was officially out of the way that meant technically he had the number one friend spot. He wouldn’t lose it to Chloe. That wasn’t fair! “It’s taken!”
           Chloe smirked, “For now!”
           Marinette smiled. She would be just fine.
           The class, however, wouldn’t.
           It took them three days to realize that ending their friendship with Marinette had consequences.
           The first time was when in the middle of lunch, Rose let out a happy scream, “Prince Ali is coming back to town. He’s invited me to a fundraising gala for the children’s hospital. This Saturday.” The other girls immediately launched into excited screams.
           The four, who had been exiled from the rest of the class, ignored them. Mostly because they were all going to the gala as a well. Adrien because of his father. Nathaniel because his art was being displayed. Chloe because she was Chloe. And Marinette because her great aunt was hosting it.
           When four was the first to make it back to class and sat in their seats in the very back; talking amicably, they barely noticed the other students come in. But they did notice Rose when she ran to the back of the class with a huge smile on her face.
“Marinette!” Rose chirped. “I need a dress for the gala; something formal. Something sparkly.”
           Marinette nodded, “Have your measurements changed.”
Rose shook her head quickly, her eyes still sparkly as she daydreamed about dancing with Prince Ali.
Marinette opened her bag and pulled out her brochure that Chloe had insisted she get to hand out. It included examples of dresses she previously made and prices for things like dresses, skirt, suits, anything. It had her phone number, her website information; everything. Adrien had gotten tips from his dad about how he started out and relayed them to Marinette. It made her feel like a real designer.
She handed the brochure to Rose, who took it absentmindedly. “Ok, then it would be about $475. $550 if you want the full princess look.”
“Wha-What?” Rose asked confused.
           The other students in class looked confused as well apart from Adrien, Chloe, and Nathaniel who bore smirks.
“The dress you’re commissioning,” Marinette said slowly. “The estimated price for a rushed custom dress is between $475 and $550. It would’ve been a bit cheaper but you’re ordering it at the last minute. All my prices are in the brochure; standard for everyone. I would actually just purchase one the designs on my website; it would be less expensive than having me create something specifically for you.”
           Rose looked at the brochure, her mind struggling to process. “But you-you always make my dress for free!”
“I didn’t really like to,” Marinette shrugged. “But you guys never really asked you just demanded; like you did when you walked in.” Rose looked a bit ashamed; because yes, she did just demand. “Materials are really expensive. Every free dress or any custom piece I gave out I had to increase the price for the rest of my commissions. It never seemed fair to my other customers. Which worked for me because I opened up my own design studio and office. MDC Designs.” It was in a richer part of Paris; in an unused part of an office building. It had tons of natural light and an amazing view; plus it was private. “Though for some reason, the high price just attracted more people. But you were my friends so I did it anyway.  Now we’re not friends so I don’t have to anymore.”
“Rich people,” Chloe explained. “The more expensive something is, the more they want it.” The blond had become Marinette’s social media manager and business manager as well. Because of her MDC was becoming Instagram famous and had featured clothes on various runaways. She always hired all the models.
           A devastated look appeared on Rose’s dress; she couldn’t afford a fancy new dress. She didn’t have enough money saved up for one. She never thought she’d have to save money for a dress. Marinette always made anything she wanted.
“And you wonder why no one likes you,” Alya hissed that the two girls.
           Marinette leaned back in her chair, “I could make an effort to be liked but I rather be hated than inconvienced.”
“You don’t need her, Rose!” Alix snapped. “We’ll find you much better dress than she could ever make.”
           Alya crossed her arms, “And it won’t look as tacky.”
“Good for you,” Marinette said happily, and went back to talking with her friends.
           While shopping for Rose’s dress, the girls decided to pull up Marinette’s website so they could make fun of outfits. Unfortunately, they were hard pressed to find anything wrong with the fabulous dresses. Even Lila spotted several she wanted for herself.
Rose didn’t find a better dress than the ones Marinette’s website. At least not one for a price she could afford. She ended up re-wearing an elegant blue dress Marinette had given her the year before for a dance.
Though she had stumbled when The Emily Gilmore, world around philanthropist millionaire, brought her niece on stage and it turned around to be Marinette. Marinette wearing the most gorgeous silver dress Rose, and most of the party guests, had ever seen.
“That is a friend of yours from school, yes?” Prince Ali asked. “I didn’t know there was a Gilmore in Paris. They contribute much to my Go-Green Projects. Will you please introduce me?”
           Rose froze. Because no, she wasn’t Marinette’s friend. And it was highly doubtful she’d get anywhere close to Marinette.
“They’re not friends actually,” Chloe said swooping in. “A bit of a falling out. I’m rather close with Marinette though. I’d love to introduce you now if you’re ready. Marinette was the one to get the Gilmore foundation to really take an interest in Going Green. They are always looking for new ideas.”
           Prince Ali gave a quick look at Rose, “I’m sure it will not take long. Is it okay with you if I go?” Rose forced a happy smile on her face and nodded. “Thank you!”
           Rose was forced to watch Prince Ali offer Chloe his arm.
“I’m surprised you did bring Lila Rossi?” Chloe drawled as they walked away, leaving Rose, alone in the middle of party where she hardly knew anyone. “I’ve heard so much about her own contributions to your Go-green projects.”
“Who is Lila Rossi?” She heard Prince Ali asked. And just like that, a little bit of Rose’s world came crashing down.
           It was two days later, before the first bell rang, Alya rushed to Marinette’s desk, with big smile on her face and hope in her eyes. “Did you see the new heroes?” She asked excitedly. “BrightRoar and Killer Bee!” She shot a mean look at Chloe. “I guess you got replaced for being such a lousy hero.” She turned back to the bluenette. “I need another interview with Ladybug, like stat! When can you set it up?”
“I can’t,” Marinette said and went back to pulling out her school books for the day.
“Of course you can,” Alya insisted. “You always do it! You’re the one who got me my first interview with Ladybug and everything.”
           Marinette rolled her eyes. Yet another demand. “No, I can’t.”
           Chloe tapped her perfectly manicured nails on the desk, “What my best Mari (Adrien growled, “I will end you, Chloe!” Marinette was his best friend. But the other blond had been slowly invading Marinette’s room; leaving clothes and shows. A blanket on the top bunk though she knew Adrien had called dips.) is saying is that it’s not that she can’t, it’s that she won’t.”
“Why not?” Alya stomped her foot. “I need the deets on this now if I’m going to scoop Aurore and her BugOut site.”
“You’re not friends anymore,” Chloe taunted. “Why would she help you?”
“I-well, it just!” Alya struggled to find the right words to say. Because she never considered that Marinette wouldn’t want to help with her blog anymore. Or that she only did it because they were friends.
           Marinette sighed, “No. I mean I really I can’t. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t even if I could.” She told her ex-friend and the other classmates listening in. “Ladybug only gave you interviews because we were friends. She always thought you were a bit much. When I told her we weren’t friends anymore, she decided to not work with the Ladyblog anymore.”
“That’s a lie!” Alya yelled.
“Then why don’t you ask Ladybug herself,” Chloe told her.
“I will!”
           While Ladybug was patrolling that night it was to no one’s surprise that Alya stood of a roof top of a building and waved the hero down.
“Do you need help?” Ladybug asked the girl kindly once she was on the roof.
“I need an interview!” Alya said, her phone was out and she was live streaming. “Why did you replace Queen Bee? Is BrightRoar a lion or a tiger? Are they permanent?”
           Ladybug looked puzzled, “I thought Marinette told you already. I won’t work with you or the Ladyblog anymore.”
           Alya stepped back, shocked. “What? Why? I thought she was lying.”
“What did she tell you?”
“That you thought I was a bit much,” Alya growled darkly. “That I only got the interviews because I was her friend. Which was a lie; I got them because I’m an awesome reporter. And she said I wouldn’t get anymore interviews.”
           Ladybug shook her head, “Marinette left out a lot of what I said,” At this Alya’s expression turned smug. “I did say you were a bit much. But I also said you’re blog had become a tabloid full of incorrect information that I just couldn’t support anymore. It keeps getting worse every day; I swear if I have one more person asking me about some girl named Lila Rossi, I’ll lose it. I don’t know a Lila Rossi, and she is not my best friend. Also, Chat Noir and I are not and will be never be dating; stop insisting that we love each other. I told Marinette, you were a bad journalist who needed to learn to check your sources and cite where your information. I should’ve stopped dealing with you a long time ago. Honestly, I thought working with you was a bad idea from the start. But I owed Marinette a favor, you are her friend. Oh sorry, I meant you were her friend.”
           Alya stood stunned as the words washed over her.
“I wish Marinette wasn’t so nice sometimes,” Ladybug sighed, though Marinette was practically dancing on the inside. “She should’ve told you what I really said.  I guess she just didn’t want to be mean. Good luck with everything, Alya.” And with that Ladybug swung away.
           It took Alya another five minutes to realize she was still live streaming.
           Alya thought she’d wake up to the entire world talking about her encounter with Ladybug but they weren’t. Sure there were dozens and dozens of complaints accusing her of lying to them but nothing to extreme.
           Her friends comforted her as soon as she got to class. Alya barely noticed to down in the dumps. Lila had assured her that Ladybug was only trying to protect her which was why she pretended not to know the Italian girl. This relieved one of Alya’s concerns. Still, It was a hard pill to swallow but she realized that technically she owed all of the Ladyblog’s success to Marinette who had helped arrange multiple interviews and convinced Ladybug to work with her in the first place. All because Alya was Marinette’s friend. The Ladyblog was doomed.
           Said Bluenette had walked passed Alya’s desk without so much as glance in her direction, instead talking amicably to Chloe.
           A few hours later during the middle of a history lesson, every phone in class starting pinging rapidly with new notification to the point where Bustier instructed them to turn off their phones completely.
           Bad idea.
“Bugout posted an interview with the entire Miraculous team,” Rose said excitedly.
           Everyone was watching the interview within seconds, almost everyone Chloe watched Alya instead; drawing a suspicious look from Adrien. Bustier just sighed and got her phone out as well. To their surprise it wasn’t just four heroes, it was six.
           Aurore gracefully interviewed Ladybug and Chat Noir about the coming and goings of everyday hero life. Then ask the big question; who were the new heroes.
“They are the new permanent members of Team Miraculous!” Ladybug announced with a smile on her face. “Killer Bee,” Chloe preened. She had to change her name and costume but she got to keep being a hero. “BrightRoar.” Nathaniel fought not to blush. He still couldn’t believe that Marinette chose him. “Viperion!” Luka had been thrilled to be offered a place on the team. “And Renard blanche.” Aurore had been given the fox miraculous and had created an illusion of the new fox hero so she could do the interview.
“What happened to Rena Rouge and Carapace?” Aurore asked.
“Permanently retired,” Killer Bee sniped. “They’re actions outside the mask were… untasteful. They showed themselves to be unworthy of being heroes. They were fired! At least Queen Bee got to resign with her dignity.”
           Alya dropped her phone and rushed out of the room in tears; Nino and a few of her other friends following her. Nearly everyone in class thought it was because Aurore got the interview she had been wanted but four knew the truth.
“let’s take a quick break,” Bustier said softly, already mentally preparing for another akuma attack.
“That was mean.” Adrien told Chloe.
“No that was deserved,” Chloe stated. “Alya tried to get Max to hack into the MDC website and ruin it. I’m lucky Claude runs helped with our internet security or we’d have been screwed. Mean, was me taking your little Cat Bed and tossing it on the pullout. And replacing with it with a comforter set worthy of a Queen.”
           Adrien’s eyes widened and he rushed out of the room, probably to Marinette’s to defend his territory. Honestly, Marinette thought, he was behaving more and more like a cat every day.
           Marinette gave Chloe a look, “You’re still as horrible and evil as the day that Satan himself placed you in your mother’s arms.”
           Chloe preened, “Oh, darling, that’s sweet.”
           When Mylene got an amazing idea for a short, she immediately went to Nino to ask if he could direct. He said yes. While in Class, they immediately started making plans and cast roles and assigning jobs to the other members of class. . “We can start filming this weekend.”
“Marinette, you’ll do costumes again.” Nino said quickly. “And food! We need food.”
“No.” Marinette said back.
           Nino was so busy making plans that it took a minute to process what she said. He looked up shock. “No? What do you mean no?
“I’m too busy with other commissions to take on your project,” Marinette said easily. “Plus even if I don’t design the clothes myself, there is a consultant fee; not to mention contracts to sign.”
           Alya glared, “Contracts? For what? Its a school project!”
“No, it’s not.” Adrien snapped back. “It has nothing to do with school. We’re not being graded or anything.” He reminded them. “Marinette has a brand now. She has to protect it and her clients. That means non-disclosure agreements, security agreements. A contract will lay out just what she is responsible for and what she can bill you for. It keep that waters clear.”
           Mylene frowned, “We don’t need all that.”
“You might not,” Adrien said defensively. “But people are starting to recognize MDC all around the world. A contract will stop you from using her name to boost your movie. Or maybe even stop you mentioning her in the credits all together.”
           Marinette nodded, “Besides on my website and on the brochure on the class board, it clearly states for big projects like this; I need at least a three month warning. I’m swamped.”
           Nino wanted to point out there Marinette always made time before. But he remembered Marinette saying not too long ago that she always made time for her friends. And they weren’t friends anymore.
           In the next few weeks and months, the class got used to hearing the word No from Marinette.
           Alix asked about getting a banner. Marinette said No.
           Alya asked about getting food for the bake sale like always. Marinette told her she’d have to make an order at the bakery and pay for it in advance.
           Kim needed a scarf for his mom. Marinette gave him her brochure.
           Birthday party planning. Sorry, Marinette no longer provided that service; please review the brochure if further clarification is needed.
           So to get back at the Bluenette, the class got her, and Chloe and Nathaniel, excluded from the Class field trips and class parties on the grounds that Marinette caused too much tension in the class. Lila insisted that Adrien would come around.
            The four retaliated by no longer helping with any of the fundraising or contributing their own money. If they couldn’t go on the oh so special class trips, then why should they help pay for it? Unfortunately for the class, they had forgotten that a majority of the money donated came from what Marinette raised/Donated and what Chloe contributed.
           Bustier’s class trips went from the envy of the school to “oh god, why are they on a farm?” Really fast.
           And for every “amazing” trip the class went on and for every party they had, the four hosted their own events that ended up the talk of the entire school.
           It took until the end of the school year for Lila to be finally be exposed.
           Chloe, Marinette, and Aurore were having a mini spa day in Marinette’s room. Their faces were covered in green mud masks and their hair was in curlers and their wore pajamas.
           When Adrien burst in the room, he screamed, “Akumas!”
           Marinette through a pillow at his face, “That’s not funny, catboy.”
“Catman,” Adrien corrected with a laugh.
           Marinette stated back, “Please! I’m more man than you’ll ever be.”
“Nino texted.” He kept forgetting to block his old friend’s number. “Dude! Lila’s a liar! Alya’s losing it.” He read the text of his phone. “Then five minutes later. Man, we screwed up big time, huh? A minute later. Sorry.”
“About time,” Aurore shook her head. “For a self-proclaimed amazing journalist it took Alya way too long to figure Lila out.”
“She didn’t want to believe it,” Marinette shrugged. “She’s not big on admitting when she’s wrong. Or when she’s gone too far. I admittedly enabled her for a long time.”
“Everyone did,” Adrien frowned.
           Chloe rolled her eyes, “The class is going to come groveling back on Monday.”
“Let them,” Marinette narrowed her eyes. “I’m done with fake friends.”
           The girls nodded. The low sound of small click got their attention. All eyes went to Adrien who still had his phone out.
           Chloe stood up, “I swear, Adrien, if you took a picture of me on your cell phone; I will kill you and eat you.”
           Adrien held his ground, “Surrender the top bunk or I post it on Instagram.”
           Aurore blinked, and then looked at Marinette confused, “They know this isn’t their room right?”
           Marinette face-palmed, “I don’t even know anymore.”
           Monday, as Chloe predicted, the class did come groveling back.
           Marinette, Chloe, Adrien, and Nathaniel walked into class only to see that everyone had rearraged the seats again to what it was originally before Lila came.
           The bluenette nodded, “Time to get serious!”
           Chloe and Adrien’s expressions turned cold. Chloe cast a look at the still friendly looking redhead, “Nathaniel, put on your game face.”
           Nathaniel quickly tried to look stern.
“Not your gay face,” Chloe hissed. “You’re game face.”
“They’re the same face,” Nathaniel whispered.
           Marinette crossed her arms, “What’s going on here?”
           Alya frowned, “This is our way of saying sorry. We should have never believe Lila. The rotten liar turned us against you.”
“No!” Marinette shook her head. “Saying sorry is saying sorry. And don’t blame Lila for you chose to do.”
           Chloe marched to the back of the class, and glared at Rose and Juleka, “You’re in our seats!”
           Rose tried not to panic, “It’s not your seat anymore. You’re up front with Sabrina again.”
“Let’s try this again…” Chloe leaned down, and glared hard. “MOVE!” She yelled.
           The girls scrambled out of the chairs.
           With a huff, the remaining three walked to the back of the class without another word.
           The four sat down and glared at the rest of the class.
“You guys can come on the class trip with us now!” Kim offered.
              Nathaniel snorted, “Yeah, i don’t do camping.”
“We couldn’t any way,” Chloe said. “While you’re camping for a week. We’ll be in England for our own class trip.”
              She got envious looks.
“We can come with!” Alix smiled. “It’ll be a blast.”
“No,” Marinette said. “We had to save up all year for this trip. We already made reservations. You can’t come. I wouldn’t  want you to anyway. It’s too much tension. Why don’t you go find Lila? I’m sure she’d take you back.”
“Girl, didn’t you hear us?” Alya said. “We’re sorry!”
“Oh I know you’re sorry,” Marinette said coldly, “I just don’t know why you think that matters.”
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srose-foxfire · 4 years
Damirae - Vet AU
A/N: Hi! Welcome to my page this is my first ever Damirae fanfic, so I hope you enjoy!
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“Thank you again for what you did for Titus, Dr. Roth.”
“It’s my job Mr. Wayne. Please stay safe. You be a good doggie, okay Titus? You were the best patient I ever had.” Raven knelt down to pat the great black Dane on his head, he barked at her happily before his owner Damian Wayne click his tongue to signal Titus to follow him. Raven looked up to the young man dressed in a fancy black suit as he gave her a small smile. Both dog and owner exited the clinic.
Not turning her back toward the two girls that worked the reception desk Raven crossed her arms over her chest, “can I ask why his paperwork was thicker than what our patients usually sign after discharge?” Earlier when Raven had come out of the examination room to say her farewell to Titus, she found that Damian was signing off the discharge papers, but he had a bigger stack than what was usually the norm. She eyed the two girls, with a stern look letting them both know she wouldn’t like whatever they were going to say.  
“Girl, we all just added some blank papers with a signature box in the bottom for him to sign!” Roxy exclaimed unashamed she cost the young man much valuable time.
“What for?”
Roxy only gave Raven a dumbfounded look, like she couldn’t understand why Raven would be surprised at her actions, “what for? What for? Girl, he is Damian Wayne! Like the hottest, most eligible bachelor in Gotham! His dad is Bruce Wayne, one of Gotham’s multi-millionaire and owns Wayne Enterprises. I can die happy having the chance to be in front of a god like Damian!”
The second receptionist, named Mayra only snickered before looking up to Raven, “don’t mind her Rae, she just one of those crazies calling themselves a member of the ‘Damian Fan Club,’ but seriously you never heard of the Wayne family?”
“I’m not much for social media or newspapers articles, besides the last nine years I have been focusing on completing my veterinary degree.”
“Well now’s a good time to get out then,” Mayra stated, really hinting on the idea that she should get out more.  
“Sounds fun, but I rather focus on my patients right now.” Raven said as she left them both to go back into the procedure room and look at the animals they were caring for. She had entered the room and looked through various folders they had on the counter, she found the one belonging to Titus. Raven opened the folder and reread his report for what felt like the hundredth time.
Damian had brought his three-year-old dog in an emergency, Titus was shot during a drive by. The poor young man was devastated that his animal friend had gotten hurt and didn’t know what to do. Raven who was on duty when Damian came in holding Titus in his arms, took Titus from him and reassured she would do everything in her power to care for his dog. Luckily the bullet only managed to graze over the dog’s shoulder. There wasn’t too much damage, all she needed to do was clean the wound to prevent any infection and help him get out of his state of shock. As a precaution Raven held Titus for two nights to observe him and make sure there wasn’t any other dangers. Now three days later Titus got to return home with his master. It warmed Raven’s heart that she was able to reunite them again.  
-- -- --
It’s been over a month since Raven met the infamous Damian Wayne. Well Raven hadn’t really spoken to him personally since Titus was discharged. One of the main reasons she kept hearing the young man’s name so often was thanks to Roxy who couldn’t stop talking about him. She would speak of the countless rumors the media had written about him. The girl sounded she was under a love potion of sorts, speaking of her fantasies she had on Damian. Immediately, Raven would leave the lobby of the clinic whenever Roxy would start her fantasizing lectures. To make matters worse Roxy had the audacity to build a small little altar with Damian’s picture cut out from a magazine article with pink hearts doodled around him.Of course, this didn’t bode will with Raven, this was a pet clinic and if their patients ever saw Roxy’s little corner of honoring the young Wayne; let just say they would be losing some credibility that the staff took their job seriously.
Raven was in one of the examinations room, cleaning the counters and all the surfaces to have it ready for their next patient, when she heard Roxy literally scream. “Oh my god!” Raven dashed out of the room as quickly as she could wondering what the hay Roxy was screaming for this time. Thankfully when she reached the lobby room, the clinic was empty, today they didn’t have as many patients as other days. “He’s here!” Roxy squealed.
“What’s wrong with her?” Raven asked, she didn’t care that her voice sounded very irritated at the moment. She wanted to make her point across to her coworker that this behavior wasn’t acceptable at the clinic.
“Damian is back. He is just been standing there for over half an hour.”
Mayra who had her arms crossed over the reception desk shot Raven a look before motioning with her head towards the door. “Yeah, I thought he was going to come in and have us check his dog or something since he brought his pooch along. But they are just standing there. See for yourself.”
Raven cautiously moved behind the receptionist counter and shot a quick glance through the glass door to find Damian, leaning up against a light pole looking down at his phone, while his dog sat beside him. Damian was wearing a black turtleneck, paired with a dark grey jeans. God he was very handsome. Raven couldn’t help but continue to stare at the young man, as he glances away from his small screen to kneel before his dog and pet him lightly on his head. A smiled crept up her face when she saw Damian give his dog a most genuine smile, before Titus moved in to lick his master’s face. Raven could see how much the young man loved and cared for his dog. This is why she choice this career, she wanted to be someone to help and care for people’s animals’ companions because these beautiful creatures are part of a family. It brought Raven joy to see Titus was doing well, he will live many years to come along his benevolent master.
Raven sighed and looked back at Mayra and Roxy. “Well pay it no mind, we have work to do. For all we know he could be waiting for someone and that just happens to be the meeting spot.”
“You don’t think he is out on a date?!” Roxy practically yelled; thankfully the glass was thick enough to minimize her cry or else Damian could had heard her.
“Why should we care if he’s out on a date or not? Roxy go back to work and leave the poor man alone.” Raven added.
“As member of the ‘Damian Fan Club’ it’s my responsibility to make sure no harm comes to Damian and make sure whoever becomes his wife is right for him!”
Raven couldn’t believe this girl, she raised an eyebrow at her, “Seriously?”
“She’s serious.” Mayra who was keeping quiet during one of Roxy’s little fangirl phase. “It’s actually a thing. The club exists and all, bunch of crazies like Roxy here that want nothing more than to go to bed with Damian.”
“You witch! We take our role as Damian’s fans very seriously!”
Raven couldn’t help but feel flabbergasted at the little brunette, “Roxy, I have heard you speaking of the fantasies you have about him.”
“Well Raven, we are allowed to dream, aren’t we? Besides I know very well I am not meant for such a handsome prince like Damian Wayne.”
“Go back to work, I am gonna go finish up room 3 and 5. Then check on the animals we have staying overnight.” Raven said as she looked back out the door and found heat creep up to her cheeks when she noticed Damian catch her gaze towards him. Quickly she turned around and walked towards the door that led to the examination rooms.
-- -- --
It was now 6pm and everyone had already left for the day. Raven was busying herself making sure she jotted down any new appointments on her agenda. Afterwards the young vet made her rounds around the kennels. There were a few animals staying overnight at the clinic, she pulled out their files and adjusted them on a shelf organizing so the overnight staff knows which patients needed more attention depending on their case. There was a back door the overnight staff used to enter from. Soon enough Garfield Logan, the supervisor of the night shift had arrived; Raven went ahead and handed him the full reports on their overnight patients. After she discussed what they were monitoring in each of their patients, Raven went inside the staff’s locker room and changed from her work clothes to her civilian clothes. Raven finally called it a night and said her goodbye as she went for the front door with her shoulder bag.
Once exiting, Raven found Damian was still leaning up against the pole, she was grateful he hadn’t noticed her due to the fact he had his gaze pinned to his phone. Though Titus recognized her, as he stood up and started wagging his tail. Raven quickly turned around; locking the glass door, afterwards she then reached for the metal folding security gate and pulled it towards her to lock the clinic. Unfortunately for her, this gate was due for some maintenance and sometimes instead of smoothly sliding along, the bottom part of the gate would always get stuck. Today of all days the damn gate decided to mock her and really give her a hard time as Raven kept tugging the gate; mentally begging it to obey her. She cursed under her breath, giving in to her defeat. Raven pulled out her phone and was about to call Gar to come help her with the damn gate.
“Here allow me to help.”
Her finger was about to press the call option, when Damian stepped from behind her. She looked up to him and just realized how his eyes were a beautiful emerald color, they held so much warmth in them. Damian gave her a soft smile, before handling her Titus’ leash. Raven had to blink a few times to remember where she was before grabbing the leash, as the young man before her stepped up and gave a good hard tug onto the gate sliding all the way across the door. Needless to say, Raven was impressed how strong Damian was, she noticed how his black turtleneck was tight and his tight muscles were begging to be free from the cloth containing them. A light blush managed to creep onto her cheeks at the idea of a shirtless Damian. What was she thinking?! Raven shook her head a couple of times to get these wild thoughts far away from her mind, she then looked up to Damian gesturing with her head to allow passage towards the thick key lock. Damian side stepped, taking back Titus’ leash as he allowed her to open the lock and passing it through the slotted area to secure the gate.
When Raven finally locked the gate, she looked up to the man beside her and gave him a small smile, “thank you, Mr. Wayne.”
“Please call me Damian, Dr. Roth.”
“Then you may call me Raven, what brings you here? Is Titus unwell?” Raven asked as she bend down and patted the dog’s head, he responded back her gesture by licking her hand. His tongue was very ticklish that Raven couldn’t help but giggle, she looked up to find Damian was smiling down at her. She looked away from him when she could feel heat worm it way towards her cheeks, she prayed her face wasn’t flushed that Damian would notice.
“No, he is doing well. Actually…” Raven looked up to find Damian was looking to the sides as he rubbed the back of his neck. It looked cute nevertheless to Raven, she couldn’t help but snicker very silently at the very nervous young man before her. Finally, Damian turned too face her and extended his hand towards her to help her stand up. “I was wondering if we could invite you out to dinner? As a thank you for what you did for Titus. There’s this restaurant down the street that offers outdoor dining… I mean if that’s all right with you and if you aren’t busy tonight?”
“Actually, I had nothing planned for the evening. I would love to join you both.”
- -   - -  - -
That was five years ago when Raven had gone out on her very first date with a guy. The sun was coming up over Gotham’s skyline as she looked out the window thanking the universe for the life she had received. Raven had gotten up just a few minutes before the sun was even up, she was wearing a light blue tank top, with a pair of cotton navy blue very short shorts. Just then she heard a stir come from the bed, Raven turned around to find her husband was moving in his sleep. The covers covering him had slipped down his body, exposing his sculpted chest and abdomen, gosh he was so handsome. He was even more beautiful under the sun’s morning light as it highlighted his perfect face. Even after all this time Raven couldn’t help but blush whenever she saw him naked. Her female coworkers -especially Roxy- at the clinic wouldn’t like to admit it but they were jealous that the fact Raven didn’t even try but manage to bag Gotham’s most eligible and hottestbachelor.
Closing her eyes, Raven turned around again to stare out the window as she continues to hear Damian stir in his sleep. Still keeping her back turned she could hear him groining and moving the sheets to the side as he steps closer to her. Damian walks behind her, placing his strong muscular arms around her waist, then pecks her on her cheek before resting his chin on her shoulder. “Good morning Mrs. Wayne,” he says into her ear as Damian begins to trail the tip of his tongue along her neck down her shoulder, just the way Raven liked it. She couldn’t help but blush at how he addressed her. They been married for over two years and she still felt like their relationship was still new to her, exactly like how she felt five years ago. “How long have you been up?”
“Mm…not too long,” Raven answered him as she turned to face her husband and wrap her arms around his neck. She looked him up and down seeing he was only wearing his black cotton boxers’ briefs. Raven then met his emerald gaze she was so entranced with. He gave her a warm smiled before leaning in and placing his lips softly onto hers. 
The kiss was soft much like their first kiss, when Damian had come to her apartment to pick up Titus after she dog-sat for him while he was away on a business trip. He was acting very nervous and after being decline of receiving the payment he was offering Raven for her service. He muttered something under his breath in another language and leaned forward to steal her first kiss. Afterwards Damian confessed to having feelings for her since the moment they met and asked if she would give him a chance. Raven answered him she started developing feelings for him as well, before she could say anything more Damian captured her lips once again. One thing led to another that they made love to each other that night. Since then Raven knew she wanted nothing more than to spend her life with Damian.
Now coming back to the present Raven pulled away from their kiss and lightly trail her fingertips over his bare chest; tracing a scar that was over his heart. Damian mentioned to her that as a child his grandfather would make him train day and night just to teach him self-defense. Some trainings were very brutal that most of his scars came from his own grandfather’s hand. It saddened Raven the least to know Damian has been hurt by members of his own family. All she could do for her husband now was kiss his healed scars and hope any painful memories could be covered by her love for him.
Raven wrapped her arms around his waist, then buried her face onto his hard chest; slowly pushing Damian towards their bed. When he was stopped by the foot of their bed, Raven let go and took a small step back before pushing Damian to fall on the mattress. Her husband sat up giving her a sly smirked she so loved. Raven then moved closer to him swaying her hips very seductively. She placed her hands on her hips before finding the waistband of her shorts, Raven never once let her amethyst gaze leave her partner’s emeralds. Keeping her movements very slowly Raven pulled down her shorts. Stepping out of them she walked over to Damian who reached for her waist and bringing his wife down onto his lap. Raven rested her knees on either side of his hips, she then gave him a devilish smile before she pulled her tank top off, now only wearing her cobalt blue lace undergarments before him. Raven could see Damian’s eyes were filled with hunger and desire, he started trailing hot messy kisses just beneath her collarbone. Lightly leaving bite marks to signify she belonged only to him, which Raven didn’t mind at all. Damian then lightly started kissing the top of her plump bosom, she knew she was playing with fire when she was seducing him a few seconds earlier now as punishment Damian was teasing her. Raven didn’t know how much longer she could last.
“I love you beloved,” Damian whispered as he continues to caress her skin with his lips. His hands were running circles on her bare back, before resting and gripping her hips.  
Raven let out a moan, before grabbing either side of her husband’s face having his emeralds looking into her amethysts. “I love you too, Damian.” She said softly as she pulled his face to have their lips meet once more. Raven felt an immense happiness consumed her as she shared these moments with her husband. She thanked whatever universe or destiny had made their paths crossed five years ago.
She couldn’t imagine her life differently.  
Hello!! If you reached this far first all… THANK YOU!!! I found many amazing completed fic and ongoing fics here on tumblr and wanted to try my hand with my own ideas to show my love for Raven and Damian. I am currently writing two other fics for a separate fandom but will probably start sharing one-shots of Damirae here on tumblr. I have a couple Damirae fics that are on the longer side, those will be posted on my Wattpad page under my user: s03Rose .Those fics are still in development because they will have a plot line to follow so when I get halfway the storyline I will post little snippets here.
On the side note, I started writing fics for my own enjoyment because I want to be a writer, I have original ideas already started but first things first I must practice my writing to see first if it makes sense and if it’s entertaining to read. Also this was my first ever writing a fic filled with some small ‘smut’, I read fics that were on the mature side and wanted to try my hand at writing these sort of scenes. Again I am no good but practice will aid me. I don’t know when I will upload another Damirae fic since I have work and other ongoing personal projects. Please bear with me but do know I will try to update every second week. Till next time!
--Simona R.
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kannra21 · 4 years
Daisuzu shopping 💗
I thought about Daisuke's night at Kato's place and wondered if he'd ever consider repeating "the same mistake" again. Living a life of a commoner is strange for a millionaire, but he'll get the hang of it.
It was yet another busy day at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. The crew managed to catch the criminals responsible for the robbery of the "Space Jewelry" shop in Ginza, the Tokyo's most famous upmarket shopping district. After he filled the report and got himself patched from a fight with one of the resisters, Daisuke returned to his mansion with bandages and sterile gauze wrapped around his upper arm. It wasn't that deep but the cut on his maroon dress shirt wouldn't be fixed so easily.
Suzue had enough of constantly throwing away beautiful garments of clothes and Daisuke's closet was becoming emptier by each day. Therefore, she decided to do him a favor and buy the suits by herself. She got dressed in her beige trenchcoat after their meal and before she left the residence, Daisuke stopped her and asked if he could join her in whatever she needed help with. This surprised Suzue because he was never interested in these kinds of things, she was usually in charge of the purchases. Daisuke insisted because, after he spent his time at Haru’s place, he realized just how important it was for him to get involved in the everyday life of a simple man and learn how things around him work. And Suzue was never happier to comply.
Daisuke felt a little odd that he had to blend in with the large crowd of simple commoners, the busy traffic, and the constant commotion. Does Suzue really have to deal with this every single day? He suddenly felt self-aware and didn't know where to put his hands. He saw a couple holding hands and felt a little awkward because he didn’t know how Suzue would react if he performed the same thing. Therefore he extended his elbow in a gentleman-like fashion and offered her to take it. She smiled the sweetest smile and accepted it, he didn't even know what he found so compelling in this situation but it made him content as well.
They arrived at Aoyama boutique in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods around. And although it has a great reputation in fashion industry, they offered casual designs with hight quality and inexpensive prices. The moment they walked in, Daisuke was instantly drawn to the expensive section of the shop but Suzue needed to drag him away to the part they were looking for.
"But Suzue, these suits aren't as good as the ones on display."
"That's because every store has a simple costumer tactic they're using for psychological reasons. For them, it is important that they have strong in-store visuals and display their best products in front of the complex. Our current task is to buy a bunch of suits with high quality and lower price. Remember, we're buying you work clothes which are easily expendable but made of quality materials to make them last longer. Besides, you already have suits for special occasions at home."
"I know but.." Daisuke felt discouraged.
Suzue could see his uneasiness and eyes averting in thought "What's wrong?"
"The day I bought Abura Emirate's seventh prince's car-"
"You did what?"
"It's true. We needed the car to catch two young people responsible for the robbery of the chocolate store."
Suzue laughed softly "This is silly."
"I know. And the prince was looking down on my clothes for some reason. I lost my nerve and made a quick purchase."
"You were rough again?"
"Yes I was."
Suzue approached him and put her hand on his cheek "Maybe the prince was boisterous but you are old money, Daisuke-sama, and a person like him won't survive long enough in the royal district. You're the real deal, so I advise you not to bother with such people if that's what you really want."
Daisuke looked surprised and somewhat flustered. Suzue panicked a little when she realized what she just did and nervously told them to continue looking for his clothes.
After they finished with the shopping, Suzue couldn't help it but to head towards the Aoyama Farmer's Market with fresh homemade products.
"I thought we were going home?"
"I know but these products are healthier than those from the supermarket. I'm only thinking about your health, you'll thank me later."
Daisuke just watched her walking enthusiastically towards one of the stands and he was shaking his head while smiling. He found it cute when she gets so carried away. Suzue spotted the jam of her choice stacked on a high shelf, she tried to reach it but even her high heels couldn't help her. In vain attempts to get it, she didn't notice Daisuke standing next to her and taking what she wanted. Their hands barely brushed against each other and they nervously looked at different directions. He handed it to her and she thanked him.
Noticing her tension, Daisuke wanted to relax her so they wouldn’t find themselves in similar situations and not to make her nervous anymore. He could only guess why this was happening but, being clumsy the way he was, he couldn't fully establish the reason of her behavior. However, he tried and proposed to take her to Cheery Blossoms at Aoyama Cemetery. Suzue instead, became so flustered upon hearing his suggestion that he got worried and asked her if he should take her somewhere else which she refused because she didn't want to disappoint him if he really wanted to go there.
And that's where they were, sitting on a bench and watching the peaceful sight of the beautiful cherry blossoms. Suzue was so thrilled to be there that she took pictures of the place and made selfies. She looked at them and commented how she couldn't wait to show them to Mrs. Kikuko. Now that she mentoned her, she wondered whether they should buy something for her as well and she went through all the possibilities of what they could bring her once they arrive home. Daisuke watched her with a soft smile on his face.
"Suzue is really amazing.. wait what am I thinking?"
Well, it's not true that Suzue wasn't amazing. of course she is. God she's incredible even, for the way she always took care of everything. Being surrounded by cherry trees just added to her unquestionable beauty. Her cheerful spirit and curious nature reminded him of someone close to his heart. Someone he loved dearly, a woman who left him a long time ago and not by her own fault. But looking at Suzue now, he realized that he wasn't unfortunate because he had her and that was everything he could ever ask for.
God was he in love with her? He couldn't tell. It's not that he didn't know, he was more worried about Suzue's reaction. How will she take it? Is it too risky to start off this soon? Is she still nervous being by his side? Why did she act this way? Why is she nervous when there's no reason for her to be nervous in the first place? They lived in the same mansion for so long. Why is he nervous upon thinking about her and her feelings? Oh. He thought he got his answers but he needed to check them first. He just hoped that he won't mess everything up.
While Suzue watched her photos and talked about plans for the dinner, Daisuke carefully tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and kissed her cheek. They looked at each other and what Daisuke wasn't expecting was Suzue taking his cheeks in both of her hands and locking his lips with hers. Daisuke was still somewhat hazy and Suzue smiled a little.
"Cherry flowers are really doing it for you, aren't they?"
"This doesn't minimize the fact that you’re beautiful the way you are."
Daisuke realized what he just said and he blushed. Suzue gave him a peck on the lips and stroked the back of his neck which sent shivers through his back. They looked at each other so lovingly that they didn't notice other people's presence until recently and not to attract too much attention, they decided to visit Pierre Herme's café where they shared ispahan- a delightful mélange of lychee, rose and raspberry. Daisuke insisted on feeding her with the excuse that she always spoiled him and that he needed to make up for it in a way, to which she let him. They had a great time together and they took a cake for grandma as well.
When they arrived home, Daisuke opened her the doors like a gentleman he was. Suzue took a couple of his bags to help him carrying them and grandma Kikuko saw them in the hallway.
"Hello children, how was your date?"
Suzue just blushed in embarrassment "W-what do you mean?"
"Haven't you spent half a day outside? Sounds like a date to me."
Suzue just took her things, excused herself and headed to the room to put Daisuke's suits in the closet.
Grandma smiled and Daisuke averted his eyes in amusement.
"How do you notice such this?"
"I had a hunch. So, how did it go?"
"It was fine. Without any complications or embarrassments for that matter. I.. needed some time to figure things out but in the end everything sat in its rightful place."
Grandma looked relieved and said "Sayuri was always shy about expressing her feelings but when she did, she showed it in the most genuine of ways. And every day you keep resembling her more. I'm glad you turned out the way you did, even if we have our own disagreements."
He smiled a little "Thank you, grandma."
And went upstairs to help Suzue with the stuff they bought. Maybe he couldn't see his mother again, but Suzue brought a positive change in his life. A change he'd always be grateful for and cherish.
@daisuzuship @innovativestruggles @narcopharmacist @unholysoggytea @riaymei @ieatcrumbs @cow-goes-oof @matchabucks @bluegleeful @levi-is-heicho @kakooshi @kokorokai @darknessrxse @fluffyyagiza @geniusmeemee @sungmnnnn @koalarin @alstroemerie @petiamaximoff38 @hellohellokookie @marialenikiforov
Here ya go, hope you like it! 💞 Like I mentioned before, if you don't want me to tag you in this post you can tell me and I'll remove the tag. 👍
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Gwendolyn Gets A New Customer
Plot: Self-explanatory; Gwendolyn gets a new customer lol
The sound of the door chime echoed all throughout Sweet Delights, bringing Gwendolyn’s attention to the front counter, but the minute she laid her eyes on the customer, she halted.
A tall man wearing a rather expensive pinstripe suit was looking around her bakery, as though genuinely curious about the quaint little cottage tucked in between two towering corporate businesses, but Gwendolyn noticed that his eyes - although polite - were cold and calculating.
She recognized the man, even though she had only seen him in covers of newspapers, magazines and tabloids, and in a few interviews on TV shows, she knew who he was, the world renowned billionaire genius, Giovanni Fortuna.
“Hi, welcome to Sweet Delights, how can I help you?” she kindly greeted him.
He returned the smile. “Hello, I’m afraid this is my first time in this establishment, may I ask for a recommendation?”
As she began to list her goods, she couldn’t help but feel his eyes studying her, and looked up for a moment, meeting his gaze, the same calculating stare, but this time with a twinge of interest. A shiver ran down her spine.
“You have quite an array of choices,” he mused. “Delicious too, it’s a shame no one else has ever noticed this place.”
“I do have customers.” she mentioned.
“Not enough.”
Gwendolyn shifted uncomfortably from one leg to another, as they remained silent for a short moment.
“What would you like?” she finally spoke.
He pointed to a deliciously looking éclair in the display between them, and she quickly rang him up, handing him his pastry inside a neatly decorated paper bag.
He carefully took the bag and inspected it. “An interesting branding you have.”
“Thank you...I guess?”
He merely chuckled. “I apologize, but I honestly can’t help but admire your establishment.”
“Thank you…”
He paused again, and a small smirk spread across his lips, as though he was enjoying himself.
“This place deserves more attention,” he said in a matter-of-fact way.
Gwendolyn blinked. “Oh, thank you.”
He nodded, giving her a polite smile, and left the bakery.
The next day was the same as any day for Gwendolyn, customers in and out, ordering her pastries, and at the end of the day seeing their faces instantly light up as they ate her goods. But today was much busier than the others, as she had noticed. There were even new customers coming in, one after the other, all of them sporting a look of awe on their faces.
She never had this many new customers before in such a short amount of time, but she was glad nonetheless. Though she did wonder how they managed to find her bakery so quickly?
As she tended to one of her newer customers, one of them made their way to the counter and called for her, to which Gwendolyn quickly attended to.
“Is there a problem?”
“Oh not at all,” said the customer. “I just wanna say your bakery is amazing!”
Gwendolyn smiled bashfully. “Thank you, I’m glad!”
“Yeah, it’s right next to my job too,” the customer continued. “It’s a shame that I’ve never noticed this place in all five years of working there!”
Gwendolyn simply shrugged her shoulders. “It happens.”
“Well, now you’re practically famous there!” they laughed. “Everyone’s just dying to know the little bakery next door that the founder visited!”
“Really?” Gwendolyn asked, trying to recall the said customer.
“Yeah, it’s not everyday that Giovanni Fortuna steps into a small business.”
And the customer continued to praise Gwendolyn’s bakery, until they wished her a good day and left, but she didn’t listen to a word they said, for her mind was stuck on the previous day, when the founder of Fortuna Enterprises visited her small bakery for the first time.
So he’s the one responsible for my influx of new customers. She thought to herself, remembering his calculating eyes, and couldn’t decide whether to feel flattered, or concerned, by the sudden kindness of a multi-millionaire company founder.
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msjr0119 · 5 years
One Temptation
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*This new series is based on The Royal Romance characters who belong to Pixelberry - AU Plot switch*
Riley Brooks moves back to New York after leaving five years prior- struggling to get by in life she wanted to go home. After getting mugged, a woman and man come to her rescue and offer her a job at their strip club. A rich business man Liam Rhys is forced to visit the club as part of his bachelor party. What will happen that night?
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Riley Brooks returned to New York City, five years ago she left the city that she was brought up in. It was one of the hardest cities to live in - but if you could survive, you would be able to live anywhere. Moving to Florida to live with her Gran, she enjoyed her time there- but she was terribly homesick. Landing back in the Big Apple, subconsciously she kept checking over her shoulder, afraid of seeing the ghosts of her past.
Unflinching, the mysterious dark figure blocked my way. I needed to not show the fear that was building up throughout my body. Carrying on walking, I wanted to scream for help, but barely a whimper could escape my lips. He spoke almost too confident, in denial as if he wasn’t doing any wrong. I could tell this wasn't his first time doing this type of thing, but it was my first time being this type of victim. "Purse now!” He demanded, as he pushed me against the cold stoned wall. Punching me like a punch bag, my body was slowly giving in- the grip of my bag slowly loosened. Hearing more footsteps behind me, I knew I was surrounded. My hands shook as I handed over my purse- why did I give in? There was only a few dollars in it, nothing sentimental. The credit card could be frozen. As if like ghosts they disappeared in an instant. I stood still frozen, shaking still in shock, not wanting to leave the alley in case there was an ambush awaiting me. In that moment the quietness that had surrounded me was now the opposite, exiting the alley- the familiar noises of New York begin ringing through my ears again. It was as if time had frozen, and someone had clicked their fingers bringing me back to reality.
Riley’s perfect ponytail was now messed up, loose hair falling over her features. Not knowing where she was staying due to her impromptu return, she needed to find her way to somewhere familiar. Stumbling as she walked the streets, she began to feel dizzy- flinching as she felt a calloused hand touch her.
“Are you okay Miss?” The concerned couple gazed at her, as the blood began to dry around her button nose. Her cheeks were swollen, anyone would think she had overdosed on Botox.
“Yes, sorry. I’ve just been mugged that’s all.” The two people looked at each, Riley felt defeated and agreed to allow them to help her eventually. Either way, a little bit of warmth from two strangers was better than sleeping rough. Believing now, it was a mistake returning back ‘home’ in the first place.
Arriving at the location, the two strangers cleaned Riley up. Gently dabbing her nose and cheeks with some ice and gauze. She was still in shock, that she didn’t comprehend that the ‘bar’ was in fact a strip club.
“Honey. If you want, you can stay here with us- work for us. We will keep you safe.” They were intrigued to find out a background story on the vulnerable girl in front of them. They assumed she had no living family, struggling to make ends meat. They may seem like murderers, but they took young women under their wings all the time.
“I... I... Erm... I don’t dance. I was a waitress though.”
“The girls could teach you dancing. It won’t take long- a matter of hours. And if you have a strong determined mind, you’ll smash it.” Riley didn’t want to degrade herself, Sure the money she would earn would help her until she found something else. What else had she to lose?
Liam Rhys was an successful business man, he had taken over the business when his father passed away. By rights, his older brother Leo should have taken over the business- but he wasn’t responsible enough. Liam had his head screwed on, and prioritised his families business over his happiness. He had been in a relationship with Leo’s ex girlfriend, Madeleine for five years and tonight was his bachelor party.
Leo dragged them to the ‘Wild cats’ strip club; Liam, Maxwell and Drake weren’t that impressed. Liam knew Madeleine would throttle him, Maxwell was quite content just socialising in a normal club where he could bust out his infamous dance moves, Drake would have just preferred to drink whiskey in a dive bar, he was the newest member of the group moving to New York from Texas recently.
“Excuse me gentlemen, I’ll be right back.”
The men looked at him furiously, Leo dragged them here and then ditched them. Observing him walking over to the bar, they laughed at the woman who had just busted his nose. Overhearing the laughter coming from Leo’s direction, they saw the woman delicately seeing to his injuries that she had caused.
“Is that?” Maxwell thought his imagination was playing tricks on him, shaking his head. He wondered how strong the alcohol was that they were consuming.
“That’s Riley.” Liam confirmed Maxwell’s question. He felt as if his heart had stopped. She was still as beautiful as he remembered.
“Who’s Riley?” Drake asked his two friends who were hypnotised- waving his arms in front of them they both ignored his frantic hand gestures- staring with their jaws agape. As he couldn’t get their attention he decided to sit back sipping the brown liquid.
Leo walked back over to the group, holding the ice to his nose. Feeling like he was lacking in masculinity- he was wondering where she learnt to throw a punch like that.
“I asked her for a dance but she refused. Just said she was the waitress. But I could imagine her straddling me. I swear she’s got hotter these last five years. That ass, those tits.” Liam rolled his eyes back, frustrated with Leo for dragging them there. Did he know she was back? Did he know she worked here? He didn’t know, but he couldn’t stop admiring her even though she was providing him with looks that could kill.
“Riley honey. Could you go and serve the bachelor party over there please. Keep them entertained. We will get big bucks...”
“I... I can’t. I know them. Well I know three of them. Can’t Mercedes do it instead? Please?”
“Riley please baby. If you know them it’ll be so much easier. They will give us a good reputation, just flirt with them then get on the pole. You’ll make a good cut on your second night, it’ll boost your confidence.” Sighing, she knew she had to do it keep a roof over her head.
Walking over to them she took a bottle of scotch, not knowing who the mystery brown haired man - but she was intrigued to find out. Gulping, she placed the bottle on the table. Just imagine it’s someone else- she kept reminding herself.
“Blossom!” Maxwell jumped up like an excited puppy.
“Hey Maxi, long time no see. Sit down!”
Riley pushed him back to his seat, before straddling him. “Just play along please, my manager is watching....Oh my god Max! Seriously?”
“Well you are sat on my cock! I can’t help it Ri. What are you doing back anyway? You just went poof.”
“My gran passed away last month and I was homesick.”
“I’m sorry Riley.” Ignoring Liam’s sympathy, she brushed past him and moved on to Leo’s chair with him.
“Well hello baby. Who feels better, me or Max?” Smirking at her, he knew he was pushing his luck. Holding her tightly, he had probably missed her the most. They were close friends, since he had split up with Madeleine they began to have this flirty banter.
“Well Max is like my brother, so I’d say you. Sorry not sorry Max.”
“Ah don’t worry about me. The feelings mutual. This is Drake by the way. He’s the newest member of the wolf pack. Don’t worry he doesn’t bite.” Maxwell impersonated a wolf, Drake couldn’t believe the group of people he hung out with; one was a melancholy depressed millionaire, one was a child still and the other was just a kinky so and so.
“Hi Drake. I’m Riley.” Drakes eyes widened as she sat on his lap. Unable to prevent his unexpected erection, he felt embarrassed. “I’m so sorry.” “Don’t be sorry. You’re blushing babe.” Riley kissed him on the cheek, if it was possible to blush anymore he would be looking sunburnt.
Getting on the pole, she laughed secretly at Liam’s disheartened expression that she didn’t get closer to him. After hearing different men whistle at her, he couldn’t cope seeing men gawk at her- enough of this. Abruptly standing up he dragged her off the pole much to the disappointment of the other punters- her managers saw the commotion and headed straight over with security. The main rule was that no client could touch the staff. Riley waved them away explaining it was okay- a misunderstanding.
“Do not ever touch me again Liam! Do you understand?”
“How could you degrade yourself like this? You’re acting like some whore!” Raising her hand, the slap was that loud that it echoed throughout the room- the lingering sting on his face, made him rethink about what his mouth had just spat at her. Clutching his face, his eyes began watering. I deserved that.
“I’m a whore am I? Seriously! Look in the mirror arsehole!”
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docholligay · 5 years
All Ears
I wrote this “going through a box of childhood items” at I think it was @keyofjetwolf‘s suggestion but now I can’t remember anyway it is deeply self indulgent listen Fluff is really hard for me. 1600 words, the rest of the my OW universe is here. 
Tracer had brought over the boxes to Winston’s slowly developing house, a former warehouse on the edges of what was still a commercial and shipping district. He was making it warm, slowly, as he had money here and there, but money was hard to come by in these days, as good as he was at repairing cell phones and laptops and other such things as the work came by. He’d thrown the money he had into making a room for Tracer, when she’d been recovering.Her family had helped him where they could, of course, but none of the Oxton clan could be accused of being secret millionaires, and so the bulk of his house still had a rather cool air to it. 
It felt more so, now that Tracer was no longer living there, but it made him feel ashamed to say it. It wasn’t fair to Tracer that he had so little in the way of connection, and that he relied on her so much. It was silly, really. He had been protecting her, when he told her she didn’t have to work, that she could stay with him as long as she wanted to, that he was worried about her. But he had also been protecting himself, he knew, and his great fear of loneliness. 
But Tracer had gotten tired of sitting at home, eventually, and managed to talk her way into a job at a little suit shop selling men’s and boy’s fine suiting and accessories, and her boss was even quite impressed with her sales, given as he’d never thought of courting the lesbian market. Tracer had a way of making people feel optimistic and bright, simply by her own sunshine, and optimistic brightness led people to buy extra ties and shoes. 
Eventually, she had done well enough to move back into her little house, and finally resolve to clear out the bedrooms and make the master hers. 
It had been awkward for her, in those brief years after she had come back the first time. She had come home, and her father had been dead, and she had found herself unwilling and unable to clear out what had been his bedroom her entire life, never mind that hers was so much tinier. She was away from home often with Overwatch, anyhow, and it had been a convenient excuse until Overwatch had been forcibly disbanded, and she found herself as much a regular Londoner as she’d ever be. 
So, it was time to take over the master. 
Winston thought this project might be met with grief and sorrow, but he had forgotten Tracer’s natural sense of cheer, and how she could simply roll all of this forward with every other major adjustment she had made in the last year. She had decided not only to clear out the master, but to reorganize the entire place to be more a house that was hers, instead of a house she and her father had shared for twenty-six years, and she had done all this with a sense of embracing the new rather than mourning the old. 
But she did like bringing boxes over to Winston’s when she found them in a closet or the tiny, dank cellar, as if it gave her some pleasure to have someone to relay the memories to while deciding how to proceed. Winston liked it, because he liked to spend time with her, whatever the reason, but there was something he particularly loved about imagining the little girl she might have been. 
And so today, sitting on his couch with a box between them, simply marked “Lena” in what Winston had come to know as her father’s handwriting, was a pleasant enough day indeed. 
Tracer dug through the box. Most of it had been fairly unremarkable. There were a few worn sweaters she had clearly loved--Tracer had laughed when they got to the light blue one with a yellow plane on it, and told Winston how her dad had to hide it from her as it became a crop top--and some old drawings, a few stuffed animals that were not Biscuit and so didn’t matter. They’d chuckled and sipped on a few beers as they’d gone through it, but she broke into a bright smile when she took out a pair of Mickey ears, her name embroidered in looping font on the back of them. 
“I ever tell you about the time me parents surprised me? Took me to Disneyland in Paris?” She was asking the question, but it required no answer, in the way she often asked a question more of herself than anyone else, and so Winston merely shook his head, “I’s four years old, and Mum and Dad told me we was going to the zoo. I loved the zoo, went a few times a month, Mum would pack us an ‘amper, off we’d go. We was walking to the tube when me Mum drew these out of ‘er bag and told me we was going to Disneyland. We was going to ‘ave tea with Alice, even.” 
Winston took a sip and smiled, imagining her vibrating with joy, grinning so hard she might hurt herself. “What did you say?” 
Tracer giggled and leaned toward him as if telling a secret. “Burst into hysterical tears immediately.” 
“What?” He gave a low chuckle. 
“Right then, wasn’t quite as emotionally self-sufficient as I am now.” She laughed again. “Just too excited, too much surprise for me to ‘andle in that moment. Poor Mum. Dad picked me up, asked me what ‘ad gone wrong, and I sobbed out,” she laughed again,”DADDY, I LOVE ALICE SO MUCH.’ ‘e tried to keep a straight face, but me Mum started just creasing up, she did.” 
Winston looked at the tiny ears and smiled. “I’m sure you got over it.”
“Oh, we ‘ad a bloody brilliant time, once I’d calmed down a bit. ‘Ad the whole train ride to Paris, mind, and ‘ad a biscuit or two, so, came out all right.” She pulled out a plastic cup that read ‘Alice’s Tea Party’ and looked at, smiling softly, “They’d just found out Mum was sick, wanted to take me before she ‘ad treatment. Glad they did.” 
Winston placed his hand on her back, but she sat up straight and grinned. “Was when they figured I’d be just brilliant as a fighter pilot, given me total lack of fear on any ride I was big enough for. Loved the thrill best of all.” 
He wanted to share something with her. He envied the way that she had these things, that she could share so much of herself with him. He loved to think of her as an excited little girl who got to meet Alice, to see her carefully drawing a scene from Wind in the Willows for her mother, to imagine her father secreting away that patched and stained and too-small sweater. 
Winston had none of this. He had narrowly escaped the colony with his own life, much less any mementos, and at least that made the conversation easy. He never had to explain that there would have been few to take. Winston was a test subject, and while he believed Dr. Harold had loved him, there were no surprise trips to Disneyland, or regular trips to the zoo, or even any clothes outside of what was given to all the subjects. He had learned math and science, not how to draw badgers or toads. And so he had nothing to give Tracer but what he was now, nothing to communicate how deeply he felt about her and how much he wanted to share with her. 
Tracer set the ears to the side, deciding that they were the one thing she would keep from the box, and stuffed the rest back into it. She tilted her head at Winston, studying him, her eyes darting around as she had a thought. 
“Win, ‘ave you ever been to Disneyland? Paris’s only a few hours away, bet we can find a place to stay, too, right?” Winston realized with a mix of nervousness and love that this was one of those times she was asking a question to herself only. 
She leapt to her feet. “Right! Win, I ‘aven’t been in years, and you’ve never!” She stood up straight and patted his shoulder. “So I get to be the one to show you. I wonder if they do Alice’s tea sti--no, wait, what would you like, Win? The very least, they still ‘ave a Mickey breakfast.” 
Winston shifted, biting his lip. “I didn’t really ever do childhood things.” 
She jumped up next to him on the couch and hugged him as tightly as she could. “So you’ll them with me.” 
He wanted to go with her. He wanted to go, and he knew if anyone could make it a reality, it was Tracer. But he thought of the park, and of the children, and how they might cower against their parents as he walked by, and a grey sadness came over him. 
Tracer jumped over his lap and knelt in front of him, looking up into his face. “What is it? You love it when we do thing together.” 
“I don’t want the kids to be afraid.” 
He said it softly, afraid if he put any strength behind it, that deep fear and sadness might be exposed, a fresh scab pulled off the wound. 
“Win,” She smiled and shook her head, “if there is anywhere on earth, that kids will be expecting a big guy like you to be a friend, it’ll be Disneyland, right?” 
He thought for a moment, considering her reasoning, considering her love, considering her fierce will, and smiled, hugging her tight. 
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ckm-writes · 6 years
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fundeadasylum · 6 years
Phanniemay 2018 Day 10: Crossover
The three teenagers watch with curious interest as a string of cars pulls into the parking garage across the street. A line of well-dressed looking figures are making their way from the garage to the convention hall nearby, gesturing and strutting like a pack of gossiping peacocks. Sam is giving them all decidedly sour looks.
Tucker lets out a low whistle, “Must be some big rich guys thing goin’ on. That was a luxury car worth more than even Vlad could afford.”
“There’s stuff Vlad can’t afford?” Danny looks genuinely startled by the idea.
“He’s a millionaire, sure, but these guys are probably like…like 50 billionaires or something. Waaayyyy out of Masters’ league.” Tucker smirks at the thought of something being even out of Vlad’s reach, “If anyone in this town would hope to clink glasses with those guys it would be Sam’s—“
“Don’t. Say it.” Sam growls through clenched teeth.
Danny chews on his lip for a moment and then stands from his chair around the outdoor table, “I’m gonna go check it out.”
“Danny—“ Sam begins to protest.
“Relax guys, I’m just gonna pop my head in for a minute. I’ll be back before my ice cream melts.” Danny grins and ducks around the corner, out of sight of the rest of the ice cream shop’s patrons. One flash of light later and he’s in ghost mode and dropped into invisibility. He sours over the roof tops and follows the trail of rich folks to the convention center, dropping intangibly through the roof when he’s close enough. The air conditioning is cranked high and the place is chilly enough that Danny feels downright comfortable. He lingers in the air, invisible, watching the throng of people move about below him, before he swoops down for a closer look.
The people are dressed well but there’s something…off about them. Danny can’t quite put his finger on what it is but there’s a metallic taste in the air and the sense of things a lot bigger than he is crowding his senses. He flits away to search for a more open space where he can parse things better and rounds a corner into a mostly empty hall.
There is a scattering of people, clustered into groups of two or three, and far enough apart that they wouldn’t be able to pick up each other’s conversations. Danny hovers closer to the nearest group, still invisible, curiosity about that unsettling sensation growing.
There’s a man in a dark suit with a top hat and a polished black cane speaking in a low, growling voice to another man dressed in jeans and a lab coat who—Danny blinks and shakes his head. He can’t focus on the man’s face, can’t make out any defining features. His eyes refuse to stay and keep sliding away to something else. It had been hard to notice in the large crowd but now, with these individuals, he finds that he can’t really focus on any details about them. There are generic things like what clothes they’re wearing or how tall they are, but nothing defining like the structure of their face or the color of their eyes. Something is definitely not right here.
That’s when he feels eyes on him.
He jerks and looks down by the suit-wearing man’s feet. There is a young woman sitting on the floor, her back against the wall, legs criss-crossed and head titled ever so slightly to one side. Danny still can’t focus on her face but he knows, without a doubt, that she is looking at him. He checks and, no, he’s still invisible. But when he drifts to the left, she definitely turns her head to follow him. She’s watching him. He’s invisible and she’s watching him.
“Hay un espía invisible mirándonos.” She says and the other two instantly turn to face her. The man in the suit looks up, following his companion’s gaze, and Danny’s stomach drops because the man is looking right at him.
“¡Demencia! ¡Cosiguele!” The man in the suit snarls. Before Danny can blink the girl has launched herself off the floor in a whirl of bright colors and tackled him out of the air.
Danny struggles as he’s hauled backwards, trying to get a bead on his attacker. But she’s fast and lithe and moves like an eel through water, twisting out of his reach and slithering around him even as she drags him across the floor on his back. He doesn’t dare try and fire blasts off willy-nilly for fear of hitting an innocent or accidentally bringing the roof down on their heads.
He’s jostled over a threshold, a door slams, and the room is dark. His arms are yanked over his head, wrists pinched together. He prepares to fire an ecto-blast but yells in pain as someone—probably the girl—sits down hard on his arms, grinding his elbows into the floor. Florescent lights flare to life, momentarily blinding him as he bucks and kicks and struggles. There’s a sound like a nerf gun being fired and his ankles are bound with something so heavy it feels like a planet is strapped to his feet. He can’t phase through whatever it is and it makes his panic spike. He yells and struggles harder. Until something small and hard presses into his chest and, for whatever reason, makes him freeze.
Danny’s gaze travels up the silver end of the cane poking right into the middle of his DP symbol, up the polished black beam, up until he sees the black, gloved hand holding the cane in place.
The man is no longer keeping up his façade of pretending to be human.
His skin is dark grey and there’s and unnatural look to it, like something that doesn’t fit quite right in the dimensions of this universe. Only one of his eyes is visible, the other hidden behind a polished monocle, and it burns red with curious sort of anger. And his teeth…his teeth are dagger sharp and a pale, acidic green. Everything about him screams evil.
And for the first time in a very long time, Danny is afraid.
“Now, what have do we have here, hm?” It’s perfect English coming out of the creature’s mouth, not a hint of an accent. And he’s grinning, showing all of those horrible teeth, smug, confident, and utterly in control.
“An ectoplasmic entity of some kind, jefecito.” Danny’s head snaps away from the man in black to the man standing at his weighed down ankles. There’s…a paper bag over his head? Maybe it’s not paper because the goggles he’s wearing over them aren’t bending or tearing the material like it’s normal paper, “Though it doesn’t look like it’s the same as other ghostly creatures we’ve come across.” He peers closer at a device in his hands, the glint of his eyes through his goggles narrowed, “Hm, it appears to also be exhibiting mortal traits…odd…”
There’s a gun-like device dangling at the man’s (scientist’s?) side and from this angle, Danny can barely make out the thick, viscous substance clinging stubbornly to his feet. It shimmers like oil in the florescent lights.
“Señor Black Hat, puedo comerlo?” Says the girl presumably sitting on his arms. Danny doesn’t know exactly what she says but he recognizes the word “eat” and wonders just what the hell he’s stumbled in on.
“No, Demencia, I don’t think so.” The creature—Black Hat?—leans over Danny, his shadow blocking out the lights, his eye bright and glaring, “You’re a sneaky little brat, poking your nose where it doesn’t belong. But you’re strong. Stupid, but strong.”
“Who are you!? What are you doing here!?” Danny’s glad there’s bravado in his voice because there’s none in his hearts. Something about this terrifying being is filling him with an intensely cold and almost irrational fear that he wants nothing more than to run home and hide under his bed. This is a thing of nightmares and Danny knows, deep in his core, that this thing could erase him from existence before he could blink.
Black Hat cackles, a deep, throaty laugh that makes Danny’s head swim with images of snapping bones and slowly churning meat grinders.
“Ah, sir—“
“What, Flug?” Apparently Black Hat doesn’t like being interrupted while he’s gloating.
Flug shrinks back into his lab coat, “Ah, sir, sorry to interrupt, but I think that’s the local town hero. Danny Phantom.”
Black Hat grins and this time it’s predatory. He looks back down at Danny who has never felt more like a prized turkey ready for the oven, “A hero, eh? A child who thinks he has the power to save everyone? How cute.” He grinds the end of his cane into Danny’s chest, making the boy squirm, “If this were any other day, I might have let Dr. Flug here have some fun with you. But we’re here on business and at the graces of a potential client. Wouldn’t want to get on anyone’s bad side now, would we~” Black Hat removes his cane and steps back. At the same time, Demencia leaps off Danny’s arms and Flug dissolves the restraints with a shot from his gun. Danny is instantly in the air, fists clenched and teeth gritted. Ectoplasm swirls around his hands, blobs of energy gathering and dispersing as he struggles with himself.
On the floor, looking up at him without a trace of worry or fear, Black Hat says, “Run along home, little ghost boy, I’m sure there’s someone waiting for you.”
His grin and the tone of his voice make Danny feel sick. He rockets up through ceiling, zig-zagging through the sky and dropping back into the alley beside the ice cream shop. When he’s human and gravity is holding him down again, he almost collapses onto shaking legs. Taking several deep gulps of air and struggling to compose himself, Danny carefully makes his way back to where his friends are sitting. They notice him immediately and Sam half rises from her seat but Danny waves a hand at her as he flops into his. The ice cream in the bowl in front of him is mostly sugary blue soup by now.
“Dude, you okay?” Tucker asks, “You look like you’ve seen a—I mean, uh, you look…not good.”
“Um.” Danny says. The gears of his mind groan with ice from the cold fear still nestled in his chest, refusing to turn. He can’t tell them about those three in the convention center, they can’t know. Because Danny knows, without a shadow of a doubt, that it would get them killed.
“Danny?” Sam says softly.
“Oh, uh, it was…really freaky old rich people stuff.” Danny manages to push the words out, squashing the tremor that wants to sneak into his voice, “Like, really freaky. Gross freaky. Zero out of ten, would not recommend finding out what is happening in there.”
“Whoa, musta been bad if it left you lookin’ like that!” Tucker laughs. Sam looks doubtful but when Danny laments his melted ice cream, she scolds him for taking too long. And then gets him another one.
That night, when he can’t sleep, Danny uses his phone under the bedcovers to search the internet for any mention of Black Hat or this Dr. Flug. A page only half loads before his phone screen cracks on its own, starts leaking something sticky and dark, and dies.
He chucks it in the bin and tells his parents he lost another phone to a ghost attack.
He never tells anyone about that day and he never goes looking for Black Hat ever again.
I admit, this one got away from me a bit and it ended up going in a direction that I really did not expect it to. Dang thing wrote itself. Ah well.
Not my best Villainous work but I’m not used to writing the Black Hat crew from an outside perspective. Anyway, this was fun to write even though it’s not what I initially wanted to do with it.
Also, sincerest apologies if my Spanish isn’t correct. I’m not the best Spanish speaker and I hardly ever deal with it in written form.
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misssophiachase · 7 years
Fools Rush In
So, in honour of our little Jodice reunion this week and free (and might I add unlimited) wi-fi on my holiday, I'm back with another Originals Season 5 drabble. Plus, I was so overwhelmed by all the birthday love (I am so bad with dates, so it's an absolute honour you all remembered) so thank you lovelies.
Caroline and Klaus head to Las Vegas together to try to stop Hope and Roman from eloping.
"Wise men say, only fools rush in, but I can't help falling in love with you. Shall I stay? Would it be a sin?" - EP
Somewhere between MF Virginia and LV Nevada
"Surely there must be something to listen to on the radio," Caroline complained, switching the dial back and forth erratically in the darkened car.
"Surely you could stop doing that," Klaus shot back, his eyes never leaving the road. "All of that white noise is doing my head in, Caroline."
"Well, I'm sorry I'm in need of some entertainment given my driver has been a brooding grouch the entire trip from Mystic Falls," she growled back, by way of response. "The least you could do is have some music on hand given how bad the radio reception is at the moment."
"You mean records? Funnily enough I don't have any here."
"No, this isn't the dark ages but a cassette tape or CD would even suffice at the moment," she replied in frustration. "Surely the Original Hybrid needs some music to get in the mood when he's about to go massacre a whole bunch of people. Let me guess, Metallica?" Klaus tilted his head slightly, finally tearing his gaze from the road to raise his eyebrows in her direction.
"So, you're actually condoning a massacre now? When I threatened to tear out his liver then slaughter him limb from limb you'd been so predictably bossy and judgemental, love. Oh and I'm partial to AC/DC for future reference, Highway to Hell is my personal favourite. Pity I don't have any with me at the moment given my blood thirsty mood."
"I'm not condoning any violence, in fact that's why I'm on this road trip to stop you from doing anything you'll regret," Caroline hissed. "I was only citing an example but at least it made you finally string a complete sentence together."
When Hope and Roman hadn't shown up for class yesterday, a frantic search of their rooms had found all their clothes missing. After Bonnie's locator spell had placed them on the highway to Nevada, their roommates had eventually spilled the shocking news they were eloping. Caroline knew Roman wasn't the smartest vampire but he certainly had some deranged death wish if he was willing to mess with the Original Hybrid's only daughter.
Klaus had arrived at the school in a frantic, testosterone fuelled rant. Caroline lost count of all the death threats he made while she attempted to calmly explain what had happened. He'd blamed Alaric and her initially for not paying enough attention and then his accusations spewed further afield. Kol apparently for corrupting his daughter, Rebekah for letting her wear too much make-up and Elijah for not being strict enough. The first two Caroline thought were plausible, the last not so much knowing the uptight, eldest Mikaelson sibling.
She'd managed to eventually calm him (although it took a good hour) and they'd bundled into his car headed for Las Vegas at practically double the speed limit. When you were Klaus Mikaelson, Caroline figured it didn't really matter if you broke the law.
"She's my little girl," Klaus bit out finally into the prolonged silence, Caroline a little surprised by his frank admission, even if it was said barely louder than a whisper.
"We'll get there in time, don't worry," she soothed, her hand finding his arm.
It had been a long time since they'd been in such close proximity and Caroline had to admit it was messing with her usually strong resolve. She had to remember that Klaus Mikaelson was only the father of one of her students, nothing more. He sent a small smile in her direction before turning back to the road. The resulting flutter she felt in her stomach was enough to tell her he was so much more. For the first time on the trip, Caroline didn't complain about the music deciding it was better to keep her thoughts to herself given any untoward consequences.
The Cosmopolitan Hotel, LV Nevada
"What the hell is this place?" Klaus snarled, looking around the grand hotel, accessorised with ceiling-to-floor, pink chandeliers and life size shoes scattered around the crowded lobby.
"It's called a hotel," Caroline muttered, her voice dripping with sarcasm. After such a long drive she was feeling decidedly impatient and desperate for a long, hot shower to wash some of her more questionable thoughts away.
"Really? I had no idea," he drawled. "Why can't we stay at the Palms? Now that is a hotel."
"If you're Frank Sinatra and the Rat Pack and the year is 1950," she joked.
"Don't forget those Playboy Bunnies too," he smirked. Caroline felt something stab her sharply in the gut, it could have possibly been a little misguided jealously but she wasn't about to tell the smug idiot that.
"This is where your child is staying apparently," she growled. "Kids these days crave shiny and modern things, more than what your billion year-old ass likes," the concierge looked at them curiously, prompting Caroline to explain herself further. "He's an old soul."
"So, here is your key," he explained, choosing to ignore their petty argument. "Room 507, make your way to the elevator and turn..."
"Wait! Hold up," Caroline interrupted, holding up her hand for extra effect. "I asked for two rooms. You know separate rooms. Some place that doesn't involve me having to share any space with this guy. You know..."
"I think he gets the picture, sweetheart," Klaus quipped.
"Unfortunately, it's the last room available tonight," he offered, albeit feebly.
"What is this? Christmas night at the bloody inn? I'd even take a stable tonight instead of this weird arrangement." Before Caroline could compel his incompetent ass, Klaus had moved her away from the front desk and was making his way towards the elevators purposefully with her in one hand and the other their bags.
"I don't appreciate being man handled," she growled, coming to a complete standstill.
"Is it just me or do you two always pick up right where you left off?" A cheeky voice enquired, making them both turn towards the casino roulette table. "Red 27." They watched transfixed as the ball made its way around the spinning wheel even though they knew the outcome given his supernatural powers.
"Red 27," the Croupier called out making the crowd gathered at the table cheer with excitement. Caroline looked at the huge pile of chips at Kol's seat thinking a call to casino security really was in order. Even just to teach him about the perils of cheating, call it the teacher in her.
"Looks like I'm a millionaire, again," he grinned knowingly, taking a long sip from his whiskey.
"When I asked you to advance this particular mission, it wasn't to cheat in the casino."
"Way to ruin my winner's streak, Niklaus," he whistled, compelling the unwitting croupier before walking over to join them. "I'll have you know that I have been doing reconnaissance for you as directed bossy."
"And our beloved Hope is set to tie the knot at the Elvis Chapel tonight, 9pm." Caroline could make out his hands balled into fists, the mere mention of her upcoming and supposedly secret nuptials causing those angry thoughts to resurface.
"What room is she in, Kol," he managed to bite out, through the obvious rage given the increasing redness in his face.
"That I don't know, but it's probably best to surprise them at the chapel than risk her running away from the hotel beforehand and marrying the unwitting idiot elsewhere." Caroline had to admit that Kol was right. Which was unusual given his well-known immaturity.
"Although I hate to admit it, Kol does have a point," Caroline offered, finding her hand on his again comfortingly. She decided to blame her touchy-feely tendencies on the fact that they were currently in crisis mode. He hadn't spoken much afterwards (no doubt given his tendencies never to admit anyone else was right), they rode the lift and placed their stuff in the room. Klaus had paced back and forth in front of the impressive window like a caged animal. Caroline could hardly blame him given his protective nature but she was pretty sure he was going to wear out the carpet if he continued.
"You need to relax."
"I realise it's a foreign concept but it is something most people do at some point in their lives, even just to ease some of that tension in your shoulders."
"I don't have tension," he baulked. "But say I did, what would you do to get rid of it?"
"Good try, buddy," she joked. When he's sent her that sly smirk and a stray left cheek dimple, Caroline had been briefly tempted to rub his shoulders but knew that wasn't going to end well or appropriately given her teacher status. "I'm going to relieve some of my own tension and have a bath."
"Are you sure you don't need anyone to help scrub those hard to reach places, love?" He called out right before she slammed the door shut, a familiar tingle reverberating through her body. Damn him for returning and causing all those feelings to bubble to the surface. She could hear his laughter through the door and was relieved that he was at least beginning to calm down, even just a little.
The bath was glorious, the hot water and multiple bubbles seeping into her tired joints and relaxing her entire body. She'd briefly wondered what he was occupying himself with on the other side of the door but decided it was best to not think about it given the burgeoning arousal she felt when it came to the Original Hybrid in such close proximity. Wrapping a white towel tightly across her body, Caroline opened the door quietly. She hadn't heard anything so figured he'd no doubt gone to bother Kol or drink a much-needed shot of whiskey to calm his fatherly nerves.
"Lucky we're not paying for water," he smirked, taking in her scantily clothed appearance. He was lying on the couch, the whiskey she'd imagined propped in his hand.
"I didn't take a shower, genius," she growled sarcastically, holding her hands over her chest defensively. "I kind of figured you might have decided to get a life and explore the casino."
"I couldn't be responsible for my actions in public," he admitted, taking another swig of his drink. "I figured you were my safest bet, sweetheart." Caroline wasn't quite sure what to do with that comment, especially half dressed in his presence.
"Nice to see you've learnt some restraint finally, Mikaelson."
"Only with you," he murmured, his eyes trained on her again, Caroline struggling to control every urge she'd suppressed when it came to Klaus Mikaelson. Last time she checked he was the big, bad wolf and she was just a vampire trying to teach kids how to survive in the the big, bad supernatural world.
"Get out!"
"Last time I checked this was our room," he insisted, placing his hands on his head and leaning backwards lazily.
"By your design," she scoffed, deciding that his intense stare was too much to take, especially this scantily attired. "I'm going to go change before the upcoming nuptials."
"Excuse me?"
"I mean the interrupted nuptials," she corrected herself.
"So, stay out of the bedroom in the meantime, Mikaelson," she yelled before slamming the door shut. Caroline figured some extra clothing was the least she needed to combat his encroaching effect on her willpower.
"Talk about tacky," Kol drawled, taking in their surroundings.
The three of them had walked up the strip towards the famed Elvis Chapel and found themselves at their chosen destination which seemed to be pretty busy this time of night. Obviously this was the beginning of peak hour for wedding ceremonies. Klaus had been unable to take his eyes off her fitted, black dress ensemble and Caroline figured she should have been happy that his attention was distracted from his daughter but his longing stares weren't doing anything to calm the desire.
It was at this point she was kicking herself for getting involved in this situation and thinking Alaric was definitely the person for the job. Far less messy emotions involved on that front.
"We don't do threesomes," the officiant barked before they'd even spoken.
"These two could only be so lucky," Caroline scoffed, looking between the brothers. True, her gaze kind of faltered when it came to the brooding blonde but Kol she had no qualms in dissing. Especially with that annoying smirk plastered on his boyish face. "We're actually guests for the upcoming wedding."
"Well, wedding is such a final term," Klaus coughed.
"Mikaelson and..." Kol began slowly, obviously unaware of her betrothed's surname. Not highly unusual given the haste of their nuptials and his general lack of interest in the whole situation.
"Windsor," a voice interrupted. They all turned to face the young blonde who was staring at them, hands on hips.
"What? Like the Royal family?" Klaus hissed, attempting to come to terms with the fact his daughter was standing there before them in all her glory.
"Trust me, there's no Royal blood present," Caroline muttered. "You are in big trouble, young lady!"
"Who needs a father figure when I have Miss Forbes?" She drawled, her eyes rolling as she said it.
"That's no way to speak to her, Hope," Klaus growled. "You are in big trouble. Trouble that I'm not sure you'll never find your way out of this century, if not this lifetime or the next. Where is the bloody idiot I want to kill anyway?"
"Don't you Dad me..."
"What he means to say is..."
"I understand a death threat when I hear it," Hope reiterated, looking at her Uncle Kol pointedly. "Klaus Mikaelson is my father after all. It's kind of par for the course."
"And yet you seem so relaxed while I plot your punishment for the next few decades," he growled. Caroline felt bad for her student but at the same time nothing seemed to add up in this scenario. "And his slow and painful death."
"We're not getting married," she insisted. Caroline, Kol and Klaus all looked up in confusion at that particular remark.
"So, what exactly are we doing here, darling?" Kol asked curiously, looking around the room. "Not that I don't like an opportunity to come to Vegas and win some more money though."
"I thought it was time you stopped being so damn stubborn and decide to get married and make it official," she offered. "There's only so much sexual tension I can stand and from what I've been told by my aunts, uncles and various friends its being going on forever."
Caroline was shellshocked, not expecting their mission in Vegas to result in this particular ending. As torn as she was about Klaus, Caroline had no intention of marrying him and by Elvis of all people. She had a wedding planned out since she was five and this rushed Vegas plan didn't suit that dream. She looked towards Klaus, expecting him to be upset but he was decidedly annoying and calm. No doubt he was revelling in the fact his only daughter wasn't rushing to the altar like he'd suspected.
"So, you're not getting married?" Klaus reiterated.
"No but it seems like a waste to leave the chapel like this..."
"I have to agree," Kol agreed.
"We are not getting married," Caroline growled. Klaus looked at her, hopefully at first before his gaze returned to his daughter.
"Caroline is right," he coughed. "And don't think you're not in trouble, Hope."
Little did they know that exactly one year later, Klaus and Caroline would be married in the same small chapel in Vegas. Hope called it a win for her amazing intuition skills and breaking down Caroline's fear of Elvis. Meanwhile, Kol was happy to win another million dollars and when all was said and done Klaus figured he left Vegas far better than he'd arrived.
Read and review HERE
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lokifiction · 7 years
A temporarily exiled god. A young woman with insatiable wanderlust. By chance they met, but when it became clear to them that their love was meant to be, they took matters into their own hands. Their story became an ocean-borne fairytale, until inescapable ghosts from the past and a certain iceberg threatened to ruin everything.
Category: Fanfic
Rating: M
Notes/Warnings: I think this chapter is free of anything that needs a warning, but I did figure out something of a solution for mobile users and my masterlist. I’ll now be including a link to it in each of my posts, so it will be a little more accessible if you’re just scrolling through. I hope that helps!
Also, side note: tumblr is being extra finicky lately and for some reason the links to the Unsinkable chapters on the masterlist aren’t working. If you want to access the first two parts, you’ll have to use the links below until I can get things fixed. I’m so sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused!
First Chapter
Previous Chapter
Part 3
April 10th, 1912
            “Are you ready to go, Miss Potts?”
             “Just one more moment, please.” Camryn spoke to the porter over her shoulder, eyes still fixed on the hotel room that had just been cleared of any evidence of her stay there, yet she didn’t see a thing. “You can take those bags down now, though.”
             She was grateful when her request was carried out, leaving her alone with her thoughts. Glancing over towards the door to make sure no stray maid had come along to strip the bed, she took the coat she currently carried on her arm, one she had not lost contact with since returning from the ball the previous night, and held it in her hands, squinting her eyes shut and burying her nose in Loki’s scent. When she pulled away, tears rolled down her cheeks and she choked back a sob. Since her departure from London she harbored hope that they might encounter each other again, but boarding the Titanic dashed that hope to pieces.
             “You’re being silly,” she reprimanded herself, voice thick and shuddering. “You’ve only just met him, and were only around him for a few hours. That’s not enough to warrant this melodramatic reaction.”
             Her heart pleaded a different case.
             “Did you say something, miss?”
             Camryn started as she noticed the porter, returned from his errand, at her side once more. She hurriedly cleared her throat and dried her eyes, bending over her last remaining bag to tuck the coat inside.
             “No, I didn’t,” she replied once she had control of herself. She passed him the case and managed to muster up a fraction of her signature charming smile. “Shall we be off, then?”
             She followed the porter down the stairs and into her waiting cab, passing him his tip as she slid into her seat.
             “I wish you the safest of journeys, miss,” he bade. “The Titanic… that’s an opportunity of a lifetime. You’re making history today.”
             “I hope so,” she replied. “It seems that’s the only thing that can make my heavy heart just a bit lighter.”
             Before the porter could request an explanation, the driver shut the door and drove off, eager to avoid the traffic that the sure-to-be monumental day would bring.
             It appeared that Camryn’s scheme to be early and board the ship before the crowds came pouring in was foiled, for everyone else seemed to have the same idea she did. The ride to the docks took much longer than it should have, and when she finally arrived, they were already packed and swarming with passengers standing in line to board, along with news reporters and photographers at every corner, even non-travelers only present to catch a glimpse of the ship and those fortunate enough to have passage on it.
            Her driver, obviously in a dismal mood due to the impediment to his route the attendees caused, stopped in an awkward spot and began to unload the vehicle without even asking Camryn if their location was a good place for her to be left off, and drove away the moment she shut the door behind her. She sent him off with a scowl, performing the geometric trial of figuring out how to get all her bags into her arms at once, and only when she achieved it did she realize that the third-class passengers were to board first, and she had at least an hour of waiting before her turn came.
            So much for departing early to make leaving Loki behind easier, she thought, wishing she could better enjoy the experience being a part of such a fantastic day in history.
             Heaving a sigh, she lugged herself and her baggage over to a rare spot separate from the chaos, crumbling down on one of her larger suitcases and resting her chin in her hand, suddenly regretting the decision to leave her lady’s maid behind in her current journey, lamenting that she could have both assistance and companionship if she hadn’t. Her stature in those musings was quite an interesting sight to onlookers, contrasting heavily to her normal elegance: the daughter of a highly-esteemed millionaire, dressed in a pristine white travel suit and an elaborate, matching hat, a rebellious color smeared across her lips, lounging dejectedly atop her bag like a common nomad.
             One of the crew paroling the docks noticed the strange sight, as well, and approached to closer investigate. He noticed her dress and her countenance, but he wondered why someone who appeared to be so wealthy was traveling without a single servant. He worried over the fact that she appeared to be on the docks utterly unattended, especially when she seemed to be so young.
             “Excuse me, miss,” he began as he approached, and Camryn’s unsettlingly garnet colored eyes snapped to him. “Are you a passenger of the ship?”
             “I am,” she replied, taking her boarding pass from her handbag and showing it to him. “I stupidly didn’t realize that my boarding time is later, though, so I have to wait here.”
             The crewmember scanned he pass, eyes widening as he recognized her name. This was clearly not a girl that should be left alone amidst an immense crowd of people below her station, many of which would gladly take the opportunity to get their hands on her.
             “We can certainly make an exception for you, Miss Potts,” he declared. “I’ll go inform some of the crew that you’re coming so they can prepare for your boarding. You can just follow me.”
             The man jogged off ahead, but as Camryn attempted the arduous task of collecting her bags, he disappeared in a wave of people. She didn’t worry too excessively that she lost sight of him, seeing as her place of boarding was listed clearly on her pass, and she needed only find it. She bumbled along miserably, though, hindered by the luggage meant to last her a nine-month trip, until a timid tap on the shoulder roused her. She turned to discover a man, weathered beyond his years, attended by a skinny little boy, both having stepped out of their own boarding line. They had scrubbed themselves pink for the occasion of traveling on the Titanic and had put on their best clothes, yet even those were still riddled with patches and loose threads that displayed their low status. The man regarded Camryn nervously, expecting her to spit on him as most people as rich as her did to people as poor as him, but she merely smiled broadly and said a warm hello.
             “Excuse me, miss.” The man took off his cap and clutched it in calloused hands. “I’m Jacob Greene, if it please you. This here is my son, Joshua.” Jacob gestured to the boy beside him, and Joshua conjured up a smile that proudly bore missing teeth, brilliant blue eyes closing with the width of the expression, lashes longer than a girl’s brushing his freckled cheeks. Camryn was instantly charmed by the boy, and giggled heartily.
             “How wonderful to meet you, Jacob and Joshua. I’m Camryn Potts.”
             “Well, Miss Potts, we noticed you trying to carry all of those bags by yourself,” Jacob began. “It’s not right for a lady to carry such a burden. You see, we’ve hardly got any possessions at all-” he broke off to shrug, bringing attention to the rucksack he carried on his shoulder- “and, if it please you, miss, we’d like to help you.”
             “I’d be delighted to have the help, so long as it doesn’t trouble you.” She gladly dropped her bags to the ground, now utterly separated from the man escorting her to where she would board. “My only request is that you don’t make Joshua all tired out by having him carry the heavy things. He needs his strength for being a hero, like in the stories.”
             The boy beamed at that, rolling up his shirtsleeve and displaying his lithe muscles, prematurely defined in a way that suggested he was not a stranger to manual labor.
             “Normally, I’d say that it would be good for the boy, but now I’m obliged to agree with you.” Jacob gathered up the largest of her bags, and Camryn passed Joshua her handbag, taking the last remaining medium-sized cases for herself. The boy bore his charge proudly as they began to walk, as if he were carrying the crown at a coronation.
             “Why? Is there something wrong with him?” Camryn asked, careful to keep her queries out of Joshua’s earshot.
             “Joshie got very sick in the recent months, and he’s just now recovering,” Jacob explained. “That’s actually why we’re coming to America. My wife and I had been discussing going there for a while, better opportunities, you know, but we never could find the right time. When Joshie fell ill, it sent us into a panic, because his sister had never had his sickness, but my wife had, and she was weakened from it to a point where a relapse would kill her. She had family in New York that could house her in the meantime, so she packed up little Janie and left. I stayed behind and took care of Joshua, and once he got better I started working extra to earn money for tickets so we could join the rest of our family. I worry that I’m coming without securing a job there, but I’m sure it will all work out somehow. Back to elaborating on your original question, though, he’s better now, but sometimes he doesn’t feel quite right or will come down with a nasty fit of coughing, so I try to keep him from anything too strenuous.”
             “I see.” Camryn tutted, casting another look back at Joshua. “Well, Mr. Greene, my father owns a successful, sprawling business, with headquarters in New York. They’ve not nearly enough people to fill all their positions, so they’re always hiring for one thing or another. I can guarantee you a job there. It may not be the career you want, but it’s an income, and a good one, at that, to have whilst you look for your dream position. I will be sure to find you later and give you some more comprehensive contact information, and once we get on the ship, I’ll send a wire ahead to my father and warn him that he’ll have to answer to me if he doesn’t offer you a job.”
             Jacob flushed redder than Camryn thought possible. “You’re too kind, miss. Really, I can’t thank you enough. I was so worried that I wouldn’t find work when we got there…”
             “Well, now you have.” Camryn looked back at him and grinned, but could not keep the contact for long, for she was stepping up onto the ramp to where she would board. The captain was stationed on the deck to receive her, accompanied by another uniformed crewmember. They greeted Camryn warmly, hardly even glancing over her boarding pass and chatting animatedly about the ship and the wonderful voyage she was to have, but their faces turned stony at the presence of Jacob and Joshua.
             “What are the likes of you are doing at the first class entrance?” the crewmember spat. “Get away from here, and go back with your own kind.”
      “Excuse me, sir,” Camryn interjected, hands trembling with anger. “They were very generously helping me with my bags, and are much better men than you have just proved yourself to be.”
             “Well, they can’t go any further.”
             “Then how am I to manage myself, with all of these things?”
             “That’s what I’m for, miss,” a porter that had appeared from inside the ship during the hostile exchanges raised his hand, blushing for the sake of his colleague. “I’m to take you to your stateroom from here.”
             “Really, Miss Potts, it’s alright,” Jacob insisted. Not wishing for him to linger in discomfort much longer, Camryn demanded a few moments before she went with the porter.
             “If you’re going to have us open the entrance early for you, at least have the courtesy to pass through in a timely fashion,” the crewmember hissed.
             “Perhaps I would, if you had the courtesy to not treat hardworking human beings like the dirt on your shoes.” She flashed him a glare that could freeze magma in its track, her countenance softening as she turned to her helpers.
             “Could you pass me that bag you’re holding, Joshua?” she requested, and the boy did so proudly. She reached inside and extracted a handful of bills, giving Jacob the most generous tip of her life.
             “Miss, this is too much,” he insisted, trying to pass it back. Camryn refused to take it, closing his fingers into his palm and holding his fist in her gloved hand.
             “It’s compensation for that piece of scum behind me,” she explained, then bent down to Joshua’s eye level, reaching into the bag once again.
             “You see, Joshua,” she explained, “I never travel without a hefty supply of sweets. I find that these in particular are a rather good pick-me-up, so I’ll let you have this bag. If you’re ever feeling poorly, just have a piece of the candy and you’ll feel better instantly. It’s the most delicious medicine in existence.”
             “Thank you, miss,” Joshua gasped, taking the large bag in his small hands, but his eyes soon flashed with boyish mischief. “You know, I feel alright, but I really would like one now.”
             Camryn smirked, inching closer to his face. “I won’t tell if you won’t.”
             Joshua’s eyebrows shot upwards, and he eagerly tore into the bag and popped a candy into his mouth, glancing around as if someone was about to scold him. With that image lightening her heart, Camryn sent the Greenes away, and consented to the porter to lead her to her stateroom, but paused before the crewmember.
         “You’d best stay away from the edge of this ship when I’m around,” she murmured menacingly in his ear. “You’re such a small man; it would take no more than a simple nudge for me to shove you overboard.”
             With a cold laugh at his terrified expression, she followed the porter onto the ship.
             Meanwhile, Loki was across town, drawing the conclusion that slow cabs would be the death of his relationship with Miss Potts. He knew his boarding time was not until later in the day, and therefore delayed his departure, but that soon proved to be a terrible decision, for the traffic was so thick that he wondered if it would be faster to get out of his cab and walk to the docks instead.
             When he finally arrived, he bit back annoyed shouts at the hordes of people he was immediately immersed in, with seemingly no escape. Focused intently on achieving his purpose despite the obstacle, he didn’t even pause to admire the sprawling ship before him, which he later reflected upon as being fit for Asgard, for he had one task only: to find Camryn.
             After a few moments of frantically scanning the area, he eventually caught sight of her boarding the ship, a porter trailing behind her, her brilliant white outfit shining out like a beacon amidst the drab colors of everyone else in the area, her form almost seeming to glow. Loki deflated in relief, for she was already aboard the ship, and as he was soon to get on, as well, there were very few things that could separate them now.
            Now determined more than ever, Loki began to make use of his small suitcase, all he needed to carry the possessions he couldn’t easily acquire with magic, as a wedge to part the crowd. In his urgency, he pushed himself to the front of the boarding line, his silver tongue proving quite useful in excusing the offence.
             Once over the ramp and on the deck, he didn’t stay long to chat with the captain, merely commenting that the ocean liner was one fit for the gods. The man was completely naïve to the truth in that statement, but he could barely utter his thanks before Loki was shoving his boarding pass under a porter’s nose and requesting to be directed to the stateroom listed. That particular porter was quite used to what he perceived as spoiled patrons, and relieved Loki of his case with a pleasant expression, for the spoiled were typically rich, and the rich tipped well if not provoked to do otherwise.
             As Loki was guided through a ship dripping with splendor, only the handsome grand staircase caused him to pause. When his guide noticed his interest, he stepped aside to let Loki take in the area, as he had already done with many other travelers earlier in the day. However, though Loki would later note that the simple yet luxurious area was so regal that it was the only place on Midgard he had found truly reminiscent of his royal upbringing, Loki wasn’t admiring the staircase for its beauty. He was instead picturing Camryn in its elegant yet sturdy embrace, gazing down on him from the landing, moonlight filtering in from the crystalline dome above and giving her skin an ethereal glow. With a knowing smile playing at her ruby lips, the vision descended to him, her gloved hand sliding almost erotically down the bannister, even the cherub figurine seeming to stare at her in awe. When she at last halted in front of him, she held her hand out expectantly and cocked an eyebrow.
             “Mr. Odinson,” she declared. “Are you going to ask me to dance or not?”
             Loki chuckled to himself, turning away from the vision and motioning for the porter to continue.
When they arrived at Loki’s stateroom, it opened up on an ornately furnished parlor, but the porter promptly descended into the bedroom to relieve himself of the suitcase. Loki did not follow him to observe his sleeping quarters as many would have done, but instead stepped immediately back into the corridors with the mission to locate Camryn. He did not have to look for long, for the door directly across from his was ajar, revealing the servants inside bustling back and forth, unpacking a lady’s things, and her sweet voice carried over to him from within. His heart skipped a beat, and he entered the room with nary a concern for manners or pleasantries.
       “Have you lost your way, sir?” a maid unboxing a hat inquired when she noticed his presence. “John can help you to your room. He’s arranging this lady’s bags now, but he’ll be finished in just a moment.”
             “Actually, my business is with the occupant of this room.”
           Camryn, behind a dressing screen in the bedroom at the time, was just about to inquire as to who the visitor was, but the sound of Loki’s voice made her blood run cold in all the right ways. With a gasp at his declaration, she rushed out without even fastening her fresh dress in the back, enlisting all of her effort to enter the next room calmly.
       “Mr. Odinson!” she exclaimed, stepping up to him with a bright grin. “What a pleasant surprise! I was quite worried I’d never see you again.”
             “As was I, but I vowed to not let that fear turn into a reality.” Loki reached down and took her hand, pressing a kiss to it. A girlish smile playing at her lips, she broke eye contact to address the staff in the room, informing them that they were dismissed.
             “I have something for you,” she declared once they were alone. Without elaborating further, she momentarily returned to the bedroom to retrieve the coat she kept of Loki’s. She was wont to give up the souvenir, as it had brought her so much comfort in their parting, but she concluded that since they were together again, she didn’t have need for it.
             “I believe you might have missed this,” she commented when she emerged back into the parlor, extending the coat to Loki. His eyes widened in realization.
             “I did,” he commented. “You seem to have kept it quite safe, though.”
             “In a manner of speaking.” Camryn felt heat creep up her neck at what she was about to confide in him. “Truthfully, I liked that I had it. It smelt of you, and reminded me of that wonderful night we had. I’d often put it round my shoulders when I was alone and dream that you were there, longing for us to meet again.”
             Though these words tugged on Loki’s heart, he was never one to miss a beat in such a situation.
             “If it’s brought you that much comfort, then I insist upon you keeping it.”
        “Well, then, it’s only fair that you have a favor of mine.” Camryn pulled out her handkerchief, embroidered with her initials in red, and passed it into his grasp. “I know it’s not a suitcoat, but I daresay my dresses would be far too short for you.”
             “This will do wonderfully.”
             As Loki gratefully tucked the favor into a safe pocket, Camryn took his hand and led him to the sofa.
             “So,” she began. “The wanderer wandered onto the Titanic. I wish you would have told me sooner, because then my anxiety these past days would have been far less.”
             “I would have told you if I knew, but it was quite a spontaneous decision,” Loki explained, glancing down at their still-intertwined hands.
             “And what spawned this spontaneous decision?”
           Loki raised his gaze to meet hers, staring into her eyes with an intensity that could only come from a god.
             “You,” he replied simply.
             Camryn started at that, but before she could trouble herself with conjuring up a reply, the strap of her lilac-colored dress tumbled down, revealing a large amount of her milky white chest, and would have borne even more if she didn’t slap a hand on the rogue fabric to stop it.
             “I’m so sorry,” she gasped. “I forgot to have one of the staff fasten it; your arrival caused me too much excitement.”
             “I’ve been wondering since I first met you at the hotel,” Loki said with a tone of scolding, “why are you not travelling with at least a lady’s maid, as is customary for girls of your status?”
             “Well, you see, my lady’s maid is married to my father’s valet. The pair accompanied us on the business tour, and as my father and I are both rather self-sufficient, they had much free time and the trip was like a second honeymoon to them. When I got called back home, I thought it would be cruel to drag her away from that time with her husband.”
             “That’s all very noble, Miss Potts, but what do you intend to do in situations such as this, when you need someone to fasten you into your clothes?”
             “I just hope for some kind passerby to come and help me,” she answered with a giggle, rising to her feet. “Would you be my kind passerby today, sir?”
             “I will.” Loki rose to join her, taking the clasps of her dress in his fingers and leaning down so that his lips were level with her ear. “Though, if I had it my way, I would not be putting you into your clothes, but rather taking you out of them.”
           Camryn’s breath hitched in her throat. She blinked a few times and clenched her fists to stop them from trembling before replying in a wavering whisper:
             “I would make some sort of comment regarding the impropriety of that statement, Mr. Odinson, but that would make quite a hypocrite of me, for I believe I would prefer that as well.”
             Loki swiftly spun her in his arms, savoring the way her eyes widened and lips parted in surprise and anticipation, and was just guiding his mouth towards hers when a maid bustled into the room and caused the two to spring apart.
             “I have the extra blankets you requested, miss,” she announced cheerfully. “Oh, and I thought I’d let you know that the ship is about to depart. It’ll be quite a sight, and everyone’s anxious to see it, so I’d suggest going now if you want a good viewing place on the deck.”
            Camryn flashed Loki a resigned smile, reaching over to the arm of the sofa and wrapping a warm fur around her shoulders. “Shall we go, then? Just let me fetch my hat.”
Next Chapter
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Strong Enough to Bend chapter 3
Turned out Cat calming down only happened when she finally had fallen asleep against Kara's shoulder, finally, two hours later, after Kara had finally managed to get her to move back to another waiting room on this floor, and Cat had finally stopped shedding endless tears, and had gone through a box of napkins. Kara didn't know if Cat was now calmer, or whether she'd simply exhausted herself into sleep, but either way, Kara was glad that she was finally resting a little. Kara, being who she was, didn't need the rest. Kara spent her time on the phone, and the cafeteria cart that came by every 40 minutes offering coffee or cookies, and Kara had never been known to refuse a cookie, especially ginger or chocolate chip, and so every passing visit was a reason to smile. The host of said cart had started giving her two the last two rounds by, smiling as she did. She'd sampled 4 kinds by the time James showed up, Kara's bag in tow, and quietly gave it to her, to which she was grateful, two power packs that she could use for her phone available inside and loaded full. Kara smiled gratefully at him, and leaned back when he left again after a few whispered questions, and left Kara to her silence and empty room again. Mostly it was empty, except for the reception staff a few meters away and the young couple in the other corner of the room, playing with their daughter and waiting for some kind of results as well. Kara smiled at the two women when they made eye contact, and waved at their daughter when she smiled and giggled, laughing as they bounced her and flipped her to make her squeal with laughter. Kara looked over at Cat, still sleeping, and sighed at hearing her heartbeat being soft and rhythmic for the first time all day, and back to it's normal slow beat. Kara smiled and swept through various messages on her phone and texted back to multiple people, Alex, Eliza, Hank, Winn, James, and some others still. The nurse came by twice, every hour, to report the same. That everything was going the same, all was good, and Kara smiled gratefully at every visit. It was about 3 hours until Cat finally startled awake, and Kara mentally cursed the intercom and the lights that screeched for all hands on deck to room 2175. ''How long was I...?'' Cat asked, smoothing out her suit, and Kara smiled at her. ''3 hours or so. It's 10pm. It's fine, everything is okay. He's not out yet, but everything is going perfectly. James stopped by with my bag, and brought a change of clothing for you. A different jacket, and a lighter shirt. You should change and freshen up, I'll stay here until you get back.'' Kara said with a grin as Cat stood and stretched, muttering a quiet sorry at Kara's shoulder, and grabbed the folded stack of clothing and left for the nearest washroom. Kara smiled until she disappeared and then stood as well, her legs needing the stretch despite her powers, and she smiled again at the couple, that had been glancing at her and Cat randomly all evening. ''Waiting for a surgery to finish as well?'' She asked softly, not intending to pry, but happy to talk after a few hours of silence. ''Crash victim, so yes. You?'' ''Brain surgery. Glioblastoma. Waiting is... intense.'' ''Forgive me for asking, and I won't spill to anyone, but is that woman with you Cat Grant?'' ''Yes.'' Kara said with a faint blush. ''You two look like a couple, the casual way you watch over her.'' ''Oh no. I'm her assistant at CatCo. I'm... we're not...'' ''That's how it starts, right Caro?'' The girl asked to her girlfriend and the other girl smiled and nodded. ''Yeah that's what they always say. I wish you two luck, hope it works for you, it's hard, admitting to yourself that you're in love with someone you share work with. I hope you two figure it out, for your sakes. And I hope the surgery goes well and everything is fine.'' Kara would have responded, but saw Cat and walked over immediately, handing her a bottle of water that James had packed into her bag. Cat took it gratefully, with a small smile, and Kara relished in the sight. ''So, what's the news? Anything yet?'' ''Nothing so far. All seems good for the moment. Do you want to go grab something to eat or coffee or something from downstairs?'' ''I want to wait here. You can go if you want to, if you do grab me a vanilla latte, extra shot.'' ''I'll be back in a minute.'' Kara said quickly and grabbed her bag, heading to the stairs after giving the couple another small smile, waving as she passed them. When Kara returned a few moments later with two coffee cups and a scone, wrapped up, for Cat, and a chicken wrap for herself, she smiled and handed it over to Cat, who was, for the first time in the last 15 hours, looking slightly more like herself. She was checking her phone, sending an email of sorts, swiping through messages and clicking at things. Cat took it gratefully, and sipped at the drink immediately, smiling at Kara as she set it down on the table beside her and dug into the scone. ''You know what to get, every time, don't you?'' ''It's my job, Ms. Grant.'' Kara said, waving the compliment off, and took her seat just as the nurse came by again, smiling to see Cat awake and eating. ''So you finally coerced her to eat I see.'' Nellie joked, and Kara laughed lightly, holding Cat's hand tightly as Cat watched expectantly, rising to face the nurse more directly. ''So?'' ''He's cleared. The surgery is over, and everything went exactly as predicted. He's back in his room now, being addressed to, though he will be asleep for hours yet, from the anaesthesia and from pain mess that we've given him to cope with the pain. His vitals are strong, and he's coming through as expected. I know I've said it before, but I suggest you go home and take some proper rest, relax and eat something proper. I will call you the second he's out of it and waking up.'' ''Ms. Grant, I say she's right. The surgery is over and a success. Right now, we are useless here. You need to rest a bit more and maybe grab a shower and eat something other than a scone. Come on, we really should go for a bit.'' ''Yeah, no I agree. Thank you for keeping us informed.'' Cat said, scribbling a number on the receipt from the coffee shop, and handing it to Nellie, who took it with a nod. ''Please don't hesitate to call me immediately the second anything is up.'' ''Of course. I will do so. I will see you back as soon as something is known further.'' With that, Kara helped Cat gather her things and they walked away, and no, Kara didn't miss that when they got into the elevator, alone, Cat snuck her hand around Kara's waist and held on tightly. Kara just smiled to herself and stared straight ahead, not breathing. Had Carter been right? ------- Yes, Kara had been to Cat's home before. Delivering files or forgotten work, but never actually gone past the threshold into her home. That boundary had always been upheld. Now, it felt overwhelming to be here, in Cat's insanely opulent living room and adjoining dining space, while Cat grabbed a shower upstairs. Kara had assisted herself to chilled water from the fridge, and was looking about, shocked by the clear wealth that was on display here, with Cat's choice of design and deco. Rich leathers, expensive silks, dark mahogany wood and clear crystal wherever she looked. At a glance anyone would immediately tell this to be a millionaire's home. Easily. It was obvious. Kara looked up, surprised from her distraction with twelve different expensive letter openers on a gold tray as Cat came down the stairs, looking fresh with damp hair pinned up with a crystal clip and a plain pale blue tank top and yoga pants. So this was casual Cat. Well, Kara stared in shock and wondered idly if Kryptonians could have heart attacks on this planet. Kara smiled and set down her water before she crushed the glass from the sight of Cat alone, and walked over to the woman, intent on helping her in any way. Cat still looked distraught, hurt, scarred, worried as any mother would be, but beautiful despite all that weight on her shoulders. She looked truly pretty like this, truly beautiful, and Kara felt her own heart leap, Carter's words ringing in her ears. Cat like liked her. Could it be true? Kara didn't dare hope. ''Can I interest you in something to eat? I had plans to make stir fry tonight, I would really hate to waste all the ingredients...'' Cat said with a sad sigh, looking at empty house, at the gaming systems on the far wall by the TV, the Settlers of Catan game sitting on the top desk like a worthy prize. Carter's favourite game. Kara noticed the tears coming again and rushed around the kitchen island to her, gently placing a single finger under Cat's chin. ''No tears. That's an order.'' ''I give the orders here, Keira.'' ''Change is the spice of life, Cat. Let me do the ordering tonight. No tears, no sadness, no worries. They will call us if they notice anything, and that's all. He's all clear right now, so relax. I would love to join you for a meal, and I love stir fry.'' ''Okay. Yes.'' Cat said with a deep breath, nodding slightly. ''Okay.'' Kara smiled and released her, partly from the smile Cat gave her, and partly from the scent of Cat's expensive perfume, which was making her weak to the head. Cat smelled like honey and mango, and it was insane to Kara, who had grown so used to that scent around the office that now, when they were alone, it was practically overwhelming. Hell, Cat's proximity alone was overwhelming. ''I'll get dinner started. You can take a shower too, if you want.'' ''Oh no, Cat. I couldn't impose like that.'' ''Humour me. Go, shower. You have a change of clothes in your bag, I saw it. James is very thoughtful. Go on now, I'll start making food.'' ''Okay.'' Kara said with a laugh. And made her way upstairs to Cat's bedroom with her bag, and ensuite bath, following the smell of steam and trying to ignore the opulent bed and rooms she passed, just as exquisite and beautiful as all the rest. Carefully Kara stripped out of her work outfit, and sighed at getting it off. Nearly 17 hours now. Kara pushed the door to close and slipped off her supersuit as well, setting the fabrics in a pile on the granite counter, her cape coming last to splash over the black granite like a flash of wild colour, and then Kara sighed and slipped behind the curtains, turning up the heat. Kara stood beneath the spray for maybe 5 minutes, thinking about Cat, wondering how she should go about this, or if she even should. Did she and Cat even have a chance? At all? Kara wanted a chance. She couldn't remember the day she'd fallen for Cat, sometime years and years ago on that talk show, watching it at home after school. Cat had been beautiful even then. Kara smiled at the memory, and shuddered at the fact that Cat was so close now, a floor down, in the same household, making food for them both. And Kara sighed as she towelled herself off and changed into first her suit and then the change of clothes she had in her bag, and then retied her hair into a bun and went back to Cat. She knew the last thoughts she should have now, while Cat's son is in the hospital just out of brain surgery, were these romantic ones, these even erotic ones. But there they were, stronger than Kara had felt them in weeks. ----- Kara found Cat on the balcony, overlooking the private beach and the ocean, and walked silently to the kitchen fridge and got another glass of water, knowing today the last thing Cat had considered was food or drink. Kara joined Cat at the railing and handed over the glass, and Cat took it gratefully, muttering a thank you. ''Just thinking. You barely ate or drank today, you probably really need this.'' ''You're always there aren't you? Always aware, knowing what to do.'' ''Just doing my job, Cat. But today was rough, anybody would do this.'' ''Mm, yes.'' Cat said, twirling the glass after taking a large sip. ''That's true as well. But I don't mean today. You've always been there, at just the right second. Listen Kara, I don't know how to say this exactly, but there's something about work you need to know.'' ''Okay...'' Kara whispered, leaning over the railing as well, closer to Cat, and waited. Could this really be happening? Was Cat admitting her affection? Now? Really? Kara swallowed and met Cat's eyes. ''I...'' Cat swallowed thickly. ''You've never been just an assistant to me, Kara.''
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ecfandom · 8 years
for the prompt: clarke and lexa meet for the first time in the middle of a storm. they are drenched, trying to find shelter and run into each other.
Not exactly what you asked for, but here you go! 
The sky had been begging for it all day. Dark, thick cloudshung low over everything, casting shadows and cooling the air enough to bringout jackets and hats and even some gloves.
The only downfall of a Mid West fall was the endless days ofcold, heavy rain that pulled the colorful leaves from the trees and poundedthem into the ground until there was no grass left to be seen.
Lexa loved the Fall and the vivacity of life that the crispair and incessant rains brought, but today she had been running late—a raritythat already had her annoyed and mad at everything. Which meant that she had noumbrella. Even worse, she’d left her hair down with no back-up hairband on herwrist, opting for the extra two minutes it gave her otherwise wasted on braids.
The best part of it all was that today would be the day herbike chain had decided it’d had enough of her cross-city treks to her favoritecoffee shop and book store. Today would be the day it decided to slide rightoff the gears the second Lexa’s foot hit the pedal.
Her best option, her onlyoption, was to pull the collar of her jacket tighter around her neck andtrudge onward towards the bus stop. Besides, the walk gave her time to come upwith excuses for why she’d be ten minutes late to class. The reminder makes hergroan and quicken her step.  
She can barelysee the back of the bus driving away from her thanks to the fat drops of waterbombarding her face and eyes, but she can see well enough to be thoroughlypissed off and in despair.
Filled withwater, her boots make a taunting squishing sound as she resigns herself towalking the rest of the way, zig zagging and jogging to stay under awnings overhangs. She checks her phone.
Five minutesbefore her night class started with at least another fifteen-minute walk. Shestows her phone away, grabs onto her backpack straps and breaks into a soggyrun.
Lexa doesn’tscare. She’s calm cool and collected.
To be fair, thethunder claps is really, really loud.
So when ithappens, she yelps and flinches, momentarily blind by the flash of lighteningthat is much too close for comfort, and nearly dives into the sheltered busstop.
There’s anotherperson there, a small chuckle lets her know, but she’s too distracted trying tokeep her wet hair from dripping down her back to pay the person any attention.
Except then theperson extends a towel.
Except, when shelooks up, she’s staring at Clarke Griffin. Sopping wet and gorgeous as ever.
Which is fine. Because Lexa is calm, cool and collected.
Except Lexa hashad a crush on Clarke Griffin since she sat behind her in Intro to RussianLiterature sophomore year.
“Clarke, hey.”
“Oh, hi.Um…Lexa, right?”
Amazed thatClarke would remember her name a year later, all Lexa can do is nods, smile andthen avert her eyes, unsure of what comes next.
“Did you wantthe towel?”
“Oh.” Lexa takesit, wipes her hands on it and gives it back.
“It’s clean. Youcan wipe your face,” Clarke chuckles.
“Oh, I didn’twant to assume—“ The words die in her throat when Clarke smiles at her again.
“No, it’s fine.Go ahead.”
“You sure?” 
With the nod,Lexa buries her face in the plush towel and nearly loses it. The damn thingsmells like Clarke. Fresh and clean and soft. If soft had a smell. She triesnot to groan and takes a little more care than necessary wiping off her face,drawing it out as long as she can. Both, because it’s nice, and because whenshe looks up again, she’ll have no idea what to say.
“I can’t believehow hard it’s coming down.”
Lexa forcesherself out of the towel and nods weakly, handing the towel back.
“You’redrenched, keep it.”
“So are you.”
“Yeah, but youlook significantly colder than I do. Here.” Clarke takes the towel and wraps itaround Lexa’s shoulders with another one of those smiles that makes Lexa’sstomach flip.
“Can I ask why you had a towel with you?” 
“I was headed to the gym to swim and then lost the motivation when it started pissing out. She looks around wide-eyed as the rain pounds down around them, the two of them the sole wanders crazy enough to be outside. “This isinsane.” 
Lexa hums,glaring at the discoloration of her boots thanks to the god awful waterswirling around the sidewalk.
“So what’ve youbeen up to since Russian Lit?”
Clarke chuckles,looks around. “No, I was asking the guy behind you.”
Lexa glancesbehind herself and blushes before turning back around to a grinning Clarke.“You were joking…”
Clarke smiles so wide Lexa’s knees go numbsand her throat goes dry at the pure radiance of it on Clarke’s face. “Yeah, I was joking joking. So how’ve you been? Still embarrassing lit majors by knowing morethan them?”
Lexa tints pinkagain and shakes her head with a quiet, single huff of laughter. “No, justmyself.”
“I don’t believethat. Someone as smart as you…couldn’t possibly embarrass easily.”
“I’m embarrassednow.”
“Really? Why?” 
“I’m not goodat…talking to pretty girls.”  Lexa’sheart pounds in her chest as the confession hangs between them like thecondensation puffing out of her mouth. Somehow, somewhere, she’d gotten theconfidence to admit that to Clarke, but now, per usual, it’s no where to befound and she thinks she might be close to passing out.
Clarke takes astep closer to her and reaches out to play with the corner of the towel hangingnear Lexa’s hip. “I don’t know, that was pretty good, I think,” she saysquietly.
Lexa can barelyhear it over the sound of her heart beat pounding away as if it’s trying tocompete with the rain to be the loudest.
“Were youheading somewhere before?”
Lexa manages tolook up at her, momentarily left behind by Clarke’s last statement. Clarkesmiles at her and it makes it even harder to come up with words. She wishes shecould tell her to stop. “Um. I had class.”
“Are you stillplanning on going?”
Lexa pulls outher phone.
“Probably not.”Her stomach flips both nervously and excitedly. She’d never skipped a classbefore. Without Clarke standing there, looking at her with those freakign eyes, she’d probably bemortified at the sheer idea of it.
“Grounder’s isclose. If you maybe want to go grab something hot?”
Lexa grimacesdown at herself. “I don’t know. I’m soaked…”
“Right, totally.”
“But maybe…youcould come by my place if you want. If it’s closer than yours or wherever youwere going.”
Clarkeconsiders, and Lexa really likes the look of it on her. “Are you close?”
“A couple blockssouth, one east. Near the Dempster stop.”
“Why didn’t youjust take the train in?”
Lexa smilessheepishly. “No money on my Ventra card.”
Clarke laughs,shaking her head. “I feel that. You don’t mind if I come over?”
“Not at all,”she says a little too quickly. “I don’t have any plans.”
“Just to skipclass.”
“Don’t remindme.” 
“First time?”
Lexa nods,looking apologetic as if Clarke is her professor and will be offended by herabsence.
“Could’ve calledthat one from a mile away.”
“Yeah. You’re anerd.”
 Lexa ducks her headagain.
“Come on.”Clarke grabs her hand and pulls her towards the curb. “I like nerds.”
“Wow…you’re likereally clean.”
Lexa scratchesat her neck as she shuts the door behind them and locks it. “Yeah I mean. Itry. I go a little nuts if I don’t. Living room’s to the left.”
“Do you maybehave a towel? I don’t wanna drip on your floors.”
“Oh sure.” Lexafeels funny being asked for a towel given that she’s wearing Clarke’s, but thenagain, it gives her a moment away from the stunning girl to collect herself.
Lexa sticks herhead inside the hallway closet and counts to five. ‘Oh my god,’ she mouthes,clenching her eyes shut and bouncing on her toes. “You can do this. You can dothis. She’s just a girl.”
“Hey Lexa?”
Lexa pulls herhead out of the closet and calls back to her. “Yeah?”
“Mind if I graba glass of water?”
“Oh sure.Glasses are in the cupboard to the right of the fridge. You’re welcome to anyfood too.”
There’s a pauseand then a chuckle. “Yeah, I think I’m gonna pass on the fridge full ofvegetable.”
Lexa finds herin the kitchen, hands wrapped around a steaming mug.
“I used yourmicrowave. Hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all.I’ve got tea…”
Clarke looksdown into the cup and Lexa’s scans it, hoping it’s not one of her moreembarrassing mugs like the Barbie themed one from her niece. It’s not, thankgod.
“Have any herbaltea?”
Lexa smiles. Teais her forte. She can do tea. “That’s the only kind I have.”
“Of course itis.”
Lexa grabs alarge wooden box off the top of the fridge and sets it down on the counter,opening it to reveal packets upon packets of tea all sorted out into their owncompartments. “Take your pick.”
“Oh wow. Um…Idon’t know, what your favorite?”
Lexa looks overthe contents, playing each flavor in her head, and wondering what impressionit’d leave on Clarke. What it’d say about Lexa. She reaches for one, then drawsback, unsure. She glances over at Clarke, but the way she’s looking at hermakes her squirm, so she focuses back on the tea bags. “What do you like?”
“Oh anything,”Clarke says noncommittally.
Lexa grabs apacket and hands it to her, sighing as if she’s just given her final answer onWho Wants to Be a Millionaire. “Lavender infused Jasmine.”  
Clarke smiles.“Sounds amazing.”
“Want any honey?Or stevia…I like stevia in mine.”
“It’s an herbalsweetner.”
Clarke gives herthat smile again. “Of course it is.”
Lexa tinglesdelightedly, again finding her shoes quite fascinating.
“I’m good on the sweetner. But maybe some mile?”
“Oh sure. It’sin the fridge, help yourself. I think I’m gonna go put some dry clothes on.Would you like any? We’re about the same size.”
“You’re just agreat deal more fit.”
God what Lexawouldn’t give to disappear into her bed and squeal into her pillow like amoron. Instead she chuckles and shakes her head because it’s polite and she’s agentleman. Gentlewoman. “No, you’re…you look great.”
“That’s sweet.”
“It’s true.” Enough. Lexa scolds herself mentally andshuffles backwards out of the room before Clarke can say anything more. Butthen she remembers…she pokes her head around the living room wall back into thekitchen. “Sorry, did you want some dry clothes?”
Clarke looks atherself, then to Lexa. “That’d be great.”
“Cool. I’ve gota heater in the living room next to the couch if you want. I’ll be right back.”
Clarke in Lexa’sclothes had been a mistake. Clarke in Lexa’s practice shorts an even biggermistake.
“I don’t think Iknew you were on the soccer team,” Clarke says looking at the number on theshorts. Lexa’s looks at it too feeling weird and possessive and into it.
“I try not toadvertise it. Too many associations.”
“Yeah, like, youknow. Stereotypical jock who is dumb and doesn’t care about school.Communications major who takes the minimum credits in easy A classes and isusually a total douche bag.”
“I prefer douchecanoe.”
Lexa grins.“Yeah, well.”
“Well you’recertainly not any of those I’ll give you that.”
Unsure of whatthat means, but hoping it’s a compliment, she smiles to herself and continuesto flip through the channels on her TV, hoping for something good anddistracting.
“I can’t believeit’s still coming down,” Clarke murmurs, shifting on the couch to look out thewindow behind them. It makes her shirt ride up to reveal a soft, round hip. Forthe first time in her life, Lexa has the overwhelming urge to suck on it.
Not a hickeyperson, never a hickey person, thethought startles her into looking away, praying that Clarke hadn’t noticed herstaring. How could she have, though? She had been busy looking out the window.It was only Lexa who had taken the opportunity to look elsewhere.
“Weather channelsays it’ll go through the night and into tomorrow,” she says, clearing herthroat and attempting to clear her mind.
“Oh. Bummer,”Clarke says, though somehow there’s something not quite convincing about it.
In the two hoursthat have passed since finding their way to the couch, Lexa has learned twothings about Clarke.
1.    Shehas no sense of personal space.
2.    Sheis touchy.
With Clarke’shead relaxed and heavy on her shoulder, Lexa’s not sure when she’d breathedlast, but given the heat flushing through her body, her racing heartbeat andthe dizziness in her head, it was safe to assume it’d been a while. 
Her back achesfrom being held still and rigid, anything to keep Clarke from moving, and shecan’t feel her thigh where Clarke’s is draped over it. But it’s fine. It’s allfine. As long as Clarke doesn’t move, she could handle it.
“You smellnice,” Clarke suddenly says, shifting closer to Lexa’s neck and nuzzling everso slightly.
Oh god.
Lexa gulps. “Thanks.”It comes out like a squeaky question because her heart is in her throat and herair is anywhere but her lungs.
“Can I tell youa secret?” Lexa can feel the question on her neck, tickling her skin. Shewonders if Clarke can see how red she is. She nods.
“I think you’reso cute,” Clarke whispers. “Always have.”
Lexa twitchesinvoluntarily has her heart gets even faster. “You do?”
Clarke nods andnuzzles closer. “Mhm. I’ve thought about you a lot since Russian Lit.”
“You have?”
Clarke chucklesand pulls back to look at her. Lexa is relieved to see a matching blush and shyeyes. “Yeah…what do you think about that?”
“I think—I thinkthat’s great. That’s—are you sure?”
“Does this feelmore sure?” Clarke asks, breathy and mostly a gasp.
Lexa is too busykissing a trail up Clarke’s neck to answer. Instead, she pushes her hips into Clarke’sand nips at her jaw, grinning and bolstering at the moan that she elicits.
“Holy shit,Lex—“ Lexa watches in awe as Clarke reacts to Lexa pushing a finger inside her,then another when she finds her lose and slick.
She collapsesdown on top of her, moving off to the side slightly to avoid crushing her. Butshe wants to be close. Wants to make sure this actually happening. That Clarkeis actually kissing her in between making little whimpers. That Clarke iswhispering her name every time she pushes in a certain way.
“You’re good atthis,” Clarke whispers. “Lots of practice?”
She can tell Clarke tries to pass if off as a joke, but she hears the worry inher voice. It’s the same worry she’d had when Clarke had been so comfortablewith this—as if she’d had lots of experience.
Lexa can’t tellher the truth because that’d be embarrassing. Telling Clarke that she’d donelots of reading to make sure she was still good at it after not having beenwith anyone for a while wasn’t exactly a turn on. But she could at leastreassure her. “No.” She kisses her gently. “Just a natural.”  
Clarke chuckleswith her eyes closed and her lips parted in pleasure, her tongue coming outlick at her dry bottom lip. The sight spurs something low in Lexa’sstomach—something an awful lot like the familiar tingle of a budding orgasm.She grinds herself down on Clarke’s thigh and moans at the sharp, delicioustwinge of pleasure that confirms her suspicions.
She’s close.Judging by the scrunching of Clarke’s face and the rapidity of her breath, sois she.
“Can I ask yousomething?” Clarke twirls patterns into her sweaty chest with her finger,something so simple, but so beautiful to Lexa. Clarke is soft and sweet,nothing like she expected given the snarky comments and vivacious attitude she’dshown in their class. She’s touchy, yes, but Lexa had come to realize that’sjust how Clarke communicated her feelings. While Lexa was eloquent with herwords, Clarke could do the most amazing things with her gestures.
Like give Lexaheart palpitations with the simple brushing of her finger tips. She kissesClarke’s head and pulls her farther onto her chest, loving that she could holdher like this. “Sure.”
“What is this?Like is this a one time kind of deal or…”
Lexa waits forthe rest of the ‘or’ but it never comes. “I mean…do you want it to be?”
“What? A onetime thing?”
Lexa nods. 
Clarke’s fingersstill and immediately Lexa misses it. “Not really…”
Lexa smiles withrelief and squeezes around Clarke, nearly squealing. “Good, me neither.”
Clarke chucklesand her fingers start up again. “So do you wanna maybe go on a date then? Likewhen it stops raining?”
“Can we keepdoing this until then?”
Clarke pushes upto grin down at her. “Oh definitely.”
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donsalvatore05-blog · 6 years
The Ultimate Guide to Marilyn Monroe's Style
Some like it hot!
We've been breaking down our list of 16 classic fashion icons everyone should know. Last week, we covered Diana Ross, the reigning queen of Motown and 1960s trendsetter.
This week, it's all about cinema's brightest star, Marilyn Monroe.
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Tomorrow, August 5, marks 56 years since we've lost the famous “blonde bombshell.” But with every passing year, her image grows more and more beloved.
Marilyn's blonde hair, red lips, and beauty mark have made lasting style impressions on us all, but in the 1950s, she was known for being the biggest sex symbol of the era.
Her life has been written about and re-imagined countless times, like in the Oscar nominated My Week with Marilyn, or the ill-fated but still adored (especially by yours truly) TV series Smash. But there are a lot of sides to Marilyn you probably don't know about. Keep reading to find out more about her early life, film career, tragic death, and lasting legacy.
All About Marilyn
Fade In On a Girl...
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Marilyn Monroe was born Norma Jeane Mortenson in Los Angeles, California in 1926. Her father was absent, and her mother suffered from paranoid schizophrenia, spending much of her life in institutions.
Marilyn spent her childhood in and out of various foster homes and orphanages. (TW) During this time she was sexually abused.
When her last foster family wanted to move out of California, laws prohibited them from taking then Norma Jeane with them. Their solution was to have the 16 year old marry Jim Dougherty, the neighbors' son, so she wouldn't go to an orphanage.
Gentlemen Prefer Marilyn
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Dougherty was a marine and had to leave Norma Jeane behind for a while. Around this time, she was working at a factory and was discovered by a photographer to shoot pin-up style photos for the troops. (Fun fact: Marilyn always supported the armed forces and would go on to interrupt her honeymoon to perform in Korea, where the troops adored her.)
By the late 1940s, Norma Jeane had dyed her brown hair lighter and began a modeling and film career. She landed a contract with 20-Century Fox and chose the stage name Marilyn Monroe.
I never wanted to be Marilyn--it just happened. Marilyn's like a veil I wear over Norma Jeane. - Marilyn Monroe
It only took a few years for Marilyn to become a world-wide sensation. But she was typecast and sexualized in films as a the “girl next door” or the “dumb blonde." She often felt limited. She was devoted to the craft and trained in acting, hoping to play different roles.
There's No Business Like Show Business
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Marilyn had a bad reputation on movie sets. She suffered anxiety, stage fright, and low self-esteem (among rumored other issues relating to her childhood traumas). 
To cope with this, she took dangerous combinations of drugs and alcohol. As a result, she often showed up late, forgot her lines, and could take hours to film a simple one-line scene.
But in the 1950s, people weren't understanding of her mental health issues, and the executives and men on set were cruel to Marilyn. She became co-dependent on her acting coach and friend Paula Strasberg, much to the dismay of her directors.
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Many biographers question Strasberg's influence, as she wanted Monroe to be a method actor; and though she encouraged Marilyn to go to psychoanalysis, she wanted her to use her traumas for acting.
I've spent most of my life running away from myself. - Marilyn Monroe
As she rose to fame with films like Niagara and How To Marry A Millionaire, Marilyn's personal life became a hot topic in the press. She married Joe DiMaggio in a passionate but doomed relationship which lasted just nine months. (After Marilyn passed, Joe continued to send flowers to her grave every week for twenty years.)
"We are all of us stars, and we deserve to twinkle."
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Tired of being underestimated, in 1955 Marilyn founded her own production company (the first woman to do so!) and partnered with Fox under a new contract that would let her pick her own movies, directors, and cinematographers.
She was a women's and civil rights activist, too. She notably helped Ella Fitzgerald get a break by demanding she play a famous venue and attending every show front row. 
I don't want to make money. I just want to be wonderful. - Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn remarried to a playwright named Arthur Miller in 1956 and her career kept growing, but her personal health declined. Arguably her most famous and acclaimed film, Some Like It Hot, is also recognized for her famous bad behavior on set.
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In 1961, Marilyn divorced again, and in 1962 began working on her final film Something's Got To Give. But by then, she was severely dependent on substances and struggling with depression and other physical health issues.
Fame will go by, and, so long, I've had you fame. If it goes by, I've always known it was fickle. So at least it's something I experienced, but that's not where I live. - Marilyn Monroe
Something's Got To Give had to pause production to allow Marilyn time to heal, but the movie was never finished. Marilyn Monroe died in 1962 of a drug overdose.
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Today, she is still a symbol of style, beauty, and sex. But fans, critics, and biographers' attitudes have shifted towards her infamous behaviors. She's no longer seen as a wild party girl, and instead her personal traumas, mental instabilities, and dedication to her work despite it all are respected and championed.
Marilyn was a feminist and an artist. She demanded rights over her own career in a time when movie contracts exploited actors, and was a talented actress, who managed to sparkle and brighten up every second of screen time even in her darkest personal hours.
Fashion Inspired by Marilyn Monroe
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Marilyn's fashion is constantly imitated, usually with hot pink gloves or flowy white dresses, but I'll let you know now that we'll be taking a different approach. Yes, Marilyn was always in full-glam at press events, rocking the most stunning and expensive designer dresses you could imagine. But she worked closely with photographers to capture a different, more human side of herself.
Keeping it Casual
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Marilyn loved being photographed reading, as it was a major hobby of hers. And when not in costume or red-carpet attire, she sported a smart-casual style that was very trendy in the '50s.
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Products: Top - Boohoo, Bag - The Gap, Shoes - DSW, Shorts - Urban Outfitters
A turtleneck with short sleeves is total casual Marilyn, as is pairing that with high-waisted shorts. For a little bit of fun, get patterned shorts like stripes or houndstooth, which Marilyn has been photographed in before. Her daytime looks blended cute and sophisticated pieces into an original aesthetic.
Cutting Edge Color
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Marilyn loved color and could pull off a floor-length bright red dress or matching turquoise suit like no one else ever had or has since! Her extravagant personal style was so eye-catching because of her choice of figure-flattering shapes and bold, playful colors. Fun fact: Marilyn loved costume jewelry pieces and didn't like owning expensive ones.
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Products: Romper - Forever 21, Blazer - Forever 21, Shoes - Old Navy, Bag - New York & Company
A more accessible way to add Marilyn's fun colors into your wardrobe is to choose one bold stand-out piece (like a jacket or jumpsuit) and keep everything else simple. Both on-screen and off, Marilyn mixed business-y, formal elements like blazers or button down shirts with playful and flirty elements, like low-cut tops or leggy bottoms. Choose your accent color and accessorize around it using the Marilyn method!
Let Me Be Your Star
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Okay, I had to do something glamorous for our last look! Marilyn loved performing, and that included putting on a show for her fans when she was out in public and taking gorgeous photos for publications. Shiny, shimmery gowns were a go-to for her.
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Products: Dress - Boohoo, Earrings - Belk, Shoes - DSW, Bag - Windsor, Lipstick - Ulta
A low-cut, body-con gown is a must for a Marilyn feel on a night out, as Ms. Monroe was always making headlines for her ultra-feminine looks. She enjoyed the attention and had fun playing with her sensuality in outfits, so strappy heels and red lipstick, two sensual staples, are also classic Marilyn elements.
Will you be channeling your inner Marilyn?
Marilyn was a fashionista, and even over 50 years after her passing, we still look to her for style guidance! Her beauty and fashion won't ever be forgotten, but we'll remember her perseverance, dedication, and talent forever, too.
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Are you dyeing your hair platinum blonde? Will you be drawing on a beauty mark with some red lipstick? Let us know how you'll be dressing as Marilyn in the comments below! And for more information on Marilyn Monroe, check out these great sources:
Biography.com Marilyn Monroe: Fascinating Facts About the Real Woman Behind the Legend
Harper's Bazaar 20 Real Marilyn Monroe Quotes That Will Change What You Think of the Icon
How Stuff Works Entertainment Marilyn Monroe's Early Life
Mental Floss 14 Fascinating Facts About Marilyn Monroe
Vanity Fair Marilyn and Her Monsters
Wikipedia Marilyn Monroe
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