#i would pour them out and they would stick to the outside of the bag
..Guys I did it. I survived the horrors (sorted staticky diamond painting drills)
0 notes
skvrpion · 8 months
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a co-opted fanfiction I previously wrote, now starring Trevante Rhodes
TW: drug paraphernalia, vouyerism, unprotected sex & general filthiness
Frozen rain and snow beat down on Shawna's roof as she struggled work Photoshop. Every picture she was tweaking ended up turning into a confusing mess, one exposure line would go too high, and she couldn't turn back. Winter storms kept her boredom high and thoughts on hold as she wouldn't dare leave the house for anything else.
With a defeated sigh, Shawna slid her MacBook under her bed and went for her phone that'd been charging for when seemed to be hours. Not one notification was to be found from any of her apps, not even the games she had shoved off into a folder. The only thing left was to go through her contacts and FaceTime every single person until someone picked up. Usually, it was her sister or old housemate that would end up persuading her back into editing or asking her to show them her pieces. She could always be thankful for the two when she needed them.
As Shawna began her mind-numbing quest, a faint light caught her eye from her bedroom window. It was rare she saw life coming from the outside her home, almost everyone in her neighborhood was old, dying, or extremely weird to the point that she didn't even bother staying outside after dark.
To her surprise, it wasn't a peeping tom or aliens trying to harvest her body for experimentation, but her neighbor that lived right beside her.
Trevante's blinds were always closed, no matter what time of week it was they didn't move a peep and tonight, they were wide open. From what she knew, he was a night owl with with a hulking stature. In the mornings she'd be leaving for work, his Jeep would roll in and he'd quickly depart into his home bundled in a ski jacket (it sadly never reached above 40 in their town). Shawna always wanted to stick around to see what he truly looked like, to even hear his voice and compare it to the image she'd formed in the back of her head over the months he'd been there.
For a moment, Shawna couldn't tell what she was looking at due to the bright wash of red that painted his room. As her eyes settled, the black SD card she had in her hand quickly left her grip and scattered across the floor.
She was captivated.
Trevante looked nothing like what she thought he did. He was way more mesmerizing than that.
Smooth brown skin flexed with the sharp, defined muscles that ran up his tall frame; almost like the marble statues she studied from the Renaissance. To her delight profile was chiseled flawlessly, cheek bones high and lips full. She watched quietly as he discarded everything but his pajama bottoms and stretched, taking note of each carefully built muscle could see.
‘Had he always been that jacked?’
Trevante threw himself back onto what looked like a bean bag and fiddled with something on the nightstand beside him. Shawna felt creepy for watching him, but just couldn't rip her eyes away. As he sat back once again, he drew blunt his mouth and lit the end, quickly tossing his head back into his inhale. A billow of white clouds escaped into the air above him as he let the hit go without even an ounce of hesitation. He lit it again as Shawna watched smoke pour from his mouth, then into his nose.
She had no idea her neighbor was a smoker; let alone how he kept the smell undetectable from her sensitive nose. Curiosity got the best of her as she inched closer to her window, giving her a better picture of what was unfolding right beside her. Smoke coiled around Trevante's room and slipped through his hands as he quickly finished off what was left of the blunt and laid deeper back into the chair. Weed wasn't something Shawna was interested in or used to. With Cogic parents, anything illegal she thought about doing would quickly be crushed and out the window. Even at the age of 27 they'd still come tearing her doors down if they suspected she was smoking pot.
‘Only if they knew what door it was in.’
A lightbulb went off in Shawna's head. She had the perfect idea to: A. get out of her boring house for a while, B. cross something off her bucket list and C. stare at Trevante in a more reasonable setting. Pulling her blinds shut, she ended the show and went back to her phone that'd been abandoned on her dresser.
It was time to make a game plan.
Flipping through countless unopened snapchats she landed on one story in particular that she quickly swiped left on.
Me | Can u show me how to roll up?
DeeStroyer | are pigs flying?? Wyd 👀👀👀
Me | I'm not being funny 💀 it's my neighbor
Me | I kinda spied on him
Me | he fine as hell & he was smoking with his blinds open
DeeStroyer | so you asking me to get you high so you can go over there and get some neighbor dick? sounds like a plan 😼
Me | yes and no! it's brick as fuck outside I know you not about to come to my place, I just need a way over there. If that doesn't sound too creepy.
DeeStroyer | there's only like 6 people that chief on this side of town, he probably comes into the smoke shop a lot. I'll catch him for ya freaky girl 😉
Me | jfc, thanks DD
Me | his name is Trevante!!
DeeStroyer | marked & 📝
Shawna slung herself into her bed and screamed into her pillow like a big ass kid. She may have found the cure for her boredom-fueled artist block.
Now to play the waiting game.
Three dreary days had passed and not once had Shawna's neighbor cracked his blinds. It wasn't going to kill her, but it was still bothering her that she hadn't seen or heard a peep of Trevante since that one night. Tonight was the same as every other night, her music was playing, a candle was burning, and she couldn't bring herself to render the perfect picture.
As she got lost in her head, her phone began to jingle and the name "De'aria😈" flashed across the screen. DD was calling her which meant the plan worked for failed miserably.
"Wassup' homieeee."
Her raspy voice struggled to keep up with her sluggish words as she laid on her futon with her hoodie covering her face. She was baked out of her mind and ready to spill the tea.
"You want news on your dream boy?"
"Yes please." Shawna said while turning her Pandora station completely off.
"Okay so one, he's fine as fuck. But like not even that he's like...super handsome. If you put him next to the sexiest man alive, boom, blown out the water.”
She paused to take a puff off the blunt she'd rolled and blew the smoke into the camera in typical high DD fashion.
"So, I was chillin' behind the counter, and he rolls in all smooth and and asks to get some wraps - oh his teeth are gorgeous. Anyway, I bullshit and act like the the case is broke so Mark could come fix it while I chatted him up for you. I asked him where he was from, and he said some shit about Louisiana - I was a little high so I really wasn't tryna pay attention. He’s thirty something and works logistics at the Med.”
Shawna clutched her imaginary pearls. That position was the most sought after in their town, with only one hospital they’d triple the average salary for the lucky fuck who landed the gig; the only catch was that they were located in the middle of nowhere.
"You gotta be some type of straight shot to move here and not go insane. So anyway, I asked where he lived since there's only three feet of town here and I told him he was right by you."
"You what?"
"Chill out peeping tom, I ain't blow your cover. I just said my really good friend had been wanting to smoke but I couldn't go see her so he could always show you if he wanted to, blah blah blah. He has your number by the way."
“Jesus fucking Christ.”
DD cackled over the phone as Shawna flushed with anxiety, it was always fun to make her friend uncomfortable.
"Calm downnn, he's gonna text you in like 5 minutes. I promise he's super chill, I just got off the phone with him and I think you'll be over there in like a day. I gotta finish this damn backwood before I burn my apartment down though. Later girl."
The FaceTime ended and Shawna was a complete mess internally. How was she going to talk to him? Spying on him was one thing but actually making contact with this man she'd fell even deeper in lust in was going to kill her. Before she could comprehend the situation, a random number popped onto her screen with a text.
hey, is this Shawna?
She held her breath, swiped right, and began to click her her keyboard, making sure she'd saved his contact as "Tre".
It was so happening. …
Shawna couldn't feel her feet.
She was walking only a few steps out to his house, but the combination of her nerves and the freezing weather had her body iced up. Her heart was racing out of her chest the closer she inched to his door, the light from inside his home pulling her in. After they ended their texts, Shawna immediately called De'aria and screamed a thank you. She raided her closet in search of something decent to wear, settling on a track suit that'd been re-gifted to her for Christmas. She bundled up and headed to her front door, getting more and more anxious the further she paced. Now she was standing at his front door with her camera bag in her left hand and her right hovering over the doorbell.
‘Just ring it you wimp.’
Her nerves got the best of her, and she pressed the glowing button twice, hoping he'd hurry up before her fingers fell off in the cold. Footsteps paced; locks jingled then the door quickly flew back to reveal a very damp Trevante.
"I was in the shower, sorry."
His voice was so deep Shawna could feel it vibrating in the back of her head, she would've screamed if De'aria was there. Without looking she shuffled into his place and was greeted by the strong smell of flowers; the smart man knew how to keep the smell of weed away from any surprise visitors.
Shawna studied his place, full of plants and odd nicknacks that'd been donated by various family members upon his sudden move. Trailing him, she realized how similar their houses were and began her picture taking. She loved scenery, it was just other people she couldn't photograph to save her life. They stopped at his room that Shawna had already seen in her creeping to collect what all they needed for the night. As her eyes darted in curiosity, a long, black cabinet with what looked like rocks and branches in it caught her eye. It was right beside his bed, and she couldn't figure out exactly what it was for. Maybe he liked nature?
"I wouldn't get too close to that." His voiced boomed from behind her. Shawna hid her startled reaction and turned her head back to catch a glance of Trevante. He was holding mason jar and an assortment of wraps, both brand new from De'aria's salesmanship earlier that day.
"Most people that come over don't like animals...well specifically them."
Shawna whipped her head back to the cabinet and realized it was in fact a terrarium she was staring at. Immediately she noticed a large, bright yellow snake that'd been hiding in the corner of the enclosure and another, fat, brown one that was coiled up tightly in the bottom.
"Carpet pythons. I forget they're in there sometimes."
She snapped three pictures of the serpents and left them alone, not wanting to bother whatever world they had going on in there.
"C'mon, we can match in the back,” Trevante said while eyeing his pets, "I'm really not supposed to smoke around them."
Shawna quietly made her way out of his warm abode and cut a left into what felt like the complete opposite. It was damn near pitch black besides the blue, fluorescent lights that casted a cold shadow across the room. It reminded Shawna of all those clubs she was drug to by her friends, just a little more inviting and way less crowded. Fiddling with the exposure on her camera, she snapped what at first was a box of nothing until her surroundings became fully recognizable.
A leather couch sat aside to one wall that was plastered with graphic style posters, some donning scantily clad women and drug paraphernalia. A fish tank glowed softly to the side of a record player that was across from them, and a coffee table stood neatly between it all. It was almost as if the place had been copied and pasted from an 80s movie set.
She tried for one more of the fish tank but caught Trevante in the midst of taking his hoodie off, he still hadn't dried off from his shower and the light was reflecting off his wet stomach. Shawna quickly put her camera down and hid her face in embarrassment while Trevante laughed. It's not like she hadn't seen him shirtless before.
"Sorry for flashing you. Can I see it?"
She handed him her camera and he softly smiled at the monitor; his shirt was still over his head leaving only the silhouette of his body visible.
"Send that to me later, it's nice"
Shawna got her camera back whilst a brilliant idea formed in her head.
"Hey before we start, can I take a picture of you smoking? That's really weird but it'd be cool with the lights...this room is really cool."
Trevante shrugged and plopped down into the loveseat, opening the glass jar he'd been holding on to. Now she knew why they called it loud, the smell almost making her eyes tear. Taking in the pungent aroma she took pictures of him breaking it down, subjugating her attention to the cone he gently stuffed. It was in that moment she noticed he in fact, was in grey sweats that she struggled to not further examine.
‘Bitch don't be creepy.’
The sound of the lighter flicking brought her attention back. Trevante was staring at her with a slight grin which made her face flush hot. Thank God it was cold out or she’d died of a stroke heat stroke then and there.
"You good?"
Shawna quickly nodded and held her camera close to her face, trying hard to conceal a smile that was working its way through her cheeks. Doing the same as he did the previous nights ago, Trevante lit the end of the joint and inhaled smoothly. To make the pictures more interesting he blew a large cloud of smoke that almost obscured the lens view. Shawna had no idea how it was possible to keep that much in his lungs, but she was soon going to find out.
"I feel like a model," he mumbled while flashing his teeth through the haze, "come here. Before I get too high."
Shawna's stomach dropped as she put her camera aside. She was about to be extremely close to a breathtaking man that she barely even knew outside of passing. All she could hear was De'aria bagging on her if she bitched out, tonight was not the night she'd fail. She slid next to him and sunk into the seating, unzipping her hoodie just a little bit to let some air hit her skin. Along with her nervousness, she was starting to break a sweat and had completely forgot about the thick jumpsuit she'd put on.
Relaxing, Shawna took the still lit joint from him and let it hang off her lip. He noticed and cocked his eyebrow before moving over to spark the flame again.
"Yeah, I punked out a lot."
"Well, you ain’t got to now, I got you,” he ensured, “Just go slow, inhale when I say...go."
A rush of warm smoke flooded Shawna's throat as she slowly pulled inwards, taking note to double tap before handing it off. Her lungs, however, almost gave out before she could exhale forcing her to cough into the collar of her shirt. Head rushing with endorphins, she'd was astonished by somehow surviving her first real toke of weed. Trevante replaced the spliff with a water bottle and laughed, making Shawna flush hot again. It was something about his smile that flipped her insides around and she really wanted him to keep doing it. She let him smoke a little more while she caught her breath and stared in awe as he French inhaled. She usually thought it looked stupid when people played with smoke, but he made it look sexy. He passed it back for her to finish the rest, but she willfully denied.
Being high was different for everyone, for Trevante it made everything feel good. From cramming numbers to partying he found solstice in the euphoric feeling. Shawna on the other hand was skeptic but quickly found her discernment to be highly false; whatever she was feeling had begun to creep down her body and into her chest. Warmth was the best way she could put it, and her thoughts? They were everywhere but where she currently was, only being able to focus on Tre’s inexplicably huge arms flexing as he ashed the joint.
"You high already?" he snickered softly beside her.
Instead of forming words that would've made absolutely no sense she opted to nod. Being high didn't seem so bad, not as bad as her dad stressed it was. Thinking of him, she started laughing again and ran her fingers through her braids, forgetting what it even was that had started her giggle fest. Trevante had gotten up to put a record on, as he always did when he smoked in here. Through the dim lights Shawna could make out an old school album and closed her eyes as the record scratched on. How he was even capable of standing was blowing her mind, she could barely type a text out on her phone which now felt microscopic in her hand.
As if Cupids angels had alerted who she was thinking about, De'aria's contact number popped onto her screen as her FaceTime rang.
"Uh oh." Trevante said while taking his seat back next to her, this time way closer. His arm was draped behind her neck when De'aria connected, making the matchmakers eyes go wide. Shawna popped a headphone in and only caught part of what her friend was saying.
"-ich are you high?! And is that his arm behind you?!"
She could only laugh, causing DD to explode in screams. The plan sounded like an L waiting to happen, but it actually worked.
"I can hear music playing, please tell me you tapping that tonight?"
"Shh shut up!" Shawna whispered while bringing her finger to her mouth. It's not like either of them could hear what the hell she was saying.
"This is great, bitch I gotta smoke another one for this. Don't call me unless you got some dick!"
De'aria ended the phone call abruptly, taking Shawna back to her home screen which was currently moving around. Instead of fiddling with it she placed it next to her and turned to meet Trevante's glossed over eyes. It was then she got a full view of his face and took in every detail she could; he really did have a perfect smile, and his beard was well taken care of. She even noted his eyes scanning her chest before he averted his attention elsewhere.
"You smacked," he said while fishing his lighter back out his pocket, "I rolled a dutch if you don’t mind the tobacco smell. You in or you done?"
"I'm aight." Shawna half mumbled; half laughed. To be truthful, the more she watched him smoke the more she found herself imaging what his lips felt like elsewhere. She questioned taking more pictures but gave up on the idea entirely as he made a sudden reach for her camera. He wanted to be nosy too - not knowing the preloaded SD card was also home to self-made nude studies from her time in art school.
Shawna couldn’t have moved fast enough as they both made a break for camera, praying to high heavens it would die before he could take a gander at her most precious assets. What started as gentle tug of war quickly turned into grappling contest as she fought him for her camera.
“What you hiding in here a dead body?”
“Maybe, just give it here. Your mama teach you any manners?”
He took full advantage of their heigh difference and held the device high in the air away from her reach with that goofy ass smile of his. If she weren’t pressed for her reputation she’d laugh. Instead, Shawna jumped, and failed, then jumped again before deciding to launch herself off the couch.
“Give it back!” Was the last thing Trevante heard before she slammed dead center into his chest – toppling them both to the cold floor. He threw the camera to safety, then focused his attention on halting Shawna’s desperate attempt at getting one up on him. She squealed, struggling to release from his solid grip until she ultimately gave up. At this point both of her arms were pinned behind her head and her legs had gotten tangled between his. She tried her hardest to look away from him, the thought of what it looked like they were doing was turning her on and she didn't want to 'pop a lady boner' as De'aria always said.
"Okay I give up," she panted, “you strong as hell.”
"Apologize for jumping on me then."
"Boy please. Manners remember?
"Sure. But how you think you getting out of this?"
"Bet if I kissed you, you'd let me go."
Shawna wasn't exactly sure if it was her or the weed talking, but she was feeling frisky and didn't want to waste such an opportune moment. She watched the solid man hovering over her pause to cock his eyebrows, then lean down closer in her face.
He tasted like mint and grabba, and her panties were instantly drenched at the softness of his lips. It'd been a very long time since she'd been kissed like this, hell she wasn’t sure if she’d even been kissed like this at all. Though she tried to restrain herself, Shawna stifled a moaned into Trevante’ mouth, prompting him to draw back – stifling a promiscuous grin as he gently placed her camera back in her hand and stood her upright. An out of breath Shawna eyed him bewilderedly and quietly considered how the next few seconds could go. In good ole Shawna fashion, she could chicken out and hide in the bathroom for the rest of the night…or she could get some dick for the first time in months.
Where her own words failed her, Trevante’ curious mind came to the rescue.
“I guess you won that one…Can I make bet?
“Yes” she blurted a little too quickly, prompting a laugh from them both. As Trevante caught his breath, he gently snaked an arm around her waist to steady her and caught her eyes – her heart thumping near out of her chest as they pressed against one another.
“I bet I got you wet just now.”
A gasp was the only thing Shawna could muster, in part to his filthy decree and also due to his hand gripping deep past her ass – fingertips dancing near the damp spot in her sweats.
For a second time she moaned, now with more conviction as the situation fully dawned on her. She was about to get laid with possibly the best dick east of state line – Trevante on the other hand was all teeth, marveling at how soft she was in his hands. To be truthful, he’d been in heaven tangled between her legs and wanted to feel more. See more. But, only knowing her for a few hours he was fully aware that she could hightail it back home if it was all too much.
But it wasn’t.
In fact, it wasn’t enough.
The soft grip Trevante had on her as tightened up as Shawna stole another kiss, ensuring her tongue held up a good fight against his as they stumbled back into the couch. By the time they separated she was seated eye-level with the drawstring of his sweats, finally getting a guilt free image of what he was working with. Even through the thick fabric she could make out his impressive girth, to her dismay it was about all she could ogle at before he tilted her head back towards his.
“You or me first?”
Before answering, Shawna shed herself of her zip up, “Me.”
Trevante responded by dropping to his knees, eyes never breaking contact as he helped her out of her fleece bottoms. For just a moment he reveled at her soaked panties, and to make her squirm he ran a gentle thumb in the center seam of the fabric before pulling it entirely to the side. His lips met hers with a ferocious force before she could chide him for teasing, turning her complaint into a meager whisper as her legs inched closed. She could only watch as he took her in with every part of his mouth, tongue toying with her clit as he kept her spread eagle by the inner thighs with both hands.
“Oh shit.” Was the only legible thing she could voice through the euphoria flooding her mind and body. With one hand nestled atop his fade, she gripped the couch with her entire might as he ate her from front to back; his head beginning to swivel as he lapped up the warmth dripping down her folds. Shawna had never been this horny before; of course, she’d heard about high sex but this. This was way more than she could comprehend; not even shit faced drunk did she get this wet from a kiss - let alone head. It didn’t help that her captor was the eater of the century. Just the sight of him nose deep in her pussy was enough to send her right over the edge. As if it weren’t enough, Trevante started the drawn-out process of spelling his name on her soaked clit; tongue dancing on the rock-solid button like it was his last meal.
He got to V before Shawna felting an abrupt orgasm coming on, nearly barking at the man for some sort of relief, “Tre stop…I’m finna, oh fuck.”
Startled he came up for air, his beard near drenched with her essence. She couldn’t push him back down fast enough as she began to climax against her own wishes. In seconds, Shawnas head snapped back, and she hyperventilated into a moan so loud it overcast the music – clawing her nails deep across ever taut back. Trevante met her cries with even harder tongue lashings, finally opting to let up once her legs stoped shaking.
As she came back to Earth, the man beneath her trailed small kisses up her thighs, meeting her blushed gaze for the first time in minutes. Shawna truthfully wanted to ball up and hide – to cum this quickly on her neighbors’ leather seats when there was a much bigger (and thicker) issue at hand was a bit embarrassing in her mind.
“My bad ma. You good? We can stop if you want.” He insisted from her lap.
“I’m okay. I just…wasn’t tryna do that so quick. Sorry.”
“Sorry for what,” he chided, “you taste good. Like I said, we can stop if you want to.”
“But what about you?”
“Me? I can handle that. Unless you wanna watch like you have been.”
A pang of guilt zapped Shawnas head – had he known she’d been peeping on him this whole time? She sat up, ruined panties getting warm for the ump-teeth time that night and gave him a puzzled look. He chuckled deeply and rose up. With the erectionin his is briefs now threatening to tent outward, he pulled his sweats completely off and gripped his hard on down. Underneath the fluorescent lights he looked godly, and his dick was every bit of enticing through the thin cotton briefs keeping him contained.
“I saw you that night. To be real I bout’ to jack off but I didn’t want to be the perv of the neighborhood,” he paused, hand slowly moving up and down his shaft, “but you. You wanted to see it too. You wanted to see me… like this?”
To Shawnas surprise he was beginning to moan through his words, right hand picking up speed in his shorts. With his free hand, the towering man retrieved her long-discarded phone from the floor and tossed it her way – already recording a new kind of masterpiece for her her collection. Though still incredibly high, she was still very horny and game to his antics; ensuring the flash was on, Shawna aimed the camera at her subject and took it upon herself to get him completely naked.
She took his low eyes into hers and cooed, “Let me take it out and you show me then.”
He let off another moan at her sudden touch, her fingertips tracing the poking veins trailing his skin as she peeled him out of underwear. Just as she though, his dick was as gorgeous as he was – thick and two toned at the tip, he was slick with precum and twitching out of control. With the roles now reversed Shawna was emboldened to see him get weak in the knees like she was.
“It’s so pretty Tre. Show me how you stroke it when you alone.”
“Yes ma’am,” he exhaled, voice shaking as he whimpered her name over the music. He worked his wrist from tip to the base of his shaft, fingers squelching as he pumped swears from his soul; the more he worked the wider his mouth gaped open – moaning with each breath he took.
“Shawna…,” his voice trailed off, eyes beginning to roll back.
“Huh? Say it loud papa.”
“Please baby. You got my tip so. Fucking. Sensitive.”
She was all smiles behind the camera, partly giddy from the weed, and incredibly humbled at her ability to take Trevante’ soul without touching him. He was moaning like a bitch, now choking himself out with that free hand that had held her captive minutes before.
Nasty ass nigga
“Where you gone cum Tre? On the floor or in me?” Shawna taunted. He paused for only a second and bit back a smile, “in you.”
Keeping him at bay, Shawna wagged her finger and propped her phone up on the arm of the couch, only letting him get close when she was ready. Letting her panties slip down her figure, she raised her legs and pulled him over by the back of the thighs. Eyes glued to the screen, they both watched as his head finally made contact with her folds, each parties faces screwing up with undeniable pleasure. Taking after his solo performance, Shawna snaked her hand around his throat and squeezed hard as Trevante slowly entered her pussy.
“Oh my God.” He exclaimed. Just as he expected she felt just as heavenly as she tasted.
A drawn out ‘Tre’ was just about all the stout woman could muster, occasionally peering down to watch him slide in and out of her with the growing conviction he had brewing that entire night. Rocking his hips to the slow tempo of the music, he made sure to keep that dangerous thumb of his on her clit and circle– he wanted to break her down for all the teasing she’d been doing, one step at a time. This time she was the bitch, cursing him with all her might as he fucked her deep into the couch. With every stroke her grip loosened on his neck, hands eventually flailing aside to anchor herself in place. To make things worse, Trevante’ face was crammed deep in her neck talking big shit while he drilled her,
Between each stroke he growled, “you taking this dick so good mama. Look at how creamy it’s getting.”
“Why what? Why I’m fucking you like this? Cause you deserve it.”
Again, she began to pant just as she had when she came in his mouth, only this time she was dangerously close to ruining his furniture with sweat and incoming release. Shawna clung to his shoulders, squeezing him into her bare breasts to keep them both secure, and cried into the night as he roughly blew her out in missionary. Her walls began clenching involuntarily, eyes now glued to the roof of her skull as a second orgasm crept its way out of her. Besides their exclamations a sound akin to water splashing overtook their space. She was getting close and as much as Tre wanted to go all night, he knew she couldn’t survive another round.
“Let that shit out Shawna.” Was all she had to hear. With a screech of ecstasy her hips jerked into his and she wept; bouncing from his name to a string of curses she came harder than she had in almost a year.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! Tre fuck!”
He, on the other hand, was still stroking– rhythm becoming unhinged as his own nut started to unwind. Even blacked out she could feel his dick hitting every spot she couldn’t with a pitiful rose toy; in typical Trevante fashion he snatched her by the jaw forced her to look him in the eyes as the tension holding him together snapped.
An airy “Im cumming,” was all he could muster – twitching inside the vice grip she had on his length one last time he finally let it all out: warm cum shooting in her soft walls and voice groaning through the blue lit room. He was surprisingly more of mess than she was, collapsing into her, hips jerking violently as his climax came to a slow end.
By the time they both came to the long-forgotten record had stopped and scratched in rhythm with their cyclic breathing. Shawna took the moment to lazily turn her phone off and untangle her body from his as he tended to the mess they’d created. She was three blinks away from sleep when he finally returned to escort her to a well needed bed, wet towel in hand for her to clean off as they shuffled to his room. Before quite literally collapsing into his bed she quipped an earnest statement his way,
“You think De’aria gone flip out when I call her?”
“Think? You better hope she don’t see that video. She might wanna watch next time like you.”
With a final grumble Shawna retorted “You the one that can’t shut your blinds.”
And with, that their banter was even for the night. With only the pale terrarium silhouetting their faces the pair drifted into sleep, chests rising in tandem to the sounds of life carrying on outside that cozy bedroom window.
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wearywinchester · 1 year
In the Rain
Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: When Dean forgets to pick you up, the pouring rain is relentless on your walk back home.
Warnings: angst, arguing, fluff
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You waited in the library entrance for at least half an hour by yourself, the downpour outside only getting heavier the more time that went by. Dean had told you he would pick you up from campus at around six, you even reminded him earlier that day for that matter. But the closer it got to seven the more you figured he wouldn’t show up.
He was never late.
The tears were welling up by now and you stood up, frustratedly slinging your bag over your shoulders before you pushed open the heavy glass door. You didn’t have an umbrella, and your hood didn’t do you any good as you rushed along the sidewalk, your thoughts starting to get the better of you.
Maybe it was just an honest mistake and he forgot. Or maybe he didn’t really care and found something better to do. Your mind tricked you into believing that was the only possible explanation.
You wrapped your arms around yourself tightly to stay as warm as possible, the rain quickly soaking through your jacket. The wind was damn near impossible the bear, putting chills straight through to your bones. It was nearly dark and your heart was pounding at the thought of being alone.
You were thankful when you saw your apartment complex, and you were thankful it wasn’t a lengthier walk, picking up your already fast pace, sighing once you got inside.
Your shoes made an uncomfortable sloshing sound with each step you took, clothes sticking your your skin along with the fall weather nearly making you freeze. Not to mention the stares you had gotten in the lobby.
When you stepped in your apartment you locked the door behind you, taking off your backpack. While you were opening it you could already see the rain soaked through pretty much everything, your text book pages having been wrinkled and warped, and the months worth of notes you had taken since the new quarter looked the same as your book, the words you’d written now bleeding into each other till it was barely understandable.
You threw everything down with an angry groan, backpack thudding to the floor in a pathetic mess. Then your phone vibrated, then again, and again. When you looked you saw messages from Dean, and it only made you more frustrated, tossing your phone on the bed before you stomped off to your bathroom. You hadn’t bothered to read them, not yet.
It was next to impossible trying to get out of your clothes, your arms growing tired trying to get your long sleeve shirt off and the anger was enough to send you over the edge. The tears you had been holding back flowed now, steady one after another down your cheeks as you put the last item of soaked clothing in the hamper, wrapping a clean towel around yourself.
If Sam weren’t over at Stanford, he’d pick you up, you thought to yourself. Maybe you were being over dramatic about it all. But it was just the icing on the cake after the crappy day you’d had. And it had left your insecurities to run ramped and you were too tired to rationalize it.
Just as you pulled your sweatshirt over your head your phone rang again. “Stop calling me, Dean.”
“Sweetheart, would you just let me explain?”
“Explain what? You forgot about me. That’s it. I walked home because you forgot. If you don’t care, that’s fine.”
With that you hung up before your voice could give out and let him know you’d been crying.
No, it was not fine.
With a huff you climbed into bed, switching on the tv to try and distract yourself. Fighting with Dean was never something either of you wanted to do, and it didn't happen very often. It was over something so trivial too the more you thought about it. He never picked you up, didn’t even tell you he’d be late. Nothing. You had a right to be a little upset with him, maybe not quite so harsh but you’d already yelled at him now.
Sighing, you pressed play on the remote and tossed it to the empty space next to you, scooting down beneath the blankets. As much as you wanted to, you couldn't focus on the show you'd put on, too in your head about him. After all, you never let him explain, though you were sure your insecurities wouldn’t listen. The whole situation was a mess, torn between playing into your thoughts of if he really even cared about it and being understanding of what had happened. Your head spun with every thought and scenario and you sighed, rubbing your eyes frustratedly.
It’d been about an hour, a knock at your door waking you from your half sleep a little startled. You checked the clock on your phone, 9:23 pm. And there were more messages and calls from Dean. You got up, heading for the door, heart skipping a beat when you opened it. You nearly slammed it in his face but he caught it with his foot and you rolled your eyes, turning to walk back to your room.
“Sweetheart,” He drew out, closing the door behind him.
“Don’t call me that,” You grumbled.
“Hey,” He grabbed your wrist and spun you around to face him, face softening at the sight of your tears. “You know I wouldn’t do that on purpose, don’t you?”
You were quiet, looking anywhere but at him as you tried to tug your arm out of his grip. When you did, you retreated back to your room but of course he followed.
“Just leave me alone, Dean. You don’t have to pretend you care,” you snapped, hating the way your voice cracked.
“Y/n, Bobby needed an extra hand at the shop and I lost track of time. Will you stop being so dramatic?” He said a little louder.
He immediately regretted the words the moment the leave his mouth. Dean Winchester, notorious for saying stupid things, notorious for not thinking before he speaks.
“Dramatic? Screw you, Dean. I didn’t ask you to come here and yell at me.” You turned away before he could really see you cry.
He was quiet then, probably because he knew you were right, tears running down your cheeks again. He knew he messed up just now, and he knew he messed up a few hours ago. And getting defensive the way he does certainly adds fuel to the fire. He knew he was the bad guy right now and he could accept that.
“Just go h–“
You cut yourself off when you turned around, your books in his hands as he tried to flip through the pages, guilt on his face when he saw that it wasn’t salvageable. The feeling sat heavy in his stomach like a rock, growing heavier the more time that passed.
He set them down gently, rain dampened hair flopping over his forehead as he stood up. His mouth opened to say something but he closed it again, instead wrapping you up in his arms.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled, kissing your cheek, and then your nose. You didn’t know whether it was the hug or that look on his face, but you lost it, burying your face against his chest. He held you tighter, shushing you in an attempt to calm you down, and after a few minutes it did.
“No, I’m…I should’ve just waited for you.”
He brushed your hair away from your face, pressing a lingering kiss to your forehead. “Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“That thing where you blame yourself.”
“It’s true,” you shrug, wiping your face with the back of your hand. You brushed by him to get out of that room and into somewhere that felt less confined at the moment. He kicked off his boots and his wet jacket, hanging it on the coatrack. “You don’t have to stay because you feel bad for me. It’s fine.”
He gave you a look of disagreement, shoulders slumped at the way you were acting. “It’s more than just this, isn’t it?”
“It was just a bad day, Dean. It doesn’t matter.”
“It does matter when it’s getting you upset like this,” he reasoned with a louder voice and you rolled your eyes, letting out a big sigh. “You know I won’t make you talk, but at least let me be here.”
You leaned against the counter for a moment, rubbing your hands over your face. He wasn’t leaving and you knew that. “Okay. I guess you can stay.”
You were caught up in your own head for a little bit, Dean’s feet coming into view while your eyes were focused on the floor. You grabbed his hands, noticing the black grease still under his nails and smudged on his hands, rubbing your thumbs across them gently. The sight only made you feel worse, so much worse.
It wasn’t because he didn’t care, not even a little. It was because of exactly what he’d told you, what he’d been trying to tell you this whole time.
“‘M sorry for getting mad,” you said softly, dropping his hand to brush the hair away that stuck to his forehead.
His hair was still plenty wet from the rain, the occasional drop falling from the end. And you brush it away, running your fingers through it to get his hair out of his eyes. You always did like the longer hair choice, no matter the fact that either looked good.
Things fell silent again and you sighed quietly, hand falling back to your side.
“You’re all wet,” you say softly, and he can hear the guilt in your voice.
That smile of his appears, a soft chuckle leaving his lips that makes you frown and furrow your brows.
“It’s alright,” he shrugs. “I ain’t gonna melt, sweetheart.”
You narrowed your eyes a little more.
“You pickin’ on me, Dean?” You ask, and you watch that smile get a little bigger. “Of course you are.”
You try your best to sound grumpy, to sound ever so displeased, but it never worked. Never. Especially not as he chuckled again, that stupid laugh of his that you loved more than anything. Especially not as he pulled you in close, despite his rain soaked clothes. But you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. Not as he nestled in against you.
And even despite the fact that he was all wet with rain, despite all that, the warmth from his body heat still radiated through to you and blanketed you in it.
“I suppose I’ll forgive you this time,” you murmur, tipping your head back to look at him.
“Oh good,” he hums, barely getting the words out before he dips down to kiss you, his lips warm and lingering.
You could never stay mad at him, no matter how hard you tried to.
Taglist: @harrysweasleys @flamencodiva @stixnstripesworld @elegantbutedgy @campingmonkey @lanea-1 @deandaydreaming @agalliasi @malindacath @ajreturnstocringeyaccount @deanswaywardgirl @awkward-and-indecisive @drownthewitch @happyt0exist @sparkycorleone @humanmistakes @akshi8278 @kidd3ath @nyotamalfoy @elliewigginton20 @wandering-winchesters @senjoritanana
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rrenzwrld · 9 months
sound of my heart
ony x black reader
first ony piece! i literally just wrote what came to my mind so i’m not sure what’s happening, gets toxic at the end? idk but i wanna write for him more just not anything this…weird. but if you want more of this specific thing, lmk!
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the sound of my heart calls out to you, are you listening?
“i’ll pick you up at 8, okay? what do you wanna eat so i can have it when i get you.”
“it doesn’t matter. you know i’ll eat anything.” you heard ony suck his teeth over the phone.
“y/n. you do this all the time.”
“and i’m gonna tell you the same thing, all the time.” you giggled.
“whatever man, i’ll pick you up some tacos or something. just be ready when i get there, aight?”
“mhm.” and with that you hung up to start putting on some decent clothes.
you went to your closet and put on a white tshirt, forest green cargo pants, your new balance, and a gray hoodie. you topped off the outfit with a navy blue hat ony gave you with a tote bag. by the time you got yourself together, ony had texted you saying he was outside of your dorm.
“you meeting ony?” your roommate, jadeja knew by this time that whenever you put something other than sweats and a beanie on, you were probably going to see your boyfriend, ony.
“yeah, i’ll be back though. i’ll text you if i stay out later than planned.”
“okay~have fun!” she winked which made you roll your eyes before going downstairs.
when you got outside, ony was on his phone until he looked up and saw you. a smile instantly appeared on his face as he outstretched his arms to you for a nearly bonecrushing hug.
“i missed you so fuckin much.”
“i can tell.” you giggled while your arms were wrapped around his torso. you didn’t see ony as much anymore just because of all the away games he’s been on. whenever he was on campus, he tried to use those days to spend time with you even if it wasn’t a lot.
“i thought you brought food.” you pouted slightly.
“damn, you worried about the food than me.” he laughed but you felt bad immediately and he saw that. “you know i’m just fuckin with you. it’s in the car.”
once the two of you got to riding, you stopped somewhere to eat your food.
“so, where we going?”
“just a lil party jalen’s throwing. wanted to pop out for him for a lil bit then we can leave.” he knew how much you really didn’t like parties but you didn’t mind it if he was around.
are you listening?
“i would’ve dressed better if i knew you wanted to go to a party—“
“nah you look good. you’re fine,” he looked at you and raised his hand to turn your face towards his. “you look beautiful tonight.”
“liar.” ony knew his effect on you and you knew that he did. he knew what to say to get something out of you and it was true, to him you were the most beautiful girl in the world but the way he said it could make you pool up right in front of him. “we’re nearly dressed the same.”
“don’t care.” ony started up the car and took one last sip of his soda.
“hm?” you heard him, you just wanted to see if he would repeat it.
he shook his head and started driving again.
you and ony pulled up to the party and he was immediately bombarded by all kinds of people. you didn’t know what to do so you tried to stick by as close as possible. but with the type of person your boyfriend was, you had to let him be the social butterfly that he was. so while he was chatting it up with everyone in the room, you went in the kitchen to pour yourself a drink and stand around with others who didn’t wanna be in the midst of all the commotion. you did recognize some people from your class so you got to talking with some of them just to pass time but you could tell they were getting high and having their own fun away from everyone else.
“so you ony’s girl?” you nodded as you watched the boy take another hit of the blunt in his hand. “you cute. why don’t i ever see you around?” you shrugged, not really feeling the talking anymore. you just wondered where your boyfriend was.
“tamron leave that girl alone. she don’t wanna talk to you and you know how that man get about his bitches.” another girl, lydia, chimed in.
“see ain’t body even talking about allat. i just asked her a question,” tamron turned to you again after addressing what lydia told him. “anyways, why don’t i see you around? you don’t come out like that or something?”
“nah i just stay to myself, don’t go out often.”
“you too pretty to be staying in the house all the time.” tamron was gazing into you like he wanted to eat you or something and admittedly, you were uncomfortable but you knew that the weed and maybe the liquor was making it hard for tamron to notice that.
are you listening?
but before you could come up with your next thought, you saw ony move through the crowd to get to you and you were relieved.
“i hope yall not over here fuckin with my girl.” tamron looked at ony and smiled as if he wasn’t the main one.
“nigga ain’t nobody fucking with your girl—“
“nah tamron letting that blunt get to his head.” tamron looked at lydia and mean mugged her.
“snitch.” he mumbled.
“anyways, we finna leave. y/n, c’mon.” he walked over to you and gently grabbed your wrist, pulling you up off the couch. for ony to be moving this fast after seeming to be having fun, you wondered how exactly he was feeling. on the way out the door, ony said his goodbyes and of course people wanted him to stay but he was set on nearly dragging you behind him. something was weird about how ony was handling you so you stopped once the two of you got near the car.
“the fuck you stopping for? i said c’mon.” he still had a hold on your wrist.
“you been drinking?” ony couldn’t look you in your eyes so you had an answer. “answer me please.”
“yeah, few shots. why?” you could hear the slight slurring in his voice and he couldn’t stay still.
“i’m not bout to let you drink and drive. gimme the keys.” you held out your hand expecting the car keys but he just looked at your hand.
“i’m good.”
“no, ony. gimme the keys.”
“y/n..y/n,” ony laughed softly. “i’m good. promise.” you knew he was lying but he turned away from you and went to the driver’s side of the car.
“gimme the fucking keys! i’m not bout to let you drive with liquor in your system.” you never raised your voice especially at your boyfriend, but you had no choice if you wanted him to listen to you.
“i only had a few shots, that’s it. leave it alone, i’m driving, this my shit. get in the car, y/n.” he was steady stumbling and slurring.
“dumb ass can barely stand up straight,” you walked around to ony and snatched the keys from him. “gimme them keys nigga.” you pushed him out the way and got in the car.
“who the fuck you pushin…” while he was mumbling a bunch of nothing, he went around to the passenger side and got in. the ride back to ony’s apartment was quiet and tense. even though you knew he was drunk and high, the way the combination made him treat you wasn’t what you were used to.
when you finally helped him get into his room, you took off his jacket, shirt, and jeans before pulling a blanket over him. you didn’t have any clothes or anything to stay over so you called an uber back to your dorm and texted you roommate to let her know you were on the way in.
the next morning, you had a small conversation with ony before falling back asleep. when you woke up later in the afternoon, you had some missed calls and a notification from instagram. you checked it and recognized the account as the dude that was trying to talk to you at the party. you ignored it and got up out of bed. you noticed jadeja wasn’t there even thought it was a saturday but you didn’t worry too much after you texted to make sure she was okay.
although you couldn’t really take ony right now, that didn’t stop him from him letting you know he was outside your dorm. you rolled your eyes before getting up and going down to get him and brought him back to your room.
“why you being weird?” you sighed heavily while sitting down in your swivel chair by your desk.
“i’m not, i told you that. i’m just tired.” ony checked his phone.
“you been sleep since 9:30. it’s 2 o’clock right now.” you didn’t mean to sleep that long. “what happened last night?”
“nothing.” even though it made you feel weird, you felt like it wasn’t important enough to address. it wasn’t like he hit you or anything, you just knew it was what was in his system controlling him…which happened often when he got into a specific element.
“you sure?” you nodded. “positive?” you nodded again. ony did feel like something was off but he also knew you had a problem with communicating because you hated conflict if there was any.
are you listening?
“why are you here?” he looked you like you were crazy.
“fuck you mean why i’m here? i came to see what the issue was with you.”
“there’s no issue.” ony shrugged.
“sooo, can i get a hug or something?” no matter the energy, ony just wanted to be around you because he knew he rarely got to see you nowadays.
you got up and wrapped your arms around his waist but something was off. instead of smelling his natural musk or the cologne he’d use all the time, you inhaled a sweeter scent on him as if it was a smell another woman would use. but because you didn’t like conflict, you never said anything.
“i love you.” ony pressed his lips up against your cheek and placed more kisses all over you face, making you giggle. “so much. you love me?”
“of course i love you. always.”
after a few hours ony left and deja came back soon after that with a mutual friend, taylor. deja had been living with you since freshman year so she could tell something was up with your energy so you couldn’t get past telling her your concerns.
“you smelled some other bitch shit on him? oh nah, tell him!”
“deja, that’s dumb. y’know she not gon say nothing to that man and plus, why would he admit to another girl perfume on him?” your friend, taylor, was right. if he wouldn’t admit to it anyway, why waste time by asking? but you also didn’t wanna jump to conclusions and the only way to not do that was to get information straight from the source.
“maybe it was a sister, cousin or something.” you made an excuse
“she got a point…if he had another girl in his space, you have the right to know! and why would his family be down here and you not know? they live 5 hours away.”
“oh don’t worry bout it, texting the nigga right now…” you looked over and saw deja with your phone and tapping away on it.
“deja what the fuck!” you snatched it from her to make sure nothing was sent but the damage was done.
taylor covered her mouth, stiffling her laughs. “you sent it?? he coming over here?”
“nah, we’ll see when he text back.” luckily the message was still on delivered so he hasn’t seen it yet. “you need to learn how to open your mouth when it comes to these niggas. that’s why you keep running into problem after problem. shit, knock them in the head if you need to, they’ll get it.” while you knew deja was right and you and your boyfriend had multiple problems and misunderstandings when it came to communicating, it wasn’t in you to try to start things on your own. but this time and with a little push, you had no choice
are you…listening?
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tteokdoroki · 2 years
𑊡˚+₊🍼✦ — for better or for worse + kbkg.
૮ ͈>◡< ͈ა warnings — hurt comfort, angst, happy ending, newlyweds, misunderstandings, bkg implies reader cheats but they don’t, gn!reader, husband!bakugou. 4 @bfbkg who wanted some hurt comfort!!
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“you weren’t there for me when i needed you.”your voice trembles, even when you shout the volume wracks your entire body— has you shaking and even you stumble back from the power behind your voice. “you’re never here when i need you.”
bakugou’s red eyes flame up with fury, and he crossed the room within quick and simple strides. he’d never hurt you, never touch you in a way you wouldn’t like— you know that, he knows that but it doesn’t mean it stings any less when you flinch away from him. “‘nd what? you think that’s an excuse to call him up? fuck off with—“ he starts, but you’re quick to match your husband’s energy.
toe for toe, beat for beat you go through your arguments— emotions clawing at one another through the crisp night air, leaving battle scars, making one another bleed.
“who izuku?” you ask exasperatedly, cutting the blonde off with narrowed eyes. “i needed a ride home and he’s my friend. our friend! how many times do i have to tell you he’s not a problem for you!?” you add when bakugou gives you a curt nod, throwing your hands up in the air. “he’s the only fucking person i know in this city aside from you.”
“not this shit again—“ he walks away from you now, eyes rolling and heart pumping wildly in his chest.
following katsuki, you go on. “you left me alone tonight, at a restaurant you were supposed to meet me at. for a date you planned!” you’re pouring your heart and soul out like it’s blood from an open wound. begging him to see the pain that’s been there all along. “i don’t know anyone here, i moved to this city for you and time and time again i’m just the afterthought to you katsuki. i’m not doing this anymore.”
“then don’t? why the fuck do you stick around if that piece of shit nerd is so much better?” bakugou’s screaming and he tells you like it’s obvious, like he’s giving you an easy out to the relationship you’ve built over the years. cutting down the flower before it’s bloomed, offering its sweet scent to the world. “‘cause you love him, right? he’s oh so fuckin’ good to you. you can always count on good ol’ deku.”
so you scream right back, until your throat is raw and your eyes burn with tears. “i love you, not him,” you sniff. “because i’d do anything for you and for once i want you to do the same. to show up to dates on time and to treat me like a priority. like your partner!”
“maybe you ain’t a priority to me.”
no matter how angry he gets, bakugou would never hurt you, never touch you in a way that you wouldn’t like— but in that moment, he knows he’s gone against all of those rules. he regrets the words the instant he says them— he sees it on your face, the flash of pain, the sparkle of tears in your eyes and the room is rendered silent, quiet except for the rain outside and the occasional clap of thunder.
you don’t say anything when you turn on your heel, footsteps light as you tread to the bedroom and bakugou follows suit— bumbling apologies, feeling like he can’t breathe, feeling like he might die when you pull out a small bag already packed with everything that you need. he didn’t mean it, he doesn’t want you to go, why the fuck would he say that?
“where are you going?” the blonde is desperate now, gripping onto your wrist and when you flinch again he lets go like he’s touched something hot. “s’late ,you can’t go anywhere.”
you look up at him like he’s burned you too. “i booked a car to my mother’s, she’s the next town over and clearly this isn’t working out—“
“you can’t go anywhere.” bakugou repeats, quieter now, wavering with gravel etched into his tone. “you can’t—“
“bakugou. let go of me. i need to go.” you push at his chest as he corners you in.”
“katsuki. you can’t—“
“katsuki!” you’re facing one another now, chest heaving and his cheeks red from exertion. he’s tired of running from this and from you, bakugou knows you are too, so he hangs his head and says. “for better or for worse.”
“for better or for worse, you remember when we took those vows?” of course you do, it’s been but a year since you stood up in front of a crowd of your closest family and friends and told katsuki bakugou you’d go through whatever forever with him. so you give him a nod, lips wobbling and body shaking as katsuki wraps his arms around you. “we’re in our worst right now…i’ve been bad to you, sweetheart. but i swear, fuckin’ promise you…i’ll be better. i’ll do better. for you.”
your fingers sink into the cable knit sweater katsuki wears, you touch him like he’s warm and not something that burns you, and even though silent tears slip down your cheeks, you manage a quiet response. “for me?”
“always for you.”
the bag you’d packed slips from your grip and you can hear your ride pull up on the wet gravel outside— but you can’t bring yourself to pick it up, pick yourself up from katsuki’s grip as you break out into small sobs, slinking deeper into his arms while he brings you into him, pressing his chin to your head.
“promise me katsuki.” the rain beats down on the car parked outside, the horn honking through your worst moments, through your silence.
“i promise, i’ll show you better days.” bakugou swears by it, sealing the deal with a kiss to your hairline.
for better or for worse, he promises you, it’ll be better from now on.
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cheollipop · 2 years
rainy season
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pairing: jeong yunho x gn!reader
w.c.: 1.3k
tags: so... much... fluff *breaks down*
As the rain pelted heavily against your frame, soaked clothes sticking to your skin, Yunho's humming was muffled by the downpour as he swayed the both of you from side to side, dancing together under the first rain of the season.
A/N: I saw those pictures of yunho and went on a spiral I'm sorry- salaryman yunho coming home to you only to be dragged downstairs to dance in the rain??? excuse me if I'm nothing but a woman in love.
Yunho loved winter. He loved the hot chocolate with marshmallows melting into the whipped cream, snuggling up with candles burning, blankets draped over him, and most of all: he loved you, specifically when you nuzzled your face into his neck, the tip of your nose icy against the warmth of his skin. He loved the big jumpers and hot homemade soup that burned his tongue, and you rushing to soothe it – he always insisted a kiss was all it took. He loved the anticipation of snow, and the happiness it brought, the smile gracing your features while you bounced on your toes by the window, eyes fixed on the sheet of white coating the windowsill. 
However. He only loved the winter when he had an umbrella, which – at the moment – he didn’t. He wondered why the universe hated him while he ran, his work bag over his head to shield him from the downpour. Getting rained on after a long, tiring day at the office. A classic.
“I don’t know if I even need a shower anymore,” Yunho huffed, closing the front door after him, button-down sticking to his skin, a puddle forming under his feet at the enterance to your shared apartment.
You were sat by the window, marveling at the first rain of the year. You loved winter, too – pretending to be cold so Yunho would bring you closer to his body, occasionally squeezing your side; blowing hot air over your palms and holding them in his until they warmed up. You'd wait for winter to come every year just to catch a glimpse of that version of Yunho – all flushed cheeks and red nose, the specs of snow in his dark locks, his eyes sparkling under the morning sky – it was all so captivating, so bewitching. 
Winter was Yunho's season, you thought. The butterflies that he gave you during those months were far more intense, violent, ripping through your insides. You always blamed the red coating your cheeks on the frosty air, but Yunho knew very well that it had more to do with him than it did the weather. You would often whine about forgetting your scarf at home on an exceptionally cold day, hoping Yunho would offer you his – which he always did – and you’d hold on to it until the overwhelming scent of Yunho faded, and only then would you return it.
“Babe, can you hand me a towel so I don’t get the floors wet?” His voice pulled you out of your thoughts, and yet you didn’t budge from where you were standing at the window. 
“Let’s go downstairs.”
An amused smile stretched the corner of his mouth. "(Y/n), it’s pouring outside," he pointed at his drenched self. 
“That's the point,” you turned to face him, eyes glimmering, hands fisted in determination. “Come on, Yuyu. It'll be fun!”
His heart did a little jump at the nickname. “You'll get sick,” he chuckled, already walking out the front door.
You didn’t even have time to react before you were being dragged out under the pouring rain. Despite it being your idea, Yunho seemed more excited than you were, twirling you around under the heavy pelting of the rain. 
“Isn't it beautiful, Yuyu?" You tilted your head upwards, the rain streaming down your face, your eyes barely able to remain open to take in Yunho's smile – so fond, so loving; you felt your heart leap at the look in his eyes. 
He snaked his arms around your waist, pulling you against him. "Never as beautiful as you." His smile widened, leaning in to press his lips to your forehead.
You mirrored his expression, your own smile stretching your lips, looking up as the droplets hammered over your face. He admired your side profile: how the rain slid down the slope of your nose, some drops collecting on your eyelashes; teeth shining white under the streetlight. In everything you did, everything you were, Yunho saw beauty. Inside and out, you were nothing short of gorgeous in his eyes. 
He held your cheek in his palm, eyes softening, smile unwavering when you leaned into the touch, seeking warmth now that the rain had completely soaked through your clothes. The moon peeked through the clouds, shining its light over Yunho's face, the droplets hanging off his eyelashes reflecting the streetlight hanging over you, his eyes big and bright, his gaze so tender it sent waves of warmth coursing through your shivering body.
Yunho's eyes traveled down your face, from your eyes, to your nose, then down to your mouth. He leaned in, slotting his lips against yours, and the world fell away. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways words could never be. His hand rested below your ear, his thumb caressing your jaw as your breaths mingled. You ran your fingers down his spine, catching on the wet fabric covering it, pulling him closer until there was no space between you, feeling the even beat of his heart against your chest.
Yunho grinned against your mouth, placing gentle kisses on your cheek. “Let’s dance, (Y/n).”
“Dance? Here?” You raised your eyebrow at him, looking around at the empty sidewalk. “We have no music.”
“Don't worry your pretty little head." He pressed a final kiss to your jaw. "I'll sing."
He took your hands in his, placing them over his shoulders and around his neck. His palms were gentle as they held onto your waist, swaying around while humming. You smiled up at him, tucking a wet strand behind his ear before placing your cheek against his chest. You missed the grin splitting Yunho's face at the gesture, the butterflies in his stomach going berserk, the tips of his ears turning bright red. You moved slowly while you held each other as close as humanly possible – partly because you had both become a shivering mess – humming the rest of the song.
You moved away just enough to look up at him again, taking in his doe eyes as they reflected the streetlight, face aglow as the rain drops rolled down his soft skin. Yunho leaned back in, kissing the droplets off your mouth, feeling his lips smile against your own. He swept the strands sticking to your forehead aside to plant a kiss on your forehead, allowing you to sink into his arms, burying your face in the crook of his neck, hands flexing around his back.
“You make me so happy, Yunho," you muttered against his skin, closing your eyes and sighing contently. 
Warmth surged through Yunho's body despite the rain soaking through his clothes, and he held onto you just a little tighter.
“Me too, (Y/n).”
Rushing back into your shared apartment, you stripped at the front door, racing to the shower. Yunho washed your hair, holding you under the steamy water, ignoring your complaints about him being cold as well. He wouldn't mind getting sick knowing that you'd be there to dote on him, feeding him your homemade soup, holding him so close he could hear your steady heartbeat. 
You walked out of the bathroom wrapped in the fluffiest towel Yunho could find, quickly throwing on a warm set of pajamas before crawling into bed. Yunho did the same, except his descent onto the bed was much less graceful, long limbs flying and making the bed bounce under you. Wrapped within his warm embrace with the thick blanket pulled up to your chin, your eyes fluttered shut, breathing in the fresh scent of his body wash wafting through the little cocoon you had made for yourself in his arms. With the rain pelting against the foggy glass of your bedroom window, heat radiating off Yunho’s body as your limbs tangled under the sheets, breathing the same air, your face nuzzled against the skin of his neck. You giggled when his body jumped, trying his best to kick your icy feet off his calf as your toes climbed up his pajama bottoms. His fingers poked at your sides, and you laughed into his skin, trying to push his hands away from you.
Soon enough, Yunho would cease his ministrations, pulling you back into his arms, your laughter dying down. Drowsiness weaved its way into your system, your breathing evening out, the world around you fading into a blur as you laid there, engulfed within the overwhelming warmth of Yunho's embrace.
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edenalieth · 1 year
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Pairing: Minho x Y/N
Genre: strangers to lovers, fluff fluff fluff (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
You found a small kitten during a rainy day, little did you know it would be the bond to your next romance…
Words: 5K 
A.N: hi guys! im still trying to write more often huhu so here is a minho fluff! im not really used to write full fluff so your opinion truly matters to me (reblog and comments are very much appreciated). english not being my first language, i apologize for the possible mistakes… a big thank you to my friend maria and enjoy ;) — 230831
The rain was pouring outside. Why didn’t you bring a damn umbrella ? It’s not like you didn’t check the weather forecast on your phone before going out. Apparently, the 40% chances of downpour didn’t convince you and you didn’t want to clutter your small hand bag with such a big object… Now, you were looking awfully foolish. 
Your clothes were getting wet, your hair were a mess, all of this only because of that stupid guy you met on an app and didn’t show up. Yes. It was a shitty day. 
You were grumbling, each steps you took on the sidewalks soaking your sneakers. You needed to find a place to hide, at least for a bit. You would have preferred to go home quick, not wanting to show yourself to anyone looking like this, but you could feel your hands and feet getting cold. 
The place you were at was thankfully crowded with different shops and one especially caught your eyes. It was a pretty small café, a little bit hidden behind some trees. Warm light was coming from it and you could see people happily seeping on their drinks, eating some delicacies and chatting. This would be perfect ! Hastily walking towards it, already thinking about the hot drink you would order, you put a halt to your run when you heard some muffled noises. They sounded familiar to you and you were wondering where they were coming from. Checking your surroundings, you couldn’t see anything. You were about to give up when you heard them again. Small meows. Following them, you almost stumbled over a little dirty plushie. At least, this is what you thought it was until you saw it trembling, small pointy ears dressed on its head, its tail enclosing its frail body. It was a kitten. 
Its orange and white fur was sticking and it was crying out for help, probably looking for its mom, shivering against the pavement. Apparently, someone was having a rough day too… Moved by the small creature, you crouched down to analyze the situation. 
« Hi little thing » you softly said. « Why are you here ? » you talked to the cat as if it was about to answer you any time. You scoffed at the thought of it. It didn’t seem to be hurt, there wasn’t any blood or weird swelling. However, rain wasn’t giving you a break and was getting heavier. Your muscles were getting stiff, you had to make a decision quickly. You weren’t sure if it was okay for you to pick it up like this. Its mom was probably going to be disturbed by the unknown scent on her baby, on the other hand, leaving it near the road wasn’t an option either. 
Stretching the fabric of your jacket, you carefully grabbed the kitten, who didn’t show an ounce of resistance, too weak and cold to do so. It was literally fitting in the palm of your hand, the sight of it making your heart break a bit… You noticed a space between two shops which seemed to be dry enough for the little guy. It would be safe under those bushes until its mom would find it. You put it down delicately, dirt already staining its fur and gave a little pat between its ears to reassure it. « Here you go! I’m sure your mom will come back soon. Good luck little one ». 
Saying you were feeling guilty was an understatement, even more after hearing it meowing again… You had to pull yourself together, you had made the best choice. You couldn’t just pick it up and bring it home in case its mom would come back. It was better to wait for few days. You just hoped that, if it was left alone, a kind soul would find it again and help. Giving it one last glanced, you waved at him and went back towards you first destination: the café. 
As you opened the door, you were welcomed by the sound of small bells and warm brown eyes. The man behind the bar was cleaning some cups with a towel, the sleeves of his black shirt rolled up, staring right at you. He put down his stuff and came to greet you. 
«  Welcome. For one person ? », he asked, a soft smile on his face. « Yes please », you answered. The barista gestured you to follow him to a table and handed you the menu for you to choose. You thanked him as he walked away to take care of the other customers. Unzipping your jacket, you put it on the back rest, hoping it would dry fast. Bringing your attention back to the menu, you were absent-mindedly looking at it. Your brain was fuzzing with questions and worries about the stray cat. Was it really ok to leave it like that ? Maybe you should go back and take it to the vet… But, if its mom was close it would be cruel to take her baby away. 
Biting your nails and lost into your thoughts, you didn’t even notice that the auburn haired boy was back. 
« Did you make your choice ? », he was holding a pen, unconsciously taping on a notebook, his cat like eyes questioning you, his head slightly tilted to the side. He was curiously looking at you, his brows slightly furrowed. Taken aback by his question, you vaguely answered. «  Hmm… I will take a hot chocolate and… hmm… whatever cake you think would go along with it. Thank you. » 
« Then I would recommend the pistachio and raspberry tart » he offered, waiting for your approval. « Perfect ! ». He nodded and grabbed the menu you were handing him before going back to the bar, not without a last glance to your table. After several minutes, the brown haired man came back with your order. You gladly took it and tried to enjoy it, however, your stomach was kind of tied with a knot at the memory of the frail wet cat. Despite your reluctance, the hot chocolate going down your throat felt like a relief. You could feel your entire system getting its energy back sip after sip and you thanked the heavens for putting this place on your path. You would have to come back in a less miserable state and not with a mind full of worries. 
Time went by and you had to go home. You were still thinking of what you could do. Maybe you could come back the next day to check on the animal ? With your job schedules it might be a bit difficult but that would be better than nothing. 
Looking out the window, the rain hadn’t stop at all… Never mind. One last run towards the bus stop wouldn’t be so bad. A soft voice startled you « Was everything fine ? », he asked while clearing your table and the fact that you barely touched the pie didn’t go unnoticed. « Oh! You didn’t like it ? I’m sorry, I should have recommended something more simple maybe… » You stopped him « No! Not at all! It was delicious! » 
Visibly relieved by your statement, he continued « Then, would you like me to pack it for you to bring at home ? ». You accepted, thankful on how thoughtful the man was. Following him to the countertop to pay the bill, you thought about this word again: thoughtful. Maybe you could ask him to keep an eye on the cat ? It was a bit inappropriate to do so, after all, he had his job and probably a ton of things to do after that… Yet, the way he was patiently gazing at you, clumsily looking for your credit card, made you think it would be fine. 
« Can I ask you something ? You, obviously can say no, I wouldn’t mind » you said sheepishly. The man was visibly curious. Were you going to ask for his number ? Was it why you seemed a bit embarrassed around him ? He was full of expectations but probably not that one. « Of course ! » 
You were kind of fidgeting while paying the bill. « Well, I have came across a small kitten earlier and I’m really worried about it… Its mom wasn’t around and it was trembling. Do you mind looking for it ? I let it near your store, under the bushes so it could dry. » Visibly surprised by your request, he quickly tried to keep his composure and hide the slight deception. « Where exactly did you let it ? » he asked smiling as an even brighter smile was forming on your face. You started to describe the exact spot you let it and thanked the man a hundred times for his help. « No worries, I have three cats myself » he laughed. 
You were about to leave when he noticed that he forgot to give you the tart. « Miss, wait! » he stopped you, gently grabbing your wrist. « You forgot this and please take this as well ». In his hand was the food bag and an umbrella. You tried to politely decline the offer but he insisted, saying the pie would go to waste otherwise. You blushed a little, profusely thanked him and went to catch the bus. 
The umbrella was a blessing and you thought that, maybe, he was an angel who helped to make your day better. You would have to return it to him as soon as possible and ask him about the stray kitten. You didn’t even know his name… 
Finally, the bus appeared and you jumped inside it. Sitting comfortably, you put your hands inside your jacket’s pockets when your fingers came across a paper that wasn’t there before. Intrigued, you pulled it out to see what it was. Handwritten on it was a phone number with a message: « Please call me so I can give you news of your furry friend — Minho Lee ». A weird little drawing was next to it, it looked like a strange face. You giggled. Lee Minho. Here was the name of your helper. Your heart felt warm at the idea of him taking care of the cat and got you happy the whole ride. 
« Where the hell are you running to ? » asked your coworker. « I have an appointment! » You half screamed while heading to the exit. It was the end of your schedule and one thing kept you going the whole day: you were going to see the kitten. You waved them goodbye, your bag in one hand, Minho’s umbrella in the other. 
Last night, you did call him. It was kind of awkward at first and very polite, until you heard his cats meowing, asking for their food. Minho seemed a bit overwhelmed and couldn’t keep up with your small talk. He apologized and hang up. Few days passed and you had exchanged some messages with the café worker. He sent you a picture of a cardboard shelter he made, where you could see some old blankets, milk and food, then some messages to plan your meeting. He also reassured you saying that your friend wasn’t cold anymore but its mom hadn’t showed up. You were worriedly looking at your screen when you received another text from Minho. 
| minho lee: fluffy boy is waiting for you! 
A picture was attached to it. It was kinda blurry, the kitten was probably moving around, but you could see the orange and white fur of it which looked like a cotton ball. Asking for the man’s help had been the best idea. After 40 minutes, you finally arrived to destination. A panel with the word « closed » was hanging on the front door. Getting closer of the glass you used your hands as a shield to look inside. Minho was actively sweeping the floor but as soon as he turned around he gestured for you to come. You entered the café, once again welcomed by the bells’ symphony. 
« Give me a second, I’m almost done » he asked, one finger up to emphasize his sentence. 
« No problem, I’m sorry to bother at this moment of the day… » 
« Yea, you’re right. You’ve been a bother from the start » he jokingly said. You looked at him and sticked your tongue out. He shook his head and rolled his eyes at your childish behavior but, deep inside, he could feel his heart beating a bit faster. It only had been less than a week since you met each other, however, he wanted to talk to you every day and felt strangely close to you. Things were still pretty formal but he could see that you were slowly opening up. 
« Ok! I think everything is done! We can go. » he stated, both of his hands on his hips, looking around as a last check. 
« Where are we going already ? » you gently asked, following him as you were leaving the place. « To Sondonri association. It’s where I let the kitten. Its mom didn’t show up and it was visibly loosing weight… » he closed the door and went to the parking behind the shop. « I would have kept it with me if I wasn’t so busy with work… » this last sentence was more of a murmur and you could see a wrinkle on his forehead. He had been worried.  
You took place on the passenger seat while the brown haired boy was starting the car to drive you to destination. During the trip, you talked about your day and he also told you that the association you were going to was the same one where he adopted his three cats (or his sons as he liked to call them). Soon enough, you were in front of the association… which was closed. 
« Wait ? What time is… Oh… », his mouth was forming a small cercle, letting his bunny teeth slightly showing. Minho was clearly dumbfounded as he looked at the hour on his watch. It was passed 7:30pm. 
« Don’t tell me you didn’t check the opening hours ? » you looked at him, half laughing, half sarcastic but the man was remaining silent. 
« It happens to the best of us, ok ? I was s-sure it was closing at 8! » he stuttered, hopelessly trying to defend himself. He frowned and his ears were turning red, embarrassed by the situation and you couldn’t help but laugh. You put a compassionate hand on his shoulder. 
« Yea sure. » you rolled your eyes. « But I owe you one, so why don’t we go eat somewhere ? ». Your offer seemed to surprise him and the redness of his ears was spreading through his cheeks. You couldn’t really tell tho, the dusky light distorting his real skin tone. « Exactly, so be more respectful. » Minho scoffed and you gently pushed him with your shoulder. He flashed you a mischievous grin and you realized how handsome he was. Of course, you noticed that since day one. Still, the more you learnt to know him, the more you found him beautiful inside and out. You especially liked his funny and devoted personality, as well as his cat like eyes, his manly hands (they seemed really soft!) and his li-… Wait a minute. Your thoughts were running a bit too wild and your friend was looking at you, confused by your sudden change of emotion. You made him turn over to go back to the car, which he followed not without a hint of hesitation and asking on where you were going to have a diner. But honestly, you had no idea… You ended up going to the closest konbini, eating ramyeon at the store, drinking and enjoying the evening. You discovered that he had a sweet spot for pudding. 
« Pudding ? Really ? » 
« What ? Is it that weird for a man to like sweet things ? » he side eyed you, still eating his desert with a pout. 
« I don’t know, you work at a café. I was expecting something else, I guess ». 
« Maybe but sometimes simple things are the best » Minho stated with a proud face. And he was right. This evening was pretty simple. You both here, eating and talking about your lives, learning to know each other, talking about your furry friend. It truly was the best. 
« Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you home ? » he offered for the nth time. 
« Yes, don’t worry. I’m not really far. » you reassured him even if he wasn’t completely ok with it. 
« Mmh… Fine. But send me a text, you know, just to be sure you didn’t get into a weird situation or something. ». The brown haired man was intensely staring at you, as a warning. « I promise ».
As soon as you arrived, you kept your words. 
| you: im still alive! 
| minho: ugh, guess I will have to bear with you a bit longer then
| you: meanie…
| minho: :p
Removing, your jacket and putting your bag on the coffee table, you realized that you totally forgot to return his umbrella. Thankfully, you were seeing each other at the association tomorrow and, this time, you would be able to see the rescued cat. 
| you: at which hour tomorrow ? and, please, dont mess it up this time
| minho: tch! you loved spending time with me! 
His words made your heart flutter, it was true. You really enjoyed your time together.
| minho: let’s say around 11am, sounds good for you ? 
| you: perfect! see you tomorrow then, good night! 
| minho: g’night y/n 
This night, you could barely sleep. Your head was filled with his face, his smile, his voice calling your name… Holding your pillow tight, you tossed it aside while facing the feeling, a sweet feeling blooming in your heart. 
You were awake at 7 this morning, too excited to keep sleeping. What was happening to you ? Getting over excited like a teenager. You were impatient to see the kitten, you hoped it was in a better shape than the last time you saw it. You were also impatient to see Minho. Where you having a crush ?… Uh. Definitely. The ringtone of your phone startled you. 
| minho: yo y/n ! you up ? 
You hastily took the phone and answered. 
| you: yup! Slept well ? 
| minho: woaaa, you answered faster than usual. can’t wait to see kitty cat ? 
His comment made you blush a little. Thank god he wasn’t there or he would have teased you for that. 
| you: yes :( it’s like my baby 
| minho: i understand, felt the same for my sons. ok, let’s meet at the association then, see you 
At 10am, you were more than ready to go and arrived even a bit in advance. Now that it was broad daylight, you could see many dogs behind the fences, enjoying their time outside. Some people were there to adopt some of the animals, others were probably caretakers. You were absorbed by the scenery, when you felt that weird feeling telling you someone was watching you. When you turned around, a smily Minho was there. 
« You truly are impatient to see the cat » he said while walking up to you. 
« What about it ? Are you jealous I don’t give you the same attention ? » you teased. « Hmm, maybe ». He passed next to you as you were stunned by his words. Quickly coming back to your senses you followed him inside. 
You were welcomed by two women and one of them seemed to know the brown haired man pretty well. 
« Minho! It’s good to see you! How is the café going ? Are your parents fine ? And your cats ? » she asked with a soothing voice. She was middle-aged and exhaled literal kindness, the type of perfect mom you see in series. « Everything is going great, thank you so much. I came with my friend to see the kitten I brought early this week ». He stepped aside so he could properly introduce you to the women. « Oh my! You’re the lady who saved this baby. Thank you for your help, I can’t imagine what would have happened to it if you didn’t help it… » she shook her head, picturing the worst. « Come, I will bring you to it » the woman gestured for you to go with her, which you did. 
You entered a room which probably was a nursery. Lots of kitten were sleeping or playing together but, as soon as your eyes landed on its white and orange fur, you could tell that it was your cat. You gasped and repeatedly tapped on Minho’s arm. He sighed at your behavior but he was truly amused by it. 
« Can I go see it ? » you politely ask to the worker. « Of course! Be careful of the other ones, they might want to climb on you » she prevented. And she was right. As soon as you crouched down, some of the cats hide behind the cat trees or boxes, while some others were really curious. They were sniffing your clothes, trying to climb on your legs and you decided to sit down so you could be more stable. Unfortunately, the rescued kitten seemed too scared to come close. 
Your friend joined you and tried to lure the cat with a toy. Moving it close to it, the colored feathers of the stick seemed to catch its attention. You could see its pupils getting rounder, its small body ready to jump and lightly wiggling. It attacked the toy and did it again.
« What are you doing ? » you asked when Minho started to move the feathers closer to you. « Shh, just trust me ». You weren’t so sure of his tactics until it paid off. The cotton ball was happily playing with the toy on your legs, biting its feathers and trying to catch it with its claws. You heart melted at the view of it. It had gained weight since the last time you saw it, you could tell that it was happy and healthy. « It truly worked! ». Your friend looked at you with a smug face and leaned towards you. You felt his fingers brushing over yours, chill going down your spine and it created an eye contact. You were both staring at each other, Minho’s gaze trailing along your face features until he quickly removed his hand. « S-sorry, I didn’t realize we were that closed » he apologized with a sheepish look. « It’s fine! » you almost squeaked that sentence and swore in your mind for being so easy to read. The brown haired boy acted as if nothing happened, still playing with the kitten. However, his ears betrayed him once again because of their bright red color. 
You kept playing a bit more with the cats before you had to go back home. 
You both thanked the workers and told them you would come back soon. 
Once outside, you stretched and sighed in content. « Fuzzy seems happy ! Did you see how playful it is ? It was adorable ! » you were toddling gently and humming. 
« Fuzzy ? » you friend raised an eyebrow. « Yes, the kitten. » you replied. « That’s plain as fuck. » he deadpanned. « Did I ask ? » you turned around to face him with challenging eyes. « Maybe you should have ». 
Your faces were now so close that you could feel his breath on your cheeks. Heart racing, palms getting moist and you still couldn’t look away, totally captivated by his gaze. Oh, you looked gorgeous to him and the contact you made earlier this day made his stomach tingle in the most delicious way. Too busy looking at Fuzzy, you didn’t even notice how Minho gave you all his attention, how he loved seeing all your facial expressions, how he loved your laugh, your face, your curves. He was getting greedy. Greedy to be part of your life and be able to be just as close as you were right now or even more. 
You gulped and created a diversion. « Here. Your umbrella ! I forgot to give it back to you last time ». 
Minho looked at it and took it, brushing your hand in the process. The shivers were back. « Thanks Y/N, glad it helped you. But you still owe me. » 
« What ? I paid for last time dinner ! » you protested, crossing your arms in front of your chest. A mischievous smile was adorning the man’s face. « A bit weak for someone who saved your kitten and gave you his umbrella. ». He was expecting and, gullible, you fell into his trap. 
« Hmph. What do you want from me Lee Minho ? » you asked, suspicious. « I’m going to think about it. » he then headed towards the bus stop you previously used. Running after him, you called his name but he wasn’t answering. He didn’t want to break the game he was putting in place.
Days went by and you still didn’t know what he wanted. He teased you a lot about it, saying you had to be kind and obedient until he would find out. Except, that you weren’t. 
You grew to know each other more deeply, you crush for him getting stronger and often came to visit him to spend time together such as: visiting your furry friend or just wondering around the city after work. This evening was no exception to the rule as you were walking along the river. 
« I’m still waiting for my penalty ».
« A penalty ? » he sneered « You mean the price of your debt, right ? ». You sticked your tongue out and nudged him. « Come on. There must be something. » 
Minho stopped and you bumped into him. « What the… » 
« There is something. » he announced. You rubbed your lightly bruised nose and asked « Spill it! Why are you being so secretive ? ». 
« You would grant me anything ? » his face was totally serious and you didn’t know if you had to laugh or be scared right now. « If by granting, you mean being your servant for the rest of my life, that’s an absolute no ». He broke into a smile before answering « No, silly. It’s something else. » 
« Just say it, Minho ! » you sighed. « Is a kiss too much ? », his voice was soft and he tried to keep his composure despite his heart beating so hard he was afraid you could hear it. You felt your blood rushing to your cheeks. Did you hear that well ? You were used to his jokes and you could tell when he wasn’t playing. And he wasn’t. Too startled to speak, you simply nodded, holding your breath in anticipation. Minho stepped closer, a brand new glow shining in his beautiful eyes. His hand traveled to cup your face, his gaze glued to your lips. « I need an answer, Y/N. Is a kiss too much ? ». You whined. Why was he like this ? « Kiss me already, Lee Minho. » He tenderly smirked and closed the gap between you. He first kissed your cheeks as you were putting your arms around his waist. He then went to the corner of your mouth, teasing you till the last second before you could fully feel his lips on yours. It felt warm and soft, just like taking a nap in a sunny room or savoring the sweetest delicacy. 
You pushed your body against his and deepened your kiss. You would never get tired of this and you could feel the emotions, that you diligently took care of, were fully blooming into your stomach. You both stopped to catch your breath, Minho still cupping your face, his forehead resting against yours. You felt at peace with him. « You’re a good kisser Y/N Y/L/N» he stated, brushing his nose with yours. « What made you even doubt of it ? ». He laughed and laced his fingers with yours. « Let’s head home ». 
During the way back, you both couldn’t stop looking at each other, smiling like idiots and kissing from time to time. You loved it, feeling like you were falling in love for the first time again. 
« Here we are », Minho had walked you home and was about to part way when you held him back, grabbing his jacket. « Do you want to s-sleep here ? » you offered. His eyes widened a bit but his actions spoke for himself when he entered your apartment, a tender smile on his face. 
The next day, your eyes were welcomed by a sleepy Minho next to you. You caressed his bare back before preparing breakfast. You didn’t have much at your house and tried to make it as good as possible. When he woke up, his hair were all messy and he was walking with his eyes half-closed. « Morning » he said with a raspy voice. « Hi ». Wow. How did you manage to pull a man like him and be able to call him yours ? Wait. Was he even yours ? You didn’t clearly talk about your feelings or what you wanted to do next. Realization made you a bit gloomy but it was soon soothed by Minho’s kiss on the top of your head.
« Are we going to see Fuzzy today ? » he asked. 
« Yes and… You know what ? I’m going to adopt it. » you were determined. After all, you had created a special bond with this cat since day one and it was thank to that very same cat that you met this amazing boy. « It’s about time ! » he sarcastically answered. 
« But, before we go, I will have to go home and change. » the brown haired man stood up and started to pack his things. « I can accompany you, if you want » you were about to follow him when he stopped you. « No take your time and meet me to Sondonri when you’re ready » another kiss, « Thank you for the breakfast. » and he left. 
Two hours later, you were in front of the association and your boyfriend (?) was nowhere to be seen. 
| you: where r u ?
| minho ♡: come inside
When you entered, Minho was talking to one of the worker at the front desk. He gently grabbed your hand before inviting you to tell your request. 
« Good morning, I would like to adopt a kitten. »
« I guess it’s for the little male you kept visiting ? » the man asked, « One second please ». He was looking through the files of his computer when he started to frown. « I’m so sorry miss but it seems that it has been adopted earlier… ». You felt your heart sinking. « What ? Are you su-… ». You couldn’t finish your sentence that Minho let go your hand to join the middle-aged women you had seen multiple times. She was handing him a little ball of white and orange fur. Fuzzy ! You almost ran up to him, your vision getting blurry because of your tears. « Is… Is it the right cat ? » your throat was tight, waiting. « Yes and it’s all yours. I made the necessary steps before you arrived » he said, visibly satisfied by your reaction. Happy tears were rolling down your cheeks as you were patting the kitten’s head. Minho bowed a little and whispered « I like you, Y/N ». Half giggling, half crying, all you could say was « I thought you would never say it. ». He chuckled and softly hugged you, not to crush the small fluffy boy. 
You could tell the the kitten had found his new home, just as you found one in Minho. 
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nevernonline · 7 months
✧.* grow as we go; svt smau.
entry #14; dressing for revenge.
synopsis: over the past ten years you’ve fallen in love many times. one day someone happens to stumble across your journal sitting out on your nightstand and started posting your entries online. after all of your secrets are leaked it’s clear things would ever be the same again.
𐦍 paring: svt members x afab! reader.
𐦍 feat: non-idol! svt
𐦍 genre/s: reader is super angsty low-key, fluffy, sexual themes.
𐦍 content: swearing, bullying, crazy ex’s, mentions of sexual relations, some drinking& mary jane 🍃
word count: around 2k
warnings: mentions of drunk driving
masterlist ▸ 013 gut feelings and emotional dealings ▸ 015 leave it to the cullens. (part 1)
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The beeping of your front door pad got you sitting up on the couch to wait for the arrival of your best friend. Seokmin walked through the door alone, which almost shocked you because lately he hasn’t gone many places without his nerd tribe, you were happy for him finding good friends outside of you. 
“Seokminnie, hello gorgeous.” 
“Hey, baby.” 
You both met in the middle of your front entryway, wrapping him in a big hug, grateful you have someone who was always a constant in your life. 
Looking down at his empty hands confused you, you knew he mentioned he was going to be bringing snacks in with him, but they were nowhere to be found.
“Uh, where are these snacks you promised to bring me? Are you getting forgetful? You’re a little too young for that to start happening now, I’m not sure if I should be concerned or not?” 
“Yeah, about that. Uh-” 
“Vernon, Jun, and Wonwoo are here too aren’t they?” 
“Don’t be mad.” 
“Why would I be mad? Where are they?” 
“The hallway. You know before you-” 
Swinging open your door you saw the three other suspects standing in the hallway, covering the body of a fourth person who came alone for the ride, Minghao. 
“What is going on? Is he here to get in another fight or..”
“No, y/n we're here because we need to tell you something important, especially Minghao. I didn’t want to tell you beforehand so here we are. I think you guys should talk, the rest of us will go chill on the balcony for now, okay? And he brought you the snacks so be nice.” 
Crossing your arms in the doorway you make room for the boys to all pass through, without making eye contact with the one you weren’t sure if you should be happy showing up with them or not. 
“Hey, here.” 
Minghao standing in your apartment for a third time, looking as casual as you’ve ever seen him in a full black sweatsuit holding a white plastic bag with bags of chips peeking out the top, waiting for you to take it out of his grasp. Another thing you notice about him is his pink wrapped wrist sticking out from under his sleeve, his cast. 
Grabbing the back and trying very hard to maintain your composure, you turned and placed it on your marble countertop, remembering the time he placed you on top of it to kiss you. 
Shaking it off you placed the frozen pint of half baked ice cream in the freezer and walked over to the couch, not giving him a second look before he sat across from you on the white sofa. 
“So you have something to tell me?” 
“Yeah, it's kind of a lot. So if you’ll just sit back and let me explain first before letting me know how you feel just please at least do me that favor.” 
“Go ahead.” 
Minghao took a deep breath in and eyed your bar cart before starting his conversation. Which you noticed right away and without any words, got up to grab an open bottle of tequila sitting on top, pouring him a glass and watching as he took a shot before you sat down again. 
“Thanks. So, the reason I was really upset last night and came to crash your date with Joshua is because I found out he was one of the people helping Mimi. I had suspicions before, but I was never sure enough to pin him to it until yesterday. I really tried to keep my composure but, when he told me to shut the fuck up and get out I couldn’t do it anymore. He was just acting so casual with you like he had nothing to do with any of it and it pissed me the fuck off. 
I really don’t know how to tell you the entirety of the story or what I know, but I can just start with saying I’m really sorry. I’m sorry if I caused you pain, y/n. I should’ve known from the moment I met you at Wonwoo’s that you weren’t the person Mimi made you out to be.
 A few months ago, when all of this started Mimi reached out to me to get help. She said she knew the girl who hurt my mom and wanted to help me meet her and confront her about it, but there was something I had to do for her first. Which was to help her blackmail you, befriend you so I can break your heart. That’s all she wanted me to do for her when it came to you. I had no idea she was going to go this far to hurt you. 
Joshua was the one who stole your journal for Mimi, which I know is weird and you’re probably wondering why or how he even knew where it was. I found out he got it from Minnie, she told him where it was. Well, I assumed this part for a while without proof, especially since the first post was from your apartment and she had all of those photos of you in her room. I don’t know how or why they were trying to hurt you so much or why she even was helping Mimi. I thought it was weird, but it’s all unconfirmed. I think Mingyu is helping too. There’s obviously a lot more we need to figure out before we can finally confront them. 
I just want you to know I did have a part in it at first, but I stopped the moment after I realized she was full of shit, which was the night you made me dinner and we had sex. I told her I wanted nothing to do with it anymore and that she was full of shit and she’s been threatening me ever since. 
The reason I think Mingyu and Minnie are helping her is because she came to the hospital last night, to threaten me one last time, I overheard her talking on the phone in the hallway, she said Joshua is fine and to act like they had no idea we got in a fight, Seokmin showed me some texts from Minnie and I know she sent a photo of me to your group chat at the bar with her. I never even saw her there. The reason why I was there in the first place was to essentially pretend to pledge my allegiance to her so I could get more information. 
When she went to the bathroom, I took her phone which was locked, but I saw a text from a group chat attached with three other code names, just emojis, but it was enough to assume it was Joshua, Mingyu, and Minnie. It was a Bunny, a Mouse, and a Dog. Am I even making sense? I don’t know anymore, but just know I never had any intention of hurting you once I found out the truth, I just wanted to help somehow and get back to getting to know you. 
I know you probably don’t want anything to do with me anymore, y/n. So if you want me to leave, I can. I’m just really sorry.” 
Sitting in silence for a few minutes, you weren’t sure if you were going to start crying or screaming at the top of your lungs, Minghao watched you take his glass and down the lukewarm tequila to wash away the rage in your gut and feel a different kind of burn. 
“So, you were helping Mimi?” 
“Yeah. For a while.” 
“I’m not sure what to say, I guess.” 
“Oh. Right.” 
“How do I know I can trust everything you’re saying to me right now?” 
“I can show you text messages and proof I tried to get her to quit many times. I voice recorded her in the hospital last night telling me to back off. I can show you, that is if you want.” 
“Yeah, can I see?” 
Minghao opens a folder in his photos app and shows you screenshots of all the information he collected over the past few weeks, ever since the night he first told Mimi to let you off the hook. 
Scrolling through the images made your tears start to hit the brims of your eyes. You looked up for a moment at Minghao sitting and staring your way, watching your heart crush once more into tiny pieces. 
“No, just thanks for being honest with me. Thank you for trying to make it better, even if you fucked up a little bit along the way. Not many people could own up to that. It’s actually impressive to know you’re so honest.” 
“I have no choice. This is the wrong time to say this too, but it might be my last chance. But, over the time I spent with you and the more I got to know you, y/n. I, uh, couldn’t help but start to fall in love with you, you’re incredibly impressive. The night at my gallery I wanted to tell you how I felt, but that didn’t end well for us either. I hope someday you’ll forgive me.” 
Pouring yourself another drink, one big enough to share with the boy across from you, you took a big swig and handed him the glass which he drank his share. 
“Look, Minghao this is probably against my better judgment and I hope it doesn’t end up biting me in the ass, but I was falling for you too and with any chance you still have feelings for me or whatever, I’d like to be friends with you, for real this time and just restart by getting to know each other honestly. And I mean you kind of did break your wrist defending me, so I feel like I cannot say no." 
“Yeah, I know those dorks would never have brought you here if they didn’t think you deserved to tell me all of this yourself. So?” 
“Yeah, I’d like that a lot.” 
“Cool, but no spending time alone for now, I’m not sure if I’m ready for that yet. Just friends okay?” 
“Just friends. Should we shake on it or drink on it?” 
“Hug, maybe? That’s a normal friendly thing. Oh, and let me sign your cast.” 
“Yeah, totally.” 
Minghao scooted his body closer to you and wrapped his unbound arm around your shoulders and gave you a half assed hug, which made you giggle. 
“Bitch, what was that?” 
“A hug? What? Bitch?” 
“Hao, if you call that a hug you are a bigger dumb ass than I thought, come on.” 
Turning your body towards him you wrapped your arms tightly under his armpits and pulled him in for a hug that almost felt like a new beginning. 
“Thank you, really, for telling me all of that.” 
“You deserved to know the truth, Swan.” 
“Wow. Now we can finish Twilight.” 
“That would be great.” 
“You know, I just remembered that they’re still sitting outside, should we play a prank on them?” 
“I like your style.” 
“Okay, I’m going to yell at you, very rudely, just get pissed and slam my front door. Got it?” 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
Standing up from the couch you positioned yourself in front of the window, so they can get a good listen through the blinds of your fake reeling into Minghao. 
Giving him a small nod to let him know you were going to begin, he smiled back ready to see your rage. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you? You’re a fucking lying piece of shit.” 
“Me? You’re such a bitch, y/n. Now I get why the fuck nobody wants to be around you.” 
“Thats rich, get the fuck out of my apartment.” 
Minghao leapt off the couch and ran to your front door slamming it behind him and stood outside of it to listen to the aftershocks of your fake conversation. 
He heard Seokmin and Jun asking you what happened, assuming Wonwoo and Vernon were standing there not knowing what to do in silence. 
Suddenly the door opened up to reveal Seokmin’s shocked face looking at Minghao standing in the hallway so casually with his arms crossed. 
“You guys fucking suck.” 
“Sorry, Seok. We had to.” 
“Get your stupid ass back inside.” 
Minghao walked back into your apartment with a fresh start on his mind, arm and arm with your best friend and a relief off his chest that you forgave him and he was able to be in your life, maybe not how he exactly wanted but more than he expected. 
Vernon made himself at home on your couch, wrapped up in the furry gray blanket you had thrown over the back. 
Wonwoo was situated pouring drinks into some glasses, while Jun was still giggling to himself on the floor. 
“So you guys are good?” 
You just nodded at the boy wrapped comfortably on the couch, batting his pretty brown eyes your way. 
“Yeah, but now we all have to take down the bad guys.” 
Smiles came from around the room as you grabbed a sharpie and situated yourself back on the couch, surrounded by friends who truly had your back all signing the cast of the boy who defended your honor.
On the way home Minghao couldn't help but think about the words on his cast, that were surrounded by small stars and your named signed below.
 'Without the dark, we'd never see the stars.'
A quote from twilight you remembered him whispering to you before falling asleep. Something to believe in.
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note: hiii we're v much in it now! all the aftermath of y/ns failed date with joshua and finally getting a peak I not who the backstabbers really are. I hope u guys enjoy!! also pls check out my next little snippet of my new smau for after this one, its def slightly more lighthearted but as a fan of drama they'll still be some hehe. ok thank u thank u love u. also unedited prob some typos or something but anyway. 🖤
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karniss-bg3 · 10 months
writing prompt: kar'niss with a tav who's chronically ill/has chronic pain ? like a general comfort fic of sorts, maybe he's helping them with a flare up or something :)
if that isn't possible (which i understand if not) just general sickfic fluff would be great :) thank you !!
The afternoon crept toward evening, the setting sun casting an array of orange and golden hues across the sky. Tav and Kar’niss had been hard at work tending to the garden and livestock they kept around their home. Exhausting work though it was they were satisfied with how much they’d built up their land over time. It was starting to feel like a place they could live out their days in peace. Or rather, relative peace.
Kar’niss was turning the corner of the house carrying a pail of water in each hand prepared to fill the last of the troughs. He’d stop in place when he spotted Tav crouched on the ground clutching their arms. They had broken out into a sweat and appeared distressed trembling in place. Kar’niss frowned and rushed over, placing the buckets down then leaning forward to examine their beloved closer.
“Tav, are you alright?”
They took in a shaken breath as they squeezed at their arms. The color had drained from their face while struggling to lift their head to look up at the drider. “A-Another flare up,” Tav whispered.
Kar’niss understood what this meant. Tav had trouble with severe muscle cramps now and then which were strong enough to disable their body until it passed. The pain was deep and throbbing, their muscles contracting tight against their bones until the relief of release finally graced them. He didn’t hesitate to act, lowering his body so he could carefully scoop the distressed being into his arms. He’d cradle them against his chest and turn to skitter toward the house, keeping his movements steady so as to not jostle Tav too much along the way. He carried them into the house which had a large, round door at the front to accommodate Kar’niss’ size. He brought Tav over to the couch lowering them down gently onto the soft cushions.
“Wait here,” Kar’niss said. He cupped either side of their face, a tender caress applied to their cheeks before he pulled away.
He got to work on a way to help Tav’s current predicament. First, he went outside to retrieve buckets of water, using them to fill the wooden wash basin situated in the back room of their home. He’d check on Tav each time he wandered through, seeing them curled on the couch, their breathing labored. This motivated him to move quicker, carrying in bucket after bucket until the basin was nearly filled. From there he grabbed a bag of Epsom salt. He’d tear it open and pour the bag into the water then grabbed a wooden stick, using it to stir the contents until he deemed them well mixed. The bath wasn’t ready for Tav just yet as the water was still cold but he had a solution for this, too. He wandered toward a cabinet which held a number of magical scrolls, likely ones Tav had collected on their journey through Baldur’s Gate. He’d search until he found a scroll of burning hands.
“Incendium!” Kar’niss’ voice boomed as he read off the incantation. The scroll disintegrated in his grasp only to envelop his hands in flames, his eyes igniting with that same fiery blaze while channeling the spell. He scurried over to the edge of the tub and immediately dunked his blazing digits into the water sending the heat churning through the liquid to disperse evenly. He held them under until the surface began to bubble signifying it had heated up to a reasonable degree. Satisfied, he dismissed the spell and left the room to return to Tav’s side. Upon approaching he’d see they were still curled up and struggling with the consistent pain surging through their body.
“Hold on for a little longer, the bath is almost ready.” He curled his long legs so he could lower the bulk of his body closer to the floor, using the new angle to be within reach of his distressed lover. With great care he’d start the process of undressing them, patiently peeling each article clothing away while paying attention to their stress levels by doing so. “Easy, one arm at a time.” His voice was quiet and calm doing his best not to panic and worry Tav all the more. Accustomed to this as he may have been it didn’t lessen his concern for the one he adored most in the world. Tav hissed in discomfort while being disrobed, not out of fear of Kar’niss but due to how strenuous even the most simple of movements could be. The drider handled the situation expertly, occasionally stroking the top of Tav’s head in an effort to ease their nerves.
Once Tav was stripped bare Kar’niss inched closer so he could slide his arms under their back and legs, hoisting them from the couch to cradle against his chest. He could feel them shivering against the exposed portions of his chest, both from the sudden chill of the ambient air and the ache that haunted every fiber of their body. They looked up at the drider who was tending to them so diligently, his patience and level headed approach greatly appreciated by the one in distress. Kar’niss carried Tav to the edge of the tub which had a fair amount of steam rising from the still pool. He extended a pedipalp and stuck it into the water to test the temperature ensuring it wasn’t too hot. Tav wasn’t a lobster after all and Kar’niss didn’t appear interested in seeing them boiled alive.
“Take a breath my love, I’m going to lower you in alright?” He turned his head to focus his many eyes on Tav, studying their face for any signs of hesitation.
“I—I’m ready,” Tav whispered, their voice shaken.
Kar’niss hooked both pedipalps into the side of the basin to keep him steady as his torso leaned down. He eased Tav into the water first by the feet, his grip firm on their body to make sure they didn’t slip and have an unpleasant tumble. Once their backside sat firmly on the bottom of the tub he’d relinquish his hold and slide his arms away. Tav tipped their head back and rested it on the edge of the cask releasing a long, drawn out exhale of relief the moment the hot water enclosed them. The mixture of the warm liquid combined with the Epsom salts had an immediate effect on them, lulling the tensed muscles to relax and ease up their assault.
“A-Ah mmh...th-thank you, Kar’niss,” Tav said as their eyes rolled closed.
Kar’niss exhaled in turn as his own sense of relief took hold. “I didn’t mean to make you wait so long. I should’ve moved faster.”
Tav shook their head, their brows forming a tight crease of their nose. “No, you did nothing wrong. This is perfect.”
His legs clicked beneath him as he moved to the other side of the room, retrieving two cloths. He’d dip one into the water and wring it out, folding it into a thick rectangular shape. He’d then place it over Tav’s forehead so the head would spread over their face. With the other he’d dunk it into the bath and then rub a bar of soap over the surface to build up an array of suds. He stepped in behind where Tav rested their head, leaning over so he could wash over their shoulders and chest. He’d squeeze at the skin to massage the sore muscles beneath, mindful not to apply too much pressure to such tender spots. Tav looked and could see the underside of his chin as he worked. The attention pulled quiet groans from their mouth which helped ease the tension all the more.
Tav reached out of the water and cupped either side of Kar’niss face from their lower position, encouraging him to dip his head and bring their faces closer together. His eyes widened with some surprise when Tav initiated an upside down kiss, their lips connecting with Kar’niss chin nestled beneath Tav’s nose. He’d pause the washing so he could focus on the meaningful gesture allowing himself to melt into the embrace. When the kiss broke he’d lean back, a lopsided smirk on his face as he peered down at Tav.
“What was that for?” Kar’niss asked.
Tav chuckled weakly. “Because I wanted to, and to show you how grateful I am for your aid. This would’ve been a nightmare to handle on my own. Truly, thank you.”
He glanced off to the side then darted his gaze back to them. “After everything you did for me this is the least I can do. You saved my life, gave me a new purpose and loved me when no one else would.” He wrapped his arms around Tav from behind, resting his chin on top of their head. “There will never come a moment where I regret serving you. It is what makes me happy.”
Tav took in a shaken breath as they leaned into him. They felt the sting of tears well in their eyes, so moved by such a heartfelt declaration. Rather than reply they opted to savor the moment. Between the warmth of the bath and the comforting strength of being wrapped in Kar’niss’ arms they never felt more seen or loved. It would be something that stuck with them for many years to come.
Kar’niss continued to bathe Tav making sure not to miss a spot in the process, massaging their shoulders, arms and thighs while minding his claws. He’d let them soak until the water took on a chill, deciding now was a good time to get them out. He’d prepare a towel and lift them from the basin, swaddling them in the over-sized cloth to protect them from the cold. Kar’niss then carried Tav to the lit fireplace while nosing the side of their face with affection, soon lowering them on the comfortable fur tugs in front so they could dry. By now much of the muscle strain had passed and they were feeling more like themselves, even if exhausted from the ordeal.
“I’m going to make you something to eat, just rest.”
Tav frowned. “What about you?”
He shook his head. “You fed me yesterday. I can supplement myself with wild game. You need to take ease, not lose blood. I will be fine.” He’d caress over their scalp with his fingertips before he moved away to get started.
The kitchen had been built to where it could accommodate his girth, allowing him the freedom of movement without crashing into one thing or another. Tav laid out on the rugs and tugged the towel tighter around their frame, basking in the warmth of the crackling fire while watching Kar’niss hard at work. He put together the ingredients for a simple chowder, something that wouldn’t require a lot of energy to eat. He’d ladle out a decent sized portion into a wooden bowl then wandered over to his beloved. He plopped down onto his belly and used his pedipalps to encourage them to sit up. They did exactly that, leaning their back between said ‘palps using him as a make shift chair. He looped his arms around Tav clutching the bowl in one hand and a spoon in the other. Tav picked up on what he was trying to do.
“Oh love, you don’t have to do that. I’m much better now I should be fine to feed myself.”
Kar’niss craned his neck and side eyed Tav. “I’m sure you can, but I’d prefer to do it at least for now. Let me pamper you.” He squeezed Tav’s hips with his pedipalps rather insistently.
They issued a soft sigh of defeat and smiled. “Alright, if it’ll make you happy.”
Indeed, it made him very happy! So much in fact that a pleased grin spread over his lips, flashing his fangs in the process. Keeping them nestled against his body he’d feed them one spoonful after the other, making sure they had swallowed before offering another. All the while Tav was wrapped up to their ears in a fuzzy towel which locked in the heat of the fireplace keeping them secure and toasty. Kar’niss kissed the top of their head and breathed in their scent throughout the feeding, relieved that his lover was no longer hurting. This continued until the bowl was empty of its contents leaving Tav full and sated.
“Good, this pleases me,” Kar’niss said. He’d leave Tav’s side long enough to put away the dish and retrieve proper bed clothes in preparation for rest. He’d remove Tav’s towel and help them into the sleepwear one piece at a time even going as far as to tickle the underside of their foot to tease them.
“Ack, stop that!” Tav laughed, jerking their leg away.
Kar’niss chuckled as he secured the last of the garments to their body. “I can’t resist the opportunity to make you laugh.” He’d grasp their body and hoist them back up into his arms, issuing a passing nibble to their chin. “It’s been a long day, let us retire.”
Tav toyed with his hair while brushing face to face with him. “I’d love nothing more.”
He carried them to their bedroom which, like much of the house, was designed to be open so Kar’niss could walk without tripping over obstacles. Their bed mirrored this notion as one side was raised to a typical level while the other side was lowered in a slope meant to fit Kar’niss’ arachnid half with greater ease. It also allowed him to align his humanoid torso to properly cuddle Tav without twisting his spine in the most unpleasant of ways. He laid Tav down on the raised portion while stepping into the other side, nestling his body into the cushions with his legs tightly curled either side of his frame. He’d pull up the covers and tuck Tav in, laying behind them so he could wrap his arms around their body. He buried his face against the back of their neck and reveled in their closeness, grateful that they were doing better now. Tav clasped one of Kar’niss’ hands against their chest and kissed his knuckles, wiggling back into him to keep them as close as was available.
“I love you,” Tav whispered, their eyelids growing heavy.
Kar’niss smiled and squeezed their torso. “I love you, always.”
Together the pair dozed off, wrapped up in one another. Their lives may know hardships, challenges and troubles but their loyalty and care for each other will always persevere.
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sparkledfirecracker · 2 years
Cookies & Cream
Summary: After running out of cookies, you bought Ransom some new ones.
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x female reader
Words: 1296
Warnings: 18+ only, explicit content, explicit language, female receiving, fingering, penetrative sex, dirty talk. - if I forgot any, feel free to let me know.
A/N: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT! Got inspired by a tiktok video of a woman filling up the sweetes/candy drawer. Not my best work, but at least I enjoyed writing it. This is not beta read and only lightly proofread - all mistakes are my own.
Do not repost, translate or copy my work without my explicit permission. Reblogs, likes, comments or silent reading are all welcomed, but most of all enjoy!
By clicking ‘keep reading’, you agree to be 18 years or older!!!!
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The shopping bag felt heavy in your hand while you walked through the front door. Getting rid of your drenched coat and shoes. Making your way through the modern mansion you were greeted by a comforting silence. Ransom hopefully had found the focus to work on his book.
You navigated your way through the darkness of the late autumnal afternoon hours. Finding a light source hitting the button. Placing the shopping bags on the counter. Your jeans uncomfortably sticking to your legs from getting damp from the pouring rain. Getting rid of the denim and kicking it aside on the heated kitchen tiles.
A confident thought rose that Ransom might not have noticed that you had ran out of cookies. The best source of inspiration, as he would say. You rolled your eyes thinking about it. You could think of one or two ways that had inspired him in the past, all involving your body.
Stuffing away all the shopping, you had decided to refill the draw of cookies and sweets. Filling up a container with your favourite sour pumpkins. Eating a few before you filled up the entire container, closing the lid and putting it back into place. Grabbing the next empty one and repeating the process.
The last four containers were reserved for Ransom’s precious cookies. Two for his beloved regular kind, the other two with the crème filled versions. One biscoff flavoured, the other vanilla. You smiled as you put them back in place.
You prepared the coffee piston, pushing down the coffee tamper on the freshly ground coffee. Placing the piston in place, you pressed the start button. Adding a piece of white biscoff flavoured chocolate, watching it melt as the coffee started pouring. As you waited you took a bite of the chocolate. It wasn’t as amazing as Ransom claimed it to be, but at least it reminded you of him.
When the cup was filled with the finest coffee, ruined by the chocolate inside, you grabbed a new pack of cookies and headed for the floating stairs. With each step the huffed groans of frustration became clearer. The aggressive tap of fingers hitting the keyboard almost made you giggle.
As soon as you peaked through the partially cracked open door, your heart ached. Ransom looked distraught and beyond frustrated. His hair all messed up, looking like he plucked it and ran his hand through the strands on numerous occasions.
“Are you going to keep staring?” He scoffed, aware of you standing outside his office.
“Can I interest you in a coffee and cookie break?” You asked, watching his eyes light up and lifting his head to meet your presence.
You walked towards him, placing the mug beside him. A silent question directed at him as your eyes glanced between him and the desk. He pushed off the edge, creating minimal space for you to slide in between.
The side of the mahogany wood pressing against your ass while you opened the pack of cookies. You took one out and Ransom moved forward, your knee raised pressing against his pants. His length was hard and throbbing against your knee.
Biscoff was his vice and he’d be willing to do anything for a bite of that cookie. You smiled at him, bringing the cookie to his lips. One bite and his hands were digging into your hips. His crotch grinding against your knee. A loud moan roared in his throat as he chewed on the bite you gave him. Enough for your core to respond to his actions.
“I need you.” He whispered, taking a second bite from the cookie you offered. His hips rocking against your knee with more purpose and intent.
He grabbed the opened package in your hand, sliding it further up his desk. Your lips eagerly pressed against his, swiftly making work of opening his pants. He grinned into your kiss as your cunt covered his fingers from your soaked core. Two of his lengthy digits worked past your panties, invaded your walls. Instantly coated as you hummed at the light stretch as Ransom scissored them inside of you.
“You make me so wet.” You sobbed.
Your head fell back as he gloriously stroked your sensitive walls. An electric spark sent through your veins as he curled them against the soft spot. He stood up, pushing your body down with his free hand.
His lips connected with your heated skin. Nipping at the delicate flesh made you arch your body, both your clothes covered stomachs flush against one another. His fingers retracted from your core, pushing past your lips, forcing you to taste yourself.
“Such a good girl.” He praised, as you cleaned off his fingers. Pulling back he fisted the material of your panties, tugging them down your legs in a hurry.
“Fuck me, Ransom.” You pleaded, wrapping your legs around his waist. You felt him line up at your entrance, teasing your slit as he rubbed himself against your core.
Your mouth opened again to speak, but all that came out was a hoarse gasp as he slammed inside you. Entirely filled to the brim as he gave you a second to get adjusted to him. His hand grabbing your chin forcing you to look at him.
Whimpering as he rocked his hips. Your cunt clenching around him, pulsating against the throbbing vessels of his cock. You bucked your hips against his meeting his rough thrusts needing to feel everything he was giving you.
“Fuck you feel so good.” Ransom whispered, pecking your lips. His hands grabbed your hips, fucking up into you.
His deathly grip surely would leave bruising later. A prized outcome of a good session as he would say. Making it up to you with a slow sex session in the shower. Massaging the flesh while he would fuck you against the fogged up glass. Letting the steam relax your muscles.
Your hands grabbed the edge of the desk, breathing against his lips, “fuck me harder.”
The width of his cock grazing all the right areas as you clenched around him.
“Fuck, that cunt of yours is dangerous.” Ransom groaned as he pounded you hard, pulling all the cries and whimpers from your body.
The coil in your stomach builded with each rut. Each snap pulling on the strings. Your raspy sounds mixing together, while the lewd noises found their own rhythm of bouncing off the walls. Screams falling from your lips as the strings snapped. A fire set ablaze through your body, finding its own course through your spasmed muscles.
Your rigid body trying to keep a pace underneath Ransom. Needing to feel him fill you up with every last drop he could give you. The frustrated creases on his face slowly faded and made place for that tender look you lived so much. One he barely showed, but one you came to treasure.
With each snap of his hip he released his cum, painting your walls with his white ropes of pleasure. His forehead dropped against yours while your eyes kept staring at the depth of your souls.
“Thank you for buying me more cookies.”
“I hoped you wouldn’t have noticed that we ran out.”
You both laughed as you kept laying on his desk for a few seconds. Stealing a few pecks as his warmth kept you filled and satisfied. Ransom reached beside you, the packaging of the cookies made a crinkle sound from his touch. His hand brought a cookie to his mouth.
“Truly the best after some sex.”
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wavypotatochips · 2 years
Heyy can I request something soft and calm with Trent when u have a very bad day so he tries to make you happy to stay home with you on a rainy and cold day🥹
𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 | 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫-𝐀𝐫𝐧𝐨𝐥
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𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: Trent Alexander-Arnol x Female Reader
𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩 : 1.8k
𝘈𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘦: I don't watch Liverpool so I wasn't too sure of Trent's personality, but I did my best as always! I also tweaked your request a bit so I hope you do not mind ((: I Hope you like how I represent your idea ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚!!
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ REQUESTS ARE OPEN, Ive finished 4/7 request that I currently have and will schedule them to be posted throughout the week so be on the look out for your request c: <33 ♥
The sound of thunder rumbles in the distance as you sit at your desk, surrounded by textbooks, notes, and a dimly lit lamp. The rain is pouring down outside, pattering against the windowpane like an incessant drumbeat. You've been studying for hours, but the information just doesn't seem to be sticking. You read a page of notes, and it seems like the words are just jumbled letters on a page. You try to remember the names of the bones in the human body, but they all blur together in your mind. You continue to review the information, trying different study techniques like creating flashcards, drawing diagrams, and taking practice quizzes. But the more you try, the more frustrated and stressed you become. You take a deep breath and try to focus, but your mind keeps drifting. You got this you got this, you think to yourself. You start to feel a knot in your stomach as the realization sets in that you might not be ready for this exam. You try to reassure yourself that you've studied as much as you can, but the fear of failure creeps in. As you delve into your notes, lightning flashes in the sky, illuminating the room for a split second before disappearing just as quickly. The flicker of light startles you for a moment, but you quickly regain your composure and return to your studies. As the morning goes on, you become more and more exhausted, both mentally and physically. You're running out of time, and the pressure is building. You want to cry, scream, or just give up. But you know that you can't afford to do any of those things. You have to push through and keep studying, even if it feels like it's all for nothing.You began studying at six in the morning, and it is now three o'clock. Since you are studying for your current class, Anatomy and Physiology, Trent has not bothered you because he understands how important it is for you to be by yourself so you can concentrate. After all, majoring in Sports medicine is not the easiest thing in the world. 
Trent yells, "Babe," and lifts his fist to knock. After a little wait, there was no response. He knocks once more, this time slightly louder, but there is still no answer. When he gently opens the door, he sees you seated in the desk chair with papers all over the place and your head down against the textbook. 
You do not hear Trent as you are too lost in your mind so feeling his hand touch your shoulder causes you to jump up and quickly turn your head. Just by the way you are looking at him he could tell something was wrong. You are always beaming with light, Trent would say if someone asked him to describe you, your smile could light up the whole room. Your eyes are always so lovingly that each time you would look into his eyes, it would cause his heart to tug. But right now, you have a slight frown on your face and your eyes are droopy. You look up into his eyes as he stares down at you, analyzing. You see he is wearing a black tracksuit and has his futebol bag in his hand, “Oh you came in to tell me you are heading out for practice? Have fun,” you give him a small smile as if you are feeling okay, and of course Trent does not buy it. When it is raining, or in this case thunderstorming, they usually practice inside so it is no surprise that he still is about to head out. You are about to turn around, but then hear him speak, “Did you eat yet?” You shake your head no, “I haven't had time…. Or should I say I don't feel the need to?” “Didn't you say the exam is on Friday?,” he questions, causing you to nod your head. Today is Monday, but of course anatomy is not something you can just study at the last minute in hopes to pass the test. He stares at you for a few minutes, before dropping his bag and grabbing your hand. “Come on, you've been studying all morning and it is draining you.” As he grabs your hand to pull you out of your seat you begin to protest,”But Trent I-” “You will be fine. You studied today, and you can continue to study more tomorrow. But, Don't try to study all day because that's when your brain goes into overdrive… Plus I don't think the thunderstorm is helping you right now,” and as if on cue- a loud roar of thunder can be heard. You sigh, nodding your head, giving in. He smiles as he takes you out of the study room, bringing you into the living room and notions for you to sit down on the couch. He picks up the remote from the coffee table, handing it to you, “Pick out a movie for us to watch and I will be right back.” You are about to question where he is going, but he is already quickly leaving the room. You bite your bottom lip, exhaling a deep sigh as you mentally give in and try to destress yourself. You begin to flip through Netflix to try and find a movie for you two to watch.
Meanwhile, Trent stood in the kitchen, staring at the open fridge, trying to decide what to make for you since you more than likely have not eaten yet. He knew he wanted to make something fulfilling, yet light on the stomach. He scanned the shelves, looking for inspiration. He saw some fresh vegetables, a carton of eggs, and some cheese. He decided to make you a vegetable omelet, as he knew you loved them.He quickly chopped up some onions, peppers, and mushrooms, and sautéed them in a pan. Then he whisked some eggs in a bowl, added a splash of milk, and poured them into the pan. As the omelet started to set, he sprinkled some cheese on top and folded it over. He plated the omelet, along with a side of fresh fruit and some toast. He also poured a glass of orange juice, knowing it was your favorite.Trent carries the breakfast to the living room, where he sees you sitting on the couch, looking stressed and tired. He presents you with the plate, and a warm smile.
"Here you go, my love," he said. "I made you a vegetable omelet, just the way you like it." The aroma from the food fills your nostrils, instantly making your stomach grumble to remind you just how hungry you unconsciously are. You smile as you grab the plate from him, thanking him, and instantly grab the fork to begin to eat. Trent sits down beside you, watching you intently as you savor each bite of your meal. He couldn't help but admire your beauty, from the way your hair cascaded down your shoulders to the way your eyes sparkled in the light. As you take another bite, Trent's mind begins to wander. He thought about all the times you two had spent together, laughing, talking, and just being with each other. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have such an amazing girl in his life. Lost in his daydream, Trent didn't even notice when you finished your meal and looked up at him. "What are you thinking about?" you ask, a smile playing at the corners of your lips. Trent blinks, snapping out of his reverie. "Oh, nothing," he replies sheepishly, feeling a flush rise to his cheeks as his smile never leaves his face,allowing his dimple to peek through, "I was just admiring how beautiful you are.". "Oh hush you are soooooo cheesy!,” You laugh, shaking your head, “Thank you for the food baby," you say, leaning to give him a quick kiss. Trent feels his heart swell with love for you as he pecks your lips. As you browse Netflix once more, you lean against his side and put your arm around his. "Let's watch Scary movie 2," you suggest. Trent releases his arm from your grasp and wraps it around you so that your head can rest on his chest as you continue to speak, "It's dumb but it's funny." Trent leans his head against yours as you click on the movie. He kisses the top of your head, "Anything for you, love.” He tells you to wait a second before stepping away from you once more just as you are about to start the movie. He then stands up and walks through the hallway. A short while later, he returns, with a blanket and a bowl of popcorn, saying, "Alright, I'm ready now."
When the movie is over, you decide to just have a "movie day" and keep binge-watching films.
Now halfway through the second movie, you and Trent are cuddled up on the couch wrapped in the cozy blanket he brought prior . The TV's quiet hum and the pelting rain on the windows from the storm that is forecast to last all day were the only sounds coming from the living room. As a result of feeling so calm and at ease in Trent's arms, you start to feel quite exhausted. He watches as you snuggle closer to him,your head resting on his chest, and he feels a wave of tenderness wash over him. He knows school has been stressing you out lately, with exams and assignments piling up, and he wants nothing more than to take care of you. He ran his fingers gently through your hair, soothing you as you closed your eyes and relaxed. Trent feels a deep sense of responsibility towards you. He wants to be there for you, to support you in every way possible, and to make sure you know how much you mean to him. As he looks down at you, he knows that he is willing to do anything to make you happy. He begins to think about all the little things he could do to make you feel better in times like this - make you breakfast in bed tomorrow, send flowers to your university to surprise you, etc. He knew that these small gestures could make a big difference and help you feel loved and supported during this stressful time. He hugs you tightly as you snuggle even closer.  He knows that he will always be there for you, no matter what. He vowed to himself the day he asked you out that he will take care of you, to support your dreams, and to be your partner in everything you both do. And as he looks down at your angelic sleeping state, he feels grateful for every moment you two have shared and looks forward to a future filled with love, laughter, and cuddles on the couch.
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jungle-angel · 7 months
The One Where They Go To Florida: Part 2 (Frat!Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: The Delta Taus take off for spring break in Florida and the shenanigans are only beginning
Warnings: Frat boy shenanigans etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse @attapullman @callmemana
You groaned a little when you felt Rhett's warm lips kissing your cheek, his arm still wrapped around your waist, pawing a little bit at your boobs.
"You awake?" he mumbled, his voice deep and gravely from sleep.
You shook your head. "Don't wanna get up."
Rhett kissed you again, hoping that it would help you wake up a little bit. Outside it was still dark but already you could hear the rest of the Delta Tau house waking to life. You rolled over and looked at the screen on Rhett's phone......5:30 in the morning. You whimpered a little, still groggy and sleepy from having been woken earlier than normal.
"What time does the flight leave?" you asked him
"Eight-thirty," he whispered.
"Can I go back to sleep for a little bit?"
Rhett kissed your cheek again. "Half an hour," he told you. "Not a minute later."
He set the alarm for another half hour in the hopes that the extra sleep would help you wake up a little. It did and once the two of you were up and in the shower, you were both fully awake and smelling of Rhett's Irish Spring body wash that he let you use any time you stayed the night.
You took the back staircase that wound its way down into the kitchen where all the other Delta Taus were busy pouring their coffee in a styrofoam to-go cup. Kayce looked like a mess, his hair sticking up at a weird angle and his grey t-shirt possibly the same that he had worn the day before.
"Alright idjits," Kayce announced. "Grab your bags and toss'em down by the front door, bus will be here in twenty."
Rhett grabbed the pot from the coffee maker, pouring you a cup of the steaming liquid that smelled of cinnamon. "My lady, one for you," he chuckled.
You kissed him, letting his tongue dart out a little to catch the lingering taste of cinnamon on your lips. "Still sleepy?" he asked.
"I think we're gonna need to grab Dunkin when we're at the airport or something," you answered. "I've got the hungry shakes."
Rhett pulled you in, your bodies swaying a little as he kissed the side of your head. You both stayed like that, lost in each other and breathing in each other's scent until a loud *CLUNK!* reverberated off the floor at the bottom of the stairs in the front hall.
"The hell was that?" you asked.
"Fuckin Kelso's bag," Rhett yawned.
Oliver Scott was the last to come back down the kitchen stairs, setting his bag on the chair before grabbing a coffee. Rhett laughed a little when he saw the Delta Tau Sex Manual poking out from a pile of his neatly folded clothes.
"What?" Oliver asked.
"Bruh if ya'll haven't memorized it by now, I'm afraid you're a lost cause," Rhett laughed.
Oliver smiled and rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry, I thought I'd bring some reading material with me," he chuckled.
Finally it was time to roll out. The vans had pulled to the outside of the house, everyone clambering in with their bags stowed way in the back. You sat in between Rhett and Kayce, your rightful place as the First Lady of the frat, with Rhett's thumb gently rubbing circles on your thigh where his hand had come to rest.
"Alright shitheads," Rhett said to the gang. "We've got less than a fifteen minute ride to the airport, six hours on a plane and two weeks in the Florida Keys.......how shall we kick off?"
Bo laughed as he hauled out his phone, pulling up Spotify as the beginnings of "Colt 45" by Afroman filled the van, much to the delight of the others. The whole way there, they belted out the filthy lyrics, you yourself more than happy to join in with them until the small buildings of Bozeman International Airport came into view.
Everything went off without a hitch with everyone blowing through security clearance with ease. As soon as everyone had gotten to the gate, you, Cairo and a few of the others decided to go and scrounge up something to eat.
"Ugh, my God, iced coffee so tasty!" Cairo groaned.
"You'd think you hadn't had any since the Reagan Administration," you laughed.
"That's what it feels like," Cairo told you. "If we're gonna be on this monster of a flight, I'm gonna need all the rocket fuel I can get."
"You didn't get any sleep did you?" you asked him.
"Oh hell no honey," Cairo answered. "I came in from work, Foster was already dead in bed and let me tell you, nothing sucks worse than having to walk home in cha-cha heels, but it was worth the tips."
"What was it this time for the show?" you asked him.
"Ancient Egypt of course," Cairo said. "Can't tell you how many people thought I looked good in my Cleopatra wig."
You, Cairo and the rest of the group made your way back to the gate, passing out the Dunkin Donuts orders to the rest of the gang. You were pretty sure that such a large order would have gotten you banned, but the workers had greatly appreciated the business.
You and Rhett were relieved beyond words when you could finally board the plane, leaving everyone to get settled. Thank God you and the others had slipped extra bottles of Dramamine into everybody's bags or you would have all been screwed elsewise.
You and Rhett settled in to watch an 80s comedy movie while the others found other ways to keep themselves occupied. It wasn't long before you and Rhett were listing off all the shenanigans that would most likely ensue once you were all there.
"How much do ya'll wanna bet somebody fucks a flagpole again?" Rhett chuckled.
"I'm not betting anything," you told him, snuggling further into his chest. "You KNOW that's bound to happen."
Rhett made a face knowing it was bound to be the apple pie incident all over again. "Just promise one thing darlin?"
"If we're all hungover you'll drag us to the nearest diner for a hangover special and Bloody Marys?"
You leaned up to kiss his lips. "For you?" you said. "Anything."
Rhett smiled into the kiss. It was times like this that he was lucky to have you as his First Lady.
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narcolini · 2 years
five and one
rafa x gn!reader, 7598 words, canon typical drug use, hurt/comfort/angst, no happy ending(!!!)
the five times you were his friend, and the one time you weren’t 
a/n: this has been in my docs waiting to be finished for sososo long omg finally the rafito despair is here. enjoy!
taglist: @ashlingiswriting​ @drabbles-mc​ @cositapreciosa​ @hausofmamadas​ @cherixrosa​ @purplesong1028​ @mandaloria314​ @dashavau​ @yeetintomadness @thesandbeneathmytoes​ (as per i have forgotten who wants tagging and who doesnt sorry!)
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Rafa’s been asking you for weeks. Come smoke, carnale, come on. I have something to show you.
Soon, you told him. I’m busy with school, work, I have to pick my Abuela up from church—I’m the only one who can drive her, remember?
They weren’t made up excuses, even if he thought they might’ve been. You didn’t like it either, having no time for him, but it’s how it went. How it is. He dropped out of school, never made it to college. You did. It gives you different markers now, different structures to shape the friendship around. When you were classmates it was easy, natural: before class, in class, after class. Simple. There you were, there he was. Now, you have to pencil him in like any other obligation.
He isn’t an obligation. You try not to let him feel like one.
‘Finally,’ is how he greets you, when you see him at last.
He’s come to you this time, to the place in the city that you’re sharing with your cousin, and another student on your course. He doesn’t comment on the mess, the mismatched furniture, the dishes, the piles of books and paints across the dining table. He just walks in, bag over his shoulder, then drops into the couch to unpack.
Something to show you, he’d said. Here it is. You’re sitting in the chair opposite, with a weed cutting in your palms, before he’s even bothered to ask about your day.
‘Looks like marijuana,’ you say, lifting the bud to your nose, ‘smells like marijuana.’
‘No, mira.’ He leans forward and reaches to put his fingers over yours, separating the green in front of your eyes. It splits, looks healthy. ‘No seeds,’ he informs.
Your brow arches. ‘None?’
‘None,’ he repeats, ‘never.’
‘It worked?’
‘It worked.’ He grins, all teeth. His hair bounces over his forehead. ‘I’m a genius, no?’
‘Dios mio,’ you laugh, ‘you actually did it, Rafi.’
The pride drips off him, pours over the coffee table between you and lulls at your knees like the tide. ‘Come on,’ he says, ‘you knew I would.’
You did, you’re smiling with him. It doesn’t stop you from teasing him about it, though. ‘I thought you’d smoke too many of the samples and forget what you were doing, tonto.’ You pass the cutting back to him. ‘Have you dried any of it yet? How’s it taste?’
‘Ah,’ he sighs, leaning back again, ‘that’s what you’re interested in? You don’t want to know how I got it to work?’
You give a half-shake, no. ‘You’ll tell me even if I don’t.’
He’s explained the idea enough times already, but it never sticks, it doesn’t connect in you, the way it does for him. It’s in one ear, out the other. He’s always been for it, science, statistics, experiments and the answers beneath; you’re one for art. Subjectivity.
Your foot finds his sneaker under the table and gives it a kick. ‘Puedo probarlo, o no?’
His free hand goes into his jean pocket, retrieving the tin that’s never far from his person. It’s made of a rusty, scratched copper, held together with a loose elastic band. He hands it to you without comment.
‘Is this from the first plant?’ you ask, watching him.
He shakes his head, brows pulling together briefly. ‘I wanted to perfect it before I showed you. Primo’s greenhouse is full now. Fifteen plants, como esto.’
The cutting you’d been examining goes down, onto the table, and then he brings another up. He’s brought a complete collection, kept them wrapped in newspaper and cradled until now, when he can finally show them off to you.
‘This was from one of the outside plants,’ he says. ‘I think the pinche güeys next door have their own. They must’ve pollenated my shit, look.’
You hum, acknowledging without really listening, and flip open his tin. A single, pre-rolled joint sits inside.
You flick your eyes across to him. ‘This is it?’
He nods.
‘You’ve already some today, haven’t you?’ You’re smirking as you ask, knowing the answer already.
Rafa laughs, pinching the sound short by biting into his lip. Then he shrugs. ‘What? I had to. I still brought you some, didn’t I?’
‘You’re gonna smoke it all before you make any money off it, Rafa.’
He’s going to get sick of it before anyone else can even try.
‘No, no, Miguel Angel knows what to do, how to take us to the next step.’ He says it confidently, hopefully. His eyes gleam at the thought. A purpose, he must think, direction at last. ‘My job,’ he says proudly, ‘is to make sure the product is good.’
You smile, infected by him, by the excitement glowing off of him. ‘You’re aiming high, then?’ You hum, nodding over the cuttings on the table. ‘The two of you?’
The newspaper crinkles as he rewraps, his eyes down like he’s suddenly humble, shy of it. Scared to admit the dream aloud. ‘Si, es solo el comienzo, sabes?’
Yeah, and it’s long overdue for him. The start and the end, because he’ll never have to invent another thing in the world, if this all goes to plan.
You put the joint between your lips and hold out a hand. ‘Pues,’ you prompt, ‘give me a light. Let me see the future.’
He sounds like he’s crying. It could be the line, it could be the fact it’s past three in the morning and you’re tired, barely awake, and he’s tired, barely understandable. It could be that he knows you wouldn’t judge him if he was. But it sounds like he’s crying.
No, he is crying, definitely. He sniffs, loud and wet, then draws in another gasping breath afterwards. Says something else about soil, earth, plants and lying scientists, fucking lying scientists. You blink against the dark, push the heel of your free palm into your eye sockets. Wake up, come on, wake up.
‘Have you tried digging elsewhere?’ you ask, hating that it comes out through a yawn, but you can’t help it. You only fell asleep a couple of hours ago yourself. ‘It has to be there somewhere,’ you add.
‘Yes,’ he rasps, ‘it should be there, the guy, pinche pendejo, he said, he, we have the maps—’
‘Rafa,’ you cut him off, ‘breathe.’ It isn’t a suggestion; he ignores it anyway. Rattles on about hard soil and sore hands still.
You sit upright, phone-cord stretching out of its coil, and hope that it’ll rouse you some more. He isn’t there to look at, but you pretend that he is. Imagine him sitting at the end of your bed, head in his hands, tears streaking down his cheeks. If he was, you’d reach a hand out. Run it along the ridge of his spine and watch him decompress. It’s easier to know what to say to him when you have him there, like that. Even just in your head.
You speak over him again, awake enough to put some force into the question this time. ‘Have you told Miguel?’ They’re partners, brothers. This is what he’s there for. ‘Can’t he help?’ you say, because you can’t, you’re miles away.
‘If I fuck this up,’ Rafa whines, ‘they’ll kill us.’
‘Who will?’
The line crackles. You hear a thunk in you ear like he’s struck the handset against the nearest wall. He has, no doubt, but it holds. The call stays connected and buzzing in your palm.
‘Easy, Rafi.’
You wish he was there, at your feet. You wish you could lean forward and shake his shoulders until he listened to you.
‘The plants are dying,’ he says, once he’s back on his end. ‘If we don’t find it soon.’
He cuts himself off with a groan of frustration, then another thick, ugly sniff, snotty and unpleasant even through the phone. You’ve seen him cry like this before. Once when he left school, once when his mum died.
‘And you’ve tried everything?’ you ask, just to keep him talking, just to distract him. ‘No water at all?’
‘We dug deep.’ He takes another heaving breath and then, on the exhale, when he speaks, he sounds more annoyed than upset. It feels like progress. ‘It’s like pinche steel,’ he says, ‘my arms…I can’t get through anymore. The workers are tired.’
You sigh. He’s sounding like he’s given up. He never gives up.
‘I can’t do it.’
‘You can,’ you insist. ‘You’ve just forgotten to use your brain.’
‘Ay,’ he sucks a hiss through his teeth, ‘el desierto, lo ha matado.’
The Rafa on the end of your bed is pacing now, stood up and tracing lines into your floorboards. Moving helps him think, it always has, the motion forces the idea to catch and roar into life, like starting an engine. You close your eyes and picture it. Another method, you decide, another method, another result.
‘Have you tried blowing it up?’ you ask plainly, still watching the false image of him behind your eyelids.
‘What?’ He laughs without meaning it. ‘Estás loco o qué?’
‘How do they make quarries, Rafa? How do they break through rock?’
You can hear it connect, weirdly, in the silence that follows. Hear the gears click, the brain turn. He takes a breath that stills his lungs properly this time, rather than stuffing them with desperate, needed air, then says your name like you’re a genius. Like you’re him.
‘I haven’t tried that, no.’ His voice lifts, he’s on the edge of smiling. ‘It can’t hurt, right? Una pequeña grenada?’
Now, it’s your turn to relax. He’s not crying anymore, he’s thinking, trying. It’s three in the morning and he’s back to himself again. You fall into the pillows with a sigh.
‘Don’t kill yourself, tonto.’
Don’t blow yourself to pieces for the sake of water, for the sake of Miguel and his precious sinsemilla.
He laughs down the line. ‘I’m dead either way, friend. Better I go with a bang.’
You’re a stranger now, as much as he tries to fight it. You don’t fit into the world he’s made for himself, or the one Miguel’s made for him, rather. You walk through his home like a guest, not a friend. You merge with the walls the way the staff does. Another set of footsteps in the mansion, another hand trailed up the banister in wonder.
He sends a car for you, because he can, when he has something to show you these days. Or something to ask, if it strikes him as important. Picks you up with just a warning phone call and a rush of, it’s fine, it won’t take all day. What do you need to go to work for, anyway? I’ve told you already.
He could find a job for you, he says. You could sit by his pool and earn money like it grows, right there, in the flowerbeds. You could live like he does, if you wanted.
No, Rafi, I like what’s mine. I like the quiet.
‘You brought me all this way,’ you say, once you’re standing in his bedroom, ‘to pick an outfit?’
You look at him, then back to the bed—four-poster, ridiculous, like something out of a movie. He’s got three suits laid over it, all matching, all expensive: white and red, blue with stripes, purple. Bright purple. You touch the fabric just to feel it. You’d never own anything this smooth, this well made.
‘I trust you,’ he says, ‘your opinion.’ He fidgets, digs a fingernail into the carved detailing of the bed frame. There’s white under his nostrils, you haven’t missed that, but you haven’t commented on it, either. At least he smells of smoke as well. At least he’s balancing it out.
‘What’s it for?’ you ask, like that’ll help you decide.
‘A girl.’
Your head twitches back to face him, quicker than you’d have liked it to—but, a girl? He’s not mentioned dating since he got fixated on weed, not in any serious way. Not to you.
He’s frowning as you look at him, his own gaze on the suits, like he’s tormented by the choice. Like they’re an equation to unwind. He hasn’t even noticed your reaction yet. ‘She didn’t take me seriously,’ he says, ‘last time. She made fun of my clothes.’
You let him continue. Your brain is still trying to scramble to the point where any of this makes sense.
‘Her father is el Secretario de Educacion.’ He sighs. His hands go to his hips. ‘I want to impress her.’
A new project, you realise, that’s what he’s found. Something he can’t have, something impossible. Something to solve. A drug lord with the daughter of a politician, Dios mio, he picks them well. This will be harder than growing plants with no seed, as dangerous as following Miguel into the dark.
You can’t get away with anymore silence, you have to act invested now, helpful still. ‘What’s her name?’
He’s smiling and he expects you to returns it. You look back to the suits.
‘Sofia,’ you mutter, partnering it with a sigh. ‘Lucky Sofia.’
It’s something he would never do for you. Before today, you wouldn’t have imagined him doing it for anyone. He’s always worn what he liked, always put himself to the world exactly as he is, no apology, no polish. Just him, wild as he came. None of these suits feel like the Rafa you know. Or knew. They’re all the man you haven’t quite caught up to yet. The owner of this absurd pinche mansion.
‘Is she worth all this?’ You point at them lazily. ‘How much did this cost you, tonto?’
‘You sound jealous,’ he says, smiling, trying to pass it off as a joke.  
You shrug. ‘You’re putting a lot of pressure onto one suit.’
If this goes wrong for him, you’ll be back in the car to his house, talking him through the downfall, as always, as he wants, as you oblige. If she laughs at him still, you’ll have to think of something to throw down and bring him back up to Earth.
You pick up the sleeve closest and toy with the cuff of it. ‘I’m trying to stop you from embarrassing yourself,’ you tell him.  
‘Not what is seems like.’
Maybe not, but where’s the issue? You’re worried about the aftermath, the risk of more headaches down the line and, yeah, maybe you’re jealous too. Unlikely as you are to admit it aloud. You’re jealous of him, his success. His house, the clothes, the suits. The money that pours off him. The money he pours onto you in turn. Take it, he says, let me. It’s nothing. It’s nothing, have it. I want you to have it. Why can’t we both enjoy it now that we’re here?
Because it’s not yours, it’s his. He doesn’t get that.
And you’re jealous of Sofia, too. You wish you weren’t but you are. It creeps up to you, the longer you stand here, it crawls up your trouser legs, into your ears along with her name. She caught his eyes, his heart. You got the brain and everything else, but she has a part of him that he never shared with you. Never tried to.
It’s not yours, it’s his. It’s hers.
You’ve always been jealous of concretes, of things without leeway. You never took to it the way he did. Can’t keep yourself in one direction, can’t reach a conclusion and relish in it. He finds his track and runs it, right to the end.
‘You really think she’s special?’ you ask, redirecting him and yourself alike. It does nothing to think about it. What you could’ve had, what you never will. All that matters, is what there is, what you can hold.
‘There’s no-one like her,’ he answers, leaning his shoulder against the bed-post, ‘in all of the world.’
That’s how he is. Passionate. He fixates, he works, he wins. Loves with a tunnel vision that you’ll never understand.
‘The white, then,’ you decide. ‘It suits you.’
His eyes light up, his smile broadens. ‘Yeah? You think she’ll recognise it? Scarface?’
‘She won’t care, Rafa. Eres guapo. Te ves rico.’ And that’s what they like, girls like her. That’s what matters. ‘You be good to her, okay? Treat her right. She’s not someone you should mess around.’
He laughs, then puts his head to the wood. He’s looking at you fondly, through the thick of his lashes, and it itches, makes you drop the sleeve and step back from the bed.
‘You talk like you know her,’ he says.
‘I know you, Rafi. That’s enough.’
You didn’t know how bad it had gotten, until he tried to pull himself out of it. You should’ve realised really, or predicted it, should have taken more notice at his parties, should’ve seen the way his logic and rationality had sped up and burnt itself out. How his life had become a cyclone of Sofia, Sofia and drugs and Miguel. Round and round. How little it became about himself, or what he wanted. How close he’d stumbled to the edge without you waiting a step behind.
You heard from him less and didn’t challenge it. You didn’t ask, he didn’t tell, so you lived through the whispers of him. Maybe it’s time, you thought, maybe he’s outgrown you at last. Maybe this is the part where you don’t play catch up.
And then he’d stopped all together. Run out of track and hit the wall behind.
You weren’t there when it happened, you don’t know the details, only that he’d broken up with Sofia, and Miguel had broken up with him, in a way. Snipped ties worse than you had, ones with actual weight. Purpose. Structure that couldn’t afford to be pulled from under him. He lost his fields, you found out, lost his life’s work. Watched the dream collapse in front of him, at the hands of his closest friend.
Like he always did, Rafa saw it as a problem to fix, a cause with a solution that was within his grasp—always within his grasp. So now he was off the coke, too. Cold turkey and rotting from it.
It was Cuco that told you how unwell he was; on a clear day, blue and unfitting of the message, he asked you to come over. Ayudame, he said, I don’t know what else to do.
Tomorrow, you told him, it’s the soonest I can.
Today, when you get there, he looks scared; pale and tired and damp with old sweat.
‘You look like you’ve seen a ghost,’ you say, and you regret it immediately, because he nods. He agrees. He’s the only one Rafa will let into the room.
‘It’s bad, man,’ he says. ‘Hallucinating and shit.’ He rubs at his neck, inches from the door like he’d been waiting for the excuse to. ‘I only called you because he started saying your name.’
‘Yours and Sofia’s,’ he corrects, ‘but he told me…’ He sighs, then shrugs. ‘I’m not allowed to call her.’
‘Entiendo.’ You don’t want more of an explanation. ‘Can I?’ You gesture to the closed door in front of you. They’ve shut him in like a beast, oiled mahogany set firmly between them and him, him and you.
Cuco nods and waves you forward. You can see a warning on his tongue, in the pinch of his brows. When he decides against it, shaking his head instead, you leave him in the hall behind.  
You push the door open, shut it again behind you. The room’s dim despite the light from the high sun, drawn into shade with thin, orange curtains. One of the doors to the balcony is open, its partnering drape curls into the room on the breeze behind. Everything done in an attempt to make the space feel relaxing, unconfined and airy and easy on the eyes, everything done without reward, because Rafa’s not here.  
You scan the room again. The covers are twisted from the bed, half off the mattress and onto the tiled floor beneath. You follow the disarray. Photo frames knocked down and smashed, discarded bowls of untouched food, ash trays that haven’t been emptied. Clothes that have been torn off and left where they fell. It’s a den, a cage. Distress that’s been played out and abandoned afterwards.
The bathroom door’s open, the trail of clothes leading right to it.
‘Rafa?’ you call again, but the shower’s on; he won’t hear you over the water.
You pause a step in from the doorway. The mirrors are fogged, the tiles are wet with condensation. It’s been running long enough to make the room uncomfortable, damp and warm, more of a wet room than the stylised bathroom it was designed to be. Like walking into the overused swamp of a public swimming pool.
Rafa’s stood with his back to you, head under the stream. He’s naked, hair flat and dripping, with his hands against the wall in front. The water’s so hot, that it’s managed to anger the skin over his shoulder blades. The stretch marks up his back, from that growth spurt he had at fifteen, are angry looking, like they’re complaining too.
‘It’s me,’ you say, louder now.
His head lifts weakly. ‘Sofia?’
No, not her, only you.
You take off your coat, your shoes, your socks. Pile them all up on the dry floor behind. For a moment, you consider taking the rest off too, but you’ll try this way first. The shower won’t saturate you completely, if just for a minute.
‘Rafa, you should come out now.’ You’re standing on the edge of the shower basin, a towel from the side clutched in your hands. When he doesn’t move, you put it over your shoulder and reach in for him. ‘No quieres saludarme, amigo?’
He flinches at first, at your palm to his shoulder, then he comes to, peels away from the wall and toward you with ease. Slow, then all at once.
‘Easy,’ you coo, ‘easy.’
You put the towel around him as he turns, lift the edges to dry his face once he finally shows it to you.  
It’s bad, it is. You don’t know enough about withdrawals to know if it’s normal. If he’s supposed to look like this, if it’s part of the process. You don’t know if it’s even the drugs at all, but you know him, and you know this is bad for him. Lights off in the fucking dark.
What if this is him now? What if this is what happened while you were away, and it’s set too deep to be undone?
He looks scared, more than anything. Tired and sickly, yes, but his eyes are wide, and lost, and then welling up as your name falls from his tongue. The recognition at last, the return of the friend you’re used to.
‘You have to help me,’ he says, ‘I can’t do it, I can’t.’
‘I know. I know.’ You step back with him, holding the ends of the towel close under his chin. ‘Let’s get you dry, hm? Get you dressed, get something to eat.’ That first, that for now.
‘I miss her,’ he rushes, urgent like you had to hear it. ‘Sofia, I have to see her.’
‘Okay,’ you tell him. ‘Okay, we’ll call her.’
It might be a lie, a false promise. You haven’t decided what’s right yet. What’ll help and what’ll make it worse. You just have to get him out of this foggy room, out of the towel and into something comfortable and warm.
‘I miss you,’ he says, in the same way. Desperate, quick, like he’s only got a few words left to give. ‘You know that, right? I miss you, too.’
You pause. Nod. If he was his usual self, he’d see right through the gesture, know that you were lying; saying yes just to say yes. But his teeth are chattering now. His eyes focus—in and out—on you, desperately. His hands layer over yours and the corners of the towel.
‘You won’t leave again?’ he asks, shaking the two of you. ‘You’ll stay until I’m better?’
‘Yeah,’ you tell him, because it’s true for now, even if his better is worse than he’s ever been before. ‘Yeah, I’ll stay as long as you need me, Rafi.’
He never comes to your house. He never comes to your house. So why is he here now? Pounding on your door and peppering the button until the bell can’t complete a full ring anymore. It just spits out one shrill note, over and over. You’re there within the first couple minutes of his assault, and he’s acting like you’re late still, like you’ve kept him waiting. He doesn’t even let you say hello first, but pushes past you into the hall instead, like there’s a dog going for his heels. Nipping the tendons.
‘Jesus, Rafa,’ you scold, shutting the door behind him. ‘You forget your manners, cabrón?’
When you turn, he’s wild looking, eyes big and pupils swollen. High, you assume. He grabs your hands before you can comment on it. Both of them together, pinned into his damp palms.
‘What are you…’
‘I need you to trust me,’ he says. ‘No questions, okay?’
You take him in again. He’s erratic, fidgety, his shirt is done incorrectly—one button left at the bottom, one side longer than the other. So, he’s dressed in a hurry, driven in a hurry. Rushed to your door with an urgency you can’t grasp onto yet; it slips through your fingers, like him, like what you had. Scatters in the hallway like dropped ball-bearings. You can’t catch him like you used to.
‘Did something happen?’ you ask, bringing your gaze back to his face. ‘Are you in danger?’
‘No,’ he answers, too quick, all breath. His head shakes. ‘No, no, we just have to go away for a while.’ A smile. White teeth and false promise. ‘Okay?’
Not in danger yet, he means. Not if he’s fast enough.
‘We?’ You take a step back, pulling your hands free with a struggle, and he follows; you turn, head into the living room, and he tracks behind you still. ‘Rafa, I don’t know what the fuck you’ve done, but—’
‘Me and Sofia will go first,’ he says over you, ‘then I want you to come. Okay? Te necesito demasiado para—’
And now you cut him off, turning back to him quickly. ‘Me? Me come with you?’
He nods, hair bouncing.
‘Come on, Rafi.’
‘Why not? Only for a while.’
‘Do you even realise what you’re asking?’ you ask, pointing a finger to his chest, pad to the stitching across his shirt. Spirals over the collarbone. ‘Have you actually stopped to think? I have a job, Rafa, a life. I’m not involved in your,’ your search for the word, the title of all his erratic decisions: adventures, war, ‘bullshit.’ Yeah, that fits.
‘Why?’ he asks, as he always does. Why won’t you let me help you? Why can’t I share this with you? ‘This isn’t like the other times,’ he adds. ‘It’s. It’s.’
‘Life or death?’
He scoffs, too dramatic to be natural, or innocent, then turns away to hide from the fact. Trying to compose himself, no doubt. Plan another lie. He thinks you don’t see the warning signs, the flaming lights behind his eyes. ‘No, just,’ he winds back to you, ‘please. You can’t trust me?’
You puff a hot breath out of your nose and allow the moment to still before trying again.
‘Have you planned any part of this, or did you do too much coke and come here on a whim?’ you ask evenly. You’re not judging him, but you have to know. Fear or drugs. It’s one of the two. You stare at him afterwards, waiting for an answer.
Then he looks down, and you look down, and you see that he’s brought a set of tickets from somewhere, clutched in his hand now, and is waiting to present them to you.
‘No mames, Rafi.’ You laugh flatly, head shaking as you take a step back, like the space will make your message clearer. ‘You thought you could show up with tickets and I’d leave? Just like that? Leave everything and follow you to,’ you pull his wrist up to read, ‘Costa Rica?’
He hesitates, chews the words into his bottom lip before admitting, ‘Well, yeah. It’s all paid for, carnale.’
You scoff.
‘You only have to get on the plane.’
Just get in the car, just come to the house, just pick up the phone. You roll your eyes and push the tickets back into his stomach. It’s too much, this time. This is something he can fix for himself. Whatever it is doesn’t have to involve you for once. ‘I’m not going,’ you tell him.
He catches your arm before you can turn. ‘Okay, okay,’ he says, and the break in his voice is enough to make you wait. ‘It’s important. Serious. I have to leave for a bit.’
His chin twitches. You don’t need to know.
‘And Sofia…?’
‘She wants to come with me,’ he answers. ‘And I want you to come too, once it’s safe.’
You eye him. He’s smart still, it’s always in there, under all the shit, so there must be a logic to it. There must be some formula he’s got in mind, right? You just aren’t seeing it. You aren’t built the way he is. ‘For how long?’ you ask.
He laughs, shrugging. ‘As long as you want. About time you had a vacation, no?’
But that’s not the point, is it, primo?
‘I don’t like this, Rafa. This, this shit.’ You shake your head, force a deep breath. You can’t be considering this, you can’t. ‘It’s not me,’ you argue, it’s not you. ‘This is too far.’
‘I know, I know.’ His hands come up again, fussing. The tickets bend as he takes you by the shoulders. ‘I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.’
But what are you even agreeing to? What does he need you for, when he’d have Sofia with him already? Why would you go if he was going to—
‘You aren’t coming back, are you?’ It comes out as you realise it. He wants you to follow him there, because he might never come back, he might not be able to. ‘Is that it?’
You watch his gaze drop, his chin lower. His stomach pouches slightly as he slackens with the confession. No hiding now, Rafi.
‘Yeah,’ he admits, before pushing a palm into the front of his hair, fingers scraping, ‘maybe. I don’t know how it will go.’
And now the dread’s setting in. Rooting in your heels, the back of your neck. Things have never been this way before, not even close. ‘You know I can’t follow you, right?’ you say quietly. ‘Even if I come, for a little while, I can’t run with you forever.’
He nods, slight enough that you almost miss it. ‘I know.’
‘And if I do come, you can’t ask me again. To follow you. You can’t expect it of me.’
‘Yes.’ A step toward you. ‘Of course, entiendo.’
You’re losing the fight to deny him. He said two weeks until you go, más o menos, so you have time to sort something with work, if you want to. And what’s two weeks in Costa Rica after that, even if it is a goodbye? There are worse places for this to meet its end. One final time, you could show out for him just one final time, and then put it to bed. No more friendship, no more relying on you to pile up the bricks again. If he can’t come home afterwards, then you will, alone, and he’ll be free to take on the world. All by himself. Just as he wanted to.
‘Promise you’ll pick up if I ring?’ he asks, dipping his head to meet your eyes. He’s sincere, pleading almost. He needs it, he needs you.
You nod.
‘And that you’ll meet me there.’ He taps the tickets you still haven’t taken from him. ‘Two weeks from now. We’ll meet you at the airport, okay?’
‘What if they find out where you are?’
A laugh you don’t like twitches out of him; he isn’t taking it seriously. He doesn’t realise how easy it is to fall yet, how close he is to the sun. ‘They won’t,’ he says. ‘Why would they? I’m nobody out there.’
He’s never been nobody anywhere. Even before all this shit.
‘They’ll think we’re on our honeymoon,’ he goes on, ‘and then me and you, and Sofia, we’ll go somewhere else. Somewhere new.’
‘And then I’ll come home,’ you add. He’s already talking like he’s forgotten, like he thinks you’ll follow him across the globe, one step behind as always. ‘And you will too, if you can,’ you prompt.
He nods, quick and unconvincing. ‘Por supuesto. Just as you say.’
You don’t believe him any more than he believes it himself.
‘Your pockets,’ the man instructs, without even looking at you. He’s looking over you, past your shoulder. Waiting for you to empty what’s in your jacket without so much of a hint that he’s talking to you in the first place. ‘Into the tray.’
You scoop out your car keys, your lighter. The cinema ticket from a couple weeks ago. Put them all into the plastic tray on the low counter beside you, obliging because there’s no choice. When you stand straight again, he mimes for you to put your arms up and out, so you do, and then begins to pat you down, all without really looking at you still. Eyes always elsewhere, head always titled slightly away, like he’s bored. Kind of like he hates to even be near you. He pats along your arms, then under them, over your chest and down your sides, over the jeans, your thighs—
You wait. Arms out still. He steps back.
‘Can I…?’
His head bobs up and down, a forced nod, as he grabs the tray of your things and pushes it toward you. You just about catch it before he lets go and steps around to face the person waiting behind you. His next unfortunate victim, good luck to them.
Why you agreed to this, you don’t know. Well, of course you fucking do, because that’s how it goes every time, isn’t it? Rafa calls, you come. Rafa needs help, you save the day. Rafa gets himself fucking arrested, and here you are, going through security in the mangiest looking prison you’ve ever seen, and never thought you’d step into, getting patted down for entry by a guard who looks like he’d spray you down with bleach if he wasn’t on camera. Just because you’re here, and someone you love is in there, waiting behind the bars. The association alone is more than enough for him to judge you.
And maybe he’s right to. Maybe everyone worth something would be smart enough to say no to this.
You never made it to Costa Rica, he got caught before he even had the chance to ring and give the all clear. The tickets are on your bedside still. Not that you’d even decided to use them; you were waiting for the call, to see what your gut would say once the exact moment of it came, and then it never did. And you watched the arrest on the news until your gut said to turn it off, so you listened then, instead.
They got Sofia too, and she sold him out like the criminal he is, without hesitation, confirmed his name without even weighing the options—you know, because that’s what he told you on that first call he was allowed. No hi, no apology. He spoke for two minutes before you even opened your mouth.
I’d have done the same, you said to him. Lying would’ve made it worse.
Not for him, of course. He’d reached the end of that rope. It would’ve made things worse for her, tagged her into the downfall alongside him, so it’s good that she avoided it. She stands a better chance of a future having done it.
She probably told them where I was in the first place, he said, though he didn’t mean it. It was all anger. Hurt. Liquid regret pouring through the handset. No-one knew we were there, carnale. Fucking no-one.
But it could only ever have been him that got himself into something like this. It was, every time, it was. He made every decision that led him to this moment, to this place. To this dingy visitors room with indoor picnic tables, and steel hoops for cuffs to be attached in the centre of them.
I’ll come see you, you said and you left it at that. The rest has to be done in person. You at least owe him that mercy, after everything. You’ll look him in the eye to say it.
In the doorway, you’re greeted by a less indifferent guard. He sits his clipboard on his curving stomach and asks for the prisoners name, looking at you, then your name, still looking at you, then ticks you both off and nods for you to continue into the room. He even smiles as he does, just a bit. It’s in the corners of his mouth as a gesture of goodwill.
You thought that maybe you’d have to search for him, but it mustn’t be a busy day for visitors. There’s a full table to your right, father, mother, kids. Food unwrapped and shared over the top of it. A couple are huddled over another in the far corner, as close to kissing as you assume they’re allowed, hands locked, noses tip to tip.
And then there’s Rafa, right in the middle.
He’s looking at you already, facing the door, expectant. He’s smiling so big that you catch onto it immediately, unintentionally. You shoot your own smile back at him before remembering why you’re here in the first place. It wasn’t the plan to come in like this was any other, normal reunion, like you’re seeing him after an impromptu vacation. The plan, was to be a friend to yourself, for once. You set your mouth back into the line firm you’d practiced with.
‘You look well,’ you admit, as you sit across from him. ‘Was expecting you to look like shit, Rafi.’
He laughs, unfazed, and goes with rattling wrists to hold your hands briefly. ‘I’ve been counting down the hours, carnale.’
You watch his hands over yours. The cuffs on his wrists, the chain between them and the hoop on the table that they’re welded to. This is the first time ever, really, that he’s been pinned down in one place, trapped with nowhere to go. The first problem he’s faced that he can’t think his way out of. It’s as unbecoming of him as you’d expect it to be.
‘I can’t stay long,’ you tell him.  
‘It’s okay, I don’t mind.’ He’s smiling still, shaking his head likes it’s nothing. ‘I’ve been going fucking crazy in here,’ he says, ‘not even Neto wants to talk to me.’
‘Neto’s here too?’
You’ve met him before, of course. He isn’t a character you can forget easily.
Rafa nods. ‘They’ve separated us now.’
‘Ahh…’ he sucks a breath through his teeth, winds his head away then back again, ‘es basura, he hates me, or something. Told the guards I’d kill him in his sleep.’
You raise a brow, a would you? brow. He just laughs.
‘Pinche viejo is paranoid,’ he explains. ‘Wants this place to be his kingdom.’
‘And you can’t have a kingdom with two kings, right?’
When he laughs this time, you join him, and again, for a minute, you forget what you’re here for. You let it stand. Just us, for a moment longer, Rafi. Peace before the storm.
He sighs on the come down, lifting his hands until the chain is taut. ‘Pues, qué clase de rey es esto, hm? Si Mama pudiera verme ahora.’
You nudge him under the table, your sneaker against his prison-issued pants. ‘She’d tell the guards they aren’t feeding you enough, flaco.’
A smile, another in return. Time to get it over with. He doesn’t know it—or maybe he does, maybe he’s always known—but he’s sanding back your conviction, as usual, one grin at a time.
‘Mira, I should tell you, Rafi.’ You cough, then look down to fiddle with the already scratched skin by your nail-bed. Say it. Say it. ‘I won’t come again.’ There.
‘After today…’
Your throat dries. You’d rehearsed it in the mirror; it wasn’t the same as speaking over the table in front of you. Honestly, you’d hoped you would at least have some glass between, you were counting on it, even. Something for his reaction to bounce off. Instead, it strikes you directly now, clear and targeted, hurt from his face right onto yours.
‘I won’t visit you,’ you manage. ‘Anymore.’
The tourists in the cantina, the university professor. The fucking DEA agent. How did you overlook all of that? The cocaine, Sofia, fleeing to Costa Rica. He’s been souring since he’d swapped you for Miguel, himself for the business. Been gone before you’d even realised. You’ve spent all this time trying to stitch him back together, keep the body whole, keep the motor running, and he was already a ghost. Gone through the fucking cracks. You were just too sentimental to see it, too loyal to the kid you’d met at the end of the street.
‘You won’t see me after this,’ you reiterate. ‘I should have done it a long time ago, but this is it, Rafi, this is where I get off.’
No more phone calls, no more cars sent for you. No more advice on things you had no right to be speaking on in the first place. This, is where you draw the line. You can’t put everything on hold and wait for him now. There’s a life for you outside of him. Outside of this.
‘I’m sorry.’
‘What?’ he says again, as dumbstruck as the first time. ‘Why?’ He leans forward and there’s a lingering smile behind his voice, an edge of disbelief. ‘It’s over now, I’m done.’ He thinks he’s invincible still, even at the end.
‘It’s always been about you, Rafa,’ you push, looking at the table instead of his hope, ‘every time, it’s all about you. I can’t do it anymore. I have to…’
He goes for your hands but you pull away. It doesn’t deter him. ‘You finally have me back,’ he says. ‘After I’m out, we do whatever you want, okay? No more shit.’
You shake your head. ‘I won’t wait, Rafa.’
He laughs, a hollow, limp sound. ‘It’s not like I’m asking you sit around doing nothing, carnale. Come on, you can’t spare a few hours a week to see your oldest friend?’
The silence can answer him this time. You let it work through the gaps, dowsing the humour he’s clinging to.
‘What?’ he continues, sounding anxious now. ‘You want to get married and move away, or something?’
It’s starting to sink in. You can’t look at him, can’t watch it turn over in his head. The corners of his mouth dropping, the pinch of his brows. You can’t look. False woodgrain in the plastic table. His shoulders. His eyes. The chains between his wrists clatter as his arms go slack.
‘You won’t even call?’ he asks.
Maybe. Maybe on birthdays.
‘I shouldn’t,’ you tell him. ‘It’s better this way.’
He scoffs. It’s a sour enough sound to make you wince. ‘For who?’ he asks. ‘I need you in here, I’ll go crazy, I’ll—’
‘For me, Rafa.’ That’s the point, the whole point, and still he doesn’t get it. ‘It’s better for me, and I have to do it.’
And he has to let you. He said he wouldn’t ask again, wouldn’t expect you to follow him everywhere he went. Just because he’s stuck in one place now, doest mean you have to be too. One of you deserves a win, right? You won’t serve time on his behalf.
‘I’m sorry.’ You say it to the side of his face because he isn’t looking at you, won’t look at you. ‘Maybe something will…’ No, you stop yourself, put the wheel straight again. ‘I’m sorry. I should’ve said something earlier. Long ago. I shouldn’t have waited until now.’
‘You never let me—’
‘Well, if it’s my fault,’ he shrugs, ‘what else is there to talk about.’ He spares a moment to flick his eyes in your direction—and they betray him. Show the child behind the face. ‘Go,’ he says to the wall again, ‘you don’t want to be here.’
You don’t, and if this is how he wants to be, then fine, conversation over. Cloth cut from the body at last.
When you stand, he’s looking away still, with his forearms crossed over the table—awkward, but it’s what the cuffs allow—and you won’t say goodbye to the cheek of him, so you don’t say anything else at all.
You’ve found your track, now it’s time to run it, right to the end. Just like he would.
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goldberrg · 1 year
here I am
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summery : The sweet growl of the Camaro engine, Scorpions in the radio and a downpour outside the window.
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Just a couple of hours ago, the gray of a stormy day was only behind a thick layer of glass of the tutor's cozy house — the ease of the atmosphere was accompanied by the measured ticking of the wall clock, the teacher's mumbling and the slightly nasty whisper of a pen wandering on paper. The dull walks of the wind outside the walls of the house, the raindrops lazily spreading over the windows — everything was tolerable, even lullingly pleasant, until the long-distance highway and the sidewalk banks were covered with small, impulsive rain rushing into the break, like a marathon running, and puddles splashed underfoot.
The evening, already coming early, unpredictably driving the sun away from its usual place, stealthily crept up, covering the purple sky with a gloomy bluish blanket. Heavy rain clouds poured generously over the road and therefore the gray asphalt lost its paint, but at the same time it shone fabulously, either because of the rarely winking lanterns, or because of a tiny piece of the moon peeking out of a crack between the mourning fir trees and the untouched sky. The dancing lights of the moonlight raced forward, especially trembling when the trampling of your soaked sneakers seemed to break a twitchy line on the water, interrupting the harmony of the rain noise with squelching. Sighing heavily, you quickened your pace, keeping the hope that the road to the house would somehow shorten, but the nose tingling from the cold and the fingers of your hands, noticeably pink at the seeds, similar to a cherry seed, said otherwise.
Walking towards the wind, you feel its cold, nimble stripes creep under your clothes, paw your neck and even reach your back, which makes you shiver with shoulders, clutching the bag to my chest. Because of the pounding hooves of the autumn rain and your own heavy breathing, you barely catch the flirtations of tree branches rubbing against each other, turning black from their own shadow and the gloom of the evening.
But suddenly you stopped in horror. Behind you, the screeching of a car was clearly heard, then the flickering of low headlights outlined your image on the road.. it seemed that something terrible was happening, knocking you off balance, but as soon as the sharp wings of the car approached, everything fell into place. The terrible screeching sound was replaced by a sweet combination of the gentle purring of the engine and the multiple tapping of drops on the metal roof. The music escaping from the case subsided for a moment, as if allowing you to hear the door open. Retreating a step, you duck, immediately recoiling a couple more steps, plunging into confusion.
— Come on, I'll give you a ride. — Billy, reaching from the driver's seat to the door, opened it in front of you, giving you a moonlight smile. — Or should I leave you? — large pupils, dark as night, with a questioning glimmer, as if stolen from plush toys, stared at you, and the guy who snorted with his nose, noticing your restraint, begins to hurry.
Barely opening your mouth, you awkwardly get into the car. You slam the door and immediately rest your palms on the console of the car — a slight jitters envelops your whole body, you light up on Billy, but immediately close my eyes, patiently waiting for the water to quickly drain from your face. It turns out that the evening was quiet. Everything, though worried about the rain, was already getting ready for bed, where gray darkness was already waiting for them. And only the car raced smoothly along the road — the growl of the engine was so sweet, the long guitar solo tearing from the radio was just as awkward, because the peculiar silence created was more disgusting than the hair sticking to the skin. In your own breathing, still trembling from walking fast, you hear tension, your hands do not come off the console, my feet are pressed into the floor and you, afraid to make the car seat even wetter, do not even lean back against it. Swallowing a lump of air in your throat, you look at Billy again, calmly holding one hand on the steering wheel, and the other, affectionately holding a smoldering cigarette with two fingers, at his raised lips. Acrid smoke, as if not knowing where to go, then hides behind the aisles of the car, then dimly glowing rises in shreds to the roof.
— Thank you very much. — adjusting your glasses, which have transferred all your weight to the tip of your nose, you mutter hesitantly, glancing at the guy. — Well, for giving me a ride.
— Nothing serious. — the words, like smoke, exhale easily and serenely. The eyelids rise heavily, which makes the face outlined with curly hair become languid, and the freely falling moonlight makes the contented lines creeping from the eyes and cheeks darker.
You don't know exactly how many more monotonous kinds of greenery flew before your eyes, before your soul was warmed by a warmer and friendlier light from the windows of familiar houses — as if getting out of a gloomy world, you find yourself in a fairy tale, which in its own way makes your heart tremble. However, the repeated grinding of the wheels told you that it was time to get out, which is why the excitement almost escapes from your mouth, getting stuck in your throat.
— How can I thank you? — the question sounded quiet, but it doesn't matter, because the guy was ahead of all your thoughts, leaning close to you. You were stunned. Your face burned furiously, turned purple brighter than any expensive fabric, and large drops of sweat, mixing with absolutely fresh rainwater, made your face shine brighter than the eyes that darted to the side, to the other, but in a moment stopped on Billy's face.
— And I asked you not to ask stupid questions. — feeling on your neck how the guy sighs heavily with his nose, you bite your lip, involuntarily stretching your hand between us, it seems, touching the guy's thigh — jeans slide pleasantly, it's worth holding your palm over them. Slow kisses, as if it were planned, bloom on the neck, causing a pleasant tickling, both on the skin and deep inside. A sly laugh is clearly heard in your ears, which makes goosebumps run excitedly through your hands, you arch in your back, yielding closer to the guy, when suddenly he comes off. Only a shameful moment passes, in order for Billy, with a grin in his eyes, to make the music louder and, sweetly opening his lips, whispered. — You blushed a lot, are you already so shy?
The curve of one thick eyebrow indicated that it was not worth giving an answer, but something in his chest anyway.. exploded like a firecracker that almost tore off your fingers. You flinch, squinting and fighting to look away. Too ashamed, too hot, a state on the verge of a little panic, which quickly gives way to numbness — tickling, even frosty, the guy's hand slides along your neck, rises higher, gently stroking the skin and, reaching your chin, trembling innocently, raises his head a little higher. After swallowing, you whisper softly but legibly, touching the guy's broad chest with my fingers.
— You see, it's out of habit.
Just a couple of seconds, stretching like a pitch heated by the sun, allowed you to see your own reflection in your eyes, wet because of the moon and lampposts. You, guided by my gaze and fingers holding your chin, barely reached for the face opposite — at that moment indecision enveloped you in a gloomy fog and you closed your eyes, as if gathering my courage. A wonderful moment and Billy's lips confidently covered yours, slightly swollen, maybe cracked somewhere. In such proximity, you clearly felt a tart residue from cigarette smoke and a burning tingling on the tip of your tongue due to mint candy. It was difficult to respond to the kiss, the desire was too strong just to feel how Billy, having inhaled the pungent smell of everything that can be associated with him, crumples my lips with his sticky lips. The guy's hands walk around the body — affectionate strokes on the back turn into nimbly rising higher, to the head, where the fingers are already burrowing into wet hair, gently sipping them, which leaves your sweet moan in the kiss. You felt like you were in a stream of something fresh and bitter-in an inimitable stream that spread like honey, passing through you, but as if unreal, flowing outside the brain, in the pounding of hearts, rare raindrops on the glass, in the song "Scorpions" rumbling in your ears.
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ash5monster01 · 27 days
Getaway Camp : Eleven
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Pairing: Charlie Dalton x FemReader
Warnings: 18+, mentions of smut, dirty talk, slight foreplay, minor angst, language, mentions of death, fluff, lots of teasing.
Summary: Charlie and Valerie get away for the weekend, enjoying every second alone they get together. When Charlie comes back, he finds a surprise waiting for him.
word count: 3.1k
Ten ←→ Twelve
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July 9th 1961
It’s hot when Charlie wakes up. The sun’s rays shining through the fabric above him and getting trapped inside. It’s immediately uncomfortable but Charlie ignores it as he reaches to his side, the blanket falling low on his bare hips. Yet his hand just meets sleeping bag. His eyes open to find the spot beside him empty and he sighs until he hears the clutter of a pan outside the tent walls. Sitting up he discovers his clothes from last night are gone and he has no choice but to pull on the green shirt and khakis he had packed with him.
Ever since the Fourth of July, Charlie and Valerie couldn’t get enough of each other. As predicted the great cabin shuffle was hard to recreate so the pair had to get creative. The boat house had become a common destination since Charlie knew there was a cot in there from rowing. When it came to the weekend, the couple was quick to pack everything they had and hike to the spot where they had their first date. A whole weekend that was just the two of them, in a tent, with nothing but woods around. Charlie would like to say he had connected with nature while out here but if he was being honest, he spent more time connected to Valerie than anything else.
“Morning handsome” Valerie smiles from her campfire set up, scrambled eggs in a pan. They seemed to be sticking to the pan more than actually edible but Charlie didn’t have it in him to mind. Especially since the girl sat in his blue shirt from the night before and only the blue shirt.
“Smells good” he tells her, leaning down to press a soft kiss to her lips, his hand grazing along the back of her head and to the base of her neck. Now that the pair had explored each other’s bodies she had found Charlie’s kisses to be less shy and more demanding. He had no issue positioning her anyway he wanted when his mouth met her own.
“You look cute” she says when he pulls back and despite the light blush on his cheeks he can’t help but laugh at the comment.
“I guess I should’ve packed more camp friendly clothes” he suggests, moving to sit in the seat across from her own and Valerie smiles, scooping some eggs on a plate and passing them his way.
“It’s okay, I don’t mind. I plan on taking them off of you anyway” and Charlie grins a wide and devilish smile. He was not foreign to hooking up with a girl before but this was not that. He simply couldn’t get enough of Valerie which hadn’t ever happened to him before. Each time he found himself trying to out pour his appreciation for her. By the third time around he discovered he had been making love, not hooking up. The thought scared him, but he was obsessed with her more.
“Like you did last night?” Charlie suggests, eyebrows jumping at the reminder of how they had tried to eat dinner in this very spot last night. Yet Charlie had ended up with his pants pooled around his ankles and Valerie’s pretty lips wrapped around his cock as he watched the waterfall. Maybe he could convince her to leave civilization and stay with him in these woods forever.
“Anything’s a possibility” she tells him, sipping from her glass of water as he digs into the eggs. There is barely any taste but he eats them anyway, smiling at her, and wishing they didn’t have to head back to camp so soon. He hated meeting her in the boat house and then having to go sleep separately. Yet for Nate and Levi, that was their one time thing hooking up with those girls. Charlie knew Levi wasn’t mean about it in the way Nate was. Mia just happened to be a casual hookup that they both wanted to keep casual. Who would have thought? It also made Chrissy extra whiny and impossible to escape. Charlie officially felt Valerie’s pain when it came to her roommate for the summer season.
“You keep me hostage in these woods any longer and Ezra might send out a search party for me” Charlie tells her after a while and Valerie giggles, aware of how Charlie had been favoring her over anyone else these days. She had been doing the same, ditching Levi because she only had a taste for Charlie.
“I’ll make it up to him, I think he’ll understand though. I have a very attractive boyfriend” Valerie says but almost instantaneously after the label leaves her lips, the tops of her ears burn red. “I mean, friend-boy. Guy I date-“
She’s cut off by Charlie’s bellowing laughter, his hand falling to his chest as he tries to calm down. Yet his amusement hasn’t stopped yet, the cute and panicked look on her face making him laugh more. When it finally calms he gives a wide and comforting smile as he reaches for her hand across their mini pop up table. “I’m your boyfriend V. At least I better be cause I’d be pissed if you tried dating someone else”
“Same Ace” Valerie says with a shy smile, her cheeks still a soft pink from the conversation she hadn’t expected to have.
“I don’t have eyes for anyone else. Well I still favor Miss December but-” and Valerie is launching a piece of bread from her plate at the boy, Charlie laughing as he dodges it. He still had the centerfold of Miss December, his first ever read poem written on the back of it. Yet he found himself reading the words more than looking at the picture these days.
“I have better boobs than Miss December” Valerie claims and Charlie smirks, eyes dropping to her chest. How her nipples are peaked through the blue fabric of his shirt, the outline of her curves pulling the button in that spot taught. Valerie’s aren’t nearly as big as Miss December’s, than again is anyone’s? Even Charlie knew the image was unrealistic. Valerie was still big chested in all the ways that mattered and turned him on. He always had been a boob guy.
“Yeah they are, plus I’ve actually felt them before” Charlie wiggles his eyebrows and Valerie giggles, Charlie’s hand tugging her own, and indicating she join him on his side of the table. When she obeys and sits in his lap, Charlie discovers there truly is nothing under his shirt as his hand settles on her ass. It’s no surprise to either of them he’s already hardening beneath her.
“What, you trying to get me over here to grope my chest or something?” she teases but Charlie pretends to take it seriously. Fingers tracing through the fabric of his shirt on her form, slowly moving until his hand grazes inside, fingers brushing under her breast before cupping it gently in his hand. The perfect fit.
“Maybe” he grins and Valerie just rolls her eyes before kissing him. It’s not anything sexual but her tongue ends up in his mouth anyway and she wished they didn’t have to pack up so soon to make it in time for her afternoon shift.
“You gonna see Ezra tonight?” she asks once she breaks away from his lips. She loved the taste of him.
“Yeah, if I don’t I’ll go crazy alone in my cabin without you” Charlie tells her, the hand once placed on her chest now tucked gently against her thigh and holding her in place.
“Cabin fever huh?” she asks and Charlie chuckles before giving her a genuine look.
“That must explain it, because I go crazy whenever I’m without you” and Valerie feels the words settle on her lips, yet they don’t come out. Her heart thrumming quickly in her chest because those three words may be simple but for her they hold so much weight. She had always been different from other girls, felt excluded in ways she couldn’t understand. She was used to boys, the careless and reckless ways they lived their lives. It was no surprise to her when she viewed them more as brothers than love interests. Love was never an option, and now suddenly it was everything.
“Then let’s hope summer never ends” Charlie’s affectionate smile quickly falls into a frown, not expecting such a harsh reality to be thrown his way. They had never had a conversation but he knew there was a timeline. He just hadn’t expected to put his feelings out there and suddenly find out Valerie has no interest in continuing this after camp was done. A harsh reality he was hoping to ignore for a little longer.
“Yeah, let’s hope” he agrees and she misses the sad tone of his voice as she lifts from his lap and begins to pick up their things. Charlie can’t even bring himself to admire the curve of her ass that’s been revealed to him or playfully slap it. Instead he finally feels sad knowing it’s not just him that feels there’s an expiration date to what the both of them have.
It only takes about an hour to pack up camp, the giant backpacks on both of their backs filled to the brim. The hike had gotten easier for Charlie too. Once he discovered it was worse saying goodbye to Valerie when they got back it felt like the walk wasn’t the worst thing he had to go through. He had kissed her goodbye for nearly twenty minutes before she finally pulled away because she would be late if she didn’t. Sometimes he wished she wasn’t so punctual.
Slowly he makes the short walk back to his cabin, uninterested in the rest of the day, until he eyes the small mail box nailed to the side of the cabin. It hadn’t ever changed since he got here, a layer of rust on the side, a bit crooked against the wood. Yet today the lid was propped open and the smallest corner of a yellowing envelope peaked out from inside. In a scramble he’s digging in, freeing the three letters addressed to him. He can’t help the way his stomach clenches as he reads the familiar return sender names on each. Suddenly he can’t get inside the cabin fast enough.
Quickly he plops down in the chair of the desk, shoving aside a few liquor bottles to make space for him to read. Not even bothering to find a letter opener, he’s tearing the seal open with is finger. Eagerly freeing the letter inside, the familiar chicken scratch making his heart leap. It had been so long, so long since he had seen any of them in person. Suddenly he wanted to cry, the yearning for his friends deepening inside him. In this moment he promises himself he will visit them soon, not waste another shared moment between them. Especially with how long it took to send letters back and forth from camp.
Dear Charlie,
It is absolutely no surprise that you’ve become king of the camp. Yet for some reason it’s hard to picture you sleeping in a cabin and swatting away mosquitoes. The same guy who used to have all his shirts pressed and the finest liquors hidden under your floorboards. Then again I’m sure you’ve found a supply to keep you occupied. Or maybe you’ve changed from the boy I once knew and now you’re embracing nature and all it has to offer.
The image of you on waterski’s will be enough to keep me going until the next time I see you. Even better the idea of you falling. After I made sure you didn’t get hurt of course. I’m sure you’re making the most of this summer lifestyle. This girl Valerie sounds like she makes it all worth it. Then again you always worshipped any girl you could find. Yet the way you refer to her leads me to believe you’ve finally found a soft spot. I would love to meet the lady who finally tames the wild and reckless Charlie Dalton.
Please write me back soon, no feeling in the world compares to the one I get when I see Charlie Daltons name written on the side of an envelope.
Love, Todd Anderson
Charlie chuckles, hugging the letter close to his chest, thankful Todd hadn’t lost that part of him. The confidence he found right before Neil had died. Neil was Charlie’s best friend but to Todd, Neil was his person. The one that changes the entire trajectory of your life. One that suddenly means everything and then gets ripped from you just as quick as you got him. It wasn’t fair then and it wasn’t fair now. Then again, nothing in life really was. You just had to make the most of what you got while you had it.
When I had heard you were to work at a summer camp I’m pretty sure I had to be resuscitated. Picturing you in a cabin, possibly with a roommate like Cameron, seems like the purest form of hell you’d ever endure. Then again I’m sure it’s nice to finally be away from your parents. What doesn’t surprise me is that you’ve found yourself a girl. This Valerie sounds like a real charmer, especially if she happened to lock down you.
I go to Harvard Law in the Fall and Chris is staying back at community college. I am already dreading when the day comes so I can’t imagine how you feel when the same happens for you.
What I can tell you is to fight for her. When I had read your letter it was the first time I saw a glimpse of the Charlie I knew before Neil had died. I’ve been waiting a really long time to have him back. Plus I’m sure Neil would’ve kicked my ass if he knew I encouraged you to let go of the first girl to ever get Charlie Dalton to settle down.
I miss you buddy, please keep in touch.
Love, Knoxious
Charlie shorts a laugh at the letter, eager to tell him that so far his roommate had been pretty cool. He should’ve expected the sentiment though. It was the romantic in Knox. Knox would beg him to stay with any girl if Charlie had even slightly mentioned her. It’s because as much as Charlie talks about girls there was never the idea of one.
It doesn’t shock me you’re working at a summer camp. In fact, I always had a feeling you’d give up on civilization and become one with the trees. Real life was never really meant for you. You’ve always been wild and free, I figure you fit right in. Probably friends with the animals and wiping your ass with a leaf. It makes sense.
Next week me and Pitts start early admission at Yale. Feels kind of crazy the days of college are already here when that’s all we used to talk about. Pitts says hi by the way, he agrees summer camp was meant for you. He saw no point in writing you since you’d probably be annoyed with his non legible handwriting anyway.
Charlie this is Pitts, I am happy to write you but Steven is a control freak who thinks it’s easier to send our letter combined. Miss you.
Anyway Charles, we miss you a lot. Come visit us at Yale someday, or maybe we’ll get curious enough to come visit the city. Please write soon.
Love Steven Meeks & Gerard Pitts
Charlie laughs loudly at the last one, his chest aching. He misses his friends, he misses the cave, he misses study group, he misses Welton. God he can’t believe he misses a place he hates so much. The very place he still blamed for every traumatic moment in his life, but it was where he belonged. Where he should’ve been for that last year and a half. He had missed out on so much but then he felt guilty knowing Neil was going to miss out on everything.
So Charlie gets to work, writing a handwritten letter back to each, and finally finding himself not consumed with thoughts about Valerie. He tells them about everything he’s done and everything that’s coming up. How Valerie is his girl despite the end of summer looming above them. He doesn’t leave a detail out because for once he wants to be there for them even if it’s only through a pen and paper.
It’s dark by the time Valerie makes her return. Charlie’s laid up in his bed, a book in his hand, while Andy lays on his own and listens to the radio. She doesn’t bother knocking, smiling at both of them before making her way to Charlie. Shes still in her red bathing suit, indicating she came right after her shift, and Charlie disposes the book as he welcomes her into his arms instead.
“Hey baby, how was work?” he asks, pressing a kiss against the top of her head.
“Fine, some thirteen year old boys wouldn’t stop staring and flirting with me though. I just wasn’t in the mood” she tells him and Charlie chuckles, remembering being thirteen and having way too many hormones to know how to handle. A pretty girl would’ve made him malfunction, especially one that looked like Valerie.
“I’m sorry honey, want me to beat them up?” he asks and this time it’s Andy snorting from his side of the cabin.
“You two make me sick” he teases and Charlie rolls his eyes, tightening his hold on the girl against him.
“Says you. I watched you beg Alice to stay for twenty minutes. It was starting to get weird and not just for me” Charlie calls him out and Valerie giggles against his chest, warming him over completely.
“I think it’s sweet Andy” she tells the boy and he tries to hide the smile that crosses his face when it comes to the girl he finally got to go out with him.
“Thanks Val, I like you more than Charlie” Andy says and Charlie quickly flips him off, Valerie laughing at their antics and the relationship neither of them will call a friendship yet. Dare she say they were each other’s best friends.
“Most people do” Valerie responds and Charlie gasps, pointing a shocked look her way and she smiles, wiping it off with a kiss to his lips.
“I’m hurt” Charlie pouts when she pulls away and Valerie smiles, lying back down against his chest, and wishing she didn’t have to go back to her own cabin. Wishing she didn’t have to go anywhere ever again.
“It’s okay Ace, I like you more than anyone”
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Taglist: @eden-punk @octaviasdread @pursuedbyamemoryy @poetsinnyc @linmichea1
Comment if you want to be added to the taglist :))
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muikitoo · 1 year
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~ Rainy days ~
This was honestly the hardest one for me💔 so im sorry if its horrible
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You and Muichiro had went out to finish some errands you had because it seemed fairly sunny and nice outside. You thought nothing could go wrong.
Well too bad bc you thought wrong.
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It had started to pour pretty badly and Muichiro went to grab something real quick so he left you for a while, you stood there, trying to keep all your bags in place and uncomfortably waiting in your soaked socks. Your hair is wet, sticking to your face as you try and move them behind your ear.
After what felt like forever, Muichiro finally returned, running up to you to make sure youre okay.
"Hey, are you okay? Im so sorry i left for so long. Youre soaked, here let me help." He said with a concerned tone as he took off his coat and put it around you. A tinge of pink dusted your cheeks from the kind gesture. He took his umbrella and opened held it above your head.
"Oh, wait, let me help with that too." He said as he took some of the many bags in his free hand. "Are you ready to go?" You nodded as u both started to walk home.
The entire way home he couldn't stop thinking about your well being, you seemed pretty soaked and he really didnt want you to get a cold. Even tho he was one drenched now. He felt really guilty for making you wait and he would make sure to make it up to you.
The second you got home he immediately pushed you to go take a hot bath and wrapped you up in atleast 10 thick blankets while mentally cursing at the rain.
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I honestly dont really like this one because for some reason im not feeling very creative today😅so im sorry if it sucks
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