#i work by fae rules i guess
defectivegembrain · 5 months
I think I probably come across quite stilted in emails especially in the greeting bit because I'll just be like "hello" without saying the person's name, but I have this internal rule I just can't shake that I'm not allowed to just say people's names to them, like it feels intimate and inappropriate even if they've said my name
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misspookiehere · 4 months
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HE TAXED HIS PEOPLE TO DEATH? His provided lots of flexibility in his tax system.
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When Lucien was explaining Feyre he said if they don't pay in 3 days Tamlin is expected to hunt them down.
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But during tithe Tamlin said they have 3 days or the offer double next tithe. He don't want to hunt them down.
Plus they can literally give anything. Money is not necessary.
Girly thinks Rhysand have a tree that grows money or maybe they got occasional money rain in Velaris. Huh? How do you think he is running his court.
Lo jiii now their fae tradition that they've been doing for thousands of years is now suddenly Tamlin's fault.
Girly make it seem like he is dragging women to sleep with him. All the women participating in Calanmai is there on their own.
Yes he locked her in, biggest mistake but did he controlled what she eats?,did he forced her to do physical training?,did he forced her to work with no salary? Did his people in the mansion was verbally lashing on her? When she locked Nesta in the name of therapy they forced her to do all of these things.
Pls don't start saying that in Nesta's case all these things helped her. Bcoz in Feyre's case staying in the mansion will make sure she is still breathing. Do I need to remind you that Attor & Hybern were still lurking in the SC borders ready to snatch her any moment they got. Yes in SC borders bcoz at this point everybody knows she is in SC they don't exactly have to find her. They are more closer to her than she thinks.
I thought this one is clear. Looks like I still need to talk about this. Tamlin & Lucien didn't know about Ianthe's plan. How did Ianthe know about her sisters? Almighty Feyre herself told her in details.
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And also didn't they visited her sisters when Rhysand was fully aware that Attor was tracking them. And then they invited those Queens who betrayed them later in the same house.
And don't even think about saying If Tamlin hadn't made that deal none of these would have happened bcoz he made the deal after Ianthe was already in the SC. That woman has her own agenda so it doesn't matter if he made the deal or not she still would have carried out her plan.
And also Tamlin's deal was not only to bring Feyre back. 1st of all the deal allowed him to spy on them and 2nd the other part of the deal was that he'll allowed them to cross the wall if they don't attack anyone in SC. Let's just say What if he hasn't made the deal then the war will still happen, they'll still cross the wall, the first court they'll attack will be his but without the deal they'll kill each & every person in SC. I would say it was a thoughtful idea but unfortunately not everything thing was fulfilled.
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(putting this here bcoz I commented it somewhere & atleast 10 people said they don't remember & even more people said that this never happened & that I'm a crazy girl making fake scenes in my head)
okay fine he didn't give her HL title (the title that didn't even existed) but he was marrying her in front of his people that means he is basically introducing her as the lady of SC ( if not HL) to his whole court . That still gave her lot of power plus respect. 
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What exactly Rhys did? Married her privately with only one witness ( I'm guessing) that is the priestess. And then he introduced her as a whore in his court.
What kind of leader? Like Rhysand?      Haah Funny coz that dude can't even rule the other half of his court properly.
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Hello! I am SO hyperfixated on the fact that the overblot form CAN be controlled??? That’s the case with Malleus isn’t it? And I guess on one hand I can see how Idia can control it too because of his “curse/blessing” (and sheer will and spite).
Maybe this is foreshadowing that maybe it’s possible for the other OB boys to do so as well???? I don’t know how it’ll work with them but I’m so excited. Overblot cards potential AAAH
I’d love to hear more of your thoughts on this!
[Referencing this post!}
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Yeah, I definitely think that OB Idia battle segment opens the floodgates for potential SSR Overblot Troublemaker(s) cards 💀 (RIP to the OB gang fans)
As a refresher for everyone (since it has been a while), alllllll the way back in book 1, Crowley and Cater describe “overblot” as thus: “[… being] overcome by negative energy and[…] losing control of [one’s] magic and emotions,” and “evil berserk mode”.
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We’ve seen many examples of these traits in the main story campaign; oftentimes, the OB boy in question is impossible to reason with and has to be subdued via battle. However, it’s important to note that while the OBs may be primarily driven by their emotions, it is not purely rage but rather negative feelings in general. Yes, many OBs (Riddle, Leona, Azul, Vil, etc.) do attack others—but other OBs demonstrate moments of calm (ie when their demands are met). For example, Jamil is tame when he believes he has banished Kalim, secured hypnotized Scarabia mobs, and reigns over the dorm as its new leader. I do believe anger is still a large component of the behavior of one who has overblotted though; that rage most certainly clouds a person’s judgment and compels them to strike out at the slightest thing.
Now, about the idea of “controlling” OBs… I don’t that that can actually be done?? We have to remember that Malleus is a VERY powerful mage—and this alone could give him an “edge” that others don’t when it comes to being fully aware while in OB (though I believe both Malleus and Vil indicate early on they notice their blot building). As Idia’s dad states, Malleus is drawing his magic from nature itself and therefore has a limitless supply it. Secondly, I wouldn’t call Malleus’s OB “controlling” it to begin with. It’s clear that he’s still running high on emotions and is unwilling to hear others out or have them interfere with his plans. These are still traits associated with OB; it’s not as though Malleus is “overriding” the unreasonable thoughts, he is still ruled by them and acts on them. I think what you (maybe?) mean is that Malleus has a much more calculating approach and more precise control over how he wields his power rather than indiscriminately smashing stuff in his path. This, again, could do with his insane power level compared to his peers. Unlike most other OBs, his goal (at least in his own framing) before he overblotted to begin with wasn’t to “take away”, but rather to “gift” happy endings to everyone. This sets him apart just based on interests alone, and that’s perhaps why he acts the most different in the lot.
Now let’s consider the circumstances under which Idia OBs a second time: it’s in a dream, meaning it’s questionable whether or not this would transfer over to real life. Because it’s Idia’s dream, he has more autonomy in it, particularly because he is now “awake”/conscious of the fact that it is a dream. Secondly, Idia bears the Shroud family’s curse/blessing, which allows him to “power up” the more blot is present, as it serves as fuel for his magic. This alone makes him a “special case” which could explain the unusual amount of control he exerts over his OB form. (Again though, I’d wager it’s mostly the dream environment.)
I do see maybe the other OB boys doing a similar “oh, lemme OB to help you guys fight” in a dream situation where there are fewer limits on what they can do, but not in a real world setting. It would put them all at risk anyway, as they lack Idia’s curse/blessing or Malleus’s fae powers. Is that worth the risk, knowing they could all die or potentially turn on their classmates?
I just don’t see OB becoming a “tool” or a magical girl transformation the characters could pull out for combat purposes in the story (though this is possible for like the gameplay outside of the story). I highly doubt OB is like something you could train yourself to control; it’s less like bulking up at the gym and more like pushing yourself to keep exercising while you’re high on adrenaline… Sooner or later, you’d burn out and injure yourself in that overexertion.
If there ever are OB cards, I can easily see them as being the type that don’t come with vignettes because… what reasonable story could you conjure up to explain the OBing again? If there are vignettes, then they most likely won’t fit into the main story canon. You’d have to frame the OB cards as “within the moment” of whatever book they OB’d in, and perhaps go more in-depth about the trauma or something along those lines.
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cuckoo-on-a-string · 11 months
Hello, Mr. Monster (Seven. Sacred)
Summary: Eros and Psyche inspired Soulmate!AU, Morpheus x female OC/reader
Master list
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Chapter warnings: emotional distress, anxiety, recall of threat of assault/brainwashing, explicit smut A/N: My treat! Happy Halloween! Only about half this beast is edited, but I gave myself permission to break the no-fic-til-first-draft-is-finished rule if I could complete it by Halloween, soooo... ENJOY! Happy to talk inspo music/plot/scream in harmony in comments and asks.
Chapter 6: Sacred
She wasn’t wearing shoes.
She didn’t entirely realize until she left the palace. The grand castle released her easily, giving her a side door to slip through as she tried escaping herself, and she hesitated when soft dirt replaced smooth stone. The fae’s work stripped a lifetime of callouses. A week ago, she could walk across gravel barefoot. Now… She could go back, admit defeat and finish dressing properly. But she couldn’t deal with any more of Gwen’s concern, and the urge to run boiled from her stomach up the back of her throat. Maybe it would burst out as a scream. Maybe she’d just vomit on her own toes.
No going back.
Something would catch her if she turned around, and she wouldn’t stop until the sensation drained away in sweat, blood, and tears. 
Maybe she’d trip and earn herself some new scars.
She didn’t actually run, but she walked quickly, like she had any idea where she was going and had a schedule to keep.
The sunshine welcomed her, wrapping warm as her shawl around her shoulders, but she kept her eyes on the path, looking for loose stones to dodge or signs of other travelers. But she found no footprints. Heard no breaking twigs ahead or behind. No voices carried on the faint breeze. The world felt a little too perfect, as if it froze when she left her room, holding its breath as it waited for her to pass by. Too still. Like it might startle her if the clouds skidded along like normal clouds usually did. The blue overhead felt careful. Intentional.
The path led her to the edge of a river – or a lake – maybe a vast moat around the palace. She couldn’t see a way across, and she hesitated on the bank, toes curling into the grass as fingernails folded into palms. She wasn’t ready to stop. She needed to keep going. This wasn’t where she sat and cried. She had to burn out the panic, and she desperately needed a way across the water so she could escape into the green hills beyond.
Chewing on her lip, tasting blood, she squinted at the flecks of sunlight glinting on the water’s surface and tried to guess how deep it was. Impossible to guess. But it looked placid enough. Her was still wet, after all. A little more water wouldn’t hurt her.
She stepped from the bank, expecting a cold plunge, but she found sand barely an inch below the surface. Looking again, she could just make out a submerged path ready to help her ford the river, and she tried very hard not to question if it was there before she stepped on it. More than a little afraid it would disappear halfway through, she sprinted across the open water, splashing her clean clothes and making a terrible racket in the pristine stillness. Although the water wasn’t perfectly still, her steps left great ripples that carried the secret of her flight to both shores and beyond. Round whispers revealing her route, rolling off like a bell’s peel to tell the invisible something where she’d fled.
Her beautiful skin crawled, and she didn’t stop until she’d hidden herself in the green shadows beyond the far bank. Pine needles cushioned her steps, and she slowed to catch her breath, still moving forward, but only barely as the wood’s sap and moss filled her senses.
Her heart beat so fast it hummed, and the old ache stirred sharp and deep behind her ribs.
She was missing something. She needed something. She’d been hurt in ways her simple human magic couldn’t mend, but if she pulled the shawl even tighter, everything would be fine. The soft knit would hold her together like a bandage. Or a net. That shouldn’t comfort her, but it did, and she had too many battles to choose this one.
Being caught was alright so long as she was the one to trap herself.
She kept going, and her heart stewed in memories she’d hoped to leave on the floor of the bath. Things grew out of her helpless fears. Weedy jolts of terror that came back no matter how much she reasoned them away. Doubt spread like mold over every good thing. Confusion soared tall as a tree, and even the Dreaming’s determined sunlight couldn’t pierce its canopy.
She didn’t understand why Morpheus lied. And because she didn’t know that, the question her safety and future hinged on, she couldn’t banish every creeping dread that fed on its shadow. Everything she thought she knew felt fragile, and she wasn’t willing to test her assumptions’ strength. She’d thought he respected her. She’d thought her dreams could be a haven with him. She’d thought her life had changed for the better. For once.
But the fae took her for him.
Whatever she thought she knew, they clearly knew something else.
She walked on. Searching her thoughts. Wandering a strange land. Not at all ready to ask for answers.
The woods thinned into scrubby trees and thickets, fading from emerald to a yellowed olive green. Low stone walls rose and fell along the sides of the path she chose at random, bordering little fields full of pumpkins and graveyards bristling with angled headstones. Signs of structure beyond wilderness, a long-inhabited corner of a rural land, far removed from the gleaming palace with its lavender bath and magical bed.
But it was still so quiet.
Where were all the people? Dreams, nightmares, stories. The Dreaming may be vast, but it had nearly countless residents. Fin and Gwen spoke of whole villages, towns, homes full of strange, beautiful, and awful creatures crafted or invited into the Dreaming by its king. The silence rang false, and her heart snagged on a terrible idea.
The air in her lungs hardened.
She’d never left the unseelies’ court. She only walked through a vision boiled from poppy juice and desperate hopes. Maybe she still wore her wedding dress. Or maybe this was the truth of Love in Idleness. She could love her monster because she imagined he was better than he was. Her mind had broken and she found herself roving freely, left to convalesce on her own terms while in reality…
She’d come to a stone bridge fording a creek, and she practically fell back against the wall, sliding down, dropping her head to her knees.
Fucking fuck.
She’d walked so far, but the fear still had a literal chokehold.
Breathing. That mattered most. Whatever else was wrong couldn’t be fixed until she could breathe. She couldn’t even keep walking without air. Old lessons battled with her diaphragm as she tried to scold herself calm. Her old breathing exercises helped take the edge off the crushing sense of suffocation, but her nervous system hummed with tension, and she sat locked in place. 
She couldn’t stop thinking about the dress, feeling phantom spider silk clinging to her skin, watching the threads stretch and tear with so little effort. Of all the things to focus on, maybe it was easiest. The only change she could easily escape. But also a reminder of the monster the fae believed her soulmate to be. Someone who would callously, willingly…
Her stomach rolled, and she lurched onto her knees. A little stomach bile came on the second, wrenching heave, but nothing followed. Not even water.
How long had it been since she ate? Time was so slippery in the fae realms, and gods knew how long she slept in the Dreaming. Her head pulsed as her stomach finally agreed it was overreacting, and she fell back to sit against the wall of the bridge, panting with her eyes closed against every little pain and discomfort knocking on her thoughts. They each wanted to let her know her body had been abused, and all their good intentions just made the message play on repeat, forcing her to not only face but feel everything that happened.
Sorely used.
An archaic turn of phrase, for sure, but fuck if it didn’t fit.
Her ears rang. A sure sign there was just too much happening inside. Even if she didn’t die at the hands of the fae, a rogue nightmare, or some demon Constantine hooked her into finding, her blood pressure would send her to an early grave. For sure.
Her head hurt. Her belly hurt. Her heart hurt. Now that she wasn’t walking, her feet ached, too.
It seemed like a good time to cry, but she hurt too much to do that, either.
So she sat with the pain instead.
Crossing her arms over her knees, she buried her face and tried to block out this world, her monster’s world, and create her own. Simple and dark and safe. The borders only extended to her fingers and toes. It ended where the air touched her skin. Her goal was to drown out the ringing in her ears with the cycle of her breath, and if she forgot anything else existed, maybe that would be possible.
She buried herself so well in her arms and the chorus of her panic that she didn’t notice the little creature approach until it touched her. Tiny claws pricked her ankle. It felt like a cat, a determined kitten scaling her leg to perch on her knee, and she opened her eyes sluggishly, pulling out of the sticky morass of her own head to find a ruby-eyed gargoyle peering into her face. It chirred, potato-shaped head tilting in wordless question.
Golden with little wings that looked entirely insufficient to keep its pudgy baby body airborne, it lurked happily in the grey area where things so ugly they could only be cute flourished.
“I should probably warn you,” she murmured, “that I’m really shit company right now.”
The little creature warbled, like it understood and disagreed. Its claws pinched the fabric over her knee as its wings pumped, lifting him an inch into the air.
That would show her for making snap judgements.
The little darling really could fly.
It tugged, trilling louder, and she got the idea it wanted her to come along.
“I don’t have wings.” She felt like she ought to apologize, explain her shortcomings the way she’d reason with a small child. “And I don’t feel so good right now. I’ll stay here. You don’t have to.”
Dissatisfied with her decision, her little companion dropped back to her knee, croaking a long, demanding wail.
The voice carried through the fog, rattling over the stones, and her little friend perked and turned to call back. Following the direction of his attention, she realized two whole Tudor mansions stood on the opposite side of the bridge. If she’d stumbled any further, she would’ve run into someone’s front door.
She desperately needed to get out of her own head before she walked face-first into an immoveable object and broke her nose.
The creature flexed its claws, essentially making biscuits on her knee.
“I think someone’s calling you,” she suggested. The name and color couldn’t be a coincidence. Not in the Dreaming. Everything made a slanted kind of sense here, if it made any sense at all.
The tiny monster, Goldie apparently, settled belly-down, folding its wings and all in a show of blatant refusal. It wouldn’t give up the new friend. Toy. Guest. Whatever the hell she was to it.
“Goldie.” The voice was nearer. Footsteps crunched on loose stones, and a pleasantly round man, with a pleasantly full beard and a pleasantly wide-eyed face, came along from the direction of the two houses, looking the wrong way. “You’re still awfully small to be wandering off, even if you can fly so well. Now, where did you – ” He turned, saw Goldie sitting on Aisling’s knee, and blinked his wide eyes even wider. She stared back.
He remembered his manners first, rushing to welcome her. “Oh! Hello. I didn’t know we had company.”
He approached with a smile, but he hesitated when he realized her position. She must look at least half as horrible as she felt, after all, and she hadn’t moved from her folded spot against the wall.
“Are you alright?” He grasped for solutions, for answers. “Did Goldie scare you?”
Exhausted as she was by her own terrors, she couldn’t help snorting.
“No.” Hell. Her voice practically creaked. She swallowed, trying to get her dry, aching throat in working order, but she only made the ache worse. Coughing, she spluttered, “He didn’t scare me.”
“But you’re not alright.” Those big eyes flooded with growing concern, and she wondered if it was because he genuinely gave a damn or because of some nebulous rule about guests and hospitality and all that shit.
“I’m not,” she confessed. “But I will be. Eventually. I always am.”
“Well, how about some tea while you wait?” He extended a hand, and Goldie fluttered up to his shoulder, clearing the way for her to rise. Now that the cretin had backup, it seemed confident she’d follow.
And since she had no other plan, she did.
“I’m Abel.” His warm, worker’s callouses rasped along her palm and around her fingers as he helped her to her feet. “It’s been a while since we had a proper dreamer here, I’m afraid. Are you lost?”
“I don’t know. And I’m a dreamer, but I’m not dreaming.”
He didn’t keep hold of her hand as he led her towards one of the two houses – presumably his – but he hovered. He had a good face for that, and he kept near, like he thought she might fall, which was fair considering how he found her.
“Then how are you here?”
A mirror. Knives, and spiders, and that damned dress.
“It’s a long story.”
“Maybe over tea, then.”
“Maybe.” Probably not, though. She couldn’t stomach that tale in her head yet. She couldn’t hold it in her mouth long enough to taste.
The courtyard between the two houses boasted a half-forgotten kind of charm. It grew in moss over crumbling busts and fogged over the windows with just a little too much dust. Cozy neglect. Cottagecore with fewer fairylights and more fog.
Abel held the door for her, and she found a sitting room as wonderfully cluttered as the landscape outside. Books stacked in towers supported forgotten cups, and old table cloths, rugs, and scarves littered every surface. She sat at the little table where her host gestured and admired the collection of his personal history as he busied himself with the stove.
“I should really tell my brother we have a guest,” he fussed. “He’ll be terribly angry if doesn’t have a chance to meet you, I’m sure, Miss…” His hand flew to his mouth, and he murmured his apology through the gaps between his fingers. “’M so sorry. I never asked your name.”
“It’s fine. I don’t mind. I’m – ”
“Let me get Cain. One introduction! Much easier. I’ll be right back.” He rushed out again, and Goldie fluttered to sit on the table, resting between her limp hands and blinking up like he wasn’t responsible for anything ever, at all, in the very least.
She ran a finger over his bumpy little head and sighed. “Aren’t you just proud of yourself?”
Goldie crooned confirmation, and she rubbed her nail along the loose threads in the tablecloth. A hundred tea stains bloomed over and across each other, but she didn’t see any crumbs from dinners past. The candle in the brass stick at the center of the table had dripped down to anchor the whole contraption in place, and she could only just see a faded red paisley pattern beneath it all.
If she were to read Abel’s cards, this would be the place. It had his rhythm: habit and footsteps and care. A place to plan the morning and end an evening. 
The door’s ominously friendly groan announced the brothers’ return, and she looked over her shoulder to meet much less open eyes in a much less open face, shielded by spectacles and a mouth prepared to sneer.
But he blinked like his brother as Abel rushed to attend the kettle again, and he marched in with open curiosity.
“Well, you are a puzzle.” He made a little bow. “I’m Cain. You’ve met the dunderhead and Goldie.”
Abel set a steaming pot and three cups around the table, practically shaking with excitement. They really must not get company often. “And now she’s going to introduce herself, and we’ll all have tea while she waits to feel alright.”
Cain’s eye’s narrowed, and Aisling jolted to defuse the poisonous tension.
“I’m Aisling Hunt.”
Abel clapped, and the tension fizzled away as she tried to catch up with whatever connection he’d made. “Fine Gent’s Aisling? The witch from the Waking?”
“You know Fin?” She accepted her cup of tea, hoping for more about her friend. How did they know each other? Did they know where her friend was lurking? Were they at all like him?
Cain nodded, ignoring the cup and saucer his brother set at his elbow. “Better sort of nightmare. Reliable. Sharp. And if you’re really that Aisling, then I suppose we know why you’re in the Dreaming.”
She shuddered, an involuntary reaction she only just saved her tea from disaster by plonking it back on the table. Gossip traveled quickly in all realms, apparently, and while Fin was a considerate asshole most days, the fae hadn’t been subtle in their… gifting. She could ask how much her hosts knew, but then she’d have to listen to it. And she didn’t want to. Cain’s eye pierced her with a knowing glance, but Abel stood there in wide-eyed befuddlement, so she left them to their own assumptions and tried again with her drink.
Under any other situation, the tea would be very nice. Well-steeped, but not bitter, with a nutty note that made her think of toasted barely milk tea. In the moment, it was better than anything she’d ever tasted. Her senses sprang back from the fog of despair and remembered how nice it was to quench her thirst, how the steam opened up her sinuses, and she could smell the dried rosemary over Abel’s kitchen window. One sip was not enough. Tipping her head back, she drained it in one go and immediately decided manners were for losers, desperately holding out her cup for a refill.
Holy hell was she thirsty.
Abel quickly poured more, and Cain’s side-eye grew razor sharp.
Aisling drank another cup. And then a third. But when she lifted a fourth to her lips, a familiar hand settled on her wrist.
“That’s a great way to make yourself sick again.”
He hovered at her shoulder, calm and constant as anything, charming as ever. Just looking up at his smirk – always welcoming her into a joke whether she understood it or not – felt like setting foot on solid land after a long boat ride. It surprised her by how steady it was, and she remembered what confidence had always felt like when they went on their adventures, dragged along by his leads and her intuition.
She hadn’t even heard him come in.
Under his guidance, she settled the cup in its saucer, and she winced an apologetic smile for her hosts.
Cain scoffed. “For what? Drinking tea? Pah.” He eyed Fin with a considerably less charitable look, hoisting the teapot in a clear invitation for yet another refill when required. “You’re a guest, and a thirsty one.”
“I’m not surprised.” Fin pulled out a chair for himself, settling a wicker hamper on the table. “You sprinted from the castle like a bat out of hell, and you slept for ages before that.”
Abel gawked like her wandering was some great accomplishment. “You’ve wandered a long way from the Heart of the Dreaming. This is the border of Nightmare.”
Although she determinedly didn’t sip the tea, she kept her heads around the cup, letting the fading heat sink into her palms and remind her she was alive. And awake.
Nightmare. That made sense. She’d never entirely trusted dreams. They felt so sweet in her sleep, but they always stung when she woke up. She found nightmares more reliable. But distance was nothing in the Dreaming. Even she knew that. If the realm’s lord and master hadn’t chosen to let her have her head and run, she wouldn’t have reached the river.
Busying himself with the basket, Fin muttered, “This one never did like to keep to one place. Here.”
He pulled out a lump of cheese and a crusty roll, setting them on a plate he magically fished from the delicate chaos of Abel’s living space.
She looked at the food distrustfully, not sure if her belly rumbled in welcome or rebellion yet. But Fin was on a mission, and he fished out a dish of strawberries next, bright as gems and so ripe she could smell them. Plucking one from the top of the pile, he sliced it into three neat pieces, offering her one on the flat of his blade with an expectant expression. He’d done the work. She shouldn’t waste it.
“The tea will settle better with a bit of food,” he advised.
Cain and Abel kept their own counsel, either riddling out what they were seeing or collecting fresh fuel for the gossip engine, she couldn’t say.
She accepted the strawberry.
It tasted like summer. Ice cream in the shade, and the riot of growing things in their prime. Sunshine and sticky hands with her bare feet in a creek.
Food really wasn’t supposed to taste like that. It took her breath away, and she hesitated, balanced on the edge of Fin’s knife between enjoying the little gift and careening back into her overwhelmed panic. Everything was a step further than she expected, or a little too perfect, or grand in ways that made her feel so, so small…
Goldie, sitting by her elbow, trilled. She looked into his ruddy eyes and held out her hand in a silent demand for another bit of strawberry, even though she hadn’t finished chewing.
Fin tipped the next slice into her waiting palm, and she offered it to the baby… whatever. Goldie seized it with a delighted gurgle and crammed it in its mouth. The sliver of berry filled much more of his mouth than Aisling’s, and his cheeks ballooned with the treat.
“What do you say, Goldie?” Abel asked.
His – pet? Child? – offered a gulp, a belch, and a croak, which was enough to satisfy Abel.
Fin shoved the third slice of berry directly in her face.
And she nearly choked. Nearly laughed. It startled her, but she put her hand to her mouth and kept everything in – chewing and swallowing emotion and food. They saying went that laughter was the best medicine, and while she was a firm proponent of the wonders of antibiotics, her inner sky cleared just the tiniest bit. The cracks were still there. Her world was still more than a little broken. But the fog of war began to lift, and she could see some of what was left. What was alright. What might be alright with a little more time.
Moss would grow on the ruins, and rain would fill the holes into ponds for frogs and water lilies.
What couldn’t be repaired could be made new.
And if she ever cleared all the clouds from that inner sky, maybe she’d find another watercolor sunset waiting for her.
Fin, watching her very carefully, cut another strawberry, and she ate it all with more confidence than the first two mouthfuls. He sliced open a roll and spread soft cheese on the two halves, giving them to her one at a time. When she reached for her tea to wash the bread down, he didn’t protest.
His posture softened until he slouched in his seat, shoulders back against the wood and one ankle propped across his knee. The little wrinkles that forecast a frown smoothed back to the edge of a smirk. All his anxiety appeared in the hollow shapes left behind as it melted.
She was sorry to have worried him, but watching him relaxed helped her more than all the tea and food in the Dreaming could. He’d decided she was safe, and in this wonky wonderland, she trusted his judgement. Fin may not betray his maker for her, but he would never be ease if he wasn’t sure all was – or would be – well.
Rapid tapping interrupted the scene a few minutes after she refused more food from Fin. Sated, pleasantly full, and breathing easily, she didn’t jump at the sound, but her heart jumped when she saw the raven on the other side of Abel’s window. She’d bet anything it was…
“Matthew.” Fin nodded to the bird but didn’t move to let him in. Instead, he turned to Aisling and asked, “Feel up for a walk?”
“Back? That’s…” The best idea. The worst idea. She thought of the castle and the entity who ruled it. He needed to be stitched back into her story. She had too many frayed ends left in the wake of the latest tear, and she couldn’t begin any real work until she saw the pattern. All her questions and accusations coiled into a lump in her throat. “A long way.”
“Oh, I doubt it.” Since his question hadn’t really been one at all, he stood up, put the basket on his arm, and pulled out her chair.
It was time to go.
Cain and Abel stood, too, and Goldie bobbed up to Abel’s shoulder, sighing like a tired toddler.
“Thank you.” She hesitated in the doorway and wondered what the rules were in the Dreaming. Did she owe them something? Did they expect a token, or a boon, or some specific words? Should she start planning a thank you card? Was there a ritual, or – no. She was overthinking it. “It was… You helped. A lot. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome!” Abel beamed. Goldie warbled in agreement.
“Of course, she’s welcome,” Cain snapped, finding some unknowable annoyance in his brother’s manners. He looked back to his departing guests and nodded, slowly, almost like he was bowing. “Fine Gent. Lady.”
“Oh, I’m not-”
Fin looped his free arm through hers and tugged her off balance, moving through the door. Her confusion of thought was lost in the chaos of stumbling sideways to keep up.
“Thank you, Cain,” Fin said.
The door closed. The sounds, smells, and sensations of the outdoors crashed over her fragile senses like a wave, and she was very glad for Fin’s arm. She was… better. But still not well. The ground stayed firm under her feet, but the back of her mind whispered it would melt into quicksand at any second.
Fluttering wings and a familiar croak warned her just before Matthew came flapping in her face. “You’re awake! You’re alive! Thought you were gone forever when you didn’t come back to your van, and the boss-”
“Will explain his thoughts himself,” Fin interjected. He gave the bird a look, a suggestion or a reminder. Once upon a time he threw those her way in the Waking. When she was young and overeager to test her limits. When she ought to know better.
Matthew landed in a chaos of black feathers and clattering talons, hopping alongside as Fin led the way across the bridge. Back to forests, fields, and strange moats. Back to the Heart of the Dreaming. Whatever that meant for her. There was no rush, but Fin clearly had a direction in mind, and while he was willing to go slow, ambling rather than marching, he was on a mission.
She didn’t like the heavy feeling that realization left in her gut, full of the food he’d so carefully and considerately brought. It wasn’t that he didn’t care, but there was a new authority overshadowing their old dynamic, and she just didn’t like it.
Chastised, Matthew actually held his tongue for a few minutes. But every few steps, she caught him peeping up with sharp swings of the beak to glance at her, like he was waiting for a signal to talk again. He looked so awkward, fumbling along at their pace. And earnest.
And none of this was his fault. It wasn’t Fin’s. It wasn’t the raven’s. It… probably wasn’t their master’s, either.
She offered a wan, tired kind of smile that she hoped would ease the tension. He snapped it up.
The raven cleared his throat. “You look nice?”
And she always would. No matter how sick, or exhausted, or miserable, or – The phantom tingle of the fae’s thick salve gleaming with unicorn horn rolled down her arms, and she shuddered.
Matthew immediately dropped his head. “Sorry.”
Well shit.
“It’s fine. Just – yeah.”
And with that eloquent excuse of a non-apology, the three fell into a deeper silence.
The trees swallowed the two houses and the bridge that led to them. The path unspooled ahead, under darker boughs, and after a corner or two, the edge of the forest thinned. Too quickly. A slowly as she’d run. Impossible and sensical, because what else could it have ever been.
As the castle came into view, she fought against the dream-fall sensation demanding she wake up. She knew she couldn’t, because she was already, but that didn’t stop of her mind from spinning with the alien logic of this world. She was still looking for an escape, even if she didn’t feel the need to run for one.
A bridge – which she knew for sure wasn’t there before – connected the edge of the forest to the castle’s island. A low, discreet construction entirely unlike the arching causeway she could spy towards the front gates. The Dreaming hadn’t made it a challenge to leave, but it made returning even easier.
It invited her to come home.
Fin huffed, and she caught a smirk twisting his lips before he schooled it into a more dignified expression.
“You’re expected, it seems.”
Her hand spasmed on his arm, and he patted it almost condescendingly.
“Of course,” she murmured, demanding her stomach settle and her feet move.
Fin stayed with her across the bridge, through the garden, to the door that let her out. She felt like a stray dog being returned by a neighbor after a jaunt around the neighborhood, and it took conscious effort not to let her hackles rise. Inside, the castle was as quiet as it had been before, and she wondered again if people were being kept away from her on purpose, and if so, for whose benefit.
They stopped in the first crossroads between hallways. “This is where we leave you.”
“What?” Panic fluttered like butterflies through her gut. Fin settled (most of) them with another one of his looks – teasing, mocking her just enough to assure her this wasn’t anything like she feared. It made her feel stupid. It gave her courage. “I mean – fine. Okay. Why?”
“Why do you think?” Fin pointed to the left. “If you head that way, you’ll find yourself back in the room you woke in. Gwen and Jeff will take care of you.” He pointed to the right. “If you go that way, you’ll find him. If you’re ready to talk.”
He delicately peeled her fingers off his arm, stepped back, and performed a tidy bow. Duty performed, he left her with a wink and walked back the way they’d come in, a way that now offered many more doors and turns than she remembered.
“Good seeing you, Aisling. I’ll see you around?” Matthew didn’t wait for an answer. He launched into the air and flapped after Fin. A last caw caught and echoed through the branching halls, fading until she stood alone with her decision.
The still air pulsed with her thoughts, and her bare soles stuck to the polished floor, rooting her in a whirlpool of feelings she couldn’t face long enough to name. A crossroads. Her crossroads. Another gift from the entity she’d always feared would take away her choice. Was it respect or apology?
He’d lied to her, and even if he wasn’t responsible for… everything else, how could she trust he’d finished with masks? Kindness made for a clever veil, and he’d already surprised her with the face behind one helm.
But he hadn’t destroyed her. Hadn’t let others strip her will when it could’ve suited his purposes.
Romances between gods and mortals rarely ended well, and he was beyond a god. How could she ever hope to understand that? There was no world in which she could be his equal, where he could stoop low enough to grasp her human fears. Holding hands across a chasm like that always ended in a fall. Hadn’t she been enough of a fool already?
She remembered her first dream with him. He was more honest with her then than he’d been since, and the first thing he wanted to show her was the place where he held her the way she’d always held him. For that night at least, everything made sense. Maybe not the pain, but the agonies she’d suffered almost seemed worth it.
She didn’t know what to think. If she never faced their tangled wyrd, the potential bond she’d tasted so briefly, she’d never know how to feel, either. Maybe all this would kill her, but she couldn’t live without knowing.
So, she turned right.
Maybe it was her imagination, but the coolly lit hall seemed a little brighter as she made her way from the crossroads, looking for Morpheus.
She didn’t have to go far. The hall stretched straight ahead. No side passages to distract her. No doors to tempt her curiosity. Dream of the Endless wasn’t hiding, and as he reached out to guide her steps, he shaped the world to his intent.
The hall ended, rounding a little bend and opening into a high-ceilinged room that couldn’t decide what it wanted to be. A gallery. A meeting place. Something old and new and hollow. One wall bristled with shapes emerging from grey-veined marble. Windows stretched from floor to roof, bathing the sculptures of vines, trees, rolling waves, and writhing figures with soft light at odds with the relief’s high drama. There was no furniture. Only space waiting to be filled. And a lone figure. Waiting for her.
No obstacles. No games or tests.
It could all be so, so simple.
Morpheus wore his regal grace with the same ease as his long black coat. But it failed to shroud his melancholy, and his longing wafted through the room in perfumed spirals of burning incense. She breathed it in; it stung her eyes and plucked on the frayed tatters in her chest. Sympathetic pain bloomed, and she rubbed along her sternum automatically, blinking back tears so she could trade them for words.
He broke the silence first. “I welcome you to the Dreaming, Aisling Hunt.”
Without his helm, his voice sounded so different. Incredibly. Even more beautiful, like looking up into a night sky with stars that looked back, but less like a force of the cosmos, more a man who traded in the dust that made worlds. He regarded her, and her intuition thrummed, trying to answer in ways her human body physically couldn’t.
He paused, lips parted on a thought, and the formal weight evaporated, replaced with aching strain that curled his shoulders towards her, even across the room, like a plant bending towards the sun. Strange. Unsettling. She didn’t feel like something bright in his world, but at least he wasn’t hiding behind his grotesque helm again.
“I am, despite everything, glad to have you here.”
It shocked her back into her body. Into feet just a little cold and still bare on the floor. Into flesh she was afraid to look at in case she started crying again. The hope and horror bridged, and the most urgent question grew like a weed up her throat.
Well. If he was going to bring it up, then…
“I need to know something.” She rubbed her chest, hoping to pry loose a scrap of courage. None lingered in her heart, but a few tatters could’ve gotten caught in her ribs, and even a slip would do her. “Before this – I need to ask you something. I think I already know, but I need –” She knew how quickly words and oaths could twist under desire’s pressure, and even if she’d committed to playing the fool, even clowns had their limits, and she wouldn’t dance into another lying mirror. “You said you wouldn’t steal me away to hide in shadows, but you could send others to take me, and this place is very bright.”
His shoulders drew back, and his chin lifted. He’d offered her formal welcome and she asked for formal confirmation that he hadn’t betrayed her. She wasn’t ready to burn for him as his sun. She had to know he wouldn’t snuff her out first.
“I did not ask for you to be taken. I did not ask for you to be changed against your will. I did not ask other hands to commit such sins in my name, nor will I in future.” Angling his face down again, he offered her a glimpse at the wrath hidden there. He had not forgotten her suffering. It would not go unpunished. And just as quickly as he revealed his rage, he buried it again, stowing the knives and earthquakes for the villains who’d driven her to ask for proof in the first place. He watched her absorb what he’d said, and his voice turned feather soft. “You are my most cherished guest, and though I ask that you stay until word has spread and it is safe for you to walk the Waking world, you are no prisoner.”
Blinking, she took a deep breath. It rattled all the way down to her fingers, and she shook out her hands to banish the trembling.
“Thank you.” He gave, and he gave, and he gave. Time, space, reassurance. Her gaze roved the complicated mass of imagery covering the wall, looking for a theme. A hint. Frozen sailors reached for the land, tying sails against a wind determined to keep them at sea. Trees bloomed. Flowers fell. Fruit swelled, and snakes crept through their own shed skins as seeds burst from fallen, rotting apples. Time, loss, and rebirth without aim.
“What do you want, Morpheus?”
Had she ever actually asked him? She desperately wanted the truth. The whole thing.
“You were right.” Her own truth. An olive branch. An invitation and a plea. “Others shaped my view of you. So, now’s your chance. Tell me, so I can it from your own mouth. What do you want?”
In this moment, she was judge, jury, and executioner. No one would decide who or what she loved, and she would know the entity whose name she carried before she gave him anything else.
The air turned sharp. It cut the light like a prism, glittering in her monster’s eyes, a focus so sharp it broke sunbeams into their constituent parts. For all the black he wore, he practically glowed, a king in all ways, an open heart in more. Only here. In private. For her.
His eyebrows lifted, pinched. “I want you.” His voice was a song, weaving everything that could be beautiful between them into the simplest terms. “I want to be near you. I want to comfort you.” He approached, drawing his words out with cautious steps, hands hanging stiff at his sides. He halted, just far enough for her to feel safe, even when he spoke again, letting his lust drip into his tone, scenting his song with night-blooming jasmine. “I want to love you and make love to you.”
That was… honest. Heat rushed over her face, and she dropped eye contact like it was the source of the fire.
It was, actually.
When she first saw him, locked away in the cage beneath Fawney Rig, she thought his beauty was a warning, a good reason to look away and avoid him. Beautiful things were almost always cruel, but now… Well, things were different, weren’t they?
“I want you to know me.” He glanced out the window, and she instinctively did the same, looking over distant mountains and glittering bridges. World beyond worlds. “The Dreaming is a part of me. Simply by walking it, I feel you’re exploring me.”
They looked at each other again, just a little closer than before, and the hope in her monster’s eyes made him almost boyish. He was older than her planet, probably. But even an Endless must be reborn sometimes, in some ways, like the snake winding through the rotting fruit.
So, she’d met him when the water splashed over her toes. She let him comfort her when she drank the tea and ate the food of the Dreaming. Even if she hadn’t held his hand or looked in his eyes, and he was reaching for her in all but body now.
Alright then.
She wouldn’t be anxious over a project she’d already begun.
“May I touch you?”
His smile bloomed soft and sweet. “Yes.”
Having the permission she needed from his strange eyes, his lips, the face she still didn’t know, she looked at his hands. She drew the tips of her fingers along his knuckles, a whispered touch asking for an answer, and he lifted the hand for her inspection, turning it over so she could see the creases of his palms. Invitation and vulnerability. Her touch wandered the lines, trying to read the silky flesh like a book. Palmistry had never been her forte, though, and she only found her own memories in his life and love lines.
“I know these better than your face,” she admitted. They felt safer, something secure to hold when his galaxy eyes threatened to sweep her away.
She found her courage in inches, lifting her eyes to his shoulders. His neck, his skin pale and untouchable as a reflection of the moon. Would she find the same strength in the rest of him as she did in his hands? The same possessive tenderness? The same call that felt like a puzzle coming together when she stroked his fingers, demanding and comforting as a deep breath after a dive?
Gingerly, like one or both of them was made of glass, she pressed an index finger to either side of his jaw. The barest caress drew along the edge of his face, not just feeling him, but listening to the hushed drag of skin on skin, until her two hands met, fingertip to fingertip, over the point of his chin. A sigh gusted down her wrists, along her elbows, and a rebel army of goosebumps sprang to life at his summons.
Without entirely meaning to, she looked up and met his eyes, and once she found them, they snared her.
It was entirely unfair for anyone to have actual stars in their eyes, and she read her doom in them as easily as she read her cards.  
“I’d like to kiss you.”
His eyes flicked to her lips, and he shifted closer, keeping his hands to his side despite the way his want curled out to close the distance like a physical force. Well. It was his world. Perhaps it was. It found her heart and tugged.
Her own gaze dropped to his mouth, waiting to read his answer. “May I?”
“Yes.” His voice rumbled so low and strong she felt it like thunder. No hesitation.
She wondered if she’d have to rise onto her toes to reach him, but he swept down to meet her, giving rather than waiting for her to cautiously claim what she’d asked for. Her eyes fluttered shut at the first caress. A soft touch expressing and savoring everything she’d allow. There was no demand, but as she pressed into the kiss, chasing the delicate friction, he answered in kind.
Little sparks carried through her blood. Through her mind. Urging something to life. Drops of sunshine calling up flowers in springtime. He tasted like traces of smoke from a campfire on a cold night. Vellum and lignin. The last breath before a jump.
When she broke away to breathe, she peered into his face, and she felt the trembling rush of standing in a high place. In the Dreaming, were the butterflies in her stomach real, too?
His hands hovered, framing her face with restrained yearning.
“May I touch you?” Gravel thickened his voice until it nearly broke, and he searched her expression with bared desperation. “May I hold you so I may feel you are well? May I love you, my little hero?”
She settled her hands over his, kissed his palm, and guided his fingers to her cheek, closing the gap he’d left for her to decide in. “You may touch me.”
He accepted her permission with open wonder, taking a full moment to rest where she’d led him, moving just enough to stroke the line of her cheekbone with his thumb. When he freed himself of the spell she’d so innocently cast, he let his touch wander – sweeping over her brow, tracing her nose, cradling her jaw. But when he came to her mouth, he lost his focus. He replaced hand with lips, jolting back after the briefest, most chaste contact when he realized he hadn’t asked permission.
She grabbed the lapels of his long coat, shaking the fear from his expression. “You can kiss me. Please. You don’t need to ask. Not tonight.”
The worried frown he’d grown melted. A smirk washed up his face, dark with promise. But he didn’t tease her. He claimed another, proper kiss instead. Free to touch her, he angled her face with careful pressure, showing her how best to deepen the pleasure of lips, and teeth, and tongues, until she was equally breathless and reluctant to breathe.
Resting forehead-to-forehead as she recovered – as she gathered air to take the plunge again – he asked, “May I hold you?”
“Yes.” Her turn to answer quickly, for an ache to strain her voice.
Long limbs twined around her, drawing her close with a hand on her back and another on his him as her monster once again set to work trying to consume her. She did finally rise onto her toes, begging for more with eager hands slipping up his shoulders to comb into his hair. He gave her too much to feel, and she couldn’t give each piece its due. His lips gliding over hers. The secure warmth of his arms. Smooth skin and soft hair. The pressure of his chest against hers.
She knew pains like this. Sensations too overwhelming and complicated to make sense of. But she’d never felt pleasure the same way, and it swept her away faster than a riptide. She’d given the sea permission to drown her, though, so it was alright. More than alright. Wonderful.
He wasn’t as cool as he’d been when she first touched him. The rosy heat didn’t blush over his skin, but it pressed out to meet her, as if he was taking inspiration from the pulse and flush of mortality. Her blood warmed her because it must. He only warmed from a desire to be near.
“And may I love you?” A kiss to her cheek. “May I?” Another just below her ear. Withdrawing to lift her gathered hands to his lips, holding her gaze, he brushed a third kiss over her knuckles. “May I?”
Almost too disoriented to answer, she nodded, running her palms over his clothed chest. “Yes. Please, Morpheus – ”
His name on her lips tore through the last of his self-control. Finally. Finally given permission. Finally near enough to touch, and taste, and take. He crushed her closer with tender, rabid affection, kisses wandering to her cheek, down her neck, and back to her lips to share her sighs.
Maybe she wasn’t the sun, but how she burned for him.
Lovely as it was, she wanted his coat off. With their lips tangled together, she struggled to ask, but she pushed at it, and he wordlessly agreed, helping her peel it away from his shoulders to drop, abandoned, somewhere behind him. Her monster’s greatest frustration with the act was the time he spent with his hands otherwise occupied, and he grabbed her back to him like they’d been separated for years, not seconds.
His hand slipped beneath the soft shirt he so thoughtfully provided when she woke, and she whimpered into his mouth, caught off guard by how good this new wave of sensation felt. Fragments of control washed away with each graze of a knuckle or press of his palm along her back, pulled away as sand in the surf.
When she released her hold on his shoulders, he left her break the kiss, his eyes somehow even darker as he watched her reach for the hem of the garment. He helped her – carefully, reverently – guiding her arms and head out of the fabric. His lips parted as he looked her over, and he reached for the bottom of his own shirt. She mirrored his performance, helping him with the simplest chore of escaping his clothes, and when he emerged from the black shirt’s depths, he reappeared with a smile. A little amused. Deeply fond.
More kisses. Cautious hands mapping new spaces. Enjoying each other slowly so the heat could grow. Shared breaths, every shudder and shift pressed into the other’s flesh. Wrapped up in each other entirely. There wasn’t room for fear or doubt; they stood much too close.
Even when Dream pulled back again, something as fiendish as it was loving in his expression, she couldn’t remember there was a room or a world beyond him.
He spread his palm wide over the center of her chest, covering the flesh between him and his mark, and he pressed down. Gravity bent to his will, an intractable urge. She fell to his desire and found herself sprawled flat on something comfortable that wasn’t a bed. But he left her no time to wonder, following her with a rain of kisses that left her dizzy. As his hands crept down, he hovered, watching for her to revoke her permission, or even the slightest hint of discomfort. But by the time he’d reached the rest of her clothes, her hands fluttered around his, trying to slip multiple layers off in one go. She wanted her pants gone as much as she’d wanted rid of his coat, and he chuckled as she kicked them off the last inch.  
Once she’d escaped the last fabric keeping her from his touch, she drew him back for a kiss, this one so soft it spoke his thanks. His care.
Although he rested between her legs, he didn’t rush. He attended her breasts, plucking yelps and giggles from hidden ticklish spots, rising back to her lips again and again as she grew hotter and more desperate under his hands. They might’ve spent a hundred years hovering on the threshold, finding each other in grazes and kneading grips.  
At last, he roved lower, and even as he brushed his lips over hers, his thumb rolled over her bud. Slowly, tortuously almost, he fluttered over the nub, refusing to explore further until she whimpered and writhed. He traced down her folds and groaned. She could feel how wet he’d made her, and the mortification would’ve swamped her if she couldn’t feel how excited it left him. The bulge pressing against her hip left no doubt.
His fingers sank inside, curling to pull something out of her. She gave him a moan, a fluttering thing, unsure on new wings, and he hovered with his mouth hanging open in awe, like he could catch it. Keep it. Cage it in his ribs to keep. Before, when he’d pleasured her in the dream, he had plenty to say, even when his mouth was on her. That was worship. This was communion. A true meeting, a joining without words.
He worked her open diligently. And all the while, he held her gaze, feasting on it.
Every nerve sang for him, and he coaxed her to the very edge before she grabbed his wrist. He froze, looking for pain in her expression, and she kissed the worried line between his eyebrows.
“I want you.”
She didn’t need to explain. With a look so vulnerable he almost looked hurt, he said, “You have me.”
When he pulled back this time, he took her with him, and she sat astride his lap as he worked a mark into her neck, giving her time to change her mind. His pants had magically disappeared. She wasn’t at all surprised, though she’d wanted to help take them off herself. Next time, maybe.
Next time? There would be a next time. And another next time. And all the next times she wanted.
Elated by her revelation, she all but yanked his face from her neck so she could kiss him properly. He laughed, and it tasted like elderflower cordial, rich and sweet enough to make her drunk with one sip. She ground down on his length, and his hands spasmed on her waist.
“I’m ready,” she assured him with an eager peck. “I want this.”
He shifted, arranging himself to brush her entrance, but he didn’t press. Even here, he waited for her. She sank to meet him, her grip on his shoulders seizing as she stretched. His hold moved to her back, her neck, cradling her near instead of exerting any kind of control. And she was glad. She needed it as her eyes all but rolled back into her skull.
As light kisses rained over her face, she fought to relax, to take him entirely. She only opened her eyes once she had him. Once he had her. And once she saw him, she wondered how she could ever turn away again.
It was the way he looked at her. Fathomless patience meeting desperation. All of it honed by time. He’d craved her company before she was born, and he’d wrestled back his yearning until it cut into his soul to keep from scaring her away.
He wanted to be seen, and held, and cared for, too.
A thousand adoring words bubbled up her throat, but it wasn’t the right time, so she peppered them soundlessly down his neck and along his collarbones instead.
And she moved.
The drag was almost too much. The pressure brought stars to her own eyes, and although she refused to close them, sometimes she thought they’d fluttered shut, because the push and pull of their lovemaking really was blinding. He stroked up to meet each roll of her hips, crooning as she kissed and petted and squeezed him.
They were the turn of stars, the draw of ancient voids too vast for names, and all the voiceless songs strung between worlds.
She forgot the pain in her chest. She forgot she’d ever done anything but burn for her monster. Her Morpheus.
If she wasn’t the sun, she must’ve swallowed one.
The inferno melted her from the inside out, and she all but fell apart, wrapped around him, and cheek-to-cheek, he groaned in her ear. She panted, open-mouthed, fighting for air and sense as he kept his slow, deliberate pace. He hadn’t even begun to have his fill yet, and he held her all the tighter as her quaking limbs refused to play.
When feeling eventually returned to her legs, she pulled them around his waist, anchoring herself and refusing to release him as adamantly as he clung to her. The otherworldly sensations lingered, but she remembered herself a little more, found the cognizance to appreciate who held her, who she’d accepted. Who stoked the flame, sheathed inside.
Even as he worked her up to another orgasm, a painfully soft part of her heart burst open, and affection flooded her system. It bled open and free, forcing tears to her eyes.
She was safe, and he was hers, and she –
She really had to tell him somehow. She couldn’t bear to say it, though.
She’d be worthy of his face. She’d break him out of a thousand cages. If only he’d keep her so close and secure and warm.
This time when she trembled to pieces, there was no putting her back together, and her monster graciously followed her release. He kissed her as he came, holding her still so they could feel every shudder of the end. And when he’d finished, as their breathing steadied, he tumbled with her back into something soft, never once letting her slip from his arms.
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luvyeni · 2 years
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PAIRINGS. highfae!hyunjin x maid!reader
WC. 6.4k
WARNINGS. virginity loss, corruption kink if you squint, oral (fem. recieving), unprotected sex,
SYNOPSIS. hyunjin of summer court hardly paid attention to his staff, spending most of his time with different hook ups or spending most of his time in his paint room, but when you clumsily spill his tea on his suit, he suddenly wants to be around you, watching you work.
TAGLIST. @kosmoreads @hipsdofangirl @imhyvnjin @lovemepie67 @chvnnie @hgema @candiecans @my-name-is-namename @yourhwngness @midsoulz @jessyrdn @cutielittlepie @intomysoul-555 @cxentrxcks @yurippiefelix @missrobyn81 @stayinthemirohwoo @3retcha @lifeissteph @skzfelixlove @reiheis @chereshnyya @levantea @why-am-i-sad @blankdyean @kunstistliebchen @userbangchan @fairywriter-oracle @elmi-chan @compersian @mal-lunar-28 @n4tiii @ddazed-lhs @felixcharmerera @ch4nniebang @hyunibinnie @fairyyeo @reddesert-healourblues @fxckedupbitch @icouldntcareless22 @pessimist-sky @jeonnyread
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rule number one: lesser faeries are to be seen and not heard while they work in the castle.
Growing up that's all that your mother would say, it was the first thing she every told you when you asked her how was it when she went to work at the castle in adriata and she's been saying it ever since.
your family lived in the poorest cities of the summer court, surving on close to nothing after your father died. that was before your mother got a special job to go work in adriata, to work for the high lord of the court, lord hyunjin. this was the first good news you have ever had received in your entire life , your family would get a little more money coming into your very small house.
recently, your mother started to experience severe pain, and the castle thought it would be in her best intrest if she found a replacement and retired, of course she chose you, you were in young and ready to work for your family. soon you were finding yourself saying goodbye to your aunt and siblings, going to join your mother at the castle in the capital city of adriata.
"mom!" you were met with a heartwarming hug from your mother when you met up with her where all the boats and ships docked in adriata. "my baby!" regardless of time your mother spent away, you never let it get in between your relationship with your mother. "we have to go to the shops, the high lord requested a special dinner tonight for lady friend, let's get some practice in, so you can get familiar with what he likes and doesn't."
walking through the streets of adriata , you learned what you needed to know about the hyunjin, the high lord, all his likes and dislikes. "he's rather short with the staff, doesn't say much, unless he wants something, his lady friends though, they need help with everything, eating, getting dressed, you name it they probably need help with it." you laughed.
"he hasn't been married off yet?"
you knew all about hyunjin, and his never ending quest of trying get into all the dresses of the summer court high faes. "you know he probably never will , you know he was the first high fae to reject his mating bond."
"lesser faeries are to be seen and not heard while they work in the castle, i know mama."
the kitchen was pretty much the only place you could talk , except when anyone important would come in to check, then it would get silent. "i guess they take that rule pretty seriously." you try to joke, but your mother just slaps your arm, telling you to hush, apologizing to the other staff.
"oh my!" chaewon, a girl around your age jumped up while you washed the dishes, you and your said your goodbyes, and she was on her way back home, leaving you alone. "are you okay?" your face turned in half concern half confusion.
"i can't believe we let the time pass like this, the lord needs his tea, oh he's probably gonna be so mad." she rushed to get everything together. "has he gotten mad before?" you helped her so she wouldn't burn herself with the way she was shaking. "i don't know i've been here for a year and he hasn't come in once, your mom is the only one who serves him." she freezes again. "your mom, she isn't here, who's gonna serve the lord, oh no." she began to panic, but she stopped looking at you.
"you can do it."
"me?" your eyes widened, "i can't do it, you said it yourself, my mom only does it." she put everything neatly on the tray. "that's why you should do it, your her daughter." she handed it to you. "absolutely not, i mean i don't even know where his wing is." you push the tray slowly away from you.
"it's the right wing, please , i will owe you one." she pushed back towards you. you looked into her pleading eyes. "tsk, fine." she smiled handing you tray. "you owe me." she gave you a tumbs up. "remember, quite as you work, or whatever that rule was." you rolled your eyes, not even bothering to correct her, you had other things to worry about. like where the hell was the right wing...
"god where the hell is his room?" you whispered as you basically tipped toed through the halls of the castle. chaewon made it seem like it was easy to find, you knew you shouldn't have listen to someone who's been here for a year and hasn't even left the kitchen or met the lord.
"this was so stupid." you should've just waited like you suggestive, instead hear you are lost in the castle, trying not to cry out in frustration. "i've had enough of this, where's his damn room." you started to get a bit upset.
"excuse me." a deep voice made you shriek in fear, and the next thing you know the tea was thrown over the person, he gasped. "shit!" he cursed, probably because the was hot and now it was on all over his body...
it was hyunjin. lord hyunjin.
hyunjin was confused, his servents knew his schedule, so where was his tea? everyday at this hour his tea is served my mrs.lee quietly in his art room, just like he likes it, where is she?
"hyune what's wrong?" he sighed under his brearh at the voice that had plagued him for the past few weeks. "nothing hana, you know you're not supposed to be in here." she was only supposed to be here a night, and now suddenly she's asking for big dinners with him and her friends, he didn't mind though, he'll entertain her delusions of marrying him for a few weeks, then break it off with her by sleeping with her bestfriend, it should be fine, it always worked out for him in the end.
"i can't wait anymore." he got up. "someone will answer for this, come get out." he closed the door leaving hana who was confused standing outside it.
he was making his way to the kitchen for the first time in years, he was surprised he still knew where it was, especially since this castle was pretty ginormous.
"i've had enough of this, where is his damn room." a voice made him stop and turn, a young girl around his age holding his tea tray. had something happen to mrs.lee? who was this girl?"
hyunjin thought he was making loud enough steps, but apparently not, since when he went to get your attention, you shrieked in terror, the tray slipping out of your hand, and landing right on his clothes. "shit!" he jumped back in pain because of the hot drink.
"oh no, im so dead." you panicked, trying to pick everything up. "i am so sorry." you grabbed the napkin off the tray, trying to blot it off his suit. "please don't fire or kill me it was an accident." you rambled, realizing the napkin was as useless as the most useless thing on the planet.
"it's fine, wait your arm is bur- what the hell are you doing." hyunjin rolled his eyes as hana approached you both, grabbing your arm, you flinched in pain, but only hyunjin seemed to see it, because hana didn't let your arm go.
"i..im so sorry."
"you damn well better be, his suit ruined, and you've probably burned his skin—oh my hyune are you okay." hyunjin's eyes were on your wrist, it must've hurt more since it was directly on your skin, but you didn't utter not one moan of pain.
you both made eye contact, and he awkwardly coughed. "hana, im fine, i just need a new suit." she turned to you. "well why are you standing there still? go fetch the tailor and get him a new suit." he watched you practically run away with the tray in your hand. "idiot, you should have her fired." he side eyed hana, removing her hand from his chest, walking away back to his room, his tea was all over him, but why could he only worry about the burn on your arm?
"it's my first day and im gonna be fired, my mom has been gone fore 2 hours max and im already gonna lose the job." you panicked as chaewon bandaged your arm, you tried to tell her it barely hurt, but in reality she was just trying to compensate for putting you in said mess. "i am so sorry, this is all my fault, i put too much pressure on you on your first day."
"it's fine i guess, no one was really hurt." you said. "my ego is though." she pouted. "i am so sorry." she apologized once more, just another maid ran in. "it's time to serve dinner, there's a few guest, so remember, we are to be seen and not heard, let's not cause even more of a scene." she looked at you and chaewon, you both just lowered your heads in embarrassment. "chop chop!"
everyone set everything up so perfect on the rollie trays. "should you really be in control of the trays." you glared at the male staff next to you. "shut it beomgyu." chaewon slapped his arm. "the three of you let's go." you quickly shut your mouths as you made your way to the eating area.
there were many girls, squealing and talking as you entered into the room, must be her friends, the way hyunjin looked so disinterested. "i can't believe it all these girls and the bastard acts like this." beomgyu said under his breath. "beomgyu, shut up." chaewon said quietly through her fake smile.
"both of you stop it, dispurst so they won't notice." you said walking the other way, right towards hyunjin. 'shit' it was too late to turn around without anyone noticing you literally trying run away from serving the high lord himself, so you sucked it up, head down as you made your way over to him.
hyunjin saw you walking over to him, he was so bored, and all he could think of was if your wrist was okay so this perfect. you walked over to him head down to the floor, you took this seen but not heard thing seriously he thought. "cute." he chuckled under his breath, covering it with a cough as you grew closer to him.
you put his food in front of him, about to walk away, but he softly grabbed your wrist. "does it hurt?" you were shocked he even asked. "you can answer." you were too stunned. "uh- excuse you." hana interrupted you. "my friend needs her food." you quickly gave him a nod, before walking to them.
"that's her, the one who tried to burn the high lord." you cringed, hearing her gossip to her friend. "and she's still working here?" you were pretty sure they wanted you to hear. "you know hyunjin is just so kind, he would never to that to someone so poor." you were a lesser fae so you were pretty much powerless, but you definitely would have used them on her if you were strong enough. "watch this." hana knocked over the cup sneakily.
"jesus! can you do anything right, constantly dropping things, why won't you just quit if you're gonna be this useless." your jaw dropped. "b- are you about to speak?" mrs.bae, another maid ran over to you. "she didn't mean it, we'll have this cleaned up right now, beomgyu."
"whatever, just get out of my sight." mrs.bae nodded dragging you away. you glanced at hyunjin who looked at you with sympathy in his eyes. "let's go." mrs.bae dragged you into the kitchen.
after your second scolding of the day you were told to stay in the kitchen and do the dishes, so you did until it was time for the servants to quietly return to their quarters.
"it was the worst first day ever." you sat on your uncomfortable mattress. "you definitely take the cake for worst first days." beomgyu plopped his butt right on your bed. "why is he here." chaewon threw her pillow at the boy. "i really don't know why i keep you around, useless i tell you, get out." she picked up the show, getting ready to throw it. "fine, im gone." he got up leaving out your small room. "we get the smallest rooms because we're the youngest." chaewon picked her pillow up. "of course." you layed on your back, staring up at the dingy light.
"well there's always tomorrow." she turned off the light, darkness engluf the room. "i guess." you sighed, closing your eyes letting sleep wash over you.
you guys were rushed out of bed the next morning to start the day. "jesus it's so early." beomgyu stumbled into the kitchen. "i hate this job." you and chaewon laughed at the boy who washed the fruits, grumbling a bunch of curse words under his breath. "you must not be a morning person." you teased. "oh haha mrs.tray." you glared are him. "asshole." chaewon slapped your arm, but you brushed it off. "you started it." he retaliated, you noticed chaewon was quite, the whole kitchen was in fact except you and beomgyu.
chaewon stared in shock towards the entrance of the kitchen, your eyes followed hers, mouth opened in shock. "good morning." hyunjin stood there, no one said anything. "is breakfast almost ready?" mrs.bae spoke up. "a..almost sir, sorry for keeping you waiting." he held his hand up. "don't apologize, just wanted to see how it was coming along, don't mind me." he walked around the kitchen looking at everything, while everyone walked on eggshells.
he looked over to the station where you three quietly did your task. you guys locked eyes and he made his way over. "shit." all three of you said, looking at the fruit like it was actually intresting, beomgyu was itching to make a joke, you coud see his left eye twitching.
"good morning." you heard his voice, smooth like honey in your ear. "is your wrist okay?" you nodded, eyes on the fruit, chopping them right beside chaewon.
"you know i prefer it so much better when someone verbally answers me, and looks me in the eye." he whispered in your ear, his hand grazing yours. "let's try that again, is your wrist okay." you breathed, turning your head, his face very close to yours, but you looked him in the eyes. "it's fine." you hope you didn't sound too breathless.
"good girl."
your knees almost went weak, you swore you would've fell if it weren't for chaewon, he smirked walking away leaving everyone shocked at what just happened. he whispered something into mrs.bae's ear before leaving the kitchen, and you could hear the collective sigh wash over the room.
"girl." chaewon turned to you. "what the hell was that?" you shrugged, trying to collect your thoughts. "i..i don't know." you spoke. "did you seduce the high lord?" beomgyu wasn't joking. "our first meeting was me spilling hot tea over him, i doubt it." "maybe he has a kink for that." chaewon slapped beomgyu. "shut up."
"im just saying." he threw his hands up in defense. "i mean it's not my thing, but i don't judge." you listened to them argue, as mrs.bae walked over to you. "the high lord has requested you to his bedroom." chaewon snickered. "it's a bit early for that." you glared. "shut up." your face was hot. "get back to work, you will go to his room and clean, quietly, and then make your way back to the kitchen to get ready for lunch." she instructed.
"try not to burn him again." chaewon and beomgyu bursted out into a fit of laughter. "why did i chose you two as friends." you glared at them, walking out the kitchen, someone escorting you to his room this time, to avoid you getting lost.
you hesitantly knock on the door, waiting for him to allow you to come in. "enter." you shakily open the door, slowing walking in. "i'm here to clean your-ah! i'm sorry i thought you said enter." you covered your eyes, embarrassed beause he was standing in a towel. "i did."
"but you're naked." he laughed. "im not naked, i have a towel, would you like me to show you naked." you shook your head. "i..it's fine, i'll just clean quickly and be on my way." hyunjin nodded watching you as began to make his bed. "so mrs.lee was your mom." you nodded, you weren't sure if you should speak, mrs.bae told you not to, and she scared you more than any high lord.
"she's been here since i was a kid, she never mentioned having a kid not once." you chuckled to yourself, but he heard you. "what's so funny?" "doesn't that kinda of defeat the purpose of the whole seen and not heard thing?" he thought about. "i guess it does."
"i didn't come up with that rule you know, it's always be installed into the workers." he spoke up. "why haven't you changed it." you mumbled to yourself as you swept off the step of the fireplace, suddenly you were being spun around. "speak up, stop mumbling." your eyes widen. "i..im sorry." he sighed.
"stop apologizing for everything, you said what was on your mind, don't go back on it." he wasn't that tall, but he was tall enough to hover over you. "what did say, say louder this time." he commanded.
"i said why haven't you changed it?"
he shrugged, "i guess i haven't really paying attention to it, guess i've doing other things." he spoke. "you mean other people." you said boldly. "oh? bold aren't we?" he smirked and you realized how close he actually was, eyes traveling down, stopping at his waist. "my eyes are up here." his hand came up to your chin ready to grab.
"hyune!" he dropped his hand rolling eyes, and you quickly turned around, just before hana skipped into the room. "i missed you." she wrapped her arms around the boy. "i seen you yesterday." you smiled to yourself, but hyunjin seen and it made him smile, knowing he got you to smile... you have such a nice smile.
"what is she doing in here?" hana finally acknowledged you, could you not get someone else, is there no one else in this big castle?" the hell did she have to be so rude for, you would've thought the tea fell on her. "hana, her mother is mrs lee, she basically raised me, she's new but with some training, she'll be a good worker." hyunjin walked over to you grabbing your shoulders. "won't you?" he whispered in your ear, like this morning, except this time he's in a towel.
"good girl, you can go now, i'll see you tomorrow." you quickly grab everything, almost tripping over your dress— luckily you didn't, making your way out of the room so fast, leaving a satisfied hyunjin, and a annoyed hana.
"what game are you playing here hyunjin?" hana said once she was sure you were gone. "what are you talking about hana?" he put on his clothed for the day. "you know what i mean, are we gonna get together officially like i've been telling my friends , or am i not important anymore, is the new maid more important than me?" hyunjin turned facing hana.
"hana, what are you talking about? you knew what this was long ago, what to do you mean telling your friends." he said, he knew it was cold, but hana wasn't exactly the nicest person either, i mean hyunjin seen how she treated you. "i know but, i was hoping- there's the problem, you're hoping for the wrong thing, your mate is out there somewhere, it's just not me, we can have fun until you find him though." he kissed her cheek, leaving the pissed off fae alone in the room.
ever since you've arrived, you've done nothing but piss her off, she and hyunjin were fine before you got here and now the saddest thing is, he looks at you with love in his eyes, and he can barely spare her a glance anymore... she was pissed off.
"stay back here today, wash the dishes." mrs.bae ordered during lunch. "guess they're still a bit traumatized." beomgyu teased as they left out the kitchen for lunch.
"stupid dishes." you grumbled, plate in your hand scrubbing it. "i didn't even do anything, it was her." you were speaking to yourself. "she spilled the drink."
"who did?" hana stood in the corridor. "are you talking about me?" you shook your head, she scoffed. "look at you, you can't even speak without my permission, how dare a lesser faerie talk to hyunjin in such a unprofessional manner." she walked closer, stalking you with her eyes. "pretty pathetic if you ask me, trying to seduce him." you turned to her. "im not."
"did i say you could speak." she slammed her hand on the counter next to sink. "we may not be together, but he'll never choose a lesser fae, remember that." her eyes flashed to the sink, which started to fill up with more water, even though the sink wasn't on.
"what is-" water manipulation, she was doing this. "please don't do this." you begged, but it fell on deafs ears as it began to overflow on to the floor. "what is going on here." mrs.bae had returned back.
"look at what you did you dumb fae." hana said. "i ask you to do one simple thing and you go and mess up the floor."
"i didn't you did, you did this." everyone gasped. "what did you say?" she was fuming, how dare you have the guts to talk back. "i said- enough." mrs.bae grabbed your wrist. "she didn't mean in ma'am, we'll clean this quickly, we're sorry for the inconvenience, lunch is being served right now, so if you make your way into the dining area, and we'll clean this up right now." mrs.bae waited for hana to leave, who threw a sly smirk as she left out of the room before she turned on her stern face. "i should fire you." she hissed.
"if it wasn't for your mother, i would've fired you already." you lowered your head, once again feeling defeated. "go to your room and stay there for the rest of the evening." she instructed. "but- now!" her voice made you jump, and you made your way down to the maids quarters, embarrassed, ashamed and pissed off.
it went like that for the next 3 days, you weren't allowed to leave the maids quarters, they sent someone else to cleans hyunjins room, you'd only talk to chaewon and beomgyu.
you were ready to go back to work, you grew to love chaewon and tolerate beomgyu, but if you were being honest, you missed interacting with hyunjin, the way he talked to you made your heart flutter like you've never felt before. "maybe today will be the last day." chaewon tried to give you hope.
"then you can get back to screwing the high lord." beomgyu sat on your bed. "come on you two, we have work to attend to, it's castle cleaning day." mrs.bae walked into the room. "and beomgyu i've told you to stop entering the girls room." beomgyu apologized, knowing he'd do it again. "when will i'll be able to return to work?" you asked for the fourth time.
"when i say you can." she closed the door, leaving you alone once again. "you said that the last three days." you said to yourself really, your head hit the pillow, staring at the ceiling.
hyunjin was hoping to see you, it's been three days since he's seen you, hana did tell him what happened and that you had been in trouble, but he was starting to miss you, and the way you would shy away from him, fuck he needed to see you.
"mrs.bae?" the older woman stopped scolding beomgyu on how he was scrubbing the wall. "yes my lord." she responded."is _ returning anytime soon?" she looked with a confused eye. "my lord i was under the suspicion that you wanted her fired." he would never get rid of you, he hasn't felt this alive in a while. "nonsense, i'll go tell her myself she is to return to work tomorrow." he quickly made his escape before she could question him.
you were extremely bored, nothing to do. "i never thought i would miss work." you sighed to yourself. "that's good then." you thought you were hearing things. "you'll be able to come back tomorrow." you sat up, facing the man standing in the door. "really?" your eyes lit up. "that is so cool, thank you, i can't wait to get back to work!"
"wow, i come all the way down here to see you and your more happy about work." he grabbed his chest in faux pain. "im hurt princess."
"y..you came down here to see me? w...why?"
"isn't is obvious that i'm attracted to you love?" your face was hot. was he getting close? yes he was. "i thought it was pretty obvious, i didn't come down to the kitchen after avoiding it for almost 20 something years just to say hi to everyone." he sat down on your bed stroking your cheek,. "i came to see you." he whispered.
"i want you."
"h..hyunjin, we can't." you grabbed his hand. "why can't we?" he said. "come on princess, im not stupid, i seen how you almost fell to your knees when i gave you the littlest bit of attention, you mean to tell me you don't feel anything for me? hmm?"
of course you did, but this was your job, and you couldn't jeopardize that. "i...- just give me a kiss, one kiss, and we'll see how you feel right then." he held your face in his hand. "o..okay, just one kiss." you whispered.
"just one kiss." he slowly leaned in, pressing his lips against yours. it was a passionate kiss, a kiss that you would remember for the rest of your life. "princess, was that your first kiss?" he smirked pulling away. "my pretty baby is a virgin, that's why you don't think we should do it?" his words made your face burn.
"don't laugh at me." you pulled away, frowning. "im not laughing baby i swear." his lips were swollen from the kiss, you couldn't keep your eyes off them. "you want more kisses, you drunk off my kiss love?" you whined and he bit his lips. "don't make those pretty noises baby." he pulled you into another passionate kiss. "i won't be able to resist you if you whine so prettily for me." he began to kiss your neck.
"h..hyunjin." you sighed. "hmm princess?" he rubbed your sides. "i..i want you." he had you right where he wanted. "were do you want me princess." you whined, embarrassed. "you know." he did, he knew exactly where you wanted, but he wasn't gonna give you what you wanted until you told him.
"i told you i prefer when people look me in my eyes." he grabbed your chin to look at him. "and tell me what they want." you bit your lip. "i want you d..down there." your neck was on fire, as his eyes traveled down. "you want me down there, to do what?" you were about to cry from how much you needed him. "want me to give you kisses down there?" you nodded, "yes, yes i do." you finally spoke up, he smiled.
"good girl, you used your words, now lay back." you slowly layed back, he slotted his body in between your legs, lifting up your dress, pulling your underwear down. "your pussy is so pretty." he licked his bottom lip, coating it with spit. "i bet you taste amazing." he kissed your slit, licking his lip again. "i was right, you taste amazing." he dove right in, kissing and licking your sweet cunt.
"h..hyunjin!" you prayed no one would come down and hear the noises coming from your mouth and the noises he was making below. "f...feels good." he hummed into your pussy, his eyes sharp looking up at you as he ate you out.
you gripped the horrible sheets below you as he continued the assault. "h..hyunjin i..it feels funny." he detached his mouth from your clit, replacing it with his fingers. "go a head, let yourself go." he rubbed finger eights into your clit as the knot in your stomach snapped and pleasure washed over your entire boy. "good girl." he kissed your lips, tasting yourself on his lips. "how was that princess?" you smiled lazily. "g..good."
"do you want me to- next time love, next time, i just want to be with you right now." he said laying down in the uncomfortable bed next to you. "let's just lay here." he whispered into your hairs. so that's what you did, for the rest of the day, you stayed in the bed, talking only moving when hyunjin had to hide behind to door when chaewon came in to check in on you when she had a quick minute or when beomgyu snuck you in a cookie, in which hyunjin rolled his eyes in jealousy, asking why couldn't he send chaewon to do it.
"beomgyu? if you want to be jealous of anybody, i'd be jealous of chaewon before beomgyu." you laughed. "it was one cookie, he should've bought more, he has ulterior motives." he pouted and you just kissed his lips. "he likes chaewon, calm down." you gave him half of the cookie. "it's not even warm " he bit into the cookie.
sadly he eventually had to go. "i don't want to." he groaned. "you have to." you pushed him out. "hurry before they come back." he scoffed. "i'm the high lord, who i date is my concern." you smiled at him confirming your relationship. "yeah but this is my job, and mrs.bae can still fire me." you gave him one more kiss.
"fine, but i want you to clean my room tomorrow, not chaewon, i told her it was fine to speak and im starting to think one of her ancestors were the reason the reason why the rule was put in place." he kissed your forehead, before walking down the hall, turning back to look at you one more time before turning the corner, you closed the door with a dumb smile on your face.
the next morning you returned back to work the next morning, helping with breakfast, before mrs.bae told you to head to hyunjins room to clean. "okay." you said. "try not smile so hard." chaewon whispered. "huh?" you said. "beomgyu is dumb, but he isn't deaf, he heard you and the high lord talking yesterday." your eyes widened turning to beomgyu. "tell him it's most definitely just a cookie, and that im offened that he'd think i'm that desperate." you were about slap his arm when mrs.bae interrupted.
"go now." you jumped at him, before walking out of the kitchen with the supplies in your hand to his room, trying to hide the smile on your face, you couldn't wait to see him.
you knocked on the door, but he quickly opened it; pulling you in, closing it, pinning you against it. "i missed you." he kissed your lips. "you seen me yesterday." you laughed. "it felt so long ago." he tucked a strand of hair out your face. "i want to show you something." he took your hand, guiding you out the room, making sure no one was watching.
"your art room?" he nodded, opening the door. "i never let anyone in here." he said. "but yesterday i was so bored so i painted something, and i wanted to show you." he walked you to a covered easel. "you ready?" you nodded. "show me." he pulled the cover off, and your eyes widened. "m..me?" you turned to him. "i couldn't get you off my mind yesterday, so i came here to paint, i couldn't help." he wrapped his arms around you. "you've clouded my mind, i haven't thought of any girls, or anything since i first saw you."
"the first time you saw me i spilled tea all over yourself." he winced at the thought. "you were so cute, it didn't really hurt, but you were so determined to get the tea out of the shirt." you slapped his chest. "stop it." you frowned. "i'm sorry." he kissed your pouted lips. "you were so cute." he kissed you again, this time more passionately.
"h..hyunjin." he pushed you against the desk in the room, lifting you on it, pushing your dress up. "so so cute." he began to grind against your heat.
"i've been hard since yesterday, no matter how many times i tried to jerk off, im still hard." he pulled your panties down, along with his pants and underwear. "i'll be gentle i swear." he lined his cock at your heat, slowly pushing inside you. "oh fuck, you're so tight, your pussy can barely take me."he kissed your neck. "hyunjin." you moaned. "f..feel s..so full." he toyed with your clothed nipples as he fucked into you. "fuck princess, i don't think i can be with anyone else after you, you've ruined me for anyone else shit! " he felt himself about to cum. "hyunjin, im gonna cum." he nodded. "me too love." you pulled him into a passionate as you both came his cum painting your insides.
"fuck, what are you doing to me?" he breathed, his forehead against yours. "why am i falling for you so hard?"
you both cleaned yourselves off, putting your panties back on he wrapped his arms around your waist, your arms draped around his neck, he slowly swayed your bodies left to right, the both of you were so caught up with each other, you didn't even realize you were being watched.
hana was on the other side of the door seething, she thought she had gotten rid of you with the water thing. "i have to get back to the kitchen." she wanted to rip her pointed ears off to keep from hearing your giggles. "i'll come check on you later." hyunjin said. "you really need to let me work, i have a family back home to feed." hana smirked, an evil idea forming.
"how was it?" chaewon and beomgyu were chopping veggies when you returned. you rolled your eyes. "i'm not having this conversation right now." you washed your hands, getting ready to help. "i'll tell you later." you whispered. "okay." she gave you a thumbs up.
"you dumb bitch!" a loud voice made you turn around, but before you could react, a hand went straight across your face. "how dare you." you realized it was hana. "yah! you can't hit her like that." chaewon jumped in. "how dare you speak to me, you lesser fae need to learn your place." her hand went up to smack chaewon, and you snapped, grabbing her wrist, pushing it down.
"have y-" the entire kitchen went silent as they as your hand went straight across her face. "keep your hands off her." she grabbed the spot where you slapped her. "whatever you're pissed about, be pissed about it, but you don't get to treat us like trash because were servents."
"what's going on here?" mrs.bae returned from the back, hana turned on the water works. "first you seduce the high lord, knowing we're in a relationship, then you slap me like im in the wrong." your eyes widened. "bullshit, you came in here and hit her like a maniac." beomgyu cut in. "beomgyu!" mrs.bae yelled. "and she seduce anyone, he came on to her besides, you two aren't even together, he said it himself." chaewon exclaimed.
"mrs.bae is this how you run things all three of them should be fired." hana screeched. "enough!" mrs.bae yelled, it fell silence again. "you have been nothing but trouble since you've gotten here, never in my years has the castle been this discombobulated, staff talking out of order, talking when shouldn't, everything." you lowered your head, knowing what was coming. "i will have order."
"you two." she pointed to beomgyu and chaewon. "all three of you are to leave the castle and never return." you looked back up. "chaewon and beomgyu did nothing." you said. "it was pointless bringing in three young kids like you guys, go pack your stuff, you will leave at the end of the shift."
"what's going on here?" hyunjin walked into the tension filled kitchen. "hana what are you doing here?" she was silent. "there was a incident, hana was hurt but we are solving it right now- i was hit!" she screamed for more sympathy.
"i'd hit you again if he wasn't here." chaewon spat. "why are you three still here, go." mrs.bae said. "where are they going?" hyunjin asked looking at the three of you. "what happened?" he asked you. "she slapped me." hana jumped in. "hana told us how she tried to seduce you- seduce me?" he questioned.
"hana, i told you this already." he said. "yeah but she- she is my girlfriend, she didn't seduce i went after her first." everyone gasped, including hana. "her, a lesser faerie, are you serious hyunjin." he shrugged, walking up to you, pulling you right into a kiss. "does that help?" you slapped his chest. "w..why would do that, i'm at work." he smiled down at you kissing your head.
"i told you he fell first." beomgyu turned to chaewon. "it was the tea thing, told you, some people like that." chaewon slapped his arm. "everyone back to work." mrs.bae yelled. "mrs.hana, let me escort you out." the girl stomped out of the kitchen in defeat. "back to work." mrs.bae said leaving out.
"i have to get back to work." you pulled away. "wait since they're dating, do we have to listen to her?" the three of you turned to beomgyu. "shut up, just shut up." chaewon repeatedly hit him.
"no you don't beomgyu." hyunjin kissed you one more time, eyeing the boy.
"just if you're gonna bring cookies, bring some for me too."
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telleroftime · 8 months
I think I covered Vampire!Sukuna that's forced to respect the innate rules of a vampire before -- such as the one where they must be invited into ones home -- but I just had a few more ideas regarding it.
Well, in this case it would also be Fae!Reader, which is once again a pairing I'm pretty sure I mentioned before. Anyways, yes! Vampire!Sukuna that camps outside of Fae!Reader's bungalow. That or human!Reader that grew up with the fae and is much more aware of how the forest works than the mighty and evil Sukuna. Featuring Uraume in certain places.
When the Reader first notices Sukuna they aren't too worried. He may be a vampire now but he was born a human mortal so they know that the same tricks would work on him too. They set up precautions and change their presence around their territory. Namely a lot more fairy rings appear in key locations. The mythology surrounding fairy rings states that if humans dance on them they would be punished by the fairies and made to dance in the ring until they pass out. Reader knows that and very quickly shuts down Sukuna's game of cat and mouse by tricking him into walking on one.
And they would proceed to exploit such tricks. Not only the natural rules of fae but also the bodily limitations of a vampire. They'd be cosied up in their little cottage at night knowing well that Sukuna cannot enter without an invitation, and during the day they would traverse through patches of light whilst grinning in the directions of the shadows.
You'd think that Sukuna could use Uraume's human nature to get to Reader but that wouldn't work either. If the fae don't want to be found by a human then the human will never find them.
Now, the Reader wouldn't be too interested in tricking Sukuna into something much more malicious than simple tricks, especially not after growing familiar with his vampiric presence, so one way or another they would need to stop him from accidentally falling into a fae-bound deal. By that I mean they would have to interrupt him and Uraume whenever it sounded like they were about to say "thank you." Sukuna would never but Uraume might. Same with apologies.
I love the idea of Uraume thinking that Reader is simply being humble when they say "don't thank me" and "don't apologise to me" when in reality Reader is getting a headache from controlling the impulse to form a contract with them.
I also love the visual of Reader slapping a hand around Uraume's mouth when they are about to thank another fae.
When it comes to names, the first time Sukuna introduces himself to Reader they instantly know that's not his real name. Names hold power especially in the hands of the fae, though since it also wasn't a lie they wouldn't press him about it. Uraume on the other hand makes the mistake of handing them their name which to Reader means there's on less threat. A human whose name is revealed is of no power in the eyes of the forest.
And speaking of lies, Reader would be able to catch Sukuna out on every like he speaks. Not like he himself would lie (seeing as he never seemed to lie in the anime). Uraume too. But if he ever did Reader would know... Though that aspect of fae nature would easily backfire on the Reader since they themself wouldn't be able to speak a lie. Only finely chosen words. So you know, plot.
And since I spoke more about Fae!Reader...
The fae are weak to iron so Reader would avoid any metals and alloys containing it. It'd leave them using pure silver which Sukuna, as a vampire, would be weak to. He would stay away from silver alloys and would instead opt for, you guessed it, iron. His weapons would be made of iron.
Imagine Sukuna making fun of Reader's weakness to iron so they just throw a silver fork at him, or better yet some random log as they comment how a "wooden stake" could finish him off.
Outside of vampires being unable to enter a home without first being invited, another thing vampires cannot do is cross running water. So, imagine finally Sukuna gets to chase the Reader. Finally everything is in line for him to drink their blood. It's the middle of the night and the Reader is far away from the nearest fairy ring and he's about to grasp them... when they suddenly cross a river and Sukuna is stranded on the opposite side to them. He'd be so unhappy.
And yeah. I think that's it for now.
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illiicits · 1 year
Everything will be okay
Hi everyone!
I would like to start by saying this was very quickly read through and I wrote this while I was at work lol. So I’m sorry if it makes no sense or there are really bad mistakes. I’ll try to come back and fix them. Thank you for reading it and I hope you like it!
Warnings: Azriel x Female reader, some slight dirty talk (not that much), sexual scenes 18+, some cuteness between Az and reader, use of Y/N.
Word count: 5060
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You couldn’t help but envy the beautiful Acheron sister’s. In your opinion Feyre was enough. The Acheron female had infested your beautiful home with something you couldn’t quite understand. You got along just fine with the women, Often hanging out and lending your time to entertain her when she calls. Close friends is what you’d say you are with feyre though mostly one sided at times, on your part.
When the inner circle went to hybron everything went down hill. Chaos was the only word you could describe the event with.
Utter chaos.
Nothing went the way anyone thought it would; especially when evil human queens decided to play with life all for nothing. When two more Acheron sisters showed up out of nowhere you didn’t think much of the effect either of the two newly added children would bring to the inner circle.
When Hybren pulled his stupid little cauldron stunt you were at a disbelief that two arguably already pretty girls turn into stunning gorgeous women.
Watching both the girls stand soaking wet amazed you. The whole experience was a sight to see.
You didn’t not envy the two newly fae women. While beautiful and elegant looking none of the fae could come close to comparing to your kind.
You, yourself, are of rare beauty and pure power. Something the creatures of the world wouldn’t understand if you explained in detail.
You watched sweet little Elain find her mate right away. You watched the fire, hatred filled Acheron sister find her lover too. You couldn’t help the displeased look cross your face at that time. You couldn’t help but to slightly hate the two young sisters who suddenly became so in your face, much like Feyre. You had set aside and locked away your possessive side for Feyre regarding Rhys.
You never had any romantic relationship or feelings towards the high lord. He simply became family after he saved you years ago. You were possessive of all the inner circle, Rhys, Mor, Amren, Cassian, and Azriel. They all were Your family. People you loved and people who returned the love back.
You got along with all of them. Bickering with Cassian, and Mor. Shopping with Amren at times when she could handle socializing with the group, and bringing her food supply when needed.
Azriel though, was a whole other level. We sat in silence in the library, we bickered , we fought and argued. We dance in Rita's, something the shadow singer is not fond of doing and he’d sing with me, though very rarely during the dead of night. When we both happened to meet on a balcony or rooftop of the home.
We’d sneak glances and run off to hide away from the world for a little when things got boring or too intense at times.
His shadows grew fond of you, often eloping you in them and seeking you out when you’re close enough to the shadowsinger. Sometimes, you swear you could hear them whispering the faintest of words to you. Nothing you can fully make out but by the way they were acting you could guess good things.
During Ameranthas rule Az’s demeanor changed. Always brooding, always grumpy, always looking for work; for ways to rescue Rhys. Trying to find a way to sneak in and get him out, maybe even burn the whole damn mountain too. It had killed him during the first couple years the high lord was gone. It took little piece from Azriel.
But somewhere in the last 50 years your relationship flipped. Not somewhere, you remember the night you had crossed the border of friendship into something more. When your whole life changed.
It started in the first few years Rhys was under the mountain. During Starfall.
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“Azriel! Azriel!” You shouted down the hall trying to keep up the pace of one foot in front of the other. It was proving difficult to do in your lilac floral covered gown. One you had gotten just to impress the damn man, one you had gotten just for this star fall.
“Azriel, you big Illyrian baby! Stop running away.” You called to the shadowsinger, a tall frame descending down the hall. A door joining the hallway had slammed shut, you knew it was his bedroom. The only time you went in it was when he had invited you, so you both could share the silence. When he did invite you into his room you’d both more times than not just sit reading out on his balcony or watch the stars shine over the city.
Coming to a halt at the dark wooden door, you stood there hand on the handle catching your breath. You damned your shoes in your head reaching down your leg to your ankle where the straps of your heels sat. Unbuckling them you gathered the pair in your hands and swung open the door.
Az hadn’t turned the lights on yet leaving you slightly blinded by the darkness that engulfed his living quarters. You knew the layout well enough and with the faint glow of the stars leaving traces of light flowing through the arches dividing the bedroom and the balcony, you made your way towards the handsome man.
You sucked in a little breath of cold air, cooling the slight burning sensation you had endure running to catch up. Stopping for a second to take the sight in, you watched Azriel wings flutter with irritation, watched how his back rose and fell with each heavy huff of cold air he let through to his lungs. His back was facing you, top half of his body leaning over the railing his forearm most definitely crossed. He lifted his head and stared at the sky for a couple moments.
He looked transcendent under the starlight. His shadows circling around his shoulders, across his wings, his back, sneaking around his ankles and legs.
Your Eyes narrowed in on the winged Illyrian. You stomped your way over to the tall form. Halfway there you threw one shoe at his back. “What the hell was that Azriel?” You question throwing the next shoe right after. They hit him with a thump and then fall to the ground with a clack.
“I can’t believe you did that!” You yelled in disbelief. “On all the nights, you decided to get moody and be a jerk, you had to pick His favorite holiday, you had to pick the one night we celebrate regardless of him being gone” your frustration rang out into the night stars.
You stopped behind him. Expecting him to hold out longer, but his voice filled the air. “Go away.” Az’s voice felt like it fluttered out into the night air. “No, I’m not leaving, you’re acting like a brat!” You voiced. “ a- a dick! You could easily have ruined the entire night for everyone.” You argued back letting a huff of air leave your lips at the end.
“For fuck’s sake Y/N” he spat out turning around qucikly to face you. “Learn to quit, learn- learn to stop being so goddamn stubborn and pushy!” He yelled back frustrated, running his hand through his hair.
You stood there searching his anger filled eyes. Looking at a man so clearly broken, looking at someone who his whole life hid his pain and suffering from the rest of the world, the rest of the inner circle.
You watched him suck in air and blow it out quickly. His chest rising and falling each time he took a deep breath. Your eyes softened at the sight.
You reached out slowly grabbing a scared hand in yours, “Az, I know it's hard. I know you wish you could do something, anything at all to save him, to - to bring him home.” You spoke softly, barely a whisper afraid the shadowsinger would bolt if you decided to speak full volume again.
“You-” a sigh left your glossed lips. “You need to let go sometimes Az”.
“I don’t.” He replied harshly. “It’s my JOB to be aware, to- to protect everyone.” He ripped his hand from yours stalking towards a lounger.
“I have to keep searching for a way. It shouldn’t be taking me this long to find a way to save him Y/N.” Azriel plopped down on the edge of the lounger. "I'm trying and I’m failing.” He admitted placing his arms on his knees and his head between them.
Your heart ached seeing this warrior so wounded. After fighting battles and doing some of the hardest spying, seeing some of the worst things, hell experiencing the worst. He still feels that everyone else’s trauma is bigger than his.
Walking towards the warrior you reached out and grabbed his hands again. Holding both of them to your chest. “Azriel listen to me.” You spoke trying to comfort your favorite shadowsinger. “You need to let go, you need to learn to live your life sometimes.” You pleaded softly. “I know, trust me, I know that it’s killing you not being able to save him, we all feel like that Az.” You admitted squeezing his hands a little. “We just- we just, I don’t know, we still live. It’s hard and we all are still trying to figure out a way, but azriel you’re not doing anything to help yourself. You stress and stress with no way of lightening the load, or- or even to just relax for a little bit.” You claimed staring down at the beautiful man.
Azriel looked up at you staring into your eyes. He searched your beautiful face. Debating on if he should continue with his delightful thoughts that somehow snuck into his mind. Even though just moments ago he was upset and angry with himself. When you bent down to meet his eyes he caught a glimpse of your cleavage being shown off, more so tonight in the dress you wore than other outfits.
You wanted him to let go and to relax for tonight he could do that. He already knew what he wanted, and has wanted for a little while. He just never wanted to cross that boundary with you. He never wanted to keep something so safe yet completely corrupt in his life. And maybe it was the way you cared for him or maybe it was finally the realization that Rhys may never come home and he should just go for it because he no longer knows if you could disappear next, Or maybe, just maybe it was the tasty fairie wine he consumed earlier that he finally let go of his worries.
“Ok” Azirel's deep voice reached your ears.
“Okay what?” You questioned back. Running your fingers over is his hands you hold in yours. Small delicate fingers tracing rough scarred skin. Azriel even in your heels, that lay by the fence where he stood before, towered over you. The man very much was a giant which worked well for his job for the night court.
Anyone in their right mind should be scared in general of the warrior that sat before you, but you never once had experienced that terrifying feeling people claim they give him. You’ve never once felt like azriel would hurt you. You knew no matter what that him and his shadows would do everything in their power to keep you safe. You don’t know why you felt like that with him. More so than anyone else. You always passed it off as a gut feeling, or being extremely well in tune and good friends.
His voice cut through the small gap of silence that fell between you two. “Ok” he’s hands pulled out of yours.
His hands he had just removed from yours slowly moved to grab the sides of your hips. Bunching the lilac covered dress. You sucked a sharp breath in, air filling your lungs as you looked down at the godlike man with a questionable look casted in your eyes. Hazel eyes filled with lust looked over your face glancing down to your chest that looked bustier than you normally do, then they trailed back up to meet yours.
Heat quickly traveled across your body and up to your cheeks tainting them a light pink. Az hummed, a deep dark sound of approval when he looked at you.
“Will you help me relax tonight Y/N?” He questioned pulling on your hips; bringing you between his knees. His scarred hands lowered to rub the sides of your thighs. Heat began to pull between your thighs as you breathlessly responded to him. “Az? What are you- what are you doing?” Your hands moved to sit on his shoulder bracing yourself from the tug.
“You’ve taken up more of my thoughts than you should Y/N, more than any other woman has before.” His deep voice spoke. “You frustrate me to no end. I watch you smile and laugh and it makes my day so much better. You ease my worries and to help dim the pain and stress I have.” Az stated. “You make me happy and I have fought and fought and fought myself over and over again. Because I’m scared that I’ll end up ruining you with my issues. That you’ll end up being burned and scared.” He continued. “I’ll chase you away.” He choked back a noise in his throat threatening to escape.
Silence filled the air as you tried to understand what he said. Finally you said “you’d never be able to scare me off.” You confirmed. “Nothing would ever force me to stop being here for you, nothing ever.” You exclaimed. “You worry over silly things sometimes.” You remarked with a light smile on your lips.
He leaned forward and kissed your hip over the fabric of your dress. “You don’t know how many dirty thoughts have crossed my mind tonight”. “Watching your lips wrap around the rim of a glass, watching your tongue darting out to lick the frosting left over on your lips.” He looked up. “I’d love to have that pretty mouth wrapped around me.” Azriel said, a smirk starting to make an appearance on his face. His admission sent a shiver through your body and heat building between your thighs under your gown.
You’ve thought about the shadow singer on nights where it was hard to fall asleep. Other times when you’ve had too much to drink at Rita’s, you’ve always been a shamelessly flirty drinker. Often during those nights you’d be dancing with the spymaster after you begged and begged for him to dance with you, something he never usually indulged in, but he could never bring himself to refuse you especially when once he said yes you’d grab his hand with a giggle and the biggest smile would be plastered on your face for the rest of the night.
Most times, you’d end up going home leaning on the tall muscled man talking his ear off as his shadows danced around you. Azriel would drop you off at your bedroom door and bid you a goodnight. Those nights you’d always end up tossing and turning in your sleep so you’d always end up in the dead of night with your hand between your thighs whispering his name.
You breathlessly let his name fall from your lips.
“Yes Y/N?” He questioned back.
His hands slowly lifted the sides of the dress up the pads of his fingers dragging across your smooth skin. Goosebumps raised across your arms and legs. Something so delicious about his scarred hands against the silk of your leg made a small sound escape from your throat. Azriel cupped the back of your knees dragging you forward guiding each leg to sit on the sides of his pure muscle thighs.
You sat on Azirels lap. Breathing heavy and clenching your thighs. Not believing that this situation was in fact real. You begged yourself to wake up from this dream.
Scarred hands stayed under your dress slowly moving them from behind your knees to the sides of your thighs. You felt like you were burning from his touch. That if you looked down under your pretty lilac dress you wore just for this man, the one you're sitting on top of thighs on either side of, that you’d find your flesh melted away, right there where his hands gripped your thighs so tightly it stung.
His hands traveled up higher to your hips. Placing both hands in a tight grip and slowly moving you; once, twice, three times. He slowly guided you to roll your hips with his hands.
Your eyes slowly fluttered shut at the euphoric sensation that started thrumming in your body. Radiating from his hands to your hips then through your body, down your legs, up the sides of your torso to your heart.
“Did you wear this just for me Y/N?” He questioned.
“Did you wear this lilac flower dress that fits you so well to show off those perfect round tits and your silky legs just for me?” He questioned with a deep growl while he fingered the slit open exposing my skin to the cool air.
“Hm, Y/N? Did you dress up just for the terrifying shadowsinger? To get his attention, to please him?” He spoke again.
Not liking that you weren’t looking at him,or replying to him when he questioned you he roughly grabbed your throat, fingers splayed around your neck and on top of your jaw. You not responding irked the spy. He would never let his questions go unanswered in such a serious situation, this was a very very serious situation, so he’d get the answer out of you.
His eyes narrowed on your face watching the pure bliss and lust fall over your pretty features as you rolled your hips on your own. He jerked your jaw down using the fingers that stayed slightly over your jaw.
“Open your eyes Y/N. Open those pretty sparkly eyes for me and you are to not close them again.” He commanded. “You hear me Y/N?” Azriel’s firm voice shook slightly, something you definitely didn’t notice yourself but he felt it. Your eyes fluttered open slowly, you stared down at Az with sparkling lust filled eyes. A small sound emitted from your throat when he squeezed it slightly, trying to get you to answer his questions, to follow his commands.
“Yes, I did.” You gasp out while you slowly roll your hips every so often, begging and commanding for something more. “I wore it just for you, I wanted you to look at me; see that I dressed up for you, I got dolled up for you.” You confirmed. You gasped out when you rolled your hood just right hitting a sweet spot ober and over again. “Hoping, no- no praying you’d notice how I wore one of your favorite colors. Just for you, Az.” You continued staring into his eyes watching them deepen with want and some sort of dark twisted need.
You swing your arms over his shoulders, one hand going into his hair at the nape of his neck, tugging softly at the silky back hair. Az let go of your throat moving his hand to cup one of your breasts over the sweetheart neckline of the dress.
He moved closer to your body. Scarred hands squeezing your hip in one and your breast in the other. He leans forward his lips making contact with the top of your smooth mound. You sucked in a sharp breath, your body is in overdrive. You felt his mouth kissing over your mounds giving each one the same amount of attention. Licking, and kissing, sucking the top each sending heat waves everytime he did. He finally let up his assault on your chest with a quick pop and a slight jiggle of your breast.
Azriel moved to fully sit back in the lounge. His movement fixed the location of how high you sat on top of him. You felt his warmth beneath you; right under your own. You bucked your hips once, twice enjoying the feeling of him pressed into you. Azriel watched as you slowly built your arousal, his rough skin rested on the silky thighs rubbing them- squeezing them. He reached behind you tugging on the lace of the corset that held your dress up.
“Az” you moaned out so softly; barely audible his eyes snapped back up to yours as the top of the dress fell down exposing two very nicely rounded breast. Your Nipples harded from the cold chilly air hitting the warm sensitive beads. Azriel’s eyes darkened watching your chest rise and fall, he swallowed, enchanted at your beautiful body. He always knew you were wonderful. He knew something delicious always sat under your clothes.
He breathed out a breath just anticipating see you all fully under him one day. Cause after he’s had you once there’s no way in hell he’d let another touch you how he will tonight. No one else will ever again get to hear your soft moans and gasp.
Grabbing the sides of his face making him look up into your eyes. You spoke softly “kiss me Azriel. I need- I need you to kiss me.” Az didn’t bother responding to the request verbally as he felt the uncontrollable urge to just have you and need to consume your breath. He wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you. Lips wrapping together, tugging and nipping each other. His tongue graced your bottom lip and you instantly opened slightly to allow his tongue to dart into your mouth to dance with your own. Kissing for minutes only taking breaks to catch your breath then you got right back into it.
Az’s hands went down to your ass gripping it to guide you to rock back and forth on his clothed cock. Tired of not having enough to feel, you reached down between your thighs to the buckles that kept Azriel tucked away. Pulling at them you finally got them free. Azriel helped you out by pulling his hardened cock out the confinement of his pants.
You looked down between the two of you. Watching as Azriel’s hand that’s wrapped around his length moves up and down. Watching as his head slightly starts glistening with pre cum.
“Such a dirty girl.” Az’s voice cut through the air. Azriel was watching you as you stared at what his hand was doing. “You like watching me touch myself princess?” Az questioned you. You hummed in response, briefly looking up to meet his eyes before they returned back to the show.
Azriel was a big man who was very cocky in his fitness and abilities. You’ve heard the rumors and giggles of the girls talking about the three winged men and their size correspondence of wings. You couldn’t help but giggle slightly at the thought that all the girls were in fact telling the truth when they’d whisper to each other about what possibly hid underneath these warriors' leathers.
“Be a good girl and touch yourself for me” Az stated. You didn’t listen as you moved your hips instead. Back and forth trying to get some sort of friction to help soothe the growing heat and need that was building even faster now.
Azriel let out a lightly growl of frustration when he suddenly took hold of your wrist. “Be a good girl y/n and touch yourself, like I asked.” He angrily said, taking the wrist he was holding with a firm grip as he moved it to the spot between your legs.
Your delicate fingers met with the heat and wetness that had been building that had soaked into your lacy fabric. You slowly took your fingers and ran them over your heat quickly before settling your middle finger over your clit. Light and airy moans escaped you as rubbed clockwise circle movements on the small sensitive bud.
“Just like that baby, you’re doing so good for me” his gruff voice praised. Your eyes fluttered shut as you worked yourself up to a blissful state. You completely disregarded his earlier command of keep your eyes open and he didn’t seem to mind either. “Az!” You moaned out breathlessly going faster.
“Fuck Azriel, oh Az” you cried out throwing your head back.
Azriel aggressively removed your hand from yourself taking quick actions to quickly remove your lace thong. As soon as it was off he quickly continued your earlier actions with his own. Scarred rough fingers met smooth delicate skin as he used his thumb to continue the torture on your sensitive clit. “So fucking pretty, you’re so pretty gods.” Azriel praised. Causing you to grab his wrist between your thighs as your hips started following the movement. Trying to build the sensation of flutters and bliss more.
“ I need mo- more” you whined out in the night air. Bringing your eyes to look at the shadowsinger below you. “You need more, what babygirl?” He questioned eyes darting between his hand touching your wetness then back to your eyes. “Come on love, use those words otherwise I won’t know what you want.” He teased.
“I need you.” You whispered out.
“What’s the magic word princess?” He taunted. “You know I’m not giving you it until you say it, so what do we say love”
“Please Az, I need more” you spoke looking into his eyes. “I need you, please, I want you, oh gods please Az please. You begged breathlessly pushing his hand down and away from you as you lifted your hips up.
“Fuck baby girl, you sound so fucking desperate for me.” He moaned.
Azriel moved to wrap his arm around your middle pulling your bodies closer. He used his other hand to pump himself a few times before running the tip of his cock through your wetness back and forth. Holding you tightly to him, azirel turned his head to kiss from your shoulder to the dip in your neck, up to your jaw and to your plump lips. He claimed your mouth with his as your arms came to rest on his muscled shoulders.
Azriel pulled away, breaking your intense kiss. He rested his forehead against yours as he softly spoke “ if it hurts, or if you want to stop at any time tell me.” He kissed the side of your cheek. “Okay? y/n” he questioned.
You smiled at the man before you “okay Az”. You gave him the green light. He gave you one last kiss before pulling back resting on a hand on your hip while the other held him at your entrance. He slowly helped you sink down onto him.
“Fuck!” He cussed. “You’re so fucking wet for me” he hummed. Moving his other hand that had helped guided him into you, to your sides. He gripped the flesh tightly causing you to cry out.
You felt yourself stretching around his cock as you slowly guided yourself further down until you had his whole length filling you up. You looked down between your bodies catching a glance at his cock disappearing into you as you slowly started bouncing up and down. Your walls gripping him tightly.
“Oh gods Az. Fuck, baby” you moaned to him.
The sound of the two of you filled the air around you. Deep grunts and breathless Moans circled into the night. The cool crisp air helped cool the both of you as sweat started building across your skins.
You kissed Az as you picked up the pace. Bring the both of you closer to your ecstasy. He wrapped both of his arms around your torso giving him leverage to relentlessly meet each one of your downwards movements with a forceful thrust of his own causing him to hit that little sweet spot inside of you.
“Cum for me.” He commanded between his moans and cussing.
And you did.
You cried out in pleasure as he finally pushed you over the edge. A blissful and content feeling finally settling over you as you road out your high waiting for the shadowsinger to find his release too.
When he did he pulled your body closer to him wrapping his muscled arms around your body. Hugging you close, with his head in your neck. He kissed your neck a few times as his pace started to slow. You listened to his ragged breathing that was fanning over your skin causing goosebumps to raise across the entirety of your body.
Azriel kissed up your neck and finally claimed your soft lips with his. Kissing you sweetly and passionately, he slowly brought both of his rough scarred hands to rest on your sides. His thumbs rubbing soothing circles on your soft skin. You both didn’t say anything, too high from the release you both very much needed.
Suddenly the sky lit up bright and you looked up. Azriel stayed staring at his beautiful lover. Watching as the bright spirits reflected a soft glow off her eyes. A smile graced his lips as he watched her own grin start taking over her face. He felt something tug deep within him. Some undeniable force connecting the two of you together.
Suddenly something smacked the side of her cheek. There sat upon her rose tinted skin sat the spirit’s glow. when her eyes met hazel ones she giggled. A wondrous sound Azriel deemed to hear for the rest of his life. More spirits passed them, some flying past without a care for the two, while others when they passed by showered the two with their glowing light.
Soon the two lovers were covered with a star-like glow. Staring into eachother eyes they laughed, with bright big smiles.
You leaned forward lining your face to meet Az’s. “Everything will be okay.” You whispered softly to him.
“Everything will be just fine” Az replied as you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him sweetly.
┆.➶ ˚ ˚ · • . ° . ˚✧ . ➶ ˚ ˚ · • . ° . ˚✧ . ➶ ˚ ˚ · • . ° . ˚✧ ┆ ┆.➶ ˚ ˚ · • . ° . ˚✧ . ➶ ˚ ˚ · • . ° . ˚✧ . ➶ ˚ ˚ · • . ° . ˚✧ ┆ ┆.➶ ˚ ˚ · • . ° . ˚✧ . ➶ ˚ ˚ · • . ° . ˚✧ . ➶ ˚ ˚ · • . ° . ˚✧ ┆
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littlest-w01f · 2 months
Chapter Eight
Series Masterlist
CW: Mentions of blood
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The sun was high up as Evelyn skipped into the forest, she couldn't believe it, the young female had managed to sneak away from her home without her father knowing. Her little rebel heart was beating wild, for breaking her father's rule.
Skipping through the lush greenery, Evelyn felt the warmth of the summer sun baking her fair skin. She looked up at the vast expanse of blue overhead as birds chirped merrily around her.
The woods held an air of enchantment, wildflowers peeked through dew-soaked grass while trees whispered secrets with every rustling leaf. Even with her busy mind racing with thoughts about getting caught sneaking out without telling her family where she went, it brought immense joy being alone with nature.
Suddenly, hearing faint sounds coming from ahead stopped her playful skipping, keeping her eyes peeled for any suspicious movement the young fae sensed an unfamiliar presence nearby. Splashing water ripples made by someone paddling through a shallow creek startled her but also curiosity piqued.
The Nagas were meant to be frightening, or so she had heard, but this one, he was a young male naga stuck between some broken boulders and trees, he was struggling under foliage, clearly hurt, completely vulnerable, didn't look scary at all.
With her instincts kicked into high gear, Evelyn rushed towards the distressed naga, her heart pounding in her chest. As she approached, she could see blood trickling down his scales, mixing with the muddy waters of the creek.
"Poor thing!" She cooed, crouching down beside him to assess the extent of his injuries. His serpentine body was entangled, making it difficult for him to free himself from the twisted vegetation. Evelyn relaxed herself with a single breath, pressing her hands flat on the ground, bringing the dead trees to life, the naga's tail flicked the second she used the tree and thorn vines to pick up the boulders off him.
"I'm here to help you," She assured him in a soothing voice the second everything was off him, her warm hands caressing his wounded scales. As she worked, she noticed the naga's slit-like snake eyes flutter open, fixated on hers with a mixture of pain and gratitude. "Just hang on, okay?"
She pressed her hand over his bleeding scales, putting pressure, the naga hissed in pain and Evelyn looked at him apologetically, "Sorry, this might hurt." She closed her eyes, and her hand glowed over his scales, threading his scales back together.
Sensing the subtle hum of magic emanating from Evelyn, the injured naga trembled slightly but trusted in her ministrations. Despite the searing sensation, he remained still as the Fae wove her delicate spellwork, gently lacing his damaged scales together again. Slowly but surely, they began knitting back into place, tissues mending, bleeding stilled, their unnatural shine slowly returning after having been obscured by gore, slightly brighter from Evelyn's healing.
Though it was clear it caused the injured reptile intense discomfort, he endured quietly, offering quiet hisses of acknowledgement. "Thank… You, High Fae" He said once she was done sealing his wounds, a simple sentence spoken low yet filled with sincere gratitude that touched Evelyn's heart despite it coming from someone so unfamiliar.
Evelyn nodded, helping him sit up, "How... How did you end up like that...?" She feared she didn't want to know the answer.
"A Bogge." The naga hissed, "I... I was thrown to it. Stupid prank."
"A prank?" Evelyn's face scrunched in genuine disgust, "Why would anyone pull such a prank?"
"Doesn't matter." The naga slithered fast, sitting up over his own coiled tail, his tail wasn't that long, a show of his young age, "He just would've been the leader of our Den if I wasn't born... I guess this was his way to get rid of the first in line."
Evelyn's expression softened as compassion filled her eyes. She reached out, gently touching the naga's scales in a comforting gesture. "That must have been terrifying for you," she said softly.
He nodded, his forked tongue darting out to wet his lips as he regarded her thoughtfully. There was something vulnerable about him now, his defences lowered due to his vulnerability. "I thought I was going to die out here," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "And then you found me. Thank you, High Fae."
Evelyn smiled warmly, her hand remaining on his scales. "Of course, my name is Evelyn, by the way," she offered, hoping to start building a connection with the injured naga. "And you are?"
With a small chuckle, the naga replied, "My name is Kaelin. And thank you, Evelyn. For saving me, and for your kindness. I will not forget it"
"Chocolate?" Evelyn asked out of nowhere, holding a little piece of the treat.
Kaelin tilted his scaly head, a little amusement in his expression, "What?"
Evelyn frowned slightly, "Wait, do your people not have cocoa? Sorry... I didn't mean to be ignorant-"
"No no," Kaelin raised his hands straight up to soothe her, "We can have cocoa, just... Why? I guess, would be a better question."
"Well, cocoa makes everything better." With the way Evelyn smiled, Kaelin couldn't help but take the treat she offered.
Kaelin hissed softly in pleasure of the sweet treat, his scales beginning to feel hot and sickly against his body, feeling healthy again. "I should probably head back to my den soon," he explained, "It's not safe for me to stay out here too long."
Evelyn sighed sympathetically, realizing that her good deed might only be a temporary relief for Kaelin. "I understand," she said gently. "But before you go, can I walk with you? Just until we reach the edge of the woods? That way, I can make sure nothing else happens to you on your way."
A look of surprise crossed Kaelin's face at her offer. "Really?" he asked, sounding genuinely grateful.
They heard a rustling behind them, and both of them froze, they knew they shouldn't turn around, the Bogge seemed to have wanted to complete the job.
"We shouldn't acknowledge it... It can't hurt us that way." Evelyn whispered, trying her best to fight the urge to look at it.
Kaelin nodded, hissing softly in agreement. "We need to keep moving," he urged, starting to slither forward cautiously, Evelyn matching his pace, her hand still resting on his scales for comfort and support.
The forest grew eerily silent around them, the usual birdsong and rustling leaves replaced by an unsettling stillness. Yet, neither of them dared to break the silence, focusing instead on putting as much distance between themselves and the unseen creature following them.
As they neared the edge of the woods, Kaelin suddenly stopped, turning to face Evelyn. "You should run," he whispered urgently, his eyes wide with fear. "Now, while you still can!"
Evelyn made the mistake of turning to face Kaelin behind her, and the Bogge stepped out from a silver slit, she had made it come out. Her body chilled with fright, "You run. Just run. I'll manage my own way." She didn't want him to be around for when the Bogge lunged at them, not when it was her fault it was able to be free to kill them. "You should leave before my father sees you and you get into more trouble."
Before Evelyn could respond, the Bogge let out a chilling screech, its presence overwhelming as it spread its long, skeletal arms wide. Kaelin had a pained look in his eyes, but his eyes widened as he couldn't help but want to follow her order, he then knew she was royalty, a child of the High Lord.
In a flash of movement, he turned and bolted, his serpentine body undulating rapidly as he vanished into the underbrush. Evelyn stood frozen, her heart hammering in her chest as the Bogge began to advance towards her, its bony feet crunching through the decaying leaves. It was a choice between death and her father's punishment.
With lungs full of breath, as the Bogge rushed towards her, she screamed enough to shake the ground, "DADDY!!!"
Even before her shriek subsided, a growl was heard, but the Bogge was frozen from it, getting knocked over by the High Lord twice its size, maw ripping its neck, claws digging over and over in its chest till it stopped moving, the High Lord of Spring covered in blood looked up with fury in his eyes to meet the emerald of his daughter's.
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Evelyn groaned, face pressed in her hands, "The damn Suriel! That was your plan to bring Tamlin and Feyre together? You sent Feyre after the damn Suriel?" Evelyn asked Lucien when he barged into her room.
Lucien sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair. "Feyre wanted to ask questions, and Tamlin… Well, he needed to stop being so damn stubborn. It sounded like a good idea."
"But sending her after a Suriel?" Evelyn shook her head in disbelief. "What were you thinking?!"
"She'll survive," Lucien pointed out, crossing his arms over his chest. "She'd scream if she needs us.."
"You sound so casual about it!" Evelyn exclaimed, throwing a pillow at Lucien’s face. "The fact that it was dangerous to begin with makes me nervous!"
She settled back down on her bed, hugging one of her many pillows close to her chest. "Do you really think Feyre wouldn’t panic?" she questioned Lucien sceptically. "Because last time I checked, our fearless, angry human hasn't been around faeries, especially not one like the Suriel. So now we're just supposed to hope that Feyre doesn't get herself killed?"
Lucien let out a sigh, looking a bit weary himself as he finally entered the room properly, making himself comfortable on the bed opposite hers. "Look, the girl managed to survive growing up in that hovel," he said. "Besides, Tamlin would hear with her too."
Evelyn sighed, nodding, she knew well enough the High Lords had quite the ear on them.
"When you said damsel in distress, I didn't think this is what you meant…" She started with another exasperated huff, tucking some loose strands of hair behind her ear. "If anything bad happened because of what we’ve set in motion..."
With an awkward shuffle, Lucien moved closer, laying beside her and offering a weak smile in her direction. "Eve…" He began, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. "If something does happens… It won't be your fault, only mine."
"It sounds terrible, though…" she murmured, chewing on her lower lip as she looked down at the cover of her current book. Even if things worked out fine, and Feyre somehow emerged unscathed from her encounter with the dreaded Suriel, there was no denying how risky Lucien's decision truly was. The idea of something happening to Feyre was worrisome and downright scary to Evelyn.
There was silence for a moment before a whisper of a scream was heard, Feyre, the sound came from deep in the forest and Evelyn stood up in an instant, she ran in a second.
Winnowing in from where she had heard the sound, the second her bare feet touched the ground, everything froze, letting herself take the scene. Feyre was trapped under a naga, Lucien's knife lodged into the naga's chest, bleeding all over Feyre. with a wave of her hand, vines grew from the ground, gripping the naga and throwing him against a tree. "ENOUGH!" Her voice was commanding, not a hint of anything else.
"Evelyn?" She heard a hiss and turned around to find Kaelin slithering behind her, "You know this human? What is it doing on this side of the boarder!"
"Kaelin?" Evelyn whispered, catching his snake-like eyes, she hadn't seen the male in centuries. "Why are you-"
The naga beside him opened his mouth to talk but they heard a roar, Tamlin had indeed heard Feyre's scream as well, launching on the naga, his claws digging into his chest.
"No, Tamlin stop!" Evelyn said sternly, her brother looked up, the same anger in his eyes she'd seen plenty of times, in their father's eyes, but he hesitated to let him go, "Please, let him go."
With a growl, Tamlin let the naga go, and he slithered behind Kaelin, with the other injured naga, "You will not hurt the human," Evelyn spoke, no denying the dominance in her tone, "The human belongs to me, to us. She's in our protection."
The ground seemed to tremble at her words and Tamlin moved to kneel in front of a shaking Feyre, clearly unable to hide how scared she had been, Tamlin picked her up gently, letting her stand on her feet, covering her entirely from the three nagas by his body.
"It's a human, you'd protect their kind?" Kaelin hissed, slithering close to Evelyn till he was nearly at arm's distance, leaning in still. Both of them had grown plenty from the last time they had seen each other centuries ago, Evelyn's showed with her powers, and height, her face slightly mature, while Kaelin's tail was at least ten times the size, his face and humanoid part of him rough from years. "They used to hunt our kind in groups, take out scales to make their silly armours!"
"Not this single one! She's innocent. You don't get to hunt her because of what humans when she wasn't even born did." Evelyn said right back, she was never one to back down, "You can't hurt her."
Kaelin was slightly taken aback by her tone, but then smiled, "I did not know the human was protected by the your kin, Princess Spring, consider this our apology." Kaelin sighed, forked tongue slipping out as he hung his head slightly in a bow, "Leave us!" He commanded the nagas, and they slithered away fast in front of their eyes, Kaelin remained.
"I see you're the leader now." Evelyn smiled, "Thank you, for sending them away."
"Of course, anything for the lady," Kaelin hissed with a grin of his own, "And yes, I could be the leader after this young High Fae healed me back when I was little."
Evelyn turned on her heel, "Must be a really nice High Fae..." She smiled, looking at Tamlin who was looking at her with his brows raised, "We're leaving as well Tam."
Tamlin offered Feyre his hand who took it soon, and the three winnowed out from the middle of the woods. Evelyn was the last to leave, giving Kaelin a gentle smile.
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Dinner was always awkward after Feyre had arrived in Spring Court, but tonight it was more so, and Evelyn sat up as Feyre entered.
"Good evening," Feyre greeted, exchanging a look with Lucien.
"I heard you three had a rather exciting afternoon, I wish I could have been there to help," Lucien leaned back into his chair, with a little softness, he added, "Well you still look lovely, regardless of your Hell-sent afternoon."
"I thought faeries couldn't lie." Feyre snorted.
Tamlin choked on his wine while Lucien smiled his signature smirk, Evelyn felt concerned for the human, she'd blindly trusted everything they had said, "Who told you that?"
"Everyone knows it." Feyre piled her plate up with food, sitting down on her seat.
"Of course, we can lie." Lucien had a feline grin on his lips, "We find lying to be an art, and we lied to those aientient mortals that we couldn't speak an untruth. How else would we get them to trust us and do our bidding?"
Evelyn couldn't help but smile, Feyre's reaction to learning their secrets was nothing short of amusing, then Tamlin told Lucien off from spilling any more secrets.
The more Evelyn observed Feyre, the more she realized just how different the human was from other beings she had encountered. Feyre's resilience, her courage, her determination, and the slight stupidity that she would jump into anything without a single thought, It was all so refreshingly unique. And yet, Evelyn also noticed the subtle signs of exhaustion, the slight tremor in Feyre's hands as she lifted her fork that she was trying to hide, the faint shadows under her eyes. Despite her strength and spirit, Feyre was still very much mortal, vulnerable in ways that the High Fae weren't.
Watching Feyre, Lucien nudged Evelyn under the table with his foot, when she looked towards him he simply motioned with his head and the two of them excused themselves from dinner before dessert.
Once outside, Evelyn grabbed Lucien's arm, pulling him away from the dining hall and towards the quiet privacy of the garden.
"Well I hope you don't pull this shit with your children and their love life." Evelyn chuckled lightly.
Lucien snorted, wrapping an arm around her, "Our child," he corrected.
"My babe will not be your first," She rolled her eyes, "That was a joke we made."
"Sure... Sure..." Lucien teased.
Evelyn playfully pushed Lucien's chest, a mischievous glint in her eye. "You're impossible sometimes," she muttered, shaking her head in amusement.
Lucien grinned, leaning in "And you love me for it," he whispered his hand holding hers.
Evelyn smiled, her heart fluttering at his touch. "Sometimes," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "But most of the time, I just want to throttle you."
Lucien chuckled, "That's the spirit," he murmured,
Evelyn raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a small smile. "Don't push your luck," she warned, although the playful spark in her eyes suggested she was far from serious.
Lucien laughed softly, pulling her closer until she was pressed against his chest. "Wouldn't dream of it," he murmured, his voice low and warm. His fingers traced gentle patterns over the curve of her waist, drawing her further into his embrace.
"I actually forgot this thing I used to do till I saw the naga." Evelyn whispered softly, leaning into Lucien's side.
Luicen simply hummed, "What might that be?"
Evelyn closed her eyes and opened her palm flat facing the sky, and a treat appeared in her palm, "Here."
"Chocolate?" Lucien echoed, taking the piece of it.
"Chocolate makes everything better." Evelyn spoke softly with a smile.
The world around them faded away as they stood beneath the stars, enveloped in each other's warmth and comfort. Lucien's touch was soothing, and reassuring, like a balm against the worries that plagued Evelyn's mind.
But even amid the intimacy of their embrace in her gardens, the looming concern over Feyre lingered at the edges of Evelyn's consciousness the feeling that something wasn't right stuck to her gut.
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{General Taglist - @nox-ceur @lilah-asteria @paleidiot @dee-writes-smut @adalia-jaycee @anarchiii @alwayshave-faith}
{Blooming Flowers Taglist - @theskyisbrighthere @mybestfriendmademe @yeonalie}
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beansidhebumbling · 7 months
Once again begging for a bit of bitter rhysta bonding over feyssian being a bit too obvious
Liar, Liar
Idk pals. Blame @ae-neon for this. Warning for blood play I guess. Jesus.
They were dancing.
Familiar tattooed hands moved over her sister's lithe frame. Cassian seemed to forget she knew his tricks, the gentle tracing of the lower back, the hidden kisses to clasped hands. He'd used them on her too. In a time long gone now. Before Nyx, before the dissolution of the Night.
His hands dipped lower, skirting the bare skin of Feyre's lower back. Nesta looked away, focused now on the thin stem of her cocktail glass.
Lovers deserved privacy after all.
Even her husband.
Even her sister.
In this nook she liked to pretend he danced for her. That this was merely one of the games they'd played as newleyweds.
A small part of her, not her heart, maybe her ring finger, the closest to the shackle held out hope he still loved her.
Hope that died with each secret letter she found, with each charged stare she bore witness to, with each dance she observed.
Hope was for heros and children.
The seductive beat moved through her pulse as the smooth vodka barely bit at her throat. This was the top shelf stuff. A rarer find after the treaty. He was clearly in a mood tonight. Sat in the corner as usual, the two regular voyeurs to the budding romance and erosion of two marriages.
She glanced at the slumped form of the former Lord of Night and new monarch of the Velarien Territories. The broken lands of a broken male.
'You can sit up, you know. She can't sense you.'
He glared purple-eyed venom at her. She nearly missed the time when that might have scared her. At least things seemed simple then.
'I don't understand what she sees in him. Three months we've been following them to their dancing'
His voice caught on the shards of jealousy that lined his throat.
'And I have to watch her love him. Him. He took everything.'
'You lose what you don't mind, your Highness.'
She relished in hurting him. Something about how his too-perfect face shuttered and stars sparked from his fingertips. Joy was a scarce commodity and his suffering a deep well of it.
'Don't sound too smug, love. It's your mate she's fucking.'
'I cannot lose what I've never had. You fae and your Cauldron. I have never heeded the divine ruling of crockery.'
His laugh, piercing and chilling, cracked her glass splintering it in her grasp. The smell of honey and iron tickled her nose as blood seeped from her clenched fist.
'Liar, liar Lady Death. I still remember you on the battlefields. You've always been quick to save the bastard.'
With agility she thought him too drunk for he moved closer and cradled her stained hand within his own, droplets of scarlet staining his indigo silk shirt.
'Not brother anymore then?'
Nesta smiled sweetly, words coated in honey and arsenic.
'Not sister anymore then?'
He mimicked, raising an eyebrow as she flinched sharply, his eyes glittering, the Ptsym constellation visible in his pupil.
'Don't talk about Feyre like that.'
She muttered.
Rhysand slowly prised open her palm, magicking away the shards until all that remained of his mirth was a deep oozing cut.
His lips, plush and sharp, dipped to kiss her wrist, licking the blood as he went, laving his tongue over pale skin and working slowly towards the wound.
Tingling electricity erupted, shooting from her head to her core. To swap blood was an act reserved for mates not whatever they were.
Her head flung back hitting hard on the mahogany lined wall as he reached the cut and sucked deeply, silver flames catching on the seams of his mouth.
Rhysand raised his head, hair tossed and eyes wild. He grinned a feral bloody creation, his canines fully elongated before murmuring,
'I'm not very interested in talking at all. Sister."
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bolszaja-miedwedica · 6 months
-I'm genderfluid and audhd, borderline too (undiagnosed because the system sucks) and diagnosed schizophrenic
-godspoused! if you're anti fuck off
-I'm an age regressor but i curse a lot on this blog so age regressors feel free to follow my agere side blog @there-are-sharks-in-my-milk
-i don't discriminate anyone this is a safe space for minorities, poc, microlabels, systems, lgbt people, therians, everyone who is not a hateful jerk
-this blog is a mix of me posting about my deities, stray kids and other stuff i find interesting
-sometimes i vent make sure you're okay with it
blog rules are:
-if my practice looks different than yours and you don't like it you're free to unfollow
-if my vents annoy you and you feel the urge to tell me its my fault you're free to unfollow this is my shadow work free from censor space
-if you feel the need to tell me i seem psychotic you're free to fuck off
-don't fuckin curse me??? some of yall are not behaving and it's pissing me off
-other than that be kind and respectful to me and my friends
to interact with my blog make sure that you aren't:
racist, homophobic, terf, pedo, ableist, anti agere, a nsfw blog (it makes me uncomfortable), generally a hateful human
now the best part:
-Holy Mary
-Baba Jaga
working with:
Marzanna, Apollo, Dionysus, Hecate, Persephone, Asclepius, Hel, Anat, Death, Satan, Leszy, Cernunnos, Horned God, Helios, Venus, Freyja, Asmodeus, Baphomet archangel Jophiel, Thoth, Fenrir, Dantalion, Buer, Beelzebub, Mut, Bes, Bacchus, Kogkipr (an unknown deity), Proserpina, Cnabetius Mars, Tegid Foel, angel Sariel, Hermanubis, Amun, Deimos and Phobos, Kvasir, Wepwawet, The Dagda, Swarożyc, Lucifer, Begotho (unknown deity), Aphrodite Areia, Stracchus (unknown deity), Ruadan, Somnia, Kek, Cerberus, Hestia, Nyx, Cerridwen, the Morrigan, Parvati, Shiva, Krishna, Vishnu, RadhaRani, Lakshmi, archangel Gabriel, archangel Azrael, Nakir and Munkar, archangel Michael, archangel Israphil, Kiram and Katibun, Somnus, Loki, Mokosz, Allah, Brigid, Hermes, Shakti, Anubis, Weles, Baldur, Khnum, Poseidon, Amphitrite, Astaroth, Neith, Wenut, Ganesha, Perun, Khepri, Inanna, Dola/Niedola, Ariadne, Jaryło, Chors, Sleipnir, Zorza, Jormungandr, Odin, Czarnobóg, Blodeuwedd, Set, Mafdet, Idunn, Seshat, Dziewanna, Artemis, Arioch, Eros, Vesna, Selene, Luna, Leviathan, Behemoth, Nox, Mammon, Abaddon, Azazel, Kathos, Vesta, Sun, Moon, Minerva, Athena, Eosphorus, Stolas, Melinoe, Mary of Magdala
spirits that i work with:
-Pahiri (a white dragon spirit)
-Nkfofa (the mermaid spirit guide)
-a fae
-Fienon (a rusałka)
-Mo Xasii (familiar nr 1)
-Hilkog (spirit guide)
-Kalina (a harpy)
-Zanota (a mermaid spirit guide nr 2)
-Gawoż (hydra, familiar nr 2)
- Kiityk (upiór spirit guide)
-Xyo (a red fire dragon)
-Bemamo (a dragon shark)
devoting to:
-King Hades
I'm not really a hellenic polytheist, nor a kemetic one, not really a slavic one as well although i am hyperfixated on slavic paganism, yes, and i do wanna work with more slavic deities in the future but I don't label myself as anything I'm just a witch and a pagan i celebrate the slavic holidays and my deities holidays because they're the closest to me. if i were to label myself i would use "rodzimowierca"? but I'm just a witch, and well apparently a medium now too so 😀 fun uhh
i do free readings too! 5 a day to not burn out so quick but i wanna get more skilled since divination is my favourite skill to get one just dm me tp ask if im open!
I'm planning to master:
-moon magic
-blood magic
-a crystal ball
-reading more books...
-my fuckin research motivation...
i can do:
-spells and shit
-tea blends i guess
-runes (both nordic and witch's runes)
sława! :]
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syntia13treeman · 4 months
Case 15.01
what I think happened in:
Case 15.01, the case of "The Sunset Hunt" or "It's EAT the rich, not FEED the rich. Get it right, damn it."
On 22nd of June 2023 a man was shot dead while on the phone to The Sentinel (I'm guessing a private emergency service; like 999 but unofficial).
He used to be a caterer in his own company, catering to the rich.
Before that, he was a soldier. An army cook at some point, but also familiar with looking down the barrel of the gun up close, and the sound of a headshot. Trained to kill, both with guns and in close combat. Trained not to hesitate.
At the time of the call he's been on the run for a couple months, living out of motel rooms, maybe different one every night, always looking over his shoulder, flinching at the sound of dogs' barking.
What he was running from is known as 'Lady Mowbray'. He'd been lured to her property in Wychwood Hall in the Cotswolds on the pretense of catering a 'small family hunt'. Ostensibly, he was supposed to cook and serve game the family hunted. In reality, he and his people had been watched all afternoon as they worked, until, at dusk, in blood red light of setting sun, he was compelled (magically and with threat of death) to kill and cook his employees while the 'family' watched.
He killed at least 4 people that day, maybe more: his permanent employees (minus Steven, murdered by Lady M herself), and any temps he might have hired for the job.
The creature responsible for that was described as a big and imposing matriarch, with electric blue eyes and gunmetal-gray hair. She had dangerous looking dogs with her, and a big-game gun, which she handled with ease. In her arsenal were also: power to force a man into silence with a gesture (demonstrated) and power to made her orders be obeyed without question (heavily implied).
After the Killer Caterer did her bidding, she rewarded him with cash – and a head-start. Neither helped him in the end.
It is unknown if deaths/disappearances of the entire catering company was ever noticed or investigated.
On 22nd of March 2024, in the OIAR office, Freddie tried to warn Celia about the approaching predator by queuing this case for her. Was it helpful? Possibly. Celia is smart, but she might not have been as on-guard as she was without it.
Lady Mowbray not very subtly tried to get Celia to give her name. (Celia point-blank refused). Lady Mowbray VERY unsubtly tried to sniff out any additional information about her, with limited success (odd, brave, strong, different). Soon after Lady M was swept away by Gwen, whom she talked to very differently than to Celia. Old money can sniff out old money, I suppose.
I… have some questions
Who or what is Lady Mowbray? An old aristocrat who became as removed from humanity as they believed themself to be? An embodiment of the concept of the ruling class, that forces 'peasants' to do their dirty work for them for little or no reward? ...one of the Gentry? Look, I know I've been yapping about the Fae for a long while now, but here is a literal aristocrat (a lady; a gentlewoman if you will), with literal power over people's minds, who tries to get Celia's name, and Celia (the mysterious, different Celia, who know more than she lets on) knows that she shouldn't give it. (Never ever give them your name!) It's probably nothing… but maybe? How long has she been making people kill other people for her dinner and entertainment? 40 years? 60? 600?
Why is she working with OIAR? She seems like a very different kind of monster than Bonzo (thought they both eat their prey; hm); why would she let herself be in any way controlled? Is OIAR responsible for cover-ups of all the murders committed by 'Externals', and that's why Externals are willing to work for them? Do they even need it? Both Bonzo and Mowbray seem to have their own magic going on in that regard – Bonzo with his music and Mowbray with her voice (and money) that can make things go unnoticed.
Who or what are Mowbray's 'family', and why none of them got to shoot somebody? Are they actual family, ruled by their matriarch's iron fist? Are they just props (fake people to create a crowd for better scare tactic)? Are they followers? Courtiers? Servants? Slaves? Who are you, people with guns and dogs and expensive cars who never get to participate in the hunt beyond watching and eating? (Do you look like someone copy-pasted few random features onto multiple individuals? Asking for a friend).
So who is the next unlucky soul that Gwen's gonna sic a killer on? Do we know them? Will we get to know them for just as long as it takes Norris or Chester to read about their death? (Gwen, are you sure you want to do that, girl? It's not to late... well. It probably is. Enjoy your new job while you can, I guess).
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resident-idiot-simp · 5 months
Sorry it took so long to respond I was out all day and normally I would be asleep by now but due to a family emergency involving a sibling (they will be fine) I am ✨AWAKE✨. Please forgive the inevitable crimes against grammar I’m about to commit I am severely sleep deprived :D
Okay so the reason wendigos aren’t able to hybridise is because humans turn into them through specific methods ie eating human flesh. they are human turned creatures. Same rules apply for vampires, werewolves, Zombies, Ghosts and any other similar type of monster, they are around but they aren’t hybrids. There are also no Moth Man, Bigfoot or Loch Ness Hybrids.
Magic left the world a LONG time ago and no one (Human) remembers why. This caused a mass extinction event with most creatures that were solely magical being wiped out. The ones that survived either became Cryptids and barely functioned with the scraps of magic left behind or they became mundane…
The reason the fae left in the first place is because a bunch of humans tried to take magic from the Fae and actually succeeded for like five seconds before a bunch of them died from the sheer amount of power. This BIG NO NO altered the nature of magic into something humans could actually use unfortunately it also hurt the Fae badly so they had to poq for a while to recover. They took the magic with them but not before cursing the surviving thieves and their descendants to never be able to experience magic again (this led to some unintended consequences).
The reason there are no Fae hybrids is a little more sinister (angst potential incoming). Every now and then a little bit of magic would leak back into the world and keep things running just enough so that when the Fae returned it wasn’t a complete shit show (just mostly one) and after some initial conflict and a bunch of new border agreements things settled down (British hybrids can pick which royal house they follow (fae or human) whilst still maintaining citizenship (guess which Soap picked lol)) and with magic being reintroduced (in the 1800’s btw) the world slowly started to change. Within a generation hybrids began appearing, within another three Mythics started showing up too. With each successive generation the hybrids got stronger and as the magic around the world continued to grow more and more animals began looking weird. Rabbits with antlers, Giant Sea Snakes and Octopi, Lions with golden coats. But no dragons or phenox or unicorns or purely magical beings appeared instead what they had where hybrids that become a little less human every generation.
TLDR the OG mythical creatures went extinct and magic is trying its best to bring them back the normal hybrids just didn’t have enough juice in them to meet the requirements. Anything that didn’t go (fully) extinct like the Fae or are human turned creature won’t hybridise.
Technically Ghost hybridisation shouldn’t have worked but because he “died” such a specific and traumatising way near a canine mythic who’s magic he absorbed over months the magic got a lil confused (Ghost is the only Black dog hybrid the as the rest are actual dogs and not extinct ( does that mean Ghost is the strongest Black dog? Maybe…(yes it does))).
If you want angst you could say that if a hybrid uses to much of their magic they run the risk of becoming more creature then man. I don’t think they’d loose their intelligence and they’d still be the same “person” but they definitely wouldn’t be human.
Since magic returned vampires can walk in the sun, wendigos became intelligent (took one look at the military and went ✨no✨) werewolves become more aware (lol) and don’t need the moon to shift and Ghosts are still classed as citizens.
Ooh What if magic is radiation from the asteroid that took out the dinosaurs????
You're fine I hope everyone's okay and I'd be a hypocrite because I too do not understand the English language.
Ok that makes sense yeah.
FAE LORE FAE LORE!!! I LOVE IT! I love that the lore and angst of humans trying to take something not made for them is very fitting. There is a ton of potential for angst and I love that Soap is like nahhh fae all the way. (He is correct)
I Love that explanation of mythics It seems very fitting for the universe. The world needs them in some way shape or form so it corrects itself.
Great explanation for Ghost and the fact that singles him out making him the most powerful is perfect. I mean look at that man.
AAAHHHH ANGST!!!! I LOVE THAT! It limits them and makes them of not super op. It also explains how some of the actual mythical creatures can survive in the human world now. (Wendigos my beloved)
OMG DINOSAUR LORE?! YES! (what if kidding kinda If all the dinosaurs didn't die) Hahaha unless
(I answered this on my phone so I couldn't answer each paragraph because it wasn't clear sorry)
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antiquewhim · 1 year
Enough postponing, here's my attempt at making something comprehensive on one of the most varied creatures in Lithuanian folklore: laumės (Art credits: Marcė Katiliūtė)
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Basically, laumės are groups of humanoid women, connected with water, birch, night and the act of weaving. Primarily considered bridges between humans and gods, they inhabit forests while having the ability to summon rain and weave rainbows.They interact with people by bathing in saunas after everyone is gone. Appeased laumės are said to leave textiles as a reward for a clean, warm sauna or any offerings made to them. Their day is Thursday, just like Perkūnas' and they're most active during the night.
Now onto complicated stuff: there are many variations when it comes to laumės’ appearance. Age ranges from young to old, some are said to have metal nails, some have chicken feet and feathered bodies hiding under white clothes which let them interact with humans. The earliest depiction of laumės was in the form of a dove, the bird of Goddess Laumė, sometimes as goat-headed or horned women, bears, cats. They’re either depicted as incredibly alluring and sexual or grotesque and terrifying. Their views towards humans also change: they can be only dangerous to men, sometimes they’re most dangerous to babies, which they exchange for bundles of wheat in the crib, the bundles growing into laumiukai (similar to fae changelings) overnight. It is unclear what they do to the stolen babies. In some tales they're shown as very ruthless, uncaring of their safety, in others they're maternal, stealing out of desire for motherhood and accidentally killing the babies out of love. Sometimes they can be helpful to weavers, however this is achieved only after guessing a riddle or obeying a specific rule, on Thursdays. Even then, should a laumė run out of material, she'll weave in hair or intestines of the woman whose work she's finishing.
Overall, laumės can be called morally grey: they're wonderful seamstresses who gift their handiwork to humans, but at the same time deadly, being able to thinly slice and weave an entire person as if they were wool.
SPECULATION: Their origin is quite interesting. I think that there may be a tie between them and the matriachal goddess Laumė (shown below), who, after having a child with a human man, was "banished" to Earth by the new patriarchal gods but this is JUST my opinion that is not based off of any source and moreso speculative connections between Laumė and laumės
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Laumės are associated with mistletoe and similar parasitic plants seen on birch trees, from which they like to swing. Some sources claim that the so-called “laumė broom” can banish laumiukai from a home when they're beaten with it. Their ties with bodies of water, by which they dance and summon rain and new moon are also apparent, as well as their specific fear of flax. Though beings with many variations, they are the most famous characters in Lithuanian folklore along with aitvarai.
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viivdle · 8 months
The Joker And The Queen (Jurdan's Version)
"How was I to know? / It's a crazy thing" fits incredibly well for them. on one side, we have jude - all she knows is cardan hating her. he insulted her, kicked dirt in her food, almost killed (!!) her, how was she to know he loved her?? or tolerated her at all?? on the other side, there's cardan - for me, these lyrics represent how low he thinks of himself. his own family didn't love him, so why would anyone else do it voluntarily? with the two of them, it's anything but - though it still counts to him.  
"I showed you my hand / And you still let me win" they both showed their weaknesses during the series - behind the dais in TWK, jude's constant mortality, cardan's confession in TCP,.. there's more of these moments than one might guess. 
"And who was I to say / That this was meant to be?" it would've been fatal for jude to say it. she herself would've thought she'd gone mad. a mortal and a fae prince? yes, right. and cardan for, again, thinking nobody would want what was left of his heart. 
"The road that was broken / Brought us together" is there anything more jurdan?? there road was not just a bit broken, it was DESTROYED. betrayal, lies, deceiving, murder. come on.  
"When I fold, you see the best in me" for jude, folding represents her mortality, her weakness even when she is stronger than most. she can't escape it, no matter what. cardan on the other hand told her he always thinks about her, which was one of the first big steps to their end. he also involuntarily showed his cards when jude saw balekin and him in his room.  
"I've been played before" ironic considering most times they played each other.  
"So I kept my cards close to my foolproof vest" cardan hid his attraction to her with utter hatred, it was truly foolproof - at least it worked on jude.  
"And then you went all in / And we left together" to me, this screams the serpent scene in TQoN. she had to risk everything, but in the end they came out of it together. 
"And I know you think that what makes a king is gold / A palace and diamond rings" cardan knew next to nothing about ruling when he was put on the throne, but it's not the first thing that comes to mind. i can imagine jude telling cardan that when he has doubts, telling him that despite what he thinks, there's more to being a king than gold (i could get into the silver to gold pipeline but i promise i won't)  
"When I folded, you saw the best in me" cardan admires her mortal beauty like no other, he saw the best of her, the parts she despised most in her situation, when she decided to take that leap of faith. even when cardan was a serpent, she saw her husband, not just a monster. even when cardan was a serpent, he saw his wife, not just a target. 
"The Joker And The Queen" 
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bluestrawberrybunny · 4 months
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Sorry Mik I gave up on shading
Ahh. Poor Mr. Puzzles. Didn’t realize the guy he was talking down to was actually an Eldritch horror half from space half from Earth.
Time to explain Theo I guess /hj
Theo Henry was born to Jackson Henry and his wife Kristine Henry alongside his twin sister Alice. Sadly, Kristine didn’t survive childbirth, making Jackson a widower and to care for twin infants alone. Until he met an alien named Nightmare, who was an awol Shadow Eater soldier who couldn’t kill the Sonic Universian princess, so he took her and ran in order to keep her safe. The two bond and eventually fall in love and get married. They also adopt two other kids that they found abandoned.
However, Theo became sick and was given about a month or so to live. So, Nightmare gave him a blood transfusion due to Shadow Eaters not following the same biological rules as humans. This was basically a Hail Mary. Thankfully, it worked. But Theo began to change.
The kid didn’t look human anymore. His eyes turned from a reddish-brown like his mother’s to a light blue, his skin became black and slimy, his face began to shrink and almost melt off, and what could only be described as shadows began emanating from him. He wasn’t in any pain though. The child actually had no idea it was happening to him until one of his dads pointed it out.
So, using magic, Nightmare created an amulet that would keep the boy human as long as he wore it. So he has lived a semi-normal life with his four siblings, although he accidentally got involved with a mystery of a cult in the woods as well as some Fae that have been trapped as humans and want to be free. But that’s fine.
But then he and his friends discover the underground… codenamed Pandora, btw.
When investigating the Underground, Theo was captured by Ace Rook, Timothy’s dad, and was subjected to experimentation as well, which allows him to use his powers while wearing the amulet. He was able to escape and took Timothy with him, since they met in that lab and are also connected due to the experiments so that if say Timothy gets stabbed in the arm, Theo gets an identical wound and pain and vise versa.
Don’t want to explain too much because this is an original project I am working on and hoping to have published at some point in the future. :)
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theinsanecrayonbox · 2 months
FOP: A New wish e31-36
short bought here huh? that's what we get for a finale i guess. it's so weird having a whole season air in LESS THAN 2 YEARS. ahem, sorry about that ^^; lets get this party started (during a tornado watch!)...and finished a day later because i lost power with LITTERALLY 3 min left of the last episode
Episode 31: Hazel Wells and the Multiverse of Jenkins
is the title a reference? i mean aside from multiverse shenanigans, because holy wow multiverse shenanigans??? i am excite! can i get a cameo?? (please note; this is a joke, i don't seriously think i'm cool enough to be on the creative team's radar*)
wait title cardTHAT is Jenkins?? the beanpole kid with the glasses?? i remember him from the zombie episode
haha Dev's causing trouble because he can, i'm betting Jenkins doesn't have a crush on Hazel at all...and maybe Dev told him the inverse so that's why he's gonna be after her
oh Father Time, because a do-over...like Deja-Vu...eh they're keeping consistent within itself, so i can't complain *glares at s9* hehe the clock poof said "wibbly wobbly"
so many time loops. Hazel is such a disaster girl lol. but those who don't eat the cereal, even the mystical, are affected by the loop, very interesting.
we keep mentioning the daylights savings (which is back an hour, so it's fall season??? what time is it????) at the start of each loop, so i'm sure that'll be a big deal
aww sweet in one loop the hijab girl gets a crush on Hazel
her middle name is Antoinette?
heh everything in the hallway was a metaphor for Hazel's problems. but she learns her lesson with minimal magic. and ha i called it, Dev made it up to annoy her.
so...it wasn't really a multiverse thing, more a time loop.
ah, well, still a good cute short story. we need fun light and easy too. good job.
Episode 32: Growing Pains
synopsis sounds like a standard aging up plot. lets do it
hi big brother. and yay Hazel's love of horror movies returns!
hey a canon teen Hazel, that saves me time. but lol "your neck is longer" way to call out the stylization lol
hey is that Dinkleberg as the theater cashier???? also Chinfinity War poster
but teenager shenanigans montage. ok cool. more punk goth girls, this time it's Hazel. huh
pasta puberty? o...kay...it's fairy puberty...o....kay...you guys never put any other godkid who wished up their ages through this
heh pads. this show is great
and her pasta pits are working like octo-legs. why does FOP have so many Spiderman connections/themes/allusions???
dawwww such a sweet comforting, realistic talk with her parent
and a gross button to end on. eh, not so bad.
this was another fun light episode. again, minimal magic to fix it, main character learns a growing up life lesson. good stuff.
Episode 33: Fairy for a Day
synopsis sounds like the episode where Tim wishes to be Cosmo and Wanda's fairy godparent who's title i can't seem to find right now...
old Jorgen design!! and Fairy Con??? but Cosmo Con said it was held every millennium...or was that only because of how long Binky was spinning?
i would want that shirt, not gonna lie
ah she's not being an actual fairy, she's cosplaying to sneak into a con. mkay
wow, we're actually bringing up magical backup...and death memorials...what are you show? (that third one isn't me right O.o no...that doesn't look like how i've ever drawn me, but the 8s....)
Hazel don't you know never to sign contracts with the fae?? now she's a real fairy...with starry glitter hair...huh *makes superverse notes* and kids can't wish to be fairies? uh yeah they have; is that another rule Tim had made?
Anti-Hazel???? cool! why she has a backwards name though, that was unique to Peri and Irep...but i guess since they were the first *new* fairies in a bazillion years, maybe the backwards names is what the newer gen of anti-fairies is doing.
i don't have much commentary on the magic battle to get the paper back, it's pretty ok. and everything is fixed and reset to one by the end. it's a fun magical romp, good one.
Episode 34: Stuck in my Head
synopsis sounds almost like parts of Imaginary Gary???
oh Hazel, it is just a silly internet quiz, don't sweat it ^^;
ok he inner mind is a museum. both works to info dump which is eth goal, but also since she's such a bookworm and organized, it also fits-
SHE WANTS TO CREATE A COMICBOOK SERIES????? and she writes poetry? Hazel, baby girl, i love you sweet child
why was Vizolia (sp?) here?
can't wish away Hazel's mindworm huh? can't remove her negativity huh? despite...having done that before with Tim in Emotion Commotion (not that it ended well sure, but still), or Vicky Looses Her Icky, or even earlier this season with Jasmine's fears in Fearless (though i guess it just manifested the fears she still had them)
but hey, defeating it with the power of positive thinking as taught by her mom, that's a good lesson to teach. good story.
Episode 35: Mind the Gap
oh boy Tooth returns. how's her design going to be wildly different like most of returning characters...
hey follow up on Patty Possum...well sort of, we got distracted lol
oh look, Tooth has no design change. weird since we changed everyone else that's reappeared
talking teeth...ok...who speak in teeth puns
haha the line! "How'd you do X-thing? "Uh...internet?" lol i love it, 10/10 A+
ah i think i see where this is going, Toothica, being an artificial tooth is just totally fake in all her actions/words
that joke wasn't funny...especially with the pause for laughter part...maybe that was the joke?
the logistics on how a tooth sets a mouth up as a rave and invite other teeth is...dumb to unravel. so let's just marvel that the colosseum setup in Fairy World still exists
of course the bad guy outs themself and the day is saved and we reset to one. it was an ok episode.
Episode 36: The Battle of Big Wand
a double (30 min) length episode for a finale huh? and the title does sound fitting for such an event. 1 millionth wish huh/ sounds almost like something muffin worthy....which yeah, why are there so many ways to get a rule free wish when they are so no-no?? (it's almost like fae rules make no sense lol)
heh they're padding her wish count to get her to hit the goal
new math thinking meme screencap please
heh 39-40 times, because it's episode 36
oooo evil-fied Fairy World looks cool
wait, did Dev take everything over OFF SCREEN?? please tell me they'll show us how as the ep progresses via flashback, because that's some really big development to do OFF SCREEN (*grumbles about Marvel*)
ok we are getting a montage explanation...sort of. i feel like Dev taking over ad teaming up with Irep could've been an episode in itself.
Dev misnamed Wanda Pam. funny...and kinda close to Pan, which i named Blonda "Panda" after Cosmo's datebook misnaming Wanda that in Dog's Day Out...hm....
oh he's evil gloating to the world. welp, you just revealed Fairies and magic to the world at large (heh Crocker cameo, also AJ), so if he wasn't in control of the Big Wand i'm sure he'd be loosing Peri and mind wiping right about now. Dev why you slide back so hard into antagonist? you were doing so well! another episode would've helped flesh that slide, just saying
hey Patty and not-Timmy too
heh Dale just praising Dev because he's the new overlord
oh we brought up magical backup because Peri is dying. wow
Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda!
Pet Cemetery joke??? O.o Show! i love you so much
pffft thank you! everyone DID notice the magical stuff and just didn't bother pointing it out. but they did think it was weird.
gotta make some calls for backup at the commercial break huh? you gonna call in the previous wishes? or are we gonna get Timmy...
oh back to the evil lair, guess we'll find out when they attack
see Dev isn't evil and wanted world domination, he just wanted to be noticed and validated, like always. Dale wanting world domination follows
ah yeah she called in all the wishes
Anti-Fairies should love broccoli, why is that a bad thing?
dawww Peri telling Dev he loves him, Dev gives the key. he is really a good kid, just like i've been saying he doesn't know what he wants so he can't be pleased. and Cosmo even said it! dawwww
magical backup was never that fast acting before...is it sped up because the Big Wand is off so there's no syphoning to help mitigate?
so...was restoring Fairy World her rule-free wish? since it was the next wish granted?
dawwww Dev willing to take responsibility and punishment. but he is mind wiped
oh no it wasn't the next wish was auto rule-free, you have to state you're using it. and it's to let her friends remember magic...huh, that could be an interesting dynamic for a s2, the only time we've had others remember magic were when they were antagonists (Remy) or co-protagonist (Chloe). plus, with Dev mind wiped, the chance for that to get undone is also looming. so we got plot threads we can follow up on
and yes Peri, a fart joke...i do hope for a s2 too because this series was actually very fun!
i think towards the start i said this was sort of a do-over for what they tried for Chloe, and to a degree...yeah still is. you can see the shared elements, but by removing Hazel from Timmy, it made it work so much better. as i say, i actually loved Chloe but she was a huge well of missed potential, and Hazel seems to have learned from that and made it work.
i am quite ok with New Wish being the prime timeline continuation, and i hope it continues to thrive...for at least another season (we don't wanna ram it into the ground repeatedly like we did the original series after all)
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