#i would have probably done the same tbh to see ezra again
can we just talk about the fact that ezra literally sacrificed everything to yeet thrawn out of their own galaxy to help liberate his home world (which worked) but meant he would be stuck on some planet alone + his lil hermit rebel friends :’) in a some other galaxy not even knowing whether his planned worked or not and if his friends were okay and now sabine finding him is literally the reason why thrawn is coming out of exile and back to their galaxy
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soulsxng · 7 months
If my oc's were misinterpreted by fanon, pt 2:
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Sweet sunshine baby that can literally do nothing wrong ever. They'd completely glaze over the whole addictive personality thing, or only make it a thing if it only gave him cute, palatable little quirks that are going to have absolutely no effect on his health and wellbeing.
Would probably be portrayed as a pillow princess.
I can also see people portraying him as a crybaby, just because he's always been pretty open about his feelings. And that apparently translates to being an overly emotional crybaby to a lot of people?
His curse is another thing that would be severely downplayed, or used for kink fuel. Or it would be just be forgotten about entirely, because it doesn't fit the sunshine baby mold.
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Stuff about Jassie would be pretty mixed, I think-- mostly because of his relationship with JJ. There'd be a lot of people that paint him as an unfortunate single father that has never done anything wrong when raising JJ...and then there's be the opposite, where people say that Jas is/has always been abusive toward JJ, and is a terrible person because of it.
Him being a recovering alcoholic would probably be mostly ignored or erased.
Less sarcastic, more asshole. But people say it's fine because "It's hot" when he's mean.
I don't even think I would be capable of listing all the ways people would screw with his marriage to Kalliah. Or even his friendship/familial thing with Nel. Probably a lot of erasure, or a lot of people complaining the the girls are "in the way" of whatever other ships they wanna push. Would probably also say that his relationship with Kalliah was toxic or abusive in one way or another.
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This one is tough. I can see him being a character that the fandom really loves, but gets him all wrong at the same time. Painting him to be this completely selfless, "gives anyone a chance", bordering on naive at times type of person is one way I could see it going.
Sort of "happy-go-lucky" protagonist syndrome type of thing. Completely undaunted and able to accomplish anything he sets his mind to easily.
Would completely ignore the fact that a lot of the things he does/has done is because he feels like he doesn't know who he is. Yes, there's the whole wanting to protect his loved ones thing, but beyond that, he feels like he's always lived in a way that other people have needed or wanted or expected him to, and wants to figure out where he wants to be. That would all be tossed aside for the most part for the false confidence that he usually tries to show, instead.
Possible Mimi erasure, because again, "he gets in the way of shipping" Unforgivable tbh.
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He'd either get the "He's so misunderstood!" treatment, or the "He's absolutely psychotic and bloodthirsty all the time" treatment. A lot of his curiosity, and the sheer amount of knowledge and wisdom that he has would probably be thrown by the wayside.
Never Without Joseph (@sansloii). And if he ever is apart from his beloved husband, he's a complete wreck the whole time, unable to function in any way that matters. They're one and the same, don't you know? They never have conflicting opinions and beliefs, or disagreements, or anything like that.
I feel like a lot of people would ignore his paternal side, too. Or if they didn't, it probably wouldn't be to say anything good about it. I can already hear people saying that the reason Ber's the way he is, is because Lera neglected or abused him in some way, or that he was just a bad parent in general.
...Another one that I'm not sure why, but I just get the feeling that there would be at least one group that would try to paint him as being unfaithful to Joey at some point.
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There would be one group that plays up his drug addiction and makes him seem like a wild, out of control playboy that's constantly chasing his next bed partner or his next hit.
There would be an opposing group that downplays his addiction to the point where it is, or is almost completely non-existent. Because it's not "pretty". Because Mei could also be painted into the "Princely" type of person, the addiction wouldn't really fit nicely with that image.
Alternatively, his whole character centers around his mommy and daddy issues, and it ends up woobifying him a lot. Gives him a more "damsel in distress", or "Needs someone else to fix him" sort of vibe, almost
On top of any of those tropes would also be the dumb blonde trope. He's got no thoughts in that pretty head of his at all, whatsoever. Who knows how he manages to run an entire kingdom of Hell like that. His family probably does it for him, or he got lucky when hiring workers.
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fulokis · 1 year
Honest ahsoka thoughts warning it’s long and ranty and I may be using it as an excuse to not express some of the feelings that I have in personal life right not
I’m gonna be honest I never thought I would hate ahsoka as a character, like she was my favorite for the longest time. And yeah that started to change in high school because I related more to Ezra and Sabine while watching rebels as it came out and that makes sense because I was the same age. But she was still a cool character that I liked. But I can’t fucking stand her after rebels, even in the last season of rebels she’s iffy for me. And like yes I’m watching ahsoka but at this point it’s not for ahsoka it’s because I’m nostalgic for rebels (and imma be honest the actors they chose for Sabine and hera are not my favorite) and I’m a huge Thrawn fan. But like I’m terrified they’re gonna fuck up thrawns character more than they did in rebels (honestly heir to the empire with canon Thrawn seems not like something that would happen unless he was playing an angle like he was going to the empire in the first place (my opinion clearly most people aren’t necessarily going to agree with me.) ) at the very least they have Lars playing Thrawn which gives me a little hope it won’t be totally off the mark. But also a lot of the dialogue just isn’t well written, like I know the actors are just given it but it seems a lot like most of them just kinda stuck to the script and didn’t play around with it to make it work. (I say this having only been in a few productions in highschool but like we would play around with stuff and to me this feels like they’re at a table read) which honestly is a shame because the music? the loth cat? The droids? A good portions of the effects? Are all really well done to me and it hurts because this could be such a beautiful production but it’s falling short because the writing and the actors aren’t my favorite
And don’t get me wrong I am enjoying bits and pieces but if I truly enjoy a piece of media I will go back to it and re experience it again. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve rewatched the clone wars, rebels, the prequels, rouge one. Or replayed swtor and Kotor and the battlefront campaign. I know I’ve read the Thrawn 2017 series at least three times in full and the separate books at different points. I’ve read the ascendency trilogy twice as well. Death troopers I’ve read three times at least, same with annihilation (which tbh is absolute crap but the point is it’s entertaining and I enjoyed it)
And that’s the thing I love Star Wars, Star Wars genuinely probably saved my life because I had something to look forward to despite my mental health being dogshit. And I can recognize that not all Star Wars is for me. And yeah it makes me sad especially when it involves characters that I love. Like the Revan book couldn’t read that shit, a new dawn I can’t ever get past the first 90 pages (yes this kills me and I don’t know why I can’t) and I think that’s what makes me upset the most is that as much as I loved ahsoka as a character it has been ruined for me, and I’m not sure I’ll ever enjoy her as a character ever again. Cause the thing with the other two is Revan is different for everyone and that’s because BioWare let you choose who you wanted to play as back in 2003. With a new dawn I don’t know why but it isn’t vastly different than the characters I love, it’s still them and I know it’s still very much them even if I personally can’t get through it. But with ahsoka its hard to explain but I can’t stand her since after rebels and it hurts.
And I understand characters develop as they grow, but I don’t see how she made the jump from being rebels season two ahsoka to this ahsoka we have now. There’s such a disconnect to me, I don’t know how to word it other than she seems like such a bitch now and there’s nothing to me that would have made her develop that way. Yeah there’s a war and trauma and shit but that doesn’t connect to the way she’s bitchy. Like sure I can see how some of it could be a trauma response. But not all of it, like geuinely I don’t understand how she would just not wish to tell Sabine about the potential to find Ezra at all. Like I’m sorry your dealing with your personal issues cause it sounds like y’all got into a fight but you honestly expect me to believe a character who typically was mediating between people so much when she was a fucking teen that she’s going to be some bitch who holds grudges and refuses to solve her own goddamn issues? Like I’m sorry but that seems like some backward character development and as far as we know there’s been no major developments whatsoever.
Also can I just say the choice to make Sabine her padawan is fucking weird. Like they never interacted much, if they wanted to pull that they should’ve left kanan alive and had him do it.
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tintinwrites · 4 years
Telling Pedro Characters ‘I Love You’ During Sex but it’s Accurate (I’m kidding) and I’m an Asshole to the Characters
Again, I love Pedro and all the fics you guys write, this is for fun!
Agent Whiskey
you enjoy your eight month anniversary at Denny’s, romantically eating from the same Grand Slam meal
yes he takes you there in his car like your first date but
“I ain’t done with you yet, sugar dumplin’.”
y’all go back to your place for another two minutes of sexy fun
halfway through is when he actually does a pretty good thrust and you say it: “I love you, Whiskey.”
“Oh, baby doll, I love you like a hog loves the sound of a red-headed woodpecker as it square dances in a patch of mud.”
6/10 for being in love with even if the sex is mediocre
Dave York
please don’t say it
pLeAsE dO NoT tElL dAvE yOrK tHaT yOu LoVe HiM!!!!!!!
anyway he kills you
-408/10 for being in love with and I don’t have to explain why
Din Djarin
he’s been alone for a long time
there is something so easy about falling in love with this intimidating, yet gentle and patient man if you’re with him
and, hell, maybe it’s only sex because you’re both lonely and you don’t know if he’d ever want more but
“Mando...Mando, I love you.”
the man doesn’t take his helmet off to fuck you and you’re still in love with him like a pining little fool
he doesn’t say anything, but he is more protective of you and more considerate with you and maybe he...
4/10 for being in love with bc the boy is a little awkward but I think he might love you too
I am not sure how you get a word in edgewise with this man and the sonnets he recites when he’s fucking you
“Oh would that I could cut these ties that bind me. Out, damned spot! Out, I say!”
who says that when they come i would like to know please
he makes you cum pretty good tho so yes you’re gonna tell this man who is your fuck buddy? fuck acquaintance? that you love him as he rocks into you
he doesn’t even pause
“If I could love thee any more impenetrably, I think mine heart would climb out of one of my many orifices to allow your full claim upon it.”
does that mean he loves you i dont really know
4/10 for being in love with bc he’s just so confusing let’s not pretend any of us are smart enough to put up with him
Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales
you’ve been dating him for a few months when you realize the squeezing in you that you notice whenever you see him means something else
the puppy dog eyes that follow his every move is pointed out by Pope any time he’s hanging out with the two of you
it’s not until he’s asked you to stay the night and he’s slowly rutting into you that the words tell themselves
“I love you, Frankie.”
he pauses and he lets out this charmed little laugh
“Love you too, baby.”
honestly the best sex you’ve ever enjoyed with him
10/10 for being in love with bc he loves you very much too :)
Javier Peña
oh sweetie you knew he was going to break your heart when sex became a casual thing between the two of you rather than a one night stand
Javi is grumpy and he is sad but there are times when he is too sweet and funny not to fall in love with
not to mention that he knows your body like his own and he’s the best sex partner you’ve ever been with
you don’t mean to say it you want want to say it don’t say it dont say it “I love you, Javi.”
he stops, then he keeps fucking you like you didn’t say anything to him
he immediately rolls off you and smokes a cigarette without really acknowledging you
“This was a lot of fun.” he says like you’re some random person he barely knows and you tell him to call you about lunch and he grunts and you cry
1/10 for being in love with bc maybe with some time he could be convinced but I’m not sure
Marcus Pike
it is not you who says I love you during sex
it’s Marcus
he smiles at you as you ride him and just says, “I love you.”
and you love him too because how could you not love this man
lots of kissing and giggling and ooh that orgasm tho
400/10 for being in love with bc he will offer you a life and a home and a family if you want DON’T LOOK AT ME
Maxwell Lord
was it his self-obsession about his looks that made you love him?
maybe the way he liked to slam you over furniture to pound into you?
you probably say it bc he pays attention to you and you don’t know what love actually is
he laughs so hard his thrusts into you from behind are jerked and rough
he thanks you for the laugh and keeps fucking you, letting out a little laugh every time he thinks about it
-4,443/10 for being in love with bc are you kidding me have you seen the man
Max Phillips
he’s really charismatic if not incredibly perverse which is why you fall for him
it’s also possible that he um compelled you
or maybe it’s bc he turned you haha who knows
“I love you, sir!”
he totally gets off on the idea of you being in love with him that he cums right there
and then he drinks from you so oh maybe he didn’t turn you!
he does not love you back tho lmao he just likes the power of someone loving him
0/10 for being in love with bc he’s arguably not bottom of the barrel here
Oberyn Martell
everybody loves Oberyn
you’re on top of him with him doing some fancy orgasmic move to your titties
“I love you” you say bc this man can make you orgasm by licking your fucking knee so
there is a chorus of “I LOVE YOU” from all the other people in the room
it’s not really special when he says it back bc you’re not sure if he LOVE loves you or if he’s saying a general “I love my harem of people”
but then he sucks on some part of you and it’s like whatever
you’re fine with whatever bc he he can also make you orgasm from licking your chin
4/10 for being in love with bc the sex is good and he doesn’t treat you cruelly
Pero Tovar
he’s typical of his time so im not gonna fault you for being in love with him
but he also fucks you so hard i am IMPRESSED that you sound intelligible
“I. Love. You.”
robots weren’t a thing so you don’t sound like a robot but if it was modern days yes you would sound like a robot
you’re probably married so he grunts it back
so sweet
probably turns into a breeding kink kind of thing tbh look at him
7/10 for being in love with okay he will make sure you are fed with a roof over your head along with your 12 children
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ClaryxMaiaxIzzy cam girl?
hmmmm interesting thought. again i don't really see maia and clary as camgirls, im not sure why (for clary it might be just that shes not my type tbh so whats the point. altho the one thought i have about it is @thesorrowoflizards's post about how clary wants everyone to believe she's a real redhead so i picture her like dyeing her pubes the same color lmao. sorry i put u in the same sentence as clary's pubes ezra babe love u) but... izzy would make a great camgirl 👌
i mean maia would too but eh i figure she has her job with bartending that she likes and i picture her being neutral towards camming ao like... no particular reason to pick that job u know? but anyway
im thinking established clizzy just because idk clary doesnt strike me as the kind of person who uses onlyfans or whatever and also like they have that whole soft thing where they dress each other going on so that's cute? or like not Dressing Each Other but izzy picking out lingerie to go with her strap for her next scene and clary helping her out when izzy does that whole casually sexy thing of holding her different bodices in front of the mirror and pouting and trying to see which one goes best
and clary is all like "you look good in anything" and izzy is all "thank you but 'anything' won't get me enough tips to take you to dinner this month". and just idk Tenderness with clary helping her get ready and then as she's about to begin filming clary leaves the room all like "blow them away baby" and izzy goes "oh they wish i'd blow them alright" which always makes clary laugh
then whenever izzy is done clary's like "hey babe how did it go?" and izzy is all proud of herself "i think we just upgraded to [fancier restaurant]" and they're both delighted
(this is so not what u were expecting when u sent this ask i know im sorry)
anyway! so i think maia and izzy would meet at some nerdy scientist shit (maybe they're working together?) and either maia was already a fan and she's like ohhnmyh godddddddddd conceal dob't feel don't be creepy she probably gets a lot of creeps be COOL be COOL don't let her know that you think she's the hottest girl in the business SHES EVEN HOTTER IN PERSON AAAAAAAA hiimmaia, OR she doesn't know immediately but finds out at some point (honestly i don't rhink izzy would hide it so maybe izzy herself mentions it in passing and then winks at maia and tells her to check it out cuz she's a flirt first and foremost) and goes to check it out while Experiencing Guilt™ because maybe she developed an instant crush on the super hot smart girl that's just as passionate as her about their project, sue her
and anyway she goes to check it out and THEN she panicks like oh my godd shes so hOT and i didn't know that i needed to see her stroking her strap and telling me that if i'm a good girl i'll get to be fucked but i really really DID need it
both have their merits i think
anyway maia and izzy become friends pretty quickly cuz like they DO have a lot in common especially in a mundane au. and i have half a mind to have her be disappointed that izzy's got a gf cuz she assumes monogamy but also like... she gets to meet clary and she's also kind of sweet and really fun with that whole fiery thing she's got going on and it's nice to see how passionate she is and goddamn it maia has a crush on a couple again
and anyway the disappointment drama doesn't last long cuz again izzy did flirt with her and she probably mentions that theyre polyamorous in like a second and probably throws in a pickup line for good measure and maia might be the Bi Trans Girl Who Panicks When Flirting With Girls™ but she's also a quick study and soon enough she's flirting back and hhhh
somehow this is still a slow burn tho cuz they kinda don't take that extra step and maia kind of considers that maybe izzy is the kind of person who flirts with everyone cuz i mean, it is part of her job to be a good flirt. and izzy flirts a lot but actually liking someone without a sexual arrangement coming first makes her be a little more hesitant cuz like... sex is kind of The Thing Izzy Is Good At in her own head, and she's used to starting off with that, you know?
plus they're coworkers at izzy's other job that really matters to her and actually involves having a boss to answer to so that might be a problem
idk how this gets resolved tbh maybe they have a really great breakthrough at some point and they basically solve it together and they're all hugs and delightfulness and maia just goes "go out with me" and izzy's got that whole doe eyes thing going on and she's all breathless like "i thought youd never ask" and hhhhh im a sappy soft BITCH
i forgot about clary aaaaaaaaa and i think maia getting with clary would take a little while longer cuz they don't see each other as much as maia and izzy do, but like... izzy is having dates with them both all the time cuz she works two jobs and wants to make the best out of her time, okay. and maia and clary get along and slowly go from metamours to lovers (underrated dynamic tbh) and yeah
and hh can i just say.... maia and izzy's first time would be so good and sweet. izzy's got that whole Soft Domme thing going on tbh so i just picture her like worshipping maia's cock, slowly fingering her and whispering that she's so beautiful, she's doing so well, she's such a good girl. and then fucking her really slowly and tenderly probably holding hands or some shit cuz she is that bitch and her hair falls a bit over her face when she looks down at maia all adoring and gives her a drawn out orgasm that has her completely sated and breathless and then izzy kisses her face all over and the cornera of her lips and smiles
and maia goes "god, this is so much better than watching the videos" and izzy is One Hundred Percent Delighted like "you did watch the videos!!" and asks her what her favorites were and maia is like "uhh" and she's all "what? we can recreate them ;)" and maia's bi ass just spills all her thoughts right then and there, and they get right down to it
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bug-pasta · 5 years
for the lgbt asks, honestly i would love if you answered all of them bc i love you but i really want to know 2 and 4. thabk. also im going to steal your ask prompt
alright well you just uno reverse card-ed me on this and i guess ill answer them all lmao. just for you elvira
also none of my answers are gonna be fun or interesting cause it takes too much effort to care about things right now
What do you identify as and what are your pronouns? okie so my pronouns are she/they and i honestly just identify as queer. i occasionally enjoy the label ‘lesbian’ (so basically girls are hot and SOME other people are hot but mostly just wow girls). also gender? nah. no identifying with anything (aka probably agender)
How did you discover your sexuality, tell your story? fuck dude idk girls are just Like That (also i fell in love with sam from icarly)
Have you experienced being misgendered? What happened and how did you overcome it? okay so yes actually! currently i wear pretty feminine clothes and dont usually mind being seen as a woman and all that shit but! i do still identify as nb. but also when i was younger people would often think i was a boy and use he/him pronouns for me which actually didnt bother me either! so idk, nothing bad
Who was the first person you told, how did they react? my sister!! she was just kinda like,, yeah that makes sense. and i never really ‘came out’ about my gender. i just started using she/they pronouns online and stuff. the only irl person ive told is my gf but again, i didnt even come out, i just told her which pronouns i preferred. 
Describe what it was like coming out, what did you feel? akjfbsd i was like,, 12 years old? and i was soo scared the first few times. but then i realised it wasnt a big deal (except a few less good situations idk)
If you’re out, how did your parents/guardians/friends react? my parents are super chill about it! they said some not great things at first because they didnt know better and they still arent the best about nb things but! theyre learning and i appreciate that
What is one question you hate people asking about your sexuality? idk uh i guess i dont like when people ask for a specific label
Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear. goth (its not that simple but eh)
Who are your favourite lgbt+ ships? see okay this is gonna take like 8 hours if i dont limit myself sO gallavich, ineffable husbands, snowbaz, reddie, johnlock, wolfstar, jenny/vastra, hannigram, natsby, boreo
What does makeup mean to you? Do you wear any? i dont usually wear makeup but i do enjoy some intense goth shit every once in a while. idk ive been in the goth community for so long, makeup isnt a specifically feminine thing here. 
Do you experience dysphoria? If so, how does that affect you? yeah,, not usually too bad though. makes me feel uncomfortable
What is the stupidest thing you’ve heard said about the lgbt+ community? gosh idk man
What’s your favourite thing about the lgbt+ community? uhh dude idk im out of answers. i like when people actually give a fuck about the history of the community and respect the people who’ve done everything
What’s your least favourite thing about the lgbt+ community? anyone that thinks maps belong here
Have you ever been to your cities pride event? Why or why not? yeah! its decent. gets a bit bigger each year, not bad for a small town. 
Who is your favourite lgbt+ Icon/Advocate/Celebrity? EZRA MILLER
Have you been in a relationship and how did you meet? yesyesyes im extrememly in love with my girlfriend. we met because she was in the same school as my sister. 
What is your favourite lgbt+ book? (im also gonna say carry on)
Have you ever faced discrimination? What happened? not really? i dont think so
Your Favorite lgbt+ movie or show? friCK maybe the imitation game or pride
Who are some of your favourite lgbt+ bloggers? theres bloggers??? @official-lucifers-child 💚💚💚
Which lgbt+ slur do you want to reclaim? idk i use queer alot
Have you ever gone to a gay bar, or a drag show, how was it? nope! im underage but i dont think i wanna go to one anyway
How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that mean to you? idk i usually just go with ‘no’
Are you interested in having children? Why or why not? no! i dont think ill want to have children anytime soon, if ever. and i will definitely not be getting pregnant. i could see myself adopting/fostering when im older but maybe not. im good with having a bunch of animals instead
What identity advice would you give your younger self? the words you use to describe yourself dont have to actually matter that much
What do you think of gender roles in relationships? i mean i cant really say they’re bad if it works for some people? but i think they mostly pretty shitty tbh
Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender? What is something you wish people know about being lgbt+? i,, have nothing left to say
Why are proud to be lgbt+? fuckin,, it can be hard you know. people have dealt with so much shit to get here and even now, theres horrible shit that happens. idk
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narkinafive · 5 years
this one’s a doozy
(i feel like i should have done sth like this for the prequels/the clone wars but oh well. i'll get around to it eventually! maybe! gotta do something while waiting for ix right lol)
oh, rebels. rebels rebels rebels. i know it's probably unbelievable, but i was so gutted by the clone wars cancellation that i really Did Not Like rebels at. it took... idk about two years for me to give it a real chance (and i was still deep in a previous fandom hole, so i didn't really get into it until like. the start of s4) (if you can guess what fandom it was you get a cookie) i am so glad i tried it again.
of course, ezra bridger is, was, will always be my favorite boy. i really did not expect him to waltz away with my heart! anakin has always been my favorite (and he still is, tbh), bc that kind of character and that kind of arc is so on brand for me, like. i LOVE my dark tragic messiah demigods, i really really do!!! but then this doofy dumbass kid with big blue eyes and a big blue heart and his many cat friends just punched me in the gut!
it's been a year and i've had time to digest the whole package. let me preface by saying that rebels is absolutely 100% perfect and my favorite piece of expanded sw media by a LONG mile. NOW. that doesn't mean that there weren't things i didn't like (going under a cut!)
many times, it tried too hard to tie into the greater saga - bringing in palpatine, the wbw, all the saga cameo characters, like... some of them worked better than others. the r2d2 and c3po cameos were the worst, w obi wan coming in at a close second. the best saga character cameo was definitely mon mothma (and bail). i really liked leia's episode, but. idk. it still felt a little shoehorn-y
i wish ezra's descent into the dark side had been more ... present? he gets some great, great moments. but it's kind of sudden (i've touched on this before so i won't keep going)
someone else has brought this up (and i ................. do not remember who sdfkjlsdfjlk) but pushing aside the Great Rivalry of thrawn and hera for the force stuff is... idk. that's a whole other thing
now i love the force shit. like i LOVE it. but i think rebels might have been stronger if it focused less on force shit and more on the early war effort, in the same vein as rogue one. i know it'd be more difficult to fill out four seasons rather than one movie, but as it got into s4 and closer and closer to episode iv... idk, put the force shit at the beginning of the season? idk. i really love how they did it, but... idk! it's complicated
oh, and speaking of complicated - maul. i love what they did with him, i love this sad garbage pile and watching him recreate his trauma onto others as a way of dealing with it... but i think it was a weird choice. maul is so... idk, grimdark? for such a lovely sweet show
kallus going to lira san better be bc he's being tried for war crimes lmao
sabine staying on lothal is... a choice. not one i hate. but i still don't quite understand it
and my biggest gripe, ironically one of my favorite parts of the show: ahsoka lives.
dont' get me wrong; i was so happy that ahsoka lived, i nearly threw my computer across the room when ezra yoinked her into the spacetime continuum. i am a diehard ahsoka fan and i will fight somebody to defend her honor. THAT SAID. the narrative of ahsoka going down at the hands of her former master? as he desperately tries to erase every part of his former identity? the great commander tano, clone wars veteran, an early casualty of the rebel alliance? it's so good. it's SO good. having her story end there would have been just some phenomenal shit. just superbly poetic. i'm glad she's alive! and the emotional impact is still the same, even with her coming back, but my god.
now. the things i love.
the character arcs. all of them. ezra bridger, war orphan, street thief, cast out by his people, finding he is stronger than he ever thought could be possible, giving his life for his people because he forgives them, and because it's the right thing to do. kanan jarrus, jedi knight, reclaiming his heritage and his jedi legacy (and yes, watching him die still hurt just as much as the first time aroundd) (and also, thanks to @aspiringwarriorlibrarian and @greatlakesrebel for pointing out many many many things, but first and foremost tonight, that dume the wolf was of course voiced by fpj) (i’m slow ok shut up). hera syndulla, who unfortunately had to learn the hard way how to balance love and war so she didn't become her father, pushing away everyone she loved for the greater cause. zeb orrelios, finding his people, learning he's not the last of his kind, leading the refugees to their ancestral home. sabine wren, forgiving herself and freeing her planet from oppression. and not just the hero arcs - the villain arcs, too!!!! darth maul's single minded obsession that kept him alive for 30 years ending in a 3-hit fight on a backwater planet because he just couldn't sustain that hate for so long. all of thrawn's cleverness couldn't predict the force. i don't have an issue with a single one of these!
THE FORCE (TM)!!!! there is so much delicious crunchy force nonsense, i could DROWN in it
among my many, many issues w the old EU, one of them was demystifying the force, quantifying and trying to label it too much. some things were quantified bc they needed to be (the holocrons, the sith code, etc) but most of it was kept as vague and nebulous as possible, which is GOOD. when it comes to mystical magic, less explanation is mostly always more
i love that we don't have clear cut answers for the loth wolves and the lothal temple, i could ponder that shit for WEEKS and never get bored
it does feel like a mostly self contained story. "been there made history" can get overused very easily (see: hbo rome) but rebels used it just enough to fit it into the larger saga
having rex survive both the clone wars AND the galactic civil war??? fuck yeah
kanan and ezra. kanan and ezra. there is so much i could say about kanan and ezra. it's everything to me. war vet finds plucky young orphan and adopts him? sign me tf up!! their relationship as it grows from mentor/mentee to peers is really really well done
and speaking of growth, ezra and sabine going from obvious romantic interest to battle forged siblings is not something that i was expecting but is definitely one of the best parts of the show
kevin has some really incredible tracks in this show: top of the list is 100% kanan's end credits, followed closely by it's over now. wow
and speaking of, the entirety of the last ten minutes of twilight of the apprentice deserves its own bullet. that shit is right up there with vader v luke round 2
the planet designs, mostly malachor and lothal, but when hera and sabine launch the dome, and the lothal sky suddenly turns to blue as the pollution is leeched out and destroyed... that shit is breathtaking
and so much more. like so much
this show holds such a special place in my heart :") now if only dave could bring back my son... like. PLEASE 
see you all in rogue one!
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a-lbeit · 6 years
2018: a year in review
rang in the new year with really good people actually watching the ball drop for the first time in a few years. it always makes me sad in a happy way.
had my friend (from california) i met while studying in berlin come to visit!!! but there was a giant (relatively speaking) snowstorm that came through, so we had to rearrange a couple things we had planned on doing. but most things worked out, especially since i didn’t have to go to work for like 5 days lmfao. we did a ghost tour, went to a few historical sites, and even drove to savannah for a day.
went to waffle house with a few people the night before i left for my last semester at american university and....tbh....started feeling some things about someone again (but it’s gone away lmao)
returned to dc for the last time for a while
actually started booking things for the best goddamn spring break -- a trip to western south dakota to visit badlands national park and everything around it
saw the devil makes three
started an internship with rock creek park, my own door into the nps
went to the bars on u street for the first time for my friend’s birthday. almost got projectile vomited on during the pregame lmfaooooo
saw arlo guthrie
got moviepass at the height of it. i saw many films with it, some of my favorites being lean on pete, three billboards outside ebbing, missouri, and bad times at the el royale. however, the company obviously went downhill. i was all right with only being able to see 3 movies a month, because for 10 bucks, that’s still not bad. but then showtimes started disappearing and i finally gave up hope. it was nice while it lasted. 
took my german midterm and skrrted right out of dc to embark on one of the greatest journeys of my life. i’d had this spring break in mind for a year and a half, and i feel so grateful that i could actually accomplish virtually everything i had dreamed of:
drove to dayton, ohio, then waterloo, iowa, then wall, south dakota, my final destination. along the way, i saw a zoo that was my window to a west i had only ever heard about, a statue of abraham lincoln right next to the mississippi, the world’s largest truck stop, a hobo memorial, an intricate and delicate and intriguing grotto, a tri-state marker, a corn palace, the goddamn missouri river, and all the farmland and life that make up the heartland of the united states. i was mesmerized and i had barely started.
reached my motel in the evening with a backdrop of the sunset over the badlands, got nervous by a group of men wearing camo and carrying what seemed to be hunting or fishing gear, went to dairy queen, and came back to a once-again empty motel parking lot. i felt better.
spent the next day in the national park. it was the off season, so the entrance i went through was unmanned. i saw countless sheep and prairie dogs, sometimes within a few feet of me, and admired the bright, layered colors in the rock. i played springsteen’s “badlands” with nobody in sight, miles of land in every direction that seemed both right there and unreachable at the same time. the visitor’s center had information and nice people. the cliff shelf trail was a small introduction to my hiking in the park. the notch trail was fun and gave me a bruise and let me see the badlands as they are meant to be seen -- you get to climb a ladder and get into the formations. there is an astonishing view, but if you go a bit further than most people do, it’s even more incredible. i lay down backwards and looked at everything upside down. i drove back the way i came and stopped to admire the sunset over the jagged and far-off edges. it was still the beginning.
(got an email saying i was accepted into the disney college program lmfao)
with the next day came a further destination. in belle fourche, sd, there is the true geographical center of the us. you go down a gravel road for around 8 miles. it’s scary when the fog doesn’t let you see more than 200 feet in front of you and the farms on either side of you are encased in snow. but the mysticism surrounding the decor -- a homemade cross, a simple “the true center of the nation” declaration, and various hiking boots stuck in the fence -- especially when you seem to be the only person for miles, is surreal. i left there and finally found my way out of the fog and went on into wyoming to see devils tower. the sky was a piercing blue and i was blinded by the light, but snow is always on the ground that time of the year, i guess, and i hiked knee-deep through 2 miles of it. i dropped to my knees in happiness like a weakling when i saw my car again, but i felt like cheryl strayed. people feed the prairie dogs so much there that they come right up to you. the squeaks were unending and cute. i drove the 2 or 2.5 hours back, mostly in the dark, my feet water-logged but my heart full.
i drove to mount rushmore the next day. it’s strange always knowing of something and finally seeing it in person. i love the sculpture and i don’t know how people are able to do things like that. i wish i could have hiked closer to it, but the trails were still closed for winter. then, through the black hills i continued, coming up to the crazy horse memorial and reluctantly paying the admission fee, although i know it helps their progress. i know i probably won’t be alive when (and if) it’s completed, but it’s nice to see at least part of it. i wish i could go up to it. maybe one day. wind cave national park came after, and i saw bison munching on grass 10 feet away from me. i wish i could have gone into the cave. maybe one day. i walked along the grassland without a jacket on. i couldn’t believe it. i left and took the backroads to return to mount rushmore to see it at night. it was scary, especially navigating the never-ending curves in the black of the unpopulated areas, but coming closer to the monument, i passed through one-car tunnels that framed the sculpture perfectly. 
the next day was my second time around at the badlands. i hiked half of the castle trail and climbed some of the formations, able to admire all i could see from a throne made of crumbly rock. there was fog in the morning which lifted to another sunny day. there were cacti and deer and even phone lines. the shadows in the creases of the hills kill me with their nonchalant elegance. i went back to my motel and came back into the park at night. i had never seen so many stars, although it was so goddamn frightening being in a parking lot unable to see 5 feet in front of me that i left after a few minutes.
my last day, i was supposed to go to jewel cave national monument, but it snowed and caused some of the roads to close. instead, i walked through the storm to wall drug store and meandered around the kitschiness. i want to bring people there to show them how incredible it is. 
i drove back to washington over the next 3 days, stopping at the now snow-covered badlands for one last look, the green giant in minnesota, effigy mounds national monument, dubuque, and everywhere in between along the way.
native american history around all of the places i have mentioned is rich and cannot be underestimated. i didn’t talk about it, but these places are of course sacred to the tribes of the region and it is paramount to respect that. i think the nps tries to educate, but it could do more.
i went about 4,200 miles on that trip. i miss the days of driving with my playlist that took months to create. 
i came back to washington and didn’t really talk about my journey except for a mention of it when discussing what we had done over spring break in german class. i love to recount this 10 day period, but i don’t do so very much because i feel inarticulate and i don’t want to minimize the effect it has had on me. 
saw langhorne slim, don mclean, and george ezra (on 3 separate occasions)
was a part of park rx day with rock creek park
saw old crow medicine show (which has become a yearly tradition i guess lmfao)
went to the graduation happy hour for the library circulation desk. that night was something i’ll never forget. i miss that place so much.
the next day, drove to clemson to see melissa graduate! what a time in our lives. then promptly drove back to dc for my own graduation
but the night before my ceremony, i saw david byrne. it was wild but not as great as i had hoped, mostly because i couldn’t see too well.
graduated from american university, but continued to be on its campus a few days a week until mid-august because i couldn’t bear the thought of leaving the library or the campus. i love that place more than i thought i ever would. 
saw shakey graves 2 days in a row, as you do
saw pussy riot thanks to a recommendation from my german professor
visited my work friend’s farm just outside of baltimore
saw pauly d dj at a club lmfaoooooo
found a shark’s tooth at calvert cliffs state park
went to new york for a day to visit brandon before he moved to san francisco! i got in around 5:30am and had the first part of the day to myself. i went to staten island and all the nps sites downtown, then met him at his brother’s apartment a couple blocks from central park (???!!!!). we went to greenwich village, ate lunch at the white horse tavern, and then had a second lunch from mcdonald’s in washington square park. he had to go after a while, but i walked over to the high line to see the sunset. i walked ~45k steps that day but the joy is remembered more than the pain in the end.
i worked and flirted with a nice guy. i might visit him in california in may. 
went to nashville to see paul simon with my friend callie. we rocked and enjoyed trashy nashy. that same day, paul simon announced his final show in queens was to be in september. i thought about how i could attend. 
we came back to charleston through the smokies and went swimming in the rain. the beauty of that area is unlike anything else. then we met lauren for lunch and it was so goddamn nice. i wish it could have been for longer. 
saw harry styles bc i love myself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
had a couple friends visit and we did the touristy stuff of dc. it was nice to do that with people for once. 
had a couple more friends visit and we went to asbury park for the fourth of july. it was atmospheric and i couldn’t believe i was in springsteen’s stomping ground, especially as one of his song’s namesakes. 
saw southside johnny and the asbury jukes
saw a ship belonging to the spanish navy when it docked in charleston for a couple days
started my second long trip of the year
drove from dc to cleveland, first of all. i spent as much time as i could in the rock and roll hall of fame. i saw all the stuff i had learned about in my rock and roll history class and stuff i had grown up with and everything else i didn’t know about. “bruce juice,” pete seeger’s banjo head, and a couple free games of pinball were memorable moments. then, i went on to the cleveland museum of art, where i took a photo i wasn’t supposed to and recognized a couple pieces from my art class sophomore year. i loved cleveland way more than i thought i would and saw myself as a resident there.
went to cuyahoga valley national park the next morning, admiring the only national park in ohio with its waterfalls and greenery, and continued on to bowling green, kentucky. on the way, i went to kent state (which affected me more than i thought -- the military is too often a disgusting institution).
took a 4 hour tour deep into mammoth cave and saw things i couldn’t have even fathomed before. i couldn’t really wrap my head around the fact that we were underground where it is always dark yet still teeming with life. the change in humidity when coming back outside made my camera fog up for a good few minutes. it was funny, really. afterwards, i took advantage of the parts of mammoth cave national park that light does touch -- i got soaked in a rainstorm but seeing the green river and having a butterfly land on my finger were things i will always remember. wet and cold, i went on a second tour of a different part of the cave by lantern light in the evening. we saw cave graffiti and even a bat.
i left that area and moved on to the cumberland gap. it was the day before my 22nd birthday and i was in 3 states at once (for the second time this year). “salt seeking buffalo, moccasin clad warriors, dreaming pioneer, battling civil war soldiers. each was here in the historic cumberland gap, and now so are you.” [punctuation added] has got to be one of my favorite signs i’ve ever seen. it conveys the history in simple terms, which is the way i like things. it’s endlessly meaningful without being pretentious. 
on my birthday, i toured the forbidden caverns near the smokies, then hiked some of the alum cave bluffs trail. i wish i could have done the whole thing, but i was short on time, as i wanted to be back in charleston by the evening to celebrate my birthday with my parents. 
the day after, i slept in for once, went to the angel oak with melissa, and saw brian wilson and the gang perform all of pet sounds with callie. it was nice but there were so many empty seats that it was a little sad. 
started my travels again, going back to the smokies area but stopping in blowing rock first and then going down the blue ridge parkway. the next day, i went to pigeon forge and rode an alpine coaster and finally did a somewhat substantial hike in the smokies -- charlies bunion. i saw a mother bear and her 2 babies and was alone on the trail with a beautiful deer. after that hike, i did the tail of the dragon drive and went to fontana dam, where the fog along the water made for an otherworldly feeling in my heart. 
came back to charleston once again, but not before swimming around looking glass falls and feeling that this is what summer should look like. also made a stop at the carl sandburg home nhs.
started my drive back to dc for the last time, but took the scenic route -- south of the border, luray caverns, and the hardest hike i’ve ever done over in shenandoah. the famed old rag. it was a rainy tuesday, and the rocks were slippery. i didn’t see a single other person. i clutched those rocks for dear life at times, but i made that 10 mile hike and it was invigorating. i miss getting grimy in the forest. 
that whole trip took me 3,755 miles around the eastern us with my ipod, 60s on 6, and phlash phelps’s voice in the morning as my soundtrack. 
acknowledged in my head that it was nearly time to the leave the library, a home of mine for the past three and a half years. i told people the date of my departure and it inched closer despite my desire for time to stop progressing. 
had a tour of the towers of the national cathedral. it’s not something many people have done and i’m glad to have seen the not-so-showy parts of the structure, along with a closer-up look at the showy parts we know and love. 
had a visit from lauren -- we went to nando’s, the portrait gallery, and thrift shops with paige. i wish it would have lasted longer. 
went to six flags with my friend from work, where we rode every ride we wanted to. it was carefree, even though my pants ripped. 
my final day at the library inevitably came and went. instagram follows and facebook friends increased as i knew this was now the only way to see the people i had known for so long. i got choked up, and i’m choked up even writing this. to say i miss it is to put it very insignificantly. i have left some of myself there. 
went back to new york for a few days, where i met up with my father so that we could see a concert in central park celebrating the greenwich village folk scene of the 60s. the mc was richard barone, who we’d met 2 years prior when he gave us a tour of greenwich village. on that trip, i saw theodore roosevelt’s birthplace (thank god for him, sincerely), the cloisters, staten island again, the seinfeld restaurant, and even coney island. we took the bus back to dc and drove my ‘97 ford escort back to charleston.
for the few days i had in charleston before moving to orlando to work for disney, i hung out with people like old times. trivia, the beach, apartments. the circuit. 
i really fuckin moved to orlando, i guess. i moved in with 7 other people. we resort-hopped before we got our entrance passes to the parks. i felt mostly unmoved by the orientations that they try so hard to brainwash us with. i took a huge paycut coming here. 
i started working at the food and wine festival. goddamn, i miss working at epcot. i saw the groovin alps play their bavarian percussion music and i poured beer and served lobster rolls and korma chicken and lentil stew and everything in between. i met dozens of beautiful people, some of whom are gone back now to from where they came. but i’m still here. 
i mentioned earlier that paul simon announced back in june that his final concert would be in queens in late september. i bought a ticket the day they went on sale and was determined to find a way to attend. i did. i flew to new york for a few days -- came into penn station from newark, walked around to greenwich village and the brooklyn bridge and went to the museum of the moving image late in the evening on a friday when it was free. the next day, i visited the queens museum in flushing-meadows corona park (where the concert was also being held) and was in line for the show by 11:30am. i waited for like 8 hours in all, but i was front row. that final paul simon show (which we all know isn’t really the final one, but it did have a certain finality to it) was transformative for me, paul, and everyone else in the audience. i saw lorde, jimmy fallon, and john mulaney. i cried and was recorded and tapped along and admired the performances of “the cool, cool river” and “the obvious child” and every other goddamn song he played. i stuck around as long as i could. the next day, i flew back to orlando and returned to work, but i felt different. 
lived the typical life of a college program participant: work, go to the parks, work, go to the parks, sleep. 
voted somewhere along the way and was overjoyed that democrats took back the house. 
went to st augustine with sarah
eventually, the food and wine festival ended and i was transferred to port orleans riverside, where i currently am. it’s awful but i’m alive. 
spent thanksgiving, christmas, and every other holiday at work. it wasn’t really a big deal but it was obviously depressing. 
at the beginning of december, broke down and bought a plane ticket back to dc. i had to pick up a poster from the anthem (a music venue), anyway. i stayed with paige and saw my old work friends and just had a good time. goddamn, it was cold, but it was worth it. i finally was able to tour the department of the interior and and i went to theodore roosevelt island for the first time since like freshman year. we even saw zoo lights and went to the christmas pop-up bar on 7th street again. 
played basketball one time lmao
played jackbox countless times with my roommates and we made a few trips to jellyrolls, one of the best parts of disney world. i love to go there and sing and hear the piano.
spent new year’s eve at jellyrolls, coincidentally, where i stole a noisemaker and we all wore hats and sang “auld lang syne” when the clock struck midnight, just as you’re supposed to do. 
laughed and cried while going through so many large life changes but still understanding that there is always some sort of constant in your life
drove more than i think i ever have before
went to several of the concerts they had for the food and wine festival -- saw people like air supply, starship, and the plain white t’s
listened to countless hours of music -- i think my most listened-to artists were springsteen, dylan, paul simon, maybe david cassidy, old crow medicine show, and lorde. 
song of the year: “fare thee well (dink’s song),” marcus mumford and oscar isaac (from inside llewyn davis). it’s an incredible song to travel to.
was always conflicted about working for disney, but really became disgusted with the corporation the more i worked here. i will be happy to not work for them anymore when the time comes because it makes me so uncomfortable to be employed by an entity that doesn’t give a shit about its employees and milks every single fucking penny that it can out of its customers, all under the guise of being giving and magical by using terminology such as “interactions,” “magical moments,” and “guests”
considered my options after this is all over
loved the national park service and even wrote a capstone on it
2018 was the most eventful year of my life. i am not in school for the first time that i can remember; i have a degree. i travelled to more of the us than i ever knew really existed, i saw incredible concerts, and i met some truly wonderful people. but of course, the difficult moves that come along with a year like this were depressing. i knew i would be completely heartbroken when i had to leave the library back in august, but i didn’t realize how sorry i would also be to see my roommates go back to their homes at the end of their tenure at disney. it’s been 2 days, but i miss being able to hang out with them. to gain all the life experience i did, it was necessary to lose some really great parts of my old life. and that blew. but you get over it. 
this year in review has taken me so long to write because i had so much to include that it seemed overwhelming to try to articulate it all. i think back to when i would wait until the night before a paper was due to start it, and i feel the same way. but the power in finishing it and having something tangible that points to a certain time in your life and explains the way you felt at that moment is like nothing else. even if the paper you write is shit, it never seems as bad (at least, to me) when you return to read through it a year or two later. it’s your thoughts set in stone, frozen in time. it’s a nice reminder. and i really enjoy writing these posts and i generally like what i write and how i say things, despite the inevitable procrastination in doing so.
i always think of “auld lang syne” when i do a year in review. sure, it’s a standard song for the new year and these year in reviews are written on or around the new year. but to write this, i have to think back to days gone by, before the year even started. and i get this feeling in my stomach of nostalgia and wistfulness (i’ve written about it before, i know) reflecting on the good ol days of these past 365 days and the times before them. we live in strange times right now, especially during what has become a two-week long (and counting!) partial government shutdown, but the memories of the warm past and the dreams of a better future are always going to be around to steady your head. without the abstract, how would we get to the concrete?
“we all cherish our children’s futures. and we are all mortal.”
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theboykingofhell · 8 years
would you by any chance be up to just answer all of them rn
sjdnflskjdsnfdgsdfg this is gonna kill me and i’m so excited
READ MORE FOR ONCE to spare yalls dashboards
and i took out the ones i answered already tbh OK LET’S GO
1 : What age-group do you write?
YA!!!! i have always always wanted to write for teens. since i’ve gotten older, i do also wanna write for young adults but definitely like anything between 13-25 is the people i rly dedicate my stories to
2 : What genre do you write?
again, the closest thing i’d subscribe to genre-wise is YA... i get bored only doing the same thing over and over, but atm i have the most scifis (the most being two) so i guess that! i do fucking LOVE horror and realistic fiction tho
3 : Do you outline according to big ideas or small details?
how small are we talking... i do rly obsessively outline tho, i get the main big plot points down and then i like to know what those lil details in between are.. so...
5 : Do you write better with or without deadlines?
like, sure, i’ll DO it, but will i LIKE IT.. NAH... PROBABLY NOT... i did nanowrimo once, it was a great experience but was the final product good? nah... so... nnnnnah
6 : What would be the biggest compliment you could hope to receive on your current WIP?
GOSH I DONT KNOW.... JUST... ASKING FOR MORE, I GUESS??????? actually the biggest compliment is people building on my ideas or asking me questions about it tbh, anything that shows how engaged they rly got is NICE... i also do rly like when people compliment my prose tho kfgsdfgs
7 : How long is your current WIP?
tsg is 9449 words as of rn! i am far too lazy to open up the other documents and check but they are FAR shorter! 
10 : Do you brain-storm story ideas alone or with others?
bothhhhh... i do have way more fun with other people though, and i think other people help more cuz they can make connections and ask questions i wouldn’t think of. most importantly, if there are plot holes, maybe they’ll find them for me.. or maybe even solve them!!! eee the best
11 : Do you base your characters off of real people?
y e s yes yes i do i have so many... like, there’s a cara in every story, there’s a maeve and britt in every story, if i know you for long enough, you’ll def appear SOMEwhere.
12 : Is your writing space clean or cluttered?
what is this ‘clean’ you speak of
13 : Do you write character-driven or plot-driven stories?
def characters, man, i wouldn’t even write a plot if you’d let me... i literally have so many stories where the plot IS just the characters kind of just. living. yes. so good
14 : Do you have a favorite writing-related quote?
if i DID i forgot it
15 : If you transport your original characters into another author’s world, which world would you choose?
imma be honest, if i had to pick any author in the world it would be britt @mmementommori‘s verse. i absolutely fucking ADORE everything that went into that story, the verse is fascinating and perfect and my characters would fit in so well and also would be tortured for all of eternity. what could be better???
19 : Would you rather live in your characters’ world, or have your characters come live in our world?
i wanna live in tsg cuz then vampires would be real and i could finally be one, y es
20 : What book would you love to see adapted for the big or small screen?
i’ve been watching a lot of... rly... gay... amazing movies... like, beautifully made and SO grand and larger than life and so CAREFULLY LOVINGLY made... like the handmaiden or moonlight.. and because of that, i would LOVE to see tsg as a movie. i think it’d fit right in and the idea of a lgbt horror movie hitting the scren is... g o d
21 : Do you finish most of the stories you start?
yyyees and nnnoooo....more no than yes... the furthest i get usually is the first draft and onto revising and then i get bored and move on but i’m getting better
22 : Has your own writing ever made you cry?
what is this ‘cry’ you speak of
actually once i did this rp scene with @mvgitek and... imma be real... there might’ve been a tear or two
23 : Are you proud or anxious to show off your writing?
anxious the first couple of seconds, proud the rest of the time. i don’t doubt that my writing is good but also... WILL THEY THINK MY WRITING IS GOOD???
24 : When did you start considering yourself a writer?
in the 3rd grade when i started making lil paperback books for all the kids in my class. maybe even a lil bit before that
28 : On a scale of 1-10, how much do you stress about choosing character names?
def a 1 omg. name is usually one of the first things that pop up for me. if it doesn’t pop up immediately when my baby is a lil shyer, i give them a placeholder. no big. it’ll come eventually
29 : Do you tend to underwrite or overwrite in a first draft?
overwrite... in that... i write the first draft like its the only draft, cuz it pretty much will be i hate revising so much jfkgsg
30 : Does writing calm you down or stress you out?
calm, i suppose... i can and have zoned out and just written for hours, like, ten hours straight, more than that... that’s a nice feeling yes
31 : What trope do you actually like?
what’s with the phrasing of this question... as if i’m only pretending to like most tropes...also i can never remember tropes off the top of my head and i still have 20 questions to go sO..SKIPPING...
32 : Do you give your side-characters extensive backstories?
Y E P.... is it really a side-character if you don’t obsess about them more than the mains at times because they’re so complex and you love them so much
33 : Do you flesh-out characters before you write, or let their personalities develop over time?
nah those fuckers jump outta the brain womb fully formed, pretty much. their personalities do develop more as i write but i have a rly good grasp of them before i even start the story
34 : Describe your old writing in one word.
35 : Is it more fun to write villains or heroes? 
VILLAINS... duh....
36 : Do you write with a black and white sense of morality?
nah... largely cuz my own morality is skewed, also because most of the point of the stories is exploring morality and what it means and seeing how it gets corrupted in the protags
37 : What’s one piece of advice you would give to new writers?
you will be so much happier if you stop writing like anyone else and stop writing what people want you to write and just write for you and you only, everything else falls into place after you accept this!! AND PRACTICE
38 : What’s one piece of writing advice you try--but fail--to follow?
i hate almost all writing advice so there isn’t anything i’m attempting that i’m not doing tbh cuz i don’t wanna do any of it i’m a brat haha
39 : How important is positive reinforcement to you as a writer?
it’s important as in i’m narcissistic so anything negative puts me into a blind rage which is a damper on my mood omsfjgsfgs. also it keeps me vibing and keeps me hyped to channel out more work faster
40 : What would you ask your favorite author if given one question?
‘how the fuck’
41 : Do you find it distracting to read while you’re writing a first draft?
NAH i feel it to be absolutely necessary tbh. when i don’t read, i don’t write nearly as often and sometimes not even as well. i find other books to be rly healthy friendly competition, and when i read, immediately after i think ‘why isn’t my stuff published? why isn’t my book on the shelves with this one? i should get to work holy fuck’
42 : Do critiques motivate or discourage you?
depends! again, narcissistic, but i’ve gotten better and i do want to learn more. as long as it’s constructive and, by constructive, i mean that it still compliments me a lot and gives me the good AND the not-so-good then it’s fine, i get motivated. i never get discouraged, i’m either hype or i’m livid, which gives me evil hype and i write more outta spite haha
44 : How do you decide what story idea to work on?
i just get... the vibe... where suddenly i wanna work on a story so i do. sometimes i can tell a story isn’t ready so even if i feel like working on it, i won’t, but otherwise, i just wait for the vibe...
46 : What Hogwarts house would your protagonist(s) be in?
slytherin: red, bert, nora, amara, nathaniel, mal, katherine, tyler, eve and avery
gryffindor: black, nisha, rachel, caleb (unless i’m mean and make him a slytherin), cupid, aurora, frank, nicky, tasha, sinclair
ravenclaw: aaron, andrey, astra, antionette, blair, lucia
hufflepuff: jackie (unless i’m mean and make him a slytherin), cassandra, danny, ezra, emily, skylar, anna, null
47 : Where do you see yourself as a writer in five years?
book or two published, working on another three or so but who knows omfhsjgs
48 : Would you ever co-write?
i wanna co-write something so BAD......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
49 : Are you a fast and rushed writer or a slow and deliberate writer?
fast and rushed omfg i can’t write slow for shit.. wish i could.. i’m getting better
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pll7btheories · 8 years
Every Single Pretty Little Liars Character Ever, Ranked From Their Probability of Being A.D
This is not including the “A-Team” as a whole because I swear half the town is on the A team. This is for A.D, Big A, if you will.
Unknown Character/Twin
I have to make this my #1 guess. Not only because I hate Marlene, but also because I hate Marlene. It probably wouldn’t make sense, but Marlene loves random people.
Melissa Hastings
Melissa has motive. Melissa already killed Bethany, she could probably kill some more people TBH. Melissa knew Charlotte. A.D hasn’t done anything too terrible to Spencer. 
Wren Kingston
Probably a fake doctor, probably slept with almost as many people as Peter, definitely sketchy when it comes to Charlotte & Bethany. I wouldn’t doubt him being mentally unstable either, TBH. I don’t really want him to be A.D, but he has the credentials.
Spencer Hastings
She’s definitely my #1 pick for a liar being A.D. Smart, sly, and has A LOT of family protection. She also has the money to do whatever creepy stuff needed.
Lucas Grottsman
If he’s not A.D, on the A Team, or Charlotte’s killer they’ve completed wasted his character. He’s smart, rich, and is close to Hanna so he hears a bunch of stuff first hand.
Charlotte DiLaurentis
She’s dead, apparently. But some of those really creepy masks we’ve seen this season, is enough to convince me possibly otherwise??? Imagine if she’s literally avenging her own death that didn’t happen. Mmm, juicy. Dead girl who’s not dead anymore? Sounds full circle-y.
Caleb Rivers
Hacking skills, 2 side hoes love him, and he’s really suspicious this season. I’ll have to get back to you on a motive.
Mona Vanderwall
It’d be a complete injustice for Mona to be A.D, imo. She’s progressed so much, I don’t want them to throw it all away.
Jessica DiLaurentis/Mary DiLaurentis
We don’t know for sure which one is dead. That’s sketchy enough for me to consider them A worthy, no matter the motive.
Elliot Rollins
I know, they checked to see if he was dead. I know that accident would have killed him instantly. However, Huw said “Dead is sometimes not dead.” Motive = Confirmed. On A team? Check. 
Alison DiLaurentis
I think pre-time jump, Ali on A-Team would have made sense. Now, I doubt it.
Sydney Driscoll
I think she’s been too minor of a character to be A.D, however, she’s friends with Jenna. So I mean, I don’t put it past her as being an A Team member. 
Andrew Campbell
Remember when they accused him of being a crazy kidnapper all because he was adopted?? And Aria his “girlfriend” confirmed that it was him without ever seeing him in the Dollhouse?? If I was him, I’d want some revenge too. 
Kenneth DiLaurentis
Where has he been lately??? Maybe he actually got close to Charlotte or he’s her father. Either way, his lack of appearances makes me suspicious. 
Anne Sullivan
I love this idea. She has the wit, the information gathered from her clients, knew Charlotte and she definitely would have access to some files. However, I just don’t think she’d have time to be A.D. 
Veronica Hastings
Eh, she’s busy being political and stuff. + no motive?
Holden Strauss
We haven’t seen him in forever, and he’s randomly returning??? It’d be a less than interesting reveal, but the lack of backstory would make it very easy for the writers to blame him.
Jonny Raymond
Same thing as above. Why is S7 bringing back so many irrelevant characters??
Aria Montgomery
Aria is always a bit of a wild card. We never see what happens to her in the dollhouse, she has those weird snappy moments over little things that the other girls don’t seem to have. Plus, she had the whisper in the first few seasons intro. That screams guilty. However, not a DiLaurentis, Drake, or Hastings.
Jason DiLaurentis
I’d love the idea of Jason tormenting 2 of his sisters and his ex lover. Poor Emily would just be collateral damage, but this would be a GREAT PLOT. However, I’m pretty sure he’s innocent..
Cindy & Mindy
A team maybe, but I doubt either of them as A.D. Unless one is like A and one is D. In which case, guilty.
Linda Tanner
She’s always very fast to blame everything on the Liars,(Isn’t everyone?) but I feel like she’s not A.D. A team? Maybe, just like most the town. A.D? Probably not, tbh,
Paige McCullers
Yes, she was stalking Emily, I know. I just think she’s a bit more of a creepy fangirl type of stalker than force-you-to-give-up-hostages-of-your-own type thing.
Mike Montgomery
He’s been MIA for a bit, because the actor is busy. I don’t think he’s returning anytime soon.
Peter Hastings
If this was a competition on who has slept with the most people in Rosewood, he’d win. But it’s not. So he really has no motive.
Jenna Marshall
She was very believable as a possibility for A.D, until she was kidnapped.
Ezra Fitz
He’s a grieving man at the beginning of 6B. I don’t really see him as A.D. 
Hanna Marin
Unless she’s really into hiding being A.D enough to give herself permanent scars, I doubt it.
Ted Wilson
Pastor by day, A.D by night?? Unlikely, tbh. Unless, he’s Charlotte’s dad. In which case, watch out for Ted.
Byron Montgomery & Ella Montgomery
I just put them together to save some space. Doubtful as A.D. They’re too busy being newlyweds. Again.
Liam Greene
Honestly if he was A.D, he’d just be torturing Ezra(which I don’t blame him for..)
Toby Cavanaugh
Already been on the A Team once,  would have no motive for being A.D, tries to help the girls, busy being a police officer. No hope for Toby as A.D, sorry.
Marco Fuery
Eh, he’s kinda irrelevant. I would love for him to end up with Spence tho.
Ashley Marin
I mean, she’s at the Radley 24/7, but I don’t think so, Momma Marin.
Yvonne Phillips
She’s mostly there for Spoby tension. Plus she got BEAT. 
Sara Harvey
She’s a boring character with virtually no plot, terrible acting, and her being A would be a disgrace. Plus, she’s dead.
Emily Fields
Stealing her own eggs is bit too odd, + I have a feeling A.D won’t be one of the main girls unless it’s Alison or Spencer.
I doubt it, tbh. She’s just another semi-relevant-but-not-really love interest for Emily.
Lorenzo Calderon
Irrelevant Ali short term boyfriend. I don’t even know if he’s still in Rosewood, hasn’t even been mentioned since 6B. Probably not A.D.
Jordan Hobart
He was only slightly shown to begin with. Besides, he’s busy doing whatever his  job is anyway. He really was a gentleman though, I hope he finds happiness.
Travis Hobbs
He was only in like, 5 episodes as Hanna’s bf. Very minor character, who’s been irrelevant for a while. Not A.D.
Garret Reynolds
He’s dead, poor Aria can proof it. That scene was enough to give me nightmares, and confirm he cannot be A.
Kate Randall
Yes, the boob thing was very A like, but she’s not A. This A doesn’t play games that way.
Tom Marin
Another motive-less fool. 
Meredith Sorenson
Where is the motive??? Sleeping w a married man then blackmailing his daughter over the murder of a woman you didn’t know isn’t really a norm thing. Then again, nothing in PLL is.
Noel Khan
Definitely was on the A-Team. Was. ‘Cause he was beheaded.
Barry Maple
Tbh I’m surprised whoever this is was in 6 seasons.
Sean Ackard
Irrelevant. No motive. NEXT.
Ian Thomas
We saw him die. Twice.
Lyndon James
Emily killed him, besides, he really only wanted revenge for Emily taking Maya. He wouldn’t torment them all, and he would have just came back to kill her if he was alive.
Darren Wilden
Blah, blah, “dead is not dead”, blah blah. He’s been dead AND irrelevant for 4 seasons, I don’t think he’s returning. However, if he did, that’d be a crazy thing to watch.
Jackie Molina
Jackie who?
Pam Fields
Pam is too busy grieving over Mr. Fields to be A.D. Also, I’m pretty sure she wasn’t a huge Charlotte fan anyway.
Clark Wilkins
Once again, who?
Talia Sandoval
Another one of Emily’s irrelevant girlfriends. No motive, no plot, just a side character to be Emily’s 483907439th lover.
Gabriel Holbrook
They’ve already done the “Alison’s ex lover works for A.D” plot line once, I doubt they’ll do it again.
Shana Fring
She’s dead. Aria killed her, an investigation happened. She’s not alive, nor is she A.D.
Jake (No last name because he’s irrelevant)
He doesn’t even have a last name. He’s not A.D, I’m 99% sure.
Alex Santiago
Maya St. Germain
She’s dead y’all, it’s been confirmed by the show. By Marlene. By EVERY SINGLE ACTOR OR ACTRESS WHO HAS BEEN ASKED. SHE IS D E A D.
Wayne Fields
The whole “Military Dad fakes death overseas to become a tormentor to his own daughter over a girl he didn’t know’s death” is a little too messed up, even for Pretty Little Liars.
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shipcestuous · 7 years
Odd and True episode 3: also Revenge of the Shipper (because RotS was the 3rd SW episode and I KNOW that) (Submission)
This one will cover chapters 7 through 14.  Sorry for sending this in before giving you time to even post the second installment!  This review thing has gotten seriously out of hand, but then, I didn’t expect there to be so much freaking content for this family’s relationships.  I came into this expecting a cute but non-canon sisters relationship, something to read over a free weekend or something, but this…  This family is consuming my life.
Anyway, Od and Tru arrive in Chicago, and Od quickly latches onto a ghost-hunting mission.  Tru, for her part, still has some valid concerns.  “My eyes moistened with tears over her belief in me–and yet, I still found myself not believing in her.  I still worried about her sanity, dreadfully.“  They’re attacked by a mugger, but when Tru is threatened, Od wallops the guy.  Protective siblings are another one of my favorite things.
The following scene of Od and Tru taking shelter at a hotel for the night also mirrors the scene of Magnus and Od finding shelter in the previous chapter.  Except that this time, it’s a contrast.  Magnus had just exposed Od to some upsetting truths, and then he brought her to a brothel of all places for shlter.  Here, Od is still shielding Tru from the truth about their parents, and brings her to a nice hotel and ensures she’s well taken care of (even if she is also talking to Tru about ghosts, which make her uncomfortable).
Od also reveals that while she was away from Tru and traveling with the circus, she fell madly in love.  Tru narrates, ”Jealousy stung my heart.  All that time that she’d been gone, I’d pictured her as being as miserable and lonely as I was.“  Od claims she and the person she loved were forcibly separated a year ago, and Od was told they just weren’t meant to be together.  If nothing else, this kind of parallels her and Tru, too.  Also, Tru continues to be so explicitly jealous, and I love it.
Tru then has an upsetting premonition, and Od comforts her, holding her hands and telling her that they can face whatever they need to face, because they’ve already faced worse and ”we’ve done it before, Tru.  We’re lionhearted.  Both of us.“  I love how Od always gets upset on Tru’s behalf whenever Tru claims she’s weak.  I love how, even though she’s Tru’s protector, Od also seems to wholeheartedly believe in her sister’s own strength.
In the next chapter, we’re back in 1896, just after Maria moves with little Od and Tru to Oregon.  Maria has a miscarriage and is rushed to the hospital, and six-year-old Od desperately sends a mental message for Magnus to ”come help us.  I’m still mad at you a bit, but please, please, we need you!“  In Oregon is where Tru gets polio, and Od takes on that protective role toward her sister (“my Tru,” she calls her) even though she’s still so young herself. The girls are taken in by their aunt and her husband during this time.
Next chapter, the present-day (well, the 1909 present-day, haha) Od and Tru reach Philadelphia.  Od runs into a young man she recognizes, and immediately Tru’s heart stops (figuratively, of course) with the fear that this is the “beloved” Od had spoken of. Apparently it’s not, but it is Cy, a boy she mooned over when she was younger in Oregon, so Tru tries to make him leave them alone.  Though Od isn’t really happy to see the guy (she alludes to an incident in the past that left her life “in shambles”, which I presume we’ll learn about later on), even turning her back on him as he’s inviting her to join him on a supernatural adventure because she’s just that upset.
Instead, Od opts to look into this lead with just Tru.  Tru is starting to believe Od about all of this “monsters and magic” stuff by now, which of course pleases Od.  And then the girls visit their mother’s address, although Od fears that Maria will “bring up all sorts of awful things” (probably family-related bc honestly, are any even semi-important characters in here who aren’t part of this family?). Her fears are moot for the moment, since nobody answers the door.  (Turns out she left the house the previous week, according to a neighbor.)
In chapter 10, we get another Od POV flashback–this time it’s from 1905, 4 years before the current plotline of the book.  It’s Tru’s eleventh birthday, and she asks Od to tell the story of her birth again because it’s tradition.  Od notes that she “vowed to never tell her the truth about our father’s absence on the day of her birth, or of the fact that he had kept our mother hidden away in a remote part of the world for more than seven long years while married to another woman.  Tru didn’t need to know that our mother continued to work in the city to pay off debts and that Aunt Vik referred to Mama as ‘immoral’ and ‘sinful’ whenever she spoke of her….  I didn’t know how Mama earned money.  Aunt Vik kept us so sheltered, I wouldn’t have understood it if she ever named our mother’s profession.”
I know I’m just retreading old ground here, but I love how determined Od is to protect her younger sister.  Not just physically, but emotionally.  Even if the truth eats away at her and it would probably feel better for her if she could share it with her closest person, she keeps it from Tru anyway to protect her.  And I. Love. That. So much.  (Even if I also can’t wait for Tru to inevitably find out because I’m always a slut for angst.)
Anyway, that same night when Tru falls asleep (“with a birthday smile lingering on her lips”), Od is startled by banging at the front door.  She sneaks out of the girls’ room to see who is her aunt and uncle’s visitor, and it’s Maria.  She’s worried for Od as her fateful 15th birthday is approaching, and she also asks Viktoria if Magnus has come by because Maria is worried for his safety.  She also comments after a brief exchange with Od that she’s “so much like your uncle Magnus.”
Viktoria shuts the door on Maria (who has been “drunk as a fiddler,” Vik says ,“and running around with strange men”), fearing that she’s going to be a bad influence on the girls.  Maria bangs on the door, crying for her daughter.  When Od returns to the bedroom, Tru is awake and hears the screaming, so Od claims it’s La Llorona, the weeping spirit seeking children, so Tru won’t have to know the truth.  Od tells her something similar to what Magnus told her before she learned about her father: “You’re safe and loved.  Don’t worry.“  And that’s the way the chapter ends.
Back in the present, the sisters eat at a restaurant, and their waiter asks about Tru’s cane.  She’s understandably wary, but then learns the man’s little sister also had polio and just got put into a wheelchair.  Tru and the waiter, Ezra Blue, quickly bond (their surnames are even similar, Grey and Blue) but tbh most of it is over the shared experience between Tru and Ezra’s five-year-old sister Celia.  Tru tells him, “Tell little Celia you met a polio survivor who now hunts monsters.”  (Not super relevant to our shippy interests here, but it’s a powerful and badass moment.  Although Od immediately jumps to the conclusion that the guy has a crush on Tru and vice versa.  If it does turn out to be true, there’s still the Od-and-Ezra and Tru-and-Celia parallel to point out here.)
Back at the hotel, Tru tries to ask Od how she knows Cy, the guy they ran into earlier.  Od keeps trying to change the subject.  She tells Tru, “Let’s stop talking about Cy, please.  This is our journey, not mine and his” and calls Cy the last person in the world she wanted to see.  That night, they fall asleep with Od’s head on Tru’s shoulder.  “I trapped my arms around her and held her close, as if I were the older sister and she my little Odette.”
The next chapter is another Od flashback, this one from two years prior to the present.  After the death of Viktoria’s husband, Od has to get a job where she’ll live under her employers’ roof (“without the warmth of my sister beside me”), and she worries about what will happen to Tru, and to Od’s schooling.  Viktoria (I was wrong, btw; she was the oldest of her siblings, not Maria) says that she stopped attending school at Od’s age when her mother, and it “forced me to grow up and take care of my younger siblings, and I don’t regret a single second of my sacrifices.“  In order to provide for Tru, Od agrees to the job.  She’ll be working for Cy’s family.  I think we’re all getting bad vibes off this situation by now.
In a situation that parallels her parents, Cy tries to seduce the younger hired servant.  But Od instantly responds, "I can’t let anything come between my sister and me."  But eventually she caves because he’s persistent.  It’s not exactly nonconsensual, but it still rubs me the wrong way (as it’s supposed to) because he’s her employer’s kid who therefore has power over her, and she’s also completely ignorant about what sex is and wouldn’t have let him do it if she’d understood what he was doing.
Even when she gives in, Od reflects that ”I should have kept my thoughts on Tru at all times and found relief from my loneliness elsewhere.  But he was there to comfort and hold me, and all my other nights down in that basement hollow had proven so cold and desolate“ compared to how she was used to sleeping beside Tru’s warmth.  In other words, she only did this because she was lonely from Tru’s absence, and here was someone offering her what she hoped would be comfort.
Back in the present, Od decides because of Tru’s wishes that the sisters will join Cy’s hunting party, but even then, Od says it’s because she’d regret missing this chance and she wants to catch the Leeds Devil instead of Cy doing it. When they do join up with Cy and co., he’s obviously trying to win Od over again by being nice to Tru, because it’s that obvious that Tru is the key to her heart. The rest of the posse they join up with want the sisters to stay behind because they’re sexist jerks and because of Tru’s leg, but Od keeps going on about how great Tru is, because of course she does.  But even so, they leave them behind, alone.
In the next chapter, we’re back to Od’s POV from two years ago.  She recalls her uncle Magnus urging her not to "grow up and make the same mistakes as your mother,” referring to Maria’s relationship with her employer Louis.  But now, Od is pregnant, and she loses her job and is sent to a facility for girls pregnant out of wedlock to help them avoid “social ruin.”
When Od writes to Tru, she claims she’s traveling with the circus.  Even in this, she keeps the truth from her sister in order to protect her.  By now, she’s created this entire mythos of magic just to shield Tru. And maybe it’s not completely right of her to do that, but all of it is done out of so much love.
She decides she’ll name the baby Trudie Marie if it’s a girl, for her sister and mother, and Duncan Magnus (no idea about the first name, but the second is clearly for her uncle).  She ends up having a girl, who is born only 4 days after Tru’s 14th birthday.
And that’s where I’m going to leave off this time.  The next installment will probably be the last, but who can say?
I love how close the sisters are and that their relationship continues to be so central to the story and each other. Even though that’s the title, you sometimes never know. They love each other so much.
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