#i wont go into possibly upcoming stuff but. man
discordkittenterumi · 5 months
miles’ “i’m better therefore it’s my responsibility to care and protect for others and make the decisions that are too morally questionable for them to make” vs neil’s “i’m worthless therefore it’s my responsibility to try as hard as i can to be useful and lessen my burden”
that shit is crazy actually
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im-aranami · 3 years
Who is their type?
It includes the following characters: Manjiro "Mikey" Sano, Chifuyu Matsuno, Takashi Mitsuya, Inui Seishu, Wakasa Imaushi
Who do "I" think they'll like
Just a reminder, I'm not trying to offend anyone here. I'm just stating my own opinion about who I think is their type, thankyou for reading this. I hope you enjoy!!
Manjiro "Mikey" Sano
Okay but, doesn't everyone think he wants someone who is strong & dependable? who can comfort him in the BEST way possible.
Well uh, I do. Just imagine Mikey going back to his house being all grumpy and sad about something, but then his s/o was actually waiting for him in the living room and has snacks & an upcoming hug ready to greet him.
It will surely make him happy that his s/o is always there for him.
Also someone who is understandable and mature, knowing he is a leader of a gang it will be quite hard to have an agreement, like dates etc.
So he will deeply appreciate someone who is content with quality time with him, doing/watching stupid stuff from time to time.
Chifuyu Matsuno
OKAY this guy, would obviously want someone who likes reading manga with him. Aside from that, just like Mikey, he likes his s/o understanding and caring. This romantic boy just needs some fluffy love yknow?
He would probably love someone who can cook well enough to not eat instant yakisoba all the time.
Someone who can stay up late with him so they could do stargazing. Just someone who truly accepts him for himself because I headcanon that he is quite insecured about himself. Because he is worried you might leave him for other guys like guys who are taller, more muscular, more handsome, etc.
Someone who would be willing to join his stupid ideas at midnight, yes all the way. It screams Chifuyu Matsuno.
Takashi Mitsuya
hihi, someone who is quite energetic but at the same time shy?
I can't explain it well but he wants his s/o to be a shoulder to lean on since he's quite stressed with his job as a fashion designer
They dont necessarily need to be good with household chores cause this man is a whole package, jackpot, he's worth more than 1,000,000 from the lottery.
He would want someone who could interact well with children since he's a family kind of guy
Someone who is caring and a little bit clingy, he wants to know that his s/o really loves him.
Inui Seishu
Just like Chifuyu he wants someone who accepts him for being himself. But a little different, he wants someone who accepts his personality not just his looks.
He would like someone who is lively and loveable, since he needs a new spark of joy in his life during his hard times
He would want someone who loves loves LOVES cuddling, he's kind of touch starved so he wants someone who displays their love with words and actions
Probably someone who is not easily jealous cause he knows he's handsome and lots of girls and even guys are after him
Wakasa Imaushi
Badass btch of course, it's been a while since he felt some kind of intense pressure from someone.
He would like someone who can relate to him, eat desserts with him, listen to his problems and just caress his head, back, neck wherever his s/o wants to caress at. Yeah, kind of touch starved as well since he never really had someone to lean on after Shinichiro's death, there was Benkei, Takeomi but no one will really compare to his s/o.
Before I go off topic, let's continue. Someone who wont be afraid to agree with his agressive opinions, someone who wont be afraid to side with him.
He likes 20% clingy people, just because he wants someone to be by his side no matter what happens.
Note: Thankyou for reading this! I hope you guys liked it, sorry for being inactive. Quite stressed but again ty!!
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vemuabhi · 4 years
One Piece Boys Valentines Special!
Soulmate + One Piece AU where whatever happens to your soulmate will appear on your wrist.
Pairing : One Piece Boys X GN! Reader
Happy Valentines Day Everyone!
A/N : I was listening to I need you by BTS (Clickable). It gives the love vibes. Do listen to it if you want to! You wont regret it. the feels are just everyting!
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Note: in this Story it can be with any one piece boy you wish for. It can be Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Ussop, Law, Sabo, Ace, Killer, Kidd, anyone you admire. anyone you like. for some charecters it maybe OOc but, I tried to make it as close to them as possible. It will be in his POV
“This is in His POV”
As the sun rays hit my eyes, I slowly open my eyes. I grunt as I rolled to the other side of the bed. I took a deep breath and as the usual morning routine I bring my wrist close to my eyes and see what is going to happen to my soulmate today. It said, “Falls down while taking a walk and takes the attention of the complete crowd”.
Most of the times it is small normal everyday life stuff. Once it was, “Studying for Test all night”, for which I felt Super proud and other time it was “Crying because messed the exam”, on that day I was also sad because they were crying and did hard work. Once it was “being called names” and other time was, “Moving away from that place”. Not gonna lie, I was furious because they had to go through bullying.
Most of my mood depends on how my soulmate is doing that day. If I see that they are happy and cosy, I feel happy. If they are sad because of someone, I get super angry. If they are depressed, I feel sad. But yes… I fell in love with them without even noticing. I know neither their name nor face. But I do know one thing for sure. I got one hell of a person. They are amazing and I’d love them no matter what. I’m pretty sure they also like me. Because sometimes I read that they were depressed and crying because of the injuries and problems I was having. Well they could also read what was happening to me because it’s how the world is. In those times I do feel relieved and happy because they do care about me and my heart fills with that fuzzy feeling.
I let out a chuckle as I read todays happening. I know it’s wrong to laugh when someone falls down but… I couldn’t help it. “So adorable”, I say to myself as I looked at my wrist and kiss the sentence. Then I lazily woke up from the bed and continued my routine for the day.
After lunch my buddy asked me, “Man… you sure are smiling today. Something happened?” I nodded and said, “It’s just that my soulmate will be super embarrassed today, so I can’t help but laugh”. He chuckled and we talk about the upcoming works to do. That night I go to my bed and plop myself on it. I think about how my soulmate is as I smile and sleep.
The next day I see that, “Getting a crush on the new boy next door”…. ‘Wait what? Did I read it correctly?’ I thought to myself as I reread the sentence for at least 10 times. ‘Oh lord… Imma kill that jerk’, I say to myself.
I know that crushes don’t last long and yeah I know that my soulmate loves me but…. what the hell?! I can’t allow that! “IF I SEE THAT JERK IMMA BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF HIM”, I scream out loud making the people around me give me the weird look. I am so much pissed today that even the smallest things are pissing me off… ‘Is he that handsome?’, I thought to myself as I run my fingers through my hair. ‘Oh lord this jealousy doesn’t suit me. I hate this feeing’, I thought as I continued being moody for the rest of the day. I couldn’t sleep properly that night so I just stare at the night sky and keep thinking about them as I pout. I look at my wrist and whisper, “I am the only one for you. Get it to your head you idiot”.
I kept looking at my wrist and then I feel a slight sting on my wrist and I continued looking at it. Then I see that a new sentence was being formed. I have seen it many times but every time this happens it makes me so excited like a small baby. It is so magical. I read the new sentence on the wrist and blush hard. ‘Damn it’, I think to myself as I cover my face with my hand. I then again open my eyes and look at my wrist and read the sentence. ‘Continuing to be super happy because Soulmate is jealous’. I chuckle reading that sentence as my cheeks still remained pink. ‘So happy that Im jealous huh.. you little... tsk... still cute though.... Well at least now I know that you are smiling because of me’. I say and plop onto my sheets and close my eyes with a smile still lingering on my face.
After some days of normal peaceful happy days, with me and my soulmate being cheerful, I go to a new island with my buddies. It was a bright beautiful day. We explore the island, eat food and drink alcohol. Just like that the day was close to over and I was alone, walking in a park with the night sky beautifully lit with stars. Then I felt a slight sting on my wrist. I look at it waiting for the words to appear. Then, I see the words that I never expected but was waiting for the most to show up on my skin. I almost forget to breathe when I look at those words. My eyes wide open and heart beating faster than ever.
‘Meeting Soulmate’, was written on it. My eyes couldn’t believe what they were seeing. I take deep breaths and sit on the bench beside me. I was speechless. I was amazed by this. ‘but.. how am I going to recognise them? how are they going to react when they see me? Would they even like a person like me, who always gets into fights? who has lots of scars.. would they accept me? what if they reject me?’, insecurities build up with in my heart. ‘Or worst… what would happen if we don’t even recognise each other?’, I couldn’t keep my thoughts in control. the only thing Mattered was them. ‘I'll search for you. I'll confess to you. no matter how you look, no matter what your gender or pronouns are, I will try my best to find you’, I say to myself and run around the island. That was a sleepless night. I ran around all the places to find them. Asked many peoples if they were meeting their soulmate that day, but every single time I got the same response.
“No, I’m sorry”, said the person whom I just asked.
‘Where are you?’, I thought and continue to search for them. it was already evening, but I couldn’t find them. The complete day, I didn’t feel like stopping for even a second. But now…. I got to the same park again after running around the island. I had no luck finding them. ‘Where are you?’, I thought as I again sit on the same bench as yesterday… all alone still... ‘Did you see me but didn’t like me? Do you like someone else? If you did I’d know by now… where can I find you? Where are you?’, I placed my hand on my head and my elbow on my knees. ‘Did I not notice you even though we met?’, I thought some of the worst case scenarios as my tears began to fall down my cheek. I couldn’t help but sob silently. I was immersed in my thoughts then I saw a person crouch down before me with a kerchief in their hand. “Sorry to ask this when you are crying but, are you by any chance looking for your soulmate?”, they asked. I.. I was speechless so, I just showed my wrist to them, and they smiled and showed me theirs, it said, ‘Meeting your fated in the park’.
I didn’t know what to say. It was the first time I saw those shiny bright eyes and beautiful face. That was my soulmate. They got up and wiped my tears then, they said, “I’ve been waiting to meet you for a long time.”
That moment, I lost my control. I swiftly got up and pulled them into my arms. I buried my head in the crook of their neck and nodded. I felt their arms wrap around me as they rubbed soothing circles on my back. “I love you”, I confessed as they gasped.
I continued, “I know… I don’t even know your name. But… I love you. I love every single thing about you. Your kindness, your nature, your behaviour. I love how you are passionate about small things. The way you jam to the music everyone thinks is weird. The way you still be strong even after being bullied. I admire them so much. Those little traits of yours are mesmerising.", I stop and snif, then continue, "I never saw the guy who lives next door to you but I hate him with all my heart”. Then for the first time, they let out a very adorable giggle. ‘Oh... music to my ears when you laugh’, I thought.
Then we slowly pull apart. I see that their cheeks are flushed pink which was also too cute. They slowly reach up to my hand and kiss the place where the writing was making me blush. Because.. I do that many times and now, they kisses my wrist. They look into my eyes and said, “I also love you”. this made my heart flutter with happiness.
They sat down on the bench and I too obliged. We talked about all the things that we wanted to talk about and trust me my heart was about to burst when they leaned on my shoulder and continued talking with me. Thank you for being my soulmate, Y/N.
I hope you enjoyed it! Happy Valentines Day! Celebrate your valentine's day with One piece boys!
Did you like the story or the song. Tell me how you feel by giving me a Like, Comment and Reblog. Thanks for Reading!
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vannyvancan · 3 years
"mr assassin" Roommate!Shinsou Hitoshi X F!Reader Part 2
Part 2 of your Roommate/Assassin!Shinsou is here! First of all I wanna thank y'all for liking the first part so much! In this part we go deeper in darker theme of it, so just a fair warning.
my masterlist. Hope you have a great day and happy reading!
Tw for : Assassin!Shinsou theme, female reader,  gun usage, slight insecurity, NSFW for the most part on the later chapters, drug usage, corrupt government talk, harrasment
Day five of living with your new roommate. He hadn't shown much of an interest in harming you...
That was swell.
You huffed out a breath of relaxation when the realization hit, but not also that, things weren't as bad as you expected! The thought you'd get a nasty roommate who would leave much more bigger mess than you was on the mind... but he seems to be the one who cleans as well? A welcome surprise indeed.
Shinsou was an enigma, waking up early at five am, neatly sorting his clothing and coming back late at 11 pm, he didn't seem restless, which could only mean he probably has a second accommodation where he rests and eats as well. It also explains why he only had one bag with him which you had decency and never saw what was inside. Besides...
He had given you a glare yesterday when you stared at it for long with those white pupils of his.
Even though he was soft spoken, he always managed to find a way to poke fun at you before he left. Granted, you were quiet surprised when he made you a french toast every morning! He barely knows you, but you were grateful to have found a roommate that in one way or another showed his gratitude. Afterwards, you felt obligation to one up him and return the favour. Now dragging your dear friend out, you giggled at the phone text from Uraraka as she immediately started spewing jokes about your potential 'future' with him.
„What an idiot.“ You grinned to yourself, walking down the street to the meeting place, you were about to go shopping with her, you still had to supply yourself with comfortable winter clothing.
„Y/N!“ Uraraka's voice reached your ears.
„Hey! Long time no see!“
„Very long time indeed!“
Uraraka rushed her step to give you the biggest hug there was. She was the sweetest friend and was always there for you no matter the circumstances. Now both of you dragging yourselves in the clothing store
„You just got off from work right? How was it?“ She asked, looking at time, it was now 5 pm.
„Tiring, its even worse because they fired colleagues before summer so now all of us have extra hour of work.“
„Oh no. But at least you will be rewarded more no? More hours equal more pay.“
„Nope, it's the same job in the end, they just extended work time.“ Frowning at the work contract on the mind, it was a very high chance it will drastically change soon as well.
„It's very... bad.“ You nervously laughed as you walked together.
„One time they fired someone from storage, only to replace them with boss's relative. By law its forbidden, but they made up a name for the new position that does the same job in storage. So it seems valid, but its not.“
„Ah... it happened here as well, but uhm.“ Uraraka started
„There's been some disappearances from our parent company, we are having a bit of a rescheduling on our own as well.“ Uraraka nervously chuckled and scratched the back of her head, it was quiet obvious there's been some action going on on her end as well.
„But enough about that, how's Shinsou~?“ She teasingly leaned in and poked her pink cheek.
Your mind shifted to the now roommate, the intimidating figure had you stuttering for a second. Obviously, Uraraka shouldn't of hung out with Mina so often back in college days, because it was so obvious she wanted to pull out some flustering on your end as well. Her curiosity especially hit the peak since she heard your voice hit higher notes when talking about him.
„I-I.. U-um. Okay, fuck! I can't!“ Both of the palms now covered your face to hide the embarrassment.
„Ahah! Is he that hot? You didn't react like that for so long!“
„Shut up!“ You huff out „It's enough that he made a toast for me yesterday, now I don't know how to return the favor. I want to get close to him, but he's unapproachable.“
The brunette put a finger on her lower lip in deep thought.
„Maybe if he's so busy, you can make him little lunches in a box, since he's so busy.“
„Uraraka, that's so childish.“
„It's not! You have to show him your soft side! Poke around, maybe he likes it.“
„My soft side?“
Grimacing as she advised, you were afraid of getting your feelings hurt. Now hesitantly picking up shirts and pants from the shopping stand, you managed to pick decent clothing for the upcoming winter before the prices skyrocket, it was expensive already but you managed to find something cheap. Your eyes trailed to find a plain white scarf, it was really nice quality, and rather cheap, but the sudden thoughts redirected to Shinsou as fingers tried out the material.
Maybe its not a bad idea to try and open up, you'll try but there should be equal effort on his end as well. Now snatching the scarf from the stand, you both bought your things and left the store, suddenly being nudged on the shoulder by the pink cheeked individual, you let out a relieved laughter while walking home for today.
„No, no! Please, Spare me!“
„I'm afraid job's a job.“
„No, please! My wife-!“
„... Operation successful, returning to the main area. Prepare for body disposal.“
„Roger that Mindjack.“
On the broad daylight, Shinsou had eliminated yet another target for today, this time it was a business man whose life spiraled down in gambling addiction, the man who had hired him said he owned too much and knew too much to be kept alive.
Drugs and gambling went hand in hand, it was no different that the client probably had some shady stuff going on on their end as well. Shinsou had to keep his eye open on this one as well.
„Dispatched him quickly?“ Shoto came by side to Shinsou while adjusting dark gloves on.
„Good. Let me help you up.“
Several moments later, a truck came by to pick the dead body up, Kirishima's disguise as a trash driver made both of them cringe for a moment, but quickly brushed it off as Shoto and Shinsou threw it away. The cleanup crew should get rid of their traces now, all he has to do is get away as fast as possible from here. Shoto and Shinsou entered in the truck and drove in silence.
„You blocked the spot quiet nicely Shoto! Made a nice clearing for Shinsou to execute.“ Kirishima praised
„I merely blocked the parking lot. I don't see it being worth a mention.“
„Man, but missions like these always for newbies rely on stalking and timing. And this was perfect.“
„Nothing is perfect in this line of business.“ Shinsou ripped off his gloves and cracked his own neck to relieve tension. „Karma will hit you back hard if you don't know what you are doing.“
„Yeah yeah, it isn't very manly if you're in it just for cash, I mean... I'm rooting for justice and y'all, don't go thinking I am blind to what you guys are doing.“
Shoto and Shinsou fell silent. It was hard to swallow the truth, the car ride to the safe house wasn't long, soon Kirishima hit the brakes and came to a stop to the small abandoned storage house on the outskirts of the city. Shoto jumped out to take care of the body while Shinsou assisted with it, after they were done, Kirishima checked the contract for the job well done and handed the payment. A block of dollar bills now in their hands, the digital transfer of money would raise eyebrows in eyes of banks, so the money transfer was best if it was physical.
„Here you go boys! Boss says that the next contract is gonna be handed out tomorrow, you are free for the rest of the evening.“
„Tomorrow already?“ Shinsou asks.
„Yeah, what did you mean with that question?“
„I was thinking of looking into the client of the previous contract. Do some research and possibly eliminating him.“
Kirishima clicked with his tongue while Shoto huffed out and fiddled with the block of money in his hands.
„Sorry man. Solo contracts wont get you money, and gateways like us wont help you since we put too much at stake. You are on your own if you are gonna kill someone who is off the list.“ Kirishima explained
„Why would you even do it?“ Shoto asked, „Its not like the guy did you anything bad.“
Before Shinsou could answer Kirishima pat his back two times before turning on his heel to store his equipment away and head home himself for today.
„Mindjack has always been like that, even before you started working with. He sorta goes off on his own at times, seeking who needs killin' and who doesn't. That's why we hired you Shoto.“
„Can't blame me for doing what I think its right.“ Shinsou lowered his head, „All I need is time, That's why I was taken aback when a new contract was announced for tomorrow.“
„Alright alright, Mr. Assassin. You'll get your time. Someday. For now, this handsome manly man is going to go home for tonight! I'm going to get myself some hot bath.“
„See you Red. I'll be going too, Goodnight Mindjack.“
The departure was short, Shinsou took his bag and changed clothes before heading back, the bad smell could of easily rub off on him and he didn't want you to start speculating things. Even though he mostly ends his victim's lives in a way where no blood can be shed, it was a close call when she started eyeing the bag yesterday. He hated it, but he had already planned out way's to kill the roommate he was living with for any situation if she found out his true work.
'I don't need any of you to help me in my solo hunt.' He thought to himself, putting his black leather jacket on and helmet, he checked out his surroundings before revving up his bike and driving away.
The evening was busy as people were going back from work, it was 6 pm after all and he was stressing out on the fact that he will have to see his roommate. Maybe he could take a spin? Or start investigating on his own, but he didn't have time, he needed it. Rumbling of the bike eased tension he had from the committed crime, but only barely. As he came to a red light he slowed down and realized he was shaking badly, he knew it was not only from the setting sun and chilling air slowly creeping in, but also of stress. The realization that he might get caught always hit him harder after it settled in his mind. He inhaled deeply and eyed the nearby passengers. His eyes land on a woman in distance he never thought he would run into.
It was you, and you have been on your way to the flat with things you've gotten. The fact you saved up on the flat made you relax and indulge in the little shopping spree with Uraraka and groceries. You smiled from ear to ear nevertheless the tiredness creeping on you from the day.
„Mm...“ You sighed and rolled your shoulders.
„Maybe I'll make the thing she told me.“
You honestly looked like a happy child after realizing now that you have a roommate who pays for half of the expenses, you have extra cash to buy for things and make food at home. It wasn't a big deal to go out and buy something since it was cheap to buy a box of instant meal, but you wanted to cook your own food for a long time now. As you looked in the grocery bag and already beginning to think of the recipe you'd think for it, you suddenly bumped onto a stranger who didn't quiet follow his surroundings either. The harsh impact almost made you fall behind flat on your backside, but you managed to find balance. 'How rude-!' you thought.
„Ah-! S-sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you sir-„
„Watch where you are stepping wench-! I swear, women like you need to fucking know their place and stay at home.“
Excuse me?
Since when did this idiot have any right to find you to get his frustrations out?
You frowned at his sentence, knowing better not to engage with a random incel on the streets at evening hours, whose breath reeked of beer and bad hygiene, you decided to clutch your bags and pass by him hurriedly.
„Don't fucking ignore me!“
„Hey! Let me go!“
The man captures your wrist harshly and doesn't let go, now pulling you towards himself, he makes your belongings and your body stumble forward. His other hand wrap around your waist and starts dragging you along with him. Trying to shake yourself away only resulted in him recapturing you. He started laughing and you only now realize he quiet probably meant to bump into you.
He was trying to kidnap you-
„I said you are a bitch! Now you'll know your place-!“
„Let me go!“
Closing your eyes, the strong grip bruised your wrist and you yelped in pain, Your eyes veiled with tears as his disgusting sweaty hands found their way on your thighs to try and attempt to carry you, but the hold that was on you was suddenly broken free and a strong impact of a punch made the man fall flat on the ground. You were quiet sure you heard something broke as well.
„Agh! Son of a-!“
The adrenaline spiked in your veins and you immediately snapped out of it to see what was going on. Another hand rested on you almost protectively, you raised head to see a dark dressed figure that was very familiar. You were quiet shocked to find Shinsou held you close to his chest, wasn't he supposed to work until very late? You hear his quickened heartbeat and deep breathing as he gazed into the eyes of an attacker. Clutching onto him, you immediately felt more sorry for the drunken individual that had attacked you. Hooded eyes with dark eye bags were visible with blood rush, he stared down at his victim like a prey.
„I honestly can't believe how uncool you are, attacking a woman.“ He tilted his head on the side „Piss off before I do anything worse.“
The drunkard scrambled to his feet, he held onto his nose, groaning in pain inflicted by just his one punch.
„You fucker-! You broke my fucking nose!“
He charged again at Shinsou and you. This time, Shinsou quickly dispatched him by a high kick in his stomach, stealing all the air from his lungs. He hunched over and fell flat face forward, deeming him now unconscious. Your mouth went agape at his form, even though there were no visible passerby's, the drivers could certainly call police and at any moment and both of you would get caught.
„Shinsou!“ You panicked, finally reacting at the scene.
„Come on, lets get the hell out from here. He's bad news.“ He pat your shoulders and helped you scramble the bags that were on the ground.
He led you to climb on his bike that you were quiet hesitant to get on at first, he didn't let you get acquainted as the time was limited and you let out a noise of protest at first.
„We have no time, grab onto me.“ He revved up his bike and it rumbled.
„You just gonna escape like that!?“ You asked „What gives he's not gonna blame it on us? The police-“
„Police is not going to do shit.“ He glared at you „Unless you want to call them right now and deal with this sort of mess on Thursday evening, be my guest.“
You whined again, thinking thoroughly on his words you knew he was right so you followed his orders. If anything Shinsou was a witness if both of you ever end up getting caught. Holding onto the bags in your hand, you decided it was a better option to leave. Now climbing on you adjusted yourself in back of seat, the view in front of you were of his back, now starting to get illuminated by the street lights. He smelled nice, despite it being closed off by the leather jacket, his vibrant purple hair was flattened by the helmet, and you couldn't shake off the thought that you were about to hold him. You let your left hand slip around his stomach while your right one grips his shoulder.
Fuck, he was solid.
The gas made you back up a bit and grip on him tighter as he violently sped forwards to escape the scene. You hid your face in his back and held onto dear life. You weren't acquainted with bike's, most of your life was spent driving in cars and public transport, but you were quiet thankful to have him tell you when to lean on sides as you took turns.
„Just like riding a bicycle“ He claimed.
You relaxed after he talked more about it, there was something about him being calm in this situation made you very thankful. If he hadn't shown up...
Well, you wouldn't like to think about it.
He slowed down and stopped as the lights turned orange, then red, he took this opportunity to check on you. Shinsou leaned back and turned to you.
„You okay?“
„Y-yeah, still a bit shaken up about it. I... think I'll be fine. What about you?“
„I'm good.“ He replied shortly, his curt expression not giving anything else away.
In his mind, there wasn't anything he could do to help, the thought of comforting a victim was very alien to him. He could manage dispatching the person quickly, but he would rather much leave a therapy session to others. There was something about how he emotionally closed off himself that helped him do what he was working for, but it was never in favor when someone needed emotional support, like you right now.
His thought process was interrupted by a white scarf now gently falling around his neck.
„Your facial expression doesn't quiet match your body language Mr. Shinsou. Here, have this, your body is shaking.“
„What is this?“ He asked, tenderly reaching for the soft white fabric and letting the warmth of it settle around his neck.
„Its a scarf... I was planning on giving it to you. You are a good roommate to me.“
His eyes lit up at the realization, his knee was thumping up and down in nervousness from what he had been overthinking about, whats wrong with this woman? Is she going to be the one giving him the therapy session? He better not go soft now. The light turned green and you took a last turn to your place and he parked nearby. Both of you got off and he helped you by giving you a hand and with the bags.
„You didn't have to.“
„That's not true, I had to! I know work's probably putting a lot of strain on you just like mine is, and I know you mean only well, hell, you've been cooking an extra toast just for me.. and now you saved me.“
Both of you came to a stop as you entered the building. You sighed a little bit as words of gratitude escaped you
„And I just want to say.. Thank you."
Wide eyed like a kitten, he seemed so innocent if he didn't act so suspicions all the time. But this time you were so happy on seeing your roommate warming up to you. He was speechless for a solid second, he raised the scarf just a little bit to hide his mouth and nose.
Was he blushing?
"You really think that huh?" He asks, it was a simple question, but it got you stuttering madly and you looked onward, taking big steps as suddenly your flat was the lifeline of a place to be in right now. Shinsou himself didn't want to admit it but looking at you being cheerful after the events set his mind at ease.
"O-of course! A-and don't think that that you are ever a bad person, whoever is telling you bad things at work... They are wrong, because you are actually a really nice person... I think." You said without looking back.
„Now you are just sprouting nonsense.“ He chuckled and followed closely behind.
„Come on! I'm gonna cook us dinner. We are gonna feast.“
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bbrandy2002 · 4 years
Chapter 2: Take My Hand And Drag Me Headfirst
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Book: The Royal Romance/The Royal Heir
Pairing: Prince/King Liam x MC (Riley Brooks), Drake Walker x OC (Alyssa Devereaux)
Series Premise: Riley Brooks and Alyssa Devereaux became best friends as freshmen at Syracuse University, a borderline-sisterhood that lasts forever after. When Riley meets a handsome prince and is asked to compete for his hand in a mysterious faraway kingdom, she invites Alyssa along for moral support.
What the girls think will be a crazy temporary adventure becomes two sets of happily ever afters … with twice the shenanigans to show for it.
A/N: This series is written in loving collaboration between @bbrandy2002 and @burnsoslow​.
Series Warnings: Smut 🍋🍋, language, canon violence (gun violence, bombing, terrorism), drug use, probably more stuff as we think of it. By reading this series, you agree that you are at least 18 years old and are prepared to deal with adult themes.
Thank you @burnsoslow​ for the beta and putting some of your magical finishing touches where needed.
Chapter 3 will be written by @burnsoslow​ ,  I’m so excited for that!!
Propped against the railing of the rear deck of a small tugboat in the middle of the Hudson River, the warmth of Liam’s arms wrapped around her from behind, Riley thought back to the words Daniel spoke to her earlier about fairytales and happy endings. Maybe it was the hope in his voice she needed to hear during a vulnerable moment to lift her spirits, but she was really starting to believe them herself.
The newly fired, down-on-her-luck Riley Brooks had left the Tapped Out Bar with a mysterious man that she plowed over during an escape from rats while taking out the garbage. A little while later, she accidentally attacked him again in the alleyway of her former employment with her sad little stick. They struck up a conversation, and through some awkward stalling on his part, he finally worked up the nerve to ask her out for a drink. 
Riley wasn’t someone who normally took off with random guys she just met to flit about the city, but there was just something about Liam that was different -- that was special. 
Call it intuition. An inclination. Instinct or inkling. Whatever it was, was a possibility. Of what? That remained to be seen. 
After talking to his friends about his plans, and at her behest, the pair headed west on foot until they reached a busy late-night cafe that overlooked the choppy waters of the New York harbor. Sitting on the open deck, moonlight cascading off the ripples of the sea, a light jazz tune playing through the outdoor speakers, they talked for over an hour about everything and nothing, while sipping coffee and plucking at a large cinnamon roll they shared. It was the most Riley had spoken in a long time. When you live with and are friends with the more outgoing Alyssa, you learn to appreciate the fine art of listening. She spoke about her dads, her friends, places she traveled to and what not. All very light, casual conversation. Liam mentioned he had family, his country of origin, how much he was enjoying New York, but never revealed too much.
Not wanting to sound too whiny and pathetic, she stuck with the positive things in her life; she surprised even herself that there were a lot more than she realized. But he captivated her in a real way that made it so easy. Liam laughed with her and made her feel interesting and personable; maybe even desired.
And as the night carried on and the patrons of the cafe dwindled down, a Miles Davis tune began to play: “Blue and Green.” A bright smile tugged on the corner of Liam’s lips as he pushed his chair back and rose from the table to offer his hand. “My lady.”
Riley looked around the deck to see if anyone else was dancing -- they weren’t -- but how could she say no? 
She didn’t want to say no.
Beside their little round table and under a string of hanging white pearly lights and garland, they slowly swayed together like it was the most natural thing in the world. It was chemistry in motion with every soft blare of the trumpet, rhythmic taps on the snare drum, and light pitter pats on a piano played in G major. The tempo was leisurely and elegant, creating the perfect ambience for the feelings that were stirring within them.
With her head resting snugly against his firm chest, the thrumming of his steadily-beating heart reverberating in her ear, Liam revealed, “I’m the Crown Prince of Cordonia, Riley.”
Never breaking their stride, Liam lifted one of her tiny arms in the air and twirled her around gracefully. Riley smiled up at him as they returned to formation; their hands intertwined between them. “And I’m one of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse.”
Liam laughed as they continued their gentle side-to-side movements. “I know it sounds crazy, but I’m not lying to you. Perhaps I should have been a little more upfront with you from the beginning, but I’m normally not allowed to go out without the Royal Guard.” He paused for a moment to lower her into a deep dip, sensually inhaling the perfumed scent around her decolletage, before pulling her back into his arms. “And I was only allowed out on the condition that I kept my identity a secret. But, just for one day … I wanted to be free.”
It was one of the most romantic nights Riley had ever experienced in her life, but as the music continued to play, their steps gliding in sync, she nuzzled her cheek against his firm body and responded, “You’re so full of shit.”
Liam pulled away, amused by her choice of words and disbelief. “After I told you all of that, you still think I’m lying?”
Riley shrugged. “I dunno.” She casually pulled out her chair under his watchful eye and sat down, crossing her legs. Lifting a coffee mug to her lips, she winced at its cold temperature, and the fact that she hated coffee. “So, I’m not really into the whole role-playing thing, but if you’re gonna be this ... Prince of Condomania, how about if I play the sultry villainess spy who comes to steal the treasures from your castle and you catch me in the act?” She batted her eyelashes and splayed her hands across her chest. “I will neva surrenda, Prince Liam. If you wont me, you’ll haf to take me right heya.” Riley animatedly flung her arms out and arched back over her chair.
Liam knit his brow. “What the hell kind of accent is that?”
Riley sat up and smiled proudly. “It’s Cajun. I have this friend and I really like how he talks; it’s so sexy. Do you think it sounded convincing at all? Maybe a little too nasally? You want me to try to do your accent next?”
With a grin, Liam shook his head and took the seat across from her. “You’re something else, you know that?”
She sighed. “That’s what they tell me.”
Reaching into his jacket pocket, Riley watched curiously as Liam pulled out his phone and began typing something on it. He held it out to her. “I want you to look at this, Cajun Villainess Spy. Tell me what you think?”
“Oh God, you’re gonna show me a dick pic, aren’t you?” Riley slammed her eyes shut as she reluctantly reached for his cell, but sort of peeked out one eye.  
“Eh, no. That’s never really been my style.” He gestured insistently for her to look at the screen as he sat back and crossed his arms. “I think you’ll find everything you want to know about me right there.”
It only took her a second to study the images and gloss over the text he pulled up, but a satisfied smirk formed on Liam’s charmed features while watching her eyes grow larger. Riley jumped up from her chair, the momentum causing it to tip over. “Why didn’t you tell me you were a real prince?” 
Liam guffawed, “I did!”
“No, you didn’t! You had I’m joking written all over your face. How was I supposed to know your serious face and your joke face look the same?” She tossed the phone back to him like it was molten iron scorching her palm. “I’d rather have the dick pic.” 
After picking up her tipped-over chair and getting settled again, she took a moment to just process the identity of the man she had spent the last couple of hours talking and dancing with. Her real-life Prince Charming. This incredibly sweet, hot guy sipping coffee in front of her was part of a royal family, and she was an unemployed everything. What on earth possessed him to want to spend time with the likes of her?  
She looked up from her fidgeting fingers that were picking at the green fabric covering her thighs and smiled softly at him. “I’m sorry I overreacted. It’s just …”
“A lot to learn about someone? No, no, I get it. I probably would have had the same reaction if I were you.”
“So ... what happens now?”
What happened next was what led them to the boat they were on for an impromptu midnight ride to see the Statue of Liberty.
Liam laid out the details of his situation: He was a prince visiting New York City with his friends who were throwing him a last-minute bachelor party. Riley listened attentively while he explained his upcoming social season: not knowing yet who he was going to marry, but that duty required him to take a wife by the end of the year. He had hoped while he was in the city to visit its most famous statue; however, his friends hadn’t planned for it. Riley heard the disappointment in his voice and it tugged at her heart.
It was definitely too late to catch one of the many tours that traveled to Ellis Island during the day, but Riley was determined to do what she could to make it happen for him. Part of her was motivated by the fact that she liked him a lot and enjoyed his company; he was charming and refined, different from anyone she’d ever met. The longer she got to spend with Liam and got to know him, the better. But there was also this other part that felt sorry for him. Riley could see the struggle in his eyes and the weight on his shoulders between what he wanted to do, and what his position forced his hand to do. In her mind it was clear that Liam was the kind of guy who got everything -- except what he wanted.
In some ways, she knew the feeling.
To Liam’s surprise, Riley assured him she would find a way for him to see that statue. So, while he paid the tab, her mind raced with how the hell she was going to pull this off. And just before the actual possibility of having to hijack a vessel began to fully take shape in her mind, she pulled out her phone in one last-ditch effort to not break the law. Riley knew no one who owned a boat, but there was one person in her life that seemingly had a connection to everyone in the damn city.
Riley bit at her fingernails as the phone rang, glancing over her shoulder once to watch Liam paying the cashier. “Come on, come on. Pick up. Pick up.”
“Alyssa,” Riley whispered in an urgent tone into the phone, unclear whether her friend would even hear her over the party music and raucous chatter that was blaring in the background. “I need your help with something.”
“Riiiiley!” she slurred. “My bestie. My sister from another parents. I love you soooo much. More than everyone in the whole wide ... something. Hey, guys! Riley’s on the phone; say hi to her!” 
“Wait, Lyss! No.”
A loud chorus of drunken greetings could be heard through the receiver as Alyssa held it up in the air.
“Alyssa!” Riley repeated in frustration while listening to her best friend start another conversation with a partygoer about the perfect symmetrical shape of the cheese cube she just ate. Apparently, it looked like a “tiny little house, for teeny, tiny little cheese people.”
Riley smacked her forehead. “Alyssa!” 
Liam returned from paying the bill, his hands stuffed in his pockets and bouncing on his heels. He raised his eyebrows at Riley as if asking eagerly whether she was ready to head out on this adventure she told him she would make possible. Riley smiled back and raised a finger, indicating she’d be ready in a moment. Panic started to set in as she cursed under her breath and continued to try to get her friend back on the call. “Lyss.”
“Riley,” Alyssa laughed. “You’re still on the phone? No way! Hey, guys! Riley’s still on the phone. Say ‘hey’ to her!”
“NOO! Please, Alyssa, I need your help.”
“Whatcha need, Ri? You know I’ll do aaaanything for you.”
“Ok, do you remember when you caught our dorm room on fire senior year cooking ramen noodles in the microwave, and all my stuff burned up?”
“That checks. Sure.”
“Well, it’s time to pay up on that favor you said you’d owe me.”
Somehow, the planets must have been aligned just right, because a very inebriated Alyssa comprehended Riley’s request enough to talk to Damien about it and have it actually make sense. Luckily, the private detective knew a guy who drove a tugboat for the Port Authority working the night shift and was more than willing to see what he could do for Alyssa’s best friend.
Riley felt Liam’s arms tighten around her waist as the Statue of Liberty came into view. She had seen the landmark more times than she could remember in her life; perhaps she had become so accustomed to it being there that she took for granted how it would affect someone seeing it for the first time. It wasn’t until she twisted around in his arms to view his reaction, to see this beacon of freedom reflecting in his mesmerized eyes, that it all made sense. Liam was a beautiful man with a beautiful soul; if anyone deserved this moment to reflect on what it truly meant to embrace the freedom he longed for, it was him.
“What are you thinking, Liam?” She broke the silence.
He shook his head in wonderment. “It’s magnificent, Riley. I’ve heard art has meaning because of what it makes the viewer feel. Whether it’s ink splatters on a canvas or on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, it only matters if it moves you.”
Liam let out a sigh of contentment and lowered his gaze to her. “And right now, looking at this view with you … I feel like … anything is possible.”
“I feel that way too.” She slowly nodded, finding herself lost in his eyes, his voice, his embrace. Nothing in this moment mattered to her anymore: the long stream of bad luck, the crappy job she just lost, her epic failures at relationships. They all seemed to just wistfully fly out into the ocean and bury themselves below its sandy bottom. 
Wrapped in each other's arms, surrounded by the salty sea air and a skyline full of hopes and dreams, Liam pulled her as close to himself as she would go, his other hand moving up to caress the side of her face. Both searched longingly into each other's eyes, waiting for the other to make that next big move. 
Feeling an awakening of courage and fire in the depths of her fluttering stomach, she threw all fears and caution to the wind. Riley grasped on to the lapels of Liam’s jacket and gently lowered him to her eagerly awaiting lips.
The kiss was tender and brief, but magical; it left her spellbound. Riley could swear she floated out of her body and traveled into the clouds that blanketed above them and enveloped her wholly.
Liam rested his forehead on Riley’s; his hands reached down to grasp hers and swing freely alongside them. “You’re full of surprises tonight, Riley.”
“Is that before or after I knocked you out earlier?”
He chucked, rubbing the bump on the back of his head. “Both times. I’m certainly not sorry about either, though. I’ll never forget this night … or you.”
If you have a concussion, you might. She smiled up at him, “Me either.”
As their boat rounded the island, Riley took one last glance back at the statue that now represented so much more in her mind. Her gaze traveled across the expanse of the gleaming torch, down the long arm of the statue, over to the dim lights shining through the glass within the crown. Something caught her attention -- an odd movement -- and she couldn’t help but squint real hard to make out the image that was quite small from her vantage point. She tilted her head, trying to figure out what the hell she was seeing before it finally became clearer to her. She let out a loud gasp. “Oh my God!”
From behind, Liam leaned down next to her face. “What’s wrong?” he asked curiously, trying to match his view with her line of sight. “What are you seeing?”
Riley pointed up. “I see ass cheeks!” she replied in disgust. “And not just any ass cheeks … big, gigantic ones smooshed right up against the window. There’s two people up there just going at it and … oh, no wait, she just got turned around. Yep, yep, those look like boobies now. Who does that kind of thing, having sex where anyone could just see? And in the Statue of Liberty, of all places?”
Letting out a forced cough then clearing his throat, Liam squeezed Riley’s shoulders several times and laughed awkwardly. “Yeah, I know. Sick freaks, huh?”
The pair watched the display for a second longer than they should have before turning to look at one another, blushing and smiling sheepishly. Riley only hoped she played off her disgust well enough that he didn’t realize she was a sick freak too.
Liam looked away, hoping the same.
It was well past midnight.The Brooklyn streets were mostly bare, with only the occasional late-night dweller cruising the sidewalks or a yellow cab making its weekend rounds. Just a stone's throw across the bridge, the city that never slept, with its flashing lights and bustling tourist, lay in deep contrast to this quiet residential district that was only lit up at that hour by street lamps and halogen headlights.
Riley considered where she lived to be a fairly safe neighborhood. Crime and lawlessness weren’t unheard of, but it was rare for that area. Like many women of her young age, walking alone in the dark wasn’t something she usually set out to do unless she had no other choice. That’s why when Liam insisted he accompany her the few blocks from where they finished their excursion to see her home safely, she was more than willing to oblige him.
“This is my stop. Home sweet home.” Riley stopped at the bottom of the stairs that led to the entrance of her building and turned to Liam. She looked more gleeful than she actually was.
He glanced up at the plain red brick building. It was nothing special, but he made a mental note of the address numbers over its clear glass entryway. He knew it was unlikely he’d ever see her again, but on the off-chance, maybe someday if he was ever in the neighborhood … no, he thought … there’s no point in going there. “I see that ...it’s nice.”
Riley looked at him with a hopeful expression. “I know you said you had an early flight in the morning, but … if you’d like to come up …”
“I wish I could, Riley. Trust me, I want to more than you know; however, the limo will be here soon with my friends, and ...” he swept a strand of blowing hair from her face, memorizing her every feature. “... I don’t want to make this harder on either one of us.”
Nodding, Riley gave a half-smile. “I understand.”
They stared at one another for a moment, hoping to prolong the inevitable. “Come here, you.” Liam pulled her into him and wrapped his arms around her. ”I can never thank you enough for everything tonight, Riley. I’m so glad I ran into you. Well ... actually you ran into me.” Riley let out a soft laugh that made his heart skip a beat. “You were the best part of my trip, Riley. I mean it.”
Before they knew it, the limo pulled up alongside the sidewalk in front of Riley’s apartment. Both felt a sinking feeling, knowing this was the end, and embraced a little tighter as the squeak of the limo’s brakes dulled and the awaiting engine ran in the silent backdrop.
Riley drew in a breath, the heels of her shoes tapping one another. “I guess this is goodbye?”
Frowning, Liam’s palms moved up to her face and rested along her jawline. “I’m afraid it looks that way.” He leaned down and kissed her gently, her arms winding around the back of his neck to hold him there for as long as she possibly could.
Knowing if he didn’t end it there, it never would, Liam broke their kiss, stroking his hand through her hair and said, “Take care, Riley.”
She smiled back. “You too, Liam.”
Not wanting to leave until he was sure she made it inside safely, Liam watched from the sidewalk while Riley slowly made her way up the concrete steps, scouring through her bag as she did so. When she reached the top, she stepped in front of the locked door, frantically digging and shaking her bag in search of the keys to get in. 
“Everything okay up there?” Liam called up to her as she knelt down and started frantically tossing items from her purse, slamming them down next to her feet: wallet, cell phone, lip gloss, ink pens, breath mints, hand sanitizer, a half-eaten bag of skittles, a box cutter she didn’t know she had, a marshmallow bunny from Easter, Midol, tampons …
“Mother fuck,” she grumbled in frustration to herself before yelling back cheerfully, “Yes, just looking for my keys. They’re always at the bottom,” she laughed, trying to make light of it. 
“They’re in your hand, Riley,” she heard him point out when she finally gazed down into her hand and slowly opened her palm. Liam let out a laugh when he saw her face twist up, realizing she had them the entire time. 
“Get out of here. You said you didn’t want to make this harder.” Riley began stuffing everything back into her bag.
He continued to laugh as he threw his hands up and stepped away. “I’m going.”
As soon as she unlocked the door and walked inside to the lit-up entryway, she heard the limo pull away. Everything in her wanted to look back in hopes he’d stayed behind by some chance and was walking up those steps, approaching the door, wanting her to let him in. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath; the greatest guy she’d ever met was gone, and the only way to see him again would require a Google search. 
In her mind, though, she had made a prince’s dream come true. Maybe she wasn’t half bad after all.
In a huge way, Liam did the same for her. Too bad he would never know it.
Riley opened the door and stepped inside her dark apartment, closing it behind her. After such a long day, feeling a little disheartened, all she wanted to do was slip into some comfy night clothes, wash her face, brush her teeth and crash until next week. Taking two steps away from the door, her foot caught on something and she went flying forward, landing with a hard thud to the floor. 
It felt like the wind had been knocked right out of her chest when she hit the ground. “Son-of-a--?” She pushed herself up on her knees, shook out her sore hands, then reached over to flip the light switch on.
“Alyssa?” Riley whispered.
Lying on the ground, curled into a peaceful little ball, was her roommate, still in the same clothes she last saw her in, hands pressed together and tucked under her cheek like a sleeping cherub. Riley crawled over to Alyssa, swept her hair out of her face, and checked for breathing. The strong smell of alcohol emanated from her tiny sighs -- Alyssa wasn’t a heavy drinker. 
Concerned, Riley jiggled her arm. “Sweetie, are you okay?”
An angelic murmur was the only answer to her question.
Not wanting to leave her on the floor, Riley stood up and bent down, her hands grasping both of Alyssa’s wrists before she pulled her down their hallway as gently as she could and stepped into her best friend's bedroom. 
Huffing out of breath, she made it next to Alyssa’s bed. Riley crouched down and tried to lift her onto the mattress, but Alyssa was dead weight. Maybe she had no other choice but to leave her there. 
Riley pulled a blanket and pillow from the bed, rolled Alyssa to her side, and got her as comfortable as she could. After placing a wastebasket next to her friend and leaving a bottled water on the night table, she patted her back. “I have so many things to tell you in the morning, Lyss. You’d be so proud of me.” Riley swallowed down the emotions that had threatened to escape since she realized Liam had left for good. Her voice broken and feeble, she continued, “I took that risk. I was fearless, just like you told me to be. It didn’t work out the way I had hoped, but …” she sniffled through a small smile, blinking back tears. “... I have no regrets.”
Riley rose to her feet and headed for the door when she heard a faint voice call out from behind that stopped her in her tracks. “Ri?”
She turned her head. “Hmm?”
“I’m always proud of you.”
Switching the light off, Riley smiled back at her friend, who still appeared to be resting in a calm slumber. “I know. Good night, bestie.”
The next morning, just as the sun had peeked from behind the clouds and the air was fresh with newness and warmth, Riley woke. Today would differ from every day before. She didn’t want to lie in bed all day and dwell on what-might-have-beens or how her life was a dead end to nowhere. She was determined she wanted something more out of it -- whatever that may be.
Slipping on a pair of trainers, running tights and a long sleeve shirt, she pulled her hair up in a high ponytail and headed out.
She made it two blocks before collapsing on a bench, gasping for air, and flipping off a kid on a bike who was laughing and taunting her.
After five more blocks of running and taking a break at nearly every bench or stoop along the way -- that same jerky kid still deriding her as he circled around each block -- Riley made her way back to her building, hunched over and sweaty. She didn’t jog as far as she’d liked to, but she made the effort, for which she was pleased with herself. 
It also didn’t hurt that there was a mouthy kid out there somewhere with two flat bicycle tires, crying to his mom, that was giving her a new boost of life. 
Reaching for the door of her building, she chuckled to herself thinking about his pouty little face -- haha, sucks to be you, kid -- when someone yelled out her name.
“Shit,” she panicked, thinking the boy’s parents had found her and had come to beat her ass. Riley fumbled with her keys, trying to make a quick getaway inside.
“Hey, Riley! Stop.” The voice sounded oddly familiar, and curiosity couldn’t stop her from whipping her head around to take a quick peek. She instantly recognized the man who was racing up the stairs towards her, from the bar. He was one of the guys from Liam’s party last night who helped after the collision. 
Pulling the keys from the lock and gripping the pepper spray attached to them, she jumped back when he suddenly hopped up next to her like a fireball of energy.
“Riley. I’m so glad I caught up with you. I’m Maxwell -- we met last night -- and this is Rashad.” He pointed over his shoulder. The man gave a simple nod in return. “He was there, too.”
Her brows knit in confusion. “Oookay. You both aren’t here by chance upset over a couple of slashed bike tires, are you? Because that wasn’t me. I saw who did it, though, if you need a witness statement.” Riley’s eyes shifted around, looking for a person to match her fake would-be description.
Maxwell shook his head with a chuckle and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, her gaze falling to it. “Nah, I came to talk to you about Liam. You’re all he could talk about when he got back to the hotel last night. He went on and on about the cafe, and the trip to the Statue of Liberty, and how beautiful you are ...”
“He -- he did?” She was pleasantly surprised, her heart bursting at his words.
“Yeah. We’re heading back to Cordonia so Liam can find someone to marry and all that jazz. But before I go, I wanted to officially extend to you an invitation to join us for the festivities in Cordonia. Sooo … is there somewhere we can talk?”
“You want me to do what?” Riley jumped up from the sofa, her eyes wide and mouth gaping as she gawked back at Maxwell, who was sitting at the far end. Her trembling hand shot to her forehead before she paced back and forth. “Let me get this straight. You want to sponsor me to compete to marry a man I just met last night? And not just any man, a prince. You’re going to fly me halfway across the world -- You could be the Official Royal Serial Killer, for all I know -- then prance me around like some beauty pageant contestant?  And all I have to do is say ‘yes to the dress’ that you can’t afford? Just hop right on a plane with two strange men, huh? How naïve do I look to you?” Riley paused for a second. “Don’t answer that.”
“I’m not doing it for you. I saw how Liam looked at you last night at the bar, and later when he returned from your date. I’ve never seen him that happy before. Honestly, I don’t want him to lose that. We’re kinda crunched for time, though. I’ve got a plane leaving in an hour.”
“An hour?” Riley questioned as she plopped down on the coffee table, her back to Maxwell and the guy in the chair across the room who hadn’t said a word the whole time. It was a once-in-a-lifetime offer to travel somewhere new and exciting and literally rub elbows with royalty. To live out that fairytale that most girls could only dream of. But more importantly, it was a way to see Liam again, and she wanted to so badly … if Maxwell was indeed telling the truth. 
Even if nothing came of it, there was no job tying her down anymore. Her dad had just gotten married to her stepfather and stayed busy as a chef for Beyonce and Jay-Z, so he would be fine, and she had enough money in savings to pay her portion of the rent while she was gone and expenses for her travels. There was just one thing she would insist on.
Riley spun around on the table, her eyes flashing between the two men. “I will do this -- on one condition.”
Maxwell clapped his hands excitedly. “Yes! Just name it and it’s yours.”
“Max.” Rashad leaned forward in his chair, his elbows pressed into his knees. “You don’t even know what she wants yet.”
“I’m getting to that.” Maxwell turned to her with an arched brow. “Okay, Riley. What is your condition?”
She hadn’t even asked Alyssa yet, but Riley steepled her fingers and volunteered her, anyway. “My roommate has to go with me.”
“No problemo.”
“What -- Really?”
“Sure. She can ride the jet back with us and I’ll even help her find a good hotel room nearby so you two can visit … if you’re able to find time in between all the competitions, balls, traveling, lessons, and what not. It’ll be great!”
Riley shook her head adamantly, not willing to budge on the issue. “No! I want Alyssa there for all of those things. If I even have the slightest chance of being a serious contender and a fully functioning human being, I need someone there to make sure I don’t do anything stupid … and I will … a lot.  Plus, she’s my best friend, and I’m not doing this without her.”
Feeling the pressure to relent and the seconds ticking away until takeoff, Maxwell’s shoulders slumped, taking in Riley’s pleading expression. “I -- I don’t know what to do. Your friend would have to be sponsored also in order to stay with you. She would have to be a suitor and compete for Liam’s hand just like you and all the other ladies, and there can only be one sponsee for each noble house. If you’re our pick, then she would need to have someone of nobility who doesn’t have a suitor yet and knows it’s all a ... ruse …” he trailed off, grinning impishly, as an idea suddenly popped into his head. Maxwell’s gaze swept across the room and landed on his friend, Rashad, who had a deer-in-the-headlights look, knowing exactly what he was getting at.
“Oh no. Leave me out of this,” he insisted while waving his hands back and forth. “This is all on you, Maxwell.”
“No, don’t say that yet.” Riley sprang to her feet and grabbed a picture frame from a nearby table, falling to her knees in front of Rashad to beg. “This is Alyssa.” She cheerfully pointed her friend out in the picture, delighted when the Lord of Domvallier’s eyes grew and seemed more than intrigued. “She’s not only beautiful, charming, and supportive, but she’s the smartest person I know. Everyone just loves her. And even though she won’t want to win because of me, she’ll represent your house with the greatest of integrity and propriety. I swear it.” 
“It’s for Liam,” Maxwell interjected, wagging his brows. “Imagine how grateful he’ll be when he finds out your part in making this happen for him.”`
Rashad let out a heavy groan. “Max, you know I would do anything for a friend -- especially Liam -- but it’s not that simple. There’s a reason why Domvallier opted not to have a suitor join this season: I have business dealings in California that coincide with some of the competitions. And with Mother’s and Father’s health in decline, I couldn’t possibly burden them with traveling and overseeing a suitor. It just wouldn’t work.”
Riley turned to Maxwell. “Well … couldn’t she just hang out with us most of the time? It’s not like she’d be in it to win it, anyway.”
“I don’t see why not.” Maxwell shrugged. “We all travel and stay together for the most part anyway.” He glanced over at Rashad, who could do nothing but stare at the two of them bouncing like eager children with big cheshire grins, while he literally decided the fate of a woman who had no idea she had just been volunteered to “pretend” compete for the hand of a prince the entire summer, in another country, and had to board a plane in just under an hour.
Rashad sighed and took the photo from Riley’s hand, giving it a quick glance. He was definitely smitten by the bright, blue-eyed woman with the big dimpled smile and wouldn’t mind getting to know her better, particularly if she was everything described to him. “I should have gone with Drake back to the plane.” He shook his head and handed the photo back to Riley. “Can’t believe I’m doing this, but --” 
Before he even finished his thought, Maxwell and Riley leaped to their feet to celebrate, whooping and howling around him, ruffling his jet black hair, hugging, and clapping him several times on the chest.
“What’s going on?”
The three of them whipped their heads around at the raspy-sounding voice that caught their attentions.
“Lyss!” Riley’s eyes lit up at the sight of her best friend standing there; she couldn’t wait to share all the good news with her. Maxwell, and particularly Rashad’s, jaws dropped at the sight before them. They both did a double take of the picture in the frame and then back to the petite brunette who wore a rumpled party dress, was missing one flat shoe, and sported smudged mascara under her sunken eyes and hair flying in every direction.
Riley moved over to Alyssa, placing a gentle hand on her arm with a smile. “Alyssa. These gentlemen are from Cordonia -- It’s somewhere you need a plane ride for. This is Lord Maxwell Beaumont.” She gestured and received a wave back. “And this is Lord Rashad of Doberman Pinscher,” she stated in a posh accent.
“Domvallier,” he corrected, stunned and still unable to take his eyes off his new suitor.
“Lords?” she questioned in a feeble tone; Riley nodded back at her.
Alyssa smiled at the two strangers, then lowered her head and curtsied like she was wearing a ball gown before them. “How do you do? Welcome to House Devereaux-Brooks. It’s so kind of you to stop by and make our acquaintances. Please do make yourselves at home.” She straightened back up and immediately turned to Riley. “I’m dying. Where’s the Advil?”
Riley insisted Alyssa have a seat while she retrieved the Advil and a glass of water for her. Feeling that was a fair deal, Alyssa stumbled over to the couch, accidentally stepping on Maxwell, who held onto her arms and helped her the rest of the way. When she was seated, she leaned forward, rubbing soothing circles around her temples, willing the room to stop spinning. Riley shuffled back with two pills and a cool bottle of water, and handed them to Alyssa, who hastily threw back and chugged nearly the entire thing. She couldn’t remember a time when she felt so thirsty.
No one knew really how to respond just yet. Rashad conferred in hushed tones with Maxwell, as Alyssa kept her eyes closed for a moment, taking in slow, deep breaths. Everything from head to toe ached and throbbed. 
Finally, she smacked her still-dry mouth and announced, “Okay, I’m going back to bed. Goodnight, everyone. It was so nice to meet you all.” She moved to the edge of the sofa when Riley pressed lightly on her shoulders, holding her back.
“Wait a minute, Lyss. I have something I want to talk to you about.”
Lowering the shades in the living room to block the sun from Alyssa’s sensitive eyes, Riley began to explain how she met Liam at the bar last night and was asked to go out for a drink with him. Alyssa nodded her head slowly as she followed along, somewhat remembering their phone conversation about the date, how he was a prince, and the Statue of Liberty -- Lyss was proud of herself for being a part of making that happen. The next of their conversation continued on to Liam returning to his country for the social season in which he was expected to find someone to marry by the end of the summer. “I’m so sorry he had to leave, but what does any of this have to do with you, Ri?” 
Riley glanced over her shoulder. “That’s where these two guys come in.”
Alyssa followed her friend’s gaze then shook her head. “I’m not following.”
“Maxwell wants to sponsor me to travel to Cordonia to compete for Liam. And we leave in an hour. Yay!” She raised her arms in a V, trying to garner excitement from her roommate, knowing she’d probably freak out.
And she did. “YOU CAN’T GO TO A FOREIGN COUNTRY! FOR ALL YOU KNOW THESE GUYS ARE SERIAL KILLERS OR SEX TRAFFICKERS!” Alyssa looked at Rashad and smiled shyly. “Not you, of course.” She then eyed Maxwell. “Probably him.”
“I know, I know. But that’s kinda, sorta where you come in.” Riley’s eyes danced around the room while tugging on the hem of her shirt.
“What do you mean?”
Maxwell checked the time on his phone as Riley laid out the details, point by point, to her friend, who guzzled the last bit of her water as she found out she had basically been enlisted into becoming a suitor as well. Alyssa spit out her water. “WHAT?”
Rashad sighed and looked for paper towels to dry off his lap.
Taking in Alyssa’s bug-eyed stare, Riley scrambled to make the whole situation sound more appealing to her.
“There’s skiing --”
“You know I can’t ski.”
“There’s ice skating --”
“Are you trying to break both of my ankles at the same time?”
“There’s horseback riding --”
“Oh, God, horses?”
“And beaches.”
Alyssa started to complain before stopping herself. “Okay, that doesn’t sound so bad. But still, Ri --”
“Please, Alyssa,” Riley pleaded, her still-small voice just above a whisper. She sat down on the coffee table again, across from her friend, eyes glassy. “I would never ask you to do something so big for me. But, I want you there … I need you there. This … this is the guy, Lyss. He’s the one.”
Seeing the hopeful expression staring back at her, Alyssa’s heart sank. She set aside the empty bottle and leaned forward, placing a compassionate hand on Riley’s. “First of all, you don’t need me. You’re more than capable of doing this on your own. I mean, give yourself a little credit … you landed a prince.” They both let out soft laughs before she continued. “But, secondly, you know I’m a hopeless romantic. So if this is the only way you’ll go … count me in.”
As the two of them hugged and Riley expressed her fervent thanks, Maxwell cleared his throat and interrupted their happy moment. The girls turned to him as he stated, “I hate to break all of this up -- I really do. This is like the totally awesome stuff I live for -- but we’re pressed for time now. Our friend Drake is already on the plane waiting and isn’t above leaving without us.”
“Oh good. Doesn’t he sound like a little ray of sunshine?” Alyssa scoffed, causing Riley to snicker and drawing half a smirk from Rashad.
The guys headed down to the limo while the girls rummaged through their rooms, stuffing as many of their things as they could possibly fit into suitcases and bags. After taking turns getting quick showers, being vigilant of the time, they double checked to make sure they had what they needed for an extended trip, planning to  call friends and family on the drive to the airport to let them know where they would be.
Alyssa slipped on a pair of sunglasses as she stepped into the hallway, while Riley locked the door to their apartment behind them. “And you’re sure this Liam is worth all this?”
Riley regarded her thoughtfully before letting out a contented sigh, “Yeah. He’s worth it.”
Alyssa shrugged and pushed the sunglasses higher on her nose. “Well, if we don’t die, we’ll have a hell of a story to tell.”
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck: The Last of the Clan McDuck!  Review “It Was Worth THE Dime”
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This is one of my faviorite comic book stories of all time. Given i’m a massive comics nerd, for both books and strips, that is the highest praise I can give this wonderful, epic, beautifully drawn and deeply emotoinal story. I first discovered it in the local library that had the second volume, and found the rest online at a now long dead fan site. And while it took me longer than I care to admit to really dig into Duck Comics, and even now i’ve only scratched the surface, I can say without a doubt this story is the reason I’m so deeply attached to Scrooge as a character, and that I was excited as  I was for Ducktales 2017. This comic showed me just what Scrooge McDuck should be at his core as a character, and showed me what a wonderful character that is. So with all that glowing praise as you can guess i’ve been wanting to cover this for years, and even considered though back when I was more primarily a comic book reviewer last year. Any time i’ve reviewed stuff before now, i’ve considered it, and with Scrooge’s Sisters Hortense and Matilda presumably and definitely debuting on Ducktales soon, and it’s about damn time, the timing could not be better or clearer to dig into this utter triumph.  But before we can take a look at the story itself we naturally have to take a look at the man behind it: Writer and Artist Don Rosa. Don Rosa is easily one of the best Duck Comics writer out there, seen by many as only second to his own faviorite duck comics writer and God of Ducks, Carl Barks. For those 1 of you who do not know, Barks was the man who created pretty much everything in the duck universe comics wise and a bit in animation too: He created Daisy, Scrooge, Gladstone, Magica, The Beagle Boys, The Junior Woodchucks, Gyro, Little Bulb, Glomgold, Rockerduck, and the list goes on. While he didn’t make EVERY duck, he made so many that it’d be impossible to imagine either version of Ducktales being possible without him.  So of course Rosa was a fan and while he took up the family buisness, he was also an artist and duck comics fanboy on the side. So when, even if it meant a paycut, the opportunity to actually write and draw them came up, he lept at it and thus became one of their publishers go to guys, even if said publisher published the stories overseas where the Duck Comics are far more popular and still going to this day, and ironically where most duck comics printed nowadays get their stories from. Rosa was known for his meticous historical research and gorgeous art that he took his time drawing to get just perfect and showed on the page. The man has easily some of hte best and most detailed duck art around and I still haven’t found a duck artist that can match him.. and if you have or found one close i’d genuinely love to see that. He is a genuinely talented, spirited guy who was sadly mistreated by disney and that, coupled with tragically failing eyesight, eventually ended his career. He’s still around and I genuinely hope to meet him some day as he still does conventions.  The man is not without fault: I don’t get his hatred of superhero comics, as while I get them overshadowing funnybooks and that around the time of his career they were in decline, but it’s just as unfair to write off Superhero comics as mindless.  garbage as it is for people to write off the Duck Comics as “only for kids” and I genuinely wish he’d see that and see how the medium has evolved so much since then. I also grumble a bit as his refusal to allow anything besides barks into his bubble, and having to be forced to include fethry on the family tree, but that’s more personal preference. I like using as much material as you got. IT’s why i’ve wanted to, and hopefully will eventually get around to, write a sonic fanfic using bits of all the various universes that for legal, ken penders being an absolute waste of a human being, and sega being stupid reasons can’t be used anymore. I like taking everything in a franchise and putting it in a blender and it’s why I love the reboot. But there’s nothing wrong with taking things as is, not stepping on toes canon wise, but still being awesome. We’re just diffrent people and that’s okay.  And a lot of his fanboy showing actually lead to REALLY good things: Goldie O’Gilt was a one off character, and while used ocasoinally overseas, didn’t really pick up as a character again until a combination of Ducktales 87 and Rosa’s work with her, as he always loved the character, and fleshing her out lead to her being used more, and gaining a sizeable fandom. He also gained the Cablleros an even bigger fandom by giving them two stories of their own, and fleshing them out a bit more.  And this very comic is the peak of that, taking EVERY mention of scrooge’s past from various backstories to set up adventures, every tiny scrap, and to his credit going to both Barks Himself and various other Barks Experts Rosa was friends with to check his work, especially difficult given he likey had to find these stories in issue or pullt hem from disney archives, and complied it into one long epic that not only uses all this info effortlessly, but spins a compelling story that gives us a clear vision of what Scrooge should be, how he became the man he is, and how he lost himself only to find himself again with the help of three precocious boys and a cynical 30 something duck. So taint all bad is what i’m saying.  As for how this got started, thankfully rosa himself provided the origin story for this project in the back of the volume of his works that contained the first 7 chapters of life and times, as well as detailed notes for every chapter. At the time Rosa was working for Egmont, the big european publisher who handles Disney’s much larger european comics market, hence why most of his stories appeared years earlier in Europe before debuting here. The american publisher at the time , and an old friend of his, called Rosa with an idea: A 12 issue Maxi-Series focusing on Scrooge’s history, since at the time they were all the rage.. and really even today mini series are still a viable market and many indie titles just have several minis instead of an ongoing. So it wasn’t a bad idea, Rosa just simply offered a tweak: He’d tell his publisher at Egmont about the idea, and let her get a crack team of writers and artists to do this proper, and thus Disney could publish it for free once it was done and for no extra cost. Rosa gave his publisher a fax detaling both the idea and the fact that it needed to be done right, given to the best person possible, and done with the greatest care. She agreed.. and naturally handed it to him, as he admits he hoped. She made the right call, a legend was born and here we are.  One last bit before the read more and before I get to the first story itself at last: Since barks wrote a lot of side stories that fit into the canon, I COULD slot them in between chapters, but have instead chosen to review the original 12 part story as was, and do the various side stories and two epilogues, the utterly fantastic “Dream of a Life Time”, easiliy one of my faviorite comics ever, and the also really great “Letter From Home”, which will likely on some level be the basis for the upcoming at the time of this review “Battle for Castle McDuck!”, after completing the story. In other words i’m probably going to be at this for years. so join me under the read more won’t you as I begin the journey of a thousand miles with a single step as we look at the humble start of a legend. 
We begin, after a fun short teaser with present Day scrooge saying his past is no one’s buisness only to get hit with an oh yeah?,  with a scrap book title for the issue, something I want to bring up since while I got that’s what it was what I never got, and  must’ve glanced over when I first read rosa’s notes when I got this copy, was that it isn’t SCROOGE’S scrap book, but his sister Matilda’s who dutifully and happily catologued her brother’s adventures. It’s a really sweet moment.. and something that will hit VERY hard when we reach Chapter 11. If you haven’t read this story or heard of it.. .that’s this story’s equilvent of “Last Crash of the Sunchaser” and clearly Frank and Matt drew from that story a bit for it, but we can get more into the parallels when we get there. A smaller but fun note is that Rosa had specific coin drawing templates, for different indentions and what not he used, and used them for the coins in these intro bits. Yes he admitted he has a problem and yes that’s damn impressive anyway. 
It’s Scrooge’s 10th birthday, and his father Fergus has taken him up to see the family land, Dismal Downs to tell him of the mighty Clan McDuck and show him the ancestral lands, graveyards and Castle. He admits to having taken this long because the Clan McDuck currently lives in Glasgow so it’s kind of a long trip just to show your son “Hey look at the decay and rot that’s our ancestral homeland”. The Clan is on hard times, as a bad shipping deal, the backbone of a rather good barks story and I wont’ be interjecting for every barks reference as it’d get rather tiring though for what it’s worth Rosa provided tons of detailed footnotes in the back of each Fantagraphics collection, so good on him. Speaking of which though they do include 10 pages of Mc Duck family history that was supposed to open this story.. until Rosa’s editor wisely pointed out the story isn’t about them but scrooge and having read his roug draft, yeah.. there’s a good gag here and there, as well as “Dirty” Dingus McDuck, scrooge’s Grandpa and the reason Dewey is cursed with that middle name. Why anyone thought Dingus was a good name is beyond me, nor why Donald thought that was a good middle name back in 2009 is again, beyond me. Good on Don though for getting that past the censors.  But yeah with no money they can’t buy the land back and they were scared off it years ago by a mystical ghost dog, the hound of the whiskervilles. There is treasure in the castle, Sir Quackly’s gold, but he accidently sealed himself into a wall while sealing his treasure in there. Their interrupted by the town assholes, the Whiskervilles who have been grazing sheep on the land and are naturally behind the hound, using the sound of it to scare off Fergus once they realize he’s a McDuck. Because apparently you can keep a Scooby Doo style hoax up for Centuries if you don’t have meddling kids around. Who knew.  Back in Glasgow, we meet the rest of Scrooge’s family: His Uncle Jake, his sisters Matilda and Hortense, and his mother Downy. Jake hasn’t really been mentioned at all in Ducktales and I know next to nothing about him, which given I share a name with the guy you’d THINK I would. I mean I know a decent amount about this Jake. 
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But nothing about who the hell Jake McDuck is or why he lives with his brother and his family. Here, you guys watch the dancing Jake, i’m going to probably do that for hours after this review is done, i’m going to go sort this out.  Okay one google and finding the Scrooge Mcduck wiki page on him, Jake shows up here likely because he was referenced in the story “A Christmas For Shacktown” and apparently borrowed from Scrooge and never paid it back. Otherwise.. there’s not a lot about him and unlike the rest of Scrooge’s family he really dosen’t do much that I can remember. Except like 2017 Scrooge, he apparently has become extremely long lived, as Scrooge and Donald STILL think he’s alive in the 1950′s.. and likely is STILL alive in some form in the Don Rosa stories, given his take place after Barks and thus in the 40′s and 50′s where Barks stories were set. Hence why unlike the Reboot, Scrooge isn’t inexpecilbly over 210. But Jake McDuck sure as heck is. Maybe this highlander is a highlander.. you know the movie and tv show type. Maybe someone cut off his head. That’s what i’m going with.
This does bring me to another point about this story: While Barks gave all of scrooge’s family their names, it’s where Rosa got them after all, it’s Rosa who really made them into characters. Fergus as a loving father ashamed his family legacy has fallen and wanting his son to do better than him, Downy as an equally loving wife and mother, Matilda as his sweet and caring sister and later her brother’s moral center, and Hortense.. well here she’s just a babbling baby but her character will become clear and glorious as we go. She is adorable here though and we do get some great bits with her.  Getting back to the plot now i’ve made my points, Jake is riled up wanting to understandably kick the Whiskerville’s asses with Scrooge, who even as a sweet innocent ten year old still has the family temper already, agreeing.. but Downy gently shoots them out pointing that two middle aged-ish men and a 10-year old just aren’t enough to fight an army of them and while she doesn’t mention it the fight would just tire them out for work and accomplish nothing as while it is the McDuck’s land the combination of the hound and the lack of money to move back means it’s pointless. She also mentions their younger brother Pothole, who went to America. This will be important later. 
Scrooge storms off and Fergus laments, in a scene that’s more painful the more I think about it, how his clan has fallen, with he and his brother lamenting their chances at glory are long gone.. but Fergus has hope his son can do better, and for his son’s birthday makes him a shoeshine kit in the hopes of inspiring him to greatness. This scene still resonates since many of us are poor, struggling and not doing so good money wise. I’m sure many parents have doubts and regrets about not being able to do more for their kid.
 Not only that but the story carefully avoids the trap of Fergus accidently being abusive by you know, pinning his family’s future on one 10 year old. While yes he is asking a lot of Scrooge, to restore their family name.. it’s very clear he mostly just wants his son to do better than him. Even if Scrooge was just slightly more successful, Fergus would likely be happy with that. He’s not using the legacy as a “This what you must be” like say the Gems in steven universe did for Steven with Rose’s Legacy, the kind where it sort of suffocates you till youc an make it your own. He’s just saying “this is what you can be” He believes his child can be great and simply once him to reach his full potetial and is simply giving him a means to hopefully do so, a simple home made shoe shine kit. While Jake scoffs, the narration notes the idea isn’t worth a dime.. it’s worth THE dime. The dime that would set Scrooge’s destiny in motion. 
The next morning, Fergus goes to check up on his son and his new buisness but Scroogey’s having no luck and about ready to just quit, the poor child. Also Matilda is dragging her baby sister around like a doll and it’s entirely precious as it is funny. 
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But as for those Dorty Boots, Matilda wonders why her dad dosen’t just tell Scrooge that Burt the Ditch Digger is coming. Fergus tells her to quite and then explains his plan: he’s sending Burt to scrooge, with an American dime Fergus and Matilda found, to teach his son a lesson: By giving him a hard days work, he’ll teach him what hard work truly means.. and by having Burt “cheat” him with the American dime, it’ll give him the motivation to keep going and to nto be as wide eyed and trusting. It’s a well meaning if harsh lesson, and the kind you’d expect from 1900′s parenting and fits the origin well: Scrooge still earned his first money square, as he still did work.. but his getting cheated being a lesson dosen’t diminish what it taught scrooge, and helps flesh out what I talked about above, Fergus knowing his son has great potential he just needs inspiration to reach it. And instead of just telling him that he does a con job but it’s the 1900′s. This orign, and Fergus’ part in it would be entirely untouched in Ducktales 2017, the first scrooge based adaptation since this comic came out, and I bless them for it. Frank even said this comic was used as a bible by the writers and while theirs clear deviations, and we’ll get to that, they were mainly done for good reason, and it’s very clear that while scrooge’s history is very VERY diffrent in the reboot, the core of his past is still there. 
So the plan is on and young scrooge spends half an hour killing himself to get Burt’s shoes clean before getting his dime.. and realizing he’s been had, makes this proud decleration that will be the bedrock of his entire life and character. 
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Scrooge being naturally stubborn as you can see takes his cheats a leson: There will always be hard honest work, and he will be there to do it and he’ll be tougher and sharper than anyone trying to cheat him out of his pay. Fergus’ plan has the intended effect, and Scrooge having learned a hard lesson now has the drive and determination we know him for. As for why it gives it to him.. I had to think on it a bit but it makes sense: For some a setback like this would make them quit.. for Scrooge it’s just proof he CAN find customers, he CAN do this job, or any at his hardest and instead takes this as a lesson to be prepared ot out think and outfight anyone who dares cheat him again, and to not earn his money by being the kind of guy who cheats a kid out of an honest days pay, but as a good honest duck like his father and his father before him. =He will make his money square so he can be the kind of person this seeming stranger SHOULD have been. Granted we’ll see Scrooge doesn’t end up as the best person at times but .. we’ll get there.  So with the fire inside turned from a spark into the flame Scrooge soon got to work, and by the next panel we see he’s eventually worked his stand up from a small box given to him by his dad, to a three seater shoeshining bench, who he wipes all at once by stretching one of his mother’s girldes over a light pole, a detail I didn’t get the first time around but now love. Naturally being a good kind boy much like his Nephews, Scrooge always gave his proud father a portion of his earnings, if with a full receipt for tax purposes. Because he’s still scrooge after all. His dad wonders he did too good a job while Hortense glxbit’s in agreement. 
As the years go on, a now tween Scrooge is eventually able to save up for a horse cart, and starts selling Fire Wood up in the city. He eventually realizes Peat, an earthy subtance found in bogs I only know about because I had to look it up for this review, is more profitable and with some snappy marketing moves into selling Peat for the rich instead, also showing the young lad already has a grasp of how to sell to obnoxious rich people. 
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But while his business is booming, our young hero can’t resist visiting his family’s ancestral home and longing for it, hoping one day to have it for himself and in a nice show of how despite his temper and tenacity forged over the last few years he’s still at hear the kind, sweet optimistic lad he was just a few pages ago, he decides to tidy up the Clan’s Cemetary while he’s here. 
Unfortunately as proof that Donald and Della’s terrible luck comes from both sides of the family the Whiskervilles are sub-glomgold levels of human beings.. or Dogfaces in this case, and are digging up the McDuck Clan’s graves to hunt for treasure. Scrooge tries to simply do the smart thing and flee, but the asshole brigade catch sight of him and mistkaing him for a peat burgalar chase after him.. and spend WAY too much time and energy chasing a teenage boy over some fucking bog grass you clearly aren’t selling yourselves. I mean spare a thought for how dumb this is: They could easily sell of of that peat to put up a fence or chop down some trees to get the material if their really that concerned about someone getting in the bog. Then again this isn the 1800 and 1900′s where the child death toll was simply “Yes”, so they likely thought whose gonna notice one more dead child on our property?
Scrooge heads toward the castle and is gestured in by a friendly mystery duck who gladly shows him around and can tell he’s a McDuck just by look, showing the castle is still in glorious condition as the whiskervilles are too spooked to go in, hence why they didn’t chase Scrooge inside. I’d say being afraid of ghosts but not murdering a child is weird but these are the same guys who thought murdering a child was plan A. We’re not dealing with a brain trust is what i’m saying.  So the mystery duck shows Scroogey around, showing off some colorful stories about his ancestors recycled from that scrapped prologue I mentioned. THe mystery man, who brushes off Scrooge thinking he’s a McDuck asks Scrooge what he’s doing to restore the family glory and while Scrooge points out he’s already working on it, Mystery Duck points out he’s still missing something: He has the drive and the dream, but peat and shoeshining, while getting him good money for his family, aren’t the thing you can build a fortune or a future off of. He then points out where Scrooge’s dime comes from: America.. and that gives the boy the idea to head to the states. As for what he could possibly DO there to start, the mystery guy mentions his uncle pothole. So Scrooge has the dream, the drive.. and now a plan: Go to america, work for his uncle on the riverboats, and work his way up from there till he finds his fortune and restores his family name.  But while his future is settled, the present is still an issue and Scrooge wants to teach the child murder club a lesson and thus borrows, though MM wisely points out it’s all his property a horse and some armor, and stuffs the armor with peat. As for what his plan is.. welllll
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That.. is fucking awesome. And far from the last fucking awesome moment in this thing. It also shows off even as not quite a teen yet, Scrooge is still a badass already, and while he doesn’t have his trademark strength or fighting skills quite yet, his ingenuity is already there.. and that will always trump both. The Whiskervilles run away and into some quicksand and Scrooge vows to return one day as laird and reclaim his family land. But that’s a story for a few chapters down the line. As for who the mystery duck is, he’s naturally Sir Quackely himself, or rather his ghost, who was simply guiding Scrooge and didn’t give him the treasure as simply handing him the money wouldnn’t restore their family’s good name or continue their bloodline now would it? 
For now Scrooge returns to work for a bit before finding his way to America: A cattleboat to New Orleans looking for a Cabin Boy. And so Scrooge bids farewell to his family. His Dad, feeling bad he can’t even give his boy shilling, gives him the family pocketwatch with jake pitching in with the family gold dentures. While Scrooge naturally refuses to sell the watch, he does plan to sell the teeth as soon as possible for good reason. We then get some sweet goodbyes with him, his sisters (With hortense uttering her first words to everyone’s astonishment) and loving mother as he wonders just what awaits him in America. 
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And there he stands on the bow of a ship, heading for a new land, in New Orleans he can be a new man. And we’ll see just what kind of man he becomes as this series continues. For now this is the end of a chapter but the beginning of a lifetime. 
Final Thoughts on Last of the Clan McDuck:
This story is excellent. While there are even better chapters to come, this one is still one of the most memorable and most joyous, showing just how Scrooge became what he is, where some of his values come from, others will be instilled along the way , and beginning to flesh out his family. We see Scrooge’s love of wealth comes from starting from the bottom, growing up with a family that barely had anything and badly needed everything, but was loving and instilled fine morals in him. We also see a Scrooge far removed from the bitter old man he is in present day, an optimistic naïve young lad who only wants best for his family. It’s a nice stark contrast to who he’ll become, good and bad, and a nice way to both compare him to Huey Dewey and Louie and break your heart as his own hardens before briefly turning black later on.  The art, as is standard for this series and Rosa, is breathtaking, and the story isn’t lacking in good jokes, their just downplayed so the story itself can take center stage. There’s nothing really more to say: it’s an excellent start to an even more excellent tale and stands proud among an already stellar story as one of it’s finest outings. 
NEXT RAINBOW: Scrooge goes down to the mighty Missipi to work on the riverboats and meets one of his signature Rogue’s for the first time in their first form, as well as Gyro’s dad.. or grandpa.. or possibly both I don’t know his family tree. Point is, tune in next time for some riverboat hyjinks.  Until then if you’d like to comission an episode of any animated show, especially ducktales and the various other duck related disney shows, or another Duck Comics story you really like from Rosa, Barks or whoever you want really, I take commissions for 5 dollars a review, with 5 dollars off your full order when you put in for more than one episode or issue. You can also follow me on patreon.com/popculturebuffet and for just two bucks a month get access to polls (which i’ll start once we have at least three patreons), and my exclusive discord server. And if you liked this review be sure to reblog it to show off. My self promotion done until next time: There’s always another rainbow. 
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ayzashl · 4 years
Pairing: Shoto Todoroki x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Crack (i think)
Also um, im new to these so sorry for possible gramatical errors or typos (i dont double check bc I literally was bored doing this and just, decided to share it on tumblr lmao)
Disclaimer, I made this out of boredom because I was thinking about exams and stuff and was wondering about how my husbando would react about my situation, having placed on high ranks barely putting efforts towards studying lmao (Not rlly bragging im sorry if it came out as bragging :((, i jusy rlly be curious and hopefully I portrayed it like how I expected for him to react, sorry im new to writing bc I mainly draw🌚👉👈)
It was already sunset. The hues of yellow, orange and red envelops the dorms of U.A high school, its gradient tinting the windows of the students occupying the rooms shine bright, displaying its vibrant colors on the inside of each dorms facing the sunset.
You, who were sitting on your knees, switching positions time to time, searching for a particular pose to get comfortable while drawing on your boyfriend's kotatsu in his dorm, door leading into the balcony open, making the cold breeze of late October allow itself to enter the room.
Autumn has already arrived, and that also means midterm exams. It had just finished today. After a almost whole month of preparing for the exams, and the 3 days of taking it, the students of 1-A was relieved and relaxing in their rooms as the days of hardhips were finally over, plus its a Friday so the students were scattered on each others dorms due to the upcoming weekend.
You were taking a sip of your juicebox, almost emptying it now out of frustration for having a hard time drawing a hand. In your opinion, the struggle was equal or actually a lot harder than your midterms. Art frustrates you a lot and your boyfriend wonders why you still do it, yet never really ask you since he can also tell you're really passionate about it than your other hobbies.
He was sitting on his futon, leaning againts the wall as he stare at your back figure, watching you scribble something on your sketchpad and aggressively erasing it afterwards, making the papers crumble into the direction on where you rub it, making you groan in annoyance even more.
As he observes your actions, a thought runs up his mind, asking himself the same particular questions over and over again.
He asks himself. Why were you putting most of your effort into this drawing? Why were you more irritated in this than the midterm exams?
"Just..... why?"
Shoto had noticed you since the start of your so-called-library-dates, although its mostly just you accompanying him to gather resources for the upcoming exams while you just scan your notes or draw, or read a completely different book whose topic is not related to your exams.
Its always been like that everyday, he never really saw you offer a lot of your energy in terms of studying, like most of the students does, as he noticed the library being almost full as soon as October started.
He saw you scan your notes time to time, yes. But full on concentration on studies? no, never seen you. The most of what he saw were you fixate immensely on your math notebook before exams started, and that was it.
The exams ended abruptly on the second day but there was extra curricular on the Hero's Course on the third day before their final grade were posted. And yes, both of you did well. After the announcement, Shoto (and you) were shocked to find out that you were in 6th place and he placed in 5th. You both exchanged congratulations, you mostly squealing out of joy to actually achieve this particular rank.
Shoto on the other hand was, doubting?. Of course he feels happy for you, but at the back of his mind, he was a little agitated. You both got the exam results at the end of the third day and to his surprise (and also yours, but internally) your scores were high, almost having the amount of same mistakes as him, except your math which you devastatingly, almost failed (lmao), which merely affected your overall result since your scores were high anyways.
Your boyfriend wasnt the type to get irritated over these things, heck yeah he feels ecstatic over your accomplishment, signal the kiss he gave you on your forehead plus the soft look he gave you with a slight smile displayed on his face. But there was a faint thought of doubt running through the back of his head, how did you get such results when you were barely even studying? There was no way you would cheat right? He didnt want to accept it, he didnt want to doubt you, but it was the one of the highest possibilities that was mostly that likely happened, as he could think of right now.
He couldnt let go of this thought unless he confronts you about it right now, so he decided to ask you, waiting for a few moments, observing you, waiting for you to calm down a little from your work.
"Hmm?" you hum, not turning yout back at him, eyes and most of your attention fixated on the paper.
"How did you manage to get a high rank even though I barely saw you studying?" he finally asks, hoping you wont get offended by it, but this thought had been bothering him a little, and he wouldnt be satisfied until he gets his answer, as the stubborn man that he is.
"Are you doubting me?" you say in an offended tone, although you meant it sarcastically, turning your back, giving Shoto your full attention now as you crawl towards him, pencil dropping in the background as you make your way towards your boyfriend, offering him to lay down as you pat his futon. He complies so, already knowing you wanted to cuddle whenever you do that certain action.
You cuddle next to him, facing him as you give him a smile to reassure him that you werent offended by him back then. "Did you notice that in class, I always, almost bury my head on my notebook, writing on it almost 24/7 whenever lecture starts?" you ask him, as you start to fidget his hair on the sides which you and him really enjoy, making its way up to his bangs, and back and fort.
"You were.... writing?" Shoto asks, raising an eyebrow with the same stoic face who seemed not to show a lot of emotions, a little dumbfounded. "I thought you were doodling". You burst out in laughter from the small misunderstanding of your boyfriend.
"Of course I was. You see, whatever the teacher blurts about that sounds important to me, I write it down because, you know, its usually what appears in exams" you explain to him, closing your eyes time to time as if you were a philosopher, passionately explaining your beliefs, only with an added self-sense of humor. As he was on the other had was, fascinated.
I mean, who knew?
"Also just to clarify things, I do put some extra effort on, some of my studies"
"By some you mean just the science topic you reported you keep rereading everyday"
Shoto lighlty chuckles as he moves your head to his chest, placing an arm on your head, planting a kiss on your forehead, as a sign of affection like he always does. He feels a little guilty, assuming you were cheating but in the end, you were just and always has been the genius that you were. Heck if you actually put a lot of effort in your study, you might actually come out at the top in the class, but he's aware you have other things to focus and worry about as his eyes gaze at the table with a slightly crumpled juice box standing out.
"Were you mad?" you ask, out of curiousity. You had assumed he was maybe upset about the results because he gets a little too competitive or has the sentiment that he has to prove that he only isnt good with his powers, but in academics as well, considering his situation.
He lightly shook his head as he fully encloses you to his grasp, leg placed on your sides, locking you in as he settles his face on your hair, inhaling the sweet scent of your lavender shampoo in which he always adores.
You on the other hand, was relieved now that the matter was somehow resolved? Putting those thoughts at the back of your head, your perception of relief was shortly replaced by a wave of worry as you lightly chuckle of uneasiness.
"Shoto?" you tap his sides, body tightly secured onto his. This was the one that made worry. His hands tightly clutching you, but not too much, leg on your sides, locking you in so that you wont get away easily, to him it made him feel happy, knowing that you werent going away and draw for a while. You've had situations like these already and all you ever do is give up and shower him with affection, already knowing he was slightly, probably getting a little touch starved, craving for your attention and affection. But in your situation right now, it was, unpleasant, so to say.
Not after you just finished your juicebox.
-Disclaimer, uh, I made this from
He hums in response, head tilted a little more into your head's direction. He was sure you would have given up already, knowing that he will never let you go.
"I need to pee"
"All I can say is good luck getting out"
"Noooooooohohohoooo!!!" you exclaim, with a sarcastic crying in your tone. This was gonna be one hell of a struggle.
Im bad at explaining things, hope you did enjoy reading this as much as I did though :))
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gayregis · 5 years
What are your expectations for Regis in the upcoming Netflix show?
thank you for the ask omg…. let me answer:
“not good”
much like the titular character of the witcher, i am a pessimist and commonly believe everything is doomed and that i, specifically, am cursed by fate to never have anything good happen to me. thus, i have this outlook:
i doubt they will even get to baptism of fire before being cancelled by netflix (not for any fault of the show itself, but that is how netflix structures its shows as to take in the most possible revenue, like they usually cancel shows around 3 seasons bc they have hooked new individuals into paying for the subscription service by then but…)
if regis does get cast (appearing in what… the 3rd or 4th chapter of baptism of fire?) im scared that they’re either gonna go CDPR’s version of making him old and ugly or jana’s version of making him look like some thottie dracula (no shade bc she is epic but you have to admit her drawings of regis are funnie bc of the long dark hair and very stereotypically vampire collar). i kind of like the look of the guy they casted for mousesack though for regis but idk how they will cast for him. i just hope they, unlike CDPR, understand the meaning of the term middle-aged, for my sanity. please give him a fucking hairline netflix
i think it will be difficult to make regis a likable character because the events of the story will need to happen very quickly, so for example we likely wont get a long political conversation with zoltan where regis establishes himself as a good listener and polite host. audiences love drama so it will likely go quickly between fen carn, the horseshoe, the temerian war camp, and the reveal, which is not enough time to establish regis as trustworthy and likable. i think audiences once they hear “vampire” just go crazy with ideas of violence and horniness which is so inappropriate for regis’s character lmao… so it’s really important to build his character PRE-REVEAL so that the audience doesn’t have any blanks to fill in about who he is and what he is like. they need to think they understand the entirety of this man, and as soon as they do, the rug gets pulled out from under them and they realize he is not what they think he is.
im struggling with this exact thing right now in my own project right now where, if you have to boil regis’s introduction down to his most dramatic and interesting scenes, it detracts from his character because it’s not just his actions, but his atmosphere, which establish this sense of safety and kindness that is so integral to the character. 
i think the show will really have to make use of good visuals of regis’s cottage to create this sense of homeliness and safety because it would really benefit the character. in addition, i think regis does have this otherworldly and at times unsettling nature about him where it’s like…. why is he picking mandrake under a full moon in an elven cemetery lol…. his eccentricity gets the best of him and makes him a little off-putting, which i think can be conveyed again by visual atmosphere and also by the actor having an intense gaze (”regis bored his onyx eyes into the witcher,” etc.) and holding eye contact with geralt
i think something the show will need to steer away from is sterotypical vampire… stuff. like, regis in the books is not there to be an archetypical vampire… vampires do not even work in the same way in the witcher universe as in the majority of vampire legends. his vampire nature is second to that of his goodwill, morals, kindness, and overbearing lengthiness during conversation.
also re: conversation, i think they are going to have to scrap like 50% of regis’s dialogue in the books in order to keep everything in a time frame, lol. but thats just his cross to bear
tldr they have to be careful to do it right, they have to emphasize kindness, i dont really know at this point how well they are going to treat the MAIN characters of the first two books, much less side characters from the fifth book, so i should not worry and judge them prematurely, but here are some of my concerns and hopes and whatnot about what i think they might have difficulty with
also as an added note, i think i will want to see how they handle dandelion first, because he is really the litmus test as to how the series will handle any of geralt’s friends and how they can represent such Personalities With Depth like him. but then again joey seems like really on top of things so it depends on the actor they get
another edit: if they add in any sort of sentiments or dialogue that make him an archetypical immortal that thinks humans are foolish and stupid and weak, like cdpr did, they will catch. these. hands. if they make regis haughty at ALL, it will be on. sight. with netflix. yeah thats probably my biggest fear besides them casting someone ugly, them rewriting things to make regis more of an archetypical vampire and having him be cold to the rest of the hansa. thats mildly terrifying as a possibility
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justmeinstead · 5 years
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Well there it goes again. Im stressing out alrd. Boom! Straight to my brain. Countless of thought running thru my mind. What are you thinking?? Gosh!gosh!gosh! Take a breather my thoughts take a breather. My oh my, few more weeks alrd forsee such things could possibly hppn any problems will be facing at this point of time. Grant be the patience please oh please. My god, just only past one problem antoher problem im facing. Thats a lot of question tho? Why? We should be praying and doa more to ensure tht evrytg goes smoothly to plan. Asking for his help, instead going to such places. What could possibly go wrong. Seriously, i dont knkw wht to say. I know the urge of you wanting to go but please anytg could go wrong at this precious moments. Im sorry if i dont let you go to such places, if seriously do go then i fail to guide you to the right path. I will take the blame for myself. Gosh wht am i thinking, arent there any other way to hve fun. Im sorry but i hve to say this. Im happy finally your heart is open to cover up and i wont fgt the date when you start to put on full time but this kinda stuff leads you to take it out. Ask yourself is it worth it?? Just for a night hvg fun with your buddies you take it off. If it really hppn im for sure a failure.
What could posssibly go wrong??
Gosh theres so much tht i could think of man. Here i thought it wouldnt be up for a talk once again. Man, what am i suppose to do bruh?? Should i even be angry about it?? As much im trying to put myself to calm mode, i wouldnt know whats there for me in the upcoming future. Trying to write this down, keep telling myself am i a failure to guide you to the right path?? As old folks says " darah manis" does this still applys to tdy generations?? I believe tht wtv is behind the meaning of " darah manis" i cant rebel to the words of my parents if they say so. I keep reminding myself is a test from Allah swt. As much as i know is a test from him, im afraid of the outcome. It doesnt hppn alhamdulillah, it does what is the step tht i need to take in order to accept the situation. How strong i am infront of your eyes, the weakness of me is easy to be told. Say is next week. If it does will i be able to face you the week aftr. Ladies be on the 6/11. Weekends will be 9/11-10/11. On this date i knw tht your mom will be overseas, therefore you hve your free time. 9/11 is also our daughters orientation. Whr you gonna let her stay if you gonna enjoy yourself syg?? Must i beg and kneel infront of you tho?? Truth be told idk whats in store for me this coming week. It seems like a heads up, i guess just prepare myself and stand firm om my grown. Grant me strentgh, patience and will to go thru this situations.
Stay blessed. Keep moving forward. Justmeinstead.
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fandomtrashoe · 7 years
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Thiam / Theo Raeken x Liam Dunbar Catching Fire AU (2/3)
For the movie AU fest ( @officialthiamlibrary )
Part 1
I’m not good at writing so I just wrote down all my ideas in notes (I hope it makes sense, tell me if something’s unclear +  sorry for my english):
Before the Victory Tour: -Theo and Liam didn’t see each other since the games cause they weren’t allowed to leave their district but they exchanged a few letters -Liam tried to live his life as normal as he could. Even if he wasn’t working anymore he went there to help or hang out with Mason -He let Mason and Corey move in with him and his parents secretly cause he felt bad for them living in one room while he had a whole house for his and his parents with so much more free space -Liam got closer with Malia and Scott since they were the only ones who understood what he’s been through. (they got married in the last year and had their first child on the way) -Theo closed himself off and even if he would want to be part of the society they would abandon him cause he was a shame for his district -So Theo stayed in his house with his sister, who was the only one that still cared for him (she always was too soft for district 2 and Theo had forced her to train for the games before but when he came back he told her to stop training immediatly) -they were both nervous for the day where they’re suppose to meet again -Hayden was still interested in Liam and Liam tried to get his mind off of Theo so they kissed a few times but he wasn’t able to make it more serious -when Liam returns from ‘work’ with Mason on THE day he’s welcomed by a furrious Corey and his mother. President Argent was in his house and wanted to talk to him -President Argent threatens him with a video of him kissing Hayden and tells him to sell the starcrossed lovestory of him and Theo better -Argent leaves before Liam has an anger attack. Hayden means something to him. Not in the way he does to her but she doesn’t deserve to die because of him. Same as Mason, Corey and his family -Theo arrives in district 7 and is shocked about the conditions -They didn’t see each other till the cameras are filming -Liam is announced and leaves the house, forcing a smile and looking towards the other door. Theo steps out and looks at him -they haven’t changed much, but they look older than before. Not because a year passed but because they’re suffering -Theo can’t hide his smirk but when they hug they slip and fall (Liam on top of Theo). At first they stare at each other before laughing, noses touching and Liam wispers:”Hey:” Theo smirks again and wispers back:”Hey.” Then Liam kisses him till they’re interrupted by Caesars voice -Theo’s the one talking in the camera cause he’s the one who can put on a show, he tells them that they visit each other often and Liam knows that the people from his district wont believe that cause they see him go to work with Mase every day and a Boy from district 2 Walking around here wouldn’t have stayed unnoticed -the cameras go off and Theo looks at Liam with a more bitter face:”Nice acting for a boy from district 7.” Liam:”Thanks…”, before Theo can leave he talkes again:”…Theo? It’s good to see you again.” Theo just scroffs while making his way to the car that brings them to the train station
During the Victory Tour: -Scott is having a serious talks with them since the dread doctors doesn’t want anything to do with them -Theo volunteers to do the talking cause he can see Liam suffering -when things escalate in district 12 Theo grabs Liam and gets him behind the stage -he stops Liam from having an anger attack and gets him to explain the whole situation with Argent -him and Scott are pissed cause he should’ve told them -they play their role as a couple in the next districts but it’s not very convincing and Liam knows that -when their talking to Scott Theo suggest that they should get married. Liam agrees with a:”Just great!” and storms out of the room cause he’s pissed about what his life became. Maybe he would’ve had a chance for a normal life with Hayden.That wasn’t clearly what he had in mind when he thought of getting married. -they get engaged in Ceasars show -Liam has nightmares and Theo takes care of him (even if he has nightmares himself) and stays when Liam asks him too so they end up cuddling. -at the big fest at the end of the tour they meet the new game maker Chris Argent (president argents son) and the talk he has with Liam leaves Liam confused -when President Argent looks at him during the firework Liam knows they fucked up Before the Games: -Liam returns home ignoring Theo, who’s staying in their district because of the upcoming wedding, running to Hayden immediatly to ask her to run away but she’s against it and tells him how important this rebellion is. Liam’s just like:”Why can nobody understand that I just want so safe my own fucking ass?” -then things in district 7 escalate and Hayden is getting whipped and Liam tries to stop the peacekeeper, Scott steps in and then also Theo -Hayden survives and it hurts Theo to see them interacting. He can’t even say anything against Hayden cause she’s a lovely girl -they delay the wedding -Theo just returned to his district when it’s announced that the tributes are taken from the victors this year but all he can do is worry about Liam -Liam sits on the couch with his mother, Mason and Corey when it happens -his mother screames and Corey starts to cry but Liam just gets up and run, ignoring Mason who’s screaming his name -he just needed to let his anger out and slams an ax against trees while screaming before storming into Malia and Scotts house (they had their baby during the victory tour). They look at him in shock but Scott immediatly know why he’s here but before he can say something Liam starts talking while looking at the Baby in Malias arms:”I won’t let that child grow up without parents cause I’m scared. If it’s Scott I’m gonna volunteer and if it’s me you better keep your mouth shut!” With that he leaves again -Mason is a furious mess cause he knows that Liam will sacrafice himself for Malia and Corey Looks after him -Hayden swears at herself for not running away -Theo knows that Liam will protect Scott and curses at him. His sister is crying beside him but he can only think about saving Liam. He’s gonna volunteer. -so they both end up volunteering again (Liam thought he would never be part on the games at all and now he’s volunteering for the second time?!) -Liam is just pissed at everyone but when he hears that Theo also volunteered he loses his shit -when they see each other in the capitol before the parade he storms towards him and punches him in the face:”WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!” before peacekeeper can seperate them Theo screames back:”TO SAFE YOU, ASSHOLE!” -Scott gave Liam informations about the other tributes but meeting them is different -at the parade a young man who won as a child, Brett, talkes to him for a second but he immediately thinks he‘s a jerk -during training Liam sticks more with Malia than with Theo even if Theo tries to talk to him -Scott wants allies for him and Malia but they’re both stubborn shits. Scotts tells Liam to not take district 2 including Theo in his team again and Liam just looks at him in shock:”How am I suppose to play his husband if we’re not in one team?”, Scott:”Maybe it’s time to stop that show!”, Liam:”Did you ever considered that I really like him and it was never a show?” -the only one Liam likes is a nerd couple called Stiles and Lydia -during the interviews they wear their wedding suits -Theo’s making a show again which pisses Liam off (saying things about their love and blah) -him and Malia are just trying not to explode on stage The Games: -back in the tube Liam panics more than last year -the first thing Theo does when he comes up is to look for Liam instead of checking out the arena, he finds him right beside him staring back -once the game started Liam swims towards the middle as fast as he can to get the ax -he kills two tributes before Brett stands in front of him showing him his golden bracelet which means he’s his ally (since Liam and Malia wheren’t cooperative Scott picked them himself by giving them matching golden items to Liams brooch he got from Mason before his first games and Malias wedding ring) -Brett’s in the Game with an old women called Satomi -Liam looks around him with panic:”WHERE’S THEO?” -they find him fighting in the water and Liam safes him. Then they just stare at each other before pulling themselfs in a thight hug -together with Brett and Satomi they make their way through the jungle even if their not so happy about Theo -Liam noticed that Theo has nothing golden with him but he ignores that -Theo runs into the force field and Liam is losing his shit while Brett is busy with resuscitating Theo -Theo survives and Liam holds him crying thanking Brett thoustand times and kissing Theo for the same amound of times -Theo:”Liam I’m fine!”, Liam:”YOU WE’RE DEAD!”, Theo places his hand on Liams cheek:”But I’m here now!” -Brett is confused:”and I thougt the acting was over now.” Liam and Theo just ignore that comment, cause neither of them knows what to say anyway -in the night they need to run away from the fog but Theo’s still weak and needs to be carried. Satomi sacrefices herself so that Brett can carry Theo instead of her -they still get hurt but find a lake to heal their wounds till they’re attacked by monkeys -they make it to the beach again were they’re safe cause a tribute jumped out of the woods and sacreficed herself for Theo -they took the tribute with them and Theo is confused but tries his best to make her last seconds as comfortable as possible, talking to her about the colors of the sky -Liam just looks at him in awe since that isn’t a behaviour for a Boy from district 2 -at the beach they meet Malia whos storming out the woods with Stiles and Lydia covered in blood -Lydia is talking weird stuff which helps them figure out that the arena works like a clock -they go in the middle to figure more out but Lydia gets killed by another tribute and Liam throws his ax and kills him -Stiles is just in shock but before they can react the middle starts to spin -Malia holds on to the rock while offering her hand to Theo whos struggling besides her even if she never liked him, Theo takes it and they try to hold on -Liams holding on to Brett but his hands slips out of his and he hits the water -the spinning stops and Theo drags him out of the water checking him for wounds. Liam:”I’m fine.” Theo just pulls him in a hug and a quick kiss -back at the beach they’re interrupted by screams. Liam hears screams that sounds like Mason and starts running with Brett screaming a name, Lori, right behind him -when Theo reaches him he tries to explain them that it’s the mockingjay but then he also hears his sisters screams but takes a few steps back in shock -when Liam wants to follow him he rans into an invisible wall and suddenly the sounds get so loud that he needs to cover his ears and breaks down crying and screaming with Brett while Theo tries to calm him from the other side -after one hour its over and Theo drags Liam in his arms and just holds him for some time -the others are trying to make a plan while Theo and Liam sit in silence beside each other while staring at the water a few feed away from them -Theo chuckles:”Is that our story? Do we need to go in the games every year now to be with each other again?”, Liam shakes his head and throws a quick glace at the others to check if they’re far away enough:”There won’t be another time Theo.”, Theo:”We did it once.”, Liam:”They won’t make the same mistake twice. All THIS is because of what I did. What we did. Listen, I told Scott that I’m gonna do everything I can for Malia. That was my intention till you volunteered! Now I need to kill the mother of a innocent baby because I would do everything for you and I don’t even know why!”, Theo:”I’ll do it cause you’re the one surviving! You have your family and friends….you have Hayden. I only have my sister who will have a better place in our society once I’m gone. I’m replaceable Liam! NOBODY NEEDS ME!”, Liam has tears in his eyes and stokes Theo’s cheek:”I do. I need you..” Theo signs and kisses Liam, it’s a diffrent kiss than the others, it’s like their first kiss back in the first game -Brett interrupts them cause Stiles has a plan -Theo and Liam need to seperate for that plan (It’s Liam + Malia and Brett+Theo+Stiles) -Liam is 100% against it -he has no choice and goes with Malia, but before that the gives his brooch to Theo and kisses him deeply:”I’ll see you!” -they’re attacked and Malia pushed Liam down before using a knife to cut his arm before running off -Liam thinks Malia knew his plan and only wanted to safe herself but he’s moreworried about her killing Theo now -Brett comes looking for Malia and as soon as he leaves Liam fights his way back to were he last saw Theo -He’s screaming for Theo on top of his lungs -Stiles is unconcious on the floor and Liam hides when he hears Brett coming back -Brett:”Liam? Remember who’s the real enemy!” -The lighning is about to hit the tree but before that Liam pics up Stiles bow and wraps the wire around an arrow and shoots it towards the sky with all his strengh before everything goes black -Theo was left confused af in a burning and collapsing arena screaming Liam’s name while holding on to his brooch when suddenly peacekeepers jumped him
After the Games: -Liam wakes up and finds Stiles besides him, both connected to medicine in the helicarrier -he hears someone talking in the other room and pics up a injection and storms into the room and pushing Scott against a wall -Brett and Chris Argent are also in the room and Liam is confused -Scott:”It was about you Liam. All the time it was about getting you out of there! Half of the tributes knew and helped! You’re the mockingjay!”, Liam:”I don’t want to be the mockingjay! WAIT….WHERE IS THEO?” -he let go off Scott and started to panic -Scott:”The capitol got him. I’m sorry Liam.” -Liam jumps him again:”YOU’RE SORRY! YOU NEVER LIKED HIM!IT SHOULD BE HIM NOT ME!!” then suddenly he collapses and feels dizzy while he’s mumbling “it should be him” over and over again till everything goes black again -the next time he wakes he sees Hayden who’s stroking his cheek -Hayden:”Hey there.”, Liam panics:”Where are we?”, Hayden:”District 13. District 7 is gone Liam. Everyone and everything is gone. Mason menaged to get us out. Me, my family, your family and Corey. There all alive.” -Liam was shocked but that soon turned into pure anger. He never asked for this and all he could think of was Theo
Credit for engagement kiss: @igotlostinslashland Credit for ‘them sitting in train’: @thiamraebar
I would still love if someone makes this a fanfic. <3</i>
I’m also really proud of my edit of them as the characters (with the suits and all). Do you want those in an extra post?
Now go rewatch the movie with this in your mind and cry.
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thebibliomancer · 7 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #102: What to Do Till the SENTINELS Come!
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August 1972
Although we only get this title halfway through the book.
So, yes, the cover is a liiiiiiiiiie. I mean, the events depicted basically happen but its not the main plot. Although, again, the main plot doesn’t kick in until the book is half over and with so much page space given to the Grim Reaper, it basically is a co-plot.
I have to say, I do like all the angry Avengers heads glaring at Vision. They’re preemptively angry at him for even being in the same room as the traitorous offer.
Anyway, we start off Plot A with Vision walking through a bad neighborhood. Some felonious fellas try to mug him because some people just don’t read the news.
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It doesn’t go well. Vision is paying them no attention at all and just walks down an alley and vanishes into the wall.
Through the wall, Vision finds himself in a frozen food locker where he is to meet with someone who sent him an unsigned letter. And of course its Grim Reaper. C’mon. Look at the cover.
Vision wants to know what Grim Reaper wants and Grim Reaper obliges him. He wants to fulfill the purpose that has haunted his dreams. HE WANTS TO DESTROY THE AVENGERS!
And he wants his best bro, Vision, to help him out.
Okay, a lot of things wrong with that. Vision doesn’t have brothers. Two, there’s no way he’d turn against the Avengers. Three, he’s pretty sure that Grim Reaper is mad.
Grim Reaper doesn’t like being called mad, apparently, so he shoots Vision with his scythe since scythes are well known projectile weapons, and that starts a short beam of war between the two.
When it ends in stalemate, Grim Reaper again asks his brother, Vision, to join him. Vision wonders why Grim Reaper thinks they’ll ever be more than enemies.
Glad you asked! If you’ll look behind this wall Grim Reaper just melted, you’ll see a body in a tube. BUT! Not just any tube body!
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Its the lifeless dead preserved corpse body of Simon Williams, aka Wonder Man.
One wonders, man, how Grim Reaper got his hands on his brother’s body and why he was buried in his costume but whatever.
Grim Reaper claims that since Vision’s mind was based on Simon’s brain patterns, Vision’s mind can be transferred into the Wonder Man body.
Wonder Man will live again but perhaps more importantly for the Vision specifically, Vision will become a real flesh boy!
This gives Vision pause. Apparently, with his computer brain, he deduces that it is technically possible. And he thinks fleetingly of Scarlet Witch and presumably his hang-ups about not dating her because he’s a robit.
Grim Reaper sweetens the deal. Vision won’t have to help destroy the Avengers. Just stand aside and not help them when Grim Reaper springs his trap.
Oh but don’t get the bright idea of capturing Grim Reaper and just taking the body. Its been booby trapped. If he takes it without Grim’s say-so, it will dissolve in an half-hour.
Even with all this, Vision turns down the offer. Grim Reaper insists that he’ll change his mind and gives Vision a special amulet that he can use to communicate with him if he changes his mind.
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Vision accepts the amulet but only as a memento, he says.
As Vision turns to leave, Grim Reaper insists that they’ll meet again soon and that time Vision will be the one begging for a meeting.
So Vision walks right back through the wall he entered through and wouldn’t you know it, those two felonious fellas from earlier are still waiting. BECAUSE WHEN A MARK WALKS THROUGH A WALL YOU JUST WAIT FOR THEM TO WALK BACK OUT.
But this time, Vision notices them.
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And then he walks off.
Meanwhile, back at Avengers Mansion, Scarlet Witch is lost in thought, thinking about love and responsibility. She’s supposed to be replacing Hawkeye on monitor duty but he decides that its time to hit on her again.
And Clint Barton is still bad bad bad with gender politics.
He cuts her off when she tries to tell him something and then forces a kiss on her.
Which of course means that's the moment when Vision decides to walk in. Law of irony. And he instantly turns around and walks back out.
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So he misses the kiss ending and Clint complaining that Wanda wasn’t kissing him back. And now she tells him the thing she was going to tell him: she doesn’t have feelings for him, there can never be anything between them. Because she’s already in love with the Vision.
And Clint for once in his life does the right thing. He shuts up and leaves. That’s not even me dumping on him. That’s the caption boxes.
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And now Plot B.
But as the scientists aboard monitor the sun, they notice something very odd. A bunch of specks orbiting unbelievably close to the Sun. They can’t determine what they were, just that they’re heading towards... EARTH!
But, we the readers can see what they are. We the readers are pretty lucky.
Starcore One reports back to General Ross, who I guess actually does stuff when he’s not chasing the Hulk. General Ross orders a lid to be put on the news. It is not to get to the media.
So obviously it gets to the media.
Which is where the Avengers hear about it.
Geez. The Avengers really do learn a disproportionate amount of things from television and radio news.
Anyway, since it was already leaked to the press, Starcore One releases the photo they took of the specks and the calculation that the whatevers will reach Earth atmosphere in three days.
Weird things around the sun jog some memory with Quicksilver but he is disinclined to share it with the class.
Instead he just muses to himself, recapping some stuff from X-Men #57-59. When the son of Bolivar Trask reactivated the mutant-hunting Sentinel androids. The Sentinels proved a match for the X-Men and even for Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch but were dealt with when Cyclops convinced them to try to fight the sun.
This could all be pertinent information but Pietro, Quicksilver, is too prideful to confess his fears to the other Avengers.
And then Wanda decides she’s going on a nighttime walk in Central Park. Quicksilver protests that she’s going to go out alone dressed like that but Wanda insists that she can take care of herself.
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Because when what is about to happen happens, it is absolutely essential that it happens right after Wanda tried to be independent. The story wouldn’t be complete without that little F-You to the character.
Quicksilver asks Vision to say something to her but he’s all ‘beep boop it is not my place to meddle in the ways of hoomans.’ And then Thor tells him that he protests too much.
“Beneath thine icy exterior, Avenger, thou seem’st far too sensitive. In every way, save only in body, thou too, art human!”
So Vision walks over to the window to brood, as he is wont to do.
Lucky thing he does because as he’s brooding and as the narrative caption boxes are practically shouting at Vision to be less of an idiot and to go out and tell Wanda how he feels, he spots something in the sky.
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Vision tells Jarvis to alert the other Avengers and immediately flies out toward the park.
But he is too late. The Sentinel has already found Wanda in the park and grabbed her in its giant purple hand.
Vision tries to blast it but Sentinels are adaptive. It scans Vision, determines he is solar powered, and siphons off his solar energy. Somehow. Anyway, it leaves Vision weakened.
Interestingly, when the Sentinel scans the Vision, it detects his base technology is three decades old and was later modified to have a solar battery. Hmm... a clue to the Vision’s origin.
But then Quicksilver shows up. Vision insists that they need to work together, combine their attacks to defeat the Sentinel but Quicksilver chooses this moment to be a dick.
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Oh and then the rest of the Avengers show up, just as Vision gets SWOT!’d into the lake.
The Avengers attack the Sentinel, trying to get it to let go of Wanda but it just announces that its mission is complete and departs with Wanda still captive. Doing some kind of weird ultra-linear leap/space-time warp to vanish.
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Vision drags himself out of the lake and Cap fills him in on what happened. What they need to do now is come up with some kind of plan to find the Sentinels and rescue Wanda.
Annnnnd Quicksilver has a bit of an understandable but unhelpful freak out. The assembled might of the much vaunted Avengers could do nothing when Wanda needed them. He wants no part in any plan they come up with!
Vision insists that Pietro will join them when he’s ready but contrary spite is a powerful thing and Pietro insists that he’ll find and rescue Wanda on his own! Screw y’all!
And then he collapses in despair at the lake shore as the Avengers walk off paying no attention to him.
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So, yeah. Here we go. Part one of another three parter. Except this one centers around Wanda being kidnapped so that is not a great start!
And also I know that it was necessary for upcoming stuff but devoting the front half of the book to the Grim Reaper stuff and then the back half to starting off a new multiple issue story was perhaps not the greatest way to organize things.
Heck, when Vision joined the Avengers in watching television, Hawkeye asks where he’s been and Vision insists that he owes no-one explanation or apology for why he’s been gone. You could have integrated the Grim Reaper stuff more naturally into the Sentinel plot.
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--mod-- you know the deal
Anon: anon people don' like her cos she cheated on 1st husband and cheated on JJ twice. She sneaked around with NR all year. She set him up last week. She told stories to the papers (this was proven actually if you look). She is rude to people and even stalked his ex girlfriends social media and liked posts to make him to be a liar. She lies herself and sets up pap shots for herself all the time. She is a fake and the reason she doesn't get much work is cos people dontlike working with her.
Anon: There is indeed a girl on twitter who says NR was with his girlfriend. Someone asked if he was alone and she answered "con su novia" (with his girlfriend).
Anon: Just my theory , norman's peeps wouldnt lie and def not sayingg " just friends" if norm knew he would dating her 2 weeks after they denied it , i think she is in love with norman and tries to get his attention as much as she can (and yes incl media) , norm know for sure she likes him so he might invited her AS A FRIEND to hangout in Spain or Barcelona (wherever they are)OR talk about stuff and thaangzzz , which i hope so he can make her mouth shut to call the media or her worthless attention. 😊
Anon: Mod what do you make of the pics with fans? Why would he take pics with fans if DK were right there? Maybe it's not even her. Maybe it was someone from the gallery. --mod-- I just assumed he was alone.
Anon: So you still think norman and diane are not dating? --mod-- Basically
Anon: sorry for English. I am so sad . Is he lie? How to trust anything from him? --mod-- Nothing's confirmed. Just suspicion and speculation
Anon: And i was about to say " i finally live happy in my Normie fantasy , hopefully that one person wont ruined it" , apparently i would say it too soon 😂 --mod-- So you're the jinx ehh anon
Anon: norman as a fuck buddy that is willing to travel to the other side of the ocean for sloppy seconds?! lol of course he denied...he doesnt have anything serious with her...what is he going to say now? oh this is my friend that i fuck now and again??like he comes like a major dishonest person regardless of their status. actually have nothing to do with that is the way he dealt with it. --mod-- Whys it gotta be sloppy tho.
Pinyah: This mean JDM agree with Norman and dk thing? --mod-- I couldn't guess
Anon: I personally didn't see the comment so maybe you can dig it up but someone on IG said the girl who took the picture of Norman and the unknown woman on his bike said it's his curator "Laurie". Again not sure if true because I didn't see her comment by myself. If she said it we could easily put the upcoming shitstorm to rest already. I sure hope it's right.
Anon: Yep Mod, look at normanreedustea. One of the girls who posted her pics with Norman was asked on Twitter if he was alone and she answered "con su novia" which means "with his gf". And why would she say this if it wasn't obvious it's his gf. Deeply disappointed and disgusted of him. No longer going to support him. Official lying is such a shame. Hope his reps and AMC are going to kick his ass for this debacle
Anon: Well ok I was in grammar school when HC(who can I just take a moment to say how cool and beautiful she is, goals people) and N were a thing, but I I highly doubt this is the same thing. Tbh up until Sky came out, I thought January Jones and DK were the same person lol All jokes aside, if this were his gf, or shit someone he bangs on the reg, wouldn't he I dunno see her more than occasionally hanging out? Like if I remember correctly didn't his child bride (CS) used to visit in GA? lmao. Mod?
Anon: To the anon that says DK stalks his exes, is this true? Cause that's a lifetime movie in the making I can totally get behind. Where's PRwife when we need her? She seems to know her shit.
Anon: I don't know who NR and DK think they're fooling at this point 😂 does anyone still believe they're not a couple?! --mod-- Me

Wow, a lot of people think Norman "owes" his fans the truth about his romantic life. He really, really doesn't. If you want to think he's a liar because his rep said he & DK are friends, OK. But maybe think about, if he did lie, are there reasons he might, including possibly the way fans react? Why would he put DK through that if they aren't even sure themselves if they're a couple? There are lots of reasons that he might "lie" that don't have anything to do with disrespecting fans.


Hi mod, i just came to say goodbye and thank you for this blog <3 i think i'm done with the dk thing and i need a break from this blogs and stuff. I'm sad not because he's with her, but because he denied the rumors and, even if they are just friend (which i don't believe), he's not taking care of his reputation right now. At least he could stay away from her a pair of weeks of something, to shut the rumors, but he didn't. He deserves to be happy, i know, but i'm just done with him. Love you mod! --mod-- Well come by and say hi sometime I'll be here


I find it funny that Norman's people had that video removed. Shows how much we can trust him and his people.

--mod-- Who said he had his people remove it. You do realize that it had something on it the was supposed to be a surprise feature in the show right


I don't get all the hate. He's a grown man and can be together with whom he wants. I don't like DK, but it's his private business. And he doesn't have to render an account of his private life. And if he says to the public that they aren't together to have at least some kind of privacy, that's totally fine bye me.


Maybe I was wrong, maybe it's DK that has a magic 🐱, cause it sounds like he's risking his reputation and career on her. I just think he needs to either come clean, or she can pull the stick out of her ass and say something. I still don't think they're in a serious rs, but regardless, it's kind of shady. I mean if I had a bf and he was going to basketball games with other women and walking around acting single, I'd cut his dick off and feed it to him lol


I don't want to shit on anybody's parade but have you guys seen the the accounts that has commented on the IG user's that posted those pic? Except maybe one or two EVERYONE shares the same things, saying the same things. It seems to be one person but with different accounts. This takes the credibility down a lot. Someone seems out to just spread gossip and ruin lives


Mod is it 100% confirmed that it's her? Maybe it's me but I don't think Norman would be taking selfies with Fans on the street while DK was standing beside him...?

--mod-- Nothing's been confirmed 


look, i always side eyed him for even being friends w her. having followed her career a bit before i even got in to TWD (after the QT movie), she just seems like a nasty piece of work, & I don't know what NR sees in her. that said, if he actually fucks someone on the DL, while getting his rep to officially deny even casually dating, then that would be as scummy a move as any desperate game she has played. possibly worse. i really hope NR is such a fucking lowlife 
and thats not to say NR can't fuck people casually, but to me, its one thing to have a fuck buddy or hook up w one nighters, its an entirely different thing to constantly have someone fly around to meet you, spend time together, fuck them on a very regular basis, and then deny that you even casually date. there is nothing wrong w saying "they go out but its not serious". its really gross to hide a woman, shuffle her around, fuck her, then say "we're just friend" while having her meet 2 fuck

Anon: Do people need their eyes checked those purses are not the same and neither are the boots go take a good look at them I swear as soon as people think it's DK they believe everything I'm giving norman the benefit of the doubt until I see her actual face
Anon: *Also to be fair, I can put on Twitter right now I saw Norman blowing dudes behind an Arby's, it doesn't make it true. Although he seems to be classier than Arby's, maybe In N Out?

--mod-- Dying 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

 DK posted a picture of her and Fabienne yesterday, and they were both at his Paris art show, so they're probably both just there supporting him for his Barcelona show

Anon:  Mod I have a theory: I think Norman has INVITED DK to the 2nd art show this time because of all the hate she was getting over the garage pics (even though it's obvious she *did* set them up) I think he's trying to show that he's still FRIENDS with her to the public. And maybe he thinks because he officially denied it that everything would be fine on his side. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. So he has to do something to clear the air AGAIN imo because this is only hurting him Anon: Ok, you can so tell that DK & NR are dating! N wants to keep it a low profile cuz he knows his fans tend to get a lil craycray and he feels bad for all the threats towards his gfs. Plus those pics from Spain... that's definitely her purse & shoes. Common. But honestly, N has gotta live his life and be happy; his true fans would support him. I may not like DK, and I doubt their relationship would last that long anyway 😂 ..but whatever. Don't let it bother ya'll too much. ✌🏻 Anon: 

Have to vent about ppl saying it's none of our business-True we have no say in what he does& he doesn't owe us explanation, but when we're spending our money buying into an image he puts forth on a regular basis & repeats in all his interviews only to find out that he isn't any of the things he claims to be, I think there's a right to be upset about who we thought we were supporting. It's not that he COULD be with someone, it's that he would have lied about it after preaching honesty. :( 

normanreedusdaryldixon32 :

I just want to say over the DK thing. 
I’ve been a fan of Norman since the boondock saints and now. I always supported him and I loved how cute, sweet, honest to his fans which he still is to his fans. In my opinion since he done the film ‘Sky’ he has changed. He says that he hates “dishonest people” but his acting like one. I do believe he deserves a woman who loves, respects, cares, supports him now matter what. But DK is not that type a girl as we all know. I hate the fact he lied to his fan or whatever. I also don’t understand 'if’ they are “friends” what kind of friend goes over to Spain to see them It doesn’t make any sense to me. I think Norman should get his head out of his ass and just think for once. Like a said before I do believe he deserve a woman that loves, cares, respects, ect. But DK is disrespectful, rude, mean, treats her fans like shit. I don’t want Norman turning into that person. Maybe he won’t turn into that person. But I just don’t get what does he see in her? DK must be so desperate. But now I’m so disappointed in you Norman. 😔


mod I saw on ig that norman's make up artist says she was with him today? is that true? because why would he have been riding around with dk, met with the curator and gone to a make up artist all in a day? maybe it's not dk? 


DK's style, behavior, and interests "suddenly changed" since she's been gunning for NR. She's seeking to trap him and she's just about there. She's as manipulative and inauthentic as they come. Hope NR thinks it's worth it, that and all the money he's going to lose to this scheming woman. Now is when he needs a true friend to give it to him straight, but everyone is afraid tip-toeing around the glaring issue. 

normanreedusdaryldixon32 : 

This is not a question: Seeing Norman on that bike with DK makes me so angry. Let me explain why because I've been a fan of Norman since the boondock saints. I loved how cute and honest to his fans. But now since he done 'Sky' he has been very disappointing lately. He says he hates people are dishonest but he acting like one. But do believe he deserves a woman who truly loves him and not just for his work or fame. But Dk is not that kind of girl she's so dishonest ect. It's disappointing Norman 


To the ones grasping at straws saying he didn't lie, you're leaving out the part where the denial said JUST friends. JUST meaning ONLY friends as in no romance. They also denied a romantic trip which the implications of that are a romance. But they denied the trip thereby also denying a romance. Sorry guys. He lied. 

--mod-- Question, does having say a friend with benefits, not saying that's what's going on, considered romantic?


So mod I respect your opinin the most. What do you make of all of that stuff with the biker girl? Do you think it's DK? And if you do, then what do think of the denial? It's very confusing if he issued a denial only to be caught redhanded with her again two weeks later. I can't figure out what he would be thinking. I also saw some fanselfies he was taking which is odd if she were with him. What do you think? --mod-- I'll be perfectly honest. I really just don't care. It doesn't matter if it's her or it's not. I think the denial still stands, I'm mean I've travel half way around the world to visit a guy friend, and no we weren't playing flesh Tetris. But again I  super unbothered and don't really care who's beast he's smothering 

This guy is just an ass. He is letting DK play people and he doing it as well. People hate cheaters and liars. You have both right here. Surely you don't deny the dishonesty? 

Mod, did you find out who it was on the bike? Was it her? --mod-- Nope


I'm telling you folks, if that video was taken down it was because it was bought by Reedus' folks. What a damn fool he is to risk so much on such a classless woman. Do you believe it was purchased before gossip rags got to it?


I can't stop crying. It just changes everything about him. He's not the same guy. he was so special and down to earth to me and now he is no better than anyone else in showbiz. He sells fans an image for money and he doesn't care about any of us. not really or he wouldn't have lied. He tried to trick us into thinking he wasn't with her and even released a pr statement saying they were just friends? I am so depressed i can't stop crying 

--mod-- You shouldn't cry anon. Just because he's made a few mistakes and maybe has tried to hide something, doesn't change him completely, we all do shady things in life but that doesn't change us completely. Sure he may have lied and avoided telling the truth but that doesn't negate the time and effort he gives fans. But I do understand why you feel the way you do 


i'm sorry to be rude but this man is ignorant as hell playing this game and clearly he doesn't realize just how this is going to back fire. He's risking it all for a tramp. DK has what she wants, attention. She is sacrificing NR in the process and he's just stupid. Hate he is such a liar and now proven to have no character at all. He made a lot of professionals look like idiots. What an asshole. What's your position Mod? --mod-- I don't have one. I'm not bothered by it.


Norman is a huge disappointment. Not only is he a LIAR but also a COWARD & a SNEAK. Not to mention a CHEATER!!! I lost all respect for him. He just lost a long time fan. 


Mod I can't even watch TWD anymore bc I hate Norman for LYING to his fans & sneaking around like we wouldn't find out. He thinks we're all stupid & doesn't give a shit about us. He disrespects his fans therefore I cannot continue to be his fan bc I need to admire & look up to someone I spend time following on IG, watching his shows, spending money on his movies, photo ops, merchandise, etc. He doesn't respect his fans so I don't respect HIM anymore. I'm done. Goodbye Mod & the nice ladies here --mod-- Farewell Dear Anon until we meet again


Hey Mod, I was looking at the pics and I don't think it's the same shoes as DK. If you look at the ones in the NYC pic there don't seem to be a distinct heel. The chick on the bike, her shoes have a heel you can see. Also, that's not the same backpack she has in the NYC pic. DK has a purple backpack on. The purse is the only thing that's fishy imo. 


It doesn't prove anything mod but I just noticed that DK's knapsack in the NYC pics are purple. The girl on the bike has a black knapsack. 

I kind of hope after this if he isn't giving DK the hot beef injection, he's fucking someone, cause this is crazy. If i were him I'd be putting in everyone --mod-- 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Is traveling across the ocean to visit him a gf thing to do? Hell yeah. But its also a wealthy person with a freelance/travel heavy career thing to do. Are they dating. I don't know but its obvious they're friends. With all that hate she gets from being connected to him this visit is a surprising choice to make but she's older than me so I guess she gives less of a crap about what bullies think. That's something to look forward to! lol
Anon: NR's reps denied the kiss rumor and the weekend rumor. This is the only official comment. There was no one saying they'd see each other ever again. 
Hey mod been reading all the posts on here on dk and norm . Do you think she will be at the art show if so that will be interesting. 


It seemed like there were quite a few fans around NR posting on twitter. If they all saw DK with him I'm surprised literally no one recognized her. Isn't she considered a famous actress and supposedly even more than NR * Anon: 

I want to cry. I believed him. I believed his denial and defended him against everything. How could he just lie like that? I know I don't know him but I never thought he of all people would do something like that to his fans. If he's really with her, I can't be his fan anymore. I don't want to watch Ride or TWD now 


I've always wanted Caryl to happen. I don't nos because I don't won't the beautiful MMB to have those disgusting, lying Norman lips on hers. 

Oh look in that video there are two blonde ladies in black jackets. How's that for a fucking coincidence lol 


i hope this whole thing don't affect TWD, which ratings are already low :( 


Mod are we sure it's not the curator with her hair up? She has a black leather looking coat on from the vid. I know the purse and the shoes are a little bit suspicious but the hair may be just tied back and you can't see it in the pic. 


Uh, the NYC garage pics didn't "just happen". Diane paid Daily Mail and TMZ and tipped them off, seemingly without NR's knowledge. The accompanying articles were filed with misinformation yet somehow they know about his place upstate? So its pretty clear she wants to go public with whatever they do or don't have. IF he's sneaking around with her, he's doing it for himself because he doesn't want to even publicly acknowledge it. She clearly wants him to. That makes me kinda sad for her. 


Hello Mod, thank you for all you do. I always see eye to eye with you and appreciate your level head. I have never commented, but I want to say that no matter what NR & DK "relationship " is, was, whatever, or if she's in Spain or not,when his opening roles around everyone please be prepared, don't be naive, she WILL be there, taking pics, with fb and her "posse". This is about publicity for herself. I am not passing judgment, just stating what I think will occur and why. Take Care Mod. 

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Episode 4 - "We get to form the narrative" - Patrick
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I lost my two closest allies I am pissed. Vilma come home (Ginger too I guess). I do NOT trust Clash and Allan those people will backstab at moment's notice I am FUCKED
So tribe split is 3-2-2. Logically if the 2 other tribes will work together and uh take us out. And uhh I have def been the biggest impression person. And uhh merge is decently soon so maybe they use that as a reason. My predictions have been correct so far but how about not this time? :) 
Goal is to beat Vilma in the scavenger hunt
hosts' mean making me doubt my life 
I really want to make merge so I'll actually get my game on I guess. I'll throw Allan and Clash under the bus if I must. I'll do my best to befriend these people as part of my game because all other friendships are fake as we know. So far I'm trying to get with the aussie gang. Yanks will burn 
I am slightly less mad about the swap now. But it's for personal reasons. Here are the power rankings of my new tribemates: - SluggyG - Stephen - Pat - Randy. Randy and I don't seem to click sadly.
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Just like our tribe predicted there was a tribe swap and i ended up being in a tribe of 7 with 2 people from my previous tribe - Stephen and me. Having Stephen here is honestly great because although we didn't look like we were a pair in the old ala mai, we actually were and made a solid 2 man alliance before tribal council. I also told him about how Jacob and Michael were playing in the middle to gain some trust and so I believe we're tight. Every step from here on out is crucial to our game. We need to take out faatasi, there's two ala mai and two salaotoga (however u spell it), we just need to make sure we are together as a 4. 
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I hate swaps, when zwooper did its first 40 person swap survival game, my social and strategic game at the first stage was perfect. I was aligned with everyone. Once the swap came all of my allies disappeared to the other tribe and I flopped BADLY ! 
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FINALLY WAS PUT ON A TRIBE WITH VILMA! I HAVE BEEN BLESSED BY THE SURVIVOR GODS! hehe. anyway. for real though, love this new tribe. my analysis of each person: liana: of all my old tribe mates, I wanted to be with her the least. but it's fine I guess. she's nice, I'm just not close with her. if the tribe wants to vote her out I'd do it. vilma: amazing active queen goddess mOM she told me she's heard good things about me and was saying in her host chat that she wanted to be on a tribe with me this whole time and GIRL me too!!!!!!!! I want her to be my closest ally I adore her. she's also a great challenge help! I truly don't think we'll lose this scavenger hunt because we have some hard workers on our tribe like her ginger: very sweet!! I love her. I think we'll align. she mentioned how she liked how many girls were on this tribe and to that I say hell yeah - we love some girl power! she's somewhat of a weird texture but like a lot of emotion gets lost when typing? lots of people sound bland to me? but she's cute and been talking to me a lot today! I appreciate her tyler: I'm like low key scared of him for some reason I remember watching him in a game a while while back and he was like so mean?? so I'm hoping he's not mean anymore? or if he is mean that he isn't mean to ME like pls like me? but also he kinda gives off a I am scared of women and only like men vibe......... uh idk? jacob: okay I love him he's so sweet! interesting that he got the 1 vote from the ala mai tribal - kind of shows he's more or less in the bottom of the ala mai bunch so maybe I can infiltrate that and make him a good ally for me going forward! he said tribal was hard because everyone was pretty active and got along. so it seems he thinks the tribe is all big and happy - maybe he's not in any alliances? who knows michael: barely talked to him tbh. but idk how much I really like him? seemed really good in the w4 c9 challenge so ???? maybe he'll be good challenge help and someone to look out for at merge. I also feel like he and tyler would be good allies together. so yeah. that's just a hunch based off of their personalities overall: I have hope that my tribe won't flop and HOPEFULLY we will win these upcoming challenges!! and I'm going to pull my mother fucking weight so they know I'm good in challenges and that they should keep me if they don't want to go to tribal! I really really really do not think randy will do anything in the scavenger hunt LMAO like no tea no shade I don't think I remember him doing anything in mongolia and he's in four fucking games. also never goes out of his house. so it's like we're a tribe of seven vs a tribe of six? lmao let's hope!! 
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God I am really not photogenetic, really don't like how I come off in videos but oh well what can you do. I used to struggle with my looks but honestly I really like how I look nowadays. Issue now is manerisms :/ Slowly but surely. Hope you enjoyed this deep dive into the psyche of Veni 
I am going out with friends today to go all over town in search of hopefully doing really well in the scavenger hunt. I can do almost everything, the ones that are doubtful are all the DVDs, the book, the airplane and the sandcastle. I might build a sandcastle. I wanna build a sandcastle. 
Man I really miss Vilma the more days pass. Some people are just a drag to talk to and now I can't share my determination for the challenge with anyone. It is disheartening 
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Tribe Swap: Well It was bound to happen, at least I got swapped into a tribe with possibly my 2 closest allies in Tyler and Jacob. Vilma is also on this tribe, I'm thinking we might be able to use her as a target due to how strong she is in challenges and that we wouldn't want to take her to merge. I have spent some time cultivating new relations with Emily and Vilma, Chatted a little with Ginger and now trying to chat with Liana. Need to find out where votes are going. Immunity Challenge: Why are the big challenges like this when Im at work for most of the time. I can get most of these selfies and videos, unfortunately I wont be able to get to a Zoo, Beach or Airport for some of these points :( Flags apparently don't exist in South Australia either... WTF?!?! A bit concerned with amount of black spaces in out hunt, hopefully during the night it will pick up again. Time zones are making it difficult to chat with people, but I will continue to try :D 
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So you would be thinking that with a tribe swap you'd have a breath of fresh air meeting new people and having challenges in a new environment, it's actually quite the opposite. In this challenge so far only 3 out of 7 people have pulled their weight which is why we're likely to head to tribal sooner than we think. Having NA people on your tribe is so different because I'm 12 hours ahead of them, I sleep when they wake up, they sleep when I wake up. 
I must move forward with some sort of plan even though I'm trying to take it round at a time, Stephen and I aren't going anywhere. Originally I wanted Veni gone seeing he's a threat and could go back to OG Faatasi at the merge. But after thinking about it, he's a THREAT. He's the meat shield that I need to get further in this game - if I work with him, even at the merge, the target will be on him and all the heat will be of me (unless he wins immunity). EITHER WAY (dnnyys says that a lot) there are more pros keeping Veni around till merge - doing well in challenges, having someone to talk to, plus veni is also part of the old community Michael, Jacob and I are in so if we all make it to merge something may happen? That's a maybe but the idea is keep Veni and gain his trust and his loyalty. He seems fine taking out anyone who isn't contributing so we'll just do that for the timebeing.
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I am really sweating right now hopefully my tribemates actually post points. If not hopefully they don't vote me out as a challenge threat and keep me around. 
Pat is rising in my power rankigs. Seems like a really chill dude with a heart for trying stuff. 
Allan and Clash are being kinda bad at talking to me. I want to stick with them but bleh. I don't know.. 
Pat is my #1 in the power rankings
Well I can't blame anyone specifically. And I got beat by 1 point by 2 differnet people. This is rather depressing.
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This tribe is so much more inactive than Ala Mai... also we’re gonna lose this challenge. Sluggy says he wants to work with the US guys to take out the EU guys, but I’m thinking the opposite, for several reasons. First is the europeans timezone is closer to ours, so we have more time to talk. Another is the europeans are more active and social in general, and better in challenges. Finally.... I just don’t trust Sluggy, hes hard to read, he seems to be hard to work with cause he won’t let go of ideas :/ For now I’m gonna bide my time, see what develops, but if the opportunity to work with the europeans comes up Im definitely gonna consider it.
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Um so this vote is gonna be real messy trust me I want to do sluggy but it might be Veni or randy and I honestly don’t know... I just hope whatever is done is done for the best and I stay safe 
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Winning the challenge is great, but the lack of communication coming from Ginger and Liana is a little annoying. They seem to be very inactive, whereas Emily and Vilma are amazing. I actually like this tribe more than the original Ala Mai. I feel like Vilma and Emily were a good trade for Stephen and Sluggy. Sluggy and Stephen were great and reliable, but Vilma and Emily are more active and seem to have a much more bubbly personality. 
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Things are looking alright this vote. I will have to betray someone either way so that sucks. I am bad @ Randy though for the 6 points. 
I believe the current plan is, EU and AUS/Sluggy unite against Pat and Randy. In case of idol we split the votes 3-2-2. 3 being on Randy. 
I wanna make merge I wanna make merge I wanna make merge I wanna make merge I wanna make merge I wanna make merge I wanna make merge I wanna make merge
So like genuinely I really like Pat Sluggy and Stephen more than the rest of tribe in terms of working together and such but like, the OG tribe lines are really bugging me. If I at some point vote out Allan or Clash then I lose potential trust from Ginger and Vilma maybe and definitely from Allan/Clash depending whoever goes. I want to tell Pat the alleged plan so I really hope it does not backfire. I am uncertain yet. 
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So we expectedly lost the challenge and now we have to go to tribal. Stephen and I are in the middle of the OG Faatasi and OG Salotaoga (is that how you spell it?). Anyways my original plan was to go for the europeans because if we get small in numbers the europeans can as a force of 3 pick us off, but now because of what happened in the challenge and Randy's performance people like Stephen and Veni wanna vote Randy off. I've made my case to Stephen and it really comes to a cost benefit analysis for him and I and I'm honestly looking at it from a long term point of view, hope it pays off.
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Getting bad vibes from the vote. I mean honestly as long as it's not me go nuts
I am really struggling with what information to give to people
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today i went to counseling then ate a biscuit for lunch. and i want to host a bachelorette org. nothing is happening in the game tho because guess what MY TRIBE WONNNNNNNN THE CHALLLLLLENGGGGEEEEEEEEEE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i love this tribe because we can actually win things and people actually talk to me :-) also i shared my idol guesses with vilma & liana and they shared back. either way i think it’s already found. i just wanna find the spot that it’s at ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just so i know know know for sure
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This week has been very interesting. Coming with randy was exactly what I wanted so that I know I could trust my old tribemate and he’ll vote with me no problem. I just hosted a game with clash in it and we clicked instantly and both had the same excited energy when coming into this tribe and seeing each other. Me him and randy have all formed an alliance and then also have another alliance including Allan, whom I enjoy a lot, we’re planning an attack on veni/sluggy tonight because Veni is playing to hard too fast and it’s super obvious. He’s also super close with vilma (who I already perceived as a massive threat) and ginger. So voting out veni prevents Veni from going back to those two and telling them everything that happened. We get to form the narrative 
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Okay so I have a lot to talk about and very little time to do so, let's get into it: So at the start of this week (after immunity) Us Europeans decided it would be a good idea to team up with the Australians and get Randy out. However, my first issue came up with Sluggy said he had to "check with Veni and Stephen". That immediately set off alarm bells with me because why would Sluggy have to check with Veni?? Then, Veni brings up some plan to split the votes in case of an idol. Splitting the votes seemed like the dumbest idea I'd heard of and everything started to sound suspicious af so Clash and I got together and decided to work with the Americans to make sure we would be safe. While we're doing all this, Veni makes about 4 alliances (All without me) promising final 2's and stuff. I'm honestly so done with him so we've all (hopefully) decided to vote him out. If I'm wrong then I guess my game is tanked but right now I feel good. 
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So the name of this round is “Is Veni a Snakey-Snake?” The answer is yes. Clash tells me he has alliances with everyone, so we’re gonna vote him out. Gonna double check my facts first tho 
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Hello this stupid european freak thinks he can outplay the greatest america player in history aka me so im just j chilling in this tribe when we swapped. and like this aussie sluggy rat comes to me and is like "american and aussies work together" and i said ok cool. and then i went on inactive mode because i didnt want to talk to anybody. then we had an immunity challenge and i didnt compete at all for it practically because i hated the challenge! but nobody else did stellar so it didnt matter. so we lost immunity, i get told real quick by pat and clash that the europeans want 3 votes on me while aussies do 2 votes on pat. we wanted to mix that up so originally we were going to vote together as 3 and just take Slugg out. But then we added Allan so we had four votes Then veni decides to heat up  his fucking crack pipe and take 4 hits before messaging me. Telling me things like "pats getting out, fix it" and "hey  i really trust you! hopefully you make merge". like stupid shady shit that doesnt look good so i g o to the alliance and i said vote veni out now we're about to go to tribal and we're going to see if the american brat gets his way. wish me luck
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For those who think I wasted an idol I technically did but remember I just woke up to hear my name that Veni, my second closest ally in the tribe wants me gone and is rallying others to vote me off, so if Veni had Pat and Randy and got one more to flip I would have definitely gone home. It was definitely scary and I'm not afraid to admit I was scared and shaking in front of my computer, but I made up my mind about playing it since half an hour before tribal so. I guess now is the real test to see if I can make it further in the game without any sort of extra protection on my back, but Veni was a sneaky guy despite being not fluent in his speaking.
Veni a huge threat is gone when I wanted to take him to the merge to use as a shield but that didn't work. That goes to show how important it is to make sure you're not playing hard in the first few parts of the game, but timing is really key in this game, and i gotta pick the right timing to strike and when to back off.
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Woooohoo! We wonn!! I'm so happy to have a night off. I am loving this tribe switch and have liked everyone I have talked to so far. I think we just got the power tribe both with challenges and socially. Emily actually shared where she has searched for an idol with me so we could cover more ground. It makes me sus of maybe her and someone else working together on Saratoga. (although maybe they were all just social flops) I'm still really happy I found an idol on the first try because I feel like I look semi inactive (always working) so no one would suspect it would be me who has the idol. My plan is to maybe blame Ruthie? Idk i haven't thought it through yet, but she definitely seems like someone who would find an idol first. Anyway my lying has already started because I told Emily how frustrating it is to have so many combinations to make it seem like I don't have it.
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Uhhhhh so we swapped. Immediately I was excited to be on a tribe with Emily, because I've heard she's super nice and people were absolutely right she really is!!!! I like everyone on my new tribe to be fair, but I'm kinda spooked because Ginger is the only og Faatasi who swapped with me and I've been performing fairly well in challenges so I'm scared I will be targeted fast if I end up going to tribal with these guys. I'm glad Ginger and I have a good relationship though, plus he is super social (unlike me) so hopefully he can help me in that regard and use his social skills to build new bonds. Obviously I'm trying my best to do that too but I'm not too convinced in my ability to succeed at that. It's just a lot. I'm too introverted all I wanna do is keep to myself and hide in my cave even though I know that's not smart. I've chatted some with everyone though and they all seem nice.... But yeah I could definitely step up my social game some. Emily and I have been sharing our idol guesses and Ginger told me he is becoming close with Tyler and Emily... We'll see how things develop from here. Personally I've enjoyed talking to Emily and Michael the most. Plus Michael seems to be quite a challenge threat as well, I'm hoping he would like to keep me in as his shield. That's what I'm gonna try to pitch for at least, if we ever end up in tribal. We won the scavenger hunt challenge which was neat because I love scavenger hunts. I went all out in the challenge ONCE AGAIN and tbh we need to talk about my threat level in a bit but first let's have a Moment of Silence for my NUMBER ONE ALLY VENI WHO GOT VOTED OUT ON FAATASI AND I'M VERY UPSETTI SPAHGETTI. :'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''( VENI ROBBED HE DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER THAN THAT. I'm so shocked even Clash and Allan turned on him and I NEED SOME EXPLANATIONS. I'm dying to know what happened there. I really wonder if Faatasi threw the challenge to get rid of him, but Sluggy played his idol though, so he must have thought for real there was a chance he was going home tonight?? That's what confuses me. But it's cool to know he had the og Ala Mai idol and it confirmed my suspicions that it had already been claimed thanks to all the reward challenge clues they got. I wonder if it will be rehidden now though... Doesn't hurt to try and search anyway, I guess? But yeah let's talk about the fact how screwed I am if I ever go to tribal with this tribe. Veni going was definitely a reality check for me, and now I feel super uncertain about my own position in the game. For some reason everyone and their mother seems to think I'm a big threat and I guess it's mostly due to me performing well in challenges and that SUCKS. Because music videos and scavenger hunts happen to be my two favorite challenges and I simply don't know how to hold myself back when it comes to them. Dennis asking me the threat question at first tribal plus the judges hyping me up in the music video challenge definitely didn't help my case either ugh ily guys but I'm in TROUBLE. KAJSHDKAHF. But to be fair I've always done middle tier / poorly in flash game challenges, I feel like my challenge threat status isn't completely accurate. Most of the immunity challenges so far have been those kind where those who put in the most effort have been rewarded (Music videos, The 24 hour challenge, Scavenger hunt). I've done well in those because 1. I happen to love 66% of those challenges and 2. I have no life. But if we had skill- or luck-based challenges like flash games or puzzles I don't think I'd perform very well at those at all. Even Ginger told me I need to stop performing so well in challenges and I agree with him. But I'm just scared it might already be too late now. Also challenges are genuinely the part I enjoy the most in orgs, I hate the backstabbing and socializing, so it feels stupid to restrict myself from enjoying the game just to do better at it... Ugh. What an internal struggle. I hope the next challenge will be something I naturally suck at so I don't even have to think about it.
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ramialkarmi · 7 years
Disney's struck an industry changing deal, and now 'everybody is talking to everybody' (DIS)
The Disney-21st Century Fox deal has been announced, and some media analysts expect a flurry of deals to follow.
The first may be for independent Hollywood studios, as content clout suddenly becomes in high demand.
Some experts see Viacom as a natural acquistion target.
What will really be interesting is whether tech giants like Amazon, Google and Netflix feel motivated to get acquisitive.
Now that Disney has announced a $52.4 billion deal for slew of assets from 21st Century Fox, it's hard to imagine that other media titans will stand pat.
In fact, many in the business expect a frenzy of acquisitions, as the industry grapples with the looming spectre of Silicon Valley, with its powerful platforms and deep pockets, not to mention rapidly changing consumer media habits.
"It's an all out war on the content front," said Peter Csathy, founder of the media consulting firm Creatv Media. "Conference rooms are buzzing, and everybody is talking to everybody."
Who knows what's next? Here are a handful of possible moves, at a time when almost anything seems possible.
Everyone needs to get bigger, starting with the studios
If Disney is indeed buying Fox assets to hoard content for its upcoming streaming service (and to make movies featuring the X-Men and other Marvel characters), do other media giants need to load up on content?
As Business Insider's Nathan McAlone recently noted, the concentration of power is only growing. So staying small is getting tougher.
"Scale matters when you negotiate," said Michael Goodman, director of Digital Media Strategies/Digital Consumer Practice at Strategy Analytics. "This is sort of a continuation of a reaction to AT&T-Time Warner."
Here are some potential studio targets:
Lionsgate (The "Saw" franchise, shows like "Orange is the New Black" and "Mad Men.")
MGM (James Bond)
Sony ("Spider-Man" and "Better Call Saul," though observers say any deal would be complicated)
Potential studio buyers:
Comcast: As digital ad veteran Jay Sampson, who's logged long stints at Microsoft and Adobe, sees it, AT&T may soon have Time Warner in house. Thus, Comcast may need to match that combo by adding a studio with a deep back end catalog. "They'd get efficiencies in production cost, marketing and distribution and maybe vault ahead of Time Warner," he said.
Amazon: The company is looking for the next "Game of Thrones," reported Variety. "I can imagine an Amazon getting into the game," said Csathy. "Their underlying strategy is to drive Prime membership." And the more reasons people have to subscribe to Prime (like say 20 plus Bond movies on demand), the more shoppers locked into the Amazon ecosystem.
Netflix: They've already bought a comic book producer, which provided the streaming juggernaut with its own IP. If Disney plans to choke off its library, maybe Netflix buys an MGM to fill out their library while continuing to invest in originals.
Viacom has its challenges, but is it suddenly a big target?
There's no doubt the media conglomerate has its obstacles. Viacom's core business is cable networks aimed at young people (Nickelodeon, MTV) when young people are running from cable. Still, it's got tentpole events like the "Video Music Awards" and kids franchises like "Paw Patrol."
Plus, Viacom owns the movie studio Paramount.
Would be buyers:
Viacom could recombine with CBS (they were part of the same company through 2006)
Viacom could look to connect with other cable stalwarts Discovery/Scripps
Or the likes of Comcast, Netflix, Amazon or even Google could be interested. Maybe Google sees Viacom as a way to jump start its move into TV ads?
Doubtful, said Pivotal research analyst Brian Wieser. "I think the answer to pursuing TV advertisers’ budgets is ongoing investment in video content," he said "I don’t think Google necessarily buys anyone to do that."
Is Verizon a buyer?
The wireless company was reportedly also kicking the tires on Fox. While Verizon has moved aggressively in online ads by purchasing AOL and Yahoo over the past few years, they are way behind when it comes to the TV screen. 
However, Verizon may be waiting to see what happens with AT&T/Time Warner. In fact, lots of people may be waiting for a decision on that deal. 
The Justice Department waiting game
Is the AT&T/Time Warner deal actually going to happen? It's uncertain, as the Justice Department has sued to block the deal, while the parties remain confident. Looks like a decision won't happen until well in 2018.
The way this court case plays out could impact the appetite and parameters of lots of potential deals. 
In the meantime, Goodman sees more consolidation among independent, regional cable distributors, such as Atlice USA's recent purchases of Cablevision and Suddenlink Communications. "It's getting harder and harder for small operators," he said.
What if net neutrality goes away too? Then things might get crazy
Sampson predicted that controlling the pipes into people homes, i.e. the broadband service that delivers people the internet, will suddenly become paramount, since theoretically broadband companies could favor certain web content over others. That's when things get interesting. 
For example, what if Amazon (or Google or even Facebook) bought Comcast?
"They’ve made big inroads into the home [with devices like the Amazon Echo]," Sampson said. "Amazon to sell you stuff and Google and Facebook to sell you ads. Long term, they don’t want to be relying upon a cable operator or wireless carrier to get them there."
Plus, Sampson theorized, whoever controls broadband access will be able to start charging companies like Netflix a toll to get their content to peoples homes – or choke them off. Lots of Netflix rivals would seem to be interested in that.
But many observers had serious doubts about how much Net Neutrality rule changes would impact the way media companies operate.
"I think Amazon makes decisions based on what drives prices down or otherwise adds value to its retail and  e-commerce consumers," said Wieser. " I don’t know that owning pipes or distribution to consumers is necessarily that important."
Another reason Amazon may not want to go that route. "What if Trump is gone in a few years, and you've shifted your whole business and the laws go back?" Goodman asked.
Does Apple do anything?
Csathy predicts Apple will launch its own Netflix competitor, as it will need a place to launch its own shows (Apple wants to spend $1 billion on content). That's why buying a studio could make a lot of sense, he said.
Others have resurfaced a popular theory: Apple could buy Netflix, and put its shows there.
Apple isn't know for making mega acquisitons, Csathy noted. But they could look to grab a dark horse content contender.
"Apple wont be able to stand on sideline," he said.
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grapsandclaps · 7 years
Hello again everyone and welcome to the story of show 65 of the #100showyear which took me to The Longfield Suite for Futureshock Wrestlings 13th Anniversary Spectacular with a jam packed crowd taking their position for what on paper looked a great card.
But first of all as ever it was time to explore the pubs of Bury and Prestwich respectively. So after the disappointment of Lady Aurelia being touched off in The Nunthorpe at York and Frankie Dettori being a plonker by over celebrating thinking he had won but the realisation of a nose defeat by a horse it should have beat came to haunt Frankie.
Off to the Trackside who sell a mass of real ale for decent prices from £2.50 to £4 and you are always treated to a view of the East Lancs Railway whilst supping your ale. I opted for a £2.70 pint of porter from Kelham Island brewery which was very good on the taste scale.
Next pub was Wyldes for a cheap pint of Joseph Holts bitter and a conversation with the barman about the past weekends Summerslam. Needless to say this was a good day for Holt’s bitter as when you catch it on a bad day it can be lethal to your guts.
A quick pint (£2.55) in the new Spoons in Bury, be warned of the old Spoons which has many of the deadlegs of Bury scouring its stick carpet. The short journey via the Metrolink took me to Prestwich and a pint of coke in The Orange Tree which is your typical chain like pub but is very good as a meeting spot for the graps in Prestwich.
This was a free night at the wrestling for me as our Geoff won a facebook competition for a family ticket to the show, so cant really moan on that aspect, but i would have gladly paid the full price entrance fee as Futureshock do put on consistently good shows, so lets find out what went down on the 13th Anniversary!!
Sadly the start of the show with the usually RUN VT! hit technical issues with much buffering and interference to the video package opening the show, you could see Chris Brooker visibly cursing under his breath at this unfortunate thing.
First up was the Tag Team Title match with Wonderland (champs) facing the newly attired Sexy Gents - Sexy Kev and Jon. This went about 10 minutes with the Gents having quite a bit of offence here against their bad guy counterparts, but as with any match the tide can turn, with Wonderland using the help of Melody (The Former Mel Price) to get the upper hand till a returning Violet Vendetta evened up the sides to nulify the presence of Melody. A couple more minutes passed and with a prone Wonderland member flat on his back it was time for “Air Sexy” from Jon and Kev to land and the 1-2-3 and your new champs - THE SEXY GENTS!! Good match while it lasted and it will be good to see who the upcoming challengers will be, but can’t say i am looking forward to an upcoming Melody vs Violet Vendetta match up.
Womens title action next with a rematch between two rivals in Futureshock with Champion April Davids vs Former Champion Lana Austin. Very physical opening to the match with both women tearing lumps out of each other with King of the bad refs - Mike Fitzgerald unable to restore much order to the match. With this lack of order to proceedings both women fought to the stage before performing moves so hard that both missed the 10 count to get back in and caused a double countout much to the disgust of the Futureshock Faithful.
Futureshock Management then announced for September 17th in Manchester that it will be Davids vs Austin in a 2 out of 3 falls match in the Main Event to settle it once and for all - this should be brilliant 🖒
Next up was possibly my Match of the Night and i suppose a few other peoples as well between former friends and tag partners Rampage Brown and T-Bone. This went all around the Longfield Suite with a multitude of weapons inc. A Dinosaur, Golf Clubs, Crutches, Bins, Chairs and Cooking Sheets being used , just imagine two big burly lads smashing the shit out of each other - this was my graps and certainly in the top big lads wrestling matches of this year.
When order got restored, the crowd were still on their feet looking on at the destruction of humanity going on in the ring with T-Bone kicking out of a piledriver before Bone hit 2 Tombstones and a match winning headbutt for the win in a wild, dramatic and white hot atmosphere of a contest - so much that people thought it was time for a break after this. Watch this back on demand - you wont be sad.
Half time Main Event next with Adrenaline Champion Soner Durson facing challenger Facepants/Wet Dog James Drake in another fantastic match that thankfully Drakes mate - Zack Gibson didnt get involved as per a stipulation made before the match that if he did he would be stripped of his world title. Both guys here showed why they are two of the best on the North West scene with surprisingly a split crowd with people cheering current bad guy but on his way to be a good guy - James Drake.
Some of the highlights here included an inverted neckbreaker from Durson to Drake on the ring apron and also a top rope 450 splash from Drake to an ultra close 2 count. The contest came to an end when Drake went to the well once too often and got hit with the big splash from the top to send the Futureshock Faithful happy into the break. Dissension between Drake and Gibson was visible with Gibbo not being happy with Drake shaking Soners hand at the end of the match.
Back from the break it was the 4 on 4 Camp Egan vs Team Blake with the person taking the losing fall being banished from Futureshock forever. Quite a few quick eliminations here with Iestyn Rees, Meat and Veg and The Nordic Accountant being dispatched early to leave Jenson Blake and Danny Hope to fight off Chicken Damon Leigh and Chris Egan. As expected this came down to the 2 enemies Egan and Blake fighting for survival with the purple haired prince - Jenson Blake picking up the win to send Egan packing.
A sad day for Futureshock i feel as Chris Egan is great entertainment in his managerial capacity and offers more to the table than Jenson Blake who sadly i don’t rate in my opinion and i would guess most of the crowd in attendance wanted Egan to fell Blake to keep his job. My mate Shauna wasn’t too happy at this result as Egan is one of her favourites so their wasn’t much booing going on for the next match.
Next up was the 10 man invitational battle royal gauntlet for the no.1 contendership to Soner Dursons title with the match being based around Xander Cooper’s quest to reign again and for his sidekick Bobby maybe just maybe screwing him out of it. But sadly it was the former that went down as Xander outlasted the competition including chucking Bobby out and finally getting the CHEEKY ROLL UP win on Joey Hayes to win this in around 15 minutes. Opinion on this match, it was fun but not the best use of Flash Morgan Webster, Bubblegum or Chris Ridgeway and even though he won the voting to be an entramt people would like to see in the match - No BIG T 😢😢.
But before the Main Event it was time for the raffle and with 5 strips of tickets in my hands it was time to see whether it would be a signed poster, meet and greet or a replica NXT Championship. As the first 2 prizes were drawn it looked doubtful that i would get anything and be left with nothing NADA BUT WHATS THIS I HEAR BROOKER CALLING - NUMBER 336!!!! I only went and won the replica belt to a chorus of boooossss and raffle tickets being pelted at my giant bus head. I am now a Belt Wanker 😍😍🤗🤗🤗
Ashton Smith vs Zack Gibson was next for the Futureshock Title in a very good match but i found the crowd were a bit quieter than usual due to the late running (10pm) now but maybe it was just the red hotness of some of the stuff before it. Much shenanigans were involved as Fitzy was reffing so he went down like a sack of spuds as ever, so while he was down James Drake came down and what looked like he was helping Gibson after hitting Ashton, he turned babyface on Gibson to a great ovation and with a groggy Ashton up again he hit Gibson with the GTS for the win and your new champion - Ashton Smith.
Beer prices - £3.20 for MPA
Overall a good show with the 1st half edging it over the 2nd half with Soner/Drake and Rampage/T-Bone stealing the show. Only gripes were Jenson Blake winning and the usual Fitzgerald shenanigans in the main event but still a great evening and i recommend getting a ticket for 17th September at 53two in Manchester for Davids vs Austin 4 and Pete Dunne vs Soner Durson #grapsandclaps
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Husky Tools Review Husky Instrument Field And Workbench Evaluation
Husky Tools Review Husky Instrument Field And Workbench Evaluation
The Husky Stainless Steel 26 in. 9-Drawer Tool Chest and Cupboard exhibits a premium quality finish.  A profit of having automotive hand tools includes repairing automobiles with little effort. Just like the Ridgid the husky air tool kit review is made by Campbell Hausfeld or the Chinese firm Ningbo Huasheng Air Compressors Co. for Dwelling Depot. Husky has made a small change to the angle of the worm gear used to adjust the opening measurement, in an effort to make adjusting a bit sooner.
Lastly, the massive area in the middle of the tote works properly for things like my second battery charger and power supply, electric drill and driver, heat gun, soldering station, my rolled up Cow Pad, etc. I used to be a mechanic again in the day, and had the obligatory set of software truck tools, but when I left that profession I gave my tools to the younger fellow who was my apprentice.
The fifty two-inch Husky software chest and cupboard combo has two 4-outlet and 2 USB power strips. Kobalt blows husky crap away, particularly because the kobalt screwdrivers, ratchets, wrenches, sockets are all made right here and husky's crap is all taiwan/china.
The cart can securely hold up to 15 gallons of supplies, making it an awesome match for larger-sized power instruments and equipment. This isn't the case with the Husky tool bins—and why they're rated as much as 2,500 lbs load capacity. The mechanism then sucks the drawer in all the way without bouncing your tools.
They sometimes provide a high percent-off low cost on tools which might be not often if ever discounted elsewhere. They cost a bit extra but are worth it in the long term if depend on air as your supply of energy. You hardly see sanders, grinders, band saws, drill presses, or different benchtop instruments on sale in the course of the holiday buying season.
At this price level, all four of these software sets function instruments made exterior the United States. Prime of the line Snap-On instruments are fantastic, but if your man is just not knowledgeable mechanic, Craftsman must be just fine. Though these independent sellers are widespread throughout North America, some rural areas might find that there is not a spot for his or her air compressor to be serviced for a hundred-200 miles.
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I also agree that Mastercraft and Craftsman are very respectable quality tools for DIYers, and even for mechanics on a decent budget. Lastly, a 15-gallon capability allows you to carry the instruments and equipment you need for the day in a single bundle.
Purchase an affordable-as-hell set that's as complete as attainable while you're younger and/or beginning out with instruments. You'll discover plenty of former Craftsman software followers grumbling about how Sears and Craftsman outsourced too lots of their hand instruments lately, myself included, however Craftsman's hand tool selection continues to dominate rivals.
To determine which instruments you need, It's best to first decide what you can be working on. The Milwaukee 60-inch cell work station uses this method in addition to the Husky workbench. Power tools with the Husky model are typically made by firms over seas largely in Korea.
The Dewalt 192-piece mechanics gadgets set affords numerous parts that speak mechanics. This 22-inch Rolling Pro Tool Tote is the largest comfortable-sided tote that Home Depot sells. These instruments embody Needle Nose Pliers, Linesman Pliers, Diagonal Pliers, and extra.
Husky Hand Tools Normal Instrument Dialogue... Welcome to the The Storage Journal Board boards... And watch out for any super-optimistic reviews you read on-line. The upcoming Cantilever Cellular Cart provides smaller stacking storage bins that fold out to reveal a big capability storage space for larger instruments.
Industrial suppliers are nice locations to purchase measuring instruments, similar to calipers and micrometers, sandpaper and different abrasives (such as for finishing your wood/plastic/metal/3D printing initiatives), end mills and specialty cutters for use with your CNC router or mill, and very many other varieties of instruments and provides.
If you happen to're not pleased with the best way your air compressor equipment are operating with your compressor, you possibly can take the product back to your native House Depot or licensed outlet for a full refund. I totally agree with the criticism voiced, and junk tools must be stopped from being made or purchased.
The Husky Tools Review 22 inch Pro Grade Rolling Tote is a perfect go-to” rolling instrument bag for mobile contractors, and can save time forwards and backwards to the truck in search of tools and components. This set differs from more expensive Craftsman units most clearly within the end: none of the tools are polished.
Between crawling and short course, and a great circle of friends... there are at all times sufficient instruments and elements to go around, to get us via the day. The truth is, it's robust enough that several other Professional manufacturers turn to it for their bags.
I feel a lot of the confusion on the Lifetime Warranty merchandise is due to this: The Lifetime Warranty is obtainable by the producer, NOT Home Depot. Although their air compressors don't obtain this profit, residential users do obtain a 2 yr guarantee towards material and craftsmanship defects.
We don't actually have the quality Craftsman instruments you do, nor do we have now easy access to GearWrench, Wera, or many of the other brands you've got mentioned. Now thoughts you I had them go and browse the guarantee on the field that states carry again to any dwelling depot retailer for change if needed for my convience.
Properly I went two weeks ago simply too be sure that I was coated before I unloaded the remainder of my instruments out of it so I could alternate it. I acquired there and the highschool dropout instructed me dwelling depot only accepts returns for the primary 90days.
I've used Matco, Mac and Snap-On earlier than my cousin bought all his tools but the Husky/Craftsman work simply tremendous for me. The entire HF stuff I have has been junk, does not fit right and received rusty sitting inside in a case. If it breaks down and you're exterior your warranty period, you are mainly left with an enormous paperweight.
Abstract: From what I've seen to date, House Depot has one of the best Black Friday and holiday tool deals, a minimum of as far as general use and Maker-appropriate hand and energy tools are involved. Many mechanics working in a store want to spend money on software programs, resembling Snap On Tools, Mac Tools, or Matco Tools.
Husky high quality 18 in. software bag constructed of a high quality heavy-responsibility, waterproof materials. The torque wrench, unfortunately, has a similar guarantee to the Craftsman: One year, and it does require a receipt. As I mentioned, I've been doubling up on USA Craftsman tools whereas I can still discover them.
Among the other stuff not so good (i.e. multi instruments and diverse rebranded stuff). A instrument with a really noticeable change is the new Self Adjusting Groove Joint Pliers that Husky has come out with. Listed below are some of the particular strengths and specific weaknesses to think about as you shop for your subsequent air compressor.
Over the past 30 years of use and abuse, those tools have proven themselves to be quality items. It includes a full number of drive instruments and specialty sockets and even a few pliers. That is especially true with the plating that covers the cylinders or tanks holding the air.
In footage, the 020800R FatMax regarded like it may be perfect for chargers and larger gadgets in the bottom, plus components, instruments and batteries within the higher sections. That stated… In Canada you actually have a tough time discovering instruments that match the actual Junk” we're afraid of. Such as you stated, flea markets and the likes of Princess Auto.
Then… as time goes on, and you have more cash, you will (Hopefully) additionally know higher how much you rely on your Sockets and Wrenches to do what you do. This is true for each your personal tools, and your work tools. Thanks for the good evaluation @montreal_medic It looks as if a practical and capable little compressor for what you utilize it for.
Anyhow, I call the corporate that made my compressor they usually wont honor the warranty either. I am a mechanic by commerce and spend some huge cash on instruments and have bought many tools from residence depot however I will never return. I added 2 completely different sized sets of extensions ( 1/4 & 3/8) from Tekton (HQ is in my town, and they're fairly priced for respectable instruments).
Sears needs to be one of your destinations for those who're looking for mechanics device sets (though think about Husky and Kobalt's too), wrench sets, mechanics device accessories (equivalent to socket extensions and adapters), and different such things.
I just lately obtained a Husky 268 piece Mechanic's Tool Set, and have been fairly impresed with the standard and mixture of instruments Not much mention of Husky Hand Tools right here. I want the round deal with model of the Husky ratchet, however I knew that when I purchased the Craftsman set.
The numerous interior and exterior mini-pockets are great for miscellaneous quick access tools, and internal back wall straps are excellent for my numerous particular person hand instruments such as pliers, vice grips, wire strippers, side cutters, clamps and so forth. The large area in the course of the tote works well for things like a drill, driver, cords, chargers and different cumbersome instruments.
On the day after day all day working jobsite the Husky just like the Ridgid equals garbage. In the event you plan to buy right into a cordless energy software platform, Milwaukee's deal (hyperlink below) would possibly supply extra in the long run. Like the Craftsman set, the Husky kit offers combination wrenches in both SAE and metric varieties, but it provides the fewest wrenches of the three at simply 20. Craftsman has 21, whereas the Kobalt set offers a large-ranging 73.
Conversely, EVERY socket and wrench set and the entire drive instruments (besides the 84 tooth ratchet) at my local retailer is made in Asia. Those benefits were not conditioned on the positive or negative content of the evaluation. And there are not any socket-solely choices, and so you haven't any selection however to buy duplicate drive tools and equipment with every set.
A power software organizer helps preserve tools upright and a constructed-in power center offers on the spot entry to power. Curiously, the Craftsman torque wrench guarantee does not allow commercial use. Just like the Ridgid the Husky is made by Campbell HausfeldAt the home for time to time DYI use it is a ok unit.
I'll say it's straightforward to transpose the Stanley identify to Snap-On, but it's sadly not true for these Mastercraft family instruments. Rockler is a woodworking-targeted on-line and brick & mortar retailer, however additionally they provide plenty of modern tools for non-woodworkers.
As with Beta, other European manufacturers are usually not as nicely-established within the USA as home manufacturers, that means warranty exchanges is perhaps lengthy or complicated. The instruments should be exactly the identical, to start with, which makes the a number of variations of Craftsman instruments somewhat difficult to negotiate.
This compressor will get used to energy nailers, to blow mud off, and to spray paint skinny finishes onto small items. I work for House Depot, and I know for a indisputable fact that our company coverage is to just accept Husky instruments which can be below Lifetime Guarantee, no questions requested-.
The aforementioned Husky 60-inch cellular workbench has a 6-outlet, 2 USB energy strip on the appropriate side for plugging in chargers and other devices. Finances tools could also be ok for the jobs carried out, nevertheless, the tools might not adapt as easily to some conditions as well as increased-end tools.
Snap on and craftsman are good...husky tool set review is simply low cost and usable..when you can afford it, pay the extra now and people tools will last a lifetime...i often only buy husky for small stuff, like razor knives, organizers,...small stuff that needs replacing ultimately anyway.
The Husky 22 inch Professional Grade Rolling Tote is one which I've seen so I grabbed one to see what the hype was all about. The range in huge half of-inch sockets alone is purpose sufficient to contemplate the Husky set over the set from Craftsman. Appears like I'm returning the Husky instruments I acquired at Residence Depot and heading over to Sears.
I additionally want to echo Stuart's remark that Craftsman hand tools used to be an amazing value - 1/three the cost of tool truck brands for superb high quality and the best replacement course of possible. The entire tools I used functioned effectively and lower similarly to different hand instruments I have.
These days, I do my instrument set purchases at Sometimes, the primary (promoted) online evaluate addresses whether or not or not the set is made in the USA and I solely order units with reviews stating that say they're USA made (that are New Outdated Inventory at this level) or, on occasion, ones with no point out of origin.
Husky Tools Review is perhaps considered the home model of Home Depot, however their air compressors are nonetheless constructed by a number of the greatest and finest names in this trade. I've a few select instruments from Snap-On and MAC like swivel-head wrenches and a trim removing package, however I am going to never purchase one in all their complete units due to the ludicrous costs.
The Husky 12” Software Bar Bag uses 600 Denier materials that is water-proof and tough. I preserve my instruments in the basement since I lack a storage and I would slightly do one trip then 154. I don't know if Husky had that in mind when they installed three wheels, however I like it!
Second, the guarantee is good For one 12 months from the date of sale.” That's an extended ways from the lifetime warranty most people expect on something with the Craftsman name. I agree with you that in Canada, we do not have as many decisions” as in the US. That being stated, crappy tools can still be discovered quite simply right here although.
Craftsman instruments and the return policy on them have changed quite a bit in the meantime, and there could also be significantly better choices, with a lot better selection, at a competitive price. We'll compare 4 similarly-priced mechanics tool sets on high quality, quantity and guarantee and we have offered links to the web store for purchase, and to the complete warranties out there on-line.
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Whether or not you're seeking to buy some new hand tools, energy instruments, woodworking tools, CNC tooling, benchtop machinery, full-sized shop tools, and even superior test and measurement instruments (e.g. oscilloscopes, function mills, and so forth.), hopefully you may find this post to be helpful.
If you don't have a retail retailer close and there are not any products listed on a web site like Amazon, you'll be able to shop on-line to have these air compressors shipped to your own home without spending a dime. There is no such thing as a more selecting the flawed setting first, then having to re-regulate it. With the brand new Husky Self Adjusting Slip Joint Pliers, you just grip them and so they do the adjusting for you.
Now granted everytime I've to go to Home Depot I've to fully clarify the warranty however once I get it clearly acknowledged, the cashier will call a manager and they will tell them to go ahead and permit it. I simply wish that when they are coaching their staff that they would also allow them to know that they carry loads of life time guarantee tools and that if there's a query then they need to go and get the merchandise in query.
Don't know enough about all that stuff, however you're right, I've had some husky tools, extra the ratchet and on hand too, and by no means had any problems. They've some distinctive Husky offerings (Husky is HD's house brand), reminiscent of pistol-grip pliers, mini precision pliers, and hex keys which might be worth a more in-depth look.
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