#i would love to go but there are so many obstacles. i dont think i can take them
tkbrokkoli · 1 year
aaaaaahhhh guys!!!
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Hello! Recently I've been reading your works (usually twst, disney and sometimes oc) and im really interested.
I would like to request yandere cinderella x reader please if thats okay!
Im not sure if there is any request rules i should follow since i cant really find any or if its open so sorry if i broke any of them! Btw no need to answer this if you aren't interested or dont have the energy, im just curious in how you would write them since they are very unique and nicely written. Remember please take care of yourself and take rest when you need to!! (since you literally post almost everyday)
I try I do post everday, though I'm surprised anyone noticed 🖤🖤🖤
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Yandere Genderbend Cinderella x Reader
To say you didn’t like you’re step-brother would be an understatement. 
You hated him. 
Him and all that he stood for.
It was disgusting, how wicked Ellwick was to you and your family. Not wicked in the way that he looked down on you; more so in the way that his existence was an obstacle to yours. Currently he made it his mission to insert himself where he never belonged, constantly upending your rightful place. You remembered the time before the single father and son duo shoved their way into your family’s lives. It was peaceful, well as peaceful as life with your family could be. Guns, knifes, drugs, cement shoes–the life that meant serving your family and running the city from behind the scenes. Your mother, your brother, and the many associates that joined your family. 
What can you say? Blood is binding especially when spilt.
Cinder Ellwick and his father came into your home under the silly notion of ‘healthy’ love. As if fighting alongside one another wasn’t love, these men marched into your lives expecting to ‘fix’ your already perfect family. 
Your brother and the many others could spot the foolishness in their morale, unfortunately your mother could not. Which devastated her the moment her new husband got his rightful comeuppance. 
“He shouldn’t have joined the game, if he didn’t know how to play.” 
Your brother scoffed under his breath during your mother’s mournful eulogy. You couldn’t help but agree. Only irritating you more when your mother dressed in black brought the blonde-headed boy to you two saying something along the lines of him being a permanent burden on your family.
“It’s what he would’ve wanted.”
So what? It was his fault for getting involved! His fault for getting kidnapped! His fault for refusing to arm himself, when you warned him! So why did you, your family, have to live with the nuisance?
“I’m going to try my best, to be apart of this family. Properly this time.”
“That’s good to hear, Ellwick.”
Not long after that he took up the role as you’re family’s cleanup crew, eliminating those your family marked. Unpaid debts and traitors were his targets, the scum of your faction–perfect level for Ellwick to begin truly becoming apart of this family. You’d think that’d be enough for him to feel included. But that’s just like him to be so greedy.
“May I come with you on that mission?”
Ellwick asked, still panting from running down the halls from Mother’s office trying to catch up to you and your brother. You both were prepared, dressed to the nines in comparison to him who was in a dirtied leather suit. It'd be a burden and embarrassment for him to come.
Your brother laughed, ” No chance! Look at you covered in cinders again! What’d you do, wrestle your target in a fire pit?”
Ellwick awkwardly smiled as your brother held his stomach. Laughter rising and eyes widening as if he had an epiphany. He points at the blonde, who barely winces at the pressure.
“Kind of like–Cinderwick! Haha!” 
You rolled your eyes as he repeated the name inbetween his belly laughs. Ellwick’s smile was twitching on the otherhand turning his attention to you. Glaring at him you ushered your brother away, barely turning your head to the crushed boy.
“You can’t. We won’t be letting an outsider handle things as private as this.”
Many of your interactions would go like this. Cinderwick inserting himself in your personal business and you putting him in his place, your latest mission was no different. Only that you were older and more responsibility will have fallen to you. You had to step up more than ever.
“Alright my children as we discussed you will be infiltrating the gathering. Your target is the first son of the Mayor. Blackmail, romance him, kiss up, we need a foothold on the city. I can only trust my children.”
“Than why is he here?” 
You shifted your eyes to the blond hitman who was standing barely a foot you and your brother. Your mother sighed.
“We need all hands on deck. Our competitors are in attendance as well. I wouldn’t be surprised if they try anything and I just can’t have my babies be put in danger.”
She held both you and your brother’s cheeks pinching it a little. Leaning into her touch you happily smiled at her over-endearment. Whereas your brother recoiled and wriggled away nursing his cheek.
“Aw geez Ma will you stop.”
“Now my children.” She looked to Ellwick.”All my children. I wish you the best.” 
It was almost commendable, how fast Cinderwick managed to do it. Wooing the son of the mayor and leading him on a wild goose chase that ultimately led to a grand proposal. To which he accepted. 
There was a nervousness about him being the victor; a sudden power handed to someone who wasn’t apart of the family. He was in a position of power, a position that allowed him to string your family along. 
“Congratulations my son! We’re happy you’ve found love in such a place!” 
Sugarcoated words and fake pearly smiles were the next step in the mission. Officially tying the mayor to your family…all with a man who wasn’t apart of the family. 
“Oh thank you step-mother! I can’t wait to have you and the family at our wedding.”
Your mother’s eye twitched at the ‘step’ but she maintained her smile letting Cinderwick cuddle into his fiance’s arm as they continued to chatter. It was revolting that it was he who returned to the estate with a cocky smile and a ring on his finger.
“Well you told all your children to do your best and they tried. So I will take the mantle up…as long as you agree to my terms.”
The following sentence had your mother sending you and your brother out of the room–treatment originally reserved for an outsider like him. Your brother stomped away dropping his emotionless persona, you followed.
“ARGH! How the heck did that slimy cinderblock idiot get ahead of us!? This is ridiculous!”
“...We tried…Arthur don’t do what I think you’re going to do.”
He turned to you the fire in his eyes directed to you.
“Tried?! We should’ve easily bested that bag of soot!” 
Turning back around he made his way to his office slamming his mini fridge open to reveal a plethora of beers and cheap wine bottles. You thought you threw those out. You debated staying as he quickly began to chug the drinks haphazardly dropping the finished cans to the ground. 
“Arthur. Don’t drink anything else.”
“Why!? Why wasn’t it me or you even!?”
“Well for one, typical romance isn’t exactly our field of expertise. I don’t know what you exp–”
You were cutoff by the ceramic smashing near the wall behind your head. Barely missing you it was lucky all you got was a cut from the ricochet glass shatter. It didn’t bother you, it seemed shallow, so you pressed further entering the room more. Closing and locking the door behind you as you closed in on your brother aiming to simply hug him. 
It didn’t stop his drinking bout but it did bring him to a wobbly pause. Letting you slowly walk him away from the desk the alcohol sat. As if he was being taunted once he got barely three steps away he wrenched himself from your grip darting towards the alcohol. In his raw distracted strength he barely pushed you back into the decorative cabinet. 
You would have repeated your attempt if it weren’t for the sudden grip of Ellwick’s leather glove on your wrist. Naturally you pulled yourself away or tried to. Struggling against his bone breaking hold, you ultimately relented as Arthur began to shove off the contents on his desk. Ellwick easily shoved you out of the room, successfully doing so. With that same force he pushes you against the wall, trapping you against it with his narrowed irises and presence alone.
“What are you doing?!”
“Its none of your business.”
“It is every bit my business! Why would you go anywhere near him when he’s in a drunken rage?”
“Because he’s family!” Your voice cracked with emotion, daring to look up at his softened blue eyes. With faux cough, you fixed yourself staring head on to the blonde before slipping past him.
“I don’t expect you to understand that though.”
Speed-walking out of the hall, your only goal was to return to your room hoping to finally relieve the burning sensation in your eyes. Ellwick on the other hand watched you walk away more specifically the cut that had let blood of yours trickle down. 
In a fury like none other Ellwick made his way to the closed door. It was time to end this. 
For good.
“My son. I want you to know I will always love your mother and I’ll never stop loving her.”
“But I’ve found someone who makes me happy! Someone who will cherish me and you!”
“The thing is…she has a very different line of work.”
Ellwick wasn’t sold. Even as young as he was there wasn’t an inherent attraction to the mafia-life. When he had the chance to he’d read a torrent of love-stories and twisted family relations all with mafia environments. It usually ended in death, somehow bringing a foreboding cloud over this new developement. 
“Whoa whoa little one I get that I’m not a replacement for any–”
“My gun. Take it.”
“E-excuse me?”
Ellwick didn’t really register you before this. Eyes widening as someone as tiny as you easily cocked and flipped the butt of a gun in the direction of his father. Wielding the weapon he’d only seen on those forbidden adult movies with such ease. A silent urgency on your part, you were offering your gun with a custom handle of your favorite color. 
It was an uncharacteristic show of kindness. 
The first he’d seen in a while. 
Since the announcement of your parent’s engagement there was a tension birthed among your closest members and your family. It was a clear sentiment that they dared not express with Ellwick in the room or their boss for that matter.
‘You’re going to be a target. You’re going to die.’
Everyone wanted to say it. Hint at it. But the air was too thick and they were too scared to break the silence. 
But not you.
You were the only one to tell it to him straight. Other than Ellwick himself. Of course the old geezer didn’t listen, avidly refusing to take your weapon and then attempting to get the weapon back from you.  
It made you his favorite.
To think underneath such a cold exterior there was something soft–small but soft. Its what Ellwick told himself when you’d glare and insult him. He’s never found himself doing the same for your mother and brother. Only finding it in him to imagine their tortuous ends at his hands, he could never do that with you. Even when he began to do his work, he’d be all the more motivated when imagining two-thirds of his step-family.
Step-family. He didn’t like that title.
He hated associating you with that.
He liked you a lot more than that of a step-family.
He could handle the exclusion, the insults, the glares, all of it but he couldn’t have you being in the arms of someone else. So he pulled something he’d thought he buried long ago, charming the mayor’s son. 
Having an influential leader’s heir willing to bend to his every whim and need made him powerful. 
A threat. 
So when your mother came to him practically begging for his forgiveness, Ellwick knew this was his chance to set everything in motion. So when you and your brother angrily departed he was prepared.
“The bit of your faction, handselected at my beck and call.”
“Done. You inform us of the policies and actions of the mayor?”
“Policies and upcoming legislation only. I’m not stalking my in-law.’
“We meet once a month, I’ll come to you.”
“We can do that. Be willing to let your siblings visit you in-home during ermengenies?”
“Yes…I want (Y/n).”
“Excuse me?”
“I want (Y/n).
“You can’t be serious—”
“I am. I want full ownership of (Y/n) their activities, everything. Otherwise I’ll be inclined to fully inform the mayor and police department of what your true business entails.”
“I can’t possibly give you my child! Who do you think I am?!”
Ellwick made a face. Naturally and quickly pulling a gun out of his suit, earning a horrified reaction from his stepmother who was staring at the barrel. It’s not that Ellwick was unaware of the metal detectors and constant pat downs but when you’re a trained assassin this is light work.
“The same idiot, who thought’d I’d always be cleaning your messes. The same idiot who’s been ostracizing me and still put a gun in my hand.” 
He moved closer but not close enough for his step-mother’s garrote-technique to be effective. He was almost inclined to reveal his companions ‘guarding her door or the poisoned dart in his cuff link. But he decided it wouldn’t be needed…not today at least.
“The same idiot who’s blind to the abusive alcholic she raised. That is more than likely hurting (Y/n) right now.”
“What’re you–”
“That’s what your first-husband was like, right? An alchoholic who ran the mafia with an iron fist.”
“Enough!...Fine. You can take them with you after your honeymoon.”
“Why would you–” 
“....It will be…done.”
When she finished, Ellwick had full intentions to find you. No doubt cooking up a barrage of insults to cutely angrily whisper behind you’re door. But before he could make it to your room, he heard the sound of glass shattering and muffled yelling.
He could only see red. Red as the cut that was bleeding on your skin. 
Seems like his role as the family’s ‘cleanup crew’ would come in handy.
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katiifaestarot · 7 months
THE READING TODAY IS: What Reassurance You Need to Hear Right Now ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
-short and (mostly) sweet messages
There are 3 piles and you will be picking through the picture right below this text!!!
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✨️🧚🏽‍♀️please choose your pile and may your intuition and inner knowing guide you to the pile with the energy most suited for you and most suited to help you along your path at this current point in time, no matter what that looks like🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
PILE 1- Useful Tension
PILE 2- Both Strong and Delicate
PILE 3- Contemplate Your Gorgeousness
** sometimes ( most of the time ) i will pick up on multiple energies that need attention or want to be expressed during the reading so i ASK YOU TO UNDERSTAND THIS DURING MY READINGS:
depending on how the reader(YOU) chooses to look at the situation or however the situation resonates for the reader(YOU) and because this is a general reading;
⚠️you HAVE to be able to use your better discernment + better judgement skills to fully absorb the message and be able to do the necessary work to keep you on track for the future you WANT for yourself⚠️
The pain, turmoil, obstacle(s), challenge(s), unwanted situation(s), etc-- you are going through right now; they're here to teach you how to use this lesson or difficult situation to your advantage and fully adapt to the harsh conditions being thrown at you! You cannot give up on yourself or your goals/dreams, its tough right now so you are able to utilize the lessons being taught to you at this very moment, later in life. You arent the only one going through something like this. Out of billions of people in the world, you GOT TO assume you're just another human going through another human expirence, like so many others, and yes while you may be learning different things or excelling in different places, you still are not alone pile1.
--sorry if it got harsh at the end, but i think the message of reassurance really would be to understand you are not alone so you can better assess YOUR personal situation from an objective perspective while understanding you are apart of millions IF NOT BILLIONS, of people who all go through something similar!!! So dont care so much and start utilizing this dark, negative, unwanted situation to YOUR benefit, and get yourself OUTTA THE DARK TIMES AND LOOK TOWARDS A BETTER FUTURE!!! dont get stuck in self-victimizing!!!!!
There's a VERY clear duality to you pile 2. you know how to be soft and endearing, as well as tough and strong!!! You always know where you're headed even if you theoretically "feel lost" sometimes!!!! You have an innate understanding that you are just flowing with the wind and the answers will come to you when they and YOU are ready!! So keep going KEEP FEELING and keep being your most free flowing self!!! So many surprises await your willingness to recieve and innate mighty but gentle nature. Stay Saucy and Pretty Pile 2 ;)
When was the last time you hyped yourself up pile 3? When was the last time you REALLY did a self care/self love day?? BECAUSE LET ME TELL YOOOUUU!!! YOU'RE ONE AMAZING HUMAN WHO HAS SO MUCH TO OFFER!!! YOUR ABUNDANT AURA IS JUST WAITING TO BE UNTAPPED BY YOU AND YOUR GORGEOUS SELF!!!!!!! You deserve so many good things pile 3🥺 so please dont miss out on opportunities because you lie to yourself and say you're not good enough for them or dont want to try because theres "competition."
What isnt for you, isnt for you; what is yours will come to you when you're open to receiving and willing to be in that gorgeous energy and attract!! Competition is EVERYWHERE!! so accept that and do your best!!! you got this!!!
I sincerely hope you received what you needed and released what you don't !! See you again soon!! Take it easyyy and just breathe and fllooowwww!!! you got this! byyeee~🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
**please let me know how I'm doing in any way you can! That is the easiest way to supprt me. Dont forget to Follow Me on Youtube and Tiktok for messages, guidance, and advice 🥺 🥹 🙏🏼
***AND REMEMBER: your own free will is always present within you; which has nothing to do with me or ANYBODY else. I am NOT responsible for YOUR choices after YOU consume my content on ANY of my platforms.
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medusa12346 · 1 year
Pick a card Marylin Monroe:Which planet are you?
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This is a repost.
Pile 1:
HOLYYY - yall are Saturn. Calm, cool and grounded and always aiming for success. You also seem to be very balanced in your masculine and feminine energy and give off old soul vibes. You might seem a bit restricted and uptight but a lot of people love you for the way you handle things. You seem confident love but I dont think you are that confident as people see you. You seem very lucky when in honesty you work hard for your success. You also have a bit of libra and venus anergy in you. You seem as if you never take a break! You also might seem a bit lonely and less affectionate. Also very badass. You seem very connected to nature! Sometimes letting go of things Is hell. Its with a lot of work you’ve reached here. It seems as if you’ve dodged many obstacles in your life when in reality you’ve just overcome them. Your planet is SATURN.
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Pile 2-
SO MUCH FIRE ENERGY! You are mars and sun. Hotheaded and beautiful. You love to start things fresh and are always looking for new ventures to embark on! You are also conventionally attractive and seem like the person who would love pets. You also seem like someone always going out in the sun and exposing yourself to the world. Um if you’re a guy (in gender) you may have mars-jupiter? WE all know what that means I- You seem like a king/queen and very confident even if you aren’t. You’re very balanced in your energies and also very fair. You have a very big and effective aura. Do you like wearing fur coats? Probably had sneakers when younger and now wear high heels/very high class boots/shoes. You might have a problem sleeping because of your anxieties. Aw babe, and let it all go and let your life flow. You are Mars/Sun.
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Pile 3-
So youre the moon, with a twist. I see you! You’re very nurtutirng and motherly towards your siblings, friends and your family etc. But you are also harsh on them when its needed. You’re the type of person who would have Leo Moon in 4th. You love to work as a team but also try to be in the spotlight, which is fair and balanced. You deserve recognition for your won work. Do you have a garden, lovely? Probably very moody though. Type of person to cut your hair short/dye it without telling anyone until its done. Like art, babe? Does something haunt you that you cant let go of? This definetly won’t help, but let go of it honey. You probably have a short silhouette and shorter legs and are very defensive of your loved ones. I would take that as a positive 😉 New beginnings may not be your thing, but you’re very accepting of matters you can’t change and are very easy going. Your planet is moon with a twist.
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leynaeithnea · 28 days
I didnt get an ask for this BUT WE'RE BACK
my Wisdom saga reaction/analysis!!!!!
26. Legendary
the instruments aaah, lowkey obssessed
"its jus tme myself and i" perimedes would like u
"living in this world you left behind".........this song makes oyu think so much about what life has been in Ithica in those years since Odysseus had to leave, he was loved, he is *King*, AH
"dreaming of all these monster, that ill never to get to fight" better this way, u dont wanna end up like your daddy
"but boy i wish i could so i could bring the world some light" BABY BOY
"Cause I'm stuck with your stories, but no clue who you are And no idea if you're dead or just too far" his mother wouldve told him so many stories :aniTears:
"Somebody tell me, come and give me a sign if I fight those monsters, is it you I'll find?" PLS HE jusT WANTS TO FIND HIS DAD GIVE THIS MAN HIS FATHER
"If so, then give me sirens and a cyclops Give me giants and a hydra" hes just naming every monster he can think of of the myths he grew up with
"I know life and fate are scary but I wanna be legendary" U GO BOY; I LOVE YOU, also such a mood
"I'll fight the harpies and chimeras, the Minotaur, even Cerberus I know life and fate are scary but I wanna be l-l-l-l-legendary"....yea same like the two parts before, any monster he can think of, he gotta be one of us kids who read a lot
THEN The droppp in his voice, HE SOUNDS SO SCARED
"There are strangers in our halls" That must be TERRIFYING, just imagine that, dozens of men in your home just prying on your mother and youre too young to do anything rly
"Trying to win the heart of my mom, but she is standing tall" THAT VOCAL PERFORMANCE, W FOR PENELOPE; GIRLBOSS
"108 old faces of men who call me small" EW; 108 IS SO MANY BRO; SO MANY????? Also "old faces" ISJGSEIGJ "who call me small" boy, i feel so bad for you
"They keep taking space and it's not much longer we can stall" !!!! HES WORKING WITH HIS MOTHER TRYING TO HOLD THEM OFF; AH AAAAH, also fuck them, leave their home alone, god he must feel so unsafe in his own home :screams:
"'Cause they're getting impatient, dangerous too" oh no :( so scared lil boy
"And I would fight them if I was half as strong as you" HE LOOKS UP TO HIM SO MUCH AH
"Somebody help me, come and give me the strength Can I do whatever it takes to keep my mom safe?" HES ALSO A MOMMY BOY; AND HONESTLY GOOD FOR HIM; STAND BY HER SIDE; U GO BOY, 🥹
Chrous SLAPs
"Where is he? Where is the man who'll have you to wife? " bitch stay away (also cut song reference!)
"Where is he? Where is the man with whom you'll spend your life?" HE IS ON His WAY HOme SO STAY THE FUCK AWAYYYYYYYY ARGG ILL FIGHT U
"And we still have no king" >:) >:) imagine an island without leader for 20 years oh boy h boy, the power vacuum, 108 people who want to take his place
"Give me a chance, a single opportunity and I'll overcome these obstacles and scrutiny and-" HE WANTS TO SO BADLY he juST DOESNT KNOW HOW AND WHEre TO START BC AH, also the music sounds like he just tries to sneak around his palace, to not get caught by the suitors, dodging and on guard, i can just imagine him ducking his head and looking at every corner for smth danger-
"Boy".......that slapped hard, FUCK YOU ANTINOUS (hi perimedes :) )
"When's your tramp of a mother gonna choose a new husband?" FUCK YOU STAY AWAY (the dELIVERY)
"OoooOOoh" we have a new choir! the crew is ded but we have the suitors now hah, ill take it, love me some choir responses
"Why don't you open her room so we can have fun with her?" THE AUDACITY? WHORE FUCKING BASTARD STAY THE FUCK AWAY
"Dont you dare, call my mother a tramp" U GO BOY; TELL HIM (be careful, dont get hurt) THE VOCAL DELIVERY OF THAT LINE IS SO gOOD
"OoooOOoh" chiorr
" I just did, Whatchu gonna do about it, champ?" FUCK OFF ANTINOUS, DONT BE SO SMUG FUCK U
"Somebody tell me, Come and give me a sign, If I fight this monster, Is it you I'll find?" u desrve your dad so much, he'll come home, promise...promise....hold on, be stronk, u got this boy, also "this monster" its none from your stories, no this is real, its worse its right infront of you AH
Sorry for the swearing :") AH I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH, ONE OF MY FAVS FOR SURE (...we'll come back after recency bias but i dont think itll change)
EDIT: DANGER MOTIF WHEN ANTINOUNS JOINS IN!!!!! (are there more? im new to this PLS TELL ME)
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tannieastrology · 7 months
Capricorn Venus-Learning To Love, Love🤎🧸
☕️ How I imagine a love for Capricorn Venuses one day- Something REAL. Something that warms your heart. Someone to just come home to.
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Kinda a personal story<3
☕️🧸First off people who have Capricorn Venus or Venus aspecting Saturn how did yall meet yalls partner and how would you describe your experience in dating? Let me know your experiences down in the comments!
☕️🧸Some common themes- unrequited love, being unable to catch feelings, work/school focused, unsatisfying relationships, liking people for years, low self worth, having to go through many obstacles, strong souls, gracefully age.
☕️🧸My Venus is in Capricorn in the 3rd house conjunct Jupiter, Pluto, and POF and trines my Virgo Saturn in the 11th. All of my friends are older and I actually met my friendgroup because of my older sister and find it difficult to make friends regularly. I also mostly hangout with older people but when it comes down to dating I am very inexperienced even though I know im only 16.
☕️🧸Like ive never talked to anyone and when I like someone ive had a pattern of liking them for like 2-3 years( my venus being in the 8th degree of scorpio). I also dont get approached alot and while I do have guys approaching me here and there theyre never my type.
☕️🧸Like I LOVE classy men but guys my age just arent like that it kinda bums me out. Watching people easily get into relationships ever since I was a kid and being able to attract anything they want in love matters made me really think I was ugly for the longest time.
☕️🧸For one I literally was a ugly duckling from elementary to middle school and I didnt really go to a school where indian features were appreciated(a majority of my school is hispanic and black). I always kept quiet about my crushes because I always thought no way they could like me?
☕️🧸It wasnt really until this year(my sophmore year) where I realized I have grown sooo much as a person. Beauty wise and personality wise. The way my Venus has impacted me the most was friends because of the relationship of my 3rd and 11th house. I lost friends, was lied to, and backstabbed and eventually made me realize that I wasnt the problem. The people around me are just vain. This made me go into depression for a while but also made me reflect on my relationships.
☕️🧸Eventually I thought why do I deserve any less? And yall dont understand this was such a turning point for me because it made me cut off so many unnecessary people in my life along with raising my standards within my relationships which is EXACTLY what Capricorn Venus should learn to do if they feel theyre relationships arent satisfying. Not just friends but in romantic interests too. Like I actually have boundries for myself but I will say that I lost alot of my innocence when it comes to love. The biggest thing for me personally is that I grew into myself but it took a longer time for that to happen for me compared to my peers but man sometimes people be hyping me up and I just dont know how to deal with it because I grew up ugly LMFAO.
☕️🧸Saturn here will force you to be patient and learn alot of valuable lessons for not only romantic love, but also friendships and familial relationships. Because one thing ive noticed is that these people are very sweet, soft hearted, and always wanted to fall in love, but as they got older they had unsatisfactory in those experiences and come to take the stereotype of being “cold” when in reality you just come to realize that people are disappointing. With time ive noticed we age well and we meet more serious people as we get older but you just have to deal with immaturity for a little while until that happens. All in all Capricorn Venuses will get what they deserve and I PROMISE you will be fine asf when u get old so hang in there.😘
If I were to give you a love based on a movie itd be this one<3
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I really hope yall enjoyed this I wanted to give my insight on it so here I came🥰
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suhkusa · 2 months
LMAAO I THINK i meant as in not like cheating cheating but its more believable amd plausible if u write ab them cheating yk
i honestly see oikawa and it'd probably b something dumb (I love oikawa pls dont comr at me 😭)
OKOK then yes. hold on let me just
cw. cheating, angst
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You and Oikawa were high school sweethearts.
Getting into the relationship, the two of you knew full and well that following your career paths would force the two of you to go long distance.
Before he left for Argentina, there were many hard discussions between the both of you. In the end, you both decided that a long distance relationship would be worth the try.
In the beginning, it was easy. The trust between you two was unbreakable and strong. There’d be many reassuring texts and FaceTime calls.
But unfortunately, life happens. And the two of your lives got busier than you could ever prepare for. Not only that, the time difference was a major obstacle.
On your end, school was hard, but you’d still find time to send him a good morning or good night text. It was difficult for you at first. But you couldn’t live forever in anxiousness continuously overthinking what Oikawa was or was not doing.
It was different for him, though. Everyday was grueling as the thoughts grew bigger and bigger. Did you still love him? Did you think about him the way he thought about you? Are you waiting for him? Are you cheating?
He knows he should just trust you. But he’s tried and tried, but his insecurities have only gotten worse.
You’re too pretty for him. Why would someone as gorgeous as you wait for him? You’re not waiting for him, are you? So why should he?
And so when he calls you crying in the middle of the night, spouting apologies about how he was drunk and that girl didn’t mean anything, you feel numb.
This was definitely something you had over thought about, yet you chalked it up to being stupid and unlikely to happen. Yet he had to come around and prove you dead wrong.
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© all writings belongs to suhkusa 2024. do not repost or change.
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letstrythisout4 · 3 months
hi >. i saw your requests for prompts and requests and just wanted to ask if you could do like head cannons or even a story abot Blaise Zabini being a girl dad.
Like I know this sounds lowkey specific but could you please?
It's alright if you dont want to.
♡ ♥💕❤
Author note: this is much longer than I thought it would be, but I love it and it isn't even everything i thought of, thank you sm for this ask and if anyone else has anything they want to request or questions or anything please send me an ask
Blaise Girl Dad:
When Blaise found out he was going to be a father he was both ecstatic and terrified at the same time
Ecstatic because Merlin I’m going to be a father, I am going to raise a human being from birth into adulthood and help them through as many challenges as possible.
Terrified because Merlin I’m going to be a father, I am going to raise a human being from birth into adulthood and help them through as many challenges as possible.
Because of his own experience with his father (i.e. none), he felt incredibly conflicted
Logically he knew that a parent is a parent. Your job is to raise, protect, love and guide this human being as much as possible without taking away from their life. There are obstacles you won't be able to protect them from and in those times you will have to be the shoulder to cry on. And in turn when they succeed you will be their first and loudest supporter.
He didn’t need to have a father to know that
His mom made sure that (to the best of her ability) he never felt like he was missing something
Emotionally though…
Blaise loves his mother
His mother fawned over him
But there was always a question as to why there was no father in his life
His mother would never take anything or anyone away from him that could bring him joy and as he visited his friends as a four year old, he could see that fathers, just like mothers, should bring happiness to their kids 
When he was a really young he would ask her why he didn't have a father and she would comfort the confused child before explaining that why he may not have a father, to her he as miraculous as the moon, sun and stars and most precious of everything in her eyes
And so when Blaise found out he was going to be a father he made sure to make his child know -just as his mother did with him- that they were everything to him
Holding his baby girl in his arms for the first time was more than enough to reassure him that it was going to be so incredible simple to love his baby
Blaise doesn’t and has never liked the way so many speak of fatherhood
As if its some burden, “babysitting”, that kids need “discipline” and “punishments” for every little toe out of line
That having a daughter was “more difficult” than having a son
He hated being in public carrying his daughter, who was dressed in her favorite baby blue puffy princess dress, and being questioned
“Mom dressed her, eh?” someone's grandpa would ask, shaking his head at the admittedly excessive dress.  “No, I did.” “...” “She is a princess, what else would she be dressed in?” 
His daughter would be fussy and someone would say, “It’s because you spoil her.” 
Blaise hates the way people use the word spoiled
Because his baby is spoiled
But people seem to think that means she gets away with everything. Which is not true. 
Being a girl dad has made Blaise realize that people care way too much about the non-important details when it comes to kids. 
No, my daughter is spoiled. She’s a kid who wants to spend extra time on the playground. Time that we have. So yes, Blaise “spoils” her and allows her the extra time. Because why not? 
Being a father has taught Blaise that adults just like to tell kids no.
Blaise is incredibly aware that the time he has with his daughter is limited. She will grow up, she will not be dependent on him always. So yes he “spoils’ her.
Yes she can have another scoop of ice cream.
Yes she can have that plushie.
Yes she can stay up past her bedtime to watch him to some silly magic.
Because one day she isn't going to be five and wants to dress like princess Tiana everyday. 
Merlin, he spoiled her before she was even born. Every piece of furniture in her nursery was built by him, by hand. 
He spent an unholy amount of money on stuffed animals and books she wouldn't be able to truly engage with for years. 
And an even greater amount of money on books about raising a child, psychologically and biologically
Ever since he knew he was going to be a father he has been active in his daughters life and has said that watching his daughter grow is the biggest blessing he’s ever had.
He loves every moment he has with her. 
When she said that she wanted him to be her partner for her ballet performance, he agreed without hesitation.
When she wants to take taekwondo as an eight year old, he signs her up immediately
When she magically turned his hair pink, he laughed beside her.
And this continued on as she grew up.
He felt his eyes water as they stood on Platform 9 ¾ for her first year
“You said you wouldn’t cry”
“I’m not” he did
He’s the kind of parent to send his daughter lavish gift baskets
His daughter never spends Christmas at Hogwarts, if she wants to spend it with her friends they can come over to the Manor too, there's plenty of room
And most importantly, she would never want to spend Christmas at Hogwarts.
His love is not one sided. His daughter loves him back just as much. Nobody is allowed to talk shit about her dad or her grandmother. She will curse them into the next century.
That’s her dad. Her day 1. Her ride or die. She knows that in any situation she can call on him and he will come. 
And it sets up such a lovely understanding of what care and love look like.
The respect, care and autonomy that Blaise allows his daughter allows her to become such a well rounded person. From the moment she could express her opinions, wants and desires, he has respected them and aided her in acting them out/ achieving them.
He will support her till the ends of the earth
(also she is very much best friends with he kids of Blaise's fellow slytherins .... feel like i should say that)
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minkkumaz · 1 year
Ok hi wow I was supposed to ask for some sunoo hcs (as your bf) but like..I have a bnd req now too !! I was wondering if you could write smth for woonhak where he confesses to yn, right? and then yn rejects him bc of some issues she has w herself idk…but dont get me wrong she does like him! so now what is woonhak left to do ? (ofc they still end up together < 33) (like maybe it could be a mini smau..if you could but it could also just be a nice little fic or smth) this is what i was thinking abt when i saw the heartbreak girl fic you were working on 😭 i wonder what woonhak would feel after that rejection yk? how would it affect his seemingly happy and cheery personality ? (also im so sorry if this is long atp im rambling but if youre too busy a few sunoo hcs would be just fine)
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rejecting your best friend woonhak was quite literally one of the most difficult and complicated thing in your life. you loved him, but there were so many personal obstacles in the way.
PAIRING kim woonhak x fem!reader WC 0.7k TAGS adults dni. friends to lovers. slight angst. fluff. reader needs to fix herself but woonhak comes to the resue. readers problems aren't specifically mentioned. OMI NOTE oh my goshness i'm so sorry this request is very long overdue, i've been so busy. i hope this is okay though lovey.
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after he told you those special words, confessing his undying love to you and how much he cared, you didn’t know what to say. woonhak was your best friend in the entire solar system. even alien marshians couldn’t have a relationship as close as what the two of you have.
which is why it was even harder to let him down like this. it was impossible for you to give him the love he deserved when you had so much shit going on in your head. the situation made tears sting your eyes, as you had to watch his loving face drop to an unreadable expression.
this was a roadblock in your friendship, because even after you tried to get things to go back to normal, he couldn’t face you quite the same.
you figured it was about time to have a conversation with him about what has been bothering you, but it makes you sick to even think about. because even if you told him, he might not understand.
it made you feel even more selfish when jaehyun had to ask you what happened between you guys, and why woonhak hasn’t come out of his room for some time. how his normally bright and cheery demeanor was suddenly cold and distant.
this made you realize that you had to talk to him about things. to clear it up and make it right. you were sick and tired of letting him believe you weren’t also madly in love with him.
taesan snuck you into their dorms late at night, there was a soft glow from the cracks of woonhak’s door that shown down the hall. you thanked him profusely before making your way to his room and knocking on the door.
“jaehyun leave the food at the door.” he groaned out.
“woon it’s me, y/n. let me in please?” you found yourself almost begging,  hoping he’d open for you.
a short silence was interrupted by the sound of footsteps and the doorknob unlocking. you opened the door and followed in behind him. he looked tired, his eye bags more prominent and hair just slightly messier. if the thought of him ruining himself over your rejection broke your heart, this sight shattered it.
“do you need something? it’s kinda late you usually don’t come over until the day.” he mumbles.
“we need to talk about this. talk about us..” 
“there’s nothing wrong with us y/n, we’re best friends remember?” he tried to reassure you.
“that’s the problem woon, i hate seeing you like this knowing that you have feelings for me and–”
“it’s over y/n, just let it go.” he interrupts, falling backwards into the comfort of his bed. you lay next to him and stare up at the ceiling.
“i hate seeing you know you have feelings for me and i like you too, but there’s so much shit going on in my life that i don’t think you deserve to deal with that.” you exhale, feeling a weight be lifted off of your shoulders. theres a dip in the mattress when woonhak quickly gets up to lean on his arm.
“wait you like me back?”
“i might’ve loved you for longer than you’ve loved me, woon. it killed me to reject you but i knew i had to.”
“y/n.. you know how much i care about you, i’d do anything to help you.” his gaze softened at your eyes visibly starting to tear up.
“it’s so hard woon, i can’t do it by myself but you already have so much on your plate.” you sniff, wiping your eyes with your sleeve.
“you mean the most to me y/n. even if we stayed friends, i wouldn’t be able to see you hurting like this and not break my back trying to help you.” you giggled at his comment.
he took his hand to wipe the tears that fell from your face, you whispered a small ‘thank you.’
“let me take you on a date. maybe we can forget about all these hard things together? and even if things get more difficult i’m right here with you.”
“thank you.. i’m sorry i made things so hard for you. you look like shit.” you joke between stuffy nosed laughs.
“don’t forget you made me look like shit, how was i ever supposed to stop loving you?” he pouts.
“trick question, you were never supposed to stop. because i love you too.” 
“i didn’t want to make an effort to try the impossible anyways.” woonhak smiled at you, fixing the hair that clung to the wet patches on your face before kissing your tears away, “let’s feel better together, yeah?”
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solisaureus · 1 year
What was it about Will and Nico that drew you to them, individually and/or as a ship?
nico has always been my favorite character!!! well technically that's not true it was annabeth until battle of the labyrinth (and i still love her very very much) -- i read the original series as each book was coming out so when titans curse came out in 2007 i honestly thought nico was so annoying LMAO and i thought bianca was going to be the new addition to the cast. so when she died i was totally shocked and i didnt know how to feel about nico until battle of the labyrinth came out. and then he had that dark and edgy character arc, and my dark and edgy emo 14 year old self was like "ok this kid rules actually" and hes been my fave ever since. how long has it been. (checks watch) ive been stanning nico di angelo for 15 years.
i have always loved nico because i've always related to him -- i have a lot of the same problems that nico has (catholic repression, internalized homophobia, trauma, mental illnesses, feeling like you dont belong, i could go on) and seeing him fight so hard to survive just for the chance to see the day when things might get better...it was really inspiring to me. it sounds corny but this character helped me get through some really difficult times in my life. the way that nico strove so hard to survive in heroes of olympus when he basically had nothing he wanted to live for really gave me strength to keep going too.
And thats part of why solangelo immediately appealed to me! Nico di Angelo finally finding love and laughing and allowing himself to be close to someone after i watched him endure ceaseless torment since 2007 was so gratifying. ever since their initial interaction in blood of olympus i have felt like will was so right for nico -- he was never afraid of him, he treated him the same as everyone else, he went out of his way to make nico feel wanted and refused to let nico fall back on his old self-destructive habits. and i thought it was really fitting that nico's love interest would be someone new, someone unentangled with nico's twisted past, someone he could look to the future with and heal with.
so i started liking will because he was nico's love interest, but once trials of apollo came out I got really invested in will as his own character too, and this feeling has only strengthened with the sun and the star's release. I have actually been waiting for an Apollo demigod to be a main character since I was like 12, because I've always identified with Apollo (I've had a lifelong special interest in Greek mythology lol). And Will was exactly who I was waiting for -- i love how gentle he is, i love that he's a healer, i love his relationship with Apollo, I love how much of a dork loser he is, i love how much he cares for people, and i love his dynamic with nico so much. i ended up writing my fic Solace because I couldnt stop thinking about how will was there in the background the entire time, he lost his siblings, he pined for nico, he was forced into leadership roles when he wasn't ready. and after reading tsats i LOVE how much he is filled with self-doubt and anxiety and how he loves nico so much and wants to support him and make him feel safe and loved in the ways that nico needs. he is so so so fucking good and i adore him and he is truly unlike any other character in this series.
i love nico, i love will, i love solangelo, i love how they contrast each other and yet are the same in so many ways, i love how they overcome realistic relationship obstacles to be together because after all theyve both been through they deserve to feel secure and at peace with someone they love, who they know loves them back.
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comradeboyhalo · 1 year
Okay—you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to..! But I’m actually SO curious on your essay thoughts of q!Bad in 4halo fics. Because (I think) it’s kind of rare that q!Bad is depicted accurately in.. most qsmp ship fics. And I feel like q!Bad always becomes.. obsessed with romance with q!Forever in many 4halo fics?? Or super open + emotionally stable?? I don’t know how to explain it, but that’s why I’m curious of your thoughts (because I’ve read your fics and 100% trust your characterizations, especially of BBH cubitos <3)
hihi always down to ramble. and i agree, a lot of bad's flaws are smoothed over in 4halo fics, which makes him incredibly ooc. also, i dont think that these mischaracterizations are necessarily bad, i understand that in fluff fics (or angst fics, which im guilty of) sometimes theres no room in tone to fully capture all of q!bad's complexities. but that doesn't mean i cant have some gripes!
i dont think this is exclusive to 4halo, but 4halo is also bad's current biggest ship, so a lot of it just happens to fall on it. but i really hate how fanon!bad gets stripped down to a mere love interest who is just...very perfect in how he interacts with romance. he wants to go on cute dates, he confesses in a very sweet way. he is kind and nice and a little insecure, and is just so boring. its very much reminiscent of old skephalo fics, where bad is seen as "innocent" and then any other interesting trait of his gets stripped away. i also end up feeling im reading about a highschooler, when q!bad is 11k+ and cc!bad (obviously influential of his character) is in his late 20s.
again, i understand why people write 4halo on cute dates and first kisses. thats what fanfic is for! but i cant help but see the entirety of the ao3 page full of these very...allo-typical romance plots and think "...he would not fucking say that." q!bad is messy as fuck! if you don't interpret him as arospec, then hes at the very least repressed, and not in a cute YA romance way. a 1k fic of pining that ends in a nice love confession just doesnt convince me im sorry!
and then there's the blue diamond obstacle that gets in the way of 4halo monogamy....skeppy. again, i get why most 4halo shippers arent going to mention him, cause theyre just not into anything skephalo. i cant blame them for that. but im a master nitpicker, so ill still nitpick cause this is my blog. bad brushing over skeppy is ooc. bad acting as if skeppy is in the past is ooc. bad pursuing any form of relationship without including skeppy is ooc. bad choosing any other person but skeppy to be his #1 is ooc. and yeah it sucks for shipping if you dislike q!skephalo, but thats how it is and its not changing. and also any fics that push bad to "move on" from skeppy is just ??? not only is that his soulmate across lifetimes, but skeppy isnt dead? hes just not on the island? help??? bad has two hands, but one hand will always hold skeppy's and he's made that abundantly clear many times.
anyways im also not immune to q!bad butchering in 4halo fics! ill admit that, in writing the hanahaki au, i couldn't really find time to fit a lot of q!bad's humor into it, and he ended up more openly angsty and sad and vulnerable then he really is, or would ever be. so i totally get it, and im fine if other qbad viewers despise how he's written in it. however i will stand by the fact that q4halo would never pursue a traditional relationship together, and i chose the ending to be ambiguous because thats how i believe their relationship (and feelings) are: ambiguous. that's why, to me, 4halo is so good. i don't want to read about them confessing their feelings. i want to read about how their relationship is an undefined, confusing mess that will never be defined, and im just so surprised that there aren't more fics like that out there.
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hiemaldesirae · 6 months
Question: how would your characterization of demon Alastor react to finding out for the last 60+ years that what he thought was Vox breaking up with him was actually Demon!Valentino drugging/r**ping him with his venom/aphrodisiac and Vox has No memory of what he and Alastor actually had? No memory of anything except maybe the last month? And to find out Valentino only did this so Vox (who was becoming a TV mogul) would put his pornos on the tv. How would he help Vox remember? What would he do to Valentino? Would Velvette also suffer?
okay so. nonny, i wont blame you for not knowing, especially since ive never explicitly talked about it on main, but for future reference, im not that big on the whole abusive staticmoth dynamic. i can see why others enjoy it, and i do read stories with it from time to time simply because the premise captivates me that much, but in general id say i much more prefer a version where val and vox are at the very least best friends if not crossing into the sort of blurry best friends who smooch sometimes territory.
now having said that, i'll still answer your question because again, not very fair of me to just brush you off for no reason when i never made my preferences clear beforehand. (this gets long, so i'll leave a readmore.) warning: my demon radiostatics are always freak4freak no matter what. so this does get a little iffy in terms of ethics
my favourite interpretation of radiostatic is two sickos who are just as closely obsessed with each other, so in the unlikely case that al would let vox go for that long, when he realizes again the first thing he's going to do is go and. well. for lack of a better term, atticwife him (i hope to god this isn't just a term used in east asian fandoms because if i have to explain this ill eat lead). maybe after a little bit of time, he'll allow vox some liberties, but even then it'd be very little. ill put it this way- imagine the most toxic irl relationship you can: someone who tracks and micromanages their partners every move, barely lets them outside the house without going with them, monitors every friendship that they allow their partner to have, and there you have it. thats radiostatic! ah, young love. so sweet, dont you think? after all, alastor can't risk his muse's eyes slipping off him again. he's been deprived of that attention for far too long, and it wasn't even by his own doing! that's an offense in and of itself.
now im assuming that its only val who's doing the exploitation here so presumably vel would have no hand in any of the mess, and perhaps not even be fully aware of the nuances behind the scenes. i mean, it wouldn't really matter either way because once alastor finds out the reason why his other half hasnt been reciprocating their insane little song and dance he's getting rid of any and all obstacles, permanently. vox doesnt need anyone else so long as he has him- and hey, he was friends with him, rosie and husk first, so its not even as if its much of a loss. the only people he'd presumably leave alive would be voxs own contracted souls, and even then thats a bit of a gamble depending on just how bad i want the both of them to be: without his contracted souls, vox would be weaker and more susceptible to whatever alastor wants, so i guess its a matter of whether or not i want the freak4freak relationship where theyre both equally strong but vox willingly submits because he gets more thrill out of it that way or whether i want freak4freak where vox has to struggle way harder and still ends up giving in anyway because al is simply stronger
as for what he'd actually *do* to val. i mean. he does still have that radio broadcast of his, doesn't he? i think you can probably put the pieces together. the thing with animal sinners is that theres simply so many parts of them to break... show-wise, i never understood how overlords like alastor or val could even rise to their position, with the amount of weak spots they must have. that broken antenna vox and val share is certainly something that speaks to their higher vulnerability. and moth wings are especially fragile: i owned little silkworm moths at one point (they were my babies, i loved them for the month or so i got to care for them) but their wings were so thin they were wearing holes in them by the second or third day. val's coat-wings look much thicker in comparison, but of course, my perception is limited by the show only. so i mean, who knows? im sure whatever happens, itll make the best entertainment in al's eyes :)
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How about you talk more about volunteer firefighter Ian since I totally ignored your ask about it
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gonna kill you
ok so essentially i am super interested in court proceedings and i have many thoughts abt the (horribly inaccurate) legal shit in shameless. ian was sentenced to 2 years, for arson i assume?? and seeing as hes mentally ill and was unmedicated at the time of the crime, he has a pretty good case to get his record sealed! no i dont think he cant get it expunged, and yes it would still show up on a background check by employers. and doing more research since i sent you that ask, theres like a .00001% chance that ian could be a volunteer firefighter even with a sealed record. fuck you ian for committing a felony youre lucky the shamey writers were too lazy to research that you shouldve been charged and found guilty of a class X felony with a minimum of 6 years in prison
i want him to go to schools and show kids how the oxygen mask works and complain about how much the firehose weighs and race kids in the outdoor obstacle course in his full gear for fire safety day at the local elementary school. i dont CARE how unrealistic it is i NEED IT. he tasks himself with collecting the students' thank you cards and pinning them to the huge bulletin board back at the station
no im not thinking about his strong muscles as he carries people out of fire or him coming home to mickey covered and sweat and soot. thats gay i would NEVER imagine that 🤨🤨
BUT trying to stay as realistic as possible he could volunteer to lifeguard at the pool ("wdym this apartment complex lets unaccompanied minors in the pool without supervision!! i dont care that living here means signing a waver that makes the complex legally not responsible for accidents in the pool SOMEBODY COULD DIE!!!!") and give swimming lessons to the kids. i love lifeguard!ian too 🥺🥺🥺 him and his silly baywatch red shorts and absurd amount of mineral sunscreen and sunglasses he stole from mickey. hes my dad!!!
truly, i just get immense joy from putting s11 ian in situations
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destinyc1020 · 2 months
“I hate to say it, but another thought that crossed my mind is that maybe deep down, Z also knows that if she does too many "Black films" early on in her career, she will be pigeon-holed into only being in Black films? 🤷🏾‍♀️”
girl i refreshed and saw this and have to speak!!!
this is bullshit i’m sorry. look at halle berry! a biracial woman with a white mom and she did both in the 90s and early 2000s and got that oscar! she has roles from boomerang to a bond girl! b.a.p.s to the flintstones! dorothy dandridge to monster ball! she did slip playing storm but we can’t act like a balance hasn’t been built before. and z definitely has a team that is better than i bet halle had then to still get her scripts from both sides if that’s what she wants to be presented.
part of what works for z is she knows she has fans and a lot of gp support who will fight her battles. she has the power to pick projects she wants and has displayed that. i dont see why we have to go back to thinking she’s being held back 100% there are obstacles but let’s be real
even if ppl say she is biracial and taking a role do it anyway! her fans will fight her battle either way. and there are ways to go about it the same way she made moves to change tashi from full black woman to biracial without too many questions pushed to her on it. she can carry that into other roles.
i think she really just doesn’t care to look at those scripts right now. they don’t serve her current goals. still saying she wants more diversity is a better look than just being honest about it. or blacklisting the questions completely.
I see your comparison with Halle, but we have to keep in mind that Halle and Zendaya are living in two totally different generations, and the Hollywood industry has changed somewhat over the years. I'm not saying that Z couldn't do both, I'm just saying that even other black actors have said that they have gotten pigeon-holed over the years and some haven't been able to quite "cross over" into "mainstream" territory because they've pretty much been typecast in the "Black Films Only" category. It's not just me saying it.... It's other Black actors. Don't you think that if some Black actors had the chance to work with Scorsese, Spielberg, or "others", they would JUMP at the chance??
Will Smith is one who has been fortunate that he's been able to go "back and forth" and be mainstream, yet also do other diverse work w/out any issues.
even if ppl say she is biracial and taking a role do it anyway! her fans will fight her battle either way. and there are ways to go about it the same way she made moves to change tashi from full black woman to biracial without too many questions pushed to her on it. she can carry that into other roles.
And see, I'm actually kind of shocked that Z went for this role, because she's always usually saying that she doesn't do roles meant for "Black women" because she doesn't want to take away from Black actresses and the roles that they could possibly be getting since there are so FEW roles made for monoracial Black women in Hollywood anyway. This was usually the reason why I thought she wasn't doing any "Black films". But, I guess she loved the Challengers script so much, and saw an opportunity to work with THEE Luca G. that she just jumped on it! I mean, can we really say that none of us wouldn't have done the same thing? 🤔
i think she really just doesn’t care to look at those scripts right now. they don’t serve her current goals.
I mean, I think we're basically kindof saying the same thing? 🤷🏾‍♀️
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doodle17 · 1 year
Hi there [walks up to you with a clipboard and pen] I’d like to ask you a few questions about your lobotomy family au.
Do you think anything Raz owned had his birthdate on it? Like the blanket with his name on it was like made specially for him and had his birth information on it? Or did Cal have no idea how old this child was or when his birthday was when he found him? Cause I was thinkin what if the inmates all got together and came up with a birthdate for him and decided one arbitrarily so they could celebrate every year. That would be cute I think.
Do u think Raz ever stumbled into some random places at camp. Like what if he accidentally fell into a stump and wound up in Ford’s lab? Ford goes “who is this sassy lost child” and helps him out and then immediately forgets it actually happened the next day and writes the experience off as a weird dream. Or maybe Raz finds him again later in like the lodge and ford gives him a free psi pop or smth lol. Ford being the only adult who knows Raz exists and not really taking note of it because of the state of his mind, or telling like Sasha and Sasha not taking it seriously like “I bet he’s just been listening to too many of the campers’ stories”. Good concept I think
Raz knowing the camp’s entire layout like the back of his hand before he actually gets to attend camp as a camper. Coach is like “here let me show you back to the kids’ cabins” and Raz is like “no thanks I already know where they are” [backflips into the trees]
Hm do you think Raz got to practice many psychic skills before camp? Or did he not really get to understand it because of Cal’s strained relationship with psychic powers. Idk if you answered this elsewhere but what’s going on there. Raz experiments and makes a levitation bubble and cal immediately flips out and tells him to never do that again? Or is he a supportive dad and helps Raz figure it out. Hm. Cal and Augustus both have psychic trauma so maybe that part wouldn’t be changed from the original. What do you think lol
I’d imagine Raz did get lots of practice with his psi-crobatics tho. Psychic stuff and acrobatics both coming naturally to him plus all his practice climbing around in the trees probably meant he was able to develop that skill pretty well, even if he doesn’t really understand how it works lol. This au needs to keep the adults being shocked with how well he can maneuver some of those obstacles like in basic braining because of his acrobatic upbringing
Anyways sorry I didn’t ask you many questions I mostly just rambled at you LMAO enjoy I guess lol
Okay, to answer your first question, the blanket Raz got was kind of a passed down thing. It actually has Dion and Frazies birthdays on it, but it didn't have his because Nona couldn't sew it on in time before the accident :( its kind of funny though, because the inmates argued about which one could be his birthday, despite the fact that, that would mean this baby was actually 8 or 6 lol
And OMG FORD KNOWING THAT RAZ EXISTS BUT SINCE HES KIND OF CRAZY NO ONE BELIEVES HIM IS SO FUNNY TO ME- And yes, Raz has stumbled into Fords secret lab multiple times
“here let me show you back to the kids’ cabins” and Raz is like “no thanks I already know where they are” [backflips into the trees] <- THIS MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD ABSSISHKAN
Anywas, yes! Raz has already gotten himself familiar with the camp. He will admit it's a lot more different in the day time though.
For Psychic powers, he had a bit of an understanding of it. He knew how to levitate a bit but not for very long. He was pretty good at telekinesis and pyro. Cal doesn't really care to much about it. He's actually pretty proud! But he's still VERY protective because he doesn't want him to be discovered by the wrong people and have the same thing that happened to him, happen to his son. He is very similar to Augustus in that sense, he wants to be supportive, but he also wants to keep his kid safe, y'know?
And acrobatics do come surprisingly naturally to Raz. As a kid, he found he was surprisingly agile, and that whole thing Donna said about "highly stretchable ligaments" was no joke! He also has double jointed everything, no joke. It's kind of funny how naturally he can flip and twist his body. He's obviously not as good as he would have been if he was still raised by the Aquatos, but he's still pretty good.
I am just happy to spread the brainrot that this au has inflicted upon me :)
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cannibalslut · 28 days
Cannibalism and Kabru? Interesting. I wonder how he would do with such thing, considering that he’s most likely traumatized by seeing people from his home village being devoured by monsters…
Anyways, I wanted to ask this for a while now:
So, what are your ideas for this ship? What is your s/i like? How did she and Kabru meet? What is the dynamic? What role does cannibalism plays? Just, I’m dying to know what is going on.
Fun fact: I myself have been eyeing Kabru before properly watching Dungeon Meshi, suspecting that I might get a crush on him. But then shit happened, and here I am, obsessing over Thistle instead... Kabru is still cool, though. I especially love how the manga shows that him lying to manipulate people has consequences, so now he has to supress his honest emotions and do things he doesn’t want to do. It’s hilarious, I have never seen it done anywhere before.
(By the way, I’ve seen many people joke about being disappointed by Kabru being a man because they though he was a beautiful butch woman. Thoughts on that?)
– villain-in-love
so sorry to say… the cannibalism is mostly symbolic…. 😔 it’s like sentiments of “i want to eat you” and sexual biting and like. heavy cannibalism allusion used in smut. that kind of thing. kabru i think wouldnt be able to stomach survival cannibalism much less pleasure cannibalism like hes not that kind of guy. cath is a different story.
speaking of cath shes my s/i. her name is Catherine Entrailé she’s fantasy french (unfortunately, that was just too good a name…) and she’s a vulture beastman (were-vulture?). she can shift between human and vulture forms and was cursed to be this way (like izutsumi). she needs to turn fully into a vulture every so often or suffers consequences, she disappears from the party for a few days at a time and they notice a vulture following them, etc etc…
i havent decided who cursed her shes still a fledgling character. likewise i dont know how cath and kabru met (shes in his party) and suggestions would be appreciated lol. i am thinking of giving her a dead sister or something as backstory.
also, as backstory, she has past trauma from being poisoned, so she has to know EXACTLY whats in her food at all times. she eats carrion because its one flesh with no extra ingredients. this sets up conflict with senshi bc nooo why are you putting extra things in my food are you going to poison me!! so she’s like izutsumi bc they’re both picky eaters. she and izutsumi would either get along like a house on fire Or become lifelong mortal enemies. also there might be an arc there about growing past it because shes a vulture now and can digest many toxins without being harmed.
i think thats probably all i have for her for right now, hopefully i can come up with more stuff soon~ i know her dynamic with kabru, though. the reason why she’s in the dungeon is because she’s a murderhobo actually. she’s like kabru in that she hates monsters, but she hates Literally Everything Else too and thinks all humans should die. if she doesnt kill things in the dungeon she will start doing it on the surface. kabru is worried by and captivated by her weird psychology. they also hook up before he realizes she’s a beastman bc she keeps it well hidden. after he realizes he fucked a girl thats part monster he gets so upset it gives him cramps. i still dont know how to get over this obstacle lol i do not think kabru wants to be shipped with a demihuman. sucks for him bc im doing it anyway hes my little toy 🤍
other assorted thoughts: cath heavily enables kabru’s desires and they have like hungry hands-everywhere can’t-get-enough-of-your-body-sex, laios is the reason why cath became more comfortable telling people she’s a beastman and existing in an state between human and vulture (kabru wants to kill himself so bad rn), tension between rin and kabru and cath happens where rin absolutely despises cath bc kabru wont give her attention but will give cath attention. cath kind of doesnt care about rin too much bc shes aro/polyam like me. if they one sided hatefuck it will go nuclear and tear the party apart.
anyways to the rest of your ask! yes kabru is such an interesting and unique character! i like how hes shown as sympathetic and with good intentions but has some very worrying traits like what is up with his freaky stare when he straight up executes those guys? and when he attacks falin? and also the way his trauma affects him is pretty well done. sometimes he reminds me of light yagami but better lol. he also does take it upon himself who gets to live and die based on a moral framework of “some humans are irredeemable vermin that must be removed” but he’s actually a likeable character and DOES NOT have a god complex. my poor little fucked up guy im gonna use him
i never thought kabru was a butch woman but sometimes i wish he was 😔 though i’ve been doing surprisingly well with the idea of him as a cis man. it pisses me off a little bit that he and cath are m/f and both cis. at least hes bisexual. usually my s/is are lesbian but i cant do that here lol. ALTHOUGH i was thinking genderfluid or crossdresser kabru maybe inspired by ryuko kui’s r63 art (Manipulative Girlfriend kabru you will always be famous) plus this tweet: https://x.com/bedtimecreature/status/1768118459693682865?t=2IniV5ZjNZ9m-fdhHU-Vcg&s=19 idk he just looks really good here man i love him. (i dont hc him as transmasc tho)
this is getting long lol so i think ill end it here. hey i got it in earlier than “in the next week”! thanks for reminding me i had to write this haha
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