#i write pepperony the most though
Hiiii 💕💕💕
🍻 drunk buck 2.0
He unlocked the door and went inside. “Eddie?” He called, closing the door behind him.
Eddie walked out of the kitchen with a curious look on his face. “Buck? What are you doing here, I thought you had to get back home.”
“We need to talk,” Buck said, herding Eddie to the couch and pointing for him to take a seat. Eddie wordlessly followed direction even though he looked at Buck with a raised brow.
“What’s up?” Eddie asked hesitantly.
“What did I say last night?” Buck blurted out. Dammit, he had wanted to be a little smoother about that. “I know I said something, because you’re being weird.”
“How am I being weird? I think I’m acting quite normal, thanks,” Eddie snarked, sighing when Buck just looked at him exasperated. “Okay, so maybe you did say something. But we don’t have to talk about it, Buck. You were drunk. No, you were wasted. Maybe some things are best left unknown.”
“No, I don’t accept that,” Buck shook his head. He started to pace in front of the couch, just like Eddie had done that night when he had his little outburst over HILDY. Finally he stopped and crossed his arms, staring Eddie down. “I said something that upset you and I need to know what it was.”
“Why do you think I’m upset, Buck? Do I look upset?” Eddie asked, holding his hands up in surrender. “Just because you said something doesn’t mean I’m upset.”
“Yes, it does! Because you’re not being…you!” Buck exclaimed, gesturing wildly. “Now stop talking in circles and tell me what I said!”
“You said you loved me!” Eddie finally shouted, standing up.
😭 buck's no good very bad day
“Do you want to stay for dinner, Carla? We have more than enough,” Eddie said, taking Buck out of his thoughts. He realized he was just standing in the entryway still so he kicked off his shoes and put them with his duffle. Walking further into the house he waited for Carla’a reply.
“No thanks, honey. I have to get home,” Carla smiled, giving Eddie a small hug before hugging Chris and going to grab her things. Coming up beside Buck she asked, “Hey, are you alright? You look rough.”
“Very long day,” Buck replied, giving her an exhausted smile.
Carla made a sympathetic face and gave him a big hug. They waved her out the door and then Christopher said, “Are we going to eat in the kitchen or in front of the TV?”
“It’s up to Buck,” Eddie said, making Buck glance up in surprise.
“Me? Why?”
“Your bad day, you choose what we do,” Eddie shrugged, grabbing some plates while they talked. “You can choose the movie too.”
“Let’s eat in the kitchen, easier to clean up,” Buck decided, feeling warmth in his chest at Eddie letting him make this decision. It seemed like a small thing but Eddie was allowing him to make a little decision for the family. It meant something. To him at least.
“Good plan,” Eddie replied, setting the table before grabbing the pizza and serving it up. He gave Chris the slices that had the most pepperoni, just like he liked it and Buck the ones with the most cheese. He knew his boys.
“Thanks, Eds,” Buck mumbled, and Eddie knew that he wasn’t just thanking him for the pizza.
“You’re welcome,” Eddie replied, giving him a small smile.
They sat down to eat, Christopher animatedly telling them about his day in between bites of pizza. Eddie sat back and let Buck engage with Chris, watching the easy way Buck encouraged him to keep talking, asking all the right questions. Eddie loved it. Eventually they were done eating and Eddie washed up the few dishes they used while Buck dried, and then the three of them settled on the couch, ready to look for a movie.
“Here,” Buck said, handing Chris the remote. “You can choose the movie, bud.”
make me write, round two!
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puzzlebeanficrecs · 1 year
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It's summer, and that means we have time to sit in the sun with a nice drink and time to read all the fics we want to. If you are looking for a nice, wonderful, Stucky fic to occupy your summer days with, look no further. This little list will help you out!
Not In The Answer But The Question by aimmyarrowshigh @aimmyarrowshigh (Teen and Up, No Archive Warnings Apply, 27,382 words)
It rankles that his drink was made before he even got a chance to order it.
What if he wanted a change?
What if he were adventurous and bold?
What if he tried something new?
Or, Steve Rogers shakes up his gray daily routine in 2014 by going back home to Vinegar Hill. To his surprise, the Jewish deli he used to frequent with Arnie is still standing.
And Steve's whole life changes again.
Why it's being recced: This story is a beautiful deep dive into Steve’s life and the way he feels about adjusting to a new century, himself and Captain America. It's enhanced by food, Jewish culture, the Barnes Deli, queerness, disability, Brooklyn, and the love Steve and Bucky find with each other. The writing takes you by the hand and leads you through the story, through the feelings it evokes. This is truly everything I could ever want from a Stucky fic.
The Roommate by Niitza (Teen and Up, No Archive Warnings Apply, 28,632 words)
In which Steven G. Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America, gets a roommate. Who rapidly turns into his "roommate"—in the euphemistic sense of the word.
It takes SHIELD and the rest of the Avengers an absurd amount of time to notice.
Why it's being recced: This is a wonderful story about people only seeing what they want to see and also Steve being seen for who he is by Bucky, when others don't. The fic also goes into privacy and how people assume someone like Steve doesn't deserve it. Though, of course, Bucky does think so. The characterization of Steve and Bucky is spot on in this. I also really enjoyed the multiple POV's. It added to the premise of the story and it was interesting to have a glimpse into different characters' heads.
Cynics are Simply Thwarted Romantics by Reccea (Unrated, No Archive Warnings Apply, 13,746 words, Archive Locked)
"It could be alien technology," Natasha offered, folding her arms over her chest. "Something he stumbled on. They're still finding things from the Chitauri so it's not impossible. But the simplest answer is the most likely."
"How is magic the simplest answer?" Stark asked.
In which Steve is Sleeping Beauty and true love's kiss doesn't have to be requited. Or does it?
Why it's being recced: This is a fun and compelling story, filled with magic, true love's kiss and wondering whether the love you feel for someone is requited or not. The friendship between Sam, Bucky, and Steve is also wonderful in this and the ending of the story makes me smile.
I Can't Do Everything (But I'll Do Anything For You) by musette22 @musette22 (Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply, 24,576 words)
Steve Rogers cares about a lot of things, but dating isn’t one of them – much to his fellow Avengers’ bemusement. It’s just never been very high on his list of priorities, falling somewhere behind his work, his friends, his hobbies, and that excellent pepperoni pizza from Vinnie’s on Flatbush Ave.
That is until one night, Natasha drags Steve out to a charity music concert by some hotshot singer that Steve has never actually heard of (which would surprise exactly no one, seeing as Steve is still partial to his records and his radio plays). And as soon as Steve lays eyes on Grammy-award winning musician and international heartthrob James Barnes for the very first time, suddenly he wonders if maybe dating wouldn’t be so bad after all. Dating James Barnes, specifically, that is. The question is just: how does one go about that? Especially one like Steve, who’s never wooed anybody in his century-long life, let alone a man. Let alone a man with long, dark hair, tattoos all over his arms, and a fanbase that rivals Steve’s own.
It’s not like he can just go up to him and say something like, "You and me babe, how about it?"
Why it's being recced: This is a really fun story and Steve and Bucky are so cute in it. I loved how Steve just immediately was completely blown away by Bucky’s beauty. I also really like fics that incorporate music the way this fic does. Music has such a way of changing our lives and this fic felt like that. I also liked how vivid the descriptions are in this story.
A Long, Long Way by thepinupchemist (Teen and Up, No Archive Warnings Apply, 5,595 words)
Post-Thanos, post-Captain America, post-Nomad, Steve Rogers is lost. He takes a Volkswagen bus on a self-discovery tour of the United States.
When Steve hits a bicyclist in the Rocky Mountains, he meets the love of his life.
Why it's being recced: I think road trip fics are fun and this one certainly delivers. There's humor, there's sweetness, and the characterization is spot on. I also loved the hype for Cap!Sam and all the references to books.
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feelingbloo · 5 months
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doing this all at once because im fasting and need a distraction... this shit be getting personal lmao
day 1: your stats
currently 82.2lbs as of writing
day 2: how tall are you, do you like your height?
im 4'10, no not really! definitely doesnt help my bmi out at all, lmao. id prefer to be around 5'4.
day 3: a picture of your thinspiration. what features do you like about this person?
most thinspo kinda rolls off my back and doesnt affect me, so i dont really look at it. blessing and a curse.
day 4: your greatest fear about weight loss
i only have one fear, and its my partner. she (not so subtly) compares herself to me and uses me as thinspo, and i know losing weight will only make this problem worse.
day 5: why do you really want to lose weight? are you doing it for you?
im not sure if theres a real reason anymore. everything i can think of is something that occurred after the disordered eating started, so i dont know what truly drives me. id say im doing it for myself because theres nobody else i would do it for.
day 6: do you binge? if so, explain why you think you do
of course, definitely. most times its due to an emotion, i think ive always used food as a comfort in that way.
day 7: do your parents know you are trying to lose weight? do they care?
they dont, i never told them and they havent found out. i assume my mom would care, my father sorta shuts himself off so i dont know if hed be mad about it or what.
day 8: your workout routine
im physically disabled from an unknown myopathy (my body doesnt produce enough muscle) so everything is a workout to me lmao. i generally walk around for 4-ish hours a day, since i cant quite manage anything else.
day 9: did anyone ever make comments about your weight in a negative way?
no, only my eating habits. i was often told that i ate so much i mustve had a tapeworm, and most of what i eat is "junk food" due to sensory issues.
day 10: what was the hardest thing you gave up during this weight loss?
dude, i fucking miss the liquid calories! in past restriction phases i refused to count liquid cals, and i definitely still lost weight, but not as fast as i would have liked. ive started counting them and ughhhhh.
i didnt cut them out completely, so i still have creamer in my coffee and the occasional soda, but i want my milkshake goddamnit 😭
day 11: your favorite thinspo blog and why
same answer as day 3.
day 12: what do you normally eat?
for main meals i usually have tuna on toast, egg salad sandwiches, cream cheese bagels, ham sandwiches/ham bagels, grilled cheeses, basically just carb + animal product. if we order out its either a cheeseburger or fried rice.
for sides/snacks/small meals i like string cheese, pickles, mini candies, lollipops, pepperoni, if theres any sweets in the house i have some of that.
its a wonder that i even lose weight on this lmao. but OMAD and counting cals is what makes it possible.
day 13: are you losing weight in a healthy or unhealthy way?
i dont think ive ever seen someone answer this with the former option. we're all doing this unhealthily on this side of tumblr.
day 14: whats your UGW? when do you expect to reach it?
ooh, tough one. it seems like everyone has a set UGW but i dont. i feel most compelled towards the number 73lbs, which is the bmi of my LW (15.3). i dont think that bmi is low enough for me though, i'll figure out when i get there.
ive gotten close to that weight a couple times, but ultimately something always happens and i emotionally binge or whatever. no clue about timing.
day 15: are you vegan or vegetarian? if so, has this helped you lose weight? if not, would you consider turning vegan or vegetarian?
ive had lengths of time where ive been pescetarian (vegetarian + fish), it never helped me lose weight.
at this time in my life im not able to limit my diet to that degree, but i heavily support the lifestyle for ethical and environmental reasons. if i move out id likely try veganism.
day 16: when did you first decide to lose weight?
i began obsessively weighing myself at 7, and started to learn purging around 9/10. it wasnt ever something i was serious about, but at 12 i discovered the online ana community andddd... it really just brought out that part of me. so id say 12 is where it officially began, but ive had it in me since 7.
day 17: do you have an eating disorder?
never officially diagnosed but i dont think most people here are. yes, anorexia nervosa.
day 18: what food is your weakness?
i dont restrict what type of food i eat, as long as its under my limit. but my real weakness is food other people give me... i cant resist it regardless of the calories and it makes me feel so dumb. they dont even have to be in the room! it could just be takeout, they dont even have to be the one to cook it!
day 19: when is the last time you ate fast food?
i cant even remember, i almost never eat it since i dont like it. the grease and the oils coat my mouth and throat and it feels so disgusting.
taco bell cinnamon twists are bomb though.
day 20: favorite diet?
the special k diet is funny (literally just eat special k) but i always lose a lot of weight when i do cereal-based diets like that.
day 21: what are your clothing sizes?
ehhhh,,, i dont wear fitting clothes and everything is baggy, do usually womens small or sometimes xs.
my measurements are quite small (26bust, 23waist, 28hip IIRC?) so im below a 00 in most charts ive seen. unfortunately thats just my general size due to my height, im not as thin as people imagine from that by any means.
day 22: what was your lowest weight? when and how did you gain?
73lbs at 12, my height didnt change since then lmao. i experienced some trauma right after getting to that weight, which led to me binging myself back up to 90lbs.
day 23: did the media play a role in your wanting to lose weight?
i think it was more personal experiences rather than the media, however the media likely did contribute once i had already established my disordered eating.
day 24: how do you feel about the terms pro-ana/pro-mia
it depends on the context. in the original meaning, it just meant a space where you could discuss your disorder without actively working towards recovery. i support that heavily.
nowadays, where it usually means people promoting ana/mia as some pretty dainty "lifestyle", fucking ew. what is wrong with you people. i understand wanting to romanticize your disorder (and find others who do the same), but i draw the line at genuinely thinking that disordered eating makes you "better" than others, or whatever bullshit they try to say.
day 25: have you ever purged? if so, describe your first experience.
i have purged in the past, but due to my disability (day 8) i typically cant vomit anymore no matter what i try. the muscle just isnt strong enough anymore to contract that violently.
first experience was harrowing lmao, i had had a bowl of instant ramen and was hallucinating as i was purging it. everything else was so distracting, i dont really remember anything about the actual purging itself.
day 26: what excites you most about reaching your UGW?
the first time i got to my LW, i just remember feeling so giddy and proud and i want that again and again.
day 27: how do you deal with being around food?
if i eat it, im not longer around it... i just have zero self control.
day 28: do you want that gap between your legs? why?
i guess so. its something a lot of people are envious of, and i knew i was happy when i had it in the past.
day 29: your definition of beauty.
this is going to sound "wrong" from an anorexic person, but chubby people. i dont have a fetish for it, i have slept with average people without problem, but i dont think i could date someone who wasnt at least bmi 23... ive found that bmi 25-27 is the sweet spot though.
i just think theres something so attractive about it regardless of gender. like hell yeah thick arms and round stomachs and back rolls. fuck yeah.
day 30: 10 facts about you! and now, what are your stats?
oh god what is this, an interrogation? not saying stats since im doing this in one go.
i draw (hobbyist, nowhere near professional)
i collect animal bones and general knick knacks
garfield and miku are my favorite characters
i tap on everything
i wanted to be a veterinarian as a kid
favorite animals are polar bears and hammerheads
my grandmother wanted me to be named tapestry (what??)
i have dyscalculia
i enjoy making cookies
i can barely whistle
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Tf2 pizza preferences
TF2 Mercs Pizza Preferences!
When I tell you, seeing this ask made my shitty day better 😭
I don't know what it is, but getting asks makes me really happy for some reason. Plus, writing about TF2 makes me happy ngl. Hope you like this!
Demo- This man can and will eat any pizza, no matter how gross, burnt, cold, or hot. He is a menace. But if he had to pick a favorite type/toppings he'd go with sausage and jalapeños. This man loves his food spicy.
Engineer- Traditional King. He loves just a plain old pepperoni pizza. Don't change a good thing and all that jazz. He will eat any pizza though, just pefers the classics.
Heavy- Much like Demo, he will eat any pizza, but I feel like it's more out of politeness than a need to consume. He's a big fan of Supreme style pizzas, but he also likes veggie pizzas!
Medic- (My favorite bbg and yet the one that took me the longest to figure out 😭) He's a fan of Sicilian style pizza, it's simple and tasty, and he likes the crunch. He does like pizza with red onions or chicken too though.
Scout- Did you really expect me to say anything other than a New York style pizza? Well, you better have because this man can demolish 2 large meatlovers' pizzas at any given moment.
Sniper- Hawaiian Pizza. But specifically, cold. I honestly don't think this man has eaten a pizza that's warm, let alone hot. Like he'll order a pizza and then just forget he bought one until like hours later.
Spy- Margherita Style pizza! Feels classy eating it. He likes the smoky flavor, and something about it being the "true pizza" makes him like it even more. He's also a fan of Greek style pizza and most thin crust, "healthy." Pizzas.
Soldier- Have you guys ever seen the American flag pizzas with bacon and olive? Yeah, he'd shed a tear at how beautiful it is and then cry again while eating it. (Kidding, well, half kidding) He likes Chicago deep dish pizza. He also likes Buffalo style pizza.
Pyro- Breakfast pizza for life. It's ride or die for them. They love breakfast and pizza, and whoever combined the two is their new best friend. But also likes cheese pizza
This was fun to write but also stupid difficult because I only eat cheese pizzas and sometimes get bacon 😭 Feel free to submit other hc ideas I loved doing this 💖
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divinesayer · 9 months
commission info!
hi, i'm kay! i'm an english BA & creative writing MA graduate who is opening fic & poetry commissions via my kofi! i have a few different tiers:
fics/original prose is priced at the following: 200 words - £20 1000 words - £50 2000 words - £100 5000 words - £150 (please message me regarding any alternative lengths)
poetry is priced as below: short form (2-3 stanzas/one prose paragraph) - £10 long form (4+ stanzas/two prose paragraphs) - £20 (please note that rhyme schemes are an additional £5)
please send a message with any questions or requests; i'll do my best to accommodate!! see below for extra information.
if you do not see anything on this list, please ask about it! i probably haven't thought of it lol. feel free to message regarding anything i will write with limitations too. please see here for fandoms/ships i will not write for.
here are some things i am happy to write:
prose, poetry, lgbt content (especially sapphics!), romantic ships, platonic & familial relationships, horror, mild gore, smut (with limitations), kink (with limitations), fics with your ocs (includes oc/canon), self-insert (not x reader, sfw only), any pov, letters from a fictional other (sfw only), mecha (sfw only), fantasy/sci-fi, monster of the week concepts (includes original monsters), vampires, werewolves (sfw only), genderbends (trans headcanons, cis-swaps - please specify), historical fiction (with limitations), fics based on songs/albums, age gaps (adult/adult only), mild violence, angst, dubcon (nothing too intense though), characters from media i don't know (please provide info!!), polyam ships, AUs, crossovers, pregnancy (sfw only)
things i will not write:
incest, underage smut, adult/minor ships, noncon, suicide, dead dove, smut for minors, aging up minors for smut, zoophilia, rpf, hard gore, hardcore kink (please ask if you need clarification), furries, mecha nsfw, x reader, nsfw self insert, hard violence, major character death, over 1000 words, multi-chapter (with exceptions), human/non-human (excluding vampires), omegaverse, zombies, prison aus, royalty aus, sex worker aus, slavery aus
some fandoms i will write for:
yugioh (duel monsters, gx, 5ds, zexal), the x files (seasons 1-3), death note, doctor who (seasons 1-4 of reboot), superstore, how i met your mother, madoka magica, fire emblem (sacred stones, awakening, fates), legend of zelda (botw/totk), marvel (mcu up to phase 3, + dsmom & wandavision), howl's moving castle (studio ghibli movie), classic literature (rebecca, wuthering heights, sherlock holmes), pokemon (most familiar with gens 1 + 5 and original anime run), avatar (atla), twilight, five nights at freddys (no ships), sabrina the teenage witch (seasons 1/2), stardew valley, + more as i think of it
ships i enjoy writing:
my faithshipping, mulderscully, doctorrose, lawlight, gx rivalshipping, matsuda/misa, peachshipping, violetshipping, scoopshipping, amy/jonah, lily/marshall, barney/robin, zelink, howl/sophie, chrom/robin, chrom/frederick, bella/alice, leo/takumi, bella/rosalie, bella/edward, ironstrange, stevetony, peppernat, tonynat, pepperony, palmerstrange, homura/madoka, frostiron, strangefrost, wandavision, doctor/jack/rose, misa/rem, doctor/jack, matsuda/light, mello/matt, gameshipping, mastershipping, fianceshipping, chaseshipping, puzzleshipping, thiefshipping, sherlock holmes/professor moriarty, dragonshipping, wishshipping, heathcliff/catherine earnshaw, edward/jacob, katara/zuko, katara/aang, sokka/zuko, + more as i think of them
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n0t-1nt3r3st1ng · 1 year
The letter.
Okay, full disclosure. I was gonna write about another fanfic I've been procrastinating for a while when this idea crawled into my mind and wouldn't let me do aything else.
This scenario is incomplete because A) I like reading fluff but I'm terrible at writing it, B)It's 3AM and I really need to sleep, C) the more I wrote the more anxious I got about finding the perfect words and no one in the history of written language has ever written anything good thinking that way. So what you get is as good as I can do.
If anyone can or wishes to complete what I've done, be my guest. My only selfish request is that you give it a happy ending.
That been said, let's start.
Imagine Enid writing letters for Wednesday but never having the courage to give it to her and shredding them with her nails.
Imagine her trying to muster the courage to walk the few steps that separate them (thirteen, she counted) and put the papers on her hands only to fail every time.
How the cold fear would grab her by the spine and freeze her heart while Esther's voice sounds from the back of her mind, laughing at the idea of someone like Wednesday finding her remotely likelable. No, it didn't matter Wednesday herself had told her how much she meant to her, she think she was only being nice.
So she pours her feelings on the page over and over trying and failing to convey her love but Esther is still there, reminding her. She's always there.
And every morning she takes the shreds in her pockets to throw them far away from their dorm.
Except one night she falls asleep and wakes up late. She hurries to class and takes what she thought was the letter with her. Except the only thing she took was a few blank pages. The letter was on the floor, under her desk.
Wednesday didn't had as many classes as Enid that day. After taking care of the beehives with Eugene, she walks back to their room. Her writing hour, after all.
She notices the paper as soon as she enters the room. Try as she might, she always checks Enid's side when she enters even though she knows her schedule by heart.
If a person were to enter the room and had a chance to view both sides, they'd probably describe Enid's as warm and homely. Or perhaps they'd wonder where the knife currently lodged in their throat came from and if this was how they die. On both accounts, they'd be right.
Wednesday is a creature of the night and as such despises the glow coming from Enid's fairy lights. She abhors color in the same way a vampire avoids religious symbols and for the same reason too.
But most of all she hates the fact Enid's not there.
Without her the glow of the lights is dim like a distant star in the empty void of space.
Without her, the bed is dead and colourless.
Without Enid... she doesn't want to finish her chain of thoughts.
Instead she walks the thirteen steps that separate one side from the other (she counted) and bends to pick the sheet of paper.
She stands up and is about to put it on Enid's desk when she notices her name is on it.
It reads:
"My beloved Wednesday,
I will love you if I never see you again, and I will love you if I see you every Tuesday. I will love you as the starfish loves a coral reef and as kudzu loves trees, even if the oceans turn to sawdust and the trees fall in the forest without anyone around to hear them. I will love you as the pesto loves the fettuccini and as the horseradish loves the miyagi, and the pepperoni loves the pizza. I will love you as the manatee loves the head of lettuce and as the dark spot loves the leopard, as the leech loves the ankle of a wader and as a corpse loves the beak of the vulture. I will love you as the doctor loves his sickest patient and a lake loves its thirstiest swimmer. I will love you as the beard loves the chin, and the crumbs love the beard, and the damp napkin loves the crumbs, and the precious document loves the dampness of the napkin, and the squinting eye of the reader loves the smudged document, and the tears of sadness love the squinting eye as it misreads what is written. I will love you as the iceberg loves the ship, and the passengers love the lifeboat, and the lifeboat loves the teeth of the sperm whale, and the sperm whale loves the flavor of naval uniforms. I will love you as a drawer loves a secret compartment, and as a secret compartment loves a secret, and as a secret loves to make a person gasp... I will love you until all such compartments are discovered and opened, and all the secrets have gone gasping into the world. I will love you until all the codes and hearts have been broken and until every anagram and egg has been unscrambled. I will love you until every fire is extinguished and rebuilt from the handsomest and most susceptible of woods. I will love you until the bird hates a nest and the worm hates an apple. I will love you as we find ourselves farther and farther from one another, where once we were so close... I will love you until your face is fogged by distant memory. I will love you no matter where you go and who you see, I will love you if you don't marry me. I will love you if you marry someone else--and i will love you if you never marry at all, and spend your years wishing you had married me after all. That is how I will love you even as the world goes on its wicked way.
Yours always. Continuously. With increasing apprehension, and decreasing hope.
Enid Sinclair."
Wednesday can only stare at the letter. She's never been good at handling strong emotions and right now she feels as if she's experiencing all of them.
Then the door opens and Enid walks in. She wants to ask what she's doing but her voice dies as she sees the paper on Wednesday hand.
Aaaand that's all I got.
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blackbat05 · 7 months
College! Adam Warlock x Reader
Plot: You have a much needed heart-to-heart conversation with Adam on the woes of life.
Genre: PG-13
A/N: Totally did not write this at the service desk (lmao). Yet again, based on experience. Thought about who might be the best current character that I have written to write this and a college Adam came to mind? Anyways, hope you enjoy!
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“Hey!” Adam waves at me from afar. He certainly looks the part of a college student. I close the latest book that I’m currently engrossed with, smiling at his enthusiasm despite going through back-to-back three hour classes.
“Classes went well?”
“Oh yes,” he responds excitedly and proceeds to share about his classes on Introduction to History and Ancient Civilization. “Humans are most interesting. Imagine getting by with the lack of technology back then!”
“You are probably the only one whose so excited about classes.” I tease. “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself on Earth.”
We lounge under the big tree that provided us with a cool breeze. Other students seemed to have the same idea as you as they lazily chomped on food while enjoying the serenity of the lake on a weekday afternoon. You retrieved two boxes of pepperoni pizza from your bag and pass one to Adam who does not hesitate to sink into the pepperoni with relish. “Mmmh…” Adam swallows a bite of the pizza, earning a giggle from me. “This is delicious.”
“You mean you’ve never had it before?”
Adam shakes his head. “Nope. Mother wanted me to be perfect. I was strictly monitored over everything the moment I was born.” He says it with such nonchalance that I almost miss a hint of bitterness in his tone. “But that’s okay,” Adam sees my expression. “I met Quill, Rocket and everyone else. They showed me what I was missing and I’ve caught up. Mostly.” He adds proudly.
I nod, mulling over his words. “How did you feel though? The need to be perfect and meet everyone’s expectations.”
Adam frowns, giving a thoughtful sigh. “I’ve never really thought about it actually. I thought it was… normal. Working and striving to be the best. But I felt that it wasn’t what I wanted.” He tears another chunk of pizza. “I wanted to do what I truly wanted, to be happy. I remember when I was younger, I tagged along with Mother to visit one of the Alien colonies. I ran off to explore the city on my own even though Mother told me not to. But I knew I could and I wanted too. Although I was punished rather harshly, I felt a sense of joy and elation. Do humans feel this way too?”
“They do. I do.” I bring my knees to my chest, watching a pair of students jog past us. Adam looks at me inquisitively. “I never really elaborated to you why I’m working at the student library, right?”
Adam nods, waiting for me patiently.
“I was working at a Community Resource Centre. I was so excited because it was basically what I was working towards for almost a decade. To your people, it may feel like a second but to me, it was everything. I started work and needless to say, I was in for a very rude shock.” I laugh at the memories that was enough to create my own horror film. “It got so bad that I had to take a step back and reevaluate everything that I’ve done. It came to a point where I even questioned myself that I was doing things simply because I felt the need to conform and to live up to the expectations.”
I notice that Adam hasn’t said a single word as I share my story. “I’m sorry, I know I must be such a downer. I try not to repeat myself even with my family or friends. They’ve a lot on their plates and this is simply just a minor setback in my life.”
“Don’t say that.” Adam admonishes. “You’ve experienced something bad and you shouldn’t make it any less. I’m sorry that you went through this and you should have gotten better.”
It wasn’t sympathy but Adam’s words felt like a much needed warm embrace. “Thanks. It’s hard to share my experiences when people would just tell you to ‘suck it up’ or ‘that’s life’. I don’t want to make this sound like a pity party but sharing does make me accept that this happened to me.”
“I agree. It was how I got by with the loss of Mother and the rest of my community. Everything I knew, blown into bits. I was the last one remaining and that pressure to carry the name of my people got even stronger, until Rocket told me to let it all go because at the end of the day, we’re just living for ourselves.”
“Living for ourselves…” I let it roll off my tongue. “I like it.”
As we finish the rest of our lunch, the azure skies gave the campus a homely feeling.
“Thanks. For the conversation. I needed that.” I say as we walked back to the campus.
“Happy to be a good listening ear.” Adam grins. “To being imperfect!”
I laugh at his sudden exclamation that results in stares from a couple of students and faculty alike.
“To being imperfect.”
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thank's for the tag @waitingondaisies
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
- 180
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
- 1,701,826 (Holy Crap!)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
- All of my fics are MCU, predominantly Irondad but there are a few Spiceychell fics mixed in there too.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
- A Parent Apparent (528,718 words, 7,349 kudos) A really freaking long slow burn Irondad co-parenting with May fic.
- So Many Things to Say (82,998 words, 3,914 kudos) A electivly mute, foster child Peter fic. This is the first part of an extended series.
- What I Really Need is You (18,520 words, 3,581 kudos) A fluffy 5+1 of Peter needing things from Tony.
- Distracted by a Dime (56,169 words, 2,476 kudos) A homeless Peter AU- Stony AU. This is the first part of a series.
- Suspended (3,607 words, 2,177 kudos) A One-shot about Pter getting suspended and Tony picking him up from school.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try really hard to reply to every comment!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't really do angsty endings... So Maybe this one? Breathe, Kid (You're Not Alone) (4,086 words) Ned Dies and Peter feels responsible. Tony is there to help him pick up the pieces. The ending is hopeful and comforting- but there is no instant fix.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh geez. You want me to pick one??? Uh... Let's go with this one because it has some sweet Christmassy vibes. Secret Sugarplum Spiderling (27,923 words) Peter is a ballet dancer and he doesn't want Tony to know- yet. Lots of super sweet fluff.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Sometimes. Usually, it's someone who has decided that my fictional story filled with fictional characters who have fictional superpowers isn't 'realistic enough.'
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have written exactly ONE smut fic- but it has NEVER been posted. 😘
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
One- by request. It was a mini-fic about Pokemon trainer Peter and Pokemon Professor Tony. Rotom Roundup (979 words)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope. My art, despite emailing them several times, is still up on a 'coloring sheets' website though. Which mostly annoys me because what they nagged was a draft. I would have happily sent them the clean line art.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. I had someone offer once and gave full permission but I don't htink it ever happened.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! I have co-written a few fics. And I have one in the works with @waitingondaisies
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Most of my fics are platonic relationships. But I often have background relationships in them; usually Stony or Pepperony. Some spideycelle and once, Ned/Peter.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I hope I eventually finish all of them! But there is one I found that I am not even sure where it was going. All I have written is 800 words of Kraven the Hunter confronting Peter.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I am pretty good at dialogue.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I am still learning a lot about POV depth, visceral details, and deep introspection.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't use it much, if at all. But it doesn't bother me.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Oh! It's a tie!! So Many Things to Say will always me towards the top of my favorites lit. But my newest fic, The Hoax, is starting to creep into 'favorite fic of all time' territory.
I am going to tag (If they are interested) @spicler-manie @cajun-fangirl @asyouleft @thwip--thwip @justme--emily and @kubabergen
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juukeboxx · 2 years
General Headcanons - Leonardo
Hello everyone! This is my first post on this blog, and I wanted to kick it off by sharing some general headcanons I have for the leader in blue: Leonardo. Keep in mind that these headcanons are not written for a specific version of Leo. Enjoy!
Raph is next!
Word count: 664
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Leo is a HUGE nerd. He's into anything sci-fi and fantasy. Star Wars? Lord of the Rings? He's seen them so many times he practically has them memorized. Leo's love of fantasy translates over to tabletop games, specifically Dungeons and Dragons. With the power of the internet he teaches himself all of the rules and even writes a little campaign that he drags his brothers into (they all have a lot of fun).
His love of sci-fi comes from a deep love of space and a fascination with astronomy. Donnie was the one who introduced it to him when they were kids after he found a couple of used books on the topic and wanted to share his newfound knowledge with someone.
He's got pretty simple taste when it comes to pizza. Leo tends to just stick with a regular cheese or pepperoni pie, but when he feels a little fancy he gets a supreme pizza. He definitely likes veggies on his pizza, but not only veggies.
He's a hopeless romantic. He knows every single trope in the romance playbook and has seen probably too many romantic comedies. It is a little bitter for him though since Leo doesn;t think he'll ever really get to experience what being in a relationship is like because of, y'know, the mutant turtle thing.
This guy is a walking dad joke encyclopedia. He uses them to "torture" his brothers, though Mikey is the only one that seems to like his jokes.
Everyone knows that Leo really likes his tea (literally or metaphorical, let's be honest he knows ALL the drama). He's never really liked the taste of coffee, so if he needs a good pick me up in the morning he'll usually have some type of black tea. Leo has all sorts of flavors too, from chamomile and mint to chai to lavender and lemon peel. He's got all sorts of teas for all sorts of occasions.
Mikey made him a mug one year as a birthday gift so it's his special tea mug. It has stars and planets painted on it with Leo's name of course.
Leo is incredibly patient and a good listener. More often than not when his younger brothers (mainly Donnie and Mikey, it's rare for Raph to seek him out) need someone to just listen to them rant and ramble they usually go to him. He knows that his brothers will ask him for advice when they need it, but if they don't he'll just sit there quietly and nod.
Speaking of advice, Leo is actually really good at giving it. Sometimes it comes from things he learned from his father and he words them in a way that is easier to understand. Other times it comes from personal experiences he had that his father and brothers may not have known about.
He is incredibly kind and deeply caring. Leo has a pretty bad habit of putting others before himself, and sometimes it is to his detriment.
Ever since becoming the leader of their group Leo has been incredibly concerned about keeping his family safe, which can sometimes result in him overstepping boundaries and pushing his authority as leader onto his brothers. He feels incredibly guilty after this happens, and it causes him to question whether or not he is a good leader and if he's doing right by his family.
Leo is the one out of the four brothers that is the most spiritual. He carries these spiritual lessons Splinter teaches him to heart, and has shown that he has a deep connection with himself and the world around him.
He appreciates it when his brothers show him things that he never would have picked up on. Raph will tell him when his form is off in training, Donnie helps him strategize and see things from a logistical standpoint, and Mikey points out when something is unknowingly bothering his older brother. Leo knows it will help him become a better leader.
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talesfromlissom · 2 years
Second Slice - ROTTMNT
Fandom: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2018)
Rating: T
Paring(s): Leonardo x reader 
Characters: Leonardo, Mentions of other characters
TW: Injury, mentions of death (not actual death occurs)
A/N - I just finished ROTTMNT. Pls nickelodeon/netflix bring them back. Pls. PLS. Also first time writing a reader insert in a while. Also my first time writing for ROTTMNT so please be nice to me ;-;. This also gives some slight allusions to a possible, full x reader so ;). 
Summary - Leo visits a friend. 
“You got me a mushroom, pepperoni, meatball, and onion pizza!” Leonardo cried. He then gestures to the pizza box and grins at you. “Have I ever told you that you’re my favorite?”
You shake your head, shoving the pizza box into his chest. “Just take the pizza, Leo.”
Leonardo opens the pizza box, and you hear him take a deep inhale, sighing. “Thank Y/N, you’re the best.” A pause. “I do mean that, by the way.” 
You shake your head. “I know. I can tell. You start to speak softer when you do.” 
Leonardo blinks, watching as you turn towards the edge of the building. You walk towards the edge of the apartment complex, looking down at the streets below. 
“Huh, to think we were suffering from an alien invasion just 7 weeks ago. It's almost like nothing happened.” You mutter. The wind picks up, and Leonardo walks up behind you. Staring down into the streets as well. The pizza box is hot in his hands, as he continues to gawk at the lights. 
“The pizza box!” 
Leonardo stumbles, hands gripping the box tighter as he brings it away from the edge. 
“I’m messing with you.” He hears you say, causing him to frown.
“You know, maybe I’ll just head back to the lair and eat this pizza all by myself.” Leonardo sways his hips and flips the two strands on his bandana. Already beginning to walk away.
“Leo! Okay okay, I’m sorry-” You pause. “I’m sorry.” 
Leonardo says nothing, and you two turn back to look at the city. 
“So, have you signed an autographs yet?” You ask, turning to face him. 
“No! Infact, most people are still debating on whether or not we’re the good guys!” 
“Still?” You scoff. “Well, there goes any full ride scholarships.” 
Leonardo tilts his head.
“Uh…nevermind.” You eye the pizza box. “Your pizza is gonna get cold.”
Leonardo scoffs, opening the pizza box and shutting it again. “I can just portal back to the lair, easy peasy.” 
Leonardo walks towards the edge of the building, and sits down. Legs hanging off the edge. You sit beside him, knees pulled to your chest. 
“You uh…wanna share this?” Leonardo asked, gesturing to the pizza box. 
You look him up and down. “I got that for your brothers too, y’know.”
“Well yeah-” He opens the pizza box. “But I got stuck in a prison dimension and broke almost all my ribs. And my back.” He pauses, grabbing a slice. He says something absolutely incoherent through a bite of pizza. 
You roll your eyes, grabbing a slice. He tries to protest, grabbing the slice. 
“And I had a building fall on top of me.” You retort. “I sacrifice a lot to get you this pizza.” Taking a slice of the pizza. You watch the cheese being pulled from the slice and sliding onto your t-shirt. You frown, and Leonardo laughs at you through a mouth full of pizza. 
You scoff, shoving his shoulder. You swallow. “I am happy you’re okay though,” You began, you shift your position. One leg still up to your chest, and the other hanging over the edge of the roof. “After I heard about…well…everything…I got worried.”
“Dad grounded me.” Leonardo says, stuffing his mouth with another slice of pizza. “Somethin’ ‘bout uh…” He speaks with a mouth full of pizza again. 
This causes you to chuckle slightly. You then sigh, leaning back. Your back hits the concrete. “I’m glad you're okay though,” You put your hands behind your head. “Otherwise, I would’ve broken the space time continuum in order to get you back.” 
“I don’t think Raph would let you do that.”
You snort. “But Donatello would.” You pause. “Speaking of which, how is he? I heard about what happened on the kraang ship.” 
“He’s fine.” Leonardo says, going for a third slice. “He’s dealing with it. He’s been asking for hugs from everyone, lately.” He fakes a gagging noise. 
You frown, and grab the third slice. “That’s rude.” 
Leonardo gawks as you take a bite. Cheese dribbling onto your chin and lips. You lick it off. “And besides, if we couldn’t break the space time continuum. Then I’d summon Satan and bring you back.” 
“Satan.” You repeat. 
Leonardo leans back, his shell hitting the concrete roof. He looks at the stars and smiles. “Y’know. This is nice.” 
“I know. That’s why I brought you here.” 
Leonardo doesn’t say anything, he snickers at first. Then turns back to the sky. 
It's ironic, actually. While stuck in the prison dimension for a few fleeting moments. He thought he was going to die. He thought of his brothers. His sister. His father. His friends. And you. Of all people he thought of you. He turns to face you one last time, staring at your face. A soft white light stretched across it as you continued to gaze at the stars. Seeming to be completely unaware of his fleeting glances. He’s certain that friends don’t feel like this for each other. He knows friends don’t feel like this for each other. 
But Leonardo doesn’t say anything. He just turns back to the stars, hearing you begin to map out the constellations. And pester him further about how his brothers are doing. 
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kkkkkafka · 2 years
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Pairing: Michael Afton/Charlie Emily
Tags: First Time | Fluff and Smut | Vaginal Fingering | Pet Names | Oral Sex | Size Difference | Biting | Creampie | Come Swallowing | Overstimulation | Aftercare | Tattoo Artist Michael Afton | Autistic Michael Afton | Autistic Charlie Emily | Florist Charlie Emily
Summary: Michael was nervous. In fact, saying he was nervous was an understatement. He swore that all of twenty years in his life, he had never felt such an anxious feeling like this. Yet, also, he was very excited for the event tonight.
Notes: Can be read as a standalone fic or a sequel to Kitten Problem
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"How are the doors?"
"Basil, Pepperoni and their kittens?"
"Towel, lube and condoms?"
"Here. I’m on birth control, so no need to."
Michael was nervous. In fact, saying he was nervous was an understatement. He swore that all of twenty years in his life, he had never felt such an anxious feeling like this. Yet, also, he was very excited for the event tonight.
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A year ago, Michael first met his current girlfriend, Charlie. Sure, he had a fair share of partners in dating before, both men and women alike, but they said they could not keep up with his antics. Like how he talked a lot about his interests instead of small talk, how he could not sit still or read their facial expressions, so they stood him up. He did try to force himself to become "more tolerable" as they told him, but he failed because he could not stand how he had to try to hide his authentic self. Plus, it was his sister nagging him to join in speed dating, claiming it would be fun for him, he was really not into it at first but did not want to let the red-head down. With those failed attempts, Michael thought that he only could be fine alone, despite craving a companion that could trust and understand him. 
Until he met Charlie. 
Although she was very different from him, from looks to behaviors, Michael felt as if the girl was literally a part of himself. In fact, despite those visible contrast things, he knew that she was not much different from him. He knew it the moment Charlie started to passionately talk and show him her tattoos when he mentioned about his job and how she acted when she saw Basil's kittens. She even helped him go through a nasty art block, and suggested ideas for his future works. That was when he knew he developed a crush on her. And luckily, Charlie felt the same.
Three months after they first met, both of them confessed to each other.
Michael remembered it was very awkward. They were all blushing and stuttering, to the point Charlie even had to whip out her phone to write out her intentions and send it for him, and until then Michael did the same thing to her, despite seeing in person.
But what was done was done, now they were each others' partners. It was a memorable reminiscent though . It always made them laugh when mentioning it. 
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And that led Michael to the current situation right now. 
Just a moment ago, he and Charlie were chilling on the couch inside her house, watching some sappy soap opera per his requests. It was not even interesting (Charlie literally stared at him and grumbled  "I fucking told you this was not even a good idea. Should have watched Saw instead."  ) and they talked to each other to pass the time. The talk went from how Basil had to take up a diet cause she was too chonky for her own good, to a customer of Charlie asked her how to say  "Fuck you"  in a flower language, then and there with the soap opera playing as background noises.
It went fine and smoothly until the topic of sex coming up.
It was not really that uncomfortable, but more on the embarrassing side, because both of them are virgins without any experiences. Charlie did say that she just never did it with any other person but she did try to masturbate quite often, in which Michael said he did the same. So they agreed to be each other's first time, and also to test out what they liked most in bed.
After a lot of "research" online together and trying to prepare as much as they could, then taking a shower together, Michael and Charlie went upstairs and sat down on the edge of bed, facing away from their partner in bashment. They were silent for a while, then it was Charlie who broke the ice.
"So… Should we get started now? I kinda don't want to postpone this. Like, we have prepared through and I have always wanted to try doing this with someone else…"
"Yeah, we should…"  Michael replied, averting Charlie's eyes. His face was flushed and hot, as if smoke was coming out from his ears.
"Then, do you want to strip yourself or can we take turns?"  Charlie fidgeted with her shirt, her palms were cold and clammy and she sneakily glanced at Michael.
"Take turns! I think it will be fun!"  An enthusiastic answer coming from Michael that made Charlie snapped out of the nervousness and snorted out loud. Honestly, she felt like her boyfriend was somewhat a manchild, but nodded along with him and stood up to sit on his lap when Michael started making grabby hands motions at her.
Michael's hands are huge, one of his palms could even cover her whole belly, Charlie noticed. He gently lifted up her shirt as if asking her if this was okay, and Charlie wordlessly threw her hands up high so it could be easier for Michael.
Michael just stared at her in awe, his blue eyes widened. His girlfriend was just too gorgeous. Her pale skin was covered in black ink which was a nice contrast. Her chest was small and Michael felt like they would fit perfectly in his hands, and the cold air made her pink nipples stand up. He gave her chest a light squeeze, and he could feel Charlie shivered subtly.
Without a word, Michael suddenly leaned down and captured a pert bud inside his mouth, one of his hands wandered up to the other one. Charlie gasped in surprise, blush spread all on her cheeks while her hand tangled in her boyfriend's hair. Michael took it as a cue, so he started to flick his tongue and moaned in delight when he noticed that Charlie started to arch herself into his mouth while letting out soft whines. His other hand massaged and squeezed the neglected breast. 
Then, feeling like he was satisfied with his work, Michael bit down hard, making Charlie jolted up with sudden pain and pleasure. He gave the swollen nipple one last lick and then did the same with Charlie's other breast.
It was too much , Charlie thought. Her head was clouded with euphoria, her eyes were filled with tears and her mouth let out sinful moans from her boyfriend's work on her body. She could feel that her panties were getting more and more drenched. Yet she was helpless, she could not do anything besides succumb to the lascivious feelings and gripped the man's hair and pushed him closer to herself. For someone who had not done this before, Michael was really excellent for his own good.
Charlie did not realize that Michael had done playing with her chest as she was so lost in the contentment, she only noticed when he leaned close to her face and locked her lips in a kiss. Unlike his eager behaviors before, he shyly licked on her bottom lip as if asking for permission, and Charlie compiled by opening her mouth to let him in. It was so tender and full of love. Their tongues intertwined together while letting their hands gently caressing each other's bodies. Michael pulled away for a moment to let Charlie breathe in. He was going to reach for Charlie's shorts, then a hand stopped him.
"It was unfair."
"You agreed for us to take turns undressing each other and now you are going to pull down my shorts next? You are not even out of your shirt."  Charlie frowned and let out a small huff. 
Right, Michael almost forgot that offer. Well, could not blame him though. He was so immersed in looking at his girlfriends' face painted with lust that he did not even notice. So he leaned back and let Charlie unbutton his shirt to make up for her. The girl shakily slided his shirt down and stared at Michael's body, carefully placing a hand on to feel the hard muscle beneath. Michael was not nowhere near a small guy, hell, even he was bigger than average. It was just his preference for loose button-up shirts that people thought he was just some lanky guy. 
Charlie continued to stare in admiration, then she leaned down and bit Michael on his neck. Suddenly, the man let out a loud whine, his eyes closed and his face flushed up.
Oh. It must be his erogenous zone,  Charlie thought. A mischievous smile spread across her face as she began to lap and pull the skin on Michael's neck by her teeth. As a result, Michael began to whimper and moan in tandem, his arms wrapping Charlie's waist until she pulled away. She looked very pleased with her work as the bitemarks started to bloom like small flowers on her boyfriend's neck. Now the marks would indicate Michael was her only.
"You are so mean Charlie! Now people are gonna see those marks you left on me next morning!"  Michael pouted with a whine, his head rubbed against Charlie's chest while wrapping his arms around her to fake throwing a fit.
"Well, it's fine that now they know who you belong to, right?"  Charlie chuckled, amused with her boyfriend's antics. 
Michael did not say anything more, but gave her a false angry look. Suddenly, he flipped Charlie over and caged her under his body. He quickly pulled her shorts and panties down in one go then laughed at Charlie's yelp of surprise. His laughter slowly died down after he took a sight of Charlie's completely bare body, gulping. 
His hands gave Charlie a squeeze on her chest again, then gradually trailed down, from her tummy, then to her thighs, taking time to admire how smaller her body was compared to him and spreading her legs apart to look between them.
Michael tenderly rubbed his fingers against the bare cunt before him as if to test how Charlie felt. Nothing came out of her except a whine came along with a slow nod. 
Keep going.
As he got the green light, Michael felt more confident, he adjusted Charlie's legs to place them on his shoulders and leaned down, one hand spreading her labia wide apart and the other hand gathered slick substance to coat his own fingers while Charlie panted and whimpered softly.
Then in a blink of an eye, Michael slipped two fingers inside of Charlie and started to thrust in and out. She slightly jolted up because of the sudden intrusion, then melted away with the ectasy when Michael's fingers reached her sweet spot. She swore his fingers were so big, it pleased her better than the dildo she kept inside the drawer next to her bed. Her hands tightly gripping the bed sheet, her hips bucked up as a silence plead for more. Submitting to the demand, Michael bent forward and licked a stripe from her entrance up to her puffy clit, making her keened in desire. 
With both of her hands, Charlie tugged on Michael's hair, making him moan as she kept him closer to her wet core. Her body began to feel hotter, and she felt a coil slowly building up inside her stomach and was so close to burst with each slide of Michael's tongue against her clit and his fingers continuously thrusting in and out her cunt. 
It was too much, and Charlie did not know if she could take more. The noises coming out of both of them were so lewd, it set a wild blush from her cheeks down to her neck. She did not know whether she wanted Michael to stop because she was so sensitive now, or she wanted him to eat her out until she became a moaning, broken mess.
Her train of thoughts was interrupted when Michael harshly sucked on her clit, and his finger pressed firmly on the sweet spot inside her, and abruptly, she saw lights flashed behind her shut eyes with a loud wail of his name. 
"Let go for me honey, you are being so good for me. Please make a mess on me."  Michael slightly tilted his head up to talk, his face was smeared with Charlie's release. His tongue and fingers slowed down the ministrations on her cunt, drawing out those cute whines of sensitivity from her lips. He waited until Charlie gained more consciousness to completely pull away and let her bask in the presence of post-orgasm feeling. 
Her eyes were hooded, her cheeks were painted in a bright blush and her mouth occasionally let out heavy pants due to what Michael did to her just a moment ago. Slowly, her hands raised to his face, tugging him in for a kiss. Their tongues met again, and Charlie could taste herself on her significant other's tongue. Michael lightly tugged on her lip piercings as to tease her, then he drew back.
"You have done so good, Mike. But it’s my turn now."  She stated when pulling away from the kiss. 
Charlie lightly hit her hands against Michael's chest, telling him to lean back to the headboard so she could get on top. When his back hit the wooden surface, Charlie's dainty hands moved to undress his lower part.
Her face heated up as she began to tear down Michael's trousers, now leaving him in the boxers, stained with precum. She was speechless, her eyes opened wide. 
That thing was so big. Massive, even. How the hell was it going to fit inside Charlie?
Sensing the girl in front of him's nervousness, Michael placed a hand on her cheek, lightly rubbing.
"Don't worry, if you are nervous about it won't fit, we can find another way to please me, okay?"
"But I want to have yours inside me!"  Charlie exclaimed, then suddenly clasped a hand over her mouth in embarrassment, cause she accidentally voiced her thoughts too loud for her own liking.
"Oh. Then, do as you please, okay? Just don't strain yourself too hard."  Michael tilted his head to the side, the hand on Charlie's head now back beside the pillow.
Charlie silently nodded, her hands wobbly stripped down the final garment on Michael's body, his leg now spread open for easier access. She took a deep breath to prepare herself for what would come, then deliberately leaned down to give a small lick on the head, which made Michael shivered.
He loved this.
Getting the signals, Charlie began to bob her head down until the tip touched her throat. It was not that uncomfortable like she thought, but Michael was too big, the remaining part of him was not fit in her mouth, so she pulled away and decided to lick around his cock first. Charlie could feel him twitching under her touch, which was a good thing. She hummed in approval, then took it inside of her mouth again while her hand stroked the part that did not fit inside. First started out slow, now she began to pick up the pace, trying to alternate between sucking on the head and tracing her tongue against the vein there. 
As Charlie tried to quicken her pace, Michael began to grow hotter and bothered. Who knew his girlfriend was that good with her mouth?  He looked down, seeing drool and spit coating his cock and groaned at the sight. He started to thrust up his hips, his hands settled down on Charlie’s head to push her deeper. The girl almost choked on his cock, tears beginning to well up in her eyes, her pace paused. Now the one in charge was Michael and he would make sure to take the whole advantage out of this. His hands clutched Charlie's hair firmly, eyes shut tight from the thirst overcame his body.
“I did not know— Argh, you can do this well with your mouth, baby. Are you gonna let me cum inside of your adorable little mouth?”  Michael growled, he could sense his climax coming. His thrust was getting sloppy, so he decided to shove Charlie’s head down more and held her in place, as his cock jerked and shot the release into her throat, some of it dripped outside of her mouth and down to her chest.
He began to soften when Charlie’s mouth left him. She pulled away, panting in exhaustion. Michael noticed her face was stained white with his cum, so he placed a hand on her cheek and wiped the remaining with his thumb. He was going to reach for the tissue box to clean up, but Charlie caught him off guard by leaning over and letting her tongue out, licking up the salty liquid with a smile.
Fuck, why did she have to be such a tease?
Michael helped Charlie to sit on his lap again, letting her use his body as support to rest a bit from their previous activities. He softly patted her head, gently stroked her back and whispered  “You did very well for me Charlie, I’m so proud of you.”  as the girl in his lap recovered from the orgasm.
“Mike? You with me?”  Charlie chirped, as she noticed Michael started zoning out. Her voice snapped him out of the daydream immediately. He blushed, scratching his head.
“O-Oh! Sorry, just zoned out. Do you want to continue?”
“Mhm. Let me fetch the lube inside the drawer. Gotta prepare well for the main event, big boy.”  As Charlie talked, she crawled out of Michael’s lap and bent down to pick up the said thing. Michael could not help but let his eyes wander to her ass. It looked so round and soft, he made a mental note to get his hands on it next time. He could feel his cock starting to grow stiff again.
Charlie was now back on her bed again, in her hand was a bottle of lube. She uncapped the bottle and poured some on her hand and rubbed them against each other so they could be smeared evenly. Her hands reached out to coat Michael’s cock with the substance, and when she felt that was enough, she leaned back and thrusted her fingers inside of her to prepare herself.
Michael watched as Charlie lubing him and herself up, and when she was done, he picked her up and maneuvered her with her back to the mattress, his body on top of her. Her legs clasping around his waist, her arms wrapped around his broad shoulders. He took a deep breath, then started to slide his cock between Charlie’s wet folds and bumping against her clit, making her tremble with need. He continued to do it a few times, until Charlie whined, begging him to just put in already. 
Michael took a deep breath, one of his hands now engulfed Charlie’s smaller palm and set them beside her head and he let out a breath.
“Always. Please, Michael, I need— Ah!”
Charlie’s words were cut off midway when Michael started thrusting in. He tried to go slow at first, because Charlie was really tight at the moment, her velvety walls clenched around him just like a vice. He felt like it was almost impossible to go furthermore. As an effort trying to ease his girlfriend, Michael bowed forward, placing a few kisses on her forehead, on her cheeks and a quick peck on her lips.
“Relax, Charlie. You are so tight, how will I be able to go in?”
Just as he said, Charlie sluggishly nodded and took a deep breath and angled her hips up high so Michael could go in more easily. Complying with the request, Michael slowly pushed inside, until he was bottomed out inside of her.
It did not hurt a little bit, but Charlie felt quite unfamiliar due to having something large like that inside. Michael paused his pace, as he was allowing her to get used to the feelings of him stretching her out. It was not long until Charlie nodded and told him to go on with the flow.
It was the only confirmation Michael needed to continue.
Then he splitted Charlie open, his thick cock went inside her and made her whole body shudder in delight. Her teeth bit down on her lips and drew out some blood, small whimpers escaping her.
“No, don’t do that darling. I want to hear from you. Don’t shy away.”  Michael noticed that she was trying to hide her moans, so he pulled out his sad puppy eyes on her, to persuade her not to do that. As he was doing that, one of his hands snuck down to rub on her swollen clit. Charlie obliged, turning her hips upwards and let out more moans, which were louder than before. Michael beamed with happiness, praising her.
“Good, that’s my girl. You were so good at taking me. Can you handle more?” 
He did not even wait for her to answer his question, his head now settled down on her shoulder, and bit on her neck while still did not stop thrusting inside Charlie with a steady pace. Pulling back and adjusting his back straight, Michael tilted his head down to look at his girl. 
She was truly a masterpiece in his hands, an angel at his mercy. Her black hair, usually combed neatly, now was a mess tangled up and Michael reached out to swipe her bangs up. Her forehead was sweaty, her cheeks were stained with red blush. Her green eyes were clouded with satisfication, her supple pink lips were swollen and let out soft pants and moans, and her neck was littered with the pink and purple evidence of his teeth. 
But what made Michael almost out of his mind was the imprint of his cock on her belly. He tugged Charlie’s hand from its place beside her and set it down on her stomach.
"Here honey, easy. Can you feel how deep I am inside of you? Must have been good, right?"
That made Charlie’s face heated up, her eyes rolling back. She didn't say anything beside nodding along with his words in agreement, since now she could know how deep and how hard Michael was fucking her.
A pitiful moan escaped her mouth, following with a hard thrust from Michael. His hand on her belly could feel the movement of his cock stirring up her inside.
“O-Oh god, Mike— You are, ah, s-so deep…”  She trailed off as he began to speed up his thrusts. 
Now since Charlie was used to the feelings, Michael took it as a cue to fuck into her roughly. The sounds of labored breathing, their moans mixing up with the slapping noises of their skin against each other, all combined to make a lecherous orchesta. There were praises and words of encouragement coming from both of them, telling how good it was, or if the spot was hit, they were so lost in the pleasure that they could not realize whose voices it was.
Heat rushed through Charlie’s veins, warming her whole body in the process and made her become wetter. Michael was too huge, the way his cock stretching her, the way her cunt deliciously hurted by his actions drove her to insanity. Her whole body trembling in lust, she swore she could feel how tears began to roll down her cheeks and saliva escaping her mouth. 
Michael was not too different from her. His sweaty bangs stuck to his forehead as his hand tightly held Charlie’s in his, the size difference between them making him shudder. His blue eyes now blurred and he could feel his whole muscles tightened. The fact that Charlie’s tight pussy was pulling him in greedily was not helping much as he almost lost his mind to the delight. The flow of bliss continued to invade his body, making Michael unable to stop thrusting his hips. His hand rubbing on Charlie’s clit previously now moved up and planted next to her head to hold himself up, occasionally moved to place over the girl’s hand on her belly to press down on his bulge. 
Michael suddenly stopped grinding inside to Charlie’s surprise, then he moved her legs, adjusting both of them into the mating press position. With this stance, he could reach deeper inside of her, and it allowed deeper grinding as he trailed light kisses down her thighs and bit down.
Charlie yelped, pouting at Michael and the latter licked at the bite marks as if saying sorry before continuing his abuse on her tender cunt. If it was so good before, then now it was definitely better, because not only Michael could reach deeper inside of her pussy, the position also created a wonderful friction between her clit and Michael’s happy trail. His cock continuously hit her sweet spot, and Charlie did not know if she ever could take much more. She had never felt such much pleasure like this in her whole life, she felt like she was going to lose it, as Michael was going to break her. She could not do anything else besides crying out, demanding him to keep going. His hand now came up to pinch on her nipple, making her vision hazy and littered with stars. There was nothing inside of her mind right now, besides Michael, his cock kept pushing inside of her, his hand roaming on her body and his praises.
With another rough thrust, Charlie felt as if her world had been broken.
Her body arched up, one of her hands still tightly held Michael’s hand, while the other gripped the bed sheet. Charlie now was a mess, she looked like a ragdoll. Her eyes were unfocused, her legs were trembling. Her body was covered in a layer of sweat and blush. The orgasmic feelings spread out all over her body. She was so tired, but also very content.
However, Michael had not cum yet.
Charlie only realized that when she looked down and realized Michael was still inside and the younger man kept a steady pace of thrusting. She let out a pathetic whine, pleading with him to stop because she was too sensitive and did not know if she could handle more, or at least slow down but Michael just looked up at her and pouted,
“I’m sorry, but can you endure a little bit more for me baby? Please, just a bit longer, I was so— Ah!”
He shuddered, his cock twitched inside of Charlie and flooded her walls with milky white liquid, also triggering another orgasm from her. His cum mixing with her own release, and it was too much to the point his cum dripped down the sheet even when he was plugging inside her cunt. For a few moments, Michael stayed like this with Charlie until his cock was softened enough to pull out. He let out a loud sigh as he removed himself from the girl’s used hole and gently placed her legs back on the bed. 
Charlie winced as she felt his cum leaking out of her and making a mess, as Michael gathered the white substance with his fingers to stuff it back inside. She sighed, using her hands to cover up her eyes as she was tired and the lights were too blinding for now. Her chest slowly rose and fell with each breath she took. It was such an erotic sight, and he felt like as if he was blessed to see this, Michael had to admit.
Michael moaned out loud when he stretched, as he realized his muscles now were a bit sore. He flopped down gracelessly beside Charlie, humming in delight. He was no longer a virgin now, and it was far better than those amateur porns he beat his meat to before. He snuggled closer to Charlie, and she also moved closer to cuddle him. 
It was such a peaceful moment, there was nothing but their soft breathing and the sound of rain falling outside.
Charlie almost fell asleep due to the tranquil atmosphere, then Michael’s warmth against her left her unexpectedly. Her eyes widened.
“Where are you going?”
“I have to fetch a cloth to clean us up. Also you need to pee after sex, duh.”  Michael replied nonchalantly while standing at the bed’s end, hands on his hips.  “Can you walk or do you want me to carry you to the bathroom?”
“Carry me please.”  Charlie whined, her arms opening so her boyfriend could pick her up. Her legs felt like mush now, and she thought if she took a step she would fall flat on her face.
Michael snickered, saying  “As you wish, my liege.”  before bending down and picking Charlie up in bridal style. He set her down on the toilet so she could deal with her bladder while he changed the sheets and grabbed a clean towel to wet it. After cleaning himself up, he turned to Charlie and gently patted her private parts with the dampened cloth. Then he carried Charlie back to her bed, and got up again to find some clean underwear for both of them to wear. He found himself some spare boxers that Charlie kept  “just in case”  and put them in. When he returned back to the bed with a pair of cotton panties for her to wear, he found Charlie asleep soundly, still stark naked and curled up into a ball.
He smiled to himself because she was so adorable looking like this. The sex must have worn her out so much, so Michael tried to be quiet as much as possible when he slipped the cotton undergarments on her. Then he laid down next to her, pulled up the comforter while hugging her closer to himself.
His nose was nestled in her hair, inhaling the soft smell of her natural scent mixed with the smell of after sex and caressing her back. He murmured out a quiet  “Love you so much ”, then the weight of the dreamland began to crash down his eyes.
But before he completely fell asleep, he could swear that he heard a sleepy feminine voice slurring out,
“Love you too…”
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itsalwaysthesamehere · 10 months
Hey guys! This is from my ana doc that I keep private for the most part but I figured sharing would be great considering a lot of these tips/collections I got from tumblr anyways haha. I take no credit for any of this besides the food logs which are from my first week of relapsing. Ive tried to take things slower because I do have people Im hiding this relapse from so pleaseeeeeeeee no judgement. Im also super broke so I basically have to eat whatever we have at home. Enjoy yall!
Week one: No meat products. Prep soy sauce eggs, spicy foods and have breakfast, nothing off limits but only eat half of whatever you get for the week. Tons of salad and avoid heavy foods. 
Monday: 1800, high protein. 
Tuesday: 1600 Wednesday: 1400 Thursday: 1200 Friday: 1000
Saturday: 1200 Sunday: 1000
Monday: 1200
Tuesday: 1200
Wednesday: 1000
Thursday: 1000
Friday: 800 Saturday: 800 Sunday: 800 
Food log:
2 slimjims- 80 cal
One street taco- 75 cal
Cheese- 50 cal
Ravioli and salad: 350 calories
Total for breakfast- 205 calories
Total for dinner- 350 calories
Snack at night: 3 bananas, chocolates, chips :<, 1020 calories
Food log #2:
Breakfast: cottage cheese and raspberry jelly on toast, calories 147
Dinner: Spaghetti with garlic bread, calories 600
Snack: Garlic bread guts, 600 calories (heavily estimated, heavily exaggerated 
Total: 1,350 calories 
Food log #3:
Breakfast: White bread, cottage cheese and sugarfree raspberry jam, calories 200
Dinner: Cowboy stew with cornbread, calories 800
Snacks: Pastry :<, poptarts 1,150 calories
Total: 2540 calories
Lunch: Cowboy stew, 800
Snacks: One bite of pastry puff, cottage cheese with ritz crackers,pringles,  calories 437 
Total: 1,237 calories
Food log #5: 
Snack: Cottage cheese with sugarfree raspberry preserves and blueberries,, one chocolate, yahoo milk, sucker 335 cals 
Dinner: Alfredo with penne pasta, calories 600
Food log #6: 
Breakfast: 1/5th of a grape fruit, 1 egg white, 3 strips of bell pepper, 3 strawberries, and half a pom drink. Cals: 139
Snack: Icecream bite, 50 cals
Safe foods: 
Airhead - 60
Popcorn - 64 (per cup airpopped)
Animal crackers - 85 (ten crackers)
Baby ruth - 98
Milky way - 99
Vitamin water sugar-free - 0
Sparkling ice sugar-free - 5
Bai - 5 (any flavor)
Caprisun - 30-80 (depends on the flavor)
V8 - 45
Chinese fortune cookie - 15
Laffy taffy - 33
Pop rocks - 36
Cotton candy - 40 (10g)
Lollipop - 47
Candy cane - 59
White bread - 67
Angel food cake - 72
Victorian sponge cake - 72
Opera cake - 80
Buttermilk Pancake - 83
Pancake - 86
Pepperoni - 10
Chicken breast fillet - 17
Prosciutto- 18
Sushi - 39
Literally any lunch meat, they're all low cal!
Strip steak - 40 (3 slices!!!)
Quail breast - 69
Turkey wings - 53
Chicken wings - 77
Beef tripe - 80
Beef jerky - 82
Mushrooms - 1
Baby carrots - 5
Celery - 6
Bell pepper - 15
Tomatos - 20
Zucchini -  33
Green beans - 34 (per cup!!! Just throw on some red pepper and lemon juice and feast, sisters)
Artichoke - 60
Cucumber  - 66
Cherries - 4
Apricots - 17
Passion fruit - 17
Plums - 30
Cantaloupe - 23 (per 70g)
Mandarin oranges - 47
Peaches - 60
Take a moment and talk to God about it (even if you’re not a believer, it doesn’t hurt to try!)
Watch mukbang about the food that you are craving
Watch supersize vs superskinny (its on YouTube)
Look in the mirror and remind yourself why you are doing this in the first place
Read a book
Do your homework
Do chores
Smell at the food that you are craving
Write down your feelings and cravings (trust me it helps sm)
Drink A LOT of water. Drink until you feel like you’re about to explode
Clean your room! Get rid of all those water bottles and dishes.
Clean out your closet, decide what clothes you don’t wear and donate them to your local thrift store!
Go on a shopping spree! (Don’t spend all your money though!)
Organize your Pinterest boards
Compare yourself to th!nsp0
Weigh yourself
Listen to music
Drink calming tea
Catch up with a friend!
Talk to your pet about your feelings
Sleep the cravings out
Take a long walk
Take a cold shower
Watch a movie you haven’t seen before
Take care of your nails!
Look up how to do something you have always wanted to learn (make-up, macramé, origami, sign language, …)
This might sound weird but I love sudokus and they always get me focused enough to stop thinking about bingeing
Make a to-do list for the rest of the week
Listen to a podcast
Have a self-care day (take an everything-shower, put on a face mask, take care of your hair and body)
Make an essay about any topic you like
Start writing a book
Re-decorate your room
Make a New Year’s resolution list! Who do you want to be at the end of 2024?
^ or make a vision board !!!
Call a friend or family member
Read the newspaper (lowkey more interesting than I expected it to be)
If you’re frustrated about it, scream into a pillow
Scroll on insta or tiktok
Built a Lego set
Pick some flowers!
Practice deep breathing
Try yoga if you haven’t before!
If you are still standing in your kitchen, girl get out rn
Ask yourself if you are physically hungry, the answer is most likely no
Keep a food diary
Munch on a low cal snack instead, take veerryyyy slow bites
Thing I do but definitely don’t recommend:
Binge and purge (if you purge make sure you brush your teeth abt 30mins after)
Sm0ke or v@pe (depends if i’m able to go outside or not)
Sh (please, pleaaaase don’t do this)
I’m so guilty to do this to my family and the people who think I’m in a true recovery. But if I don’t Im scared of what might happen, I’m scared I’ll kill myself or even worse. I just really want to lose weight and feel like myself again
On day one I did mess up by having meat early on but we have to go through meat products before I can buy vegetarian substitutes plus we don’t have eggs rn. 
so you think you're "stuck" here again? you're not actually stuck, you're just not trying hard enough. you can lower your intake, walk more, exercise harder, fast for longer. the only thing stopping you from losing weight is you. why haven't you changed that? do something.
It’s only been two hours and you are already eating again. You are gonna be huge forever.
if you're looking at some food and doubting yourself if you should eat it or not, the answer is no 
I doubt that eating makes you as happy as stepping on the scale and seeing that you lost weight
You aren’t hungry, you’re just bored.
Excuses to not eat:
My tummy hurts from gallbladder
I took my pills in the morning and got sick
Sky kept me busy all day
Shared breakfast and lunch with sky
Thought I ate, forgot. *Go to get a snack and come back with a drink or small treat*
Spend time cooking for others
Talk about how you ate different things for breakfast
Smaller chest
Sharper jawline
Less curvy thighs
Square hips
Dainty hands
Slutty waist
Sharp shoulders
To float in my clothes
To look hot in emo clothes
Deeper set eyes
Visible spine
To save money (less food eaten, less food to buy)
Mesh tops
Muscles easier to see
People telling me I'm so small
Boyfriends being able to pick me up like it's nothing
some tips on food fixation and binging urges:
hellooo, ive been thinking about compiling some things that have helped me get my mind off of food and overall just writing down some rant -- so here it is!
keep in mind, im not an expert and this is mostly just me babbling. im writing this as a motivation for myself, and it will probably not work for everyone, but if you find any of this stuff helpful -- my pleasure!
★ mindfulness ★
`` first of all -- ive found that that strong-urge-to-binge thing is more of a state, not a feeling. it helps me to treat it as such: a mental state, a spiral, and to come out of that spiral you can:
◌ stop!
◌ breath in, breath out. ground yourself. have that thought of "wait, what am i doing?" in the space between you and the fridge
◌ check in with your body. what position are you in? does something hurt? are you cold? are you tired? overenergized?
◌ check in with your mind. is there any buzz? are you overwhelmed?
◌ if you located the issue (eg. im tired! i want comfort! so food = comfort!) -- great! move on from there to resolving this issue in a more mindful, not-involving-food way (then i should nap, do yoga, just lie on the floor, watch comfort movie)
why are we doing that? in my opinon, its very important to train that "what am i doing" moment of conciousness, because through that you can see better why you want to binge. is it a mental thing? how can you cope without food? is it a physical feeling? an effect of restriction? how can you tweak your eating to make it better (imo, fasting does better job at managing binges than plain restriction)
you cant just showe thinspo at your face everytime you crave something, after all : )
★ activities ★
`` make something with your hands! ohh my god! i cant stress it enough, it can help you to not get fixated on thinking about food so much! it can be something easy like drawing, or you can look up something new for yourself
`` go on a walk. i know, it can be very tiring to even think about, but t does wonders at distracting you
`` yoga. very simple and very effective. or, alternatively
`` do nothing at all for a bit. just. lie down, turn off your phone, no sound, no nothing (helps if your binging urge feels overwhelming)
`` if you havent already, try drinking coffee. it really is called an appetite supressant for a reason
`` i wasnt the one who told you that, but you can look up some gross stuff involving food.. f*eeding k*ink usually freaks me out on multiple levels for long enough to forget about food
`` test yourself and allow yourself to feel bored. put down your phone. watch a really long flm. boredom is a part of our lives, and if you teach yourself to feel it in such small portions without binging youll be so so proud of yourself
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Thinspos i have^
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midnight-rice · 3 months
Snippets from Dolphin's undisclosed workplace:
One manager likes to sing the catchiest jingles from children's cartoons and get them stuck in everyone else's heads. Last week was the backpack song from Dora the Explorer, this week it's Dragon Tails. She also puts random movies and shows on the TVs when it's late and we have no business, and is invested in Forged by Fire as a result
"Do you think a Swiffer would burn the top of the oven?" "No, but I think the oven would burn a Swiffer." "SHUT UPPP"
*said during a serious conversation about climate change, in an old-man voice* "Back in my day we used to have FOUR seasons! And I DON'T mean the hotel!"
Same person approached me with a wadded ball of dough and puppetted it in front of me like an evil slime monster while making rasping breathing sounds. Needless to say I died laughing
He also likes to admire pepperonis as they curl in the oven and dance quietly whenever nothing is going on. I like to join him, to my general manager's chagrin. We think he is jealous because as a GM he is not unprofessional enough to dance
My general manager is a warm and friendly man who comes across as more business-minded but still funny. Today after completing my training he confessed to me unprompted that the map of our delivery range looks uncannily like the side profile of the grandmother from Hey Arnold! He's right, and now I can't unsee it
*GM slipped on a mushroom* "Uh oh, he's tripping on shrooms!!"
My coworkers agreed I need to work on my manager voice, they said they'd be shocked to hear me yell. I waited until they were put of the building and yelled as loud as I could, but I sounded like an irate goose 😅
I have been known to make animals out of leftover dough. Not to brag but some of them turn out really good 😌
The store owner relayed an interesting story about a recent even at the other location: apparently someone dashed into the store, grabbed a giant pizza right off of a family's table, and ran out the door. Looney Toons-ass crimes happening there apparently
Everytime I hold the oven mitts I turn into a crab clickclick and everytime i hold a pizza peel I turn into master lancer stabby stab
(did you know that the stick you use to get a pizza out of the oven is called a pizza peel. I didn't know, I had to google it)
One of my coworkers is a socially awkward high schooler who has shared some extremely worrying stories from his life like the time his sister got raped but my favorite interaction with him was when he told me all about Undertale AUs, which I thankfully had some knowledge about due to watching a YouTube video about them a week prior. Rather than the edgy ones like Underfell or Error Sans it sounded like his favorite was the kindest version of Frisk (I forget the name but they rescue characters from bad AUs) because it made him feel hopeful ;_;
A different pair of teens who work here discovered they could overwhelm the label maker's character limit and get it to print in an entirely different font as a result
Every day since I started I have deliberately misspelled my name on my cup to see if anyone notices. Usually it's just the first few letters followed by keysmashes but ocassionally I name it things like "rawr XD" and *Wilhelm screams*
A few weeks after I started i was bored and doodling my go-to monsters on scrap paper. My coworkers liked them so much they taped them to the side of the Pepsi cooler ;_;
My insatiable desire for removable vandalism has led me to hiding stickers of my go-to monster mascot around the store. So far none have been found to my knowledge. I did show off the box whose bottom I completely covered with the little guys though
Half of the store is quite short, myself included. We all make fun of each other for it but I still refuse to get a step stool out when reaching for things on the top shelf
Every time I prep tomatoes I whisper "Ludger-coded" to myself
But I spend most of my time writing gay fan fic in my head
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
Gossip Girl Appreciation Week | Day 2: A Favorite Dynamic
A fic to celebrate the van der Humphrey kids! biological and honorary!
shoutout to @blairwaldcrf for the textfic idea <3
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Transcript below the cut
First Image:
Nate (sender):  attention jeeves
Jenny from the block (Jenny):  what did you just call me
Nate:  Dan and I need you guys to settle a debate
Punkin Butt (Dan):  Oh god
Punkin Butt:  I would like to preemptively apologize
S! 🌼 (Serena):  yesssss I am ready go on
Nate:  Daniel R Humphrey, my betrothed, the love of my life, believes that pineapple, fruit of the gods, the most delicious of the fruits, should not be on pizza 
Second Image:
B! 🐝 (Blair):  …
B! 🐝:  You’re kidding, right?
Nate:  that’s what I’m saying!!!
B! 🐝:  No, Nate, I mean: that is what you’re arguing about?
B! 🐝:  Because obviously, the answer is no. It does not belong. 
Punkin Butt:  AHA!
Jenny from the block:  yeah nate wtf is wrong with you
Third Image:
Jenny from the block:  pineapple alone: yes. 
Jenny from the block: pineapple on pizza: SACRILEGE. 
Jenny from the block:  DISGUSTANG
V! (Vanessa):  some things are sacred. 
V!:  proper pizza topping is one of them
Jenny from the block:  wow trying so hard not to make a joke about “topping”
Punkin Butt:  please don’t
Eric RHODES:  ^^^
Eric RHODES:  and re: the pizza question: sorry, nate. 
Fourth Image:
Eric RHODES:  it just doesn’t taste that good to me
V!:  yeah the sweetness from the tomato sauce combined with the super sweetness of the fruit…it’s just too much
Nate:  no no no V, that’s why you pair it with pepperoni
Punkin Butt:  absolutely not
Nate:  because the spice of the meat offsets the sweetness perfectly
Punkin Butt:  you are sleeping on the couch tonight
Jenny from the block:  harshhhhh
Fifth Image
Jenny from the block:  but fair tbh
Jonathan:  I…I kinda like it actually
Jenny from the block:  JONATHAN NO
S! 🌼:  it’s ok jonathan we still love you
S! 🌼:  natie though…
Nate:  wow. 
Nate:  I am feeling so attacked right now
B! 🐝:  You brought this on yourself, darling. 
Nate:  okay but consider this
Sixth Image:
Nate:  how many of you have actually TRIED it though? Instead of just writing it off as gross
Nate:  because of some preconceived idea of what pizza “should” be. 
Nate:  let go of principle. Open yourselves up to joy. To enjoying deliciousness. 
V!:  Well fuck
V!:  you’ve convinced me.
S! 🌼:  srsly V’s literally scrolling through grubhub now
Punkin Butt:  Oy. 
Seventh Image:
B! 🐝:  Well not here. J and I are making perfectly sensible croque monsieur. 
Jenny from the block:  yeah like true ex-patriots <3
Jonathan:  wbu Dan? Are you convinced?
Punkin Butt:  we’re doing separate orders
Eric RHODES:  now that’s true love.
Jenny from the block:  it’s easy enough when you bag the richest boy in new york
Eighth Image:
Punkin Butt:  hey
Punkin Butt:  hey
Punkin Butt:  fuck you
Jenny from the block:  ;)
Nate:  he takes my fortune I take his name. Fair trade. 
S! 🌼:  awwwwwww
B! 🐝:  ugh.
Jenny from the block:  gross
Ninth Image:
Eric RHODES:  aw come on Dan don’t make him sleep on the couch
Nate:  beep beep sorry line busy try again later
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rebelmeg · 8 months
20 Questions For Writers
I was tagged by the lovely @takadasaiko!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I just finished posting my 238th fic! It's one of my few longer ones, so I've been putting the chapters up one at a time.
Cupcakes and Kisses, a Bucky/Darcy bakery AU, and behold, a moodboard!
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2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
MCU almost exclusively, though I did post one Harry Potter fic awhile back, and I've got a couple WIPs for other fandoms that may never get posted.
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5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, and I love doing so! The reader feedback is one of my very favorite parts of fandom, because they get to tell me what they liked, and I get to be super happy about that. Often times a reader will notice something I didn't even put together in my own writing, or they will love a line that I personally thought was amazing, and nothing beats that! It's just a circle of love, and I live for it.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This one is definitely the saddest, because there is no After.
The Price We Paid, in which Tony activates a Coffin Protocol in the suit, which is exactly what you think, featuring MCD.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I mostly write fluff and shenanigans, so really, you could pick at random and it would probably be a super happy ending.
Though I think I could recommend several from my Iron Family series, since most of those are fix-its.
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8. Do you get hate on your fic?
I have once or twice, but that is something I do not tolerate anywhere in my fandom life. I have anon disabled, and I moderate comments, because this is a fun space for me. Fandom is where I go to be excited about these adorable little blorbos with my fandom friends, and hate has no place there. Neither does condescension or meanness, so I have absolutely no problem with deleteing that from my life.
9. Do you write smut?
Wouldn't you like to know.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I don't think I ever have, but I have definitely read it and enjoyed it!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes, actually, @newnewyorker93 and I had a collab fic stolen. Luckily one of our readers spotted it and it was taken down.
I Went to the County Fair and All I Got Was This Alpaca is the fic in question, and it has alpaca-snuggling, so I highly recommend.
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12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I know I've given permission at least once, but I admit I don't recall if it did get translated or not.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Many times, and I love it! Writing is so much easier with a writing buddy! I'm always open to a good collab.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Pepperony. I just... I just love them. I love a lot of ships from a lot of fandoms, but Pepperony is the one that I've been with the most. The most fanfic, the most interaction with other fans, the most feels.
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15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Well, I never say never with this kind of thing, really. It often takes me years to finish something, but I have finished a good number of things that did in fact take me years to get from idea to fully formed and written fic.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Definitely dialogue and one-shots. I cannot plot for the life of me, so I largely stick to what I'm good at, and I'm happy there. (This is where co-writing is amazing, because other people can plot when I can't!)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done so several times, but it's usually single words or phrases that I've trusted Google Translate for. Which I know can be sketchy, so I try to limit that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The one I'm still writing for, the MCU!
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Definitely can't pick a favorite kid, but I think I do have one that I've reread the most.
Save Another Life (It Will Be Worth It) is a Bruce-flavored remix of How To Save A Life (It Just Might Be Yours), in which the Winter Soldier finishes a mission with baby Tony Stark in tow, and then raises the baby as his own while his conditioning falls apart.
In that fic, there were several cameo appearances by other Avengers as kids, and Bruce was the saddest one. When a couple readers had questions and comments about it, it sparked the remix in which Bruce gets saved too. Made a moodboard for it too!
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✏️ What are your hobbies?
🥣 What's your favorite food?
💆‍♀️ How do you relax?
Armed with this knowledge we can give Yume the Perfect Weekend.
✏️ What are their hobbies?
Yume has so many hobbies, but these are what pop into my head first.
Gaming, Photography, Art/drawing, reading, writing, knitting, sewing, board game club, and singing!
🥣 What's their favorite food?
Yume loves pepperoni pizza! Even though they are a bit lactose intolerant. Everyone shakes their head when they see them consume dairy.
💆‍♀️ How do they relax?
Depends! For days that are very hectic; they might just want a simple nap. Other days they lean into their hobbies for relaxation! Maybe just want to chill and do an easy hobby like playing games or watching tv, maybe while knitting on the couch. I think most of their relaxation comes from creating art in some type of way!
The perfect weekend would be spending time with loved ones! Watching TV together or playing games and ordering a pizza. ^-^ Thanks for the ask, sorry it took so long!
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