#i write too many characters its so fun can you blame me
love-shutdown · 2 years
the rules are simple! post ten characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. aside from that, please repost instead of reblogging!
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Agape ( SHTDN )
Aki Maeno ( ZENO )
Akito Shinonome ( Project Sekai )
Deuce Spade ( Twisted Wonderland )
Haurchefant Greystone ( Final Fantasy XIV )
Hythlodaeus ( Final Fantasy XIV )
Phares ( Dragalia Lost )
Euden / “The Prince” ( Dragalia Lost )
Hifumi Izanami ( Hypnosis Mic )
Emil / “Patient” ( Identity V )
Yotsutsuji Kannabi ( Hypnosis Mic )
Venti ( Genshin Impact )
Mithra ( Mahoyaku / Promise of Wizard )
Kazunari Miyoshi ( Act Addict Actors! / A3! )
( and many more )
Aki Hayakawa ( Chainsaw Man )
Tsutsuji ( Traumërei’s Grave )
Tsutsuji ( Ghost Six )
Fuuta Kajiyama ( MILGRAM )
Haruki Atou ( Cell of Empireo )
Alear (M) ( Fire Emblem )
Alfred ( Fire Emblem )
Draco Edgeworth ( Vincent: The Secret of Myers )
Hifumi Izanami ( Hypnosis Mic )
Phares ( Dragalia Lost )
Owain / Odin ( Fire Emblem )
0 notes
kookslastbutton · 6 months
Guilty Pleasures ༓ jjk, kth (m) | chapter ii
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✒ Summary: Three years of being Seoul's power couple earns you nothing but a big fat divorce settlement and your face plaster on every gossip column around town. You're angry, hurt, and desperately want to move on, but worst of all? You're still in love with the man who started the whole mess, even though the most he can ever see you as is a friend. The renowned actor you've hired to be your company's new endorser seems to have a soft spot for you though. He's easy on the eyes, you'll admit, but who actually wants a divorcee like yourself? It's unrealistic really.
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pairing: ex-husband ceo!jungkook x ceo!reader, actor!taehyung x ceo!reader
genre/AU: angst, smut, fluff, loverstoexesto ?, coworkers2?, unrequited love
Word count: 4.5k
Warnings: oc and jk are both 30, Taehyung is 32, swearing, fighting, confrontation, tornado of emotions, mentions of alcohol consumption, mentions of sexism in the media and business world, public shaming (both direct and indirect), morally grey characters, mentions of toxic relationships, mentions of abandonment issues, mentions of therapy, attempts to self-regulate but reader is pissed, mentions of self-blame though oc knows its not entirely her fault, mentions of defamation charges, JK is just 🤬 while KTH is 😇
playlist: Unkiss Me, Apologize, Hate That I Love You, etc.
a/n: Woah okay....so had I fun writing this, even though it took me a hella long time to decide whether to continue the story as a series or not 🫣 Anyway I altered the summary slightly from chapter one (and updated for consistency purposes), but it doesn't change my overall plans! As you read this chapter, I hope you will be able to see my vision (I'm nervous af! haha)! Enjoy 🥰 (edited but pls forgive me for any oversights...my typos are ridiculous)
series masterlist | next >>
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You’re seated in a wide sofa chair, surrounded by four blank walls, and the gentle sound of water tricking from a faux rock waterfall. Every element of the space is carefully integrated as a means to calm you. Yet it doesn't calm you in the slightest. Your hands are clammy. Muscles tense with the adrenaline spiking through your veins. It doesn’t help that you’ve been running on nothing but black coffee all week either, refusing to eat until the first promo shoot with your company’s new endorser was launched.
A natural in front of the camera, Kim Taehyung was able to speed the process up, yet it didn’t stop the massive dark circles from forming under your eyes. This morning, he'd told you they were unnoticeable but you've seen how you look in the mirror, and they're anything but unnoticeable. Still, you find his gesture to soothe sweet. Thankfully, your new partnership has been smooth sailing which is quite a blessing considering the disaster he nearly walked into.
Yes. You’re referring to that disaster in particular. When, in some desperate last-minute attempt for validation, you threw yourself into the arms of your ex-husband.
More like fixed the collar of his shirt and whoops, slid right on his dick…again.
What is wrong with you?
You’ve been asking yourself the question far too many times. You’d think being a hot-shot CEO of a million-dollar tech company would make you like titanium, resilient as finely pounded steel but no; you're just barely keeping yourself together. You regret your rash decision that day, you regret ever marrying Jeon Jungkook, and you regret ever giving in to your stupid feelings.
That’s why you’re here now, waiting in the office of your therapist’s private practice, hands restless in your lap. You’ve been seeing Melody for just over two months since your divorce was finalized, ready to move on; trying to, more like.
‘JeonX CEO Jeon Jungkook’s ex-wife compensated $1.8 billion in divorce’
‘South Korea’s Golden It couple split with ex-wife taking half the company revenue’
These are the lovely words that greet you from your phone screen.
You have the urge to grab your special red ballpoint pen from your bag and scribble out the entire paragraph, except it’s not a printed gossip magazine— it’s a newspaper column on the internet. Instead, you close out the pesky tab on your phone and reply to its sender.
Chim 🐥: can you believe this crap they’re saying about you?! It's no shit you were given a hefty divorce settlement. You brought in half the income! They’re making you look like some kind of gold digger. I swear if I ever lay my eyes on that pretty ex-husband of yours, I will end him! 😡 [sent at 5:06 pm]
Park Jimin, your childhood best friend, sends you a follow-up text when you don’t immediately reply to the news articles he forwarded over. He’s been extremely overprotective of you lately and especially pissed at how the media’s been portraying you, while Jungkook is seemingly getting a free ride. He’s always had an axe to grind with your ex-husband, to be honest, the divorce gives him only more reason to hate him.
You: Thanks for your concern Chim, but nothing they say surprises me anymore. If you don’t mind, can you stop sending these to me? [sent at 5:12 pm]
You hope your message doesn’t read as cold or dismissive. Jimin’s concern for you is a light in a dark place, but you don’t really want to be reminded of the amount of slandering articles still targeted towards you.
Gone are the days when the public saw you as a powerful woman in business, the one to watch, or the CEO of the fastest-growing startup in the last ten years. You're now simply Jeon Jungkook’s conniving ex-wife; as if you’ve merely seduced him for his money and ran when the going was good.
Of course, the whole situation is skewed to his side; half the world is in love with him after all, and that includes the few lingering reporters who've been practically salivating three feet from you at any given chance, hoping to get an exclusive “inside look”. Your marriage was a sham, you wanted to scream, a mutual business transaction.
Too bad rather than an increase in status, resources, and market share, you gained a pile of twisted, unwarranted emotions and regrets.
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“I apologize for the wait Ms. __."
The door swings open as your therapist rushes into the room. She stops at her desk to retrieve last week’s session notes, then takes a seat in the chair adjacent to you with crossed legs.
“It’s okay,” you assure, straightening your posture. “I understand how crazy busy the day can get. It wasn't a long wait anyway."
Melody gives a small smile and jots a few words on her notepad. “Thank you for understanding. How are you doing this week?”
You take a deep breath. "Tired," you respond, "especially this week at work. It's like as soon as I wrap up one project, there's another jumping out from nowhere." You used to be ahead of the game. Now you're barely surviving.
"That's right," she hums. "Last week you mentioned having to attend a charity gala soon. Would you like to start there today?"
Crap, you're suddenly reminded that you have to pick up your gown by 7 pm tonight. You entertained the idea of not going to the gala at all, but that would do you no favors in the end. Given your situation, you can't skip out on such an important charity event.
"Sure," you nod. "The Winter Gala's tomorrow night, actually. It's funny how I used to look forward to it every year, being an opportunity to network and catch up with my peers. I can't say I feel the same thrill this time around."
"Because of the divorce you mean?"
"Exactly. Being the CEO of one of the largest software corporations in the world, my ex-husband's influence far exceeds my own. So whether out of loyalty or political agenda, anyone who's anyone will be on his side of the room. I'm gonna end up being that one awkward person in the corner in a far too expensive Dior gown who no one wants to dance with." You nervously chuckle out the last sentence.
Melody opens her mouth to respond, yet stops when she notices you're not quite finished.
"It'll be the first time seeing my ex-husband after months of no contact too. I guess that's what I'm looking forward to the least."
When you think about it, the most you've seen of Jungkook is his face appearing on the massive screens downtown. He's been featured in at least a dozen interviews lately, teasing a brand-new product his company's planning to release in the spring. Seems he's doing well.
"What you feel is valid Ms. __." Melody seeks to assure you. "In the past, you used to go to these events with Jungkook right? He provided you with a sense of safety, as you did for him, no doubt. I wonder if it's a lack of consistency and belonging that worries you, more than it is about seeing your ex-husband and your peers. Companionship too, of course."
"I suppose that makes sense, but it never used to be this way." Your voice raises to match your sudden argumentativeness. "I used to be very comfortable in my own skin. I used to be confident going to these events alone, long before Jungkook came into the picture."
You pause to take a breath before continuing.
"When Jungkook became CEO of his family's software company, JeonX, he was steps away from being bought out by both our competitors, so a partnership was proposed. We married at 27 as nothing more than two ambitious, rising leaders in business. Neither of us was after love or romance when our careers were at stake."
"But then that changed for you," your therapist carefully observes. "Combined, you both held the largest share of the tech market. You and Jungkook were also in an extremely intimate relationship, yet treated it as a business contract. Unfortunately, those don't always come out clean in the wash. It appears to me that while you gave him three honest years of your life, he stole those three years from you."
The words take a moment to sink in; Jungkook stole three years from you. It conflicts with what you want to believe, though from the bottom of your heart, you know she's right.
"I feel so...guilty. I hate that I fell for him, and I hate that I'm struggling this much to let him go." As you tear up, Melody hands you a tissue from the side table with an empathetic gaze. You mouth a thank you and gently dab your eyes with the soft fabric.
"I'd give yourself some grace Ms. __. But if I may ask, what about Jungkook?" she gently probes. "Do you think he feels the same?"
"No...," you say with remorse, shaking your head. "He's moved on."
Melody remains silent for as long as you need in the moments following, cautious to follow your lead. The last thing a therapist should do is rush their patient through the session, so she sits patiently and waits for your go.
"Sorry," you finally say. "We should continue."
"No need for apologies," she replies. "Take your time."
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It takes a good minute or two longer of sitting in your car before you can fully compose yourself. As usual, your session with Melody was intense and insightful, but it was far too short. You're gripping the wheel with both hands when her final words of the session echo through your head: "Give yourself some grace; blaming yourself won't do any good."
Seemingly simple advice, yet tough to follow when you constantly feel responsible for the mess you're in. Yes, even though Jungkook has the bigger end of the stick, you made your share of mistakes too. You should have looked into other options when you found out your competitors were looking to buy out JeonX instead of eloping with their CEO.
Just what were you thinking __? you harshly scold yourself. You were trying to protect your company. You both were. Too bad you placed the cart in front of the horse.
Forcing yourself to take a slow, deep breath, your eyes widen in alarm when you catch the time on the clock— 6:38 pm. Fuck! The boutique that's holding your gown for tomorrow's gala is closing in twenty minutes. Without a moment to spare, you yank the seatbelt and slam your foot on the gas.
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"Good evening Ms. __." A young woman, fitted in a black pencil skirt and white blouse, greets you with a faint bow as soon as you step foot into the posh boutique.
"Hello, Hana," you refer to the young lady by name with a smile. "I'm terribly sorry to be coming in this late. I came by to pick up the gown I sent in for alterations two weeks ago. The event's tomorrow and I know the shop will be closed for the day."
Knowing the exact dress you're referring to, Hana responds with a soft tone, "Please don't worry Ms. __. We have the gown ready." She disappears to the back of the shop to retrieve it.
As you wait, your mind drifts to memories of last year's gala. You had worn a vibrant, gold gown that evening, slightly risky with a low neckline. Jungkook liked it though, as he wore a matching gold vest himself. You can imagine how crazy the press went when you both set foot on the scene, arms linked and appearing to have coordinated your attire perfectly.
Every investor at the gig wanted to be your friend that night, anxiously pushing through the crowds to speak to you. One of them nearly split your dress in two, as he had accidentally stepped on your gown after one too many drinks. You recall Jungkook scolding the man before turning his full attention to you, making sure you were alright. You consider this to be the first time you truly started looking at him as your husband, a feeling of warmth blooming inside you.
How foolish you were to let that feeling grow.
You're attending the gala alone this year, without him.
Possessing no desire to call attention to yourself this year, you've chosen a rich, navy blue gown instead. It's subtle yet sophisticated. Made out of the finest silk, its silhouette is sleek and falls straight down to the floor without any extravagant frills. The neckline is simple too, paired with a tasteful open back. There are no flashy accessories or embellishments, just a straightforward, classic design. You find the gown beautifully elegant, and nowhere near as bold as your previous one.
"Here it is Ms. __," Hana chips from afar, her heels clacking against the polished floor tiles. In her hand is a generously sized garment bag, your dress flowing underneath.
"Thank you so much, Hana," you say, taking the gown from her hand. "Again, I'm sorry for my tardiness picking this up. I hope you have a wonderful night."
You leave the boutique, the sun having already set.
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The Winter Gala takes place on the top floor of Seoul's most luxurious hotel, specifically in its grand ballroom. The walls are adorned with gold trim, and its floors are elegantly lined with polished black marble. Above, a magnificent glass chandelier glimmers, catching the moonlight filtering through the surrounding glass windows.
Despite being a private event, the gala attracts a whole slew of press and locals who eagerly gather on either side of the hotel's front doors, treating it as a prime spot for viewing the red carpet.
Physically, you're ready; dressed to the nines, and makeup done just right. Mentally, you're absent; secretly sipping a margarita at the end of the earth, wherever that is. The day finally comes for you to make an appearance at the Annual Winter Gala and it's clear, you're not prepared in the slightest.
Your nerves consume you as you sit in the backseat of your limousine. You protested against being dropped off at the front entrance. Hell, you hadn't even wanted to arrive in a limo. However, your PR team insisted you be seen arriving, happy to be supporting a charitable event for the eighth year in a row.
Reluctantly, you complied.
Chim 🐥: I wish I could be there with you tonight 😞 No matter what, don't let those snobs get into your head. You look stunning and you have nothing to be ashamed of! [sent at 6:23 pm]
"Thank you, love," you whisper to aloud upon reading your best friend's endearing message. Before you can craft a reply, your door is flung open, with harsh flashes of cameras blinding you. When you step out of the limo, you hear a mix of passionate cheering and interrogative remarks.
"Ms. __, could you share with us your experience of attending the gala without Jeon Jungkook by your side for the first time?"
"Ms. __, it's unexpected to see you here this year, especially considering your recent separation from your ex-husband, who is also on the guest list!"
"Ms. __, how do you plan to navigate the evening's festivities without the familiar presence of your former partner?"
Just keep walking __. If you can just get inside the building and tune out the noise, you'll be fine. You coach yourself with every step, but make little progress with the amount of discomfort only skyrocketing. Your photos are being taken, and questions barrage you from all angles. To top it off, you feel a strong migraine coming on and oh fuck— is that the devil now?
You don't have to glance back to guess the sudden increase in cheering is due to the arrival of another hot A-lister. It has to be Jungkook with a new woman by his side. You think he wouldn't bring a date to an event like this, even if she were a hire? You'd be horribly mistaken.
You fight against the urge to turn around and confirm if your suspicions are true.
"__!" a voice calls out, which you ignore.
But wait a minute.
You stop in your tracks—that's not Jungkook's voice at all; it’s far too raspy.
Peeking over your shoulder, your jaw falls open as you see Kim Taehyung steps behind you wearing a boxy grin on his face. He's dressed to the hills with a shiny maroon, Louis Vuitton suit hugging his slim waist. Quite handsome, per usual, but what is he doing here?
Taking the initiative, Taehyung strides next to you and waves to the crowd charismatically. “My movie shoot wrapped up early so I thought I’d swing by and see what all the excitement’s about,” he says.
You observe how easy it is for him to appease the crowd, a skill you’re still working to sharpen.
“Tae-” you begin.
He then turns to you and looks straight into your eyes. You shiver at from the sudden intensity.
“I got an invitation too, and the gala happens to support a cause that I find close to my heart.” His voice lowers for the next part, allowing only your ears to hear. “I also didn’t want you having to be alone this evening, __. I hope I didn’t overstep my boundaries.”
Taehyung’s words manage to coax you away from your previously frazzled state, comforting you as the chaos quiets around you.
“Thank you, Taehyung. You didn’t, don’t worry,” you reply, giving a tight-lipped smile. “It’s actually a good thing you came since you’re basically the second face of my company after all.”
“I’m happy to hear that. We’ve been working so well together recently, and I don’t want to ruin it. May I?” He offers you an arm.
“You may.” You slip your arm into his and continue towards the hotel entrance. You admit you’re glad to see him.
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With Taehyung nearby, your apprehensions of the night start to subside. He’s not always beside you, slipping away to mingle often, yet his mere presence relaxes you. You haven’t even thought about Jungkook to be honest. Well, maybe a little bit.
You take a sip of the drink in your hand and casually scan the ballroom until bingo, you spot your ex-husband by the bar in the middle of half a dozen people. Figures he’s the center of attention, effortlessly tethering people to himself. Jungkook loves the spotlight, and the spotlight loves him. As you continue watching him from across the room, a whirlwind of conflicting emotions swirls within you; longing, sorrow, anger. You haven't seen him in over two months, it feels surreal.
Memories of your time together come flooding back all at once—both the good and the bad, yet mostly bad. It's strange how someone you were once so close to can suddenly feel like a stranger. You allow your gaze to linger a moment longer, curious to conclude a date is nowhere in sight. Perhaps you’re mistaken and they’ve merely slipped away for a second. You’re positive he would’ve brought someone.
Bitterly, you gulp down another sip of your drink. When you place your glass down, you nearly choke at the sight of Jungkook's dark eyes burning holes at you. You avert your gaze immediately, silently begging that he didn’t just witness you staring at him and take it as an unsolicited invitation to come over.
“So,” a provocative voice unexpectedly slides next to you. “Looks like you just traded one bachelor for the next __. I’m shocked to see you’ve shown up to our little soirée.”
Oh god, you roll your eyes, recognizing the owner of the slithery voice like the back of your hand. You do not have the stamina for this tonight.
“Kathy," you greet with the fakest, yet sweetest smile possible. "Nice seeing you again. I haven't seen you since last year. How's the baby?"
"Oh please," she scoffs. "Don't try to deflect, sweetie. We both know it's you who is of far more... intrigue. If you understand my gist."
You want to hurl at this woman's condescending tone. Nothing gets under your skin more than someone your age calling you sweetie. It's not endearing in the slightest, especially when it's Kathy Lee, Director of CommaTen. You despise each other, likely because you both hit it big in the industry at a young age. Meeting someone who reminds you so closely of yourself isn't always a blessing.
“Anyway, as I was saying," she continues, brushing her hair behind an ear. "I have quite the bone to pick with you about stealing that actor from me. Kim Taehyung was mine first, you know."
Hers? She speaks as if a person can be owned. You won't lie, you're surprised Taehyung agreed to partner with you at a time when most of Seoul's elites have turned against you. You're naive to assume that his support wouldn't backfire on his reputation. On the other hand, he's been your endorser for two months now and his following remains fully intact.
“To be frank, I didn't know the two of you were talking business at all," you respond to the accusations with composure, though burning up inside. "But of course, he's free to make his own decisions, can't he? Whatever the reason, something must have enticed him."
“You—" Offended by your insinuation that your offer was better than hers, Kathy doesn't stop what comes next. "We both know the only reason why Kim Taehyung's with you is because Jungkook left you! And you need the extra publicity, isn't that right?"
Fuck. Well, now you're really fucking embarrassed because, at that moment, everyone in the room shifts their attention your way. A pin drop could be heard in the entire ballroom since even the live band ceased their playing.
This is why you didn't want to come. Your fingers fumble with the fabric of your gown.
“Don't act like you're above me just because your company might be worth more than mine, __. We'll catch up with you soon," Kathy spits her final words before spinning around and triumphantly walking away.
Don't cry, you tell yourself. Everyone's staring at you; the press, your peers, Jungkook, and Taehyung. Don't you dare cry.
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As the murmurs of conversation gradually resume around you, you force yourself to take a deep, steadying breath. Kathy's words were nothing but a feeble attempt to save her own face. Besides, what company doesn't have at least one endorser?
"Are you alright?" Taehyung's low, gentle voice catches your attention as he swiftly returns to your side, no doubt influenced after witnessing Kathy's verbal jab.
You manage a tight-lipped smile, nodding faintly as you attempt to push back the overwhelming wave of humiliation. "I will be," you reply, though the words feel hollow even to your own ears.
His gaze lingers on you for a moment longer, a silent understanding passing between you.
"I hope you don't take her words to heart, __," he mutters. "I chose to become your partner because I genuinely believe in your product. I'm selective about who I support, so please trust me when I say it wasn't because of material gain or pity."
You're on the verge of responding to his reassurance when you catch sight of your ex-husband from the corner of your eye, striding his way over to you for the first time tonight. His expression is unreadable, so you brace yourself, unsure of what to expect.
"__," he starts, his voice low but carrying an unmistakable urgency. "Can we talk?"
You and Taehyung share a quick glance before you follow Jungkook out of the ballroom, seeking privacy.
As soon as you're out of earshot, Jungkook turns to you, his features softened by a hint of concern. "Hey," he starts. "I meant to get over to you sooner but got tied up. You know how it is."
"Yeah, I know," you respond, though you'd rather he didn't come over at all, especially after being dragged into the spotlight in front of all your peers and colleagues.
The two of you share an unsettling silence before he speaks again.
"You-You look good." He allows his eyes to rake up and down your body, causing you to cross your arms in discomfort. There was a time when his gaze brought a flutter of excitement, but now, you're not so sure it brings you the same pleasure.
"I'm sorry for what happened in there," he says. "You okay?"
"What?" you repeat, your eyes wide with surprise, stunned by his unexpected apology. "Am I okay?"
Where was this concern when he handed you the divorce papers nine months ago? Or when he willingly took advantage of your vulnerability that time in your office, only to disappear afterward, as if he hadn't just torn your heart out of your chest? You clench your fists, trying to contain the rising temperature of your anger.
"Yeah, about what she said about you," he clarifies. "It was uncalled for, and I feel horrible about it." He reaches out to touch you, but you instinctively step back, as if his touch would scorch you.
"Please, don't," you sigh, a trace of weariness in your voice. "It's fine."
"I'm serious __, I can have her charged with defamation for that. It wouldn't take much!" His insistence is unwavering, and it strikes your last nerve.
"You don't need to fight my battles for me, Jungkook," you suddenly snap, voice stern. "I'm not completely helpless now that you've divorced me!"
Jungkook's expression darkens, regret flickering in his eyes. "I'm not saying you are. I'm just trying to help."
"Help?" you repeat, doubtful. "How do you think that's going to look for me in the media? Jeon Jungkook slaps another high society member with a defamation charge for ex-wife. Thanks, but no thanks. I get enough of that as is."
He sighs, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I know they've been difficult on you recentl—"
"Difficult?" you interject, your anger bubbling to the surface. "In case you haven't noticed my face is on every gossip magazine, billboard, press release, and anything else they can use to scorn me with. It's unbearable, especially since I still have a business to run."
Jungkook winces, clearly stung by your words. "Then let me help. I'll get them removed for you. I still care about you, __."
You scoff. "You care about me? Is that why you made me sign our divorce papers three months after you found out I wanted more than a fake marriage?"
His jaw clenches, gaze dropping to the floor guiltily. "It's not like that, __. I'm not trying to be an avoidant asshole. I want you to-"
"Find someone else. Yeah, I got it," you mutter bitterly, feeling a fresh wave of hurt wash over you.
"I'm sorry, __. I am."
You stare at him, torn between resentment and a lingering ache for the connection you once shared. Now, he's apologizing?
"So am I," you say, slowly backing away from him. "You don't have to do anything, Jungkook. I'm fine."
You then turn on your heels to return to the ballroom where Taehyung still waits for you, leaving your ex-husband standing in the hallway, alone.
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a/n: A much-needed confrontation between oc and jk eh? But... *laughs evilly*..this is not the end...LMK what you think! 🤔🤍
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side note: I tried tagging readers in comments but most of them didn't go through, so i'm sorry about the clutter here...😬
no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
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hotheadedhero · 4 months
Like 'em Big
AN: I have so many stories to write but I had to do this. Blaming being sick, m'kay? Fever has got me bad and these meds got me loopy. Thinking we need some good, silly fun in our lives, right? Plus, now that I've watched Rise, I'm hungry for some big Raph appreciation. I know I ain't the only one
Part 2
All characters are aged up
Raphael x Reader
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Warnings: near peril, easily smitten, possible errors due to fever (what kind of fever is up for deliberation🥴)
Cutting right to the chase. You like big dudes. That doesn't necessarily mean muscles, either. You just love you a big man - someone with a bit of something-something to them. More to love, you know? Given your track record with the greater world, it shouldn't be all that much of a mystery. Cats? Get yourself a tiger that you can cuddle into. Jumpers? Comfort central, baby. Beds? If you can't spread eagle then you see no point. The old-age saying does declare that the bigger the better, so who are you to disagree? How true that is may be up for debate but it’s merely as simple as understanding what your preferences are.
However, this makes dating a difficult ballpark to play in. No matter how tall, jacked, or voluptuous someone is, it never feels like enough. Human biology and genetics can only go so far in the conceivably possible sense. You just want to be absolutely engulfed when you get a hug. Is that such a crime? Apparently, it is. Unfortunately, you also seem to come across the worst jerks when you attempt to date within this set of criteria. One might argue it's your karmic justice for being so superficial and picky but a woman has needs. Not those kinds of needs, either. Get your head out of the gutter.
All hope seems lost and after yet again, another failed date, you decide to call it in for the evening and make your way home. A fresh failure and another wonderful outfit gone to waste. By no means is it anything flashy but you put a lot of work into it: pencil skirt, turtle neck sweater, and a nice pair of boots to compliment the look. The whole shebang! All of that effort for nothing. This is the last time you spend three hours doing your hair and makeup. Block after block, your feet grow heavier with every step. What you would give to come across a mountain-like man you can climb who is also a kindred spirit. Perhaps this dream guy will forever be that - a dream. Men like that don't just fall out of the sky.
"Look out!!"
The sudden shout almost scares you into tripping over and you look behind yourself, wishing you hadn’t. Two very large, very dangerous-looking figures entangled in battle, those of which are approaching your helpless little self. You quickly duck as the giants hurdle over you. One falls on its side whilst the other claws and skids against the ground, regaining its balance. It shakes its head and locks onto you, a guttural snarl rumbling past its jowls. Such a creature is surely from the stuff of nightmares. An indescribable nightmare whose sights are set on you. The smart option would be running away but it's as though your shoes have melted into the pavement. Pawing into the tarmac, the beastly thing growls and lunges for you. Great. This is how you die: torn limb from limb by a demon dog. Well, assuming your clothes join you, at least you’ll look like a total babe in the afterlife.
"Oh no ya’ don't," the other one yells from behind the predator, grabbing it by its tail. “Pretty ladies are not food!”
With a mighty tug, he pulls it back and swings it as far away from you as possible. You release a shaky breath, legs trembling beneath you. That was far too close for comfort. The fight isn’t quite over, however. Just as it approaches him, the green goliath swivels on his feet, full 180, and whacks the creature's jaw with a closed fist. His speed alone has you in awe but the force is astounding, practically earth-shattering. It completely knocks the air around you and pushes you onto your backside.
When the dust clears, the first thing you see is your saviour panting, his spiky shell(?) pointed towards you. Just past him in the distance, you notice three more figures in blue, purple, and orange taking a closer look at the unconscious tyrant. You swear one of them pokes at it with a stick. Witnessing strange beings such as this isn't entirely new. Anyone who's watched Chateau Pretenche knows about the celebrity chef turning into a grotesque pigman. To describe it in one word? Horrifying. It's just whether people choose to believe it genuinely happened or if these bizarre entities exist. Being up close and personally observing it now puts your scepticism in check.
As the humanoid turtle calms, he turns to face you, recapturing your attention. A red mask sits over his eyes and there’s a noticeable snaggle tooth poking past his upper lip. Typically, the prerogative is keeping out of sight but it’s much too late for that. He gradually advances towards you. You watch him warily and he keeps his movements slow for that very reason. It wouldn’t be a shock if you were to try and make an escape. He wouldn’t blame you. Currently, all he wants to do is make sure you weren’t hurt during that fiasco provided you don’t suddenly come out of your bewilderment and run off. You have good reason to but he just saved you. Either that or he’s as ravenous as that beast and wants you all to himself. The irrational conclusion remains as such - irrational - when he descends to one knee and outstretches a hand. There’s an irrefutable kindness in his eyes; a caring nature that can’t be replicated in the face of savage brutes.
"You okay?" he asks.
You continue to gawk without a word but, bit by bit, you reach out for his offer. Your fingers lightly trace the centre of his palm before comfortably trusting the proposal. His hand engulfs yours completely and Raph hopes to mercy that you don’t realise how sweaty he’s getting. He can feel his heart beating like crazy. He wonders how much of that is the adrenaline from the fight and how much of it is being in the presence of such a beautiful gal. As he helps you to your feet, he rises to his own. Someone of his stature shouldn’t be capable of being this delicate but he is. It has you running through a loop and you unintentionally stare at the remarkable behemoth.
Quite pathetically, you nod, unable to verbally respond to his question. How can you? You are effectively starstruck. Once you gloss over the turtle-y features, all you see is the sheer size of him as he towers over you. Height, width, the magnitude of those arms! All of it is glorious. You can hear the universe asking, “You want a big man, huh? How about one who isn’t human?” to which you answer, “Who gives a damn?”. If the only way a man can be this big is not to be human, so be it.
Amidst a whisper, your mouth moves on its own, "You're beautiful."
"Huh?" Blinking out of your trance, you realise what you’ve said and giggle sheepishly, "I mean, you're be... ba... booming! Totally awesome with the whole- uh... saving thing." Nailed it. 
He blinks right back down at you. This is certainly a first. He can feel his face heating up and he withdraws his hand lest you endure the wrath of his bashfulness, opting to hold the back of his head. At this moment, he seems to look anywhere but you.
"Heh. Gee, thanks." His humility is adorable and you’re glad he doesn’t question your initial statement. He turns to you once more, regaining some composure. "You sure you're okay, though? That thing was pretty scary looking."
It’s clear that you haven’t sustained any physical injuries but even bearing witness to something so unsightly can have lasting effects on one's mind. His brows furrow gently in concern down at you and it occurs to you that there’s a soft heart under all of that shell and muscle. Bonus points. This makes you smile for the first time in front of him and Raphael is sure that the streetlights got brighter.
You laugh fondly, “Yeah, I’m okay. Thank you.” Twiddling your fingers, your lips purse up in his direction.  “Is there any way I can repay you?”
He places his hands on his hips and chuckles cutely, “Just doing my duty, ma’am.”
He may be indulging in his alter ego - the Red Angel of Preventing Harm - but it’s not every day he gets paid thanks when he saves someone. It’s also not every day he gets to save such a pretty woman, either. You, however, can’t just leave it at that. There must be some way in which you can properly thank him. Ulterior motives include getting to know this already loveable lug better but shh. It feels like the odds are finally turning in your favour and you won’t let this slip away from your grasp. That’s when it hits you.
Muttering under your breath, you erratically search through the confines of your little handbag. You are certain that you had one in here somewhere. In the spare pocket maybe? Ah! Found it. Fumbling to take the lid off of your pen, you hold out your hand, gesturing for his. He slowly complies, to which you jot down a series of digits on his palm accompanied by your name and a tiny 'x'. 
"Gimme a text sometime," is the last thing he hears before you disappear around a corner.
Oh? Oh. Ohhh. Wow. Getting your number is the last thing he expected. Did he get hit on the head during that scuffle or something? Was everything from the last few minutes a dream? He bores holes into the writing on his skin, scanning it over and over, scared that it’ll disappear if he so much as blinks. A dumb, wobbly smile not so gracefully decorates his lips as he trudges back to the turtle tank. He takes his seat but it’s obvious that he isn’t all there. Being so caught up in his rose-tinted bubble, he doesn’t register his brothers' voices. In an effort to gain his attention, Michelangelo jumps onto his shoulder, partly intrigued by what their leader is so absorbed by.
"Oh me gosh!” the young brother screams in shrill excitement, “Raph's in love!"
Careful not to smudge the neat ink, he’s quick to hide his hand against his chest. "That's crazy talk!”
Donatello sniffs the air and mockingly covers his nose. "The overwhelming manifestation of your nervous stink indicates otherwise, dear brother."
"I got a girl’s number!” he continues to defend, feeling his face go all kinds of red. “'Course, I'm nervous but that don’t mean I’m in love."
Lies and slander. It was practically love at first sight. He just doesn’t like the idea of his brothers knowing that. It’s easy pickings to be made fun of.
"Don't worry, Big Red. Lucky for you, you got a guy who knows all about the charm." Leonardo points both thumbs at himself as he falls back into his seat and props his legs up on the dashboard. "First, you just need to..."
The "helpful" advice drowns out as the large snapper opens and gazes at his palm again. He just can't comprehend how a gorgeous individual such as yourself could take one look at him and give him your number. It's puzzling but he supposes there’s a first for everything? That also doesn't mean he won't text you. The only thing getting in the way of that is fear. Raphael thinks he’d rather go toe-to-toe with that mutant dog again than have to face the risk of embarrassing himself. To anyone who knows him, it’s no surprise that he caves under pressure. No. He will do it! A chance like this is one in a million.
Oh boy. What could possibly go wrong?
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nightmarist · 11 months
Some Zevlor Things —
EDIT 12/2/23: Added a few more things
A fellow Tiefling Hellrider, Tilses, is with him in the caves acting as his bodyguard. He sometimes calls her Tilly.
There is one bedroll in the caves shoved off in the far corner with a book titled "The Devil You Know: An Autobiography" - not sure if it's his personal writing or if he's reading it, either way it adds to the flavor of his of his tiefling pride (and/or anguish).
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It reads:
Have you ever had a god change your blood? It is a horrifying thing, even for those who may desire it. Yet few tieflings wished for Asmodeus to claim their bodies, only be given no choice in the matter. It is not as if we were well-loved before the archdevil's gambit. Our people have always struggled against the notion of 'devilkin', as if a single drop of infernal ichor inescapably corrupts. How amusing, when so many others willingly sell their souls to fiends, yet their culture as a whole escapes the blame. By what method can we redeem ourselves, when the crime is not ours? I would drive a blade into every warlock that aided Asmodeus' damned ritual, but personal vengeance cannot undo the will of a god, much less one as slippery as the Lord of Lies. When every passerby thinks you a thief and heretic, it is deeply tempting to become one. (cut off) The only thing that has stopped me is knowing Asmodeus wants nothing more than for all of us to fall from grace.
Around the his table are Invasion Plans for Elturgard, Traveler's Guide to Baldur's Gate, Traveler's Guide to the Sword Coast Vol IV: The Risen Road (which aligns when he tells you earlier there are gnolls on the road), and "Front and Center: a Thespian's Memoir" that reads:
"... in fact, the greatest joy of my life hasn't been acting, but becoming. When you choose a character to play, you don't just wear a mask - you take a little bit of their soul for your own. Whoever you are in your heart of hearts, if only by the faintest note."
Zevlor aside I think this is a sweet quote for the player and player character relationship <3
Dialogue in the Caves:
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Zevlor: I Hardly need a bodyguard, Tilses. This isn't Avernus. Tilses: No sir. At least the monsters there looked like monsters.
Tilses: Commander— Zevlor: Just Zevlor, Tilly. We're civilians now, remember? Tilses: With respect, sir — being a Hellrider is for life. They can't take — Zevlor: They can, and did. Avernus changed things — best we get used to that. Tilses: ... Yes, Zevlor
Tilses: The Watch or the Flaming Fist? Zevlor: Pardon? Tilses: When we get to Baldur's Gate. Where are we enlisting? Zevlor: I'm done soldiering, Tilly. I'd like a clean start. But go with the Watch. You're too honest to be a mercenary.
Zevlor: No word from the scouts, yet? Tilses: No sir. But if there's a clear path past the goblins, they'll find it. Zevlor: Yes, of course.
in the Chest there is a bronze goblet, 46 gold, and a battle-worn blade. On his person he has his gloves (Hellrider's Pride), an apple, a camp supply pack, and the key to his chest.
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The blade says:
A fine by well-used sword. It seemed to have once belonged to a holy order, but the indication of rank and patron deity at the hilt have recently been filed down.
The gloves' flavor text says:
A waft of sulphur emanates from this proudly-kept piece.
Celebration at the Camp:
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"I should be out there, talking with them. In... Just a moment, maybe." "Is this everyone? Our numbers have grown so few..." "No more. I can't afford to lose any more of them." "No. Let them have fun. I'll be ruining it come morning anyway."
Mindfayer Colony:
Things he mumbles in the Pod:
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The pod will show you his memories of Elturel:
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After saving Zevlor, I forced myself to pick the "mean" options just to see how it goes.
If you tell him its his fault tieflings were imprisoned in moonrise, he says:
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If you tell him "Do yo have a right to ask?" when he asks about the tieflings:
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He doesn't argue with any of your remarks except one, when he says "For a moment I welcomed it" and you tell him "For a moment until you realized your reward would be a tadpole" he corrects you:
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If you tell him if he wanted power he should live up to his own ideal:
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If you tell him to get out of your sight:
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When you tell him it's not his fault he was enthralled:
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If you tell him "Fine. Good luck, Zevlor."
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If you say you could use another blade in the fight to come:
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At the Netherbrain:
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(smiling <3)
"The journey has been brutal, but I stand here a Hellrider once more, and I would die a proud man if I died this day."
I know it's a Soldier thing to be proud to die for a cause but it still makes me worry for him given his background so far <:]
If you click on him, he has two unvoiced lines:
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if you pickpocket him at this point, he'll have the same items on him as before (in this save he has a carrot instead of an apple for me).
His stats at this time: (Steeped in Bliss is from one of my items)
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Post Game (Patch 5)
I don't know if there are other permutations of this letter, yet, but this is what I received:
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I hope my penmanship has improved somewhat in the past months. When I first stumbled into this city, I shook so badly that I could scarcely hold the soup the priests pressed into my hands - let alone write and thank you as you deserve. It is only when the city itself began to shake that I felt my hands grow still. Along with the other veterans sheltering at the temple - discards of Elturel's 'unworthy' legions - I watched that monstrosity rise over the city. We felt no fear. Only anger. Disgust. Purpose - and with it, power. I do not know what oath we cling to now, or how long it will last - but we shall use it to ensure that this city will not suffer as Elturel did. Whether it wants us or not. It is more than thanks alone I owe. No words can make amends for what I did to my people, but that is as it should be. More come to the temple every day to aid in the relief efforts, and if I am permitted to work alongside them, then I am content. Come and see us, when you can. Zevlor
It's interesting — if not bitterswet, tragic, and inspiring — to hear that Zevlor and other Paladins regained their Oaths via pure, stubborn devotion to saving people when it began to look as bad as Elturel.
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caplanbuckybarnes · 6 months
Caplan's Disney Celebration
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You don’t have to follow me, but its definitely encouraged!
PLEASE use a summary!!
If the fic is more the 300 words, use a keep reading feature!!!
Tag the challenge as #
There’s no limit how many prompts you can chose!
Tag my url & the challenge name in the a/n’s note before the fic along with the hashtag please!
No due dates 
Any character you’d like to write for!
once a fic has been given to me, they will be placed in a masterlist
If i do not respond to your fic within 24 hours of posting, PLEASE message me a link!!
Dialogue Prompts
"Take it with you so you'll always have a way to look back ... and remember me."
 "Have you ever seen something so wonderful in your entire life?"
“How did you survive being locked up in a castle for all this time?”
“What do you mean, you’re the lost princess?”
"Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten"
“It’s called a cruel irony, like my dependence on you.”
“I warn you child. If I lose my temper, you lose your head. Understand?!”
“Perhaps you shouldn’t turn your back on me.” 
 “A true loves kiss. If only there was someone out there who loved you.” 
"Today is a good day to try"
"Love is putting someone else’s needs before yours"
"If you ain’t scared, you ain’t alive"
"Any day spent with you is my favorite day. So, today is my new favorite day"
"He fell into despair, and lost all hope. For who could ever learn to love a beast?"
“You really shouldn’t come back here, you know. It’s not safe.”
“I told you to stay away from this wing!”
“He was this close—just staring at me.”
“Do you trust me?”
“(And) You will always be in my heart.”
“I especially love his smile.”
“New and a bit alarming.”
“Now kiss her.”
“How can I prove myself if no one will give me a chance?”
“People around here think I’m crazy, but I don’t care.”
“I’m a damsel. I’m in distress. I can handle this. Have a nice day.”
“Guys….I want a castle.”
“If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothin’ at all.”
“When I look at you, I can feel it. I look at you, and I’m home.”
“Put that thing back where it came from or so help me.”
“There’s no one I’d rather be than me.”
“It was worth it…if you learned something from it.”
“You deliberately disobeyed me.”
“I’m surrounded by idiots.”
“How could you do that to me?”
Song Lyric prompts
“And I’ve got friends on the other side.” - Dr. Facilier, “Friends on the Other Side”, 
“But you’ll be rewarded when at last I am given my dues. And injustice deliciously squared! Be prepared.”
“I admit that in the past I’ve been a nasty. They weren’t kidding when they called me, well, a witch.”
“If she doesn’t scare you, no evil thing will.”
“I’ve reached the top and had to stop and that’s what botherin’ me.”
“Ain't got time for messing around”
“People down here think I'm crazy”
“I put a spell on you, and now you’re mine.
“Don’t forget it, you’ll regret it.”
“Every hour we spent together Lives within my heart”
“Never thought she'd look my way And she smiled at me and held me”
“I was the master of my fate.”
“I learned the truth too late.”
“I let her steal into my melancholy heart.”
“I'm where I'm meant to be”
“He has never been one of us.”
“Now I know she’ll never leave me.” 
“I should thank you...but it’d be more fun to kill you.”
“This crown gives me a feeling of power!”
“It’s not my fault, I’m not to blame”
“He asked for trouble the moment he came”
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mamasplat · 5 months
i was on vacation- the aggression chart???? lmao
nicee 👍👍 loving the work
also the themed playthroughs seem fun :)
Oh I’m having a great time with my true calem run, just got through shalour city
And while I’ve yet to piece together the aggression chart I will use this as an opening to break down the relationship chart that started as an unholy consequence of me trying to fit calem into anime plots
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Starting from the top:
Shauna having feelings for Calem is something that is laid on very thick in the firework scene. Anime wise I almost linked Shauna to Serena too but I ended up backing off the idea because I was lacking evidence.
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Tierno, i don’t think i need to explain this much if you’ve watched the anime, his crush on Serena was something he was very open about.
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Miette, I actually don’t think she had a thing for Ash, like at all, she does not try to pursue him at all in the anime she just likes to talk about it, it’s a tool to get under Serena’s skin. But that alone would make her a valued piece of the unholy love triangle amalgamation so I added her to the chart.
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Calem, specifically, Rival Calem: okay I think I need to explain this one a little more blatantly. Calem’s character arc cannot exist without Serena. His entire journey is dedicated to her mere existence, and pokemon masters really hammers home how important she is to him. She is the blueprint to his every move and step forward because in his mind she deserves better than he can offer so he will fight to be better. The way he talks about her when she isn’t around is unapologetic admiration and I cannot ignore the writing on the wall. He likes her. He’s got it bad.
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Serena, specifically anime Serena of course. Her emotional attachment to Ash isn’t just surface level like Tiernos attraction to her, being around Ash gave her the courage to be herself, to stand up to her mom and make her own future, to keep going even when she’s lost and lost hard. She used Ash as a moral compass to keep her head in the game and that only strengthened her connection to him. The end of the series kiss scene was far from unwelcomed, it was over due.
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Ash….this boy is oblivious as shit. I’m sorry Serena was not sly nor slick she fumbled at every turn and you STILL didn’t know??? I and from what I can see, many other fans, have come to the only conclusion that Ash just doesn’t do romance. He has ignored so many clear cut love interests and left them one sided because he doesn’t recognize or want romance. He just wants to be the best like no one ever was, love isn’t on his mind, therefore he is clueless to the love induced war going on around him. He is an unintentional ladies man.
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And ALLLL of that is just the information i collected from rewatching the whole of X&Y while also replaying through pokemon X and ALSO going through pokemas events. Its all connected, i haven’t done anything else with my free time, its all kalos baby. ALL KALOS.
Blame Pokemon ZA being announced (I say as if I hadn’t started this before that)
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bedoballoons · 1 year
Sjsksk omg I love your writing so bad and I'm so happy so I can request as much then😭 if so can I maybe get rich)wealthy reader that like buys the characters anything they want or look at spoiling them with everything until the charactersstarted thinking of blind folding there eyes so they don't buy the whole store maybe scaramouhe/wanderer,kazuha,xiao,cyno and tighnari
Ahhhh thank you!! Absolutely!! Thank you for your request!
Genshin Men Headcanons:
~You spoiling them~
(Includes: Tighnari, Kazuha, Wanderer, Xiao, Cyno, and Scaramouche!)
You watched Tighnari carefully, a playful smile on your face as you noticed every single thing he had touched or mentioned in the shop, taking a mental note to buy him every single one. You couldn't help it, he was so sweet and cute, he took care of everyone, especially you. He deserved to be spoiled, even if he didn't think so.
"Why is your bag so full? We haven't even even made it half way through the shop yet..." Tighnari asked, his eyes trained on you and your now almost overflowing bag of items, all of which were actually for him. "Just saw alot of stuff that looked useful...you can't blame me, you seemed to have seen a few things you wanted too..." You said sneakily, doing your very best to act normal and not give yourself away.
He saw right through you, crossing his arms as he responded to your madness, "How many times to I have to tell you, you don't have to buy me things. I don't really need any of them and it's better to save your funds to use on yourself." You chuckled, walking up to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek, "I have more fun when my mora is spent on you and I like knowing you have everything you want."
He rolled his eyes, looking at your bag again before shaking his head and turning back around to continue shopping, "Next time you're not allowed to come with me unless your wallet is left at home or you're blindfolded."
You lifted your bag, groaning slightly at how heavy it now seemed, it was so full it looked like it could blow up at any given moment and you couldn't help but worry that the straps might actually break on you. I'm reality none of it was for you, it was all for your boyfriend, the man you consider to be the most goregous, most perfect person in the world. The one who should be bought everything he could ever wish for like a prince.
"Oh my...do you need assistance? That looks really heavy, let me carry it for you." Kazuha smiled slightly as he walked over to you, taking the bag from you before you could protest and peeking into it, his face turning a light shade of pink when he realized all of them where things he had mentioned. "...did you get all of these for me? You don't have too...I appreciate them and the thought but surely you should spend the mora on items for you instead."
You shook your head, a smile finding its way on your face as you looked away, feeling slightly mischievous. "I did get them for you, I can't help it, I love spoiling you and I have the mora. It makes me so happy getting you things, treating you like royalty because you deserve it all. Plus as long as I get a poem or two in return...I'll be even happier."
His blush deepened as he sighed, he leaned in close to you, placing a gentle kiss on your lips, "I'll tell you as many poems as you would like, after all you're a inspiration to me, a never ending trove of ideas and wonderful feelings. The fact you enjoy listening so much is a gift and I cherish it." He lifted the bag onto his shoulder, softly grabbing your hand and leading you to the door, making sure to leave before you could by anything else for him.
(I use the nickname Scara here <3)
Wanderers eyes widened slightly as you lifted your bag onto counter for the cashier to calculate the price for you, having troubles due to how large and heavy it was. "What exactly did you buy? The entire store? Honestly...do you have any self control?" He said, poking fun at the amount of things you had decided to buy and watching the cashier's face in amusement.
You giggled happily, not saying a word as the nice checker started to empty your bag, each and every item being one Scara had touched or mentioned. Sure he didn't always have the best additude, but you loved him all the same and spoiling him, especially without him knowing you were doing so was so much fun.
"...all of those are...oh my...how many times have I told you not to buy me stuff? When will you get it through your thick skull that I don't need mortal possessions?" He sounded annoyed, though just from the small smirk he had, you could tell he secretly enjoyed being spoiled. "You're just to pretty, I have to buy you everything you could want." You joked, watching in satisfaction as his face turned a light shade of pink.
"I'm never shopping with you again."
Xiaos piercing yellow eyes staring at you in disbelief, as if he couldn't wrap his head around the fact you had so many bags already...and how he hadn't noticed sooner that you had gotten so many items. "Do you need help?" He asked, reaching out to grab a bag from you and lighten the load on you, but you quickly backed away shaking your head in response, to which he raised a curious eyebrow to.
"I got it, don't worry!" You said in a attempt to draw away any suspicions, after all...everything you had bought was actually for him and you knew full well he wasn't going to easily accept everything. Before he could say another word you grabbed his hand leading him to the next stall, "All of these beads are beautiful...Xiao you should let me make you another necklace to go with yours. Seen anything you like?" You asked with a big smile, hoping he would say exactly what he wanted like he had a few other times.
He stepped away from you, crossing his arms and sighing in defeat, "I understand now...you've tricked me into saying what I wanted so you could buy it all for me. I don't...have any use for mortal things...your mora should go to things you like." You bit your lip, so much for him not knowing, you silently thought to yourself before quietly saying, "I like you. Isn't that reason enough to buy you things? And! I got things I think you will find useful...even some snacks."
He shook his head, walking towards you and leaning closer so he could take a couple of your bags, your hands feeling so light after carrying the heavy items so long. "Next time we go shopping I'll invite Zhongli, he'll make sure any mora spent will not be on me alone." His voice sounded slightly threatening and you couldn't help but giggle.
"We'll see about that."
You smirked slightly, your basket filled with every TCG card you knew Cyno didn't have and maybe some he did. You knew how much he loved the game, how often he played it and helping him pursue something he liked so much felt important, not to mention it gave you the chance to spoil him a little. You kept your eyes peeled for anything else he'd like, grabbing a joke book even though he didn't need it and a dark purple scarf for when it got cold out.
You were just about to turn the corner to the next section, when suddenly someone wrapped their arms around you, placing a soft kiss on your cheek. "Cyno did you find everything you wanted?" You asked smiling at him sweetly, you already knew by now that he would attempt to pay for his own items, even yours if you weren't careful.
"I thought so, until I saw into your basket, why do you have so many Genius Invokation TCG cards? Has the card mania finally caught up to you? If so your first duel shall be against me, may justice weigh upon your soul...I show no mercy!" He sounded so dramatic towards the end, making you laugh, possibly more than his normal jokes do. "I'm sorry to say it...but I have not joined in on the card mania, these are for you and I got you some other items too. Don't even try paying either." You turned around to face him, watching as his face blushed a slight pink.
"I appreciate the thought but you don't need to buy me things, I'd much rather you spend the mora on yourself. After all you deserve mora then I do." You rolled your eyes at his words, his joke only making you want to buy him the cards more, he truly was funny...even if no one else thought so. "I prefer to spend a bit mora on you than myself, sure you might not need it all but you'll have it in case you ever do and don't even. You deserve the entire world."
"I'm going to place you under arrest if you say that one mora time."
You looked down at your large amount of items, you could barely lift the bags anymore and you weren't actually sure how any of the stalls could have anything left at this point. Technically the mora was going to a good cause, all of it being paid to small shops and some being donated...as for the items you got in return....they were all for your...slightly rude boyfriend.
It wasn't your fault that he looked so adorable all blushed and in shock from the amount of things you got for him! Not to mention, even if he said he never used any of it...he actually did more often then not. Everything you bought for him was something he had looked at, touched or said he had wanted at some point so you knew he'd actually like it all too...however carrying the heavy bags was starting to prove difficult.
Your attention left your collection of bags and instead fixated on the short blue haired male not far from you, who was currently looking at what appeared to be some type of soap. You took mental note to check on it later, before calling out to him, "Scaramouche can you help me...I can't carry all of these. Pleeaaaase?" He turned to look at you, groaning in annoyance as he walked in your direction.
"If you didn't want to carry it all...you shouldn't have bought it all." He said, staring down at your bags as if they were the bane of his existence. "What did you even get?" You smiled mischievously at his question making him give you a curious look, one that you had grown to adore. You lifted up the first bag to show him, having some minor troubles since it was seconds away from blowing up and spilling his gifts everywhere. "Just a few things..."
His eyes widened as he took in the view, knowing instantly what you had done and barely knowing how to respond to being bought so many things. His face heating up a bright pink as he took a step away from the bag, almost like it had bitten him. "You...bought all of this for me...again? You have a spending problem and I don't need all of this stuff. Can't you return some of it?"
"Nope! None of it can be returned because half of the proceeds have already been donated and I don't have a spending problem...I just like seeing you blush." You winked at him and he simply rolled his eyes, though you could have sworn his blush deepened ever so slightly.
"Next time you do this, I'm leaving you and your spending problem here...or blindfolding you."
✿Hope you have a nice day!✿
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octo-hyacinth · 2 years
HI HELLO IT’S OKAY UWU It’s me, your friendly neighborhood chronically ill anon who made the request!🖤 The request was for dorm leaders(with Malleus and Idia replaced with Jamil and either Rook or the Leech Boys) and how they would be with a Prefect S/O who’s chronically ill(weak due to back/joint pain, struggles to exert themselves too hard as it causes trouble breathing, has dizzy spells and nausea, etc.)but does their best to manage it and keep a positive outlook, even on the rough days!
Hello, my lovely anon! thanks so much for the requests, anddd im sorry if these hc’s don’t really apply to you, but i promise i tried bc you deserve to be comforted by your favorite boys <3
The Boys with a Chronically Ill S/O
Characters: Riddle Rosehearts, Leona Kingscholar, Azul Ashengrotto, Kalim Al-Asim, Vil Schoenheit, Jamil Viper, Floyd and Jade Leech
Content Warnings: total fluff, written on mobile, these boys are so smitten with you its not even funny, mentions of drugs(?)/getting high in Jade’s but its just cuz of his shrooms
A/N: guys omg i finally figured out how to get motivation to write omg [i immediately keel over and die from being scholastically overwhelmed] but putting life’s crap aside, this was actually quite fun to write!
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Riddle Rosehearts
Initially very upset when he sees that you tend to push yourself and ignore your pain and exhaustion on a daily basis.
With how much he fusses over you, you’re half convinced there’s a rule about this situation somewhere, but no, he’s just like an angry mother hen, pecking at you constantly to take a break, or running to Sam’s store to get you painkillers or whatever else you need at all.
Totally wants to yell at Vargas when he hears that he was pushing you a bit too hard in PE, and you got super exhausted as a result and had to force yourself to take a break.
However, Riddle’s very proud of you for powering through every day despite your sickness and pain. He doesn’t know very many people at the rest of the school who could endure what you have without complaining.
During the evenings, he likes to sit with you in bed and have a few cups of tea while going over homework or just having nice conversation, whether that’s just how your day went or deeper topics, whatever you want to do, he’ll do, for you.
Sometimes he’ll ask Trey to bake you some sort if pastry or sweet, if you so desire. If not, then he’ll treat you to whatever you want at the cafeteria for lunch, and every time he’s fighting the urge to yell at Crowley for not supplying you with enough funds to have a comfortable life like everyone else.
No matter what, he always wants to support you and ease your suffering however he can, you just have to tell him what you want, and he’ll do it. He may be the ‘Queen’ of Heartslabyul, but he’ll always be there to serve you.
Leona Kingscholar
At first, he probably doesn’t even know that there’s such a thing as an illness that causes you nausea, and bodily weakness, and everything else. Because he kind of grew up around royalty, he was only ever around people who received the best healthcare money could buy, and never really stopped to consider there were people like you who weren’t exactly in top shape.
He never blamed you for it, though. If anything, he was irritated at whatever created you and decided to mess up your body like that. Why shouldn’t you get to live painlessly, and be able to run free and do whatever you want without getting dizzy and nauseous? Bullshit.
Always dragged you away from PE class (and maybe other classes too) to go nap with him. He tended to unconsciously hold onto you like he was trying to protect you from the illness trying to snatch you away. Maybe if you slept by his side enough, all that stuff would fade, and maybe you could sleep peacefully enough to dream about a world where you could live without this chronic garbage. That’s what he said, anyway.
He DEFINITELY yells at Vargas when he’s picking on you, no restraint to be seen anywhere. Leona’s very protective of you like that.
When you’re out and around the school, he’s not by your side all the time (can’t come off as clingy, now, can we?) but he meets you in the halls when he can, and subtly praises you for making it through the day so far.
Sends Ruggie to get you painkillers, nausea medicine, your favorite snacks, anything. Doesn’t care how much it costs, if it’s for you.
Azul Ashengrotto
Once he becomes aware of your chronic illness (and he finds out very fast. He’s a well-informed boy), he’s dropping everything to go help or comfort you at any given moment. He’ll even leave class if he needs to.
Not that he needs much excuse to skip PE class in particular.
Will procrastinate on paperwork and Mostro Lounge duties when he can to be with you, and send Jade, Floyd, or both to accompany you when he can’t. Don’t worry, they have your best interests in mind (most of the time).
Always has medication and snacks on hand in his office, and a spot permanently reserved for you in a quiet part of the Lounge for you to retreat to whenever you needed a break, free of charge! And he always told his waiters to gift you one free drink of your choice. He’s just benevolent like that, isn’t he?
However if you need to get away from the noise, the door to his office is always open. He’d be glad to have you stay with him for a little while.
He’s also very proud of the way you constantly seem to have a glass-half-full mindset in your life, even when things can be so rough for you. It’s quite admirable, really. He wished he was able to hold onto your positivity when he was younger during his own rough days of being teased by everyone else.
If it seems at all like you’re struggling during the day, he’ll gently thread his fingers through yours and whisper encouragements like “I think you’re doing wonderful today, darling” softly into your hair. And in the evenings, if you happen to be in Azul’s room, he likes to hold you in his arms, offering complete protection from the pains and worries of the world, and gives you an opportunity to relax or even fall asleep if you wish, in as safe a place as he can give you.
He’s never been so soft and open with anyone like this before. It’s new to him, all of it, but he’s willing to do absolutely anything for you, because he’s never, in all his life, found a pearl that shines as beautifully as you, and he’s not going to wanna let you slip through his fingers. He wants to treasure you as softly and as reverently as you deserve.
Floyd Leech
Aww man, does this mean he can’t squeeze his Shrimpy as hard as he wants?
It’s fine, he understands that it’ll hurt a bit too much for you, but it still makes him sad :(
Only gentle squeezes for this Shrimpy
HOWEVER given how tall and strong he is, he could totally pick you up and carry you with ease, and he doesn’t even need an excuse to do it (maybe for the teachers he needs one. But he can just say he’s taking you to the infirmary)
He’ll fight ANYONE who even tries to give you shit for not being as physically healthy as everyone else, and you better believe those guys are not walkin’ out of that fight without a couple missing teeth or some broken bones.
After he beats the shit out of those haters though, he just grabs you like there’s not a problem in the world and carries you bridal-style through the halls and away to… somewhere else. Maybe he’ll take you to the Mostro Lounge and get you some food! As long as you give him affection in return.
You tell him about anything you need him to get from Sam’s once, and he’s got that memorized for GOOD. Always knows what you need and want after that without you ever needing to repeat yourself.
Totally down to let you sleep in his bed every night if you wanted to, he loves cuddling with you at night, it’s comforting! And it helps him sleep more solidly. Down in the Coral Sea, as a general rule, if you were alone, you were unsafe, especially if you were sleeping alone. So it’s nice to be able to hold onto you and let him feel like he’s got someone with him. He’ll always be there to protect you as well, obviously!
He’s proud of you for staying positive on your rough days, but he’s there for you to fall back on if it just gets too tiring one day. But on the regular, he’s cheering you on and telling you how awesome you are for looking at the bright side all the time. Even when he’s in a bad mood, once he notices your optimism, it lightens a bit, because seeing you so bright and happy can’t help but make him feel a little better.
Jade Leech
He’s always very attentive to your needs. There’s never a moment when he’s unprepared for anything you might desire, it’s like he’s psychic.
Like, you’re wanting to leave PE class? Before you even open your mouth, Jade’s already on his way to Vargas to inform him that sadly you will be absent for the rest of the period due to unfortunate circumstances, and he will be accompanying you to the nurse’s office shortly.
In reality, you can go wherever you want to go and do whatever you want to do once Vargas is out of sight, because Jade gives exactly no shits as long as you’re happy.
Somehow he has pain and nausea meds on him like, all the time. You don’t even need to go anywhere to get any cuz guess what, your boy Jade’s gotchu.
May or may not have you experiment with some of his mushrooms to test their healing or pain-numbing abilities (don’t you worry, he would never drug you on purpose without permission, as curious as he is. He’ll save the hallucinogenic ones for messing with Floyd and Azul.)
He’s also very good at potions as well, so he may get a bit experimental with those as well, possibly adding in a few shrooms here and there. But it’s all for your benefit— he truly does want to help you and wants to get you some relief from the chronic pains.
He’s not exactly surprised you’re able to keep a smile on your face day to day— he knows thats just how you are. However that doesn’t mean he isn’t impressed at how you continue the positivity without showing a hint of wanting to break most days. He’s impressed by how it’s not entirely a façade, that you’re truly happy most of the time.
But when you’re at your lowest, when you’re in the most pain or unusually tired, he’s always there for you to fall into his arms and forget about the world for a little bit.
Kalim Al-Asim
He’s really really sad for you once he realizes that because of your illness, you can’t do anything that requires lots of moving around, like dancing as jubilantly as he can! He’d really love to dance with you, and he expresses as much with a sad, almost puppy-like face.
It sucks that you can’t really do particular things, but he’s determined to find something you CAN do that you’ll both enjoy, that doesn’t mean you have to experience any pain!
Would a carpet ride work? He wishes he could take you on a carpet ride. Hmmm.
Well, while he figures that out, he asks Jamil to maybe come up with a potion to take away some of your pain, so that he can teach you to dance!
But on most regular days, he’ll constantly tap on your arm and slip you little notes during class that say stuff like “hey r u doing ok? :)”
But it’s like. all the time. almost to the point of being annoying. He just wants to make sure that you’re doing okay enough to still be in class, and if you ever give the slightest indication it’s getting kind of bad, he’s dragging you by the arm and already on his way to the door, not even stopping before he’s saying “We’ll be right back, professor!” with a happy wave before he’s already gone with you in tow.
Makes you dizzy with how fast he’s speed-walking, and you actually have to tell him to slow down so it goes away. He didn’t mean to, though, but he’s endlessly apologizing anyway. He loves you a lot and would never do that on purpose! :(
He has Jamil whip up some Scalding Sands specialty dishes whenever it’s been a rough day for you, and makes sure it’s to your taste, whether you like spiciness or not. It’s supposed to be a comfort food after all!
Kalim’s always your number one cheerleader, and he wants to motivate you throughout the day to keep going, and is always happy to see you staying upbeat!
He’s always by your side, if that wasn’t clear. Always trying to be there to make you laugh or keep your mood up and to check in on you, and until you literally tell him to go away he’s not leaving you, he cares too much to want to leave you on your own… but if it’s solitude you need, of course he’ll respect that. He knows not to cross clear-set boundaries when it comes to you.
Jamil Viper
Not super clingy like some of the others, but he definitely gives you more attention and care than he normally would.
Cooks for you almost every day, whether its a simple lunch or an extravagant dinner he set up in his room for just the two of you. He puts a lot of thought into your taste preferences when he shares his food with you, and never forgets your reactions to anything, no matter how subtle your facial expressions are. He always remembers what you definitely seem to like, and knows how to tweak other dishes to make them even more delicious.
Despite his ever-busy schedule, he’ll make trips to Sam’s every day to get you any medication or painkillers you need. Sometimes he’ll even brew a potion for you to try and ease the pain.
If you’re tired or in pain during class and can’t focus, he’ll automatically share his notes with you and personally go over everything you might have missed later.
If you’re sleeping in his room (let’s face it, his bed is likely much more comfortable than the one in Ramshackle) he gathers all the pillows he can and makes it as comfortable as possible for you if you need support for your back or joints.
Keeps a stock of whatever you could possibly need right in his room. And if he doesn’t have it, he’s already off to get it for you.
He’s not really a very physically affectionate person, but he will massage you if you’re in pain, and rub your back or run his fingers along your scalp if you’re tired or even while you’re asleep.
It’s acts of service for him. Maybe he’s so used to serving the Asim family that it’s just become second nature, but part of him truly wants to serve you and do whatever it is you ask of him, and he wants to do things for you of his own accord as well. Just make sure to show him you love him back.
Vil Schoenheit
Always treats you like royalty. He personally goes to get you whatever you want, medicines, food, anything.
Has a night where he sits you down and just doesn’t let you move around or exert yourself, just lightly massages you with fragrant oils to release any tension you have in your body, and hopefully release some of your back and joint pain temporarily. Washes your hair with only the best stuff, gives you a facial, anything for you. Not to make you more beautiful (although its not like his treatment makes you uglier) but he does it to pamper you and show his affection through giving you attention like this, sharing his coveted beauty products and only focusing on you.
Lets you get as much beauty sleep as you need, yes, even if it’s during class. If you’re sleepy and your head starts to drop he will give a horrendous death glare to anyone who even looks like they want to disturb you. And yes, he’s usually incredibly strict about paying attention in class and excelling academically, but you’re a special case to him. He wants to spoil you.
Always is the one to volunteer to help you out of PE class (or any class) when you need to stop from exhaustion or pain. He’ll sit with you, far away from everyone else, and let you do what you want to do instead. You wanna take a break and eat? Sure. You wanna go back to the dorm for a bit and sleep? Of course. It’s whatever you want.
Vil doesn’t express the extent of his love for you through his words, rather his actions. He’d much rather show you how much he cares, instead of using words that hold no meaning without acts of love to prove it. It means more to him, and words are so limited anyway. So even if he’s not telling you every day outright that he loves you, just make sure you notice how he shows he loves you in everything he does.
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
I wanna try something different this time around.
I’ve started to grow an interest to Eyeless Jack, I mean I haven’t read the story but the character has intrigued me.
What’s some fluffy headcanons you can think of for him with a partner in general?
General hcs for Eyeless Jack x Reader !
ehehehehe welcome to the ej fan club!! evil laughs >:) gotta admit my take on ej is only loosely based around the original story (guy waking up to find one of his kidneys missing is the TLDR version) but a lot of my hcs are based around a fic (?) reimagine (?) of ej that i remember seeing floating around yeeeeears ago back in middle school and im unsure how many people follow the "jack used to be a human but got dragged into a cult/human sacrifice unwillingly" idea since i admittedly dont interact much with the fandom outside of writing these lil hcs and making fanart TToTT
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after everything that happened to him jack ran off to the woods to be away from prying human eyes, and as far as he knew he was viewed as (albeit unwilling and you could argue it was in self defense) murderer.... kind of puts a stop into your plans of finishing school and going into your dream career.. oh and also the teeny tiny detail that you now rely on human flesh as sustenance with no hope for being able to physically accept alternatives and as more time goes on you start to resemble something.. not human... theres that, too
if you want to see him during the day you're likely going to have to visit him in the woods, but fear not hes not homeless, hes found refuge in an old cabin; slowly hes been patching it up
dont expect him to make you do any work on the cabin, he views it solely as his responsibility and he'll likely deny any actual work helping rebuild it... though i dont think he would be against any tools and decoration (ex. stuff for a generator so he can have power, means to wash his clothes, basic supplies that arent food ectect)
i think overtime he would even get a little mini fridge for you so you can store snacks and drinks at his place, since he doesnt. have food
sometimes visits you at your place, but he only does this during the night so he doesnt get caught wandering the streets by other people... usually enters through the backdoor, to avoid anyone seeming coming from the front
very quiet and reserved, not very high energy... so most nights hanging out with him are calm... usually him asking you how you've been doing... you /could/ ask him the same, but he can only talk about patrolling his area in the woods for hikers straying too close so many times, and he doesnt want to bore you
thats actually another thing, he has traps set up around; mix of a means for hunting without having to go out and pick someone, and to make sure no one gets too close to the cabin
so i think, in the beginning he would ban you from coming to him without him guiding you, at least not until youve had ample time to get used to the traps and how to look for them and remember the general locations of them
teaches you how to forage, him being alone for so long has forced him to pick up new hobbies to keep him from going insane, so you now know how to do that sort of thing as well as identifying plants and fungi... fun!
on the very rare occasion you can convince jack to walk around town with you at night when everyone else is asleep.... its nice, i think.. kind of gives him a chance to just sink back into what his old life used to be and feel like hes normal again; though he tends to be quieter than usual on these walks
i dont think hes particularly possessive, dont get me wrong he cares about you and he does have the passing thought of you just up and leaving him one day (and he doesnt blame you, he holds a lot of self loathing for himself nowadays) but hes not going to be breathing down your neck and watching your every movement... he has enough trust in you not to get hurt or stuck in any situation
blunt, he doesnt beat around the bush and sometimes he doesnt sugarcoat things when the blow needs to be softened... mix of jack just being a little insensitive to others but also because hes gotten so used to thinking so logically and straight forward and numbing his own emotions over... who knows how long, probably even before he got all messed up..
can be a little sarcastic at times, so he might come off as an asshole every now and then, especially when you mix in the bluntness
i dont think he would actively try to be mean to others though, he'd try to understand and fix something if his habits upset you because he doesnt want to lose you
very cold, physically, so be sure to bring blankets and stuff when you want to cuddle into him
very careful with you, he has claws and teeth... and sometimes shedding blood around him can be really dangerous (he feeds on human material, he tends to push off eating for as long as he can since the fact hes eating people meat messes with him.. argument between survival of himself and survival of others; but due to his curse he can go into 'frenzies' and momentarily lose himself to his hunger. think how in finding nemo the sharks went nuts when dory cut her fin on accident, its like that but he doesnt go nuts all the time) so hes very very gentle even when he has a strong hold on himself
speaking of his forced diet, he doesnt eat often.. only really needing to do so every now and then, but i like to think he would still sit at the table with you to keep you company while you ate dinner
though he wouldnt want you to do the same when he DOES eat, might prefer you not come at all on those days actually
him and reader remind me of the "its rotten work"/"not to me, not if its you" audio
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shmowderslut · 3 months
I recently started a "im going to read EVERYTHING" bachelor playthrough, and im surpriced i havent seen anyone talk about the many-legged fugitive side quest. Im sick and feel like my brain is filled with rats, so here's my unorganized and unholy feelings about it.
First of all the house you need to go in is *not* easy to find, it is not the nearest house to the staircase (also theres two of them!) and definetly isnt visible from the stillwater. I have to confess, i needed to look it up online, and even the guide had misplaced the marker! As always, the frustration fuels me, and makes my love this game even more. And this is day 1! Its a nightmare and i love it. If youre stuck here, its okay, it seems like so many people were too.
Plot and character spoilers under the cut!
Okay now into the juicy stuff. Technically not about the quest yet, but we're getting there.
You get the quest talking to Lara Ravel, after learning about her from talking to Yulia in the main mission. A thing i dont think is mentioned a lot is that Yulia dislikes Lara Ravel. Now Yulia being a queer woman in stem (i will not accept criticism on this) She raves about all the other women like theire goddesses (they are) but she sees Lara as ungenuine and almost sad.
"She pities everyone she comes across, for she knows they will all die just like her dearly departed. She sees a corpse in everyone she looks upon"
And maybe i havent been paying attention, but this is very different from how Lara is usually portrayed, as a literal angel and a philanthropist. She always stood out to me as a surprisingly simple and good character is pathologic, so i was exactic to find out this detail of hers. Also the relationship says a lot about Yulia and her no-nonsense attitude, that she values honesty over good deeds.
Then we finally get to the quest in itself, where Lara tells you the children have brought an old dangerous game back. They used to play doctor using a dangerous mix of medicine and pretend healed eachother. She asks you to find a secret stash these kids hid and destroy all the shmowders (again, i went a lil insane trying to find the house). Unfortunately the bachelor is just too late, again, and the stash has been distributed among the children.
Theres 2 dogheads you can talk to, one of them tells you more about shmowders. That they doent believe in shmowders and its the little kids who are playing epidemic with deadly conjuctures. They blame Capella for distributing them, and all the kids should just go to the polyhedron to stay safe.
The second doghead tells you that yes, the shmowders do work and they came in use the last outbreak. That the kids were safe in the polyhedron, but some of them wandered out and made shmowders. Shmowders that were stored in this stash, but have now disappeared. Also as a fun fact, he tells you the spesific people who made the shmowders. Now i dont recognize these, but if you do please tell me.
"The original ones were made by Catchfly, but they were no good; the disease would pass, but the person would pass away along with it. But then Beaker's brothers made some nice ones. Crowfoot's weren't too shabby, and neither were Flanky's..."
I just think its neat to have an in universe reason the pumpkin girl sometimes carries a shmowder. Also this plays into what i think is the most prevalent pathologic theme, two impossible truths existing at the same time. The shmowders are a live saving medicine AND poison. Its childrens imagination AND real. You get the jist, my head hurts and im going to sleep
Also if you read this far, thank you?!? I am in no state to check this for clarity, but im pretty rambly (battling to not write a fanfic about this quest) and this is not my native language
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fadingplaidlibrary · 5 months
Sunshower ☀️⛈️
Pairing: SDV!Harvey x OFC!Farmer (Black, she/her pronouns)
Word Count: 2,600
Chapter: 1 of ?
Summary: The good doctor meets his new neighbor.
Notes: this was so much fun to write! i did nawt mean for it to be this long y’all, my bad, it's fr looking like this is gonna be a series. this one can be read as a cute lil stand-alone too, tho! my original female character uses she/her pronouns and harvey uses he/him pronouns in this work. my ofc is Black like me <3. this installment is all fluff and sweet beginnings, but this series will likely have smut in later chapters, so be ye warned. canon-typical mentions of stormy weather, thunder, lightning, alcohol consumption (wine), hot beverage consumption (coffee), and grief (R.I.P. Grandpa). i don't think any other warnings apply, but let me know and i'll happily add whatever else is needed! any typos are my own. i do not consent for my work to be re-uploaded elsewhere. many thanks and hugs to my beautiful best friend who let me share the journey with her! enjoy :D
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The good doctor wasn’t normally a morning person. His dedication to his work meant that he had developed a habit of waking early to open the clinic, but he never particularly relished being up with the sun. He much preferred his quiet evenings, after his patients had been soothed and sent home with their orders. When Maru locked the clinic door behind her and waved goodbye at him through the glass as she always did. The brisk smell of antiseptic followed him upstairs to his tidy little apartment. He could nurse a glass of Pinot with the radio tuned to something inoffensive, static crackling intermittently while the stars blinked into the night sky. Harvey knew his over-reliance on coffee would catch up to him one day, but until that day came he would drain the pot to make his mornings bearable.
And then you came to town. Rumor had it you had inherited your late grandfather’s farm just west of town. You immediately became a subject of local curiosity. Harvey didn’t like to gossip – who could trust a doctor that did? – but his neighbors seemed very interested in figuring you out. He supposed he couldn’t blame them. Pelican Town was a comfortable, easygoing kind of village, charming in its simplicity, but somewhat lacking in the way of excitement or novelty, as such places tend to be. He much preferred it to the over-stimulation of the city, and he supposed you must prefer it too, if you were willing to uproot your life to be here. As a doctor, he hoped the change of scenery would refresh and invigorate you, as it had for him. And as a neighbor, well… Harvey was no gossip, but he was certainly just as curious about a new face in town as anyone else.
Your paths first crossed by chance on a drizzly spring day, just before the annual Egg Festival. That morning had been a particularly bleary one, and he had just run out of coffee. He stopped by Pierre’s to pick up two fresh bags, one for the office and one for his apartment. Harvey was on his way back to the clinic and focusing mainly on keeping himself dry as he briskly walked the short distance to his glass-doored sanctuary. Most of his neighbors stayed indoors on gray, sullen days like this one, and today was no exception. But there you were, a brand new face in an otherwise perfectly familiar scene. You wore a deep blue raincoat with the hood drawn up over your head, and you seemed… not sad per se, but pensive, as you gazed around the otherwise unoccupied town square. He waved to you from across the square, then raised his hand to shield his glasses from the rain.
“Hello!” he called out, “you must be the new farmer!”
Your eyes met, and you waved back with a grin and replied “Hi, yeah, I am! Nice to meet you!” Your smile was brilliant and utterly serene, undimmed by the haze of light rain in the air. A clap of thunder rumbled overhead, and over your shoulder Harvey saw lightning flash in the distance, way out at sea.
“Won’t you come in?” he called out again. You shrugged cheerfully and crossed the square to follow him into the clinic, the both of you slightly damp but not much worse for the wear. Harvey smiled and nodded politely to you as you crossed the threshold into the clinic, his eyes keen and his soft brown curls sparkling with raindrops. You felt suddenly shy, standing so close to this kind stranger, the both of you dripping water onto the slightly scuffed entrance mat.
“I-I’m Sunny,” you said, extending a slightly damp hand to the man.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Farmer Sunny,” he replied, and he shook your hand warmly. “I’m Harvey, the local doctor.”
You chuckled and said, “Just Sunny is fine, doc. I’m sure we’ll be seeing each other around, anyway. Farming’s kind of a contact sport.” Harvey nodded knowingly and released your hand. You couldn’t help but notice the twinkle in his eye. 
“I’m sure it is. I’ve treated quite a few farmers,” he joked lightly, closing the door behind you both. “Just Harvey, then, please. Welcome to Pelican Town, Sunny.” He smiled at you again, and your hands fumbled as you lowered the hood on your coat. “Would you like some coffee?” he asked as he walked to the tan door on the other side of the small reception room. “I was just about to brew a fresh pot. Or perhaps some tea? A warm drink would be ideal, given the weather.”
“Coffee’s great, thanks,” you replied with a grateful smile. Harvey nodded and gestured you over to one of the seats in the small waiting room, then pushed through the swinging door and disappeared into the back of the clinic.
There were no patients scheduled for the day, and Nurse Maru had the day off. The clinic was quiet. Outside, the storm showed no signs of stopping. You glanced around the room, rooted awkwardly to your spot on the entrance mat and trying to avoid getting too much water and mud onto Harvey’s very clean floors. You settled for removing your coat and hanging it on a hook by the door.
In his small office at the back of the clinic, Harvey placed the two bags of coffee onto the desk and shrugged off his green woolen cardigan. He draped it across the back of his office chair, repeating your name in his mind as he went. Sunny. Sunny, Sunny… Farmer Sunny. Just Sunny. It was an old habit of his, a trick he used to remember names. As he absentmindedly unbuttoned and rolled up his sleeves, it crossed his mind that the name seemed to suit you. He suddenly felt a slight blush blooming on his cheeks and shook the thought away, sending droplets of water flying. “Just make the coffee, Harvey,” he muttered to himself, and set his focus to the task.
A few minutes passed. Harvey left the coffee machine percolating gently in his office and stepped back through the hall door into the waiting area. You stood by the clinic door still, brushing the last of the water from your hair and clothes.
“Hm?” You glanced up at him, and your eyes locked with his just as another flash of lightning crackled across the sky outside, much closer than the last one. You didn’t flinch, but you did cautiously step closer to the edge of the mat and away from the glass door. Harvey’s eyes glanced from you to the square outside, then down to the entrance mat, and back up to you with gentle concern.
“Would you like to have a seat?” he asked gently, his eyes twinkling as though he understood your predicament. “The coffee is brewing now.” You shivered slightly, not from the cold, but from the way his eyes seemed to take in the sight of you. His demeanor radiated a sort of warmth and reassurance. You understood why your new neighbors had spoken so highly of him.
“Oh- thanks! Thank you doc- Harvey, but um…” you stuttered. “My boots are, uh. Well.” You glanced down at your brand new work boots, now muddy and grass-stained from your trek through Cindersap Forest earlier.
“Mm-hm, I see,” Harvey mused, glancing down at your boots. “Would you like to remove your shoes and leave them by the door?”
Your face perks up at the suggestion. “You sure you won’t mind the socks?”
“Not at all, as long as you’re comfortable.” Harvey smiled graciously and rubbed his hands together. “I’ll bring the coffee in just a moment. Would you like milk or sugar?”
“Both, please, thank you,” you respond with a grin, and kneel to unlace your heavy boots.
“Coming right up,” Harvey replied, and returned to his office. You watched the door swing shut behind him and wondered if he often spent his days in this quiet clinic alone. He seemed like the shy type, so you wouldn’t be surprised if he did. You could hear the storm pick up behind you now, and the thunder rolled overhead a bit more ominously than before. You stood and toed your boots off hesitantly, wincing a bit as they rubbed against the sore spots at the backs of your ankles. Grandpa always did warn you never to break in new boots in rainy weather. A bittersweet smile crossed your face at the warm memory. You stepped onto the shiny linoleum tile in your socks just as Harvey swung back through the doors, carrying a beverage tray in his hands and a clinic blanket over his shoulder. He placed the tray on the reception counter and removed the blanket from his shoulder. You stepped over to him in your socks.
“Would you like a blanket?” he offered, extending it to you. “I just pulled it from our warmer in the back.”
“Yoba, absolutely,” you replied, taking the blanket from him with grateful hands. You draped the blanket over your shoulders while Harvey set one of the mugs aside.
“I typically take my coffee black, but I do keep milk and sugar stocked for Maru’s sake.” He untwisted the cap on the small bottle of cream and began to pour some into the other mug for you. “Say when,” he said, his voice soft.
You counted to four, no, five, in your head while he dutifully poured the milk into your mug, then – “When.”
He fastened the lid back onto the small container and set it aside. While you picked a few yellow sweetener packets from the small bowl on the tray, Harvey took his own mug and stepped over to the large window. The clock behind the reception desk read 11:39am. Harvey blew on his mug gently, then sighed as the steam inevitably curled towards his face and fogged up his glasses. He removed them and rubbed his eyes for a moment before taking a sip of his brew. As you stirred your coffee and gathered the deliciously warm blanket tighter around yourself, you took your time to observe the doctor the way he had observed you earlier. He seemed lost in thought as he gazed out at the rain with a furrowed brow. Tall and neatly dressed, broad shoulders slightly bowed as he sipped his black coffee and gazed out at the world. He wore a simple brown leather watch on his wrist and looked to be a few years older than you. Hot, your mind betrayed you with the thought. You carefully chose a seat and ignored the fluttering in your chest.
“How are you enjoying Pelican Town so far?” Harvey asked after a moment. He glanced over to where you sat blushing furiously into your mug.
“Oh! I love it,” you grinned, and you meant it. “The place is even nicer than I remembered it. To be honest, I really hated my old life in the city.” You shrugged and stirred your coffee with a sigh. “I do miss my grandpa, though. But it feels like he’s still with me in spirit, ya know? Like he’s still puttering around the farm, somehow.”
Harvey nodded slowly. “I had the pleasure of meeting and treating your grandfather. He was a wonderful neighbor.” He sipped his coffee before continuing with a small chuckle. “And a stubborn patient.”
You laughed and replied, “Yeah, that sounds like him. Hardheadedness runs in the family, ya know.”
“Does it now?” he asked good-naturedly. “Hear, hear. Well, I do hope you enjoy settling in,” Harvey lifted his mug to you and ruffled his hair with his free hand. “And feel free to stop by if you’re ever feeling ill. I’m here in the clinic most days.”
“Mm. I’ll think about it,” you gave the good doctor a cheeky smirk and he shook his head in playful exasperation.
A brief, comfortable silence followed, each of you sipping your brews and listening to the rain. Suddenly, Harvey gasped and waved you over to the window. You tiptoed over, careful not to upset your blanket cocoon or your coffee. “The storm broke just enough for some sun to sneak in,” he murmured. “Look there, do you see?” He pointed to a patch of warm, almost golden sunlight, where a shimmering arc of color arched high over the trees.
“A rainbow!” you gasped, your face gleeful. And so it was – a single glorious rainbow, positively singing overhead where the rain had acquiesced to let in the light. You once again fell into silence together, your eyes on the sky and Harvey’s thoughtful eyes on you. Up the hill, the bell tower over the old community center rang out the time and snapped you out of your reverie. “Yoba, what time is it?” Harvey’s eyes fell to his own watch and he cleared his throat. If you hadn’t been checking the clock on the wall, you would have perhaps noticed that the good doctor looked a bit flustered.
“O-Oh! It seems to be noon already. I didn’t mean to keep you, Farmer Su- er, Sunny. I’m sure you’re busy settling in.” He tapped his lean, clever fingers against his mug and adjusted his tie with one hand. You waved his concern off gently, taking a long swig of the last of your coffee.
“No worries, doc!” you replied cheerily as you set your mug on the windowsill. “It’s been great hanging out with you. And thanks again for the coffee and the blanket. To be honest, I needed the pick-me-up.” You smiled gratefully at the good doctor and unwrapped the blanket from your shoulders to fold it in half, then half again. Harvey carefully grabbed your now-empty mug off the windowsill and offered his arm when you had finished folding. You laid the blanket over his arm with a murmured “thanks” before stepping over to where your boots sat waiting for you.
“Well, a good coffee is always better shared with a good neighbor,” Harvey answered, his voice warm and sincere.
“Hear, hear,” you agreed, smiling up at him from your place on the entrance mat. You tightened the laces on your boots and stood to grab your raincoat from the coat rack beside the door. “I’ll be seeing you then, neighbor.”
Harvey raised first his half-full mug, then your empty one, in a sort of awkward dual thumbs up. “You too!” he chirped as you threw your hood over your head. You swung the clinic door open, waved goodbye, and turned toward home. Harvey watched until your blue coat was out of sight. In the renewed stillness of his little clinic, he found himself wondering if you needed any simple medicines. Does she have a first aid kit? He frowned thoughtfully as he sipped his coffee. I’m sure she’ll be fine, Harvard. She’s a perfectly competent adult, he chastised himself.
Still. It couldn’t hurt to have one delivered, could it? Hm… The good doctor made a mental note to himself, and tucked the thought away neatly before turning his eyes to the skies again.
The rainbow kept you company on your short walk home. You found yourself wondering if the soil on your farm would be any good for growing coffee beans. “Plenty of time to find out, I guess,” you murmured aloud. If your big colorful companion heard you, it made no indication.
That night as Harvey rinsed his wine glass before bed, his mind wandered to his new neighbor. Sunny. Sunny, just Sunny. 
Hm. She sure is.
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lovelytayforce · 7 months
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@playful-level4366 Hey sorry I didn't reply like normal but I knew this wouldn't fit down there, considering how long I thought about this question and how to word it. It's kind of a weird dynamic to explain because it's not just about Tai Lung because he's intrically linked to Shifu and Tigress as an abuser, and in a sense I don't think the fandom wants to go over that with him at all. They believe him to be a victim and nothing else. It's true he's a victim, trust me I agree with a lot of Tai fans on that aspect (Hell, I relate to his need to prove himself and also hating who he is, hoping some magical spell will change all our imperfections but I know it won't...) but also he's a terrible abuser to his own Father and Tigress. And that ruins a lot of their fluffy hcs of a soft family learning to come together because that's too realistic for the fandom perspective and view on him. God, I don't wanna be mean but it always seems like when I see discussions on the character its as if we see two very different sides of a burnt piece of toast and see two different types of images, one skewed more by the lighting than anything. Listen, this isn't me telling other Tai fans they can't have their soft hcs for him go ahead but remember you need to stop blaming other characters for who he is, he choose his path. A person even said I was "too harsh" on Tai Lung after explaining all the horrible things HE DECIDED TO DO, that's not harsh. That's the truth and no one wants to go over it because its uncomfortable and I get it to a point but you all also picked the most uncomfortable characters who mirror our very dreary reality when we close our laptops and see the imperfections of our loved ones and ourselves. Tai Lung is a personification of the favored son in many Kung Fu flicks of the past and even the present, how the Father uplifts them to the light of heaven themselves before they ultimately go too far and let them down whilst ignoring the daughter. aka Sexism in the fam. Neat. You latched onto the man that was not only neglected by his own father but the man who abused his father back, both physically and emotionally TWICE to gain what he wanted because he knew Shifu would never hurt him.
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Like I had a whole Tai stan block me for daring to remember this scene of a father with a broken hip crawling to his son and mourning what he allowed him to become. Shifu could have died but he still loved that boy despite everything he did to him and what he would continue to do to him. Like if we wanted real redemption arcs of Tai Lung we would go over how he haunted Shifu's consciousness and led him to close himself off to his next child, Tigress, whom is always left out of the conversation cause no one wants to talk about the woman neglected and abused by her father and older brother. A popular fic even admitted to not even wanting to touch Shifu and Tigress' dynamic, do you see the problem here???? I know many of you may not know or even care but I write fanfic for this fandom focusing on that aspect of Tigress' character along with Shifu, its not always fun and I've probably stumbled and made mistakes but its a story worth telling. Because in the end, Tigress is still alive and so is Shifu! Tai Lung isn't he had his chance and ruined it. Most Tai redemption fics are easily consumable because they don't want to go over the unsavory aspects of Tai Lung's character; The fraud, the continued abuse of his own father because everything he does is to hurt Shifu personally so he can get what he wanted in the end. Po was just another piece to hurt him (Shifu) as stated on the bridge. No, in the end, they want to go over how Shifu hurt him as a child and try to lure Tigress to his side, despite the fact he belittled her when they first met. But you know, how else are we supposed to get hehe bickering siblings. Cause that's easier to consume than realizing she'd want nothing to do with him after hurting her friends and her father. There's just an overall lack of autonomy given to the characters that the movies relish in. The fandom is too scared to allow them to be themselves because pointing the finger at Oogway who allows people to grow at their own pace is easier than realizing; Tai lung and Shifu never listened to him. Like think of a person this week who did exactly what you told em to do? and did they do it? Probably not, people are fucking stubborn. Me, included. People love learning the hard way, that's just the truth! Even toddlers take a min to listen to one task! So, I wouldn't even call it whitewashing, it's this desire to ignore canon to support their own hcs because if they told his actual story all of their concepts would fall apart to the wayside to see, the only true victim in the end, was a woman. Tigress. No one wants to go over that, that's a lot of work, that's a touchy subject but it's why I love these characters, there so raw and horrible which makes their stories compelling enough to stand beside the likes of Seven Samurai. It's that good!! So, to end this all, no they don't. Even Traces of Spring which I still follow because I love the art falls into this safe way of going about telling his story and sidelining the character who mirrors who he could have been, Tigress. Because she's not that cool to them despite the fact she controls herself better than he does. And had the opportunity to be a hero as great as she was if he set aside his selfish, obsession, and toxic views. But you know he's hot to some people, so he's a good boy deep down.
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Yup. Uh huh.
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wordsarelife · 29 days
hiii !!! i really love your writing style, and i'm just obsessed with your account in general, i'm just wondering how you started writing?? any tips for beginners? i'm trying to start writing more, but i can't think of a scenario, or i get stuck at some point. any help is appreciated 😭 thank you !!! mwah !! 🫶🏻
hello my love, please excuse my late answer. first, thank you so much for the compliments, you're the sweetest!!! i've been writing basically all my life and i think whats most important for writing is inspiration. i spent so many years reading fanfiction and thinking about topics i would like to read about, just to notice that no one had written them yet so i tried to fill that space myself, with a lot of failing lmao.. but at some point i realized that it's just as fun to write as it is to read other people's stuff.
when i start to write something, i always make sure i'm passionate about the project. i start by imagining scenes that i would love to read about myself, decide on a taylor song i want to use, which does generate even more inspiration and search pinterest for aesthetics and more insparation.
i know what it's like getting stuck while writing (ask the thousand unfinished wips of books i tried to write), but sometimes i try to just write anything, even if its rubbish at first, at least you wrote a few more words.
or just think about the least expectable answer to a simple question and keep in mind that every answer reflect your characters personality. if you let your character answer something unexpectably it might turn the conversation into a different direction. and different is good, it's fun and sometimes you just feel what could be right for the story, without knowing it before. but if you need help to come up with a concept, try to look at blogs on here, who provide prompts or funny quotes to start your story off on.
one of my favorite creators is @creativepromptsforwriting (she also has great tips for writing, far better than any i could give you)
and just to emphasize what i said before, i'm going to show you what i mean by wiriting a little scene between theo and pixie from my series don't blame me:
example quote: you look good
so, to accurately write this scene, you should think about your characters personality, but also the relationship between them.
so it could be like this:
theo: you look good
pixie: thank you
and that would be it. but this conversation doesn't fit either their personality nor their relationship, and a great plus is also that it would be a longer interaction if you let them react differently:
theo: you look good
pixie: what are you trying to do right now?
theo: i don't know, genius, maybe compliment you?
pixie: well, don't expect to get one back, i wouldn't want to inflate your ego any further
theo: aren't you just a ray of sunshine...
pixie: complementing me again huh?
theo: sure...
so this is what i would come up with on the spot and i hope i could help you a bit, but this is mostly what i do when i write and then i just keep writing honestly. what i can tell you is that it will be easier the more you write, you get a feeling for it eventually. so in simpler terms: don't stress too much for perfection (had to learn that the hard way) just write and see what happens and just keep in mind that any word you write will help you to get better at writing, so nothing has to be perfect from the get go. i mean, has anyone ever sat down at a piano and just started playing?
good luck on your journey, i wish you all the fun at writing!!! ❤️
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clockworkcheetah · 15 days
*shaking your shoulders* hiiiii tell me everything about your thought process behind writing your incredible bangfic the bad dog nerves, inspiration characters writing EVERYTHING it's so good tell us more
hiii getting to talk about my creations!!! ahhh
ok so cause its been a couple of months and my memory is nothingness aka im a little hazy on some stuff. buuuuuut i distinctly remember several things that heavily inspired TBDN im just gonna run my thoughts as they come so i apologise if its incoherent. i am also putting this under a readmore for the sake of everyone. and because spoilers for the fic
first inspo was deathmark2 cause it got its english translation earlier this year (i love deathmark but ill say everytime i talk of it its very difficult to recommend cause it needs so many content warnings). im very much the kinda person who can and will mash fandoms together- ill make those parallels. god cant stop me. basically dm is what got the ball rolling for me- spirits and possession and influenced moods. its only inspired pretty loosely by dm- very much the general concept/brainrot for both fandoms kinda deal. also more horror elements in dghda yes pls
another thing that inspired it was the doctor who ep 'midnight'. that ep was chilling- i think about how you can tell ten is fully awake and aware during his possession and it stuck with me- a+ acting from david. its a fear of mine being fully awake/aware whilst having no control of your body/immobilised and you cant do anything but wait for the inevitable. granted todd leaned more towards anger, or like the five stages of grief, than fear. but that felt more him also cause it went on longer than a few hours (or rather he expresses his fear through anger/lashing out) but i wanted that ugly rawness of it- hes nervous like a bad dog ay ayyyyyyy
(i sorta wish i went harder with it at the end with his scene with dirk, but alas he was burnt out and healing)
also tbh i just love scenes like that in media too. the character is right there! its so close and nobody is helping them so they gotta save their own ass and be a bitch about it
also i just kinda wanted more fics where dirk just fucks up?? like theres no hoops being jumped through to make what he said right (im not exactly a fan of this fanon!dirk where hes this saint who does no wrong/is always right/everyone else is to blame) so that was a goal in mind when writing this- dirk mostly, but also amanda to an extent of being wrong (not like in some horrible malicious way just. you made a bad call. u gotta live with it). also why todd was quicker to forgive farah (or at least be on better terms with her than the others- i really wish i included a convo between them aw well) granted these arent really specific to this fic- i like to have it in other fics, i need those two to fuck up. as well as todd getting to be angry/upset without this notion that he cant cause he did bad things therefore can only be bad, undeserving person forever cause thats how it works obviously (look if i wanted content of todd fucking up id watch the show lemme have something else with fics- ok ill stop being salty now asdfghjkl;)
i also really wanted the aftermath of what happened to be explored (i love the concept of possession/mindcontrol but shows kinda brush it off after the character is freed. like??? youre telling theyre all sunshine and fine now??? no way, theres gonna be a recovery period. aka todds body being weak from literally having zero nutrients, miru not taking care of the body, also learning to have control of his own body again
with the characters or i guess specifically project miru, she wasnt inspired by anything specific. i really like tragic but unsympathetic characters in media so wanted to have a try at it, and to explore the whole riggins' favouritism towards dirk and how the other projects may have felt. idk how well i pulled it off but i had fun writing her interactions with todd even if it was mostly them being dicks to eachother and being a dick to everyone
ok my brain is starting to run on empty so ill close up this haha.
im sure this is universal but when i got the idea of this fic i had the immediate The Scenes™️ for it. they were: amandas confrontation and realising that oh shit it isnt todd the whole time that scene was vivid in my head (also fave scene to write!!) and the other is the final scene with dirk and todd and todd breaking down. todds kinda the 'strong' one of the two (to dirk) and the caretaker- so someone takes care of him and lets him be upset with everyone
but yeah!!! some of my thoughts behind the creation of TBDN 💖🥰🧡 theres stuff i wish i included in the fic and ideas i had after i had already posted but im happy with it regardless. at its core i just wanted some sweet sweet todd whump i wanna traumatise that little man
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Bengiyo's Queer Media Syllabus
For those who are not aware, I have decided to run the gauntlet of @bengiyo’s Queer Cinema Syllabus and have officially started Unit 1: Coming of Age Post Moonlight. The films in Unit 1 are Pariah (2011), Get Real (1998), Edge of Seventeen (1998), My Own Private Idaho (1991), and Mysterious Skin (2004)
Today I will be writing about 
My Own Private Idaho (1991) dir. Gus Van Sant
[Available for rent on: Amazon, YouTube. Run Time- 1:44]
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Summary: In this loose adaptation of Shakespeare's "Henry IV," Mike Waters is a gay hustler afflicted with narcolepsy. Scott Favor is the rebellious son of a mayor. Together, the two travel from Portland, Oregon to Idaho and finally to the coast of Italy in a quest to find Mike's estranged mother. Along the way they turn tricks for money and drugs, eventually attracting the attention of a wealthy benefactor and sexual deviant. (from Just Watch)
Cast:  River Phoenix as Mike a homeless queer male sex worker with narcolepsy Keanu Reeves as Scott the mayor’s son, “homeless” sex worker who is friends with Mike William Richert as Bob, I don’t have any other way to describe him besides this character is Falstaff in Henry IV. 
Content Warning: mentions of sexual assault, prostitution, conversations around incest. homelessness.
So the first thing before we start, if you are planning on watching this film you have to remember this is based on Henry IV by Shakespeare. Because if you forget that (like I did until about 40 minutes in) there is going to be dialogue that makes you go “no one talks like this?????” (which honestly was not a bad thing, but remembering that it was Shakespeare did stop me from going down way too deep a rabbit hole about reality and unreality so…thank you brain! Now, unfortunately, I have not read Henry IV and also unfortunately I will not read Henry IV for the sake of being better able to analyze this film. 
In hindsight, Scott is a dick and the film so perfectly sets up/foreshadows how we are going to get to where we end up with Scott, but as it is happening, it feels like a massive, unexpected punch in the gut the second you see him back from Italy, in a nice suit, in a nice car, driving blindly past his old pal Mike, who is collapsed in a sleep attack on the sidewalk. 
I always love when media humanizes homeless, drug user, and sex worker communities so for me watching this film, that was a huge win. Unhoused folk, drug users, and sex workers are so fucking dehumanized in my society, and frequently blamed for their own life conditions, and considering the statistics on how many homeless people in the US are queer, and particularly how many queer youth are on the streets, it is particularly important to me that film, queer film especially, allows its audience to love, root for, and mourn for homeless queer people. 
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Gif by @camyfilms
I like that you don't really know exactly how Mike got to where he is. But there is enough context with the flashbacks we get and his medical condition to understand any number of ways that Mike ends up unhoused. I think it is particularly notable that there are multiple moments in the film where a house or other form of stable shelter is destroyed in his mind. Where I appreciate not really know exactly how Mike became homeless, because in a way it feels like his entire life was set up so that was the only inevitable outcome. Scott, however, I have no idea how he got to where he is, homeless and doing sex work, when he is set to inherit his father’s fortune soon. 
And looking back at how the entire story plays out, knowing that Scott will eventually abandon Mike to pursue a love interest and wealth, it makes a lot more sense as to why we never truly find out how he got there. Because for Scott, it doesn’t fucking matter. Because for Scott, he is playing at being homeless. This is a funny little game for him, he can give a middle finger to his father and act out, and struggle for as long as it is entertaining and fun, knowing that at any point he can return home, shape up his behavior, and have more money then he knows what to do with. 
Which is why I am truly and deeply obsessed with the fact that Scott wears a suit when he is amongst the other unhoused folk he is living with. Because of how much that visually separates him. I like that it is serving as a reminder of his status and almost like a reminder to himself that he is actually separate from everyone else here. And this theme is repeated in how Scott interacts with his father too. Because, while he wears a suit when amongst the unhoused, when he is summoned before his father, he dresses with a collar, and denim jacket without a shirt on underneath. Visually he looks a lot more like the other members of the community he has been running with, and that literally only happens so that he can get a rise out of his father. 
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gifs by @vintageblr
And that playing at oppression aspect of Scott’s character is marked so clear by the line he says near the end: "I think I need to take a break for awhile" or whatever the exact wording is, when he meets a girl in Italy and sends Mike home. Scott has money, and while a part of me still believes that Scott cares about Mike, he doesn't love Mike. So the second that Scott has something that he loves, something that he wants, he pumps the brakes on the struggle bus and puts an end to his life of sleeping rough and engaging in sex work. 
And like I said before, while I felt hurt and betrayed and pissed the fuck off when Scott drove by Mike on the street, looking back at the entire film, the signs have been clear from the beginning. Because Scott is never going to be able to give Mike what he wants, at any level, in any capacity. Scott promises that he will share the wealth with the community when he inherits the money, he has the means, motive, and opportunity to perform such an action. He has the ability by the end to give Mike the support that he needs. To help him get on his feet, but he never does it. 
Even just by way of Mike being in love with Scott and Scott being straight and not being able to give Mike what he wants.
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I will be thinking for way too long about the way that Scott stares at the ruckus everyone is making at Bob's funeral. Because, I don't know, I feel like there is almost a part of him that is longing to be there. That is missing it a little bit, or maybe feeling a little guilty. At least, that is how I am reading it as someone that worked with and considered myself friends with unhoused people. When I stopped working that job, I lost all connection with them, and the last time I got to see any of my friends again…was at a funeral. 
When discussing my thoughts on this film with @bengiyo and @emotionallychargedtowel I was really cycling back and forth between where I landed in believing that Scott cared at all for the people he lived among for years. 
Like there are shitty people who are homeless, sure, but there are also so many really wonderful people who are homeless, and there is no way that Scott, even as a rich bitch that was playing at poverty, did not forge genuine connections with people. At one point, he was sitting in a diner, comforting a woman who was upset. Do you know how many times I've seen that?
And when I started saying that I did believe that Scott cared in part for Mike, I was slammed with a visceral memory of Scott leaving Mike out in the cold, to sleep on some random guy’s lawn while he went back in to town. 
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gif by @thejingshi
That said, he gave a reasoning of Mike being safer sleeping in that wealthy neighborhood with no one else around, then he would have been back in town. And similarly too, Scott holds on to Mike's half of the motorbike sales fund until it is time to send him away and also...he doesn’t give Mike all the money cause EVEN THOUGH SCOTT DOESN'T NEED IT! 
I don't think he fully could have not cared. If he fully didn't care, I don't think the moments of tenderness would exist. 
I don't think Scott would have gone to fucking Idaho
I don't think he would have been staring off the way that he was at the funeral
But you can't even get into the thought of like, Scott has strict rules to follow now that he has the inheritance money. But like…
No he doesn't.
His Dad is dead, and he has the money, what is anyone gonna do if he doesn't act like a refined gentleman? Nothing.
God I want to punch this man. 
At the very least Scott and Mike were friends. 
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gif by @peeta
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gif by @thejingshi
And so whether or not Scott gave a flying fuck about anyone else in that community, there is someone that he cared about, that he left to rot because it was more convenient for him. And I’d like to think Scott has to face that a bit during the funeral scene. Cause based on the way that it was shot, it looks like Mike is staring straight at Scott, but when we get the shot from Scott's POV, you can only see like the barest tops of heads and chairs flying so I don't even know that Scott and Mike
And the ending of the movie? God, heartbreaking. This whole film just made me see so many echoes of people I care about, having shit luck their entire lives, ending up on the streets, getting in to sex work of some kind, casually referencing their latest rape by a client, maybe having things be good for awhile (getting housing, getting reconnected with someone they care about, getting accepted in to school) and then just having that ripped away from them. Getting their shit stolen. 
And on the other side of it too like, being connected, talking with one another, taking care of each other. All the times that someone has been having a particularly bad day, and before I could even go over and talk to them and check in, someone else from the community swoops in comfort them, and make sure they were doing okay. 
I loved this movie. I think everyone should watch it. 
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The Gay Trifecta! 
We know that this is an About Queers film, because Mike is queer.
By Queers: I'm not 100% certain if the director is gay, it didn't say it explicitly anywhere, but he is behind a number of keystone queer films, and I think I saw an interview about gay activism that involved him.
For Queers: This is a story about the struggles of being a queer man, among other things. But I think the center of, loving a man you know can never love you back, and being fucked over by that in the end reads very much as for a queer audience.
Favorite Moment: 
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Everyone going buck fucking wild at Bob's funeral. It was such a moment of unrestrained energy, and I like it all the more for what it did to Scott.
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Favorite Quote:
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gif by @magnusedom
"I really want to kiss you, man."
If you know, you know. If you don't, watch the movie so you too can understand how devastating that line is.
9.5/10 Film
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behindthewox · 2 months
TRIGGER WARNING: addiction, mental health and potentially upsetting content if you're in a vulnerable state of mind. Click "keep reading" to read the post, or click HERE for some alternative fishy content :)
Anon says: I personally believe that some people need to understand that they are severely addicted to WoX. I understand that it is supposed to be a safe space for many, but people need to understand that sitting behind a screen to be on discord/WoX is not a healthy way to live life. Believe me, most people don't even realise how it drives them to insanity. I think there should be a healthy balance, which most people are missing because they are simply too young to understand. I finally left WoX behind me, but wanted to create this message to show people that life without wox can be equally as fun. Most people you talk to on WoX aren't even your 'real' friends, cruel as it may sound. I talked to MANY people, and now I only have contact with 2. Addictions like these are not even noticed that much. "Oh, but I write so it's not bad." but you are behind your screen for HOURS a day. It's simply not healthy. It can drive you crazy. It can shove you into cliques. It can make you create problems that are, quite frankly, not even real. You get stressed about other people their CHARACTERS, you get stressed about FICTIONAL relationships. You might think it's an escape, and if its simply that, then its great. However, I believe for many people it is becoming a whole new problem and adding more stress on top of the things you tried to run away from. You try to find distractions from home? Well, you managed, but now you have online WoX drama which also drives you insane. Point of this is, please, try to log of every once in a while. Try to find a healthy balance. Life is not WoX. WoX is not life. [submitted by anonymous, no edits made]
As far as addictions go, I'd argue that WoX is one of the least destructive and harmful addictions out there and if you're gonna get caught up in an addiction it's one of the safest addictions to get stuck in. That said, I agree: WoX can easily become an addiction and no matter how harmful or harmless it is, addiction is bad.
obligatory disclaimer: I'm relatively well informed on the subject but I AM NOT AN EXPERT.
I think we need to keep in mind that the WoX demographics mean that we have a lot of users who are at high risk of developing addictions, and we could do more to minimise the risks and encourage healthier practises. Being vulnerable is not a choice and it's not right to blame the users for falling victim to human nature.
Addictions are caused by multiple factors and it's often a symptom of other problems that we don't have the resources to resolve. When we can't fix the problems in our life, the next best option is to take a break from it every once in a while that's when we turn to things that help us escape and forget. It becomes an addiction when we start to rely on it in order to maintain a state of mental wellbeing and perceived functioning, which ironically often means it hinders us from functioning fully in society. The best way to solve addiction is to solve the problems that we're escaping from, and if that's an option that is the best way to go.
If WoX causes you more stress than stress relief, there is reason to be concerned. If the thought of going without WoX for a few days makes you anxious, it might be a good idea to do just that: take a break for a few days. It sucks but it's good for you. But most importantly: do the best you can with the situation you've got. Be kind to yourself and know that it's not your fault, and it's unfair to expect you to figure all this out on your own. Blame and guilt isn't going to help you pull yourself out of an addiction or mental ditch, what you need is a metaphorical rope and a good strategy. Maybe an excavator... It's easier said than done but it's worth doing and in the meanwhile, remember: as far as addictions go you could do a hell of a lot worse than creative writing.
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