#i wrote this after valentines day but figured it could put it up for the return day
jo-harrington · 9 months
You don't have time for Christmas.
Work and home and this friend in a crisis.
Work and home and, let's be honest, probably work again.
And before you know it, it's December 20th and you don't even have any decorations up. Barely anyone does. The neighborhoods that are usually lit up with lights and figurines enough to rival the Griswolds are noticably dark this year.
What holiday? What festivity? It's wake up and hustle and lay in bed in a dreamless sleep. Then wake up to do it all again.
You are a cog in a machine.
You don't know how to voice these things, your displeasure, the secret yearning for the pomp and circumstance and childhood whimsy for the holiday season that's tucked somewhere deep inside your weary body. You can't bring yourself to indulge in it.
You're tired.
You glance down the card aisle at the grocery store but don't stop to grab any for friends. You pick up a bag of peanut butter bells for your candy jar at work but then second guess it at the checkout. Gifts are bought with as much care as you could, but you can't even bother to wrap them as prettily as you usually would.
You can try again for Valentine's. Chocolate hearts with the crispy rice inside and roses for your coworkers. Something.
But this year, you don't have time for Christmas.
And he notices.
It starts with cookies.
He likes to bake--started with boxed cake mix and then you bought him a handheld torch one year so he could try his hand at creme brûlée after he watched a little too much Jacques Pepin on PBS--so it's not anything suspicious. No ulterior motives detected.
Only he's dug up the little handwritten notebook full of your grandma's favorite recipes. Grandpa's handwriting because he wrote it while she dictated. Cookies he's never tasted before himself but seemed to have nailed exactly the way she made them. The love he poured into the treats matched hers exactly.
He brings you a plate and a cup of cocoa when you come home and collapse on the couch.
You cry when you eat them. And he lets you.
Then he digs out the tree from the garage.
The one-car garage that you pay extra for doesn't fit either of your vehicles but fits all your crap. You both vow to clean up at some point and never do. He slogs through the boxes of old band tees that don't fit him and kitchen crap that you don't miss or really need, to get to the plastic 6 ft tree that used to have stickers to note which bough went in what slot but those are long gone.
He spends hours figuring it out and decorating it, and imagine your surprise when you come home to an otherwise-dark apartment illuminated by the fat, colorful incandescent bulbs that you're sure he spent a significant amount of time untangling. You'd both given up last year and went without lights. But there they are.
"What?" you drop your bag by the door. "What is this?"
"I dunno," he grins proudly. "Thought it would be nice. Get in the Christmas spirit. Saved the star for you to put on top if you want."
And you did. You wanted it so bad. Ever since you were a kid, you were the one to put the star on top of the tree.
After it's up, you marvel at the special care he's taken with the important ornaments. Fragile little wooden ones from your grandma, popsicle stick frames with baby pictures of both of you, a macaroni snowman that he gave his mom once-upon-a-time that his uncle had stashed away, and then a fancy hallmark one you got the year you moved in together.
They all have special places on the tree and tell a story of your lives, separate and then together.
You both lay under the tree that night, staring up at the glittering lights as you hold hands.
Finally it's Christmas Eve. Which to him really meant nothing, but to you meant the world. Christmas Days were spent with individual families but Christmas Eves of old meant a big dinner and time spent with your cousins and It's a Wonderful Life on the TV.
It's a tradition that got put to the wayside as everyone got too old and too tired. As you started getting scheduled to work, like this year. And it's almost worse this year, as you've done a stretch of you-can't-remember-how-many days, that you even turned down an invitation for the two of you from your mom for a small dinner with her.
You're exhausted by the time you get home and, more than anything, you're looking forward to the day off tomorrow.
Not the holiday. The day off.
Still, you remember to bring in the handful of gifts from their hiding place in your trunk. You don't really do gifts between the two of you anymore. Nothing big at least. Just a cheesy little thing. Something fun, not something serious. But you did a little more this year than you usually would--all of the OT you'd clocked for one, and too many things you saw that you knew would make him smile for another.
You try to tip toe into the house as quietly as possible so you can throw the boxes under the tree and shower but he's vigilant. He's been at the stove cooking for a while, and he greets you at the door as you shut it behind you.
"I thought we said no big gifts," he admonishes you and snatches the boxes from your hands. The wrapping paper isn't festive--just brown craft paper you stole borrowed from work since you wrapped on your lunch--but you managed to slap on some red and green bows from the drugstore that you grabbed the other day.
"They're not big," you explained. "I promise."
"Well neither are mine," he winked.
You slap a hand against his chest and then give him a kiss in greeting and thanks.
"One better be the RC racer I wanted when I was nine," he mutters against your lips.
"Hmmm, you're just gonna have to wait," you tell him. "And no shaking the boxes.
You're almost a little ticked off'; one of them is the RC racer.
You kick off your shoes as the smell finally hits you.
Thick and savory and fragrant.
Some kind of fish and roasted potatoes and the starchiness of a pasta and the tang of its sauce.
Recipes, again, taken from your grandma's little notebook. They stir something deep inside of you. That yearning you never voiced.
The weariness that's been slowly building within you finally comes to a head when you make it to the kitchen and see the pots and pans and two plates already portioned out.
An ice cold beer for him, and a Shirley temple, extra cherries, for you.
"Remember when you told me," he comes up behind you and his arms snake around your midsection, "that you and your cousins would sneak extra maraschino cherries from the fridge when your gram wasn't looking. And then she went to go get them for the pistachio salad and they were gone."
Your knees shake and you practically collapse against him.
"Speaking of which, there is a pistachio salad in the fridge for dessert."
"Why?" you sniff.
"Because that's actually my favorite, so sorry to your grandma's tiramisu." He pecks a kiss to the side of your head and rocks you back and forth. "But if you want to make that for New Year's Eve, I won't say no."
"No," you let out a watery laugh. "Why are you so good to me, why did you do all of this?"
"Because I know it's been a hard few weeks. Few months." You can feel him shrug. "Fuck, it's been hard for me too but...I know this is one of your favorite parts of the year and you just...haven't been in the spirit for it. So whatever I could do to make it happen for you..."
You turn in his arms and bury your face in his shoulder, in his neck, so he doesn't see your tears. Again. Worse this time as you begin to shake from your sobs. He shushes you, runs a hand over your back, and leaves kiss after kiss against your head.
"Baby, I'll do anything for you," he tells you, voice thick with emotion. "I just want you to be happy."
"I am happy," you whine against his skin. "I'm so...so happy."
"Thank you," you repeat it over and over again until it feels like you're empty of all the void and indifference that have filled you for the past few months are gone. In their place just...love and gratitude for him.
"Merry Christmas baby. I love you."
"I love you too, Merry Christmas."
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wandamaxim0f · 1 year
Brian 'Otis' Zvonecek one-shot — Peace
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Words: 1.2k
Otis x Female reader
TW: the tiniest bit of angst and lots of fluff! Also: pregnancy, anxiety, mentions of panic attacks
A/N: finally dared to post this one! I really like how it ended up, but please keep in mind english is not my first language so there may be some mistakes. I wrote this one with Peace by Taylor Swift in mind, enjoy!
Taglist: @winchesterszvonecek
And you know that I'd (...) give you my wild, give you a child
Your hands were shaking as you went to grab your cup of freshly brewed tea, the chamomile smell soothing you before you could even take a sip. You did your best to focus on the way the tea tasted, and how the warmth went through your mouth and down your throat, really trying to keep yourself grounded and not give into the panic attack that you felt around the corner.
Silly panic attack. You felt the clink of your wedding band against the beige cup. Your wedding ring, of all things. You two were married, and had been for almost a full year. Turning your head, you found the fridge with all of its magnets and notes. Some were sweet and loving, both in your handwriting and his, knowing some days one left for shift without seeing the other.
“I love you”; “Stay safe”; “Come home to me” were some of the messages the both of you had left, a reminder you had someone waiting for you after your shift at the Intelligence Unit, and he had someone waiting for him after his shift at firehouse 51.
A photo from your wedding day caught your eye. You two were married. He wouldn't leave. He wouldn't step back. He had literally signed up for this. He had scribbled down his signature on a paper that was securely put away on a folder full of important documents, and he had vowed to love you until death do you part.
The door opening startled you, even when you had woken up early to talk to him. Not that you could really sleep, anxiety keeping you awake and turning and tossing in the bed sheets; the smell that came from his shirt that you were wearing doing nothing to calm down your mind.
“Baby” called Otis, as soon as he closed the door and saw you sitting down at the kitchen island. He knew something was going on. Usually, on your days off, he would just get home and find you asleep in bed, not drinking tea in the kitchen.
Immediately, he dropped his bag and his arms found your figure, pulling you into his warm embrace and stepping in between your legs, holding you to his chest as his hands caressed your back in the way only he knew how.
“Are you okay?” he asked, already knowing you weren’t, by the way you clung to him, embracing his body with your arms and legs, and let out a shaky breath against his chest. Still, he gave you the choice to not speak about what had you up on your day off, not until you were ready.
You split from his hug, knowing you wouldn't speak if you found refuge between his strong arms. “We need to talk” you said, finding his now worried brown eyes.
Otis swallowed audibly, and a neutral expression took over his face, trying to hide the fact he was terrified. Were you going to leave him? Was your marriage over? Or did it still stand a chance? Had he messed up? Forgotten a date? Forgotten your birthday? Valentine's? Anniversary? He quickly crossed those options, your anniversary was still a month away, he already had the reservations for the weekend getaway done, and your birthday had been three months ago, he had gotten you that necklace you liked. And February was still away, so there was no chance he had forgotten Valentine’s.
“I’m sorry” he blurted out, his heart shattering at the idea of letting you down, of disappointing you “I don’t know what I did, but I will make it up to you. Please don’t leave me” he was not above begging, not when it may make the difference between you staying in his life or giving up on your marriage. Not when you were the single best thing that had ever happened to him.
Your heart melted into your chest, and tears gathered in your eyes. His forced neutral expression switched into a worried one when a tear escaped your right eye, and his thumb was quick to catch it. Whatever it was, it could not be good if you were this distraught. He had seen you in some of your worst moments, and he could count on one hand the times he had witnessed such distress in your pretty eyes.
“Babe?” he called, preparing himself to beg you to talk to him if it came down to it. You were worried, and he wanted, he needed to help you out.
“I’m pregnant” you whispered, your voice so low, Otis thought he had misheard you.
“You... what?” He exhaled, trying as hard to not let his hand find your lower abdomen, since he wasn’t sure you were happy.
Sure, the two of you had discussed starting a family, but that conversation had been held ages ago, at the early stages of your relationship. He remembered you saying you wanted to have kids, and how that was a deal breaker to you; and he remembered getting home and pestering Joe about how he had found the one.
Had you not seen his small smile, you would've freaked out. But he was smiling, and his eyes were shining with tears, so that was a good sign, right?
“I’m pregnant” you repeated, louder this time, and allowing your own hand to find your nonexistent bump.
Otis let out a high pitched scream, before hugging you tightly. His arms pulled you closer and out of the kitchen stool, picking you up and spinning you around the living area, excitement washing over him. Finally, he put you down, and his hands cradled your face, whipping away any tears.
“We’re having a baby” he whispered, happiness dripping from his words, before he started peppering your face with kisses.
“We’re having a baby” you repeated, giggling at his affection, your hands now holding his biceps.
You couldn’t understand how you could’ve been that panicked, your husband wanted desperately to be a father, but only with you. Now you let yourself feel the happiness that you had put away on a cage in your heart, and the world felt more colorful than ever.
The next morning, as you untangled from your still asleep husband, you made your way to the kitchen to get some breakfast. A new note on the fridge caught your eye, and butterflies came alive in your stomach.
Last night, Otis and you had sat down and tried to guess an estimated date in which your baby would join you, a date he had scribbled down on a piece of paper before adding “Best day ever”. Next to it, a note he must've put up while you headed towards the bedroom “Get on desk duty”.
Years ago, the idea of desk duty would’ve killed you, hating the idea of being away from the action and the adrenaline it provided, but now you were beyond happy to spend your whole day at the district.
“You two were leaving without saying goodbye?” Otis’s sleepy voice called out as he walked into the kitchen. Without saying another word, he sank to his knees and kissed your abdomen “Leaving without saying goodbye to your dad is actually kind of rude. Guess your momma and I will have to teach you some manners once you’re out of there, bub” he spoke, his hands firm on your hips.
You laughed, a hand coming to caress his hair, and he looked at you with nothing but adoration and love shining in his eyes. How could you have been so worried? You would be okay. The three of you would be okay.
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mochimoee · 1 year
Sanemi x Reader | Valentine's Day
Tags: None, just fluff and sweet Sanemi.
Word count: 700
~♡ Dividers by: cafekitsune ♡~
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Valentine's Day was coming up and Sanemi wanted to do something special for you. The two of you have been dating for a little over a year now, so he wanted to do something other than just give you chocolates. He had brainstormed ideas for weeks now until he finally had the perfect idea. 
He had decided to speak with Rengoku about learning how to write and wondered if Rengoku would help teach him. Out of all of the Hashiras, he figured Rengoku would be the one he could trust the most. Rengoku of course agreed and thought it was a marvelous idea. They started meeting every few days a week whenever neither of them were too busy. 
A few weeks had gone by and it was finally Valentine's day. Sanemi had been working his ass off just about every day just to make sure the note he gave you was perfect. Of course it wasn't as good as most others' handwriting, but it was the best he could do. He got the note written out, picked up a few of your favorite flowers and candies, and headed out to your estate. 
You were very excited to see Sanemi today and present him with your gift. You had worked hard all morning to make him his favorite dish, Ohagi. You hoped he'd love it. You put it aside in a little box to keep safe as you waited for him to arrive. 
Shortly after finishing the Ohagi and getting changed, Sanemi arrived right on time. Excitedly, you ran to greet him. "Nemi!! Happy Valentine's Day!" You practically squealed while hugging him. He chuckled and hugged you back with one arm while holding his gift behind his back with the other. "Happy Valentine's Day my love." He smiled as you stepped back and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. 
"Oh! Let me go get your gift." You went to run to the kitchen to grab the Ohagi, but he grabbed your arm and stopped you before you could. "I'd actually like you to open my gift first, if that's okay" he said nervously while blushing. He pulled out the flowers and candies first to give to you. "Oh Nemi! These are my favorites! Thank you so much!" You smiled brightly as you sniffed the flowers and peeked at the candies. "That's not all" "Hmm?" You looked up at him with curiosity wondering what else he could've gotten you. He pulled an envelope out and handed it to you. You sat the flowers and candies down on a nearby table so you could open the envelope and when you did, you could barely contain your happiness. 
"Dear (Y/N)
The past year I've shared with you has been one of the happiest years of my life. Words cannot describe my love for you that continues to grow with each passing day. You have become the light of my life and the one person I wish to spend eternity with. If you allow me, I will continue to work each day to bring you just as much happiness as you have given me. Happy Valentine's Day, my love. 
Love Sanemi." 
"Oh Nemi… Did you write this?" Your eyes filled with tears of happiness as he nodded his head. "I wanted to do something truly special for you. I hope it's okay. I know my handwriting isn't the best, but it's-" you cut him off before he could finish with a kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he started to kiss you back while placing his hands on your hips. You slowly pulled away and looked him in the eyes. "It was perfect Sanemi. Thank you." a blush started to form on his cheeks as he smiled while looking at you. "I'm glad" he said softly as he went to kiss you again. 
The two of you shared a longer kiss this time when you suddenly remembered. "Oh! I almost forgot!!" You ran into the kitchen to grab the box of Ohagi you had prepared for him. "It's not as wonderful as the gift you wrote me, but I hope you'll enjoy it!" You handed him the box as he opened it with wide eyes. He smiled widely at the sight of the Ohagi and picked one up to try. He had a look of pleasure on his face after eating one. "They're perfect, love." You beamed with happiness as you both sat down to enjoy the rest of the day together. All in all it was a pretty successful Valentine's Day. 
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Ah I hope you enjoyed!! I want to keep working on making some sweet Sanemi fanfics to balance out all the nsfw ones lol
Thanks for reading!
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shidousprincess · 8 months
Hello my sunflowers welcome to my Galintines Day Cafe
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Happy Valentine’s Day my Sunflowers 💖
I originally wrote like 5 of these cause l've had a shitty week because of my "friend" of 2 years decided to break our friendship off because she accused me of something I didn't say but turned it around to make it look like I did ."friend" am I right? And a bunch of other things But enough of my life events how are you guys hope yall are doing well 💜.i locked in at like 5pm yesterday and I decided to write a few more but not all 20 something i apologize for that..the others will be written separately on another day when i feel better 💜🫡
Also you can check my pinned post on my blog for requests 💜
Characters: Zoro,brook,Kidd,corazon,crocodile,sanji,robin,nami,Cesar,gojo,toji,choso,megumi
Also you might can tell that I gave up on the Valentine’s Day plot in some 😭I’m srry for that I was just so over it and it might be shitty but I tried I’m still playing around with my writing
And beware my writing will probably be ooc
But Without further ado enjoy my sunflowers
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Ah Valentine's Day was coming to an end y/n figured Zoro forgot today was special little did she know he didn't ..you were setting on the rails of the thousand sunny overlooking the sea while everyone else went drinking you decided to stay back not wanting to bother with a hangover.. Zoro stayed back with you to keep you company "hey y/n how about you and I take a stroll around town ?"
.."sure that doesn't sound to bad " so you both walked off the sunny after about 30 minutes of walking Zoro brought you to a nice little mountain side that overlooked the sea "oh Zoro how beautiful how did you come upon this ?" ..well earlier when we were in town I kinda got lost and found this place " he said rubbing the back of his neck looking away from you .."oh and here happy Valentine's Day pumpkin " he then handed you the f/c bag of homemade chocolate .."awe Zoro did you make this just for me ?" " yeah sanji helped me a little " ..thank you babe i really appreciate this "you said and walked up to him and engulfed him into a hug after a moment you pulled back and pulled him down into a loving kiss "I love you Zoro " .."I love you too y/n
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"Happy Valentine's Day y/n my lovely..I've got something very special to share with you! " .."happy Valentine's Day to you to brook my love what might you have to share?" You said as you put your book down that you were reading.."well let's just say I'm taking you on a little date " ..oo sounds fun when are we leaving?" "Whenever you want my lovely !" So you got up from your seat and told brook you were going to change really quick and then you both could head out .."alright brook im ready !" He then turned around to see you .. you were adorned in a blouse with hearts all over with black jeans and some tall combat boots "you look so beautiful y/n !" .."now let's get going " he held out his hand and you took it he quickly told the crew you two were heading out for the day ..after walking through town you both went to a restaurant and ate then stopped at a ice cream parlor and got some yummy ice cream and to conclude the evening you both went into a shop to browse around brook spotted a beautiful hair tie and ring he knew you'd like you had already looked around the whole store so you told brook to take his time that you'd wait for him outside so he quickly went back to grab both items and paid for them and got the nice lady at the counter to put it in a small box ..brook somehow hid it from you the whole time back to the thousand sunny you both stood to watch the sun set
"What a wonderful Valentine's Day don't you agree brook ?".."yes but " he then got down on one knee and pulled out the ring "but what ?"and you turned to look at him you seen that he was proposing you started crying as the crew cheered in the background "y/n will you make me the happiest skeleton in all of the world and please be my wife ?" .."yes brook yes !" He slipped the ring on your finger "now I can safely say today was a wonderful Valentine's Day Yohoho!"
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You had been sick for a few days now and you'd hoped you'd be better by today which was Valentine's Day you wanted nothing more but to spend today with Kidd but your plans got soiled by your own immune system "curse you immune system!" A few tears fell from your eyes that soon turned to full on sobs the whole crew distanced themselves from you even your own boyfriend didn't even bat an eye in your direction .."Kidd where are you headed ?" Killer asked as he seen his friend stauntering off the ship he didn't answer he just kept walking..Kidd knew today was a special day because you had it marked on the little calendar in the kitchen so he went in a bunch of shops to pick up different things he thought you'd like so he fixed the little basket he had up looking as cute as possible not his type of thing but it was for you so it was a exception so he started his trek back to the Victoria punk but he stopped at a restaurant and ordered some food for the both of you ..when he got back he went straight to your room and barged in "y/n you up ?"...... no answer so he flicked the blanket off of you seeing you with tears falling down your face "y/n what's wrong ?" His rough demeanor crumbled when he seen you crying "well to start off everyone has been avoiding me like the plague second of all you have been avoiding me aswell and I just feel like shit because I'm sick third it's Valentine's Day and I really wanted to spend it with you but I can't " .."yes you can here happy Valentine's Day baby " he gave you the basket he prepared for you .."awe Kidd thanks for this I love you !" It was nothing baby and I love you too now let's eat so he went and retrieved a small table and a stool for him to set on and a candle after he got everything set up you both started eating after you both got done you started dozing off after you completely fell asleep Kidd cleaned up and came back and picked you up and brought you to his room and you both went to sleep
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“hey Cora-San"law asked pulling on Cora's coat "what is it law ?" "Since today is Valentine's Day can we make y/n something?".."how sweet of you sure we can !go get the craft supplies from the closet "so law brought all the supplies they needed to make some things for you he made a few paper flowers,and a card "how does it look Cora-San ?" ..he then handed him the card ."she'll love it law good job" he handed it back and law smiled at the card "now how about we run to town real fast and get some flowers and some chocolate?" "Sounds good " so they walked into town and found a flower shop and Cora let law pick some roses for you to put with the ones he picked for you and they made a beautiful bouquet and they grabbed a box of chocolate and payed and went back home to wait for you to get home from work .. "Rosi,law I'm home !" Cora ran over to give you a hug and tripped on a book law had laying on the floor "oomph" ..law had been in his room reading when he heard you were home so he grabbed the things he made running to show you but you were busy helping Cora up "welcome home angel how was work ?" .."same old same old .how were you guys day ? "Well let's just say it was pretty fun huh law ?" Law then ran up to you both "happy Valentine's Day y/n " he gave you the homemade flowers and card and you read it "awe law you are so sweet "you then picked him up and hugged him "now for what I got you” he brought you over to the counter where the chocolate and vase of flowers were "happy Valentine's Day my angel " "Rosi this is beautiful thank you both so much "you pecked them both on the cheek and sat down and shared the chocolate between the 3 of you
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After a long exhausting day at work my shift is finally over and I can finally go home to see my amazing husband crocodile .
I grab my bag and phone and head out as I'm leaving I wave at the secretary and tell her I'm taking my leave.
As I'm headed home I quickly send him my location  because he likes to make sure I make it home safely
. He texted back and said he was home waiting on you. You texted back and said you should be there in 5-6 minutes if you weren't home in that time period something probably happened.... (Due to you being his wife ) .(yall live 5 minutes from your job)
I pocket my phone and keep walking after walking for about 3 minutes
I get a rag put over my face and drug into and ally before I passed out I noticed that this person was one of makiyokos men that I seen on the news and are one of the cross guilds rivals.
I try my best to fight but the drug on the rag worked faster .
Timeskip to makiyokos hideout
"Boss we got her like you asked" isamu said
"Awesome now we can draw the cross guild in with her missing" his boss Akari said
As I open my eyes I see 2 men infront of me I recognize them and Aoki Akari and his #1 sato isamu
Akari speaks up and says with a laugh ... "you were the perfect target to draw the cross guild in to us.
You wondered when crocodile would notice you weren't home on time ..
A few hours go by and I started hearing gunshots.. already knowing who it was you waited patiently while still being tied to the chair...
Akari and isamu waited patiently next to you with their guns drawn waiting for whoever walked through the door
You hear mihawks voice from outside the door saying "this is the last room boss "
You sat watching in fear tears falling from your eyes .. fearing that mihawk would get shot
He breaks down the door you shut your eyes and no gun went off oh look up and see that both of their guns jammed.. what luck you thought..
Then crocodile and buggy along with mihawk walked in and buggy shot Akari and Isamus leg making them fall down ...
"You son of a bitches I thought you'd never get through my guards "said Akari
"Well they were pretty weak in my opinion said "mihawk
Crocodile then announced to buggy and mihawk to take them to the hideout
Crocodile then untied you from the chair and you immediately locked your arms around his neck and put your legs around his waist and he held you for a few seconds while you cried
Then he started walking out of makiyokos hideout headed back home
Timeskip to y'all getting home
You slept a little on the way home waiting till you were in the privacy of your own home to talk to croc
As he picked you bridal style out of the passenger's seat he took you inside and took you to the bathroom he then set you on the granite countertop and drew you a bath
You undressed yourself and got in the water he then told you to scoot up where he could get in behind you
He then asked how all this happened and you began to explain
As you were explaining he started to massage your shoulders a lil
After you finished explaining you both sat in silence for a moment then washed yourself off then got out of the tub and headed to y'all's shared bedroom
After you got dressed you walked back into your shared room croc was already dressed waiting on you in bed he throws the sheets back and pats his body and says "come here sunshine" and you layed on him and buried your face in his chest
He wraps his arms around you  and holds you for a few moments before letting go and making you look at him
He then pulls you in for the most soft kiss that was full of love
You both pulled away and he spoke up saying that you wouldn't be going out for a while without having him or  a guard by your side
He then said since it's the weekend tomorrow he was going to take you on a date
You smiled and said thank you for everything he did today and kissed him again
He smiled and said "your welcome I'd do anything for my dearest sunshine "
You asked him to sing the song my only sunshine to you and he did
You slowly drifted to sleep happy and listening to crocodile sing as he played with your hair
and after he knew you were asleep he then drifted off to sleep himself
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Y/n had been friends with Gojo and geto for 3 years now and 2 years ago she and geto started dating y/n loved geto and enjoyed when they hung out ..but geto just dated her because of a bet he had going with some of his friends...they told him if he dated her for 1-2 years they would pay him a lump sum of money and he agreed..Gojo never found it entertaining to watch his best friend date y/n and then talk shit behind her back ..Gojo always hung out with her when geto wasn't around but she never noticed how much geto was using her ...until now you and Gojo were walking around the park because Gojo thought it would be fun to spend Valentine's Day together until you both seen geto making out with some random girl .. Gojo panicked and stood infront of you and embraced you he then went on saying..."y/n I can't keep this a secret anymore.. hell I'm sorry I even kept it a secret from you but geto is only dating you for a bet insane am I right?"... it finally hit you as to what geto was doing while he was gone is he was hanging out with this random girl he never loved you .. you hugged Gojo tighter and a few tears escaped your eyes you then let go of him and he gave you a sorrowful smile you then grabbed his hand and turned back around and asked Gojo to take you on a drive...after about 20 minutes of driving around in silence you told him you wanted to go home .. when you arrived at your house you told gojo to come in ... you both sat down on the couch waiting for geto to come in
15 minutes later
"Y/n I'm home happy Valentine's Day !... oh Gojo what are you doing here at this time ? "
"Geto tell her the truth even though I've already told her "
"Tell her what? "he said with a panicked tone
"About how you're dating her just for a bet and that you're dating another girl for real "
Geto just sighed and said "I got bored 2 weeks into our relationship and just decided to go to her she's way better anyway" and after that he left
Gojo turned to y/n and just looked at her
Y/n spoke up "I can't believe I was oblivious to the fact that he didn't love me and that he was cheating on me wow im so stupid aren't I Gojo ?"
"No y/n you aren't stupid Geto is"
"He was an absolute idiot to cheat on an amazing angel like yourself "
He then took this moment to confess
"Y/n I know you and geto just broke up or whatever but I've held this in ever since I met you "
"Y/n I love you so much please take my confession seriously and think about it ok ?"
You nodded
He got up and walked to the door and you quickly stopped him and asked if he wanted to stay for the night
He then said " ok sure anything for you my angel "
He then asked "hey don't you have a spare set of my clothes? "
"Yeah go in my room and they are on the top shelf of my closet"
He went in and got them stopping before he left your room because he spotted a picture you had on your dresser by your door .. it was a picture of you and him at the Christmas festival last year he picked it up "geto was such an idiot to cheat on you y/n don't worry I'll take care of you "he thought as he put the picture back down
He then went and took a shower
After he got out he walked to the living room to find no one
He then walked to your room where he found you laying in your bed he then climbed in and held you from behind
"My Angel whatcha thinking about hmmm??"
"everything "
He then sat you both against the headboard and set you on his lap and put your head on his chest and held you there
For once you actually felt the love you seeked
Gojo then started singing a song
You slowly dozed off before you fully fell asleep you said "Gojo thank you for today I love you "
He then looked down at you in his arms and kissed your forehead and whispered "I love you to my angel I promise to treat you with all the love and care you deserve and if your up for it I'll take you on a proper Valentine's Day date tomorrow "
And he slowly fell asleep aswell
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You and megumi were strolling the streets of shibuya for Valentine's Day megumi mentioned you and he should go on a mother son date so you both bought some ice cream and sat outside and ate it enjoying each others company until you heard a familiar voice your ex husband toji fushiguro "y/n,megumi ?" You froze and megumis eyes widened "what are you two doing in shibuya ?" "Shit" you cursed under your breath "we're just having a mother son date why do you ask? " ."well I was on the way to your apartment to talk to you " .."oh well I guess we can go I'll drop gumi off at Gojos place " so you two headed to gojos to drop megumi off .so when you both got to your apartment Toji was the first to speak "y/n I know I shouldn't have left you for 5 years because of my shitty job but I just recently found out that I had a son so I decided to give up that life to try and reconcile with you and be here for both you and megumi " .."it'll take some time for me to accept you again but you can rent an apartment next door and come visit but I'm not gonna let you in my heart again that easy got it ?" .."100%clear got it " then there was a ding at the door you got up seeing that it was Gojo "hey y/n I have to go on a mission for a week can you please babysit yuji for me ?" .."sure Gojo no problem.im sure megumi will enjoy that aswell huh megs?" He knoded holding onto gojos pant leg obviously nurvous of the strange man setting in the living room ..so after Gojo handed both kids over to you ..you introduced Toji to him and megumi didn't like his vibe at all so he just walked off with yuji in tow .."well looks like megumi won't crack that easily huh ?" ..."looks like it ..welp i better get going where i can pack my stuff and move in soon ..I'll see you in a week  ..adios " and then he left and you went to start cooking dinner for you and the 2 kids
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As y/n sat down to do a makeup look for Valentine's Day just for fun but her boyfriend choso walked in and sat behind her on her bed
As y/n finished the last touches on her makeup she turned around and asked choso how it looked
"It looks amazing sweetheart but i want you to do mine now" he said as he looked you in the eye and crossed his arms thinking you wouldn't
"Of course babe I'll do your makeup "
He then smiled
You told him he needed to relax his face and he did as he was told
You picked up some Foundation and applied it to his face
After you blended it out you then grabbed some concealer and applied It
After you got the base makeup put on
You moved on to eyeshadow and eyeliner
After you got that put on and perfected you smiled and said all done
But then you thought......
"Hey choso can I do your hair ?"
"Of course sweetheart make me look cute"
You then grabbed 2 ponytail holders and put his hair up in 2 braids
You giggled at how cute he looked
He then asked if he could see you said of course
He giggled and hugged you and gave you a kiss and said he loved it
Then all of a sudden choso got a call from his friends saying they wanted to go out drinking
Choso really didn't care if the guys seen him with makeup on and pigtails
He asked if you wanted to come with him and you obliged because this wouldn't be the first time you went drinking with choso and his friends so you both hopped in the car and headed out
After a good majority left you and choso stayed to chat with his 2 other friends and some locals
the guys gave choso a few looks but never said anything
Until your best friend showed up with her boyfriend and seen you and choso had your makeup done
Oh look how cute your makeup is choso I wish my man would let me do his like that one day she said with a smile and a short giggle
Her boyfriend then scoffed and said I would but I don't want to be judged by the guys ..maybe in private one day
You then thought of an awesome plan you smirked and looked at her .."hey how about we have a day soon and do their makeup ? "
"Sure y/n that would be great but we really have to go I have to go check on my puppy " then you all bid your goodbyes
After you and choso got home you took his makeup off for him and you both got showered and got ready for bed "I love you y/n " "love you too choso"
It was 1am when you felt Robin moving around a lot so you set up and turned the bedside lamp on ..seeing Robin having another panic attack you woke her up "Robin honey wake up " she opened her eyes jolting up "come here honey let me hold you " so she relaxed into your arms "do you want to talk about it ?" You asked as you kissed her head "no not really it's just my past that's all " .."I promise Robin nothing like that will ever happen again ".."can you sing me a song please y/n ?" .."sure anything for you " you then started singing her favorite song and she slowly started to drift off to sleep
You and Nami had broken up a week ago and things weren't quite well for either of you ..you both wanted to make up again but couldn't find the courage to ask the other person ..until you talked to robin about it she told you you should give it a try that it should most definitely work so you took her advice and shoot your shot "hey Nami can I talk to you for a minute." .."sure what's up ?" .."well you know how we broke up a week ago .. could we maybe get back together?" .."sure y/n we can it's been the worst without you ".."omg i know right its like I couldn't function without you " .."I've missed you Nami " .."I've missed you too y/n "
"Hey Cesar want to make some cupcakes with me ?" You asked as you poked your head through the lab door "sure y/n just give me a second " .."ok I'll be in the kitchen waiting " so you went and got all the ingredients for tonight's dinner and the cupcake mix and ingredients and after you had grabbed the eggs from the fridge Cesar came up to the kitchen island watching you put the ingredients on the table "I'm here y/n what are we doing first?" .." let me preheat the oven real quick and we can start with the cupcakes .grab me a bowl from the cabinet please" he sat the bowl down on the table as you heated the oven "alright now cupcake time “you said with jazz hands you poured the batter into the bowl and Cesar cracked the eggs and poured the oil and he mixed it so you prepped the pan with liners and let Cesar spoon the mix in the pan you then got some batter on your finger and smeared it on his nose you couldn’t help but giggle “hey why did you do that “ you then stopped giggling and kissed it off his nose “that wasn’t to bad was it ?” .”hmph” ..”awe don’t pout “ you put the cupcakes in the oven as he went over to the island and sat down watching you as you prepared some pasta you then pulled the cupcakes out of the oven and set them on the counter to cool after you got done cooking it was time to ice them and you made them as cute as possible and you plated you and Cesar’s food and set them down at the dinner table and got some drinks and you both ate enjoying each others company and sharing a short conversation and you went back to the kitchen and grabbed the cupcakes and sat them infront of Cesar “try one “ he picked one up and took a bite “these are delicious y/n “ ..”of course they are you made them yourself “ .”thank you for the dinner y/n I appreciate it I know we don’t get to spend much time together but I greatly appreciate when we do I love you “ ..”awe Cesar I enjoy every second we get aswell and I love you too “ and you walked over and kissed him
Today yuji invited you over for a date but he forgot to tell Gojo so when you arrived yuji answered the door as Gojo was cooking and that’s when it hit him he forgot to tell Gojo “shit y/n I forgot to tell Gojo you were coming over “ ..”he should be fine with me right ?” “I’m not sure we’ll just have to see “ so you walked with yuji to the kitchen where Gojo was in a pink apron humming a tune “uh Gojo I forgot to tell you I was inviting y/n over for dinner “ Gojo then turned around to see you “now yuji you cold have told me and I would have. Made myself more presentable “ “besides that hello y/n how are you ?” “I’m doing great thanks for asking sorry to come in unannounced “”it’s no biggie I hope you’ll enjoy todays dinner “ “I sure will because I know you can make some of the best food “ “now you tow love birds go chill while I finish cooking “ …so you and yuji went upstairs and chilled until Gojo called you both for food and you 3 sat and ate and made conversation and all in all had a awesome time
“Hey megumi ?” “Yes y/n what’s up ?” “Have you ever wondered what it’s like to dance in the rain ?” “Yes why?” Well can we dance in the rain please ?” “Sure let’s go “ he grabbed his speaker and his phone and brought you outside and put his speaker and phone down and played a love song and you both went in the street and began dancing enjoying the small thing in life
I hope you enjoyed 💜
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idontlikeem · 6 months
i'd like to talk about grieving, a little bit. as in the past, discussions of death and cancer below the cut, don't read if this will hurt you, etc....i'm having a bad day and i just need to stream of consciousness for a little bit. sorry.
so my mom died. if you've read my personal posts before or whatever, you probably figured that out. it happened on thursday february 15th around noon. luckily we had a bit of notice that it was coming, so i was able to drive down the saturday prior and spend time with her—three full days where she was pretty much still herself, and part of a fourth.
it's been a really hard month. like, obviously. but i think a part of me still wasn't quite ready for it. i don't know how.
my mom was first diagnosed with breast cancer in fall 2011. she had a mastectomy and went through chemo, and that was hard and scary, but it was i think technically considered stage one—a tumor that was definitely growing fast, but it hadn't spread out of the area, like not to her lymph nodes or anything, and with the treatment she went almost ten years totally symptom-free. right at the start of the pandemic, the cancer came back, but this time it was already stage four, and it was in her abdomen and uterus and intestines.
there was a time when we weren't sure she'd live more than a year. endometrial and other reproductive cancers aren't 'sexy' like breast cancer is, they're not widely studied and there aren't a lot of treatment options. when she had breast cancer i hated 'save the boobies' campaigns (and please never donate to susan komen), but now that my family has lived with another type of cancer that doesn't have tits as a draw, i hate them even more.
my mom made it four years, pretty much, since the first diagnosis. she did chemo, and radiation, and went on medication trials, and put her body through hell to try and fight it. she lived longer than i think any of us thought she would.
the problem with that is how long i've been existing in a state of grief.
i've had years to prepare for this. i've thought about it literally thousands of times—how i'd feel, how i'd tell people, what i'd do after. i pictured it, because i was trying to plan. i was trying to get myself ready.
turns out pre-grieving isn't real. turns out you can't get this pain out of the way by experiencing it in advance. much to my chagrin. i'm not sure there was a way to avoid it, though. so here i am, with four years of grief behind me, and not one second of it has made what's going on now any easier.
some days i forget. every time i'm on twitter or instagram, there are posts i want to send her, and then i don't know what to do with myself. for all that my relationship with her had its hard times, she was my mom, she was my best friend. i love her more than anything and i don't know what to do with myself now that she's gone.
i've been sort of just surviving for the last four weeks. my apartment is a mess, i'm barely leaving, i haven't been good at responding to people. so today i thought i'd at least clean up a little. i'd gone to target a day or two before i drove down to my parents', and i figured i would start with those bags, because they were just sitting there.
i'd forgotten that i bought valentine's day cards for my whole family that i wanted to send. one for each of my brothers, one for my dad, one for my mom. i never sent them, obviously, i didn't even bring them with me. i burst into tears when i pulled them out of the bag, and i've been crying pretty much all day since then. i'm never going to pick out a card for my mom ever again.
i also have a notes app file sitting on my phone. she wrote each of us letters, and my dad sent them out to us, but i haven't been able to open mine yet. it's the last new thing she'll ever say to me. how could i possibly be ready for that? how do i know when the right time to read that will be?
one thing my mom wanted was to die at home. she didn't want it to be in a hospital, and i get it. she spent a month in the hospital after christmas, and god knows how much time cumulatively over the last four years. the fact that she was able to push to get home is something i don't understand, because she was so sick—but she did it somehow. she was able to die in her bed.
and i was with her. like. i wasn't just at home, i was with her.
something they don't tell you about having someone die is you have to start arranging stuff before it actually happens. when we woke up on the 15th, we knew it was only a matter of time—her eyes weren't all the way open and her breath was labored, and she couldn't talk, although at first she still tried to say stuff. we sat there with her and kept her company and talked to her. hospice came by around 11 or 11:30, i don't even remember, and said that based on whatever measurements or readings they take (pupils? breathing? i don't know), it would be between 4-8 hours, and he recommended that my dad call the funeral home. because you have to do that first.
so my youngest brother was driving down from where he lives, my middle brother was in his room, my dad was in his room on the phone, and i stayed with her, because....well, of course, right? and i was just kind of talking, and crying, but trying not to...i don't know, beg her to stay? ask for more time? the nurse said she could still hear, they're pretty sure that hearing and understanding what's being said is the last thing to go, and i didn't want her to feel bad or guilty, or to hurt herself in an effort to stay longer even though there's nothing more that i've ever wanted in my life.
so i told her, you know, we'll be okay. it's going to be unbearably sad, and it's going to suck, but all the stuff we did as a family with her—we'll still do it. and we'll be okay. and there's nothing more important to us than her not hurting anymore, not being miserable and stuck and just...not herself. all that matters to us right now is her, and she didn't have to worry about us, because we'd be okay.
and she took in a breath. there was a pause. she took in another one. and she stopped. that was it.
i didn't even realize at first, not right the second it happened. the hospice booklet had talked about a 'death rattle', about how it happens almost all the time, but that it's more distressing for the people with the person dying than them, that they're not in pain. how the fuck would they know that, i'm not sure i believe it, but...it's what i was expecting. that didn't happen, though. she just stopped breathing.
the amount of guilt i felt for my dad being out of the room...i don't know if that will ever leave me. he said it was ok, because he was having to deal with stuff, and he'd spent a lot of time with her and it was fine, but jesus. how do i not feel like i stole that from him?
i've felt like a shell ever since. i'm back where i live, and i'm getting up and going to work and taking care of my dog and trying to stay connected to life, but...i don't know.
how is it that she's gone? how is this possible? how am i supposed to go the rest of my life without her?
i had four years to get ready for this, and i wasn't. i don't think there's any way i really could have been, but still. it doesn't seem fair that it was so hard for so long, and for NOTHING. nothing is easier now.
i'm sick of feeling sad, and hurt. i feel like i should be over it or something? i don't know, maybe just less actively affected? it's been a month. people's parents die all the time, right?
what am i supposed to do?
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granolawriting · 1 year
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+*:ꔫ:*﹤Valentines day with Anakin (18+)﹥*:ꔫ:*+゚
word count: 1k
A/N: this is a bit of a rewrite of an old piece I wrote, enjoy ;)! And if you like it, make sure to drop a request in my inbox if you have an idea of what I could write next :)
As the day broke in the home you and Anakin both shared, it was evident that you were the only one that still lay in bed. Once you were able to collect yourself, you sat on the edge of the bed, facing the beautiful view the penthouse provided. This was normal for you, to be alone. Since Anakin was commonly called for Jedi knight emergencies or early morning flights out for checkups.
But as you checked your surroundings it became apparent that today was not the day for you to be so alone, given that it was valentines day. you awoke to several letters from your friends in the galactic republic, detailing well wishes from them during such a romantic holiday. Though, the thought of that now brought on emotions much different than the ones they would have hoped for you. Since you realized that Anakin was nowhere to be found.
With severe reluctance, you hoisted yourself up from the bed you previously sat on and ventured into the kitchen where you’d assumed a droid would be waiting for your order. But as you turned the corner into the dining room, you smelled a beautiful aroma waft from the kitchen. Now, you knew it wasn’t any droid. Perhaps one of the jedis was sent by Anakin to accompany you so you wouldn’t be alone on a day like this. That would have redeemed him slightly in your mind.
Nevertheless, as you followed the scent into the kitchen with much anticipation on who it could be, you were left stunned on who was there waiting for you. It was Anakin? you felt like it couldn’t even be him.. he seemed so out of character.
His usual flowing hair was thrown in a small ponytail, though with some of the hairs not staying put some fell onto his face. He wore nothing as a top, which was very surprising to you, you don't think you'd ever seen him so naked outside of the bedroom. And of course, he wore simple black pants that seemed to compliment his figure even more.
He was heavily focusing on the food being cooked before him, slightly hovering over it as trickles of sweat formed on his forehead from the flame being so close to him. He hadn’t noticed you, but after staring at him for what felt like forever, you were finally snapped out of it when he moved his position over the stove. He seemed to have been done, but still very concentrated on procuring the correct plating and presentation.
As his chiseled back becomes turned to you as he looks for the correct garnish and seasonings, you silently begin to approach him. Once you reach him, you give him a soft back hug, whispering a ‘good morning’ in his ear. That jolted him out of concentration, but soon he began to relax his shoulders as a smile replaced the prior focused frown on his face. He greeted you back as he planted a kiss on your forehead. Asking if you had appreciated what you’d woken up to.
It took a moment for you to understand what he meant by that, but then it clicked. The hair, the shirt (or, lack thereof), the cooking, he had more in mind than just a nice valentine’s day breakfast. Though, being the brat you was, you decided you wanted him to tell you his little plan himself. So you asked, “what do you mean what I woke up to? You were just cooking, right?”.
His eyes grew darker, immediately catching on to what you wanted from him. Before he replied, he removed your hands from his waist and turned to face you. Swiftly taking a hand and lightly gripping your jaw with it, moving your head to make direct eye contact with him. He answered in a deeply toned whisper, their faces an inch apart, “you know what I mean, darling. Simply put, I have ulterior motives. Is that such a crime? Was it not to your liking?”.
you were flustered, frozen in awe ever since he put his hands on you. He knew what he was doing, though you were enjoying it nonetheless. Once you regained your senses, you weren't completely submissive to his will, yet. you teased back, asking, “so what if it was, hm? What would you do to me then, master~” moving your hand to his waist once again as you said that. you watched the subtle shock on his face as that last word escaped your mouth. His tanned skin became slightly red from the shock. you were joking, but he didn’t truly take it that way. Because once he came back to his senses his eyes grew hungry for you.
Before you could say anything else, he lifted you by your thighs and placed you on the table they usually dined at. And as he did so he drew closer to you, so close, you could easily feel his bulge against your stomach, having only a few light pieces of fabric dividing it. As his eyes grew with more insatiable desire, he held you back with one hand, and your jaw with another as to whisper in your ear. He details with a soft but deep, almost silky voice, “well, you’ve gotten what you’ve wanted him? If I must let you know, I was planning on fucking you right here on the table. I cannot tell you how much I’ve missed my pathetic baby moaning my name while riding my cock, hm?” he plants a light bite on your neck as he moves his hand under your gown, “though, I was planning on teasing you much more than this.. but this will most certainly do.” 
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toast-writes · 1 year
Struck By Cupid's Arrow (Daryl Dixon x Reader)
Description: It's Valentine's Day (or close to it, at least), and you're trying to come up with the perfect gift for Daryl. Gender isn't specified, no use of (Y/N). [Also I wrote this in February, and haven't wrote in awhile. I apologize if this is kinda bleh, but I figured it was decent enough to post here lololol]
Words: 1,280
Warnings: nothing but sappy good times
You sat at the small, cluttered desk in your bedroom, peering out the window as you watch the trees sway with the bitingly cold wind; the branches and ground below were covered in a blanket of snow.  You thought maybe if you watched nature do its thing, you'd find that groundbreaking inspiration for the project you were working on, because Valentine's Day was rearing it's soft, rosey face right around the corner, and you had no clue what to give your boyfriend.
Balls of paper were crumpled at your feet, each one containing a sappy poem scribbled inside. Your hand lay still on the paper with a pen gently nestled between your index and thumb. 
"Why is this so hard?! I jus- aw, biscuits!" The pen had left an inky puddle onto the paper. You sigh, wadding it up and tossing it behind with the others. Everything had to be perfect. This was your first Valentine's Day as a real couple, and you'd be damned if things weren't gonna go as planned.
"You know what," you speak to yourself, pulling out a pair of scissors and red construction paper, "I'll just make a card." You always thought you were at least halfway decent with the whole "arts-and-crafts" thing, so why not put your skills to the test and just craft something together.
After a another few failed attempts, you look at the little arrow-pierced heart with a slight sense of pride. It looked (almost) like a card you'd find at the store! The hard part is coming up with something on the inside.
You chew absentmindedly on the end of your pen as you ponder over good one-liners, then it hit you. A smile stretches across your face as the ink flows gracefully against the paper. 
       'Cupid, you've struck me with your arrow ♡' '
It was cheesey, sure, but the sentiment and meaning was still there.
Your heart gives a giddy leap as you think about giving it to Daryl. Even before, this time of year always brought joy to you. You loved nothing more than to, well, love. Whether it was family or friends, but this time? You had someone to call yours, someone to share a romantic love with, and that brought even more happiness to you. 
The plan was for Daryl to stop by in the evening, and the two of you would exchange gifts then. You had annoyed Daryl about it all week. 
"Hey, don't forget we've got Valentine's plans in a few days!"
"How could I forget when ya've been talkin' my ear off about it every damn near day." 
Right on schedule, there was a gentle rapping at the door, and you practically flung your self down the stairs with your hand-made gift behind your back. You opened the door with an excited, "Hi!!" and invited the man in, giving him a quick peck to the lips.
Candles dimly lit the living room, their sweet, alluring aroma filled the air. You really did put in some thought to this, wanting every second to be magical. Daryl was not one to "celebrate" this kind of holiday, unlike you. He never really saw himself as romantic, or loving for that matter. He didn't understand the whole concept of a day revolving around chocolates and flowers, or couples being ext-
"Do you want a glass of wine?" 
That piqued his interest. He follows you over to the couch as you tried your best to keep the card hidden from sight before "discreetly" setting it on the end table under a book, and take a seat.
The cork releases from the bottle with a loud 'pop!' and you fill both glasses about halfway.
"I would've made a spaghetti dinner to go along, but I don't have spaghetti." You tell him, a small frown etched on your face.
"S'alright," he replies, reaching for the wine and taking a gulp, "you've done plenty." His words were sincere and you could just melt with the love you felt for him. 
"Mm-" he let out a noise of acknowledgement with another mouth full, "almos' forgot." He pulls out a silvery chain and gestures for you to turn around.
"I thought you said you weren't gonna forget," You taunted, a playful smirk playing at your lips.
"Shut up an' close yer eyes." 
The cool metal nips at your neck, contradicting the warmth of Daryl's fingers. That familiar fluttery feeling worms its way into your chest again as you grow more and more eager to see what laid so delicately at your chest.
Daryl grunts, signaling you to open your eyes, and you let out a happy little gasp. The most beautiful, dainty moonstone necklace wrapped with wire in the shape of the tree of life sat so sweetly against your skin, glimmering in the candle light. 
"Found it in one o'them gift shops up the way. Reminded me of ya." 
You turn back to the archer, engulfing him in a hug. He tenses a bit at your touch, but just as quick melts into your arms, hugging you back.
"This is so sweet of you! And all I did was make you a-"
You pull away, a wave of embarrassment coating your cheeks with a warm kiss.
"What'd'ja make me?" He pushes, curiosity lacing his voice. 
'Oh, god. He's not gonna like my gift. He got me a gem and I made a dinky little card.'
"Um," you start, averting your gaze, "I don't wanna exchange gifts anymore."
You go to stand up, but quickly get pulled back down by your wrist.
"Ya did not talk m' damn ear off abou' this holiday fer days jus' to chicken out at th' las' second."
The two of you stare into each other's eyes at a stalemate.
"I ain't leavin' without no gift." He finalized, leaning back into the couch with his foot resting over his knee.
You reach behind you, carefully holding your little card in both hands and shyly hand it to him, "don't laugh."
His brow creases as he takes the gift into his hold, looking over every detail and snip you made before opening it. 
You palms grow clammy as you watch his eyes flick over the words inside, and his mouth noticeably twitches.
'Fuck, he's gonna laugh at me he thinks it's stupid.'
"I love this." He admitted, a gentle half-smile danced on his face.
"You, uh- you do?" 
He nods, "yeah." His chest swarms with tender love as he reads over it one more time. Not many people have done what you did to express their love or appreciation for him. The fact it was all hand-made, and the time it must've taken to set everything up helped him come to the realization that he is loved. 
Daryl may still not totally get the hype for this holiday, but after everything you do for him, he does understand what it's like to be struck by cupid's arrow.
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myokk · 2 months
i'd love to see 13 and 20 from the OC asks for eloise and/or leo!! 😽
Hi!’😙💓😙💓 thank you for the ask!!!!! These ones were fun to think about bc I didn’t think anybody would ask them😆
13) Their embarrassing memory from years ago
Growing up, Eloise never really felt embarrassment. She only knew three people (her parents and Leo) until she was twelve, and at home the only things guiding her life was doing things the right way or the wrong way (the whims of her mother). Because of this, (before Hogwarts) most of Eloise’s embarrassing memories happened at the muggle finishing school when she started to associate with girls her own age.
For Eloise, what fills her with the most shame and embarrassment is when she clearly doesn’t understand what’s happening but everyone else does. When she first arrived, she was trying her hardest to fit in but there was just SO MUCH of muggle culture that she had never learned that quite often she was ostracized for being strange. Yes, her French was flawless (she IS a Black, after all), but how could she not have known who the queen was? How could she never have heard of the Brontë sisters, or Jane Austen? The other girls caught on quite quickly that for some reason she knew NOTHING, and they always had fun putting her on the spot. Her muggle fiancé’s mother would also meet up with her and criticize every part of her manner and appearance as well, trying to shape Eloise into the perfect future wife. All of this is the reason why she doesn’t want anyone to pay attention to her at Hogwarts and why she’s working so hard to PROVE that she deserves to be there. You’ll never catch Eloise again not knowing the answer to a question or showing any weakness😤
Leo, on the other hand, was always being paid attention to. He was their parents only focus once he showed his magic and they could present him as their heir, and the rest of the magical world had their eyes on him. Being the sole heir to the Babbit fortune (their father was also an only child) makes him quite the catch and so many families are trying to get into the Babbits good graces to potentially arrange a match between their children (now that Eloise has been announced to the world, the same thing is beginning to happen with her…). Since he started Hogwarts there have been a lot of embarrassing things to happen. Valentine’s Day is a holiday he particularly dreads every year💓💓💓 he has started staying in the Slytherin common room for the whole day, especially after his fourth-year when a secret admirer bribed some pixies to follow him around and sing love songs all day.
20) Their reaction to a mystery love letter
Eloise is SUCH a hopeless romantic…her mind would probably immediately start racing with all of the possibilities of who it could be (only imagining Sebastian…😇…it wasn’t him😆) and she would involuntarily smile every time she read it, picturing him writing it to her. Even if it WASNT him, I think she would start being a bit more affectionate with him, trying to push things a bit…once Sebastian finds out SOMEBODY ELSE😳 wrote HIS Eloise a love letter😤😤😤 To be honest, he would probably find out (through Anne) that Eloise thought it was from him and he would lean into it….taking advantage of it and writing her BETTER love letters that aren’t a SECRET😤😤💓
Leo is kind of used to them by now, and when he sees a letter tucked into his arithmancy book he doesn’t really give it a second glance. Another one, he thinks to himself. But…he finds himself pulling it out and reading it before leaving the library for the night. The writing is so captivating, the secret author seems to just get him…Leo finds emotions waking up inside of him that he never felt before😳 Who wrote this???? Now, he finds himself sometimes looking around during breakfast, between classes, trying to figure out who the author is👀
(Leo thinking about the letter)
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by-glass-and-waves · 3 months
So follow up on the drafts for Chapter 14 of The Courtship of the God of Death I posted. It was so damn long that I figured it'd be best to have a separate post on my word legos
So what happened was that I had a better idea on where the plot was going and then I proceeded to lock myself in a corner with this chapter.
It was time to reach a resolution in regards to the "Jealousy" arc I had, which meant that Gremar needed to be dealt with. And because it was Courtship, he was not going to have a good time.
I decided that it would be a good (if not cruel) idea if he was deceived into thinking that the Lamb reciprocated his affections. And it'd be even better if I could deceive everyone into thinking that this was a time-skipped Narinder who was happy and excited to be with the Lamb, only to reveal who the narrator was during the wedding ritual. Given the previous chapter, the payoff would be chef's kiss.
....The only problem was how to write it.
This would've been a great Valentine's Day post, but alack, I could not find satisfaction in anything I was writing for it.
This fic has been, as far as I remember, written in third person limited. Almost always in Narinder's POV sans the Lamb's one chapter. And I gave myself the challenge of writing from the perspective of someone who sounded like Narinder, but seemed off, in a way that the reader would notice but still think it was Narinder.
The good thing is that I already showed Gremar as extra as fuck in his declarations for the Lamb, so it was not too out of left field for his thoughts to appear similar. However, sounding like Narinder wasn't enough to me. I wanted readers to get even more confused by giving him some parallels to Narinder.
Thus did I create a bit more of a backstory for him which I kind of want to write but it seemed too expository, would have to take another look at it at some point. Also it was handwritten oops
The gist of it is that Gremar was in Anura, content with his boring life. All he knew was the Old Faith, and that things were just the way they were. When he heard of the Lamb, he thought they were going to be another failed Vessel, and heard stories about them being a terrifying demon. After all, it was stupid to try to overcome the Bishops, those he had followed all his life. And then the Bishops started falling and he became increasingly hopeless.
He eventually resigned himself to becoming sacrificed because of the infighting by the remaining groups of cultists vying for power under the Old Faith. The Lamb rescued him and dragged him back, and it was love at first sight because he thought the Lamb was going to be a horrible ugly creature. He found out how much better the quality of life was, and fell for her harder. Then he saw the marriage problems...
So that's why Gremar waxes poetic about the Lamb and sounds similar to Narinder to throw people off, heh heh. But I didn't feel satisfied with anything I wrote. I tried to write like Narinder, I tried to write like Simprinder/19th Century Narinder, but it didn't seem right to me. It was too simple, too cheesy, too obvious. I'd write something, but I eventually put it down for a while because I couldn't figure it out.
Then I played Dragon's Dogma 2, and then I started figuring things out, little by little. I mean, it didn't help that work was exhausting these past few months. But taking my mind away from Cult of the Lamb and paying attention to the vernacular they used in the game helped.
Then there was the second part, the wedding itself. I already knew that the reveal was Narinder standing behind the Lamb and addressing Gremar, and for months I wanted to use the line "The death of a broken heart, though unconventional, was something that [Narinder] could appreciate."
Initially, I was just going to have Narinder freeze Gremar and let him watch as he kissed the Lamb's hand, but this is Courtship. Gotta twist the knife. Really make him feel it. Get... involved. Narinder has to enjoy making Gremar suffer (and try not to retch at showing the Lamb affection), after all. I considered the Lamb revealing that this was their idea all along, not Narinder's, but decided to leave it vague/reference it later/next chapter.
It was much more satisfying for Narinder to hurt Gremar so directly, and for him to realize that the Lamb didn't care for his suffering.
I like to think that if Gremar was in Restart or 19th Century AU, he still would not get the Lamb, but at least he'd be alive. But this is Courtship, so we ain't having that.
I was also considering the similarities Gremar had with the Lamb here. Gremar is just like the Lamb, latching onto them because of their mercy and kindness and superiority, just as the Lamb latches onto Narinder because they followed him their entire life and earned his favor as his Vessel then Consort.
But is it love?
Gremar is too innocent to do anything except praise the Lamb and hope they look at him. The Lamb isn't afraid to do whatever it takes to get Narinder's attention. And they don't realize how similar they are to each other, only seeing him as a tool to get Narinder's attention.
Poor Gremar. He had his use.
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dudeshusband · 10 months
Title: At A Time Like This, Who Keeps Score?
Ship: Mike x Bill Baker
Words: 2k
Description: Mike and Bill's movie date.
Sighing, and ruffling his hair, Bill returned home from a long day working at Mr. Jackson’s plant. Winter break had taught him that he was very glad this was not a permanent position. Unlike his father, Bill was a young, strong man who could do physical work. He was training under one of the maintenance workers. It was a low paid position, but he’d do anything to help out his dad. He opened the door to his and his fathers house, and took a seat on the couch. Once his butt hit the cushion, he had a thought. He had the next couple of days off, and he could use a night out to relax. He went into his room and rummaged through his drawer for Mike’s parents’ telephone number. He’d entirely forgotten to call between shifts. He moved to the phone in the living room, picked up the receiver, and dialed the number. It rang a few times before a voice answered. 
Bill had no idea who had answered, but it wasn’t Mike. “Hello, sir, is Mike there?”
“Why?” was the reply. 
“I’d like to talk to her.” 
Shuffling. Voices in the background. 
Mike’s voice came through the receiver with a “Hello?” 
Bill’s heart leapt, despite himself. “Uh, hi, you busy tonight?” 
“Hi, Bill.  No, I’m not busy. Did you want to catch that movie?” 
“Yeah, sure. I’ll be there in an hour?” 
Mike told Bill their address. 
“See you then,” Mike said. 
“See you.” 
Bill hung up the phone and walked around the house, searching for his dad. There was no sign of him, so he figured his dad was still at the plant. Bill got a pencil and a piece of paper and wrote a note. 
I’m going out. Be back later. 
— Bill”  
He left it on the kitchen table, and headed to his room to change shirts. Bill didn’t own very many clothes. He remembered that Mike liked the maroon sweater Junior bought him from Terry. He threw off the shirt he wore to work and put a fresh one on. Then came the sweater, and a change of pants. He looked at himself in the mirror, and ran some more hair grease through his curls. 
Then, he grabbed his wallet, his house key, and headed out to catch a bus. It would take one bus to get to the next city, then another bus to get to Mike’s neighborhood. At times like this, he wished he had his own car. One day, he would, if he saved his money right. A nice car, like Junior has. 
He made it down to the bus station, paid the fare, and got on. He wondered what kind of movies Mike liked. An action picture? Something with more romance? Maybe they should see something scary, so Mike would cuddle up close… 
He wondered, too, what Mike would wear. Would they wear their glasses? What shade of lipstick? What if it found its way to his cheek? To his collar? Would he need to hold them close or would they bring a jacket? 
He got so lost in his own thoughts, he almost forgot to get off the bus at the station in Mike’s hometown. From there, he took the bus to their neighborhood. After he got off, there was a short walk to their house. Mike lived in a pretty good side of town. Not the richest of the rich or the poorest or the more. A happy medium. Bill looked at the houses and their various lawns as he walked past. 
He finally arrived at theirs. It was nothing fancy. One story, small front yard, plain fence. It seemed like a nice place to live. He walked up to their front door, past a few bushes. When he got to the door, he hung the bell. 
“Coming!” He heard Mike call from within the house. 
After a few moments, they opened the door, and stepped out. 
“Ready?” they asked him. 
Bill stared at Mike for a while, taking them in. They’d pulled their hair into a ponytail and tied it off with a red ribbon that matched their lips. With this, was a pink pencil dress and white cardigan. Their glasses framed their blue eyes. 
Mike blushed. “I’m sorry, I look like a Valentine.” 
“No, you look” — he paused — “You look stunning.” 
They rubbed their neck. “I just wanted to look nice. It’s not every day I get a date to the movies.” 
Bill smiled, ��You never know, you just might.” 
Mike shook their head fondly. “Come on, before it gets too late.” 
Bill took their hand and they walked hand in hand, back to the bus, so they could go down to the movie theater. 
When they disembarked, Bill snaked his arm around Mike’s waist, pulling them close. He felt them heat up at the proximity. Ooh, this was going to be a ton of fun. 
“What movie do you want to see?” he asked, making sure to lean into their ear. 
“I, uh, whatever- whatever you want,” Mike stuttered. 
Bill surveyed the movies listed. How would Mike react to a thriller? Would they jump?  Would they hide in his shoulder? Was the cheesy romance flick safer? Could he tease them at the kissing scenes? 
“Have you picked yet?” Mike asked. 
“How do you feel about romantic one?” 
Mike shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m used to watching them alone and yearning.” 
Bill watched them pale. 
“Forget I said that, please forget I said that,” they said quickly. 
He grinned. “No, it’s cute. We’ll see that one. Want some popcorn?” 
Mike nodded. “Could we…share one?”
Bill laughed. “Of course we’re gonna share. You’re too cute.” 
The pair got their tickets, and their popcorn, and entered the theater for their movie. Bill pulled them to the back row. 
“I’ve never been up here before,” Mike said. “Bill, why are we all the way up here? In the back row?” 
“You can see the picture better,” he said casually. 
“Right,” Mike replied, doubt in their tone. 
The movie started, and Bill continued his moves. He scooted as close as he could, and wrapped an arm around them. 
Mike leaned in and whispered, “Do you have a whole routine or something?” 
He just smiled, the lights from the movie screen reflecting in his eyes. 
Mike shook their head, and looked back at the screen, where the main couple were starting to get flirty. The leading man worked his moves, and the leading lady pretended they had no effect. Bill watched the movie out of the corner of his eye, more interested in Mike. He wondered how they could be so oblivious to how much his heart was beating, or how close he wanted to be. How- Nervous, yes, nervous, he was. Still, he had to play it cool. This was hardly his first date with a girl. He’d done this before. But why was he so nervous? They wore their nervousness on their face but Bill could hide it. He could hide it, but he couldn’t stop feeling it. 
Eventually, when the on-screen couple got to kissing, happily and quickly, Bill leaned into Mike’s ear again. 
“Do you ever think about being kissed like that?” he asked. 
Mike didn’t reply, and he couldn’t gauge their reaction in the dark theater. He imagined they were blushing, or rolling their eyes. 
“You ever…” he said slowly, “think about me kissing you like that?” 
Mike’s mouth was full of popcorn, as they turned to look at him, giving them the cheeks of a squirrel hiding nuts. They chewed, then swallowed. 
“I don’t think you’re here for the movie.” 
Took her along enough, he thought to himself. 
He chuckled. “Yeah? What am I here for?” 
Mike mumbled, “I don’t know.”
“Could be for a pretty girl.” 
Mike looked around. “Where?” 
Bill leaned into Mike’s shoulder and looked up at them. “You sure are pretty.” 
“Oh, you meant me.” 
“You don’t see me on a date with someone else, do you?”  
Mike shook their head. 
Bill glanced toward the screen. The movie was dragging on. 
He whispered, “Do you like this movie?” 
“God, no.” 
Bill stood, and stretched out his hand to Mike. Mike took his hand and they slipped out of the theater. 
“That movie was terrible.” 
Mike laughed, then said, “I’d have been so bored if you weren’t…” 
Bill leaned in close, “Teasing you?” 
Mike blushed, and smiled at him. 
They looked down, and seemed lost in thought. 
“What are you thinking about?” he asked. 
“My brain keeps pushing a panic button that tells me you’re up to something.” 
Bill’s eyes softened. “You really don’t know?” 
“Know what?” 
“I liked you since the moment I met you.” 
Bill watched Mike short circuit and reboot in real time. 
“You did? Well, I guess that explains…then I guess…why else would you…But why?” 
“Why what?” 
Mike gave him a look so serious that he thought he was going to bust up laughing. 
“Why me?” 
“I don’t know. You’re nice, pretty, smart, funny. What else could a guy want?” 
“Bill?” Mike asked. 
“Yes?” he asked gently. 
“You asked me- have you thought about kissing me? Is that why you asked?”  
He nodded. 
“Can we take a walk?” Mike asked. 
Mike shoved their hands into the pockets of their cardigan as they walked. They were much more shy than other people Bill had been with. 
“You like me, don’t you?” he asked them. 
“A whole lot.” 
“You know, I’m nervous, too. I like you.” 
“Nervous about what?” Mike asked. 
“I want you to like me,” he said. “I’m more worried about it than I expected to be.” 
Mike looked puzzled. “You- you’re a dream guy.” 
Bill never had much trouble with women, that was true. But what he felt for Mike felt different…deeper, maybe. 
“Am I your dream guy?” 
“You know something? Before that party, I almost went crazy trying to find something to wear.” 
“To impress me?” 
“I don’t know. I didn’t think so at the time. I was so convinced that I…” 
 “I want to see you again,” Bill said. 
“You do?” 
“Lots of times.” 
“Even when school starts up again?” 
Bill smiled. “Especially then. I might need a tutor.” 
Mike chuckled. “I do tutoring, not tutoring dates.” 
“Not even for me?” 
“Bill Baker, if you want that kind of tutoring, buy me dinner first. And, don’t book a session!” 
“You only do that kind of tutoring for food, huh?” 
“That’s not what I meant.” 
He smirked. 
“You’re ridiculous.” 
The pair walked all the way back to Mike’s house, so they didn’t have to part so soon. It was late by the time they got back. 
“I think you should come inside, and phone Junior,” Mike said. “I don’t know that any buses run this late.” 
Bill shrugged. “Alright.” 
The pair slipped inside, and tiptoed so as to not wake anyone up. They made it to the telephone, and dialed Junior’s number. 
“Hey, Junior,” Bill said into the receiver. “Would you come by and pick me up? I’m at Mike’s place.”  
Junior agreed and Bill gave him the address. 
“Bye, thanks, Junior.”
“Maybe this is a stroke of luck,” Mike said. 
“We have more time to spend together.” 
“Maybe I’ll get that kiss, huh?” 
“I think we have time for lots of kissing. How many kisses are socially acceptable on a second date?” 
“About…” Bill whispered as he leaned in. “Five or six. Maybe seven.”
He kissed them gently. 
“Ten. Or eleven.”
Another kiss. 
“Twenty-five or thirty. Maybe we can lose count…”
Bill held Mike in his arms, relishing in the feeling. He kissed them over and over in front of the door, heart pounding away. He didn’t mind if anyone caught them. 
Mike giggled. “You’re quite the kisser, Bill Baker.” 
“You’re not bad yourself.” 
They were about to start kissing again, when someone knocked at the door.
“That’ll be Junior,” Bill said. 
Bill kissed them on the cheek. “Goodnight.” 
He stepped outside, and was met with Junior. 
He squinted. “Bill, you have lipstick on your face.” 
“Is it my color?” Bill asked. 
Junior considered this a moment. “Yeah. It’s not bad.” 
Bill laughed. “Come on, Junior, let’s go.” 
Bill and Junior drove back to their hometown. All the while Bill was grinning and thinking about the lipstick Mike had left. 
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enemyoflactose · 7 months
Secret Admirer shrimps for @sesshy380 you remember that Valentine's Day fic I'd said I'd write for you? Well I finally finished it a month later (👉゚⁠ヮ゚⁠)👉. Sorry if it's lackluster.
I know that this may come off as a surprise, that this may be sudden, but I've been in love with you for years now. It was practically love at first sight, if not for your subpar dueling I would have confessed a long time ago.
I was an idiot for that. I'll admit. Back then I had an ego the size of the sun, and couldn't see past the fact you had more losses than me. I thought that would ruin my reputation. That was a stupid reason. My reputation was already in shambles. If anything, you'd be the one taking the hit.
I've since realized that my reputation didn't matter, and my love for you has never changed. I doubt it ever will. After five years of us being friends I thought my feelings would die down, but they only got stronger.
I want to be with you forever. Be your boyfriend, hell maybe your husband if we last that long. We've been by each other's side for so long, going through the worst shit imaginable, being ostracized, and almost dying all because of my stupidity. You never left me. You always stayed with me.
If you can't figure out who sent this letter, then you're an idiot. Though, that's something that I've always loved about you anyway.
That was the note that Japan's formerly famous duelist, Dinosaur Ryuzaki, had found when he'd come back from a tournament after scoring third place.
He'd never read anything like this. A genuine love confession from someone! It obviously wasn't a prank, he'd gotten his fair share of those, and it was written by someone he was already close to! So it should not only be easy to find the sender, but be easy to form a relationship with!
There was no indication of who could have sent it, no address, no name, no nothing. All he had were the vague clues written in the letter.
His first time reading it, Ryuzaki had no clue who could have sent it. Reading it again and again, he began to notice every little detail in the paper, just not enough to figure out who had sent it.
He needed to know who wrote the letter, and he needed to know now!
He put his shoes back on and ran out of his house. It was currently 5:57 pm, everyone he knew should be home. The first stop, because he was the closest, Espa Roba.
Now, Ryuzaki and Espa weren't actually close enough for every thing in the letter to be not weird. They didn't hang out unless it was a tournament, and they hadn't been in any actual life or death scenarios, but Espa was dramatic and exaggerated everything, so maybe..?
Ok. He didn't make any sense. The note was written way too well for it to be him, and it didn't even mention the universe and the stars once. Not even a “I've always felt like we were star crossed lovers” or something.
Oh well. Maybe he just wanted this note to be special or something, and if he didn't write it he could help find out who did.
It was a win win!
Reaching the fraudulent psychic’s house, Ryuzaki repeatedly knocked on the door several times until loud stomping led to the door being violently flung open, and an annoyed Espa Roba in its wake.
“What do you want from me?!” shrieked the universe's favorite.
Ryuzaki backed up a bit, then held up the love letter.
“Did you send me a letter?”
Espa gave him an annoyed look, “We walked home from the tournament together idiot. HOW COULD I HAVE PUT A LETTER IN YOUR MAIL SLOT?”
Ryuzaki thought about it for a moment. Man. We did walk home together.
He rubbed the back of his head and snickered, “My bad. I guess since you were the last person I was with you were the only one to come to mind.”
Espa Roba looked at the note in Ryuzaki’s hand, and snatched it. “Did you read this more than once? Maybe there are some kind of clues written in it.”
“Well I did read it, and I feel stupid for thinking you wrote it because it was written way too good to be you.” Ryuzaki teased.
“Hey! I'm good at writing! And focus on the actual note! This could be your one chance at love, I'm not gonna let you be alone forever!” Espa looked over the note about eight times, analyzing the entire thing.
“Ya find anything?” Ryuzaki impatiently asked.
“Well, this person clearly loves you,”
“Damn really.”
“And they seem to be close to you…” Espa thought for a second, looked like he was going to say something, then shook his head at the thought. “Ghost maybe?”
Ryuzaki started to giggle maniacally, “Ghost? Isn't he dating someo-'' Espa cut him off.
“Yeah and they need to break up! Anyway it actually probably isn't him, but we should still ask.” Espa reached for his sneakers.
Ryuzaki rolled his eyes, “What about…” he blushed slightly, “Haga?”
“It was not Haga! He couldn't be romantic if it'd save his life!”
Ryuzaki frowned.
When Espa’s shoes were on, they walked down the block to Ghost’s house. Conveniently, he lived on the same street as them.
As the two approached the house, they noticed that Ghost was already outside and talking to someone over the phone. It sounded semi serious, but clearly not serious enough because the second Ghost saw them walk towards him, he told the other person bye and hung up.
“What do guys want?” He sounded a little annoyed.
“Well we-” Ryuzaki was going to explain, but Espa took that opportunity.
“We wanted to know if you knew who wrote Ryuzaki a love letter or could find any clues as to who sent it.”
Espa held out the letter, and with an exasperated sigh, Ghost took it. He didn't even look over the letter for a second before clicking his tongue and saying, “Haga wrote it.”
Ryuzaki and Espa froze, “...What?”
“H-a-g-a w-r-o-t-e i-t.” Ghost made sure to accent each sound just to drive the point in that Ryuzaki… was a dumbass.
Why did he have to listen to Espa Roba? He and Haga have been friends for years, been through hell and back, and Ryuzaki would be lying if he said he wasn't also completely in love with Haga. He could have been on the phone and in a relationship by now if he wasn't such a dunce.
Ryuzaki hung his head down while Ghost gave him back the letter.
“Haga just ranted to me about how scared he was that you wouldn't return his feelings. I suggest you talk to him because everyone except the two of you, and Espa, knew you liked each other.” Ghost gave no words of encouragement, and went back inside.
⋆。°✩ ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊✩₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ ✩°。⋆
Haga wrote the letter. Haga wrote the letter. Ryuzaki was practically in tears. Not just because he was the dumbest moron to ever walk the Earth and should not ever listen to Espa Roba again, but because his best friend was in love with him. Him of all people!
He could barely contain his excitement! Which quickly became a problem because he was having trouble selecting Haga’s number thanks to his trembling. He managed to click it after several attempts, and waited for him to answer. The phone rang twice before Haga finally answered.
“H-hey Ryuzaki… can I help you?” he sounded nervous, but Ryuzaki failed to notice that.
“I'm in love with you!!” he wasted no time shouting. Excitement oozing from his words.
“Eh?! Uhm, er, ok..?” Haga stuttered out, embarrassed and surprised.
Ryuzaki failed to notice that too, “I'm so glad it was you who sent the letter and someone else! I'd be so upset if it ended up being from Espa or Ryota! Thank God Ghost helped me figure out it was you!”
There was a pause on the other side, and then a giggle, “it was so obvious I wrote that letter and you still struggled to tell it was me?”
“Hey! I didn't think you were the type to write angsty love letters!”
“It was not angsty! I poured my heart out in that letter!” He stopped for a second, “I meant every word y'know…” his voice had become soft.
“Yeah, I know. You wanna meet tomorrow? Make this official?”
“Wait wait wait,” Ryuzaki quickly interrupted, “are you still on the East side? How'd you send the letter without me knowing?”
Haga’s side of the phone went silent, then he answered, “I've been in Domino since last week. I was going to give you the letter at the tournament, but I ended up not participating in that.”
It was now Ryuzaki’s turn to laugh, “You mean this entire ‘me thinking I had a secret admirer’ could've been avoided if you just participated in that budget tournament?”
“Well since you're such an idiot, probably not.”
Ryuzaki giggled and exchanged his final pleasantries before he hung up. He punched his fist up and let out a soft, “Boyfriend acquired!”
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resi4skz · 8 months
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Just a little drabble I just wrote for Valentine's Day! Enjoy!
Pairing: Chan x reader
You sigh as you hang up the call you just had. You were a bit sad that your boyfriend of 2 years couldn't spend Valentine's Day with you. But you understood he was a pretty busy man with a busy schedule. You looked out your patio door, sighing and feeling defeated when you feel your phone vibrating. You look at the screen and your heart jumps a little.
C: baby, I'm sorry :(
You: it's fine channie, dont be sad :)
C: what did i do to deserve such a sweet girlfriend?
You: hope i dont give you diabetes
C: lol. I love you <3
You: love you too <3
Sighing, you decide to start your day to get your mind off Chan. So you clean your whole apartment, top to bottom, even change the bed sheets and finish all the laundry. You even rearrange the kitchen cabinets. Clean the fridge out and take out the trash. By 4pm, your whole apartment was clean and shiny.
You were drinking a refreshing glass of iced water when a sudden knock on the door makes you jump. Glancing at the clock on the wall, you wonder who it might be. You walk to the door and squint into the peephole. You gasp when you see the familar figure standing so you swing open the door. There stands, in all glory, with a bouqet of lillies in hands.
"Channie? What are you doing here?"
Even he was surprised to find out that he got off work early for once and told the boys to not wait for him at home. They teased him about having to see you so desperately but they knew how much he missed you these past few days. His schedule was hectic but he never missed a chance to call you at least once a day if he could. Just listening to your voice was enough to get him through the day.
"Surprise," he says, holding the bouqet of flowers as he hands them to you.
He looked very handsome, even bared faced. You loved his bare face the most. It was the cutest. He also hands you the biggest box of chocolates. "Did you rob the entire store?" You give him a questioning look.
"What? No!"
You glance down at the box. He remembered. Your favorite chocolates, albiet plain milk chocolate but he remembered. "Of course I remember to bring your favorite chocolate," he says as if reading your mind.
"Thank you," you reach up on your tip toes and plant a kiss on his lips.
"Anything for my girl," he smiles lovingly down at you. Suddenly, he clasp his hand loudly. "Now for the main event!"
You blink at him, confused. "This wasn't the main event?"
"No," he grins at you. "Go get ready."
"I'll wait for you till you're finished. Dress casual."
You give him a questioning look before putting the flowers and the box of chocolates on the kitchen before turning around, making a run for the bathroom for a very quick shower.
After you were done with the makeup and hair, you pick a comfortable yet casual outfit. Blue jeans, black shirt, brown cardigan and white sneakers. Putting a shoulder bag on, you walk out of your room. "Okay, I'm ready. Where we going?"
He looks at you, eyes going wide. "Wow."
"You look.....wow you're beautiful."
You blush at his compliment. "Thank you."
He walks over to you and plants a kiss to the side of your jaw before grabbing your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. "It's a little date I have planned for us."
You were a sucker for surprises. And he knew that. So he leads you out of your apartment for the little adventure for the evening that he had planned for the both of you. Was it the best Valentine's Day? Perhaps not. But you got to spend it with the person you cherished and loved the most. And it was the same for him, just being by your side put him at ease. He loved you and you loved him.
"Happy Valentine's Day, baby," he says with a smile, placing a small rectangular box in your hand.
"Channie, you didn't have to," you interject but he opens it, revealing a blue silver bracelet. "It's so pretty." You admired the bracelet. He takes it out of the box and gently wraps it around your left wrist.
"Now, it's even prettier."
You giggle but then pout. "But I didn't get you anything."
He laughs softly, pinching your cheeks. "Seeing you was my Valentine's Day gift." You blush at the comment. He raises his left wrist, you immediately notice the bracelet matching to yours. "Besides, this was enough for me."
You smile, widely, happy to see the matching bracelets. "So does this mean we're official?" You joked.
"Wha-" he blinks down at you. "Oh you're funny, aren't you?"
You grin widely, wrapping your arms around his torso, hugging him tight. "Aigoo, my boyfriend is just the cutest!"
He scoffs but wraps his strong arms around you, hugging you back. "And my girlfriend is the sweetest, giving me diabetes."
You poke him in the ribs, erupting a laugh from him. The both of you stay like that for a few minutes before you pull back. "Happy Valentine's Day."
He smiles, arms still around you. "Happy Valentine's Day."
You then unzip your shoulder bag, reaching for the small box you had stashed before heading out. You place it in his hand. "I thought you didn't have..."
"Open it," I replied.
He opens the box and looks at you, eyes wide. "Baby."
Giving him a small smile, you take the box and take out the necklace. "If for one second you thought I didn't get you a gift, you're mistakenly wrong, Mr. Bang."
You then put the necklace around his neck, the crescent shaped with stars displayed in the front. It was perfect for him since he loved the moon and stars so much. "There."
"Thank you." He cups your cheeks and leans down for a kiss.
You welcome the kiss. It sealed end of the night for you and him. Now, it was the best Valentine's Day.
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jerzwriter · 8 months
Merida, Olivia, & Casey World
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Open Heart
Dr. Merida Rhys x Ethan Ramsey - @lilyoffandoms Dr. Olivia Hadley x Bryce Lahela - @storyofmychoices Dr. Casey MacTavish x Tobias Carrick - @jerzwriter
Updated 08.24.2024
It all started with this little fic, and from that, all of this grew 🪴. I know I speak for me and Dani when I say we're forever grateful to you for creating this amazing little world where Merida, Olivia & Casey are best buddies who drive the poor guys insane (in the best way).
I really thought we needed a place where we could keep our creations about them together - where they belong! :)
A Little Holiday Cheer [art/fic] - The friends gather at Ethan & Merida's to celebrate the holidays. art - @/artbyainna commission & fic - @jerzwriter
Contrast [fic] - Follow up to Friendly Kidnapping. Merida, Olivia & Casey have a little getaway; what did they get into while they were gone, and how did the guys cope back in Boston. - @jerzwriter
Countdown to 2024 [art] - @/artbyainna commissioned by @lilyoffandoms
Elmo's Special Visit [edit/fic] - @storyofmychoices Olivia has two special guests join her in the Peds Ward!
Friendly Kidnapping [moodboard/fic] - Merida & Olivia have to resort to desperate measures to get Casey away. - @lilyoffandoms
Friendsgiving [fic] - Ethan's grumpy, Merida's excited... and someone is late. - @lilyoffandoms
Friendship & Fashion [fic] - Merida and Tobias are having a blast as they jet off to Paris for Fashion Week, but Merida needs to keep him in check. [Takes place after New Discoveries.]
Harmony of Hearts [fic] - Tobias, Ethan, and Bryce surprise the ladies with a song they wrote for them. - @storyofmychoices
Holiday Cheer [art/fic] - Olivia, Merida, and Casey decide to decorate the Diagnostic Office. art - @weetlebeetle commission & fic - @storyofmychoices
International Day of Women and Girls in Science [art] - @/artbyainna commissioned by @storyofmychoices
Matching [fic] - Merida, Olivia & Casey entertain themselves at a party by finding the perfect pairing for their partner. But Tobias takes it to another level. - @lilyoffandoms
Medical Science [interview/cover] Celebrating three of the loveliest ladies: Olivia Hadley, Merida Rhys on International Day of Women in Science. - @storyofmychoices
Mystery Unlocked [fic] - Ethan keeps skipping out on their Escape the Room group date nights, so they bring the mystery to him. - @storyofmychoices
New Discoveries [fic] - A boy's weekend camping takes a few different turns (literally and figuratively), but they endure and make some new discoveries along the way. @jerzwriter
A Shot of Reality [fic] - Tobias Carrick & Merida Rhys - Merida belongs to @lilyoffandoms. When Merida receives startling news, she hunts down the source to get answers. And he better hope he has the right ones.
Snugglin' Inn [fic] - Merida, Olivia, and Casey's weekend adventure is off to a rainy start, but they always manage to find their own sunshine. - @jerzwriter
Something Sweet [art/fic] Olivia x Bryce, Merida x Ethan, Casey x Tobias - It's Olivia's birthday, and her friends are determined to make it a special day, even if they can't be there. Happy Birthday to Dani! 🥳🥳🥳
Spawn of Tobias [fic] - Ethan comes home to find Merida agreed to babysit (and he's reminded why he doesn't have kids.) - @lilyoffandoms
Sweet Stuff [fic] - Merida, Casey & Olivia have a special day at an amusement park, and one of them is quite amusing. - @jerzwriter
A Text of Reassurance [text fic] - Olivia is feeling a little insecure so she texts Casey hoping to get some reassurance. @storyofmychoices
Texting Gone Wrong [text fic] - Olivia accidentally sends a picture meant for Bryce to Tobias. - @storyofmychoices
Valentine's Day Dinner [fic] - The three couples meet up for dinner, and one couple is late... again. @lilyoffandoms
When Husbands Become Prey [fic] - The women have a plan... and the guys don't know what they're in for. @lilyoffandoms
When Husbands Become Prey 2 [fic] - The plan is put into action, who is the big winner? @jerzwriter
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coffeeheartaddict2 · 1 year
Can’t always get what you Want
Book: Open Heart (book 2 rewrite)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC Casey Valentine
Warnings: sexual content, mentions of mental illness, language
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 3037
Summary: Ethan and Casey’s rendezvous at Dagger mountain becomes the talk of the hospital. The fallout from this will be explored.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Pixelberry
Authors note: So you are all thinking, didn’t Tash already do a rewrite of book 2 ch14-20? You would be right but this was one of the first things that I wrote and I have developed the story and characters so much more since and there are elements of some parts that don’t really fit the narrative and also parts that I want to build on to enrich the story.
June is alone in the diagnostics office, making a coffee on Ethan’s coffee machine. June had been frustrated for awhile now. She knew that Naveen had directed Ethan to put Dr Casey Valentine in the vacant position on the team when Dr Valentine, along with one of the other interns figured out what was wrong with Naveen but she could not stop the feeling she had when she found out that it was not on merit. Ethan had given a short version of the events that lead to Dr Valentine being installed on the team but she was not convinced. Ever since Ethan had started working closely with Dr Valentine, his demeanour at work had changed in subtle ways. When he rage quit before the Ethics hearing, she was convinced there was more to the story. A conversation she had overheard with Harper Emery and Dr Tanaka before the hearings confirmed her suspicions when overheard that Ethan Ramsey was not allowed to testify on her behalf. From then on June made it her business to know about Casey and to try and get her on side as she needed an ally in the room but she saw through the ploy. This only fed her suspicions when she was told by Casey that their history does not affect their work. She was convinced that there had to be an arrangement. Ethan had not had a relationship since Harper and yet that ended up being more of an arrangement. Tobias Carrick, was now convinced that his feelings were genuine and she was determined to find out who was right and also if the relationship could be used to further her career ambitions.
After having trouble finding proof, she landed on a gold mine. She overheard Ethan and Casey start a conversation about a patient but then stated that he wanted to continue the conversation somewhere more private. June followed at a safe distance, ensuring that she was not seen. They then entered his room. June quietly snuck in to the room next door and listened in. She found the the conversation initially somewhat droll, I mean who talks about other careers then she heard it,
“You’re not using this game to escape what is going on are you?”
“I promise I’m not, I am taking it one day at a time and right now I feel this is what I am meant to be doing.”
June ponders on this for a bit then she hears another interesting snippet.
“Casey, will you stay with me tonight?”
“What you don’t want to be alone in the storm?”
“Why would I choose to be alone when I have the woman I have been yearning to spend every night with?”
June sits there in shock. Tobias was right. If it was only an arrangement as she thought what was asked would not be asked…right? She messaged Tobias and did her turn at watching over their patient.
June is still sitting in the office, thinking how best to deploy what she knows when Baz walks in. He gives her an update on how Paula is going then gets to work on his own patients. June decides to leave Baz to it and starts to plan her next move. She is walking past a nurses station when the phone rings. It is Tobias. He apologises for not returning her text sooner. June tells Tobias what she heard. June was asked what she was going to do. She was again frustrated
Meanwhile, Casey is catching up on her patients after the night away. She is glad to see all are stable. She is checking on Dr Ortega’s patients when she gets a page. She goes to the nurses station to get lab results for Paula. Casey notices that one of the nurses looks at her oddly but thinks nothing of it as she reads the results. She heads to the diagnostics office. Whilst on the way to the office she overhears a voice saying “yeah she slept her way on..”
Casey ignores this for now and she arrives into the office.
“I have Paula’s results”
“You see what I see?”
“The lithium yes.”
They go to chat with Timothy and he tells them what happened. Ethan than decides to go and see his mum and Casey follows Timothy. She stands outside the room while Timothy tells Paula. A few interns walk past her and they start snickering. That’s odd Casey thinks to herself. Timothy then pops his head out and asks me to come in. Paula looks upset but is also somewhat relieved that she knows what is going on finally. Paula wants to know what is next and I explain that we will ensure that she is on a correct dosage. It will require regular checks. I also advise Paula about some mental health support services as well but leave this up to her if she wants to use them.
The gossip reaches the ears of Naveen and he is mortified at what he is hearing. He had his suspicions whilst he was being treated by Ethan and Casey that there was something between them. When he announced that Casey was awarded the Junior fellow, Ethan’s reaction was telling and when Ethan met with him to tell him about Brazil, his suspicions were confirmed. He had seen Casey work and he knew that she certainly got to where she is on merit. He goes to track down Ethan, despite the maliciousness of what he had heard, if the happenings of the night before were true then he was very happy that Ethan had found a way around his principles. He finds Ethan, standing out of sight of a patient.
“I have never seen you so anxiously at a patient, Ethan”
“That patient is my mother Naveen. “
“Oh.” Naveen had been told about Louise and Naveen knew it was not a topic to push him on.
“Would you like to come to my office?”
Ethan nods and they make their way. A few odd looks were noticed by Ethan. They make their way to Naveen’s office. Ethan was bracing for questions about his mother so he was surprised when Naveen congratulated him. Ethan was perplexed.
“I suppose you have not heard any gossip today, but if the rumour mill is to be believed then I can presume yourself and Casey are an item?” Questioned Naveen.
Ethan is mortified that his relationship was apart of the gossip.
“After the funeral, I told Casey that I was done with the reset, we had agreed to keep our relationship out of work as much as possible, reporting lines and so forth….”
“Well I know that Casey is on the team on merit and her work more than speaks for itself, there are naysayers obviously…”
Ethan pinches the bridge of his nose.
“How did it get out…I mean the only people in this hospital that were on the mountain besides the team are our patient and her son…”
Ethan pinches the bridge of his nose. He does not articulate it but he has strong suspicion as to who is responsible. Naveen urges him not to jump to conclusions but with how manipulative he knew June to be and Casey having expressed prior concerns about what June knew, well it was not a large conclusion to jump too.
Meanwhile, Casey is doing some paperwork and is spotted by Sienna. She is excited.
“Is what I have been hearing about you and Ethan true?”
Casey stops what she is doing.
“Ok all the strange looks I have been receiving and comments about how I made it onto the team are now all of a sudden making sense.”
Casey then groans in frustration.
Not everyone thinks you slept your way on to the team Casey.”
“I know that Si, but the gossip was apart of the reason why we decided to keep it secret.”
Casey looks despondent.
“I can only imagine what is going through Ethan’s mind right now.”
At that moment, Casey receives a text from Ethan to come to his house for dinner. Casey reluctantly accepts and th hen makes her way to the office.
Casey arrives to find June sitting at Ethan’s desk, again and Casey notes she is looking more smug than usual.
“I have heard a few interesting rumours about you and our esteemed leader today, I just want to know are they true?”
“You know what June, do me a favour and leave me the fuck alone. The only people who were on the mountain besides Rodney, Paula and Timothy was the team, and as well all know Baz and Ethan would not go spreading such.... well anything really so just cut the fucking bullshit and just tell me why you did it.”
“What you think it was me who spread the rumours?” June says shocked.
“Cut the fucking bullshit June! I know you would do anything to manipulate this team into what you want it to be. I also know that for some reason you feel threatened by me, why else would you get my file? I have said it before and I will say it again, whatever history me and Ethan have has no bearing on our working relationship!” I say, getting rather angry at this point.
“Your ass must be sore from riding that high and mighty horse. How is going into the boss’s pent house suite at a ski lodge late at night keeping things professional?”
“Its called having a private discussion June and what was discussed was none of your god damn business!”
Casey starts to feel her blood boil. June is quite contemplating what to say next.
“Well if you were having a discussion then explain why some of the noises I heard sounded more than just like talking...hmm?”
Rage flashes through my body and the next thing I know I have grabbed a book and thrown it at June’s direction. I leave.
Later that evening, I press the buzzer to his apartment. I am more nervous than usual. I am sure he has heard about the rumours, and also my confrontation with June. The front door clicks and I make my way to the lift. I don’t even have to knock on the door as it is already open. I enter his apartment.
“How are you feeling Casey?”
“Aside from all the shit I have had to endure today I am fine”
“No your not” he says handing me a glass of wine. I down half the glass in one gulp. I look at him, a mix of desire, care shock and hurt swirl in his eyes and face.
“You heard the rumours today then”
“Not so much heard but informed by Naveen and congraulated” says Ethan. “What I do not get though is how people knew”
I clench the stem of my wine glass. He can see the anger brewing.
“So You did not hear what happened in the office earlier this evening?”
“What happened?” He asked, looking rather concerned.
“First name June, second name Hirata and one guess as to the source of today’s gossip was.”I finish my wine and I tell Ethan about our encounter. I can tell he wants to be shocked but he knew about June having my file and my suspicions that she knew something. Ethan gives me a hug.
“I heard some of the gossip is not so friendly…”
“There have been instances today where I have heard quite clearly the phrase of she slept her way on Ethan. I know this was some of the gossip you wanted to protect me from…”
“And surely your work and results should speak for themselves, surely”
“Ethan there was rumours about us intern year, he’ll even Landry assumed we were when we weren’t.”
“I like you thought time had passed enough to quell the thought and obviously not, hell even June’s reasoning for having my file was to find out if our history had impact on our work.
Ethan looks nearly as upset as I am. He cups his hand on my cheek.
“I am so sorry you had to endure it today
He kisses me gently. I try to pull away but he lifts me onto the island bench and kisses me again, this time more deeply.
“Ethan...” I whisper as I rest my forehead on his.
He kisses me again, with longing and pain. I return the kiss and he deepens it. Ethan’s hands makes its way up my thigh and moves to my centre. A moan escapes my lips and I kiss Ethan again. My hand moves to the front of of his trousers and I can feel how stiff he is. I undo his belt and unbutton his trousers to let his cock out. I rub my hand up and down his length, savouring each stroke.
“Fucking hell rookie!” He whispers into my ear and then kisses down my neck. I move my head to give him more access. He moves my panties aside to allow him to enter, he looks at me with the unasked question and I nod. He enters gently at first then thrusts in hard. I moan. The sensations continue more intense with every thrust, the pleasure builds. I can feel his movements get more erratic too. He goes harder and deeper “fuck Ethan...” I scream as I reach my climax and follows soon after. We hold each other and hot tears run down my face. He asks if I am ok. I look at him.
“Am I ok? seriously Ethan!!! that has to be the most redundant question you could ask me right now. Today sucked. The weird looks, the whispers, the not so subtle voicing of opinion. And when I was dealing with that, I was wondering if you heard the gossip, how you were feeling and more importantly was there going to be an is.”
I hop down off the bench, pour myself a glass of wine and make my way to the window to look at the view of Boston whilst Ethan stands there in shock.
The oven timer goes off and Ethan checks on dinner. He calls out, dinners ready.
I make my way to the table. “Smells and looks delicious.” I say.
Tuscan chicken he says. We start to eat in silence.
“No I do not fully know what it is like to have gone through what you have endured today. All I know is that I never wanted to you to have ever gone through it, thus why I insisted on the not at work rule and why I denied myself for so fucking long.” The pain is more than apparent in his voice.
“Of course it is more than my reputation isn’t it? It is also yours.”
“Oddly enough I care more about yours than mine. I thought the work you have done with the team so far this year would more than quell any accusation however it appears I was wrong.” He pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Are we over Ethan?”
Ethan is not surprised by the question but he is torn. He has not said it but he loves Casey but the malicious gossip he knew was going to make plenty of people question her professional accomplishments and she did not deserve to ever have that questioned.
“I know we were keeping us on the private side but you deserve so much more than a clandestine affair, I do not want you to have to go to that…”
“I have wanted us for so long Ethan…”
“Me too Casey, me too but you do not deserve to have your reputation tarnished before your career has even begun.
Casey starts to cry. “I suppose some things are not always worth the risk.”
“I wish it was different, honestly I do.”
“I know” says Casey, voice breaking in between sobs. “Good night Ethan.”
Casey gets an Uber home and she messages Ethan to let her know she has arrived home safely. She is greeted by Sienna. She tells Sienna what happened. She is saddened, she knew the whole story but she knew what Ethan felt and it saddened her that the only good thing to come out of the attack was now over.
Meanwhile, Ethan is about to hop in the shower, all the events of this evening running through his head. His phone goes off, a text from Casey stating that she arrived home safely. He turns the tap on and has his shower. He stands under the the shower head, kicks his foot into the wall and yells FUCK! He is angry at himself more than he knew possible. Then he starts crying as he knows he has let the woman of his dreams once again slip through his fingers.
Before going to bed he sends a text thanking Casey for letting him know that she is home safe and goes to bed, falling into a troubled sleep.
It is the next day. Ethan is expecting not to see Casey today so when he enters the office he is surprised to see her there.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you today Dr Valentine.”
“Believe me I was tempted, however I did not want to delay the inevitable. I will not lie, it will suck working together after what happened. A part of me will always care for you beyond words but we can do it.” Ethan can see Casey holding back the tears and it takes all his self restraint to not comfort her.
“ I am in no doubt you are right, would you like a coffee?” Asks Ethan
“Coffee will be great, thanks.”
“Oh and by the way Dr Valentine, if you are here on your own and want one, feel free to make your own.”
Casey lets out a chuckle “what your trusting me with your holy caffeinated grail?”
“I have trusted you with things that are much more important and despite last night, will continue to do so.”
“So friends then?”
“It will take time for it to get to a non awkward point I am sure but yes, friends.”
We smile sadly at each other and continue with our work.
Authors note: well that was what was chapter 14. All parts that I have written prior will be reworked. I hope you will all enjoy the rewrite of the rewrite.
Tagging: @jerzwriter @jamespotterthefirst @genevievemd @liaromancewriter @potionsprefect @cariantha @tessa-liam @crazy-loca-blog @bex-la-get @a-crepusculo @peonierose @socalwriterbee @trappedinfanfiction @binny1985 @schnitzelbutterfingers @lucy-268
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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frogwithhatto · 2 years
What the Vessels get you for Valentine’s Day
I know valentines is not everyone’s thing but I just thought this was super cute so I had to write it down. (Also for everyone who might feel lonely today <3)
Warnings: just fluff
- I feel like he would press you flowers and put them in a frame for you to put up on your wall/desk. He definitely knows calligraphy and wrote the Latin name of the flowers on the paper he put them on.
- Records a song for you so you two can dance to it once he puts it on. (You two can’t dance so it’s more of a rocking from side to side, holding the other close and occasionally whispering sweet nothings in each other’s ears)
- Taking a long walk together going from talking to each other to complete silence simply enjoying being with the other. He will show you the spot where he picked the flowers for you. „You know I come here whenever I feel like everything’s a bit too much a-and I need a break… the flowers have always reminded me of you, I don’t know why to be honest. They just make me feel calm I guess.“
- will collect rocks for you. He loves going out and looking for pretty rocks and he definitely collects the ones that remind him of you. He wraps them each individually and puts them in a pretty bag.
- He aims for an easy recipe to bake something for you (it’s chocolate chip muffins) he definitely ate a few tho (he needed to test them!!)
- Handmade a card for you. It looks a bit wonky but he tried! The card definitely has a dad joke or some sort of word play to match with his other gifts. „You ROCK!“ or „You’re sweeter than any baked good could ever be!“ (there’s also a longer letter in it in which he tells you how much he appreciates you and loves you it’s very sweet and he definitely cried writing it)
- you get an obscure message telling you to „dress comfy and bring all blankets and pillows you can find to the living room“
- He’s not that much of a materialistic guy he likes to gift „time“ instead so you’ll build a fort and watch yours and his favourite movies! He got all the snacks and drinks you love (and he definitely got one of his hoodies for you to wear!)
- Building the fort takes a bit because you can’t agree on how the layout should look like. Also because he’s so tall you need to figure out a way to make the fort big enough without it loosing sturdiness.
- You stay up fairly late just enjoying each others presence, talking and laughing about the movies. At one point, the final credits just started rolling, he turns to look at you cupping your face with his hands. „You know you’re really special to me and I love you very much right?“ he asks as he hugs you close. You just nod as you tighten your grip on him as well.
- 5 course menu he planned by himself (including the dessert)
- Tells you to „dress fancy“ for the dinner date he has planned for you two at home. He went all out with decorating as well! The table is set with a dark red tablecloth and silver cutlery and he definitely tried to embroider fabric napkins for you! An abundance of candles are scattered throughout the room bathing everything in a pleasant light.
- Tried making you jewellery out of crystals and it worked surprisingly well. He’s good with his hands. (Like a necklace you know when crystals are like wrapped in wire? Yeah that)
- After eating you’re cuddling on the couch (you couldn’t make it to the bed) maybe 5 courses was a bit too ambitious… however you’re happy and full wrapped in his arms as you both drift off to sleep.
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anticomedygarden · 2 years
he touches me, and i get turned around
title from billy joel's 'she's got a way'
5 times sirius marked remus and one time it was remus
The first time Sirius wrote on Remus was in their first year during Charms. Flitwick was explaining the various unlocking spells when Sirius suddenly turned to Remus and whispered, frantically, “Write that down.”
“What?” Remus said, confused. He had half a mind to shush the other boy. Unlike Sirius, Remus was actually trying to learn. 
Sirius waved a hand. “I have a feeling it’ll be important for later.” 
Remus wrinkled his nose and turned back to Flitwick. “Write it yourself,” he murmured. In front of them, James and Peter were playing tic-tac-toe directly on the desk. 
Sirius made a noise of frustration. “I didn’t bring a quill.”
“Sounds like your own fault,” Remus responded apathetically, then gasped as his quill was stolen right out of his hand. “Hey!” 
He gasped again as Sirius pulled up the sleeve of his robe. “What the fuck are you doing?” he whispered harshly. 
“I didn’t bring parchment, either,” Sirius answered. “And you really shouldn’t say that word.” For even at 11, Remus had a pottymouth, but Sirius was still in part the well bred pureblood heir. 
Remus ignored him. “Why can’t you write it on yourself?” he asked, pulling his arm away sharply as Sirius finished his notes. 
“I’m paler than you,” Sirius said matter-of-factly, as if that answered anything. 
“Whatever,” Remus muttered, turning back to the lecture. As long as Sirius didn’t make a habit out of it. 
Later, Remus would smile at the words written on his arm, though he would never have the heart to tell Sirius that he had copied down Flitwick’s lecture in his own notes that day and would’ve been happy to share. 
The next time Sirius wrote on Remus was at the end of first year in the infirmary the morning after the full moon. He would leave before Remus woke as he wasn’t ready for his friend to find out that he knew Remus was a werewolf, but Remus would wake up to a delightful drawing on his hand of the Whomping Willow beating the crap out of a little doodle figure labeled “Snivellus”. 
Oh, and Sirius absolutely made a habit out of it. 
This time it was fourth year, and Remus wasn’t amused. 
It wasn’t the first time it had happened. In fact, it wasn’t the second, third, fourth, or any countable repetition of the instance. 
It was, however, the first time Sirius had drawn on Remus in permanent ink. On his face. With neon. 
He winced as he heard another fucking whistle from someone in the hall around them. And they still had two floors to go before they reached the Transfiguration classroom. Great. 
“Sorry, Moons,” Sirius said, though he was grinning. 
Remus put a hand over his face. “Fuck off.” He was one cat call away from turning tail and hiding in the dormitory until the halls were empty enough that he could slink to the infirmary unnoticed. 
“I like it,” Peter said from behind him. “It makes it look like you’re in a gang. Or someone tried to give you a really creepy Valentine.”
James snickered. “It’s not that bad, mate. Looks kinda cool if you ask me. Nothing like you absorbed a radioactive lion.” Remus just glared at him. 
“Hey, you could’ve easily chosen to drink instead of letting me draw on your face with magical ink!” Sirius defended himself. 
“Yeah, because I hadn’t drank enough already,” responded Remus who still had enough of a hangover to prove it. He and Sirius had both drank an excessive amount of alcohol the night before, even more than James and Peter who had wisely gone to bed at a reasonable time for a school night. Sirius and Remus, however, had stayed up and played truth or dare with a generous amount of whiskey. 
Sirius giggled. “Hey, I was also drunk. I had just as little self control as you!” 
“You didn’t have to draw a giant pink lion on my face!” Remus exclaimed finally, hoping to weedle some semblance of guilt out of his friend. 
It had the opposite effect. Sirius began laughing hysterically, loudly enough to draw attention from the other students in the hallway. 
Remus counted no less than four whistles, but it was the, “Looking good, Lupin!” from Gideon Prewett that finally did him in. 
“Fuck it,” he decided. “I’m going back to the dorm.”
Another time Sirius drew on Remus was out of boredom. It was the middle of fifth year, and they were slowly being lectured to death in History of Magic. James and Peter were snoring on their desks while Remus frantically took notes (the only person barring Lily, he noted) with only his right hand since his left was currently being doodled on by his boyfriend of two weeks. 
To anyone else, it probably looked like Sirius was in the process of falling asleep on Remus’ hand since Sirius’ head was ducked low enough that his shoulder length hair formed an inky black puddle on the desk, but Remus knew the truth. 
Following a recent bad encounter with his brother, Sirius had been particularly anxious, and Remus was happy to be an outlet for his anxieties, even if that meant he would leave this class with drawings up and down his left arm. 
Remus glanced up during an especially boring period in the lecture that he was pretty sure Binns had said word for word the week before. 
Glancing at his arm revealed that he had been right; nearly the entire thing was covered in flowers: roses, hydrangeas, hyacinths, sunflowers, lilies, and - his breath caught - lupines; he even saw a Venus Fly Trap near his elbow. 
When Remus smiled and looked back up, it was to see Sirius smiling back. 
A bit over two years later, Remus was reading on his bed and minding his own business when Sirius came bounding in like the dog he shared a body with. 
“Remus, Moony, baby, love of my life, I want to give you your birthday present now!” he announced, his several earrings flashing as he bounced around the dorm. This was rather odd as Remus’ birthday wasn’t for another three days. 
He could only imagine what sort of gift had Sirius so excited. Over the years, Sirius had given him books, chocolate, a squeaky dog toy, a mood ring, and, one memorable time, a single banana, so he felt rather justified in his decision to be weary over this year’s gift. He had also learned there was no use in trying to refuse it. That banana had turned brown very fast. 
He set his book aside. “All right, let’s see it,” he said, resigning himself to his fate. 
Quickly, Sirius sat down on the side of what had become their bed. “Are you ready?” Sirius asked, practically vibrating with excitement. “Oh, and this is only part of your present. You’ll get the rest at your party on your actual birthday. I just couldn’t wait.”
Remus smiled at him and made grabby hands. 
His boyfriend laughed. “Okay, so you can’t actually open this because it’s not really physical, but I swear you’ll like it.” He went to pull up his sleeve, and Remus finally understood. He leaned forward, his light brown curls falling in his eyes. It was a tattoo Sirius must have gotten for Remus. He felt oddly touched, though he didn’t know why. At 18, Sirius already had dozens of tattoos, several of which he had gotten for Remus, James, Peter, or all three. Remus had no idea why this one would be any different. 
When he finally got his sleeve up, Remus was still confused. In between his dog, stag, wolf, and rat wrist tattoo and the sun on his elbow were the phases of the moon wrapped around his forearm with the waning gibbous at its center. Why had Sirius felt the need to get that? The moon in and of itself was one of Remus’ least favorite things, and the waning gibbous wasn’t anything special. So what the fuck? He sat up straight. 
“You’re probably wondering why I chose this tattoo in particular,” Sirius said. 
Remus nodded, voicing his thoughts. “A bit, yeah.”
“Well wonder no longer,” Sirius responded, “for this tattoo is not as it seems.” He grinned. “It moves with the moon, so I’ll always know when the full is, no matter where we are.” 
“Oh my god,” Remus mumbled. 
Sirius glanced up at Remus sheepishly. “Do you like it?” he asked softly. 
There were tears welling in Remus’ eyes. “I love it, Sirius,” he said and hugged Sirius tightly. “Thank you.”
Sirius hugged him back no less tightly. “Of course, love.” They sat there for a moment. “James performed the actual spells, but I did the ink and drawings myself.”
Remus kissed his neck lightly. “That’s amazing, Sirius. It’s beautiful.” They sat there for a few minutes, breathing each other in. 
Remus pulled back and looked Sirius in the eyes. “Do you think you could do one more?”
Forty-five minutes later, Remus and Sirius were admiring Remus’ forearm freshly emblazoned with the Canis Major constellation. Sirius pointed at the biggest and brightest star. “That’s my favorite part,” he grinned. 
Remus chuckled. “Of course it is, you arrogant twat.”
Sirius kissed his cheek. “Love you, too, babe.”
Exactly three months later, Remus slowly blinked himself awake as the sun lazily streamed into the dorm. Next to him, Sirius stirred. 
Remus pressed gentle kisses up and down his jawline until his eyes finally opened. “Good morning, love,” Remus murmured. 
“Morning,” Sirius mumbled back. “Time‘s it?” he asked groggily. 
“10:30,” Remus answered. “We don’t have to get up yet.” Sirius snored happily, snuggling back into the red comforter. 
Unfortunately, their lazy morning was soon interrupted by the booming voice of one James Potter. “Get up, you lazy sods! We have graduation practice in half an hour!” 
Oh, yes. That. Because graduation was in a week. And that was why they had today off. The seventh years got out of class a week before everyone else to have time to prepare for graduation, get their N.E.W.T results before they left, pack, and say their goodbyes. 
Sirius groaned. “Fuck off, Prongs!” Suddenly, James ripped open the curtain, eliciting a shriek from Sirius. Remus hid his face in Sirius’ neck, then paused. 
There was something on his neck. “What the hell,” he muttered, pulling away to peer at it. 
He stared, horrified. “Oh, Merlin.” He buried his face back into Sirius’ neck, careful to cover the several dark hickeys gracing the area. How the hell had that happened? Then he remembered. 
With James and Lily spending a date night in the Head Boy and Girl’s quarters and Peter passed out cold after, in his words, stealing enough food from the kitchens to last at least until he found a job, Remus and Sirius had taken advantage of the free night together, really seized it by the balls and skipped away with it. They’d had sex four times. Honestly, it was a wonder there weren’t more bruises. 
Then, James went to tear the blanket away from them, and both Remus and Sirius took it in a death grip. “James, you really don’t want to do that,” Sirius informed him dangerously. 
James’ eyes widened in realization. “You’re both naked?” Sirius nodded in confirmation. “Fine, just hurry up.” He walked away, defeated. 
Once he left, Sirius made a move to grab his clothes off the floor, but Remus stopped him with a hand to his chest. “Do we really have to go to graduation practice? I mean, isn’t it just walking across a stage after Dumbledore calls our names?” he asked, hoping Sirius would take the bait so that no one, including Sirius, would see the hickeys Remus had put there the night before. 
“Unfortunately, I think we have to go,” Sirius chuckled. “I would’ve thought you’d be the one trying to get me up faster.”
Remus groaned and tugged Sirius’ arm. “Come back,” he lamented. 
“What’s up with you?” Sirius asked, still laughing. “Come on, let me up.”
Remus held on tighter. 
“Are you feeling alright?” Sirius asked, finally sensing there was something else going on. “This isn’t like you.”
“‘M fine,” he grumbled. Deciding it wasn’t worth it, he released his boyfriend’ arm. 
“Thank you,” Sirius said as he pulled his clothes on. 
Remus grumbled. “Hand me my clothes, please.” He sputtered as Sirius threw his clothes on his face. 
Then, a few seconds later, Remus heard from the bathroom, “Merlin-Remus! The fuck did you do?” 
Slowly dressing himself as he untangled his clothes from his head, he said, “I may have gotten a little carried away last night.” 
“A little carried away! My whole neck is purple!” Sirius called back. 
“It’s not your whole neck. Just most of the side,” Remus said. 
“All right, you really need to get up now,” James said, bursting into the dorm for the second time that morning. “We have to be on the grounds in-oh, Merlin,” he finished, slack jawed. “Moony, were you trying to eat him?” he said, flabbergasted. 
“Fuck both of you,” Remus said, emerging from the bed having finally gotten a shirt and pants on. 
James grinned, obviously about to say something stupid. “I think that’s your job.”
Sirius barked a laugh, still staring at his neck. “That’s an understatement! Look at this. He practically claimed me!” 
“You know, that’s not a bad idea,” Remus remarked. He went and grabbed a quill. “Come here.”
Sirius looked at the quill and shrugged, walking over to Remus. James looked at him oddly. “There’s no way he can make it worse,” Sirius explained. 
Remus snickered. He had no idea. 
At the base of the bruises, Remus wrote in his small, messy script, Property of Remus Lupin. 
“Oh my god, Moony!” James exclaimed. “Why?” he laughed. 
“What, what did he write?” Sirius ran back to the bathroom mirror. He stared for a moment. “You know, I kind of like it.”
James sighed. “Alright, you perverts, let’s go so everyone can see exactly what you did last night.”
Sirius smirked at Remus. “Same time tonight?”
“Of course.” He smiled, then laughed as James groaned and ushered them out the door. 
“That’s it. Time to go!”
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