#i would kill anyone to see katerina in her original dress
kyrishine · 2 years
Chapter Two: Family Meeting
TAGLIST: @dash-world
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How would you describe the feeling between regret and relief? The feeling of packing your bags after being confronted in your dreams by the man that wants to take your life away from you and driving ten and a half hours exactly, but discovering that the hybrid himself left to get you leaving only his brother Elijah, on the other side of the door of his New Orleans Estate.
Being invited in by the older well dressed original was strange. Kathrine said that he was Klaus's brother, and he wanted to help her but she couldn't risk her life for a man who was at his core conflicted by his want of his brother's redemption and his love for her.
He's beholden to his word but nothing will triumph over his promise of 'Always and forever" made to his siblings over a thousand years ago.
" I don't want to kill your brother or anyone else for that matter," words stumble out your mouth hoping that Elijah stops you.
He doesn't, instead, his brown eyes trace your face curiosity brightening his gorgeous eyes filled with a millennium of knowledge.
He understands his brother's reaction after visiting your dreams, rushing out the door and promising an explanation after his arrival with you, as his captive.
" I just want to be left alone, but I won't be bullied by your brother or your family." A small smirk graced Elijah's face, a small dimple appearing on the side of his cheek.
Watching your hands fidget as they betray the confidence in your voice as you stood your ground. Your eyes stayed firm in his pretending that you couldn't see the amusement on his face.
" Might I ask what you intended on doing if my brother disagreed with your sentiment of peace between the two of you?" The question lingered in the air for only a second.
" That's not an option that I can accept, your brother is a smart person, and I don't believe that he would pass up what I can offer him." He couldn't help but like the girl that stood in front of him. Her resilience reminding him of his baby sister Rebekah.
When the word of your existence first graced his ears he thought it was a tale, as he and his siblings are to most of the supernatural world that is fortunate enough to not know of the Mikaelson Family.
Yet whispers of an Elemental traveled through the channels of the supernatural community, finally being confirmed by Katerina in an attempt to relieve the bounty placed over her head by Niklaus.
" Don't leave us hanging love, What's stopping me from killing you where you stand?" A third voice asked, with a smooth English accent.
You knew that voice belonged to Klaus, but you refused to face him. Instead, you continue with Elijah, only clearing your throat slightly.
" Revenge over the witches that plague the french quarter," You finally look at him, the details of your dream flooding your mind every second your eyes rest on his frame. He looked the same as he did in your dream, the grey long-sleeve hugging his toned arms. " Hybrids."
" That's impossible." both brothers argued
" I did it before."
Klaus knew that you were telling the truth. Honesty he hated the thought of any ie sipping through your full lips that fit your face perfectly.
Before you, Elementals were the boogyman of witches, told to baby witches to persuade them to use their power for good, but here you are. Your curls frame your face perfectly, slightly frizzy due to the New Orleans humidity.
" They want us gone, and if it's between us or them I choose us."
Elijah walked over to his brother, with no words, just understanding between the two. You were a better ally than an enemy, and that's what they were missing in this mission to reclaim their home.
" Well don't be rude to our guest, help her to her room." Klaus smiled before locking eyes with you.
" Let the games begin."
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the more i play pathologic I the more i start to notice how many weird choices were made on the remake lmao
#like#please#im ok with yulias design and all but i draw the line at eva#just. so much of what i inherented from characters' backgrounds and personalities in patho II seemed so off from the original game#i know that its bound to happen#but some things changed to a much too drastic manner#and i find myself enjoying the original game a lot more#patho II certainly has a much more well designed soundtrack and storytelling. as well as gameplay mechanics very rich in details !#but i do find myself rather dull when coming face to face with the characters (specially ones like eva. aglaya. the 'childhood' trio. etc)#they seem so lacking in emotion. or even the simple immersion upon the story and their lives in town#the designs look rather watered down compared to the original ones#lara. anna. yulia. katerina. they all look completely different in terms of visual characteristics#they held down surprisingly well their personalities. but there is just this missing spark in looking at a character with such features#i just wish we got to see the more intricate and detailed designs with a better quality. to offer the dignity that they've always deserved#i would kill anyone to see katerina in her original dress#or evas whole composition with the amazing golden details#i love the second game a lot#but it all felt like coming too short on what it had to offer through the visual conversations had between the player and each character#i dont know#im on a big hype for the first game#so this rambling might just be me trying to process seeing the entirety of pathologic for the first time#circumstances might change and opinions may grow less bearing of unpleasantness#thus i really dont recommend taking this as fiercely (more of a note to myself than anyone else haha)#just rambling
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livlepretre · 4 years
if you were rewriting the klaroline relationship for some reason, how would you do it and what would you change? I got to thinking and I feel like klaroline could've been such an incredible ship, if there just weren't so many weird decisions made in writing it.
I feel like I transcended when I read this, because, WOW do I have a lot to say on this topic. 
The thing about Klauroline is that it actually makes no sense whatsoever, and a lot of that is that the writing around it was super weird, like you said. But also that they were an unlikely couple to begin with... let’s look at why:
Klaus. We have absolutely no indication from his backstory that he had ever been seriously romantically involved with anyone, other than Tatia Petrova and, in a darker turn, Katerina Petrova. In fact, given his “love is a vampire’s greatest weakness” rant in 1492, we can understand him as a creature who scorns romantic love. We can probably extrapolate that this has to do with the emotional scarring from the fallout with Tatia, followed by him hardening his heart against Katerina so that he could eventually murder the mirror image of his original love. Interesting stuff. But that means that we are set up to believe that Klaus doesn’t fall in love. That he’s even specifically set against it. 
Meanwhile, we know why Caroline is great: she’s a creature of extraordinary contradictions. Loving and yet starved for love. Popular and yet incredibly insecure about her friendships. Neurotic while also aware that her neuroses push people away. An over-achiever who never feels good enough. Low, low self-esteem, that only starts to improve once she actually becomes a vampire and finds some autonomy in her life (I would say this starts when she tricks Katherine into the death trap in 2x07-- that spark of joy that she actually did it).
But none of this precludes the fact that Caroline is ultimately just a teenaged girl. And Klaus is just a horrible monster. There’s no reason for Klaus to ever look twice at her, when she’s one of thousands of young pretty vampires he’s met over his life, and nothing specifically special on the surface, and no reason for Caroline to get over the fact that he’s the monster who murdered Jenna, hunted and murdered Elena, attempted to murder Bonnie, and oh yes, also tried to use her and Tyler in that same sacrifice. Oh, and then murdered Tyler right in front of her, and continued to generally terrorize everyone she loves. 
And the thing is, none of this would have mattered, and all of this could have been dealt with with a few simple changes! 
First thing’s first: there needed to be an actual situation where the two of them were FORCED to see each other differently. 
In the show, Klaus suddenly and inexplicably notices Caroline when he arbitrarily decides to save her from Tyler’s werewolf bite (which was his fault??). Caroline is basically flattered enough that she puts aside the awful stuff Klaus had already done. This is a major disservice to both characters. It portrays Klaus as weirdly romantic and pathetic in a dimension he most definitely is not (he’s pathetic in a million other ways, but not in a soft mushy way-- he’s more, isn’t it so pathetic that he’s too much of a coward to love?) and, even worse, it expects us to accept that Caroline actually doesn’t care all that much about her loved ones, because a hot powerful guy can turn her head and she can basically abandon all ties of loyalty to her friends. Okay. 
So picture this instead: the two of them are thrown against their will into some sort of life or death situation where they can only depend upon each other for an extended period of time-- hours, days, however long it takes. This gives them an opportunity to overcome the problems they have with each other, and see each other in a totally new light. Klaus actually sees the best of Caroline as an individual-- her heart, her resourcefulness, her determination, her canniness-- all of the things that would separate her in his mind from every other random teenaged girl and set her out like a blazing star in his mind. Maybe she comes up with the plan that saves them. Maybe she’s the brave one between the two of them. Something. And meanwhile, Caroline actually gets to know the man behind the monster-- she sees his weaknesses, but because of her empathy, she understands them as very human weaknesses. She pities him... but she also relates to him. The heightened situation leads to heightened emotions. They don’t come out of this experience in love or even consciously attracted to each other... but they come out of it understanding each other, and being aware of each other in ways they never had been before. 
From there, the relationship could develop more organically. Caroline would feel guilty about siding with her friends over killing Klaus, because she knows him too well to feel good about having a hand in his death. Maybe she would even consider warning him. Begging him to just leave. (And of course he won’t, because he still wants to use Elena, and the fact that he’s doing that to one of her best friends only makes it harder for Caroline because suddenly she can no longer cast Klaus as her villain). 
Klaus would try to keep Caroline out of his various plots. It would actually make sense that they would have their dance in 3x14, but instead of it being Klaus outright romantically pursuing Caroline with lame horse girl drawings, it could be more like: they end up spending the evening together because they keep inevitably falling into each other’s company. Klaus is lonely. Caroline is sad after Tyler leaves, and mad at Klaus for being the reason he left, but also: he’s the person she somehow feels like she can talk to. 
And maybe things keep escalating. Slowly. Slowly. Drip. Drip. Drip. It’s not about an overt romance, it’s about this energy and tension slowly building between the two of them, so that by the end of season 3, when Klaus saves Caroline first and then goes to save Elena, we realize that he’s in love with Caroline. That he’s chosen her first. 
And that when Caroline says “I know you’re in love with me” in season 4, it’s a HUGE moment because by voicing it, she’s really admitting that she’s going to have to act, one way or the other. And when Klaus tells her “I will be your last love” it might actually come across as something honest, and yearning, and hopeful. 
Basically, I think that the romance should have been way slower and way throttled down. It made absolutely no sense for Klaus to fall head over heels for anyone, but especially for Caroline whom he didn’t seem to be able to pick out of a crowd until suddenly he was into her. It made no sense for Caroline to fall for Klaus at all, because it implied that she’s really shallow in ways we know she’s not. So. Let it be slow. Let it build from a moment of unexpected clarity between them. Seeing each other with new eyes. Let them fall together naturally. And for God’s sake, don’t draw horse pictures or lend her prom dresses! 
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bellemorte180 · 4 years
Final Drabble
For @storm-pirate.
Drabbles request: vengeance on Damon (bonus points if Kol helps), Hope turns out to not be Klaus's kid, or Original Caroline? Dealer's choice, I hope I gave options that interest you! (and if you want to do more than one I will ABSOLUTELY not be upset!)
The signs were subtle. He didn’t really notice them at first because their relationship started out as just sex. Shortly after Caroline learned that Tyler had been unfaithful to her, their affair started. The night of the Miss Mystic Pageant, Klaus took her hard and fast in the downstairs bathroom of the Lockwood Manor for the first time. It wasn’t until graduation that their relationship took the next step and Caroline showed up at his home in New Orleans. She got a full scholarship to Tulane University and they had been together ever since.
It took a year into their relationship for him to notice them at all. The first was how she refused to use compulsion for anything outside of dire necessity. Klaus never thought much on it. He assumed it was because Caroline still clung to the human girl she once was. He assumed that as she aged and vampirism fully took root in her, she would outgrow that habit of hers. It was a part of her that he actually found enduring.
The second sign was how jumpy she became if he flashed over to her too quickly. She was always on alert and took notice of her surroundings; however, there were times when Klaus would scare her by coming upon her too quickly. She would jump, drop everything she was holding and scream. At first, Klaus found it amusing but he on occasion noticed the dark look in her eyes. Something bothered her at being taken unawares. Klaus made it a point to always announce his presence to her, just to avoid her terror.
The third one was a big flashing warning sign. Klaus and taken Caroline on a trip to Italy as a congratulations for completing her first semester in college. The trip was going well. Caroline was basking in the new country and loved every second of it. However, one night in the middle of a nightclub, Klaus and Caroline were getting hot and heavy. Klaus had Caroline pinned against the wall in a small dark corner of the club, ravishing her. Klaus was lost in the feel of her but froze the moment Caroline’s body stilled under him. She flashed away from him and in confusion, he tore after her. He found Caroline in a private bathroom of the club just in time to see her loose her carefully crafted control.
A man had a woman pinned to the bathroom floor and was forcing himself on her. The woman struggled against him, but he was not allowing her freedom. His hips kept thrusting into her while she screamed; her voice drowned out by the loud pulsing music of the club. Caroline’s monster prickled; her black veins appearing and her fangs descending. She gripped the man by this throat and ravaged it. His head was completely detached from his shoulders by the times she was done with him.
The monster had complete control of Caroline’s actions that she even savagely killed the girl; and if Klaus had not intervened, he was sure she would have slaughtered the entire nightclub. The bathroom looked like a horror movie scene; the walls were coated in blood and the dismembered bodies parts scattered across the tile. Klaus quickly flashed her out of the club before anyone noticed their presence and took her back to the villa he had rented for their trip. He put her in the shower, holding her as she cried; cradling her to his naked chest as she lost all sense of control. The walls she constructed around herself broke completely.
In that moment, Klaus knew that Caroline was not crying over the two people she killed that night. No. She was crying for herself.
He picked up on the signs more often after that. She hid them well, but Klaus had been around a long time and knew the signs. He suspected what happened to her and there was a fury burning in the pit of his stomach at the mere thought of someone hurting her in such a barbaric fashion. He said nothing, waiting for her to tell him. He kept his temper under control to the best of his ability; a feat that was far more difficult than he anticipated. However, it paid off in the end.
In was the night after her last final of her freshman year. They were laying together, tangled in sheets, sweat and bliss. Klaus had learned every curve of her body at that point. He knew every bump, divot and scar on her person. She had this scar located just below her left shoulder blade. It was large circle, that Klaus found odd the first time he saw it. At the time, he assumed a young human Caroline injured herself in some sort of fashion. Now, he knew better. He knew it was a bite mark because he studied the scar enough times when Caroline was sleeping.
Klaus traced the mark absentmindedly with the tips of his fingers. Caroline was resting in his arms; her breath grazing his bare chest. She froze lightly when he touched the scar; his fingers freezing when he felt her body stiffen.
“Don’t. Please.” Her voice was small, and her eyes shut tightly. The fear that etched on her face confirmed all of Klaus’s biggest fears. When her eyes opened, she could see the knowledge and understanding in his eyes. Klaus knew what had happened and Caroline felt ill at the thought. If he knew, it meant that it actually happened.
“Caroline. I want a name.” Klaus hissed out and she closed her eyes. He could see that she was weighing everything in her mind; going back and forth between whether or not she should confess or not. They both knew that the moment she uttered his name, his death warrant was signed. “Caroline.”
“Okay.” She whispered into his chest. She sat up in order to look in his eyes; pulling the sheet across her chest. Klaus had seen all of her, but she felt more vulnerable in that moment than she had in a very long time. She looked at Klaus and she could see the anger and calculation already working behind his eyes. Before her was the hybrid; the most fearsome creature in all of the supernatural world and he wanted vengeance; for her. “Damon. It was Damon.”
It all tumbled out at that point. She him how she felt insecure, and worthless. She met Damon at the right place at the wrong time. She took him home and compelled her; feeding from her with the promise of killing her. She detailed each and every time he bit her, harmed her and compelled her to have sex with him. She described how every time she felt him thrusting inside her, how she wanted to scream but couldn’t. She told him how she feared each moment for her life and then the confusion afterwards when Damon compelled the memories away.
She described the moment she became a vampire and how it felt to have all those memories rushing back to her at once. She recalled every detail during her transition, and it was as though she was reliving every moment he raped her all over again. There mere mention that Caroline felt as though she relived that torture a second time only made Klaus’s fury more pronounced. Caroline could see the anger in his eyes and feeling the soft strokes of his fingers only told her that Damon’s death was going to be a long one. Having distanced herself from Mystic Falls, Caroline found that she cared little.
Klaus crawled from their bed and grabbed his jeans that were tossed on the ground. He put them on, not sparing a glance at Caroline, and walked out of the room. He heard Caroline dash from the bed, dress and follow him. However, by the time she got to the dining room where he ended up, Klaus already at the table flipped and shattered it on the ground. He took the china cabinet and smashed it on the ground. He chucked a wooden chair against the wall, knocking down several priceless paintings; shattering their frames.
He howled in anger. The images his mind was coming up with was enough to torture him for the remainder of his eternity. Never before did he want someone delivered to him alive as much as he wanted to see Damon Salvatore bow before him. His death would be slow and painful. Even when Katerina betrayed him, he never felt such wrath for her.
Hunting Katerina would be nothing compared to what Klaus had in store for Damon.
“Klaus?” Caroline’s gentle voice pulled him from his destruction. He turned to see the young vampire he loved so much wearing nothing but his Henley. Her hair was tussled, and her lips bruised from his kisses. She seemed scared and worried; her eyes looking around the destruction of the dining room.
“Don’t Caroline. Do not try and talk me out of this. I will hunt him down and hand you his head. After a few centuries of torture of course.” Klaus replied, his teeth snarling at the thought. The black veins under his eyes appeared and his eyes glowed yellow; he looked as though he was burning from the inside out and Caroline could feel the fury rolling off of him. “I will see him dead.”
“I know.” Caroline reached up and touched his face, kissing his monster that had come out to play. “I know. I always knew that the moment you learned of it, you would hunt him down.” She whispered. “Please know the reason I took so long to tell you was not out of pity or concern for him or anyone else. It’s just something I still struggle to come to terms with.”
Klaus looked into her eyes, seeing the truth that lingered there. He leaned down and kissed her hard. Caroline put everything she had into that kiss, knowing that he was feeling the most heightened emotion that he was capable of having since she told him she loved him. In return, Caroline felt his own passion and love feeding right back to her.
“Well, don’t let me interrupt.” Kol’s voice sounded and the couple broke apart. His expression was one of humor as he took in the sight of the room. It was clear the path his mind traveled. He assumed that the room was destroyed due to a round of rough sex between the two of them; which was a fair assumption. However, the moment Kol noticed his brother’s expression of pure fury, his thoughts changed. “What happened? Who are we killing?”
“Sweetheart?” Caroline looked to Klaus and knew what he was doing. He was leaving the option of her keeping this to herself for a little while longer or to tell Kol. The choice was hers. Caroline turned to Kol and contemplated him. Over the past year, the two had a strange friendship that at one-point worried Klaus but he soon realized that Kol was like the little brother Caroline never had.
“Damon Salvatore.” Caroline whispered. “When I was human….” She looked down at her hands and took a deep breath. “When I was human, he compelled me, fed from me and raped me. Klaus just learned of it tonight.”
“I see.” Kol replied in a deathly calm. A stillness entered the room that was not there before; a deathly calm. “Should I get the baseball bat Nik? Or are thinking something more painful? The blow torches, maybe?”
“No.” Klaus replied. “Too easy.” Kol’s eyebrows shot up but waited for Klaus to reply. Kol was one who would just go to Mystic Falls, torture him and then kill him before anyone knew what had happed. Klaus, on the other hand, like to plot the demise of his enemies slowly. “Caroline, call Elena. Let her know that we are coming for her beloved. I want him to run.”
“Kol, we are going hunting.” Kol’s smirk was sinister and vicious. “I have calls to make. I want the supernatural world to know that I’m out for blood and anyone who helps him or gets in my way, dies. No exceptions.” Klaus looked directly at Caroline, forewarning her. If Elena or even Stefan helped him in anyway, he would their heads and send it to Damon as a gift. Caroline nodded, dreading the conversation she was to have with Elena.
Damon was marked man. Klaus wanted him to run; to flee. He wanted to seek shelter just so he could burn every inch of the world around him down. The chase would last decades, if not centuries. In the end, Damon’s head would be on a spike symbolizing nothing more than a warning.
No one touches Caroline.
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hyperion-moonbabe · 4 years
Caught In Between: 04. The Sun and Moon Curse
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IMPORTANT!!! TO ANYONE FOLLOWING OR READING MY TVD SERIES: This blog is currently my secondary blog. I have wanted to change it to primary for a while and since Tumblr does not allow it. I have created a new blog: @hyperion-moonbabe-new 
I will be porting everything over to this blog including my series and possibly eventually delete it so I can use this name without the “-new” on the end. If you would like to continue to read my series, please know that it will be continued on my new blog. Thank you!
Edit: Update
Summary: Athena Dumont has finally found a place to call home after many years of foster homes and traveling. She had finally tamed her supernatural side and just wanted to live a normal teenage life. She quickly discovers that there is nothing normal about her hometown, Mystic Falls and gets sucked right back into the supernatural world.
Post Date: 03.31.20
Word count: 4.1k
Based off: 02x09 “Katerina”, 02x10 “The Sacrifice”, 02x11 “By Light of the Moon”
00. | 01. | 02. | 03. 
I wake up to an empty bed, not questioning where Damon was. I got dressed and made my way downstairs. I noticed chatter in the main room, it was Damon, Stefan, Elena, and Rose.
“Okay, you have to understand I only know what I’ve picked up over the years and I don’t know what’s true and what’s not true. It’s the problem with all this vampire crap. But Klaus, I know is real,” Rose explains, I freeze halfway down the stairs wanting to wait where the conversation was going.
“Who is he?” Elena questions.
“He’s one of the Originals, he’s a legend,” Damon responds.
“From the first generation of vampires,” Stefan explains further.
“Like Elijah?” Elena continues to question. Sometimes this girl needs to learn to just wait and listen.
“No. Elijah was the Easter bunny compared to Klaus. He’s a foot soldier. Klaus is the real deal.” I roll my eyes at how Rose compares them.
“Klaus is known to be the oldest.” Stefan states.
“Okay, so you’re saying that the oldest vampire in the history of time is coming after me?” Elena asks trying to sort the information. Rose and Stefan disagree on the answer to Elena’s question.
“What they’re saying is, I mean if what she’s saying is true…” Damon starts.
“Which it is,” Rose rebuttals.
“And you’re not saying it so I don’t kill you,”
“Which I’m not,”
“Then we’re looking at a solid maybe,” Damon says, even though he’s not really sure.
“Look, Elijah’s dead, right? So no one else even knows that you exist.” Stefan states as I get closer to the room.
“Not that you know of,” Rose quickly responds.
“That’s not helping,” Damon says annoyed.
“Look, I’ve never even met anyone who’s laid eyes on him. I mean, we’re talking centuries of truth mixed with fiction. We don’t know if he’s real. For all we know he could just be some sort of stupid bedtime story,” Stefan says clearly trying to calm Elena.
“He’s real and he doesn’t give up. If he wants something, he gets it. If you’re not afraid of Klaus, then you’re an idiot.” Rose quickly says trying to get it through their thick skulls. I guess the only way to help them realize it, is for me to tell them what I know.
“Alright, we’re shaking, you’ve made your point,” Damon says, while I am surprised he didn’t rat me out or really Elena either.
“But, I haven’t,” I say stepping into the room. They all looked confused except Damon.
“I’m gonna have to go with Rose on this one. That person you said that you’ve never met who’s laid eyes on Klaus, Stefan. Well, you’ve met her.” I say making my voice quieter towards the end of my sentence and pointing to myself.
“You’ve seen Klaus?” Stefan asks me making his way over to me.
“Seen him? I lived with him, for a time” I state.
“So should we believe what Rose says?” Damon asks.
“Klaus tried to never act out or anything in front of me, but I have seen him act out. What I can tell you is that if he’s after Elena, it’s not gonna be good, he really doesn’t give up. And I promise that I won’t let him get to you,” I say turning my attention to Elena.
“So wouldn’t that mean he won’t give up on you either, because he clearly wants you,” Damon states.
“I can deal with him on my own, but I won’t let him hurt my friends,” I say sternly and cross my arms.
Elena starts to get up from her spot on the couch, “Where you going?” Stefan questions Elena.
“School. I’m late.” Elena says slowly, which means shes hiding something.
“Ooo, can you be late a little more. I gotta go too.” I say remembering that school is still a thing for me.
“Let me grab my stuff, I’ll go with you,” Stefan says after me.
“It’s okay, I know where it is. But be quick, Athena,” Elena says as I run up the stairs to grab my stuff.
I rush back downstairs, Elena and I make our way out the door, “So why did you want me to come and not Stefan? I mean I know you’re not really going to school,” I say walking with Elena.
“Because I’m going to talk to Katherine and I thought you may want to come along. I’m gonna text Caroline and let her know to meet us in the woods.” She says as she pulls out her phone to text Caroline.
We first stop by somewhere to get a bag and then make our way to wait for Caroline in the woods, “So why do you want to talk to Katherine?” I ask as we wait for Caroline.
“She’s the only one who knows the truth about Klaus. And I’m sure you know some information. But Katherine is 500 years old she’ll have other useful info, that can tell me how to stop him,” Elena explains.
“I can’t argue with that. But please know that I will keep him from hurting you by any means possible,” I reply taking her hands in mine. Before Elena can respond we’re interrupted by Caroline.
Elena lets go of my hands and grabs the bag she set down on the ground. We start to make our way over to the church ruins as Elena and Caroline talk about the situation.
“So, no offense, Athena, but I’m just wondering why you’re here,” Caroline asks looking at me.
“Well, I guess I should come out with it to everyone. I know Klaus, probably not as much as Katherine. But I could fact check her if possible,” I explain shortly.
“So, you actually have met the guy,” Caroline says disbelievingly.
“And lived with him. I don’t really know all that much about him and his quest for this curse to be honest. But I will tell you that, we may have been involved, and that I may be able to help. You can’t tell anyone, please promise that.” I say as, Caroline and Elena nod in agreement with my request.
We make it to the top on the stairs that lead down to the tomb as Caroline continues to ask Elena questions. We make our way down to the tomb, where there is a big stone door blocking the entry, “Are you sure you wanna do this?” Caroline questions looking at Elena.
“Yes, I’m sure. She’s the only one who knows the truth about Klaus, the only one who can tell me how to stop him,” Elena states turning back to Caroline. They continue to bicker since Caroline is worried about Elena. Caroline then makes her way over to the door and picks it up and moves it out of the way.
“Katherine,” Elena’s voice echoes into the dark abyss of the tomb. “I’ll be okay from here,” Elena says turning to Caroline and me, but we both just give her stern looks.
Soon enough we hear rustling from the tomb and Katherine appears into the light, “Hello, Elena. You come to watch me wither away? Goodbye, Caroline,” Katherine says with a raspy voice.
“As long as I stay on this side of the door, she can’t hurt me. Please,” Elena says and looks at both of us. Caroline and I just sternly look at Elena before we start walking away.
“Did I say you, Athena? Stay.” Katherine responds. I stop in my tracks and turn back and walk back to Elena.
“Stefan know you’re here?” Katherine questions her doppelganger.
“I brought you some things,” Is all Elena says while she sets down the bag she brought.
“You came to bribe me? What is it that you want?” Kathrine says clearly not wanting anything to do with Elena.
“I want you to tell me about Klaus.” Elena requests as she throws some things at Katherine’s feet.
“Mmm, you’ve been busy. But why can’t Athena tell you anything, she has spent some time with him,” Katherine says sounding more intrigued.
“Because I don’t have the information that you could provide. But speaking of, why do you want me here?” I explain to her getting right up to her but not into the tomb.
“I also brought you this. It’s your family history. It says in here that the family line ended with you. Obviously that’s not true,” Elena interrupts as she pulls out a big book from the bag. I go back to go through it to see what else there is.
“You think that if you brought me some family keepsake that I’d open up?” Katherine asks not wanting to give up any info.
“She also brought you this,” I say and pull a plastic water bottle out full of blood. Katherine tries to vamp speed to get the bottle but is held back by the spell keeping her in.
“You don’t look so good. How long before your body shuts down? 10, 20 years? It must be painful to desiccate and mummify. I can’t even imagine.” Elena states coldly. I look at her surprised at the confidence in her voice.  Katherine slides down the side of the wall as Elena pours a small bit of the blood in a cup and slides it over to Katherine.
“You have the Petrova fire,” Katherine states looking at Elena and drinks the blood.
“More blood?” Elena asks, using it as a tactic to get information.
As Elena slides the cup towards herself and I crouch down next to her Katherine starts to explain, “It’s a long story, Klaus and I. Goes all the way all the way back to England, 1492, after I left Bulgaria. Or was thrown out” She starts and take another gulp of blood. Katherine continues to explain how she ended up in England and involved with Klaus. 
“So, what did Klaus want?” I ask actually interested.
“The same thing that he’ll want from you,” Katherine says looking back at Elena.
“He wants to break the curse. He told me a little about it but not enough to tell me what he needed to do or really why,” I say as Elena and Katherine turn their attention to me.
“By sacrificing the Petrova Doppelganger,” Elena blurts out.
“He wanted to drain every single drop of blood from my body,” Katherine explains. I squeeze Elena’s hand when I notice her getting more nervous.
Elena hands me the bottle of blood to pour for Katherine as she continues to question her, “ What does the Petrova bloodline have to do with Klaus?”
“It’s really tedious but...The curse was bound by the sacrifice of Petrova blood. Witches are crafty with their spells. The doppelganger was created as a way to be able to undo the spell. Once the doppelganger reappeared, the curse can be broken,” Katherine explains.
“So you ran before he killed you,” I state trying to see where she was getting at.
“Something like that,” Katherine says and continues to explain how she met Rose, was healed by her and then hung herself to become a vampire.
“You killed yourself?” Elena asks even though it was clear that she had to die somehow to be here today.
“Klaus needed a human doppelganger. As a vampire, I was no longer any use to him,” Katherine responds.
“But it clearly didn’t work. I mean you’ve been running from Klaus ever since,” I state.
“Lucky you, you aren’t. I underestimated his spirit for vengeance but living in a suitcase is better than dying so you can have your blood spilled over some silly little rock,” Katherine says with a little annoyance. Elena looks overwhelmed and scared while Katherine just taunts at the idea of making Elena a vampire. Katherine continues with her story and explains that she used Rose and Trevor to look out for herself.
“So how much of your little story is true?” I ask looking at Katherine.
“I have no reason to lie. I have no reason to do anything but sit here and read and rot,” Katherine says annoyed as she flips through the book.
“Ok, so you mean it’s even partially true, that’s the reason why you came back isn’t it? Because you wanted to be the one to hand me over to Klaus.” Elena states.
“Mm, 500 years on the run, I figured maybe he’d be willing to strike a deal,” Katherine says struggling to get up from the ground.
“So you got Mason Lockwood to find you the moonstone,” Elena says.
“Right again,” 
“What else is needed to break the curse?” Elena asks.
“Mmm. Look who’s getting smarter.” Katherine taunts.
“It’s not just me or the stone, is it? Otherwise, there would be no reason to trigger Tyler Lockwood’s werewolf curse. But then why do you want Athena here?” Elena says as she thinks about it.
“Witches and their spells. So many ingredients, so many people to sacrifice.” Katherine taunts but not answering Elena’s question.
“So you need a werewolf? Why not me then?” I interrupt their conversation.
“Believe it or not, they’re hard to come by. And I had planned on triggering Tyler’s curse before I even met you. I mean I’m sure you would do just fine, except for the fact that I think Klaus would kill me on the spot for offering you up. Yeh, I heard some rumors about a Dumont wolf running around with Klaus, figured it was you.” Katherine explains as I just stare at her stiffly.
“What else?” Elena injects before I can respond.
“A witch to do the spell. Mine bailed but Bonnie will do just fine.”
“What else?”
“Caroline,” I say realizing that’s why she was probably killed.
“It could have been anyone I suppose but I like the poetry of Caroline.” 
“So you were gonna just hand us all over to be killed?” Elena asks.
“Better you die than I,” Katherine says before she slinks back into the darkness of the tomb.
Elena and I just stand there trying to take in all the information that Katherine dished out. We started to get ready to go until Stefan walked down the stairs, “Elena. Athena.” He says looking from me to Elena.
“Stefan, what are you doing here?” She asks him.
“I could ask you guys the same question,” He responds.
“Caroline told you,” I say under my breath behind Elena.
“No, she kept your secret but it didn’t take long for me to figure out what was so important that you’d have to keep it from me.” He explains.
“I knew that you’d stop me,” Elena says defensively. 
“Listen, whatever she said to you guys is a lie. Do not listen to her. She is a liar,” Stefan states.
“What if she isn’t?” Elena says back.
“Sorry to interrupt but you didn’t hear what she said,” I say walking up to the couple shaking my head.
“You don’t have to worry, I’m not gonna let anything happen to you,” Stefan says making his voice softer.
“That’s the problem, you won’t but you’ll die trying. How’s that any better?” Elena rebuttals. I notice Katherine come back out of the shadows.
“There’s nothing you can do, Stefan. I haven’t even told you the best part of the story.” She says and starts to tell us about how her entire family was killed. Stefan tries to keep Elena from listening but just says that there’s no hiding from Klaus and that when Klaus shows up, that we’ll all be dead.
Stefan and I take Elena back to her house, I notice some awkward tension in the air so I let Stefan walk her up to her door. After a while, I notice that Elena is crying and Stefan is just clutching her in his arms. He walks back to his car and sits for a while.
“Is she ok?” I ask him.
“Yeh, she’s shaken up. Worried about everyone else. Can you verify anything Katherine said?” He sighs.
“Well, I don’t know much but as far as the curse goes for breaking it. What she said sounds pretty solid. At least it sounded like it.” I reply.
“So you really knew the guy?” He asks as he starts the car.
“Yeh, but he didn’t tell me much. He didn’t like to bring ‘business’ home to me. As he liked to tell me. This curse is part of the reason I left, but I guess I couldn’t escape it. I’m sorry I can’t be more help.” I explain with a sad tone.
“It’s alright, better than none. Ummm… my house or yours?” He asks.
“Uh, yours. I’m still working on putting mine back together. No bed.” I say nervously.
“Alright,” Stefan says and drives us over to his house. 
I spent the next day just hanging out at the Salvatore house until I got a somewhat distressing call from Caroline asking for me to come to her house. I made my way over as fast as possible. Once I go to Caroline’s house, I was lead into the living room.
“What’s up?” I ask concerned.
“We found Tyler’s uncle’s video and log about his transformation and since he isn’t here I thought we would ask you about it,” She says. 
“Look, the first full moon sucks, I’m not even gonna sugar coat it. But over time it stops hurting as much and nothing beats running in the woods without any worries. I’m sure whatever your uncle did is what you want to do but I can assure you that being chained up isn’t the way to go.” I say sitting next to Tyler.
“Ok, thank you.” He says calming down.
“Anytime, just let me know if you have any more questions, we may not have a pack but we have each other. You can get through this.” I get up and walk over to Caroline who left to the front door, where I see Matt waiting.
“Hey, I have to go. Are you sure you want to help Tyler? You could get hurt, you know werewolf bites are deadly to vampires right?” I ask concerned for her safety.
“I’m sure. Thank you again for coming,” She replies back as we hug. She opens the door for Matt as I leave.
The next day Elena asks me if I could come over because she’s trapped in her house with Damon, while everyone else does whatever, I agree considering that there’s not much else to do and I’m sure Elena doesn’t want to be stuck with Damon. I make my way over to her house and knock on the door.
“Look who it is, our wolf buddy,” Damon says as he opens the door for me.
Damon and I make our way back over to the couch that Elena is sitting on, “Thank god you’re here,” She whispers to me.
“I heard that,” Damon whispers back. “Where’s Bonnie?” He asks making his voice louder.
“I thought she was meeting you,” Jeremy says as he enters the room.
“No, she’s on moonstone duty and we’re on Elena patrol,” Damon says gesturing to me.
“No, you are. I’m just here because I thought I’d keep Elena company.” I state back.
“And who’s on Tyler Lockwood and the full moon?” Jeremy asks.
“Vampire Barbie asked me if she could handle it, and I said, why not? Figured if she screwed up, he’ll bite her and I’ll be rid of two of my problems,” Damon says nonchalantly.
“Hold on a second. Tonight’s the full moon?” Elena asks and Damon’s phone starts to ring.
“Yep, But you’re too absorbed with all your suicidal tendencies to notice.” He says as he gets up to answer his phone.
“Shut up Damon,” I say and glare at him and he answers his phone. “I talked to both Tyler and Caroline and they have everything sorted out,” I say as Elena turns towards me.
“What about you? I mean you’re a werewolf,” She asks me concerningly.
“I’ll be fine. My curse has been triggered longer and my transformation won’t last as long.” I reassure her. 
After Elena and I are done talking he turns back to us, “Change of plans. You babysit,” He says and points between Jeremy and me “Hey you know, you should get out, enjoy the sun. Oh wait, you can’t” Damon says. Elena and I just both respond by throwing a pillow at him.
Elena and I decide to go hang out upstairs, after a few hours Elena goes down to get us some food. I hear Elena running up the stairs and start to knock on her brother’s door after she tells a clear lie to him, I hear Elijah’s voice. They make their way into Elena’s room where I’m just sitting on her windowsill.
“Oh, forgive the intrusion. I mean your family no harm. Athena.” Elijah says walking into the room and taking notice of me. I notice Elena’s face, which clearly reads that she wants me to stay in the room.
“Why did you kill those vampires when they tried to take me?” Elena asks as she quietly closes the door.
“Because I didn’t want you to be taken. Klaus is the most feared and hated of the Originals, but those that fear him are desperate for his approval. If word gets out that the doppelganger exists, there’ll be a line of vampires eager to take you to him and I can’t have that.” Elijah explains as he takes a seat next to me.
“Isn’t that exactly what you’re trying to do?” Elena asks.
“Let’s just say that my goal is not to break the curse.” He states.
“So, what is your goal?” I ask looking over at him.
“Klaus’ obsessions have made him paranoid. He’s a recluse. He trusts only those in his immediate circle.” Elijah explains.
“Like you?” Elena asks quieter.
“Not anymore. But, maybe Athena,” He says looking over at me. His statement just makes me confused since I had left both of them, how could either of them trust me.
“You don’t know where he is, do you?” I ask more intrigued by the situation.
“So you’re trying to use Athena and me to draw him out,” Elena says crossing her arms.
“Well, to do that, I need you to stay put and stop trying to get yourself killed. And possibly, have you come home with me, Athena,” Elijah and smirks.
“How do I know you’re telling the truth?” Elena quickly asks.
“If I wasn’t being truthful, all your family would be dead and I’d be taking you to Klaus right now. Instead, I’m here and I’m prepared to offer you a deal.” Elijah responds.
“What kind of deal?” I ask and get up to stand next to Elena.
“Do nothing. Do nothing, live your life, stop fighting. And then, when the time is right, you and I shall draw Klaus out together. And I shall make certain that your friends remain unharmed. My deal for you Athena is the same as Elena or come home with me and help me.” Elijah explains.
“And then what?” Elena asks before I can get a word out.
“Then I kill him,” Elijah says coldly. My heart jumps a little, I guess Elijah noticed as he quickly shifted glance to me then back to Elena. I never thought about it since I left but it kind of hurt hearing Elijah say that he was gonna kill his own brother. I guess that shows that I still had a few feelings for him and I wasn’t sure what to think.
“I’m a man of my word, Elena. I make a deal. I keep a deal.” Elijah says as I turn my attention back to the conversation.
“That I can tell you is true,” I say from next to Elena.
“How are you gonna be able to keep everybody safe?” Elena questions.
I tune out the rest of the conversation as I start to feel a small pain in my abdomen signaling that my transformation is starting. I look out of Elena’s window to how high the moon is, “ I gotta go, my transformation is starting,” I strain as the pain gets stronger. I guess Elijah and Elena finished talking because the next thing I know, I’m rushed out of her house to somewhere in the woods.
“I don’t need your help Elijah,” I strain even more trying to get away from him.
“Okay, Okay. Can you at least consider my deal and come back home?” He asks.
“No, my friends need me here,” I say before I left out a gut-wrenching scream as my bones start to break.
“Just know that the offer is always there and that I really do need your help with Klaus,” Elijah says before I just barely notice him vamp speed away. 
A/N: Here is part 4 based on 02x09 “Katerina” and a little bit of 02x10 “The sacrifice” and 02x11 “By the Light of the Moon”. This was really just a filler part. I’m going to skip the next few episodes since those would also be more filler and I want to get into the juicy stuff haha. I know I’ve been randomly uploading a lot and I’m not sure how long this fast uploading will last. I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading! Stay safe and healthy everyone.
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writingbymel · 5 years
Syndicate - Part 4
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Author’s Note: Part 4 is here! Also, I’m working on other imagines/writings at the moment so stay tuned. 
Date Posted: 11/06/2019
Summary: After discovering the identity of the new vampire hunter in town, Y/N and the gang have an idea to investigate the situation. Things don’t go to plan when the hunter is a lot more prepared than they all thought. 
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
Word Count: 2,000+
“You thought you saw me die Y/N,” Sami says. “Cause that’s what I wanted you to remember.”
“What do you mean what you wanted me to remember?” I ask her angrily.
“I compelled you to forget,” Sami responds handing me a cup of blood. “You were human at the time and I was able to compel you to forget.” I push the cup away from me.
“How come I didn’t remember when I turned?” I ask.
“I had the help of a witch,” Sami tells me sitting down across from me. “She made sure you wouldn’t find out.”
“Now why would she help you?” I ask.
“She didn’t want me to kill her family of vampires,” Sami tells me fidgeting with her hands.
“Sami how can you be killing your own kind,” I plead.
“We’re monsters Y/N,” Sami says. “We shouldn’t be allowed to roam free like this it will only hurt more people. Just think about all the innocent humans who have been hurt since the original vampires. Thousands probably millions.”
“Vampires were once innocent humans too,” I continue.
“Emphasis on once Y/N,” Sami states. “You once hated them too, Y/N. I can’t believe you’re one of them now. All high and mighty by Klaus’s side of all people. Remember when you tried to kill him?”
“You know I had no choice,” I tell her.
“Or did you?” she replies with a smirk.
“You didn’t, did you—?” I start.
“Compel you to stab an original vampire? Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t,” she laughs. “It was for your own good Y/N he’s a terrible person. He was changing you.”
I speed over to Sami pushing her against the wall, “You had no right.”
“I wouldn’t do that Y/N,” Sami says pushing me off her onto the ground. “Don’t you remember I’m older than you?” In a swift movement, Sami pins me on the ground and ties my hands together.
“God Sami I thought we were friends,” I struggle against her grip.
“We were before you got involved with them,” Sami responds. “Now you’re going to make great bait.” Sami shoves me onto the couch. “Stay there and don’t move.” She reaches for my phone in my back pocket and disappears out of the front door.
“Are you kidding me,” I whisper to myself attempting to wriggle out of the ropes around my wrists. They were way too tight. I sigh sitting back down on the couch hoping someone come helps me soon.
Klaus’s POV
“Don’t you guys think Y/N has been in there for a while?” I ask worriedly attempting to listen inside the building. All of us stood outside of the inn waiting for Y/N to leave.
“We all know Y/N can handle herself,” Damon says staring at the door to the inn. A girl with long blonde hair walks out of the front door. “That’s her that’s the hunter.” We all immediately crouch down behind some shrubs.
“Do you think she saw us?” Elena asks.
“Doubt it,” Caroline replies.
“I think all of us coming looks highly suspicious,” Damon says.
“Well no one wanted to stay behind,” I point out. “It looks like she’s headed towards the Grill.”
“Me, Bonnie, and Elena will head over to the Grill to check it out,” Stefan states. “Klaus, Damon, Caroline, and Leo stay here.”
“But I want to go confront the hunter too,” Caroline whines.
“No one is confronting anyone,” Stefan replies. “We’re only going to be looking at her from afar.” Stefan, Bonnie, and Elena head off into the direction that the hunter went.
“That’s it I’m going inside,” I state angrily. I march off to the front door before anyone could stop me. I hear Leo and Damon follow me from behind. I quickly compel the front desk lady to let us in. We come face to face with a locked door.
“I got it,” Leo says. He uses his strength to pry open the door in a swift movement. Damon and I raise our eyebrows at him slightly impressed. “Hey just because I’m glamorous doesn’t mean I can’t be a kick ass vampire too.” As we rush inside we see Y/N tied up on the couch in the living room. I rush over to her.
“Who did this?” I ask tearing the ropes from her wrists gently.
“Sami,” Y/N responds feeling her wrists. “Thanks guys,” She pulls us all in for a hug. I feel my heart beat in my chest. I was hoping no one could hear, but the look Leo gave me after we all pulled away told me otherwise. “but let’s get the hell out of here. I feel like I can smell vervain in the air.”
“Nah uh Y/N, we are not leaving before we investigate this room,” Damon says rifling through a bunch of papers on the coffee table. “Leo go be our lookout.”
“Aye aye captain,” Leo says. I roll my eyes at him laughing slightly as he makes his way to the door.
Klaus moves to the small kitchen area looking through the drawers. I walk over to him to help him look. “Wow Sami sure has the collection,” Klaus says. My eyes follow his to the drawers filled with wooden stakes.
“It’s like the girl is planning to kill the entire vampire population,” I say sadly.
“How are you holding up?” Klaus asks pushing some of my hair behind my ear. “I know how close you and Sami were.”
“I found out she was the one that compelled me to stake you that night all those years ago,” I say avoiding eye contact with Klaus. I open one of the kitchen cabinets to reveal a whole bunch of vervain plants.
“I knew you were compelled Y/N,” Klaus states. “I knew that never in an eternity you would ever try to harm me. Look at me Y/N.” I sigh turning around to look at him.
“I don’t know why I ran Klaus,” I say tears welling up in my eyes. “I was just so scared to face you and your siblings after what I had done. I was just this silly human that you guys took in and turned. And for me to betray you like that. I just couldn’t face you.”  
“Yet here you are,” Klaus says. I let out a huge sigh.
“Look Klaus, I—” I start. Damon walks into the kitchen holding a journal.
“Woah am I interrupting something?” he asks.
“Actually—” Klaus starts. I quickly interrupt him.
“No nothing at all,” I say my voice an octave higher from embarrassment. “Whatcha got there Salvatore?” He opens the journal to show me the contents inside. Klaus walks over to get a better look as well.
“Miss Sami here has a list of all the vampires in Mystic Falls,” Damon says.
“Where did she even get this information?” I ask angrily.
“Beats me,” Damon chuckles. “But oh dear Y/N and Klaus it gets better.” Damon flips to another page in the journal. “She has names of vampires in over 30 cities.”
“What the actual hell,” I say.
“Lucky for us though she has a number scrawled on the inside of the cover,” Damon shows us the number and a name underneath it that read “Katerina.”
“No it can’t be,” I say. “They never knew each other.”
“Well there’s only one way to find out,” Damon replies. “But let’s get out of here.” Damon takes a few photos of the pages in the journal and sets it back on the shelf he found it. We all make our way back to the Salvatore house where we met up with the rest of the gang to give them the bad news.
“Alright so it’s quite simple really Y/N,” Katherine smiles widely. “I’m going to flip a coin and decide who I want to go the dance with more.” Once again Katherine was toying with the feelings of two guys like she always did.
“Doesn’t it bore you pretending to be a high schooler every century?” I ask filing my nails. I look at myself in the mirror, another host body I didn’t recognize, but would make do for the time being.
“Doesn’t it bore you switching appearances all the time?” Katherine fires back. “Don’t you miss being able to just be yourself?”
I throw my pillow at her, “Shut up, Pierce.” She throws it back at me with more force, but using my vampire speed I quickly move out of the way.
“Someone has adapted to vampirism well,” Katherine smirks.
“Well it has been about half a year now,” I say.
“I wish I could’ve met what real Y/N was like,” Katherine says. “She seemed fun.”
“Katherine I’m no different than ‘real me,’” I tell her. “I just look different.”
“I don’t get why you’re running from Klaus,” Katherine mentions. “You and I both know the guy is head over heels for you. I highly doubt he even cares that you tried to kill him. If you just explain to him that you were forced to all would be well in KlausY/N world.” She throws her top off switching into a bright red evening gown. “Now are you sure you don’t want to come tonight?”
“I’m 100% sure,” I state. “I’m not in the mood to party. You know I’m still getting over the trauma of attempting to murder my ex-boyfriend.”
“Come on Y/N,” she pleads. “For me? I need someone to keep me from going crazy tonight.”
“Fine, but just because I know how crazy you get at these things,” I reply. She squeals in excitement and forces me into a light blue dress. As we made our way into the gigantic mansion, I am attacked by the loud noise of music and chatter. Katherine scans the room for her date only to be interrupted by Damon Salvatore.
“Fancy seeing you here Katherine,” Damon says smugly. His eyes travel to mine. “And you are?”
“This is —” Katherine starts.
“Penny,” I say coming up with a fake name quickly.
“Right…” Katherine trails off. “Penny…Anyways Damon I would love to chit chat but I have two hot dates waiting for me.”
“Some things never change,” Damon mumbles. “Care for a dance Y/N?” His sentence catches me off guard. How did he know?
“My name is Penny,” I repeat. He laughs at me extending his hand to me.
“Y/N you are a really bad actress,” Damon says. “Plus you never take off that bracelet not very clever if you ask me.” I take his hand to the middle of the dance floor.
“I guess I should be more careful with that,” I sigh in defeat letting Damon lead because I couldn’t dance for my life.
“Hey just so you know,” he leans in to whisper in my ear. “Klaus is here tonight.”
I quickly pull away from Damon. “I have to leave.” I rush to the front door only to collide with someone in the midst of the large crowd. “I am terribly sorry…” I look up to see Klaus staring down at me.
“Sorry love,” Klaus states grabbing my hand. I quickly hide my left hand adorned with the bracelet behind my back.
“It’s quite alright,” I reply. “But I really must get going.” I run off before he has a chance to stop me.
  “Katherine?!” Elena shrieks. “Didn’t she run off into hiding?”
“That doesn’t mean she can’t have a telephone number Elena,” Klaus says laughing slightly.
“Big bad hybrid has a point Elena,” Damon declares.
“So let’s try calling the number already,” Caroline states.
“Is that a safe idea?” Stefan asks. “The hunter is still on the loose. Shouldn’t we take care of her first?”
“Hello who is this?” Damon asks holding his phone up to his ear. Stefan groans at his brother’s impulsivity. “Oh Katherine it’s me Damon. Okay yeah yeah. We want to know how you know our dear hunter friend Sami.” Damon hangs up the phone. “Katherine is coming back to Mystic Falls.”  
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despressolattes · 4 years
book one masterlist » book two masterlist
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
She looked at herself in the mirror, touching the necklace dangling upon her neck. The pendant was rather large and in a noticeable and recognizable shape. The gem in the middle was made of obsidian with specks of lapis lazuli, and it glowed a light blue when it with light. She had it for as long as she could remember, Dahlia spelling it so she could walk in the sunlight when she finally came out of the cave she was desiccated in.
She only found out that the necklace had protective properties like that when she tried to take it off in public, wanting to conceal it as she walked through a village in the 1500s.
It was the only thing she had that made her her, and she didn't want to lose it somehow or get it taken. The minute the clasp was off and she moved the necklace, her skin began to burn, boil, and turn red. She put it on, wondering why it hadn't done that when she took it off while she slept. When she tried to take it off again within a building, she realized that it protected her against the sun.
All of her vampire ways she had to learn on her own.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── 1500s
Lilah stood slowly, confused and frightened. Her last memories flooded her mind, the spell Dahlia had performed, being stabbed in the stomach with a sword. She frantically grabbed at her stomach, but only dust fell to the ground. There was no wound, but she was dirty. Her white dressed was covered in black dirt and dust, which drifted off of her body as she moved.
There was, however, blood on the collar of her dress. She looked down on the floor, a trail of blood. Instinctively, she raised a hand to her lips, feeling the thick liquid. She took a step back, terrified of what was going on, but couldn't find a person or a body anywhere.
She slowly made her way to the cave's mouth, following the light to the outside. She looked around, noticing that her world looked unfamiliar to her. The village she had lived in was good as gone, no one living there anymore. She wondered what had happened to the settlement that her mother and father had been from, the one she had traveled so far from with Dahlia and Freya, separated. Freya had already been an adult by the time that little Lilah joined them, but the two of them were never allowed to form a bond.
All Lilah could remember about where she was, was that she was in Europe somewhere.
She had learned about control, about vampirism, about survival, all by herself. It took her a few months to even realize that she had been asleep for five hundred years. It shook her to the core, but she wondered if that meant Freya had survived like she had.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── 1600s
She began to be a bit reckless with her actions and her feedings as she went along. She learned she was somewhere in France where she took up the surname Desmarais, not that she really cared. She wandered around with her veins black and lips bloodied, uncaring since she tended to kill whoever was around.
In the cave she had been in where the journals that Esther made Dahlia give to Lilah. Stories of her mother and her father, Lorelle's journals. She became accustomed to village life, realizing she was in Ireland. She was able to acquaint herself with the times.
She relished in her new abilities, she was fast, strong, able to make people do as she pleased. She missed her magic, however, but decided that it was fine that she couldn't practice her craft any longer if it meant it was in exchanged for her freedom.
She tried to look for Freya for a bit. She asked about Freya Mikaelson, knowing of the immortality sleeping spell Dahlia had in plan for them, but no one knew who she was, but would ask if she was related to the Lord Mikaelsons, nobelmen who lived in Denmark with their sister Rebekah.
It was then that she realized her father and his siblings were still alive, whether by magic or by the curse she found herself under, they were alive. Soon, she'd hear others, those apart of her special community, talk about the violence and the running. The whispers in the wind she'd hear about the Mikaelson family was all she needed to become discouraged about knowing them.
She was on a blood binge when someone grabbed her, bringing her into an alley, pinning her against a wall.
"Are you trying to expose everyone?"
A girl stood in front of her in a beautiful gown that matched her flawless face. She had curly brown hair, voluminous. If there was a flaw on her, Lilah couldn't find it. She has a peculiar accent, definitely not native to France.
The girl looked at her suspiciously, before stating, "You're the Desmarais girl everyone talks about in the village."
"People talk about me?" Lilah asked.
"Yes, the young men talk about how you are beautiful and single, the young women talk about how you are kind and poised," the girl replied, before adding, "The witches talk about how you are dangerous and the vampires talk about how you ask too many questions about the Old Ones."
"About the who?" Lilah questioned.
"The Original vampire family," the mysterious girl replied. "The Mikaelsons."
"And what do you know of them?" Lilah questioned, looking at the girl suspiciously.
"I know that Niklaus and Elijah are evil."
Lilah's face perked up at Elijah's name.
"I know that they will do whatever it takes, no matter who gets hurt, for their own personal gain," she added, looking down with sadness. "I know they will kill when they are wronged."
"Is that not with all vampires do?"
"Not all have to," she replied.
"You're lucky I couldn't care less about those Mikaelsons. I'm merely looking for someone named Freya, not this Klaus and Elijah you speak of."
The girl let go of her.
"You must be careful with your actions before you expose us all and get us killed," she said, letting go of Lilah.
"We're vampires, we cannot die," Lilah said.
"They can still stake us, they can take away our daylight rings and throw us into the sun," the girl said as she began to walk away.
It was because of her that Lilah started to realize she wasn't like the other vampires. She had been staked before, while irritating the wrong person in a different town, and she had walked outside without her necklace before. She had survived both occurrences.
"What is your name?" Lilah asked her.
She turned around and smiled, "Katerina. I like your necklace."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"You're crazy, you know that?"
Josh was standing at her door, leaning against her doorframe while she looked at herself in the mirror. She turned around to look at him, sending him a smile.
"It's in my blood," she shrugged, though Josh didn't know the weight of her words.
"Roman Sienna, huh?" Josh cringed, walking into her room and sitting onto her bed. "Of course you of all people, after you start to let a guy in, you get totally lied to and betrayed. Maybe it's karma for all the good guys you turned down all these years."
His teasing manner didn't go unnoticed, and Lilah picked up one of her makeup brushes from the top of her dresser, throwing it at the Rosza boy.
"Shut the fuck up," she laughed at him, going to sit next to him. She leaned her head onto his arm, wrapping both of her arms around his. "I'm still not convinced he's a bad guy."
"You keep saying that, but why do you think that?" Josh asked her. "You used to be the most suspicious of us all, never letting anyone, even us, in. And now you're rescuing the son of the woman who killed Hayley."
"I can't explain it," Lilah replied. "It's like... It's this feeling of familiar when I'm with him, like this isn't the first time I've met him."
"Maybe he has something to do with Picture Girl," Josh said.
Lilah gave him a stern look. "You think everything has to do with that girl in the photos."
"I wouldn't be surprised if everything happening right now has everything to do with that girl," Josh admitted.
Lilah huffed, standing up and holding out a hand for Josh. "Let's go gauge the damage I've caused, shall we?" she asked.
He took her hand, letting her pull him to his feet.
"You can gauge the damage you've caused, I've got a bar to run. We still have no applicants to come work with us."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Lilah walked into the Abattoir—The Mikaelson compound—rather awkwardly. She went into the family room to see Freya, Keelin, and Nik, feeling relieved that she was the one she found. Her and Freya's bond had always been strong, partly because of how Lilah had childhood memories of the witch.
Nik was fast asleep in Freya's arms. Keelin looked between Lilah and Freya, nodding to her wife as she picked up their son and walked out. She smiled at Lilah in passing, and Lilah sat down next to Freya.
"You were like a Vampire Peggy Carter," joked Freya, her soothing and raspy voice calming Lilah's nerves as they both had their feet on the couch, facing one another. "The last time I saw you that protective over a guy, it was Elijah."
Lilah chuckled at the analogy.
"Has Josh called Roman 'Vampire Captain America' in front of you before? Is that where the Peggy Carter jokes are coming from?"
Lilah was glad that the air around her and Freya was light.
"You know, Lilah," Freya started, scooting closer to the girl. "Even though I met you when you were already a vampire, and you lived a lot of years on your own, and you did the growing up part all on your own... Whenever I see you, I see the daughter I didn't get to raise."
Lilah smiled, Freya brushing a hair out of Lilah's face.
"You came to this family as someone who looked like a little girl, trying her best to be an adult vampire in a big, bad scary world. And I know I can't take credit for the wonderful person you ended up being despite all the bad, but I like to think you're one of the things this family got right," Freya continued. "We all had our own lives taken from us, and this family hasn't done the best things, or even the right things at times, but taking you in makes me feel how I can only imagine Klaus felt taking in Marcel."
Lilah smiles at her words, trying her hardest not to be emotional.
"So, I trust you and your instincts. I know you're the most cautious out of all of us. Do you trust him?"
"There's a voice in my head telling me to," she said, repeating what she kept using as her justification for coming to Roman's rescue.
Footsteps could be heard, and they both glanced towards the sound to see Rebekah approaching.
"I see we let the traitor back into our home," Rebekah said, bringing her glass of alcohol to her mouth.
Lilah and Freya gave her a look, but Rebekah held her ground.
"What? She helped Hayley's killer's son escape from the Garden after he lied to her for a over a week about who he was," Rebekah said with her normal amount of dramatic, taking another sip of her alcohol, the ice clinging in her glass. "Lils, your taste in men is almost as horrible as mine was. Nik would've thrown Roman off the balcony by now, so don't be too upset that I merely threw him into a little prison underneath our home. Be glad I didn't board him up behind bricks and attempt to desiccate him."
With that, Rebekah smiled and walked away, back upstairs to her room.
Lilah and Freya looked at one another and couldn't help but laugh over what Rebekah had just said, in light of it all. It almost sounded like they were psychotic, but maybe they were. Maybe being crazy just ran in the family.
"So, what exactly happened? How did you guys figure him out?" Lilah asked.
"Rebekah loves herself a good gossip, and you wouldn't bring Roman around for her to meet. So she called that school he said he works for, the one that Nik sent Caroline a check for, and asked about Roman Bauer. But Caroline said that a Roman Bauer didn't work for them, a Roman Sienna does. Then Rebekah connected the dots back to the boy she saw around town during the time Hayley passed away. Then a simple locator spell on my part, and we knew where to find him," Freya explained.
Lilah nodded, chuckling softly at how nosey Rebekah could be.
"Part of it was for Hayley, and the other part was for you," Freya added.
"For me?" Lilah asked.
"He lied to you about his identity, so yeah, we were pissed off about what his mom did, and for what he was doing to you."
Lilah remained quiet. She was lying about her identity, too.
"Rebekah will come around," Freya promised her, wrapping an arm around Lilah. "I swear to you."
"Where's Lorelle?" Lilah asked. "Any updates on that front?"
Freya sat up straight, shrugging as she said, "She's been holed up in her room, seems to be a bit moody. Doesn't want to eat with us, barely talks to us. Still no leads on the White Oak coven, and I'm honestly not too sure how much we should trust her. But as someone who once had to earn the trust of my own siblings, I'm wanting to give her the benefit of the doubt that she's not here to stir up trouble."
"What about the pictures of that girl? I still have no idea who she is."
Lilah hadn't told anyone of the flashes she would see. Distorted voices and fuzzy scenes that felt like repressed memories, the feeling of deja vu she had when she was with Roman, as if she had already lived through it once before.
"It's like we should know her, but we don't," Freya nodded, but then she shook her head. "But I haven't been able to figure that out, either."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Lilah walked upstairs of the compound, going to the room that Lorelle was staying in. She knocked, hearing her mother say, "I'm not hungry, Freya."
She entered the room anyways, pausing when she saw Lorelle sprawled out on the floor with endless grimoires open, like she was researching.
"L-Lilah Rae," she sputtered out, her eyes going wide as she stood up. "I wasn't expecting to see you."
"What're you doing?" Lilah asked her, sitting down on the floor and bringing one of the grimoires towards her.
"Well, I have magic, but I never really studied it," Lorelle explained, sitting down next to her. "So, I'm trying now."
After a moment of silence, she said, "You know, perhaps we should talk about—"
Lilah raised a finger to her lips, shushing her and then pointing to her ears, then swirling her finger in a circle to motion that the others could hear them.
"Not here," Lilah told her.
She looked at the grimoires on the floor, a ring amongst them, attached to a chain. She picked it up, looking on the inside to see engraving. The words "E. Mikaelson." Lilah's eyes involuntarily closed again, another fuzzy image in her head, the eerie feeling of deja vu once again crawling up her spine in the form of goosebumps.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
She was sitting in the passenger seat of her car, her emotions felt like they were all over the place. She found herself on the road to Mystic Falls, glancing down at the ring that was dangling from her neck. That same ring. She felt angry, but the anger slipped away to be replaced with grief and disappointment.
One thought was in her mind, "But I wasn't mad at her anymore, just disappointed she was here, and he wasn't."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Lilah let go of the ring as she opened her eyes, tears falling down her face, watching as it fell back down onto the grimoire. She couldn't understand why she kept on having flashes of images and moments that she didn't remember herself. It was almost driving her crazy. She had one when she gave Roman clothes, when she picked up his bear, and now when she held onto her father's ring.
"Are you alright?" Lorelle asked Lilah, reaching forward and wiping her face.
"I'm fine," Lilah jerked away from her, wiping her face on her head. "I'm sorry, I-I have to go."
"Lilah, please don't—" Lorelle pleaded as Lilah stood up frantically. She copied her daughter, trying to step closer to her, but Lilah just pushed her arms away, using her vampire speed to run out of the room and the compound.
She got to her car, finding herself yet again trying to catch her breath. She was confused as to where this mental breakdown was coming from, but she felt it coming on since she got back from Mystic Falls. She felt off, like she was there but she wasn't fully there. Her mind was trying to make sense of everything in front of her, and while it was all normal, it just didn't feel right to her. Like it was all fake, like she was trying to wake up from a dream.
She didn't drive to her apartment, it just didn't feel right. She parked in front of Roman's apartment complex, wondering when she became the type to seek comfort from a guy. She wondered if she'd keep having those flashes of moments if she was around him more, since two out of three of them occurred with him. She wondered if he was the distorted voice and the fuzzy figure from her first flashback, when she had been giving Roman clothes to sleep in.
She knocked on the door, and the confused curly haired blond was practically tackled in a hug when he opened it.
"Desmarais?" he questioned, taking a few steps back to steady the two. "What's going on?"
She reached her hands up to his hair, running her fingers through his locks, closing her eyes, praying that something would come to her.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
She stood in front of him, watching as he looked up at her. He was still fuzzy, but Lilah was almost sure that the figure in front of her had to be him. She leaned down, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, engulfing him in a hug. One of her hands found his hair, softling running her fingers through his curls.
"What're you doing?" a distorted voice asked, his voice small.
"I'm a hugger," she replied. "And that is the fact you get to learn about me today."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"I'm a hugger," she said softly, before saying louder and more confidently, "I'm a hugger!"
"You're a hugger?" replied Roman with the same volume, but ending the sentence to make it sound like a question.
Lilah let go of him, placing her hands on his shoulders as she backed away. She stared at him in awe and said, "I think you're the key to why I woke up outside of Mystic Falls."
Roman's eyebrows raised at her words, turning his head to the side in confusion. She just smiled though, feeling like she was making a break through with this mystery hole in her life.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
· we're at 1k! despite SIDE CHARACTER reaching over 136k reads, every milestone still feels just as exciting as they did the first time i reached them. hopefully book 3 can see the same success as book 1.
· we get to see her friendship with katherine, which i have talked at before. how do we feel? Do we want to see more of Katerina and Lilah's friendship?
· we also see more freya lilah bond, as well as her with Rebekah. everyone's opinions on them?
· what do you guys think it means that lilah only gets fuzzy memories back when she touches things or does things that have connections to either her and elijah or her and roman?
· a lot happens in this chapter. thoughts? now that lilah has sort of figured out that roman is a trigger to some of her memories—though she'll soon realize he won't be the one to trigger her memories of Picture Girl—what do you think will happen?
· writing this chapter was so fun because i almost never touch on lilah's past. sure, we hear about chicago and stefan sometimes—though i've heard that a lot of people want me to write a 1920s lilah&stefan book. might just do lots of flashbacks in this book or in book four, which might be a lilah in tvd alternate universe type thing. and yes, this is me unwilling to just create a new OC to get attached to when I and a lot of other readers already love lilah.
· writing lilah's 1000s and 1500s past is fun because in side character, i always talked about it and never really went into full detail. and i've been writing lilah's character for two years now, and i think while she is a part of my imagination, she's really grown into her own being inside of my head to the point where things just seem right. it's not me just pulling things out of thin air, they feel right.
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alonely-dreamer · 5 years
Dangerous Creatures | Chapter 12: Gone Creature
Summary: Mackenzie Alemaund is an unlucky 18 year old teenager whose life changes drastically after she gets kidnapped by two vampires and learns, in the same day, that she is not human.
Pairing: Elijah x OC
Words: 2703
A/N: I'm very sorry this took so long, you have no idea how many times I've tried to write this chapter, how many versions of this there were. I will try to upload the next chapter very soon, but as always, I make no promises.I hope you enjoy this!
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6|Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11
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The screams echoing in the hallways were nothing unusual anymore. It had started on the night of Jonas and Luka’s murder and had continued well after that. Even after Elijah and the Salvatores had set their differences aside and allied to defeat Klaus, even after Bonnie got the powers from the burial ground, even after Elena had insisted on having lunch with Mackenzie every single day of the school week. The nightmares were there and they weren’t going away. She knew that. And so did he.
“Mackenzie,” he whispered as he sat down on the edge of her bed, placing a hand on her cheek.
She woke up with a start as he stroke a thumb on her wet face.
“It’s okay,” he said like he always did, “you’re okay.”
She sniffed, then took a deep breath then sniffed again, before she slowly sat up.
“Sorry,” she said like she always did, as she wiped the tears off her face with the back of her hand.
It had been almost two weeks and nothing had helped. Practicing her magic didn’t work. Spending time with the girls, making friends with them, didn’t work. Bonnie’s teas didn’t work. Helping Caroline with the dance didn’t work, not that Mackenzie had ever thought it would.
The first week, she had asked him to stay with her and he had never refused. But the second week, she hadn’t needed to ask anymore. He laid down next to her without a word and she moved to rest her head on his shoulder. She usually slept perfectly after that.
“Are you ready for the dance tomorrow?” he made her laugh.
“You keep asking like you want to go,” she joked back.
“What is it again?”
“A 60’s dance.”
“I’d rather chase down Katerina.”
“Still no word from her?”
“No,” he shook his head, “my guess is Klaus has her. Damon and Stefan said they haven’t seen her since…”
“Since the Martins…”
“Mmh,” he nodded.
“Do you think she’s dead?”
“No. Not Klaus’ style. Death would be… too easy for her, for what she did.”
Mackenzie shivered. “Let’s just… sleep.”
“Of course, my apologies.”
“G’night ‘lijah,” she mumbled with a yawn.
“Good night Mackenzie.”
It made Elijah nervous to leave Mackenzie alone. He didn’t really know why. But after what happened to the Martins, he feared that Klaus’ next target would be the elemental. Not because she was a threat, but because she would be an easy way to hurt him. So, he drove her to school in the morning and picked her up in the afternoon. He couldn’t take the risk of leaving her alone. Especially now that the full moon was in two days.
“What are you going to do this morning?” Mackenzie asked as he stopped the car.
“I’m going to read more about the Holy Forest. The documents we found yesterday are going to be easy to translate.”
“Your morning sounds as exciting as mine,” she chuckled. “Actually, it sounds more exciting than mine,” she sighed once she saw Elena and Caroline waving at her at the other end of the parking lot.
“I thought you got along with them?”
“I do,” she shrugged. “But I can already hear them trying to get me to go to the dance tonight. Caroline keeps insisting on finding me a date no matter how many times I say no… I just… I don’t understand how they can even think about it.”
“Would you rather they stay locked inside their home waiting for Klaus to find them?”
“I…” she shook her head. “I don’t know… I don’t know if that makes them brave or…”
“Or?” he raised an eyebrow.
She chuckled. “Nothing. I’m gonna be late. See you later.”
She could feel the two pair of eyes on her as she exited the car. She could already hear Caroline complain about how she didn’t trust him and how she shouldn’t trust him either. Mackenzie had learnt to ignore her.
Alaric was finally back from his two-week hiatus. Elena had started to worry but she understood he needed time after seeing Isobel two weeks earlier. He hadn’t even tried to contact Jenna. She wondered what her birth mother had told him. Could it have been more upsetting than seeing her kill herself?
Alaric was obviously going through something. He didn’t even bother to try teaching his class, he just rambled about the 60’s instead. Mackenzie thought there was something odd about him, but she couldn’t place it. She wondered where the magic she sensed on him was coming from. Maybe he had been taking some of Bonnie’s teas? She couldn’t figure it out.
It bothered her not to be able to mention it at lunch. Elena and Bonnie saw something was wrong, but she didn’t know what to tell them. Luckily, they were preoccupied with other things.
“What did you tell Jeremy for him to run off this way?” Elena asked.
“I told him he had to dress up tonight.”
The doppelganger laughed. “That would do it.”
“You’re still not coming tonight, Mack?”
“I don’t want to dress up either,” she tried to joke.
“Hey, Elena, there you are,” a girl from their history class, whose name Mackenzie couldn’t remember, interrupted them. “This is gonna sound super freaky but this totally hot guy just asked me to ask you if you’re going to the dance tonight?”
Elena looked both surprised and uncomfortable, she looked at Bonnie who frowned and said: “Tell him she has a boyfriend.”
“You could at least meet him,” she insisted, “he’ll be at the dance tonight, look for him. His name is Klaus.”
“I’m sorry, what did you just say?” Elena asked.
“His name is Klaus. I know the name’s stupid but I swear he’s hot!”
Mackenzie drew a shaky breath as she took out her phone and texted Elijah.
“We gotta go,” Elena said, and they almost ran out of the cafeteria.
When they got to the Salvatores’ house, Elijah was already there, waiting in the living room with Stefan and Damon. She immediately went his way and stayed by his side.
“What happened?” Stefan asked.
Elena explained everything which he already knew. There wasn’t much to say. Klaus was here. Klaus would be at the dance. They needed a plan and they needed it now.
“So we go to the dance, we find him,” Damon said like it was going to be that easy.
“Really?” Stefan stopped him, “he could be anywhere at any time, he compelled somebody at school.”
A knock on the front door was followed by Alaric’s entrance.
“There you are,” Damon welcomed him.
“Sorry I’m late...” he stepped toward the group but stopped at the sight of Elijah.
“Hey, I need you to put me down as a chaperon for the dance tonight,” Damon cut him off. “Klaus made his first move,” he said like it was a game.
Alaric didn’t reply nor look away from the Original. Mackenzie frowned, wondering what was wrong.
“Okay,” Elena breathed out, “so we find him and then what? What’s our plan of attack?”
“Me,” Bonnie said, “I’m the plan. He has no idea how much power I can channel. If you can find him, I can kill him.”
The elemental looked up at her roommate who nodded. “Yes. Ms. Bennett is our only chance at killing Klaus.”
“That’s not gonna be that easy,” Alaric laughed quietly, “I mean, he’s the biggest baddest vampire around.”
“Alaric has a point I mean,” Damon started, “what if he…” he launched himself at the witch who, by a simple wave of a hand, sent him fly away to the other end of the room.
“Well, I was impressed,” Stefan nodded.
“It doesn’t matter if he’s an Original. I can take down anyone who comes at me. I can kill him. I know I can.”
“So, Mackenzie,” Elijah said, “looks like we’re going to the dance after all.”
“You’re going…?” Alaric asked with a weird look on his face, his finger moving from the girl to the vampire.
“Well, I’m the only one here who knows what Klaus looks like. Besides, I believe you will need the reinforcement.”
“Why take Mackenzie? It’s too dangerous,” Elena said.
“I’m not a student, Ms. Gilbert, Mackenzie is my way in.”
“She’s your date,” Alaric said with what looked like amusement on his face.
Mackenzie frowned. If she had to go to this dance, and especially if Klaus was going to be there, she would feel safer with Elijah there.
“I guess she is,” the vampire nodded and all of them could feel the discomfort settling in the room.
“I hate this.”
“You look great, Ms. Alemaund.”
“I look ridiculous!”
“You look beautiful,” Elijah insisted.
Mackenzie blushed at the compliment and blushed even more at the thought he could see it.
“Well, you look…” she paused, looked at him, at his dark blue suit with his matching tie, looking for something to say, “you look like you.”
Elijah chuckled. “You’re terrible at compliments, Mackenzie. Both at receiving them and at giving them.”
She shrugged before turning around to look herself at the mirror one more time. She had picked up the dress from Caroline’s. A white short sleeved dress with red cherries all over it. She had red lips and pink cheeks. Her hair was brought up in a ponytail and she was wearing a red headband. The short heels of her white shoes made her stand a little bit taller, but just a little bit.
“You know what?”
“I’d rather be chasing after Katherine too,” she said which made him laugh.
He took her hand and pulled her away from the mirror. “It’s going to be okay.”
She could tell he was worried. She knew how difficult it was for him. After all, if everything went right tonight, his brother would be dead before morning.
Everybody was staring at them. Nobody knew Elijah and they all stared at Mackenzie’s date like he was an alien.
“Do you see anything?” she whispered.
“A bunch of gossiping teenagers.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“I know what you meant. Don’t worry, I’ll tell you as soon as I see him.”
“Do you see Stefan and Elena?”
“They’re dancing over there.”
“Good evening!” the same girl from lunch stepped on the stage and seized the mic. “We have a special shout out tonight. This is for Elena. From Klaus.”
“Well he’s definitely here,” Mackenzie mumbled, growing more and more nervous. Elijah squeezed her hand.
“You’ll be fine. Remember, stay by my side.”
“If you think I’m going anywhere without you you’re crazy.”
“Would you care to dance?” he asked, holding a hand out to her.
She chuckled. “You don’t want me to dance with you, unless you enjoy people stepping on your feet.”
“I’ll take the risk,” he insisted with a smile, taking her hand and dragging her to the dance floor. He put his right hand on her waist and took her other hand in his. She rested her free hand on his shoulders.
“What are you doing?” she breathed out.
“Blending in. Following Ms. Bennett’s lead,” he said, gesturing towards Bonnie and Jeremy who were dancing near them. Bonnie gave a weird look to Mackenzie as she saw her in the arms of the Original. She ignored it and focused on her feet. The last thing she wanted to do was step on his.
“Thank you,” she said after a few minutes of dancing in silence.
He raised his eyebrows. “For what?”
“For helping me. I know I’m difficult… with the nightmares and… I’m just very grateful.”
He didn’t reply right away, which made her look up at him.
“I enjoyed the last few weeks with you. I’m not used to… company. To having a friend. Not in the recent years at least.”
“Me neither. It was nice.”
“’Was’? Now you make it sound like something bad is going to happen.”
“I don’t know… I have a bad feeling. It’s silly.”
“It’s not silly at all. Fear is good. Fear means you have something to lose.”
“I don’t want to lose you,” she said, surprising herself and him.
“I don’t want to lose you either, Ms. Alemaund.” After all, she was all he had.
She laughed.
“Are you mocking me now?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.
“No. I just… When we met… I never thought… I never thought I’d be glad to have met you.”
“Ah,” he nodded. “I get that a lot.”
She laughed again. But then he lost his smile and started to look around and she started to get worried.
“What’s wrong?”
“They’re gone.”
“Who’s gone?”
“All of them. Bonnie, Damon, Elena… I don’t see them.”
Mackenzie looked around but she couldn’t find them either.
“Come on.”
When they reached the hallway, it was empty. They hurried down it then heard glass break. They ran towards the sound and found Alaric inside the trophy shelf. Bonnie and Elena at the other side of the hallway.
“What’s going on?” Elijah asked.
“It’s Klaus, he’s inside Alaric’s body!” Elena told them.
Alaric, or Klaus, started to laugh.
“Hi big brother. Surprised to see me?”
Elijah picked up Alaric with supernatural strength and speed and pinned him against the wall. His brother only laughed.
“By all means, brother. If you destroy this body, I’ll just get a new one.”
“Don’t!” Elena shouted.
So that’s what Mackenzie was sensing from him. It wasn’t Alaric but Klaus all along. She should have mentioned it. She could have stopped this.
“I see you made a new friend,” Klaus kept laughing.
“Elijah?” Mackenzie called with a quiet voice.
The vampire turned his head and saw Mackenzie looking down at her hands. She was bleeding. From her eyes, her nose, her ears.
“What are you doing?” he growled, pushing his brother harder against the wall.
“Me? Nothing,” he grinned.
“Let her go!” he heard Elena shout.
When he turned around, Mackenzie was in the arms of an unknown man, someone Elijah guessed was a witch, responsible for putting Klaus inside the history professor’s body and for Mackenzie’s pain. The elemental passed out and fell in the hands of Klaus’ minion.
“Ms. Bennett,” Elijah warned.
Bonnie didn’t know what to do. She tried to send the warlock away like she had with Damon earlier that day, but before she had the chance to do anything, he had vanished, and Mackenzie was gone with him.
“Where are they?” Elijah snarled.
Klaus only laughed. “Don’t worry. I won’t harm her. As long as you don’t harm me. Oh, and, I think you have something of mine. The moon stone? Rings any bell?”
“I’ll kill you if you hurt her.”
“That’s what I’m counting on. You want her back safely? You know what to do. Or should I say, what not to do.”
Klaus waited for his brother to let go of him. He could see the dilemma in his eyes.
“I must say I was disappointed to hear you were plotting my death, brother.”
“You killed them,” Elijah said so low it almost scared Klaus, “our siblings. Our blood. Our family. You deserve to die.”
Klaus laughed again. “Are you willing to risk your little witch’s life?”
The need for revenge was almost too big. Who was Mackenzie to him? He had known her for a month, she wasn’t worth it. His siblings were. Klaus deserved to die for what he did. And yet, to Mackenzie, he was a savior. A friend. Someone she trusted. Someone he promised to protect, to keep safe.
Elijah’s grip only became tighter as Klaus waited for his response. Eventually, he let go.
“When will you learn, Elijah? Love… is a weakness.”
Elijah threw a punch so fast and so hard Elena, Bonnie and even Klaus heard it before they saw it. The girls gasped, thinking for a second that Klaus/Alaric were dead. But all Elijah did was punch a hole inside the wall.
“I’ll stay in touch,” Klaus said, dismissing his brother. Elijah hesitated, looked at Bonnie and Elena for a few seconds, before he vanished.
“Now,” Klaus sighed as he turned his attention back to the Bennett witch. “Where were we?”
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swearwolf-writes · 4 years
The Paradox - Chapter 3
The trio of vampires, Damon, Stefan and Jemma, walked silently to the entrance of the tomb hidden beneath Fell’s Church. Jemma gave a nod to the boys and stationed herself at the doorway, listening to the sounds of the boys’ footsteps as they made their way down the spiralling steps to the tomb that was Katherine’s prison. She listened in, wondering what the weak vampire would say this time in order to convince them to release her.
“Let’s do it.” She heard Damon mutter. With a count to three, a loud grating emerges from the tomb, the stone door shifting from its place. The sound of scuffing feet echoed through the small space as Jemma narrowed her eyes. Katerina. Urgh. “Please... come on in. There’s plenty of room for all of us.” “I’d rather poke my eyes out.” A fake smile was etched into Damon’s voice. “Mmm, they’re such pretty eyes.” Katherine countered. Stefan cut their bitchy banter short. “We’re here for the moonstone.” “Feel like tossing it over?” “Tell you what, you get your little witch to hocus pocus me out of here, you can have whatever you want.”
 Jemma seethed from her place above ground. How dare that rancid bitch demand anything of anyone after all the trouble and pain she’s caused-
 “I thought you liked it in here” Stefan commented wryly. “Nice and safe where Klaus can’t get to you.” “I’ve had time to reconsider.” She rasped. “Meaning you’re hungry.” Damon translated. “I’m starving, Damon. And dirty. But above all, I’m bored.” The sound of stumbling and grasping rippled through the stone walls as Katherine moved towards the mouth of her prison. “At least running from Klaus wasn't boring - so here's the deal: you get me out of here, you get the moonstone and I'll disappear from Mystic Falls forever.”
Getting to her feet, Jemma sighed. She could her soft footsteps receding and knew the girl was walking away from them.
“Let me know what you decide.”
They made their way over to the Gilberts’ house, the Salvatore brothers filling Jemma in on the things she couldn’t hear. She gritted her teeth when she was informed of Katerina’s teasing showing of the moonstone. It was so close that they could have just grabbed it right out of her hand - well, not without becoming trapped they couldn’t have anyway.
 Jemma knocked on the door loudly, standing back as Elena opened it.
“Hey. Uh, can we talk?” The youngest of the vampires asked softly. “Why?” Elena seemed confused by their presence at her home. “We went to see Katherine.” Damon informed her, his smile tense. “She was, of course, as insufferable as usual.” The Original chirped. With a short nod of her head, Elena stepped aside the entrance. “Come on in.” They filled in the young girl, watching her processing everything as they stood around the island in her kitchen, Jemma sitting on the counter across where Elena was leaning against the wall.
“You don’t believe her, do you?” She crossed her arms, looking at the group. “No, of course not.” Damon seemed almost offended as he tossed Jemma an apple and opted to instead throw an orange from hand to hand. “We just want the moonstone.” “According to Rose’s friend Slater, there’s a way to destroy the spell that Klaus wants to break.” “No spell, no dopplegänger sacrifice. Ergo, you live.” Elena seemed tired of the conversation. “How do you destroy it?” “By releasing it from the moonstone.” Stefan leaned his hands against the countertop, looking at her expectantly. She raised her hands in the air and then them fall to her sides. “How do you guys even know this is gonna work?” “‘Cause we have a crafty witch on our side.” “You discussed it with Bonnie.” She said, sighing quietly. “She agreed to do anything she could to help us.” “It’s Katherine who has the moonstone. She’s not gonna give it to you.” She shook her head, pointing out the biggest fault in their plan as she sat on one of the barstools. “We’re gonna get it from her,” Stefan assured her. “Well, what he means to say is, we will pry it from her cold, dead hands if we have to,” Damon reiterated happily. Jemma swallowed a bite of her apple and added, “She’s kinda trapped in a cave and has no allies. If we did have to kill her, which we probably should do because she’ll murder us all if she ever gets out,” she pointed out, “there’s not really a lot of places to a big white pebble in a very grey stone cave.”
Stefan nodded and leaned towards the human, trying to reassure her. “Bonnie just needs to find a way to release the seal long enough for us to get in, get the moonstone, and get out in time for her to return it.” Elena looked almost teary at this point as she fumbled with her hands. “Wow. I mean, it sounds like you guys already have it all planned out.” “Yep. We’re awesome.” He gave a thumbs up and Elena looked down at the pale wood of the kitchen island. “Except for one thing.” She looked up between the brothers. “I don’t want you to do it.” The group exchanged confused looks at that. “What are you talking about? Elena, we don’t have a choice.” Stefan objected on behalf of all of them. “What about Klaus?” Elena countered, making a point. “We’ll find him right after we get the moonstone.” “Is that before or after he kills everyone that I care about, including the two of you?” She fired back, pointing from Stefan to Damon while avoiding Jemma’s eye - it wasn’t a secret that the dopplegänger and Original weren’t exactly friends. The idea that Elena cared about him however seemed to startle Damon.
With a pointed look, Stefan again tried to sell the plan to her. “Elena, if we can de-spell the moonstone, we can save your life.” “I know. Everybody keeps saying that.” She spoke quietly as she left the room, the group once again exchanging worried looks. Jemma hopped off the counter and binned her apple core, looking at the Salvatores. “I get that this isn’t helpful but what’s to stop Klaus from trying to kill us after we deal with the moonstone? We are royally screwing him over with this whole moonstone-dopplegänger business and we killed Elijah - I highly doubt an Original is gonna forgive and forget so quickly.” She trailed off, thinking back back to her siblings’ warnings as Stefan dropped his head into his hands.
Elena opened the door to the Salvatore residence and walked in, Jemma trailing behind her awkwardly. After shutting the door she looks around the deserted hallway, deeming that no one was home when Rose walked down the stairs, tying a silk robe around herself.
“It’s not nice to leave a girl naked so early in the morning.”, Rose practically purred before looking up and seeing the embarrassed face of Elena and the smirking face of Jemma. “Whoa- sorry, I thought you were….” Elena looks away, cheeks subtly turning pink. “I, uh, sorry, I-” She stammered out a response, not really knowing what to say in such a situation. “There’s no one else here.” “Actually, I came to talk to you.” Rose smiled broadly at this. “Then I should probably get dressed.” She walked back up the stairs making Elena turn to Jemma.
“Alone?” “Yeah no, no offence to Rose but I still don’t trust her.”
 Jemma sipped her drink in  silence as she watched the conversation brew between Rose and Elena.
“It’s a bad idea.” Rose objected. “No, it’s not. From what Stefan told, your friend Slater obviously has more information about Klaus. You just gave up before you got it.” “Because someone blew up a coffee shop with us in it.”, the vampire deadpanned. “Actually, they just shattered the windows-” Jemma interjected, matter-of-factly, Rose staring daggers at her. The two had clearly not got off on the right foot. “But that’s not the point-” The Original added lamely as she continued sipping her drink.
Despite this, Elena continues to press. “There’s more to learn. We just have to find a way to learn it.” “Why are you coming to me with this?” Rose’s curiosity was not unfounded, Jemma raising an eyebrow as she listened for the answer. “Because you owe me.” Elena put it rather simply. “One, word from me, and Damon and Stefan could have killed you for kidnapping me.” Rose saw through the thinly veiled threat quite easily. “Or maybe it’s because you know they wouldn’t want you to do this. And their moonstone caper gives you a chance to sneak away.” “We’re having a disagreement, okay? They’re willing to risk everyone that I love and I’m not.” “They’re just trying to protect you.” Strange. It sounds almost as if she cares for the girl. “And you’ve proven you couldn’t care less whether I’m protected or not. So, we’re back to you taking me to Slater.”
Rose sat next to Elena, Jemma moving to take Rose’s old space.
“What exactly do you hope to achieve by this?” Elena swiftly avoided her question in favour of bribery. “How would you like to be able to walk during the daylight?” “I’ve been a slave to shadows for 500 years - what do you think?” “I think I know a witch who’s willing to do whatever it takes to help, if you’re willing to make a deal.”
Jemma set her glass down on the table loudly. “And what’s to stop me from telling the boys about this little escapade of yours?” “You also don’t want people to get hurt for me and if that doesn’t work, I could always mention that always get suspicious when anyone mentions the Originals which is interesting when you think about it because we know your whole family but we don’t really know anything about you guys before Mystic Falls - I mean, you won’t even tell your age other than ‘old’.” She raised in challenge of the elder who clenched her jaw in anger at being blackmailed by a child. Nodding curtly, she stood up. “Let’s go then.”
Jemma leaned against the wall lazily as she watched Rose bang on Slater’s door.
“Slater? Slater, it’s Rose. Open up!” No answer. After a brief moment, Rose looked over to Elena. “He’s not home. Sorry.” Jemma shrugged, standing up straight and tucking her hands into her pockets. “Well, guess we gotta go then-” Tonguing her cheek, she resisted glaring at the human as she cut her off. Why won’t she just drop it? If she pries too far into Original business, she might actually find something - and if that surfaces and spreads? Mikael might come after us as well as the Mikaelsons. “Mm-mm. No. We didn’t come all the way out here for nothing.”
Sighing, Rose pushed the doors open using her vampire strength. Elena peered in as Jemma lightly banged her head against the wall, shaking her head and walking in. “After you.” The younger pair walked in behind her, exchanging a look.
“Slater?”, Rose called out as she moved towards the back of the apartment. She froze. “I don’t think he’s gonna be much help.” Elena rushed over to her and gasped at the sight of Slater’s dead body. Jemma raised her eyebrows. “Hmm.” The girls looked at her, incredulous at her nonchalance at seeing a dead body. “If that happened to him, what d’you think’ll happen to us when someone finds out we’ve been snooping around? Because someone will find out.” Shaking her head, Rose dragged Slater’s body away.
Ignoring Jemma’s warning, Elena, regaining her composure, walked over to Slater’s computer desk and picked up a bunch of loose papers. “Looks like whoever blew up the coffee shop found him and killed him for his information.” “Yeah, probably to stop him from helping people like us. The guy was a vampire almanac. Knowing too much information just bit him in the ass.” “Am I talking to myself here-?” Jemma waved a hand in front of their faces. “If he was killed for his information, why are we trying to get it?”
As Elena kept rummaging, Rose pulled back the curtains, startling Elena. “What are you....?” “Tempered glass. U.V. rays can’t penetrate.” She mumbled, staring idly out the window. “I used to just come here and watch the day.” Looking from a framed picture to the vampire, she spoke in a hushed voice, “I’m sorry about Slater.” Jemma mumbled her condolences quietly, almost feeling bad about her reaction to his dead body. Rose looked back to them, mentally shaking it off. “Any luck?” Elena placed the photo back on the desk and attempted to log into one of the computers fruitlessly, Jemma leaning in to see. “Um…. it’s password protected. I can’t get in.” “No, this is fine. Let’s just go.” Rose motioned to leave when suddenly they hear a doorknob rattling from inside the apartment. “Stay here.
Rose walked past the pair at the desk and opened a set of doors. Peering into the small hallway, she saw a girl hiding behind a corner. “Alice?” “Rose!” Crying heavily, the girl rushed to Rose, embracing her. “He’s dead!” “Well technically he’s been dead for decades now-”, Jemma added dryly, cutting herself off as she noticed Elena’s look at her, “-and I’ll shut up now.”
 Rose rubbed Alice's hand comfortingly as Alice tried to regain her composure. Rose got up and walked into another room where Elena poured hot water into teacups, Jemma getting milk for the tea from the fridge. Rose sat down next to Elena.
“She found him a few minutes before we did.” “How is she?” Elena was worried. “Overreacting - big time.” “Her boyfriend just died. There’s no such thing as overreacting.”, she defended. “Those tears are for her. She didn’t care about Slater.” Upon Elena’s curious look, she explained: “She was only dating him long enough to see if he’d turn her.” “Great, so she’s a vampire groupie.”, Jemma grumbled as she finished making the tea.
Elena took a cup to the crying girl who took it gratefully. “Thank you.” Elena sat next to her as Alice looked at her with an air of familiarity. “You look really familiar. Did you know Slater?” “Not personally, no. I just knew that he kept detailed records of all of his vampire contacts and I was hoping that he could point me towards Klaus.” “Doubtful. Klaus doesn’t want to be pointed at.” “Do you know Slater’s computer password?” “Are you seriously asking me that right now? I just saw my boyfriend with a stake through his heart.” “I understand that. Do you know his password?”, she repeated bluntly. “Who do you think you are?”
Alice looked away from her and sipped her tea. Elena looked over at Rose and her eyes lit up with an idea, making Jemma tilt her head in mild confusion. What is she doing this time-? Elena looked back to Alice.
“What if I could convince Rose to turn you?” Alice looked back up at her. Rose, hearing what she said, looked over at her disdainfully. However, Jemma looked proud. I guess she does have more than half a spine. “Will you show us his files then?”
 Alice, logged into the computer, shook her head at it. All the files had been deleted. “Someone’s been here. The harddrive’s completely wiped out.” “Yeah, probably whoever killed him.”, Rose guessed. Elena ran a hand over her face and turned away. “Lucky for you, Slater was paranoid. Everything’s backed up on a remote server.”, she informed them as she tried to access the files, Rose turning back to speak softly to Elena.
“You know that she’s not going anywhere near my blood, right?” “I know. She doesn’t.” Rose smiled at Elena’s deception as Jemma masked a snort by coughing. Elena leaned down next to Alice to look at the screen.
“Kristen Stewart. God, was he obvious.” “These are all leads to vampires?”, Elena asked Alice as she continued scrolling through the files. “Slater was obsessed. Almost as much as me.” Jemma wondered why on Earth she would say that in front of two vampires. Creepy. “What about that one? Cody Webber. They exchanged dozens of emails about Elijah.” Rose pointed at the screen. “I could call him.”, Alice offered, taking the phone from Elena. Jemma tried not to scream. She didn’t think anything was actually come of this trip. Fuck.
“Tell him that we’re trying to send a message to Klaus. The dopplegänger is alive and she’s ready to surrender.” Jemma and Rose jumped up. “What?!” “I beg your pardon-?!” Jemma stared at the girl as if she was crazy. Which she likely was. “Oh my God, I knew I recognised you.” Alice stared up at her, seemingly in awe. “Get him the message, please.”
With that, Elena quickly left the room, the vampires following in suit. Elena put her hands on a table and exhaled heavily. “What are you doing?” Rose was surprised at her idiocy. “I’m getting Klaus’ attention.” “If Klaus knows that you’re alive, he’ll find you and he’ll kill you.” Saying nothing, Elena just looks back at the pair, Rose realising her plan. “Which is exactly what you wanted all along.” “It’s either me or my family.” “So this whole charade is some suicide mission so that you could sacrifice yourself and save everyone else?” Jemma locked her fingers behind her head, her eyes shut and her jaw clenched tightly as she seethed. “Forget Klaus, I’m gonna kill you before he gets the bloody chance-!”, she hissed.
Alice entered the room. “Cody is on his way and he really wants to meet you.” Rose shut her eyes and sighed. Jemma rubbed her face wearily as she swore colourfully in every language she could think of.
Elena walked into the main room, sipping water. She looked over at Alice and turned around, gasping in surprise at Damon’s sudden arrival.
“What are you doing here?”, he asked her. “What are you doing here?”, she shot back.
Rose and Jemma walked in, Elena facing them angrily. “You called him?” “I’m sorry, Elena.”, Rose apologised. “You said that you understood.” “She lied.”, Damon piped up. Elena turned to Jemma. “Why would you try and help me? You don’t even like me." “Maybe not but I don’t hate you so I wasn’t gonna let you condemn yourself to whatever fate Klaus has prepared for you.” Elena looked at the group in frustration.
Alice walked up to them and froze, starstruck at Damon. “Damon Salvatore!” “Get rid of her.”, Damon told Rose. “No… way!” Taking her arm, Rose led her away, Jemma trailing behind them.
Damon left the bedroom, the three girls looking at him from their seats in the living area.
“Time to go. Alice is sleeping and won’t remember a moment of this horribly stupid day.”
Suddenly, the front doors had burst open and three men walked into the apartment. Damon turned his head to look at them as the group stood up.
“We’re here to meet the dopplegänger.”, a man announced. “Thank you for coming.” Elena tried to walk towards them but Damon pushed her back. “I will break your arm.”, he whispered to Elena before looking back to the intruder. “There’s nothing here for you.”
The man in the back suddenly dropped to the floor, dead. Jemma looked at the window, seeing Elijah, their eyes meeting for a split second before she hid in the apartment, out of sight of both him and the windows for sake of avoiding her reflection giving her away. The other two vampires looked back at Elijah. Rose gasped at the sight of him and vamp-sped out of the apartment. Elijah spared a glance over to Elena and Damon.
Damon looked at him with surprise all over his face. “I killed you. You were dead.” “For centuries now.”, Elijah agreed. He looked back at the men. “Who are you?” “Who are you?”, he asked the Original. “I’m Elijah.” “We were gonna bring her to you. For Klaus. She’s the dopplegänger. I don’t know how she exists, but she does. Klaus will want to see her.” “Does anyone else know that you’re here?” “No.” “Well, then, you have been incredibly helpful.”
Elijah plunged his hands into the two vampires’ chests. They grunted as Elijah ripped their hearts out. They fell to the floor, closely followed by their hearts. Jemma gasped inaudibly from her hiding place. She knew of the things her once family did but to see them was a completely different thing. To see Elijah Mikaelson, the boy who used to charm everyone with his words and would bandage his brothers’ wounds, tear people’s hearts out was admittedly terrifying. It was like the ground beneath her was tilting. For so long she tried to believe that they weren’t the monsters they were made out to be- She snapped out of her stupor as she noticed her friend being an idiot.
Damon prepared to fight Elijah when he turned and sped out of the apartment. Jemma got up, exchanging looks with Damon and Elena, both of which looking just as surprised as her.
Jemma walked to the Gilbert residence, mumbling what she’d say under her breath. “Sorry for bolting and leaving you to deal with a murderous Original-” She sighed and popped his knuckles anxiously. She avoided her siblings since her most recent adventure. She didn’t what was worse: her family turning out to be murderers or her siblings being able to say ‘I told you’? She got to the gate as Jeremy opened the front door, Elena saying goodnight to Damon. Jemma smiled and left silently - apologies could be procrastinated and said later, humans need to rest - especially after the day they’d all had.
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thememoriesofaqueen · 5 years
The Things We Do - Part 7
Masterlist (x)
A/N: The following chapter is split into multiple parts and has a few time jumps as well as flashbacks. I hope you enjoy to follow Elijah’s life after Katherine’s departure, I still find it hard to write him. This chapter contains a few things of The Originals, but it’s not entirely / not really canon, I know that.                English is not my first language      → I do not own anything of the TVD - Universe and I’m not affiliated or                   associated with the writers etc. this is only a headcanon.
Pairing: Kalijah ( Katherine / Elijah )
Setting: post TVD 4x23, no cured Katherine.
TW: blood, violence, murder, depression
Word Count: 7.833
`·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.· 7 months later `·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.·
The past months had been tiring. Though the weeks after Katerina’s departure had been pleasing as he was finally able to avenge Kol. If it wasn’t for Katerina, he had never known. He wanted justice, because no one would hurt his family and get away with it!  ‘Always and forever’ included Kol too and even though he hadn’t seen him ever since he left Mystic Falls after their mother’s attempt of killing them, he felt remorse because he wasn’t able to help him, he was not able to prevent his murder. He was family, he was his brother, even if they weren’t always on the best terms. He didn't even got the chance to say goodbye and now he was gone forever.
He was in Mystic Falls for days, capturing Elena and her not-so-dead brother Jeremy with the help of one of his witches. He hadn’t known Jeremy was alive, he didn’t know how this was even possible. Perhaps someone brought him back, perhaps Elena lied to him and let Katerina believe she was indeed succesful in killing the young Gilbert. And he had seriously left Katerina for this. It angered him even more, though the reason of his revenge was solely about his brother, it should only be about him.
He had them locked up in a room for three days without letting them know who was behind all of this. He let them have food and something to drink, the young Gilbert was a human after all and he wasn’t a monster - he was at least not into starving a human. He just wanted to make sure that there was no vervain in their blood.
After those three days he had revealed himself. He had to admit he had enjoyed their fear. They were defenseless, weakened. They deserved death for what they had done to Kol, they deserved to have their hearts ripped out. But that would be merciful and he didn’t exactly feel like being merciful or forgiving. He intended to let them suffer more than just a few moments. Preferably an entire lifetime. In addition, he wasn’t keen on risking the hunters curse if he killed Jeremy.
That’s why he compelled each of them and with the help of his witch it would be a permanent compulsion which wouldn’t loose its effects if he gets neutralized. He made them forget that the other sibling is alive and he made them feel the sorrow, the pain of losing the entire family for eternity. Every day they would be reminded that they are alone, that their family is dead because of them. They would never know the happiness of having a family ever again. In addition, as a precautionary measure, he had also compelled Elena to kill herself if anyone of her friends decided to go after his family again, knowing that she was the weakspot of the Salvatore brothers.
However, ever since he had returned to New Orleans, he had felt nothing but exertion. The city which once belonged to his family hid more challenges than he thought. Taking back what belonged to his family and simultaneously protect Niklaus’s unborn child needed all of his attention, all of his time. He barely found time for himself without anyone disturbing him. He barely felt like he his mind could rest for a second.
If he didn’t worried about his family’s future or about the city, his mind wandered. He would probably never forget the hurt in Katerina’s eyes when he had met her the last time. It haunted him to this very day, even though he apologized for the mistakes he had made. It didn’t matter. He knew he can only forgive himself if she absolves him from his mistakes.
He also knew she needed time and he really hoped that time would help. He’d say he is patient, uncomplaining. With her, however, it was different. Just a few days after departing, he longed to see her, to hear her voice. He wasn’t delusional, he knew he probably won’t see her anytime soon. However, the thought of being within her reach was very tempting. If it weren’t for his word he gave her, he might have even done it.
After three months he found himself checking his phone more frequently. He knew that she wouldn’t call him after such a short time but he wouldn’t take the risk of missing a call or a message from her.
In order to distract him from the woman who managed to catch his attention without being even present, he focused all his energy into reclaiming his brother’s throne. It kept him from becoming insane, even though he continued to check his phone in privat every morning and evening.
Perhaps he seemed to be too dedicated to his aims, too ambitious with helping Niklaus. Perhaps he wanted too much. It was enough to trigger his brother’s paranoia, leading him into doubting his value in Niklaus’ mission. Yet again Niklaus betrayed his trust when he shoved the dagger into his heart and everything went black.
Four months later he awoke.
It took every inch of control in him to not be consumed by anger about what his brother has done. How he betrayed him yet again despite him devoting every free minute of his existence to Niklaus cause. The only person who stopped him from doing what he glady would have done - coming after Niklaus and punch him - was his sister.
During his absence Rebekah had decided to join their family in New Orleans, even though the only reason she did so was because of him not returning her calls. Seeing Rebekah for the first time in months relaxed him, although his vengeance against Niklaus was not forgotten. It was actually rather sad that Niklaus still didn’t believe that family and love were powerful things.
Right after feeding, showering and getting dressed so he was presentable again, he unplugged his phone from the charger. He almost didn’t dare to turn it on, afraid that he had missed her call. It’s been seven months since they have departed. Seven months since he heard her voice last time, seven months since he had last seen her.
Even though seven months were nothing for a vampire, especially not for someone as old as Katerina it was definitely enough time to make up her mind. What if she indeed was ready to forgive him and tried to call him? And he, being daggered, was unable to answer? He knew she wouldn’t try to call again. She would fear he rejected her yet again, would think he didn’t want her. She would think he had played her and his declaration of love was just another lie she surely heard often in her lifetime.
He couldn’t stand that thought. It made him angry, almost wrathful. About everything, about Niklaus but mostly about himself. If he hadn’t treated her so disrespectful in the first place, he wouldn’t have found himself in the situation he was in now.
Nevertheless he had to turn his phone on, despite being afraid there was a missed call, a message from her. He poured himself a glass of whiskey and took a sip, his eyes never leaving the screen. It was pathetic how afraid he was of a cellphone. He hated the way that little device managed to have power over him. His heart sank when his home screen showed him several missed calls and messages.
He emptied his glass and finally took a seat while going through his notifications. Fortunately, most of the calls and messages were from his sister. However, there were a few unknown numbers who had called him. He could identify all but one numbers as simple callbacks. One was a tailor he had requested before he was daggered, one was a company where he had ordered some things for their new residence and so on. The last unknown number, however, was a number he hadn’t seen before. It was not a callback.
He felt almost nervous when he dialed that number. That nervousness was so strong, it let his heart beat faster. What if that was Katerina? What if she was ready to forgive him and he had failed her again? He knew he won’t get another chance. She’d be lost forever. He closed his eyes and run a hand over his face, his free hand grabbed the empty glass tightly but not too tightly to burst it. The phone rang and rang and with every rang, he tensed a little bit more. Until finally someone released him.
It was almost like the universe tried to mock him. It was a cold call, someone who tried selling him something no one needs. Part of him was angry that he wasted his time with such a nonsense, but the greater part was relieved it wasn’t Katerina who had called him. Though that meant she still isn’t able to forgive him.
He exhaled and ran his hand through his hair, despite being set to sleep for months, he felt tired. He got up and poured himself a new glass of whiskey when he heard a knock. To be honest he wasn’t in the mood for a talk and he really hoped it wasn’t Niklaus who wished to speak to him, but he can’t hide forever. He took a deep breath.
“Come on in”
He leaned against the bar and let a hand slide into his pocket while taking a sip of his glass. The door opened and to his relief it was Rebekah who joined him.
“Elijah, is everything alright?”
He could see the worried expression on her face and he knew it was his fault. Usually, he would go right back to buisness after being daggered, but this time it was different.
“I didn’t wish to worry you, dear sister. I just needed time for myself.”
He forced a little smile on his lips, even though he wasn’t feeling like smiling. Oddly enough the hours after being undaggered were the first hours in months he actually had for himself. He had thrown himself into work in order to distract himself from thinking about Katerina. And what did he get in return? A dagger through his heart.
Rebekah closed the door with a sigh.
“Nik is a bloody fool for betraying you. But he’ll do it again. I’m leaving, Elijah, and I suggest you do the same. It will do you no good if you stay here. Come with me”
He lowered his gaze and slowly shook his head. Even though Rebekah was right and he would be better off if he leaves, he just couldn’t do it. Despite being angry with Niklaus for what he has done, he still needed to stay. His brother needs him, as well as his unborn niece. He stepped towards his sister and hugged her.
“I wish you find the happiness you’re searching for, Rebekah. But I can’t leave, even if I wish to do so. Niklaus needs me, even though he won’t admit it.”
Rebekah tried to change his mind but she knew it was pointless. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead and let her go.
Two days later he was back into his ‘old self’, He knew he wouldn’t be to anyone’s use if he kept thinking about his brother’s betrayal and about how he is probably doing it again in the future. He also needed to do something in order to keep that particular sting away from him, which kept hunting him ever since figuring out Katerina hasn’t yet called him.
Fortunately, there was still a lot to do and a lot he could wrap his mind around. The witches still weren’t cooperative. There was something in the air ... he could almost swear they would soon find an unpleasant surprise coming to their family.
He was sitting in the living room, reading through his mother’s grimoire. He knew they needed a witch who knows about all the little secrets of the french quarter and luckily, he had managed to find a witch who was willing to help them. In return, he agreed to help the young witch with her powerful magic. Despite being descended from a powerful witch-line, he never embraced his magical powers. Finn and Kol were quite dedicated of practicing magic but he never was. Back then, he was rather out in the woods, training his sword fighting skills. He didn’t regret it because even though he never did magic by himself, he had a great knowledge about it.
“Reading old grimoires won’t help us solve the vampire problem.”
Elijah looked up, his gaze followed Niklaus as he took a seat right in front of him.
“We need to get to the core reasons of the problems. Additionally, it would help if you didn't cause more problems and stop offending those who haven’t picked a side yet.”
Elijah dropped his gaze and looked back at the grimoire, therefore ending the talk. At least that is what he wished to do.
“You’re still angry about your timeout? And here I thought my gifts would bring you some joy. Were they not to your taste?”
Without looking up, the Original flipped the page before he answered. He remembered his gifts too well and it was rather messy to get them away.
“Dropping compelled, bloodstained girls in front of my door isn’t exactly what I consider as a peace offering. I won’t feed on them. I would really appreciate it if you accept that”
He heard Niklaus standing up and felt shortly afterwards a pat on the back. He finally looked up, staring right into Niklaus’s eyes, showing him no sign of forgiveness to what he had done to him.
“Alright then, take your time. I’ll be in the attic so I won’t cause any drama to your precious plans”
The Hybrid didn’t even try to hold back his mockery. Elijah, however, just ignored it and gave his attention back to the grimoire until he finally found what he had been looking for.
The following day he found his way to the young witches quarters in order of fulfilling his part of the deal. He knew it won’t be done with just one page. Nevertheless he intended to keep his promise of helping the young witch with her magic.
However, after he visited again after three week, things have changed. Her once shiny eyes went dull and she didn’t smile anymore.
“Should I leave?” he suggested, fearing the young witch wasn’t in the mood for practicing a new spell.
“How can you stand by your brother's side if he drags innocent beings into his war?”
Davina asked, her voice cold. Elijah wasn’t Klaus, but nevertheless he was the same monster. Helping her only to get a benefit from her. A monster who feed on innocent beings.
Elijah knew immediately that something has happened, something with involved Niklaus.
“What has my brother done?” he asked with a serious voice. All of his features hardened, knowing that Niklaus once again seemed to have destroyed all of his efforts of bringing peace into their home.
“He poisened Tim. And he tried to poison me too, because I haven’t picked a side. Tell me, Elijah, how can you stand on the side of someone who just rips people’s happiness away, who kills mercilessly because he doesn’t accept other peoples choices?”
Despite being desperate, her voice didn’t grew loud. Sometimes the quiet things are the noisiest. She didn’t felt like shouting or crying, she already did this the days before. Now she just wanted to understand why someone who agreed to help her, someone who didn’t force her to do anything she didn’t want to do despite needing a favor from her, could still continue to defend a monster.
Elijah didn’t know about Niklaus latest actions. He had succesfully tracked down vampires which conspired against his family and ended them. He didn’t know about his brother’s actions against the young witch who was supposed to help them. He couldn’t even find an explaination on why he did so, why he destroyed everything he built up in the last weeks. He knew that they needed a witch who would side with them, not against them. Now Niklaus has reached the exact opposite.
“I’m sorry for your loss. I know how it feels like to have a loved one ripped away from you without being able to save said person” he was referring to Katerina who he had lost centuries ago because he wasn’t able to convince Niklaus to spare her. Even now she was gone because of his loyality towards his brother who keeps pushing him and his efforts of redeeming him away.
“It’s my disease of wanting to believe my brother can be saved and I still believe his unborn child will give him the peace he needs. Call it blind loyality if you want,” he didn’t expect her to understand. Family was important to him, now as ever before. Niklaus had many flaws but he was still his brother, still his family.
Nevertheless the young witch was just a child. A child with enormous powers but still a child. As well as Timothy was. A human, who wasn’t involved into the supernatural world and whose only fault was to fall in love with a powerful girl. It was wrong and Niklaus should have known this.
“I assume you know our agreement is over. It’s not because of you Elijah. You are actually one of the polite vampires I have ever met. But I can’t help you anymore. Not after what your brother has done”
Elijah knew it was pointless to try to convince her to help them. He let her have the page with the spell as some sort of apology and left. As he walked through the city he couldn’t help but think about the young girl who was already burdened with loss. It kinda reminded him of Katerina who too was burdened with loss while being quite young. Both of them were valuable, too. He only hoped that Davina wouldn’t end like Katerina. He didn’t wish for her to suffer the same cruel fate as his Katerina.
he shouted upon his arrival at home. He took of his jacket and folded it before placing it over a chair back.
“What’s with all the shouting? We have supernatural hearing. Do you want to wake the neighboors?”
Elijah turned around and put one hand into his pocket. This was hardly the time for making jokes, he wondered if Niklaus was aware of that. He pointed at his brother, making sure he knows exactly that he meant him.
“Could you have the decency to explain why you threatened the only witch who was willing to help us? Why you try so desperately to destroy every progress I - we - made?”
Because to be honest, it was beyond his understanding.
“You either side with us or against us. There is no middle ground. Better kill everyone who is a possible danger to our family, to my unborn child, than having to wear the consequences. I thought you would know that much, brother”
Elijah sighed and grew quite frustrated with Niklaus.
“Do you understand I was working of getting her trust? Are you getting so delusional to destroy every possible chance for our family? This isn’t a game. If you want your child to be save, we need allies, not enemys. And right now we have lost one possible ally to our enemys.”
Klaus rose his eyebrows, because he couldn’t bring himself to agree with Elijah. They needed allies which are loyal to them only. If they manage to talk someone over, the enemy is able to do the same. Elijah was obviously a hopeful fool, he rather take those matters in his own hands.
“You know, there is always the possibilty to just kill them. Witches are nothing without their elders. They’ve proofed already too many times they don’t want to be on our side. They continue to disrespect our family while threatening us. If you want to end those witches being a threat to us, we have to take action against the ones being in command.”
Elijah tried to avoid solving the witch-problem like this. Killing the elder would destroy the balance of power but it would be to his family’s advantage.
“If we are about doing so, we need someone new in command. Someone the witches will accept and someone who accept our claim on the city”
Klaus nodded, agreeing with Elijah for once. He has already thought about that problem, but he might have already found a solution everyone is going to be happy with.
Just two week later it was done. Apparently it weren’t the present witches who caused the problems. It was just one corrupt one who decided on turning the other witches against them. Unfortunately, that wasn’t enough. Someone had used the ashes of their mother to get more power and as it turned out it had always been their mother who was behind all those claims that Niklaus’s child would be dangerous, a threat. They had to do everything in their power to stop that madness and fortunately, they had succeed. .
Elijah loosened his tie and tried to ignore his bloodstained button-down shirt sticking on his skin. He unbuttoned his collar and threw his blood soaking handkerchief away - it was beyond repair.
“I’m stepping away for a few days” he announced, he had to get away from New Orleans for a bit. He felt tired and that wasn’t only because he hardly found sleep in the past weeks. He had worked around the clock: Helping Niklaus prepare the nursery, defeating the rebelling and conspiring witches, ripping hearts from treacherous vampires, making plans for the future and checking his phone in hope of receiving a message or a call from Katerina. If he could grew gray hair, he probably would have had many by now.
“You can’t leave now! I need you. The baby can come in the next two weeks.”
“I’ve said I need a few days off. I’m not going to disappear for weeks. I won’t miss the chance of witnessing the birth of my niece.”
He tried to calm Niklaus down, annoyed by his demanding voice. He wasn’t in the mood for a discussion, he wanted a shower and leave as fast as possible. The hybrid seemed to consider his words and finally nodded, leaving Elijah alone.
He wasn’t sure where he wanted to go, he just knew that he wanted out of New Orleans. He drove around for hours, because driving helped to clear his mind. His body relaxed and he finally felt like he could breath for the first time in a very long time. He parked his car on a forest road and decided to go for a walk. Eventually, he came across a meadow and even though it wasn’t anything special, he suddenly felt a strange pull while watching the wildflowers swaying in the breezes. Suddenly he knew exactly where he wanted to go, where he would find the salvation he was looking for.
It took him two hours until arriving at the next airport and compelling himself a flight to NYC. Usually, he would book his tickets like a decent being but right now he had no time left to lose, he needed to go to a special place. A place where he once was happy.
`·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.· 4 years after Katherine’s departure `·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.·
“Can we talk, Elijah?”
Elijah lifted his gaze and looked at his sister. Rebekah had returned back home after spending some more time in Europe. Ever since then she lived with them and took great joy into being an aunt. It was the closest thing to a baby of her own and he was happy that his sister finally seemed to be truly happy and in peace with herself.
“Of course. Is Hope already asleep?”
He asked, knowing that Rebekah loved bringing her niece to bed. Sometimes, Niklaus and Rebekah even fight about on who is having the honor. To be fair he couldn’t deny the effect Hope has on him too. If he didn’t burry himself with work in order to distract himself, he spend his time with his niece. He played the piano for her, , told her storys and played with her, even though that often destroyed his expensive suits with mud or felt pens.
“Yes, she is. Sleeping like a perfect angel.”
she took a seat and watched over the books which were lying at Elijah’s desktop, wondering what he tried to find.
“Do you want a drink?” he asked his sister and when she nodded, he got up and poured them two glasses of whiskey, handing one of the glasses to the blonde.
“What is it that you want to talk about?” he asked, closing the books and placed them back into the bookshelf. He always preferred tidiness.
Rebekah took a sip of the glass, not entirely sure how she should begin.
“I’ve noticed you’re...you’re absent, Elijah. I thought you’re just in a mood, but you’re like this for months. Perhaps even longer. I would have noticed sooner but you are really good at hiding your feelings. I’m worried, Elijah. Perhaps you wanna talk?”
His jaw tightened, unwilling showing the blonde she was indeed right in her assumption that something was wrong. She just couldn’t figure out what was wrong. They have regained back their home, they lived in peace. Hope grew up perfectly and Nik was in a good mood for most of the time. She knew he took a liking into worrying too much but in her opinion there wasn’t anything to worry about right now.
“I’m alright. You don’t have to worry”
It was a lie, but he didn’t want to burden his sister. She was happy and she deserved feeling that happiness. She shouldn’t have to worry about her older brother. If anything, it was his responsibility to make sure his little sister felt alright.
Rebekah frowned, not buying Elijah’s words.
“Are you sure? You burry yourself with work and you don’t really go out. Remember the times you used to show off your suits at balls?”
Elijah couldn’t help but chuckle, knowing that his sister intended of making him laugh.
“I’m not showing off my suits. If anything I’m an example of a properly dressed man. Some would do well to draw some inspiration from me.”
The blonde smiled, relieved to know Elijah hadn't lost his sense of humor. Perhaps there is hope after all.
“And I do go out. Perhaps we just don’t have the same taste in soirées.”
Rebekah rosed an eyebrow, because she didn’t think that his lack of having fun - even though he was never really the type who could just enjoy something - was caused by having a different taste. Sure, she loved to attend wild partys, go shopping or having ‘girl-time’. Things Elijah wouldn’t enjoy for sure. Nevertheless they used to dine together, attend balls and visit theatres, present themselves to the public.
“I’ve noticed many times that you seem lost in thoughts when going through the streets of New Orleans. We have a chat, you and I, and suddenly you tune out. It’s like you forget where you are or that I’m here. Just to snap back to reality a few moments later.”
Elijah took a deep breath and a huge sip of his drink, before closing his eyes and massaging his eyelids. He felt like he had a headache and he wished that his sister wouldn’t be so attentive. He had tried to control that ... behavior of his in the last months but it only got worse. It already had gotten to the point that he felt like he was hallucinating.
“I think Hope already grew out of her clothes again. Time for a new attire. Fortunately, the new season starts next week so I can buy her everything which is fashionable. She will look like a princess”
Elijah couldn’t help but smile and shake his head in the same moment. His sister already bought three bags full of new clothes for their niece and yet she wanted more.
“Are you making an advantage of me accompanying you to carry your bags?” he asked, finding the situation already entertaining. “You know I’m only accompanying you because you promised to continue bothering me if I refuse.” his sister had a way with getting what she wanted and if he wanted to find peace he had to grant her her wish.
“You are her uncle, you should be interested in what she is wearing. Just think...”
He hasn't heard the rest as someone caught his attention. His gaze rested upon a dark curly haired female, wearing high heels and a leather jacket and for one moment, the world seemed to stop. His heartbeat rose and his eyes widened. It couldn’t be, could it? Katerina? He squinted only to find out that said woman looked nothing like his Katerina. She was far shorter than the fivehundred year old vampire.
“... in a matching dress.”
Rebekah had finished her speech but he had missed the middle part. He blinked again and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down and turn his attention back to Rebekah.
That memory came up to his mind and unfortunately, it wasn’t the only time. He had started to see her over the past 15 months. Although it had never been her. New Orleans was filled with tourists, new people flowing through the streets with every day. Sometimes he caught the sight of a dark curly haired female and he couldn’t help but think it is his Katerina. Sometimes he would follow the woman, wondering if it is her, because he couldn’t tell anymore as his mind continued to play tricks on him. One time when he took a walk through the quarter, a familar scent had hit him, a perfume she used to wear. He was to 100% certain it was Katerina without even considering that someone else could use the same perfume. He had tracked the person down only to find out she didn’t even look like Katerina.
He wasn’t a fool, he knew she would never come to New Orleans, at least not as long as Niklaus was in town. He doubted she would search for him anyway, believing she would prefer to make a call or message him. She has always been very cautious, she would never take the risk to be in his brother’s reach.
Nevertheless his mind continued to play tricks on him, making him believe he catched a glimpse of her, which got his hopes up. He even called her name once because he thought he had seen her.
It was actually terrifying how powerful his mind was when it comes to her. She was in his thoughts and even though he tried to distract himself, he couldn’t help but think of her.
Elijah looked at his sister again, trying to hide his memories behind a stoic mask.
“It happens that I thought I’ve seen someone in the crowd. A ghost of the past, if you will”
Rebekah frowned, because she didn’t believe he just saw a ghost of the past. Actually, it’s almost like he hoped to see someone, like he waited for someone.
“And then there is the thing with your phone. There is a spark in your eyes when it starts to ring, an excitement. But it is gone the minute you know who it is. If I wouldn’t know better I’d say you are waiting for someone to call. Perhaps it’s even connected with the people or person you think you see in the streets”
She was aware it’s an awfully big assumption - out of all people Elijah was the one who didn’t let people in. He had always minded his own business, even though that meant pampering Niks ass most of the time. He was beyond calm and it never really seemed like someone could disturb his calmness for more than a few days, if anything. But this strange behavoir lasted for months and he tried really hard to cover it up. There were just minor things which seemed to be off. She didn’t think anyone would notice it if they weren’t paying attention and didn’t know him like she did.
And she could tell she was right. She could see it because he tensed and there was something in his eyes that she couldn’t exactly describe. Longing? Fear? Pain? Perhaps all of the above?
Elijah was surprised by his sister’s analysis. He hadn’t felt watched, nevertheless Rebekah witnessed more than he intended to show. He thought about keeping silent, but that would be a childish reaction.
“Seems like you’re watching those detective stories again? Anything else?” he asked and tried to play it off with humor, even though he knew that Rebekah wouldn’t let this leave alone.
“One year ago you started to play the piano more frequently. I know you play it for Hope and I know she loves it. Sometimes, however, you play just to yourself. I don’t mind it, you’re gifted. It just strikes me that it’s almost always the same song - the Moonlight Sonata. Sometimes you vanish to NYC and come back two days later without any comprehensible reason. You say you have buisness there but I don’t really believe you.”
Elijah kept silent and emptied his glass. He wasn’t aware that he played the same song when he thinks he is alone. Playing the piano relaxed him and allowed him to clear his mind. He enjoyed it because he felt better when he did so, it calmed him. He hasn’t really thought about it before but he did now. There was a reason why he seemed to prefer to play the Moonlight Sonata. It was a masterpiece without doubt, but it wasn’t the only reason.
He remembered that Katerina once told him that she enjoyed the Moonlight Sonata. » It’s full of surprises. It starts of slowly, sounding sad and melanchonic. Some might say it’s easy to master. And it is easy to master. However it saves the best for the last. It gets happier in the second part and only a true master can play the third part. The Moonlight Sonata fools the listener. It appears to be weak but in reality it is a beast not everyone can tame. « That statement had surprised him, because he didn’t think she would enjoy classic music. On that evening he found out that Katherine still had depth, that she didn’t just care about herself. Someone who only cared about herself, a shallow person, wouldn’t describe a classic composition like that. They would say it’s boring or would just hear the music without feeling any meaning or emotion behind it. But she did. They have talked that evening a lot about music and he had found out that she also enjoyed The Four Seasons, especially Vivaldi’s ‘Summer’.
“I enjoy classic music. And I do have business in NYC, a small company which needs my attention.”
It wasn’t even a lie. He had taken a holding in a small company - even though it was just a disguise in order to justify his trips to NYC.
“Oh come on Elijah. I’m not some dumb douchebag. Who is the bloody fool who dared to break your heart? I’m going to drag her here so you can stop being moody.”
She was done playing that game of his. It was obvious that he wasn’t alright, that something was off. It was female intuition. And she would bet that it has something to do with a girl.
Elijah leaned back, knowing that he didn’t had the chance to deny it.
“Rebekah please. You won’t do such a thing, do you understand?”
There was a determination in his voice that won’t allow a discussion. Which meant that she was right and this girl must be important.
“Who is she? Do I know her? She must be pretty special if she manages to get into your mind. I thought I won’t live long enough to see that happen.”
She smiled, because it was rare that Elijah Mikaelson was in love. Even though it was odd that she didn’t seem to be interested in him. Her brother was charming, had manners. He was a gentleman, a man who was hard to find these days. Why would anyone want to reject him?
“It’s none of your business.” he replied a bit too cold. He really didn’t want to speak about her, not with his sister. He knew that Rebekah despises Katerina, he knew she would kill her within the blink of an eye. There was really no need to share the information on who his love interest was.
“Fine. Perhaps Nik provides me with information.” she had an evil smile on her lip and stood up. She knew she would get the information she wanted, even though she would never talk to Nik about something like that.
Elijah has also gotten up and there was an authority in his voice that made Rebekah stop her movements and sit back down. Apparently it was serious.
He knew his sister would never run off to Niklaus. Nevertheless he couldn’t take the risk of him finding out about his unsuccesful love affair. It would only rip open old wounds. He paced around, not knowing what he should do. Eventually, however, he decided to tell her. It was the safest option. Perhaps his sister could understand it. She, out of all, was the one who clung to the idea of love. In addition he knew that Rebekah wouldn’t stop trying to find out.
“Promise me, give me your word you’ll be silent about it. If you really want to grant me some sort of happiness in the future, if you really love me as your brother, you won’t tell anyone. Do I have your word?”
He had stopped pacing around instead he leaned against his desk, right in front of Rebekah who was clearly surprised by her brothers reaction. Who the hell was the woman if he reacts like this?
“I promise, Elijah, you have my word.”
He believed his sister, knowing that she won’t tell anyone. She loved him and didn’t want him to get hurt. He took a deep breath before he said her name.
“It’s Katherine.”
Rebekah gasped for air. Katherine as in Katherine Pierce? Was he serious? Had he lost his mind?
“That cheap slut? Are you insane, brother?” she snapped, not believing he had fallen for her again.
“Rebekah! Lower your voice and don’t ever call her that again. Is that understood?”
The blonde jumped off her chair, glaring at her brother. He must have lost his mind. Perhaps he was a clone? She couldn’t imagine that he had fallen for her again, that just couldn’t be.
“She already ruined our family once. Do you want that to happen again?” her voice was a low hiss, “She is playing you, don’t you understand? I can’t believe you fell for her again. I can’t believe you’re being moody for months because of her! You must be crazy.”
“If you stop acting like a child, I could explain you. She doesn’t play me, as you call it. In fact I haven’t seen or heard anything from her for years.”
Rebekah stopped her rage, now sceptical raising an eyebrow. He hadn't seen her for years and still has feelings for her?
“That doesn’t change the fact that she is a bloody traitor that only brings harm to our family” she crossed her arms in front of her chest and rised her chin a little bit.
“Careful now, Rebekah. I assume you have already forgotten your relationship with that Donovan boy? The same one who took part in killing Finn? I as well can call him a traitor.”
His voice was calm but there was an anger in his eyes which made her slow down her temper. Elijah didn’t get angry easily and she didn’t want to push it.
“I’m sorry.”
Elijah had a point. She shouldn’t judge him in his choice of woman. In fact he was the one who encourage her into giving Matt a chance, because he had seen he made her happy. And if Katherine makes him happy... no, she didn’t like the idea, but she just wanted her brother to find happiness too.
Rebekah took a breath, “If you haven’t seen her in years, why are you acting like this? I thought you broke up?” her voice was softer now, more understanding. Her brother suffered and there had to be a reason for it.
Elijah pinched the bridge of his nose. “Back then when she gave me the cure, she let me decide where our relationship is going to go. I - I was a fool. I believed she was playing and using me and when she begged me to stay, I just .. left her behind. I broke her heart and I didn’t even realized it. More so, I denied my feelings for her. 4 years ago I’ve met her again and only then I realized the damage I have caused. I finally understood that our feelings were mutual and I’ve destroyed it. I still would have gone to New Orleans, but I should have handled it in another way. I basically dumped her, I didn’t gave her the chance to work things out. I treated her badly and I begged her for forgiveness. Ever since then I’m waiting for a call, a message, anything. I love her, Rebekah. But I’ve lost her, again.”
Rebekah was touched by his statement. She didn’t know how deep he felt for her. She doubted Katherine’s feelings, yes, but she just knew Elijahs feelings were real. He already waited four years for a simple message - he tries so hard to cover up his misery. He loves her and she felt sorry for him because he suffered so much. The blonde couldn’t help herself but pulling him into a hug.
They hugged for a while. It felt good to talk to someone, because it was eating him up. He kept it a secret, he suffered in silence. He never allowed himself to let his guard down, but right now he could. At least a little bit.
“If she is smart, she’s going to call you eventually. Women are stubborn, I know that. I think everything will be fine. It says a lot that she wants to forgive you eventually, I would take that as a good sign. Don’t give up.”
His talk with Rebekah has eased him, he felt better. He found new strength. He even slept better, the nightmares didn’t haunt him like they used to.
They started two years ago. One night he began to dream about her. The dreames started in a good way but always ended bad. The memory of her tormented him, because his dreams always showed him the same cruel things. The scared and hurt look in her deep brown eyes, the way she feared him. She always said the same words, over and over again: »You threw me away like garbage. You betrayed me. How should I ever trust you again?« It made him wake up in the middle of the night, breathing heavily. Sometimes he was so caught up in his dreams the he continued to mutter ‘Forgive me’ after waking up. He knew it was a way of his subconsciousness to show him the remorse that he carefully had locked away. Subconsciousness and remorse could be a terrible combination.
However he beared it in silence. He deserved it, because those dreams only showed him the truth. That he didn’t keep his word, that he had treated her badly. If he had given her the chance to explain herself and chose to listen, if he had not believed a lie he had told himself, none of this would have happend.
Nobody ever had those effects on him. Perhaps he was a love sick fool but he couldn’t help the strong feelings he had for his Katerina. And yet he let her down way too many times.
A few months after the dreams had started, he started to get haunted by her during the daytime too. He sometimes mistook someone for Katerina if they shared just a slight resemblance to her because he longed to see her. He missed her so much, that his mind went crazy if he just smelled the perfume she used to wear.
He knew he was being pathetic. It was pathetic, especially for an Original. He wasn’t supposed to feel that way, to fall in love. But he couldn’t help himself. He let her in. He doesn’t let people in. She is a part of him and it drove him crazy that he didn’t know where she was, if she was safe and okay.
Katherine is able to take care of herself, he knows that. She doesn’t need him but he needed her. More than he had thought. He needed her and he prayed to god that he didn’t have to wait for much longer. If it wasn’t for the word he gave her, he would have already started to search for her ages ago.
He never gave up his hopes, though. Despite everything, he tried to stay positive.
Sometimes, when he was by himself and feeling sentimental, he sat down and allowed himself to think about her. He only had one photograph of them. If Katerina wasn't so stubborn back then, he wouldn't even have one. He remembered how she basically dragged him into a photo booth. They had a night out in NYC and were about going home when she had spotted that...well...thing. And he was against it, as he had always found it weird to make pictures in a box instead of using a real photographer. But she insisted on it and he let her have her will. He remembered how she had beamed and that had made him so happy that he had kissed her cheek right in the moment when the photo was taken.
She had given him the picture later on, saying he should always remember to try new things when looking at it. In fact that picture was the only thing which remained with him, the only physical proof of their relationship. He hid the picture well, so no one could find it. Even though it was just a picture, it was a personal thing which he didn't wish to share. As long as this picture existed, he had the proof that they were happy.
And perhaps, if she can forgive him, they will find that happiness eventually again.
A/N: That was chapter 7. I really enjoy the relationship between Elijah and Rebekah, it’s sweet how they care about each other. What do you think? That chapter also shows that there is a lot underneath Elijah’s calm mask. He suffers and is in pain, but he won’t let anyone see it. I also hid a little bit of foreshadowing in that chapter, perhaps you can guess what it is? The inspiration of the picture which Elijah has in possession is taken from an actual picture of Daniel and Nina (I think Daniel made it at a Comic Con). If you want, you can look it up.
If you like it, hit the ♥ - or come into my askbox, i’d love to hear your opinion. Please do not hate on my decisions or characters as this is no anti- or hate-blog. However, you can leave constructive criticism. :)
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forevercaroline · 7 years
Klaroline in Nola chapter 10
For @caritobear and @delightfullysunny Davina is trying to harness her magic into the diamond Kol gave her she has her eyes closed the diamond in one hand when she hears " Very good darling. Soon you'll be able to control your magic and take on the witches and Marcel who imprisoned you here." Davina opens her eyes and smiles at Kol who is sitting in one of the chairs. " Marcel is letting me out." " He's moving you." " No when he came to check on me earlier I asked him if I could go to the music festival tonight when he said no I may have started to boil his blood. He wants me to have a chaperone like one of his vampires I told him I can take care of myself but he insisted." Kol nods and is now a little worried about what vampire is going to be Davina's chaperone. " Did he say which vampire?" " One of his new night walkers Josh." Kol smirks " Perfect Josh is one of my brothers lackeys." " Do you want to go to the music festival with me?" "Davina claire are you asking me out on a second date?" Davina smiles " Yes our first date ended with you choosing to spend the night sleeping in a chair to make sure I was ok." Kol smiles at her " I would be an honor to escort you to the music festival." Xxx One of Marcel's guys comes into Rebekah's room with breakfast for her she kills him. She has to get out of here and find Stefan. She uses all her strength that she still has to take the vervain iv out of her arm and vamps out of the room she's sneaking out of the courtyard when Diego sees her and stakes her in the chest. Marcel tells his guys that if Rebekah tries anything stake her in the chest and when she wakes up stake her again. Xxx "So guess what I just found out." Klaus looks over at Caroline in the doorway of his studio. " That you were born a queen and because of me your fulfilling one of your life long dreams." Caroline smiles at him and takes a seat in the couch behind him. So she can watch him paint. " No but because of you I am going to be a queen. Our resident compelled bartender just told me that Marcel asked her out tonight. So Marcel is holding Rebekah hostage, possibly killed Stefan and going on dates with Cami." Klaus picking out a paintbrush "With Marcel distracted we can sneak in and take Rebekah." " You make it sound so easy but this is us nothing is ever easy. Don't you think Marcel will have someone watching the house guarding it so Rebekah doesn't leave or get rescued." "Rebekah can't be killed plus if I know my sister she's planning on a way to save her and Stefan I'm just going to help her." Xxx Elijah finds Katherine and Nadia in the study talking " Katerina may I have a word." Katherine nods and Elijah sits across from the two Petrova's " Last night while you were sleeping you kept tossing and turning and mumbling no. If I may ask what were you dreaming about." Katherine looks between Nadia and Elijah both have concern on their faces. " They weren't dreams more like visions. I saw someone draining my blood into buckets and while they drained my blood my father kills Nadia right in front of me." Elijah wipes a tear rolling down Katherine's face. The thought of Nadia dying has brought tears to Katherine she finally found her daughter and she is never losing her again. Nadia squeezes her moms hand and puts her head on her moms shoulder." It was the travelers trying to scare you. I have spent the last five hundred years looking for you I know you don't scare easily. I'm not going anywhere they want to drain your blood and kill me they will have to fight us were Petrova's we don't scare easily and were survivors." Katherine smiles at her daughter and kisses her forehead. "Katerina you have my word I will do everything in my power to not let this vision come to pass." Katherine smiles at Elijah and caress his face " I love you but your word means nothing. Have you forgot I have known you for five hundred years you always go back on your word. For example remember France 1769 you found me and after destroying the room at the inn I was staying at you told me and I quote 'Niklaus will someday give you freedom and you won't have to run from him anymore.' 247 years later Klaus still wants me dead, hasn't given me my freedom, the only reason I'm not dead is because he's busy taking the city away from Marcel and being with Caroline." Elijah opens his mouth to say something but then closes it. He's seen a change in Katherine since she has reunited with her daughter she smiles more and is more like her human self he met in 1492. "Let me make it up to you. I will not go back on my word. I will protect both Petrova's." Xxx " Do you think everyone forgot about you? I know I never loved you." Stefan looks straight ahead at Rebekah " I know that isn't Rebekah if your going to taunt me at least have the decency to say it in your own body instead of taking the form of someone else Silas." Silas turns back Into his normal look an identical look of Stefan. " You take the fun out of it. Nature really did a terrible job picking my doppleganger your so broody all the time." Stefan is hungry and really wants to kill Silas. " So am I supposed to be cheery because I'm stuck behind a wall and the woman I love is being held hostage." Xxx Sophie is cooking in the kitchen of Rousseau's she hears the pans she's has hanging up move in the wind she turns them around and Caroline is sitting at the end of the counter. "Hello Sophie." "What are you doing here?" Caroline looks up from her nails " No hello that's rude we haven't seen each other since Hayley died." "I don't have time for your drama." "I didn't come here for drama. You see since I've heard about the harvest something doesn't add up how did Marcel know the harvest was going on. Davina told us about the harvest she said that Marcel wasn't there till she was about to be killed so she couldn't of told Marcel. So I was thinking who else do we know that also knows about the harvest you. You are so passionate about the harvest not just because of your niece you were sleeping with Marcel you told him and he didn't get there fast enough to save your niece. So instead of blaming us and trying to control us to do your dirty work you should really be blaming Marcel he didn't get there early enough and because of that your niece is dead and let's not forget Marcel also killed your sister." Sophie looks at the teenager she looks so innocent in a yellow dress with a purple sweater on. " If you tell me where Davina is I can fix all of this." " No Davina is my friend I'm not going to let you sacrifice her so your niece can live. But since you were sleeping with Marcel you must know some of his secrets like where the garden is?" " He never told me things I don't know where the garden is." "Are you sure you know I could compel you and with Davina still in Marcel's custody she would know which witch used and magic so you could possibly die for trying to stop me." Sophie looks at her she really doesn't like Caroline. " I'm telling the truth I don't know where the garden is. All I know is that the key to resurrecting my niece is hidden and you know where and won't tell me." Caroline hopping off the counter and grabbing the bah at her feet that has Katherine's new shoes she told her she would get her after trudging through the mud of the bayou looking for. " There's no reason to be snippy. Oh and by the way your lucky I'm the one who came to have this chat with you because I'm the nicest one in that house." Xxx Marcel told his guys that tonight's festival there will be no witches and if a witch shows up kill them and no originals. He also told them to keep an eye on Davina. Xxx Freya walks into klaus studio and sees he's painting the skyline of New Orleans. " That's pretty and so detailed. Your a really good artist." Klaus turns around to face her " Is there something you wanted?" "What is it going to take for you to accept me. I've done everything I can think of to prove to you that I just want to get to know my siblings." Klaus cleans off his brushes and puts them back. " In 1914 you were at our Christmas party but before that you worked with Kol why didn't you tell us at the Christmas party or tell Kol who you were?" Freya desperately wants to be a part of this family " I didn't tell you at the Christmas party because I thought I was fated to be an outsider wanted to be loved and to know my siblings but that night was my last night alive for the next hundred years." Freya looks down and takes a breath "I'm going to tell you something I've never told anyone. When Dahlia found out Esther turned her children into vampires I learned why she took me. When Esther met Mikael she decide to stop doing magic. A year after Mikael and Esther got married Esther could not get pregnant she went to Dahlia who still practiced magic. After she begged Dahlia to help her she did but Dahlia's help always has strings this help required a sacrifice. The first born of every generation. Esther agreed and Dahlia did the spell, Esther got pregnant with me then Finn and was pregnant with Elijah when Dahlia came to collect her sacrifice me. With you guys being vampires Dahlia couldn't collect her first born from every generation she turned to me I had to give her the first born she was denied by Esther. I refused I would never give her a first born child and I would never fall in love with anyone that was until 1492. Every time Dahlia moved us to a new village I would try to listen to the towns people to see if they talked about my siblings. At first they didn't but as the years went on and the more villages we went to I heard people talking about beasts who feed on blood I would smile when I heard them talking about that. Hopeful that I would see you guys. In 1492 I had been running from Dahlia for almost two years when I met him his name was Lucien we fell in love. He took me to England and we heard about this party we went and I saw you, Elijah and Katherine. I was so happy I had found my family. My happiness was short lived after the party Lucien took me back to our home and Dahlia had found me. She killed Lucien in front of me but what she didn't know was that I put a spell on him to protect him from her if she ever found him. You and I are a lot a like we are both broken by the people who raised us, the people that truly love us help heal us in more ways than we ever thought was possible. We are also fiercely protective of our family just like you I will kill any threat to our family." Klaus looks at her in a new light at first he didn't believe she was his sister but after her trying to help find Caroline yesterday and her confession just now he is slowly warming up to her. " Help me rescue Rebekah and Stefan and I will consider accepting you as my sister." Freya smiles and nods. Xxx That night Marcel takes Davina out of the attic and to Rousseau's to meet Josh. Marcel told Josh earlier that day to protect Davina with his life. Kol compelled Josh to take Davina to the alley behind Rousseau's after Marcel left. Davina sees vampires at the entrance to the alley she focuses and their blood starts to boil. Kol comes out of the shadows and rips the vampires hearts out. "Ready to go darling." Davina nods. Xxx "We spread out whoever gets to the compound first finds Rebekah. Marcel can't see us or find out we are rescuing Rebekah and have Elijah. Freya you and Davina are our secret weapon if something goes wrong don't hold back." Everybody nods and enter the quarter. Klaus and Caroline are walking through the crowds on the street. Klaus is keeping Caroline close to him she's not getting kidnapped again. " Klaus if Marcel found out what your doing and he fights back what are you going to do?" Klaus looks down at Caroline's concerned face " If he challenges me I will fight him I don't want him dead he is still the same scared little boy I saved all those years ago. But if he has hurt my sister I will kill him." Katherine is in charge of keeping Elijah out sight. Nadia, Katherine and Elijah are slipping through the crowds on the sidewalk. They see Marcel and Cami walk past them Katherine pulls Elijah closer to her by the lapels of his suit jacket and kisses him while Nadia stands in front of them hiding them. Xxx Freya is walking down the street looking at the venues they have waiting to hear if her siblings need her when she feels hands on her waist her immediate reaction is to elbow the person in the chest and give said person an aneurysm which she does. " Freya it's me." Freya turns around and looks down and it's Lucien. " Oh my god you scared me. What are you doing here?" " I was looking for someone to eat and found you." Xxx Kol took Davina to Rousseau's with so many people there Marcel and his guys won't be able to see her. They are dancing when Kol whispers in her ear " You look stunning tonight." Davina blushes she's in a white dress. "Thank you." " At some point tonight I might get a text from Elijah saying he needs our help all you have to do is channel Freya again." "What's going on tonight?" "Everyone else is rescuing Rebekah abs Stefan but if Marcel finds out or sees them then they will fight." Xxx Klaus and Caroline get to the compound first "My love get Rebekah I'll kill anyone who tries to stop us." Caroline nods and vamps down a hallway while Klaus vamps down the other way. Caroline finds Rebekah laying on the bed face up with five stakes in her chest, Her skin is grey and veiny. Caroline rips the stakes out and Rebekah wakes up. " Rebekah we've come to rescue you." " I can't Marcel is holding Stefan's life over me if I try to escape Marcel will kill him. He's probably already dead I tried to escape this morning and got staked In the chest." Caroline looks out the doorway then back at Rebekah " We will save Stefan you are the only one who knows where he is." Rebekah nods they vamp out to the courtyard and see Marcel enter. Xxx Marcel got a text from one of this night walkers he positioned to watch the festival and to text him if he saw any witches or originals. "What are you doing here Klaus?" "House hunting every time I dagger a sibling I like to move so when I undagger them they are confused as to where they are." Marcel comes further into the compound " I'm not giving you Rebekah or Elijah. But I will take Kol if your offering compete my set of original siblings." " I'm not going to let you hurt another member of my family." " After you saved me from Katie I was walking around my town being a king making sure everything was ok I ended up at the plantation where I was a slave and I saw Rebekah kissing Stefan and after they went in I saw you coming up the driveway. Yesterday my guys told me their was a new vampire in town so they brought him to me and I could tell their was something different about this vampire he was a hybrid. So like any good king I asked him what his business was in my town he told me Klaus Mikaelson stole my girlfriend, ruined my life, I'm going to kill him. So naturally I asked this hybrid what his girlfriends name was he said Caroline Forbes your protégé. So after he left I was thinking to myself why would your protégé leave her hybrid boyfriend and follow you all the way to New Orleans she's not your protégé you're sleeping with her." Klaus literally has to hold himself back from attacking Marcel he locks eyes with Caroline who is hiding in the shadows with Rebekah they can't leave or Marcel will see them. He laughs at Marcel " She is so much more than what you and your guys are saying about her. She's not my blonde sidekick, or that blonde that I've been seen with, or just Rebekah's friend, she is a queen and anyone who she deems worthy of her presence is grateful." "You see your not getting your siblings back without a fight and I know you don't play fair so I asked a couple friends to join." Marcel whistles and every vampire in the city enter the compound. "Every vampire in the quarters here they want you gone and I as their king I want my people happy so if you can defeat all of us I will give your siblings back then all of you can leave my town and never come back." Klaus smirks at him " Your right Marcel not only do I not play fair I play dirty. Like you I brought some people too." Caroline steps out of the shadows and joins Klaus in the middle of courtyard, Katherine and Nadia join him too. Marcel looks at klaus and the three woman standing with him " There is four of you there's hundreds of us." Klaus laughs " Not only am I not done I have brought a vampire who is the trickiest, the most deceitful vampire, her skills rival even an original, these new vampires you fill your town with have never seen what a truly great vampire like myself and my family is. But you Marcel must know who I'm talking about the legend of Katherine Pierce." Marcel looks at Katherine in shock of course he's heard of Katherine Pierce she legendary. " So your Katherine Pierce it is an honor to have you in my town." Katherine looks down at her nails wondering if she helps Klaus will he pay for her dry cleaning and broken nails from ripping hearts out. " Let's get this over with I have a reunion to get to." Klaus holds up a finger " One more thing." He snaps his fingers and Kol and Elijah join him Rebekah comes out of the shadows and joins her brothers." Now we can begin." Marcel glares at the originals " How are they here?" Rebekah standing wth her brothers and their girlfriends "We are the original family we will always find our way back to each other." Klaus address the crowd " Vampires of New Orleans I can only imagine how hard it is for you to live in this town with someone who thinks they are qualified to call themselves king. Since I arrived your king has killed a woman In streets, sent not only one of his men to the garden but also my sisters lover because Marcel was jealous now does that sound like a king. Not only am I an original I am a hybrid you want someone who is the best to run your town." Diego steps forward " Marcel is my king." The vampires agree with Diego. Marcel smirks at Klaus. Klaus looks at his siblings them at Caroline " Have it your way by the time were done this courtyard will be painted with your blood." "Take them." Xxx Marcel's men attack them. The originals spilt up Katherine goes with Elijah, Klaus with Caroline and Nadia with Rebekah, Klaus looks at the crowd his eyes yellow. Marcel's men charge at them and Klaus rips their hearts out and bites them while Caroline rips their hearts out. Elijah is punching, kicking, and smacking heads off. Katherine ripping hearts out and snapping necks. Rebekah, Nadia and Kol are ripping hearts and snapping necks. Klaus puts his arms out in victory when half are killed to show Marcel he's losing chains are wrapped around wrists and drag him backwards. They get a few good punches in until Caroline sees what they are doing and rips their hearts out. She was busy killing other people to see klaus being overpowered. Caroline watches him rip the chains off his wrists " I know this is my first kill an entire army but shouldn't you celebrate your victory that your winning after you've won not while the fight is still going on?" Klaus smiles down at her " Thank you for the tip. Now I'm getting bored of this." Klaus texts Freya "Now." Xxx Outside Freya and Davina were waiting for the signal they hold hands and they focus Davina boils everyone's blood but because she can't control who's blood she is boiling she's channeling Freya who can help her control it. Marcel and his army's blood is boiling while her siblings, Caroline, Katherine and Nadia are fine. The Mikaelsons, Caroline, Katherine and Nadia who are all covered in blood watch as Marcel and his men start to sweat. Diego who is kneeling in front of klaus who was about to crush his throat and snap his neck. Looks at Marcel " Marcel what is happening to us?" Marcel looks at his guy who are either dead or sweating " Don't worry I only one witch who can do this and she's on our side she will fix us and then I will kill their witch." Kol boosting about Davina and Freya " Our witch is better you've lost face it you couldn't beat Rebekah in fencing, you couldn't fully get Klaus blessing to date Rebekah and you can't beat us we are superior to us." Klaus looks at Marcel straight in the eye " I will have my witch stop this if you pledge your loyalty to the new king and queen." Marcel looks around some of his guys actually have exploded from their blood being boiled. Himself is getting really hot. He kneels down in front of Klaus " I pledge my loyalty and alliance to you. My kingdom is yours." Klaus bloodied mouth smirks "And who is queen of the kingdom?" "Caroline" Klaus smiles at Caroline " You will address her as your highness." Caroline has to hide her smile she doesn't know why but she kind of enjoyed tonight's festivities. She really has changed and she likes being queen. Xxx Rebekah vamps to the garden and sees Stefan in the wall she touches his greying fingers " Stefan wake up its me I'm getting you out of here." Stefan finally got rid of Silas and was getting a moments rest when he heard her voice. " Go away Silas." Rebekah looks confused and picks up the sledgehammer she brought abs starts hitting the wall. Stefan looks down at her realizing it her, Silas would never let him out only the real Rebekah would. " Your here and your real and alive." Rebekah gets the wall down and gets Stefan out she feeds him a blood bag and hugs him " Your alive and safe." Stefan kisses her " I love you." Rebekah smiles at him so big and so full of love " I love you too." Xxx The Mikaelsons kick Marcel out of the compound and when he's gone Kol brings Davina into the courtyard " You did brilliant darling and I've been thinking about where you can live that Marcel will never find you and it's here welcome home you are going to live with my family." Davina is happy to be moving out of the attic but her new home is covered in blood so is the man next to her. Klaus finds Freya in the room he first saw her in, in 1914 " I suppose this room is fitting enough a hundred years ago in this room you saw your siblings and wanted to be apart of the Mikaelson family and tonight you helped not only save Rebekah but helped me over throw Marcel so Freya you are my sister." Freya smiles and hugs him she doesn't care that he's covered in blood. Xxx Klaus finds Caroline on the balcony overlooking guys putting gasoline over the dead vamps and lighting them up. " We did it my love. I have to say you looked amazing out there." Caroline snuggles into his arms "Thank you. So I guess it's Long live the royal family now." Klaus smiles down at his queen and kisses her neck " Long live the queen." Caroline smiles up at him and kisses him.
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bellemorte180 · 4 years
If I Die Before I Wake: Chapter Five
Vengeance is defined as punishment or retribution for a wrong committed against another. A single curse could derail and weaken the most powerful being in the world. A single massacre could take the entire world in one go; but it could centuries to execute the perfect vengeance.
Chapter Five
Mystic Falls
April 2010
The morning of the full moon greeted Bonnie as any other day. She had spent the last four days doing nothing but studying that spell. She knew it backwards and forwards. She missed school and Freya told her to take today to rest and prepare. It was a major spell and it would be taxing. Bonnie remembered how the spell she and her Grams preformed to open the tomb was exhausting. She was unsure if she would be able to succeeded; and the consequences if she did not were massive.
Bonnie pulled herself from her bed, dressed and made her way downstairs. She made a quick breakfast and opened her front door only to be greeted by Freya and another man who clearly was a vampire. She startled slightly because she had not expected to see the witch today; and to be honest, it was the only part of the day Bonnie was looking forward to. Bonnie found Freya to be demanding, bossy and more like a general commanding an army than a mentor.
“I thought we were not going over the spell today. You told me to rest.” Bonnie bit out.
“We're not and you will rest. I am here to make sure you do that.” Freya eyed the bag in her hand. “Going to school does not include resting. I am also here to ensure that you don't accidentally get yourself killed between now and when the full moon rises. Now. Invite my brother inside.”
“What?! No!” Bonnie's eyes flashed to the vampire. He was taller than Freya and had spiked brown hair. He was thin and lean. He was dressed in a pair of jeans and a long sleeved white shirt. His brown eyes looked her up and down and it made her feel as though she wanted to vomit.
“Come now darling, you don't even know me. Spend a little time with me and you might even like me.” He did a small bow with a smirk that caused Bonnie to want to punch him. “Kol Mikaelson at your service.”
“Answers still no.”
“Look, invite him in and once this is all said and done, I will do a spell to remove any invitation to any vampire from your home.” Freya offered with a small smile. “Besides, Kol knows more about magic than any vampire you'll meet. Any question you have he can answer.” Bonnie looked him over and against her better judgment decided to agree.
“Fine. Come in Kol.”
“Thank you darling, who knows after today, you might even be begging me to stay.” His eyes trailed her body again and it disgusted Bonnie. She narrowed her eyes and Kol let out a yell of pain. His hands went to his head and he squinted his eyes. “Freya! Make her stop.”
“You earned that Kol.” Freya replied, rolling her eyes. She pushed her way past Bonnie and stepped inside the house, looking around. For the past few days, Freya met Bonnie at the boarding house and not at her actual home. There was nothing special about it and that surprised Freya. She knew many witches and most had a mystical feel to there home, but not Bonnie Bennett. “If it was me, I would have snapped your neck with click of my fingers.”
“How rude.” Bonnie stopped and tossed Kol a nasty smile before turning and going back inside. Kol followed Bonnie in and stood in front of his sister, with his hands on his hips. “Is this how you repay me for digging you out of that conclave in Italy?” Kol smirked at her. “I broke many nails doing that and it took an entire coven to break those enchantments that protected you.” There was a smirk playing on his lips
“Wait, what?” Bonnie looked between the two of them. She was beginning to realize she knew nothing about Freya. She never asked her questions regarding herself, only the spell. In return, Freya never asked about herself either. Bonnie realized that she knew nothing of Freya outside of the fact she had several brothers and one sister who all were vampires. “You were stuck in a conclave in Italy?”
“Yes and it is a long story.”
“Not really.” Kol plopped down on Bonnie couch and smiled at her. “You see I was searching for a way to wake Caroline and to pull my psychotic brother from his doom and gloom. I came across a sleeping spell made by a witch named Dahlia, who just happened to be the long lost sister of my evil mother. I also then learned that the older sister we all thought had died before we were born was in fact alive and victim of a sleeping curse. I searched for her body, found it in the conclaves of the Vatican, clever hiding place by the way, and pulled her out. All the while hiding it completely from by hybrid brother.” Kol appeared to be way too smug and Bonnie found that she wanted to knock him down a few pegs.
“You were the victim of a sleeping curse?” Bonnie asked Freya who wouldn't look at her. Clearly it was a touchy subject. She felt bad for asking but given the fact that her brother kidnapped her best friend, did something to Stefan were he pretty much refused to leave his bedroom and spent the majority of his time in Mystic Falls so far torturing Katherine in the tomb, Bonnie felt she deserved to know. “If you already broke one sleeping curse, why haven't you done so with Caroline?”
“Different spell Darling.”
“Don't call me that.”
“You like it.”
“Kol, knock it off.” Freya said exasperated, already regretting allowing him to come. She would have preferred leaving him at the manor but he said that it would be torture to listen to Rebekah cry, deal with Elijah's indifference, the doppelganger and Marcel's stellar tactics to avoid Rebekah. He begged Klaus to allow him to tag along and torture the other doppelganger but he flat out refused-still angry at him for the events of 1914. “The spell that was cast on Caroline used a different type of magic. The spells were similar but not the same. While Dahlia's death was enough to break my spell, Caroline's was more complex.”
“Yes, lets see...” Kol held up his fingers as though he was beginning to court. “One, we need a piece of the sleeping beauty, ie her blood, check. Two, pull of the full moon, almost check. Three, the normal essentials, candles, herbs and salt, check. Four, blood and magic of a Bennett witch, double check. Five, birth place of the slumberer, check. And finally, a magical anchor in the form of my lovely sister Freya. Check.”
“How has no one killed you in the last thousand years?” Bonnie asked.
“What can I say? Most would rather love me than kill me.”
“Ugh.” Bonnie gave him a disgusted look and looked back to Freya just in time to see her roll her eyes. “Okay, question. I didn't think of this before but Mr. big head over here made me realize something. You said that the spell can only be broken at Caroline's birth place?” Freya nodded and that baffled Bonnie. “So you're saying that Caroline was born in Mystic Falls over a thousand years ago?” Bonnie sat down on one of the living room chairs at this point.
“Why do you think Katerina was here in 1864? The spell needed to be casted here and it needs to be broken here. The plan was that once we found the Bennett witch, we would drag her here to do the spell. Yet, even when we searched here, no Bennett witch could be found; even if they were standing in plain sight.” Freya replied. “A basic cloaking spell was for anyone who was purposely seeking them. However, Rose-Marie wasn't looking for you and that is how she found you. Loophole.”
“I just can't get over the fact that Caroline was born in Mystic Falls, or whatever it was a thousand years ago.” Bonnie replied.
“We all were, well except Freya, Finn and Elijah. They were born in what is now considered Norway.” Kol turned to his sister his sister and stuck his tongue out at her. “Once Freya over here 'died of the plague'” Kol stated using question marks with his hands. “Our parents didn't want to loose anymore children. So, they packed up Finn and baby Elijah and moved to the promise land of magic.”
“Promise land? Really?” Bonnie asked in a sarcastic tone.
“Mystic Falls at that time held a strong tribe of werewolves and the falls around the village was promised to have magical abilities. Our parents brought their remaining children here.” Freya stated in a matter of fact tone. Bonnie suddenly felt that there was much more to her story but didn't want to pry. Freya seemed cold towards the subject.
“So, your family originates from Norway but immigrated to Mystic Falls long before it was officially discovered. What about Caroline's family?”
“England.” Kol replied. “William Forbes and Elizabeth Forbes fled England when William's preferences became known and he nearly was hanged for it. So he packed up his pregnant wife and fled to the Mystic Falls hoping that the people here would be more understanding. They weren't but thats neither here nor there.” Bonnie looked at him confused. “He was gay Darling. Had a male lover when he lived in England. Big no no back then.”
“They landed in Mystic Falls in just enough time for Elizabeth to give birth, thus making Caroline's birth place this lovely town.” Kol replied with sarcasm in his tone. Bonnie could tell that he hated Mystic Falls and after the last few months, she could relate. “Ah, good old Bill Forbes” Kol turned and looked at Freya. “Did you know that Caroline's dad was Klaus's first kill?”
“Really?” Freya asked surprised. She didn't know that. Although, Klaus's long list of the people he killed was never something she went into specifics about. It was long and there were many people he killed that asking who is first kill was, was not something Freya ever thought to ask.
“Klaus murdered his father-in-law?”
“Yeah. It was how he triggered his werewolf curse.” Kol replied in a nonchalant manner while Bonnie just looked at him like he had three heads. “I suppose you want more context. Well, lets see. After we were turned us into vampires, Caroline actually adapted pretty well. She was sad and went through a bought of depression but I think we all did. I lost my magic for example. Anyway, Caroline was always a control freak so mastering her bloodlust was easy for her and she grew to love being a vampire. Her father accepting the monster she became, not so much. She went to visit one day, he tied her down with vervain and tortured her for a few hours. He thought he could fix her.”
“Nik never talked about this.” Freya asked as she sat down on the sofa beside Kol. “I've listened to him talk about Caroline until he was blue in the face but he never once mentioned that her own father tortured her.”
“I don't know the full story behind it but just that Liz Forbes came screaming Klaus's name as though her life depended upon it. The rest of the village shunned us by this point so someone seeking one of us out was noticeable. When she found him, she just said that Bill had her and that she was in trouble. Nik vanished in the direction Liz told him to go and the next thing we all knew was that Klaus ripped Bill's heart from his chest in a blind rage and pulled the vervain off of Caroline.”
“And he triggered his werewolf curse.” Freya said in a voice full of gloom and sorrow. “Falling down a rabbit hole none of us can dig out of.”
The sun set and darkness fell upon them all. Bonnie, Kol and Freya all made their way to the Boarding House. Bonnie was confused as to why the spell was being done there but all Freya would say was that Klaus wanted their manor to remain cloaked for the time being. Caroline would need some time, a few weeks, to gain her strength back and he wanted no interruptions. When they reached the boarding house, it was Stefan who opened the door.
He looked stressed and hassled but the fact that Damon was in the background with a tumblr of bourbon could possibly be the reason why. Both Freya and Kol pushed their way in while Bonnie hung back to check on Stefan.
“How are you holding up?” She asked in a concerned tone. Bonnie wasn't a fan of vampires in general but Stefan did save her and she could respect that. That and when she compared him to every other vampire she has met thus far, he was like a bunny compared to the rest. “We will get Elena back. I can do this.”
“Yeah. Yeah we will. I have faith in you.” Stefan replied and Bonnie looked at him strangely. Something was going through Stefan's mind and Bonnie couldn't pin point what it was. She wanted to inquire more but Kol cut her off.
“You're Stefan? I heard you had a wonderful time in the twenties.” Stefan said nothing but instead held the vampire's gaze. This made Kol smile widely and hold out his hand. “Kol Mikaelson at your service.”
“I thought you had a dagger in your chest.” Stefan replied in a stilled manner. Bonnie looked between the two of them. Damon moved between them as though a fight was about to break out. For the first time in eternity, it appeared that Bonnie and Damon were on the same page; both were completely lost. After a tense moment, Kol laughed and slapped Stefan on the shoulder. “Welcome to the family, that is until Nik decides to rip your liver out for touching our sister.”
“Want to share with the class little brother?”
“Not really.”
“Does this have anything to do with why you have been sitting on your ass for the last few days instead of searching for Elena?” Stefan only looked at Damon but still said nothing. Damon raved and yelled at him to do something for the woman he professed to love as he had done in the past but Stefan did nothing. Damon thought that Klaus had done something to him but now he wasn't so sure. “Well?”
“Silence.” Freya chimed in. “Bonnie?” The other witch nodded and moved towards Freya. With a flick of her wrist, Freya completely cleared the sitting room of all its furniture. The sofas and chairs magically pushed themselves against the walls. The carpet folded itself and tucked itself away. Freya then magically moved the dining room table to be stationed in the center of the sitting room. Bonnie pulled out a container of salt and began to pour a circle around the table.
“Whoa whoa whoa. What the hell witch one and witch two?!” Damon cried out. “You seriously cannot be thinking of doing this here! Isn't there somewhere else!? Like. Anywhere else!” Freya just looked at him and then his neck twisted and he was out cold.
“Well I work better with quiet.”
Bonnie pulled out a few candles and placed them around the circle but didn't light them. She pulled a pillow from one of the couches that had been pushed to the side of the room and placed it on the table. Kol grabbed a smaller table, cleared it of its contents and placed it outside the circle. He grabbed the grabbed the bag from Bonnie and placed a grimoire in the center with a clay bowel beside it. Finally, he sat a silver knife on the other side of the book. Stefan just looked on, standing beside his brothers incapacitated body, watching them work until he felt someone else approach.
“Hello Stefan.” He turned and saw Rebekah standing there. Her hair was down and hung just below her shoulders in waves. Her black top and tight jeans made Stefan pause. She was still beautiful and he wondered how he could forget her. It only registered seconds later that she was holding a teenaged male in a tight grip. “Nik and the rest are not here yet. He asked me to make a pit stop.”
“Wait. What is he for!?” Stefan hissed. He recognized him but couldn't place his name. He had seen him around the high school but never spoke directly to him. He was so focused on Elena that he did not get to know those who had nothing to do with her.
“Caroline will be hungry when she wakes.” Rebekah replied before turning to the boy. “Go sit over there on the chair. Say nothing. Do not make a sound. Do not move until I tell you too.” The boy echoed the instructions back to her and went to sit down. Stefan wore a furious look upon his face. “Oh do grow up. If it makes you feel better he was trying to take advantage of a teenage girl in the back of her car.” Stefan raised an eyebrow at her. “Caroline has a thing for breaking rapist in two.” She then turned and moved toward Freya.
“Rebekah wait.” She looked over her shoulder. “Can we talk? After?”
“Don't you want to talk to Elena?” She replied and turned away from him completely. Freya reached out her had and held her sister's. They shared a small smile. It wasn't long before a car pulled up outside and doors slammed. Elijah appeared in the doorway, gently guiding Elena into the house. She immediately ran and wrapped her arms around Stefan. Rebekah turned her head and saw that Kol looked murderous. “Don't. Please Kol. Not now.” Elijah moved towards his siblings and placed a hand on Kol's shoulder, whispering something to him. It appeared to appease Kol as Rebekah whispered a word of thanks to Elijah.
“Oh my god. Damon!” Elena fled Stefan's arm and crouched down by Damon's body. “What happened?!”
“He got on my nerves.” Freya replied as Klaus and Marcel started to carry a coffin inside. The two sat the coffin down in the entrance way. Marcel gave Klaus a meaningful look before leaving him with the coffin. He saw that Rebekah was seated with Kol, their eyes met and Marcel quickly moved towards the other side of the room, and took a seat beside the motionless boy. Rebekah rolled her eyes.
They all heard a loud breath of exhale and their eyes turned towards Klaus. The hybrid bent down and opened the casket completely. Gently, he reached it and pulled Caroline's lifeless body from it. He cradled her to his chest as though she was the most precious being in the world. As he made his way to the center and placed Caroline on the table, propping her head up with the pillow. He caressed her face and leaned down to kiss her forehead.
“Soon my love. Soon.”
The room was still and all eyes trained on Klaus. The look upon his face was one of many emotions. Unconditional love mixed pain and hope. Yet, there was fear there also. He was putting his heart on the line. If this didn't work, the little bit of humanity that he was hanging onto would slip away and there would be nothing left. Elena stood and moved to stand beside Stefan. They linked hands. The rest of the Original vampires sat motionless. Bonnie picked up the silver knife but Freya held out her hand and shook her head no. She took the knife, grabbed the clay bowel and looked at Klaus. His eyes flickered to knife in her hand.
“We need some of her blood.” Klaus accepted her words, knowing this because he read the spell many time since they discovered Emily's grimoire. Freya took Caroline's hand and sliced her palm. Freya curled Caroline's fingers and squeezed, causing blood to coat the bottom of the bowel. When Freya placed Caroline's hand back down, the wound was already healed. Freya handed the bowel to Bonnie and stepped outside the circle; taking her place beside the other witch. “The moon is full. It's time.”
Klaus nodded and kissed Caroline's forehead one last time. He stepped outside the circle but did not move far from it. He stood at its head, his eyes never leaving Caroline's sleeping face. He wrapped his arms around his chest and bit into his thumb nervously. Freya snapped her fingers and all the candles that surrounded Caroline illuminated.
Bonnie took the same knife and cut into her own palm, wincing. She squeezed her own blood into the bowel and linked her free hand with Freya's. She turned her eyes to Emily's grimoire and began chanting the words that she had practiced over and over the past few days. Then she felt it, magic more powerful than she ever felt before. It was like a surge of energy that flowed through every ounce of her soul. It was darker than anything she ever tried before. She felt the pull of the full moon. She felt Freya's magic mixed with her own, anchoring hers. She felt every ancestor of the Bennett line touch her. It was as though they all were standing behind her.
Wind blowed.
Candles flickered.
And then it was over.
Klaus felt the magic in the room leave. He waited. His eyes were trained on Caroline. He did not acknowledge Marcel standing and then falling to his knees. He did not acknowledge Rebekah's silent tears or Elijah's worried gaze. He did not hear Freya's whispered words to Bonnie and Kol. He just could not look away from Caroline, waiting for her to move, to speak; to do something other than lie there motionless.
She didn't. Caroline did not move.
It was like his soul was once again ripped into a thousand tiny shards. He howled from the pain. Tears streamed down his face and he screamed louder than he ever had before. It was the sound of a wounded animal who was dying. Yet, death would be easier. Klaus flashed and took ahold of the first thing he found, tearing it to shreds. He destroyed everything in sight. It was like a hurricane of complete destruction and not a single person got in his way. Soon the entire bottom floor of the Boarding House was destroyed; but it wasn't enough.
“You!” Klaus flashed to Bonnie and flung her on the table in front of her. Elena screamed but it was Kol who moved quick enough to hold her back. Stefan tried to pull him off but Klaus tossed him across the room as though he was nothing. “This is your end. You are mine until you are able to do this spell correctly. You will bend to me until I deemed otherwise. Do you understand me?! And then I will remove your head from your spine.”
No one said a word. No one moved.
Not until a soft voice rang through the room.
New Orleans
October 1864
“Happy birthday love.” Klaus's voice whispered in her ear. Caroline smiled wildly as she felt his arms wrap around her middle as she looked out the window. She turned and placed her hands on his chest, looking up at his eyes. He leaned down and took her lips into his. It was gentle and small. When they broke apart, Klaus placed his hand on her cheek and stroked her cheek bone. “I have never loved anyone as much as I love you.”
Caroline smiled widely and kissed him. Klaus could feel her smile through her lips. He turned her around and pressed her back to his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. She rested her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes. She loved the feel of him. Centuries of marriage could never be enough for her. Klaus was no longer the man she married just as she was no longer the young girl he fell in love with; yet their love still held strong. Through the turmoil and the bloodshed, Caroline knew that she would never leave him.
“Thank you. For today.” She looked up at him and smiled. It was late. Very late. The full moon hung in the sky and it was only a few hours from dawn. Another birthday after the thousands she already had. Klaus wasn't one to celebrate his own birthday, unless there was alternative motives behind it that normally ended in a massacre, but he refused to go a single year without celebrating hers; even when they were on the run from Mikael. She argued with him once about how he didn't need to throw such lavish parties.
That only made him throw an ever bigger event.
This year was tame in comparison. Of course all the vampires and werewolves of New Orleans attended and even a few witches but it didn't have the over the top atmosphere that he normally had at her birthday soirees. Perhaps it was because she didn't complain or try and force the details out of him. Her birthday was the one party she was not allowed to plan and that Klaus had complete control over; and that drove her mad. The more she complained, the more he became obnoxious with the party. The less, the more it suited her and would appear to be something close to what she would have planned. Klaus knew that Caroline thrived on control but could not help but enjoy when she was forced out of her comfort zone.
“It's your birthday. I love birthdays.” That made Caroline snort because it was the farthest thing from the truth. Klaus loved her birthday; everyone else's didn't matter. She didn't say anything but instead just smiled at him. Klaus pulled her closer to him and began to sway. “It's true. When it comes to you.”
The musicians left hours ago and there was no music but that didn't matter. Since the first night he really saw her, centuries ago near the flames of the fire pit, Klaus loved to dance with her. He loved seeing her smile as she enjoyed herself. The dances changed but the partners never did. Caroline's laugh rang out and echoed off their suite's walls. He spun her and dipped her until her ice blue eyes shined brightly.
“I love you.” Caroline whispered. Klaus smiled, his dimples becoming extremely pronounced. He leaned down and picked her up by her hips. Caroline squealed as he spun, the white fabric from her pantaloons swayed. Her chest heaved, the restrictions the corsets caused her breasts to be more pronounced. Klaus held her tightly in the air, his arms wrapped around her rear and his eyes trained on her breasts. He leaned in and kissed her cleavage, his tongue tracing the center of it. Caroline moaned. “Niklaus.”
He chuckled against her skin and sat her gently on the ground. She ran her hands over the fabric of his shirt until her hands reached his breeches. Slowly she popped over the buttons but took it no further. Klaus grabbed her wrists and brought it to his lips. She narrowed her eyes at him, knowing that he was enjoying teasing her; he always had. In eight hundred years, she never told him that she enjoyed it to; but he knew.
Klaus leaned in and meshed their lips together. Caroline pressed her body as close to him as she could while their lips fought for dominance. They broke apart and Klaus spun her around. He pulled her tight against him, her back against his chest. His lips kissed her neck creating a trail down her skin. Caroline's head leaned against his shoulder as she panted. Her eyes fluttered shut as she enjoyed the feel of his lips against her. His hands went up to cup her corset covered breasts and moved her hands upwards to weave her fingers through his blonde hair.
“Niklaus.” The first time it came out as a moan but the second time was different; it was hoarse and pained. Caroline stilled in his arms, as though she was frozen. Klaus knew her body and knew her reactions. He stopped kissed her shoulder and lifted his head. Before he could ask her what was wrong, Caroline slumped against him. “Something is wrong.”
“What? Caroline? What is it?” Her legs slowly gave out and Klaus wrapped her arms around her as they sunk to the around. Her breathing grew heavy as though she was gasping for breath. As he cradled her in his arms, he saw a trickle of blood come from her lips. She raised her hand and pressed it against his cheek. “No. No. No. You can't. Please. Please. Elijah!!”
“No. Don't leave me. Please.” Tears began to flow freely down his cheeks. The door burst open and Elijah, who was still fully dressed from the ball, rushed in. Rebekah and Marcel followed quickly behind, hearing the distress in Klaus's voice. Their eyes turned towards Caroline, who was still struggling to breath and the blood seeping from her mouth. “I love you. Please. I need you to stay with me.”
“I love you. Know that.” Caroline breathed out. Marcel dropped to his knees beside Caroline. He took her hand and brought it to his cheek. He was speechless, not knowing how to process what was happening before him. Tears flowed down Rebekah's face and she latched onto Elijah's arm. She was sobbing, unsure of what to do or how to feel. She had never seen her brother in such a state. Her eyes looked at Caroline as her last words left her lips. “Thank you, for loving me.”
“No. Caroline Mikaelson. Don't you dare leave me. You promised to never leave me. Always and forever. Please. Please. Please. Come back. I love you. Please.” Klaus begged but Caroline's eyes shut and went completely limp in his arms. The hand that Marcel was holding slipped and rested on the ground; unmoving. Klaus crushed her to his chest and pressed his face into her hair. He screamed and howled until the walls shook and mirrors shattered. It was sound that could be heard all across New Orleans. It was the sound of a wolf whose heart was ripped from his chest; it was beyond pain and beyond misery. It was the sound of pure darkness.
“Niklaus.” Elijah said his brother's name but Klaus didn't hear him. The older of the two crouched down and placed his hand on Klaus's shoulder. He didn't push Elijah's hand away but instead continued to rock Caroline in his arms. “Niklaus, she isn't decaying. “
“What?” He hissed out. He shifted Caroline and looked down at her face. The blood was dry on her lips and cheeks but she looked peaceful. Yet, this wasn't how Caroline slept. She was always moving; she was never this still or this frozen. It was unnatural. It wasn't right. “I don't understand.”
“Her skin isn't grey nor is rough like vampires who decay.” Klaus didn't care about other vampires and Elijah could see that his brother was about to lash out at him. “She isn't dead brother. I think she was cursed; a sleeping curse. We can get her back.” Klaus didn't look at his brother but his mind reeled. Elijah had an affair with a witch named Celeste a few decades ago. He supposed that Elijah would know if Celeste ever casted such a spell. Either way, it sparked a hint of hope and rage inside of him.
“Wake Kol. Pull the dagger from his heart and have him find me a witch that will wake her. He always had a way with them.” Klaus hissed, plots and schemes ran through his mind. “And find them. Whoever dared take her from me, find them. Do not kill them. I want to take their hearts from their chest myself.” Klaus stood, lifting the lifeless Caroline in his arms. “I will make them pay Sweetheart. I'll bring you back to me.”
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alonely-dreamer · 6 years
Dangerous Creatures | Chapter 10: Feared Creature
Summary: Mackenzie Alemaund is an unlucky 18 year old teenager whose life changes drastically after she gets kidnapped by two vampires and learns, in the same day, that she is not human.
Pairing: Elijah x OC
Words: 2035
A/N: Please note that I am French and that there might be some mistakes here and there - besides I couldn’t have it edited so... yeah
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 |Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9
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Elijah’s house was old fashioned, big and made of stone and wood, but had recently been renovated. It was a two-story home, obviously made for a big family, with four bathrooms and five bedrooms. Elijah explained to Mackenzie how he “convinced” the owners to take a trip around the world and leave him their house for as long as he needed it. Mackenzie wasn’t even surprised anymore, though she was relieved to hear he hadn’t killed them and buried them in their backyard. Only two bedrooms upstairs had a bathroom attached to it, and Elijah already occupied the biggest one. When they arrived very late on that Sunday night, or very early on that Monday morning, the original vampire had sent the young elemental in her new room, with a few boxes containing clothes and other necessary items, and a promise of going through her mother’s chest in the morning, after she had a good “night” of sleep. Elijah was tired himself and he could only imagine how exhausted the mortal girl was. After she reluctantly made her way to her new bed and fell asleep faster than she thought she would, Elijah finally allowed himself to do the same.
The sun was already high in the sky when Mackenzie woke up in the unfamiliar bed. The clock on the nightstand indicated the time with big red digits: 3:48PM. She turned around in the bed, rubbed her eyes then yawned as she ran a hand through her messy and greasy hair. She needed a shower. She felt defeated, despite having slept fairly well. She felt dirty, and not just because of her sticky hair. She sighed. She looked around the room, wondering who it belonged to, hoping whoever she was who had plastered posters of the Jonas Brothers all over her walls was having fun on her trip around the world. She looked at the time again, feeling like she had forgotten something, like she should be doing something else at that moment. Of course, she had missed school, but that wasn’t it. She had woken up late in the day and hadn’t got up early to make breakfast for Robert, or for anyone. She didn’t feel worried or nervous or scared. Maybe she should be. After all, there was a thousand-year-old vampire at the end of the hallway. But somehow, he wasn’t scarier than Robert. Somehow, she felt safe with him even though she had met him about a week ago and he had done his fair share of scary things. Removing the head of her kidnapper being one of them. Damn, had her life been so complicated ever since.
She eventually got up with the intention of taking a shower. She was glad to see all she needed was in one of the boxes in her room or already in the bathroom. After a long and necessary shower, she got dressed, picking up a wrinkled dark purple shirt and a pair of blue jeans from a box, and walked out of the room. She found herself in a cold and dark hallway and shivered at the change of temperature. She brought her arms against her chest and rubbed them as she made her way to the stairs. They lead to the living room where she expected to find Elijah. When she didn’t see him, she noticed the smell of food coming from the kitchen and followed it. The kitchen was big. Huge even. No one needed a kitchen that big. It was clean, which it had to be considering how white it was. There was an isle in the middle of the room where Elijah was sitting, with a newspaper in his hands. He had his back turned to her but she had no doubt he knew she was there. The tea in front of him was still hot and there were two cups. A plate of pancakes was also waiting for her and invited her to sit next to him.
“Good afternoon,” he said with a calm voice. “How are you feeling?” he asked, finally turning his head to look at her.
She smiled shyly then nodded before walking up to him.
“I’m fine,” she replied in a whisper. She said it because it was true though she wondered if she should be feeling differently. After all, she had just killed a man.
“Good,” Elijah nodded too. “Please eat, you must be starving.”
“You didn’t have to cook for me,” she told him timidly as a way to thank him.
“I made some for myself, it’s only normal I should make some for you,” he smiled. “How are you feeling?” he asked again, which made her frown.
“… fine…” she repeated.
“I meant, about the events of last night.”
A humorless chuckle escaped her, which surprised both of them.
“Which part? The one when you died or the part when I killed my stepfather?”
“Both, I suppose.”
She didn’t reply this time. She cut a piece of pancake with her fork and ate it.
“I should feel bad… but I don’t,” she admitted, and he was surprised not to hear guilt in her voice. “It’s as you said. He had it coming…”
“Indeed…” he agreed suspiciously.
“Does that make me a bad person?” she asked, looking up at him.
He looked at her in silence for a few seconds before he replied:
“You’re asking me?” he said with humor.
Mackenzie frowned, then smiled sadly before turning her attention back to the plate of pancakes.
“You’re in a dangerous position,” he spoke up again which made her look back up at him. “Being an elemental has always been dangerous, being an ultimate… doesn’t make it easier. I know you don’t want to hear it, but I need to say it…” he paused and he could see in her eyes she knew what he was going to say next, “Robert will not be your only victim. But I don’t doubt your next one will deserve it just like he did.”
“I don’t want to kill anyone else.”
“I know. But you will. Remember the position you are in. It’s killed or be killed. You have to look out for yourself. Don’t trust anyone, anyone, with your secret. Do you understand?”
Mackenzie breathed out, annoyed. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Because you need to be prepared. To be ready to defend yourself. People will come for you, for your powers, for the books in that chest. I know you said you don’t want to kill Klaus, and I won’t make you. I shouldn’t have asked this of you in the first place. But you still need to control your powers. To learn how to use your magic. Jonas can help you. If you’ll let him.”
Mackenzie stared at him in silence. She wondered where all of this was coming from.
“Why do you care?” she asked. She didn’t sound angry or annoyed. She was genuinely curious.
She could tell by the look on his face he didn’t know how to answer that question.
“Why do you care if I live or die? Why am I here, Elijah?”
Elijah closed the newspaper he was sill holding and put it down on the right of the counter, turning his chair on the left, entirely facing the elemental now. Mackenzie straightened up, nervous she had offended him.
“You called me. You asked for my help.”
“And why did you help me?”
Elijah opened his mouth then closed it, not knowing what to answer.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“Why would you? I mean…” she sighed, frustrated, “you probably have better things to do than babysit an eighteen-year-old hum- elemental or whatever… Now that I’m not helping you anymore, why are you helping me?”
Elijah didn’t answer right away. He was asking himself the same question.
“I don’t know.”
That was unexpected and they were both surprised. Mackenzie didn’t want to sound ungrateful but in one night she had brought a vampire back to life, killed a human man and moved out of her house. She felt different, she felt annoyed, angry, awful, sad, lost, relieved, she felt like she wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. A man had died and it was the best thing that had happened to her in a long time. She had killed a man and she didn’t feel as bad as she thought she should. She wondered if that was how Elijah had felt about killing Trevor. She saw no trace of guilt, sadness or remorse. He didn’t even flinch when Rose started crying. It had been a little over a week and so many things had happened it felt like an eternity. It had been a little over a week and he out of all people, Elena, Stefan, Bonnie… was her only friend. The only person she could count on. But could she really?
“I’m not afraid of you,” she admitted, and she could see surprise on his face. “And I don’t know why either.”
“I’m not going to harm you.”
“That’s what you say. And there’s a voice inside my head that’s screaming at me not to believe you. You know what I see at night? What my nightmares are about? Trevor’s head rolling to my feet…” she said with a shaky voice, “I don’t know who you are. Are you the kind of person who kills people for no reason or are you the kind of person who helps people like me for no reason?”
“What if I’m both?” he cut her off. She couldn’t answer. “And I didn’t kill Trevor for no reason. He betrayed me.”
“That was centuries ago and you promised him he’d be safe.”
“I promised Rose…”
“She trusted you!” she shouted, startling herself.
Elijah took a deep breath, trying to stay calm, though he wasn’t thinking of hurting her in anyway, he just wanted to keep his voice steady.
“I have lived a thousand years, as you know. My brother and I are Originals. We are the most feared creatures on the planet. I didn’t get that reputation by letting traitors live.”
“And why do you need to be feared? You can’t be killed so why do you care?”
Elijah clenched his jaw.
“I don’t know why I care. I don’t feel bad about Trevor or Rose. They betrayed me. Things would have gone extremely differently if Katerina hadn’t escaped that night… I do feel bad about doing it in front of you.” Mackenzie frowned. “You are new to this world. There are things you don’t understand yet, things you will get used to. People die. It happens. More than you realize, but you’re starting to realize it. Damon Salvatore and Alaric Saltzman tried to kill me Saturday night, despite our agreement. It’s not about being right or wrong, feared or loved. It’s about surviving. Sometimes you need to use fear, sometimes you don’t. Most of the time, I admit, fear comes handy. But I can’t be killed, Mackenzie. Nothing can kill me. Not the sun, not vervain, no weapon on this planet can destroy me. So, I will be feared. Always. That’s not a path I chose, that’s the path I was put on. My siblings and I… when we became vampires, we became monsters. We lost our parents, and centuries later, I lost my siblings, one after the other. My brother took them away from me. So, I’m going to kill him. Because what else am I supposed to do?”
Mackenzie was speechless. She could see how vulnerable he was at that moment, something she never thought she would see, something she would never have imagined. She felt bad for judging him. She had no idea who he was, what he had done. Life isn’t white or black, she understood now, it’s not about being right or wrong. It was like a veil had lifted. Him killing his brother was her killing her stepfather. It was revenge. It was protection. It was necessary. It was surviving.
She got up from the chair and put her arms around him, hugging him. He didn’t expect it but hugged her back almost instantly.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered.
“Don’t apologize,” he replied. “You’re not wrong.”
Tags: @thepoet1975 @nerdysandwichqueen @catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @raegan-hale @captainam-erika-trash @silver424 @monetfatalia @vaniileiinkeks @valeria-winchester@favimag @colie87@hamiltonmadesomemistakes @s0nh4dorasblog @poemfreak306 @white-chocolate-mocha-fan@thegingerthatwaited @therealwatermelon @dark-night-sky-99 @aubri1313 @jardinsecos@gymnastgal1997-blog @thearaviagrace77blog - 
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thememoriesofaqueen · 5 years
The Things We Do - Part 1
Masterlist (x)
A/N: post TVD 4x23, no cured Katherine.         English is not my first language         Part 1 mentions a it of Kalijahs backstory in season 2 and 4         I do not own anything of the TVD - Universe and I’m not affiliated or                   associated with the writers etc. this is only a headcanon.
Summary: during the fight with Elena, Katherine managed to flee after noticing Elenas intentions to use the cure on her. not able to let her frustrations out and avenge her loss, she gets extremly dangerous until a certain someone appears unexpectedly.
Pairing: Kalijah ( Katherine / Elijah )
TW: mentions violence, excessive alcohol consumption
Word Count: 1.579
It's been two days since Katherine left the worst town ever. She felt defeated and betrayed and if someone would ask her what she'd like to do then she'd answer that she would like to see mystic falls go up in flames. Two days ago her clothes had been torn, she was bloody and dirty and longed for a shower. A long and warm shower. It took awhile until she could get said shower, since she left town and had to drive two hours until she was in her new lodging far away from Mystic Falls. Katherine hadn't thought that Elena would be a big match, but apparently her stupid doppelgänger had some hidden energy when being angered. The bruenette hadn't expected that the cure was with Elena and she was willing to use it on her, either. If anything, Elena was the last person on earth who would have wanted to waste the cure on her but apparently being dead wasn't as nice as becoming human again - shame!
A dead Elena could have solved all her problems and it would have been the perfect revenge. ripping everything from her what she had. Killing her without anyone to help her. Her friends, family and lover being left behind with no chance to say goodbye. That would have been the ending Elena deserved, it is long overdue. 
But instead it was always Katherine who was left with nothing. Who had to pay for everything. There was never a knight in golden armor who wanted to protect her at any cost, no luck or happiness. She didn’t get her Silas-like immortality which could have protected her from all her enemies. Additionally the happiness she had was taken by Elena, she scared away the only person who still cared for her. Who didn’t think of her as a coldblooded, manipulative bitch.
It's been unexpected that her alliance with Elijah turned into something more, something romantic. She had to admit that she has held some kind of affection for him when she was still human, but the affection turned into fear after discovering what he and his brother really wanted. She feared him for fivehundred years and yet there was a small part within her, which also held a good memory of him. She has always felt safe in his presence back in England. He was the one who spend time with her when she was alone, who made her smile and let her play her little chase games. He was the one who showed a genuine interest in her, her views, her option. Nevertheless he didn't stop his brother's madness.
When he showed up while she was held in the tomb, she was scared, though. She knew that he was very well capable of killing her, of presenting her as a gift to his brother. She was frightened as hell, as she has never been so close to a Mikaelson that they could actually see her. She was convinced that he was coming for her, ending her one way or the other, even though she tried her best not to show her fear. She ended up being compelled by him, being left alone to rot until Klaus comes for her.
After she achieved her release, she hadn't seen Elijah for awhile. She had other problemes to deal with, notably Klaus. She was convinced to never see her freedom again after she was made Klaus favorite prisoner and toy thing. If anything she expected to die a slow dead. However, she was lucky enough to escape and go on the run again.
It was only after discovering the myth of the cure and the knowledge that the cure was real, that she tried to contact Elijah. It was a calculated plan because she knew how close he's to his family, that he'd never let something happen to them if he had the chance to prevent it. She knew that there were many people who would use the cure on Klaus or his family. She knew that if she could get a grab on the cure, she'd have a good chance to make a deal with the devil himself and for that she needed someone, Klaus would listen to. If she did it by herself, Klaus would probably kill her / make her his prisoner again before ripping the cure from her hands.
It took some time until the messenger she had sent was sucessful. Katherine was too afraid to meet the Original before making a deal with him, so she just waited until he decided to call her. That was the safest thing to do. She was nervous when her phone finally started to ring with an unknown number shown on her screen. His factual voice and he adressing her by her birthname, made her heart beat a skip - even though it was probably because of her frayed nerves.
Nevertheless she managed to make a deal and even agreed to meet him. At first she felt uncomfortable, her instincts being on alert. She was ready to run if she had to but instead he was very polite. He didn't attempt to treat her like he did back in the tomb. They met a few times to discuss things. It didn't take long until she trusted him - at least as far as he wouldn't break the deal and deliver her to Klaus. She felt safe within his presence, she didn't have to pretend to be a cold person who doesn't care about anything. She could let her guard down around him because he remembered who she was when they first met. He believed in her and they started to spend more and more time together. He changed too, he wasn't as stiff as before, he smiled more and relaxed when they were together.
They could have been happy after she trade the cure for her freedom. She was even okay with keeping her relationship a secret and seeing him just every few weeks. She would have done everything to be happy. To be finally happy and loved by someone who cared for her.
They could have had a happy ending.
But Elena destroyed everything. Elena turned Elijah against her. She didn't even know what she had said to him, she couldn't find out. He didn't trusted her anymore, no matter what she said or what she'd assure. He didn't believed her anymore. Elena ripped her chance of happiness away. Elena should be the one who is suffering, not her. Elijah left her, despite giving him the cure withouth something in return, despite her pleas. He didn't want to see her anymore.
It was the second morning after her failure and she still wasn’t over it. Which was odd, because Katherine was the kind of person who always look forward. She stepped outside of the shower, wrapping a towel around her delicate body. When she looked in the mirror, she recalled Elenas words. Is she really the definition of damaged goods? Is she not love worthy? Did she not deserve happiness? Because she's a self-obsessed egomaniac? Apparently that is the truth. Why would anyone love someone like her? A liar? Someone who loves herself enough to not care about the opinions of others? Someone who wanted to have a life, no matter what they have to do in order to get it?
She growled, turning away from the mirror and looking for something to wear. After she was dressed, she searched for a new bottle of bourbon, after the most of her stock was already empty the minute she moved in. Fortunately, she found one bottle and took a big sip of it. Not caring if she was drunk again. It was better than being miserable after being dumped and failed to take revenge on Elena. Oh, and definitely better than being reminded of being tricked into believing that she could actually be free from her sorrows. She didn't care if she was wasted, she didn't care if she'd have alcoholic poisoning - which was hard for a vampire anyway.
It's unnatural for her to suffer from a heartbreak. She's been there before. It's not the first time she was dumped and was unwanted. No, it was because she was so close to being truely happy. To be free and loved. She deserved it after fivehundred years. But she was just a broken, unwanted thing... nothing worth to love.
Her grip around the bottleneck got tighter as she felt she couldn't control herself anymore. the alcohol made her dizzy, which was a comfortable feeling. better than having a headache from not wanting to cry.
The next day was just sightly better. She still felt the rage within her, but at least her mind was clear. She showered and got dressed because even though she was still suffering, she held enough self-respect to care for her appearence. Yesterday was just too much and she realized she had to control herself before the rage get her killed. She still wanted revenge though. She even made some more plans before a knocking catched her attention. Katherine didn't expect someone, it was probably just a neighboor who wanted to complain about something. Probably because of yesterdays noise, she might have broken a bottle or two.
She opened the door obviously annoyed and wanted to leave some bitchy comment when she noticed her counterpart. Expensive suit, hands in his pockets, an inscrutable look.
"Katerina, a word, please?"
A/N: if you like it, hit the ♥ - or come into my askbox, i’d love to hear your opinion. what do you think will happen next?
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forevercaroline · 8 years
I can't lose you.
For @gooddame and @caritobear when I told the idea of the story to them they couldn’t wait to read it.
“ It’s not a trial its suicide.”
The doors to to Lucien’s penthouse burst open and Caroline Forbes is standing in front of the dying Mikaelsons and Hayley. “ And nobody wants a suicidal hybrid.”
All the Mikaelsons except for Kol who is laying on the couch sweating look at the blonde. “ Elijah, Hayley, you must be the new sister Freya I’m Caroline and Kol your alive so to speak and whoa you have a really bad super vamp bite on your neck it looks like a werewolf bite but apparently a thousand times more lethal.”
Klaus is staring at her “ Caroline.”
“ Hello Klaus.”
Hayley walks over to her “ What are you doing her Caroline this my family leave.”
Klaus glares at Hayley he puts up with the little hybrid because Elijah fancies her but nobody talks to Caroline like that. Caroline’s got this.
“ You see I was visiting my moms grave.” She looks back at Klaus “ I got your flowers by the way they were really pretty thank you.” Klaus nods and she looks back at Hayley. “ I get a call from Rebekah telling me that her family is in danger she’s hexed, her older sister is poisoned, Elijah and Kol have super vamp bites. and Klaus is going to be on trial for his sins. So if your part of the Mikaelson family why did Rebekah call me to talk to Klaus instead of letting you handle it, because you only care about one Mikaelson Elijah who cares about Katherine and has for the past five hundred years.” Elijah sitting in a chair has a hallucination “ Katerina I will save you. You will be free and we can be together.”
Caroline smirks at Hayley knowing she was right. She goes over to Elijah and puts an hand on his arm “ Elijah Katherine isn’t here come back to us.”
Elijah looks down at the blonde “ Elena’s blonde friend from Mystic Falls.”
“ It’s actually Caroline but it’s ok I know your ill.”
Freya is sitting next to Kol when he starts hallucinating Davina, Freya tries calm him down and Caroline goes over to hold him down “ Kol it’s going to be ok. We will fix this then you can tell me all about Davina.”
Kol nods and Caroline smiles.
Freya looks up at the blonde in the few minutes she’s been here she’s managed to put Hayley in her place, bring Elijah and Kol out of their hallucinations, and shock Klaus. “ How do you know my siblings?”
“This is my future family.”
With Freya’s confused look Caroline looks over at Klaus “ Can I tell her? I know you like to keep me private.”
Klaus nods. “ Klaus loves me and tries to protect me as best he can. Which means never talking about me because if his enemies knew I existed they would hurt me to get to him. But I would never sell him out he knows that.”
Caroline turns to Klaus “ First I need to ask would you still love me if I did something incredibly impulse and crazy that could get me killed.”
Klaus looks worried and looks her over for injuries “ Of course what did you do?”
“ It’s not what I’ve done it’s what I’m about to do.”
Caroline slaps him across the face.
“ Love why did you slap me?”
“Someone needed to for getting yourself into this situation and your sibling and now me. I can’t lose you. I’ve already lost my mom I can’t lose my last love.”
Klaus pulls Caroline Into his chest “ You will never lose me Caroline I will always be there for you no matter what.”
Freya is sitting next to Kol wiping sweat off his forehead but watching her brother and Caroline and is amazed by the relationship they share its so deep and loving. She’s never seen Klaus act this way around anyone.
Freya doesn’t want to interrupt them but she has to “ Klaus I might have a solution.”
While Freya is talking to Klaus Caroline goes over and sits with Kol. “ How are you here I saw your burned body in the Gilbert’s dining room.”
Kol actually manages to let out a little laugh “ Darling you should know better it takes a lot to kill us.”
Caroline smiles down at while while wiping sweat off this forehead. “ I’m going to tell you a secret when you guys were all in Mystic Falls you were my second favorite original.”
“ I’m hurt by that second favorite but I have to say that was amazing how you slapped my brother.”
Caroline let’s out a little laugh “ Thank you. You never drew me pictures, gave me dresses or jewelry. Or fell in love with me. Don’t tell Rebekah I don’t she would be happy to hear she’s my third favorite.”
When they were in Mystic Falls Kol really never interacted with Caroline. He did once in the grill after Esther’s ball. “ If I make it out of this alive I’m buying you drink to thank you for taking care of me and for slapping Nik.”
Caroline smiles down at him “ Deal.”
Klaus taps Caroline on the shoulder “ Caroline can I talk with you?”
Caroline nods and Klaus brings her into the bedroom. “ You know how I love you and that you are the only one for me Caroline. But to protect you I need you to leave now.”
“No I’m not leaving you. Let me help you.”
Klaus looks down at her “ I couldn’t bear it if something happened to you because of me.”
Caroline reaches up and cups his cheek “ You always worry about me it’s my turn to worry about you.”
Klaus leans into her touch “ I have to go. Not only to save my siblings but to save you.”
“ They will kill you. What is Freya’s plan?”
Klaus looks at her she is worried about him. “ I have to face them and come out alive Freya will put everyone to sleep and link them to me.”
“ Kinda like what Esther did when she linked you all together to kill you.”
Klaus nods and puts a hand over hers in his cheek “ Stay here with them help Freya then help Hayley find cures for us. I know you two hate each other but maybe this is exactly what you two need to get over your hatred for each other.”
Caroline starts crying klaus wipes her tears “ I love you Klaus remember that.”
Klaus smiles down at her “ I love you too.”
As Klaus is opening the front door to leave Caroline stops him “ Klaus wait this might be the last time I see you for a while.”
Caroline leans up and kisses him.
Caroline leans her forehead on his “Are you sure I can’t go maybe kill a couple of them so there’s not that many that want you dead.”
Klaus smiles at her she's willing to kill for him. “ No it’s to dangerous. Stay here we will see each other again. I love you Caroline remember that.”
Caroline kisses him again “ I love you too.”
Klaus enters the compound quietly and sees Rebekah next to Damon and Stefan. “ What are you two doing here?”
“Nice to see you too Klaus. We heard Barbie Klaus tell blondie that you sire line was putting you on trial and I was offended we weren’t invited seeing as we part of said sire line.”
“ Has anyone seen you?”
Both Damon and Stefan shake their heads “ Good I need you two to spread out and kill as many as you can discreetly. I’ll deal with Marcel and staying alive.”
“Why should we help you? You’ve hurt us just as much as everyone in there?”
Klaus looks over at Damon “ I’ve had plenty of opportunities to kill the both of you and I didn’t.”
Both Salvatore’s go into the crowd of vampires and Klaus turns to his sister “ Thank you sister for telling Caroline and bringing her here.”
Rebekah nods “ I know how much she means to you. I may not like her but you love her I figured you might like one last happy memory with her before we do this.”
Klaus pulls his little sister in for a hug.
Caroline is pacing in front of the window. She’s so worried about klaus. Freya looks over at the blonde he feels sad for her. Elijah comes over to her “Miss Forbes, Niklaus can do this. If my brother succeeds in one thing it’s talking people out of killing him.”
Caroline smiles at him “ Thanks Elijah. You shouldn’t be standing right now in your condition let’s get you back to the chair. ”
Caroline puts his arm around her shoulders to help him and Hayley is right in her face “ It’s time for you to leave. Nobody wants you here nobody ever wants you. Let go of Elijah.”
Caroline gets Elijah back to his chair then confronts Hayley “ I’m not leaving Rebekah called me, the Mikaelsons need my help, Klaus obviously wants me here, plus with you too busy worrying about Elijah who is having hallucinations about Katherine to even bother with Freya or Kol. So I’m staying and helping them.”
Elijah weakly says “ Caroline do you love my brother?”
Caroline looks down at him a little taken back by the question.“ Yes I do.”
Elijah smiles at her “ You will make a wonderful addition to this family sorry it has to be today when we are all dying.”
Caroline bends down in front of him and puts her hand on his arm “ Thank you Elijah for welcoming me I will help cure you and all of you.”
Hayley is angry at the situation “You never welcomed me to the family.”
Kol looks over at the “ Because you were nothing but a phase for Elijah Caroline is the real deal.”
Hayley storms over to Kol but Caroline gets in between them “Shut up Kol before she kills you quicker than the super bite.”
Hayley storms out and Freya looks over at Caroline “ Caroline i need your help can you get them over to the table.”
Klaus walks further into the compound courtyard its destroyed, furniture. paper, vampires and fire everywhere. In the corner Marcel sits on a throne. The vampires are yelling at him some even spit at him.
Damon rips out a couple hearts downstairs and throws their hearts and bodies into the house. Stefan does the same but up on the balcony.
“ Enough!”
All the vampires are quiet Klaus turns towards Marcel “ I’m disappointed in you Marcellus using my poor ill sister to negotiate deals for you hardly the work of a true leader.”
“ You want the last word take it then we can finish this.”
“You wish to put me on trial for my many grievances go on have at it but before you do I just have to say. Look at you outraged by the death of Davina and Camille. When neither were my fault. Davina defied you, you told her to stay away from my brother but she didn’t. The heart wants what it wants and Davina’s heart wanted Kol. Just like Camille’s heart wanted me not you. Your daughter and the girl you fancy wanted Mikaelsons so you rage war on me. Not very king like.“
Klaus turns towards the crowd. ” And for you lot. I killed your loved one, your harlot, your mother, got you out of the slum you were living in. But you all forget you begged me to turn you. I gave you all a new life. Before me your lives were insignificant I gave your lives meaning I made them significant. This mockery of a trail is pathetic and only here because of me. Without me you lot wouldn’t even be alive. I owe you nothing. So whatever you do to me I still win. You will always remember Klaus Mikaelson is your maker.
Marcel holds up the papa tunde blade the vampires are yelling torture him they grab Klaus bring him to Marcel on his back.
Rebekah sees Damon killing another vampire and pulls him to her and whispers in his ear “ You didn’t kill enough of them.”
“ I’m sorry but there’s one of me and thousands of them and I have to be discrete so I don’t get myself killed.”
“ Get Stefan and follow me.”
The last thing the three of them see is Marcel stabbing the papa tunde blade in Klaus and his scream of agony as the blade goes in his chest.
Rebekah brings the Salvatore’s to Lucien’s penthouse. Caroline helped both Elijah and Kol over to the table Freya is working at. “ The plan worked Nik found a way to stay alive.”
“Rebekah I need you to sit here.”
Damon and Stefan look around “ What is going on?”
Caroline is swiping the sweat off Kol and making sure Elijah is ok. “ Freya is putting them asleep and I am going to find cures for them. If Klaus found a way to stay alive where is he?”
Rebekah looks over at Caroline “ He was stabbed by the papa tunde blade. It’s a magical blade instead of sticking out of like a regular blade it goes inside you and gives that person incredible agony.” She turns to the Salvatore’s “ You two will help Caroline or I will find a way to come back and kill you Damon.”
“ Ok sexy beks i will help why don’t you ever threaten Stefan?”
“ I like Stefan better than you and Stefan knows when I ask for something I need it. Stefan and I were in love in the twenties you never completely fall out of love with someone even if one is compelled to forget the other so a part of Stefan will always love me and a part of me will always love him.”
Caroline is between Kol and Elijah, Stefan is next to Rebekah and Damon is off to the side while Freya is chanting in Latin all the Mikaelsons are holding hands. Kol is shaking and coughing and Elijah is shaking. They all fall back in their seats their spirits gone.
Caroline looks towards the Salvatore’s. “ It’s up to us to save them we have to get them out of this city. Do you know where Klaus is maybe we can take him with us put him in a coffin too.”
Damon shakes his head “ No Marcel said he was going to make Klaus his prisoner for however long he saw fit.”
Stefan lifting Rebekah to carry her to her coffin “ We have to leave Klaus here and find cures. We will save him Caroline.”
Caroline nods while she picks up Kol. Damon picks up Elijah. Caroline comes back for Freya. Once they get the originals into their coffins Caroline picks up some information Freya left her on the venom they were exposed to. “ We have a family to save.”
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forevercaroline · 8 years
Klaroline in Nola chapter 6
Warning there is smut in this. For @caritobear and @delightfullysunny Six months ago Rebekah is in her mansion in Mystic Falls looking at the corsage Stefan gave her earlier that night when she hears music coming from outside her house. She looks out the window and sees Stefan in her front yard with a boom box playing wanted dead or alive By Bon Jovi. " What are you doing?" " Come out and find out." Rebekah laughs "Give me a minute." She puts her eighties dress back on and goes outside " I thought you would be with Elena." " Why she broke up with me. She choose my brother I am moving on." Rebekah looks down at the boom box " So why are you here?" Stefan moves a piece of Rebekah's hair behind her ear " I'm giving you your dreams. I want you I always wanted you ever since you stole my drink in the twenties. I'm so sorry I was mean to you when you were undaggered I just didn't want to get hurt again. It hurt when I saw you running away in the twenties. So I stayed away from what my heart really wanted you." Rebekah has tears in her eyes she had never heard someone say that to her before. " I want you too. I only wanted you, but you love Elena I don't want to be your rebound." Stefan takes her hands in his " Your not a rebound what I feel for you is nothing like I felt for Elena I always felt an emptiness with her but with you there's no emptiness I feel whole." Xxx A couple days ago in China: Rebekah is looking out at the view of their hotel room wrapped in a blanket when Stefan comes up behind her and kisses her " What are you thinking?" Rebekah leans back into his arms " How would you feel about going to New Orleans." Stefan lays a kiss on her shoulder " Sounds like the perfect way to end the summer." Xxx Two months after graduation. Blood spatters the windows as vampires die. Xxx " Niklaus, where are you? Get out here and tell me what you did with Elijah." " Move it werewolf." Kol comes down the stairs while Katherine comes in the front door while Rebekah and Stefan stand in the foyer. Rebekah looks up and sees Hayley sitting on the stairs " You our luggage is in the car get them." Kol and Katherine smirks. Stefan notices Katherine behind him " Katherine your still alive, you've been living with Klaus for two months and he hasn't killed you yet." " No but I haven't been in the house that long for the last two months. As I have been scouring the city for Elijah and haven't found him. I just feel like being watched, I even snuck into Marcel's house and looked around nothing. Rebekah looks up at her brother. " Where's is Niklaus?" " In the backyard fighting with Caroline." Xxx Rebekah and Stefan go out Into the backyard and see Caroline in a sports bra and Capri yoga pants go to punch Klaus but he blocks her and knocks her on her back. " Your teaching Caroline how to fight." " Yes she needs to know if we are to take back the city." Klaus phone rings and Caroline, Rebekah and Stefan go inside. After the call Klaus finds them in the living room talking. " Sister is there something you wish to tell me?" " Where's Elijah?" Klaus shakes his head " How about why Marcel just called and told me six of his men were just killed in a bar outside the quarter." " They were very rude to us and all we wanted was drink." " Well because of you I have to once again have clean up your mess." " Why do you automatically assume it was me it could of been Stefan who killed them or Katherine." Klaus looks over at Stefan sitting next to his sister " Yes Stefan, you haven't grown tired of my sister yet." When all the ghost were in Mystic Falls his best friend Lexi told him to be happy. He's happy with Rebekah. " No, I don't think I ever will, she keeps me on the edge of my toes." Xxx Katherine is walking around the city looking for Elijah again when she feels eyes on her. She stops and looks around and pins a brown haired woman to the side of a building " Why are you following me?" The woman looks at her. " You killed my mother." " And you want revenge so you turned yourself into a vampire and went after the woman who killed your mom but here's the thing I've killed a lot of people your going to have be more specific." " My name is Nadia Petrova daughter of Katerina Petrova." Katherine releases her grip and Nadia rubs her throat. " My daughter was taken away the moment she was born I doubt you are her." Katherine goes to walk away when Nadia calls out to her." I know your looking for Elijah, and that you crave a family don't you want to know your daughter." Xxx While Klaus is off with Marcel, Rebekah is showing the city to Stefan Caroline decides to get some of Hayley's blood so she can get Davina to test it. Caroline finds her in the library reading. " I have to give you props I didn't think you would stay after Elijah went missing nobody likes you here." Hayley looks up from Elijah's journal. " If we're giving out props I have to give you some I really thought after you found out about my baby you would be gone." " I don't abandon my friends or my boyfriend there's nothing you can do to make me leave them." Caroline goes to leave when Hayley calls after her " You must really feel terrible I can give Klaus the one thing you can't a fresh start a family." Caroline turns around in the doorway " I would if he wanted a this." Xxx Katherine wanted answers from Nadia they are sitting at a table at Rousseau's. " Where were you in 1498?" " I was eight." " I came back to Bulgaria looking for you I searched every house." Nadia is shocked " You came looking for me? You cared about being me." Katherine nods she never thought she would see her daughter again. " I did. Everyday i have thought about you, your grandfather took you out of your grandmothers arms wouldn't even let me hold you I was yelling to let me hold you he left the room with you and banished me from Bulgaria." Nadia always thought her mother never loved her. She wanted to find her mother and ask why she gave her away but she learned that her mother didn't give her away her mother never wanted to give her away. Xxx " When you invited me to New Orleans I didn't think we would be searching for anyone." Stefan and Rebekah are walking down bourbon street. " We will have our fun but first we have to find Elijah." "So what side are you on the baby scandal. We haven't talked about it but when you found out I knew you were a little disappointed." Rebekah looks over at Stefan she's happy he's here with her, that he left his life in Mystic Falls and decided to join her here. " All my life I've wanted to be loved have a family. All the boyfriends I've had over the course of my long life never truly loved me given a choice they would choose power over me. Yes I was disappointed when I found out that Klaus had got that wolf pregnant but when Kol told me it was a hoax I felt a little relieved that if I can't have children why can my brother can but turns out it was all fake." " Rebekah I want you too know that in the twenties if Klaus wouldn't have compelled me to forget about you and our relationship I would of ran with you I loved you then and I love you now. I'm not going anywhere and I'm not choosing power or anything over you." Rebekah kisses him " I love you too." Xxx Caroline comes Into the kitchen and Kol's getting some blood. Caroline slumps down at the island. Kol turns around and looks at her " What's wrong been too long since you and my brother been together In a bit of a slump." Caroline looks up at him he's just about to drink some blood out of a glass she vamp speeds and takes the glass from him. "No and even if we were why would I discuss it with you." Kol shrugs and sits next to his friend and takes his glass back. " I can't get Hayley's blood. We need it to give to Davina so she can see if there's any spells going on." Kol looks over at her " Really follow me watch a pro." Kol and Caroline find Hayley still in the library. " I see your reading Elijah's journal what century is this one." Hayley looks up at them. " 1359." " Ive only been out of my coffin for a couple of years so I need your help I have a theory who is stronger a pregnant werewolf or an original vampire. Let's have an arm wrestle to see who is stronger." Both Caroline and Hayley look at Kol Caroline whispers " Seriously." Both Kol and Hayley put there arms up as they are battling Kol's nails are going into Hayley's hand drawing blood. Hayley pulls her hand away when she sees blood coming out of her hand. Kol looks down at her hand " Well I guess I have my answer." Xxx Kol and Caroline vamp to Davina's Kol holds out his hand with Hayley's blood on it " It's Hayley's blood." Davina holds Kol's bloody hand and silently chants. " There is a spell going on but I can't tell what. I'm sorry I couldn't be more help." As Caroline is leaving the church she makes a call " Vincent I think it's time I'll pick you up at the cemetery." Xxx Rebekah and Stefan are watching from the top of a building Klaus and Marcel put a new vampire in a car. " Wait by the car I need to have a word with Marcel." " I've already lost one girlfriend to my brother, I'm not losing you to another vampire." Rebekah caress his face " You aren't going to lose me again Stefan. If he even tries anything I'll kick his ass." Rebekah kisses him. " That's one of the reasons I fell in love with you, you aren't afraid to fight or get a little dirty." Stefan disappears and Marcel appears in front of Rebekah. " Rebekah Mikaelson, and just when I thought this town couldn't handle another Mikaelson. Last time I saw you the town was on fire and you were running from your father." "Marcel I thought you were dead. If I would of stayed I would of been dead too." " You never looked or came back when everything was over." Rebekah looks down at her car Stefan's leaning against it probably listening " I never came back because it was too hard and I moved on forgot all about you. It must really hurt I moved on from you Klaus replaced you as his protégé." Marcel moves in closer to her " Why are you here?" " Elijah, has gone missing have you seen him." "No can't say that I have." Rebekah goes to turn to leave when Marcel calls after her " I heard you have a boyfriend tell him if he so much as touches you I'll put him in my dungeon for touching what is mine." Rebekah turns around but Marcel is gone. She vamps down to her car " So what did he have to say." " We have a problem. Marcel knows where Elijah is but he also wants you gone. He doesn't like that I moved on from him. He told me if you touch me he will put you in his dungeon for touching what is his." Xxx Caroline pulls up to the cemetery and opens the passengers door " Get in we have witches and a werewolf to expose." Vincent gets in the car but he is still a little hesitant about his part in this. " You know I can't do magic without Marcel finding out and killing me." " Don't you remember what we told you we run this town. You can do magic with out getting killed." They pull up to the mansion and Caroline tells him to wait outside. She goes in and Hayley is still reading but she now has a bandage on her hand. " I feel really bad about what Kol did and I know you want what's best for the baby so how about we do an ultrasound you know check up on see if it's ok." " Why are you helping me. We hate each other." " Yes but unlike you I care about the people who live in this house." Hayley nods " Ok for the baby." Caroline fake smiles " Great let me go get the witch he can tell if your having a girl or a boy." Caroline brings in Vincent who has Hayley lay on the island in the kitchen he has a crystal on a chain he's holding above her stomach. " I think it's a girl." Hayley smiles. Xxx Caroline takes Vincent Into the living room " Ok what's going on." " She's not pregnant, there's a spell placed on her to make it look like she's pregnant." Caroline smiles " Now can you say that again but into my phone." Vincent looks confused and Caroline explains " I'm going to 'accidentally' call my boyfriend who will listen on the other end while you tell me that again." Caroline calls Klaus who excuses himself from drinking and watching Marcel flirt with Cami " Hello love what can I do for you." " Hayley's not pregnant there's a spell placed on her to make her look like she pregnant." Klaus looks over at Marcel. " I have to go." Before Klaus leaves Marcel tells him " Get your sister under control no more killing my men." " I'd have a better shot at having a civil conversation with Mikael." Xxx "Caroline, where are you?" Klaus finds his lovely girlfriend in his studio looking at his paintings " What are you doing my love?" Caroline looks back at him " Just looking you should hang these up there too beautiful just to sit in here." Klaus smiles at the compliment. " I got a strange phone call recently my phone rang the caller id said Caroline Forbes I answer and it's a mans voice saying Hayley is not pregnant, there's a spell on her that makes her look pregnant. You wouldn't know anything about this would you?" Caroline feigns innocent " I must of accidentally called you when Vincent was telling me the results of Hayley's baby appointment." " What has been going on since I left?" "What do you mean I've been here taking care of the most bitchy person I know all day." Klaus vamps them over to the wall Caroline's back hits the wall and Klaus leans into her Caroline breaths deeply Klaus kisses her neck then whispers in her ear " Have you been a bad girl my love." Caroline shakes her head. Klaus lifts her legs ups and she wraps them around his waist " I think you have tell me what have you been up too." "This isn't fair your seducing me." Caroline can feel his cock under her ass. She can't help it but it is making her wet that is one of the things she loves and hates about Klaus that he can make her so horny and so annoyed at the same time. " I'm simply just asking my love what she's has been up to." Caroline starts moving her shorts covered ass on his jeans covered ass " Well now who's not playing fair." Caroline puts her arms around his neck and kisses him " I learned from the best, if I have to tell you what I've been up to you. You have to do the same." Klaus nods while nibbling at her earlobe. " You go first" " Why do I have to go first?" Caroline leans her forehead against his " Because my sexy hybrid you started seducing me first." " I have been trying to keep up appearances with Marcel who still thinks we're just visiting the town." Klaus leans in and kisses her " Your turn my beautiful queen." Caroline blushes that's the first time she's been called queen. " I've been trying to prove Hayley's not pregnant and Sophie is playing us. You heard the witch today do you believe now?" Klaus heard it with his own ears. He never wanted the child and he cant believe he listened to the witches and Hayley over Caroline. " Forgive me my love." Caroline smiles down at him " Not until you say it." " You were right I should of believed you. Hayley's not pregnant the witches fooled me." Caroline lifts his chin and kisses him. " Thank you." Xxx Klaus goes to leave his studio when Caroline stops him." And where do you think your going?" " To kill Hayley and the witches." " We have made each other very horny I can tell you have an erection and I'm wet. So would you rather kill Hayley and the witches with an erection without me or would you want to make love to me then both of us can kill them together." Klaus smiles down at her Caroline takes her shorts and thong off. She pins him to the wall and wraps her legs his waist, her slit rubbing up against his jeans. She reaches down between them and unbuckles his belt and jeans she pushes his jeans down until there around his ankles he steps out of them. Klaus rips Caroline's tank top off she rips his shirt too. Klaus slides one of Caroline's fingers up her slit when he brings it back up its covered in her juices " Your soaked sweetheart." Caroline leans in " And it's all from and for you." Klaus sucks her finger. While she slides down on to his big thick cock both moaning at the sensations of being together again. Klaus thrusts his hips up Caroline rolls hers. Caroline passionately kisses him she hated that they were on opposite sides of this agreement. Klaus kisses her back with just as much fervor that she is kissing him with. He doesn't want to fight with her or argue he wants her to be safe and with him. Caroline reaches down and squeezes his ass as she's kisses his neck. Klaus smiles into her neck and thrusts his hips. Caroline can feel herself beginning to let go but wants to hold on a little bit longer. Klaus can tell she's almost there he rescues down and starts rubbing her clit. Caroline reaches behind him and holds the wall as she explodes all over his cock. Her nails leaving little holes in the wall. A couple more thrusts from Klaus and he empties in her. Caroline lays her forehead on his " I love you." " I love you." Xxx "Where's Klaus?" Rebekah and Stefan met up with Kol who was coming out of the church they all return to the mansion to see their brother who is no where to be found. Hayley comes out of the den " He's having the loudest sex I've ever heard they've been like this for an hour." "Are you jealous our brother wasn't this loud or have this many rounds with you?" Hayley glares at Kol "No I just wish they respected that other people live here too. I'm pregnant I need sleep for the baby." All three vampires roll their eyes. After a couple more rounds on the couch, the floor, in the shower, the counter In front of the sink klaus and Caroline are finally ready. "Sister I'm glad your here I need you and Stefan to collect the bodies from your little killing spree." Rebekah has learned that sometimes it's better to just go along with her brothers requests then to question them. Xxx Sophie is in front of her sister and her nieces tombstone when she is pinned to the tombstone by klaus " You've been lying to me." " What no I haven't. We want the same thing Marcel not in power. " " Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you now." Sophie doesn't know what's come over him. She thought he was on board with the story that Hayley was pregnant with his child. " Hayley, your child would die." "You can't kill someone that never existed. Did you really think you could control me." Sophie is scared she doesn't know what's going to happen. " You heard the heartbeat your baby is real." " Caroline did you find her." Caroline comes out of a tomb with a pregnant woman " Hayley isn't pregnant this witch is." " Both of them are pregnant." Caroline plays the recording. They see Sophie's face go from she thinks she has the upper hand to oh no. Xxx Klaus throws Sophie to the driveway in front of their house. As Rebekah is throwing the last guy she killed on top of a pile. " My love go get Hayley." Caroline smiles she's been waiting for this since she met Hayley in Mystic Falls she vamps into the house and grabs Hayley and vamps out and tosses her next to Sophie. Klaus stands in front of the two women as Kol drains a body. " Now you two have plotted a schemed to make me your puppet. I'm not ok with that. Now one of you or both is going to end up on this pile." Kol throws his victim on the pile of dead people. " Klaus I'm carrying your child were having a girl." "They know Hayley." Hayley's tone and body language change from pretending to be pregnant to in charge. " Congratulations you found out I thought you would be fooled much longer. Your not going to kill us you need us Sophie can help with the witches and I can help with the wolves." Caroline is sick of hearing Hayley's voice for the last two months she hadn't shut up about what a handsome protective man Elijah is and how great klaus was in bed. Kol had to hold back Katherine and Caroline from killing her more than once he would whispered in both their ears it's not time yet. " May I" Klaus nods and Caroline reaches inside Hayley's chest and pulls out her heart. Katherine was coming up the driveway with Nadia when she saw Hayley's death. " Finally someone killed her I'm guessing by this display klaus finally saw the error of his ways and listened to you. " Caroline throws Hayley's heart and body on the pile. "Yes and that was only satisfying." Sophie is trying to back away from klaus from he grabs her and pulls he up. " Now what are we going to do with you." " I'm the only witch who's going to help you and your friends." Klaus reaches inside her chest and squeezes her heart " With one flick of my wrist you will be dead now why did you want me here." Sophie has no choice she has to tell the truth or die. " Eight months ago the witches held a harvest ritual." Kol cuts her off " We know all about the harvest ritual get to your point." Sophie looks at him surprised. " How do you know about the harvest?" " A witch named Davina claire." Sophie looks stunned " You found Davina where is she?" Kol smirks " I'm not telling you. So tell us something useful or join the pile." " My niece was one of the harvest girls she was killed Davina is the only one who can bring her back I have spent the last six months trying to find her so we can finish the harvest and I can get my niece back. Marcel hid her I called you here to get rid of Marcel and to help me find Davina so I can get my niece back." Klaus drops Sophie " We're doing things my way." Xxx " Nik what are we going to do about marcel he hates us and wants Stefan dead." Klaus dosing the bodies in gasoline. " Marcel thinks that we pose a threat to this town, he thinks he's king and that this town is his playground. Let's show him that this is our town, we're not here to play were here to conquer." "I gave Elijah to Marcel. Since the moment Marcel found out I was here he hasn't trusted me and didn't like that I brought Caroline with me, or that Elijah and Kol came and he certainly doesn't like that Rebekah is dating Stefan. Marcel wanted proof that he could trust me he suggested that I get rid of Caroline or give him a Elijah or Kol I told him I wouldn't get rid of Caroline. I gave him Elijah so he would trust me and I could start destroying him from the inside. Klaus takes out a lighter and tosses it on the pile. The pile goes up in flames. Klaus turns back to the group "We're finding Elijah tonight."
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